AlPI Frostproof Child Development Center
AlPI Frostproof Child Development Center
Summer issue 2016 In This Issue FCDC Annual Parent Orientation....................... 1 CSBG Sends Students to Universal Studios..... 2 Polk State College Alumni Spotlight.................. 2 Staff Appreciation Luncheon.............................. 3 Closing Out the Year with a Bang...................... 3 LIHEAP Energy Fairs......................................... 4 Alpi Frostproof Child Development Center A n n u a l Pa r e n t O r i e n tat i o n Funds Used for Critical Situations.................. 4 Summer Feeding and Work Experience............ 5 CAT Program Featured in Radio Interview..... 5 FSSP is Changing Lives.................................... 5 CEO’s CORNER Family Empowerment Initiative The NAACP and the National Head Start Association have joined forces in a memorandum of understanding aimed at empowering the country’s most vulnerable families by facilitating voter registration, health care enrollment and fair housing advocacy at Head Start centers across the county. Since its creation in 1965, Head Start has improved the lives of 32 million at-risk children and their families, laying the foundation for lifelong success. NAACP President and Head Start alumnus Cornell William Brooks revealed the Memorandum of Understanding, which focuses on three core directives: Voter Registration, Healthcare/Affordable Care Act and Housing Advocacy. Through the partnership, the NAACP will provide parents access to tools and information, including voter guides with state-specific information on how to register and vote. Providing families with tools they can use to ensure fair housing and stability in the home is a key part of the partnership. Valuable information about healthcare and insurance enrollment information will also be provided. See civic-engagement-resources for details. The Agricultural and Labor Program has joined forces with its Regional Advisory Councils, office of the Supervisor of Elections and other local partners to promote this partnership initiative to expand CIVIC ENGAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES for our parents and community members. The challenge is on and our children are counting on all of us to do our part to collectively promote a civic engagement agenda to help families to help themselves and each other. F rostproof Child Development Center’s Early Head Start Program held its annual “Parent Orientation” for the 20162017 school year on July 30, 2016. Parent Orientation welcomes new parents and returning parents into the program by providing the history of ALPI and an overview of EHS program policies, procedures, program governance, center activities and family engagement. In addition, parents had an opportunity to meet some local partners like the Polk County Sheriff’s office (provided car seat training), Heathy Families & Healthy Start (provided health & nutritional information), CareerSource Polk (assisted with resume writing and employment searches via their Mobile Unit), and Central Florida Health Care (provided dental screenings). The event was well attended and parents are very excited about the upcoming school year! Deloris Johnson Chief Executive Officer & Editor ALPI Community Action Partnership 1 Summer 2016 Alpi BIDS FAREWELL TO 5 YEAR PARTNERSHIP WITH Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Five years ago, global education leader Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) announced the launch of a long−term collaborative partnership with Florida’s St. Lucie County School district to build a world class community of learners. The partners would work together to fundamentally improve the way teachers educate, students learn and parents involve themselves in the educational process. The five−year agreement was unanimously approved by the St. Lucie County School Board on March 22, 2011 and ALPI joined the partnership. The partnership addressed several of the most critical challenges faced by educators, students, and parents throughout the district. Initiatives included the creation of a St. Lucie County Parent Academy, enhancement of early childhood education, development of a comprehensive science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) curriculum, and expanded access to information technology and the internet for all students to help bridge the digital divide within the district. The Agricultural and Labor Program, Inc. wishes to thank HMH for their commitment to an incredible partnership that brought with it a new level of quality to early childhood education (including teaching, learning, and parental involvement) in the Saint Lucie County community. The world’s largest provider of educational products and solutions for pre-K–12 learning and with origins dating back to 1832, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt develops and delivers interactive, results-driven learning solutions that advance teacher effectiveness and student achievement. Alpi’s CSBG Program Sends Students to Universal Studios Orlando ALPI’s CSBG program recently assisted five students from High School High Tech attend the “Behind the Scenes Tour” of Universal Studios Orlando. The HSHT program provides opportunities for high school students with disabilities to explore careers in the sciences and technology fields. HSHT includes work experience opportunities and specialized support in their curriculum to better prepare young people with disabilities for life after high school. The program ALPI Community Action Partnership is spearheaded and funded by the Able Trust in collaboration with the Center for Independent Living In Central Florida, Inc. and the Polk County Public Schools system. By bundling services with partnered agencies, ALPI’s CSBG program was also able to pay for summer internships for all five students. 