Order Form - Forging Online Buyers Guide
Order Form - Forging Online Buyers Guide
m ater ials , equ ip m ent, s u p p lies & s er V iCes Electralloy, 175 Main St, Oil City, PA 16301, 814‑678‑4100, 800‑458‑7273, FAX: 814‑678‑4172, Email: sales@gocarlson.com, Internet: www.electralloy.com Weld Mold Co, 750 Rickett Rd, Brighton, MI 48116‑9521, 810‑229‑9521, 800‑521‑9755, FAX: 810‑229‑9580, Email: mburke@weldmold.com, Internet: www.weldmold.com Summit Steel Corp, 11545 Taylor May Rd, PO Box 59 (Chagrin Falls)(44022), Auburn Twp, OH 44023, 440‑338‑8777, 800‑232‑7077, FAX: 440‑338‑8779, Email: information@summitsteel. com, Internet: www.summitsteel.com Summit Steel Corp, 11545 Taylor May Rd, PO Box 59 (Chagrin Falls)(44022), Auburn Twp, OH 44023, 440‑338‑8777, 800‑232‑7077, FAX: 440‑338‑8779, Email: information@summitsteel. com, Internet: www.summitsteel.com 2013/2014 Buyers’ Guide Listing Deadline: September 23, 2016 Order Form NICkEl AllOyS CkS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm Cor‑Met Inc, 12500 Grand River Rd, Brighton, MI 48116, 810‑227‑3251, 800‑848‑2719, FAX: 810‑227‑9266, Email: sales@cor‑met.com, Internet: www.cor‑met.com Electralloy, 175 Main St, Oil City, PA 16301, 814‑678‑4100, 800‑458‑7273, FAX: 814‑678‑4172, Email: sales@gocarlson.com, Internet: www.electralloy.com ISO 9001:2000 Certified ISO 9001:2000 Processor and Distributor of Steel Bar–Billet–Coil Processor and Distributor of Steel Bar–Billet–Coil Certified Listing Deadline: September 3, 2013 • Special Bar Quality Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel • Processing Services • Thermal Treatments 2016/2017 Buyers’ Guide JM Forging Technology Inc, Mamaroneck, NY • Special Bar Quality Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel • Processing Services • Thermal Treatments P: 800-232-7077 Summit Steel Corp, 11545 Taylor May Rd, PO Box 59 (Chagrin Falls)(44022), Auburn Twp, F: 440-338-8779 OH 44023, 440‑338‑8777, 800‑232‑7077, FAX: information@summitsteel.com 440‑338‑8779, Email: information@summitsteel. com, Internet: www.summitsteel.com www.summitsteel.com Weld Mold Co, 750 Rickett Rd, Brighton, MI SeeBlvd, our Columbus, website forOHmore information Rimrock Corp, 1700 Jetway 43219, Presstrade AG, Angensteinerstr. 6, 4153 Reinach 48116‑9521, 810‑229‑9521, 800‑521‑9755, FAX: 614‑471‑5926, FAX: 614‑471‑7388, Email: sales@ BL, ‑, Switzerland, +41 61 716 20‑00, FAX: 810‑229‑9580, Email: mburke@weldmold.com, rimrockcorp.com, Internet: www.rimrockcorp.com +41 61 716 20‑10, Email: info@presstrade.ch, Internet: www.weldmold.com Timken Co, Steel Div, 1835 Dueber Ave SW, Internet: www.presstrade.com PO Box 6927, Canton, OH 44706‑0927, STEEl, AllOy 330‑471‑3514, FAX: 330‑471‑7032, Internet: MAtERIAL HAndLInG EquIPMEnt www.timken.com A. Finkl & Sons Co., One Finkl Plz., 2011 Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, N. Southport Ave., Chicago, Il 60614, Turret Steel Industries Inc, 105 Pine St, Imperial, PA 15156‑ Oxnard, CA 93035,773‑975‑2510, 805‑382‑6885, 800‑621‑1460, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, 1142, 800‑245‑4800, FAX: 773‑767‑2471, Internet: FAX: Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. www.turretsteel.com 773‑348‑5347, Email: sales@finkl.com, agostamachines.com Internet: www.finkl.com AJAX‑CECO, 29100 Lakeland Blvd, Wickliffe, OH CkS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad 44092, 440‑295‑0244, FAX: 440‑295‑0245, Email: Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, sales‑ceco‑ajax@park‑ohio.com, Internet: www. ajax‑ceco.com FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm Alpha 1 Induction Service Center, 1525 old Alum Creek P: 800-232-7077 F: 440-338-8779 information@summitsteel.com www.summitsteel.com m a t e r i a l s , e q u i p m e n t , s u p pli es & s er V i C es Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, In print, the Forging Buyers’ Guide is an exceptional reference tool that provides a vital link between forge shops and FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. Timken Co, Steel Div, 1835 Dueber Ave SW, net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm PO Box 6927, Canton, OH 44706‑0927, vendor partners. It designed to locate suppliers of forging products and services with ease. This fundamental directory 330‑471‑3514, FAX: 330‑471‑7032, Internet: LIFt tRuCKS www.timken.com includes dies and die-making services, forging equipment, materials, testing equipment, and so much more. Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Turret Steel Industries Inc, 105 Pine St, Imperial, PA 15156‑ Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, CKS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com See our website for more information 1142, 800‑245‑4800, FAX: 773‑767‑2471, Internet: www.turretsteel.com Choose from this selection of listing and order today! CKS Precision Machining, 700 E Soperpackages Rd, Bad Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm MAnIPuLAtoRS, MoBILE Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com Glama Maschinenbau GmbH, Hornstrasse 19, PO Box 369, 45964 Gladbeck, Germany, 011‑49‑2043‑973820, FAX: m a t e r i a l s , e q ui pme n t , s uppl i e s & s e r Vi Ce s 011‑49‑2043‑973850, Email: info@glama.de, Internet: EnvIRonMEntAl ContRol www.glama.de EquIpMEnt RD Erbe & Associates, Lansing, MI S&S Die Co, 2727 Lyons Avenue, Lansing, MI 48910, 517‑484‑8144, 800‑784‑8144, FAX: 517‑484‑5511, Email: david@ssdie.com, Internet: www.ssdie.