My Home - Calgary Residential Rental Association


My Home - Calgary Residential Rental Association
FALL 2013
4653 Macleod Trail S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2G 0A6
Tel: (403) 265-6055 • Fax: (403) 265-9696 •
“In July we announced the launch of our new Housing Program “MY HOME”. The Association has partnered with the
Calgary Homeless Foundation and Social Agencies in Calgary to provide homes for those in need.
When we launched the “MY HOME” Program in early July six social agencies had signed up. I am delighted to
announce that since that time two more have joined and are now participating. This brings to eight the number of
agencies who are partnering with us. These agencies are:
Alex - Pathways to Housing
Alfa House
Aspen Family and Community Network Society
Calgary Drop In & Rehab Centre
Calgary John Howard Society
Keys to Recovery
The Mustard Seed
The “MY HOME” Program gives each of our owners and property managers a chance to provide a helping hand up
to people who need some assistance. We have made it as easy as possible for you to get involved and the Program
has a number of benefits for landlords that you can’t get when you go to the market to find your tenants.
This is the first time that the Association has worked with the social housing community in a collaborative housing
partnership. These agencies work with many people, singles and families, most of whom require some assistance
in their lives and to make ends meet. One of the biggest challenges they have is being able to afford market rental
housing. They need a home and with some rental subsidy assistance and daily living support they can make it. Many
have children and I think we all agree that they need and deserve a stable and loving environment. These social
agencies do the best they can to provide assistance to help their clients. One of their biggest challenges is finding a
home for these people in need. And that is what the “MY HOME” Program is all about - providing a home for those
people who need a hand up.
(Continued on Page 11)
David McIlveen
It’s hard to believe that summer is gone and we’re into fall
already. I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable summer.
We launched our new Community Partnership Housing
Program in early July. As I am sure you are aware the
Association has entered into an agreement with the Calgary
Homeless Foundation and eight (8) social housing agencies.
We are looking to our members to step forward over the
next year and make available at least 500 units to provide
homes to the social agency clients. More information about
the Program is contained in this issue of the newsletter. I
encourage all of our members to get involved with this
program. Even though the market is tight and there are
fewer vacancies today than there were a few months ago we
all still experience some turnover at the end of each month.
It is through turnover that you can help. Please make some
of these units available to the program.
The June flooding is behind us, but many of us are still
dealing with the devastating impact it had on so many
of our members and their residents. Our hearts go out
to everyone who was affected by this overwhelmingly
damaging and disastrous tragedy. I am so impressed and
very proud of the way our members responded and how
quickly they set to work cleaning up and restoring their
buildings so their residents could move back into their
homes. Unfortunately some buildings sustained significant
damage and it took longer to make them habitable. There
are still some buildings where work continues to restore
them to operational capacity. We can only hope that we
never experience anything like this again.
I would like to thank our friends at the Centre for Public Legal
Education in Edmonton for sharing with us the document
they developed titled “After the Flood for Landlords and
Tenants in Alberta”. The Association posted a link to this
document on its website The information
contained in this document was extremely helpful to our
members as a result of the flood and it answered many of
the questions that both landlords and tenants had about
paying rent, security deposits, is the tenancy frustrated
tenancy, etc.
The rental market tightened even further after the June flood
as many people who had been displaced were looking for
accommodation. We had a request from Alberta Municipal
Affairs to canvas our membership to see if anyone could
provide immediate or near immediate accommodation,
most for a short term basis. The response from our members
was immediate and positive and I thank everyone who was
able to help.
Please don’t forget, we must all be reasonable and
responsible when it comes to increasing rents.
Table of Contents
President’s Message............................................2
Executive Director’s Report.................................3
A Good Friend is Moving On..................................5
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Are You Compliant?.............................................7
Breakfast: 8:30 am | Lunch: 11:45 am
Member & Volunteer Profiles...............................9
Guest Speakers ★ Seminars
Prize Draws ★ Exhibitors
NEW Products & Services
20th Annual Golf Tournament...................... 12-13
Landlor’d Right to Enter Propoerty.....................15
The Truth About Flashy Mortgage Specials.......17
Welcome New Members....................................19
Service Member Directory.................................21
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
Director’s Report
Gerry Baxter
It’s Time to Renew Your Membership
As 2013 draws to a close we begin to plan for next year.
One of the first and most important matters of business
is the 2014 Membership Renewal. We will be sending out
renewal information shortly and I really encourage you to
renew your membership when you receive the notice. I am
very pleased to say that the membership fees will remain
unchanged for next year.
Our membership continues to grow and we really
appreciate the support of all members. We are on target
to exceed our record high membership number from 2012
when we closed the year with 922 members.
Members have come to appreciate the benefits they
receive through the Association. The educational seminars,
lunches and courses are a big draw. The topics are
extremely relevant to what you do; and, our presenters are
all exceedingly knowledgeable and they are exceptional
about sharing their information with you.
Our Exclusive Rewards Program offers a variety of
discounts from many of our service member companies.
You can reduce costs and save money by contacting any
of the companies in the Program and taking advantage of
what they have to offer.
For the past several years our fastest growing area of
membership has been in the 1-10 unit category. These
members really like being able to do credit checks on
tenants at a very reasonable price though one of our
service member companies.
We provide detailed, legislation compliant forms and
notices so that you can access professionally developed
documents that will stand up in court.
One of the most important benefits of membership is
being able to pick up the phone and call the office when
you have a question about the legislation, or when you are
experiencing a problem with a tenant. We can assist you
and provide you with the information you are looking for.
Special housing program partnerships involving the
Association and several other agencies gives you a chance
to provide housing to people in need while at the same time
being able to keep your units full. There is a tremendous
feeling of satisfaction in being able to help others and
give back to the community. Our NewStart Program a few
years ago was tremendously successful. We are currently
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
working with the Calgary Homeless Foundation and eight
different social agencies in a similar program. (See our
cover story).
The special events that we offer throughout the year
continue to attract members. The spring Trade Show brings
owners and property managers together with service
companies who showcase their products and services. This
is a “one stop shop” for all members. The Annual Awards
Gala gives you the opportunity to have a lovely night out
with friends and colleagues as we recognize members
who have demonstrated a commitment to excellence
within our industry. In September we host our annual Golf
Tournament, where you have a chance to get out of the
office and enjoy a relaxing, fun filled day. The early lunch,
the camaraderie, the excitement of making a thrilling shot
followed at the end of the day by a wonderful meal and
terrific prizes, makes this an outstanding day for everyone.
The informative and educational Rental Review newsletter
is published quarterly and it contains many articles written
by our members. The content is intended to be helpful to
Networking is another major benefit of being a member of
the Association. We learn from each other and it doesn’t
matter how long you’ve been in the industry, there is always
something new, or some wrinkle that’s been added. You
just can’t beat being able to “rub shoulders” with others
who experience the same challenges on a daily basis.
And of course, members recognize the value in belonging
to an Association that maintains an excellent working
relationship with both the Provincial Government and the
City of Calgary.
As a member you can help grow the Association by talking
to your friends, colleagues and acquaintances. All property
owners and managers will benefit from membership. If
you know a service company that provides a product or
service that would be helpful to other members, and who
you feel would benefit from membership, tell them about
the Association and encourage them to join or call the
CRRA office for more information. We always welcome the
opportunity to speak with prospective new members.
