UNIT 3 - Sonseekers
UNIT 3 - Sonseekers
STUDENT HANDBOOK UNIT 3 From Aaron‛s Rod to Eli LEVEL THREE Ba m a a l an d h is Do n ke y u a . m o .c AGES 8-10 god’s people enter a new land Name: I RUTH, NAOM AND BOAZ RY A LOVE STO See more at www.sonseekers.com.au Student Handbook - Unit 3 Level Three Student Handbook Contents Welcome to Sonseekers............. 1 A note to parents....................... 2 Publisher’s note......................... 3 Unit 3 (Lessons 33-48): 33. Aaron’s rod............................... 4 Welcome to Sonseekers … 34. Moses hits the rock................... 6 35. The bronze serpent................... 8 36. Balaam and his ass................ 10 37. Joshua and Rahab.................. 12 38. Crossing the Jordan, Jericho.................................... 14 39. The sin of Achan..................... 16 40. The sun stands still................. 18 41. Gideon’s fleece....................... 20 42. Gideon and his army.............. 22 43. Samson................................... 24 44. Samson and Delilah............... 26 45. Ruth, Naomi and Boaz........... 28 46. Hannah................................... 30 47. Samuel hears God speak........ 32 48. Eli, Hophni and Phinehas...... 34 Curriculum Outline................ 36 Published by Dear Parents Welcome to Sonseekers, a Sunday School Program designed to give children a sound background in Biblical events, people and places. We trust that you, and your child, are blessed by participation in this program. The curriculum has been produced by over 100 people who have voluntarily given of their time and talents to write, draw and create activities, as well as to edit, review and proof-read. We deeply appreciate the commitment and love shown by all who have contributed to this project. The benefit and blessing to children, as they learn about God’s life and love, is a testimony to their faithfulness. However, the real key to children knowing God as their Father lies with their families. As parents train their children in God’s way, they begin to experience the reality of the Father’s love for themselves. The Sonseekers program is designed to support and encourage family life and order. The Student Handbook is a feature of the program, offering follow up activities and daily devotions, which you may wish to use in your own family devotions. visionone inc May God bless and guide you as you share the Lord’s life with your child. 10 Old Goombungee Rd If you wish to know more about the Sonseekers program, please contact the publishers on the numbers listed. ABN 37 430 685 890 Toowoomba Qld 4350 Australia Phone: 1300 885 048 Yours in Christ Fax: 1300 728 293 Email: info@visionone.org.au Web: www.visionone.org.au ©All rights reserved The Sonseekers Team July 2009 Introduction Student Handbook - Level Three Page 1 A note to parents about the Sonseekers materials . . . Timeline What are the Sonseekers materials? 4000BC 2500BC 2000BC 1900BC 1800BC 1750BC 1360BC 1280BC 1240BC 1220BC 1100BC 1070BC 1063BC 1020BC 980BC 940BC 900BC 839BC 814BC 749BC 662BC 576BC 540BC 527BC 457BC 4BC 26AD 28AD 29AD 30AD 33AD 45AD 60AD The Sonseekers Sunday School materials are a four year course of 128 Bible lessons. The lessons are written with the twin aims of teaching the students an accurate chronology of Biblical events and also drawing from each lesson pastoral points relevant to the age and stage of each child. They are written at four levels to cover from pre-school to 12+ age groups. The 128 lessons are organised into 8 units, each of sixteen lessons. The table below indicates the suitable age group for each level: Page 2 Creation Adam and Eve The Fall Noah The Flood Tower of Babel Abraham Isaac Esau and Jacob Joseph Moses Exodus from Egypt and Journeys Joshua Entry into and Conquest of Land Judges Gideon Samson Samuel Saul as King David as King Solomon as King Kingdom Divided Elijah Emerges; Mt Carmel Jehoshaphat Elisha’s Ministry Jonah Hezekiah; Isaiah Josiah Daniel taken to Babylon Exile into Babylon Restoration from Babylon Birth of Jesus Baptism of Jesus Call of Disciples Feeding of 5000 Parables Miracles; Transfiguration Raising of Lazarus Parables Palm Sunday Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection Day of Pentecost Peter’s Ministry Conversion of Paul Paul’s Missionary Journeys Paul as Prisoner to Rome Sonseekers Level Level One Level Two Level Three Level Four Student Age 4 - 5 6 - 7 8 - 10 11 – 12+ School Level Kindergarten, Prep Lower Primary Middle Primary Upper Primary What’s in my Sonseekers Level Three Student Handbook? Each Level Three Student Handbook contains sixteen homework activities and sixteen “My Own