ITMA Selects New Officers Conterm Begins Weekly Service
ITMA Selects New Officers Conterm Begins Weekly Service
Changed address lately? ITMA Selects NewOfficers The Houstonchapter of the International Transportation Management Association (ITMA)has announced its officers for 1996-1997. Steve McVilleof Pro BoxInc. is the chapter’s new president, replacing immediate past president Hilja 11agcr~f lntermarine Services Inc. AnnWilson of Fritz CompaniesInc. is vice prcsident and hospitality director. Christine Knake of RoanokeBrokerageServices Inc. is secretary. Other officers are Will Padmanof AADL,treasurer; Garry Morris of Morris Export Crating Inc., membershipdirector; John HowardJr. of MarkVII International Inc., scholarship and program director; and Ray Carter of Document Distribution Systcminc., golf tournamentdirector. Each year, ITMA offers scholarships to students pursuingcareers in transportation logistics. The Houstonchapter recently presented scholarships to Virginia Le and Fredrick Brock, both industrial distribution students at the University of Houston. ~l 1. For fastest service attach OLDmailing label in space below. 2. Print your NEWmailing address here. It mailinglabel is not available,print }()EllforlYlelC()IllpuD~ rlal]]e gillC[ addressin this box. Name Company Address City State 3. Mail to: Circulation Department Port of Houston Magazine P.O. Box 2562 Houston, Texas 77252-2562 Please allow six weeks for changeto take effect. Conterm Begins Weekly Service Conterm Consolidation Services recently inaugurated an all-water weekly service to the MiddleEast. Contermnowoffers weekly service to Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Doha, Bahrain, Dammanand Muscat with oncarriage service to Riyadh. Transit times are 30 days from Houston to Dubai and 24 days from NewYork to Kuwait. Contermhas appointed Direct CargoServices as its exclusive agent in the MiddleEast. Contermmaintains eight offices in the United States and provides 42 receiving stations in Canadaand the United States. Zip. ~ Sid Lefkowitz, Registered Pharmacist The ONLYpharmacy in the gulf coast certified by the NORWEGIAN Government to inspect Norwegian Vessels. Call East End Pharmacy for a listing of doctors authorized by the Norwegian Government. ¯ LABELING IN NORWEGIAN,ENGLISH or SPANISH ¯ MEDICAL CERTIFICATES FOR NORWEGIAN, LIBERIAN, PANAMANIAN,U.S. and BRITISH VESSELS. ¯ FREE INSPECTION ¯ REASONABLEPRICES ¯ FAST DELIVERY- 24 HOURS, 7 DAYS A WEEK Servicing Houston, Galveston, Texas City, Freeport and offshore for over 26 years Bus: 923-5959 6802 Res: 771-6455 Fax: 923-5950 NAVIGATION ¯ HOUSTON, TEXAS 77011 13 Barbours Cut Seafarers Center Is Renamed After Lou Lawler Lou Lawler, one of the HoustonInternational Seafarers Centers’ most ardent volunteers, recently washonoredfor her manyyears of dedicated service to the centers. The Barbours Cut Seafarers Center was renamed the Lou Lawler Center. Many community membersgathered to honor Lawler during a dedication ceremonyat the center. Lawler is vice president and chairmanof the center’s boardof directors. Rep. KenBentsen[left) paid tribute to Lawler [center) in the U.S. Congressional Record. Here Bentsenand Lawler, holding a copyof the Recordarticle, visit with Port of Houston Commissioner HowardMiddleton. We’ve Always KnownOur OwnStrength. he strength of our business comes from an alloy of two basic elements: experience and service. Ourfull-service terminals, efficient breakbulk capabilities, heavy-lift equipmentand steel handling expertise save time and moneyfor shippers and carriers. Link up with the best. Call 713-455-6092. Coastal Cargo Texas, Inc. 13609 Industrial Road, Gate 5, Houston, "IX 77015 713-455-6092 FAX713-455-3599 A JACKSON-KEARNEY GROUI’ COMPANY 14 PHA Purchases New Chassis The Port of Houston Authority recently sought bids for the purchaseof 20 intra-terminal chassis [or Barbours Cut Container Terminal. The purchase is nccessitated by the dramatic increase in containerized cargo movingthrough the tL’l mined. The terminal currently has a fleet of 40 chassis that are used fi~r mtra-terminal movesand are rented to stevedores for shuttling containers betweenvessels and groundedstacks. Additionally, Port of HoustonTariff 