issue - Windy City Media Group


issue - Windy City Media Group
vol 31, no. 42
July 13, 2016
Evan Rachel Wood
provides ‘Forest’ fire
Evan Rachel Wood in the production of For the Record, Dear John Hughes.
Photo by Abel Armas
By Lawrence Ferber
Vives Q honors LGBTQ pioneers.
Photo of Maritxa Vidal by Vern Hester
Talking with Lambda Legal’s incoming CEO.
Photo by Matt Simonette
Openly bisexual actress Evan Rachel Wood is fired up lately
about the Orlando massacre, misconceptions about bisexuality
and her role in the post-apocalyptic indie Into The Forest.
Headed by queer female dream team Ellen Page, Wood, and
director Patricia Rozema (When Night Is Falling, I’ve Heard The
Mermaids Singing), the film is based on Jean Hegland’s postapocalyptic 1996 novel. Living in the remote, woodsy Northwest with their father, siblings Nell (Page) and Eva (Wood) find
all power and technology has suddenly gone down due to a
Photo by Carrie Maxwell
Turn to page 15
Event has changes, tribute this year.
mysterious event—but that’s the least of their problems when
a tragic accident, shifty strangers and a horrific crime strike
their once-idyllic corner of the woods.
The Raleigh, North Carolina-raised Wood (her father, David
Ira Wood, is a local theater icon), 28, is probably best known
for playing Mickey Rourke’s estranged lesbian daughter in
2008’s The Wrestler, a lusty Sapphic vampire queen in HBO’s
True Blood and a debauched adolescent in her 2003 breakout
Thirteen. She came out as bisexual in a 2011 Esquire inter-
Singer talks androgyny, new tour.
PR photo
Brash, bold & never afraid, she always offers a raucous & raunchy performance you won’t easily forget.
Don’t Miss Comedy’s Lovable Queen of Mean!
Lampanelli Fri, July 22 | 8pm
July 13, 2016
“If you’re looking for something
incredibly well-written, a Sci-Fi
romance epic that delivers on
every front: action, love, perfect
villains and triumph, this is the
series you need to read. Even if
you’re not a Sci-Fi fan (and I’m
not), you will likely fall in love
with “Alien Dangers”. I did.”
- Allen @ Sinfully Gay Romance Reviews
Available as ebooks or in paperback at
and and
More information at
July 13, 2016
Activist/judge Abner Mikva dies at 90
Event looks at LGBTQ adoption, foster care
Shootings condemned
Lambda Legal CEO Rachel Tiven
Vives Q event honors trans pioneers
Viewpoints: Davis; King
Dancin’ Feats
Theater reviews
‘Space Age’ looks at queer kids of color
Actress Evan Rachel Wood
Knight: Ghostbusters, Wiener-Dog
Calendar Q
this issue
and browse the archives at
vol 31, no. 42
July 13, 2016
Evan Rachel Wood
provides ‘Forest’ fire
Evan rachel wood in the production of For the record, Dear John Hughes.
Photo by Abel Armas
By LawrEnCE FErBEr
Vives Q honors LGBTQ pioneers.
Photo of Maritxa Vidal by Vern Hester
Openly bisexual actress Evan Rachel Wood is fired up lately
about the Orlando massacre, misconceptions about bisexuality
and her role in the post-apocalyptic indie Into The Forest.
Headed by queer female dream team Ellen Page, Wood, and
director Patricia Rozema (When Night Is Falling, I’ve Heard The
Mermaids Singing), the film is based on Jean Hegland’s postapocalyptic 1996 novel. Living in the remote, woodsy Northwest with their father, siblings Nell (Page) and Eva (Wood) find
all power and technology has suddenly gone down due to a
Talking with Lambda Legal’s incoming CEO.
Photo by Matt Simonette
Turn to page 15
Event has changes, tribute this year.
Photo by Carrie Maxwell
online exclusives at
mysterious event—but that’s the least of their problems when
a tragic accident, shifty strangers and a horrific crime strike
their once-idyllic corner of the woods.
The Raleigh, North Carolina-raised Wood (her father, David
Ira Wood, is a local theater icon), 28, is probably best known
for playing Mickey Rourke’s estranged lesbian daughter in
2008’s The Wrestler, a lusty Sapphic vampire queen in HBO’s
True Blood and a debauched adolescent in her 2003 breakout
Thirteen. She came out as bisexual in a 2011 Esquire inter-
Chicago Dancers United presents
Singer talks androgyny, new tour.
PR photo
Brash, bold & never afraid, she always offers a raucous & raunchy performance you won’t easily forget.
Don’t Miss Comedy’s Lovable Queen of Mean!
Lampanelli Fri, July 22 | 8pm
LEFT: Singer Santigold was among those
who performed at Mamby on the Beach.
Photo by Jerry Nunn
August 20, 2016
Hilton Chicago’s
Grand Ballroom
Equality Illinois hosted its annual
“Sox and the City” benefit at U.S.
Cellular Field.
WCT reviews the production Dating and
Photo of Nick Freed and Savannah Roe by Michael
biden his time
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden
delivered a message on standing
together and stopping the violence.
Auditorium Theatre
of Roosevelt University
Giordano Dance Chicago
Hubbard Street Dance Chicago
Joffrey Ballet
Chicago Dance Crash
Visceral Dance Chicago
Randy Duncan
Harrison McEldowney
Carisa Barreca and Tim Mason
of The Second City
The Dancers’ Fund
AIDS Foundation of Chicago
$15 – $75 Performance Only
$250 – $600 Includes admission
to the 5:00p.m. gala reception and
premiere seating at the
PHOTOGRAPHY Sandro | DANCER Dara Holmes & Tom Mattingly
Find out the latest about Zachary
Quinto, Chaka Khan and actress
Aubrey Plaza.
a&u Magazine | | Best Gay Chicago | | GC Magazine
GRAB Magazine | Positively Aware Magazine | SDC Chicago | Windy City Media Group
The Legacy Wall was recently exhibited at
the Center on Halsted.
Photo courtesy of Victor Salvo | 312-922-5812
LGBT-rights ally
Judge Abner Mikva
dies at 90
By Matt Simonette
Abner Mikva, a liberal fixture in Chicago politics who maintained posts in all three branches
of government, died July 4. He was 90.
Mikva made a number of contributions in the
advancements of LGBT rights, especially in his
work as a legislator and in the judiciary, often
long before those contributions reflected popular opinion.
“No matter how far we go in life, we owe a
July 13, 2016
“Sin & Criminality.” It was a report on the annual meeting of the American Law Institute,
at which the institute voted on a Model Penal
Code: “By a heavy majority, the lawyers agreed
that adultery should not be a statutory crime.
Sodomy proved more controversial. In the end,
the model code provided criminal penalties for
homosexual behavior ‘involving force, adult
corruption of minors and public offense.’ But a
broader provision caused a sharper argument.
This clause held that ‘a person who engages in
President Obama
presenting Abner
Mikva with the
Presidential Medal
in 2014.
profound debt of gratitude to those who gave
us those first, firm pushes at the start,” wrote
President Barack Obama, who counted Mikva
among his mentors, in a July 5 statement. “For
me, one of those people was Ab Mikva. When I
was graduating law school, Ab encouraged me
to pursue public service. He saw something in
me that I didn’t yet see in myself, but I know
why he did it—Ab represented the best of public service himself and he believed in empowering the next generation of young people to
shape our country. Ab’s life was a testament to
that truth.”
Obama added, “In every position he held,
Ab’s integrity and wisdom consistently put
him on the right side of history, from fighting against prejudice and discrimination and
for free speech and civil liberties. He reformed
Illinois’s criminal code, defended consumers’
rights, and although his decision striking down
the ban on gay Americans serving in our military was overturned, history proved him right.”
That November 1993 decision on gays in the
military—written when Mikva was chief judge
in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia Circuit—likened the “Don’t Ask,
Don’t Tell” policy to racial segregation.
“A cardinal principle of equal protection law
holds that the Government cannot discriminate
against a certain class in order to give effect
to the prejudice of others,” Mikva wrote. “Even
if the Government does not itself act out of
prejudice, it cannot discriminate in an effort
to avoid the effects of others’ prejudice. Such
discrimination plays directly into the hands
of the bigots; it ratifies and encourages their
Mikva began his career with a clerkship with
Supreme Court Justice Sherman Minton and,
in 1956, won a spot in the Illinois House of
Representatives. It was there he had a hand in
drafting legislation that would eventually result in overhauls of the state’s criminal code in
1961. That code eliminated sodomy as a criminal act, making Illinois the first state to enact
such a provision.
As reported in the book Gay Press, Gay Power
by Tracy Baim, Time magazine looked at laws
across the country in an Aug. 5, 1955, article,
an act of deviate sexual intercourse’ commits a
Judge John J. Parker, 69, of the 4th U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals, “opposed the argument that private homosexuality should not be
enjoined by the law merely because the law,
pragmatically, cannot stop it,” Time reported.
But Learned Hand, 83, retired chief judge
of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, disagreed. Time reported him as saying: “Criminal
law which is not enforced practically is much
worse than if it was not on the books at all ... I
think it [sodomy] is a matter of morals, a matter very largely of taste, and it is not a matter
that people should be put in prison about.”
The group voted 35–24 to recommend that
sodomy and adultery “be removed from the list
of crimes against the peace and dignity of the
state,” Time reported.
This likely led to Mikva’s pursuit of changing
Illinois law to eliminate the sodomy ban, and
the timing worked well since Illinois was overhauling its laws.
As reported in Baim’s book Out and Proud in
Chicago, the sodomy law had carried a one- to
10-year prison sentence and rendered the perpetrator “forever … incapable of holding any
office of honor, trust or profit, or voting at any
election, or serving as a juror … .”
Mikva won a post to the U.S. Congress in
1968, then was later appointed as a federal
judge by President Jimmy Carter. In 1994, he
became President Bill Clinton’s White House
counsel. He resigned due to exhaustion.
“Not only was [Mikva] involved in the judicial and political careers of many, including
President Obama, but he created the Mikva
Challenge, which will continue to inspire, empower, and encourage young people for years
to come,” said Mayor Rahm Emanuel in a
statement. “The first political campaign I ever
worked on was Abner’s Congressional campaign
in Illinois’ 10th District, and I later had the
privilege of working with him in the White
House during the Clinton administration.
“Abner was not only a great Chicagoan, but
a great American. The thoughts and prayers of
Amy and I are with Zoe and the entire Mikva
Relationships &
the Law Today
by Matthew J. Ruza
Transgender Phobia Continues: “Bathroom
Bill” Making It Through Illinois Legislature
Being a teenager is hard enough, so one
can only imagine the difficulty in being a transgender teenager. Transgender
teens face a host of issues as they struggle for support and acceptance at home,
at school and in society. Unfortunately,
Illinois lawmakers are not making the
transgender teen’s life any easier.
restrooms that correspond with their
sex, but not their gender, places them at
a greater risk for harassment and being
singled out from their peers. Fortunately, federal government officials have directly spoken to these state lawmakers
and to the transgender community as a
whole—and they certainly are not mincing their words. For
instance, on May
4, Vanita Gupta,
“One can only hope that the Obama
principal deputy asadministration’s guidance and organizations
sistant for the U.S.
Department of Juslike Lambda Legal, the ACLU and the Illinois
tice, sent a letter to
Safe Schools Alliance can help further a
North Carolina Gov.
culture of understanding in Illinois schools
Pat McCrory informand combat the fear that bills like HB 4474
ing him that the
bathroom bill he
foster. After all, being a transgender teenager
signed into law is
is hard enough without having to worry about
a violation of Title
what restroom you will be allowed to use
IX of the Educawhile at school, a place where all students—
tion Amendments of
1972 and Title VII
transgender or otherwise—should feel safe
of the Civil Rights
and accepted”
Act of 1964, both of
which prohibit discrimination on the
A new proposal in Illinois to amend
basis of sex. Gupta reiterated that this
the state School Code could force
should be extended to gender identity.
transgender students to use restrooms
Attorney General Loretta Lynch
and locker rooms that correspond with
echoed Gupta’s sentiments in May: “Totheir birth-assigned sex, rather than
day, the Department of Justice and the
their gender. The bill (HB 4474), filed
entire Obama administration wants you
in January by Rep. Thomas Morrison (Rto know that we see you; we stand with
Palatine), would force school boards to
you; and we will do everything we can
“designate each pupil restroom, changto protect you going forward. Please
ing room, or overnight facility accesknow that history is on your side.”
sible by multiple pupils simultaneously,
Despite the support from federal leadwhether located in a public school
ers, HB 4474 remains hanging in the
building or located in a facility utilized
balance for Illinois transgender teens.
by the school for a school-sponsored acThe Illinois Human Rights Act prohibits
tivity, for the exclusive use of pupils of
discrimination based on sexual orientaonly one sex.” The bill, which has more
tion or gender identity in housing, emthan two dozen co-sponsors, requires
ployment and public accommodations,
schools to provide “reasonable accomwhich includes schools and other edumodations” for students using singlecational facilities. Further, the Chicago
occupancy restrooms/locker rooms, but
Human Rights Ordinance prohibits the
the students first need the written redenial of equal treatment to any indiquest of a parent or guardian for such
vidual based on sex, gender identity and
an accommodation to be made.
sexual orientation in places of public
Currently, under federal laws, students
accommodations. Yet, that may not be
can use the bathroom of the gender
enough to combat HB 4474 through the
they identify with. However, state lawIllinois legislature.
makers appear to be following the anti One can only hope that the Obama
transgender path that North Carolina
administration’s guidance and organizabegan paving. Multiple states, including
tions like Lambda Legal, the ACLU and
Kentucky, Missouri and South Carolina,
the Illinois Safe Schools Alliance can
to name a few, have similar “bathroom
help further a culture of understanding
bills” pending. And while many of these
in Illinois schools and combat the fear
bills seem to die in committee, it is not
that bills like HB 4474 foster. After all,
exactly reassuring to know that states
being a transgender teenager is hard
like South Dakota had bills that made it
enough without having to worry about
all the way to the governor before bewhat restroom you will be allowed to
ing vetoed. As it stands, HB 4474 sits in
use while at school, a place where all
the hands of the Illinois House Human
students—transgender or otherwise—
Services Committee.
should feel safe and accepted.