Page” sections, relevant for the age of your child. Each homework activity page comprises: ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ the title of the lesson; the Bible reference for each lesson; an activity related to some aspect of the lesson; the memory verse to be learnt from the lesson. …/cont’d Student Handbook - Level Three Introduction . . . note to parents . . . How do I help my child use the Student’s Handbook? The following suggestions are then made with regard to using the book. After each lesson ♦♦ Make sure that your child learns the memory verse from the lesson. ♦♦ Have the child read the Bible passage for the lesson again or read it to him/her. The reference is provided in the header on the homework activity page. All Scripture references are taken from the New King James Version (1983 edition). ♦♦ Discuss the story with the child and ask them what they learnt from the story. ♦♦ Link the activity that the teacher used to the story so that the significance of the activity is clear to the students. ♦♦ Set regular times each week for the child to complete the homework activity and daily devotions. ♦♦ Give your child as much help and encouragement as they need to complete these tasks. This is an opportunity to fellowship in the word of God with your child! ♦♦ Ensure that your child brings the handbook to class so that the teacher can check the homework and mark the following week’s memory verse. ♦♦ Encourage your child to read ahead for the next lesson. May God bless you and guide you as parents as you help your children in this way! Publisher’s note: The publisher wishes to acknowledge the use of clip art from Coreldraw, Clickart, Bible View Clip Art by Pastoral Computer Services and Logos Bible Clips. The publisher gives permission for artwork masters to be photocopied for the use of the students in the Sonseekers classes. However, no other part of this publication may be produced or transmitted in any form without permission in writing from the publisher. Introduction Student Handbook - Level Three Page 3 Aaron’s rod Numbers 16 & 17 To find the memory verses start at the for memory verse one and the*for memory verse two, and draw a line through each of the letters making up the words in the verse. The letters are in the correct order and are connected to each other up or down, diagonally or to the left or right. Within each verse, do not cross any line you have previously made and use each letter only once. QH I SC N T P E T O B K S T M C R E L T K R I K M P P HHD R H K U WD F O U P I O D P G K W T WO X R K G Q E N P Y G A I T T D B E A T U O R E T MN D P R WN K NA H P A Y D S U A S I S A B O MA P R D A I Y O I P K Z O E H T A UM I N O E H B S W Y G F Y Y OWD J T P S Q T J R N T D L OU OO H C D F O R W Z N T W U S O S E L B R P *I H X T G G S O HK UM E O U T P C Y F G Memory Verse “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” (Ephesians 6:1). “I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit.” (John 15:16). Page 4 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 33 God chooses our leaders Daily Devotions Monday Isaiah 9:6. Who was born especially to take the government of the world upon His shoulders? Tuesday I Peter 2:18. Do we need to be obedient to those who give us a hard time? Wednesday Romans 13:1 2. Who appointed those in authority over us? Thursday Hebrews 13:17. Who does the Lord ask us to obey? Friday Daniel 2:20 21. God removes and raises up kings. What else does He change? Lesson 33 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 5 Moses hits the rock 4 GH 5 IJ 6 3 EF 2 CD 1 AB KL 7 Numbers 20:2-13 This telephone dial has letters as well as numbers and will help you fill in the spaces below. But be MN 8 OP careful - there are two 9 RS possible letters for each 0 TU number but only one combination of letters will give a sensible answer. Memory Verse “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29). “The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy.” (Psalm 145:8). Page 6 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 34 God expects obedience to His word Daily Devotions Monday Numbers 20:8 11. God told Moses to speak to the rock – what did he do instead? Tuesday Proverbs 3:1 2. What is the reward for obeying God’s commands? Wednesday Psalm 119:9. How can a young man cleanse his ways? Thursday Psalm 119:11. Where should we keep God’s word so that we will not sin? Friday I Samuel 15:18 19; 22 23. What was the result of Saul’s disobedience to God’s word to him? Lesson 34 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 7 The bronze serpent Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14-15 Help