march 2016 - Asiya Shriners


march 2016 - Asiya Shriners
If you have a current address
or phone number for any of
the following please contact
the Recorder’s office:
Robert J. Lewis
Donald, OR
Roy W. Joyner, Jr. Sun Valley, NV
Mrs. D. Liebowitz Woodside
Carroll Fears
Mesa, AZ
Helen Lott
Margaret Foley
San Mateo
Mildred Kvammen Santa Rosa
(USPS 270-420) ISSN 1084-9726
Vol. 47 No. 8
Published Monthly except during July and August, as official
news bulletin by Asiya Shriners,
1925 Elkhorn Court, San Mateo,
CA 94403, (650) 345-4300.
Outside local area call (800) 953
Annual Subscription
estimated at $20.00 (included in
Periodicals Postage Paid at
San Mateo, California
Postmaster: Send changes to:
1925 Elkhorn Court,
San Mateo, CA 94403-1308
Editor: Adolph Gus Lopez, Noble
The name “SALAAM” is registered and no use of this name
can be reproduced unless permission is granted from Asiya
News items and photographs
must be received by the 5th of
the month prior to each preceding new month’s issue. All materials should be addressed to:
Asiya Shriners
Attn: Salaam Editor
1925 Elkhorn Court
San Mateo, CA 94403-1308
Editor e-mail:
All announcements for events listed in
the Salaam are for the benefit of Asiya
Shrine Center, Units and Clubs. Payments are not deductible as charitable
contributions, unless otherwise stated.
Please remember to pay your Temple,
Unit and Club Dues. Thank You!
Table of Contents
Lost in the Desert
Potentate Message
2016 Elected & Appointed Divan
Hospital Board
Calendar of Events
Notice of Spring Ceremonial
Scottish Rite Fundraiser “Hippie 60’s”
Nor Cal Shrine Hospital Corner
National Pancake Day
Stated Meeting & Silent Auction
St. Patrick’s Day Parade Details
2017 Calendar Meeting
SF Norwegian Club “Masonic Night”
Notice—Roast Marty Martinsen
Pictures “Around Asiya”
R & G Club Rendezvous on the Lake
Hillbilly Clan Information
Patriotic Message & Thoughts
Book Review-Ron “Bookworm” Erickson 12
Salaam Sultan
Arabian Directors Message
Asiya KQED Radio Volunteers
Cuba Trip Update
Who Concert Volunteer
Marty’s Lovely Ladies
Asiya Building Fund
Asiya Donations
Director Message
Asiya Center News
Black Camel
Join the “Sons of the Dessert”
Join the Clowns
Coming Temple Events
Back Cover
2016 Asiya Shrine
Dues Increase
The annual dues for 2016 will be increasing to $115. The increase comes
from the rise of per Capita.
The Temple annual dues are $80 and
the Hospital fee is $5 and “Per Capita”
increases to $30 per year per Noble.
2016 Elected Divan
Thomas Burkard, Jr. ………. …(415) 850-4858
Nobles, Family and Friends,
Michael Dwyer………………..(415) 271-2300
We are definitely off and running this Shrine year. Lady
Trish and I have been having
so much fun meeting old
friends and making new ones
as your Supercilious Grand
As mentioned in my opening
address at our reception. It’s
my desire to assure that our
members and their families continue to have fun. As our
calendar begins to unfold you all will see that we have
continued with many of the old favorites such as parades, visitations and club events. But you’ll also see
new fun events too.
In addition, we will also be putting emphasis on member
restoration, recognition and development. I hope to engage our new members by continuing to develop a creative and fun environment for them. To this end we are
establishing the “Sons of the Desert” for the engagement
of existing and new members.
As many of you already know, another priority this year
is to review, adjust and possibly realign some of our
units and clubs. With this in mind, we have announced
the formation of the “Sons of the Desert” which was formally the Temple Greeters. And additionally, we have
closed a couple of units which don’t seem to fit our current membership makeup. Our examination process will
continue throughout the year.
