AAHA/OVMA Conference Toronto 2011
AAHA/OVMA Conference Toronto 2011
H ow to Order: Drive Attendees to Your Booth Phone: 866/450-2828 Fax:Attn: Stephanie Pates, 303/986-1700 Mail: AAHA Attn: Stephanie Pates 12575 W. Bayaud Avenue Lakewood, CO 80228 Conference: March 24-27 Exhibits: March 25-26 For more information on these marketing opportunities or to order, please visit www.aahanet.org/AAHAOVMAToronto2011/ Marketing or contact: Stephanie Pates Advertising & Exhibit Sales Manager 866/450-2828 stephanie.pates@aahanet.org 83% of the most successful companies at exhibitions were the ones that took the trouble to undertake pre-trade show marketing such as mailing their prospects and customers before the show. — Center for Exhibition Industry Research Maximize your exhibition dollars with additional marketing opportunities at the AAHA/OVMA – Toronto 2011 Conference. S ave the date! AAHA Denver 2012, March 15-18 OVMA Conference, Toronto, January 26-28, 2012 © 2010 AAHA E ntice attendees to visit your booth! Use these exhibitor marketing opportunities to increase recognition before, during and after conference! AAHA’s Trends magazine: March 2011 Issue Get exposure in a special conference issue of the award-winning Trends magazine. Your ad will reach our regular circulation of 26,000, plus bonus circulation at the conference. Place your booth number in your ad to increase recognition and help attendees locate you. After the conference, a follow-up advertisement will keep your company top-of-mind for those potential clients you made connections with. OVMA’s Focus magazine: Jan/Feb & March/April 2011 Issues 40% of Canadian veterinarians practice in Ontario — let them know exactly where to find you in the exhibit hall with an ad in our pre-conference issues of Focus magazine. For more information please contact Melissa Carlaw, managing editor, at mcarlaw@ovma.org or 800/670-1702, ext 15. Final Program: Full page $1,000 USD Half page $600 USD Reach attendees through the official on-site publication of AAHA/OVMA Conference – Toronto 2011. The Final Program, distributed in attendee bags, is every attendee’s guide to the conference and is heavily used to plan which events and lectures to attend. Attendee Bag Inserts: $2,000 USD Insert a pre-printed, single-page flyer, up to 8½" x 11", into each attendee bag. Materials must be received at AAHA headquarters by March 4, 2011.Visit www.aahanet.org/ AAHAOVMAToronto2011/Marketing for quantity of bag inserts to provide. Exhibit Hall Kiosks: Single-panel $1,500 USD or Four-panel $5,000 USD Rotating kiosks are available for advertising. The kiosks are backlit and placed in the main aisles of the Exhibit Hall. Entire four-panel kiosks can be purchased, or you also have the option of advertising on a single panel. M ap Your Show The AAHA/OVMA Conference – Toronto 2011 Map Your Show creates an opportunity for exhibitors to brand and market their company to attendees before they step onto the show floor. As the official agenda planner of the conference, Map Your Show allows attendees to search the sessions they want to go to, as well as exhibitors they want to visit. Attendees can quickly search for exhibitors by company name, booth location or product category, and find where a company’s booth is located, then add the company to their agenda. Utilize Map Your Show’s Interactive Floor Plan and My Show Agenda Planner services to expand your listing and stand out from the crowd in 2011. Complimentary Package Includes company name and address, booth number, phone and fax Gold Package $195 USD Complimentary package plus company logo, an active link to your URL, and a contact email address Platinum Package $495 USD Add a customizable product pane that features graphics and text to show off your latest products and services Diamond Package $1,995 USD Add multimedia or flash video capabilities to your product pane Contact Stephanie Pates, advertising and exhibit sales manager, for the above marketing opportunities at 866/450-2828. Pre- and Post-Show Mailing Lists: $450 USD each Reach key decision makers that will be attending the conference before and after the show to build recognition and brand identity. Lists will be distributed to you in an Excel file, with pre-show lists emailed on March 4, 2011 and post-show lists emailed April 15, 2011. Mailing addresses only; no fax, phone numbers or emails will be given. Please contact Ashley Schriener, advertising & exhibit sales assistant, at 877/845-9696 or ashley.schriener@aahanet.org. q q q q q q q q AAHA’s Trends magazine OVMA’s Focus magazine Final Program q Full page .............................................$1,000 q Half page ...............................................$600 Attendee bag inserts..................................$2,000 Exhibit Hall kiosks q Single-panel ........................................$1,500 q Entire Four-panel .................................$5,000 Exhibit Hall banners....................................$2,500 Pre-show mailing list.....................................