2 MB 6th Mar 2015 March 2015
2 MB 6th Mar 2015 March 2015
FAITH TIMES 301 Bailey Ranch Rd. Aledo, Texas 76008 Office Hours Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00 Phone: 817/441-6262 Fax: 817/441-1565 E-mail: info@faithaledo.com On the Web at www.faithaledo.com Inside this issue: Message from Pastor Jim 2 Joys and Concerns 2 Birthdays 2 Music Ministry 3 Calendar 4 Children’s Ministry 5 Service and Fellowship 6 Ash Wednesday 8 Sundays at Faith Sunday School & Bible Study begin at 9:15 a.m. Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. Childcare is provided Our Vision – A Community where people are FINDING, GROWING, LIVING, AND EXTENDING the love, grace, and compassion of Jesus Christ. Volume 13, Issue 3 c March 2015 Be Beloved Most of us would agree that being called ‘beloved’ is a good thing and something worth making a goal in life. But, love is tricky at best. There are a wide range of things about a person that may make that person beloved—and, quite a bit of disagreement about what those things are that will lift a person to the level of being anyone’s beloved. That’s what it takes to be ‘beloved’—to be loved by one or more other persons. And, it takes that person (or persons) to declare you beloved. There is the catch. Being beloved is out of your control. It’s in the hands of others. Even if we become beloved, it takes a considerable (but, important) effort to discover whether we are beloved for who we are or, what we did and what we do to be called beloved by others. This is an important distinction because it is virtually impossible to do the things that make others call you beloved 24/7. Being beloved by others can be a fleeting thing. Many people have been disappointed by reaching this goal and watching their beloved-ness disappear as quickly as it came. A very wise person once said, “If being loved is your goal, you will probably fail.” The real goal we should strive for then, is to love. We ought to be able to make this adjustment because, in reality, we have already achieved the goal of being beloved. Before any other person knew we were coming into the world, before we did anything to be named beloved by anyone else, we were declared by God to be beloved—His beloved. What causes us to let this glorious declaration of our beloved-ness fade into the background of what the world tells us we need to do and be in order to be called beloved? It just shouldn’t be that way. We believe that everyone needs to reclaim their original beloved-ness. Then, live each day knowing that you have God’s perfect love showering down on you 24/7. The Apostle John says in 1John 4:18 that God’s perfect love casts out all fears. When our sense of beloved-ness is dependent on others, life can turn quickly into nothing more than a struggle for survival. That is sad. It is sad because even though some may succeed in becoming beloved by the world’s standards, many will not—even though they have tried so hard to accomplish that goal. The great spiritual writer, Henri Nouwen, reminds us, “The world is not the source of its own life much less yours.” Returning to the Apostle John, a few verses earlier 1John 4:9-10, John tells us: God’s love was revealed among us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. Jesus gave His life to give every one of us back our beloved-ness. This is the gift of the cross of Jesus Christ. As we approach Easter we urge everyone to reclaim your belovedness. Jesus is dying for you to have it. View this newsletter on our website. See more about us on Facebook. FAITH TIMES Later on in March we mark the beginning of Spring. Schools make space for a Spring Break. All the stores have transitioned from winter to spring/summer clothes. All of these things point to a significant change—in the weather. In the earlier years of my lifetime, we put Easter at the center of this change. Spring Break in our schools back in Virginia comprised four weekdays off, two before and two after Easter. New Spring wardrobes made their debut often at Easter. The lyrics of an old song—much older than me, if you have to ask—depict an annual Easter Parade on 5th Avenue in New York.. I guess it was in my youth when Easter was pushed out of the center of our annual transition to Spring. You can contact Pastor Jim Witherow Thank goodness Easter still gets quite a bit of attention. Easter has kind of moved from the by e-mail, center of Spring activities to the last of our Spring activities. And, maybe that’s a good thing. pastor@faithaledo.com Each of us has a spiritual wardrobe in addition to the clothes we wear. If you are like me, the tendency is to keep filling up our drawers and closets with new clothes until no more will fit. Then maybe we’ll get rid of some of the old. I encourage all of us to use March to take a look at our spiritual wardrobes because Easter is when we get a whole new spiritual wardrobe. The Apostle Paul used the image of a spiritual wardrobe in many of his letters. In Colossians 3:9, Paul talks about stripping off the old spiritual wardrobe. Look into your spiritual closets and drawers during March—clean them out. Get ready to clothe yourself with the new self, Colossians 3:10. Your Easter wardrobe is being created for you. Will you have room for it? Spring Blessings! Pastor Jim Growing Our Family of Faith Welcome to Threta Davis, Jamie Saunders, and Peter Schmerber who recently joined our FAITH family! If you are visiting FAITH we hope that you experienced the Faith Hospitality that we want to extend to all whom God brings our way. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to fully participate in everything we do at Faith—membership is not required—but if you are looking for a church home, we encourage you to consider our Faith family. Information about becoming a member, Journey to Faith, is available at the Hospitality Desk. Please contact Pastor Jim if you are interested in or would like more information about joining our Faith family! Joys and Concerns We pray for Sue Cox’s recovery from back problems. We are praying for Jill Henry’s father after a difficult diagnosis and Richard Henry’s sister. We celebrate that Carmen Lopez’s mother Lydia is free from cancer and Carmen’s recover from knee surgery. We pray for Jorge Lott’s recovery and health after a recent heart procedure. We pray for the success of treatments being administered to Lauren Reed for her cancer. If you have joys, concerns, or prayer requests please let us know. Call 817-441-6262 and leave messages on Pastor Jim’s voice mail or send an email to Pastor Jim at: pastor@faithaledo.com. February Birthdays Shannon Elliott 3/1 Audrey Larsen 3/12 Bobby Baumeister 3/17 Thomas Bolf 3/29 johna beth Mohr 3/5 Bethany Coughlin 3/13 Sheila Ames 3/21 Robin Davis 3/29 Marzie Henckell 3/6 Angela Bollin 3/15 Dan Hall 3/24 Zachery Verner 3/30 Rick Baumeister 3/9 Max Johnson 3/16 Claire Armstrong 3/29 Olivia Henckell 3/31 2 FAITH TIMES Music Notes by johna beth Mohr Musicians’ Corner All the Musicians of Faith are all so excited , we have a new piano in our choir room. Recently our old piano’s middle C finally gave way and would not sound. When I mentioned our dilemma to the choir, Gregg Tillman thought he may have a solution! He thought his father (Carl R. Tillman) might be willing to donate his piano to Faith! We are now blessed with his gift, a piano for our choir room. Carl R Tillman was born into a very musical family in Hot Springs, Arkansas. His mother, Catherine Tillman, taught piano lessons from her home all the while raising four boys and helping her husband run small mercantile stores in Hot Springs. Carl is a woodwind instrument player that later served him well while serving in the Third Army during WWII. He played the clarinet in post war Europe for many celebrations and cemetery dedications for our troops that were killed during WWII. Once returning home from his time in the Army he went to Hendrix College in Arkansas where he received a degree in Music. He returned back to his home town in Arkansas where he taught music in the Hot Springs public school system. He later moved to Fort Worth where he met his wife and where music continued to be an important part of his family's life. He wants to dedicate his piano in memory of Marydell Koepp Tillman, and her younger brother Lloyd A Koepp Jr. Thank you Tillman family for your huge kindness, you are blessing us for many years! MercyMe is an American Christian rock band founded in Greenville, Texas. The band consists of vocalist Bart Millard, keyboardist James Bryson, percussionist Robby Shaffer, bassist Nathan Cochran and guitarists Michael Scheuchzer and Barry Graul.Coming Up to Breathe is the fourth studio album by Christian rock band MercyMe. nominated for Best Pop/Contemporary Gospel Album at the 49th Grammy Awards, and for Pop/Contemporary Album of the Year at the 38th GMA Dove Awards. The song "Bring the Rain" was nominated for Song of the Year at the 39th GMA Dove Awards. Please join us March 1 as we sing Bring the Rain for our prelude. 3 FAITH TIMES March 2015 Go to www.faithaledo.com for the most up-to-date version of this calendar. Sun 1 8:00 am Audio/Praise Band 9:00 am Choir 9:15 am Church School 10:30 am Worship Music Adv. Team (after church) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 6:30 am Coffee and the Bible 4 5 6 7 9 10 6:30 am Coffee and the Bible 11 No Wednesdays Together—Spring Break 12 13 14 FIRST SUNDAY LUNCH 8 9:030am Audio 9:15 am Church School 10:30 am Worship / Communion 5 pm Aledo 4H Club 7 pm Aledo Venturing Crew 6:30 Sandwiched Hearts Dinner Women’s Bible Study 15 8:30 am Praise Band/Audio 9:00 am Choir 9:15 am Church School 10:30 am Worship Worship Adv. Team (after church) 16 22 8:00 am Praise Band/Audio 9:00 am Choir 9:15 am Church School 10:30 am Worship/ Communion 23 29 8:00 am Audio/Praise Band 9:00 am Choir 9:15 am Church School 10:30 am Worship 30 17 6:30 am Coffee and the Bible 18 6:15 pm Wed Together / Wed 4 Kids 6:50 pm Youth 6:30 pm Session Meeting EASTER EGG HUNT 24 6:30 am Coffee and the Bible 25 6:15 pm Wed Together / Wed 4 Kids 6:45 Fellowship Team 6:50 pm Youth Women’s Bible Study 31 6:30 am Coffee and the Bible PALM SUNDAY 4 19 20 21 10:30 am Lent Spirituality Center 26 7 pm Aledo Venturing Crew 27 28 FAITH TIMES Children’s Ministry Here’s what is going