2105 - Patents Office
2105 - Patents Office
PATENTS OFFICE JOURNAL IRISLEABHAR OIFIG NA bPAITINNÍ (Cláruithe mar Pháipéar Nuachta) (Registered as a Newspaper) Iml. 83 © Rialtas na hÉireann, 2006 © Government of Ireland, 2006 Cill Chainnigh 20 August 2008 Uimh. 2105 CLÁR INNSTE Cuid I Cuid II Paitinní Trádmharcanna Applications for Patents Applications Published Patents Granted European Patents Granted Applications Withdrawn, Deemed Withdrawn or Refused Applications Lapsed Patents Lapsed Request for Grant of Supplementary Protection Certificate Leath 1708 1711 1712 1715 1786 1786 1787 1876 Official Notice Applications for Trade Marks Oppositions under Section 43 Application(s) Amended Application(s) Withdrawn Trade Marks Registered Trade Marks Renewed Unpaid Renewal Fees Trade Marks Removed Merger of Separate Trade Mark Registrations Application(s) for Leave to Alter Registered Trade Mark(s) International Registrations under the Madrid Protocol International Trade Marks Protected Cancellations effected under the Madrid Protocol Changes/Corrections in the International Register Dearachtaí Designs Information under the 2001 Act Designs Registered 1877 Le ceannach direach ón OIFIG DHÍOLTA FOILSEACHÁN RIALTAIS, TEACH SUN ALLIANCE, SRÁID THEACH LAIGHEAN, BAILE ÁTHA CLIATH 2, nó tríd an bpost ó FOILSEACHÁIN RIALTAIS, AN RANNÓG POST-TRÁCHTA, 51 FAICHE STIABHNA, BAILE ÁTHA CLIATH 2, (Teil: 01-6476000 - fo-line 6833-6850; Fax: 01 - 6476843) nó trí aon díoltóir leabhar. Praghas €10.00 Leath 1627 1628 1658 1658 1660 1660 1661 1664 1667 1670 1671 1672 1702 1704 1704 This Journal is published fortnightly by the Stationery Office on behalf of the Patents Office and is forwarded to subscribers on the date of publication. Annual Subscription is €234.00 payable in advance to Government Publications, Postal Trade Section, 51 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2. (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1707 Patents Office Journal Irisleabhar Oifig Na bPaitinní Cuid I Paitinní agus Dearachtaí No. 2105 Wednesday, 20 August, 2008 NOTE: The office does not guarantee the accuracy of its publications nor undertake any responsibility for errors or omissions or their consequences. In this Part of the Journal, a reference to a section is to a section of the Patents Act, 1992 unless otherwise stated. 1708 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Applications for Patents From 16/07/08 to 24/07/08 The names of applicants are in alphabetical order. In the case of joint applicants, each name is given independently. The title of the invention should not be regarded as an exhaustive indication of the subjectmatter. The date immediately following the title is that on which the application was filed; in the case of a divisional application, the filing date of the earlier application is added within parentheses. In the case of a Convention application the Convention country and priority date(s) claimed are given in square brackets and where an application claimed the priority of an earlier application filed at the office, this information is given within the square brackets. The number is that of the application and should be used for correspondence purposes up to the date of grant of a patent. The letter S preceding the number indicates that the application is for a short-term patent. A new number will be given when a patent is granted and this new number should be quoted in all correspondence subsequent to grant. ARCHITECTURAL & METAL SYSTEMS LIMITED Vent assembly 24 July 2008 20080624 BIOMEDY LIMITED A wall tie bracket 24 July 2008 [Ireland-01 August 2007] 20080622 BIOTECH TREATMENT SYSTEMS LIMITED A sewage treatment system 24 July 20080625 2008 BLUE BEE LIMITED Portable computer 18 July 2008 S20080606 BOPA IRELAND LIMITED A process 17 July 2008 20080596 BOPA IRELAND LIMITED A process 17 July 2008 20080597 BROWNE EDWINA; COLLERY JUSTIN; THOMPSON NAOMI; BROWNE 20080598 JAMES Method for reducing co-channel/cell to cell interference in a wireless cellular system 18 July 2008 BROWNE EDWINA; COLLERY JUSTIN; THOMPSON NAOMI; BROWNE S20080599 JAMES Method for reducing co-channel/cell to cell interference in a wireless cellular system 18 July 2008 BROWNE JAMES; THOMPSON NAOMI; COLLERY JUSTIN; BROWNE 20080598 EDWINA Method for reducing co-channel/cell to cell interference in a wireless cellular system 18 July 2008 BROWNE JAMES; THOMPSON NAOMI; COLLERY JUSTIN; BROWNE EDWINA Method for reducing co-channel/cell to cell interference in a wireless cellular system 18 July 2008 S20080599 (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal CEDARWOOD TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Mobile network community-based (No. 2105) 20080620 communication 24 July 2008 CEDARWOOD TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED A broadcast interaction server. 24 July 20080621 2008 COLLERY JUSTIN; THOMPSON NAOMI; BROWNE JAMES; BROWNE 20080598 EDWINA Method for reducing co-channel/cell to cell interference in a wireless cellular system 18 July 2008 COLLERY JUSTIN; THOMPSON NAOMI; BROWNE JAMES; BROWNE S20080599 EDWINA Method for reducing co-channel/cell to cell interference in a wireless cellular system 18 July 2008 DUFFY PATRICK JOSEPH; FITZSIMONS JOCELYN RAYMOND A wave energy 20080595 system 17 July 2008 EGAN KIERAN PATRICK A golf training aid 22 July 2008 S20080607 ENGLAND ROBERT The hand and object casting technique and do-it-yourself 20080602 casting kit to create a personalised ornament. 21 July 2008 FERRIS GERARD; HETHERINGTON DARREN; O'NEILL WILLIAM A portable S20080609 cycling container 22 July 2008 FIRECOMMS LIMITED Packaging of optical devices. 24 July 2008 20080623 FITZGERALD MICHAEL EDWARD Image processing 24 July 2008 20080613 FITZSIMONS JOCELYN RAYMOND; DUFFY PATRICK JOSEPH A wave energy 20080595 system 17 July 2008 HAYES THOMAS Dynamic magnetic movement generator 17 July 2008 S20080591 HEENEY PAUL The thermo arm 18 July 2008 [Ireland-26 May 2008] S20080601 HEENEY PAUL The voice collar 18 July 2008 [Ireland-26 May 2008] S20080603 HEENEY PAUL The reusable nail/staple 18 July 2008 [Ireland-26 May 2008] S20080604 HEENEY PAUL The robotic hand 18 July 2008 [Ireland-26 May 2008] S20080600 1709 1710 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) HETHERINGTON DARREN; FERRIS GERARD; O'NEILL WILLIAM A portable S20080609 cycling container 22 July 2008 IRCONA RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT LIMITED Design process 23 July 2008 S20080612 IRISH REGIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS LIMITED A transport management 20080616 system 24 July 2008 [Ireland-09 August 2007] KENNY LIAM; KENNY MARY A toy 17 July 2008 S20080592 KENNY MARY; KENNY LIAM A toy 17 July 2008 S20080592 MCCALL ANDREW & SONS Improved building device 22 July 2008 [United 20080610 Kingdom-24 July 2007] MULLINS JOHN An electric fence tester 17 July 2008 S20080590 MURPHY COLIN Bulk bag flood prevention sausage. (flood control) 23 July 2008 S20080611 O'NEILL WILLIAM; HETHERINGTON DARREN; FERRIS GERARD A portable S20080609 cycling container 22 July 2008 SHARKEY OLIVER A gutter 22 July 2008 S20080608 SOTA Orthopaedics Limited A jig 24 July 2008 [Ireland-24 July 2007] S20080617 SQUARE SYSTEMS LIMITED A cable duct attachment 17 July 2008 [Ireland-01 20080593 August 2007] TANGNEY JAMES GERARD Apparatus and a system for controlling temperature in S20080589 a plurality of zones in a building 16 July 2008 THOMPSON NAOMI; BROWNE JAMES; COLLERY JUSTIN; BROWNE 20080598 EDWINA Method for reducing co-channel/cell to cell interference in a wireless cellular system 18 July 2008 THOMPSON NAOMI; BROWNE JAMES; COLLERY JUSTIN; BROWNE S20080599 EDWINA Method for reducing co-channel/cell to cell interference in a wireless cellular system 18 July 2008 UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK A valve 24 July 2008 20080614 (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK Method for forming bends in polarisation maintaining (No. 2105) 1711 20080618 optical fibres 24 July 2008 UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK A device 24 July 2008 20080619 UNIVERSITY OF LIMERICK Pressure sensing 24 July 2008 20080615 WELLER KERRI-ANNE A herbal formulation 18 July 2008 S20080605 WOOTTON FINOLA; WOOTTON MARK A device for heating and cooling fluid. S20080594 17 July 2008 WOOTTON MARK; WOOTTON FINOLA A device for heating and cooling fluid. S20080594 17 July 2008 Applications Published Under Section 28 The following applications become open to public inspection as from the date of this issue of the journal. The date given is the date of filing of the application or the earliest priority claimed. 2006 20060838 OSENEY LIMITED, A product ejection paddle. 17 November 2006. Int. Cl. (2006) B07C 5/36; F15B 15/00. 20060936 BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED, Apparatus and method for releasing lenses from cast moulds. 21 December 2006. Int. Cl. (2006) B29C 33/44; B29C 33/40; B29D 11/00. 2007 20070601 IAN MICHAEL JACKSON, An electric shock victim recovery device. 23 August 2006. Int. Cl. (2006) A62B 37/00. S20070658 STUDIO MCKIMM RESEARCH LTD, A peripheral for a computing device. 08 February 2007. Int. Cl. (2006) G06F 3/033 E05B 19/00; B43K 7/00. 20070722 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK-NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, CORK, A hydrogel deposition method. 06 October 2006. Int. Cl. (2006) C08F 2/46; A61L 31/08. 20070815 DAIFUKU CO., LTD., Article storage apparatus. 15 November 2006. Int. Cl. (2006) B65G 1/02. 20070816 DAIFUKU CO., LTD., Frame system for an article storage apparatus. 15 November 2006. Int. Cl. (2006) B65G 1/02; B65G 1/16; B65G 49/07. 20070818 DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY, Deposition of powders. 10 November 2006. Int. Cl. (2006) B05B 12/00; B05B 7/14 B05B 7/16. 1712 (No. 2105) 20070855 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK - NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND, CORK, Optical data processing. 24 November 2006. Int. Cl. (2006) G02F 3/00. 20070856 DUBLIN CITY UNIVERSITY, A plasma system and measurement method. 27 November 2006. Int. Cl. (2006) H01J 37/32. 20070860 VICTAULIC COMPANY, Field convertible valve and sprinkler system. 01 December 2006. Int. Cl. (2006) A62C 35/58; F16K 35/00. 20070887 LIAM CAMPION, Reinforced concrete tank. 05 December 2006. Int. Cl. (2006) E04B 2/86; B65D 90/02; E04G 11/00. 2006 20080025 BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED, Apparatus and method for releasing lenses from cast moulds. 21 December 2006. Int. Cl. (2006) B29C 33/44; B29C 33/40; B29D 11/00. 2005 20080350 DELL PRODUCTS LP, Method for verifying smart battery failures by measuring input charging voltage and associated systems. 23 December 2004. Int. Cl. (2006) H02J 7/02; H02J 7/10. 20080351 DELL PRODUCTS LP, Method for verifying smart battery failures by measuring input charging voltage and associated. 14 December 2005. Int. Cl. (2006) H02J 7/02; H02J 7/10. 2007 20080383 LENOVO (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD., Method for preventing malicious software from execution within a computer system. 14 February 2006. Int. Cl. (2006) G06F 11/00; G06F 12/14. Patents Granted Under Section 34 The number of a patent is given in heavy type; the letter S preceding the number indicates a short-term patent. The code numbers following the title of each invention are those of the International Patent Classification. The date of filing the application follows the proprietor’s name. The patent application number, which follows the date of application in parenthesis, has been superseded by the patent number. In the case of an application claiming the priority of an earlier application, the name of the country where the earlier application was made and the date of the earlier application are shown in square brackets. By virtue of Section 65(3), the application relating to any short-term patent appearing in the following list whose date of filing is later than the date which is 18 months prior to the date of this issue of the Journal becomes open to public inspection as and from the date of this issue of the Journal. 84942 Improvements to product merchandising apparatus. Int. Cl. (2006) A47F 5/00; A47F 1/00. 23 May 2006 (20060406) [Ireland-23 May 2005] 84943 An optical connector. Int. Cl. (2006) G02B 6/36; G02B 6/42. 18 June 2007 (20070439) [Ireland-21 June 2006] (20/08/2008) 84944 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) A data storage system. Int. Cl. (2006) G06F 3/06; G06F 11/14. 11 July 2007 (20070499) [Ireland-12 July 2006] 84945 Manufacture of varistors. Int. Cl. (2006) H01C 1/02; H01C 7/10; H01C 7/105. 19 September 2006 (20060689) 84946 Apparatus and methods for dynamically configurable wireless network. Int. Cl. (2006) H04L 12/28; H04L 27/10; H04B 7/26; H04Q 7/32. 02 March 2006 (20060156) [United States of America-10 March 2005] 84949 Secure electronic delivery seal for information handling system. Int. Cl. (2006) H04L 9/00; H04L 9/08; H04L 9/32; G09C 1/00; G06F 21/00. 04 August 2005 (20050520) [United States of America-27 August 2004] 84950 A roaming gateway. Int. Cl. (2006) H04L 29/06; H04Q 7/38. 02 August 2007 (20070549) [Ireland-03 August 2006] 84955 Process for preparing a liquid stable, ready-to-use diluent for a protein-enzyme conjugate. Int. Cl. (2006) C12N 9/96; C12Q 1/28 G01N 33/535; G01N 33/569. 17 May 2004 (20040344) 84959 Method for providing efficiency of an inverter. Int. Cl. (2006) H02M 7/48; H05B 41/26. 02/05/2007 14/01/2005 2005/0010(20070325) [United States of America-12 February 2004] S84940 Improvements in and relating to post drivers. Int. Cl. (2006) E04H 17/26. 10 August 2007 (S20070575) [Ireland-10 August 2006 Ireland-26 September 2006] S84941 A system for monitoring a power network and a line-mounted sensor operable therein. Int. Cl. (2006) H02H 1/00; G01R 31/08; H02H 3/02. 22 May 2007 (S20070371) [Ireland-22 May 2006] S84947 A double wall beverage container. Int. Cl. (2006) B65D 3/00; B65D 81/38. 16/03/2007 16/02/2007 2007/0103(S20070185) [Ireland-17 February 2006] S84948 A carburettor. Int. Cl. (2006) F02M 19/00. 05 December 2007 (S20070886) [Ireland-06 December 2006 Ireland-24 January 2007] S84951 A method for producing a component, and a container for use in the production method. Int. Cl. (2006) B65D 25/14. 06 March 2006 (S20060166) [Ireland-19 December 2005] S84952 Beverage container cleaning apparatus. Int. Cl. (2006) B08B 1/04; B08B 7/00. 15 November 2007 (S20070832) S84953 A hydroalcoholic fat emulsion and emulsifier for use therein. Int. Cl. (2006) B01F 17/30. 30 November 2007 (S20070875) [Ireland-12 July 2007] S84954 A decorative pipe cover. Int. Cl. (2006) B29C 63/00. 02 August 2006 (S20060579) S84956 A refrigeration system testing tool and method. Int. Cl. (2006) G01N 3/10; G01M 3/04. 25 October 2007 (S20070784) 1713 1714 S84957 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Manufacture of insulating board. Int. Cl. (2006) E04C 2/26; E04B 1/78. 21 December 2007 (S20070932) S84958 Capsule, filled with a medicine, in particular an inhalable medicine. Int. Cl. (2006) A61M 15/06. 07 December 2007 (S20070894) [The Netherlands-13 December 2006] (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1715 Patents Granted Under European Patent Convention Designating Ireland The Irish serial number appears first followed, respectively, by the proprietor’s name, the date of filing of the application, the filing number and the European Patent Office publication number. If the specification of the European patent was published in French or German the word ‘French’ or ‘German’, as appropriate, will appear as the last item of information. In such cases, it is necessary to file a translation in English and pay the prescribed fee, within six months of the publication date of the grant, in order that the patent may continue to have effect. Grants Published in EPO Bulletin No. 23/08, dated 4th June 2008 0672143 Biogen Idec MA Inc. 02/12/1993 0672143 94907045.2 The Regents of the University of California 0871452 Children's Hospital Medical Center 19/11/1996 0871452 96940516.6 0895056 CORGHI S.p.A. 29/06/1998 0895056 98202180.0 0905757 Infineon Technologies AG 20/08/1998 0905757 98115706.8 0920505 Schering Corporation 14/08/1997 0920505 97938165.4 0931071 AGOURON PHARMACEUTICALS, 04/09/1997 0931071 97940770.7 12/11/1997 0946199 97947454.1 04/07/1997 0958305 97935511.2 INC. JAPAN TOBACCO INC. 0946199 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 0958305 CANCER RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 0990703 Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 26/02/1998 0990703 98905674.2 1005534 CELL GENESYS, INC. 07/08/1998 1005534 98939892.0 1008354 Astellas Pharma Inc. 24/12/1997 1008354 97950375.2 1008747 Mitsch, Franz 01/12/1999 1008747 99123814.8 1015413 Peplin Research Pty Ltd. 19/08/1998 1015413 98938534.9 1022859 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 21/01/2000 1022859 00300476.9 German INCORPORATED 1028749 Nabi Biopharmaceuticals 14/10/1998 1028749 98951058.1 1038433 Saint-Gobain Cultilene B.V. 16/03/2000 1038433 00400741.5 French 1056041 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 23/12/1993 1056041 00110988.3 German 1716 (No. 2105) 1082068 Patents Office Journal SOCIETE DE CONSEILS DE (20/08/2008) 04/06/1999 1082068 99923672.2 French RECHERCHES ET D'APPLICATIONS SCIENTIFIQUES (S.C.R.A.S.) 1097377 Zyomyx, Inc. 14/07/1999 1097377 99935571.2 1105810 Corporate Media Partners doing 20/08/1999 1105810 99942366.8 business as Americast 1109256 Weidmüller Interface GmbH & Co. 24/11/2000 1109256 00125747.6 1125908 Clariant Specialty Fine Chemicals 06/02/2001 1125908 01810115.4 German (France) 1126782 Provectus Pharmatech, Inc. 26/10/1999 1126782 99971283.9 1137436 The Regents of the University of 03/12/1999 1137436 99965991.5 California 1143909 NuGyn, Inc. 18/11/1999 1143909 99960448.1 1146959 Heriot, William A. 12/11/1999 1146959 99972124.4 1157530 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 29/02/2000 1157530 00914410.6 1165198 Domo Caproleuna GmbH 09/03/2000 1165198 00916803.0 1166738 UNI-CHARM CORPORATION 15/06/2001 1166738 01305249.3 1173731 RENISHAW plc 23/02/2001 1173731 01905984.9 1175593 HERZOG CONTRACTING CORP. 31/03/2000 1175593 00919970.4 1185658 GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A. 18/05/2000 1185658 00927226.1 1185758 THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY 07/06/2000 1185758 00936530.5 1188354 VANGUARD PRODUCTS 13/06/2000 1188354 00939794.4 German CORPORATION 1189178 Schlierenzauer, Karl 06/04/2000 1189178 01129939.3 German 1189614 Abbott GmbH & Co. KG 23/06/2000 1189614 00942125.6 German 1192182 BAYER CORPORATION 27/09/2000 1192182 00967002.7 1193250 Teikoku Hormone Mfg. Co., Ltd. 04/07/2000 1193250 00940936.8 1201076 Serconet Ltd. 02/03/2000 1201076 00907912.0 1204643 Dow AgroSciences LLC , A Delaware 04/08/2000 1204643 00952599.9 limited liability company 1207448 FRANCE TELECOM 08/11/2001 1207448 01402864.1 1207743 GreenSea Venture, Inc. 27/04/2000 1207743 00930107.8 1213806 AREVA T&D SA 03/12/2001 1213806 01128373.6 1226313 Jeyes Group Limited 02/11/2000 1226313 00973048.2 1227200 VSL International AG 29/01/2001 1227200 01810083.4 French German (20/08/2008) 1227756 Patents Office Journal Ecole de Technologie Superieure (No. 2105) 31/10/2000 1227756 00972519.3 1717 CORPORATION DE L'ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE DE MONTREAL CENTRE HOSPITALIER DE L'UNIVERSITE DE MONTREAL 1230834 KUHN S.A. 04/02/2002 1230834 02360052.1 1232285 THE RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF 22/11/2000 1232285 00982217.2 26/05/2000 1232314 00937905.8 French STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK 1232314 Wasser, Solomon P. Rief, Manuela Rief, Rosemarie Poolvergnuegen 1233971 ABBOTT LABORATORIES 01/12/2000 1233971 00982357.6 1237803 Hoffmann, Frank F. 24/11/2000 1237803 00980798.3 Hoffmann, Arnold R. 1237887 Laboratoires Serono SA 18/10/2000 1237887 00968161.0 1244384 Philips Intellectual Property & 23/12/1999 1244384 99965547.5 Standards GmbH 1254532 Tellabs Operations, Inc. 09/02/2001 1254532 01907180.2 1261431 F.L. Smidth & Co. A/S 19/01/2001 1261431 01900219.5 1265743 Solutia Inc. 14/12/2000 1265743 00986361.4 1267484 Alcatel Lucent 14/06/2001 1267484 01440167.3 German 1268066 GILSON SAS 09/04/2001 1268066 01921519.3 French 1269248 ISOCLEAR, INC. 26/01/2001 1269248 01903330.7 1270182 Tetra Laval Holdings & Finance SA 18/06/2001 1270182 01830402.2 1272382 KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für 28/02/2001 1272382 01923612.4 German Schienenfahrzeuge GmbH 1277204 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 25/01/2002 1277204 02715633.0 1279198 Hawker Energy Products Inc. 04/05/2001 1279198 01935098.2 1279805 Modine Manufacturing Company 12/06/2002 1279805 02012975.5 1283888 Nederlandse Organisatie voor 23/05/2001 1283888 01934630.3 German Toegepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO 1287799 UNI-CHARM CORPORATION 28/08/2002 1287799 02255952.0 1291162 Shikoku Kakoki Co., Ltd. 04/09/2002 1291162 02078623.2 1292607 Bayer Schering Pharma 09/05/2001 1292607 01929632.6 Aktiengesellschaft German 1718 (No. 2105) 1293001 Patents Office Journal EVEREADY BATTERY COMPANY, (20/08/2008) 19/06/2001 1293001 01940770.9 INC. 1296417 FCI 17/09/2002 1296417 02020569.6 1297036 ISP INVESTMENTS INC. 17/05/2001 1297036 01937529.4 1299058 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company , a 12/07/2001 1299058 01949686.8 corporation organised and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, United States of America 1300044 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 11/07/2001 1300044 01951058.5 1303354 Analab (Société à Responsabilité 16/07/2001 1303354 01954109.3 French Limitée) 1304962 Research Surgical Pty Ltd 25/07/2000 1304962 00945457.0 1306394 TOTAL PETROCHEMICALS 26/10/2001 1306394 01204067.1 RESEARCH FELUY 1306418 MERCK PATENT GmbH 04/10/2002 1306418 02022411.9 1306867 Pronutec, S.A. 30/04/2001 1306867 01931701.5 1307806 INTEL CORPORATION 14/06/2001 1307806 01946437.9 1308168 Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd. 26/07/2001 1308168 01954360.2 1308614 Peugeot Citroen Automobiles SA 30/10/2002 1308614 02292716.4 1311727 Permavoid Limited 17/08/2001 1311727 01961026.0 1315849 MacDermid Plc 11/07/2001 1315849 01949669.4 1318821 Hollander,, Adrianus Antonius Marcus 21/09/2001 1318821 01979074.0 20/12/2002 1321542 02258849.5 Johannes 1321542 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION 1322327 Acambis Research Limited 02/10/2001 1322327 01972273.5 1323332 Logitech Europe S.A. 05/10/2001 1323332 01977587.3 1324024 KANAGAWA ACADEMY OF 07/09/2001 1324024 01963525.9 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1328147 Janssen, Wilhelmus Arnoldus Maria 15/10/2001 1328147 01981171.0 1330201 GYRUS MEDICAL LIMITED 29/10/2001 1330201 01976540.3 1332737 PHILLIPS, Van L. 09/04/1999 1332737 03003285.8 1337635 The Queen's Medical Center 13/11/2001 1337635 01270129.8 1338706 DLP Limited 18/01/2003 1338706 03250323.7 1339669 UCB Pharma, S.A. 14/11/2001 1339669 01994655.7 1340517 TERUMO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 26/02/2003 1340517 03004156.0 1343775 F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 06/12/2001 1343775 01990522.3 VERNALIS RESEARCH LIMITED French (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1344589 Sterling, Evgenij, Dr. 21/02/2003 1344589 03003899.6 1345239 Urenco Nederland B.V. 11/03/2002 1345239 02075937.9 1345954 ABBOTT LABORATORIES 19/12/2001 1345954 01992462.0 1347056 KUMIAI CHEMICAL INDUSTRY 16/11/2001 1347056 01982810.2 1719 German CO., LTD. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AGROBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 1347644 Unitron 20/03/2003 1347644 03447056.7 1352577 Diving Unlimited International, Inc. 02/04/2003 1352577 03075963.3 1354951 Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited 17/12/2001 1354951 01272818.4 1358691 HELION 24/01/2002 1358691 02700397.9 French 1361315 Alcatel Lucent 01/04/2003 1361315 03290815.4 French 1361367 LG ELECTRONICS INC. 16/12/2002 1361367 02258636.6 1361622 Ube Industries, Ltd. 24/01/2002 1361622 02716365.8 1363072 FAGORBRANDTSAS 07/05/2003 1363072 03352009.9 1363886 Lonza AG 14/02/2002 1363886 02719829.0 1365781 Miller, Mickey 08/02/2002 1365781 02720927.9 1367716 SEMIKRON Elektronik GmbH & Co. 06/03/2003 1367716 03005025.6 French German KG 1368082 Tyco Healthcare Group LP 06/03/2002 1368082 02750573.4 1368196 Trioplanex France S.A. 22/01/2002 1368196 02700351.6 1369124 CSL Behring AG 16/08/2000 1369124 03076918.6 1370693 Amgen Inc. 12/02/2002 1370693 02723130.7 1373268 Shire US Inc. 26/07/2001 1373268 01951826.5 1374068 Empirix Inc. 19/03/2002 1374068 02721562.3 1375510 Nederlandse Organisatie voor 28/06/2002 1375510 02077574.8 French Toegepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO 1375912 Inmobiliaria Mr, S.A. 28/06/2002 1375912 02380136.8 1377316 Laboratoires THEA 11/04/2002 1377316 02732804.6 1377334 Fogless International AB. 19/03/2002 1377334 02708884.8 1379194 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 05/02/2002 1379194 02710234.2 1383442 DeguDent GmbH 19/04/2002 1383442 02733585.0 1383448 Viacor, Inc. 29/03/2002 1383448 02719381.2 1386865 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY 27/03/2003 1386865 03006971.0 German 1388487 Behr GmbH & Co. KG 04/08/2003 1388487 03017741.4 German 1389583 Aylward Enterprises, LLC 13/01/2003 1389583 03250189.2 French 1720 (No. 2105) 1390533 Patents Office Journal THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR (20/08/2008) 07/05/2002 1390533 02722497.1 DEFENCE 1391070 Nokia Corporation 15/05/2001 1391070 01945132.7 1392688 Lilly Icos LLC 15/04/2002 1392688 02733984.5 1393843 Black & Decker Inc. 22/08/2003 1393843 03019054.0 1395591 GLAXO GROUP LIMITED 11/06/2002 1395591 02730487.2 1395644 Croda Uniqema Inc 03/05/2002 1395644 02769678.0 Gormley, John L. Queen, Craig B. 1397813 Xenocs 31/05/2002 1397813 02740845.9 1398453 Vervaeke bvba 06/08/2003 1398453 03077459.0 1401988 SHELL INTERNATIONALE 12/06/2002 1401988 02748782.6 French RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V. , a Company organised under the laws of The Netherlands 1402851 Carriazo, Cesar C., Dr. 24/09/2002 1402851 02021188.4 1404179 Drahos, David J. 08/03/2002 1404179 02721302.4 30/05/2002 1404658 02741165.1 23/09/2003 1405934 03255981.7 West, Lee 1404658 EUROTECNICA MELAMINE, Luxemburg Zweigniederlassung in Ittigen 1405934 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION 1412442 BASF Coatings AG 23/07/2002 1412442 02754925.2 1412770 NXP B.V. 19/07/2002 1412770 02745727.4 1414650 Silverbrook Research Pty. Limited 09/07/2002 1414650 02742541.2 1418139 Maruyasu Kikai Co. Ltd. 31/10/2003 1418139 03256927.9 1419773 NeuroSearch Sweden AB 22/12/2000 1419773 03027034.2 1421749 First Hop Oy 02/09/2002 1421749 02755052.4 1425948 Obducat Aktiebolag 09/09/2002 1425948 02798066.3 1433044 EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 03/09/2002 1433044 02798706.4 1435098 Qimonda AG 24/01/2002 1435098 02702060.1 1439936 Malvini, Phillip Joseph 30/09/2002 1439936 02766434.1 15/02/2002 1441186 02707360.0 Cornell, Daniel S. 1441186 Khanzhina, Marina Nikolaevna Zevatsky, Yury Eduardovich 1441460 Toa Corporation 08/10/2002 1441460 02800788.8 1441790 Meridica Limited 16/08/2002 1441790 02755195.1 German (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1442495 Thomson Licensing 24/10/2002 1442495 02774753.4 1444181 Bromine Compounds Ltd. 11/11/2002 1444181 02785885.1 1446512 SUMITOMO METAL INDUSTRIES, 04/10/2002 1446512 02801999.0 1721 LTD. 1448620 INVISTA Technologies S.à.r.l. 26/11/2002 1448620 02791322.7 1450526 Swisscom Mobile AG 24/02/2003 1450526 03405119.3 1453553 BioPolymer Products of Sweden AB 13/12/2002 1453553 02792145.1 1456357 Stiftung CAESAR 05/02/2003 1456357 03704549.9 1456460 Armstrong DLW AG 29/11/2002 1456460 02787875.0 German 1456500 DYNACO INTERNATIONAL S.A. 11/12/2002 1456500 02784932.2 French 1457117 Hans Adler OHG 14/03/2003 1457117 03005801.0 German 1458908 HUNTING OILFIELD SERVICES 20/12/2002 1458908 02788216.6 German (UK) LIMITED M.P. Eastern Limited 1463705 Celanese International Corporation 07/01/2003 1463705 03702027.8 1463754 ARES TRADING S.A. 20/12/2002 1463754 02788225.7 1464328 L'ORÉAL 01/04/2004 1464328 04290871.5 1466889 Sepracor Inc. 31/03/2000 1466889 04010248.5 1467207 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company 09/01/2003 1467207 03701036.0 French Limited 1468317 QinetiQ Limited 08/10/2002 1468317 02765107.4 1468744 Ferrum AG 18/03/2004 1468744 04405167.0 1469853 Dynogen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 29/01/2003 1469853 03702713.3 1470902 Miyagi Construction Co., Ltd. 27/01/2003 1470902 03734851.3 1471841 Synthes GmbH 07/02/2002 1471841 02716032.4 1472322 3M Innovative Properties Company 09/12/2002 1472322 02790062.0 1473058 L'ORÉAL 20/01/2004 1473058 04290140.5 French 1474119 Bionorica AG 10/02/2003 1474119 03706473.0 German 1474899 Nokia Corporation 11/02/2003 1474899 03739606.6 1476264 HOEGANAES CORPORATION 17/01/2003 1476264 03703907.0 1476549 Lifeind EHF. 25/02/2003 1476549 03703010.3 1478339 Schering Corporation 20/02/2003 1478339 03709188.1 1478699 MERCK PATENT GmbH 27/02/2003 1478699 03743345.5 1480967 Sun Chemical Corporation 26/02/2003 1480967 03713768.4 1485883 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 10/03/2003 1485883 03708209.6 1487091 Fisher & Paykel Appliances Limited 21/06/2000 1487091 04021576.6 1487769 Arkema Inc. 24/09/2002 1487769 02775965.3 1487817 AstraZeneca AB 17/03/2003 1487817 03708798.8 German German German German 1722 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1488522 NXP B.V. 17/03/2003 1488522 03704937.6 1489994 Medtronic Vascular, Inc. 02/04/2003 1489994 03746110.0 1492791 Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited 03/04/2003 1492791 03745892.4 1493033 UCB, S.A. 02/04/2003 1493033 03712443.5 1497702 Somfy SAS 25/03/2003 1497702 03708395.3 1501633 Acco UK Limited 09/05/2003 1501633 03749954.8 1504923 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 05/08/2004 1504923 04254688.7 1505896 Crown Packaging Technology, Inc 13/05/2003 1505896 03730018.3 1510012 INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY 16/05/2003 1510012 03724602.2 French CORPORATION 1510236 Manuilov, Mikhail Valentinovich 03/12/2002 1510236 02804369.3 1517867 Rockwool International A/S 25/06/2003 1517867 03761501.0 1519612 BellSouth Intellectual Property 23/07/1998 1519612 04078485.2 Corporation 1520499 SEB S.A. 13/09/2004 1520499 04356154.7 French 1522039 Tibotec Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 30/06/2003 1522039 03761600.0 1528167 RST Gesellschaft für 29/10/2004 1528167 04025787.5 German Wasserspartechnik mbH 1528330 GRUNDFOS A/S 03/11/2003 1528330 03025084.9 German 1529474 SEB S.A. 08/10/2004 1529474 04356164.6 French 1532134 Aventis Pharma S.A. 04/07/2002 1532134 02807597.6 French 1532185 Kraton Polymers Research B.V. 11/07/2003 1532185 03764565.2 1532913 Pagette GmbH 18/11/2004 1532913 04027382.3 1533048 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES 19/11/2004 1533048 04257175.2 German CORPORATION 1536858 CARDIAC PACEMAKERS, INC. 12/09/2003 1536858 03752319.8 1537058 Construction Research & Technology 09/09/2002 1537058 02767476.1 GmbH 1538968 InfraReDx, Inc. 29/07/2003 1538968 03766947.0 1541622 BASF SE 11/12/2003 1541622 03028440.0 German 1542443 Sagem Communications 30/11/2004 1542443 04292822.6 French 1542560 Nodeko GmbH 17/09/2003 1542560 03788907.8 German 1542826 The Boeing Company 02/09/2003 1542826 03749350.9 1543755 Ing. Petr Gross, s.r.o. 09/12/2004 1543755 04466034.8 1544198 Dipharma S.p.A. 19/11/2004 1544198 04027598.4 1544674 Agfa-Gevaert HealthCare GmbH 17/12/2003 1544674 03104749.1 German (20/08/2008) 1546187 Patents Office Journal NOVO NORDISK A/S , an (No. 2105) 25/09/2003 1546187 03798089.3 1723 Aktieselskab organised and existing under the laws of Denmark 1550282 IPWireless, Inc. 01/10/2003 1550282 03756551.2 1556504 Medical Research Council 03/11/2003 1556504 03775502.2 1557528 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES 24/01/2005 1557528 05250319.0 24/01/2005 1557531 05250322.4 CORPORATION 1557531 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION 1557532 United Technologies Corporation 24/01/2005 1557532 05250323.2 1559819 Pai Lung Machinery Mill Co., Ltd. 22/01/2004 1559819 04001385.6 1560549 JS SAKERHETSSYS AB 06/11/2003 1560549 03770200.8 1560723 Behr GmbH & Co. KG 29/10/2003 1560723 03767511.3 German 1561526 CLAAS Fertigungstechnik GmbH 22/01/2005 1561526 05001307.7 German 1561790 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 03/02/2005 1561790 05002284.7 1562566 Innovative Drug Delivery Systems, Inc. 25/09/2003 1562566 03759633.5 1562746 POLIFILMS S.r.l. 10/10/2003 1562746 03750706.8 1562750 KUHNE ANLAGENBAU GmbH 06/06/2003 1562750 03732548.7 German 1563724 CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen 09/02/2005 1563724 05002633.5 German GmbH 1566620 SAKURA FINETEK U.S.A., INC. 21/01/2005 1566620 05100396.0 1567909 MERCK PATENT GmbH 24/10/2003 1567909 03773663.4 1568044 Exar Corporation 13/11/2003 1568044 03786668.8 1571990 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 21/11/2003 1571990 03772507.4 1572269 Parker, David William 01/10/2003 1572269 03753744.6 22/12/2003 1573059 03779591.1 Burgess, Colin Hamilton 1573059 Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo UNIFESP Fundaçao de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo - FAPESP 1574186 Zimmer Technology, Inc. 08/03/2005 1574186 05251376.9 1578145 3M Innovative Properties Company 18/03/2004 1578145 04006530.2 1579881 Tecpharma Licensing AG 23/03/2004 1579881 04006896.7 1580267 Mitsukan Group Corporation 04/12/2003 1580267 03777254.8 1580295 Applied Materials GmbH & Co. KG 28/07/2004 1580295 04017807.1 1581072 A. Rifkin Co. 21/10/2003 1581072 03777706.7 1584187 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 05/01/2004 1584187 04700149.0 German 1724 (No. 2105) 1585221 Patents Office Journal SHINDENGEN ELECTRIC (20/08/2008) 07/01/2004 1585221 04700506.1 MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LIMITED 1585591 DE DIETRICH 17/12/2003 1585591 03815953.9 1586521 Fujirebio Inc. 11/12/2003 1586521 03778846.0 1589257 C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER 23/04/2004 1589257 04425283.1 French AZIONI 1590597 Jang, Joon-Hyuk 30/01/2004 1590597 04706894.5 1590784 Genoa Color Technologies Ltd. 13/01/2004 1590784 04701658.9 1591095 Franz Kaldewei GmbH & Co.KG 19/06/2004 1591095 04014411.5 German 1592687 MERCK PATENT GmbH 10/01/2004 1592687 04701298.4 German 1592703 N.V. Organon 29/01/2004 1592703 04706187.4 1594878 Merial Limited 30/01/2004 1594878 04706630.3 1595754 KEY SAFETY SYSTEMS, INC. 10/05/2004 1595754 04425334.2 1597589 Bayer HealthCare AG 04/02/2004 1597589 04707898.5 1599086 BJÖRKEBO GARD AB 13/02/2004 1599086 04711075.4 1599423 SAINT-GOBAIN GLASS FRANCE 25/02/2004 1599423 04714354.0 1602333 Atropos Limited 01/12/1999 1602333 05018011.6 1602370 Novartis AG 15/11/2001 1602370 05015603.3 02/06/2004 1603188 04013003.1 French Novartis Pharma GmbH 1603188 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB 1603924 Sigma-Aldrich Co. 11/03/2004 1603924 04719537.5 1606469 General Electric Company 09/03/2004 1606469 04718805.7 1606633 Bayer HealthCare AG 04/03/2004 1606633 04717063.4 1608681 FUJIFILM Manufacturing Europe B.V. 26/03/2004 1608681 04723872.0 1611139 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL 22/12/2004 1611139 04815261.5 INDUSTRIES LTD. 1611940 Warsteiner Brauerei Haus Cramer KG 24/07/2004 1611940 04017593.7 1612406 C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER 30/06/2004 1612406 04425472.0 German AZIONI 1613234 Globodent EHF. 02/02/2004 1613234 04707277.2 1613512 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 30/01/2004 1613512 04706647.7 1616474 JF-Fabriken - J. Freudendahl A/S 07/07/2005 1616474 05388059.7 1617487 Kuraray Europe GmbH 14/06/2005 1617487 05105204.1 1620319 Arx Limited 29/03/2004 1620319 04724059.3 1620351 Perkinelmer Optoelectronics GmbH & 06/05/2004 1620351 04731347.3 Co. Kg German German German (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1620635 Eaton Corporation 05/05/2004 1620635 04751403.9 1620859 ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE 12/05/2004 1620859 04751987.1 1725 FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE (EPFL) 1621560 L'ORÉAL 11/07/2005 1621560 05291493.4 1621843 FABBRICA D'ARMI PIETRO 15/07/2005 1621843 05106535.7 French BERETTA S.p.A. 1622270 Honeywell International, Inc. 22/08/2002 1622270 05021687.8 1623642 SCHERING-PLOUGH 05/08/2005 1623642 05017061.2 23/03/2005 1625817 05102339.8 HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS, INC. 1625817 ELECTROLUX PROFESSIONAL S.p.A. 1626037 IBIDEN CO., LTD. 24/12/2004 1626037 04801922.8 1632146 Berkhahn, Klaus 01/09/2005 1632146 05018981.0 German 1632776 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 01/09/2005 1632776 05450147.3 German Roche Diagnostics GmbH 1632804 Barco, naamloze vennootschap. 