national meteorological administration
national meteorological administration
NATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL ADMINISTRATION BOARD Dr. Ion SANDU Director General Dr. Cornel SOCI Executive-Scientific Director for Meteorology Dr. Gheorghe STANCALIE Dr. Ion Victor PESCARU Executive Director for Executive-Scientific Director Information Technology for Research Development Ec. Margareta Mateescu Executive Director for Economic Management Ion POIANA Director of the National School of Meteorology REGIONAL METEOROLOGICAL CENTRES Ioan MISA Director Regional Meteorological Centre Banat-Crisana Str. Gheorghe Adam, nr. 15, Timisoara Tel.: 0256-220084; Fax: 0256-220084 e-mail: Liviu SARARU Director Regional Meteorological Centre Wallahia (Muntenia) Sos. Bucuresti-Ploiesti, nr. 97, Bucharest Tel.: 3502481; Fax: 3502481 e-mail: Marius SANTA Director Regional Meteorological Centre Transylvania-North Str. Vanatorului, nr. 17, Cluj Tel.: 0264-530988; Fax: 0264-530988 e-mail: Constantin DRACSINEANU Director Regional Meteorological Centre Moldavia Str. Vascauteanu, nr. 10, Iasi Tel.: 0232-214049; Fax: 0232-214049 e-mail: Ion POPESCU Director Regional Meteorological Centre Transylvania-South Str. Somesului, nr. 49, Sibiu Tel.: 0269-211795; Fax: 0269-211795 e-mail: Dumitru SARAFU Director Regional Meteorological Centre Dobrudja B-dul Mamaia, nr. 300, Constanta Tel.: 0241-542459; Fax: 0241-542459 e-mail: Ladislau LUP Director Regional Meteorological Centre Oltenia Str. Brestei, nr. 3A, Craiova Tel.: 0251-466601; Fax: 0251-466601 e-mail: CONTENTS FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................ 3 IMPORTANT EVENTS IN 2009 ........................................................................................... 5 METEOROLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE YEAR 2009 ................................... 9 CLIMATOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE YEAR 2009 .................................................. 11 AGROMETEOROLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE AGRICULTURAL YEAR 2008-2009 ................................................................................... 13 BASIC OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES ................................................................................ 17 OBSERVATION SYSTEM ................................................................................................................ 19 SURFACE OBSERVATIONS ............................................................................................................ 19 AGROMETEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ................................................................................ 19 NIVO-METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ................................................................................. 20 UPPER AIR OBSERVATIONS .......................................................................................................... 20 RADAR OBSERVATIONS ................................................................................................................ 22 SATELLITE OBSERVATIONS .......................................................................................................... 22 WEATHER FORECAST .................................................................................................................... 23 LONG RANGE WEATHER FORECAST .......................................................................................... 27 AGROMETEOROLOGICAL FORECAST ........................................................................................ 29 NATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM ............................................ 31 NATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL DATA FUND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .................................... 32 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES .................................................................................................. 35 NUMERICAL MODELLING .............................................................................................................. 37 CLIMATE VARIABILITY AND CHANGE .......................................................................................... 45 IMPACT OF CLIMATE VARIABILITY AND CHANGE ON CROPS ....................................................... 49 REMOTE SENSING AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS ........................................... 53 METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITES ................................................................................................. 57 NATIONAL SCHOOL OF METEOROLOGY ............................................................................ 61 NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS .................65 FINANCIAL REPORT ........................................................................................................ 73 Foreword In the year 2009, the Romanian meteorology celebrated 125 years of institutional activity, while it has brought a significant contribution to the protection of people's life and property, being aware that, at this moment, its position is due to successive generations of meteorologists who have worked passionately for its progress. The Annual Report 2009 points out the most significant scientific aspects and offers a complete image on the operational and research activity within the National Meteorological Administration. Over this year, as well, our institution was actively involved in the prevention and management of meteorological risk situations, connected to the quality of environment, in general, and of the air, in particular. The Romanian forecasters informed the local authorities and the population in due time, by issuing yellow and orange code warnings, when severe meteorological phenomena occurred: snow storms during the winter, extremely low temperatures, such as that of 30,5oC, recorded on 28 January at Întorsura Buzăului, electric discharges, hail, torrential rains, squalls, floods and heat waves, during the summer, when the recorded daily temperatures reached o 39,9 C (Zimnicea, 4 August 2009). In 2009, the specialists of the National Meteorological Administration participated to prestigious international scientific events, published valuable scientific papers and received academic titles and awards. The international relations extended, particularly with strategic users, and the existing agreements and good practices were maintained. As we know, the National Meteorological Administration enjoyed a valuable prestige among the European Meteorological Services with tradition, bringing a significant scientific contribution to the progress of meteorology as science. In 2009, our institution made considerable efforts to improve the meteorological, climatological and agrometeorological forecasts, as well as the severe weather warnings, contributed to the protection of environment through warnings in case of occurrence of accidental radioactive pollution, to air, railway and road transports safety and food security, encouraged the use of clean energy, and diversified the recreation activities. Last but not least, the Romanian Meteorological Service was deeply involved in the promotion of the regional activity, actively participating to specific international programmes and projects and supporting the research and professional training activity. It is worth mentioning that Romania rd participated to the 3 World Climate Conference, and particularly to its High-level Segment, over the period 31 August4 September 2009, in Geneva, Switzerland. The aim of this event was the establishing of a Global Framework for Climate Services, which will play a crucial role in supporting the efforts of societies to adapt to climate change. Through enhancing the quality of observations, research and information, as well as through the implementation of climate user interface mechanisms focused on building linkages and integrating information between the providers and users of climate services, the Global Framework will ensure that all sectors of society have user-friendly climate products and services that allow them to carry out plans in order to be able to face climate change. Director General, Permanent Representative of Romania with the World Meteorological Organization Dr. Ion SANDU 3 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 IMPORTANT IMPORTANT EVENTS EVENTS IN IN 2009 2009 14-16 January 2009: Within the NATO SfP978012 Project „Modelling System for Emergency Response to Release of Harmful Substances in the Atmosphere”, at the National Meteorological Administration's headquarters, the working meeting of a delegation from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology of Bulgaria took place. The aim of the project is to provide real time information to central and local authorities, as well as to relevant international organizations, to substantiate the decisions regarding the measures to be taken to reduce damage caused by accidental atmospheric pollution. 25-27 February 2009: At the Director General's invitation, the National Meteorological Administration hosted the working meeting with a delegation from the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), led by Dr. Lars P. Prahm, Director General of the above-mentioned organization. The meeting was joined by high officials such as secretaries of state, and directors from the following ministries: Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Administration and Interior, Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development, M i n i s t r y o f E c o n o m y, M i n i s t r y o f Transportation and Infrastructure, Ministry of Regional Development and Housing and personalities from other institutions in Bucharest: Bucharest City Hall, General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, National Authority for Scientific Research, Romanian Space Agency, Institute for Space Sciences, Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority, ROMATSA, Special Telecommunication Service, Institute for Advanced Technology, etc. The main theme approached was the accession of Romania, with full rights, to the EUMETSAT Convention. At the same time, the representatives of the participating institutions received relevant information on the benefits of Romania's accession to EUMETSAT. 23 March 2009: The National Meteorological Administration celebrated World Meteorological Day, through organizing a ceremony in the “Ştefan Hepites” hall at its headquarters in Bucharest. The annual anniversary of World Meteorological Day has become a tradition. The theme proposed by the World Meteorological Organization for 2009 was “Weather, climate and the air we breath”, within the context in which communities from all over the world make great efforts to accomplish the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, especially those connected to health, food, water supply security and improvement of life conditions, as well as increased efficiency in disasters prevention and mitigation. It is good to know that 90% of the natural disasters are directly related to weather, climate and hydrological hazards. The scientists have become aware of the connections between weather, climate, composition of the air we breath and their 5 IMPORTANT EVENTS IN 2009 effects upon human health. In this sense, the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services will continue to carry out the main guidelines for the protection of human health and environment.This event gathered important decision makers at local and central level. Among the participants to the ceremony it is worth mentioning Mr. Nicolae Nemirschi Minister of Environment, representatives of different institutions such as: the Romanian A i r Tr a ff i c S e r v i c e s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n (ROMATSA), the Air Forces General Staff, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, the Faculties of Physics and Geography of the University of Bucharest, etc. 1-3 April 2009: The National Meteorological Administration hosted the 7th Management Committee and Working Groups Meeting of the European Project for Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), Action 734, with the theme “Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on European Agriculture CLIVAGRI”, within the context in which specialists in agrometeorology and remote sensing from our institution actively participate to this project. period. Representatives of the project partners from Austria, Greece, Croatia, Serbia, specialist from the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management and from the Institute of Geography attended the meeting. 17 June 2010: The Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences “Gheorghe IonescuSiseşti” of Bucharest organized a National Debate on “Global climate change and mitigation of impacts in agriculture”, in collaboration with the National Meteorological Administration. On this occasion, Dr. Ion Sandu, Director General of the National Meteorological Administration presented the scientific paper entitled “Recent changes in the climatic regime in Romania and their impact on agriculture” - authors: Dr. Ion Sandu, Dr. Elena Mateescu, Dr. Aristiţa Busuioc. 30 August-10 September 2010: : Dr. Nina 9-10 April 2009: The National Meteorological Administration organized at its headquarters a meeting within the NATO SfP-978012 Project „Modelling System for Emergency Response to Release of Harmful Substances in the Atmosphere”. Representatives of the Project partners such as Albania, Bulgaria and Greece participated to this event. 15-16 June 2009: At the invitation of the National Meteorological Administration, as partner to the Climate Change and impacts on Water Supply Project (CC-WaterS), the Thematic Group 3 (Climate Change) meeting took place. The projects unfolds over a 3-year 6 Nikolova from the Faculty of Geography, University “St. Kliment Ohridski” of Sofia, paid a working visit to the National Meteorological Administration's headquarters in Bucharest, the Cluj Napoca Regional Forecasting Service and the Faculty of Geography of the University Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj Napoca, within the project “Observed changes in precipitation regime in the Danube river lower basin in the context of climate change”. The aim of this visit was the exchange of experience with the Romanian partner, discussions on the results obtained and preparation of the final project report. Over the period 31 August – 4 September 2009, the 3rd World Climate Conference (WCC-3) took place in Geneva, Switzerland. The Conference had two major components: the Expert Segment and the High-Level ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Segment. Romania was represented to the High-Level Segment session organized on 3-4 September 2009, by Mr. Nicolae NEMIRSCHI, Minister of Environment and Dr. Ion SANDU, Director General of the National Meteorological Administration. The theme of the Conference was “Climate prediction and information for decisionmaking” focusing on the scientific progress in the domain of seasonal and inter-annual weather forecasts, by taking into account the multi-decade prediction and use of the predictions and information allowing communities to adapt to climate change with impact on different sectors such as: agriculture, food security, forest management, energy, water, health, urban and rural settlements, infrastructure, tourism, transportation and commerce, thus contributing to a sustainable socio-economic development. Romania together with the rest of the countries which signed the Conference Declaration, partner institutions and interested organizations, recognized the necessity of setting up a High-Level Task Force who will receive information from an extended experts network, in order to develop an action plan, assess dedicated resources, establish a deadline for the proposed actions and the measuring indicators of the Global Framework for Climatological Services' successful implementation. 28 September-1 October 2009: Mr. Jeffrey Wilson Director of the Education and Training Division within the Development and Regional Activities Department of the World Meteorological Organization, visited the National Meteorological Administration's headquarters in Bucharest, as well as the National School of Meteorology in Afumaţi. On this occasion, Mr. Wilson became familiar with the latest advances of the National Meteorological Administration, such as the modernizing of infrastructure, telecommunications and meteorological data processing equipment, and with the recent progress made in the domain of the professional training developed within the National School of Meteorology, particularly through the implementation of the e-learning teaching platform. On his turn, Mr. Jeffrey Wilson presented to the Romanian specialists the World Meteorological Organization's latest achievements in education and the new training strategies initiated by the Education and Training Division. 14-15 October 2009: On the occasion of the International Day of Disaster Reduction, organized by the General Inspectorate of Emergency Situations, celebrated in Călimăneşti, Vâlcea district, the paper entitled “Extreme meteorological phenomena in Romania” - authors: Dr. Ion Sandu, Dr. Elena Mateescu, Dr. Aristiţa Busuioc was presented. 29 October 2009: The 5th Forum “State and Importance of Forest Patrimony at the rd nd Beginning of the 3 Millennium” and the 2 Session of debates dedicated to the “National Danube water management strategy”, Region III South Wallachia, Olteniţa, took place and the paper “Tendencies of evolution in the climatic regime in Development Region III (South Wallachia)” was presented by Dr. Ion Sandu, Director General of the National Meteorological Administration. 4-5 November 2009: The Annual Scientific Papers Delivery Session was organized at the National Meteorological Administration's headquarters in Bucharest. Distinguished guests from the Ministry of Environment and representatives of different other institutions participated to the opening ceremony. 60 researchers and specialist presented scientific papers and posters, and at the end, the best one was awarded the “Nicolae Beşleagă” prize. 19 November 2009: A delegation from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) paid a work visit to the National Meteorological Administration with the purpose of providing information on the most recent advances recorded by the Centre and their impacts on the quality of weather forecasts, as well as ECMWF's developing 7 IMPORTANT EVENTS IN 2009 programmes and future plans. The two delegates were Dr. Anna Ghelli, from the Meteorological Operations Section in the Operations Department and Dr. Peter Bauer, Head of the Satellite Section 8 in the Research Department. On their turn, specialists from the National Meteorological Administration presented the latest achievements in the operational and research domain. METEOROLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE YEAR 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 CLIMATOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE YEAR 2009 In 2009, the mean thermal regime at country level was above the climatological normal. Positive deviations ranged from 0.7ºC in May to 1.9ºC in November, March being the only month when the mean temperature at country level was climatologically normal (Fig. 1). 