Also, I want to announce that we will be reestablishing
the Sunday Free Lunch program. Watch for my more
Finally, I want to remind you all that we need to make
plans to make Unit and Club donations to our NorCal
Hospital. I would appreciate achieving 100% DUCs donation this year.
Let’s continue to have fun and remember it’s all about
you, “It’s Asiya Time” and lets continue to bask in the
sunshine of the Shrine.
Tom Burkard, Jr.
Potentate, Asiya Shrine
Chief Rabban
Ronan Erickson ……………….(415) 740-9563
Assistant Rabban
John Anson ……………….….(831) 234-2310
High Priest & Prophet
Howard Feinberg ……………..(408) 832-7617
Oriental Guide
James R. Davis …….…………(650) 636-6168
Sam Yee ……………………..(650) 345-4300
Ron Sickler …...……………….(650) 464-8717
John A. Bermudez . …………..Jr. Past Potentate
Appointed Divan
Michael Castelan ……… 1st Ceremonial Master
George Terry …...…… 2nd Ceremonial Master
Adolph Gus Lopez ……. Marshal
Richard Modolo ……….. Executive Director
Sweete Chan …………….GAC Director
Floyd Sargent …………. Captain of the Guard
Paul Ladd ……………… Outer Guard
Bill Fischer..…………… Outer Guard
Isaac Mejia…………….. Outer Guard
John Conlan ……………. Outer Guard
Roberto Bradford………..Outer Guard
Paul Salamy …………….Outer Guard
William Suguitan ……….Outer Guard
George Wade…….…….. Chaplain
2016 Hospital Board Members
John A. Bermudez, PP
Howard Feinberg
Frank Kastl, PP
Adolph “Gus” Lopez
Allan Palmer
John Anson, Associate Member
Emeritus Members
Tony Arnedo
Dr. Donald Elvander, DPM
Gordon Markley, PP Howard McKinley, Jr.
Robert Menary, PP Irving Shapiro
Richard “Dick” Stenstrom George Youngling
Dennis Griffin, PP
Ross Worboys, PP
Maurice Sciaroi
Shriners Hospital for Children
Northern California
2425 Stockton Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95817
Tele: (916) 453-2000
Shrine Calendar of Events
2 Monterey County SC Mtg. 5:00 PM
5 Culinary Club 9:00 AM
2 Culinary Club 9:00 AM
Legion of Honor 11:00 AM
8 Arabians Stated Mtg. 6:00 PM
3 Ladies of the Shrine Ankh Court
9 Rod & Gun SC Stated Mtg. 5:30 PM
6 R&G Lake Shasta Trip
Southbay SC Stated Mtg. 6:00 PM
10 Asiya Stated Mtg. 5:30 PM
Monterey SC 5:00 PM
9 Pacific Grove Parade Clowns
13 Daylight Savings —“Spring Ahead”
11 Divan Meeting
14 Divan Meting 6:00 PM
12 Arabians Stated Mtg. 6:00 PM
15 Twin Peaks SC Mtg. Luncheon
13 South Bay SC Stated Mtg. 6:00 PM
San Benito SC Stated Mtg.
Rod & Gun SC Stated Mtg. 5:30 PM
16 Past Masters SC Stated Mtg.
14 Hillbilly Clan Mtg. 6:00 PM
17 Patrol Stated Mtg.
15 Nomads Weekend Trip
18 Nomads Weekend
16 Monterey SC Screening Clinic
19 2017 Calendar Meeting 8:30 AM
17 Arabians Breakfast 9:00 AM
21 Hospital Divan Day
18 Section Crew Stated Mtg. 5:30 PM
Section Crew Mtg.
