High Points - Maini Group


High Points - Maini Group
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! HappyISSUE
New Year!
New Year!
Happy New Year!
Cover editor’s note High
MPP Visitors’ Book Auto
Motives UNIDO cluster
project Lotus sap other
news News Fest
MGA Paris: Air Show arrival
REva frankfurt next
more news from germany
press sightings icelanding
plant progress eco rap
hungary for nxr, nxg
MMM Railway Gazette
Biz Fax Zoo Pass HeritageFriendly Joining In CeMATters
multi-tier efficiency Star
Light Star Bright joining in
CSR Birthday Wishes,
Birthday Initiatives World
Environment Day Flood
Relief green table Kid
irstly, let me wish you all the best
for the season and the New Year.
How time’s flown: this is already
Issue 5. So much has happened since Issue
1 and it’s really rewarding to know Maini
Varta’s been here to record it all.
Speaking of which, Issue 4 was to be my
last as Editor. However, the Group’s
growth is so rapid and complex that
continuity seems more important than
Maini Varta is perhaps now as much of
a Group brand as any of the others in it,
with its own distinct personality. So I will
be continuing as Editor, which I’m very
happy and excited to be doing.
This newsletter, apart from being a diary
of the Group’s ‘life’, is also how we connect
to the larger issues; which is why Maini
Varta 5 signals our joint dedication to the
New Year being Eco 2010.
High Points
“As challenging as it was,
the year showed us that we
can more than hold our own,
technologically, safety-wise
and environmentally.”
Sandeep Maini, Group Chairman
MHE well
ECO 2010
The New Year’s always the best time for
resolutions and for symbols both new and
enduring. Ecological concerns are always
central to whatever the Group does, so
every year is in that sense an “Eco” year.
Considering, though, how increasingly
urgent it is to work for the environment,
it’s a good time to reaffirm our
commitment to it.
Various initiatives are underway: an
important one being the Say No To
Plastics Green School Card project
with the Green Commandos, where
schoolchildren help monitor how society
is reducing its use of plastic bags and the
Do enjoy this issue, as always we look
forward to your feedback and once again,
warmest wishes for the season and for Eco
Gita Maini
role at
To each of us in the Maini Group, whatever our chosen tasks, oneness also comes
from this thought, this goal: To protect the environment, to foster and nurture
greenness. Because it’s our home and we have a duty to the next generations
who, in their turn, will live, work and be green. We’re all in it together: Because
green is the power of oneness
Lotus SAP
1st August ’09 Under VP (Strategy) Rana
Kashyap’s able guidance, MPP went live
on SAP successfully: a giant leap forward
towards increasing efficiency and response
effectiveness to market dynamics.
The installed system seamlessly integrates
the organizational activity gamut from
customer demand management to raw
material and services procurement,
finance and statutory requirements.
As a result, MPP will see substantial
improvements in every operational area.
Credit goes to the effort and focused
management approach of the core team
drawn from different functions who
worked full time for over eight months to
make this installation a success.
Visitors’ Book
19th Nov ’09 At Bommasandra, we said hello to the group from Black & Decker (B&D). (Seated)
Mike Mangan, President, World Wide Power Tools & Accessories, B&D, Gautam Maini, MD, MPP;
(Standing from left) Sethumadhavan, Regnl Mgr-GPA India, B&D, Balakrishnan Rangarajan, Sr. VP
(Eng. & Ops) MPP, Joe Linguadoca, VP (Asia Ops) B&D, John Schiech, President, Indl. Prod Group,
B&D, Amy O’Keefe VP Finance, B&D, Ben Sihota President Asia Pacific B&D, Arvind Saraf MD (India)
B&D, Chaitanya Koranne VP (Mkting) MPP and Rajeev Pandiya, Dir. Finance, India, B&D
nevitably, the downturn in
the global automotive market
did impact MPP’s exports.
However, with our inherent
adaptability, operational
strengths and our cost
improvement projects, we’ve
generated fresh business which
will grow substantially in the
coming years.