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com HydRAulIC systEMs & ACCEssoRIEs Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com Weld Mold Co, 750 Rickett Rd, Brighton, MI 48116-9521, 810-229-9521, 800-521-9755, FAX: 810-229-9580, Email: mburke@weldmold.com, Internet: www.weldmold.com Facilities & repair AIR CoMpREssoRs Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com RD Erbe & Associates, PO Box 22132, Lansing, MI 48909, 517‑244‑9919, FAX: 517‑244‑9917, Email: machtrader@ aol.com CABlEs, InsulAtEd ElECtRICAl ABp Induction, 21905 Gateway Rd, Brookfield, WI 53045, 262-317-5300, 800-558-7733, FAX: 262-317-5394, Email: heating@ABpinduction. com, Internet: www.pillar.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com CoolInG systEMs, ClosEd loop ABp Induction, 21905 Gateway Rd, Brookfield, WI 53045, 262-317-5300, 800-558-7733, FAX: 262-317-5394, Email: heating@ABpinduction. com, Internet: www.pillar.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com Ajax tocco Magnethermic, 1745 overland Ave, Warren, oH 44483, 330-372-8511, 800-547-1527, FAX: 330-372-8608, Email: sales@ajaxtocco. com, Internet: www.ajaxtocco.com CoolInG systEMs, IndustRIAl Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com CoolInG toWERs ABp Induction, 21905 Gateway Rd, Brookfield, WI 53045, 262-317-5300, 800-558-7733, FAX: 262-317-5394, Email: heating@ABpinduction. com, Internet: www.pillar.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com Ajax tocco Magnethermic, 1745 overland Ave, Warren, oH 44483, 330-372-8511, 800-547-1527, FAX: 330-372-8608, Email: sales@ajaxtocco. com, Internet: www.ajaxtocco.com Butech Bliss, 550 s Ellsworth Ave, salem, oH 44460, 330-337-0000, 888-285-6433, FAX: 330-337-0800, Email: xpsales@butech.com, Internet: www.butechbliss.com delta Computer systems Inc, 1818 sE 17th street, Battle Ground, WA 98604, 360-254-8688, FAX: 360-254-5435, Email: sales@deltamotion.com, Internet: www.deltamotion.com Girard Engineering Inc, 8150 E dow Cir ste 100, strongsville, oH 44136-1764, 440-243-2212, FAX: 440-243-2253, Email: sales@girard.cc, Internet: www.girardusa.com/ge Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com Ajax tocco Magnethermic, 1745 overland Ave, Warren, oH 44483, 330-372-8511, 800-547-1527, FAX: 330-372-8608, Email: sales@ajaxtocco. com, Internet: www.ajaxtocco.com Campbell Inc, Press & Hammer Repair Div, 925 River St, Lansing, MI 48912, 517‑371‑1034, FAX: 517‑371‑2606, Email: sales@campbellpress.com, Internet: www. campbellpress.com RD Erbe & Associates, PO Box 22132, Lansing, MI 48909, 517‑244‑9919, 517‑244‑9917, Lansing, Email: machtrader@ RD Erbe & FAX: Associates, MI aol.com Erie Press Systems, 1253 W 12th St, PO Box 4061(16512‑ 4061), Erie, PA 16501‑1518, 814‑455‑3941, 800‑222‑3608, FAX: 814‑456‑4819, Email: info@ eriepress.com, Internet: www.eriepress.com Inductoheat Inc, 32251 n Avis dr, Madison Hts, MI 48071, 248-585-9393, 800-624-6297, FAX: 248-589-1062, Email: sales@inductoheat.com, Internet: www.inductoheat.com Moseley’s Equipment Repair LLC, 1820 Sunset Ave, Lansing, MI 48917, 517‑881‑4412, FAX: 517‑323‑4585, Email: info@repairpress.com, Internet: www.repairpress.com luBRICAtInG EquIpMEnt vACuuM ClEAnInG systEMs Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com Henkel technologies, 32100 stephenson Hwy, Madison Heights, MI 48071, 866-332-7024, FAX: 248-583-4804, Email: adhesives. inquiries@us.henkel.com, Internet: www. henkelna.com/metals vIBRAtIon ContRol EquIpMEnt Rimrock Corp, 1700 Jetway Blvd, Columbus, OH 43219, 614‑471‑5926, FAX: 614‑471‑7388, Email: sales@ rimrockcorp.com, Internet: www.rimrockcorp.com noIsE ContRol EnClosuREs Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com GERB Vibration Control Systems, 1950 Ohio Street, Lisle, IL 60532, 630‑724‑1660, 888‑454‑GERB (4372), FAX: 630‑724‑1664, Email: gerbusa@gerb.com, Internet: www.gerb.com/forging Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com Henschel Andromat Inc, 941 G Ashwaubenon St, Green plAnt CoMMunICAtIons EquIpMEnt Bay, WI 54304, 920‑336‑8981, FAX: 920‑336‑5062, Supporting the World’s Email: djc@henschelusa.com, Internet: www. Most Productive andromat.com Forging Hammers & Presses pnEuMAtIC systEMs & Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com ACCEssoRIEs Presstrade AG, Angensteinerstr. 6, 4153 Reinach BL, ‑, Switzerland, +41 61 716 20‑00, FAX: +41 61 716 20‑10, Email: info@presstrade.ch, quICk tool CHAnGInG systEMs Internet: www.presstrade.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com Moseley’s Equipment Repair LLC, 1820 Sunset Ave, Lansing, MI 48917, 517‑881‑4412, FAX: 517‑323‑4585, Email: info@repairpress.com, Internet: www.repairpress.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com AJAX‑CECO, 29100 Lakeland Blvd, Wickliffe, OH 44092, 440‑295‑0244, FAX: 440‑295‑0245, Email: sales‑ceco‑ajax@park‑ohio.com, Internet: www. ajax‑ceco.com Henschel Andromat Inc, 941 G Ashwaubenon st, Green Bay, WI 54304, 920-336-8981, FAX: 920-336-5062, Email: djc@henschelusa.com, Internet: www. andromat.com Don’t Mess Around Get GERB Mounts www.gerb.com MAnIPuLAtoRS, RAIL‑Bound WEldInG EquIpMEnt ABp Induction, 21905 Gateway Rd, Brookfield, WI 53045, 262-317-5300, 800-558-7733, FAX: 262-317-5394, Email: heating@ABpinduction. com, Internet: www.pillar.