Mining Accidents - Alabama 1891-1999
Mining Accidents - Alabama 1891-1999
Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME ABBOTT, GEORGE ABEL, W H ABEL, W H ABEL, W H ABERCROMBIE, Anderson Abercrombie, Anderson ABERNATHY, POLLARD ABLES, BILL Ables, John ACTON, JESSE WEBB Acton, Mike ADAMS, GEORGE Adams, Henry Adams, James ADAMS, JOHN ADAMS, LUKE Adams, Otis ADAMS, OTTO ADAMS, TOM Adams, W Adkins, Lonnie Adkins, Tobe AGINSOFF, GEORGE AGNITSH, FRED Aikens, Chick ALBERTS, STEVE ALEXANDER, GEORGE Alexander, Marvin Alexander, Robert Alexander, Robert ALEXANDER, WESLEY Race b b b b w w b b w b b b b b w w b w w w w w w b b b DATE 1919Dec31 1943AUG28 1943Aug28 1943AUG29 1927NOV16 1927Nov16 1911APR8 1929AUG 1925Jun8 1940OCT10 1926Jul3 1911APR8 1937Sep16 1926Jan29 1913Nov21 1919Mar22 1929Apr17 1956APR5 1916Jun24 1926Sep28 1929May6 1938Feb14 1918Sep27 1915Jul28 1923Sep21 1918Sep14 1916Oct26 1934Sep21 1928Apr18 1938Mar31 1927MAY24 MINE Coal Valley No.11 Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON FLAT TOP Flat Top BANNER SAYRETON Galloway No.11 LEWISBURG Birmingham Water BANNER Mossboro Lucile Aldrich Mill Creek CONCORD Edgewater Dolomite No.3 Acmar No.5 Piper No.2 Blocton No.2 Yerkwood Hills Creek Piper No.1 Fayette County Mulga WEGRA fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock explosion gas explosion Page 44 67 76 35 fall of coal gas explosion by open light 4 3 125 47 5 4 BPL 61 rock fell gas explosion by open light fall of roof rock explosion of coal dust fall of rock electrocuted hit by car 56 trolley wire electrocuted hit by car hitontheheadbyprop face fall fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock trip of cars loose car electrocuted fall of roof run over by loaded cars X BPL loaded cars 29 23 3 gend usmra2 4 BPL 124 5 BPL BPL 36 43 3 3 BPL 76 34 4 3 BPL BPL BPL 35 32 3 3 BPL 35 35 3 3 BPL BPL BPL 70 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Alexander, Wesley ALEXANDER, WILL ALEXANDER, WOODIE ALLAND, F M ALLEN, ANDREW Allen, Arthur Allen, Bob ALLEN, CLYDE ALLEN, LOUIS ALLEN, ROBERT Allen, Sam Allen, W ALLEY, TOM ALVERSON, TEDDY Alvis, Frank AMASON, William Robert Amentrout, B AMMONDS, GUS AMORILLA, FRANK Anderson, Claude Anderson, Emanual ANDERSON, HENRY ANDERSON, HOMER Anderson, James Anderson, James ANDERSON, JAMES H ANDERSON, LEWIS Anderson, Ollie ANDERSON, OLLIE A Anderson, S ANSLEY, EMORY Race b b w w w b b b w b w w w b w b b w b b w w b w DATE 1927May24 1922NOV22 1930AUG 1916Apr29 1912Nov12 1926Nov30 1925Sep8 1920Sep6 1915Oct11 1943Aug28 1925Dec10 1925Aug28 1941JUN10 1914Sep9 1926Jul5 1948OCT 1925Aug20 1911APR8 1912Nov25 1925Feb4 1926Jul17 1921Apr27 1913Jan17 1926Dec1 1937Mar18 1947APR 1921Dec7 1936Dec4 1936DEC4 1925Dec10 1917Dec8 MINE Wegra Dolomite No.3 PARRISH Red Star No.4 Mary Lee Climax Braehead Aldrich Belle Ellen Sayreton No.2 Overton No.2 Coleanor SAYRETON Piper No.2 Howard LINDBERG Beltona No.1 BANNER Gamma Flat Top Flat Top Burnwell Corona No.3 Piper No.2 EDGEWATER Banner SAYRETON Overton No.2 Edgewater fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE Page electrocuted by trolley wire explosion 25 fall of rock tram car rock fell loose cars fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion explosion of gas explosion of gas 41 gas explosion caught in machinery BPL web 49 34 36 4 3 3 BPL BPL 42 32 3 3 usmra2 BPL BPL 63 35 4 3 BPL 74 rock fell gas explosion by open light fall of rock fall of rock rock fell fall of rock fall of rock fall of coal crushed by loaded car&left rib 24 fall of rock run over by reel locomotive 4 BPL 124 36 5 3 BPL BPL 42 34 3 3 BPL BPL 71 43 4 3 BPL 54 explosion of gas fall of coal 4 BPL 37 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME ANTONIO, LANCY AQVERY, JESSE ARCHIBOLD, RICHARD ARMSTRONG, GEORGE ARMSTRONG, W E ARNOLD, REMBERT ARNOLD, ROBERT "BOB" ARNOLD, WILL AROSINA, FRANK ARRINGTON, WILL Ash, George Ashley, Burrel Ashley, Peter ATCHLY, JAMES ATHAN, CHRIS. AUSTIN, HENRY Austin, Henry Austin, Warren Autrey, J AVERY, ARCHIE AVERY, BOWDEN Avery, Ernest Avery, J AVERY, J F Avery, James AVERY, SAM alias AVERY, WALTER Ayers, Joe Bailey, James BAILEY, LUKE BAILEY, M S Race w b b w b b w b b w b b b w b b w w w b b b w DATE 1905Feb20 1922NOV22 1919Apr29 1943JUN17 1943Aug28 1918Dec16 1907DEC11 1917Dec10 1912May22 1919May30 1924Aug20 1925Oct31 1924Feb15 1930APR28 1916Jan18 1927JUL19 1927Jul19 1928Sep27 1928May1 1912Jan11 1917Dec24 1929Apr4 1927Jul28 1927JUL28 1925Sep28 1912Jan11 1918Sep30 1923Mar24 1902May29 1905Feb20 1943Aug28 MINE Virginia City Dolomite No.3 Majestic LEWISBURG Sayreton No.2 Piper No.1 Yolande No.1 Bessie Sayre Praco Yolande No.4 Flat Top Kellermn No.7 BESSIE Acton No.2 DORA Dora No.14 Belle Ellen No.8 Overton No.2 Blocton No.2 Dolomite No.2 Lewisburg No.2 Warrior No.2 WARRIOR Banner Blocton No.2 Acton No.1 Docena Sayreton Virginia City Sayreton No.2 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE dust explosion by shot explosion gas explosion gas explosion fall of rock explosion car of coal fall of rock fall of rock rock fell electrocuted motor trip 30 fall of rock 58 fall of pot rock fall of rock struck by car mine car rope out of socket fall of rock killed by car caught betweenmachine&coal 40 Page web2 web 43 67 3X 4 usmra2 35 3 gendi 37 35 44 3 3 3 BPL BPL BPL 48 34 72 4 3 3 BPL BPL BPL 34 37 3 3 BPL BPL 72 electrocuted mine car rope out of socket fall of rock fall of rock trip of cars dust explosion by shot gas explosion X 3 BPL 34 35 3 3 BPL BPL web2 usmra2 X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME BAILEY, ROBERT Bailey, Sam Bailey, Will Baily, William Baker, J BAKER, J A Baker, John BAKER, JOHN BAKER, LEMON Bald, Robert BALDWIN, JIM BALL, JOHN BANKS, J T BANKS, JOHN BANKS, LUSIOUS BANKSON, GROVER Bankston, Grover BARD, O G BARNES, CELIE BARNES, E Barnes, Linzie BARNES, SAM BARNES, WILL BARNETT, LUTHER Barnette, Fred BARRETT, ROBERT Bartolmy, Tony BARTON, BILL Barton, Bill Basenberg, Harper Basham, Fred Race b w b w b w b b b w b b w b w b b b b b w b w b w w w w w DATE 1911APR8 1902Sep1 1900Feb7 1934Apr13 1925Mar30 1921Feb10 1902Dec8 1918Oct26 1919Jun7 1926Jan29 1917Jul13 1916Sep1 1920Feb5 1912Aug13 1907DEC11 1935AUG20 1935Aug20 1919Jan20 1913Apr10 1921Aug13 1929Dec18 1921Dec31 1917Jan7 1922NOV22 1926Jun10 1913Apr22 1923Nov12 1927APR15 1927Apr15 1925Dec15 1925May31 MINE BANNER Adger A Patterson Wylam No.8 Aldrich Rock Castle Mulga Belle Ellen No.2 Mossbor Eureka Flat Top Eureka No.4 Abernant Yolande No.1 SAYRETON Dolomite No.2 Jett Banner Blocton NO.10 Docena Palos No.3 Dolomite No.3 Majestic Lucile Republice No.1 SIPSEY Sipsey Goodwin Piper No.2 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE gas explosion by open light steam from boiler fall of coal and rocks rock and coal fell rock fell electrocuted struck by car mine car electrocuted explosion of coal dust runaway trip fall of rock scaffold falling suffocated by after-damp explosion 35 Page 125 5 BPL BPL BPL BPL 42 3 BPL 35 44 3 3 BPL 36 34 42 35 3 3 3 3X web 52 run over while moving machine crushed between car and roof fall of rock mine cars struck by car explosion of gas gas explosion explosion gas explosion fall of rock rock shot 25 4 BPL 43 35 42 3 3 3 BPL 43 36 3 3 web BPL 35 3 BPL 69 crushed betweencar&entryrib fall of rock explosion of gas 3 BPL BPL BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME BASTON, DOC BATES, CALVIN BATES, JOHN Bath, Charles BATTLE, DILLARD Battle, Robert BATTS, GEORGE BAY, ANDREW BEACHAM, HENRY BERT BEALS, ROBERT BEARD, W T BEARD, WOODY BEASLEY, IRA BEASLEY, JOSEPH Beasley, Robert Beasley, W BEAVERS, SAM Beavert, W Beck, Frank BELL, A D BELL, BEORGE Bell, George BELL, JOHN BELL, JOHN Bell, John BELL, M F Belton, Wiley BENNETT, GEORGE BENNETT, R B BENNETT, ROLAND BENNETT, ROY Race w b b b b w w b w w w w b w b b w b b c b w b b w DATE 1898AUG17 1943Aug28 1912Feb15 1900Jul30 1911APR8 1901Jun6 1916Aug8 1919Apr21 1943MAY11 1905Feb20 1918Aug30 1915Aug28 1919Jan7 1919Feb5 1935Jan18 1934Feb21 1914May4 1935Sep9 1924Dec4 1918Aug14 1920Nov23 1925May30 1914Nov2 1916Oct22 1926Sep2 1918Mar28 1938Sep12 1915Sep11 1943Aug28 1905Feb20 1943AUG29 MINE ADGER Sayreton No.2 Praco No.5 New Found BANNER Brookwood Belle Ellen No.2 Hillhouse PRACO Virginia City Townley No.2 Dixiana Benoit Cardiff No.2 Colta Overton No.1 Winona No.1 Parrish Belle Ellen No.2 Acmar No.1 Marvel No.2 Langley Blocton No.10 Banner Sayreton No.2 Virginia City SAYRETON fatal/ Age nonfatal F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE Page 4 gas explosion fall of rock fall of coal gas explosion by open light fall of slate fall of rock fall of rock dust explosion by shot explosion of gas draw rock electrocuted fall of rock rock fell wrecked car fall of rock crushed between wall/cylinder loose tram cars tram car gas explosion fall of coal fall of rock explosion of gas fall of rock fall of rock electrocuted gas and rock fall gas explosion dust explosion by shot 29 4 usmra2 34 3 BPL 124 5 BPL 34 43 66 3 3 4 web2 35 32 43 43 X 3 3 3 3 BPL BPL 34 3 BPL BPL 35 42 3 3X BPL 35 35 3 3X BPL 34 3 BPL 32 3 usmra2 web2 68 X 4 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME BENSON, WILLIE Bentley, Robert BENTLEY, ULAS BENTON, ANDERSON Benton, Henry BENTON, HENRY Benton, Lije BERCHENCO, MEYER Bernite, E BERRY, TOM BESIEZ, JOSEPH Besley, Charley Best, George Beverly, Gene Bickett, Joe BIGGS, C C Bilbrough, Macon BILLINGSLY, W M BILLUPS, KIRK Bird, Lon BIRD, W F BISHOP, J W BISHOP, JOSEPH BISHOP, NAAMON BLACK, DAVID Black, Hubert Black, John BLACK, JOHN Black, John Black, Lawton BLACK, MILTON Race b b w b w w b w b b w b b b b w b w b b b b w b DATE 1943JAN29 1925Dec10 1920Nov23 1912Dec22 1936Apr21 1936APR21 1934Mar27 1918Jul26 1923Oct9 1912Jan18 1920Apr12 1925May5 1902Jan4 1928Dec14 1925Oct15 1913Feb25 1924Apr3 1896FEB9 1918Feb13 1923Jun27 1916Sep29 1943Aug28 1930DEC16 1917Jul10 1916Dec5 1926Nov5 1925Nov12 1927MAR30 1927Mar30 1938Feb11 1927APR18 MINE WENONAH Overton No.2 Parrish Pratt No.3 ACMAR Aldrich Altoona No.10 Mabel Banner Lewisburg No.2 D Mine Lewisburg No.2 Shades Valley Warner No.1 Hull PRATT Belle Ellen No.2 Bessie Acmar No.3 Sayreton No.2 EMPIRE Wegra New Found Gamma Coleanor ACMAR Acmar No.5 FLAT TOP fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F N F F F F F F F F F CAUSE 22 Page 66 explosion of gas gas explosion fall of rock explosive shot accident 4 BPL 43 36 3X 3 BPL 53 fall of coal trip of cars fall of rock fall of rock loaded coal car rock fell falling rock caught between two cars rock fell fall of coal rock fell fall of rock slope trip mine car gas explosion 56 fall of rock fall of rock electrocuted hit head against roof 22 BPL 34 3 BPL 34 42 3 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL 34 3 BPL 3 34 4 3 BPL 35 3 usmra2 49 36 36 4 3 3 BPL BPL 69 fell between cars fall of rock 28 4 3 BPL BPL 69 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Black, Milton BLACK, WILL BLACK, WILLIAM BLACKLEDGE, FRED BLACKMAN, A L BLAIR, JOSH BLAKELY, NATHAN Blankenship, Will BLUE, WASH BOARD, HERMOND BOCNIK, JOE BODDY, GEORGE BOLDEN, ED. BOLDS, ERNEST BOLLES, OTTO BOLTON, JOHN BOLTON, WILL BOND, SAM BOND, SAM BONDS, W W BOONE, WILL Booth, Willie BOSCHONG,CHARLES Bosehung, Charles BOSTON, B S Boteler, J BOUTRIGHT, JNO. BOWEN, ATHEL BOWEN, SIM BOWERS, LEVY BOWIE, LEE Race b b b b b b w b b w b b b w b b b b w b b w w w w b b b DATE 1927Apr18 1913Nov17 1916Apr6 1943MAY11 1917Jul31 1914Jan20 1914Jan10 1923Jan1 1921Apr4 1917Oct12 1914Jan10 1921Jun25 1920Nov15 1916Dec20 1914jan22 1922NOV22 1922NOV22 1941JUL10 1941JUL10 1913Jul18 1919Mar29 1929Dec28 1900JUN29 1900Jun29 1912Jun15 1926Nov12 1914Feb9 1915Jan6 1919Apr9 1911APR8 1911APR8 MINE Flat Top Pratt No.1 Sipsey PRACO Bessie New Pratt No.3 Davis Creek Aldrich Aldrich Flat Top Davis Creek Flat Creek Wylam No.5 Edgewater Glen Carbon Dolomite No.3 Dolomite No.3 ACMAR Acmar No.6 Flat Top Wylam No.5 Edgewater LOCKHART Lockhart's Virginia Deepwater No.7 Empire No.1 Aldrich Docena BANNER BANNER fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE run over by cars fall of rock struck by mine car trip of cars fall of rock explosionof gas trip of cars fall of rock trip of cars explosionof gas fall of rock electrocuted bituminite fall of rock explosion explosion Page BPL 36 34 66 36 34 34 3 3 4 3 3 3X BPL 42 37 34 42 42 36 34 3 3 3X 3 3 3 3 web web 63 gas explosion tram cars fall of rock rock fell 4 gend 35 43 3 3 BPL 7 went back on shot struck by cable fall of rock tram cars fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion by open light gas explosion by open light X 4 BPL 35 3 BPL 34 32 43 124 124 3 3 3 5 5 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME BOYD, JOE BOYD, JOEL BOYER, CHARLES BRADFORD, WILL BRADLEY, SCOTT BRADY, GEORGE BRAGG, ED. Brandon, Roy BRANDON, ROY Brannon, George Brannon, JOhn BRANON, GEORGE BRANTLEY, SOLON BRAY, DAVE. BRAY, JOHN BRAZELL, CEPHIAS Bredoch, Martin Brewer, Enos Brewington, Charles Bridges, Dan BRIDGES, FELTON Bridges, Felton BRIMER, TOM BRITTON, TRUMAN BROADHEAD, ROBERT BROOKS, A H BROOKS, JEFF Brooks, John BROOKS, TOP BROOKS, WILL BROOKS, WILLIE Race w b b b w w w w w w b w b b b b b w b w w b b b b b DATE 1937OCT15 1921Aug8 1913May22 1921Jun23 1943JUL6 1916Apr1 1913Nov18 1935Apr17 1935APR17 1929Jun7 1900Apr13 1929JUN 1930JAN13 1916Nov14 1916Jan26 1918Jan2 1902May27 1925Nov20 1923Aug29 1929Jul29 1927NOV11 1927Nov11 1917Jan30 1907DEC11 1917Mar5 1918Jul9 1915Jun20 1900Mar9 1911APR8 1911APR8 1917May15 MINE MULGA Empire No.11 Johns Edgewater POWHATAN Aldrich Acton No.2 Mabel Hargrove RIVERVIEW PEERLESS Bessie Edgewater Searles Sayreton Docena Dolomite No.3 Samoset BANNER Banner Carbon Hill No.1 Yolande No.1 Coleanor Bessie Coalmont No.2 Johns BANNER BANNER Dolomite No.1 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock rock and coal electrocuted gas explosion explosion fall of rock Page 57 42 35 42 67 34 37 4 3 3 3 4 3 3X BPL 52 killed by shaft cage burned by gas 50 24 dust and gas explosion gas explosion fall of rock trip of cars fall of rock trip of cars electrocuted 25 4 BPL BPL 46 48 35 34 34 4 4 3X 3 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL 75 fall of rock fall of rock explosion fall of coal trip of cars electric wire falling slate and coal gas explosion by open light gas explosion by open light trolley wire 3 BPL 36 3 web 36 34 32 3 3 3 BPL 125 124 36 5 5 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME BROUGHTON, GEORGE BROWN, AMOS BROWN, CHARLES BROWN, CHARLEY BROWN, CHARLEY BROWN, FLOYD Brown, Floyd BROWN, GEORGE BROWN, HERBERT BROWN, J M BROWN, JAMES BROWN, JOE BROWN, JOE BROWN, JOHN BROWN, JOHN BROWN, JOHN Brown, John Brown, John BROWN, JOHN GEORGE BROWN, JOHN R Brown, L BROWN, L A BROWN, MARVIN BROWN, PRESTON BROWN, PRESTON BROWN, ROBERT William BROWN, SAM Brown, Samuel BROWN, TIM Brown, W BROWN, WILL Race b b b b w w b b w b b b b b b w w w w b b b b w b w b b DATE 1911APR8 1905Feb20 1916Nov14 1911APR8 1911APR8 1927AUG20 1927Aug20 1916Nov14 1922MAY25 1905Feb20 1917Apr19 1911APR8 1911APR8 1911APR8 1914Jan10 1918Sep20 1925Mar9 1927dec5 1935SEP21 1927DEC5 1934Apr30 1918Jul16 1922NOV22 1941JUL10 1941JUL10 1917May25 1914Jan10 1901Jul10 1922NOV22 1928Dec4 1912Mar2 MINE BANNER Virginia City Bessie BANNER BANNER HOWARD Howard Bessie ACMAR No.3 Virginia City New Action BANNER BANNER BANNER Davis Creek Wylam No.8 Blue Mountain Edgewater TCI EDGEWATER Belle Ellen No.2 Dolomite No.3 ACMAR Acmar No.6 Frisco Central Davis Creek Warner Dolomite No.3 Sayre Wegra fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F N N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE gas explosion by open light dust explosion by shot dust and gas explosion Page 123 5 web2 35 X 3X nyTimes gas explosion by open light 31 5 3 73 fall of rock dust and gas explosion dust explosion by shot fall of rock BPL 35 37 web2 36 3X 4 X 3 gend gas explosion by open light gas explosion by open light explosionof gas explosion of gas electrocuted fall of rock 36 124 124 34 35 5 5 3X 3 BPL BPL 52 76 rock fell fall of rock explosion 4 3 BPL 34 3 web 63 gas explosion fall of rock explosionof gas dynamite fuses explosion fall of roof fall of rock 4 gend 36 34 X 3 3X BPL web BPL 34 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME BROWN, WILL Brown, Will BROWN, WILLIAM BROWNER, W G Browning, Cleve BRYAN, RANCE BRYANT, C C BRYANT, CASE BRYANT, ED BRYANT, EDDIE Bryant, Odie BUCKELEW, CLARENCE BUDD, SAM BUFFORD, LEWIS Bunch, R Burch, Lon Burchard, Henry BURCHFIELD, FRANK BURCHFIELD, SAM BURGESS, BEN BURGESS, DILLARD Burgess, Dillard Burgess, Martin Burgin, B Burgin, Robert Burk, Pat BURKE, MITCHELL Burkett, Melrose Burks, Jack BURNETT, JERRY BURNETT, WILLIAM M Race b b w w b w b w b w w b w w b w w w b b b w w w w b w w b w DATE 1927OCT12 1927Oct12 1912Jul8 1911APR8 1937Mar15 1921Jan12 1921Dec19 1918Apr29 1905Feb20 1941JUL10 1924Sep1 1913Apr23 1907DEC11 1921Mar10 1929Oct9 1937Jun10 1902Mar3 1915Sep27 1905Feb20 1915Feb2 1927JUL6 1927Jul6 1929Nov5 1901May21 1924Dec17 1926Jan29 1921Apr6 1926Dec15 1938Jun17 1907DEC11 1921May6 MINE THERMAL Thermal No.1 Buckeye No.2 BANNER Searles Acmar No.2 Aldrich Virginia City ACMAR Wegra Labuco Yolande No.1 Summit Henry Ellen New Castle No.3 Searles Virginia City Corona No.3 GORGAS Gorgas Warrior River No.2 Bradford Ala. Lewisburg Mossboro Piper No.2 Townley No.1 Yolande No.1 Brilliant No.2 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE 49 Page 74 fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion by open light fall of rock fall of rock explosion of gas fall of rock dust explosion by shot 3 BPL 35 125 3 5 BPL 42 43 34 3 3 3 web2 63 mine cars tram cars explosion electrocuted rock fell fall of rock falling slate fall of rock dust explosion by shot fall of rock 46 fall of draw-rock run over by motor fall of slate fall of rock explosion of coal dust fall of rock runaway cars fall of draw-slate explosion electrocuted X 4 BPL 35 3 web 42 3 BPL BPL BPL 32 3 web2 32 71 X 3 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL BPL 42 3 BPL BPL web 42 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME BURRELL, MONTEL BURROW, ZACK. Burt, George Burton, C Burton, Isaac BURTON, JIM BURTON, ROY Burton, Wilbur BUSBY, ANDY Bush, Fred BUSH, TOM BUSHKARINA, JOHN Butler, Jesse BUTLER, JOE BUTLER, ROBERT Butler, Shelton BUYERS, TURNER BUZBEE, EVERETT BYARS, DOC BYERS, N W Byrd, Nolen Byrd, W CAESAR, WILL CAGLE, RUFUS Cagle, Rufus Cain, R CALDWELL, CHARLES CALDWELL, TOM CALDWELL, WILLIAM Calhoun, Cleve Callahan, E Race b w w w b b w b w b w w b b b b w b w b w b w w b w b b w DATE 1919Apr12 1916Feb29 1925Oct20 1901Jun5 1929May30 1905Feb20 1920Sep15 1936Jan26 1922NOV22 1925Jul23 1917Aug25 1913Nov18 1929Dec30 1911APR8 1941JUN5 1926Dec13 1918Sep3 1917Apr14 1922NOV22 1922MAY25 1925Dec22 1923Nov16 1914Feb25 1927OCT12 1927Oct12 1934May16 1912Jan22 1905Feb20 1916Nov14 1926Jul21 1924Aug7 MINE Pratt No.2 Ewan No.5 Mill Creek Blossburg West Porter Virginia City Burton DOLOMITE No.3 County Coal No.2 Adrich Acton No.2 Howard BANNER ISHKOODA Overton No.2 Lewisburg Sipsey Dolomite No.3 ACMAR No.3 Boothton No.3 Kimberly No.2 Dolomite No.2 NAUVOO Nauvoo No.3 Red Feather Virginia City Bessie Dizie Dolomite No.3 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE Page fall of rock fall of rock hit head against roof monkeying with shor coal fell dust explosion by shot fall of rock broken trestle 43 34 3 3 BPL BPL BPL web2 42 3 BPL 39 loose tram cars fall of rock explosion loose trip gas explosion by open light fall of rock drowned motor explosion 4 BPL 37 36 3 3X BPL 124 62 5 4 BPL 35 36 3 3 web 37 rock fell trip of cars tram cars 29 struck by car locomotive de-railed mine car dust explosion by shot dust and gas explosion gas explosion explosion of dynamite X 4 BPL BPL 34 74 3 3 BPL BPL 34 3 web2 35 BPL BPL X 3X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME CALLUM, CHARLES Calvert, Jack CALVIN, JOHN CAMPBELL, C R CAMPBELL, JOHN Campbell, John CAMPBELL, JOHN Campbell, M CANNON, BEN. Cannon, Zack Card, Frank Carden, William CARLISLE, ARTHUR CARLTON, JOHN A Carmichael, C CARPENTER, JOE Carpenter, Noah CARR, CHARLES Carrick, william Carroll, Chester CARROLL, SAMUEL Carter, Clifford Carter, George Carter, James CARTER, JOE Carter, Joe Carter, Lee CARTER, MACK Carter, tom CARY, PETERSEN Cashon, Louis Race w w b w b b b w b b w w b w w b b b w w w b b b b b b b b b w DATE 1913Nov18 1937May24 1913Nov26 1914Oct5 1911APR8 1927Oct18 1927OCT30 1936Sep7 1917Jul15 1925Jul13 1929Mar12 1926Jan12 1922NOV22 1915Mar11 1926Dec4 1899FEB21 1923Jul27 1914Apr30 1926Jan29 1928Aug10 1919Feb20 1923OCT8 1928Sep12 1926Jul21 1927JUL11 1927Jul11 1925Mar25 1918May11 1926Feb17 1917Aug21 1923Oct13 MINE Acton No.2 Margaret No.1 Mulga BANNER Coleanor COLEANOR Kleerman No.7 Summit Barney Banner Dolomite No.3 Risco Yerkwood BLOCTON No.2 