Forcing transgender teenagers to use
Matthew J. Ruza is an Associate in the Litigation Practice Group in Clark Hill’s
Chicago Office.
Event focuses on
foster care, adoption
in LGBTQ community
By Melissa Wasserman
The organization Let it Be Us focused on finding foster and adoptive families within Chicago’s LGBTQ community with its program “Call
to Action! Foster and Adopt Our Children” July
9 at University of Illinois at Chicago’s Student
“Call to Action! Foster and Adopt Our Children” was the first event of its kind. Let it Be
Us hosted the town-hall style event with Forever Finding Families. More than 150 people
were in attendance. The event featured agencies from around the Chicagoland area. Each
had a booth with information to offer.
The collaborating agencies for the event were
Aunt Martha’s, ChildServ, Hephzibah Children’s
Association, Illinois Center for Adoption and
Permanency, Kaleidoscope, Inc., Lakeside Com-
DCFS Director George Sheldon.
Photo by Melissa Wasserman
munity Committee, Lawrence Hall, Little City
Foster Care and Adoption Program, Lutheran
Social Services of Illinois, National Youth Advocate Program, SOS Children’s Villages of Illinois, Illinois Department of Children and Family
Services (DCFS), Pride Action Tank, user Youth
Exploring Spirituality and Windy City Times.
Let it Be Us’ mission statement said the
group “envisions a future in which our most
vulnerable children have the opportunities and
resources they need which can best be met by
belonging in a family.”
Kim Hunt holds a program flier.
Photo by Melissa Wasserman
July 13, 2016
“It’s a very historical event,” said Let it Be
Us founder/director Susan McConnell. “It’s the
first time that we’ve done this in Chicago. It’s
the biggest adoption/adoptive recruitment
event that’s ever taken place in Illinois and it’s
the first time we’ve had agencies collaborate.
They usually are competitors.”
“We’re thrilled to be a co-sponsor because
this is something that we wanted to do, even
before Pride Action Tank was formed last year,
because we know we need to do whatever can
be done to stem the flow of young people,
LGBTQ youth, in particular, who are on the
streets,” said Kim Hunt, Pride Action Tank’s
executive director. “We’ve always looked at increasing the number of LGBTQ foster parents
and focusing on adopting LGBTQ older youth
as one preventive method for homelessness.”
Pride Action Tank released a video in time for
the event, promoting an increase in LGBTQ foster and adoptive parents, for LGBTQ and other
youth. The video is part of an ongoing effort in
the LGBTQ community. See
McConnell said the July 9 event was to introduce people to the foster/adoption process.
She explained the mission for the entire event
is to get the children in Illinois into foster and
adoptive homes.
“We love that we can reach out to that
[LGBTQ] community and really let them know
there’s no discrimination for them to come in
and adopt because most agencies do not discriminate against it, meaning private agencies,
so we love that we can help have them become
more aware because a lot of that LGBTQ community was not aware that they weren’t discriminated against,” said Jennifer McAndrews,
board chair president of Let it Be Us. “So, I
think this is huge for that community, as well,
to understand there’s a need for kids that also
may be gay in foster care that can be placed
with them. I think it is just so eye-opening for
The event began with a meet-and-greet and
video. Then speakers were invited to take the
Illinois DCFS Director George Sheldon spoke
on the topic of diligent recruitment in Illinois;
director of strategic initiatives at Lawrence
Hall Renee Lehocky spoke about the history
and mission of the “Call to Action! Foster and
Adopt Our Children” collaborative; Mark Wilson
spoke about his and partner Bryan Northup’s
experience as foster parents to four children
ranging from 15 months old to young adults;
From left: Bryan Northup, Christopher Lense and Mark Wilson.
Photo by Melissa Wasserman
Victoria and Gaege [last names withheld due
to privacy] shared their own stories of being
youth unable to get into foster homes and living in residential care (group homes); Mariah
Brandon, a social worker with Little City and
Pleshette Hamb, a social worker with ChildServ,
spoke about the historical need for supportive
services and current supports; and Hunt spoke
about the call to action. McConnell made opening and closing remarks.
“I think for people who want to help, there’s
always something you can do,” said Wilson. “I
don’t think I can speak highly enough of what
the rewards have been of being a foster family,
but it’s less about that and more about how
many children we’re talking about. How many
kids on the street just need a safe place to be
and need people who are in that safe space to
not be antagonizing them.”
Wilson and Northup’s son, Christopher Lense,
who identifies as gay, added his perspective,
telling Windy City Times that before he came
into the loving family he has now, he was
passed along through family members, which
degraded his self-worth and he would try to
find his worth in other men.
“So when they [Wilson and Northup] came
into my life, they gave me that worth,” said
Lense. “I am worthy to have good things, I’m
worthy of being truly loved, I’m worthy of having a family that cares about me. To be able to
be in a home to concentrate on my health, as
well as a safe place for me to live was very beneficial. To have that level of support and love,
to have them say ‘you are worth it’ just really
helped. For myself, it was a saving grace.”
“It really says a lot about the diversity within the community, but also that folks should
not be afraid of the prospect of LGBTQ people
raising children,” said Hunt of the event, adding it shows another side of the LGBTQ community, particularly following soon after the last
weekend of Pride month and its different vibe.
“Hearing these stories today just made me so
hopeful and so thrilled. So, I’m so glad we were
a part of it.”
For more information, visit
For details on the Pride Action Tank LGBTQ
adult and youth recruitment effort, email or see
Newest Point
scholars announced
Point Foundation (Point) announced its
2016 class of 22 Point Foundation Scholars,
as well as the launch of its new Community
College Scholarship Program, which awarded
scholarships to its first class of 11 students.
One has a local connection, as Bridgette
Davis—who hails from Donahue, Iowa—is
obtaining a Ph.D. in social work at the University of Chicago.
Regarding the 2016 class of Point scholars:
—50 percent of represent racial and ethnic groups traditionally underrepresented in
higher education;
—41 percent identify as transgender or
gender nonconforming;
—36 percent are the first generation in
their family to go to college;
—The 22 scholars come from 17 states and
three countries; and
—Last year they collectively provided approximately 15,000 hours of service to their
In addition, Point has initiated a new program to help LGBTQ students in their final
year of community college prepare to transfer to a four-year college or university. Wells
Fargo, a longtime corporate partner of Point,
is funding the inaugural year of Point’s Community College Scholarship Program.
Point Scholar Bridgette Davis.
Photo from Point Foundation
Point Foundation aims to empower promising LGBTQ students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential—despite the
obstacles often put before them—to make a
significant impact on society.
July 13, 2016
Gay officer among those shot
in Dallas; groups comment
A former Army reservist who served a tour in
Afghanistan went on a shooting rampage over
July 7-8 during a protest over recent police
shootings of African-American men in Minnesota and Louisiana, killing five police officers (including an openly gay individual) and
wounding up to nine others.
Police used a “bomb robot” on July 8 to end
a long standoff in a Dallas parking garage and
LGBT groups
condemn shootings
of Black men
At least two national LGBT organizations have
issued releases condemning the July shootings
of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile—Black
men who were recently shot by police in, respectively, Louisiana and Minnesota.
Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin said in a statement, “We are horrified and
profoundly saddened by the recent murders of
two Black men, Alton Sterling and Philando
Castile, at the hands of police in Baton Rouge
and near Minneapolis. In less than 48 hours,
these two men became the latest victims of an
epidemic of brutality that continues to plague
our nation, joining a tragic list of 123 Black
men fatally shot by police officers in 2016
“On a Sunday morning less than a month
ago, the nation awoke to news of a tragic
mass shooting that stole the lives of 49 LGBTQ people and our allies—almost all of them
Latinx. That same afternoon, the NAACP stood
shoulder-to-shoulder with us to speak out
against the hate violence that has targeted our
inextricably-woven communities. The LGBTQ
community is as diverse as the fabric of our nation. We are African Americans, Latinx, women,
Christians, Jews and Muslims—and so many
more identities—and we must stand together
against violence that targets any portion of our
community. Today, as we grieve and mourn, we
are also united in demanding solutions to stop
the tragic epidemic of police-involved deaths.”
Lambda Legal CEO Rachel B. Tiven also spoke
on the deaths, saying, in part, “We are heartbroken and outraged that again—twice in two
days—police have shot and killed Black men.
We don’t know all the facts in either case, but
driving with a broken tail light or selling CDs in
front of a store are not punishable by death.
“LGBT people, especially LGBT people of color, know too well that police can discriminate,
harass, and profile us when they should be protecting us. As a parent, watching Alton Sterling’s 15-year-old son sob as he comprehends
that he will never see his father again broke my
“As we have done throughout our long history, Lambda Legal will continue to stand up
against misconduct by police and other government officials. We will work with our sister
LGBT and other civil rights organizations to
demand that police are properly protecting and
serving all the public, including LGBT people
and people living with HIV.”
Pride at Work Executive Director Jerame Davis said in a separate statement, “Silence is no
longer an option. Shrugging our shoulders and
waiting for the next tragedy is not the answer.
No fewer than six bills have been introduced in
this Congress to attempt to address the outrageous number of police-involved deaths and to
curb racial profiling in law enforcement. None
of those bills have gotten out of committee.
“This is a national crisis and our federal government needs to act. We will never solve this
problem piecemeal—we must tackle it head on
and nationwide. There is no other way.”
kill the gunman, identified as Micah Xavier
Johnson, a Dallas-area resident who said he
“wanted to kill white people,” and Dallas Police
Chief David Brown said Johnson was planning
larger attacks. (Johnson’s actions were separate from the peaceful protest that took place.)
The New Civil Rights Network noted that Jesus Retana—who has worked for Dallas Area
Rapid Transit (DART) for the last 10 years—was
among the officers wounded. Retana married
Andrew Moss, a former DART officer himself, in
President Obama has commented, “As I told
[Dallas] Mayor [Mike] Rawlings, I believe that
I speak for every single American when I say
that we are horrified over these events, and
that we stand united with the people and the
police department in Dallas. According to police, there are multiple suspects. We will learn
more, undoubtedly, about their twisted motiva-
Gay Dallas officer Jesus Retana.
Facebook photo
tions. But let’s be clear: There is no possible
justification for these kinds of attacks or any
violence against law enforcement. The FBI is
already in touch with the Dallas police, and
anyone involved in these senseless murders
will be held fully accountable. Justice will be
In a statement, Attorney General Loretta
Lynch said, “This has been a week of profound
grief and heartbreaking loss. The peaceful protest that was planned in Dallas last night was
organized in response to the tragic deaths of
Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota.
“After the events of this week, Americans
across the county are feeling a sense of helplessness, of uncertainty and of fear. These
feelings are understandable and they are justified. But the answer must not be violence. The
answer is never violence.
“Rather, the answer must be action: calm,
peaceful, collaborative and determined action. We must continue working to build trust
between communities and law enforcement.
We must continue working to guarantee every
person in this country equal justice under the
Make the most of your world.
Start your journey at | 312.353.4990
New CEO speaks
on Lambda Legal’s
future visibility
By Matt Simonette
For Rachel Tiven, the incoming CEO of Lambda
Legal, her new position represents a sort of
“I started my career at Lambda, back in
1999,” said Tiven, an attorney and activist who
has, for the last several years, been active with
immigration issues. “I worked as part of its media team, which is very fitting because one of
my goals is for Lambda, as an organization, to
be more visible—for it to have the name commensurate with its skill on legal issues, so that
LGBT people around the country know that, if
they have a problem, they should call Lambda.”