22.0 OC 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII -2.0 -4.0 2009 61-90 Fig.1. Mean monthly temperature in Romania in 2009, against the climatological normal (1961-1990) The precipitation regime of 2009 was within the norm, with a mean country-level precipitation amount of 674.0 mm against the climatological normal of 637.9 mm, which meant a positive deviation of 5.7%. The excessive precipitation pattern of January, February, March, June, October, November and December compensated the precipitation deficit from April, May, July, August and September. In 2009, the mean allcountry amounts ranged from 15.8 in April, when the climatological norm is 51.5 mm, to 104.1 mm in August, whose normal amount in 89.2 mm (fig. 2). mm 120.0 110.0 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 I II III IV V 2009 VI VII VIII IX X XI XII 61-90 Fig. 2. Mean monthly precipitation amount in Romania in 2009 against the climatological norm (1961-1990) In January mean temperatures were higher that the usual ones, except for the west and centre of the country, where they were close to normal. Precipitation amounts were generally over the climatological norm in the east, south-east and south, below the norm in the west and centre of the country and normal in the remainder of the territory. It snowed in the first ten-day period and on the closing days of the month, which lead to the accretion of a thick snow layer in the mountain areas. Besides, 3 to 20 cm of snow also accumulated in most of the country's territory. During the first ten-day period of the month, fog with rime was reported in most of the country and in the second ten-day period glazed frost occurred. Mean temperatures in February were higher than usual in the east, south-east and south of the country and close to normal in the rest of the territory. The precipitation regime displayed excess in the northern half of Moldavia, in most of Transylvania and of Banat, in southern Oltenia and southern Dobrudja, it was scanty in south-eastern Transylvania and south-western Moldavia and normal elsewhere. It snowed in the second half of the month, the snow layer ranging from 17 cm in Dobrudja to 77 cm in Banat and reaching 239 cm in the mountain area (Balea Lake). The wind gusted in the south and east of the country, temporarily blowing the snow. In March the mean monthly temperatures framed within the norm in most part of the country, with above-normal values locally in the south and the south-east. Precipitation amounts exceeded the normal values in the western and central areas and locally in the southern ones and were generally normal in the remainder of the territory. On the first days of the month it snowed in Maramures and in the mountain area, where the wind blew the snow. Precipitation recorded throughout the month was also thunderous and locally with hail, in Mures, Valcea, Olt and Timis counties. In the third ten-day period, hoarfrost locally occurred in most part of the country. The mean monthly temperatures in April were above the normal ones, except for areas in the south of the country, where they stayed 11 METEOROLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF 2009 IN ROMANIA within the norm. The precipitation regime displayed deficit across the country, southern Dobrudja excepted, where the amounts were near the area's normal. Precipitation fell with thunder and sparse hail and in the high mountain area sleet and snow were reported. Hoarfrost occurred during the month in the eastern half of the country. May was warmer than usual, except for the northern and eastern regions, where temperatures were close to the climatological norm. The precipitation pattern displayed deficit in the west of the country and in most part of the east, it was in excess of the average over narrow areas in the Eastern Carpathians and close to normal in the remainder of the territory. Rain fell torrentially, with frequent hail and the wind became galelike. On the last two days of the month, in the mountains, at over 1400 m.a.s.l., there were also sleet and snow. June was also warmer than usual everywhere in the country. Precipitation amounts were near normal in most part of the territory, with a surplus over wider areas in the north and south-west of the country and a deficit in Dobrudja and eastern Baragan. Torrential rain fell on a number of days during the month, with hail, thunder and squalls. July was warmer than the climatological normal throughout the country. Precipitation amounts mainly displayed excess in the south and south-east of the country and were scanty in the remainder of the territory, locally close to normal. Precipitation, with thunder and hail, fell torrentially on many of the month's days in most of the country's areas, causing local flooding and landslides. In the latter part of the month, sultry days and tropical nights were recorded and the temperature-humidity index (THI) reached and exceeded the critical 80-unit threshold in the west, south and east of the country and sparsely in the centre. August was also warmer than usual in most of the country's regions. The precipitation regime was mainly scanty in Moldavia, Dobrudja, eastern Wallachia, Oltenia, Banat and on certain surfaces in Crisana; it displayed excess in the hill and mountain areas from Wallachia and Oltenia, as well as in northern and eastern Transylvania and was normal over the rest of the territory. Rainfalls, with thunder and hail, were torrential on many days of the month in 12 most regions. During the month sultry days and tropical nights were reported and THI exceeded the critical 80-unit threshold in the st west, south and east of the country. On the 31 the maximum annual temperature (39,9ºC at Zimnicea) was recorded. In September , the mean monthly temperatures were above normal in most of the country's areas. Precipitation amounts were scanty in the west, centre and north, excessive in the south and south-east and close to normal elsewhere. Rain showers were accompanied by wind gusts, thunder and hail. In the mountain area precipitation also fell as snow over brief intervals. During the first e-day period of the month, sultry days and tropical nights were recorded in the plain areas, and THI exceeded the critical 80-unit threshold. The mean thermal regime in October was above normal in most part of the country, except for its north and south-west, where it stayed within the normal limits. The precipitation pattern displayed excess everywhere in the country. As it rained across the country, 24-hour amounts accumulated on th the 13 exceeded the maxima of the observation period at 19 weather stations from the west and north of the country. November was warmer than usual throughout the country. The precipitation pattern displayed excess in the west and south-west and deficit in the east and southeast and was normal in the remainder of the th th territory. From the 6 to the 11 it rained widely in the western half of the country, in excess of 25 mm in the south-west and sparsely over 50 mm in Oltenia sub-Carpathians (80.6 mm at Padeş on the 9th). In the mountain area it snowed and snow layer accumulated. In December it was warmer than usual, the east and south of the country excepted, where the month's mean temperatures were within the normal limits. The precipitation regime displayed country-wide excess. In the 9–16 interval it snowed and snow layer occurred in most part of the country. Blizzard was reported in the mountains, as well as in the south and east of the country. From the 22nd to the 26th it rained almost everywhere (the mountain area and the north excepted, where it snowed). In the 27–31 interval, precipitation fell mostly as rain and on the last two days of the year amounts were significant in the western half of the country. ANNUAL REPORT 2009 AGROMETEOROLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE AGRICULTURAL YEAR 2008-2009 The thermal potential of the 2008 autumn was generally favourable to the unfolding of the growth and development processes in the autumn cereal crops sown in the optimum epoch (15 September -20 October). In September and October (the basic period for the autumn sowing campaign) precipitation fell in large amounts (150-200 mm) and even in excess (201-216 mm) in the north-west of Oltenia and of Wallachia, in central and eastern Maramures and sparsely in southern Transylvania and northern Moldavia. Optimum amounts (75-150 mm) against plants' demands were recorded in most part of Wallachia, Oltenia, Banat, Crisana, Maramureş, Transylvania and Moldavia, as well as widely in the northern half of Dobrudja. In the remainder of the agricultural territory precipitation displayed deficit (30-75 mm). Under the above-described circumstances, at the end of October 2008, the humidity reserve accessible to the winter wheat plants in the 0-20 cm soil layer was optimum, close to optimum and satisfactory in most part of the cultivated areas, except for surfaces in the south-east of the country and locally in the south, east and west, where the pedological drought maintained at various intensities, i.e. moderate, strong and locally extreme. Autumn cereals sown in the optimum epoch benefited from sufficient thermal resources over narrow areas, but because of the more frequent and abundant rainfalls in September and October, seasonal activities (harvesting, freeing the fields from the vegetal remains, preparing the germinative bed, sowing the autumn crops) were hampered and temporarily discontinued in almost every agricultural zone, so that the high thermal resources could not be turned to good account. During November the decrease of the thermal regime of the air to negative values against the optimum biological limits of plants (with hoarfrost and ground frost occurrence) induced gradual slowing to the vegetation rhythm at the autumn crops in most agricultural areas and even temporary stagnation on certain surfaces in the centre and north of the country. In order to assess the wintering conditions in the autumn crops, the thermal indices specific to the 1 November 2008-28 February 2009 period were analysed (Fig. 1), i.e. the sums of the mean negative diurnal air temperatures (Σ meanT<0°C/ cold units) and the sum of the negative minimum air temperatures (Σ min.T<-15°C/ frost units) which characterize the cold season through the severity of the winter. Thus, from analysing the „cold units” (Σ meanT<0°C), a mild winter (less than 200 cold units) was highlighted for Oltenia, Wallachia, Dobrudja most part of Moldavia and of Banat, south-eastern Crişana and central Maramureş. It was moderately cold (201-300 cold units / normal winter) in most part of Transylvania, of Crişana and of Maramureş, in northern and central Moldavia, as well as locally in northern and southwestern Banat. In the depression areas from southern and eastern Transylvania the winter was cold (301-400 cold units) and very cold (>400 cold units)(Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Winter severity during the interval 1 November 2008-28 February 2009 From analysing the negative minimum air temperatures situated under the critical resilience limits of the agricultural plants (min. T < -15ºC) a mild 2008-2009 winter became apparent (less than 10 frost units) in most part of the country's agricultural territory. Locally in southern and eastern Transylvania, western Maramureş, western Crişana and western Moldavia, as well as in southern Wallachia the frost was moderately intense (11-30 frost 13 METEOROLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF 2009 IN ROMANIA units), which characterize a normal winter. Severe (31-50 frost units) and very severe winter (more than 50 frost units) was reported in the depressions from southern and eastern Transylvania. It is worth mentioning that the lowest negative minimum air temperatures (min. T < -15... -20ºC) were recorded in the 25 December 2008-17 January 2009 interval. On 28 February 2009 the highest values of the cold and frost intensity had accumulated in the depressions from southern and eastern Transylvania. At Miercurea Ciuc, for instance, there were approximately 557 cold units (132 frost units) whereas at Fagaraş there were about 340 cold units (60 frost units). The thermal potential of the passage period from winter to spring is expressed through the spring-coming index (Σ mean t >0°C) computed for the 1 February-10 April 2009 interval. It totaled 401-439 heat units in most part of Banat, in southern and central Oltenia, sparsely in southern and south-eastern Wallachia and in south-eastern Dobrudja, which characterized spring-coming in 2009 as early and very early. In the remainder of the agricultural territory 201-400 heat units accumulated, shaping moderate and normal springcoming, with the exception of the depressions in eastern Transylvania, where less than 200 heat units accumulated (late spring-coming). In the spring of 2009 the biological growth and development processes in the field and treeviticultural crops generally evolved normally in the majority of the agricultural zones, with more enhanced rhythms in the former part of the interval, especially in the plain areas from the west and south of the country and slightly slowed in the depressions. The vegetation state of the crops was good and average in the crops sown in the optimum period and on the plots with a fair supply of the soil with water, but it was average and poor on surfaces with in-soil water deficit and in the late-sown crops. At the end of May 2009 the humidity reserve accessible to the winter wheat plants in the 0100 cm soil profile displayed low and very low values and there was pedological drought at different intensities, i.e. moderate, severe and extreme in most part of the agricultural areas. On certain surfaces from the north, centre and south-west of the country the soil 14 was supplied with water in satisfactory limits. In the areas the most affected by pedological drought at various intensities from the southeast, south and east of the country the soil was dry at the surface and displayed a friable crust and cracks. Throughout the summer of 2009, due to the maintenance of high air and ground surface temperatures, associated with in-soil water deficits, maturation processes were forced in the weeding crops (maize, sunflower) especially in the south, south-east and east of the country. The vegetation state was generally good and average in the west, centre and north of the agricultural territory, whereas in south-east and east it was average and poor. In eastern Moldavia maize was harvested as fodder. In most part of the country's agricultural areas, in the 1 June-31 August 2009 interval the scorching heat phenomenon ( max .T≥32C) was less intense or even absented (< 50 scorching heat units) in the south-east, centre, north, east and west of the country. The scorching heat was intense (51-90 scorching heat units) in eastern and southern Wallachia, southern Oltenia and south-eastern Moldavia. In the extreme south of Wallachia and of Oltenia, the scorching heat was very intense, with 91-105 scorching heat units. Scorching heat days were accompanied by tropical nights which hampered or even stopped dry matter accumulation processes in crop grains /seeds. The figure below renders the map of the scorching heat intensity. The highest value of the thermal stress intensity in the summer of 2009 was reached at Giurgiu, with 105 scorching heat units, whereas at Brasov, Miercurea Ciuc and Turda maximum air temperatures ≥32C absented (Fig. 2). Fig. 2. Scorching heat intensity over the 1 June-31 August 2009 interval ANNUAL REPORT 2009 During the period with maximum water consumption of the agricultural plants (June through August), recorded precipitation was scanty (less than 200 mm), especially across the crop areas from the south-east, east, south and west of the country's agricultural territory, where in-soil humidity deficits maintained, inducing moderate, severe and extreme pedological drought. The figure below displays the map of the humidity reserve in the 0-100 cm soil layer (Fig. 3). PRECIPITATION REGIME < 350 mm, excessively droughty 351 - 450 mm, droughty 451 - 600 l/mp, moderately droughty 601 - 700 mm, optimum 701 - 800 mm, rainy > 800 mm, excessively rainy Fig. 4.Precipitation fallen in the 1 September 2008-31 August 2009 interval at weather stations representative for the country’s agricultural territory Fig. 3. Humidity reserve in the 0-100 cm soil layer in the unirrigated maize crop, on 31 August 2009 From the precipitation standpoint, the 1 September 2008-31 August 2009 agricultural year was excessively droughty, droughty and moderately droughty (<600 mm) in Dobrudja, Moldavia, southern and eastern Wallachia, southern Oltenia, western and central Banat, central Transylvania, western Crişana and western Maramureş, where insoil water deficits occurred and maintained, especially in the April-August interval, causing moderate, strong and extreme pedological drought. In 2009, April was the droughtiest month, with a mean precipitation amount over the surfaces of agricultural interest of 14 mm against the 47.6 mm monthly multiannual mean. Worth mentioning also is that during the critical period as regards the crops' water demands, i.e. from May to August, three of the months (May, July and August) yielded scanty precipitation and only June displayed values exceeding the climatological norm. However, the annual precipitation amount (580 mm) characterizes a moderately droughty precipitation regime against the optimum annual demand of the crops (Fig. 4). Precipitation amounts recorded in the 1 September 2008-31 August 2009 were: scanty, 175-600 mm (excessively droughty, droughty and moderately droughty precipitation regime) in Dobrudja, southern, western, eastern, central and northern Moldavia, central, southern and eastern Wallachia, central, eastern and south-western Transylvania, the north and west of Banat and of Crişana, southern Oltenia and western Maramureş; optimum, 601-700 mm in northern, southern and western Transylvania, eastern Crişana, central, northern and south-western Oltenia, northern Wallachia, central and south-western Banat, central and eastern Maramureş, as well as north-western Moldavia; in significant amounts (701-800 mm) and even excessive (801-1113 mm) in southern and eastern Banat, northern Wallachia, northern and central Maramures and southern Transylvania (see map in the figure above). In the 2008-2009 agricultural year the winter wheat yields on the observation platforms of the stations with an agrometeorological schedule across Romania were from 1500 to 2200 kg/ha in Dobrudja, from 1500 to 3500 kg/ha in Moldavia, from 1600 to 3200 kg/ha in Wallachia, from 3900 to 4000 kg/ha in Oltenia, from 1200 to 1500 kg/ha in Banat, from 5000 to 5500 kg/ha in Crisana and from 2000-4600 kg/ha in Transylvania. The lowest yields (1200-1300 kg/ha) were generally obtained on unirrigated surfaces from the south, the south-east, east and south-west of the territory, where, moderate, severe and extreme pedological drought was reported. The threshold of the mean productive potential in the wheat crop, in an unirrigated regime, 4500 kg/ha, was reached 15 METEOROLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF 2009 IN ROMANIA and even surpassed only on the agricultural surfaces with a good supply of the soil with water. As regards the sunflower, yields were 1200-2500 kg/ha in the majority of the crop 16 areas, 2000-3900 kg/ha in the maize crops against an average potential of 4800-6000 kg/ha in an unirrigated regime, function of the hybrids' characteristics and the applied technology. BASIC OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES ANNUAL REPORT 2009 OBSERVATION OBSERVATION SYSTEM SYSTEM SURFACE OBSERVATIONS 150 Rime 100 NATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL NETWORK 50 Varfu Omu Campina 1961 1968 1975 1982 1989 Varfu Omu 1996 0 2003 The meteorological observation and measurement program was carried out by 160 stations within the national weather station network. Here is how these stations were involved in each type of observation: 160 synoptic stations, 55 agrometeorological stations, 9 actinometric (solar radiation) stations,1 background pollution station, and 3 nivological mountain stations. Atmospheric precipitation, snow depth and weather evolution were monitored by 262 pluviometric posts. Synoptic data recorded by 23 weather stations were transmitted into the international data flow while 14 stations sent climatological data into the international flux. In 2009, several software programs and applications were aimed to integrate 10 Logotronic automatic stations in the surface observation system. To enhance the automatic station network, 12 more Vaisala stations were purchased and their location was established. Three automatic stations Sinaia 1500 Ploiesti Profile with rime accretion prior to 1961 in order to understand the methods used in calculating daily means. MMNCL studied the apparition and evolution of certain phenomena that influence upon the normal operation of automatic station indicators and other equipment units. Since 2009, the National Meteorological Administration's Metrologic Office has made regular calibrations of HMP 45 Temperature/Humidity Indicators (one-year intervals) and PMT 16 Pressure Traducers (two-year intervals) installed on Vaisala automatic stations. It is a semi-automatic computer-assisted calibration with a software program designed by this laboratory. AGROMETEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Rime accretion at Vladeasa weather station were included in an autonomous program of unmanned measurements. Methods and Meteorological Network Coordination Laboratory (MMNCL) elaborated instructions for each application and the staff using them as well as those in charge with installing and maintaining the applications were properly trained. To homogenize climatic data, weather stations' metadata were rebuilt for a period The agrometeorological observation and measurement program went on during 2009. It was carried out by 55 weather stations that maintained the operational flow of information about the evolution of weather parameters impacting agriculture. Reports included specialized data such as thermal and hydric indices, information on soil condition and phyto-sanitary state as well as phenological features function of the vegetation season in crops (NovemberMarch / cold season and April-October / warm season). They covered the whole territory of Romania or only regions of interest Moldavia, Dobrudja, Wallachia, Banat-Crişana, and Transylvania-Maramureş. The existence of an automatic flow of moisture data made it possible to transmit in due time information on soil condition for several profiles (0-20 cm, 0-50 cm and 0-100 cm) as well as calendar data specific to winter wheat and maize crops. 