Kony Visualizer User Guide - Kony Product Documentation
Kony Visualizer User Guide - Kony Product Documentation
Kony Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Release 2.5 Document Relevance and Accuracy This document is considered relevant to the Release stated on this title page and the document version stated on the Revision History page. Remember to always view and download the latest document version relevant to the software release you are using. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 1 of 40 Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 Copyright © 2014 Kony, Inc. All rights reserved. July, 2015 This document contains information proprietary to Kony, Inc., is bound by the Kony license agreements and may not be used except in the context of understanding the use and methods of Kony Inc, software without prior, express, written permission. Kony, Empowering Everywhere, Kony MobileFabric, Kony Modeler,and Kony Visualizer are trademarks of Kony, Inc. Microsoft, the Microsoft logo, Internet Explorer, Windows, and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Apple, the Apple logo, iTunes, iPhone, iPad, OS X, Objective-C, Safari, Apple Pay, Apple Watch and Xcode are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. Google, the Google logo, Android, and the Android logo are registered trademarks of Google, Inc. Chrome is a trademark of Google, Inc. BlackBerry, PlayBook, Research in Motion, and RIM are registered trademarks of BlackBerry. All other terms, trademarks, or service marks mentioned in this document have been capitalized and are to be considered the property of their respective owners. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 2 of 40 Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 Revision History Date Document Version Description of Modifications/Release 07/14/2015 2.5 Updated for 2.5 release 12/13/2014 2.0 Updated for 2.0 release © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 3 of 40 Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 Table of Contents 1. Preface 6 1.1 Purpose 6 1.2 Intended Audience 6 1.3 Formatting Conventions 7 1.4 Reference Documents 8 1.5 Contact Us 8 2. Prerequisites 9 2.1 Software Requirements 9 2.2 Hardware Requirements 9 2.3 Create Kony Account 9 3. Installing Kony Visualizer 15 4. Configuring Visualizer to Use a Proxy Server 21 4.1 Basic Proxy 21 4.2 NTLM Proxy 22 4.3 Custom NTLM Proxy 24 © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 4 of 40 Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 5. Launching Kony Visualizer 27 6. Installing Kony Visualizer App Preview 29 6.1 Android 29 6.2 iPhone 32 6.3 Windows 8.1 34 7. Uninstalling Kony Visualizer © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 38 5 of 40 1. Preface Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 1. Preface Kony Visualizer enables you to create highly interactive designs for mobile and tablet devices. It contains a large number of built-in designing elements that help in creating your application designs specific to a device and its operating system. This WYSIWYM tool provides an instant preview of your design, helping you make necessary changes to the design quickly. Manipulating a widget’s look and feel, changing its skin, ensuring a property is available for a specific platform or assigning an action event is easily achieved without requiring you to write even a single line of code! Your team can reuse the user-defined designing elements and skins by importing and exporting them. And not only the designing elements and skins, but the complete project can be shared easily. You can upload the project directly to your cloud and allow your team to download the project. It is easy to share designs, and maintain consistent look and feel across the projects. One of the unique features of Kony Visualizer is its ability to provide a functional preview of your design. Similar to how an end-user would view the User Interface (UI) of an application, you can generate a functional preview that allows your team to view application UI and execute any action events attached. Seamless integration with Kony Studio allows you to export (or import) your designs effortlessly. Kony Visualizer is available on the Windows and Macintosh platforms. You could easily build your design on one platform, and preview or modify the same design on the other platform. 1.1 Purpose This document explains installing Kony Visualizer on your Windows platform. 1.2 Intended Audience This document is written for the web and the application designers who install Kony Visualizer to design and wireframe mobile applications, before to exporting the designs to Kony Studio. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 6 of 40 Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows 1. Preface Version 2.5 1.3 Formatting Conventions The following are the formatting conventions used throughout the document: Conventions Monospace Italic Bold Explanation n User input text, system prompts and responses n File Path n Commands n Program Code n File Names n Emphasis n Names of Books and Documents n New Terminology n Windows n Menus n Buttons n Icons n Fields n Tabs n Folders URL Active link to a URL. Note Provides helpful hints or additional information. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 7 of 40 Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows 1. Preface Version 2.5 Conventions Important Explanation Highlights actions or information that might cause problems to systems or data. 1.4 Reference Documents 1. Kony Visualizer User Guide 1.5 Contact Us We welcome your feedback on our documentation. Write to us at techpubs@kony.com. For technical questions, suggestions, comments, or to report problems on Kony's product line, contact productsupport@kony.com. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 8 of 40 Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows 2. Prerequisites Version 2.5 2. Prerequisites The following are the prerequisites for installing and running Kony Visualizer: 2.1 Software Requirements Operating System Windows 8 and Windows 7 Supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Operating Systems. 2.2 Hardware Requirements Component Requirement Processor Dual Core Processor Memory 2 GB Internal Storage 50 GB Network Ethernet Port 2.3 Create Kony Account Before downloading Kony Visualizer installer, you need to create a kony account. There are two ways of creating a Kony account. l Self-Registration: Go to Kony website and create a new account. l Receive an Invitation: You receive an invitation to register with Kony from an existing Kony user. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 9 of 40 2. Prerequisites Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 2.3.1 Self-Registration To self-register, follow these steps: 1. Go to http://www.kony.com/products/visualization/trial. 2. Provide the required details, and then click Sign Up. A message appears confirming that your request for registration is accepted. 3. You will receive an email from the Kony Accounts with an activation link. Click Activate My Kony Account. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 10 of 40 2. Prerequisites Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 The Activate Your Account page appears. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 11 of 40 2. Prerequisites Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 4. Provide the required details, and then click Create Cloud. Your account is activated, and the dashboard of Kony Cloud appears. 2.3.2 Receive an invitation The owner of a Kony cloud account sends an invite to allow you access the cloud. You receive an email with a Kony account registration link. To create a Kony account after receiving an invitation, follow these steps: © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 12 of 40 2. Prerequisites Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 1. In the invitation mail, click Accept Invitation. The Accept Invitation page appears. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 13 of 40 2. Prerequisites Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 2. Provide the required details, and then click Accept invitation. Your account is activated, and the dashboard of Kony Cloud appears. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 14 of 40 3. Installing Kony Visualizer Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 3. Installing Kony Visualizer To install Kony Visualizer, follow these steps: Important: You must have administrative rights on your computer to install Kony Visualizer. 1. Go to http://manage.kony.com. 2. Type your email address and password, and then click Sign in. The Manage Cloud page appears. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 15 of 40 3. Installing Kony Visualizer Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 3. Click the Kony Visualizer <version> for Windows to download the installer. The installer is downloaded to your computer. 4. Navigate to the location where you downloaded the installer file KonyVisualizerSetup- <version>.exe, and double-click it. The installer extracts the required files. The Kony Visualizer window appears. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 16 of 40 3. Installing Kony Visualizer Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 Note: Although, Visualizer is a safe product to install, your antivirus or firewall may flag the product. Ensure that you give permission for installing Visualizer. Also, to avoid getting such warning messages in future (while updating Visualizer) add nw.exe to your antivirus or firewall safe list. 5. Click Next. The Select Installation Folder pane appears. 6. To select a folder on the drive where you want to install Kony Visualizer, click Choose. To reset the default installation folder, click Restore Default Folder. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 17 of 40 3. Installing Kony Visualizer Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 7. Click Next. The Select Workspace Folder pane appears. 8. To select a folder on the drive to be used as Kony Visualizer workspace, click Choose. To reset the default Kony Visualizer workspace, click Restore Default Folder. Note: The Workspace folder holds all your Kony Visualizer projects. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 18 of 40 3. Installing Kony Visualizer Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 9. Click Next. The License Agreement pane appears. 10. Read the License Agreement carefully. If you accept the terms of the agreement, click the I Accept the terms of the License Agreement option, and then click Install. The Installing Kony Visualizer page appears, and the installation begins. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 19 of 40 3. Installing Kony Visualizer Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 After completing the installation, the Install Complete pane appears. 11. Click Done to complete the installation, and launch Kony Visualizer. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 20 of 40 4. Configuring Visualizer to Use a Proxy Server Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 4. Configuring Visualizer to Use a Proxy Server Note: If your computer is not behind a proxy server, you can skip this section and move to the next section: Launching Kony Visualizer. When your system is a part of an internal network and connects to the Internet using a proxy server, you need to modify the Visualizer configuration settings to bypass the proxy server and access the Internet. You can use one of the following methods to configure Visualizer to use a proxy server: l Basic Proxy: Provides steps to configure your basic proxy settings to allow Kony Visualizer access the Internet. l NTLM Proxy: Provides steps to configure your NTLM proxy settings to allow Kony Visualizer access the Internet. l Custom NTLM Proxy: Provides steps to customize and configure your NTLM proxy settings to allow Kony Visualizer access the Internet. 