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PDF - Cathedral High School
2013 – 2014 ANNUA L GI VI N G H O N O R RO LL R E P O RT A NNUAL G IVING REPORT 1 master plan LETTER FROM THE LE AVING IT ALL UP TO US — OR TO CHANCE Cathedral is too precious an asset to leave to chance. INSPIRED & INFORMED BY CATHOLIC TRADITION, OUR MISSION IS TO EDUCATE PEOPLE WHILE INSPIRING THEM Chance is a dangerous path and we know not where it leads. TO VIRTUOUS LIVES. F or the last several years, with Master Plan 2018 as our guide, we have been working on strengthening and sustaining our school – your school – in ways that minimize chance and maximize desired destinations. We have made very good progress on goal #1 which embraces, reaffirms, and recommits us to our 129-year-old mission, “Inspired and informed by Catholic tradition...”. We have an outstanding theology faculty, we now have mass weekly, and we are focused on our shared vision which says in part, “Cathedral’s effectiveness is unmatched in its delivery of religious… capital to Central Minnesota and the world.” Our programs are outstanding and we’ve already exceeded the goal of having not fewer than 18 substantive innovations. We’re not resting, we’ll do more. Our mantra is the unrelenting pursuit of excellence. Enrollment (finally!) took a turn in the right direction this year. We have 655 students enrolled, up from 633 last year. Our goal is to reach 818 by four years from now. We have expanded and enhanced our scholarship program and we need to do even more. We are providing $1.1 million (up from $345,000 five years ago) in scholarships and our goal by four years from now is $1.8 million to support families who need it. We want to remain a school that is available to all who want it. You will read more about our financial strength later in this report. We are making good progress. As traditional • Bountiful blessings, 1 A NNUA L GI VI NG RE PORT sources of revenue have declined dramatically, or gone away completely, we have been focused on a ten percent per year increase in the annual fund. We exceeded our goal last year if you count a non-liquid gift of real estate. If you don’t count it then we fell short. A new year and a new goal start all over again each year on July 1st. We need and want you to be a part of the annual fund which is essential to our excellent programs. • OUR SHARED VISION: With profound humility and gratitude – supported by hard data – and as proclaimed by external constituencies: Cathedral’s effectiveness is unmatched in its education, preparation, and formation of young men and women for adulthood – and in its delivery of religious, social, intellectual, financial, leadership, service and cultural capital to Central Minnesota and the world. M A J O R G OA L S BY 2018 WE’RE BUILDING A MEASURABLY BETTER SCHOOL BEFORE THE END OF THIS DECADE! About 2½ years ago we started work on goal #9 which, if you don’t have it memorized, says, “At least one new facility addition or major renovation will add dramatic function and form to programs determined most in need.” As with all of our goals the deadline for completion is June 30, 2018. 1 Not fewer than 18,000 people will be regularly praying for the strength and success of our school. 2 Cathedral’s program will feature not fewer than eighteen substantive innovations using school year 2011 as the baseline. We are now in the process of testing the concept which stems from our work with Cuningham Group Architects. Thus far the response has been overwhelmingly positive. 3 We will enroll and sustain not fewer than 818 students. 4 We will support our students and their families with not less than $1.8 million in annual scholarship resources. 5 Our enrollment area will expand by 18 miles to regularly include families and communities within a 28 mile radius. 6 Not less than 18% of our alumni will be engaged in communication, participation and investment in support of their alma mater. 7 We will generate not less than $818,000 annually in unrestricted donations. 8 New capital held as cash or converted to facilities will be not less than $18 million. 9 At least one new facility addition or major renovation will add dramatic function and form to programs determined most in need. Should we leave our campus facilities to chance – or should we do something about them? There is no one to respond unless it is you and I. Please get involved as we start to evolve to goal #8, which is to raise the capital necessary to accomplish goal #9. We are almost at the starting line and it will take all of us to get the job done. Leaving it all up to us – or to chance? Please choose wisely and join us for the four remaining years of Master Plan 2018! M I CH A E L A . M U L L I N President 10 We will establish and sustain a minimum 90-day unrestricted net operating cash position. 11 A written and tested succession plan for key leadership positions, governance and faculty will exist and be applied. ANNUAL GI VI NG RE PORT 2 T honor roll 583.9 $ $600K 611.3 $ 523.4 451.9 $400K grandparents, staff, faculty, friends and students. Many have bestowed their generosity upon us by financially investing in our programs TOTA L CO N T R I BU T I O N S 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 MEMBERS $200K 0 FY 250 235 200 T H E C AT H E D R A L F U N D Cathedral ended the 2014 Fiscal Year receiving a total of $1,315,691 in donations. Total giving included $833,380 for our unrestricted annual fund; $35,353 raised in temporarily restricted dollars, which are directly connected to specific projects; and TOTAL $ $446,958 raised in permanently restricted 1,315,691 funds which have been so-designed by the donors. 189 The generosity of the Cathedral community was strongly evident over the past year. We fell short of our very aggressive $765,000 Cathedral Fund goal with $523,380 being raised in unrestricted funds. However, donations to temporarily restricted and permanently restricted funds increased dramatically. 100 and our future. Others also invest their time, volunteering for special events or as a part of our day-to-day operations. Every contribution is an investment in Cathedral and every dollar donated or minute of time given truly does matter. Those investments allow us to provide an education unmatched, as our shared vision states. We have made every effort to report complete and accurate information. If you spot an error of any kind please contact Brenda Minette at 320-257-2140 or bminette@cathedralcrusaders.org. We apologize in advance for any such errors; they are unintentional. TOTAL 1,106,448 $ 446,958 $ • 150,438 $ 150 ( A N N UA L F U N D) July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. This report also honors those Our Cathedral community is comprised of alumni, parents, Our Heritage Society is comprised of members who contribute $1,000 or more annually to the Cathedral Fund (annual giving). The Heritage Society grew by 20% from last year and these leaders contributed 64% of the $523,380 received for the Cathedral Fund for the year ended June 30, 2014. We are very grateful for all members of the Heritage Society and all are urged to join. $ contributed financially to Cathedral High School between who have generously donated repeatedly for years. H E R I TA G E S O C I ET Y $ 508.4 $ he 2013-14 Honor Roll of Donors recognizes those who have 94 124 115 TOTAL 851,551 $ 35,353 $ 372,109 $ 2010 2011 2012 2013 FY 2014 TOTAL 103,002 $ Over the years, Cathedral has established several honorary giving societies to recognize donors for their loyal commitment and generous 675,472 $ T H E C AT H E D R A L H I G H S C H O O L D O N O R R ECO G N I T I O N S O C I ET I E S 137,260 $ support to our mission. In recognition for their generous contributions, donors are honored with membership in three of our benefactor 169,472 $ societies based upon their cumulative giving, deferred giving and 36,000 $ 833,380 $ E D U C AT I O N F O U N DAT I O N The Cathedral High School Education Foundation endowment is critical in providing need-based scholarships and tuition assistance to nearly 50% of Cathedral students. The generosity of our alumni and friends has made it possible for many families to enroll their children in Catholic education. This past year, we awarded scholarships exceeding $1.1 million. 583,901 $ annual giving. C U M U L AT I V E G I V I N G — The Founder’s Society Established in 2009, the Founders Society recognizes those who, through a one-time gift or years of giving, have contributed $50,000 or more to Cathedral High School or any of its sponsored programs. 611,289 $ 470,000 FY $ 2014 * P L A N N E D G I V I N G — The Legacy Society Established in 1982, the Legacy Society recognizes individuals who have included Cathedral High School in their estate plans or who have made provisions for the school through a deferred, planned or life income gift. 9.521 $ 8.371 $ 2013 2012 7.881 $ 2011 8.186 $ 2010 2011 2012 2013 7.244 $ PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED $1M $2M $3M $4M $5M $6M $7M $8M $9M $10M * = Unaudited 2014 A N N UA L G I V I N G — The 1884 Cathedral Heritage Society Established in 2009 the Heritage Society recognizes those who give at the $1,000 level and above each year. The annual fund is Cathedral’s cash register. We need to keep it ringing daily in order to keep our programs top-notch. Without the Annual Fund we would suffer a 12% deficit in our budget. TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED UNRESTRICTED CONTRIBUTIONS IN MILLIONS 3 A NNUA L GI VI NG RE PORT ANNUAL GI VI NG RE PORT 4 honor roll S C H O L A R S H I P S AWA R D E D C AT H E D R A L’S CO ST P E R P U P I L P R O J EC T E D F O R 2015: Cathedral awarded $1.1 million in need-based scholarships to more than 50% (317) of our current students for the school year of 2013-14. The demand for need-based scholarship dollars has been strong and continues to be an area of focus. 