14 was amendedrecently to allow fi~r renting the chassis to steamshiplines that use the terminal. The 20 new chassis arc expected to cost about $360,000. ~1 Repair Company Leases Berths HPHFJ-IAIIIAEM K COTPY~HHqECTBY Qualitltis ill the papcr,~,ork a,c do...Notfirst a wordIwcuse.. Qualityis iJl ore" boxeswebuild every day...Not/ust a wordweuse/ IQualitycanbe felt...collie’ fed ourquality. PERSONALSERVICE - REASONABLE COST ¯ Project Space/ Office SpaceAvailable ¯ 40,000 Square Feet and 40 Dock High Doors ¯ Seven Acres of Outside Storage / Secured &Lighted ¯ ComputerizedTracking / Turn Key Capability ¯ Off-Site Specialist / NewMaterials ¯ M,-, npm~c’reyeM Pocc;flo Ka]KHalilero Topmeoro naFrHepa nyInc. 2334 Gulf Terminal Drive ¯ Houston, Texas 77023 Phone: (713) 926-1880 ¯ Fax: (713) 926-1778 The Port of Houston Authority recently negotiated a facility use agreementwith a ship repair operation for six berths located in the TurningBasin Terminal. HoustonShip Repair Inc. requested a one-year agreement, with four one-year options, to use the docksas lay berths for U.S. military vessels. The vessels are expected to arrive at Houstonover the next several months. Four of the berths are located on the terminal’s south side and two on the north side in front of the old t touston Public Grain Elevator, whichis closed. HoustonShip Repair already has a facility at Wharf4 in the TurningBasin Terminal.t_i A BLESSING IN DISGUISE’?. That cargoyou can’t .. \ / / deliver mightkeep -~rm_~r~ someone from going hungry. Houston Food Bank Your ad in the Port of Houston Magazine will be seen by everyone from liner executives to major importers and exporters. Each of the 15,000 copies distributed each month is read by at least three decision makers in maritime-related businesses. That’s more than 45,000 key people all over the world. (713) 223-3700¯ Fax: 223-1424 15 AAPASets Legislative Navigation projects and improved intermodal access for freight were among the legislative priorities discussedat the recent annual convention of the American Associationof Port Authorities. AAPA held its 85th annual convention in Vancouver,British Columbia,in September. During the convention, AAPA’sLegislative Policy Council, whichsets policy for the association’s U.S. members,discussed top priorities for the months ahead. The council voiced strong support for Congressionalaction this year on the Water Resources Development Act of 1996. A couple of weeksafter the confi:rence, Congressapprovedthe legislation. The Water Resources Development Act includes authorization of federal water resources and navigation projects at the nation’s ports. Among these projects is a plan to widenand deepenthe Priorities Houston Ship Channel, whose dimensions have remained unchangedfor 30 years. The Port of HoustonAuthority plans to seek congressional approval of fundingfor the project next year. The newlegislation also provides for policy changesthat will allow the U.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers to undertake its water resourcesmissionsmoreefficiently. Suchprovisions authorize equitable federal cost-sharing of dredged materialdisposalfacilities, providefor promptremovalof obstructions to navigation and limit the local cost-share during the feasibility stage of a project’s development. The Legislative Policy Committee also declared the Intermodal Surface and Transportation Efficiency Act a top priority and urged reauthorization of the 1991 legislation. However,AAPA suggested that changes be madeto the law that wouldprovide freight a more equi- table opportunity to competefor funds. A recent General Accounting Office study found that only $104million, or less than one percent of ISTEAfunds, was spent on intermodal freight during the first four yearsof the statute. Only 10 states have used ISTEA tim&for projects to facilitate intermodal freight, according to the GAO.Texasis one of those states, having approvedtwo projects to improverail access to the Port of HoustonAuthority’s Barbours Cut Container Terminal. During the annual convention’s opening ceremonies, U.S. Transportation Secretary Federico Pena discussed ISTEAreauthorization. "Marine and intermodal freight mobility projects have not been funded