The Filipino Express v27 Issue 47


The Filipino Express v27 Issue 47
VOL. 27 w
NO. 47 w
NOV. 29 - DEC. 5, 2013 w
(201) 434-1114 w
Pacquiao's win
boosts morale of
Page 15
survivors u
China air defence ID zone. Beijing on Nov. 23 announced it would require all aircraft flying
over an area of East China Sea to obey its orders
China airspace announcement
'inflammatory' - White House
By Reuters
China's requirement that
airlines inform Beijing when
they are entering airspace
over disputed islands in the
East China Sea is
“ u n n e c e s s a r i l y
inflammatory,” White House
spokesman Josh Earnest told
reporters on Monday, Nov. 25.
“There are regional
disputes in that part of the
world and those are disputes
that should be resolved
diplomatically,” Earnest told
reporters traveling with
President Barack Obama.
“And there should be, in
this case, plenty of
overlapping common ground
to reach a resolution that
doesn't involve inflammatory,
escalating rhetoric or policy
pronouncements by any side,
and that's how we hope this
situation will be resolved,” he
China on Saturday
bolstered its claim to islands
BOUNCING BACK. Filipino boxing great Manny Pacquiao celebrates his win in
his title fight against Brandon Rios in Macau. AP
Pacquiao comeback devastating
By Roy A. Luarca
MACAU -- Like a supertyphoon,
Manny Pacquiao ravaged Brandon
Rios on Sunday, Nov. 24.
For 12 rounds, Pacquiao
relentlessly battered the MexicanAmerican fighter, heralding his
comeback with a lopsided
unanimous decision in the
headliner of “The Clash in Cotai” at
The Venetian Macao.
And when his fury subsided,
Pacquiao announced the victory
wasn't about his personal mission
as a fighter his victory was
dedicated to his countrymen still
reeling from the devastation
wrought by Supertyphoon
Page 28
“Yolanda” on Nov. 8.
in the East China Sea that
J a p a n s ays i t o w n s by
announcing it would take
“defensive emergency
measures” against aircraft
failing to identify themselves
properly in airspace above
them. China's governmentrun news agency, Xinhua,
recently published a map and
coordinates for the newly
established zone.
Te n s i o n o v e r t h e
uninhabited islands, called
Page 3
Enrile breaks silence, hits Santiago
in speech
By Norman Bordadora
Minority Leader Juan PonceEnrile and Senator Miriam
Defensor-Santiago. INQUIRER
Senate Minority Leader Juan
Ponce Enrile on Wednesday
broke his silence and fought back,
weeks after Sen. Miriam
Defensor-Santiago claimed that
he was the mastermind of the
P10-billion pork barrel scam and
that he was the financier of the
Zamboanga City siege.
Enrile went all out against his
most vocal critic in the Senate,
calling Santiago a slew of names
from “the grandmama of all
falsehood fabricators” to a
“peeping Tom.”
DSWD Secretary Dinky Soliman on Tuesday announced that the distribution of
relief goods provided by the government to the typhoon victims ends in December
2013. (Photo by: Linus Guardian Escandor II)
DSWD relief distribution for
'Yolanda' victims ends December
By Mary Rose A. Hogaza
Minority Leader Juan Ponce-Enrile and Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago.
In a privilege speech that he
said was meant to defend his
honor and those of his family and
the millions who voted him into
office, Enrile denied Santiago's
allegations while casting doubt
on her integrity, competence and
mental health.
Enrile, who is facing plunder
charges in the Office of the
Ombudsman in connection with
the alleged misuse of hundreds of
millions of pesos of his Priority
The distribution of relief
goods provided by the
government to the victims of
super typhoon “Yolanda” ends in
December 2013.
Department of Social Welfare
a n d D e ve l o p m e n t ( D S W D )
Secretary Dinky Soliman
announced on Tuesday during an
interview over DZMM. The reason
for this, Soliman said, is that the
government wants the victims to
learn how to stand on their own
She explained that from
providing relief goods, the
government now wants to help
the victims find jobs so they could
afford to buy what they need
Page 7
Page 4
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 2
FREEDOM TO FLY. In this composite photo, a US B-52 Stratofortress bomber flies over the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea
that the Chinese call Diaoyu Islands. Beijing on Wednesday said it monitored two B-52s flying over the islands in defiance of its
declaration of an 'air defense identification zone' in the area. AP/AFP
Japanese airlines
stop obeying China's
air zone rules
Agence France-Presse
On Tuesday it was roundly
condemned by Japan and its allies,
including the United States, which
flew two US B-52 bombers over the
disputed islands in a show of force.
“After the Japanese government
said private airlines don't have to
follow Beijing's claims on Tuesday,
our industry body held a meeting
on Tuesday and decided we won't
follow” Beijing's demands any
more, a spokesman for former flag
carrier Japan Airlines told AFP.
“JAL has stopped submitting
flight plans since 0000 a.m.
Wednesday (1500 GMT Tuesday),”
he said.
JAL's rival All Nippon Airways
also said it has stopped complying.
“The Scheduled Airlines
Association of Japan, an aviation
industry body, made the decision
after it received assurances from
China, through the Japanese foreign
ministry, that Beijing has no
intention of obstructing the flights
of commercial airline carriers,” the
JAL spokesman said.
US bombers enter China's
claimed air defense zone
Agence France-Presse,
Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- Days after
China asserted greater military
control over a swath of the East
China Sea to bolster claims to a
cluster of disputed islands, the US
defied the move Tuesday as it flew
two B-52 bombers through the
China, however, insisted
Wednesday it has the capacity to
enforce its controversial newly
declared air zone over islands
disputed with Japan, despite
Beijing's reluctance to intervene
after American B-52 bombers
flouted its rules.
The US said what it described
as a training mission was not
flown to respond to China's latest
military maneuver, yet the
dramatic flights made clear that
the US will not recognize the new
territorial claims that Beijing laid
out over the weekend.
The two unarmed US B-52
bombers took off from their home
base in Guam and flew through
China's newly designated air
defense zone, then returned to
base, US officials said. The
bombers were in the zone for less
than an hour, thundering across
the Pacific skies during midday
there, the officials said, adding
that the aircraft encountered no
TOKYO -- Japanese airlines said
Wednesday they had stopped
following rules set by China when it
unilaterally declared the right to
manage the skies over the East
China Sea.
The reversal comes after
pressure from the Japanese
government, which insisted China's
Beijing's non-confrontational
announcement was invalid, and
response elicited scorn from
after governments around the
some Chinese netizens as weak in
world lined up alongside Tokyo.
the face of defiance, but analysts
Japan's two major airlines had
said it may never have intended to
previously said they had been
impose the zone by force.
submitting flight plans to Chinese
“The Chinese government has
authorities for any plane that was
the will and ability to defend our
due to pass through the area, a key
national sovereignty and
demand Beijing set out on Saturday
security,” foreign ministry
when it said it had established an
spokesman Qin Gang said at a
Air Defence Identification Zone
regular press briefing.
“We also have the ability to
The move heightened tensions
exercise effective control over the
in the region, where temperatures
East Sea Air Defense
were already running high over the
Identification Zone,” (ADIZ) he
ownership of the Tokyo-controlled
Senkaku islands, which Beijing says
Page 3
it owns and calls the Diaoyus.
Action threatens stability of the region, says DFA
China deploys aircraft carrier to West Philippine Sea
By Matikas Santos
This May 2012 file photo provided by China's Xinhua News Agency shows the Chinese aircraft carrier
Liaoning cruising for a test on the sea. AP FILE PHOTO
MANILA -- China's deployment of its
aircraft carrier to the West Philippine Sea
(South China Sea) raises tensions and
threatens the stability of the region, the
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said
“Its deployment raises tensions and
violates the declaration on the conduct of
parties in the [West Philippine Sea (South
China Sea)],” DFA spokesman Raul
Hernandez said in a press conference.
“Its deployment must not be violative of
international law including the United
Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas
(UNCLOS). Its deployment must therefore
not be for other than peaceful purposes,” he
China's first ever aircraft carrier, the
Liaoning, was deployed for sea trial to test
the ship's crew and equipment, according to
a report from China's official Xinhua News
It was accompanied by two destroyers
and two missile cruisers, the report said. The
ship had previously undergone sea trials in
calm waters off China's northeast coast, it
South China Sea is the center of a
territorial dispute that involves several
countries in Southeast Asia. China claims the
entire sea as its territory including parts of
the Philippines' 200-nautical mile exclusive
economic zone.
The Philippines has an ongoing
arbitration case before the Permanent Court
of Arbitration in The Hague, Netherlands
against China's territorial claims.
A standoff between the Philippines and
China ensued in April 2012 when several
Chinese fishing vessels were found illegally
poaching endangered and endemic
Philippines marine species in Bajo de
Masinloc (Panatag Shoal or Scarborough
Philippine authorities were prevented
Page 8
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 3
New US ambassador to PH:
We help friends in trouble
MANILA -- New United
States Ambassador to the
Philippines Philip S. Goldberg
promised the US will also be at
the forefront of the country's
rebuilding efforts in the
aftermath of super typhoon
In his video message
posted on the embassy's
website, Goldberg said: “My
colleagues at the embassy, the
United States Agency for
International Development
(USAID), and the US military
are working hard in support of
your government's efforts. We
will be there as you rebuild. As
President Obama said, 'When
our friends are in trouble,
America helps.'”
Goldberg said he comes at
a time of “great challenge” but
“we feel motivated by your
spirit and impressed by your
determination to rebuild lives
and livelihoods in the
tradition of 'Damayan.'"
Goldberg has already
arrived in the Philippines. He
replaced former US
Ambassador Harry Thomas, Jr.
He was sworn in as envoy
to the Philippines on
November 21, 2003.
A statement from the US
embassy said Goldberg served
as the Assistant Secretary of
State for the Bureau of
Intelligence and Research
starting June 2010. He also
served concurrently as the
C o o r d i n a t o r f o r
Implementation of UNSC
Resolution 1874 on North
Goldberg served as
Ambassador to Bolivia (20062008), Chief of Mission in
Pristina, Kosovo (2004-2006),
and Deputy Chief of Mission at
the U.S. Embassy in Santiago,
Chile (2001-2004). The
Ambassador Designate is a
career member of the U.S.
Senior Foreign Service, served
from January-June 2001 as
acting Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State for
Legislative Affairs. He came to
US bombers enter ...
From page 2
While the US insisted the training
mission was long-planned, it came just days
after China issued a map and a new set of
rules governing the zone, which includes a
cluster of islands that are controlled by
Japan but claimed by Beijing.
US officials would not publicly
acknowledge the flights on Tuesday, but
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki
said China's move appeared to be an attempt
to change the status quo in the East China
“This will raise regional tensions and
increase the risk of miscalculation,
China airspace
‘inflammatory’ White House...
From page 1
Diaoyu by China and Senkaku by
Japan, has strained ties between
the two countries in recent
months. Both Japan and the
United States have criticized the
Chinese government's latest
A U.S. Department of Defense
spokesman said on Monday that
U.S. military planes would not
identify themselves according to
the new rules.
“That was not a requirement
last week,” said Colonel Steve
Warren, a Pentagon spokesman.
“American forces could just fly
through there without having to
do any of those things. We will
continue not doing those things.”
Manila Bulletin
that position after having been
a senior member of the State
Department team handling
the transition from the Clinton
to Bush Administrations.
In his video message,
Goldberg said he is “honored
to have the opportunity to
help strengthen our
relationship and see that it
endures for many decades to
Malacanang earlier
thanked Philip Goldberg for
helping the country in its relief
and rehabilitation efforts.
Goldberg posted on his
Twitter account an “unselfie”
where he covered his face with
a note calling for donations
and assistance for the victims
of Yolanda.
Netizens lauded this move
by Goldberg, whose
appointment was earlier
criticized. He was earlier
expelled from Bolivia
supposedly for conspiring in
the unrest against President
Evo Morales.
US Ambassador to the Philippines, Philip Goldberg: Excited to be here. PHOTO FROM STATE.GOV
New United States
ambassador arrives
By Tarra Quismundo
during the swearing-in ceremonies in
Wa s h i n g to n t h a t G o l d b e rg h a d
MANILA -- The US Ambassador to
“accelerated his departure” after the US
the Philippines, Philip Goldberg, arrived
Senate moved up his confirmation
in Manila Monday, Nov. 25 with the
because of the Philippine humanitarian
promise to remain by the country's side
confrontation and accidents,” she told
as it begins rebuilding typhoon-ravaged
“We will be there also as you rebuild.
Eastern Visayas.
As President Obama has said, 'When our
China said Saturday that all aircraft
“I arrive at a moment of great
friends are in trouble, America helps.'
entering the new air defense zone must
challenge in the aftermath of Typhoon
The United States and the Philippines
notify Chinese authorities and are subject to
'Yolanda.' But we feel motivated by your
have developed a unique and special
emergency military measures if they do not
s p i r i t a n d i m p r e s s e d b y yo u r
friendship based on common values and
identify themselves or obey Beijing's orders.
determination to rebuild lives and
family ties,” said Goldberg in his video
US officials, however, said they have
livelihoods in the tradition of damayan,”
received no reaction to the bomber flights
said Goldberg in a one-minute video
“I'm honored to have the
from the Chinese.
message posted on the US Embassy
opportunity to help strengthen our
Manila's Youtube channel.
relationship and see that it endures for
Rejection of China's new rules
Goldberg was sworn in to his new
many decades to come,” he said.
The bomber mission underscores
post on Nov. 21 at the US State
In a more informal arrival message,
Washington's immediate rejection of
Department, shortly after his Senate
Goldberg posted on his Twitter account
China's new rules. The US, which has
confirmation that came nearly four
(@AMBGoldberg): “Arrived in the
hundreds of military aircraft based in the
months after US President Barack
Philippines. Excited to be here, also
region, has said it has zero intention of
Obama appointed him head of the US
thinking of people who are rebuilding
Page 8
mission in Manila.
their lives after Typhoon Yolanda. Ready
US Secretary of State John Kerry said
to work.”
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Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 4
Probe of DBM scam widens
By Gil C. Cabacungan, Christine O.
The fake special allotment
release order (Saro) scam appears
to be much bigger and broader than
earlier thought. A Saro is a
document issued by the
Department of Budget and
Management (DBM) that leads to
the release of funds for government
Justice Secretary Leila de Lima
on Tuesday said that the National
Bureau of Investigation had
received reports of more fake Saros
from other regions in the course of
its investigation of bogus Saros for
P879 million worth of farm-tomarket road projects that were
uncovered by regional officers of
the Department of Agriculture (DA).
“The NBI is now tracing three
more regions that alerted the main
office of either the DA or the DBM.
They inquired: 'Is it true that this
Saro is for us?' Apparently, they also
saw other fakes,” De Lima said in an
interview with Inquirer Radio.
She identified these areas as
Regions IV-A (Calabarzon), VI
( We s t e r n V i s aya s ) , a n d X I I
On Monday, Budget Secretary
Florencio Abad reported that the
P879 million in fake Saros meant for
farm-to-market road projects were
found in Regions II (Cagayan Valley)
and VI.
“What the NBI wants to know is
Enrile breaks
silence ...
From page 1
Development Assistance Fund
(PDAF), dared Santiago to act as “a
special prosecutor” in the case filed
against him.
Also facing plunder charges in
the so-called P10-billion pork barrel
scam are Senators Jinggoy Estrada
and Ramon Revilla Jr.
Enrile said “only an inane and
bitterly hostile mind” could say that
he was the “mastermind or brain[s]
of the alleged PDAF scandal.”
“Again, all I can say is that this is
an outright lie and this is just
another of those baseless
fabrications against me from a
depraved mind,” Enrile told his
'Obsessive hater'
“Perhaps, my obsessive hater
should appear as a special
prosecutor against me to
demonstrate to her admirers her
knowledge of the facts of the alleged
PDAF scandal and her legal skill as a
trial lawyer. I am sure she will
experience something she never
experienced before,” Enrile added.
Enrile said he was aware that
the public was waiting for what he
had to say about the pork barrel
scam, “but for now, suffice it to say
that there will be a time and a more
appropriate forum to deal in detail
with the alleged PDAF scam, and I
will give my fullest cooperation to
unearth the truth in that alleged
Santiago, who hasn't been
attending Senate proceedings due
to chronic fatigue, broke her sick
where the fake Saros came from and
who released them. It's hard to
imagine that there are no DBM
officials involved although, of
course, I cannot make such
conclusive statement,” De Lima
Congressman's aide
In a text message, De Lima said
she was told that a staff member of a
lawmaker from Region II “handcarried” the Saro that had the fake
signature of Budget Undersecretary
Luz Cantor.
“We're withholding the name of
the congressman pending
verification or investigation on how
he or his staff came in possession of
the fake Saro,” the justice secretary
De Lima said the NBI would
invite the lawmaker's aide who
presented the fake Saro dated Oct.
10 as he dropped by the DA regional
office in Cagayan Valley on Oct. 18.
She said the DA was surprised
that the aide presented a Saro to the
regional office as it was supposed to
be the first to know about this since
the department was the
implementing agency.
The justice secretary said she
was wondering why the fake Saro
cropped up in October, the same
month her office filed plunder
charges against those implicated in
the P10-billion pork barrel scam
a l l e g e d ly m a s t e r m i n d e d b y
businesswoman Janet Lim-Napoles.
Aquino was informed of the scam.
Justice Secretary Leila de Lima: We are also curious. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO
“Is there an agenda on this? Are
there attempts again to steal the
people's money or is there another
agenda? We cannot rule out other
agendas,” De Lima said.
“We need to look into what
appears to be an insidious scheme
or practice of Saro peddling. What is
this scheme?” she said.
Agriculture Secretary Proceso
Alcala earlier said that several
mayors had complained about DBM
personnel demanding advances for
the early release of their Saros.
De Lima pointed out that both
the fake and genuine Saros were
identical in terms of the format,
security code, date and amount.
“Where did that document
come from? Only somebody in the
DBM knows these particulars. We
are also curious. Did this happen
only now? It could be anyone or a
group behind this scheme,” De Lima
said. Some DBM personnel have yet
to submit sworn statements to the
NBI team that was briefed on the
step-by-step process in the
approval of the Saro, according to
the justice secretary. The NBI agents
have been told to expedite the
probe, especially because President
'Grease money'
No funds were released because
money for a Saro comes from the
notice of cash allocation (NCA),
Abad said in a press briefing on
But the Saro itself is considered
a “currency” that could be used by
crooked DBM personnel to demand
grease money for its release to
recipients like lawmakers and
mayors who in turn could demand
advances from their contractors,
according to a DBM source.
The fake Saro scam was
uncovered amid the public outrage
over the P10-billion pork barrel
scam. The release of Saros triggered
the payment of advances to
lawmakers whose allocations from
t h e i r P r i o r i t y D e ve l o p m e n t
Assistance Fund were funneled to
dubious nongovernment
organizations implementing ghost
livelihood projects.
The Commission on Audit has
scored the DBM in its latest annual
audit report for the DBM
management's poor internal
control of Saros, NCAs and other
official documents, citing gaps in
the numbering sequence and failure
to account for the spoiled or
damaged Saros or NCAs.
Abad did not reply Tuesday to
an Inquirer query. He earlier said
that the DBM had centralized the
approval process of Saros.
leave on Nov. 7 to attend the Senate
blue ribbon committee hearing that
featured alleged pork barrel scam
mastermind Janet Lim-Napoles.
At the hearing, Santiago tried to
coax Napoles into squealing on
influential politicians she conspired
with to steal billions in taxpayer
money, lest she be killed by the
“murderous” among them.
In a press conference after she
questioned Napoles, Santiago
referred to Enrile as the
mastermind of the PDAF scam.
“Whenever an occasion arises,
my bitter and obsessive hater
habitually flaunts her being a
former judge. With a flair for selfpraise, she would normally say, 'as a
former judge etc. etc.,'” Enrile said in
apparent reference to Santiago,
whom he did not refer to by name in
his speech.
Before joining the
administration of then President
Corazon Aquino in the late 1980s,
Santiago was a regional trial court
judge in Quezon City.
“Well, I am sorry to say that this
former judge does not seem to
understand the basic meaning of
due process. Every law student
knows that due process simply
means, 'you hear first the evidence
before you condemn,'” Enrile said.
“Now I know why she nearly
flunked her bar examination. A
parrot can memorize legal
principles but it cannot apply them,”
he added.
Santiago to respond
Minutes after Enrile's privilege
speech, Santiago sent word that she
would answer “the personal attacks
against her” on Wednesday next
Page 5
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 5
Enrile breaks
silence ...
From page 4
“Santiago is ill with chronic
fatigue syndrome and was unable to
access her enemy's privilege speech,”
read the media advisory sent to
reporters by his staff.
Santiago ordered her staff to get a
copy of the Senate journal, which is
expected to print in full the Enrile
speech, so that she can reply to it.
The Senate went on a brief break
after Enrile delivered his privilege
speech. Estrada then rose to
interpellate Enrile, a colleague in the
Senate minority and a political ally.
Christmas bonuses
Estrada asked Enrile about then
Sen. Panfilo Lacson's remarks in early
2013, tagging Santiago a “crusading
crook” at the height of the controversy
regarding Enrile's yearend release of
maintenance and other operating
expenses (MOOE) funds and
Christmas bonuses in late 2012.
Santiago and three other senators
with whom Enrile, the then Senate
President, does not see eye to eye on
matters both professional and
personal were given only P250,000
last Christmas and not P1.6 million in
additional MOOE that 18 other
senators got.
Enrile has insisted that the fund
releases were aboveboard. Lacson,
who was the chair of the Senate
committee on accounts at that time,
defended the release of the additional
MOOE to the senators' offices.
“She rented her own building as
her own office without any public
building and I was included in the
complaint of Senator Lacson to the
Ombudsman,” Enrile said.
“I said 'Go ahead, include me.' I
really approved the contract. I did not
know that building belongs to her,”
added Enrile, who was the Senate
president when Santiago rented office
space in a building she owns.