on in the Children’s Ministry Sunday School FAITHlets will be learning the Easter Story through books, crafts and games each week. Club 3:16 and Crossing Zone will be learning about Jesus “I Am” Statements during Lent and Easter. Nursery Volunteers The nursery is an important ministry we provide for families with young children and it cannot be done with out volunteers to love and dote on the smallest members of FAITH. Please prayerfully consider if God is calling you to participate in this ministry. Kite Flying Planned for Easter Sunday Butterflies are one symbol of Easter. On Easter Sunday, Children will have the opportunity to fly butterfly kites (weather depending) and butterfly crafts between the services. Worshi Ou r Way Pare nts Nigh t Out p 5 FAITH TIMES Youth Ministry A Checklist of Youth Events Sunday, March 1 – Travel to TVS to see the play Jonathan & Will Pickell are involved in. Will leave Faith at 2:15. Play is 3-5. Back by 5:45 or so. Cost $ Sunday, March 8 – Winter Jam @ Fort Worth Convention Center (Christian Concert with numerous artists) – Doors open @ 5:00. Leave Faith at 3:30, grab early supper. Back? Cost $10 plus fast food. April – Trip to Capernaum. A live, interactive first century village where we can experience the Passover experience. More details to follow. http://www.tammylaneproductions.com/purchase-passoverexperience-tickets.html May – Outing to be determined. June – Goodland Academy Mission Trip. Last week in June (Wed – Sunday) Message from Josh Greetings Faithful! At this time of year we find ourselves in the Season of Lent, preparing our hearts and souls for the death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus. We are in a season of reflection, spiritual growth, and deep connection with our faith. In the midst of all that is going on in our life at Faith, I feel that it is important to give an update on the goings on of our exciting group of young people who make up our youth program. A few weeks ago we were blessed to go on our annual trip to SHYC or Senior High Youth connection at Austin College. This is always an exciting trip four our youth as they get to connect with hundreds of youth from other Presbyterian churches across our area through keynotes, small group activities, and lots of fun and fellowship. This year our theme was awakening a deeper faith and exploring all of the ways in which the unique pressures our youth face can affect their spiritual growth. The youth also participated in our Presbytery’s disaster relief efforts by preparing cleanup supplies and back to school kits to be given out in places affected by hurricanes and floods. It was a wonderful experience to see the youth connecting with youth from other churches and to explore their faith journeys in new and exciting ways. We also had lots of group bonding time eating at IHOP at 2:00 AM and driving around lost in Sherman due to a shortcoming in my own navigational skills. Our next activity which we are looking forward to is the Winter Jam Concert which we will be attending on March 8 with the youth from two other local churches. Everyone is invited to go with us regardless of age or previous exposure to rock music; it will be a great time I’m sure! Our youth team is meeting this Sunday after church to discuss upcoming events and outings for the Youth of Faith so check the church calendar for upcoming events. We are also excited to be beginning our confirmation class in the upcoming weeks in which Thomas Bolf and Ryan Shiller will move towards confirmation and officially join the Youth Program! Lent blessings and best wishes! Joshua deSteiguer 76 FAITH TIMES Fellowship Sandwiched Hearts Dinner Saturday, March 14 at 6:30 The Sandwiched Hearts are headed to dinner at The Vintage Grill and Car Museum at 202 Fort Worth Highway, Weatherford. Sandwiched Hearts are mostly empty nesters and not yet retired, but anyone is welcome. First Sunday Lunch in March: Pulled Pork and Sides Stay after worship Sunday, March 1, for a yummy lunch. These lunches are an easy way to get to know your fellow Faith worshippers. See Brian McLaren in Fort Worth What: Brian McLaren is coming to First Presbyterian Church Fort Worth! When: Saturday, April 11th 9 am – 12 Noon The Women of Faith recently finished a study, which included Brian McLaren and many of them will be traveling to Fort Worth to hear him speak about the Bible. If you would like to join the group from Faith, please let Wanda know your plans. The event is free, but RSVPs have been requested and can be done at FPCFW.org/brianmclaren/ Brian will speak from experiences writing his most recent book We Make the Road By Walking, which “offers everything you need to explore what a difference an honest, living, growing faith can make in our world today.” Brian will specifically focus on 1) Rediscovering the Bible, and 2) The Bible is Too Important (and Dangerous) to Be Left to Those Who Don’t Think Critically About It. 7 NON PROFIT POSTAGE PAID ALEDO TX PERMIT NO. 90 US Faith Presbyterian Church 301 Bailey Ranch Rd. Aledo, TX 76008 Phone: 817/441-6262 Email: faithtimes@faithaledo.com WE’RE ON THE WEB W W W . FA I T H A L E D O . C O M