Cenik EN _RICOM kovové komíny
Cenik EN _RICOM kovové komíny
05/2013 Product catalog - price list Komínové Chimney systémy system STAINLESS STEEL - Single Wall STAINLESS STEEL - Double Wall STEEL FLUE PIPES www.ricomgas.cz INTRODUCTION The catalogue of components of the stainless steel system RICOMgas serves for designing, assembling and employment of the system for exhaust of flue gases and the input of combustion air. The rust-free system is intended for ventilation and exhaustion of flue gases from the appliances employing gas, fuel oil and solid fuels both with dry and wet operation. The designing of chimney elements comprises the following issues: - determination of the connection point on the side of the appliance - determination of the mouthing point of the concerned element - assembly of the chimney section – geometrical & functional determination of connecting elements from the appliances up to the chimney cap - compliance of the total admissible length of the chimney section - raising of an order for the elements determined already Rules for employment of stainless steel overpressure chimney system: - when employing stainless steel flue liners for overpressure systems up to 200 Pa, class P1 (the so-called turbo, condensing boilers), silicone sealing must be used for every joint of individual components. - silicone sealing forms part of any elements of the diameters DN 80 and DN 100. - from the diameter DN 110 and upwards, silicone sealing must be ordered separately. - from the diameter DN 110 and upwards, coupling sleeves are used for every joint. - for the overpressure system up to 5.000 Pa, class H1, there are employed coupling sleeves with outside silicone collars. - the system can be employed for flue gases of the temperature up to 200° C Rules for employment of stainless steel under-pressure chimney system: - when employing stainess steel flue liner for under-pressure system of class N1. - in every joint, rust-free coupling sleeves are employed. - the system is certified for the temperature classes T250 and T600. CONTENT AND CONTACTS Introduction -2- Content and contacts -3- Characteristic according EN 1856 -4- Stainless steel system - Single Wall -5- Stainless steel system - Double Wall - 18 - Steel flue pipes - 25 - Other product of RICOM gas, Ltd. - 30 - Version 20130501 RICOM gas, s.r.o. Group Head Office Na Bělidle 1135 460 06 Liberec 6 Czech Republic RICOM gas, s.r.o. Warehouse, Expedition Tovární 319 471 54 Cvikov Czech Republic IČ: 25414852 DiČ: CZ25414852 WEB: www.ricomgas.cz TEL: 487 751 070 - orders FAX: 487 521 897 - orders EMAIL: obchod@ricomgas.cz Technical department Jaroslav Březina 737 230 680 technik@ricomgas.cz Orders Petra Elstnerová 737 230 682 petra.elstnerova@ricomgas.cz Valid from 01.05.2013 -3- STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEMS Characteristic according EN 1856-1 and EN 1856-2 Chimney EN 1856-1 EN 1856-1 T200 P1 T250 N1 W W V2 V2 L50040 L50040 O(50) O(50) Chimney liners EN 1856-2 T600 N1 W V2 L50040 G Double Wall Chimney EN 1856-1 EN 1856-1 EN 1856-1 T200 P1 T450 N1 T600 N1 W W W V2 V2 V2 L50040 L50040 L50040 O(00) O(40) G(60) System name European standard (document nr.) Temperature class Pressure level Wet/Dry Corrosion resistance class Material class Sootfire resistance -4- Prices are without VAT and transportation cost CONTENT - SYSTEM SW Extension pipes SW, seals, wall supports -6- Base plates SW, roof suports -8- Bends SW - 10 - T-pieces SW - 12 - Soot collectors SW - 13 - Inspection and test pieces SW - 14 - Reductions and adapters SW - 15 - Rain caps SW - 16 - Finishing plates SW - 17 - -5- STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - SW Straight pipe - 265 Adjustable pipe - 65-206 mm Description: stainless pipe - fixed lenght Description: Adjustable pipe 65 - 206 mm Code Description DN € DN € 08025SWJ Straight pipe - lenght 265mm 80 10,60 08023SWJ Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 206 mm 80 17,65 10025SWJ Straight pipe - lenght 265mm 100 12,36 10023SWJ Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 206 mm 100 19,82 11025SW Straight pipe - lenght 265mm 110 11,22 11023SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 206 mm 110 22,34 1A025SW Straight pipe - lenght 265mm 120 12,04 1A023SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 206 mm 120 23,16 13025SW Straight pipe - lenght 265mm 130 13,20 13023SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 206 mm 130 24,98 14025SW Straight pipe - lenght 265mm 140 14,19 14023SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 206 mm 140 25,97 15025SW Straight pipe - lenght 265mm 150 15,19 15023SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 206 mm 150 26,97 16025SW Straight pipe - lenght 265mm 160 16,67 16023SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 206 mm 160 30,48 18025SW Straight pipe - lenght 265mm 180 18,16 18023SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 206 mm 180 32,32 20025SW Straight pipe - lenght 265mm 200 20,12 20023SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 206 mm 200 35,10 25025SW Straight pipe - lenght 265mm 250 26,07 25023SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 206 mm 250 43,43 30025SW Straight pipe - lenght 265mm 300 35,59 30023SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 206 mm 300 53,78 Description 08024SWJ 10024SWJ Description Adjustable pipe - 65-373 mm Straight pipe - 430 mm Code Code Description: Adjustable pipe 65 - 373 mm DN € Straight pipe - lenght 430mm 80 13,95 Straight pipe - lenght 430mm 100 16,20 11024SW Straight pipe - lenght 430mm 110 15,44 1A024SW Straight pipe - lenght 430mm 120 16,57 13024SW Straight pipe - lenght 430mm 130 18,16 14024SW Straight pipe - lenght 430mm 140 19,51 15024SW Straight pipe - lenght 430mm 150 20,88 16024SW Straight pipe - lenght 430mm 160 22,91 Code DN € 18024SW Straight pipe - lenght 430mm 180 24,97 08022SWJ Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 373 mm 80 21,00 20024SW Straight pipe - lenght 430mm 200 27,69 10022SWJ Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 373 mm 100 23,66 25024SW Straight pipe - lenght 430mm 250 35,86 11022SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 373 mm 110 26,56 30024SW Straight pipe - lenght 430mm 300 44,47 1A022SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 373 mm 120 27,68 13022SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 373 mm 130 29,94 14022SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 373 mm 140 31,29 