2 Polk State College Alumni Spotlight Christine Stephens Samuel In May of this year Christine Stephens Samuel was selected by Polk State College as it’s Distinguished Alumna Award recipient, an honor Ms. Samuel was very pleased to accept. Christine Samuel is the Director of Human Resources for the Agricultural and Labor Program, Inc. (ALPI). She has been associated with ALPI in various capacities since 1979. Her association with the Agricultural and Labor Program, Inc. began with the CETA Program, where she worked as an assistant area manager in a temporary position. The organization was so pleased with her work that they created a full-time permanent position. In 1991, while working for the ALPI, Ms. Samuel was recruited to work with the Eckerd Youth and Family Alternatives Program. She spent time as the human resources director, and was then promoted as the center director of the Eckerd Youth Challenge Program. After working in this capacity, Samuel moved to G4S Youth Services as a facility director for troubled youth. During this time, she created her own consulting company, DES Consulting. Between 1992 and 2013, Samuel continued to be involved with the ALPI, serving on the Regional Advisory Council and Board of Directors. She currently serves as the ALPI Director of Human Resources and is the liaison for the Eastern Region Advisory Council. In addition to her public service, Samuel has served as the National Youth Coordinator for her church, House of God Saints in Christ, Inc. since 2007. She is also the president of her church’s board of directors. Samuel’s commitment to the community has also led her to serve on the board of Girls, Inc. of Winter Haven, where she has held the positions of treasurer, vice president and current president. In 2011, the organization recognized her with the She Knows Where She’s Going Award. She has also participated as second vice president on the executive board for the local chapter of the NAACP. ALPI’s 2016 Staff Appreciation Lunceon This year’s Staff Appreciation Luncheon was held at the Havert L. Fenn Center, in Ft. Pierce, FL. The event is a special time set aside annually to thank the staff and acknowledge their dedication and commitment to the mission and goals of the Agricultural and Labor Program, Inc. This year’s theme was: “ALPI is Groovin’ to Greatness”. Theme development competition winners were George W. Truitt Family Services Center (first place) and ALPI Eastern Administration Office (second place). Staff were warmly greeted by William Holt, ALPI Board Chairman. Mistress of Ceremony for the event was Christine Samuel, Human Resources Director. Award presentations and closing remarks were made by Deloris Johnson, ALPI Chief Executive Officer. . . Mommy & Me 1st Annual Fashion Show F r o s t p r o o f C h il d D e v e l o p m e n t C e n t e r Frostproof CDC recently welcomed all future models to this fun-filled event! The show was designed to get parents actively engaged with their children and recruit new families to the center. Needless to say, the models were all super cute and could barely contain their excitement! They sashayed down the runway with enthusiasm and joy, as their parents, friends and staff looked on proudly. It was a great time for everyone. Closing Out the Year with a Bang! On Wednesday, June 29, 2016 FCDC held its 1st Alumni Picnic and End of the Year Program where children displayed the skills they learned throughout the year. Program speaker and Frostproof CDC Alumni, Beatrice Garcia, talked about how her parents moved to this country without knowing any English, but yet managed to enroll her and her siblings in ALPI’s Head Start program in Frostproof, FL. Beatrice Garcia is employed by the Polk County School Board as a Family Services Worker. Ms. Garcia went on to discuss the level of success she and her siblings have attained (attorney, a general in the military, educators, and a Director for Duke Energy) due in large part to the level of care and education they first received in the ALPI Head Start program. Among other visiting VIP’s was Retired Yankees baseball player, Thomas Gordon, who stopped by to share in the day’s festivities. Other activities included back to school haircuts, Polk County Sheriff’s Department deputy teaching summer safety, and a visit from the Fire Department for “FCDC Wet Day.” 3 Funds Used for Critical Situations Produce Life Changing Outcomes A recent settlement was reached with Chase Bank USA N.A. and 48 attorneys general, the District of Columbia, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Florida received the largest remedial payment of any state in the settlement, with $15.3 million going to 47 non-profit organizations across the state (Glades, Hendry, Highlands and Polk counties only) to be used for legal services, financial literacy, and other programs related to assisting Floridians with managing debt. As early as February of this year, ALPI’s