Give From the Heart to Benefit Children In Need
November 2010 Give From the Heart to Benefit Children In Need by Michele Hulsman In the spirit of giving this holiday season, let us remember to extend those feelings of goodwill toward children in need within Hudson County. With just a simple toy, book, or pair of pajamas, you can make a world of difference in the life of an impoverished child. Studies, including those by the National Institute for Early Education Research, show infant toys are critical for brain growth and motor skill development that affects learning later in life. Older children without toys are more likely to be involved in fighting or other negative behaviors. On the other hand, when a neglected child receives a game or toy donation, he can develop necessary social skills, such as sharing. Because play is essential for children to lead happy, healthy, and productive lives, all children need at least simple toys like balls, blocks, costumes and crayons. According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, there are over 29 million needy children in the U.S. Hudson County has the highest poverty rate in New Jersey--24% of children between 5 and 17 years old lived below the poverty line in 2008. These children have little inspiration for imaginative, fulfilled lives that all children deserve. When you donate a toy to a needy child, you provide a positive outlet for the child’s energy and creativity. HFA hopes to help children in need feel comforted and loved. When you donate, you provide them inspiration and a glimmer of hope. This holiday season, we offer two donation options. Both drives will run concurrently and have the same drop off locations: When: November 19th – December 22nd Where: Drop off items at three Hoboken locations: • Club H, 110 Sinatra Drive (7 am – 7 pm) • Big Fun Toys, 602 Washington St. (11 am – 7 pm) • New York Sports Club, 210 14th St. (7 am – 7 pm) Pajama and Book Program HFA is joining the Pajama Program, a 501 (c) (3) charity, to collect new pajamas and new books for homeless and needy children, many of whom are waiting and hoping to be adopted. By providing pajamas and books, we are helping to create a warm and nurturing bedtime environment for vulnerable children and young adults living under difficult circumstances. Many of these youngsters have been abused or abandoned and in many cases, have never enjoyed the simple comfort of having a loving mother or father tuck them in at bedtime. Through the Pajama Program, we hope to contribute to a warmer, more loving environment for these children. Pajamas must be new and unused for all sizes, infant to 17. Toy Drive Toy donations can bring a smile to the face of a Hudson County child who may otherwise not have received any gifts. We request all donated gifts be new and unwrapped. Toys will be collected for ages infant to 17. Any donation of any size brings holiday cheer for a child. The items are often given to families who cannot afford to buy presents, so the children can open a gift that is given to them by a loved one, not a charity. HFA truly appreciates your generosity this holiday season. Thank you. Get Your VIP Discount Card Now EatDrinkHoboken.Com VIP discount cards benefiting Project Play are now on sale! Over 50 local restaurants and bars, fitness organizations, clothing and shoe stores, salons and spas, including The Candy Shoppe, Clam Broth House, Filippos on First, Grimaldi’s, Lua, Makeovers, Stacks, Stella’s Cuts & Colors, Tutta Pasta and Zin Home are participating in discounts and the sale of the cards. For a complete list of participating businesses, visit EatDrinkHoboken.Com. Each card costs $5 and can be used at multiple locations, so buyers can easily recoup their cost. 100% of the proceeds go toward Project Play’s goal of raising $100,000 by the end of the year to begin “phase one” of the Church Square Park playground equipment replacement. Phase one includes environmental testing, any necessary remediation, and the replacement of the equipment, fencing and surfacing in the toddler park and swing area along 4th street. Mayor Zimmer has said that when Project Play reaches the $100,000 fundraising, the city may consider contributing the rest of the funds needed to complete the renovations. The City has always supported the idea and the work of Project Play, and we are elated to hear that there may be funds available to contribute toward the project! The VIP