Several senior executives from
Volvo, Black & Decker and Bosch
visited us and the accompanying
discussions were fruitful as an
appreciable volume of business
Our increased focus on
domestic business resulted
in breakthroughs in customer
relationships with the likes of
Delphi, Brakes India and Lucas
With the
MD, a
team from
Maruti who
by, on an
audit (MPP
Saptisfaction from left Sridhar, Arvind
Kapur, T R Srinivasan, Anand
Other News
Sr. Manager (Stores) S. Dasarathi’s
daughter Spatika scored an outstanding
99.28% (784 marks on 800) in her second
year B.E. Aero Eng. In recognition, MPP
awarded her a scholarship of Rs. 52,940
towards her third year fees.
Mind & Body
Below Yogasanas at Bommasandra, part of an
MPP Training Programme
26th November ’09 Four MPP-ites – Arvind Kapur and,
from the Manufacturing Excellence Dept., KRA Kaimal,
Joseph Jolly and Manju K Das – attended the UNIDO Cluster
Partnership Programme’s third Monthly Review Meeting. Held
at Marcs Engineering, Nelamangala, an electroplating and
powder coating company, the Programme fosters work culture
development initiatives.
Above Team MPP’s Improvement Initiatives
presentation at the MRM meeting. From left
Joseph Jolly, Manju K Das, KRA Kaimal, Arvind
Left Manju K Das lights the lamp at Marcs
Ayudha Pooja
Ayudha Pooja and
Karnataka Rajyotsava
are both special days on
MPP’s calendar, events
celebrated with true
feeling and togetherness.
from Left Flag hoisting; Felicitating CEO Naresh Palta; Rajyotsava offerings
15th-17th June ’09
Gautam Maini, MD MGA, visited the 44th
Paris Air show and made presentations to
several leading aerospace manufacturers
and providers:
air show
EADS To whom a group presentation was
made and our structural machined parts
strategy discussed. EADS will continue to
put us in touch with their Tier-1.
Gautam Maini conveyed our keenness to
manufacture and supply larger structural
machined assemblies and parts, and
economy seats.
AVIO With whom was discussed
the need to create a quarantine
area and to have a clear re-work
procedure in place.
ASCO Post-presentation (which
they were very impressed by)
they’ll be sending two RFQ’s
SABCA Whose directors remarked
that this was amongst the best presentations
they’d ever seen: business promotion was
also discussed.
BE Aerospace Who want us to
develop and test galley turn buttons (used
to prevent them falling open): overall design
details were given.
5th November ’09 An agreement was
signed between MPP (Aerospace), MPP
Bangalore and Surface Treatment Systems
(STS), Hosur for the STS-Maini aerospace
sheet metal-forming facility at our
Bommasandra unit.
With Gautam Maini, and Naresh Palta
(on the left in the picture) present, the
signatories were Karthik Krishnan, MPP
VP and CFO and MB.Sadashivaiah, CEO,
It’s been an action-packed six months since our last update in the previous Maini
Varta. In an uncertain world economy, the electric car takes value even further; apart
from taking the lead.
September ’09
he 63rd Frankfurt
International Motor
Show, the world’s
largest motor show, saw the
international unveiling of the
new lithium-ion REVA NXR
which goes into production
in 2010. This was especially
appropriate since this year’s
Show theme could have best
been summed up in one
word: electrification. At the
launch, Chetan Maini said,
“The NXR is a stylish city
car packed full of userfriendly technology.”
Also introduced was the
NXG, REVA’s 2011 model;
styled by Dilip Chhabria,
this was the NXR’s first
(From left) Mrs Reva Maini & Dilip Chhabria, designer. Chhabria
who styled the NXG, is India’s leading automobile designer.
He has created some distinctive automotive silhouettes, all
expressive of his belief that design is the differentiator.
More News from
Germany: More
Experience, More Fun
hat’s what the website of Citycom
Germany promises those who get
the NXR. Citycom sells among the
highest number of EV’s in Germany. With
over 15 years experience in the business
and Nature Will Love You as its clarion
As REVA is committed to
mitigating climate change
with its low carbon footprint
cars – every NXR and NXG
will be Born Green, meaning
call to customers, Citycom, fittingly, calls
itself the company for clean mobility.