Court orders freeze on assets
of 4 ex-solons in pork scam
By Gil C. Cabacungan
of the notice of resolution from major stockholder.
the appellate court which was
Accounts of his or her
The Court of Appeals has distributed to banks and financial immediate family or household
ordered a freeze on the bank institutions where the 10 were members if the amount or value
accounts and assets of four believed to have kept part of their involved is not commensurate
former congressmen and six assets.
with the business or financial
Cockpit in Pasig
chiefs of staff or representatives
In August, the Court of capacity of the said family or
“Second, according to Senator
of lawmakers, led by Jessica Appeals issued a six-month household member; and shares
Lacson, and I think that was also
Lucila “Gigi” G. Reyes and Ruby freeze order on 344 bank or units in any investment
published in the media that she used
Chan Tuason who allegedly acted accounts, 66 insurance policies accounts and/or pooled funds.
her PDAF, if I remember correctly the
as agents for Sen. Juan Ponce and five credit card accounts held
The four former lawmakers
Enrile, for their complicity in the by Napoles, her family and and the six individuals were
figure mentioned was P200 million, to
alleged P10-billion pork barrel relatives, her employees at JLN among the 38 people the National
construct a cockpit in Pasig, which
s c a m b e l i e v e d t o b e C o r p . a n d h e r d u b i o u s Bureau of Investigation charged
was disguised as a complex,” Enrile
m a s t e r m i n d e d b y nongovernment organizations with either plunder, malversation
businesswoman Janet Lim- (NGOs).
and direct bribery or graft in the
“I understand they used a cockpit
of the Ombudsman in
to hold a derby in Pasig and it's
The four members of the court order immediately sent out September in connection with
managed by the husband,” Enrile
House of Representatives are a memo to all their branches, the P10-billion pork barrel scam.
Rodolfo G. Plaza of Agusan del directing them to submit all
Among those charged were
Enrile also narrated the story of a
Sur, Samuel M. Dangwa of accounts of the 10 people (both Enrile, Estrada, Revilla and
“palatial house” in Tagaytay City
Benguet, Constantino G. Jaraula live and dormant), including the Napoles.
frequented by a senator. He said the
of Cagayan de Oro, and Edgar de outstanding balance, type of
The NBI and whistle-blowers,
structure stood on two lots with
Leon Valdez of the Apec party-list m o n e t a r y i n s t r u m e n t o r former employees of Napoles,
separate titles and separate owners group.
p r o p e r t y, a n d a d d i t i o n a l said the lawmakers channeled
one Augusto Pineda and “a
The six individuals were information related or materially their pork barrel, the Priority
Reyes (who resigned as Enrile's linked accounts.
Development Assistance Fund,
“By the way, when I said senator, I
chief of staff early this year),
The branch officers were also into dubious NGOs that Napoles
did not refer to any member of the
Tuason (who represented both asked to report the historical had set up to facilitate kickbacks.
Enrile and Sen. Jinggoy Estrada), movement of these accounts,
Principal whistle-blower
Senate. That's what I heard,” Enrile
Richard Cambe (chief of staff of specifically the source of funds Benhur Luy, a cousin of Napoles,
Sen. Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr.), and the recipients of the testified at the Senate blue ribbon
Pauline Therese Mary A. Labayen withdrawals and transfers.
committee two months ago that
Not murderous
(a staff member of Estrada), Jose
Linked accounts are defined lawmakers pocketed up to 50
Enrile denied that he was
“Joy” R. Sumalpong (chief of staff under Republic Act No. 9194, or percent of the supposed cost of a
“murderous” in reference to
of Masbate Gov. Rizalina Seachon- the Anti-Money Laundering Act ghost project. Napoles got 40
Santiago's remarks that Napoles could
Lanete), and Erwin C. Dangwa of 2001, as those belonging to the p e r c e n t a n d g o v e r n m e n t
be killed if she didn't rat on the
(son and chief of staff of former same person (whether singly or contacts, 10 percent, according to
politicians she supposedly conspired
B e n g u e t R e p . S a m u e l M . jointly); his or her “in trust for” Luy.
Page 8
(ITF) accounts and corporate
The Inquirer obtained a copy accounts where he or she is a
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 6
Massive US typhoon aid showed need
for increase rotational presence accord
MANILA -- The massive US
military assistance that provided
relief goods and crucial airlift
muscle in the aftermath of Typhoon
Yolanda's enormous devastation in
the Visayas demonstrated the need
for a proposed bilateral accord that
would allow an increased American
military presence in the country,
Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del
Rosario said Monday.
“I think what has been
demonstrated in central
Philippines as a result of this
typhoon and the assistance
provided in terms of relief, rescue
operation... demonstrates the need
for this framework agreement that
we are working out with the United
States,” Del Rosario told a press
briefing following a meeting with
US lawmakers who visited the
typhoon-hit area of Tacloban over
the weekend.
Washington and Manila are
discussing the terms for a planned
increased rotational presence of
American troops in the Philippines.
Del Rosario said what
happened in the Visayas
“accentuates” the need “to make
humanitarian assistance and
disaster relief and response a very
major aspect of the agreement.”
Among the assistance extended
by the US military in the aftermath
of Typhoon Yolanda was the
deployment of the George
Washington carrier and several C130, cargo aircraft and Osprey.
Aside from military power, the US
also provided almost $50 million in
financial aid.
Congressman Chris Smith (New
Jersey), who led the congressional
delegation, believes the storm has
brought the US and the Philippines
“closer,” adding the ongoing
negotiations for an increased
American presence in the country
“will be given a direct boost as a
direct result” of the cooperation
between the two allies.
“Those of us in here are very
much in favor of the strongest
possible bond between the US
military and the PHL military in
every aspect,” Smith said.
Stick closely together
Congressman Trent Franks
(Arizona) said the US government is
“deeply committed” to solidify the
“I think it's vitally important for
us to stick closely together and to
take every opportunity we have
including this one to try to bring our
military efforts close together
because we certainly not only have
great common potential opponents
to deal with but we have a great
commitment to being in common in
going forward in peace efforts,” he
During their visit to Tacloban,
the US lawmakers observed the
urgent need for housing for the
“There's a colossal need (for
housing). We saw it first hand and
that would be something that we
take back because we want to be
part of the solution,” Smith said.
“Coming up with a response
that is robust and generous and
meet those unmet needs is our next
step,” he added, noting that the
recovery phase is one of the phases
that often go underfunded “when
the lights go out and the glare of
emergency fades in the news.”
“Once that happens funding
necessary for recovery dries up as
well,” Smith said.
On top of a growing
international aid, the United
Nations has also issued a $ 301million flash appeal to address the
needs of the disaster-hit region
such as food, medicine, housing,
health and education.
More than 5,000 have been
killed and the figures, according to
aid workers, are still expected to
rise, while about 10 million have
been affected.
“The cost in human suffering is
incalculable and the cost of
recovery can be quantified and
what our delegation is seeking to do
is to get as best we can as much
information then to bring that
information back to the United
States and work with our colleagues
both in the House and the Senate
and with the executive branch to be
as supportive and generous as we
possibly can,” Smith said.
Department of public work and Highways (DPWH) OIC-Director Beth Pilorin shows the scale
model for the construction of temporary shelter for families affected by super typoon 'Yolanda'
in Samar and Leyte on Tuesday (November 26, 2013) at the DWPH head office in Port Area,
Manila. DPWH Secretary Rogelio Singson said works are on-going for the construction of
bunkhouse units in 4 sites in Tacloban City, Palo (Leyte), and Basey and Marabut towns in
A Reverse Osmosis Water Purifying Unit is set up at a local well in Capiz by Canada's Disaster
Assistance and Response Team (DART) as part of its relief efforts in the province. Right photo
shows DART's clean watermedicine and environmental technicians take water samples from
the Reverse Osmosis Water Purifying Unit to check its purity.
The Filipino Express is only
$40 a year for 52 issues
President Benigno Aquino III, left, speaks about Supertyphoon “Yolanda” during a
nationally televised address at the Malacanang palace in Manila on Nov. 7, 2013, a day
before Yolanda hit central Philippines. At right is Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr. AP
P-Noy concedes 'Yolanda'
death toll has doubled
By Nikko Dizon
President Aquino is not bothered
that the official death toll from
Supertyphoon “Yolanda” is now
twice the estimate he gave in an
interview with CNN last week.
Aquino told the Inquirer on
Monday that the 2,000-2,500
estimate of the death toll that he
mentioned in an interview with CNN
anchor Christiane Amanpour was
based on the initial, confirmed report
he received from the ground.
“The actual figure now is really
way beyond the initial estimate I
gave,” Aquino said.
But the government will not just
yet give another estimate, even if the
civil defense agency has begun to
receive official reports from its
regional offices.
“We want to give figures [that
cannot be doubted], because we
don't want to increase the people's
anxiety, especially those with
missing relatives,” Aquino said.
The official death toll stands at
5,209, which does not include 1,755
unidentified bodies recovered in
Tacloban City, Leyte province, from
Nov. 15 to 21.
But the official death toll is still
rising, with more bodies being
recovered as workers clear
numerous communities flattened by
the typhoon on Nov. 8.
In hardest-hit Tacloban alone,
the death toll is now close to 2,000,
with the body count reaching 1,932
on Monday, Nov.
Page 7
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 7
P-Noy concedes ...
From page 6
Bube Arce, head of the body
recovery task force, said more bodies
were expected to be found as workers
clear the city of rubble and storm
debris. Senior Supt. Pablito Cordeta,
information officer of the task force,
said workers found 57 bodies on
Under scrutiny
The President's handling of the
response to the catastrophe has come
under local and foreign scrutiny
principally because of the slow
provision of relief to the survivors
and the lack of urgency in the
retrieval of the bodies of the victims,
which were allowed to litter and
putrefy on the streets for days.
The government also appeared to
b e i n d e n i a l t h a t Yo l a n d a
(international name: “Haiyan”), the
most powerful typhoon on record,
claimed the lives of thousands of
With maximum winds of up to
250 kilometers per hour, Yolanda
slammed into the Samar-Leyte
typhoon alley, generating storm
surges as high as 6 meters as it roared
across the Visayan region, flattening
entire communities and toppling
power and communication lines on
Nov. 8.
First responders reported seeing
numerous bodies littering the streets
and floating in the water, and local
government and police officials
feared the storm had killed up to
10,000 people.
The government was displeased
with that estimate and sacked the
regional police director in Eastern
Visayas, Chief Supt. Elmer Soria, who
had quoted the figure from a briefing
by Leyte Gov. Dominic Petilla on Nov.
The sacking of Soria and the
clampdown on body-count reports by
the National Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Council (NDRRMC)
gave rise to the criticism that the
government was playing down the
death toll.
International agencies, however,
said the death toll estimate of 10,000
appeared to be low, considering the
massive destruction wrought by the
The President acknowledged that
the NDRRMC had been criticized for
its low casualty count.
“It's because you have to make
sure that there is the certification or a
coroner's report before it is made
official,” he said, referring to the bodycount procedure.
Aquino said some local officials
had reported to him casualty counts,
both missing and dead, only for the
figures to be amended later.
He said he had ordered an
investigation of the high fatality count
because of “a wide disparity in various
“What is it that contributed to [the
high casualty count]?” the President
said. He acknowledged, however, that
the topography and the storm surge
were among the reasons why so many
people perished.
“[But] looking at Guiuan (in
Leyte), the casualty count was
proportionate to the effects of the
typhoon,” he said.
The real death toll may take long to
establish even with help from foreign
forensic experts in identifying the
bodies. Unidentified bodies are buried
uncounted, keeping the official death
toll low. In Tacloban, recovered bodies
are deposited in the public cemeteries
at Basper village, 8 kilometers from
the provincial capital, and Suhi village,
13 km from the city.
Arce said the bodies were placed
in body bags and laid in open pits in
the two cemeteries. The bodies were
sprayed with lime to contain the
stench, he said.
But the pits were not covered, as
more bodies were expected to be
found, Arce said.
According to the Tacloban social
welfare and development office, 546
people remained missing and their
relatives were searching for them.
While the recovery group knew
how many bodies had been found, it
could not say how many were thrown
into each pit in the two cemeteries.
Of the 1,932 bodies recovered as of
Sunday, only 245 were identified by
DSWD relief ... From page 1
which, at this time, may not be food anymore. She said her department has already
implemented cash for work program for the typhoon victims.
Soliman clarified, however, that the DSWD will continue to provide relief goods
and other basic necessities to individuals who will not be able to find work or any
means of living after the December deadline.
The announcement disappointed numerous victims of Yolanda.
As of writing, the DSWD already distributed 1.5 million food packs. Some places
apparently received relief goods five times already.
Yolanda, the strongest tropical cyclone that made landfall in the Visayan region
on November 8 caused massive damages in agriculture and infrastructure worth
P24.5 billion.
The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) on
Tuesday said the death toll from super typhoon Yolanda stands at to 5, 240, while 25,
615 were injured and 1, 613 remain missing. Manila Bulletin
Leyte coastal rehab
to cost P350 Million
By DJ Yap
MANILA -- The Department of
Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR) has earmarked
almost P350 million for the
restoration of the “green wall” of
mangrove and natural beach
forests on the coasts of the Eastern
Visayas that was the worst hit by
Supertyphoon “Yolanda.”
Environment Secretary Ramon
Paje on Wednesday said the DENR
would lead a massive coastal
rehabilitation of the region,
particularly Leyte and its capital
city, Tacloban, and has set aside
some P347 million for the
“Tacloban is a major concern
given its being a major population
center, but the undertaking will
cover practically the entire eastern
seaboard of Eastern Visayas,” Paje
The objective is to restore the
region's degraded coastal forests
and to make its coastlines less
vulnerable to extreme weather
“It is clear in the law that we
cannot allow people to build
houses in areas for mangroves and
beach forest,” said Paje, referring to
Presidential Decreee 1067, or the
Philippine Water Code.
Under Article 51 of that code,
“banks of rivers and streams and
the shores of the seas and lakes
An early morning fog envelopes Palo town, Leyte province, as typhoon survivors rebuild their
homes Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013. AP PHOTO/BULLIT MARQUEZ
throughout their entire length and
within a zone of three meters in
u rb a n a re a s , 2 0 m e te r s i n
agricultural areas and 40 meters in
forest areas, along their margins
are subject to the easement of
public use in the interest of
recreation, navigation, floatage,
fishing and salvage”.
Paje said the situation in
Eastern Visayas “necessitates a
display of political will from their
local government officials to
restore their mangrove areas and
beach forests”.
He noted that the affected
coastlines were once mangroves
and beach forest areas but most
had been converted into
settlement areas by squatters or
for development activities.
“Had the mangroves in Leyte
and Eastern Samar not been
decimated, the storm surge in
those areas would have been
dissipated by 70 to 80 percent of its
strength,” Paje said.
He cited a study by the
Department of Science and
Technology indicating that the
“strength of an eight-meter storm
surge is concentrated within the
lower six meters with the upper
two meters as only having tidal
“The surge can only destroy the
leaves, but it cannot uproot the
mangroves because they are so
deep-rooted and strong that they
will regrow in time,” Paje said.
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 8
Enrile breaks
silence ...
From page 5
“I never murdered anyone
during all of my almost 90
years on this planet. I was in
the war during World War II as
a freedom fighter. I fired bullets
against the foreign invaders of
our country as they fired
bullets at me. I do not know if I
hit any of those I shot at,” he
“But for someone to say
with impunity that I killed
someone, whether here or
anywhere else, or that I am
planning anyone's murder, is
t h e ' g r a n d m a m a' o f a l l
falsehood fabricators,” Enrile
Long firearm
Enrile also took exception
to Santiago's insinuation that
he had with him a bodyguard
armed with a rifle whenever he
goes to the restroom in the
“I never realized until that
blue ribbon hearing that we
have a peeping Tom in this
Senate. I never knew that
someone was keeping an eye
on me even when I go to the
most private of places here in
this building. It was, after all,
supposed to be a private area,”
Enrile said.
“I am sure, Mr. President,
everyone in this Senate,
including the fabricator of that
falsehood, knows that what
she said was a bald-faced lie,”
he added.
'Psychotic paranoia'
“Besides, unlike some
persons familiar to me, I do not
think I suffer from any kind of
schizophrenic or psychotic
paranoia to be that paranoid to
need someone with a firearm
to visit a restroom, especially
in this Senate,” Enrile said.
“Maybe what my obsessive
hater mistook for a long
firearm, Mr. President, was a
tiny gadget that I bring with me
to scratch my back when it
itches and to strike down a
mischievous langaw when I
encounter one along the way,”
he added.
Enrile said Santiago's
charge that he funded the
Zamboanga City siege only
showed her propensity for
lying. “This senator is too
much. She's engaging in
character assassination,”
Enrile said.
Enrile said he was in his
home province in Cagayan and
didn't know about the violence
in Zamboanga City when it
started, referring to the attack
by hundreds of followers of
Nur Misuari, former Moro
National Liberation Front
chair, who is protesting the
proposed peace deal between
the government and the Moro
Islamic Liberation Front,
which broke away from the
MNLF years ago.
Origin of animosity
Enrile said Santiago's
“deep-seated animosity” must
have been caused by his
opposition to her appointment
as secretary of agrarian reform
during the first Aquino
administration and his refusal
to include her in the Senate
majority when he became
Senate President in 2008 and in
“During the hearing of the
Commission on Appointments
on her confirmation as
secretary of agrarian reform,
testing the suitability and
qualifications of the nominee
then, I asked her if she was ever
under the care of a psychiatrist.
She admitted that she was. She
said that she was treated by a
psychiatrist at the Makati
Medical Center,” Enrile said.
Bar exam grade
Enrile said that in the same
Commission on Appointments
(CA) committee deliberation,
he also asked what grade she
got in her bar examination.
“She replied that she got 76
percent. That meant that she
obtained low grades in all her
bar subjects. In fact, I
remember that she got a grade
of 56 percent in Ethics, the
e a s i e s t b a r e xa m i n a t i o n
s u b j e c t ,” E n r i l e s a i d .
US bombers ...
From page 3
complying. Japan likewise has called
the zone invalid, unenforceable and
dangerous, while Taiwan and South
Korea, both close to the US, also
rejected it.
White House spokesman Josh
Earnest would not specifically
comment Tuesday on the military
flights. “It continues to be our view
that the policy announced by the
Chinese over weekend is
unnecessarily inflammatory and has
a destabilizing impact on the region,”
he told reporters traveling with
Obama in Los Angeles.
The US mission took place
between about midnight Monday
and 3 a.m. EST, said the officials, who
requested anonymity because they
were not authorized to speak by
name about the flights. The flights
were first reported by The Wall
Street Journal.
China's move to further assert its
territorial claims over the islands is
not expected to immediately spark
confrontations with foreign aircraft.
Yet it fits a pattern of putting teeth
behind China's claims and could
potentially lead to dangerous
encounters depending on how
vigorously China enforces itand how
cautious it is when intercepting
aircraft from Japan, the US and other
While enforcement is expected
to start slowly, Beijing has a record of
playing the long game, and analysts
say they anticipate a gradual scalingup of activity.
The declaration seems to have
flopped as a foreign policy gambit.
Analysts say Beijing may have
miscalculated the forcefulness and
speed with which its neighbors
rejected its demands.
At least in the short term, the
move undermines Beijing's drive for
regional influence, said Bonnie
Glaser, an Asia expert at the Center
for Strategic and International
Studies in Washington.
“It doesn't serve Chinese
interests to have tensions with so
many neighbors simultaneously,”
she said.
Mostly rhetorical
Denny Roy, a security expert at
the East-West Center in Hawaii, said
China's enforcement will likely be
mostly rhetorical at first.
“The Chinese can now start
counting and reporting what they
China deploys ...
From page 2
from apprehending the Chinese
fishermen by China's marine
surveillance vessels who blocked
Philippine ships. China
subsequently closed off the
entrance to the shoal preventing
Filipino fishermen from entering it.
The DFA said that China's move
to deploy an aircraft carrier in the
disputed sea does not help efforts to
establish regional stability.
“Its deployment does not
contribute to collective efforts to
strengthen regional stability and
instead serves to threaten the status
quo,” Hernandez said.
call Japanese violations, while
arguing that the Chinese side has
shown great restraint by not
exercising what they will call China's
right to shoot, and arguing further
that China cannot be so patient
indefinitely,” Roy said.
China also faces practical
difficulties deriving from gaps in its
air-to-air refueling and early
warning and control capabilities,
presenting challenges in both
detecting foreign aircraft and
keeping its planes in the air,
according to Greg Waldron, Asia
managing editor at Flightglobal
magazine in Singapore.
Despite that, Beijing has shown
no sign of backing down, just as it has
continued to aggressively enforce its
island claims in the South China Sea
over the strong protests from its
Tensions remain high with
Tokyo over islands in the East China
Sea called Senkaku by Japan and
Daioyu by China. Beijing was
incensed by Japan's September 2012
move to nationalize the chain, and
Diaoyutai by Taiwan, which also
claims them.
Since then, Chinese and Japanese
coast guard ships have regularly
confronted each other in
surrounding waters. Japan further
angered Beijing last month by
threatening to shoot down
unmanned Chinese drones that
Beijing says it plans to send on
surveillance missions over the
Beijing's move was greeted
rapturously by hardline Chinese
nationalists, underscoring Beijing's
need to assuage the most vocal facet
of domestic public opinion.
Strategically, it also serves to keep
the island controversy alive in
service of Beijing's goal of forcing
Tokyo to accept that the islands are
in dispute a possible first step to
joint administration or unilateral
Chinese control over them.
Beijing was also responding in
kind to Japan's strict enforcement of
its own air defense zone in the East
China Sea, said Dennis Blasko, an
Asia analyst at think tank CNA's
China Security Affairs Group and a
former Army attache in Beijing.
The Japanese zone, in place since
the 1960s, overlaps extensively with
the newly announced Chinese zone.
Japan, which keeps a public record of
all foreign incursions into its zone,
actually extended it westward by 14
miles in May.