the children of Israel find the bronze serpent. Memory Verse “He bore our sins in His own body on the tree.” (I Peter 2:24). “And by His stripes we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5). Page 8 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 35 Look to the Lord Daily Devotions Monday Isaiah 41:10. What are two special things our God promises to do for us? Tuesday Deuteronomy 31:8. “The Lord … will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not __ __ __ __ nor be __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.” Wednesday Proverbs 3:5 6. What will the Lord do for those who trust Him with all their heart? Thursday Matthew 28:20. For how long has the Lord promised to be with us? Friday Deuteronomy 1:29 30. Why don’t we need to be terrified or afraid of our enemies? Lesson 35 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 9 Balaam and his ass Numbers 22 - 24 Rewrite the message in the space below. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ‘ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __. Memory Verse “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5). “Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people.” (Jeremiah 7:23). Page 10 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 36 Listen to God’s voice Daily Devotions Monday Numbers 22:12. What did God ask Balaam not to do? Tuesday Acts 5:29. Balaam had to decide whether to obey God or the king. What does the Bible say we should do? Wednesday John 8:43. Why do we sometimes find it hard to understand what the Lord is saying to us? Thursday John 10:3,4&11. Sheep know the voice of their shepherd. Who is the one who calls us like a good shepherd? Friday James 1:22 23. It is important to hear God speaking, but what must we do after we have heard Him? Lesson 36 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 11 Joshua and Rahab Joshua 1 & 2 Check your answer now in Joshua 1:9 In Ephesians 6:2-3, children have a command followed by a promise just for them. Write this out below in the space provided. You may wish to hide it amongst some numbers like the verse above. Memory Verse “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8). “We … are being transformed into the same image … by the Spirit of the Lord.” (II Corinthians 3:18). Page 12 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 37 Changed by God Daily Devotions Monday Hebrews 11:31. How did God reward Rahab’s change and faith? Tuesday Jonah 1:1 3; 3:1 3. How do you know that Jonah had changed when God called him a second time to go to Ninevah? Wednesday Luke 19:1 8. How do you know that Zacchaeus changed after he met Jesus (v8)? Thursday Acts 9:1 2; 9:20 21. How did people react when they saw the big change in Saul’s behaviour? Friday Genesis 32:24 28. After God wrestled with Jacob to change him what new name was he given? Lesson 37 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 13 Joshua 3 – 6; I Kings 16:34 8 9 6 4 7 ACROSS 5 3 2 1 DOWN Crossing the Jordan, Jericho Memory Verse “And Joshua said to the people, ‘Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.’” (Joshua 3:5). “Do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promise.” (Hebrews 6:12). Page 14 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 38 What happened at the Jordan River? Daily Devotions Monday Joshua 3:13 17. How were the Israelites able to get across the Jordan River? Tuesday II Kings 2:5 8. What did Elijah do to divide the waters of the Jordan River? Wednesday II Kings 5:9,10&14. What happened when Naaman obeyed Elisha and dipped seven times in the Jordan River. Thursday Matthew 3:4 6. Who was it that baptised people from Jerusalem and all Judea in the Jordan River? Friday Mark 1:9 11. What did God say from heaven when Jesus was baptised by John in the Jordan River? Lesson 38 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 15 The sin of Achan Joshua 7 Achan hid the silver and gold with the beautiful garment in the earth under his tent. Find the hidden word by using the code and write your answer in the space at the end of each question. 1. The Lord was 1 14 7 18 25 with the children of Israel because of the sin in their midst. Joshua 7:1 __ __ __ __ __ 1 =a 2=b 3=c 4=d 5=e 6=f 7=g 8=h 9=i 10=j 11=k 26=z 25=y 24=x 3. The people were brought before 23=w the Lord according to tribes, then 22=v families, then households, then 13 1 14 by 13 1 14. Joshua 7:14 21=u __ __ __ by __ __ __ 20=t 4. 1 3 8 1 14 said, “I have sinned 19=s against the Lord God of Israel.