Annual Report for 2013
Annual Report for 2013
Annual Report 2013 Innovation and Product Realisation Production: Division of Research Coordination, Project management: Malin Rosqvist, Ann-Catrin Davis, Graphical design: Helen Eriksson, Innovation and Product Realisation Content Annual report 2013 Innovation and Product Realisation, IPR Introduction to IPR 5 Research groups 6 • Design and Visualisation 6 • Innovation Management 6 • Product Realisation 6 Research projects 7 Staff17 Publications35 3 4 Innovation and Product Realisation The indutrial graduate school INNOFACTURE focuses on production innovation as a strategic solution to the future challenges of the manufacturing industry. Innovation and Product Realisation Innovation and Product Realisation Magnus Wiktorsson is leader of IPR and Associate professor in Product and process development E-mail: Phone: +46 16 153229 Innovation and Product Realisation, IPR, is one of six research and education areas at Mälardalen University. IPR takes a multidisciplinary approach towards industry’s development and innovation processes for product Realisation. The goal is to provide support to industry to realize more ideas, and to improve the development of new products and systems. In MDH’s research strategy for 2013-2016, IPR is prioritised as one of three “development environment” for MDH with a research of national relevance and international recognition. The research area Innovation and Product Realisation builds bridges between disciplines as manufacturing engineering, innovation management, information design, product development and industrial design. The idea is that the different disciplines and work practices can merge to create better products, processes and services, fulfilling requirements from stakeholders concerning efficiency, flexibility, openness, robustness, communication skills and changes in mind-sets. The research is conducted in close cooperation with industry and organisations, and is of high relevance to the academy as well as to the surrounding society. Our research base is to a large degree externally funded from funding agencies and research councils. We cooperate with other universities, institutes and companies in other parts of Sweden but also in the UK, Italy, US and India. We offer education on advanced level in English and have some 30 PhD students in our post graduate education within Innovation and Design, combining personal development with academic stringency. We also take pride in designing a stimulating physical milieu with labs and studios. Research groups • Design and Visualisation • Innovation Management • Product Realisation 5 6 Innovation and Product Realisation Research groups Design and Visualisation Leader: Professor Yvonne Eriksson,, +46 16 163699 We use design and interpretation processes to investigate and challenge thoughts and principles for production and organisation systems, aiming at optimal problem solving. The area includes research about idea, concept and product development with reference to processes in design and design processes. Today´s design research aims at development of products, processes, services; and of milieus, interfaces and other informative interpretation supporting creativity and innovation. Members: Karin Axelsson, Anna-Lena Carlsson, Koteshwar Chirumalla, Per Erik Eriksson, Yvonne Eriksson, Ulrika Florin, Jonatan Lundin, Inger Orre, Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Thorbjörn Swenberg, Carina Söderlund, Anders Wikström. Innovation Management Leader: Professor Tomas Backström,, +46 16 153230 Innovation Management is about to lead and organize processes for improvement and new development of products, services, and production systems. The research focuses on innovation in collaboration and deals with: strategy, leadership, business intelligence, design, creativity, learning, and culture. IPR’s innovation management research considers innovation to be continuous non-linear development in circular processes of interaction between different actors. We use a complex system perspective where innovation management is more about influence and to give prerequisites for emergence of innovation, and less about plan and control of a linear process. Participation, communication, innovation maturity, dualities and emergence are some central concepts in the research where we focus on the patterns behind realisation of innovations. Members: Camilla Dahlin Andersson, Tomas Backström, Erik Bjurström, Petra Edoff, Sven Hamrefors, James K Hazy, Magnus Hoppe, Mikael Johansson, Peter E Johansson, Helena Karlsson, Erik Lindhult, Christer Nygren, Bengt Köping Olsson, Carina Sjödin, Jayakanth Srinivasan, Anette Strömberg, Bengt Wahlström, Roberto Verganti, Nina Bozic Yams, Åsa Öberg. Product Realisation Leader: Professor Monica Bellgran, +46 16 153223 Product Realisation is the work that an organisation goes through to develop, manufacture, and deliver goods or services. Product realisation includes customer related processes, design and development, purchasing, production and service provision, and control of monitoring and measuring processes. Research on product realisation concerns the design, operations and improvement of these product realisation processes. By examples and guidelines we provide management support to manage crucial processes and aspects of product realisation. We show success factors, system requirements, enabling system and business solutions, management systems, and performance measures required for sustainable product realisation. Members: Mats Ahlskog, Farzaneh Ahmadzadeh, Narges Asadi, Monica Bellgran, Marcus Bengtsson, Marcus Bjelkemyr, Catarina Bojesson, Jessica Bruch, Mats Deleryd, Sofi W Elfving, Björn Fagerström, Niklas Friedler, Anders Fundin, Sten Grahn, Anna Granlund, Daniel Gåsvaer, Mikael Hedelind, Erik Hellström, Mats Jackson, Siavash Javadi, Christer Johansson, Martin Kurdve, Farhad Norouzilame, Fredrik Ore, Christer Osterman, Ali Rastegari, Mohsin Raza, Bhanoday Reddy Vemula, Mohammed Salloum, Antti Salonen, Anna Sannö, Joel Schedin, Sasha Shahbazi, Peter Sjögren, Lina Stålberg, Natalia Harari Svensson, Magnus Wiktorsson. Innovation and Product Realisation Projects DeEP - Design in European Policies Partners: ABB AB, Ericsson AB Leader: Erik Bjurström Funding: The Knowledge Foundation (KKS) Research Group: Innovation Management Overview: The overall vision of the proposed research project recognizes that globalisation is here to stay. For Swedish organisations it implies to remain competitive in the long-run and at the same time find new ways to effectively distribute research, development and engineering work across organisational and geographical boundaries. The objective of the research project is to develop firmspecific theories of RD&E offshoring and outsourcing in Swedish organisations that enable more effective translation of organisational strategies into actual practice. Our goal with the research is to address the understanding of the complexity associated with outsourcing and offshoring through the behavioral, dynamic, and technical lenses. This will allow us to develop firm-specific theories of outsourcing and offshoring. Most research is still carried out separated from operational realities. A key contribution of the research is the development of an engagement strategy that would support greater industry and academia knowledge of co-creation. Members: Helena Karlsson Start: 2012-03-01 End: 2014-02-28 Partners: Confartigianato Lombardia, Munktell Science Park, Pro Design, The Work Foundation Landec, Politecnico Di Milano, University Of Lancaster Funding: The European Commission Overview: The overall objective is to create an understanding of the impact of design innovation policies by building frameworks and indicators to evaluate these actions both at a macro (regional, national, European) and micro (specific initiative, company) level. It is based on the new innovation program “Europe as an Innovation Union 2020”, where design has been acknowledged as a fundamental driver to innovation for growth. Within the DeEP project, IPR will focus on the micro level towards design indicators impact and there evaluation on innovation outcome. Engineering Innovation Factory DeVIP Leader: Yvonne Eriksson Leader: Sten Ekman, Yvonne Eriksson Research Group: Design and Visualisation Research Group: Design and Visualisation Start: 2013-12-01 Members: Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Anders Wikström, Åsa Öberg, Ragnar Tengstrand, Roberto Verganti End: 2016-09-30 Start: 2010-06-01 End: 2013-06-01 Partners: ABB Robotics, Alfa Laval, Bombardier, Eskilstuna Energi & Miljö, Haldex, Volvo Construction Equipment Funding: The Knowledge Foundation (KKS) Overview: The overall vision of this research project is to strengthen the industry regarding innovation and product realisation capabilities through the utilisation and integration of new and improved design- and visualisation methods and models. The project proposal concerns resources and methods for industry in areas of organisational conditions, strategy and management, ideationand product development processes. This will facilitate decision making and strengthen the industry regarding their innovation and product realisation capabilities. Effective Outsourcing/Offshoring of Research, Development, and Engineering Leader: Jayakanth Srinivasan Research Group: Innovation Management Members: Christer Norström, Petra Edoff Start: 2010 End: 2013-08-30 Partners: Sandvik Mining and Construction AB, Scania, Volvo AB, Volvo Cars, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Funding: VINNOVA, The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems Overview: This project is a part of the Strategic Innovation Area (SIA) Production. The purpose of this project is to enhance innovation through both cross-divisional collaboration and virtual analysis. The goal is to establish a factory for producing knowledge - an Engineering Innovation Factory (EIFactory) where industry and academy can create and collaborate, supported by modeling, simulation and visualisation during the innovation process. Managers, developers and operators from industry meet with customers, as well as researchers from the areas of XPRES: production of new materials, sustainable product life cycles and adaptive production. Master students contribute to the discussion with new, unexpected ideas and learn from the industrial partners. It is a meeting point for people from different perspectives in an environment which promotes communication and creativity. Visualisation tools are used for explaining and investigating, modeling of product as well as production properties and virtual analysis is used for testing and elaborating ideas in more detail. The approach combines theories and methods concerning innovation with those of digital engineering and visualisation, leaning on a process model which emphasizes aspects concerning learning, communication 7 8 Innovation and Product Realisation and collaboration. By supporting the development of new products and production systems, this project will address the main drivers of the Production SIO programme: sustainable production with a minimal use of resources and zero waste production, and developing manufacturing systems using sustainable materials. With a focus on collaboration and virtual analysis in Design and Manufacturing, it addresses two of the SIO areas of strength for competitiveness in production and manufacturing industry through increased innovation: (3) Virtual Production and Simulation and (6) Innovative Product Development. To ensure high scientific quality the EQUIP project is supported by an International scientific advisory board. The contribution of the scientific advisory board lies mainly in the area of research design, planning of the empirical studies and detailed data collection, as well as in the contribution to the data analysis and publication strategy. ETTRIG - Electric Towbarless Tractor with Range Extender and InteGrated charger Leader: Jessica Bruch Research Group: Product Realisation EQUIP: User-Supplier integration in production equipment design Members: Monica Bellgran Leader: Jessica Bruch End: 2014-12-15 Research Group: Product Realisation Partners: BAE Systems, Kalmar Motor Members: Marcus Bengtsson, Antti Salonen, Monica Bellgran, Martin Kurdve, Farhad Norouzilame, Erik Dahlquist, Mats Ahlskog, Javier Campillo, Iana Vassileva, David Bennett, Hermann Kühnle, Anders Richtnér Funding: VINNOVA, The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems Start: 2013-01-01 End: 2015-12-31 Partners: AstraZeneca, GKN Drivelines, Goodtech Solutions, Leax, Siemens Business Systems, Volvo Construction Equipment, Volvo GTO Funding: The Knowledge Foundation (KKS) Overview: AAmong a wide range of industries it is increasingly acknowledged that superior production equipment capabilities are crucial for competitive success. However, the process of designing the production equipment has received surprisingly limited attention, ignoring its extensive potential for gaining a competitive edge. The EQUIP project focuses on an integrated user-supplier approach when designing production equipment, implying preconditions for creating more sustainable production equipment than today contributing to the overall requirements of achieving sustainable and competitive production systems. The support from literature for integrating equipment suppliers in the early phases, i.e. in specification of requirements and in the concept generation and evaluation is limited, hence the project intends to address this knowledge gap by developing understanding and new knowledge in the area. The expected main deliverable is an integrated production equipment design methodology to be used by users and equipment suppliers in order to increase creativity and innovation resulting in new solutions for sustainable and competitive production equipment. The expected main deliverable is an integrated production equipment design methodology to be used by users and equipment suppliers in order to increase creativity and innovation resulting in new solutions for sustainable and competitive production equipment. Partners in the 3-year project are Volvo CE, AstraZeneca, Siemens, Goodtech Solutions, GKN Drivelines, Griesser & Kunzmann GmbH & Co. Start: 2013-09-12 Overview: Attraction of customers to electric propulsion systems demands clear advantages and well formulated and proven arguments. Airport logistics is an area were both state and privately owved airports are looking for potential environmental improvements through new technology. This project aims to develop a prototype towbarless tractor that uses a mix of X % diesel and Y % electricity during a work day moving the largest aircrafts and demonstrate this in real-life load cycles. The project will conduct research in innovation and product development methodologies with a production bias. The electrohybrid componets developed by the project will also find potential use in other workmachines and heavy on-road vehicles. Global Regional Cooperation with India Leader: Gudrun Paulsdottir Members: Damir Isovic, Christer Nygren Start: 2012-09-01 End: 2014-09-01 Partners: Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Bombay, Welingkar Institute of Management Research and Development, Hyderabad, Ericsson and TATA Consulting Services, TCS, Welingkar Institute of Management Research and Development, Bangalore. Funding: The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher education (STINT) Overview: In this project Mälardalen University focus on building relations with India, the regions of Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore, with universities, companies