CSBG department has been contacting and establishing partnerships with organizations in the four allowed counties in order to reach out to communities and people in need. The partnerships now include: Clewiston Goodwill Industries, Goodwill Industries of Moore Haven, LaBelle United Way, Clewiston Public Library, LaBelle Public Library, various places of worship, community organizations, and public and governmental entities. Through the many established partnerships ALPI has been able to assist clients in need of reinstatement of utilities, monthly rental payments, security deposits, and mortgage assistance. More specifically, ALPI has been able to completely resolve the following issues: tenant placed in a nursing facility that was not able to return to her apartment due to unsanitary and unsafe conditions, homeless single parent with 6 children living with a relative in an overcrowded dwelling, a widowed senior citizen with no relatives in the area that faced foreclosure due to unexpected expensive car repairs, a victim of identity theft facing eviction due to stolen funds from her bank, a domestic violence victim and single mother of 3 children received an eviction notice, and a homeless mother of 6 children. Recently, a group of tenants (pictured above) residing in an unsafe and unhealthy dwelling were evacuated by Code Enforcement/Fire Department and escorted out by the Glades Sheriff’s Department. All were left homeless within 45 minutes. With assistance from the CSBG team, this group of tenants also received critical assistance and were successfully placed into safe, affordable housing. Chase Settlement Grant funds are for the provision of financial literacy and other related program services including, but not limited to: crisis intervention, budgeting, basic financial management workshops, emergency assistance to assist families in managing debt to realize financial sustainability and family self-sufficiency. LIHEAP ENERGY FAIRS The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) helps keep families safe and healthy through initiatives that assist families with energy costs. Through this program, ALPI helps provide federally funded assistance in managing costs associated with home energy bills and energy crises. BARTOW, FL: (June 15, 2016) FT. PIERCE, FL: (July 13 and 14, 2016) The Energy Fair held at the Polk Street Community Center was yet another successful outreach to the local community by ALPI LIHEAP staff. Over 170 families were served. Participating vendors included Clarke’s House, Early Learning Coalition of Polk County, Amerigroup RealSolutions, Central Florida Health Care, Office of Economic Self-Sufficiency, ALPI Central Region Advisory Council, and ALPI Community Services Block Grant (CSBG). The Energy Fair was held at the ALPI Queen Townsend Head Start Center II. This marks the second energy fair held at this location. Once again, the turnout was well beyond what was predicted, proving that the need for assistance is great. Over 635 families were served. Participating vendors included Gertrude Walker, St. Lucie County, Supervisor of Elections, DCF (Department of Children & Families), Treasure Coast Food Bank, Florida KidCare, Enroll Treasure Coast, United Against Poverty, and SAFER St. Lucie (Support Alliance for Emergency Resiliency). 4 ALPI’s ANNUAL Family Picnic ALPI’s annual family picnic is a special day designated for family fun. The picnic is an effort to rejuvenate and motivate both staff and Board members with a much needed break. This year’s picnic was held on June 25, 2016 at Clewiston Park in Clewiston, Florida. Despite the summer heat and a few occasional clouds, the casual event proved to be just the thing to refresh staff, Board members, families and friends. Everyone enjoyed a funfilled day, along with delicious food, entertainment and games. Summer 2016 Collaborative Partnerships and Community Relations: 2016 Summer Feeding & Work Experience Program The ALPI Child Development and Family Services Division and Community Services and Economic Development Division continue to collaborate with the Polk County School Board to provide services to the community of Frostproof through the Summer Feeding and Work Experience Program. The Summer Feeding and Work Experience program provided much needed services to the children of this economically challenged community over the summer break. This year, the program was located at the ALPI owned Lakeview Community Center and operated from June 8 through July 29, 2016, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., providing breakfast and lunch to children in the community. The program provided meals to children between the ages of 1 and 18 years of age and served over 2,600 meals daily. Adequate supervision and fun educational, age appropriate activities were coordinated by ALPI Child Development Services staff between meals and throughout the day. Activities included sports, arts and crafts, and presentations from community providers. Through the Summer Work Experience program the agency was able to employ youths and provided hands on work experience assisting with feeding the children and activities at the center. The program provided summer activities in a safe environment, nutritious meals, and employment for young people who may not otherwise have had an income over the summer. This was an excellent opportunity for the youths