She officially took over from longtime CEO
Kevin Cathcart July 5. Initially a journalist
with Bloomberg News—Michael Bloomberg is
her uncle—Tiven eventually studied law and
began to work with immigration advocacy. She
was executive director of Immigration Equality for eight years, then led Immigrant Justice
Corps for another two.
“I was very fortunate to begin to work at the
intersection of two things I’m most passionate
about, LGBT and HIV issues and immigration
law,” said Tiven during a recent visit to Chicago. “When I started at Immigration Equality in
2005, the HIV ban was still in full effect—you
couldn’t enter the country or become a citizen
if you were HIV-positive. Asylum based on sexual orientation or gender identity was already
good law, but not particularly well-known to
asylum officers and immigration judges around
the country, so the ability to get help with your
July 13, 2016
case and win was something new. And, LGBT
families were totally excluded from the immigration system.”
Lambda focuses very much on “impact litigation,” cases that potentially have far-reaching
effects even if they involve one or a few individuals.
“Lambda has been seen as the movement’s
quiet authority,” noted Tiven. “Sharing more
widely the rights and responsibilities of LGBT
people—by helping more people fight more
widely for those and for freedom from discrimination—is really my key goal. There is such
need for us to solidify the advances we’ve made
and protect ourselves from a backlash against
those advances.”
Many LGBT-advocacy organizations have
struggled to get their bearings since marriage
equality was fully recognized by the federal
government. But Tiven said she is confident
that Lambda will be able to keep its perspective on the legal landscape, adding, “When
we look at our successes, and other moments
of our successes and shifting legal opinion
around women’s rights, reproductive freedom
and racial integration, those were not a oneshot deal. Marriage equality is very powerful,
but you can still be fired for being gay in a lot
of places.”
For the moment, legal and political opposition to the LGBT community currently seems to
be coming from two fronts.
“We’re seeing backlash through fake claims
to religious freedom,” she noted. “No religion
requires discrimination. No religion says, ‘My
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Lambda Legal CEO Rachel Tiven.
Photo by Matt Simonette
…LGBT people will continue to be born into
straight families. The journey that so many of
us went through is going to continue to be
the same journey, but much of the progress
in changing public attitudes will be easier for
some people.”
Tiven envisions Lambda as “a cradle-to-thegrave service to the [legal] needs of an LGBT
person as you come of age, become an adult,
become a parent if you want, become an older
person,” she said. “All those needs will require
a watchdog that knows the law and is prepared
to defend LGBT people. The question is, ‘Do I
know Lambda will be there, and have my back,
no matter what happens? Maybe I don’t need
it today, but I want to know that they’re there
if I do.’”
right to practice my religion freely is infringed
by having to treat you equally.’ The other backlash is lies about transgender people, which is
just another version of the kinds of lies about
LGBT people as predators, which unfortunately
have been with us for a very long time.”
She’s noticed changing dynamics within
some families. A friend recently mentioned
matter-of-factly that they did not think one of
their kids was straight.
“It knocked my socks off,” Tiven recalled. “I
couldn’t imagine that we’d arrived at the point
where a parent talking about her 12-yearold would say that like it was nothing. I was
floored by it. For some people, the road was
much easier than it was a generation ago. But
at the same time, many of us don’t share this
about who we are with our family of origin.
July 15-16
archivist of the United States, will welcome
guests. Poet Richard Blanco will deliver the
keynote address, followed by a Q&A.
At 11:15 a.m., Mary Morten will moderate
a panel discussion on “The Issues Before Us”
(part 1), exploring legal issues, with James
Bennett, Lambda Legal; Dale Carpenter,
University of Minnesota; Naomi Goldberg,
Movement Advancement Project (MAP); and
Tyrone Hanley, National Center for Lesbian
Rights. At 1:30 p.m., Mary Morten will continue discussing ”The Issues Before Us” (part
2), exploring socioeconomic issues with Myles Brady, Howard Brown Health; Naomi Goldberg, Movement Advancement Project (MAP);
Abbe Land, The Trevor Project; and Imani
Rupert-Gordon, Affinity Community Services.
At 2:45 p.m., Precious Davis will moderate “Issues Affecting Transgender & Gender
Non-Conforming People” with Owen DanielMcCarter, Illinois Safe Schools Alliance; and
Sarah McBride, Human Rights Campaign.
join/chicago.html. Register at https://www.
On July 15-16, the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA) will host the
National Conversation on Rights and Justice:
LGBTQ Human and Civil Rights at the Center
on Halsted and the Chicago History Museum.
This program is part of a nationwide initiative to facilitate discussion of rights in the
21st century.
On Friday, July 15, at 5:30 p.m. at Center
on Halsted, Center CEO Modesto Valle and Jim
Gardner—executive for Legislative Archives,
Presidential Libraries, and Museum Services
for the National Archives—will speak. The
Youth Empowerment Performance Project
(YEPP) will perform “Making It Home,” followed by a discussion with the performers
and YEPP director Bonsai Bermudez.
On Saturday, July 16, there will be a series
of discussions at the Chicago History Museum
on LGBTQ human and civil rights in the United States. At 9:30 a.m., David S. Ferriero,
Family. Friends.
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Trans pioneers
celebrated at Vives Q
by Vernon Hester
Vives Q presented its inaugural First Tuesday
forum of 2016 on July 5 at the National Museum of Mexican Art in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood.
With the recent murders of so many Latinx
LGBTQA people in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, this edition of the series had more
heft and a more immediate level of purpose.
The interview subjects for the evening were
trans activists Franky Piña and Maritxa Vidal,
and the forum was dedicated to the memory of
the Pulse victims.
Emcee Antonio Elizondo started the evening
with a dedication of the event before reading
the names of all 49 victims of the mass shooting. Next came an acoustic performance by
Elijah Fallas; then, the evening promptly dovetailed into the interview segment of the forum.
With Emmanuel Garcia moderating, Latinx activist Franky Piña spoke about how he came to
this country and became an out activist when
he realized the United States was far from what
he expected.
Piña, Vives Q noted, is a writer, graphic designer and videographer. In January 2015, at
the age of 47, he reconciled with himself and
accepted his gender identity. He openly began
his gender transition from cis male to trans/
queer. Currently, he is the editorial manager of
the online magazine El BeiSMan. Before that,
he co-founded several past and present cultural
and literary magazines in Chicago: Fe de erratas, zorros y erizos, Tropel and Contratiempo.
He is the co-author of the book Rudy Lozano:
His Life, His People (1991). Piña was featured
in Voces en el viento: Nuevas ficciones desde
Chicago (1999). He functioned both as editor and publisher of Marcos Raya: Fetishizing
the Imaginary (2004), The Art of Gabriel Villa
(2007), René Arceo: Between the Instinctive
and the Rational (2010), Sculpture by Alfonso
Piloto Nieves Ruiz (2014).
Maritxa Vidal was interviewed next, and she
spoke about her family’s emigration from Cuba
and growing up in Skokie, Illinois. She touched
on a period where she was harassed by police
routinely because of her clothing. She also
spoke about her past addiction to drugs, her
rehabilitation and her becoming involved in
community activism.
When speaking on her activism Vidal said,
July 13, 2016
“You can talk ‘til the cows come home but you
have to back that up with action. … Change
comes with revolution. … I don’t want something special, I want what everybody else has.”
Vidal also stated, “I’m here, I’ll be 60 at the
end of next week and I’ll be damned if I’m going back in that closet.”
Vidal has worked for the Puerto Rican Cultural Center-VIDA/SIDA for over 15 years. She
provides bilingual and culturally sensitive HIV/
AIDS education, counseling and testing in Chicago and 11 suburbs. In addition to working to
eradicate the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Vidal is also
deeply committed to fighting for the rights
of the LGBTQIA community, especially her
transgender sisters and those who are undocumented. Presently, she is an executive board
member for the TransLatina Coalition and a cochair for its Chicago chapter. The TransLatina
Coalition is a national association to increase
equality for TransLatinas, including undocumented TransLatinas, in the mainland United
States and Puerto Rico.
The evening then culminated in a series of
performances which included spoken word
(from Karari Olvera and David Victor Pavon),
drag performance (by first-time performer Envy
Firebender), dance (two performances from
Yassss Productions) and a special performance
from Milani Ninja who performed “Heaven” by
Beyoncé while volunteers from the audience
surrounded the performance area with placards
showing the victims of the Pulse shooting.
The next First Tuesday event is Aug. 2 at the
National Museum of Mexican Art. Community
partners for the July event were the Chicago
Freedom School, Project Vida, Gozamos, United
Latino Pride, Queer Youth Exploring Spirituality (QYES), ALMA and The ElevArte Community
For a video of the speakers, see the online
edition of this article.
Please visit
to read a preview of the
Republican National Convention
from an LGBT perspective.
From left: Maritxa Vidal, Emmanuel Garcia and Franky Pina.
Photo by Vern Hester
Protesters at Taste of Chicago.
Photo by Vern Hester
Protesters converge at Taste of Chicago
Demonstrators protested at The Taste of Chicago on July 9.
The protest was part of a larger set of actions across Chicago—including one in the loop and
another on North Michigan Avenue—as well as the country.
At the Taste, the protesters lined themselves across the main entrance of the festival and
staged a “die-in.” Protesters marched through the Taste, but left about an hour later without
The citywide protests came after fatal police-involved shootings of Black men in Minnesota
and Louisiana. A Black military veteran, apparently angered by the events, killed five Dallas
police officers in an ambush July 8; police killed the shooter with a robot bomb.
Photos by Vern Hester
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U n m a t c h e d E l e g a n c e … U n f o r g e t t a b l e L a ke G e n e v a
July 13, 2016
Talking guns
and race
On July 8—the same day many learned about
the shootings of police and a civilian in Dallas,
Texas—I learned that the lockdown of the U.S.
Capitol in Washington, D.C. had been lifted after 40 minutes after a person of interest had
been investigated.
However, I have to admit that the first things
I wondered were the race of the person and
what actions would have been taken if said
person had been Black.
This is how I became conditioned after a
week that saw the police-related shootings
of two African-American men, Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, in, respectively, Minnesota and Louisiana. (Even Minnesota Gov.
Mark Dayton said, during a press conference,
that he didn’t think Castile would have been
killed if the driver and passengers in the car
were white.) After learning about the ambush
of police in Texas, I just started rethinking
the country is becoming like The Wild West—
a concept that initially formed after the June
12 mass shooting of LGBTA individuals at the
Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
I did not always think this way. Growing up
in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, the
schools I went to (all public) were racially
integrated, with people of all races hanging together. (If someone brought a knife
to school, it was a big deal.) It wasn’t until
I went to a small liberal-arts college in central Virginia that things changed from a racial
perspective—from students crossing the street
to avoid me to one fraternity having a black
lawn jockey in the front yard and holding “Old
South” every year.
Moving to Chicago (as much as I love the
city) has only exacerbated some of those old
feelings—on some days. The Windy City is very
diverse (with many different and wonderful
neighborhoods), but there’s a sad lack of integration. Moreover, I still get those interactions I first experienced during those college
years—although, in the big city, it extends
to people even avoiding sitting next to me on
public transportation.
And I’ve also had my run-ins with police—
such as the time a cop asked me to get in the
back of his squad car because a bank robbery
had taken place nearby (although I was walking toward the bank, which I’m pretty sure a
robber wouldn’t do). Then, there was the time
I was stopped (by a Black cop) while jogging;
after being questioned for a few minutes, he
said something to me I’ve never forgotten:
“This will happen to you again.”
I do think that if I hadn’t been compliant
in either case, who knows what could’ve happened?
By the way, there are a couple of conceptions
that I’d like to confront:
—To those who say, “Guns don’t kill people,
people kill people”: Let me tell you some-
thing—people with guns kill people. (You need
both to make the action happen.) If you remove one of them from the equation, guess
what happens (or, rather, doesn’t occur)?
—To those who rant about Black-on-Black
crime in light of police-related shootings: Of
course, Black-on-Black crime happens and is a
problem that also needs to be curbed/eliminated. However, police are sworn to serve and
protect. It can affect people six ways to Sunday
to have their sworn protectors turn on them. It
boils down to “Who protects us?” Also, many
marches and vigils take place regarding Blackon-Black crime—but they don’t get nearly as
much coverage as cop-related incidents.
—To those who say, “All lives matter”: Again,
that phrase is stating the obvious—but that
seems to be only in theory, not in practice.
Black Lives Matter exists to emphasize the inequality African-Americans deal with (and have
had to contend with) every single day.
I’m definitely not down with what happened
with the police in Texas, by the way. Demonstrating peacefully is one course of action, but
this “eye for an eye” business is not cool—and
it only serves to escalate things. (I should also
stress that the actions of this sniper were in no
way connected with the peaceful Black Lives
Matter protest that was taking place.)
As for the shootings of Castile, Sterling and
the police, it’s interesting to note that people
reacted with outrage, sadness and frustration—but not surprise.
That should tell you something.