10,811 FY 1,100,000 $ $ 1,070,000 2012 $ 2011 819,000 REVENUE CHS Education Foundation 7% $ 2010 Tuition, net 511,000 $ $200K $400K $600K $800K $1M $4,351,133 CHS Education Foundation $483,832 Fund Raising $922,500 Support from Parishes $687,661 Athletics Revenue $509,625 Government Support $51,791 Miscellaneous $74,513 Projected Revenue 637 650 STUDENTS 655 654 STUDENTS STUDENTS 633 STUDENTS STUDENTS 5 A NNUA L GI VI NG RE PORT 2012 2013 Athletics Revenue 7% 2014 2015 Government Support 1% EXPENDITURES Employee Compensation $3,687,842 Program Costs $1,404,661 Employee Benefits $1,105,222 Maintenance & Facilities $408,875 Central Office $192,824 Equipment $95,126 Advancement & Marketing $80,800 Interest on Debt $56,000 Miscellaneous $48,558 Reserve 2011 Fund raising 13% Support from Parishes 10% Miscellaneous 1% Enrollment increased by 3.5% for the 2014-15 school year. We have an increase of students in each grade, along with a larger number of international students. Our eighth grade class total, which had been our smallest in more than 40 years, grew by 18 students to bring it up to par. 654 Tuition, net 61% $7,081,055 ENROLLMENT GROW TH 2010 $ 1,042,000 2013 FY 14,723 $ 2014 STUDENTS AV E R A G E CO ST P E R P U P I L AT C AT H O L I C S C H O O L S L I K E U S T H R O U G H O U T M I N N E S OTA Projected Expenditures $1,147 Equipment 1% Central Office 3% Maintenance & Facilities 6% Advancement & Marketing 1% Interest on Debt 1% Miscellaneous 1% Reserve .02% Employee Benefits 16% Employee Compensation 52% Program Costs 20% $7,081,055 ANNUAL GI VI NG RE PORT 6 PROGRAM A A F EW n important strategic goal aimed at increasing Cathedral’s global citizenship was established recently. We are inviting students from other countries to enroll and be fully involved and included in our program. The goal is to have our student population ultimately more representative of the world. These students are not exchange students, but rather full-time Cathedral students who just happen to live farther away than our Central Minnesota students. The first year of our new international program was very successful, with 14 students from eight different countries being welcomed as full-time students. The home countries of these students included China, Colombia, Honduras, Italy, Mexico, South Korea, Spain and Vietnam. This year the number of students from non-US locations has more than doubled. Cathedral has enrolled 31 students from 10 different countries, including China, Colombia, Germany, Honduras, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Burkina Faso and Vietnam. Our Catholic tradition, compassion, and small, family-like community of faith help to make Cathedral an environment where all students are welcome and where our international students feel at home. Students from places around the world are woven into the fabric of our school. During the first year, our international students established clubs while participating in many different sports and activities. They learned about, and engaged in, local, regional and national traditions as well as sharing their own cultures with our students, staff and families. Cathedral also provides special classes to help non-US students master the English language. 129 N•o F R OM Y E A R Our more traditional local students are benefitting in many ways from the international program. Cathedral’s increasingly diverse school community is equipping our students with skills and experiences that will be valuable throughout their lives. C AT H E D R A L C RU S A D E R S I M PAC T I N G T H E I R WO R L D — H E R E AT HOM E A N D A R O U N D T H E G L O B E Our thriving international program is beneficial for all concerned — and is proving to be a lot of fun for everyone involved. 7 A NNUA L GI VI NG RE PORT ANNUAL GI VI NG RE PORT 8 G R A D UAT IO N SP E E C H G R A N D PA R E N T S DAY Each year, our seniors choose one of their teachers to speak at Baccalaureate. The Class of 2014 selected Steve Penticuff, who has been teaching theology at Cathedral for two years. Steve’s speech was moving, meaningful, and personal. His words emotionally connected him to the graduating class; the mutual love between this teacher and his students was palpable as he spoke. This was Cathedral’s 110th graduating class in the 129th year since our founding. On November 26, 2013, we welcomed nearly 700 grandparents of current students to share a special day with their grandchildren on campus. We hold this event the week of Thanksgiving in hopes of capitalizing on family visits that may already be occurring due to the holiday. The bond between a grandparent and grandchild is precious and that is part of what makes this day so special. Grandparents are so proud to share the day with their grandchildren and the students are excited to show their grandparents around their school. The day features a breakfast, mass, tours of campus, photo sessions and a short program. Grandparents’ Day has become an event we couldn’t eliminate if we wanted to; it’s too popular! ANNE SCHLEPER A nne Schleper ’08 played for the US Womens’ Olympic Hockey Team in the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Cathedral honored her with a pep fest prior to the official beginning of the Olympic Games. Anne’s parents attended and spoke at the event. A videotape was created with the students cheering Anne (and her team) on and wishing her well. During the Olympics, we hosted game-watching events on campus. Bishop Donald Kettler visits with grandparents and students at Cathedral. L I F E SK I L L S DAY O K L A HOM A ! Even a mathematical genius might have to cook or do laundry when at college. Our goal for Life Skills Day is to teach our students a few very practical skills they might not have learned at home or in the classroom. A very talented cast and crew brought the stage to life in Cathedral’s premiere performance of Oklahoma! last year. Director Adam Sahli involved more than 50 students in the production. Some of the experiences include automobile mechanics and how to change a tire, social dance, personal finance, self-defense, how to do laundry, cooking in a dorm room, and legal responsibilities associated with being an adult on your own, among other subjects. It is a productive day and has been hugely successful with our students. W E DAY – M A K I N G A D I F F E R E N C E I N T H E WO R L D 9 A NNUA L GI VI NG RE PORT S TAT E HO C K EY T O U R NA M E N T Our boys’ hockey team competed in the 2014 State Hockey Tournament, generating a lot of excitement for our players, students and staff. It’s always thrilling when our athletes do well and participate in state tournaments and competitions. With hockey, the tournament occurred during the school year, creating a lot of energy as all the students came together to celebrate their school identity, spirit, and pride. Over the last five years, Cathedral has averaged fifteen different state tournament appearances annually. O ur teacher, Dick McMorrow, designed and organized another travel learning trip to Tanzania – his sixth. Juniors at Cathedral begin by taking the Global Issues class where they learn about diseases, terrorism, the lack of clean water and other problems the world faces today. The eleventh grade students are mature enough to appreciate and learn from the experience, but young enough to return to Cathedral for one final year. Cathedral benefits, the people of Tanzania benefit, and most of all, the students benefit greatly. This educationally rich trip is not designed to make our students feel like they are saviors. The experience allows our kids to work alongside those who need the help. Our students work as equals with the Tanzanians to complete projects such as digging a well or installing a solar-operated pump they purchased with their own money. The availability of the clean water resulting from that project now benefits 4,000 people who prior to that, had to carry water on their backs or heads over a six mile distance. Students also work in schools and orphanages as well as with a women’s group to help in the gardens. Anne is Cathedral’s first-ever Olympian and is an excellent role model. Anne has won awards honoring her for being a person who embodies academics, athletics, leadership and volunteerism. She was a stand-out athlete during her years at the University of Minnesota where her team earned national championships. Despite all of Anne’s success, she remains a genuinely nice, faith-filled person. Everyone at Cathedral is very proud of her. Fifty Cathedral students attended this dynamic youth gathering in Minneapolis. The day was focused on young people making a difference in the world. Those who attended the event learned more about local and global issues and were empowered to help lead the movement for change. Celebrities came to speak to the students, educating and inspiring them. The most impressive aspect of all is that no one attending We Day bought his or her own ticket. Instead, the students earned their invitations by addressing and working on a local or global issue which brings about positive change and impact. TA N Z A N IA — T H E Y C OM E BAC K C HA N G E D OU T STA N D I N G D I V I SIO N 1 AT H L E T E S Cathedral produced four Division One college athletes from the Class of 2014. Congratulations to Nick Golebiowski ’14 (Georgetown University – track and cross country), Jeff Fasching ’14 (University of Minnesota – baseball), Austin Poganski ’14 (University of North Dakota – hockey), and Daniel Bailey ’14 (United States Air Force Academy – hockey). This experience exposes Cathedral students to poverty at a level they have never seen before. And yet, they see families who are happy