Curriculume Vitae
Curriculume Vitae
Curriculum Vitae YAHYA ADI STYAWAN Place of Birth Date of Birth Nationality Gender Height Weight Religion Surabaya 29 January 1994 Indonesia Male 170 CM 63 KG Islam Education 2009 - 2012 SMK TELEKOMUNIKASI DU Jombang Jurusan Multimedia 2012 - 2015 Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surbaya (PENS / EEPIS) Multimedia and Broadcasting Technology Semester 1 - Semester 5 <contact web=” “ email=”” phone=”0811-339-9429” facebook=”yahyaadis” twitter=”@yahyaadis” linkedIn=” yahyaadis” /> Paper ( Research ) Development of MiniPhotoBOT for Small Medium Business; Fourth Indonesian-Japanese Conference on Knowledge Creation and Intelligent Computing 2015 Development of Portable Mini PhotoBot ver.02 for Small Medium Business; ICCI CONFERENCE 2015 - International Conference of Creative Industry Career 2010 - 2012 Web Programmer @ Teknoindo 2012 - 2014 Web Programmer @ PT Otak Kanan 2013 - 2015 Tehnikal Programmer - Founder @ 2015 - Now CEO PT Craft Incraft Indonesia Portofolio Official Web of PENS Is the official website of the PENS, has three address domains in, and The website consists of campus information, campus news, campus academic system, list of achievements, internal information, public information etc. Job Arangement System - PENS Is the official website of PENS, for a job information system and recruitment. On this website, students can register and upload his CV to apply directly to the recruitment form provided. Admission of new students - PENS Is the official website of the PENS which contains the information about the Admissions PENS. Mirror System National Bidikmisi - PENS Is a new student registration system through the PENS bidikmisi in 2013 Website MMB - PENS Information on the website is the MMB study program in PENS. This website contains information regarding academic, graduates or alumni of information, a list of research and achievements as well as others .. Registration Application of PMDK PN 2014 and 2015 PMDK PN is a national selection system for the entire polytechnic in Indonesia with the number 42 in Indonesia Polytechnic, and followed by all high school / vocational school in Indonesia. PMDK PN using server load balancing system to prevent the buildup of traffic on a single server in hours or days busy, as well as using Oracle database. So the application PMDK PN never experienced a down time that feels. Business Portal- BincangBisnis Indo Bincangbisnis is a media portal of information about the business, especially in the field of forex trading and stock trading. Founded by one of the managers in the company MIFX to provide information about stock prices and current trading information. Also review the sisilain of the business world as a family, entertainment and tips and tricks on vacation. Company Profile PT. JOSO PT Joso is a company engaged in the field of 3D Architecture. The website contains information about the business profile and portfolio of PT Joso - Indonesian Craft Marketplace CRAFTLINE is a specialized marketplace for Craft. Having escrow system and social media such as Timeline, Follow, and favorites. Support payment via Paypal, creditcard and mobile money, and manual bank transfer. Having a dual language system, and multy currency - Indonesian Fitness Social is a social media website which is used specially for people who like to do fitness activities such as gym, gymnastics, cycling and so forth. This website features the Social in general such as timeline, like and follow. The website also features a page of videos and articles to support content that can be enjoyed by the user. Craftincraft - Craft and Crafter Portal media Craftincraft is a media portal that provides everything needed crafter, our goal is to be a “Google” of Craft, where everyone who is looking for any kind of craft is to .