Dirk Schoenmaker
Dirk Schoenmaker
Dirk Schoenmaker Address: Phone: Mobile: E-mail: Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University Burgemeester Oudlaan 50 3062 PA Rotterdam +31 10 408 1952 +31 6 2295 2375 schoenmaker@rsm.nl Marital status: Date of birth: Nationality: Married with three children 26 February 1967 Dutch Current positions 2015-present Professor of Banking & Finance Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam 2015-present Senior Fellow Bruegel, Brussels Past positions 2009-2015 Dean Duisenberg school of finance 2004-2015 Professor of Finance, Banking & Insurance VU University Amsterdam 1998-2008 Deputy Director Financial Markets Policy Head Financial Stability Division Financial Markets Policy Directorate Ministry of Finance 1996-1998 Analyst Banking Supervisory Policy Supervision & Surveillance Bank of England 1991-1996 Research Officer on Financial Regulation Financial Markets Group London School of Economics Other professional positions 2016-present Academic Partner, Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (Centraal Planbureau), The Hague 2015-present Research Fellow, Centre for European Policy Research (CEPR), London 2015-present Board Member, Institute for Disciplinary Action Banks (Stichting Tuchtrecht Banken), Amsterdam 2013-present Chairman, Dutch Securities Institute (Self-Regulatory Institute for Expertise and Integrity in the Financial Sector), Amsterdam 2011-present Member, Advisory Scientific Committee, European Systemic Risk Board, Frankfurt (re-appointed in March 2015) 1 2014-2015 Member, State Committee Dutch Insurance Sector, The Hague 2014-2015 Consultant, Stabilising and Healing the Irish Banking System: Policy Lessons, IMF, Washington D.C. 2012-2013 Member, State Committee Structure Dutch Banking Sector, The Hague 2012-2013 Visiting Research Fellow, DG ECFIN, European Commission, Brussels 2010-2011 Consultant, Economic Survey of Switzerland, OECD, Paris 2006-2007 Consultant, Nordic-Baltic Regional Financial Sector Project, IMF, Washington D.C. 2004-2005 Chairman, Working Party ‘Towards a New Framework for Higher Education’, Ministry of Education and Science, The Hague 2003-2004 Member, Committee on Financial Markets Statistics, Central Bureau for Statistics, The Hague 2002-2008 Deputy Member, Financial Services Committee, Brussels 2000-2008 Member, European Banking Committee, Brussels 2000-2001 Member, Working Party ‘Consolidation in the Financial Sector’, Group of Ten, Basel 1999-2000 Deputy Chairman, Committee on Financial Markets, OECD, Paris 1995 Visiting Scholar, IMF, Washington D.C. Education 1991-1996 PhD in Economics Thesis: ‘Central Banking and Financial Stability’ London School of Economics 1985-1990 Master in Business Economics, Cum Laude Major: Finance Erasmus University Rotterdam 1986-1991 Master in Law Major: Business Law Erasmus University Rotterdam Media Several articles and interviews in newspapers (Financial Times, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Financieel Dagblad, NRC Handelsblad, Volkskrant, Telegraaf, Nederlands Dagblad) and magazines (The Economist, Economisch Statistische Berichten) as well as television and radio appearances (NOS, RTL, BNR). Policy papers Several Bruegel publications (available at Bruegel) and VoxEU columns (available at VoxEU). 2 Journal articles (refereed) Goodhart, C. and D. Schoenmaker (2016), ‘The Global Investment Banks are now all Becoming American: Does that Matter for Europeans?’, Journal of Financial Regulation, 2, forthcoming. Schoenmaker, D. and R. van Tilburg (2016), ‘What Role for Financial Supervisors in Addressing Environmental Risks?’, Comparative Economic Studies, 58, forthcoming. Schoenmaker, D. and J. Sass (2016), ‘Cross-border Insurance in Europe: Challenges for Supervision’, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 41, 351-377. Schoenmaker, D. and P. Wierts (2016), ‘Macroprudential Supervision: From Theory to Policy’, National Institute Economic Review, 235, 50-62. Schoenmaker, D. and P. Wierts (2015), ‘Regulating the Financial Cycle: An Integrated Approach with a Leverage Ratio’, Economics Letters, 136, 70-72. Schoenmaker, D. (2015), ‘The new Banking Union Landscape in Europe: Consolidation Ahead?’, Journal of Financial Perspectives, 3(2), 189-201. Schoenmaker, D. (2015), ‘Regulatory Capital: Why Is It Different?’, Accounting and Business Research, 45, 