consistently and have often taken a back seat to passenger transportation investments,"Pena said. "As a result, at (Continued on Page 19) We Grew Up On The Waterfront. oday, we’re putting generations of experience to workon the waterfronts of Houston, NewOrleans, Mobile and Pascagoula, saving time and moneyfor shippers and carriers. We’rehighly efficient breakbulkhandlers. All our terminals are full-service terminals. Ourworkersgive full service, too. Link up with the best. Coastal Cargo Company,Inc. Houston New Orleans 713-455-6092 504-943-1835 Mobile Pascagoula 334-432-9728 601-762-0208 A JACKSON-KEARNEY GROUP COMPANY 16 i M/V TOLUCAEnters TMM’s Mediterranean Service from Houston ........................ The M/V TOLUCA,operated by TMM(Mexican Line) recently madeits maiden viSit to .... the Port of Houston Authority’s Barbours Cut Container Terminal. The TOLUCA replaced another vessel in the service. Trans-AmericanSteamshipAgencyis U.S. general agent for TMM.The TOLUCA sails in TMM’snonstop bimonthly service to the Mediterranean. Ports of call are Leghorn, Genoa,Milan, Barcelona,Valencia, La Spezia, Istanbul, Piraeus and Salonka. ~........... TMMReplaces Vessel in Service to Northern Europe TMM(Mexican Line) recently installed the M/VMEXICO in its weekly service to Northern Europe. The ship, which replaced the M/V NUEVO LEON,recently made its maiden voyageto the Port of HoustonAuthority’s Barbours Cut Container Terminal. Trans-AmericanSteamship Agencyis agent for TMM.Europeanports of call in the service include Rotterdam, Le Havre, Antwerp, Bremerhaven, Hamburg, Thamesport, Aberdeen and Scandinavia. At Right: Attending a maidenvoyageplaque presentation aboard the ship are (from left) Robert Morgan,Port HoustonAuthority; Capt. AIt. EdgardoRamirezBarza, master of the vessel; and FernandoGonzalezCobos, TMM. .... ~ 8501 Cypress Houston, TX 77012 (713) 926-6666 8505 Cypress Houston, TX 77012 (713) 928-9921 "Houston’s most unique dining experience" ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Banquet & All-Day Meeting Roomsfor 25 to 2,500 Lunch & Dinner Buffet Served Daily Friday & Saturday Prime Rib & SeafoodBuffet ChampagneSunday Buffet Brunch ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Lunch & Dinner Served Daily Sunday ChampagneBrunch HappyHour Daily in the Bar, with ComplimentaryBuffet Group Accommodationsfor Up to 200 Ourmenufeatures the finest in fresh gulf seafoodand choice of prime beef daily. Diners enjoy overlooking the Turning Basin of the HoustonShip Channel with its viewof ships in andout of port. Located 15 Minutes East of Downtown off 1-45 Southand Loop610 Call our Catering Office at (713) 923-9488 Reservations Recommended [EWMI ENVIRO WASTEMANAGEMENT INC. PORT WASTE SERVICES ¯ MEDICAL WASTE SERVICES ¯ Open24 hours daily including weekendsand holidays Service & Dependability Over40 years in the waste industry ¯ Radiodispatchedfor promptservice * Port and vessel wasteremovalservices ¯ Bagsand boxes provided ¯ Weservice all ports with 150 miles of Houston 15955 WESTHARDYST., SUITE 200 ¯ HOUSTON, TEXAS77060 OFFICE: (713) 448-6000¯ TOLL FREE: (800) 921-0031° FAx: (713) 448-1008 Celebrating OPel" ~ears Of Continuous 8erPice Established 1944 Foreign Trade Export Packing Company EXPERIENCE - SERVICE- STABILITY 1350 Lathrop St. ¯ Houston, Texas 77020 (713) 672-8211 ° Fax: (713) 671-6499 Ocean/ Air / Export Packing / Freight Forwarding 18 someof our ports, landside access to the closest highwayor railyard isn’t as good as it should be. I amcommittedto tackling this problem." Transportation Ministers Carlos-Ruiz Sacristan from Mexico and David Andersonfrom Canada also spoke during the opening ceremonies. Sacristan described changes to the Mexicanport system, such as privatization and decentralization. Andersontalked about Canada’s new National Marine Policy, whichhe said will increase efficiency, cut costs and give communities more control over their ports. AAPA,founded in i912, represents 141 public port authorities in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and Latin America. AAPA also has 200 contributing and associate members,finns and individuals with an interest in Western Hemisphereseaports. ~1 ~ WATERBLASTING (Continuedon Page 