Annual Shareholders Meeting
Annual Shareholders Meeting
Annual Shareholders Meeting 23 September 2015 Enclosed herewith documents relating to Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Ltd Annual Shareholders Meeting for 2015 The Annual Shareholders Meeting will be held on the 23rd of September 2015 at 15h30 at the VRS Head Office, Building No. 1, Mooikloof Office Park East, c/o Atterbury and Jollify Main Road, Mooikloof. Mooikloof Office Park East, c/o Atterbury and Jollify Main Road, Mooikloof, 0059 UVONGO RIVER RESORT SHARE BLOCK (PTY) LIMITED Registration No: 2005/002060/07 NOTICE OF ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING UVONGO RIVER RESORT SHARE BLOCK (PTY) LIMITED Registrasie Nr: 2005/002060/07 KENNISGEWING VAN DIE ALGEMENE AANDEELHOUERSVERGADERING Notice is hereby given of the Annual Shareholders Meeting of Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Limited. The meeting will be held at VRS Head Office, Building No. 1, Mooikloof Office Park East, c/o Atterbury and Jollify Main Road, Mooikloof, Pretoria on Wednesday, 23 September 2015 at 15h30 (map included). Hiermee word kennis gegee van die Algemene Aandeelhouersvergadering van Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Limited. Die vergadering sal gehou word te VRS Hoofkantoor, Gebou Nr. 1, Mooikloof Office Park East, h/v Atterbury en Jollify Main Weg, Mooikloof, Pretoria op Woensdag, 23 September 2015 om 15h30 (padkaart ingesluit). AGENDA PAGE AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 3-5 1. 2. 3. 6 4. 7 – 23 5. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Open and Welcome Apologies / Proxies / Quorum Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 25 July 2014 Presentation of the Chairman’s Integrated Report Presentation of the Annual Financial Statements and Directors Report for the year ended 31 December 2014 Approval of Auditors Remuneration Appointment of Auditors Approval of Insurance Values with or without amendments Election and appointment of Directors. Dissolution of Meeting 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Opening en Verwelkoming. Verskonings / Volmagte / Kworum. Notule van die Jaarvergadering gehou op 25 Julie 2014 Aanbieding van die Voorsitter se Geïntegreerde Verslag. Aanbieding van die Finansiële Jaarstate en Direkteursverslag vir die jaar geëindig 31 Desember 2014 Goedkeuring van die Ouditeursvergoeding. Aanstelling van Ouditeure Goedkeuring van Versekeringswaardes met of sonder wysigings. Verkiesing en aanstelling van Direkteure Ontbinding van die Vergadering BBLADSY 3-5 6 7 - 23 NOTE NOTA Every Shareholder who is entitled to vote may appoint a Proxy and the Proxy form attached hereto, must be completed and received at the VRS offices at least 48 hours before the scheduled commencement time of the Meeting. Please e-mail (, fax (012 996 0556) or post (PO Box 35580, Menlo Park, 0102). Elke Aandeelhouer wat geregtig is om te stem mag ʼn Gevolmagtigde aanstel en die Volmagvorm, hierby aangeheg, moet voltooi en ontvang word by VRS se kantore ten minste 48 uur voor die aanvang van die Vergadering. Stuur dit asseblief per e-pos (, faks (012 996 0556) of pos (Posbus 35580, Menlo Park, 0102) In terms of the Companies Act meeting participants (including Proxies) are required to provide reasonably satisfactory identification before being entitled to attend or participate in a Shareholders meeting. Forms of identification include a valid identity document / drivers licence / passport. In gevolge die Maatskappywet moet persone (insluitend Gevolmagtigdes) wat die vergadering bywoon redelike bevredigende identifikasie voorsien voordat hulle geregtig is om die Ledevergadering by te woon of daaraan deel te neem. Bewys van identifikasie sluit geldige identiteitsdokument / rybewys / paspoort in. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD IN OPDRAG VAN DIE RAAD 1 DEAR SHAREHOLDER GEAGTE AANDEELHOUER You are cordially invited by the Management of Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Limited to attend the Annual Shareholders Meeting to be held at VRS Head Office, Building No. 1, Mooikloof Office Park East, c/o Atterbury and Jollify Main Road, Mooikloof, Pretoria on 23 September 2015 at 15h30. U word hartlik deur die Bestuur van Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Limited uitgenooi na die Algemene Aandeelhouersvergadering wat gehou word te VRS Hoofkantoor, Gebou Nr. 1, Mooikloof Office Park East, h/v Atterbury en Jollify Main Weg, Mooikloof, Pretoria op 23 September 2015 om 15h30. Enclosed herewith the following documents relating to the Annual Shareholders Meeting of Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Limited. Ons sluit hierby dokumentasie ten opsigte van die Algemene Aandeelhouersvergadering van Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Limited in. DOCUMENT: DOKUMENT: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. PAGE Notice of the Annual Shareholders Meeting and Agenda Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 25 July 2014 Chairman’s Integrated Report Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 Proposed Insurance Values RSVP Proxy Form Nomination of Directors Form 1-2 1. 