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com 25 usEd & REBuIlt EquIpMEnt ABp Induction, 21905 Gateway Rd, Brookfield, WI 53045, 262-317-5300, 800-558-7733, FAX: 262-317-5394, Email: heating@ABpinduction. com, Internet: www.pillar.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com september/october 2010 I forging I Basic Listing Print listing includes Butech Bliss, 550 S Ellsworth Ave, Salem, oH 44460, 330‑337‑0000, 888‑285‑6433, FAX: 330‑337‑0800, Email: xpsales@butech.com, Internet: www.butechbliss.com Glama Maschinenbau GmbH, Hornstrasse 19, PO Box 369, 45964 Gladbeck, Germany, 011‑49‑2043‑973820, FAX: 011‑49‑2043‑973850, Email: info@glama.de, Internet: www.glama.de Henschel Andromat Inc, 941 G Ashwaubenon St, Green Bay, WI 54304, 920‑336‑8981, FAX: 920‑336‑5062, Email: djc@henschelusa.com, Internet: www. andromat.com • Company name, city and state in your choice of 6 categories Additional options available: • Add listings • Add color text to listings Composite Forgings Ltd,614‑253‑8900, 2300 W Jefferson Ave, Detroit, drive, Columbus, oH 43209‑2712, MI 48216, 313‑496‑1226, 800‑521‑0420, FAX: 800‑991‑2599, FAX: 614‑253‑8981, Email: 313‑496‑0834, Email: vinceo@compforge.com, Internet: Full Line Stocking Distributor gtraverse@alpha1induction.com, Internet: www. Weld Mold Co, 750 Rickett Rd, Brighton, MI www.compforge.com tEnSIonERS alpha1induction.com Special Bar Quality Carbon and 48116‑9521, 810‑229‑9521, 800‑521‑9755, FAX: Eaton Steel Bar Company, 10221 Capital Agosta Ave, Oak 810‑229‑9580, Email:Blvd mburke@weldmold.com, Alloy bars .500” to 32.000” diameter. Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Ste 128, Park, MI 48237, 248‑398‑1434, 800‑527‑3851, Internet: www.weldmold.com Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Rounds, Hexes, FAX: 248‑398‑1434, Email: mcandy@eatonsteel. teria rials, ls, eequipme quipment, nt, supplie supplie se rViCessSquares, RCS, mm aate ss && se rViCe Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. STEEl, CARBON com, Internet: www.eatonsteel.com Flats, X59Steel Coil Electralloy,175 175Main MainSt, St,Oil OilCity, City,PA PA16301, 16301, SummitSteel SteelCorp, Corp,11545 11545Taylor Taylor MayRd, Rd,PO PORod Summit Steel Corp,11545 11545Taylor TaylorMay MayRd, Rd,PO PO Electralloy, Summit May Summit Corp, m at eri als, equi pment , suppli es & serV iC es agostamachines.com 814‑678‑4100,800‑458‑7273, 800‑458‑7273,FAX: FAX: Box59 59(Chagrin (ChagrinFalls)(44022), Falls)(44022),Auburn AuburnTwp, Twp, Box59 (ChagrinFalls)(44022), Falls)(44022),Auburn AuburnTwp, Twp, 814‑678‑4100, Box Box (Chagrin 814‑678‑4172,Email: Email:sales@gocarlson.com, sales@gocarlson.com, OH44023, 44023,440‑338‑8777, 440‑338‑8777,800‑232‑7077, 800‑232‑7077,FAX: FAX: OH44023, 44023,440‑338‑8777, 440‑338‑8777,800‑232‑7077, 800‑232‑7077,FAX: FAX: 814‑678‑4172, OH OH Internet:www.electralloy.com www.electralloy.com 440‑338‑8779,Email: Email:information@summitsteel. information@summitsteel. 440‑338‑8779,Email: Email:information@summitsteel. information@summitsteel. Electralloy, 175 Main St, Oil City, PA 16301, Internet: 440‑338‑8779, 440‑338‑8779, A. Finkl & Sons Co., One Finkl Plz., 2011 com, Internet: www.summitsteel.com com,Internet: Internet:www.summitsteel.com www.summitsteel.com com, Internet: www.summitsteel.com com, WeldMold MoldCo, Co,750 750Rickett RickettRd, Rd,Brighton, Brighton,MI MI ➢ Processing Services Available Weld 48116‑9521,810‑229‑9521, 810‑229‑9521,800‑521‑9755, 800‑521‑9755,FAX: FAX: 48116‑9521, 814‑678‑4100, 800‑458‑7273, FAX: N. Southport Ave., Chicago, Il 60614, 810‑229‑9580, Email: mburke@weldmold.com, 810‑229‑9580, Email: mburke@weldmold.com, LIFt tRuCKS HAndLInG EquIPMEnt Internet:www.weldmold.com www.weldmold.com ➢ Custom Stocking Programs Internet: 814‑678‑4172, Email:MAtERIAL sales@gocarlson.com, 773‑975‑2510, 800‑621‑1460, FAX: NICkEl NICkElAllOyS AllOyS ➢ ISO 9001:2008 Certified CkSPrecision PrecisionMachining, Machining,700 700EESoper SoperRd, Rd,Bad Bad Internet: www.electralloy.com CkS Email: sales@finkl.com, Axe,MI MI48413, 48413,989‑269‑9702, 989‑269‑9702,800‑292‑0268, 800‑292‑0268, Axe, ALuMInuM773‑348‑5347, FAX:989‑269‑9021, 989‑269‑9021,Email: Email:cks@geminigroup. cks@geminigroup. FAX: Internet: www.finkl.com ISO9001:2000 9001:2000 ISO9001:2000 9001:2000 net,Internet: Internet:www.geminigroup.net/ckspm www.geminigroup.net/ckspm ISO ISO net, Gerdau MACSTEEl, 5591 Morrill Road, Jackson, Certified Certified Cor‑MetInc, Inc,12500 12500Grand GrandRiver RiverRd, Rd,Brighton, Brighton, Certified Certified For inquires contact Cor‑Met MI48116, 48116,810‑227‑3251, 810‑227‑3251,800‑848‑2719, 800‑848‑2719,FAX: FAX: A. FAX: Finkl & Sons Co., one Finkl Plz., 2011 Processorand andDistributor Distributorofof Processorand andDistributor Distributorofof MI Processor Processor MIMAnIPuLAtoRS, 49201,MoBILE 517‑782‑0415, 800‑876‑7833, CkS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper810‑227‑9266, Rd,www.cor‑met.com Bad 810‑227‑9266, Email:sales@cor‑met.com, sales@cor‑met.com, Email: SteelBar–Billet–Coil Bar–Billet–Coil SteelBar–Billet–Coil Bar–Billet–Coil Steel Steel Internet:www.cor‑met.com Glama Maschinenbau GmbH, Hornstrasse 19, PO Box 369, sales@turretsteel.com