22) / SERVICES SHIP, BARGE& SHORETANKCLEANING FREE CONSULTING MARINE . INDUSTRIAL. COMMERCIAL 24 HOURSERVICES ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Chemical Cleaning Chemical Circulating Product Change Gas Freeing Boilers Piping Offshore Store Gangs ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Heat Exchangers Reactors Machinery Line MoHng VacuumServices Chemist Certificates Liquid & Solid Waste Disposal ¯ Buildings ¯ Warehouses ¯ Roofs ¯ Parking Lots ¯ Construction ¯Painting ¯ Sandblasting Serving The Entire East & Gulf Coasts Gulf Coast (713) 452-6628 (800) 990-9083 World Trade Gets Permit WorldTrade Distribution Inc. of Houstonhas received word that it will be granted a permit fi~r handlingand storing hazardous chemicals under the city of Houston’stough newfire code. The city recently notified WorldTrade that it will receive a GroupH (Hazardous) - Division 3/7 OccupancyPermit. The company’sfacility at 5900Clinton Drive was purchased exclusively for handling and short-term storage of hazardous chemicals, specifically flammable and combustibleliquids and corrosives. The companyupgraded the Clinton Drivefilcility so it wouldexceedcurrent city fire safety requirements,said Jeff Joachim, president of the company.Houston toughenedits fire codelast year. Fourprimaryfeatures were incorporated in the upgradeplans to exceedsafety requirements: a foam-water combination high density sprinkler system; fire, heat and smokedetection systems; ventilation systems; and spill control containment. WorldTradealso is in the process of obtaining ISO9000certification. Since 1983, the companyhas special- CHANNEL PalletizedTruckingInc. "Since 1969" One of Houston’s Most Complete Local Transportation Specialists ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Companies on All Types VolumeFreight Shipments Winch Trucks ll-Axle Siebert Trailers Heavy Hauling Low Boys-3 & 4 Axle Floats/Stretch Floats 40’-42’-45’-48’-50’ Vans Containers/Piggy Backs Family Owned & Operated ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Complete Project Movements U.S. Custom Bonded #CHL171 import-Export Direct Discharge Oil Field Machinery & Pipe Rig Moving Warehouse Movements Member TMTA& TSA & ATA Storage Available At Our Terminal Protected By The Latest Electronic Security System Radio Dispatched 225-3303 Fax: 228-5841 2001 Collingsworth MC#148279 RRC#36152 19 i U.S.S. SAN JACINTO Makes Return to Port of Houston . Navy warship U.S.S. SANJACINTO Port of Houston, where the vessel wasfirst commissioned ~nto service. The vesset.~e~edat the Port of HoustonAuthority’s -~JVoodhouse Terminal for four days. Public tours ................ wereconducted of the ship while it wasin port, ~Visit anda variety of receptions, special events andactivities were arrangedfor the ship’s crew andofficers. Just Above:Capt¯ RayPilcher Jr. [left), the ship’s commanding officer, visits with Port of Houston CommissionerRobert Gillette. At Left: The SANJACINTO crew lines the decksof the ship as it sails into the Port of Houston. PHA Delegation Calls on Port Users in Four South American Countries Port of HoustonAuthority representatives recently traveled to South Americato visit with Houstonport users and prospective users. The Houston delegation consisted of Port of Houston CommissionChairman Ned Holmes, Commissioner Betti Maldonado, PHA ManagingDirector George Williamsan and Arturo Gamez,South Americarepresentative for the Port Authority. Theyvisited with execu~,,in Brazil, Argentina, UruguayandChile. Above: Houston representatives chat with officials of Exolgang,with whom they had lunch in BuenosAires. At Left: Dining together in BuenosAires were (from left): Gamez, Nestor Gurucharri of Global Lines, Maldonado, Holmes and Williamson ..... ~ ~.