4.1 Basic Proxy To configure Visualizer to use a Basic proxy, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the Kony Visualizer installation folder > Config folder (ex. e:\KonyVisualizer\Config). 2. Open the proxy_config.js file. 3. Edit the following details. between the comments : "USER EDITIABLE SECTION START" and "USER EDITIABLE SECTION END": © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 21 of 40 4. Configuring Visualizer to Use a Proxy Server Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 //To enable proxy, change the following value to true. var ENABLE_PROXY = false; //Provide null value. var NTLM_DOMAIN = 'kvisualizer.com'; //Provide Basic server port number. var PROXY_PORT = 8080; //Provide your Username. var PROXY_USER = 'vizuser'; //Provide your password. var PROXY_PWD = 'Welcome@1'; //Change the value to PTYPE.BASIC_PROXY. var PROXY_TYPE = PTYPE.NTLM_PROXY; 4. Save the proxy_config.js file. 4.2 NTLM Proxy To configure Visualizer to use an NTLM proxy, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the Kony Visualizer installation folder > Config folder (ex. e:\KonyVisualizer\Config). 2. Open the proxy_config.js file. 3. Edit the following details between the USER EDITABLE SECTION START and USER EDITABLE SECTION END. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 22 of 40 4. Configuring Visualizer to Use a Proxy Server Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 //USER EDITABLE SECTION START /* In case of NTLM custom config only PROXY_TYPE and CNTLM_PORT ProxyConfig paramaters are required. Rest can be left undefined. Custom CNTLM config can also be generated by using cntlmconf.sh on mac e.g. ./cntlmconf.sh -u NTLMUSER -d DOMAIN -s PROXY-IP:PROXY-PORT */ //To enable proxy, change the following value to true. var ENABLE_PROXY = false; //Type Proxy IP address. var PROXY_IP = 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX'; //Type NTLM Domain name. var NTLM_DOMAIN = 'XXXXXXX.com'; //Type NTLM server port number. var PROXY_PORT = 8080; //Type your Username. Note: If your user name is user@domain.com, then enter the username as useronly. Domain name is not required. var PROXY_USER = 'XXXXXX'; //Type your password. var PROXY_PWD = 'XXXXXX'; //If the type of proxy used is basic, replace NTLM_PROXY with BASIC_PROXY. var PROXY_TYPE = PTYPE.NTLM_PROXY; © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 23 of 40 4. Configuring Visualizer to Use a Proxy Server Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 //USER EDITABLE SECTION END 4. Save the proxy_config.js file. 4.3 Custom NTLM Proxy Note: For some NTLM v1 and v2 configurations, the default generated cntlm.ini file may not work. In such cases, you need to customize your proxy settings. To configure Visualizer to use a custom NTLM proxy, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the Kony Visualizer installation folder > Config folder (ex. e:\KonyVisualizer\Config). 2. Open the proxy_config.js file. 3. Edit the following details between the USER EDITABLE SECTION START and USER EDITABLE SECTION END. //USER EDITABLE SECTION START /* In case of NTLM custom config only PROXY_TYPE and CNTLM_PORT ProxyConfig paramaters are required. Rest can be left undefined. Custom CNTLM config can also be generated by using cntlmconf.sh on mac e.g. ./cntlmconf.sh -u NTLMUSER -d DOMAIN -s PROXY-IP:PROXY-PORT */ //To enable proxy, change the following value to true. var ENABLE_PROXY = false; //Type Proxy IP address. var PROXY_IP = 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX'; © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 24 of 40 4. Configuring Visualizer to Use a Proxy Server Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 //Type NTLM Domain name. var NTLM_DOMAIN = 'XXXXXXX.com'; //Type NTLM server port number. var PROXY_PORT = 8080; //Type your Username. Note: If your user name is user@domain.com, then enter the username as useronly. Domain name is not required. var PROXY_USER = 'XXXXXX'; //Type your password. var PROXY_PWD = 'XXXXXX'; //If the type of proxy used is basic, replace NTLM_PROXY with BASIC_PROXY. var PROXY_TYPE = PTYPE.NTLM_PROXY; //Change the value to false var GENERATE_NTLM_CONF = false; //USER EDITABLE SECTION END 4. Save and close the proxy_config.js file. 5. Navigate to the Kony Visualizer installation folder > nw folder> nw-win folder (ex. e:\KonyVisualizer\nw\nw_win). 6. Open the cntlm.ini file. 7. Modify the following parameters: //Type user name Username my_proxy_user; //Type Domain name Domain my_proxy_domain.com; //Type the Proxy address:portnumber Proxy my_proxy_server:8080; © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 25 of 40 4. Configuring Visualizer to Use a Proxy Server Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 8. Save and close the cntlm.ini file. 9. To generate the profile, follow these steps: a. Open a Command Prompt window in the current folder. b. Execute cntlm.exe -c cntlm.ini -I -M http://kony.com. c. Type your NTLM password, if requested, to generate a profile. d. Copy the generated profile. 10. Reopen the cntlm.ini file. 11. Append the profile details (copied from step 9). A portion of the cntlm.ini file after appending the parameters is shown: Username my_proxy_user Domain my_proxy_domain.com Proxy my_proxy_server:8080 NoProxy localhost, 127.0.0.*, 10.*, 192.168.