and satisfied with what they have. The people of Tanzania are welcoming and want to share what they have with our kids, despite the fact that they have so little. Students who participate in the Africa trip return home with their lives changed in a very positive way. I N C R E A SI N G T H E F U T U R E E N G I N E E R’ S C OM P E T I T I V E E D G E The theoretical and practical engineering class, now in its third year, has taken firm root. A traditional classroom was converted to an amazing engineering learning environment two summers ago—and was expanded to nearly twice its size this past summer. Included in the room are a number of lathes, machines, presses, and even a state-of-the-art welding area. The room is properly ventilated and has an extensive dust collection system. The room was constructed and equipped largely with very generous donations. Next on our wish list is a 3D printer... This is an improvement for Cathedral students you really need to see! ANNUAL GI VI NG RE PORT 10 C athedral strives for excellence in all areas including extra-curricular activities. Cathedral students participated in numerous state meets and tournaments during the 2013-14 school year: Boys’ Cross Country The team took 3rd with an impressive showing at the state meet. Girls’ Cross Country The girls participated in the state tournament and placed 6th. Boys’ Hockey Boys’ Baseball CHS won the state championship! The Crusaders came from behind to win 5-4 over Fairmont at Target Field in mid-June. This past season saw Bob Karn ’59 become the winningest high school baseball coach in Minnesota with 711 victories in his 44-year career. Congratulations Bob! Track & Field Nick Golebiowski ’14 finished 3rd in the 1600 Meter and 2nd in the 3200 Meter race at the state track and field meet. The girls 4 X 800 meter relay team, consisting of Morgan Durbin ’14, Rachel Eickhoff ’15, Paige Danielson ’15, and Kate Tomczik ’18, placed 6th in state. Girls’ Gymnastics Boys’ Golf Boys’ Tennis Speech FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2014 – OUR 129TH YEAR! The Cathedral High School Education Foundation Permanent Funds Anonymous Bernard & Cathie Gruenes Scholarship Bernicks Family Scholarship Bill & Joyce Coborn Scholarship Birk Family Scholarship Bishop Speltz Scholarship Bob & Joann Thueringer Family Scholarship Bob & Penny (Reiter) White Scholarship Bob & Sandy Sexton Scholarship Bob Klein Scholarship Bob McReavy Scholarship Bruce E. Meyer Scholarship Capital Improvements Scholarship 11 A NNUA L GI VI NG RE PORT Catholic War Veterans Scholarship Chris & Allison Adkins Scholarship CHS Drum & Bugle Corps Scholarship CHS/JXXIII Ed Foundation Non Desig Scholarship CHS/JXXIII Faculty/Staff Scholarship Class of 1943 Scholarship Class of 1945 Scholarship Class of 1949 Scholarship Class of 1950 Scholarship Class of 1951 Scholarship Class of 1966 Scholarship Class of 1969 Scholarship Class of 1980 Scholarship Class of 1986 Scholarship Crusaders for Life Scholarship Dave Marquardt Family Scholarship Dennis & Karol Ringsmuth Family Scholarship Dick Statz Scholarship Diverse Educational Atmoshphere for Learning Don & Pat Bitzan Scholarship Donald & Irma (Lahr) Grelson Scholarship Doug & Karen Dingmann Scholarship Eddie & Ester Wong Scholarship Edmund Hinkemeyer Scholarship Education Foundation General Scholarship Fund Edward Edelbrock Scholarship Edward J. & Mercedes Brandl Scholarship Erv Austing Scholarship Fabian & Donna Eickhoff Scholarship Father Harold Kost Scholarship Floyd & Rose Ann Stockinger Scholarship Fr. John Laky Scholarship Fr. Robert J. Voigt Scholarship Fr. Roger Vossberg Scholarship Francis Weis Scholarship Frank Unger Memorial Scholarship Frank Vouk Scholarship Fred & Dr. Delphine Sexton Scholarship Fred & Valeria Hughes Scholarship The Crusader boys’ hockey team took 4th in the state tournament. The girls finished 5th in the state. Paige Beuning ’14 finished 8th on the beam. Margaux Schmid ’15 was 7th overall on the beam. Kyle Haag ’14 and Sam Labine ’14 competed in the state golf tournament in early June. Matt Bowe’ 14 and Phil Ruegemer ’14 participated in the state tennis tournament as a doubles team. Cathedral had seven state meet participants. & funds Gene & Bev Storms Family Scholarship George Reasbeck Scholarship Herbert J. Hall Scholarship Irene Madigan Scholarship Iten Family Scholarship Jack & Tudy Fischer Scholarship James Hall Family Scholarship Jim & Mary Jane Lauerman Scholarship Jim Kruzich Memorial Scholarship John & Marie Hackert Scholarship John C. White Memorial Scholarship Jueneman Family Scholarship Kathleen Hofmann Scholarship Kathy Hengel Scholarship Krystosek - Parkhurst Scholarship Kuennen Family Scholarship Larson Allen Weishair & Co LLP Scholarship Leighton Family Scholarship Marguerite Krystosek Parkhurst Scholarship Marie Hennen Scholarship Mary & Lee Torborg Scholarship Mary Broker-Knapp Scholarship Mary Jane & Roman Eickhoff Scholarship Mary Jo Levandowski Memorial Scholarship Math & Katie Mimbach Scholarship Matt & Jean Symalla Scholarship Maurice A. Klasen Scholarship McConnell Catholic Education Scholarship - Partner Monsignor Al Kremer Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hall Scholarship Nan & Mike Figge Memorial Scholarship Perrier Family Scholarship Fund Philip & Armella (Stockinger) Schimnich Family Scholarship Renee Krier Carlson Scholarship Robert A. Mahowald Sr. Scholarship Robert Fleming Scholarship Robert J. Sullivan Scholarship Rock & Roll Revue Scholarship Roger & Joyce Poganski Scholarship Roger & Joyce Quinlivan Scholarship S. Vivia Theisen Scholarship Sam Keaveny Memorial Scholarship Schwinghammer Family Scholarship Schwinghammer Technology Endowment Shelley Leisen Scholarship - Partnership Account Sisters of the Order of St. Benedict Scholarship St. Aloysius Gonzaga Scholarship St. Augustine’s Scholarship St. Francis Xavier Scholarship The Visitor Scholarship Wahlin Family Scholarship Weitzel Family Scholarship Wells Fargo Scholarship Weyrens Family Scholarship Wilbur & Monica Daniel Scholarship Fund Wolf Memorial Scholarship WoltersKluwer Financial Services/Bankers Systems Scholarship Fund Zapp Bank Scholarship ANNUAL GI VI NG RE PORT 12 CLASS GIVING CLASS DONORS GIVING 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 2 2 2 3 7 6 13 10 13 13 19 18 24 25 26 41 31 30 20 30 29 15 41 23 26 23 23 19 26 21 30 21 22 22 23 14 17 17 12 $45 $125 $6,000 $225 $630 $1,775 $1,870 $1,140 $2,045 $1,450 $4,475 $1,235 $28,345 $17,260 $3,989 $4,525 $33,390 $3,975 $4,359 $5,991 $4,725 $4,425 $18,370 $4,765 $3,095 $10,535 $14,565 $4,810 $2,605 $8,295 $2,330 $8,295 $3,480 $313,150 $2,855 $3,890 $7,154 $10,370 $3,630 CLASS 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 DONORS 18 21 11 11 8 11 15 12 12 5 13 10 7 8 2 1 7 5 7 10 5 7 2 6 3 3 6 4 10 4 2 1 3 2 4 3 - GIVING $3,800 $7,835 $3,650 $1,964 $1,725 $3,106 $5,600 $2,288 $6,775 $750 $4,750 $6,985 $999 $605 $200 $100 $4,557 $1,000 $1,865 $1,710 $1,275 $950 $275 $3,075 $1,135 $142 $325 $215 $1,350 $250 $280 $25 $95 $35 $110 $60 - Thank you to all of our alumni who pay it forward and invest in the next generations of Cathedral. We are very grateful for your continued generosity and support. 13 A NNUA L GI VI NG RE PORT Anonymous Alliant Techsystems, Inc. Scott and Mary Kay Bailey Bruce and Pat Bechtold Mark and Luanne Bemis PegAnne ‘80 and Byron Bjorklund Marilyn Branch Bremer Bank Sally ‘80 and Dave Brinza Ron and Jane Brown Tom and Trish Bruce Steve and Jean Bruggeman CustomInk Amy Dorn ‘92 George Dorn Ken ‘68 Elchert and Clare ‘74 Eickhoff Elchert Don ‘71 and Maryls Eikmeier Keith and Brenda Eisenschenk Tim and Bernie Elhard Richard and Marie English Bassey Eyo Marc Faerber John Fandel ‘68 Bill and Bernice Farmer Sandra ‘81 and Leon Faust Patrick and Joan Figge Steve Figge ‘85 Tom Figge Kurt and Karla Franke Daniel and Debra Frantti Mona ‘81 and Steve Freeberg Curtis and Betty Ghylin Sally Gibson Yvonne Gorman ‘59 Ruth Grelson Father Bernie Gruenes Gray Plant Mooty Foundation Ann Eickhoff Hagen ‘80 Julie ‘80 Kunkel and Tom Hall Erinn ‘95 and Andy Hawkins Bob ‘75 and Karen Hengel Gene ‘57 and Marion Hengel Vic ‘46 and Joyce ‘50 Hengel Patrice Henning ‘80 Mary and Dan Henry John and Judy Herdan Mary Jane Hick ‘48 Kevin and Carol Holton Mark Hughes ‘68 Andy ‘97 and Jessica Imholte Arnold ‘78 and Jane ‘78 Imholte Elaine Imholte Frank ‘71 and Peg Imholte Joelle Imholte ‘76 Katie Imholte ‘00 Lynn Imholte ‘80 Paul ‘74 and Karen Imholte Steve ‘80 and Jenny Jameson Bob ‘59 and Karen Karn Patricia Kasimor Lynn ‘76 and Jeff Kaster Michael and Charlotte Kiekenapp Jamie ‘91 and Katie Kinzer Mary Ellen Klein Dale ‘61 and Karen Kleinschmidt Thomas Knapp Richard and Katherine Koeck Mary Teresa ‘89 and Jeff Koslowski Bernard ‘67 and Karen Kunkel Isabel Kunkel Father Robert* Krystosek Steve and Peggy Laraway Sveinar and Judi Larsen Jim ‘50 and Mary Jane ‘53 Lauerman Carolyn Lauermann Gretchen Leisen ‘59 Laura ‘71 and David Light Matt and Amy Lindstrom Pete ‘77 and Carole ‘77 Loehr Bert ‘50 and LeRoy Lommel Paul and Carol Longsdorf John ‘80 and Cheryl ‘80 Lovitz Marie* McConnell Bob McReavy ‘77 Medtronic Foundation Bill Maney Dave and Geri Marquardt Daniel and Elizabeth Mathews Matt ‘94 and Marney Mathiasen Mike ‘81 and Lisa Maurer Rebecca Brown-Medvec ‘87 and David Medvec Lee ‘53 and Rosie ‘56 Menke Randy and Nia Meierhofer Miller Carlin Funeral Homes Katie Mimbach Minnesota State High School Baseball Coaches Association Carl and Katherine Moberg Laurie ‘75 and Mike Mullin Merry Mund Mary Neidermeier Joe and Veronica Nessler Mary Ann O’Hara ‘69 Robert and Margaret Olson Plaza Park Bank Patrice Prentice Steve ‘77 and Lori Quinlivan Pat Reasbeck ‘71 Darcy Reich Bob ‘46 and Rita ‘53 Rengel Nick and Bernice Reuter Rev. Donald* Rieder ‘42 Aaron ‘83 and Anne Rodriguez Harry ‘77 and Tina