RECC and Smiles AG, a Citycom division,
have entered into an agreement to market
REVA in Germany. Based near Frankfurt,
Smiles AG played a pivotal role in the NXR
Above Frankfurt Auto Show launch press
conference: media attention worthy of a global
they’ll have one of the lowest dust-todirt carbon footprints of any car in mass
production. The NXR has been designed
to use approximately 80% fewer parts than
a conventional or hybrid car and will be
assembled at our new assembly plant.
Preparations are on to give the lithium
batteries a ‘second life’ so as to optimise
energy efficiency and reduce the cost to
consumers by the creation of guaranteed
residual values.
From 2010, REVA will publish the carbon
emissions for the assembly and lifetime
operation of both these new cars and by
this environmental disclosure, customers
can make an informed buying decision.
Today, REVA is selling, or test-marketing,
in 24 countries worldwide and has the
largest deployed fleet of electric cars in the
world with over 3,000 on the road and
more than 85 million kilometres of user
Chetan Maini and Mr Karl from Citycom
earing completion: The new
REVA low carbon assembly
Børsen 29
in Bangalore, with a capacity of
units per annum, will include even
Børsen 30,000
more measures to ensure that it has the
NXR er en firepersoners familiebil med en tophastighed på 104 km/t,
der kører 160 km/opladning. Fuld opladning på seks timer og 80 pct.
production, powered
på tre timer ved 220
volt og greenest
16 ampere.
Er desuden bygget til hurtigopladning på en time.
op til energy
10 pct. ved brug and
af aircondition
natural light,
Bilen sættes i produktion senere i år og kan leveres i Danmark
fra andet kvartal 2010. Kan købes på nettet fra 16. sept.
NXG erventilation
en topersoners sportsvogn
med en rainwater
tophastighed på 130 km/t,
der kører 180 kilometer pr. opladning.
Mandag den 7. september 2009
Indiske Reva har både en sportsog en bybilsmodel af sine eldrevne køretøjer
på vej. Det er sportsudgaven
i stor gengivelse samt nederst.
og 16 ampere. Hurtigopladning på en time. Bilen kan leveres i Danmark
fra begyndelsen af 2011.
� Batterierne i begge biler er litium-Ion batterier (ion-fosfat).
Batterierne bliver produceret i Kina af et unavngivent japansk selskab,
mens Reva selv har udviklet og patenteret alle integrationsteknologier
mellem batterierne og bilerne.
Chetan Maini er
stifter af firmaet og
mentlig til at
koste 150.000190.000 kr. inklusiv batteriet. Den pris falder
betydeligt, hvis kunden i stedet vælger at lease batteriet
og betale en månedlig ydelse, som også omfatter elektricitet og forskellige serviceydelser.
Dækker manges behov
I modsætning til benzin- og
dieselbiler, kan NXR kun
komme op på 104 km/t. Da
køreradius samtidig er begrænset til 160 kilometer
per opladning, erkender Reva, at der er tale om en bil
primært til bykørsel.
»Mere end 90 pct. af danskerne vil kunne oplade om
natten og dække deres dag-
kurrenter tilsyneladende de
ombyggede Citröen’er og Fiat’er fra selskaberne Sixt og
Elbil Danmark samt måske
den norske Think, der har
en uafklaret fremtid i Danmark.
Uden konkurrence
Den situation kan Reva udnytte, mener direktør i rådgivningsfirmaet Udvikling
René Torp-Nielsen.
»De rammer markedet på
et tidspunkt, hvor der reelt
ikke er nogen konkurrence.
Jeg tror i første omgang, de
kommer til at sælge til offentlige eller halvoffentlige
kunder, som gerne vil have et grønt image. Men hvis
de kommer ned på en pris
omkring 150.000 kr. inklusiv batteriet, så har de også
en chance hos privatbilisterne,« siger han.
Skjult »ekstrabatteri«
skal overbevise kunderne
Når indiske Reva i næste uge
lancerer to nye elbiler på bilmessen i Frankfurt, løfter selskabet
samtidig sløret for en helt ny
løsning, der kan trylle ekstra kilometer frem til elbilskunderne,
hvis uheldet er ude, og de strander med tomt batteri.
