PERIODIC REVIEW FOR BIOSPHERE RESERVE [December 2015] INTRODUCTION The UNESCO General Conference, at its 28th session, adopted Resolution 28 C/2.4 on the Statutory Framework of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. This text defines in particular the criteria for an area to be qualified for designation as a biosphere reserve (Article 4). In addition, Article 9 foresees a periodic review every ten years, based on a report prepared by the concerned authority, on the basis of the criteria of Article 4 and forwarded to the secretariat by the State concerned. The text of the Statutory Framework is given in the third annex. The form which follows is provided to help States to prepare their national reports in accordance with Article 9 and to update the data available to the Secretariat on the biosphere reserve concerned. This report should enable the International Coordinating Council (ICC) of the MAB Programme to review how each biosphere reserve is fulfilling the criteria of Article 4 of the Statutory Framework and in particular the three functions. It should be noted that it is requested, in the last part of the form (Criteria and Progress Made), to indicate how the biosphere reserve fulfills each of these criteria. The information presented on this periodic review will be used in a number of ways by UNESCO: (a) for examination of the biosphere reserve by the International Advisory Committee for Biosphere Reserves and by the Bureau of the MAB International Coordinating Council; (b) for use in a world-wide accessible information system, notably for the UNESCO-MABnet and publications, facilitating communication and interaction amongst persons interested in biosphere reserves throughout the world. Kindly indicate if any part of this report should remain confidential. The form consists of three parts: Part one is a summary highlighting the main changes in the biosphere reserve during the reporting period. Part two is more descriptive and detailed, referring to the human, physical and biological characteristics as well as to the institutional aspects. Part three consists of two Annexes (A): the first Annex (A.1) will be used to update the directory of biosphere reserves on the MABnet. The second annex will be used to provide promotion and communication materials of the biosphere reserve (A.2). The third annex comprises the Statutory Framework for the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Please provide as many quantitative data as possible as well as supporting documentation to complete the information provided, especially: Map(s) clearly showing the zonation (see in particular 2.3.1); The legal texts for the different zones. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 2 The form should be completed in English, French or Spanish. Two copies should be sent to the Secretariat, as follows: 1. The original hard copy, with the original signatures, letters of endorsement, zonation map and supporting documents. This should be sent to the Secretariat through the Official UNESCO channels, i.e. via the National Commission for UNESCO and/or the Permanent Delegation to UNESCO. 2. An electronic version (on diskette, CD, etc.) of the periodic review form and of maps (especially the zonation map). This can be sent directly to the MAB Secretariat: UNESCO Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences 1, rue Miollis F-75732 Paris Cedex 15, France Tel: +33 (0)1 45 68 40 67 Fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 58 04 E-mail: GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 3 TABLE OF CONTENT PART I: SUMMARY PART II: PERIODIC REVIEW REPORT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Biosphere Reserve Significant Changes in the Biosphere Reserve During the Past Ten Years Ecosystem Services The Conservation Function The Development Function The Logistic Function Governance, Biosphere Reserve Management and Coordination Criteria and Progress made Supporting Documents Addresses Annexes Annex I: MABnet Directory of the Biosphere Reserves Annex II: Promotion and Communication Materials Annex III: Statutory Framework of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 6 7 12 12 13 15 18 22 26 27 29 31 34 4 PART I: SUMMARY a) Name of the biosphere reserve: Logo of Nature Park/Biosphere reserve is: GOLIJA – STUDENICA b) Country: REPUBLIC OF SERBIA c) Year of designation: 2002 d) Year(s) of periodic review(s): 2006-2015 e) Previous recommendation(s) made by the International Co-ordinating Council (MAB- ICC), if applicable: The Advisory Committee for Biosphere Reserves in its considering the First periodic report of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica" (ref.: SC/EES/MB/14/5864/536) has recommended that, in order to realize all functions of the Biosphere Reserve in the coming period, a greater attention must be paid by the state authorities regarding the following: to improve the management of Reserve ("Srbijašume", the manager of Nature Park "Golija" can not manage Biosphere Reserve as if it was a protected area, so that the management of Biosphere Reserve, according to international experience, should be carried out through collective bodies, such as councils / committees / coordinating bodies consisting of the representatives of stakeholders, i.e. representatives of local communities, local self-governments, non-governmental organizations, the forestry sector, nature conservation sector, agricultural, businesses and other sectors), to create the conditions for greater community involvement in the management of Biosphere Reserve (the construction of necessary infrastructure, especially transportation, utilities, etc.) and to provide the conditions for rural development at the area of Biosphere Reserve. f) What follow-up actions are completed and if not completed/initiated, please provide justifications. After receiving a report on objections to the Periodic Review for the "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve, some institutions have launched specific activities aimed primarily at analyzing everything accomplished in the previous period, as well as removing objections given by the Advisory Committee. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 5 Activities conducted during 2012 An event was held under the title: ''GOLIJA NATURE PARK AND GOLIJA-STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE, Protection, Development & Management'', in the quarters of the Studenica Monastery, organized by the Republic Agency for Spatial Planning and the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning in cooperation with the Faculty of Geography of the Belgrade University and the Centre for the Development of Golija. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Republic Agency for Spatial Planning, the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning, the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, the Republic Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments, SE "Srbijašume", the Provincial Secretariat for Urban Planning, Construction and Environmental Protection, the City of Kraljevo, the Municipality of Ivanjica, the Regional Agency for Spatial and Economic Development of Raška and Morava Districts, the Association of National Parks and Protected Areas of Serbia, the Mountain Community of Residents in Golija Nature Park and GolijaStudenica Biosphere Reserve (NGO), the Centre for the Development of Golija, the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade. During 2012, there was also a meeting of the Subcommittee on MAB and Climate Change by the National Commission for UNESCO at the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia. The meeting was attended by: Professor Anđelka Mihajlov, President of the Subcommittee on MAB and Climate Change of the National Commission for UNESCO, Radislav Momirov, Head at the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning, Aleksandra Došlić, Head of Protected Areas at the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning, Biljana Panjković, Director of the Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Aleksandar Mijović, Assistant Director of the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Tijana Jevtović, Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Gordana Jančić, Head of the Department for Forest Protection and Protected Natural Resources at SE" Srbijašume". The following conclusions were reached: • that the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning (being aware of the managerial and operative deficiencies of the "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve in the previous period) was to appoint a new Coordinating Council for the protection and development of the Golija area in the function of managing the "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve in the coming period; • that the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning, just as the other interested parties, was ready to act in accordance with the recommendations by the UNESCO Advisory Committee, so as to rectify the deficiencies identified with the assistance of UNESCO experts in the next one-year period; • that the priorities for the "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve ought to be: defining the way of how to manage the Biosphere Reserve; drafting a Biosphere Reserve Management Plan; establishing Municipal Forums, the Interested Parties’ Forum and the Committee of the "Golija-Studenica Biosphere Reserve. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 6 Activities conducted during 2013 A meeting was held of the Subcommittee on MAB and Climate Change by the National Commission for UNESCO. Detailed information was given on further operations and activities aimed at eliminating the deficiencies detected regarding the "Golija - Studenica" Biosphere Reserve (so it would not lose its designation by UNESCO). In June 2012 a large meeting was held by the competent authorities in order to make local residents recognize the importance of biosphere reserves, A memo was sent by the Manager to the municipalities to appoint representatives to the "Golija Council"0. In the discussion that followed, representatives of the Golija civil sector (Ivan Vilimonović IDA Kraljevo) provided the information that at the very local level a "Local Action Group" had been organized, which now has about 40 members, including 2 municipalities (Kraljevo and Ivanjica). Practically, this group has been established within a project/process coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture, with a focus on rural development. The MAB Subcommittee recognized the opportunity to try ‘to get off the ground’ through the synergy of these two processes, so the following activities were agreed upon: that the Ministry of Natural Resources, Mining and Spatial Planning (in cooperation with "Srbijašume", as the Manager of the Golija Nature Park) was to send a letter for the appointment of members to the Council - Interested Parties’ Forum of the "GolijaStudenica" Biosphere Reserve to: a) the Local Action Group (to appoint at least three representatives, the municipalities of Kraljevo and Ivanjica with one representative each); b) the Manager; c) the Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection (which has jurisdiction in biodiversity); d) the Institute for Nature Conservation and e) others on the basis of their own assessment. It was suggested to send the letter in April 2013. that the representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Mining and Spatial Planning, who attended the meeting, were to consider within the Ministry whether the appointment realized as ref. to in para. 1 could result in the preparation of the Ministry's Decision on the appointment of the Council – Interested Parties’ Forum of the "GolijaStudenica" Biosphere Reserve, and that this, if possible, should be done; that regular reports were to be submitted to both the Ministry and Srbijašume on the state of that process, so as MAB Serbia could promptly notify the MAB UNESCO Secretariat on the establishment of the above Council. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 7 Activities conducted during 2014 In order to strengthen the partnership in its further directing towards the development of the "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve, a meeting of the Interested Parties’ Forum was held in the quarters of the Studenica Monastery. This meeting was organized by the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, SE "Srbijašume" and the World Wide Fund for Nature, Office for Serbia (WWF, Serbia). At a meeting held on 11th December 2014 in Studenica the following was concluded: that the "Golija" NP Manager (SE "Srbijašume") i.e. the Manager of the Work Unit "Golija Nature Park" is to report to the Council of "Golija-Studenica" BR; that WU "Golija Nature Park" is to participate in the implementation and revision of the Management Plan for "Golija-Studenica" BR; that WU "Golija Nature Park" is to cooperate with the Council and the Interested Parties’ Forum of "Golija-Studenica" RB. The programme contained the establishing of a harmonious connection between man and nature as a basis for success of a biosphere reserve, as well as incentives to facilitate sustainable development of local communities. To this end, in the framework of the Forum Programme, models for managing biosphere reserves allowing interested public participation were presented, as well as examples of good practice. Through the exchange of knowledge and a dialogue among the representatives of local communities, professional institutions, the manager of the protected area, the non-governmental sector, municipal organizations and users of the protected area, public participation models were presented in the field of finding effective responses to the development of the "GolijaStudenica" Biosphere Reserve in accordance with the socio- economic needs of local communities It was concluded that the Biosphere Reserve’s management model should be as follows: BIOSPHERE RESERVE COUNCIL - an executive, decision-making body which is responsible for the planning and management of the proposed biosphere reserve. It should have about 9-11 members, be efficient and effective in decision-making, the President of the Council should be elected among the members or, alternatively, should be an independent person. One Council member is the Chairman presiding over the "GOLIJA" INTERESTED PARTIES’ FORUM (hereinafter referred to as the Forum), whose role is to report on the attitudes of the Forum, but has no vote in the Council. Other members should represent the groups’ main interests and the values for which the biosphere reserve was established. Key government institutions and civil society organizations, as well as local communities (population) and the private sector should be all represented. "GOLIJA" INTERESTED PARTIES’ FORUM - an advisory body composed of 15 members which presents a wide range of the stakeholders’ interests from all five municipalities. The President is an independent person appointed by the Council through a public process; he/she should be a respected citizen from the Golija area, strong-minded, skilled in conflict resolution, with the experience in achieving consensus and able to conduct meetings. Each municipal forum should nominate 3 members, who represent the range of interests and complement each other (no need to duplicate roles). It is crucial that the Forum meetings precede the Council meetings, so that the decision-makers in the Council are GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 8 informed about the Forum’s attitudes by the Chairman of the Forum. MUNICIPAL FORUMS - open groups of members for each of the five municipalities composed of all the stakeholders (government agencies, NGOs, representatives of local population, private entrepreneurs, etc.) that have an interest in the Biosphere Reserve. Anyone from the municipality may attend and participate in meetings and other gatherings. Each of the Municipal Forums - Ivanjica, Kraljevo, Novi Pazar, Raška and Sjenica is organized by the relevant municipality. Participation of the "Golija" Nature Park - management takes place through the "Golija Nature Park" Working Unit, which is responsible for managing the Nature Park. The Nature Park Manager reports to the Council and his/her working unit is responsible for the implementation of the management plan, as well as its preparation and revision. The Park Management is responsible to the Council and cooperates with the Forum, but not with the Municipal Forums. Activities conducted during 2015 The Council of the "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve was established according to the Decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection on Establishment of the "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve Council (No. 119-01-00-229/2015-17). The first Forum Meeting was held on the premises of the Municipal Administration of Ivanjica on 24th November 2015 Instructions and orders were given to the municipalities to nominate three members from the area of their community to the Forum and to submit the nominations to the Council, which was done eventually. Interested Parties’ Forum of "Golija - Studenica" BR was established, which is an advisory body of 15 members representing a wide range of interests of the stakeholders from all the five municipalities on the "Golija" NP territory. The first Forum Meeting was held on the premises of the Municipal Administration of Ivanjica on 24th November 2015 The Meeting Agenda: 1 Activities of the Council of the "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve; 2 Activities of the Forum of the "Golija - Studenica" BR; 3 Action plan for the preparation and implementation of programme and spatial planning documents for the sustainable development of the area of "Golija - Studenica" BR; 4 Miscellaneous. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 9 g) Update on the implementation of measures to achieve the objectives of the biosphere reserve. At the area of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica" certain measures have been continuously conducted in order to achieve the following goals: - The preservation, protection and improvement of the sites of special natural value and rarity and their specific use for scientific research, education, presentation to the public and recreation, in accordance with ecological potentials of the area. - Biodiversity conservation - The preservation, protection and improvement of landscape and environmental values of the area including flora, fauna, soil, water, air, forests, pastures and meadows, hunting and fishing fauna, with their specific use according to the principles of sustainable development. - The preservation, protection and improvement of Golija cultural and historical heritage, and the protection of the immovable cultural goods` surroundings. - An organized, multidisciplinary and long-term scientific research of the Park, education of all population groups and sectoral professions, presentation and popularization of the Park values. - A systematic management, control and supervision should be conducted to prevent further degradation of the Park and to protect the Park from natural disasters. - The directed development of existing and new activities based on resources and traditions of the Park area and its immediate surroundings, the development of tourism, sport, recreation in accordance with the functions of Nature Reserve. h) Briefly describe the process by which the current periodic review has been conducted: The drafting of Periodic report began in 2015 and included workshops, meetings, interviews and consultations with the Administration of the Nature Park "Golija" and the members of the Group of biosphere reserves. The Report was prepared in cooperation with the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia and PE "Srbijašume". The main objective of the report is an overview of the activities conducted in the past ten years in order to eliminate deficiencies, enable participation of all stakeholders and to examine the strategies for the next period. The Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia and PE "Srbijašume" formed a team who has drafted the Periodic Report. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 10 i) Area and spatial configuration: Area of terrestrial Core Area(s) Area of terrestrial Buffer Zone(s) Area of terrestrial Transition Area(s) Area of marine Core Area(s) Area of marine Buffer Zone(s) Size of marine Transition Area(s) j) Previous report (nomination form or periodic review) and date 496.60 ha No proposed changes 3,661.50 ha No proposed changes 49,645.90 ha No proposed changes Proposed changes (if any) Human population of the biosphere reserve: Previous report (nomination At present (please state date of form or periodic review) census or other source) and date Core Area(s) (permanent and seasonally) Buffer Zone(s) (permanent and seasonally) Transition Area(s) (permanent and seasonally) 72001 62642 k) Budget (main sources of funds, special capital funds) and international, regional or national relevant projects/initiatives carried out or planned. According to the planned activities and tasks to be performed by the Manager of the "Golija" Nature Park within the "Golija" NP Management Plan for the period 2011 – 2020, the necessary funding has been estimated at the amount of: Period 2011-2020 SE “Srbijašume“ EUR % 823.883 40 Share Budget RS, Funds, Municipalities 1.235.825 60 1 Total 2.059.708 100 According to 2002 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings. The data are shown according to localities (settlements) relative to the valid administrative-territorial state on January 1, 2002. Since the Biosphere Reserve includes the whole and partial settlements, the number of population is approximately determined. 2 Census in Serbia in 2011 GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 11 l) International, regional, multilateral or bilateral framework of cooperation. Describe, where applicable, the contribution of the biosphere reserve to achieve objectives and developing mechanisms that contribute to the implementation of international or regional bilateral or multilateral agreements, conventions, etc. - Convention on biodiversity – CBD is the most important document adopted at the conference in terms of conservation and directed use of resources. The Convention is a document relating to the conservation of all levels of biological diversity: genetic, species and ecosystem. The basic principles of the Convention are as follows: conservation of biological diversity, sovereignty over national resources with the responsibility for their sustainable use and the damage that is inflicted on biodiversity of other countries, the international cooperation, the prevention, financial arrangements between the developed and developing countries, creating economic and legal conditions for a favorable transfer of biotechnologies and the access to genetic resources, as well as other principles. - The European Landscape Convention applies to the entire territory of the country and to both the natural, urban and peri-urban areas (whether they are on land, at sea or other water areas), i.e. that all types of landscapes are included (urban, industrial, etc.), and not only landscapes that are under some form of protection. The application of the Landscape Convention, therefore, introduces the concept of landscape quality into the protection, management and planning of geographical areas. - Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora) is related to NATURA 2000 Ecological network. The Habitats Directive provides for the establishment of the European network Natura 2000, which aims to ensure that the species and their habitats are maintained in a favorable conservation status in their native range by determining the conservation objectives for each area. - CITES Secretariat (2011): Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. - Council of Europe (1979): Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats - Council of Europe(1997): Regulation on the Protection of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora by Regulating Trade Therein (338/97) - Council of Europe (2013): Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats - 33rd meeting of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention - List of candidate Emerald sites, last revised in December 2013: T-PVS/PA (2013) 18, Strasbourg - European Commission (2013): Interpretation manual of Europian Union Habitats, EU28, DG Environment, Nature ENV B.3. - European Commission (2013): Commission Note on Establishing Conservation Measures for Natura 2000 Sites - Official Journal of the European Communities (L 20/7): Directive 2009/147/EC of The European Parliament and of The Council on the conservation of wild birds (codified version) - Official Journal of the European Communities (L 206/7): Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 12 PART II: PERIODIC REVIEW REPORT 1. BIOSPHERE RESERVE: 1.1 Year designated: 2002 1.2 Year of first periodic review and of any following periodic review(s) (when appropriate): This is the Second periodic review of „Golija - Studenica“ Biosphere Reserve. 1.3 Follow-up actions taken in response to each recommendation from the previous periodic review(s) (if applicable), and if not completed/initiated, please provide justifications. PE "Srbijašume" has formed a separate organizational unit for the management of protected areas, that is, for the management of Nature Park "Golija" and Biosphere Reserve "GolijaStudenica". The management of Biosphere Reserve is conducted through the corporate bodies, the Biosphere Reserve Council consisting of the representatives of stakeholders, that is, the representatives of local communities, local self-governments, non-governmental organizations, the forestry sector, nature protection sector, agricultural and businesses sector, etc., thus creating the conditions for greater community involvement in the management of Biosphere Reserve (the construction of necessary infrastructure, especially transportation, utilities, etc.) and providing the conditions for rural development at the area of Biosphere Reserve. 1.4 Other observations or comments on the above. There are no observations or comments in connection with the above. 1.5 Describe in detail the process by which the current periodic review has been conducted: The drafting of Periodic report began in 2015 and included workshops, meetings, interviews and consultations with the Administration of the Nature Park "Golija" and the members of the Group of biosphere reserves. The Report was prepared in cooperation with the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia and PE "Srbijašume". The main objective of the Report is an overview of the activities conducted in the past ten years in order to eliminate deficiencies, enable participation of all stakeholders and to examine the strategies for the next period. The Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia and PE "Srbijašume" formed a team who has drafted the Periodic Report. Their work included the following: - The review of references and previous documents - Interviews and consultations with associates and the Administration of Biosphere Reserve and the organization of the collecting the basic information for the various Chapters of the Report GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 13 - Establishing contacts with stakeholders (the representatives of Municipalities) in order to gather information and get the most comprehensive information on the ten-year period. The Report was translated in English and submitted to the MAB Committee in Serbia prior to the submission to the UNESCO. 1.5.1 Which stakeholders were involved? The exchange of knowledge and dialogue between the representatives of professional institutions, managers of natural resources, non-governmental sector, municipal organizations and users of the protected area, by using the models for stakeholders` participation are also contained in the development of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica", which is in accordance with the socio-economic needs of local communities. 1.5.2 What methodology was used to involve stakeholders in the process (e.g., workshops, meetings, consultation with experts). As the main activities on the stakeholders involvement in this process, there were used the meetings with stakeholders, who were invited through the media and via their representatives. In 2015, PE "Srbijašume", the manager of the area and the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia organized meetings with stakeholders. A team was formed for drafting the Periodic Report on the Biosphere Reserve "Golija - Studenica" (according to the form from 2013). The periodic report also included interviews and consultations with the employees of the Biosphere Reserve, researchers and government staff at the Municipality and the officials in relation to specific issues. 1.5.3 How many meetings, workshops, etc. occurred throughout the process of conducting this review? Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia and PE "Srbijašume" held two meetings, which were dedicated to the collecting of data on the activities conducted in the ten-year period. 1.5.4 Were they well attended, with full and balanced representation? (Describe participation and stakeholders). The meetings were successful and attended by the representatives of various stakeholders. Their participation was at a high level, and the discussion was very productive. 2. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THE BIOSPHERE RESERVE DURING THE PAST TEN YEARS: 2.1 Brief summary overview: Narrative account of important changes in the local economy, landscapes or habitat use, and other related issues. Note important changes in the institutional arrangements for governance of the biosphere reserve area, and changes (if any) in the coordinating arrangements (including the biosphere reserve organization/coordinator/manager) that provide direction for the biosphere reserve. Identify the role of biosphere reserve organization/coordinator/manager in initiating or responding to these changes. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 14 The changes in the natural complex of Golija had started in the distant past and were directly dependent on the anthropogenic impacts. The immigration in this area accelerated the changes to the natural complex. Dominant changes to the original natural environment were mainly due to extensive livestock production and the construction works. Primeval space of the Park was covered with forests that had suffered the biggest changes. On the deforested areas of Golija emerged the secondary pastures, meadows, agricultural areas, settlements, roads, quarries and other sites and facilities built by man. Air – Air pollution is present in the settlements on the outskirts of the Reserve and in the zones of mines and quarries, with the values within the maximum allowable concentration. The values measured by the Federal Hydrometeorological Services in the period 1985 to 1995 indicated the preservation and high air quality with almost the smallest disposition of sulfur, nitrogen and heavy metals, compared to other parts of Serbia. Water – A relatively preserved quality of surface water and groundwater is conditioned by the degree of (under)development of the area. This applies primarily to the absence of major production facilities and low-populated area, although the dispersed settlements with a number of villages are an impediment to the construction of water and sewage pipe line network. Surface water quality in the major part of the area has been preserved. Water quality of the two major rivers Studenica and Moravica does not correspond in all criteria to the demanded quality category. The major pollution comes from the organic substances from the settlements. Groundwater pollution is the result of an inadequate treatment of cess pits in all villages. Land – It is primarily threatened by erosion, inappropriate agricultural activities, ploughing of pastures and meadows at higher altitudes and slopes, particularly for potato fields, and by using artificial fertilizers and plant protection products, along with the uncontrolled disposal of waste. Noise and ionizing radiation - the negative impact of noise is of local character, however there is no ionizing radiation and radioactive contamination. At the area of Golija people leave villages, and there is a trend of population aging, that is, Golija area is endangered in demographic terms. For these reasons, currently speaking, natural ecosystems in Golija are exposed to insignificant anthropogenic influences. 2.2 Updated background information about the biosphere reserve. Golija is the highest mountain in southwestern Serbia, extending at a letter "s" shaped area of 32 km in length. The highest peak is Jankov kamen (1833 m). Its beauty and diversity of landscape, as well as the preserved original, natural and cultural values, make it one of the most attractive mountains in Serbia, which was placed under protection in 2001 as a Nature park "Golija", at an area of 75.183 ha. Nature Park "Golija" gained the status of a Biosphere Reserve under the name "GolijaStudenica" in 2001 and became the first Biosphere Reserve in Serbia. The conserved nature with a large number of plant and animal species, some of which are endemic and relict, and the Studenica monastery, which has been on the the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List since 1986, have contributed to the designation of the Reserve. The area of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica" is 53.804 hectares and includes part of the Nature Park "Golija" at the area of the forest governance units Ivanjica and Kraljevo. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 15 Biosphere Reserve encompasses a larger part of the Nature Park territory, which is located in the following areas: Ivanjica Municipality - Moravica district (11 whole cadastral municipalities and parts of 4 cadastral municipalities): whole - Brusnik, Vionica, Vrmbaje, Vučak, Glenica, Gradac, Dajići, Dobri do, Koritnik, Kumanica, Čečina, and parts thereof: Erčege, Bratljevo, Medovine, Smiljevac; the City of Kraljevo - Raška District (8 whole cadastral municipalities and parts of 4 cadastral municipalities): whole – Brezova, Bzovik, Vrh, Dolac, Dražiniće, Miliće, Reka, Rudno and parts thereof: Savovo, Orlja glava, Ušće and Zasad. The area of Golija is unique due to the forest ecosystem values, the diversity of landscapes and exceptional beauty of the landscapes, cultural goods and their surroundings (the monasteries Studenica and Gradac), durability and quality of basic natural resources (water, soil and plant cover), the biodiversity consisting of rare, endemic and relict species, geological heritage consisting of unusual and attractive relief forms and numerous water bodies and phenomena such as sources of mountain water streams and peat bog lakes. The area of Golija itself is bordered by Ibar river valley in the east, Raška and Ljutska river in the south, Moravica in the west and the central part of the Studenica river valley in the north and northeast. It is characterized by the abundance of water and a variety of wildlife. The basins of Moravica and Studenica rivers with their numerous tributaries are major factors of geomorphological processes and relief forms. The essential features of climate are primarily determined by the geographical location, diversity of relief, altitude, vegetation and other factors. These factors significantly influence the diversity of climate in the Reserve. According to the data on certain elements of climate (Gajić, M. 1989), there are three climate zones: valley zone with hills, transitional and mountain zone. These zones are mainly conditioned by the relief, direction of the river valleys stretching, in the first place Moravica and Studenica rivers, and the exposure of certain areas. Golija is adorned by an expanse of forest cover. Beech forests are particularly distributed. Some parts of these forests have the character of rainforest. Golija is now most densely forested mountain in Serbia, with the largest and best forest complexes. Its southern slopes are covered with vast meadows and pastures. Mires have been preserved in the spruce forests, as specific and sensitive ecosystems. Golija together with the mountain Tara is a refuge of the tertiary flora in Serbia and it is important as a center of genetic, species and ecosystem diversity in the Balkans and in Europe. Floristic biodiversity of Golija consists of about 900 taxa of plants, of which 729 species are vascular fungi, 40 species are moss, 117 species and varieties are algae. Endemic and relict species and species that have become endangered are of special importance in the flora. Among the preserved natural rarities, the relict and endemic tree species of maple (Acer heldreichii) stands out, which is a synonym for the flora of Golija. In Serbia, the most beautiful and best preserved communities with dense populations of mountain maple are on Golija. In addition to maple, of special floristic importance is holly (Ilex GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 16 aquiifolium), as well as endemic species: Alyssum markgrafii, Alyssum jancheni, Pancicia serbica, Viola elegantula and Verbascum adamovicin. The species Pancicia serbica and Thymus adamovicii have the characteristics of local endemic species and the species of international importance for biodiversity conservation. The following sites are important in botanical terms: Dajićko jezero, Košaninova jezera, Tresava na Belim vodama, Palež, Jankov kamen, Ljute livade, Vlaški most, Karalići, Izubra, Bojevo brdo, Devojačka voda, Odvraćenica, Biser voda-Vranji krš-Lisa-Borje. Golija is also a mountain range of great biological diversity, i.e. one of the most important European centers of ornithological, species and genetic diversity. In Golija, it has so far been recorded 45 species of birds that belong to the group of natural rarities, and approximately 90 species that are candidates for the Red Book of Birds in Serbia. Special cultural and historical value of Golija is the Studenica monastery, founded in the late twelfth century, as a major endowment of the founder of the dynasty of Nemanjić, Stefan Nemanja. The monastery had in time become the most important cultural center of the new Serbian medieval state with the greatest impact on the social and cultural development of the country. It had often been destroyed and rebuilt again. In the XII and XIII century the monastery complex included 13 churches with supporting facilities, the two of which remained well preserved till present day: the Holy Virgin Church and the Church of St. Joachim and Anna. Studenica Monastery, undoubtedly, is one of the most valuable buildings in Serbian architecture and one of the most important centers of medieval life. More than 20 years ago its values have placed it beyond the borders of our country to the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List (since 1986). Gradac monastery, built in 1268, is the endowment of Queen Jelena of Anjou, Princess of French origin and the wife of Serbian King Uroš I. The very well educated Serbian queen spent a lifetime in the Serbian court, and had a powerful impact on education and culture. The Queen founded the first school within the monastery for the education of young girls from noble families. Traditional tales and records show that the king Uroš I ordered the planting of lilacs along the Ibar river bank, in order to beautify the landscape in honor of Queen Jelena. This explains the nowadays lilacs in the gorge of Ibar river. Gradac Monastery with the Church of the Annunciation, in architectural and constructional terms, is a unique work of medieval Serbian architecture. Never before or after the Church of the Annunciation, had it been repeated such a harmonious blend of western gothic elements and eastern Byzantine architecture. The monastery was built in the old cult place, and the only surviving building from the early times is an one-nave small church of St. Nicholas. In 1268 began the masonry of the central temple, dormitory, dining space and monastery walls with two entrance gates. However, there are no written testimonies of the monastery building and frescoes. For a long time it had been abandoned and in XX century it was a ruin. A major reconstruction of the monastery began in 1962 and it still lasts. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 17 2.2.1 Updated coordinates (if applicable). If any changes in the biosphere reserve’s standard geographical coordinates, please provide them here (all projected under WGS 84): Cardinal points: Most central point: Northernmost point: Southernmost point: Westernmost point: Easternmost point: Latitude Longitude 43 23’ 42” 20 21’ 58” 43 33’ 15” 20 20’ 32” 43 16’ 32” 20 21’ 32” 43 24’ 46” 20 09’ 22” 43 29’ 07” 20 33’ 33” 74 48 604 48 05 848 74 46 857 48 23 521 74 47 959 47 92 586 74 31 666 48 07 971 74 64 343 48 15 782 2.2.2 If necessary, provide an updated map on a topographic layer of the precise location and delimitation of the three zones of the biosphere reserve Map(s) shall be provided in both paper and electronic copies. Shape files (also in WGS 84 projection system) used to produce the map must also be attached to the electronic copy of the form. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 18 2.2.3 Changes in the human population of the biosphere reserve. Most recent census data: Previous report (nomination At present (please state date of form or periodic review) census or other source) and date Core Area(s) (permanent and seasonally) Buffer Zone(s) (permanent and seasonally) Transition Area(s) (permanent and seasonally) 72003 62644 2.2.4 Update on conservation function, including main changes since last report. (Note briefly here and refer to 4 below). Josif Pančić, a known nature scientist, initiated floral research on Golija in the 19th century. He botanized in 1856, 1866 and 1875 respectively on Golija, Javor and Mučanj mountains, as mentioned in “Flora of the Dukedom of Serbia”, published in 1974 and its addition (Pančić, 1884). Pančić mentions 29 plant species. Studies of flora and vegetation and of algae and mosses, in the early 20th century are associated with Nedeljko Košanin. Particularly important is his work concerning hydrobiology of Dajić Lake (Košanin, 1908) and describes the initial state of the lake, which fifty years later was placed under governmental nature protection. Research of flora and vegetation in Golija was discontinued from the time of Košanin to the sixties, when it was resumed. Studies of flora, phytogeography, phytocoenology, and ecology by botanists and foresters in past decades increased the level of knowledge of the vegetation life on Golija. Blecić and Tatić (1962, 1964) studied the vegetation of juniper forests, meadows and pastures. Systematic and comprehensive team and stationary research of Golija mountain began in the seventies, guided by M. Gajić. Several new subspecies and varieties have been described. Many of the researches were used in preparing master or doctoral/PhD dissertations. The beststudied disciplines of natural history are geology, flora and vegetation; less research has been made in fauna. As to research in social sciences, historical studies are particularly intensive, because the region of Biosphere Reserve was the centre of the medieval Serbian State. A meteorological station was established at Bele Vode in 1955; the monitoring was daily until 1979. 