card fundraiser has the potential of netting us $50,000! You can help us achieve this goal by buying your VIP Discount card and shopping with the businesses honoring it. HFA Biannual Swap Meet You Know You Want To Travel Hoboken’s Travel Agency. Specializing in vacation packages, cruises, interntional travel, corporate travel, weddings and honeymoons. HFA members receive $50 off vacation bookings of $750 or more now through 12/31/10. One discount per booking; not to be combined with any other offer. New bookings only. Call today to start planning your next vacation. HBK Travel * 720 Monroe Street, Suite E507 201-222-9425 ** grow We nurture your child's potential and help develop skills for a happy, successful life. Bright Horizons at Maxwell Place 1155 Maxwell Lane Hoboken, NJ 07030 201-420-6039 Date: Sunday, November 14 Time: 9-11 am (accepting Drop off items); 12-2 pm Swap Meet Sales Location: Hoboken Elks Lodge, 1005 Washington St. Cost: Free for HFA members; $5 for non-members Please note the following UPDATES: • We are happy to provide you a donation receipt for tax deduction purposes. • We will now be accepting children’s clothing for newborn to size 16. • Please drop off your items during the drop off period (9-11 am). You will be issued a credit that you can use during the sale from 12-2pm. This will help us run the swap more efficiently. • During this drop off period, you can “check in” and have your hand stamped, so there will be no waiting in line when the swap opens at 12 pm. • The swap will be closed during 11-12 pm to organize the items we have received. Please sort and label your clothing donation (e.g. “newborn boy/girl,” “3-6 months boy/girl,” etc.) It will save us valuable time in getting the clothing organized for the swap meet. • Kindly do not drop any items off DURING the sale. All drop-offs after 11 am will be considered straight donations and will not receive any credits. Thank you in advance for your consideration. How Does it Work? Bring your items to the swap meet and get credits (before 11 am). You receive one credit for one item of clothing or multiple credits for larger items such as bouncy seats. You can exchange these credits for clothing, shoes, coats, and toys. Larger baby gear items are for cash purchase only. If you don’t have any items for exchange or would like to take home more items than you brought, you may purchase items for cash (example: $1 per children’s clothing, $2 maternity clothes, $2 shoes, $1-$10 toys, 2 HFA NOVEMBER 2010 $10-$20 larger baby gear). Any items you bring, in excess of your purchases, will be considered donations and will go to In Jesus’ Name, Hudson Cradle and other local organizations in need. Any items brought in after 11 am will be considered donations. We can provide a tax receipt for donations only. What to Bring? 26 Acres & 5 Acre Lake Heated Pool Complex Professional Swim, Sports & Arts Instruction “SEEING IS BELIEVING” Video Brochure is Available • Hot Catered Lunch • Air Conditioned Transportation • Uniform Camp Shirts Included North Jersey’s Premier Day Camp! • Baby, toddler, and children’s clothes, shoes, and coats (items in condition from gently used condition to new, unstained, with all pieces included) * • Baby, toddler & children’s Halloween costumes. • Baby gear (strollers, bouncy seats, diaper bags, etc. – please be sure to bring all pieces for these items). • Toys and children’s books (only complete items with all small parts in a plastic bag taped to toy if applicable, and books with all pages in readable condition only, please). • Maternity clothes and nursing tops. • All formula, diapers, medicines, food and other baby essentials will be donated Hudson Cradle. *What is gently used? An item with no rips, stains or smells, that maintains its original color and shape. Please use your best judgment--if you do not find it acceptable for your child to wear that clothing, neither will anyone else! What NOT to Bring? • • • • • Professional Swim, Sport & Art Instruction Furniture Stuffed animals Diaper Genies, Potty Seats, underwear and Car Seats No adult clothing (aside from maternity clothing) Items without all their parts Donate If you want to donate but can’t make the swap, have any questions , please contact Michele Hulsman at HFA Donates to the Community Hoboken Family Alliance is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Did you know proceeds in excess of programs and expenses go back to