468-483. Schoenmaker, D. and A. Siegmann (2014), ‘Can European Bank Bailouts Work?’, Journal of Banking & Finance, 48, 334-349. Gros, D. and D. Schoenmaker (2014), ‘European Deposit Insurance and Resolution in the Banking Union’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 52, 529-546. Schoenmaker, D. and W. Wagner (2013), ‘Cross-border Banking in Europe and Financial Stability’, International Finance, 16, 1-22. Avgouleas, E., C. Goodhart and D. Schoenmaker (2013), ‘Bank Resolution Plans as a Catalyst for Global Financial Reform’, Journal of Financial Stability, 9, 210-218. Slijkerman, J.F., C. de Vries and D. Schoenmaker (2013), ‘Systemic Risk and Diversification across European Banks and Insurers’, Journal of Banking & Finance, 37, 773-785. Schoenmaker, D. and D. Werkhoven (2013), ‘The Impact of Multinationals on the Size of the Banking System’, Kyklos, 66, 378-397. Schoenmaker, D. (2012), ‘Banking Supervision and Resolution: The European Dimension’, Law and Financial Markets Review, 6, 52-60. Schoenmaker, D. (2011), ‘The Financial Trilemma’, Economics Letters, 111, 57-59. 3 Dermine, J. and D. Schoenmaker (2010), ‘In Banking, Is Small Beautiful?’, Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments, 19, 1-19. Goodhart, C. and D. Schoenmaker (2009), ‘Fiscal Burden Sharing in Cross-Border Banking Crises’, International Journal of Central Banking, 5, 141-165. Schoenmaker, D. and T. Bosch (2008), ‘Is the Home Bias in Equities and Bonds Declining in Europe?’, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 5, 115-127. Schoenmaker, D., S. Oosterloo and O. Winkels (2008), ‘The Emergence of Cross-Border Insurance Groups within Europe with Centralised Risk Management’, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 33, 530-546. Schoenmaker, D. and S. Oosterloo (2005), ‘Financial Supervision in an Integrating Europe: Measuring Cross-Border Externalities’, International Finance, 8, 1-27. Goodhart, C., D. Schoenmaker and P. Dasgupta (2002), ‘The Skill Profile of Central Bankers and Supervisors’, European Finance Review, 6, 397-427. Goodhart, C. and D. Schoenmaker (1995), ‘Should the Functions of Monetary Policy and Banking Supervision be Separated?’, Oxford Economic Papers, 47, 539-560. Books and Reports Schoenmaker, D. and N. Véron (2016), European Banking Supervision: The First Eighteen Months, Blueprint 25, Bruegel, Brussels. De Haan, J., S. Oosterloo and D. Schoenmaker (2015), Financial Markets and Institutions: A European Perspective, Third Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Huang, R. and D. Schoenmaker (eds) (2015), Institutional Structure of Financial Regulation: Theories and International Experiences, Routledge, London. Schoenmaker, D. (ed.) (2014), Macroprudentialism, VoxEU eBook, CEPR, London. Schoenmaker, D. (2013), Governance of International Banking: The Financial Trilemma, Oxford University Press, New York. Schoenmaker, D. (2013), An Integrated Financial Framework for the Banking Union: Don’t Forget Macro-Prudential Supervision, Economic Papers No. 495, European Commission, Brussels. Schoenmaker, D. (2013), Post-Crisis Reversal in Banking and Insurance Integration: An Empirical Survey, Economic Papers No. 496, European Commission, Brussels. De Haan, J., S. Oosterloo and D. Schoenmaker (2012), Financial Markets and Institutions: A European Perspective, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 4 Allen, F., T. Beck, E. Carletti, P. Lane, D. Schoenmaker and W. Wagner (2011), Cross-Border Banking in Europe: Implications for Financial Stability and Macroeconomic Policies, CEPR Report, London. Claessens, S., R. Herring and D. Schoenmaker (2010), A Safer World Financial System: Improving the Resolution of Systemic Institutions, 12th Geneva Report on the World Economy, ICMB, Geneva, and CEPR, London. De Haan, J., S. Oosterloo and D. Schoenmaker (2009), European Financial Markets and Institutions, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Wajid, K., A. Tieman, M. Khamis, F. Haas, D. Schoenmaker, P. Iossifov, and K. Tintchev (2007), Financial Integration in the Nordic-Baltic Region: Challenges for Financial Policies, IMF, Washington D.C. Kremers, J., D. Schoenmaker and P. Wierts (2003), Financial Supervision in Europe, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. Fingleton, J. and D. Schoenmaker (eds) (1992), The Internationalisation of Capital Markets and the Regulatory