15022SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 373 mm 150 32,66 16022SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 373 mm 160 36,74 18022SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 373 mm 180 39,11 20022SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 373 mm 200 42,67 25022SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 373 mm 250 53,22 30022SW Adjustable pipe - lenght 65 - 373 mm 300 62,68 Straight pipe - 930 mm Code Description DN € 08020SWJ Straight pipe - lenght 930mm 80 22,73 10020SWJ Straight pipe - lenght 930mm 100 26,29 11020SW Straight pipe - lenght 930mm 110 26,49 1A020SW Straight pipe - lenght 930mm 120 28,46 13020SW Straight pipe - lenght 930mm 130 31,18 14020SW Straight pipe - lenght 930mm 140 33,52 15020SW Straight pipe - lenght 930mm 150 35,86 16020SW Straight pipe - lenght 930mm 160 39,37 18020SW Straight pipe - lenght 930mm 180 42,87 20020SW Straight pipe - lenght 930mm 200 47,54 25020SW Straight pipe - lenght 930mm 250 61,56 30020SW Straight pipe - lenght 930mm 300 76,38 Description Note: DN 80 and DN 100 contains internal silicone seal Seal must be ordered separately for other diametres (only in overpressure application). -6- Prices are without VAT and transportation cost STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - SW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Seal Locking band Description: Seal Description: Locking band DN € DN € 08001SW Code Seal Description 80 1,58 08070SW Locking band 80 3,56 10001SW Seal 100 1,96 10070SW Locking band 100 3,56 11001SW Seal 110 5,09 11070SW Locking band 110 4,01 1A001SW Seal 120 5,09 1A070SW Locking band 120 4,01 13001SW Seal 130 4,71 13070SW Locking band 130 4,46 14001SW Seal 140 5,09 14070SW Locking band 140 4,46 15001SW Seal 150 5,09 15070SW Locking band 150 4,46 16001SW Seal 160 6,79 16070SW Locking band 160 4,69 18001SW Seal 180 5,09 18070SW Locking band 180 4,91 20001SW Seal 200 6,79 20070SW Locking band 200 4,91 25001SW Seal 250 7,61 25070SW Locking band 250 5,35 30001SW Seal 300 9,32 30070SW Locking band 300 5,35 Code Description Flat wall support Flat wall support 100 - 250 mm Description: Flat wall support Description: Flat wall support cuttable 100 - 250 mm DN € DN € 08086SW Flat wall support 80 7,32 08836SW Flat short cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 80 33,62 10086SW Flat wall support 100 7,49 10836SW Flat short cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 100 34,45 11086SW Flat wall support 110 7,68 11836SW Flat short cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 110 35,28 7,85 1A836SW Flat short cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 120 36,13 13836SW Flat short cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 130 37,78 14836SW Flat short cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 140 38,56 15836SW Flat short cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 150 39,33 16836SW Flat short cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 160 52,20 18836SW Flat short cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 180 65,06 20836SW Flat short cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 200 68,06 Code Description Code Description 1A086SW Flat wall support 13086SW Flat wall support 130 8,22 14086SW Flat wall support 140 8,38 15086SW Flat wall support 150 8,55 16086SW Flat wall support 160 11,35 18086SW Flat wall support 180 14,15 20086SW Flat wall support 200 14,80 25836SW Flat short cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 250 70,96 25086SW Flat wall support 250 15,43 30836SW Flat short cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 300 84,68 30086SW Flat wall support 300 18,41 120 Note: DN 80 and DN 100 contains internal silicone seal Seal must be ordered separately for other diametres (only in overpressure application). Prices are without VAT and transportation cost -7- STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - SW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Base plate with drain Console plate Description: Base plate with drain Description: Console plate DN € DN € 08065SWJ Base plate with drain 80 81,27 13854SW Console plate 130 85,37 10065SWJ Base plate with drain 100 83,66 14854SW Console plate 140 87,27 11065SW Base plate with drain 110 83,52 15854SW Console plate 150 89,17 1A065SW Base plate with drain 120 85,49 16854SW Console plate 160 91,13 13065SW Base plate with drain 130 89,36 18854SW Console plate 180 93,08 14065SW Base plate with drain 140 92,35 20854SW Console plate 200 97,25 15065SW Base plate with drain 150 95,33 25854SW Console plate 250 110,80 16065SW Base plate with drain 160 97,32 30854SW Console plate 300 238,99 18065SW Base plate with drain 180 99,29 20065SW Base plate with drain 200 104,62 25065SW Base plate with drain 250 109,95 30065SW Base plate with drain 300 142,96 Code Description Code Description Console Roof support Description: Console Description: roof support DN € DN € 08857SW Console 80 45,77 08082SW Roof support 80 15,78 10857SW Console 100 61,02 10082SW Roof support 100 16,03 13857SW Console 130 62,02 11082SW Roof support 110 16,29 15857SW Console 150 85,23 1A082SW Roof support 120 16,56 16857SW Console 160 86,22 13082SW Roof support 130 17,08 18857SW Console 180 86,89 14082SW Roof support 140 17,33 20857SW Console 200 88,21 15082SW Roof support 150 17,58 25857SW Console 250 92,86 16082SW Roof support 160 23,18 30857SW Console 300 109,44 18082SW Roof support 180 28,76 20082SW Roof support 200 30,53 25082SW Roof support 250 32,24 30082SW Roof support 300 34,07 Code Description Code Description Note: DN 80 and DN 100 contains internal silicone seal Seal must be ordered separately for other diametres (only in overpressure application). -8- Prices are without VAT and transportation cost STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - SW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Location bracket Floor support for T-piece Description: Components fixation and centering DN € DN € 48080 Support for T-piece 80 22,86 37080/2 Location bracket 80 11,15 48100 Support for T-piece 100 25,71 37100/2 Location bracket 100 12,04 48110 Support for T-piece 110 25,71 37110/2 Location bracket 110 11,88 48125 Support for T-piece 125 29,18 37125/2 Location bracket 125 14,45 48130 Support for T-piece 130 26,53 37130/2 Location bracket 130 16,43 48140 Support for T-piece 140 28,16 37140/2 Location bracket 140 17,18 48150 Support for T-piece 150 29,39 37150/2 Location bracket 150 17,68 48160 