As you can see, Calgary Residential Rental Association offers
something for everyone involved in the residential rental
industry. Why wouldn’t you want to renew or become a
new member?
CRRA Members will receive a FREE Roof
Condition Report and a five (5) year
Preventative Maintenance Proposal.
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Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
By David McIlveen
Diane Rhyason, who is the Executive Director of the Centre for Public Legal Education in Edmonton, is
retiring. We have had a terrific working relationship with Diane for the past 12 years. She has been a
tremendous contributor to the Alberta Residential Tenancies Advisory Committee (ARTAC), which I cochair and where I represent the interests of our members, along with our Executive Director. Diane has
done a marvelous job of chairing the ARTAC Education sub-committee for many years. This committee has
provided excellent input to Government on a number of their publications.
Some time back she asked for the Association’s input into the
development of the landlord section of the
website, which was spearheaded under her direction. This is an extremely informative
and educational website that provides a wealth of information to both landlords and
tenants in a very user friendly manner.
In April of 2013 Diane and her staff were presented with an Alberta Consumer Champion
Award in the Non-Profit Category for their Vulnerable Youth Project. The Award presented
by Service Alberta Minister Manmeet Bhullar. This is the same event at which The CRRA
was also recognized at this same event for our Residential Tenancies in Alberta Course.
Most recently Diane and her staff quickly developed a flyer titled “After the Flood”, which
she sent to us immediately after the catastrophic floods earlier this year. This document
was made available to our members and the feedback was excellent. It was such a helpful
document answering many of the questions that were being asked by landlords and tenants.
The timeliness with which it this Flyer developed and sent to us was absolutely remarkable.
Diane has been a good friend to our Association and speaking for all of our members I
wish her the very best and hope she enjoys a long, healthy and happy retirement.
We will miss her.
David McIlveen is the President of the Calgary Residential Rental Association
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
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Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
Are you compliant with the Residential Tenancies Act?
By Kayla McGhan, Team Lead, Consumer Compliance, Service Alberta
Service Alberta’s Compliance and Accountability Unit
conducts inspections each year to ensure that landlords
follow the requirements under the Residential Tenancies Act,
as well as many other inspections under the Fair Trading Act,
Cemeteries Act, and Charitable Fund-Raising Act. The Director
of Residential Tenancies delegates powers to Service Alberta
inspectors to conduct these inspections under the Act.
Entering a Tenant’s Premises
The main purpose of inspections is to determine if the landlord’s
business practices—handling of tenants’ security deposits,
rents, move-in/move-out inspection reports, notice of entry
to tenant’s premises, and residential tenancy agreements
comply with the legislation. Our experience indicates that
inspections also help improve landlords’ understanding and
awareness of their legislated responsibilities.
• Ensure that you maintain accurate and organized records
of all security deposits received, including amount, date
of receipt, date of deposit, details of interest payable and
details of disposition for at least three years after the
termination of the tenancy to which they relate
Here are some tips to improve your own compliance with the
Security Deposits:
• Deposit all security deposits received into a separate bank
account designated as “in trust”
• Check that security deposits do not exceed one month’s rent
• When you need to enter a tenant’s premises, ensure that
you provide written notice to the tenant(s) at least 24 hours
before the time of entry (except in the case of emergency or
• In addition, ensure that you have accurate records of
tenancies, including rent rolls, move-in/move-out inspection
reports, residential tenancy agreements, and records of
storage, disposition or sale of any abandoned goods
For more information, visit and click on
You can also find the Information for Landlords tip sheet
under Consumer Tips – Landlords and Tenants.
Inspection Reports:
• Take a look at your inspection reports – do they contain all
the requirements of Section 4 of the Residential Tenancies
Ministerial Regulation?
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Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
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Edmonton Seminar
Calgary Seminar
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Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2013
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Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
Member in profile: Aaron Boulton-Chaykowski
Aaron was born just down the road in the
beautiful city of Medicine Hat. He was the
third and last child in a family of a long line
of transport truck drivers and dirt farmers!
He graduated from Crescent Heights
High School and was named ‘Best all-around boy’ – not exactly
valedictorian material! Most likely the result of being a bit of a
sport nut and a social butterfly and less focused on academics”.
Before and after high school he tried on many hats from restaurant
service work, retail/grocery, parcel delivery, yard maintenance,
concrete forming, and greenhouse construction/operation. He
even travelled up to the Yukon in a 1970 Ford Falcon – much to his
mother’s chagrin – to work in a sawmill for the summer.
He found that if you work in enough jobs you figure out what you
really need is a career, which usually comes with education, so
he went back to school. He attended Medicine Hat College and
transferred to Concordia University in Edmonton to complete his
degree in Environmental Resource Management.
He was lucky enough to find summer work that brought him
back home each year working for a small agriculture-based
environmental company, which allowed him to work on his
technical research and customer service skills while saving up for
the next school year.
the environmental company for a few more years. After getting
married he and his wife took a few years away from their careers,
setting off on an adventure to Japan to teach English.
Arriving back in Canada in 2003 Aaron and his wife settled in
Calgary. A few years later he was hired by the City of Calgary as
a Water Management Technician. In 2007, as part of his many
duties, he was asked to promote and support the multifamily toilet
rebate program, which naturally led him to the Association. He
says “believe it or not I consider working for the City of Calgary as
the opportunity of a lifetime for me to be able to apply my degree
and work in service of such a great community”.
His family lives in the community of Evanston and he served on the
community board before his family grew into three and then four
(soon to be five). Now he spends his time coaching kid’s soccer and
helping out with school events. If he gets a rare, spare moment you
can usually find him day dreaming about how he wishes he was
fly-fishing on the Dogpound Creek or Highwood River while he is
tying a fly in his garage.
He feels very privileged to have the opportunity to serve the citizens
and businesses of Calgary and he hopes to be able to continue to
work within the City of Calgary for many more years to come.
The Association appreciates the support that Aaron and the City
of Calgary Water Resources have provided over the years
After University he returned to Medicine Hat and stayed on with
VOLUNTEER in profile: Kelly O’connor
K elly was born in San Antonio, Texas. She
says her father is from Calgary and that he
met her mother while attending university
in Texas. She moved to Calgary with her
parents as a child and spent her primary
years here, though would quite often visit
the other half of her family in Texas.
As the company’s residential portfolio grew in Texas, Kelly became
more entrenched in overseeing the operations there. She now
spends half her time in Texas looking after the properties that are
located there.
Kelly received her formal education in Calgary, where she attended
Elbow Park Elementary, Rideau Jr. High and Western Canada High
School. Following her graduation in 1990 she attended Southwest
Texas University where she majored in Social Work.
Kelly says she is thankful for having had the opportunity to work
with her Grandfather and she loves working with her father, uncle,
brother and cousins.
She has worked in her family’s property management business for
most of her life. From the time she was 14 until she graduated from
High School, Kelly spent the summers in the company’s head office
working as a receptionist and doing all sorts of odd jobs around the
office for everyone.
She moved back to Calgary after graduating from university. She
began working full time at the family’s apartment complexes, where
she says she did everything from leasing suites, cleaning suites
and moving residents in and out of the properties. This was later
followed by a move into the company’s head office where she was
responsible for and worked closely with the property managers.
