BUY YOUR - Casinos of Winnipeg
BUY YOUR - Casinos of Winnipeg
C A S I N O S of W I N N I P E G M AY 2 0 1 4 M c P H I L L I P S S TAT I O N C A S I N O CLUB REGENT CASINO EARN 2X NOON TO 8PM MOTHER’S DAY MAY 11 & VICTORIA DAY MAY 19 PLAYER POINTS JOIN THE GOLD RUSH STAKE YOUR CLAIM TODAY ENTER BY MAY 11th FOR A CHANCE TO WIN 1 OF 5 PRIZES OF $25 IN GOLD PLAY Every day is payday in May! SCAN to WIN A DA I LY P R I Z E O F $ 100 CASH G O T O M c P H I L L I P S S TAT I O N C A S I N O GO TO CLUB REGENT CASINO CLUB REGENT CASINO Texas Hold ‘Em POKER HIGHEST HAND OF THE MONTH wins $500 McPHILLIPS STATION CASINO M O N D AY N I G H T TOURNAMENT EVERY MONDAY at 7PM | 40 Entry Fee $ 1,500 $ guaranteed prize pool for each tournament UPPERDECK SPORTS BAR Monday to Friday 5PM-1AM / Saturday & Sunday 12PM-1AM Catch all the hockey action on our big screens! REUBEN SANDWICH pubstumpers Come to the Upperdeck and try our NEW Classic Reuben! Saturdays at 1:30PM with host Joey Gregorash Free to play, great prizes! Teams of 10 (maximum) For details call 204.957.2500 ext 5654 SCAN TO WIN Goldeyes Tickets! WIN FREE PLAY IN MAY SCAN TO WIN 1 OF 15 PRIZES OF $ 100 OF FREE PLAY NOW YOU CAN BUY YOUR LOTTERY TICKETS ONLINE PICK AND PLAY YOUR NUMBERS FROM HOME BUY TICKET C L U B R E G E N T E V E N T C E N T R E L I V E E N T E R TA I N M E N T A L L AG E S A L L AG E S with Eagle & Hawk, Sierra Noble, Don Amero, Ray St. Germain,Errol Ranville & Ali Fontaine PERFORMING WITH THE WINNIPEG SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PERFORMING WITH THE WINNIPEG SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA May 19 & 20 June 10 June 23 July 3 SCAN YOUR CLUB CARD at the SHOW for a chance to win special prizes MICHELE ’S Restaurant JAG’S Happy Hour 4PM to 7PM Lunch Buffet $11.49* Dinner Buffet $13.29* Lunch Buffet $11.49* Dinner Buffet $13.29* Friday Pirates Bounty Dinner Buffet Treasures from the Land & Sea 4PM to 9PM $18.99* Friday Pirates Bounty Dinner Buffet Treasures from the Land & Sea 4PM to 9PM $18.99* Saturday Prime Rib Dinner Buffet 4PM to 9PM $18.99* Sunday Ray’s Weekend Brunch Buffet 11AM to 2PM $18.99* Join Executive Chef Ray Miller and his team every Sunday for tantalizing brunch favourites. Reserve your table today at 204.982.3791 Make Memories this Mother’s Day Treat Mom to a special brunch buffet including seafood, carvery, crepes, omelet and dessert stations! Brunch Buffet $18.99* May 11 – 11AM to 2PM Saturday Ray’s Weekend Brunch Buffet 10AM to 2PM $18.99* Join Executive Chef Ray Miller and his team every Saturday for tantalizing brunch favourites. Reserve your table today at 204.982.3793 Saturday Prime Rib Dinner Buffet 4PM to 9PM $18.99* Make Memories this Mother’s Day Treat Mom to a special brunch buffet including seafood, carvery, crepes, omelet and dessert stations! Brunch Buffet $18.99* May 10 – 10AM to 2PM May 11 – 12PM to 3PM Prime Rib Dinner Buffet Pamper your Mom with a special night out $18.99* May 11 – 4PM to 9PM Prime Rib Dinner Buffet Pamper your Mom with a special night out $18.99* May 11 – 4PM to 9PM *Includes coffee, tea or soft drink. With Club Card. Plus taxes. DIXIE ’S Lounge & DOUBLE DOWN Lounge CHEESE & WINE FEST We invite you to indulge in our incredibly delicious new menu. May 31 Join us for Dinner and Live Entertainment with Mother Groove Prime Rib Dinner Buffet – $18.99* DJ 7PM, Band 8PM After 9PM Free Admission for Club Card Members / $10 Non-Members *Includes coffee, tea or soft drink. With Club Card. Plus taxes. TOUKIE ’S Lounge THE CLUB at the Upperdeck CHEESE & WINE FEST We invite you to indulge in our incredibly delicious new menu. Your entertainment hot spot every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night! SCAN TO WIN Goldeyes tickets! Free admission Thursdays – Rock the Mic! Sing with a Live Band, hosted by Danny Kramer 7PM to 11PM HIT BOSS performs every Friday and Saturday night. Party starts at 8PM with DJ Zaroda, Band 9PM Friday nights are THEME NIGHTS with Special Guests! May 2 – Caribbean Carnival with Rockalypso May 9 – Music of the 80’s & 90’s with Charlene Jones May 16 – Ladies of Rock Dance Hits with Karaleigh Vincent May 23 – Classic R&B and Soul with Breeze May 30 – Crooner Night with Ervin Payne Club Card Rewards Catalogue A new way to reward yourself. View our fabulous Club Card Rewards merchandise today! Saturday Nights – Hit Boss rocks the house at our Saturday Night Dance Party! SUNDAYS Pepe Cortes Performing Guitar Favourites 7PM to 11PM Featuring a Pepe Blue Plate Special every Sunday. Doors open at 6PM WINNERS WINNERS at CLUB REGENT CASINO a t M c P H I L L I P S S TAT I O N C A S I N O For more information on upcoming events and show times, please visit CA SINOSOFW IN NIPEG.COM 484 McPhillips Street Winnipeg, MB Tel: 204 957-2500 | Toll-free: 1 800 265-3912 1425 Regent Avenue West Winnipeg, MB Tel: 204 957-2500 | Toll-free: 1 800 265-3912 Open seven days a week Monday to Saturday, 10am to 3am, Sunday, Noon to 3am. If gambling is becoming more than just a game for you or anyone you know, call the Problem Gambling Helpline at 1-800-463-1554. Remember… keep it a game. Valid Club Card and photo ID required to claim prize. Details and complete rules and regulations available at Club Card Players Booth at each casino. All patrons must be 18 years of age or older. Photo ID may be required. Entertainment and events are subject to change without notice. Tickets are available at the casinos, charge by phone 1-855-985-5000, or order online at Unsubscribe You have received this email because you subscribed to our email guest list when you signed up for your Club Card. If you no longer want to receive Club Card members only email updates and related special offers, click here to remove yourself from our email database only. Postal Address Opt-Out Request: Attention: Marketing Department 983 St. James Street Winnipeg, MB R3H 0X2 Privacy Policy The confidentiality and integrity of your personal information is important to Manitoba Lotteries. We are committed to ensuring that your information is managed appropriately and responsibly.
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