Support for T-piece 160 35,10 37160/2 Location bracket 160 14,94 48180 Support for T-piece 180 35,51 37180/2 Location bracket 180 19,42 48200 Support for T-piece 200 39,39 37200/2 Location bracket 200 21,16 48250 Support for T-piece 250 40,00 37250/2 Location bracket 250 21,66 48300 Support for T-piece 300 66,12 37300/2 Location bracket 300 27,64 Code Description Code Description Floor support for Bend DN € 46080 Code Support for bend Description 80 25,71 46110 Support for bend 100 27,17 46110 Support for bend 110 27,17 46125 Support for bend 125 29,39 46130 Support for bend 130 31,84 46140 Support for bend 140 33,06 46150 Support for bend 150 34,29 46160 Support for bend 160 31,84 46180 Support for bend 180 36,73 46200 Support for bend 200 36,73 46250 Support for bend 250 50,20 46300 Support for bend 300 60,00 Note: DN 80 and DN 100 contains internal silicone seal Seal must be ordered separately for other diametres (only in overpressure application). Prices are without VAT and transportation cost -9- STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - SW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Bend 15° Bend 45° Description: Bend 15° Description: Bend 45° DN € DN € 08044SWJ Code Bend 15° Description 80 16,25 08040SWJ Bend 45° 80 14,93 10044SWJ Bend 15° 100 18,92 10040SWJ Bend 45° 100 17,39 11044SW Bend 15° 110 18,00 11040SW Bend 45° 110 16,37 1A044SW Bend 15° 120 18,82 1A040SW Bend 45° 120 17,11 13044SW Bend 15° 130 19,61 13040SW Bend 45° 130 17,83 14044SW Bend 15° 140 20,78 14040SW Bend 45° 140 18,90 15044SW Bend 15° 150 21,96 15040SW Bend 45° 150 19,96 16044SW Bend 15° 160 24,67 16040SW Bend 45° 160 22,43 18044SW Bend 15° 180 27,38 18040SW Bend 45° 180 24,89 20044SW Bend 15° 200 31,04 20040SW Bend 45° 200 28,22 25044SW Bend 15° 250 39,09 25040SW Bend 45° 250 35,53 30044SW Bend 15° 300 66,71 30040SW Bend 45° 300 60,63 Code Description Bend 30° Bend 87° Description: Bend 30° Description: Bend 87° DN € DN € 08042SWJ Code Bend 30° Description 80 16,25 08043SWJ Code Bend 87° Description 80 21,30 10042SWJ Bend 30° 100 18,92 10043SWJ Bend 87° 100 24,24 11042SW Bend 30° 110 18,00 11043SW Bend 87° 110 23,86 1A042SW Bend 30° 120 18,82 1A043SW Bend 87° 120 25,28 13042SW Bend 30° 130 19,61 13043SW Bend 87° 130 26,57 14042SW Bend 30° 140 20,78 14043SW Bend 87° 140 28,21 15042SW Bend 30° 150 21,96 15043SW Bend 87° 150 29,83 16042SW Bend 30° 160 24,67 16043SW Bend 87° 160 33,90 18042SW Bend 30° 180 27,38 18043SW Bend 87° 180 37,97 20042SW Bend 30° 200 31,04 20043SW Bend 87° 200 41,98 25042SW Bend 30° 250 39,09 25043SW Bend 87° 250 52,80 30042SW Bend 30° 300 66,71 30043SW Bend 87° 300 66,82 Note: DN 80 and DN 100 contains internal silicone seal Seal must be ordered separately for other diametres (only in overpressure application). - 10 - Prices are without VAT and transportation cost STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - SW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Bend 90° Inspection bend 90° Description: Bend 90° Description: Inspection bend 90° DN € DN € 08433SWJ Code Bend 90° Description 80 21,30 08432SWJ Code Inspection bend 90° Description 80 25,22 10433SWJ Bend 90° 100 24,24 10432SWJ Inspection bend 90° 100 28,67 11433SW Bend 90° 110 23,86 11432SW Inspection bend 90° 110 28,64 1A433SW Bend 90° 120 25,28 1A432SW Inspection bend 90° 120 30,34 13433SW Bend 90° 130 26,57 13432SW Inspection bend 90° 130 31,88 14433SW Bend 90° 140 28,21 14432SW Inspection bend 90° 140 33,84 15433SW Bend 90° 150 29,83 15432SW Inspection bend 90° 150 35,80 16433SW Bend 90° 160 33,90 16432SW Inspection bend 90° 160 40,69 18433SW Bend 90° 180 37,97 18432SW Inspection bend 90° 180 45,58 20433SW Bend 90° 200 41,98 20432SW Inspection bend 90° 200 50,37 25433SW Bend 90° 250 52,80 25432SW Inspection bend 90° 250 63,35 30433SW Bend 90° 300 66,82 30432SW Inspection bend 90° 300 80,18 Inspection bend 87° Description: Inspection bend 87° Distanční objímka dvojitá DN € 08431SWJ Code Inspection bend 87° Description 80 25,22 10431SWJ Inspection bend 87° 100 28,67 11431SW Inspection bend 87° 110 28,64 1A431SW Inspection bend 87° 120 30,34 13431SW Inspection bend 87° 130 31,88 14431SW Inspection bend 87° 140 33,84 15431SW Inspection bend 87° 150 35,80 16431SW Inspection bend 87° 160 40,69 18431SW Inspection bend 87° 180 45,58 20431SW Inspection bend 87° 200 50,37 25431SW Inspection bend 87° 250 63,35 30431SW Inspection bend 87° 300 80,18 Note: DN 80 and DN 100 contains internal silicone seal Seal must be ordered separately for other diametres (only in overpressure application). Prices are without VAT and transportation cost - 11 - STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - SW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM T-piece 93° Reducing T-piece 93° Description: T-piece 93° Description: reducing T-piece 93° DN € DN € 0831ASWJ Code T-piece 93° Description 80 28,23 10037SWJ Reducing T-piece 93° 100 69,89 1031ASWJ T-piece 93° 100 32,44 11037SW Reducing T-piece 93° 110 75,42 1131ASW T-piece 93° 110 35,62 1A037SW Reducing T-piece 93° 120 80,25 1A31ASW T-piece 93° 120 37,90 13037SW Reducing T-piece 93° 130 86,40 1331ASW T-piece 93° 130 43,20 14037SW Reducing T-piece 93° 140 92,48 1431ASW T-piece 93° 140 46,24 15037SW Reducing T-piece 93° 150 92,74 1531ASW T-piece 93° 150 49,27 16037SW Reducing T-piece 93° 160 99,87 1631ASW T-piece 93° 160 53,06 18037SW Reducing T-piece 93° 180 100,31 1831ASW T-piece 93° 180 56,84 20037SW Reducing T-piece 93° 200 120,38 2031ASW T-piece 93° 200 68,21 2531ASW T-piece 93° 250 83,38 3031ASW T-piece 93° 300 98,53 Code Description T-piece 90° Koleno 87° se Description: T-piece 90° DN € 08031SWJ Code T-piece 90° Description 80 28,23 10031SWJ T-piece 90° 100 32,44 11031SW T-piece 90° 110 35,62 1A031SW T-piece 90° 120 37,90 13031SW T-piece 90° 130 43,20 14031SW T-piece 90° 140 46,24 15031SW T-piece 90° 150 49,27 16031SW T-piece 90° 160 53,06 18031SW T-piece 90° 180 56,84 20031SW T-piece 90° 200 68,21 25031SW T-piece 90° 250 83,38 30031SW T-piece 90° 300 98,53 Note: DN 80 and DN 100 contains internal silicone seal Seal must be ordered separately for other diametres (only in overpressure application). - 12 - Prices are without VAT and transportation cost STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - SW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Soot collector Soot collector with side drain DN € DN € 08060SWJ Soot collector 80 11,34 13613SW Soot collector with side drain 130 25,10 10060SWJ Soot collector 100 13,99 14613SW Soot