C h i n a h a d a l s o re c e n t ly
established what it calls an “Air
Defense Identification Zone” over
several islands disputed by Japan
and China.
The United States government
said that it will not recognize the
zone. Two unarmed B-52 bombers
flew over the zone for at least an
hour and did not identify
themselves, a report by CNN citing
an unnamed US military official
Secretary of State John Kerry
said in a statement that the
establishment of the zone will
“increase tensions in the region and
create risks of an incident.”
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 9
Mayor Fulop Denounces Port Authority
Moving Forward With Toll & Fare Increases
JERSEY CITY, Nov. 26 -- Mayor
Steven M. Fulop today denounced
planned toll increases set to take
effect December 1st by the Port
Authority of New York and New
Jersey, an agency that continues to
enjoy strong profits while New
Jerseyans struggle to recover from
the recession.
“By moving forward with toll
and fare hikes, the Port Authority
continues to punish New
Jerseyans and especially Jersey
City residents at a time of
continued economic hardship,”
said Mayor Fulop.
“The Port
Authority dumps a heavy burden
on Jersey City taxpayers in three
ways -- from the costs of municipal
services provided to the Port
Authority, from the increasing
tolls and PATH fares, and from a
staggering underpayment by the
Port Authority to the City for its
property here.”
According to just released
data from the New York Federal
Reserve Bank, North Jersey is
lagging behind the rest of the
metropolitan area in recovering
from the recession. Last year, the
$4 billion Port Authority had a 31
percent profit margin, not
including depreciation,
Fulop: Profitable
agency continues to
punish New
Jerseyans during a
time of economic
amortization, taxes, interest and
capital expenditures.
“ T h e Po r t A u t h o r i t y i s
financially strong and could
choose to delay this increase,”
added Mayor Fulop.
On Dec. 1, 2013, tolls on cars
using E-ZPass will increase 75
cents, following increases in 2011
and in 2012. The Port Authority
will continue to increase the tolls
by 75 cents for each of the next
two years on cars using E-ZPass.
Tolls on cars paying with cash will
increase $1 in 2014 and 2015.
Fares will also increase for car
pool and green pass motorists.
For PATH riders, a single PATH
ride will cost $1.00 more from
$1.75 to $2.75 by October 2014,
with 25 cent annual fare increases
that began in 2011 and continue
through next year.
Earlier this month, Mayor
Fulop announced that the city will
file suit against the Port Authority
of New York and New Jersey for
$400 million for missed tax
payments and undue economic
harm caused to the taxpayers of
Jersey City by the bi-state
transportation agency.
Currently, for all Jersey City
properties owned by the Port
Authority excluding the Holland
Tunnel which is tax exempt the
agency pays the City $2.2 million
annually. Those same properties
are assessed at a rate that would
result in $18.2 million in property
taxes annually to the City.
“The Port Authority continues
to create hardship for the people
of Jersey City and it is time they
pay their fare share,” said Mayor
Fulop. “That's why we are suing
for back taxes and interest totaling
approximately $400 million and
going forward we will also set the
rate at a more realistic payment to
benefit Jersey City taxpayers. The
Port Authority isn't struggling,
though its host cities bear a
tremendous burden. It's time
make the Port Authority respect
the commuters whose money they
grab every day.” - Jennifer Morrill,
Press Secretary to Mayor Steven
M. Fulop
ITF Seafarers' Trust
awards GBP100,000 to
help Filipino seafarers
The ITF Seafarers' Trust the charity arm of the
International Transport
Workers” Federation today,
Nov. 27 authorised two
grants totalling GBP100,000
to aid Filipino seafarers and
their families affected by
Typhoon Haiyan.
The grants, for
GBP50,000 each are being
awarded to the Associated
Marine Officers' and
Seamen's Union of the
Philippines (AMOSUP) and
the Philippine Seafarers
Union (PSU) to help them
deliver emergency relief for
seafarers and their families.
ITF Seafarers' Trust chair
Dave Heindel commented:
“Around 300,000 of the
world's seafarers are from
the Philippines, many of them
from the worst hit areas.
These two grants will allow
us to provide targeted help to
“The Seafarers' Trust is
trying to alleviate at least
some of the awful effects of
the tragedy that hit the
Philippines, a country which
is fundamental to the
maritime world. With this aid
the Trust is hoping to help
many seafarers to get back on
their feet, and to support
them at this difficult time.”
For more about the ITF
Seafarers' Trust see or
the Trust blog at
Editorial & opinion
Page 10
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Emotional victory
Manny Pacquiao scored an emotional victory over Brandon
Rios last Sunday in Macau, not only for himself but most
especially for the survivors of Supertyphoon “Yolanda” who have
only just begun to stir from its knockout punch. His definitive
triumph showed that Pacquiao, a loser in his last two fights, has
returned to the winners' circle, and that he still has what it takes
to be on top of the game.
Basking in the glow of redemption and the adulation of
millions that had momentarily faded, the Filipino champion said
he was not done with boxing just yet. “This is still my time,” he
declared. Nevertheless, doubts linger and questions persist. Is he
still the Pacman of old? After failing to score a knockout since
2009, does he still wield the killer power? Is he still good enough
to fight tormentor Juan Manuel Marquez for a fifth time, or the
elusive Floyd Mayweather Jr. at all?
By his own account, Pacquiao is a changed man. Indeed, the
gambler and the rake in him seem to have disappeared, and been
replaced by a man of religion. Yet he continues to surround
himself with characters who feed off his wealth and are bent on
squeezing any ounce of juice they can get from his considerable
boxing prowess promoters and wheeler-dealers like Bob Arum,
politicians, “spiritual advisers,” and con men. Las Vegas and
Macau, the sin cities on either side of the Pacific, are jostling to
land a Pacquiao fight and the millions of dollars it generates for
The world just loves Manny Pacquiao. His emphatic win over
Rios raised the expectations of his fans and reopened options for
him. Against the American, the Filipino champion was clinical,
methodical and thorough. Even minus the ability or willingness
to put away his opponent, there was no doubting the fight still left
in him.
There's a score to settle with Timothy Bradley. There's
“unfinished business” with Marquez, who sent him to dreamland
with the phantom punch that served to remind him and the world
at large that the Pacman was human, after all. And there are still
millions of dollars to be made from a mega fight with Mayweather
a dream deal that Arum is moving heaven and earth to put
But history is replete with stories of champions led to ruin by
the idea of one last fight and one last paycheck, those whose
hubris carried them well past their prime and into ignominious
retirement. Joe Louis, and even the great Muhammad Ali, fought
one fight too many, needing one more payday to settle debts and
taxes. Mike Tyson, who squandered his earnings of $300 million
before his career was over, declared bankruptcy a decade ago.
Closer to home, Rolando Navarrete, the “bad boy from
Dadiangas,” became a bum and was in constant trouble with the
law after spending what was left of his earnings on booze and
drugs. Fortunately, Gabriel “Flash” Elorde, the greatest Filipino
boxing champion until Pacquiao came along, had the venerable
Lope “Papa” Sarreal Sr. as his manager, father-in-law and
business adviser to guide him to a post-boxing career in business
and philanthropy.
Pacquiao may have his money now, but he does not have a
Papa Sarreal to look after him when his fight days are over. No one
in his large entourage - not Chavit Singson, not Lito Atienza, not
even the spiritual advisers who, his mother claimed, had been
milking her son dry - comes close to doing for Pacquiao what
Sarreal did for Elorde.
TPS Designation
for Philippines
The Secretary of Homeland
Security has the authority to
designate a foreign country for
temporary protected status (TPS)
due to conditions in the country
such as an ongoing armed conflict,
environmental disasters and other
extraordinary conditions that
temporarily prevent the country's
nationals from returning safely.
Once the designation is made,
TPS grants eligible nationals of the
TPS country who are in the U.S. a
temporary, humanitarian form of
relief from deportation during the
designated period and allows them
to obtain work authorization and
travel documents. It does not
however lead to permanent
residence status. Once granted TPS,
the beneficiary cannot be detained
by the DHS on the basis of his
immigration status in the US unless
he becomes ineligible or the
country loses the designation.
Efforts to designate the
Philippines for TPS have been
made. Typhoon Haiyan, one of the
most powerful storms ever
recorded on land, affected over 7
million people in the Philippines.
Over 5,000 lives have been lost and
over 4 million people displaced.
At least three U.S. Senators,
namely, Senator Charles Schumer,
Senator Benjamin Cardin, and
Senator Bob Menendez have
submitted a request to the DHS to
designate the Philippines for TPS.
Other groups such as the American
Immigration Lawyers Association
(AILA) and the NY Legal Assistance
Group have also sent similar
According to them, requiring
the Philippines to reabsorb its
nationals from abroad, many of
whom may have lost their homes,
would impose a great burden on
the rescue and restoration efforts
in the country. TPS would provide a
safe haven for those who are
reluctant to return to potentially
dangerous situations. It would also
allow Filipinos in the U.S. to work
and support their families in the
Philippines who were impacted by
the typhoon.
Eligible nationals of a country
designated for TPS are also allowed
to apply for nonimmigrant status,
file for adjustment of status based
on an immigrant petition and apply
for any other immigration benefits
or protection. The applicant must
however still meet the basic
requirements for other benefits
To be eligible for TPS, the
foreign national must meet the
basic requirements, namely: that
he is a national of a country
designated for TPS, or a person
without nationality who last
Page 12
A Pinoy 'belen’
Page 12
Tacloban, has a belen. So have
homes in Maasin down in Southern
Leyte province up to Baybay in
north Leyte. Mangers are up in
earthquake-battered Bohol.
Founded in 1986
Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Lito A. Gajilan, Jr.
Columnists: Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq.,
Juan L. Mercado, Jonathan Suarez, Joel Baclit
Correspondent: Contessa Bourbon
The opinions expressed by columnists are their
own and do not reflect the opinion of the paper
nor that of the publisher
Contact us:
Phone: 201-434-1114 Fax 201-434-0880
We tacked up again those
Christmas star lanterns Sunday.
We had stashed the parols before
S u p e r t y p h o o n “ Yo l a n d a ”
(international name: “Hainan”)
barreled through. The five-candle
Advent wreath is back in our sala.
So is the Christmas tree.
The wife dusted off the Nativity
figurines: Mary, Joseph, shepherds,
Magi, sheep, cattle plus manger.
Our family places the Infant in the
crib after the noche buena
This year, roofless Leyte and
Samar churches will be hard put to
set up cribs. In Calbayog City, the
Mother Teresa hospice, which
sheltered patients evacuated from
Where did all this begin?
In the Advent of 1223, Francis
of Assissi came to the Italian
hamlet of Grecio. Its tiny chapel
would overflow when people came
for the Christmas midnight Mass,
he realized. So Francis set up an
altar in the town squareand added
a creche. Let St. Bonaventure
continue the story:
“It happened in the third year
before (Francis') death… he
prepared a manger, and brought
hay, an ox, an ass…. The people
gathered; the forest resounded
with their voices. And that night
was made glorious by many and
brilliant lights and sonorous
psalms of praise.
“(Francis) stood before the
manger… bathed in tears and
radiant with joy, he chanted the
gospel. Then he preached to the
people around the nativity of the
poor King. Unable to utter His
name for the tenderness of His
love, he called Him the 'Babe of
“A (former) soldier, Master
John of Grecio had become
(Francis') friend. He affirmed that
Francis beheld an Infant
marvelously beautiful, sleeping in
the manger, whom (he) embraced
with both his arms, as if he would
awake Him from sleep.”
Luke's short account of Jesus'
birth mentions the manger thrice.
Mary laid her infant in the manger.
Angels told the shepherds a
manger would be the sign to
Page 12
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 11
Opinion On Yolanda and climate change
By Andrew James Masigan
Typhoons are getting more
frequent and more ferocious as the
years go by. Behind this is climate
changethe insidious killer that has
altered weather patterns across
the globe. No longer can we turn a
blind eye nor deny this festering
Carbon emissions are the root
cause of global warming and these
come in the form of carbon dioxide,
methane, nitrous oxide and sulfur
hexafluoride. These toxic gases
are the by-products of burning coal
and fossil fuel to generate electric
power or to fire up engines. The
collective carbon emissions of the
world act like a thermal blanket
that traps the heat of the sun in our
atmosphere, preventing it from
reflecting back into space. It is,
what many refer to, as the
“Greenhouse Effect”.
Global temperatures have
risen by an average of .6 degrees
Celsius since the advent of the
industrial age. While this may
seem negligible, its effect on our
fragile environment has been
devastating. Bear in mind that the
rate of increase is just an average.
Some areas of the planet are
warming faster than others. For
instance, in Greenland, Patagonia
and Antarctica, temperatures have
increased by as much as three
degrees Celsius, causing massive
meltdown of glaciers. This, in
effect, has caused sea levels to rise
by .2 meters. For archipelagic
countries like the Philippines, this
translates to the continued erosion
of coastal areas. It is so severe that
by the year 2100, experts estimate
that 15 percent of our coastal lands
will be reclaimed by the sea.
As we know too well, one of the
most painful consequences of
global warming is that tropical
storms have become more
unpredictable, more frequent, and
more violent. This is because
tropical clouds draw their energy
from sea surfaces. The warmer the
sea surface, the more energy the
clouds can draw. In equatorial Asia,
temperatures have risen by more
than two degrees Celsius in the last
20 years alone. This explains why
our storms have become
increasingly stronger. To give you
an idea of the inert energy Yolanda
contained, scientists ascertained
that it would have been enough to
electrify the entire Philippines for
five months.
Yolanda, with all its strength
and fury, is the new norm. This is
our unfortunate reality. Based on
our present rate of global warming,
equatorial Asia will warm by
another 4.8 degrees Celsius before
the end of the century, thanks to
China who continues to spew toxic
gases in enormous amounts. China
is the world's number one polluter,
responsible for 27 percent of the
world's carbon emissions. The
offshoot of all this is that future
typhoons will become even
stronger and more frequent than
they are today. And given the
continued rise in sea levels, storm
surges are twice as likely to occur
than they were in the year 1950. I
seriously worry for my daughter,
her children, and the entire next
generation of Filipinos.
The Philippines bears the
brunt of weather disturbances due
to a lethal combination of being
near the equator and being fully
exposed to Philippine Sea and the
Pacific Ocean. Our geographic
position have made us the third
most vulnerable nation to climate
change, according to ADB. It is
ironic since the Philippines
contributes less than one percent
to the world's carbon emissions.
Other Effects Of Climate Change
The Philippines is not the only
c o u n t r y a f fe c te d by gl o b a l
Climate change is also
responsible for the heat waves that
continue to plague Europe and the
Americas. In 2003, more than
70,000 deaths were recorded
when temperatures hit 42 degrees
Celsius in France. Heat waves of
this magnitude used to occur only
every 200 years, the last one being
in 1540. With climate change,
scientists agree that it will likely
occur once every two years by the
year 2040, and every year by the
year 2080.
Droughts and, consequently,
forest fires are another upshoot of
climate change. Australia,
Indonesia and East Africa have
Page 12
“I die without seeing dawn's light shining on my country… You, who will see it,
welcome it for me…don't forget those who fell during the nighttime.”- José Rizal
By Virginette Acacio
It is no secret that the
Philippines has retained a culture
of political corruption. In the last
three decades, two presidents have
been ousted from power. From
cheating, murder, corruption, it is a
tragic fact that most Filipinos
believe their own government
cannot be trusted.
It is times like these that I
wonder, what if our national hero,
Jose Rizal, had been president? I
find it ironic that the most beloved
and revered of our country's
founding fathers was never really
in a seat of power. Rizal was a
freethinker. His writing and
outspoken opinions of
overthrowing Spanish colonial rule
were the very thing that put him in
exile, then in jail, and ultimately in
front of a firing squad. Despite the
violence inflicted on Rizal, he never
saw war as the answer. He sought
peaceful means of revolution and
did not completely agree with the
Katipunan's military agenda.
And yet, Rizal was made an
example of. His sacrifice and valor
in dying for the cause of freedom
only further incited the Katipunan
to carry out its attacks against the
Spanish. His execution was the
stuff of legend, an incendiary
beginning to the Philippine
revolution that culminated in the
independence from Spain. But I
wonder, if he had lived to see the
end of the revolution, would he
have been put in a seat of power?
And if he had been our first
president, what kind of leader
would he have been to our young
Perhaps we revere Rizal as we
do because his love for our
homeland was pure and untainted
by the greed of political power.
Fast forward to present day. In
1983, Benigno Aquino, Jr., a
staunch political opponent to then
president Ferdinand Marcos, is
assassinated on the tarmac of our
international airport. Though
there is no concrete evidence that
Marcos was to blame, popular
sentiment would have it that
Marcos felt threatened by Aquino's
rising influence with the people
and thus had him eliminated. His
murder, like Rizal's, fueled the
People Power Revolution, which
sought to take Marcos out of office,
abolish his 20-year authoritarian
rule and reinstate a democratic
government. This time around this
was a peaceful demonstration of
civil disobedience.
M y p a r e n t s w e r e
revolutionaries in their own right
and actively took part in this
rebellion; my mom perfected her
famous pancit, by cooking and
bagging the food for hundreds of
demonstrators at sit-ins, while
running from teargas explosions.
My dad was a freethinker and had
in his possession, a Red Book,
In graph after graph, Colombo
explains that the “scorching hot”
money inflows to the Philippines
had been borrowed from other
markets like the US and invested
here, where profit is greater. But,
the analyst adds, all signs point to
the existence of a bubble economy
based on hot money which is
spurring the growth in the stock
market, consumer spending and
even the real estate and
construction sectors.
Colombo predicts that the
Philippines' bubble “will most
likely pop when China's economic
bubble pops and/or as global and
local interest rates continue to rise,
which are what caused the
country's credit and asset bubble
in the first place.” He tracked the
start of the Philippine bubble to the
2009 Chinese stimulus plan,
instituted to counteract the effects
of the global economic crisis; while
the Chinese strategy temporarily
boosted the local economy and
those of emerging market
countries, it also created
“dangerous credit and property
bubbles across the emerging
Colombo notes, as Aquino does,
that “the Philippines was upgraded
to investment-grade status this
year by all three major credit
ratings agencies thanks to its
booming economy and ultra-low
government borrowing costs.” But
he quickly adds that “a very good
p o r t i o n” o f t h e i m p r o v i n g
indicators used to secure the
upgrades was “due to
unsustainable, credit-fueled
economic growth.”
The Forbes columnist was also
unimpressed by the effects of
growth in both the business
process outsourcing industry and
the remittances from overseas
Filipino workers. “These two
Page 14
Bubble, bubble
Is Jesse Colombo the Anderson
Cooper of the Philippine economic
situation? And will the worldwide
economic press that the Philippine
government has long been using to
paint a rosy picture of growth wise
up, as well, to the propaganda?
There was a time when, in
response to criticism at home,
President Noynoy Aquino would
cite the accolades his
administration was supposedly
reaping from the international
press. The devastation caused by
Typhoon Yolanda seems to have
changed that strategy, especially
after most foreign press outfits
began unearthing the overall inept
official response to the calamitous
typhoon in Tacloban City and other
hard-hit areas.
But the criticism about how the
government mishandled the
response to the typhoon ultimately
concerned an isolated incident
involving a once-in-a-lifetime
natural phenomenon. It's when the
foreign press starts panning the
economic policies of the Aquino
administration that you start
wondering if the truth behind one
of the biggest lies being sold by this
government (that of the efficacy of
“Aquinomics”) is about to be
The latest online edition of
Forbes magazine carries a column
by renowned “bubbleologist”
Colombo, the noted FrenchAmerican economic analyst who
correctly predicted the US housing
and credit bubble that burst in
2008 and which has hobbled the
world's largest economy and the
rest of the world ever since.
Colombo's piece, entitled “Why the
Philippines' economic miracle is
really a bubble in disguise,” offers
sobering reading for anyone under
the impression that the local
economy is an “emerging tiger” or
whatever name Aquino currently
uses to describe how swimmingly
things are going on the economic
Colombo is of the opinion that
the glowing financial indicators
that Aquino and his economic
managers love to highlight are
merely part of what he calls the
“emerging markets bubble” which
is destined to “pop” because they
are not really grounded on good
fundamentals. Colombo believes
that the Philippines and other
emerging markets will implode
and lead to “another crisis that is
similar to the 1997 Asian Financial
Crisis, [or] even worse this time
due to the fact that more countries
are involved (Latin America, China,
and Africa), and because the global
economy is in a much weaker state
now than it was during the
booming late-1990s.”
Page 12
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 12
TPS ...
From page 10
“Typhoons, like Yolanda, are getting more frequent and ferocious as the years go by. Behind this is climate change - the
insidious killer that has altered weather patterns across the globe.” (Photo by Reuters)
On Yolanda ...
From page 11
been experiencing them with
increasing frequency. In the
Amazon, droughts have caused
rivers to dry, resulting to a mass
annihilation of fish life and death
of millions of trees due to
d e h y d r a t i o n . S t a t i s t i c a l l y,
droughts in different parts of the
world are 25 percent more likely
to occur today than they were in
Overall, the World
Meteorological Organization has
declared that extreme weather
conditions are twice as likely to
occur from here on out then they
were before the pre-industrial
With this, the importance of
climate mitigation and adaptation
cannot be overemphasized.
Mitigation is necessary to retard
the process of global warming,
while adaptation is necessary to
prepare us for the inevitable.
The Kyoto Protocol
The Kyoto Protocol is an
international treaty signed in
Kyoto, Japan in December 1997. It
Bubble, bubble
From page 11
popular explanations for the
economic boom only account for
a combined 14.8 percent of the
Philippines' economy, so are
overstated in their impact, while
the role of cheap credit and asset
bubbles is greatly understated,”
Colombo said.
U l t i m a t e l y, w h a t i s
disconcerting about Colombo's
analysis is his absolute certainty.
It is not a matter of if the
Philippines' bubble economy
will pop, he says, but how and
is an international agreement
linked to United Nations
Fra m e wo rk C o nve n t i o n o n
Climate Change (UNFCCC) that
binds countries to reduce their
carbon emissions by a certain
amount. The treaty has the dual
goal of decreasing the world's
carbon emissions at five percent
below 1990's levels and
retarding the rise of temperatures
beyond two degrees Celsius based
on the pre-industrial average.
Since developed countries are
principally responsible for the
current high levels of carbon
emissions (owing to their 150
years of industrial activity), the
Protocol places a heavier burden
on developed nations under the
principle of “common but
differentiated responsibilities.”
Thirty-seven industrialized
countries plus the EU made firm
commitments to reduce their
carbon emissions. Emerging
economies like the Philippines
were not pressured into a
commitment since we are still in
the developing stage. For its part,
China maneuvered its way out of
making any commitments by
associating itself with a bloc of
developing economies called G77.
when that will happen.
I haven't seen an official
response to Colombo's economic
analysis of the Philippine
economy. I'd like to think that our
officials are busy with the rescue,
relief and rehabilitation effort in
Tacloban and other places.
However, if the government
does not respond to the Forbes
story, it risks losing an important
opportunity to explain that the
bursting of the Philippine
e c o n o m i c b u b b l e i s n' t a s
inevitable as Colombo predicts.
A f t e r a l l , i n re s p o n s e t o
allegations made by Cooper
about the lack of official aid to the
Since the treaty was signed,
the EU has made the most
progress in reducing carbon
emission, principally led by the
United Kingdom. The U.K. has
managed to reduce their carbon
emissions to 26 percent below
their 1990 levels as of today.
The Kyoto Protocol expired in
2012 but remains “unofficially
extended” until 2015 when a new
protocol is set to replace it. In the
meantime, negotiations are
ongoing among countries as to
how much emissions reduction
will be committed come 2015. In
fact, the UN Secretary General has
announced an interim Climate
Change Leader's Meeting next
year, in preparation for 2015's
main event.
habitually resided in the designated
country; that he files for TPS status
during the initial registration period
or re-registration period or he meets
the requirements for late initial filing
during any extension; that he has
been continuously physically present
in the U.S. since the effective date of
the designation; and that he has been
continuously residing in the U.S. since
the date specified in the designation.
Those who have been convicted of
any felony or two or more
misdemeanors committed in the U.S,
or are found to be inadmissible to the
U.S. based on grounds listed in INA
section 212(a), including nonwaivable criminal and securityrelated grounds, or are subject to any
of the mandatory bars to asylum are
not eligible for TPS. Those who fail to
meet the initial or late initial
registration requirements or fail to
meet the continuous physical
presence and continuous residence
requirements are also ineligible for
Registration for TPS is made on
Form I-821. It must be filed with
Fo r m I - 7 6 5 , a p p l i c a t i o n fo r
Employment Authorization even if
the applicant does not want an
employment authorization
The decision to designate the
Philippines for TPS lies with the
executive branch of the federal
government. Congress does not have
to vote on it although members of
Congress may make the request to
t h e P re s i d e n t . T h e d e c i s i o n
ultimately rests with the President
and his agencies.
Countries currently designated
for TPS are El Salvador, Haiti,
Honduras, Nicaragua, Somalia,
Sudan, South Sudan, and Syria.
(Editor's Note: REUBEN S. SEGURITAN has
been practicing law for over 30 years. For
more information, you may log on to his
website at or call (212)
we place a Christ Child. And around it
we arrange Our Lady and Saint Joseph,
the way Catholics everywhere, and in
From page 10
every age, have pictured them.
“But the rest of the scene bears
identify the newborn savior. and when
very little resemblance to the real
they stumbled into a decrepit stable,
Bethlehem. The shepherds are there.
t h e y re c o g n i z e d t h e M e s s i a h
But they are dressed as farmers and
“wrapped in swaddling clothes and
fishermen, because we had no sheep.
laid in a manager.”
And we have no winters.
After Francis' death in 1226, the
“In one corner, the Three Kings are
custom of having the crib at Christmas
on their way. But they do not ride
spread widely. By dawn of the baroque
An Opportune Time For P-Noy
camels. Rather, one of them leads our
era, crib-making had evolved and
Global focus is now on the
town's patient beast of burden: the
developed into an important folk art,
Philippines on the back of the
carabao. And they look up to the
especially in Portugal, in the Tyrol, etc.
devastation wrought by Yolanda.
marvelous starmade of paper pasted
The Nativity belen came to us via
Now is the most opportune time
on a bamboo frame and hung from the
Ferdinand Magellan's galleons. “The
for President Aquino to call for a
ceiling. “You will smile, perhaps, at our
Filipino Belen” is, in fact, the title of a
u n i f i e d , q u a n t i t a t iv e , a n d
simplicity. And it's true, of course, that
substantial action on climate
homily that the late historian Horacio
history is all wrong. Christ was not
change. Leyte and Samar are
de la Costa, S.J. delivered during a
today's faces of global warming
born in a palm leaf shack, and the Wise
Nativity midnight Mass in the United
and its morbid effects.
Men never brought their gifts on a
States. Excerpts:
Page 13
“In many offices today, a Filipino
“(Yet) in our ignorance… a very
'belen' graces the entrance. Nipa
great truth. Although Christ was born
shingles make up the stable's roof.
2,000 years ago in Palestine, He was
Coconut palm trees flank the entrance
typhoon victims in Tacloban,
not born only for that nation and that
to the manager, and a suspended star
Aquino gave his side of the story
time. He was born for all time and for
parol blinks beside the angel
to anchor Christiane Amanpour.
all peoples…. He was born for you and
figurines. In some Nativity cribs,
Of course, Aquino's
for me. He willed to become a man in
Joseph and Our Lady are in tropical
explanations to CNN didn't really
to save all men. And He chose to
change the minds of the foreign
be born homeless because he wanted
press or those of many Filipinos
everyone to be at home.
“Often, its just a sandlot or an
who remain convinced that the
“This little Son of Mary is also 'God
ordinary table which, at Christmas
government's overall response
we say in the Credo of the
to the calamity was inadequate
the birth of our Savior. In the center,
Page 14
and inept. Still, Colombo has
struck a blow to the very heart of
the image Aquino likes to project
that of himself as a great
economic manager whose
greatest achievement is lasting
and inclusive economic progress.
From page 9
A Pinoy belen
Emotional victory
Some say Pacquiao is broke, and by his own high-flying standards he
probably is. There's a high cost to maintaining his political career, his
luxury homes, his fleet of cars and yachts, and his ever-growing entourage,
to speak nothing of the managers, trainers, gofers, and other members of
his fight crew with whom he has to share his earnings. And the taxman is
constantly on his tail.
But Pacquiao's a champion again! And more than ever, it seems time for
him to get down to serious work as the evangelist and public servant that
he attempts to reinvent himself to be. His record as a lawmaker is
highlighted by mediocrity and pales in comparison with his fight record.
Well into his second term, he has nothing to show as far as legislation is
For his own good and for the good of the constituents he is sworn to
serve, it's time to quit boxing while the quitting is good. Sometimes, a
champion's greatness is measured by his ability to acknowledge that his
time is up.
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 13
On Yolanda ...
From page 12
With emotions still raw from wreckages of Yolanda, I
realize how it can be tempting for the President to blame China
and the rest of the industrialized world for causing global
warming in the first place. We are the “innocent” victims of their
carelessness, after all. On this score, we, and all other nations
who fall victim to global warming, are entitled to financial
remuneration for bearing the brunt of it.
But playing the blame game will not do anyone any good. If
anything, it will only cause a division among nations at a time
when we need to be united. So I strongly recommend that the
President take the high ground on this. No finger pointing, no
spite, no vindication. Just as the world has shown solidarity
with the Philippines in our time of need, so must we show
solidarity with the world in mitigating this global menace.
Besides, we stand a better chance of getting better
remunerated if negotiations are done in the spirit of
cooperation rather than a cloud of combativeness.
No one has the credibility and gravitas to speak of the
urgency of climate change as President Aquino does today.
Since most nations are contemplating their commitments in
time for 2015's accord, the President is in the perfect position
to demand for what is really needed by the movement: more
ambitious commitments from all nations made binding by a
legal document that attaches financial and trade policy
reprisals for non-compliance.
Not only will a legally binding treaty provide a common
legal framework that all countries can go by, it also provides the
benchmark against which to assess if what was committed was
indeed delivered. It will be a huge step forward from today's
system of “commit and review.”
The President can also call for the use of a fixed formula to
compute how much to compensate developing countries who
fall victim to global warming. This should relieve us from
having to make our rounds among industrialized nations with
hat in hand.
If President Aquino can draw attention to climate change
and get the ball rolling for more resolute action and a means by
which victim nations can be compensated, then there could be a
silver lining to this tragedy.
Andrew is an economist, political analyst and businessman. He is a
20-year veteran in the hospitality and tourism industry. For
comments and reactions, e-mail Follow
Andrew on Twitter @aj_masigan. Manila Bulletin
Fil-Ams win in California
city's school board elections
By Dan Nino
CERRITOS, California -- As
expected by political pundits in the
ABC school district, Lynda Johnson, a
paralegal by profession, cruised to an
easy victory when she topped the
recent ABC School Board election in
the field of five candidates.
Another Fil-Am candidate, reelectionist and former mayor Victor
Manalo came in second in the field of
six hopefuls in a low turnout election
topped by former mayor Sally Flowers.
Newcomer Melissa Ramoso, a FilAm who works for a California State
senator, came in fifth but did not make
it to the Magic Three.
Currently the board clerk, Johnson
garnered 4,395 of the votes in the
district that comprised the cities of
Cerritos, Artesia, Lakewood, Hawaiian
Gardens and parts of Long Beach and
Norwalk. Korean-American Soo Yoo
trailed her with 4,035 votes.
Chinese-American re-electionist
Olympia Chen came in third with
A re-electionist who had served for
two years for the unexpired term of
then school board member Mark
Pulido, when he won as Cerritos
councilman two years ago, Johnson
was all aglow when results trickled in
at the Goldilocks Restaurant, showing
her consistently in front of the pack.
Community leaders as well as elected
Linda Johnson (right) easily won Cerritos school board post. ASIAN JOURNAL PHOTO
and appointed public officials were on
hand to share her victory.
An associate professor in the
School of Social Work at Cal State
University, Los Angeles, Manalo was
first elected in 2007. Now on his term
beginning in 2014, he garnered 630
When her victory became obvious,
Johnson thanked the ABC community
that supported her on this campaign
trail. “We were in it together and
together we won!” she said, “Thank
you to those that gave me their
endorsement, walked the precinct,
made phone calls, made a donation,
put up a lawn sign and have been by my
side for the past 80 days.”
Among the organizations that
supported her bid were the ABC
Federation of Teachers headed by Ray
Gaer, the ABC classroom teachers, the
American Federation of State, County
and Municipal Employees led by Linda
H a r b i n a n d C a l i fo r n i a S c h o o l
Employees Association led by Rebecca
Tose who attended her victory
party included former California State
Assembly member Tony Mendoza,
Cerritos Mayor Pro-tem Mark Pulido
and Councilwoman Carol Chen, Artesia
Councilmember Miguel Canales, ABC
Board President Celia Spitzer and
board members Olympia Chen, Armin
Reyes, Sophia Tse and former Cerritos
Councilman Sherman Kappe and the
Page 14
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 14
Grateful Vietnamese in US holding
Yolanda fund drive for PH
WESTMINSTER, California -Members of the Vietnamese
community will hold a fund
raising drive to help the
Haiyan/Yolanda typhoon victims
in the Philippines, “to give back
the kindness that the people
from Philippines provided to us
(as Vietnamese refugees).”
The producer of “Bolinao
52/Stateless” along with VOICE
(Vietnamese Overseas Initiative
for Conscience Empowerment)
and the Stateless Vietnamese
from the Philippines group will
hold the fundraisers.
From the Philippines, Trinh
Fil-Ams win ...
From page 13
Leelin Family, (owners of
Goldilocks Restaurant).
Although not in the crowd,
she acknowledged the Yokoyama
family, owners of Century 21
Wise Ol Owl Office where she
held her headquarters, his father,
Samuel Johnson, and campaign
coordinators Marissa Rebaya,
Lauren Poblete and Marissa
Sunio, Esq.
She concluded by expressing
her special thanks to the voters in
the ABC community for “placing
their trust and confidence in me
by re-electing me to serve on the
school board these next four
Manalo, who awaited the
results of the election at his
home, issued this victory
statement to his constituents: “I
am grateful to the voters of
Artesia for giving me the
opportunity to serve them as
their council member for four
more years. While I am proud of
what we have accomplished over
the last four years, there is much
more that needs to be done. We
Hoi, VOICE's founder will come
to Orange County, Calif. to host a
series of fund raising events
along with the Stateless
Vietnamese from the Philippines
group and the producer of
“Bolinao 52/Stateless.”
On Tuesday, Nov. 12 a
fundraiser was held at Nguoi Viet
Daily News, on 14771 Moran
Street, Westminster, Calif.
Another event will be held at
VNCR (Viet Nam California
Radio) Community Center at
14861 Moran Street, Tuesday,
Nov. 19, 6-8 p.m. For more
information call 714-891-8142.
need to recruit diverse
businesses to Artesia to increase
our revenues, and we need to
invest those revenues into
services and programs that meet
the needs of our residents,
improving our infrastructure,
and engaging our residents in our
city's decision-making process.”
He added: “I humbly ask for
your continued support as we
work together to improve the
quality of life for all the residents
of Artesia-Cerritos and beyond.”
Despite her loss, Melissa
Ramoso was gracious enough to
issue a statement immediately
after the election to her
supporters. She said: “I still feel
like a winner because I did this
with all my heart and soul for the
future of Artesia and for the next
generation to come.”
“It was an incredible journey
where I took the biggest leap of
faith of my life. I'm amazed at all
the love and support I received
from across the nation and
coverage from the press such as
the Huffington Post, Orange
County Register, Asian Journal
and numerous other FilipinoAmerican newspapers. I'm
thankful for my family, my team
The “Bolinao 52/Stateless”
producer is planning an event in
Canada in December. Stay tuned
fro more information.
Send your financial
contributions to:
VOICE (c/o Sang Nguyen)
245 E Pepper Dr., Long Beach, CA
For bank transfer: VOICE
Citibank, Account number:
205273162; Routing number:
322271724; Zip code: 20009.
Pay p a l : S e n d to
Harriet is my cousin and one of many courageous survivors of Tacloban.
The Philippines ...
From page 11
and volunteers who ran by my
side calling voters and knocking
on doors. It truly was a labor of
love. I'm thankful for all the
community leaders that put their
name to my campaign and
believed that I was the best
choice for the city; for this, I am
forever grateful for. I'm also very
thankful for those who donated
that made what I thought was an
impossible dream, a true reality,”
she added.
Ramoso is the only challenger
who is a product of the local
school system and has seen
Artesia in its worst and brightest
days as a little girl. Unbowed,
Ramoso said matter-of-factly: “I
can walk away with a smile on my
face knowing I gave 110 percent.
We ran a clean and honorable
campaign that hopefully opened
the eyes of Artesia after decades
of the same leadership.
As a public servant for over
ten years, we expect to hold our
leaders accountable and guide us
with integrity and transparency. I
am blessed. This is not the end,
but the beginning of what's yet
the best to come.”
containing communist ideas of
Chairman Mao. Fearing for his life, he
fled from the capital and spent a year in
hiding back the province.
Years later, after Marcos was
removed from power, it was discovered
that he and his wife, Imelda, moved
billions of dollars of embezzled public
funds to accounts and investments in
the US, Switzerland and other
countries. His widow, Imelda, still faces
these charges today.
Fast forward to 2013. In July of this
year, President Benigno Aquino, III
(son of the assassinated Aquino), and
his allies are accused of stealing up to
half the money allocated toward local
projects from government
discretionary funds. As a result, his
approval rating tanked a couple
months later.
Shortly thereafter, super typhoon
Haiyan slams into the eastern
Philippines, ravaging Tacloban, my
hometown, leaving thousands dead
and millions displaced. Aquino is slow
to respond and gets on the defensive.
He blames the media for exaggerated
reports of death tolls and the
inefficiency of the local Tacloban
government to respond. Alfred
Romualdez, the mayor of Tacloban, is
nephew to Ferdinand and Imelda
The two major TV networks, GMA
and ABS-CBN, also have conflicting
coverage of the typhoon and relief
efforts. Radio broadcaster, Korina
Sanchez of ABS-CBN, (also Aquino
aligned) accuses renowned CNN
reporter, Anderson Cooper, of saying
that there was no presence of
Philippine government in Tacloban.
Watch Cooper's reaction to her
accusation below.
Sanchez's husband is Director of
Interior and is overseeing the relief
effort on the ground. Current buzz
s t a te s t h a t S a n c h e z h a s b e e n
suspended from ABS-CBN for one year,
though Sanchez claims she had a
vacation planned, long in advance.
We can argue all day about
whether you are Marcos or Aquino
aligned, these families can continue to
feud, but one indisputable fact
remains: People are starving. People
are dying. There are people in Tacloban
that need help. It angers me that
nepotism, corruption, political
alliances, rivalries and dynasties have
sullied the vision of what I think our
country could be. I believe we are a
nation of power and promise.
Let me tell you the story of Harriet
Olmida. Harriet and her husband
Veltor have 4 children and live in Palo,
Leyte, a few kilometers from Tacloban.
The night before the typhoon made
landfall, she and her husband brought
her three younger children on their
small motorcycle to the evacuation
center to be with her parents. Their
plan was to return home to retrieve
their eldest son and go back to the
evacuation center, but the weather had
gotten so bad, with debris flying
everywhere, that they decided to wait it
out at home. The next morning it was
Page 15
A Pinoy belen
From page 12
Mass, 'Light of Light; true god of true god;
begotten, not made; of one substance with the father;
by whom all things were made….' There are for him no
distances. And He lives in an eternal now.
“And it is right, profoundly right, that we should
surround his cradle with all that is familiar and dear
to usour houses, our tools, our toys, everything that is
part of ourselves and our daily lives. Because it was to
bless and sanctify these, and ourselves with them,
that Christ was born….
“There is room for all the world… in a Baby's
arms.” We look deep in this Infant's eyes, as our
fathers did before us, and “be filled with the peace
that the world cannot give.”
This coming Christmas will be the first after
Yolanda. Families will stare at empty, shattered
homes. As we write, the official tally sheet has
counted 5,235 dead. And 1,613 are missing. These
numbers will still inch up.
We'll have no family around too. All five children
are abroad, and two will return after Christmas. Our
seven grandchildren study in Sweden or California.
But early Advent, we'll meet our one-and-a-half-yearold grandson. Lukas and his parents fly in from
Michigan for a short visit.
We'll offer Lukas the Infant, for him to kiss and
place in the crib. The wife and I are advanced in years.
Will this be our last time to sing for Lukas the carol
our parents sang? Vamos, vamos a belen.
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 15
Pacquiao to proceed with
Leyte relief mission despite
bank freeze order
By Aquiles Z. Zonio
GENERAL SANTOS CITY -Even if his bank account were
ordered “frozen” by the Court of
Tax Appeals, boxing champion and
Sarangani Representative Manny
Pacquaio vowed to find a way to
distribute relief goods to victims of
Supertyphoon “Yolanda” (Haiyan).
“With God's help we will
always find a way. We will
overcome this challenge,” he told
the Philippine Daily Inquirer by
Pacquiao said he would
prioritize giving goods to typhoon
victims who have hardly received
relief assistance.
Pacquiao said his staff was still
packing the relief goods intended
for the victims of Yolanda in
Visayas, as of Tuesday.
“Baka bukas o sa makalawa
makalipad na tayo papuntang
Visayas. Niri-repack pa ng mga
staff ko ang mga relief goods na
ibibigay natin sa mga biktima
(Maybe tomorrow or the day next,
we will fly to Visayas. People in my
staff are still repacking the relief
goods that will be given to the
victims),” he said.
Pacquiao had wanted to visit
the typhoon-ravaged areas in the
Visayas even before his fight, but
his coach, Freddie Roach, advised
him to postpone it as he was in the
final stage of his preparation
against American Brandon Rios.
He said he would ask his
mother Dionisia, who was born in
Leyte, to go with him in
distributing the relief goods.
“Hindi makakasama ang wife
ko kasi buntis siya at baka
makasama sa kalagayan niya.
Tatanungin ko ang mama ko baka
gusto niyang sumama (My wife
cannot accompany because she's
pregnant and the trip may not be
good to her. I will ask my mom if
she would like to go with me),” he
The Filipino ring sensation
dedicated his victory to his
countrymen, particularly the
typhoon victims.
Pacquiao, known to be
generous in sharing, said he could
not yet say how much he would
donate to the victims.
“Hindi pa natin ma-determine
ang amount unless malaman natin
gaano karami yong hindi pa
nabigyan o minsan lang naabutan
ng tulong mula nung nag-umpisa
ang relief operations (We still
cannot determine the amount to
give unless we get to know how
many have not been given any
relief or have just been aided
once),” Pacquiao said.
Pacquiao reacts to
P2.2-B tax case: My
conscience is clear
By Aquiles Z. Zonio
GENERAL SANTOS CITY -World boxing icon icon and
Sarangani Representative
Manny Pacquiao has
expressed confidence that the
truth will come out regarding
the alleged P2.2-billion tax
case filed by the Bureau of
I n tern a l Reven u e (B I R )
against him.
Pacquiao seemed not
bothered by the news, saying
“My lawyers will eventually
settle that issue with the BIR.”
The Court of Tax Appeals
(CTA) ordered a freeze on
Pacquiao's bank deposits over
a P2.2-billion tax case.
According to reports, the
tax court's First Division
issued the freeze order about
a couple of weeks back but it
was made public just a day
after his masterful conquest
of Brandon “Bambam” Rios in
Macau, China.
“Actually, that order came
out before the last (May)
election. I just don't know why
it is being revived now,”
Pacquiao said in a phone
Pacquiao's lawyers
assailed before the CTA the
warrant of garnishment
issued by the BIR, attaching
his personal assets and his
bank deposits.
The eight-division boxing
champ, however, remains
unfazed claiming his
conscience is clear and that all
his tax liabilities with the
government were properly
He explained that the
P2.2-billion tax case stemmed
from his alleged failure to
include in his income tax
returns the multi-milliondollar taxes deducted by the
US Internal Revenue Service
from his 2008 and 2009 fight
“The IRS gave us a copy of
the taxes deducted from my
earnings covering that period.
Unfortunately, BIR refused to
honor the copy of tax
deduction credited by the
IRS,” Pacquiao bared.
T h e b oxe r - l a w m a ke r
claimed BIR has been
demanding a certified true
copy of the IRS document.
RELIEF FROM TRAGEDY. Typhoon-stricken residents rejoice after watching Pacquiao win against Rios during the free public viewing
of their Macau title fight at Remedios Trinidad Romualdez Plaza in Tacloban City. The Filipino boxing idol won by a unanimous
decision this time after losing his last two fights. Richard Reyes
Pacquiao's win boosts
morale of survivors
TACLOBAN CITY -- Thousands
of survivors of Supertyphoon
“Yolanda” erupted into wild cheers
on Sunday, Nov. 24 to celebrate
Manny Pacquiao's victory, giving
them a brief respite from the
enormous destruction the storm
had brought to their country.
“It felt like I got my house back,”
said street sweeper Ardel Nebasa,
who lost his home in the storm
surges that ravaged Tacloban City
on Nov. 8.
Officials hoped that watching
Pa c q u i a o' s t r i u m p h a ga i n s t
Brandon Rios in Macau would help
traumatized survivors take their
minds off the devastation wrought
by Yolanda (international name:
“Haiyan”) and inspire them to pick
up the pieces from the calamity that
killed more than 5,200 people.
“I was so happy and I wanted to
cry, but there were too many
people,” said Nebasa, who watched
the match with his son and
thousands of others on a television
screen set up in a public plaza in
“It would have felt like another
storm has hit if he lost,” he added.
Rogelio Talisayon, 28, said
Pacquiao's win somehow “lifted the
burden” he and his family suffered
in Yolanda's wake.
“I am happy that Pacquiao won
his battle. Somehow, I forgot the
miseries brought by Yolanda to our
family,” Talisayon said.
Talisayon, his wife and 3
children were among more than
1,000 survivors who watched the
fight at Tacloban Astrodome, one of
the few structures left standing
after Yolanda slammed through the
The Astrodome, now a refuge
for survivors, lost part of its ceiling
during the typhoon.
Roaring crowd
The Astrodome crowd roared
and clapped with glee when they
heard Pacquiao dedicate his victory
to the typhoon victims and make a
promise to visit the affected areas.
It did not matter that they
watched the fight while squatting
on a rain-soaked floor. Some
carried Philippine flags picked up
from the typhoon debris and waved
them during the fight.
The free viewing was courtesy
of SkyCable in coordination with
the city government, owner of the
Jaja Juares, head of the cable
company here, said they decided to
show the live telecast of the fight for
free to give the typhoon-battered
people a momentary relief.
“I am sure our people got some
hope that there is a way out to the
miseries they are experiencing,”
Juarez said.
'Back to reality'
SkyCable put up a giant white
screen at the center of the
Astrodome aside from two big
television monitors and a small
white screen on each corner.
After the fight, Talisayon
re t u r n e d t o h i s t e m p o ra r y
makeshift shelter in the premises of
the Astrodome, which now serves
as temporary home for more than
1,400 families.
“The fight is over and it's back
to reality,” Talisayon grinned.
Genaro Obera, 48, had no time
to watch the fight. He was more
concerned with finding food for his
“It's been almost a week now
since we received relief from the
DSWD (Department of Social
Welfare and Development). It's
good Pacquiao won but our
stomachs are empty. Food should
be our priority now,” Obera said.
Pacquiao hometown
Obera lost his house and his
sole source of income, an Internet
shop, to Yolanda.
For the past few days, he said,
he relied on the few biscuits and
coffee that were looted from one of
the business establishments in
Obera said he and his wife have
four young children who
fortunately had been fetched by a
relative and brought to Manila.
At the Guiuan town plaza in
Eastern Samar, around 1,000
typhoon survivors gathered to
watch a live feed of the fight and
cheered for a Pacquiao victory.
I n G e n e r a l S a n t o s C i t y,
Pacquiao's hometown,
businessman Rey Golingan
described Pacquiao's victory as
“spirit lifting.” “We were hit by a
triple whammy - the Zamboanga
siege, the Bohol quake and typhoon
Yolanda but because of his win, we
managed to cheer once again,”
G o li n ga n to ld t h e I n q u i re r.
lost his grip on the railing twice.
Makabansa” For God, People,
That staircase is the one thing that
Nature and Country.” It is our
From page 14
saved their lives and the only thing
responsibility- our social, national,
that remains of their destroyed
m o ra l , F i l i p i n o a n d h u m a n
too late, they woke up to their
home. Harriet's hands are calloused
imperative to do what we can from
kitchen knee-deep in water.
and will always have the scars of
wherever we are.
Moments later, the water surge hit
that terrifying night, but she and her
Last week, thousands of people
and it was too late. They were neck
family are alive.
flocked to ruined churches for mass
deep in water and had no way to get
A good friend of mine and active
to find comfort amid the tragedy.
member of the Fil-Am community
One of the churches that was
For 8 hours, they clung onto the
once said, “Our country will always
destroyed was Santo Nino Church in
railing of the staircase of their home
be third world if our help is second
Tacloban, a special place I used to
and waited for the water to recede.
rate.” No government is perfect, the
frequent with my family. Rev.
Every time a wave came crashing in,
rivalries may always exist, and the
Amadero Alvero noted, “The church
they clung tighter to the railing to
disparity between the have and
may have been destroyed, but our
keep from being swept away, and
have-nots may deepen. But all it
faith is intact. As believers, as a
ducked their heads underwater to
takes is one person, one leader to
people of God, our faith has not been
avoid the debris. Veltor, her
carry that torch and bury these
husband, bore the brunt of each
differences and truly bring to light
My dear kababayan, neither has
Page 22
wave and tried to clear any debris
the motto of our country, “Makamine.
that was coming their way and even
Diyos, Maka-Tao, Makakalikasan at
The Philippines ...
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 16
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree!
Eight tips on choosing the perfect tree (fresh or faux)
By Jacky Lynne A. Oiga
The Christmas tree is an essential of the holiday season tradition. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert started the craze in
Victorian England and each year, millions of trees are produced to cope with the demand; having said that, choosing
the perfect tree, whether real or plastic, has now become quite a pursuit for the savvy shoppers. Read on for a
few tips to remember before going tree shopping.
1. Before hitting the malls and refrigerated warehouses, measure the height of the ceiling in the living room
or whichever part of the house you envision to put up your Christmas tree. It's best to pick a tree at least a
foot shorter than the ceiling height.
2. Decide on a budget you are willing to spend on a fresh or artificial Christmas tree. Cost, convenience
and environmental impact are some of the reasons why consumers opt for an artificial tree.
3. If you're shopping for fresh fir trees, run your fingers along the needles and give the tree a firm
shake. The needles should be supple and very few should fall off.
4. For real trees you need to liberally spray the needles with water. Water the roots regularly. Use a
stand or pot that can hold at least a gallon of water.
5. If you're choosing an artificial or plastic tree, opt for the biggest one you can find (that's still
within the 'a foot shorter than the ceiling' requirement). The bigger the tree, the more lifelike the
branches are.
6. For smaller living rooms, a tabletop Christmas tree is best to avoid overwhelming a cramped
7. There are a variety of colors available for artificial trees: white, blue, purple, pink, etc but it's
always best to go for green. Evergreen to be exact.
8. Putting together an artificial tree can be tricky and stressful. Opt for Christmas trees with
branches already attached to the pole because they are easier to assemble than the ones where
You need to plug each branch individually.
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 17
PAFCOM, ABS-CBN Foundation
International fundraiser for Typhoon
Haiyan relief efforts raises $6,820
Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop, in another gesture of support for the Filipino community in his
city, receives a Typhoon Yolanda fund raising t-shirt from PAFCOM's Helen Castillo during a
four-hour fund campaign last Saturday, Nov. 23, dubbed as "Tulong Na, Tabang Na, Tayo Na""
in partnership with ABS-CBN Foundation International. The fund-raising project, which
raised $6,82, was organized by the Philippine-American Friendship Committee, Inc.
(PAFCOM) and Jersey City Council President Rolando Lavarro, Jr., in collaboration with the
Garden State Filipino American Association, Inc.; Catholic Action of Mary; Ladies for Rizal;
Knights of Rizal; Bayanihan Club Union, NJ; Pan American Concerned Citizens Action League;
and Seniors Club Incorporated. (Photo by Janette Banawis).
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 18
Mass for Yolanda Victims. His Eminence Donald Cardinal Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, led the
concelebration of the mass for victims of Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda in the Philippines at the Saint
Matthew's Cathedral in Washington, D.C. on Monday night, 25 November 2013. Cardinal Wuerl
was joined by 10 other priests, including several from the Philippines, in the mass that was
attended by more than 300 people, mostly members of the Filipino-American Community.
Ambassador Jose L. Cuisia, Jr., who requested the mass, expressed the gratitude of the Philippine
Government and the Filipino people to the Catholic Church in the United States for their assistance
to typhoon victims. (Philippine Embassy Photos by Elmer G. Cato)
NYU Rallies Together for
Victims of Typhoon Yolanda
By Benjamin Goh
Contributing to ongoing nation-wide relief
efforts for the victims on Typhoon Yolanda,
students from New York University (NYU)
organized a benefit concert on Thursday to
raise funds for the victims of the typhoon. Held
at NYU's premiere Skirball Theater, the concert,
entitled “NYU Can Help,” featured a variety of
performances by school-based groups and
guest artistes to raise awareness and support
for disaster relief efforts.
“The disaster left people without homes,
and some even lost their lives”, said David
Vogelsang, Executive Director of the Division of
Student Affairs, “and we at NYU have to show
our support for all the people who are going
through this calamity.” Organized by the NYU
Student Senators Council, the concert provided
multiple avenues for audiences to contribute
financially to relief efforts to the Philippines,
with all proceeds from the concert going
directly to organizations aiding in relief efforts.
The concert was also greeted by a generous
contribution by Dean Michael Purugganan and
his wife, who have pledged to match a $5
donation to the UN Typhoon Relief Fund for
every seat sold for the concert.
To many, the concert was a long-awaited
avenue for them to provide their support for
people in the Philippines. As Prakaimum
Saraithong, a visiting scholar from Thailand,
attested, “the typhoon reminded me of the
times when I helped out at a tsunami disaster
relief in Thailand. I was supposed to identify
corpses by their teeth, and it was utterly
depressing to see loads of unidentified corpses
greeted by nervous family members.
Unfortunately I am not able to help out at the
relief efforts this time, but I'm glad I can now at
least contribute while I'm here in New York.”
The concert opened with the Philippine
national anthem sung by the International
Filipino Association's (IFA) acapella group,
Pinakapella. The nationalistic pride evoked
through the singers aptly set the somber mood
for the predominantly non-Filipino turnout.
Page 19
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 19
Fundraising at the Philippine Center
By Grace Baldisseri
THE Philippine Center at 556
Fifth Avenue in New York City is the
favorite venue of fundraising
events for the victims of the killer
earthquake and the supertyphoon
in the Philippines.
Victor Cruz, Philippine Center
Events Coordinator said: "We are
giving 25% discount on the rental
rates for fundraising events as a
gesture of support from the
Philippine Consulate-New York."
This explains why most of the
fundraising activities are done
When the 7.2 magnitude
earthquake displaced millions of
residents from two of the country's
tourist destinations -Bohol and
Cebu, the Filipino-American
leaders in New York held the first
benefit show on November 1, 2013,
8:00 PM at the Philippine Center
featuring Lani Misalucha. Donation
was $45.00 per person.
The recent super typhoon
Haiyan that stormed Luzon,
Visayas and Mindanao shocked the
nation as it was the worst typhoon
in our Philippine history. Death toll
was recorded with more than 5,000
wh i l e m i l l i o n s i n j u re d a n d
homeless. The whole world saw the
devastation on television. World
l e a d e r s s e n t t h e i r p raye r s ,
sympathy and financial aid to help
rebuild a crushed nation.
In New York and New Jersey,
the Filipino communities have been
offering money, clothing and
canned goods to credible
organizations to be sent to the
depressed areas.
Ambassador Mario de Leon,
Philippine Consul General-NY, led
some leaders from PIDCI, Fiesta in
America, Miss World 2013, TOFANY, GMA TV and other charitable
organizations in responding
immediately to the needs of the
survivors in Luzon, Visayas and
Megan Young, Miss World
2013. in cooperation with the PIDCI
graced the benefit show on
November 20 at 7:00PM at the
Double Tree by Hilton, Newark, NJ
with a donation of $65.00 per
person. Fans and friends of Megan
who came to meet and greet her
that evening gave generously to
support her fundraising effort.
Last November 22, 2013, the
Fiesta in America and TOFA-NY
presented a fusion of music and
comedy featuring Air Tabigue, Rich
Kiamco, Tony Gado, Kay Habana
and the Broadway Barkada. All
seats were taken and donation was
at $35.00 each. All the artists
donated their talent fees for the
It is amazing how people from
all walks of life and even the busiest
of friends came to support our
events. Seen at the concerts were
Jason Morin, Chair of Jobsy Wobsy,
Inc., Gale Vernell, President of the
Vernell New York; Grace Giron,
Chair of Sharing Grace Foundation
and David Gibson of Jersey City.
Fanny Crosby wrote one song
that I can memorize with all my
heart and soul, "Rescue the
perishing, care for the dying, snatch
them in pity from sin and the grave."
Let us unite to help our people. Lift
them up in our own little way. Let us
show the world that despite our
troubles, angst and pain, the
'bayanihan spirit' is alive.
Ambassador Mario de Leon and Nanding Mendez of Fiesta in America during the Air
Tabigue & Rich Kiamco Live on November 22, 2013 at 8:00PM. Others in the photo
are Tony Gado, Kay Habana, Broadway Barkada and leaders of TOFA-NY. Photo by
Manny M. Mendez
GMA Network artists and news
and public affairs unite for the
victims of typhoon Yolanda
There is nothing more unique than the heart
of a Filipino - soft enough to care for the weak,
strong enough to rise up to the challenge. GMA
Network knocks on this very heart as the country
faces another great challengethe nation's survival
and recovery from typhoon Yolanda.
With the joint efforts of GMA Kapuso
Foundation and YES Pinoy Foundation, last
November 17, the Kapuso Network invited
everyone to take part in a one time television
special aptly entitled, “TIBAY NG PUSONG
PILIPINO, A GMA Telethon for the benefit of the
victims of typhoon Yolanda.”
This special featured a powerhouse cast of
respectable names in the music and showbiz
industry, headlined by the biggest and brightest
Kapuso stars, with the special participation of
News and Public Affairs personalities.
Viewers got to see various Kapuso artists in
heartwarming production numbers, live updates
in the affected areas, and special activities (such
as live telethon, and repacking of goods) all for the
NYU rallies ...
From page 18
The performance was followed
by an address by H.E. Mr. Eduardo De
vega, Deputy Permanent
Representative of the Philippine
Mission to the United Nations, who
provided heartfelt reflections on the
disaster. “There are a lot of people
missing,” he commented, and “every
life is one too many in any natural
NYU student groups
Cleftomaniacs and N'Harmonics also
performed for the cause and slam
poets recited the poems they wrote in
response to the disaster. “We are
overcome by numbness,” asserted
Afraz Khan, calling the audience to
action in contributing to relief efforts
in the Philippines.
But the concert was not just about
"ARENA Event Space (135 West 41st Street btw Broadway & 6th) will be
holding a Typhoon Haiyan Relief Benefit on Tuesday, December 10th
(6-11pm). Please come show your support for the Philippines in this
time of need. A $20 donation is all that is required and 100% of the
proceeds will go to the U.N. World Food Programme. Thank you.”
survival and recovery of the victims of typhoon
As of November 26, GMA Kapuso Foundation
has received a total of Php166,083,570.95 in cash
and Php26,244,191.88 worth of in-kind
To t a l a m o u n t o f d o n a t i o n s i s
Php192,327,762.83. Those who wish to extend
financial aid to GMAKF may visit the GMA Kapuso
F o u n d a t i o n
w e b s i t e
a t
h t t p : / / w w w. g m a n e t w o r k . c o m /
Meanwhile, to know the details on how to
subscribe to GMA International channels GMA
Pinoy TV, GMA Life TV and GMA News TV
International, please visit the GMA International
Fa c e b o o k p a g e s w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m /
a n d , w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m /
gmanewsinternational, or Twitter pages
@GMAPinoyTV and @GMA_LifeTV.
entertainment, for various speakers
took the stage to give the audience an
insider's point of view of the impact of
the disaster. Analisa Balares, founder
of Womensphere, gave a heartfelt
account of her formative years in
Leyte, which was one of the islands
hardest hit by the typhoon.
Recounting how her father had to save
up for 7 years to build their house,
Analisa provided insights on the
humble yet interconnected
community in which she grew, putting
faces and emotions to the glaring
statistics of the damages by the
typhoon. The IPA further built on
Analisa's account, providing footages
before and after the typhoon to
provide the audience a more visual
understanding of the extent the
typhoon has affected the livelihoods of
millions. Citing the importance of
assisting locally-based relief groups
that can reach areas that big NGO's
c a n n o t , t h e I PA p r o v i d e d
recommendations for relief groups
to which people can donate, such as
NAFCON and the Advancement for
Rural Kids, which was a much
needed recommendation for the
visibly enthusiastic crowd.
After a 2-hour concert of
outstanding performances and
precious information briefings for a
crowd eager to do their part, the
concert closed with a performance
by members of the IFA singing a
tagalog song, “ingatan ka”, which
means 'taking care of you.' The song
aptly encapsulated the purpose and
spirit of the event: to express
solidarity and support for our
friends in the Philippines.
“Kahit na sandali / ikaw ay
mamasdan / ligaya tila ay / walang
Another Haiyan Relief Concert
On Saturday, Nov. 30th, at 7 PM, Handang Tumulong Foundation, Inc.
(HTFI), a not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization, based in NJ will present
another relief concert to benefit victims of typhoon Haiyan at St. Vincent De
Paul Church, 979 Ave. C, Bayonne, NJ. Headlining the concert entitled “PagAsa” are Kayumanggi Chorale Inc, and Bayanihan Singers headed by Dr.
Dennis Bernardo, and Erwin Argonza, respectively. Rosemarie Flores, and Fr.
Roy Regaspi will also lend in their voices. No tickets required to watch the
Three years from its inception, over $150,000 contributions were
channeled to charitable agencies, churches, and civic organizations to help our
less fortunate “kababayans” strickened by natural calamities. For additional
information, please contact Lita Pena at 201 232-1742; Nelsie Parrado at 201
960-7965; Carmen Flores at 201 993-1158; Hector Magno at 908 229-0155.
Checks can also be mailed payable to HTFI, P.O. Box 2743, Fair Lawn, NJ
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 20
DTI assures residents of typhoon-ravaged Eastern Visayas
Basic goods supply to
stabilize in a month
By Amy R. Remo
DESTROYED houses brought by Supertyphoon “Yolanda” in Tolosa, Leyte. Inquirer photo
ADB: Rebuilding in Yolanda-hit
areas a 'massive challenge’
By Paolo G. Montecillo
The Asian Development Bank
(ADB) will likely increase its
significant aid to the Philippines,
citing the “massive challenge” the
government faces in rebuilding
areas destroyed by Supertyphoon
The multilateral lender on
Tuesday said its initial assessment
of the damage caused by the
typhoon showed the need for longterm reconstruction plan that
must include zoning rules that the
government should strictly
“While we will need to get
more information from the
assessment teams, it is clear that
reconstruction will be a massive
challenge,” ADB vice president
Stephen Groff said in a statement.
“As with many such disasters,
some of the most difficult
challenges will be in carrying out
the principle of 'building back
better' including rezoning and its
enforcement as people and
business get back on track.”
Groff was part of the ADB team
that conducted assessments in
Leyte, Samar, central and northern
Roxas, and north, central and
southern Cebu. Results of the
assessment will be submitted to
the national government.
Earlier this month, the ADB
made a pledge of $23 million in
immediate assistance to survivors
of the typhoon. On top of this, the
bank also earmarked $500 million
in concessional loans that the
government may draw from to
finance reconstruction efforts.
The ADB also has ongoing
support to the government's
conditional cash transfer (CCT)
program, which benefits nearly
70,000 households in severely
affected areas.
Groff described the
destruction as “breathtaking,”
noting that a “bald swath” of
destroyed homes and buildings,
downed power lines, and toppled
trees was clearly visible from the
air. To further illustrate the extent
of the damage, Groff said coconut
trees, which can take up to 20 years
to mature, were “littered like
He said this presented “an
acute crisis for farmers,
emphasizing the need for
livelihood programs.”
New deadline meant to attract more players
Bidding for LRT-1 deferred anew
By Miguel R. Camus
The transportation
department has moved the bid
submissions for the Light Rail
Transit Line Cavite extension deal
to the second quarter of 2014 from
the previous first quarter target in
an effort to draw more bidders.
The department, in a
statement issued Monday, also
explained the unexpected
increase in project cost, now
valued at P64.9 billion from about
P60 billion previously, as it added
more components originally
intended to be auctioned off
The LRT-1 Cavite extension,
which involves the construction of
a mostly elevated 11.7-kilometer
railway line from Baclaran to
Bacoor, Cavite, is the singlebiggest project under the Aquino
administration's public private
partnership (PPP) program.
