ACTICOAT™ Site - Aquilant Medical


ACTICOAT™ Site - Aquilant Medical
Because every break
in the skin is at risk of
Vital protection against serious consequences
ACTICOAT Site is an
absorbent antimicrobial
dressing that is
conveniently shaped
for use around vascular
and non-vascular
percutaneous devices
to reduce the risk of
Reduces the risk of infection
ACTICOAT dressings, with SILCRYST silver, kill bacteria
commonly found at the insertion site to reduce the risk
Broad spectrum
Effective against over 150 pathogens (in-vitro). Including
ones commonly associated with catheter site infection
such as Pseudomonas, MRSA and VRE.1-4
Speed of kill
The SILCRYST silver rapidly kills bacteria in a little as 2
hours (in-vitro).2
Sustained release
Dressing can be left in place and antimicrobial effect
sustained for up to 7 days.1,5
Infected insertion sites
As well as protecting sites from bacterial
contamination1,2,6,7 ACTICOAT site can also be used on
infected insertion sites*.8
ACTICOAT Site has a highly absorbent polyurethane
foam core to absorb any leakage or blood for the
catheter site.1
Patient satisfaction
Dressing is comfortable and conformable for patients to
wear and easy for clinicians to apply and remove.9 Low
adherent dressing causes minimal trauma to the patient
and insertion site on removal.10
*when infection is inspected and treated as per local clinical protocol
An open prospective clinical evaluation of
The following results were recorded in a 302 CVC day* clinical study at a
coronary intensive care unit
No infection/inflammation was observed at the insertion site during the
evaluation on any of the patients (n=25)
Application and removal were documented as ‘easy’
Conformability was documented as ‘good’
Patients found the dressing ‘very comfortable’
* 20 patients with PICC lines (275 CVC days) and 5 patients with short term nontunnelled central line catheters (27 CVC days)
Case Study9
A 69-year-old female was hospitalized because of pneumonia and required the
insertion of a PICC. The catheter and ACTICOAT Site dressing were fixed in place by
a secondary film dressing.
Skin condition at the beginning of the study was noted as normal and continued
to be so for the following 7 days. A total of 7 catheters days were assessed. The
evaluation was discontinued because the patient was transferred to another ward.
The investigator commented that the dressing was well liked by the patient. The
clinicians also liked using the product.
Examples of ACTICOAT Site in place
ACTICOAT Site ordering code
S&N Code
NHS SC Code Pack contents
2.5cm disc with 4.0mm centre hole
Using ACTICOAT™ Site
How to use ACTICOAT Site
1. Prepare the skin in accordance with local
clinical protocol
2. Remove ACTICOAT Site from the pack using
a aseptic technique
3. Do not moisten ACTICOAT Site prior to use
4. Apply ACTICOAT Site aseptically around
the inserted device so that the device is
completely surrounded by the dressing.
Ensuring the following;
- The silver layer is in intimate contact with insertion site and the blue side of the dressing away from the skin.
- The pre-cut slit is oriented near or under the inserted device.
- The edges of the slit meet to allow full contact with the surrounding skin.
- Only one dressing should be applied to the insertion site
4. Secure the dressing with an appropriate
secondary dressing , e.g. IV3000™
Dressing changes
1. The dressing may be left in place for up to
7 days, but will require earlier changing if a
strike through of blood or exudate occurs
2. If the dressing adheres to the insertion site,
moisten or soak to assist removal and avoid
disruption of the insertion site
Note: ACTICOAT may cause transient
discolouration of the skin
ACTICOAT Site is distributed in the UK by;
Aquilant Medical
Units B1-B2 Bond Close, Kingsland Business Park,
Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8PZ, U.K.
T 01256 365490
F 01256 365486
When to use ACTICOAT Site
> As a dressing for use around vascular
and non-vascular percutaneous device
sites such as IV catheter insertion sites
and external fixation sites.
> May be used on infected insertion sites
> Can be left in place for up to 7 days
> Do not use of patients with a known
sensitivity to silver
> Do not use on patients with a known
sensitivity to polyurethane
> Do not use on patients during MRI
1. ACTICOAT Site Dressing: A summary of absorbent capacity, antimicrobial and
silver release properties summary dated 24.04.07, signed by D Myers, Head
of Outcomes Research.
2. Walter, J (2006) Antibacterial Testing of Acticoat Site Against Five Competitor
Pin Site Dressings, WRPTSG002-06-01ii
3. Scientific Background 7 (1999) Broad-Spectrum Antibacterial Activity of
Acticoat Burn Dressing Westaim Biomedical Inc, Exeter, New Hampshire, USA.
4. L’Abbe (2005) Efficacy of New Acticoat Moisture Control Against a Selected
Range of Microorganisms #050304, NuCryst Pharmaceuticals Corp.
5. Smith (2005) Ref: 0305006 ACTICOAT Moisture Control Dressing – Corrected
Zone of Inhibition Testing
6. Benson, R. (2004) Bacterial Barrier Testing of ACTICOAT Moisture Control
Dressing, Smith & Nephew Reference: WRP-TW067-180-01.i
7. Armstrong, L. (2004) Static Dissolution Analysis of ACTICOAT Moisture
Control Dressings vs ACTICOAT and ACTICOAT 7, Smith & Nephew Reference:
8. ACTICOAT Site: Use on Infected Wounds summary dated 30.04.07, signed by
A Keene Product Safety Manager.
9.Pittiruti et al., An open prospective clinical evaluation of a new antimicrobial IV
site dressing, Poster presented at EWMA, Helsinki 2009
10. ACTICOAT Site Dressing: Low Adherent and Easy to Remove summary dated
24.04.07, signed by D Myers, Head of Outcomes Research.
™Trademark of Smith & Nephew © Smith & Nephew January 2014 46568