~~ Nerdana Line Adds Re/Re Vessel to Mediterranean Service Nordana Line has added a fifth vesselto its service between the United States and Mediterranean ports. The M/V SILKEBORG,a roll-on/roll-off ship, recently called at the Port of HoustonAuthority’s Barbours Cut Container Terminal on its maiden voyage. The ship increases the sailing frequencyof the service from 1 7 or 1 8 days to every 14 days with fixed-day sailings. WecoAgenciesInc. represents Nordana. Attending a maidenvoyage plaque presentation aboard the SILKEBORG are (from eft) ReneSivertsen of Nordana; Linda Van Loozen and Arthur Bredehoft of Weco; Capt. GudmKristjansson, master of the ship; Scott Green, PHA;and Felicia Karl and Mike Wilson of Weco. Project Cargo for Kuwait Loaded at Turning Basin Terminal The M/V IRENE’SDIAMOND, operated by Global Container Line, recently departed Houstonwith 4,000 tons.of. boundfor Fluor Daniel’s Equateproject in Kuwait. Fluor Daniel is rebuilding Kuwait’s Equate PetrochemicalComplex....... Global ContainerLin e and other carriers are transporting cargo for the project over a 12- to 18-monthperiod. This shipment, which consisted of oil field equipment,trucks and ambulances,wasloaded at Wharf32 in the Port of Houston...... Authority’s Turning Basin Terminal. Mar-TexasShipping & -, ~ Chartering is agent for Global Shippers Stevedoring was stevedore. Z1 The firm will help the Port Authority identify waysto maximizeits revenues, potential sources of additional revenues and achieve the best possible return on its investments. The consultant will comparePHA’sperfi~rmanceto that of other Port Authorities and will recommendways to increase revenues and service levels, trim costs and increase the share of capital improvementsfunding The Port of HoustonAuthority recently awardeda contract to a consultby the Port Authority. ing firln to assess the authority’s revenue ManyU.S. ports arc looking at alterpotential and performance. native waysto generate revenues beKPMG Peat MarwickLLPwill percause public sources of funding, such as form the audit at a cost of approximately taxes and bondissues, are dwindling. $260,000. ized in handling import and export freight and facilitating shipmentof materials, including hazardous chemicals, to their final destinations.!._1 Port Authority AwardsContract THOMAS HOWELL GROUP AAPA Launches Internet Site The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA)has launched World WideWebsite on the Internet. Youcan find the new site at http:www. ’Weencot rage visits to our home page," said AAPA President Kurt Nagle. "In addition to the other communications vehicles we use, the Internet is a wduabletool for getting the wordout about ports. The site will provide our membersand others with faster, more (USA) MARINE DIVISION 2777 Allen Parkway, Suite SERVICE ,~’/)i/) " g~(tl~e 10 480 ¯ Houston, THE TRAN,*;PORTATION " 7)’llL-k Texas 77019 INDUSTRY Rat/ o Aitj)’uiqbl ¯ IDcport Packi*t,q 3ectH’ilz~ & L(zshiH,~ (ff’C?n~,~o ¯ h’c{jcc:l Cargo ¯ General car~o COllSUlllCr products, steel products. ¯ Container surx cvs. containerized cargo, contahler transfers. ¯ Project machineryconstruction machiner\, trucks. ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Vessel outturn survey, vessel loading surveys. Export packing inspections &consulting. Letter of credit inspections. Investigations on losses and prevention. CONTACT: OFFICES IN ALL MAJOR PORTS AND CH’IES WORI,DX’~ II)E: ?,;ortt~ America¯ Caribl)uaH¯ Latin .linenca I#zitedKitzgclom ¯ he/am/¯ C})ttlill(’lll(l/ t:’ltl’¢q)u ¯ Asia¯ A/)’ica ¯ Rgs.sia putyou onthe Let us ,-ternet Special Pricing in effecton: ° WebD~.... ¯ ~ h¢.wo~ ac~. 22 Rollie l)HChe~m,. Mart’~te Mam’z~c’r- HoHstotz O./.ficc. (713) 522-5353 ¯ Fax: (713) 528-2888 ,,l/ezJt Btzc’l?/)tbrc’z: Marlin,~ 7ce President - ,llai*t Oj]}c:c" (212) 248-1156 ¯ Fax- (212) 248-1369 O.A.S.I.S. of course! ’Ocean Air Shiaaine InformationSystem’ ComputerizedLaser Documentation AutomatedCargo Tracking Electronic Data Interchange Integrated Accounting Anda wholelot more... Runson IBM or fully compatiblePC’s. Single or Multi-user. Novell & [anla~ic networks. DOS/ Windows 3.1 or WIN95. Brochures/ ProductSheets/ References/ DemoDisks. MelcoGroup International,Inc. ’IntegratedSoftwareSystems’ NewOrleans, LA. M-F8:00am- 6:00pmCST Office 504-888-559824hr. Fax 504-888-5599 email Internet Serious Inquiries Welcome! efficient access to Associationresources and information." AAPA unvciled the newsite at its 85th annual convention, held in Vancouver, British Columbia,in September.The homepageprovideslinks to sites of interest for AAPA memberports and maritirae and transportationindustryofficials. The site also features general information