collector with side drain 140 25,90 11060SW Soot collector 110 13,10 15613SW Soot collector with side drain 150 26,69 1A060SW Soot collector 120 13,14 16613SW Soot collector with side drain 160 28,76 13060SW Soot collector 130 13,40 18613SW Soot collector with side drain 180 30,81 14060SW Soot collector 140 14,23 20613SW Soot collector with side drain 200 32,68 15060SW Soot collector 150 15,07 25613SW Soot collector with side drain 250 38,10 16060SW Soot collector 160 16,38 30613SW Soot collector with side drain 300 46,80 18060SW Soot collector 180 17,69 20060SW Soot collector 200 19,67 25060SW Soot collector 250 24,12 30060SW Soot collector 300 32,51 Code Description Code Description Soot collector with drain DN € 08061SWJ Code Soot collector with drain Description 80 18,11 10061SWJ Soot collector with drain 100 19,78 11061SW Soot collector with drain 110 18,50 1A061SW Soot collector with drain 120 19,09 13061SW Soot collector with drain 130 20,08 14061SW Soot collector with drain 140 20,71 15061SW Soot collector with drain 150 21,35 16061SW Soot collector with drain 160 23,00 18061SW Soot collector with drain 180 24,66 20061SW Soot collector with drain 200 26,15 25061SW Soot collector with drain 250 30,48 30061SW Soot collector with drain 300 37,44 Note: DN 80 and DN 100 contains internal silicone seal Seal must be ordered separately for other diametres (only in overpressure application). Prices are without VAT and transportation cost - 13 - STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - SW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Inspection T-piece Measurement point Description: Inspection T-piece rounded - overpressure app. DN € DN € 08528SWJ Code Inspection T-piece Description 80 50,63 08050SWJ Code Measurement point Description 80 26,77 10528SWJ Inspection T-piece 100 59,74 10050SWJ Measurement point 100 28,80 11528SW Inspection T-piece 110 66,01 11050SW Measurement point 110 27,90 1A528SW Inspection T-piece 120 68,65 1A050SW Measurement point 120 28,91 13528SW Inspection T-piece 130 75,09 13050SW Measurement point 130 30,31 14528SW Inspection T-piece 140 80,15 14050SW Measurement point 140 31,53 15528SW Inspection T-piece 150 85,19 15050SW Measurement point 150 32,73 16528SW Inspection T-piece 160 92,06 16050SW Measurement point 160 34,55 18528SW Inspection T-piece 180 98,89 18050SW Measurement point 180 36,38 20528SW Inspection T-piece 200 115,57 20050SW Measurement point 200 38,77 25528SW Inspection T-piece 250 132,53 25050SW Measurement point 250 46,05 30528SW Inspection T-piece 300 149,46 30050SW Measurement point 300 57,65 Inspection and cleaning T-piece Description: Inspection T-piece - underpressure app. DN € 11521SW Code Inspection T-piece Description 110 106,87 1A521SW Inspection T-piece 120 113,70 13521SW Inspection T-piece 130 129,60 14521SW Inspection T-piece 140 138,73 15521SW Inspection T-piece 150 147,80 16521SW Inspection T-piece 160 159,17 18521SW Inspection T-piece 180 164,86 20521SW Inspection T-piece 200 170,54 25521SW Inspection T-piece 250 187,60 30521SW Inspection T-piece 300 221,71 Note: DN 80 and DN 100 contains internal silicone seal Seal must be ordered separately for other diametres (only in overpressure application). - 14 - Prices are without VAT and transportation cost STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - SW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Reduction Code Description from DN (A) to DN (B) € Y0026SWJ Reduction 100 80 35,03 KH026SW Reduction 110 100 36,09 KL026SW Reduction 110 120 38,75 BF026SW Reduction 120 150 48,83 Adapter Code Description from DN (A) to DN (B) € F L U E AD026SWJ Adapter 80 100 34,61 KI026SW Adapter 80 110 37,79 BA026SW Adapter 80 120 40,45 CG026SW Adapter 80 130 44,15 DT026SW Adapter 80 180 60,08 CH026SW Adapter 100 130 44,58 XN026SW Adapter 100 140 47,76 DF026SW Adapter 100 150 50,95 ZA026SW Adapter 100 160 55,74 DU026SW Adapter 100 180 60,51 ES026SW Adapter 100 200 66,87 KJ026SW Adapter 110 100 38,21 LI026SW Adapter 110 130 42,45 XO026SW Adapter 110 140 45,65 LJ026SW Adapter 110 150 48,83 ZB026SW Adapter 110 160 53,62 LM026SW Adapter 110 180 58,39 LN026SW Adapter 110 200 64,75 CI026SW Adapter 120 130 42,45 DV026SW Adapter 120 180 58,39 CJ026SW Adapter 125 130 42,45 XQ026SW Adapter 130 140 45,65 DH026SW Adapter 130 150 48,83 YC026SW Adapter 130 160 53,62 DX026SW Adapter 130 180 58,39 EU026SW Adapter 130 200 64,75 YI026SW Adapter 140 150 48,83 ZD026SW Adapter 150 160 53,62 DY026SW Adapter 150 180 58,39 M4026SW Adapter 150 200 64,75 M7026SW Adapter 150 250 83,86 XC026SW Adapter 160 180 58,39 XD026SW Adapter 160 200 64,75 XE026SW Adapter 160 250 83,86 DN € 08105SW SW/DW connection 80 17,98 EV026SW Adapter 180 200 64,75 10105SW SW/DW connection 100 20,65 GY026SW Adapter 180 250 83,86 13105SW SW/DW connection 130 26,65 M9026SW Adapter 200 250 83,86 15105SW SW/DW connection 150 30,63 18105SW SW/DW connection 180 36,62 20105SW SW/DW connection 200 40,62 25105SW SW/DW connection 250 52,61 30105SW SW/DW connection 300 71,79 G A S SW/DW connection Code Description Note: DN 80 and DN 100 contains internal silicone seal Seal must be ordered separately for other diametres (only in overpressure application). Prices are without VAT and transportation cost - 15 - STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - SW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Rain cap Code Open terminal DN € DN € 08010SW Rain cap Description 80 35,06 08011SW Open terminal 80 26,24 10010SW Rain cap 100 37,67 10011SW Open terminal 100 27,62 11010SW Rain cap 110 38,70 11011SW Open terminal 110 29,08 1A010SW Rain cap 120 42,71 1A011SW Open terminal 120 30,81 13010SW Rain cap 130 44,14 13011SW Open terminal 130 32,04 14010SW Rain cap 140 46,90 14011SW Open terminal 140 33,70 15010SW Rain cap 150 49,64 15011SW Open terminal 150 35,34 16010SW Rain cap 160 53,87 16011SW Open terminal 160 38,31 18010SW Rain cap 180 58,10 18011SW Open terminal 180 41,27 20010SW Rain cap 200 67,79 20011SW Open terminal 200 44,96 25010SW Rain cap 250 85,64 25011SW Open terminal 250 56,24 30010SW Rain cap 300 112,43 30011SW Open terminal 300 70,02 Storm collar Code Code Description Chimney terminal - horizontal DN € DN € 08134SW Storm collar Description 80 21,82 08015SW Chimney terminal - horizontal 80 24,53 10134SW Storm collar 100 22,66 10015SW Chimney terminal - horizontal 100 24,53 11134SW Storm collar 110 23,49 11015SW Chimney terminal - horizontal 110 24,53 1A134SW Storm collar 120 24,34 13015SW Chimney terminal - horizontal 