When people ask me what I do for a living, I say that I get to
When people ask me what I do for a living, I say that I get to
our consumers are at home and not in amWhen people ask me what I do for a living, bulances. We will adopt techI say that I get to help people live where they nology to connect the want to live. You should say that too. Home Care Aide to the health care team. Over The 14,000 of us make it possible for atrisk persons to live wherever they want. Most, the next year, more and more of our direct Mark Heaney of course, want to live at home. And so they President & CEO should. And so they are. More and more peo- care staff will be using smart phones and othple are able to live at home with disabilities, chronic disease and other infirmities associat- er like technology to communicate important ed with aging than ever before. That is great! information about our most frail consumers directly to the consumer's doctors, nurses and care managers. Again, this intervention keeps Here is an interesting fact from an indeour consumers at home and avoids hospitalipendent study conducted in Illinois on how zation. well home care works. In 1990, there were 79,000 people in Illinois Medicaid nursing We will use this new technology to change home beds. In 2008, when the number of and improve our system of care so that you, older persons eligible to be in nursing homes had increased by 54%, the actual number of our health care professionals, can be more persons in nursing homes had gone down by focused on delivering and monitoring care, 7,000. A 2010 Scripps study in Ohio showed and less focused on administrative tasks. We are developing "self serve" systems to give essentially the same results. Caring for these employees access to their schedules, as well as older people at home was all the difference. payroll and other personal data, whenever they want. Aides will use text, phone and The change in public policy to make care at home the first choice could not have come video to communicate with others on the at a better time. As we all know, we are mak- health care team. ing more older people today than ever before in our history. And we will continue to do so for many years to come. Older adults are living even longer, and are living at home sicker and more frail than ever. Our model of care must change, because we don't have enough younger people alive today to care for all of us as we age. To serve so many more, government is asking us to do more...better...with the same or less. Here are some of the things Addus is doing to meet the challenge. Finally, we will use this technology to allow our case leaders to be in consumers' homes, with our Aides and in the community, much, much more. In all of my years in home care, I have never seen a consumer in one of our offices. It's our responsibility to get out and see them, along with our direct care staff, and our new company-wide communications system frees us up to do just that. Home care is the fastest growing segment of health care. That is so because we have more and more older persons, living longer Early identification leads to early interven- and longer, and wanting to live at home where they earned the right to be. To meet tion. Therefore, we will continue to train our staff to be on the look out for, and to imme- this important challenge, we have to keep diately report, changes in condition that could changing...keep getting better...so that we indicate deteriorating health. Let's make sure can continue to help people live where they want to live, where they have earned the right to live, for as long as they want to live there. By Martha Holstein, Ph.D. sitting. When you ask Jonas about Marsha’s breathing and his weight loss, he says that they’re doing fine. When you ask Jonas whether she is taking her medication and whether they are eating, he gets angry at your questions and insists that he is taking good care of her. Your worries escalate when you arrive one day and find Marsha still in bed and Jonas’ clothing smell unwashed. He continues to insist that all is fine, but your are convinced otherwise. Both of these scenarios call for immediate attention. While it is important to respect the client’s wishes and to preserve the relationships they have with other people, especially their chilFirst Scenario - Mrs. Spencer has lived alone since her husband dren, you must also make sure that they are not harmed by others died nearly 30 years ago. She has three grown children, but only or themselves. one, Terry, lives nearby. He drops in on his mother fairly often. You are Mrs. Spencer’s Home Care Aide. Lately, her son is very In the first scenario, you are right to worry about Terry’s bedemanding, almost aggressive, when he asks his mother for mon- havior and should tell your supervisor in order to determine the ey. One day, he takes her purse and empties it, leaving only a next steps. It is often very difficult for older people to see the couple of dollars. Mrs. Spencer tries to keep calm about it and harm that might result from escalating aggressive behavior by a tells you that, “He’s a good boy; he just gets overexcited somefamily member, but someone like you, who has had a great deal times. He’s been like that since he was a little boy.” You’ve nev- of experience in this area, can work with Mrs. Spencer to honor er seen Terry touch his mother, but you can’t stop worrying about her wishes while protecting her from harm. what might happen when you are not there. Second Scenario - Jonas and Marsha Green are both 88 and have no children. Jonas, who is frail himself, has been taking care of Marsha, who has had cancer and COPD for the past four years. You look forward to seeing them because they are always appreciative. Lately, however, Jonas seems to be growing weaker and Marsha more unkempt. She hardly ever gets out of her chair, and he has lost weight that he can ill afford to lose. Marsha’s breathing is more labored, and you see no inhalers near where she is In the second scenario, Jonas may not be able to care for both himself and his wife, but he simply can’t admit it. It is also possible that he has not thought enough about what might happen to them both if she doesn’t take her medications regularly and if they both don’t eat. With your experience in situations like this, you can talk to Jonas about understanding the consequences and help him meet his goals for himself and his wife. gy to make reporting these changing needs easier and in real time. I have written in past newsletters about the change that is occurring in home and community based care. This change is