or Internet: n. Southport Ave., Chicago, 60614, SpecialBar BarQuality Quality SpecialBar BarQuality Quality • •Special • •Special tEnSIonERS 517‑782‑8736, Email: sales@gerdaumacsteel. Electralloy,175 175Main MainSt, St,Oil OilCity, City,PA PA16301, 16301, Axe, MI 48413, IL 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, Electralloy, CarbonSteel Steeland andAlloy AlloySteel Steel CarbonSteel Steeland andAlloy AlloySteel Steel Carbon Carbon 814‑678‑4100,800‑458‑7273, 800‑458‑7273,FAX: FAX: 45964 Gladbeck, Germany, 011‑49‑2043‑973820, FAX: 814‑678‑4100, 773‑975‑2510, 800‑621‑1460, FAX: ProcessingServices Services ProcessingServices Services 814‑678‑4172,Email: Email:sales@gocarlson.com, sales@gocarlson.com, • •Processing • •Processing 814‑678‑4172, com,Email: Internet: www.gerdaumacsteel.com FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. Chicago, IL Internet:www.electralloy.com www.electralloy.com Internet: ThermalTreatments Treatments ThermalTreatments Treatments 011‑49‑2043‑973850, info@glama.de, Internet: • •Thermal • •Thermal 773‑348‑5347, Email: sales@finkl.com, 800-447-3300 * 773-767-2471 (fax) 800-232-7077 800-232-7077 SummitSteel SteelCorp, Corp,11545 11545Taylor TaylorMay MayRd, Rd,PO PO P:P:800-232-7077 P:P:800-232-7077 Summit www.glama.de JM Forging Technology Inc, Mamaroneck, NY materials net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm Box59 59(Chagrin (ChagrinFalls)(44022), Falls)(44022),Auburn AuburnTwp, Twp, 440-338-8779 Imperial, PA F:F:440-338-8779 440-338-8779 Box F:F:440-338-8779 Internet: www.finkl.com OH44023, 44023,440‑338‑8777, 440‑338‑8777,800‑232‑7077, 800‑232‑7077,FAX: FAX: OH ALuMInuM information@summitsteel.com information@summitsteel.com Somers Commerce Dr, information@summitsteel.com information@summitsteel.com 440‑338‑8779, Email:information@summitsteel. information@summitsteel. Composite Forgings Ltd, 2300 W Jefferson Ave,440‑338‑8779, Detroit, Email: Henschel Andromat Inc,Steel, 941 G6221 Ashwaubenon St,Westland, Green MI com,Internet: Internet:www.summitsteel.com www.summitsteel.com www.summitsteel.com * 724-218-1214 www.summitsteel.com 800-245-4800 (fax) com, www.summitsteel.com www.summitsteel.com 48185‑5678, 734‑729‑3700, 800‑854‑2927, FAX: WeldMold MoldCo, Co,750 750Rickett RickettRd, Rd,Brighton, Brighton,MI MI MI 48216, 313‑496‑1226, 800‑521‑0420, FAX: CKS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad Weld Bay, WI 54304, 920‑336‑8981, FAX: 920‑336‑5062, Macomb, MI 48116‑9521,810‑229‑9521, 810‑229‑9521,800‑521‑9755, 800‑521‑9755,FAX: FAX: 48116‑9521, 810‑229‑9580, Email:mburke@weldmold.com, mburke@weldmold.com, 734‑729‑4130, Internet: Email: sales@somerssteel.com 810‑229‑9580, Email: 313‑496‑0834, Email:800‑292‑0268, vinceo@compforge.com, Internet: Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, Internet:www.weldmold.com www.weldmold.com Email: djc@henschelusa.com, www. TimkenCo, Co,Steel SteelDiv, Div,1835 1835Dueber DueberAve AveSW, SW,* 586-421-4839 TimkenCo, Co,Steel SteelDiv, Div,1835 1835Dueber Dueber AveSW, SW, 888-291-1045 (fax) Internet: Timken Timken Ave POBox Box6927, 6927,Canton, Canton,OH OH44706‑0927, 44706‑0927, POBox Box6927, 6927,Canton, Canton,OH OH44706‑0927, 44706‑0927, PO PO www.compforge.com STEEl,AllOy AllOy 330‑471‑3514,FAX: FAX:330‑471‑7032, 330‑471‑7032,Internet: Internet: 330‑471‑3514,FAX: FAX:330‑471‑7032, 330‑471‑7032,Internet: Internet: FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. STEEl, 330‑471‑3514, 330‑471‑3514, andromat.com CKS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm Presstrade AG, Angensteinerstr. 6, 4153 Reinach BL, ‑, Switzerland, +41 61 716 20‑00, FAX: +41 61 716 20‑10, Email: info@presstrade.ch, Internet: www.presstrade.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com AJAX‑CECO, 29100 Lakeland Blvd, Wickliffe, OH 44092, 440‑295‑0244, FAX: 440‑295‑0245, Email: sales‑ceco‑ajax@park‑ohio.com, Internet: www. ajax‑ceco.com Alpha 1 Induction Service Center, 1525 old Alum Creek drive, Columbus, oH 43209‑2712, 614‑253‑8900, 800‑991‑2599, FAX: 614‑253‑8981, Email: gtraverse@alpha1induction.com, Internet: www. alpha1induction.com CKS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com Glama Maschinenbau GmbH, Hornstrasse 19, PO Box 369, 45964 Gladbeck, Germany, 011‑49‑2043‑973820, FAX: 011‑49‑2043‑973850, Email: info@glama.de, Internet: www.glama.de Rimrock Corp, 1700 Jetway Blvd, Columbus, OH 43219, 614‑471‑5926, FAX: 614‑471‑7388, Email: sales@ rimrockcorp.com, Internet: www.rimrockcorp.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com Glama Maschinenbau GmbH, Hornstrasse 19, PO Box 369, 45964 Gladbeck, Germany, 011‑49‑2043‑973820, FAX: 011‑49‑2043‑973850, Email: info@glama.de, Internet: www.glama.de Henschel Andromat Inc, 941 G Ashwaubenon St, Green Bay, WI 54304, 920‑336‑8981, FAX: 920‑336‑5062, Email: djc@henschelusa.com, Internet: www. andromat.com Inductoheat Inc, 32251 n Avis dr, Madison Hts, MI 48071, 248‑585‑9393, 800‑624‑6297, FAX: 248‑589‑1062, Email: sales@inductoheat.com, Internet: www.inductoheat.com Inductoheat Inc, 32251 n Avis dr, Madison Hts, MI 48071, 248‑585‑9393, 800‑624‑6297, FAX: RoBotS 248‑589‑1062, Email: sales@inductoheat.com, MAnIPuLAtoRS, RAIL‑Bound Internet: www.inductoheat.com Henschel Andromat Inc, 941 G Ashwaubenon St, Green Bay, WI 54304, 920‑336‑8981, FAX: 920‑336‑5062, Email: djc@henschelusa.com, Internet: www. andromat.com Presstrade AG, Angensteinerstr. 6, 4153 Reinach BL, ‑, Switzerland, +41 61 716 20‑00, FAX: +41 61 716 20‑10, Email: info@presstrade.ch, Internet: www.presstrade.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com Rimrock Corp, 1700 Jetway Blvd, Columbus, OH 43219, 614‑471‑5926, FAX: 614‑471‑7388, Email: sales@ rimrockcorp.com, Internet: www.rimrockcorp.com Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com AJAX‑CECO, 29100 Lakeland Blvd, Wickliffe, OH 44092, 440‑295‑0244, FAX: 440‑295‑0245, Email: sales‑ceco‑ajax@park‑ohio.com, Internet: www. ajax‑ceco.com Forge Technology Inc, 230 N Main St, PO Box 1095, Woodstock, IL 60098, 815‑337‑7555, FAX: 815‑337‑7666, Email: info@forgetechnology.com, Internet: www.forgetechnology.com Glama Maschinenbau GmbH, Hornstrasse 19, PO Box 369, 45964 Gladbeck, Germany, 011‑49‑2043‑973820, FAX: 011‑49‑2043‑973850, Email: info@glama.de, Internet: www.glama.de Rimrock Corp, 1700 Jetway Blvd, Columbus, OH 43219, 614‑471‑5926, FAX: 614‑471‑7388, Email: sales@ rimrockcorp.com, Internet: www.rimrockcorp.com Butech Bliss, 550 S Ellsworth Ave, Salem, oH 44460, 330‑337‑0000, 888‑285‑6433, FAX: 330‑337‑0800, Email: xpsales@butech.com, Internet: www.butechbliss.com RoBotS Glama Maschinenbau GmbH, Hornstrasse 19, PO Box 369, 45964 Gladbeck, Germany, 011‑49‑2043‑973820, FAX: 011‑49‑2043‑973850, Email: info@glama.de, Internet: www.glama.de Henschel Andromat Inc, 941 G Ashwaubenon St, Green Bay, WI 54304, 920‑336‑8981, FAX: 920‑336‑5062, Email: djc@henschelusa.com, Internet: www. andromat.com materials Agosta Industrial Machines, 3600 S Harbor Blvd Ste 128, Oxnard, CA 93035, 805‑382‑6885, FAX: 805‑382‑6886, Email: agostamachines@yahoo.com, Internet: www. agostamachines.com AJAX‑CECO, 29100 Lakeland Blvd, Wickliffe, OH 44092, 440‑295‑0244, FAX: 440‑295‑0245, Email: sales‑ceco‑ajax@park‑ohio.com, Internet: www. 30 ajax‑ceco.com Forge Technology Inc, 230 N Main St, PO Box 1095, Woodstock, IL 60098, 815‑337‑7555, FAX: 815‑337‑7666, Email: info@forgetechnology.com, Internet: www.forgetechnology.com Glama Maschinenbau GmbH, Hornstrasse 19, PO Box 369, 45964 Gladbeck, Germany, 011‑49‑2043‑973820, FAX: 011‑49‑2043‑973850, Email: info@glama.de, Internet: www.glama.de J.L. Becker Company, 41150 Joy Road, Plymouth, MI 48170, 734‑656‑2000, FAX: 734‑656‑2009, Email: sales@jlbecker.com, Internet: www. jlbecker.com | forging | september/october 2010 Add Your Logo Print listing includes JMForging ForgingTechnology TechnologyInc, Inc,Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck,NY NY JM A. Finkl & Sons Co., one Finkl Plz., 2011 n. Southport Ave., Chicago, IL 60614, 773‑975‑2510, 800‑621‑1460, FAX: 773‑348‑5347, Email: sales@finkl.com, Internet: www.finkl.com CKS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm Seeour ourwebsite websitefor formore moreinformation information See Finkl&&Sons SonsCo., Co.,One OneFinkl FinklPlz., Plz.,2011 2011 A.A.Finkl SouthportAve., Ave.,Chicago, Chicago,IlIl60614, 60614, N.N.Southport 773‑975‑2510,800‑621‑1460, 800‑621‑1460,FAX: FAX: 773‑975‑2510, 773‑348‑5347,Email: Email:sales@finkl.com, sales@finkl.com, 773‑348‑5347, Internet:www.finkl.com www.finkl.com Internet: CkSPrecision PrecisionMachining, Machining,700 700EESoper SoperRd, Rd,Bad Bad CkS Axe,MI MI48413, 48413,989‑269‑9702, 989‑269‑9702,800‑292‑0268, 800‑292‑0268, Axe, FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net,Internet: Internet:www.geminigroup.net/ckspm www.geminigroup.net/ckspm net, net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm Eaton Steel Bar Company, 10221 Capital Ave, Oak Park, MI 48237, 248‑398‑1434, 800‑527‑3851, ALuMInuM ALLoyS CKS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm ALuMInuMFAX: ALLoyS 248‑398‑1434, Email: mcandy@eatonsteel. BAR EndS, SCRAP com, Internet: CKS Precision Machining, 700www.eatonsteel.com E Soper Rd, Bad Gerdau MACSTEEl, 5591 Morrill Road, Jackson, Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, MI 49201, 517‑782‑0415, 800‑876‑7833, FAX: FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. CoPPER‑BASE ALLoyS 517‑782‑8736, Email: sales@gerdaumacsteel. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm com, Internet: www.gerdaumacsteel.com CKS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm STEEl, DIE CKS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm EatonSteel SteelBar BarCompany, Company,10221 10221Capital CapitalAve, Ave,Oak Oak Eaton Park,MI MI48237, 48237,248‑398‑1434, 248‑398‑1434,800‑527‑3851, 800‑527‑3851, Park, FAX:248‑398‑1434, 248‑398‑1434,Email: Email:mcandy@eatonsteel. mcandy@eatonsteel. FAX: com,Internet: Internet:www.eatonsteel.com www.eatonsteel.com com, Electralloy,175 175Main MainSt, St,Oil OilCity, City,PA PA16301, 16301, Electralloy, 814‑678‑4100,800‑458‑7273, 800‑458‑7273,FAX: FAX: 814‑678‑4100, 814‑678‑4172,Email: Email:sales@gocarlson.com, sales@gocarlson.com, 814‑678‑4172, Internet:www.electralloy.com www.electralloy.com Internet: GerdauMACSTEEl, MACSTEEl,5591 5591Morrill MorrillRoad, Road,Jackson, Jackson, Gerdau MI49201, 49201,517‑782‑0415, 517‑782‑0415,800‑876‑7833, 800‑876‑7833,FAX: FAX: MI 517‑782‑8736,Email: Email:sales@gerdaumacsteel. sales@gerdaumacsteel. 517‑782‑8736, com,Internet: Internet:www.gerdaumacsteel.com www.gerdaumacsteel.com com, BAR EndS,JMSCRAP Forging Technology Inc, Mamaroneck, NY Composite Forgings Ltd, 2300 W Jefferson Ave, Detroit, MI 48216, 313‑496‑1226, 800‑521‑0420, FAX: 313‑496‑0834, Email: vinceo@compforge.com, Internet: www.compforge.com Electralloy, 175 Main St, oil City, PA 16301, 814‑678‑4100, 800‑458‑7273, FAX: 814‑678‑4172, Email: sales@gocarlson.com, Internet: www.electralloy.com CKS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm Schmolz + Bickenbach USA Inc, 365 Village Dr, Carol Stream, IL 60188, 630‑682‑4259, 800‑323‑1233, FAX: 630‑682‑9839, Email: patrick. gerkin@schmolz‑bickenbach.us, Internet: www. schmolz‑bickenbach.us www.turretsteel.com www.turretsteel.com JMForging ForgingTechnology TechnologyInc, Inc,Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck,NY NY JM SomersSteel, Steel,6221 6221Commerce CommerceDr, Dr,Westland, Westland,MIMI Somers 48185‑5678,734‑729‑3700, 734‑729‑3700,800‑854‑2927, 800‑854‑2927,FAX: FAX: 48185‑5678, 734‑729‑4130,Email: Email:sales@somerssteel.com sales@somerssteel.com 734‑729‑4130, Weld Mold Co, 750 Rickett Rd, Brighton, MI 48116‑9521, 810‑229‑9521, 800‑521‑9755, FAX: 810‑229‑9580, Email: mburke@weldmold.com, Internet: www.weldmold.com CKS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm www.turretsteel.com www.turretsteel.com WeldMold MoldCo, Co,750 750Rickett RickettRd, Rd,Brighton, Brighton,MI MI Weld 48116‑9521,810‑229‑9521, 810‑229‑9521,800‑521‑9755, 800‑521‑9755,FAX: FAX: 48116‑9521, 810‑229‑9580,Email: Email:mburke@weldmold.com, mburke@weldmold.com, 810‑229‑9580, Internet:www.weldmold.com www.weldmold.com Internet: Finkl&&Sons SonsCo., Co.,One OneFinkl FinklPlz., Plz.,2011 2011 A.A.Finkl SouthportAve., Ave.,Chicago, Chicago,IlIl60614, 60614, N.N.Southport 773‑975‑2510,800‑621‑1460, 800‑621‑1460,FAX: FAX: 773‑975‑2510, 773‑348‑5347,Email: Email:sales@finkl.com, sales@finkl.com, 773‑348‑5347, Internet:www.finkl.com www.finkl.com Internet: CkSPrecision PrecisionMachining, Machining,700 700EESoper SoperRd, Rd,Bad Bad CkS Axe,MI MI48413, 48413,989‑269‑9702, 989‑269‑9702,800‑292‑0268, 800‑292‑0268, Axe, FAX:989‑269‑9021, 989‑269‑9021,Email: Email:cks@geminigroup. cks@geminigroup. FAX: net,Internet: Internet:www.geminigroup.net/ckspm www.geminigroup.net/ckspm net, Chicago,ILIL Chicago, 800-447-3300**773-767-2471 773-767-2471(fax) (fax) 800-447-3300 Imperial,PA PA Imperial, 800-245-4800**724-218-1214 724-218-1214(fax) (fax) 800-245-4800 Macomb,MI MI Macomb, 888-291-1045**586-421-4839 586-421-4839(fax) (fax) 888-291-1045 CompositeForgings ForgingsLtd, Ltd,2300 2300WWJefferson JeffersonAve, Ave,Detroit, Detroit, Composite 48216,313‑496‑1226, 313‑496‑1226,800‑521‑0420, 800‑521‑0420,FAX: FAX: MIMI48216, 313‑496‑0834,Email: Email:vinceo@compforge.com, vinceo@compforge.com,Internet: Internet: 313‑496‑0834, www.compforge.com www.compforge.com EatonSteel SteelBar BarCompany, Company,10221 10221Capital CapitalAve, Ave,Oak Oak Eaton Park,MI MI48237, 48237,248‑398‑1434, 248‑398‑1434,800‑527‑3851, 800‑527‑3851, Park, FAX:248‑398‑1434, 248‑398‑1434,Email: Email:mcandy@eatonsteel. mcandy@eatonsteel. FAX: com,Internet: Internet:www.eatonsteel.com www.eatonsteel.com com, GerdauMACSTEEl, MACSTEEl,5591 5591Morrill MorrillRoad, Road,Jackson, Jackson, Gerdau MI49201, 49201,517‑782‑0415, 517‑782‑0415,800‑876‑7833, 800‑876‑7833,FAX: FAX: MI 517‑782‑8736,Email: Email:sales@gerdaumacsteel. sales@gerdaumacsteel. 517‑782‑8736, com,Internet: Internet:www.gerdaumacsteel.com www.gerdaumacsteel.com com, HIGH‑tEMPERAtuRE ALLoyS Turret Steel Industries Inc, 105 Pine St, Imperial, PA 15156‑ 1142, 800‑245‑4800, FAX: 773‑767‑2471, Internet: www.turretsteel.com Seeour ourwebsite websitefor formore moreinformation information See www.timken.com www.timken.com TurretSteel SteelIndustries IndustriesInc, Inc,105 105Pine PineSt,St,Imperial, Imperial,PAPA15156‑ 15156‑ Turret 1142,800‑245‑4800, 800‑245‑4800,FAX: FAX:773‑767‑2471, 773‑767‑2471,Internet: Internet: 1142, A. Finkl & Sons Co., One Finkl Plz., 2011 N. Southport Ave., Chicago, Il 60614, FullLine LineStocking StockingDistributor Distributor Full 773‑975‑2510, 800‑621‑1460, FAX: Special BarQuality QualityCarbon Carbonand and Special Bar Alloybars bars.500” .500”toto32.000” 32.000”diameter. diameter. Alloy 773‑348‑5347, Email: sales@finkl.com, Rounds,Hexes, Hexes,Squares, Squares,RCS, RCS, Rounds, STEEl,CARBON CARBON Flats,Rod RodXXCoil Coil STEEl, Flats, Internet: www.finkl.com ProcessingServices ServicesAvailable Available ➢➢ Processing ➢ Custom Stocking Programs Custom Stocking Programs CkS Precision Machining, 700➢➢➢ ISO EISO9001:2008 Soper Rd, Bad 9001:2008Certified Certified Forinquires inquirescontact contact For Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, sales@turretsteel.comoror sales@turretsteel.com FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm CompositeForgings ForgingsLtd, Ltd,2300 2300WWJefferson JeffersonAve, Ave,Detroit, Detroit, Composite 48216,313‑496‑1226, 313‑496‑1226,800‑521‑0420, 800‑521‑0420,FAX: FAX: MIMI48216, 313‑496‑0834,Email: Email:vinceo@compforge.com, vinceo@compforge.com,Internet: Internet: 313‑496‑0834, www.compforge.com www.compforge.com Turret Steel Industries Inc, 105 Pine St, Imperial, PA 15156‑ 1142, 800‑245‑4800, FAX: 773‑767‑2471, Internet: www.turretsteel.com www.timken.com www.timken.com TurretSteel SteelIndustries IndustriesInc, Inc,105 105Pine PineSt,St,Imperial, Imperial,PAPA15156‑ 15156‑ Turret 1142,800‑245‑4800, 800‑245‑4800,FAX: FAX:773‑767‑2471, 773‑767‑2471,Internet: Internet: 1142, JMForging ForgingTechnology TechnologyInc, Inc,Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck,NY NY JM STEEl,DIE DIE STEEl, Finkl&&Sons SonsCo., Co.,One OneFinkl FinklPlz., Plz.,2011 2011 A.A.Finkl SouthportAve., Ave.,Chicago, Chicago,IlIl60614, 60614, N.N.Southport 773‑975‑2510,800‑621‑1460, 800‑621‑1460,FAX: FAX: 773‑975‑2510, 773‑348‑5347,Email: Email:sales@finkl.com, sales@finkl.com, 773‑348‑5347, Internet:www.finkl.com www.finkl.com Internet: CkSPrecision PrecisionMachining, Machining,700 700EESoper SoperRd, Rd,Bad Bad CkS Axe,MI MI48413, 48413,989‑269‑9702, 989‑269‑9702,800‑292‑0268, 800‑292‑0268, Axe, FAX:989‑269‑9021, 989‑269‑9021,Email: Email:cks@geminigroup. cks@geminigroup. FAX: net,Internet: Internet:www.geminigroup.net/ckspm www.geminigroup.net/ckspm net, september/october 2010 I forging I 31 CoPPER‑BASE ALLoyS september/october2010 2010I I forging forging I I 31 31 september/october CKS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. net, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm Add A Call Ad Composite Forgings Ltd, 2300 W Jefferson Ave, Detroit, MI 48216, 313‑496‑1226, 800‑521‑0420, FAX: 313‑496‑0834, Email: vinceo@compforge.com, Internet: www.compforge.com Print listing • Appears in the Suppliers Section and/or Products Section • Exclusively in Products Section Electralloy, 175 Main St, oil City, PA 16301, 814‑678‑4100, 800‑458‑7273, FAX: 814‑678‑4172, Email: sales@gocarlson.com, Internet: www.electralloy.com • Full company contact information Schmolz + Bickenbach USA Inc, 365 Village Dr, Carol Stream, IL 60188, 630‑682‑4259, • Up to 10 BOLD FACE 800‑323‑1233, FAX: 630‑682‑9839, Email: patrick. • Full color logo gerkin@schmolz‑bickenbach.us, Internet: www. product categories schmolz‑bickenbach.us Weld Mold Co, 750 Rickett Rd, Brighton, MI • Unlimited BOLD FACE 48116‑9521, 810‑229‑9521, 800‑521‑9755, FAX: • Full company contact information 810‑229‑9580, Email: mburke@weldmold.com, product categories Internet: www.weldmold.com ALLoyS • Ad sizes: 1-1/2” or 3” height Additional options available:HIGH‑tEMPERAtuRE CKS Precision Machining, 700 E Soper Rd, Bad Becker Company, 41150 Joy Road, Plymouth, • Add online listing (see J.L. reverse page for Axe, MI 48413, 989‑269‑9702, 800‑292‑0268, MI 48170, 734‑656‑2000, FAX: 734‑656‑2009, FAX: 989‑269‑9021, Email: cks@geminigroup. Email: sales@jlbecker.com, Internet: www. • Add color text to listingsnet, Internet: www.geminigroup.net/ckspm Additional options available: online packages) jlbecker.com • Add online listing (see reverse 30 | forging | september/october 2010 • Add online listing (see reverse page for online packages) page for online packages) Rates: B&W $50 Add color $100 Rates: B&W $100 ea Add color $250 ea Rates: 2"x1-1/2" B&W 2"x1-1/2" COLOR 2"x3" B&W 2"x3" COLOR 1 $305 $455 $425 $575 2 $280 $430 $385 $535 $265 $415 $375 $525 $255 $405 $365 $515 $245 $395 $355 $505 QUANTITY 3 All print listings receive a basic online listing at no additional charge. 4 5 EMAIL COMPLETED FORMS TO LISTINGS@PENTON.COM • OR • FAX 913.967.7207 Page 1 of 5 2013/2014 Buyers’ Guide Listing Deadline: September 23, 2016 Order Form Listing Deadline: September 3, 2013 Intuitive, feature-rich and interactive The Forging Online Buyers Guide is the place buyers and product decision makers go when looking for potential suppliers. It provides essential information to the metalcasting industry with the where, and what-to-buy for optimum and cost-effective production. This comprehensive resource of suppliers of equipment, materials and services provides your company with constant visibility in a format allowing you to showcase your company’s products when prospective buyers needs are the greatest. Choose from this selection of online listing packages and order today Basic Listing Gold Membership One year listing One year listing • Full contact information in your choice of 6 categories • Full contact information One year listing • Additional categories $25 ea. • Full color logo on company page • Full contact information • 50 word company description • Full color logo on company page • Unlimited product category listings • 150 word company description Rate: $400/year • Unlimited product category listings Rate: $50/year Platinum Membership • Full media package: photos, videos, audio clips, PDFs, product spotlights • Priority placement with full color logo as featured supplier on search results page For all buyers’ guide inquiries, contact Joe DiNardo: joe.dinardo@penton.com | 440.487.8001 • Targeted banner ad and boombox ad on your company page Rate: $925/year EMAIL COMPLETED FORMS TO LISTINGS@PENTON.COM • OR • FAX 913.967.7207 Page 2 of 5 2013/2014 Buyers’ Guide Listing Deadline: September 23, 2016 Order Form Listing Deadline: September 3, 2013 Please complete the information below to be included in the 2016/2017 Buyers’ Guide 1. 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Online Options ❒ Basic Listing....$50 ❒ One year listing One year listing • Company name, & address listed in 6 categories • Additional categories.....$25 If purchasing a print basic listing, online option is included. ❒ Platinum Membership....$925 Gold Membership....$400 One year listing • Full contact information • Full color logo on company page • 50 word company description • Unlimited product category listings • Full contact information • Full color logo on company page • 150 word company description • Unlimited product category listings • Full media package: photos, videos, audio clips, PDFs, product spotlights • Priority placement with full color logo as featured supplier on search results page • Targeted banner ad and boombox ad on your company page Artwork Specifications 5. 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Dies & Die-Making Services ❒Chemical milling ❒Coating services ❒Copy mills ❒Cryogenic treatment ❒Die-grinding services ❒Diemaking ❒Die surface treatment ❒Die lubricants ❒Dies, forging ❒Dies, header ❒Dies, roll forging ❒Dies, trim ❒Dies, upset ❒EDM electrodes ❒EDM graphite ❒EDM graphite dies ❒EDM electrode making machines ❒EDM machines ❒Electric die heaters ❒Ion nitriding ❒Welding, die repair Facilities & Repair ❒Air cleaning systems ❒Air compressors ❒Air pollution control equipment ❒Cables, insulated electrical ❒Cooling systems, closed loop ❒Cooling systems, industrial ❒Cooling towers ❒Environmental control equipment ❒Hydraulic systems & accessories ❒Lubricating equipment ❒Noise control enclosures ❒Plant communications equipment ❒Pneumatic systems & accessories ❒Quick tool changing systems ❒Used & rebuilt equipment ❒Vacuum cleaning systems ❒Vibration control equipment ❒Welding equipment Forging Equipment ❒Automatic forging equipment ❒Forging equipment ❒Hammers, air/steam ❒Hammers, board ❒Hammers, hydraulic ❒Headers ❒Horizontal forging machines ❒In-press automation devices ❒Machines, ball rolling ❒Machines, gear rolling ❒Presses, cold flow ❒Presses, hydraulic ❒Presses, mechanical ❒Presses, multi-ram ❒Presses, open die ❒Presses, rotary/orbital ❒Presses, screw ❒Presses, transfer ❒Presses, trim ❒Process monitoring/ control equipment ❒Radial forging machines ❒Ring rolling machines ❒Roll forging machines ❒Roll reducers ❒Spray Equipment ❒Swaging machines ❒Upsetters Information Technology ❒Computer hardware/software ❒Machine vision systems ❒Production tracking/ barcoding systems ❒Radio remote controls ❒Software, CAD/CAM systems ❒Software, business systems ❒Software, design ❒Software, process simulation Material Handling ❒Bar & billet handling equipment ❒Barrel units ❒Conveyors ❒Cranes ❒Die handlers ❒Hoists ❒Lift trucks ❒Manipulators, mobile ❒Manipulators, rail-bound ❒Material handling equipment ❒Robots ❒Tensioners Materials ❒Aluminum ❒Aluminum alloys ❒Bar ends, scrap ❒Copper-base alloys ❒High-temperature alloys ❒Magnesium ❒Nickel alloys ❒Steel, alloy ❒Steel, carbon ❒Steel, die ❒Steel, microalloy ❒Steel, stainless ❒Steel, tool ❒Superalloys ❒Titanium ❒Welding alloys Post-Forging Equipment ❒Boring mills ❒Cleaning equipment, blast ❒Cleaning equipment, tumblers ❒Cleaning & finishing equipment ❒CNC mills ❒Cutoff equipment & accessories ❒Descaling equipment ❒Electrode abrading machines ❒Furnaces, heat treating ❒Grinding equipment & accessories ❒Heat treating equipment ❒Induction heating equipment ❒Lathes ❒Machine tools ❒Parts washers ❒Quenching equipment ❒Sharpeners & planers ❒Shot peening ❒Vibratory units Pre-Forging Equipment ❒Bar & billet saws & shears ❒Bar end heaters ❒Electric heating elements ❒Furnaces, continuous ❒Furnaces, electroslag remelting (ESR) ❒Furnaces, fuel-fired ❒Furnaces, heating ❒Furnaces, induction ❒Furnaces, resistance ❒Furnaces, vacuum arc remelting (VAR) ❒Furnaces, walking beam ❒Ovens, die preheating ❒Saws, band ❒Saws, carbide ❒Saws, circular ❒Shears, hydraulic ❒Shears, mechanical Services ❒Combustion system design & retrofit ❒Consulting services ❒Cutting/shearing services ❒Education & training ❒Equipment leasing ❒Equipment repair & rebuilding ❒Furnace rebuilding/ refractory construction ❒Heat treating services ❒Induction coil repair ❒Industry organizations/ associations ❒Layout & inspection services ❒Machining services ❒Plant cleaning services ❒Testing, destructive ❒Testing, metallurgical ❒Testing, nondestructive (NDT) ❒Testing, residual stress ❒Testing, retained austenite ❒Welding, component repair Supplies ❒Abrasive compounds ❒Abrasives, shot & grit ❒Abrasive wheels ❒Cleaning agents ❒Coatings, corrosion resistant ❒Coatings, heat resistant ❒Coatings, scale retardant ❒Coatings, wear-resistant ❒Coolants ❒Cutting fluids ❒Degreasers ❒Drop hammer boards ❒Furnace burners ❒Furnace curtains ❒High-temperature insulation ❒Industrial gases ❒Lubricants, cutting ❒Lubricants, forging ❒Milling cutters ❒NC punches, dies & accessories ❒Nuts, bolts ❒Quenchants ❒Refractory lining material ❒Safety clothing ❒Safety, eye/face protection ❒Safety, hearing protection ❒Safety, other supplies ❒Safety, respiratory protection ❒Saw blades ❒Shear blades ❒Testing supplies ❒Tongs ❒Welding supplies ❒Work gloves Test & Measurement ❒Coordinate measuring machines ❒Laboratory equipment & accessories ❒NDT ultrasonic couplants ❒Temperature measuring equipment ❒Testing equipment, destructive ❒Testing equipment, mechanical & physical properties ❒Testing equipment, nondestructive ❒Testing equipment, quality control ❒Thermocouples ❒Tonnage monitors EMAIL COMPLETED FORMS TO LISTINGS@PENTON.COM • OR • FAX 913.967.7207
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