3 According to 2002 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings. The data are shown according to localities (settlements) relative to the valid administrative-territorial state on January 1, 2002. Since the Biosphere Reserve includes the whole and partial settlements, the number of population is approximately determined. 4 2011Census of Population in Serbia GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 19 The nature of Golija has been also studied from the nature conservation aspect. The Institute of Nature Conservation of Serbia prepared the “Nature Protection Study of Nature Park Golija” (2001), on which basis The Regulation for Protection of Nature Park Golija was proclaimed. Golija has been included in the revised list of IBAs in Serbia5. PE „Srbijašume” perform research work in order to protect the forests against abiotic harmful effects. In accordance, few of the scientific papers related to abiotic research and monitoring have been done. Monitoring program in forestry has been effective from 1956. The detailed inventory of the forest ecosystems is one of the obligations defined by The Forestry Law. These actions must be taken every ten years. Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, conducts the activities in conservation and development of natural heritage of Serbia. The Institute has been performing research work and studying of the biodiversity and geodiversity in Golija for the last 50 years, as well as monitoring of the condition of natural resources for the last 20 years. Many other researches have been performed on Golija. One of the last is related to the preparation of “The medium-term program for the improvement of the fisheries in the fishing area of Nature Park Golija for the period 2009-2012”, which involved over 10 scientists from different institutions. Socio-economic research was performed at the area of Golija (wider area of the biosphere reserve and nature park) for the purpose of Spatial plan of special purpose for Nature Park Golija, which was adopted in 2009. 2.2.5 Update on the development function, including main changes since last report. (Note briefly here and refer to 5 below). - In the previous period it has been recorded an increased number of tourists at the area of the Biosphere Reserve, and the increased number of tourists / days spent in existing and new hotels and accommodation facilities in the vicinity of the Reserve. - The guests profile was directly related to the programs and activities offered at the Reserve (recreational fishing, hunting, skiing, medicinal herbs and forest fruits collecting, cycling, mountaineering in summer and winter, and other forms of active rest). It was particularly noted that the interest was raised in the scientific and technical research and excursions, educational programs and schools in nature. - Of particular importance is the recording of the raise in tourist accommodation capacities within households in rural communities on the territory of the Reserve. - In relation to the previously stated facts, an increasing demand for local, traditional food products has also been recorded. 5 Puzović et al, 2009. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 20 2.2.6 Update on logistic support function, including main changes since last report. (Note briefly here and refer to 6 below). - Within establishing a database (on the basis of GIS technology), an application for the database on natural and man-made values of the Reserve was created and put into operation. In order to create a database application, a team of professionals was made. - Visitors Centre "Bele vode" became fully operational, as a center for providing various information and logistical support to the visitors and guests of the Reserve. - Guarding and supervision service in charge of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija - Studenica" area was enhanced in terms of staff and equipment. 2.2.7 Update on governance management and coordination, including changes since last report (if any) in hierarchy of administrative divisions, coordination structure. (Note briefly here and refer to 7 below). - In 2015, the Council of Biosphere Reserve "Golija - Studenica" was formed as an executive and decision-making body responsible for the planning and management of the proposed Biosphere Reserve. The Council consists of the representatives of government administration and professional state institutions, the managers, international organizations (WWF) and local self-governments; - A deision was made to establish the Forum of stakeholders of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica", an advisory body, which has 15 members and represents a wide range of interests of all stakeholders from all five municipalities. Each municipal forum should nominate 3 members representing the range of interests and complementing each other. - The Forum has not been formed so far. 2.3 The authority/authorities in charge of coordinating/managing the biosphere reserve: (Comment on the following topics as much as is relevant). - Upon the designation of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica", The Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted a Decision on the establishment of the Coordination Board for the Protection and Development of the Golija area in 2002, the task of which was to coordinate the activities on the preparation of the program and the master plan for socio-economic and environmentally sustainable development of Golija area, in accordance with the criteria of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica" or Nature Park "Golija" natural and cultural heritage conservation, and with the need to improve the quality of inhabitants` life at the area with the development of appropriate activities. The Coordination Board for the Protection and Development of the Golija area has operated until 2004, so the PE "Srbijašume" as part of the management of Nature Park "Golija" also performed the tasks related to the operation of the Biosphere Reserve "GolijaStudenica". The Administration of the Reserve is part of the PE "Srbijašume", which performs and coordinates all the activities within the scope of work and projects in the Reserve. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 21 - Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia was established by the Government of the Republic of Serbia to perform activities on the conservation and improvement of nature in Serbia. The scope of work of the Institute is determined according to the Law on Nature Conservation ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 36/2009 and 88/2010), the Decision on the Establishment of the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia ("Official Gazette of RS" no. 18/2010) and the Statute of the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 73/2010). - Central MAB Program Office has its headquarters at UNESCO in Paris, whereas the MAB Sub-Committee is within the National Commission for UNESCO of the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2.3.1 Updates to cooperation/management policy/plan, including vision statement, goals and objectives, either current or for the next 5-10 years The "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve comprises the territory of the "Golija" Nature Park in the area of: the Municipality of Ivanjica (11 whole cadastral municipalities (CMs) and parts of 4 CMs) - whole: Brusnik, Vionica, Vrmbaje, Vučak, Gleđica, Gradac, Dajići, Dobri do, Koritnik, Kumanica and Čečina, parts: Erčege, Bratljevo, Medovine and Smiljevac; the City of Kraljevo (8 whole CMs and parts of 4 CMs) – whole: Brezovica, Bzovik, Vrh, Dolac, Dražiniće, Miliće, Reka and Rudno, parts: Savovo, Orlja glava, Ušće and Zasad. The Government of the Republic of Serbia (in accordance with the new Law on Nature Protection, "Official Gazette RS" No. 36 of 15 May 2009) entrusted the State Enterprise "Srbijašume" Belgrade to be the Guardian Manager of the"Golija-Studenica" BR. The tasks of direct nature park management in the field are conducted by the Manager of the the ''Golija'' Nature Park and parts of SE for Forest Management "Srbijašume", i.e. the Forest Estates "Golija" - Ivanjica, "Šumarstvo" - Raška and "Stolovi" - Kraljevo. According to the Law on Nature Protection, the Protected Area Management Plan is a document by which the entity in charge of managing the protected area plans the following: measures and activities of protection, conservation, promotion and use of protected areas; guidelines and priorities for the protection and conservation of the protected area’s natural values, as well as development guidelines respecting the needs of local residents. The Manager draws up a Management Plan for a ten-year period, approved by the ministry responsible for environmental protection, because the Act on the Protection of Mountains Golija and Radočelo was adopted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia. The Management Plan of "Golija" Nature Park, within which the "Golija - Studenica" BR is found, was made for the period 2011-2020 and in accordance with: • the Law on Nature Protection (Article 53 prescribes the contents of the Plan) and • the Decree on the Protection of "Golija" Nature Park ("Official Gazette RS", No. 45/2001 of 20 July 2001). GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 22 The objectives of environmental and nature protection in the area of "Golija" NP and "Golija Studenica" BR are: (1) The preservation, protection and enhancement of sites of special natural value and rarity and their appropriate use for scientific research, education, public presentation and recreation, in accordance with the ecological potentials of the area; (2) the preservation of biodiversity; (3) the preservation, protection and improvement of landscape and environmental values of the area including flora, fauna, soil, water, air, forests, pastures and meadows, hunting and fishing fauna, with their designated use on the principles of sustainable development; (4) the preservation, protection and promotion of Golija's cultural and historical heritage and environmental protection of immovable cultural assets; (5) organized, multidisciplinary and long-term scientific research of the Nature Park, education of all population groups and sectoral professions, presentation and popularization of the NP values; (6) conducting prevention of further disturbance and degradation of the park habitat through system management, control and monitoring and protection from natural disasters; (7) aimed development of existing and new activities based on resources and tradition of the park area and its immediate environment, the development of tourism, sport and recreation in accordance with the park functions; "Golija" NP Management Plan for the period 2011 - 2020, as a medium-term document, is realized through annual management programmes by which detailed and precise definition is given regarding tasks, works and activities, as well as the material-financial and organizational conditions of their execution. Scheduled tasks can be classified into 4 groups: 1) Continuous tasks: securing, keeping of internal order in "Golija" NP; marking, maintenance and arrangement of "Golija" NP; monitoring of natural values; scientific research and educational work; promotion and presentation of fundamental values of the protected area. 2) Urgent tasks: drafting detailed urban plans, planning documents; harmonization of plans and programems with the Decree on Protection; marking of "Golija" NP; equipping the Ranger Service; establishing the Water-Bailiff Service; legalization of constructed infrastructural facilities and individual objects that are compliant with the protection regimes; prevention of further illegal construction. 3) Priority tasks: identification of boundaries in the fiel; initiating the establishment of a database; designing of sites for "Golija" NP visitors; establishing cooperation with local residents, local self-government and other users of the protected area (PE of EPS, PE of PTT etc.). 4) Deferred tasks: tasks to be carried out after year 2015 in the field of tourism development, organic agriculture, establishment of the ecological network, monitoring etc. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 23 2.3.2 Budget and staff support, including approximate average annual amounts (or range from year-to-year); main sources of funds (including financial partnerships established (private/public), innovative financial schemes); special capital funds (if applicable); number of full and/or part-time staff; in-kind contribution of staff; volunteer contributions of time or other support. Given that the "Golija" NP Management Plan is drawn up for a period of 10 years, allocated funds are also included that need to be distributed for the Plan realization by institutions, which can be seen in the following table: No. Institution 1 SE “Srbijašume“ 2 Ministry of Environment Мinistry of Economy and Regional 3 Development – Tourism Sector Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and 4 Water Management 5 Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) 6 National Investment Plan (NIP) Amount (EUR) 823.883 823.883 % 40,00 40,00 123.582 6,00 102.985 5,00 82.388 61.791 4,00 3,00 41.194 2,00 2.059.708 100,00 7 Municipalities Total The area of the Biosphere Reserve is characterized by pronounced depopulation and underdevelopment. Thus the Manager has to cope with an extremely difficult task to cooperate with and educate the remaining elderly population and, on parallel with these activities, to contribute to a certain percentage of the displaced population to return to the Golija area. Of course, this is only possible with the support of relevant government authorities, primarily in the field of security and provision of necessary funding for the management of the Biosphere Reserve (in the period 2002-2011, the total costs of the activities undertaken to manage the "Golija" NP amounted to about € 3.2 million, while the co-funding from the Ministry of Environment was only € 465.853; other funding was provided by the Manager from forestry activity and partly from the fees collected for using the "Golija" NP). An Annual Management Plan for the "Golija" NP (within which the "Golija – Studenica" BR is found) is made by the Manager every year. At the moment there are 35 rangers employed on a permanent basis performing their duties to keep the "Golija" NP safe (an increase of employee number is planned from 35 to 40), As regards their engagement in 2016, the following funds are allocated: Predicted Gross Earnings for Ranger Service (EUR) MAEP: Manager: Collected Fees: Executor 75.833 WU“Golija Nature 31.700 Park“ 25.000 The activities within the "Golija" NP are partially performed by the relevant sectors/departments of the Manager (SE “Srbijašume“) that deal with: general & legal affairs, hunting, fishing & other resources, planning & forest management and finance & accounting. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 24 For the making of management documents for the "Golija" NP (Management Programme and Annual Performance Report) programmes and reports on managing fisheries areas, and for the development and implementation of strategic assessments of environmental impact and other programmes and projects, senior officers for private forests and environmental protection from three forest estates are responsible (FE “Golija“ - Ivanjica, FE “Stolovi“ - Kraljevo, FE “Šumarstvo“ – Raška), as well as the "Golija" NP Manager. Throughout the year, the "Golija" NP Manager is involved in the activities of realization and implementation control of the programmes and plans and coordination among forest estates and among local self-governments. For the work done by the senior officers and the Manager at the "Golija" NP, the funds are planned as follows: Predicted Gross Earnings for Other Staff Employed by the Manager (EUR) MAEP: 5.993 Manager: 19.173 Collected Fees: Executor WU “Golija Nature Park 2.3.3 Communications strategy for the biosphere reserve including different approaches and tools geared towards the community and/or towards soliciting outside support. Manager of the Biosphere Reserve employs efforts to maintain communication with all stakeholders in order to develop the Reserve in a sustainable way. In order to present the information about the Biosphere Reserve and its importance for sustainable development to as much people as possible, the manager has established the communication in the first place with a population that lives within the boundaries of the Biosphere Reserve, and then with other users of the Reserve and other stakeholders on both national and international level, who have interest in the Biosphere Reserve Golija-Studenica. A web site creation for Biosphere Reserve, as part of the "Srbijašume" website, or as a separate website, is one of the priorities in the coming period, since the manager has had no technical capabilities and capacities in the past considering the website. On this site, users will have the chance to get informed about the characteristics of Biosphere Reserve, the activities of the manager, as well as to give their suggestions on how to improve the current state of the reserve. It has also been planned to create a website portal which would enable the visitors to share different experiences and suggestions related to the Biosphere Reserve. 2.3.4 Strategies for fostering networks of cooperation in the biosphere reserve that serve as connections (“bridging”) among diverse groups in different sectors of the community (e.g. groups devoted to agricultural issues, local economic development, tourism, conservation of ecosystems, research and monitoring). The strategy for the promotion of cooperation between the various stakeholders in the Biosphere Reserve is based on their mutual connection, so that in their talks and the talks with the manager they might express their views and suggestions regarding further work within the Biosphere Reserve. One of the activities on the establishment of communication between different stakeholders is the establishment of the Council of Biosphere Reserve (2015), which is composed of the representatives of the institutions at the state and local levels, and has a role GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 25 in determining the current issues, encountered by the manager and the users, through the review of activities and the current situation, and in proposing actions for their elimination. In addition to forming the Council of Biosphere Reserve, the Forum of Stakeholders "Golija" was formed of the representatives of various stakeholders. Forum of Stakeholders "Golija" has the task to establish a dialogue in order to determine the current issues encountered by users of the Biosphere Reserve and the local population, and to inform the Council of Biosphere Reserve about that, so that the Council would take part in their solving. Municipal forums participating in the activities of Biosphere Reserve are an open group of members for each of the five municipalities of the Biosphere Reserve. These forums are composed of all stakeholders (governmental agencies, NGOs, representatives of local people, entrepreneurs, etc.) that have an interest in the Biosphere Reserve. Of particular importance is the strategy for working with the local population residing within the boundaries of the Biosphere Reserve, and whose activities may lead to improvement or degradation of the state of the Reserve. The local population in relation to the manager of the Biosphere Reserve is a valuable source of information on various activities and processes within the Reserve. In the previous period, the cooperation / participation of different stakeholders was at the level of information and consultation, and the plan for future is that stakeholders become involved as an equal partner in decision-making at the Biosphere Reserve (Arnstein, 1969). 2.3.5 Particular vision and approaches adopted for addressing the sociocultural context and role of the biosphere reserve (e.g. promotion of local heritage resources, history, cultural and cross-cultural learning opportunities; cooperation with local population; reaching out to recent immigrant groups, indigenous people etc.). In 2012 the Municipal Administration of Ivanjica marked pedestrian paths and arranged lake shores in the Nature Park "Golija", as part of the project "Golija lakes-myths and legends". At the area surrounding Košaninova lakes and Nebeska suza lakes two mountain trails have been planned. The first mountain trail Pridvorica - Košaninova lakes - Slatina - Braduljica Pridvorica is 14 km long and it is categorized as an easy hiking trail. The route of this circular trail begins in the village of Pridvorica then continues along the river Studenica and towards Košaninova lakes to the site Molitva as the final destination. In the opposite direction the trail goes down the river Studenica to the village Slatina and further partly through regional road Ivanjica - Studenica to the site Braduljica, and then over the hill Gradina all the way to the village of Pridvorica. Another mountain trail is Dajića hill – Bele vode – Mrtvi kraj – Lovačka čeka - Okruglica lake at a length of about 16 km. Organized by the Republic Agency for Spatial Planning and the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning, a meeting entitled "The protection, development and management of Nature Park Golija and Biosphere Reserve Golija-Studenica" was held in June 7 and 8, 2012 at the Studenica monastery dormitory (near the monastery Studenica). The meeting was attended by the representatives of the Republic Agency for Spatial Planning, Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning, Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, the GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 26 Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, and the representatives of Association of National Parks and Protected Areas. "Srbijašume", the manager of the Nature Park "Golija" and the Youth Center "Duga" from Novi Pazar, implemented the project "Learning from Nature", in which the "Amphitheater in nature" was built in the protected area. The construction of the "Amphitheater in nature" is within the Nature Park "Golija", in the Municipality of Novi Pazar, Cadastral municipality Muhovo, cadastral lot no. 961, on the route Odvraćenica-Golijska river, at a site called "Muhovica". The "Amphitheater in nature" consists of sports court (classical field with two goals), playground for children (seesaw, wooden swings and benches) and a green classroom consisting of a part for the presenter/lecturer, wooden info board, desk and chair, a part with benches and two eaves, along with the part for the disabled children and the access path. "Amphitheater in nature" will be at the disposal of the visitors to Nature Park "Golija", members of the Youth Center "Duga" from Novi Pazar, primary and secondary schools, as well as universities in the Republic of Serbia and other institutions for education in nature. In 2013 Youth Office in Raška Municipality in cooperation with PE "Srbijašume" implemented a project on the mountain bike trails construction Raška - Kuti - Šeremetovica - Odvraćenica Jankov kamen - Devići – Rudno in the Nature Park "Golija". In 2014. Youth Office in Raška Municipality in cooperation with PE "Srbijašume" continued the implementation of the project "Completely naturally-going further", that is, the construction of cross country bike trails at the route Rudno-Gradac. Bicycle path is connected to the path on the route Raška - Kuti Šeremetovica - Odvraćenica - Jankov kamen - Devići - Rudno. The construction of trails included: GPS recording and routing, drafting the studies, development of the necessary road signs and poles, signposting with cleaning and clearing the terrain - digging holes, concrete works and installation of poles. 2.3.6 Use of traditional and local knowledge in the management of the biosphere reserve. The model of inclusion of traditional local knowledge and the knowledge related to management practices are connected to the work of advisory bodies, within which stakeholders and local communities participate in the development programs of the Biosphere Reserve. This pertains to the work of the Council of Biosphere Reserve, which is represented by the executive and decision-making body responsible for planning and management of the Biosphere Reserve. The Council has 9 to 11 members, one of whom is a president of the Forum of stakeholders "Golija". The Council of Biosphere Reserve, besides the key representatives of governmental institutions and civil society organizations, is attended by the representatives of local communities and the private sector. On the other hand, the Forum of stakeholders "Golija" is an advisory body consisting of 15 members representing a wide range of interests and knowledge of all stakeholders from all five municipalities surrounding the Biosphere Reserve: Ivanjica, Kraljevo, Novi Pazar, Raška and Sjenica. Members of the Forum are appointed from each municipal forum. Each municipal forum should nominate 3 members representing the range of interests and complementing each other (no need to duplicate roles) in different fields covering GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 27 all relevant developments activities (agriculture, tourism, education, civil sector, private initiatives, etc.). Municipal forums are open groups of members representing each of the five municipalities, which consist of all stakeholders (government agencies, NGOs, representatives of local people, private entrepreneurs, etc.) that have their interest in the Biosphere Reserve. The meetings are public and everyone from the municipality may attend and participate in the meetings and other gatherings. The meetings of the Forum of stakeholders "Golija" precede the meetings of the Council, so that the decision makers in the Council would be informed about attitudes and guidelines of the Forum by the Chairman of the Forum. Since the traditional knowledge related to the development management of the area of Biosphere Reserve has shown positive results leading to the strengthening of partnership between stakeholders from each municipality located in the surrounding of the Reserve, the workshops of educational character was held on December 11th, 2014 at the Studenica Monastery dormitory. The workshop was attended by the municipal officials in charge of development, agriculture and environmental protection sector, the representatives of tourist organizations, schools, NGOs, and youth offices from all five municipalities. The workshop was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, "Srbijašume" and WWF, Serbia. This workshop included interactive educational activities for the representatives of each municipality and sector, who presented their experience in managing the development of their sector at the area of the Biosphere Reserve, and gave their opinion on the presented models of good management practices in European biosphere reserves. This kind of work has enabled the participants to define the vision of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica", or what they wanted to achieve in the future development management of the area. These conclusions included the following: the area of Biosphere Reserve "Golija Studenica" is strictly controlled and regulated area in accordance with the needs of nature conservation and the local population protection, in which the schools have been reopened and multi-functional rural households and their operations have become hereditary, and the preserved natural and cultural heritage through sustainable tourism provides income to the local population residing in and around the reserve. Participants of the meeting also expressed the initiative that one of the activities of the Council of Biosphere Reserve and the Forum of stakeholders "Golija" should be the support to educational programs and trainings that would enable the representatives of institutions and organizations in the certain sectors (tourism, agriculture, economy, education, culture) of some municipalities to present their good practices and to implement training for involvement of people from other municipalities in the same or similar programs. Such an approach would enable the expansion of specific activities and programs, and the creation of new development initiatives. 2.3.7 Community cultural development initiatives. Programmes and actions to promote community language, and, both tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Are spiritual and cultural values and customary practices promoted and transmitted? The Biosphere Reserve Golija – Studenica include parts of the two municipalities Ivanjica and Kraljevo, and 19 cadastral municipalities and parts of 8 cadastral municipalities: GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 28 Municipality of Ivanjica: cadastral municipalities of Brusnik, Vionica, Vrmbaje, Vučak, Glenica, Gradac, Dajići, Dobri do, Koritnik, Kumanica, Čečina, and parts of Erčege, Bratljevo, Medovine and Smiljevac; Municipality of Kraljevo: cadastral municipalities of Brezova, Bzovik, Vrh, Dolac, Dražiniće, Miliće, Reka, Rudno, and parts of Savovo, Orlja glava, Ušće and Zasad. The Transition Area, within the boundaries of the Golija – Studenica Biosphere Reserve, has dispersed rural communities` characteristic of mountainous regions. Such settlements occupy a large area and are divided into hamlets. The central part of the settlements and hamlets as well as individual households is spatially dispersed. The names of hamlets are given usually by the people who established them. The largest settlements are Brezova and Koritnik, followed by Međurečje, Bratljevo, Kovilje, Bele Vode, Deviće, Studenica, Savovo, and others. The smallest settlements are Gradac and Vrh. Life on Golija is at the crossroads of traditional and modern way of life. The major activity is livestock rearing and extensive farming, and collecting secondary forest products (mushrooms, medicinal herbs, etc.). Production of diary products, cheese and kajmak (type of cream), of which people survived for centuries on Golija, begun to wane due to decrease in cattle number and depopulation. Golija is well known of its potatoes production. They mostly distribute their products to Ivanjica and Kraljevo, less to the larger cities of Serbia, and negligee export. The largest population is Serbian, and the number of minorities is very small. Golija was a centre of spiritual and religious life from the middle Ages through the 17th century. The cultural and historical value of Golija is characterised by numerous traces and presence of cultural and historical heritage throughout the area. The monument of culture of exceptional significance is Monastery of Studenica. It was founded in late 12th century, as the main endowment of the founder of the Nemajić’s Dynasty, Stefan Nemanja. It became the most significant spiritual centre of new Serb Medieval State, with the greatest influence on the social and cultural development of the country. It was frequently destroyed and restored. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Monastery complex consisted of 13 churches with other buildings, of which today there are only two: Church of Virgin “Bogorodičina” and Church „Joachim and Ann“. Monastery Studenica, is undoubtedly one of the most valuable buildings among the Serbian masterpieces and one of the most significant centres of Medieval events. As its value surpasses the borders of our country, it is on UNESCO List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage since 1986. Monuments of culture of high significance are: Church St. Aleksija (17th century, Milići), Church St. George (12th century, Vrh), Church of Virgin (15th century, Dolac), Church St. Nicolas (14th century, Palež), Gornja Isposnica (13th century, Savovo), Donja Isposnica (13th century, Savovo), Monastery Kovilje (17th century, Pridvorica) and Holy Transfiguration Church (12th century, Pridvorica). GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 29 Monuments of culture – cultural heritage (declared, uncategorized): Church of St. Kuzman and Damjan (17th century, Ostatija), House of Venejamin Marinković (19th century, Vionica), Church of St. Nicolas (Rudno), House of Periša Damjanović (19th century, Dražiniće, Rudno). Monuments of culture – recorded (Data of the Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments from Kraljevo): Old bridge (16th – 17th century, Kumanica), Gradac Cross (17th century, Gradac), Church in Srednja Reka (Srednja Reka). 2.3.8 Specify the number of spoken and written languages (including ethnic, minority and endangered languages) in the biosphere reserve. Has there been a change in the number of spoken and written languages? Has there been a revitalization programme for endangered languages? The main language spoken in the Biosphere Reserve is Serbian. Majority of the population are Orthodox Christians. 2.3.8 Management effectiveness. Obstacles encountered in the management/coordination of the biosphere reserve or challenges to its effective functioning. The Management of the "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve is faced with a number of challenges, which negatively affects the implementation of plans as well as the preservation of all the natural, cultural and historical values of the Biosphere Reserve. The most common challenges are as follows: legal and physical persons involved do not adopt/act in accordance with urban plans, /forest/hunting/fisheries/fishing/water management plans and/or other projects and programmes adopted in compliance with the Spatial Plan of Special Purpose for Golija Nature Park; they do not act in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Nature Protection related to the following obligations: to obtain Conditions for Nature and Environmental Protection; to provide appropriate approvals for undertaking various activities on the territory of the Biosphere Reserve and to act in compliance with the adopted urban plans, projects and various other management plans; they do not introduce a uniform waste management system in the area of the Biosphere Reserve; they do not adequately address the construction of the sewage system in the settlements and future tourist centres in the "Golija" Nature Park area; they do not establish an adequate system of energy use in the "Golija" NP area. 2.4 Comment on the following matters of special interest in regard to this biosphere reserve: (Refer to other sections below where appropriate). 2.4.1 Is the biosphere reserve addressed specifically in any local, regional or/and national development plan? If so, what plan(s)? Briefly describe such plans that have been completed or revised in the past 10 years. - According to the Spatial Plan of the Nature Park Golija, and for the purpose of the Biosphere Reserve, it has been planned to build facilities for the Reserve (Center of the Nature Park in Bele vode, other centers of the Nature Park in Golijska reka and Šeremetovica, the Scientific-research and educational centers in Šeremetovica, Kovilj and GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 30 Srednja reka, the Forestry and hunting centers in the villages, the Forestry and hunting centers outside the settlements, the Development center of the Park, the Information centres within each sub-municipal and municipal center). The main hunting and tourism offer consists of hunting the bred species and game animals (deer and wild boar), to the extent and under conditions which do not conflict with the provisions of the Protection of Nature Park and Biosphere Reserve. - Development Strategy of the City of Kraljevo and the Strategies of the Municipalities of Ivanjica and Raška include a part that refers to the Biosphere Reserve. - The basics of forest management, and the basic documents on hunting and fishing. - Strategy of Tourism Development of the Republic of Serbia, which treats Golija as tourism cluster in south-west Serbia – History and traditions of the rural pleasures. - Spatial plan of special purpose for Nature Park Golija. - Master plan of tourism development on Golija: a. Recommends the focus on the following tourism products: mountain vacation (winter and summer; skiing, sledding, snowboarding, hiking, mountaineering, cycling, etc), tourism of special interests (walking, trekking, hiking, biking, rafting, kayaking, horseback riding, observing flora and fauna, cultural activities, etc), rural tourism (ecotourism, enjoy in the rural scenery, gastronomy, outdoor activities), MICE (learning about the flora and fauna, team building, festivals, events, etc). b. The list of proposed projects: Education programs on tourism and touristic activities for local population; Program of Healthy food for tourism market; Panoramic path Golija; Tourist signage and interpretation; System of Golija’s viewpoints; System of internal mobility and parking; Interpretation centers; System of pedestrian and bike trails; Pedestrian trail “The story of the mountain”; Trails for Nordic skiing; Adventure park; Rudno eco/ethno village; Interpretation of the wider area of Monastery of Studenica. 2.4.2 Outcomes of management/cooperation plans of government agencies and other organizations in the biosphere reserve. Development of the Program of protection and development of the Biosphere Reserve "GolijaStudenica" and its implementation are part of the ongoing process of protection and development management, and therefore a good organization is needed for the long-term operations and activities. The program defines the main directions of the organization and coordination of development and protection of the Nature Park Golija: - Improvement of organizational and personnel structures of the Park Administration for the implementation of environmental protection, development and monitoring, and other allocated tasks. - Improvement of the organization is aimed at personnel and modern technological equipment of employees at the Park Administration for the purpose of development activities implementation, which is related to the project development cycle - initiating, proposing cooperation in research, conducting part of the research and similar activities, with emphasis on feasibility studies for development projects, which are complementary to the basic tourism orientation within the Nature Park Golija development (agriculture, animal breeding, beekeeping, crafts, the so-called "pure industries", traditional forms of economic activity), and hiring a small number of highly qualified professionals (forestry engineer, an economist, spatial / urban planner, biologist, etc.) at the Park Administration, in accordance with the organization of activities and tasks stipulated by legal acts of the Park Administration. Most part of the planned tasks and activities should be performed by the organizational departments within "Srbijašume", as well as the competent institutions in the GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 31 field of nature and culture protection, and professional and competent institutions outside the area of the Nature Park Golija. - The coordination of the overall conservation and development activities at the Nature Park Golija and the wider area of the Park is performed in coordination between the Park Administration and users, in the scope of implementation of tasks and activities of common interest to the Nature Park Golija. - The manager identifies all users of the Nature Park area and establishes cooperation with them, including local self-governments on the territory of the Park, and all relevant tourism organizations, other businesses and local residents. 