Andrew Davis is the managing editor of
Windy City Times.
learning, but I have never enjoyed it enough to
break into a school. Well, the officer took me to
the school and asked the janitor, who made the
911 call, if I was the culprit. The janitor stated
that I was not the robber. Then officer then
spent the next 15 minutes asking the janitor
over and over if he was sure that I was not the
suspect. The janitor then got frustrated, telling Officer Not-So-Friendly, “I told you he was
wearing all Black. This kid is wearing Black,
red, green and yellow!” (It was the ‘90s.) The
officer then offered me a ride back home and
I respectfully declined. I just really wanted to
get away from him.
Another incident that happened to me really impacted me with law enforcement. I was
walking through a sketchy neighborhood to
meet up with my boyfriend at the time when
two officers pulled up and jumped out of their
squad car. The white officer drew his gun, put
the gun to my head and said, “Tell me where
they hide the money!” I was totally perplexed
with zero inclination what he is talking about
and I told him so. He then replied, “You are
a dumb nigger!” His partner, who was Black,
laughed. Sigh!
Being Black and gay has given police additional vitriol to spew in my direction. On one
such occasion, my then-boyfriend and I were
walking and ran into a group of guys who obviously were against homosexuality. They began
to shout insulting anti-gay remarks and began
to chase us. I was fortunate to get away without any harm; however, my boyfriend was not
as lucky. He was hit in the head with a bottle
before he escaped. When the police showed up,
my boyfriend—covered in blood and seeking
help from those who are supposed to “serve
and protect”—approached the squad car. The
officer yelled at him, “Get away from my car,
you faggot-ass nigger,” and he drove off into
the night.
These run-ins, as well as many more, speak
volumes on their own and have shaped how
I view law enforcement. My disdain for them
is authentic and legitimate, nurtured through
experiences. So, when the headlines show police officers shooting Black men for complying
during traffic stops, selling CDs, running away,
playing with a toy gun or raising their hands, I
am constantly reminded how easily that could
have been me.
The killing of police officers in Dallas was a
horrific tragedy. Two wrongs don’t make a right
and the loss of an innocent life could never be
justified. However, it has been extremely difficult for me to feel sympathy. It is a terrible
thing to admit. It is beyond my control. Being
numb to fallen officers is just something that
comes naturally to me because I have NEVER
had one treat me with kindness in the 45 years
that I have been on earth.
Who are we kidding? All lives do not matter
in America. My life is not valued as much as
my white friends, regardless of my success. In
the eyes of some, I will always be considered
subhuman and, therefore, dispensable. That’s
a hard pill to swallow and one that I cannot
refuse to take.
Isaac King is a Chicago-based wardrobe
co-host of “The Sip” radio show on Urban
Broadcast Media.
VOL. 31, No. 42, July 13, 2016
The combined forces of Windy City Times,
founded Sept. 1985, and Outlines newspaper,
founded May 1987.
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...While Black
With all that is going on with police brutality
in our nation today, I thought that it would be
somewhat therapeutic to share my experiences
with law enforcement. I could share many incidents with you but I will only share those that
have impacted me most and helped shape my
mindset about being a Black male in America.
At the young age of 16, I remember walking to a friend’s house and not knowing exactly
which house I was walking up to. I walked up
to several houses as I looked for the right one.
Officer Not-So-Friendly rides up and instructs
me to get into the back seat of his squad car.
I obliged and asked him, “Why?” He responded
to me by saying, “Well, in this neighborhood,
you stick out like a sore thumb … if you know
what I mean.” Being a very mature teenager, I
knew exactly what he meant.
There was another incident where I tried to
enter into my own home and another not-sofriendly officers told me to get into the back of
his squad car. Again, again I questioned, “Why
sir?” He then proceeded to tell me that there
had been a robbery at a local school and that I
fit the description.
Now I was always a nerd and really enjoyed
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July 13, 2016
Dolce Italian.
Thodos’ ‘New
Dances,’ unplugged
Each summer, the company dancers of Thodos
Dance Chicago get to show off their choreographic panache in the New Dances series.
Apart from supporting Thodos’ mission to foster well-rounded artists who dance, teach and
choreograph, New Dances has yielded a number
of outstanding works, some of which are adopted into the company’s repertory for the next
season. Kentucky native John Cartwright has
contributed works for the past several years,
but this year the Thodos veteran took a different approach: His latest is a collaboration
with theater and circus-arts specialist Danielle
Gennaoui called Present Voices.
Present Voices’ inspiration is society’s current
relationship with technology. Cartwright and
Gennaoui aimed at showing the value of human
connectivity and the need and desire of many
to unplug in the presence of so much technology. It’s a hot topic these days; nearly everyone
must grapple between a desire for convenience
and a need for less noise. “In the beginning [of
the dance], everyone is isolated,” Cartwright
told Windy City Times. “Throughout the piece,
we are gradually showing how we pull ourselves
out of that to try and make physical connections. There’s a huge difference in texting or
emailing someone as opposed to being in the
same space with someone and sharing the
same same air and breathing together.”
This is a conundrum with which live performance continually grapples: the ever-fleeting
attention of audience members and the discomfort of unplugging to engage in tangible
experiences sans Facebook notifications. “Everyone’s there at the same time,” said Cartwright. “Inhaling, exhaling, being alive together. That is uncomfortable. The more we
get addicted to our technology, the more it
becomes uncomfortable. I know personally, I
hate talking on the phone, but when I was in
fifth grade … that’s all I did! Now, I dread call-
The 2016 remake of Ghostbusters hits movie theaters this Friday.
Ride For AIDS.
By Lauren Warnecke
Ghost office
ing someone on the phone. So, why is that?”
We are more connected than ever, but virtual
connection through social media often comes
at the expense of face-to-face interaction. In
other words, we spend a lot of time by ourselves, talking (or rather, typing) about how we
should get together, but never do. “It’s always
well-intentioned,” said Gennaoui of the phenomenon that is Brunch (capital B). “It’s, like,
‘Yes, we should get together! Yes, we should go
out to brunch!’ But then it never happens.”
“[The piece is] also about being free to speak
and speak your mind” said Gennaoui. “We
live in a society where we are kind of afraid
of retaliation. If I say something that offends
somebody, how is that going to affect me and
affect my life and affect me professionally and
in my personal relationships? Do I always have
to please people?” Indeed, arts and entertainment in particular lean on social media to project a certain image, and today’s society has
the luxury of backtracking, erasing, editing,
filtering, and curating our identities for public
“People aren’t actually who they are,” said
Gennaoui. “I think this piece is about surrounding yourself with people that are willing
to accept you and willing to love you and willing to hear you out, and want to know who you
really are and what you have to say. Because
once we respect and value people in that type
of way, we’re going to make a much more loving and peaceful community.” By the end of
the Present Voices, its characters are increasingly closer, sharing more weight and relying
on one another.
In a way, Gennaoui and Cartwright’s collaborative process and the journey to finding a
shared vocabulary is a reflection on the work’s
subject matter. Cartwright knew Gennaoui from
their time together at Butler University, and
her theater background helped Cartwright explore the use of text (snippets of Emily Dickinson, Audre Lorde and Pablo Neruda sourced by
Gennaoui). Working with dialogue provided a
John Cartwright.
Photo by
Cheryl Mann
significant challenge to the work’s five dancers, who rarely talk onstage. “We were really,
really lucky with our ensemble,” said Gennaoui.
“They have been so willing and open to being
vulnerable and doing things that are scary and
a little bit weird, and just willing to learn and
not afraid to look silly.”
For Gennaoui, the challenge was not teaching
dancers how to deliver text, but finding the vocabulary to give them instruction. “An actor’s
vocabulary is very different than a dancer’s
vocabulary. Today we were saying, ‘Raise the
stakes,’ and I was realizing that might not resonate as well with dancers, so how do I describe
that in dancer language?” Learning to find a
common language through intense collaboration speaks to their joint desire to increase the
volume and authenticity of human interaction,
even if only in the dance studio.
The desire for human connectivity in the face
of technology is not a new problem. Each generation has had to deal with modernity and its
effect on how people communicate, be that
the telephone and television, the Internet, or
old-fashioned letter writing. “A letter always
feels to me like immortality because it is the
mind alone without corporeal friend. Indebted
in our talk to attitude and accent, there seems
a spectral power in thought that walks alone.”
wrote Emily Dickinson to Thomas Wentworth
Higginson, though Dickinson herself was not a
particular fan of parlor banter.
“We’ve been inspired by conversation, expression and communication,” read Cartwright’s
publicity statement. “We hope to inspire others to be more mindful of how they choose to
converse with others and the impact it has on
our society. … Rarely are we physically present
and use the art of true conversation to connect
with one another. Today, we isolate ourselves
behind a screen. We convince ourselves that
likes, comments, and shares are indicative of
personal worth. In reality, we are still alone.
How does being in room with someone—sharing words, sharing touch, sharing breath—
deepen our relationships? Humanity doesn’t
live behind a screen. Humanity lives in our
ability to truly hear.”
Present Voices premieres as part of Thodos Dance Chicago’s New Dances July 16-17
at the Atheneaum Theatre, 2936 N. Southport Ave. Tickets are $14-40, available at
the door, at or at 773-9356875.
Download TodayTix for last minute theater tickets at the best prices. Right on your phone.
July 13, 2016
Rock Live!
Schoolhouse Rock Live!
Photo by Johnny Knight
School House Rock Live!
Music and lyrics: Various individuals
At: Broadway Playhouse at
Water Tower Place, 175 E. Chestnut St.
Tickets: 800-775-2000;; $16-24
Runs through: Aug 28
I’ll “unpack my adjectives” and tell you about
Schoolhouse Rock Live! at the Broadway Playhouse at Water Tower place. This musical revue is made up of educational songs from the
well loved television cartoon shorts from the
‘70s. They take you from grammar to history
to mathematics with fun catchy songs that
you can’t help but hum along to. (The series
was pretty ambitious tackling topics such as
women’s suffrage and how a bill becomes a law
besides just explaining nouns). This production
is geared for kids, they have cut the amount
of songs in the show and it runs 50 minutes
without intermission. The kids in the audience
were quiet and attentive throughout the show
so it must be engaging them.
The cast of only four performers is energetic
and are asked to do lots of things that are not
easy. They move blocks in numerical order or
pick out signs with words on them in order etc.
I was very impressed with their dedication and
high spirits. Jed Feder, as George, the goofy
rocker type is the standout. He gets some
pretty good laughs with his performance. Un-
Playwright: Simon Stephens
At: Steep Theatre
1115 W. Berwyn
Tickets: 866-811-4111 or; $25-$35
Runs through: Aug. 13
The Cousin
from Nowhere
Music & Libretto: Rideamus (Fritz
Oliven) and Eduard Kunneke
At: Chicago Folks Operetta at
Stage 773, 1225 W. Belmont Ave.
Tickets: 773-327-5252, or at or; $25-$40
Runs through: July 24
Poor beautiful, wealthy Julia. Living her
pampered life in a mansion and attended
by servants, the girl has almost everything
her heart could desire. But her lush life has
its trials. Her inheritance also supports her
greedy guardians, Aunt Wimpel and Uncle
Josse, while dreaming of her lost love. Seven
years ago she pledged herself to her cousin
Roderich, but she hasn’t seen or heard from
him in all this time. Meanwhile, her two conniving relatives have been plotting to keep
Julia’s inheritance in the family by marrying her off to their nephew, August. Things
In subsequent years I have seen productions
produced from theaters to gay bars and I have
to say this is my least favorite. The other productions balanced the fun of the songs with
a tongue in cheek show. This production feels
more like something that should be at an assembly in a grade school. I did miss some of
their song omissions like “Lolly Lolly Lolly
get your adverbs here” and “Elbow Room”. For
something educational to take your kids to,
and not expensive, this is a good show for you.
For adults who want a nostalgia trip this is a
miss. I wanted my “Interjections” to be WOW!
but it was mostly “meh.”
delves into the human existence while spinning a web of mystery.
In the first of three separate but linked stories, Frieda bids a sad farewell to Harry, one of
several children she’s fostered over the years.
The young man is leaving his home in Middlesex, England to begin a new life in Canada.
In this quiet, but exposition-packed scene, the
audience learns a great deal about Harry, his
late friend Ian and Frieda’s other foster children, all of whose lives have taken different
paths. Throughout this scene, Stephens’ views
on advancing technology, especially the expansion of Heathrow Airport, effects everyone and
At the same moment, in a plush hotel room
near Heathrow, two people are embarking on
an affair. Mark is a young, married instructor at
a local college; Lisa, also married, is somewhat
older, and works in law enforcement. However,
how these two lonely individuals found each
other, the details of their colorful pasts and
the eventual destination of this sexual romp
makes for a provocative, surprisingly humorous
and stealthy story.
Finally, under harsh, flickering florescent
lights, Sian mercilessly interrogates welldressed, middle-aged Jonathan. Initially it’s
unclear what motivates this violent scene, but
the audience eventually discovers the secrets
and truths lying beneath. In this taut, tensionfilled scene, Sian is a sadistic, impersonal inquisitor, but her exact relationship with Jonathan is vague. Even in its final, nerve-racking
moments, Stephens leaves it to theatergoers to
decipher what they’ve just experienced.