130 24,53 13134SW Storm collar 130 25,57 14015SW Chimney terminal - horizontal 140 24,53 14134SW Storm collar 140 26,01 15015SW Chimney terminal - horizontal 150 29,48 15134SW Storm collar 150 26,44 16015SW Chimney terminal - horizontal 160 29,48 16134SW Storm collar 160 27,22 18134SW Storm collar 180 28,14 20134SW Storm collar 200 32,40 25134SW Storm collar 250 40,94 30134SW Storm collar 300 46,19 Code Description Note: DN 80 and DN 100 contains internal silicone seal Seal must be ordered separately for other diametres (only in overpressure application). - 16 - Prices are without VAT and transportation cost STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - SW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Finishing plate with storm collar Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar + + DN € DN € 08852SW Code Finishing plate with storm collar Description 80 45,27 08018SW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 80 102,89 10852SW Finishing plate with storm collar 100 49,59 10018SW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 100 106,84 11852SW Finishing plate with storm collar 110 53,03 11018SW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 110 110,80 1A852SW Finishing plate with storm collar 120 43,85 1A018SW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 120 114,76 13852SW Finishing plate with storm collar 130 60,33 13018SW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 130 120,57 14852SW Finishing plate with storm collar 140 63,37 14018SW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 140 121,11 15852SW Finishing plate with storm collar 150 66,40 15018SW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 150 121,65 16852SW Finishing plate with storm collar 160 71,16 16018SW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 160 122,19 18852SW Finishing plate with storm collar 180 75,92 18018SW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 180 122,72 20852SW Finishing plate with storm collar 200 85,39 20018SW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 200 122,72 25852SW Finishing plate with storm collar 250 109,55 25018SW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 250 166,59 30852SW Finishing plate with storm collar 300 131,31 30018SW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 300 166,59 Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar Code Description Flat flashing with storm collar + Code Description + DN € DN € 08017SW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 80 102,89 08019SW Code Flat flashing with storm collar Description 80 85,63 10017SW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 100 106,84 10019SW Flat flashing with storm collar 100 88,93 11017SW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 110 110,80 11019SW Flat flashing with storm collar 110 92,22 1A017SW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 120 114,76 1A019SW Flat flashing with storm collar 120 95,51 13017SW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 130 120,57 13019SW Flat flashing with storm collar 130 100,35 14017SW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 140 121,11 14019SW Flat flashing with storm collar 140 100,89 15017SW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 150 121,65 15019SW Flat flashing with storm collar 150 101,43 16017SW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 160 122,19 16019SW Flat flashing with storm collar 160 101,95 18017SW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 180 122,72 18019SW Flat flashing with storm collar 180 102,48 20017SW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 200 122,72 20019SW Flat flashing with storm collar 200 102,48 25017SW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 250 166,59 25019SW Flat flashing with storm collar 250 146,16 30017SW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 300 166,59 30019SW Flat flashing with storm collar 300 146,16 Note: DN 80 and DN 100 contains internal silicone seal Seal must be ordered separately for other diametres (only in overpressure application). Prices are without VAT and transportation cost - 17 - CONTENT - STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - DW Extension pipes DW - 19 - Base plates DW - 20 - Bends DW - 21 - T-pieces, soot collectors, inspection and test pieces DW - 22 - Reductions, adapters, rain caps a finishing plates DW - 23 - Wall suports DW - 24 - - 18 - Prices are without VAT and transportation cost STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - DW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Straight pipe - lenght 270 mm Code Description Straight pipe - lenght - 940 mm DN € DN € 08025DWJ Straight pipe - lenght 270 mm 80 33,10 08020DWJ Straight pipe - lenght 940 mm 80 64,99 10025DWJ Straight pipe - lenght 270 mm 100 36,83 10020DWJ Straight pipe - lenght 940 mm 100 70,61 13025DW Straight pipe - lenght 270 mm 130 41,03 13020DW Straight pipe - lenght 940 mm 130 79,91 15025DW Straight pipe - lenght 270 mm 150 45,71 15020DW Straight pipe - lenght 940 mm 150 89,32 16025DW Straight pipe - lenght 270 mm 160 48,88 16020DW Straight pipe - lenght 940 mm 160 94,05 18025DW Straight pipe - lenght 270 mm 180 52,76 18020DW Straight pipe - lenght 940 mm 180 99,85 20025DW Straight pipe - lenght 270 mm 200 62,35 20020DW Straight pipe - lenght 940 mm 200 122,10 25025DW Straight pipe - lenght 270 mm 250 76,39 25020DW Straight pipe - lenght 940 mm 250 156,10 30025DW Straight pipe - lenght 270 mm 300 89,32 30020DW Straight pipe - lenght 940 mm 300 186,78 Straight pipe - lenght - 440 mm Code Description Code Description Adjustable pipe - lenght - 350-530 mm DN € DN € 08024DWJ Straight pipe - lenght 440 mm 80 39,35 08023DWJ Code Adjustable pipe - lenght 350-530 mm Description 80 62,73 10024DWJ Straight pipe - lenght 440 mm 100 43,75 10023DWJ Adjustable pipe - lenght 350-530 mm 100 69,87 13024DW Straight pipe - lenght 440 mm 130 49,23 13023DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 350-530 mm 130 77,59 15024DW Straight pipe - lenght 440 mm 150 55,10 15023DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 350-530 mm 150 85,79 16024DW Straight pipe - lenght 440 mm 160 58,36 16023DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 350-530 mm 160 90,53 18024DW Straight pipe - lenght 440 mm 180 62,35 18023DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 350-530 mm 180 96,33 20024DW Straight pipe - lenght 440 mm 200 75,23 20023DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 