“ Joshua 7:20 __ __ __ __ __ 18=r 17=q 12=l 13=m 14=n 15=O 16=p 2. The three thousand Israelite soldiers fled before the men of 1 9. Joshua 7:4 __ __ Memory Verse “He who covers his sins will not prosper.” (Proverbs 28:13). Observe and obey all these words … that it may go well with you (Deuteronomy12:28). Page 16 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 39 Sin Daily Devotions Monday Romans 3:23. Does everyone sin? “For __ __ __ have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Tuesday Psalm 39:1. How do you think you can sin with your tongue? Wednesday James 4:17. “To know to do good and not to do it is __ __ __.” Thursday I John 1:8&9. If we confess our sins what will the Lord do? Friday I Peter 2:21 22. Who left an example for us because He committed no sin? Lesson 39 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 17 The sun stands still Joshua 10:1-15 Read the story again from Joshua 10:1-15, then find these key words in the puzzle. J OSH U A J A SH E R P E OP L E SP OK E X L C K R L T J A S H E R S T G H L C G B A X B I V X A R T B S L X Q P U N I J P M O O N W J V K D L R N W U A J B J L L OR D DE L I V E R E D M I DST WH OL E L O L O V B I K X K I C S X Z S E L M N O R T K T V L E Q J H Q T B T O N A L K B I M X U H U O J M P H I B N V E L X A P T A G S M D L O R D O L S C D M Q R C S E C H G F R T S L K G L J E W I T M V A M OR I T E S VAL LE Y B OOK M OON GI B E ON I SR A E L DAY AV E N GE D G S D F S J N V H Q D M O F F A E Q A C B U J P G K Y O U P D U V Y A I S J V C C T O L L Z J F A T E A G N Z J O I E B L K L A B E J S O I L H P Z Q A K M N Z E R I M E I Q P W L I S R A E L M A G X Q P B C R D V X E C V V A L M O Z L E R V A W S A D A Y M R E O Y Q R N I K D J CH I L DR E N A I J A L ON ST I L L E N E MI E S U G H H S T C J I E R J K L M C T U D I X B O T C H I L D R E N A B X I L S L L A K L R Y O O X E P D L X M I D S T N C Z L E M B U N P E O P L E K P I W T L J B T A Q L P Z K F G P X U Q Z B C Z W B Memory Verse “With God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26). “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.” (Psalm 32:8). Page 18 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 40 Days of the Lord Daily Devotions Monday Joshua 10:12 13. Why did Joshua need the Lord to make that extra day of sunlight? Tuesday Genesis 1:1 5. What happened on the first day that God ever made? Wednesday Genesis 2:1 3. Which day was God’s rest day? Why did He rest? Thursday II Peter 3:8. Does the Lord think of “days” in the same way as we do? Friday Psalm 118:24. Why should we rejoice and be glad every day? Lesson 40 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 19 Gideon’s fleece Judges 6:36-40 ANGEL MIGHTY DEW GIDEON GROUND SIGN O V M G R O U N D M L D E L I V E R S C I E T L Q D G A M B O C S FLEECE DELIVER GOD TRIAL ASK R O D E A H I R E A I I M I O D L T E R S G A S A N G E L Y T K N L T N V I F W S U I F Memory Verse “God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.” (I John 3:20). “O my God, I trust in You; let me not be ashamed.” (Psalms 25:2). Page 20 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 41 The Lord is our guide Daily Devotions Monday Judges 6:37-39. How many times did Gideon test the Lord with the fleece? Tuesday Proverbs 3:5-6. What must we do so the Lord can direct our ways? Wednesday I Corinthians 2:9-11. How are the deep things of God revealed to us? Thursday Psalm 48:14. For how long will God be our guide? Friday John 16:13. Whom has God sent to lead us in the truth? Lesson 41 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 21 Gideon and his army Judges 6:11-35; 7:1 – 8:28 Maths in God’s army How many fighting men did Gideon gather in the beginning? How many left because they were afraid? How many men drank by bringing water to their mouths? How many trumpets sounded the battle cry? How many men were there in the Midianite army? In maths language, the sign > means greater than, and the sign < means less than. In other words 7>3 and 7<9. Fill in the number sentence with either the > or the < sign. Memory Verse “My foot has held fast to His steps; I have kept His way and not turned aside.” (Job 23:11). “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.” (Psalm 118:8). Page 22 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 42 The battle is the Lord’s Daily Devotions Monday I Samuel 17:45-47. Why didn’t David need a sword and a spear to fight Goliath? Tuesday Psalm 18:32-35. Who is David praising for the strength and victory he has known in his life? Wednesday Joshua 23:8-11. How was one man able to chase a thousand men? Thursday Exodus 14:13-14. Because the Lord was going to fight for them what did the Israelites have to do? Friday Hebrews 13:5-6. Who has promised to never leave us or forsake us? Lesson 