in the community to be mentored and develop skills for today’s workforce. In addition, participants received regular informative visits from the Sheriff’s Department discussing different relevant topics, weekly visits from the Polk County Title I Books Bridge Bus, professional haircuts by volunteer barbers from Faded Fresh Barbershop in Lake Wales, FL and much more. ALPI CAT PROGRAM Featured in Radio Interview On July 20, 2016 The Children Services Council of St. Lucie County hosted a radio show interview with students enrolled in the ALPI Computer Assisted Tutorial (CAT) Program. This was a very exciting moment for the students and for the program. Students were able to speak about the impact the program has made in their lives and the different activities they have experienced. They also had a parent participate in the radio interview. Through a partnership with local radio station 104.5 The Flame, the Children’s Services Council presents a weekly radio show called Community Connections. Executive Director, Sean Boyle and Communications Coordinator, Ashley Mock host the show each Sunday morning at 10am. The goal of the show is to connect children and families to resources that they may not know are available to them in our community. Sean Boyce Executive Director and Ashley Mock Communications Coordinator conducted the interview. FSSP: Changing Lives Thru Practical Case Management Susan Henson was a single Head Start parent raising two boys, one of whom attends the ALPI Frostproof CDC. After deciding she needed to change the direction of her life, she enrolled in the ALPI Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSSP) in order to obtain her Practical Nursing license. Interestingly, while gathering information, Susan shared with her case manager (CM) that she too was a Head Start child and had attended the Frostproof CDC as a child. Susan was accepted into the LPN Program in March 2016, but there were no seats available. However, after receiving a call from South Florida State College on August 19, 2016 she learned that a seat had become available and she was on the list! Susan then began her journey through the nursing program with assistance along the way from ALPI. Assistance consisted of help with tuition, books, scrubs and medical supplies, along with gas cards to attend school and complete her clinical rotations and child care fees. Its important to note that while Susan was enrolled in school, she continued to volunteer at Frostproof CDC. She believes that its important to give back to the community and to those that help others. On July 28, 2016, Susan’s case manager, Sheila Armstead, attended her graduation ceremony at South Florida State College in Sebring! Congratulations Susan! ALPI 2017 Annual Corporate Meeting & Luncheon Rosen Centre Hotel 9840 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819 Students, parent and staff included: Da’nijah Mike Student Roscoe Minnis, Jr Student Antonio Smith Student Tiffany Minnis Parent Kevin Singletary ALPI Program Coordinator Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017 Look for more information @ later this year 5 Summer 2016 Contact Information P.O. Box 3126 Winter Haven, Florida 33885 (863) 956-3491 (863) 956-3357 Fax Executive Office Deloris Johnson Chief Executive Officer Extension 206 ADMINISTRATION AND OPERATIONS QUALITY CONTROL DIVISION COMMUNITY SERVICES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Operations and Quality Control Twila Smith, Director Extension 204 Albert Miller, Deputy Director Extension 212 Budget and Finance Dennis Gniewek, Director Extension 210 Human Resources Christine Samuel, Director Extension 202 PROGRAMS AND SERVICES ARE FUNDED IN PART BY: United Way of Central Florida and United Way of St. Lucie County Elizabeth Young, Deputy Director Extension 215 Eastern Region Administration Office 2202 Avenue Q Ft. Pierce, Florida 34950 (772) 466-2631 (772) 464-3035 Fax LIHEAP / Community Services Cheryl Burnham, Director Extension 224 CSBG / Economic Development PaHoua Lee-Yang, Director Extension 218 SAVE THE DATE CORPORATE OFFICE CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION Head Start / Early Head Start Program Operations (St. Lucie Co.) Myrna Rodriguez, Director (772) 466-2631 - Extension 11 Early Head Start Program Operations (Polk Co.) Aletta Stroder, Director (863) 635-3396 - Extension 40 BOARD MEETING September 24, 2016 Saturday Chain O’ Lakes Complex 210 Cypress Gardens Boulevard Winter Haven, FL 33880 Note: No permission is required to excerpt or make copies of articles, provided they are distributed at no cost. For other uses, please send written permission requests to ALPI’s Corporate Office. Copyright ©2016 by The Agricultural and Labor Program, Inc The ALPI Newsletter is a quarterly publication designed to inspire and inform all employees, volunteers, parents, partners, and supporters of ALPI who have helped us through the years to grow the organization into what it has become today. We welcome your suggestions, comments, and ideas. Have a question about a feature? Heard an interesting story? Share it with us by phone, mail, or fax (refer to Contact Information). The Agricultural and Labor Program, Inc. The ALPI Newsletter is Published by P.O. Box 3126 Winter Haven, FL 33885 Non-Profit Org. US. Postage PAID Permit No. 1 Lakeland, FL
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