the community? In addition to in-kind donations to Hudson Cradle, IJN etc. listed above, and over $15,000 to Project Play, HFA donated almost $9,000 to various philanthropic causes and local charities last year. Here is the breakdown: Grants 19% PJ & Toy Drive 4% Jubilee Center 13% Other dona ti ons 1% Project Play 63% 3 HFA NOVEMBER 2010 973-831-9000 CELEBRATING 23 YEARS! FALL FEST OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 11AM - 1PM Introductory 5% Discount First 20 Families 234 Conklintown Road, Ringwood NJ, 35 Miles Northwest of Hoboken You’ve heard of the rest now try the best! PROUDLY SERVING HOBOKEN Garden Street Music Music School & Studio First Lesson FREE Learn A New Instrument! 201.683.7078 1018 Washington St. (Lower Level) Hoboken, NJ Need Help for Thanksgiving? By Dalia Tole Need some help planning and preparing your Thanksgiving family meal? Most local supermarkets can cater the entire meal, or prepare the side-dishes and dessert while you cook your own turkey. Many offer a traditional turkey, or premium items such as free range or organic. Whole Foods even offers some vegan options. When ordering, don’t forget to ask if the price includes delivery on Thanksgiving. • A&P, 614 Clinton St., 201-795-1783 or 125 18th St., Jersey City 201-2179228, • Fresh Direct, • Garden of Eden, 226 Washington St., 201-659-0355, www.edengourmet. com • King’s Supermarket, 1212 Shipyard Ln., 201-239-4060 or 325 River St., 201-386-2300, • Sobsey’s Produce, 92 Bloomfield St., 201-795-9398 • ShopRite, 900 Madison St., 201-792-6070, • Whole Foods, 905 River Road, Edgewater, 201-941-4000, multiple locations in Manhattan, Thanksgiving catering is also available at local restaurants including Anthony David’s, 953 Bloomfield St., 201-222-8399, www.anthonydavids. com and The Little Grocery, 214 Jefferson St., 201-610-9220, Alternatively, if you have a large family and prefer a restau- rant banquet hall, head over to Amanda’s (908 Washington St., 201-798-0101) or Liberty House Restaurant (76 Audrey Zapp Drive, Jersey City 201-395-0300). If all the help you need is experts answering your cooking questions, here are some Thanksgiving help-lines. Last year, Sirius XM also operated a Thanksgiving Hotline. The three day event, hosted by Martha Stewart, featured 30 top chefs and entertaining experts who answered questions from callers. • • • • • • Butterball Turkey Talk-Line : 800-BUTTERBALL, ShopRite Chefs On Call: 800-ShopRite Reynold’s Wrap: 800-745-4000; Ocean Spray: 800-662-3263; Land O’Lakes Holiday Bake Line: 800-782-9606 USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline: : 888-674-6854; Finally, if this is your child’s first Thanksgiving, there are several quick and nutritious Thanksgiving-themed baby food recipes that children six months and older can enjoy. My favorites include Turkey Cranberry puree, mashed sweet potatoes, creamy butternut squash and applesauce. Many baby food recipes can be found on the following websites: Happy Thanksgiving! 4 HFA NOVEMBER 2010 A NYC Restaurant Guide for Kids by Carla Sullivan Planning a trip to Manhattan and want a list of kid-friendly restaurants? Start at In addition to maintaining the only children’s menu database for almost 200 Manhattan restaurants, the website rates the “child-friendliness” of City restaurants and provides tips for successful NYC dining adventures with kids. The website allows users to search for restaurants by neighborhood (including near sites of kid-interest in the city), price, and cuisine. “When exploring all the great cultural and family-friendly venues of Manhattan, from the Central Park Zoo and the Museum of Natural History to the Statue of Liberty and Ground Zero, Mini Munchers will offer families the information they need for a successful dining out experience before and/or after their visit,” said founder and Mommy Muncher Carla Sullivan. Open House Recap By Lexi Coen 5 HFA NOVEMBER 2010 SM On September 29th, Zylo Restaurant, located at the Hoboken W Hotel, hosted its first Annual “Stroller Stampede”. Escorted by chef David Kirschner, 40 moms (and 35 children) “stampeded” from Church Square Park to the Zylo restaurant to enjoy a three-course prix-fixe lunch and “momosas.” Zylo donated 50% of the proceeds to Project Play. The room was buzzing with great conversation as people met new friends and caught up with old acquaintances. Moms walked out with a little gift from Bliss Spa and a relaxing drink