Rothstein Ann Yaggie and Denny Rozeboom Paul and Caroline Ruegemer Donald and Mary Ann Sauer Steve ‘79 and Michelle ‘77 Sauer Kathi and Mark Sauerer Father LeRoy Scheierl Armella Schimnich ‘55 Ken ‘77 and Mary Schimnich Jim and Ann Schleper Don ‘49 and Dee Schmidt Harvey ‘71 and Mary ‘72 Schmitt Jo Senta David ‘80 and Wendy ‘80 Sexton Fred ‘59 and Del ‘59 Sexton Tom ‘77 and Patty ‘77 Sexton Mike Sis ‘77 Rick and Sue Sovada Peter ‘76 and Kristi ‘78 Spaniol Roger Stegura ‘65 For the year ended June 30, 2014 Daniel and Mary Steil Glen and Marian Stevens Gene and Bev Storms Dean and Kathy Taylor Jeanette Theisen Louise Theisen Bob ‘69 and JoAnn Thueringer Jeff ‘88 and Catherine Torborg Mary Unger Heidi ‘91 and Eric Voigt Michelle and Jeff Voit JoAnn Weir Bob ‘66 and Penny ‘66 White Ron ‘74 and Katia Wieber Brian and Valerie Wise Bob Witte Chuck ‘69 and Barb Wocken Pat ‘83 and Kathleen Wolf David and Susan Wolff Sharon ‘59 and Robert Wolle Elaine ‘59 and Chuck Yaggie Michael and Judith Ziemann Mike and Julie Zniewski Sy Zylla ‘45 • A NNUAL G IVING REPORT 14 volunteers T HA N K YO U F O R YO U R T I M E A N D G E N E R O SI T Y Served July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 B OA R D O F D I R ECTO R S Phil Boyle Julie Carnahan Peter Donohue ‘66 Rhonda Hartung Lisa Laudenbach Jane Mobilia-Witte Michael Mullin Lori Neutzling Father Tony Oelrich Jim Otremba Stephen Rudnicki Peter Spaniol ‘76 David Titus Erin O’Toole-Tomczik Maria Wintheiser ‘88 Elaine Yaggie ‘59 MEMBER S OF T H E CO R P O R AT I O N Father Tim Baltes Father Mark Innocenti Bishop Donald Kettler Father Tom Knoblach ‘79 Father Tony Oelrich Father Bob Rolfes Father LeRoy Scheierl Father Jerome Tupa, OSB Father Ron Weyrens 15 A NNUA L GI VI NG RE PORT For the year ended June 30, 2014 A LU M N I B OA R D Sarah Engdahl ‘02 Steve Feddema ‘81 Marie Kigin ‘77 Kelsey LeClaire ‘10 Joe Maiers ‘76 Jeremy Mathiasen ‘94 Kirsta Mohs ‘02 Amy O’Neal ‘88 Mary Pull ‘59 Rick Reisdorf ‘00 Kyle Wahlin ‘97 Shari Wahlin ‘69 E D U C AT I O N F O U N DAT I O N T R U ST E E S Troy Fritz (Executive Secretary) Paul Harris ‘83 Patty Hooley ‘81 Joan Jaye ‘77 Mike Johnson Tami Koosmann Mike Lenzmeier George Meinz ‘72 Sandy Neutzling Terry Rothstein ‘59 Steve Schueller Moe Spanier ‘78 Andy Vinson Elaine Yaggie ‘59 Anonymous Bob ‘65 and Nikki Abel Dominic ‘89 and Orit Ackerman Doreen ‘47 and Charles Ackley Adage Capital Tim ‘60 and Sophie Adams Lorri Ahl Rick ‘60 and Karen Ahles Marilyn Albers ‘56 Tom and Sally Allen Sharon ‘64 and Donald Althaus Bob ‘59 and Karen ‘60 Ament Jeff ‘86 and Kari Ament Catie ‘98 and Chris Amundsen Greg and Carol Anderson Joyce ‘68 and John Anderson Karen ‘84 & Craig Anderson Kathleen Anderson ‘85 Keith and Cathy Anderson Chris and Collette Appert Apple Matching Gifts Kathleen Archer ‘51 Carol and Richard Arend Darrell and Kathy Armbrust Flo ‘65 and Dick Armstrong Jim and Kelly Arnold Sharon ‘56 and Charles Arnold Joel and Bonnie Athmann Kay Aufenthie ‘68 Andy and Libby Auger John Augustin ‘60 George ‘59 and Bernadette Augustinack Scott ‘82 and Sandy Austing Ayco Charitable Foundation Mary Louise ‘77 and Philip Ayers Bill ‘72 and Marcia Bach Bob ‘74 and Jan ‘74 Bach Ethel Backes ‘44 Keith and Betty Bailey Scott and Mary Kay Bailey Pat ‘74 and Debbie Baldwin Pat and Sandy Baldwin Father Tim Baltes Burt and Evelyn Bancroft Rick ‘87 and Dawn Bancroft Lavaughn Bangtson Bank Vista Karly ‘94 Baraga Werner and Todd Werner Justin Barclay Jim Bares ‘57 and Jan Flint-Bares Dorothy Baron ‘43 Rick ‘71 and Deb Baron Bob and Terry Barrett Patricia ‘57 and John Barrett Tom ‘87 and Annette Barrett James ‘40 and Marian ‘45 Barthelemy Todd ‘85 and Stacy Bastien Ed ‘60 and Carol Bauer Marv and Helen Bauer Mary Bauer ‘84 Merle and Claire Bauer Jeffrey and Tami Bauerly Dr. Gerald Baumgartner Marcia ‘62 and Bob Bayer Randy and Sue Bayerl Meaghan ‘92 and Scott Baynes Amy Bechtold ‘12 Brad and Jane Bechtold Bruce and Pat Bechtold Glen ‘84 and Karen Bechtold Kelly Bechtold ‘09 Tom Bechtold ‘65 Jack Becker ‘53 Ramona Becker ‘48 Gerald ‘56 Behrendt and Dorine ‘56 Peerman Behrendt Brian ‘86 and Jen Bellmont Don ‘66 and Nancy Bellmont Jeff ‘99 and Mari Bellmont Kevin ‘95 and Molly Bellmont Mike ‘89 and Ryan Bellmont Mark and Luanne Bemis Mike and Cathy Bengtson Cretia Benolken ‘51 Jerry and Jan Benusa Tim ‘74 and Lisa Benusa Dave and Penny Berdan Dorothy ‘64 and Robert Berg Gary and Judy Berg Eileen Berger ‘43 Dennis and Alice Bergner Joan Bestgen Barb and Jim Bestick Cory Bethell and Tracy Nahan Bethell Doug ‘61 and Barbara Bettenberg Joe and Helen Bettendorf Matt ‘93 and Carrie Bettendorf Jackie ‘58 and Don Beumer Edward and Virginia Beuning Shirley ‘56 and Paul Beuttas Russell ‘68 and Debbie ‘69 Bialke Dick ‘73 and Mimi ‘74 Bitzan Don Bitzan Kathleen Bjerke ‘67 Bob and Deb Bjornstad Allen Blenkush ‘64 Joan Bleser ‘49 Dick Blitvitch Del and Jane Blocher Diane ‘80 Blocher Bischel and Paul Bischel Kayla Blommer Red Blommer Ed ‘63 and Linda Bluhm Sue ‘65 and Bob Boerbon James and Sonja Boever Bob and Sue Bogard Bill ‘56 and Charlotte Bohmer Mary Anne Boos ‘48 Bob ‘50 and Sally Borgert Lynn ‘52 and Gene Borgert Tom ‘44 and Colleen Borgert Mike ‘73 and Mary Jo Bot Jon and Barb Bowar Sue & Jim Bowe Marilyn Branch Michael ‘67 and Peggy Brand Ron and Carol Brandenburg Barb ‘81 and Chuck Brandes Andrea ‘85 and Craig Brandt Chuck and Pat Brannan Jenny Brannan ‘03 Deb ‘71 and Jack Brantley Robert and Bernice Braun Bremer Bank Bob ‘49 and Marlene Brennan Carolyn Brenner ‘05 Doug and Joy Brew Sally ‘80 and Dave Brinza Dennis Bristow and Marissa OdulioBristow Frank Brixius ‘56 Pegi Broker-Relph and Jerry Relph Leo ‘53 and Gail Bromenschenkel Joel and Julie Brott Ann Brown and Manuel Pastor Frank and Alice Brown Marilyn Brown ‘52 Mary Fran ‘61 and James Brown Rebecca Brown-Medvec ‘87 and David Medvec Ron and Jane Brown Tom and Trish Bruce Steve and Jean Bruggeman Roland and Kathleen Brummer John ‘47 and Pam Bruning Jeff and Jane Brunn Leona Brutger ‘55 Bill and Jen Buckentine Chet and Joyce Buckley Randy and Denise Budde Darlene ‘56 and Walter Buerman John Buettner ‘46 Mike ‘66 and Colleen Burgoyne Geneva ‘62 and Bernie Burke Chris and Sue Burt Mary Ann Burt Tom ‘63 and Pat Buttweiler Mary ‘47 and Roger Bye Joe and Joan Byrne Tom ‘53 and Mary Ann ‘54 Cameron Harriet Campbell ‘39 Gregg and Vicki Carlson Ray Carlson Catherine ‘41 and Jim Carryl Hank and Harriet Cash Katie ‘81 and Joe Cashman Central Minnesota Community Foundation Mark and Heidi Chamernick Roger ‘71 and Claire Chan Ron ‘72 and Cheryl Chan Charles and Ellora Allis Educational Foundation Chevron Corporation Tim Chirhart ‘67 and Jeanne Soleim Henry Chirhart ‘43 For the year ended June 30, 2014 Dean ‘82 and Elizabeth Chmielewski Dick and Kay Chmielewski Mary Chmielewski ‘57 Carolyn ‘64 and Jim Chrismer Bob Claesgens ‘53 Cleveland-Cliffs Foundation Caroline Coborn ‘53 Ann Cofell Kathy ‘66 and Ken Colgrove Georgianne Como ‘49 Concrete Plus Bill ‘61 and Kenna ‘61 Conlon Doug and Linda Connell Dana ‘58 and Leon Cook Vaughn and Gina Cornelius Carol ‘82 and Mark Correa Mike and Anne Cota Dee Cote ‘64 George and Lucille Courrier Jim ‘83 and Jenna Courrier Janet Coursolle ‘59 Fran ‘56 and Marilyn ‘55 Court Ron and Marilyn Crandell Andrea ‘74 and George Craven Charlie Craven ‘04 John Cremers ‘52 Anne ‘58 and John Creo Ken Croat Dolores ‘54 and Gerald Crowell Elfrieda Cuba ‘54 John Cumming ‘80 and Eileen Crespo Patty Cumming Bill and Bonnie Curtis Ken and Karin Curtis D & J Auto Repair Dairy Queen Eileen Daley ‘40 ANNUAL GI VI NG RE PORT 16 Father Gerry Dalseth Bill Daly and Rose Blesener Eric Daniel ‘00 Maria ‘02 and Jon ‘02 Daniel Paul ‘77 and Karen Daniel Edith Daniels ‘56 Kirby Daubanton ‘08 Philip and Mary Daubanton Daughters of Isabella Mike Davis ‘76 and Karla Schreffler Sharon De Cicco ‘63 Jim De Morett ‘57 Nancy ‘84 and Todd Deaton Mary Degiovanni Judy ‘59 and Dennis DeGolier Dick ‘50 Dehler and Doris Dehler Laverne Dehler Mike and Amy Dehler Ralph Dehler Richard and Nicolette DeIeso Ginger ‘57 and Roger Delles Marcia ‘72 and Greg DeWerd Dale and Constance DeZeller Lillian Dickinson ‘45 Lori ‘85 and Michael Diederichs Darby Diedrich ‘57 Doug and Karen Dingmann Gene and Ann Dingmann Doug ‘90 and Lisa Dingmann Beth Dingmann ‘02 Joyce Dinndorf Claudia Dinndorf ‘81 Beth Dinndorf ‘69 and Ted O’Connell Paul ‘72 and Kathy Dinndorf Bob ‘70 and Paula Dinndorf Kayla ‘04 and Joey Disch Elaine Dockendorf ‘51 Wanda ‘70 and Mike Dockendorf Tim and Jean Dockendorf Bob ‘67 Dols and Patti Loehr-Dols Mary ‘73 Dombovy and Mike Johnson Ken ‘51 and Madeline Dombrovski Roger ‘52 and Mary ‘55 Dombrovski Linda ‘66 and Jerry Donabauer Ruth Donais Donlar Corporation Fran Donlin Larry ‘48 and Rita Donlin Joyce Donovan ‘53 Andy and Kathy Doom Dan Dorgan ‘70 Mike and Bobbie Dorle George Dorn Amy Dorn ‘92 Randy ‘84 and Janel Dorn 17 A NNUA L GI VI NG RE PORT Rosemary ‘59 and Dennis Drevniak Dottie ‘59 and John Drew Charles ‘50 and Diane ‘54 Drexler Michael and Lisa Drong Mike and Teri Durbin Barb ‘62 and Mark Durenberger Dave ‘65 and Esther ‘67 Dusha Marc and Teresa Dvoracek Henryk and Liz Dymus Tim and Nancy Ebel Pat and AnnElise Edeburn Ed Edelbrock ‘44 Virg ‘46 and Millie Egerman Bruce Egerman ‘78 and Barbara Harlander ‘78 Steve and Kelli Ehlen Bobbi Eich Bill and Marilyn Eichler Steph Eichman ‘01 Tom ‘77 and Sue ‘78 Eickhoff Joe Eikmeier ‘49 Don ‘71 and Maryls Eikmeier Keith and Brenda Eisenschenk Mike and Deb Eisenstadt David ‘52 and Elvira Eizenhoefer Kay ‘52 and David Ek Tim ‘76 and Susan Elchert Ken ‘68 Elchert and Clare ‘74 Eickhoff Elchert Tim and Bernie Elhard Kim ‘04 and Erik Ellingboe Jill Ellingson Mary Alyce Elwell ‘58 For the year ended June 30, 2014 Sarah ‘02 and Ryan ‘02 Engdahl Engel Law Firm Greg and Susan Engel Mardelle England ‘49 Richard and Marie English Carol Erickson ‘55 David and Jeanne