She was also given the responsibility to develop advertising and
for finding ways to keep the properties modernized and current.
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
Her company is currently working on developing a property in
Calgary for multi-use, including multi-family and she hopes to be
involved with that when it is ready to lease.
She says belonging to the CRRA has been critical to her business
and to her staff as an information and education resource, as
well as networking with others in the industry. She also feels that
being a member of the CRRA and following the Code of Ethical
Principles shows her residents that her company is professional
and accountable.
Kelly says she and her husband have been married for nine years
and they live in Elboya, which is very close to where she grew
up as a child. They love to travel and dote on their 12 nieces and
nephews. She is an avid reader and has found this really comes in
handy as she spends half her life on an airplane.
Kelly is a volunteer with the CRRA’s Education Committee and we
truly appreciate the knowledge and experience she shares with us.
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10 Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
(“My Home” Cover Story... continued from Page 1)
This is where the Association and its members come in, and it’s easy! You can help by making one or more of your rental units
available. How better to do that than with your month end turnover. You know by the beginning of the month how many units
you have that will turn over for the following month. Instead of going to the market you can make one or more of these units
available to the social agencies you agree to work with.
Getting involved is easy. We have streamlined the registration process to make it as easy as possible for you. All you have to
do is:
1.Contact Marina Mellino, Project Coordinator for the Calgary Homeless Foundation at either (403) 718- 2925 or, and let her know you would like to get involved.
2.She will send you a blank ‘Letter of Agreement’ and a summary sheet listing all of the agencies participating in
the “MY HOME” Program and a description of how they will work with landlords. Review the information you
received from Marina, determine which social agency or agencies you would like to work with (it can be as many
as you like), then fill in and sign the ’Letter of Agreement’ (complete one for each agency you wish to work with),
and return it to Marina.
3.Marina will then forward your ‘Letter of Agreement’ on to each of the agencies with whom you wish to work.
4.You will then be contacted the social agency and you can begin working with them. You can screen prospective
tenants referred to you by the agency.
There are numerous benefits for Owners and Property Managers who participate in the “MY HOME” Program. Most of
them are not available to you when you shop the open market for new tenants. For example, when you go to the market
for a tenant, there are no guarantees that the tenant will look after the property, pay rent and not disturb others, no matter
how well you screen them. A bad tenant will ultimately cost you money in either trying to remove them or in repairing the
damage they cause.
The “MY HOME” Program provides the following benefits that go far and above anything you will get from the open market.
•Paid Rent assurances
•Security deposits paid
•Damage coverage beyond the security deposit
•Client support for tenants and landlords
•Reduced advertising costs
•Guaranteed tenants, now and in the future when the markets changes and vacancies increase,
which WILL happen. Remember, the market you enjoy today, won’t last forever.
The participating Social Agencies benefit by being able to help their clients find quality housing and this reduces their wait
list. The other benefit they receive is making new owner and property manager contacts and getting to know more people
who can help meet the housing needs of their clients. It greatly enhances their ability to provide the support needed by their
clients once they are housed. The relationships that are established will carry on into the future and will provide the agency
with a consistent and reliable source of housing. This makes their job easier and enables them to meet their mandate.
And of course the clients of these agencies, your new tenants benefit. They now have a home. This makes it easier for them
to receive the support they need without worrying about having to find a home in which to live. Having a home now gives
them the hand up they need so that ultimately they can become self sufficient.
Please contact Marina Mellino, Project Coordinator for the Calgary Homeless Foundation at either (403) 718- 2925
Do it today and become a participating partner in this worthwhile Housing Program. You can make a huge difference in
someone’s life. We all Benefit by being a part of the “MY HOME” Program.
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
20th annual
golf tournament
September 11, 2013
This year marked the Association’s 20th year of hosting our annual golf tournament. Members
put their skills to the test as they pulled out their golf clubs and made their way to the River’s
Edge Golf Club on Wednesday, September 11th. What a beautiful day it was - blue skies,
sunshine and warm temperatures made it ideal to be out on the course.
As golfers showed up to register they were greeted by our volunteers who gave each one a
“swag” bag that was filled with goodies donated by many of our generous members.
Boardwalk Rental Communities sponsored our pre-game lunch consisting of a delicious
hamburger and beverage.
Some golfers used the time before the tournament started to hone their skills further
by hitting some balls at the driving range, which was sponsored by Pascoal Painting &
Decorating Inc. (2004).
With a 12:00 p.m. shotgun start, all of the golfers eagerly set off for their respective tee off
locations. Then the real action began. Good golfers, middle of the road golfers and those
who tried their hand at it for the first time all hit the links together. It was a fun day filled
with a lot of laughter and good companionship. It didn’t seem to matter how anyone’s
game went or how they hit the ball, there was support and laughter. Everyone enjoyed
themselves and had a great day.
Coming in at the end of the day all of the golfers were ready for a good meal. This year the
National Bank of Canada sponsored a delicious buffet dinner, which included a large juicy, tender
steak cooked to perfection and a wide assortment of sumptuous food to go with it. Was it ever
There were a large number of prizes donated by many of our members and prize draws saw
lucky golfers scoop them up and take them home.
The CRRA Board of Directors sincerely thanks all our golf sponsors for their very generous support
of this year’s tournament. The Board also thanks our members who donated all the prizes for
the draws. We also very grateful to our volunteers for their help in making sure all our golfers
had a good time.
BFI Canada Inc.
Hank’s Plumbing & Gas Fitting Ltd.
The Drain Doctor
Trail Appliance
William J. Rhind & Associates Ltd.
DF Technical & Consulting Services Ltd.
Fireside Property Group
Greg Martineau Projects
Serv-It Bailiff
Boardwalk Rental Communities
Coinamatic Canada Inc.
Pascoal Painting & Decorating Inc. (2004)
Phelps Smart Laundry
Prostar Cleaning & Restoration
Realstar Management
Reggin Technical Services Ltd.
S.I.S Supply Install Services Ltd.
Telus Home Solutions
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
Boardwalk Rental Communities
National Bank of Canada
Commercial Mechanical Services
National Construction Design
The Winning Golf Team – ExactET
Pascoal Painting & Decorating Inc. (2004)
Peoples Trust Company
Halsall Associates
Renfrew Insurance Ltd.
Boardwalk Rental Communities
Coinamatic Canada Inc.
Glen and Laura McIntosh, McIntosh Holdings Ltd.
Goodmen Roofing (Calgary) Ltd.
Halsall Associates
Men In Kilts
Northern Property REIT
Peoples Trust Company
ProStar Cleaning and Restoration
ServiceMaster of Calgary
TELUS Home Solutions
Wall2Wall Media Inc.
Wall2Wall Media
Men in Kilts
Action Restoration Ltd.
Coinamatic Canada Inc.
Dorward & Company LLP
Chartered Accountants
Economy Glass/Superior Paint - Body Service
Emerald Management
Gil Property Management & Sales Ltd.
Green Drop Sustainable Landscapes
Halsall Associates
iSO Canada
Peddie Roofing & Waterproofing
Peoples Trust
Service Master of Calgary
The Brick Warehouse LP
William J. Rhind & Associates
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
Candace Duchscher – Coinamatic Canada Inc.