09/08/2005 1632804 05076840.7 1633661 Container Leasing UK Limited 27/05/2004 1633661 04735036.8 1634344 VARTA Automotive Systems GmbH 14/04/2004 1634344 04727219.0 German 1634651 Dürr Systems GmbH 01/09/2005 1634651 05107994.5 German 1635915 J.E.M. Concept International Inc. 23/06/2003 1635915 03737784.3 1637045 Bangert, Guido 15/11/2004 1637045 04027084.5 1638763 ALBANY INTERNATIONAL CORP. 23/06/2004 1638763 04755895.2 1639876 Kaastrup, Søren 23/09/2005 1639876 05020774.5 1639964 CENTERPULSE FRANCE SAS 13/08/2005 1639964 05017693.2 German French HIP CARE 1640408 Futura Polyesters Limited 27/09/2005 1640408 05255999.4 1643131 ResMed Ltd. 10/12/2002 1643131 05028723.4 1644579 Kemira Oyj 30/06/2004 1644579 04740462.9 1648483 NESTEC S.A. 30/06/2004 1648483 04740472.8 1649234 Heckler & Koch GmbH 12/02/2004 1649234 04710392.4 1649788 Lan, Yung-huei 25/07/2003 1649788 03817600.4 1650186 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 22/10/2004 1650186 04292517.2 German German BIOPROJET 1651979 Navcom Technology, Inc. 29/06/2004 1651979 04777487.2 1652650 Battenfeld Extrusionstechnik GmbH 11/10/2005 1652650 05109423.3 1653882 Boston Scientific Limited 05/05/2004 1653882 04751443.5 German 1726 (No. 2105) 1654266 Patents Office Journal Boehringer Ingelheim International (20/08/2008) 23/07/2004 1654266 04741285.3 German German GmbH Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG 1655522 Wärtsilä Schweiz AG 06/10/2005 1655522 05405572.8 1656181 CARDIAC PACEMAKERS, INC. 18/08/2004 1656181 04781543.6 1656419 Tyco Electronics Corporation 04/08/2004 1656419 04780192.3 1657367 Check up S.p.A. 14/11/2005 1657367 05110685.4 1660165 Wilson-Cook Medical Inc. 29/07/2004 1660165 04779691.7 1660698 Micron Technology, Inc. 18/08/2004 1660698 04781653.3 1661597 Kerr, Andrew 29/11/2005 1661597 05025996.9 1663952 CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE 16/09/2004 1663952 04765261.5 RICERCHE 1664649 Behr GmbH & Co. KG 04/08/2004 1664649 04763790.5 1665680 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 10/09/2004 1665680 04783673.9 1665882 Widex A/S 21/08/2003 1665882 03818263.0 1665994 Hôpital Sainte Justine 30/08/2001 1665994 06100898.3 1667793 3M Innovative Properties Company 27/08/2004 1667793 04782374.5 1669150 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 24/11/2005 1669150 05077727.5 1669290 Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation 05/12/2005 1669290 05257507.3 1670177 Brother Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 29/09/2005 1670177 05256069.5 1672770 Etel S.A. 24/09/2005 1672770 05020865.1 1680284 De La Rue International Limited 03/11/2004 1680284 04798364.8 1680392 DSM IP Assets B.V. 26/10/2004 1680392 04790843.9 1680929 Zink, Armin 07/11/2004 1680929 04802687.6 1681020 Esaote S.p.A. 18/01/2005 1681020 05100286.3 1682227 Coty B.V. 09/11/2004 1682227 04818136.6 1683451 STRIX LIMITED 20/01/2006 1683451 06250304.0 1687103 Teeuwen Präzisions GmbH 31/01/2005 1687103 05701260.1 1687162 Bombardier Transportation GmbH 29/11/2004 1687162 04803335.1 1689688 Lisec, Peter 26/02/2004 1689688 04714688.1 1690019 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies 19/10/2004 1690019 04795479.7 German German German German German German Corporation 1690267 Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 03/12/2004 1690267 04803496.1 1693051 The Jordanian Pharmaceutical 17/02/2005 1693051 05003405.7 German Manufacturing Co. 1693311 L'Oreal-D.I.P.I. 24/01/2006 1693311 06100786.0 French 1693542 Hettich-Heinze GmbH & Co. KG 19/01/2006 1693542 06100582.3 German (20/08/2008) 1694044 Patents Office Journal Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications (No. 2105) 17/02/2005 1694044 05003391.9 1727 AB 1694762 The Boeing Company 24/11/2004 1694762 04812199.0 1695416 Kathrein-Werke KG 28/10/2004 1695416 04790981.7 German 1695710 Les Laboratoires Servier 28/02/2006 1695710 06290329.9 French 1695734 Hospira, Inc. 22/05/2002 1695734 06111487.2 1695803 Schuller, Hans 02/01/2006 1695803 06400001.1 1698665 Meredian, Inc. 20/12/2001 1698665 06008910.9 1698893 BAM Bundesanstalt für 24/02/2006 1698893 06075436.3 German German Materialforschung und -prüfung 1700647 WAFIOS Aktiengesellschaft 08/03/2005 1700647 05005045.9 German 1700790 Kunststoffwerk Kutterer GmbH & Co. 08/03/2006 1700790 06004749.5 German 07/03/2006 1702880 06110791.8 KG 1702880 AZIONARIA COSTRUZIONI MACCHINE AUTOMATICHEA.C.M.A.-S.p.A. 1704080 Bombardier Transportation GmbH 07/01/2005 1704080 05700748.6 1704706 PARROT (Société Anonyme) 04/01/2005 1704706 05717357.7 1705873 Sanden Corporation 22/03/2006 1705873 06111557.2 1707143 Covidien AG 30/03/2006 1707143 06006716.2 1707801 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 09/03/2005 1707801 05251432.0 1710162 ILAPAK INTERNATIONAL S.A. 28/03/2006 1710162 06006339.3 1710519 Lenko Snow AB 05/04/2006 1710519 06445012.5 1710956 Research In Motion Limited 04/04/2005 1710956 05102623.5 1717057 Degn Stefan 28/04/2006 1717057 06450063.0 French German Zeppetzauer Mario 1718933 Somfy SAS 25/02/2005 1718933 05708599.5 1720425 Mastropietro, Marina 24/11/2004 1720425 04798956.1 1720588 VYGON 02/02/2005 1720588 05717533.3 1720959 SHELL INTERNATIONALE 24/02/2005 1720959 05716790.0 French RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V. , a Company organised under the laws of The Netherlands 1721400 TELLABS OPERATIONS INC. 25/02/2005 1721400 05724181.2 1721803 Alstom Transport SA 28/04/2006 1721803 06290690.4 French 1722984 Evonik Degussa GmbH 18/02/2005 1722984 05707499.9 German 1723272 Van Der Mast, Willem Frans 28/02/2005 1723272 05710918.3 1728 (No. 2105) 1724346 Patents Office Journal FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM JÜLICH (20/08/2008) 11/05/2006 1724346 06009706.0 German GMBH 1725454 KBA-GIORI S.A. 03/03/2005 1725454 05708651.4 1727574 PPA Technologies AG 09/03/2005 1727574 05715888.3 German 1727931 Groz-Beckert KG 17/02/2005 1727931 05715360.3 German 1729723 Wella Aktiengesellschaft 26/10/2004 1729723 04790861.1 German 1730058 LANXESS Deutschland GmbH 16/03/2005 1730058 05716092.1 German 1732758 Presstek, Inc. 25/03/2005 1732758 05731303.3 1737808 Celanese International Corporation 24/02/2005 1737808 05723599.6 1737847 Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd 01/08/2005 1737847 05815690.2 1738380 Areva T&D SA 20/04/2005 1738380 05747087.4 1740010 TeliaSonera Finland Oyj 04/02/2005 1740010 06121783.2 1741426 EURO-CELTIQUE S.A. 03/11/1995 1741426 06123277.3 1744978 Deflandre, Hervé 10/05/2005 1744978 05767899.7 French 1746231 Aug. Winkhaus GmbH & Co. KG 09/06/2006 1746231 06115198.1 German 1747198 Janssen Pharmaceutica NV 29/04/2005 1747198 05738030.5 1748000 Hasenkamp Internationale Transporte 24/06/2006 1748000 06013067.1 German German French GmbH 1749152 Schwing GmbH 18/04/2005 1749152 05733928.5 1750880 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 15/04/2005 1750880 05745021.5 1751137 Janssen Pharmaceutica NV 28/04/2005 1751137 05737841.6 1753332 Von Schoultz, Erik 08/06/2005 1753332 05747001.5 1753689 Kone Corporation 18/05/2005 1753689 05740952.6 1753794 Basell Polyolefine GmbH 25/04/2005 1753794 05736042.2 1756086 F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 23/05/2005 1756086 05744719.5 1757759 Aug. Winkhaus GmbH & Co. KG 26/06/2006 1757759 06116065.1 German 1757760 Aug. Winkhaus GmbH & Co. KG 26/06/2006 1757760 06116071.9 German 1759107 Renault s.a.s. 16/06/2005 1759107 05778184.1 French 1759573 Gerhard Dücker GmbH & Co. KG 12/04/2006 1759573 06007689.0 German Landmaschinenfabrik 1759933 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 28/08/2006 1759933 06076626.8 1760944 Research In Motion Limited 06/09/2005 1760944 05108131.3 1764965 Research In Motion Limited 27/02/2004 1764965 07100074.9 1766248 SFS intec Holding AG 09/07/2005 1766248 05762109.6 1767088 SHIMANO INC. 05/09/2006 1767088 06254616.3 1767892 Armatix GmbH 25/09/2006 1767892 06020055.7 German 1768771 MAI International GmbH 14/07/2005 1768771 05760070.2 German 1769975 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 12/09/2006 1769975 06076715.9 German (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1729 1774520 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 21/07/2005 1774520 05773307.3 1777720 Tyco Electronics Austria GmbH 24/10/2005 1777720 05023154.7 German 1779924 COLAS 26/10/2006 1779924 06301092.0 French 1781152 NESTEC S.A. 16/07/2005 1781152 05763449.5 1781439 Iscar Ltd. 26/07/2005 1781439 05763097.2 1781526 Renault s.a.s. 17/08/2005 1781526 05797596.3 1782638 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 04/08/2005 1782638 05774146.4 1783357 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 02/11/2005 1783357 05256793.0 1788254 PIERBURG SARL 14/11/2006 1788254 06124033.9 1788850 Patent-Treuhand-Gesellschaft für 22/11/2005 1788850 05425826.4 French French elektrische Glühlampen mbH OSRAM S.P.A. - SOCIETA' RIUNITE OSRAM EDISON CLERICI 1791352 Angel Iglesias S.A. 29/06/2006 1791352 06380181.5 French 1793166 HNE Technologie AG 03/12/2005 1793166 05026412.6 German 1793682 Banss Schlacht- und Fördertechnik 15/09/2005 1793682 05787191.5 German GmbH 1794180 Lonza AG 20/09/2005 1794180 05786327.6 1794189 Friesland Brands B.V. 29/08/2005 1794189 05774775.0 1794320 BIOMERIEUX 23/09/2005 1794320 05805383.6 French 1795066 Metabowerke GmbH 12/12/2005 1795066 05027127.9 German 1798168 FMC FoodTech AB 26/10/2006 1798168 06122974.6 1799379 Main Management Inspiration AG 15/09/2005 1799379 05786328.4 1799948 Technoform Caprano und Brunnhofer 21/12/2005 1799948 05824433.6 German GmbH & Co. KG 1801366 Delphi Technologies Inc. 23/12/2005 1801366 05028306.8 1802064 Alcatel Lucent 22/12/2005 1802064 05292796.9 1802405 ThyssenKrupp Steel AG 07/10/2005 1802405 05796633.5 German 1807230 SMS Demag AG 04/11/2005 1807230 05811242.6 German 1807536 CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA 03/11/2005 1807536 05815224.0 French 27/10/2005 1807897 05815936.9 French RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS) 1807897 COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE 1811110 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 24/01/2006 1811110 06001399.2 German 1813742 BKS GmbH 19/01/2007 1813742 07001103.6 German 1815421 Snell and Wilcox Limited 25/11/2005 1815421 05808356.9 1817013 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 17/11/2005 1817013 05824194.4 1730 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1817108 BASF SE 12/10/2005 1817108 05798767.9 German 1817402 Peltier, Eric 28/11/2005 1817402 05823016.0 French 1817624 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 07/11/2005 1817624 05802334.2 1824902 Orbita-Film GmbH 21/11/2005 1824902 05820684.8 1825021 3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES 11/10/2005 1825021 05810475.3 German COMPANY 1825989 KIEFEL AG 21/12/2006 1825989 06026513.9 1827136 ROTTAPHARM S.P.A. 20/09/2005 1827136 05792107.4 1827671 Httlin, Herbert, Dr. h.c. 23/09/2005 1827671 05791115.8 1828131 Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 07/12/2005 1828131 05811326.7 1828275 E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 13/10/2005 1828275 05804253.2 1829032 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 07/12/2005 1829032 05826736.0 1829568 Alcon, Inc. 22/02/2007 1829568 07102888.0 1833801 ALGRY QUIMICA, S.L 22/12/2005 1833801 05823669.6 1835813 UNILEVER PLC 15/12/2005 1835813 05820438.9 German German UNILEVER N.V. 1836184 Honeywell International Inc. 22/12/2005 1836184 05855436.1 1837383 Umicore AG & Co. KG 06/03/2006 1837383 06004444.3 1838427 FUJIFILM Imaging Colorants Limited 13/12/2005 1838427 05820462.9 1838631 Bionik GmbH - Innovative Technik für 05/01/2006 1838631 06700076.0 German die Umwelt 1838671 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 05/12/2005 1838671 05826014.2 1841699 Patco Engineering GmbH 19/01/2006 1841699 06701055.3 1841745 DSM IP Assets B.V. 24/01/2006 1841745 06704494.1 1844190 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte 21/11/2005 1844190 05804606.1 German German GmbH 1846506 DSM IP Assets B.V. 12/01/2006 1846506 06706210.9 1846616 Franz Plasser Bahnbaumaschinen- 31/01/2005 1846616 05740124.2 04/02/2006 1848754 06706642.3 German Industriegesellschaft m.b.H. 1848754 HENKEL KOMMANDITGESELLSCHAFT AUF AKTIEN 1850714 N&W Global Vending S.p.A. 10/01/2006 1850714 06701258.3 1852355 Hugo Beck Maschinenbau GmbH & 04/05/2006 1852355 06009225.1 German Co. KG 1853812 Dayco Ensa, S.L. 08/02/2006 1853812 06708124.0 1856199 Evonik Degussa GmbH 16/02/2006 1856199 06743190.8 German (20/08/2008) 1863429 Patents Office Journal UNILEVER N.V. (No. 2105) 13/03/2006 1863429 06723395.7 01/02/2006 1866361 06706525.0 1731 Unilever PLC 1866361 Huntsman Textile Effects (Germany) GmbH 1866537 Renault s.a.s. 12/12/2005 1866537 05824557.2 French 1866590 Frape Behr S.A. 10/02/2006 1866590 06706820.5 German 1732 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Grants Published in EPO Bulletin No. 24/08, dated 11th June 2008 0800807 JOHNSON & JOHNSON INC. 18/04/1997 0800807 97302659.4 0857703 VESUVIUS CRUCIBLE COMPANY 23/01/1998 0857703 98300472.2 0873500 IMC Industriellt 10/01/1997 0873500 97900835.6 Mikroelektronikcentrum AB 0891551 Medical Research Council 01/04/1997 0891551 97914488.8 0907866 Fluorosolar Systems Limited 17/06/1997 0907866 97926919.8 0911398 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 07/12/1992 0911398 98121175.8 03/09/1997 0931163 97940761.6 der Wissenschaften e.V. 0931163 RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION 0940333 SHIMANO INC. 30/10/1998 0940333 98308847.7 0943727 MILLIKEN RESEARCH 16/03/1999 0943727 99104034.6 31/10/1997 0948522 97909070.1 CORPORATION 0948522 THE WALTER AND ELIZA HALL INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL RESEARCH 0948538 Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Inc. 12/12/1997 0948538 97948629.7 0951702 N.V. BEKAERT S.A. 08/12/1997 0951702 97954738.7 0951965 ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INC. 09/04/1999 0951965 99400874.6 0954529 The University of Melbourne 01/04/1997 0954529 97913999.5 0971599 Kerry Ingredients (UK) Limited 18/03/1998 0971599 98910871.7 0973918 DSM IP Assets B.V. 14/04/1998 0973918 98928202.5 0979298 ANTICANCER, INC. 28/04/1998 0979298 98918790.1 0983378 ChemoMetec A/S 05/05/1998 0983378 98921022.4 0988092 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA 11/06/1998 0988092 98930828.3 SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (INSERM) 1008393 ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INC. 06/12/1999 1008393 99309778.1 1012289 Mogam Biotechnology Research 05/06/1998 1012289 98925953.6 Institute 1021652 Gas Injection Technologies Pty. Ltd 07/10/1998 1021652 98947238.6 1021737 Acculase, Inc. 02/10/1998 1021737 98950838.7 1024953 Chi Mei Optoelectronics Corporation 07/10/1998 1024953 98954398.8 1032709 Schneider, David R. 24/11/1998 1032709 98960428.5 1037387 ABB Oy 07/03/2000 1037387 00660045.6 French (20/08/2008) 1055002 Patents Office Journal THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR (No. 2105) 18/02/1999 1055002 99905085.9 1733 DEFENCE 1060442 MICRONIC LASER SYSTEMS AB 02/03/1999 1060442 99908055.9 1068001 BASF Catalysts LLC 25/02/1999 1068001 99908454.4 1073696 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 17/03/1999 1073696 99913261.6 German 1074307 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 24/07/2000 1074307 00115013.5 German 19/04/2000 1086137 00921181.4 SCA Schucker GmbH & Co. 1086137 KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT NIJMEGEN 1087842 FISHMAN CORPORATION 06/04/2000 1087842 00921791.0 1091685 CYTYC CORPORATION 06/04/1999 1091685 99917356.0 1095481 Rambus, Inc. 08/05/2000 1095481 00932161.3 1126787 Lucent Medical Systems, Inc. 28/10/1999 1126787 99956780.3 1132750 Infineon Technologies AG 21/12/2000 1132750 00128175.7 German 1155744 L'ORÉAL 20/03/2001 1155744 01400718.1 French 1156188 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 16/01/2001 1156188 01300367.8 1156427 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 14/05/2001 1156427 01111678.7 1164956 Fortin, Frédéric 26/05/2000 1164956 00931355.2 1165113 Genentech, Inc. 05/04/2000 1165113 00921827.2 1165167 Boston Scientific Limited 12/01/2000 1165167 00903265.7 1166284 Belden Technologies, Inc. 25/02/2000 1166284 00913619.3 1166803 UNI-CHARM CORPORATION 26/06/2001 1166803 01305538.9 1168551 AREVA T&D SA 19/06/2001 1168551 01401615.8 1168986 Endotex Interventional Systems, Inc. 31/03/2000 1168986 00921564.1 1169393 Lonza AG 07/04/2000 1169393 00917056.4 1180107 CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF 31/03/2000 1180107 00921600.3 14/03/2001 1181423 01912352.0 French French TECHNOLOGY 1181423 Ota, Tomoya Ota, Chieko 1181797 Intellon Corporation 25/04/2000 1181797 00926328.6 1187882 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 10/05/2000 1187882 00943713.8 1190678 DePuy Spine, Inc. 21/09/2001 1190678 01308038.7 1195325 Shikoku Kakoki Co., Ltd. 03/10/2001 1195325 01203732.1 1196760 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE 22/03/2000 1196760 00919511.6 19/10/2001 1199178 01124326.8 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, as represented by THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY 1199178 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION German 1734 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1201436 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 30/10/2001 1201436 01125883.7 1208026 WABCO AUTOMOTIVE U.K. 04/09/2000 1208026 00956723.1 LIMITED 1210459 Genetic Solutions Pty Ltd 01/09/2000 1210459 00955970.9 1210771 Manfreda, Andrej 11/04/2001 1210771 01921704.1 06/09/2000 1213970 00958527.4 MM-Partner D.O.O. Cencur, Marko 1213970 SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. 1218921 UT-Battelle, LLC 20/09/2000 1218921 00965271.0 1220498 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 29/11/2001 1220498 01128328.0 1222988 PILLARHOUSE INTERNATIONAL 10/01/2002 1222988 02250154.8 LIMITED 1224438 University of Florida 16/10/2000 1224438 00973584.6 1224912 DEPUY ORTHOPAEDICS, INC. 22/01/2002 1224912 02250442.7 1225993 Consolidated Engineering Company, 27/07/2000 1225993 00952228.5 Inc. 1226327 Hörmann KG Brandis 03/11/2000 1226327 00989770.3 German 1226829 CSL Behring GmbH 12/12/2001 1226829 01129605.0 German 1227183 DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. 13/09/2000 1227183 00960978.5 1228549 CHLORIDE INDUSTRIAL 26/10/2000 1228549 00972973.2 BATTERIES LIMITED 1230235 New Pharma Research Sweden AB 13/11/2000 1230235 00980176.2 1230345 Mendel Biotechnology, Inc. 14/11/2000 1230345 00980418.8 1231469 Miwa, Masao 06/10/2000 1231469 00964707.4 Sugatani, Junko FUSO PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. 1232908 Holtkamp, Egbert Berend 19/02/2002 1232908 02075668.0 1233905 Advanced Aerospace Technologies, Inc. 24/07/2000 1233905 00952173.3 1233924 CSP Technologies, Inc. 09/11/2000 1233924 00992798.9 1235120 The Swatch Group Management 23/02/2001 1235120 01200683.9 Services AG 1238157 CABOT CORPORATION 26/09/2000 1238157 00966911.0 1238588 Kraft Foods Holdings, Inc. 04/10/2001 1238588 01308494.2 1239885 The Regents of the University of 22/12/2000 1239885 00988400.8 08/01/2001 1246612 01900942.2 California 1246612 Osmotica Corp. French (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1247396 Muvee Technologies Pte Ltd. 16/12/1999 1247396 99962635.1 1250947 Midway Amusement Games, LLC 03/04/2002 1250947 02290821.4 1252191 Biomerieux, Inc. 10/11/2000 1252191 00978502.3 1252345 WMC Resources Ltd 19/12/2000 1252345 00986860.5 1255515 IsoTis N.V. 19/02/2001 1255515 01910241.7 1255739 Warner-Lambert Company LLC 12/12/2000 1255739 00984246.9 1257057 E.G.O. ELEKTRO-GERÄTEBAU 10/04/2002 1257057 02007968.7 1735 German GmbH 1259157 Itamar Medical Ltd 01/03/2001 1259157 01910113.8 1260617 GEORG SAHM GMBH & CO. KG 18/05/2002 1260617 02011120.9 1261448 Hunting Energy Services Inc. 02/01/2001 1261448 01901658.3 1263055 Magna Chip Semiconductor, Ltd. 21/05/2002 1263055 02253569.4 German Konica Minolta Opto, Inc. 1263341 Salient Surgical Technologies, Inc. 01/03/2001 1263341 01914620.8 1268598 DOW GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES 02/02/2001 1268598 01906929.3 03/04/2001 1269464 01923898.9 INC. 1269464 Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. 1272135 Park, Koon 07/04/2001 1272135 01934558.6 1274483 TXSONICS Ltd. 12/04/2001 1274483 01923938.3 1274955 Poulton, Adrian Roger 17/04/2001 1274955 01921599.5 1276857 Novozymes A/S 22/03/2001 1276857 01916937.4 1277457 L'ORÉAL 08/07/2002 1277457 02291708.2 1278760 Aclara BioSciences, Inc. 27/10/2000 1278760 00973963.2 1279304 MOTOROLA, INC. 29/03/2001 1279304 01924437.5 1282436 AMYLIN PHARMACEUTICALS, 18/05/2001 1282436 01937500.5 Unknown French INC. 1287991 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 21/08/2002 1287991 02018707.6 1294267 S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. 22/06/2001 1294267 01948653.9 1299958 MOTOROLA, INC. 13/06/2001 1299958 01950296.2 1301637 THE TRUSTEES OF THE 12/07/2001 1301637 01962300.8 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 1305411 Laboratoires Serono SA 01/08/2001 1305411 01953251.4 1309469 Parkhouse Country Estates Limited 17/08/2001 1309469 01960891.8 1313713 Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc. 06/08/2001 1313713 01959581.8 1314965 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 25/10/2002 1314965 02023934.9 1315788 UNILEVER PLC 24/08/2001 1315788 01969654.1 UNILEVER N.V. German 1736 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1317744 Song, Jin K. 08/08/2000 1317744 00953934.7 1318754 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 30/08/2001 1318754 01969684.8 1319880 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Limited 12/12/2002 1319880 02027857.8 1321171 Bonnaimé, Bruno 19/12/2002 1321171 02293165.3 1325319 Hok Instrument AB 08/10/2001 1325319 01975104.9 1330910 Silicon Image, Inc. 11/09/2002 1330910 02759623.8 1332602 Silicon Image, Inc. 11/09/2002 1332602 02761616.8 1340629 Schrader-Bridgeport International, Inc 28/02/2002 1340629 02251436.8 1344931 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 13/03/2003 1344931 03251544.7 1348324 CLAAS Saulgau GmbH 08/03/2003 1348324 03005194.0 1349685 ABB AB 10/01/2002 1349685 02729608.6 1350064 BIC CORPORATION 07/01/2002 1350064 02703065.9 1350262 Coley Pharmaceuticals GmbH 10/12/2001 1350262 01273824.1 1350945 Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche 18/03/2003 1350945 03005998.4 15/01/2002 1354274 02732091.0 22/01/2002 1355777 02700357.3 French German German Aktiengesellschaft 1354274 International Business Machines Corporation 1355777 ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL French COMPAGNIE GENERALE D'OPTIQUE 1356544 Lot 41 Acquisition Foundation, LLC 26/12/2001 1356544 01991614.7 1357635 Yang, Xiao Hui 17/04/2003 1357635 03252495.1 Fuss, Arthur 1358419 Swagelok Company 06/02/2002 1358419 02703345.5 1360658 CHIRNOMAS, Munroe 23/05/2001 1360658 01939400.6 1360736 M.E.S. Technologies 12/02/2002 1360736 02706842.8 1362353 Avantone Oy 21/01/2002 1362353 02710074.2 1366344 Honeywell International Inc. 06/03/2002 1366344 02717557.9 1368032 ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 19/12/2001 1368032 01274491.8 1370441 Pendelmatic International APS 08/03/2002 1370441 02703521.1 1370770 Sarlin-Hydor Oy 04/02/2002 1370770 02711886.8 1372365 Wieland Electric GmbH 11/06/2003 1372365 03013102.3 1372621 Innoventus Project AB 05/04/2002 1372621 02720710.9 1377336 Becton, Dickinson and Company 10/04/2001 1377336 01926825.9 1378130 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 08/04/2002 1378130 02730126.6 1379299 Becton Dickinson and Company 13/04/2001 1379299 01274126.0 1382889 CNH Belgium N.V. 08/07/2003 1382889 03102041.5 French German (20/08/2008) 1384326 Patents Office Journal ROKE MANOR RESEARCH (No. 2105) 28/03/2002 1384326 02759785.5 1737 LIMITED 1385684 Covidien AG 05/04/2002 1385684 02763989.7 1385917 BRUNEL UNIVERSITY 29/04/2002 1385917 02722459.1 1385963 Centre National De La Recherche 19/03/2002 1385963 02720067.4 French Scientifique 1386828 Zephyros Inc. 20/07/2003 1386828 03016385.1 1389539 Bonatrans Group a.s. 13/08/2003 1389539 03102521.6 1390565 UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE 31/05/2002 1390565 02743345.7 French CURIE 1391511 Kirin Pharma Kabushiki Kaisha 10/05/2002 1391511 02769569.1 1392334 Global Cancer Strategies Ltd. 26/02/2002 1392334 02711729.0 1392846 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER 26/02/2002 1392846 02731102.6 1393033 European Organization for Nuclear 13/05/2002 1393033 02727884.5 19/04/2002 1401972 02732642.0 07/08/2003 1403193 03017984.0 Research 1401972 AKZO NOBEL COATINGS INTERNATIONAL B.V. , a company incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands 1403193 Hasenkamp Internationale Transporte German GmbH 1406685 Baxter International Inc. 24/04/2002 1406685 02776553.6 1407851 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 06/09/2003 1407851 03020236.0 1411100 Nippon NSC Ltd. 13/10/2003 1411100 03023183.1 1414327 Bonnet Névé 06/08/2002 1414327 02794624.3 1414794 YEDA RESEARCH AND 30/05/2002 1414794 02734587.5 German French DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. 1418047 FUJIFILM Corporation 07/11/2003 1418047 03025658.0 1418125 EURO LABEL 06 07/10/2003 1418125 03292471.4 French 1419931 Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. 