19 San Benito SC Stated Mtg.
22 Arabian Band Practice 6:00 PM
Santa Cruz SC 11:00 AM
26 SF/Burlingame Scottish Rite
Fundraiser Dinner/Dance
27 Easter Sunday
21 Potentates Trip to Cuba
Patrol Stated Mtg. 6:00 PM
23 Hillbilly Ho Down
28 Marshal’s Night
Mountain View Parade Clowns
29 Arabians Band Practice
30 Tri Shrine Yacht Stated Mtg.
Clowns 5:30 PM
Twin Peaks SC Mtg. Luncheon
20 Past Masters SC Stated Mtg.
25 Good Friday
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Hippie 60’s
Recognition Awards Ceremony
At San Francisco Scottish Rite Center
Ulysses Patropulos—Posthumously
Donald Constine
Harold Stein
Frank Ruggiero
SDA—Springfield Mass
Santa Cruz SC Luncheon 11 AM
24 Sons of the Desert
San Francisco & Burlingame
Scottish Rite Valleys
24 Yacht Club Opening Day
26 Arabian Practice
23 Tri Shrine Yacht Club Mtg.
Clowns Stated. Mtg. 5:30 PM
28 Sons of the Desert
5:45 PM—Silent Auction
6:00 PM—Hosted Hors d’oeuvres
7:00 PM—Dinner & Dance
Arrive in your best “Hippie 60’s “ Attire!
The net proceeds from this event will benefit
the San Francisco & Burlingame Scottish Rite
Childhood Language Center.
Send your reservation with a check made
payable to the San Francisco Scottish Rite :
San Francisco Scottish Rite
C/o CLC Recognition Dinner
2850 19th Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94132
Reservation should include:
Member’s Name: __________________
Lady’s Name: _____________________
Guest Name: _____________________
Mark your Calendar
Asiya Spring
“Shriners are not made they are Created”
Tel. # : __________________________
No. Attending: ______ x$30.00/ea.
Total: $ ___________________________
Reservation/ Cancellation Deadline: March
Saturday May 14, 2016
“This is a Stag Event”
Petitions are on line or can be picked up in the office. Ceremonial
Cost $225 ( Includes Fez, Dues Card and fellowship).
Shriners Hospital for Children
Northern California
In keeping with its commitment to advance pediatric
care through technology and innovation, Shriners
Hospitals for Children — Northern California has
joined the Institute for Pediatric Innovation (IPI), a
national consortium dedicated to improving pediatric
healthcare by bringing together key partners.
The Northern California Shriners Hospital joins these
other members of the IPI Pediatric Hospital Consortium include:
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford in
Palo Alto, CA;
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in
Cleveland, OH;
Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, TX.
These three pediatric centers pioneered a clinical innovation catalyst program last year. The group focused on innovations related to the care of pressure
ulcers, and began to scout for other innovative hospitals to join. The Northern California Shriners Hospital was invited to participate in a project to assess
pressure mapping alternatives. As IPI and Shriners
Hospital attendees learned that the commitment to
quality and innovation at the Northern California
Shriners Hospital made it a great match with the other
leading centers.
"The work advanced through the Institute of Pediatric
Innovation meshes seamlessly with our hospital mission of ensuring that children benefit from exceptional care, research and innovation," says Margaret Bryan, administrator and CEO at the Northern California
Shriners Hospital. "We are living and working in a
new collaborative era of medicine and the IPI provides a platform that promotes discovery, innovation
and positive outcomes. I am inspired by the opportunity to initiate advancements in pediatric care that
will benefit children near and far," Bryan adds.
IPI's CEO Don Lombardi added, "We are pleased to
welcome Shriners [Hospital] of Northern California
to our Consortium. Shriners' management and clinical
leadership has demonstrated adroitness and commitment to innovation, and the team is already making
significant contributions to a Consortium.
Shriners Hospitals
for Children —
Northern California is a regional
pediatric medical
center providing
surgical care and
rehabilitation to
children with congenital conditions
and complex medical needs regardless of
the ability of the patient or family to pay.
Located just minutes from downtown Sacramento, the Northern California Shriners
Hospital treats children who have orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries,
cleft lip, scars from any cause, specialized
plastic surgery needs, chest wall malformations, ano-rectal disorders, gastrointestinal disorders and other complex surgical
needs. Our hospital is a destination of
choice for families throughout Northern
California, the Western United States,
Northwestern Mexico and Canada. The
course of care is determined individually
for each patient. Each patient’s path to
success is fueled by private donations and
driven by excellence in treatment, teaching
and research.