Erickson Sarah ‘97 and Mark Erickson Bernie Erie ‘54 Karla Eriksson Gerry ‘55 and Renee Esselman Bassey Eyo Steve ‘78 and Connie Faber Marc Faerber Bill ‘84 Faerber and Lisa Pesta-Faerber Michael ‘51 and Nancy ‘55 Fandel Fritz Fandel ‘41 John Fandel ‘68 Sister Margaret Farley ‘53 Bill and Bernice Farmer Cindy and Gary Fasching Jerome ‘46 and Rita Fasen Sandra ‘81 and Leon Faust Kelly ‘87 and Greg ‘87 Feddema Gene ‘51 and Shirley Feddema Gerald ‘69 and Jo Ann Feld Carol ‘70 and Richard Feneis Kit Ferber Jennifer and Jason Ferche Bernard Ferche ‘52 James and Marion Ferkinhoff Lyle and Karen Ferkinhoff Allison Fick ‘04 Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Virginia ‘48 and Norbert Fiedler Pat ‘50 and Mel Fiereck Steve Figge ‘85 Patrick and Joan Figge Tom Figge Dick ‘59 and Katherine Fink Nick and Judi Finneman Tom and Jodi Fischer Don ‘86 and Anita ‘90 Fischer Robert ‘50 and Renee ‘52 Fischer Eleanor ‘46 and Duane Fischer Sister Rita Fischer ‘46 Jim ‘49 and Irene Fischer Howard ‘41 and Jamie Fish Ken ‘57 and Karen ‘59 Fladung Audrey ‘62 and John Fladung Joanie Flanagan ‘66 Theresa ‘92 and Rick Fleege Paul ‘78 and Cindy Fleegel Richard Fleming ‘43 Jason and Karla Fleming Cristian and Camelia Florea Jeanette Flynn ‘53 Father Henry Foehrenbacher ‘38 Ashley ‘05 and Nate Fogarty Donald Forcier ‘52 Art Forcier ‘54 Elizabeth Formanek Linda and Gary Formhals Jim ‘54 and Judie Fouquette Darcy Frank-Henrichs and Mike Henrichs Kurt and Karla Franke Daniel and Debra Frantti Mona ‘81 and Steve Freeberg Pete Freese ‘08 Paul ‘75 and Jeanne Friebe Joyce Friebe ‘45 Diane ‘70 and Joe ‘72 Friebe Tim ‘63 and Marilyn ‘63 Fritz Sheila ‘84 and Troy Fritz Marvin Fruth ‘57 Peter and Anne Fuchsteiner Fulfillment Distribution Center Dave and Carol Funk Mike and Therese Gadbois Catherine Gadbois Steve Gadbois ‘74 Matt ‘87 and Beth Gaetz Steve ‘69 and Carol Gaetz David and Patty Gaetz Ray ‘47 and Laurel ‘57 Galarneault Pat ‘68 and DeWayne Gallenberg Angie Gambrino ‘47 Leo Gambrino ‘48 Bernard Gambrino ‘42 Peter Gambucci Robert ‘70 and Cherri Gans Rudy Gapko Robert and Barbara Gardetto Ron ‘52 and Dureen Gasser Colette Gates ‘37 Shirley Gebhardt Don Gebhardt ‘54 Jenny ‘89 and Steve Genereau Jon Gerchy ‘86 Curtis and Betty Ghylin Sally Gibson Chuck ‘65 and Kris Gilley Pete and Delores Giroux Carol ‘63 and Terry Gleason Richard and Mary Gleisner Mary* Goedert ‘35 Marjorie ‘70 and John Goerg Mary Kay Goerger ‘52 Rosemary ‘56 Goff and Bob Toborg Jerry ‘69 and Linda Gohl Mary Lou Golden ‘47 Diane ‘63 and John Golden Brigid and Andy Golebiowski James and Joan Gonsior Sally Gordon Rita ‘55 and Ed Gordon Yvonne Gorman ‘59 Claire Graham ‘52 Lori ‘83 and Blake Grams Great River Bowl Partners Pub Michelle Greenleaf Ruth Grelson Lorraine Gresser ‘47 Jerry ‘51 and Kathy Gretsch Lynn and Red Grewing Sara ‘95 Grewing and Jonathan Schmidt Marj ‘95 and Brent Groseth Georgian Gross Richard and Karen Gruber Father Bernie Gruenes Carolyn Gruenes ‘12 Jenny Gruenes ‘05 Gloria Grundhoefer ‘79 Joseph and Rosie Guck Rajesh and Jana Gulati Len and Harriet Gustin Gene ‘56 and Mary Ann Haakonson Padge ‘66 and George Haas Russ Habighorst Larry ‘55 and Myrna ‘59 Habstritt Peter and Anne Hackert Doreen ‘50 and Dick Hageman Diane Hageman and John Stemper Ser ‘44 and Myra Hagen Dan ‘77 and Janet ‘78 Hagen Jim ‘50 and Pauline Hall Sharon Hall ‘72 and James Page Ann ‘88 and Jason Hallonquist Jim ‘51 and Ingrid Halstead Mark ‘88 and Gina ‘88 Halstrom Bridget and Scott Hamak Dick Hamilton Pat ‘52 and Bob Hammell Steve and Liz Hammer Carol ‘50 and Gerald Hannula Polly ‘60 and Sid Hansen Norm and Judy Hansen Jeanette ‘66 and Curt Hanson Noelle ‘89 and Dave Hanson Dr. Bob ‘75 and Lynn Hanson Dave Happke Donna ‘45 and Paul Hardwig Larene Hark Jim and Mary Ann Harlander Deb ‘71 and Michael Harper Tom and Jeanne Hartmann Jeremy Hartneck ‘95 Gretchen Hassler ‘53 Dale and Lori Hawkins Erinn ‘95 and Andy Hawkins Elizabeth Hayden Al Heider ‘60 Dale and Kay Heimermann Seth Heimermann ‘97 Bud Heinen ‘58 Irma ‘58 and John Heinen Tom ‘56 and Lucy Helfter Donald Helgeson and Sue Shepard Mary Heller ‘54 Gene ‘52 and Jean ‘52 Heltemes Mike and Barb Hemmelgarn Derek ‘92 and Barb ‘92 Hemmer Ken and Jane Hemmesch Audree Hempel ‘52 Jeanette ‘51 and Gerry Hendrickson Vic ‘46 and Joyce ‘50 Hengel Sue Hengel ‘84 Bob ‘75 and Karen Hengel Gene ‘57 and Marion Hengel Chuck ‘67 and Barb ‘67 Henkel Dave ‘88 and Karen Henkemeyer Marty ‘82 and Janice Henkemeyer Jamie and Kate Henkemeyer Mary Jane Hennemann ‘68 Janelle ‘82 and Wayne Hennen Tom ‘78 and Amanda Hennen Bob ‘53 and Mary Jane ‘55 Hennen Eric Hennen ‘99 Dick ‘56 and Beverly Hennen Dolores Henning Patrice Henning ‘80 Mary and Dan Henry Muriel Henry ‘43 Robert Henry ‘47 Jim ‘69 and Patty ‘69 Henry John and Judy Herdan Roger and Sharon Hess Harriet Hess Jeff ‘86 and Ann Hess Peter ‘75 and Cynthia Hess Hewlett-Packard Michael ‘85 and Kristy Heying Marlene Heying ‘88 Joe ‘90 and Susan Heying Lucille Hick ‘48 Mary Jane Hick ‘48 Bill ‘54 and Jan Hiemenz Jim ‘55 and Dannielle Higgins Pat Hill Ed and Laura Hill Mary ‘85 and Kent Hinkemeyer Alice Hinnenkamp ‘79 Carla Hinnenkamp Mitch Hinnenkamp ‘10 Jenn Hinnenkamp ‘12 Jerry ‘64 and Margie Hirschfeld Paul and Tricia Hjort Deb and John Hoefs Harry and Jan Hoelscher Dick ‘56 and Ginny Hoeschen Charles Hoffman ‘01 and Katie Randolph ‘03 Russ ‘44 and Rosemary ‘46 Hofmann Luby Hollenhorst ‘49 Mary Ann Hollenhorst ‘50 Mark ‘73 and Jane Ann ‘73 Hollenhorst Dan ‘66 Hollenhorst and Juliana ‘67 Elchert Nick Hollermann ‘10 Patrick and Deanne Hollermann Kevin and Carol Holton Patty ‘81 and Tom Hooley Elaine ‘64 and William Hooper John Hoppe ‘69 Michael and LaVon Hormann C. J. Hormann ‘52 MariLu ‘60 and Michael Hornstein Mike and Joy Hornung Larry Hortsch Doug ‘64 and Barb ‘64 Host Joan Host ‘49 Dolores ‘47 and Stuart Hovelsrud Juliana and Jerry Howard Margy Hughes Mark and Mary Hughes Mark Hughes ‘68 Ray Hughes Kevin ‘54 and Joanne Hughes Tom ‘82 and Alicia Hughes Brady and Lynette Hughs Kathy Huls Warren Hultman Sandy ‘60 and Ron Hurd Mary ‘73 and Patrick Hynes Paul ‘74 and Karen Imholte Lynn Imholte ‘80 Joelle Imholte ‘76 Arnold ‘78 and Jane ‘78 Imholte Elaine Imholte Andy ‘97 and Jessica Imholte Katie Imholte ‘00 Frank ‘71 and Peg Imholte Kurt Inderrieden ‘89 Father Mark Innocenti Adam ‘97 and Laura ‘98 Iten Colleen ‘52 and David Jackson Donna Jaeger ‘49 Jim ‘58 and Judy Jagielski Steve ‘80 and Jenny Jameson Marianne ‘52 and Tom Jancik Elizabeth Jansen Karen ‘74 Jansky-Koll and Thomas Koll Francis Januschka Bonnie Janutka ‘54 For the year ended June 30, 2014 Warren and Dianne Janzen Mary Jarnot Adam ‘65 and Jan Jaskowiak Joan ‘77 and Jeff Jaye Jean ‘68 and Fred Jeffery Tim Jendro ‘62 Brian and Patty Jensen Amy ‘76 and Craig Jensen Annie Johnson ‘53 Red ‘47 and Elaine Johnson Larry and Wendy Johnson Jeffrey and Tammy Johnson Lauri Johnson Nancy ‘68 and Ed Johnson Kathleen Johnson and Kevin Shimak Eric and Michelle Johnson Gail ‘92 and Wade Johnson Mike and Pat Johnson Tim and Carla Johnston Jim and Amy Jonas Ron and Anna Jonas Jim Jones Tim and Judi Jones Chris and Andrea Joos Steve and Brenda Joul Robert* and Mary Joyce Bob ‘50 and Mary ‘50 Juenemann Kristy Jungers Gene Jurek ‘59 Donald and Angelica Jurgens Carole ‘53 and Will Justin Martha Kaehler ‘79 Ted Kain ‘08 Joe Kainz ‘81 Don and Rita Kainz Mike ‘65 and Rita Kaiser Harvey Kalla ‘48 LeRoy ‘52 and Betty Kalla Francis Kalusche ‘54 ANNUAL GI VI NG RE PORT 18 Paul ‘74 and Mary ‘75 Kampa Betty Kampa-Miller Polly ‘81 and Mike Kaplan Margi ‘62 and Ken ‘58 Kappes Brad and Becky Kapsner Allan and Carrie Karki Bob ‘59 and Karen Karn Mary Lou Kasella ‘60 Patricia Kasimor Lynn ‘76 and Jeff Kaster Emmett and Barb Keenan Anne ‘04 and Luke Keene Julie and Dennis Keim Adam ‘97 and Molly Keim Clayton Keim ‘02 Bridget ‘87 and David Keller Jim ‘54 Keller and Laura Wittern-Keller John ‘54 and Pearl Keller Chet and Sherry Kelm Bill and Sharon Kemp LeAnn ‘77 and Mark Kemper Mike Kenefick ‘77 Dorothy Kenefick Margaret Kennedy Bob ‘79 and Lynn Kerber Nancy ‘74 and Paul Kerestes Brian ‘76 and Tammy Kerfeld Al and Doreen Kern Bernie ‘49 and Marge ‘48 Kersting Amy ‘85 and Kamran Khan Jerry Kieke Michael and Charlotte Kiekenapp Marie Kigin ‘77 Rick ‘75 and Laura Kigin Michael ‘64 and Judith Kigin Kimberly-Clark Foundation Jamie ‘91 and Katie Kinzer Jane ‘76 and Mike Kirby John ‘70 Kirchner and Doris Allen-Kirchner Lisa ‘79 and John Kirchner Manny Kissner and Laurie Seifert-Kissner Rich and Jan Klaverkamp Carol Klee ‘51 Gary ‘54 and Nellie ‘56 Klein Robert Klein ‘78 Mary Ellen Klein Dayna Klein Carol Klein ‘56 Jeff ‘94 and Nicole Klein Dave ‘77 and Julie Klein Denise and Brian Klein Tom ‘68 and Alice Klein Paul ‘96 and Nina Kleinschmidt Dale ‘61 and Karen Kleinschmidt Bob ‘52 and Phyllis ‘59 Kleinschmidt 19 A NNUA L GI VI NG RE PORT Tim ‘84 and Carol ‘86 Kleinschmidt Jason and Angie Klinefelter Darrell ‘61 and Darlene Kloeppner Bill ‘73 and Sheila Kloeppner Marie Kloskin Jeff and Patty Knapek Kayley Knapek ‘09 Thomas Knapp Chuck ‘76 and Sandi Knier LaVonne ‘63 and Tom Knuff Katie Knutson ‘96 Ken ‘59 and Marilyn ‘61 Koch Father Benjamin Kociemba Richard and Katherine Koeck John and Karla Koenig Patricia Koenig Peter ‘72 and Nancy Koenig Al and Judy Koepp Tom ‘57 and Joy Koerber Al ‘55 and Kay Koerner Hank and Vicky Kohorst Karla ‘86 Kohorst Voigt and Larry Voigt Bernard and Carol Koopmeiners Linus and Marina Koopmeiners Dan and Lori Koopmeiners Scott and Deb Koopmeiners Tami and Jason Koosmann Lee and Barbara Kopp John ’70 and Pamela Korman Ray ‘52 and Barb ‘61 Kosel Wally Kosel ‘41 Kathy Koshiol ‘61 Tom and Dorothy Koshiol Mary Teresa ‘89 and Jeff Koslowski Pat Kost ‘48 Louis ‘72 and Susan Kost Bill and Joan Kotsmith Bob ‘71 and Mary Kovell Jackie ‘61 and Walter Kowalski Glenn and Theresa Kranz Laddie* Kray ‘26 Sandy ‘67 and John Krebsbach Helen Krebsbach ‘53 John Krebsbach ‘04 John ‘49 and Marie Krebsbach Mary Kremer ‘72 Patricia Kremer ‘60 Al and Yvonne Kremers Thomas and Catherine Kremers Taffy ‘88 and Gerard Kroll Harvey ‘49 and Helen ‘49 Kruchten Elaine ‘58 and Sylvester Krueger Peggy Krull-Bordewick and Mark Bordewick Peter and Deborah Krump Father Robert* Krystosek For the year ended June 30, 2014 Amy Krystosek Bruce and Stephanie Kudak Dave Kuefler Paul and Carol Kuhn Meghan ‘98 and Dave Kuhn Becky ‘71 and Miles Kulzer Bernard ‘67 and Karen Kunkel Julie ‘80 Kunkel and Tom Hall Isabel Kunkel Ray and Lois Kuntz Dennis Kurtz ‘67 Joel Kussman ‘59 Barry and Leslie LaBine JoAnn LaBine Lori ‘92 and Pete Lagergren John ‘49 and Jan Lahr Kevin ‘79 and Sandie ‘83 Lahr Megan Lahr ‘06 Regina Lahr ‘47 Miles ‘65 and Suzanne Lahr Ron ‘65 and Barb Lahr Jerry ‘53 and Bev ‘53 Lahr Gene ‘55 and Barb ‘55 Lahr Mike and Kim Lakmann James Lalley Scott and Lori Lange Jim and Lynda Langer Tom ‘72 and Sandy ‘73 Lanz Paul ‘78 and Nancy Lanz David Lardy ‘63 Sveinar and Judi Larsen Jim ‘56 and Ruth ‘60 Larson Todd and Rose Larson Tom ‘52 and Dee Latzka Ed ‘70 and Cathy Laubach Lisa and Gerry Laudenbach August and Irene Laudenbach Patti Laue ‘51 Lee ‘48 and Corinne Lauer Glen Lauer Jim ‘50 and Mary Jane ‘53 Lauerman Carolyn Lauermann Sandy ‘59 and Jim Laurilla Phil ‘96 and Sarah ‘96 Layne Allen ‘51 and Shirley Le Claire Tom ‘54 and Judy Le Roux Diane ‘55 and Bob Leaders Patrick ‘96 and Kelly ‘96 Leary Mike ‘70 and Debbie Lechner Kelsey LeClaire ‘10 Bill and Teresa LeClaire Mary Jo ‘61 and Thomas Lee Rebecca and Dan Legatt Jean Leighton Gretchen Leisen ‘59 Mary Leisen ‘51 Joan* Leisen ‘55 Reba Leither Max ‘03 and Anna ‘03 Leither Julie ‘79 and Mark Lembeck Don Lemmerman ‘61 Dick ‘54 and Arlene ‘57 Lenarz Gary and Sue Lentner Don ‘63 and Gloria Lenzen Carol Lenzmeier Mike and Bonnie Lenzmeier Marge ‘50 and Ollie Lesnick Karen ‘86 and Chris Leum Hub ‘53 Levandowski and Karol Voight Moorman Mark and Lori Lewandowski Father Greg Lieser Father Vince Lieser Laura ‘71 and David Light Rick ‘62 and Mary ‘63 Lindmeier Christopher Lindquist and Diane Scheierl Matt and Amy Lindstrom Dan ‘52 and Irene ‘54 Linn William ‘65 and Patricia Litchy Sarah Liveringhouse Theresa ‘59 and John Livermore Linda ‘76 and Kevin Lochner Jean ‘71 and Dean Loeck Wayne Loehr ‘69 Pete ‘77 and Carole ‘77 Loehr Victor Loehrer ‘60 Paul and Joan Lombardi Paul ‘86 and Cathy Lombardi Anne ‘85 and Garett Lombardi Susalski Bert ‘50 and LeRoy Lommel Jay and Teri Lommel Sharon Lommel ‘61 Geraldine Lommel Paul and Carol Longsdorf Marilyn ‘50 and Rudy Lorbiecki Chuck and Ruth Lorsung Mark Loso Georgia Loughren ‘64 John ‘80 and Cheryl ‘80 Lovitz Edith Lucas ‘57 Paula Ludewig ‘82 JoAnn ‘54 and Larry Luetmer Jean ‘55 and Rick Lundt Jake ‘53 and Jane ‘56 Lynch Robert Mace and Diane Stocker-Mace Jerry ‘53 Mack and Esperanza Rodriquez Don and Carol Mackinac Rich ‘82 and Cheryl Mackinac Mahowald Insurance Agency John Mahowald ‘69 and Donna Kuhl ‘69 John Maiers ‘69 Joe ‘76 and Amy ‘79 Maiers Marlene ‘53 and Don Maile Annette Maleska Jason ‘93 and Anna Malikowski Ken and Julitta Malikowski Jean Malley Steve ‘59 and Sandy Manderfeld Chuck ‘77 and Cheryl Manthey Mike ‘66 and Jan Marchand Steve and Trese Mareck Dave and Geri Marquardt Colleen ‘04 and Brooks Marquardt Jim and Kerry Marrer Harry and Ginny Marso Bill* Martini ‘56 Elsa ‘50 and Bob Martinson Al and Audrey Maselter Mary Kay ‘63 and Mike Masterson Kathy ‘63 and Ron Mastey Mathew Hall Lumber Company Daniel and Elizabeth Mathews Jeremy ‘94 and Dawn ‘94 Mathiasen Matt ‘94 and Marney Mathiasen Glenn Mathiasen Lyle ‘68 and Barb Mathiasen Brian Matsuura ‘99 Mike ‘81 and Lisa Maurer Mary Mayer ‘52 Carol Mayer ‘56 Connie DeVore Mayhew ‘57 Pat ‘74 and Patti McCann Marie* McConnell Mark and Marnee McGowan John ‘59 and Janet ‘59 McHugh Thomas Lamb Sharon McMahon ‘55 Joy ‘83 and Dick McMorrow Mary Jane McNamara ‘63 Tom ‘85 and Kim McReavy Bob McReavy ‘77 Bill McReavy ‘76 Kathy and Sylvan McStott Eric and Kay Medelberg Dave ‘65 and Lu Meemken Vic ‘65 and Jolayne ‘65 Mehr Dave and Michelle Mehr Conrad and Corine Meier Randy and Nia Meierhofer George ‘72 and Jean Meinz Karen ‘71 and Jim Meinz Ken ‘65 and Rebecca Melich Barb ‘74 and Greg Melsen Lee ‘53 and Rosie ‘56 Menke Pat ‘83 and Bridget Menke John Meuers Bruce Meyer ‘64 Rose Mary ‘64 and Tom Meyer Neil and Betty Meyer Leila Meyer ‘56 Jim and Doreen Meyer Calistie Meyer ‘02 Jerome and Janet (Studer) Meyer Letty ‘60 and Bob ‘61 Meyer Allan Meyer ‘59 Tom ‘83 and Kim Meyer Roxanne and Donnie Meyer Jerry* ‘56 and Leila ‘56 Meyer Bob ‘49 and Dorothy ‘48 Meyer Dolores Mick ‘61 Dennis and Elizabeth Miller Shelley ‘76 and Jim Miller Katie Mimbach Brenda Minette Bruce and Nancy Minkkinen Minnesota State High School Baseball Coaches Association Mary Ann Mitchell ‘52 Pete and Mel Mitchell Carl and Katherine Moberg Jane Mobilia-Witte and Al Witte Bob Mockenhaupt ‘52 Mike and Barb Moeller Richard ‘57 and Marilyn ‘65 Mohr Lorraine Mohs Albert ‘52 and Coral ‘52 Mohs George Mokarakorn ‘93 Rochelle Molitor ‘06 Mary Montagne ‘74 Jodi ‘89 and Jared Morris Mary ‘45 and Lyle Morris Evelyn Morrow ‘41 Mary ‘67 and Ron Morton Jan ‘57 and Robert Moynagh Charles and Roxanne Muehlbauer Ardelle Mueller ‘44 Kathy and Scott Mugge Steve and Barb Mulawka Peter and Becky Mullin Laurie ‘75 and Mike Mullin Merry Mund David Munsinger ‘60 John ‘46 and Jean ‘52 Munsinger Stephen and Joan Murphy Patt ‘57 and Jim Murphy Laura ‘73 and Mike Murphy Jim ‘53 and Kathy ‘59 Murphy Dan ‘48 and Yvonne Murphy Greg Murray ‘80 Craig ‘60 and Carole Muyres Mary ‘67 and Gary Nadeau Jim Nahan ‘46 Mike and Donna Nathe Mary Neidermeier Robin and Pam Nelson Tory Nelson ‘84 Eric and Mary Kay Nepsund Joe and Veronica Nessler Peter Nessler Scott and Lori Neutzling Bob ‘62 and Barb Nicol Laura ‘97 and Todd Nielsen James and Margaret Nierengarten Bert Nies ‘54 Ryan Noack ‘06 Art Noehring ‘43 Mike and Judy Noonan Mike ‘86 Noonan and Kristin NilsenNoonan Doug and Linda Nordang Vernette Notch-Rumsey ‘52 Julie and Steven Notsch John O’Connell ‘77 Ed O’connell Bill ‘66 and Jeanie O’Connell Nita ‘54 and Mike O’Connor Dennis ‘51 and Evie O’Donnell Michael and Jane O’Donnell Jay and Kristen O’Donnell Pat ‘58 and Donna O’Donnell Joyce ‘60 and Jerry O’Driscoll Chris and Mary O’Hagan Mary Ann O’Hara ‘69 Ryan ‘95 and Jaime O’Hara Mick* ‘69 and Mary Ann ‘69 O’Hara Eric ‘00 and Jennifer O’Link Jim Oldsberg ‘57 Dr. John and Lois Olinger Lori Olmscheid Robert and Margaret Olson Joe ‘70 Opatz and Pamela Steckman Ralph Opatz ‘43 Gerry ‘49 and Peggy ‘49 Opatz Janet Opatz Mary Cheryl Opatz ‘76 Cookie Opitz ‘71 Arlene ‘56 and Mel Opstad Alison ‘95 and Scott Orbin Mike ‘76 and Michelle Orren Virginia Orth ‘48 David and Linda Orzechowski Jim and Maureen Otremba Duane Otremba ‘68 Gil and Marlys Otto Judy ‘64 and Tom Otto Pat Overman Ruth ‘60 and Lloyd Pallansch Don ‘51 and Donna ‘51 Pallansch Mary Palmquist ‘44 Pam’s Auto, Inc. Greg ‘55 and Joyce Pappenfus Dave Parry ‘67 Kevin ‘73 and Mary ‘74 Parry Patricia Parsons Tom and Sue Peck Stan and Sheila Pedersen Bob ‘43 and Anita Peffer David Pelle ‘60 Donna ‘68 and Roger Peltier For the year ended June 30, 2014 Mark ‘71 and Teri Pendergast Cathy ‘74 and Robert Penn Steve Penticuff and Jennifer Beste Connie Perry-Pesch and Mike Pesch David and Carla Peschel Maria Peters-Bodette and John Bodette Brett and Jennifer Peterson Mike Peterson ‘68 Rorri and Pam Peterson Maria and Thomas Peterson Bela and Kathy Petheo Kate Pettit ‘62 Don Pettitt ‘62 Barb ‘73 and George Peyla Cindy ‘91 and Paul Pfannenstein Marie ‘55 and Ron Pfannenstein Lori Pfannenstein ‘57 Rita ‘54 and Charles Pfeffer Jim ‘69 and Anita Phillips Margaret ‘63 and Peter Pick Frank* and Joan Pickard Maggie ‘86 and Michael Pickart Perry and Rachel Pickerign Katie ‘86 and Paul Pilosi Betsy ‘70 and Paige Piper-Bach Frank ‘81 and Melissa Plachecki Noreen ‘50 and Joe Plaisance Mary ‘86 and Tom Plankers Plaza Park Bank Father Jeremy Ploof Mary Ann ‘47 and Ben Poepping Kathryn ‘70 Poepping-Mathiasen and Mike Mathiasen Jean Poganski ‘44 Randy ‘76 and Chris ‘76 Poganski ANNUAL GI VI NG RE PORT 20 Kathy ‘66 and Dean Pohland Mary Jo ‘78 and Don Polfliet Joseph and Rozanne Pollack Duane Popilek ‘45 Dotty ‘55 and Donald Popp Father Ken Popp ‘71 Betty Porwoll ‘45 Tom ‘84 and Amy Porwoll Larry ‘53 and Vera ‘55 Poston Jeanne Potter ‘62 Del and Sharon Pouliot Peggy Powers ‘45 David Prem ‘53 Patrice Prentice Marie Przybilla Art ‘53 and Anne Przybilla David ‘05 and Shannan ‘05 Puchalla Bob ‘53 and JoLynn Puff David ‘54 and Sigri Pull Mary Pull ‘59 Sue Pundsack ‘80 Tim and Mary Quick Kevin Quinlivan ‘80 Dennis* Quinlivan ‘46 Mike ‘76 and Mary Quinlivan Steve ‘77 and Lori Quinlivan Carliene Quist ‘03 Sue ‘68 and David Rademacher Bob ‘49 and Yvonne ‘49 Rader Lucille Radovich Anne Raeker Gene ‘70 and Audrey ‘70 Raiche Donna Rajkowski Harry ‘65 and Sharon Ramler Mark and Debbie Ramsdell Joe and Elizabeth Ranweiler Rita ‘46 and Bob Rassier David Rastetter ‘70 Joanne Rau ‘51 Robert ‘46 and Gladys Rausch Pat Reasbeck ‘71 Jane Reber Kay Regnier Darcy Reich Ed and Mary Lou Reichert Gretchen ‘60 and Barry Reid Bill Reilly ‘66 Faye Reilly ‘40 Patricia ‘81 and Robert Reinhardt George and Judy Reinl Reinsurance Associates, Inc. George ‘71 and Marcy Reisdorf Richard Reisdorf ‘55 LaDonna Reisdorf ‘51 Jackie Reisinger ‘51 21 A NNUA L GI VI NG RE PORT Eric ‘96 and Elizabeth Reisinger Marty and Karen Reker Helen Reller ‘47 Rich and Joy Remer Rich and Joy Remer Tom Rengel ‘63 Bob ‘46 and Rita ‘53 Rengel Ronald ‘64 and Mary Rennie Molly Renslow ‘67 John Retica Nick and Bernice Reuter Tim ‘88 and Kathy Reuter Jamie and Claudia Revermann Charles and Helen Revier Diane ‘68 and James Reynolds Millie Rice Paul ‘83 and Teri Richardson Steve Richter ‘01 Jim ‘63 and Jan Rieder Rev. Donald* Rieder ‘42 Rich ‘62 and Lorraine ‘64 Ring Denny ‘57 and Karol ‘58 Ringsmuth Frank ‘70 and Laura Ringsmuth Al Ringsmuth ‘42 Steve and Mary Jo Robak Ben and Paulette Robinson Catherine ‘71 and Joe Roby Mike ‘78 and Cindy ‘78 Roden Aaron ‘83 and Anne Rodriguez Tom Roe ‘50 Susan Roe ‘58 Frank and Rosemary Roehl For the year ended June 30, 2014 Gary ‘61 and Edi ‘63 Roering Barbara Rogan Mary ‘65 and Ted Rogers Greg and Ruth Rolek Bryan and Amy Rolph Mickey ‘47 and Peggy Rooney Edward Roos Dan Rosenthal and Missy HeinenRosenthal Steve ‘94 and Trisha Ross Bob ‘57 and Carol Ross Clarence ‘60 and Donna Mae ‘63 Ross Mike and Beth Roth Margaret Roth Terry ‘59 and Judy ‘60 Rothstein Brian ‘93 and April Rothstein Ronald ‘65 and Doris ‘66 Rothstein Harry ‘77 and Tina Rothstein Jim and Melissa Rothstein Ralph and Jacqueline Roubal Delores Rubald Patti ‘76 and Ron Rud Tom Rudolph ‘94 Tom ‘69 and Cathy Rudolph Paul and Caroline Ruegemer Rose Mary ‘57 and Cornel Ruehle Alice ‘49 and Tony Rueter Jane Ruether ‘50 Mike ‘74 and Julie Ruether Fred ‘69 and Roberta Rupp Amy Rusterholz ‘84 Sheila ‘54 and Donald Saatzer Dorothy Sadlo Deb ‘83 and Elie Safi Phil ‘67 and Jean ‘68 Sakry Marian ‘52 and John ‘52 Sakry Joe ‘83 and Jeanne Salaski Pat and Roger Salay Jim ‘59 and Augie Salzer Mike ‘97 and Robin Sand Sandi ‘65 and Richard Sanders Ann ‘78 and Joe Sanders Steve ‘79 and Michelle ‘77 Sauer Dave ‘56 and Joyce ‘57 Sauer Donald and Mary Ann Sauer John ‘54 and Margie Sauer Tom ‘61 and Yvonne ‘62 Sauer Kathi and Mark Sauerer Joyce ‘64 and Peter Savage John ‘74 and Carol Schaefer Marge Schaefer Ronald ‘67 and Diane Schaefer Ruth ‘70 and Mike Schaffer Ellis and Barb Scheevel Father Eberhard Schefers Father LeRoy Scheierl Tina and Rick Scheierl Karen Schellinger ‘63 Paul and Brenda Schermerhorn Corry and Ed Schermerhorn Darrell ‘60 and Eileen Schill Armella Schimnich ‘55 Ken ‘77 and Mary Schimnich Henry ‘58 and Deb Schindele Ronald ‘63 and Kathleen Schlangen Jim and Ann Schleper Rose Schleper Leona Schleper Dennis ‘79 and Brenda ‘79 Schleper Adam Schleper ‘04 Schluchter Investment Advisors Wayne and Juli Schluchter Bobbie ‘57 and Roger Schmid Ted ‘83 and Julie Schmid Lloyd ‘59 and Connie ‘62 Schmidt Tom and JoAnn Schmidt Dr. Chris and Melanie Schmidt Lavon Schmidt ‘48 Don ‘49 and Dee Schmidt Schmidty’s Superstore Jo Ann Schmiesing Matt and Sherri Schmit Robert and Kathy Schmit Harvey ‘71 and Mary ‘72 Schmitt Mike ‘68 and Betty Schmitt Patricia Schmitt ‘57 Ralph ‘44 and Mary Lou Schmitt Joseph and Jean Schmitz Chad and Nova Schmitz Neil and Annette Schneider Gregg Schneider ‘71 Kurt and Joanne Schneider Roman ‘41 and Patricia Schneider Claude ‘48 and Mary Schneider Mike and Deb Schnettler Roger ‘47 and Angie Schnobrich Kay Schnobrich ‘45 Mary Schober ‘52 Brian ‘87 and Debbie Schoenborn Jerome and Bernice Schoenborn Joseph and Samar Schoenecker Jackie ‘79 and Ron Schoenfelder Dan ‘53 and Shirley Schoonover Jackie ‘63 and Dell Schott Medora ‘99 and Joel Schou Jerry ‘56 and Karen ‘63 Schoumaker Joan ‘60 and Norbert Schramel Duane and Kerri Schramel Bonnie ‘67 and Herbert Schraut Jim ‘66 and Charlotte Schreifels Al ‘68 and Judy Schroden Jim Schroden ‘68 Ashley Schroeder ‘99 Bill and Ruth Schroeder Steve and Chris Schueller Tom Schuller Bill ‘61 and Donna Schulte Christie ‘04 and Chris Schulte Jack ‘59 and Joyce Schulte Lloyd ‘51 and Marge ‘52 Schultenover Steve ‘64 and Kathy ‘64 Schultenover Anna ‘56 and Ron Schultz Mary Schultz ‘45 Dennis ‘52 and Mary Jane Schuneman Eugene ‘59 and Maria Schuster Schwab Charitable Fund Geri ‘50 and Don Schwab Bernie Schwegel ‘45 John ‘52 and Lillian ‘55 Schwitalla Kathleen Schwitalla ‘54 Donald ‘57 and Patricia Seitz Diane ‘64 and Richard Selbitschka Helen ‘53 and Bob Selisker Suzanne Senn ‘67 Jo Senta Jerry* Setten Fred ‘59 and Del ‘59 Sexton Bob ‘62 and Sandy Sexton Joe ‘86 and Kathy Sexton Jim ‘50 and Yvonne ‘53 Sexton David ‘80 and Wendy ‘80 Sexton Tom ‘77 and Patty ‘77 Sexton Mike ‘68 and Marguerite Seymour Carol Sheridan ‘51 Kathleen Shimeta ‘69 Robert and Joyce Ann Shimota Greg and Maureen Shirley Short Stop Custom Catering Walter and Jeryn Sia Su Ann and Chris Sieben Cindy and Wayne Sieling Jayne ‘75 Sieverding and Peter Schipperijn Mike ‘65 Sieverding & Pat Widder Brenda Silkman Mike Sis ‘77 Harriet Sisk ‘60 Jeff ‘73 and Linda ‘73 Skumautz Ardell Skur ‘58 John and Teresa Sleva Kenneth Smith Rosemary and Leslie Smith Greg ‘99 and Tara Sniezek Mark Sniezek ‘69 Barbara ‘63 and Donald Snyder Robert and Sharon Snyder Heidi ‘82 and Doug Solomon Antoinette ‘70 and James Somerville Mary Sommers Rick and Sue Sovada Linda ‘70 and John Spanier Ron ‘59 and Sharon Spanier Moe Spanier ‘78 Scott and Julie Spanier Peter ‘76 and Kristi ‘78 Spaniol Jackie Speake ‘82 Steve and Jean Sperl Amanda Sperl ‘07 Adam Sperl ‘10 Susan Sperry Smith ‘64 Jeff and Lisa Spethmann Jo Ann Spoden ‘48 Rick ‘62 and Kay ‘62 Spors St. Paul Companies, Inc. Foundation Scott ‘73 and Renotta Stainbrook Jack ‘61 and Gerri ‘61 Staller Gary ‘87 and Jill Stang Daryl and Sheri Stang Brian Stanger Father Al Stangl Janet ‘59 and Charles Stark Dan Stark ‘81 and Kelly Haws ‘82 Kelly Stark-Haws ‘82 and Daniel Stark ‘81 Roger Stegura ‘65 Donald and Agnes Steichen Stephanie Steidl ‘02 Nina ‘88 and Mike Steil Daniel and Mary Steil Mary ‘66 and Ralph Stein Bernadette Stein Lee ‘64 and Jim ‘61 Steiner Marcia Stellmach ‘54 George and Rosmary Stelmach Allen and Barbara Stelton John Stemper and Diane Hageman Barb ‘62 and Bill Stender Chuck Stenger Greg and Jeanelle Stepan Glen and Marian Stevens Susan ‘69 and Tim Stier Claire Stock Bob Stocker and Cathy Matuska Lance ‘64 and Candace Stockinger Terri ‘77 and Gordy Stockinger Rita ‘37 and Dr. Philip Stoll Dan and Amy Stolt Brett Stolzenberg and Christina Anderson Richard ‘74 and Jan Stommes Lee ‘65 and Anne Stommes Gene and Bev Storms Kenneth ‘56 and Lou Ann ‘56 Strack Stephanie and Larry Stracke Rich ‘61 and Mary Streit Darby ‘75 and Marita ‘75 Streit Bud ‘42 and Cleo ‘48 Streitz Donna Mae Stroeing ‘42 Gary ‘65 and Margie ‘67 Stroeing Jan Strommen ‘72 Lois ‘54 and Roy Stuart Kathleen ‘86 and John Stuck Carol ‘75 and Gary Stuckmayer Mary ‘59 and Dennis Stukenborg Kathryn ‘59 and Peter Sufka Mike Sufka ‘92 Tom ‘95 and Carolyn Sullivan John ‘97 and Jennifer Sullivan Jerome and Dolores Supan Ruth ‘58 and Leroy Supan Janet Suraci ‘50 Josephine Swanson ‘51 Michael and Julie Sweere Rich ‘83 and Jane Symalla Virginia ‘46 and Joe Symons Dave ‘62 and Corrine Szafranski Carol Tamm & Family Michael and Julie Tangredi Target Take Charge of Education Patricia ‘63 and Donald Taylor Dean and Kathy Taylor Joe and Judy Teff Sharon Ten Clay ‘71 Brent ‘92 and Danielle Terhaar Marc ‘89 and Laresa Terhaar Karl and Jody Terhaar Ronald Thayer The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Victoria Theis ‘67 Kathryn ‘88 and Jason Theisen Mark and Joan Theisen Joe ‘48 and Geraldine Theisen Barbara Theisen ‘43 Jeanette Theisen Andy ‘76 and Carol Theisen Louise Theisen Al and Renee Theisen Rose ‘55 and Roman Theisen Paul Thelen ‘63 William ‘56 and Frances Thelen Adeline Then Curt ‘60 and Sue Thering Julie Therrien Mark and Carole Thibault Fred Thielman ‘66 For the year ended June 30, 2014 Marlene Thielman Father Kenneth Thielman Colleen ‘46 and Howard Thielman Peter ‘67 and Loretta Thielman Larry Thienes ‘51* Paul ‘52 and Carol Tholl Larry and Gloria Thome Mark and Anne Thome David and Teresa Thome Philip* Thometz Shirley ‘65 and Dennis Thompson Yvonne ‘56 and Don Thompson Jerry and Sue Thoreen Gerald and Roxann Thoreen Julie ‘77 Thoreen-Birkedal and Philip Birkedal Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Tammie ‘89 and Scott Thyen Wally ‘63 and Mary Thyen Steve ‘76 and Kathy Tillemans Barbara ‘46 and Robert Tinucci Dave Titus and Cathy Titus LaBuda Patsy ‘81 and Dave Tollefsrud Patrick ‘68 and Dee Tomczik Judith Tomczik ‘61 Ron ‘61 and Sandra ‘61 Tomczik ANNUAL GI VI NG RE PORT 22 Mary Alice Tomporowski Jeff ‘88 and Catherine Torborg Jerry and Ione Torborg Joe ‘87 and Lisa Torborg George and Shirley Torrey Mary Tourres ‘59 Louise Town ‘49 Andi and Will Towner Bill Traut Peter ‘52 and Susannah Trebtoske Herb and Linda Trenz Betsy ‘79 and Jim Trout David ‘59 and Meridel Turch Mary Unger Maureen Unger Bob ‘74 and Gretchen Unger United Way of Central Minnesota US Bancorp Foundation US Bank Cy ‘57 and Joan Valerius Len and Mary Ann Valley Paul ‘82 and Cheryl Valley Todd and Nancy Van Erp Jeremy Van Halbeck Tory ‘90 and Joel Van Halbeck Tom ‘67 and Karen ‘68 Van Hale Becky Van Ness and Steve Zinsli Jacqueline Vandeplasch Terrance ‘68 and Teresa ‘70 Vander Eyk Betsy ‘97 and Jacob VanScoy John and Alane Vazquez Tom ‘84 and Kathy Velline Dale ‘66 Victor and Karen Kapsner-Victor Jan ‘76 and Joe Vieau Mary ‘76 and Gerald Vierzba Dick ‘59 and Linda Virden Elaine Vogel Father Arthur Vogel Pat Voghtman ‘45 Gerald ‘81 and Gretchen Voigt Heidi ‘91 and Eric Voigt Paul and Terry Voigt Duane ‘78 and Aby Voigt Michelle and Jeff Voit David ‘56 and Charlotte ‘59 Volkmuth Lois Volkmuth ‘49 Jon and Sara Voss Carolyn Wacker Lorraine Wagner ‘43 Gene ‘54 and Bernie Waldorf Karla Waldorf-Rick and Tim Rick Helen ‘61 and Jerry Waldschmidt Scott and Cynthia Walls John and Kathy Walsh Irene* Walsh 23 A NNUA L GI VI NG RE PORT L I F ET I M E G I V I N G – F O U N D E R’S S O C I ET Y E stablished in 2009, the Founders Society recognizes those who, through a one-time gift or years of giving, have contributed $50,000 or more to Cathedral High School or any of its sponsored programs. Leonard ‘61 and Betty Walz Chad Walz Jan ‘77 and Terry Ward Eva Warnert ‘47 Tim ‘80 and Dawn Warzecha Jan Warzecha ‘57 Sally Watson ‘56 Julie ‘83 and Paul Weber Don and Sylvia Weeres Rick ‘72 and Carol ‘72 Weidner Deb ‘66 and Stan Weinberger JoAnn Weir Susan Weisbrich ‘67 Ralph ‘49 and Ann Weismann Jim ‘51 and Mary Jane Weismann John ‘71 and Sue ‘71 Weitz Tim and Jeanne Welch Derik and Nancy Weldon Paul ‘67 and Jacqueline Welle Nettie ‘39 and Bob Welle Bob Welle ‘69 Wells Fargo Fred ‘72 and Mary Beth ‘73 Wenner Paul and Lorraine Wenner Nate Wenner ‘89 Tim and Janet Wensman Bill and Margaret Werlinger Robert Werschay For the year ended June 30, 2014 Louise ‘52 and Don Westbrock (USN Ret.) Sharon ‘71 and James Westphal Father Ron Weyrens Rita ‘50 and Hugo Weyrens Molly Weyrens ‘87 Bob ‘66 and Penny ‘66 White Jenny ‘94 White and Brett Baloun Susan ‘69 and Keith Whitelam Dale and Barb Wick Wayne ‘62 and Carol Wieber Ron ‘74 and Katia Wieber Jessica ‘00 and Andrew Wiener James and Jennifer Wildeson Williams Dingmann Family Funeral Home Caroline and Dave Williams Jean Williams ‘52 T-Bone ‘70 and Linda ‘70 Williams Jim ‘65 and Janice ‘66 Williams John ‘94 and Penelope Williams Patsy Williams Payette Jeff ‘66 and Deb Wimmer Bill ‘47 and Katie ‘56 Wimmer Greg and Beth Windfeldt Jeff ‘80 and Debbie Windschitl Harold and Shirley Windschitl Sylvia ‘51 and John Winkelman Diane ‘67 and Bill Winscher Paul Winter ‘53 Maria (Laudenbach) Wintheiser ‘88 Robb ‘87 and Maria ‘88 Wintheiser Dennis Wintheiser Brian and Valerie Wise Blair ‘67 and Sharon Witt Bob Witte Jeri ‘58 and John Witzany Chuck ‘69 and Barb Wocken Marian Wocken ‘38 Craig Woerner ‘67 Ellen Woit ‘72 Pat ‘83 and Kathleen Wolf David and Susan Wolff Josh ‘93 and Jane Wolke Ben Wolke ‘95 Sharon ‘59 and Robert Wolle Julie ‘71 and Jeff Wood Judy Woods ‘61 Mary Ann Woods Leah ‘88 and Dave Wunderlich Tom and Judy Wyne Kevin Wyne ‘93 Ann Yaggie and Denny Rozeboom Elaine ‘59 and Chuck Yaggie Mike and Yvonne Yapuncich Greg and Lisa Yoerg Matt Young Jessie ‘93 and Craig Zack Dennis and Karen Zaun Todd ‘84 and Kyoko Zaun Joseph* Zeleny Patricia Zenner ‘57 Julie ‘82 Zenner and Tim Spangenberg John ‘86 and Ann Zenner Ron and Mary Lou Zenzen Kirk and Anna Zenzen Frank and JoAnn Zezoney Michael and Judith Ziemann Daryl ‘61 and Bonnie Zimmer Craig Zimmerman ‘78 Trent Zimmerman Norm and Mary Zirbes Mike and Julie Zniewski Bill and Nonna Zwick Sy Zylla ‘45 Mike Zyvoloski ‘03 • Charles and Ellora Alliss Educational Foundation Dave ‘78 and Sandy Baldwin Dave and Penny Berdan Bernick’s Pepsi Roger ‘48 and Mary Birk Dick ‘73 and Mimi ‘74 Bitzan Anonymous Coborn’s Incorporated Bill ‘52 and Joyce ‘52 Coborn Ed Edelbrock ‘44 Tom ‘77 and Sue ‘78 Eickhoff Dan ‘81 and Julie ‘77 Hall Herbert Hall* Jim ‘50 and Pauline Hall Loran ‘74 and Bonnie ‘76 Hall Leo Henkemeyer Marie Hennen ‘32* Bob ‘53 and Mary Jane ‘55 Hennen Andy* and Carol Hilger Klasen, Incorporated Lee and Barbara Kopp John ‘70 and Pamela Korman Father Robert Krystosek* John ‘57 and Arlene Leisen Gretchen Leisen ‘59 Maryanne ‘74 and John Mahowald John Mahowald ‘69 and Donna Kuhl ‘69 Anonymous Mathew Hall Lumber Company Marie McConnell* Bob McReavy ‘77 Bruce Meyer ‘64 Joe and Veronica Nessler Mike and Judy Noonan Plaza Park Bank John and Kathy Reisinger Bob ‘46 and Rita ‘53 Rengel Nick and Bernice Reuter Steve ‘75 and Sue Rice Denny ‘57 and Karol ‘58 Ringsmuth Mike ‘69 and Joan Sager Harold* ‘31 and Winnie* Schaefers Judith Schmid ‘59 Fred ‘59 and Del ‘59 Sexton Bob ‘62 and Sandy Sexton Jim ‘50 and Yvonne ‘53 Sexton Bob Stocker and Cathy Matuska Marie (Kirchner) Stone Foundation Robert and Donna Sullivan* Mary ‘49 and Lee Torborg Louise Town ‘49 US Bank Bob and Karen Velline Frank Vouk Bette* ‘42 and Victor Walling Terry ‘78 Warzecha and Kathleen Harris John ‘55 and Mary ‘56 Weitzel Bob ‘66 and Penny ‘66 White Ron ‘74 and Katia Wieber Tom ‘64 and Cathy ‘69 Williams Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Zapp Bank Gregg Zaun ‘85 Connie Zierden ‘26* Sy Zylla ‘45 * = Deceased For the year ended June 30, 2014 ANNUAL GI VI NG RE PORT 24 Charles and Ellora Alliss Educational Foundation Jeff ‘86 and Kari Ament Scott ‘82 and Sandy Austing Ayco Charitable Foundation Pat and Sandy Baldwin Rick ‘71 and Deb Baron Jeff ‘99 and Mari Bellmont Bob ‘62 and Karen ‘62 Bellmont Dave and Penny Berdan Dick ‘73 and Mimi ‘74 Bitzan Don Bitzan Barb ‘81 and Chuck Brandes Frank and Alice Brown Harriet Campbell ‘39 Central Minnesota Community Foundation Mark and Pam Christianson George and Lucille Courrier Edith Daniels ‘56 Nancy ‘84 and Todd Deaton Laverne Dehler Mary ‘73 Dombovy and Mike Johnson Donlar Corporation Peter Donohue ‘66 Marc and Teresa Dvoracek 25 A NNUA L GI VI NG RE PORT Tim and Nancy Ebel Bobbi Eich Joe ‘79 and Cherie Eickhoff Bill ‘82 and Amy Eickhoff David ‘86 and Betsy Eickhoff Tom ‘77 and Sue ‘78 Eickhoff Terry Eickhoff ‘76 Clare ‘74 Eickhoff Elchert and Ken ‘68 Elchert Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Kit Ferber Richard Fleming ‘43 Sheila ‘84 and Troy Fritz Marilyn ‘63 and Tim ‘63 Fritz Lynn and Red Grewing Georgian Gross H & G Trucking Svc Diane Hageman and John Stemper Ann Eickhoff Hagen ‘80 Janet ‘78 and Dan ‘77 Hagen Dan ‘77 and Janet ‘78 Hagen Jim ‘50 and Pauline Hall Bob ‘53 and Mary Jane ‘55 Hennen Kevin and Carol Holton Patty ‘81 and Tom Hooley Tom ‘82 and Alicia Hughes Mary ‘82 and Mark Januschka Don and Rita Kainz Emmett and Barb Keenan John ‘70 Kirchner and Doris AllenKirchner Manny Kissner and Laurie SeifertKissner Tim ‘84 and Carol ‘86 Kleinschmidt John and Karla Koenig Lee and Barbara Kopp John ’70 and Pamela Korman Bob ‘71 and Mary Kovell Helen Krebsbach ‘53 Al and Yvonne Kremers Bruce and Stephanie Kudak Barry and Leslie LaBine Bob ‘77 and Kathy ‘77 Lahr Jerry ‘53 and Bev ‘53 Lahr Gene ‘55 and Barb ‘55 Lahr Regina Lahr ‘47 David Lardy ‘63 Jim ‘56 and Ruth ‘60 Larson Bill and Teresa LeClaire John ‘57 and Arlene Leisen Mike and Bonnie Lenzmeier Father Greg Lieser Victor Loehrer ‘60 For the year ended June 30, 2014 Paul ‘86 and Cathy Lombardi Steve and Trese Mareck Mike and Kathleen Markman Mary Kay ‘63 and Mike Masterson Brian Matsuura ‘99 Bob McReavy ‘77 George ‘72 and Jean Meinz Barb ‘74 and Greg Melsen Bruce Meyer ‘64 Bob ‘49 and Dorothy ‘48 Meyer Laurie ‘75 and Mike Mullin Jim Nahan ‘46 Mike and Donna Nathe Mike and Judy Noonan Bill ‘66 and Jeanie O’Connell Pat ‘58 and Donna O’Donnell Greg ‘55 and Joyce Pappenfus Connie Perry-Pesch and Mike Pesch Rita ‘54 and Charles Pfeffer Plaza Park Bank Father Jeremy Ploof Mary Jo ‘78 and Don Polfliet Mike ‘76 and Mary Quinlivan Mark and Debbie Ramsdell Steve ‘75 and Sue Rice Denny ‘57 and Karol ‘58 Ringsmuth Mike and Beth Roth Terry ‘59 and Judy ‘60 Rothstein Tom and Nikoli Saehr Father Eberhard Schefers Darrell ‘60 and Eileen Schill Dennis ‘79 and Brenda ‘79 Schleper Ted ‘83 and Julie Schmid Tom and JoAnn Schmidt Schmidty’s Superstore Mike and Deb Schnettler Mary Schober ‘52 Brian ‘87 and Debbie Schoenborn Jerome and Bernice Schoenborn Fred ‘59 and Del ‘59 Sexton Bob ‘62 and Sandy Sexton Jim ‘50 and Yvonne ‘53 Sexton Sisters, Order of St. Benedict Moe Spanier ‘78 Kristi ‘78 and Peter ‘76 Spaniol Jeff and Lisa Spethmann John Stemper and Diane Hageman Bob Stocker and Cathy Matuska Richard ‘74 and Jan Stommes Gene and Bev Storms Mike Sufka ‘92 Target Take Charge of Education Brent ‘92 and Danielle Terhaar Louise Theisen Carol Thelen ‘63 Paul Thelen ‘63 Mark and Carole Thibault Mary ‘49 and Lee Torborg Joe ‘87 and Lisa Torborg Steve ‘73 and Sharon Torborg Mary Tourres ‘59 Louise Town ‘49 United Way of Central Minnesota US Bank Sally Watson ‘56 Don and Sylvia Weeres Nettie ‘39 and Bob Welle Wells Fargo Vicky and Pat Welty Tim and Janet Wensman Ron ‘74 and Katia Wieber Wayne ‘62 and Carol Wieber Jessica ‘00 and Andrew Wiener John ‘94 and Penelope Williams Greg and Beth Windfeldt Dennis Wintheiser Elaine ‘59 and Chuck Yaggie Todd ‘84 and Kyoko Zaun Daryl ‘61 and Bonnie Zimmer • W atch for the next edition of The Cathedral Magazine which should arrive in your mailbox in about another month. We have exciting news which we will explore more fully in that magazine. We are in the process of holding meetings wherein we examine and discuss our goal #9 – Cathedral’s facilities and its overall campus. The participation and the reaction to these sessions so far has been overwhelmingly positive and optimistic. We are scheduling several more sessions, including those beyond Central Minnesota. Come to one of them, please! Contact Brenda Minette at 320-257-2140 or bminette@cathedralcrusaders.org to learn what dates and times are available. A couple of preliminary, tentative, conceptual drawings produced by Cuningham Group Architects, following two full years of working on this goal, are included here. Preliminary conceptual design from Cuningham Group Architects, Inc. A NNUAL G IVING REPORT 26 NONPROFIT PAID ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 507 ST. CLOUD MN 312 North Seventh Avenue Saint Cloud, Minnesota 56303 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED a prayer F O R T H E C AT H E D R A L C O M M U N I T Y Gracious, gift-giving God, you call us each by name. We are your children. You tell us we are precious and glorious in your sight. To each of us you give an extraordinary destiny. Warmed by these words of love we your people within this Cathedral community — our students, families, parishes, volunteers, schools, alumni, teachers, and staff —make bold to ask: Strengthen us when our faith and love grow faint. Fix us firmly upon the rock of your Word; teach us to build our schools upon this rock and not upon the uncertain sands of passing fancies. You invite us to dwell in your tent so that you might refresh us with your presence and protect us from the heat and burdens of the day. You remind us that all those involved in education truly inspire others for eternity. Help us to know we live in a many-splendored world. May we contribute our labor to enhance its wonder. And finally, prosper our journey to the shores of heaven where, as Saint Paul has promised, you will welcome us as full citizens. Amen.
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