19 BASIC OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES At the same time, the phenological database on winter wheat, maize, sunflower, vine and fruit trees was further validated and organized over the agricultural year 2008-2009. The above-mentioned species are included in the European Phenological Data Platform list (COST Action 725). Every phenological observation carried out in agrometeorological platforms belonging to a specialized network was standardized according to the BBCHcode (BBCH Monograph/ Growth Stages of Plants, Germany, 1997, ISBN 3-82633152-4), following the identification and classification principles of specific phenological phases for each agricultural species. NIVO-METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS The nivo-meteorological observations were performed at Vf. Omu, Bâlea Lac, Sinaia 1500 and Postăvaru Stations. Daily bulletins were issued between 01.01.2009 and 21.04.2009 for the 2008-2009 season while the first bulletin for 2009-2010 appeared on 17.12.2009. Semiweekly reports were issued from 23.04.2009 to 28.05.2009 for the 2009 nivo-meteorological activity synthesis Month I II III IV V X XI XII Total Nivo-meteorological observations performed twice a day at specialized weather stations 248 224 248 240 248 248 240 248 1944 Stratigraphic soundings and profiles Snow layer stability tests 20 16 16 16 7 -1 9 85 20 16 16 4 4 ---60 2008-2009 season and on 14.12.2009, a report was issued for 2009-2010. Between June and November 2009, work was performed to obtain the winter season 2008-2009 nivological balance. The nivo-meteorological bulletins appeared on the European Avalanche Services, the sites of several alpine clubs and organizations and they were sent to every mountain rescue team in monitored areas as well as to the Ministry of Environment's Dispatching Center, having also been included in the daily reports on environmental conditions that could be seen on the National Meteorological Administration's web page. UPPER AIR OBSERVATIONS During 2009, the Atmospheric Physics and Air Pollution Observatory's research activity was mainly focused on a number of problems within the fields of radiometry, aerology, atmospheric ozone and air pollution. This activity resulted in the following achievements. It was ended the study on the accuracy of solar radiation measurements at Romanian 20 Nivological bulletins issued by RWFS Sibiu meteorologists 31 29 31 30 9 --15 145 radiometric stations, which were obtained from indirect measurements of direct solar radiation. This study led to a method that corrected the accuracy of data obtained by measuring solar radiation components at radiometric stations. The method shows what sources of error appear in current global and diffuse radiation measurements, namely cosine error and shadow error, making also a quantitative assessment of them. As the main solar radiation components will be measured by automatic systems in the future and the quality of such data must be assessed, this method is useful for improving the installation procedure of automated radiometric units, focusing on sensor orientation and eliminating shadows on radiation sensors. Daily sums of global radiation automatically measured as well as monthly sums and daily means of sunshine duration were transmitted to the Sankt Petersburg World Radiation Data Center (WRDC) during 2009. These data had to pass the WRDC quality control and validation procedures, which confirmed the good quality of solar radiation measurements across Romania and allowed them to be entered in the World Solar Radiation Atlas. ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Products of this kind are very useful in operational forecasting on local scale (Bucharest) and they will be a part of the operative program sometime in 2010.Daily ozone concentrations have been measured for 29 years in Romania, which gives us such a data fund that makes possible an accurate enough assessment of total ozone. Its 2009 deviations as against the multiannual values are negative, excepting February, March and December. They are shown in the graph below. Deviation against the multiannual mean For each station in the radiometric network there were calculated correction factors for global solar radiation obtained by standard methods using the Robitzsch bimetallic actinograph, as against the automatically recorded values given by the CM-type Kipp & Zonen thermopile. These factors took two years of study (2007 and 2008) and were based on parallel measurements using both systems in every measurement point. Given the results obtained, series of global solar radiation data recorded at Romania's actinometric stations can be homogenized. Admittedly, the AMDAR (Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay) data recorded by commercial airplanes are used in a wide range of operational applications in meteorology, being regarded as base supplementary information of help in knowing and describing the initial state of the atmosphere. The European AMDAR data are sent to the National Meteorological Administration on two ways - the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) and the Internet (E-AMDAR portal). Data received through GTS are messages coded in two formats: ASCII (code FM42-XI Ext.) and binary (code FM94 BUFR). The Internetaccessed AMDAR data are presented in a processed shape as tables and graphs representing vertical wind and temperature profiles. In 2009, a set of applications was elaborated and tested in order to take over, decode, validate and process AMDAR vertical profiles made by commercial airplanes in Bucharest. Finally, the 2009 work resulted in aerological diagrams that combine and compare vertical temperature structures obtained by these two measurement types (standard and AMDAR). The following graph shows such an application; it displays thermal structure and air instability in Bucharest on 21.05.2009. As regards the air pollution field, we took part in the first set of experiments that simulated a stable atmospheric flow within hydraulic tank at Meteo-France Toulouse CNRM-GAME, in a project called “Investigation of the vertical eddy flux of momentum under stable conditions in the surface boundary layer over land using CNRS-Toulouse stratified water flume”. It was used a 22 m x 3 m x 1 m staticfunctioning (channel obturated at both extremities) hydraulic tank, wherein the fluid is motionless at first and then set in motion by moving a horizontal rugose plate. These experiments were aimed to obtain a turbulent boundary layer nearby the plate, developed enough and statistically close to a balance state. For this, water was used as a fluid and a number of 124 tests were carried out. The following parameters were varied: -type, dimension and amount of particles injected into the tank, -the way particles were injected, -video camera opening, -time between two successive laser pulses, -configuration of the LEGO pieces inserted in the horizontal plate to model terrain rugosity, in order to obtain a good image of the flow and calculate the speed field of injected particles. 21 BASIC OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES When experiments were over, it was concluded that a good visualization of the motion is allowed by 60 μm-diameter particles injected in a recipient containing these particles in a proportion of 50 - 100ml / 20 l. RADAR OBSERVATIONS In 2009, the national weather radar network one of the most complex networks in Europe, kept on providing important information about cloud and precipitation systems (extent, vertical development, direction of motion and speed, evolution) as well as on related severe phenomena: hail, heavy rain, gusts, tornadoes. As most of the radars are placed nearby the Romanian border, useful information is provided by this network long before cloud systems reach our country. Such information is important to the neighboring countries as well. Throughout 2009, this network provided both radar products automatically generated according to the preset lists of each radar equipment as well as products generated only on request. Yearly mean availability of automatically-sent radar products on the forecasting room display (Principal User Processor-PUP CNPM) was 92.99% (fig 1). Minimum availability was 84.36% and the maximum one reached 98.46 % . A total of 555070 observations were made and 40610 missed for various reasons (failures, preventive maintenance, communication lines out of order, power supply breakages, problems with radar data-disseminating computers). In the last five years, multiannual radar product mean availability was around 93% and 2009 was a year of good mean availability. Most radar applications in the SIMIN system, which provides more display possibilities for each radar product, functioned well during 2009. Figure 2 presents one of the Craiova EEC Radar products (available in Edge format) displayed in Nexrad format on PUP application. SATELLITE OBSERVATIONS Obtaining RGB products on operative basis from MSG-2 and RSS images (12 products each), outlines weather conditions such as fog, storm clouds etc. These products were stored for 30 days at most and a week, respectively, and they were sent in real time to the NWFC and Intranet. Obtaining on operative basis EUMETSAT/SAFNWC products uses MSG-2 images in all 12 spectral channels and auxiliary data from ECMWF. Two Land-SAF products by using MSG-2 images (Meteosat 9) were also obtained in operative regime – fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (fAPAR) Receiving operational data from the geostationary satellite MSG-2 and the RSS (Rapid Scanning Service). Using the link between a DVB equipment and MSG, it was continued the transfer of MSG-2 and RSS data in order to be processed on the server. On every one of the 12 channels data were received and processed. Receiving frequency was constant, of 15-minute intervals and 5-minute ones, respectively, for the RSS, according to MSG specifications. Satellite images from all the 12 spectral channels were processed, analyzed and sent to the National Weather Forecasting Center (NWFC). 22 Fig. 1. Mean availability of national radar network in 2009 Fig. 2. Craiova Radar Base Reflectivity - 19 October 2009, 01:00 (product displayed by PUP after converting its format into a Nexrad format, when the VIP W Craiova server had been restored to operation) ANNUAL REPORT 2009 – Leaf Area Index (LAI) Vegetation indices are related to a special case of land cover classification. LAI defines an important structure feature of tree heads, which is given by the ratio between upper part surface and land surface. fAPAR is the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (400-700 nm) absorbed by the green parts of vegetation cover. LAI and fAPAR are biophysical variables that describe the structure of tree heads and are closely connected to the amount of energy consumed with functional processes and mass exchange. fAPAR and LAI are satellite products received daily via EUMETCast. They were developed by EUMETSAT's LandSAF (LandSatellite Application Facility) center. Their operational processing undergoes three main steps: reading Land SAF data fAPAR and LAI from hdf5 format; navigating the above mentioned satellite data; extracting the vegetation parameter fAPAR and LAI and creating certain georeferential satellite products classified in TIFF format for the European area; operational implementation on the LINUX operating system carried out in the Satellites Laboratory and their storage in archive for one month at most. fAPAR obtained from MSG2 data on 16.10.2009, for the Romanian territory LAI obtained from MSG2 data on 23.06.2009 The satellite product „Clear sky UV index at noon” using GOME data and other auxiliary data, as a result of collaboration with the O3MSAF (Ozone Monitoring Satellite Application Facility) group from Denmark's Meteorological Institute was obtained. The UV index includes the following input parameters: ozone (from GOME data); solar zenith angle and the Earth-Sun distance; ozone profiles; albedo data; data on aerosols and topography. Clear sky UV index at noon maps use a code of colors numbered from 0 to 15. The figure below shows images of this index on 25 April 2009. Clear sky UV index at noon, 25.04.2009 WEATHER FORECAST Meteorologists' efforts to provide reliable forecasts are supported by the modern technology available within the National Meteorological Administration: Doppler radar network, equipment and software to transfer fast and analyze in real time raw data from insitu weather stations and posts as well as from meteorological satellites. The meteorological data coming from the stations are automatically and continuously processed by integrated software application systems, under the operators' surveillance. Warnings of severe weather phenomena are managed by a system that monitors them and adds the observations received on standard channels (phone, facsimile). Software applications are used to elaborate various types of diagnoses for a certain number of stations, intervals and meteorological parameters. Dissemination of different forecasting products (texts, maps, processing data) was made by the help of an integrated software system, able to transmit in real time, on the Internet, warning messages and any other product elaborated by the National Weather Forecasting Centre (NWFC). 23 BASIC OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES Various meteorological products were sent to more than 90 customers connected to mass media both at national and local levels (television and radio stations, daily newspapers). This dissemination procedure was also implemented for every Regional forecasting Centre. This system ensures a continuous flow of real time information between source (National Meteorological Administration) and addressees (the public), and its advantages are evident: automatic procedures to make individual products and display them at customer sites, shorter waiting time, lower financial resources assigned for dissemination and a greater number of information presentation formats. There are many sources of meteorological information analyzed by NWFC and many filters are applied to obtain specific forecasts from warnings of currently severe weather phenomena, issued for small areas to 7-day weather forecasts for the whole country. Most of the information required in weather diagnoses and forecasts are available and taken from the National Integrated Meteorological System (SIMIN). This system ensures a fast access to radar and satellite images, lightning detection sensors, instability indices and different other parameters describing the real and probable condition of the atmosphere at a certain time. I. Technical aspects In 2009, within the National Weather Forecasting Centre console, desktop and Web-type software applications were created, developed and made accessible on the Internet. These applications made with internal resources, mange the meteorological information such as messages from stations, forecasting products, warning messages and documents of general interest. 