Robin Witt’s fierce direction is character-driven. She keeps her cast honest, while staging
this shadowy drama with an enigmatic mood.
Audiences expecting solid answers won’t find
them here, but Witt cleverly raises the stakes
and a number of thought-provoking questions
through Stephens’ script. Thomas Dixon helps
connect these three disparate stories with his
deafening sound track of jets taking off and
landing, combined with original music. The
excellent cast, however, commands this production, led by the terrific Caroline Neff and
Peter Moore, as Sian and Jonathan. Nick Horst
is genuinely sweet as Mark and Kendra Thulin is
both humorous and heart-rending as Lisa.
As Stephens did with his Tony-winning Broadway success, he again explores relationships,
loneliness, alienation and family, tempered by
the technology’s influence on our planet and
our lives. Presented with tension and mystery,
Steep’s U.S. premiere of this exciting new play
is worth a dip in its deep waters.
become complicated and confusing when a
stranger shows up. Because no one has seen
August since he was a child, the nephew, who
falls in love with Julia at first sight, claims to
be the young man for whom she’s been pining
all these years. The plot thickens when, amid
mistaken identities and devious intentions,
another stranger arrives on the scene.
This forgotten German operetta, which became an overnight success in Berlin, back in
1921, has been practically lost to the ages.
Chicagoans, like most Americans, have probably never heard Eduard Kunneke’s beautiful, romantic score, unless they’ve traveled
abroad, where the operetta is still popular
and performed regularly. As in all of this company’s elegant productions, here’s a unique
opportunity to enjoy another neglected work
from the world of operetta.
Musical director Anthony Barrese guides
his gifted cast to melodic perfection, accompanied by a sumptuous 22-piece orchestra, tucked away within Kurtis Boetcher’s
sparse, white scenic design. Elizabeth Margolius’ broad, melodramatic staging, featuring
some fancy, stylized choreography by Todd
Rhoades, heightens and embellishes the musical’s broad comedy.
Heather Youngquist leads the cast as Julia,
a lovely young woman with the voice of an
angel. Together with comic and musical treasure Genevieve Thiers, as Julia’s maid and
best friend Hannah, they blend in some of the
show’s funniest and finest choral moments.
Extraordinary Nicolas Pulikowski, as August,
is brilliantly funny and possesses a strong,
masterful voice.
With Youngquist, their duets fill the venue
with rapturous melodies. As glutinous relatives Uncle Josse and Auntie Wimpel, James
Judd and Rose Guccione are equally superb
comedians and incomparable vocalists. Guccione’s hilarious scene with a banana is a
must-see moment. There’s even more comedy
provided by Roy Wilford Belzer and Damon
Cole, as Hans and Egon, providing an unexpected campy conclusion to the production.
Overflowing with lush romantic duets, comical foxtrots, passionate tangos and romantic
waltzes, Eduard Kunneke’s score fills this fairy
tale with toe-tapping harmonies and refrains.
Enhanced by Maestro Barrese’s full orchestra
and performed by eight of Chicago’s finest
singers, Elizabeth Margolius’ comical delight
is the perfect lighthearted diversion for a
warm, summer night.
The name of the deepest lake in England lends
its moniker to Stephens’ latest drama, an intriguing trio of deep, interconnected stories
weaving together the relationships of eight individuals, at the same hour on the longest evening of the year. The playwright who penned
the Tony Award-winning The Curious Incident
of the Dog in the Night-Time has once again
created a riveting evening of theater that
fortunately the props look like things created
for a high school musical. The worst part about
that is they are very hard to read, even when
up close. Not good for this type of educational
show. The choreography, by Morgan Ashley
Madison & Alex Seeley, is really cute.
I saw the original BAM production created by
Chicagoans years ago and absolutely loved it.
Death of a Streetcar Named Virginia Woolf,
Writers Theatre, Glencoe, extended through
Aug. 14. Tim Ryder and Tim Sniffen’s comic
mashup of great American theater dramas by
the likes of Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller,
Edward Albee and Thornton Wilder is a laugh
riot. SCM
Deathtrap, Drury Lane Theatre, through Aug.
14. Ira Levin’s classic 1978 Broadway thriller is
given the luxury treatment in director William
Osetek’s top-notch revival that can still make
audiences gasp out of shock. SCM
GhostBustier: The Story of the Real Ghostbusy, Gorilla Tango Theatre, through July 23.
Those naughty burly-girls of Bucktown who
brought you Game of Thongs and A Nude Hope
are at it again, this time with a wholesome,
skin-baring parody of the upcoming Hollywood
summer block—uh, buster. MSB
Little Shop of Horrors, American Blues Theater at Greenhouse Theater Center, extended
through July 31. Howard Ashman and Alan
Menken’s classic campy off-Broadway musical
about a killer plant returns in a wonderfully
sung and intimate production. SCM
—By Abarbanel, Barnidge
and Morgan
July 13, 2016
FOR GROUPS 15 +: 312.443.3820
Major Corporate Sponsors
Official Lighting Sponsor
July 13, 2016
‘Space Age’ focuses
on queer kids of color
By Liz Baudler
Talking to Ricardo Gamboa and Sean Parris
mere hours after Orlando felt uncanny. The
couple, well-known in Chicago’s theater scene,
have co-written a play, Space Age, about growing up as queer kids of color, and clearly the
crime committed against Black and Brown LGBTQ people haunted Gamboa as he spoke.
“I think one of the questions we were wrestling with is why would anyone need to see
this play, why do we need to do it,” reflected
Gamboa. “And it’s so weird because when you
think about the events that happened last
night...When I was just a closeted repressed
mid-20s person I would get drunk and drive
to the gay clubs hammered, the only time that
I ever gave myself permission to go to a gay
club. Because of the places where I grew up, I
didn’t perceive that possibility to actually be
open and out. One of those times I got totally
pulled over, arrested for DUI. I think about so
much of the ways in which the circumstances
underpinning our biographies are about being
at the intersection of a person of color and also
a queer person.”
Gamboa and Parris’ play has its roots in their
modern love story and the pop-culture references of their childhood. The pair met over
Facebook Messenger. “We were friends, but
not really friends, we didn’t really know each
other,” Parris remembered. “We started talking
about the things that we related to as children.
And in 1994, we both saw a movie called “I
Like it Like That.” I never met anybody on this
planet who had seen that movie.”
“The show goes over the first 48 hours of our
relationship, and then at the same time, it’s
kind of us navigating our childhoods, growing
up in these places and trying to figure out how
to be queer where there weren’t really models
for it,” said Gamboa.
Implicit in the Free Street Theater production
is the desire to show a different narrative than
the usual gay love or coming of age story. “One
of the things we realized is that we weren’t
necessarily seeing our experiences represented
out there,” Parris said.
“So much of the theater by queer people of
color and queer people is tragic theater,” said
Gamboa. “It’s like the confessional mode of
‘here’s how I’m oppressed’, or this type of gay
liberation narrative. Or gay frivolity, like the
gay couple in the condo going through some
type of issue. And I think one of the things
that we were thinking a lot about was how do
we create something that doesn’t apply to both
of those things. I was really invested in how we
found hope and love and resilience, and how
could we make a play that’s about a politics of
hope for queer and racialized people.”
This goal is vital to Gamboa. “That narrative that gay people are a moral hazard and
a sinful bunch is what makes it possible for
Space Age co-writer Sean Parris.
Photo from Parris
a man to walk in and shoot 50 of them with
an assault rifle,” he said. “I think we’re alive
at a time where being queer—it’s this weird
dichotomy where being queer is more embraced
than ever in the mainstream, like Orange Is the
New Black, RuPaul’s Drag Race—and at the
same time, there’s still an immense amount of
violence that all queer people go through, particularly poor queer youth of color.”
The couple hope to welcome audiences that
might not feel comfortable with other theater
productions. “I would love to get people who
feel alienated,” said Parris. “Like, I don’t want
to speak for every theater but there’s a certain
kind of snobbiness that comes with going to
the theater, there’s a certain kind of etiquette,
and it’s complicated, but I think what happens
with that etiquette is that you end up alienating a lot of people.”
The production plans on doing outreach to
queer youth, and Parris and Gamboa welcome
critique of what they present. “There’s a fear,
but also a ‘bring it on’ kind of thing too,” said
Parris. “But I’m curious at the conversation
afterwards. I actually want to there to be a
conversation about who gets to tell stories and
why do they get to tell stories.”
“We’re trying to do honest storytelling,” said
Gamboa. “We’re trying to make sure that we are
composing this stuff not based on the reaction
that we want, but on the reaction that it can
make possible and the actions that it might
Gamboa said he thinks that white gays and
lesbians can not only identify and think critically about Space Age, but that the audience
can be challenged to think about how theater
is produced.
“I think it’s actually really thinking about
who gets to tell stories, what stories get celebrated, and how did that system, that let certain people rise and be seen, come into play?”
Gamboa said. “The average theatergoer can do
a lot in terms of challenging those power dynamics, and a lot of it is rethinking about what
constitutes good work. Who articulates all of
those standards and metrics of measurement
[and] artistic legitimacy?”
While the artists’ reputation could have
landed the play anywhere, Space Age’s home at
Free Street is a deliberate choice. “If the play’s
about two boys finding ways to survive outside
the institution, the mainframe, we’re definitely
going to try and lace that into the production
ideology,” said Gamboa.
The couple loved both getting in touch with
aspects of their childhood—both mentioned
putting on high heels and realizing how much
more natural that act was when they were
kids—and working together. Gamboa said he’d
always hoped to collaborate with a romantic
“Our living-room wall looks like a serial killer’s wall,” joked Gamboa. “We’ve been mapping
out this show. We have these long days, we go
work out together, we come up and pick up
the house and eat together and then we create
together until we have to go to bed.”
“I think every person that’s in a relationship
should try and create something together, because in the end what it does is it really forces
you to articulate,” said Parris. “So if you’re
having a problem, you have to articulate. We’re
not going to abandon this; we want to deepen
this. It forces us to go in there and duke it out
and love each other again. And make room for
each other.”
Space Age is running July 18 and 25, and
Aug. 1 at 7 p.m. at Free Street Theater, 1419
W. Blackhawk St., third Floor. Tickets are
pay-what-you-can: more info at freestreet.
Tony Award-nominee and Broadway veteran André De Shields (The Wiz, Ain’t
Misbehavin’) is the very special guest
star playing The Wizard for the return
of WOZ: A Rock Cabaret. Instead of the
classic 1939 MGM film score, WOZ features rock anthems of the 1980s and ‘90s
to tell L. Frank Baum’s all-American story
of a young girl who gets whisked away
to a magical land after a tornado hits
her Kansas home. WOZ: A Rock Cabaret
plays five shows only at Victory Gardens
Theater, 2433 N. Lincoln Ave. Performance times are at 7:30 p.m. Thursday
and Friday, July 14 and 15, 2 and 7:30
p.m. Saturday, July 16, and 2 p.m. Sunday, July 17. Tickets are $40. For more
information, call 773-817-3000 or visit
Caption: André De Shields (pictured)
guest stars as The Wizard in WOZ: A
Rock Cabaret. Photo by Lia Chang
July 13, 2016
WOOD from cover
view, dated Kate Moennig of The L-Word (whom,
she says, remains a best friend) and, on June
10, made a YouTube video ( to clear up misconceptions about
bisexuality and share her personal tale of revelation.
“There is so much shame that comes with that
‘bisexual’ label, so I was like, I’m not going to
be ashamed or silent,” she remarks.
The mother of a nearly 3-year-old son (dad
is actor Jamie Bell, with whom she amicably
parted in 2014), Wood chatted by phone about
post-apocalypse existence, the Orlando tragedy,
her turn as an android in HBO’s upcoming scifi series Westworld and which political figures
she’d date.
Windy City Times: As a North Carolinian,
are you rolling your eyes about the HB2 bathroom bill, transphobia and other horrible GOP
legislation going on down there lately?
Evan Rachel Wood: Oh my God. I can’t even.
It’s embarrassing. When I grew up there we prided ourselves on being a progressive Southern
state. It’s really disturbing to see this happening.
WCT: Ellen Page brought both you and Rozema on Into The Forest. Was the fact she was
also openly queer an element that helped
convince you to sign on?
ERW: Well, the script really drew me, and it
was just a really pleasant coincidence that me
and Ellen and Patricia are all out. We had a few
giggles about it, like that’s pretty cool, but no.
It worked out that way.
WCT: So what issue does the movie address
that most compelled you?
ERW: How disconnected we are from our primal nature and how we relate to our environment. No one really knows or is taught how to
live off the land, to forage for food, to survive
without all the luxuries and conveniences of a
soft bed or gas.
Too often, we don’t ask ourselves the question
of what would happen if you didn’t have those
readily available. They are luxuries. I felt it was
a reminder of what’s really important when all
the things are taken away—in this case, two
sisters and the love they have for each other,
because that’s what’s keeping them alive.