350-530 mm 200 113,93 25024DW Straight pipe - lenght 440 mm 250 90,48 25023DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 350-530 mm 250 138,50 30024DW Straight pipe - lenght 440 mm 300 113,93 30023DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 350-530 mm 300 163,13 Adjustable pipe - lenght - 530-880 mm DN € 08022DWJ Code Adjustable pipe - lenght 530-880 mm Description 80 80,67 10022DWJ Adjustable pipe - lenght 530-880 mm 100 89,71 13022DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 530-880 mm 130 101,01 15022DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 530-880 mm 150 112,74 16022DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 530-880 mm 160 118,00 18022DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 530-880 mm 180 124,44 20022DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 530-880 mm 200 149,08 25022DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 530-880 mm 250 186,78 30022DW Adjustable pipe - lenght 530-880 mm 300 214,88 Prices are without VAT and transportation cost - 19 - STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - DW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Seal Locking band DN € DN € 08070DW Code Locking band Description 80 5,62 08001DW Seal 80 1,58 10070DW Locking band 100 5,99 10001DW Seal 100 1,96 13070DW Locking band 130 6,24 13001DW Seal 130 4,71 15070DW Locking band 150 6,58 15001DW Seal 150 5,09 16070DW Locking band 160 6,75 16001DW Seal 160 5,09 18070DW Locking band 180 6,95 18001DW Seal 180 5,09 20070DW Locking band 200 7,99 20001DW Seal 200 6,79 25070DW Locking band 250 9,61 25001DW Seal 250 7,61 30070DW Locking band 300 10,66 30001DW Seal 300 9,32 Base plate with drain Code Description Code Description Console plate DN € DN € 08065DWJ Base plate with drain 80 91,04 08854DWJ Code Console plate Description 80 85,21 10065DWJ Base plate with drain 100 97,43 10854DWJ Console plate 100 89,17 13065DW Base plate with drain 130 99,29 13854DW Console plate 130 92,92 15065DW Base plate with drain 150 104,62 15854DW Console plate 150 97,07 16065DW Base plate with drain 160 107,01 16854DW Console plate 160 103,34 18065DW Base plate with drain 180 109,95 18854DW Console plate 180 110,60 20065DW Base plate with drain 200 125,92 20854DW Console plate 200 134,91 25065DW Base plate with drain 250 142,96 25854DW Console plate 250 238,58 30065DW Base plate with drain 300 154,70 30854DW Console plate 300 264,38 Console DN € 08857DW Code Console 80 41,88 10857DW Console 100 56,11 13857DW Console 130 56,87 15857DW Console 150 78,17 16857DW Console 160 78,89 18857DW Console 180 79,78 20857DW Console 200 80,87 25857DW Console 250 84,93 30857DW Console 300 97,56 - 20 - Description Prices are without VAT and transportation cost STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - DW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Bend 30° Code Bend 45° DN € DN € 08042DWJ Bend 30° Description 80 56,10 08040DWJ Bend 45° 80 48,53 10042DWJ Bend 30° 100 59,85 10040DWJ Bend 45° 100 51,78 13042DW Bend 30° 130 62,35 13040DW Bend 45° 130 53,95 15042DW Bend 30° 150 68,20 15040DW Bend 45° 150 59,99 16042DW Bend 30° 160 73,48 16040DW Bend 45° 160 63,68 18042DW Bend 30° 180 79,91 18040DW Bend 45° 180 68,20 20042DW Bend 30° 200 91,65 20040DW Bend 45° 200 78,76 25042DW Bend 30° 250 108,06 25040DW Bend 45° 250 95,16 30042DW Bend 30° 300 127,97 30040DW Bend 45° 300 112,74 Bend 87° and 90° Code Description Code Description Inspection bend 87° DN € DN € 08043DWJ Bend 87° 80 101,80 08431DWJ Inspection bend 87° 80 145,38 10043DWJ Bend 87° 100 108,49 10431DWJ Inspection bend 87° 100 154,96 13043DW Bend 87° 130 113,26 13431DW Inspection bend 87° 130 161,82 15043DW Bend 87° 150 126,00 15431DW Inspection bend 87° 150 179,99 16043DW Bend 87° 160 133,75 16431DW Inspection bend 87° 160 191,06 18043DW Bend 87° 180 143,23 18431DW Inspection bend 87° 180 204,63 20043DW Bend 87° 200 165,38 20431DW Inspection bend 87° 200 236,25 25043DW Bend 87° 250 199,85 25431DW Inspection bend 87° 250 285,49 30043DW Bend 87° 300 236,76 30431DW Inspection bend 87° 300 338,23 08433DWJ Bend 90° 80 101,93 10433DWJ Bend 90° 100 106,85 13433DW Bend 90° 130 113,26 15433DW Bend 90° 150 126,00 16433DW Bend 90° 160 133,75 18433DW Bend 90° 180 143,23 20433DW Bend 90° 200 165,38 25433DW Bend 90° 250 199,85 30433DW Bend 90° 300 236,76 Prices are without VAT and transportation cost Code Description - 21 - STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - DW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Dynko Insulated soot collector T-piece 93° a 90° DN € DN € 0831ADWJ Code T-piece 93° Description 80 84,56 08060DWJ Code Insulated soot collector Description 80 27,88 1031ADWJ T-piece 93° 100 90,21 10060DWJ Insulated soot collector 100 29,82 1331ADW T-piece 93° 130 94,00 13060DW Insulated soot collector 130 30,95 1531ADW T-piece 93° 150 104,53 15060DW Insulated soot collector 150 33,55 1631ADW T-piece 93° 160 122,98 16060DW Insulated soot collector 160 35,87 1831ADW T-piece 93° 180 145,53 18060DW Insulated soot collector 180 38,70 2031ADW T-piece 93° 200 163,13 20060DW Insulated soot collector 200 43,86 2531ADW T-piece 93° 250 198,51 25060DW Insulated soot collector 250 51,59 3031ADW T-piece 93° 300 231,32 30060DW Insulated soot collector 300 64,48 08031DWJ T-piece 90° 80 84,58 08061DWJ Insulated soot collector with drain 80 39,46 10031DWJ T-piece 90° 100 90,22 10061DWJ Insulated soot collector with drain 100 42,08 13031DW T-piece 90° 130 93,99 13061DW Insulated soot collector with drain 130 43,86 15031DW T-piece 90° 150 104,53 15061DW Insulated soot collector with drain 150 46,44 16031DW T-piece 90° 160 122,98 16061DW Insulated soot collector with drain 160 47,58 18031DW T-piece 90° 180 145,53 18061DW Insulated soot collector with drain 180 48,99 20031DW T-piece 90° 200 163,13 20061DW Insulated soot collector with drain 200 56,74 25031DW T-piece 90° 250 198,51 25061DW Insulated soot collector with drain 250 67,05 30031DW T-piece 90° 300 231,32 30061DW Insulated soot collector with drain 300 77,35 Inspection T-piece Inspection T-piece Description: Inspection T-piece - underpressure app. Description: Inspection T-piece rounded - overpressure app. DN € DN € 13052DW Code Inspection piece 130 199,66 08523DWJ Inspection T-piece 80 134,94 15052DW Inspection piece 150 204,36 10523DWJ Inspection T-piece 100 143,94 16052DW Inspection piece 160 208,04 13523DW Inspection T-piece 130 149,93 18052DW Inspection piece 180 212,55 15523DW Inspection T-piece 