and organisations in order to create and build sustainable relationships for a number of different activities for the benefit of regional-global development. Mälardalen University already has well established contacts in Mumbai, with the Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Bombay and Welingkar Institute of Management Research and Development, in Hyderabad with Eriksson and TATA Consulting Innovation and Product Realisation Leader: Yvonne Eriksson Overview: The IDEAS project, funded by the EU Commission’s EMA2 programme, aims to establish a EuropeanAsian academic mobility network, for achieving excellence in research and education in a global context, by identifying key themes for cooperation, leveraging on the complementary competencies and providing synergies essential for the progress and mutual benefit of the targeted Asian countries as well as the European Union. The IDEAS consortium comprises of 12 Higher Education Institutions in six European countries and five Asian countries. The project is coordinated by Mälardalen University. Research Group: Design and Visualisation, Product Realisation Increased Collaboration - Stärkt Samverkan Services, TCS, and in Bangalore with Welingkar Institute of Management Research and Development. There are also recently initiated contacts with the University of Hyderabad and the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore that will be developed further. The University will also rely on its vast network of multinational companies to establish new relations on these three locations in India. IDEA - InterDisciplinary Education Agenda Members: Monica Bellgran, Ann-Catrin Davis Leader: Yvonne Eriksson Start: 2012-10-15 Research Group: Design and Visualisation, Innovation Management, Product Realisation End: 2015-10-14 Partners: Material Connexion, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Holon Institute of Technology, Politecnico Di Milano , Sapir Academic College, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design, Tel Aviv University, The Neri Bloomfield School of Design and Education, The Polytechnic University of Valencia , University of Brighton, The Manufacturers Association of Israel Funding: The European Commission; Tempus Overview: IDEA Rational: Global competition leads to a considerable shift in the distribution of the world economic power, and the need for innovation as a vital driver for sustainable growth is now evident. In recent years companies realise that the interconnection between the pioneering creativity of designers and engineers complemented by innovative business models has the capacity to set their next competitive advantage. The strong research-led culture of the academic environment must be attentive to the needs of industry and markets and must promote new knowledge synergies. In this context, the IDEA project (InterDisciplinary Education Agenda, an essential driver for innovation) finds its roots. IDEAS - Innovation and Design for Euro-Asian Scholars Leader: Ann-Catrin Davis Research Group: Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems, Product Realisation Members: Damir Isovic, Sasikumar Punnekkat Start: 2011-07-15 End: 2015-07-15 Partners: Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, Indian Institute ofTechnology, Bombay, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, University of Tartu, Royal University of Bhutan, The University of Abertay, Dundee, Tribhuvan University. Funding: The European Commission Members: Monica Bellgran, Ann-Catrin Davis Start: 2012-09-01 End: 2015-08-31 Funding: VINNOVA, The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems Overview: The project aims for new knowledge about how universities can be managed strategically using indicators for greater collaboration and co-production. The work is based on the implementation of Mälardalen University’s research and education strategy, earlier development work on indicators and research on management of co-production. Apart from the University’s ambition to establish itself as a pilot in the area, is a general need to develop a general knowledge of management of Higher Education Institutions towards greater collaboration and co-production. INNOFACTURE - Innovative Manufacturing Development Leader: Mats Jackson Research Group: Product Realisation Members: Giacomo Spampinato, Magnus Wiktorsson, Marcus Bengtsson, Anette Strömberg, Antti Salonen, Tomas Backström, Anders Fundin, Monica Bellgran, Christer Johansson, Mats Deleryd, Björn Fagerström, Jessica Bruch, Anna-Lena Carlsson, Yvonne Eriksson, Lina Stålberg, Joel Schedin, Fredrik Ore, Christer Osterman, Anna Sannö, Narges Asadi, Natalia Svensson Harari, Siavash Javadi, Farhad Norouzilame, Bhanoday Reddy Vemula, Catarina Bojesson, Ali Rastegari, Peter Sjögren, Mats Ahlskog, Mohsin Raza, Sasha Shahbazi Start: 2012-09-01 End: 2019-04-20 Partners: ABB AB, Atlas Copco, Bombardier, Fuji Autotech, Leax, Scania, TPC Components, Volvo Construction Equipment, Volvo Powertrain Funding: The Knowledge Foundation (KKS) 9 10 Innovation and Product Realisation Overview: INNOFACTURE focuses on production innovation as a strategic solution to the future challenges of the manufacturing industry. By the establishment of an industrial graduate school within innovative production system development, Mälardalen University, in cooperation with strong manufacturing companies, will strengthen the well-established and growing research area of Production System Development within the University. The graduate school will educate 15 industrial Doctoral students with a state-of-the-art profile for the profession as Production Development Engineers thus contributing to the future competitiveness of Swedish manufacturing industry. Overview: The overall project goal is to conduct research on how Kaikaku - Innovative and radical production development should be undertaken. The project’s more specific learning goals is to create knowledge in a field about innovative and radical production changes in order to realize the production strategy, which ties together areas such as production strategies, design of production systems and development of new technologies, processes and methods. Language, Lean, and Assembly Manuals Leader: Anna-Lena Carlsson Innovation Gym Leader: Tomas Backström Research Group: Innovation Management Members: Anders Wikström, Bengt Köping Olsson, Nina Bozic Yams, Peter E Johansson Research Group: Design and Visualisation Members: Yvonne Eriksson, Natalia Svensson Harari Start: 2013-07-01 End: 2015-06-30 Partners: Swerea IVF, Volvo Construction Equipment Start: 2013-01-01 Funding: The Knowledge Foundation (KKS) End: 2014-12-31 Overview: The project consist of three parts: Part 1: A descriptive and comparative study of manual assembly instructions in two flexibility level contexts, performed fall 2013 together with PhD student Natalia SvenssonsHarari from Research School Innofacture Part 2: Language and Lean is a study of language used in Assembly Manuals at different lines within manufactory companies Lean thinking. Part 3: Participation in establishing a research group concerning assembly instructions, with researchers from Mälardalen University, Skövde University, and Swerea IVF. Partners: Eskilstuna Municipality, MITC AB Funding: Swedish Savings Bank Foundation (Sparbanks stiftelsen Rekarne), Eskilstuna Municipality (Eskilstuna kommun) Overview: The Innovation Gym research group focuses on the innovatory skills of individuals and organisations and the ability to cooperate in innovation processes in which several actors cooperate and co-produce. Specifically this means staff involvement innovation, or “workplace innovation” in the early phases of the innovation process, from the formulation of possibilities/problems to the design of concepts. The research is inspired by intradisciplinary theories from education and sociology, but is specifically based on theories concerning innovation development, creativity, business intelligence, leadership theory and organisational learning with the purpose of studying, for example, requirements in the form of skills, leadership and organisational structure for a distributed and resource-effective innovation process which leads to the production of a concept. Kaikaku Leader: Mats Jackson Research Group: Product Realisation Members: Tomas Backström, Monica Bellgran, Yuji Yamamoto, Daniel Gåsvaer, Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Bengt Köping Olsson, Nina Bozic Yams, Lina Stålberg Start: 2010-04-01 End: 2013-04-01 Partners: CH Industry, DEVA Mecaneyes, Leine & Linde, Minerva, Solö Mechanical Solutions, Swerea IVF, TPC Components, Volvo Construction Equipment Funding: VINNOVA, The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems Large Scale Production of Mixed Material Products Leader: Magnus Wiktorsson Research Group: Product Realisation Start: 2013-09-02 End: 2016-03-31 Partners: Scania, Swerea IVF, Volvo Cars, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University Funding: VINNOVA, The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems Overview: This project is part of the Strategic Innovation Area “Production”. The aim of this project is study the impact on the production system when products start being produced, fully or partly, of mixed material parts. Parts of mixed materials are generally more expensive than traditional steel parts. To justify the expensive parts, the products must be designed in a new way. This is a known fact and it is studied in other projects. However little is researched on the production system aspects of this change of materials. A company could choose to buy the new parts from suppliers or produce them in house. To outsource is an option but in the long run it may cause a radical change to the company. A car manufacturer that used to produce most steel parts in house and then Innovation and Product Realisation spot weld them together could end up as an assembly company with little or none own production. Another alternative is to rearrange today´s factory into a new factory where the same portion of the product is produced in house. Within this project the changes to the production system in the different situations are to be studied. The studies and evaluations are mainly to be performed in the virtual factory available at XPRES at KTH. In this virtual environment several alternatives may be compared to each other. The industrial cases that are planned to be studied represent different situations regarding how large portion of the parts that are replaced by mixed materials. It is therefore possible to compare how the impact on the productions system varies in the cases. These comparisons are planned to be used to help companies with decision support when planning a change of materials. To help companies outside the actual project group is however something that is made possible in the future as a result from this project. Lean and Green Production Navigator Leader: Magnus Wiktorsson Research Group: Product Realisation Members: Monica Bellgran, Martin Kurdve, Sasha Shahbazi Start: 2011-06-01 End: 2013-12-31 Partners: Finnveden Gjutal, Swerea IVF, Volvo Cars, Volvo Group Truck Technology Funding: VINNOVA, The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems Overview: This project contributes to strengthen the improvement capability of production systems. This project takes the lean production approach one step further by investigating how to integrate environmental consciousness in lean concepts and how to support work station development. The following areas are addressed in specific in this project: Green Lean shop floor (WP 1) LEAD - Lean Automation Development Leader: Magnus Wiktorsson Research Group: Product Realisation Workstation optimisation (WP 2) Lean & Green Commitment (WP 3). Lean Automation Business - within SIO PiiA Members: Anna Granlund, Erik Hellström, Niklas Friedler, Sten Grahn Leader: Magnus Wiktorsson Start: 2013-01-01 Research Group: Product Realisation End: 2015-12-31 Members: Stefan Cedergren Partners: GKN Aerospace, GKN Driveline, Haldex, Leax, Scania, SKF, Volvo Construction Equipment, Volvo Powertrain Start: 2013-03-31 Funding: VINNOVA, The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems Overview: The process of developing automation is often time consuming, costly, and difficult to manage. This due to: insufficient procurements skills; difficulties deciding on appropriate solution; and unclear, unstructured, and poorly supported automation development process. The ideas of this research project is to adopt a lean perspective to the automation development processes. The objective is to develop support to the process of developing automation and hence contribute to sustainable automation solutions, with shorter and less resource demanding development processes, and higher return of investments. There are three work packages in the project: WP1: Improvement of the process of planning, developing and acquiring automation WP2: The development of an automation strategy model supporting automation decisions WP3: The standardisation and specification of IT-support The expected result is besides academic publications an industrial automation handbook including models, methods, guidelines and tools that support the process of developing automation. End: 2013-10-01 Partners: Automation Region, Blue Institute, SICS Funding: VINNOVA, The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems Overview: This project is a part of the Strategic Innovation Area “Process Industrial IT and Automation” (PIIA). It is a feasibility study over Q3 2013 and Q1 2014 mobilizing the PiiAs consortium in a survey with trend analysis to identify areas of relevance to the automation market and to industrial competitiveness. These are areas which then becomes important to process and monitor. Another task is to determine the roles, responsibilities and work for a further - thought - project. We will create a map of focus areas and we shall identify competent teams who can investigate these areas and then delivering the best possible challenge and market intelligence to all program components in the SIO. The project synthesis and the final product delivery is a “Roadmap” that summarizes and can point out a direction for how the Swedish process and automation industry can increase its competitiveness through automation. The project should reflect both the users and the suppliers’ needs and values of automation investments. It will challenge and give a picture of what the future needs are likely to be. Ultimately, there is a matching problem between industry and automation vendors that we intend to illustrate, and that the project should address. 