3-5 2. 6 7 - 23 3. 4. 24 Insert Insert Insert 5. 6. 7. 8. BLADSY Kennisgewing van die Algemene Aandeelhouersvergadering en Agenda Notule van die Algemene Jaarvergadering gehou op 25 July 2014 Voorsitter se Geïntegreerde Verslag. Finansiële State vir die jaar geëindig 31 Desember 2014 Voorgestelde Versekeringswaardes Aanvaarding van uitnodiging Volmagvorm Direkteursnominasievorm 1-2 3-5 6 7 - 23 24 Insert Insert Insert Should you wish to have any matter of general interest raised at the meeting then please submit same in writing, to be received at least 48 hours before the Meeting commences, to VRS at PO Box 35580, Menlo Park, 0102, or fax to (012) 996 0556. Indien daar enige aangeleentheid is van algemene belang wat u graag wil bespreek, stel dit asseblief op skrif en stuur, sodat dit ontvang word ten minste 48 uur voor die aanvang van die Vergadering, aan VRS Posbus 35580, Menlo Park, 0102, of faks aan (012) 996 0556. Registered Address: Mooikloof Office Park East c/o Atterbury and Jollify Main Road Geregistreerde Adres: Mooikloof Office Park East h/v Atterbury en Jollify Main Weg Mooikloof Pretoria Mooikloof Pretoria 0059 0059 2 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING OF UVONGO RIVER RESORT SHARE BLOCK (PTY) LIMITED HELD AT VRS ON THE 25TH OF JULY 2014 AT 10H30 PRESENT: DIRECTORS: AS PER THE ATTENDANCE REGISTER MEMBERS: AS PER THE ATTENDANCE REGISTER BY INVITATION: AS PER THE ATTENDANCE REGISTER 1. OPEN AND WELCOME The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present. 2. APOLOGIES / PROXIES / QUORUM The Chair advised that one apology had been received. The Chair further advised that Members present in person or by proxy representing at least 1% of the total shares in the Company constituted a quorum and as the Members present represented 100 % of the total votes, the Chair accordingly declared the meeting as duly constituted. 3. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS AGM HELD ON THE 13 AUGUST 2013 The approved minutes had been circulated and there were no matters arising from the Minutes. 4. PRESENTATION OF THE CHAIR’S REPORT The Chair’s Report having been circulated was accepted as read. The Chair highlighted pertinent aspects of the Report and after discussion, the meeting accepted the Chair’s integrated Report and approved the actions of the Directors. 5. PRESENTATION OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013 NE presented the Annual Financial Statements and explained the various notes relating to the line items concerned. There were no matters arising from the presentation. 6. APPROVAL OF AUDITOR’S REMUNERATION The meeting considered the fees raised by the Auditors for work completed and as there were no questions or objections, the Members: Resolved by unanimous Resolution that: The Auditor’s fees be and are paid when received, approved and duly signed off. Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Limited Reg No 2005/002060/07 Directors ASM Meeting 25 July 2014 3 7. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS As there was no counter proposal or objection to the re-appointment of the Auditors, the Auditors therefore remained in office for the ensuing financial year. 8. INSURANCE SCHEDULE The meeting considered the circulated Insurance Schedule detailing the insured values, premiums, Broker and Insurer / Re-insurer for Caribbean Share Block Limited and accepted same. The meeting charged the Directors to extend the insurance policy for the next financial year and to retain the premiums within the budget parameters and also proposed that the insured period be synchronised with the financial year end. ACTION: MARONEL JOUBERT 9. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS The Directors did not stand down. 10. SPECIAL AND ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS The Chair referred to the contents of the Directors Report and outlined the reasons and effect of the Special Resolutions. On a show of hands the following Resolutions were unanimously carried: SPECIAL RESOLUTION 1 (USR1) “That the existing 1000 ordinary R1.00 par value shares (with no classification) be converted to 1000, “C” class shares retaining the current par value of R1.00 each as more fully described in Annexure “B” of the MoI attached hereto.” SPECIAL RESOLUTION 2 (USR2) “That the Company allot an additional 50 000 no par value “A” Class Shares granting the holder the development rights on the property.” SPECIAL RESOLUTION 3 (USR3) “That following on from the acceptance and approval of USR2 that the Company at the request of the “A” Class Shareholder convert 7332 no par value “A” Class Shares to 7332 no par value “B” Class Shares which will be linked to a Use Agreement in respect of the usage of time modules in the Units, and a cession of a portion of the loan obligation in accordance with Annexure “B”. SPECIAL RESOLUTION 4 (USR4) “That following on from the acceptance and approval of USR3 that the Company at the request of the “A” Class Shareholder convert 1000 no par value “A” Class Shares to 1000 no par value“D” Class Shares as more fully described in Annexure “B” of the MoI attached hereto.” Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Limited Reg No 2005/002060/07 Directors ASM Meeting 25 July 2014 4 SPECIAL RESOLUTION 5 (USR5) “That following on from the acceptance and approval of Special Resolution USR1 to and including USR4 that the existing MoI is abrogated in its entirety and replaced by the new MoI initialled by the Chair for identification purposes. The new MoI will be effective from the date of complete filing of the Special Resolutions with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC).” ORDINARY RESOLUTION “That following on from the acceptance and approval of Special Resolutions USR1 to and including USR5 with or without amendments as resolved by the Shareholders in the meeting that the Directors and / or the Company Secretary are hereby duly authorised to take such steps and sign and file such documents as may be necessary to give effect to the Special Resolutions.” 11. VOTE OF THANKS AND DISSOLUTION OF MEETING The Chair thanked VRS and the accounting staff for their assistance and contributions in ensuring good Corporate Governance and controls and thanked the Resort Management for their exemplary management of the Resort. As there were no further matters for discussion the Chair dissolved the meeting. Approved and signed at Pretoria on the 14th day of October 2014. ………………………………….. JW MEYER (Chair) Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Limited Reg No 2005/002060/07 Directors ASM Meeting 25 July 2014 5 UVONGO RIVER RESORT SHARE BLOCK (PTY) LIMITED Registration Number: 2005/002060/07 REPORT BY THE CHAIR It is once again my pleasure to provide you with an Annual Report in respect of the events during the past year. At the recent RCI Resort recognition and awards evening our team compared favourably to Resorts in the RCI Silver Crown category, which again proves that we are on the right path and offering not just holiday accommodation but memories for a lifetime. The past year had its fair share of challenges due to the introduction of new legislation, and our Members saw rocketing increases in prices of goods and services, which resulted in a general tightening of the belts in all sectors of commerce and home life. Our newly appointed Resort Management couple, have made great strides by redecorating the exterior of the buildings to now emulate “Little Italy”. It has made a tremendous change to the appearance of the Resort, and makes it fun to dream in “Little Italy”, whilst walking on the South Coast. Well done Charlie and Desire, you have made an enormous difference to the Resort and we look forward to see what else you have planned! On behalf the Board I would like to thank you and your team who ensure that our guests have a memorable stay. From the Annual Financial Statements, you will note that Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Ltd, reflects a deficit for the year under review of R 579 548. This was due to expenditure approved out of reserves for repairs (R 989 164) and refurbishment (R 433 476). This resulted in a retained deficit of R 572 344 as at 31 December 2014 (31 December 2013 R 7 199 surplus). Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Ltd has a positive liquidity projection for the next 12 months. A hearty congratulations to the VRS team, who received amazing accolades at the RCI Annual Resort Recognition Awards function. VRS Managed Resorts achieved the first place in respect of the Resort of the Year categories for large, medium and small Resorts. This is the first time in the history of these awards that, any single Managing Agent has been able to secure all three top positions, and we congratulate VRS on this achievement. I would like to thank my fellow Directors for their input and passion with which they pursue the objectives of the Company, and similarly would like to thank VRS and its extended staff component for their input and assistance in ensuring that our guests’ needs and requirements are addressed in a professional manner. Please note that the current documentation includes a Proxy form for the Annual Shareholders Meeting and in the event that you cannot attend the ASM, please complete the Proxy form. I trust that your 2015 year will be a memorable one, and wish you every success for the balance of 2015. Regards and blessings, John Meyer Chair 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 UVONGO RIVER RESORT SHARE BLOCK (PTY) LTD Insurance Schedule effective 01/08/2014 to 31/07/2015 Type Property Combined: Office Contents: Theft: Business All Risks: Machinery Breakdown: Electronic Equipment: Motor Vehicle Cover: Public Liability: Section Description Covered For Sum Insured Standard Building Sum Insured Standard Contents Sum Insured Miscellaneous Sum Insured Fire, Lightning, Flood, Special Perils Fire, Lightning, Flood, Special Perils Fire, Lightning, Flood, Special Perils R R R 37 000 000.00 R 25 489.87 R 41 596.87 R 33 300.00 22.94 37.44 Insured Value Office Contents R 3 188 592.00 R 13 870.32 Insured Value Entire contents of insured property R 100 000.00 R 3 800.04 Acer Travelmate 5730G Laptop Business All Risks Items as per Asset Register R R 15 000.00 R 30 496.12 R 1 102.44 2 241.48 Insured Value Items as per Asset Register R 312 000.00 R 1 185.60 Insured Value Items as per Asset Register R 236 664.03 R 5 135.64 2013 DAIHATSU GRAN MAX 1 TON - TBA Comprehensive R 144 430.00 R 5 777.16 Insured Value Occurrence Basis R 50 000 000.00 R 20 718.84 R R 7 059.12 5 231.52 R R 99 482.54 8 290.21 SASRIA ADMIN FEE TOTAL PREMIUM FOR UVONGO RIVER RESORT SHARE BLOCK (PTY) LTD BROKER CONSULTANT UNDERWRITERS Annual Premium Safari & Touism Brokers Natasha Parry Lloyds Liability Lloyds Motor Santam Multimark III incl S24 24 Per Annum Per Month RSVP UVONGO RIVER RESORT SHARE BLOCK (PTY) LTD Please complete and forward the information below to VRS on or before 16 September 2015 in order for the Management Company to make the necessary arrangements. Kind Regards, Marjorie Forssman Name: _______________________________ Shareholder No: _______________________ Kindly Accept: YES NO Fax: (012) 996 0556 Number of people: ___________ E-mail: RSVP UVONGO RIVER RESORT SHARE BLOCK (PTY) LTD Voltooi en stuur asseblief die inligting hieronder aan VRS voor of op 16 September 2015 om die Bestuursagent in staat te stel om die nodige reëlings te tref. Vriendelike Groete, Marjorie Forssman Naam: _______________________________ Aandeelhouer Nr: ______________________ Neem uitnodiging aan: JA NEE Faks: (012) 996 0556 Aantal persone: ___________ E-pos: ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING – PROXY FORM UVONGO RIVER RESORT SHARE BLOCK (PTY) LTD Reg No: 2005/002060/07 FORM OF PROXY FOR USE BY SHAREHOLDERS AT THE ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING OF UVONGO RIVER RESORT SHARE BLOCK (PTY) LTD, TO BE HELD AT VRS HEAD OFFICE, BUILDING NO. 1, MOOIKLOOF OFFICE PARK EAST, C/O ATTERBURY & JOLLIFY MAIN ROAD, MOOIKLOOF, PRETORIA, ON WEDNESDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 2015 AT 15H30. I / We Shareholder No: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Of Number of Shares (Votes): _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Hereby appoint _________________________________________ of ___________________________________________________ Or failing him / her _________________________________________ of ____________________________________________________ Or failing him / her, the Chair of the Meeting as my Proxy to vote on my behalf at the Annual Shareholders Meeting of the Company, to be held on the above mentioned date and at any adjournment thereof as follows: IN FAVOUR AGAINST ABSTAIN Approval of Auditors Remuneration Appointment of Auditors Approval of Insurance Schedule Election and Appointment of Directors (Indicate instruction given to Proxy by means of a cross in the space provided.) Unless