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Dans les épisodes précédents ... JU AN CRI S PÉRE Z I Créatio n d’im a ge I T + 4 1 2 2 7 0 0 77 7 9 I M + 4 1 7 9 6 7 0 6 8 7 9 I jua n cris . perez @ jcperez. ch GREY GREY ... une banque privée à l’esprit ouvert ? ... a private bank with an open mind ? « sans prétention – nous vous proposons ce qu’il y a de mieux chez nos concurrents » Plutôt que prétendre exceller sur toute une gamme propre de produits d'investissement, nous avons fait pour notre part le choix de vous offrir une sélection des meilleurs produits de tiers. Au service de votre performance. Ferrier Lullin & Cie SA 7, rue Pierre- Fatio GENÈVE www.ferrierlullin.com 1204 Genève LAUSANNE SION Tél + 41 22 708 38 38 NASSAU « a broad vision – we extend your assets’ horizons » To tailor our solutions exactly to your needs, we devote ourselves to studying both your assets – whether financial, real estate or other – and your personal circumstances and plans for the future. Banquiers ouverts depuis 1795 Ferrier Lullin & Cie SA 7, rue Pierre- Fatio GENEVA www.ferrierlullin.com 1204 Geneva LAUSANNE SION Switzerland NASSAU Phone + 41 22 708 38 38 Open, since 1795 GREY GREY ... une banque privée à l’esprit ouvert ? ... une banque privée à l’esprit ouvert ? « pas de vision étroite – nous donnons des perspectives à votre patrimoine » Pour élaborer des solutions véritablement adaptées à vos besoins, nous nous attachons à considérer autant vos avoirs – financiers, immobiliers ou autres – que votre environnement personnel et vos projets d'avenir. Ferrier Lullin & Cie SA 7, rue Pierre- Fatio GENÈVE www.ferrierlullin.com 1204 Genève LAUSANNE SION Tél + 41 22 708 38 38 NASSAU Banquiers ouverts depuis 1795 « pas d’égocentrisme – nous privilégions le grand large en termes d’expertises » Le concept d’architecture ouverte est au cœur de notre proposition : nous animons une plate-forme d’experts autant internes qu’externes et l’activons au service des patrimoines qui nous sont confiés. En toute confidentialité et en toute rigueur. Ferrier Lullin & Cie SA 7, rue Pierre- Fatio GENÈVE www.ferrierlullin.com 1204 Genève LAUSANNE SION Tél + 41 22 708 38 38 NASSAU Banquiers ouverts depuis 1795 GREY 0 une banque privée à l’esprit ouvert ... Pour se développer en toute sérénité, votre patrimoine doit bénéficier d’une gestion intégrant naturellement vos objectifs financiers et votre situation personnelle, mais également l’environnement économique et fiscal dans lequel vous évoluez. C’est pourquoi nous mettons à votre disposition les expertises avisées de nos spécialistes en conseil patrimonial, au service de votre performance. GENÈVE LAUSANNE SION NASSAU 7, R. Pierre-Fatio 1204 Genève Tél + 41 22 708 38 38 w w w. f e r r i e r l u l l i n . c o m Banquiers ouverts depuis 1795 Distinctive character. The best way to shine. Radiant and intriguing, she affirms a new femininity, where refinement mingles with the audacious. Combining the creativity of the jeweler’s art with the perfection of fine watchmaking, she marks the presence of a strong personality. For your free copy of the brochure dedicated to Idéale, please contact your local retailer or Jaeger-LeCoultre Switzerland. Tel. +41 21 845 02 02. www.ideale-jaeger-lecoultre.com VOLUME 12 / NUMBER 34 / NOVEMBER 2010 VOLUME 21 / NUMBER 8 / SEPTEMBER 2010 VOLUME 39 / NUMBER 8 / AUGUST 2010 Editorials / What is the role of genetics in occupational asthma ? page 8 Perspective / Genetic variation as a predictor page 36 / A promising preventive and intervention tool for chronic respiratory page 44 of smoking cessation success Originals / COPD in Chinese nonsmokers page 52 / Extracorporeal pumpless interventional lung assist in clinical page 68 / Circulating cell-derived microparticles in patients with minimally symptomatic obstructive sleep apnoea page 82 practice Series / Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Pulmonary Hypertension European Respiratory Update High-altitude pulmonary hypertension. Reviews / chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: pharmacological Edited by N.M. Siafakas, P.A. Gevenois. treatment options. Case report / Fatal rupture of pulmonary artriovenous malformation in hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasis and severe PAH / Pulmonary necrobiotic nodules: a rare extraintestinal The phenotype and genotype of adult abstructive manifestation of Crohn’n disease. page 87 / hypopnoea syndrome page 95 / Early proximal lung cancer diagnosis and treatment page 102 sleep apnoea Print ISSN 0903-1936 Online ISSN 1399-3003 Paediatric pulmonary hypertension: monitoring progress and identtifying unmet needs / Managing Correspondence Print ISSN 0905-9180 Online ISSN 1600-0617 EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY SOCIETY BARCELONA 2010 ANNUAL CONGRESS spain, september 18 –22 FORGET strolls along the canals at sundown, dining ‘Indonesian’ on a warm terrace, the flower WITH A RECORD OF 6,540 ABSTRACTS SUBMITTED, Barcelona 2010 promises to be the finest ERS Annual Congress ever, offering the highest quality scientific programme available. market’s explosion of colours and hues, centuries old gingerbread houses leaning in on you, and that special emotion from seeing an original Van Gogh in his home museum ... INSTEAD submit an abstract + enhance your reputation + share your knowledge + wise up to lifelong education + see what you can learn + find out how you measure up ~ keep up with the latest in basic and clinical science + find out more about today’s trends in clinical practice and patient care + make it your goal to remain a cutting-edge professional... at the ERS Annual Congress in Amsterdam. SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT, DEADLINE DATE 24 FEBRUARY 2011 CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE WWW.ERSNET.ORG W W W.ERSCON GRESS2011.ORG ERS Headquarters T + 41 21 213 01 01 4, Avenue Sainte-Luce F + 41 21 213 01 00 CH 1003 Lausanne E info@ ersnet.org Switzerland W ersnet .org PRESS release EMBARGO DATE: SUNDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2010, 15.00 CET Media contact: Dr Anka Stegmeier-Petroianu pressofficer@ersnet.org FIRST WORLD SPIROMETRY DAY ANNOUNCED BARCELONA – Knowing your lung function is now as easy as a walk in the park. During the first World Spirometry Day on October 14, 2010, lung function testing will be offered to the interested public in many international locations simultaneously in an effort to raise awareness about lung health. T“Increased awareness about lung health is vital, and by taking a simple and painless test that only takes a few minutes to perform, everybody can find out about the state of his lungs,” stresses ERS President Nikolaos M. Siafakas at the 20th Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society. The European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the European Lung Foundation (ELF) are organizing the event as part of their 2010 The Year of the Lung campaign, in order to promote spirometry as an easy and non invasive means of testing lung function. As a key initiative for improving respiratory health, World Spirometry Day will be a global event providing public lung testing in hospitals and clinics across the world. Know your lung function! In the same way as blood pressure measurements provide a simple yet effective screening method for cardiovascular disease, spirometry may help identify a variety of lung diseases before any symptoms occur. In particular, the test is suitable to unmask the early stages of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a condition that causes irreversible obstruction to the airways and which should be diagnosed as early as possible. COPD involves a chronic inflammatory process affecting peripheral airways and lung parenchyma and is currently the sixth leading cause of death in the world. 1 E U R O P E A N R E S P I R AT O RY S O C I E T Y TA K E S G R E AT P L E A SU R E I N P R E S E N T I N G Doctor Josep M. Antò with the Congress Chair Award 2010 I N R E C O G N I T I O N O F H I S O U T S TA N D I N G C O N T R I B U T I O N T O T H E S T R E N G T H E N I N G O F R E S P I R AT O R Y M E D I C I N E W O R L D W I D E BARCELONA, 18 SEPTEMBER, 2010 PROF ESSOR NI KOLAOS SI AFAK AS DOCTOR JOSEP ROCA ER S President C ong ress Chair M A Î T R E I M P R I M E U R S 1 8 9 6 atar roto presse s.a. est au bénéfice des certifications régulièrement renouvelées et complétées : FSC, PEFC, PSO-UGRA. atar roto presse sa - genève - t + 41 22 719 13 13 - atar @ atar.ch - atar.ch Merci de votre attention. J U A N CRIS PÉREZ I Création d’im age I 3 6 , Ru e du XXXI Décem bre I CH - 1 20 7 G en ève I T + 4 1 2 2 7 0 0 7 7 7 9 I M + 4 1 7 9 6 7 0 6 8 7 9 I ju a n cris . perez @ jcperez. ch I jcperez. ch