11 12 Innovation and Product Realisation MEMIMAN - Material Efficiency Management in Manufacturing The project may also consider whether there are opportunities for alternative and more efficient business models and project methods that can contribute to more efficient technical implementation and operation of automation investments. Leader: Marcus Bjelkemyr Light.Touch.Matters Start: 2012-10-01 Research Group: Product Realisation Members: Magnus Wiktorsson, Martin Kurdve, Sasha Shahbazi Leader: Roberto Verganti End: 2015-09-30 Research Group: Innovation Management Partners: Alfa Laval, Concentric, DynaMate AB, Miljö giraff, Scania, Stena Metall Group, Swerea IVF, Volvo AB, Volvo Construction Equipment, Volvo Group Business Services Real Estate, Volvo Group Truck Technology, Lund University Members: Åsa Öberg, Caroline Blomberg Start: 2013-02-01 End: 2013-09-30 Partners: Aito Interactive Oy, Bax & Willems, Diffus Design I/S, Fjord SL, Fuelfor SL, Grado Zero Espace, Holst Centre, Lamb industies Ltd, Material Connexion, Minima Design Ltd, Pilotfish, Van Berlo, Brunel University, Delft University of Technology, Politecnico Di Milano, University College London Funding: The European Commission; FP7 Overview: In Light.Touch.Matters, product designers and material researchers will collaborate to jointly develop a fully new generation of smart materials that combine touch sensitivity with luminosity, based on latest developments in polymeric piezo materials and flexible OLEDs. Manufactured on plastic substrates, these novel “light touch materials” will be thin, flexible and formable, allowing seamless integration into products. They promise to greatly expand design freedom and unlock totally new modes of product-user interaction, enabling us to take the next step in product design: using touch sensitivity and luminosity to produce simple, affordable and intuitive user interfaces so that eventually “the product becomes the user interface”. Light.Touch.Matters focuses on products for care and well-being applications that can help consumers feel better, monitor or improve their health and increase comfort, such as rehabilitation aids, wearable alarms, and diet coaches, though we expect strong spin-off to other sectors. Light.Touch.Matters will use a proprietary design-driven research methodology based a comprehensive body of industrial product design knowledge that has been built up over the past decades. It consists of iterated cycles of materials-inspired and designdriven materials research with direct and prolonged design-researcher interaction, leading to a convergence of the conceptual designs and feasible materials in 4-6 interaction showcases. Analysis of results will include end user value, commercial value and environmental impact (LCA/critical materials). The design-driven research on integrated piezo plastics and OLEDs can directly contribute to innovation and competitiveness in a large number of related sectors, many of which are strategic to the EU: not only design, (health)care and consumer goods, but also the chemical, automotive and printing industries, as well as mechanical-, electrical-, packaging- and systems engineering. Funding: MISTRA, The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research Overview: The MEMIMAN project primarily aims to improve industrial waste management in the metalworking and automotive industry. The idea is to assess how different future scenarios will affect industrial waste management, and then to incorporate this knowledge into the current waste management practice. This will enable us to see patterns in waste management and to identify the limiting factor for each waste type. The project is divided into four work packages: WP1: Future analysis and scenarios WP2: Current state of industrial waste management WP3: Development of improves waste management system (WMS) WP4: Environmental assessment planned results: WP1: Report on waste management scenarios. WP2: (1) a verified and published method for waste flow mapping with material efficiency for different material types and (2) tools for efficient industrial waste management. In addition maps of waste material and information flows in the participating companies will be delivered to WP3; the results will then be fed into the method and the tool. WP3: a guide to changes in incentives, regulations, and business models towards improved recycling, as well as a model of obstacles in the residual material flow. This will be disseminated in a report and fed into the WMSmethod. WP4: a report on the assessed models and routes in relation to environmental impact using LCA and chemical risk assessment scoring method and chemical legislation for recycling of industrial engineering waste. The reports will be further advanced into scientific publications. Throughout the project at least one journal publication is planned for each work package, in addition to conference papers. Also, one licentiate and one doctoral thesis will also be presented by members in the project. MITC - Mälardalen Industrial Technology Center Leader: Anna Bird Research Group: Product Realisation Members: Anders Martinsen, Malin Rosqvist, Anders Fundin, Daniel Gåsvaer, Joakim Eriksson, Mats Deleryd, Björn Fagerström, Anders Wikström, Jessica Bruch, Martin Kurdve, Ann-Catrin Davis Start: 2011-01-01 End: 2013-12-31 Innovation and Product Realisation Partners: Eskilstuna Municipality Partners: The Swedish History Museum, Stockholm Funding: European Regional Development Fund, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket), Eskilstuna municipality (Eskilstuna kommun) Funding: Internal MDH Overview: Competence Development through increased University-Industry Collaboration, which will improve industrial competitiveness, contribute to the economic development in the region, and strengthen the academic sector. Expected results in the project are contribution to industrial competitiveness through development within the four focus areas of Innovation, Product Development, Production Development, and Energy and Environmental Improvements. Modular Lightweight Robotics Leader: Giacomo Spampinato Overview: Music in Motion aims to develop a system, which can be installed on any artifact of choice and interacts with people surrounding it, by composing and playing a unique tailored “melody” (in a broad sense of the word) for them. It will also recognize when there are several people interacting with the system and assign different sounds to each person, this way people can collaborate with each other to create a soundscape together. PROLOC - Manufacturing Footprint During the Product´s Life Cycle Leader: Monica Bellgran Research Group: Product Realisation Research Group: Product Realisation, Robotics Members: Magnus Wiktorsson, Carin Rösiö, Jessica Bruch, Mohammed Salloum Start: 2012-01-01 Start: 2010-04-01 End: 2013-12-31 End: 2013-03-01 Partners: ABB Robotics Partners: Alfa Laval, Haldex, Seco Tools, Volvo AB, Volvo Construction Equipment, Lund University Funding: Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) Overview: Robotics and automation have played a strategic role in manufacturing since half of the twentieth century. Today the competition at the global level is very tough, and the modern industries are identifying a clear trend towards more sustainable, flexible and cost efficient solutions, especially with respect to robotized processes. According to the European Robotics Technology Platform (EUROP) strategic research agenda (07/2009), lightweight robotics in manufacturing has been identified as one of the key factor to guarantee flexibility and cost savings, with huge impacts on the energy consumption. ABB, as one the biggest players in the robotics field, is not ignoring the new trend, that opens up new markets and new robot concepts, so the R&D is moving towards new research directions, and new academic collaborations. The objective of the project is to identify and validate new modular and lightweight solutions to structure the new generations of industrial robots where flexibility and energy saving are the main requirements against the current solutions. The expected results for the project are 1) Identification of the best strategies and methodologies to be used in lightweight and modular robotic structures, 2) Validation of the proposed solutions in terms of selected performance indexes, 3) Design and build one or two physical prototypes Funding: VINNOVA, The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems Overview: PROLOC is a three year research project funded by VINNOVA within the programme Production Strategies and Models for Product Realisation. The project is a joint project between Mälardalen University and Lund University (LU). It deals with production location and the manufacturing footprint of globally present manufacturing companies. A manufacturing strategy for tomorrow’s successful industry has to consider an entire new set of aspects influencing the design of the manufacturing footprint. This research project will create a decision support model for efficient localisation by integrating aspects from the production system portfolio, the product portfolio life cycle and manufacturing performance into a combined valuation in economic terms. Reducing Maintenance-Related Waste Leader: Monica Bellgran Research Group: Product Realisation Members: Marcus Bengtsson, Antti Salonen, Carina Söderlund Start: 2013-01-15 Music in Motion - A Project that combines Arts with Science Leader: Baran Çürüklü Research Group: Design and Visualisation, Robotics Members: Jennie Andersson Schaeffer, Afshin Ameri E. Start: 2013-01-01 End: 2013-12-31 End: 2015-12-31 Partners: DynaMate Industrial Services, Leax, Volvo AB, Volvo Cars, Volvo Construction Equipment Funding: VINNOVA, The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems Overview: The purpose of the project is to develop and test a generic methodology that facilitates systematic maintenance-related waste reduction in Swedish automotive manufacturing industry. Multiple case studies will be 13 14 Innovation and Product Realisation carried out. The goal of the methodology is to optimize maintenance activities and cost based on the relationships between maintenance effectiveness and efficiency while taking into account indirect and direct maintenance cost. important actors in surrounding projects that will be involved. Expertise in environmental systems and environmental economics from the University of Lund and Swerea IVF is also involved through surrounding projects. Relatonic Simulation - a tool for organisational improvement: About emergence of organisation with interactions and relationships as a base for change SIMGIC - Service Innovation Management in Global Industrial Companies Leader: Tomas Backström Research Group: Innovation Management Members: Peter E Johansson Start: 2012-01-01 End: 2014-05-31 Partners: Municipalities in Mälardalen Funding: AFA Insurance (AFA Försäkring) Overview: To maintain its fitness, organisations must adapt to the outside world. But reorganisations are difficult to implement without harming the business and those who work in it. The project will investigate how a particular simulation tool can be used to show the consequences of changes. The project will generate knowledge on work-integrated competence flows by focusing on the relationships within organisations and to develop a tool that describes, presents and simulates the impact of organisational changes. Development of simulation tool is in collaboration with municipalities. Several computer programs, including the so-called social network analysis, where you see who have relations with whom, are used. The goal is more healthy organisational change. SCEME - Scenario for Material Efficiency Leader: Carina Sjödin Leader: Erik Lindhult Research Group: Innovation Management Members: Tomas Backström, Carina Sjödin, Christer Nygren, Caroline Blomberg, James K. Hazy, Per Kristensson, Gerald Midgley, Neil Urquhart, Anders Kettis, Catharina Limmerfelt, Athanasios Karapantelakis Start: 2012-05-01 End: 2015-04-30 Partners: ABB Process Automation, Ericsson Global Services Research, Adelphi University, Karlstad University, University of Hull Funding: The Knowledge Foundation (KKS) Overview: The aim is improved theoretical and methodological knowledge on service innovation management in industrial companies. The project is focusing on the challenges in servitisation: the innovation of an organisation’s capabilities, systems and processes to shift from selling products to selling integrated products and services that deliver value in use. The project study and contribute to servitisation of Swedish global industrial companies, organizing corporate innovation systems for service innovation, and development of open, participatory and collaborative approach to innovation management appropriate for services. The theoretical aim is the development of complexity theory for service innovation management, using action research methodology to further improved understanding and facilitation of servitisation. Research Group: Innovation Management Members: Magnus Wiktorsson The Production Leap Start: 2012-11-15 Leader: Anna Bird End: 2013-08-01 Research Group: Product Realisation Partners: Leine & Linde, Alvenius Members: Monica Bellgran, Anders Hellström, Martin Kurdve Funding: VINNOVA, The Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems Overview: This pre-study is based on foresight methodology to study product and residual materials related trends for manufacturing industry. The ultimate goal of a full-scale project is to develop methodology and to describe future needs as well as obstacles and enabling factors influencing the establishment of radically more efficient materials management in the industry, based on closed material flows. This work ties together expertise in product development with expertise in environmental analysis and foresight. It is in line with the call´s section on “Sustainable Product Realisation” and is based on the trends towards individualized offers, environmental consideration, material shortages and increasing integration of service and product offerings. The pre-study is led by researchers from Mälardalen University, where also students are involved. Ericsson, ABB, Volvo AB, Stena are Start: 2010-01-01 End: 2014-12-31 Partners: IF Metall, Swerea IVF, Teknikföretagen, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Chalmers University of Technology, Jönköping University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Luleå University of Technology, Mid Sweden University, University of Gävle Funding: Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket), The Knowledge Overview: The Production Leap is a Swedish national Lean Manufacturing Initiative for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). By the involvement of 8 Universities and the national coordination from the Research Institute Swerea IVF, SMEs are supported in their lean efforts. The program includes coaching, education and seminars. Innovation and Product Realisation XPRES Leader: Magnus Wiktorsson Research Group: Product Realisation Members: Åsa Lundkvist, Giacomo Spampinato, Marcus Bengtsson, Antti Salonen, Mats Jackson, Sofi W Elfving, Monica Bellgran, Christer Johansson, Erik Hellström, Mats Deleryd, Jessica Bruch, Jens von Axelson, Marcus Bjelkemyr Start: 2010-01-01 End: 2014-12-31 Partners: Swerea IVF, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Funding: Governmental funding from Strategic Research Area (SRA) initiative Overview: The initiative for Excellence in Production Research, XPRES, is a joint initiative between KTH, MDH and Swerea. XPRES was elected as one of two strategic initiatives within Manufacturing Engineering in Sweden by the government in 2010. XPRES will establish a long term internationally competitive platform for production research to meet future challenges of world leading Swedish industry. By complementing each other’s scientific competences and roles, the unique research and education consortium of KTH, MDH and Swerea covers the fields of Production Processes, Production Systems and Digital Engineering. The industrial partners represent world leading Swedish manufacturing industries including: heavy vehicle, machine, component manufacturing and aircraft. 