Strength of the compressed thin
Strength of the compressed thin
Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University HAMK University of Applied Sciences Report at «International Scientific Conference and Workshop «METNET» «Strength of the compressed thin-walled studs: tests and FEM-modelling» Contributors: Nikolay I. Vatin , Alexey S. Sinelnikov Jarmo Havula, Lassi Martikainen Saint-Petersburg, Hämeenlinna 2014 Abstract This summary report is based on the experimental and numerical research of thinwalled cross-section’s compression resistance carried out in St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University and HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Sheet Metal Centre. Current situation on the Russian market concerning the usage of cold-formed thin-walled cross-sections is aimed to find out a base foundation to start up a stipulation of the elements under discussion in the building industry. Some questions about the compression resistance of such cross-sections were raised on different conferences by scientific community and by companies such as Rautaruukki Oyj (Finland). Steel galvanized C- and U-profiles and thermo-profiles are types of thin-walled cross-sections are normally used in small houses construction. Thermo-profiles have slots in webs that decrease the thermal flow through the web, but have a negative effect on strength of the profiles. These profiles were object of the research. Investigations carried out included tests to prove the compression resistance of the single thin-walled studs and stud-to-rack joints. Numerical modeling of thin-walled cross-sections was done with contemporary analysis software (SCAD Office) using the finite element method (FEM). 2 of 23 Researches Studies undertaken by the authors in recent years have revealed that today‘s building market in Russia is looking for building materials and technologies that could provide low-height housing industry with high-speed of construction, safety, ecological compatibility and finance efficiency. The lightweight thin-walled cold-formed steel structures allow getting advantages that meet the requirements described above. Due to some reasons we, in Russia, do not have current norms that could be applied by engineers who design houses using the cold-formed steel structures. In this area a number of Doctoral theses have been defended during recent years in Russia (G.I. Belyy, A.R.Tusnin, I.V. Astahov, A.U. Kuznetsov). Theoretical research and laboratory tests were done only for specific types of thin-walled cross-sections. Jyrki Kesti contributed a good deal to the development of local and distortional buckling of perforated steel wall studs (Espoo, 2000). Today thin-walled cold-formed steel structures won a good place in the Finnish building area. Experience that Finnish engineers have could help Russian science community to understand more exactly behavior of such a structures and appropriate European norms. Summary of the research described below concerns reticular-stretched thermoprofiles. Reticular-stretched thermo-profile is a new type of thin-walled cross-sections that found its place in Russian market. 3 of 23 General As an object of research reticular-stretched thermo-profiles and their joints were analyzed (see figure 1). The following profiles are discussed: 1. Specimen S1 (stud) - АИ ТCс 200-45-2,0; 2. Specimen S2 (rack) - АИ ПН 200-50-2,0. Steel used for specimen production has the following parameters: 1. Steel grade - 350 (yield strength not less than 350 H/mm2); 2. Coating mass, 350g/m2; 3. Coating thickness, 25 microns. The research goal was to form the theoretical rationale for usage of reticular-stretched thermo-profile throughout buckling analysis based on the laboratory tests. Fig. 1 Reticular-stretched thermo-profiles 4 of 23 Research tasks Research tasks: 1. Laboratory tests: − Compression test: single studs and stud-to-rack joints. 2. Numerical modeling (FEM): − Buckling analysis. 3. Comparison of results. Fig. 2 Compression test. Single stud and Stud-to-rack joint 5 of 23 Experimental investigations Compression test 1. Test specimen: • C–shaped thermo-slotted profiles АИ ТCс 200-45-2.0; • Web height - 200mm, flange width - 45mm, single edge fold stiffener – 15mm, steel thickness - 2,0mm; • Total lengths of the specimen 350 and 1000 mm; • Support blocks (thickness 40 mm; edge is positioned 3 mm from the end of the profile) made of wood are placed inside the profile at the ends; • 7 specimen (4 single studs and 3 stud-to-rack joints). 2. Test arrangement: • The lower end of the specimen is placed on a hinged support made of steel or on a floor; • The load of a hydraulic cylinder is applied to the special hinged element through a thick steel plate to the upper end of the specimen; • Point of load application is 10mm from the outside surface of the web. 3. Test procedure: • The specimen is loaded using the displacement control until the failure of the specimen; • The loading rate is different (1.0; 1.33; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0 mm/min). 4. Test results: • Buckling form and force. 