Kellerman No.7 Rock Castle Mossboro Galloway No.11 Weller Dolomite No.3 Dolomite No.3 Dixie GALLOWAY Galloway No.11 Bayview Bessie Docena Belle Ellen No.2 Burnwell fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE explosion fall of roof rock tram cars gas explosion gas explosion by open light setting off gas with open light 50 Page 36 3X BPL 36 35 124 3 3X 5 BPL 75 wrecked trip of cars electric wire fall of rock pinned by car fall of rock explosion middleman fall of timbers and rock 3 BPL 36 3 BPL BPL BPL web 32 3 BPL 5 draw rock tram cars explosion of coal dust electrocuted wrecked car mine car electrocuted gas explosion 22 4 BPL 34 3 BPL BPL 43 3 BPL BPL BPL 71 crushedbetween motor& roof rock fell trip of cars fall of rock gas explosion fall of rock 3 BPL BPL 34 3 BPL 37 3 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME CASTLEBERRY, E S Castorio, C CAUSEY, ED Caver, Henry CHALVET, ADRAIN CHAMBERS, BEN Chambers, Ben CHAMBERS, SHEPHERD CHAMBLER, LEO Champion, Bob CHAMPION, WILLIE Champion, Willie Chander, Robert CHANDLER, ROBERT Chaney, Jim CHANEYFELL, HOBSON CHAPMAN, R F Chapman, Robert CHAPMAN, S P CHAPMAN, SAM CHAPPELL, MOSE CHASTINE, B M CHATKEPHES, ANDREW CHEECOM, JOHN CHESSER, JIM Childers, Cecil CHILDERS, H R Chisolm, Willie CHOPISTROK, MICK CHOWCHOW, TOM CHRISTIAN, GEORGE Race b w w b w b b b w w w w w w w w w b w b b w b w w b w b DATE 1914Nov25 1902Jul30 1911APR8 1934Jul25 1919Apr29 1927FEB25 1927Feb25 1915Sep14 1920Nov23 1926Aug29 1927OCT7 1927Oct7 1927Jul9 1927JUL9 1901Jan2 1920Oct30 1920Nov23 1925Dec10 1914May5 1914Oct5 1914Sep11 1905Feb20 1912May29 1922NOV22 1930JAN13 1925Dec9 1913Nov18 1928Dec3 1912Sep10 1911APR8 1927APR11 MINE Kelleerman Sayreton BANNER Majestic YERKWOOD Yerkwood Flat Top Parrish Dixie ALTOONA Altoona No.9 Empire EMPIRE Searles Kilgore shaft Parrish Overton No.3 Sipsey Mulga Acmar No.1 Virginia City Acmar No.1 Dolomite No.3 PEERLESS Empire No.1 Acton No.2 Kellerman Crocker Hollow BANNER BRADFORD fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion by open light rock fell gas explosion 19 fall of rock coal and rock gas explosion crushed between motor & cars 20 Page 36 123 5 BPL 43 67 3X 3 BPL 32 42 3 3X BPL 74 fall of rock fall of draw-rock 21 3 BPL BPL 71 powder an coal fell in shaft gas explosion explosion of gas tram cars gas explosion fall of rock dust explosion by shot premature powder explosion explosion 32 3 BPL 42 42 3 3X BPL 34 35 35 web2 35 3 3X 3 X 3 web 47 fall of rock explosion fall of roof fall of rock gas explosion by open light 38 3 BPL 4 BPL 36 3X BPL 35 124 69 3 5 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Christian, George CHRISTIAN, PETE CIRO, LANZI CLAIBURNE, DAN CLARK, "KID" CLARK, ARTHUR CLARK, BENTLEY CLARK, FRANK CLARK, J C CLARK, JAMES CLARK, JIM Clark, Joe CLARK, MONROE CLARKE, BOYCE CLAUDIN, LAYMAN CLAYTON, BOB CLELLAND, WILL CLEMENTS, BERT CLEMENTS, JOHN Cleveland, Eugene CLEVELAND, JESSE Cleveland, Joe CLOPTON, ALBERT COATS, NORMAN Coats, Norman Cobb, James COBB, JEFF COBB, JOSIE Cobb, Will COCHRAN, FRANK Ellard COCHRAN, W F Race b b w b b b b b w b b b b w b b b b b b b w b b w DATE 1927Apr11 1921Jun16 1905Feb20 1914Jul15 1912AUG13 1914Jun10 1971NOV18 1921May24 1912Feb2 1921Jan1 1914Jul15 1929Jan11 1916Nov14 1913May29 1922NOV22 1891MAY22 1913Nov18 1912Aug13 1914Mar16 1925Aug13 1921May2 1926Jan11 1913Nov18 1927OCT31 1927Oct31 1923Dec12 1911APR8 1945MAY 1929Jun10 1947DEC15 1916Oct22 MINE Bradford Wylam No.8 Virginia City Kellerman ABERNANT Blocton No.8 BESSIE Bon Air No.2 Blossburg "E" Aldrich Pratt No.4 Wylam No.8 Bessie Porter Dolomite No.3 PRATT No.1 Acton No.2 Abernant Praco No.5 Beltona Edgewater Dixie Acton No.2 MULGA Mulga Tuscaloosa BANNER BRADFORD Docena SAYRE Marvel No.2 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock fall of rock dust explosion by shot fall of rock tram cars fall of rock railroad cars fall of rock fall of rock rock fell dust and gas explosion fall of rock explosion explosion suffocated by after-damp fall of rock rock fell electrocuted draw rock explosion 45 ruptured water tube in boiler fall of rock gas explosion by open light Page BPL 42 web2 35 31 34 77 42 34 42 34 explosion of gas X 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 BPL 35 35 3X 3 web 1 36 35 34 4 3X 3X 3 BPL 42 3 BPL 36 75 3X 3 BPL BPL 124 69 fall of rock 34 3 5 4 BPL 72 35 4 3X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Cochrane, Joe CODY, THOMAS COHELEY, JOHN COLE, CLEVE COLE, LESTER Cole, Lester COLEMAN, ARCHIE COLEMAN, CLIFTON COLEMAN, CON. COLEMAN, EARNEST Coleman, Fred Coleman, Jack COLEMAN, ROBERT Coleman, Wade COLEMAN, WILL COLEMAN, WILL COLLIER, ANDERSON COLLINS, BESTER Collins, C COLLINS, EARLE COLLINS, GEORGE C Collins, Jesse COLLINS, LONNIE Collins, Mose COLLINS, PINK COLQUITT, DAVE Comer, Pete COMISKY, GEORGE CONLEY, ED CONNER, PERCY Conner, Percy Race b w w b w w b b b b b b b b b b c b w b b b b b w b b DATE 1924Apr11 1905Feb20 1905Feb20 1920Jan10 1927SEP6 1927Sep6 1916Dec17 1919Oct16 1912Aug13 1945MAY 1925Dec10 1925Dec15 1918Apr25 1929Sep16 1921Feb1 1922NOV22 1912Mar29 1911APR8 1925Dec10 1916Oct22 1915Aug14 1923Oct2 1918Sep14 1926Jan29 1907DEC11 1917Feb13 1923Jun7 1912Aug14 1891MAY22 1927AUG13 1927Aug13 MINE Docena Virginia City Virginia City Dolomite No.1 DIXIANA Corona No.16 Dolomite No.1 Docena Abernant BRADFORD Overton No.2 Banner Arcadia Gamma Flat Top Dolomite No.3 Sayreton BANNER Overton No.2 Marvel No.2 Hillhouse Kellerman Bessie Mossboro Yolande No.1 Edgewater Lewisburg Piper No.2 PRATT No.1 FLAT TOP Flat Top fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE electrocuted dust explosion by shot dust explosion by shot electrocuted 17 cars fell on him trolley wire fall of rock suffocated by after-damp explosion of gas fall of rock fall of rock crushed between car and rib fall of rock and coal explosion fall of coal gas explosion by open light explosion of gas explosion of gas fall of rock fall of rock trip of cars explosion of coal dust explosion trolley wire crushed between cars fall of rock 31 fall of rock Page BPL web2 web2 42 73 X X 3 3 BPL 36 44 35 69 3 3 3X 4 BPL BPL 34 3 BPL 42 3 web 34 124 3 5 BPL 35 32 3X 3 BPL 35 3 BPL web 36 3 BPL 35 1 72 3 4 3 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME CONNICO, ALONZO CONNOCO, A COOK, COLUMBUS COOK, DUSTY COOK, GEORGE COOK, J C COOK, JEFF. COOK, LEE COOK, LOVELL COOK, WALTER Cooper, J COOPER, OLLIE COPE, TOM COPELAND, LEWIS COPELAND, LONNIE CORKE, JAMES CORLETT, LEWIS CORNELIUS, J P CORNELIUS, W M Cosby, George COSBY, TOM Coshat, Ed COSTELLO,PETER Cottingham, Arthur Cottingham, Will Courington, Clarence Cowart, Anderson Cox, Jesse COX, WILLIE Crawl, Will CRAWLEY, CHRLES A Race b b b b w b w b w b w w w w b w b b w b b b b w DATE 1941JUL10 1941JUL10 1940JAN25 1911APR8 1955APR 1913Nov18 1917Apr10 1912Apr18 1943MAY11 1912Apr11 1902Feb25 1916Jul31 1920Dec21 1913Oct25 1914apr21 1943AUG 1912Jul9 1916May16 1921Feb28 1923Mar24 1911APR8 1923Apr2 1906FEB27 1929Dec21 1937Aug21 1925Apr14 1934Jun12 1926Sep9 1914Jun30 1947May28 1905Feb20 MINE ACMAR Acmar No.6 WENONAH No.9 BANNER DOLOMITE No.3 Acton No.2 Coleanor Lucile PRACO Porter LIttle Warrior Choctaw No.11 Littleton Mulga Acmar No.1 FLAT TOP Margaret No.1 Sipsey Parrish Margaret No.5 BANNER Acmar No.2 LITTLE CAHABA No.2 Dixie Parrish Dixie Flat Top Virginia City fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE Page 63 gas explosion 64 gas explosion by open light explosion fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock falling rock fell on enter chain of machine fall of rock mining machine electrocuted gas explosion smothered by coal from bin mine cars electric cable gas explosion by open light railroad car 4 gend 60 124 76 36 36 34 66 34 4 5 4 3X 3 3 4 3 BPL 34 43 36 34 67 35 34 42 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 BPL 124 5 BPL 8&15 electrocuted run over by empty cars fall of roof fall of rock struck by machine jack fall of coal and rock fell of jumped off trip of cars dust explosion by shot X 4 BPL BPL BPL BPL BPL 34 3 BPL web2 X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME CRAWLEY, STEVE CREEL, HIRAM CREEL, MARTIN Cregar, C CRENSHAW, CLYDE CRIDER, J H Crim, J Criss, Lewis Criss, P Crockett, Will CROSS, GENTRY CROSS, JAMES Cross, Nick CROTWELL, RUSSELL CROWDER, GRADY CROWDER, L G CROWSON, W J CROXTON, LOGIE CRUMP, AMOS CRUMPTON, S D CRUNK, AMOS Culpepper, Jackson Cummings, Hy CUMMINGS, JIM Cunningham, Jake CUNNINGHAM, T E Cunningham, Tom CURETON, ROBERT Curniski, William CURREN, TOM CURRY, JOHN S Race w w w w w w w b b b b w b b w b b b w b w b b w DATE 1905Feb20 1921Aug8 1919Apr29 1935Feb14 1912Oct19 1936OCT 1928Apr30 1926Aug17 1924Dec8 1902Feb1 1914Jun25 1916Aug16 1928Aug9 1936MAR 1922NOV22 1915Jun19 1934MAY21 1911APR8 1917Jun13 1917Dec20 1917Jun13 1923Mar12 1925Dec10 1915Feb27 1928Jan4 1920Feb18 1928Feb2 1899FEB21 1924Oct13 1943JAN29 1912Aug14 MINE Virginia City Empire No.11 Majestic Dolomite No.2 WENONAH Bessie Benoit Summit Pratt No.10 Yolande No.2 Edgewater Margaret No.3 RAIMUND DOLOMITE No.3 Edgewater SAYRETON BANNER Banner Acmar No.1 Banner Dolomite No.3 Overton No.2 Brilliant No. 8 1/2 New Acton No.3 Charlotte Gorgas BLOCTON No.2 Wylam No.5 SPAULDING Banner fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE dust explosion by shot fall of rock gas explosion fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock electrocuted electrocuted falling rock fall of rock bituminite explosion electrocuted 33 fall of rock 49 gas explosion by open light gas explosion empty mine car gas explosion electrocuted explosion of gas fall of rock fall of rock failed shot fall of rock Page web2 42 43 BPL 36 53 3 4 BPL BPL BPL BPL 34 34 3 3 BPL 53 39 32 51 123 4 4 3 4 5 web 37 36 3 3X 32 3 BPL 42 3 BPL 5 tram car X BPL BPL fall of rock 50 X 3 3X 4 BPL 66 35 4 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME CURRY, TOM CUTHBERTSON, GEORGE CUTTS, JAMES Dabbs, C Daily, John Dale, Robert DANIELS, SAM DANIELS, SQUIRE DANNER, J H Dasch, William DAVENPORT, JOE DAVENPORT, JOE DAVENPORT, JOE Jr DAVENPORT, R L DAVENPORT, W W DAVIS, ARTHUR DAVIS, BURA DAVIS, COLEMAN DAVIS, COMER DAVIS, DAN Davis, Dan DAVIS, ED. DAVIS, F Davis, Frank DAVIS, GEDDIE DAVIS, GEORGE DAVIS, GEORGE W Davis, H DAVIS, H C DAVIS, J G DAVIS, J L Race b b w w w b b w w w w b b b b b b b b b b w b b w DATE 1917Sep14 1912Mar2 1919Feb10 1924Jun15 1924Sep5 1929Mar5 1911APR8 1917Aug27 1905Feb20 1902Dec31 1943AUG28 1943AUG29 1943Aug28 1899FEB21 1899FEB21 1922NOV22 1916Nov14 1930JAN13 1911APR8 1911APR8 1928Apr9 1915Apr23 1922NOV22 1926Oct20 1946AUG 1920May31 1915Dec30 1927Oct18 1927OCT18 1891MAY22 1943Aug28 MINE Dolomite No.2 Youngblood Sayreton Dolomite No.3 Dixie Galloway No.11 BANNER Dolomite No.2 Virginia City Leon Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Sayreton No.2 BLOCTON No.2 BLOCTON No.2 Dolomite No.3 Bessie PEERLESS BANNER BANNER Bradford Aldrich Dolomite No.3 Aldrich DOCENA Pratt No.3 Flat Top Bessie BESSIE PRATT No.1 Sayreton No.2 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of coal fall of rock crushed between car & dinkey electrocuted mine cars motor passed over his legs gas explosion by open light loaded trip dust explosion by shot fall of roll explosion Page 37 34 43 3 3 3 BPL BPL BPL 124 37 5 3 web2 BPL gend 67 gas explosion 25 gas explosion by open light gas explosion by open light burned wind from gas explosion explosion mine car 56 fall of rock mine cars fall of rock 22 4 4 4 web 35 47 124 124 3X 4 5 5 BPL 32 3 web BPL 70 42 33 4 3 3 BPL 75 1 gas explosion X usmra2 5 5 explosion dust and gas explosion X 3 4 usmra2 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME DAVIS, JACK DAVIS, JAMES DAVIS, JAMES DAVIS, JAMES DAVIS, JESSE DAVIS, JESSIE Davis, Jimmie Davis, John Davis, John Davis, John Davis, Len DAVIS, LEON DAVIS, MARVIN DAVIS, MONROE DAVIS, ORRVILLE Davis, Robert DAVIS, SAMUEL H DAVIS, TOM Davis, Tom DAVIS, WILL DAVIS, WILL Davis, William Davis, William DAVIS, WILLIAM M DAWSON, HOMER Deadwiler, Birdie Dean, DeWitt Dean, Ed DEAN, WILL Deaton, Will DeJarnett, Willie Race b b b w b b b b b w w b w b w w b w w w b b w b b w b DATE 1913Sep16 1911APR8 1913Dec1 1921Aug9 1943AUG29 1915Apr23 1926Aug24 1923Oct4 1924Apr22 1928Mar12 1925Apr22 1941AUG25 1917Aug30 1914Jun16 1921Aug9 1923Mar6 1937APR13 1927Jul11d 1927Jun27 1911APR8 1912Nov25 1927Oct27 1936Mar6 1927OCT27 1905Feb20 1937Nov27 1926Jun10 1926Jul2 1921Feb1 1926Sep18 1928Oct5 MINE Patton No.3 BANNER Rolling Mill No.1 Winona SAYRETON Aldrich Townley No.1 Sipsey Pratt No.3 Praco Mulga BANKHEAD Flat Top Sipsey Winona Flat Top WOODWARD RED BESSEMER Belle Ellen No.5 BANNER Dolomite No.2 Virginia VIRGINIA Virginia City Majestic Flat Top Bankhead Connellsville Praco fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock gas explosion by open light mine cars explosion of powder 47 gas explosion motor trip machinery railroad car crushed by moving coal car mine car 22 caught in rope belt fall of rock explosion of powder fall of rock 41 40 Page 36 124 37 42 68 32 3 5 3 3 4 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL BPL 64 37 34 42 4 3 3 3 BPL 54 71 fall of rock gas explosion by open light tram cars and prop fall of rock fall of roof rock 40 4 3 BPL 124 36 5 3 BPL BPL 75 dust explosion by shot fall of rock gas explosion fall of rock run over by mine car fall down slope electrocuted 3 web2 BPL BPL BPL 42 X 3 BPL BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME DeJERNETT, JOE Dempsey, W DEMPSEY, WESLEY M DENSON, DADDY Denson, Ervin Dent, A DERRICOT, FRANK DEVERS, LESTER DICKINSON, R F DICKSON, A DICKSON, EDWARD DICKSON, WILL DIDLEY, JOHN DILL, FRANCIS DINARD, HENRY R DIXON, CORNELIUS DIXON, FRANK DIXON, JOHN Dixon, Warren Dobbins, Sam DOBBINS, WILLIAM DOBBS, WILLIAM Docherty, William DOCKING, LEONARD Dockins, Leonard DOCKINS, LEONARD aka DODSON, JOHN Dokes, Jim Doles, C DOMINGUEZ, JOHN DONALDSON, W H Race w b b b b w w b w b b b b b w b b b w w b b w w DATE 1915Apr23 1934Nov7 1934NOV7 1911APR8 1928Apr17 1928Feb10 1899OCT6 1918Sep17 1913May26 1917Feb16 1930DEC29 1905Feb20 1905Feb20 1943MAY11 1918Jul25 1922NOV22 1918Sep13 1922NOV22 1934Dec28 1926Jun7 1916Nov14 1916Nov14 1923Oct30 1938JUL1 1938Jul1 1938JUL1 1917Feb28 1900Sep25 1926Oct27 1912Dec4 1905Feb20 MINE Aldrich SAYRETON BANNER Dixie Dixie ADGER Marvel No.3 Lucile Pratt No.3 BENOIT Virginia City Virginia City PRACO Majestic Dolomite No.3 Edgewater Dolomite No.3 Wylam No.5 Bessie Bessie Pratt No.1 PRACO PRACO Jett (N.P.) Hargrove Praco Colta Virginia City fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE wind from gas explosion fell in front ofmovinglocomotive 53 gas explosion by open light detonation of explosives run-away trip mine car fall of rock trolley wire 23 Page 32 51 125 4 5 BPL BPL 6 35 35 36 49 dust explosion by shot dust explosion by shot fall of rock explosion run over by motor explosion suffocation mine car dust and gas explosion dust and gas explosion runaway car 3 BPL 4 3 3 3 4 web2 web2 66 34 4 3 web 35 3 web BPL BPL 35 35 3X 3X BPL 58 roof rock fall 29 fall of rock burned by gas electric motor fall of middle-man dust explosion by shot X X 4 BPL 58 36 4 3 BPL BPL 36 3 web2 X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME DONNAHOO, JEFF DOOLEY, MARK DORSEY, AMERICUS Dorsey, James DORSON, SON DOSS, ALDON Doss, Grady DOSS, WILL DOUGLAS, ELLIOTT DOUGLAS, GEORGE DOVERS, D R DOWDELL, HENRY Dowdle, Herman DOWNEY, ALBERT DOZIER, TILLIS DRAIN, M C DRAKE,LEOANRD Drummond, Strawther DUBOSE, WALTER DUDICK, BOB DUDLEY, EARL Dudley, Earl Dudley, Smith DUFF, LeROY DUFFY, B D DUFFY, CHARLES Dugger, Ed DUKES, ANDERSON DUMAS, JOHN DUMMELMONT, AUGUST DUNCAN, GEORGE Race b b b b w w w b w b b w w w b w b b b b w w b b b b DATE 1940JUN27 1899FEB21 1919Apr29 1929Feb23 1911APR8 1917Jul5 1935Dec30 1915Nov12 1919Apr29 1930DEC18 1914Nov2 1920Dec9 1925Aug6 1912Oct11 1912Nov8 1919Jan31 1915Dec17 1924Jul11 1920May25 1914Oct5 1927JAN14 1927Jan14 1924Jun16 1920Jun23 1913Mar24 1913Mar24 1924Nov4 1917Nov17 1916Nov14 1895MAY8 1916Mar10 MINE HAMILTON BLOCTON No.2 Majestic Wegra BANNER Straven Bayview Majestic LEE & KINCAID Acmar No.1 Sayre Flat Top Alabama Margaret No.2 Bessie Altoona "F" Empire New No.1 Galloway No.11 Mulga GOODWIN Goodwin Superior Liberty No.2 Indio Indio Aldrich Flat Top Bessie COALBURG C Pratt No.3 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE 32 gas explosion hit by car gas explosion by open light electric cable fall of rock motor gas explosion explosion of gas fall of rock rock fell fall of rock fall of rock gig drive shaft coal car electrocuted run over by motor gas explosion 37 fall of rock fall of rock failed shot gas explosion gas explosion fall of coal and rock fall of rock dust and gas explosion run over by car Page 60 5 43 4 4 3X BPL 123 36 5 3 BPL 32 43 49 35 43 3 3X 4 3 3 BPL 36 36 43 33 3 3 3 3 BPL 42 35 66 3 3X 3 BPL BPL 42 34 34 3 3 3 BPL 37 35 2 34 3 3X 4 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Duncan, Glenn DUNCAN, HENRY DUNCAN, HENRY DUNCAN, STIRLING DUNCAN, WALTER Dunlap, Asberry DUNN, SYDNEY DUNN, TIMOTHY Dunningan, John DURRETT, JESSE Dycus, Ward Dyer, Will Eady, will East, Carlos EASTER, JIM EASTIS, DICK EASTIS, EARNEST EATON, WILLIAM ECHOLS, SAM Edwards, Aubrey EDWARDS, ED EDWARDS, ED. Edwards, George Franklin Edwards, Verde Edwards, Will Edwards, William ELDRIDGE, CLYDE ELIAS, FIELD Elliott, James Ellis, H Ellis, Wiley Race w b w b w b b w w w b w b b b w b w b b w b b b w DATE 1926Jan29 1912AUG13 1912Aug13 1920Mar9 1920Mar31 1926Nov27 1911APR8 1919May6 1934Jan9 1921Oct24 1937Oct6 1925Dec1 1926Mar22 1928Aug1 1916Sep6 1937OCT15 1937OCT15 1920May26 1911APR8 1926Jun18 1912Feb16 1914Jul27 1930MAR4 1935Nov23 1926Jun12 1925Nov30 1920May1 1916Nov14 1902Sep1 1925Dec10 1923Sep13 MINE Mossboro ABERNANT Abernant Edgewater Sayreton Sayreton BANNER Kellerman No.7 Yolande Majestic Marvel No.2 Jagger Wylam No.4 MULGA MULGA Maxine BANNER Bankhead No.1 Eulamo No.2 Dolomite No.1 KINCAID Flat Top Mulga Calumet Bessie Adger Overton No.2 Piper No.2 fatal/ Age nonfatal F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE Page explosion of coal dust suffocated by after-damp fall of rock trip of cars fall of rock gas explosion by open light fall of rock explosion of gas machinery fall of roof rock loose tram cars rock fell electrocuted fall of rock trip of cars gas explosion by open light fall of rock falling rock tram cars 24 roof rock fell fall of top coal empty cars cog wheels of pump dust and gas explosion steam from boiler explosion of gas explosion of gas BPL 31 35 42 42 4 3X 3 3 BPL 123 43 5 3 BPL 43 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL 34 57 55 42 124 3 4 4 3 5 BPL 34 35 48 3 3 4 BPL BPL BPL 42 35 3 3X BPL BPL BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME ELLISON, C G ELLISON, JIM Ellison, Jim Ellison, W ELLISON, W J ELLISTON, BEN. Ellord, Otis ELMORE, LOLLEY ELY, JOHN ELZT, MATT ENGLAND, FRANK ENGLE, NEWMAN H ENMAN, DAVID ENNIS, WILLIAM EPHRAM, HAYS EPSY, J P Estell, Jim ESTELLE, VESTER Estes, Lee ETHERIDGE, EARNEST ETHRIDGE, ERNEST EUBANK, ALEXANDER Eubanks, F EUBANKS, F H EVANS, CHARLES EVANS, CHARLES Evans, Clarence EVANS, ED. EVANS, ERNEST Evans, George EVANS, GEORGE Race w b b w w b w w w w b w w w w b b b b b w b w DATE 1920Nov10 1927JUL22 1927Jul22 1927Jun6 1927JUN6 1916Jun13 1926Oct4 1920Sep22 1895APR19 1906FEB27 1914Sep17 1922MAY25 1977JUL24 1938JUL1 1922NOV22 1912Feb1 1928Mar23 1932DEC 1923Jun9 1941JUL10 1941JUL10 1918Jul25 1927May5 1927MAY5 1900MAY26 1913Oct2 1926Apr7 1914Feb6 1918Aug21 1937Mar18 1937MAR18 MINE Straven DIXIE Dixie Beltona BELTONA Sayreton Wegra Bankhead PRATT No.6 LITTLE CAHABA No.2 Blocton No.1 ACMAR No.3 CHETOPA PRACO Dolomite No.3 Coalmont Praco MANCHESTER Brilliant No.2 Acmar No.6 ACMAR Edgewater Dixie DIXIE ADGER Patton Banner Altoona No.4 Wallmore NEWCASTLE fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock 24 Page 42 72 fall of rock fall of rock 58 fall of rock empty car explosion of powder ca17 fall of rock 37 explosion killed by compressor fell into gears of machine 33 3 3 BPL BPL 71 34 3 3 BPL 42 2 8&15 35 37 77 59 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 web 34 3 BPL 51 fall of rock gas explosion 29 fall of rock flying material caused by blast 35 fall of rock electrocuted fall of rock fall of rock fall of roof rock 4 BPL gend 63 34 X 4 3 BPL 69 6 36 3 4 3 BPL 34 35 3 3 BPL 54 4 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME EVANS, JACK EVANS, TASKEL EVANS, TOM Evans, W EVANS, WILL EVANS, WILL EVNS, JOHN FAIRFAX, WILLIAM FALLETTA, DANIEL FALLLS, F T Falls, Jim FANCHER, CHARLES FANCHER, MOOD FANNING, JOE Fanning, Joe Farley, Will Farmer, Clarence Farrington, J FARRIS,M A FAUCETT, W E FAUCETT, W E FAUCETT, WOODIE E Fauster, Dave FEARSON, T FEATHERSTONE, GEORGE FELLERS, JAMES ELMER FELTMAN, MACK FENLEY, A F