15 16 Innovation and Product Realisation Innovation and Product Realisation Staff Mats Ahlskog is an industrial Doctoral student at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. Mats has been working as a Production Engineer at Volvo GTO in Köping since 2007 and became a member of the Innofacture research school in October 2012. His research interests are within Production Systems Design, New Product Development and Production Equipment Acquisition. Mats received his MSc in 2007 from Mälardalen University in the field of Electronics. Ahlskog, Mats, Doctoral student Ahmadzadeh, Farzaneh, Post Doc Farzaneh Ahmadzadeh is a Postdoc researcher and Lecturer. She comes from a Postdoc position at LTU and the Division of Operation and Maintenance Engineering. Her research findings on “Predictinscaffg the Remaining Useful Life of Machineries in Mining Industry” was considered promising (in terms of cost controls) by LTU’s official “News and Media”, and also widely acclaimed by the academics and the project’s industrial collaborators. She received her MSc (2002) and PhD (2008) in industrial engineering and her BSc (1997) in Mathematic (applied in computer) from Tehran University. Farzaneh worked as an Assistant Professor for more than seven years in the Industrial Engineering Department at Azad University in Iran. Her career as a researcher was further consolidated, as she was teaching both Master and Doctoral students and supervising their research projects. Jennie Schaeffer has been a Lecturer in Information Design and Spatial Design at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering since 2006. She is a member of the research group Design and Visualisation. Her research interest is in the field of Spatial Design and its relation to creative processes and communication. Her licentiate thesis was called “Communication Space - Spatial Design in Manufacturing Industry” (2011). Currently she is writing her PhD thesis “Spaces for Innovation” on the relation between physical space and innovation. She is also researching multimodal communication in museum settings combining contemporary computer based techniques, artifacts and sound in the project “Music in Motion” in collaboration with a computer scientist and a researcher at Mälardalen University. Andersson Schaeffer, Jennie, Doctoral student Narges Asadi is an industrial Doctoral student at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. Narges has been working as a Research Assistant at the Product Realisation Division since September 2011 and became a member of Innofacture research school in September 2012. Her research interests are within Production Systems and Product Development and she is currently involved in a research project on product requirements in production systems. Narges received her MSc in 2011 from Mälardalen University in the field of Product and Process Development and has a background in Industrial Engineering. Asadi, Narges, Doctoral student 17 18 Innovation and Product Realisation Axelsson Karin, Doctoral student Karin is a Doctoral student at the Division of Innovation and Design. Karin has long experience from working both strategically and operatively in different managing roles with matters concerning the University’s co-operation and co-production with its surrounding community, both in the private and public sector, latest in her role as Deputy Vice-Chancellor. She has also has done extensive work within Innovation and Entrepreneurship, as Head of Division, Lecturer and not least through her creation and development of “Idélab” at Mälardalen University, a creative meeting place and business incubator. She also has experience from starting up and managing her own business in the field of Innovation, Creativity and Project Management. All in all, this practical work has evolved also a theoretical interest in these fields. Therefore Karin’s research interests lies in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, especially questions concerning management and entrepreneurial learning in education, business and in co-production activities. Tomas Backström has performed research in working life since 1982 as a part of multi-disciplinary research units. Aims have been both high scientific quality and to give actionable knowledge to Swedish working life. His main focus has been on organizations with a high degree of participation and distribution of leadership to employees and phenomena like leadership, learning, creativity, culture and relatonics. Backström, Tomas, Professor Bellgran, Monica, Professor MSc from Luleå Technical University, PhD in assembly technology at Linköping University of Technology 1998, lecturer at Mid Sweden University, part time Senior Researcher at Chalmers University of Technology, Adjunct Professor in Innovative Production Development at MDH 20062011, full Professor in Production Development at MDH campus Eskilstuna from 2012. She has published a book on Production Development for Springer Verlag and Studentlitteratur. Industrial experience: Director of Production Technology and Systems at Haldex AB 2007-2011 and Production Engineering Manager at Volvo Construction Equipment 2005-2007. Involved in many national initiatives to strengthen the manufacturing field in Sweden, through the Swedish Engineering Association and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science (IVA) where she currently is a member. Member of the Swedish Production Academy. Marcus Bengtsson studied Mechanical Engineering Design and received an MSc from Mälardalen University in 2002, followed by a PhD in 2007 for a thesis on implementation of condition based maintenance in industrial settings. Marcus is currently working as a Researcher at Mälardalen University and as a Maintenance Engineer at Volvo Construction Equipment Operations in Eskilstuna, where he is responsible for the implementation of condition based maintenance within the maintenance organization. Bengtsson, Marcus, PhD Anna has several years’ experience of Project Management in a research environment. She holds a Master’s degree from the Department of Management at London School of Economics and is currently undergoing the IPMA Project Management Certification process. Bird, Anna, Research Coordinator Innovation and Product Realisation Marcus Bjelkemyr has been employed part-time as Postdoc in Product Realisation at MDH since 2011, the other part (40%) he is a Postdoc in Production Engineering at KTH. His research is focused on both complexity and sustainability in Product Realisation, and he wrote his thesis on systemof-systems issues in production. Currently he is working on closed loops in Product Realisation, specifically towards Remanufacturing and Industrial Waste Management; and on Production Localization issues. Bjelkemyr, Marcus, Post Doc Bjurström, Erik, Researcher Erik Bjurström was born in 1966 and grew up in Malung, Dalecarlia, Sweden. He studied theology in Uppsala and made his civil service in Congo before taking up business studies at Stockholm University and Kassel University, Germany. He worked as a business controller, operations analyst and consultant e.g. at the Karolinska hospital, the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI) and the Institute for Personnel- and Business development at Uppsala University (IPF), while entering into academic research, rendering a PhD from Uppsala University in 2007. His research interests have been broad and crossed over different but overlapping fields, such as: 1) Intellectual Captial & Integrated Reporting, especially in networks and different cultural contexts, 2) The meaning of “lean” and quality work as expressions of management control, 3) Business & intelligence in an ill-structured world, 4) Control & collaboration (civil/military & academy/industry), 5) Control doctrines and alternative notions of control. Caroline Blomberg joined Mälardalen University in 2012 as a Research Coordinator at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. Caroline comes from a position as an International Co ordinator at the City Executive Office at Västerås Stad, working with internationalisation strategically for the municipality. Before that she worked as Director for the International Exchange Unit at Stockholm University (2007-2009) and as Head of the International Office at Stockholm Institute of Education (2005-2007). Caroline holds an MSc in Business Administration from Mälardalen University, and is certified Project Manager (IPMA International Project Management Association). Blomberg, Caroline, Research Coordinator Catarina Bojesson is a Doctoral student at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering in collaboration with Bombardier Transportation. She received her MSc degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from Lund University in 2010 and has been a part of the Innofacture research school since 2012. Her research currently focuses on Development Efficiency and how it can be increased by finding the right balance and linkages between the areas of internal efficiency, external effectiveness, and process improvements. Bojesson, Catarina, Doctoral student Bozic Yams, Nina, Doctoral student Nina Bozic Yams is a Doctoral student at Mälardalen University in the field of Innovation. She graduated in Marketing and Communications at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She later worked as Communications Responsible at the publishing house Sanje, as a Management Consultant at Deloitte and Director of CEED Slovenia (Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development). Later on she worked as an independent Consultant in the fields of Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Innovation and Leadership. Since she moved to Sweden at the end of 2009 she has continued to work as an independent Consultant in Innovation, coordinating the EU project “Innohubs” for Nacka Municipality, teaching creative leadership at Stockholm School for Entrepreneurship and doing various projects in collaboration with innovation consulting company KREO. In 2010 she started to collaborate with Mälardalen University in the research project Kaikaku in Production which resulted in starting a PhD in September 2011. 19 20 Innovation and Product Realisation Anette Brannemo is an Industrial Doctoral student at Volvo Construction Equipment Components AB in Eskilstuna and at Mälardalen University. Anette is working on sourcing and subcontracting issues and is a Project Leader for industrialization issues. Her research is focused on developing a decision model that will support industry to take more analyzed decisions about sourcing. Brannemo, Anette, Doctoral student Jessica Bruch was born in 1981 in Schotten, Germany. She was awarded an MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management in 2006, a Licentiate in Engineering in 2009, and a PhD in Production Development in 2012. She currently works as a Researcher at the Department of Product Realisation at Mälardalen University and is a member of the Mälardalens Industrial Technology Center (MITC). Bruch, Jessica, Researcher Anna-Lena Carlsson is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Information Design, at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, Mälardalen University. She received her PhD in Aesthetic at Uppsala University 2005 and held a Postdoc, financed from NOS-H and Rausings Stiftelse, 20062007. She has been involved in/written papers on Nietzsche and aesthetics; Nietzsche and Entrepreneurship; aesthetic and poietic elements in Information Design; and Artistic Visualisations in manufactory industry. She is currently on the Board of Nordic Society of Aesthetics and a member in the management team for the Innofacture research school at Mälardalen University. She teaches courses in Science & Design, Research Process, and Text Design and is a Coordinator for the PhD education program “Innovation and Design” at MDH. She is also supervisor for a Doctoral student. Carlsson, Anna-Lena, Senior Lecturer Stefan Cedergren is a senior researcher within the Software Engineering Laboratory. He defended his PhD thesis “Performance in Product Development - the Case of Complex Products” in January 2011 and he received his MSc in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering from Linköping University 2003. His current research is funded by the KK foundation together with Volvo Construction Equipment. The overall aim of his research is to develop methods and tools for effectively managing performance in the development of complex products. Especially focusing on improving the processes and tools needed to handle future complexity. Cedergren, Stefan, Associated Senior Lecturer Koteshwar is postdoc researcher at the Division of Design and Visualisation within Innovation and Product Realisation (IPR) research group. He received his PhD in the area of Product Innovation, from the Luleå University of Technology in Sweden, with a focus on lessons learned practice in the Aerospace Product Development. His research has resulted in the development of a methodology, guidelines and technology enablers to support the lessons learned practices in complex product development environments such as Product-Service Systems. He earned his MSc degrees in both Production Engineering Management and Materials Processing from the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. Chirumalla, Koteshwar, Post Doc Innovation and Product Realisation Çürüklü, Baran, Senior Lecturer Baran Çürüklü received his PhD from Mälardalen University (MDH) in April 2005. His thesis supervisor was Prof. Anders Lansner, Lansner Lab - Computational Neuroscience and Neurocomputing, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Doctoral thesis title “A Cannonical Model of the Primary Visual Cortex”. After working at MDH until October 2005, as a researcher, he joined the Computer Vision and Pattern Analysis Lab, headed by Prof. Aytül Erçil, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, as a Postdoc. The researched conducted at the VPALAB was on driver fatigue. In April 2007 he joined the Ivanka Savic Berglund Group, Karolinska Institute (Stockholm Brain Institute) for a second Postdoc. He returned to MDH in August 2007 as a Senior Lecturer and is also Director of Studies since 2008. His main research interest is Information Processing in Neocortex (computational neuroscience). Ann-Catrin Davis joined the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering in 2013 as a Project Manager. Ann-Catrin joined Mälardalen University in 2002 and comes from a position as an International Liaison Officer and Project Manager at the International Division, working with internationalisation support for the four Schools. Before this she lived and worked in Lichtenstein, Germany and the U.S. and has an educational background in Political Science, Modern Economic History and Modern World History (University of Gothenburg). Davis, Ann-Catrin, Project Manager Mats is Professor in Product - and Process Development (with responsibility of Quality - and Organizational Development). He has a PhD in the field of Quality Management from Luleå University of Technology, 1998. Mats Deleryd is employed as Senior Vice President Quality Development, Environmental Care & Safety at Volvo Construction Equipment. Since 2004 he has been employed part-time at Mälardalen University at the School of Innovation, Design and Technology. Deleryd, Mats, Professor Petra is a Doctoral student in Innovation and Design. She studied the Innovation Management (IMTO) Program in Eskilstuna, and Bangkok, Thailand. She received a BSc in Occupational Psychology in 2007, and an MSc in Innovation Management in 2008. Current research involves exploring what capabilities companies need to develop to efficiently manage global research, development and engineering. Edoff, Petra, Doctoral student Sofi earned her PhD in Innovation & Design in 2007 on the topic Collaborative Product Development. From 2007 to 2011 she was working as a Consultant within Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) in Telecom Industry. In 2010 Sofi returned to academia and is now combining her position as Senior