2.4.3 Continued involvement of local people in the work of the biosphere reserve. Which communities, groups, etc. How are they involved? The Manager of "Golija" NP and "Golija-Studenica" BR actively participates on the issues of cooperation and conflict resolution with local residents. Apart from the local population, in the cooperation are also included: NGOs, local self-government, the media, as well as local businesses. The following is a brief excerpt of work activities over the past 10 years, carried out by the Manager together with the interest groups in the area of the "Golija-Studenica" BR: Interest Group Purpose of Activity A joint initiative to design the site around the wellspring "Očna voda" took place. A traditional assembly (’Sabor’) took place at the site of Odvraćenicа. Local Residents On that occasion, the "Golija" NP Management took part in organizing and preparing the grounds for the follow-up activities of the Sabor. The Мanager attended "Nušićijada", a collage-like festival of culture Local Residents and entertainment in Ivanjica. On this occasion numerous art formats were presented as part of a rich academic and educational programme. The subject of the meeting with relevant institutions was: Prevention Local self-government of Illegal Construction on Golija and Legalization of Illegally Constructed Buildings. The subject of the meeting was: Joint Collaboration between "Golija" NP Management and Ivanjica Municipality on the implementation of Local self-government the Programme of Protected Area Management, Reconstruction of Rural Roads and Road Relocation near Dajićko Lake in order to maintain the status quo and prevent further deterioration of the lake. Meeting with the Head of the Environmental Protection & Occupational Health and Safety Department of Novi Pazar Local self-government Municipality. The subject of the meeting was: Illegal Picking of Indigenous Protected Blueberry Species (Vaccinium myrtillus) in the Protected Area of the "Golija" NP. The Public Service Broadcaster of Serbia, Ka Television Kraljevo, Melos TV Kraljevo, Raška TV, Novi Pazar Regional TV, Jedinstvo TV Novi Pazar are all the media that the Manager has cooperated The Media with for years as regards the presentation of natural and cultural values, protection against forest fires, waste disposal and various illegal activities. The "Golija" NP Manager also collaborates with the Local Residents GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 32 NGOs NGOs NGOs NGOs NGOs NGOs Legal Entities Legal Entities Legal Entities “Forestry Journal“ Belgrade. Cooperation with the NGO - Ibar Valley Development Association (IDA) within the project “Protection, Development and Promotion of Tourism Potential in Golija NP“; a partner relationship of the local government, state enterprise and civil society. NGO Golija Preservation and Development Association; the subject of the meeting was: “Realization of Joint Cooperation on the Management Programme Implementation for "Golija" NP Protected Area“. A mutual cooperation was agreed related to the setting up of information boards and signposts on the route Raška – Česta vrela Odvraćenica. NGO - Environmental and Forestry Centre "Silvija" from Novi Pazar was given approval for mutual collaboration and participation in the project “Water – Future Resource and Present Concern“. Cooperation was established with the Volunteer Fire Department Kraljevo (DVD Kraljevo). The "Golija" NP Manager attended the ceremonial session of the DVD Assembly on the premises of the fire station in Kraljevo and the wreath laying ceremony at the memorial plaque placed on the old fire station building. Cooperation was established and a conference held with the Hunting Association "Čemernica" from Ivanjica. A hunters’ meeting was organized called XIV Hunters’ Meeting (Sabor) "GOLIJA 2013". The Mountaineering Club "Stefan Nemanja" from Studenica asked for approval to organize the 9th Meeting of Mountaineers and Environmentalists on the site of Rudno in the period 09-12 August 2013. The Feast of Artisans (‘Slava’ - patron saint’s day of artisan guilds) was celebrated. It was attended by representatives of the following companies: Slatina, Radočelo, ŠPIK Ivanjica, Maja Ivanjica, joined by the representatives of the "Golija" NP Management. A meeting was organized on the premises of the company "Novi Pazar - Put AD" from Novi Pazar. The subject of the meeting was: “Construction of the Road Odvraćenica - Golijska Reka“. Cooperation was established with legal entities with a plan to construct Mini Hydro Power Plants (MHPP). Decision on the conditions for nature protection for the preparation of technical documentation and the establishment of MHPP "Vodice" on the Brusnik River, Ivanjica Municipality - issued by the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia to the company "Victoenergy" from Kruševac; Decision on the conditions for nature protection for the construction and establishment of MHPP "Rogopeč I"on the Brusnik River - issued by the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia to the company "Plamen AD"from Belgrade. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 33 2.4.4 Women’s roles. Do women participate in community organizations and decisionmaking processes? Are their interests and needs given equal consideration within the biosphere reserve? What incentives or programmes are in place to encourage their representation and participation? (e.g. was a “gender impact assessment” carried out?) Are there any studies that examine a) whether men and women have different access to and control over sources of income and b) which sources of income do women control? If so, provide reference of these studies and/or a paper copy in an annex. Women have the highest level of participation in the local organizations and the decisionmaking process regarding the Biosphere Reserve "Golija - Studenica". The representatives of women equally participate in all considerations, decisions, and consulting within the Municipal Boards, the Council of the Reserve, PE "Srbijašume", and others. 2.4.5 Are there any changes in the main protection regime of the core area(s) and of the buffer zone(s)? There is no change of the first and the second degree of protection. 2.4.6 What research and monitoring activities have been undertaken in the biosphere reserve by local universities, government agencies, stakeholders and/or linked with national and international programs? Josif Pančić, a known nature scientist, initiated floral research on Golija in the 19th century. He botanized in 1856, 1866 and 1875 respectively on Golija, Javor and Mučanj mountains, as mentioned in “Flora of the Dukedom of Serbia”, published in 1974 and its addition (Pančić, 1884). Pančić mentions 29 plant species. Studies of flora and vegetation and of algae and mosses, in the early 20th century are associated with Nedeljko Košanin. Particularly important is his work concerning hydrobiology of Dajić Lake (Košanin, 1908) and describes the initial state of the lake, which fifty years later was placed under governmental nature protection. Research of flora and vegetation in Golija was discontinued from the time of Košanin to the sixties, when it was resumed. Studies of flora, phytogeography, phytocoenology, and ecology by botanists and foresters in past decades increased the level of knowledge of the vegetation life on Golija. Blecić and Tatić (1962, 1964) studied the vegetation of juniper forests, meadows and pastures. Systematic and comprehensive team and stationary research of Golija mountain began in the seventies, guided by M. Gajić. Several new subspecies and varieties have been described. Many of the researches were used in preparing master or doctoral/PhD dissertations. The beststudied disciplines of natural history are geology, flora and vegetation; less research has been made in fauna. As to research in social sciences, historical studies are particularly intensive, because the region of Biosphere Reserve was the centre of the medieval Serbian State. A meteorological station was established at Bele Vode in 1955; the monitoring was daily until 1979. The nature of Golija has been also studied from the nature conservation aspect. The Institute of Nature Conservation of Serbia prepared the “Nature Protection Study of Nature Park Golija” (2001), on which basis The Regulation for Protection of Nature Park Golija was proclaimed. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 34 Golija has been included in the revised list of IBAs in Serbia6. PE „Srbijašume” perform research work in order to protect the forests against abiotic harmful effects. Some of the scientific papers related to abiotic research and monitoring are listed bellow: - Milanović A., Milovanović B. (2010): A review of climate features of Golija Mountain in the function of space evaluation. Zbornik radova PMF - Geografski institut, Beograd, iss. 58, pp. 29-46. - Urošev M. (2007): The Basin of Golijska Moravica – Hydrological analysis. Geografski institut „Jovan Cvijić“, SANU, pp. 123. - Simić M.M. (2003): Metallogeny of the northern part of the Golija ore district. Vesnik geologija, hidrologija i inženjerska geologija, iss. 53, pp. 345-402. - Antonović A. (2002) Thorium in Serbia. Vesnik - geologija, hidrologija i inženjerska geologija, iss. 52, pp. 157-181. Monitoring program in forestry has been effective from 1956. The detailed inventory of the forest ecosystems is one of the obligations defined by The Forestry Law. These actions must be taken every ten years. Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, conducts the activities in conservation and development of natural heritage of Serbia. The Institute has been performing research work and studying of the biodiversity and geodiversity in Golija for the last 50 years, as well as monitoring of the condition of natural resources for the last 20 years. Many other researches have been performed on Golija. One of the last is related to the preparation of “The medium-term program for the improvement of the fisheries in the fishing area of Nature Park Golija for the period 2009-2012”, which involved over 10 scientists from different institutions. The following scientific and professional papers have been published: - Jakšić, P. - ed (2008): Prime Butterfly Areas in Serbia. HabiProt, Beograd, pp. 76-79. - Lučić, A., Isajev V., Cvjetičanin R., Rakonjac Lj., Novaković M., Nikolić A., MladenovićDrinić S. (2011): Interpopulation genetic-ecological variation of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Serbia. Genetika, vol. 43, nr.1. pp.1-18. - Aleksić P., Jančić G. (2010): Protected areas in the function of biodiversity conservation in the state enterprise for forest management 'Srbijašume' Belgrade. Ecologica, vol. 17, iss. 59, pp. 381-386. - Pešić S., Avramović S. (2010): Apionidae i Nanophyidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) in Biosphere Reserve Golija-Studenica. Acta entomologica Serbica, vol. 15, nr. 2, pp. 195-204. - Sekulić, N., Šinžar-Sekulić, J. (eds.) (2010): Emerald Ecological Network in Serbia. Ministry of Environmental and Spatial Planning, Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Belgrade, pp. 64. - Gačić D.P., Puzović S., Zubić G. (2009): Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in Serbia: Principal threats and conservation measures. Šumarstvo, vol. 61, iss. 1-2, pp. 155-167. - Puzović, S., Sekulić, G., Stojnić, N., Grubač, B., Tucakov, M. (2009): Important bird areas in Serbia. Ministry of Environmental and Spatial Planning, Institute for Nature Conservation 6 Puzović et al, 2009. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 35 - - of Serbia, Provincial Secretariat of Environmental protection and Sustainable Development, Belgrade, pp. 136-139. Đikanović V., Jakovčev-Todorović D., Nikolić V., Paunović M., Cakić P. (2008): Qualitative composition of communities of aquatic macroinvertebrates along the course of the Golijska Moravica River (West-Central Serbia). Archives of Biological Sciences, vol. 60, iss. 1, pp. 133-144. Papp. B., Erzberger P. (2005): The bryophyte flora of Golija – Studenica biosphere reserve and some adjacent sites. Studia Botanica Hungarica 36. pp. 101 – 116. Miljanović D. (2005): Environmental status in Nature Park „Golija“. Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva, vol. 85, iss.1, pp.249-264. Pavlović, D., Panjković, B., Panić, I. (2004): Forests with Acer heldreichii Orph. on Golija mt. XI OPTIMA Meeting, Abstracts, 95. Beograd, 5-11. Socio-economic research was performed in the area of Golija (wider area of the biosphere reserve and nature park) for the Spatial plan of special purpose for Nature Park Golija, which was adopted in 2009. - Ostojić M.S., Topisirović Lj.M., Relić R.R., Jež G.M. (2010): Autochthonous technology of Golija cheese. Prehrambena industrija - mleko i mlečni proizvodi, vol. 21, nr. 1-2, pp. 46-51. - Savić M., Katić B., Mijajlović N. (2010): The condition of cattle breeding and sheep breeding in mountain Golija area. Ekonomika, vol. 56, iss. 1, pp. 87-95. - Relić R., Ostojić M.S., Vuković V.M., Jež G.M. (2009): Housing conditions and milk quality of cows from mountain Golija region. Prehrambena industrija - mleko i mlečni proizvodi, vol. 20, iss. 1-2, pp. 95-99. - Ljajić I., Uglić M., Ramović F. (2009): Road network of Pešter plateau and Golija mountain. Put i saobraćaj, vol. 56, iss. 3, pp. 37-44. - Kuzović Lj., Uglić M., Radićević V., Ljajić I., Stevanović N., Glavić D. (2009): The relevance of future motorway Belgrade-South Adriatic for qualitative traffic opening and development of Pešter plateau and Golija mountain. Put i saobraćaj, vol. 56, iss. 3, pp. 2736. - Vojković G., Stojanović B. (2006): Golija: Population development and perspectives. Stanovništvo, vol. 44, iss. 2, pp. 35-64. The Institute of Forestry implements the “Project: Assessment and monitoring of the effectsimpact of air pollution on forest ecosystems in Serbia” at the area of the Reserve. The project is funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, The Forests Administration, which is part of the international program ICP (International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests - ICP Forests) implemented across Europe. The ICP Forests program has been implemented in the Republic of Serbia since 2003. Monitoring of the state of forests according to this program is primarily related to the monitoring and assessment of defoliation and discoloration of the tree crowns on certain plots of bio-indicator points on the territory of the Republic of Serbia Experts of the Institute of Forestry together with the experts of Forest Management Units visited the area of Golija, as part of the project "Diagnosing the harmful organisms and the protection of forest plants health". When observing the forests and cultures, they were told to pay attention to certain issues, how to detect damage, how to sample, pack and deliver samples for testing. If the cause of the damage could be identified in the field, and if its biology was known, according to which the dynamics of spreading and the intensity of infestation could be GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 36 gauged, the containment measures were reommended on the site. In cases where it was necessary, samples were taken for laboratory testing, after which the results and recommendations of containment measures were submitted in writing. A PhD student of the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, researched orchids in Nature Park Golija in cooperation with the employees of the Park in June and August 2014. Monitoring of the strictly protected species of plants, animals and fungi, monitoring of the state of natural resources in the protected area (river water flows, land, forests, etc.), and the introduction of changes in the Annual operational plans of forest management is a regular activity of the forestry engineers at the Forest Management Units on the territory of the Nature Park "Golija". In the period April - September 2015 there was the monitoring of bark beetle in the protected area by placing pheromone traps with pheromones in spruce stands. On the territory of the Forest Management Unit "Stolovi" in Kraljevo 35 traps were set in "Radočelo - Crepuljnik" and 2 traps in "Gornja Studenica", where it was determined a strong infestation by spruce bark beetle. On the territory of FMU "Golija" Ivanjica 30 traps were set (in "Golija" it was 13 traps, in "Dajićke planine" it was 7 traps, in "Kolješnica" 3 traps, in "Brusničke šume" 3 traps and in "Crepuljnik" 4 traps), whereas on the territory of FMU "Šumarstvo" Raška 8 traps were placed ("Biser voda-Vranji krš-Lisa-Borje" 4 traps, "Divan-Lokve-Breze-Zimovnik" 2 traps and "Vlašica-Treštenac" 2 traps). Every year in the Reserve there are occurences of prohibited harvesting of blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus). The consequence of the use of prohibited tools for harvesting is the reduction in the areas with blueberry, and the reduction in the amounts of fruit, which represents a major threat to the survival of this protected species. In the period from July 10th to August 20th, 2015 the controls of the use and trade in protected species of blueberry were conducted at the area of Nature Park Golija, namely the following sites: Kuti, Šeremetovica, Jadovita, Česta Vrela, Žarsko polje, Kuzmičko polje, Grmičak, Pašajlijski do, Odvraćenica, Zabrđe, Radočelo and others. When controlling the use and trade in wild flora and fauna at the area of Golija, the guards of the protected area, forest engineers and the Head of the Nature Park ''Golija'', with the assistance of police officers from Novi Pazar, Raška and Ušće, and with the Republic inspector of environmental protection, noted that the number of harvesters with prohibited harvesting tools has significantly decreased, and most of them seen on the sight hand-picked the blueberries, which was a major breakthrough in the prevention and preservation of the protected species of blueberry and the natural habitat at the protected area of the Nature Park ''Golija'' and Biosphere Reserve ''Golija - Studenica''. When controlling the use and trade in protected species of blueberry at the area of Golija, a few people were caught harvesting blueberries in the improper way, and on that occasion their harvesting tools–the combs, which were causing damage to blueberries, were temporarily confiscated. No one of them had any certificate of the skills in harvesting the blueberries, nor the permit for harvesting the protected species of blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus). Republic inspector of environmental protection recorded these perpetrators, and misdemeanor charges will be filed against them. The controls were carried out on the use of stone slabs in a traditional way, as well as controls of quarries where the stone is used for roads, and their Contracts on the land lease, signed between land users (private people - the applicant) and Forest Management Units. The controls were carried out at 5 sites, "Bzeja", "Vrh", "Voznik I", "Voznik II " and "Ugljari". GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 37 The monitoring of the process of coniferous forests withering was continued, since there was intensification of this phenomenon, and the recovery measures were taken, which were in accordance with the written document on nature protection requirements and the approval of the competent Ministry, so that the removal of withereded and partially withereded trees, as a source of infection, was carried out. In order to effectively protect fish stocks in 2015, the special fish habitats have particularly been protected and controlled. All fishing waters are considered the special fish habitats in this area, except for the part of Studenica river from the inflow of Braduljica downstream to the border of the area and part of the river Brvenica from the village Gradac to the border of the area. Starting from natural and man-made values of the Golija area, priority tasks of scientific and educational work in the "Golija" Nature Park are: defining methods and ways to implement biodiversity monitoring; studying impacts of climate change on biodiversity in the Golija area; reintroduction of extinct plant and animal species; preservation and improvement of the condition of forest ecosystems; establishment of ecological networks; preservation and improvement of the condition of pastures and meadows; reintroduction of indigenous breeds of domestic animals; education of the local population on the protection of natural and man-made values in the "Golija" NP; education of the local population in the field of tourist valorization of the Golija area; raising awareness of local communities in order to protect Golija’s biodiversity; education of the local population in the field of sustainable use of forest fruits, medicinal herbs and mushrooms; education of different kinds of users of the "Golija" NP on the implementation of the prescribed protection regimes; education of the local population in the field of sustainable waste management; So far, cooperation with scientific and research institutions has been realized, but needs improvement. An example of good practice is Dr. Predrag Jakšić and the implementation of the project " Prime Butterfly Areas in Serbia" with monitoring and recording butterflies in the “Golija“ NP area. An Agreement on Strategic Partnership was signed between the State Enterprise "Srbijašume" and Belgrade University related to the establishment and functioning of Nature Studies, in the area of the "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve, "Golija" Nature Park and Ivanjica Air Spa; The Scientific-Research Society of Biology and Ecology Students "Josif Pančić" from Novi Sad was given approval to conduct research in the period 01 – 07 May 2013; Scientists from Serbia (Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade; State University of Novi Pazar) and Croatia (Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb) engaged in the collection of species of the genera Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera and Lepidopthera with the purpose of doing scientific investigation. The Institute of Forestry Belgrade carried out field research and reviewed one site in the FA “Ušće“, MU "Radočelo - Crepuljnik" - 16/a department, measuring 21.30 ha and located within the "Golija" NP. The above activities were carried out after FE "Stolovi" Kraljevo had submitted a Report on Drying Forests to the Institute of Forestry Belgrade. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 38 2.4.7 How have collective capacities for the overall governance of the biosphere reserve (e.g. organization of new networks of cooperation, partnerships) been strengthened? Since the designation of the Biosphere Reserve, all relevant institutions at national and local level have had a good cooperation in the decisions making regarding the management of Biosphere Reserve. Municipalities on the territory of Biosphere Reserve harmonize their plans and activities with the activities of the manager on the protection of fundamental values of the Reserve and its development. The improvement of good cooperation was done by establishing the Council of Biosphere Reserve in 2015, as well as by cooperation of this body with the Forum of stakeholders and relevant institutions in the field of nature conservation and other fields. The establishment of the Forum of stakeholders of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija - Studenica" as an advisory body, which should have 15 members covering a wide range of interests of all stakeholders from all five municipalities on the territory of the Nature Park "Golija", and its inclusion in the decision-making process within the Reserve, will enable a wider range of interests of different stakeholders in the future. The continuation of good cooperation between different factors and the inclusion of several factors involved in the planning process will in the future bring the application of a broader range of knowledge from various fields and strengthen the managing mechanisms of the Biosphere Reserve, as well as the cooperation with various institutions at national and international level. 2.4.8. Please provide some additional information about the interaction between the three zones. Zoning has not changed in the last ten years, and the areas which include different degrees of protection remained unchanged. 2.4.9 Participation of young people. How were young people involved in the organizations and community decision-making processes? How were their interests and needs considered within the biosphere reserve? What are the incentives or programs in place to encourage their participation? Numerous groups and schools are involved in environmental education and public awareness activities focused on Biosphere Reserve Golija – Studenica. Biosphere Reserve and Nature Park work together with schools on education of youth about the importance of biodiversity conservation and the environment. Rangers educate visitors about the conservation of biodiversity. In the previous period there were a lot of activities: A meeting was held between the "Golija" NP Management and the representatives of the Centre for Children and Youth "Duga" from Novi Pazar. The purpose of the meeting was to reach an agreement about joint realization of the project "Learning from Nature". Near the forest lodge in Studenica professional and educational activities were organized, i.e. occasional lectures for students attending "Stefan Nemanja" Elementary School from Studenica, "Milun Ivanović" Elementary School from Ušće and Secondary GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 39 Forestry School. The students became familiar with the importance and fundamental values of "Golija" NP, environmental protection, planting forest seedlings and proper arrangement of micro-localities. A total of 1.600 pieces of seedlings (1.500 conifer pieces and 100 broadleaf pieces) were either planted or distributed among the students. Nature Protection Day is traditionally celebrated with presenting basic information on "Golija" Nature Park and "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve. The teachers from the Forestry School and the Geography teacher from Studenica Elementary School were engaged to saz a few words about the importance of the environment and forest functions, highlighting the cultural and historical monuments in the protected area. A teacher from Forestry School, Vladimir Stojnić, introduced the students to the importance of renewable energy sources at the site of MHPP on the river Studenica . Each year the Manager provides the students and teachers with printed materials in the field of nature protection - the "Golija-Studenica" BR publication, "Golija" Nature Park maps, flyers on "Forest Fire Prevention" and "Gypsy Moth Suppression", "Forestry Journal" editions etc. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 40 3. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES: 3.1 If possible, provide an update in the ecosystem services provided by each ecosystem of the biosphere reserve and the beneficiaries of these services. (As per previous report and with reference to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Framework and The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) Framework ( and Biosphere reserves significantly contribute to preventing erosion, preserving soil fertility, water regulation, restoration of the water intake, the cycling of nutrients and absorption pollutants in water and air. On the recommendations of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Framework and The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) Framework a description is given on the importance of the BR ecosystem through various impacts and benefits that are realized. Food: Ecosystems provide the conditions for growing food. Food comes principally from managed agro-ecosystems but marine and freshwater systems or forests also provide food for human consumption. Wild foods from forests are often underestimated. Golija Mountain provides favourable conditions for the development of animal husbandry as the people’s core activity, which is determined by mountainous characteristics of the area, tradition and experience. In most cases, though, livestock is grown almost exclusively for the needs of GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 41 local residents. The traditional way of rural life and autarchic economy lasted for a long time in this area. In those conditions a minimal natural population growth was maintained, with a decrease only during the war years. People lived primarily on livestock production, only slightly on other forms of agricultural production. The production was mainly meant for family needs and for market sale of livestock, dry meat, wool, dairy products and wool products made by using adequate machines or tools, e.g. wool rollers on streams. Cosequently, the sales of these products provided for some other family needs. There are, however, significant differences between the valley villages and those in the higher mountain areas. In the lower parts of this mountain area the share of agricultural and fruit products is important but not dominant, while in the upper parts the share of these products is reduced to the production of potatoes and cabbage, partly barley, oats and buckwheat. Nevertheless, due to forest and water abundance, the overall activity is significantly supplemented by income from forestry, using forest fruits, beekeeping and hunting. In addition, the purchase of products is facilitated by various cooperatives through purchase/buying stations. Raw materials: Ecosystems provide a great diversity of materials for construction and fuel including wood, biofuels and plant oils that are directly derived from wild and cultivated plant species. Leading a traditional way of life, man is largely linked to natural environmental conditions soil, forest and water, but depends also on the relative positions of these resources (valley - hills mountains - water - climate). Tied to the mutual relations and positions of these resources, man adapts his occupation and household organization. Golija is quite typical when it comes to possible changes in the local environmental conditions in terms of economic activity and settlement. These changes are most related to various forms of relief and climate change, and together they represent a mosaic combination of the rural economy and housing. Forestry has provided the mountain villagers with numerous advantages, in the first place to sell firewood, timber and wood craft products and, of course, to manufacture countless objects for their own household needs, such as wooden dishes, barrels, agricultural tools etc. Still, the largest income from forestry has been realized through sawing various timber profiles for village GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 42 houses, cabins, watermills and for other construction needs. Due to the wealth of high-quality forests and a large number of fast watercourses with high falls, in various mountainous parts of Golija numerous small sawmills were built, as well as bigger, steam-powered ones to saw timber for the market. Most of them were on the fast Studenica tributaries - the Brusnik, Gradačka and Dajićka rivers, on the Studenica River itself and on the Moravica tributaries. In all the mountain villages family and common watermills were built. Only on the Brusnik River 48 watermills were recorded, due to the existence of several villages in the river basin. In many villages the production of charcoal and lime was developed, the production of which has declined, as has the collecting of forest fruits and herbal plants. According to the present level of exploration, no serious mineral deposits in the Golija area have been detected, except for those that are already in various stages of exploitation – e.g. coal and magnesite. Occurrences of strategic raw materials have not yet been thoroughly investigated. There are ongoing investigations of non-metallic raw materials for which the Ministry of Mines issued the permit. The following ore fields have been identified: I Lisa-Crni vrh, Radulovac, Golijska River; II Ostatija-Izubra, Kaludra; Muhovo; III Asanovo Village, Pridvorica, Hajdučko Hill, Ivanjica, containing as follows: Metals: iron - Radulovac, Vrh, Jurija, southern slopes of Radočelo, Perišin Stream, Skenderovac; lead and zinc – Crni vrh, Jurija, Asanovo Village, Radojevići and Dragovići; scheelite - from Radulovac to Šeremetovica, northern slopes of Golija and antimony - Ajdačko Hill; - Non-Metals: magnesite Lokve and Zimovnik (Gradac); occurrence of asbestos (Crni vrh); - Coal: lignite (Ušće); - Building and decorative stone: several quarries and borrow pits of building stone in limestone. - Traditionally used materials in the Golija-area architecture are: solid/decorative stone (Vrh); phyllite slates/schistose plates (Bzeja, Rudno, Vrh); tufa (Kamenska). Currently exploited: coal (Ušće), magnesite (Lokve, Zimovnik) and building stone of different quality. The largest number of quarries and borrow pits is registered in the municipality of Kraljevo (12 quarries and 17 borrow pits), followed by Ivanjica (Ivkovići, Ostatija, Ugljari, Gradina, Bojevo Hill) and Raška area (Biniće, Zvečarica, Binićko Field and Luke). The stone, coarsley finished, is mostly used for local needs (SE "Srbijašume" and private arrangements). GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 43 Fresh water: Ecosystems play a vital role in the global hydrological cycle, as they regulate the flow and purification of water. Vegetation and forests influence the quantity of water available locally. Golija watercourses are fast, mountainous and unpolluted. The most famous are: Biser voda, Devojačka voda, Bele vode, Česta vrela etc. On Golija there are also several permanent lakes and peat bogs , e.g. Dajićko Lake on the northwest slopes of Golija at an altitude of 1,556m and Košanin Lakes /Large and Small/ in a cove at Jelak below Crepuljnik, at an altitude of 900 m. In the surroundings of Golija there are also the following spas: Rajčinovića, Novopazarska, Jošanička, Mataruška, Bogutovačka, DonjaTrepča and Ovčar Banja. Mild forms of relief, dominant silicate surface with relatively well-developed soil, abundant and well-distributed rainfall and a wealth of watercourses and springs have all contributed to the northern part of Golija to become one of the most forested mountains in the country. The flowing waters of the Studenica and Moravica basin areas and other smaller tributaries have large flow rates that stay unchanged even in the period of low water level. Therefore, they have been declared as protected sources of national and regional importance. Groundwaters represent a valuable potential that is most widely used for individual supply of the population in the area. Favourable conditions exist in the area to build a number of small hydro-accumulations with the purpose of solving some local problems - protection from torrents, irrigation, making ponds, recreation etc., as well as for energy purposes - small hydro plants, with an optimal estimated number of 15-20. Main socio-economic characteristics of the area (population, type of settlements, kind and scope of activity) determine the basis for assessing current needs of the population which amount to about 400,000 m3/year, with an average specific consumption of 80 liters / person / day. There are 23 villages recorded to have captures for water supply, i.e. 115 captures for individual consumers, with a capacity of less than 0.10 liters/sec. Almost half of these capped sources has a capacity of less than or equal to 0.20 liters/sec. Part of the local water supplies does not meet the sanitary and technical requirements, and the captures are made in a primitive way, without sanitary protection zones. The competent services do not possess any detailed information on the situation in the field. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 44 Medicinal resources: Ecosystems and biodiversity provide many plants used as traditional medicines as well as providing the raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry. All ecosystems are a potential source of medicinal resources. Controlled collecting of forest fruits and medicinal and aromatic plants in natural habitats is done in accordance with the Decree on Putting under Control the Use and Trade of Wild Flora and Fauna ("RS Official Gazette", No. 31/2005). Collection, use and trade of protected species are placed under control in order to ensure their sustainable use by preventing the collection of these types from natural habitats in such quantities and in such a manner that would endanger their survival, structure and stability of living communities. The Decree provides a list of the wild flora and fungi species placed under control, as well as wild fauna species. The Ministry responsible for environmental affairs shall issue a permit for collection of protected species (medicinal herbs, forest fruits/berries, mushrooms etc.) for commercial purposes upon prior opinion received from the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia. Local climate and air quality: Trees provide shade whilst forests influence rainfall and water availability both locally and regionally. Trees or other plants also play an important role in regulating air quality by removing pollutants from the atmosphere. On the vertical profile there is a notable regularity in the occurrence of belts of oak forests, beech forests, forests of beech, fir and spruce, as well as spruce forests located in the highest mountain parts. These very forests have the strongest impact on the microclimate of the entire Golija area, its air quality and the multifunctional role of forests. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 45 Air pollution is present in the settlements on the area periphery and in mining and qurrying zones (SO2, dust particles, soot). In both cases, the levels are within the maximum allowable concentration, indicating a small emission potential of existing contaminants. The values for period 1985-1995 measured by the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute are almost the lowest as compared to other parts of Serbia, with an average annual deposition of sulfur, nitrogen and heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium and zinc). This indicates a favourable condition of high air quality in the Golija area. Carbon sequestration and storage: Ecosystems regulate the global climate by storing and sequestering greenhouse gases. As trees and plants grow, they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and effectively lock it away in their tissues. In this way forest ecosystems are carbon stores. Biodiversity also plays an important role by improving the capacity of ecosystems to adapt to the effects of climate change. Moderation of extreme events: Extreme weather events or natural hazards include floods, storms, tsunamis, avalanches and landslides. Ecosystems and living organisms create buffers against natural disasters, thereby preventing possible damage. For example, wetlands can soak up flood water whilst trees can stabilize slopes. Coral reefs and mangroves help protect coastlines from storm damage. Seismic activity in the Golija area is low to moderate and characterized by zones 6º MCS. However, a positive growth rate of seismicity in most parts of the area can be expected. Protection against bad weather conditions in summer (storms with wind outburst clouds, lightning, city, drought, high temperatures, etc.) and winter (heavy snow, ice, cold, etc.) is achieved through beneficial forest impact – afforestation, reforestation and the like. Waste-water treatment: Ecosystems such as wetlands filter both human and animal waste and act as a natural buffer to the surrounding environment. Through the biological activity of microorganisms in the soil, most waste is broken down. Thereby pathogens (disease causing microbes) are eliminated, and the level of nutrients and pollution is reduced. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 46 Due to the presence of large forest areas in the Biosphere Reserve, the quality of surface waters has been mostly preserved. Water quality of the two largest rivers, the Moravica and the Studenica, does not meet all the required criteria (at the low level of the criteria class required). Dominant pollution is caused by organic substances from the village. Among the many parameters on which to determine the quality of water, the most significant are: total residue in evaporation (mg/l), biochemical oxygen demand for 5 days (BOD - mgO2/l) and water saprobity. The waters of the Studenica (measuring station Ušće) and the Moravica (measuring station Gradina, outside the study area), according to the first criterion, are among the cleanest rivers (class I). According to the second criterion, the Studenica is not in class I, but in class II, while the Moravica waters are in class I. At both stations, Ušće and Gradina, there is a -mesosaprobic water condition (class II). These two rivers are clean mountain rivers in source branches, as well as all the other water courses which this area is abundant in. Systems for fecal and wastewater removal do not exist. The problem is solved at the level of individual households or large consumers (public, commercial buildings) by construction of septic tanks, pit toilets and the like. Erosion prevention and maintenance of soil fertility: Soil erosion is a key factor in the process of land degradation and desertification. Vegetation cover provides a vital regulating service by preventing soil erosion. Soil fertility is essential for plant growth and agriculture and well functioning ecosystems supply the soil with nutrients required to support plant growth. Great lithostratigraphic diversity and high degree of tectonic fragmentation of rock masses, in synergy with other factors, determine terrain categorization according to engineering-geological properties upon which the conditions of construction depend. Disintegration of the rock mass, along with unfavourable morphological conditions, is conducive to the development of erosion processes and the torrential activity of mountain watercourses. Sediment production and its permanent removal are not evenly distributed throughout the area. Among modern exogenous processes there are also other forms and phenomena, such as: landslides, dredging and washing, torrential streams, mudslides and karstification processes. Undoubtedly, a large area under forests and meadows with lush vegetation has a positive impact on reducing the incidence of erosion processes. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 47 Pollination: Insects and wind pollinate plants and trees which is essential for the development of fruits, vegetables and seeds. Animal pollination is an ecosystem service mainly provided by insects but also by some birds and bats. Some 87 out of the 115 leading global food crops depend upon animal pollination including important cash crops such as cocoa and coffee (Klein et al. 2007). Meadows and pastures are mosaically spread in the area and in relation to their height position they can be of hilly/mountainous character. Fifteen meadow phytocoenoses are recorded. Insects that occur in the Biosphere Reserve area positively affect pollination. Biological control: Ecosystems are important for regulating pests and vector borne diseases that attack plants, animals and people. Ecosystems regulate pests and diseases through the activities of predators and parasites. Birds, bats, flies, wasps, frogs and fungi all act as natural controls. Golija is a mountain massif of high biodiversity and one of the most important European centres of ornithological, species and genetic diversity. It is the birds that affect maintaining balance and control of pest insects found within the food chain. On Golija, so far 45 bird species have been recorded that belong to the group of natural rarities. Approximately 90 recorded species are candidates for the Red Book of Birds in Serbia. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 48 The most prominent birds encountered in the mountainous terrains of Golija are: the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), capercaillie/wood grouse (Tetrao urogallus), hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia), mountain woodpecker (Dendrocopos leucotus), spotted nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes), red-breasted flycatcher (Ficedula parva) and many more. Habitats for species: Habitats provide everything that an individual plant or animal needs to survive: food; water; and shelter. Each ecosystem provides different habitats that can be essential for a species’ lifecycle. Migratory species including birds, fish, mammals and insects all depend upon different ecosystems during their movements. Floristic biodiversity of Golija consist of cca. 900 taxa, of which 729 vascular plants species, 40 moss species, 117 species and varieties of algae. Of these 729 vascular plats species, 24 are Pteridophyta, 5 are Coniferophytina and 700 are Magnoliophytina. Twenty percent of all Serbian plant species grow on Golija, which is also one of the most important centres of relict plant species in Serbia and represents, along with Tara Mountain, an important Tertiary relicts centre in the western part of Serbia. The endemic and relict species Acer heldreichii, with its forest communities, in botanical terms, is the symbol of the Golija Mountain. Areas of preserved deciduous and coniferous deciduous primeval types of forests, as well as coniferous forests, especially the subalpian spruce, are extremely significant in botanical terms. Among big animals, the red deer is mentioned as an autochthonous representative of noble game, once very common in this region. Except for the red deer, the animal population also includes: the wild boar, roe deer, fox, wild cat, badger, pine marten, stone marten, weasel, otter etc. or a total of 50 mammal species. There are cca.150 bird species. The above stated indicates that the Biosphere Reserve is important for the survival of a diverse and abundant vegetative and animal life which has already disappeared forever from many regions of the country and Europe. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 49 Maintenance of genetic diversity: Genetic diversity is the variety of genes between and within species populations. Genetic diversity distinguishes different breeds or races from each other thus providing the basis for locally well-adapted cultivars and a gene pool for further developing commercial crops and livestock. Some habitats have an exceptionally high number of species which makes them more genetically diverse than others and are known as ‘biodiversity hotspots’. Forests are the most important source of biodiversity, playing a key role in maintaining the ecological processes and balance at the local, national, regional and global levels (ŠijačićNikolić and Milovanović, 2010). They are the backbone of many other organisms, since they have developed complex mechanisms to maintain high levels of genetic diversity. This area is of special importance as a centre of genetic, species and ecosystem diversity in the Balkans and Europe. In addition, Golija is the refuge of Tertiary flora in Serbia. Recreation and mental and physical health: GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 50 Walking and playing sports in green space is not only a good form of physical exercise but also lets people relax. The role that green space plays in maintaining mental and physical health is increasingly being recognized, despite difficulties of measurement. With the revival of economic activity and better organized tourism development, it has been made possible to use the rich tourist potential of Golija to its fullest, including various forms of mobile tourism trends. These are primarily all forms of leisure, sports and recreational activities - hiking, scouting, fitness - walking, cycling, ridingand other. The development of these activities on Golija is enabled by excellent natural conditions of the mountainous terrain, which, for the most part, continuously and gradually rises to the highest peaks, and is therefore characterized by mild natural saliency that facilitates movement and tracing of sports and recreational trails. It is also characterized by extraordinary landscapes and scenic views, important for sightseeing. For these reasons, excellent hiking, sports-recreationalhealth and scenic routes, itineraries and traverses can be traced across the most beautiful mountainous landscapes one can imagine. Tourism: Ecosystems and biodiversity play an important role for many kinds of tourism which in turn provides considerable economic benefits and is a vital source of income for many countries. In 2008 global earnings from tourism summed up to US$ 944 billion. Cultural and eco-tourism can also educate people about the importance of biological Total natural and cultural heritage of the "Golija- Studenica" Biosphere Reserve represents comparative advantages and an exceptional starting point in developing the following tourist services: special interests, rest, rural tourism, recreation and sports. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 51 Optimal ecological potential for tourism must be considered within the concept of sustainable tourism development in protected nature areas. Namely, in nature parks the construction for tourism purposes is prescribed in terms of scope and structure of the planned accommodation and other facilities, and the existing obligatory conformity with the use of other resources. Aesthetic appreciation and inspiration for culture, art and design: Language, knowledge and the natural environment have been intimately related throughout human history. Biodiversity, ecosystems and natural landscapes have been the source of inspiration for much of our art, culture and increasingly for science. The Golija area has always been the inspiration for various artistic, mostly painters, given the significant spiritual values and landscapes. The diversity, richness and beauty of the Golija landscape, its climatic conditions, preserved rural landscapes, clean watercourses, a rich cultural heritage, traditional forms of economic activity of the population, all these make for a great potential aimed at the development of various activities based on the principles of the traditional interwined with the modern to secure sustainability. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 52 Golija Mountain also boasts a rich cultural heritage, the most prominent highlights being the medieval monasteries of Studenica and Sopoćani, which have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The town of Ivanjica is situated at the foot of the mountain, on the river Moravica, famous for its stone bridge from the early 20th century, which is the largest singlearch bridge in the Balkans 3.2 Specify if there are any changes regarding the indicators of ecosystem services that are being used to evaluate the three functions (conservation, development and logistic) of the biosphere reserve. If yes, which ones and give details and update. There are no recorded significant changes in terms of indicators of ecosystem services which are regularly monitored by the "Golija" NP Ranger Service within the Biosphere Reserve. 3.3 Update description on biodiversity involved in the provision of ecosystems services in the biosphere reserve (e.g. species or groups of species involved). Monitoring by the NP Ranger Service has not revealed or recorded any new species within the Biosphere Reserve. 3.4 Specify whether any recent/updated ecosystem services assessment has been done for the biosphere reserve since its nomination/last report. If yes, please specify and indicate if and how this is being used in the management plan. Since the last Periodic Review Report not a single new ecosystem service of the Biosphere Reserve has been recorded. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 53 4. THE CONSERVATION FUNCTION: [This refers to programmes that seek to protect biodiversity at landscape and site levels and/or ecological functions that provide ecosystem goods and services in the biosphere reserve. While actions to address this function might be focused on core area(s) and buffer zone(s), ecosystem dynamics occur across a range of spatial and temporal scales throughout the biosphere reserve and beyond.] 4.1 Significant changes (if any) in the main habitat types, ecosystems, species or varieties of traditional or economic importance identified for the biosphere reserve, including natural processes or events, main human impacts, and/or relevant management practices (since the last report). - There have been no significant changes in the main habitat types of the Biosphere Reserve although in the previous period it was recorded the impact of the factors such as drought, floods or fire). However, there are gaps in monitoring capacity. - The occurrence of invasive species has not been observed. - When it comes to the use of natural resources by local people, the mostly collected are mushrooms and herbs. There were no records of the impact of these activities on the state of populations. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 54 The distribution of collection points in the area Golija Legend Purchase cells The border of the Nature Park "Golija" - The major problem was recorded in harvesting, or the ways of blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) harvesting. The consequence of the use of prohibited harvesting tools was the reduction in the areas with blueberry, and the reduction in the amount of fruits, which might pose a great threat to the survival of the protected species. - In the period from July 10th to August 20th, 2015 the controls of the use and trade in protected species of blueberry were conducted at the area of Nature Park Golija, namely the following sites: Kuti, Šeremetovica, Jadovita, Česta Vrela, Žarsko polje, Kuzmičko polje, GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 55 Grmičak, Pašajlijski do, Odvraćenica, Zabrđe, Radočelo and others. During the control it was observed on some sites in the lower areas that the blueberry has reached maturity. - When controlling the use and trade in wild flora and fauna at the area of Golija, the professionals of the PE ''Srbijašume'', Forest Management Unit ''Šumarstvo'' Raška, and Nature Park ''Golija'', with the assistance of police officers from Novi Pazar, Raška and Ušće, and with the Republic inspector of environmental protection, noted that the number of harvesters with prohibited harvesting tools has significantly decreased, and most of them seen on the sight hand-picked the blueberries, which was a major breakthrough in the prevention and preservation of the protected species of blueberry and the natural habitat at the protected area of the Nature Park ''Golija'' and Biosphere Reserve ''Golija - Studenica''. - When controlling the use and trade in protected species of blueberry at the area of Golija, a few people were caught harvesting blueberries in the improper way, and on that occasion their harvesting tools–the combs, which were causing damage to blueberries, were temporarily confiscated. No one of them had any certificate of the skills in harvesting the blueberries, nor the permit for harvesting the protected species of blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus). Republic inspector of environmental protection recorded these perpetrators, and misdemeanor charges will be filed against them. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 56 Distribution of points of blueberries Legend Purchase cells The border of the Nature Park "Golija" GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 57 4.2 Describe the main conservation programmes that have been conducted in the biosphere reserve over the past ten years as well as current on-going ones. Note their main goals and the scope of activities, e.g. biotic inventories, species-at-risk, landscape analyses, conservation stewardship actions. Cross reference to other sections below where appropriate. The Manager implemented the mid-term Golija NP Development and Protection Programme (2008-2012). In accordance with the Law on Nature Protection and by consent of the Ministry of Environment, the Manager also adopted the Protected Area Management Plan for 2011-2020 which determines the way protection is carried out and the protected area is used and managed by giving guidelines and priorities for the protection and conservation of natural values in the protected area. The area of "Golija-Studenica" BR is included in Forest Management Plans, i.e. in the forestry planning documents, adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Forest Management Plan (FMP) Golija Nature Park Development and Protection Programme 2008-2012 Golija Nature Park Management Plan 2011-2020 Main contents of the FMP: forest conditions; elaboration of general guidelines from the development plan; records and analysis of the management measures implemented; management plans by type and volume of work, time, place and manner of their implementation; forest values. The FMP is drawn up on the basis of established forest conditions in the field (stand inventories). The Manager draws up and implements the medium-term Development and Protection Programme which is adjusted to long-term planning documents, the current situation in the field and available funding according to volume of work, implementation dynamics and the funding necessary. According to the Nature Protection Law, the Protected Area Management Plan is a document according to which the subject in charge of protected area management plans the following: measures and activities for protection, conservation, promotion and use of the protected area; guidelines and priorities for the protection and conservation of natural values of the protected area; development guidelines respecting the needs of local residents. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 58 4.3 In what ways are conservation activities linked to, or integrated with, sustainable development issues (e.g. stewardship for conservation on private lands used for other purposes)? Sustainable development of the area of Biosphere Reserve is based on the principles defined in the National Strategy for Sustainable Development and the various national regulations and international initiatives and protocols signed by Serbia. Considering the national strategic framework, National Strategy for Sustainable Development, as one of the national priorities of sustainable development, stipulates the protection and improvement of environment and the rational use of natural resources, preservation and improvement of the system of environmental protection, reduction of pollution and environmental pressures, the use of natural resources so as to remain available for future generations, as well as the protection and conservation of biodiversity. As one of the activities in this field, we might mention the traditional activities taking place within the Reserve (the use of stone in a traditional architecture), while the sustainable development of eco and ethno tourism is conducted through the inclusion of rural households in the sector and the promotion of rural tourism, and thus the Biosphere Reserve. One of the activities applied in the forests within the Biosphere Reserve is forest certification, which is conducted by "Srbijašume". Forest certification is one of the fastest developed flexible tools that can be used to adjust forestry to contemporary understanding of "sustainable management", since among its standards there are also the principles and criteria that are directly linked with activities on the conservation of natural resources. The principles that have direct impact on forest conservation are the impact of forest on the environment and maintenance of the high conservation value forests - HCV. 4.4 How do you assess the effectiveness of actions or strategies applied? (Describe the methods, indicators used). Implementation of the current strategies has not significantly affected the functioning of the Biosphere Reserve. 4.5 What are the main factors that influenced (positively or negatively) the successes of conservation efforts in the entire biosphere reserve? Given the experiences and lessons learned in the past ten years, what new strategies or approaches will be imost effective for conservation for sustainable development? - The last decade was the warmest since 1850 when the recording began. Climatic changes have accelerated in the first decade of the XXI century, and the trend continued in the second decade, that is, 2011 was the warmest since the records are kept, and in 2012 it was stated that it was a year with extremely hot and extremely dry summer, the hottest and driest since the beginning of temperature measuring in Serbia. The previous absolute maximum number of tropical and summer days and tropical nights has been surpassed. The degradation and withering of forests is the result of a number of factors, primarily the topographical, climatic, paedological, biotic, anthropogenic and other factors. One of the most important factors affecting the forest withering has been the phenomenon of extremely dry months and high summer temperatures in recent years. In 2012 it was registered the phenomenon of a small-scale forests withering on some sites. Withering was observed in fir, GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 59 pine, spruce, beech, oak, hornbeam, ash and other species of all age groups. It was also stated that there had been a noticeable enlargement of the surfaces with the withering individual trees or groups of trees. Larger areas with withering trees have not been registered. However, weather conditions and the occurrence of bark beetles indicate the expansion and proliferation of negative factors. The areas with individual withered trees and small groups of withered trees must be part of the regular monitoring conducted by the manager in the coming period. In order to prevent the withering of trees and spreading of infection, adequate protective measures should be applied in the form of sanitary and silvicultural treatments (the cutting of withered, broken, uprooted and infected trees, establishment of forest order, careful selection and removal of semi-withered and infested trees, etc.), along with setting the pheromone traps (traps with slits, mesh traps, and combined traps). - At the area of the Reserve in 2014, at an altitude of 900 to 1200 m, due to heavy rainfall and low temperature, a damage was caused by ice, snow and wind. Negative impact of snow and wind on the trees is reflected in the breaking of branches and the whole trees under the weight of snow, and in the toppled trees with shallow roots, as caused by snow and wind disasters. Damage to forest ecosystems were on the sites of Bele Vode, Golijska river and Dajića lake, in the protection regime of the first, second and third degree. Since the snow disasters have caused the canopy stand to open, which entails the possibility of adverse impact of entomological and phytopathological diseases, it is necessary as soon as possible to apply recovery measures in order to alleviate the negative impact, but also the impact of the revitalization measures that will follow. The manager should remove the toppled, uprooted and broken trees. Prior to that it should do the marking of the wood mass, without delay, and take it away from the site. Upon removing the trees the manager should develop the area (establishment of the order), and conduct the recovery from the edamage. The site "Tresava na Belim vodama" has a developed and characteristic peat vegetation and the established protection regime of I (first) degree, which allows the special measures of tending and rehabilitation in case of natural disasters. - Based on the results of the regional climate model [3,4] of the resolution of 8km, it was estimated the possible change in the total amount of accumulated snow and the number of days with snow cover on the mountain Golija, for the season from November to April, and from December to February. Changes to the year 2100, according to the scenario RCP8.5 [5] are shown in Figure 1, as the relative difference compared to the thirty-year average value during the period 1971 - 2000. According to this scenario, by the end of the century a loss of 70% of the total accumulation of snow in both seasons migt be expected, along with the reduction in the number of days with snow cover by 47% during the season from November to April and by 42% for the season from December to February. Considering the fact that the mountains in Serbia during the season from December to February are mostly covered with snow, a reduction of 42% would mean the loss of snow cover during more than one month of the season. Although climate scenarios do not predict a decrease in the total precipitation of the area during the winter season [3], the reduction in the accumulation of snow is likely due to the fact that in a warmer climate during the winter months we may expect a larger share of rain in the total precipitation than the snow, compared to their ratio in the past. Otherwise, in Serbia over the past decades it was recorded the rapid rise in temperature at meteorological stations above 1000 m, compared to the rest of the country [6]. Even in the case of achieving international targets on the limited rise in the average global temperature of 2 ° C, the projections presented would be GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 60 in accordance with the estimates for the period 2041 - 2070, which would mean a reduction in the total accumulations of 50% and the reduction of the number of days of 25% or 20% depending on the season. Such drastic changes in addition to the direct negative effects on wildlife (some species of plants and animals and their habitats), would most certainly be reflected in the number of socioeconomic activities in this area, such as winter tourism. In such conditions the development of winter tourism would be conditioned by the production of artificial snow, which in addition to economic consequences would cause additional pressures on the environment (water and soil pollution, soil erosion, increase in the water use, and the increase in the energy consumption). It should be taken in consideration that the above mentioned changes in the climatology of snow would probably have a significant impact on the water regime in Golija, so that the intensive development of tourism infrastructure would be major challenge in terms of water supply, as well as in terms of defence against harmful effects of water. 4.6 Other comments/observations from a biosphere reserve perspective. There are no specific commentsin this view. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 61 5. THE DEVELOPMENT FUNCTION: [This refers to programmes that address sustainability issues at the individual livelihood and community levels, including economic trends in different sectors that drive the need to innovate and/or adapt, the main adaptive strategies being implemented within the biosphere reserve, and initiatives to develop certain sectors such as tourism to complement and/or compensate for losses in other markets, employment, and community well-being over the past ten years] In the last five year, several documents that affect the tourism development in the wider area of Golija have been issued: Strategy of Tourism Development of the Republic of Serbia, which treats Golija as tourism cluster in south-west Serbia – History and traditions of the rural pleasures. Spatial plan of special purpose for Nature Park Golija. Master plan of tourism development on Golija: a) Recommends the focus on the following tourism products: mountain vacation (winter and summer; skiing, sledding, snowboarding, hiking, mountaineering, cycling, etc), tourism of special interests (walking, trekking, hiking, biking, rafting, kayaking, horseback riding, observing flora and fauna, cultural activities, etc), rural tourism (ecotourism, enjoy in the rural scenery, gastronomy, outdoor activities), MICE (learning about the flora and fauna, team building, festivals, events, etc). b) The list of proposed projects: Education programs on tourism and touristic activities for local population; Program of Healthy food for tourism market; Panoramic path Golija; Tourist signage and interpretation; System of Golija’s viewpoints; System of internal mobility and parking; Interpretation centers; System of pedestrian and bike trails; Pedestrian trail “The story of the mountain”; Trails for Nordic skiing; Adventure park; Rudno eco/ethno village; Interpretation of the wider area of Monastery of Studenica. It should be noted that plans developed by different sectors, like tourism and nature protection / environment, are not always harmonised. According to the basic characteristics of tourism motives, the following basic forms of tourism are derived: 1. Recreation & Leisure tourism - summer and winter, for all visitor categories. Being the most popular among tourism forms, it may be organized in medium-high mountain localities at altitudes between 1,000 - 1,500 m ; GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 62 2. Health care & Recreation tourism - also in mid-high mountain localities, with the existence of adequate health facilities and recreational offerings; 3. Winter sports tourism - for beginners in medium-high localities and for alpine skiers in the high mountainous zone; 4. Ecotourism - related to villages, resorts and herdsmen’s settlements on high plains or plateaus, at altitudes above 800 m; 5. Rural tourism - with an organized offer in households; 6. Reduced distance (Excursion) & Mountain tourism; 7. Religious & Cultural tourism; 8. Hunting & Alternative tourism -related to environmental and naturalistic observation and research. 5.1 Briefly describe the prevailing trends over the past decade in each main sector of the economic base of the biosphere reserve (e.g. agriculture and forest activities, renewable resources, non-renewable resources, manufacturing and construction, tourism and other service industries). Over a lengthy period of time there has been a tendency of reducing the intensive use of arable land, which is already modest-sized, increasing the area under pastures and meadows at lower elevations, and overgrowing of high mountain pastures and meadows. Due to ever smaller livestock, traditional dairy production is gradually dying down, especially of cheese and ’kaymak’ (similar to clotted cream) products. There are no large herds of sheep and cattle any more as in the past, and hermen’s settlement are disappearing. No significant achievements in the fish production have been recorded yet, despite some exceptional potentials. In the area of the "Golija-Studenica" BR, the Forest Estate Ivanjica is dominant in the forestry field, covering 56.6% of the "Golija" NP territory, within which the Biosphere Reserve is situated. In the pre-crisis years the above FE used to organize a number of additional, non-core activities related to the following: small sawmills, wood-processing workshops, mushroom production, ponds, forest fruits/berries and the like. Local residents use their private forests primarily for their own needs, with firewood as the main product. 5.2 Describe the tourism industry in the biosphere reserve. Has tourism increased or decreased since nomination or the last periodic review? What new projects or initiatives have been undertaken? What types of tourism activities? What effect have these activities had on the economy, ecology and society of the biosphere reserve? Are there any studies that examine whether designation of the area as a biosphere reserve has influenced the number of tourists? Please provide the bibliographic information of any studies and/or a paper copy in an annex. The Biosphere Reserve is primarily an excursion tourism destination intended for study/educational tours, religious tours, hiking, biking etc. Rural tourism and ecotourism are rudimentary. Camping and recreation, especially Nordic skiing, are the most common activities. Hunting and fishing, as activities compatible with tourism, are also practised. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 63 The overall objective of the Business Plan of Tourism Development in the "Golija" NP and "Golija-Studenica" BR is the promotion and development of the protected areas through sustainable funding and improving tourism offer and contents. In addition, the Business Plan includes the following specific objectives: increasing visitor numbers, increasing resident local income through the provision of tourist services and increasing the Manager’s revenues through fee collection from the users of the protected areas. According to the Master Plan data, Golija disposes of a capacity of only 300 registered beds in the following hotels: the Studenica - quarters of the Studenica Monastery, the Golija and the Golijska Reka (on the Ivanjica side) and the motel "GOS" in Odvraćenica. The existing total accommodation capacity, as well as the overall tourism infrastructure are deficient to meet the demands of a modern tourist resort that Golija aspires to become. The Master Plan envisages an expansion in accommodation capacity worth about €142 million. An estimation that since year 2002 the Golija area has reported growth in terms of tourist numbers is considered highly important. Over 100,000 overnight stays are recorded annually, with slight fluctuations only. Thus Golija has been ranked among the top tourist resorts in Serbia. The Business Plan specifies that the development of commercial tourism also requires the construction of tourist, catering and sports facilities, regional and local infrastructure, as well as the construction of mountain tourist centres which can be realized only through the engagement of large investors and funds of the state, analogous to the tourism development of Kopaonik and Stara Planina. This, however, implies the establishment of priorities in the development of Golija at the national level. Initiating the development of commercial tourism based on the abovementioned would give a great impetus to the development of complementary tourism and other activities and services, such as motels, boarding houses, campgrounds, inns, related servicing/service facilities for the for the construction of which, as a rule, small enterprising investors are hired, mostly from the local area. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 64 Here a considerable share of rural tourism in a number of villages with relevant potential should be taken into account. Therefore, it is estimated that tourism development will stimulate the more enterprising households to seek interest in equipping and expanding their houses to be able to provide tourist services, including possible construction of family boarding houses, inns and similar facilities. 5.3 When applicable, describe other key sectors and uses such as agriculture, fishing, forestry. Have they increased or decreased since the nomination or the last periodic review? What kind of new projects or initiatives have been undertaken? What effect have they had on the economy and ecology of the biosphere reserve, and on its biodiversity? Are there any studies that examine whether designation as a biosphere reserve has influenced the frequency of its activities? If so, provide the bibliographic information of these studies and/or a paper copy in an annex. Other key sectors are forestry and agriculture. Forestry is the most stable economic activity of the area, with a minimum of development problems, because it functions as part of a single forest-economic system within the StatePublic Enterprise "Srbijašume". The Enterprise, as the official trustee or Manager of the “Golija“ NP, is obliged acc. to the NP Management Act to take care of all the work on the protection and promotion of this natural resource and to improve forestry programmes and expand its activities in accordance with the NP regimes of protection and sustainable development. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 65 Besides, forestry is the best organized and most significant economic activity in the area judging by tangible economic benefits, employment conditions and successfully balanced natural ecosystems. Forest estates within the Golija area have forest management plans and programmes which are largely harmonized with the protection and development conditions of the nature park. Considering the wealth of quality economic forests and a high volume of wood, additional forestry operations could be developed aimed at expanding and improving the NP activity resulting in the increase of the local employment rate. In agriculture, given the natural conditions of the relief and climate, the local population is engaged in crop and vegetable farming, fruit growing and animal husbandry. These require different types of activity improvement and incentive measures in the form of tax reliefs, favourable loans and subsidies/grants for specialized production of e.g. new types of fruits or raspberries and other high-quality organic foods of defined geographic origin, which includes the establishment of trade marks/brands to compete in the market. An improved agricultural production leads to increased market competitiveness and product profitability. All of the abovementioned should represent a strong impetus for rural households to perceive better prospects of surviving in the countryside. In the area, these are the fisheries production capacities: a trout pond for the production of rainbow trout on the Studenica River and a hatchery on the Braduljica, its left tributary; a hatchery on the Moravica near Međurečje, owned by SE "Srbijašume" - WU Ivanjica, whose construction is nearing completion, and a pond of 40-50 tons/year capacity with 50,000-60,000 eggs (spawn)/year owned by the Agricultural Cooperative "Ušće" on the Studenica in Mlanča. The existing fish-farming ponds, with appropriate reconstruction, as well as the introduction of modern production processes, could successfully be used in the future. A well-organized programme for agriculture improvement, which is defined by the Spatial Plan of Special Purpose for "Golija" Nature Park, could achieve market production, but the population needs to be given guarantee for marketing their surpluses. This requires funds of donations, small enterprising investors, favourable loans, adequate transportation means, a network of purchase stations, warehouses etc. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 66 5.4 How do economic activities in the biosphere benefit local communities? Local population directly collect income through activities and tourist attractions on their farms with accompanying tourist program (collecting medicinal herbs and forest fruits, bicycling, cooking and pickling, brandy, homemade food, visits to monasteries, etc.). There are no readily available data on economic impacts. Good example of development is village Rudno. The Table bellow shows the household income in the village of Rudno, established during the making of this village’s identification chart, through PLA/PRA method. The source of income has been ranked according to their significance, and percentage represents the number of households making profit through the stated activity. The research was conducted in 2008. AGRICULTURAL INCOME SOURCES LIVESTOCK SALE 1 (calves and lambs) 80 % POTATO SALE 2 40 % MILK SALE 3 70% CHEESE AND 4 DAIRY SALE 15% PIGS SALE 5 1% NON-AGRICULTURAL INCOME SOURCES 1 2 3 PENSION FUND 10% SALARY 2% AGRICULTURAL PENSION 30% 4 CONSTRUCTION AND FIREWOOD SALE 30% 5 FOREST-FRUITS AND MUSHROOM SALE 10% 6 VILLAGE TOURISM 10% GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 67 Six groups of basic households are shown here, according to their realized incomes. The data were generated during the making of the village identification chart. ABOVE AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD (1 %) salary and pension 2-3 tractors a greater number of machines truck averagely 5 ha of arable land averagely 0 ha of forests averagely 10-15 ha of pastures and meadows leased land milk and dairy sales income agricultural production income (potato) wood assorment sales income averagely 10-15 cattle, and more averagely30 sheep and more enough man-power ( own and seasonal) AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD (50 %) salary or pension tractor basic equipment averagely 2-3 ha of arable land averagely 1-3 ha of forests averagely o 2-3ha of pastures and meadows milk and dairy sales income agricultural production income (potato) forest-fruits and mushroom-collecting income averagely do 5 cattle averagely 10-15 sheep manpower (personal) SINGLE MEMBER HOUSEOLD (12 %) with or without pension tractor basic mechanization averagely 0.50 – 1 ha of arable land averagely 1-5 ha of forests averagely 1-3 of pastures and meadows unprocessed milk income forest-fruits and mushroom-collecting income farming (for personal use) averagely do10 cattle averagely do10 grla ovaca nedostatak radne snage ABOVE AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD (10 %) salary and pension 1-2 tractors machines averagely 3 ha of arable land averagely 5 ha of forests averagely 5-10 ha of pastures and meadows leased land milk and dairy sales income agricultural production income (potato) averagely 5-10 cattle, averagely 20 sheep man-power (seasonal) OLD HOUSEHOLD (20 %) pension tractor without agricultural mechanization averagely 1-2 ha of land a greater part of leased land milk production for personla use arable land for personal use 0,40-0,60 ha averagely 3 grla cattle averagely 5 grla sheep lack of manpower WEEKEND VISITORS (7 %) no mechanization occassional visits over the year owning around 0.50-5 ha of land leasing the land GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 68 5.5 How do you assess the effectiveness of actions or strategies applied? (Describe the methods, indicators). The possibility of achieving the set goals is analyzed from the perspective of the situational conditions, through a comparative assessment of the preferred/optimal and real/current state of the environment, or the so-called PESTEL - situational analysis and SWOT analysis. P (Political) – conditions under the policy, which means quick and efficient resolution of the issues and matters relating to the activities of the Manager and other interested legal entities and individuals in the protected area by the competent authorities and institutions at national and local levels, sanctioning of undue or unwarranted actions and unequivocal (political) support to the processes and procedures of harmonizing public/general, local and individual interests in favour of the interests of nature conservation and environmental protection. This condition is not sufficiently fulfilled and can pose problems in the implementation of the Management Plan in the next ten years. E (Economic) - economic conditions, which include permanent and stable funding of the Management Plan on the basis of the Law on Nature Protection and the Decree on the Protection of "Golija" Nature Park. This condition is fulfilled in part, because securing the necessary financial resources for now is mostly done from the activity of the Manager (forestry industry), and less from the Government Budget, and funds which are neither permanent nor stable regardless of the management plans and programmes documents of "Golija" NP. Provision of financial resources depends on the Manager’s ability to find and secure the funding necessary. S (Social) - social conditions, which include environmentally conscious and responsible local population with acceptable standards and perspective on life in the protected area. This condition is the least fulfilled, because "Golija" NP is characterized by relatively low population density, inadequate age structure of the local population, a low standard of living of the local population in the "Golija" NP area, underdevelopment of the necessary infrastructure for the purposes of agriculture, animal husbandry in the mountains and all forms of tourism. Although cooperation with the local population is relatively good and steadily improving, it is evident that a part of the local population considers the protection of the "Golija" NP to be a constraint, and not an opportunity for sustainable development and a better life. T (Technological) - technological conditions, which include the Manager’s disposal of: human resources, office space, other facilities and means of labour and telecommunications, equipment of the protected area related to utilities and transport infrastructure, and landscaped areas and facilities for recreation and visitor accommodation. This condition is partially fulfilled in the part that refers to the Manager, and in the coming period certain issues are expected to be gradually resolved so as to fulfill the conditions completely. E (Ecological) - ecological conditions, which include high quality of environmental factors and compliance with the quality standards, preservation of natural values, reduced risk of accidents. This condition is not fully met because there is a problem of illegal construction, ineffective waste management and the potential for a variety of negative impacts in the construction of the necessary infrastructure for the development of Alpine and Nordic skiing. L (Legal) - legal conditions, which include a rounded set of laws and bylaws relating to environmental protection, utilization of natural resources, construction and landscaping. This condition is mainly fulfilled and in the coming period adoption of bylaws in the field of nature conservation and protected areas management is expected. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 69 Synthesis of SWOT Analysis of "Golija" Nature Park area and "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve Area Potentials favourable geostrategic location; preserved healthy environment, favourable natural features and attractive landscape; protected natural values (forest and other ecosystems); wealth of natural resources: water, climate, forest, vegetation, soil, minerals, for different types of activities; exceptional natural and cultural-historical heritage; critical number of population and labour force; existing utilities and economic infrastructure; existing social and economic superstructure. Planning Opportunities protection of natural and cultural heritage; development of recreation, rural and health tourism and comparative activities; development of modern utilities and telecommunications infrastructure; development of modern transportation infrastructure; development of social, economic and housing superstructure; use of water sources and planned accumulations for the needs of local people and potential tourists. Area Limitations & Weaknesses Dangers in Planning • geomorphological inaccessibility; • weak natural resources for agriculture and other activities; • low economic growth; • low level of development of basic economic and utilities infrastructure, particularly transport; • low level of development of social superstructure (social institutions); • little or no development of the network of settlements, especially those above 1,000 m MASL; • high share of agricultural population engaged; • high level of depopulation and elderly population in settlements; • gradual increase in unplanned construction. • lack of financial resources; • disruption of the ecological balance due to busy traffic and economic activity; • high investments in development; • low awareness of the population on nature as a public good (non-acceptance of planning decisions). GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 70 5.6 Community economic development initiatives. What programmes exist to promote comprehensive strategies for economic innovation, change, and adaptation within the biosphere reserve, and to what extent are they implemented? Citizens Association for the Development of the Ibar Valley "IDA" from Kraljevo is a nonprofit organization (NPO), established to achieve the objectives in the field of sustainable socio-economic development of local communities. The objectives of the Association are: to promote understanding, mutual knowledge and cooperation of people and communities at national level within Europe and support a comprehensive and free communication among them, primarily in the fields of economy, culture, informing and politics; to promote social and economic position of local communities; to distribute humanitarian and financial assistance; to support the development of small and medium enterprises and agribusiness; to support initiatives aimed at local development and improving of living conditions; to develop rural areas and their communities; to engage in environmental protection; to support initiatives of vulnerable groups, especially young people and women and improve their position in society; to educate citizens on the issues that contribute to sustainable socio-economic development of local communities; to advocate breaking habits with regard to respecting the principles of sustainable development. The Manager of the "Golija" NP, within which the "Golija-Studenica" BR is found, has established a close cooperation with the Association and implemented several joint projects: Conducting a workshop in cooperation with the NGO/NPO Association ''IDA'' from Kraljevo on the subject: ''Opportunities for Sustainable Development of Agriculture and Tourism in Golija Nature Park '' and Golija - Studenica Biosphere Reserve''; Cooperation with the NGO/NPO Association ''IDA'' from Kraljevo within the project: "The Protection, Development and Promotion of Tourism Potential of Golija Nature Park"; a partner relationship of the local self-government, the state enterprise and civil society. With revitalised National MAB Committee (Sub-Committee for MAB and Climate Change of National Commission for UNESCO), educational activities are re-catalysed, like: Seminar/workshop on the ‘’Possible aspects of environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources in terms of rural development’’ held in in the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica" (Rudno village) for people from local community and local officers, decision makers from different rural centers. Seminar was implemented by NGO "Environmental Ambassadors" during the May 2011. ECO -CAMP was organized from 1st to 6th September 2011 in the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica" for 20 students and children from area of Biosphere Reserve. Educational camp was realized by NGO "Environmental Ambassadors" from Belgrade and supported by UNESCO participative program 2010/2011 through project Ecological footprint: analysis and training. Themes of the camp were the ecological footprint, biodiversity, protection of natural resources and their sustainable use. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 71 The Biosphere Reserve has an active participation in the campaign "Let’s clean up Serbia", which is held every year with great media coverage. 5.7 Local business or other economic development initiatives. Are there specific “green” alternatives being undertaken to address sustainability issues? What relationships (if any) are there among these different activities? The main land uses in transition area are forestry, traditional agriculture, hunting, tourism. The use of timber is done under defined Forestry management plans, developed by PE “Srbijašume”. Traditional farm activities are livestock rearing, dairying, farming and fruit growing. Old sorts of fruits and field crops are still growing in the area. The collection of secondary forest products (mushrooms, medicinal herbs, etc.) has been more popular in recent years. If the collection of protected species is for commercial purposes, it is necessary to obtain permission from Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning. Local inhabitants still use the stone in the traditional way (production of lime in limekiln used barks and trunks for fuel after forest cuttings; stone for house building and macadam road construction and reconstruction. Also, branches and small trunks of beech frequently use for charcoal production on traditional way. In the recent years, private households aspiring towards rural tourism development on Golija have contributed the most to the development of accommodation capacity. Cooperation was established with legal entities with a plan to construct Mini Hydro Power Plants (MHPP). Decision on the conditions for nature protection for the preparation of technical documentation and the establishment of MHPP "Vodice" on the Brusnik River, Ivanjica GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 72 Municipality - issued by the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia to the company "Victoenergy" from Kruševac; Decision on the conditions for nature protection for the construction and establishment of MHPP "Rogopeč I"on the Brusnik River - issued by the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia to the company "Plamen AD"from Belgrade. 5.8 Describe the main changes (if there are any) in terms of cultural values (religious, historical, political, social, ethnological) and others, if possible with distinction between material and intangible heritage. (c.f. UNESCO Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage 1972 and UNESCO Convention for the Safeguard of the Intangible Cultural Heritage 2003 ( and The people on Golija today are at a crossroads between the traditional and the modern. The modern lifestyle causes rural youth drain and young people are leaving their villages because “an easier and better life awaits in the nearby towns“. Consequently, the households are getting older and older. Traditional rural architecture of the region is disappearing. Only in a few places that are still left one can see how rural homesteads used to be organized in old times and what life used to be like then. New brick houses are being built near the old wooden log cabins, which are decrepit and falling into ruin. 5.9 Community support facilities and services. What programmes in/for the biosphere reserve address issues such as job preparation and skills training, health and social services, and social justice questions. What are the relationships among them and with community economic development? There is a visitor centre in Bele Vode, adapted for tourist visits in 2004. Accommodation facilities: hotel Golijska Reka (94 beds, currently out of function), hotel Studenica (60 beds), motel Rupe; forest houses in Filipova rava, Kumanica, Klekovica and Studenica; 400 beds in facilities of rural tourism and boarding houses. There are two camping areas: Dugi laz and Brevina. There are only few restaurant facilities (like Radočeko in Mlanči), beside those in accommodation. They are not ranked, with poor interior design and equipment and without recognizable offer. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 73 Sports and recreation facilities are in Golijska Reka (football field, sport courts and tennis courts, 3 km marked trail) and in Studenica (courts for handball, basketball and football). Along the Biosphere Reserve are marked hiking trails (like in Rudno village area 70 km hikung trails are marked). Viewpoints are: Kozje stene, Bojovo brdo, Preko brdo, Jankov kamen, Kamenito brdo, as well as Golo brdo. The ski infrastructure exists on Dajić hill, in Golijska Reka, as well as in Rudno. 5.10 What indicators are in place to assess the effectiveness of activities aiming to foster sustainable development? What have these indicators shown? Based on the monthly reports written according to previous reports by the Rangers of "Golija" NP and the Biosphere Reserve and on the Manager’s annual reports, an evaluation is made and planning documents are implemented in order to ensure sustainable development of the Biosphere Reserve. Monthly reports inter alia include data on: Activities on the improvement and promotion of the protected area; Activities of the Ranger Service on visitor control, prevention of illegal construction (notifications and other measures taken, meetings with relevant institutions and inspections, time when held etc.), prevention of illegal exploitation of natural resources in the protected area (reports filed on illegal use of stone, wood assortments, use of motor vehicles and boats, etc.). Activities on cooperation promotion and education of the local population; Records of submitted reports; Activities at presentations of the protected area (making posters, flyers, participating in seminars, exhibitions and various other events); Data on inspections by the Ministry. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 74 5.11 What are the main factors that influenced (positively or negatively) the success of development efforts in the entire biosphere reserve? Given the experiences and lessons learned in the past ten years, what new strategies or approaches will be most effective? The main negative factors Jurisdictional complexity; imprecision of certain legal solutions; autarchy, indecision or disinterest of certain competent institutions and individuals responsible; excessive assertiveness by area (things seen from one’s own angle only); non-synchronized measures; lack of recognizing opportunities, trends and ways of functioning of the area - so far, all these have featured a binding constraint to a proper, fair and serious approach and implementation of developmental functions of the Biosphere Reserve. Guest visits, mainly aimed at seeing the cultural-historical attractions and going on trips along the rivers located in the NP area, most often result in the problems to deal wih visitors’careless attitude towards nature (leaving behind garbage and non-estinguished campfires) that are solved on the spot. As expected, visitor numbers are the highest during the holidays and in the summer months. Visitor control is carried out by the ranger and water-bailiff services and other staff hired by the Manager who engage in the protected area management activities. The main positive factors A positive attitude, primarily of the local population, towards the conditions upon which certain activities are based and performed, as well as their expressed readiness to accept the solutions offered in certain fields are the foundation of building lasting relationships with positive financial effects for all the participants. In order to develop a high-quality and, most importantly, achievable and viable programme it is necessary (particularly in the first half of the year) that the competent institutions come to the completion and legal formalization of the projects started. Especially positive factors, which will have a positive impact on the BR developmental functions, are the adoption of the Spatial Plan of Special Purpose for the ''Golija'' NP and the drawing-up of the Master Plan for Tourism Development of the ''Golija" NP area. Lessons learned: It is very important for the Biosphere Reserve Management that the local communities recognize the value of natural areas in which they live, understand the importance of nature, accept the concept of sustainable development and protected areas (widely spread in other countries) and realize that living and working in a protected natural area that has the status of Biosphere Reserve represent a true benefit on its own. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 75 6. THE LOGISTIC FUNCTION: [This refers to programs that enhance the capacity of people and organizations in the biosphere reserve to address both conservation and development issues for sustainable development as well as research, monitoring, demonstration projects and education needed to deal with the specific context and conditions of the biosphere reserve.] 6.1 Describe the main institutions conducting research or monitoring in the biosphere reserve, and their programmes. Comment on organizational changes (if any) in these institutions over the past ten years as they relate to their work in the biosphere reserve. Implementation of the Management program of the Biosphere Reserve is conducted by the Administration of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica", an integral part of the Public Enterprise "Srbijašume". 6.2 Summarize the main themes of research and monitoring undertaken over the past ten years and the area(s) in which they were undertaken in order to address specific questions related to biosphere reserve management and for the implementation of the management plan (please refer to variables in Annex I). (For each specific topic provide reference citations. Provide the full citations alphabetically by lead author at the end of Section 6 or in a separate annex). Research, monitoring, education and training are being conducted by the manager of the biosphere reserve, variety of organizations and qualified individuals. The management has been taking care that all of these are consistent with the functions of Biosphere Reserve. This type of research is associated with socio-economic development of the area. Socio-economic research was performed at the area of Golija (wider area of the biosphere reserve and nature park) for the Spatial plan of special purpose for Nature Park Golija, which was adopted in 2009. Ostojić M.S., Topisirović Lj.M., Relić R.R., Jež G.M. (2010): Autochthonous technology of Golija cheese. Prehrambena industrija - mleko i mlečni proizvodi, vol. 21, nr. 1-2, pp. 46-51. Savić M., Katić B., Mijajlović N. (2010): The condition of cattle breeding and sheep breeding in mountain Golija area. Ekonomika, vol. 56, iss. 1, pp. 87-95. Relić R., Ostojić M.S., Vuković V.M., Jež G.M. (2009): Housing conditions and milk quality of cows from mountain Golija region. Prehrambena industrija - mleko i mlečni proizvodi, vol. 20, iss. 1-2, pp. 95-99. Ljajić I., Uglić M., Ramović F. (2009): Road network of Pešter plateau and Golija mountain. Put i saobraćaj, vol. 56, iss. 3, pp. 37-44. Kuzović Lj., Uglić M., Radićević V., Ljajić I., Stevanović N., Glavić D. (2009): The relevance of future motorway Belgrade-South Adriatic for qualitative traffic opening and development of Pešter plateau and Golija mountain. Put i saobraćaj, vol. 56, iss. 3, pp. 27-36. Vojković G., Stojanović B. (2006): Golija: Population development and perspectives. Stanovništvo, vol. 44, iss. 2, pp. 35-64. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 76 6.3 Describe how traditional and local knowledge and knowledge from relating to management practices have been collected, synthesized and disseminated. Explain how such knowledge is being applied to new management practices, and how and if it has been integrated into training and educational programmes. The model of inclusion of traditional local knowledge and the knowledge related to management practices are connected to the work of advisory bodies within which stakeholders and local communities participate in the development programs of the Biosphere Reserve. This pertains to the the work of the Council of Biosphere Reserve, which is represented by the executive and decision-making body and responsible for planning and management of the Biosphere Reserve. The Council has 9 to 11 members, one of whom is a president of the Forum of stakeholders "Golija". The Council of Biosphere Reserve, besides the key representatives of governmental institutions and civil society organizations, is attended by the representatives of local communities and the private sector. On the other hand, the Forum of stakeholders "Golija" is an advisory body consisting of 15 members representing a wide range of interests and knowledge of all stakeholders from all five municipalities surrounding the Biosphere Reserve: Ivanjica, Kraljevo, Novi Pazar, Raška and Sjenica. Members of the Forum are appointed from each municipal forum. Each municipal forum should nominate 3 members representing the range of interests and complementing each other (no need to duplicate roles) in different fields covering all relevant development activities (agriculture, tourism, education, civil sector, private initiatives, etc.). Municipal forums are open groups of members representing each of the five municipalities, which consist of all stakeholders (government agencies, NGOs, representatives of local people, private entrepreneurs, etc.) having the interest in the Biosphere Reserve. The meetings are public and everyone from the municipality may attend and participate in the meetings and other gatherings. The meetings of the Forum of stakeholders "Golija" precede the meetings of the Council, so that the decision makers in the Council would be informed about attitudes and guidelines of the Forum by the Chairman of the Forum. Since the traditional knowledge related to the development management of the area of Biosphere Reserve has shown positive results leading to the strengthening of partnership between stakeholders from each municipality located in the surrounding of the Reserve, the workshops of educational character was held on December 11th, 2014 at the Studenica Monastery dormitory. The workshop was attended by the muncipal officials in charge of development, agriculture and environmental protection sector, the representatives of tourist organizations, schools, NGOs, and youth offices from all five municipalities. The workshop was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, "Srbijašume" and WWF, Serbia. This workshop included interactive educational activities for the representatives of each municipality and sector, who presented their experience in managing the development of their sector at the area of the Biosphere Reserve, and gave their opinion on the presented models of good management practices in the European biosphere reserves. This kind of work has enabled the participants to define the vision of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenca" or what they wanted to achieve in the future development management of the area. These conclusions included the following: the area of Biosphere Reserve "Golija Studenica" is strictly controlled and regulated area in accordance with the needs of nature conservation and the local population protection, in which the schools have been reopened and multi-functional rural households and their operations have become hereditary, the preserved natural and cultural heritage through sustainable tourism provides income to the local population residing GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 77 in and around the Reserve. Participants of the meeting also expressed the initiative that one of the activities of the Council of Biosphere Reserve and the Forum of stakeholders "Golija" should be the support to educational programs and trainings that would enable the representatives of institutions and organizations in the certain sectors (tourism, agriculture, economy, education, culture) of some municipalities to present their good practices and to implement training for involvement of people from other municipalities in the same or similar programs. Such an approach would enable the expansion of specific activities and programs, and the creating of new development initiatives. 6.4 Environmental/sustainability education. Which are the main educational institutions (“formal” – schools, colleges, universities, and “informal” services for the general public) that are active in the biosphere reserve? Describe their programmes, including special school or adult education programmes, as these contribute towards the functions of the biosphere reserve. Comment on organizational changes (if any) in institutions and programmes that were identified in the biosphere reserve ten or so years ago (e.g. closed down, redesigned, new initiatives). Refer to programmes and initiatives of UNESCO Associated Schools networks, UNESCO Chairs and Centers where applicable. Numerous groups and schools are involved in environmental education and public awareness activities focused on Biosphere Reserve Golija – Studenica. Biosphere Reserve and Nature Park work together with schools on education of youth about the importance of biodiversity conservation and the environment. Rangers educate visitors about the conservation of biodiversity. Environmental education and education for sustainable development as part of the regular curriculum within the school subjects World around us and Nature and Society in the junior grades of elementary schools, and within the subjects Geography and Biology in the senior grades of elementary school, is carried out for students in the Biosphere Reserve through the work of the central schools and their branches in the Elementary school "Stefan Nemanja" in Studenica, Elementary School "Milun Ivanović" in Ušće, Elementary School "Dr. Nedeljko Košanin" in Devići and Elementary School "Svetozar Marković" in Kovilj. In their work on education for sustainable development the schools have acknowledged the recommendations of UNESCO Associated School Network and the possibility of cooperation in the programs of UNESCO Centers for Global Education: Youth and Students. In order to support the implementation of environmental education programs in the framework of extra-curricular school activities at the area of the Reserve, the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, on the occasion of the action "160 years of the clamour of students" as part of the celebration of 160th anniversary of the Elementary school "Prof. dr. Nedejko Košanin" in Devići in January 2013, provided a rich fund of publications (books, DVDs, documentaries, teaching materials) for the school, thus creating an eco-corner of the school library. Recognizing the importance of the school`s position within the boundaries of the Biosphere Reserve, Elementary school "Svetozar Marković" in Kovilj saw an opportunity for the school in nature to be attended by the students from urban and lowland region schools. Besides usual activities of the schools in nature, they have planned to offer a stay in the country with ethno elements. Elementary schools in the villages of the Biosphere Reserve are the centers of educational activities and educational activities for adults, which include the application of thematic programs on sustainable development such as round table discussions, workshops and courses related to environmental protection, sustainable agriculture, primarilly in the field of organic GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 78 production, certification of households for eco and rural tourism, trainings in the field of entrepreneurship, etc. Educational programs, which are based on the maintaining of traditions and the use of traditional knowledge and traditional crafts, are carried out by the institutions with the aim of strengthening the capacity of the village culture. These are the following institutions: Cultural institution in Ušće, Cultural Center "Ribnica" in Kraljevo and Cultural institution in Ivanjica. These institutions organize educational programs related to cultural and spiritual heritage and tradition as part of the events such as Summer Spiritual Academy of Serbian Music Youth and the Art Colony in Studenica. An important educational center in the Biosphere Reserve is the spiritual center of the Monastery "Studenica", which in addition to programs related to the preservation of spiritual heritage and traditions offered within the capacity of monastery dormitory, supports the organization and implementation of programs on improving the capacity of local people for participation in the management and development of the areas of Biosphere Reserve. Organized by the Republic Agency for Spatial Planning and the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning, a meeting entitled "The protection, development and management of Nature Park Golija and Biosphere Reserve Golija-Studenica" was held in June 7 and 8, 2012 at the Studenica monastery dormitory (near the monastery Studenica). The important educational programs are realized by the manager of the Nature Park and Biosphere Reserve, PE "Srbijašume", through the work of the Visitors Center, independently, and in cooperation with NGOs, Youth offices and competent institutions that implement programs on nature protection and sustainable development. Visitors center Bele Vode, with the total area of 239 m2, consists of the room for meetings and presentation, office space, showroom, two suites and a room for officials. The centre is equipped with the necessary equipment for work and presentations for visitors. The Visitors’ centre is suitable for the study of nature, visiting an area in the professional guided groups, observation of animals and plants, photo-safari, etc. Besides Visitors centre, another educational facility was built in the Biosphere Reserve. "Srbijašume", the manager of the Nature Park "Golija" and the Youth Center "Duga" from Novi Pazar, implemented the project "Learning from Nature", in which the "Amphitheater in nature" was built in the protected area. The construction of "Amphitheater in nature" is within the Nature Park "Golija", in the Municipality of Novi Pazar, Cadastral municipality Muhovo, cadastral lot no. 961, on the route Odvraćenica-Golijska river, at a site called "Muhovica". The "Amphitheater in nature" consists of sports court (classical field with two goals), playground for children (seesaw, wooden swings and benches) and a green classroom consisting of a part for the presenter/lecturer, wooden info board, desk and chair, a part with benches and two eaves, along with the part for the disabled children and the access path. "Amphitheater in nature" will be at the disposal of the visitors to Nature Park "Golija", members of the Youth Center "Duga" from Novi Pazar, primary and secondary schools, as well as universities in the Republic of Serbia and other institutions for education in nature. NGOs working at the area of the Biosphere Reserve are also important for the realization of educational programs. As examples of NGOs involvement we may state the following: - NGO IDA is organizing number of trainings. - Seminar/workshop on the „Possible aspects of environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources in terms of rural development“ held in in the Biosphere Reserve "GolijaGOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 79 Studenica" (Rudno village) for people from local community and local officers, decision makers from different rural centers. Seminar was implemented by NGO "Environmental Ambassadors" during the May 2011. - ECO -CAMP was organized from 1st to 6th September 2011 in the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica" for 20 students and children from area of Biosphere Reserve. Educational camp was realized by NGO "Environmental Ambassadors" from Belgrade and supported by UNESCO participative program 2010/2011 through project Ecological footprint: analysis and training. Themes of the camp were the ecological footprint, biodiversity, protection of natural resources and their sustainable use. Young people from Sombor city, the students of different faculties in Serbia, spent time at the educational camp in the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica" in the period August 27 to 31 2012. During the five-day eco-school 18 students from Sombor had the opportunity to get to know the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica", and at the educational workshops to acquire new and to complement the knowledge regarding different fields of environmental protection. Several educational workshops were held: protection of natural and cultural goods within the Biosphere Reserve, protection and use of plants, field practicum - identifying the main groups of plants, waste management in rural areas, and the tourism in protected areas. Educational excursions and walking tours were also organized. 6.5 How do you assess the effectiveness of actions or strategies applied? (Describe the methods, indicators). Considering the activities on the implementation of infrastructure development in the function of eco-tourism, a prime indicator of successful implementation is the number of users. For that purpose the use of walking and cycling trails was observed. It was concluded that the establishment of eco-tourism infrastructure resulted in the larger number of visitors and the length of their stay in Golija. It was also noted that the users of infrastructure generally stayed in rural households which were categorized for tourism operation. While the success in the improving of educational infrastructure at the area of Biosphere Reserve is measured by the number, diversity and quality of programs implemented, at the specific facilities of this type, such as Amphitheater in nature and Visitors center, program quality is checked through surveys and questionnaires for the program's beneficiaries in order to rate the usefulness of the programs, their contents and organization. The time required to implement certain initiatives is also an indicator of their evaluation. As an indicator of success, the numbers and time spent in overcoming certain barriers was also observed. The involvement of local communities, civil society associations and the population of the area in the implementation of activities is an important indicator of a successful outcome. As an indicator of success in the implementation of activities and strategies, the public representation of the activities in local and national media is also rated. Basic methods of measuring the success of activities and strategies are based on the analysis and synthesis of data obtained through systematic observation, monitoring, survey and situation analysis. 6.5.1 Describe the biosphere reserve’s main internal and external communication mechanisms/systems The main internal communication mechanisms are based on a regular exchange of information between the staff of Biosphere Reserve engaged in certain management activities including regular personal communication, and holding daily, weekly and monthly meetings. In addition GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 80 to personal models the communication is enabled through electronic media, within which there is a network of communication groups in "Srbijašume" as a manager, which enables fast vertical and horizontal communication within the Public Enterprise "Srbijašume". External communication also takes place via personal communication models and the use of electronic media and mass communication media. Basic models of personal communication are forums, public hearings, thematic meetings, round table discussions, presentations, lectures and the like. This type of communication enables the motivation of stakeholders and target audiences to be involved in the initiatives and programs for the development of Biosphere Reserve. An important factor of communication, informing and communicating messages to the public is undoubtedly the media, so that there is a cooperation with the press of daily, weekly and specialized magazines, radio, television and other electronic media, on both the local and national level. 6.5.2 Is there a biosphere reserve website? If so, provide the link. The Biosphere Reserve is presented on the web site of the Manager PE “SRBIJAŠUME”, within the web page and the following link The information on Golija and Biosphere Reserve, and the relevant documents, are available on the web site of the Municipality of Ivanjica containing the headline GOLIJA on the main page. The Biosphere Reserve is also presented on the web site of the Association Rudanjski domaćini, who are engaged in the rural tourism Golija is presented as the Biosphere Reserve on the web site containing the recommendations for visiting certain areas favourable for various activities in nature A part of the Tourist Organization of Serbia site is dedicated to Golija (, as well as the web site of the City of Kraljevo ( 6.5.3 Is there an electronic newsletter? How often is it published? (provide the link, if applicable). Publishing activity by the the Biosphere Reserve Manager does not exist, except for the forestry journal "Revija Šume" published by SE "Srbijašume". The Journal is issued several times a year and deals, among other topics, with forest protection, nature conservation and environmentalal protection. ( 6.5.4 Does the biosphere reserve belong to a social network (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)? Provide the contact. Currently the Biosphere Reserve is not represented on the social networks. 6.5.5 Are there any other internal communication systems? If so, describe them. There is the "ZPD v.3" Protected Areas Database application which was installed in February 2015 in all parts of the State Enterprise "Srbijašume" that manages the "Golija" NP and the Biosphere Reserve. The application includes 5 forms for data entry, as follows: GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 81 • Records on natural and man-made values - data on localities, facilities planning, places of interest for the protected area; • Billing - records on the funds generated by the decision on fees for use of the protected area; • E-document - the electronic register of all documents on the protected area; • Terms and Conditions of the Institute for Nature Conservation – related to all activities in the protected area performed by the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia; • Register of strictly protected plant and animal species; • Monitoring Records & Manual for easy identification of strictly protected plant and animal species: plants, fungi, insects, fish, herpetofauna, birds and mammals. All the data entered have their own ID and connection to the geodatabase and GIS Srbijašume. All the documents and acts are scanned and linked to the database. There is also photographic documentation as an integral part of the database. The data are shared using a server, information is entered in the field by forest estate. Aggregate data are available at the General Directorate of SE "Srbijašume". 6.6 Describe how the biosphere reserve currently contributes to the World Network of Biosphere Reserves and/or could do so in the future. Biosphere Office Staff regularly submit reports on the request of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. The Office Staff are ready to participate in a number of EuroMAB conferences and attend lectures in order to gain new information and exchange experiences and practice examples. 6.6.1 Describe any collaboration with existing biosphere reserves at national, regional, and international levels, also within regional and bilateral agreements. In the previous period, the Manager of the "Golija" NP and the"Golija-Studenica" BR has established regional cooperation through: • a visit to the «Entlebuch» Biosphere Reserve in Switzerland, whose core values are: wet meadows and wetlands – peat bogs with a variety of plant life ; • a visit to the «Hortobágy» National Park in Hungary and the introduction to its business and organization, as well as the use of indigenous breeds in maintaining pastures on the territory of the above National Park, one of the greatest pastures of Europe. 6.6.2 What are the current and expected benefits of international cooperation for the biosphere reserve? Golija is recognized as part of Emerald network and Serbian ecological network, IBA, IPA, PBA, ProGEO and important site for future Natura 2000 in Serbia. 6.6.3 How do you intend to contribute to the World Network of Biosphere Reserves in the future and to the Regional and Thematic Networks? A revitalized National MAB and Climate Change Sub-Committee would have a major role to play to help bridge gaps between international research and other programs and individual biosphere reserves. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 82 The realization of development initiatives based on traditional crafts and food production enables a successful promoting of development models in line with the conservation of natural resources, as a mission of MAB areas. These initiatives are in line with the adopted motto of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija- Studenica" – Living with the mountain. 6.7 What are the main factors that influenced (positively or negatively) the success of activities contributing to the logistic support function? Given the experiences and lessons learned in the past ten years, what new strategies or approaches will be favored as being most effective? Assistance related policy support, natural resource management, biodiversity, strengthening of nature management, (possible) local value chains, applied research, capacity and institution building, governance, infrastructure building, will be helpful. It is very important to the management of biosphere reserve, that the local communities recognize the value of natural areas in which they live, to understand the importance of nature, to accept the concept of sustainable development and protected areas, which are widely spread in other countries, and that is a benefit of living and working in a protected natural area that has the status of Biosphere Reserve. 6.8 Other comments/observations from a biosphere reserve perspective. In order to establish logistic conditions for the management of the Biosphere Reserve, further activities will be directed to the development of human resources for the implementation of development strategies, through the establishment of a network of engaged human resources and their training on the necessary competencies needed for the participation in the management. A parallel activity would be the work on completing the technical, infrastructural, educational, informational and communicational characteristics of the area of Biosphere Reserve. The management and governance challenges related to Golija (nature value) and Studenica (cultural value) are something that relevant applied research is needed in order to provide improvement suggestions (policy, management). Participation of local communities is satisfactory, but the following must be done in order to strengthen the cooperation: 1. Continuous environmental education and informing of the residents and visitor of the Biosphere Reserve, about the value and preservation of natural and cultural assets. 2. Initiate a range of activities, services and information which can be organized by the rural population on family farms in order to attract tourists and create additional income. 3. Initiate program of reconstruction and conservation of architectural heritage in the area of the village Gradac, Brusnik and Plešin, where the best-preserved structure of traditional construction is. These settlements are planned for the special protection and rehabilitation as spatial, historical, ethnic, with priorities for the development of appropriate tourism types. 4. Development of general, topical and informative promotional materials with educational character of the Biosphere Reserve Golija – Studenica, as well as of Nature Park Golija, such as guide, brochure, CD, catalogues, flyers and other promotional materials. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 83 7. GOVERNANCE, COORDINATION: BIOSPHERE RESERVE MANAGEMENT AND [Biosphere reserve coordination/management coordinators/managers have to work within extensive overlays of government bodies, business enterprises, and a “civil society” mix of non-governmental organizations and community groups. These collectively constitute the structures of governance for the area of the biosphere reserve. Success in carrying out the functions of a biosphere reserve can be crucially dependent upon the collaborative arrangements that evolve with these organizations and actors. Key roles for those responsible for the biosphere reserve coordination/management are to learn about the governance system they must work within and to explore ways to enhance its collective capacities for fulfilling the functions of the biosphere reserve.] Upon establishing the "Golija-Studenica" Biosphere Reserve, the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted a Decision on the establishment of the Coordinating Council for the Protection and Development of the Golija Area (2002) whose task is to coordinate the activities on the preparation of programme and management planning for socio-economic and environmentally sustainable development of the Golija area, in accordance with the criteria of preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the "Golija-Studenica" BR i.e. the "Golija" NP and the need to improve the life quality of inhabitants in the area and develop appropriate activities. The Coordinating Council for the Protection and Development of the Golija Area functioned until 2004, and SE "Srbijašume" also performed tasks related to the functioning of the "GolijaStudenica" BR related to its management activity within ”Golija” NP. The Manager of the "Golija" NP and the "Golija-Studenica"BR has sought to establish cooperation with the local people, local self-government and other area users, so that the locals would recognize the natural values of the area they live in and understand the importance of nature protection and accept the concept of protection and sustainable development of the "Golija" NP and the "Golija-Studenica" BR. Based on the remarks and recommendations of the Advisory Committee for Biosphere Reserves it was concluded that the management of the "Golija-Studenica" BR should be organized according to the model that works within the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, using examples of good management practices of the biospheres in Rhön, Germany and Entlebuch, Switzerland. Priority activities in the previous period have been aimed at: reorganizing the management of the "Golija-Studenica" BR, with a focus on defining the ways in which to manage the Biosphere Reserve; drafting the Biosphere Reserve Management Plan; establishing Municipal Interested Parties’ Forums, the Forum of interested parties and the Council of the "Golija Studenica"BR. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 84 Hence, bodies were established to supervise the Manager’s activities as shown in the following scheme and explained in detail in sections 1f and 7.5 of this Review Report. According to the Law on Nature Protection, the Protected Area Management Plan is a document according to which the Manager in charge plans the following: measures and activities of protection, conservation, promotion and use of the protected area; guidelines and priorities for the protection and conservation of natural values of the protected area and development guidelines with respect to the needs of local residents. The Manager adopts a 10-year management plan which is approved by the Ministry responsible for environmental protection, since the Protection Act on Mountain Area Golija Radočelo was adopted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia. The "Golija" NP Management Plan (2011-2020) was prepared in accordance with: • the Law on Nature Protection (Article 53 prescribes the contents of the plan) and • the Decree on the Protection of "Golija" Nature Park ("Official Gazette RS" No. 45/2001 of 20th July 2001). 7.1 What are the technical and logistical resources for the coordination of the biosphere reserve? Within the "Golija" NP Management, which also covers the entire "Golija-Studenica" BR, there are 28 protected area guards/rangers engaged on a permanent basis, 9 ’revir’ (forest district) engineers, 2 senior officials for private forests and environmental protection, 1 manager of the Work Unit “Golija“ NP and "Golija-Studenica“ BR. The Management disposes of the following technical equipment: 1 terrain vehicle Lada Niva and, within parts of SE “Srbijašume“ (the Forest Estates “Stolovi“ - Kraljevo, “Šumarstvo“ – Raška and “Golija“ - Ivanjica), also vehicles from their fleets (1 delivery vehicle, 5 terrain vehicles, 2 fire engines and 1 truck equipage) are used, where and when appropriate. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 85 In 2009, at the newly established Tourist Centre "Odvraćenica", the "Golija" NP built the “Odvraćenica Visitor Centre“, with a visitor house, mountain cabins for guest accommodation and informative-educational booths. In the vicinity there are basketball, volleyball and handball courts and a football pitch. The Visitor Centre stretches on an area of 30 ha, and about one million euros for its construction were provided from the National Investment Plan. The holder of the investment was the "Golija" NP Manager – SE "Srbijašume". There is also a facility equipped for the needs of the Biosphere Reserve (the Visitor Centre “Bele Vode“), as well as many recreational facilities (shelters, picnic furnaces, fountains, benches etc.). The reconstruction of the Visitor Centre “Studenica" is in progress. 7.2 What is the overall framework for governance in the area of the biosphere reserve? Identify the main components and their contributions to the biosphere reserve. The management practices are preservation of primary species, selective and controlled use of natural resources, research, educational activities, and development of organized tourism, monitoring, population control in the case of the ecosystem destabilization. The area is divided into several forestry management units. Every unit has its management plan for development and protection of forests. Special objectives depends according to the area utilization: nature conservation, biodiversity conservation, gene pool conservation, educational and scientific-research forest function and forest reserves, aesthetic forest function, recreational and tourism forest function. Practices for protection of forest are as follows: Protection of forests against diseases, pests and weed, Protection of forests against fire, Protection of forests against game and domestic animals, Protection of forests against abiotic harmful effects. In accordance with the Regulations on Internal Organization of the State Enterprise for Forest Management "Srbijašume" and the Regulations on Conditions that need to be fulfilled by the Manager of the protected area, the Work Unit "Golija Nature Park" was established, currently composed of 35 guards/rangers (for 2016 the hire of up to 5 guards is planned, due to retirement leave), 3 head rangers and the WU manager. The tasks of direct (’in-the-field) management of the "Golija" NP are conducted by the ''Golija'' NP Manager and parts of SE "Srbijašume", the Forest Estates “Stolovi“ - Kraljevo, “Šumarstvo“ - Raška and “Golija“ - Ivanjica. Supervision, as part of the "Golija" NP management system, is executed through the security/ranger service with employed persons, namely the forest guards/rangers and fisheries officers who are responsible to head security officers/head rangers and the senior officers for private forests and environmental protection. A forest ranger - fisheries officer patrols the area on a daily basis and determines if there are any illegal activities. He/she makes notes in their security log book and submits a monthly report to their immediate superior – the ’revir’ or forest district engineer who, according to a pre-defined reporting dynamics, submits a further report to the competent forest estate service, i.e. to the senior officer for private forests and environmental protection, who finally submits a report to the "Golija" NP Manager. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 86 7.3 Describe social impact assessments or similar tools and guidelines used to support indigenous and local rights and cultural initiatives (e.g. CBD Akwé:Kon guidelines, Free, Prior, and Informed Consent Programme/policy, access and benefit sharing institutional arrangements, etc.). Based on the research conducted for the preparation of the Master Plan of Tourism Development on Golija, among other things, it was concluded that the rights of local communities (local rights) and the support of the cultural values development (cultural initiatives) will be achieved through improving the marketing of local high-quality agricultural products. In this way the market will be ensured and manufacturers’ earnings will be provided. Production of healthy food is also anticipated, primarily milk, dairy products and meat, with recognizable trademarks to identify local products. Further development of beekeeping will ensure continuation of its long tradition in the Golija area, especially in the municipality of Sjenica ("Sjenička Bee"). Also, a wider inclusion of rural settlements in tourism activities is needed in order to create conditions for the revival and development of these settlements and their resources, particularly when it comes to food production, local culinary products and presentation of authentic ethnological and cultural values, the revival of traditional crafts, education of the population and visitors-tourists in order to understand the necessity to preserve all the values of the area. 7.4 What (if any) are the main conflicts relating to the biosphere reserve and what solutions have been implemented? Activities, operations and processes that may pose threats to the "Golija"NP are directly related to natural and man-made values, i.e. their protection, use and sustainable development. The users and owners of natural and man-made values in the "Golija" NP area, as well as the visitors, can represent a threat if in their activities and actions they do not respect the prescribed regulatory regimes and measures of restraint and protection. Nature and environmental protection must be integrated in the "Golija" NP area. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 87 Based on the "Golija"NP and "Golija-Studenica" BR Management Plan, activities, operations and processes that may pose problems to endanger the natural values of the "Golija" NP are as follows: Illegal construction of weekend houses. There is no regular sanitary control of water quality in captured wellsprings. In cooperation with the competent inspection of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, the Manager has taken measures on the removal of illegally constructed buildings and the prevention of illegal construction in the "Golija" NP area, so as not to jeopardize the protected area. Waste - inadequate infrastructure equipment of the villages has a negative impact on the quality of the environment in the part related to waste management. For the NP area there are no data on the amount of waste or its organized collection. There are no waste disposal plans, so municipal waste ends up in the least favourable locations from the point of compromising the environment. Construction related to tourism development, considering that it is envisaged by the Spatial Plan of Special Purpose for Golija Nature Park and the Master Plan for Tourism Development on Golija that the tourist-catering facilities will be complemented to ski resorts. Skiable terrain however, due to its functionality, will have to stretch through the protected areas of the Nature Park as well as forest areas. For the realization of the planned tasks and building the necessary infrastructure, deforestation, land use change etc. will be necessary, which can have negative effects on the natural values of the "Golija"NP. By the Spatial Plan of Special Purpose for Golija Nature Park space is reserved for the construction of infrastructure corridor ''Belgrade - South Adriatic'' which allows an extremely significant opening of the Golija area as regards traffic, but also represents a great ecological barrier. The disappearance of indigenous pastures due to the reduced number of cattle and overgrowing of pasture and meadow space. 7.4.1 Describe the main conflicts regarding access to, or the use of, resources in the area and the relevant timeframe. If the biosphere reserve has contributed to preventing or resolving some of these conflicts, explain what has been resolved or prevented, and how this was achieved for each zone? The most common conflicts occur with respect to accessing and using resources. The main conflicts were related to property-legal matters - illegal construction of buildings, illegal use of stone, capping of water wells and construction of fountains without permits, construction of roads without proper design documentation and non-compliance with project items, nonobservance of prescribed clauses in the lease of land, illegal hunting and fishing, as well as uneconomical use of forest products (e.g. picking wild blueberries with rake tools that destroy their root system). Based on the Reviw Report by the Manager, the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia and inspection bodies, a large number of facilities have been recorded whose construction, reconstruction or renovation is either completed or still in progress without appropriate official authorization. Also, disrespect or inconsistency has been established in the implementation of adopted spatial and urban plans and authoritative regulations in the process of obtaining documentation for construction. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 88 Conflict resolution is mainly reached through litigation, but also through alternative dispute resolution processes. As a preventive measure, through a joint action implementation with the state representatives Forestry Inspectors and Environmental Protection Inspectors, the Management of the "Golija" NP and the “Golija-Studenica” BR has introduced enhanced control in the field during the hunting season and the season of harvesting non-wood forest products. To point out one more thing, there is also a successful cooperation with the Republic Inspection. 7.4.2 Describe any conflicts in competence among the different administrative authorities involved in the management of the area comprising the biosphere reserve. In the previous period no conflicts of this type have been recorded. 7.4.3 Explain the means used to resolve these conflicts, and their effectiveness. Describe its composition and functioning, resolution on a case-by-case basis. Are there local mediators; if so, are they approved by the biosphere reserve or by another authority? By monitoring the condition of the natural values of the environment and human activities in the "Golija-Studenica"BR, problems have been identified related to illegal building construction. This not only compromises the natural and cultural values and environmental quality of the protected areas, but also causes many difficulties regarding utility functions provision (water supply and sanitation, electricity, waste collection and disposal etc.). The harm done to nature and autocratic behaviour of the investors undermine the environmental protection system. If some illegal action is detected, the "Golija" NP and Biosphere Reserve Rangers notify thereof their immediate superiors and the competent inspectors: the Republic Forestry Inspector (forestry and hunting), the Republic Inspector for Environmental Protection, the Republic Building Inspector (illegal building construction) and the Republic Inspector for Fish Stock Sustainability (fisheries). State Enterprise "Srbijašume", the inspection authorities and the courts take measures within their jurisdiction which, however, have extremely modest and ineffective results. In accordance with the Law on Planning and Construction, decisions to prohibit further construction or GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 89 extension, as well as decisions to demolish or deconstruct existing buildings were made by the Republic Building Inspection, most often upon Manager’s report or notification. The decisions have not been enforced, mainly due to a current practice that hinders the engagement of enforcement action authorities. 7.5 Updated information about the representation and consultation of local communities and their participation in the life of the biosphere reserve: A new management model of the Biosphere Reserve (BR) has been partly determined and consists of: MANAGEMENT BODY AND ITS JURISDICTION 1. BIOSPHERE RESERVE COUNCIL - the executive decision-making body, responsible for the planning and management of the proposed Biosphere Reserve. 2. INTERESTED PARTIES’ FORUM “GOLIJA“ – the advisory body of 15 members, represents a wide range of interests of stakeholders from all the five municipalities; three members from each municipality that complement each other.. 3. MUNICIPAL FORUMS – open members group for each of the five municipalities, consists of all key stakeholders of the Biosphere Reserve (government agencies, NGOs, local people representatives, private entrepreneurs etc.). STATUS/ ESTABLISHED + + - 7.5.1 Describe how local people (including women and indigenous people) are represented in the planning and management of the biosphere reserve (e.g., assembly of representatives, consultation of associations, women’s groups). Representing of the local population is reflected through their participation in the work of Municipal Forums, which are in the establishment process, but also through the already established Interested Parties’ Forum, as well as the Biosphere Reserve Council (see Sections 1-f and 7.5). 7.5.2 What form does this representation take: companies, associations, environmental associations, trade unions (list the various groups)? Based on the newly formed management bodies of the Biosphere Reserve, within the Municipal Forums there is an open members group for each of the five municipalities consisting of all key stakeholders, including: government agencies, NGOs, local people representatives, private entrepreneurs, tourism organizations, hunting associations, nature lovers associations and all others who have recognized their interest in the Biosphere Reserve. 7.5.3 Indicate whether there are procedures for integrating the representative body of local communities (e.g., financial, election of representatives, traditional authorities). Anyone from the municipality may attend and participate in meetings and other gatherings within the Forum framework of the municipalities Ivanjica, Kraljevo, Novi Pazar, Sjenica and Raška. Three representatives from each of the Municipality Forums constitute an integral part of the Interested Parties’ Forum, representing major interests and values for which the Biosphere Reserve has been established. Key government institutions, civil society GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 90 organizations, as well as local communities (population) and the private sector should be represented. Interested Parties’ Forum “Golija“- an advisory body of 15 members, represents a wide range of stakeholder interest from all the five municipalities. The President is an independent person appointed by the Council through a public process; he/she should be a respected citizen from the Golija area, strong-minded, skilled in conflict resolution, with the experience in achieving consensus and able to conduct meetings. Each municipal forum should nominate 3 members, who represent the range of interests and complement each other (no need to duplicate roles). It is crucial that the Forum meetings precede the Council meetings, so that the decision-makers in the Council are informed about the Forum’s attitudes by the Chairman of the Forum. 7.5.4 How long-lived is the consultation mechanism (e.g., permanent assembly, consultation on specific projects)? See Sections 1-f and 7.5 for detailed explanation. 7.5.5 What is the impact of this consultation on the decision-making process (decisional, consultative or merely to inform the population)? Biosphere Reserve Council is an an executive, decision-making body which is responsible for the planning and management of the Biosphere Reserve. As the Interested Parties’ Forum is of a consultative character, it is important that its meetings precede the Council meetings, so that the decision-makers in the Council are informed about the Forum’s attitudes by the Chairman of the Forum. 7.5.6 At which step in the existence of a biosphere reserve is the population involved: creation of the biosphere reserve, drawing up of the management plan, implementation of the plan, day to day management of the biosphere reserve? Give some practical examples. Currently the local population, as well as all the other interested parties, are involved in adopting planning documents at public hearings organized by the Manager, where the Management Plan is submitted for review before its adoption. Also, hiring the locals is given priority as regards the execution of certain works from the planning documents and information to all interested parties are available on a daily basis through personal contact with the Security/Ranger Service in the field. 7.6 Update on management and coordination structure: 7.6.1 Describe any changes regarding administrative authorities that have competence for each zone of the biosphere reserve (core area(s), buffer zone(s) and transition area(s))? If there are any changes since the nomination form/last periodic review report, please submit the original endorsements for each area. Biosphere Reserve “Golija-Studenica“ is located within Nature Park Golija and covers an area of 53.804 ha on the territory of the municipalities of Ivanjica and Kraljevo. On the BR space area there are three Zones identified according to purpose. No changes have been recorded compared to the previous reporting period: • Central Area (Core Zone) which fully coincides with the I protection zone of the Nature Park (496.60 ha), with the same purpose and areas of protection; GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 91 • Protective Area (Buffer Zone) also coincides by surface, purpose and protection regime with the II protection zone of the Nature Park, covers an area of 3,661.50 ha; • Transition Area (Transitive Zone) covers 49,645.90 ha and coincides with the III protection zone of the Nature Park. This part of the Biosphere Reserve has a great economic and social importance for the development of the region, due to its role in the sustainable management of natural resources. It includes rural areas, villages and areas of other purposes. Here the involvement of all stakeholders is required (local communities, environmentalists, scientists, entrepreneurship, industry, NGOs etc.) aimed at sustainable area development for the benefit of the local population. 7.6.2 Update information about the manager(s)/coordinator(s) of the biosphere reserve including designation procedures. Performance Evaluation of the Biosphere Reserve Management and based on the planning documents and their implementation, is made by the Director together with the members of the Supervisory Board of the Manager i.e. SE "Srbijašume". In the past 10 years, there has been a change of four Managers of the "Golija" NP and the "Golija-Studenica" BR. 7.6.3 Are there any changes with regard to the coordination structure of the biosphere reserve? (if yes, describe in details its functioning, composition and the relative proportion of each group in this structure, its role and competence.). Is this coordination structure autonomous or is it under the authority of local or central government, or of the manager of the biosphere reserve?). See Sections 1-f and 7.5 for detailed explanation. 7.6.4 How has the management/coordination been adapted to the local situation? See Sections 1-f and 7.5 for detailed explanation. 7.6.5 Was the effectiveness of the management/coordination evaluated? If yes, was it according to a procedure? There has been no such evaluation so far. 7.7 Update on the management/cooperation plan/policy: While there is no separate organizational entity for the Biosphere Reserve Golija - Studenica, the management plan for the biosphere reserve is the same as for the Nature Park Golija. The current management plan is made for the period 2011 – 2020. Management plan for Nature Park Golija and Biosphere Reserve Golija – Studenica is prepared respecting the set of laws, strategies, programs and plans. The most important are: the Law on Nature Protection, the Sustainable Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, Strategy of Biodiversity of Serbia, Spatial Plan of the Special Purpose for Nature Park Golija, Forestry programs, Fisheries program at the fishing area of PP Golija, etc. The main parts of the plan are: GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 92 The preservation, protection and enhancement of sites of special natural value and rarities, as well as their designated use for scientific research, education, recreation and public presentation, in the accordance with the environmental resource; Biodiversity conservation; Preservation, protection and enhancement of landscape and environmental values of the area, including flora, fauna, soil, water, air, forests, pastures and meadows, hunting and fish fauna, with their designated use of the principles of sustainable development; Preservation, protection and promotion of cultural and historical heritage of Golija and protection of vicinity of cultural properties; An organized, multidisciplinary and long-term scientific research of the park, training of all categories of population and professions, presentation and advertising of the park values; Defining limitations in terms of organization of hunting and fishing area; Facilitating access to landscape, biological and other values and natural resources for sustainable use in the tourism, recreation and complementary activities, science, education, sports, etc…; Integrating the presentation of natural values in the tourist offer through joint programs, plans and projects, with the allocation of part of tourism profits for nature protection; Strengthening cooperation with local authorities, local communities, tourist organizations, NGOs, other businesses, etc. 7.7.1 Are there any changes with regard to the management/cooperation plan/policy and the stakeholders involved? If yes, provide detailed information on process for involvement of stakeholders, adoption and revision of the plan. Except for the local population that owns agricultural land and forests, there are also other users and owners of real estate (SE "Srbijašume", playing a double role - on the one side as the user of forests and forest lands, and on the other as the entity entrusted with the management of the "Golija" NP, JP "Elektroprivreda Srbije" (EPS), the state-owned electric utility power company, JVP "Srbijavode" – the public water management company etc.) with whom the Manager plans how to implement and expand cooperation aimed at the protection and development of the "Golija-Studenica" BR. In the previous period no review of the planning documents has been made. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 93 7.7.2 Describe contents of the management/cooperation plan (provide some examples of measures and guidelines). Is the plan binding? Is it based on consensus? Management/ cooperation plan Golija Nature Park Development and Protection Programme (2008-2012) Descriptions Main guidelines Its five-year implementation was part of an ongoing operating process of protection and development management. Improvement in the work of the Security/Ranger Sevice of the “Golija“ NP; It defined the basic directions of organization and coordination related to the development and protection of the „“Golija“ NP and the "Golija-Studenica" BR. Development of the volunteer monitoring service in all segments where it is legally and organizationally achievable. Establishment of an efficient control and sanctions system against illegal activities threatening the area protection regimes, along with intensified informative- educational activity. Preservation and improvement of the overall natural values and resources; Preservation of landscape and environmental values; Golija Nature Park Management Plan (2011-2020) The current concept of the Biosphere Reserve protection is executed according to the 10-year Management Plan. Preservation of cultural-historical heritage and protection of the environment of immovable cultural property; Development of coordinated economic activities, along with nature protection and a need to meet three basic complementary functions of the Biosphere Reserve. 7.7.3 Describe the role of the authorities in charge of the implementation of the plan. Describe institutional changes since the nomination form/last periodic review report. Please provide evidence of the role of these authorities. The control of all the entrusted tasks at the "Golija" NP and the Biosphere Reserve is done by the competent state institutions - the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, through their Forestry & Hunting/Environmental Protection Inspectors. In the previous period, the competence in the field of environmental protection was under the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (2008-2012), the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning and the Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection (2012-2014). Now the competence goes to the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection (2014-present). GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 94 Forestry has been within the Ministry of Agriculture, the Directorate of Forests for a longer period now. 7.7.4 Indicate how the management plan addresses the objectives of the biosphere reserve. Protection of the Golija – Studenica Biosphere Reserve in the core area prohibit use of natural resources and construction of facilities, and all other activities but those of research and controlled education. It is classified as an area of the first degree protection regime (Law on Nature Protection, "Official Gazette of RS", no. 36/2009, 88/2010 and 91/2010 – corr.). There are 16 core zones in the Biosphere Reserve. A Biosphere Reserve must fulfill three complementary functions: conservation function (to conserve landscapes, ecosystems, species and genetic diversity); development function (to foster economic and social development which is socio-culturally and ecologically sustainable) and logistic function (to support scientific research, monitoring, education and information exchange related to issues of nature and environmental protection and development on the local, national and global levels). Conservation measures in the buffer zone of the proposed Golija – Studenica Biosphere Reserve, consist of limited or strictly controlled use of the nature resources. The buffer zone is classified as an area of the second degree protection regime (Law on Nature Protection, "Official Gazette of RS", no. 36/2009, 88/2010 and 91/2010 – corr.). According to the mentioned Law “the second degree protection regime can include management interventions in order to restore, revitalize and generally improve protected area, without consequences to primary values of their natural habitats, populations, ecosystems, landscape characteristics and geo heritage objects, and can include traditional activities and restricted use of natural resources in sustainable and strictly controlled manner”. There are 18 buffer zones in the Biosphere Reserve. The transition area is classified as an area of the third protection degree by the same law. “The third degree protection regime can include management interventions in order to restore, revitalize and generally improve protected area, rural development and improvement of rural households, regulation of cultural-historic objects and one of traditional civil engineering, conservation of traditional activities among local residents, selective and restricted use of natural resources and areas with necessary infrastructural and other construction”. In the basic planning document, i.e. Management Plan of the "Golija" NP and the “StudenicaGolija“ BR, among others, the following objectives are described: • preserves the protected natural area and implements established protection regimes, i.e. prescribed prohibitions and rules of internal order; conservation function • develops and implements programmes and projects to protect and improve the condition of wild plant and animal species, their communities and habitats, sustainable use of natural resources, scientific research and education, tourism development, planning, rehabilitation and re-cultivation of the landscape, conservation and presentation of cultural values; • records and organizes the monitoring of natural resources and their changes; • preserves, initiates and adopts programmes to improve fisheries, according to the Law in the Golija area; • protects and preserves biodiversity and improves the functions of forest ecosystems; GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 95 • improves forest conditions and forest infrastructure; • applies forest protective measures against various threatening factors, especially fires. • conserves areas and agricultural land fertility; harmonizes agricultural land use with prescribed protection regimes; provides support to the survival of family farms in the Biosphere Reserve area; • develops a partner relationship with the local authorities; • develops tourism as the leading industry branch in the "Golija" NP area, which will contribute to sustainable development of the protected areas; development function • develops tourism in the function of protection, revitalization and presentation of natural and cultural values in the "Golija" NP; • develops winter and summer types of tourism, eco-tourism and agro-tourism; • establishes demographic vitality and mitigates depopulation trends in the "Golija" NP area; • improves the educational and economic structure of the population through the revival of economic activity; • increases the quality of life of local residents; • supports the construction of necessary infrastructure for a quality life in the "Golija" NP area, its sustainable use and development. logistic function • supports equipping and organizing of institutions for the needs of forest monitoring and research; • provides conditions and opportunities for forestry use and development in the framework of scientific research, educational and other activities. 7.7.5 What are the progresses management/cooperation plan/policy? with regard to the guidelines of the In the previous period the Manager implemented a medium-term Protection and Development Programme (2008-2012) for the "Golija" Nature Park and, in accordance with the Law on Nature Protection, adopted a Protected Area management plan for the period 2011-2020 (consent given by the Ministry of Environment), which defines the way how to implement protection, use and management of the protected area and provides guidelines and priorities for the protection and conservation of natural values of the protected area. In addition to preparing and implementing the planning documents, the Manager has done the following: designed a logo of the "Golija" NP and the "Golija-Studenica" BR; built a visitor centre at Bele Vode; marked and arranged the protected area; implemented projects related to monitoring of natural values of protected areas; implemented programmes and principles of sustainable use of natural resources; implemented programmes of cooperation with the local population on the sustainable use of the "Golija" NP and the development of ecotourism etc. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 96 The "Golija"NP Manager has sought to establish cooperation with the local people, local selfgovernment and other area users, so that the locals would recognize the natural values of the area they live in and understand the importance of nature protection and accept the concept of protection and sustainable development of the "Golija" NP and the "Golija-Studenica" BR. 7.7.6 Were there any factors and/or changes that impeded or helped with the implementation of the management/coordination plan/policy? (Reluctance of local people, conflicts between Given that the management of the "Golija-Studenica" BR has not included local self-government and the local population yet, the Manager complies with the requirements of the local community and, as much as it is possible, provides assistance during the preparation of planning documents, when good suggestions that comply with the Law, made by the local community are also accepted. The Law also prescribes all the planning documents to be submitted to the public for inspection, followed by a public hearing attended by all stakeholders, which then is followed by the adoption of the Ministry. The process of local community involvement in the direct management of the Biosphere Reserve is nearing completion. In the next Review Report a considerable progress in this field can be expected. 7.7.7 If applicable, how is the biosphere integrated in regional/national strategies? Vice versa, how are the local/municipal plans integrated in the planning of the biosphere reserve? (Please provide detailed information if there are any changes since the nomination form/last periodic review report). At the national level the "Golija Studenica" Biosphere Reserve is covered with several important planning documents. When it comes to spatial organization and planning at the regional level, the Reserve is covered by the Regional Plan for the Republic of Serbia. Also, there is the Spatial Plan of Special Purpose for "Golija" Nature Park, a long-term planning document which elaborates the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia, establishes planning solutions, guidelines and rules for using, organizing, planning and environment protection, as well as the rules for construction by year 2025, with a mid-term implementation stage by year 2015 and the first implementation phase by year 2009. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 97 Starting from the legislation and the adopted documents relating to the "Golija" NP, as well as taking into account the specificities and knowledge of the study area, there is the Spatial Plan of Special Purpose for the "Golija" NP area, within which the objectives and criteria of protection and development of the NP and BR area are defined. The planning of forests and forest land is defined by the Law on Forests, where space is divided into forest areas, and for each of these forest areas there is an obligation of preparing a Special Forest Management Plan for a period of 10 years, adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection. Within the forest areas, locally, there are Management Units which are smaller organizational units and for which there is an obligation of preparing a Forest Management Plan which is a 10year planning document anticipating all the works on forest conservation, protection and enhancement, where the "Golija-Studenica" BR is also included. The control of planning documents implementation is carried out by the Forestry/Environmental Protection Inspection within the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection. At the local level there is also a Master Plan for Tourism Development on Golija, with a business plan made at the request of the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of the Republic of Serbia in December 2007, by Horwath and Horwath Consulting Zagreb Ltd. At the initiative of the Manager of the "Golija" NP and the "Golija-Studenica" BR, a business plan was made on tourism development in the "Golija" NP, signed between WM Equity Partners Ltd. Belgrade and SE "Srbijašume" Belgrade, within the project "Improvement of Protected Area Funding and Tourist Facilities“ with SE "Srbijašume" Belgrade as the Manager. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 98 8. CRITERIA AND PROGRESS MADE: [Conclude by highlighting the major changes, achievements, and progress made in your biosphere reserve since nomination or the last periodic review. How does your biosphere reserve fulfill the criteria. Develop justification for the site to be a biosphere reserve and rationale for the zonation. What is lacking, and how could it be improved? What can your biosphere reserve share with others on how to implement sustainable development into practice?] Brief justification of the way in which the biosphere reserve fulfills each criteria of article 4 of the Statutory Framework of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves: 1. "Encompass a mosaic of ecological systems representative of major biogeographic region(s), including a gradation of human interventions". (The term "major biogeographic region" is not strictly defined but it would be useful to refer to the Udvardy classification system ( Its beauty and diversity of landscapes, as well as preservation of native natural and cultural values, makes Golija one of the most attractive mountains in Serbia. Geology, varied surface configuration and numerous geomorphologic features in coactions with climatic factors, created different ecological systems, and thereby high biodiversity. The considerable wealth of water and large amounts of rainfall has enabled the survival of diverse wildlife. Golija has the biggest and the best forest complexes in Serbia. Meadows and pastures cover south sides of the mountain and piedmont. As specific and sensitive ecosystem, the peats are preserved in the spruce belt. The natural environment of the Golija – Studenica area has been persisted to the present time, in spite of human activities. Local population cleared forests through centuries, transforming woodland into large pastures, meadows, and some fields. The development of secondary pastures and meadows involved natural growth of many plant species that enriched the vegetation of the region. Local inhabitants have been using stones in same way for centuries. In spite of human influence, this area has preserved its original plant communities. 2. “Be of Significance for biological diversity conservation”. Floristic biodiversity of Golija consist about 900 taxa, of which 729 species of vascular plants, 40 species of moss, 117 species and varieties of algae. Of 729 species of vascular plats, 24 species are Pteridophyta, 5 are Coniferophytina and 700 are Magnoliophytina. Twenty percent of all Serbian plant species are growing on Golija. Golija is one of the most important centres of relict plant species in Serbia, and represent, along with Tara Mountain, important Tertiary relicts centre in the western part of Serbia. Endemic and relict specie Acer heldreichii, with its forest communities, in botanical terms is the symbol of the mountain of Golija. The areas of preserved deciduous and coniferous deciduous primeval types of forests, as well as coniferous forest, especially subalpian spruce, are botanically very significant. There are 51 floral elements. 130 bird species, 22 mammal species, 19 amphibians and reptiles. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 99 There are many natural rarities of Serbia, species of international importance, species from European Red Lists. Golija is recognized as part of Emerald network and Serbian ecological network, IBA, IPA, PBA, ProGEO. 3. “Provide an opportunity to explore and demonstrate approaches to sustainable development on a regional scale”. (Including examples or learning experiences from putting sustainable development into practice). Golija – Studenica region is approachable from major towns of Ivanjica, Kraljevo, Raška, Novi Pazar, and Sjenica. Good communication of the Biosphere Reserve with the nearest towns and roads facilitates the planned development of this underdeveloped region. Biosphere Reserve Golija - Studenica cooperate with the local municipalities and all relevant tourist organizations, business entities and other local population. Many nongovernmental organizations are interested in protection of natural environment and in implementation of the sustainable development principles. These organizations have been carrying their programs and thus greatly contributed to the functions of the biosphere reserve. Potentials of the regions are production of healthy food, small-scale industry and tourism. 