Shriners Hospitals for Children — Northern California is ranked 29th in pediatric
orthopedics together with UC Davis Children’s Hospital in the U.S. News & World
Report’s 2015-2016 rankings of children’s
hospitals in the United States. The hospital
also comes in at 20th best in pediatric urology, a distinction it also shares with its
partner UC Davis Children’s Hospital in
that growing program. This is the fourth
consecutive year the hospitals have shared
national recognition. The Best Children’s
Hospitals rankings highlight U.S. News'
top 50 U.S. pediatric facilities in 10 specialties. Rankings are based on a combination of clinical data and reputation with
pediatric specialists.
National Pancake Day!!
Thursday, March 10, 2016
& Stated Meeting House of Pancakes
Tuesday March 8, 2016
Ladies Welcome to attend the Dinner
5:30 PM “Raise the Glass” w/hors d’oeuvres
6:15 PM Dinner— Traditional Corn Beef and Cabbage
7:30 PM Meeting
Please make your reservation through the ASIYA APP, website or call (650) 3 45-4300
Choice of where to meet:
A) Meet at the Asiya Center and ride up to San Francisco in the Trolley. Ladies can ride in the Trolley.
B) Meet in San Francisco on 2nd Street between Folsom & Harrison. Be there before 10 AM. Note
there is no reserve or street parking at the assembly area. Take Public Transportation or park in a
public lot.
Parade Uniforms:
If in a specified Parade Unit, wear the parade uniform specified by your Director. Wear your Fez. All
nobles riding, walking, etc. wear unit colors or casual dress plus Fez. Divan “A” and fez.
There will be hot dogs & Hamburgers at the Asiya Shrine Center following the parade for all!
Saturday March 19, 2016
2017 Calendar Meeting
8:30 AM Donuts and Refreshments
9:00 AM Calendar Meeting
Come prepared to set preliminary calendar dates for your
planned events. If you want to add programs in 2017 this is the
time to bring them up.
Come One, Come All, Bring it On!
Marshal’s Night
Under the direction of Allan Young, Director
An Evening to Remember, a night he’ll never forget!!
New Day, same time, same place, more fun!
Monday March 28,2016 6PM
$20 per Noble
Asiya Shriners
Presents a
Marty Martinsen
(Who loves ya, baby!)
Guilder Hall—Asiya Shriners
Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Corn on the cob.
RSVP to: John A Bermudez, 473 Gardenside
Ave., South San Francisco, CA 94080-1253
Hosted by The Section Crew. Net proceeds are for
the benefit of the Asiya Section Crew. Payments
are not tax deductible. The Laughter is all yours.
The Norwegian Club of San Francisco
Since 1898
1900 Fell Street,
San Francisco, CA 94117
Masonic Night
“Stag Event”
Thursday 6PM March 31, 2016
Open Bar
5:30 PM
7:00 PM
$30.00 per person
Entertainment by Asiya Arabian Oriental Band
RSVP: Ron Erickson by March 23, 2016
Phone: (415) 740-9563
March 19, 2016
Union City Masonic Home
34400 Mission Blvd.
Union City, CA 94587
Social 12 Noon
Buffet Lunch 1:00 PM
Sliced Seasonal Melon, Cole Slaw,
Potato Salad, BBQ Baby Back Ribs,
Chicken, Baked Beans, Corn, Cornbread, Strawberry Shortcake & Beverages.
Cost: $25.00/ person
Reservation Deadline
Monday, March 14, 2016
Mail check payable to
Fred Dunn-Ruiz to Marty’s Roast
C/o Fred Dunn-Ruiz
606 Paradise Park
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
For more Information and/or to volunteer to be a speaker, contact Fred
Dunn-Ruiz at (831) 426-6472
Note: Parking on Hayes between Cole & Clay
In School Parking Lot
Mark Your
“Rendezvous on the
Wednesday April 6 thru Sunday April 10, 2016
Fishing, BBQ & More
This is a stag event!
Houseboat Rental Models & Cost Information
Let Matt Davey know you are coming & who is on
Howdy Cuzins,
Grab a jar of shine and set a spell
by the fire and listen to the latest
goings on.