about AAPA and its education and training programschedulesfi~r 1997. AAPA was fi~undcd in 1912 and today represents 141 public port authorities in the United States, Canada,the Caribbean and Latin America. In addition, AAPA has raore than 2,000 contributing and associate members,firms and individuals with an interest in the seaports of the Western Hemisphere. AAPA’s offices can be reached by telephone at (703) 684-5700. Kopcke Acquires Kansas Packing KopckeInternational (USA)Inc. has acquired the business of KansasPacking Co. in Houston and NewOrleans. The combinedbusinesses will operate as Kopcke-KansasSupply services, providing chandlery services for the maritime industry and export sales. Kansas Packing has manybranches in the United States and has a long history as both a raarine supply companyand an exporter. "Kansas Packing and Kopckewere competitorsin the ship supply business, but we each had a different clientele," said Curtis Cronkhite, president of KopckeInternational. "This consolidation will increase the service strength of both companies." Plans call for the newcompanyto add 30,000 square feet of additional space, plus expandedfreezer and cooler capacity, to Kopcke’sHarveyWilson Drive location in Houston. Then, Kopcke-Kansaswill moveKansas Packing’s Houstonfacilities to the Harvey WilsonDrivefacility. Otherplans call for the addition of an extended computer system, wide and local area networkfacilities, construc- tion of a World WideWebsite on the Internet and other services. Another venture of KopckeInternational (USA)is Holland Dcltafiex (USA)Inc., in parmersbip with Hofland Deltaflex of Holland. This company, headquarteredat the t tarvey Wilson Drive location, supplies packing, gaskets and compositecargo hoses for marine and industrial companies. Kopcke, which openedits U.S. operations in 1993, is a subsidiary of Kopcke International Supply Services BVof Holland, a 124-year-old company. Kopckeinternational consists of 36 companieswith operations m 13 countries aroundthe globe. ~1 All FormsOf Specialized Transportation Services ¯ 500 TonDerrick Barge ¯ 34 Lines Goldhofer Transporterswith a 1,140 Ton Capacity * 36 LinesNicholasTransporters with a 972 Ton Capacity ¯ Ship Channel Facility with Rail Access HAULING JOB OFTHEYEAR -1990- Joe D. Hughes A Haliburton Company 14035Industrial Road Houston,Texas77015 Phone:(713) 450-8888 1-800-231-0527 P.O. Box 96469 Houston,TX 77213-6469 Fax: (713) 450-8828 PROFESSIONAL DISCOUNT PHARMACY MARINE MEDICAL UNIT Gregory A. Porter,R. Ph. Serving PortsOf Houston Galveston, Freeport,TexasCity, Beaumont to Brownsville ¯ MedicalCertificates / MedicineChestfor Norwegian, Liberian, Panamanian US and British vessels ¯ MedicalSupplies/ PresciptionDrugswith Labels in English, Spanish,or Norwegian ¯ 24 Hour, 7 Daya weekservice ¯ Full MedicalServices- Doctors,Dentists, Hospitals "WE TAKE CARE OF YOUR PROBLEMS" (409) 938-7232 (409) 938-8837 FAXTelex 377 - 1319 - Suderman& Young- setting the standardfor reliable harbor and coastwisetowingserviceso n the TexasGulf Coastfor almosta century.Rely on our fleet of tugs, skilled crewsandthe latest in towing, communication and navigation equipmentto handle even your most demandingtowing job. ¯ 24-hour service, 7 days a week ¯ Modestholiday rates ¯ No charge for tug waiting time SUDERMAN &~UNG Towing Company, Inc. Suderman & Young3900-HPTug THEDEACON TheRivianaBuilding,Suite 918, 2777AllenParkway, Houston, Texas77019* (713) 529-9944 ° FAX:(713) 529-2924 HOUSTON ¯ GALVESTON ° TEXAS CITYJ FREEPORT ¯ CORPUS CHRISTI 24 forward to the challenges your business presents. Put the experiencedstaff of the Port of Houston Authority on your crew. Look Port of Houston Authority P.O. Box2562 Houston, Texas 77252-2562 Phone:(713) 670-2400 Fax: (713) 670-2564 http://www, houston/ (- ForTheTrees. AtCooperS.Smith.wecan see both the forest andthe trees. Wehavemade a strong commitment to the pulp and paper industry through equipment. engineeringandservice It’s whatour customerscall "strength through diversity."Andat Cooper/T. Smith,we buildoniteveryday. PortCc~pers~/T,,S~th Port of HoustonMagazine P.O.Box2562 Houston,Texas77252-2562 BULKRATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 1395 HOUSTON, TEXAS