It was also deemed among the
PPP program's most complicated
projects, resulting in several
delays and a failed bidding
exercise last Aug 15.
“This timeline is meant to
foster competitive bids. We
believe that the improved terms
will attract more players who will
need a reasonable period to study
the project and prepare their
proposals,” said Michael Sagcal,
spokesperson for the Department
The supply of basic goods in
areas devastated by Supertyphoon
Yolanda is expected to begin
stabilizing in two to four weeks as
more businesses resume
o p e ra t i o n s , p a r t i c u l a r ly i n
Trade Secretary Gregory L.
Domingo made the assurance
following the rollout last week of
the Diskwento Caravans in affected
areas, offering basic goods at
discounted prices.
“Business is starting to come
back. Hardware stores just opened
and the supply of basic goods
should be at 70 percent in two to
four weeks as stores are being
fixed,” Domingo told the Inquirer.
The DTI brought last week the
Diskwento Caravan to six cities in
Leyte and Samar, namely, Ormoc,
M a a s i n , B a y b a y, C a l b a y o g ,
Catbalogan and Tacloban.
According to DTI Region 7
director Asteria Caberte, six
companiesGardenia, Purefoods,
Nestle, Dranix Inc., Unilever and
Century Canning Corp.
Participated in the Diskwento
Caravan, in which basic items like
bread, canned goods, processed
meat, coffee, milk, detergent bars,
soaps, cooking oil, and instant
noodles were sold at discounted
Caberte reported that the
supply for Diskwento Caravan
came from Cebu and were
transported via roll-on roll-off
(Roro) boats.
She also noted the positive
response from the residents who
were satisfied with DTI's initiative
to bring supplies to their area.
The DTI is targeting to bring
the Diskwento Caravan again in
Tacloban City and in Borongan,
E a s te r n S a m a r, n ex t we e k .
Additional basic necessities and
prime commodities like essential
medicines, rice and construction
materials will be offered in the
succeeding caravans in response to
the demand of the affected
Meanwhile, the DTI is still
considering possible assistance to
a f fe c te d s m a l l - a n d - m e d i u m
enterprises (SMEs) in the Visayas.
“We are trying to see what kind
of interventions we can do for
SMEs in the affected areas,”
Domingo added.
He had disclosed earlier that
while they have not yet prepared
any special programs for local
enterprises, he would be asking
government financial institutions
such as Small Business Corp.,
Development Bank of the
Philippines (DBP) and Land Bank
of the Philippines to provide
special financial arrangements for
local businesses.
Typhoon Yolanda, reportedly
the strongest typhoon to hit land,
barreled into the country early this
month, affecting millions of
residents in the Visayas, leaving
thousands dead and causing
billions of pesos in damage to
p r o p e r t y, b u s i n e s s e s a n d
PH grew 7% in Q3,
says Moody's
By Michelle V. Remo
production in the first half were
also seen in the third quarter.
Moody's Analytics estimates
“The high-frequency data have
that the Philippine economy grew
been strong, with industrial
by 7 percent in the third quarter due
production, bank lending and
to robust local demand.
money supply surging ahead,”
This will put growth in the first
Moody's Analytics said.
nine months at 7.4 percent, one of
It noted, however, that the
the fastest in Asia for the period.
supertyphoon that hit the country
“The Philippines was one of the
earlier this month could have an
world's fastest-expanding
impact on economic growth. The
economies through the first half of
extent of the damage will be
2013, and this likely continued in
captured in the fourth quarter
the September quarter,” Moody
economic data, it noted.
Analytics said in its weekly outlook
Supertyphoon “Yolanda” struck
the country on Nov. 8 and hit
In the first and second quarters,
Central, Western, and Eastern
the Philippines grew by 7.7 and 7.5
Visayas regions, which together
percent year on year, respectively,
account for 12.5 percent of GDP.
the fastest in Southeast Asia.
Yo l a n d a h a s c a u s e d a n
The government attributed the
estimated P10 billion in losses for
growth to the increase in
the agriculture sector.
investments by the private sector,
Based on estimates by the
higher government spending and
National Economic and
of Transportation and
rise in household consumption.
Development Authority, GDP
The government is set to
growth in the fourth quarter could
release this week the official data on
slow down to only 4.1 percent as a
The DOTC said it would give
gross domestic product (GDP), the
result of the calamity.
four to six months from the start of
key measure of the economy.
B u t N e d a s a i d f u l l - ye a r
the bidding process to allow new
Moody's Analytics, the research
economic growth would likely be
players to come into the picture.
unit of Moody's Corp., said business
between 6.5 and 7 percent, still
The bidding process begins upon
confidence and rise in bank lending
within the official target of 6 to 7
the publication of an invitation to
that helped lift industrial
Page 22
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 21
International travel communities express
confidence and support for PH tourism
By Jacky Lynne A. Oiga
As stories demonstrating the
undying human spirit of the
Filipinos continue to touch the
hearts of nations all over the
world, the international travel
community is optimistic that the
Philippine tourism industry will
bounce back after the onslaught of
S u p e r T y p h o o n Yo l a n d a
(international name: Haiyan).
In a statement posted on their
website, United Nations World
Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Secretary-General Taleb Rifai said
he is confident that despite this
tragic occurrence, the tourism
sector in the Philippines will
continue to strive and make a key
contribution to the development
of the country.
UNWTO also expressed
readiness to support the
Philippines in any tourism-related
recovery program for the affected
areas and called for support by
contributing to the ongoing relief
efforts of the various United
Nations (UN) agencies operating
on the ground.
On the other hand, PATA a
membership association
committed to promote the
responsible development of travel
and tourism in the Asia Pacific
region has been in contact with
35,000 new
jobs expected
in Parañaque
By Jaymee T. Gamil
Entertainment City.
At present only Solaire
MANILA -- The Parañaque
Resorts and Casino has opened
government sees brighter
at the Entertainment City along
employment prospects in the
Manila Bay, but another hotelcity in the following year, with a
casino complex is expected to
casino resort and business
open in the next six months.
process outsourcing (BPO)
“What we are doing is
companies expected to open in
making Parañaque businessRainbow after the storm in Tacloban
the next 12 months.
friendly to attract more
“We expect 15,000 new
investors which in turn will
jobs in the BPO sector because
translate to more jobs. We aim
local and national tourism officials the Philippine visitor economy,”
the three SM malls in
to be competitive, and we shall
in the Philippines to offer moral Craigs said.
Parañaque, namely SM Sucat,
continue to offer incentives to
support and practical help.
PATA has also briefed the Asian
SM Bicutan and SM BF Homes,
businesses that are setting up
The association has set up an Wall Street Journal on the need to
are all planning to open BPO
shop in the city,” Olivarez said.
online appeal to raise funds for the maintain business confidence in
centers that will need 5,000
Last week, the city
Philippines and earmarked the Philippine tourism sector and
workers each,” Mayor Edwin
government held a one-day job
US$10,000 for the Philippine its essential role in economic
Olivarez said, in a statement.
fair at the city hall compound,
disaster relief fund.
SM BF Homes, located
which drew more than 3,000
PATA CEO Martin J. Craigs said
Meanwhile, donations from
along Dr. A. Santos Avenue, is
applicants vying for jobs in 80
tourists booked to visit the United Airlines employees and
currently under construction
companies, including the SM
Philippines should contact their customers have topped more than
and is slated for opening this
Group, Asia Brewery, Cavitex
travel agents and pay attention to $ 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 f o r A m e r i C a r e s ,
Tollway Corporation property
government travel advisories, but A m e r i c a n R e d C r o s s a n d
Olivarez added that around
developers, food chains,
continue wherever possible with Operation USA to aid in the
20,000 jobs would be created
retailers, apparel makers,
plans to visit the country.
organizations' relief efforts in the
with the opening of all four
hotels and BPO firms.
“The best way to help is to country.
casino resorts at the Pagcor
donate and keep traveling to boost
Page 22
Farmers urged to be part Okada's local gaming
venture starts with
of coffee value chain
$200-M investment
By Desiree Caluza
BAGUIO CITY -- The local
coffee industry has often been
vulnerable to erratic pricing and
low supply, but big and small
players agreed at a recent
conference here that there was no
other way to go but up.
Pierre Yves Cote, director of
Rocky Mountain Arabica Coffee
Co., a leading producer and
exporter of Arabica coffee, said
the Philippines has slid from
being a major coffee producer to a
coffee importer just as a
sophisticated coffee culture took
root among urban or urbanizing
“The Philippines went from
No. 3 down to No. 27 in world
production, and from net exporter
to a new importer,” Cote said when
he addressed coffee traders and
farmers here on Nov. 5.
“There is no real industry, all
farmers are into backyard
farming. Ninety-seven percent of
coffee farming in the Philippines
is done by small farmers who have
no access to capital, technology
and market,” he said.
A turnabout is possible if
farmers themselves become part
of the value chain.
Alvira Reyes, treasurer of the
Philippine Coffee Alliance (PCA),
said coffee farmers may evolve
from simply being commodity
suppliers by becoming coffee
By Chino Leyco
entrepreneurs who have a hand in
all aspects of the profit chain from
the “seedling to the brewed coffee
Picture a farmer who supplies
beans to his own coffee shop, she
“The farmers can start small.
There is no need to go big first. As
one of our speakers said, coffee is
a patient industry,” she said.
Cote said the domestic coffee
market has been opened but
because of a supply problem, the
importation of coffee beans has
increased by 20 percent in the last
five years.
The large bulk of imported
coffee has been for the so-called
“3-in-1” instant coffee consumers,
he said.
O k a d a - l e d T i g e r Re s o r t ,
Leisure and Entertainment, Inc.
has already invested $200 million
in its integrated entertainment and
resort project in Manila's future
gaming hub Entertainment City.
M a s a h i r o Te r a d a , T i g e r
president said on November 25
that the local unit of Tokyo-based
Universal Entertainment Group is
on track to start the operations of
Manila Bay Resorts by 2015
despite some legal impediments.
Terada said the $200 million
was spent for the initial phase of
contraction of the 44-hectare
Manila Bay Resorts, which will
consist of six-star and five-star
hotels, 20 food and beverage
destinations, retail and spa
facilities and residential
Despite controversies on his
project, Terada said Japanese
billionaire Kazuo Okada remains
committed to invest a total of $2
billion in Philippine Amusement
Gaming and Corporation
Entertainment's (Pagcor) 120hectare Entertainment City.
“We've already started our
constructions, which will consist of
several phases, three or four, but
we're on track of our 2015 target,”
Terada said on the sidelines of
House of Representatives hearing
on Pagcor's Entertainment City.
Pagcor earlier warned that
country's gaming regulator will
revoke the license of Okada if
proven that the Japanese gaming
tycoon had resorted to bribery in
order to secure Tiger's license and
violated Philippine laws.
In July, the National Bureau of
Investigation (NBI) fact-finding
panel has found sufficient evidence
that Okada has violated the
country's Anti-Dummy Law in
connection with the Pagcor
Entertainment City project.
Earlier this month, the Okada
group entered into a partnership
with the Antonio-led Century
Properties Group, Incorporated to
develop a five-hectare property
within the Entertainment City.
Within the five-hectare land,
Century Properties plans to
develop luxury residential and
retail properties that will total over
300,000-square meter of gross
floor area upon completion.
However, Century Properties
said that they will not be involved
in the gaming business of the
Okada group.
The partnership of Okada and
Antonio came in the wake of failed
talks between Gokongwei-led
Robinsons Land Corporation and
Universal Entertainment earlier
this year. Manila Bulletin
Page 22
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 22
Single bank account
for gov't launched
By Michelle V. Remo
The Bureau of the Treasury on
Monday launched the Treasury
Single Account (TSA), a scheme
wherein the government will have
one bank account for all its line
The bank account will be with
the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and
will be implemented in January
With the TSA, bank accounts of
government agencies in various
banks will effectively be dissolved.
Under the new scheme,
however, banks may still conduct
business with the government. In
particular, they can still serve as
accredited agent banks (AABs)
through which individuals and
businesses may pay taxes and other
government fees.
But under the new system banks
may no longer hold the collections
for an extended period. Instead, they
have to remit collections every day
to the government's account with
the BSP.
This differs from the existing
system wherein banks are given a
10-day float, during which they may
use the collections for short-term
investments. The float period serves
as compensation for the banks'
Under the new system, banks
will instead be paid a certain fee for
their service. According to Finance
Secretary Cesar Purisima, the
government would save at least P1.5
billion a year from the
implementation of the TSA. With a
single bank account, the Treasury
will immediately determine the
deficit of the entire bureaucracy for
any given day. As such, it will be able
to avoid over-borrowing that entails
unnecessary interest costs.
“With the TSA, the government's
cash operations become more
efficient,” he said during the launch
of the TSA at the Bureau of the
Treasury in Manila.
National Treasurer Rosalia de
Leon said the TSA also would help
government ca sh opera t ions
become more transparent as was
patterned from best practices in
other countries.
Rocketing revenue proof
sin tax working, says DOF
MANILA -- Finance officials
reported a big surge in tax collections
for cigarette and alcoholic beverages
in the first three quarters this year,
indicating the success of the sin tax
law which took effect at the start of the
The Department of Finance (DOF)
said in a statement the Bureau of
Internal Revenue collected P63.6
billion in excise taxes on cigarettes
a n d a l c o h o l f ro m J a n u a r y t o
September, representing a nearly 64percent increase from the P38.8
billion collected in the same period
last year.
Significant drop
E xc i s e t a x c o l l e c t i o n s f o r
cigarettes alone reached P40.2 billion
in the first three quarters, up nearly 84
percent from the P21.9 billion in the
same period last year.
Excise tax collections for alcoholic
beverages amounted to P23.4 billion
in the same period, up by 38 percent
from the P16.9 billion in the same
period last year.
The DOF noted that “this increase
in collections came with an equally
significant drop in the volume of
cigarettes and alcohol removals from
manufacturing plants.”
Withdrawn from plants
The DOF, however, maintained
that the sin tax law was effective given
that it was meeting revenue targets
and causing a drop in the volume of
cigarettes and alcohol being
withdrawn from plants. The DOF said
cigarette volumes dropped year on
year by 27.5 percent while that of
fermented liquor fell by 11.6 percent
from January to September.
The volume of distilled spirits,
however, rose by 23 percent over the
same period. “[The decline in the
volume of cigarettes and fermented
liquor is] a clear manifestation of the
relatively inelastic demand for these
products,” said the DOF, which had
argued in Congress last year that the
sin tax reform bill, if enacted into law,
would hit the twin objectives of raising
government revenues and reducing
Proliferation of cheap brands
The DOF statement contradicted
claims by some industry players that
the consumption of cigarettes had not
significantly dropped despite the
higher tax rates.
Some cigarette companies, which
strongly opposed the sin tax reform
when it was being deliberated in
Congress, had said the consumption of
cigarettes remained high because of
the proliferation of cheap brands.
They claimed that the amended
Sin Tax Law had led to the smuggling
of cheap cigarettes to the
disadvantage of tax-abiding industry
Due to these complaints, a
resolution seeking an inquiry into
allegations of tax avoidance by
unscrupulous cigarette entities has
been filed in the House of
Representatives by Rep. Paolo
Everardo Javier of Antique.
Farmers urged ...
From page 21
Instant coffee manufacturers
make up 95 percent of the import
demand. Top instant coffee
producers are Nescafé Philippines,
Universal Robina Corp. and
Commonwealth Foods Inc.
Cote said the Philippines
should develop 13,000 hectares of
land for coffee production a year in
the next five years and 20,000 ha. a
year in the next 20 years to match
the demand now being fulfilled by
“[An amount] of P77 billion in
five years is needed to be invested
in nurseries, seedlings, fertilizers
and plantations, to substitute
imports,” Cote said.
He said Rocky Mountain has
been developing its own coffee
mill and 20 plantations in the
country. The company maintains a
small plantation beneath the pine
canopies of Camp John Hay here.
Cote said his firm supplies
quality-grade coffee to 200
Bidding for LRT-1...
From page 20
bid, which the transport agency
will do within December 2013.
Improved terms, mainly taking
into account inputs from the
private sector, were approved by
President Aquino last week.
These include the government
absorbing the obligation to pay
real property taxes (RPT),
ensuring the integrity of the
facility's structure for a two-year
period, subsidizing unexpected
surges in power rates beyond a
particular range, permitting a 5percent fare increase upon
completion of the project and
allowing the submission of
negative bids.
The Neda Board's approval
Int’l travel
communities ...
From page 21
In a personal letter addressed
to Tourism Secretary Ramon R.
Jimenez Jr., David Scowsill,
President & CEO of the World
Travel and Tourism Council
(WTTC), expressed his “deepest
sympathies for the extraordinary
human losses in the Philippines as a
result of Typhoon Haiyan.”
Jimenez, in turn, expressed the
Department of Tourism's (DOT)
sincere appreciation to the
outpouring of messages and
Pacquiao reacts to
P2.2 Billion ...
From page 15
“Iba ang sistema natin kumpara
US. Hindi sila nagbibigay ng
certified true copy kasi pag
nagbigay ng public document ang
alin mang government agency dun
sa kanila, it is understood na
authentic yon (The US has a
different system. They don't give a
certified true copy because every
time a public document is issued by
any government agency in the US, it
is understood that it is authentic),”
Pacquiao said.
The total tax amount being
demanded by the BIR is much
supermarkets and 150 hotels and
restaurants in the Philippines,
Canada and the US.
Rocky Mountain set up its first
plantation in Tuba town in Benguet
province in 2009.
Clarence Baguilat, Cordillera
director of the Department of
Environment and Natural
Resources, also announced at the
conference that the national
greening program counts coffee
among the tree varieties that the
government has identified for the
The program requires
government to plant and nurture 1.5
million trees in 1.5 million hectares
of land within the six-year term of
President Aquino.
Baguilat said the DENR has
reserved 9,000 hectares of land in
the Cordillera for coffee plantations.
“If you are going to grow coffee,
you have to love coffee. If we cannot
increase the volume of coffee yet, we
can increase its value or quality,”
said Pacita Juan, chair of the
Philippine Coffee Board.
also entailed an increase in the
project cost to P64.9 billion due to
the addition of new components to
the project's terms.
The first was remedial and
rehabilitation works for the existing
system, which has been operating
since the 1980s, such as repairing
the carriage viaduct, rehabilitating
existing trains especially their
roofing, as well as making the LRT-1
system compliant with laws and
Also included was the
installation of equipment that will
be part of the common ticketing
system called the Automatic Fare
Collection System (AFCS), which is
being bid out by the DOTC
separately, only for the Cavite
extension portion of LRT-1.
support from partners in the
international travel community.
“With the assistance from
UNWTO, PATA, and WTTC, we have
shown that the tourism industry is
not only an engine of economic
growth and development, but also a
compassionate and supportive
community,” Jimenez said.
The tourism chief added that
the support of these organizations
is proof that travel and tourism
have transformed the world into
one community, ready to stand by
each other not only in times of
festivities, but more importantly
during times of great difficulty and
bigger than the P1.8 billion total
assets and net worth declared by
Pacquiao in his Statement of Assets,
Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN).
In an earlier interview, Franklin
Gacal Jr., Pacquiao's legal counsel,
said the congressman was not
engaged in “hocus-pocus” on his
earnings as boxer.
“He could not hide his total
earnings. The BIR could easily
monitor it because all his
commercial endorsements and
boxing fights were covered with
contracts,” Gacal said.
As of Tuesday, Gacal was still
confined at the Cardinal Santos
Hospital after suffering from a mild
stroke about a week before the
scheduled Pacquiao-Rios bout.
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 23
High profile celebs hold relief auctions,
rock bands pledge support
By Pau Aguilera
Aid to typhoon “Yolanda” victims
continue to pour in from foreign stars,
proving that altruism is alive and well
within the glittering walls of stardom.
Celebrity couple Victoria and David
Beckham have donated boxes of clothes
and designer footwear to the British Red
Cross to raise money in aid of the
typhoon “Yolanda” (“Haiyan”) survivors
in the country.
The items went on sale on Nov. 22 at
the British Red Cross shop in Chelsea,
London, as announced on the fashion
maven's Twitter account
“Thank u everyone for shopping
today!! We raised a lot of money for
@ B r i t i s h R e d C r o s s !
Congratulations!#ShopDrop xvb,”
Victoria said.
In a previous post in his official
Facebook page, David urged his
followers to continue donations.
“Estimates suggest that up to 4m
children could be affected by the
devastating impact of Typhoon Haiyan in
the Philippines,” he appealed.
“It's easy to feel powerless in these
situations. But you can help. UNICEF is
now on the ground working to reach
children and their families with support
it's a race against the clock to reach those
who need our help,” he said.
Bidding up with Kardashian
Meanwhile, TV personality Kim
Kardashian has put some of her personal
effects including signature clothes,
shoes, accessories and bags up for online
auction to solicit funds for the country's
relief operations.
A portion of the auction proceeds will
go to the International Medical Corps
(IMC), “a nonprofit organization that
Kim Kardashian (Photo from AP)
David and Victoria Beckham (Photo from AP)
Pearl Jam (Photo from
Anne Curtis’ painting sells for
P105K for typhoon survivors
THE SINGER was energetic despite being “sick all day long.”
John Ford Coley waives talent
fee for 'fellow Filipinos' in need
By Oliver M. Pulumbarit
“This is like my second home. Pinoy ako,” American singer-songwriter
John Ford Coley declared during his recent show, “Love Overload,” at the
Solaire Grand Ballroom.
The Grammy-nominated artist had anecdotes to back up his claim, and
repeatedly thanked his Filipino fans, whom he said kept him going. This time
around, the so-called “Crown Prince of Love Songs” gave back by auctioning
off two signed guitars for the benefit of the Bohol quake and “Yolanda”
survivors. Each guitar fetched P100,000. Coley earlier waived his talent fee for
the night.
MANILA -- A painting made by actress-host
Anne Curtis was able to raise P105,000 for the
survivors of super typhoon "Yolanda" after being
auctioned off online early this week.
The amount was announced by Curtis during
the Thursday telecast of "It's Showtime," which she
co-hosts, as she personally thanked the buyer of
her "impromptu artwork."
The painting, which reads "Bangong Pilipinas,
Kaya Natin 'To" and signed by Curtis, was bought
by Angelit Perez.
"From the bottom of our hearts, and on behalf
of all the survivors po na matutulungan ninyo,
maraming, maraming salamat po," Curtis told
Perez, who visited the "It's Showtime" studio. "May
God continue to bless your family even more."
Meanwhile, Curtis' co-host on the noontime
program, Vice Ganda, also announced the amount
raised from their two-night show held at Laffline
comedy bar in Quezon City early this week.
H e s a i d t h e s h o w, w h i c h f e a t u r e d
performances from the other "It's Showtime"
hosts, as well as comedians, Chokoleit, Pokwang
and Pooh, raised P1.5 million.
In total, the fundraising initiatives of the
noontime show, which also includes a donation
from Star Mobile and Euro Towers, produced some
P2.1 million, according to Vice Ganda.
Receiving the raised funds in behalf of ABSCBN Foundation's Sagip Kapamilya was program
director Tina Monzon-Palma, who visited the "It's
Showtime" studio.
Actress-host Anne Curtis
As of Thursday, the death toll from Yolanda
4,011, while 1,602 remain missing, according to
the National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Council (NDRRMC).
The NDRRMC said at least 2,145,359 families
or 9,996,065 individuals were affected by the
monster typhoon, with some 4,400,697 people
Christian Bautista hopes to appeal
for more relief aid in music festival
By Allan Policarpio
A s
P h i l i p p i n e
representative in a music
festival in Japan this week,
singer-actor Christian Bautista
hopes to appeal for more relief
aid for victims of Supertyphoon
The “Asean-Japan Music
Festival: Music for Healing after
t h e E a r t h q u a k e ”
commemorates Japan's
friendly relations with
members of the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations, with
music as a tool to inspire hope
among victims of the 2011
To h o k u e a r t h q u a k e a n d
Christian said he accepted
the Japanese Embassy's
invitation two months ago,
with the sole intention of
sharing his music. But with the
r e c e n t s p a t e o f n a t u ra l
disasters in the country, the
singer said he had a new
“Asean member-countries
will all be represented, and I
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 24
Lisa Macuja to dance
her final 'Nutcracker’
By Lester G. Babiera
For prima ballerina Lisa
Macuja-Elizalde, dancing as
Masha or the Sugar Plum Fairy in
“ T h e N u t c ra c ke r ” i s l i ke
receiving a Christmas present
each time.
“From my debut at the age of
19 in the Marinsky Theater in
the student performances given
by the Russian Ballet Academy to
the time, almost 30 years later,
when I shared the role with my
daughter Missy as the young
Masha, 'The Nutcracker' is
always a big, happy time of
celebration,” she says.
“You just get caught up in the
story as its many enchanting
scenes unfold onstage,” Lisa says
of the popular Christmas ballet.
“The music of Tchaikovsky alone
is enough to transport you to a
world of dancing dolls, giant rats
and magical transformations
from Nutcracker to Prince, and
from an awkward child who
doesn't fit in on Christmas Eve to
a glamorous Sugar Plum Fairy.”
For the final year of her Swan
Song Series, in which she is
saying goodbye to her favorite
full-length classics, Lisa just had
to put “The Nutcracker” on the
list. Appropriately enough, in
this season of giving, she is
Rachelle Anne Go in
'Miss Saigon' revival
MANILA -- Singer Rachelle Ann
Go will travel to London this summer
as she was cast to portray the role of
GiGi in revival of the hit international
musical "Miss Saigon".
The good news was first posted
by award-winning singer Lea
Salonga on her official Twitter
Salonga played the lead role of
Kim in the original 1989 production.
Meanwhile, seasoned singer Isay
Alvarez also sent her congratulatory
message to Go. She believes the
Kapuso artist will do great in the
Go's role was originally
portrayed by Alvarez.
The 27-year-old singer also
LISA Macuja-Elizalde and daughter Missy perform together in “The Nutcracker.”
thanked her followers and
supporters for the well wishes on
this big break.
donating ticket proceeds to
version I learned in Leningrad
With her inclusion in the
typhoon relief efforts.
that of Vassily Vainonen, under
production, Go will get to sing "Movie
She is dancing as the Sugar
t h e t u t e l a g e o f Ta t i a n a
In My Mind," one of the show's most
Plum Fairy on Nov. 29, Dec. 1 and
Udalenkovais still the closest to
7 at Aliw Theater, Cultural
my heart. The fiendishly difficult
Meantime, 17-year-old Eva
Center of the Philippines
hopping variation was the dance
Singer Rachelle Ann Go
Noblezada will reprise Salonga's role
Complex, Pasay City.
that got me the silver medal in
as Kim in the revival of "Miss Saigon." really do it," just like when he first
Masha is actually Lisa’s most
the Asian Pacific International
A native of Charlotte, North spotted Salonga 25 years ago.
performed role in its excerpt
Ballet Competition in Tokyo in
Carolina, Noblezada was spotted by
"Eva's going to be our new Lea,"
form. Her father Cesar Macuja's
1987. The big adagio from Act 2
records say the total is 234 times
is always a wonderful opening to
Rubin when she attended an event in
The new Miss Saigon cast so far
for dancing the adagio from Act 2
Ballet Manila's 'Ballet & Ballads'
the New York City.
includes Jon Jon Miones (Engineer),
alone, while she has danced the
concerts while the small adagio
T h e D a i ly M a i l , a U n i t e d Alistair Brammer (Chris), Hugh
full-length ballet 37 times.
from Act 1 remains one of my
Kingdom-based paper, quoted Rubin, Maynard (John) and Tamsin Carroll
“There are countless
m o s t favo r i te a d a g i o s to
Cameron Mackintosh, a (Ellen).
versions of 'The Nutcracker'
perform,” Lisa enumerates.
producer, saw the
The musical powerhouse will
choreography, but the first
Page 25
"17-year-old girl who could sing and
return to the West End in May.
Bautista ...
From page 23
want them to know the situation in
our country. Hopefully I can do more
than just sing; I'll urge them to
continue helping us,” Christian told
the Inquirer.
“Helping shouldn't stop at
handing out packs of goods,” said
Christian. “It should be about
rebuilding homes and livelihoods.”
But he added that he was grateful for
the outpouring of support that the
Philippines has been receiving.
In light of recent reports about
widespread looting and chaos in
hard-hit areas, particularly Tacloban
in Leyte, the 32-year-old balladeer
said he was also looking forward to
learning how the Japanese people
maintained order in the aftermath of
the 2011 catastrophe.
Social media work
“I really hope to learn from their
experience,” Christian said. “I'm not
in a position to judge those who have
resorted to looting. Everyone is
suffering; we can just hope people
will not start hurting one another.”
Aside from his participation in
the music festival, Christian has been
actively promoting various relief
operations in social media. He
coursed his own donations through
groups that he trusts, such as World
Vision, Habitat for Humanity and
Operation Blessing. “There are many
isolated areas that we have not
reached,” he said. “Let us all continue
to do our part.”
Christian, who recently released
a new album package that includes
“Romance Revisited” and “First
Class” (Universal Records), will
perform two songs in the event: One
is his hit single “Invincible.” The song
is about heartbreak, he said, “But the
words also seem to describe our
people's struggles. So I'm dedicating
it to our countrymen.”
He recited a portion of the lyrics:
“I was damaged by the fall/ Got the
wind knocked out of me/ To be
standing here at all/ I must be
Organized by the Asean Music
Fair Committee and the Japan
Foundation, the non-competitive
music event will be held on
Thursday, Nov. 28, at the NHK Hall in
Shibuya, Tokyo. The nine other
Asean artists to be featured are: Zul
Faden (Brunei Darussalam), Preap
Sovath, (Cambodia), Agnes Monica
(Indonesia), Annita (Laos), Siti
Nurhaliza (Malaysia), Sai Sai Kham
Leng (Myanmar), Olivia Ong
(Singapore), Thongchai McIntyre
(Thailand) and My Linh (Vietnam).
Japanese pop boy band Exile will
also perform.
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 25
Fil-Am Eva Noblezada is new
'Miss Saigon' on West End
By Walter Ang
Seventeen-year-old FilipinoAmerican Eva Noblezada has been
cast to portray the titular character
Kim for the upcoming West End
revival of “Miss Saigon,” reports The
Daily Mail.
Noblezada is slated to do four
performances a week while
remaining shows will be covered by
two understudies once the show
opens at the Prince Edward Theatre
in May 2014.
Noblezada hails from Charlotte,
North Carolina. Her father was born
in Guam to Filipino parents.
Earlier this year, Noblezada won
Best Actress at the Blumenthal
Performing Arts High School Musical
Theater Awards for her portrayal of
Ariel in Northwest School of the Arts'
production of “Footloose.”
She was spotted by Broadway
casting director Tara Rubin when she
joined the National High School
Musical Theater Awards in New York.
Noblezada was given a private
audition with “Miss Saigon” director
Laurence Connor in New York. She
auditioned for Macintosh a few weeks
later. The paternal cousin of
Noblezada's father, Annette Calud,
Lisa Macuja ...
From page 24
Rob Schneider (Reuters)
Eva Noblezada (
performed on Broadway as part of the
original ensemble cast of “Miss
Saigon” in 1991, and took over from
Lea Salonga in the lead role of Kim in
1992. Calud also played Celina on
“Sesame Street” from 1992 until
“Eva came home already knowing
she was cast,” says Calud. “But she had
to wait for the official casting
announcement before she could
share the news with family and
friends.” “I was fortunate to get to
work through the songs with her
before she auditioned, though she
didn't need much help at all. Hearing
her sing … I knew for certain she
would land the part.”
Missy Macuja Elizalde
as Little Masha
Her forthcoming “Nutcracker”
performances, with music by Peter
Tchaikovsky and choreography by
Vassily Vainonen, is being restaged by
Osias Barroso Jr., Eileen Lopez and
Jonathan Janolo. The
Symphony Orchestra, under the baton
of Maestro Alexander Vikulov, is
featured in select shows.
More memorable
Lisa's final “Nutcracker” shows are
made more memorable as it reunites
her with her daughter Missy Elizalde
as the young Masha. They first
performed together in Ballet Manila's
production of the Christmas ballet in
Jessa Balote, a scholar of Ballet
Manila's Project Ballet Futures, will
dance as Masha in the Dec. 8
fundraiser for the Philippine Christian
Foundation, which runs the school in
Tondo where Balote is an honors
student. Proceeds from this last
performance will be used to establish
an arts-and-dance center in Smokey
Ballet Manila senior soloist Dawna
Mangahas alternates with Lisa as the
Sugar Plum Fairy.
“The Nutcracker ”cast also
includes Rudy de Dios and Junmark
Sumaylo, alternating as the
Nutcracker Prince; Alfren Salgado,
Romeo Peralta, Glenn Ragel, Elpidio
Magat and Manny Febra as Cavaliers;
Marcus Tolentino as Drosselmeyer;
Alvin Santos and Anselmo Dictado,
alternating as Fritz; Gerardo Francisco
and Roduardo Ma, alternating as the
Harlequin Doll; Mylene AggabaoSalgado as Columbine; and Sergio
Capa as the Moor.
Rites of passage
For ballet dancers, performing in
“The Nutcracker” is akin to a rite of
Lisa says, “Ask any senior member
of Ballet Manila and he or she would
have taken on several different roles in
the ballet through the years: from the
children dancing under the Christmas
tree, to a Rat or a Toy Soldier, to even as
Anderson Cooper (Reuters)
Walk of fame Philippines to 'star'
Anderson Cooper, Rob Schneider
By Jecelyn V. Macahindog
Walk of Fame Philippines, the
country's version of the
Hollywood Walk of Fame located
at Eastwood City in Libis, Quezon
City, will give a star each to
international personalities
CNN broadcast
journalist Anderson Cooper and
Fil-Am Hollywood actor Robert
Michael “Rob” Schneider.
It will be a deviation from
rules in that the Walk of Fame
Philippines is primarily intended
as tribute to Filipino artists who
has made exceptional
contributions to local
G e r m a n “ Ku ya G e r m s ”
Moreno, founder of the local
Walk of Fame in 2005, explained
the matter.
“Malaki ang naitulong ni
Anderson para mapansin ng
mundo ang sinapit ng mga lugar
na sinalanta ng bagyong
'Yolanda.' Talagang kahit saang
interview niya, sinasabi niya ang
nakita niya sa Tacloban, na
kailangan ng tulong ng mga tao.
At dahil doon, nakita naman
natin ang naging aksyon ng
buong mundo. Ang daming
tumutulong sa atin,” the “Master
Showman” told GMA News
Online in an interview.
Moreno hopes for Cooper to
personally grace the ceremony
on Dec.1. “Pero kahit hindi siya
dumating, ilalagay natin ang
pangalan niya.”
Schneider, whose mother is a
Filipina, was in the country
recently for his birthday concert,
“Rob Schneider: Live in Manila.”
Manila Bulletin
Engelbert Humperdinck
coming over for a concert
By Crispina Martinez - Belen
far as the Sugar Plum Fairy and the
Nutcracker Prince principal roles
themselves! It is a ballet that one can
easily associate with growing up!”
Definitely, this year's “The
Nutcracker” will hold special meaning
to the prima ballerina as she says
goodbye to a beloved role. She is
confident the ballet's story will
resonate with today's audiences as it
has for many generations.
“The generous spirit of the girl
who falls in love with the ugliest toy
under the Christmas tree inspires us
all to celebrate the season with good
cheer, warm hearts and simple joys!”
she says.
Swan Song Series Year 3 has BPI
C re d i t C a rd s a n d M u l t i m e d i a
Exponents (MME) as major sponsors,
with special thanks to Island Rose.
Ballet Manila's 18th performance
season is co-presented by Manila
Broadcasting Company and Aliw
Theater; with major sponsors MME,
ACS Manufacturing Company (Pride
and Shield soap) and First United
Travel, and minor sponsor Seair; and
special thanks to Island Rose, Ralph's
Wines and Spirits and Star City.
Lisa Macuja-Elizalde's Swan Song
Series performances are on Nov. 29,
Dec. 1 and 7. Call Ticketworld at
8919999; visit
Ballet Manila's Subscribers' Night
is on Nov. 30. For the full schedule of
“The Nutcracker,” call Ballet Manila at
5255967 or 4000292; visit www. and
Engelbert Humperdinck
Singer Engelbert
Humperdinck a.k.a. “King of
Romance” has captivated millions
worldwide for more than four
decades with his deep voice and
good looks as he belts out classic
love songs and romantic ballads.
For the fourth time in eight
years, Engelbert is coming back to
regale music enthusiasts with his
greatest hits during a live concert
on Dec. 4, at the Newport
Performing Arts Theater, Resorts
Wo r l d M a n i l a . B i l l e d a s
“Engelbert Humperdinck Live In
Manila,” the musical event will
kick off the two-night concert
series that will also take the
singer to the south for a final show
on Dec. 5 at the SMX Convention
Center in Davao City.
Among the hits popularized
by Humperdinck are “Release
Me,” “Quando, Quando, Quando,”
“The Way It Used To Be,”
“Strangers In The Night” and
“After The Lovin'.”
The musical success of
Engelbert Humperdinck had its
foundation in a life lived with love
for music at an early age when, as
Page 26
June Keithley-Castro passes away
M A N I L A - - Ve t e ra n
broadcaster June Keithley-Castro
passed away early Sunday
Reports said Keithley who
was battling breast cancer died
around 6:50 p.m.
Keithley played a vital role
during the crucial hour of the
Edsa People Power 1 that toppled
the dictatorship of Ferdinand
Marcos in 1986.
On learning of the passing of
Keithley-Castro, Malacañang
issued a statement expressing its
“June Keithley-Castro's battle
with cancer which she had waged
since 2009is at an end. To her last
breath she exemplified courage
Veteran broadcaster June Keithley-Castro
and faith. Her courage enabled
her to confront her illness, but
also that of her husband, Angelo
Castro Jr., whose death we all
mourned in 2012, with dignity
and the kind of serenity that can
only come from an
uncompromising faith in the
goodness of God and trust in His
plan for all things,” it said.
In paying her tribute,
Malacañang said the nation in
extending the deepest sympathy
to her children.
“As she herself recounted,
June Keithley rediscovered her
faith in 1985, when her son asked
her to accompany him to the
Quirino Grandstand for the
consecration of the nation to the
Blessed Virgin Mary.
“From there, her reawakening
to her faith accompanied the
period of national redemption
Page 26
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 26
Coco Martin dedicates
best actor award to
‘Yolanda’ survivors
In this photo released by the Philippine Air Force, Grammy-winning singer Alicia Keys, left, touches a typhoon survivor as she visits
the Villamor Air Base in suburban Pasay. Keys visited the air force base to bring cheer to hundreds of evacuees from eastern
Philippine provinces wracked by Typhoon Yolanda earlier this month. AP
Alicia Keys visits Yolanda survivors
Associated Press
MANILA, Nov. 25 -- Grammy-winning singer Alicia Keys has visited an air force base in Manila to bring
cheer to hundreds of evacuees from eastern Philippine provinces wracked by Typhoon Yolanda earlier this
The American singer distributed crayons and coloring books to children at the Villamor Air Base
grandstand, where evacuees from eastern Leyte and Samar provinces arrive via C-130 planes.
Social Welfare Department officer Jane Abello says Keys stayed for about half an hour on Monday to chat
with evacuees.
The R & B star is back in Manila for the second time for a concert at the seaside MOA Arena.
The Philippine Star earlier quoted her as saying that “music has a way of lifting your spirit and that's what I
hope to do for the Filipino people.”
MANILA - Coco Martin
dedicated his best actor award
from the PMPC Star Awards for TV
to the survivors of super typhoon
"Yolanda" (international name
Haiyan), which battered the
Visayas last November 8.
Martin won the award for his
performance in the Filipino
superhero series “Juan dela Cruz,”
in a tie with Richard Yap of "Be
Careful With My Heart."
In an interview with ABS-CBN
News right after accepting his
latest recognition, Martin said his
award symbolizes the hero in every
Filipino in times of calamity.
“Sobrang sarap. Nakakainspire lalo na napakaespesyal ng
proyektong ito. Sabi ko nga, lahat
ng tao ngayon para sa akin is a hero.
'Yung mga Pilipino, lahat ng tao na
tumulong sa sakuna na nangyari sa
ating bansa. Inaalay ko ito para sa
kanila,” he said.
Sharing his inspirational
message to the typhoon survivors,
Martin said: “Mga kababayan ko,
huwag na huwag po tayo susuko at
bibitiw dahil lagi po tayong may
pag-asa. Nandiyan po ang
Meanwhile, Martin announced
that he won't be doing any
television projects anytime soon.
“Baka next year na. Medyo
matagal ako nawala sa pelikula.
Gusto ko bumalik doon para kahit
paano fulfilled naman. Mabalik ko
naman ang mga proyektong gusto
kong gawin,” he said.
Without disclosing details
about the movies which he will be
working on, Martin said: “Marami
[akong gagawin] pero ngayon
nandoon pa lang sa meeting lahat.”
Engelbert ...
From page 25
Arnold George Dorsey in
Leicester, England, he started
studying music and playing the
saxophone at the age of 11 and
discovered his vocal talent for
impersonation at 17.
His debut single “Release Me,”
became an instant hit when it went
into the Guinness World Records
for staying 56 weeks in the charts
and became No. 1 in 11 countries.
During the next four decades,
Humperdinck has generated
record sales in excess of 150
million records, including 64 gold
albums and 24 platinum albums,
and won four Grammy Awards, a
June KeithleyCastro ...
From page 25
and liberation that brought forth
the Miracle of EDSA: that peaceful
revolution which was marked by
her voice on Radio Bandido. There,
in the isolation of a radio studio,
together with two brave children,
she spoke truth to power for 14
Coco Martin
As of the moment, Martin said
he spends his time with his family
and doing relief operations for
"Yolanda" victims.
“Nasa bahay lang po ako lagi,
nanonood ng news. Kapag may
mga activities na kailangan
tumulong, kung ano man ang
magagawa sa bansa, iyon muna ang
pinagkakaabalahan ko,” he said.
Meanwhile, Kapamilya stars
KC Concepcion and Nikki Gil won
their first acting awards on Sunday
night from the PMPC Star Awards
for Television.
Concepcion was named Best
Drama Supporting Actress for her
performance in the ABS-CBN
advocacy series "Huwag Ka Lang
Mawawala" starring Judy Ann
Santos, while Gil
Gil won the Best Single
Performance by an Actress award
for the "Ilog" episode of the longrunning drama anthology
"Maalaala Mo Kaya."
Golden Globe award and a star on
the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
In 2012, he represented UK in
the finals of the Eurovision Song
Contest in Baku, Azerbaijan, where
he came in 25th place out of 26 with
a score of 12 points with his song,
“Love Will Set You Free.” He also set
a record by being the oldest singer
to participate in the competition at
the age of 76.
Engelbert Humperdinck Live In
Manila” is presented by Ovation
Productions in association with Air
It is supported by 2nd Avenue,
Diva Universal, Jack City, Jack TV,
Manila Bulletin, Park Inn by
Radisson, Sixt Rent A Car and
Optima Sign Solutions. Manila
hours, heedless of the danger of
contesting the media apparatus of
the dictatorship.
“From the moment she played
the 'Mambo Magsaysay' on air in
February, 1986, to the moment
when, a quarter of a century later,
she was honored at the EDSA
Commemoration this year, June
Keithley's courage and faith
sustained her as a voice that would
not be silenced.”
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 27
Pokwang: It's time to laugh again
Freddie Aguilar and his young wife
Teen explains why she
married Freddie Aguilar
MANILA -- For the 16-year-old wife
of Freddie Aguilar, their Muslim
wedding was a way of proving their
love for each other amid criticisms
aimed at them since the musician
announced their relationship in
She briefly spoke during the round
of media interviews shortly after the
Islamic rites held in a restaurant in
Buluan Maguindanao, saying she is
happy with her decision to marry the
60-year-old "Anak" hitmaker.
"Syempre masaya ko, kasi hindi
naman nabubuhay para sa ibang tao,"
she said. "Nabubuhay kami para sa
sarali namin. 'Yung ginagawa namin
[ay] dahil gusto namin 'to, mahal namin
ang isa't-isa at pinapatunayan lang
namin ang pagmamahal namin."
The singer said that among the
reasons they decided to wed -- the
couple initially planned to settle down
when she turns 18 -- was to stop being
the target of criticisms.
"Sana tumigil na 'yung mga
detractors namin. Kasi kaya nga kami
nagpakasal kasi ayaw ngang tumigil
'yung mga paninira sa aming dalawa,"
he said. "So naisipan naming dalawa na
kung magpapakasal na kami ay titigil
na lahat, hindi na nila iisipin na
kasalanan 'yung ginagawa namin."
With his candid admission of the
relationship on the sidelines of a music
awards show in October, Aguilar
stirred controversy and drew flak for
being a supposed "cradle-snatcher"
and a "dirty old man" -- terms the
singer himself brought up and readily
Aguilar repeatedly mentioned
having the approval of his girlfriend's
parents, who are based in Naujan,
Oriental Mindoro.
His partner stressed in a number of
interviews that she genuinely loves
Aguilar and dismissed speculations
that she is only interested in his wealth
and popularity.
Short of mentioning Catholic
practices, Aguilar on Friday said,
"Hindi po namin mahintay ang
dalawang taon para pahintulutan kami
ng tinatawag nating sistema na umiiral
dito sa atin."
"Hindi na rin po kami
makapaghintay na kung anu-ano ang
tinatawag sa kanya, na kesyo ganito
siya, kesyo ganyan ako. So para matigil
na po lahat 'yon at mapatunayan na
mahal namin ang isa't-isa talaga,
nandito po kami... upang mag-isangdibdib.
"At ngayon pong mag-asawa na
kami, ay hindi na nila kami siguro
tatawaging makasalanan," Aguilar said.
New life as Abdul Farid
He was also quick to reply when
the subject of his conversion to Islam
was brought up, saying he had long
been reconsidering his faith.
While Aguilar did not mention it,
Maguindanao Governor Esmael
Mangudadatu said in an interview
before the wedding that the singer
became a Muslim about six months
Mangudadatu, a good friend of
Aguilar, was one of the principal
sponsors of the wedding.
"'Yung pagbabalik-Islam ko naman
ay dahil matagal ko naring
kinikwestyon 'yung conversion ko.
Kahit nung high school palang ako,
ayaw kong pumasok at pag-aralan
'yung religion doon, kasi ang pagtuturo
nung high school ako ay Spanish.
"So sabi ko, 'Bakit ko pag-aaralan
ang religion, eh iyang mga Espanyol na
'yan ang nagpahirap sa ating bayan
no'ng araw?' So itong pagbabalik-Islam
ko, tamang-tama, dahil dito sa Islam,
tinatanggap ang pagmamahalan namin
ni [girlfriend]," said Aguilar, whose
Muslim name is Abdul Farid.
H e a d d e d : " K aya s a a n a ko
pupunta? Doon ako pupunta sa
tumatanggap sa relasyon namin. Hindi
'yon ang dahilan. Ang dahilan -- ipakita
na talagang nagmamahalan kami."
Mangudadatu explained that
under Islamic practices, a couple can
marry as soon as the woman has her
first menstruation.
Presidential Decree No. 1083,
which recognizes the system of Filipino
Muslim laws, provides that "any
Muslim male at least 15 years of age
and any Muslim female of the age of
puberty or upwards and not suffering
from any impediment under the
provisions of this Code may contract
The provision further reads: "A
female is presumed to have attained
puberty upon reaching the age of
'Nandito na ako'
Asked if he is ready to stand by his
decision -- converting to Islam and
marrying his partner -- Aguilar said,
"Nandito na ako. Ako po ay kilala ninyo
sa paninindigan."
"Hindi po ako gagawa ng bagay na
i k a s i s i ra n g m a t a g a l ko n a n g
inaalagaang pangalan. At matagal ko
narin pong hinahanap ang tunay na
paniniwala sa Panginoon, at sa palagay
ko po, sa tagal kong paghahanap, ay ito
na po, natagpuan ko na," he said.
On the subject of having babies -the couple have been candid about
their plans of building a family of their
own -- Aguilar said, "Kung ako ang
masusunod at pahihintulutan ako ni
Allah, eh kahit isa lang."
Aguilar has six children from
different relationships with the
youngest being 24 years old.
He separated from his third wife he
married when she was just 17, almost
10 years ago.
"Gusto ko talaga ang maging bunso
kong anak ay lalaki," Aguilar said. "Pero
kung may pangarap si misis na mas
marami pa doon, syempre susunod ako
sa kanya!"
MANILA - Following the
devastation brought about by
s u p e r t y p h o o n “ Yo l a n d a ,”
comedienne Pokwang believes it
is time for Filipinos to laugh again.
Pokwang said she hopes her
upcoming comedy “Call Center
Girl” can boost the Filipino spirit
after the typhoon battered the
Visayas and left thousands of
people dead.
“It's about time na ngumiti
naman po tayo sa mga nangyayari
ngayon sa atin. Naiintinidihan
naman po namin na may
pinagdadaanan ang bansa natin
pero ang pelikulang ito, nawa'y
muling maghatid ng ngiti sa mga
Pilipino,” she said.
More than just a comedy,
Pokwang said the story of “Call
Center Girl” also offers a moral
lesson for the Filipino family.
In the movie, Pokwang plays a
Comedienne Pokwang
call center agent who is still
adjusting to her job. She chooses
to endure the attitude of her mean
team leader, played by Enchong
Dee, for the sake of keeping her
family whole.
“Isa akong dating OFW.
Napalayo ako sa mga anak ko and
then 'yung bunso ko, siya 'yung
medyo lumayo ang loob sa akin.
Pagbalik ko dito, gusto kong
mabuo ulit ang pamilya ko kaya
pinasok ko ang call center,” she
Produced by Star Cinema as
part of the 20th anniversary lineup of the ABS-CBN film
production outfit, “Call Center
Girl” also stars Jessy Mendiola,
Jestoni Alarcon, Pooh, Ogie Diaz, K
Broses and John Lapus.
“Binigay ko na ng todo lahat
dito. I'm sure mamahalin nila ang
pelikulang ito kasi maganda ang
kuwento. Yung director namin
napakahusay. Proud ako dito,”
Pokwang said.
“Call Center Girl” is set to hit
the theaters nationwide on
November 27.
Lea Salonga on 35 years in
showbiz: It's unbelievable
Lea Salonga
MANILA -- Tony Award
winner Lea Salonga is
overwhelmed that she is still at
the top of her game 35 years since
she first entered the
entertainment industry.
Salonga said she has nothing
but gratitude for all the people
who have supported her from the
very beginning.
“It feels unbelievable only
because there aren't a lot of
people that they can say they can
celebrate a career this long.
There's maybe a handful of
people that can say that and I'm
very proud that I can say that. I'm
thankful to everyone that has
been a part of my career in some
way,” she said.
Salonga said credit also needs
to be given to her mom, Ligaya
Salonga, for the success that she
has achieved both in her personal
and professional life.
“I think a lot of my career
really comes from her support,
her dedication, her unwavering
and undying love. A lot of this is
because of her. Kung wala siya,
wala rin ako,” she said.
Now one of the few Filipino
a r t i s t s k n o w n wo r l dw i d e ,
Salonga said it her dream to
continue being an inspiration to
other people in a way that she
Asked if she still has things in
her bucket list, the acclaimed
singer said: “History class made
me very interested in a lot of
things. Maybe to go to Egypt one
day to see the pyramids, stuff like
“Maybe in my lifetime, I will
actually take a vacation to all
these different parts of the world
and see those things I've only
read about,” she added.
Salonga is set to hold a
concert next month to mark her
35th year in show business.
The concert, billed as
"Playlist," will be held at the PICC
Plenary Hall on December 6 and
7. It will be directed by Bobby
Garcia, who last directed Salonga
in the play "God of Carnage" last
Salonga, one of the coaches of
"The Voice of the Philippines,"
will be joined by her brother
Gerard Salonga as musical
director, as well as the ABS-CBN
Philharmonic Orchestra.
One of her guests will be “The
Voice of the Philippines” grand
winner Mitoy Yonting, who was
part of her team in the reality
Miss Earth Beauties
MISS EARTH BEAUTIES. Candidates for the Miss Earth Beauty Contest pose for photographers
during their Mall Tour at Robinson's Galleria in Ortigas as part of activities for the pageant which
will be held on December 7, 2013 at the Versailles Palace in Alabang, Muntinlupa. (Manila
Bulletin, Tony Pionilla)
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Big Day for Fil-Aussie golfer
Manny Pacquiao, right, lands a right to Brandon Rios oduring their WBO international
welterweight title fight Sunday, Nov. 24, 2013, in Macau. AP
comeback ...
From page 1
“It (the victory) isn't about my
comeback. It symbolizes my
people's comeback,” said a tearyeyed Pacquiao, who will visit
Tacloban City one of the areas
hardest hit by Yolanda soon after his
return home on Monday.
Pacquiao, the country's richest
congressman and $18-million
richer after Sunday's welterweight
title bout, is certain to inflate the
bulging donation coffers for the
typhoon victims, but the amount
seems hardly important.
What he did against Rios was
enough to put smiles back on the
faces of the millions of Filipinos who
suffered in Yolanda's wake.
Showing vintage form, Pacquiao
hit Rios at will, wobbling his
opponent in the sixth round with a
three-punch combination, en route
to a 120-108, 119-109 and 118-110
decision by judges Michael Pernick,
Lisa Giampa and Manfred Kuchler,
respectively. The INQUIRER scored
it 120-108. The outcome was never
in doubt.
Pacquiao's speed
In victory, Pacquiao showed
compassion, touching gloves with
Rios midway in the 12th round,
seemingly to signify he would let his
opponent, who got overwhelmed by
the Filipino's speed, to finish
The paying crowd of 13,101
fans, majority of whom were
Filipinos, applauded both fighters
even before the scores were
announced. They had been treated
to a show by Pacquiao with Rios a
willing partner.
Now, the world knows that
Pacquiao has put the memory of his
devastating one-punch knockout
loss to Juan Manuel Marquez last
December behind him.
His other message is that at 34 turning 35 on Dec. 17 and after 18
years of ring campaign, he's still the
same elite fighter who held crowns
in eight weight divisions.
Page 28
'We will rise again'
“This is still my time. My time
isn't over,” said Pacquiao, who
improved his ring record to 55-5-2
with 38 knockouts. “My journey will
continue and we will rise again.”
Despite dominating Rios,
Pacquiao gave credit to the ironc h i n n e d fo r m e r l i g h t we i g h t
champion for hurting him in the
fifth round and giving him one of his
toughest fights ever.
T h e C o m p u b ox s t a t i s t i c s
reflected how the fight for the World
Boxing Organization's international
welterweight belt went - Pacquiao
landed 281 of 790 punches for a
connection rate of 36 percent while
Rios sneaked in 138 of 502 for 27
Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 24
-- Filipino-Australian Jason Day,
who lost eight relatives in Leyte
in the aftermath of Super
Typhoon Yolanda, made a sevenfoot par-saving putt on the 16th
h o l e wh i l e T h o m a s B j o r n
bogeyed and the Australian won
his first tournament in nearly
three years at the World Cup at
Royal Melbourne.
Day's 70 Sunday left him with
a 10-under total of 274, two
strokes ahead of Bjorn, who also
bogeyed the 18th, with a 71.
Day's last tournament victory
came at the Byron Nelson
Championship on the U.S. PGA
Tour in 2010, although he's had
four top-five finishes in majors
since 2011.
Adam Scott finished third
after a 66, three strokes behind.
Scott, trying to win his third
tournament in a row, shot 75 on
the opening day, including a 9 on
the 12th hole, and spent the rest
of the tournament trying to catch
Day won $1.2 million and
Australia also captured the team
portion of the World Cup. Day and
Scott, who each holed approach
shots for eagles Sunday, also
shared the $600,000 first-place
team prize.
American Matt Kuchar shot
71 to finish fourth in individual
stroke-play, three behind Day.
Meantime, Tony Lascuna and
Angelo Que faltered due to
Fil-Aussie Jason Day kisses the trophy after winning the World Cup of Golf in
Melbourne, Australia. (AP)
intense pressure, turning in their
worst combined score of 13-over
157. Que closed out with a 77
while Lascuna had a 76.
With a 587 aggregate, the due
slipped all the way to 23rd in a
field of 26 after starting out at
joint 11th after a 144, moving a
rung higher in the second round
with a 143 before skidding to
18th Saturday with a 147.
The Philippines shared 14th
place in the 2009 edition held in
Despite their shaky windup,
Que and Lascuna still earned
millions with the former, who had
earlier 74-72-70, winding up
with a 293 for joint 46th worth
Page 29
'I couldn't catch him'
Though Pacquiao failed to
knock out Rios as he had predicted,
Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach
said Pacquiao fought the perfect
fight and he couldn't ask for more.
“He followed the game plan and
executed it well,” said Roach, who
lauded Pacquiao for being a
workhorse during their six-week
training in General Santos City.
Rios, who sustained a bloody cut
on the left eyebrow and a lump near
his right eye, said Pacquiao's speed
was too much for him to handle.
“He's very fast. I couldn't catch
him,” Rios said.
Known for his granite chin, Rios
claimed Pacquiao never hurt him. It
was clear though that like his friend,
Antonio Margarito, in 2010,
Pacquiao virtually turned him into a
punching bag.
With his second straight defeat,
Rios fell to 31-2-1, with 22
knockouts, but earned the respect of
Pacquiao for his gutsy, albeit futile,
Promoter Bob Arum announced
that Pacquiao's next fight would be
on April 12 in Las Vegas against a yet
to be named opponent.
Pacquiao's immense popularity
was again highlighted with the
crowd cheering whenever his video
clips were flashed on the hanging
giant screens.
Page 29
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 29
Big Day for ...
From page 28
$34,000 (P1.5 million) and the
latter wound up in joint 50th place
at 294 worth $30,000 (P1.2
The World Cup was Day's first
tournament in five weeks and came
two weeks after he learned that
eight of his relatives, including his
grandmother, died in the Nov. 9
typhoon in the Philippines.
His mother, who migrated to
Australia from the Philippines 30
years ago, and sister were just off
the green on 18. They both hugged
him as he walked to the scoring tent
to sign his card.
Day led by four strokes after
nine holes thanks to a big swing on
the fifth and sixth. Day bogeyed the
par-3 fifth after going into bunker
and Bjorn birdied, leaving them
tied for the lead.
But on the sixth, Day's gap
wedge from about 80 meters hit the
green once and rolled into the hole
for eagle. Bjorn, who was in the
rough with his tee shot, made bogey
and there was a three-shot swing to
put the Australian back in the lead.
Day walked up to the green to
pluck the ball out of the hole to the
cheers of the roving Fanatics
cheerleading squad dressed in
Australia's yellow and green, then
threw one of them his ball.
On the next hole, Day increased
his lead to four over Bjorn when the
Danish player three-putted for
After making the turn with the
four-shot lead, thanks to a 12-foot
par-saving putt on nine, Day ran
into big problems on the 10th when
his tee shot went into the left rough.
Trying to advance it up the fairway
instead of just chipping out
sideways, he sent the ball but back
into the rough.
He chipped back out to the
fairway with his third shot, put his
fourth on the green and two-putted
for double-bogey. That reduced his
lead to two shots over Scott and
Bjorn, but birdies by Bjorn on 11
and 13 put both players level again
until Bjorn's bogey on 16.
Scott, who holed out for eagle
with his approach on the first hole
Sunday, won the Australian PGA
and Australian Masters in his first
trip back home since winning the
Masters at Augusta in April. He'll try
to complete the Australian Triple
Crown of majors next week at Royal
The last time the World Cup
was captured by a host country was
in 1996 when the South African
team of Ernie Els and Wayne
Westner won at Cape Town.
Brett Ogle, now a golf show
host, was the last Australian to win
the individual competition at the
World Cup in 1992 at Spain.
The tournament format was
changed this year to add a
substantial $7 million stroke-play
The format, based on World
Golf Rankings for qualification, will
be used when golf returns to the
Olympics at Rio in 2016. There
were complaints that the $1 million
total purse for the team event took
away from the historical
significance of the team-format
World Cup, and Rio will have no
team competition. Manila Bulletin
HOW TO PLAY: Place a number from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers from 1 to 9
Solution to Issue 46 Sudoku
Solution to Issue 46 Crossword
draws interest anew
By Roy A. Luarca
H O N G KO N G - - M a n n y
Pacquiao is knocking on the door
of Floyd Mayweather Jr. once
again. And for financial reasons,
the flamboyant American may be
compelled to open it this time.
Pacquiao's return to
prominence and lack of a
noteworthy opponent for
Mayweather has renewed
interest for what could be
boxing's biggest fight ever.
The camp of Pacquiao is
pushing for the much-anticipated
fight, while Mayweather needs
the Filipino ring icon to generate
more money.
Revered promoter Bob Arum
is willing to renegotiate with
Mayweather's handlers just to
make the megabuck bout happen.
The fight was on the drawing
board for five years but got junked
comeback ...
From page 28
His pregnant wife Jinkee and
mother Dionisia were around to
provide moral support.
Former President and now
Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada also
following Pacquiao's knockout
loss to Juan Manuel Marquez last
After Pacquiao dominated
Brandon Rios on Sunday in
Macau, Arum said that from his
end, the fight must be held. The
bout is projected to enrich both
boxers by at least $50 million. The
81-year-old lawyer even said that
he's looking at 2014 to stage the
bout, which is projected to shatter
existing pay-per-view records.
The thing is Mayweather's
camp, including Showtime, isn't
too keen on returning to the
negotiating table.
Mayweather's last fight
against Canelo Alvarez was a
blockbuster, while Pacquiao-Rios
was a sell-out and reportedly did
good on PPV even if it was held
outside of the United States.
According to Pacquiao's
t r a i n e r, F r e d d i e R o a c h ,
Mayweather still has four fights
left in his lucrative contract with
Showtime, and needs a
marketable opponent.
Though Mayweather is being
promoted by Golden Boy and
Pacquiao by Top Rank, Arum said
a joint venture has been done
before and is still possible.
“I really hope Bob (Arum)
makes that fight (PacquiaoMayweather) not only for us, but
for boxing,” said Pacquiao.
Amir Khan is being floated as
Mayweather's next opponent on
May 3, but the Briton is clearly no
PPV star and the bout may yet end
up a promotional nightmare like
Mayweather's fight with Robert
Guerrero, which lost so much
“If he (Mayweather) wants to
fight, I'll fight him,” said Pacquiao.
watched the 10-bout card, along
with football icon David Beckham
and international celebrity Paris
The Filipinos' newfound unity
and their patriotism were also
evident as they joined “American
Idol” sensation Jessica Sanchez in
singing the latter part of the
national anthem “Lupang
Filipino visitors, many of
whom work in this gambling haven
or in nearby Hong Kong, crowded
the hotel lobbies, hoping to catch a
glimpse of Pacquiao, their national
treasure. They left wearing smiles
on their faces. For them and for the
millions back home who suffered
in the wake of Yolanda's fury, the
fight seemed like a happy break.
1. Accumulate
6. Dull pain
10. Hurried
14. Wooden shoe
15. A cleansing agent
16. Heap
17. More desirable
19. Way out
20. Homestead
21. Card with one symbol
22. Give as an example
23. Ask (for something)
25. Drive
26. Protective ditch
30. Paradise
32. Enfold
35. Saw-toothed
39. Burgled
40. Highly seasoned fatty
41. Notwithstanding
43. Religious outcast
44. Benni
46. Arid
47. Tranquility
50. Restaurant
53. Hodgepodge
54. Female sib
55. Ventilate
60. Lantern
61. Water-soluble pigment
63. Leg joint
64. Bit of gossip
65. Extreme
66. Contributes
67. No more than
68. Relaxes
1. Vipers
2. Filly's mother
3. Assist in crime
4. Not hard
5. Grave marker
6. An Old Testament
7. A hard metallic
8. Idyllically calm
and peaceful
9. Type of sword
10. Eyeglasses
11. Sprite
12. High society
13. Discourage
18. Representative
24. Young dog
25. Indian instrument
26. Netting
27. Savvy about
28. Affirm
29. Tools for star
31. Sit for a photo
33. Embankment
34. 1 1 1 1
36. Despise
37. Arab chieftain
38. Cut into cubes
42. Emit
43. Female chicken
45. Form of address
for a man
47. A type of dance
48. African antelope
49. Intended
51. Hearing organ
52. Happen again
54. Breaststroke
56. Part in a play
57. Anagram of "Salt"
58. Legal wrong
59. Historical periods
62. An uncle
Help Wanted
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 30
Personal u
Company looking
for bilingual
individuals for the
Part time(Flexible
schedule). Must
have reliable
Please send
resume to
or call Juan
Help Wanted
opening for
Live-in caregiver
for DD facility
Christine or Art
in Oceanside
Looking for a quick
learner in
manufacturing facility.
COMPANY currently
expanding into the
Bergen County area
Entry Level positions available
within the Marketing
Training offered
$750 per week
For more detail, contact
Jenn @ 201-366-4441
This is a full time
position. Monday to
Friday (9am-6pm).
Please call
ask for Ara
English speaking
Seeking motivated individual
to work in busy medical office
in Bayside, Queens.
Full Time Position
Please email resume to:
company needs
a male employee
Only $30 for 25 words (deadline is Wednesday noon)
The Filipino Express is only
$40 a year for 52 issues
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 31
Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2013
Page 32