WCT: This is a big spoiler to those unfamiliar with the book but needs to be touched
on. There’s a scene where Eva is raped, and
it’s downright painful to watch. Can you talk
about that?
ERW: Yep, that was really intense. We did that
in one take. The only thing important to me was
how it was shot. I didn’t want to glorify it in
any way or take away from the emotional trauma
by focusing on just what’s happening physically,
because I think that’s part of the problem of
what’s happening with rape culture.
People think it’s not a big deal because you’re
still alive afterwards and it maybe only lasted 15
minutes. But what they don’t understand is it’s
Evan Rachel Wood (right) with Ellen Page in Into the Forest.
Photo by Bob Akester
not the physical trauma that’s most damaging.
Of course it’s damaging, painful, and horrible,
but it’s the emotional scars rape leaves that take
a lifetime to deal with and come back from. You
lose a part of yourself, it’s taken from you, and
it’s really hard to get back. I think that’s what
we showed in the film. You see this girl just
disappear slowly and when that happens you’re
in such shock your body doesn’t know how to
handle it and you kind of leave.
WCT: Did you and Ellen discuss the Orlando
massacre when it happened last month?
ERW: She was one of the first people I contacted. I tried to make a point of reaching out
to a lot of my queer friends, because obviously
this is devastating for everyone, a blow to us all,
but I think it cuts a little bit deeper to those
who feel it could have been them. It’s devastating and we were shaken up by it, but I view
myself as a person who can stay strong in the
face of despair and ignorance.
This is one of those cases where I got really
scared and sad, but then angry in a good way
because it was motivation and inspiration. I’m
just done hiding. I’m done walking on eggshells,
and I think a lot of people feel that way but I
also have a desire to show and give people as
much love as possible.
WCT: Let’s shift gear to some lighter topics for a bit, shall we? Who are your current
celebrity crushes?
ERW: You know what? I met Jamie Lee Curtis
yesterday and I’ve got to say she is a babe! I
was so speechless and starstruck, and I’ve been
so in love with her for so long and she was even
more beautiful in person.
WCT: How about Nick Jonas, who has been
happy to court the gay boys as well as the
ERW: Oh, I don’t know enough about him and
what he’s doing!
WCT: Elizabeth Warren? Would you say yes
to a wine-and-cheese date with her?
ERW: I love her. Oh, hell yeah. She’s great.
WCT: And Bernie Sanders?
ERW: Sure! Can he bring the bird? [Laughs] I’d
date them all except Trump.
WCT: Are you Team Hillary?
ERW: Ummmm… As opposed to Trump?
[Laughs] I… Getting involved, politically, in
the press is very dangerous right now. I’m not
voting for Trump!
WCT: Whose life story would you most like
to play?
ERW: Janis Joplin. It’s a dream forever and
ever, and [the response is always] like, “Oh,
you’re too pretty.” Dude, movie magic! She’s just
incredible to me.
WCT: What can you tell me about your char-
acter in Westworld, and are there LGBT characters?
ERW: Absolutely. It’s based in the future, and
it’s going to be much more fluid [sexually], so
of course that’s there. My character is a “host.”
I think what’s going to be really cool about the
“hosts,” because we don’t like to use the word
robot, is they would be more fluid and genderless. It’s going to blow people’s minds.
The writing impresses me the most—it’s so
intricate, deep, an existential nightmare, and
very much based in reality. It’s set in the future
but based on real technology we’re developing
now, looking at the state of humanity and where
we’re at, what we consider entertainment, and
why we’re so attracted to darkness. It’s taking a
good, hard look at that.
WCT: As a mom of what you call “the raddest” son, what is your wish for your child’s
ERW: More tolerance, empathy, kindness and
communication. That’s a reason I had children.
Sometimes people think, “I’m not going to have
a kid because everything’s so messed up,” but
I felt here’s my chance to put something good
into the world, raise a good man and for him to
be the change. That’s a lot to put on him, but
that’s how it works.
July 13, 2016
at the
By Richard Knight, Jr.
I ain’t afraid of no (female) ghosts
The storm of controversy that has broken
over the heads of the filmmakers and cast of
the remake of Ghostbusters—which opens Friday, July 15—would seem to be the proverbial
tempest in a teapot. Having encountered the
original in 1984 and on a few occasions since,
I haven’t quite been able to fathom the depth
of the vitriol being flogged at the director of
the remake Paul Feig (Spy, Bridesmaids and TV’s
Freaks and Geeks) and others connected with
Sure, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Bill
Murray—who make up the trio of spirit-finders
in the movie (and who are later joined by a
fourth, played by Ernie Hudson)—are the essence of comedic ease (especially Murray).
And, yes, each character is so perfectly shaped
to the unique talents of the actor assigned
them that it’s a nonstop pleasure to watch
these funny guys amble through the movie. The
supporting parts played by Sigourney Weaver,
Rick Moranis and Annie Potts are equally wellcast. The plot—a mixture of comedy, horror
and romance—also seems to have something
for everyone.
But really, as enjoyable as the movie is, we’re
not dealing with a classic, right? And even if
we were, sooner or later almost every financially successful movie gets remade in one form
or another for a new generation of moviegoers. It’s that last variation—recasting the male
parts with female actors—that has enraged so
many internet posters, the majority of them
male. The trailer wasn’t enough of a laugh riot
to silence the doubters and, in fact, seems to
have had the opposite effect. The misogyny
inherent in all this grousing is impossible to
ignore an,d at this late date in our cultural
evolution, is frankly disgusting and more than
a little bit disappointing and sad.
As for me, I love that Ghostbusters has been
reimagined to showcase the insanely funny talents of Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie
Jones and out actor Kate McKinnon. Even if the
movie is only half good—and it wasn’t shown
to critics before Windy City Times deadlines—it
will be a refreshing change from the usual summer fare filled with testosterone-driven superhero flicks. That’s reason enough.
Update: Advance reviews from top critics—
male and female—surveyed via Rotten Tomatoes are skewing toward the positive.
Welcome to the doghouse
Ever since writer-director Todd Solondz broke
through to audiences in 1995 with the black
comedy sensation Welcome to the Dollhouse,
I’ve been waiting for him to do something
equally as compelling. The film—the story of
an ugly duckling teenage girl whose life is one
disappointment after another—captured that
elusive something that made Solondz a filmmaker to watch. I have gamely followed him in
the ensuing years as his dyspeptic view of life
and sour opinion of human behavior have increased tenfold, hoping for another Dollhouse.
Although nothing has ever lived up to his debut, Solondz’s unique vision is never less than
arresting. Many of his characters and situations
are frankly repulsive and the same holds true
for Wiener-Dog, his new film. But there’s also
the patented, absurdist black comedy that is a
hallmark of all his movies.
This one follows a series of indignities a
From left: Melissa McCarthy,
Kate McKinnon, Kristen Wiig and
Leslie Jones in Ghostbusters.
dachshund suffers as it’s passed from family to
family. (Dog lovers are warned to stay far, far
away from the movie). The typical summing-up
of a Solondz film applies to Wiener-Dog, which
features a stellar line-up of actors—Julie Delphy, Danny DeVito and Ellyn Burstyn, among
them. You either get Solondz or you don’t.
The film opens at the Music Box Theatre, 3733
N. Southport Ave., on Friday, July 15. Solondz
will be there in person for a Q&A on Saturday,
July 16.
Upcoming movie calendar
Highlights from films (alphabetized by date)
opening in Chicago, July 15 and 22 (some descriptions come from studio press materials).
Ghostbusters (July 15): See details above.
Wiener-Dog (July 15): See details above.
Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie (July 22):
Patsy and Edina—those two hard-partying
London-based “sweetie, sweetie, darlings” who
took the world (and just about every gay bar’s
TV set) by storm in the early ‘90s—are back in
this large-screen romp. Jennifer Saunders and
Joanna Lumley return as Pats and Eddy, respectively, and the wisecracks, zingers and sight
gags are sure to flow faster than the “champers.” The plot springs from the accidental
drowning by Eddy of supermodel Kate Moss in
the Thames. Comic mayhem, no doubt, ensues.
Cafe Society (July 22)—Looking for an
exciting career, young Bobby Dorfman leaves
New York for the glitz and glamour of 1930s
Hollywood. After landing a job with his uncle,
Bobby falls for Vonnie, a charming woman who
happens to be his employer’s mistress. Settling
for friendship but ultimately heartbroken, Bobby returns to the Bronx and begins working in a
nightclub. Everything falls into place when he
finds romance with a beautiful socialite, until
Vonnie walks back into his life and captures his
heart once again. The latest from Woody Allen
stars Kristen Stewart, Jesse Eisenberg, Blake
Lively, Steve Carell and Corey Stoll.
Equals (July 22)—Two Kristen Stewart movies in one week! In this one, Nia (Kristen Stewart) and Silas (played by super-hottie Nicholas
Hoult) begin a forbidden and passionate romance in a futuristic society where emotions
have been outlawed, leading them to attempt
a dangerous escape.
Star Trek Beyond (July 22)—The Star Trek
movie franchise reboot returns with a third edition that looks to be pretty darn snazzy. Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) and his logical number
two, Spock (out actor Zachary Quinto), along
with the rest of the crew of the SS Enterprise,
find themselves facing a deadly alien threat
when they are stranded on a hostile planet.
The big news, of course, is that Sulu’s character is not only gay but he’s got a husband and
a child, presumably awaiting back on earth.
Although actor/LGBT-rights activist George
Takei, the original Sulu, has gone on record
that he would have preferred a new character
of the queer persuasion, Simon Pegg, who cowrote the screenplay and returns as crew member Scotty, respectfully disagrees. Either way,
I’m now even more psyched to go Trekking. The
movie also co-stars the late young actor Anton
The Witness (July 22)—You may think that
you know the story, until this powerful, multilayered documentary reveals the stories behind
the story.
The original story is the emblematic, oftrepeated 1964 incident in which 28-year-old
Kitty Genovese, a lesbian, was stabbed to
death outside a Queens, New York, apartment building while 38 witnesses sat by and
did nothing. There is also the story of Genovese herself, whose life was overshadowed by
her death and—central to this film—there is
the story of her brother Bill, whose life was
profoundly affected by his sister’s death and
whose obsessive quest for the truth knits together the film’s various layers into a compel-
ling narrative. http://www.siskelfilmcenter.
Looking: The Movie (July 23)—The end is
here for out writer/director Andrew Haigh’s
HBO series about a group of gay men in San
Francisco—the sweet but commitment-shy
Patrick (the criminally talented gay actor Jonathan Groff), drug-addled best friend Augustin
(Frankie J. Alvarez) and Dom (Murray Bartlett),
the muscular, bearish elder statesman of the
trio. Haigh’s naturalistic approach—which
found critical favor in his sublime gay romantic film Weekend—caught the fancy of many
viewers (this one included) but bored many
more to tears, hence the series cancellation after two seasons. So now, with the film, all the
loose ends are going to be wrapped up in this
85-minute film finale.
‘TLC Block Party’
in Chicago July 16
The TLC Block Party will take place at Stadium Green at Soldier Field on Saturday, July
16, 12-5 p.m.
Trans teen Jazz Jennings (along with her
parents) is slated to attend, along with such
individuals as Randy Fenoli of Say Yes to the
Dress and Long Island Medium’s Theresa Caputo.
The event is free. RSVP at https://www.
‘HRC Family Day at
the Beach’ July 16
Comedian Gwen La Roka.
Photo by Jerry Nunn
Comedians perform
for a cause
On July 7, comedians came out for a good
cause at The Laugh Factory Chicago to raise
money for The Center Orlando, an LGBT center aiding the survivors and victims’ families
of the June 12 Pulse Nightclub shooting in
Orlando, Florida.
The night was hosted by Scott Duff, who
was surrounded by LGBT funny people and
their supporters; they included Martin Morrow, Natalie Jose, Elyse Nylin, Seth Davis,
Eric Lewis-Baker and Gwen La Rocka.
It was night of controversial subjects, like
police brutality and shootings. However, the
comedians navigated things well, even engaging in sexual humor and audience participation along the way.
There were also raffles throughout the evening for Broadway in Chicago tickets and VIP
packages to the venue.
Chigaygo continues the first Thursday of
every month. See
Text by Jerry Nunn; see more photos at
“HRC Family Day at the Beach” will take
place Saturday, July 16, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m.,
at Foster Avenue Beach, 5200 N. Lake Shore
Attendees will meet families of all ages
and other supporters. There will be food, fun,
games and an opportunity to learn about
Human Rights Campaign’s efforts to improve
the lives of families in Illinois and across the
Admission is free, but there is a $10 suggested donation. See https://www.facebook.
Profiles Theatre
closes after charges
Chicago’s Profiles Theatre, which occupied
the space at 4147 N. Broadway, has closed
its doors.
The development came after the Chicago
Reader published a lenghty article detailing
numerous allegations of abuse at the theater
by performers who’d worked there over the
past few decades. The article, in particular,
named director Darrell W. Cox.