Services Researcher at Ericsson AB with a Postdoc position at MDH within Product Development. Elfving, Sofi W, Post Doc 21 22 Innovation and Product Realisation Joakim is a Postdoc at Mälardalen University. His research focuses on bringing decision sciences into research on complex product development project management. Specifically, the research aims at providing insight into decision-making behaviour in management of project deviations. In addition, he has been working within concept development methodology and co-founded a consultancy in 2004, working with clients on creativity increasing programs in early phases of product development projects. Eriksson, Joakim, Post Doc Pelle is a Cinematographer. He earned his MA degree from Stanford University in 2003 in Communication. He is a Lecturer in Video Making and Documentary Film Making at Högskolan Dalarna since 2006 and is a Doctoral student in Design and Visualization at Mälardalen University since 2009. Eriksson, Pelle, Doctoral student Yvonne Eriksson is Professor in Information Design. She is in charge of the group Design and Visualization. She studied at “Tema Kommunikation” at Linköping University and she received a PhD in Art History from University of Gothenburg 1998. She has been working at the Department of Art History and Visual Studies at University of Gothenburg, Växjö University and at the Swedish Library of Talking Books and Braille. She has been chair of the art magazine Paletten and is Board Member of The Swedish Braille Authority. Yvonne Eriksson is a member of Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds (RJ) working committee. The main interest for her research is Visual Communication, and especially the perceptual and cognitive processes that are involved in interpretation of visuals and build milieus. One focus area for her research is gender issues in relation to visual studies. Eriksson, Yvonne, Professor Björn Fagerström works as General Manager at Inocean Sweden AB and has been Adjunct Professor at Mälardalen University since 2005. Björns main research interest is directed towards Product Planning, Project Management, Decision Making, Product Structuring and R&D Management. Björn works as supervisor for Doctoral students, and as a guest teacher in some courses within Product Development. Björn has also been responsible for several PhD courses within research methodology. He also works with research funding. Fagerström, Björn, Adjunct Professor Ulrika Florins research is focusing both artistic problems and on themes linked to society. Her project leading experience and involvement in great projects such as “The Art Break Project” has given her opportunity to study processes, among artists and academics together. ”The Art Break Project” (Projekt Konstpaus) was a development project partially financed by the European Union (EU). Florin received her MFA in Three-Dimensional Design in 1992 from University College of Arts, Craft and Design in Stockholm (Konstfack). In 2006, Florin began her PhD studies at Mälardalen University. Since 2012 Florin is the Coordinator for the Bachelor programme in Spatial Design, one out of three Bachelor programmes at the Division of Information Design and Visualisation. Florin, Ulrika, Doctoral student Innovation and Product Realisation Niklas Friedler is a Doctoral student and Lecturer at Mälardalen University. He is responsible for several courses at the University. He is part of the research group - Innovation and Product Realisation. He received his MSc in 2000 within Production Systems at Linköping University and has a background as Product Developer at Volvo Construction Equipment. Project Manager and Product Manager at ABB Robotics. Friedler, Niklas, Doctoral student Anders Fundin is Adjunct Professor in Quality Technology and Management at Innovation and Product Realisation since 2010 and also Global Manager for Continuous Improvement at Volvo Construction Equipment, Sales & Marketing. Anders has a PhD in Quality Technology and Management from Chalmers University of Technology (2005) and an MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Linköping University (1999). His research interests are Quality Technology and Management and Operational Development and he is a Board Member of the Swedish Quality Management Academy. The research work is published in journals such as for example, International Journal of Service Industry Management, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management and International Journal of Modeling in Operations Management. Fundin, Anders, Adjunct Professor Funk, Peter, Professor Grahn, Sten, Senior Lecturer Peter Funk is Professor in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at Mälardalen University and heading the intelligent systems group. He received his PhD from the University of Edinburgh, Department of Artificial Intelligence 1998, which he started with an MSc in Artificial Intelligence funded by the Wallenberg Grant for Scientific Research (the first candidate who received the Wallen berg grant 3 times). Peter worked with R&D in the Computer Science Department at Ericsson for 7 year with novel applications of artificial intelligence in the service area before perusing his MSc and PhD in Edinburgh. Beside leading and participating in a number of research projects (funded by EU FP7, ITEA2, FFI, KKS, Vinnova, SSF) and supervising PhD students. Peter is active in numerous conferences, program committees (e.g. ECAI, ICCBR), in Editorial Board for high ranked international journals (e.g. The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Springer). His research focus is intelligent, adaptive and learning systems for medical, industrial and business applications. Sten is a Senior Lecturer within the field of Production Development. He defended his dissertation in 2002. Between 2000 and 2006 he managed and worked within his own company Grabitech, within the field Process and Production Optimization, servicing ABB, Bombardier, among others. Since 2006 he has worked with Fortum Heat AB and ÅF Industry AB, with energy related issues, as a Manager, Analyst and Industrial Researcher. His responsibilities for Fortum were to: develop and manage the private home heating division, manage energy related research projects, produce comparative cost calculations for multifamily housing and produce energy trend reports for long term investment purposes. The consultant work within ÅF has meant several types of responsibilities, e.g. to: develop regional plans to cost efficiently increase regional renewable energy use, report how solar energy solutions can be used for emergency units and to develop resource efficient business models. Anna Granlund is enrolled as a Doctoral student at Innovation and Product Realisation and is employed at the Division of Product Realisation. She is currently working in the research project “Lean Automation Development”. In June 2011 Anna presented her Licentiate thesis named “Competitive Internal Logistics Systems through Automation”. Today her research focuses on facilitating the development of automation in internal logistics systems. Anna received her MSc in 2007 from Mälardalen University in the area of Product and Process Development after completing her Master thesis at ABB Robotics. She has previously worked as a Research Assistant at Mälardalen University and “Robotdalen” within the project “Logistics Automation”. Granlund, Anna, Doctoral student 23 24 Innovation and Product Realisation Daniel Gåsvaer is a Doctoral student enrolled at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering at Mälardalen University. He is currently employed at the Swedish research institute Swerea IVF, where he is focusing on research within Product Realisation, and especially on how the innovative capability could be increased within Production Development as a way to realise great improvements. Daniel is part of the research project “Kaikaku - Innovative Production Development”, which is a collaboration between MDH and Swerea IVF, as well as several local manufacturers. Gåsvaer, Daniel, Doctoral student Sven Hamrefors has 20 years of experience from Entrepreneurship, Business Creation and Information Services. His experiences are from 5 start-up companies of his own and development projects in various organizations, such as UC, SEB and Esselte. He received his PhD from Stockholm School of Economics 1999 and was initiating the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship in 1996. Since 2007 Sven is a Professor in Innovation Science and Management at Mälardalen University. Hamrefors, Sven, Professor Hazy, James K., Visiting Professor In addition to his role as Visiting Professor at Mälardalen University, Dr. Hazy is also a tenured Full Professor at Adelphi University in New York State in the USA with eight years of academic experience in research and teaching. Having published over 40 articles and chapters in venues such as The Leadership Quarterly, his work has won numerous awards including Academy of Management Best Paper Awards, and the prestigious Bender Body-of-Work Research Award for the period 2009-2011. In 2010 he co-wrote the book: Complexity and the Nexus of Leadership: Leveraging nonlinear science to create ecologies of innovation, which achieved Amazon Top-100 status in Management Science in both hardback and paperback editions. He has also co-edited the books: Complex Systems Leadership Theory and Complexity Science and Social Entrepreneurship: Adding Social Value through Systems Thinking. His teaching experience includes: entrepreneurship, strategy, operations, and leadership delivered to undergraduate and graduate students as well as executives. Mikael Hedelind is employed at ABB Corporate Research in Västerås and enrolled as Doctoral student at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. Mikael’s research focuses on flexible and reconfigurable industrial robotics within manufacturing industries. His research is within the area of Applied Industrial Robotics and he has been active in the projects Factory-in-a-Box, Robotics for SMEs, and Lean Robotics. Mikael is currently working as coordinator for the FP7 ICT research project ROSETTA. Hedelind, Mikael, Doctoral student Anders Hellström, MSc in Electronic Engineering at Linköping University. He works as Head of Product Realisation at IPR. He is Lecturer in Product Development and Quality Assurance at Mälardalen University since 1998. He has engineering and management experience from Industrial Product Development and Production of Safety, Automotive and Cash Handling Systems. He has worked within the FFV Group, Electrolux Autoliv AB and DeLaRue Cash Handling Systems Group. Hellström, Anders, Lecturer Innovation and Product Realisation Erik Hellström is a Research Engineer at the Division of Product Realisation. He works as a Project Manager for Robot Application Center in Eskilstuna. He studied Computer Science at Mälardalen University. Erik did his thesis work at ABB Robotics in 2005 and was later employed by ABB to continue his work. In 2007 he started working as a Research Assistant with focus on Industrial Robotics. Erik has been involved in several research projects including Factory-in-a-Box, Robotics for SME and Lean Robotics and is currently working in the Lean Automation research project. Erik is also responsible for the Robotics Lab and the User Experience Lab at Campus Eskilstuna. Hellström, Erik, Research Engineer Carina’s research interest concerns the translation of Entrepreneurship into Schools’ Practice, in the lower levels of the educational system. The purpose with her thesis project “Entrepreneurship in School - Processes of Change within the Framework of Regional Development” is to study how a regional initiative, that explicit advocate Entrepreneurship in Schools as a form of pedagogy, influence Schools’ organisations. The purpose is also to study the translation of entrepreneurship in Schools as pedagogy into practice and bring out tensions, deadlocks and conflicts in this process of translation. Holmgren, Carina, Lecturer Jenny Höglund is a Doctoral student within the research field Innovation and Identity. Jenny has her own company, working as a Process Leader and Business Developer for entrepreneurs and inventors. She also has a small trading business helping inventors find providers in China. Through her entrepreneurial experiences she has had the opportunity to study how identity develops in startups, and she is currently developing a method to support this process through entrepreneurial participation in local study groups. Jenny has also studied how government funded business advice to inventors contributes to Innovation. Höglund, Jenny, Doctoral student Mats Jackson is a Professor at Mälardalen University. He is a Professor within the research profile - Innovation and Product Realisation at the University. He received his PhD in 2000 within Production System Development at Linköping University and has a background as Production Engineer and Management Consultant within industry/ABB. Jackson, Mats, Professor Siavash Javadi is an industrial Doctoral student at Atlas Copco in Örebro and Mälardalen University. He has been a member of Innofacture research school since September 2012. Siavash is working on the Industrialization Process with a focus on Low-volume Production Systems. Javadi, Siavash, Doctoral student 25 26 Innovation and Product Realisation Christer Johansson was born in Uppsala in 1946. He was graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 1974 and PhD in 1982 at Linköping University (LiTH). After a Postdoc visit at the University of Massachusetts, and a few years at Linköping University as a Post-doctoral research fellow and lecturer, he worked at Electrolux and the Institute for Production Engineering Research, IVF. He returned to LiTH 1990 for a Professorship in Assembly Technology, which he held until 2000 when he moved to the Royal Institute of Technology for a professorship in Flexible Manufacturing. During 2004 to 2010 he had a Professorship in Flexible Manufacturing at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University. He was during this period also visiting Professor at Chalmers. Johansson, Christer, Visiting Professor Peter is since 2012 a Senior Lecturer within the field of Innovation Management. He received his PhD in 2011 at Department of Education, Stockholm University, specialized in the fields of Workplace Learning and Organization Pedagogics. Johansson, Peter E, Senior Lecturer Mikael Johnsson is a Doctoral student at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, in co-operation with Munktell Science Park in Eskilstuna. His research is about exploring unused innovation capacity within employee’s daily work. The results are simultaneously being developed into usable tools for companies in order to increase their innovation capability. Aside from the academic work Mikael is consulting as innovation manager, arranging workshops and as speaker at conferences. He is innovator, founder and co-founder of several innovation-driven companies. In his book”Sell the skin before the bear is shot” he explains one way to develop ideas and shares experiences from real cases. Mikael has a BSc with a Major in Innovation Technology. Johnsson, Mikael, Doctoral student Helena Karlsson, is a Doctoral student at Mälardalen University in collaboration with Munktell Science Park. She has a BSc with a major in Innovation Technology and a BSc in Economics and Business Administration. She has been Innovation Advisor and Business Coach for new ventures and start-ups based on innovative ideas and worked in her own company as an Innovation Consultant. Karlsson, Helena, Doctoral student Kurdve, Martin, Doctoral