6 of 23 Experimental investigations Test results. Photos Fig.3 Compression test 7 of 23 Experimental investigations Test results. Photos Fig.4 Compression test 8 of 23 Experimental investigations Test results. Photos Fig.5 Stud-to-rack joint. Specimen C1…C3 9 of 14 Experimental investigations Test results. Compression test diagram (S3) Fig. 6 Compression test diagram (S3) 10 of 23 Experimental investigations Test results. Compression test diagram (S1,S2,S4) Fig. 7 Compression test diagrams (S1,S2,S4) 11 of 23 Experimental investigations Test results. Compression test diagram (C1,C2,C3) Fig. 8 Compression test diagrams (C1,C2,C3) 12 of 23 Experimental investigations Test results Table 1. Test results Type of profile/ Specimen number Compression test Buckling force, kN АИ ТCс 200-45-2,0 (S1) АИ ТCс 200-45-2,0 (S2) АИ ТCс 200-45-2,0 (S3) АИ ТCс 200-45-2,0 (S4) АИ ТCс 200-45-2,0 (C1) АИ ТCс 200-45-2,0 (C2) АИ ТCс 200-45-2,0 (C3) 84.35 68.89 53.82 83.36 90.82 92.99 99.88 13 of 23 Reticular-stretched VS. Usual web-slotted profile Fig. 9 Reticular-stretched and usual web-slotted profiles 14 of 23 Reticular-stretched VS. Usual web-slotted profile Test results Table 2. Test results (mean values) Type of profile АИ ТCс 200-45-2,0 АИ ТC 200-45-2,0 Compression test Difference Buckling force, kN % 78.19 39.98 96 15 of 23 Numerical modeling (FEM) Numerical modeling of thin-walled cross-sections and their stud-to-rack joint was done with contemporary analysis software (SCAD Office) using finite element method (FEM). FEM-models’ parameters were the same as for the tests described above. During the modeling process the thin-walled profile based on shell-elements (see figure 10). Characteristic of shell-element models: • Finite element dimensions – 3 mm; • Absolute solid body; • Hinged and combined boundary conditions. Fig. 10 FEM-model of reticular-stretched profile (shell-elements) 16 of 23 Comparison test and FEM-modeling results Table 3. Test and FEM analysis results Type of profile Compression test 350mm 1000mm Buckling analysis Shell % Buckling force, kN АИ ТCс 200-45-2,0 АИ ТCс 200-45-2,0 93.7 53.82 - Difference 53.5 85.9 0.6 8.3 17 of 23 Numerical analysis (FEM) Numerical modeling of reticular-stretched profile studs with length 1000, 2000 and 3000mm were done. Types of the cross-sections (see figure 11): • АИ ТCс 150-45-1.5 (2.0); • АИ ТCс 175-45-1.5 (2.0); • АИ ТCс 200-45-1.5 (2.0); • АИ ТCс 250-45-1.5 (2.0). Characteristic of shell-element models: • Finite element dimensions – 3 mm; • Absolute solid body; • Hinged boundary conditions. Accidental eccentricity (SNiP II-23-81*): Fig. 11 FEM-model of reticular-stretched profile (shell-elements) 18 of 23 Numerical analysis (FEM).Results Table 4. FEM analysis results: critical load and buckling form № 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Type of profile Radius of gyration ТСс 150-45-1.5 16,41 ТСс 150-45-2.0 16,19 ТСс 175-45-1.5 16,04 ТСс 175-45-2.0 15,82 ТСс 200-45-1.5 15,65 ТСс 200-45-2.0 15,44 ТСс 250-45-1.5 14,90 ТСс 250-45-2.0 14,69 Length, m 1000 2000 3000 1000 2000 3000 1000 2000 3000 1000 2000 3000 1000 2000 3000 1000 2000 3000 1000 2000 3000 1000 2000 3000 Axial compression Eccentrical compression Eccentricity Slenderness , mm Critical load, kN Buckling form Critical load, kN Buckling form 4,28 5,61 6,95 4,27 5,60 6,94 4,71 6,05 7,38 4,70 6,04 7,37 5,14 6,47 7,80 5,13 6,46 7,79 5,96 7,29 8,62 5,95 7,28 8,61 61 122 183 62 124 185 62 125 187 63 126 190 64 128 192 65 130 194 67 134 201 68 136 204 44,6 42,9 30,2 83,9 78,4 41,6 36,6 34,2 29,0 69,6 65,8 40,8 29,2 27,2 26,2 55,8 53,1 39,7 19,8 18,3 17,9 38,2 36,9 35,9 Local Local Overall Local Overall Overall Local Local Overall Local Local Overall Local Local Local Local Local Overall Local Local Local Local Local Overall 37,7 36,2 26,6 71,3 69,0 36,9 31,4 29,1 25,1 60,2 56,0 35,6 24,8 22,8 21,2 47,7 44,3 34,1 16,4 14,7 13,9 31,8 29,8 28,1 Local Local Overall Local Local Overall Local Local Overall Local Local Overall Local Local Local Local Local Overall Local Local Local Local Local Local 19 of 23 Conclusions 1. New type of thin-walled thermo-profile (reticular-stretched) were analyzed. 2. Laboratory tests of the reticular-stretched profile under compression showed that local buckling appears before overall buckling for the profiles with small slenderness (λmax = 60…70). It was experimentally proved flexural and torsion-flexural buckling forms. 3. Comparative analysis of experimental data for reticular-stretched profile and usual web-slotted profile showed that bearing capacity of the first one is more than the last one by about 95%. Middle positioned stiffener with grooved form is good design solution. 4. Numerical analysis (FEM) of the reticular-stretched profiles with parameters that are the same as for the tested specimens showed good results with normalized difference not more than 8%. 5. Numerical analysis (FEM) of the reticular-stretched profiles with different web height (150, 175, 200 and 250mm) and steel thickness (1.5 and 2.0mm) showed that dominant type of buckling form depends on slenderness of the cross-section. 6. Summary of the investigations should be taken as a step to apply finite element method for modeling profile behavior without real tests. 20 of 23 Acknowledgements The experimental work was commented by Arto Ranta-Eskola, director of research, Rautaruukki Oyj (Finland). The authors also gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments and suggestions of the reviewers, which have improved the presentation. 21 of 23 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Astakhov, I. V. Prostranstvennaia ustoichivost' elementov konstruktsii iz kholodnognutykh profilei, Dissertation, St.-Petersburg, 2006, 123 p. Belyi, G. I. 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