The old Raban busted a wheel
and threw a blood clot to the lung
but is slowly getting better.
Our ceremonial (rondevos) went
fine and we indockornated a heap
of new Cuzins into the clan. Thers
a bunch of new blood so goings to
be a big shindig in the hills.
your boat; you can reserve your houseboat directly
with Holiday Harbor, at (800) 776-2628 or (530) 2382383.
Matt Davey
1051 Harness Circle
San Ramon, CA 94583
A reminder: There is a $500.00 deposit (Visa or MasterCard) required upon arrival & it will be returned
once boat is found to be clean & checked out by the
$35 per person
Begins 6PM Hospitality
Hoe Down 7PM Dancing, jumpen and holeren!
Rock a Billy Music by DJ
Our Hillbilly Ho down had to be
postponed for a later date cause
the head Cuzin (Pote Little Tommy) was being pursued by the
bad batch of shine.
Cuzin tommys gona hide out in
Kuba he says, I wasa thinking it
must be down near Mobile in
Bama but he says he wasa taking
a ship there. I knew he was a funning me cause any hillbilly knows
a steel boat don't float in water, it
sinks silly. Hope he swims good.
We'll I reccon to have the Ho
down on May 21st as cuzin Tommy says the laws should be tired
of lookin for him bye then .
Well the jugs finished and the
fires burnt low and its been fine
visiting and jawing with y'all so
remember to honor the cob and
respect the cresent.
Raban of the clan
Papa Bear
Douglas MacArthur
January, 1880—April, 1964
Speech given May 12, 1962
(Except from his Farewell Speech at
West Point.)
"Duty, Honor, Country." Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you want to be, what you can be, what
you will be. They are our rallying point to build courage
when courage seems to fail, to regain faith when there seems
to be little cause for faith, to create hope when hope becomes forlorn.
The unbelievers will say they are but words, but a slogan,
but a flamboyant phrase. Every pedant, every demagogue,
every cynic, every hypocrite, every troublemaker, and, I am
sorry to say, some others of an entirely different character,
will try to downgrade them even to the extent of mockery
and ridicule.
As I mentioned in our last Salaam, we will
print tributes to those who have, continue to
and will in the future defend the freedoms for
all Americans. It is with pleasure that we
bring these messages and articles.
God Bless America,
But these are some of the things they do. They build your
basic character. They mold you for your future roles as the
custodians of the nation's defense. They make you strong
enough to know when you are weak, and brave enough to
face yourself when you are afraid.
They teach us to be proud and unbending in honest failure,
but humble and gentle in success, to put words into action,
not to seek the path of comfort, but to face the stress and
spur of difficulty and challenge; to learn to stand up in the
storm, but to have compassion on those who fall; to master
yourself before you seek to master others, to have a heart
that is clean, a goal that is high; to learn to laugh, yet never
forget how to weep; to reach into the future, yet never neglect the past; to be serious, yet never take yourself too seriously--to be modest so that you will remember the simplicity
of true greatness; the open mind of true wisdom; the meekness of true strength.
They give you a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a freshness of the deep springs of life, a temperamental
predominance of courage over timidity, an appetite for adventure over love of ease.
They create in your heart the sense of wonder, the unfailing
hope of what next, and the joy and inspiration of life.
In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns, the rattle of
musketry, the strange, mournful mutter of the battlefield. But
in the evening of my memory, always I come back to West
Point. Always there echoes and reechoes: Duty, Honor,
Arabian Director’s
Ron Erickson
Book Review Corner
Finished reading Adventures in Human Being - A
Grand Tour from the Cranium to the Calaneum by
Gavin Francis, a Scotland Doctor. Starting from the
top of the anatomy and working his way to the foot,
Francis takes us through the major areas of the body
and explains each as its function, its potential disease, a factual human compassionate story, historic
mis-information that was practiced, superstition, and
religious dogma. He shares his emotions as a doctor
and you feel you are listening to his lecture. A bit of
appropriate cynicism keeps the story line light and
entertaining. Gave it a 4 Star. Currently reading The
Fall of the Ottomans - The Great War (WWI) in the
Middle East by Eygene Rogan of Oxford, England.