1. Web applications: management of severe weather warnings from weather stations and pluviometric posts in Romania; elaboration of quantitative diagnoses for every weather station in Romania and for all sets of stations belonging to the Regional Weather Forecasting Services (SINtegrator-web); 24 manage and archive documents of common interest within the National Meteorological Administration; editing of forecasts is made from a control panel gathering all forecast texts of national interest and for Bucharest area; 2. Console type forecast applications: elaborates special diagnoses for small sets of stations; archives text-format forecasts for localities; 3. Desktop type software applications: present real time warning messages; elaborate quantitative diagnoses for every weather station in Romania and for all sets of stations belonging to the Regional Weather Forecasting Services; present in brief, current weather state in all localities of Romania where weather stations exist. Current information is stored in a purposely made database, managed by the Database Design and Management Laboratory; set weather condition-related information in different formats specific to other video presentation applications used by the National Meteorological Administration's customers; assistant-type application, useful in warning the user on various actions to be performed once or periodically; transform information from synoptic messages into formats accessible to certain third parties (cloud ceiling and cloud type); monitor contracts with third parties; 4.Integrated software application systems: The Web application for the management of forecasting products destined to customers connected to mass media is ensured by an integrated software application system whose main components are the following: web application able to create, present and achieve forecasting products in text and graphic format. Forecasts in text and graphic format and non-standard forecasts for registered customers can be created. Presentation is made in tables and on Romania's map. Warning messages of national and local interest are also generated and presented within this application; ANNUAL REPORT 2009 console-type application able to download, analyze and present weather related information at every weather station in Romania. This application allows the import of certain information into formats to be integrated in different software applications used by different customers. The presentation is made in tables on Romania's map; integrated presentation module for satellite and radar images of public interest, weather warnings at European level, and current Sun state; module for presentation of weather condition in the GoogleMaps and Microsoft Virtual Earth systems; console-type application for the analysis of 3-day weather forecasts for various localities in Romania in order to be transformed and integrated into forecast verification applications; monitor-type application for weather warnings of national and local interest; desktop-type application allowing the achieving of forecast products; desktop-type application allowing the taking over of forecast products for localities from the Web application web in order to be transformed and transmitted to various customers; II.Scientific aspects As in previous years, in 2009, weather forecasting activity within the National Meteorological Administration went on through international efforts aiming to anticipate, mitigate and remove the severe weather effects. The National Weather Forecasting Centre's staff took advantage from training courses organized by the National School of Meteorology and other international institutions. Results of individual activity were also presented within the Annual Scientific Paper Delivery Session, organized by the National Meteorological Administration, in November. Severe weather events are generally detected by using modern remote sensing techniques and by analyzing in different ways the current weather condition (on classic supports, such as thermo-baric maps, display of satellite image animations). In various cases, the National Weather Forecasting Centre proved its ability of accomplishing the task of issuing and disseminating on operative basis and in due time weather-related information dedicated to decision-making factors from the local administration, massmedia and to the public. Weather forecasts are elaborated by analyzing various numerical forecasting models available to meteorologists such as global models (particularly the ECMWF one) and local models (ALADIN, COSMO-LRM). Their performances in different situations (pressure configurations) and seasons (winter, summer, etc.) are monitored on a regular basis. Every severe weather alert and warning message to affect large areas of the country was issued in accordance with the European regulations in the domain and the color code for each category of risk, were used. Other warnings on weather phenomena affecting small areas over short intervals were added in certain cases. The Doppler radar system together with meteorologists' skills played an important role in elaborating very short-range weather forecasts (nowcasting or up to 12 hours in advance). In 2009, 35 short and medium-duration alert and warning messages and updates of regional and national interest were issued. The score of weather forecasts over a 24-hour interval was of 87,73% and the warnings score was of 94%. Nowcasting activity The main activity within the Laboratory for Severe Weather Phenomena Forecasting Techniques in 2009, was the analysis of dangerous weather event episodes over the period 2003-2009, aiming to elaborate methods to forecast hail, wind gusts, electric discharges and heavy precipitation. a) The mesoscale conditions causing supercellular storms in the south-east of Romania were analyzed. The first study of space and time characteristics of supercells, based on radar data, was made. The study was performed for the convective season (May-September) 2003-2009, by using data provided by the WSR-98D radar placed in Medgidia. About 550 supercells were identified. A convective storm was considered a supercell when reflectivity exceeded 40 dBZ, and the mesocyclone was identified within the radial wind field. Then, coordinates of the supercell centroid were recorded every 25 BASIC OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES 6 minutes. The last radar scanning which proved the presence of the mesocyclone was considered the last point on the supercell trajectory. The results proved that supercells have the highest frequency of occurrence in the interval 12:00-15:00 UTC, with a second maximum between 17:00 and 18:00 UTC. Hour mean of supercells recorded in the south-eastern region of Romania between 2003 and 2009 The mean life time duration of the analyzed supercells situated between 40 and 60 minutes. a) Mean lifetime duration of the supercells recorded in the south-eastern region of Romania between 2003 and 2009. The mean movement direction of supercells was from south-east toward north-west (fig.a), the supercells with the longer lifetime duration being those moving from south-east toward north-west (fig. b). b) Within the same Laboratory, the fist study on characteristics of lightning activity in Romania was made, on the basis of data recorded by RNDDEA. This is the first study carried out in Eastern Europe, which analyses space and time characteristics of the lightning activity. The data cover ed the whole 26 b) Mean movement direction (a) and mean movement direction function of lifetime duration (b) for the supercells recorded in the south-eastern region of Romania between 2003 and 2009 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Romanian territory and were recorded over the interval January 2003 - December 2005 and January- December 2007. The space analyses (density of positive and negative lightning, percentage of positive lightning and mean values of maximum currents for positive and negative lightning) were performed with a 20 km space resolution. The density of lightning reaches maximum values on the southern slopes of the central Eastern Carpathians. This maximum value can be associated with the Convergence Area in the Romanian Plain. c) Special weatherphenomena recorded in 2009: – waterspout at Gloria Offshore Oil Platform – tornado recorded close to Hârşova, on 30 June 2009 Waterspout recorded at Gloria Offshore Oil Platform, on 10 August 2009. Total mean density of lightning (positive and negative) over the interval 2003 - 2007 Mean monthly lightning variation presents a maximum value over the period MaySeptember and minimum values in December-January. High values of positive lightning density are recorded in the central and south-western regions of Romania. Monthly distribution of positive lightning reaches a main maximum value in May and a second maximum in August, suggesting that positive lightning occurs earlier than the negative ones. Mean annual percentage of positive lightning is lower in the central part of the country. Positive lightning percentage changes values over the year from 1% in June to 19% in January. Monthly variation of the maximum current associated to lightning has minimum values during the winter and reaches the maximum value in July, both for negative and positive lightning. Daily cycle of lightning has a maximum value between 12:30 and 14:30 UTC and decreases to minimum values between 06:00 and 08:00 UTC. Tornado recorded close to Hârşova, on 30 June 2009. LONG RANGE WEATHER FORECAST Activities developed in this field consisted in turning to good account and interpreting products from the deterministic forecasting models over an expanded and long range respectively, available at ECMWF, through achieving new methods to post-process a number of parameters of interest to the monthly and seasonal forecasts for Romania. Monthly forecast Monthly forecast products were processed and analysed on a weekly basis, as resulted 27 BASIC OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES from the 32-day integration of the ECMWF model for the meteorological parameters of the greatest interest: 2-m temperature and total precipitation amounts, like in the previous years, adding to those in 2009 the weekly mean extreme temperatures, which made it possible to produce maps of Romania with the forecast values of the maximum and minimum temperatures averaged on a weekly basis. Another application in the domain of the monthly forecast was the realization of programs for the interpolation of fields forecast at weather stations in Romania, in view to compute deviations against the multiannual means. 2.0 0.4 1.2 1.6 2.1 -0.1 0.3 0.9 2.6 0.5 0.3 1.5 1.9 2.0 5.0 2.2 0.4 1.3 0.6 -0.5 -1.5 -0.4 -0.2 -0.8 2.1 2.3 2.4 0.0 0.0 -2.6 -3.8 -0.7 -3.3 0.4 Seasonal forecast There were processed the direct outputs, as an ensemble of forecasts of the coupled ocean-atmosphere ECMWF global model, integrated over 7 months, for the area of Romania and the AtlanticEuropean one. A new application in the domain of the seasonal forecast consists in computing and representing the forecast fields (the mean of the ensemble of forecasts for the mean temperature and the total precipitation amounts) over 3-consective month intervals, with anticipations of 1 to 4 2.4 4.9 5.6 1.8 2.6 1.3 0.8 2.1 -4.4 4.3 2.3 Deviation of mean weekly temperature against the weekly multiannual means (1961-1990) 28 2.5 -3.8 -9.0 2.8 3.1 -1.5 0.7 -3.2 2.7 2.1 2.4 6.4 -2.7 6.2 1.8 -3.8 0.6 2.8 3.5 3.7 7.4 2.2 4.5 1.6 1.5 1.2 -2.3 2.8 1.7 2.4 -0.4 1.9 1.6 Deviation of the weekly precipitation amounts against the weekly multiannual means (1961-1990) months. Interpolation yields the values at the weather stations, further compared to the limits of the tertiles corresponding to the three-month interval under scrutiny. Maps for Romania thus result with anomalies of the forecast fields in comparison with the climatological norms. A new method has been achieved to post-process the direct outputs of ECMWF's seasonal forecasting model, using the 41 members of the forecast ensemble, in view to express the forecast in terms of probabilities. For each member within the forecast ensemble an interpolation program is applied at ANNUAL REPORT 2009 weather stations in Romania, then the forecast temperature and precipitation values are distributed in three equiprobable classes (tertiles). Then, over the whole 41-member distribution, probabilities are computed t h a t t h e p a r a m e te r s o f i n t e r e s t (temperature and precipitation) frame within each of the three equiprobable classes, as established over the observation series from the 1961-1990 interval, for each station taken apart. Finally the forecast can be expressed function of the highest scoring probability of the forecast parameter. A new representation was performed of the seasonal forecast parameters consisting in composite maps that contain both the values forecasted at the weather stations and their deviations against the multiannual monthly means, computed with data observed in the 1961-1990 interval. Three new fields were processed, resulted from ECMWF's seasonal forecasting model: the two components of the 10-m wind speed and the in-soil water content (author: Liana Cazacioc). The 10-m wind speed maps were plotted over the Atlantic-European section and those representing the in-soil water content in the 0-7 cm layer - over the Romanian area. The fields of the in-soil water content in the 7-28 cm, 28-100 cm or 100-289 cm layers, resulted from ECMWF's seasonal forecast, are represented similarly. Mean temperatures and precipitation amounts forecast in terms of probabilities for three equiprobable classes (tertiles), using ECMWF's ensemble seasonal forecast AGROMETEOROLOGICAL FORECAST The operational agrometeorological program was focused on analyzing the dynamics of agriculture-impacting weather parameters and included the following items: managing specialized applications (AGRO-SYNOP and AGRO-TEMPSOL) on weather and agrometeorological parameters aimed to monitor vegetation condition in the main crops, vine and fruit tree species; elaborating Agrometeorological Bulletins (diagnoses/forecasts) that cover the whole agricultural territory of Romania or only six regions of interest: Wallachia, Moldavia, Transylvania and Maramures, Dobrudja, Banat-Crisana and Oltenia; working out specialized agrometeorological reports on request from farmers, agricultural or insurance companies, about the impact of agrometeorological conditions in the agricultural year 2008-2009; disseminating agrometeorological information to users such as decisionmakers, farmers, agricultural companies, specialized journals and mass media (written press, television, Antena Satelor Radio). 29 BASIC OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES Meteorological and agrometeorological reports are classified by region, crop type and genotype, validated and managed with programs designed for specialized data structures that make up the agrometeorological monitoring system. This system collects in operational flow and processes on a daily basis weather and agrometeorological parameters (maximum and minimum air temperature, soil temperature, precipitation, sunshine duration, relative humidity of air and 2-m wind speed) that form the thermal and hydric database needed to calculate specific a g r o m e t e o r o l o g i c a l i n d i c e s ( E T P, warm/cold/frost/heat units, soil moisture reserve etc.). Operational agrometeorological activity results mainly in the Agrometeorological Bulletins with their diagnoses and forecasts of weather and agrometeorological conditions, as well as in specialized recommendations on the calendar of agricultural works. There were elaborated 51 weekly Agrometeorological Bulletins (diagnoses/forecasts) covering the whole country and including 180 thematic maps, 124 specialized tables (maximum and minimum air and soil temperatures and precipitation amounts by region, over specific intervals) and 99 digital images representing the vegetation state of crops within agrometeorological platforms subject to observation and measurement programs carried out by specialized weather stations. 350 weekly regional forecasts were issued in 2009 as follows: Oltenia-50, Wallachia-51, Moldavia-47, Transylvania and Maramures-51, Dobrudja-50 and Banat-Crisana-50. 51 agrometeorological forecasts covered the whole of Romania. These forecasts provided information on the evolution of weather and agrometeorological conditions as well as specialized recommendations regarding the agrotechnical works specific to certain periods and they were broadcasted daily on the Antena Satelor Radio (6:30 LT). Their score ranged between 87 and 93%. Agriculture magazines included weekly, bi-monthly or monthly articles with estimates of the following parameters: air and soil thermal regime, precipitation, soil condition in winter wheat and maize crops, phenology of field, fruit tree and vine species. Here are the magazines and the number of articles published by each: – “Profitul agricol”-49 articles, – “Ferma” -27 articles, – “Gazeta fermierului”- 24 articles, – “Lumea satului”- 24 articles. Based on monthly ECMWF air temperature and precipitation data and using a soil-water balance model, the Laboratory of Agrometeorology elaborated 58 maps of soil water reserve estimates for winter wheat and maize crops. These maps have anticipations of 1-3 months and provide a general perspective on the possibility of pedological droughts or excess soil moisture during vegetation periods. Having a score of 65-80%, they are used only as a rough guide. Estimates - 4 August 2009 30 Come true 31 August 2009 MAIZE ESTIMATES COME TRUE Soil moisture reserve across most regions / pedological drought across most regions / pedological drought ANNUAL REPORT 2009 NATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM The National Integrated Meteorological System (SIMIN) is based on a specialized telecommunication system. Telecommunication networks are the backbone of every national meteorological system. Through such networks meteorological data and products are collected from sensors and radars to be sent to the Regional Weather Forecasting Services (RWFS) and the National Weather Forecasting Center (NWFC) that validate, make up collective products and process them. Data and information needed to elaborate local forecasts (land surface and analogic data, satellite information, radar products covering the whole country, GRIB products from meteorological models etc.) are sent back to the RWFSs. In 2009, the National Meteorological Administration used the following communication types: SMS, data, voice and Internet. Transmission of messages from Weather Stations to RWFSs and the NWFC is made by SMS. Once arrived at RWFSs, messages are validated, regional message groups are made up and sent to the NWFC through data communication channels. These channels are used to send meteorological data and products within the national weather system. There are several data networks. WAN VSAT is the best solution to connect in a network four radar sites (Bârnova, Medgidia, Târnaveni and Oradea), six RWFSs (Bacău, Constanţa, Sibiu, Cluj, Timişoara and Craiova) and the NWFC of Bucharest, this being a full-duplex 11-node network. The VSAT network is a frame-relay one with PVCs for each link. It also enables a multicast transmission of weather data from NWFC to every RWFS. The volume of multicast data is large and increases continuously according to the regional forecasting requirements. To increase the WAN availability, it is used a wireless VPN (Virtual Private Network) backup provided by a national operator with the same connections as VSAT. This VPN is mainly used for other traffic types than the operational one and, when needed, it automatically switches to backup. WAN is also used for voice over IP, the system having CISCO equipment. Phone calls can be made between any WAN nodes without additional costs. The most important application is the daily teleconference held by NWFC and RWFS forecasters. 