Ferganti, Pete FERGUSON, DAVID FERGUSON, ED. Race b w b w b b w b w w w b w b b w b w b b b w b b DATE 1914May22 1919Jun24 1899SEP12 1929Jun22 1911APR8 1913Jan6 1913Nov3 1897SEP20 1916Jun15 1916Jan22 1924Apr18 1914Jan10 1914Oct31 1927OCT6 1927Oct6 1923Jan12 1923Jun16 1926Jul5 1949APR 1943AUG28 1943AUG29 1943Aug28 1901Sep21 1916Nov14 1911APR8 1935NOV30 1943MAY11 1943Aug28 1902Jul30 1918Jul22 1919Apr29 MINE Jagger No.2 Lewisburg MABEL Radiant No.1 BANNER Brookwood No.20 Altoona No.4 PRATT Coalmont No.2 Jagger No.1 Clipper Davis Creek Coleanor DOCENA Docena Burgin Wylam No.4 Piper No.2 FLAT TOP Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Sayreton No.2 Blocton Bessie BANNER SEARLE PRACO Sayreton No.2 Sayreton Acton No.1 Majestic fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F N F F F CAUSE fall of rock trip of cars rock fell gas explosion by open light fall of rock fall of rock gas and dust explosion fall of rock railroad cars explosionof gas explosion of gas 33 Page 34 44 6 3 3 4 BPL 124 34 36 3 34 34 5 3 3 4 3 3 BPL 34 35 74 fall of top coal fall of rock railroad car coal car 3X 3 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL 75 explosion 4 gend 67 gas explosion fall of coal dust and gas explosion gas explosion by open light 25 gas explosion fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion X 4 usmra2 BPL 35 125 52 66 3X 5 4 4 usmra2 BPL 34 43 3 3X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME FERGUSON, GEORGE FERGUSON, GEORGE FERGUSON, GEORGE T FERGUSON, MILTON F Few, Sam Fields, H Fields, J Fields, Risty FIELDS, W D FIELDS, WILLIAM "BILL" FIKES, SAMUEL Files, Cris FILES, JOHN FILEY, JOHN W FINCHER, JOHN Findley, Andy FINDLEY, BRUCE FINDLEY, G C Fitts, Willie Fitzpatrick, F FITZPATRICK, JOHN FLAKES, WALTER Flakes, Walter FLEMING, JOE Fletcher, John FLORENCE, B FLOURNOY, BOB. FLOURNOY, JOHN Flowers, James FLOYD, HERMAN Floyd, Lew Race b w w b b b w w b b w w b b b b b w w b w b b b DATE 1943AUG28 1943AUG29 1943Aug28 1943Aug28 1902May15 1926Jul21 1926Sep18 1902Oct4 1918Jul29 1895MAY24 1916Sep18 1900May25 1943MAY11 1943FEB22 1922MAY25 1925Feb20 1916Oct22 1916Oct22 1926Jan29 1901Aug14 1912Mar2 1927FEB8 1927Feb8 1907DEC11 1937Aug10 1918Aug29 1916Apr13 1913Sep19 1928Jun19 1921Dec31 1901Aug14 MINE Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 No.5 Dixie Flat Top NO.4 Red Star PRATT No.4 Choctaw Galloway No.5 PRACO HAMILTON ACMAR No.3 Piper No.2 Marvel No.2 Marvel No.2 Mossboro Adamsville Acmar No.1 SAYRE Sayre Yolande No.1 Pratt Fuel Lucile Pierceton Overton No.1 Docena Mary Lee fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE Page explosion gend 67 gas explosion gas explosion struck and run over by cars gas explosion empty cars fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock usmra2 usmra2 BPL BPL BPL BPL 35 2 35 3 4 3 BPL 66 66 37 fall of rock explosion of gas explosion of gas explosion of coal dust fall of coal tram car 22 fell in front of moving machine explosion fall of rock fall of rock tram cars fall of rock electrocuted explosion of gas fall of top coal X 4 4 4 4 BPL 35 35 3X 3X BPL BPL 34 67 3 3 BPL web BPL 35 34 36 3 3 3 BPL 43 3 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME FLUCKER, ARTHUR Flucker, Arthur FOLEY, HUBBARD FORD, GEORGE Ford, George Ford, P FORTUNA, JOHN FOSTER, ANDREW Foster, Charles Foster, Henry FOSTER, J C FOSTER, JAMES Foster, James FOSTER, KID Foster, Louis FOSTER, LOUIS Foster, Martin FOSTER, T C FOSTER,MARTIN FOUNTAIN, C E FOX, IVAN FRAME, JAMES FRAME, JOHN FRAME, JOHN FRAME, JOHN FRANKLIN, HENRY FRANKLIN, JAMES FRANKLIN, JIM Franklin, L FRANKLIN, LELAND FRANKLIN, PERCY Race b b w w w w w b b w w b b b w b b b b w b DATE 1927FEB28 1927Feb28 1897SEP20 1927AUG11 1927Aug11 1923May24 1917Oct15 1921Sep2 1928Jun25 1923Jan13 1914may7 1927FEB24 1927Feb24 1914Apr16 1934Apr25 1934APR25 1929Aug8 1918Aug14 1929AUG8 1930FEB 1937OCT15 1943Aug28 1943AUG28 1943Aug28 1943AUG29 1918Dec10 1911APR8 1913Oct18 1929Jul5 1929JUL6 1907DEC11 MINE BANNER Banner PRATT NEW RIVER New River Edgewater Choctaw No.11 bayview Johns No.1 Flat Top Bayview DOLOMITE Dolomite Piper No.2 RED DIAMOND Sipsey Sipsey SIPSEY MARY LEE MULGA Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Vanzant BANNER Banner Dixie MOFFETT Yolande No.1 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F N N F F F F N F F F F CAUSE 26 Page 68 crushed between two cars 3 BPL 3 72 25 fall of rock fall of rock run over by car fall of rock struck by car rock shots tram cars 23 fall of rock explosion of gas wrecked cars 22 4 3 BPL BPL 37 42 3 3 BPL BPL 34 67 3 3 BPL 34 3 BPL 51 electrocuted fall of rock 42 BPL 35 46 48 56 gas explosion explosion gas explosion explosion of powder gas explosion by open light tram cars hit by car 23 4 3 4 4 4 usmra2 gend usmra2 67 35 4 3 5 3 36 BPL 46 explosion X 4 web Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME FRANKLIN, W L FRANKS, ERNEST Frazier, Joe Frederick, W FREEMAN, JACK FREEMAN, W B FRITZ, EDGAR Fritz, Hayes FULLER, LESTER FULLMAN, ALFRED FULLMAN, WILL FURCRON, CHARLES Gaines, Will GAINS, HARRISON GALLAGHER, PAT GALLAGHER, PETER GALLIMORE, CHARLES Gardner, Burris GARDNER, ERNEST GARDNER, ROBERT GARGUS, CLYDE C Garner, Charles GARNER, HERMAN Garner, Ike GARNER, ROBERT GARRETT, SCOTT GARRISON, IRA H GARRIT, J W GARTH, WILLIAM GARY, SAND GARY,OSCAR M Race w b w w w b b w w w w b b w w w b b b b w b b b w w b b DATE 1918May15 1948JUL30 1901Jun11 1937Oct27 1917Apr10 1916Oct22 1941JUL10 1926Aug21 1917Jul12 1913Sep25 1914Oct31 1917Feb9 1924Apr28 1921Apr13 1920Sep11 1913May29 1915Jun17 1902Sep9 1918Jun18 1911APR8 1941SEP1 1925Nov13 1897SEP20 1925Aug1 1916Apr22 1914Oct5 1920Nov23 1919Oct24 1911APR8 1948JUL30 1936AUG13 MINE Hospital Mine Edgewater Coalburg Bessie Marvel No.2 ACMAR Dolomite No.1 Winona No.2 Piper No.2 Coleanor Climax Gamble Brookwood No.1 Hamilton slope Pratt No.3 Sayreton Black Diamond Dolomite No.1 BANNER WOODWARD RED Empire No.1 PRATT Ribu Banner Mulga Parrish Nauvoo BANNER Edgewater fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE black damp 28 gas explosion fall of rock run over by locomotive crusher gear wheels explosion of gas electric locomotive fall of rock fallof coal and rock explosion of gas fall of rock fall of rock fall of top empty coal skip dump cart electric motor went back on shot fall of rock gas explosion by open light 22 Page 34 3 gend BPL BPL 36 35 63 3 3X 4 BPL 36 36 35 36 3 3 3 3 BPL 42 42 35 32 3 3 3 3 BPL 34 123 64 fall of rock 3 5 4 BPL 3 premature shot tram car gas explosion gas explosion railroad car gas explosion by open light 43 gas explosion 40 4 BPL 34 35 43 44 124 3 3X 3X 3 5 gend 53 4 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Gasaway, Hy GASKIN, HARRY Gaston, Grant Gentry, John GERDES, B GIBSON, HAMP GIBSON, HOWARD GIBSON, JESSE GIBSON, RICHARD GILBERT, JAMES Gilbert, James Gilbert, King GILBERT, LEONARD Gilbert, Vernie Gilchrist, Mat GILES, JOHN GILES, WILL GILES, WILL Gill, Edward GILL, FORREST GILL, R M GILLAND, SAM GILLEY, FLOYD GILLEY, H E GILLEY, HERBERT GILLEY,HERBERT E Gillia, Floyd GILLIA, FLOYD aka GILLIAN, NELSON GILMORE, GEORGE Gilmour, Sm Race b b b w w b b b b b w b w w b w b w b b b DATE 1925Dec10 1920Aug27 1925Feb3 1924Dec17 1916Apr29 1921Dec18 '1948 1920Mar1 1916Oct9 1927JAN17 1927Jan17 1924Jan14 1921Aug13 1923Sep21 1926Nov18 1916Nov14 1943AUG28 1943AUG29 1929Jan11 1947JUN 1918Apr3 1912Jan24 1929OCT2 1943Aug28 1943AUG28 1943AUG29 1929Oct1 1929OCT2 1921Jan29 1911APR8 1936Sep1 MINE Overton No.2 Flat Top Dolomite No.3 Garnsey Clipper No.11 Banner VIRGINIA Margaret No.2 Choctaw No.11 Mineral Springs Mineral SprgsNo.2 Sipsey Banner Empire No.2 Porter Bessie Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Praco No.71/2 WENONAH Bayview Brookwood No.1 BLACK DIAMOND Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Apache No.2 BLACK DIAMOND Flat Top BANNER fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE explosion of gas fall of rock runaway mine car fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock 26 explosion of gas electric wire 18 fall of rock mine cars mine cars electrocuted empty cars dust and gas explosion explosion Page BPL 42 3 BPL BPL 34 43 73 42 35 66 3 3 4 3 3 3 BPL BPL 42 3 BPL BPL 35 gend 67 rock fell 35 gas explosion fall of rock BPL 71 34 34 47 gas explosion explosion 4 3 3 4 usmra2 gend 67 rock fell electrocuted gas explosion by open light fall of roof rock 3X X 4 X 4 BPL 47 42 123 4 3 5 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Gipson, Sam GIVENS, DAVE GIVHAN, EZEKIAL GIVNER, PERRY GLENN, JOHN Glenn, William GLOVER, "BUDDY" GLOVER, "TOBE" GLOVER, JOHN GLOVER, OTIS GLOVER, SETH Glover, Seth Gocker, Ralph GOING, JOHN Gold, Henry Gold, Robert Gooden, Sherman GOODHEEN, EDWARD GOODSON, BURNESS Goodwin, D GOODWIN, JAY GOODWIN, WILLIAM GOODWIN, WILLIAM GOODWIN, WILLIAM GOODWYN, J P Goosby, John GORDON, JESSE Gordon, Mitchell Gorham, C GORHAM, C F GORMAN, JIM Race b w b b B w w b b w b b w b w w b w b w w w b b b w w b DATE 1926Jan29 1919May24 1947NOV11 1922NOV22 1919Apr17 1925Dec10 1917Sep13 1919Nov27 1914Apr21 1916Nov14 1927DEC7 1927Dec7 1925Jul30 1921Jun6 1926Jan29 1938Mar19 1926Jul26 1915Aug11 1919Feb21 1925Sep1 1921Mar18 1943AUG28 1943Aug28 1943AUG29 1913Oct24 1926Nov4 1919Apr29 1926Jul1 1927Nov18 1927NOV18 1917May6 MINE Mossboro Bon Air ISKOODA No.11 Dolomite No.3 Margaret No.1 Overton No.2 Maxine No.1 Belle Ellen No.2 Banner Bessie BESSIE Bessie Banner Old Red Star Mossboro Banner Empire No.1 Marvel No.3 Summit Clipper No.11 Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Sayreton Blocton No.7 Majestic Lewisburg No.1 New Castle No.2 NEW CASTLE Aldrich fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE explosion of coal dust fall of rock 33 explosion trip of cars explostion of gas shot breaking through explosion of gas fall of rock dust and gas explosion 40 cars ran down on him fall of roof fall of rock explosion of coal dust cross-collar fell fall of rock motor fall of rock electrocuted railroad cars explosion gas explosion fall of coal mine car gas explosion loaded tram cars explosion of gas 42 fall of rock Page BPL 44 72 3 4 web 43 3 BPL 37 44 34 35 76 3 3 3 3X 3 BPL BPL 42 3 BPL BPL BPL 32 43 3 3 BPL 42 3 gend usmra2 67 36 X 4 3 BPL 43 3X BPL BPL 76 36 3 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Gorrizio, Charles GOUANEN, EUGENE GOUSBY, JAMES Gowen, John Grace, Virgil GRAHAM, CHARLES GRAHAM, HENRY Graham, Leon Graham, Thomas GRANT, GEORGE Gratton, Zack GRAY, "BILL" GRAY, JOHN Gray, Leonard GRAY, LON. Green, Carol GREEN, ED. GREEN, GEORGE GREEN, GEORGE Green, Henry GREEN, HENRY GREEN, I O Green, Jab Green, Phillip Green, Saunders Green, Solomon GREEN, WILL GREEN, WILLIE GREEN, WILLIE Greene, John GREER, STEVE Race w w b w b w b b b b b w w w b b b w b b b b w b b b b DATE 1902Oct14 1913Mar24 1910MAY5 1928Apr15 1926Dec17 1911APR8 1937MAR18 1928Sep12 1923Apr4 1915Apr23 1901May6 1917Dec29 1913Aug9 1929Jul22 1916Nov14 1925Aug21 1912Aug13 1911APR8 1913Nov24 1900Sep21 1916Jun3 1912Aug23 1928Dec29 1929May27 1925Oct7 1937Mar18 1905Feb20 1941JUL10 1941JUL10 1925Jul10 1915Feb17 MINE Sayreton Indio PALOS No.3 Mulga Parrish BANNER T.C.I. No.8 Riley Wylam No.8 Aldrich Johns Wegra Virginia Dixina Bessie Helena-Straven Abernant BANNER Pratt No.5 Walnut Grove No.3 Pratt No.3 Palos No.3 Sicard Connellsville Docena Virginia City ACMAR Acmar No.6 Mulga Dolomite No.1 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE went back on shot gas explosion explosion steam from bursted boiler fall of roof gas explosion by open light 36 fall of rock electrocuted gas explosion gas explosion fall of rock and coal tram cars electrocuted dust and gas explosion mining machine suffocated by after-damp gas explosion by open light mine cars and motor back shot fall of rock electrocuted fall of rock ignition of gas electrocuted fall of roof rock dust explosion by shot Page BPL 34 3 gend BPL BPL 124 54 5 4 BPL BPL 32 3 BPL 37 35 3 3 BPL 35 3X BPL 35 125 36 3X 5 3 BPL 34 35 3 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL web2 63 gas explosion fall of roof electric motor X X 4 gend BPL 32 X 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME GREGG, WILLIAM GREGORY, CLINT GRIFFIN, JAMES T GRIFFIN, JIM Griffin, Tom GRIFFIN, WILLIAM Grigley, Anderson GRIGSBY, TOM Grim, Henry GRIMES, TOM GRIMMETT, HENRY Grisman, Elbert Grove, Nathan Gugliotta, Sam GUGLIOTTA, VENICE GUINN, JOHN GUNNIN, P P GUTHRIE, DOUGAL GUTHRIE, J W GUTHRIE, JOHN W GUTHRIE, JOHN W Guthrie, W GUTHRIE, W B GUY, HENRY HACKNEY, CECIL Hagan, Joe Haggad, Clifford HAGLER, BUCK HAGLEY, PRES. HAGOOD, BENJAMIN HAINSWORTH, GRANT Race b w w b b b w b b b b w w b w w w w b b b b DATE 1948JUL30 1921Apr19 1919May6 1922NOV22 1936Dec10 1912Jun13 1926Jan29 1905Feb20 1937Mar18 1917Jan31 1911APR8 1925Jul10 1924Aug9 1935Jan23 '1940 1922NOV22 1949FEB13 1910MAY5 1943Aug28 1943AUG28 1943AUG29 1927Feb8 1927FEB8 1945JUN 1929MAY28 1901Sep5 1925Jan21 1913Nov14 1916May13 1985APR4 1919Apr29 MINE Edgewater Empire Bains No.1 Dolomite No.3 Straven Mossboro Virginia City Jett (N.P.) BANNER Kellerman No.7 Townley No.1 EDGEWATER Dolomite No.3 MUSCODA PALOS Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Langley LANG RED DIAMOND No.5 CONNELLSVILLE No.1 County Coal No.2 Banner Belle Ellen MARY LEE Majestic fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F N F F F F F F CAUSE 38 gas explosion explosionof powder fall of rock explosion fall ofroof rock flying coal from shot explosion of coal dust dust explosion by shot killed by wrecked trip of cars fall of rock gas explosion by open light fall of rock fall of rock fall of roof rock Page gend 42 43 3 3 web BPL 35 3 BPL web2 BPL 36 124 3 5 BPL BPL BPL 60 explosion 52 4 web 75 26 gas explosion explosion 4 4 usmra2 gend 67 broken neck 36 ca30 gas explosion X 4 BPL 67 70 46 fall of coal tram cars fall of rock gas X 3 4 4 BPL BPL 36 34 2 43 3 3 4 3X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME HALE, ELISHA HALE, HOMER HALEY, CLYDE Haley, Clyde HALKWINS, J F HALL, BOB HALL, DAVE Hall, Frank HALL, JOE Hall, Ros Hall, Van Hall, Will HALL, WILLIE HAMAKER, FRANK Hambler, James HAMILTON, ANTNEY HAMILTON, SAMUEL HAMILTON, THOMAS HAMILTON, WILLIAM Hammic, W Hampton, Dennie HAMPTON, GEORGE Hampton, Otis HAMPTON, WILL Hanes, Howard HANEY, MANCO HANEY, WILL HANN, H E HANN, HENRY HANN, HENRY E Hanna, Leon Race b w w w w b b b b b b b b w b b b b w b w b b w b w w DATE 1905Feb20 1920Sep11 1938JUN10 1938Jun10 1919Mar24 1905Feb20 1905Feb20 1902Jul14 1891MAY22 1901Jul25 1925Dec10 1923Aug29 1917Jun23 1916May25 1925Dec10 1911APR8 1916Sep2 1891MAY22 1941JUN4 1923Dec5 1923Jan5 1917Aug23 1929Aug27 1913Nov18 1924Apr10 1920Jun17 1913Mar22 1943Aug28 1943AUG28 1943AUG29 1934Mar7 MINE Virginia City Aldrich BOOTHTON BOOTHTON Bessie Virginia City Virginia City Warner PRATT No.1 Pratt No.10 Overton No.2 Wylam No.5 Dolomite No.1 Kellerman Overton No.2 BANNER Marvel No.1 PRATT No.1 DOCENA Winona Dolomite Nol.1 Aldrich Peerless Acton No.2 Sipsey east side mCkevery Busbay Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE dust explosion by shot fall of rock 30 gas explosion mine cars dust explosion by shot dust explosion by shot fall of rock Page web2 42 58 BPL 43 3 web2 web2 BPL 1 fall of coal explostion of gas machinery trip of cars smothered by coal from bin explosion of gas gas explosion by open light loose trip of cars 40 fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock electrocuted explosion electrocuted explosion of powder fall of rock gas explosion explosion X X 4 BPL BPL BPL 36 34 3 3 BPL 123 34 1 62 5 3 4 4 BPL BPL 37 3 BPL 37 3X BPL 42 34 3 3 usmra2 gend 67 shot discharged X 3 4 X 4 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME HANNIGAN, WILLIAM HANVEY, CHARLIE HARDAMAN, SAMUEL HARDELLE, JACK Hardin, Cecil Hardin, Marvin HARDIN, MARVIN E Hardin, Will Harding, Lee Hardis, Charlie HARDY, DAN Hardy, Pink HARDY, SHELL HARE, THOMAS Hargrove, Dave Hargrove, Fleming HARGROVE, WILLIA HARKINS, ROBERT Harkins, Russell HARMON, O B HARNEY, ROGER Harnsworth, George Harper, Frank Harper, McKinley HARPER, THOMAS Harris, A HARRIS, BESTER HARRIS, CAESAR HARRIS, CHARLES No.1 HARRIS, CHARLES No.2 HARRIS, CHARLIE Race b b w w b w b b b b b b b w w b b w w b w b b b b DATE 1909FEB2 1937OCT15 1916Nov2 1914Oct5 1935Dec12 1937May8 1937MAY8 1928Nov5 1924Sep26 1923Apr30 1912Aug13 1926Apr5 1915Aug8 1891MAY22 1924Jan24 1924NOv28 1913May29 1914Oct31 1938Feb25 1909FEB2 1916Nov14 1901Feb8 1934Feb9 1923Jul17 1919Feb15 1925Jan21 1914Nov2 1912Aug13 1911APR8 1911APR8 1907DEC11 MINE SHORT CREEK MULGA Nyota No.4 Mulga PRACO Kellerman No. Hill Creek Aldrich Abernant Sicard Banner PRATT No.1 Lewisburg No.1 Bayview Hargrove Coleanor SHORT CREEK Bessie No.3 Sterling No.1 Coleanor Empire No.1 Piper No.2 Abernant BANNER BANNER Yolande No.1 fatal/ Age nonfatal F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE suffocation from powder smoke explosion of gas caught between belt & pulley fall of roof rock 38 Page 18 55 35 35 4 4 3 3X BPL BPL 55 fall of rock fall of rock electrocuted suffocated by after-damp fall of rock empty cars fall or rock falll of rock tram cars explosion of gas hit by two looserun-away cars dust and gas explosion caught between car & heading fall of rock fall of rock trip of cars fall of roof fall of rock suffocated by after-damp gas explosion by open light gas explosion by open light explosion 4 BPL BPL BPL 35 3X BPL 32 1 3 4 BPL BPL 35 35 3 3 BPL 18 35 4 3X BPL BPL BPL 43 3 BPL 35 35 124 124 3 3X 5 5 web Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Harris, Dallas Harris, Elbert Harris, Ellis HARRIS, FAYETTE Harris, Fletcher HARRIS, GEORGE HARRIS, GEORGE HARRIS, GEORGE Harris, Hosey HARRIS, J L HARRIS, JESSE HARRIS, JOHN Harris, Len HARRIS, MIKE HARRIS, RAYMOND Harris, Robert HARRIS, SHELLIE JAMES HARRIS, SOLOMON HARRIS, TOM Harris, Walker Harris, Will HARRISON, ANDREW HARRISON, ED. HARRISON, SHIRLEY Harrison, Shirley Harrison, W HARRISON, WALTER Harrison, William HARTMAN, F W HARVEL, MOSE Harvell, Brady Race b w b b b b b b b b b w b b b b b b b w b b w b b w w DATE 1925Dec10 1926Jul22 1925Jul28 1913Jul15 1935Mar15 1913May29 1916May25 1918Feb13 1926Jan29 1929NOV 1918Nov9 1915May15 1929Oct31 1912Dec27 1916Aug7 1926Dec17 1948MAR 1917Oct22 1922NOV22 1924Oct15 1928Oct5 1918Oct4 1913Jun25 1927OCT13 1927Oct13 1926Jan29 1916Sep1 1925Dec10 1898JAN28 1916Oct22 1937Jun30 MINE Overton No.2 Sipsey East End Marietta Pratt No.3 Blocton No.2 T.C.I.