24/10/2003 1419931 03103950.6 German 1420195 PIAGGIO & C. S.p.A. 30/06/2003 1420195 03077045.7 1420769 THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH 25/03/2002 1420769 02707001.0 1420976 Alstom Belgium S.A. 01/08/2002 1420976 02759941.4 1423918 Rambus Inc. 23/08/2002 1423918 02757315.3 1426696 Onda Engineering System S.r.l. 02/12/2003 1426696 03027631.5 1428043 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 26/08/2002 1428043 02763145.6 French 1738 (No. 2105) 1429691 Patents Office Journal Badatcheff, Francois (20/08/2008) 26/09/2002 1429691 02791881.2 French Besse, Jean-Pierre Moretton, Jean-Claude Rochereau, Patrice Thumler, Peter Poitout, Dominique Depuy (Ireland) Limited 1430588 BEI Technologies, Inc. 10/09/2002 1430588 02763626.5 1432001 Hager Electro 20/12/2002 1432001 02360377.2 French 1433948 Trelleborg Fluid & Acoustic Solutions 19/12/2003 1433948 03293260.0 French (TFAS) Renault s.a.s. 1435030 Cisco Systems, Inc. 14/06/2002 1435030 02756206.5 1438032 InnoGEL AG 21/10/2002 1438032 02767036.3 German 1438033 InnoGEL AG 22/10/2002 1438033 02767040.5 German 1440323 T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH 30/10/2002 1440323 02802272.1 German 1442497 PPG Industries Ohio, Inc. 22/10/2002 1442497 02770641.5 1442567 Agbegnenou, Victor, Kossikouma 11/10/2002 1442567 02801363.9 1443816 The J. David Gladstone Institutes 02/11/2001 1443816 01987564.0 1444235 Choongwae Pharma Corporation 11/10/2002 1444235 02781937.4 1444500 Biocept, Inc. 15/10/2002 1444500 02778545.0 1445204 DS Smith (UK) Limited 09/02/2004 1445204 04250681.6 1447125 Bolsaplast S.A. 11/07/2002 1447125 02748884.0 1449395 Nokia Corporation 29/04/2002 1449395 02726359.9 1449751 Arctic Cat Inc. 24/02/2004 1449751 04445018.7 1449836 Chemipro Kasei Kaisha, Limited 05/06/2002 1449836 02733319.4 1451182 BIOTA SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT 08/11/2002 1451182 02774166.9 08/11/2002 1451184 02774169.3 French PTY. LTD. 1451184 BIOTA SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT PTY. LTD. 1452624 Goodrich Corporation 23/10/2003 1452624 03024294.5 1453598 RHODIA CHIMIE 02/12/2002 1453598 02804595.3 1456593 Alfa Laval Corporate AB 13/12/2002 1456593 02792147.7 1457608 Hansgrohe AG 11/03/2004 1457608 04005739.0 1458771 UNION CARBIDE CHEMICALS & 20/12/2001 1458771 01992258.2 24/03/2000 1459766 04014973.4 PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1459766 VICAL INCORPORATED French German (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1461257 Masterchem Industries, Inc. 05/12/2002 1461257 02786902.3 1463501 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 09/12/2002 1463501 02796582.1 1463672 UNILEVER PLC 16/12/2002 1463672 02799059.7 19/03/2004 1464213 04006643.3 1739 UNILEVER N.V. 1464213 Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & German Co. KG 1465540 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 20/11/2002 1465540 02781565.3 1470872 AMADA EUROPE 21/04/2004 1470872 04291036.4 1472991 Medtronic Vascular, Inc. 26/04/2004 1472991 04009876.6 1476332 LIVBAG 21/02/2003 1476332 03720636.4 1476995 Rpost International Limited 21/02/2003 1476995 03721293.3 1479202 Nokia Corporation 21/02/2003 1479202 03704849.3 1480796 Danzer North America Inc. 31/01/2003 1480796 03737571.4 1480984 CHUGAI SEIYAKU KABUSHIKI 25/11/2002 1480984 02803790.1 French French KAISHA 1481441 Cisco Technology, Inc. 04/03/2003 1481441 03717925.6 1481496 Nokia Corporation 29/01/2002 1481496 02710919.8 1482481 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 12/05/2004 1482481 04011317.7 1484961 DeLaval Holding AB 12/03/2003 1484961 03744574.9 1485348 Janssen Pharmaceutica NV 11/03/2003 1485348 03708215.3 1490066 CV THERAPEUTICS, INC. 04/04/2003 1490066 03723907.6 1490103 Cadila Pharmaceuticals Limited 11/03/2003 1490103 03706802.0 1492440 UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE 08/04/2003 1492440 03728350.4 10/04/2003 1492803 03724994.3 RESEARCH FOUNDATION, INC. Bates, Paula J. Miller, Donald M. Trent, John O. Xu, Xiaohua 1492803 Universiteit Leiden Grünenthal GmbH 1493156 Fortium Technologies Limited 10/03/2003 1493156 03743930.4 1494627 Parizot, Jean-Paul 15/04/2003 1494627 03746347.8 French 1494911 DOREL FRANCE SA 16/04/2003 1494911 03746350.2 French 1497266 GLAXO GROUP LIMITED 25/03/2003 1497266 03714889.7 1497293 Wyeth 24/04/2003 1497293 03728523.6 1497391 LABORATOIRES URGO 16/04/2003 1497391 03740619.6 1498554 Gabernet Felip, Joan 19/07/2004 1498554 04380152.1 French 1740 (No. 2105) 1498656 Patents Office Journal Elektro Pro Light KG des Bergmeister (20/08/2008) 14/07/2004 1498656 04016567.2 German Markus & Co. 1500216 Dorsal Networks, Inc. 17/04/2003 1500216 03747023.4 1500229 HARRIS CORPORATION 28/04/2003 1500229 03728578.0 1502983 Miele & Cie. KG 07/07/2004 1502983 04015951.9 German 1502999 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 06/07/2004 1502999 04015906.3 German , A joint stock company organised and existing under the laws of Germany 1503704 Brehm, Peter 12/05/2003 1503704 03732347.4 German 1504836 Röhm GmbH 25/08/2003 1504836 03019155.5 German 1509517 TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL 16/01/2004 1509517 04702955.8 INDUSTRIES LTD. 1509588 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 28/05/2003 1509588 03732487.8 German 1511577 Torres, Manel 11/06/2003 1511577 03730360.9 1515632 Acketts Group Limited 10/04/2003 1515632 03712457.5 1518582 Cordis Corporation 24/09/2004 1518582 04255818.9 1518960 Voith Patent GmbH 26/09/2003 1518960 03021859.8 1521051 Cohen, Michael 29/09/2004 1521051 04255977.3 1524261 Saltigo GmbH 08/10/2004 1524261 04023991.5 German 1525347 Enia Tecsom SAS 16/07/2003 1525347 03766403.4 French 1530226 SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., 05/11/2004 1530226 04026262.8 18/06/2004 1531283 04014327.3 16/08/2003 1532150 03792343.0 German French LTD. 1531283 C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER AZIONI 1532150 BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM PHARMA GMBH & CO. KG 1532428 Auxitrol SA 13/06/2003 1532428 03760040.0 1532936 TERUMO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 18/11/2004 1532936 04027428.4 1533183 BOS GmbH & Co. KG 28/10/2004 1533183 04025630.7 1537093 INDENA S.p.A. 05/09/2003 1537093 03747971.4 1538083 PANDUIT CORPORATION 02/12/2004 1538083 04257496.2 1540411 Mineral Lassen LLC 10/09/2003 1540411 03748409.4 1541405 TEXTRON INC. 09/12/2004 1541405 04257668.6 1543247 Camera Dynamics GmbH 15/09/2003 1543247 03748028.2 1545421 3M Innovative Properties Company 08/07/2003 1545421 03794436.0 German German (20/08/2008) 1545449 Patents Office Journal Colgate-Palmolive Company , a (No. 2105) 04/08/2003 1545449 03767224.3 1741 corporation organised and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, United States of America 1546458 D W Spinks (Embossing) Ltd 28/08/2003 1546458 03795055.7 1551954 Choo, Yen 03/10/2003 1551954 03753734.7 1554114 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 29/07/2003 1554114 03808041.2 1556370 AstraZeneca AB 15/10/2003 1556370 03751703.4 1556741 Screwtime Limited 27/10/2003 1556741 03772395.4 1558310 Becton, Dickinson and Company 06/11/2002 1558310 02786663.1 1558421 DONALDSON COMPANY, INC. 08/10/2003 1558421 03815802.8 1558790 Biothermica Technologies Inc. 26/09/2003 1558790 03750217.6 1559454 SALOMON S.A. 03/01/2005 1559454 05000005.8 1562728 THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 31/10/2003 1562728 03781626.1 1564251 H.C. Starck GmbH 01/02/2005 1564251 05002012.2 German 1564857 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC 01/02/2005 1564857 05100691.4 French 13/08/2003 1565390 03787787.5 German 17/11/2003 1565463 03767563.4 German French INDUSTRIES SAS 1565390 Omni-Pac Ekco GmbH Verpackungsmittel 1565463 Novartis AG Novartis Pharma GmbH 1566283 FUJIFILM Corporation 17/02/2005 1566283 05003443.8 1569518 Dow Agrosciences LLC 05/12/2003 1569518 03812880.7 1569977 THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 05/11/2003 1569977 03781772.3 COMPANY 1570878 TERUMO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 22/02/2005 1570878 05003796.9 1571936 DBA Lux 1 Sàrl 05/12/2002 1571936 02808198.2 1572013 SMITH & NEPHEW, INC. 18/12/2003 1572013 03799979.4 1573122 Voith Patent GmbH 01/12/2003 1573122 03782260.8 1574115 Philips Intellectual Property & 04/12/2003 1574115 03812628.0 Standards GmbH Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1574412 Janel Hydro Co. 09/03/2005 1574412 05251422.1 1575378 BASF SE 11/11/2003 1575378 03817484.3 1576695 Research In Motion Limited 06/12/2002 1576695 02784980.1 1576929 AGA Medical Corporation 11/03/2005 1576929 05251472.6 1580049 Behr GmbH & Co. KG 17/03/2005 1580049 05005838.7 1580936 TeliaSonera Finland Oyj 01/03/2005 1580936 05101535.2 German German 1742 (No. 2105) 1581419 Patents Office Journal Florianer Bahn Forschungs- und (20/08/2008) 25/09/2003 1581419 03773635.2 German German Errichtungsgesellschaft mbH 1584536 Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH 06/04/2005 1584536 05007521.7 1585630 Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. 27/10/2003 1585630 03812776.7 1585935 FISCO TOOLS LIMITED 13/01/2003 1585935 03700358.9 1588063 Chene, Richard 22/01/2004 1588063 04704262.7 French Delamour, Dominique Rodi, Olivier 1588615 Front2Front B.V. 21/04/2005 1588615 05075954.7 1588839 Carl Freudenberg KG 07/04/2005 1588839 05007637.1 German 1588877 fischer automotive systems GmbH 24/03/2005 1588877 05006509.3 German 1589010 L'ORÉAL 11/04/2005 1589010 05290793.8 French 1590113 TBS ENGINEERING LIMITED 19/12/2003 1590113 03789547.1 1590229 M. D'A. Francesco Riondato 30/01/2004 1590229 04706665.9 1591056 Brandt Industries 04/04/2005 1591056 05290739.1 1591407 ASCOM S.P.A. 26/04/2005 1591407 05103388.4 1593454 Bilz Werkzeugfabrik GmbH & Co. KG 16/11/2004 1593454 04027165.2 German 1594165 Semikron Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG 26/04/2005 1594165 05009075.2 German German French Patentabteilung 1597637 Gottwald Port Technology GmbH 26/02/2004 1597637 04714750.9 1599197 FAPESP-Fundacao de Amparo a 25/02/2004 1599197 04714246.8 15/04/2005 1600230 05252383.4 Pesquisa do Estado de SP UNIFESP-Universidade Federal de SP 1600230 UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION 1601570 Domancic, Tomislav 14/12/2002 1601570 02790668.4 1602678 Hexcel Composites Limited 26/05/2005 1602678 05253231.4 1602715 MILLIPORE CORPORATION 05/04/2005 1602715 05102682.1 1602763 DÜRKOPP ADLER 01/02/2005 1602763 05002017.1 02/06/2004 1603325 04291410.1 08/03/2004 1603908 04718542.6 AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1603325 FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTORS, INC. Dibcom 1603908 MILLENNIUM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 1604123 Ricardo UK Limited 11/03/2004 1604123 04719507.8 1606820 Thin Film Electronics ASA 25/03/2004 1606820 04723432.3 1608698 Polimeri Europa S.p.A. 11/03/2004 1608698 04719454.3 German German (20/08/2008) 1609947 Patents Office Journal Service Pétroliers Schlumberger (No. 2105) 23/06/2004 1609947 04291587.6 1743 SCHLUMBERGER TECHNOLOGY B.V. SCHLUMBERGER HOLDINGS LIMITED 1611387 Straub Werke AG 15/03/2004 1611387 04720656.0 1615534 Wittenborg ApS 16/04/2004 1615534 04727909.6 1615801 Eaton Automotive B.V. 15/04/2004 1615801 04727768.6 1617719 Bayer CropScience S.A. 14/04/2004 1617719 04727291.9 1618002 Hewlett-Packard Development 29/04/2004 1618002 04751098.7 German Company, L.P. 1618009 Pirelli Tyre S.p.A. 28/04/2003 1618009 03725582.5 1618014 Seba 20/04/2004 1618014 04742552.5 1618137 Akzo Nobel N.V. , a joint stock 27/04/2004 1618137 04729652.0 French company organised and existing under the laws of the Kingdom of The Netherlands 1619023 FUJIFILM Corporation 19/07/2005 1619023 05015629.8 1619127 DOCdata Germany Berlin Optical Disc 20/07/2004 1619127 04090282.7 German 25/06/2005 1619737 05013766.0 German 06/04/2004 1620098 04725909.8 GmbH 1619737 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft J. Eberspächer GmbH & Co. KG Behr GmbH & Co. KG 1620098 Morphochem Aktiengesellschaft Für Kombinatorische Chemie 1620282 CARRIER CORPORATION 26/04/2004 1620282 04760580.3 1621370 Autosock AS 06/04/2000 1621370 05023588.6 1621477 Guala Pack S.p.A. 29/07/2004 1621477 04425582.6 1621908 SIRTI - Società per Azioni 25/07/2005 1621908 05106800.5 1622735 GÜHRING, Jörg 19/04/2004 1622735 04728165.4 1623808 Porfidi Paganella S.r.l. 29/07/2005 1623808 05016511.7 German Sglavo, Vicenzo Maria 1624057 Riemser Arzneimittel AG 15/06/1998 1624057 05090293.1 1625252 UNILEVER PLC 11/03/2004 1625252 04719409.7 UNILEVER N.V. 1626021 BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC. 26/04/2002 1626021 05077166.6 1627582 Liu, Lausan Chung-Hsin 23/06/2005 1627582 05105638.0 German 1744 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1628559 SEB SA 25/05/2004 1628559 04767166.4 1628770 Smiths Detection Inc. 27/05/2004 1628770 04753544.8 1629822 Dose Control Oy 23/08/2005 1629822 05107739.4 1630175 Dade Behring Marburg GmbH 23/08/2005 1630175 05018249.2 1633754 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 10/05/2004 1633754 04731898.5 1638169 Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG 29/08/2005 1638169 05018678.2 1638933 Pfizer Inc. 07/06/2004 1638933 04736241.3 French German German Pfizer Limited 1639560 Gaelco, S.A. 01/07/2004 1639560 04740535.2 1641161 Da Tang Mobile Communications 29/07/2004 1641161 04762019.0 Equipment Co., Ltd. 1641580 Phenix Systems 28/06/2004 1641580 04767492.4 1641838 UNIVERSITA' DI PISA 24/06/2004 1641838 04737157.0 1642269 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 22/06/2004 1642269 04737118.2 1642499 BASF SE 26/02/2003 1642499 05026582.6 German 1643138 Bosch Rexroth AG 28/09/2005 1643138 05021173.9 German 1643287 Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH 21/09/2005 1643287 05020544.2 German 1643456 Francotyp-Postalia GmbH 23/09/2005 1643456 05020747.1 German 1645431 FUJIFILM Corporation 07/10/2005 1645431 05021911.2 1645432 FUJIFILM Corporation 07/10/2005 1645432 05021912.0 1645558 Biovitrum AB (publ) 18/06/2003 1645558 05023471.5 1647663 Oberhofer, Alfons 12/10/2005 1647663 05450167.1 German 1647955 ATRAL 30/09/2005 1647955 05292036.0 French 1648548 Boston Scientific Limited 14/07/2004 1648548 04778249.5 1648761 Tarkovacs, Stefan 13/04/2004 1648761 04742483.3 1650425 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 20/10/2004 1650425 04256440.1 1651086 SEB S.A. 22/07/2004 1651086 04767751.3 1652249 3M Innovative Properties Company 30/07/2004 1652249 04779898.8 1658010 ABBOTT LABORATORIES 12/08/2004 1658010 04780855.5 1658393 Aluminal Oberflächentechnik GmbH & 17/08/2004 1658393 04764184.0 Co. KG 1658597 Walter Kidde Portable Equipment, Inc. 20/08/2004 1658597 04781794.5 1661567 AstraZeneca AB 15/08/2002 1661567 06001805.8 1661569 AstraZeneca AB 15/08/2002 1661569 06001807.4 1662263 Kouken Company, Limited 09/04/2004 1662263 04726768.7 1662893 GRAIN PROCESSING 16/08/2004 1662893 04781296.1 18/08/2004 1664173 04781359.7 CORPORATION 1664173 EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY French French French German (20/08/2008) 1668273 Patents Office Journal Jonsson, John (No. 2105) 01/10/2004 1668273 04775505.3 1745 Jonsson, Rolf Pivario AB 1669068 AstraZeneca AB 15/08/2002 1669068 06001809.0 1671878 Orbea, S. Coop. Ltda. 17/06/2005 1671878 05380131.2 1672233 RFT S.p.A. 01/04/2005 1672233 05102598.9 1673136 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 07/09/2004 1673136 04769955.8 1674052 Corin Limited 11/10/2005 1674052 05256324.4 1674097 AstraZeneca AB 15/08/2002 1674097 06001796.9 1674870 Roche Diagnostics GmbH 14/11/2005 1674870 06006458.1 French F.HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 1675707 3M Innovative Properties Company 27/07/2004 1675707 04779269.2 1676073 Tronox LLC 31/08/2004 1676073 04782636.7 1676238 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 07/10/2004 1676238 04770204.8 1676780 KHS AG 23/11/2005 1676780 05025508.2 1676845 AstraZeneca AB 01/11/2000 1676845 06004921.0 1677616 Sephra LLC 20/10/2004 1677616 04795678.4 1679271 Wastec B.V. 16/08/2005 1679271 05107503.4 1684004 VALEO VISION 17/01/2006 1684004 06290112.9 1684148 Hakko Corporation 12/01/2006 1684148 06000647.5 1685023 The Boeing Company 13/10/2004 1685023 04821830.9 1685121 MERCK PATENT GmbH 26/10/2004 1685121 04790858.7 1686325 LG Electronics Inc. 16/01/2006 1686325 06250215.8 1686822 MOTOROLA, INC. 28/01/2005 1686822 05290203.8 1687515 RENAULT S.A.S. 09/11/2004 1687515 04805817.6 French 1687680 SENSTRONIC Deutschland GmbH 25/11/2004 1687680 04804575.1 German 1688777 Brother Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 24/11/2004 1688777 04819351.0 1689374 Pharmafilm S.R.L. 27/10/2004 1689374 04791317.3 1690748 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 02/02/2006 1690748 06075231.8 1691712 DeguDent GmbH 08/12/2004 1691712 04803633.9 German 1691961 Faurecia Innenraumsysteme GmbH 09/12/2004 1691961 04803920.0 German 1692051 NESTEC S.A. 18/11/2004 1692051 04797982.8 1694939 Sandvik Intellectual Property AB 10/11/2004 1694939 04800291.9 1695609 OUTILS WOLF 25/02/2005 1695609 05004186.2 German 1695709 Les Laboratoires Servier 28/02/2006 1695709 06290327.3 French 1698238 Generale Biscuit 03/02/2006 1698238 06290197.0 French 1698459 Cryovac, Inc. 16/02/2006 1698459 06110004.6 German French 1746 (No. 2105) 1698793 Patents Office Journal LuK Lamellen und Kupplungsbau (20/08/2008) 10/02/2006 1698793 06002717.4 German Beteiligungs KG 1699297 CADBURY SCHWEPPES PLC 15/11/2004 1699297 04798527.0 1699565 3M Innovative Properties Company 16/12/2004 1699565 04814778.9 1700951 Voith Patent GmbH 14/12/2005 1700951 05112115.0 German 1701059 ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN AG 09/09/2005 1701059 06011995.5 German 1702448 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 05/12/2003 1702448 03819103.7 1703056 GSG INTERNATIONAL S.p.A. 08/03/2006 1703056 06110839.5 1705128 Infia S.r.L. 08/08/2005 1705128 05017217.0 1705603 NOVO NORDISK A/S , an 09/08/2001 1705603 06115006.6 Aktieselskab organised and existing under the laws of Denmark 1708774 Masterflex AG 28/04/2004 1708774 04730130.4 1709209 Schwäbische Hüttenwerke Automotive 26/11/2004 1709209 04802845.0 German GmbH & Co. KG 1710005 MILLIPORE CORPORATION 03/03/2006 1710005 06251164.7 1710497 iGUZZINI ILLUMINAZIONE S.p.A. 20/03/2006 1710497 06111378.3 1711292 Refractory Intellectual Property GmbH 16/09/2005 1711292 05791426.9 German & Co. KG 1711369 Kongsberg Automotive AB 19/01/2005 1711369 05704722.7 1711558 Renolit AG 28/01/2005 1711558 05701615.6 1711714 Hydac Fluidtechnik GmbH 08/12/2004 1711714 04801211.6 1712845 Filippi S.r.l. 15/04/2005 1712845 05425239.0 1714412 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 03/02/2005 1714412 05702888.8 1714689 Sogefi Filtration Ltd 12/04/2006 1714689 06290597.1 French German German FILTRAUTO 1715395 TRUMPF Laser GmbH + Co. KG 22/04/2005 1715395 05008877.2 1715622 Alcatel Lucent 15/03/2006 1715622 06005237.0 1715944 BASF SE 11/02/2005 1715944 05701399.7 1716747 Helios S.r.l. 28/04/2006 1716747 06113319.5 1717142 The Boeing Company 12/04/2006 1717142 06075873.7 1719673 Renault s.a.s. 12/04/2006 1719673 06300357.8 1719703 O.A.M.- Società per Azioni 24/04/2006 1719703 06112956.5 1720080 Etel S.A. 24/02/2006 1720080 06003751.2 1720540 GPC Biotech AG 18/02/2005 1720540 05715410.6 1721082 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 02/03/2005 1721082 05715059.1 , A joint stock company organised and existing under the laws of Germany German French German German (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1747 1721560 INVENDO MEDICAL GMBH 10/03/2006 1721560 06110969.0 German 1721734 Pelt & Hooykaas-Elcemo B.V. 15/05/2006 1721734 06076053.5 1721801 Innova Patent GmbH 09/03/2006 1721801 06450033.3 German 1723351 Valeo Embrayages 28/02/2005 1723351 05728083.6 French 1725796 HYDAC FILTERTECHNIK GMBH 04/02/2005 1725796 05715253.0 German 1727621 CFS Germany GmbH 01/02/2005 1727621 05701283.3 German 1727739 Wendon Limited 02/03/2005 1727739 05717865.9 1727809 H.Lundbeck A/S 09/03/2005 1727809 05706819.9 1729778 Bayer Schering Pharma 19/03/2005 1729778 05716250.5 German Aktiengesellschaft 1731065 NESTEC S.A. 07/06/2005 1731065 05104950.0 1731363 Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. 06/06/2006 1731363 06114980.3 1733025 Embrex, Inc. 30/03/2005 1733025 05731216.7 1733515 FRANCE TELECOM 16/01/2004 1733515 04702723.0 French 1735225 TGW Mechanics GmbH 06/04/2005 1735225 05714200.2 German 1737683 PIRELLI TYRE S.p.A. 23/04/2004 1737683 04729161.2 1738009 LG Electronics, Inc. 15/03/2005 1738009 05738302.8 1738467 Kaben Wireless Silicon Inc. 02/04/2004 1738467 04725259.8 1738980 HUF HÜLSBECK & FÜRST GMBH & 29/06/2005 1738980 05014003.7 German German CO. KG 1739141 FUJIFILM Corporation 29/06/2006 1739141 06013480.6 1740186 ALLERGAN, INC. 20/04/2005 1740186 05740976.5 1740819 Ricardo UK Limited 23/03/2005 1740819 05729442.3 1741092 France Télécom 20/04/2004 1741092 04742550.9 1741271 Citrix Systems, Inc. 08/04/2005 1741271 05734189.3 1742841 Ball & Ball 01/04/2005 1742841 05716525.0 1743935 Systec GmbH Labor-Systemtechnik 27/06/2006 1743935 06013213.1 1744948 Freni Brembo S.p.A. 21/06/2004 1744948 04745180.2 1745055 Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 15/04/2005 1745055 05746986.8 French German French VI) COMMISSARIAT A L'ENERGIE ATOMIQUE CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS) 1745164 VESUVIUS CRUCIBLE COMPANY 26/04/2005 1745164 05740520.1 1745893 Lutz Pumpen GmbH 23/07/2005 1745893 05016054.8 German 1748 (No. 2105) 1745896 Patents Office Journal Heidelberger Druckmaschinen (20/08/2008) 21/07/2005 1745896 05106725.4 German Aktiengesellschaft 1748018 ORONA, S. COOP. 05/07/2004 1748018 04742047.6 1748938 Rexam Dispensing SMT 06/05/2004 1748938 04731356.4 French 1749061 Carcoustics TechConsult GmbH 26/04/2005 1749061 05744813.6 German 1749728 Eroski, S. Coop. 20/06/2006 1749728 06380177.3 French 1750299 Applied Materials, Inc. 27/01/2004 1750299 06022299.9 1750744 SIGMA-TAU Industrie Farmaceutiche 28/04/2005 1750744 05742910.2 Riunite S.p.A. 1752587 Deere & Company 20/12/2005 1752587 05112498.0 1752698 RECANATI S.R.L. 08/08/2006 1752698 06118627.6 1753094 PANDUIT CORPORATION 08/08/2006 1753094 06254158.6 1755959 IPI S.R.L. 13/04/2005 1755959 05734949.0 1758207 FEW Fahrzeugelektrikwerk GmbH & 24/04/2006 1758207 06008426.6 German German Co. KG 1758710 Rigibore Limited 09/06/2005 1758710 05750221.3 1758745 VOLVO LASTVAGNAR AB 10/06/2005 1758745 05752070.2 1759033 LG Electronics, Inc. 06/11/2004 1759033 04800056.6 1759711 The Jordanian Pharmaceutical 02/09/2005 1759711 05019082.6 Manufacturing Co. 1761362 WADEPHUL, Jost 24/06/2005 1761362 05756082.3 1767599 FUJIFILM Corporation 26/09/2006 1767599 06020109.2 1769427 SanDisk Corporation 06/07/2005 1769427 05772312.4 1771446 Merck Patent GmbH 28/06/2005 1771446 05754288.8 1772582 NORSK HYDRO a.s.a. 03/10/2006 1772582 06352021.7 1773480 ECOLAB, INC. 06/08/2004 1773480 04763889.5 1775971 Research In Motion Limited 14/10/2005 1775971 05109604.8 1776440 Arbaflame Technology AS 16/06/2005 1776440 05761239.2 German French Cambi AS 1776907 SANTOS 19/10/2006 1776907 06356125.2 French 1779474 Anton Hummel Verwaltungs GmbH 28/06/2005 1779474 05759423.6 German 1780493 Browning International Société 20/10/2006 1780493 06022006.8 French 21/07/2005 1781451 05773657.1 anonyme 1781451 The Gillette Company , a corporation organised and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, United States of America (20/08/2008) 1781518 Patents Office Journal HALDEX BRAKE PRODUCTS (No. 2105) 10/08/2005 1781518 05769667.6 1749 LIMITED 1782675 LTH Landtechnik Hohenmölsen GmbH 27/10/2006 1782675 06022473.0 German 1782918 sia Abrasives Industries AG 20/04/2006 1782918 06112817.9 German 1785500 Sintec HTM AG 06/09/2006 1785500 06405384.6 German 1786798 Chatham Biotec Ltd. 23/06/2005 1786798 05766557.2 1788790 Research In Motion Limited 18/11/2005 1788790 05110947.8 1789320 AIRBUS France 03/08/2005 1789320 05857325.4 1793691 Sweetwell NV 12/08/2005 1793691 05771060.0 1794769 ABB AG 23/08/2005 1794769 05777339.2 1796893 PIRELLI TYRE S.p.A. 30/09/2004 1796893 04769531.7 1798164 SAINT-GOBAIN ISOVER 14/12/2006 1798164 06025958.7 1799543 The Boeing Company 14/09/2005 1799543 05858416.0 1801319 Knoop, Gerhard 17/06/2006 1801319 06012457.5 1801448 Brembo Ceramic Brake Systems S.p.A 23/12/2005 1801448 05425912.2 1803529 Sunbird Investments Limited 05/12/2006 1803529 06125393.6 1803663 ROWA 29/12/2005 1803663 05028688.9 French German German German German AUTOMATISIERUNGSSYSTEME GMBH & CO. KG 1804236 YAMAHA CORPORATION 22/12/2006 1804236 06127076.5 1805411 Wärtsilä Finland Oy 26/10/2005 1805411 05799433.7 1808673 Research In Motion Limited 17/01/2006 1808673 06100423.0 1808988 Research In Motion Limited 11/01/2006 1808988 06100255.6 1813230 TORNIER SA 23/01/2007 1813230 07356007.0 1814500 SMM Medical AB 10/10/2005 1814500 05802408.4 1820691 Konstruktiewerkhuizen STAS N.V. 21/04/2006 1820691 06112946.6 1824740 RM BETEILIGUNGS AG 26/10/2005 1824740 05793963.9 1828313 KRATON Polymers Research B.V. 20/12/2005 1828313 05857993.9 1829140 EVEREADY BATTERY COMPANY, 01/04/2005 1829140 05732741.3 French German INC. 1831494 WAYNE-DALTON CORP. 21/12/2005 1831494 05854762.1 1832896 Pepperl + Fuchs Gmbh 08/03/2007 1832896 07004806.1 German 1834687 MANN+HUMMEL GmbH 16/02/2007 1834687 07102544.9 German 1834755 Oxenfarth, Hans 17/03/2006 1834755 06005467.3 German 1838515 Erca Formseal 19/01/2006 1838515 06743784.8 French 1842568 OPOCRIN S.p.A. 05/04/2006 1842568 06425234.9 1845875 Kloss, Henning 08/02/2006 1845875 06705936.0 1848935 CARRIER CORPORATION 21/02/2005 1848935 05715428.8 German 1750 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1848965 Société de Technologie Michelin 01/02/2006 1848965 06706544.1 French 1849084 Freescale Semiconductor Inc. 31/01/2005 1849084 05702383.0 1851040 Novartis AG 05/12/2005 1851040 05815282.8 1853776 Polinext S.R.L. 28/02/2006 1853776 06723137.3 1855929 ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN AG 16/02/2006 1855929 06706984.9 German 1858393 Carl Freudenberg KG 03/02/2006 1858393 06706599.5 German 1860275 BAUER Maschinen GmbH 26/04/2006 1860275 06008687.3 German 1861274 Hydac Filtertechnik GmbH 26/01/2006 1861274 06706412.1 German 1861560 Gebr. Meiser GmbH 17/03/2006 1861560 06722636.5 German 1861574 DORMA GMBH & CO. KG 20/03/2006 1861574 06725179.3 German 1866051 Joma-Polytec Kunststofftechnik GmbH 18/05/2006 1866051 06742979.5 German 1871696 Trumpf Maschinen Austria GmbH & 23/02/2006 1871696 06704718.3 German CO. KG. 1875808 Huang, Mao-Hsin 07/07/2006 1875808 06014087.8 1878349 Molkerei Alois Müller GmbH & Co. 23/06/2006 1878349 06012916.0 German 04/12/2006 1890760 06842085.0 French KG 1890760 CAIR LGL (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1751 Grants Published in EPO Bulletin No. 25/08, dated 18th June2008 0604662 Japan Tobacco Inc. 06/07/1993 0604662 93914958.9 0840617 UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA 25/04/1997 0840617 97924210.4 0871570 Tetra Laval Holdings & Finance SA 25/06/1996 0871570 96922330.4 0873608 Swift Computers, Inc. 06/07/1995 0873608 95925407.9 0922537 VIEGA GmbH & Co. KG 21/10/1998 0922537 98119912.8 German R. Nussbaum AG Metallgiesserei und Armaturenfabrik 0933337 Chau Chau, Yiu 14/01/1999 0933337 99100603.2 0957669 Burch, Thomas B. 16/08/1996 0957669 96928915.6 1019986 Dimensional Circuits Corp. 07/10/1998 1019986 98952161.2 1033128 R.P. Scherer GmbH 24/09/1994 1033128 00103110.3 Novartis AG 1039499 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 23/03/2000 1039499 00302394.2 1050742 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 11/04/2000 1050742 00107758.5 1060443 MICRONIC LASER SYSTEMS AB 02/03/1999 1060443 99908056.7 1064027 Genentech, Inc. 26/03/1999 1064027 99915054.3 1079601 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 06/03/2000 1079601 00906724.0 1080711 Hosokawa Yoko Co., Ltd. 02/03/1999 1080711 99905337.4 1081457 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 25/07/2000 1081457 00115881.5 German 1081669 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 14/08/2000 1081669 00117233.7 German 1094155 Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP 17/10/2000 1094155 00309139.4 1111713 TCL & ALCATEL MOBILE PHONES 14/12/2000 1111713 00403516.8 German French LIMITED 1112560 MOTOROLA, INC. 03/09/1999 1112560 99945500.9 1115746 Schering Corporation 23/09/1999 1115746 99951597.6 1115879 Institut für Virologie Teilrechtsfähiges 23/09/1999 1115879 99950543.1 Institut an der Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien 1123605 Nokia Corporation 18/10/1999 1123605 99950793.2 1128433 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 20/02/2001 1128433 01104042.5 1129106 THE UNIVERSITY OF 14/09/1999 1129106 99947111.3 German QUEENSLAND 1135858 FireFly International, Inc. 12/11/1999 1135858 99958994.8 1150924 EISENMANN Anlagenbau GmbH & 15/12/1999 1150924 99968313.9 Co. KG German 1752 (No. 2105) 1152728 Patents Office Journal 3S Smart Sensor Systems (20/08/2008) 19/01/2000 1152728 00900452.4 German Entwicklungsgesellschaft m. b. H 1153456 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 13/01/2000 1153456 00904159.1 1163325 Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. 02/03/2000 1163325 00914102.9 1166589 Nokia Corporation 07/04/2000 1166589 00920976.8 1167471 CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 21/06/2001 1167471 01115086.9 1173464 Forbes Medi-Tech Inc. 27/04/2000 1173464 00922365.2 1173897 VALENCE TECHNOLOGY, INC. 22/02/2000 1173897 00921341.4 1175611 FPInnovations 04/04/2000 1175611 00916711.5 1180133 Colgate-Palmolive Company , a 19/05/2000 1180133 00936148.6 corporation organised and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, United States of America 1181299 ABBOTT LABORATORIES 04/05/2000 1181299 00930370.2 1193076 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 02/10/2001 1193076 01123248.5 1196874 Silverbrook Research Pty. Limited 30/06/2000 1196874 00938344.9 1198479 Yale University 14/06/2000 1198479 00941443.4 1198769 Silverbrook Research Pty. Limited 30/06/2000 1198769 00938337.3 1199407 Kresken, Josef 01/03/2001 1199407 01104973.1 1205084 Nokia Corporation 24/07/2000 1205084 00950589.2 1206090 Alcatel Lucent 25/10/2001 1206090 01440360.4 1208667 Cryptography Research Inc. 16/05/2000 1208667 00930764.6 1210042 HAAG-STREIT AG 11/09/2000 1210042 00956020.2 1210925 UNI-CHARM CORPORATION 29/11/2001 1210925 01309988.2 1219622 Pfizer Products Inc. 07/12/2001 1219622 01310270.2 1222192 Tibotec Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 06/10/2000 1222192 00966144.8 1222725 X2Y Attenuators, L.L.C. 15/06/2000 1222725 00946814.1 1226061 MOTOROLA, INC. 20/07/2001 1226061 01961697.8 1228203 IPF Pharmaceuticals GmbH 08/11/2000 1228203 00987221.9 German 1228281 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 03/11/2000 1228281 00974504.3 German 1228432 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 25/10/2000 1228432 00974452.5 German 1232160 N.V. Organon 13/11/2000 1232160 00977546.1 1232425 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 25/10/2000 1232425 00969795.4 German German German MACHINES CORPORATION 1234277 Transmeta Corporation 06/09/2000 1234277 00961695.4 1238497 Nokia Siemens Networks Oy 09/01/2001 1238497 01901230.1 1241976 Chronos Vision GmbH 17/10/2000 1241976 00987012.2 German (20/08/2008) 1242622 Patents Office Journal Molecular Light Technology Research (No. 2105) 11/12/2000 1242622 00985518.0 1753 Limited 1246562 ZKZ Science Corp. 09/01/2001 1246562 01942289.8 1248713 IWS International OY 04/01/2001 1248713 01901223.6 1254973 Duralloy AG 12/03/2002 1254973 02005590.1 1256630 Bioneer Corporation 06/05/2002 1256630 02010053.3 1257648 Amgen Inc. 23/02/2001 1257648 01911158.2 1258481 BASF SE 09/04/2002 1258481 02007892.9 1259269 Syntacoll AG 03/03/2000 1259269 00909315.4 1267548 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 12/06/2002 1267548 02013408.6 1268069 GILSON SAS 09/04/2001 1268069 01923761.9 French 1268071 GILSON SAS 09/04/2001 1268071 01923763.5 French 1269321 Accenture LLP 23/03/2001 1269321 01922680.2 1275022 ADC GmbH 21/03/2001 1275022 01938028.6 1275230 Atheros Communications, Inc. 21/04/2001 1275230 01930626.5 1276509 Metrolog, Services Metrologiques 23/04/2001 1276509 01928034.6 1276850 Raven Biotechnologies, Inc. 04/04/2001 1276850 01924679.2 1280286 Alcatel Lucent 22/07/2002 1280286 02291848.6 French 1282174 Holmberg GmbH & Co. KG 16/07/2002 1282174 02090256.5 German 1283830 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 30/04/2001 1283830 01943302.8 1284803 REXAIR, INC 19/04/2001 1284803 01927186.5 1287900 Dürr Systems GmbH 19/08/2002 1287900 02018587.2 1293028 Hazelett Strip-Casting Corporation 20/10/2000 1293028 00986799.5 1301526 GLAXO GROUP LIMITED 20/07/2001 1301526 01949791.6 1307126 Holl, Josef 08/08/2001 1307126 01956207.3 1309775 BASF Catalysts LLC 03/08/2001 1309775 01956107.5 1309812 Nobel Plastiques 03/08/2001 1309812 01960866.0 1309979 ABB AB 07/06/2001 1309979 01938908.9 1311461 Georgia-Pacific Chemicals LLC 10/08/2001 1311461 01957513.3 1312858 Weinhuber, Konrad 11/11/2002 1312858 02025204.5 1313222 Nokia Corporation 19/09/2002 1313222 02020951.6 1314327 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 31/08/2001 1314327 01961566.5 1319084 Evonik Degussa GmbH 09/08/2001 1319084 01958064.6 1321341 Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche 07/11/2002 1321341 02024797.9 30/08/2001 1322756 01962486.5 31/05/2001 1322918 01955194.4 German German German French German German French German German Aktiengesellschaft 1322756 Agriculture Victoria Services Pty Ltd LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 1322918 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH German 1754 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1323423 Nerviano Medical Sciences S.r.l. 04/04/2000 1323423 03075776.9 1325379 L-3 Communications Corporation 11/10/2001 1325379 01981524.0 1327493 Hemmerde, Wilhelm 13/01/2003 1327493 03000492.3 1327581 THE BOEING COMPANY 10/01/2003 1327581 03075094.7 1330311 Extec Screens and Crushers Limited 01/11/2001 1330311 01980672.8 1332568 Nortel Networks Limited 24/10/2001 1332568 01982002.6 1334565 Nokia Corporation 29/10/2001 1334565 01980575.3 1336560 Reid, Robert 15/02/2003 1336560 03250942.4 1337169 Cassaday, Terry 23/10/2001 1337169 01975936.4 1338061 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 08/11/2001 1338061 01983006.6 1338635 Jowat AG 04/02/2003 1338635 03002388.1 1339166 MOTOROLA, INC. 16/12/2002 1339166 02028217.4 1340392 TeliaSonera Finland Oyj 02/10/2001 1340392 01974363.2 1341695 SARONG S.p.A. 07/11/2001 1341695 01997435.1 1343895 ID Biomedical Corporation 21/12/2001 1343895 01271387.1 1345086 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 14/03/2003 1345086 03005455.5 1346784 SMS Demag AG 19/02/2003 1346784 03003722.0 1354547 Karcher Floor Care, Inc. 12/04/2003 1354547 03252336.7 1354569 SORIN BIOMEDICA CARDIO S.R.L. 06/05/1997 1354569 03016995.7 1355003 Voith Patent GmbH 19/02/2003 1355003 03100377.5 1355756 Iscar Ltd. 23/01/2002 1355756 02716293.2 1358245 EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY 07/12/2001 1358245 01996185.3 1361494 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 14/04/2003 1361494 03008065.9 1361536 MBDA France 29/04/2003 1361536 03291036.6 1364003 AstraZeneca AB 03/10/2001 1364003 01981370.8 1367192 Schmitz-Werke GmbH + Co. KG 02/04/2003 1367192 03007583.2 German 1370834 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 21/02/2002 1370834 02719886.0 German 1372708 GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED 13/02/2002 1372708 02718962.0 German German German German French STATES OF AMERICA, as represented by THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY 1373722 Wobben, Aloys 14/03/2002 1373722 02706761.0 1373774 Saipem S.p.A. 26/03/2002 1373774 02732625.5 1381302 Power Medical Interventions, Inc. 22/04/2002 1381302 02721810.6 1385541 CORIXA CORPORATION 13/04/2001 1385541 01925021.6 Antigenics Inc. German (20/08/2008) 1388561 Patents Office Journal Korea Institute of Science and (No. 2105) 31/01/2003 1388561 03002222.2 1755 Technology Youl Chon Chemical Co. Ltd. 1389415 Gallignani S.p.A. 07/08/2003 1389415 03425540.6 1389550 Specialty Vehicle