student Martin Kurdve is a Doctoral student within the research area Sustainable Product Realisation at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering since 2011. He has a Licentiate degree in Industrial Environmental Economics in the area of Product-Service Systems and a MSc in Chemical Engineering with Engineering Physics. Martin has worked for 14 years in industry with industrial IT, Production Development, and Lean Manufacturing. He has also worked in his own consultancy company. Doctoral student and Researcher of Sustainable Product Realisation at MDH and Swerea-IVF since 2010/2011.Tekn.Lic Industrial Environmental Economics Lund University 2010, MSc Chemical Engineering with Engineering Physics, Chalmers 2000. Consultant in Business Improvements (2009-2011), Lean Manager Smurfit Kappa (2009-2010), Project Manager: Sustainable & Efficient Production Systems Volvo Technology (2000-2009), IT Consultant (1998-2000). Innovation and Product Realisation Bengt Köping Olsson holds a PhD and is a Lector and Researcher in Innovation Management at Mälardalen University. He has the background of an Engineer and a degree in Psychology. He has a Master of Fine Arts in Piano and has been teaching piano and also worked as a Musician on a freelance basis for several years. In 2008 he earned a PhD degree in Innovation and Design. His research deals with creative activity in an intense group effort. One might say that what he is studying the handover of the creative spark from one person to the next, inspiration at best accelerating, driven by descriptive languages, e.g. figurative arguing and conceptual reasoning; that stimulates development of creative group ideas and, at the same time, supporting group interactions. Köping Olsson, Bengt, Senior Lecturer Erik Lindhult is a Senior Lecturer in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship. His main area of interest is Participatory, Collaborative and Democratic Innovation and Change Management as well as Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Development of Society. He is involved in research projects concerning Societal Entrepreneurship, as well as Service Innovation. Erik is also doing research in action research and interactive research, research in collaboration with practitioners, and is a Board Member in the national communities SIRA and SPARC. Erik holds a PhD in Industrial Management at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Lindhult, Erik, Senior Lecturer Jonatan Lundin is a part time industrial Doctoral student within Innovation and Design. He earned his MA degree from Linköping University in 2006. Jonatan has more than 20 years of experience from the technical communication field, working as a technical communicator for large global companies. Jonatan is currently employed as a Senior Information Architect at Excosoft in Sweden. In recent years he has focused on findability aspects of technical communication and especially information-seeking behaviors, information-search behaviors and user search performance and how to organize content and visualize search interfaces to enable efficient retrieval of technical information. Lundin, Jonatan, Doctoral student Educational background corresponding to a M.Sc. in Engineering Physics, specialization in Scientific Computing, Uppsala University, Sweden. Håkan has more than 20 years of work experience from the Telecom field, working in various positions (including teacher in customer training, programmer, system analyst, marketing support expert, product manager) for different Ericsson companies in Sweden, Ireland and USA. Specializing in Training Simulators and has developed a number of commercially successful products. Currently Håkan is working as Lecturer at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, specializing in Intellectual Property Rights. He is also an inventor working with solutions for Food Waste Handling. Mattsson, Håkan, Lecturer Farhad Noruzi is enrolled as an industrial Doctoral student at the Innofacture research school at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. He has done research around the “Flexible in Manufacturing Systems”. Today his research focuses on “Strategic Design of Production Systems”. Farhad has a BSc in Mechanical Engineering- Manufacturing and received his MSc in 2012 from Mälardalen University in the area of Product and Process Development and Logistics after completing his master thesis at Volvo CE. He is doing research for LEAX Group AB, Sweden. Norouzilame, Farhad, Doctoral student 27 28 Innovation and Product Realisation Christer Nygren has worked for Mälardalen University for more than 10 years as a Lecturer and currently holds a position as Head of Division of Innovation Management. Prior to this Christer was a part of the Telecom Business for five years working in roles within professional services, business consulting and technical sales. Christer holds an MSc degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Institute of Technology at Linköping University. Currently Christer is involved in the project Service Innovation Management for Global Industrial Companies (SIMGIC), which deals with producing new and more efficient methods for service opportunities in service management at the cooperation companies of Ericsson and ABB. The project was granted 4.6 million SEK from the Knowledge Foundation and last 3 years until 2015. Nygren, Christer, Doctoral student Fredrik Ore is an Industrial Doctoral student at Innovation and Product Realisation and Scania CV in Södertälje. He is employed at Scania CV. He is a part of the Innofacture research school. Fredrik received his MSc in Mechanical Engineering from Luleå University of Technology in 2003 and have since 2004 had various production employments at Scania in Södertälje. Ore, Fredrik, Doctoral student Inger Orre is Associate Professor in Information Design. She has a background in Journalism and Media- and Communication studies and has an extensive experience as feature reporter and editor for print media. After a period as Senior Lecturer at Stockholm University, she received a PhD in 2001 for a thesis on philosophical perspectives on journalistic practice. After this - with a position as Senior Lecturer in Journalism - she joined the research group at Centre for Practical Knowledge at Södertörn University, until she left for Mälardalen University in 2006. She was a member of the Faculty Board and Head of the Division for Information Design from 2008 until 2011. Her current research is focused on different aspects of interpretation and the use of ICT in connection to cultural heritage. Orre, Inger, Associate Professor Christer Osterman is an industrial Doctoral student at Innovation and Product Realisation and Scania CV in Södertälje. He is employed at Scania CV. He is a part of the Innofacture research school. Christer received his MSc in Industrial Production from Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in 2002 and has since 2002 had various positions at Scania in Södertälje. Osterman, Christer, Doctoral student Ali Rastegari is enrolled as an industrial Doctoral student at Mälardalen University at the innofacture research school at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. He has done research around the “Strategic Maintenance Management”. Today his research focuses on “Develop and Implement an Effective and Efficient Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) in the Manufacturing Industries”. Ali received his MSc in 2012 from Mälardalen University in the area of Product and Process Development and Logistics after completing his master thesis at Volvo GTO. He has got his BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tehran Azad University in Iran. He has been working as a CAD Designer and Mechanical Engineer at R&D and maintenance departments in pipe manufacturing industries in Iran since 2006. Rastegari, Ali, Doctoral student Innovation and Product Realisation Mohsin Raza is enrolled as an industrial Doctoral student at the research school Innofacture at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering at Mälardalen University. Moshin has a background in Materials Science and Metallurgy involving the materials processing techniques. He has worked several years in the steel industry and started his career in research after completing his MSc degree in Materials Processing at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, in 2012. As part of his PhD studies he has participated in Swedish and European research projects mainly focused on process development for investment cast thin-walled components for gas turbines. He is currently working on methods to overcome effect of surface tension in thin-walled sections. Raza, Mohsin, Doctoral student Bhanoday Reddy is a PhD student at the Innofacture research school at Mälardalen University and at ABB since 2012. Bhanoday’s specific focus is on evaluating robust and optimal kinematic mechanisms to achieve cost effective and light weight industrial robots. Reddy Vemula, Bhanoday, Doctoral student Malin Rosqvist joined Mälardalen University in 2009 as a Research Coordinator at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. She specializes in running projects and activities in cooperation with the industry, as well as in PR and communication about the research at the school. Malin is managing the project PROMPT, funded by the KK Foundation, she is also managing communications in the industrial research school ITS-EASY, and industrial issues in the EMOPAC project. Previous to this position, Malin held a position as marketing manager at ABB Robotics, working globally with marketing and sales of industrial robots. Malin holds a MA from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and is Certified Project Manager (IPMA, International Project Management Association). Rosqvist, Malin, Research Coordinator Mohammed Salloum’s professional interests are Management Accounting and Control Systems and the research dittos are consolidated around Performance Management and Measurement in relation to Organisational Change. Salloum, Mohammed, Post Doc Antti Salonen is a Senior Lecturer and researcher. In June 2011 he presented his dissertation “Strategic maintenance development in manufacturing industry”. Antti has 21 years’ experience from manufacturing industry and have worked with Industrial Maintenance for 12 years. Apart from his own research, Antti is supervising PhD students and lecturing in Maintenance and Dependability. Further, Antti is the Coordinator of the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs within Production and Logistics at Mälardalen University. The scope of Antti’s research is Strategic Development of Production Maintenance within manufacturing industry. His current research is focused on the cost of waste in maintenance. The research is part of the project ”Reducing Maintenance Related Waste” financed by Vinnova. Salonen, Antti, Senior Lecturer 29 30 Innovation and Product Realisation Anna Sannö is an industrial Doctoral student at Innovation and Product Realisation and at Volvo CE. She is a part of Innofacture research school and started the PhD program in the fall of 2012. Before that she has worked for Volvo CE and Volvo Technology since 2006 with surface treatment. She has previously a BSc. in Chemical Engineering from Chalmers Technical University 2000 and has studied Innovation and Project Management courses at Mälardalen University 2003. The research area is Change Management in Production Systems that are driven by environmental requirements and the objective is to find models to facilitate how to adapt and design sustainable productions systems with assured functionality and performance. Sannö, Anna, Doctoral student Joel Schedin is an industrial Doctoral student at Volvo Construction Equipment in Eskilstuna and at Mälardalen University. Joel is working on Production System Development in new product development projects and is a Project Leader for an industrialization project at Volvo CE. Schedin, Joel, Doctoral student Karl Schultz is Head of Division of Design and Visualization at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. He is a Lecturer in Information Design and Text Design at Mälardalen University since 2001. He has previously been working with digital content production, technical communication and e-learning as a Consultant, Producer and Project Manager. He graduated from Linköping University 1995 in Cultural Studies and Communication and Media. Schultz, Karl, Head of Division Sasha Shahbazi is a Doctoral student at the Innofacture reseach school at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering since 2012. He does research on Material Efficiency and Waste Management in Manufacturing Industries. Sasha received his MSc in 2012 from Mälardalen University in the area of Product and Process Development. Shahbazi, Sasha, Doctoral student Carina Sjödin is a Lecturer and a Doctoral student in Innovation Science and Management. Her previous research has involved User Service Innovation and organizational challenges. Carina holds a Master’s degree in Social Science with a major in Education, Adult Learning. Previously, Carina has been a self-employed Consultant within Trend Watching and Business Environmental Scanning. Carina is part of the following projects: KIT - User Involved Service Innovation, Kaikaku - Reflection and Learning Perspective and Ericsson Global Services Research - Service Innovation in Enabling Processes. Sjödin, Carina, Lecturer Innovation and Product Realisation Peter Sjögren is an industrial Doctoral student at ABB Offshore Wind Connections mainly situated in Gothenburg while pursuing his PhD at School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, Mälardalen University. Peter is working on HVDC offshore platforms with respect to Installation and Production System Development. Sjögren, Peter, Doctoral student Jayakanth Srinivasan is a researcher at the School of Innovation Design and Engineering, where he leads the KKS funded project on “Effective Offshoring and Outsourcing of Research Development and Engineering”. His research focuses on applying enterprise thinking to knowledge-intensive industries ranging from Aerospace & Automotive to Software Services. His book “Beyond the Lean Revolution: Achieving Successful and Sustainable Enterprise Transformation” (co-authored with Debbie Nightingale) presents transformation principles and holistic frameworks for understanding and analyzing enterprises. Dr. Srinivasan holds an undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering, graduate degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics and Avionics Engineering, as well as a PhD in Computer Science. He is a Senior Member of the Association of Computing Machinery. Srinivasan, Jayakanth, Senior Lecturer Lina Stenmark is a Doctoral student within the area of Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. Her research deals with regional development in theory and practice. The main focus is on what the logic behind interventions for regional development is and how that logic can be handled by the policy performers. Lina is especially interested in interventions promoting entrepreneurship among women. Stenmark, Lina, Doctoral student Anette Strömberg was brought up in the Mälardalen region, but has also lived in Gothenburg for many years. Her educational and scientific backgrounds are in the Technical and Natural Sciences. Also, she has worked with commercialization of scientific results within a “University spin-off” company. Now Anette is back in Södermanland, teaching and researching Innovation at the School of Innovation Design and Engineering. Her main