The Chicago Reader article is at http://
July 13, 2016
Steven Tyler.
PR photo
Steven Tyler climbs
‘Out on a Limb’
by Jerry Nunn
Rock icon Steven Tyler is taking his new solo
album out on the road, with a Chicago stop
planned. “Love Is Your Name” is his first single
from his debut country solo record, We’re All
Somebody From Somewhere.
The “Demon of Screamin’” will be forever
known for his antics and vocal gymnastics
as part of the band Aerosmith for more than
45 years. A steady strings of radio hits has
kept the band in the spotlight over time from
“Dream On” to “Walk This Way” to “Sweet Emotion.”
His television appearances have been memorable from judging American Idol to recently
on the series Nashville as himself. He narrates
an upcoming episode on Discovery Channel’s
newest series Hello World.
Aerosmith plans a farewell tour in 2017, but
first he heads out on his own for his Out on a
Limb Tour.
Windy City Times took part in a recent press
conference that featured Tyler.
Question: What can you tell our readers
about your upcoming solo tour?
Steven Tyler: It’s called Out on a Limb. It
[kicked] off July 2 at the Venetian in Vegas. It’s
the most phenomenal band called Loving Mary
that I get to sing with. There are 20 stops on
the tour that runs through Sept. 13.
Question: With the tour being called Out
on a Limb, do you feel you are putting yourself out there a bit by going solo?
ST: It kind of started when the band started
putting little snippets in the press about lead
singers and I’m not doing this and that. There
were just little things every now and then that
people in the band were saying about me doing
a solo project.
I’ve always jumped into things with both
feet, whether it was an Aerosmith album or
this thing. I came to Nashville and rented a
house. Now I just bought a house so I’m living
in Nashville full on. It’s a musical mecca. It was
very scary in the beginning.
Question: Will this solo show be different
from an Aerosmith concert?
ST: I’m doing a bunch of songs that I wrote
for Aerosmith like “Janie’s Got a Gun” and
“Dream On.” It’s more about the country songs
and I get a chance to story tell.
With Aerosmith, the audience pays a lot of
money. It’s 20,000 of them out there. They
want to hear the hits and we got to bang one
to the other. I love it, it keeps me young. But
I also like telling a little story and not being
afraid to talk about the music business.
Question: Did you enjoy your time on
American Idol?
ST: My biggest role was sitting next to Randy
Jackson and, particularly, J.Lo. I fell so in love
with her and she knew it and we made each
other blush a lot of times. I loved that. I loved
being next to her and feeling her love. She’s a
very strong woman and beautiful and I was enamored by her and her smarts for music. I think
she’s a dynamic musician and singer and dancer. I got such joy out of talking with Randy.
Randy Jackson is such a great TV personality.
They’re out of their mind at American Idol
for letting him go. But it’s TV, so it really had
nothing to do with them seeing that they really had something. They went on to other
things and now they’re off the air, so it’s sad.
I feel happy that I was part of something that
I knew was working so great. At one point, we
had like 40 million people watching that show.
Question: How was writing your song for
SpongeBob the Musical?
ST: We were in South America somewhere and
the offer came in and it was like, “Oh shit, really? Right now?” I mean, Joe Perry’s a genius.
I can sit with him anywhere and he just starts
noodling and diddling on the guitar and he’ll
come up with a riff that turns into a classic,
all-time thingy. Just he and I sat down for a
couple hours and came up with “Bikini Bottom
Now keep in mind, that’s allowed today.
What kind of world do we live in? Nine year
olds are singing about bikini bottoms. Geez,
and here I am thinking I’m the only one that
loves that part.
Question: Can you talk about your androgynous sense of fashion?
ST: Well, okay, everybody thinks that Mick
Jagger and I have so much in common. Yes,
I loved him. I loved him to death. I couldn’t
believe he’s the baddest boy on the block when
the Stones came out. Nobody did anything like
that. But there was somebody here in America
that was doing it at the same time—that was
Janis Joplin, and I loved Janis Joplin to death.
I have never been afraid to show my androgynous side because I live through music. It’s interesting—you can hear a rock song that might
sound feminine. I think music is very feminine.
In fact, being a male, I’ve got 70-percent feminine in me that I live through, you know. I’ve
got three daughters and a beautiful son and I
live through female through my fashions, my
hair, and the way I dress.
It just goes along with the music—the Aerosmith music. It always has. So I dress to fit the
vibe and “sting like a bee,” did he say, and “fly
like a butterfly” and all that great stuff. So I’m
proud to say that I can do that and I live by it
and I love it and all of that.
Tyler rocks it at The Chicago Theatre, 175
N. State St.,on Saturday, Aug. 13, at 8 p.m.
Tickets can be found at and
©2016 Blue Chip Casino. Must be 21 years of age or older with a valid state or government issued photo ID to attend concert. Doors
open 1 hour prior to show time. Other restrictions apply. Don’t let the game get out of hand. For assistance call 800-994-8448.
July 13, 2016
the DISH
Weekly Dining Guide in
Dolce Italian
From its décor down to its music, Dolce Italian,
located at the Godfrey Hotel (127 W. Huron St.;, knows how to do
modernized Italian-style cuisine.
The restaurant has been open for about a year
now and if you’re trying to avoid busy lunch
spots, this might be the place for you.
When one goes for Italian food, that person
typically expects to receive a hearty, carb-filled
dish. While the food was definitely filled with delicious carbs, Dolce Italian makes it its mission
to keep the dishes rather light. In order to in-
By marc ‘moose’ moder
The new girls
of summer
Once you’ve had a year filled with new
Beyonce, Rihanna, Ariana Grande, an abundance
of Adele, and anticipated new releases by Lady
Gaga and Barbra Streisand, you might need a
break from the major-label divas and choose to
seek out some new and fresh female sounds.
Hooked on Seinabo Sey* and you’ve already
forgotten most of Rihanna’s anti-pop ANTI LP?
Wondering how to fill the void left by Sade and
Lauryn Hill’s illusiveness? Check out Iyeoka’s
Gold. The Nigerian-American started out as a
poet in the previous decade, slowly working
more music into her sound, and now, after a
six year wait, she’s a full-fledged singer whose
poetry influences her singing style. Gold is
still heavily influenced by Caribbean and Afro
sounds, but Iyeoka’s sound branches out to
corners reminiscent of the aforementioned Ms.
Hill, Amy Winehouse, and especially the lighter
side of Nina Simone. Gold might suffer at times
from too many ideas being tossed at the wall
(much like Rihanna’s early work), but in the
end, this Gold has some worthy nuggets.
With classic late ‘80s outfit Book of Love
back on tour with new music and The Cure
putting on their best tour in decades, nostalgia
corporate this concept, menus are kept seasonal.
Delicate, yet fulfilling—just the right combination for a lunch menu.
I got the pleasure of trying Dolce Italian’s
lunch menu, family-style.
My dining partners and I ordered the fettuccine al pesto, the meatball parmigiana panini,
the eggplant parmigiano and Dolce Italian’s infamous “star-shaped” pizza, which isn’t on the
menu but can be ordered when requested. (This
little-known dish secretly excited me.)
The waiter was particularly attentive and the
food didn’t take long to come out.
My favorite dishes were the fettuccine al pesto
and the “star-shaped” pizza. The fettucine was
especially savory, coated with fresh shrimp and
The pizza (also known as the Startufata pizza)
captured my attention for obvious reasons: its
look and exclusivity although the taste does
lives up to the hype. This cheese-stuffed crust
pizza is topped with spicy salami and is easy to
eat and share with others. It is sure to leave
a good impression with your taste buds as well
as your Instagram followers (the perfect foodie
Dolce Italian’s
PR photo
I’d recommend the eggplant parmigiano (fior
di latte mozarella, san marzano tomatoes) and
the meatball parmigiana (dolce meatballs alla
parmigiana, tomato gravy) as well. Both of
which were delicious and well-cooked.
As for dessert, I chose to keep it simple and
classic by ordering Dolce’s amazing Nutella-fla-
vored gelato, which also comes in other assorted
flavors. This was the perfect end to a great meal.
The only setback Dolce Italian may have is its
pricey menu for such small portions. However,
I highly recommend Dolce Italian for its tasty,
Italian gems, speedy service and contemporary
for the darker edge of synth is back. Fans of
Siouxsie, Xymox, Japan and early Dead Can
Dance MUST get out and find Cult Club’s Play
With Lies. The romantic and professional duo
of Sally Dige Jørgensen and Laslo Antal (Sixth
June) go deep into the sound of these mid-’80s
heroes without sounding as if they’re winkingly
stealing or spoofing; rather, they come off
as a duo who truly misses the stripped down
simplicity of vintage drum machines, keyboards
and fret bass enough to make their own salve.
But don’t let the comparisons lead you down
a dark path: Play With Lies carries all for the
dance floor DNA we often forget came with
that era.
Since jettisoning the last of the non-Wilson
members of Heart, Ann and Nancy have
struggled to put together quality new music.
With Beautiful Broken, Heart is back with
its strongest collection since 1993’s sorely
overlooked rock masterpiece, Desire Walks On.
Choosing to go off the major label grid and
dump long time bassist Howard Leese, Heart
hasn’t found a strong voice in 20+ years. Now
some of their mojo is back, especially when they
rock like old on songs like “Heaven,” “I Jump”
and the James Hetfield (Metallica)-assisted
title track. Where they still falter is trying for
new “These Dreams”-style slow clunkers that
show the chinks in their underproduced armor.
Heart, despite the talent, needs outside writers
and production, but this is a great step back to
their heyday.
Whether established classics, new takes on
retro sounds or brand-new emerging talent,
check out these worthy independent acts
basking in the summer sun just off the mainstream.
*If you had to Google her, shame on you. So
Moose will be spinning all his favorite
summer indie acts all night long at this
week’s Otter at The SoFo Tap, 4923 N. Clark
St., 9 p.m. - 2 a.m.
Being heard at OUTSPOKEN!, Sidetrack’s monthly storytelling event, Tue., July 5.
Photos by Bryan Smith
July 13, 2016
“OK, Sheryl, don’t sing unless you have to.”—
Loretta Devine onstage with co-stars Sheryl
Lee Ralph and Jennifer Holliday at the special
35th-anniversary reunion of Dreamgirls. But she
said it with love, as old friends often do.
While I was frolicking at the Filth2Go Beach
House in Provincetown on Independence Day,
a gay man was being arrested at the beach in
Queens, New York. Apparently, Jacob Riis Park is
a popular place for gays who can’t make it to
Ptown or Fire Island. According to reports, Krys
Fox was wearing only a towel while taking photos of a friend. (Allegedly, his bathing suit was
drying in the sun.) At one point, his towel accidentally dropped. Fox said, “I just didn’t wrap
my towel around my waist tight enough and it
suddenly slipped down and I literally got sent
to jail for it.”
However Sgt. David Somma of the U.S. Park
Police says that Fox was “standing there fully
nude taking pictures of his friend—officers observed him for a minute or two standing there.
They walked over to him, asked him to put his
towel back around his waist or get dressed, and
he refused. They asked him again. They asked if
he would walk with officers to another group of
gentlemen getting tickets for urinating in public.
He refused.” The police were going to issue him
a ticket, but Fox failed to produce any ID (he lost
it at NYC Pride). Somma continued, “He refused
to sit down on the beach and put a towel on himself. The most he would have received was a summons for public nudity, but he refused to cooperate, became combative, making a nuisance of
himself, drawing attention to himself. So he was
arrested and charged with disorderly conduct.”
But Fox wasn’t just arrested—he was physically carried off the beach by a phalanx of no fewer
than 11 policemen. Once they got to the edge of
the beach, they laid him on the sand, cuffed him,
hoisted him up, and put him in the back of the
squad car while Fox cried, “Help me!” Although
I’m sure laws were broken, did it really require 11
cops? It seems, dare I say, like overkill. Judge for
yourself on
The night this column went out, the original
Dreamgirls—Sheryl Lee Ralph, Loretta Devine
and Jennifer Holliday—reunited at the Ford
Amphitheatre in Los Angeles for a special celebration of the musical’s 35th anniversary. The
evening, produced by Chris Isaacson, started
with a bang as each lady entered to thunderous
applause and immediately launched into the title
song—earning the first of many standing ovations. This special moment was, alas, a highlight
that was rarely matched in a night that provided
numerous great solo performances but precious
few opportunities for the trio to interact. In fact,
aside from the opening, they only sang together
on “Family,” which closed the show.
On the positive side, Holliday sang all three of
Effie’s solos, while Devine sang Lorelle’s “Ain’t No
Party” and “Listen” from the film. Since Deena
doesn’t really have a song in the musical, Sheryl
Lee sang “Gonna Be My Time”—which was replaced on Broadway by “One Night Only.” Later,
Holliday sang the slow version of “One Night
Only,” which was followed by the disco version
sung by Ralph, Devine and Sharon Brown (who
was a replacement Effie on Broadway and on
tour). One of the highlights came when Kenny
Lattimore explained how seeing the show made
him realize that his ambition of being a singer
was not a dream: “When I first saw you, I said,
Sheryl Lee Ralph (above) reunited with the
original Dreamgirls cast recently.