Acquisition Corp. 13/08/2003 1389550 03255026.1 Wilhelm Karmann GmbH 1390760 AXIS-SHIELD ASA 09/05/2002 1390760 02722509.3 1395206 Permedica S.p.A. 15/06/2001 1395206 01947786.8 1397165 Getinge Disinfection AB 27/05/2002 1397165 02736350.6 1398135 Friz Kaschiertechnik GmbH 16/09/2002 1398135 02020527.4 1399759 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 25/06/2002 1399759 02744036.1 1403622 SNR ROULEMENTS 05/09/2003 1403622 03292190.0 1404787 React-NTI, LLC 20/05/2002 1404787 02739281.0 1412912 Synaptics (UK) Limited 21/05/2002 1412912 02760389.3 1414226 MOTOROLA, INC. 25/10/2002 1414226 02023949.7 1414330 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 27/06/2002 1414330 02741105.7 1414935 Colgate-Palmolive Company , a 01/08/2002 1414935 02765909.3 German French corporation organised and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, United States of America 1418922 LYNKEUS BIOTECH GmbH 01/07/2002 1418922 02754804.9 1419344 Creative Technology Hong Kong Ltd 28/01/2002 1419344 02794824.9 1421573 Vylte Innovations Limited 27/08/2002 1421573 02796347.9 1426805 ENPLAS CORPORATION 05/12/2003 1426805 03257675.3 1428679 Kolbus GmbH & Co. KG 09/12/2003 1428679 03028076.2 1429921 Exatec, LLC. 06/09/2002 1429921 02775758.2 1430906 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 06/12/2003 1430906 03028015.0 German 1432336 Thomas Hilfen HILBEG GmbH & Co. 25/09/2002 1432336 02777193.0 German German German Kommanditgesellschaft 1432388 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 25/09/2002 1432388 02772344.4 German 1434492 Lölsberg, Bernd 04/10/2002 1434492 02776782.1 German 1436578 DATACOLOR HOLDING AG 20/09/2002 1436578 02773517.4 1438620 INTEL CORPORATION 22/10/2002 1438620 02795545.9 1439503 adp Gauselmann GmbH 19/11/2003 1439503 03026404.8 1440626 Regina Miracle International Limited 20/03/2003 1440626 03006373.9 1441531 Pace Micro Technology PLC 22/01/2003 1441531 03250387.2 1443266 Zumtobel Lighting GmbH 21/11/2003 1443266 03026739.7 German 1443319 SECOPTA GmbH 02/02/2004 1443319 04002204.8 German German 1756 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1443633 SMK Corporation 03/02/2004 1443633 04002345.9 1443937 Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc. 13/11/2002 1443937 02778828.0 1443968 Givaudan SA 14/11/2002 1443968 02780695.9 1444064 Brush Wellman Inc. 20/09/2001 1444064 01973744.4 1445370 MITSUBISHI RAYON CO., LTD. 30/07/2002 1445370 02755686.9 1446174 Baxter International Inc. 01/10/2002 1446174 02768925.6 1447217 FUJIFILM Corporation 17/02/2004 1447217 04003559.4 1452752 Aktiebolaget SKF 09/02/2004 1452752 04002776.5 1457200 GC Corporation 04/03/2004 1457200 04005130.2 1457322 Bieffebi S.p.A. 13/03/2003 1457322 03005391.2 1458692 Apotex Pharmachem Inc. 18/12/2002 1458692 02807048.0 1460284 C.R.F. Società Consortile per Azioni 11/07/2003 1460284 04014736.5 1462125 ED. GEISTLICH SÖHNE AG FÜR 29/03/2004 1462125 04251849.8 CHEMISCHE INDUSTRIE 1462548 Li, Guanqi 31/12/2002 1462548 02805724.8 1466053 Evonik Röhm GmbH 17/12/2002 1466053 02793043.7 1466303 Scan Coin Industries AB 18/12/2002 1466303 02790675.9 1468861 Ponte Vecchio Consult Sagl 02/04/2004 1468861 04008149.9 1469927 Primrose a.s. 24/01/2002 1469927 02716053.0 1470855 BeRyu Co., Ltd. 09/01/2003 1470855 03700503.0 1472153 Illinois Tool Works, Inc. 06/02/2003 1472153 03737381.8 1473578 PANDUIT CORPORATION 30/04/2004 1473578 04252555.0 1474097 Reckitt Benckiser (UK) Limited 12/02/2003 1474097 03702766.1 1474750 Nokia Corporation 13/02/2003 1474750 03710782.8 1478847 Hilleke.Com 02/10/2002 1478847 02800048.7 1481307 Simplex Major SDN.BHD 05/03/2003 1481307 03743445.3 1483160 A-Fax Limited 08/01/2003 1483160 03729282.8 1484022 LINVATEC CORPORATION 01/06/2004 1484022 04076604.0 1485378 Janssen Pharmaceutica NV 11/03/2003 1485378 03711979.9 1486209 CHIESI FARMACEUTICI S.p.A. 20/07/1999 1486209 04020016.4 1487402 OVE Karlsson Konsult 11/03/2003 1487402 03710567.3 1487418 Alcon, Inc. 19/03/2003 1487418 03716722.8 1487667 Anytec Marine Ab 03/03/2003 1487667 03746908.7 1491173 Apener Maschinenbau und 11/06/2004 1491173 04102659.2 09/04/2004 1491842 04101477.0 Förderanlagen Gustav Bruns GmbH & Co. KG 1491842 ITALPROTEC S.A.S. DI COTOGNI CARLA E C. German German German (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1494656 Zentiva, A.S 10/04/2003 1494656 03715908.4 1495610 Nokia Corporation 15/04/2002 1495610 02720355.3 1496829 SITES S.r.l. 24/04/2003 1496829 03752871.8 1497609 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 02/04/2003 1497609 03746157.1 1498261 FUJIFILM Corporation 16/07/2004 1498261 04016828.8 1502180 CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF 25/04/2003 1502180 03724242.7 1757 German TECHNOLOGY 1504316 Vector Products, Inc. 28/04/2003 1504316 03721900.3 1507234 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 15/06/2004 1507234 04014007.1 1512494 Wiha Werkzeuge GmbH 17/12/2003 1512494 03028907.8 1512643 ISL (R&D) LTD 20/08/2004 1512643 04255033.5 1512937 Casco Schoeller GmbH 06/09/2004 1512937 04021163.3 1513709 AUTOLIV DEVELOPMENT 04/06/2003 1513709 03757227.8 27/05/2003 1513803 03740153.6 German German AKTIEBOLAG 1513803 GALDERMA RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT 1514184 Nokia Corporation 14/06/2002 1514184 02743289.7 1516838 E.C.H. Will GmbH 17/09/2004 1516838 04022117.8 1516969 CRS S.P.A. 07/09/2004 1516969 04021215.1 1523291 ADVANCED BIO SURFACES, INC. 10/07/2003 1523291 03764417.6 1527197 Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 07/04/2003 1527197 03729923.7 1528131 MDB TEXINOV SA 22/01/2004 1528131 04100194.2 French 1529130 PFAFF Industrie Maschinen AG 10/07/2003 1529130 03763785.7 German 1535097 Nanoprecision Products, Inc. 18/08/2003 1535097 03788647.0 1536989 AUTOLIV DEVELOPMENT 12/06/2003 1536989 03738825.3 German AKTIEBOLAG 1537281 PASCHAL-WERK G. MAIER GmbH 29/08/2003 1537281 03794971.6 German 1537352 Eaton Fluid Power GmbH 04/09/2003 1537352 03794992.2 German 1539363 Tordable S.A. 11/09/2003 1539363 03780265.9 French 1540505 GENE NETWORK SCIENCES, INC. 29/08/2003 1540505 03751934.5 1540913 ABB Schweiz AG 01/09/2003 1540913 03790614.6 1540991 Varibel B.V. 18/09/2003 1540991 03751606.9 1542588 EURATOM 26/09/2003 1542588 03769498.1 1542605 NESSLER, Norbert 11/09/2003 1542605 03797968.9 German 1544273 Tesa AG 16/11/2004 1544273 04105795.1 German 1545998 BERICAP GmbH & CO. KG 24/09/2003 1545998 03770880.7 German 1547276 SCIENCE APPLICATIONS 11/07/2003 1547276 03799246.8 INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION 1758 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1547638 ASAHI INTECC CO., LTD. 23/12/2004 1547638 04258115.7 1547812 NEXTER Systems 18/11/2004 1547812 04292725.1 1549460 Professional Tool Manufacturing LLC 26/09/2003 1549460 03776192.1 1550544 F.I.M.I.C. s.n.c. 07/12/2004 1550544 04028907.6 1551297 Pierre Fabre Dermo-Cosmétique 03/10/2003 1551297 03776955.1 1552507 Sony Corporation 22/05/2003 1552507 03755281.7 27/10/2003 1556202 03757520.6 24/09/2003 1556359 03799023.1 French French MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1556202 EREMA ENGINEERING- German RECYCLING-MASCHINENANLAGEN G.M.B.H. 1556359 Pfizer Limited PFIZER INC. 1558089 Berthault, François 03/10/2003 1558089 03780288.1 French 1559693 W.C. Heraeus GmbH 23/11/2004 1559693 04027737.8 German 1560043 Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc. 01/03/1999 1560043 05075822.6 1560978 ALBANY INTERNATIONAL CORP. 28/10/2003 1560978 03777965.9 1561074 AMBI-RAD LIMITED 07/11/2003 1561074 03810538.3 1561236 Recif Technologies 05/09/2003 1561236 03769576.4 French 1561694 Mivisa Envases, S.A.U. 09/01/2003 1561694 03704707.3 Unknown 1561707 Ernst, Axel 01/02/2005 1561707 05001996.7 German 1562659 VYGON 20/11/2003 1562659 03786034.3 French 1562693 Frepower Ltd 14/11/2003 1562693 03767943.8 1563576 The Boeing Company 05/11/2003 1563576 03779481.5 1563824 L'ORÉAL 11/02/2005 1563824 05290249.1 1565342 C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER 26/11/2003 1565342 03775620.2 AZIONI 1565960 Research In Motion Limited 28/11/2003 1565960 03778191.1 1567360 Hewlett-Packard Industrial Printing Ltd. 25/11/2002 1567360 02788500.3 1568608 EADS CASA ESPACIO, S.L. 04/12/2002 1568608 02793142.7 1569380 International Business Machines 16/02/2005 1569380 05101167.4 Corporation French (20/08/2008) 1570282 Patents Office Journal University of Siena Department of (No. 2105) 28/11/2003 1570282 03779582.0 1759 Physics Institute of Experimental Physics Technical University of Graz Institute of Electronics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Optella Ltd. Optela-Optical Technologies JSCO 1570638 Nokia Corporation 10/12/2003 1570638 03778363.6 1571234 Applied Materials GmbH & Co. KG 14/10/2004 1571234 04024454.3 German 1574459 Dematic GmbH 25/02/2005 1574459 05004124.3 German 1574738 MECAEL, S.L. 24/03/2004 1574738 04381007.6 1574847 E+E Elektronik Ges.m.b.H. 15/01/2005 1574847 05000783.0 1578167 Alcatel Lucent 09/03/2004 1578167 04360026.1 1578315 TRANS1, Inc. 02/12/2003 1578315 03790235.0 1580421 IVECO S.p.A. 21/03/2005 1580421 05102243.2 1580831 IBIDEN CO., LTD. 21/03/2005 1580831 05006162.1 1583542 GILEAD SCIENCES, INC. 13/01/2004 1583542 04701819.7 1584464 ESSEOQUATTRO S.P.A. 10/09/2004 1584464 04021580.8 1584956 NIKON CORPORATION 30/03/2005 1584956 05251964.2 1585521 Novartis AG 22/12/2003 1585521 03813593.5 German Novartis Pharma GmbH 1586364 MANN+HUMMEL GmbH 04/04/2005 1586364 05102651.6 German 1586612 Pelikan Hardcopy Production AG 15/04/2005 1586612 05008308.8 German 1586685 MMI-IPCO, LLC 12/04/2005 1586685 05252275.2 1586940 MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC 22/12/2003 1586940 03781006.6 INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD NGK INSULATORS, LTD. 1587026 Research In Motion Limited 15/04/2004 1587026 04101565.2 1587807 GlaxoSmithKline istrazivacki centar 20/05/2003 1587807 03755234.6 Zagreb d.o.o. 1588086 Kaimer GmbH & Co. Holding KG 03/12/2003 1588086 03788840.1 German 1588822 wf plastic GmbH 15/04/2005 1588822 05008251.0 German 1593490 Quadrant Plastic Composites AG 04/05/2005 1593490 05009775.7 German 1593553 C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER 03/05/2004 1593553 04425312.8 10/10/2000 1594269 05016515.8 AZIONI 1594269 Symstream Technology Holdings No. 2 PTY LTD 1760 (No. 2105) 1594614 Patents Office Journal Grumberg, Manfred (20/08/2008) 29/01/2004 1594614 04706263.3 Zinder, Oren 1594861 Abbott GmbH & Co. KG 05/02/2004 1594861 04708353.0 1597310 COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC 27/02/2004 1597310 04715203.8 German AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION 1606482 Fullex Locks Limited 06/02/2004 1606482 04708826.5 1609508 Aretxabaleta Ayo, Maria Josefa 02/04/2003 1609508 03712146.4 Mendoza Trevilla, Angel 1610634 Deffner, Karin 09/03/2004 1610634 04718639.0 German 1610917 Bühler Druckguss AG 15/03/2004 1610917 04720565.3 German 1611303 Sattler AG 07/04/2004 1611303 04726057.5 German 1613000 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 04/03/2004 1613000 04717013.9 1613685 BASF SE 02/04/2004 1613685 04725321.6 1613721 Jeongseon County 10/02/2004 1613721 04709770.4 1613769 MERCK PATENT GmbH 18/03/2004 1613769 04721522.3 German CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS) 1616716 Francotyp-Postalia GmbH 01/07/2005 1616716 05090204.8 1617134 OSRAM SYLVANIA INC. 14/07/2005 1617134 05015272.7 1617839 VERNALIS RESEARCH LIMITED 29/04/2004 1617839 04730286.4 1617849 Prospect Therapeutics, Inc. 07/04/2004 1617849 04759200.1 1619827 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 01/03/2004 1619827 04715869.6 1620488 National Starch and Chemical 21/04/2004 1620488 04760827.8 German Investment Holding Corporation 1620639 FIAT AUTO S.p.A. 24/03/2004 1620639 04722847.3 1621778 Festo AG & Co. 30/07/2004 1621778 04018077.0 German 1622936 Boehringer Ingelheim International 13/04/2004 1622936 04739081.0 German GmbH Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG 1623940 G.D Societa' per Azioni 22/07/2005 1623940 05425535.1 1625287 Umicore AG & Co. KG 12/05/2004 1625287 04732323.3 1625963 Kautex Textron GmbH & Co. KG. 16/07/2005 1625963 05015487.1 1626000 Mavimare & Mancini S.r.l. 14/07/2005 1626000 05015283.4 1631469 Kautex Textron GmbH & Co. KG. 25/05/2004 1631469 04738551.3 1632186 Boston Scientific Limited 19/03/1999 1632186 05023795.7 German German (20/08/2008) 1634485 Patents Office Journal Philips Intellectual Property & (No. 2105) 25/05/2004 1634485 04734712.5 1761 Standards GmbH Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1637744 MAC Valves Inc. 08/04/2004 1637744 05028330.8 1638534 Mediolanum Pharmaceuticals Limited 24/06/2004 1638534 04741884.3 1640159 Techno-Grafica GmbH 22/09/2005 1640159 05020643.2 1640556 SERVICES PETROLIERS 20/09/2004 1640556 04292251.8 29/06/2004 1641807 04767508.7 French 02/07/2004 1641950 04740562.6 German French German SCHLUMBERGER SCHLUMBERGER HOLDINGS LIMITED Schlumberger Technology B.V. 1641807 UNIVERSITE PAUL SABATIER TOULOUSE III Valorisation-Recherche, Société en Commandite CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS) 1641950 ThyssenKrupp Titanium GmbH Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH 1641990 JCDecaux SA 30/06/2004 1641990 04767528.5 1645584 Kabushiki Kaisha Ueno Seiyaku Oyo 07/10/2005 1645584 05021933.6 05/10/2005 1645832 05109217.9 Kenkyujo 1645832 FABBRICA D'ARMI PIETRO BERETTA S.p.A. 1647786 Thermagen 18/10/2004 1647786 04292474.6 French 1651569 Büttner, Klaus 09/08/2004 1651569 04763914.1 German 1652241 FUJIFILM Corporation 03/08/2004 1652241 04771401.9 1654070 GUERINEAU, Stéphane 11/08/2004 1654070 04786302.2 1654559 Navcom Technology, Inc. 20/07/2004 1654559 04816780.3 1654837 Cisco Technology, Inc. 18/06/2004 1654837 04755537.0 1657759 Renault s.a.s. 27/10/2005 1657759 05300870.2 1657830 Harman Becker Automotive Systems 15/11/2004 1657830 04027112.4 French French GmbH 1658733 SeeReal Technologies GmbH 30/08/2004 1658733 04762725.2 German 1661847 STILL GMBH 08/11/2005 1661847 05024302.1 German 1662639 Alcatel Lucent 24/11/2004 1662639 04292775.6 German 1762 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1663368 Boston Scientific Limited 30/07/2004 1663368 04779689.1 1665600 INTERDIGITAL TECHNOLOGY 02/09/2004 1665600 04782999.9 CORPORATION 1668258 Tronox LLC 30/08/2004 1668258 04782590.6 1668438 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS 17/09/2004 1668438 04768538.3 public limited company 1670542 MEDTRONIC, INC. 14/09/2004 1670542 04784018.6 1670671 Hasenfuss, Peter 30/09/2004 1670671 04786899.7 German 1670862 EMS-Chemie AG 06/10/2004 1670862 04765848.9 German 1671512 Cisco Technology, Inc. 06/10/2004 1671512 04794536.5 1671807 DeMoore, Howard W. 23/12/1996 1671807 05026650.1 1671866 CNH Italia S.p.A. 02/12/2005 1671866 05111646.5 1672125 BAUER Maschinen GmbH 14/12/2004 1672125 04029612.1 1673878 Nokia Corporation 12/10/2004 1673878 04767119.3 1675853 Nycomed GmbH 30/09/2004 1675853 04787257.7 1676750 Richter, Harald 03/01/2005 1676750 05000011.6 German 1676789 ARTA PLAST AB 03/01/2005 1676789 05000016.5 German 1680466 Italmatch Chemicals S.P.A. 07/11/2003 1680466 03769747.1 1681072 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Limited 19/03/2001 1681072 06006595.0 1681205 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 11/11/2005 1681205 05024722.0 German 1681247 Dematic GmbH 27/12/2005 1681247 05112987.2 German 1683460 BRANOFILTER GMBH 15/11/2005 1683460 05024896.2 German 1683674 Deere & Company 20/01/2006 1683674 06100634.2 German 1683986 Haldex Brake Products AB 05/12/2005 1683986 05026528.9 German 1684763 Wyeth Holdings Corporation 17/09/2004 1684763 04784454.3 1685014 Voith Turbo GmbH & Co. KG 12/11/2004 1685014 04797860.6 1685243 ProBioGen AG 03/11/2004 1685243 04798154.3 1686278 RENAULT S.A.S. 26/01/2006 1686278 06300073.1 1686507 Sequoia Smart Solutions Pty Ltd. 27/01/2005 1686507 05100541.1 1687349 Ilypsa, Inc. 03/11/2004 1687349 04810309.7 1687750 Nokia Corporation 06/10/2004 1687750 04791803.2 1692387 Microgen Energy Limited 06/12/2004 1692387 04805942.2 1692853 FRANCE TELECOM 02/12/2004 1692853 04816502.1 1694106 Polar Electro Oy 20/01/2006 1694106 06100638.3 1694223 Endius Incorporated 25/10/2004 1694223 04796123.0 1696383 Psion Teklogix Systems Inc. 23/12/2005 1696383 05258049.5 1697376 Syngenta Participations AG 09/12/2004 1697376 04801364.3 German German French French (20/08/2008) 1697574 Patents Office Journal BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte (No. 2105) 1763 16/12/2004 1697574 04804896.1 German German GmbH 1701887 Deininger, Karl 04/11/2004 1701887 04796932.4 1702357 S.O.I. TEC Silicon on Insulator 28/10/2004 1702357 04791788.5 Technologies 1702704 Sandvik Intellectual Property AB 07/03/2006 1702704 06004569.7 1703964 ECOLAB, INC. 02/01/2004 1703964 04700043.5 1704185 ARKEMA FRANCE 07/01/2005 1704185 05717381.7 1704421 Navcom Technology, Inc. 15/12/2004 1704421 04814544.5 1705201 Cavaglia', Giuliano 24/03/2005 1705201 05425172.3 1706438 BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED 01/12/2004 1706438 04812667.6 1707123 Boston Scientific Limited 07/02/2002 1707123 06117164.1 1707686 Terre Armée Internationale 17/03/2005 1707686 05290598.1 1708441 Alcatel Lucent 28/02/2006 1708441 06290365.3 1709233 SUSPA Holding GmbH 02/12/2004 1709233 04821174.2 German 1709822 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 19/11/2004 1709822 04821184.1 German 29/03/2006 1710054 06006567.9 German French , A joint stock company organised and existing under the laws of Germany 1710054 Brockmann, Petra Brockmann-Knödler, Thomas 1711089 Euro Packaging Ltd. 29/11/2004 1711089 04798686.4 1711267 React-NTI, LLC 24/02/2004 1711267 04714161.9 1712195 Olympus Corporation 01/02/2005 1712195 05709555.6 1712407 Centre d'etude et de recherche pour 12/04/2006 1712407 06290599.7 French 12/04/2006 1712408 06290600.3 French German l'automobile (CERA) 1712408 CENTRE D'ETUDE ET RECHERCHE POUR L'AUTOMOBILE ( CERA) 1712498 Glatt Systemtechnik GmbH 31/03/2006 1712498 06006974.7 1712508 SAVIO MACCHINE TESSILI S.p.A. 27/03/2006 1712508 06111731.3 1714068 Kongsberg Automotive AS 28/01/2005 1714068 05710934.0 1714550 Dawson, Stephen Mark 13/01/2006 1714550 06250189.5 1716790 Diemer & Dr. Jaspert GbR 20/04/2006 1716790 06008193.2 German 1719407 LAE-Anlagenbau GmbH 27/04/2006 1719407 06113222.1 German 1719594 Fravol Export S.r.l. 24/04/2006 1719594 06075945.3 1720765 The Boeing Company 15/02/2005 1720765 05768971.3 1721130 Sagentia Limited 01/03/2005 1721130 05717853.5 1721146 Applera Corporation 14/01/2005 1721146 05705833.1 1722140 Interforge Klee GmbH 03/08/2005 1722140 05016847.5 German 1764 (No. 2105) 1722667 Patents Office Journal BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte (20/08/2008) 04/03/2005 1722667 05716911.2 16/01/2003 1724283 06117810.9 German GmbH 1724283 THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY , a Corporation organised and existing under the laws of the State of Ohio, United States of America. 1725975 HONDA MOTOR CO., Ltd. 07/02/2005 1725975 05713022.1 1727562 Pharmacia & Upjohn Company LLC 04/03/2005 1727562 05708706.6 1727927 Diolen Industrial Fibres B.V. 12/03/2005 1727927 05716016.0 1728195 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS 17/03/2005 1728195 05718052.3 03/07/2001 1728794 06017487.7 German public limited company , a British Company 1728794 Ube Industries, Ltd. Daiichi Sankyo Company, Limited 1732471 ALCON INC. 23/03/2005 1732471 05728430.9 1732662 Laica S.p.A. 03/11/2004 1732662 04797534.7 1732977 ARKEMA FRANCE 16/03/2005 1732977 05739691.3 French 1735423 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 08/04/2005 1735423 05733304.9 German 1735947 Research In Motion Limited 25/02/2005 1735947 05714529.4 1737626 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 08/04/2005 1737626 05718664.5 1738173 PamGene B.V. 20/04/2005 1738173 05736539.7 1738410 International Business Machines 22/03/2005 1738410 05717124.1 18/04/2005 1738600 05733487.2 23/06/2006 1738843 06115933.1 20/04/2005 1741163 05732279.4 28/04/2005 1742779 05739962.8 Corporation 1738600 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT German , A joint stock company organised and existing under the laws of Germany 1738843 M.E.P. Macchine Elettroniche Piegatrici S.p.A. 1741163 Daume Patentbesitzgesellschaft mbH & German Co. KG 1742779 EVEREADY BATTERY COMPANY, INC. 1744158 Pauly, Udo, Dr. 16/07/2005 1744158 05015489.7 German 1744168 Alcatel Lucent 11/07/2005 1744168 05291497.5 1744335 Feller AG 12/07/2005 1744335 05015112.5 German 1746204 Voith Patent GmbH 22/02/2006 1746204 06110274.5 German 1746232 VKR Holding A/S 22/07/2005 1746232 05015962.3 1747491 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 04/05/2005 1747491 05734902.9 (20/08/2008) 1749866 Patents Office Journal Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho (No. 2105) 31/07/2006 1749866 06253988.7 1765 (Kobe Steel, Ltd.) 1752490 Nexans 04/07/2006 1752490 06300754.6 1754390 TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM 08/06/2004 1754390 04739915.9 French ERICSSON (publ) 1754456 Zimmer GmbH 16/08/2005 1754456 05017771.6 German 1755497 Graham, Michael E. 04/11/2004 1755497 04810246.1 1756809 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 30/05/2005 1756809 05748110.3 1757476 Behr GmbH & Co. KG 24/07/2006 1757476 06015336.8 1758885 Janssen Pharmaceutica NV 28/04/2005 1758885 05747389.4 1762142 SHIMANO INC. 01/09/2006 1762142 06254579.3 1763431 Chemische Fabrik Budenheim KG 27/07/2006 1763431 06778026.2 German 1763468 GM Global Technology Operations, 23/06/2005 1763468 05754446.2 German German Inc. 1763617 Proverum AG 26/04/2005 1763617 05739701.0 German 1764149 C. Gerhardt Fabrik und Lager 28/08/2006 1764149 06017893.6 German chemischer Apparate GmbH & Co. KG Griasch, Bernd 1765022 Tyco Electronics Raychem NV 04/11/2005 1765022 05447244.4 1767127 STRIX LIMITED 25/09/2006 1767127 06254949.8 1767842 The Victaulic Co., Of Japan, Ltd. 14/02/2006 1767842 06002957.6 1768890 Wrightbus Limited 12/05/2005 1768890 05741894.9 1768898 Sonaca S.A. 07/07/2005 1768898 05761099.0 French 1769556 tesa AG 09/06/2005 1769556 05753968.6 German 1769896 A. RAYMOND ET CIE 14/04/2004 1769896 06024251.8 German 1769912 Gimaco Ingenieur AG für 30/09/2005 1769912 05109125.4 German Maschinenbau 1770232 SAVIO S.p.A. 30/09/2005 1770232 05425680.5 1771513 BASF SE 19/07/2005 1771513 05774991.3 1774088 Kemira Oyj 08/07/2005 1774088 05763636.7 1775227 Wanzl Metallwarenfabrik GmbH 05/10/2006 1775227 06020923.6 German 1775441 Melchior, Jean Frédéric 18/09/2006 1775441 06291459.3 French 1775444 Neander Motors AG 06/10/2006 1775444 06021047.3 German 1776016 LESAFFRE et Compagnie 17/08/2005 1776016 05798444.5 French 1777568 ENPLAS CORPORATION 14/10/2006 1777568 06255295.5 1778499 Mitsubishi HiTec Paper Flensburg 22/06/2005 1778499 05759525.8 GmbH German German 1766 (No. 2105) 1781521 Patents Office Journal De Siqueira Indio Da Costa, Luiz (20/08/2008) 18/07/2005 1781521 05758943.4 Augusto 1785530 Check up S.p.A. 14/11/2005 1785530 05110687.0 1786663 Lippert, Stefan 18/01/2006 1786663 06705851.1 German 1788899 Eska Lederhandschuhfabrik 03/08/2005 1788899 05768031.6 German Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. KG 1789282 Renault s.a.s. 28/06/2005 1789282 05781871.8 French 1789698 Hasse & Wrede GmbH 31/08/2005 1789698 05782728.9 German 1790923 Leotech S.r.l. 14/11/2006 1790923 06123993.5 1792880 TDK Corporation 29/11/2006 1792880 06024720.2 1794356 RITM 14/09/2005 1794356 05800537.2 French 1796408 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 09/12/2005 1796408 05026962.0 German , A joint stock company organised and existing under the laws of Germany 1798007 ABB RESEARCH LTD. 16/11/2005 1798007 05025015.8 1798152 ABB PATENT GmbH 30/09/2006 1798152 06020664.6 German 1799186 Divapharma GmbH 19/08/2005 1799186 05777078.6 German 1799365 Dematic Corp. 23/09/2005 1799365 05800132.2 1802625 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 04/10/2005 1802625 05792946.5 1804495 Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret 01/03/2006 1804495 06251105.0 A.S. 1804764 Pantec AG 27/10/2005 1804764 05803087.5 1805294 Gentili, Paolo 18/11/2005 1805294 05811287.1 1806623 Asahi Glass Company, Limited 29/12/2006 1806623 06027115.2 1809716 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 04/11/2005 1809716 05819759.1 1815468 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 11/11/2005 1815468 05802340.9 1815532 Philips Intellectual Property & 09/11/2005 1815532 05803070.1 Standards GmbH Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1816243 Oskar Dilo Maschinenfabrik KG 01/02/2006 1816243 06002075.7 German 1817218 Renault s.a.s. 21/11/2005 1817218 05819399.6 French 1818221 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 13/02/2006 1818221 06002883.4 German 1818256 Lufthansa Technik AG 14/02/2006 1818256 06002980.8 German 1818283 ROWA 09/09/2005 1818283 07101909.5 German 08/11/2005 1819934 05818466.4 AUTOMATISIERUNGSSYSTEME GMBH & CO. KG 1819934 Hendrickson International Corporation (20/08/2008) 1820049 Patents Office Journal Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (No. 2105) 06/12/2004 1820049 04822530.4 1767 German des Saarlandes 1825635 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 16/12/2004 1825635 04804066.1 1828084 Uhde GmbH 15/12/2005 1828084 05850281.6 1829382 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 14/12/2005 1829382 05850081.0 1831562 KNORR-BREMSE Systeme für 16/12/2005 1831562 05818221.3 German German Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH 1832175 Gierlinger, Johann 26/07/2005 1832175 07006118.9 German 1836030 Frimo Group GmbH 22/12/2005 1836030 05822043.5 German 1836236 Evonik Degussa GmbH 18/11/2005 1836236 05817403.8 German 1838232 ROUX, Didier 29/12/2005 1838232 05850052.1 French 1838784 BASF SE 31/12/2005 1838784 05821799.3 German 1839097 Mathea, Hans 19/12/2005 1839097 05850172.7 German 1839820 FESTO AG & Co 28/03/2006 1839820 06006353.4 German 1840049 Rothkegel, Volker 20/01/2007 1840049 07001223.2 German 26/11/2005 1841674 05810631.1 German Henning, Peter 1841674 Neuhäuser GmbH + Co. Lager- und Fördersysteme 1842729 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 07/04/2006 1842729 06007410.1 German 1843539 Müller Marken GmbH & Co. Betriebs- 04/04/2006 1843539 06007112.3 German KG 1843770 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd 29/08/2006 1843770 06802484.3 1846401 CTG Pharma S.r.l. 01/02/2006 1846401 06706532.6 1846485 BASF SE 03/02/2006 1846485 06708005.1 1848161 Alcatel Lucent 20/04/2006 1848161 06300382.6 1849750 TECHNOINDUSTRIE S.A. 04/04/2006 1849750 06007110.7 French 1851265 BASF SE 08/02/2006 1851265 06708109.1 German 1851467 ElringKlinger AG 19/01/2006 1851467 06706295.0 German A. RAYMOND ET CIE 1853396 Pirelli & C. S.p.A. 04/03/2005 1853396 05715748.9 1853588 AstraZeneca AB 15/02/2006 1853588 06709750.1 1853644 Batscap 09/02/2006 1853644 06709281.7 French 1855951 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 07/01/2006 1855951 06701813.5 German 1869696 SAES GETTERS S.p.A. 11/04/2006 1869696 06745274.8 1870489 Ropal AG 19/04/2006 1870489 06008081.9 1871209 Arçelik Anonim Sirketi 14/03/2006 1871209 06711090.8 1883148 Electrolux Home Products Corporation 26/07/2006 1883148 06117849.7 N.V. German 1768 1884374 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER AZIONI 30/06/2006 (20/08/2008) 1884374 06425454.3 (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1769 Grants Published in EPO Bulletin No. 26/08, dated 25th June 2008 0851920 GENENTECH, INC. 23/08/1996 0851920 96929012.1 0859625 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA 18/10/1996 0859625 96936768.9 BOARD OF REGENTS 0874913 Applera Corporation 23/12/1996 0874913 96945044.4 0942915 ITC Research Limited 21/11/1997 0942915 97913320.4 0968617 AT&T Labs, Inc. 17/03/1998 0968617 98910079.7 0977894 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 22/04/1998 0977894 98931984.3 German der Wissenschaften e.V. 0985279 TeliaSonera Finland Oyj 14/04/1998 0985279 98913795.5 0986382 Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corporation 21/05/1998 0986382 98923601.3 ONYX PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 0988051 Merial Limited 04/03/1998 0988051 98908885.1 1015027 MOND, James J. 07/01/1998 1015027 98901176.2 Lees, Andrew 1033996 Elan Pharma International Limited 30/11/1998 1033996 98961833.5 1034294 Neose Technologies, Inc. 01/12/1998 1034294 98962858.1 1039422 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 14/03/2000 1039422 00104583.0 1041655 Stocchiero, Luciana 29/03/2000 1041655 00106048.2 German Stocchiero, Franco 1041991 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 17/12/1998 1041991 98964764.9 1063764 C.E. NIEHOFF & COMPANY 21/06/2000 1063764 00305244.6 1065374 Mitsch, Franz 26/06/2000 1065374 00113466.7 1070436 Corps of Discovery Patent Holding 09/04/1999 1070436 99917386.7 LLC 1078539 Nokia Siemens Networks Oy 10/05/1999 1078539 99923619.3 1080337 Cohen, Michael 16/05/1999 1080337 99921114.7 1093393 Biocep Ltd. 13/05/1999 1093393 99921111.3 1107789 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE 24/08/1999 1107789 99946625.3 30/09/1999 1117687 99951690.9 LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY 1117687 Gaiger, Alexander CORIXA CORPORATION 1118205 Nokia Corporation 28/09/1999 1118205 99969875.6 1119312 Align Technology, Inc. 08/10/1999 1119312 99951884.8 1120648 FUJIFILM Corporation 10/09/1999 1120648 99943265.1 German 1770 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1129628 Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd. 09/11/1998 1129628 98951755.2 1132954 International Business Machines 10/01/2001 1132954 01300208.4 Corporation 1136137 SOLIPAT AG 20/03/2000 1136137 00105823.9 1144025 Gambro BCT, Inc. 16/11/2000 1144025 00983711.3 1145588 Ericsson, Inc. 22/12/1999 1145588 99966608.4 1146916 Ato Findley Inc 20/01/2000 1146916 00906969.1 1159922 Cordis Neurovascular, Inc. 29/05/2001 1159922 01304713.9 1165712 Valspar Sourcing, Inc. 15/03/2000 1165712 00916393.2 1171609 Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 12/04/2000 1171609 00923241.4 1173180 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH 07/04/2000 1173180 00921919.7 German University of Kentucky Research Foundation 1173623 Whatman, Inc. 17/09/1999 1173623 99973772.9 1179594 Dnavec Research Inc. 18/05/2000 1179594 00929790.4 1183684 VEECO INSTRUMENTS INC. 30/03/2000 1183684 00919854.0 1183737 INTEL CORPORATION 11/05/2000 1183737 00932363.5 1187316 TCL & ALCATEL MOBILE PHONES 26/07/2001 1187316 01402026.7 30/06/2000 1190055 00946988.3 French LIMITED 1190055 THE ADMINISTRATORS OF THE TULANE EDUCATIONAL FUND 1191896 Align Technology, Inc. 12/05/2000 1191896 00935924.1 1192631 ABB Inc. 13/04/2000 1192631 00923348.7 1192925 LANCASTRIA LIMITED 01/10/2001 1192925 01650114.0 1193253 KANEKA CORPORATION 15/05/2000 1193253 00927758.3 1200127 Omeros Corporation 21/07/2000 1200127 00947581.5 1204752 GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A. 27/07/2000 1204752 00956339.6 1205876 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 09/11/2001 1205876 01000614.6 INCORPORATED 1208502 Silverbrook Research Pty. Limited 30/06/2000 1208502 00938345.6 1211231 Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche 09/11/2001 1211231 01126747.3 05/04/2001 1213380 01201238.1 14/11/2001 1219279 01127035.2 25/01/2002 1229628 02001765.3 Aktiengesellschaft 1213380 VOUK S.p.A. OFFICINE MECCANOTESSILI 1219279 MEGO AFEK INDUSTRIAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 1229628 NICE SpA German (20/08/2008) 1230261 Patents Office Journal Chancellors, Masters & Scholars of the (No. 2105) 08/11/2000 1230261 00990987.0 29/06/2000 1230689 00943321.0 1771 University of Oxford LUDWIG INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH 1230689 The Government of the United States of America as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Adm. 1231814 Teles AG Informationstechnologien 30/01/2002 1231814 02090042.9 1238449 CANDELA CORPORATION 04/12/2000 1238449 00982374.1 1238512 Intercall, Inc. 02/11/2000 1238512 00989753.9 1238986 Genentech, Inc. 28/10/1992 1238986 02006351.7 1242822 Wyeth Holdings Corporation 01/12/2000 1242822 00980905.4 1245124 Nokia Corporation 05/01/2001 1245124 01901227.7 1255809 Bio-Nobile OY 12/02/2001 1255809 01907596.9 1256007 Mentor Graphics Corporation 16/11/2000 1256007 00979203.7 1256761 Clyde Bergemann GmbH 26/04/2002 1256761 02009244.1 1258109 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 22/02/2001 1258109 01912920.4 1261320 Generex Pharmaceuticals Inc. 21/02/2001 1261320 01919686.4 1262400 Cressi-Sub S.p.A. 30/05/2002 1262400 02425354.4 1264000 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 08/03/2001 1264000 01936062.7 German German German der angewandten Forschung e.V. 1265556 Ascension Orthopedics, Inc. 22/03/2001 1265556 01916030.8 1269743 Thomson Licensing 01/03/2001 1269743 01929383.6 1274365 Heraeus Kulzer GmbH 05/04/2001 1274365 01936188.0 1274584 Silverbrook Research Pty. Limited 18/04/2000 1274584 00922324.9 1276394 WENGER MANUFACTURING, INC. 28/03/2001 1276394 01922810.5 1278535 CellAct Pharma GmbH 03/05/2001 1278535 01938157.3 1281077 Zellweger Analytics Limited 11/05/2001 1281077 01928122.9 1283693 Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation 02/10/2001 1283693 01975182.5 1286962 WISCONSIN ALUMNI RESEARCH 31/05/2001 1286962 01939792.6 08/08/1994 1288224 02026863.7 German FOUNDATION 1288224 SOCIETE DE CONSEILS DE RECHERCHES ET D'APPLICATIONS SCIENTIFIQUES S.A.S. 1289477 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 07/06/2001 1289477 01960276.2 1290938 Gain Harvest Development LTD 07/09/2001 1290938 01203441.9 German 1772 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1291644 WALLAC OY 06/09/2002 1291644 02396136.0 1292241 3M Espe AG 22/06/2001 1292241 01945295.2 German 1302674 SOCIETE DE PROSPECTION ET 03/10/2002 1302674 02292433.6 French D'INVENTIONS TECHNIQUES SPIT 1305572 Honeywell International Inc. 24/07/2001 1305572 01959157.7 1306438 KANEKA CORPORATION 01/08/2001 1306438 01956776.7 1307682 IBS Filtran Kunststoff- 09/12/2000 1307682 00985153.6 German /Metallerzeugnisse GmbH 1310599 Compa Tech B.V. 11/11/2002 1310599 02079729.6 1314018 Dekati OY 31/08/2001 1314018 01963019.3 1322321 Helmholtz-Zentrum für 02/10/2001 1322321 01986301.8 German Infektionsforschung GmbH 1323281 IN4TEL Ltd. 16/08/2001 1323281 01958358.2 1325034 Pacira Pharmaceuticals Inc 05/10/2001 1325034 01975098.3 1326530 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG 22/10/2001 1326530 01987648.1 German 1327674 Chemische Fabrik Dr. Weigert GmbH 11/01/2002 1327674 02000728.2 German & Co. KG 1328271 Probiodrug AG 29/10/2001 1328271 01988583.9 1330890 Digital Authentication Technologies 01/11/2001 1330890 01992923.1 Inc. 1331037 Dürr Systems GmbH 20/01/2003 1331037 03001129.0 1332861 NISSEI PLASTIC INDUSTRIAL CO., 17/10/2001 1332861 01978817.3 German LTD. TEIJIN LIMITED 1336228 AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG 17/11/2001 1336228 01997866.7 1336657 KANEKA CORPORATION 20/11/2001 1336657 01982863.1 1337727 Putzmeister Concrete Pumps GmbH 06/10/2001 1337727 01982402.8 1338171 Nokia Corporation 26/11/2001 1338171 01999127.2 1339922 Technip France 10/10/2001 1339922 01977624.4 1342533 GLASTON ITALY SPA 07/02/2003 1342533 03002596.9 1347659 XIRCOM Wireless, Inc. 20/03/1995 1347659 03014443.0 1347696 Coty SA 05/12/2001 1347696 01272693.1 1349379 Omnivision Technologies Inc. 25/03/2003 1349379 03251881.3 1350495 SCA Hygiene Products AB 02/04/2002 1350495 02007500.8 1351683 Novartis AG 20/08/2001 1351683 01967289.8 German German French Novartis Pharma GmbH 1352456 Rolec Gehäuse-Systeme GmbH 09/01/2002 1352456 02704575.6 German 1352457 Rolec Gehäuse-Systeme GmbH 09/01/2002 1352457 02704574.9 German (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1352579 Wolverine World Wide, Inc. 10/04/2003 1352579 03252287.2 1353020 Steindl Glas GmbH 11/04/2003 1353020 03008443.8 1354592 Calpis Co., Ltd. 25/12/2001 1354592 01994994.0 1354665 GÜDEL GROUP AG 16/04/2003 1354665 03405265.4 1356720 Michel, David 23/04/2003 1356720 03252532.1 1357844 TYCO HEALTHCARE GROUP LP 08/01/2002 1357844 02701909.0 1359988 MATTEL, INC. 17/01/2002 1359988 02705850.2 1361723 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 08/05/2003 1361723 03010385.7 1361776 Alcatel Lucent 09/05/2003 1361776 03010466.5 1363501 San Marco Roasters Inc. 13/02/2002 1363501 02701117.0 1364729 SMS Demag AG 11/03/2003 1364729 03005287.2 1364760 Borealis Technology Oy 22/05/2002 1364760 02011247.0 1364862 Zephyros Inc. 30/04/2003 1364862 03076320.5 1366653 Prillinger, Karl 20/05/2003 1366653 03450124.7 1366685 Martinez Cambronero, Enrique 10/01/2002 1366685 02710064.3 1372440 SPOTLESS PLASTICS PTY. LTD. 05/04/2002 1372440 02725536.3 1372519 Neoss Limited 05/04/2002 1372519 02718321.9 1375194 Moriroku Kabushiki Kaisha 17/06/2003 1375194 03013734.3 1377164 EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY 08/04/2002 1377164 02725577.7 1377326 MDC Investment Holdings, Inc. 13/03/2002 1377326 02715114.1 1377404 Volvo Aero Corporation 18/01/2002 1377404 02715929.2 1378092 Bea Systems, Inc. 21/02/2002 1378092 02721082.2 1380243 NESTEC S.A. 12/07/2002 1380243 02015461.3 1384951 Thirode Grandes Cuisines Poligny 07/07/2003 1384951 03291680.1 1385587 MATTEL, INC. 30/04/2002 1385587 02731588.6 1385674 Mikkelsen Graphic Engineering, Inc. 05/04/2002 1385674 02715280.0 1387326 Harting Vending GmbH & Co. KG 08/07/2003 1387326 03015352.2 1390847 Oracle International Corporation 08/05/2002 1390847 02776557.7 1393455 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. 