150 165,71 20052DW Inspection piece 200 239,53 16523DW Inspection T-piece 160 190,61 25052DW Inspection piece 250 268,83 18523DW Inspection T-piece 180 221,07 30052DW Inspection piece 300 288,75 20523DW Inspection T-piece 200 248,37 25523DW Inspection T-piece 250 300,13 30523DW Inspection T-piece 300 354,96 - 22 - Description Code Description Prices are without VAT and transportation cost STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - DW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Reduction and adapter Code Description from DN (A) to DN (B) € Y0026DWJ Reduction 100 80 90,20 AG026DW Reduction 130 100 88,88 AH026DW Reduction 150 100 99,49 CK026DW Reduction 150 130 99,49 AJ026DW Reduction 180 100 112,09 DI026DW Reduction 180 150 112,09 AK026DW Reduction 200 100 129,34 Code AD026DWJ Description from DN (A) to DN (B) Adapter 80 G A S € 100 90,20 Rain cap Code F L U E Open terminal DN € DN € 08010DW Rain cap Description 80 46,06 08011DW Open terminal 80 56,99 10010DW Rain cap 100 49,12 10011DW Open terminal 100 60,77 13010DW Rain cap 130 51,16 13011DW Open terminal 130 63,32 15010DW Rain cap 150 59,87 15011DW Open terminal 150 67,99 16010DW Rain cap 160 64,18 16011DW Open terminal 160 71,16 18010DW Rain cap 180 69,45 18011DW Open terminal 180 75,05 20010DW Rain cap 200 81,17 20011DW Open terminal 200 96,14 25010DW Rain cap 250 106,75 25011DW Open terminal 250 114,90 30010DW Rain cap 300 130,19 30011DW Open terminal 300 138,72 Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar Code Description Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar + + DN € DN € 08018DW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 80 110,45 08017DW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 80 110,45 10018DW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 100 117,83 10017DW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 100 117,83 13018DW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 130 122,74 13017DW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 130 122,74 15018DW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 150 122,74 15017DW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 150 122,74 16018DW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 160 142,47 16017DW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 160 142,47 18018DW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 180 166,60 18017DW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 180 166,60 20018DW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 200 166,60 20017DW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 200 166,60 25018DW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 250 166,60 25017DW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 250 166,60 30018DW Adjustable flashing 5°/30° with storm collar 300 237,97 30017DW Adjustable flashing 30°/45° with storm collar 300 301,03 Code Description Prices are without VAT and transportation cost Code Description - 23 - STAINLESS STEEL SYSTEM - DW NEREZOVÝ SYSTÉM Cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm Wall support DN € DN € 08080DW Code Wall support Description 80 15,36 08836DW Flat cuttable wall support 100-250mm 80 57,09 10080DW Wall support 100 16,39 10836DW Flat cuttable wall support 100-250mm 100 60,92 13080DW Wall support 130 17,05 13836DW Flat cuttable wall support 100-250mm 130 63,43 15080DW Wall support 150 17,60 15836DW Flat cuttable wall support 100-250mm 150 63,43 16080DW Wall support 160 17,83 16836DW Flat cuttable wall support 100-250mm 160 65,12 18080DW Wall support 180 18,11 18836DW Flat cuttable wall support 100-250mm 180 67,20 20080DW Wall support 200 19,74 20836DW Flat cuttable wall support 100-250mm 200 70,87 25080DW Wall support 250 22,38 25836DW Flat cuttable wall support 100-250mm 250 82,08 30080DW Wall support 300 25,57 30836DW Flat cuttable wall support 100-250mm 300 89,52 Flat wall support Code Description Code Description Cuttable wall support 250 - 430 mm DN € DN € 08086DW Flat wall support 80 16,31 08845DW Cuttable wall support 250 - 430 mm 80 61,40 10086DW Flat wall support 100 17,39 10845DW Cuttable wall support 250 - 430 mm 100 65,50 13086DW Flat wall support 130 18,11 13845DW Cuttable wall support 250 - 430 mm 130 68,23 15086DW Flat wall support 150 20,13 15845DW Cuttable wall support 250 - 430 mm 150 63,43 16086DW Flat wall support 160 20,66 16845DW Cuttable wall support 250 - 430 mm 160 65,12 18086DW Flat wall support 180 19,19 18845DW Cuttable wall support 250 - 430 mm 180 72,50 20086DW Flat wall support 200 22,50 20845DW Cuttable wall support 250 - 430 mm 200 70,87 25086DW Flat wall support 250 26,06 25845DW Cuttable wall support 250 - 430 mm 250 82,08 30086DW Flat wall support 300 28,41 30845DW Cuttable wall support 250 - 430 mm 300 89,52 Cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm Code Description Cuttable wall support 250 - 430 mm DN € DN € 08835DW Cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 80 53,73 08846DW Flat cuttable wall support 250-430mm 80 65,25 10835DW Cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 100 57,32 10846DW Flat cuttable wall support 250-430mm 100 69,60 13835DW Cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 130 59,71 13846DW Flat cuttable wall support 250-430mm 130 72,50 15835DW Cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 150 18,12 15846DW Flat cuttable wall support 250-430mm 150 72,50 16835DW Cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 160 18,59 16846DW Flat cuttable wall support 250-430mm 160 74,41 18835DW Cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 180 63,43 18846DW Flat cuttable wall support 250-430mm 180 76,77 20835DW Cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 200 20,25 20846DW Flat cuttable wall support 250-430mm 200 80,97 25835DW Cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 250 23,45 30835DW Cuttable wall support 100 - 250 mm 300 25,57 - 24 - Description Code Code Description Prices are without VAT and transportation cost CONTENT - STEEL FLUE PIPES Straight pipes - 26 - Inspection pipes - lenght - 27 - Bends - 28 - Reductions, wall sleeves, collars - 29 - Prices are without VAT and transportation cost - 25 - STEEL FLUE PIPES Trubky - pipe Prodloužení Straight - lenght 250 mm Code Description Pipe with throttle valve - 250 mm DN € A97.011225 Straight pipe - lenght 250mm 120 8,90 A97.021225 Pipe with throttle valve 250mm 120 17,45 A97.011325 Straight pipe - lenght 250mm 130 8,91 A97.021325 Pipe with throttle valve 250mm 130 