4. “Have an appropriate size to serve the three functions of biosphere reserves”. The biosphere reserve covers an area of 53,804 ha, which provides ample space for the three functions. Biosphere Reserve Golija – Studenica is one of the few mountainous regions of preserved nature. Moreover, it is a complex mosaic of different ecological systems (lake, aquatic, meadow, shrub, forest) forming a unified entity of closely related habitats, communities, populations, entire ecological systems, and numerous transitional types. Ecological significance of the protected nature is related to conservation of different plant and animal habitats and their communities. Undisturbed biological equilibrium is important for preservation of biocoenoses (and associated fauna) and their authenticity and representation. Scientific research in this region of preserved essential characteristcs promises answers to many questions concerning both the past and the future. Natural characteristics of Golija – Studenica are the basis for environmental education and training. Nature is a rich source of human knowledge and as such, it is extremely important for teaching, because direct acquaintance with natural environment is one of principal modern human necessities. In relation to the present resources of the protected Biosphere Reserve Golija – Studenica and its characteristics, the tendency of uneconomical utilization of natural resources and the increasing disturbance of the natural balance, it is very important to protect adequately the genuine, autochthonous resources of the region, to improve its functions, and to prevent further operation of detrimental factors. To this effect, certain natural processes must be identified and encouraged, and their forcible modification prevented. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 100 5. Appropriate zonation to serve the three functions Biosphere Reserve Golija - Studenica is located within Nature Park Golija. It covers an area of 53.804 ha on the territory of the municipalities Ivanjica and Kraljevo, which is 73 % of the total area of the Nature Park. The zonation of the Biosphere Reserve and Nature Park are the same. The core area is entirely consistent with the first zone of the protection of Nature Park Golija, with the same purpose and limitations. The core area consists of 16 localities, of total area of 496.60 ha, which is 0.93 % of the total area of Biosphere Reserve. These sites are the most valuable and any activities but those of research and controlled education are prohibited. The buffer zone is also matched by the surface, the purpose and the protection regime with the second protection regime of the Nature Park. It has an area of 3661.50 ha, which is 6.81 % of the total area of Biosphere Reserve. There are 18 localities within the buffer zone. They surround or contiguous the core areas. Only limited and controlled use of nature resources, and activities that contribute to the improvement in the given state and presentation of the resource are allowed. The transition area is the same as Golija Nature Park regime of the third degree protection. It has a surface of 49,645.90 ha, i.e. 92.26 % of the total area. This regime of protection allows selective and limited use of natural resources and controlled intervention and activities, which are compatible with the conservation objectives or are related to the inherited traditional economic and habitation practices including tourism. 6. “Organizational arrangements should be provided for the involvement and participation of a suitable range of inter alia public authorities, local communities and private interests in the design and the carrying out of the functions of a biosphere reserve”. Biosphere Reserve cooperates with local governments, tourist and non-governmental organizations, the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, the Republic Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments, the other state authorities and scientific institutions. Cooperation with NGOs is satisfactory. Non-governmental organizations, such as IDA, Zeleni putokazi, Centar za razvoj i promociju Rudno, Udruzenje Rudnjaskih domacina, through their projects and promotion of the natural beauty, culture and villages of Golija initiate a series of activities and services within biosphere reserves, as well as the whole nature park. The future potential for strengthening community involvement appears to be strong, and needs some catalyst to develop it. 7. Mechanisms for implementation: a) Mechanisms to manage human use and activities b) Management policy or plan c) Authority or mechanism to implement this policy or plan d) Programmes for research, monitoring, education and training GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 101 Management of human use and activities in the area of the biosphere reserve is defined by the Management plan of Nature Park Golija. Law on Nature Conservation and the Decree on protection of Nature Park Golija, as well as by other laws and bylaws concerning that matter, also define these activities. Management plan of Nature Park Golija defines the main directions and coordination of development and protection. The designated authority to implement the management plan is PE “Srbijašume” under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia. Research, monitoring, education and training are being conducted by the managers of the biosphere reserve, variety of organizations and qualified individuals. The management has been taking care that all of these are consistent with the functions of a biosphere reserve. 8. Does the biosphere reserve have cooperative activities with other biosphere reserves (exchanges of information and staff, joint programmes, etc.)? At the national level: Golija – Studenica is the only biosphere reserve in Serbia. At the regional level: Not applicable so far. Through twinning and/or transboundary biosphere reserves: Not applicable so far Within the World Network (including Regional Networks): A revitalized National MAB and Climate Change Sub-Committee would have a major role to play to help bridge gaps between international research and other programs and individual biosphere reserves. Obstacles encountered, measures to be taken and, if appropriate, assistance expected from the Secretariat: Assistance related policy support, natural resource management, biodiversity, strengthening of nature management, (possible) local value chains, applied research, capacity and institution building, governance, infrastructure building, will be helpful. The management and governance challenges related to Golija (nature value) and Studenica (cultural value) are something that relevant applied research is needed in order to provide improvement suggestions (policy, management). It is very important to the management of biosphere reserve, that the local communities recognize the value of natural areas in which they live, to understand the importance of nature, to accept the concept of sustainable development and protected areas, which are widely spread in other countries, and that is a benefit of living and working in a protected natural area that has the status of Biosphere Reserve. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 102 9. Main objectives of the Biosphere Reserve: Describe the main objectives of the biosphere reserve integrating the three functions and the sustainable development objectives for the coming years. - The preservation, protection and enhancement of sites of special natural value and rarities, as well as their designated use for scientific research, education, recreation and public presentation, in the accordance with the environmental resource; - Biodiversity conservation; - Preservation, protection and enhancement of landscape and environmental values of the area, including flora, fauna, soil, water, air, forests, pastures and meadows, hunting and fish fauna, with their designated use of the principles of sustainable development; - Preservation, protection and promotion of cultural and historical heritage of Golija and protection of vicinity of cultural properties; - An organized, multidisciplinary and long-term scientific research of the park, training of all categories of population and professions, presentation and advertising of the park values; - Defining limitations in terms of organization of hunting and fishing area; - Facilitating access to landscape, biological and other values and natural resources for sustainable use in the tourism, recreation and complementary activities, science, education, sports, etc…; - Integrating the presentation of natural values in the tourist offer through joint programs, plans and projects, with the allocation of part of tourism profits for nature protection; - Strengthening cooperation with local authorities, local communities, tourist organizations, NGOs, other businesses, etc. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 103 9. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS [List of the annexes submitted with periodic review report.] (1) Updated location and zonation map with coordinates [Provide the biosphere reserve’s standard geographical coordinates (all projected under WGS 84). Provide a map on a topographic layer of the precise location and delimitation of the three zones of the biosphere reserve (Map(s) shall be provided in both paper and electronic copies). Shapefiles (also in WGS 84 projection system) used to produce the map must also be attached to the electronic copy of the form. If applicable, also provide a link to access this map on the internet (e.g. Google map, website…).] GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 104 (2) Updated vegetation map or land cover map [A vegetation map or land cover map showing the principal habitats and land cover types of the biosphere reserve should be provided, if available.] GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 105 (3) Updated list of legal documents (if possible with English, French or Spanish synthesis of its contents and a translation of its most relevant provisions) [If applicable update the principal legal documents since the nomination of the biosphere reserve and provide a copy of these documents.] Decree on Protection of Nature Park Golija Published in “Official Gazette of RS”, nr. 45/2001, from 20.07.2001. Article 1 The area of Golija and Radočelo mountains shall hereby be placed under the protection as the Nature Park to be named “Golija”, and classified as the first protection category as the protected area of exceptional significance (hereinafter referred to as the “Nature Park Golija”. Article 2 The Nature Park Golija shall be placed under protection for the purpose of preserving values and improving the condition of: forests, represented by considerable area, quality, variety and other significant aspects of forest ecosystems; remarkable area characteristics of extraordinary beauty, variety and vitality landscapes; cultural assets and their surroundings including the Studenica Monastery, which has been recorded in the list of the World Cultural Heritage, and the Gradac Monastery being of exceptional national significance, as well as other numerous examples of cultural and historical value; continuity and quality of the basic natural resources (water, soil and plant cover) including the area being the development planning resource; biological diversity based on a large number of plants and animals and their communities, as well as the presence of rare, endemic and relict species; geo-heritage, represented by unusual and attractive land configuration and numerous water resources and phenomenon as the mountain streams and peat bog lakes. Article 3 Nature Park Golija covers the parts of the municipalities of Ivanjica, Kraljevo, Raška, Novi Pazar and Sjenica, of the total area of 75,183.00 ha, thereof 27,306.00 ha of state-owned, and 47,877.00 ha of private property:in the municipality of Ivanjica 41,306.00 ha, there of 17,086.00 ha state-owned, and 24,669.00 ha of private property, in the cadastral municipalities of Brusnik, Vionica, Vrmbaje, Vučak, Gleđica, Gradac, Dajići, Dobri Do, Koritnik, Kumanica and Čečina, Bratljevo, Medovina and Smiljevac; in the municipality of Kraljevo 12,049.00 ha, thereof 2,845.00 ha of state-owned, and 9,204.00 ha of private property, in the cadastral municipalities of Brezova, Bzovik, Vrh, Dolac, Draževići, Mitići, Ušće, Reka, Rusno, Zasad, Orlja Glava and Savovo; in the municipality of Raška 12,623 ha, thereof 4,616.00 ha of state-owned, and 8,007.00 ha of private property in the cadastral municipalities of Binići, Boroviće, Gradac, Kruševica and Plešin; in the municipality of Novi Pazar 5,891.00 ha, there of 1,768.00 ha of state-owned, and 4,123.00 ha of private property, in the cadastral municipalities of Dramiće, Kuzmičevo, Muhovo, Rast and Radaljica; and in the municipality of Sjenica 2,865.00 ha, thereof 991.00 ha of state-owned, and 1,874.00 ha of private property in the cadastral municipality Šare. The desciption of the Nature Park Golija, including the graphic outlines, has been printed together with this Decree, and shall make its integral part. Article 4 In the Nature Park Golija the first protection regime shall be applied to the area of 553.80 ha, the second protection regime to the area of 3,883.10 ha, and the third protection regime to the area of 70,746.10 ha. The first protection regime shall apply to the following localities: 1) "Ispod Jankovog Kamena", of area 60.80 ha and covering sections of a, b and Rz in department 15 and 16 of Management unit „Golija“ (M.U. „Golija); 2) "Pašina česma", of area 0.20 ha and covering department 52, M.U. „Golija“; 3) "Karalići", of area 34.00 ha and covering department 20, M.U. „Golija“; GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 106 4) "Vodica", of area 63.60 ha and covering department 32, M.U. „Golija“; 5) "Tresava na Belim Vodama", of area 15.20 ha and covering department 41, M.U. "Dajićke planine“; 6) "Dajićko jezero", of area 1.00 ha and covering sections 2 and 3 in department 16, M.U. "Dajićke planine“; 7) "Palež", of area 38.00 ha and covering department 23, M.U. "Dajićke planine“; 8) "Isposnice", of area 20.50 ha and covering sections r of 50 and 51 department M.U. "Gornja Studenica“; 9) "Košaninova jezera", of area 26.80 ha and covering department 3 of M.U. "Crepuljnik"; 10) "Crepuljnik", of area 65.80 ha and covering departments 19. and 20. of M.U. "Crepuljnik"; 11) "Radočelo", of area 44.00 ha and covering department 42 of M.U. „Radočelo – Crepuljnik“; 12) "Izubra", of area 66.10 ha and covering department 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9 of M.U. „Brusničke šume“; 13) "Plakaonica", of area 24.80 ha and covering sections b, c, e and f of the department 6 of M.U. „Biser voda - Crni vrh – Radulovac“; 14) "Ravnine", of area 32.40 ha and covering department 28 of M.U. „Biser voda – Vranji krš – LisaBorje“; 15) "Iznad Ljutih livada", of area 27.60 ha and covering department 34 of M.U. „Biser voda – Crni Vrh – Radulovac“; 16) "Crna reka", of area 28.80 ha and covering departments 59 and 60 of M.U. „Biser voda – Crni Vrh – Radulovac“; 17) "Radulovac", of area 4.00 ha and covering plain 5 of department 51, M.U. „Biser voda – Crni Vrh – Radulovac“; 18) "Izvorište Crne reke", of area 0.20 ha. The second protection regime shall apply to the following localities: 1) "Jankov kamen", of area 390.20 hа and covering departments 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 45 and 46, M.U. „Golija“; 2) "Bojovo brdo", of area 133.95 hа and covering departments 47, 48 and 52, M.U. „Golija“; 3) "Jelića strugara", of area 12.00 hа and covering section а, department 53, M.U. „Golija“; 4) "Golijska reka", of area 851.00 hа and covering departments 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 and 73, M.U. „Golija“; 5) "Međugorski potok", of area 390.20 hа and covering departments 1, 2, 3, 4, 57, 58, 59 and 60, M.U. „Dajićke planine“; 6) "Bele Vode", of area 84.40 hа and covering departments 41 and 42, M.U. „Dajićke planine“; 7) "Dajići", of area 55.80 hа and covering section b in department 6, 16 and 17, M.U. „Dajićke planine“; 8) "Jelenovica", of area 125.20 hа and covering departments 22, 23 and 24, M.U. „Dajićke planine“; 9) "Orlov kamen", of area 132.35 hа and covering departments 10, 11 and 12, M.U. „Dajićke planine“; 10) "Gradina", of area 226.70 hа and covering departments 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 and 52, M.U. "Gornja Studenica"; 11) "Pod crepuljnikom", of area 362.10 hа and covering departments 2б, 3а, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 25 and 26, M.U. „Crepuljnik“; 12) "Radočelo II ", of area 82.40 hа and covering departments 41 and 43, M.U. "Radočelo -Crepuljnik"; 13) "Brusničke šume", of area 194.60 hа and covering departments 2, 4, 7, 8 and 9, M.U. "Brusničke šume"; 14) "Plakaonica II ", of area 86.80 hа and covering sections a and b, departments 6 and 7, M.U. „Biser voda – Crni Vrh – Radulovac“; GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 107 15) "Retko Bučje", of area 134.80 hа and covering departments 26, 27, 30 and 31, M.U. "Biser voda – Vranji krš – Lisja-Borje"; 16) "Ugljare", of area 52.80 hа and covering departments 7 and 8, M.U. „Biser voda – Crni Vrh – Radulovac“; 17) "Ljute livade", of area 282.00 hа and covering departments 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33 and 39, M.U. „Biser voda – Crni Vrh – Radulovac“; 18) "Vlaški most", of area 231.20 hа and covering departments 44, 45, 47, 57, 58, 59 and section b of department 60, M.U. „Biser voda – Crni Vrh – Radulovac“; 19) "Suvi breg", of area 25.60 hа and covering part of department 51, M.U. „Biser voda – Crni Vrh – Radulovac“; 20) "Odvraćenica", of area 29.00 hа and covering part of department 51, M.U. „Biser voda – Crni Vrh – Radulovac“. To the remaining area of the protected area the third protection regime shall apply. Article 5 In Nature Park Golija, in the first protection regime, it shall be prohibited to exploit natural resources, as well as any other forms of using the area and activities other than scientific research, controlled education and the use of the existing official and public roads. In the area of the first protection regime, it shall be prohibited to: 1) construct industrial, infrastructural, hydro-technical and other facilities which by their operation and existence might cause unfavourable changes to the quality of soil, water, air, life, beauty of the landscape, cultural values and their surroundings; 2) build housing facilities, accessory farming household facilities and summer houses in the areas other than construction areas provided by special development planning documents, i.e. construction of farming household facilities outside the existing construction lots before such documents have been issued; 3) exploit mineral raw materials, excluding the use of temporary stone – pits and supplies of earth and river materials; 4) decompose or demolish in other manner the facilities which by their architectural and construction characteristics, the period of origin and purpose represent the monuments of national engineering; 5) destroy plants and animals of species protected as natural rarities; 6) plough the ground, clear the forests and undertake other actions on the locations and in manner which might cause strong and excessive water erosion and unfavourable changes to the landscape; 7) store, dispose of and throw away refuse and waste at place other than those provided for such purposes, as well as to pile manure in unregulated manner; 8) and water. use toxic chemical materials and oil products in a manner that might lead to the pollution of soil In the area of the second protection regime, in addition to the prohibited acts applied to the area of the third protection regime, it shall be prohibited to: 1) exploit mineral raw materials including temporary mines; 2) cap springs and construct dams; 3) fishing; 4) hunting, except for the purpose of maintaining the health condition and amount of game in the area of Bojovo Brdo; 5) sheer cutting and clearing of forests, trimming of hard-woods, and unplanned use of timber in view of objectives and principles of forest management; GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 108 6) to plant, sow and cause colonisation of plants and animals of species unfamiliar for the life in the area, in addition to those already existing; 7) mow the meadows and pastures; 8) cut new public roads. The following shall be provided in Nature Park Golija: protection and monitoring of plant and animal species, their population and locations; forest management measures for the purpose of ensuring the improved condition and increased area of forest ecosystem, preserving the representative forest species and the flora and fauna variety; reintroduction and re-colonisation of native species and other activities for the purpose of preserving and improving the condition of population among affected flora and fauna species; mowing of meadows and pasture areas; controlled collection of plant and animal species; controlled grazing on pasture areas and regulation of cattle watering spots; use of farming and cattle-breeding land in customary and traditional manner; organisation and use of area to comply with the applicable protection measures in the manner which provides preservation of natural values and cultural monuments; organisation, construction and infrastructural support in the areas intended for tourist and recreational purposes; reconstruction and maintenance of field, forest and other roads and facilities belonging to the traditional engineering; improvements in villages and village centres; introduction of monitoring activities; scientific research and educational activities, and presentation of natural and cultural values of the Nature Park Golija. Article 6 Protection and development of Nature Park Golija shall be implemented in accordance with the Protection and Development Programme (hereinafter referred to as the “Programme”). The Programme shall include: objectives and priority tasks and activities in the implementation of respective protection measures referred to in Article 5 thereof, particularly the tasks related to: protection of forests according to the requirements of management provided by respective protection regime; protection of rare plants and their communities; protection of fauna; introduction of monitoring activities; activities in the field of scientific research, culture, education and tourism; establishing and developing the cooperation with local population and other users of natural values; presentation of the region and supply of the equipment required to carry out the above activities and tasks, funding necessary to implement the Programme, as well as the manner in which it should be provided. The Programme shall be adopted for the period of five years, and it shall be implemented through annual programmes including the tasks and activities to be carried out in the current year, schedule of their implementation, and the amount of adequate funding. The Programme, for which the prior approvals have been obtained from the Ministries in charge of agriculture, forestry, waterpower engineering, development planning, science and culture, shall be approved by the Ministry in charge for the activities in the field of environmental protection. Article 7 The Nature Park Golija shall be placed under the care of the Public Enterprise “Srbijašume” (hereinafter referred to as the „Enterprise”). Article 8 In its activities dedicated to the protection and development of the Nature Park Golija, the Enterprise shall provide for the implementation of the Programme, specified protection measures and preservation of natural values, scientific research, cultural, educational, promotional/advertising and other activities, whereas it shall adopt its general programme and the annual programmes of protection and development. The Enterprise shall present report on the implementation results of the Programme referred to in Article 5 thereof latest by December 15 for the current year to the Ministry in charge for environmental protection. Article 9 In its activities dedicated to the protection and development of the Nature Park Golija, the Enterprise shall provide the marking of the protected area, internal order and ranger service, in the accordance to the act passed with the consent of the Ministry in charge for environmental protection. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 109 The act referred to in the preceding paragraph shall provide for the rules in implementation of the protection measures and development, in particular: the manner and conditions of visitors’ movements and stay, use of recreational and other public areas, posting of information and other signs, protection procedures in carrying out scientific research and research work, requirements for engaging in unrestricted activities, and special procedures and restrictions in implementation of protection measures. The Enterprise undertakes to have the rules provided by the by-law referred to in the first paragraph thereof and other information relevant for implementation of the protection measures published in public in appropriate manner to make them available to users and visitors. Article 10 The funds for protection and development of Nature Park Golija shall be provided from the revenues generated by the operations of the Enterprise, from the budgeted resources of the Republic, and from other resources pursuant to the law. Article 11 The Programme referred to in Article 6 thereof shall be adopted within six months after the date this Decree came into effect, whereas the annual programme shall be adopted within 90 days after the date the Programme came into effect. Until the Programme has been adopted the Enterprise may carry out the protection activities according to its temporary protection and development programme to be adopted within 60 days after the date this Decree came into effect. Article 12 The plans and programmes of improving the area, forest, hunting, waterpower engineering, agricultural and other aspects, and the programmes covering the protected area shall be adjusted to the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia, The Programme and the protection regimes provided by this Decree. For the area of the Nature Park of Golija the appropriate spatial plan shall be developed pursuant to the law. Article 13 This Decree shall become effective on the eight day after it was published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”. 05 No. 353-6800/2001 Dated in Belgrade on July 10, 2001 Government of the Republic of Serbia Vicepresident Prof. Žarko Korać, Ph.D., sgd. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 110 DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES OF THE NATURE PARK GOLIJA The protected area boundary starts from the junction point of the cadastral municipalities of Tadenje (Kraljevo), Zarevo (Raška) and Kruševica (Raška). From this point the boundary proceeds to the south along the outer line of the following cadastral municipalities also including these municipalities: Gradac, Boroviće, Plešin (municipality of Raška), Dramiće, Kuzmičevo, Ras, Radalica, Muhovo (municipality of Novi Pazar), Šare (municipality of Sjenica), to follow the outer line of the cadastral municipality of Medovine (municipality of Ivanjica) up the local cross-road (725 meters to the south-west from the trigonometer Kunjež at 1,469 meters above sea level). From this point the protected area boundary proceeds further to the north along the east line of the local road to cross the cadastral municipality of Medovine up to the line toward the cadastral municipality of Erčage. The boundary proceeds along the east line of the road to the north up to the hill Klik (trigonometer 1,284). Then the boundary proceeds further to the north crossing along the cadastral municipalities of Erčage, following the east line of the mentioned road, up to the Todorova kosa to proceed along the watershed and reach the trigonometer 1,329 and peak elevation 1,371. From this point it follows the watershed up to Karađorđević šanac (trigonometer 1,389), Crni kamen (peak elevation 1,199), across Jeremin krš (trigonometer 988) along the watershed up to the beginning of macadam road 275 meters to the south-west of the Kovilje Monastery. It proceeds along the west line of the macadam road to the north-east until it reaches the cadastral municipality of Gleđice (by the trigonometer 1,154) to include this cadastral municipality along its west line and reach the cadastral municipality of Bratljevo (Bojovsko brdo – trigonometer 1,113), crossing this cadastral municipality by the following the east outer line of the local road up to the peak elevation 1,085, turning to the north-east up to the trigonometer 1,157 to reach the junction point between the cadastral municipalities of Bratljevo, Kosovica and Kumanica. The protected area boundary proceeds along the outer lines of the following cadastral municipalities including them along the way: Kumanica, Dobri Do, Vrmbaje (Ivanjica), Miliće (Kraljevo) along the course of the river Studenica up to the mouth of the Grajićka reka. Then it crosses through the cadastral municipality of Orlja Glava following the watershed to the north-east up to Ošlje brdo (trigonometer 728) and onward along the watershed up to peak elevation 855, by contour 850 meters above sea-level up to Bažalskih krševa, to reach Babin Grob and turn north to the direction of Bažalske strane, and then further to Gradina (trigonometer 1,152) and the cadastral municipality of Savovo cutting through it along the watershed and across Bele Stene and Savin Dub up to the mouth of Savašnica, and proceeds further following the mainstream of Studenica to reach the protected surrounding of the Studenica Monastery including it entirely, and follows the east line of the cadastral municipalities of Dolac, Vrh, Reka, Dražiniće (Kraljevo) and Kruševica (Raška) to reach its starting point. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 111 Decree on Amendment of Decree on Protection of Nature Park Golija Published in “Official Gazette of RS”, nr. 47/2009, from 26.06.2009. Article 1 The Decree on Protection of Nature Park Golija ("Official Gazette of RS, nr. 45/01) in Article 5, Paragraph 2, Clause 3 is amended as follows: "3) Exploit of mineral resources which do not meet the conditions and measures for environmental protection, natural and cultural values, as well as conditions of protection and sustainable use of forests, farmland and tourist area, determined in accordance with law; " In paragraph 3, Clause 1 is amended as follows: "1) Exploit mineral resources, as well as the use of sand, gravel, stone and clay from river beds and stream banks;" Article 2 This Decree shall become effective on the eight day after it was published in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia". 05 No. 110-3616/2001 Dated in Belgrade on June 18, 2009 Government The First Prime Minister – Deputy Prime Minister Ivica Dačić GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 112 (4) Updated list of land use and management/cooperation plans [List existing land use and management/cooperation plans (with dates and reference numbers) for the administrative area(s) included within the biosphere reserve. Provide a copy of these documents. It is recommended to produce an English, French or Spanish synthesis of its contents and a translation of its most relevant provisions.] Spatial plan of Nature Park "Golija" ("Official Gazette of RS" No. 16 / 06.03.2009.). Basic document on the Golija forest area for the period 2010 - 2019 ("Srbijašume", Belgrade, Forest management Unit "Golija" Ivanjica) Basic document on Donje - Ibar forest area, for the period 2009 - 2018 ("Srbijašume", Belgrade, Forest management Unit "Stolovi" Kraljevo) Basic document on Gornje - Ibar forest area, for the period 2009 - 2018 ("Srbijašume", Belgrade, Forest management Unit "Šumarstvo" Raška) The program for improvement the fishery in the fishing area "Golija" Management plan for the hunting grounds "Golija" and "Biser Voda - Divan" The basic document on forest management for 18 forest management units located on the territory of the Reserve. Other planning documents in the field of forestry, hunting, fishing and the protection of cultural and historical monuments in the Nature Park "Golija". GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 113 (5) Updated species list (to be annexed) [Provide a list of important species occurring within the proposed biosphere reserve, including common names, wherever possible.] The main tree species are: Fagus sylvatica, Abies alba, Picea abies, Acer heldreichii, Sorbus aucuparia, Alnus incana, Salix alba, Ostrya carpinifolia, Ilex aquifolium, Populus tremula, Pinus sylvestris, Pinus nigra, Betula pendula, Quercus cerris, Quercus petraea, Fraxinus excelsior, Fraxinus ornus, Acer platanoides, Acer pseudoplatanus, Carpinus betulus, Juniperus communis. Protected and strictly protected plant species according to “Bylaw of the declaration and protection of protected and strictly protected wild species of plants, animals and fungi (“Official Gazette of RS”, nr. 5/10, 47/11) and “Regulation on the transboundary movement and trade of the protected species” (“Official Gazette RS”, no. 99/2009) – Annex VII and VIII: Dactylorhiza latifolia; Gymnadenia conopsea; Huperzia selago, Juniperus communis; Neottia nidus-avis; Orchis morio; Pimpinella serbica; Platanthera bifolia; Acer heldreichii; Corallorrhiza trifida; Dactylorhiza incarnata; Dactylorhiza maculata; Gymnadenia nigra; Listera cordata; Lycopodium clavatum; Traunsteinera globosa; Sphagnum spp. “Regulation on transboundary movement and trade of the protected species” (“Official Gazette RS”, nr. 99/2009) in Annex II (in accordance with CITES convention and Annex B of Council Regulation no. 338/97 and Commision Regulation nr. 407/09 EU) includes the following plant taxon: Coeloglossum viride; Corallorrhiza trifida; Dactylorhiza incarnata Dactylorhiza latifolia; Dactylorhiza maculata; Gymnadenia nigra; Listera cordata Neottia nidus-avis; Platanthera bifolia Traunsteinera globosa. The moss species for which is planned a Natura 2000 area and which is on Annex II is: Buxbaumia viridis (Moug. ex Lam. & DC.) Brid. ex Moug. & Nestl., Green Shield-moss, Family: Buxbaumiaceae Status: DS (II); Bern; PZDV; PPPT. Habitats Directive –ANNEX V (Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora) as to NATURA 2000 Ecological network includes two vascular plants: Huperzia selago and Lycopodium clavatum, as well as all species of white mosses – Sphagnum falax, S. girgensonhii, S. inundatum, S. palustre, S. russowii, S. squarrosum and S. subsecundum. The two species of moss on the Annex V are registered in Golija: Leucobryum glaucum (Hedw.) AÅngstr., Large white moss Family: Leucobryaceae Status: DS (V); Genus Sphagnum peat-mosses Family: Sphagnaceae Status: DS (V); PZDV; PPPT; two species from the group of clubmoss - Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & C. F. P. Mart. subsp. Selago, Fir Clubmoss, Synonym: Lycopodium selago L. Family: Lycopodiaceae, Status: DS (V); PZDV; PPPT; Lycopodium clavatum L. subsp. Clavatum, Stag's-horn Clubmoss, Synonym: Lycopodium clavatum L. Family: Lycopodiaceae Status: DS (V); U; PZDV; PPPT. A significant segment of vascular plants diversity of Golija represents the presence of the Balkan endemics. In the area of biosphere reserves the presence of the following Balkan endemics is determined: Acer heldreichii; Aconitum burnatii subsp. pentheri; Aconitum toxicum subsp. bosniacum; Asyneuma pichleri; Betonica scardica; Bupleurum apiculatum; Cerastium decalvans; Cerastium malyi; Cerastium rectum; Chamaecytisus tommasinii; Crocus veluchensis; Hieracium gymnocephalum; Hieracium jurassicum subsp. papyraceum; Hieracium marmoreum; Knautia dinarica; Pimpinella serbica; Silene sendtneri; Lilium carniolicum subsp. albanicum; Thymus praecox subsp. jankae; Viola macedonica. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 114 The main bird species are: Pernis aprivorus, Circeatus gallicus, Aquila chrysaetos, Falco peregrinus, Bonasa bonasia, Tetrao urogallus, Scolopax rusticola, Dendrocopos leucotos, Anthus spinoletta, Motacilla cinerea, Troglodytes troglodytes, Prunella modularis, Erithacus rubecula, Turdus torquatus, Turdus merula, Turdus philomelos, Turdus viscivorus, Sylvia atricapilla, Sylvia curruca, Regulus regulus, Tichodroma muraria, Nucifraga caryocatactes, Fringilla coelebs, Loxia curvirostra, Pyrrhula pyrrhula, Parus cristatus. The main fish species are Salmo trutta, Barbus peloponnesius, Alburnoides bipunctatus and Cottus gobio. Amphibians and reptiles are represented with the following species: Salamandra salamandra, Triturus alpestris, Triturus vulgaris, Bufo bufo, Bufo viridis, Hyla arborea, Rana temporaria, Rana dalmatina, Rana ridibunda, Ablepharus kitaibelii, Anguis fragilis, Podarcis muralis, Lacerta agilis, Lacerta viridis, Elaphe longissima, Coronela austriaca, Natrix natrix, Natrix tessellata, Vipera ammodytes. The mammals (Mammalia) of Golija are as follows: Grey wolf (Canis lupus), Brown bear (Ursus arctos), Otter (Lutra lutra), Marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna) (Annex II Habitats Directive); Whiskered bat (Myotis mystacinus), Common dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius), Grey wolf (Canis lupus), Brown bear (Ursus arctos), Otter (Lutra lutra), Marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna), Wildcat (Felis silvestris) (Annex IV Habitats Directive); Golden jackal (Canis aureus), Pine marten (Martes martes), Western polecat (Mustela putorius) (Annex V Habitats Directive). The mammals of Golija (Mammalia): Grey wolf (Canis lupus), Brown bear (Ursus arctos), Otter (Lutra lutra), Marbled polecat (Vorm peregusna) (Annex II Habitats Directive); Whiskered bat (Myotis mystacinus), Common dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius), Grey wolf (Canis lupus), Brown bear (Ursus arctos), Otter (Lutra lutra), Marbled polecat (Vorm peregusna), Wildcat (Felis silvestris) (Annex IV of the Habitats Directive); Golden jackal (Canis aureus), Pine marten (Martes martes), Western polecat (Mustela putorius) (Annex V Habitats Directive). GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 115 A list of important species Group Latin name English name Vascular plantsAcer heldreichii Orph. ex Boiss. Heldreich's Maple Vascular plantsAchillea millefolium subsp. millefolium Yarrow / Nose-bleed Vascular plantsAconitum burnatii subsp. pentheri Vascular plantsAconitum toxicum subsp. bosniacum Vascular plantsAlchemilla viridiflora Vascular plantsAlchemilla xanthochlora Intermediate Lady's-mantle Vascular plantsAlyssum markgrafii Vascular plantsAremonia agrimonoides subsp. agrimonoides Bastard Agrimony Vascular plantsAsarum europaeum subsp. europaeum Asarabacca Vascular plantsAsyneuma pichleri Vascular plantsAthyrium filix-femina subsp. filix-feminaLady-fern / Parsley-fern Vascular plantsBetonica scardica Vascular plantsBetula pendula Silver Birch Vascular plantsBistorta officinalis subsp. officinalis Common Bistort Vascular plantsBlechnum spicant Hard-fern Vascular plantsBupleurum apiculatum Vascular plantsCarlina acaulis subsp. acaulis Carline Thistle Vascular plantsCerastium decalvans subsp. decalvans Vascular plantsCerastium malyi subsp. malyi Vascular plantsCerastium rectum subsp. rectum Vascular plantsChamaecytisus tommasinii Vascular plantsChrysosplenium alternifolium Chrysosplene Vascular plantsCoeloglossum viride subsp. viride Frog Orchid Vascular plantsCorallorrhiza trifida Coralroot Orchid Vascular plantsCrocus veluchensis Vascular plantsDactylorhiza incarnata subsp. incarnataEarly Marsh-orchid Vascular plantsDactylorhiza latifolia Elder-flowered Orchid Vascular plantsDactylorhiza maculata Heath Spotted-orchid Vascular plantsDryopteris carthusiana Vascular plantsEpilobium hirsutum Great Willowherb Vascular plantsEpilobium montanum Broad-leaved Willowherb Vascular plantsEriophorum latifolium Broad-leaved Cottongrass Vascular plantsEuphrasia rostkoviana subsp. montana Vascular plantsEuphrasia rostkoviana subsp. rostkoviana Eyebright Vascular plantsFragaria vesca subsp. vesca Wild Strawberry Vascular plantsGalium odoratum Woodruff Vascular plantsGalium pseudaristatum Vascular plantsGenista depressa Vascular plantsGentiana acaulis Stemless Gentian Vascular plantsGentiana asclepiadea subsp. asclepiadea Willow Gentian Vascular plantsGeranium robertianum subsp. robertianum Herb-Robert Vascular plantsGymnadenia conopsea subsp. conopseaFragrant Orchid Vascular plantsGymnadenia nigra Vascular plantsHelleborus serbicus Bear's foot Vascular plantsHieracium gentile Hawkweed Vascular plantsHieracium gymnocephalum subsp. gymnocephalum Vascular plantsHieracium jurassicum subsp. papyraceum Vascular plantsHieracium marmoreum subsp. marmoreum Vascular plantsHypericum barbatum Vascular plantsHypericum perforatum Perforate St John's-wort Vascular plantsJacobaea subalpina Vascular plantsJuniperus communis subsp. communis Common Juniper Vascular plantsKnautia dinarica subsp. dinarica Vascular plantsLilium carniolicum subsp. albanicum Vascular plantsLilium martagon Martagon Lily Vascular plantsListera cordata Lesser Twayblade Vascular plantsMelittis melissophyllum subsp. albida Bastard Balm Vascular plantsMyosotis alpestris subsp. suaveolens Vascular plantsNeottia nidus-avis Bird's Nest Orchid Vascular plantsOrchis morio subsp. morio Green-winged Orchid Vascular plantsParis quadrifolia Herb-paris / One-berry Vascular plantsPhegopteris connectilis Beech Fern Vascular plantsPimpinella serbica Vascular plantsPlatanthera bifolia subsp. bifolia Lesser Butterfly Orchid Vascular plantsPotentilla erecta Tormentil Vascular plantsPulmonaria officinalis Lungwort Vascular plantsSanicula europaea subsp. europaea Sanicle Vascular plantsSilene sendtneri subsp. sendtneri Vascular plantsSolidago virgaurea subsp. virgaurea Goldenrod Vascular plantsThymus praecox subsp. jankae Creeping Thyme Vascular plantsTraunsteinera globosa European food-deceptive Vascular plantsTrollius europaeus subsp. transsilvanicusGlobe Flower Vascular plantsVaccinium myrtillus Bilberry / Blue-berry Vascular plantsVeratrum lobelianum Vascular plantsVeronica officinalis Heath Speedwell Vascular plantsViola macedonica Boiss. & Heldr. Johnny-Jumpup National IUCN Endemic CITES sp p p p p p p Regulation * Relic * * * * * * * * * * p * * p * * * * * p p p * * * * * p * * * * * * sp sp * * sp p sp p p p * * * * * * * * * * * * * p p p p p * * * * * * sp p p p sp p * * * * sp sp p p p p p p sp * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * p p * * * * * sp p p p p * * * * * * * * p * * sp p p sp p * * * * * * GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 Site status Habitats Directive 116 Group Latin name English name National IUCN Endemic CITES Amphibians andBufo reptiles viridis Amphibians andHyla reptiles arborea Amphibians andRana reptiles temporaria Amphibians andRana reptiles dalmatina Amphibians andRana reptiles ridibunda Amphibians andAblepharus reptiles kitaibelii Amphibians andPodarcis reptiles muralis Amphibians andLacerta reptilesagilis Amphibians andLacerta reptilesviridis Amphibians andElaphe reptileslongissima Amphibians andCoronella reptiles austriaca Amphibians andNatrix reptiles tessellata Amphibians andVipera reptilesammodytes Green toad European tree frog Common frog Agile frog Green frog European copper skink Wall lizard Sand lizard Green lizard Aesculapian snake Smooth snake Dice snake Nose horned snake sp sp sp sp p sp Group Latin name English name National IUCN Endemic CITES Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Insects Carabus montivagus Carabus croaticus bosiljcici Carabus violaceus azurescens Agonum sexpunctatum Agonum scrobiculatus serbicus Pterostichus oblongopunctatus Pterostichus burmeisteri Pterostichus brevis Pterostichus nigrita Pterostichus bruckii Stomis pumicatus Platyderus rufus Notiophilus biguttatus Trechus priapus priapus Boloria titania Euphydrias aurinia Phengaris arion Parnassius mnemosyne Lestes sponsa Pyrrhosoma nymhula Enallagma cyathigerum Aeshna juncea Cordulia aenea Libellula quadrumaculata Leucorhinia dubia Arcyptera fusca Chorthippus brunneus brunneus Chorthippus longicornis Chorthippus mollis mollis Decticus verrucivorus Euthystira brachyptera Gomphocerus sibiricus Metrioptera brachyptyera Miramella alpina Omocestus haemorrhoidalis Omocestus petraeus Omocestus ventralis Pholidoptera aptera karny Pholidoptera fallax Pholidoptera frivaldskyi Pholidoptera griseoaptera Poecilimon ampliatus Poecilimon ornatus Poecilimon thoracicus Psorodonotus fieberi Stauroderus scalaris Stenobothrus lineatus Stenobothrus stigmaticus Tettigonia viridissima Regulation Relic Site status Habitats Directive Relic Site status Habitats Directive * * * sp sp sp sp p * sp sp sp * * * * p p p sp * p GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 * Regulation 117 Group Latin name English name National IUCN Endemic CITES Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Birds Pernis apivorus Gyps fulvus Circaetus gallicus Circus aeruginosus Circus cyaneus Circus pygargus Aquila chrysaetos Falco peregrinus Bonasa bonasia Tetrao urogallus Tringa glareola Bubo bubo Strix uralensis Aegolius funereus Caprimulgus europaeus Alcedo atthis Picus canus Dryocopus martius Dendrocopos syriacus Dendrocopos medius Dendrocopos leucotos Anthus campestris Lullula arborea Ficedula parva Ficedula albicollis Lanius collurio Emberiza hortulana European Honey-buzzard Eurasian Griffon Short-toed Eagle Western Marsh-harrier Northern Harrier Montagu's Harrier Golden Eagle Peregrine Falcon Hazel Grouse Capercaillie Wood Sandpiper Eagle-owl Ural Owl Tengmalm's Owl Eurasian Nightjar Common Kingfisher Grey-headed Woodpecker Black Woodpecker Syrian Woodpecker Middle Spotted Woodpecker White-backed Woodpecker Tawny Pipit Woodlark Red-breasted Flycatcher Collared Flycatcher Red-backed Shrike Ortolan Bunting sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp sp Group Latin name English name National IUCN Endemic CITES Mammals Mammals Mammals Mammals Mammals Mammals Mammals Mammals Mammals Mammals Mammals Canis lupus Ursus arctos Lutra lutra Vormela peregusna Vormela peregusna Myotis mystacinus Muscardinus avellanarius Felis silvestris Canis aureus Martes martes Mustela putorius Grey wolf Brown bear Otter Marbled polecat Marbled polecat Whiskered bat Common dormouse Wildcat Golden jackal Pine marten Western polecat Regulation Relic Regulation Relic Site status b/p p b/p p w/p pb/p b/w b/w b/w b/w p b/w b/w b/w b/p b/w b/w b/w b/w b/w b/w pb/p b/p b/p b/p b/p b/p Habitats Directive Site status Habitats Directive * * * * * * * * * * * Legend: sp-strictly protected, p-protected, b-breeder, pb-possible breeder, p- passenger, w-winter visitor, * - presence National - Ordinance on proclamation and protection of strictly protected and protected wild species of plants, animals and fungi ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 05/2010 and 47/2011) Regulation - The Regulation on control of use and trade of wild flora and fauna ("RS Official Gazette", Nos. 31/2005, 45/2005, 22/2007, 38/2008, 9/2010 and 69/2011). GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 118 (6) Updated list of main bibliographic references (to be annexed) [Provide a list of the main publications and articles of relevance to the proposed biosphere reserve.] Ajtić, R., Vuković, A, Vukelić, M., Ilić, B., Jelić, I., Jančić, R., Lazarević, P., Stojanović, D., Stojanović, V., Škobić, S. (2013): Priručnik za sakupljanje zaštićenih divljih vrsta biljaka, životinja i gljiva. Zavod za zaštitu prirode Srbije, Beograd. Arnstein, S. R. (1969). A ladder of citizen participation. Journal of the American Institute of planners, 35(4), 216-224. An Zbornik radova povodom jubileja Pavla Fukareka, 365-371. B, i H, 72. odeljenje prir-mat. nauka Sarajevo. Anđelković, M. (ed.) (2004): Biodiverzitet na početku novog milenijuma. Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Naučni skupovi, knjiga CXI, Odeljenje hemijskih i bioloških nauka, knjiga 2, Beograd. Antić, M., Avdalović Vera, Jović N. (1965) : Karakteristike i osobine evoluciono-genetičke serije zemljišta na serpentinitima meliorativne jedinice planine Goč. Zemljište i biljka, Vol. 14, No. 1. Beograd. Antić, M., Jović N., Avdalović Vera (1963): Humusni varijetet smeđeg kiselog zemljišta na Goču pod asocijacijom Acereto-Heldreichi fagetum. Zemljište i biljka, No. 1-3. Beograd. Antonović, G. (1965): Geneza i osobine zemljišta na crvenim peščarima istočne Srbije. Doktorska disertacija. Arhiv za poljoprivredne nauke, god. XVIII, sv. 63. Beograd Antonović, G. (1965): Pedološki pokrivač Tare i Zvijezda planine. Arhiv za poljoprivredne nauke, god. XVIII, sv. 60. Beograd. Antonović, G. (1967): Pojava erozije i mere zaštite zemljišta na crvenim peščarima istočne Srbije. Arhiv za poljoprivredne nauke, god. XX, sv. 69. Beograd. Antonović, G. (1968): Sastav zemljišta i stanje erozije na području planine golije. Institut za šumarstvo i drvnu industriju. Beograd. Antonović, G. (1975): Struktura i sadržaj tumača pedoloških karata. Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, posebno izdanje - XXVII - Odeljenje prirodnih i matematičkih nauka, knj. 6. Sarajevo. Antonović, G. et. al. (1967): Metodika terenskog ispitivanja zemljišta i izrada pedoloških karata. Jugoslovensko društvo za proučavanje zemljišta, knj. 4. Beograd. Antonović, G. Nikodijević V., Nikačević M. (1967): Pedološka karta 1:50.000 sekcija Sjenica 2. Beograd. Antonović, G., Nikačević M. (1967): Pedološka karta 1:50.000 sekcija Novi Pazar 1. Beograd. Antonović, G., Nikodijević V. (1969): Zemljišta Rogozne. Zbornik radova Instituta za proučavanje zemljišta, No. 2. Beograd. Antonović, M. G. Vidaček Ž. (1980): Procena proizvodne i upotrebne vrednosti zemljišnog prostora (bonitiranje zemljišta) VI kongres Jugoslovenskog društva za proučavanje zemljišta. Novi Sad. Avdalović, Vera (1971): Geneza i osobine kiselih smeđih zemljišta SR Srbije. Doktorska diseratacija. Beograd. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 119 Blečić, V, Tatić B. (1962): Prilog poznavanju smrčevih šuma planine Golije. Glasnik prirodnjačkog muzeja, knj. 18. Beograd. Blečić, V. (1960): Šume planinske jove i cecelja ( Oxali-Alnetum incanae) u gornjem slivu Tare i Lima.-Glasn. Bot. Zavoda i bašte Beograd, Univerz., 12,1(2),107- 115. Beograd Blečić, V. Tatić, B. (1962) : Prilog poznavanju smrčeve šume Golije. -Glasn. Prir. muz., ser. B., 18,40-43. Beograd. Blečić, V., Tatić, B. (1962): Prilog poznavanju smrčeve šume Golije planine. Glas. Prir. Muz., Ser. B, knj. 18. Beograd Blečić, V., Tatić, B. (1964): Acidofilne livade i pašnjaci na planini Goliji. Glasnik prirodnjačkog muzeja, Ser. B. knj. 19. 89 - 94. Beograd. Bošković, Đ. (1975): “Osvrt na neke karakteristike regionalnog prostornog planiranja spomenika na teritoriji srednjevekovne Raške”, “Raška baština I”, Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Kraljevo, Kraljevo. Braun – Blanquet, J. 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Zakon o proceni uticaja na životnu sredinu („Službeni glasnik RS“, br. 135/2004 i 36/2009). Zakon o strateškoj proceni uticaja na životnu sredinu („Službeni glasnik RS“, br. 135/2004 i 88/2010). Zakon o teritorijalnoj organizaciji Republike Srbije („Službeni glasnik RS“, br. 129/2007). Zakon o zaštiti prirode Srbije („Službeni glasnik RS”, br. 135/2004, 88/2010 i 91/2010). Zavod za urbanizam Vojvodine, Detaljni prostorni plan Golijska reka, 1993, Novi Sad. Živković, M. (1966): Osobine humusno-silikatnih zemljišta Srbije obrazovanih na raznim geološkim supstratima. Arhiv za poljoprivredne nauke, god. XIX, sv. 66. Beograd. Živković, M., Milojević S. (1932): Prilog geološkom poznavanju Javora i Golije. Vesnik geološkog instituta Kraljevine Jugoslavije. Beograd. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 128 10. ADRESSES 10.1 Contact address of the proposed biosphere reserve: [Government agency, organization, or other entity (entities) to serve as the main contact to whom all correspondence within the World Network of Biosphere Reserves should be addressed.] Contact address (es) Contact address of the biosphere reserve for all official correspondence. Name: Commission of the Republic of Serbia for UNESCO Ministry of Foreign Affairs Street: Kneza Miloša 24 - 26 City with postal code: 11000 Belgrade Country: Republic of Serbia Telephone: +381 11 36 16 333 Telefax (or telex): +381 11 36 18 030 E-mail:;; Web site address: Name: MAB and Climate Change Sub-Committee Commission of the Republic of Serbia for UNESCO Ministry of Foreign Affairs Street: Kneza Miloša 24 - 26 City with postal code: 11000 Belgrade Country: Republic of Serbia E-mail: Web site address: under development (within the UNESCO Ecological Footprint project) Name: Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia Street: Dr Ivana Ribara 91 City with postal code: 11070 Belgrade Country: Republic of Serbia Telephone: +381 11 209-3803 Telefax (or telex): +381 11 209-3867 E-mail: Web site address: State enterprise for forests management Srbijašume Forest estate Šumarstvo – Raška, Working unit “Park prirode ''Golija''. Street: Miluna Ivanovića 9 City with postal code: 36350 Raška Country: Republic of Serbia Telephone: +381 36 736-861 Telefax (or telex): +381 36 736-252 E-mail: Web site address: Name: GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 129 Annex I to the Biosphere Reserve Periodic Review MABnet Directory of Biosphere Reserves Administrative details Country: REPUBLIC OF SERBIA Name of BR: GOLIJA - STUDENICA Year designated: 2002 Administrative authorities: the Municipality of Ivanjica, the City of Kraljevo Name Contact: Name: Commission of the Republic of Serbia for UNESCO Ministry of Foreign Affairs Street: Kneza Miloša 24 - 26 City with postal code: 11000 Belgrade Country: Republic of Serbia Telephone: +381 11 36 16 333 Telefax (or telex): +381 11 36 18 030 E-mail:;; Web site address: Name: MAB and Climate Change Sub-Committee Commission of the Republic of Serbia for UNESCO Ministry of Foreign Affairs Street: Kneza Miloša 24 - 26 City with postal code: 11000 Belgrade Country: Republic of Serbia E-mail: Web site address: under development (within the UNESCO Ecological Footprint project) Name: Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia Street: Dr Ivana Ribara 91 City with postal code: 11070 Belgrade Country: Republic of Serbia Telephone: +381 11 209-3803 Telefax (or telex): +381 11 209-3867 E-mail: Web site address: GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 130 State enterprise for forests management Srbijašume Forest estate Šumarstvo – Raška, Working unit “Park prirode ''Golija''. Street: Miluna Ivanovića 9 City with postal code: 36350 Raška Country: Republic of Serbia Telephone: +381 36 736-861 Telefax (or telex): +381 36 736-252 E-mail: Web site address: Name: Related links: Social networks: Currently the Biosphere Reserve is not represented on the social networks. Description Nature Park "Golija" gained the status of a biosphere reserve under the name "GolijaStudenica" in 2001 and became the first biosphere reserve in Serbia. The conserved nature with a large number of plant and animal species, some of which are endemic and relict, and the Studenica monastery, which has been on the the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List since 1986, have contributed to the designation of the Reserve. The area of the Biosphere Reserve "Golija-Studenica" is 53.804 hectares and includes part of the Nature Park "Golija" at the area of the forest governance units Ivanjica and Kraljevo. Nature Park "Golija" was placed under protection for the purpose of conservation of forest ecosystem values, the diversity of landscapes and exceptional beauty of the landscapes, cultural goods and their surroundings (the monasteries Studenica and Gradac), durability and quality of basic natural resources (water, soil and plant cover), the biodiversity consisting of rare, endemic and relict species, geological heritage consisting of unusual and attractive relief forms and numerous water bodies and phenomena such as sources of mountain water streams and peat bog lakes. The area of Golija itself is bordered by Ibar river valley in the east, Raška and Ljutska river in the south, Moravica in the west and the central part of the Studenica river valley in the north and northeast. It is characterized by the abundance of water and a variety of wildlife. The basins of Moravica and Studenica rivers with their numerous tributaries are major factors of geomorphological processes and relief forms. Golija is adorned by an expanse of forest cover. Beech forests are particularly distributed. Some parts of these forests have the character of rainforest. Golija is now most densely forested mountain in Serbia, with the largest and best forest complexes. Its southern slopes are covered with vast meadows and pastures. Mires have been preserved in the spruce forests, as specific and sensitive ecosystems. Golija together with the mountain Tara is a refuge of the tertiary flora in Serbia and it is important as a center of genetic, species and ecosystem diversity in the Balkans and in Europe. Floristic biodiversity of Golija consists of about 900 taxa of plants, of which 729 species are vascular fungi, 40 species are moss, 117 species and varieties are algae. Endemic and relict species and species that have become endangered are of special importance in the flora. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 131 Among the preserved natural rarities, the relict and endemic tree species of maple (Acer heldreichii) stands out, which is a synonym for the flora of Golija. In Serbia, the most beautiful and best preserved communities with dense populations of mountain maple are on Golija. In addition to maple, of special floristic importance is holly (Ilex aquiifolium), as well as endemic species: Alyssum markgrafii, Alyssum jancheni, Pancicia serbica, Viola elegantula and Verbascum adamovicin. The species Pancicia serbica and Thymus adamovicii have the characteristics of local endemic species and the species of international importance for biodiversity conservation. In Golija, it has so far been recorded 45 species of birds that belong to the group of natural rarities, and approximately 90 species that are candidates for the Red Book of Birds in Serbia. The following sites are important in botanical terms: Dajićko jezero, Košaninova jezera, Tresava na Belim vodama, Palež, Jankov kamen, Ljute livade, Vlaški most, Karalići, Izubra, Bojevo brdo, Devojačka voda, Odvraćenica, Biser voda-Vranji krš-Lisa-Borje. Special cultural and historical value of Golija is the Studenica monastery, founded in the late twelfth century, as a major endowment of the founder of the dynasty of Nemanjić, Stefan Nemanja. The monastery had in time become the most important cultural center of the new Serbian medieval state with the greatest impact on the social and cultural development of the country. It had often been destroyed and rebuilt again. In the XII and XIII century the monastery complex included 13 churches with supporting facilities, the two of which remained well preserved till present day: the Holy Virgin Church and the Church of St. Joachim and Anna. Studenica Monastery, undoubtedly, is one of the most valuable buildings in Serbian architecture and one of the most important centers of medieval life. More than 20 years ago its values have placed it beyond the borders of our country to the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List (since 1986). Major ecosystem type: Golija is grown with forest ecosystems. Beech forests are particularly distributed. The southern slopes of Golija are covered with vast meadows and pastures. Mires have been preserved in the spruce forests, as specific and sensitive ecosystems. Major habitats & land cover types: Beech forests (Main species - Fagus sylvatica) Spruce forests (Main species - Picea abies) Fir forests (Main species - Abies alba) Oak forests (Main species - Quercus petraea and Q. cerris.) Pine forests (Main species - Pinus silvestris) Mixed deciduous forests – Main species Acer heldreichii, Fagus sylvatica Mixed coniferous forests (Main species -Abies alba-Picea abies Mixed deciduous and coniferous forests (Main species -Abies alba-Fagus sylvatica, Acer heldreichi, Picea abies) Mountain meadows from alliances Mountain wetlands (rivers, streams, mires, marshes, lakes) GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 132 Bioclimatic zone: Climate of Golija is determined by its geographical position, diversity of relief, elevation, vegetation and other factors, based on which three climate regions are distinguished: lowland with sub-mountainous region, transitional and mountain region. Location (latitude & longitude): Cardinal points: Most central point: Northernmost point: Southernmost point: Westernmost point: Easternmost point: Latitude 43 23’ 42” 20 21’ 58” 43 33’ 15” 20 20’ 32” 43 16’ 32” 20 21’ 32” 43 24’ 46” 20 09’ 22” 43 29’ 07” 20 33’ 33” Longitude 74 48 604 48 05 848 74 46 857 48 23 521 74 47 959 47 92 586 74 31 666 48 07 971 74 64 343 48 15 782 Total Area (ha): 53.804 ha Core area(s): 496.60 ha. Buffer zone(s): 3,661.50 ha. Transition area(s) : 49,645.90 ha. Different existing zonation: Altitudinal range (metres above sea level): Zonation map(s): Main objectives of the biosphere reserve 1. Continuous environmental education and informing of the residents and visitor of the Biosphere Reserve, about the value and preservation of natural and cultural assets. 2. Initiate a range of activities, services and information which can be organized by the rural population on family farms in order to attract tourists and create additional income. 3. Initiate program of reconstruction and conservation of architectural heritage in the area of the village Gradac, Brusnik and Plešin, where the best-preserved structure of traditional construction is. These settlements are planned for the special protection and rehabilitation as spatial, historical, ethnic, with priorities for the development of appropriate tourism types. 4. Development of general, topical and informative promotional materials with educational character of the Biosphere Reserve Golija – Studenica, as well as of Nature Park Golija, such as guide, brochure, CD, catalogues, flyers and other promotional materials. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 133 Research Josif Pančić, a known nature scientist, initiated floral research on Golija in the 19th century. He botanized in 1856, 1866 and 1875 respectively on Golija, Javor and Mučanj mountains, as mentioned in “Flora of the Dukedom of Serbia”. Studies of flora and vegetation and of algae and mosses, in the early 20th century are associated with Nedeljko Košanin. Particularly important is his work concerning hydrobiology of Dajić Lake. Research of flora and vegetation in Golija was discontinued from the time of Košanin to the sixties, when it was resumed. Studies of flora, phytogeography, phytocoenology, and ecology by botanists and foresters in past decades increased the level of knowledge of the vegetation life on Golija. Blecić and Tatić (1962, 1964) studied the vegetation of juniper forests, meadows and pastures. Systematic and comprehensive team and stationary research of Golija mountain began in the seventies, guided by M. Gajić. Several new subspecies and varieties have been described. As to research in social sciences, historical studies are particularly intensive, because the region of Biosphere Reserve was the centre of the medieval Serbian State. The nature of Golija has been also studied from the nature conservation aspect. The Institute of Nature Conservation of Serbia prepared the “Nature Protection Study of Nature Park Golija” (2001), on which basis The Regulation for Protection of Nature Park Golija was proclaimed. PE „Srbijašume” perform research work in order to protect the forests against abiotic harmful effects. In accordance, few of the scientific papers related to abiotic research and monitoring have been done. Monitoring program in forestry has been effective from 1956. The detailed inventory of the forest ecosystems is one of the obligations defined by The Forestry Law. These actions must be taken every ten years. Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, conducts the activities in conservation and development of natural heritage of Serbia. The Institute has been performing research work and studying of the biodiversity and geodiversity in Golija for the last 50 years, as well as monitoring of the condition of natural resources for the last 20 years. Many other researches have been performed on Golija. One of the last is related to the preparation of “The medium-term program for the improvement of the fisheries in the fishing area of Nature Park Golija for the period 2009-2012”, which involved over 10 scientists from different institutions. Socio-economic research was performed in the area of Golija (wider area of the biosphere reserve and nature park) for the Spatial plan of special purpose for Nature Park Golija, which was adopted in 2009. Monitoring Monitoring program in forestry has been effective from 1956. The detailed inventory of the forest ecosystems is one of the obligations defined by The Forestry Law. These actions must be taken every ten years. Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, conducts the activities in conservation and development of natural heritage of Serbia. The Institute has been performing research work and studying of the biodiversity and geodiversity in Golija for the last 50 years, as well as monitoring of the condition of natural resources for the last 20 years. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 134 Many other researches have been performed on Golija. One of the last is related to the preparation of “The medium-term program for the improvement of the fisheries in the fishing area of Nature Park Golija for the period 2009-2012”, which involved over 10 scientists from different institutions. Monitoring of the strictly protected species of plants, animals and fungi, monitoring of the state of natural resources in the protected area (river water flows, land, forests, etc.), and the introduction of changes in the Annual operational plans of forest management is a regular activity of the forestry engineers in the Forest Management Units on the territory of the Nature Park "Golija". At the area of the Reserve there is a continuous monitoring of bark beetles in the protected area by placing pheromone traps with pheromones in spruce stands, along with the control of use and trade in protected species of blueberry, the controll of use of the stone slabs in a traditional way, as well as a control of quarries where the stone is used for roads, the monitoring of the process of coniferous forests withering, considering the fact that there has been intensification of this phenomenon, and the protection and control of specific fish habitats. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 135 Specific variables (fill in the table below and tick the relevant parameters) Abiotic Abiotic factors Acidic deposition/Atmospheric factors Air quality Air temperature Climate, climatology Contaminants Drought Erosion Geology Geomorphology Geophysics Glaciology Global change Groundwater Habitat issues Heavy metals Hydrology Indicators Meteorology Modeling Monitoring/methodologies Nutrients Physical oceanography Pollution, pollutants Siltation/sedimentation Soil Speleology Topography Toxicology UV radiation x x x x x x x x Biodiversity Afforestation/Reforestation Algae Alien and/or invasive species Amphibians Arid and semi-arid systems Autoecology Beach/soft bottom systems Benthos Biodiversity aspects Biogeography Biology Biotechnology Birds Boreal forest systems Breeding Coastal/marine systems Community studies Conservation Coral reefs Degraded areas Desertification Dune systems Ecology Ecosystem assessment Ecosystem functioning/structure Ecosystem services Ecotones Endemic species Ethology Evapotranspiration Evolutionary studies/Palaeoecology Fauna Fires/fire ecology Fishes Flora Forest systems Freshwater systems Fungi Genetic resources Genetically modified organisms Home gardens Indicators Invertebrates Island systems/studies Lagoon systems Lichens Mammals Mangrove systems GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 136 Mediterranean type systems Microorganisms Migrating populations Modeling Monitoring/methodologies Mountain and highland systems Natural and other resources Natural medicinal products Perturbations and resilience Pests/Diseases Phenology Phytosociology/Succession Plankton Plants Polar systems Pollination Population genetics/dynamics Productivity Rare/Endangered species Reptiles Restoration/Rehabilitation Species (re) introduction Species inventorying Sub-tropical and temperate Taxonomy rainforest systems Temperate forest systems Temperate grassland systems Tropical dry forest systems Tropical grassland and savannah Tropical humid forest systems systems Tundra systems Vegetation studies Volcanic/Geothermal systems Wetland systems Wildlife GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 x x x x x x x x 137 Agriculture/Other production systems Agroforestry Anthropological studies AquacultureSocio-economic Archaeology Bioprospecting Capacity building Cottage (home-based) industry Cultural aspects Demography Economic studies Economically important species Energy production systems Ethnology/traditional Firewood cutting practices/knowledge Fishery Forestry Human health Human migration Hunting Indicators Indicators of sustainability Indigenous people's issues Industry Livelihood measures Livestock and related impacts Local participation Micro-credits Mining Modeling Monitoring/methodologies Natural hazards Non-timber forest products Pastoralism People-Nature relations Poverty Quality economies/marketing Recreation Resource use Role of women Sacred sites Small business initiatives Social/Socio-economic aspects Stakeholders' interests Tourism Transports x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Integrated monitoring Biogeochemical studies Carrying capacity Climate change Conflict analysis/resolution Ecosystem approach Education and public awareness Environmental changes Geographic Information System Impact (GIS) and risk studies Indicators Indicators of environmental quality Infrastructure development Institutional and legal aspects Integrated studies Interdisciplinary studies Land tenure Land use/Land cover Landscape inventorying/monitoring Management issues Mapping Modeling Monitoring/methodologies Planning and zoning measures Policy issues Remote sensing Rural systems Sustainable development/use Transboundary issues/measures Urban systems Watershed studies/monitoring x x x x x x x x x x x x GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 138 Annex II to the Biosphere Reserve Periodic Review Promotion and Communication Materials for the biosphere reserve Provide some promotional material regarding the site, notably high quality photos, and/or short videos on the site so as to allow the Secretariat to prepare appropriate files for press events. To this end, a selection of photographs in high resolution (300 dpi), with photo credits and captions and video footage (rushes), without any comments or sub-titles, of professional quality – DV CAM or BETA only, will be needed. In addition, return a signed copy of the following Agreements on Non-Exclusive Rights for photo(s) and video(s). The Biosphere Reserve is also on Youtube: - - - - - - A film about Golija is aimed at directing our thoughts to the importance of preserving life on this mountain with the message that everything can be better, more beautiful and dignified. The film "Mountain Golija, an impression of nature" is an ecological and cultural documentary and a reminder that Golija might provide another chance to us. Brochures - The Associatiopn for the development of Kraljevo valley: The prospects of sustainable agricultural and tourism development within the Nature Park „Golija” and Biosphere Reserve "Golija - Studenica". - Pharmaceutical research society: Medicinal plants of the mountain Golija. - MAB Biosphere Reserve Golija - Studenica: A life in communion with Nature. Monographs - Nikolić, Stevan: Golija, an Ecological and Tourism-based Study with the Program. Urošev, Marko: The Basin of Golijska Moravica river, a Hydrological Analysis. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 139 UNESCO Photo Library Bureau of Public Information AGREEMENT GRANTING NON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS Reference: 1. a) I the undersigned, copyright-holder of the above mentioned photo(s) hereby grant to UNESCO free of charge the non-exclusive right to exploit, publish, reproduce, diffuse, communicate to the public in any form and on any support, including digital, all or part of the photograph(s) and to licence these rights to third parties on the basis of the rights herein vested in UNESCO b) These rights are granted to UNESCO for the legal term of copyright throughout the world. c) The name of the photographer will be cited alongside UNESCO’s whenever his/her work is used in any form. 2. 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GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 140 Name and Address: Signature : Date : (Sign, return to UNESCO two copies of the Agreement and retain the original for yourself) Mailing address: 7 Place Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, Direct Telephone: 00331 – 45681687 Direct Fax: 00331 – 45685655; e-mail:; GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 141 UNESCO PHOTO LIBRARY Bureau of Public Information AGREEMENT GRANTING NON-EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS Reference: 1. a) I the undersigned, copyright-holder of the above mentioned video(s) hereby grant to UNESCO free of charge the non-exclusive right to exploit, publish, reproduce, diffuse, communicate to the public in any form and on any support, including digital, all or part of the photograph(s) and to licence these rights to third parties on the basis of the rights herein vested in UNESCO b) These rights are granted to UNESCO for the legal term of copyright throughout the world. c) The name of the author/copyright holder will be cited alongside UNESCO’s whenever his/her work is used in any form. 2. I certify that: a) I am the sole copyright holder of the video(s) and am the owner of the rights granted by virtue of this agreement and other rights conferred to me by national legislation and pertinent international conventions on copyright and that I have full rights to enter into this agreement. b) The video(s) is/are in no way whatever a violation or an infringement of any existing copyright or licence, and contain(s) nothing obscene, libellous or defamatory. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 142 Name and Address: Signature : Date: (Sign, return to UNESCO two copies of the Agreement and retain the original for yourself) Mailing address: 7 Place Fontenoy, 75352 Paris 07 SP, Direct Telephone: 00331 – 45681687 Direct Fax: 00331 – 45685655; e-mail:; GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 143 Annex III to the Biosphere Reserve Periodic Review The Statutory Framework of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves Introduction Within UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme, biosphere reserves are established to promote and demonstrate a balanced relationship between humans and the biosphere. Biosphere reserves are designated by the International Co-ordinating Council of the MAB Programme, at the request of the State concerned. Biosphere reserves, each of which remains under the sole sovereignty of the State where it is situated and thereby submitted to State legislation only, form a World Network in which participation by the States is voluntary. The present Statutory Framework of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves has been formulated with the objectives of enhancing the effectiveness of individual biosphere reserves and strengthening common understanding, communication and co-operation at regional and international levels. This Statutory Framework is intended to contribute to the widespread recognition of biosphere reserves and to encourage and promote good working examples. The delisting procedure foreseen should be considered as an exception to this basically positive approach, and should be applied only after careful examination, paying due respect to the cultural and socio-economic situation of the country, and after consulting the government concerned. The text provides for the designation, support and promotion of biosphere reserves, while taking account of the diversity of national and local situations. States are encouraged to elaborate and implement national criteria for biosphere reserves which take into account the special conditions of the State concerned. Article 1 - Definition Biosphere reserves are areas of terrestrial and coastal/marine ecosystems or a combination thereof, which are internationally recognized within the framework of UNESCO's programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB), in accordance with the present Statutory Framework. Article 2 - World Network of Biosphere Reserves 1. Biosphere reserves form a worldwide network, known as the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, hereafter called the Network. 2. The Network constitutes a tool for the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of its components, thus contributing to the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity and other pertinent conventions and instruments. 3. Individual biosphere reserves remain under the sovereign jurisdiction of the States where they are situated. Under the present Statutory Framework, States take the measures which they deem necessary according to their national legislation. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 144 Article 3 - Functions In combining the three functions below, biosphere reserves should strive to be sites of excellence to explore and demonstrate approaches to conservation and sustainable development on a regional scale: (i) conservation - contribute to the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species and genetic variation; (ii) development - foster economic and human development which is socio-culturally and ecologically sustainable; (iii) logistic support - support for demonstration projects, environmental education and training, research and monitoring related to local, regional, national and global issues of conservation and sustainable development. Article 4 - Criteria General criteria for an area to be qualified for designation as a biosphere reserve: 1. It should encompass a mosaic of ecological systems representative of major biogeographic regions, including a gradation of human interventions. 2. It should be of significance for biological diversity conservation. 3. It should provide an opportunity to explore and demonstrate approaches to sustainable development on a regional scale. 4. It should have an appropriate size to serve the three functions of biosphere reserves, as set out in Article 3. 5. It should include these functions, through appropriate zonation, recognizing: (a) a legally constituted core area or areas devoted to long-term protection, according to the conservation objectives of the biosphere reserve, and of sufficient size to meet these objectives; (b) a buffer zone or zones clearly identified and surrounding or contiguous to the core area or areas, where only activities compatible with the conservation objectives can take place; (c) an outer transition area where sustainable resource management practices are promoted and developed. 6. Organizational arrangements should be provided for the involvement and participation of a suitable range of inter alia public authorities, local communities and private interests in the design and carrying out the functions of a biosphere reserve. 7. In addition, provisions should be made for: GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 145 (a) mechanisms to manage human use and activities in the buffer zone or zones; (b) a management policy or plan for the area as a biosphere reserve; (c) a designated authority or mechanism to implement this policy or plan; (d) programmes for research, monitoring, education and training. Article 5 - Designation procedure 1. Biosphere reserves are designated for inclusion in the Network by the International Coordinating Council (ICC) of the MAB programme in accordance with the following procedure: (a) States, through National MAB Committees where appropriate, forward nominations with supporting documentation to the secretariat after having reviewed potential sites, taking into account the criteria as defined in Article 4; (b) the secretariat verifies the content and supporting documentation: in the case of incomplete nomination, the secretariat requests the missing information from the nominating State; (c) nominations will be considered by the Advisory Committee for Biosphere Reserves for recommendation to ICC; (d) ICC of the MAB programme takes a decision on nominations for designation. The DirectorGeneral of UNESCO notifies the State concerned of the decision of ICC. 2. States are encouraged to examine and improve the adequacy of any existing biosphere reserve, and to propose extension as appropriate, to enable it to function fully within the Network. Proposals for extension follow the same procedure as described above for new designations. 3. Biosphere reserves which have been designated before the adoption of the present Statutory Framework are considered to be already part of the Network. The provisions of the Statutory Framework therefore apply to them. Article 6 - Publicity 1. The designation of an area as a biosphere reserve should be given appropriate publicity by the State and authorities concerned, including commemorative plaques and dissemination of information material. 2. Biosphere reserves within the Network, as well as the objectives, should be given appropriate and continuing promotion. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 146 Article 7 - Participation in the Network 1. States participate in or facilitate co-operative activities of the Network, including scientific research and monitoring, at the global, regional and sub-regional levels. 2. The appropriate authorities should make available the results of research, associated publications and other data, taking into account intellectual property rights, in order to ensure the proper functioning of the Network and maximize the benefits from information exchanges. 3. States and appropriate authorities should promote environmental education and training, as well as the development of human resources, in co-operation with other biosphere reserves in the Network. Article 8 - Regional and thematic subnetworks States should encourage the constitution and co-operative operation of regional and/or thematic subnetworks of biosphere reserves, and promote development of information exchanges, including electronic information, within the framework of these subnetworks. Article 9 - Periodic review 1. The status of each biosphere reserve should be subject to a periodic review every ten years, based on a report prepared by the concerned authority, on the basis of the criteria of Article 4, and forwarded to the secretariat by the State concerned. 2. The report will be considered by the Advisory Committee for Biosphere Reserves for recommendation to ICC. 3. ICC will examine the periodic reports from States concerned. 4. If ICC considers that the status or management of the biosphere reserve is satisfactory, or has improved since designation or the last review, this will be formally recognized by ICC. 5. If ICC considers that the biosphere reserve no longer satisfies the criteria contained in Article 4, it may recommend that the State concerned take measures to ensure conformity with the provisions of Article 4, taking into account the cultural and socio-economic context of the State concerned. ICC indicates to the secretariat actions that it should take to assist the State concerned in the implementation of such measures. 6. Should ICC find that the biosphere reserve in question still does not satisfy the criteria contained in Article 4, within a reasonable period, the area will no longer be referred to as a biosphere reserve which is part of the Network. 7. The Director-General of UNESCO notifies the State concerned of the decision of ICC. 8. Should a State wish to remove a biosphere reserve under its jurisdiction from the Network, it notifies the secretariat. This notification shall be transmitted to ICC for information. The area will then no longer be referred to as a biosphere reserve which is part of the Network. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015 147 Article 10 - Secretariat 1. UNESCO shall act as the secretariat of the Network and be responsible for its functioning and promotion. The secretariat shall facilitate communication and interaction among individual biosphere reserves and among experts. UNESCO shall also develop and maintain a worldwide accessible information system on biosphere reserves, to be linked to other relevant initiatives. 2. In order to reinforce individual biosphere reserves and the functioning of the Network and sub-networks, UNESCO shall seek financial support from bilateral and multilateral sources. 3. The list of biosphere reserves forming part of the Network, their objectives and descriptive details, shall be updated, published and distributed by the secretariat periodically. GOLIJA - STUDENICA BIOSPHERE RESERVE Periodic review 2015