06/05/2002 1393455 02734172.6 1395604 GLAXO GROUP LIMITED 11/06/2002 1395604 02730498.9 1398924 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 11/09/2003 1398924 03020712.0 1400088 FRANCE TELECOM 31/05/2002 1400088 02740847.5 1407088 RUUD LIGHTING, INC. 26/06/2002 1407088 02742327.6 1408168 Saint Gobain Isover G+H 10/10/2003 1408168 03023101.3 1773 German German German German French German French German Aktiengesellschaft 1410247 Intel Corporation 02/03/2001 1410247 01913242.2 1412480 PerkinElmer Cellular Technologies 17/07/2002 1412480 02762371.9 Germany GmbH German 1774 (No. 2105) 1412865 Patents Office Journal The Ackley Martinez Company DBA (20/08/2008) 19/07/2002 1412865 02750201.2 MGI Studio 1413892 Solid State Measurements, Inc. 22/10/2003 1413892 03078341.9 1416582 ETA SA Manufacture Horlogère Suisse 28/10/2002 1416582 02079509.2 1417136 Maxtech Manufacturing Inc. 08/08/2002 1417136 02754013.7 1417760 INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER 01/07/2002 1417760 02742371.4 French CORPORATION 1418931 Celecure AS 26/08/2002 1418931 02760977.5 1419694 SNOW BRAND MILK PRODUCTS, 01/08/2002 1419694 02755751.1 01/10/2003 1422413 03022026.3 CO., LTD. 1422413 Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche German Aktiengesellschaft 1424562 TOKYO ELECTRON LIMITED 06/09/2002 1424562 02765437.5 1425404 Helmholtz Zentrum München 11/09/2002 1425404 02772289.1 Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH) 1426073 ETHICON ENDO-SURGERY, INC. 04/12/2003 1426073 03257645.6 1428352 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 23/08/2002 1428352 02765731.1 1430814 New Wind S.r.l. 02/12/2003 1430814 03027619.0 1435425 NIEN MADE ENTERPRISE CO., 07/03/2003 1435425 03005170.0 German LTD. 1439389 Institute for Medical Research 19/12/2002 1439389 02258772.9 1439788 U & I Corporation 04/02/2002 1439788 02712487.4 1440677 Luttermann, Joachim 19/01/2004 1440677 04450011.4 1443281 DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. 12/09/2002 1443281 02765526.5 1443755 Konica Minolta Opto, Inc. 07/01/2002 1443755 04010162.8 1444528 Rika Denshi America, Inc. 24/09/2002 1444528 02761808.1 1448750 Gmk-Gesellschaft Für Motoren und 08/11/2002 1448750 02802660.7 29/11/2003 1449954 03027525.9 02/10/2002 1450771 02775182.5 Kraftanlagen Mbh 1449954 Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 1450771 Innovative Pharmaceutical Concepts (IPC) Inc. 1451599 Intellitech Corporation 12/11/2002 1451599 02789591.1 1451684 Cognima Ltd. 26/11/2002 1451684 02779752.1 1454649 Katoh, Osamu 13/02/2004 1454649 04250797.0 20/12/2002 1455643 02790274.1 ASAHI INTECC CO., LTD. 1455643 Unisense A/S German German (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1456993 Nokia Corporation 13/11/2002 1456993 02775156.9 1458393 GLAXO GROUP LIMITED 20/12/2002 1458393 02799077.9 1463755 Immunex Corporation 20/12/2002 1463755 02794341.4 1465803 Fiskerstrand Verft AS 16/01/2003 1465803 03700629.3 1775 Rolls Royce Marine AS Sintef Fiskeri Og Havbruk AS 1466532 ALI S.p.A. - CARPIGIANI GROUP 23/03/2004 1466532 04006994.0 1467431 Hirschmann Electronics GmbH & Co. 19/02/2004 1467431 04003726.9 German KG 1468142 De La Rue International Limited 26/11/2002 1468142 02803872.7 1473031 AVANIR Pharmaceuticals 02/09/1994 1473031 04075956.5 1473501 ROXTEC AB 08/04/2003 1473501 03008166.5 1474526 Discoverx, Inc. 28/01/2003 1474526 03735045.1 1476088 HydroCision, Inc. 17/09/2002 1476088 02768858.9 1476245 GE Betz, Inc. 27/01/2003 1476245 03704009.4 1476849 STMicroelectronics S.A. 11/02/2003 1476849 03718862.0 1481514 Operax AB 29/04/2002 1481514 02807013.4 1482111 Rav-Bariach Vehicle Protection Ltd. 10/02/2004 1482111 04075406.1 1482296 Hemosense, Inc. 29/07/1998 1482296 04076315.3 1485256 Markem Technologies Ltd 14/01/2003 1485256 03700365.4 1485345 Curacyte AG 11/03/2003 1485345 03714803.8 1490140 Ash Access Technology, Inc. 14/03/2003 1490140 03744678.8 1492499 3M Innovative Properties Company 21/03/2003 1492499 03746547.3 1492534 TopoTarget UK Limited 03/04/2003 1492534 03722719.6 1493201 Entek International LLC 28/03/2003 1493201 03716893.7 1493891 GEZE GmbH 16/03/2004 1493891 04006164.0 German 1495535 Dr. Johannes Heidenhain GmbH 26/03/2003 1495535 03714878.0 German 1497736 Peze, William 19/03/2003 1497736 03727597.1 French 1497864 Synplicity 29/07/2002 1497864 02761202.7 1498059 PAV PATENTVERWERTUNG KG 14/07/2004 1498059 04016548.2 German 1498461 Evonik Degussa GmbH 25/05/2004 1498461 04102280.7 German 1498719 SYSMEX CORPORATION 13/07/2004 1498719 04016463.4 1502530 PAV PATENTVERWERTUNG KG 22/07/2004 1502530 04017358.5 German 1502708 HAZET-WERK HERMANN ZERVER 07/04/2004 1502708 04008410.5 German 04/06/2004 1504921 04102529.7 German 22/06/2004 1505399 04014616.9 German German French German GmbH & Co. KG 1504921 ContiTech Elastomer-Beschichtungen GmbH 1505399 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 1776 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1507570 WILSON-COOK MEDICAL INC. 15/05/2003 1507570 03753079.7 1508684 Pierburg GmbH 09/07/2004 1508684 04016199.4 1509906 Voiceage Corporation 30/05/2003 1509906 03727092.3 1513375 WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION 29/07/2004 1513375 04103668.2 1514405 Nokia Corporation 15/05/2003 1514405 03722960.6 1514442 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 04/06/2003 1514442 03757341.7 1518370 Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 20/06/2002 1518370 02746244.9 1518612 Morvan, Jean-Marc 24/09/2004 1518612 04364062.2 German French Morvan, Roger 1520543 ETHICON ENDO-SURGERY, INC. 30/09/2004 1520543 04256050.8 1521863 Chemetall GmbH 09/07/2003 1521863 03763755.0 German 1522281 Hörmansdörfer, Gerd 29/12/1998 1522281 04025267.8 German 1522520 J.C. BAMFORD EXCAVATORS 24/05/2001 1522520 05000406.8 09/05/2003 1523390 03737877.5 German LIMITED 1523390 FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM JÜLICH GMBH 1523983 ETHYPHARM 07/07/2000 1523983 04027226.2 French 1524485 S.A.T. Swiss Arms Technology AG 25/09/2004 1524485 04022908.0 German 1527243 CARTER, Mark C. 07/08/2002 1527243 02757012.6 1527541 QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 23/07/2003 1527541 03765994.3 1528435 FUJIFILM Corporation 28/10/2004 1528435 04025679.4 1530168 Ravo, Fulvio 03/11/2004 1530168 04105493.3 1531699 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 05/08/2003 1531699 03787955.8 1537786 CSK Food Enrichment B.V. 02/12/2004 1537786 04078560.2 1543883 Dürr Systems GmbH 29/09/2004 1543883 04023208.4 1545074 MICROSOFT CORPORATION 10/11/2004 1545074 04026717.1 1545229 GENERAL MILLS MARKETING, 16/08/2002 1545229 02761410.6 German INC. 1545917 Grupo Antolín Ingeniería, S.A. 01/10/2003 1545917 03759626.9 1549298 ETHYPHARM 03/10/2003 1549298 03775466.0 French 1550784 Brose Schliesssysteme GmbH & Co. 25/11/2004 1550784 04027979.6 German KG 1551269 Aktiebolaget Electrolux 02/07/2003 1551269 03738842.8 1551571 Aqua Products Inc. 17/10/2003 1551571 03776462.8 1551911 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA 14/07/2003 1551911 03764536.3 1553339 Toflo Corporation 03/01/2005 1553339 05090002.6 1554204 THE PROCTER & GAMBLE 23/10/2003 1554204 03776582.3 COMPANY (20/08/2008) 1554707 Patents Office Journal Aviation Communication & (No. 2105) 30/09/2003 1554707 03770610.8 1777 Surveillance Systems, LLC 1555240 Heineken Supply Chain B.V. 31/05/2001 1555240 05075135.3 1556375 Nicholas Piramal India Limited 07/07/2003 1556375 03753911.1 1557006 Cisco Technology, Inc. 21/10/2003 1557006 03777711.7 1558596 BASF SE 23/10/2003 1558596 03769439.5 German 1558819 Neoperl GmbH 18/10/2003 1558819 03758020.6 German 1559815 Teijin Monofilament Germany GmbH 23/12/2004 1559815 04030556.7 1560834 Laboratorios Almirall, S.A. 11/11/2003 1560834 03779886.5 1562436 UNILEVER N.V. 29/10/2003 1562436 03778295.0 UNILEVER PLC , a British company 1562684 MATTEL, INC. 30/10/2003 1562684 03781649.3 1566490 WIMMER, Alois 23/02/2005 1566490 05450035.0 1567382 GDX North America Inc. 01/12/2003 1567382 03812241.2 1568016 Barnes, Charles Frederick James 24/10/2003 1568016 03758360.6 1568271 CLABER S.P.A. 18/02/2005 1568271 05101229.2 1569369 Alcatel Lucent 07/02/2005 1569369 05290268.1 1569481 Research In Motion Limited 21/02/2005 1569481 05101314.2 1569754 BIOHIT OYJ 07/11/2003 1569754 03810487.3 1572181 Boehringer Ingelheim International 03/11/2003 1572181 03778298.4 German French German GmbH 1572360 Basell Polyolefine GmbH 05/12/2003 1572360 03789138.9 1573265 FORSVARETS 28/10/2003 1573265 03809895.0 15/03/2005 1576897 05251529.3 FORSKNINGSINSTITUTT 1576897 UNIVERSAL LEAF TOBACCO COMPANY INCORPORATED 1578841 Nektar Therapeutics AL, Corporation 31/12/2003 1578841 03800397.6 1581443 Focke & Co. (GmbH & Co. KG) 29/12/2003 1581443 03782487.7 German 1582505 LANXESS Deutschland GmbH 26/03/2005 1582505 05006681.0 German 1584319 Heraeus Kulzer GmbH 17/03/2005 1584319 05005831.2 German 1584389 Schunk GmbH & Co. KG Spann- und 06/04/2004 1584389 04008296.8 German Greiftechnik 1586846 STURM, RUGER & COMPANY, INC. 21/01/2005 1586846 05250317.4 1587573 Cordis Corporation 30/01/2004 1587573 04706990.1 1588033 3M Innovative Properties Company 17/11/2003 1588033 03814623.9 1588083 Neoperl GmbH 07/04/2004 1588083 04726114.4 1589614 Société de Technologie Michelin 19/04/2005 1589614 05103103.7 Michelin Recherche et Technique S.A. German 1778 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1593140 MAPPER LITHOGRAPHY IP B.V. 13/02/2004 1593140 04711065.5 1593589 GM Global Technology Operations, 03/05/2005 1593589 05009646.0 11/04/2005 1594287 05252252.1 German Inc. 1594287 Industry Academic Cooperation Foundation Kyunghee University SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. 1595552 Sara Lee/DE N.V. 10/05/2004 1595552 04076393.0 1596794 Danfoss A/S 24/02/2004 1596794 04714272.4 1598030 Potencia Medical AG 08/02/2001 1598030 05015416.0 1598089 Boston Scientific Limited 07/01/2002 1598089 05015263.6 1598481 Menck GmbH 16/04/2005 1598481 05008336.9 1599556 Kraton Polymers Research B.V. 19/02/2004 1599556 04712572.9 1599654 Construction Research & Technology 10/02/2004 1599654 04709623.5 German GmbH 1603497 F.G.P. Srl 23/02/2004 1603497 04713632.0 1604452 Dolphin Electric Holdings Inc 27/11/2003 1604452 03775617.8 1604623 Depuy Products, Inc. 18/05/2005 1604623 05253045.8 1604724 IBIDEN CO., LTD. 17/03/2003 1604724 05019870.4 1607017 BLANCPAIN S.A. 16/06/2004 1607017 04014059.2 1610632 Philip Morris Products S.A. 02/04/2004 1610632 04725454.5 1612174 KBA-GIORI S.A. 19/07/2002 1612174 05016259.3 1613527 Mitchell, Ross 08/04/2004 1613527 04726400.7 1613698 EMS-Chemie AG 22/03/2004 1613698 04722245.0 1613888 Transdigm, Inc. 13/04/2004 1613888 04759414.8 1614923 LuK Lamellen und Kupplungsbau 29/06/2005 1614923 05014044.1 German French German German Beteiligungs KG 1615723 ThyssenKrupp Fördertechnik GmbH 12/03/2004 1615723 04719949.2 German 1615737 Siemens VAI Metals Technologies 08/04/2004 1615737 04726463.5 German GmbH & Co 1615746 Primet Precision Materials, Inc. 10/03/2004 1615746 04749362.2 1615870 BASF SE 07/04/2004 1615870 04726111.0 1616561 Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 27/12/2000 1616561 05020892.5 1617826 Sanovel Ilaç Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim 19/04/2004 1617826 04760192.7 German Sirketi 1619215 Bayer MaterialScience AG 09/07/2005 1619215 05014936.8 German 1621375 Behr GmbH & Co. KG 01/07/2005 1621375 05014309.8 German 1621466 van der Burg, William 27/07/2005 1621466 05106915.1 (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1621605 Ciba Holding Inc. 07/05/2003 1621605 03721053.1 1621722 Albrecht, Walter 26/07/2005 1621722 05106859.1 1623839 Transfer Gomma S.r.l. 04/08/2005 1623839 05016941.6 1624710 Research In Motion Limited 06/08/2004 1624710 04103810.0 1627601 General Electric Company 28/07/2005 1627601 05254709.8 1629729 National Starch and Chemical 27/07/2005 1629729 05016297.3 1779 German Investment Holding Corporation 1630561 AUTOLIV ASP, INC. 23/08/2005 1630561 05018292.2 1631820 SACMI COOPERATIVA 13/02/2004 1631820 04710944.2 MECCANICI IMOLA SOCIETA' COOPERATIVA 1632032 Nokia Corporation 26/05/2004 1632032 04734855.2 1632127 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 30/08/2005 1632127 05107944.0 1635722 Warsaw Orthopedic, Inc. 09/06/2004 1635722 04754781.5 1636292 RHODIA POLYAMIDE 22/06/2004 1636292 04767411.4 French 16/08/2005 1637375 05017717.9 German German INTERMEDIATES 1637375 F. HESTERBERG & SÖHNE GmbH & Co. KG 1638062 Hekatron Vertriebs GmbH 02/09/2005 1638062 05019151.9 1639889 Lely Enterprises AG 08/01/2003 1639889 05077900.8 1639935 Miele & Cie. KG 31/08/2005 1639935 05018869.7 German 1640082 Behr GmbH & Co. KG 23/08/2005 1640082 05018268.2 German 1641173 Alcatel Lucent 23/09/2004 1641173 04292292.2 1644612 Gyrodata, Incorporated 09/07/2004 1644612 04777767.7 1646455 Deutsche Post AG 07/06/2004 1646455 04738617.2 German 1647723 Tubesca 07/10/2005 1647723 05292087.3 French 1648204 Volkswagen AG 14/10/2005 1648204 05022530.9 German 1651316 Sjödin, Torbjörn 05/08/2004 1651316 04775288.6 1651332 Vaperma Inc., 16/07/2004 1651332 04737978.9 1652428 Dow AgroSciences LLC , A Delaware 25/09/2000 1652428 05077598.0 limited liability company 1652686 Agfa Graphics N.V. 31/08/2005 1652686 05107954.9 1653351 SAP AG 27/10/2004 1653351 04025508.5 1653884 Wilson-Cook Medical Inc. 29/07/2004 1653884 04779633.9 1657379 Instalaciones Eléctricas de Sanxenxo 16/09/2005 1657379 05384601.0 09/08/2005 1657554 05017273.3 S.L. 1657554 EMH Elektrizitätszähler GmbH & Co KG German 1780 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1657692 AISIN AW CO., LTD. 10/11/2005 1657692 05024543.0 1658050 Novagali Pharma S.A. 27/08/2004 1658050 04769442.7 YISSUM RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF THE HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM 1658437 Renault s.a.s. 21/07/2004 1658437 04785984.8 French 1658700 Nokia Corporation 29/08/2003 1658700 03818400.8 1658867 Portaero, Inc. 16/11/2005 1658867 05257059.5 1662170 Krischke-Lengersdorf, Christian 26/11/2004 1662170 04106110.2 German 1666802 BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte 23/11/2005 1666802 05111128.4 German GmbH 1668277 Nuovo Pignone Holding S.P.A. 15/09/2004 1668277 04765352.2 1668988 RIKEN VITAMIN CO., LTD. 22/11/2005 1668988 05025421.8 1669538 Teel, Antoon 06/12/2005 1669538 05111745.5 1669629 Renault s.a.s. 06/12/2005 1669629 05301006.2 1670796 Nycomed GmbH 30/09/2004 1670796 04787262.7 1671009 SPERIAN FALL PROTECTION 13/09/2004 1671009 04766771.2 German French Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG 1672158 DORMA GmbH + Co. KG 08/11/2005 1672158 05024262.7 German 1673743 Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 07/10/2004 1673743 04790180.6 German 1674047 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 22/12/2005 1674047 05112690.2 German 1674249 THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER 19/12/2005 1674249 05112418.8 COMPANY 1675250 LG Electronics Inc. 15/12/2005 1675250 05027553.6 1675850 Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 01/09/2004 1675850 04782827.2 1675854 Nycomed GmbH 30/09/2004 1675854 04787263.5 1676102 Axsensor AB 15/10/2004 1676102 04775555.8 1676486 UNILEVER PLC 01/12/2005 1676486 05257396.1 UNILEVER N.V. 1676629 SANCASSIANO S.p.A. 20/07/2005 1676629 05106652.0 1677685 ETHICON, INC. 20/09/2004 1677685 04784615.9 1678499 AstraZeneca AB 18/10/2004 1678499 04793802.2 1681239 Granarolo S.P.A. 28/12/2005 1681239 05113043.3 1684046 Trumpf Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + 20/01/2005 1684046 05001076.8 German Co. KG 1684806 Memory Pharmaceuticals Corporation 19/11/2004 1684806 04811351.8 1685878 Linde Aktiengesellschaft 10/01/2006 1685878 06000407.4 German (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1687080 Biocept, Inc. 03/11/2004 1687080 04800599.5 1688029 CNH Belgium N.V. 02/02/2006 1688029 06101189.6 1688467 FUJIFILM Corporation 03/02/2006 1688467 06002252.2 1689266 Robco Designs Ltd. 13/10/2004 1689266 04768871.8 1692936 GIE-CERBM, Centre Europeen de 28/09/2001 1692936 06101289.4 1781 Recherche en Biologie et en Médecine 1694152 Lloyd (Scotland) Limited 07/12/2004 1694152 04805969.5 1697224 American Flange & MFG Co Inc. 05/12/2003 1697224 03767964.4 1697350 ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 08/12/2004 1697350 04811084.5 1699548 3M Innovative Properties Company 20/10/2004 1699548 04795855.8 1704059 KBA-GIORI S.A. 05/01/2005 1704059 05702184.2 1704619 ANTENOVA LIMITED 14/01/2005 1704619 05701873.1 1704704 Research In Motion Limited 27/02/2004 1704704 04715227.7 1704810 JohnsonDiversey, Inc. 24/03/2005 1704810 05102413.1 1705458 SAAB AB 26/03/2005 1705458 05006689.3 1705785 Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications 21/03/2005 1705785 05006110.0 AB 1706322 Krones Aktiengesellschaft 17/12/2004 1706322 04804005.9 German 1709276 WAYNE-DALTON CORP. 14/12/2004 1709276 04814147.7 1709927 Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 04/04/2006 1709927 06112188.5 German 1712147 SALOMON S.A. 11/04/2006 1712147 06007564.5 French 1712152 SARATOGA SpA 11/04/2006 1712152 06112449.1 1712266 MANN+HUMMEL GmbH 13/04/2006 1712266 06112589.4 1712428 Cie Automotive, S.A. 04/04/2006 1712428 06380066.8 1713153 ekd gelenkrohr GmbH 14/04/2005 1713153 05008161.1 1714915 Ariesen, Pel 19/04/2006 1714915 06008089.2 German German Van der Wulp, Pieter 1715010 SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 11/04/2001 1715010 06016924.0 1715226 Tyco Electronics Belgium EC N.V. 12/04/2006 1715226 06007662.7 1716354 THE GATES CORPORATION 02/08/2004 1716354 04779762.6 1716729 BenQ Corporation 25/01/2005 1716729 05716593.8 German 1717493 Federal-Mogul Burscheid GmbH 24/04/2006 1717493 06007463.0 German Innotec Forschungs- und EntwicklungsGmbH 1718006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 08/09/2005 1718006 05785140.4 1718336 MEDA Pharma GmbH & Co. KG 24/01/2005 1718336 05701139.7 1718506 Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft 07/01/2005 1718506 05700715.5 1720287 Psytechnics Ltd 28/04/2006 1720287 06113280.9 German 1782 (No. 2105) 1721111 Patents Office Journal L'AIR LIQUIDE, Société Anonyme (20/08/2008) 07/02/2005 1721111 05717705.7 French pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 1722749 Reckitt & Colman (Overseas) Limited 15/02/2005 1722749 05708342.0 1723921 Medical Device Innovations Limited 27/11/2003 1723921 06017256.6 1724665 Thomson Licensing 15/05/2006 1724665 06113913.5 1725382 Rasmussen, Leif Normann 14/03/2005 1725382 05715094.8 1725552 Laboratorios Almirall, S.A. 10/03/2005 1725552 05729711.1 1726268 Medical Device Innovations Limited 27/11/2003 1726268 06017255.8 1729457 Alcatel Lucent 30/05/2005 1729457 05291164.1 1729941 Aficor S.A. 29/03/2005 1729941 05714720.9 1730119 Pfizer Products Incorporated 11/03/2005 1730119 05708746.2 1730127 Wyeth 29/03/2005 1730127 05730979.1 1730140 ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 08/03/2005 1730140 05724568.0 1730385 CDX Gas, LLC 22/02/2005 1730385 05723326.4 1731081 Miele & Cie. KG 03/05/2006 1731081 06009112.1 1731870 Rafael-Armament Development 07/06/2006 1731870 06115063.7 French French German Authority Ltd. 1732259 Cisco Technology, Inc. 29/01/2003 1732259 06017476.0 1732801 Behr GmbH & Co. KG 17/03/2005 1732801 05729832.5 1732819 Imperial Chemical Industries Plc. 04/03/2005 1732819 05715863.6 1733512 Hewlett-Packard Development 28/01/2005 1733512 05712551.0 German Company, L.P. 1733532 Imencro Software SA 30/03/2005 1733532 05715139.1 1733840 Alfing Kessler Sondermaschinen GmbH 06/05/2006 1733840 06009395.2 1737855 Indena S.P.A. 02/03/2005 1737855 05715662.2 1738928 LAVERDA S.p.A. 26/06/2006 1738928 06116048.7 1740856 REINZ-Dichtungs-GmbH 15/04/2005 1740856 05735614.9 1740870 REHAU AG + Co 22/04/2005 1740870 05738416.6 German 1741137 PLANSEE SE 13/04/2005 1741137 05731920.4 German Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) 1741212 Universität Stuttgart 28/04/2005 1741212 05735115.7 1741490 Acco UK Limited 20/06/2006 1741490 06012628.1 1744618 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK 12/05/2005 1744618 05738088.3 1744894 Hewlett-Packard Development 26/04/2005 1744894 05738570.0 Company, L.P. German German (20/08/2008) 1745580 Patents Office Journal TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM (No. 2105) 10/03/2005 1745580 05731645.7 1783 ERICSSON (publ) 1745688 OUTILS WOLF 22/07/2005 1745688 05015959.9 German 1747050 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. 06/05/2005 1747050 05739030.4 1747239 Borealis Technology OY 13/05/2005 1747239 05747407.4 1748828 Produzioni Editoriali Aprile S.p.A. 18/05/2005 1748828 05740453.5 1748990 Cipla Ltd. 10/05/2005 1748990 05744422.6 1751695 Monro, Donald Martin 01/06/2005 1751695 05747352.2 1752029 Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & 02/08/2006 1752029 06016060.3 German 02/08/2006 1752030 06016055.3 German German Co. KG 1752030 Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG 1752927 Swisscom (Schweiz) AG 15/10/2004 1752927 06023978.7 1754971 Certest Biotec, S.L. 29/04/2005 1754971 05747153.4 1755271 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13/12/2005 1755271 05818662.8 1756419 Irti, Maria Giuliana 09/05/2005 1756419 05733996.2 27/05/2004 1757072 04735003.8 Vittorini, Enrico 1757072 TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) 1757467 SPX CORPORATION 23/08/2006 1757467 06017527.0 1757538 Kastalon, Inc. 23/09/2005 1757538 05020838.8 1762509 Reckitt Benckiser (UK) Limited 07/09/2005 1762509 05019415.8 1762687 Lenhardt Maschinenbau GmbH 02/09/2006 1762687 06018404.1 1763640 Beldam Crossley Ltd 07/11/2005 1763640 05801622.1 23/06/2005 1765602 05755119.4 German MINEBEA Co., Ltd. 1765602 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) 1767447 Yuan Min An Enterprise Co., Ltd. 18/08/2006 1767447 06017277.2 1768424 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 25/11/2005 1768424 05813857.9 1768677 Creabilis Therapeutics S.P.A. 04/07/2005 1768677 05773148.1 1769906 PLANSEE SE 25/08/2006 1769906 06017739.1 German 1771826 SAGEM MONETEL 13/07/2005 1771826 05791951.6 French 1772665 Optic K (Société à Responsabilité 03/10/2006 1772665 06301007.8 French German Limitée) 1772764 Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH 30/09/2006 1772764 06020648.9 1773958 Evonik Degussa GmbH 08/11/2004 1773958 04822209.5 1775175 GM Global Technology Operations, 10/10/2006 1775175 06021238.8 Inc. German 1784 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1779033 BK København Holding A/S 21/03/2005 1779033 05718228.9 1779934 EISENMANN Anlagenbau GmbH & 25/08/2006 1779934 06017702.9 German Co. KG 1780526 Airbus España, S.L. 27/07/2006 1780526 06380211.0 1780957 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13/07/2005 1780957 05780383.5 1782707 adidas International Marketing B.V. 24/09/2003 1782707 07004016.7 1782986 BVBA VERSUS-OMEGA 18/09/2006 1782986 06019444.6 1785365 Linpac Pisani Ltda 13/11/2006 1785365 06023523.1 Rigesa Celulose Papel e Embalagens Ltda. 1786079 BTICINO S.p.A. 14/11/2005 1786079 05425801.7 1786081 BTICINO S.p.A. 14/11/2005 1786081 05425802.5 1787522 Hälssen & Lyon GmbH 19/11/2005 1787522 05025311.1 1787636 KPSS-Kao Professional Salon Services 10/11/2006 1787636 06023387.1 German GmbH 1787835 DENSO THERMAL SYSTEMS S.p.A. 16/11/2005 1787835 05425809.0 1788599 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC 19/10/2006 1788599 06354032.2 French INDUSTRIES SAS 1789358 Scottish & Newcastle PLC 12/08/2005 1789358 05770628.5 1789387 Polimeri Europa S.p.A. 25/08/2005 1789387 05776040.7 1790896 Uponor Innovation AB 23/11/2006 1790896 06124667.4 German 1791415 AL-KO KOBER AG 07/09/2005 1791415 05788560.0 German 1793151 ekd gelenkrohr GmbH 14/04/2005 1793151 07005232.9 German 1798019 Maschinenfabrik Spaichingen GmbH 12/12/2006 1798019 06025659.1 German 1798395 Kwang Yang Motor Co., Ltd. 14/12/2005 1798395 05027338.2 1799427 PIRELLI PNEUMATICI S.p.A. 08/10/2004 1799427 04790317.4 1799594 KNAPP LOGISTIK AUTOMATION 14/09/2005 1799594 05782806.3 German GMBH. 1799608 Vitop Moulding S.R.L. 02/08/2005 1799608 05769496.0 1799961 Caledus Limited 10/10/2005 1799961 05798345.4 1801042 TRANSNORM SYSTEM GmbH 08/11/2006 1801042 06023196.6 1802035 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 22/12/2006 1802035 06026766.3 1802576 Emcure Pharmaceuticals Limited 17/10/2005 1802576 05792229.6 1803726 Evonik Degussa GmbH 09/01/2006 1803726 07106353.1 1805153 L'Oréal 27/09/2005 1805153 05802359.9 1806289 ARCI RHONE ALPES ATELIERS DE 09/01/2007 1806289 07356002.1 REPARATIONS ET DE CONSTRUCTIONS INDUSTRIELLES German German French (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1785 1806902 Alcatel Lucent 10/01/2006 1806902 06290062.6 1807248 HEINRICH KUPER GMBH & CO. KG 11/10/2005 1807248 05796324.1 1807398 F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 18/10/2005 1807398 05806665.5 1807646 ABB Technology Ltd 23/06/2005 1807646 05756824.8 1808065 Gallignani S.p.A. 13/01/2006 1808065 06425014.5 1809811 ThyssenKrupp GfT Gleistechnik GmbH 03/11/2005 1809811 05810007.4 1809959 Danfoss A/S 14/10/2005 1809959 05794648.5 1811858 KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. 14/09/2005 1811858 05796664.0 1811994 Universidade de Coimbra 10/11/2005 1811994 05810755.8 1812370 FIRMENICH SA 11/11/2005 1812370 05802376.3 1815179 Pilz GmbH & CO. KG 03/11/2005 1815179 05799935.1 German 1816030 Lamberet Deutschland GmbH 01/02/2007 1816030 07002227.2 German 1816214 Hogan, Kirk 10/07/2001 1816214 06026707.7 1825172 Trelleborg Prodyn 07/12/2005 1825172 05824537.4 1825641 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 26/09/2005 1825641 05789531.0 German German French French MACHINES CORPORATION 1825716 SMS Demag AG 16/12/2005 1825716 05850287.3 1825955 OY KWH MIRKA AB 13/02/2007 1825955 07102236.2 1826359 Scheidt & Bachmann Gesellschaft mit 23/02/2006 1826359 06003695.1 German German beschränkter Haftung 1827183 NESTEC S.A. 30/11/2005 1827183 05814036.9 1828453 AUTEFA automation GmbH 17/12/2005 1828453 05819607.2 1829757 Kwang Yang Motor Co., Ltd. 02/03/2006 1829757 06251136.5 1833333 Inoxia S.R.L. 29/11/2005 1833333 05815507.8 1834860 ThyssenKrupp Presta SteerTec GmbH 25/01/2007 1834860 07001586.2 German 1835475 Delphi Technologies, Inc. 15/03/2006 1835475 06005270.1 German 1836123 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung 04/01/2006 1836123 06700450.7 German 18/10/2005 1839088 05804583.2 German der angewandten Forschung e.V. 1839088 International Business Machines Corporation 1839543 NESTEC S.A. 31/03/2006 1839543 06006922.6 1839711 ATOMIC Austria GmbH 03/11/1999 1839711 07010115.9 German 1840680 De Grisogono S.A. 29/03/2006 1840680 06006515.8 French 1841625 ROBERT BOSCH GMBH 06/12/2005 1841625 05816229.8 German 1843941 James Park Associates Limited 20/06/2006 1843941 06744263.2 1844116 3M INNOVATIVE PROPERTIES 22/12/2005 1844116 05855195.3 07/02/2006 1846218 06709268.4 COMPANY 1846218 Sidel Participations French 1786 (No. 2105) 1846441 Patents Office Journal Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (20/08/2008) 06/02/2006 1846441 06706681.1 Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts 1847865 HB Electronics Co., Ltd. 24/05/2006 1847865 06114471.3 1849357 FOX INTERNATIONAL GROUP 21/12/2006 1849357 06256520.5 LIMITED 1849816 Borealis Technology Oy 26/04/2006 1849816 06008691.5 1851445 Putzmeister Concrete Pumps GmbH 17/02/2006 1851445 06707029.2 German 1853482 Sidel Participations 10/01/2006 1853482 06707693.5 French 1856369 Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB 27/02/2006 1856369 06710449.7 1858606 DPT 06/02/2006 1858606 06708045.7 1859165 Clipper Windpower Technology, Inc. 21/02/2007 1859165 07705633.1 1861275 Inergy Automotive Systems Research 13/03/2006 1861275 06708739.5 (Société A.) 1861389 Sanofi-Aventis 15/03/2006 1861389 06726092.7 French 1868476 SHOP VAC CORPORATION 28/02/2006 1868476 06736639.3 1877640 Profine GmbH 19/04/2006 1877640 06743352.4 German Pfisterer, Rudolf 1887183 Ein Shemer Rubber Industries 01/08/2006 1887183 06015942.3 German 1890116 Lorenz GmbH & Co. KG 15/08/2006 1890116 06016980.2 German Withdrawn – Section 33(1) 20070570 Mobile network community-based communication. CEDARWOOD TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED 20070571 A broadcast interaction server. CEDARWOOD TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED Applications Lapsed Through Non-Payment of Renewal Fees Section (35) 1 19970801 Int. Cl. (2006) A61K 9/14. An apparatus for producing a pharmaceutical product. HELSINN CHEMICALS IRELAND LIMITED 20000539 Int. Cl. (2006) C07K 5/00; A61K 38/06; A61P 7/00. INHIBITORS AND SUBSTRATES OF THROMBIN. The Thrombosis Research Institute 20000540 Int. Cl. (2006) C07K 5/00; A61K 38/55; A61P 7/00. INHIBITORS AND SUBSTRATES OF THROMBIN. The Thrombosis Research Institute (20/08/2008) 20000889 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1787 Int. Cl. (2006) F25B 41/04; F25B 49/00; B60H 1/32; B60P 3/20. A refrigerated container control system. SYNCHRO DATA LIMITED 20030829 Int. Cl. (2006) C12N 1/20; C07K 14/195; A61K 35/66. Stabilized compositions comprising a probiotic. ALIMENTARY HEALTH LIMITED ; THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 20030866 Int. Cl. (2006) B29C 51/00; B29C 51/18; B29C 51/30. A pressure forming machine for a thermoplastics material. TIMOTHY FRANCIS COSTELLO 20050736 Int. Cl. (2006) A61M 31/00. A gastronomy tube placement device. COLIN PATRICK CANTWELL ; JOHN GERARD MURRAY 20050746 Int. Cl. (2006) B28C 5/00; B60P 3/16; B05B 1/00 B05B 12/00. Concrete mixers. RAPID INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 20050767 Int. Cl. (2006) A01K 15/00; A61D 3/00. An animal handling apparatus. MICHAEL PATRICK HOURIGAN Patents Lapsed Through Non-Payment of Renewal Fees 61299 Int. Cl. (2006)B65D 81/32. A dual-chambered mixing and dispensing vial. Merck & Co., Inc. 61791 Int. Cl. (2006)C02F 1/66. "PROCESS FOR THE NEUTRALIZATION OF A LAYER OF ACIDIC WATER OVER A SEDIMENT COMPRISING A HUMIC SUBSTANCE". SOLVAY (Société Anonyme) 64470 Int. Cl. (2006)C07C 69/00. New intermediates, their production and use. LEO PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS LTD. A/S (LoVENS KEMISKE FABRIK PRODUKTIONSAKTIESELSKAB) 64672 Int. Cl. (2006)A61K 47/10; A61K 31/41. Pharmaceutical preparations. HEINRICH MACK NACHF. 