42 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 23 Samson Judges 13, 15 Put the right letter into the right shape to read how Samson defeated his Philistine captors. Memory Verse “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer.” (Psalm 18:2). “But know that the Lord has set apart for Himself him who is godly.” (Psalm 4:3). Page 24 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 43 The Spirit of the Lord Daily Devotions Monday Judges 15:13-14. Who was it who came upon Samson when the ropes broke off him? Tuesday Judges 6:34; I Samuel 16:13; Judges 14:6. What did Samson, Gideon and David have in common? Wednesday Luke 4:17-21. These verses which Jesus read from the book of Isaiah were speaking of Him. Who would come upon Him? Thursday Acts 1:8. What do we receive when the Holy Spirit comes upon us? Friday Galatians 5:22 23. What is the fruit which the Spirit of the Lord produces in us? Lesson 43 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 25 Samson and Delilah Judges 16 Word Search Find these hidden words: DELILAH PILLARS SHAVE EYES PRISON E P S L UT S T ME I R Z C I E A S R A S Y GA K P H I L S HX P C P RMN N E E Y E N E EV T DV D T R YWO E K I VAA HN K HAIR ROOF STRENGTH SILVER JUDGE I S T GD L S I L I B X I L Y T N L G F O ATH E HH R V S OWT OUX F AA PHILISTINES SECRET WEAK SAMSON TEMPLE I N E S H J DVOA VE R N L ZMOO I YMM S L HB KME AVKAD S R I S G R I S L E K S R GV Z J D P Z CU S H S J K I YN Memory Verse “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” (Luke 9:23). “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28). Page 26 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 44 The Lord is my strength Daily Devotions Monday Habakkuk 3:17-19. Where does strength come from? Tuesday Proverbs 10:27-29. Who receives strength from the Lord? Wednesday I Samuel 28:17-20. Whose strength was taken away and why? Thursday Psalm 18:1-3. Why did David call the Lord a “rock” and a “shield?” Friday Philippians 4:13. Why can a Christian do difficult things for the Lord. Lesson 44 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 27 Ruth, Naomi and Boaz Ruth Memory Verse “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15). “Therefore be followers of God as dear children. And walk in love.” (Ephesians 5:1 2). Page 28 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 45 Follow Me Daily Devotions Monday Ruth 1:15-18. Ruth was sure she wanted to follow Naomi and declared: “Your people shall be my …………… and your God, my …………….” Tuesday Matthew 4:18-22. What did Simon, Andrew, John and James leave behind when Jesus called them to follow Him? Wednesday Luke 9:23-24. Who must we follow? Thursday Matthew 19:25-29. What will those who have followed Jesus do and inherit? Friday Mark 2:13-17. What sort of people does Jesus want to follow Him? Lesson 45 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 29 Hannah I Samuel 1 & 2 -sw +L -coaangr +bl -dr -d +ed -c + -cr -il +h -u +o Memory Verse “But we will give ourselves continually to prayer.” (Acts 6:4). “They … first gave themselves to the Lord.” (II Corinthians 8:5). Page 30 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 46 Prayer Daily Devotions Monday I Samuel 1:12-17. Must all our prayers be spoken aloud to be heard by God? Tuesday Matthew 6:5-8. List two things God doesn’t want us to do when we pray? Read verse 5 and 7 again. Wednesday John 9:31. What sort of man does God hear? Thursday Daniel 6:10-12. Danger to himself didn’t stop Daniel praying. What things sometimes stop you from praying? Friday Jeremiah 33:3. What is God’s promise to those who call to Him? Lesson 46 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 31 Samuel hears God speak I Samuel 3 Memory Verse “You must say, ‘Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears.’” (I Samuel 3:9). “They came, both men and women, as many as had a willing heart.” (Exodus 35:22). Page 32 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 47 Be listening for the Lord Daily Devotions Monday I Samuel 3:4-10. How many times did the Lord call Samuel? Tuesday I Samuel 3:10. What was Samuel’s response? Wednesday James 1:22-24. After we hear what the word says, then we have to ……………… what it says. Thursday Proverbs 20:11-12. Who gave children their ears to hear and eyes to see? Friday Matthew 26:41. By what actions do we overcome temptations? Lesson 47 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 33 Eli, Hophni and Phinehas I Samuel 4 - 6 Can you find the underlined words in the puzzle? 1. Israel’s priest was Eli. 2. The Philistines defeated Israel. 3. The ark was brought from Shiloh. 4. The name of one of Eli’s sons was Phinehas. 5. Eli’s second son was Hophni. 6. The son of Phinehas was Ichabod. 7. The ark was taken by the Philistines. 8. God’s glory dwelt in the ark. 9. The Philistines’ God was named Dagon. 10. The ark was returned on a cart. 11. This cart was pulled by two cows. P H I N E H A S N V H M S D N O V F I O I A R E A P M E C P L P A C S H I L O H I V E Y W N B I W D S K L B O I T M S I T W O N D Z K Y T M I C H A B O D H E L N A T R I A P N C U E R X K V D A G O N S T L P E C S B K C Memory Verse “Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins.” (Psalm 19:13). “Serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” (Hebrews 12:28). Page 34 Student Handbook - Level Three Lesson 48 The ark of God Daily Devotions Monday Exodus 25:8-9, 22. What was so special about the ark of the testimony? Tuesday Exodus 40:1-8. Whom did God ask to set up the tabernacle? Wednesday I Peter 2:4-5. God is building a different spiritual house now. What is He using to build it? Thursday I Samuel 4:5-8. Why were the Philistines afraid when the ark of the covenant of the Lord came into the camp? Friday Numbers 10:33; Exodus 30:6; Joshua 4:11. The ark of God was known by different names. Look up these verses and find what they were. Lesson 48 Student Handbook - Level Three Page 35 Sonseekers Curriculum Unit One Unit Two Unit Three Unit Four 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 17. 18. 19. 20. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Creation 1 Creation 2 Adam and Eve The fall Cain and Abel Noah builds an ark The flood, Noah and his sons The tower of Babel Abram called, Abram and Lot The covenant with Abraham Ishmael and Isaac Sodom and Gomorrah The sacrifice of Isaac Rebekah, Isaac’s bride Jacob and Esau Jacob’s ladder, Leah and Rachel 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Jacob becomes Israel Joseph, the favourite son Joseph goes to Egypt Joseph interprets the dreams Joseph’s brothers Israel in Egypt Israelite slaves, Moses born Moses flees and returns to Egypt “Let My people go” The first passover, Israel delivered Crossing the Red Sea Manna, water from the rock Sinai and the ten commandments Moses and the tabernacle The golden calf Twelve spies, 40 years of wandering 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Aaron’s rod Moses hits the rock The bronze serpent Balaam and his ass Joshua and Rahab Crossing the Jordan, Jericho The sin of Achan The sun stands still Gideon’s fleece Gideon and his army Samson Samson and Delilah Ruth, Naomi and Boaz Hannah Samuel hears God speak Eli, Hophni and Phinehas 61. 62. 63. 64. Saul chosen Saul and the Amalekites David chosen David and Goliath David and Jonathan David and Saul David crowned David and the ark Absalom Solomon becomes king Solomon’s temple Israel divided, Rehoboam and Jeroboam Elijah and the widow Elijah on Mount Carmel Good King Jehoshaphat Elisha and the double portion Unit Five Unit Six Unit Seven Unit Eight 65. The widow’s oil, a boy raised 66. Naaman 67. Famine in Samaria 68. Jonah 69. The captivity of Israel (the northern kingdom) 70. Hezekiah and Sennacherib 71. Isaiah 72. Josiah 73. Jeremiah 74. The captivity of Judah (the southern kingdom) 75. Daniel interprets the king’s dream 76. The fiery furnace 77. The writing on the wall 78. Daniel in the lions’ den 79. Esther 80. Restoration 81. Zacharias, Elizabeth, Mary and John 82. The birth of Jesus 83. Jesus in the temple 84. John the Baptist 85. Jesus baptised and tempted 86. The call of the disciples 87. Water turned to wine 88. The temple cleansed, Nicodemus 89. The woman at the well 90. Healing of the paralysed man 91. The house built on the rock 92. Jesus stills the storm 93. The feeding of the 5000 94. The centurion’s servant 95. Forgiveness in Simon’s house 96. The sower and the seed 97. Jairus’ daughter, a woman touches Jesus 98. Jesus walks on the water 99. Miracles of healing 100.The transfiguration 101.A boy is healed 102.The unmerciful servant 103.A man born blind 104.The good Samaritan 105.Prayer 106.The raising of Lazarus 107.The lost sheep, coin and son 108.Attitudes of a servant 109.The marriage of the king’s son 110.The ten lepers 111.The ten virgins 112.The talents 113.Palm Sunday 114.The last supper and Gethsemane 115.The crucifixion 116.The resurrection 117.Peter restored 118.The risen Christ and His ascension 119.The day of Pentecost 120.Peter and John 121.Peter and the Gentiles 122.Stephen 123.Philip 124.Paul’s conversion 125.Paul’s first missionary journey 126.Paul’s second and third missionary journeys 127.Paul’s capture and imprisonment 128.Paul’s final journey Curriculum Student Handbook- Level Three Page 36