&R.R. No.4 Belle Ellen No.2 Mossboro CONNERSVILLE Wylam No.8 Banner Connellsville Margaret No.1 Mulga Aldrich Great Elk Dolomite No.3 Acton No.2 Lewisburg No.2 Townley Docena FLAT TOP Flat Top Mossboro Belle Ellen No.2 Overton No.2 COALBURG No.5 Marvel No.2 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE explosion of gas electrocuted electrocuted fall of rock electrocuted tram cars trolley wire fall of rock explosion of coal dust 37 tram car fall of rock rock fell gas explosion trolley wire trip of cars 37 explosion of powder explosion fall of rock fall of rock shot of coal fall of rock 18 fall of rock explosion of coal dust tram cars explosion of gas explosion of gas fall of roof rock Page BPL BPL BPL 35 3 BPL 35 34 34 3 3 3 BPL 47 35 32 4 3 3 BPL 36 34 3 3 BPL 72 37 4 3 web BPL BPL 35 35 74 3 3 3 BPL BPL 34 3 BPL 3 35 4 3X BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME HARVEY, JOHN Harwell, William HASMAN, FRED Hatcher, Mat HATCHER, WILLIAM HAUGHTON, J A HAUGHTON, J B HAWKINS, A F Hawkins, Clifford HAWKINS, STEVE HAYES, A M Hayes, George HAYES, JACK HAYES, JIM HAYES, ROBERT HAYS, ERSEY Haywood, John Hazelwood, William HEAD, ANTHONY Head, Asmond Head, Joseph Headley, Harvey HEATON, SIMPSON HEBBON, CHARLES Hedlurg, Alfred HELLEN, EDDIE Henderson, Alex HENDERSON, JAMES Henderson, Lee HENDERSON, LEWIS HENDERSON, ROBERT Race w w b w w b w w w b w b w b b w w b w b b w DATE 1912Nov19 1929Aug30 1925JUN1 1924Aug22 1922NOV22 1913Nov18 1913Nov18 1912Dec3 1926Jan29 1905Feb20 1891MAY22 1924Dec10 1913Feb28 1914Jul18 1912Nov29 1941JUL23 1926Jun10 1925Aug24 1912Jun26 1925Oct29 1926NOv18 1923Apr17 1913Sep11 1921Mar22 1902May21 1947MAY 1925Dec10 1942JUN23 1926Jan29 1912Aug13 1914Nov7 MINE Togo Coleanor PIPER No.2 Riceton Dolomite No.3 Acton No.2 Acton No.2 Samoset Mossboro Virginia City PRATT No.1 Kellerman No.7 Riverside No.1 Warner No.1 Pochahontas NYOTA Majestic Acmar No.3 New Pratt No.3 Banner Mulga Fedora Mulga Cedar Cove No.1 Blossburg No.1 DOCENA Overton No.2 HAMILTON Mossboro Abernant Wegra No.3 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock killed riding chute Page 36 3 BPL 42 fall of rock explosion explosion explosion fall of coal explosion of coal dust dust explosion by shot 4 BPL web 36 36 36 3X 3X 3 BPL web2 1 fall of rock fall of rock machinery fall of rock 39 gas explosion explosion of gas fall of rock fall down shaft electrocuted fall of rock burnt by steam fall of rock falling slate 35 4 BPL 34 35 36 64 3 3 3 4 BPL BPL 35 3 BPL BPL BPL 35 42 3 3 BPL 71 explosion of gas 24 4 BPL 65 explosion of coal dust suffocated by after-damp fall of rock X 4 BPL 35 35 3X 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME HENDERSON, WILL HENDRICKS, JIM HENDRIX, JOHN Hendrix, John HENRY, BILL HENRY, CLAUDE Henry, Dayton Henson, Melvin HENSON, T G Herbert, Robert HERD, CHARLIE HERRING, C E Herring, Eugene Herring, Grover HERRING, JIM HERRON, ARLIE Herron, Arlie HEWITT, EUGENE Hickman, Marion Hicks, Booker HICKS, BUD Hicks, Frank HICKS, GOVNER HICKS, HENRY Hickson, West HIGGENBOTHAM, H L HIGGINBOTHAM, JACK HIGH, JOHN High, John Highsaw, Newton HILL, ALBERT Race w b w w b w w w b w w w w b b b b b b w b w w b b w w DATE 1913Aug5 1907DEC11 1927JAN28 1927Jan28 1912Aug13 1911APR8 1925Aug20 1925Mr6 1918Jan5 1926Oct19 1950MAR 1939NOV27 1929May27 1929May27 1912Dec24 1927NOV12 1927NOv12 1913Nov18 1900Feb9 1925May1 1911APR8 1934Sep20 1921Jan31 1914Feb12 1928Dec4 1941JUL19 1920Mar29 1927MAY30 1927May30 1924Dec5 1921Nov30 MINE Belle Ellen No.8 Yolande No.1 BLOCTON BloctonNo.2 Abernant BANNER Etter Empire No.1 Smoky Hollow Banner SUPERIOR SPALDING Connellsville Connellsville Sumter GORGAS Gorgas Acton No.2 Johns Gamma BANNER New Acton Red Eagle Dolomite No.3 MUSCODA RED Bessie DOCENA Docena Overton No.1 Aldrich fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock explosion 48 Page 35 3 web 67 fell under moving rock suffocated by after-damp gas explosion by open light rock fell fall of roof fall of rock fall of rock 27 41 3 BPL 35 123 3X 5 BPL BPL 34 3 BPL 75 60 ignition of gas ignition of gas slate car 18 fell under moving cars explosion fall top coal and slate rock fell gas explosion by open light fall of rock dynamite caps fall of rock horse-back fell on him 30 trip of cars 35 fall of roof fall from tipple electrocuted 4 4 BPL BPL 36 76 3 3 BPL 37 3X BPL BPL 124 5 BPL 42 34 3 3 BPL 64 42 70 4 3 3 BPL BPL 43 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME HILL, ARCH Hill, Clifford HILL, DONZIE HILL, ESSEX "SIP" HILL, GEORGE Hill, George Hill, Ike Hill, James HILL, JIM HILL, JOHN HILL, JOSEPH Hill, Lee HILL, PRESTON HILL, REESE HILL, WILLIAM Hillard, Will HINES, ROLLIE HINSON, WILLIAM HINTON, BLAKE HOBBS, ERNEST HOBSON, WALTER Hodge, John Hodge, Wash HOGAN, HORACE HOGELAND, CLARK HOGELAND, THOMAS C Holcomb, Floyd HOLCOMB, JAKE Holland, John Holley, Tom HOLLEY, WILLIAM Race b b b b w w b b b b w b w b w b w w b b w w b w b b b DATE 1911APR8 1934Nov1 1917Jan27 1911APR8 1927SEP6 1927Sep6 1925Dec10 1926Jul21 1914Oct3 1911APR8 1918Oct23 1923Nov12 1941JUL19 1918Sep20 1918Sep24 1924Feb8 1915Jul12 1918Aug7 1911APR8 1922NOV22 1918Jul29 1924Aug4 1901Jul27 1937OCT15 1956JUN13 1956MAY31 1934Dec26 1946MAY24 1937Mar31 1925Oct17 1916May6 MINE BANNER Banner BANNER DIXIANA Dixiana Overton No.2 Dixie Eureka BANNER New Castle No.6 Dixie MUSCODA RED Wylam No.8 Bradford slope Thompson Flat Top Blocton No.10 BANNER Dolomite No.3 Piper No.2 Sayreton Zenida MULGA PRACO PRACO Walker County WENONAH No.10 Banner Edgewater fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE gas explosion by open light run-away car motor trip gas explosion by open light 40 fall of rock explosion of gas gas explosion fall of rock gas explosion by open light explosion of powder gas explosion 34 explosion of gas fall of rock fall of rock mine cars trip of cars gas explosion by open light explosion electrocuted electrocuted explosion of fire damp Page 125 5 BPL 36 123 73 3 5 3 BPL BPL BPL 35 125 35 3 5 3 BPL 64 35 35 4 3 3 BPL 32 35 123 3 3 5 web 34 3 BPL BPL 57 76 76 electrocuted 51 4 4 4 BPL 70 jammed between two cars fall of rock railroad cars 4 BPL BPL 34 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Hollis, Will Holloway, Monroe Jefferson HOLLY, ABE HOLLY, ALBERT Holly, Will HOLMES, JAMES Holmes, Jim HOLMES, JOHN Holmes, John Holmes, William HOLSONBACK, WILLIAM HOLT, ED. HOLT, WILL HOMER, MIKE HOOKS, EMORA HOOKS, ENSLEY HOOKS, GENERAL HOOKS, IKE HOOKS, LIJE HOOKS, WILL HOOPER, JIM HOOPER, ROBERT HOOPER, S P HORN, HOMER Horton, John HORTON, L H HOUDLIN, JOHN Houser, Joe HOUSER, JOHN HOUSLER, JESSE Houston, James Race b w b w w b b b b w b b w b b b b b b w b b b w w b b DATE 1900Sep20 1926Jan29 1911APR8 1912Jan11 1925Aug27 1914Apr28 1902Jul2 1927MAY9 1927May9 1924May8 1913Nov18 1919Apr8 1913Oct21 1914Apr21 1919Apr29 1919Apr29 1905Feb20 1905Feb20 1919Apr29 1919Apr29 1917May24 1938AUG14 1918May29 1915Dec2 1902Aug21 1925JUN1 1914Jan10 1900Feb19 1900FEB19 1917Aug4 1934May3 MINE Dolomite Mossboro BANNER Pratt No.2 Dogwood Pratt No.14 No.2 BAYVIEW Bayview Docena Acton No.2 Docena Pratt No.3 Push Majestic Majestic Virginia City Virginia City Majestic Majestic Altoona No.5 Tennessee Coal No.4 Porter Flat Top Ensley No.10 PIPER No.2 Davis Creek Nebo NEBO Searles fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE run over by car explosion of coal dust gas explosion by open light fall of rock explosion of gas fall of rock run over by car 24 Page BPL BPL 124 34 5 3 BPL 34 3 BPL 70 fall of roof railroad cars explosion mine cars electrocuted fall of rock gas explosion gas explosion dust explosion by shot dust explosion by shot gas explosion gas explosion fall of rock 27 fall of rock tram cars fall of slate explosionof gas falling slate entry fall of rock crushed by car 3 BPL BPL 36 43 36 34 43 43 web2 web2 43 43 36 59 34 32 3X 3 3 3 3X 3X X X 3X 3X 3 4 3 3 BPL 42 34 4 3X BPL 6 37 4 3 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME HOUSTON, OLIVER HOWARD, CAREY Howard, John HOWARD, JOHN Howard, Lum HOWARD, PLEAS HOWARD, WILL HOWARD, WILL HOWELL, FRED Howell, Fred HOWTON, FRANK Howton, L HOWZE, McKINLEY Hubbard, George HUBBARD, JOHN HUBBERT, CLINT. HUDSON, HENRY HUDSON, JAMES HUDSON, JAMES HUDSON, JAMES HUDSON, JOHN Hudson, Luther HUDSON, WILLIE Huell, R HUFFMAN, GEORGE HUFFMAN, JIM Huggins, Ed Hughes, Harry Hulsey, Marcus Hulsey, Oswell HUMPHREY, MATTHEW Race b b b w b b b b w w w b b b w b b b b b b b w b b w b w w b DATE 1905Feb20 1914Oct5 1902Sep12 1911APR8 1900May22 1920Dec4 1905Feb20 1915Mar26 1927OCT11 1927Oct11 1937OCT24 1925May31 1918Jul9 1925Dec10 1913Sep20 1916Nov14 1918Nov20 1913Mar26 1918Jul29 1921Jun22 1914Apr28 1936Oct2 1913Mar8 1934Aug1 1905Feb20 1905Feb20 1924Aug9 1938Feb7 1929May27 1929Feb14 1907DEC11 MINE Virginia City Mulga No.1 BANNER Milldale No.7 Margaret No.1 Virginia City Choctaw No.6 KELLERMAN Kellerman EDGEWATER Piper No.2 Dolomite No.1 Overton No.2 Lucile Bessie Dolomite No.2 Bessie Flat Top Clift Pratt No.14 Sayreton Virginia City Virginia City Townley No.1 Connellsville Brilliant Yolande No.1 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE dust explosion by shot gas explosion smoke stack fell on him gas explosion by open light falling slate trip of cars dust explosion by shot powder explosion 38 Page web2 35 BPL 123 5 BPL 43 3 web2 32 74 fall of rock 28 X 3 3 BPL 57 explosion of gas elecrocuted explosion of gas fall of rock dust and gas explosion tram cars tram car fall of rock explosion of powder fall of rock fall of roof rock tram cars fall of draw-rock dust explosion by shot dust explosion by shot fall of rock caughtbetweenloadedcar&roof ignition of gas rock fell explosion X 3X 4 BPL 34 3 BPL 36 35 35 34 34 42 34 3 3X 3 3 3 3 3 BPL 34 3 BPL web2 web2 BPL BPL BPL BPL web X X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME HUMPHREYS, BILL Humphryes, Howard Ronald HUNGERFORD, Cleburne HUNTER, CHARLES HUNTER, CRAWFORD HUNTER, DAN Hunter, Leonard Hurd, David HURD, JIM aka HURSE, GEORGE HURT, ALBERT HUTCHISON, BEN HUTER, W G HYDE, JOHNNY INGRAM, Joseph "Joe" ISABELL, JOE Isbell, Guy ISBELL, PRESTON ISRAEL, JAMES ALFROD Issac, Hall Ivey, Aaron IVY, LEE Jackon, Ed JACKS, MILAN JACKSON, A J JACKSON, BOWMAN JACKSON, BOYD JACKSON, BRASIEL JACKSON, CARTER JACKSON, CHARLES JACKSON, CHARLES Race b b b w b b b b b w b w w w b b b b b b b b b b DATE 1912Jul24 1979MAY29 1914Jun26 1919Jan3 1912Oct11 1913Sep26 1925NOv12 1923Oct3 1911APR8 1913Sep6 1919Apr29 1919May20 1914Feb11 1950FEB 1917Nov5 1916Feb15 1935Oct15 1950OCT 1904JAN1 1928Apr17 1928Feb21 1915Dec3 1924Feb23 1919Sep6 1905Feb20 1912Feb5 1912Jan17 1922NOV22 1921Sep7 1913Feb4 1913Sep14 MINE Arcadia No.20 JIM WALTER No.4 Sumter Weller Margaret No.2 Virginia Calumet Parrish BANNER Edgewater Majestic Flat Top Altoona No.5 Wylam No.8 Sipsey SAYRETON Dixie Edgewater Warner No.1 Townley No.1 Warner No.1 Virginia City Belle Ellen No.2 John Henry Dolomite No.3 Atlas John Henry Palos No.3 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock 33 fall of rock trip of cars railroad cars fall of rock fall on cross tie fall of rock gas explosion by open light tram cars gas explosion fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock electric motor fall of roof rock 17 Page 35 78 34 43 36 36 3 4 3 3 3 3 BPL BPL 124 35 43 44 34 75 37 34 5 3 3X 3 3 4 3 3 BPL 75 8&15 premature detonation of explos cutting machine trolley wire suffocation from C. O. electrocuted dust explosion by shot fall of rock powder explosion explosion overcome by smoke fall of coal fall of rock 4 4 BPL BPL 33 3 BPL 44 3 web2 34 34 X 3 3 web 42 34 36 3 3 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Jackson, Charles Jackson, Cicero Jackson, Clarence JACKSON, CLARENCE E JACKSON, DAN Jackson, David JACKSON, ED Jackson, Ed Jackson, Ed Jackson, Harrison JACKSON, J Jackson, J Jackson, James JACKSON, JIM JACKSON, LUTHER Jackson, Oscar Jackson, Prince Jackson, Robert JACKSON, ROLAND JACKSON, SPENCER Jackson, Spencer Jackson, Tom JACKSON, WILL Jacob, Andrew JAMES, AMOS JAMES, FRANK JAMES, JESSE JAMES, JOHN JEFFERSON, JOHN JEFFERSON, LEWIS Jefferys, Carol Race b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b w DATE 1934Aug21 1925Dec10 1926May6 1948SEP 1941SEP22 1924Jan4 1911APR8 1925Dec10 1938Sep30 1900Apr4 1909FEB2 1937Nov5 1929Sep26 1911APR8 1914Sep15 1924Jan30 1925Nov27 1935May10 1907DEC11 1917Oct11 1926Jun8 1934Dec28 1921Aug13 1925Aug3 1916Nov14 1897SEP20 1913Oct3 1898OCT21 1898AUG15 1919Sep18 1923Jan18 MINE Overton No.2 Clift DOCENA Mulga BANNER Overton No.2 Blocton No.1 SHORT CREEK Peraco No.7 BANNER Bessie Wylam No.8 Sayreton Yolande No.1 Belle Ellen No.2 Flat Top Banner Galloway No.15 Bessie PRATT Acmar No.1 BELLE ELLEN NEW CASTLE Aldrich Flat Top fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE Page fall of rock explosion of gas fall of rock 39 38 BPL BPL BPL 74 65 electrocuted gas explosion by open light explosion of gas fallen roof rock trip loaded cars 4 4 BPL 124 5 BPL BPL BPL 18 run-away car rock fell gas explosion by open light tram cars electrocuted loaded coal car fall of rock explosion fall of rock fall of rock falling collar struck him mine cars fall of rock dust and gas explosion fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock 4 BPL BPL 124 35 5 3 BPL BPL BPL web 37 3 BPL BPL 42 3 BPL 35 3 36 4 4 44 3X 4 3 4 4 3 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Jenkins, Ben JENKINS, FRANK JENKINS, GEORGE JENKINS, JOHN H Jenkins, W JENKINS, WILLIAM Jennett, S JENNETT, S B JENNINGS, EARL JENNINGS, ED. Jernigan, W Jett, William Jiles, Robert JILES, WILLIE JOHNE, FRED JOHNSON, ALEXANDER JOHNSON, CLARENCE Johnson, Clinton JOHNSON, E B Johnson, Ed JOHNSON, ELLIS Johnson, Elton JOHNSON, G T Johnson, George Johnson, George JOHNSON, GREEN JOHNSON, HENRY Johnson, Henry Johnson, Henry Johnson, J JOHNSON, J T Race w b w b b b w b w w w b b b b w b b w b b b b b b w w DATE 1928Apr6 1920Jun18 1914May11 1921Apr30 1928May28 1918Mar30 1936Sep11 1936SEP11 1941JUL10 1920Mar24 1925Dec20 1901Oct26 1923Jan10 1943Aug28 1922NOV22 1919Apr29 1914Sep8 1924Oct27 1918Jul6 1925Oct1 1912Feb28 1936Jan7 1917Oct18 1900Jun20 1928Jun3 1940JAN 1912Oct4 1924Apr11 1929Jan5 1928Nov15 1917Jun7 MINE Samoset Gamma No.2 Castella Pratt No.3 Dolomite No.3 Flat Top HILL CREEK ACMAR Hills Creek Aldrich Stouts Mountain Dolomite No.1 Sayreton No.2 Dolomite No.3 Majestic Flat Top Pratt Fuel No.6 Margaret No.1 Benoit No.5 Wegra Big Ridge Shaft No.2 Bradford WYLAM No.8 Pratt No.5 Yerkwood Dixiana Piper No.1 Yolande No.1 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock fall of coal fall of rock electrocuted contact with trolley wire fall of rock fall of roof rock fall of rock fall of rock fall of slate explosion of gas gas explosion explosion gas explosion fall of rock electrocuted gas explosion fall of rock fall of rock fall of draw-rock fall of rock fall of slate contact with trolley wire electrocuted rock fell electrocuted run over by cars fall of rock Page BPL 42 34 42 3 3 3 BPL 34 3 BPL 53 63 42 4 4 3 BPL BPL BPL usmra2 web 43 35 3X 3 BPL 34 3 BPL 34 3 BPL 37 3 BPL BPL 60 36 4 3 BPL BPL BPL 36 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME JOHNSON, JACK Johnson, James JOHNSON, JIM JOHNSON, JIM JOHNSON, JIM JOHNSON, JOHN HY JOHNSON, JOHNNIE Johnson, Martin JOHNSON, PRENTICE JOHNSON, RALPH JOHNSON, ROY JOHNSON, THOMAS JOHNSON, W C Johnson, Will JOHNSON, WILL JOHNSON, WILL JOHNSON, WILL Johnson, Will Johnson, Will Johnson, Will Johnson, William JOHNSON, WILLIAM JOHNSON, WILLIAM Johnson, William JOHNSTON, CHARLES JOHNSTON, CLAUDE JOHNSTON, FREDERICK JONES, ALBERT JONES, ANDERSON JONES, BEN JONES, BENNY Race b b b w b b w w b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b DATE 1943AUG11 1923Jul2 1898MAY12 1911APR8 1914Mar18 1911APR8 1911APR8 1923Apr18 1911APR8 1917Oct13 1936JAN7 1913May31 1916Mar3 1900Feb2 1911APR8 1919Jan20 1920Jan23 1926Jan29 1926Jul21 1937Jan12 1902Mar20 1912Apr18 1927OCT6 1927Oct6 1914Sep12 1917Oct12 1919Jan30 1920Feb13 1922NOV22 1912Oct21 1941AUG8 MINE SHORT CREEK Flat Top ADGER BANNER Rio Dell No.1 BANNER BANNER Flat Top BANNER Palos No.3 NYOTA Lucile Pratt No.3 Brazil West BANNER Banner Boothton No.1 Mossboro Dixie Empire No.3 Hargrove MULGA Mulga Searles Flat Top Edgewater Porter Dolomite No.3 Banner DeBARDELEBEN fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE 46 Page 67 fall of rock gas explosion by open light explosion of powder gas explosion by open light gas explosion by open light fall of coal gas explosion by open light fall of rock 22 fall of rock fall of coal fall of coal gas explosion by open light tram cars fall of rock explosion of coal dust gas explosion fall of draw-rock falling rock gas explosion 62 fall of rock fall of rock trip of cars mine car fall of milldeman explosion tram car 47 4 BPL 4 124 34 125 124 4 5 3 5 5 BPL 125 37 53 35 34 5 3 4 3 3 BPL 124 43 42 5 3 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL 34 74 3 3 BPL 35 37 43 42 3 3 3 3 web 36 64 3 4 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME JONES, BUD JONES, BUD JONES, CHARLES Jones, Charlie Jones, Curtis JONES, EARL JONES, ED JONES, ED. JONES, ED. JONES, EDDIE JONES, EUGENE Jones, Frank JONES, FRANK Jones, Frank JONES, GEORGE Jones, George JONES, HARRISON JONES, HENRY JONES, HENRY JONES, HENRY Jones, Homer Jones, J JONES, J W JONES, JACKSON Jones, Jake JONES, JIM JONES, JIM Jones, John Jones, John JONES, JOHN H JONES, JOHN S Race b b b b w b w b b b w w b b b w b w w b b b b b w b DATE 1943AUG28 1943Aug28 1912Nov30 1923Feb20 1934Jan9 1944FEB 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1948JUL30 1913Mar24 1926Dec19 1927SEP29 1927Sep29 1916Oct22 1938Jun21 1913Dec20 1911APR8 1916Jun22 1921Dec13 1929Jul25 1926Jul21 1919Jan29 1918Sep3 1926Jul28 1913Feb11 1917May21 1936Jun7 1938Mar11 1899AUG 1938MAR11 MINE Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 Dolomite No.2 Mulga ISHKOODA No.14 Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 Edgewater Indio Dixiana EDGEWATER Edgewate Marvel No.2 Kellerman BANNER Dolomite No.2 Republic No.2 Flat Top Dixie Clift No.3 Lewisburg Galloway No.11 Coleanor Caledonia BELLE SUMPTER HAMILTON fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE explosion gas explosion fall of rock fall of rock explosion of gas 29 explosion explosion gas explosion 18 gas explosion gas explosion gas explosion 26 electrocuted overcome by afterdamp fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion by open light motor and cars electrocuted electrocuted gas explosion fall of rock drowned electrocuted mine cars fall of rock electrocuted jamed between car and rib 24 Page gend usmra2 36 X 3 BPL BPL 69 4 web gendi gend gend 34 X 3 BPL 73 3 BPL 35 3X BPL 37 124 34 43 3 5 3 3 BPL BPL 43 35 3 3 BPL 34 36 3 3 BPL BPL 6 58 4 4 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Jones, K JONES, K M JONES, LEE JONES, LEE JONES, LEE JONES, LUKE JONES, MARTIN Jones, Nelson JONES, PLESS JONES, R D JONES, RANDY JONES, REUBEN Jones, Robert Jones, Roscoe Jones, Sam JONES, SAM JONES, SAMUEL Jones, Scott JONES, SIMON JONES, STEVE JONES, T S Jones, Tony JONES, W R JONES, WALTER JONES, WESLEY JONES, WILL JONES, WILL Jones, William JONES, WINFRED JONSON, WADE Jordan, Arthur Race b w w b b w b b b b w b b b w b b b b b b b b b b b b b DATE 1925Dec10 1915Jul27 1911APR8 1911APR8 1912Jan8 1914Oct5 1916Nov14 1902Sep26 1922NOV22 1914Jul9 1931DEC28 1913Nov27 1936Feb29 1925Dec10 1901Mar1 1914Jan22 1913Jul2 1929May14 1921Dec13 1914Jul27 1912Jun11 1929Jan17 1913Jun2 1930DEC12 1916Sep20 1907DEC11 1915May31 1925Dec10 1917Oct2 1905Feb20 1927Apr27 MINE Overton No.2 Piper No.2 BANNER BANNER Sumter Clift No.3 Bessie Mary Lee Dolomite No.3 Sipsey OVERTON No.1 Eldorado No.2 Overton No.2 Belle Sumpter Orono No.2 Belle Ellen No.2 Edgewater Wylam No.8 Dolomite No.1 Garnsey Cedar Cove Standard SLOSS Banner Yolande No.1 Crocker Hollow Overton No.2 Banner Virginia City Aldrich fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE explosion of gas gas gas explosion by open light Page BPL 32 125 3 5 gend fall of rock fall of rock dust and gas explosion run over by car explosion tram cars fall of rock rock fell explosion of gas run over by cars fall of rock fall of rock rock fell electrocuted tram cars tram cars rock fell fall of rock fall of rock explosion fall of rock explosion of gas empty trip dust explosion by shot fall of roof 34 35 35 3 3X 3X BPL web 34 50 36 3 4 3 BPL BPL BPL 34 35 3 3 BPL 43 35 35 3 3 3 BPL 35 49 35 3 4 3 web 32 3 BPL 37 3 web2 BPL X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME JORDAN, ARTHUR JORDAN, HENRY JORDAN, J E Jordan, James JORDAN, JAMES JORDAN, JOHN Judge, Joe JUDGE, THOMAS Julian, Frank Julian, Louie JURISH, CHARLIE JUSTICE, HUGH Kalapir, Andrew KEEL, C J Keel, Carl KEEL, JERRY KEITH, MONROE Kelley, Charles Kelley, Henry Kelley, Isom Kelley, Paul KELLEY, VAN Kelley, Walter Kelley, Westley Kelley, Will KELLISH, J S Kellum, H KELLUM, HENRY "Shorty" Kelly, A KELLY, CHRIS. KELLY, HENRY Race b b w b b b b w w w w w w w w w w b w b b b b w w w w w w w DATE 1927APR29 1914Apr13 1905Feb20 1936Sep17 1948JUL30 1920Nov23 1923Jul3 1915Jan26 1938Jan5 1925Jan17 1916Jun15 1918Dec2 1926Oct11 1919Mar29 1938Nov23 1905Feb20 1914Feb25 1929Jan17 1929May27 1902Nov19 1902Dec26 1913Mar8 1923Oct15 1902Jan20 1929May27 1914Jul7 1934Sep7 1934SEP7 1926Aug22 1915Jun10 1913Dec12 MINE ALDRICH Sayreton Virginia City Edgewater Parrish Edgewater Acmar No.1 Dora No.14 Coalmont No.2 Virginia Blossburg No.1 Thompson Virginia City Lehigh No.4 Belle Ellen No.5 Connellsville Altoona No.5 Stouts Mountain Wegra Bradford Pratt E Connellsville Gamma Walker County RAILWAY FUEL Flat Top Marvel No.2 Mulga fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE 48 tram cars dust explosion by shot fall of roof rock 33 gas explosion gas explosion fall of rock mine cars locomotive de-railed rock fell gas and dust explosion tram cars fall of rock fall of rock de-railed cars striking him dust explosion by shot fall of rock rock fell ignition of gas shot from opposite room careless making cartridges fall of rock trip of cars fall of rock ignition of gas fall of rock fell in front of locomotive 35 fall of rock shot of coal tram cars Page 69 34 3 3 web2 BPL gend 43 X 3X BPL 32 3 BPL BPL 34 35 3 3 BPL 43 3 BPL web2 34 X 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL 34 3 BPL BPL BPL 34 3 BPL 51 4 BPL 32 37 3 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME KEMBAL, WILLIAM KEMP, RAYMOND KENNEY, HAROLD KENT, BELVY KERR, ALEXANDER KEY, ED. KEY, JACOB KIDD, JIM Kidd, Nisharee KIMBALL, LUKE Kimbral, Tom Kimbrell, Will KIMBROUGH, WILL Kindred, D KINDRED, ROBERT King, Aaron KING, ANDY M (nonfatal) KING, ARTHUR KING, CHARLIE King, Dave KING, ED. KING, GEORGE KING, HERMAN KING, HUGHLIS KING, JAMES King, Jim King, Rich KING, RUSH Kinstler, W KIRKPATRICK, CARL Kirkpatrick, J Race b w w b w b b w w b b b w b b b w w b b b w w w DATE 1917Jun13 1943MAY11 1977JUL24 1918Jan30 1919Aug23 1918Dec14 1918Jul19 1911APR8 1928Dec18 1940FEB 1902Aug2 1929May27 1917Jun13 1937Jan29 1919Mar5 1928Mar14 1943AUG28 1918Sep25 1916Nov20 1924Sep22 1914Oct5 1940FEB5 1942JUN25 1919Aug30 1921Dec31 1929May8 1923May22 1913Jun12 1923Oct18 1918Dec5 1925Mar13 MINE Banner