»Vi har patenteret en helt
ny teknologi, der skal reducere folks bekymring for at løbe
tør for strøm. Hvis det skulle
ske, kan de sende Reva en sms,
og i løbet af sekunder er vi via
fjernbetjening i stand til at skaffe mere energi, så de kan komme resten af vejen hjem,« siger
Chetan Maini, grundlægger og
cheftekniker i Reva.
Han hemmeligholder detaljerne
i teknologien, men understreger, at det ikke bare er et ekstrabatteri placeret i bilen, da det
ville være en alt for dyr løsning.
Pointen er, at de afladede batteriers tilstand bl.a. er afhængig
af, hvor gammel bilen er, hvordan den er blevet kørt, og om
det er regnvejr i København eller hedebølge i Delhi.
»Når vi kender alle de informationer, kan vi optimere batteriet (via onlinekommunikation
mellem Reva og batteriet, red.).
På den måde kan vi altid finde
ekstra kilometer til kunden,« siger Chetan Maini.
orthern Lights Energy (NLE),
the Icelandic initiator of the 2012
project and electric vehicle (EV)
infrastructure-and-service provider signed
an agreement with REVA to jointly develop
Iceland’s EV market. NLE will have
exclusive distribution rights for the NXR
ABOVE Signing: With the Hon’ble
Icelandic Minister for Energy and
the Indian Ambassador;
LEFT Briefing the President of
Iceland Ólafur Ragnar Grimsson
at his official residence about
the REVA
A brief guide to
some attributes that make the
REVA lean and green
� Fuld opladning på otte timer og 80 pct. opladning på fire timer ved 220 volt
lige kørselsbehov. Det
er en infrastruktur, som
findes allerede, og det er
der, man skal starte udrulningen af elbiler. Så må
vi efterfølgende se på behovet for de resterende 10 pct.,
hvor vi satser på hurtigopladning,« siger Maini.
NXR er den første af en ny
generation af Reva-biler, der
bygger på mere end otte års
erfaring med 3200 topersoners elbiler i lande som Indien, Norge og England. Allerede i begyndelsen af 2011
kommer Reva med NXGmodellen – en topersoners
sportsvogn med højere tophastighed og længere køreradius, som ligeledes præsenteres i Frankfurt.
Med levering allerede i
april 2010 kommer Reva
hurtigere på markedet end
andre tidlige rendyrkede elbiler fra f.eks. Mitsubishi,
Nissan og BYD. Således bliver indernes eneste kon-
(see item on the Frankfurt Auto
Show), and subsequent REVA
models, like the NXG sports
coupé, slated for a 2011 launch.
NXR sales and marketing start
in the second half of 2010 and
customer deliveries at 2010 end.
A term used for the complete lifecycle
of a REVA, from the carbon emissions
generated in the parts manufacture,
assembly, operation and eventual disposal
or recycling. This is a commitment and
the beginning of a process that will
take time to determine, starting with
the assembly and operation and then
extending down the supply chain to
Tier-1 suppliers and up to second life or
end of life.
Eco Tails
The REVA has no tailpipe emissions
and the amount of C02 emitted per
km depends on a country’s electricity
generation method. When charged with
renewable energy, the REVA is pollutionfree.
REVive addresses the issue of ‘range
anxiety’. The amount of reserve energy
in a battery depends on parameters
like temperature, usage (that day, and
historically) and battery age. Using
advanced telematics features, REVA’s
Support Centre assesses data from each
car to compute its available reserve
energy. Within a few minutes, its digital
display indicates Revive and the Distance
to Empty gauge shows how much further
the car can go.
for NXR,
for NXG!
The Budapest launch
Both the NXR and NXG have also been
launched in Budapest for the Hungarian
market. This is another country where
consumer-commuters look for more value
and less of a carbon footprint.
Big deal for meals on
wheels: joyride to the world
F&B Feri: Going hot going cold
MM has developed and
manufactured a modular
battery-operated food and
beverage cart for the Railways. The first
of its kind, the F&B cart was built in
consultation with the Indian Railway
Catering and Tourism Corporation. At
present serving the Rajdhani trains, this
pioneering vehicle is designed so that
storage trays reach passenger coach
The F&B cart’s features include a freezer,
chiller, beverage vending machine, juicer
and oven. It also has separate disposer
cans for separate bio-degradable and non-
degradable waste, thus helping to keep
railway platforms litter-free during food
MMM has also bagged several important
contracts to manufacture and supply
the fully-customized versions of batteryoperated electric catering carts to various
railway stations around India.