otherwise instructed, the Proxy may vote as he/she thinks fit. Signature ______________________________ Signed at ________________________ this ______________ day of __________________________________ 2015. Note: Any alteration or correction made to this form of proxy (excluding the deletion of alternatives, and excluding the deletion of singular / plural alternatives) must be initialled by the signatory/ies. Documentary evidence establishing the authority of a person signing this form of proxy in a representative capacity (e.g. on behalf of a Company, Close Corporation of Trust) must be attached to this form. The completion and lodging of this form of proxy will not preclude the relevant Shareholder from attending the meeting, speaking and voting in person thereat, to the exclusion of any Proxy appointed in terms thereof, should such Shareholder wish to do so. P.T.O ALGEMENE AANDEELHOUERS VERGADERING – VOLMAG VORM UVONGO RIVER RESORT SHARE BLOCK (PTY) LTD Reg No: 2005/002060/07 VOLMAG VIR GEBRUIK DEUR AANDEELHOUERS BY DIE ALGEMENE AANDEELHOUERSVERGADERING VAN UVONGO RIVER RESORT SHARE BLOCK (PTY) LTD, WAT GEHOU SAL WORD TE VRS HOOFKANTOOR, GEBOU NR. 1, MOOIKLOOF OFFICE PARK EAST, H/V ATTERBURY & JOLLIFY MAIN WEG, MOOIKLOOF, PRETORIA, OP WOWNSDAG, 23 SEPTEMBER 2015 OM 15H30. Ek / Ons Aandeelhouer Nr: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Van Aantal Aandele (Stemme): _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Stel hiermee aan ________________________________________ van ____________________________________________________ Of indien nie hy / sy nie _________________________________________ van ___________________________________________________ Of indien nie hy / sy nie, die Voorsitter van die Vergadering om as Gevolmagtigde te stem op die Algemene Aandeelhouers Vergadering van die Maatskappy, wat gehou word op die bogenoemde dag en by enige verdaging daarvan soos volg te stem: TEN GUNSTE TEEN BUITE STEMMING Goedkeuring van Ouditeursvergoeding Aanstelling van Ouditeure Goedkeuring van Versekeringskedule Verkiesing en Aanstelling van Direkteure (Dui opdrag aan Gevolmagtigde aan by wyse van ‘n kruis in die ruimte hierbo voorsien.) Tensy andersins opgedra, kan my Gevolmagtigde stem soos hy/sy goeddink. Handtekening ______________________________ Geteken te ______________________ hierdie ____________ dag van _________________________________ 2015. Note continued: Any Shareholder entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a Proxy, to attend, vote or speak in his / her stead and such Proxy need not also be a Shareholder of the Company. This Proxy Form should be forwarded to reach the registered office of the Company, for the attention of the Managing Agent by no later than 48 hours before the meeting. If these requirements are not fulfilled the proxy will be null and void. Facsimile & e-mail copies must be verified by the Chair before commencement of the meeting to be eligible for acceptance. UVONGO RIVER RESORT SHARE BLOCK (PTY) LTD REG NO: 2005/002060/07 NOMINATION OF DIRECTORS / NOMINASIE VAN DIREKTEURE I/We__________________________________________________________ nominate and propose the following persons to serve as Directors on the Board of Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Ltd. Ek/Ons________________________________________________________ benoem en stel die volgende persone voor om te dien as Direkteure op die Raad van Uvongo River Resort Share Block (Pty) Ltd. Name of Nominee Naam van Genomineerde 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Shareholder No. Aandeelhouer Nr. Acceptance * Aanvaarding * * The nominee to sign this form in acceptance of the nomination and to submit an abridged CV indicating their proposed contribution to the Company. / Die genomineerde moet hierdie vorm teken as aanvaarding van die nominasie en ook ‘n verkorte CV wat hul bydrae tot die Maatskappy uiteensit, aanheg. This duly completed nomination form and the abridged CV must reach VRS at least 48 hours prior to commencement of the meeting. / Hierdie voltooide vorm en die verkorte CV moet VRS ten minste 48 uur voor aanvang van die vergadering bereik. _________________________ Proposer/Voorsteller _____________________ Date/Datum Fax: 012 996 0556 Annual Shareholders Meeting 2015 For more information contact: VRS - Vacation Recreational Services: Managing Agent Building No. 1 Mooikloof Office Park East c/o Atterbury & Jollify Main Road Mooikloof Pretoria 0059 Tel: +27 (0) 12 492 1232 Fax: +27 (0) 12 996 0556 P.O. Box 35580 Menlo Park 0102