PRACO CHETOPA Altoona No.6 Bayview Klondike Drifton BANNER Dolomite No.3 FLAT TOP Glen Carbon Connellsville Banner Wylam No.8 Porter Sayreton No.2 Red Eagle No.1 Pratt No.1 Tidewater No.2 Mulga LITTLE GEM BROOKSIDE PRATT Woodrow Docena Samoset Porter No.2 Castella Straven Ralway Fuel Republic No.1 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE gas explosion powder explosion fall of rock black damp fall of rock gas explosion by open light crushedbetween roof & motor ca45 Page 36 66 77 34 44 35 34 124 3X 4 4 3 3 3 3 5 BPL 60 fall of rock ignition of gas gas explosion fall of middle-man rock railroad car fall of roof explosion fall of rock fall of rock premature shot gas explosion ca45 25 fall of rock explosion of gas hit by car fall of rock fall of coal and rock trip of cars run over by motor clothingcaught inpumpcoupling 4 BPL BPL web BPL 43 X 3 BPL gend 35 36 X 3 3 BPL 35 60 65 44 43 3X 4 4 3 3 BPL BPL 35 3 BPL 35 3 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME KISAN, JACK KITCHENS, LECIL KITE, JIM KITTRELL, BURNS KITTRELL, BURNS KNIGHT, ERNEST Knight, Tom Knight, W KNIGHT, WILLIAM O KNIGHT, WILLIS KNIGHTEN, ELI KNOTT, SPENDER Knowles, J KOGER, L C KOGER, SAMPSON KOOLEY, FRANK KORIBA, GEORGE KRAMER, HERMAN KRESKY, ALEXANDER KULOVITZ, JOSEPH KUTTON, KILL KUYKENDALL, CURTIS KUYKENDALL, CURTIS KYATT, ED KYLES, H LACY, JIM LADRO, FRANK Lamar, H LAMB, CHARLEY Lambert, Doyle Lamon, Buck Race w b w b b w b w b w w w w w w b w w b w b w w w w w DATE 1918Oct28 1942MAY6 1921Aug13 1913Nov18 1913NOV18 1911APR8 1925Dec10 1929Sep10 1929SEP10 1916Aug10 1917Jun13 1938OCT4 1929Jul22 1914Aug12 1914Aug12 1914Dec7 1912Mar6 1897SEP20 1921Feb19 1921Oct3 1911APR8 1941JUL10 1941JUL10 1911APR8 1920Nov23 1917Jun6 1911APR8 1934Sep8 1920Nov23 1926Jan29 1925Feb13 MINE Acton No.2 BANKHEAD Dolomite No.1 Acton No.2 ACTON BANNER Overton No.2 Dolomite No.3 DOLOMITE Dolomite No.1 Flat Top LEWISBURG Sipsey Marvel No.2 Marvel No.2 Piper No.2 Edgewater PRATT Sayre Hills Creek BANNER ACMAR Acmar No.6 BANNER Parrish Climax BANNER Parrish Mossboro Bankhead fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock 25 electrocuted explosion gas explosion by open light explosion of gas rock fell trolley wire trip of cars 35 pinned between car and rib fall of rock fall of rock tram cars fell down shaft fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion by open light 26 gas explosion gas explosion by open light gas explosion fall of rock gas explosion by open light fall of rock gas explosion explosion of coal dust run over by motor Page 35 65 42 36 32 124 3 4 3 3X 4 5 BPL BPL 47 34 36 59 4 3 3 4 BPL 35 35 36 34 3 42 42 124 63 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 5 4 gend 124 42 36 125 X 5 3X 3 5 BPL 42 3X BPL BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Lamont, D Lampis, Joe Lampkin, Jim LANCY, A Lane, Beverley Langston, Altimer LANGSTON, J W LANGSTON, WALLACE Langston, Will LANIER, BILL Lanier, Houston LARKIN, ED. LARKINS, CHARLEY LARKINS, DAVE LATHAM, CARLTON Latham, L LATHAN, HENRY Lauderdale, Oris LAWLEY, ARTHUR LAWRENCE, BROLEY LAWRENCE, J M Lawrence, Lafayette LAWRENCE, T U LAWSON, GEORGE LAWSON, GEORGE LAWSON, JOE K Layton, Floyd LEACH, ERNEST Ledbetter, Gus LEDLOW, M C LEE, ANDREW Race w w b w b w w b b b b b b w w b b w w w b b w b b w b DATE 1936May26 1923Sep4 1924Feb23 1905Feb20 1938Feb18 1919Feb2 1913Nov18 1945MAY24 1925Jul30 1930JAN13 1929Apr14 1913Aug30 1921Mar14 1915Jan11 1935AUG22 1935Aug22 1920Nov3 1925Dec22 1930JAN13 1940JAN25 1905Feb20 1937Oct7 1915Jun17 1911APR8 1911APR8 1947OCT24 1925Jan3 1911APR8 1900Jun12 1921Apr18 1907DEC11 MINE Blocton No.10 Flat Top Virginia City Robinson Acton No.2 WENONAH No.7 Langley PEERLESS Edgewater Wegra Acton No.5 Margaret No.1 MOSS & McCormick Galloway No.15 Margaret No.3 PEERLESS WENONAH No.9 Virginia City Rock Castle BANNER BANNER LAWSON Samoset No.3 BANNER Shaft No.1 Brilliant No.2 Yolande No.1 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of top coal & draw-rock fall of rock rock fell dust explosion by shot fall of rock fall of draw-rock explosion Page BPL BPL BPL web2 BPL BPL 36 69 fall from cage 3X 4 BPL 48 fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock 26 fall of roof rock trip of cars rock fell 33 41 4 BPL 35 42 32 52 3 3 3 4 BPL 42 3 BPL 47 60 dust explosion by shot fall of rock falling rock X 4 4 web2 BPL 32 X 3 gend gas explosion by open light fall of rock gas explosion by open light fall of rock fall of rock explosion 124 72 5 4 BPL 123 5 BPL 42 3 web Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME LEE, B F Lee, Bennie Lee, Buster LEE, CHESTER LEE, GILBERT Lee, J Lee, John Lee, King Lee, Ocie Lee, Will LEFFEW, WILLIAM LEGGENS, GEORGE LENARD, RICHARD Lengia, M LEONARD, GEORGE LEONARD, GEORGE Leonard, George Leopard, Noah LESLIE, WILL LESNEY, FORREST Letansky, Joe LEVITT, ANDREW LEWIS, ED. Lewis, Frank LEWIS, HENRY LEWIS, LOVE LEWIS, McKINLEY Lewis, Ossie LEWIS, SON Lewis, Tony Lewis, Will Race w b b b w b w w b w b b w w b b w b w w w w w b b b b b b b DATE 1913Aug29 1928Dec11 1926Nov18 1918Oct28 1912Aug13 1926Jul14 1924Mar13 1938Jan10 1937Jun22 1925Dec31 1917Jul23 1919Dec14 1918Oct10 1901Apr20 1913Apr10 1927MAY30 1927May30 1936Sep29 1913Apr19 1919Sep14 1937Apr15 1918Jun27 1918Jan31 1923Jan10 1915Jun14 1913Sep29 1915Oct11 1926Jun5 1911APR8 1937Oct6 1928Jan17 MINE Acmar No.1 Piper No.1 Flat Top Wylam No.5 Abernant Majestic Yerkwood Piper No.2 Wylam No.8 Risco Littleton Blocton No.2 Marvel No.1 DOCENA Docena Banner Galloway No.11 Benoit Aldrich Dolomite No.1 Aldrich Clipper Yolande No.1 Acmar No.5 BANNER Aldrich fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock machine accident electrocuted fall of rock gas explosion hit by drill ratche fall of rock fall of rock caugh in coal cutting machine delayed shot fall of rock fall of rock mine cars force of blast fall of rock 34 fall of roof fall of roof rock fall of rock electrocuted fall of roof rock electrocuted fall of rock explosion of gas fall of rock fall of rock tram car loaded tram cars gas explosion by open light fall of roof rock run over by trip of cars Page 35 3 BPL BPL 35 35 3 3X BPL BPL BPL BPL BPL 36 44 35 3 3 3 BPL 35 70 3 3 BPL BPL 35 44 3 3 BPL 34 34 3 3 BPL 32 36 32 3 3 3 BPL 124 5 BPL BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME LIDDELL, GEORGE LIDDELL, JAMES LIDDLE, GEORGE LIGE, JOHN LIGHTNER, JOE LIGHTSY, DRATON LINDSEY, CALVIN LINQUIRT, BEE LIPSCOMB, HENRY LIPSCOMB, SHERMAN LOCKETT, MOSE LOCKHART, LIGE LOEBLER, MIKE LOEBLER, MIKE Sr LOGAN, JAMES ARTHUR LOGGINS, F J LOGGINS, FRANK J LOGGINS, FRANK(nonfatal) LOMANTO, FRANK LOMAS, SAMUEL LONG, W M LOSTOSKY, LAWRENCE LOTT, CLIFFORD Love, J LOVE, J L LOVE, LATTIE Love, William LOVE,BOYD LOVELACE, JOHN LOVELESS, JOHN Lowe, Richard Race w w b b b b b b b b b w b w w b b b w w b b b w DATE 1916Oct22 1910MAY5 1916Oct22 1920Dec20 1913Apr9 1917Sep18 1922MAY25 1911APR8 1911APR8 1922NOV22 1911APR8 1922NOV22 1943Aug28 1946JUL 1947JAN14 1943Aug28 1943AUG29 1943AUG28 1917Oct19 1918Jan9 1914Oct5 1914Oct9 1918Dec20 1927Jan10 1927JAN10 1921Mar14 1900Sep15 1911APR8 1911APR8 1917Sep4 1925Dec23 MINE Marvel No.2 PALOS No.3 Marvel No.2 Jagger Margaret No.1 Coalmont No.3 ACMAR No.3 BANNER BANNER Dolomite No.3 BANNER Dolomite No.3 Sayreton No.2 SAYRE BLOSSBURG Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Sayreton No.2 Sipsey Dolomite No.1 Mulga Piper No.2 Banner Piper No.2 PIPER Lehigh No.1 Brilliant No.3 BANNER BANNER Flat Top Acton No.5 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE explosion of gas explosion explosion of gas fall of rock electrocuted fall of rock gas explosion by open light gas explosion by open light explosion gas explosion by open light explosion gas explosion 73 53 Page 35 gend 35 43 35 37 37 123 125 web 125 5 web usmra2 70 71 gas explosion 43 4 4 usmra2 68 explosion fall of rock electrocuted gas explosion tram cars fall of rock fall of rock 32 fall of rock fall of slate gas explosion by open light gas explosion by open light tram cars rock fell 3X X 3X 3 3 3 4 5 5 4 gend 37 34 35 35 35 X 3 3 3X 3 3 BPL 66 42 3 3 BPL 124 123 37 5 5 3 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME LOWE, WILL LOWE, WILL LOWERY, JOE Lowery, Zekie LOWREY, H F LUCAS, ELI Lucas, Eli LUCKEY, JUDGE LUCY, JOE LUGIGI, GIUVANNELLI LUMKIN, HENRY Lumpkin, T LYNCH, FRED Lynch, Sidney LYNONS, ELMORE Lyons, Will MacBRIGHTON, TOM MacINTOSH, H E MACKLIN, SIDNEY Macon, George MACON, GOERGE MADISON, HANIBAL MADISON, JOE MADISON, JOE Madison, W MAHONE, BONNIE Makeson, E MAKESON, E A MALLAVERK, JOHN MALNER, PHILLIP MALONE, JIM Race w b b w w b w w w w b b b b w w b b b w w b w w w b DATE 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1911APR8 1925Dec10 1916Oct22 1925JUN1 1925May31 1911APR8 1921Feb28 1914Oct1 1917Oct6 1929Nov13 1919Jul24 1923Aug24 1914Jan10 1925May20 1921May7 1921Oct20 1917Sep19 1927Nov24 1927NOV24 1946MAY23 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1928Jul24 1922NOV22 1927Apr26 1927APR26 1912Feb24 1914Jan10 1922NOV22 MINE Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 BANNER Overton No.2 Marvel No.2 PIPER No.2 Piper No.2 BANNER Parrish Garnsey Marvel No.2 Wylam No.8 Dolomite No.1 Blocton No.10 Davis Creek Yerkwood Carbon No. 6 1/2 Flat Top Red Eagle No.1 Mulga MULGA ACMAR No.6 Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 Tuscaloosa Dolomite No.3 Sunlight SUNLIGHT Sayreton Davis Creek Dolomite No.3 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE explosion gas explosion gas explosion by open light explosion of gas explosion of gas explosion of gas gas explosion by open light mine cars fall of rock gas explosion rock fell electrocuted trip of cars explosionof gas fall of rock fall of rock motor fall of rock electrocuted 34 26 Page gendi gend 125 5 BPL 35 42 3X 4 BPL 124 42 35 37 5 3 3 3 BPL 44 3 BPL 34 3X BPL 42 42 37 3 3 3 BPL 76 70 explosion gas explosion fall of draw-rock explosion fall of rock 56 fall of rock explosionof gas explosion X 3 4 gendi gend BPL web BPL 69 34 34 X 3 3 3X web Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Malone, Will Mania, Willie Mann, G MANNING, J N Manning, Mike Mannor, Joe Mansell, Belton MANSELL, BELTON MARBURG, JESS MARBURY, JESS Marstrander, Henning J K Martello, Peter MARTIN, ALEXANDER MARTIN, J F Martin, Luke MARTIN, LUKE MARTIN, M C MARTIN, RICHARD MARTIN, TINNEY MARTIN, W L Marville, Jim Mason, Charlie Mason, Clarence MASON, CLARENCE Mason, D MASON, MACK MASON, SAM MASSA, CHARLES MASSENGALE, J T MATHEWS, CURLEY MATHEWS, SAM Race b b w w w w b b w c w w b b c w b b w w b b b b b DATE 1924Feb7 1937Jan20 1938Jul1 1907DEC11 1902Mar6 1926Jan29 1927Mar26 1927MR26 1912Sep9 1912Sep9 1959MAR31 1901Aug10 1916Oct22 1922MAY25 1935Feb21 1935FEB23 1918Oct25 1918Mar7 1916Oct22 1916Jul18 1901Aug8 1938Aug10 1934Jul30 1934JUL30 1901Nov16 1916May2 1911APR8 1916Jun5 1911APR8 1922NOV22 1911APR8 MINE Mulga Yolande No.1 New Castle Mossboro Aldrich ALDRICH Garnsey Garnsey PARAMOUNT No.12 Blocton Marvel No.2 ACMAR No.3 ALDEN Eureka No.4 Empire No.1 Marvel No.2 Wegra Pratt No.1 NEW RIVER New Found Aldrich BANNER Blocton No.10 BANNER Dolomite No.3 BANNER fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F N F F CAUSE Page electrocuted caught between cars and loc'e fall of rock explosion draw slate explosion of coal dust electrocuted 30 fall of rock fall of rock roof fell on him explosion of gas BPL BPL BPL web BPL BPL BPL 68 35 35 76 BPL 35 37 electrocuted fall of rock fall of rock explosion of gas trip of cars fall of rock and coal fall of draw-rock fall of rock 34 3 3 3 4 3X 4 BPL 51 35 34 35 34 4 3 3 3X 3 BPL BPL BPL 51 fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion by open light rail sliding down pitch gas explosion by open light explosion gas explosion by open light 4 BPL 34 125 34 3 5 3 5 web 124 5 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Matlock, Richard MATTEN, JULIUS MATTHEWS, JESSE MATTHEWS, JOHN MAULDIN, LOGAN MAYFIELD, W D Mayhan, Conley MAYS, JACK McALISTER, ROY McALPINE, TOM McALPINE, TOM McALPINE, TOM McARDLE, H A McAVOY, ROBERT McBRAYER, ARTHUR PLEZZ McBRIDE, FRANK McCALEB, CARLOS McCann, Dan McCARTHY, SYLVESTER McClain, John McCLAIN, LEE McCLELLAN, C L McCLENDIN, SAMUEL McCLURE, CHARLES McClure, Charles McCOLLUM, LOWELL McCOMBS, JAMES M McCOMBS, JAMES M McCOMBS, JIM McCOMBS, JOHN M McCOMBS, LESTER Race w w b b w w b w w b b b w b w b b w DATE 1928Feb24 1915Oct18 1918Aug3 1919Oct24 1917Jul24 1891MAY22 1925Jul23 1917Aug4 1913May17 1943AUG28 1943Aug28 1943AUG29 1910MAY5 1942FEB24 1941FEB19 1921Feb6 1972JUN13 1923Jan10 1905Feb20 1926Aug28 1918Jul6 1940AUG19 1917Feb20 1927JUN13 1927Jun13 1912Mar29 1943Aug28 1943AUG29 1943AUG28 1943AUG29 1918Jul12 MINE New River Piper No.2 Edgewater Wylam No.3 Dilworth No.1 PRATT No.1 Banner Jagger Adger Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON PALOS No.3 MUSCODA RED ACMAR Docena CONCORD Dolomite No.1 Virginia City Pratt Fuel No.6 Margaret No.1 LITTLE CAHABA No.2 Ivy WYLAM Wylam No.5 Great Elk Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Bradford slope fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock dynamite caps trip of cars electrocuted electric cable electrocuted fall of rock fall of rock explosion gas explosion Page BPL 32 35 44 36 1 3 3 3 3 4 BPL 37 35 3 3 gend usmra2 67 explosion ca20 32 trip of cars explosion of gas dust explosion by shot fall of rock gas explosion 40 fall of rock 51 fall of rock railroad car gas explosion 4 gend 65 62 42 77 X 4 4 3 4 BPL web2 BPL 34 61 36 71 X 3 4 3 3 BPL 34 3 usmra2 67 explosion fall of rock X 4 gend 67 34 X 4 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME McCormick, J McCOSKI, JOE McCoy, Cleve McCOY, DAN McCOY, GEORGE McCOY, PAT McCOY, WALTER McCOY,HAYWOOD McCrimmon, Rufus McCROSSIN, E I McCROSSIN, E J McCROSSIN, EDWARD J McCULLEY, ROBERT McCULLOUGH, THOMAS McCurry, John McDANIEL, CHARLES McDANIEL, GUS McDANIEL, JAMES McDaniel, John McDANIEL, MINN McDONALD, CHARLES McDONALD, DEWEY McDONALD, H W McDONALD, PETER McDonald, Robert McDONALD, WILLIAM McDOO, LEWNEAL McElreath, Ed McElroy, Jim McElwaine, Frank McFALLS, CHARLES Race w w b w w b b w b w w b w b w w w b b b b w b w w DATE 1900Feb14 1914Oct5 1924Mar4 1898DEC15 1899SEP28 1905Feb20 1905Feb20 1911APR8 1936Jan7 1943Aug28 1943AUG28 1943AUG29 1919Apr12 1912Mar21 1926Jun14 1918Feb18 1921Mar10 1920Oct19 1929Oct18 1911APR8 1911APR8 1916Oct22 1914Oct27 1907DEC11 1925Sep8 1916Mar6 1921May2 1925Feb2 1902Dec15 1925Oct8 1905Feb20 MINE Pratt No.2 Mulga Flat Top TCI SLOPE No.5 PRATT SHAFT No.1 Virginia City Virginia City BANNER Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Youngblood Belle Ellen No.2 Parrish Acton No.2 Acmar No.3 Aldrich Peerless BANNER BANNER Marvel No.2 Flat Top Yolande No.1 Helena-Straven Red Star No.3 Dilworth Calumet No.2 Flat Top Acmar No.2 Virginia City fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE falling rock gas explosion fall of rock Page BPL 35 3X BPL 5 6 dust explosion by shot dust explosion by shot gas explosion by open light electrocuted gas explosion explosion fall of rock fall of rock electric locomotive shot of coal explosion of gas fall of rock rock fell gas explosion by open light gas explosion by open light explosion of gas fall of rock explosion explosion of gas overcome by smoke or gas fall of rock gas explosion fall of rock clothingcaughtonpumpcoupling dust explosion by shot 4 4 web2 web2 124 X X 5 BPL usmra2 gend 67 43 34 X 4 3 3 BPL 34 42 42 3 3 3 BPL 123 125 35 35 5 5 3X 3 web BPL 34 42 3 3 BPL BPL BPL web2 X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME McFarland, Bertram McFearin, Claude McGAHN, ALVIN Kenneth McGEE, PETE McGehee, Jeff McGLENDY, W J McGRUDER, AMOS McGRUDER, AMOS McGRUDER, AMOS McGruder, Everhart McGUFFIN, WILLIAM McGUIRE, JOE McGuirk, Arthur McGUIRK, FRANK McIntosh, Owen McKinzie, John McKLAN, ELLAMWOOD McMillan, J McNabb, Charlie McNEIL, ANGUS McNEILY, LONZEY McPherson, A McPherson, Frank McPHERSON, JOHN McPIERSON, ROBERT McSwain, William McTERRILL, WILL McWAIN, OTTO McWright, Frank MEACHIM, HENRY MEACHIM, JAMES Race w w w b b w b w w w b w b w b w w b w w b b b b w w DATE 1923Feb24 1924Aug7 1948JUL30 1922NOV22 1925Aug11 1916Dec18 1943AUG28 1943Aug28 1943AUG29 1928Apr6 1920Jul20 1940FEB 1938Oct3 1919Dec17 1926Oct4 1925Dec10 1919Mar3 1925Dec10 1926Jun10 1914Aug10 1943Aug28 1901Apr25 1925Feb13 1917Apr30 1918Jul22 1926Jul1 1915Jul26 1920Apr10 1926Jan20 1905Feb20 1905Feb20 MINE Eureka No.2 Sayre Edgewater Dolomite No.3 Aldrich Neil Coal No.2-D Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Flat Top Flat Top FLAT TOP Eureka No.2 Edgewater Overton No.2 Belle Ellen No.2 Overton No.2 Majestic Bayview Sayreton No.2 Milldale Lewisburg No.1 Nyota No.5 Acton No.1 Flat Top Brilliant No.7 Dolomite No.3 Wylam No.5 Virginia City Virginia City fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F N F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock electrocuted 25 gas explosion explosion trip of loaded cars fall of rock explosion gas explosion Page BPL BPL gend web BPL 36 3 gend usmra2 67 fall of rock and coal fall of rock ca33 fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock explosion of gas fall of rock explosion of gas gas explosion electrocuted gas explosion draw slate tram cars fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock trolley wire runaway car wheel cars dust explosion by shot dust explosion by shot X 4 BPL 42 60 3 4 BPL 44 3 BPL BPL 43 3 BPL BPL 35 3 usmra2 BPL BPL 36 34 3 3 BPL 32 42 3 3 BPL web2 web2 X X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME MEADOWS, ROY MEEKS, W ALONZA MEEKS, WILL MEERS, LONNIE MEINKA, HERBERT MELOWAS, CHARLES MEMETH, STEVE MEREDITH, NOBEL Merrill, J MERRILL, MATTHEW MERRIT, HENRY Merriweather, M MEWBOURN, NOAH MEYERS, S L MEYERS, THOMAS MICKEREL, MOSE Middlebrooks, Will Miles, Lonzo MILES, TILLMAN Miles, Tom MILLARD, CHARLES MILLER, BISHOP MILLER, DANIEL MILLER, G G Miller, Tom Miller, Wiley MILLS, JOE MILSTEAD, BERNICE Milstead, Burnie MIMMS, WILLIAM MINER, WOODY Race w w w b w w b w b b w b b b w w b w b b w w w w w b b DATE 1920Nov11 1905Feb20 1905Feb20 1911APR8 1921Jan31 1913Nov18 1906FEB27 1917Jan29 1924Aug7 1917Jul24 1943MAY11 1901Jun6 1944NOV 1919Nov3 1918Aug9 1914Nov11 1925Dec10 1929Sep16 1920Mar15 1902Jun6 1916Nov8 1915Sep11 1918Oct2 1940DEC 1924Apr4 1923Aug23 1913Dec15 1938JUN10 1938Jun10 1918Oct25 1919Oct22 MINE Calumet Virginia City Virginia City BANNER Piper No.1 Acton No.2 LITTLE CAHABA No.2 Flat Top Dolomite No.3 Dolmite No.1 PRACO Galloway ISHKOODA Sayreton Aldrich Acton No.1 Overton No.2 Brilliant Belle Ellen No.7 No.10 Big Ridge Banner Galloway No.11 WENONAH Nyota No.2 Rainbow No.1 Coal Valley No.7 BOOTHTON BOOTHTON Eureka No.4 Bayview fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock dust explosion by shot dust explosion by shot gas explosion by open light fall of rock explosion loaded cars explosion of dynamite fall of coal Page 42 124 42 36 8&15 36 fall of rock fall of rock tram cars explosion of gas fell between cars crushed by motor falling rock fall of rock gas and rock fall tram cars 39 rock fell fall of rock fall of rock 30 gas explosion fall of rock crushed betwe'n machine&roof X X 5 3 3X 4 3 BPL 37 66 fall of slate 52 3 web2 web2 3 4 BPL 69 44 35 35 4 3 3 3 BPL BPL 42 3 BPL 36 32 35 61 3 3 3 4 BPL BPL 37 58 3 4 BPL 35 44 3 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME MING, CALVIN MINK, JIM Minor, Richard Mins, John MINYARD, W L MISMALIGE, FRANK Mitchel, Charles Mitchell, Ben MITCHELL, CECIL MITCHELL, ISOM Mitchell, J MITCHELL, JAMES MITCHELL, JIM MITCHELL, JIM MITCHELL, JOHN MITCHELL, T H MITCHELL, TOM MIZE, A C MOBLEY, GEORGE Mock, George Moffett, Willie Molton, General Molton, Hy MONTGOMERY, B P MONTINE, NORMAN MOODY, MACK MOON, ANDY MOORE, CHARLES Moore, E MOORE, ED. Moore, Frank Race b w w b w b b b w b b b b w b w b b b b b w b b w b w DATE 1913Mar3 1915Dec23 1901Dec14 1923Jan10 1919Feb7 1912Apr12 1925Dec10 1926Jun22 1930OCT 1920Mar22 1938Nov8 1922NOV22 1907DEC11 1921Mar18 1922MAY25 1919Apr29 1914Oct5 1917Dec22 1911APR8 1924Oct19 1925Apr23 1925Dec10 1925Dec10 1912Apr25 1914Sep22 1912Jan14 1920Sep27 1913Apr12 1928NOv26 1920Aug21 1928Mar6 MINE Gamma Kellerman Jett Dolomite No.1 Acmar No.3 Edgewater Overton No.1 Banner BRADFORD Acmar No.2 Dolomite No.3 Yolande No.1 Acmar No.2 ACMAR No.3 Majestic Mulga Margaret No.1 BANNER Flat Top Pratt Fuel No.6 Overton No.2 Overton No.2 Langley No.1 Blocton No.2 Carbon Hill No.6 Gamma No.2 Altoona No.5 Sipsey Aldrich Rogers Slope fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock explosion of gas explosion of gas electrocuted explosion of gas electrocuted 21 fall of rock fall of roof rock explosion explosion fall of coal gas explosion gas explosion trip of cars gas explosion by open light electrocuted loose trip of cars explosion