Melissa Costea – Landlord 911
Sarah Harrison & Heather Harke - CRRA
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14 Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
Rochelle Johannson
By Rochelle Johannson
The landlord’s right to enter the property is often an area of
conflict. Some landlords find it difficult to remember that once
the property is rented, they give up their right to enter at any
time. The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) attempts to balance
the right of the landlord to enter, against the tenant’s right to
enjoy living in the property free from significant interference
from the landlord. The RTA sets out the procedure to enter a
rental premises, and the consequences for the landlord if the
law is not followed.
Do landlords always have to provide written notice?
Usually landlords must provide tenants with written notice
at least 24 hours before entering. There are three situations
when landlords do not have to provide written notice: if
there is an emergency; if there are reasonable grounds to
believe that the tenant has abandoned the premises; or if
the tenant consents to the entry. Before entering without
notice, landlords should carefully consider the situation and
the consequences.
What should the notice say?
The written notice must be signed by the landlord or a
landlord’s agent, give the reason for entry, and give the
date and time that the landlord plans to enter the property.
Landlords can only enter the property to conduct an
inspection, make repairs, control pests, show the property to
prospective purchasers or the mortgagee, and to show the
property to prospective renters (if it is the last month of a
fixed term tenancy, or if either party has given notice to end
a periodic tenancy). The landlord cannot enter the property
for any other reason.
Are there only certain times that landlords can enter?
Landlords cannot enter the property on a holiday, or on the
tenant’s day of worship (which is presumed to be a Sunday,
but can be changed if the tenant informs the landlord in
writing of a different day of worship). Landlords can only
enter between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm. The duration of the
landlord’s entry must be provided, and must be reasonable
and cannot cover multiple days.
Sometimes it can be difficult to know when repairs will be
completed. If the repairperson cannot commit to a specific
date, landlords should talk to tenants ahead of time and
explain the situation. Most tenants realize that the repairs
ultimately benefit them, and that being flexible with times
will mean that the repairs will probably be done faster. If the
tenant consents to the repairperson’s entry, this consent
should be in writing (if the tenant consents to the entry, then
the landlord does not have to provide notice). If the tenant
is not willing to consent to an entry without notice, then
the landlord should find a repairperson who can provide
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
specific times that they are available so that the tenant can
be served. This is one of those times when it pays to have a
good relationship with tenants.
How is a notice served?
Landlords have to serve tenants with the notice at least 24
hours before the entry and must follow the RTA procedure.
First, landlords must try to serve the notice personally.
Landlords can do this by giving the notice to the tenant
directly, or by using registered or certified mail to the rental
property address. If the landlord tries to serve the tenant
personally and cannot, then the landlord can serve another
adult who lives in the property or post the notice in a
conspicuous place on the property (tape the notice to the
door). It is not effective service to slide a notice under the
door. The landlord may want to take a picture of the notice
once it is posted.
The RTA does not automatically allow a notice to be served
by email. If the lease states that notices can be served by
email, the lease is in conflict with the RTA. This means that
if the notice is only emailed to the tenant, the tenant has
not been served properly. That being said, many landlords
find it more economical to serve via email, and many tenants
are fine with them doing so. Those landlords are, however,
running the risk of a tenant complaints regarding improper
service of a notice.
Can other people enter the property for landlords?
The landlord’s agent is someone who acts on behalf of the
landlord (a realtor or a maintenance person) and can enter
the property. If an agent is entering, they sign the notice
instead of the landlord, and enter the property without the
landlord. Landlords remain responsible for their agent’s
actions. For example, if the landlord’s realtor entered the
property for a showing without providing proper notice, the
tenant can make a complaint against the landlord.
What happens if the law isn’t followed?
If the rules in the RTA are not followed, landlords could be
found guilty of an offence by Service Alberta and can be
warned, ticketed, or charged. Tenants can make an application
against the landlord if the landlord has interfered with the
tenant’s peaceful enjoyment of the property. Tenants can
also apply for rent abatement, which is an application to
lower the amount of rent that the tenant has to pay during
the period of time that the tenant was disturbed. The tenant
could also make an application to terminate the tenancy,
which could mean that the tenant may be able to exit a fixed
term tenancy of long duration.
Rochelle Johannson, BA, LLB, is a staff
lawyer with the Centre for Public Legal
Education (CPLEA) in Edmonton, Alberta.
The right solution
for your appliance
Whether you need appliances for a new apartment or it’s time to update
appliances in existing suites... look to one of Western Canada’s largest
appliance supplier to landlords, builders and contractors. Our business
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unequaliled service with an emergency service program.
Put Trail Applainces’ selection and buying power to work for you, whatever
your appliance needs.
(Alberta Landlord Evictions Company) And
Provincial Court $579.00 • Queen’s Bench $750.00
(includes all disbursements)
Allied Civil Enforcement Agency Inc. will affect seizure against tenants
under the correct conditions this will cost the landlord nothing.
Writs of Possession
Allied Civil Enforcement Agency Inc. will enforce
your Writ of Possession
ALEC represents Landlords who are being sued or need to sue.
Provincial Court limit has increased to $25,000.00.
For free advice call John Shortridge
Suite 126, 1111 - 6th Ave S.W. Calgary T2P 5M5
Telephone (403) 560-9406 or (403) 455-6955 Fax 274-7403
Contact Joel Wasnidge
Trail Appliances’ Contractor Division
2745 - 29 Street NE, Calgary
Cell: 403.605.2775
Fax: 403.250.2895
Insurance Risk Management Specialists for
Property Owners • Property Managers • Service Industries
Brenda Klassen, CCIB
Senior Account Executive
300, 334 - 11th Avenue S.E., Calgary, AB T2G 0Y2
T: 403.299.1031 | F: 403.266.5177 | TF: 1.800.661.9897
Our dedicated team in Edmonton can also assist
facilities with mulitple locations.
Terri Moulding, Trail Appliances Outside Contract Sales
9880 - 47 Avenue, Edmonton
Ph: 780.434.9414 Cell: 780.818.5193 Fax: 780.434.5084
Our Community Partners:
Calgary Residential Rental Association
Canadian Condominium Association Southern Alberta Chapter
Block Watch / Condo Watch
Calgary Regional Home Builders Association
A proud member of the Southern Alberta business community since 1948
16 Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
The Truth About Flashy Mortgage Specials
By Anat Stapleton
In these times of creative marketing campaigns and highly competitive interest rates, many of
the Big Banks are offering flashy fixed rate specials, usually for a 5-year term. As with anything
that seems too good to be true, there is often the ‘fine print’ that is well worth investigating. In
this case, the fine print can end up handcuffing you over the course of the 5 year term, in ways
you may not have foreseen.
The truth about these “specials” is that they are often very restricted products with limited features. While these features
might not seem so constricting up front, remember that 5 years is a considerable chunk of time, and that people’s life
circumstances sometimes change very dramatically.
Because of this, you want a mortgage solution that not only fits you upfront, but that also offers you options down the
road should you need them.
These are good examples of common restrictions
behind the current “specials” that some banks
are offering:
•Limits on your ability to refinance down the road with
a different Lender for a more competitive rate. If
rates drop considerably or your life changes at some
point during your 5-year term, you want to have the
option of refinancing to save yourself money each
month and/or to fit your new goals. This could really
limit you in doing so.