accelerating every day as managed care moves closer and closer to taking responsibility for the home and community based programs and the consumers we have been serving for over 30 years. My experience at the Joliet/Kankakee in-service was I recently had the opportunity to hugely rewarding in that I was able to see that we are even closconnect with about 250 Home Care er to our vision of connecting the Home Care Aide to the health Aides (HCAs) and other members of the care team than I originally thought. team in our Joliet, IL and Kankakee County in-service. This training session reminded me, first hand, how much Addus employJust as providing a weapon does not make a soldier, training ees care about the consumers we serve every day. This training, alone does not ensure success. Equally important is a commitwhich is described in greater detail in this newsletter, was devel- ment to do the job right. Addus Home Care Aides, and the oped to review the new technology we are putting in place for team supporting them in the branch offices, are demonstrating HCAs to facilitate a greater connection to the health care team. that commitment more and more every day by taking the reWhile the technology is very cool, I was struck in this meeting by sponsibility to observe and report the changing condition of their the fact that our HCAs, overwhelmingly, are already connected consumers. It is not just our job, it’s our duty. to the changing needs of the consumers they serve. If you have not seen the Dual Advantage video on the front When we got to the question and answer portion of the page of the Addus website, I want to encourage you all again to agenda, HCA after HCA asked very good and detailed questions please take a few minutes to do so by going to about the health condition of the client they were serving. It www.addus.com. From this video, you will see a great example was clear from these questions that most HCAs are already eval- of the power of our connection to the health care team and the uating and observing the changing condition of their consumers. difference it can make in the lives of our consumers. Thank you Imagine how powerful we can become with enabling technolo- all for choosing to work at Addus HealthCare, Inc. On February 9, the Joliet and Kankakee Illinois offices kicked off their in-service meeting with the introduction of the new Addus Care System. It was a huge success! Mark Heaney, President & CEO, Darby Anderson, Senior Vice President and Ryan Noth, Care System Project Director, all spoke about the exciting new model for delivering care to clients. In this new model, the branch team will spend the majority of their time visiting clients, employees and referral sources, focusing on improving customer service and outcomes, supporting the direct care team, and providing prompt follow-up on Aide observations of their clients’ conditions. Home Care Aides will be using a Telephony Smart Device phone with the Addus Application, which will allow them to view their schedules, report care plan tasks performed, inform the office of changes in client condition and accept open shifts in their area. Future enhancements to the Addus Application will allow Home Care Aides to view their pay stubs, change their schedules, request time off and be paid immediately for time worked. We are extremely excited about these changes and will be bringing them to all offices as we roll out this new care model. Francine Winters, Director of Financial Systems; Sandy Kester, Lead Scheduling Specialist; Davena Moore, Scheduling Specialist; Nancy Wold & Kevin Flora, Systems Trainers; and CellTrack & T-Mobile representatives also contributed to the success of the new care system and our Kick-Off. Pictured on the left are the Joliet office Cheerleaders that add their support everyday in promoting the new Care System. Starting top row left is Cassie Wright, Lakiysha Wheat, Katherine Godfrey. Second row left is Susan Clutter, Willie Blunt, Clara Ortiz, Jackie Hawkins. Bottom row left is Inger Richmond, Demetra Evans, Michelle Haskins message – we don’t matter and other things are more important and urgent at that time; a feeling none of us likes to experience. Everyone remembers those occasions when a family member, friend or coworker made us feel special, valued and important. It might have been that special family celebration for our birthday or anniversary, or that heartfelt “thank you” we received when we cooked that special meal or finished a major household project. Or maybe it was the kind wishes of “congratulations” we heard when we earned a promotion, or the simple “I love you” at the end of a phone call with our spouse or child. In their own way, each of these moments tell us “I’m special; I’m important; I matter to others; I’m proud”, and each time feels as good as the last. When we visit our favorite store or restaurant, it’s as much that friendly greeting and the special attention we receive that keeps us coming back as it is the store’s merchandise or the restaurant’s food. It’s the message they send that they genuinely appreciate and value ua as customers, and that they recognize that serving us well is an essential element of our business relationship. Providing outstanding service is never a burden or a problem with these organizations; it’s their pleasure. These are the feelings we want our consumers to experience with Addus. We want them to feel that they are the center of our attention, and that we are completely focused on serving them. Nothing is more important or more urgent at that moment than addressing their needs or concerns. We never take any consumer for granted, but recognize that they have choices and we are honored that they chose Addus. We are grateful for the confidence and trust they have placed in us, and we understand the obligation that comes with that confidence and trust. We all need to feel special, valued and important, particularThere is no such thing as “just another customer” at Addus. ly as customers. We want to know that we matter, and that Each one is special. Each one is valued. And each one is imthose who are serving us are concerned about us and our per- portant. Serving our consumers well is never a burden or a ceptions. We want to feel that we are the center of their problem; it’s our pleasure. attention, and that they are completely focused on fulfilling our needs. So next time a consumer or When we get a family member smile, direct eye thanks us or comcontact and a pliments us on friendly “good our service, rather morning”, we than responding receive this posi“no problem” say tive message. On instead “it’s my the other hand, if pleasure”. It will we are ignored or send that mesreplaced by a fosage of imcus on other disportance and valtractions, we reue that we all like ceive the opposite to hear. Congrats To Roger! Addus is proud to announce the promotion of Roger Ness to Vice President of Information Services. Roger is a 23-year veteran of Addus’ Information Services Department. Looking back over those years, we owe a lot to Roger’s dedication and leadership. He designed and developed the payroll, billing and scheduling software that supported the company for 16 years as sales grew from $17 million to more than $250 million. In 2007, it was replaced with McKesson’s Horizon HomeCare software. Following that initial success, Roger found his niche identifying and designing innovative solutions to simplify complex tasks and improve Company profitability. His recent projects include Instant QA, on-demand payrolls, a hybrid Telephony solution, and a custom utility to simplify scheduling. Roger credits his success to supportive leadership, and a team of incredibly dedicated and talented software engineers and support staff. “We all work hard together, have fun and appreciate the opportunity to make a positive impact. I am very fortunate to work with such a great team of superstars,” Roger says. What’s next? Roger looks forward to being “hyperfocused” on the implementation of new technology solutions that will benefit our employees and improve the quality of care to our clients. “The best is yet to come. With hard work, Addus has the opportunity to be THE leading home care provider in a managed-care environment.” Pictured clockwise, starting in the upper left: Gary Chesack, Sr. Support Specialist; Steve Ellis, Sr. Support Specialist; Roger Ness, Vice President of Information Technology; Ron Hirsch, Software Engineer; Michael Chaffee, Sr. Software Engineer; Mark Coyle, Network Administrator; Jennifer Kazmierczak, Telecom Engineer; Inna Berkovich, Chief Information Officer; Jeanette Fairchild, Business Analyst/QA Specialist; (insert) Krishna Damarla, Sr. Software Engineer As most of you know, it has been very busy for the Information Services Department the last few months, with technology initiatives and other changes to keep them hopping! Most of these changes are exciting, as they involve new and easy-to-use technology that will be provided to Addus’ frontline team. They are working hard to make this technology available to everyone this year. As Jeanette Fairchild was carefully compiling the mini-biographies on everyone in the department, she tripped and they all scattered! Try matching the biographies to the IT Team. (The answers are below!) Recently moved into a new home. Handy, likes to build things. Hobbies include traveling, golfing and fishing. Dallas Cowboys fan, even though born and raised in Illinois. 2. Hobbies include performing music, tennis and ballroom dancing. Enjoys cooking for family and friends, so long a someone else cleans up afterward! Enjoys traveling to new places, meeting people and learning about different cultures. 3. Hobbies include bicycling, hiking, camping and most everything in nature. Enjoys being challenged and participating in competitive activities. 4. Joined Addus in 1997, when the Support Center was in downtown Chicago and the IT Department was in Edgewater. Now works out of the IT West Coast Office in San Francisco. Free time mostly belongs to Oscar the big brown dog, with occasional forays into bicycling, cooking snowboarding and photography. 5. Grew up in Montana but not born there. Enjoys road tripping and exploring beautiful places. Took a trip all the way around Lake Michigan and also stopped at Lake Huron & Lake Superior. Plans to visit Hatfield & McCoy territory in Kentucky and West Virginia this spring. 6. Proud parent of two teenage daughters and two middle-aged cats. Occasionally travels. Video snob who is deeply disturbed by improper aspect ratio. Earned a medal in first 5K run, finishing third among the three in same age bracket. 7. Hobbies include fishing, camping, dirt-bike riding and watching drag/motocross racing. Gardening vegetable and flowers. Enjoys watching daughter play 1st base on her softball team. 8. Hobbies include swimming and biking. The family dog - Tucker _ is a Shih Tzu Favorite music is Country, Christian rock, dance, and ’80s rock. Sports favorites include hockey and football. Has lived in a few interesting places - New York, New Orleans and Indianapolis. 9. Solves problems writing code. Enjoys watching movies and tennis matches. Hobbies include chess, racquet ball, table tennis and tennis. 10. Likes all sports and can’t wait until the Cubbies win it all. Spare time is spent bicycling along Lake Michigan forest preserves. ANSWERS 1. Mark, 2. Inna, 3. Roger, 4. Michael, 5. Jeanette, 6. Ron, 7. Jennifer, 8. Steve, 9. Krishna, 10. Gary 1. Married for almost five years. Here is a breakdown of the referrals: The Key to building a great company is hiring great people. I am proud to announce that our employee referral bonus program was a smashing success in 2012. We had a total of 78 referrals for the year. An excellent increase from 41 referrals in 2011. Home Care Aide Scheduling Specialist Referral Center Rep Payroll Specialist Care Coordinator Health & Wellness Coordinator Agency Director 16 4 1 1 1 1 2 Licensed Practical Nurse 4 Account Executive 1 Register Nurse 24 Physical Therapist 14 Physical Therapist Asst. 1 Occupational Therapist 5 Occupational Therapy Asst. 1 Speech Therapist 2 Kudos to all the Agency Directors for promoting this program in your branches, and a big thanks to all our employees who participated and promoted our employment opportunities to their best contacts. Let’s shoot for 100 referrals in 2013! Addus Gets Social! By Joe Widmar, Marketing and Sales Coordinator Social media is no longer a trendy marketing and communications option for modern tech-savvy companies. It has become a standard, mainstream tool many companies now use in communicating with consumers, peers, and employees. These companies recognize that if they are not controlling their message through social media, someone else will. Addus continues to expand its social media presence on Facebook and LinkedIn. We strive to make each outlet an open forum of communication among employees, industry professionals, and the general public. Some of our most valuable feedback on Facebook has come from our employees. This feedback will help us make improvements as we continue to grow, and we hope to connect with more and more employees and other Addus “friends” through our Facebook and LinkedIn sites. In addition to offering a direct line of communication with our employees, we strive to offer industry news, health and wellness facts, and generally appealing content to anyone interested in healthy living and the state of our health care system. The goal of this information is to help position Addus as a health and wellness resource within the social media sphere, and to reference other well established resources. Building a social network takes time, and posting insightful content is paramount in doing so. If you have anything you think would be good material for either our Facebook or LinkedIn pages, please do not hesitate to send it to me, or better yet, post it on the site yourself. We look forward to hearing from you! October 2012 Israel Lope, Scheduling Specialist, Support Center, IL – Nominated by Agency Director/ Gurnee, IL. Israel has been Gurnee’s Scheduling Specialist since December 2011, assisting us with Telephony and, now, Centralized Intake. He works collaboratively with the administrative staff, our HCAs and me, providing the Gurnee branch with concise, accurate reporting, and he is always congenial and professional. Israel is an asset and a pleasure to work with! ing as a new Agency Director. Many operational issues needed to be addressed, and Ilya, with his four years of Addus experience, was there to help me with compliance issues and made sure our caregivers were wellinformed and trained to provide quality care. He had a take-charge attitude and did what needed to be done. He continues to be exemplary in his role and provides excellent customer service to our clients and caregivers. I can honestly say that, with Ilya’s support and knowledge, my job is easier. Lynn “L” Romero, Caregiver, Albuquerque, NM #7360 – Nominated by Candace Guerrero, Agency Director. Lynn, known as “L” in our office, is a part-time Christine Betts, PCA & Ann Norris, CNA/HHA, employee for the AlbuConcord Assisted, CA #7531 – Nominated by Mary Moore, Supervisor. querque branch. She is A 92-year-old retired family dentist called our also a local business office seeking help for himself and his owner who was looking wife. After undergoing surgery for a knee to make a difference in her community. That replacement, he needed a physical therapist. is one of the reasons we hired her. L has His wife, suffering from Alzheimer’s, needed some evening clients who she loves and who a caregiver for personal assistance and help love her. She does whatever they ask and is with preparation of meals. The dynamic duo always trying to make their lives easier. One of Chris Betts, who successfully got mom in of her clients needed to make a 40-minute her new walk-in bathtub, and Ann Norris, trip to the VA hospital for a procedure, but it who got the dentist up and walking, were turned out that he needed to be admitted to both instrumental in his rapid recovery. As the hospital. He was alone and scared, so L an interesting side note, the dentist was stayed with him several hours, despite the Ann’s orthodontist 35 years ago. fact that her shift had ended and she had her own business to run. L was caring and comMichelle Stoudt, CNA, passionate when her client needed her the Pottsville, PA #2090 – most. Although it may seem like a small gesNominated by Brooke ture, it meant the world to him. After he Blankenhorn, Agency was released from the hospital and returned Director-Pottsville, PA. Michelle has been a home, he made a quick recovery, I believe, in huge asset to our team part, because he knew L would be there as a caring, hardworkwhen he got out. ing and dedicated Kathy Beattie, RN, Olymworker. All of her clipia Fields, IL #4240 – ents adore her. Addus Nominated by Lorie Colis fortunate to have found Michelle, who is clasure, Interim Agency one of a kind. Thank you, Michelle, we apDirector. preciate all that you do. Kathy is an excellent RN November 2012 Ilya Kuzkin, Service Coordinator, Seattle, WA #6150 – Nominated by Kris Lee, Agency Director/ Seattle, WA. Ilya was transferred from the Vancouver branch to the Seattle branch in July 2012, just as I was start- and Addus employee, always dedicated to her job and to her clients. A few months ago, one of her clients needed a new bed, but didn’t want to replace the one she had shared with her husband for 50 years. She felt that she never slept alone and that his spirit was with her. So Kathy and her husband bought a new mattress for the cli- ent. It also is not uncommon to see Kathy riding around with balloons in her car to give to her patients for birthdays and anniversaries. Kathy is truly one of Addus’ shining stars! Juanita Gonzalez, Home Care Aide, Riverside, CA #7400 – Nominated by Hector Chavelas, Scheduling Specialist-Support Center, IL. Juanita consistently demonstrates a positive attitude and provides excellent care to the clients she serves. Every time she is asked to fill a case, she willingly accepts, and I can hear her smile through the phone! I’ve received numerous compliments from clients on her professionalism and willingness to make sure they receive services when their regular Home Care Aide is off. She is a true pleasure to work with and has made the centralization of scheduling in the Riverside office a breeze. She is a tremendous asset to Addus. December 2012 Sandra Kester, Lead Scheduling Specialist, Support Center, IL #0950 – Nominated by Roger Ness, VP Information Systems and Francine Winters, Director of Financial Systems and Compliance. Per Roger: “Developing new software relies heavily on quality feedback and ideas from those who will be using it. For those who volunteer or are “volunteered,” it can be frustrating and time-consuming. But when we reached out to Sandy to help us develop a new BestFit Scheduling utility, she jumped right on it and has been providing us with terrific ideas and feedback. She has been supportive and patient when encountering issues and has had an amazing, supportive attitude throughout the process. Sandy has been very helpful, always greets us with a smile, and her positive attitude makes working with her a very enjoyable experience. Our team really appreciates the opportunity to work with her and feels that she’s deserving of this recognition.” (continued on next page) (Sandy Kester, continued) Per Francine: “When Sandy started, she was a scheduling coordinator on the central Telephony team, working primarily with the Wheaton field staff and service coordinators. She sits near my desk, so I can hear her on the phone from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day. She is patient, professional and cheerful. Sandy goes out of her way to be personable and friendly on every phone call, regardless of who is on the line. She takes the time to get to know the field staff by asking how they are doing and about their families. If someone is out sick, she shows concern. When the branch lost power in the storms, she was willing to pitch in to help with calls. She shows true dedication – all day, every day. Sandy is an awesome role model for us all.” Ruby Padilla, Caregiver, Albuquerque, NM #7360 – Nominated by Candace Guerrero, Agency Director. Before Ruby came to Addus, she had been a beautician for more than 30 years. Due to the economic downturn, she needed to change jobs. She became a full-time caregiver, which was a challenge at first, but is now a superstar. Her clients love her and the free pampering she gives them, including in-home haircuts. Ruby is always looking out for them and their needs. One of her clients bought a new vacuum and was giving the old one away, so Ruby took the old vacuum to another client in need. Ruby also made arrangements to transfer a friend’s old couch to a client who needed a couch. She just keeps going above and beyond for Addus and her clients. Mandy Cattin, CNA/Home Care Aide, Lafayette, Ind. #4050 - Nominated by Cortland J. Young, RN, CHPN, Agency Director Mandy is a recent addition to the Lafayette office and has quickly jumped in to improve our ability to serve clients. She has taken a leadership role by helping to keep all CNAs up -to-date on licensing and assisting with inservices, and is always willing to fill in when others are on vacation or sick. She also has helped with recruiting and has referred several other CNAs who have joined the Addus team. Mandy is always professional and has a winning smile. We are very fortunate to have her on our team. January 2013 Debbie Gaunt, Administrative Assistant/Billing, Homewood ADS, IL #3820 – Nominated by Laura Altenbaumer, Program Director/ Homewood ADS. During Debbie’s tenure at Addus since 2004, she has experienced many changes. She has become the go-to person for support at the Adult Day Center, doing more than just her administrative duties. She is always willing to help and cares about our clients’ wellbeing. She pitches in with serving breakfast and lunch, develops activities, and builds rapport with the clients and their families. Homewood Adult Day would not be what it is today without her dedication. Mary Abeyta, Caregiver, Albuquerque, NM #7360 – Nominated by Candace Guerrero, Agency Director. Mary is a special caregiver with a gift for bringing joy, a sense of calmness Tommeka Dennis, Home Care Aide, Birmingand true compassion to ham, AL #2513 – Nominated by Torie Spinks, Agency Director. the clients she serves. She Tommeka is one of our mental health support works part-time and fills in for other caregivstaff who has a special talent in communiers when available. Recently, we had a client cating with and taking care of clients with with terminal cancer who needed 24-hour neurological disorders. We received a letter care. Mary took on this difficult case, not extolling Tommeka’s care, noting that one hesitating to rearrange her schedule to take client had improved so much that she was on the responsibility. Other caregivers might able to do things she had not done the last hesitate to care for terminally ill clients, but two years. It is obvious that Tommeka takes not Mary. She was there to help this client pride and personal satisfaction in developing who has had Addus care since 2006. Mary is meaningful relationships with her clients. amazing, and I can only hope that one day she will consider working full-time for Addus. Martha Romero, Home Care Aide, Gurnee, IL #3380 – Nominated by a client’s daughter. The Palatine Support Center received a call from a client’s daughter who wanted to praise Martha, a Home Care Aide from the Gurnee office. She was so happy with Martha that she wanted to tell someone at the corporate office that Martha was a “blessing” and that Addus is “very fortunate” to have her representing them. With Martha there to take care of her mother, the daughter could leave for work in the morning knowing her mother was in good hands. As a testament to this, the client’s face lights up when Martha arrives, even though she suffers from Alzheimer’s. Martha “goes above and beyond” in all aspects of providing care. Lisa Woertz, Home Health Aide, Milford, DE #1051 – Nominated by Sharon Purcell-Ponsell, DPCS. Lisa currently cares for two clients in the same home and noticed something off one day. She immediately notified her supervisor of the changes in their health, who, in turn, contacted the family to report the observed changes. The family called the doctor and, in doing so, prevented the clients from being hospitalized. They are forever grateful to Lisa for her quick intervention. Thank you, Lisa, for caring about the well-being of your clients. Mary Jennings, Program Director/ADS Springfield, IL was presented with a beautiful pencil sketch of an elderly gentleman and poem created by Claire Lavin, (pictured below) an 8th grade student of St. Agnus Grade School in Springfield. The art teacher at St. Agnus, Kimberly Magowan, had given an assignment to her art class to choose a disease and capture it in art. Claire did a beautiful job and Kimberly asked if we could hang the art piece at the center. Everyone at the center was touched by this random act of kindness. It is now proudly displayed on the front wall as you enter the center. Pictured left to right is Grace Snelling/ADS Program Aide, Mayor of the Village of Lynwood, Eugene Williams and Laura Altenbaumer/ Program Director, ADS Homewood. On March 25th, Grace Snelling arranged a meeting with Mayor Williams to introduce him to our Homewood Adult Day Center. Grace is a resident of Lynwood (10 miles from our ADS), and has a good relationship with the Mayor. Laura Altenbaumer took the opportunity to acquaint Mayor Williams with our ADS services and encouraged the Mayor to visit the center and meet our seniors. And on April 5th, he took a tour of the ADS. He was impressed with the center and wants us to work with their Senior Housing Coordinator to schedule presentations to the seniors of Lynwood. The following poem that is on the drawing is a very touching message from the perspective of an elderly person suffering with Alzheimer's. Thank you Grace for arranging this meeting and establishing this new working relationship. At first, I am fine I am happy, I am here But that’s not always enough. I’m misunderstood. I may not remember this moment here with you, So remember this: Just because I am aged, and worn down, Doesn’t mean I don’t matter. Just because I don’t show my feelings, Doesn’t mean I don’t have any. Just because I get frustrated, Doesn’t mean I don’t care. Just because I don’t remember our moments together, Doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate them. Just because I don’t say I love you, Doesn’t mean I don’t. I am still living, breathing and being. What followed was an experience that neither of us has ever encountered on a professional or personal basis. We met Mikilyn Schutt!! This woman is absolutely amazing. Her professional insight and understanding of Kerri Pendley, Regional what he was going through was profound. Director Adult Day Ser- She truly displayed concern for his well being vices, received a letter and helping the family go through this crisis. extolling the experience It was obvious that Mikilyn takes a deep pera client had working sonal concern in all of her clients at the Adwith Mikilyn Shutt, Program Director, Mt. dus Adult Day Center. She also cares about Vernon, IL. Here is a synopsis of the letter. the families, who are, at times, so lost in understanding what is happening to their elders that they need support as well. My husband and I were flying from our FloriDuring the remainder of our time in Mt da home to help take care of my husband’s father, Percy. He had been in the care of his Vernon, Mikilyn made herself available to us daughter and attending the Addus Adult Day on a 24/7 basis. She met with us at another long-term care facility that would allow Percy Center in Mt. Vernon every day for 3 to 4 hours a day. He had had several mini strokes, to spend meaningful time at Addus. She also explored numerous other options for us. She and still maintained his mental clarity, but contacted the original home health care aide needed more assistance for the rest of the who spent time with Percy and let her know day. that he was at a new facility so she could visit with him. She contacted his daughter, who Finding it harder to give the care and attenwas in a fragile place, and made sure that she tion that Percy needed, his daughter had to admit him into a long-term facility. We were was ok with the decisions and changes being heartsick when we arrived in Mt. Vernon and made. We were in constant communication. Even texting and answering them at 10:30 visited Percy in the facility. He thought he had been placed in prison…and so it seemed p.m.!! In other words, Mikilyn was our family's lifeline during this very difficult time. to us. We were distraught over his situation and pondered what actions we could take on his behalf. We remembered conversations we had with Dad about his days with Addus. There was “someone” there who had renewed in him a new purpose for living. We decided to stop at Addus and try to meet that “someone.” I simply needed to write to you and tell you how fortunate Addus is to have an employee like Mikilyn. She is a great asset for Addus. This type of care is rare and requires a high energy level as well as a compassionate heart that few possess. Sincerely, Sherry A. An Apple a Day Really Can Keep the Doctor Away In the last newsletter, I described how we should apply Ben Franklin’s adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” as a sound health and wellness strategy. One important element of this strategy is eating a healthy diet. For years, my wife has been trying to help me with this challenge and, for the past several months, has had me on “an apple a day plan”. While I have enjoyed my daily apple routine, I wanted to learn if there was really any truth to the old saying about keeping the doctor away, and if there is any scientific evidence to support the claim that apples can, in fact, help reduce medical expenses. Well, it turns out that there are well -documented health benefits from eating apples and that they can be a very worthwhile part of an overall health and wellness plan. While we can get similar benefits from eating a variety of different fruits, since they’re all included in an apple, it makes sense to opt for the simpler alternative. A quick search on the internet references lots of articles, along with scientific studies, on the health benefits of eating apples, including the following: Promotes whiter, healthier teeth and prevents tooth decay Boosts your immune system, particularly when you’re under stress Supports weight loss with a low calorie, high fiber food source Reduces “bad” cholesterol, increases “good” cholesterol and prevents heart disease Promotes gastrointestinal health and helps avoid related problems (e.g., constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and hemorrhoids) Protects against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease Reduces risk of some cancers (i.e., breast, liver, colon and lung) Aids in the management of diabetes Reduces respiratory problems, including asthma As many of you know, Addus completed the sale of the Home Health business to the LHC Group on February 28, 2013, which included our home health operations in Arkansas, California, Illinois, Nevada and South Carolina. In the weeks following the sale, we worked in close partnership with the LHC Group’s leadership team to ensure a smooth and effective transition, with the goal of making the change appear seamless for our clients and employees. By all accounts, the transition was a huge success thanks to the tireless efforts and continued focus of the Addus and LHC Group leaders, and the ongoing commitment of the Home Health employees in all locations. With this agreement, Addus forged a partnership with a nationally recognized home health leader, with a reputation for integrity and adherence to the highest standards of excellence, who shares our core values of providing high quality care and high touch consumer interaction, while promoting healthy independent living at home. The LHC Group is committed to building on the strong foundation established in our Home Health offices, and will continue to grow in those communities by serving their clients well, united by a single, shared purpose: It’s all about helping people. Mark Heaney, President and CEO of Addus Healthcare, said, “We are very pleased with how well everything proceeded with the sale and transition of our Home Health business, and are grateful for the energy and commitment demonstrated by members of both the Addus and LHC Group teams in managing this important change. While we will continue to build on our partnership with LHC, we will focus our attention on our growing home & community business, which benefits from a significant opportunity by serving a large and growing dual eligible population.” Volume 39 Newsletter Staff Editor: Becky Diacou Co-Editors: Paul Diamond, Andrea Darr Content: Laura Altenbaumer, Darby Anderson, Becky Diacou, Paul Diamond, Jeannette Fairchild, Mark Heaney, Mary Jennings, Martha Holstein, Julie Krizmanich, Wanda Kullas, Ryan Noth, Kerri Pendley, Joe Widmar As we continue down the path of improving our health and wellWe would like to hear news from our offices. If you have subness in 2013, I recommend you consider the “apple a day” plan as missions for upcoming newsletters, please send to: one simple step in your overall personal health management stratbdiacou@addus.com egy, which should also include eating a healthy diet, smoking ces2401 S. Plum Grove Road, Palatine, IL 60067 sation, regular exercise and periodic health screenings. Let’s do our part to reduce our chronic disease risks and improve our quality of life following Ben Franklin’s ounce of prevention advice. Annette Leavell formally Kwasniewski has worked for Addus for 7 years as a Scheduling Supervisor for Marion (Anna ), IL. On Valentines day Annette said, “I married the love of my life, LaRance Leavell. He is the man that brings out the best in me. We have started our happily ever after life together.” Gracie Speer (12) was “Page for a day” in Springfield, IL for Illinois Senator Matt Murphy (R), who is the representative of the 27th District of Palatine. Addus purchased the opportunity at the silent auction held at an annual fundraiser by the Age Options, Inc., Area Agency on Aging for Suburban Cook County. Pictured above is Kip Speer, Agency Director, Charleston, IL, his daughter Gracie and Senator Murphy (R) Palatine. The day’s activities were planned by the Senator’s staff. Both Gracie and Kip had a tour and history lesson of the State Capital. Cheryl Wright’s, Agency Director/Fairview Heights, IL youngest daughter, Hollie, got married on Oct 19th, 2012 to John Bonvancino. Cheryl says, “John and Hollie make a great couple!! Just look into their eyes! LOL” Pictured left is Dawn Menya, Agency Director, (Central PA) with her husband, Don Menya. Dawn is very proud of her husband who has written and published his first novel, “Down Deep and Out of Time.” It is previewed and available on Amazon.com. It is a military thriller with a good plot and lot’s of suspense. It is hard to put down. We wish Don much success! Pictured above are Illinois State Representative, Sue Scherer (center), along with employees for our Decatur, IL branch, from left to right, Annie Yarbury-SEIU, Michelle Walker-Addus Agency Director, Decatur, IL, Melvin Jones-Addus/SEIU, Sue Scherer-State Representative, Kevin HolmesDOR's P.A., Denise Gaines-SEIU and Tina Randle-SEIU. At the In-District SEIU meeting held at our Decatur, IL office in February, Agency Director, Michelle Walker, along with branch employee representatives for SEIU, met with Illinois State Representative, Sue Scherer (D) of the 96th district to encourage her support in the State of Illinois’ General Assembly for continued funding of the Community Care Program, which provides home care assistance to over 85,000 seniors, allowing them to remain independent in their homes. Thanks to the combined advocacy efforts of SEIU members, seniors and community leaders, the Illinois House and Senate passed an emergency funding bill for the Community Care Program in April that will ensure the continuation of these important home care services for Illinois seniors, as well as the continued employment of over 30,000 home care workers. Congratulations to Michelle and her staff for their contributions to the grass roots support that helped save this important program. Abramova, Alla Adeoye, Aderonke C Alderman, Dawn M Allen, Alisha L Arrington, Charisse Ball, Josie M Batten, Amanda K Beal, Jackie K Bennett, Marilyn Bolden, Quiana Bowen, Debra Brown, Leslie A Bush, Tabrina M Casey, Vondell Chavez, Francisca Cheng, Cira Deshazier, Debra Drapatsky, Gary Flores, Amanda Gelfond, Elena Gibson, Lawanda J Grant, Jesse Green, Tracie K Greenwell, Douglas L Greenwood, Necole L Griffin, Mcglotha Haley, Talisa J Hartema, Tanya Henson, Rebecca Hester, Betty J Hilaire, Kettlie Hiner, Lavonia Hodges, Latrica M Ibanez, Gloria Jaramillo, Colleen Johnston, Harriet Jones, Demetria R Kellner, Lourdes M Kerr, Barbara Kincaide, Gloria A Kinloch, Dolly Lewis, Cheryl A Leyva, Dinet Lindsay, Beverly Lorz, Linda S Macklin, Kenya A Malanchuk, Lidiya Mathwig, Christine L Matthews, Carolyn Moreno, Maria C Mulica, Telisa A Murdock, Kathy Nelson, Florence P Oladapo, Mojisola R Oldani, Gayla R Onofre, Angelica Padilla, Renee Poppe, Carol M Purdy, Laurel L Rokosh, Sarah Salinas, Enedelia Sandoval, Christina Sansom, Michelle E Saucier, Talesheya Shepherd, Shirley J Sims, Paula Stanley, Carol J Sutton, Sandra J Tipps, Barbara J Vargas Abed, Arcelia Vasus, Lyubov Vega, Maria S Villareal, Crystal Ward, Deborah S Washington, Tomeka Wellen, Dianna L Wells, Evangeline G White, Jason Worthen, Ann J Aivles, Jo Ann Bell, Charlotte Burns, Sarah J Chapman, Brenda A Chyzhyk, Mariya Cruz, Lupe Cusic, Latachia Daniels, Nelda J Eder, Janet K Eder, Susan M Gambrell, Tiffany Gant, Tammy A Gossett, Shelvia J Johnson, Georgia Jones, Gwendolyn Jones, Heidi Karadjova, Elena Lemmons, Pamela Mac Donald, Rebecca Maciasz, Nonna Ratliff, Lula Schrider, Stephen Stoddard, Lonnie G Straight, Shirley Thornton, Cynthia Belford, Kerry Chambers, Okenia Gutierrez, Faye Harding, Freddie Parmely, Sherry Woodson, Cornelia Fahl, Judith A Mcdonald, Patricia L Richardson, Earnestine Alexander, Lillie Sauceda Lopez, Maria Almazan, Grizelda O Arnold, Laura J Barlow, Sam Batryn, Valentyna Bax, Barbara A Beverly, Fazio M Bilenko, Yevgeniya Birdsell, Tabatha Bosquez, Juana Briggs, Mary L Buffington, Diane Burks, Andrea Calloway, Emma J Carrillo, Amparo Cook, Robert Cooper, Yvonne Cornell, Latoya L Dabbs, Andrea M Daniels, Deanna Depalma, Jama L Diaz, Maria Dixon, Pamela Dodd, Debra Kay Dorn, Delories M Dorsey, Toccara Dylyn, Olga Ellis, Marshene E Estrada, Maria A Flores, Rosa Folz, Lisa M Fortner, Iola Freeman, Cheridan M Fulton, Kelly K Garcia, Eva Gardner, Bernice Ghusein, Ruqayya E Gilmore, Shana M Gonchar, Stepan Greco, Magda Griffin, Dorothy J Harrell, Angela M Harris, Jimmel Jackson, Hilda J Jackson, Takisha R Klungland, Ginger M Lauzon, Bianca Lemon, Sylvia Lilly, Alease Long, Barbara Mason, Linda Matthews, Barbara J Matthews, Vakevia D Mcdowell, Darlene Montano, Genoveva Montoya, Carolina Murphy, Jerome Okhvat, Mariya Rea, Heather Reagan, Lyn E Reuer, Dennis Rodgers, Tamaal A Salto, Carolyn Schell, Bridgette Shaw, Kathleen J Shchyr, Lyubov Shelton, Theresa Sheppard, Debra M Silva, Blanca Sobizadeh, Fereydoon Staten, Linda K Steele, Debbie Stowe, Latasha A Tacy, Charlotte J Thietje, Brian D Tlatelpa, Lorena Vigil, Francella Vigil, Sandra Wayne, Karen Wilkins, Tina R Williams, Diane Williams, Sarah A Womer, Christina L Woodson, Kawana H Wright, Amanda Wroten, Nicole M Zellars, Loretta Barnes, Joanne Bass, Lyudmila Blount, Annette Carretti, Suzan A Cuda, Janet L Dailey, Tamara Duncan, Tawana Gonzales, Corine Gopanchuk, Oksana Henderson, Hattie Joy, Mari A Kirby, Bonnie Leon Jacinto, Luz Martin, Shanna L Mayberry, Victoria Mousheh, Najah Pierreville, Remance Poole, Adriane Rivera, Maria E Roberts, Darlene Roberts, Tatyana Sanchez, Marialuisa Spradlin, Leanna R Suggs, Mark Tiller, Latanya Tillman, Brenda Weekley, Pam Whitmore, Pauline Wilder, Marie K Wilson Lillie, Julia R Baker, Tammy Chaffee, Michael Cowherd, Gloria Dabbs, Lisa Donton , Darlene L Godoy, Mary Hostert, Priscilla Johnson, Patricia D Jose, Dorothy M Khalil, Gloria M King, Mary Kirsch, Pamela Morris, Shannon Posternak, Anna Romo, Rita R Bargas, Rafaela Fishburn, Rose O Jaramillo, Dolores Leslie, Maria E Perez, Hermelinda Scott, Dorothy Martinez, Vickie Abrego Rodriguez, Eleonor Allen, Nancy Assilien, Roseta J Atramentov, Irena Avila, Gregoria V Barkle, Alejandra Barrera, Dolores Beauregard, Sandra J Bedford, Angela Blair, Wayne A Blasingame, Elondia Boose, Jackie L Bornds, Felicia D Calton, Nick Lee Cantu, Teresa Chepurda, Nicholas Cizek, Leatha B Clark, Veronica Clemons, Latricia A Cole, Raechel M Crews, Sandy L Edwards, Kimberly C Elledge, Evelyn D Feldbusch, Judy Ford, Denise L Frierson, Ladiamond T Gambrell, Susan G Garcia, Danicia Gates, Tawanda E Gonterman, Laurie A Gordon, Stephanie Gorinshteyn, Anatolij Griffin, Laddie B Gross, Melinda Harebottle, Linda L Hecathorn, Tina Hughes, Annie H Ivanov, Tatiana Jackson, Letetha T Kimmins, Jessie M Kissen, Teresa K Kresin, Dawn M Manevich, Yan B Mason, Timika C Mayfield, Tasha L Maynor, Yulanda Meyer, Gladys Milanes, Margarita Miles, Louise Myers, Lavina E Olson, Carolyn K Paschen, Virginia Pilkington, Rosalee R Rohr, Yolanda Rumble, April L Schaeffer, Janet L Schongalla, Ellen M Schongalla, Glen Shaw, Alicia J Shelton, Michelle E. Smith, Mary Lynn Spencer, Jaime Spencer, Sonja St Surin, Florence M Stidham, Christina Stinson, Bernadette Sulikowski, Frank J Taualai, Taunuuga Una Tomaszewski, Louise A Totton, Donna L Venegas, Maria C Walker, Teresa Ward, Dina M Whitecotton, Toni Williams, Shirley J Winder, Clister J Aragon, Juanita Birch, Nelda F Burakova, Svetlana Deras, Teresa Doran Christman, Pat Erwin, Deidre Ann Hixenbaugh, Anita Jackson, Karry Kenyon, Minnie R Mason, Elaine Ondrey, Dee A Rakitin, Vera Raymond, Mareena C Rice, Shirley Rivas, Reyes Rubin, Oleg Samborska, Mariya Seliuk, Tatsiana Silas, Barbara L Strong, Angela Waggoner, Zandra Watson, Patsy White, Sheila Wiley, Lucretia Dettery, Mary Ellen Koch, Catherine M Meza, Valeria E Rebbe, Alice Sims, Uzella Woroszylo, Carol Brodsky, Alla Cunningham, Diane Gonzales, Imelda Kanies, Dawn Musil, Lana J Young, Susan E Rapp, Bonnie K Woods, Rose Marie Shackleford, Sonia S Starwalt, Marjorie Adams, Bernice Agnew, Yorketta Bruce, Patricia Bush, Deborah A Chicagoland Therapy, Hovorka Hana Dairo, Nimota S Dambajav, Solongo Degrave, Phyllis J Dozier, Arminta Kaye Duran, Lota E Frydenger, Michele D Garcia, Catalina A Gayton, Urishala L Gibson, Stephanie Green, Jacqueline A Jackson, Janeane L Johnson, Cheryl Johnson, Linda Johnson, Patricia A Jones, Charles Jones, Shirley Jones, Susan M Katunin, Ilja Lopez, Sonia Lucas, Samantha R Marchek, Christeena Mares, Antonia Milkova, Stefka Oleary, Debby Owens, Dolorise Petkova, Ivilina Pulliam, Roxanne Ramos, Alma G Rivera, Nancy Rix, Katherine L Showemimo Smalley, Y Shykulska, Svitlana Singleton, Sheila A Soliece, Linda Susan Spencer, Jami Stone, Lavonn Stork, Emma Suits, Carla Y Tuxford, Shirley J Uzoeshi, Chidimma Williams, Stephanie Wold, Nancy Abdelqader, Wafieh Barszcz, Matt G Berkun, Victoria Bivins, Torena D Bomar, Teresa J Brackett, Hope M Brownlee, Sandra F Corvera, Teresa Danzy, Barbara Darling, Teresa Denisenko, Victor Frohman, Alyse Guldenpfennig, Craig Jordan, Sylvia Lamproe, Mary Pejic, Tonja Roach, Harriett T Shirley, Michael D Swick, Betty J Vanderploeg, Candice Watters, Nora B Young, Renae A Allen, Flora Anderson, Annette Armour, Melissa Barris, April Beach, Nettie Bell, Lynette C Bodnarashek, Elena Bray, Simone M Burgess, April J Cerabai, Larisa Clay, Constance C Cole, Janell Conway, Amailia L Cruz, Nydia E Curiel, Maria Silvia Davis, Margaret Duran, Trudy Gesse, Floreence Gold, Starr E Gomez Calixto, J Harter, Donna L Helmel, Sheri R Hendrix, Sandra Holder, Kenneth J Holmes, Deshaaron J Humbyrd, Kim D Irving, Renita Jackson, Debbie M Jalaliddin, Ayesha B Johnson, Cachareal T Johnson, Jerline Joyner, King Heather Juarez, Luz Kendall, Cynthia Kirgan, Wilma L Kulkin, Oleg Lawal, Olufunke A Levin, Galina Long, David E Lopez, Carmen Lopresti, Jeanine N Lucero, Nancy Luna, Aram M Marbley, Rebecca S Martinez, Carmen E Mattson, Pamela Mcdonald, Alethea J Michielli, Teresa D Miller, Krister R Miller, Sherry Misner, Juanita Mitchell, Sabrina Montoya, Maria S Moore, Sherri Morales, Josephine Moulton, Cathy Nichols, Jane M Njumeken, Lydie Orsborn, Virginia G Pennington, Rana R Percelly, Tamie S Piraquive, Gladys Reyna, Rudy D Roberts, Teresa J Rodriguez, Brenda L Roth, John Smith, Alicia C Suarez, Norma Summer, Vickie J Tabron, Carrie M Tiapula, Rosemarie Tinker, Beverly Tufteland, Corine M Vanderhoff, Bonnie R Venegas, Maria G Vest, Jeannie M Vil, Igor Walker, Frances Warren, Donna Washington, Monae Webber, Maurice Wielt Ashlock, Tiffanie Williams, Esther Willingham, Katie Wright, Mary Abdel Rahman, Maysoun Aneff, Dolores J Antolin, Margie Bauser, Judith Christian, Stephanie Cortez, Wanda S Esquivel, Maria Gause, Linda Hammer, Sue Hooks, Patricia Johnston, Roberta Jones, Jeanice Kazoun, Zena Khralovich, Dzina Lampert, Sofia Leodones, Rafael Mckinney, Dorothy L Morales, Lourdes Morales, Maria Martha Odell, Maria J Palacios, Leonor Perry, Carolyn Raffo, Lily Rankin, Michelle Rasovsky, Mark Rivera, Linda Sickles, Lisa Varshavskiy, Inna Vyrvich, Natalya Wadolkowski, Tamara Walker, Jill L Westbrooks, Delores Cherkassky, Katerina Coleman, Sharon Dillon, Diane M Gallegos, Virginia Green, Gwendolyn Jackson, Cynthia Johnson, Maxine Kaznikova, Inna Miller, Kira Neighbors, Carolyn S Parker, Marya Rainey, Vickie L Shockley, Marletha F Simpson Cornelius, Dorothy Stovall, Vera Tobias, Elizabeth Trainor, Terry R Tucker, Constance Wenning, Jeraldine L White, Marjorie Jones, Jessie Stookey, Kathy A Padilla, Lupe M