PR photo
‘Oh my, that’s a dream,’” Kenny sang to Sheryl,
which led to a performance of the full scene. It
was one of the few times the audience got an
idea of the magic this musical delivered 35 years
One of the most egregious omissions was the
famous dressing room scene before “And I Am
Telling You.” If the original trio sang “Heavy”
and continued through the end of the first act,
the night would have gone down in history. Quibbles aside, it should be noted that this sold-out
event raised money for Ralph’s DIVA Foundation
and The Actors Fund. As a benefit, performers
were paid little more than an honorarium and,
therefore, had limited rehearsal time—particularly damaging to the core trio since Miss Holliday doesn’t live in LA. Kudos to some special
friends who also performed, including Wilson
Cruz, Matt Zarley and the incomparable Frenchie
Davis, who kicked ass with “I Love You, I Do,”
from the film. It should go without saying that
highlights from this special concert can be found
Someone who wasn’t there was Jenifer Lewis,
who played Effie during one of the pre-Broadway
workshops of Dreamgirls. Since the Black-ish star
is on safari in Africa, she couldn’t sing “The New
Girl”—a song originally sung by Michelle in the
dressing room scene when she’s confronted by
Effie. Before Jenifer became the African Queen,
she recorded the song, and we are thrilled to
bring you her rendition exclusively on
Barry in Las Vegas asks our brief “Ask Billy”
question: “Ben Affleck shot a nude scene as Batman? Is that true?”
Well, not so much a nude scene as an ass
scene. In the cut footage, Affleck is seen from
the back in the shower. This seems to be the
perfect bookend to Gone Girl, where he was seen
from the front in the shower. Both scenes can be
found on
When we’re bringing you Ben Affleck from both
angles, it’s time to end yet another column. You
know what might be fun? To compare Affleck’s
ass today to its 1995 appearance in Glory Daze.
And I’ll give you a hint—it’s held up quite well.
In fact, I think it may be better today than it was
more than 20 years ago. And that’s just a taste
of the in-depth reporting you’ll find on www.—the site that leaves no ass
unturned. If you have something you’d like me
to look into, drop a note to Billy@BillyMasters.
com, and I promise to get back to you before the
40th anniversary of Dreamgirls! Until next time,
remember: One man’s filth is another man’s bible.
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Ride for AIDS culminates
with emotional festival
BY Carrie Maxwell
The 13th annual Test Positive Aware Network
(TPAN) Ride for AIDS Chicago fundraiser ended
its two-day weekend event with a festival July
10 at Leahy Park in Evanston, Illinois.
The event began in Evanston with a two-day,
200 mile ride, and ended at Leahy Park. This
year, TPAN added a one-day, 100 mile ride that
took place July 10. Riders camped overnight in
Elkhorn, Wisconsin, and those who participated in the 100-mile ride began their trek there.
About 200 riders, 85 crew and 15 volunteers
participated in the race. Riders raised about
$500,000 in unrestricted funds to be used for
a variety of programs as well as operational
In addition to the individual and team riders,
a riderless bike traveled the 200 miles to honor
those who’ve already died of AIDS. Riders who
are HIV-positive wore orange bandanas to signify their status.
As each rider/team crossed the finish line,
TPAN staff and the executive committee mem-
bers rang bells. All riders/teams received participation medals.
TPAN CEO Patti Capouch told Windy City
Times about the remarks she made ahead of
the ride and the opening message U.S. Rep.
(and U.S. Senate candidate) Tammy Duckworth
sent along.
“People think HIV/AIDS has gone away or
it’s a chronic disease that they don’t have to
think much about anymore, but when you think
about the stigma surrounding this disease, you
don’t have to look further than Charlie Sheen,
who paid $10 million to keep it quiet—so it’s
still an issue,” said Capouch. “This ride helps
because it provides a dialogue across the LGBTQ and straight communities to eliminate the
stigma of those with HIV. This year, half of our
riders are new and the 100 mile option opened
the door to riders who didn’t have as much
time to train but wanted to participate.”
WGN reporter Sean Lewis was this year’s emcee.
“I emceed this event a few years ago and
what I took away from it was its message of
Ride For AIDS riders lead a riderless bike in a memorial procession.
Photos by Carrie Maxwell
put into completing this event,” Capouch told
the crowd. “ It’s been a devastatingly emotional time in our country’s history. Your presence
here today is about enacting change. … I want
all of you to keep creating change for those
the top fundraising teams: Team TPAN, Team
Cheetah, Team Fred, Team J-Cats and Team
Touche as well as the top ten individual fundraisers: James Summers, Dr. Robert Garafalo,
Carl Branch, Scott Cook, Yvette Pryor, Shannon
Left to right: TPAN CEO Patti Capouch; Team Touche and Team TPAN Top Five fundraising teams; 11-time rider Ald. Ariel Reboyras.
A rider celebrates.
empowerment,” said Lewis. “For so long, especially when I was younger, having HIV was
like having cancer in the 1950s. No one talked
about it and it was something that was feared.
Showcasing HIV-positive people who are leading healthy full lives and able to ride 200 miles
inspires me on any given day to do my best. I
was honored to participate when they asked me
to come back this year.”
Ahead of Capouch’s remarks, Lewis recognized the crew and volunteers and read the
names of the participating teams as they
walked the procession route.
“I’m so proud of all of you and the work you
living with HIV or those who’ve experience oppression of any kind; be it the color of their
skin, their gender or whom they love.”
TPAN executive committee member and team
captain chair Mark Franklin spoke about the
meaning of the riderless bike as a procession
with the bike passed by attendees.
Eleven-time rider and Ald. Ariel Reboyras read
Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s proclamation about the
event. Reboyras and a number of other aldermen, including every LGBT city council member, also signed the proclamation.
Following Reboyras’ remarks, TPAN staff
member and ride boss Gary Nelson announced
Cunningham, Greg Schweickert, Mark Sumpter,
Patrick Lannon and John Paul Lawless.
The top individual fundraisers each received
a Tyr backpack as a gift from TPAN in recognition of the money they raised.
Rehab specialists from Aligned Modern
Health were on hand to work on the riders’
muscles after they finished the race. New Belgium Brewery provided free beer for the riders
and crew and Essentia water donated 200 cases
of water for festival attendees.
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July 13, 2016
games. In between audience members
can play Game of Neighborhoods. $15
table seats cost $20. 21+ 8:00pm The
Public House Theatre 3914 N. Clark St.
Wed., July 13
Saturday, July 16
I Wanna Be A Producer: How to Make a
Killing on Broadway … or Get Killed
The League of Chicago Theatres will
host a speaking engagement and book
signing event with author John Breglio
for this new book. Free and open to the
public. Reservations required. 7:00pm
Goodman Theatre 170 N Dearborn St
Adele Sold out. 7:30pm United Center
1901 W Madison Ave Chicago Tickets:
AChurch4Me MCC Senior Connection
Identify as “Senior” looking for other
LGBT seniors? This group gathers for
lunch each month to meet new people,
offer support, and connect with social
and service agencies as needed. Hosted by Seniors for Seniors, no need to
prove age, just show up and enjoy food
and conversation. 1:00pm - 2:30pm
AChurch4Me MCC, 7366 N Clark St, Chicago
Friday, July 15
Through July 17
Thursday, July 14
Amending America: LGBTQ Human and
Civil Rights Modesto Tico Valle, CEO
of Center on Halsted, and Jim Gardner,
Executive for Legislative Archives, Presidential Libraries, and Museum Services
for the National Archives, will speak.
The Youth Empowerment Performance
Project (YEPP) will perform “Making It
Home,” followed by a discussion with
the performers and YEPP director Bonsai
Bermudez. 5:30pm Center on Halsted
3656 N Halsted Chicago https://www.
Staceyann Chin’s
Motherstruck! is ending its
run at Greenhouse
Theater Center.
Bisexual Trans Queer Book Discussion
Tommy’s Tale by Alan Cumming. Tommy
is twenty-nine, lives and loves in London, and has a morbid fear of the c word
(commitment), the b word (boyfriend),
and the f word (forgetting to call his
drug dealer before the weekend). But
when he begins to feel the urge to become a father, he starts to wonder if
his chosen lifestyle can ever make him
happy. 7:00pm - 9:00pm Gerber Hart
Library and Archives 6500 N Clark St
Bye Bye Liver: The Chicago Drinking Play
New cast has all-new sketch comedy and
Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance
(LGBTQ) Support meeting to talk about
illnesses, symptoms, treatment, doctors, and personal issues such as dating,
relationships and work. Every Saturday.
11:00am - 12:30pm Center on Halsted
3656 N Halsted St.,
National Archives LGBTQ Human and
Civil Rights special event: At Chicago
History Museum all day, featuring 2012
inaugural poet Richard Blanco. Starts
9:30 am, panelists from Chicago and
across the U.S. including Kim Hunt,
Mary Morten, Jim Bennett, Tyrone Hanley, Dale Carpenter, Naomi Goldberg,
Imani Rupert-Gordon, Abbe Land, Myles
Brady, Precious Davis, Owen DanielMcCarter and Sarah McBride. https://
MSI After Hours: Brick Bash Adults only
LEGO themed night at the museum. In
partnership with WBEZ Chicago. Listen
to a live “General Admission” podcast
taping with Adam Reed Tucker, $30
7:00pm - 10:00pm Museum of Science
and Industry 5700 S Lake Shore Dr. Chicago Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.
Motherstruck! Staceyann Chin’s epic
personal journey opens 12-play series
of solo performances. Through July 17.
Greenhouse Theater Center
2257 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago 773-4047336
Sunday, July 17
W.A.C.T. “The Friends and Family Picnic” WACT brunch and social support
organization for all lesbians and bi-
sexual women across ethnicities, ages,
incomes, etc. No one in particular is in
charge. Bring dishes to share. 10:00am
- 6:00pm Washington Park 55th and
Russell Dr ( across from the Refactory
and Pool House).
aChurch4Me Sunday Worship Service A
place to find peace, comfort and always
needed prayer. 11:00am AChurch4Me
MCC, 7366 N Clark St, Chicago http://
Teen Book Group: Talk Nerdy to Me The
Gerber/Hart library has designated every third Sunday of the month, from 2-4
pm, as Teen Time. During this time the
library is open only for teens ages 1318 to discuss LGBTQ books, movies and
‘zines and also do crafts and other activities. This week: love cosplay, timelords,
or D&D? Come celebrate all things fandom. 2:00pm - 4:00pm Gerber Hart
Library and Archives 6500 N Clark St
Chicago (773) 381-8030 http://www.
Asians & Friends Dining Club Monthly
event. RSVP by July 14. 7:00pm Golden Bull Restaurant, 242 W. Cermack,
Chicago 312-409-1573 http://www.
Silver Soiree Children’s Place Association
Junior Board toasts 25 years of helping
Chicago youth with an evening full of
live music by Chicago Funk Mafia, cocktails, appetizers, silent auction and a
few surprises. Cocktail attire. $90. or
$110. at door. Questions to
7:30pm 11:00pm Chez, 247 East Ontario St.,
Monday, July 18
Chicago Women’s Health Center 4th Annual Revolutionary Healthcare Fundraiser Music from DJ Black Gold and
raffle prizes from local favorites such as
Ravinia, The Second City, Lillstreet Art
Center, The Logan Theater, and more.
$45-$65 includes unlimited beer and
Family Law
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appetizers. Info at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Revolution Brewing Brewpub, 2323 N.
Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago 773-9356126 x229 Tickets:
Salonathon Five-Year Anniversary Home
for underground, emerging and genredefying art, engine for experimental
work, inclusive creative community,
and great party. Every Monday curated,
thematic nights of all manner of performance too inherently original to describe. Free. 21+. Performances 8 pm.
Dance party till 2 am. 7:00pm - 2:00am
Beauty Bar Chicago 1444 W. Chicago
Ave. Chicago https://www.facebook.
Tuesday, July 19
Game Night Bring yourself, some friends,
and a board game to share! There is
a TV available for anyone who prefers
video games. Just bring your own system, games, controllers, etc. This event
is free and open to people of all ages.
Limited free parking is available in the
parking lot on the north side of the
building. 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Hart Library and Archives, 6500 N Clark
St Chicago
Thursday, July 21
Double-Dutch: An Exhibition by Sam
Kirk Tunes by DJ Demchuk. Drinks by
Arbor. Kirk shares her experience bouncing between Chicago and Brooklyn,
self-funding her own “residency” with
a second studio and home in Brooklyn to immerse herself in culture, fall
in love, and explore the layers of her
multiracial and queer identity. Through
Aug. 30 7:00pm - 10:00pm IPaintMyMind Gallery 2545 W Diversey, Chicago
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