research interest lies in researching prerequisites for creative and innovative work in groups (e.g. Product Development projects). She is also interested in environmental issues, sustainability and new materials. Strömberg, Anette, Lecturer Lina Stålberg is an industrial Doctoral student at School of Innovation, Design and Engineering at Mälardalen University and Volvo CE. She is employed at Manufacturing Research, Volvo CE. Her research deals with radical improvement and continuous improvement within a holistic improvement system and evaluation of the progress of improvement work - speed of change. Lina is a part of the research school Innofacture. Stålberg, Lina, Doctoral student 31 32 Innovation and Product Realisation Natalia Svensson Harari was born in Quito, Ecuador. She is an Industrial Production Engineer and was awarded an MSc in Production Engineering and Management in 2012 from The Royal Institute of Technology. Natalia is a Doctoral student at Volvo CE and at Mälardalen University. She is part of the Innofacture research school. Svensson Harari, Natalia, Doctoral student Giacomo Spampinato is currently working as post doctoral researcher within the Robotics group at the School of Innovation Design and Technology from 2009. His research activity is mainly focused on autonomous navigation and 3D localization for mobile industrial robots using stereovision. His background spans from industrial to service robotics. He obtained his PhD in 2006 at the University of Catania, Italy, focusing on humanoid robotics and artificial limbs. After spending one year working in industry developing electronics for electrical appliances, he came back to academia working for 2 years as a post doctoral researcher focusing on control for industrial robots in welding applications, together with KUKA and the AMRC (Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre) in Sheffield. Spampinato, Giacomo, Senior Lecturer Thorbjörn Swenberg is currently Lecturer in Image Production at Dalarna University in parallel with his PhD studies at Mälardalen University. Swenberg was a Video Editor, as well as a News Cameraman, at Swedish National Public Service Television for eight years. Then he graduated in Theoretical Philosophy at Stockholm University before starting teaching Image Production at Dalarna University. He has also headed the educational programmes in Design of Digital Media and Creative Lighting Design for Stage and Event, and has been Head of Studies in Image Production at Dalarna University. Swenberg, Thorbjörn, Doctoral student Carina Söderlund is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. Her research concerns Information Design and Condition Based Maintenance, and the monitoring of machines’ condition in Production, in order to know when to maintain them. Research on condition based maintenance, monitoring software and its’ user interface mostly concerns technique-, and method development. There is not enough research on the Visual Design of this kind of interfaces, or the users’ experience and interpretation of user interface information. Some of the conclusions are that maintenance personnel seek several types of information and information sources in order to decide on a maintenance action. The user interface is one of few. Other types of information are for instance, the operators’ pre experiences, the built space that surrounds the machines, or photos or drawings of the machines. The information types relates to different contexts outside or within the industrial setting. Maintenance personnel interact with these types of information, and the information types influence their interpretation of user interface information. Ragnar Tengstrand is Lecturer and Industrial Designer within the research group Design and Visualization. Biography: Exam 1980 Industrial Designer at HDK Konstindustriskolan, Gothenburg University. Design projects mainly heavy industrial equipment for ABB, ABB Robotics, ABB Motors, ABB Control, ABB Relays, ABB Traction, ESAB, SJ, Arlanda Express, CE Johansson, Kalmar LMV. Lecturer at Örebro University, Institution of Technology, 2005 and Lecturer at Mälardalen University, 2009. Research interests include Industrial Design within the Product Development Process. Tengstrand, Ragnar, Senior Lecturer Innovation and Product Realisation Roberto Verganti is a full Professor of Management of Innovation (with tenure) at Politecnico di Milano, Italy and has been working with Mälardalen University for some years and is employed as guest professor since January 2012. Verganti is a pioneer and one of the most respected international scholars in the field of management of design and innovation. Through more than twenty years of research, he has investigated the challenges and processes of design and innovation in more than 100 companies, ranging from dominant players such as Microsoft and Vodafone, to small and dynamic firms such as Alessi and Nintendo. His studies have shed new light on how executives can capture the value of design, envision breakthrough innovations, collaborate with external innovators, deploy flexible development processes, foster creativity and learning in their teams. Verganti, Roberto, Professor Bengt Wahlström is a Licentiate of Philosophy, MBA and Author, and has for decades been one of the leading experts in Scandinavia within Innovation, Environmental Scanning, and Future Strategy. Every year he meets thousands of participants in discussions, seminars and training programs on various innovation, futures and business environmental issues. His different management books have sold over 60 000 copies, won awards in Sweden and abroad and have been translated into many languages. His latest publication is the licentiate thesis entitled “Organization, business environment signals and innovativeness”, released in autumn 2012 by Mälardalen University Press. Today Bengt is working as a Management Consultant with a focus on Innovation and Strategy, and as a Doctoral student at Mälardalen University. Wahlström, Bengt, Doctoral student Joined MDH 1999 as Research Officer in the central administration and the Division of Education and Research. He was responsible for research related tasks at the University Board and Faculty Board. Coordinator for the research administration and the administrative support to the Boards of Faculties, Deputy Head of Division 2002-2004, Substitute EU Liaison Officer 2002, Substitute Director of Postgraduate Studies 2004, Substitute Head of Division 2004-2005. Since 2005 he was part of the Department of Computer Science and Electronics and currently the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, as Research Coordinator. Since 2010 Head of RECO. Gunnar is Certified Project Manager (IPMA, International Project Management Association). Widforss, Gunnar, Research Coordinator Anders Wikström is a Senior Lecturer and have a PhD in Innovation and Design and works mainly within the area of Design and Visualization. Anders has worked as an Architect and have been CEO and co-owner of a design firm before he became a business developer for five years where he was involved in over 200 start-up companies. Today Anders works a lot with projects together with companies and is responsible for Innovation within MITC. Wikström, Anders, Senior Lecturer Magnus Wiktorsson is Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer at the Division of Innovation and Product Realisation at Mälardalen University, Sweden. He received his MSc (Systems Engineering) from KTH 1995 and his PhD (Manufacturing Systems) from KTH 2000. His professional background includes management consultancy at IBM Consulting Group and at Grufman Reje Management (2000-2005), and a position as Senior Programme Manager at Vinnova - the Swedish governmental agency for Innovation Systems (2005-2008). Magnus is Vice Dean for the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering and the Research Director for the profile Innovation and Product Realisation. Wiktorsson, Magnus, Associate Professor 33 34 Innovation and Product Realisation Yuji Yamamoto is an industrial Doctoral student employed by Deva Mecaneyes AB. He received his M.Sc. in 2003 from Kyoto University in Japan in the area of Manufacturing System Engineering. Yuji previously worked in the car industry as a Product Development Engineer. His research theme is called “Kaikaku in Production” and he does research on Innovative Production Development since 2007. Along with the research, he occasionally works as a Consultant to assist improvements at manufacturing companies. Yamamoto, Yuji, Doctoral student Åsa Öberg is a Doctoral student within Innovation Management with a special interest in Design. She has an MSc in International Marketing with a French specialization (1999), from Mälardalens Högskola and Ecole Superiure de Commerce de Toulon, France. Before starting as a PhD (2009) she has been working with Graphic Design and Marketing at Volvo Construction Equipment, Proffice and Chantelle. She has also been working with Project Management in Packaging Design at SVID, the Swedish Industrial design foundation. Currently she explores the radical types of innovation in technology intense companies, especially the innovation that stems from a change in meaningfulness. This brings a philosophical angle to the Innovation research field. Åsa is a member of the PhD council at Mälardalen University. Öberg, Åsa, Doctoral student Lecturer and at the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, since 2006. Lecture and Director of Studies at the Department of Information Design in Mälardalen University 2000-2005. Background in journalism, (topics economy and politics) at the local newspaper “EskilstunaKuriren” and at the Swedish financial news agency “Direkt”. Önnered, Loe, Lecturer 35 Innovation and Product Realisation Publications Doctoral Thesis 1. Salloum Mohammed: Managing change in performance measures within a manufacturing context, Mälardalen University, Sweden, ISBN: 978-91-7485-107-6, 2013 2. Wikström Anders: Storyboarding: Framing and Reframing Opportunities in the Front-Front end of Innovation, Mälardalen University, Sweden, ISBN: 978-91-7485-117-5, 2013 3. Yamamoto Yuji: Kaikaku in production toward creating unique production systems, Västerås, ISBN: 978-91-7485-116-8, 2013 Licentiate Thesis 1. Johnsson Mikael: Innovation groups: Before innovation work is begun, Mälardalen University, Västerås, ISBN: 978-91-7485-102-1, February, 2013 2. Gåsvaer Daniel: Towards radical improvement in production systems, Mälardalen University, Västerås, ISBN: 978-91-7485-106-9, 2013 Book 1. Döös Marianne (external), Wilhelmson Lena (external), Backström Tomas: Delat ledarskap, Liber, p 1-160, Liber, Stockholm, ISBN: 9789147111251, Editor(s):na, May, 2013 2. Eriksson Yvonne: Barn tecknar världen. Att förstå och tolka barns bilder, Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2013 Journal article 1. Backström Tomas: Managerial Rein Control and the Rheo Task of Leadership , Emergence: Complexity & Organization 2013, vol 15, nr 4, p 76-90, ISCE Publishing, Mansfield MA USA, ISBN: 15213250, Editor(s): N.A., December, 2013 2. Hazy James K., Backström Tomas: Human interaction dynamics (HID): Foundations, definitions and directions, Emergence: Complexity & Organization 2013, vol 15, nr 4, p 91-111, ISCE Publishing, Mansfield MA USA, Editor(s): n.a., December, 2013 3. Wilhelmson Lena (external), Moström Åberg Marie (external), Backström Tomas, Köping Olsson Bengt, Åteg Mattias (external): Transformative learning in the workplace - a research intervention, Journal of Transformative Education, SAGE, n.a., Editor(s): n.a., November, 2013 4. Backström Tomas, Moström Åberg Marie (external), Köping Olsson Bengt, Wilhelmson Lena (external), Åteg Mattias (external): Managers’ task to supportintegrated autonomy at the workplace. Results from an intervention, International Journal of Business and Management, p 20-31, Canadian centrer of science and education, Canada, ISBN: 18338119, Editor(s): N.A., October, 2013 5. Chirumalla Koteshwar: Performance Measurement Framework for Product Service Systems Development: A Balanced Scorecard Approach, International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, vol 9, nr 2, p 146-164, Inderscience Publishers, Editor(s): Dr. Eckhard Lichtenthaler , October, 2013 6. Edoff Petra, Srinivasan Jayakanth: Uncovering paradoxes in managing globally distributed product development - A multiple case study, International Journal of Case study method, Research and Application, vol XXV, nr 3, p 195-206, The World Association for Case Method Research and Application, 23 Mackintosh Ave, NEEDHAM (BOSTON), MA 02492-1218 U.S.A., Editor(s): Hans Klein, October, 2013 7. Florin Ulrika, Orre Inger , Eriksson Yvonne: Collaboration for the Improvement of Tolerance, The International Journal of the Arts in Society, Common Ground Publisher, ISBN: ISSN: 2326-9960, September, 2013 8. Farnoush Alireza (external), Wiktorsson Magnus: POLCA and CONWIP performance in a divergent production line: an automotive case study, Journal of Management Control, vol 24, nr 2, p 159-186, Springer, Berlin, Editor(s): Thomas Günther, July, 2013 9. Bozic Yams Nina, Köping Olsson Bengt: Culture for Radical Innovation - What can business learn from creative processes of contemporary dancers?, The 6th Art of Management and Organization Conference, p 59-83, Journal of Organizational Aesthetics, Editor(s): Steven S. Taylor, PhD, June, 2013 10. Granlund Anna, Wiktorsson Magnus: Automation in Healthcare Internal Logistics: A case study on practice and potential, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management Vol. 10 No. 3, vol 10, nr 3, p 1340012-1-1340012-20, World Scientific, May, 2013 35 36 Innovation and Product Realisation 11. Bruch Jessica, Bellgran Monica: Characteristics affecting management of design information in the production system design process, International Journal of Production Research, March, 2013 12. Chirumalla Koteshwar: Managing Knowledge for Product-Service System Innovation: The Role of Web 2.0 Technologies, Research-Technology Management Journal, vol 56, nr 2, p 45-53, Industrial Research Institute, Inc., USA, ISBN: 0895-6308, Editor(s):MaryAnne M. Gobble, March, 2013 13. Backström Tomas, Hagström Tom (external), Göransson Susanna: Communication as a mechanism for cultural integration, Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, vol 17, nr 1, p 87-106, Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences, Pewaukee, WI, USA, ISBN: 1090-0578, Editor(s):na, January, 2013 14. Salloum Mohammed: Explaining the Evolution of Performance Measures - A Dual Case-Study Approach, Journal of Engineering, Project and Production Management, 2013 15. Yamamoto Yuji, Bellgran Monica: Manufacturing process innovation initiatives at Japanese manufacturing companies, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2013 16. Verganti Roberto , Öberg Åsa: Interpreting and Envisioning: A Hermeneutic Framework to Look at Radical Innovation of Meanings, Industrial Marketing Management, 2013 Book chapter 1. Hafting Tore (external), Lindhult Erik: Developing collaborative power in working life: linking American pragmatism and action research, Editor(s):Kelemen, M. & Rumens, N, July, 2013 2. Axelsson Karin: Rapport inom projektet ”Entreprenörskap i skolan”, Rivna murar - byggda framgångar. Strategier för skolutveckling., p 82-117, Eskilstuna kommun, Eskilstuna, ISBN: 978-91-637-2877-8, Editor(s): Nyström JE & Järvinen S, March, 2013 3. Edoff Petra: The Middle Management of Offshoring, Advances in global sourcing: Models, Governance, and Relationships, p 71-92, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-40950-9, Editor(s):Ilan