Response, Graham & Trotman, London, 1992. Book Chapters Schoenmaker, D. (2016), ‘The Banking Union: An Overview and Open Issues’, in: T. Beck and B. Casu (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of European Banking, Palgrave Macmillan, London, forthcoming. Schoenmaker, D. (2016), ‘The Steady State of the Banking Union’, in: D. Evanoff, A. Haldane, and G. Kaufman (eds), The New International Financial System: Analyzing the Cumulative Impact of Regulatory Reform, World Scientific, Singapore, 511-528. Schoenmaker, D. (2015), ‘On the Need for a Fiscal Backstop to the Banking System’, in: M. Haentjes and B. Wessels (eds), Research Handbook on Crisis Management in the Banking Sector, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 42-54. Schoenmaker, D. (2015), ‘From Banking Union to Capital Markets Union’, in: A. Dombret and P. Kenadjian (eds), The European Capital Markets Union: A viable concept and a real goal?, De Gruyter, Berlin, 37-48. Schoenmaker, D. (2015), ‘Stabilizing and Healing the Irish Banking System: Policy Lessons’, in: Ireland: Lessons from Its Recovery from the Bank-Sovereign Loop, European Department, IMF, Washington D.C., 39-70. Schoenmaker, D. (2013), ‘Central Banks Role in Financial Stability’, in: G. Caprio (ed), Handbook of Safeguarding Global Financial Stability, Vol. 2, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 271-284. 5 Schoenmaker, D. (2013), ‘Financial Supervision in the EU’, in: G. Caprio (ed), Handbook of Safeguarding Global Financial Stability, Vol. 2, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 355-369. Schoenmaker, D. (2012), ‘Banking Union: Where we’re going wrong’, in: T. Beck (ed), Banking Union for Europe – Risks and Challenges, VoxEU eBook, CEPR, London, 97-103. Schoenmaker, D. (2011), ‘The Future of Cross-Border Banking’, in: T. Beck (ed), The Future of Banking, VoxEU eBook, CEPR, London, 73-78. Schoenmaker, D. (2010), ‘The ECB, Financial Supervision, and Financial Stability Management’, in: J. de Haan and H. Berger (eds), The European Central Bank at Ten, Springer, Heidelberg, 171-193. Schoenmaker, D. and S. Oosterloo (2008), ‘Financial Supervision in Europe: A Proposal for a New Architecture’, in: L. Jonung, C. Walkner and M. Watson (eds), Building the Financial Foundations of the Euro - Experiences and Challenges, Routledge, London. Schoenmaker, D. and C. van Laecke (2007), ‘Current State of Cross-Border Banking’, in: D. Evanoff, G. Kaufman and J. LaBrosse (eds), International Financial Instability: Global Banking & National Regulation, World Scientific, Singapore. Schoenmaker, D. and S. Oosterloo (2007), ‘Cross-Border Issues in European Financial Supervision’, in: D. Mayes and G. Wood (eds), The Structure of Financial Regulation, Routledge, London. Schoenmaker, D. (2005), ‘Central Banks and Financial Authorities in Europe: What Prospects?’, in: D. Masciandaro (ed.), The Handbook of Central Banking and Financial Authorities in Europe, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. Kremers, J., D. Schoenmaker, and P. Wierts (2003), ‘Cross-Sector Supervision: Which Model?’, in: R. Herring and R. Litan (eds), Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services: 2003, Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C. Schoenmaker, D. (2000), ‘The Role of the Central Bank in the Financial System’, in: B. Green (ed.), Risk Behaviour and Risk Management in Business Life, Kluwer, Dordrecht. Schoenmaker, D. (2000), ‘What Kind of Financial Stability for Europe?’, in: C. Goodhart (ed.), Which Lender of Last Resort for Europe?, Central Banking Publications, London. Schoenmaker, D. (1999), ‘Contagion Risk in Banking’, in: J. Muranaga (ed.), Risk Measurement and Systemic Risk, Bank of Japan, Tokyo. Schoenmaker, D. (1997), ‘Banking Supervision and Lender of Last Resort in EMU’, in: M. Andenas, L. Gormley, C. Hadjiemmanuil and I. Harden (eds), European Economic and Monetary Union: The Institutional Framework, Kluwer International, London. Board, J., C. Goodhart, M. Power and D. Schoenmaker (1997), ‘Derivatives Regulation’, in: B. Schachter (ed.), Derivatives, Regulation and Banking, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. 6 Academic awards 2001 Barclays Global Investors Award for best paper at European Finance Association Meetings 2001 in Barcelona 1990 Equity & Law Award for final paper ‘Integration of National Capital Markets’ 7