of gas explosion of gas fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock explosion of powder fall of rock trip accident electric locomotive electrocuted Page 34 33 3 3 BPL BPL 43 34 3 3 BPL BPL 49 42 4 3 BPL web web 42 37 43 35 37 124 3 4 3X 3X 3 5 BPL BPL BPL BPL 34 35 35 42 35 3 3 3 3 3 BPL 42 3 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME MOORE, J C Moore, James Moore, Jim MOORE, JIM. MOORE, JOHN MOORE, K H MOORE, LEROY MOORE, LYDEN Moore, Squire MOORE, THOMAS Moore, Will MOORE, WILLIE MORELAND, CHARLES MORELAND, GEORGE MORELAND, WILLIAM MORGAN, CALVIN MORGAN, FRED MORGAN, HENRY Morgan, Howard MORGAN, HOWARD Morgan, Lehigh MORGENTI, VINCI MORRIS, "BUB" Morris, Alton Morris, Howard MORRIS, ROBERT MORRIS, ROBERT MORRISON, D H MORRISON, D H MORRISON, JOHN MORRISON, JOHN Race w b b b b b b b w b b w b w b w b w w b w b b b w w DATE 1943Aug28 1902Mar7 1925Feb25 1916Nov14 1911APR8 1920Jun17 1922NOV22 1911APR8 1925Aug19 1891MAY22 1935Mar25 1911APR8 1905Feb20 1917May26 1918Sep3 1920Mar9 1905Feb20 1915Sep29 1938Jul1 1938JUL1 1928Jun15 1912May29 1919Aug16 1923Mar19 1926Jul13 1917Jun13 1917Jun13 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 MINE Sayreton No.2 Coal Branch Edgewater Bessie BANNER McKevery Dolomite No.3 BANNER Edgewater PRATT No.1 BANNER Virginia City Coalmont No.2 Inland Bradford slope Virginia City Maylene PRACO Straven Kellerman No.1 Banner South Carbon Beltona Banner Banner Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 fatal/ Age nonfatal N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE gas explosion went back on shot electrocuted dust and gas explosion gas explosion by open light explosion of powder explosion gas explosion by open light rock fell Page usmra2 BPL BPL 35 124 42 3X 5 3 web 124 5 BPL 1 fall of roof rock gas explosion by open light dust explosion by shot trip of cars fall of rock trip of cars dust explosion by shot rock car roof rock fall 4 BPL 125 5 web2 36 35 42 3 3 3 web2 32 X 3 BPL 58 electrocuted fall of rock trip of cars fall of rock electrocuted gas explosion gas explosion explosion gas explosion explosion gas explosion X 4 BPL 35 44 3 3 BPL BPL 36 web gendi gend gendi gend 3X X X X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Morrow, Clarence MORROW, OSCAR G MORROW, SONNIE Morse, John MORSE, SAM MOSELEY, BEVERLY MOSELEY, HOWARD MOSELEY, JAMES MOSELEY, JOHN H MOSELY, EMMET MOSELY, JOHN MOSLEY, "SQUIRE" MOSS, CLIFF Mosteller, Bill Motts, Ralph MOULTRIE, CAIN MULLEN, HENRY MULLINO, JOHN MUNN, JOSEPH MURCHINSON, DENSON Murgerson, J MURGERSON, J E MURPHY, CHARLES Murphy, Charles Murray, Lonnie MURRAY, LONNIE MURRELL, FRANK Murrell, Frank MURRERAR, CHARLES Musgrove, Bod MUSGROVE, JIM Race w b w b b w b b w b b w w w b w b b w w b b b b w w DATE 1926Oct13 1946NOV12 1911APR8 1928Nov19 1920Sep27 1917Oct9 1917Jul20 1919Apr29 1919Apr29 1912Apr22 1914Aug7 1916Jun3 1915Jan19 1928Feb29 1925Feb24 1912Feb22 1912Apr11 1916Aug14 1920Dec21 1917Feb12 1927Oct13 1927OCT13 1927JUN2 1927Jun2 1937Jul20 1937JUL20 1927SEP16 1927Sep16 1913Jan9 1925Dec9 1921Nov16 MINE Bessie SHORT CREEK BANNER Aldrich Dixiana No.4 Dolomite No.1 Red Eagle Majestic Majestic Commercial Red Eagle Pratt No.3 Banner Acton No.2 Flat Top Pratt No.3 Porter Edgewater Littleton Lucile Flat Top FLAT TOP BANNER Banner EDGEWATER FLAT TOP Flat top Piper No.2 Bankhead Flat Top fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE Page fall of rock gas explosion by open light fell under trip rock car tram cars caught in whim gas explosion gas explosion fall of top coal fall of rock fall of rock hoisting cage fall of rock electrocuted tram cars fall of rock electric motor fall of rock tram cars fall of rock 20 51 BPL 71 124 4 5 BPL 42 37 36 43 43 34 35 34 32 3 3 3 3X 3X 3 3 3 3 BPL BPL 34 34 34 43 36 3 3 3 3 3 BPL 74 70 fall of rock wrecked trip of cars 42 25 3 3 BPL BPL 55 73 electrocuted fall of rock and coal loose coal cars fall of rock 4 3 BPL 34 3 BPL 43 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME MYERS, HENRY GRADY MYERS, MIKE MYREE, RICHARD Nabors, Fayette NAGLE, C B NAIL, J M Nash, R NATHAN, C N NAVE, COLUMBUS NEAL, WILL NEAL, WILL NEAL, WILL Neil, Joe NELSON, EUGENE Nelson, Eugene NELSON, J L Nelson, Jerry NELSON, JULIUS MELVIN NELSON, ROBERT NELSON, SANDY NELSON, SANDY NEPPLES, WILL Nesmith, Elmer Nettles, George Nettles, Gus New, Bill NEW, OSCAR NEWELL, TOM NEWELL, TOM Newman, A Nichols, Clifton Race w b b w w b b b b b w b b w w b w b b w w w w DATE 1941JUN4 1907DEC11 1911APR8 1900Mar19 1914Jul11 1943Aug28 1925Dec10 1941JUL10 1911APR8 1943AUG28 1943Aug28 1943AUG29 1923Jun26 1927OCT6 1927Oct6 1905Feb20 1937Mar8 1937JUN 1911APR8 1905Feb20 1914Jul19 1911APR8 1925Apr1 1925Mar25 1938Sep7 1901Jan16 1912Nov7 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1923Jan19 1929Jul20 MINE DOCENA Yolande No.1 BANNER Johns Sipsey Sayreton No.2 Overton No.2 ACMAR BANNER Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Pratt No.7 MULGA Mulga Virginia City ISHKOODA BANNER Virginia City Docena BANNER Townley No.1 Piper No.2 No.2 Ivy Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 Brookwood No.29 Mill Creek fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE 41 Page 62 explosion gas explosion by open light falling slate and coal electrocuted gas explosion explosion of gas gas explosion by open light explosion gas explosion 4 web 125 5 BPL 34 3 usmra2 BPL 63 125 4 5 gend usmra2 67 fall of rock 31 4 BPL 74 fall of rock dust explosion by shot hit by loaded cars gas explosion by open light dust explosion by shot electrocuted gas explosion by open light run over by motor suffocation from black damp explosion of shot fall of coal fall of rock explosion gas explosion fall of rock electrocuted X 3 BPL web2 BPL 54 124 X 4 5 web2 35 124 X 3 5 BPL BPL BPL BPL 36 3 gendi gend BPL BPL X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Nichols, J NICHOLSON, CLARENCE NIPPLES, WILL aka Nix, A Nix, Felix Nixon, Jim NIXON, WILL NOBLES, J B Noe, R Norman, John NORRIS, FRANK Norris, Frank Norris, James Norris, Silas O"NEAL, GILBERT Oakes, Henry Octon, Charles ODEM, WILLIAM Oden, G Odom, Will ODUM, JOHN T OGLESTREE, D N OGLETREE, GEORGE O'Hare, James O'HARE, JAMES OLDACRC, S O OLDACRE, LEVI Oldacre, Levi OLDACRE, SIMON OLDACRE, SIMON C OOSKIS, JOSEPH alias Race w b b w w b b w w w w w w w b w w b b w w b b DATE 1934Oct30 1911APR8 1911APR8 1924Jul25 1926Apr27 1925Dec10 1915Apr22 1917Oct1 1929May13 1901Apr17 1927FEB21 1927Feb21 1925Dec10 1929Dec26 1917Oct22 1926Jan29 1900May26 1912Oct21 1925Dec10 1926Jan29 1930JUN24 1916Oct22 1912Feb15 1923Apr13 1923APR14d 1943AUG28 1927JUN3 1927Jun3 1943AUG29 1943Aug28 1912Dec3 MINE BANNER BANNER Altoona No.1 Howard Overton No.2 Nyota No.2 Wylam No.5 Galloway No.11 No.2 ALDRICH Aldrich Overton No.2 Brilliant America Mining Mossboro Adger Gas Light No.1 Overton No.2 Mossboro GALLOWAY No.11 Marvel No.2 Indio Pratt No.3 PRATT No.3 Sayreton No.2 FLAT TOP Flat Top SAYRETON Sayreton No.2 Marvel No.2 fatal/ Age nonfatal F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE bin and tipple fell gas explosion by open light gas explosion by open light fall of rock fall of rock explosion of gas gas from powder smoke run over by dinkey and larry electrocuted fall of coal 36 Page BPL 5 5 124 BPL BPL BPL 32 37 3 3 BPL BPL 67 fall of rock explosion of gas fell in front of car fall of rock explosion of coal dust falling coal and slate fall of rock explosion of gas expolosion of coal dust 16 explosion of gas falling pick down shaft fall of rock 62 3 BPL BPL BPL 37 3 BPL BPL 36 3 BPL BPL 49 35 34 4 3X 3 BPL 42 explosion 36 4 gend 70 ignition of fire-damp BPL 67 gas explosion flying coal from shot X 3 4 usmra2 36 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME O'REAR, TERRY OSS, ANTONIO OVERTON, JOHN OWEN, FRED Owen, Fred OWEN, JiM OWEN, JOHN OWENS, ROBERT OWENS, ROBERT Owens, Robert OWENS, WILL PACK, LUE. Padgett, Charlie PAGE, PHIL Painter, J PAINTER, J D Painter, Lloyd PAINTER, LLOYD PALLAZZAR, JOHN PALMER, JESSE PANTER, GRAYSVILLE J W PARISH, JOSH PARISH, W D PARK, WILLIAM PARKER, ABE PARKER, BEN PARKER, JAMES PARKER, JOHN PARKER, SAM Parker, Tom PARKMAN, BENJAMIN Race w w w w b b b b b b b w b w w w w b w w w b b b w DATE 1999OCT9 1914Mar29 1917Sep28 1927JUL25 1927Jul25 1921Sep7 1921Aug8 1907DEC11 1927MAR12 1927Mar12 1916Feb21 1917Oct2 1924Sep22 1891MAY22 1938Jul1 1938JUL1 1938Jul1 1938JUL1 1915Mar9 1919Mar22 1977JUL24 1911APR8 1920Nov23 1917Nov2 1920Jul27 1921Jun23 1931DEC28 1899JUN1 1920Nov3 1901Aug6 1912Nov21 MINE SHOAL CREEK Acmar No.1 Lily GAMBLE Gamble Searles Empire No.11 Yolande No.1 GAMMA Gamma Benoit No.2 Edgewater Acmar No.3 PRATT No.1 PRACO PRACO Warner No.1 Aldrich CHETOPA BANNER Parrish Edgewater Nyota No.2 Nyota OVERTON No.1 PRATT No.1 Warrior River Blossburg No.3 Rio Dell No.2 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE 40 fall of rock fall of rock 26 fall of draw-rock fall of rock fall of rock explosion 33 Page 78 34 37 72 4 3 3 3 BPL 42 42 3 3 web 68 fall of roof hit by mine cars fall of rock fall of rock 3 BPL 34 37 3 3 BPL 1 roof rock fall 4 BPL 58 roof rock fall 25 electric shock mine car 42 gas explosion by open light gas explosion trip of cars fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock 4 BPL 58 32 43 77 124 42 37 42 42 50 5 42 4 3 3 4 5 3X 3 3 3 4 4 3 BPL 36 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME PARKS, CLAUDE Parks, Joe Parks, O Parnell, Grady PARSON, GUS PARSONS, ROBERT PARSONS, THOMAS Partain, M PATE, JESS PATRICK, CYNIC Patterson, Alford Patterson, Charley PATTERSON, CLEVE PATTERSON, L L PATTERSON, N B PATTERSON, PRICE PATTERSON, R A PATTERSON, ROBERT PATTERSON, ROBERT L PATTERSON, SANFORD PATTERSON,F RANK Patton, Horris Patton, James PATTON, JOHN Patton, Noah PATTON,NOAH PAYNE, JOHN Payne, John Pearson, Allen PEARSON, BERTO PEARSON, ERNEST Race w w w w w w b b b w b w w w w b w b w w b b b DATE 1930JAN 1925Apr3 1924Jul1 1925Dec10 1931JAN27 1914Aug15 1913Apr21 1938Aug22 1913Nov18 1917Aug21 1925Mar7 1929May27 1922NOV22 1913Nov18 1912Mar20 1918Apr12 1918Aug6 1917Oct12 '1946 1941MAY22 1945OCT3 1928Dec12 1925Dec10 1895FEB24 1936Jan2 1936JAN2 1937JAN14 1937Jan7 1929May27 1911APR8 1916Apr24 MINE SAYRETON Carbon Hill South Carbon Overton No.2 WOODWARD Sipsey Searles Acton No.2 Belle Ellen No.2 Kellerman No.7 Connellsville Dolomite No.3 Acton No.2 Acton No.1 Gayosa (Bells) Winona Flat Top SAYRE EDGEWATER MUSCODA No.6 Hamilton Overton No.2 PRATT COAL VALLEY ALDRICH Connellsville BANNER T.C.I.&R.R. Johns fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE 21 Page 48 tram car fall of rock explosion of gas 27 electrocuted neck broken, mine car fall of roof rock explosion gas explosion fall of rock ignition of gas explosion explosion electrocuted fall of rock fall of rock trip of cars 41 24 24 4 BPL BPL BPL 50 35 35 4 3 3 BPL 36 37 3X 3 BPL BPL web 37 34 34 35 37 70 62 70 caught between post and car explosion of gas 3X 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 BPL BPL 2 fall of rock 27 4 BPL 52 54 fall of rock ignition of gas gas explosion by open light gas explosion 4 4 BPL BPL 125 34 5 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME PEARSON, LEROY PEEBLES, THOMAS PEEBLES, Thomas DeWitt Peffer, J PENDLEY, GEORGE Sr PENDLEY, JOHN Jr PENNEGER, ERNEST Penney, Will Pennington, I PENNINGTON, JOHN F PENNINGTON, W M PENNINGTON, WILLIAM PENNINGTON, WILLIAM M PENTZ, SIMON Peoples, Henry Peoples, Lloyd PERKINS, J W PERKINS, K L Perkins, Marion PERRIN, VERBON PERRY, BOB PERRY, JOHN Perry, Thomas PERRY,LEDELL PERRYMAN, GEORGE PERVIS, DAVE PESNELL, A R Peterman, Henry PETERSON, JOHN PETTERS, CLEO PETTIGREW, ALBERT Race b w w w w b w w w w w w w b b b b w b w DATE 1916Nov14 1943Aug28 1943AUG29 1938Jul1 1905Feb20 1905Feb20 1918Dec2 1902Oct13 1902Apr24 1918Sep3 1943Aug28 1943AUG28 1943AUG29 1948JUL30 1929NOv25 1937Nov14 1913Nov18 1913Nov18 1925Dec10 1937MAY20 1899SEP12 1920Jun26 1924Jul15 1940DEC 1930FEB 1916Oct22 1943Aug28 1926Jan29 1946MAY24 1921Aug25 1948NOV MINE Bessie Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Virginia City Virginia City Maxine No.1 Lehigh Adger Lewisburg Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Edgewater New River Acton No.2 Acton No.2 Overton No.2 COAL CITY Dukett No.4 Belle Ellen No.5 WENONAH RAIMUND Marvel No.2 Sayreton No.2 Mossboro SIDES HOLLOW Aldrich MUSCODA fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F N F F F F CAUSE Page dust and gas explosion gas explosion 35 32 3X usmra2 68 roof rock fall dust explosion by shot dust explosion by shot fall of rock fall of rock falling rock drowned gas explosion explosion 4 BPL web2 web2 35 3 BPL BPL 35 3 usmra2 gend 67 61 gas explosion rock fell run over by car explosion explosion explosion of gas 27 fall of rock fall of rock 37 explosion of gas gas explosion explosion of coal dust 51 mine cars 53 X X X 4 gend BPL BPL 36 36 3X 3X BPL 55 6 42 4 4 3 BPL 61 48 35 4 4 3X usmra2 BPL 70 42 74 4 3 4 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME PHEFFER, J WILLIAM PHILIPS, ERNEST PHILIPS, FRANK Philips, Henry PHILLIPS, BILL Phillips, Charley Phillips, Frank PHILLIPS, GEORGE Phillips, Joe PHILLIPS, JOHN PHILLIPS, MARVIN PHILLIPS, MELVIN PHILLIPS, REUBEN Phillips, William PHILYN, DAVID Picket, Charlie PICKETT, CLAUDE PICKETT, JAMES Pickett, James PIERCE, GEORGE PIERCIE, JOHN PIERSON, ROBERT PILCOSKI, HILLEY PILLEY, EDWARD Pippen, John PITTS, DALLAS PITTS, THEON PLEASE, ROMP. PLOLLARD, WARE PLOMONDON, JOHN Plump, Aaron Race b b b b b b b w b w w w w b b w w w w b b b b w b DATE 1938JUL1 1917Sep14 1917Nov26 1901Feb20 1936NOV3 1923Dec11 1923Sep14 1920Oct31 1926Apr16 1919Nov3 1939DEC14 1919Aug8 1920Nov23 1936NOv3 1914Nov1 1923Aug29 1916Oct25 1900AUG 1900Aug14 1921Nov12 1918Feb2 1905Feb20 1914Oct5 1955APR 1925Sep22 1917Sep27 1912May16 1913Jun2 1918Apr9 1913May29 1928Apr18 MINE PRACO Dolomite No.1 Sayre Climax EMPIRE Acmar No.2 Bradford No.5 Aldrich Searles No.2 Sunlight LITTLE GEM Flat Top Parrish Dolomite No.3 Roebuck No.2 PRATT No.6 Pratt No.6 Sipsey Wabash Virginia City Mulga DOLOMITE No.3 Kellerman No.7 Dolomite No.2 Hargrove Sumter Mulga No.1 Porter Mulga fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE 26 between motor and roof fall of rock fall of slate 35 Page 58 37 37 4 3 3 BPL 54 mine cars fall of rock fall of coal slope mine cars dinkey 25 fall of rock gas explosion fall of roof rock fall of rock trip of cars powder shot fall of rock motor fall of rock dust explosion by shot gas explosion fall of rock motor with trip tram cars fall of rock fell down shaft rock shot fall of roof 4 BPL BPL 42 3 BPL 44 60 44 42 3 4 3 3X BPL 36 3 BPL 35 7 3 4 BPL 43 34 3 3 web2 35 76 X 3X 4 BPL 37 34 35 34 35 3 3 3 3 3 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Plylor, Carl POE, W T Polglase, William POOL, N R POOL, OLLIN Poole, J Poole, Marvin POOLE, MARVIN H POPE, ALEX Pope, Charley POPE, FRANK POPE, G M Pope, John POPE, JOSEPH PORTER, ARTHUR Porter, George PORTER, J H Porter, Lewis Porter, Will POSEY, SAM POTAWAY, TURK POUCHER, FREDERICK POUNDS, MACK Pourney, Edgar POWELL, ALONZO POWELL, BAKER POWELL, DOUGLAS Powell, John POWELL, MARCH Powell, Tom Prather, Bert Race w w w w w w w w b b b w w b b b w b b b b b b b b b w b DATE 1923Oct23 1921Aug2 1902Mar25 1905Feb20 1905Feb20 1902Dec29 1927Dec8 1927DEC8 1911APR8 1924Apr11 1918Apr20 1918Mar8 1902Aug29 1918May27 1918Aug14 1924Aug7 1921Feb28 1926Jan8 1929Dec21 1919Feb14 1919Feb21 1912Jul18 1911APR8 1923Jun23 1947OCT18 1915Oct11 1911APR8 1925Jun1 1912Oct5 1928May7 1925Dec10 MINE Big Ridge Flat Top No.7 Virginia City Virginia City Warner Gamma No.2 GAMMA BANNER Boothton No.1 Praco No.5 Red Eagle No.5 New Acton Sipsey Docena Parrish Flat Top Dixie Dolomite No.2 New Castle No.6 Blocton No.2 BANNER Belle Ellen No.2 CONCORD Eureka No.2 BANNER Bradford Belle Ellen No.2 Belle Ellen No.5 Overton No.2 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE wrecked trip machinery caught between cars &timber dust explosion by shot dust explosion by shot fall of roll deceased got under trip 23 gas explosion by open light explosion of dynamite fall of rock run over by car fall of roof mine car fall of rock fall of rock mine cars electric locomotive rock and coal fell electrocuted fall of rock fall of coal gas explosion by open light trip of cars 49 fall of rock gas explosion by open light fall of rock gas explosion slipped and fell under cars explosion of gas Page BPL 42 3 BPL web2 web2 BPL BPL 77 124 X X 3 5 BPL 34 34 3 3 BPL 34 35 3 3 BPL 42 3 BPL BPL 43 43 35 123 3 3 3 5 BPL 72 32 124 4 3 5 BPL 36 3 BPL BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME PRAYTER, PETE PRAYTOR, CALVIN PRESTON, HENRY PRICE, DENNIS PRICE, HERBERT P PRICE, T E PRICE, WALTER Price, West PRICE, WILL PRIDMORE, ED PRIESTLY, JOSEPH PRIMONS, ED. Prince, John PROGDON, JOE PRUITT, FRANK Pruitt, William PRYOR, JAMES Puckett, A PUCKETT, A D PUMA, SAM aka PUMI, SAM PUNA, SAMUEL PURVIS, THOMAS Jr Putman, D PUTMAN, D L QUARLES, W W QUILLMAN, G W QUINCEY, LESTER QUINTON, LUTHER QUINZY, HERMAN RAFFAEL, RODA Race w b b w b b w b b b b b b w w w w w w b w DATE 1914Aug22 1912May27 1907DEC11 1915Nov12 1947SEP3 1940OCT20 1917Aug2 1900May3 1914Jun8 1940AUG15 1919Oct24 1918Jun17 1923Jul2 1914Oct5 1911APR8 1926Mar23 1943Aug28 1927May26 1927MAY26 1920APR20 1920APR20 1920Apr20 1930JUN26 1927Aug10 1927AUG10 1914Jan10 1920May17 1913Apr30 1912Aug22 1941AUG11 1905Feb20 MINE Acmar No.1 Pratt No.1 Yolande No.1 Warner No.1 WENONAH HILL CREEK Dolomite No.2 Slope No.6 Marvel No.1 HAMILTON Red Star No.3 Flat Creek No.2 Piper No.2 Mulga BANNER Bon Air Slope Sayreton No.2 Straven STRAVEN MAXINE MAXINE Maxine PEERLESS CAHABA Ruby RUBY Davis Creek Blocton No.9 Marvel No.2 Palos No.3 WYLAM Virginia City fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE tram cars struck by rock blown-out shot explosion mine cars 37 52 knocked off motor car collision tram cars 25 fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion gas explosion by open light loaded mine car gas explosion fall of roof 39 fall of rock Page 35 35 web 32 72 61 37 explosionof gas fall of rock tram cars electrocuted 44 dust explosion by shot 3 4 4 3 BPL 34 61 44 34 3 4 3 3 BPL 35 125 3X 5 BPL usmra2 BPL 70 36 36 42 49 fall of rock 38 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 BPL 72 34 42 35 35 64 web2 3 3X 3 3 3 4 X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME RAGLAND, P R RAMEZ, OLIWAY Randall, O RANDAN, HENRY RATAS, HENRY Ratcliff, Carley RAY, HENRY Ray, J RAY, JASPER Ray, Jasper Ray, Will Readman, Bird REDD, JIM REDD, WILLIAM REDDUS, BUFORD Redrick, Sandy Reed, C REED, HENRY Reed, Primus REESE, E H REESE, SI REEVES, HENRY REEVES, WEBB REID, CARL A Reid, E REID, E A Reid, Henry REID, RICHARD Reid, Richard REID, WILLIAM Revere, Claude Race w w w b b w w w b w b w b b b b w b b w w w b b b b w DATE 1943Aug28 1916Nov14 1924Feb26 1914Aug21 1912May16 1929Jan15 1921Feb1 1923Sep24 1927MAR18 1927Mar18 1925Jul6 1902Sep12 1911APR8 1919Jun7 1916Nov2 1926Nov4 1929Oct3 1899SEP28 1926Jan29 1914May11 1918Jun21 1897SEP20 1914May26 1931DEC28 1927Aug30 1927AUG30 1929Mar18 1927MAR29 1927Mar29 1918Nov28 1934May28 MINE Sayreton No.2 Bessie Birmingham water Brookwood No.20 Flat Top Sayreton No.2 Belle Ellen No.2 Docena DOLOMITE Dolomite No.1 StravenMontevallo Stouts Mountain BANNER Climax Nyota No.4 Marvel No.3 Docena PRATT SHAFT No.1 Mossboro Bradford Royal PRATT Warner No.1 OVERTON No.1 Piper No.1 PIPER Flat Top RED STAR Red Star Empire No.1 fatal/ Age nonfatal N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE gas explosion dust and gas explosion caught in gears of pump fall of rock tram cars fell between cars struck by rock car fall of rock 24 Page usmra2 35 3X BPL 35 34 3 3 BPL 42 3 BPL 68 electrocuted explosion of gas fall of rock gas explosion by open light electrocuted suffocation rock fell electrocuted 3 BPL BPL BPL 124 44 35 5 3 3 BPL BPL 6 explosion of coal dust fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock 37 BPL 34 34 3 34 50 fall of rock 27 4 3 3 4 3 4 BPL 73 fall of coal 49 3 BPL 68 electrocuted fall of rock run over by car 3 BPL 35 3 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Reynolds, Charles REYNOLDS, JOHN REYNOLDS, ROBERT Rhodes, Clyde RHODES, EDISON Rice, John RICE, SETH THOMAS Rice, W Rice, William Richards, John RICHARDSON, CHARLEY RICHARDSON, ROBERT RICHARDSON, WILL RICKS, BILL RIDER, NEAL RIDER, NEAL Riggs, Herbert RITCHIE, JOHN RIVERS, TOM RIZKUS, ADOLL Roach, Jeff ROBBINS, H M Robbins, Jesse ROBBINS, MABEN ROBERDS, SAMUEL Roberson, Dan Roberson, Mark Roberts, Sam ROBERTSON, E E Robertson, Luke Robertson, Ruffin Race b b w b w w w b b w b w b b w b b b b b w b b b DATE 1925Dec10 1914Dec18 1912May7 1924Jun30 1917Dec13 1925Dec10 1950MAY23 1923Jan16 1938Oct25 1937Mar18 1919Oct30 1944JUL19 1919May8 1946NOV14 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1936Apr18 1912Oct28 1915Oct19 1913Feb17 1900Aug20 1956JUN13 1929Dec4 1956MAY31 1918Jan21 1902Sep6 1923Apr2 1902Oct22 1914Aug26 1923Oct21 1928Jun16 MINE Overton No,2 Mulga Docena Pritchette No.1 Edgewater Overton No.2 D D CUPPS Bye No.3 New Castle No.6 O'Rear CAHABA COAL Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 Blocton No.2 Bayview Mulga Hargrove PRACO New River PRACO Margaret No.1 Belle Ellen Dixiana Blossburg No.3 Sipsey Yerkwood Docena fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE explosion of gas electrocuted electrocuted fall of rock fall of rock explosion of gas 67 Page BPL 36 34 3 3 BPL 37 3 BPL 75 fall of rock electrocuted boiler exploded fall of rock 48 powder explosion 45 explosion gas explosion fall of face coal electrocuted trolley wire mine cars fall of slate 61 4 BPL BPL BPL 44 69 44 71 3 4 3 4 gend gend BPL 36 32 34 3 3 3 BPL 76 electrocuted fall of rock and coal fall of coal and slate electric locomotive fall of rock electrocuted fall of rock fall of rock X 4 BPL 76 34 4 3 BPL BPL BPL 35 3 BPL BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Robertson, William ROBINS, ARTHUR ROBINSON, CHARLES H ROBINSON, CORNELIUS ROBINSON, GEORGE ROBINSON, JOHN ROBINSON, JOSEPH ROBINSON, LEWIS ROBINSON, PAUL ROBINSON, ROSCOE ROBINSON, SIM ROCHELLE, R A RODENLAVIC, LAZARUS ROGER, L C ROGER, SAMPSON ROGERS, C R ROGERS, DOLPHUS ROGERS, GEORGE ROGERS, JOHN ROGERS, JOHN ROGERS, LEVI Rogers, Levi ROLLINS, WILL Roman, Clayton Romine, R Roscoe, Louis ROSS, PRATHER Roverick, Henry Rowe, Paul ROY, DAVID RUCKER, CHARLES Race b w b b b b b b c b w w w w b b b b b b b w w b b w b b DATE 1928Mar1 1919Aug11 1891MAY22 1917Nov8 1899JUN22 1916Nov14 1916Nov14 1907DEC11 1916Nov14 1916Oct22 1911APR8 1920Nov23 1920Jul3 1914Aug12 1914Aug12 1913Nov18 1911APR8 1912Nov5 1917Jun13 1917Jun13 1927JUL15 1927Jul15 1913Mar31 1925Aug27 1928May24 1935Jul29 1918Apr3 1901May17 1929Oct14 1931OCT2 1913Oct MINE Flat Top Duckett No.1 PRATT No.1 Dolomite No.2 Blossburg (West Pratt) Bessie Bessie Yolande No.1 Bessie Marvel No.2 BANNER Parrish Beltona Marvel No.2 Marvel No.2 Acton No.2 BANNER Lehigh No.2 Banner Banner EDGEWATER Edgewater Lucile Dogwood Mossboro No.2 Bayview Blossburg No.1 Gamma No.2 SHANNON Sipsey fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock fall of rock electric feed cable dust and gas explosion dust and gas explosion explosion dust and gas explosion explosion of gas gas explosion by open light gas explosion fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock explosion gas explosion by open light fall of rock gas explosion gas explosion 24 Page BPL 44 1 37 5 35 35 3 4 3 4 3X 3X web 35 35 124 43 42 35 35 36 125 36 36 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 web 71 run-away trip fall of rock explosion of gas struck by cars fall of coal gas explosion falling slate explosion of gas 49 explosion of powder 3 BPL 34 3 BPL BPL BPL 34 3 BPL BPL 50 36 4 3 X X X X X X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME RUDOLPH, LEMON RUSSELL, ARLEE Russell, C RUSSELL, CLARENCE Ryan, John Ryles, Will RYNE, C Ryne, C Salter, B Salters, Alvey Salters, Green SALTERS, OLIVER Sammons, Prince SAMS, NATHAN SAMUELS, SAMMY Sanders, Cliff Sanders, Eddie SANDERS, FRANK SANDERS, GEORGE Sanders, John SANDERS, NOAH Sanders, Richard SANDERS, ROBERT Sanders, Will Sandford, George Sandford, Howard Sandford, J SANFORD, STEWART Sanford, W SANFORD, W O Sanid, Tommie alias Race b w b b b b w w w b b b b b b b b b w b w w w w w w w DATE 1920Oct19 1971NOV18 1936Apr21 1936APR21 1925Dec10 1928Jan26 1927FEB28 1927Feb28 1934Nov7 1901Sep14 1902Sep26 1912Feb27 1924May29 1919Oct31 1912Apr24 1925Dec10 1934Jan25 1911APR8 1911APR8 1923Dec5 1920Nov16 1925Dec10 1916Jan21 1926Jul21 1926Jan6 1926Apr23 1924NOv7 1919May8 1927Jan27 1927JAN27 1913Oct15 MINE Belle Ellen No.2 BESSIE ACMAR Overton No.2 Sayreton No.1 DIXIANA Dixiana Dolomite Adger Dolomite No.2 Sayre Johns Warner No.1 Overton No.2 BANNER BANNER Helena-Straven Bessie Overton No.2 Corona Dixie Riverside-Pratt Republic Pennsylvania O'Rear Pratt Fuel No.15 PRATT Piper No.2 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock 52 Page 42 77 explosive shot accident 3 4 BPL 53 explosion of gas thrown against roof by car 30 4 BPL BPL 68 rock fell rock from roof fell run over by car trip of cars fall off of motor electrocuted motor fall of rock explosion of gas fall of roof rock gas explosion by open light gas explosion by open light mine car railroad cars explosion of gas fall of rock gas explosion fall of rock rock fell fall of roof powder explosion fall of draw-rock 47 tram cars 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL 34 3 BPL 44 34 3 3 BPL BPL 124 125 5 5 BPL 42 3 BPL 34 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL 43 3 BPL 67 36 3 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME SAPINSKI, ROMAN SARDANA, BONI SATTERFIELD, CHARLES SATTERFIELD, CHARLES SATTERFIELD, J M SAUNDERS, JOHN Saunders, Monroe SAUNDERS, Thomas "Tom" SAVAGE, BUDD Savage, C SAXON, C E SAXON, C E SAXON, C E Sayder, Ira SCHOELER, E SCHOFFNER, JEFFRIES SCOTT, ARTHUR Scott, Arthur SCOTT, C W Scott, Calvin SCOTT, DOCK SCOTT, HOUSTON Scott, Jake SCOTT, SHIRLEY SCOTT, STEVE Scott, Steve SCOTT, WILL SCOZZARE, ANDRE SCRIVENER, A P SCROGGINS, ANDREW Scurlock, Bolin Race w w w w b b b b w b b b b w b b w b w w w DATE 1914Jan20 1913Aug26 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1916Sep12 1926Jan1 1916Dec14 1911APR8 1925Nov13 1943AUG28 1943Aug28 1943AUG29 1929Mar20 1909FEB2 1948MAR 1927AUG23 1927Aug23 1943Aug28 1901Feb18 1915Jul17 1948AUG19 1925Oct13 1916Nov2 1925JUN1 1925May31 1915Jun17 1918Oct3 1916May3 1949OCT 1946Nov4 MINE Acmar No.2 Edgewater Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 Dolomite No.2 Dixie Langley No.2 BANNER Tuscaloosa-Pratt Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Rock Castle No.3 SHORT CREEK SHORT CREEK VIRGINIA Virginia Sayreton No.2 No.2 Acmar No.1 SAYRE Lewisburg No.2 Edgewater PIPER No.2 Piper No.2 Banner Pratt No.10 Maryetta ACTON fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F N F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock fall of rock explosion gas explosion explosion fall of coal trip of cars fall of rock gas explosion by open light fall of rock explosion gas explosion Page 34 35 3 3 gendi gend gendi 35 3 BPL 36 124 3 5 BPL gend usmra2 67 rock and coal fell fall of rock gas explosion knocked out on tracks fall of rock 34 fall of rock trolley wire explosion of gas motor and rib fall of rock fall of rock fall of roof rock X 4 BPL 18 72 73 38 21 X 4 4 3 BPL usmra2 BPL 32 74 3 4 BPL 35 42 3 4 BPL 32 35 34 75 3 3 3 4 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME SCURRY, JOHN SEAL, JIM SEALS, ROBERT Seay, Claude Segrest, W SELACHI, NOMUR Self, Arvie SELF, M C Sellars, Elmer SELLERS, G J W SELLERS, GEORGE SELLERS, GEORGE J W Semes, Lenon Senior, Hezehiah, SENIOR, TOM Serbens, J SEWELL, GRACE Shakelford, Tom SHANER, R H SHANNON, JAMES A SHARIT, J V SHARIT, J V SHARIT, J V SHARP, FREDERICK SHARP, JAMES Sharp, James SHARP, W D SHAW, WILL SHEALY, MITCHELL SHELL, JOHN SHEPHERD, George "Bud" Race b b b b w w w w b b b w w b w w b w b DATE 1912Aug14 1914Nov5 1911APR8 1923Apr9 1926Jan29 1913Aug15 1935Jun5 1917Jun21 1935Nov30 1943Aug28 1943AUG28 1943AUG29 1926Jan11 1935May28 1919Apr8 1900Oct2 1920Dec18 1924May24 1912May5 1898APR 1943AUG28 1943Aug28 1943AUG29 1916Nov14 1900AUG 1900Aug14 1915Apr16 1911APR8 1931DEC28 1916NOV3 1942OCT9 MINE Banner Dolomite No.1 BANNER Edgewater Mossboro Margaret No.2 Flat Top Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Lewisburg No.1 Docena Belle Ellen Ragland Banner Marvel No.2 PALOS Sayreton No.2 Sayreton No.2 SAYRETON Bessie PRATT No.6 Pratt No.6 Warner No.1 BANNER OVERTON No.1 BESSIE ACMAR fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F N F CAUSE tram car electrocuted gas explosion by open light railroad cars explosion of coal dust fall of rock double deck bents collapsed fall of rock jackratchet broke & brokeneck gas explosion explosion Page 35 35 123 3 3 5 BPL BPL 35 3 BPL 36 3 BPL usmra2 gend 67 tram cars asphyxiated by black damp mine cars caught by loaded trip fall of rock mine car gas explosion 25 fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion by open light 55 4 BPL BPL 43 3 BPL 43 3 BPL 34 4 explosion gas explosion dust and gas explosion X 3 4 gend usmra2 67 35 7 X 4 3X 4 BPL 32 124 50 35 65 3 5 4 4 4 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Sheppard, Virgil SHERRETT, ROBERT Shine, Kid Shockley, Alex SHORTNACE, P M SHORTS, WILLIE SHUMAKER, WALKER Simmons, H Simmons, I SIMMONS, JAMES Simmons, Toblert SIMMONS, WILL SIMMS, LUTHER SIMPSON, ARTHUR Simpson, Isaac SIMPSON, SAM Sims, Alfred SIMS, ARTHUR Sims, Reuben Sims, Sid Sims, Sutton SIMS, WILL SINGLETON, OLIVER SKELTON, GURLEY Skinner, Aught SKINNER, JOE Slatsky, Pete SLAUGHTER, Johnnie Bee SLAUGHTER, NAPOLEON Sloan, J SLOGETT, BERT Race w w b b w b w b w w w b b b b b w b b w b b b w w w b w w DATE 1902Feb4 1913Oct16 1902Mar7 1936Jun23 1917Aug14 1915Dec2 1905Feb20 1929Dec20 1928May15 1920Nov23 1902Mar10 1915Mar11 1914Jul28 1940OCT1 1926Aug6 1905Feb20 1925Dec10 1921Nov29 1902Oct2 1935Jun7 1936Mar24 1911APR8 1911APR8 1917Jun26 1902Mar8 1937OCT15 1936Nov14 1940SEP18 1913Oct21 1929May24 1905Feb20 MINE Dolomite No.1 Yolande No.1 Jefferson Nyota Falt Top Virginia City Lewisburg No.2 Dixie Parrish Swansea No.4 Margaret No.1 Warner No.1 EDGEWATER Dolomite No.3 Virginia City Overton No.2 Sayre Corona No.3 BANNER BANNER Ewan No.3 Warrior No.2 MULGA WYLAM Sipsey Acmar No.3 Virginia City fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE trip of cars fall of rock falling rock fall of roof rock fall of rock tram cars dust explosion by shot fall of rock and coal jumpedorknocked off mov. trip gas explosion going back on shot hoisting rope electrocuted 47 electrocuted dust explosion by shot explosion of gas short fuse went back on shot caught between motors/loca'e fall of face coal and slate gas explosion by open light gas explosion by open light fall of rock explosion second shot Page BPL 36 3 BPL BPL 37 32 3 3 web2 BPL BPL 43 3X BPL 32 35 61 3 3 4 BPL web2 BPL 43 3 123 124 36 5 5 3 BPL 57 fall of rock hit by car dust explosion by shot X BPL BPL BPL caught between rib/locamotive 23 X 4 BPL 61 36 4 3 BPL web2 X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME SLOGETT, SAM SMEDLEY, FRED SMEDLY, A B SMEDLY, ARTHUR B Smith, Alto SMITH, ANDY Smith, Andy Smith, Armas SMITH, ARNOLD Smith, Arthur SMITH, BEN Smith, Ben Smith, Bud Smith, Cannie SMITH, CHARLES Smith, Charles SMITH, CHARLIE SMITH, CURLIE Smith, Dewey Smith, Ed SMITH, ERNEST SMITH, FRANK SMITH, GARFIELD Smith, George Smith, Gilbert SMITH, HENRY E Smith, Isaac SMITH, J D Smith, James SMITH, JAMES ALLEN SMITH, JIM Race w w w b b b w b b b w b w w b w b b b b w b DATE 1905Feb20 1905Feb20 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1925Jul9 1921Feb14 1928Feb2 1925Jan6 1969MAY12 1923Feb2 1922NOV22 1926Oct9 1925Jan6 1936Jun22 1912Apr3 1923Jun20 1943Aug28 1911APR8 1925Dec10 1925Dec10 1943Aug28 1913Sep30 1911APR8 1938Feb12 1928May23 1945JAN25 1936Jun12 1917Jul17 1923Sep8 1948JUL3 1901JAN MINE Virginia City Virginia City Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 Flat Top Searles Townley Scott & Jones SEGCO Aldrich Dolomite No.3 Flat Top Scott & Jones Marvel No.2 South Carbon Sayreton No.2 BANNER Overton No.2 Overton No.2 Sayreton No.2 Gamma BANNER Flat Top LAWSON Dolomite No.2 Edgewater ISHKOODA ADGER fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F N N F F N F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE dust explosion by shot dust explosion by shot gas explosion explosion rock fell fall of rock fall of rock explosion of powder 29 web2 web2 gend gendi BPL 42 68 BPL BPL 4 BPL web BPL BPL BPL 34 3 BPL usmra2 5 BPL BPL usmra2 36 123 3 5 BPL BPL 69 run-away trip electrocuted runaway cars X X X 3 76 electrocuted explosion electrocuted explosion of powder fall of roof rock fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion gas explosion by open light explosion of gas explosion of gas gas explosion fall of middleman gas explosion by open light caught between car and collar fall of rock 33 Page 4 BPL 36 3 BPL 74 7 4 4 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Smith, Jim SMITH, JIM SMITH, JOE SMITH, JOHN Smith, John SMITH, JOHN H SMITH, LOUIS SMITH, MAX SMITH, RICH SMITH, ROBERT Smith, Samuel SMITH, SETH D SMITH, THOMAS SMITH, WESLEY Smith, Will SMITH, WILLIAM M Smith, Willie SMITHERMAN, E SMITHERMAN, E Smitherman, E Smithson, George Snyder, Will SOMMERVILLE, JOHN Jr SPAIN, ALBERT LEE SPARKS, W A SPATES, JOHN Spearman, Frank Spears, W Speegle, Arthur SPENCER, HERMAN SPRADLING, O R Race b b b b b w b b b w w b w b b w w w w b w b w w w b w DATE 1901Jan16 1920Nov6 1941JAN 1914Nov2 1926Jul21 1912Oct6 1918Apr20 1938Jun10 1906FEB27 1919Nov26 1926Jan8 1918Sep16 1913Oct15 1911APR8 1936Apr14 1936APR14 1929Feb7 1922NOV22 1927APR29 1927Apr29 1900Aug10 1926Aug28 1913Sep10 1940AUG23 1918Oct23 1921Dec31 1926May12 1923Jun8 1924Feb1 1911APR8 1919Mar10 MINE Adger Dogwood RED ORE No.10 Lucile Dixie Banner Edgewater BOOTHTON LITTLE CAHABA No.2 Mulga Porter Coalmont No.3 Piper No.2 BANNER BLACK DIAMOND Docena Dolomite No.3 BESSIE Bessie Hargrove Flat Top Acton No.1 Mulga Docena Sayre Majestic Galloway No.15 BANNER Wylam No.4 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock electrocuted 55 fall of rock gas explosion gas explosion fall of rock gas explosion fall of rock gasoline motor trip of cars tram cars gas explosion by open light fall of draw-rock 50 Page BPL 42 62 36 3 4 3 BPL 36 34 3 3 gend 8&15 44 4 3 BPL 35 36 124 3 3 5 BPL 53 fell between two cars explosion 23 4 BPL web 69 Bessie overcome with heat trip of cars fall of rock 65 mine cars explosion of gas electrocuted fall of rock rock shot gas explosion by open light railroad car 3 BPL BPL BPL 35 61 35 43 3 4 3 3 BPL BPL BPL 124 43 5 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME SPRADLING, O W SPRADLING, O W SPRINGER, SAMUEL SPRUELL, GEORGE Stacy, Murphy Stafford, Garfield STALLINGS, WALTER Stallsworth, George STAMPS, LUTHER Stamps, Luther STANSBERRY, C H STAPP, N L Starkey, Otis STARNES, JOHN Stearnes, S STEARNES, S R Stearnes, W STEELE, WILL Stephens, Carl STEPHENS, COUNCIL STEPHENSON, MOSE STERLING, J A STEVENS, CAL STEVENS, COUNCIL STEVENS, FRANK STEVENS, LOUIS STEVENS, WILL STEVENS, WILLIAM STEVENSON, HENRY Steward, J STEWART, ARTHUR Race w b b b w b b b b b w w w w w w b w b b b b b b b b w b DATE 1911APR8 1911APR8 1913Aug12 1921Apr6 1928Aug24 1934May31 1916Nov14 1923Feb20 1927JUN2 1927Jun2 1910MAY5 1914mar28 1924Jul9 1948JUL30 1927Feb21 1927FEB21 1929Jan12 1913Jun21 1935Jun7 1917Jun13 1921Nov19 1905Feb20 1935JUL 1917Jun13 1914Jul15 1895FEB24 1914Aug4 1912Nov4 1905Feb20 1900May24 1921Jun28 MINE BANNER BANNER New Pratt No.3 Belle Ellen No.2 Dixie Bessie Mulga FLAT TOP Flat Top PALOS No.3 Flat Top Altoona No.11 Edgewater Aldrich ALDRICH Powhatan Warner No.1 Banner Aldrich Virginia City HILL CREEK Banner Pratt No.4 PRATT Flat Top Dunn Virginia City Bruce Kershaw fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE gas explosion by open light 50 gas explosion by open light fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock fall of draw-rock dust and gas explosion fall of rock 28 fall of rock explosion tram cars rock fell 62 gas explosion fall of rock 39 ignition of gas tram cars possibly feel and hit ead gas explosion fall of rock dust explosion by shot Page 125 125 35 42 5 5 3 3 BPL BPL 35 3X BPL 70 3 BPL gend 34 3 BPL gend BPL 67 3 BPL 35 3 BPL 36 43 web2 52 gas explosion fall of rock fall of rock fall of coal dust explosion by shot falling slate explosion of powder X web 35 2 35 36 web2 BPL 42 3X 3 X 4 X 3 4 3 3 X 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME STEWART, J B STEWART, J O STEWART, LUTHER Stewart, Robert STEWART, Thomas "Tom" STIPES, ALFRED FRANK Stokes, Guite STOKES, JOHN STONE, GEORGE STONE, JOHN STONE, VIRGIL Story, R Stover, Jacob STOVER, W R STOVES, ANTHONY STOVES, MATTHEY STRACNER, W C Stracner, William Strain, T STRICKLAND, ELIJAH Strickland, J STRICKLAND, J E Strickland, Ralph Stringer, Tom STROVER, W R STUBBS, TOM STUDDAR, ANTHONY STUDDARD, HESTER Studdard, J STUDDARD, J A STUDDARD, J D Race w w w b w c w w w w w w w w b w w w b w w w w w w DATE 1914Dec3 1900MAY24 1914Jun10 1924Jul14 1917Oct12 1972MAR23 1926Apr28 1916Oct22 1917Sep17 1906FEB27 1922MAY25 1925Sep19 1924Sep25 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1938JAN25 1938Jan24 1924Oct11 1911APR8 1927Jul20 1927JUL20 1938Apr3 1934Jan24 1907DEC11 1919Apr29 1979DEC20 1914Jul25 1927Aug20 1927AUG10 1917May22 MINE Togo BRUCE Bayview Risco Flat Top CONCORD Empire No.1 Marvel No.2 Norvell No.2 LITTLE CAHABA No.2 ACMAR No.3 Docena Samoset Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 EDGEWATER Helena-Straven BANNER Wegra WEGRA Yolande No.1 Majestic MAXINE Dulin Howard HOWARD Yarborough fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE railroad cars electric motor explosion of gas trip of cars 49 motor explosion of gas fall of rock Page 36 6 34 BPL 37 77 3 4 BPL 35 37 8&15 37 fall of object trip of cars gas explosion explosion explosion 25 3 4 3 3X 3 4 4 BPL BPL gend web web 57 hit by a trip of 30 loaded cars explosion of gas gas explosion by open light fall of parting rock 51 4 BPL BPL 124 5 BPL 72 electrocuted trolley accident explosion gas explosion 26 fall of rock fall of rock 45 fall from railroad car X 3 BPL BPL gendi 43 78 35 3X 4 3 BPL 72 36 3 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME SULTER, J P SUMMER, JACK SUMMERS, LOUIS Sumner, George Sumner, P SUTHERLAND, JAMES M SUTTON, TAYLOR SWANSON, HAMP Sweat, Noah Sweeton, B SWEETON, B S SWINWOOD, PERCY TALLEY, CLIFFORD Tally, Z TANNER, THURMAN Tarrant, Jim TATE, J M Tate, Napoleon TATE, WALTER LEE Taylor, Clyde TAYLOR, DOC TAYLOR, ED TAYLOR, ED. TAYLOR, ED. TAYLOR, IRVING TAYLOR, J M TAYLOR, JESS TAYLOR, ROBERT Taylor, Robert TAYLOR, SAMUEL TAYLOR, THORNTON Race w b w w w b w w w w w b w b b w b b b w b w b b b DATE 1909FEB2 1917Feb3 1920Apr23 1901Jun24 1924Feb14 1913Apr17 1912Aug13 1914Oct5 1925Apr8 1927Sep19 1927SEP19 1912Sep8 1914Sep11 1926Sep18 1961FEB 1902Apr24 1913Jul23 1923Mar26 1915Dec17 1923Aug9 1922NOV22 1917Jun13 1917Jun13 1920Dec16 1912Oct17 1941SEP17 1913Nov18 1913Apr28 1923Mar15 1916Nov14 1927JAN19 MINE SHORT CREEK Empire No.1 Bayview Blocton NO.7 Hill Creek Empire No.10 Abernant Mulga Vanzant No.2 Blossburg No.16 BLOSSBURG Great Elk Eureka No.2 Flat Top EMPIRE Mine No.1 Pratt No.4 Gorgas Flat Top Corona No.11 DOLOMITE No.3 Banner Banner Tidewater No.2 Pratt No.4 BEN DAVIS Acton No.2 Piper No.2 Bayview Bessie Hill's Creek fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock fall of rock loaded cars fall of rock fall of rock suffocated by after-damp gas explosion rock fell fall of rock 62 gas explosion fall of coal empty cars 46 Page 18 36 42 4 3 3 BPL BPL 35 35 35 3 3X 3X BPL BPL 73 35 35 3 3 3 BPL 76 falling rock fall of rock fall of rock coal and rock electrocuted 4 BPL 35 3 BPL 33 3 BPL 40 gas explosion gas explosion fall of rock electrocuted 22 explosion fall of rock fall of rock dust and gas explosion 42 4 web 36 43 36 64 36 35 X 3X 3 3 4 3X 3 BPL 35 67 3X 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Taylor, Thornton Taylor, Will TAYLOR,IKE Teague, Dock TEASLEY, DAN TEASLEY, TOM TEER, ROBERT TEMPLE, HENRY TEMPLE, JOHN Temple, Will Terrence, Joe Terry, Carroll Terry, J TERRY, J L Terry, Ozell TERRY, W R TERRY, WILLIAM TERRY, ZACK Terry, Zack Tesney, Fayette THACKER, W G THARASHER, TILTON THOMAS, ALDEN THOMAS, ANDREW Thomas, C THOMAS, CHARLES THOMAS, CHESTER THOMAS, DENNIS Thomas, Dock THOMAS, FLETCHER Thomas, Fred Race b b b b w w b b w w w b w b b b w w w w w b b b b b b DATE 1927Jan19 1925Jul10 1911APR8 1928Jan14 1912May28 1917Jul11 1914Jun27 1912Oct17 1912Nov5 1926Jan29 1936Jan22 1928Jul21 1927Oct8 1927OCT8 1928May30 1920Jun21 1922NOV22 1927NOV17 1927Nov17 1901Jan29 1916Dec20 1919Dec17 1913Apr28 1948OCT 1923Aug11 1918Aug1 1917Dec13 1914Jan10 1901Mar1 1921Sep26 1936Mar7 MINE Hill Creek Pratt No.7 BANNER Yerkwood Mulga New Castle No.2 Pratt No.14 Eden No.4 Wegra Mossboro Bankhead Boyer BOYER Dolomite No.3 Acmar No.1 Dolomite No.3 PIPER Piper No.1 No.4 Pratt No.1 Old Blocton No.3 Aldrich SPAULDING Dixie Adrich Edgewater Davis Creek Coal Valley Hamilton fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion by open light fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion electrocuted fall of rock fall of rock explosion of coal dust fall of roof rock electrocuted fall of rock 47 Page BPL BPL 125 5 BPL 35 36 34 36 36 3 3 3 3 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL 74 wedgedbetweensidecar&prop fall of coal explosion 28 3 BPL 42 3 web 76 fall of rock powder shot caught by cage fall of dirt mine cars 50 coal machine fall of rock fall of rock explosionof gas shot fall of rock electrocuted 3 BPL BPL 36 44 35 74 3 3 3 4 BPL 35 37 34 3 3 3X BPL 42 3 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Thomas, George Thomas, Jesse THOMAS, JIM THOMAS, JOHN THOMAS, JOHN THOMAS, JOHN Thomas, K THOMAS, LAWRENCE Thomas, Moss THOMAS, PHILLIP Thomas, R THOMAS, ROBERT THOMAS, W A Thomas, Wesley THOMASON, GEORGE THOMASSON, A F THOMPSON, ALVIS W THOMPSON, BEN THOMPSON, JAMES THOMPSON, JOSEPH THOMPSON, RICHARD Thompson, S THORN, SAM THORNTON, GUS THORNTON, MACK Thorton, Robert Threat, Tom Thurman, James THURMAN, JAMES THURMAN, LAWRENCE TIDMORE, J G Race b b b b b b b b b w w b w w b w b b w b b b w b b b b w DATE 1925Dec10 1925Oct29 1917Nov12 1912Feb29 1912Jan27 1914Nov12 1901Feb1 1935OCT11 1926May3 1917Jul20 1926Dec2 1918Jul15 1914Oct9 1923Nov12 1919Oct31 1913Mar12 1918Jan17 1913Nov18 1913Feb13 1917Apr3 1916Dec28 1925Jul25 1905Feb20 1911APR8 1916Apr29 1926Jun16 1924Oct9 1927Mar24 1927Mar25d 1922NOV22 1905Feb20 MINE Overton No.2 Dixie Climax Mulga Mulga Palos No.3 Dolomite Flat Top Red Feather Tuscaloosa Yolande No.3 Blocton No.2 Dixie Piper No.1 Pratt No.3 Hills Creek Acton No.2 Marvel No.1 Edgewater Aldrich Helena-Straven Virginia City BANNER Edgewater Peerless Virginia Dixie DIXIE Dolomite No.3 Virginia City fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE explosion of gas premature explosion of shot whim lever fall of coal fall of coal fall of rock hot water 22 Page BPL BPL 37 34 34 35 3 3 3 3 BPL 52 electrocuted lighted short squib fall of draw-rock fall of rock tram cars gas explosion fall of rock electrocuted drowned explosion fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock rock fell dust explosion by shot gas explosion by open light trolley wire fall of rock electrocuted hit in head by timber 34 4 BPL 36 3 BPL 34 35 3 3 BPL 44 34 34 36 34 36 36 3 3 3 3X 3 3 3 BPL web2 125 34 BPL BPL BPL 68 explosion dust explosion by shot X 5 3 3 web web2 X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME TIDWELL, FRANK TIDWELL, LeROY TIDWELL, Robert Toombs TIGART, WILSON Tigart, Wilson TILLER, FATE TILLERY, FRANK Tines, Andrew TINKER, HARRY TODD, ENOCH Tolbert, Jordan TOLES, PEARL TOLLIVER, DAN TONY, CHARLEY TORANO, PETE TOWE, WILL "JOHN" TOWNSEND, BEN TOWNSEND, KIND TOWNSEND, RANDY ALLEN Trammell, Tom Trannon, Mathew Treadwell, Eli TREADWELL, JOHN TROTTER, GLOBE TRUSS, HENRY TRUSS, WALTER Truss, Walter TUBBS, ALONZO Tuck, Antony TUCKER, "BERT" TUCKER, J M Race w w b b b w w b b b b b b w w b b b b b b b b b w DATE 1914Aug4 1918Oct24 1948DEC13 1927NOV9 1927Nov9 1911APR8 1914Jan10 1926Apr13 1914Jan10 1919Apr17 1925Dec10 1905Feb20 1899AUG 1917Jun19 1921Sep21 1907DEC11 1942APR14 1914Jun29 1977JUL24 1926Dec7 1934Oct22 1926Jan29 1915Oct20 1912AUG13 1918Sep3 1927OCT22 1927Oct22 1945MAY 1926Apr7 1918Jul15 1907DEC11 MINE Edgewater Blocton No.10 SAYRETON BOOTHTON Boothton No.2 BANNER Davis Creek Parrish Davis Creek Baybview Overton No.2 Virginia City BELLE SUMPTER Wegra Marvel No.2 Yolande No.1 WOODWARD RED Lucile CHETOPA Galloway No.15 Mossboro Dolomite No.2 ABERNANT Lewisburg MARGARET Margaret No.4 BRADFORD Rock Castle No.3 Labuco Yolande No.1 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F N F F F F F F F CAUSE explosion of gas scalded 22 riding empty trip down slope gas explosion by open light explosionof gas fall of rock explosionof gas caught between roof&machine explosion of gas dust explosion by shot mine car fall of rock explosion 21 tram cars 25 fall of rock crushed between cars of coal explosion of coal dust tram car and motor drowned 28 Page 35 35 74 75 3 3 4 3 BPL 124 34 5 3X BPL 34 43 3X 3 BPL web2 6 36 42 gend 65 34 77 4 3 4 BPL BPL BPL 32 31 35 75 fall of draw-rock 3 4 3 3 BPL 69 mine cars fall of rock gas explosion X 4 3 3 4 BPL 34 3 gend X Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME TUCKER, JEAN TUCKER, JOHN TUCKER, JOHN M TURNBO, DEXTER TURNER, "BUD" Turner, Bob TURNER, CHARLES Turner, David TURNER, DeWITT TURNER, ERNEST Turner, Ernest TURNER, JERRY TURNER, JIM Turner, John TURNER, M L Turner, Will Turner, Will Turner, Will Turner, William Tyner, Ed TYSON, NOAH VAIL, R G Van, Willie VanDIVER, LIVELY Vandiver, Will Vann, J VANN, JAMES VANN, JAMES Vann, Tom Vasser, Charley VAUGHAN, JIM Race w b w w b b w w b b b b w w b b b b b b w b w b w b b b b b DATE 1918Jul15 1918Sep26 1907DEC11 1946MAY23 1918Jul12 1900Apr17 1911APR8 1924Jun30 1918Apr3 1927NOV4 1927Nov4 1915May5 1915Dec22 1929May27 1905Feb20 1923Jan17 1925Jan14 1928Apr25 1925Dec10 1935Apr30 1919Apr29 1921Mar11 1926Apr6 1918Jun26 1925Dec10 1925may15 1941JUL10 1941JUL10 1923Dec17 1926Jul7 1901APR29 MINE Labuco Wylam No.8 Yolande No.1 ACMAR No.6 Bradford slope America No.3 1/2 BANNER Pennsylvania Yolande DIXIE Dixie Flat Top Dolomite No.1 Connellsville Virginia City Dolomite No.1 Belle Ellen No.2 Overton No.2 Overton No.2 Majestic Glen Mary Dixie Aldrich Overton No.2 Acmar No.1 ACMAR Acmar No.6 Altoona No.11 Aldrich BELLE SUMPTER fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock fell from railroad car explosion 60 fall of rock falling slate gas explosion by open light fall of rock railroad car 20 wrecked trip on slope fall of rock mine car ignition of gas dust explosion by shot electrocuted kicked by mule fall of rock explosion of gas roof rock fell gas explosion fall of rock draw-rock fall of rock explosion of gas loose tram cars Page 34 35 3 3 gendi 70 34 4 3 BPL 124 5 BPL 34 75 3 3 BPL 32 33 3 3 BPL web2 BPL BPL BPL BPL BPL 43 42 X 3X 3 BPL 34 3 BPL BPL 63 gas explosion draw rock mine car 4 gend BPL BPL 7 X 4 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Vaughn, Jim VENTURA, JOHN VERDON, WILL VERESTO, TOLSEY VERNON, ROBERT VERNON, ROBERT VEST, FRANK VINEYARD, CURTIS WACKI, JOHN WADE, DEWEY WAINE, JOHN WALDON, JOHN E Waldon, W WALDON, W F WALDROP, C V WALINSKI, JOHN Walker, Albert WALKER, CLEVE WALKER, HEZ WALKER, IRA WALKER, JOHN H Walker, Louis WALKER, SAM Walker, Sam Walker, W WALKER, W E WALKER, WILTON WALLACE, DOC Wallace, Doc Wallace, Earl Wallace, Grover Race b w b w w w w w w w b b b b b b w w b b b b b DATE 1901Apr29 1915Jul19 1919may3 1905Feb20 1930JAN13 1930JAN13 1919Jan16 1943Aug28 1912May6 1920Sep30 1943Aug28 1948AUG6 1927Dec27 1927DEC27 1917Jun26 1913Aug26 1925Jul20 1943MAY11 1922MAY25 1905Feb20 1911APR8 1924Apr25 1899SEP28 1901Mar8 1924Sep8 1921Jun21 1913Nov18 1927OCT26 1927Oct26 1925Sep10 1924Aug1 MINE Belle Sumpter Warner Slope No.1 Belle Ellen No.2 Virginia City PEERLESS PEERLESS Short Creek No.2 Sayreton No.2 Blocton No.3 Flat Top Sayreton No.2 HAMILTON Riley RILEY Flat Top Palos No.3 Banner PRACO ACMAR No.3 Virginia City BANNER Belle Ellen PRATT SHAFT No.1 Patterson Summit Piper No.1 Acton No.2 COLEANOR Coleanor Flat Top Dolomite No.1 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F N F F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE Page trip of empty cars fall of coal fall of rock dust explosion by shot 32 43 37 fall of rock gas explosion fall of rock and top coal trip of cars gas explosion 43 BPL 3 3 web2 48 48 43 usmra2 34 42 3 3 usmra2 73 fall of rock 55 fall of rock fall of coal electrocuted 4 BPL 77 36 35 3 3 3 BPL 66 37 dust explosion by shot gas explosion by open light fall of rock 4 4 web2 124 28 fall of rock fall of rock crushed by motoer X 5 BPL 6 fall of rock electrocuted electrocuted explosion X 4 4 3 4 BPL BPL 42 36 75 3 3X 3 BPL BPL BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME WALLENTINE, LEE WALLER, WILLIAM WALTER, JOHN WALTHWAL, JACK WARD, ANDY WARD, FAYETTE Ward, Isaiah WARD, R E WARD, WILL WARD, WILLIE WARNER, ED WARNICK, GUS Warnick, Gus WARNICK, HERSCHEL WARNICK, TOM WARREN, CHARLES WARREN, JEFF Warren, Jeff Warren, Robert WASHINGTON, GEORGE WASHINGTON, GEORGE WASHINGTON, GEORGE WASHINGTON, JIM WASHINGTON, ROY WATERS, BAT WATKINS, G C Watkins, Leroy Watkins, Will WATLEY, ROWLAND WATSON, DAM. WATSON, LEWIS Race w b b b b w b b b w w b w b b b b b b b w w b b b b DATE 1913Nov18 1913May21 1941JUN4 1919Apr29 1922NOV22 1922NOV22 1926Jul21 1947JAN13 1920Jul8 1922NOV22 1911APR8 1927SEP14 1927Sep14 1922NOV22 1922NOV22 1915Apr26 1925JUN1 1925May31 1936Feb5 1911APR8 1916Nov14 1918Jul6 1917Oct1 1918Sep19 1911APR8 1916Apr22 1924Apr14 1928May1 1913May26 1915Feb27 1916Nov16 MINE Acton No.2 Searles DOCENA Majestic Dolomite No.3 Dolomite No.3 Dixie PYNE Bell Ellen No.2 Dolomite No.3 BANNER YERKWOOD Yerkwood DOLOMITE No.3 DOLOMITE No.3 Wylam No.4 PIPER No.2 Piper No.2 BANNER Bessie Margaret No.1 Kellerman No.4 Pratt No.1 BANNER Garnsey No.1 Superior New River Lucile Clipper Virginia fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE explosion fall of rock 44 gas explosion explosion explosion gas explosion 52 electrocuted explosion gas explosion by open light 48 Page 36 35 62 43 web web BPL 71 42 explosion of gas machinery accident gas explosion by open light dust and gas explosion gas explosion fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion by open light fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock flying coal from shot motor and loaded cars 4 3 web 124 73 loose cars electrocuted 3X 3 4 3X 5 3 BPL 40 40 32 42 4 4 3 4 BPL BPL 125 35 34 37 35 125 34 5 3X 3 3 3 5 3 BPL BPL 35 32 36 3 3 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME WATSON, SAM WATTERS, CAESER WATTLETON, SAUNDERS Watts, Britton WATTS, LARKIN Watts, S WATTS, SIM WAUGH, JOHN WEAKMAN, PETE Weatherly, Buck WEAVER, H ALBERT WEAVER, JESSE Weaver, Phil WEAVER, PHILIP REID WEBB, EUGENE WEBB, JACKSON Webb, Jackson WEBB, SIMON Webber, H WEBSTER, BERT WEDDINGTON, ELY WEDGEWORTH, JAMES Welch, J WELCK, ARTHUR WELLS, ROBERT WELSH, ARTHUR WESLEY, JOE WESLEY, JOSEPH S West, Asa WEST, C R WEST, JOSEPH Race b b b w b c w w b w w b b b b w b b b w b b b b w w w DATE 1907DEC11 1918Jan24 1912Sep27 1901May18 1917Oct3 1924Jun12 1916Oct22 1913Jul17 1914Jun12 1926Oct8 1908NOV6 1905Feb20 1934Aug16 1934AUG16 1920Dec2 1927SEP10 1927Sep10 1916Oct22 1926Sep4 1914Oct5 1913Mar25 1922MAY25 1926Feb1 1911APR8 1916Dec13 1911APR8 1915Jan15 1929MAY24 1937Dec8 1917Feb9 1918Feb4 MINE Yolande No.1 Pratt No.3 Margaret No.2 Galloway Red Eagle No.3 Corona No.11 Marvel No.2 Piper No.1 Bradford No.4 Flat Top OAKMAN Virginia City ALDEN Marvel No.3 BRADFORD Bradford Adrich Yerkwood Mulga Lucile ACMAR No.3 Marvel No.2 BANNER Dolomite No.2 BANNER Patton ACMAR No.3 Choctaw No.11 Flat Top fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE explosion fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock explosion of gas fall of rock fall of rock fall of coal and rock Page web 34 36 3 3 BPL 37 3 BPL 35 35 34 3X 3 3 BPL 17 dust explosion by shot electrocuted fall of rock 29 fall of rock trolley wire fall from tipple gas explosion fall of rock explosion of coal dust gas explosion by open light loaded car 4 web2 BPL 51 43 73 X 4 3 3 BPL 35 3 BPL 35 34 37 3X 3 4 BPL 124 36 5 3 gend falling off trestle 35 fallen roof rock gas explosion hoisting engine 32 46 3 4 BPL 36 34 3 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME West, S WESTBROOK, GUS WESTBROOK, HENRY WESTERN, GUS WESTLEY, JOHN Westley, John WHATLEY, G C WHEAT, ROBERT WHEELER, JAMES WHEELER, JOE WHEELIS, WARREN WHITE, AMOS WHITE, C J WHITE, CHARLIE WHITE, G W White, Gilbert White, James White, Walter WHITE, WALTER White, Zollie WHITLOCK, MANUEL Whitson, A Whitson, Horace Whitson, J WIDEMAN, JOHN HENRY WIGGINS, ARTIS Wiggins, Eugene WIGGLESWORTH, LOUIS WILBURN, DAVE WILKERSON, JOE Wilkerson, John Race w b b b w b w b b w w b b b b w w w b b b w w DATE 1923Dec13 1912Jul15 1899DEC18 1912Jul2 1927JUL14 1927Jul14 1918Apr26 1912Jul25 1911APR8 1921Mar18 1914Oct5 1913Jan13 1938JUL1 1912Aug5 1922MAY25 1926Aug6 1928May2 1924May5 1944DEC 1923Jan10 1917Jan3 1902Oct31 1926Dec9 1926Jul9 1939OCT5 1912Aug1 1936Feb3 1955APR 1916Nov14 1916Apr14 1926Apr2 MINE Galloway No.15 Empire No.1 NEW FOUND Belle Jay DIXIANA Dixiana Dolomite No.1 Altoona No.3 BANNER Bradford Mulga Wegra PRACO Lucile ACMAR No.3 Townley No.1 Flat Top Belle Ellen No.2 MUSCODA Dolomite No.1 Wegra Yarborough Warrior River No.2 Galloway No.11 HOPE Maylene No.2 DOLOMITE No.3 Bessie Pratt Cons. Jett Flat Top fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion 38 riding trip contact roof point tram car fall of rock gas explosion by open light fall of rock gas explosion fall of middleman fall of rock Page BPL 35 6 35 71 BPL 34 35 124 42 35 34 59 35 37 electrocuted premature explosion of powder fall of rock 48 3 4 3 3 3 3 5 3 3X 3 4 3 4 BPL BPL BPL 69 explosion of gas colored fall of rock caught in machinery electrocuted 34 fall of rock electrocuted dust and gas explosion fall of rock mine cars 4 BPL 36 3 BPL BPL BPL 59 35 4 3 BPL 76 35 34 4 3X 3 BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Wilkerson, Johnson Wilkerson, Yack Wilkes, Henry WILKIE, GEORGE WILLARD, JOHN WILLER, DEE WILLIAM, ENNIS Williams, A WILLIAMS, A B Williams, Arthur WILLIAMS, B T WILLIAMS, BEN Williams, C WILLIAMS, CHARLES WILLIAMS, CLAUDE Williams, Claude WILLIAMS, DAVE Williams, Early WILLIAMS, EARLY "Earl" Williams, Ed WILLIAMS, ED. WILLIAMS, ERBY Williams, Ernest WILLIAMS, F Williams, Fred WILLIAMS, GEORGE WILLIAMS, GEORGE WILLIAMS, GEORGE Williams, J Williams, J WILLIAMS, J C Race b b w w b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b w b b b b w b b DATE 1929Mar18 1925Apr14 1926Mar8 1913Mar26 1912Jan12 1911APR8 1937OCT15 1901Mar8 1912Aug13 1925Dec10 1920Sep13 1911APR8 1923Jun21 1915Dec23 1919Apr29 1925Dec17 1912Aug13 1938Jun10 1938JUN10 1926Jan14 1914Jan14 1920Mar23 1926Aug3 1911APR8 1928Feb21 1911APR8 1914Jan29 1915Apr29 1926Jun23 1936Dec17 1919Jul31 MINE Aldrich Straven Banner Colta Chickasaw BANNER MULGA Hargrove Abernant Overton No.2 Beltona BANNER Flat Top Dolomite No.1 Majestic Barney Abernant BOOTHTON BOOTHTON Lewisburg No.1 Banner Risco Docena BANNER Kimberly No.2 BANNER Banner Mulga Marvel No.3 Townley No.1 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F N F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE rock fell rock fell electrocuted electrocuted falling down shaft gas explosion by open light fall of coal suffocated by after-damp explosion ogf gas fall of rock gas explosion by open light fall of rock trolley wire gas explosion fall of rock suffocated by after-damp gas explosion 50 Page BPL BPL BPL 34 34 125 55 3 3 5 4 BPL 35 3X BPL 42 125 3 5 BPL 33 43 3 3X BPL 35 3X BPL 58 tram cars tram cars loaded car fall of rock gas explosion by open light fall of rock gas explosion by open light tram cars caught between empty cars fall of rock fall of roof rock fall of rock 4 BPL 34 42 3 3 BPL 125 5 BPL 125 34 32 5 3 3 BPL BPL 44 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Williams, Jake Williams, Jesse WILLIAMS, JOHN Williams, John WILLIAMS, L R Williams, Leathey WILLIAMS, LEE Williams, Lonnie Williams, Nath Williams, Noah Williams, Perry Williams, R Williams, Robert Williams, Robert Williams, Robert WILLIAMS, RODNEY WILLIAMS, ROGER Williams, Roy Williams, Sam WILLIAMS, STEINER WILLIAMS, T A Williams, Turner WILLIAMS, W L WILLIAMS, WILL Williams, William WILLIAMS, WILLIAM G Williamson, Johnnie Williamson, Thomas WILLIE, CHARLEY Willingham, J Willis, William Race b b b w w b b b b w b b w b b w b b b b b w w w w b w b DATE 1925Dec3 1938Oct24 1916Jun3 1924Sep10 1912Aug1 1924May23 1912Feb8 1925Dec10 1925Jan8 1902Nov22 1925Sep10 1928Nov13 1902Sep6 1926Jan29 1926Mar12 1913Mar19 1919Apr29 1923Mar20 1929Dec19 1922NOV22 1942NOV24 1925Dec10 1914Sep14 1911APR8 1925Jul5 1918Mar8 1924May19 1929Aug19 1921Apr12 1928May9 1929Sep16 MINE Blocton No.7 Pratt No.3 Galloway No.15 Pratt No.1 Dilworth No.5 Dolomite No.2 Overton No.2 Townley No.1 No.2 Flat Top Supreme Belle Ellen Mossboro Dogwood No.1 Belle Ellen No.8 Majestic Empire No.2 Mulga Dolomite No.3 HAMILTON Overton No.2 Palos No.3 BANNER Hull Samoset Banner Hamilton No.18 Flat Top Dixiana Gamma fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE premature shot electrocuted fall of rock electrocuted fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock explosion of gas electrocuted fall of rock fall of coal fall of rock fall of coal and slate explosion of coal dust rock fell fall of rock gas explosion motor crushed between car & rib explosion 27 Page BPL BPL 34 3 BPL 35 3 BPL 34 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL BPL BPL BPL BPL 34 43 3 3X BPL BPL web 66 explosion of gas fall of rock gas explosion by open light fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock rock fell fall of rock electrocuted rock fell 4 BPL 35 123 3 5 BPL 34 3 BPL BPL 42 3 BPL BPL Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Wilson, Alex WILSON, ED. Wilson, Grady Wilson, Grant Wilson, J Wilson, Jake Wilson, James WILSON, JIM WILSON, JOHN WILSON, LONNEY Wilson, Lonney Wilson, W Wilson, West Wilson, Will WING, DAVE Wingard, J WINGARD, J I Winkler, J WINKLER, WILLIE WISENER, OLIVER WITHERSPOON, JOHN Witherspoon, John WITHERSPOON, ROBERT WITUSHENSKY, MIKE WOLFE, CARL WOOD, EDWARD WOOD, S E Wood, Westley WOOD, WILL WOODS, GLENN WOODS, HARDY Race b b w b w b b b b b b b b b w w w b b w b w w b DATE 1935Apr6 1918Jun26 1923May27 1926Apr27 1924Oct29 1937Apr6 1926Aug28 1913Jan9 1912Feb5 1927JAN14 192Jan14 1900Jun4 1923Dec15 1925May30 1911APR8 1938Jul1 1938JUL1 1929Apr2 1921Oct10 1942JUN 1927Aug3d 1927Jul18 1912Dec4 1914Sep25 1941JUN4 1920Apr3 1943MAY11 1924Mar8 1912May11 1916Nov14 1914Dec3 MINE Buckeye No.1 Kershaw No.1 Yerkwood Helena No.1 Bayview Cardiff No.3 Arcadia No.2 SEARLES Searles No.2 Slope No.4 Superior Flat Top BANNER PRACO Gamma No.2 Dora No.10 FLAT TOPP PIPER Piper No.1 Rock Castle Edgewater DOCENA Mulga PRACO Parrish Wegra Bessie Johns fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE run-away trip fall of rock electrocuted fall of rock fall of rock run over by trip of cars electrocuted fall of rock fall of rock 36 fall of draw-rock exploding powder fall of rock fall of rock gas explosion by open light roof rock fall 35 Page BPL 34 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL BPL 34 34 66 3 3 3 BPL BPL BPL BPL 125 5 BPL 58 rock fell failed shot 60 fall of rock tram cars electrocuted 22 fall of rock run over by motor fall of middle-man dust and gas explosion fall of rock 4 BPL 42 65 71 3 4 3 BPL 36 35 62 42 66 3 3 4 3 4 BPL 34 35 36 3 3X 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Woods, James WOODS, LEE WOODS, PRIME WOODS, TOM Woodson, Enoch WOOIK, JOSEPH WOOLDRIDGE, JOHN Jr WOOLEY, WILL Woolford, William WORTHINGTON, Jefferson Wright, Charlie WRIGHT, CHARLIE WRIGHT, DOWELL WRIGHT, HENRY WRIGHT, JAMES WRIGHT, JOHN Wright, John WRIGHT, JOHN WRIGHT, LEM WRIGHT, LEM WRIGHT, MIKE WRIGHT, TOM WRIGHT, W B Wyatt, Ellis WYLEY, JOHN WYSER, HENRY Yancy, Silvester YANKO, LOUISE YARBROUGH, VESTER Yarbrough, W YOAKLEDGE, LOUIS Race b b b b b b b w b w w b b b w w w b w w b b b b b w w DATE 1923Sep22 1919Oct20 1913Jun27 1917May4 1926Jan29 1912Dec3 1913Sep13 1943NOV5 1902Feb3 1916Sep8 1917Aug8 1927AUG8 1913Mar26 1913Apr9 1920May26 1925JUN1 1925May31 1911APR8 1907DEC11 1907DEC11 1914Jul27 1917Feb23 1905Feb20 1928Sep10 1911APR8 1911APR8 1923Jun4 1906FEB27 1914Jul13 1925Dec10 1914Apr18 MINE Belle Ellen No.2 Aldrich Belle Ellen No.2 Wylam No.8 Mossboro Marvel No.2 Brililant No.5 POWHATAN Little Creek Gamma Sipsey SIPSEY Nyota No.2 Jagger Maxine PIPER No.2 Piper No.2 BANNER Yolande No.1 Yolande No.1 Dolomite No.1 Wylam No.8 Virginia City Flat Top BANNER BANNER Aetna No.3 LITTLE CAHABA No.2 Sayreton Overton No.2 Piper No.2 fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F CAUSE mine car fall of rock fall of rock fall of rock explosion of coal dust flying coal from shot fall of rock Page BPL 44 35 36 BPL 36 35 68 explosion fall of rock fall of draw-rock 34 fall of rock fall of rock trip of cars 72 34 34 42 42 22 explosion of gas gas explosion by open light explosion gas explosion tram cars trolley wire dust explosion by shot struck by motor gas explosion by open light gas explosion by open light fall of rock fall of rock explosion of gas explosion of gas 3 3 3 3 3 4 BPL 3 BPL 3 3 3 3 4 BPL 125 5 gendi gend 35 36 X 3 3 web2 BPL 125 124 X 5 5 BPL 8&15 34 4 3 BPL 34 3 Alabama Mining Accidents 1891-1999 NAME Yorke, James Young, Brown YOUNG, ED. YOUNG, FROGIE YOUNGBLOOD, JACK Zeigler, J ZIMMERMAN, JIM ZOLINSKI, JOHN Race b b b b b b w DATE 1925Jun27 1925Nov24 1918Jan24 1912May24 1919Aug8 1923Feb8 1920Oct28 1914Oct5 MINE Edgewater Altoona No.1 Marvel No.2 Warner No.1 Flat Top Cedrom No.1 Bayview Mulga fatal/ Age nonfatal F F F F F F F F CAUSE loose mine cars explosion of powder trip of cars fall of rock fall of rock fall of stripping shovel electric motor gas explosion Page BPL BPL 34 35 44 3 3 3 BPL 42 35 3 3X
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