$450 Post-show mailing list....................................$450 Map Your Show Complimentary package................................ Free Gold package..............................................$195 Platinum package........................................$495 Diamond package.....................................$1,995 Exhibit Hall Banners: $2,500 USD Increase your recognition throughout the Exhibit Hall by spreading your brand across the entire conference rather than just at your booth. Banners are placed along the Exhibit Hall walls at an eye-catching level and are sized to fit your needs, up to 15’ x 15’. Price includes banner production. Exhibitor Marketing Opportunities For Map Your Show orders only, please visit Marketing Opportunities in the Exhibitor section of www.aahanet.org/AAHAOVMAToronto2011 Gold Package Complimentary Package Payment Information: For questions, payment and processing for all Map Your Show advertising options, please visit Marketing Opportunities in the Exhibitor section of www.aahanet.org/ AAHAOVMAToronto2011. Diamond Package All pricing in U.S. Dollars Name_ ______________________________________ Company_____________________________________ Address______________________________________ City_________________________________________ State/Province_ ________________________________ Zip/Postal Code_ _______________________________ Telephone_ ___________________________________ E-mail (required)________________________________ Total $_ ____________ Platinum Package q Check #_______ (payable to AAHA) q AmEx q Visa q Mastercard Credit Card #__________________________________ Exp. Date_____________________________________ Name on Card_ ________________________________ E ntice attendees to visit your booth! Use these exhibitor marketing opportunities to increase recognition before, during and after conference! AAHA’s Trends magazine: March 2011 Issue Get exposure in a special conference issue of the award-winning Trends magazine. Your ad will reach our regular circulation of 26,000, plus bonus circulation at the conference. Place your booth number in your ad to increase recognition and help attendees locate you. After the conference, a follow-up advertisement will keep your company top-of-mind for those potential clients you made connections with. OVMA’s Focus magazine: Jan/Feb & March/April 2011 Issues 40% of Canadian veterinarians practice in Ontario — let them know exactly where to find you in the exhibit hall with an ad in our pre-conference issues of Focus magazine. For more information please contact Melissa Carlaw, managing editor, at mcarlaw@ovma.org or 800/670-1702, ext 15. Final Program: Full page $1,000 USD Half page $600 USD Reach attendees through the official on-site publication of AAHA/OVMA Conference – Toronto 2011. The Final Program, distributed in attendee bags, is every attendee’s guide to the conference and is heavily used to plan which events and lectures to attend. Attendee Bag Inserts: $2,000 USD Insert a pre-printed, single-page flyer, up to 8½" x 11", into each attendee bag. Materials must be received at AAHA headquarters by March 4, 2011.Visit www.aahanet.org/ AAHAOVMAToronto2011/Marketing for quantity of bag inserts to provide. Exhibit Hall Kiosks: Single-panel $1,500 USD or Four-panel $5,000 USD Rotating kiosks are available for advertising. The kiosks are backlit and placed in the main aisles of the Exhibit Hall. Entire four-panel kiosks can be purchased, or you also have the option of advertising on a single panel. M ap Your Show The AAHA/OVMA Conference – Toronto 2011 Map Your Show creates an opportunity for exhibitors to brand and market their company to attendees before they step onto the show floor. As the official agenda planner of the conference, Map Your Show allows attendees to search the sessions they want to go to, as well as exhibitors they want to visit. Attendees can quickly search for exhibitors by company name, booth location or product category, and find where a company’s booth is located, then add the company to their agenda. Utilize Map Your Show’s Interactive Floor Plan and My Show Agenda Planner services to expand your listing and stand out from the crowd in 2011. Complimentary Package Includes company name and address, booth number, phone and fax Gold Package $195 USD Complimentary package plus company logo, an active link to your URL, and a contact email address Platinum Package $495 USD Add a customizable product pane that features graphics and text to show off your latest products and services Diamond Package $1,995 USD Add multimedia or flash video capabilities to your product pane Contact Stephanie Pates, advertising and exhibit sales manager, for the above marketing opportunities at 866/450-2828. Pre- and Post-Show Mailing Lists: $450 USD each Reach key decision makers that will be attending the conference before and after the show to build recognition and brand identity. Lists will be distributed to you in an Excel file, with pre-show lists emailed on March 4, 2011 and post-show lists emailed April 15, 2011. Mailing addresses only; no fax, phone numbers or emails will be given. Please contact Ashley Schriener, advertising & exhibit sales assistant, at 877/845-9696 or ashley.schriener@aahanet.org. q q q q q q q q AAHA’s Trends magazine OVMA’s Focus magazine Final Program q Full page .............................................$1,000 q Half page ...............................................$600 Attendee bag inserts..................................$2,000 Exhibit Hall kiosks q Single-panel ........................................$1,500 q Entire Four-panel .................................$5,000 Exhibit Hall banners....................................$2,500 Pre-show mailing list.....................................$450 Post-show mailing list....................................$450 Map Your Show Complimentary package................................ Free Gold package..............................................$195 Platinum package........................................$495 Diamond package.....................................$1,995 Exhibit Hall Banners: $2,500 USD Increase your recognition throughout the Exhibit Hall by spreading your brand across the entire conference rather than just at your booth. Banners are placed along the Exhibit Hall walls at an eye-catching level and are sized to fit your needs, up to 15’ x 15’. Price includes banner production. Exhibitor Marketing Opportunities For Map Your Show orders only, please visit Marketing Opportunities in the Exhibitor section of www.aahanet.org/AAHAOVMAToronto2011 Gold Package Complimentary Package Payment Information: For questions, payment and processing for all Map Your Show advertising options, please visit Marketing Opportunities in the Exhibitor section of www.aahanet.org/ AAHAOVMAToronto2011. Diamond Package All pricing in U.S. Dollars Name_ ______________________________________ Company_____________________________________ Address______________________________________ City_________________________________________ State/Province_ ________________________________ Zip/Postal Code_ _______________________________ Telephone_ ___________________________________ E-mail (required)________________________________ Total $_ ____________ Platinum Package q Check #_______ (payable to AAHA) q AmEx q Visa q Mastercard Credit Card #__________________________________ Exp. Date_____________________________________ Name on Card_ ________________________________ H ow to Order: Drive Attendees to Your Booth Phone: 866/450-2828 Fax:Attn: Stephanie Pates, 303/986-1700 Mail: AAHA Attn: Stephanie Pates 12575 W. Bayaud Avenue Lakewood, CO 80228 Conference: March 24-27 Exhibits: March 25-26 For more information on these marketing opportunities or to order, please visit www.aahanet.org/AAHAOVMAToronto2011/ Marketing or contact: Stephanie Pates Advertising & Exhibit Sales Manager 866/450-2828 stephanie.pates@aahanet.org 83% of the most successful companies at exhibitions were the ones that took the trouble to undertake pre-trade show marketing such as mailing their prospects and customers before the show. — Center for Exhibition Industry Research Maximize your exhibition dollars with additional marketing opportunities at the AAHA/OVMA – Toronto 2011 Conference. S ave the date! AAHA Denver 2012, March 15-18 OVMA Conference, Toronto, January 26-28, 2012 © 2010 AAHA E ntice attendees to visit your booth! Use these exhibitor marketing opportunities to increase recognition before, during and after conference! AAHA’s Trends magazine: March 2011 Issue Get exposure in a special conference issue of the award-winning Trends magazine. Your ad will reach our regular circulation of 26,000, plus bonus circulation at the conference. Place your booth number in your ad to increase recognition and help attendees locate you. After the conference, a follow-up advertisement will keep your company top-of-mind for those potential clients you made connections with. OVMA’s Focus magazine: Jan/Feb & March/April 2011 Issues 40% of Canadian veterinarians practice in Ontario — let them know exactly where to find you in the exhibit hall with an ad in our pre-conference issues of Focus magazine. For more information please contact Melissa Carlaw, managing editor, at mcarlaw@ovma.org or 800/670-1702, ext 15. Final Program: Full page $1,000 USD Half page $600 USD Reach attendees through the official on-site publication of AAHA/OVMA Conference – Toronto 2011. The Final Program, distributed in attendee bags, is every attendee’s guide to the conference and is heavily used to plan which events and lectures to attend. Attendee Bag Inserts: $2,000 USD Insert a pre-printed, single-page flyer, up to 8½" x 11", into each attendee bag. Materials must be received at AAHA headquarters by March 4, 2011.Visit www.aahanet.org/ AAHAOVMAToronto2011/Marketing for quantity of bag inserts to provide. Exhibit Hall Kiosks: Single-panel $1,500 USD or Four-panel $5,000 USD Rotating kiosks are available for advertising. The kiosks are backlit and placed in the main aisles of the Exhibit Hall. Entire four-panel kiosks can be purchased, or you also have the option of advertising on a single panel. M ap Your Show The AAHA/OVMA Conference – Toronto 2011 Map Your Show creates an opportunity for exhibitors to brand and market their company to attendees before they step onto the show floor. As the official agenda planner of the conference, Map Your Show allows attendees to search the sessions they want to go to, as well as exhibitors they want to visit. Attendees can quickly search for exhibitors by company name, booth location or product category, and find where a company’s booth is located, then add the company to their agenda. Utilize Map Your Show’s Interactive Floor Plan and My Show Agenda Planner services to expand your listing and stand out from the crowd in 2011. Complimentary Package Includes company name and address, booth number, phone and fax Gold Package $195 USD Complimentary package plus company logo, an active link to your URL, and a contact email address Platinum Package $495 USD Add a customizable product pane that features graphics and text to show off your latest products and services Diamond Package $1,995 USD Add multimedia or flash video capabilities to your product pane Contact Stephanie Pates, advertising and exhibit sales manager, for the above marketing opportunities at 866/450-2828. Pre- and Post-Show Mailing Lists: $450 USD each Reach key decision makers that will be attending the conference before and after the show to build recognition and brand identity. Lists will be distributed to you in an Excel file, with pre-show lists emailed on March 4, 2011 and post-show lists emailed April 15, 2011. Mailing addresses only; no fax, phone numbers or emails will be given. Please contact Ashley Schriener, advertising & exhibit sales assistant, at 877/845-9696 or ashley.schriener@aahanet.org. q q q q q q q q AAHA’s Trends magazine OVMA’s Focus magazine Final Program q Full page .............................................$1,000 q Half page ...............................................$600 Attendee bag inserts..................................$2,000 Exhibit Hall kiosks q Single-panel ........................................$1,500 q Entire Four-panel .................................$5,000 Exhibit Hall banners....................................$2,500 Pre-show mailing list.....................................$450 Post-show mailing list....................................$450 Map Your Show Complimentary package................................ Free Gold package..............................................$195 Platinum package........................................$495 Diamond package.....................................$1,995 Exhibit Hall Banners: $2,500 USD Increase your recognition throughout the Exhibit Hall by spreading your brand across the entire conference rather than just at your booth. Banners are placed along the Exhibit Hall walls at an eye-catching level and are sized to fit your needs, up to 15’ x 15’. Price includes banner production. Exhibitor Marketing Opportunities For Map Your Show orders only, please visit Marketing Opportunities in the Exhibitor section of www.aahanet.org/AAHAOVMAToronto2011 Gold Package Complimentary Package Payment Information: For questions, payment and processing for all Map Your Show advertising options, please visit Marketing Opportunities in the Exhibitor section of www.aahanet.org/ AAHAOVMAToronto2011. Diamond Package All pricing in U.S. Dollars Name_ ______________________________________ Company_____________________________________ Address______________________________________ City_________________________________________ State/Province_ ________________________________ Zip/Postal Code_ _______________________________ Telephone_ ___________________________________ E-mail (required)________________________________ Total $_ ____________ Platinum Package q Check #_______ (payable to AAHA) q AmEx q Visa q Mastercard Credit Card #__________________________________ Exp. Date_____________________________________ Name on Card_ ________________________________ H ow to Order: Drive Attendees to Your Booth Phone: 866/450-2828 Fax:Attn: Stephanie Pates, 303/986-1700 Mail: AAHA Attn: Stephanie Pates 12575 W. Bayaud Avenue Lakewood, CO 80228 Conference: March 24-27 Exhibits: March 25-26 For more information on these marketing opportunities or to order, please visit www.aahanet.org/AAHAOVMAToronto2011/ Marketing or contact: Stephanie Pates Advertising & Exhibit Sales Manager 866/450-2828 stephanie.pates@aahanet.org 83% of the most successful companies at exhibitions were the ones that took the trouble to undertake pre-trade show marketing such as mailing their prospects and customers before the show. — Center for Exhibition Industry Research Maximize your exhibition dollars with additional marketing opportunities at the AAHA/OVMA – Toronto 2011 Conference. S ave the date! AAHA Denver 2012, March 15-18 OVMA Conference, Toronto, January 26-28, 2012 © 2010 AAHA