from Serenity. Zylo pledged its continued support of Project Play by maintaining the menu special, dubbed Mommy & Me Lunches, every Monday in October from 11-2pm. puppet shows story telling 1300 Sinatra Dr. HOBOKEN Wednesday’s 10 & 11am (732)-558-4781 ]^Vb ^Vc d^c^iVa d dX <^ by Zabrina Stoffel Italian songs c Stroller Stampede a Success! Mommy & Me Classes are Italian for children held at: Pre-Register EaVn^c>iVa h É i ^ V & Save! Lua AZ ENROLL NOW! Over 200 families joined HFA at the Sixth Annual All Schools Open House on October 5. The event was a big success with record number of schools (public, private and daycares) and parents attending. This unique event enabled parents to meet school representatives and receive information about local education options for their children. Open House attendees also received a HFA School Information Grid that summarized information from all the schools in one convenient handout. We are delighted to share this proprietary handout with all HFA members and registered attendees. If you would like an electronic copy, please email A special thank you to our volunteers: Emily Severe, Laura Siegel, Dana Bellomo, Josephine Ciallella, Michele Linder, Gabrielle Schickler, Lisa Jonap and Stevens’ Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega. Finally, many thanks to Hoboken High School and the Hoboken Board of Education who allowed us to use the high school gym, Mueller Insurance for a great giveaway and NJBest who generously sponsored the event. For more information on NJBest, visit SM Read about Sharing by Lois Gross, Hoboken Public Library Imagine,anexhibition that took67million yearstocreate. This exhibition was created by The Field Museum, Chicago, USA and made possible through the generosity of McDonald’s Corporation. ©2010 McDonald’s This changes everything.™ Liberty State Park •Jersey City • Children associate Thanksgiving with turkeys, pilgrims, parades, and the beginning of the commercial holiday season. Often the original meaning of the holiday is lost in the preparations. So, sometime after the balloons and floats leave Hoboken for Macy’s, before the football games start, and definitely before you get the turkey out of the oven, consider teaching your child about the value of sharing through books from the Hoboken Library. • Stone Soup is a classic folk tale about wanderers who trick a selfish town into sharing their food and their friendship. My favorite version of this tale is by Heather Forest because it is written to be read aloud. • Time to Share by Kate Tym and Will Sheila Share by Eilvia Savadier are toddler level books to help the youngest readers with the concept of sharing. • Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog from prolific writer and Caldecott medalist Mo Willems teaches a pigeon a lesson about sharing when he finds a hot dog and his duck friend wants it too. • The Little Red Hen, illustrated by Caldecott medalist Jerry Pinkney is another time-honored tale about how people (well, animals) should work together to earn their daily bread. Want a jazzed up version of the story? Read Armadilly Chili by Helen Kettleman in which the story is set in the southwest and the food is spicy and hot. The staff of the Hoboken Library wishes you all the blessings of family and lots of tales to share with your children. SAVE THE DATE: HFA Holiday Party Join HFA for our annual holiday party featuring Preschool of Rock and holiday treats served afterwards. For more information on Preschool of Rock, visit Date: Friday, December 17 Time: TBD Location: Club H Fitness, 110 Sinatra Drive, Hoboken Cost: Free to all HFA families, $5 for non-members If you have questions or would like to volunteer at the event, contact Lexi Coen at New Moms Bond Over Lunch by Anthony and Liz Pino 407 Washington Street 201.792.8300 Licensed Real Estate Broker Questions about selling your home in today’s market? Call us now to schedule an appointment with one of our Real Estate Specialists who will guide you through the process. We can help you prepare your home to sell, determine when to list it and for how much, coordinate the purchase of your next property and create a customized, comprehensive marketing plan for selling your home. West End Station, the newest restaurant from chef Anthony Pino, recently started offering a new moms lunch special every Thursday 11am-3pm. Diners can enjoy soup and a salad for $10. West End Station is located at 700 First St. at The Skyclub (201-216-9580). Chef Anthony also offers lunch specials for new moms at Anthony David’s (953 Bloomfield St, 201-222-8399) every Tuesday from 11 am -3 pm ($12.95 per person for any brunch item and drink) and Bin 14 Trattoria Wine Bar (1314 Washington St., 201- 963-9463) every Wednesday 11 am-3 pm (salad and pizza for $10). 6 HFA NOVEMBER 2010 A Community Bookstore & More By Chris Wood Looking for reasonably priced literature to expand your child’s book collection? Want to expose your child to the arts and reading events to encourage social activities in an educational and inviting setting? Got too many books and looking to lighten the load of your overcrowded bookshelf, while at the same time teaching your child about the gift of giving by donating your used books? If any or all of these sound like a storyline you’d like to follow, then make a trip to the Symposia bookstore and community center. The Symposia bookstore and community center, located at 510 Washington Street, is the only used bookstore in Hoboken. Symposia is a nonprofit organization whose purpose includes helping make books and reading inviting and accessible to the public. The bookstore accepts tax-deductible donations (a receipt is provided) of books, DVDs, CDs, tapes, and office equipment. You can search the Symposia bookstore’s inventory of more than 2,600 books online through symposia. The bookstore’s website also offers a feature to search and compare the price of new books. The Symposia website ( contains a monthly calendar of current and upcoming events, which include children’s book readings. You can also sign up to receive the bookstore’s newsletter via e-mail, which contains upcoming events and other bookstore information. In addition, the bookstore space can be rented for workshops, events, or small parties. Seating is available for up to 20 people and a video projector with a large screen is available upon request. Food and drinks may be brought, but are not provided. For more information about holding an event at the bookstore, call (201) 963-0909 or e-mail Did you know. The word “symposia” or “symposium” originally referred to a drinking party, but has since come to refer to any academic conference characterized by an open discussion format. Kaplan Book Fair and Family Day By Elissa Brachfeld The Kaplan Cooperative Preschool and Kaplan Learning Center will hold their annual book fair this November at the United Synagogue of Hoboken (115 Park Avenue). The book fair is designed for the entire family with fiction and non-fiction books for all ages. Book Fair Dates • Nov 12: 9 am-3 pm • Nov 9: 9 am-1 pm & 3-6:30 pm • Nov 10: 9 am-3:30 pm & 6-8:30 pm • Nov 13: 5:30-6:30 pm • Nov 14: 11 am-4 pm • Nov 11: 9 am-1 pm & 3-6:30pm Family Day will be held on Sunday, November 14 from 11 am to 4 pm and feature special events including singing, dancing, storytelling, yoga, face painting, arts and crafts and a bake sale. 7 HFA NOVEMBER 2010 Hoboken Family Alliance Contacts Community Affairs Director HOBOKEN FAMILY ALLIANCE P.O. Box 1194 Hoboken, NJ 07030 NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 5195 NEWARK, NJ 07102 Address Service Requested Francoise Vielot, Director for Special Needs Children Theresa Howard, Finance Director Rachel Matthai, Marketing Director Shana Lee, Membership Director Cindy Altberger, Newsletter Editor and Designer Dalia Tole, Philanthropy Director Michele Hulsman, Special Events Director Lexi Coen, Web site Director Steve Walkowiak, The purpose of the Hoboken Family Alliance is to improve the Hoboken Community and its way of life through the efforts of individual and family volunteers. The HFA focuses its efforts on education and parenting issues, philanthropy, children’s resources and events. Stevens Cooperative School A Leader in Progressive Education since1949 Hoboken Newport 2s - 8th grade K - 6th grade and growing Tours available by appointment. Financial aid is available to qualified families. For more information, please call or e-mail: Hoboken 201.792.3688 Newport 201.626.4020 school @ Stevens Cooperative School is accredited by the New Jersey Association of Independent Schools HFA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. For membership, upcoming events, and parenting resources please visit If you have stories or story ideas you’d like included for upcoming issues please email
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