31 BASIC OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES The National Meteorological Administration is linked to the Regional Meteorological Data Communication Network (RMDCN) by connections to the Moscow World Center, the Sofia Regional Center and E C M W F. U s i n g t h e s e c o n n e c t i o n s , meteorological data and products are received from the WMO network through the Automatic Message Switching System (Messir COMM). Many organizations currently use meteorological data and information to ground their decisions. In 2009, the National Meteorological Administration had permanent TCP/IP connections with the following institutions: Ministry of Environment, National Administration „Romanian Waters”, Ministry of Administration and Interior, General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, Ministry of Defense and Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration. Many other beneficiaries accessed the National Meteorological Administration system through safe Internet connections. The local network has around 600 computers including specialized servers. Local networks are structured both on central and regional (RWFS) levels. Optical fiber cables connect the National Meteorological Administration buildings. The whole central and regional LAN/WAN network uses CISCO equipment with security components. from 160 automatic and standard stations, hourly/daily/monthly basis; daily temperatures (means, highs, lows) validated from 42 stations with complete data strings for their whole functioning periods; hourly operational synoptic data provided by 160 stations, no validation; daily operational pluviometric data from 223 posts, no validation; daily precipitation (table TM2) received from 273 (low flow) gauging posts, validated; hourly air temperatures, pressure and humidity (table TM5) from 44 standard stations with part time program, validated; hourly sunshine duration (table TM6) from 156 standard and automatic stations with no solar radiation traducer, validated; historical data (missing items and new data) and added metadata; relevant meteorological parameters received every 10 minutes from 90 automatic stations; Several important activities related to data management were carried out in 2009: The following raw data were entered in the National Meteorological Administration Database in 2009: the database was managed and maintained; surface observations were stored in two databases (historic and operative) and access instruments were developed for every user of them; the Logotronic automatic stations were turned operative, being integrated in the operative data flow. These stations are installed in the following locations: Sânnicolau Mare (code 15199), Chişineu Criş (15136), Lugoj (15270), Făgăraş (15235), Huedin (15099), Filaret (15422), Corugea (15408), Mangalia (15499), and Dărăbani (15000); the National Meteorological Data Fund Management System was developed by designing and implementing several applications that manage, supply, update and access databases. The most important of them are shown below; general climate data (00, 06, 12, and 18 hrs.) and synthesis data (validated) a) Applications integrating the Logotronic stations in SIMIN: “GealogToConsole” is run NATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL DATA FUND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This system includes the National Meteorological Administration Climatologic Database, the National Operative Database (NOD) as well as programs to store, search, extract, update, manage, access and secure data. Operational-flow and slow-flow data together with manually-introduced historical data from synoptic and climatologic archives are added every year. The Climatologic Database is managed with ORACLE 10gR2, while MS SQL Server 2008 is used for the NOD. 32 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 on the automatic station computers, “GealogToRFC” is installed on the regional center data-collecting computers, and „GealogToCOF” is run by a National Weather Forecasting Center computer. The figure below shows the integrating architecture that includes Logotronic stations; new components are colored in red while black is used for SIMIN components; SM b) The web application „Climatologic Syntheses” calculates and displays synthesis data based on daily and monthly information provided by weather stations from 1961 to date and stored in the National Climatologic Database. Such syntheses can be made for one or several weather stations for a monthly/daily parameter and a user-specified reference interval. 33 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES ANNUAL REPORT 2009 NUMERICAL MODELLING I. The ALADIN Model 1. Developing the operational system ALARO is a superior operational version of the ALADIN model. From the start, it was designed to integrate the model at higher resolutions (around 5 km) by increasing the complexity of physical parameterizations aimed to a prognostic approach of physical processes keeping the interest for sound and efficient numerical solutions intact. ALARO was implemented on an IBM blade platform. As against the operational ALADIN model, it includes two new prognostic variables for species of water, a 2-band radiation parameterization scheme using the NER (Net Exchange Rate) method for thermal radiation, parameterization of the turbulent transport based on pseudoprognostic kinetic energy and a 3MT approach of moist processes (Modular, Multi-scale, Microphysics and Transport). Taking into consideration the fact that this platform provided shorter integration intervals and some technical restraints were faced (only six ALADIN-dedicated nodes), a new integration domain was generated for ALARO-ROMANIA 6.5-km horizontal resolution (240x240 points) and 49 vertical levels. The new domain slightly larger than the ALADIN one, is shown below. A new pre-operational numerical weather forecasting system was installed. It was based on the ALARO-0 model, which uses the new integration domain in order for the whole operative chain (coupling-file generation, model integration and output postprocessing) related to a 78-hour forecast to last around one hour. a) b) c) ALARO-Romania: Integration domain and its orography 2-m temperature field (00+29 UTC - a), 850 hPa pressure and temperature (00+15 UTC - b) and 10-m wind (00+12 UTC - c), 2.12.2009 37 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES The ALARO model was integrated at the same time with the operational ALADIN model once a day (with 00 UTC data) over the same horizontal domain but it used 60 vertical levels instead of 41 operational ones, over a period of around 40 days. Encouraging results were obtained, particularly for precipitation forecasts. Model's integration time for 78-hour forecasts is about 20 minutes, 10 times less than the current time. To visualize results, it was implemented a new post-processing procedure for grib outputs and a new Magics-based graphic package was developed. They were integrated on a new web page. 2. Research-Development Within the framework of ALADIN/RC-LACE projects, the Romanian team helped to develop (parameterization of moist processes) and validate the ALARO model. It also calibrated and validated a number of combined forecasts obtained by regionalizing ARPEGE and ECMWF forecast ensembles using ALADIN for a larger area that covers all member countries. 3. Implementing a multi-model forecast ensemble in the operational flow A multi-model forecast ensemble for 24-h cumulated precipitation is generated daily. It is based on forecasts with several anticipations provided by weather forecast numerical models operationally integrated within the National Meteorological Administration at several horizontal resolutions: ALADIN (∆x=10 km), COSMO (∆x=14 km) and HRM (∆=28 km). Ensemble means are calculated taking into consideration either every available forecast (8 members: 3 ALADIN, 2 COSMO and 3 HRM) or only those with about the same horizontal resolution (5 members: 3 ALADIN, 2 COSMO) for a common domain: 42.1 - 49.8˚ N, 20.7 31.325˚ E ; Δx=0.125°, Δy=0.1°. Generally, ensemble means have better performances than each model taken separately, as it can be noticed below in a case of abundant rain. 24-h Cumulated Precipitation (30.08.2009, 06 UTC -31.08.2009, 06 UTC): observations (upper), ensemble mean: from five ALADIN and COSMO members lower left; from eight ALADIN, HRM and COSMO members lower right 38 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 II. COSMO non-hydrostatic limited-area model Even since 2005, the nonhydrostatic atmospheric-prediction model COSMO has been operatively run by the National Meteorological Administration on a Linux cluster at 14-km resolution over a domain that covers the whole Romanian territory. Once the National Meteorological Administration purchased an IBM blade cluster, it was implemented the last nonhydrostatic COSMO version, which has been run in operative flow for 7 km (161x145 grid points) and 2.8 km (301x231 grid points) resolutions twice a day (00 and 12 UTC). Using a 7-km resolution, the limited-area prediction model COSMO is integrated for an anticipation of 78 hours with 40 vertical levels. It was also improved the graphic presentation after post-processing and the procedure to obtain meteograms was ended. a) b) Operational 7-km COSMO products; a) 24-h Cumulated Precipitation, b) 2-m Air Temperature A COSMO meteogram 39 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Initial and boundary conditions used in running the COSMO model at 2.8-km resolution are obtained with a procedure that interpolates 7-km resolution model integration results. The model undergoes a multi-processor integration for an anticipation of 30 hours, having 50 vertical levels, over a domain that includes the entire Romania (see images below). a) b) 2.8-km COSMO products; a) 850 hPa Relative Humidity, b) Sea-level Pressure Another research direction was focused on developing a system to assess the quality of COSMO precipitation forecasts. To this aim, the Romania-wide radar-estimated precipitation field as well as the precipitation field recorded by weather, hydrological and rain-gauging stations were interpolated in the model's grid. Differences between modelgenerated forecasts and observation values were represented with the GRADS graphics software, which highlighted areas of underestimated/overestimated precipitation. Such displays are very useful in qualitative analyses of COSMO forecasts, as they show the model's reliability for several synoptic situations. This procedure is shown in images below. b) a) c) Cumulated Precipitation, 19.10.2009 a) radar estimations interpolated in the COSMO grid; b) recorded, interpolated in the COSMO grid; c) COSMO-simulated Cumulated Precipitation 40 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 To carry out an operational evaluation of 2009 COSMO forecasts, the National Meteorological Administration implemented the Unified Verification System VERSUS by which every COSMO member assesses the quality of numerical forecasts. Some VERSUS products are shown below. All these research and development directions are included in the COSMO Consortium's priority projects and Romania is to participate in their carrying out as a Consortium member. III.HRM limited-area hydrostatic model In 2009, it was implemented the latest version of HRM limited-area hydrostatic model, which is at present integrated on operative basis in the National Meteorological Administration structure twice a day (00 UTC, 12 UTC) at 14-km resolution (201 x181 grid points) with an anticipation of 78 hours. HRM outputs are used as inputs (initial conditions) to the pollutant dispersion model INPUFF (Integrated PUFF) integrations. a) b) c) VERSUS Products: Mean Error (ME), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE); a) Dew Point Temperature; b) 10-m Wind Speed; c) Sea-level Pressure HRM's topography, 14-km horizontal resolution INPUFF is a Gaussian model able to simulate dispersion of certain substances emitted by punctual continuous, intermittent or instantaneous sources in a variable wind field. It was tested on an IBM cluster at the National Meteorological Administration. Three possible pollution sources are daily monitored on operative basis: Cernavodă, Turnu Măgurele and Kozlodui. It was also implemented in operative flow an automatic procedure to integrate the model in case of accident. Wherever such an event occurs, after introducing latitudes and longitudes the model is able to simulate pollutant dispersion on wind grid. 41 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Two maps are presented above: pollutant-dispersion forecasts for Cernavodă an operatively-monitored location. IV. Statistical weather forecast adjustment and verification During the statistical post-processing of numerical weather forecasts, there were operatively implemented MOS_EPS models for 15-day and 32-day, respectively, anticipations. Results were disseminated as follows: – groups of maps with mean values and related standard deviation; – graphs of related quantile distributions by region. Every graphic procedure was reexamined in 2009 and, in addition, 15-day and 32-day forecasts for each weather station were visualized. Every operative product is available at and http://tuxy 155420 - Minimum temperatures. Mean and distribution for 51 RUN. Base: 20100318 Median Mean Daily of validity 15420 - Maximum temperatures. Mean and distribution for 51 RUN. Base: 20100318 Median Mean Daily of validity MOS_EPS display of a monthly high/low temperature forecast at a weather station 42 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 A bilateral collaboration between MeteoFrance and the National Meteorological Administration resulted in the following accomplishments: - it was developed a MOS statistical temperature-forecasting model at 1-hour resolution using barycentric regression; this model was implemented at the ECMWF while dissemination was assumed by the National Meteorological Administration; - MOS_ARPEGE was developed for each of the four numerical model RUNs; - tests on using a MOS_MIXT system to forecast extreme temperatures. Composite models MOS-ARPEGEECMWF and MOS-ALADIN-ECMWF, respectively, proved to be better than individual models; consequently, these procedures will be also implemented in the operative flow. Mean Squared Error; Maximum temperature for day J+1; Intercomparisons of MOS models for a 1-year test interval. Reference: 00 UTC. As regards the verification of weather forecasts in 2009, our efforts were focused on modernizing the objective numerical model verification system that grew more and more complex. The above-mentioned verification system's architecture was designed to meet scientific as well as administrative requirements. Its main modular components include functions such as: – numerical forecast and observation data preparation and control; – score calculations; – verification sets/arrays (stratification, composition etc.); – graphic representation and dissemination; Descriptive diagrams were made for a number of weather stations and there was figured the evolution of monthly scores for each weather parameter subjected to verification. This system can also provide a comparative display of scores for every model in the operative flow. A daily ALADIN verification procedure has been operative since summer 2009. Graphs and maps like the following ones are available daily on the website. At present, efforts are made to implement a verification procedure to compare precipitation amounts with weather station-recorded data. The display is similar to that shown below. 43 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES ALADIN-forecasted temperatures (4-day anticipation) and values recorded at the Bucharest- Băneasa Station, 27 March 2009. Reference time: 00 UTC Spatial distribution of temperature forecast errors at 6-hour resolution, ALADIN Model, 27.03.2009, 00 UTC 44 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Spatial distribution of 12-hour Cumulated Precipitation forecast errors, ALADIN Model, 03.10.2009, 00 UTC CLIMATE VARIABILITY AND CHANGE The research activity in the field of climate variability and change mainly consisted in rounding off research studies in two main European projects within the Sixth Framework Programme (FP 6): ENSEMBLES and CECILIA (Central and Eastern Europe Climate Change Impact and VulnerabiLIty Assessment). During the reported period the METAFOR (Common Metadata for Climate Modelling Digital Repositories) European project within FP 7 continued to unfold. In 2009, the bilateral Romania-Bulgaria cooperation (Observed changes in precipitation regime in the Danube river lower basin in the context of climate change) was finalized. A number of studies covering climatic themes were achieved within the National Plan for Research-Development-Innovation “Geological Diversity of the Romanian Late Palaeozoic and the connection with climate changes” (PALOECLIM), “Map of the Hydroenergetic Micro potential of Romania complex technical-economic approaches” (HARMIH), “Elaboration of multidiscipline national strategies for early warning, monitoring and control of re-emerging diseases transmitted by vector mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), within the European operational environment.” In 2009 three articles were published as follows: two in an international journal indexed in the ISI database (”Theoretical and Applied Climatology” ) and one in a Romanian journal („Geographic Deliveries”). Researchers from the Climatological Department participated in international conferences with a delivery at EMS/ECAC, Toulouse, France (27 September-2 October), two deliveries at MOCA-09, Montreal, Canada (19-27 July) and one at the Joint IPCC-WCRP-IGBP Workshop: New Science Directions and Activities Relevant to the IPCC AR5, Honolulu, SUA (3 -6 March). Analyses concerning the regional projection of the climate change signal in the A1B scenario conditions. Within the ENSEMBLES project, the conditioned stochastic model identified to be reliable at 5 of the 10 analysed stations, calibrated over the 1961-1990 interval, was applied to the anomalies of predictors simulated by 8 global climatic models supplied 45 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES through the ENSEMBLES project. There was computed the change in the mean regime of the 10 precipitation indices over the 2071-2100 interval against 1961-1990, under the A1B emission scenario, for winter and summer respectively. Results show that the climatic signal depends on index, season, weather station a) and the global climatic model used as an input to the conditioned stochastic model. In the case of winter, there is better coherence for the indices referring to extreme events, both spatially, between the analysed stations, and between different indices (Fig.1- exemplification for Drobeta Tr. Severin station). b) Fig. 1. Values of various statistical parameters concerning the distribution of mean daily precipitation amounts for the winter season, at Drobeta Tr. Severin station, computed as averages over the ensemble of 1000 runs performed with the conditioned stochastic model, applied to simulations obtained with various global climatic models for the 2070-2099 timehorizon, under the A1B emission scenario; a) mean duration (no. of days) of intervals with precipitation, without precipitation, number of days with daily amounts > 15 mm (pp >15).b) Maximum daily precipitation amount (mm /day), maximum duration of the interval with precipitation, without precipitation (no. of days). Corresponding values computed from the 1961-1990 observation period are also displayed. Using the statistical model based on the CCA analysis applied to 8 global climatic models, there was computed the shift in the mean seasonal temperature in Romania, at 94 weather stations for the time horizons 2021-2050 and 2070-2100, as an ensemble average of those projections. There is warming signal for all seasons, the amplitude st being larger for the end of the 21 century. Thus, under the A1B emission scenario, for the 2070-2100 time horizon a mean air temperature increase over Romania is expected (against the 1961-1990 baseline) of about 2.60C (± 0.7) in winter, 2.30C (± 0.4) in spring, , 3.30C(± 0.6) in summer and 2.80C (± 0.9) in autumn. Figure 2 displays the exemplification for summer. As regards the monthly precipitation amount, statistical downscaling models developed in previous years for 16 stations from the south-east of the country (CECILIA project) have been applied to the 8 global climatic models. The result may be thus synthesized: under the A1B emission scenario, in the 2021-2050 time horizon, the climatic signal is weaker in the analysed area Fig. 2. Shift in the mean summer temperature in Romania over 2071-2099 against 1961-1990, under the A1B scenario, computed through averaging results obtained with the statistical downscaling model applied to the temperature anomalies at 850 mb, computed from the simulations of 8 global climatic models taken over through the ENSEMBLES project (stream 1). 46 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 from south-eastern Romania. Small amounts decreases are possible in the winter months and in some of the spring and autumn months. As regards the 2071-2100 time horizon, the climatic signal is more enhanced and it is very likely that the precipitation regime decreases significantly in the winter and summer months respectively (more marked in winter), as well as in spring (March) and autumn (November), with unimportant changes in the rest of the months. There is, however, incertitude concerning the intensity of the climatic signal. Results obtained through the downscaling statistical model were compared with those yielded directly from 9 regional climatic models. Another approached research direction was that of local mechanisms that are influenced and that modulate in turn the climate change signal. During the reported interval, there was investigated the atmosphere-sea interaction in the western area of the Black Sea, so as to identify its effects on the climate variability and change in Romania. To this aim, we designed and ran numerical experiments, using the standard variant of the regional climatic model, with the Grell convection scheme and the precipitation scheme of Pal et al. (2000). The used domain was that of 10-km spatial resolution, defined by the Romanian team participating in CECELIA project. Control simulations (CTRL) and those where the Black Sea and Adriatic Sea temperature respectively was increased by 2ºC (WSEA) were performed for 15 summer (June-August) and winter (December-February) months, in present (1970-1975) and future (2094-2099) climate conditions. Future climate projections are performed under IPCC's A1B scenario. Conditions at the lateral boundaries are those obtained from simulations performed with the RegCM regional climatic model, at a 25-km spatial resolution, for the European domain. These simulations use lateral conditions of the ECHAM 5 global climatic model, under the forcing of IPCC's SRES-A1B emission scenario. The first four days of the analysed seasonal interval are removed before analysing all the experiments, so as to allow spin-up of the model. The WSEA-type experiments allowed us to separate the effects of sea water temperature variability on the local climate from the effects of large scale processes and other influences. It is worth mentioning that a 2ºC anomaly of the sea water temperature agrees with observations regarding the decadal variability at the Black Sea surface (Oguz et al., 2006). Differences in the air pressure field between the sensitivity experiment and the control one suggest that modifications caused by the surface sea water temperatures are smaller under the A1B scenario, compared to the present climate. In all the experiments differences are smaller in summer than in winter. The thermal effect of the surface sea water temperature is relatively small. Shifts occur in exchange in the precipitation pattern. The effects of the surface sea water temperature fluctuations on precipitation enhance in the projection of the future summer climate, especially in the coast area (Fig. 3). However, such effects also occur in the cold season, when an average increase of the precipitation amounts is noticed almost everywhere across the country. In this latter case the effect is more markedly highlighted in the coast area, where interaction with the topography is possible (the Adriatic Sea coast). Results of our analyses regarding the atmosphere-sea interaction suggest the importance of a complete representation of processes taking place in the Black Sea area for projections of the future climate at local scale (highlighting the coastal area). It is necessary, in this context, to perform more extended numerical experiments. 47 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES a) c) b) d) Fig. 3. Difference of precipitation amount between the WSEA sensitivity experiment (+2ºC) and the control (CTRL) one, in present climate conditions and in those of the future climate projection, using the A1B emission scenario. Climatic monitoring and prediction Throughout 2009 there were also developed activities within the project aiming at achieving the Climatic Atlas of Romania. Researches also continued for improving prognostic estimations with a long anticipation (1-3 seasons) of the climatic anomalies in Romania, using the multifield analogy method. Experimental estimations were performed and the success of the method is being analysed. More and more specialists use the results of numerical experiments with climatic models to elaborate analyses and propose means to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change. However, climatic modelling is a complex process requiring, besides the results of the numerical experiments, metadata (data that describe the results obtained with the climatic models). Metadata are used to identify, assess and use the results of climatic modelling stored in bulky and complex digital archives. In the FP7 METAFOR project there was developed a Common Information Model (CIM) for a standardized description of the climatic data and the models that produce them, so that this 48 CIM be adopted by a large community of specialists interested in the climate change issue. Through the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project CMIP, the Working Group on Coupled Modelling (WGCM) commissioned the members of Fp7 METAFOR Project to define and collect metadata for the numerical models and experiments that will belong to Phase 5 of CMIP and will constitute the basis for the elaboration of the Fifth Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Within the METAFOR Project, 2009 saw the achievement of a questionnaire aimed at collecting information and metadata from the groups that contribute to the new achieve with results of the numerical experiments with climatic models CMIP5. The National Meteorological Administration joined this effort, contributing to the testing of solutions chosen by colleagues in the project for the description and usage of metadata concerning the climatic models and the results of numerical experiments performed with them, from the perspective of the user interested by the climate change issue. ANNUAL REPORT 2009 IMPACT OF CLIMATE VARIABILITY AND CHANGE ON CROPS During 2009 the Laboratory of Agrometeorology developed three national projects of the PNCDI type, as follows: 1. Project PNCDI-2 no. 51073/2007 „Methods to mitigate the impact of climate change on the wheat crops in southern Romania”. Project coordinator NARDI Fundulea, National Meteorological Administration being Partner 1. The two objectives specific to 2009 and the obtained results included the following aspects: 1.1. Evaluation of the agroclimatic (thermal and hydric) resources potential necessary for the growth and development of the winter wheat crop in the Fundulea agricultural area, based on the trend of the mean annual air temperature and precipitation amounts accumulated during the agricultural years (September-August) in the 1961-2007 interval. The aim was to highlight the annual variability and the trend of the thermal and hydric resources potential, as well as to compute the frequency (number of years / %) of the mean annual precipitation amounts at various reference thresholds and intervals specific to crops at the level of the 1961-1990 and 1961-2007 intervals or under the circumstances of precipitation amounts increased/diminished by ±10 and ±20% respectively, to finally identify the extreme years as regards the precipitation regime. The analysis of the thermal and hydric resources potential in the Fundulea agricultural area essentially highlights the following: – in the present climatic conditions the 0 mean air temperature is 10.3 C and the annual precipitation amount is 567.9 mm (1961-1990); – also the decrease of the precipitation amounts by about 20% will determine both the increase of the frequency of years with precipitation deficit during the specific vegetation periods and the increase in intensity of precipitation deficits, the highest number of cases being that of the excessively droughty and droughty intervals, especially in September-October (18 years / 60%), May-June (16 years / 53.3%) and the agricultural year round (15 years / 51.7%); – under the circumstances of the mean air temperature increase, the frost intensity 0 ( Tmin.15 C, XII-II) at Fundulea will be less enhanced in the winter season, the same as the frequency of the days with minimum temperatures under the critical biological resilience threshold of the winter wheat plants, which signify milder and warmer winters and implicitly resumed vegetative processes during the warmer intervals. Trend of mean annual temperatures and annual precipitation amounts at Fundulea agrometeorological station in the 1961-2007 period 1.2. Simulating the effects of altering the vernalisation and photo-period demands on winter wheat crops, using the DSSAT v3.5 decision-making system and two climate change scenarios forecasting the future climate trend over two different time intervals. DSSAT v3.5 is an upgraded version of the DSSAT v3.0 system and it includes new cropsimulating models, whereas existing ones have been significantly improved, especially the routines that simulate the crops' growth and development. The two used climatic scenarios RegCM/IPCC/2080-2099/SRES A1B and RegCM3 (10-km grid step)/ 2020-2050/SRES A1B respectively are derived from regional climatic models. Analyses of the simulated results under the two regional climatic scenarios for the 49 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2020-2050 and 2080-2099 intervals pointed at an increased grain yield and a faster development of the winter wheat crop, maturation occurring earlier in every analysed case. The increase of the wheat yield in climate change circumstances is owed to the positive effect of the CO2 levels increase in the atmosphere on photosynthesis, which counteracts the negative effect of a shortened vegetation period, as a result of temperature increase. Wheat uses the in-soil available water more efficiently under the regional climatic predictions for the 2020-2050 and 2080-2099 intervals and the usage efficiency also increases sensibly against the present climate situation, as a result of an increased CO2 assimilation rate. Simulated results regarding the alternation of vernalisation and photoperiod demands depend on the used climatic scenario and the genetic characteristics of the wheat sorts. In general, the optimum combination of vernatisation and photoperiod demands apt to ensure the best use of the future climatic resources, thus allowing higher yields and a reduced annual variability, is that of the genotypes with moderate vernalisation and low photoperiod demands, both under the predictable scenarios for the 2020-2050 period and those for 2080-2099. 2. Project PNCDI-2 no. 51059/2007 „Evaluation of climate change impact on the agroclimatic potential of Romania, for zoning the fruit-growing production”. Project coordinator Research Development Institute for Fruit Growing Pitesti-Maracineni, National Meteorological Administration as Partner 1. Effects of combining vernalisation and photoperiod coefficients on the winter wheat yields in climate change conditions, for the Fundulea4-MED genotype 50 Objectives specific to 2009 comprised the following directions: analysis of the present (1961-2008) and predictable (2020-2050 and 2040-2080 decades) trends of the agrometeorological conditions regime (thermal and hydric resources) in Wallachia (Piteşti agrometeorological station) for the evaluation of the favourability degree for the fruit growing yield; analysis of the predictable effects of climate change on the dates when the main phenological phases of the tree species occur (bud maturation and flowering at apricot, plum, pear and apple trees) in Piteşti area, using two arbitrary scenarios (present climate air temperature increase by 1ºC or 2ºC, corresponding to the 2040 and 2080 decades respectively) and the outputs of the RegCM3/SRES A1B regional climatic model, at a very fine resolution (10 km) for the 2020-2050 interval; Results highlight the following aspects: the air temperature increase according to climatic predictions for the future results in accelerated development processes, meaning a shortened duration of the phenological processes and their occurring at changed, much earlier dates against the present climatic conditions; Mean monthly multiannual air temperature and precipitation amounts in baseline climatic conditions (1961-1990) and in those of the RegCM3 / 2020-2050 / SRES A1B regional climatic predictions ANNUAL REPORT 2009 In the present (1961-2004) climatic conditions, the bud maturation and flowering dates respectively have been noticed to tend to occur earlier in the fruit growing plantations from Wallachia at the apricot, plum, pear and apple trees, especially after 1980; as regards the spring-coming index, it tends to increase throughout the analysed period, more markedly in southern Wallachia, meaning that spring-coming occurs earlier in that part of the region, in comparison with areas from the north of the region; in the area of Wallachia, the years when springcoming occurs earlier are more frequent in the south and east of the region, i.e. at Turnu Măgurele, Călăraşi, Giurgiu, Buzău and Râmnicu Sărat agrometeorological stations, where the risk of having the fruit organs affected by late spring frosts is higher than in the plantations from north-western Wallachia (Curtea de Argeş), where years with a late spring-coming prevail; at Piteşti, according to the RegCM3 /2020-2050/SRES A1B (10- km grid step) regional climatic predictions, the mean annual air temperature will increase by 1.5ºC in the 2020-2050 interval against the present, the largest increases being possible especially in the warm part of the year, i.e. in April through August. The annual precipitation amounts will diminish on the average by about 90 mm, the widest decreases being estimated to occur again in the warm season for instance a 45 mm decrease in June against the present mean climatological values; at Piteşti, the bud maturation and flowering phases will occur earlier by 2-8 days in all the fruit growing species under the arbitrary scenario where the air temperature may increase by 1ºC and by 8-12 days at a 2ºC increase against the present climate. Also, with the climate change, an increase is possible of the heat units accumulated in the 1 February-10 April interval by 12-23% in 2040 in comparison with the present values and by 30 to 40% in 2080, which would mark an earlier or extra-early spring coming and implicitly an increased risk versus late spring frosts; Annual occurring dates of the bud maturation and flowering phases at the apricot, plum, pear and apple trees in baseline climatic conditions (1961-1990) and under the two predictable scenarios for the interval 2020-2040 (the 2040 decade) and 2060-2100 (the 2080 decade) at Piteşti station. 51 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 3. Project PNCDI-2 no. 31084/2007 „Assessing vulnerabilities o the danger of birds spreading harmful agents in the Nature 2000 area” Project coordinator: Research and Development Plant Protection Institute Bucharest Baneasa. National Meteorological Administration being Partner 3. During 2009, the objectives were to identify the climatic factors favouring the occurrence and development of the Fusarium graminearum and Septoria tritici agents in the winter wheat, to establish and select the critical thresholds and to assess the risk potential against the attack of Fusariose in the winter wheat case study for Giurgiu/Comana /Giurgiu County / the west of Burnazului Plain, Sf. Gheorghe/Sf. Gheorghe/Tulcea County/Danube Delta, Tg. Mureş/Glodeni/Mureş County/Mureş river Corridor. and the agricultural area of Wallachia. Results highlight the following: to identify the methods to prevent ad fight against Fusarium graminearum attack to the winter wheat, it is necessary to currently monitor the agrometeorological conditions, especially in May and June, which is the period of maximum sensitivity to the emergence and development of the fungus; the largest values of the high risk (when both favouring factors occur, i.e. maximum diurnal air temperature from 20 to 26ºC and air moisture ≥80%) are recorded at all of the three analysed agrometeorological stations: Giurgiu (46 years / 98%), Sf. Gheorghe Delta (44 years / 94%) and Targu Mures (42 years / 89%), which points at a risk as high as 89-98% for the occurrence of the Fusariose attack in the winter wheat; assessing the Septoriosis occurrence risk in the winter wheat case study in the area of Wallachia. To this aim, there were selected the agroclimatic 52 conditions specific to Septoriosis occurrence at 11 weather stations with an agrometeorological schedule, considered as representative for the Wa l l a c h i a n a r e a : A l e x a n d r i a , Bucharest-Afumaţi, Călăraşi, Fundulea, Giurgiu, Olteniţa, Roşiori, Slobozia, Turnu-Măgurele, Zimnicea and Videle. After processing, analysing, interpreting and framing by risk classes the agroclimatic factors favouring the occurrence of Septoriosis in the winter wheat crop, it was noticed that the highest risk values represented solely by the maximum temperature factor 0 (22-26 C) are reported at the agrometeorological stations: Olteniţa (55 cases/26 analysed years), Zimnicea (22 cases/27 analysed years) and Giurgiu (35 cases/48 analysed years). The highest values of the major risk, i.e. maximum diurnal air temperature from 20 to 26ºC and air moisture ≥80%) were recorded at: Turnu-Măgurele (14 cases/48 analysed years), Fundulea (14 cases/48 analysed years) and Videle (33 cases /47 analysed years), which yields an occurring frequency of the Septoriosis attack in the winter wheat crop ranging from 30 to 96%. Spatial representation of winter wheat vulnerability against the risk of Septoriosis occurrence in Wallachia ANNUAL REPORT 2009 REMOTE SENSING AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS The Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory carried out several national and international projects during 2009, as follows: P r o j e c t F P 6 S T R E P : Hydrometeorological data resources and technologies for effective flash flood forecasting (HYDRATE GOCE 037024) The HYDRATE project is mainly aimed to improve the scientific ground of flash-flood forecasting through a better understanding of past flash floods, by developing and harmonizing a modern Europe-wide flash flood observation strategy as well as by building a coherent set of early warning technologies and instruments. HYDRATE has developed a European free-access flash flood database that provides the international scientific community with hydrometeorological data. Its final objective is to improve the flash flood forecasting capacities across hydrographic basins that lack standard measurement and monitoring systems by using the available information and a thorough understanding of triggering phenomena and processes. In 2009, the main goal was to assess the differences between radar-estimated precipitation and rain-gauge values in the Moldavian Plateau. Research was focused on daily station-recorded accumulations (24-hour) that were used to calibrate radars, thus improving the hydrological modeling and flood forecasting. Data were provided by the Barnova S-band Doppler WSR-98D radar and the National Meteorological Administration's stations. The validations were aimed to predict the rain-gauge values in certain areas using radar information and adjusting parameters. It was proven that the radar data are accurate enough within a radius of 150 km (Fig. 1) and the comparisons with rain-gauge values substantiate this point. Project PNCDI 2/2007: Satellite Information-Based Service for Managing Emergency Situations. It is carried out in collaboration with the Romanian Space Agency, the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, the Center for Advanced Studies and Research, and the Romanian Center for Remote Sensing in Agriculture. The project is aimed at organizing a national service to provide products mainly derived from processed satellite images, useful in the management of emergency situations. This service will take into consideration local and national requests in order to be integrated in the National Emergency Situation Management System and it will also have to meet European conditions to be compatible with GMES Emergency Response Core Service. The Service will provide users with basic information products (land cover/use maps, infrastructure, and administrative units) as well as with emergency products (maps of affected areas, their evolution in space and time, quantified information on damages). Using SIGUR in case of crisis will increase efficiency and it will provide a better understanding of the studied phenomenon, finally helping reduce losses in human lives and goods. The image-data set covering Romania and Bulgaria totaling 160 indexed sub-images can be used to analyze the possibility of floodrelated disasters and the methods to react in such cases. Typically, image analyses include identifications of flooded areas, searching for flight paths to bring in humanitarian supplies, and detecting areas to be used for refugee camps. The KIM image-panel application was designed in 2009. It defines the features of those images bearing the semantic label “lake” (Fig. 1,2 ). This application is based on a probabilistic system that gets information using measures of Information Theory (Shannon entropy, mutual information and Kullback-Leibler divergence). The system was divided in three main levels: the image space, the contents-index space, and the semantic label space. In the case of optical images (such as Landsat TM), there are used the primitive spectral and texture characteristics in order to identify the lakes in database images. The research resulted in a conceptual model of the service, several connections with final users (Ministry of Environment, General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations) were established and the on-line system GIS SIGUR was implemented. There were also designed automatic satellite data processing algorithms (obtaining water masks from optical satellite images), the distributed hydrological model Vflo TM became operational 53 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES within the Service and the basic SIGUR components were evaluated (automatic obtaining of the water mask from satellite images using the KIM system, fast mapping of flood episodes, hydrological modeling of flood episodes).The above-mentioned results were used in carrying out a number of mapping products for the July-August 2008 flood that affected Romania (more than 35 products). Fig. 1. Application defining the features of an image bearing the semantic label “lake”; the automatic learning updates every requested parameter and the a posteriori map is re-designed in the right part of the screen. Fig. 2. Final results for a semantic label “lake”. Project PNCDI-2/2007 RISCASAT: Developing new satellite data-derived products to meet user requests in the field of managing hydro-meteorological risk situations. It is carried out in collaboration with the Forest Research and Management Institute, the Romanian Space Agency, the University of Bucharest and the Transylvania University of Brasov. 54 This project is mainly aimed to create new products by calibrating, validating, interpreting and analyzing standard satellite data-derived products (SPOT, IRS, RADARSAT, ERS, LANDSAT, QUICK-BIRD, EOS/AM, TERRA and EOS/PM AQUA, IKONOS, TERRASARX) tailored to the user requests for managing hydro-meteorological risk situations in Romania. ANNUAL REPORT 2009 A number of image products to be used in monitoring and evaluating agricultural vegetation, flood-affected areas, forest risks (windthrows, wildfires) and the quality of the Black Sea water were elaborated in 2009. To this aim, the equipment and instruments needed for measurements were procured and procedures were designed to determine every parameter used by calibration/validation algorithms: determining Leaf Area Index (LAI) with a Delta-T SunScan SS1 system and by processing digital images with a specialized software (CAN-EYE developed in MATLAB); using the S-WCA-M003 sensor to determine wind speed and direction an important factor related to windthrows; using the S-LIA-M003 sensor to determine photosynthetic light intensity; determining the location of GCP points by GPS ProXH and GPS GeoXM equipments; measuring turbidity with a Hanna HI 98713 device; measuring temperature, salinity etc. by the Hanna Multiparameter HI 9828. Leaf Area Index is a structural parameter of primary importance in the quantitative analysis of several physical and biological processes related to vegetation dynamics and its effects on the global carbon cycle and climate. The LAI products derived from TERRA/AQUA-MODIS satellite data were validated by intercomparisons with the reference LAI map obtained from highresolution FORMASAT-2 images (fig. 3). Fig. 3. LAI map for Romania obtained from MODIS data, 05.07.2009 A number of dedicated MODIS products connected to the detection of snow-covered areas (fig. 4 and 5) and snow albedo were elaborated and validated in order to monitor and evaluate the snow cover. The algorithm used in determining the extent of snowcovered areas is mainly based on a so-called snow index (Normalized Difference Snow Index NDSI): normalized difference of two bands, one in the visible and one in the nearinfrared or short-wave infrared parts of the spectrum. It was also elaborated a method to analyze inshore water turbidity using MODIS images as well as a method to determine Land Surface Temperature (LST) from NOAAAVHR images. The convenience of this methodology is mainly attributable to the involved costs; by determining as accurately as possible a coefficient, it will be possible to find out the amount of suspension sediments for any day of the year and the entire delta coast. In order to detect the areas affected by windthrows, there were established calibration and geometric validation methods using high-resolution space images (Formosat 2, Landsat TM). 55 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Fig. 4. Forest areas within the Arges basin and the overlapping of snow-covered areas, 22 March 2009. Fig. 5. 3D in the Arges area; topography and snow-covered areas on 22 March 2009 (the Global Mapper software was used). A number of products derived from MODIS data validated by intercomparison with highresolution satellite data (ASTER, SPOT) and GPS measurements were designed for flood monitoring. Such products include quasi-real time situation maps, maps of flooded areas and their classification (Fig. 6), maps of flood evolution and damage-estimating products (Fig. 7). Fig. 6. Water mask derived from a SPOT 4 image (28 July 2008, 09:20 UTC 56 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Fig. 7. Estimation of flood-affected areas within the Rădăuţi-Prut area (Botoşani County), on 28 July , 2008 PROJECT PNCDI-2/2007 MEDSCEN: Thorough researches aimed to create a pilot virtual-space educational system that simulates natural disaster scenarios and ways of action to be followed by citizens and institutions in case of crisis. It is carried out in collaboration with the National Defense University “Carol I”, the Romanian Space Agency and the following companies: SIVECO Romania, ALTAFACTOR, MBL and ETC. Within the project, it was carried out a pilot system for an educational network that uses eLearning technologies and a portal dedicated to the building of the intervention, protection and reconstruction culture in case of natural disasters or other types of disasters. A digital model for developing knowledge on providing protection against severe weather phenomena was carried out in 2009. To this aim, it was structured a portal of knowledge depending on the pilot system to be used in eLearning-based educational works. Several methods to obtain certain products derived from satellite data were also developed by the Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory. They are useful in activities such as: determining the snow water reserves of the winter-spring season in the Carpathians hydrographic basins of hydro-energetic interest (Arges, Doftana, Lotru, Somesul Mic, and Raul Mare); soil surface temperature maps obtained from AQUA TERRA/MODIS images of 1-km resolution at a frequency of one image per day; composite/synthesis maps of land surface temperature obtained from MSG images that allow us to eliminate the clouds. METEOROLOGICAL SATELLITES 1. Project DESATEMP (2007-2010): Satellite detection of global climate change-related thermal gradients across Romania using heat islands; solutions to mitigate their effects. This project is mainly aimed to determine in real time the heat islands (UHI) using spectral information provided by several satellite platforms in order to find out a number of land surface parameters (albedo, soil surface temperature). During the phases of the year 2009, LandSAF-LST products (soil 57 RESEARCH ACTIVITIES surface temperature) were processed for the whole year 2008. Figure 1 shows a composite image of the maximum soil surface temperatures on 15 August 2008, obtained from MSG2 data. Fig. 1. Maximum soil surface temperatures obtained from MSG2 data on 15.08.2008 2. Pre-operational system to carry out vertical profiles of air temperature and humidity using NOAA/ATOVS and MetOp/ATOVS data. In order to get profiles of air temperature and humidity from infrared and microwave data provided by polar orbiting satellites, it was used the IAPP model - version 3.0. This model was run for two different situations: a) with auxiliary data from a numerical model (GFS) and surface observation data (METAR); and b) with no auxiliary data. To this purpose, a pre-operational system was created to capture satellite and auxiliary data, carry out the IAPP model, analyze and display the results. The pre-operational system was implemented on a LINUX Red Hat Enterprise system, using a Fortran G95 compiler, the NCL high-level programming language and bash scripts. It works with real-time data as well as with archive data. For this study, the model was run first using the satellite data set together with numerical weather forecasting data and surface observation data (auxiliary data) for the year 2007 and secondly the same 2007 satellite data set was used but this time without numerical forecast data and surface observation data. When the temperature and humidity profiles for 2007 had been obtained, two 58 validation sets were built: set A for the model run with satellite and auxiliary data and set B for the model run that uses only satellite data and takes into consideration the widely accepted collocation criteria. A comparative analysis of the validation sets for the two above-mentioned cases has shown first the importance of auxiliary data for the inversion process used by the IAPP model to calculate atmospheric profiles. Thus, the accuracy of profiles calculated with auxiliary data is about 30% higher than that which uses no such data, in terms of mean squared error (MSE) as against the collocated radiosounding profiles. The analysis of each data set showed an aspect related to the building of the validation set that has never been mentioned in the specialized literature. This aspect was called the spatial coherence condition for the validation set. When this new condition is used in building the validation set, it is removed the dependence of MSE on the geographic position of the Field of Vue (FOV), as there are used FOVs with identical geographic coordinates related to the radio-sounding station and not only the distance between them when the validation sets are compared. However, this new validation condition has a relative drawback, as it limits the number of collocated pairs in the validation set; using a longer data string can be a solution then. The accuracy of atmospheric profiles is comparable with the mean values obtained by other researching centers around the world as regards Temperature (2 degrees Kelvin), but the newest IAPP version gave more profiles with an accuracy under 1 degree Kelvin. It should be mentioned that this study is the first one to use the IAAP model version 3.0. As regards the accuracy of humidity profiles, it is even better than what has been obtained until now by 0.5 g / kg on average. Every humidity profile behaves remarkably well in the upper part of the atmosphere, but it frequently underestimates/overestimates the mixing ratio of water vapors in the atmospheric layer close to the ground. Using the NCL and IDL languages, there have been written several software programs to represent data (Fig. 2 and 3). They are flexible and can generate a number of output file formats, the projection can be changed etc., so that a migration to an operational system tailored for a particular user should be eased. ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Fig. 2. Temperature field from NOAA-18 ATOVS data at 850mb on 1.01.2007, 11:33 GMT Fig. 3. Temperatures: NOAA-18 ATOVS (blue) and RAOB (yellow) at 850 mb, overlapped on the MSG HRV image, 06.11.2008 12:00 GMT 59 NATIONAL SCHOOL OF METEOROLOGY ANNUAL REPORT 2009 components dedicated to the users. The professional training programme destined to the staff working within the meteorology domain in 2009, was mainly directed to the organizing of lectures with attendance and e-learning courses, workshops, laboratories, case studies. A synthesis of the training courses organized by the National School of Meteorology (NSM) is presented in the table below: Development of the education and professional training for the staff working in meteorology The more and more intense use of the elearning platform and the increase in the number of registered guests required a reconfiguration of the Web site and the development of new access and database COURSE CODE c1 c2 c3 COURSE NAME Notions of general meteorology Structure and functioning of the national meteorological network c6 c7 c8 c9 Modules of general meteorology Visual meteorological observations – visibility and clouds English language for forecasters Basic capacity building for forecaster meteorologists Mesoscale meteorology + case studies Dynamic meteorology Physic meteorology c10 Climatology c4 c5 NO. OF REGISTERED TRAINEES DESTINED TO *): HE 102 HE & CE from the meteorological network CE, particularly from research and weather forecasting 118 HE & CE from the meteorological network CE – forecaster meteorologists CE – for the position of forecaster meteorologist CE – forecaster meteorologists CE – forecaster meteorologists + research CE – forecaster meteorologists + research 204 45 CE – meteorologists + researchers 50 9 34 8 6 10 TOTAL 586 *) CE = College education trainees HE = High school education trainees The conception of the professional training planning and education curriculum was the result of analyses and questionnaires (filled in on-line or during the courses) performed among the beneficiaries (weather forecast, research-modelling, meteorological network, etc). The use of the questionnaire entitled “Knowing the participant satisfaction” among the trainees underlined the majority of positive aspects in the unfolding of the courses and workshops and made possible the elaboration of the professional training strategy in the domain of meteorology. Besides standard courses and workshops of basic and continuous capacity building, the National School of Meteorology organized, on contract basis, specialized training courses for different beneficiaries such as the Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration (ROMATSA) and the National Anti-Hail System and Precipitation Increase Administration. The following training courses were organized: “Use of the remote sensing techniques and numerical modeling in weather forecasting” and “Introduction in the convective systems analysis“. An important professional training activity in 2009 was the programme entitled “Initial capacity building for meteorologists”, which lasted about 9 months, with the participation of 9 meteorologists from Regional Weather Forecasting Centres. These training courses included several modules of general meteorology, mesoscale and physic meteorology, climatology, observations and 63 NATIONAL SCHOOL OF METEOROLOGY measurements, specific IT&C components. In the end, the trainees passed a graduation exam. The training plan of the high-school education staff (observer and technician) included e-learning teaching: “Meteorological measurements and observations”, “Visibility and clouds observation”, “Structure and functioning of the national meteorological network”. The National Meteorological Administration, through the National School of Meteorology’s specialists, participated to the actions of the Sectorial Committee for Environmental Capacity Building within the Project entitled “Pro Environmen tDeveloping and authorizing an evaluation and certification centre for vocational competences within the enevironmental protection sector” - POSDRU/20/1.4/G/92. The actions consisted in preparation/evaluation studies, as well as training courses for experts in assessing preofessional competences, in Romania and the Netherlands, enjoying the partnership of the National Council for Adult Capacity Building, from the Romanian part. The National Meteorological Administration provided specialized parctice for 43 students from the Faculty of Geography within the University of Bucharest following a practice planning carried out within the National School of Meteorology. For a better development of the capacity building activity, Mr. Jeffrey Wilson, Director of the Education and Training Division, 64 Development and Regional Activities Department within the World Meteorological Organization, honoured the invitation to visit the National School of Meteorology over the period 28 September-1 October 2009. This was an excellent opportunity to exchange information and ideas on the present tendencies of the meteorological education at national and world level. Within the context of the collaboration between the National School of Meteorology and the Sectorial Committee for Environmental Capacity Building, the National Authority - the National Council for Adult Capacity Building, respectively, there were established actions involving the National School of Meteorology which will participate to the contract entitled “PRO COMPETENT Qualifications and competency certificates for a sustainable development” 58/1.4/S/32519 within the Sectorial Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS ANNUAL REPORT 2009 NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS Projects financed by the Ministry of Education and Research No. Project name Financed by PROJECTS IN PROGRESS 2007-2011 1 Romanian LIDAR Systems Network – ROLINET 2 Optical/spectroscopic methods to perceive and measure change/pollution/alteration of normal environment structure and composition – MODSPECTRA Satellite information-based system for emergency situations management – SIGUR 3 National Research Development Institute for Optoelectronics INOE 2000 National Institute for Research-Development of Materials Physics Space Agency 4 Assessment of climate change impact on the agroclimatic potential of Romania, in view to zone the fruit-tree yield - CLIMACTPOMI Fruit Research Institute Pitesti Maracineni 5 Methods to mitigate the climate change impact on the wheat yields in southern Romania - GRIMPCLIM 6 The satellite detection of the thermal gradients generated by the global climatic changes over Romania’s territory by Heat Island, including solutions to decreasing the effects - DESATEMP Modernization and predictive assessment for Romania of the impact of climate change feedback on land use/cover with satellite and biogeological data IN SITU -MOSATCLIM The geological diversity of the Upper Paleozoic deposits in Romania and the relation with climate global change PALEOCLIM Study on the installation of a Cherenkov telescope for very high energy gamma radiation in Romania –GAMMATEL National Agricultural Research and Development Institute Fundulea University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinarian Medicine Bucharest 7 8 9 10 11 12 Researches for the development of a program for the monitoring of radioactive waste storing sites. Case study DFDSMA Saligny – MONA Integration and exploitation of information concerning the distribution of thunder strikes distribution on the Romanian territory, for the transport infrastructure maintenance and power distribution - TRASNET Profound researches for the creation of a pilot educational system in the cyberspace for the simulation of scenarios concerning natural disasters and the way citizens and National Research Development Institute for Optoelectronics INOE 2000 University of Bucharest Institute for Space Sciences Autonomous Board for Nuclear Activities – Nuclear Researches Subsidiary, Pitesti Polytechnic University of Bucharest University of Defence Carol I institutions act in crisis situations - MEDSCEN 67 NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS/PROJECTS 13 Determination of vulnerabilities in the hazard of dissemination by birds of harmful agents in the Natura 2000 areas - HORUS Research-Development Institute for Plant Protection 14 Changes in the precipitation regime within the Danube lower basin in the context of climate change – Bilateral project Romania-Bulgaria Integrated system for early warning, monitoring and analysis of the drought risk in Romania – SIAT National Authority for Scientific Research 15 Space Agency 16 Applications and basic services for the monitoring of land use by using geospatial data and technology – MUTER - 17 Elaboration of the national multi-disciplinary strategies for early warning, monitoring and control of the re-emergent disease carried by vector mosquitoes (Dispera: Culicidae), distributed within the European operation area – VECBOLEM - National Institute of Research-Development for Microbiology and Immunology « Cantacuzino” 18 Optomecatronic system for the measuring of the electromagnetic fund for ground remote sensing experiments of galactic and extragalactic-origin gamma quanta – OPTOGATRON- Institute for Space Sciences RESEARCH PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS IN PROGRESS 2009-2011 Nr. crt. Programme name (acronym) Financed by 1 NATO European Union 2 DYNAMITE European Union 3 ENSEMBLES European Union 4 LIFE AWARE European Union 5 EUFAR European Union 6 CECILIA European Union 7 HYDRATE European Union 8 ASCABOS European Union 9 RISCASAT Ministry of Education and Research 68 Space Agency RADO Project - Romanian Atmospheric 3D research Observatory, financed from the cooperation programme between Norway and Romania, in partnership with the Norvegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), supposes the implementation of advanced equipment and techniques for: atmospheric research, pollution studies, training and dialogue with the society. According to the project implementation schedule, over the year 2009, besides project coordinating and management activities, the following steps were made: establishment of the observation network, carrying out of measuring procedures and good practice rules, connecting of RADO components to the network, establishment of the data flux scheme and collecting procedures, carrying out of the measuring programme scheme, training stages for the new equipment, meetings within the Consortium. ANNUAL REPORT 2009 MODSPECTRA Project Optic/spectroscopic methods to detect and measure the change/pollution/deterioration of structure and composition of the normal environment – a PNCDI Programme, aiming to apply modern methods of high resolution and sensitivity absorption optic spectroscopy. The method used for the detection and characterization of pollutants within this project is the differential optic absorption spectroscopy (DOAS). For the selected configuration, one DOAS unit combines the transmitter and the receiver. This unit works combined with a mirror placed up to 200 m far from the transmission-reception unit. Within this stage, the retroreflector was settled in the field on a professional tripod placed at 40 m far from the unit. The transmission-reception unit can be automatically rotated and settled to operate with more reflectors placed in different locations, thus creating more light ways and covering a specific area. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATION PROGRAMMES I. European Cooperation in Science and Technology Programme (COST): Action 725: “Establishing a European Phenological Data Platform for Climatological Applications”, period 2004-2009; Action 734: “Impacts of Climate Change and Variability on European Agriculture”-CLIVAGRI, period 2006-2010; II. Conferences and workshops 1. Meeting of group leaders within COST Action 734, Florence, Italy, 5-6 February 2009. 2. International Conference on Scope and current limits of linking phenology and climatology in the context of COST 725 in cooperation with Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) Geisenheim,Germany, 10-12 March 2009. 3. The 7th COST 734 Management Committee and Working Groups Meeting, Bucharest, Romania, 1-3 April 2009. 4.The 30th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), aiming to help the th production of the 5 Assessment Report (AR5), Antalya, Turkey, 21-23 April 2009. 5. The 3rd EIONET Workshop on Climate Change Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation, organized by the European Environment Agency (EEA), Copenhagen, Denmark, 30 June-01 July 2009. 6. WMO Nowcasting Workshop, Whistler B.C., Canada, 30 August-4 September 2009. 7. T h e 4 3 r d C o n f e r e n c e o n R a d a r Meteorology organized by the American Meteorological Society (AMS), Williamsburg VA, USA, 5-9 October 2009. 8. The Inter-Regional Workshop on Indices, and Early Warning Systems for Drought, organized by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), in collaboration with the National Drought Mitigation Centre (NDMC), Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, 8-11 December 2009. 69 PUBLICATIONS SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Bain, V., Newinger, O., Gaume, E., Bernardara, P., Barbuc, M., Bateman, A., Garcia, J., Medina, V., Sempere-Torres, D., Velasco, D., Blaškovicová, L., Blöschl, G., Viglione, A., Borga, M., Dumitrescu, A., Irimescu, A., Stăncălie, Gh., Kohnova, S., Szolgay, J., Koutroulis, A., Tsanis, I., Marchi, L., Preciso, E. (2009), European flash flood data collation and analisys, Flood Risk Management: Research and Practice, editori: Samuels P., Huntington, S . , A l l s o p , W. , H a r r o p , J . , E d . Taylor&Francis Group, ISBN 978-0-41548507-4, Londra, Anglia, pp. 1577-1585; Bogdan, O., Marinică, I. (2009), The drought in Romania. Case study - Oltenia, Studia Universitas Babeş-Bolyai, Geographia, LIV, 3, 2009, Cluj Napoca, Cluj University Press ISSN: 1221-079X, pp. 41-48; Bogdan, O., Marinică, I. (2009), Caracteristici climatice ale iernii 2007-2008 în Oltenia, Revista Geografică T. XVI, 2009, Serie Nouă (revistă acreditată CNCSIS), ARS DOCENDI Universitatea din Bucureşti, ISSN 1224 256 X, pp. 73-81; Bogdan, O., Marinică, I., Mic, L.-E. (2009), Al doilea maxim pluviometric de toamnă în România, Analele Universităţii Spiru Haret, Seria Geografie, Nr. 12, 2009, ISSN 1453-8792, Fundaţia România de Mâine Bucureşti, pp. 91-98; Bostan, D., Mihăilă, D., Tănasă, I. (2009), The abundant precipitations in the period 2227 of July,2008, from Suceava county and the surrounding areas. Causes and consequences lucrare prezentată în cadrul Conferinţei Aerul şi apa componente ale mediului, Universitatea „Babes-Bolyai”, Facultatea de Geografie Cluj Napoca 20-21 martie 2009, publicată în Riscuri şi catastrofe, an VIII nr.6/2009, pp. 61-70, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj Napoca; Burada, C., Sandu, O. (2009), July 2007 heat wave in Oltenia (south-west of Romania) in the context of climate change, Geographia Technica nr 1/2009, Cluj University Press, ISSN 2065-4421, pp. 820; 70 Burada, C., Sandu, O. (2009), Physics and mathematics principles of wind intensifications in PBL; Customization for the south-western Romania, Proceedings of the 2009 ASC, Editura Granada, Bucureşti, ISSN 1843-6838, p. 37; Burada, C., Sandu, O., Băcescu, A. (2009), Anomalies enregistrées dans le sud-ouest de la Roumanie dans le contexte d'une année très chaude, Geographia Technică, Cluj University Press, ISSN 2065-4421, pp. 103-108; Burada, C., Sandu, O. (2009), Wind particularities in Oltenia due to the presence of the carpathian-balcanic arch, Riscuri şi catastrofe, nr 6/2009, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca, ISSN 1584-5273, pp. 93-98; Cheval S., Dumitrescu A., Bell A. (2009), The urban heat island of Bucharest during the extreme high temperatures of July 2007. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 97: pp. 391-401; Cheval S., Dumitrescu A. (2009), The July urban heat island of Bucharest as derived from MODIS images, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 96(1-2): pp. 145-153; Crăciunescu V., Flueraru, C., Anderson, E., Nedelcu, I., Stăncălie, Gh., Irimescu, A. (2009), Mapping and monitoring the 20052008 floods in Romania, using remote sensing techniques, Studii şi Cercetări, Geology Geography, Bistriţa, 14, Ed. Supergraph, ISSN 1582-5168, pp. 107122; Crăciunescu, V., Flueraru, C., Stăncălie, Gh., Irimescu, A. (2009), Developing a rapid mapping and monitoring service for flood management using remote sensing techniques, Flood Risk Management: Research and Practice, editori: Samuels P., Huntington, S., Allsop, W., Harrop, J., Ed. Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 978-0415-48507-4, Londra, Anglia, pp. 237-243; Crăciunescu, V., Caian, M., Flueraru, C., Nerţan, A. (2009), On-line Air Quality Monitoring and Warning Support System for Bucharest Urban Area, Geographia Technica Nr. 1/2009, pp. 21-30; ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Dierer, S., Arpagaus, M., Seifert, A., Avgoustoglou, E., Dumitrache, R., Grazzini, F., Mercogliano, P., Mielli, M., Starosta, K. (2009), Deficiencies in quantitative precipitation forecasts: sensitivity studies using the COSMO model, Meteorologische Zeitschrift. Vol. 18., No.6, pp. 631-645; Gaume, E., Bain, V., Bernardara, P., Newinger, O., Barbuc, M., Bateman, A., Blaskovicova, L., Bloschl, G., Borga, M., Dumitrescu, A., Daliakopoulos, I., Garcia, J., Irimescu, A., Kohnova, S., Koutroulis, A., Marchi, L., Mătreaţă, S., Medina, V., Preciso, E., Sempere-Torres, D., Stăncălie, Gh., Szolgay, J., Tsanis, I., Velasco, D., Viglione, A. (2009), A compilation of data on European flash floods, Journal of Hydrology, Ed. Elsevier, vol. 367, 1-2, ISSN 0022-1694, DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.12.028, pp. 70-78; Georgescu, F., Taşcu, S., Banciu, D., (2009), Tropical air mass advection and frontal instability in severe weather events. Case study, Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 129138; Georgescu, F., Taşcu, S., Caian, M., Banciu, D. (2009), A severe blizzard event in Romania. Case study, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 9, pp. 623634; Gerard, L., Piriou, J.-M., Geleyn, J.-F., Brožkova, R., Banciu, D. (2009), Cloud and precipitation parameterization in a meso-gamma scale operational weather prediction model, Monthly Weather Review, Volume 137 Issue 11, pp. 39603977; Irimescu, A., Stăncălie, Gh., Crăciunescu V., Flueraru, C., Anderson, E. (2009), The use of Remote Sensing and GIS techniques in flood risk monitoring and damage assessment: A study case in Romania, Threats to global water security, editori: Jones, A., Vardanian, T., Hakopian, C., NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, Ed. Springer, ISBN 978-90-4812343-8, pp. 167-177; Margelli F., Rossi S., Cheval S., Georgiadis T. (2009), Water and energy interaction in urban planning, Bolletino Geofisico, XXXII(3-4): pp. 55-78; Marinică, I. (2009), Considerations upon the heat wave from July 2007, Forum Geografic. Studii şi cercetări de geografie şi protecţia mediului, Year 8, No. 8, 2009, pp. 86-96, University of Craiova, ISSN 1583-1523, The journal is indexed in international databases: EBSCO Academic Search Complete, starting with 01.01.08,; Marinică, I., Chimişliu, C. (2009), Considerations upon the Temperature Humidity Index in Oltenia in the period 2000-2007, Muzeul Olteniei Craiova, Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii, Tom. XXV/2009, ISSN 1454-6914, pp. 297-304, Coverage: - Thomson Reuters (ISI) Zoological Record; Marinică, I. (2009), Weather instability in Oltenia between May 25 and June 6, Analele Universităţii din Craiova Seria geografie Annals of the University Craiova Series Geography EUC Editura Universitaria anul 2009, Vol. XII, 2009, pp. 33-49, ISSN: 1224 4112, Review Acreditated by CNCSIS; Mihailă, D., Bostan, D., Tănasă, I. (2009), Les precipitations abondantes de l'ouest d' Ucraine et du nord de Moldavie, enregistrées dans la période 23- 28 juillet 2008. Causes et consequences, lucrarea prezentată la facultatea de Geografie, Cluj-Napoca publicată în Riscuri şi catastrofe, catalog XXII/ 2009, pp. 317322, University Press ,Cluj-Napoca; Oprea, I.C., Bell, A. (2009), Meteorological environment of a tornado outbreak in Southern Romania, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 9, pp. 609-622; Rusz, O., Codrea, V., Barbu, O., (2009), Estimation of mean annual temperatures in Ocna Dej Formation (Middle Badenian) at Praid based on coexistence approach method Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii, Tom. XXV, pp. 337-342; 71 PUBLICATIONS Sandu, O., Burada, C. (2009), Winter 20062007 in Oltenia compared with winter 2007-2008, Riscuri şi catastrofe, nr 6/2009, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, ClujNapoca, ISSN 1584-5273, pp. 115-122; Săndulache C., Cheval S., (2009), Precipitaţiile atmosferice fenomen de risc in Munţii Parâng, Com. Geog., XIII: pp. 103-112; Stăncălie, Gh., Crăciunescu, V., Irimescu, A. (2009), Spatial data integration for emergency services of flood management, Threats to global water security, editori: Jones, A., Vardanian, T., 72 Hakopian, C., NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security, Ed. Springer, ISBN 978-90481-2343-8, pp. 155-165; Stăncălie, Gh., Antonescu, B., Oprea, C., Irimescu, A., Catană, S., Dumitrescu, A., Barbuc, M., Mătreaţă, S. (2009), Representative flash flood events in Romania, Case studies, Flood Risk Management: Research and Practice, editori: Samuels P., Huntington, S., Allsop, W., Harrop, J., Ed. Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN 978-0-415-48507-4, Londra, Anglia, pp. 1587-1596; FINANCIAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT 2009 FINANCIAL REPORT The turnover of National Meteorological Administration was 55.423.292 lei (RON) (about 13.856.000 EUR), iand the exploitation expenses were worth 54.576.668 lei (RON) (about 13.644.000 EUR). The figure below renders the structure of the turnover by sources. Services for ROMATSA, 3.54% Research, 2.00% Other beneficiaries, 6.96% State budget, 87.50% Turnover structure The figure below renders the structure of the exploitation expenses by composing elements. Social protection, 7,442,109 lei 13,63% Maintenance, Repair, 2,105,249 lei, 3,85% Communication, 1,502,000 lei, Fees and taxes, 2,191,000 lei, 2,75% 4,02% Other expenses, 10,054,348 lei, 18,43% Energy, 1,537,259 lei, 2,82% Wages, 26,414,035 lei, 48,40% Materials, 3,330,668 lei, 6,10% Exploitation expenses structure 75 FINANCIAL REPORT 2009 The tables below render synthetically the profit and loss account and the balance sheet as of 31.12.2009. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT AS OF 31.12.2009 Synthetic display LEI (RON) 31.12.2008 60.896.291 1.Turnover 6.895 2.Variation in stocks 580.905 3.Other operating expenses 5.582.328 4.Expenses with consumables 19.507.953 5.Other operational costs 34.889.282 6.Expenses with staff 5.480.561 7.Gross operational profit 0 8.Depreciation and value adjustment of financial assets value 5.480.561 9.Net operational profit 134.004 10.Financial incomes and adjustment of financial assets value 5.575.740 11.Profit / loss in ordinary activities 12.Tax on profit 1.229.367 4.276.373 13.Profit / loss during the financial year BALLANCE SHEET AS OF 31.12.2009 Synthetic display ASSETS 1. Fixed assets 1.1. Intangible fixed assets 1.2. Tanginble fixed assets 1.3. Financial assets 2. Current assets 2.1. Stocks 2.2. Claims 2.3. Cash at bank and in safe 2.4. Debts due during one year 2.5. Debts due in over one year Total assets LIABILITIES 3. Capital and reserve 3.1. Subscribed capital 3.2. Reserves 3.3. Reported results 4. Public capital Total liabilities 76 31.12.2009 55.423.292 43.787 443.082 2.887.506 12.362.574 33.856.144 5.917.773 511.040 5.406.733 191.276 5.598.009 918.670 4.679.339 LEI (RON) 31.12.2008 374.239.516 7.162.790 367.026.205 50.521 18.351.328 6.683.922 1.668.467 9.998.939 - 4.538.375 0 388.052.469 31.12.2009 374.199.468 7.608.628 366.590.543 297.00 16.275.704 6.872.372 1.533.678 12.111.375 - 4.241.721 0 390.475.172 18.305.751 1.618.733 13.932.271 - 2.754.747 350.953.252 369.259.003 20.374.042 1.618.733 15.664.150 3.091.159 352.257.721 372.631.763 NATIONAL WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE EXECUTIVE SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR FOR RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT AUTOMOBILE COMPARTMENT HUMAN RESOURCES SERVICE COOPERATION AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS DEPARTMENT SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL DIRECTOR GENERAL STEERING COMMITTEE MANAGEMENT COUNCIL CONSILIUL DE ADMINISTRATIE SUBSIDIARIES INTERNAL FINANCIAL CONTROL OFFICE LEGAL AFFAIRS OFFICE INTERNAL AUDIT OFFICE LABOUR AND CIVIL PROTECTION COMPARTMENT QMS COMPARTMENT EMERGENCY INTERVENTION UNIT FOR SIMIN FUNCTIONING CHIEF ACCOUNTANT I CHIEF ACCOUNTANT II EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOR ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT BUDGETS OFFICE CUSTOMERS OFFICE ORGANIZATION CHART – National Meteorological Administration LABORATORY OF AGROMETEOROLOGY EXECUTIVE SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR FOR OPERATIONAL METEOROLOGY LABORATORY FOR SEVERE WEATHER PHENOMENA FORECASTING TECHNIQUES LONG-RANGE FORECASTS LABORATORY METHODS AND METEOROLOGICAL NETWORK COORDINATION LABORATORY NATIONAL CENTRE FOR METEO TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT DATABASE DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT LABORATORY NUMERICAL MODELLING LABORATORY CLIMATOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS AND AIR POLLUTION OBSERVATORY REMOTE SENSING AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) LABORATORY EDITING, MULTIPLYING AND BOOK BINDING LABORATORY TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITION SERVICE LABORATORY FOR METEOROLOGICAL DEVICES DEVELOPMENT METROLOGIC OFFICE NATIONAL SCHOOL OF METEOROLOGY REGIONAL METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE BANAT CRISANA REGIONAL METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE DOBRUDJA REGIONAL METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE MOLDAVIA REGIONAL METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE WALAHIA (MUNTENIA) REGIONAL METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE OLTENIA REGIONAL METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE TRANSYLVANIA NORTH REGIONAL METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE TRANSYLVANIA SOUTH FINANCIAL OFFICE ACCOUNTANCY OFFICE - CENTRAL HEADQUARTERS CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTANCY AND ECONOMIC ANALYSES OFFICE PROJECTS ACCOUNTACY OFFICE ACCOUNTANCY-ASSOCIATING OFFICE