BTW, I gave SPQR a 4 Star.
Oh what a Night! Those special
guys who came to us in 1965. Last
February 9th the Arabians Honored DeWayne
Hartman and Lee Orchid for their 50 years as
Arabians. Plus we had several other Nobles with
more than 50 years in the Shrine. We appreciate their efforts and continued support of our
Shrine ideals and fun.
Then we also performed for the San Mateo
Chamber of Commerce at their Annual Awards
Banquet. With out a doubt the World Renown
Asiya Arabian Band was the best musical
group of the evening. Good time was had by
Lets all continue to support the spirit of Asiya
Partners to help KQED Radio
National Pancake Day
Tuesday—March 8, 2016
International House of Pancakes
Consider enjoying a free short stack & leave a donation for “Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
at your local IHOP restaurant. The Children’s
Miracle Network Hospitals includes our Nor Cal
partner UC Davis Children’s Hospital in Sacramento. So mark the date and enjoy a stack of pancakes while helping children. For further information check out the details at
On January 29th, nobles of the Asiya Shrine
stepped up and lent a hand to our community friends at KQED. Periodically, our local
Public Broadcast stations, both Television and
Radio, have fundraising telethons . Asiya Nonobles volunteered and helped raise over
Those helping were Ill Sir Tom Burkard, Jr.,
Gus Lopez, Norm Tinkham, George Terry,
Oleksii Chuiko and May
Lady Seto.
May Seto.
Pote’s Trip Sold Out!
At the present time, this unique trip is sold out and a waiting list is being
compiled. To have your name added to the list, call Tom & Trish Burkard:
415-821-1223 or C: 415-850-4858 for more information and details.
Cuba will soon be a commercial travel success and its unique look and feel
of the 1950’s and 1960’s will be lost for ever. This will be a very interesting
and uniquely lovely trip. of music this trip promises to be a once in life time
event. With its classic cars, lovely landscape, beautiful waters and lore of
rhythmic pulse .
Honored Ladies
Macrh 13th is
I wish to welcome
our newest honored lady: Jeanne Fershieiser.
Words of Wisdom
“I will love you till the end of time!”
Love is Forever!
Bernard “Marty” Martinsen
Masonic Homes, 34400 Mission Blvd.
Union City, CA 94587-3604
(510) 476-6286
The Asiya Nobles and their friends have been given the
rights to sell CD’s at the upcoming “Who Concert” at Oracle Arena, Thursday May 19th. This the continuation of
Rock concerts that donate Thousands of $$$ to our
Shriner’s Northern California Hospital in Sacramento.
We had great Success at the Kid Rock Concert at Shoreline Amphitheater last August. Now we have a chance to
raise even more money for our Hospital and our Kids it
treats with proceeds from one the most famous Rock and
Roll Bands in the world!
While this is great news, it really takes a lot of volunteers
to get out into the audience and sell the Who CD’s to all of
the fans who will want to buy them. So, we are starting
early this time, to get as many volunteers to help us sell
the maximum number of CD’s and raise a substantial
amount for Shriners Hospital of Northern California.
THAN BEFORE! So we need your help.
We will also raise awareness about Asiya Shriners by
wearing our Fez’s and Uniforms during the event. So let’s
have fund and raise money for OUR hospital at the same
If you would like to volunteer for this Super Event, please
Mike Dwyer;
Chief Rabban and Membership Chairman
Building Fund
$ 18,000
$20, 000
$ 14,000
$ 10, 000
Special Call for
Donations to
Asiya Building Fund
As you know, we are remodeling and beginning
major maintenance around the Asiya Shriners Center. In the near future we are planning to undertake
a few major building projects including installation
of the Parking Lot gate to prevent unauthorized
parking, and maintenance of our HVAC units.
$ 6,000
$ 2,000
$ 600
To do all this we need your help by donating to our
Building Fund. Every penny brings us closer to a
remodeled Asiya Shrine Center that we all can enjoy for many years.