•Tougher qualification guidelines that get you in the
door, but then prevent you from being approved
for the advertised special. This marketing strategy is
sometimes referred to as a “loss leader”, as it gets
you in the door so that you can be sold another,
usually less competitive product.
•Exposure to a higher payout penalty. This can
sometimes be thousands of dollars higher than
what you’d normally pay in a mortgage without
•No major changes to your mortgage are allowed
unless you sell your property. This alone handcuffs
people who love their principal residence and
don’t wish to move, or, who have lucrative rental
properties and want to hold on to them long-term
for maximum gains.
As a Mortgage Broker Extraordinaire,
I help you find money at competetive
rates and terms so you can:
Req ue st a fr
to day!
Pay off your debt
Renovate your home or business
Buy new property
Here are some important points for you to consider.
You want a Mortgage Broker:
•Who is dedicated to being of service to their clients
and has access to many other full-featured options
with rates that are just as competitive. These
mortgage solutions will offer you a good rate and
flexible features that allow for you to make changes
over time that match your life.
•Whose pure focus every day is to find good mortgage
solutions for their clients. While your bank has its
own policies, internal pushes to sell thousands of
other non-mortgage related financial products and
a limited number of mortgage products, you want
a mortgage broker who has access to more than 40
Lenders offering 100+ mortgage products.
•Who gets updates from Lenders across Canada who
offer a myriad of products that will fit your specific
situation; and who scours these to find a good
mortgage that will fit you.
•Who is not loyal to any one of these Lenders.....but
rather you want one who is loyal to you.
This will ensure you receive exceptional service and help
you understand the fine print when a rate special seems
too good to be true, and coordinate a mortgage for you
that fits with your life, now and down the road.
Anat Stapleton is a Mortgage Associate with
The Mortgage Group Inc. and she can be
reached at 403-990-7770.
Anat meets all of the criteria described here. For
a *free* mortgage consultation, or just to know
the answer to a question you’re curious about,
please feel comfortable contacting her.
Ms. Anat Stapleton
(403) 990-7770
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
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18 Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
WELCOME NEW Owners & Managers
Daniel & Joelle Alexander
Don Dyck
Steve Marshall
Nicolas Russo
Fabiola Alvarez
Rod & Joan Dyrholm
Scott Matthews
Gurjinder Pal Singh Sandhu
Kellie Anderson &
Scott Phillips
John Ellis
Karen Andruschak
Marc Emslie
Payman Esmaeili
Matthew McLean &
Christine Kucheran
Maggie Schonfeld
Dan Sereda
Samantha McCulloch
Scott Serwa & Sanja
Allison Fairfield
Samantha McGovern
Shayne Shepherd
Pirahas Balasingam
Deborah Gauger &
Kevin Yeaman
Steve & Nadiya Melnychuk
Scott Shimek
Aldis & Gail Balcers
Barbara Gelhar
Jonathan & Angie Mills
Steven Silvestro
Bandol Capital Corp.
Andrea & Russell Giroux
Morley & Kimberly Minuk
Doris & Sterling Barrett
Leslie Gotfrit
Jamie Battle
Craig Harris
Krista Moriarity
Natalie Bouchard &
Paul Gillespie
Ben Iyer
Aura Leigh Anscombe
Julia Arndt
Kelsey Ashbury
Leo & Sherry Boudreau
Jim & Monique Evans
Henny Jansen
Mountain’s Edge
Renovations Inc.
Walter & Kay Skrabek
Colin Sloan
Bernard Soulodre
Matt Starchuk
Sunnyside Manor
Bow Crescent Seniors
Chelsea Johnson
Peter Ng
Jan & Eileen Joubert
Chau Nguyen
Vijay Thankey
Kathy Brewer
Chelsea Johnson &
Joe Laforge
Kirk, Glen & Carol Nordholt
Sue Tomlinson
Lisa Johnson &
Susan Fuerbringer
Elmer Pasadilla
Andy & Lilien Tong
April Byers
Flo Campbell
Stirling & Angie Karlsen
Kris Brooks
Brenda Chapman
Ray & Nancy Kettenbach
Elissa Chappelle
Jennifer Kirby
Darrell Chimiuk
Angus Cooke
Sunny Kullar - Kullar
Lisa Christensen
Rudy Labuhn
Shawn Crawford
Mosi Taylor-Cole
Kevin Pasenay
Marzena & Gregory
Chrystal Tremblay
Twello Property
Management Inc.
Greg Virgo & Kelly Zook
Jessica Prodanovic
Shelley Visser
Rob Post - J2K Inc.
Leanne Vogel
Marla & Gary Lamoureux
James Quittenbaum
Lynda Waddington
Everyl Currie
Gayle Laskosky
Michele Radek
Scott Daley
Patty Lew-Lapointe
Mustaali Raj
Eric & Bertha Dillmann
Neil Mackinnon
Nicole Donatti
Kathy MacKrous
Diana Dougherty
Steve Marakis
Elaine Reynolds
Louise Wozny
Andrew Duckett
Paul & Alyssa Marsden
Tina Ritsco
Michelle Zacher
Edwige Ravry
Erica Welsh
Meike Wielebski
Ryan Winther
Mathew Wong
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS –­­ Service Companies
Canadian Pump & Compression
Places 4 Students Inc.
Clean & Pure Water
Prodexs Sales Inc.
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
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Department: insurance
20 Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
Service Member Directory
Accounting & Bookkeeping
Chrysalis Accounting & Bookkeeping
Angie Norman
#2, 1511 Highfield Crescent SE
Calgary, Alberta, T2G 5M4
Dorward & Company LLP
Stephen Johnson
403-983-7211 Fax: 403-983-7212
#216, 1935 32nd Avenue NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C8
Metro News
Warren Smith
120, 3030 3 Avenue NE T2A 6T7
Places4Rent, Inc.
The Rent Board of Canada
Brent Daviduck
#246, 4819C – 48 Ave
Red Deer AB T4N 3T2
403-347-7388 Fax:403-347-7153
Places 4 Students Inc.
Laura Snure
176 James Street
St.Catherines ON L2R 5C5
Cindy Ridley
#348, 14032 23 Ave
Edmonton AB T6R 3L6
Leo Racioppo
783 McTavish Rd NE T2E 7G6
David Trinh
403-836-2289 Fax:403-398-0168
Darren Paddock
98 Discover Ridge Gardens SW T3H 5L7
403-283-9907 Fax: 866-259-2984
Chaim Rivlin
75 Wildcat Road
Toronto, ON M3J 2P5
1 800 445 7572 Online Advertising
Ryan Schwerdtner
1128 Dundas St E. Unit 218
Toronto ON M4M 1R9
877-843-9487 Fax: 416-465-7218
Wall2Wall Media
Kate Nash
Manager of National Business Development
Tel: 416.626-4261 Cell: 647-384-9261
Fax: 416-626-8097
401 The West Mall Suite 500 Etobicoke ON
M9C 5J1
DF Technical & Consulting Services Ltd.
Dennis French
152, 1500 - 14th Street SW T3C 1C9­­
403-554-5040 Fax:403-609-2503
Environmental Air Cleaning Ltd.
Tom Charlton
5543 1A Street SW T2H 0E6­­
403-253-3112 Fax: 403-686-2822
Mayken Hazmat Solutions - 1271266
Alberta Ltd.
Jeanette May
403-272-1995 Fax: 1-866-492-0225
Appliances/Coin Laundry/
Amre Supply
Larry Schaufele
119, 3851 Manchester Rd SE T2G 3Z8
403-243-6662 Fax: 403-243-9368
Castle Appliances Service Ltd.
Wayne Barritt
Bay 18, 3220 5th Avenue NE T2A 5N1
PH: 403-250-9592
FX: 403-291-4972
Coast Wholesale Appliances
James Johnson
10 2151 32nd Street NE
403-717-0548 Fax: 403-717-2584
Coinamatic Canada Inc.
Candace Duchscher
3048 - 9 St SE T2G 3B9
403-287-2562 Fax: 403-243-7256
Phelps Smart Laundry
Jiubasco Padoani
Bay 112, 2880 – 45 Ave SE T2B 3M1
403-236-3200 Fax: 403-252-7449
Trail Appliances
Joel Wasnidge
6880 – 11 St SE T2H 2T9
403-605-2775 Fax: 403-250-2895
Appraisers/Tax Appeals &
City of Calgary
Jim Toogood
PO Box 2100, Stn “M” T2P 2M5
403-268-5819 Fax: 403-268-5424
Bailiff / Legal Services
Alberta Landlord Evictions Company
John Shortridge
126 1111 – 6 Ave SW T2P 5M5
403-560-9406 Fax: 403-274-7403
Consolidated Civil Enforcement
Sabrina Wilson
#200, 807 Manning Road NE
Calgary Alberta T2E 7M8
403-668-8813 Fax:403-262-8801
Kahane Law Office
Jeff Kahane
7309 Flint Road SE T2H 1G3
Landlord 911
Melissa Costea
126, 1111 – 6 Ave SW T2P 5M5
403-259-0029 Fax: 403-215-5776
Private Home Management
Jai Schullen
Serv-It Bailiff Services Inc.
Brad Longeway
#111, 2719 – 7 Ave NE T2A 2L9
403-244-4782 Fax: 403-244-9804
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
BMO Bank of Montreal
Trevor Bauer
9608 Macleod Trail SE
Calgary, Alberta T2J 0P7
403-503-7179 Fax:403-503-7659
CVC Market Point
Alex Tye
900 645 – 7 Ave SW T2P 4G8
403-539-4789 Fax: 403-262-9520
First National Financial LP
Troy Barker
120, 326 - 11 Ave SW T2R 0C5
403-261-5589 Fax: 403-265-3519
The Mortgage Group Inc.
Anat Stapleton
302, 2508 17th Street SW, T2T 4M8
PH: 403-990-7770
National Bank of Canada
Sara Webb
430, 7337 Macleod Trail SW
Calgary, Alberta T2H 0L8
403-294-4917 Fax:403-476-1000
Peoples Trust Co.
Dennis Aitken
955 808-4 Ave SW T2P 3E8
403-205-8203 Fax:403-266-5002
Royal LePage Benchmark
Tim Crough
#110 - 7220 Fisher Street SE T2H 2H8
William J. Rhind & Associates Ltd.
Stephen A. Tomchishin, CMA
455 Marsh Rd. NE T2E 5B2
403-287-9140 Fax: 287-9133
Bathroom Renovations
Don Waldorf
Bay #2, 507 35th Avenue NE T2E 2K9
Bathtub Refinishing
Covenant Restorations Ltd.
Erin Rollock or Dave Freeman
307 151 East Lake Blvd. T4A 2G1
403-912-1212 Fax 403-912-0790
Master Reglazing Inc.
Dave Magee
PH: 403-312-1938
Blinds/Window Coverings
Blinds 2000 Manufacturing Ltd.
Lara Wiebe
#140, 2770 107 Ave SE
Calgary, AB T2Z 3R7
Abdul Durdu
5836 Burbank Rd SE T2H 1Z3
403-301-0016 Fax: 403-301-0018
Amre Supply
Larry Schaufele
119, 3850 Manchester Rd SE T2G 3Z8
403-243-6662 Fax: 403-243-9368
Building Materials
Rona Inc.
Paul O’Connor
90 Crowfoot Way NW
Calgary Alberta T3G 4C8
403-464-1640 Fax: 403-219-5824
Action Cabinets
Rahma Diamande
972 - 72 Ave NE T2E 8V9
403-532-9721 Fax: 403-532-9726
Carpet Cleaning Services
Green Seal Cleaning Company
Brian Crothers
# PH: 403-874-2468
2, 1911-25A Street SW, T3E 1Y6
Magiclean Cleaning Services
1700 – 10 Ave SW T3C 0J8
403-229-3323 Fax: 403-291-0553
ProStar Cleaning & Restoration
Jodi Scarlett
#15 – 2916 5th Ave NE T2A 6K4
ServiceMaster of Calgary
Jay LaPlante
920 – 26 St NE T2A 2M4
403-287-7700 Fax:403-536-4556
Cleaning Services
911 Cleaning
Calvin Onuoha
Green Seal Cleaning Company
Brian Crothers
#2, 1911 25A Street SW
Calgary, Alberta T3E 1Y6
Pink Pearl Unique Cleaning Services
Shirley Enns
157 Hidden Creek Gardens NW, T3A 6J4
PH: 403-681-4456
Turtledove Cleaning Services
Alaba Onitiri
159 - 919 Centre Street NW
Calgary, Alberta T2E 2P6
Amre Supply
Larry Schaufele
119, 3850 Manchester Rd SE T2G 3Z8
403-243-6662 Fax: 403-243-9368
Communications/TV Service/
TELUS Home Solutions
Darren Meek
5, 411 – 1 St SE T2G 4Y5
403-530-4702 Fax: 403-269-1197
Tech Squad
Jag Sandhu
#110, 358-58 Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta T2H 2M5
Precision Concrete Cutting Inc.
Quinn Hancock
Consumer Protection
Better Business Bureau
Nancy Brown
350 7330 Fisher St. SE T2H 2H8
403-531-8791 Fax: 403-640-2514
Artec Construction
Marvin Boyko
11435 Wilkes Rd SE T2J 2E5
403-242-1861 Fax: 403-225-9550
Landlord 911
Melissa Costea
126, 1111 – 6 Ave SW T2P 5M5
403-259-0029 Fax: 403-215-5776
Rent Check Credit Bureau
109, 120 – 2 Ave NE T4B 2N2
(403) 945-2011, 1-800-661-7312
Fax: (403) 945-2012, 1-800-871-3380
Grant Lawton
Suite 3024, 614-33 Heritage Meadows Way SE
Calgary, Alberta T2H 3B8
Action Restoration Ltd.
Carlene Sorensen
5030 13th Street SE
Calgary, Alberta T2G 5M9
403-253-7046 Fax:403-253-7367
Canadian Pump & Compression
Owen Myhre
Bay 101, 5025-90 Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2C 2S9
First On Site Restorations LP
Ian Newman
3016 21 St NE T2E 6Z2
403-520-7778 Fax: 403-520-7779
Magiclean Cleaning
1700 - 10 Ave SW T3C 0J8
403-229-3323 Fax: 403-228-2499
ProStar Cleaning & Restoration
Jodi Scarlett
15- 2916 5th Ave NE T2A 6K4
403-234-7827 Fax: 403-204-1375
ServiceMaster of Calgary
Jay LaPlante
920 – 26 St NE T2A 2M4
403-287-7700 Fax: 403-536-4556
Cougar Technical Services Ltd.
Rod Stagg
2435 81 Street SW T3H 3V8
Equinox Electric
Shaun Walker
Reggin Technical Services Ltd.
Steve Richards
Bay 24, 21 Highfield Circle SE T2G 5N6
403-287-2540 Fax: 403-287-2519
Tracy Mamer
209, 264 Midpark Way SE T2K 1J6
403-216-5750 Fax:403-216-5755
KONE Elevators & Escalators
Andrew Cross
Suite 115, 3510-29 Street NE
Calgary, Alberta T1Y 7E5
403-219-4330 Fax: 587-227-6405
Energy Management/Energy
Access Gas Services
Allison Passas
403-234-8787 ext. 227
22 Building Technologies Inc.
Christian Findt
19825 Stony Plain Rd. T5S 2Y4
Edmonton AB
780-702-1602 Fax: 780-484-9412
Jo-Ann Visser
PO Box 2900 STN M, Calgary, AB T2P 4S7
Halsall Associates
Chris Love
900, 5940 Macleod Trail SW T2H 2G4
PH: 403-255-7946 FX: 403-255-7996
City Wide Excavating & Paving
Trymer Morrow
104 Lake Crimson Close SE T2J 3K7
Fire Safety/ CO2 Detection
Alberta Onsite Fire & Safety Inspections
Alan Reti
22 Cougarstone Bay SW, T3H 4Z4
PH: 403-815-9527 FX: 403-262-3108
Fahrenheit 451 Fire & Security
Randy Brown
1229 Millview Rd SW T2Y 3Y7
403-256-6622 Fax: 403-256-6331
Gasonic Instruments Inc.
Kae Shummoogum
Bay 8, 823 - 41 Ave NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 6Y3
403-276-2201 Fax:403-276-2668
Mircom Engineered Systems
Lawrence Bunyan
B17 6020 - 2 St SE T2H 2L8
403-873-1091 Fax: 403-873-1092
Dave Chapman
431 Manitou Rd SE T2G 4C2
403-287-3202 Fax: 403-243-6966
Sprouse Fire & Safety
Perry Richelhoff
1323 - 9 Ave SE T2G 0T2
403-265-3891 Fax: 403-237-7861
Floor Coverings International
Doug Critchley
101, 6323 Bowness Road NW, T3B 0E4
PH: 403-457-4324
iSO Canada Ltd.
Scott Berry
Unit H, 7003 5th Street SE
Kraus - Floors with More
Val Kilback
#116, 7139 - 44 Street SE T2C 4E9
Universal Flooring Systems
Susan Shipley
1, 1820 - 30 Ave NE T2E 7M5
403-250-3900 Fax: 403-250-3939
Graffiti Removal
Goodbye Graffiti
Andrea Gittel
1155 Bay G, 44th Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2G 4X4
403-287-2796 Fax:403-287-2757
Pascoal Painting & Decorating Inc (2004)
John Pascoal
#33 5359 Timberlea Blvd
Mississauga Ontario L4W 4N5
PH: 905-625-9153 FX: 905-625-5351
National Construction Design
John Pascoal
#33 5359 Timberlea Blvd.
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4N5
PH: 905-625-9153 FX: 905-625-5351
BFL Canada Insurance Services Inc.
Eddie Fung
#200,1167 Kensington Crescent NW, T2N 1X7
PH: 403-451-4132
Canada ICI Capital (CGY) Corp.
Yvan Repka
1630, 717 - 7th Avenue SW T2P-0Z3
403-297-9320 Fax: 403-297-9325
Renfrew Insurance Ltd.
Bill Jeffray
300, 334 11th Ave SE T2G 0Y2
403-299-1002 Fax:403- 266-5177
Dane Gordon
Suite 228, 1500 - 14th Street SW T3C 1C9
State Farm Insurance
Ted Yan
203-8408 Elbow Drive SW
Calgary, Alberta T2V 1K7
Snow Removal
Green Drop Sustainable Landscapes
Trevor Jarvis
1230 Meridian RD NE T2A 2N9
403-589-6038 Fax: 403-265-2299
Amre Supply
Larry Schaufele
119, 3850 Manchester Rd SE T2G 3Z8
403-243-6662 Fax: 403-243-9368
RnR Lockworks Ltd.
Bob Hopkins
Hank’s Plumbing & Gas Fitting Ltd.
Terry Froese
121 Discovery Place SW T3H 4N5
403-259-0049 Fax: 403-217-9725
Reggin Technical Services Ltd.
Steve Richards
Bay 24, 21 Highfield Circle SE T2G 5N6
403-287-2540 Fax: 403-287-2519
overhead doors
Creative Door Services Ltd.
John Silcox
#8, 3740 - 27 St. NE T1Y 5E2
403-291-2375 Fax: 403-291-4969
Benjamin Moore Calgary North
Alex Cheslock
920 Northmount Drive NW T2L 0A9
403-289-6227 Fax: 403-289-6223
Jo-Co Interiors Limited
Mike Gilhooly
403-815-7302 Fax:403-313-1223
MV Painting
Victor Mansilla
National Construction Design
John Pascoal
#33 5359 Timberlea Blvd.
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 4N5
PH: 905-625-9153 FX: 905-625-5351
Pascoal Painting & Decorating Inc (2004)
John Pascoal
#33 5359 Timberlea Blvd
Mississauga Ontario L4W 4N5
PH: 905-625-9153 FX: 905-625-5351
parkade resurfacing
Artec Construction
Marvin Boyko
11435 Wilkes Rd SE T2J 2E5
403-242-1861 Fax:403-225-9550
pest control
Cal-Rid Exterminators Inc.
Keith Petrie
2508 – 76 Ave SE T2C 0H5
403-233-0646 Fax: 403-236-1528
Japco Pest Control Ltd.
John Patton
1550 246 Stewart Green SW T2N 3C8
403-242-2467 Fax: 403-949-4986
Peregrine General Pest Control Inc.
Nicholas Holland
PO Box 89019
403-829-6619 Fax: 403-452-9068
We Kill Bed Bugs Ltd.
Steve Stein
A&B Plumbing & Heating Ltd.
Giles Andrew
428 Moraine Rd NE
Calgary, AB T2A 2P2
403-284-4848 Fax:403-250-9048
Commercial Mechanical Services
Gary McLeod
Suite4038, 614-33 Heritage Meadows SE
T2H 3B8
403-219-110 Fax: 403-219-1011
Cougar Technical Services Ltd.
Rod Stagg
2435 81 Street SW T3H 3V8
Hank’s Plumbing & Gas Fitting Ltd.
Terry Froese
403-259-0049 Fax: 403-217-9725
Reggin Technical Services Ltd.
Steve Richards
Bay 24, 21 Highfield Circle SE T2G 5N6
403-287-2540 Fax: 403-287-2519
RPR Industries
Remi Paradis
552 – 42 Ave SE T2G 1Y6
403-243-7740 Fax: 403-243-7520
The Drain Doctor
Bill Treherne
Box 5842, Stn “A” T2H 1Y3
403-243-3490 Fax: 403-243-3498
Property Assistant Services
24 Hour Property Leasing
Rafal Kaczmarek
#301, 5819-2 Street SW Calgary, AB T2H 0H2
403-472-5151 Fax: 587-352-8884
Efficient Property Assistants
Laura Atherton
Purified water filter systems
Clean & Pure Water
Frieso Pouwer
118 Ranch Ridge Court Calgary, AB T1P 0A5
Real Estate Brokers
Colliers International
Eric Horvath
1000, 335 – 8 Ave SW T2P 1C9
403-215-7257 Fax: 403-265-6495
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013
Cushman & Wakefield LePage
Tim Sommer
1730, 111 – 5 Ave SW T2P 3Y6
403-261-1188 Fax: 264-2053
Realty Edge Group Inc
Elaine Krug
9203 Scurfield Drive NW, T3L 1X7
PH: 403-252-4549
CVC Market Point
Linda Hill
900 645 – 7 Ave SW T2P 4G8
403-539-4798 Fax: 403-262-9520
Realty Advisors
Avenue Commercial - PSVD Renters Inc.
Prem S. Dave
403-568-3515 Fax:403-366-3763
RE/MAX Realty
John William Wade
Reggin Technical Services Ltd.
Steve Richards
Bay 24, 21 Highfield Circle SE T2G 5N6
403-287-2540 Fax: 403-287-2519
All Weather Windows
David Cree
Bay 4 3900 - 106th Avenue SE T2C 5B6
403-720-8055 Fax: 403-720-0084
Artec Construction
Marvin Boyko
11435 Wilkes Rd SE T2J 2E5
403-242-1861 Fax: 403-225-9550
Economy Glass/Superior
Paint & Body Service
Glenda Geisler
101 17 Avenue SW T2S 0A1
403-228-6961 Fax:403- 228-7954
Greg Martineau Projects
Greg Martineau
#5 - 2816 - 21 ST NE T2E 6Z2
403-250-8201 Fax: 403-250-8285
Lux Windows and Glass Ltd.
Norma Ambrogiano
6875 – 9 St NE T2E 8R9
403-276-7770 Fax:403- 276-7792
S.I.S. Supply Install Services Ltd.
Jody Roberts
3517 64 Avenue SE T2C 1N3
403-604-1334 Fax: 403-604-1337
Bonus Products
& Services
Window Works Inc.
Robyn Carrier
101 1915 - 27 Ave NE T2E 7E4
Alta Expert Roofing Inc.
Burhan Latifi
403-455-5275 Fax:403-899-4576
Claw Construction & Coverings
Peter Gerrard
903-4555 Varsity Ln NW T3A 2V6
403-969-2439 Fax: 403-284-2204
Goodmen Roofing (Calgary) Ltd.
Rob Christensen
#1-43 East Lake Crescent
Airdrie T4A 2H5
403-948-4433 Fax: 403-948-4481
Peddie Roofing & Waterproofing
Ken Cotterill
3352 - 46 Ave SE T2B 3J2
403-273-7000 Fax: 403-273-7701
Practical Roofing
Beth & Gary Laberee
309 Ranch Close
Strathmore, AB T1P 0BS
PH: 403-901-2238
Renaissance Roofing & Siding
Roger Leslie
408 Douglasbank Court SE T2Z 1X1
United Roofing Inc.
Patrick Genest
1010-8th Ave NE T2E 0S3
All Weather Windows Renovations
Everett Fradsham
Condo./Apt. Project Specialist
18550-118 A Ave
Edmonton, AB T5S 2K7
PH: 780 915-6120
Calgary 1-800-639-8846
Economy Glass - Superior Paint & Body
Glenda Geisler
101 - 17th Avenue SW T2S 0A1
403-228-6961 Fax:403-228-7954
Lux Windows and Glass Ltd.
Norma Ambrogiano
2620 Centre Ave NE T2A 2L3
403-276-7770 Fax: 403-276-7792
Ferocious Grape
Kim Chernow
833 - 10th Ave SW
PH: 403 457-0099
RPR Industries
Remi Paradis
552 – 42 Ave SE T2G 1Y6
403-243-7740 Fax: 403-243-7520
Reggin Technical Services Ltd.
Steve Richards
Bay 24, 21 Highfield Circle SET2G 5N6
403-287-2540 Fax: 403-287-2519
societies, housing
Accessible Housing Society
Alana Healy/Robyn Jackson
103, 2003 – 14 St NW T2M 3N4
403-282-1872 Fax: 403-284-0304
The Alex HomeBase
Wayne Adams
#124, 6170-12th Street SE, T2H 2K1
PH: 403-277-9865 FX: 403-520-2334
Canadian Mortgage & Housing
Richard Cho
1000 - 7th Ave SW, Suite 200 T2P 5L5
Calgary Alpha House
Adam Melnyk
203 15th Ave SE T2G 1G4
403-234-7388 ext 129
Calgary Homeless Foundation
Martina Jileckova
308, 925 7th Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 1A5
Calgary John Howard Society
Leslie McMechan
917 - 9 AVE SE
Calgary AB T2G 0S5
403-266-4566 Fax: 403-265-2458
CUPS Community Health Centre
Amanda St. Laurent
1001-10th Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta T2R 1M4
403-221-8780 Fax:403-265-6013
Discovery House Family Violence
Shannon Middleton
Box 85058 Albert Park PO
Calgary, Alberta T2A 7R7
403-204-6089 Fax:403-264-8280
Horizon Housing Society
Louise Fisher
400, 105 - 12th Avenue SE
403-297-1746 Fax:403-297-1403
James Auto Body
Bay 5, 3601 19th Street NE
PH: 403-291-3552
Inn from the Cold
Trevor Loria
#106, 110 - 11Ave SE T2G 0X5
The Mustard Seed
Feven Gebremicael
7025 44th Street SE
Universal Rehabilitation Service Agency
Pam McGladdery
808 Manning Road NE
Calgary, Alberta T2E 7N8
403-272-7722 Fax:403-273-7852
BFI Canada Inc.
Cora Dawson
5566 - 54 Ave SE T2C 3A5
403-236-3883 Fax: 403-720-0515
Waste Solutions Group
Rob Perry
Unit 8, 3600-19 Street NE, T2E 6V2
PH: 403-774-7497
City of Calgary Waste & Recycling
Phillipa Wagner
Waste Diversion Specialist
PO Box 2100, Stn M, #27 T2P 2M5
403-268-8478 Fax: 403-268-8481
Harvest Recycling
Peter Ogundimu
100, 111 5 Ave SW, Unit 273 T2P 3Y6
WAter Conservation
ExactET Systems Inc.
Bill Poole
Suite 278, 339 - 50 Ave SE T2G 2B3
City of Calgary Waterworks Division
Aaron Boulton-Chaykowski
Location 433
2100 Stn M T2P 2M5
403-268-5247 Fax: 403-268-5709
Enercare Connections Inc.
Rob Filyk
235 Slopeview Drive T3H 4G6
ExactET Systems Inc.
Bob Poole
Suite 278, 339 50 Ave SE T2G 2B3
Stenia Health
Kelsey Andries
PH: 403-238-0001
Calgary Residential Rental Association - Fall 2013