In 2006, MMM introduced its four-seater,
battery-operated people transporter cart
for older and disabled passengers on
the platforms at Bangalore City railway
station. Today, it’s an innovation that’s
been nationally acknowledged with the
Railway Board issuing a circular to all
stations to equip themselves with these
people- and eco-friendly transporters.
May ’09 In its report Strategic
Opportunities in the Indian Airport
Infrastructure Market, business research
and consulting firm Frost & Sullivan
identified MMM as one amongst 30 global
companies manufacturing for airportrelated infrastructure.
Three batches of battery-operated carts
were exported to Oman, the first shipment
of its kind direct to customers.
The contracts were secured amidst stiff
global competition for people transporters,
food and beverage carts and cargo carts
manufactured to customized requirements.
2nd-8th October ’09 While Wildlife Week
2009 was being celebrated throughout
Punjab, Feri services were inaugurated at
Chhatbir Zoo by the Hon’ble Minister of
Forests and Wildlife Preservation, Punjab.
So that heritage
sites sustain their
legacy appeal,
their environments
need safeguarding.
MMM’s first batch
of electric 11-seater
Feri’s were delivered
to the Hampi
World Heritage Authority.
These efficient, non-polluting transporters
are very popular with the thousands of
tourists and pilgrims who flock to this
former medieval capital of the Vijayanagar
empire set amidst vast stretches of boulderstrewn hills and now a UNESCO Site.
joining in
In September, we
welcomed our new
MGR Memorial, Chennai
Ford India reserved a special word of praise
for MMM for logistic support during a
top Ford USA management visit to their
Chennai plant. A fleet of Feri eight-seaters
was deployed over the visit’s four days to
carry the visitors around the plant’s vast
This achievement will help MMM increase
its footprint in the Middle East.
President, Sales
and Marketing, S.
Mohan. Born and
bred in Mysore, where
he also did his B.Com.,
Mohan was previously
with Molex India, the
connector manufacturers, in Mumbai for 23
years. During that time, he also attended a
two-year Harvard Management Training
Muscat Harbour
Married, with a daughter and son, Mohan
is widely traveled and enjoys meeting new
people. A recent family trip he fondly
remembers was to Sydney, Melbourne and
the Gold Coast, Australia being a favourite
MM took part again
in CeMAT, this
year’s being held in
Mumbai for the first time.
A must-attend for
industry, buyers and other
stakeholders, CeMAT
annually showcases material
handling equipment (MHE).
MMM’s theme for this year’s
event was Technology, Safety,
& Greenness.
Forklift truck
Our pavilion showcased
AC drive technology which
greatly improves equipment
efficiency and throughput.
Precision control and dynamic
performance also help reduce
operator fatigue substantially
and thus enhance overall
productivity and safety.
Dec ’09 Two of the main attractions at
Mumbai’s recently concluded CeMAT 2009
were the MPS and the Star Light.
Armes Maini Storage Systems
continued to
expand its
product offering
for the Indian
market with
the addition
in June of the
Shelving (MPS)
boltless system.
MPS’ unique
features include
boltless shelves,
and highload carrying
capacity, ideal
for multi-tier shelving including
ground plus three (G+3) levels.
It scores over conventional
slotted angle shelving, being
easy to install and to upgrade.
It’s also more stable, rugged
and comparatively much safer
because its design completely
eliminates sharp edges. Apart
from higher load-carrying
capacities, manufacturing it
uses less material. What’s
more, MPS comes with a host
of accessories like separators,
claddings and compartments
that extend its functionality
and applicability in all kinds
of contexts:
as well as
Being boltless
and so easy
to assemble
means it
require trained
personnel or
tools to be
installed: just
about anybody
can put it
together. These apart, the fact
that it looks so good doesn’t
hurt either: its aesthetic finish
is winning over every customer
who gets a look at it.
We’ve received a major
12,000-shelf order measuring
15 mt. x 110 mt. in a multi-tier
configuration. Livia Polymer
Bottles, Pudukottai, has not
only referred the MPS to its
own customers and suppliers
but’s also placed a repeat order.