* Gateway no Listen 3128 Auth NTLMv2 PassNTLMv2 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 12. Save the cntlm.ini file. 13. Move the cntlm.ini file to User Profile folder\user name\Kony Visualizer\vizdata (for example, C:\Users\OfficePC\Kony Visualizer\vizdata). © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 26 of 40 5. Launching Kony Visualizer Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 5. Launching Kony Visualizer To launch Kony Visualizer, follow these steps: 1. Double-click the Kony Visualizer shortcut on the desktop to open the sign-in screen of Kony Visualizer. Note: You can also navigate to the folder where Kony Visualizer is installed, and doubleclick Kony Visualizer to launch it. 2. Type your email address and password, and then click Let's Go. If this is the first time you are launching the Kony Visualizer, all features of Kony Visualizer are disabled until you create your first project © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 27 of 40 5. Launching Kony Visualizer Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 3. Click Project > New Project to create a Kony Visualizer project. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 28 of 40 6. Installing Kony Visualizer App Preview Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 6. Installing Kony Visualizer App Preview Kony Visualizer App Preview allows you to view the complete prototype designed in Kony Visualizer on your mobile or tablet device. You can download the Kony Visualizer App Preview on your l Android devices from Google Play Store. l iOS devices from Apple Store. l Windows devices from Windows Store. 6.1 Android To install Kony Visualizer App Preview, follow these steps: 1. Tap Applications, and then tap Google Play. 2. Search for Kony Visualizer. Search results display the Kony Visualizer Functional Preview app installer for mobile and tablet devices. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 29 of 40 6. Installing Kony Visualizer App Preview Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 3. From the search results, tap Kony Visualizer. 4. Tap Install. Type your login credentials, if requested. 5. After completing the installation, navigate to the Internet Downloads folder. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 30 of 40 6. Installing Kony Visualizer App Preview Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 6. Tap FunctionalPreview.apk app. 7. Tap Install. 8. After installing, you will receive the Application Completed message. Tap Done. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 31 of 40 6. Installing Kony Visualizer App Preview Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 9. Tap Applications folder, and then tap Kony Visualizer App Preview to open it. Note: Follow the same process for installing the Kony Visualizer App Preview on your Android tablet. 6.2 iPhone To install Kony Visualizer App Preview, follow these steps: 1. Tap App Store. 2. Search for Kony Visualizer. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 32 of 40 6. Installing Kony Visualizer App Preview Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 3. From the search result, tap Kony Visualizer. 4. Tap Install. Type your login credentials, if requested. The app is downloaded and installed in your mobile device. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 33 of 40 6. Installing Kony Visualizer App Preview Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 5. Tap the Kony Visualizer App Preview app icon to open it. Note: Follow the same process for installing Kony Visualizer App Preview app on your iPad. 6.3 Windows 8.1 To install Kony Visualizer App Preview, following these steps: © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 34 of 40 6. Installing Kony Visualizer App Preview Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 1. Tap Store and search for Kony Visualizer. 2. From the search result, tap Kony Visualizer. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 35 of 40 6. Installing Kony Visualizer App Preview Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 3. Tap Install. The app is download and installed in your mobile device. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 36 of 40 6. Installing Kony Visualizer App Preview Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 4. Tap the Kony Visualizer App Preview app icon to open it. Note: Follow the same process for installing Kony Visualizer App Preview on your Windows tablet. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 37 of 40 7. Uninstalling Kony Visualizer Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 7. Uninstalling Kony Visualizer To uninstall Kony Visualizer, follow these steps: 1. Use one of the following options to open the Uninstall Kony Visualizer window: a. Navigate to the folder where Kony Visualizer is installed. For example, <Install Drive>:\Kony. Double-click the Uninstall shortcut. b. Navigate to Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features. From the list of programs, select Kony Visualizer and then click Uninstall. The Uninstall Kony Visualizer window appears. 2. Click Uninstall. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 38 of 40 7. Uninstalling Kony Visualizer Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 The Uninstall confirmation window appears. 3. Click YES. The Uninstall Complete pane appears. 4. Click Done to close the Uninstall Kony Visualizer window. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 39 of 40 7. Uninstalling Kony Visualizer Visualizer Installation Guide - Windows Version 2.5 Note: The uninstaller cannot remove the files or folders that were not installed or copied by the installer. These include files or folders that are created as you use Kony Visualizer (for example, log files). You need to manually delete those files. © 2014 by Kony, Inc. All rights reserved 40 of 40
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