We have set a 2016 Building Fundraiser Goal at
$20,000. This funding level will take us a long way
in achieving the needed maintenance and remodeling. So please help us and make a donation today!
You can make your donation to our Building Fund in
two different ways.
1) We are selling Asiya Baseball Caps and special polo
shirts, with the majority of the
proceeds going to our Bldg.
Fund. The hats cost $15 and
come in Navy Blue, Beige, &
Black. Shirts are $40 (S-XL)
add $5 ea. for larger sizes
(2XL to 4XL). Shirts come in
same colors as hats. To purchase these items contact
Mike Dwyer or Oleksii at the
Office. All ordered items will be picked up at the
Asiya Center.
2) You can also donate by sending a check payable
to Asiya Shriners Building Fund, 1925 Elkhorn Ct,
San Mateo, CA 94403. Remember “It’s ASIYA
Time” to make a difference!
Become a Salaam Sultan
You can become a “Sultan of the
Salaam” and have your name listed
in each 2016issue of the Salaam for
a small donation of $25. Donations
will be used to improve the Salaam.
Send your check to “ASIYA Shrine”
Sultan’s of the Salaam
● Walter Hartman
● Adolph Gus Lopez
● Jim Davis
● Patrick Judge
● Charles Dobbs
● Alvin & Betty Wong
● Ron Erickson
● Jim Williams
We Invite you
to Join
The Sons of the Desert!
Nobles and Ladies,
Happy Easter to you and
your lovely families!
Next time, when you
will be calling our office, there is a great
chance you will hear
some new young voices… Last month, Asiya
Shriners partnered with
Compass High School
which will graciously provide their volunteers to help
us out with our daily office operations and in return
gain some essential working-environment skills. We
are very proud and happy to have these very talented
interns in our team! Make sure to give them some
encouragement when you call and welcome them to
our great Shrine Family!
We are also very excited to build a new chapter of
Asiya Shriners with the newest addition to our Units,
the Sons of the Desert. The whole mission of this
Unit will be closely knitted in raising our newly initiated Nobles into truly remarkable Shriners.
Find out more on the Sons of the Desert website:
Every last Thursday of
the month at 6:00PM,
Asiya’s newest unit, the
“Sons of the Desert” will
be having their regular
stated meetings, at Asiya
Shriners Center.
A very brief Business
Meeting will be always
followed by a social event at a secret (TBA) location. We are planning at least 12 exciting
events and a few trips. The membership in the
unit is LIMITED to the first 25 members (Sons),
however, every new Noble after the Ceremonial
will be serving as a “Son of the Desert” for a
period of 6 months until his graduation at the
following Ceremonial.
We welcome any of you who are interested to attend our meetings, but please make an RSVP if
you are planning to attend by emailing us at or calling our office at
Join the ASIYA Clowns!
Oleksii Chuiko
Come to any of our Clown Stated meeting at the Shrine Center
at 6pm. Dinner is provided.
Director of Operations
Join the Clown Unit. We can
provide you the Clown costume and training.
In Memoriam
Name of Noble
Alan Krause
Call Gordon Markley (408-410-0627) for more details. Join the Clowns for lots of laughter & fun!
Yrs. Shriner
Asiya Shriners
International No. 15
1925 Elkhorn Court
San Mateo, CA 94403-1308
Send Address changes to:
First Class
US Postage
San Mateo, CA
Permit #324
Asiya Shriners, Recorder
1925 Elkhorn Court
San Mateo, CA 94403-1308
“Coming Temple Events”
12 SF St. Patrick’s Day Parade
13 Daylight Saving “Spring Ahead”
19 2017 Calendar Meeting
DON Installation
21 Divan Hospital Day
26 SF/Burlingame Scottish Rite Fundraiser Dinner/Dance
27 Easter Sunday
28 Marshal’s Night
3 Ankh Court LOS Installation
6 Rod & Gun Club Annual Lake Shasta Trip
17 Arabian Omelets Breakfast
21 Potentate’s Trip
23 Hillbilly Ho Down
14 Spring Ceremonial
4 Potentate’s Ball