Also on display were Feri
cost- and process-efficient
fire safety and cargo
movement applications. For
industrial environments, these
application palettes are fully
customizable. Tow tractors
incorporating best-in-class
technology were also featured.
ST 15 AC
A significant
upcoming launch
in 2010 by Armes
Maini is the Star
Light automated
vertical storage
system. Star
Light is ideal for
stacking cars,
spare parts and
the like. Individual
storage carriages
rotate vertically
along a central axis,
driven by a separate
sliding carriage.
Innovative performance, high storage capacity and flexibility of
use also make the Star Light a valid alternative to traditional
solutions such as metal racking and automatic storage systems
using stacker cranes, which could lack flexibility, apart from being
more expensive. Star Light is an economical and high-density
storage solution that with its inbuilt inventory controls, is certain to
transform the paradigm for industrial storage.
joining in
uly brought our new Business Head, Sachin Pradhan,
native of Indore, married and father of two. He comes to us
after two-and-a-half years with Honeywell, and before that
16 years with ABB, both stints in Bangalore. Sachin obtained his
Master’s in Leningrad, in Industrial Drives and Automation.
As a diehard fan of Dan Brown, Sachin feels Hollywood didn’t
quite do justice to The Da Vinci Code or Angels and Demons.
Recently in Venice, this world traveller was struck by how the
city’s individuality extends right into every little canal, byway or
venerable palazzo.
Maini CSR
ural development is a mission very close to Founder Dr. S.K.
Maini’s heart. The people living in the 20 villages that make
up the Machur sub-cluster in HD Kote Taluk, Mysore, will have
good reason to remember Dr Maini’s 76th birthday which he chose to
celebrate by visiting each of these villages.
There he met groups of villagers to hear their grievances and offer
all possible help from the Gramothan Foundation. Much needs doing
and the Founder’s gesture affirmed to the people of Machur that they
aren’t alone in addressing the issues that confront them.
Following from this, a revolutionary self-propelling scheme is being
formulated to upgrade them into a model eco-system. This will not just
improve their quality of life but be one the success of which can be
replicated or scaled-up for India’s other 4,00,000 villages.
5th June ’09 World Environment Day was
observed in association with the World
Environment Foundation and Citizen’s
Forum Bangalore. About
3,000 people, of whom about
2,000 were students, took
part in a half-day programme
at the BRV Playground, with a symbolic
global human chain being formed, as a
grand finale.
green table: At World Environment Day
(From left) Dr SK Maini, Mrs Jija Hari Singh,
Hon’ble Justice MN Venkatachalaiah and
Dr Madhav Mehta
Kid Green
30th May ’09 In tandem with Rotary
Bangalore, Kumara Park Youth for Seva
and the Green Commandos, the Maini
Group organized a cleaning-up event of
the Bal Bhavan in Cubbon Park. About 40
children from Newton School chipped in to
do their bit for what is one of Bangalore’s
oldest and most popular children’s
We live in Exceptional times. We are sitting
on the top of a dynamite of Global warming,
Climate change, and Environmental
degradation. Still people, rather than
combating these cataclysms, are indifferent
and apathetic towards this war. This makes
our times Exceptional!
Clean green bhavan: The Newton School
kids at Bal Bhavan
What makes our times even more Exceptional
is the nonchalance of educated and aware
people of human society and their nonengagement in saving our planet for our own
Hail Change!
Flood Relief
The Group contributed Rs. 4.34 lakhs to
the Flood Relief Fund in aid of the North
Karnataka flood victims. With this scale of
devastation in human and developmental
terms, The Group was only too happy to
join cause with the restoration that urgently
needs doing.
October ’09
The Group
is supporting
the Green
Say No to
which involves
about 1,500
people in town.
‘Green’ report
cards have
been given
out to school
children which
requires them
to monitor how they and their families
minimize the use of plastics. Each report
card is checked once a month by a Green
Commando who visits their schools.
The Maini Group, 38 Maini Sadan, 7th Lavelle Cross Road, Bangalore 560001 India.
Ph +91 80 2224 5287 • www.mainigroup.com
Contact gitanjalimaini@hotmail.com