18,43 A97.011425 Straight pipe - lenght 250mm 145 9,93 A97.021425 Pipe with throttle valve 250mm 145 19,75 A97.011525 Straight pipe - lenght 250mm 150 10,05 A97.021525 Pipe with throttle valve 250mm 150 19,53 A97.011625 Straight pipe - lenght 250mm 160 10,62 A97.021625 Pipe with throttle valve 250mm 160 20,32 A97.011825 Straight pipe - lenght 250mm 180 11,78 A97.021825 Pipe with throttle valve 250mm 180 21,97 A97.012025 Straight pipe - lenght 250mm 200 14,11 A97.022025 Pipe with throttle valve 250mm 200 25,69 Straight pipe - lenght 500 mm Code Description Code Description DN € Pipe with throttle valve - 500 mm DN € Code Description DN € A97.011250 Straight pipe - lenght 500mm 120 14,22 A97.021250 Pipe with throttle valve 500mm 120 25,12 A97.011350 Straight pipe - lenght 500mm 130 14,57 A97.021350 Pipe with throttle valve 500mm 130 24,29 A97.011450 Straight pipe - lenght 500mm 145 15,21 A97.021450 Pipe with throttle valve 500mm 145 25,88 A97.011550 Straight pipe - lenght 500mm 150 16,18 A97.021550 Pipe with throttle valve 500mm 150 25,98 A97.011650 Straight pipe - lenght 500mm 160 17,02 A97.021650 Pipe with throttle valve 500mm 160 26,72 A97.011850 Straight pipe - lenght 500mm 180 17,71 A97.021850 Pipe with throttle valve 500mm 180 30,47 A97.012050 Straight pipe - lenght 500mm 200 26,64 A97.022050 Pipe with throttle valve 500mm 200 39,73 Straight pipe - lenght 1000 mm Code Description Pipe with throttle valve - 1000 mm DN € Code Description DN € A97.011210 Straight pipe - lenght 1000mm 120 22,18 A97.021210 Pipe with throttle valve 1000mm 120 33,53 A97.011310 Straight pipe - lenght 1000mm 130 23,24 A97.021310 Pipe with throttle valve 1000mm 130 32,11 A97.011410 Straight pipe - lenght 1000mm 145 24,61 A97.021410 Pipe with throttle valve 1000mm 145 34,11 A97.011510 Straight pipe - lenght 1000mm 150 24,73 A97.021510 Pipe with throttle valve 1000mm 150 34,85 A97.011610 Straight pipe - lenght 1000mm 160 26,31 A97.021610 Pipe with throttle valve 1000mm 160 35,91 A97.011810 Straight pipe - lenght 1000mm 180 28,9 A97.021810 Pipe with throttle valve 1000mm 180 41,73 A97.012010 Straight pipe - lenght 1000mm 200 30,95 A97.022010 Pipe with throttle valve 1000mm 200 45,24 - 26 - Prices are without VAT and transportation cost STEEL FLUE PIPES Inspection pipe - lenght 250 mm Code Description DN Inspection pipe - lenght - 1000 mm € Code Description DN € A97.031325 Inspection pipe - lenght 250mm 130 13,96 A97.031310 Inspection pipe - lenght 1000mm 130 27,44 A97.031425 Inspection pipe - lenght 250mm 145 14,47 A97.031410 Inspection pipe - lenght 1000mm 145 29,04 A97.031525 Inspection pipe - lenght 250mm 150 14,82 A97.031510 Inspection pipe - lenght 1000mm 150 29,57 A97.031625 Inspection pipe - lenght 250mm 160 17,99 A97.031610 Inspection pipe - lenght 1000mm 160 31,28 Inspection pipe - lenght 500 mm Code Description DN € A97.031350 Inspection pipe - lenght 500mm 130 21,61 A97.031450 Inspection pipe - lenght 500mm 145 20,7 A97.031550 Inspection pipe - lenght 500mm 150 20,7 A97.031650 Inspection pipe - lenght 500mm 160 21,65 Prices are without VAT and transportation cost - 27 - STEEL FLUE PIPES Kolena Bend 45° - Kolena s klapkou Code Description Bend 90° DN € Code Description DN € A97.041245 Bend 45° 120 17,11 A97.041290 Bend 90° 120 17,11 A97.041345 Bend 45° 130 17,53 A97.041390 Bend 90° 130 17,53 A97.041445 Bend 45° 145 19,01 A97.041490 Bend 90° 145 19,01 A97.041545 Bend 45° 150 18,48 A97.041590 Bend 90° 150 19,22 A97.041645 Bend 45° 160 20,91 A97.041690 Bend 90° 160 20,51 A97.041845 Bend 45° 180 21,56 A97.041890 Bend 90° 180 A97.042045 Bend 45° 200 22,77 A97.042090 Bend 90° 200 25,35 Inspection and cleaning bend 45° Code Description DN 23,3 Inspection and cleaning bend 90° € DN € A97.051345 Inspection bend 45° 130 21,67 A97.051290 Inspection bend 90° 120 21,2 A97.051445 Inspection bend 45° 145 23,55 A97.051390 Inspection bend 90° 130 21,65 A97.051545 Inspection bend 45° 150 24,08 A97.051490 Inspection bend 90° 145 23,55 A97.051645 Inspection bend 45° 160 25,35 A97.051590 Inspection bend 90° 150 23,47 A97.051845 Inspection bend 45° 180 26,23 A97.051690 Inspection bend 90° 160 24,73 A97.052045 Inspection bend 45° 200 30,31 A97.051890 Inspection bend 90° 180 27,45 A99.052090 Inspection bend 90° 200 32,51 Inspection bend 90° with throttle valve Code Description Code Description Bend 90° with throttle valve DN € Code Description DN € A97.091390 Inspection bend 90° with throttle valve 130 37,91 A97.081390 Bend 90° with throttle valve 130 29,36 A97.091490 Inspection bend 90° with throttle valve 145 33,58 A97.081490 Bend 90° with throttle valve 145 29,04 A97.091590 Inspection bend 90° with throttle valve 150 34,83 A97.081590 Bend 90° with throttle valve 150 26,76 - 28 - Prices are without VAT and transportation cost STEEL FLUE PIPES Kolena Reduction - Kolena s klapkou Code Adapter Description € Code Description € A97.101512 Reduction 150/120 10,24 A97.111212 Adapter 120/130 9,72 A97.101513 Reduction 150/130 10,24 A97.111213 Adapter 125/130 11,14 A97.101518 Reduction 180/150 17,44 A97.111513 Adapter 130/150 12,26 A97.101520 Reduction 200/150 18,96 A97.111514 Adapter 145/150 12,23 A97.101815 Reduction 180/150 - ceramic chimney 27,88 A97.101816 Reduction 180/160 - ceramic chimney 24,13 A97.102015 Reduction 200/150 - ceramic chimney 29,47 A97.102016 Reduction 200/160 - ceramic chimney 29,15 A97.102018 Reduction 200/180 - ceramic chimney 24,66 Collar Wall sleeve DN € DN € A97.061200 Code Wall Sleeve Description 120 4,33 A97.071200 Collar thickness 0,5mm 120 1,90 A97.061300 Wall Sleeve 130 4,39 A97.071300 Collar thickness 0,5mm 130 2,01 A97.061400 Wall Sleeve 145 4,44 A97.071400 Collar thickness 0,5mm 145 2,22 A97.061500 Wall Sleeve 150 4,53 A97.071500 Collar thickness 0,5mm 150 2,24 A97.061600 Wall Sleeve 160 4,86 A97.071600 Collar thickness 0,5mm 160 3,60 A97.061800 Wall Sleeve 180 5,91 A97.071800 Collar thickness 0,5mm 180 3,87 A97.062000 Wall Sleeve 200 6,86 A97.071200 Collar thickness 0,5mm 200 1,90 DN € Code Description Heat exchanger Code Description A97.121300 Heat exchanger 130 52,39 A97.121500 Heat exchanger 150 54,04 Prices are without VAT and transportation cost - 29 - OTHER RICOMGAS PRODUCTS CAN BE FOUND.. in „grey” price list: 1 Flexible stainless chimney liners 2 Aluminium hoses for air distibution 3 Accessories and „orange” pricelist 1 Plast system 2 Aluminium system 3 Cascade system - 30 - NOTES - 31 - Czech producer of chimney systems. www.ricomgas.cz
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