Oshri, Julia Kotlarsky and Leslie Willcocks , January, 2013 4. Eriksson Yvonne, Asztalos Morell Ildiko (external): Teknik och genus i bilder som vänder sig till barn, Carlsson Bokförlag, Carlsson Bokförlag, Stockhom, 2013 5. Eriksson Yvonne: The possibility and obstacles of reading sketches as a life, Renja Suominen-Kokkonen. The Society for Art History in Finland, Helsinki, 2013 6. Eriksson Yvonne: Handikappade i samhället - lika men ändå olika, Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2013 Conference/Workshop Paper 1. Köping Olsson Bengt: The Influence of Mindful Music Experience and Body Movement on Creative Productivity, Editor(s):Erik Backman, PhD, December, 2013 2. Lindhult Erik: Emergent innovation - towards a new paradigm for innovation research and management, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2013 3. Ore Fredrik, Wiktorsson Magnus, Hanson Lars (external), Eriksson Yvonne: Implementing Virtual Assembly and Disassembly into the Product Development Process, CARV 2013 – 5th International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production, p 111-116, Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-319-02053-2, Editor(s): Michael F. Zaeh, October, 2013 4. Shahbazi Sasha, Kurdve Martin, Bjelkemyr Marcus, Jönsson Christina (external), Wiktorsson Magnus: Industrial waste management within manufacturing, International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2013, p 637-642, Cranfield University Press, Cranfield, UK, ISBN: 978-1-907413-23-0, Editor(s):Essam Shehab. Peter Ball. Benny Tjahjono, September, 2013 5. Shahbazi Sasha, Delkhosh Ali (external), Ghassemi Poorya (external), Wiktorsson Magnus: Supply chain risks: an automotive case study, International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2013 , p 525-530, Cranfield University Press, Cranfield, UK, ISBN: 978-1-907413-23-0, Editor(s): Dr Essam Shehab, Dr Peter Ball and Dr Benny Tjahjono, September, 2013 6. Javadi Siavash , Bruch Jessica, Bellgran Monica: Challenges in the Industrialization Process of Low-Volume Production Systems, International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2013 , p 39-44, Cranfield university press, Cranfield, ISBN: 978-1-907413-23-0, Editor(s):Essam Shehab, Peter Ball, Benny Tjahjono, September, 2013 7. Bjelkemyr Marcus, Wiktorsson Magnus, Rösiö Carin , Bruch Jessica, Bellgran Monica: Production Localization Factors: An Industrial and Literature Based Review, International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2013, p 489-494, Cranfield, ISBN: 978-1-907413-23-0, Editor(s): Dr Essam Shehab, Dr Peter Ball and Dr Benny Tjahjono, September, 2013 Innovation and Product Realisation 8. Rösiö Carin , Wiktorsson Magnus, Bruch Jessica, Bellgran Monica: Risk Analysis in Manufacturing Footprint Decisions, International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2013, p 495-500, Cranfield University Press, Cranfield, UK, ISBN: 978-1-907413-23-0, Editor(s): Dr Essam Shehab, Dr Peter Ball and Dr Benny Tjahjono, September, 2013 9. Salloum Mohammed, Cedergren Stefan, Wiktorsson Magnus, Bengtsson Marcus: Performance measurement review practices - a dual perspective case study, 7th conference on performance measurement and management control, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels, Editor(s): Antonio Davila, Eric Cauvin, September, 2013 10. Zafarzadeh Masoud, Jackson Mats: AUTOMATION FROM LEAN PERSPECTIVE-POTENTIALS AND CHALLENGES, International Conference on Manufacturing Research 2013, Cranfield, September, 2013 11. Insulander Eva (external), Johansson Peter E, Säfström Carl Anders (external): Recognition and assessment of entrepreneurship skills within educational, industrial and cultural sector - Outlines for a comparative case study, Creativity and Innovation in Research Education, Istanbul, September, 2013 12. Osterman Christer, Fundin Anders: Exploring approaches how to measure a lean process, 16 Quality Management and Organizational Development Conference, Portorož, September, 2013 13. Farnoush Alireza (external), Wiktorsson Magnus: Production control mechanisms in a convergent production line, Hamburg International Conference of Logistic 2013, Hamburg International Conference of Logistics 2013, Hamburg, Germany, Editor(s): Wolfgang Kersten, Thorsten Blecker, Christian M. Ringle, September, 2013 14. Norouzilame Farhad, Wiktorsson Magnus, Salonen Antti: AN INDUSTRIAL PERSPECTIVE ON FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING: A FRAMEWORK FOR NEEDS AND ENABLERS, 22nd International Conference on Production Research, Iguassu, August, 2013 15. Petersson Linnea (external), Swanström Lennart (external), Bellgran Monica: Green KPIs as drivers for environmental improvements on shop floor level, International Conference on Life Cycle Management, Gothenburg, August, 2013 16. Andersson Schaeffer Jennie, Jackson Mats: Spatial design supporting the management of radical improvements within the manufacturing industry., International Conference on Engineering Design 2013, p 129-138, the Design Society, Seoul, ISBN: 9781904670445, Editor(s):Udo Lindemann, Srinivasan Venkataraman, Yong Se Kim, Sang von Lee, August, 2013 17. Wikström Anders, Verganti Roberto : Exploring storyboarding in prebrief activities, International Conference on Engineering Design 2013, Seoul, August, 2013 18. Wikström Anders, Everskog Amanda, Forsberg Wallin Amanda, Hyltefors Maja, Larsen Sofie, Verganti Roberto: Storyboarding - framing the “frame” of opportunity., International Conference on Engineering Design 2013, Seoul, August, 2013 19. Chirumalla Koteshwar: Enabling Organizational Changes for Development of Product-Service System Offers, International Conference on Engineering Design 2013, Seoul, August, 2013 20. Hazy James K.: Rethinking Complexity Leadership, 2013 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Capitalism in Question, Orlando, FL, August, 2013 21. Nygren Christer, Lindhult Erik: ICT enabled business model innovation to support servitization in global industrial companies, 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Reykjavik, ISBN: ISSN 2298-3112, August, 2013 22. Asadi Narges, Fundin Anders, Jackson Mats: EXPLORING OPTIMAL FLEXIBLE ASSEMBLY SYSTEMS, 22nd International Conference on Production Research, p 1-7, ICPR22, Brazil, August, 2013 23. Rastegari Ali , Salonen Antti, Bengtsson Marcus, Wiktorsson Magnus: CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES: INTRODUCING CURRENT INDUSTRIAL PRACTICE AND CHALLENGES, 22nd International Conference on Production Research, Iguassu, July, 2013 24. Friedler Niklas, Salonen Antti, Johansson Christer : The automation equipment acquisition process - experienced users´ perspective, 22nd International Conference on Production Research, Iguassu, July, 2013 25. Sannö Anna, Deleryd Mats, Fundin Anders: IMPLICATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS, 22nd International Conference on Production Research, p 1-8, ICPR22, Iguacu Falls, Brazil, July, 2013 26. Svensson Harari Natalia, Bruch Jessica, Jackson Mats: Flexibility Needs and Enablers in Assembly Systems, 22nd International Conference on Production Research, Iguassu, July, 2013 27. Granlund Anna, Jackson Mats: Managing automation development projects - a comparison of industrial needs and existing theoretical support, The 23rd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, p 761-774, Springer, Porto, ISBN: 978-3-319-00556-0, Editor(s): Américo Azevedo, June, 2013 28. Norouzilame Farhad, Jackson Mats: On the Application of Discrete-event Simulation in Production, The 23rd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Porto, Editor(s): Américo Azevedo, June, 2013 37 38 Innovation and Product Realisation 29. Yamamoto Yuji: Proposal of a deliberate discovery-learning approach to building exploration capabilities in a manufacturing organization, The 23rd International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Porto, June, 2013 30. Wikström Anders, Verganti Roberto: Storyboard - Framing and reframing the design brief, 20th International Product Development Management Conference, Paris, June, 2013 31. Bozic Yams Nina, Backström Tomas: MODEL FOR ENABLING INNOVATION COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT IN GROUPS, Participatory Innovation Conference 2013, Lahti, Finland, June, 2013 32. Johansson Peter E, Backström Tomas, Döös Marianne (external): Visualizations of relatonics as a management tool to facilitate workplace innovation - A case study in a Swedish municipality, Helix conference: Innovative Practices in Work, Organisation and Regional Development - Problems and Prospects, Linköping, June, 2013 33. Rastegari Ali, Salonen Antti: Strategic maintenance management: Formulating maintenance strategy, Congress Proceedings of COMADEM 2013, International Congress of Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics Engineering Management, Helsinki, ISBN: 978-952-67981-0-3, June, 2013 34. Bellgran Monica, Bruch Jessica, Rösiö Carin, Wiktorsson Magnus: Decision support for production localization: Process, activities and localization factors, 20th EurOMA conference Operations Management: At the Heart of Recovery, Dublin, June, 2013 35. Granlund Anna: Designing internal logistics systems fit for the future, 20th EurOMA conference Operations Management: At the Heart of Recovery, Dublin, June, 2013 36. Kurdve Martin, Wiktorsson Magnus: Green performance map: visualizing environmental KPI´s, 20th EurOMA conference Operations Management: At the Heart of Recovery, June, 2013 37. Bellgran Monica, Yamamoto Yuji: Four types of manufacturing process innovation and their managerial concerns, Forty Sixth CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Forty Sixth CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 2013, Setubal, May, 2013 38. Isovic Damir, Gustafsson Christine (external), Wallin Fredrik (external): The Coproductive University: Education and research in coproduction with the wider community, University-Industry Interaction Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May, 2013 39. Carlsson Anna-Lena: Design Gestures. Playing with “Affordance” and the Concept of “Design”, p 10-10, May, 2013 40. Bellgran Monica, Yamamoto Yuji: Manufacturing process improvements using value adding process point approach, International Association for Management of Technology, Porto Alegre, April, 2013 41. Fröberg Joakim (external), Larsson Stig: Tailoring a method for system architecture analysis, 9th Annual Software Engineering Institute Architecture Technology User Network Conference, SATURN, SEI, Software Engineering Institute, Minneapolis, USA, April, 2013 42. Fröberg Joakim (external), Larsson Stig: A method for analyzing architectural drivers when engineering a system architecture, 7th Annual IEEE Systems Conference, IEEE Systems Council, Orlando, Florida, April, 2013 43. Chirumalla Koteshwar: Developing PSS concepts from traditional product sales situation: The use of business model canvas, 5th CIRP International Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems, Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer, Berlin., Berlin, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-30820-8, Editor(s): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Meier, March, 2013 44. Chirumalla Koteshwar: Experience Feedback Using Social Media: From the Product Lifecycle Phases to the Design Practices, 5th CIRP International Conference on Industrial Product-Service Systems, Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer, Berlin., Berlin, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-30820-8, Editor(s): Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Meier, March, 2013 45. Lindhult Erik: Service innovation capabilities in large industrial organizations, XIV ISPIM Conference, Helsinki, 2013 46. Lindhult Erik: Servitization through innovation, European Academy of Management, Istanbul, 2013 47. Lundin Jonatan: Interaction with User Documentation: A Preliminary Study, ACM, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2299-7, 2013 Collection (Editor) 1. Eriksson Yvonne, Asztalos Morell Ildiko (external): Virtuellt mode. Mode som virtuell handling, Carlsson Bokförlag, Carlsson Bokförlag, Stockhom, 2013 Report 1. Andersson Carin (external), Bellgran Monica, Bruch Jessica, Rösiö Carin, Wiktorsson Magnus, Windmark Christina (external): Production Location Handbook, ISBN: 978-91-637-3953-8, September, 2013 Innovation and Product Realisation Master theses ABDULLAH SYED MD JAKARIA: Implementation of the Virtual Clustered-based Multiprocessor Scheduling in the Linux Kernel AHMED ATHAR NADEEM: Wireless inertial measurement unit for industrial robotic arm BARUA SHAIBAL: Multi-Sensor Information Fusion for Classification of Driver’s Physiological Sensor Data BELOGIANNIS TEODOROS: Individual Stress Diagnosis Using Skin Conductance Sensor Signals BENGTSSON ERIK: Robot Calibration using Kinematic Coupling BLOM JONATAN: Autonomous Hauler Loading BRESTOVAC GORAN: Applying Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Methods in Embedded Systems Design BUCAIONI ALESSIO: Problem of bidirectionality in Model-Driven Engineering DELIGHT BJÖRN: Optimizing the execution time of SQLite on an ABB robot controller FILIPOVIKJ PREDRAG: Connecting a Design Framework for Service-oriented Systems with UPPAAL model-checker GALLUCCI ANTONIO: Building a safety case for a small sized product line of Fuel Level Display Systems GRGURINA ROBI: Applying Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Methods in Embedded Systems Design HOLMSTRÖM JOHNNY: Governor electronics for diesel engines LAFIH AMIL: Actuator control using pre-calibrated force data on a quadrocopter LINDH FREDRIK: Electronic Design Optimization of Vibration Monitor Instrument MAHMUD NESREDIN MOHAMMEDJEMAL: Extending Real-Time component-based Framework to Virtual Nodes NAGILLARAMESH: Comparison of Web Development Technologies - ASP.NET & PHP OTNES THOMAS: Electronic Design Optimization of Vibration Monitor Instrument PALMIERI MANUEL: System Testing in a Simulated Environment PICHETPONGSA NUTTAPON: ABBs WirelessHART Tool PITCHAI KARTHIK RAJA: An executable meta-model for safety-oriented software and systems development processes within the avionics domain in compliance with RTCA DO 178B POURSHAKOUR SHEIDA: On-board Protection device for battery charger REDAVID CLAUDIO: Virtual Test Environment for Motion Capture Shoots SANCHEZ VILLALBA DANIEL: Adapting Mode-Switches into the hierarchical scheduling SEGERBLAD EMIL: Evaluation of partial recon guration in FPGA-based high-performance video systems SICA DE ANDRADE HUGO: Software Product Line Architectures: Reviewing the Literature and Identifying Bad Smells STIMAC BARBARA: Deployment of software defined radio in harsh environments TANG LIFEI: Valgrind for OSE UMARIKAR ASHWINI: On-board Protection device for battery charger VASHI PRIYANKI JAYANTILAL: Migration of a Mobile Core Application to a Simplified Infrastructure - In-Service Performance Analysis VIROLAINEN NORGREN MIKAEL: Intelligent gripper WAQAR HAFIZ UMER: Comparison between .NET and Java EE - Implementation of a Cash & Bank Application WENNERSTRÖM JESSICA: Electronic Design Optimization of Vibration Monitor Instrument WOLVERS A.H.C. RONALD: Integrating Requirements Authoring and Design Tools for Heterogeneous Multi-Core Embedded Systems ZAKUPSZKI ANDRAS: ABBs WirelessHART Tool ZHANG SHU ZHOU: Porting AUTOSAR to a high performance embedded platform ÖSTBERG MICAEL: Intelligent gripper 39 Mälardalen University, School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, 2014-05 P.O. Box 883, SE-721 23 Västerås, Sweden. Phone: +46 21 101300 P.O. Box 325, SE-631 05 Eskilstuna, Sweden. Phone: +46 16 153600 E-mail: Web: