March 2015


March 2015
J AN - M A RC H 2 0 1 5
Al’s New Hobby
Friday Creative
Rec. Programs
Tony & his Headway Programs
Michelle’s Story
Many Minds One
Alyson’s Movie
Welcome to 2015
2015 has got off to a
flying start, it is hard to
believe that we are already well into March!
Everybody has been busy
attending programs – with
lots of activity in drama and
the wood-workshop, great
progress in the hydro pool
and new and interesting
venues visited on our Creative Recreation and Social
Club programs.
“Headway on Air” continues to attract new listeners
each week to VOX FM
106.9 and our Community
Education presentations
continue to be well received.
It’s hard to believe that it
has been three months
since John’s retirement just
prior to Christmas. As we
go forward, without John
at the helm, we are all still
benefiting from the sound
practices he put in place.
My job is to continue to
steer Headway in the right
direction and to assist our
clients and our service to
navigate the NDIS. This of
course will be made easier
with the expertise of The
Disability Trust supporting
I hope you enjoy this edition of Way Ahead and encourage you all to start
sending through articles
and suggestions for our
next edition.
National Disability Investment Scheme
Michael Sullivan has his
own name for the NDIS,
one that he believes better
explains the scheme's purpose.
Speaking at a disability conference earlier this month,
he said a National Disability
Insurance Scheme "sounds
like something might go
“ I say the ‘I’ in
NDIS should stand
for ‘investment’.
We are worth the
"How would that make you
feel?" he asked the crowd
at Geelong's Deakin University, to boos and groans.
"I say the 'I' in NDIS should
stand for 'investment'. We
are worth the investment.
"To move forward we
need people to believe in
us, to back us up and
create opportunities.
When people have confidence in us then we start
to believe in ourselves. We
need to change the words
to change the thinking."
Mr Sullivan has an intellectual disability. Aged
49, and a leader three decades in the making, his
speech has made something of a poster boy for
the push to recognise that
different types of
disabilities have different
needs, and require different types of advocacy and
Mr Sullivan is board member of Our Voice, and
chairman of the NSW
Council for Intellectual
He is passionate about advocacy and, as shown at
the Geelong conference of
advocacy group Valid, a
powerful voice for people
with an intellectual disability.
Stepping on to the Deakin
University stage, Mr Sullivan looked diminutive, but
his first words were firm
and clear: "I am Michael
Sullivan. I am here as one
of you." What followed
was a rousing speech to an
audience of hundreds of
people from across the
country with a mix of intellectual and physical impairments. It drew a noisy,
enthusiastic response.
Colleen Pearce and
acknowledged by a senior
representative from the
National Disability Insurance Agency, which administers the NDIS. During
her presentation Meg Parsons said "insurance" before jokingly correcting
herself as the audience
groaned. "Sorry," she said.
"I hear it should be investment."
Mr Sullivan had many kindred spirits at the conference who determinedly
speak into microphones,
not letting cerebral palsy,
severe speech impediments or cognitive impairments prevent them from
asserting their views and
championing their rights.
"We need to keep pushing
and saying it's about us.
Start pushing those doors
open, sit in the gallery at
Parliament and make our
voices heard."
Mr Sullivan's idea of calling
the program a national
investment scheme became an unofficial theme
for the three-day
conference, embraced by
Victorian Public Advocate
Taken from ‘Your Voice, Your
Choice” March 2015
My New Hobby
G'day everyone I have started up a new hobby, its gold
I know what you’re probably
thinking, “Where is the gold
around here?” Apparently
there is gold between the
Shoalhaven region and Kangaroo Valley.
My friend and I have
watched all of the episodes
of “Gold Rush in Alaska” and
other gold shows on TV, the
internet and youtube. When
we found out about the gold
down in the Shoalhaven we
went out and brought all of
the things we needed.
We decided to make our
own sluice. A sluice is the
piece of equipment that
catches or traps the gold
from the running water.
The first time we went prospecting we found a nugget
twice the thickness of a grain
of rice. Certainly not big
enough to go and cash in but
definitely big enough to get
us excited. I can't remember
exactly where we were, and
they say that’s a good thing
to forget, otherwise everyone will be fossicking on
your patch.!
We ended up having to buy
a different sluice as our original one wasn't working so
well. We brought a sluice
from America for $120 because they were $300 in
Last weekend we went and
tried it out and I have to say
that I am confident that we
are going to get more gold
for sure! I’ve also heard that
a man in Victoria recently
found a nugget worth
Next time we go prospecting we intend staying overnight as we have found a really nice camping spot very
close to where we will be
Al gold prospecting!!
I’m really enjoying this new
hobby and I guess that is because it is time I am spending
in the outdoors. Living in an
apartment I don’t get to
spend that much time out in
the fresh air and I had really
forgotten just how beautiful
the south coast is.
This is an interest that hasn’t
really cost that much to get
set up for, its time I’m
spending with my mate and
you never know one day I
may end up being so rich I’ll
be able to make a huge donation to Headway!
Friday Creative Recreation
On Friday, 13 March, Creative Rec travelled to Huskisson for a day out with Jervis
Bay Wild. We boarded Port
Venture at 1.30pm and started our 2 hour dolphin
cruise. We were lucky
enough to see our first dolphin within 10 minutes from
setting out on our adventure. We also cruised up to
HMAS Creswell before
heading back to our starting
point. Although we had cooler weather, a thoroughly
enjoyable day was had by all.
Cheers, Al.
give them one
of yours”
Tony and His Headway Programs
Hey Readers!!
Welcome to another of my
Headway articles. My name
is Tony S. I’ve been attending
Headway regularly since
2006. It’s a basic review of
all the programs I attend at
Headway at the moment.
“Being involved
Quick summary, I enjoy
in activities gives them all!
me a chance to
Drama: Learning lines for
the plays really helps develop
my memory and is a much
different people needed avenue of creative
and enjoy the expression (joking around on
a serious level!).
activities.” I love quoting lines from my
favourite movies. So... The
Drama program sounded
like a logical step for me. I
started in late 2006, developing my ability to perform;
which was mainly my level of
participate with
Vox FM: I love MY music!
Being on Headway on Air
(Headway's Radio Show)
gives me a chance to share
some of the songs that I
think are good listening...
Some from as early from the
60's & 70's, right through to
the late 80's & early 90's...
I've had listeners ring the
station to compliment me on
my choice of music... So I
can't be going half bad eh?
Golf: This program is a
Archery: A great way for
Social Club: The perfect
me to get outdoors, and be
involved in some healthy
competition. The archery
range, up at Mt. Keira, is a
relaxed, outdoor venue.
It encourages healthy competition amongst friends, in a
calm, relaxing environment.
The fresh mountain air, is
always an added bonus.
Over time I’ve become a
better shot. I’ve definitely
become more consistent.
Nothing as fancy as what you
might see in the movies. I
might get there one day...
Well, almost anyway! Of
Basically, the only
that I can do,
that’s not too
head injury!
good way to spend a
Wednesday morning. We
have experienced a mix of
golfing challenges over the
session – driving range, putt
putt (both indoor and outdoor) and even pool as a
bad weather option
way for anyone who enjoys
their food, desert with tea/
coffee - or a combination of
whatever; to add a bit of
flavor & experience,
through the variety of
what’s on offer. Not only
locally, but also within a
short, or reasonable drive
Of course everything on
offer to social club, is designed to suit a limited
budget - not too expensive
(in other words). Being involved in activities gives me
a chance to participate with
different people and enjoy
the activities.
If not I wouldn't be doing
NSW Photo Card
Want to get into the RSL for
a big lunch but don’t have
any photo identification!
Have no fear all you need to
get is a NSW Photo Card.
You don’t need to get one
but it is very useful. Some
quick information on how
you can get one:
How to apply – Complete a
Photo Card application form
from the internet or go into
your closest Roads and Maritime Services registry (what
used to be the RTA) to get
an application form. There
is one in Unanderra.
If you are over 16 years old,
a NSW resident and don’t
hold a current
license then you can get one.
This is a card that has your
name, address, date of birth
and photo. It can be used for
a number of everyday services, such as opening a bank
account or getting into licensed premises.
You need to take with you,
your proof of identity and
address documents.
could be a passport, birth
certificate, and water or
electricity bill with your
name and address. Check
out this website for what to
How much does it cost? 5
years: $50 and for 10 years:
Visit this website http://
licence/nsw-photo-card.html or
visit your closest Roads and
Maritime Services registry
for more information.
Michelle’s Story
Hi, my name is Michelle, and
as some of you may be
aware, I have had more than
one brain injury. These injuries have had a huge impact
on my life. I struggled at
school and in my personal
relationships, at times I have
found budgeting to be a challenge along with having to
cope with chronic fatigue.
In recent years, since moving
to Australia, I have had other
health complications including a diagnosis of cancer, and
the migraines I have had regularly since I was a child have
been getting worse.
It appears that when a car
hit me all those years ago
along with the brain injury it
caused it has also triggered
a degenerative neurological
At times I feel like my family
and friends don’t understand
the full extent of my condition. It really is the hidden
Despite being scared I try to
be strong and put on a brave
face. I have been able to
meet others at Headway
who I see being brave, and I
thank you all for that.
Headway really does act as a
support group. I also feel
blessed to have Alan in my
life, as I know he is with me
every step of the way.
“I feel blessed to
have Alan in my
life, as I know he
is with me every
step of the way.”
Dr. Teo and Oliver
‘To increase fiveyear survival to
50% within 10
‘Many Minds, One Purpose’
Brain Cancer is a disease
of the brain where cancer (malignant) cells
form. The symptoms
vary widely from seizures to sleepiness, confusion and behavioural
changes. Brain Cancer
kills more children and
people under 40, than
any other cancer. It has
a very small rate of survival, only 5% for some
forms. This rate is not
increasing and yet Brain
Cancer has fewer research projects planned,
and receives a small fraction of Cancer Research
That is where organisations such as Cure Brain
Cancer Foundation stepin, together with Brain
Cancer Discover Collaborative and Global Brain
Exchange, they aim to
change these statistics.
The Mission of the Cure
Brain Cancer Foundation
‘To increase five-year
survival to 50% within
10 years’.
They will achieve this
goal through the funding
of brain cancer research,
raising money and
awareness globally about
brain cancer and by making brain cancer research
done all over the world
available to people here
in Australia and the research done here in Australia available to everyone around the world.
“We’ve evolved, into a
global movement, aligned
to a singular purpose –
‘Accelerating treatments
for patients’. Together! We
will succeed.” (Catherine
Stace: CEO)
As this article is being
written, Oliver one of
our Headway clients, is
facing his own battle with
brain cancer. Oliver has
been attending Headway
for four years and during
that time he has undergone several surgeries. In
total he has had eight
operations performed by
Dr Charlie Teo and two
rounds of chemotherapy
and radiation. Oliver and
his wife Romina are proactive in raising awareness of both brain cancer
and the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation, along
with raising funds for the
They are determined to
do their bit to help find a
cure for this insidious
disease. Oliver donates
the woodwork projects
he makes at Headway
and then they are sold at
auction at the Cure Brain
Cancer Gala nights.
We truly hope that a
cure is soon found, for
Oliver, and for all other
people young and old
fighting the same fight.
To find out more visit the Cure
Brain Cancer Foundation website
Oliver doing his
“Many older
people never
lose their
beauty, they
just take it
from their
faces and put
it in their
PO Box 152 Keiraville NSW
(02) 4226 4179
The more I think, the less I feel
But the less I feel,
the more I know
Knowledge is power,
or so we're told
That's the conception,
we've come to believe
Alyson’s Movie Review
The Kingsmen
These times are always,
when it suits them best
Never when the need,
outweighs the want
Last Sunday I had a lovely
outing to the movies to
see The Kingsman.
The more I think, the less I feel
But feelings don’t lie...
So I must be fine?
It starred Colin Firth, Samual L. Jackson, Michael
Caine and Taron Egerton,
it’s a spy action film about
the British secret service.
If it is important,
there's been many before
With plenty to say,
but all with empty words
Taron Egerton plays ‘Eggsy’
a young man who is in with
a rough crowd and looks
headed for jail when he
meets Harry Hart (Colin
Firth) who sees his potential and offers him a chance
for a different life, the life
of a secret service agent.
Eggsy agrees and is signed
up for training with a
group of other would be
agents. There he meets a
Designed only for,
their belief of power
Convincing us why,
we do what we do
The less we feel,
the more we know
But the less we know,
the more we feel...
That life is what we’re used to,
what we believe is true;
Why we think we’re never
wrong... Comforted by the truth
Such is life...
So why change things now?
Antonio “Tony” Scognamiglio
AKA The Truthful Pretender ©
Created: Mon 9.03.15©
Final Edit: 13/03/2015©
woman named Roxy who
he likes a lot! The group
are put through a rigorous
lot of exercises and are
eliminated one by one until
only Eggsy and Roxy are
Meanwhile, the Kingsmen
have been investigating a
villain who plans to solve
the problem of climate
change by going on a
worldwide killing spree….
of course Eggsy ends up
becoming an action man
hero working with harry
hart to kick butt and save
the world!
This movie is definitely
a must see!
Up Coming Events
Headway Sports Club
- Commencing
Wednesday April 15
A brand new program
aimed at enhancing fun
and fitness
Brain Injury Awareness
– Monday August 17 through
to Sunday August 23
Remember to keep updated by
checking our headway website and our headway facebook page