65120 Int. Cl. (2006)C09K 3/14; B24D 3/04. Coated superabrasive grit and use of same. NORTON COMPANY 65121 Int. Cl. (2006)C07D 241/00; A61K 31/495. Method of preventing or limiting reperfusion damage. Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. 65358 Int. Cl. (2006)A61L 17/00; A61B 17/06. Sterile surgical needle-suture combination. ETHICON, INC. 66700 Int. Cl. (2006)B26D 7/06. Process and apparatus for manufacturing cylindrical supports on trimming machines. UMBERTO BASTIANELLO 69041 Int. Cl. (2006)G01N 33/543; G01N 33/569. Immunoassay on a preblocked solid surface. BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY 69676 Int. Cl. (2006)C07C 251/00; C01B 21/00; C07C 249/00. Process for the synthesis of azines. ELF ATOCHEM S.A. 1788 71045 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Int. Cl. (2006)A61J 1/05; B32B 27/32; B32B 27/36. Moisture barrier medical film. CRYOVAC, INC. 72173 Int. Cl. (2006)C07C 403/00; C07F 7/00; C07C 317/00. Astaxanthin intermediates. NEUROSEARCH A/S 72175 Int. Cl. (2006)B65H 23/06; B65B 67/00. A wrapping film dispenser. MARMIONS LIMITED 72188 Int. Cl. (2006)C09K 3/14. Multiple metal coated superabrasive grit and methods for their manufacture. THE NORTON COMPANY 72515 Int. Cl. (2006)A61K 9/06; A61K 47/14; A61K 47/38. Use of monoolein in the treatment of the periodontal pocket. Colgate-Palmolive Company 73455 Int. Cl. (2006)A61M 5/24. Snap together hypodermic syringe holder. SANOFI PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 77155 Int. Cl. (2006)A46B 9/00. Process for producing toothbrushes and blanks for use for same. ROLF BARMAN 78617 Int. Cl. (2006)A23L 1/32. An egg processing apparatus and system. NO-HOW LIMITED 81219 Int. Cl. (2006)C08F 2/00; C08F 299/00; G02B 1/04. Surface modification of polymer objects. BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED, 81240 Int. Cl. (2006)C07K 14/00; A61K 38/00; C12N 15/11; C12N 15/63; C12N 1/21; C12N 5/10; C12P 21/02. Alveolar surfactant proteins. Nycomed GmbH 81576 Int. Cl. (2006)B65D 85/00. Method and apparatus for forming a slice of a food item having a heat tack seal. SCHREIBER FOODS, INC. S81760 Int. Cl. (2006)B02C 19/00; B02C 23/18. A quench tank. WCK LIMITED S81761 Int. Cl. (2006)B02C 13/00; B02C 19/00. A glass crusher. WCK LIMITED S81762 Int. Cl. (2006)B02C 13/00. A glass breaking apparatus. WCK LIMITED 81836 Int. Cl. (2006)B29C 49/00. Blow moulding apparatus and method. PLASTECH DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 82139 Int. Cl. (2006)C08J 7/00; C08F 299/00; G02B 1/04. Surface coating of polymer objects. BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED 82218 Int. Cl. (2006)B02C 13/00; B02C 19/00; B02C 23/18. A glass recycling apparatus. WCK LIMITED 82443 Int. Cl. (2006)H04N 7/18. A communications device. REMOTEWATCH R & D LIMITED 82453 Int. Cl. (2006)B67D 5/68; B63B 21/24. Method and system for fluid transport between ships. NAVION ASA (20/08/2008) 82691 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Int. Cl. (2006)C07D 257/00; C07D 403/00; A61K 49/00; A61K 31/395. MonoN-substituted 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane derivatives, process for their production and pharmaceutical agents containing these derivatives. SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT S82913 Int. Cl. (2006)A63B 45/00. A hurling ball and method of making same. TONY Mc EVOY 83165 Int. Cl. (2006)C07K 5/00; A61K 38/55; A61P 7/00; C12Q 1/56. Inhibitors and substrates of thrombin. The Thrombosis Research Institute S83373 Int. Cl. (2006)B29C 51/00; B29C 51/18; B29C 51/30. A pressure forming machine for a thermoplastics material. TIMOTHY FRANCIS COSTELLO 83485 Int. Cl. (2006)G06T 1/00; G06F 3/00. Host device, image display device, image display system, image display method, panel attribute reading-out method and image display control method. AU Optronics Corporation S83579 Int. Cl. (2006)A23N 17/00. An improved fodder mixing and dispensing apparatus. PATRICK HUGHES ; JOHN HUGHES 83627 Int. Cl. (2006)A61K 31/495; C07D 241/00; A61P 7/00. Use of piperazine acetamide derivatives against reperfusion damage. JANSSEN PHARMACEUTICA N.V. S83820 Int. Cl. (2006)E04B 9/22. A heat insulating panel. THOMAS BRADY 84199 Int. Cl. (2006)C12N 15/01; C12N 15/00; C12N 1/21; A61K 39/112; A61K 39/02. Avirulent salmonella microbes comprising a mutation in the CDT gene and uses therefor. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY S84236 Int. Cl. (2006)H01H 13/04. A decorative light switch cover. SEAMUS MEEGAN 84455 Int. Cl. (2006)H01L 25/00; H01L 31/00; G06F 15/00; G06J 1/00. Integrated circuit with analog and digital portions and including thermal modelling. EATON CORPORATION 0541385 Int. Cl.B65D 71/26 (2006.01). Carton with braced article separating structures. MeadWestvaco Packaging Systems, LLC 0542299 Int. Cl.C08G 63/02 (2006.01); C08G 63/672 (2006.01); C08G 63/16 (2006.01); C08G 69/44 (2006.01); C08G 75/26 (2006.01); A61K 31/765 (2006.01); A61K 31/785 (2006.01); A61K 9/32 (2006.01). Ester linkage containing polymers for use in pharmaceutical preparations. KANEGAFUCHI KAGAKU KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 0545845 Int. Cl.C07D 235/30 (2006.01); A61K 31/415 (2006.01). Imidazole compounds, their preparation and use as calcium channel blockers. NEUROSEARCH A/S 1789 1790 (No. 2105) 0579791 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Int. Cl.C12N 5/10 (2006.01) A61K 48/00 (2006.01). Use of a cellular composition for the traitement of human or animal organisms. INSTITUT PASTEUR ; INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA SANTE ET DE LA RECHERCHE MEDICALE (INSERM) 0600396 Int. Cl.A61K 39/002 (2006.01); C07K 14/00 (2006.01); C12N 1/10 (2006.01); C12P 21/00 (2006.01); A61K 39/395 (2006.01). Intestinal protozoan vaccines. UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL INC. 0604764 Int. Cl.A61F 13/15 (2006.01). Disposable sanitary napkin. McNEIL-PPC, INC. 0610336 Int. Cl.A61K 38/16 (2006.01). TREATMENT OF NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS BY AN INTERLEUKIN-1 INHIBITING COMPOUND. The University of Manchester 0612272 Int. Cl.B07C 3/04 (2006.01); B07C 3/08 (2006.01); B65G 47/46 (2006.01). AUTOMATIC ROTARY SORTER. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE OF AMERICA, INC. 0612302 Int. Cl.B65G 59/02 (2006.01); B65G 67/08 (2006.01). Apparatus for handling an object and method for aquiring or loading an object. UNITED PARCEL SERVICE OF AMERICA, INC. 0612361 Int. Cl.D06N 7/00 (2006.01); B32B 5/18 (2006.01); B32B 5/26 (2006.01). RESILIENT FOAM-BACKED CARPET AND METHOD OF PREPARATION. INTERFACE, INC. 0614559 Int. Cl.G07C 9/00 (2006.01). PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION DEVICES AND ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS. VISAGE DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 0617612 Int. Cl.A61K 9/10 (2006.01); A61K 9/16 (2006.01); A61K 9/14 (2006.01). A PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF A SOLID DISPERSION. WARNERLAMBERT COMPANY 0620822 Int. Cl.C07H 21/04 (2006.01) C12Q 1/68 (2006.01). HYBRIDIZATION OF POLYNUCLEOTIDES CONJUGATED WITH CHROMOPHORES AND FLUOROPHORES TO GENERATE DONOR-TO-DONOR ENERGY TRANSFER SYSTEM. NANOTRONICS, INC. 0623088 Int. Cl.B65G 47/84 (2006.01); B65G 15/14 (2006.01); B65H 29/12 (2006.01). METHOD OF CONTINUOUSLY MOVING A STREAM OF ARTICLES ALONG AN ANGLED PATH. Graphic Packaging International, Inc. 0627074 FIBER OPTIC ARRAY SENSOR AND METHOD FOR CONCURRENTLY VISUALIZING AND CHEMICALLY DETECTING MULTIPLE ANALYTES IN A FLUID. THE TRUSTEES OF TUFTS COLLEGE 0628002 Int. Cl.B65B 9/12 (2006.01); B65B 51/30 (2006.01). METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FORMING A SLICE OF A FOOD ITEM HAVING A HEAT TACK SEAL. SCHREIBER FOODS INC. (20/08/2008) 0652226 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Int. Cl.C07H 17/04 (2006.01) C07H 15/18 (2006.01); C12P 19/60 (2006.01). Process of preparing etoposide phosphate and etoposide. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company 0652502 Int. Cl.G05D 23/19 (2006.01). Programmable control apparatus of a heating installation. DELTA DORE Société Anonyme 0653369 Int. Cl.B65H 75/28 (2006.01); F16B 2/24 (2006.01). Anchoring device for securing an end piece of a cord wound up onto a storage reel. PIRELLI COORDINAMENTO PNEUMATICI S.p.A. 0653429 Int. Cl.C07F 7/12 (2006.01) C07F 7/18 (2006.01); G01N 33/52 (2006.01). New silanes and their use in silylation of dielectric materials. F HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 0653437 Int. Cl.C07H 19/06 (2006.01). Process for preparing AZT and derivatives thereof. BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB COMPANY 0661291 Int. Cl.C07H 19/04 (2006.01) C07H 19/10 (2006.01); C07H 19/20 (2006.01); C07H 21/00 (2006.01). Solid phase synthesis of oligoribonucleotide. SANOFIAVENTIS DEUTSCHLAND GmbH 0667872 Int. Cl.C07K 14/54 (2006.01) A61K 38/20 (2006.01); C12N 15/24 (2006.01). MUTANT INTERLEUKIN 6 WITH IMPROVED BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OVER WILD INTERLEUKIN 6. ISTITUTO DI RICERCHE DI BIOLOGIA MOLECOLARE P. ANGELETTI S.P.A. 0667880 Int. Cl.C08J 7/04 (2006.01); C09D 183/06 (2006.01); G02B 1/10 (2006.01). EPOXYSILANE COATING COMPOSITIONS. ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL (COMPAGNIE GENERALE D'OPTIQUE) 0668762 Int. Cl.A61K 31/335 (2006.01); C07D 305/14 (2006.01); C07D 205/08 (2006.01); A61P 35/02 (2006.01). ISOBUTENYL-SUBSTITUTED TAXANES AND THEIR PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS. FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY 0668840 Int. Cl.B65G 59/02 (2006.01); B65H 3/24 (2006.01). METHOD FOR FEEDING A SHEET SUBSTACK FROM A SHEET STACK AND APPARATUS FOR IMPLEMENTING SAID METHOD. SUNDS DEFIBRATOR PANELHANDLING OY 0668924 Int. Cl.C12P 21/08 (2006.01); C07K 16/28 (2006.01). HUMANIZED ANTIBODIES TO Fc RECEPTORS FOR IMMUNOGLOBULIN G ON HUMAN MONONUCLEAR PHAGOCYTES. MEDAREX, INC. 0669044 Int. Cl.H01R 4/30 (2006.01); H01R 4/36 (2006.01); H01R 11/11 (2006.01). ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR. B & H (Nottingham) Limited 1791 1792 (No. 2105) 0669127 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Int. Cl.A61K 9/16 (2006.01); A61K 31/395 (2006.01); C07D 498/18 (2006.01). PROLONGED-ACTION PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATION. Astellas Pharma, Inc. 0669918 Int. Cl.C07D 333/10 (2006.01); C07D 307/12 (2006.01); C07D 305/14 (2006.01); A61K 31/34 (2006.01); A61K 31/38 (2006.01); A61K 31/335 (2006.01); C07D 407/12 (2006.01); C07D 409/12 (2006.01). FURYL OR THIENYL CARBONYL SUBSTITUTED TAXANES AND PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM. FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY 0669929 ELK LIGAND, A CYTOKINE. IMMUNEX CORPORATION 0671004 Int. Cl.G01N 33/50 (2006.01); G01N 33/68 (2006.01); A61K 31/70 (2006.01); A61K 38/00 (2006.01). ALLERGEN/INFLAMMATORY TESTING AND DIAGNOSIS. EURO/DPC LIMITED 0674642 Int. Cl.C07D 487/04 (2006.01) A61K 31/505 (2006.01). PYRAZOLOPYRIMIDINES AS CRF ANTAGONISTS. PFIZER INC. 0688487 Int. Cl.H04H 1/00 (2006.01); H04H 9/00 (2006.01). METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ENCODING/DECODING BROADCAST OR RECORDED SEGMENTS AND MONITORING AUDIENCE EXPOSURE THERETO. Arbitron Inc. 0695188 Int. Cl.A61K 35/78 (1980.01) A61K 47/00 (2006.01). NOVEL BOWMAN-BIRK INHIBITOR PRODUCT FOR USE AS AN ANTICARCINOGENESIS AGENT. THE TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA ; CENTRAL SOYA COMPANY, INC. 0710462 Int. Cl.A47J 31/00 (2006.01); A47J 31/06 (2006.01). A chamber for the brewing of a coffee beverage from a sachet of coffee. ILLYCAFFE' S.p.A. 0712228 Int. Cl.H04M 3/30 (2006.01); H04M 1/24 (2006.01). Portable test and communication device. HARRIS CORPORATION 0714702 Int. Cl.B02C 2/10 (2006.01) A47J 42/02 (2006.01). Pulverizer. Nipponkoatsudenki Kabushikikaisha 0714731 Int. Cl.B23Q 3/10 (2006.01) F16B 37/04 (2006.01). Nut for slots in a clamping tool. SHANVIEW PATENTS LIMITED 0725794 Int. Cl.C07K 14/52 (2006.01) C12N 15/19 (2006.01); A61K 38/19 (2006.01). HUMAN MONOCYTE CHEMOATTRACTANT PROTEIN-1 (MCP-1) DERIVATIVES. DANA FARBER CANCER INSTITUTE 0728034 METHOD OF MANUFACTURING A MEMBRANE. Aquamarijn Holding B.V. (20/08/2008) 0728208 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Int. Cl.C12N 15/56 (2006.01); C12N 15/82 (2006.01); C12N 15/54 (2006.01); C12N 5/10 (2006.01); C12N 9/24 (2006.01); C12N 9/10 (2006.01); A01H 5/00 (2006.01). TOMATO XYLOGLUCAN ENDO-TRANSGLYCOSYLASE. UNILEVER PLC 0729329 Int. Cl.A61F 13/15 (2006.01). DISPOSABLE DIAPER HAVING ELASTICIZED LEG CUFFS. SCA Hygiene Products AB 0730594 Int. Cl.C07D 471/04 (2006.01); A61K 31/505 (2006.01). 9-HYDROXYPYRIDO [1,2-a]PYRIMIDIN-4-ONE ETHER DERIVATIVES. Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. 0733112 CYTOCHROME P-450 MONOOXYGENASES. ROYAL VETERINARY & AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY 0742872 Int. Cl.F04C 15/00 (2006.01); F04D 13/06 (2006.01). ROTARY PUMP AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY. DANA AUTOMOTIVE LIMITED 0748786 Int. Cl.C07C 47/04 (2006.01); C07C 45/38 (2006.01); C07C 45/78 (2006.01); C07C 45/82 (2006.01). A process for the continuous preparation of aqueous formaldehyde solutions. PATENTES Y NOVEDADES S.L. 0750723 IMPROVEMENTS RELATING TO CLAMPING SCREWS. SICAME ELECTRICAL DEVELOPMENTS LTD 0774424 Int. Cl.B65F 1/16 (2006.01). Refuse collection container with means for braking the cover in its closing movement. CITEC ENVIRONNEMENT S.A. 0774615 Int. Cl.F21S 8/00 (2006.01); F21V 23/04 (2006.01); F21V 33/00 (2006.01). Illuminating apparatus and frames. A G Inc. 0775488 Int. Cl.A61K 31/355 (2006.01); A61K 31/616 (2006.01); A61K 9/48 (2006.01). Stable pharmaceutical composition on the basis of acetylsalicyclic acid and tocopherol. Mazal Pharmaceutique 0775501 Int. Cl.A61M 39/00 (2006.01); A61M 39/10 (2006.01); F16L 19/02 (2006.01). Female coupling element for haemodialysis medical equipment. INDUSTRIE BORLA S.p.A. 0779145 Int. Cl.B29C 55/06 (2006.01); B65B 11/00 (2006.01). A pre-stretched film, and apparatus and a method for outer packaging. ITW MIMA SYSTEMS 0781559 Oil adjuvant vaccine and method for preparing same. Juridical Foundation The Chemo-Sero-Therapeutic Research Institute; NOF CORPORATION 0785324 Int. Cl.E05B 47/06 (2006.01) E05B 47/00 (2006.01). Drive arrangement for a lock, a lock cylinder or similar. KARL FLIETHER GmbH & Co. 0788335 ABSORBENT ARTICLE. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1793 1794 (No. 2105) 0789711 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Int. Cl.C07K 14/47 (2006.01) A61K 38/08 (2006.01); C12Q 1/68 (2006.01); C12N 15/10 (2006.01); C12N 15/81 (2006.01). IDENTIFICATION OF THE P21-WAF1 -PCNA INTERACTION SITE AND THERAPEUTIC APPLICATIONS THEREOF. Cyclacel Limited 0790961 Int. Cl.C03C 3/087 (2006.01). UV RADIATION-ABSORBING PACKING. HEINEKEN TECHNICAL SERVICES B.V. 0790973 Int. Cl.C07C 59/255 (2006.01) C07C 51/16 (2006.01). METHOD OF PREPARING TARTARIC ACID. FORSCHUNGSZENTRUM JÜLICH GMBH 0790997 Int. Cl.C07D 471/04 (2006.01) A61K 31/44 (2006.01); A61K 31/505 (2006.01). 6-ARYL PYRIDO¬2,3-d PYRIMIDINES AND NAPHTHYRIDINES FOR INHIBITING PROTEIN TYROSINE KINASE MEDIATED CELLULAR PROLIFERATION. WARNER-LAMBERT COMPANY 0791056 Int. Cl.C12N 9/16 (2006.01); C07H 19/20 (2006.01); C07H 19/10 (2006.01); A61K 31/70 (2006.01); C12Q 1/44 (2006.01). LIPID-CLEAVAGE ENZYME COMPLEX. Heidelberg Pharma GmbH 0792278 TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR-GAMMA. HUMAN GENOME SCIENCES, INC. 0792289 Int. Cl.C07K 14/60 (2006.01) C07K 5/023 (2006.01); C07K 5/027 (2006.01); C07K 5/03 (2006.01); C07K 5/087 (2006.01); C07K 5/107 (2006.01); C07K 5/117 (2006.01). LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT PEPTIDOMIMETIC GROWTH HORMONE SECRETAGOGUES. GENENTECH, INC. 0793652 Int. Cl.C07D 223/22 (2006.01); C07D 223/26 (2006.01). PREPARATION OF N-(3-HALOPROPYL)IMINOSTILBENE AND ITS CONVERSION TO OPIPRAMOL. TARO PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED 0794963 Int. Cl.C07K 14/47 (2006.01); C07D 473/04 (2006.01); A61K 38/17 (2006.01); A61K 31/52 (2006.01). XANTHINE DERIVATIVES COMPOUNDS USEFUL FOR ACTIVATING CHLORIDE CONDUCTANCE IN ANIMAL CELLS. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, as represented by THE SECRETARY, Department of Health and Human Services 0796117 Int. Cl.A61M 5/32 (2006.01) A61M 25/06 (2006.01). WINGED NEEDLE ASSEMBLY WITH PROTECTIVE MEMBER. ABBOTT LABORATORIES 0797436 NOVEL ADENOVIRAL VECTORS, PACKAGING CELL LINES, RECOMBINANT ADENOVIRUSES AND METHODS. CELL GENESYS, INC. 0799052 Int. Cl.A61K 38/55 (2006.01). NEW ANTITHROMBOTIC FORMULATION, PROCESS FOR ITS MANUFACTURING, AND USE THEREOF. AstraZeneca AB (20/08/2008) 0799317 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Int. Cl.C12N 15/62 (2006.01); C07K 14/52 (2006.01); C12N 15/19 (2006.01); C12N 1/19 (2006.01); C12N 5/10 (2006.01); C12N 15/58 (2006.01). METHOD FOR SECRETING THROMBOPOIETIN POLYPEPTIDES. ZymoGenetics, Inc. 0800485 Int. Cl.C03B 5/187 (2006.01). MOLTEN GLASS STIRRER. Technische Glaswerke Ilmenau GmbH ; Degussa-Hüls Aktiengesellschaft 0800486 Int. Cl.C03B 7/086 (2006.01); C03B 5/167 (2006.01). ROTARY PLUNGERS FOR GLASS OUTLET OPENINGS. DEGUSSA-HÜLS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT ; TECHNISCHE GLASWERKE ILMENAU GMBH 0806101 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TESTING A DIGITAL COMMUNICATION CHANNEL AT VARIABLE OR FIXED DATA RATES. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 0815111 ANALOGUES OF N-ACETYLARDEEMIN, METHOD OF PREPARATION AND USES THEREOF. The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York; Sloan-Kettering Institute For Cancer Research 0821861 DUAL COIL DRIVE WITH MULTIPURPOSE HOUSING. HARMAN INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED 0842664 Int. Cl.A61K 33/34 (2006.01) A61K 33/30 (2006.01). Zinc-containing compositions for oral administration including a copper compound and an aminoacid. GODFREY, John C. 0843162 Determining liquid volumes in cup-like vessels being positioned on a rotor having a run-out in vertical direction. ORTHO-CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS, INC. 0843439 Data encryption technique. Desktop Guardian Limited 0844581 Ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system with data access and communications capability. ATL Ultrasound, Inc. 0845414 Int. Cl.B65B 23/06 (2006.01); B65G 47/84 (2006.01). Apparatus for tranferring substantially round, fragile articles, such as eggs.. FPS Food Processing Systems B.V. 0850855 Int. Cl.B65D 88/74 (2006.01) F16K 15/04 (2006.01). Self-acting drainage device for freight containers or other loadable containers. Waggonbau Elze GmbH & Co. Besitz KG 0854190 An improved cellulase composition for treating cellulose-containing textile materials. AB Enzymes GmbH 0861198 Int. Cl.B65D 75/58 (2006.01); B65D 30/24 (2006.01). LIQUID-TIGHT CONTAINER AND PROCESS FOR CONDITIONING A LIQUID IN SAID CONTAINER. CARAPAK BRAINTRUST NV 1795 1796 (No. 2105) 0861360 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Int. Cl.E04H 9/14 (2006.01); E02B 7/00 (2006.01). FLOOD PROTECTION DEVICE. Flood Protection Systems Belarbi AB 0861362 Int. Cl.E06B 9/08 (2006.01); E06B 9/13 (2006.01); E06B 9/64 (2006.01). SEALABLE COVER. Hired Hand Manufacturing, Inc. 0861534 INSTRUMENT FOR TEST AND MEASUREMENT OF ATM NETWORK VIRTUAL CONNECTIONS. Telecommunications Techniques Corporation 0861559 MULTICHANNEL RADIO FREQUENCY TRANSMISSION SYSTEM TO DELIVER WIDE BAND DIGITAL DATA INTO INDEPENDENT SECTORIZED SERVICE AREAS. Ohana Wireless Incorporated 0861569 Int. Cl.H04Q 11/04 (2006.01); H04M 1/02 (2006.01). CONNECTING SOCKET FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS TERMINALS. Siemens Schweiz AG 0862520 Int. Cl.B43L 19/00 (2006.01) A45D 34/04 (2006.01); B43K 5/18 (2006.01). DISPENSING CAP FOR A LIQUID CONTAINER. Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien 0862636 MALATHION CARBOXYLESTERASE. COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION 0862759 DYNAMIC PROGRAMMABLE MODE SWITCHING DEVICE DRIVER ARCHITECTURE. Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc. 0862801 Int. Cl.H01R 13/53 (2006.01); H02G 15/184 (2006.01). ELECTRICAL COUPLING PART. Sagem Communication 0862828 FAULT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR A TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK. BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS public limited company 0862834 FREQUENCY DRIFT CORRECTION IN SUBSCRIBER TERMINALS. Alcatel USA Sourcing, L.P. 0863949 Int. Cl.C08L 95/00 (2006.01); E01C 7/18 (2006.01). PROCESS FOR PREPARING AN ASPHALT COMPOSITION. SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V. 0864172 Int. Cl.H01L 21/28 (2006.01) H01L 21/336 (2006.01). PROCESS FOR PRODUCING AN INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DEVICE WITH AT LEAST ONE MOS TRANSISTOR. Infineon Technologies AG 0865594 Int. Cl.F24F 13/04 (2006.01); F24F 3/052 (2006.01). MIXING BOX FOR MIXING AIR STREAMS WITH DIFFERENT TEMPERATURE FROM TWO TUBULAR CHANNELS. Air Innovation Sweden AB 0866816 Int. Cl.C08G 18/10 (2006.01) C08G 18/32 (2006.01); A61L 27/00 (2006.01). LINEAR BLOCK POLYMER COMPRISING UREA AND URETHANE GROUPS, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF LINEAR BLOCK POLYMERS AND USE OF THE BLOCK POLYMERS AS IMPLANTS. Artimplant Development Artdev AB (20/08/2008) 0866861 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Int. Cl.C12N 15/16 (2006.01); C07K 14/64 (2006.01); C12N 5/10 (2006.01); C12N 1/21 (2006.01); C12N 1/19 (2006.01); C07K 16/26 (2006.01); A61K 38/22 (2006.01); A61K 39/395 (2006.01); C07K 19/00 (2006.01). MOLECULAR CLONING AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MOLECULES RELATED TO RELAXIN AND THE INSULIN FAMILY OF LIGANDS. REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 0869821 STEREOISOMERS OF FATTY ACID ANALOGS FOR DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING. Molecular Insight Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 0869887 Int. Cl.B60S 5/06 (2006.01); B60K 1/04 (2006.01); G07F 7/00 (2006.01); B60L 11/18 (2006.01). A STATION FOR MAKING READY FOR RENT A MULTIPLICITY OF ELECTRICALLY DRIVEN VEHICLES, ESPECIALLY SCOOTERS, INCLUDING THE EXCHANGE AND RECHARGING OF THE VEHICLE BATTERIES. Ciarla, Alberto ; Lenci, Fabio 0871713 THE USE OF LECITHIN-CHOLESTEROL ACYLTRANSFERASE (LCAT) IN THE TREATMENT OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as represented by the SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 0874812 Int. Cl.C07C 323/60 (2006.01) C07C 317/44 (2006.01); C07C 235/24 (2006.01); A61K 31/16 (2006.01). NOVEL 2,3,5-TRIMETHYL-4-HYDROXY ANILIDE DERIVATIVES, PREPARATION THEREOF AND THERAPEUTICAL USE THEREOF. PIERRE FABRE MEDICAMENT 0875581 DIAGNOSIS OF DISEASES ASSOCIATED WITH CORONARY TWITCHING. SHIONOGI & CO., LTD. 0876340 Int. Cl.C07C 323/22 (2006.01); C07C 319/20 (2006.01); C07B 41/06 (2006.01). AROMATIC THIOETHER ACYLATION METHOD. RHONE-POULENC CHIMIE 0876373 Int. Cl.C07D 491/22 (2006.01). METHOD FOR PREPARING CAMPTOTHECIN DERIVATIVES. OSI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 0876709 Int. Cl.H03M 7/40 (2006.01). DATA COMPRESSION/EXPANSION USING A RICE ENCODER/DECODER. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. ; PHILIPS NORDEN AB 0879181 Int. Cl.B65D 49/02 (2006.01); B65D 47/32 (2006.01). FLOW CONTROL DEVICE AND CONTAINER PROVIDED THEREWITH. Knight, Dudley John Travers ; Van Den Broek, Luc ; Heijenga, Ben 0879536 Int. Cl.H04N 7/173 (2006.01). METHOD FOR REPRODUCING VISUAL INFORMATION. YES INTERNATIONAL AG 1797 1798 (No. 2105) 0883596 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Int. Cl.C07C 213/00 (2006.01) A61K 31/135 (2006.01); C07C 217/30 (2006.01). FLUORINATED PROPRANOLOL AND RELATED METHODS. THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER 0887753 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Toho Business Management Center 0888290 AZULENYL NITRONE SPIN TRAPPING AGENTS, METHODS OF MAKING AND USING SAME. Florida International University 0891428 Int. Cl.C12N 15/54 (2006.01); C12N 9/12 (2006.01); C07K 16/40 (2006.01); C12N 5/20 (2006.01); C12Q 1/48 (2006.01). PHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL 3KINASE P110 DELTA CATALYTIC SUBUNIT. ICOS CORPORATION 0910564 D-AMINO ACID DERIVED INHIBITORS OF CYSTEINE AND SERINE PROTEASES. CEPHALON, INC. 0916405 Improved bevel closure assay device housing. Beckman Coulter, Inc. 0916429 Int. Cl.B21D 51/52 (2006.01). Method and device for forming a side wall on a base plate. WEMO NEDERLAND B.V. 0916635 Int. Cl.C04B 38/00 (2006.01); C23C 14/08 (2006.01); B32B 18/00 (2006.01); C23C 28/00 (2006.01); F01D 5/28 (2006.01). Ceramic coatings containing layered porosity. UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION 0917340 Facsimile and storage medium. Brother Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 0918276 Wearable computer. Xybernaut Corporation 0919125 Int. Cl.A01N 37/34 (2006.01); A61K 7/00 (2000.01). Synergistic antimicrobial composition. Calgon Corporation 0919547 Int. Cl.C07C 403/14 (2006.01); C07C 45/59 (2006.01); C07C 45/67 (2006.01); C07D 317/12 (2006.01); C07D 317/22 (2006.01); C07D 317/26 (2006.01). Preparation of polyenaldehydes. DSM IP Assets B.V. 0922401 Int. Cl.A43C 15/16 (2006.01). Athletic shoe cleat. Softspikes, LLC 0923906 Implant device targetting instrument. Howmedica Osteonics Corp. 0924206 Int. Cl.C07D 307/32 (2006.01); C07C 227/32 (2006.01); C07C 229/22 (2006.01). Process for producing (R)-3-Hydroxy-4-Butyrolactone useful for preparing (R)-Carnitine. Sigma-Tau Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite S.p.A. 0926916 Spatial division multiple access wireless communication systems. ArrayComm LLC 0936973 Int. Cl.B32B 27/04 (2006.01) C08L 83/04 (2006.01); C09J 7/02 (2006.01); B32B 7/06 (2006.01). MULTILAYER COMPOSITE BODY. Pelikan Scotland Limited 0937067 Int. Cl.C07D 403/06 (2006.01); A61K 31/55 (2006.01). 1-(3-AMINOINDAZOL5-YL)-3-PHENYLMETHYL-CYCLIC UREAS USEFUL AS HIV PROTEASE INHIBITORS. Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharma Company 0937950 Int. Cl.F24F 3/06 (2006.01); F25B 41/00 (2006.01). Air conditioner. MITSUBISHI DENKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (20/08/2008) 0938497 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) CONSTRAINED HELICAL PEPTIDES AND METHODS OF MAKING SAME. Genentech, Inc. 0941070 Int. Cl.A61K 9/20 (2006.01). LOZENGE FOR THE MODIFIED RELEASING OF ACTIVE SUBSTANCES IN THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. LTS Lohmann Therapie-Systeme AG 0941072 Int. Cl.A61K 9/28 (2006.01). METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR THE COATING OF SUBSTRATES FOR PHARMACEUTICAL USE. Phoqus Pharmaceuticals Limited 0941075 Int. Cl.A61K 9/54 (2006.01). RAPIDLY RELEASING AND TASTE-MASKING PHARMACEUTICAL DOSAGE FORM. PFIZER INC. 0941078 Int. Cl.A61K 9/70 (2006.01). METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR THE COATING OF SUBSTRATES FOR PHARMACEUTICAL USE. Phoqus Pharmaceuticals Limited 0941093 Int. Cl.A61K 31/535 (2006.01); A61K 31/445 (2006.01). USE OF NK-1 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS FOR TREATING MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS WITH ANXIETY. MERCK SHARP & DOHME LTD. 0941281 Int. Cl.C08K 9/02 (2006.01); C08K 9/04 (2006.01); C08L 77/00 (2006.01); C08L 67/02 (2006.01); C08L 71/12 (2006.01). FLAME RESISTANT THERMOPLASTIC MOULDING MATERIALS. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 0941521 ENHANCED IMAGE PROCESSING FOR A THREE-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING SYSTEM. London Health Sciences Centre 0941542 APPARATUS FOR GENERATING UNIFORM MAGNETIC FIELDS WITH MAGNETIC WEDGES. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY 0942731 Int. Cl.A61K 31/535 (2006.01); A61K 31/445 (2006.01). USE OF NK-1 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS FOR TREATING SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS. MERCK SHARP & DOHME LTD. 0942732 Int. Cl.A61K 31/535 (2006.01); A61K 31/445 (2006.01). USE OF NK-1 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS FOR TREATING MOVEMENT DISORDERS. MERCK SHARP & DOHME LTD. 0942962 CHEMICALLY MODIFIED ENZYMES. GENENCOR INTERNATIONAL, INC. ; THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO 0943028 ALKALINE ENZYME SCOURING OF COTTON TEXTILES. Novozymes North America, Inc. 0943030 Int. Cl.D06P 1/22 (2006.01) D06P 1/30 (2006.01); D06P 1/651 (2006.01); D06P 5/20 (2006.01); C09B 67/28 (2006.01); C09B 67/30 (2006.01). PROCESS FOR REDUCING SULFUR AND VAT DYES. SÜDZUCKER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT MANNHEIM/OCHSENFURT 1799 1800 (No. 2105) 0943158 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Int. Cl.H01L 25/16 (2006.01); C12Q 1/68 (2006.01). AFFINITY BASED SELFASSEMBLY SYSTEMS AND DEVICES FOR PHOTONIC AND ELECTRONIC APPLICATIONS. NANOTRONICS, INC. ; The Regents of the University of California 0943346 Int. Cl.A61L 27/24 (2006.01); A61L 17/08 (2006.01); A61L 15/32 (2006.01). COLLAGEN LAMINATE MATERIAL AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. Tapic International Co., Ltd. ; SHIMIZU, Yasuhiko 0944354 MEDICAL IMAGING SYSTEMS. Glasgow Caledonian University Company Ltd. 0944722 PITUITARY-TUMOR-TRANSFORMING-GENES, AND RELATED PRODUCTS. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center 0946272 Int. Cl.B01F 3/02 (2006.01). PREPARATION OF HOMOGENEOUS GAS MIXTURES WITH SF6. Solvay Fluor und Derivate GmbH 0946512 Int. Cl.C07D 213/73 (2006.01); A61K 31/44 (2006.01); C07D 401/10 (2006.01); C07D 413/14 (2006.01); C07D 405/14 (2006.01); C07D 417/14 (2006.01); C07D 401/14 (2006.01). 6-PHENYLPYRIDYL-2-AMINE DERIVATIVES USEFUL AS NOS INHIBITORS. PFIZER INC. 0946715 USE OF A MODIFIED PROTEIN C. Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation 0949860 PLANT TREATMENT MATERIAL AND METHOD. Extenday IP Limited 0951464 Int. Cl.C07C 233/51 (2006.01); C07C 233/46 (2006.01); C07C 235/34 (2006.01); C07C 233/39 (2006.01); C07C 233/37 (2006.01); A61K 31/16 (2006.01); A61K 31/33 (2006.01); C07D 317/60 (2006.01); C07D 213/56 (2006.01); C07D 333/24 (2006.01); C07D 277/62 (2006.01); C07C 333/24 (2006.01); C07C 323/59 (2006.01); C07D 333/16 (2006.01); C07D 263/54 (2006.01). N-(ARYL/HETEROARYLACETYL) AMINO ACID ESTERS, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING SAME, AND METHODS FOR INHIBITING BETA-AMYLOID PEPTIDE RELEASE AND/OR ITS SYNTHESIS BY USE OF SUCH COMPOUNDS. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY ; Elan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 0951802 A DIGITAL HEARING AID USING DIFFERENTIAL SIGNAL REPRESENTATIONS. Sonic Innovations, Inc. 0954555 REFRIGERANT COMPOSITION. E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 0954844 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR COLOUR DISPLAY WITH COLOUR TRANSFORMATION TO IMPROVE PERCEPTION FOR PEOPLE WITH IMPAIRED COLOUR SIGHT. NEDERLANDSE ORGANISATIE VOOR TOEGEPAST-NATUURWETENSCHAPPELIJK ONDERZOEK TNO 0956471 REINFORCED PLASTIC CONTAINER. COMPOSITE SCANDINAVIA AB (20/08/2008) 0958834 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) USE OF PEPTIDE-BASED IMMUNOTHERAPEUTIC AGENT. Meiji Dairies Corporation 0974879 INFORMATION PROCESSOR. SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 0998853 Int. Cl.A23K 1/16 (2006.01); A23K 1/18 (2006.01); C07C 57/12 (2006.01). Feed and method for its preparation. Rehuraisio OY 0999220 Low molecular weight peptidomimetic growth hormone secretagogues. Genentech, Inc. 1000982 Int. Cl.C09B 67/22 (2006.01). Mixtures of reactive azo dyes and their use. DyStar Textilfarben GmbH & Co. Deutschland KG 1001013 Process of cleaning enamel surfaces. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1001236 Int. Cl.F25J 3/04 (2006.01); F25J 3/08 (2006.01). Process for producing ultra pure nitrogen. Linde Aktiengesellschaft 1001338 Method and apparatus for round trip software engineering. Computer Associates Think, Inc. 1002552 Medical respiratory apparatus. Intersurgical AG 1002913 Method of assembling a lock, operating device mechanism for a lock casing, and a lock. BJÖRKBODA LAS OY AB 1003195 Field emission-type electron source and manufacturing method thereof and display using the electron source. MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC WORKS, LTD. 1003323 Image reader and image reading method. SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 1004241 Int. Cl.A01N 47/38 (2006.01); A01N 43/824 (2006.01); C07D 271/10 (2006.01); C07D 271/12 (2006.01); C07D 413/04 (2006.01); C07D 417/04 (2006.01). 2Aryl-Delta2-1,3,4- (oxa and thia)diazoline insecticidal and acaricidal agents. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1004345 Acid component-removing agent, method for producing it and method for removing acid components. ASAHI GLASS COMPANY LTD. 1004447 Printer and ink cartridge attached thereto. SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 1004988 Method, apparatus and computer program product for generating perspective corrected data from warped information. Be Here Corporation 1005045 Compact disc storage. Duraweld Limited 1005241 Int. Cl.H04Q 7/32 (2006.01). Method for communication between a mobile terminal and an accessory. TCL & ALCATEL MOBILE PHONES LIMITED 1005242 Battery saving method in mobile voice communications. TCL & ALCATEL MOBILE PHONES LIMITED 1005964 Int. Cl.B27M 3/18 (2006.01); B27M 3/34 (2006.01); A01N 65/00 (2006.01); B65D 19/14 (2006.01). Wooden article with a flat plate part. Firma Gustav Wilms 1801 1802 (No. 2105) 1006219 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Ultrasonic level sensing in a chemical refill system. AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC. 1006489 Coin packaging apparatus. Glory Ltd. 1008586 Int. Cl.C07C 255/41 (2006.01); C07C 69/618 (2006.01); A61K 7/42 (2000.01). Oligomeric diarylbutadienes. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1009070 Filtered electrical connector with multiple ferrite members. FCI 1010228 A TRANSIENT VOLTAGE PROTECTION DEVICE AND METHOD OF MAKING SAME. Surgx Corporation 1010451 Stack filter assembly. BEGG, COUSLAND & CO. LTD. 1011168 Int. Cl.H01R 9/05 (2006.01); H01R 12/22 (2006.01); H01R 13/646 (2006.01). Device for connecting a coaxial cable with a printed circuit. RADIALL 1011570 PROCESS FOR MAKING A LAMINATE COMPRISING PARTICLES. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1014961 Int. Cl.A61K 31/165 (2006.01); A61K 31/19 (2006.01); A61K 31/42 (2006.01); A61K 31/40 (2006.01); A61K 31/12 (2006.01); A61K 31/195 (2006.01); A61K 31/54 (2006.01); A61P 25/06 (2006.01). TREATMENT OF MIGRAINE HEADACHE USING METOCLOPRAMIDE AND AN NSAID. Pozen, Inc. 1016757 Int. Cl.D21J 1/08 (2006.01); D21H 27/38 (2006.01). Multiple layer nonwoven mat, laminate made therefrom and method of making the mat. Johns Manville International, Inc. 1018709 Surface model generation for visualizing three-dimensional objects using multiple elastic surface nets. MITSUBISHI DENKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1020534 PROCESS FOR SYNTHESIZING NUCLEIC ACID. EIKEN KAGAKU KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1024630 A secure electronic mail system. Johnson, Brent R. 1028742 APO B, ANNEXIN V AND TUBULIN : MEDICAL, DIAGNOSTIC AND PURIFICATION USES FOR HCV. Innogenetics N.V. 1028789 FLYING APPARATUS AND ASSEMBLY METHOD. Stuffelbeam, Kim 1028945 SUBSTITUTED PYRIDINE COMPOUNDS AS ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS. Amgen Inc. 1028959 HERBICIDAL FURANYL- AND THIENYLOXYAZINES. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1029044 TISSUE CEMENT PROTEINS FROM RHIPICEPHALUS APPENDICULATUS. Evolutec Limited 1029273 SCALABLE NETWORKED MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM AND APPLICATIONS. Collaboration Properties, Inc. 1029297 Int. Cl.G06F 17/50 (2006.01). METHOD OF VIRTUAL RETRIEVAL OF ANALOGS OF LEAD COMPOUNDS. Cerep (20/08/2008) 1029916 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) HUMAN LYSOPHOSPHATIDIC ACID RECEPTOR AND USE THEREOF. ONO PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 1030597 FLUID COLLECTION DEVICE WITH CAPTURED RECTRACTABLE NEEDLE. MDC Investment Holdings, Inc. 1030775 Int. Cl.B31B 5/80 (2006.01). GUIDE MECHANISM FOR A PACKAGING MACHINE. MeadWestvaco Packaging Systems, LLC 1030842 Int. Cl.C07D 213/75 (2006.01); A61K 31/44 (2006.01). METALLOPROTEINASE INHIBITORS. BRITISH BIOTECH PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED 1030891 Int. Cl.C08L 101/02 (2006.01); C08G 81/02 (2006.01). SOLVENT BASED COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING A SUBSTANTIALLY NON-GELLED POLYMERIC COMPOSITION. Johnson Polymer LLC 1031186 R/2R LADDER CIRCUIT AND METHOD FOR DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTER. Burr-Brown Corporation 1031196 Access channel slot sharing. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1032255 Int. Cl.A01G 3/02 (2006.01). ANVIL GARDEN SHEARS. Wurscher, Raimund 1032361 Int. Cl.A61K 7/42 (2000.01); C07D 311/28 (2006.01). COMPOSITION COMPRISING ONE OR MORE FLAVONOIDS, METHOD OF OBTAINING SUCH COMPOSITION AND USE THEREOF AS UV-ABSORBING AGENT. Flavone Sunproducts A/S 1032370 Int. Cl.A61K 9/16 (2006.01); A61K 31/275 (2006.01); A61K 31/44 (2006.01); A61K 38/55 (2006.01). POROUS HYDROXYAPATITE PARTICLES AS CARRIERS FOR DRUG SUBSTANCES. AstraZeneca AB 1032560 Int. Cl.A61K 31/4015 (2006.01); A61K 31/403 (2006.01); A61P 7/00 (2006.01). POSITION-4 SUBSTITUTED 2-PYRROLIDINONE DERIVATIVES TO REDUCE THE LEVEL OF EXTRACELLULAR GLUTAMATE. KLINIKUM DER ALBERT-LUDWIGS-UNIVERSITÄT FREIBURG 1032592 ANTIMICROBIAL PEPTIDES. The University of Melbourne 1032596 LACTALBUMIN PRODUCTION PROCESS. Nya Hamlet Pharma AB 1032657 PECTIN DEGRADING ENZYMES FROM BACILLUS LICHENIFORMIS. Novozymes A/S 1032767 HIGH-TORQUE RESORBABLE SCREWS. Macropore, Inc. 1033408 COLD-INDUCIBLE EXPRESSION VECTOR. TAKARA BIO INC. 1033919 Int. Cl.A23J 3/18 (2006.01); A23J 3/24 (2006.01). METHOD FOR PRODUCING A FOOD STUFF WITH PLANT PROTEIN, ESPECIALLY WHEAT ALBUMEN, AND FOOD PRODUCT SO PRODUCED. Mayer, Wolfgang 1803 1804 (No. 2105) 1033930 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Int. Cl.A47J 47/00 (2006.01). CUTTING BOARD FOR FOOD PRODUCTS AND METHOD OF FABRICATING SAME. D.E.H. L.L.C. 1033938 SUTURE FASTENING DEVICE. Axya Medical Inc. 1034016 PUBOCOCCYGEAL TRAINING BIOFEEDBACK DEVICE. Deschutes Medical Products Inc. 1034160 Int. Cl.C07C 67/03 (2006.01); C07C 69/52 (2006.01); B01J 19/00 (2006.01). METHOD FOR PRODUCING FATTY ACID METHYL ESTER AND EQUIPMENT FOR REALISING THE SAME. Energea Umwelttechnologie GmbH 1034273 HISTAMINE AND SEROTONIN BINDING MOLECULES. Evolutec Limited 1034292 Int. Cl.C12N 15/86 (2006.01); C12N 5/10 (2006.01); A61K 48/00 (2006.01). CELL-SPECIFIC RETROVIRAL VECTORS WITH ANTIBODY DOMAINS AND METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF FOR SELECTIVE GENE TRANSFER. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, letztvertreten durch den Präsidenten des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts Prof. Dr. R. Kurth 1034309 Int. Cl.C12Q 1/68 (2006.01). METHOD FOR PRODUCING COMPLEX DNA METHYLATION FINGERPRINTS. Epigenomics AG 1034675 METHODS AND SYSTEMS OF PERFORMING SYSTEM CHANNEL PLANNING FOR WIRELESS LOCAL LOOP COMMUNICATION. Ericsson Inc. 1035838 PHARMACEUTICAL SUSPENSION TABLET COMPOSITIONS. FMC CORPORATION 1035950 Int. Cl.B25C 1/18 (2006.01). DEVICE FOR DRIVING A FASTENING ELEMENT INTO A BASE AND USE OF SAID DEVICE. Kellner, Gerd 1037539 Int. Cl.A23L 1/305 (2006.01); A23L 1/05 (2006.01). METHOD FOR ACCELERATING PROTEIN DIGESTION RATE AND ITS USE. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. 1037553 METHOD FOR NON-INVASIVE MEASUREMENT OF AN ANALYTE. Lightouch Medical, Inc. 1037580 SPRING ACTION MALE CONDOM. Alla, Ravikumar ; Alla, Madhusudhan ; Alla, Raghunatha ; REDDY, Alla Venkata Krishna 1039902 INHIBITORS OF GAP JUNCTION COMMUNICATION. The Scripps Research Institute 1040736 SYNTHETIC JET ACTUATORS FOR COOLING HEATED BODIES AND ENVIRONMENTS. GEORGIA TECH RESEARCH CORPORATION 1041891 ROASTING SYSTEM. Group 32 Development & Engineering, Inc. (20/08/2008) 1042276 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Int. Cl.C07C 237/44 (2006.01). THIOUREA COMPOUNDS, COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF TREATING OR PREVENTING INFLAMMATORY DISEASES AND ATHEROSCLEROSIS. Warner-Lambert Company LLC 1042310 Int. Cl.C07D 307/87 (2006.01); A61K 31/34 (2006.01). Method for the preparation of citalopram. H. LUNDBECK A/S 1042352 ANDROGENIC STEROID COMPOUNDS AND A METHOD OF MAKING AND USING THE SAME. RESEARCH TRIANGLE INSTITUTE 1043310 Int. Cl.C07C 257/18 (2006.01); C07D 207/16 (2006.01); C07D 211/22 (2006.01); C07D 211/26 (2006.01); C07D 211/28 (2006.01); C07D 211/46 (2006.01); C07D 211/62 (2006.01); C07D 295/08 (2006.01); C07F 7/18 (2006.01); A61K 31/195 (2006.01); A61K 31/24 (2006.01); A61K 31/275 (2006.01); A61K 31/40 (2006.01); A61K 31/415 (2006.01); A61K 31/495 (2006.01); A61K 31/695 (2006.01). BIPHENYLAMIDINE DERIVATIVES. TEIJIN LIMITED 1044023 Int. Cl.A61K 47/48 (2006.01); A61K 31/55 (2006.01); A61K 45/06 (2006.01); A61P 25/18 (2006.01). A COVALENT CONJUGATE OF CLOZAPINE WITH A FATTY ACID AND ITS USE FOR TREATING SCHIZOPHRENIA. Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1044495 Int. Cl.H02P 6/08 (2006.01). A DRIVING CONTROL SYSTEM FOR ELECTRIC MOTORS. EMPRESA BRASILEIRA DE COMPRESSORES S/A EMBRACO 1044571 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INTERFACING ANALOG TELEPHONE APPARATUS TO A DIGITAL, ANALOG OR HYBRID TELEPHONE SWITCHING SYSTEM. Hello Direct Inc. 1045299 Timepiece. R.E.D. Revital Entrepreneurship & Development Ltd. 1045690 Int. Cl.A61K 31/18 (2006.01); A61P 31/00 (2006.01); A61P 11/00 (2006.01). BENZENESULFONAMIDE INHIBITORS OF PDE-IV AND THEIR THERAPEUTIC USE. Warner-Lambert Company LLC 1046515 Int. Cl.B42D 15/10 (2006.01). Method of manufacturing a plastic card with a lenticular lens therein and card made by the method. MBNA America Bank, N.A. 1046657 PHOTOCURABLE RESIN COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF OPTICALLY FORMING THREE-DIMENSIONAL SHAPE. Nabtesco Corporation 1047929 METHOD FOR QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENTS. Reichert, Inc. 1048009 IMAGE GENERATION METHOD AND IMAGE GENERATION DEVICE. Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. 1805 1806 (No. 2105) 1049794 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Int. Cl.C12P 13/00 (2006.01); C12P 1/00 (2006.01). METHOD FOR PRODUCING L-CARNITINE FROM CROTONOBETAINE. SIGMA-TAU Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite S.p.A. 1049997 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR OPTIMIZING QUERY GENERATION BY SELECTIVELY UTILIZING ATTRIBUTES OR KEY VALUES. Computer Associates Think, Inc. 1051092 HAIR DYE DISPENSER. Montec Products Development Ltd. 1057193 A METHOD FOR CONSTRUCTING A SUPERCONDUCTING MULTIPHASE CABLE COMPRISING N PHASES. NKT Cables Ultera A/S 1067134 Int. Cl.C07H 21/04 (2006.01); C12Q 1/68 (2006.01); G01N 33/58 (2006.01). Hybridization of polynucleotides conjugated with chromophores and fluorophores to generate donor-to-donor energy transfer system. NANOTRONICS, INC. 1097678 Dental cast model base. Neotek TDP Limited 1098394 Chip-card reader. FCI 1099517 Motor/handle housing and gear case mounting for portable power tool. Black & Decker Inc. 1099539 Multi-ply/single ply embossed absorbent paper products. Georgia-Pacific Consumer Operations LLC 1099861 Locking system. Lendal Products Limited 1100085 Disk cartridge device. SONY CORPORATION 1101446 Surgical operation apparatus. Olympus Optical Co., Ltd. 1101571 Linear actuator. Danaher Motion L.L.C. 1101684 Int. Cl.B61L 21/06 (2006.01); B61L 1/16 (2006.01). Method of clear track signalling by means of axle counting. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1101809 Adhesive composition and application thereof in the preparation of paper and corrugated board. Cerestar Holding B.V. 1101871 Int. Cl.E01D 2/04 (2006.01); E01D 15/133 (2006.01); E01D 101/30 (2006.01); E01D 101/26 (2006.01); E01D 19/12 (2006.01). Steel bridge deck and method for the construction of a bridge with such a deck. SOCIETE CIVILE DE BREVETS MATIERE 1101942 Evacuating apparatus. Teijin Seiki Co., Ltd. 1101945 Vacuum pumps. Edwards Limited 1102074 Probe for magnetic resonance imaging apparatus. Marconi Optical Components Limited 1102137 Method of and apparatus for determining substrate offset using optimization techniques. LAM RESEARCH CORPORATION (20/08/2008) 1102172 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Dual interface memory card and adapter module for the same. A-DATA Technology Co., Ltd. ; ATECH Totalsolution Co., Ltd 1102413 Multiband mobile communication apparatus. TTPCOM Limited ; Renesas Technology Corp. 1103217 Method and apparatus for determining cardiac output or total peripheral resistance. Edwards Lifesciences Corporation 1103234 Method for conveying radioactive agents on angioplasty stents and kit. SORIN BIOMEDICA CARDIO S.R.L. 1103236 Anterior lumbar interbody fusion cage with locking plate. DePuy Spine, Inc. 1103264 Active oxygen containing solution for promoting growth of tissue cells at wound sites. OCULUS INNOVATIVE SCIENCES, INC. 1103431 Device for positioning and fastening an airbag module cover. Dalphi Metal España, S.A. 1103550 Process for concentrating catechin solutions using membranes. DSM IP Assets B.V. 1103990 Magnetizing container. FI.MA.STARS S.r.l. 1104206 Mobile station message selection identification system. Telemessage Ltd. 1106151 Disposable diaper. UNI-CHARM CORPORATION 1106299 Laser etching method. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1106755 Key. SILCON PLASTIC S.r.l. 1107101 Electronic device having touch sensitive slide. Nokia Corporation 1107198 System and method for performing an electronic transaction using a transaction proxy with an electronic wallet. CITIBANK, NA 1107201 Automatic beverage vending apparatus with improved arrangement for displacing the dispensing spouts. N&W Global Vending S.p.A. 1107456 Method for adjusting the output frequency generated by a controllable frequency oscillator. DeTeWe Systems GmbH 1107500 High dynamic range error rate monitor. Ericsson AB 1108399 Universal mould in transparent material for realizing dental prostesis, particularly suitable for light-sensitive materials. Scalavino Giuseppe Davide 1108490 APPARATUS FOR ELECTRODISCHARGE MACHINING. Sodick Co., Ltd. 1109265 Electrical connector housing. FCI 1110580 Int. Cl.A61N 1/368 (2006.01). Methods and apparatus for overdrive pacing heart tissue using an implantable cardiac stimulation device. PACESETTER, INC. 1110581 Implantable ventricular cardioverter/defribrillator employing atrial pacing for preventing atrial fibrillation from ventricular cardioversion and defibrillation shocks. PACESETTER, INC. 1111065 Production of saccharide carboxylic acids. Ensuiko Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., 1807 1808 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1113218 Lighting apparatus for a display. Fujitsu Kasei Limited 1113534 Electrical connector with over-molded housing member and method of overmolding. FCI 1115056 Method and circuits for performing a quick search of the minimum/maximum value among a set of numbers. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 1124486 NON-INVASIVE BLADDER PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS. Mediplus Limited 1124487 DENTAL IMAGE PROCESSING METHOD AND SYSTEM. Cadent Ltd. 1124492 FRACTURE TREATMENT. GRAMPIAN HEALTH BOARD 1124839 NUCLEOSIDES WITH ANTI-HEPATITIS B VIRUS ACTIVITY. CENTRE NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE (CNRS) ; EMORY UNIVERSITY ; THE UAB RESEARCH FOUNDATION 1125456 CELL HAND-OFF BORDER IDENTIFICATION USING MS POSITIONING AND SIGNAL STRENGTH VALUES. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1126776 Int. Cl.A47J 42/04 (2006.01); A47J 42/38 (2006.01). MANUAL GRINDER FOR GRAIN FOOD PRODUCTS. L&M SERVICES B.V. 1126860 IMMUNOMODULATORY FACTORS FOR IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT AND ANTIALLERGIC TREATMENT. The Secretary of State for Defence Defence Science and Technology Laboratory 1126866 A MUTANT PHOSPHOLAMBAN MOLECULE AND ITS USE IN THE TREATMENT OF CARDIAC DISEASE AND HEART FAILURE. The Regents of the University of California 1127112 METHODS FOR CLONING ANIMALS. TRUSTEES OF TUFTS COLLEGE 1127126 G-PROTEIN COUPLED RECEPTORS, HOMOLOGOUS TO EBV-INDUCED GPCR 2 (EBI-2). METHODS TO SEEK FOR LIGANDS THEREOF. Bayer HealthCare AG 1127352 APPARATUS FOR DEVELOPING A DYNAMIC SERVO SIGNAL FROM DATA IN A MAGNETIC DISC DRIVE AND METHOD. Purchased Patent Management LLC 1128777 DIAMOND-LIKE CARBON COATED DENTAL INSTRUMENT. Nobel Biocare AB 1128849 TISSUE POOLING PROCESS. Regeneration Technologies, Inc. 1128940 Int. Cl.B27N 3/08 (2006.01). METHOD OF PRODUCING RIBBED BOARD AND PRODUCT THEREOF. MASONITE CORPORATION 1129097 Int. Cl.C07D 513/04 (2006.01); C07D 498/04 (2006.01); A61K 31/55 (2006.01); A61P 25/28 (2006.01). NOVEL TYPE CONDENSED PYRIDAZINONE COMPOUNDS. IVAX Drug Research Institute Ltd. (20/08/2008) 1129100 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) SELECTION SYSTEM FOR GENERATING EFFICIENT PACKAGING CELLS FOR LENTIVIRAL VECTORS. Cell Genesys Inc. 1129213 BACILLUS STRAIN AND ASSAY METHODS. ISIS INNOVATION LIMITED 1129465 HIGH VOLTAGE STANDOFF, CURRENT REGULATING, HOLLOW ELECTRON BEAM SWITCH TUBE. L-3 Communications Corporation 1129529 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CROSS POLARIZED ISOLATION IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1129593 EFFICIENT LOCATION MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES IN A UMTSBASED NETWORK. Telia AB (publ) 1130018 DRUG DEPENDENCE REMEDY. SANTEN PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. 1130679 Die-castable corrugated horns providing elliptical beams. ANDREW CORPORATION 1130976 METHOD OF REDUCING CHOLESTEROL IN ANIMAL PRODUCTS. PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INC. ; UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1130982 BRUSH CLEANING UNIT FOR THE HEATER FIXTURE OF A SMOKING DEVICE. Philip Morris Products Inc. 1131039 USE OF A SUBSTANCE BINDING WITH THE PERIPHERAL BENZODIAZEPIN RECEPTOR FOR TREATING SKIN STRESS. SanofiAventis 1131112 Int. Cl.A61L 29/00 (2006.01). A METHOD FOR STERILISING A MEDICAL DEVICE HAVING A HYDROPHILIC COATING. COLOPLAST A/S 1131120 AEROSOL-FORMING POROUS MEMBRANE WITH CERTAIN PORE STRUCTURE. ARADIGM CORPORATION 1131279 Int. Cl.C07C 227/32 (2006.01); C07C 67/31 (2006.01). INDUSTRIAL PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF L-CARNITINE. SIGMA-TAU Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite S.p.A. 1131294 QUINOLINE DERIVATIVES AS NK-2 AND NK-3 RECEPTOR LIGANDS. GlaxoSmithKline S.p.A. ; Laboratoire GlaxoSmithKline S.A.S. 1131307 Int. Cl.C07D 261/04 (2006.01). METHOD OF PRODUCING 2-ALKYL-3-(4,5DIHYDROISOXAZOLE-3-YL)-HALOBENZENES. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1131466 METHOD FOR THE QUANTITATIVE DETECTION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS. Lusso, Paolo ; Malnati, Mauro ; Scarlatti, Gabriella 1131801 NETWORK OF VENDING MACHINES CONNECTED INTERACTIVELY TO DATA-BASE-BUILDING HOST. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY 1809 1810 (No. 2105) 1131886 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) MULTI-REFERENCE, HIGH-ACCURACY SWITCHING AMPLIFIER. KIRN, Larry J. 1131911 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SECURE DISTRIBUTION OF AUTHENTICATION CREDENTIALS TO ROAMING USERS. Arcot Systems, Inc. 1131936 MODEM HAVING A PROGRAMMABLE UNIVERSAL DATA ACCESS ARRANGEMENT. Silicon Laboratories, Inc. 1131963 METHOD AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM WITH DYNAMICALLY ADAPTABLE SUBSCRIBER UNITS. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1131969 METHOD AND SYSTEM IN A TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND SUBSCRIBER IDENTITY MODULE. SmartTrust Systems Oy 1133237 ADDING AN ADDITIVE TO A MEAT PRODUCT. STORK PMT B.V. 1133298 COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING CEFUROXIME AXETIL. SANDOZ AG 1133311 INFLUENCING ANGIOGENESIS USING CD66a. Wagener, Christoph 1133315 ANTAGONISTS OF THE ALPHA E BETA 7 INTEGRIN AS THERAPEUTIC AGENTS FOR INFLAMMATORY DISEASES. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, as represented by THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES 1133337 FOAM CORE IN-LINE SKATE FRAME. K-2 Corporation 1133471 Int. Cl.C07C 311/49 (2006.01); C07D 213/34 (2006.01); C07D 295/08 (2006.01); A61K 31/18 (2006.01); A61K 31/44 (2006.01); A61K 31/535 (2006.01). HYDRAZINE DERIVATIVES. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1133486 Int. Cl.C07D 307/88 (2006.01); C07D 265/02 (2006.01); A61K 31/16 (2006.01); A61K 31/365 (2006.01); A61K 31/38 (2006.01); A61K 31/535 (2006.01); A61K 31/50 (2006.01); A61P 23/00 (2006.01); A61K 31/165 (2006.01); A61P 29/00 (2006.01). NONSTEROIDAL ANTIINFLAMMATORIES. SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1133518 A METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF N-NEOHEXYL-(A)-ASPARTYLL-PHENYLALANINE METHYL ESTER FROM IMIDAZOLIDIN-4-ONE INTERMEDIATES. The NutraSweet Company 1133672 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR ALIGNMENT. Damalini AB 1133818 A SUSPENSION DEVICE HAVING A CABLE CARRIAGE INTEGRAL THEREWITH. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1135104 TISSUE PAPER PRODUCT, AND PROCESS FOR MAKING THE PRODUCT. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1135117 Int. Cl.A61K 31/19 (2006.01); A61P 11/06 (2006.01). MEDIKAMENT FOR TREATING CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE. ABBOTT LABORATORIES (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal 1135179 FLOW REGULATOR. P.M.P. Precise Medical Products Ltd. 1135181 Centrifugal blood pump comprising an active magnetic bearing system. (No. 2105) HeartWare, Inc. 1135270 QUICK RELEASE SACRIFICIAL SHIELD AND WINDOW ASSEMBLY. Transit Care Inc. 1135432 Int. Cl.C08K 3/30 (2006.01). PREPARATION CONTAINING GYPSUM FROM FLUE GAS DESULPHURISATION, METHOD FOR USING THE SAME AND USE THEREOF. Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien 1135477 HUMANIZED MONOCLONAL INTEGRIN ANTIBODIES. SmithKline Beecham Corporation 1135482 CANCER CELL VACCINE. ANTIGEN EXPRESS, INC. 1135564 Scaffold boards. Ischebeck Titan Ltd. 1135883 AUTOMATIC REPEAT REQUEST PROTOCOL. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1135926 IMPROVEMENT OF FINE GRANULARITY SCALABILITY USING BIT PLANE CODING OF TRANSFORM COEFFICIENTS. GENERAL INSTRUMENT CORPORATION 1136655 Apparatus and methods of reheating cooling steam in a combined cycle. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1137459 INSTRUMENT FOR LIGHT THERAPY. Voves, Vladimir 1137720 RADIATION-CURABLE METAL PARTICLES AND CURABLE RESIN COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING THESE PARTICLES. JSR Corporation 1138004 Int. Cl.G06F 17/30 (2006.01). METHOD AND ELECTRONIC DATABASE SEARCH ENGINE FOR EXPLORING THE CONTENT OF AN ELECTRONIC DATABASE. Technische Universiteit Delft 1138075 DEVICE FOR IMPROVED SALICIDE RESISTANCE ON POLYSILICON GATES. INTEL CORPORATION 1139865 A SENSOR FOR RADIANCE BASED DIAGNOSTICS. S.P.O. Medical Equipment Ltd. 1140394 Int. Cl.B22D 41/28 (2006.01); B22D 41/50 (2006.01); B22D 41/56 (2006.01). POURING TUBE. VESUVIUS CRUCIBLE COMPANY 1140701 Int. Cl.C01D 7/24 (2006.01); C01D 7/35 (2006.01); C01D 7/37 (2006.01); C01D 7/40 (2006.01). PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF SODIUM CARBONATE ANHYDRATE. Technische Universiteit Delft 1141005 METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING HIF-1ALPHA MODULATORS. Angiogenetics Sweden AB 1811 1812 (No. 2105) 1141447 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Int. Cl.C25D 3/44 (2006.01); C25D 3/56 (2006.01). ALUMINIUM ORGANIC ELECTROLYTES AND METHOD FOR ELECTROLYTIC COATING WITH ALUMINIUM OR ALUMINIUM-MAGNESIUM-ALLOYS. Studiengesellschaft Kohle mbH 1141463 YARN INSERTION MECHANISM. Albany International Techniweave, Inc. 1141683 A NONINTRUSIVE INSPECTION SYSTEM. Invision Technologies, Inc. ; Fenkart, Gerhard 1142095 POWER TRANSFER UNIT BY ELECTRICAL ENERGY TRANSFORMER. THALES AVIONICS S.A. 1142411 HANDOVER METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT IN A CELLULAR RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1142586 USE OF CHYMASE INHIBITORS AGAINST VASCULAR LIPID DEPOSITION. Asubio Pharma Co., Ltd. 1144013 LACTONE BEARING ABSORBABLE POLYMERS. SOCIETE DE CONSEILS DE RECHERCHES ET D'APPLICATIONS SCIENTIFIQUES S.A.S. 1144167 METHOD FOR REMOVING CEMENTITIOUS SUBSTANCE. Commodore International Limited 1144366 3,4-DISUBSTITUTED ACYLANILIDE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE AS ANDROGEN RECEPTOR SUPPRESSORS. Biophysica, Inc. 1144452 MODIFIED ANTIBODIES AND ANTIBODY FRAGMENTS WITH INCREASED DURATION OF ACTIVITY. CENTOCOR, INC. 1144487 Int. Cl.C08J 7/12 (2006.01). SURFACE TREATMENT OF FLUORINATED CONTACT LENS MATERIALS. BAUSCH & LOMB INCORPORATED 1144897 THERMOPLASTIC MULTILAYER WATER TRANSMISSION TUBE. WAVIN B.V. 1145096 MOBILE TELEPHONE AUTO PC LOGON. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1145314 HIGH FREQUENCY POWER TRANSISTOR DEVICE. Infineon Technologies AG 1146249 Int. Cl.F16F 15/14 (2006.01); F16C 13/00 (2006.01); B31F 1/20 (2006.01). DAMPING SYSTEM FOR CORRUGATED CARDBOARD FABRICATION ROLLERS. TIRUNA, S.L. 1148802 Int. Cl.A47J 31/047 (2006.01). DEVICE FOR PREPARING HOT BEVERAGES AND METHOD FOR PREPARING HOT BEVERAGES USING SAID DEVICE. PI-DESIGN AG 1149026 DISCHARGE CAP FOR RELEASABLE TABLET. Coory, Fredrick Michael (20/08/2008) 1149061 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Int. Cl.C04B 35/565 (2006.01); H01L 21/02 (2006.01). HIGH PURITY, SILICONIZED SILICON CARBIDE HAVING HIGH THERMAL SHOCK RESISTANCE. Saint-Gobain Ceramics and Plastics, Inc. 1151285 GAS SENSOR. Mine Safety Appliances Company 1151756 KIT COMPRISING POLYACRYLAMIDE GEL FOR FORMING A CAPSULE IN THE TISSUE OF A MAMMAL ORGANISM AND ALLOGENIC OR XENOGENOUS CELLS OF AN ANIMAL, METHOD FOR THERAPY OF ONCOLOGICAL DISEASES AND THE DIABETES MELLITUS. Vercell Biotechnology BV 1152012 CD8 based vaccine against tuberculosis. ISIS INNOVATION LIMITED 1152897 IN-PRESS PROCESS FOR COATING COMPOSITE SUBSTRATES. Valspar Sourcing, Inc. 1152954 Int. Cl.B65D 19/12 (2006.01); B65D 88/52 (2006.01). COLLAPSIBLE CONTAINER WITH UNBROKEN TOP WALL. Carrimor 1152955 Int. Cl.B65D 19/12 (2006.01); B65D 88/52 (2006.01). COLLAPSIBLE CONTAINER FOR TRANSPORTING A LIQUID. Carrimor 1153029 AMPHIPATIC POLYCARBOXYLIC CHELATES AND COMPLEXES WITH PARAMAGNETIC METALS AS MRI CONTRAST AGENTS. Bracco International B.V. 1153759 FIXING AGENT FOR DYE AND INK-JET RECORDING MEDIUM. KYOWA CHEMICAL INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 1154683 A METHOD OF AUTOMATICALLY MILKING ANIMALS AND A MILKING MACHINE SUITABLE FOR PERFORMING SAME. Lely Enterprises AG 1154795 Int. Cl.A61K 45/06 (2006.01); A61K 31/395 (2006.01); A61P 25/14 (2006.01). MEANS FOR TREATING AND DIAGNOSING RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME. Hedner, Jan ; Kraiczi, Holger 1163446 ELECTROSTATICALLY ACTUATED PUMPING ARRAY. HONEYWELL INC. 1163853 METHOD OF STRENGTHENIG THE TASTE OF SODIUM CHLORIDE, AGENT FOR STRENGTHENING THE TASTE OF SODIUM CHLORIDE, SODIUM CHLORIDE-TASTE SEASONING AND FOOD HAVING STRENGTHENED TASTE OF SODIUM CHLORIDE. KYOWA HAKKO FOOD SPECIALTIES CO., LTD. 1164570 DRIVER WITH BUILT-IN RAM, DISPLAY UNIT WITH THE DRIVER, AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE. SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 1164678 A system for the automatic closure of a switch. BTICINO S.p.A. 1164746 Tree-based certificate revocation system. CoreStreet, Ltd. 1813 1814 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1168491 Multi frequency-band antenna. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1189287 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE. MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD 1205103 Device for treating a tree by injection. Piccari Ricci, Pier Paolo 1205246 Process for preparation of catalyst. Dairen Chemical Corporation 1205433 Carbon monoxide /water removal from fuel cell feed gas. AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC. 1205554 Enzyme or cell preparation with inulinase activity. PURATOS N.V. 1205638 Inlet guide vane and shroud support contact. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1205723 Rotary drum with rolling body arrangement. VTA Verfahrenstechnik und Automatisierung GmbH 1205774 Composition for vapor deposition, method for forming antireflection film using it, and optical element. HOYA CORPORATION 1205922 Lens cleaner disc for use in disc playing device. Kobayashi, Asao 1206029 Improved heat sink for an inverter for an electric motor. BAE Systems Land & Armaments L.P. 1206081 Apparatus for the transmission and/or reception of data, and method for controlling this apparatus. Alcatel Lucent 1206149 Method for testing a radio link. R & S BICK Mobilfunk GmbH 1206275 IRRIGATION SOLUTION AND METHOD FOR INHIBITION OF PAIN AND INFLAMMATION. Omeros Corporation 1206992 Monitor for electric arc welder and method for monitoring such arc welder during welding. LINCOLN GLOBAL, INC. 1207021 Handle for a screw driving tool. Robert Schröder GmbH & Co. KG 1207061 Int. Cl.B60C 13/00 (2006.01); G06K 7/00 (2006.01). Apparatus for the identification and maintenance of tyres and wheels with tyres. BUTLER ENGINEERING & MARKETING S.r.l. 1207146 Process for the conversion of 1,4 butynediol to 1, 4 butenediol. COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH 1207338 Lighting effect generator. Levine, Chris 1207366 Method of manufacturing a porous metal heat sink. BAE Systems Land & Armaments L.P. 1207422 Method of winding a photographic film. FUJIFILM Corporation 1207582 R.F. antenna switch. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1207624 Distortion compensation technique for flash-type analog-to-digital converters. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC. 1207688 Broadcast data receiver. Pace Micro Technology PLC (20/08/2008) 1207711 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Method for controlling power of TFCI field for DSCH in 3G standard mobile communication system. LG Electronics, Inc. 1207721 Heater system for microwave oven. LG ELECTRONICS INC. 1208739 Flowerpot and support stick assembly for the same. Van der Starre, Huibert 1208766 Ion generator and hairbrush using the same. MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC WORKS, LTD. 1208768 Multi-use joint for the connection of a leg to a table surface. LEONARDO S.r.l. 1208840 Combination of fluorouracil and a methylol transfer agent for the treatment of tumor metastases and cancer. Ed Geistlich Söhne AG Für Chemische Industrie 1209662 Client-server based speech recognition. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1209756 A radio frequency amplifying circuit. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1209782 Optical gating apparatus and method. Pirelli & C. S.p.A. 1209831 Method and system of managing and monitoring performances in digital radio systems. ALCATEL 1209865 Method and structure for variable-length frame support in a shared memory switch. International Business Machines Corporation 1209869 IF FSK receiver with circuits for differentiators and peak detectors. Broadcom Corporation 1210856 Seed drill. Moore, Samuel 1210909 Process for acquiring image data relating to an external body portion and/or a product applied thereto. L'ORÉAL 1210956 Blood reservoir. TERUMO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1211075 Thin-film coil for use in an ink jet head, and manufacturing method thereof. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1211178 Unit and method for transferring articles. G.D SOCIETÀ PER AZIONI 1211401 Int. Cl.F02C 6/18 (2006.01); F01K 23/10 (2006.01); F02C 3/30 (2006.01); F02C 3/20 (2006.01); F02C 7/224 (2006.01); F01K 21/04 (2006.01). Fuel gas moisturization system control. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1211469 Freezing, refrigerating or cooling device. Liebherr-Hausgeräte Lienz GmbH 1211545 Apparatus and method for three-dimensional movement of a projected modulated beam. BARCO N.V. 1211589 A method and system for preventing impersonation of a database user. Protegrity Research & Development 1211631 Process for displaying information on a display terminal of limited capacity. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY 1211707 Multiposition micro electromechanical switch. International Business Machines Corporation 1212997 An absorbent article with leakage safety. SCA Hygiene Products AB 1815 1816 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal 1212998 Absorbent articles with leakage safety. SCA Hygiene Products AB 1213002 Compression sleeve. MEGO AFEK INDUSTRIAL MEASURING (20/08/2008) INSTRUMENTS 1213215 Steering device for bicycle and method of folding the steering device. Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 1215293 Lined steel crucible and process for the iron-free melting of magnesium and magnesium alloys. Technische Universität Clausthal 1215590 Method and system for scalable, high performance hierarchical storage management. International Business Machines Corporation 1215711 Mass spectrometer and method of mass spectrometry. Micromass UK Limited 1215864 transmitting information based on location data onto display of mobile station. Nokia Corporation 1216830 Negative photo- or heat- sensitive lithographic printing plate. FUJIFILM Corporation 1220291 Mass spectrometer and method of mass spectrometry. Micromass UK Limited 1221386 Locking device for snow chains. Thule S.p.A. 1221447 Alkyl Cobalt (III) Dioximates and process for forming the same. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 1221494 An austenitic stainless steel less crack-sensitive during forming and a manufacturing method thereof. NISSHIN STEEL CO., LTD. 1221688 Music data distribution system and method. YAMAHA CORPORATION 1224545 A MULTIPLE CUSTOMER AND MULTIPLE LOCATION PC SERVICE PROVIDER SYSTEM. Automated Business Companies 1225140 Packaging goods transport system. UHLMANN PAC-SYSTEME GmbH & Co. KG 1225596 Programming and erasing methods for a reference cell of an NROM array. Saifun Semiconductors Ltd. 1226078 Int. Cl.B65D 79/00 (2006.01); B67D 1/04 (2006.01). BEVERAGE CONTAINER. Nytrotec Beverages Ltd 1226100 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF HALOGENATED ETHANES. AlliedSignal Inc. 1226215 VARIABLE TEMPERATURE CURABLE COMPOSITION. CYTEC TECHNOLOGY CORP. 1226256 RECOMBINANT BIFUNCTIONAL FUSION PROTEINS FOR THE CLEARANCE OF VARIABLE VIRUSES. Troyanys Limited 1226266 METHOD FOR ENHANCING SECRETION OF BETA-LACTAM COMPOUNDS. DSM IP Assets B.V. (20/08/2008) 1226307 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) POLY(VINYL ALCOHOL) BINDER FOR CALCIUM CARBONATE PIGMENT. Celanese International Corporation 1226606 SPACER PROCESS TO ELIMINATE ISOLATION TRENCH PARASITIC CORNER DEVICES IN TRANSISTORS. Infineon Technologies North America Corp. 1226742 HAND HELD INDUCTION TOOL. Nexicor, LLC 1227734 Int. Cl.A23D 9/007 (2006.01); A23D 9/02 (2006.01); A23L 1/30 (2006.01); A23L 2/52 (2006.01); A61K 31/575 (2006.01); A61P 3/06 (2006.01). COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING EDIBLE OILS OR FATS AND PHYTOSTEROLS AND/OR PHYTOSTANOLS DISSOLVED THEREIN. Forbes Medi-Tech Inc. 1227754 METHOD FOR MEASURING AN INDUCED PERTURBATION TO DETERMINE A PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETER. Masimo Corporation 1227758 Int. Cl.A61B 5/16 (2006.01); G06F 3/00 (2006.01). METHOD FOR DETECTING AN ACTION OF THE HEAD AND GENERATING AN OUTPUT IN RESPONSE THERETO. Think-a-Move, Ltd. 1228035 LAUNDRY DETERGENT COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING HYDROPHOBICALLY MODIFIED POLYAMINES. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1228067 Int. Cl.C07D 409/12 (2006.01); C07D 413/12 (2006.01); C07D 401/14 (2006.01); C07D 405/12 (2006.01); C07D 231/12 (2006.01); C07D 401/12 (2006.01); C07D 417/14 (2006.01); C07D 409/14 (2006.01); A61K 31/501 (2006.01); A61P 3/00 (2006.01). 5-MEMBERED N-HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS WITH HYPOGLYCEMIC AND HYPOLIPIDEMIC ACTIVITY. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited 1228226 GENES AND METHODS FOR MANIPULATION OF GROWTH. PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INC. ; THE CURATORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI 1228228 SORGHUM DWARFING GENES AND METHODS OF USE. PIONEER HIBRED INTERNATIONAL, INC. ; THE CURATORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI 1228232 RECOMBINANT SENDAI VIRUS VECTOR FOR INTRODUCING EXOGENOUS GENES TO AIRWAY EPITHELIA. Dnavec Research Inc. 1228233 METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING RENILLA GFP. Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1228239 ASSAY OF MICRO-ORGANISMS IN CELL CULTURES. Lumitech (UK) Limited 1817 1818 (No. 2105) 1228298 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) RIGID CRANKSHAFT CRADLE AND ACTUATOR. Mendler, Edward Charles 1228598 A METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR THE DETECTION AND CLASSIFICATION OF COLLISIONS ON A SHARED ACCESS RF NETWORK. Broadcom Corporation 1228602 RADIO LINK PROTOCOL ENHANCEMENTS TO REDUCE SETUP TIME FOR DATA CALLS. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1228635 EVENT BOOKING MECHANISM. OpenTV, Inc. 1229249 Compressor system with cast separator tank. INGERSOLL-RAND COMPANY 1229328 Method of detecting cell death using cytochrome C.. Eisai R&D Management Co., Ltd. 1229862 ENCAPSULATED STENT PREFORM. Vascular Concepts Holdings Limited 1229896 COSMETIC COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING ANISE EXTRACT AND RETINOIDS. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1229933 IMMUNOMODULATORY COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING AN IMMUNOSTIMULATORY SEQUENCE LINKED TO ANTIGEN AND METHODS OF USE THEREOF. Dynavax Technologies Corporation 1229937 USE OF PDT TO INHIBIT INTIMAL HYPERPLASIA. QLT Inc. ; THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 1229953 INHALATION ACTUATED DEVICE FOR USE WITH METERED DOSE INHALERS (MDIs). Innovative Devices, LLC 1230023 Int. Cl.B01J 31/02 (2006.01); B01J 31/16 (2006.01); B01J 37/02 (2006.01); C07C 2/68 (2006.01). IMMOBILISED IONIC LIQUIDS. Johnson Matthey PLC 1230078 APPARATUS FOR CONTROLLING THE TEMPERATURE OF PLASTIC MATERIALS USING A VACUUM CAST CERAMIC FIBER INSULATED BAND HAVING HEATING AND COOLING ELEMENTS. Pendergraft, Gordon, M. 1230232 Int. Cl.C07D 311/58 (2006.01); C07D 491/04 (2006.01); C07D 405/04 (2006.01); C07D 407/04 (2006.01); C07D 409/04 (2006.01); A61K 31/352 (2006.01); C07D 311/92 (2006.01); A61P 35/00 (2006.01). SUBSTITUTED 4HCHROMENE AND ANALOGS AS ACTIVATORS OF CASPASES AND INDUCERS OF APOPTOSIS AND THE USE THEREOF. Cytovia, Inc. 1230248 TRANSITION METAL COMPLEXES ATTACHED TO A POLYMER VIA A FLEXIBLE CHAIN. Therasense, Inc. 1230337 PROCESS FOR THE HYDROGENATION OF HOP RESIN ACIDS. S.S. STEINER, INC. (20/08/2008) 1230373 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) USE OF A CLASS OF ENZYMES AND THEIR ENCODING GENES TO INCREASE THE OIL CONTENT IN TRANSGENIC ORGANISMS. BASF Plant Science GmbH 1230430 METHOD OF PRODUCING AN ALUMINIUM SURFACE WITH A HIGH TOTAL REFLECTANCE. Novelis Inc. 1230431 MACHINE FOR LOCALISED CLEANING WITH ELECTROLYTIC AND/OR ULTRASOUND CELL, FOR PICKLING AND/OR POLISHING. EDK RESEARCH AG 1230512 CARTRIDGE CONNECTING SYSTEM FOR COMBUSTIBLE GAS DISTRIBUTORS. WALTER TOSTO SERBATOI S.p.A. 1230515 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR COMBUSTION OF RESIDUAL CARBON IN FLY ASH. Consolidated Engineering Company, Inc. 1230548 METHODS FOR THE QUANTITATION OF OXIDIZED GLUTATHIONE. Oxis International, Inc. 1230657 AN ELECTRIC SWITCHING DEVICE. ABB Technology AG 1230666 PLASMA PROCESSING SYSTEMS AND METHOD THEREFOR. LAM RESEARCH CORPORATION 1230757 LINK LAYER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND RETRANSMISSION FOR CELLULAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1230772 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR BLIND DETECTION OF MODULATION. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1231837 PRESERVATION OF SENSITIVE BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL. Avant Immunotherapeutics, Inc. 1231846 MEAT EMULSION PRODUCT. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. 1231890 ORAL CLEANSING PRODUCT. ALCAN INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 1231891 TOOTHPASTE. ALCAN INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 1232150 UREA DERIVATIVES AS ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. 1232177 METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR DETECTION AND TREATMENT OF BREAST CANCER, BASED ON BREAST CANCER-ASSOCIATED POLYPEPTIDES. MATRITECH, INC. 1232182 BOVINE COLLAGEN AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING RECOMBINANT GELATIN. FibroGen, Inc. 1232330 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SEISMIC STIMULATION OF FLUIDBEARING FORMATIONS. Applied Seismic Research Corporation 1232429 Int. Cl.G06F 3/00 (2006.01). THREE-DIMENSIONAL GUI WINDOWS. International Business Machines Corporation 1819 1820 (No. 2105) 1232493 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) WIRELESS VOICE-ACTIVATED REMOTE CONTROL DEVICE. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1232496 NOISE SUPPRESSION. Nokia Corporation 1232586 AN ARRANGEMENT FOR SUPERVISING AND/OR CONTROLLING THE BIT RATE OF DATA PULSES. Transmode Systems AB 1232665 A METHOD FOR DOWNLINK POWER ALLOCATION IN A CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS (CDMA) COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1233013 NOVEL PHENYLALANINE DERIVATIVES. Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 1233058 METHOD OF PROLIFERATING NATURAL KILLER CELLS. RIKEN 1233678 Int. Cl.A23K 1/16 (2006.01); A23K 1/18 (2006.01); A23L 1/32 (2006.01). ZOOTECHNICAL FORMULATIONS COMPRISING BILE ACIDS. Ice s.r.l. ; Acme Drugs S.r.l. 1233720 DENTAL APPARATUS FOR RECORDING THE INTERDENTAL RELATIONSHIP OF ANTERIOR TEETH. Astek Innovations Limited 1233836 APPLICATOR AND PROCESS FOR COATING FIBER MATERIALS. OWENS CORNING 1233982 NOVEL HCV NON-STRUCTURAL POLYPEPTIDE. Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Inc. 1233988 ISOLATION OF PECTIN FROM SOYBEANS. Crandall, Philip G. ; McCain, Anna M. 1234014 PROCESS FOR STABILISATION OF COLOURED BLEACHING COMPOSITIONS. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1234053 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR ASSAYING COAGULATION IN FLUID SAMPLES. I-STAT CORPORATION 1234178 A METHOD OF DIAGNOSING OR PROGNOSTICATING HIV INFECTION IN A SUBJECT. Eugen-Olsen, Jesper 1234213 ARRANGEMENT AND METHOD FOR MEANS FOR RECEIVING IMAGE DATA IN MAMMOGRAPHY. PLANMED OY 1234258 SYSTEM FOR MANAGING RDBM FRAGMENTATIONS. International Business Machines Corporation 1234407 NETWORK EVENT CORRELATION SYSTEM USING PROTOCOL MODELS. SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. 1234459 SYSTEM AND METHOD IN A GPRS NETWORK FOR INTERFACING A BASE STATION SYSTEM WITH A SERVING GPRS SUPPORT NODE. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1234787 Rotation device and method for transferring a worn article. Zuiko Corporation (20/08/2008) 1235159 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) ID SYMBOL UNIQUE TO STRUCTURAL FORMULA OF COMPOUND. Institute of Medicinal Molecular Design, Inc. 1235718 Int. Cl.B65D 5/52 (2006.01). RIGID CARTON FOR CIGARETTE PACKETS. G.D S.p.A. 1235755 GLASS COMPOSITION FOR ULTRAFINE FIBER FORMATION. Johns Manville International, Inc. 1235885 COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR INHIBITING POLYMERIZATION AND POLYMER GROWTH. Uniroyal Chemical Company, Inc. 1235899 TREATMENT OF HUMAN INFERTILITY. NOVO NORDISK A/S 1235918 METHODS FOR ALTERING THE EXPRESSION OF HYPHAL-SPECIFIC GENES. Trustees of Dartmouth College 1235996 POWER TRANSMISSION BELT WITH TUBULAR KNIT OVERCORD. The Gates Corporation 1236075 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MONITORING AND CONTROLLING REMOTE DEVICES. Statsignal Systems, Inc. 1236498 METHOD FOR DECOMPOSING CHLORINE-CONTAINING ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN EXHAUST GAS. BABCOCK-HITACHI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1237423 Int. Cl.A23L 1/22 (2006.01); A61K 47/26 (2006.01). STABLE, SPRAY-DRIED COMPOSITION IN A CARBOHYDRATE SUBSTRATE AND PROCESS FOR OBTAINING SAID COMPOSITION. QUEST INTERNATIONAL B.V. 1237444 SUPPORT ARM FOR VISUAL DISPLAY UNIT. Claiteal Pty. Ltd. 1237586 PYROLYTIC CARBON AND METAL/METALLOID CARBIDE COMPOSITES. ST. JUDE MEDICAL, INC. 1237717 ELASTIC COMPOSITE STRUCTURE. OY OMS Optomedical Systems Ltd. 1237788 TAMPER-EVIDENT DRUM CLOSURE OVERCAP. Rieke Corporation 1237792 COLLAPSIBLE SECURE CONTAINER. Laggar, Jeffrey Edward 1237842 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR THE CONTINUOUS PRODUCTION OF DIARYL CARBONATES. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1237845 AMINOBENZOPHENONES AS INHIBITORS OF IL-1BETA AND TNFALPHA. Leo Pharma A/S 1237967 PROCESS FOR PREPARING MDI PREPOLYMERS WITH REDUCED CONTENT OF FREE MDI MONOMER. Chemtura Corporation 1238135 TEXTILE MATERIAL. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1238166 HYDRAULIC COLLECTION TOOL. 1994 Weyer Family Limited Partnership 1238488 MOBILE EQUIPMENT BASED FILTERING FOR PACKET RADIO SERVICE APPLICATIONS. Nokia Corporation 1238823 Process for covering bodies with diamond patterns and machine. Daisy s.r.l. 1821 1822 (No. 2105) 1240238 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Int. Cl.C08G 75/04 (2006.01); C09D 181/00 (2006.01). COATING COMPOSITION COMPRISING AN OXIDATIVELY DRYING POLYUNSATURATED CONDENSATION PRODUCT, A POLYTHIOL, AND A SICCATIVE. AKZO NOBEL COATINGS INTERNATIONAL B.V. 1240297 DETERGENT COMPOSITIONS. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1240378 METHOD OF TREATING A TEXTILE. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1240397 SCAFFOLDING SAFETY DEVICE. Campbell, Adam 1242351 Int. Cl.C07C 45/00 (2006.01). METHOD FOR HYDROFORMYLATING OLEFINICALLY UNSATURATED COMPOUNDS. Celanese Chemicals Europe GmbH 1242426 GAMMA-HYDROXY-2-(FLUOROALKYLAMINOCARBONYL)-1PIPERAZINEPENTANAMIDES AS HIV PROTEASE INHIBITORS. Merck & Co., Inc. 1242537 POLY(PHENYLENE ETHER)-POLYAMIDE RESIN BLENDS, METHOD OF MANUFACTURE. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1242540 USE OF FLUID RESISTANT SILICONE COMPOSITIONS FOR SEALING MAGNESIUM ALLOY COMPONENTS. Henkel Corporation 1242812 INTERFEROMETRIC MICROWAVE SENSOR. Rhino Analytics, LLC 1243053 ESD PROTECTING DEVICE FOR A MEMORY CARD DEVICE. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1244456 A PYRROLIDINEACETAMIDE DERIVATIVE FOR TREATMENT OF CHRONIC OR NEUROPATHIC PAIN. UCB, S.A. 1245049 METHODS OF MAKING A FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR STRUCTURE WITH PARTIALLY ISOLATED SOURCE/DRAIN JUNCTIONS. INTEL CORPORATION 1247041 LIQUID OXYGEN PRODUCTION. In-X Corporation 1247133 Int. Cl.G02B 25/00 (2006.01); G02C 7/08 (2006.01); G02B 21/20 (2006.01); G02B 27/01 (2006.01). VISUAL AID IN THE FORM OF TELESCOPIC SPECTACLES WITH AN AUTOMATIC FOCUSSING DEVICE. Life Optics GmbH 1249208 ULTRASONIC DIAGNOSIC DEVICE. ALOKA CO., LTD. 1250388 Int. Cl.C09D 5/02 (2006.01). RAPID-CURING AQUEOUS COATING AGENTS. Celanese Emulsions GmbH 1250670 AUTOMATED RECEIVING AND DELIVERY SYSTEM AND METHOD. Simms, Noel ; Simms, John 1251927 FILTER ARRANGEMENT AND METHOD FOR SERVICING THE SAME. DONALDSON COMPANY, INC. (20/08/2008) 1252696 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) AN IMPROVED ELECTRONIC EARTH LEAKAGE CURRENT DEVICE. ABB Service S.r.l 1254509 LINEARISER. Nokia Corporation 1254525 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SELECTIVELY OPERATING SATELLITES IN TUNDRA ORBITS TO REDUCE RECEIVER BUFFERING REQUIREMENTS FOR TIME DIVERSITY SIGNALS. XM Satellite Radio Inc. 1255807 DETERGENT PRODUCT. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1257594 COLOR STABLE PIGMENTED POLYMERIC FILMS. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1259813 DIAGNOSIS OF MALIGNANT NEOPLASMS. RHODE ISLAND HOSPITAL 1260115 DATA PACKET FORWARDING NETWORKS. Nexabit Networks Inc. 1260222 Int. Cl.A61K 31/335 (2006.01); C07D 305/14 (2006.01); C07D 205/08 (2006.01); A61P 35/00 (2006.01). Pharmaceutical compositions containing new iso-butenyl substituted taxanes. Florida State University 1262509 IMIDE-BENZOXAZOLE POLYCONDENSATE AND PROCESS FOR PRODUCING THE SAME. PI R & D Co., Ltd. 1263372 INCONTINENT PAD. Tyco Healthcare Retail Services AG 1263726 N-ACYLPYRROLIDIN-2-YLALKYLBENZAMIDINE DERIVATIVES AS INHIBITORS OF FACTOR XA. Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH 1263823 SECONDARY COATING COMPOSITION FOR OPTICAL FIBERS. Corning Incorporated 1264904 METHOD FOR ULTRASONIC TREATMENT OF A MELT OF HYPEREUTECTIC SILUMINS. Eskin, Georgy Iosifovich ; Shapiro, Boris Mikhelievich ; Sukholinsky-Mestechkin, Sergei Leonidovich 1265946 POLY(PHENYLENE ETHER) - POLYVINYL THERMOSETTING RESIN. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY 1267745 BITE TRAY WITH REMOVABLE INSERT. Astek Innovations Limited 1270236 IDENTIFICATION OF PRINTER RECORDING MATERIAL RECEPTACLE. SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 1272531 CRYSTALLINE MIXTURES OF PARTIAL METHYL ETHERS OF BETACYCLODEXTRIN AND RELATED COMPOUNDS. Roquette Frères 1280482 MULTIAXIS ARTIFICIAL KNEE JOINT. OHIO WILLOW WOOD COMPANY 1291278 Telescopic gangway for boats. Besenzoni S.p.A. 1293955 Display apparatus. G-LEC Europe GmbH 1294680 FLUOROALKYLOXY DISPERSANT. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1301930 STRANDED CABLE AND METHOD OF MAKING. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1823 1824 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal 1308018 Mixed-mode interaction. GTECH Global Services Corporation Limited 1308184 Frequency agile telemetry system for implantable medical device. (20/08/2008) PACESETTER, INC. 1308253 Method of making concrete panels. Schelfhout C. n.v. 1308385 Snorkel with improved purging system. Monnich, John M. 1308413 Construction machine and self-attaching and detaching method thereof. Kobelco Cranes Co., Ltd. 1308689 Optical device controller in the type of imitative gun. WESTERN ARMS 1308726 Methods and compositions for screening modulators of integrins. WarnerLambert Company LLC 1308765 Mount for ultra-high performance of optical components under thermal and vibrational distortion conditions. ITT MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES, INC. 1308776 Photothermographic material and method of thermal development of the same. FUJIFILM Corporation 1308879 Method and apparatus for determining relative movement in an optical mouse. Omnivision Technologies Inc. 1308977 Electrostatic actuator, and electrostatic microrelay and other devices using the same. OMRON CORPORATION 1308982 Plasma display panel and manufacturing method thereof. LG ELECTRONICS INC. 1309009 CMOS image sensor with on-chip pattern recognition. Omnivision Technologies Inc. 1310186 Cosmetic articles having encapsulated liquid and method of making same. L'ORÉAL 1310225 Disposable diaper. UNI-CHARM CORPORATION 1310271 Electrode design for implantable device applications that require the elective replacement indicator (ERI). Wilson Greatbatch Technologies, Inc. 1310272 Presentation architecture for network supporting implantable cardiac therapy devices. PACESETTER, INC. 1310287 Int. Cl.B01D 29/11 (2006.01); B01D 39/16 (2006.01). Method of manufacturing filtration units. Morgan, H. William, Jr. 1310462 Water purification system and method. Waterchef, Inc. 1310580 Hard layer-coated tool. Hitachi Tool Engineering, Ltd. 1310617 Striker plate installation. BJÖRKBODA LAS OY AB 1310825 Photothermographic material and image formation method utilizing the same. FUJI PHOTO FILM CO., LTD. 1310972 Fuse box for vehicles. MTA S.p.A. (20/08/2008) 1312290 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Int. Cl.A47J 27/21 (2006.01). Switch for water boiling appliance such as a kettle. Kettle Solutions Limited 1312321 A method for introducing an internal helical formation into a flexible tubular material. Tayside Flow Technologies Limited 1312403 Apparatus to concentrate solutions. DAICEL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES, LTD. 1312473 On-press developing method of lithographic printing plate precursor. FUJIFILM Corporation 1312505 Warning lamp. Britax PMG Limited 1312529 A clasp brake. Sab Wabco AB 1312549 An apparatus for forming ordered groups of products such as rolls of toilet or kitchen paper. Tissue Machinery Company S.p.A. 1312571 Spool, especially for optical fiber media. Sonoco Development, Inc. 1312645 Polyoxymethylene resin composition and molded article thereof. MITSUBISHI GAS CHEMICAL COMPANY, INC. 1312699 Pre- treatment tunnel and method of preparing extrusions or section bars for being powder or liquid coated. Trevisan Cometal S.p.A. 1312709 Weaving loom with an assembly for actuating the weaving mechanism. Promatech S.p.A. 1312724 Junction device for connecting insulating panels having means for fixing the panels to a supporting structure. Bassi, Iglis 1312849 Tube for coupling linen washing and dish washing machines to a central water system. RE-FLEX S.r.l. 1312876 Reversible cycle cooling unit. RHOSS S.p.A. 1312922 Stabilized tetrazolium reagent compositions with nitrite and methods for using the same. LIFESCAN, INC. 1312930 Apparatus for scan testing printed circuit boards. Delaware Capital Formation, Inc. 1313082 Cable identification system. PANDUIT CORPORATION 1313116 Switch mechanism for an electric power tool. Black & Decker Inc. 1313164 A tunable triple-mode mono-block filter assembly. ALCATEL 1313165 Method of manufacturing an internal antenna. Pulse Finland Oy 1313179 Press-fit bus bar for distributing power. IDEALEC 1313198 Improved rotation support, particularly for rotors of electric motors of pumps. Askoll Holding S.r.l. 1313212 Power supply rejection ratio optimization during test. Dialog Semiconductor GmbH 1313267 Method for optimising path selection in packet switched networks. MOTOROLA, INC. 1825 1826 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1313290 A personal firewall with location dependent functionality. Stonesoft Corporation 1314357 Process for the preparation of milk powders and concentrated milk products. Société des Produits Nestlé S.A. 1314380 Mattress assembly. Chiu Kuang Hsing Co., Ltd. 1314406 An insert for a stent. Tayside Flow Technologies Limited 1314467 Composite chromatographic sorbent of mineral oxide beads with hydroxyapatitefilled pores. Pall Corporation 1314490 Apparatus for cleaning polymeric pieces. Techno Polymer Co., Ltd. 1314564 Head maintenance mechanism for ink jet printer and ink jet printer incorporating the same. SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 1314636 Front derailleur for bicycle. SHIMANO INC. 1314664 Depalletizing machine with rotatable manipulating head. OMA S.r.l. 1314735 Process for producing organosilanes. DOW CORNING CORPORATION 1314753 Fire retardant composition. Prometheus Developments Ltd. 1314759 Tube made of a vulcanised elastomer comprising polyamide and EVOH barrier layers. Arkema France 1314828 Integral connector for composite constructions. AL-FER S.r.l. 1314832 Screen structure including bend. Harol International N.V. 1314885 Flexible serrated trailing edge for wind turbine rotor blade. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 1314996 Channelized receiver system. ITT MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES, INC. 1315065 Method for intrusion detection in a database system. Protegrity Research & Development 1315089 Method and supervisory system for securing the display of a mimic diagram on a matrix display unit. ALCATEL Transport Solution Deutschland GmbH 1315118 System for identity verification. Wayne, Taylor ; Synergex Group LLC 1315274 Travelling field synchronous ac motor. Rexroth Indramat GmbH 1316249 Foldable oscillating chaff pan for an agricultural combine.. CNH Belgium N.V. 1316262 Garment comprising a suspension device for a mobile radio station. Fanttiset Oy 1316293 Aneurysm embolic device with an occlusive member. Cordis Neurovascular, Inc. 1316345 Liquid distributor with internal baffling. AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC. 1316353 A method for eliminating traces of mercury in gases. Outokumpu Technology AB 1316438 Ring binder mechanism. World Wide Stationery Manufacturing Company, Limited 1316565 Wet strength agent and method for production thereof. Eka Chemicals AB ; Akzo Nobel N.V. (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1316573 Flexible polyurethane foam and method for its production. Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 1316587 Mixtures of reactive disazo dyes and the use thereof. DyStar Textilfarben GmbH & Co. Deutschland KG 1316638 Continuous reactor comprising an arrangement for mounting a screen, and a method for mounting a screen to a continuous reactor.. Metso Paper, Inc. 1316649 A device for detachably coupling an implement to a vehicle. Brokk Aktiebolag 1316726 Control valve for variable-capacity compressor. Fujikoki Corporation 1316736 Sealing means for a rolling contact bearing. SKF INDUSTRIE S.P.A. 1316990 Positioning apparatus and method for manufacturing same. CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1317113 Wireless communication system. Psion Teklogix Inc. 1317158 Method allowing realistic simulation of a telecommunication system. Mitsubishi Electric Information Technology Centre Europe B.V. 1317896 Table seat with easy and secure positioning. ARTSANA S.p.A. 1318138 Int. Cl.C07C 67/317 (2006.01). Process for the preparation of dihydroxycarboxylic acid esters in the absence of solvents. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1319476 Lockout mechanism for fastener driving tool. ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INC. 1319664 Int. Cl.C07F 3/06 (2006.01). Process for the preparation of organozinc halogen compounds from reactive halogen compounds and use thereof. Wacker Chemie AG 1319891 Method and apparatus for processing slaughterhouse waste. Rendac Son B.V. 1319908 Heat exchanger. Sanden Corporation 1321017 Tractor/implement combination control methods and apparatuses. CNH U.K. LIMITED 1321223 Bar guiding device in a feeder for feeding machine tools. IEMCA Giuliani Macchine Italia S.p.A. 1322090 Method and system for roaming between communication networks. TeliaSonera Finland Oyj 1323739 Preparation of epoxidized polyalkenylenes. Degussa GmbH 1326097 Process for forming a thin film and apparatus therefor. HOYA CORPORATION 1330234 FRAGRANCE COMPOSITIONS. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1330412 CRYSTALLINE ALUMINOSILICATE ZEOLITIC COMPOSITION: UZM-4 AND PROCESSES USING THE COMPOSITION. UOP LLC 1330516 SURFACE TRANSFECTION AND EXPRESSION PROCEDURE. THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 1330565 POLYSACCHARIDE FIBRES. Medlock Medical Limited 1330596 MUFFLER FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. Husqvarna AB 1827 1828 (No. 2105) 1331524 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Colour image forming apparatus with image forming stations disposed along and below an inclined intermediate transfer belt in a pivotally movable section. SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 1331880 A METHOD AND A DEVICE FOR DETERMINING THE DRY WEIGHT OF A PATIENT WITH KIDNEY FAILURE. Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH 1331907 TRACTION COLLAR. Axelsson, Stefan 1331932 USE OF XESTOSPONGIN C FOR TREATING OR PREVENTING HIV INFECTION. Contrimmune Biotechnology Inc. 1332223 METHOD FOR SCREENING PROBIOTIC STRAINS OF THE GENUS BIFIDOBACTERIUM. Raisio Yhtymä Oyj ; Bioferme OY 1332503 INDUCTIVE COMPONENTS. Profec Technologies Oy 1332562 APPARATUS FOR REDUCING PHASE NOISE IN A LOCAL CARRIER SIGNAL CAUSED BY POWERING DOWN OF CIRCUIT ELEMENTS DURING DISCONTINUOUS DATA TRANSMISSIONS. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1332627 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR COORDINATED CHARGING OF SERVICES IN A MULTIMEDIA SESSION. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1332637 CONTROL OF THE LOCATION INFORMATION. Nokia Corporation 1333783 Int. Cl.A61F 2/40 (2006.01). ENDOPROSTHESIS FOR A SHOULDER JOINT. Horber, Willi 1333868 DISPERSIBLE ABSORBENT PRODUCTS AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURE AND USE. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1333889 FIRE EXTINGUISHING METHODS UTILIZING HYDROFLUOROETHERS. GREAT LAKES CHEMICAL CORPORATION 1333950 KEY FOR MOUNTING AND DISMOUNTING OF A CUTTING INSERT. Sandvik Intellectual Property AB 1334156 METHOD OF IMPROVING PIGMENT FLUORESCENCE. Ciba Specialty Chemicals Holding Inc. 1334202 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF TRANS-CARVEOL. Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich 1334298 CONTROL SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR A CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION. TOROTRAK (DEVELOPMENT) LIMITED 1334339 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DETERMINING THE POLARIZATION PROPERTIES OF LIGHT EMITTED, REFLECTED OR TRANSMITTED BY A MATERIAL USING A LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPE. CARL ZEISS JENA GmbH ; Magyar Tudom Nyos Akad Mia Szegedi Biol Giai Központ (20/08/2008) 1334472 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) SELF-AUTHENTICATION OF VALUE DOCUMENTS USING DIGITAL SIGNATURES. UNISYS CORPORATION 1334537 RADIO FREQUENCY ISOLATION CARD. EMS Technologies, Inc. 1335020 POLYPEPTIDES HAVING ALPHA-ISOMALTOSYL TRANSFERASE ACTIVITY. KABUSHIKI KAISHA HAYASHIBARA SEIBUTSU KAGAKU KENKYUJO 1335026 METHOD OF LIPID ASSAY AND REAGENT FOR USE THEREIN. DAIICHI PURE CHEMICALS CO., LTD. 1335681 SOFT-TISSUE TUBULAR PROSTHESES WITH SEAMED TRANSITIONS. McMURRAY FABRICS INCORPORATED 1335687 METHOD FOR RESTORING A DAMAGED OR DEGENERATED INTERVERTEBRAL DISC. Bio Syntech Canada Inc. 1335733 TREATMENT OF OSTEOPOROSIS. ARTHROPHARM PTY. LIMITED 1335820 METHOD FOR HYDRATING PLASTERBOARDS, DEVICE THEREFOR. LAFARGE PLATRES 1335858 Container bottom, container and container comprising a plurality of snack pieces. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1335860 CARTON WITH ARTICLE DISPENSER. MeadWestvaco Packaging Systems LLC 1335866 DISPENSER FOR A FOAMING PRODUCT. THE GILLETTE COMPANY 1335868 RIGID CIGARETTE PACKET. G.D SOCIETÀ PER AZIONI 1335906 PYRIMIDINE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE AS NEUROPEPTIDE Y RECEPTOR LIGANDS. F. Hoffmann-la Roche AG 1335919 TRIAZOLO[4,5-D]PYRIMIDINE DERIVATIVES AS ANTI-THROMBOTIC AGENTS. AstraZeneca AB 1335926 METHOD OF SEPARATING EXTRA-CHROMOSOMAL DNA FROM OTHER CELLULAR COMPONENTS. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED 1335927 PROCESS FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF OPTICALLY ACTIVE ANTHRACYCLINES. Menarini Ricerche S.p.A. 1336206 STRAIN/ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL TRANSDUCER. CSIR 1336252 A TRANSMITTER. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1336262 JOINT LEAST-SQUARE SYNCHRONIZATION, CHANNEL ESTIMATION AND NOISE ESTIMATION. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1336313 PHYSICAL PRIVATE MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORK. Telecom Italia S.p.A. ; MMA - Marconi Mobile Access S.p.A. 1337170 AUTOMATIC APPARATUS FOR FAST COOKING DRY FOOD AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. Omega S.R.L. 1829 1830 (No. 2105) 1337238 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) GENERATION OF THERAPEUTIC MICROFOAM. BTG INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 1337267 USE OF BLOOD COAGULATION FACTOR XIII FOR TREATING HAEMOPHILIA A. ZymoGenetics, Inc. 1337276 ARTERY SMOOTH MUSCLE- AND VEIN SMOOTH MUSCLE-SPECIFIC PROTEINS AND USES THEREFOR. CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ; THE BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL, INC. 1337354 HYDRAULIC PRESS WITH A PRESSURE CELL AND A METHOD AND USE FOR IT, WHOSE PRESS BODY CONSISTS OF PRESTRESSED LAMELLAS. Avure Technologies AB 1337357 COIL HEAD FORMATION DIE FOR COILS WITH NON-CONVENTIONAL TERMINAL CONVOLUTIONS AND COIL FORMATION DEVICE. Sealy Technology LLC ; Demoss, Larry 1337374 METHOD OF MANUFACTURING AN ASSEMBLY OF BRAZED DISSIMILAR METAL COMPONENTS. Aleris Aluminum Koblenz GmbH 1337439 LIQUID CONTAINER. Lee, Jung-Min 1337447 A MULTIPAC. Edqvist, Hokan 1337522 FARNESYL PROTEIN TRANSFERASE INHIBITORS. SCHERING CORPORATION 1337573 COATING COMPOSITION COMPRISING A BICYCLO-ORTHOESTERFUNCTIONAL COMPOUND, AN ISOCYANATE-FUNCTIONAL COMPOUND, AND A THIOL-FUNCTIONAL COMPOUND. AKZO NOBEL COATINGS INTERNATIONAL B.V. 1337575 MODIFIED POLYLACTAM. Koninklijke DSM N.V. 1337592 TREATMENT OF HIGH PERFORMANCE PIGMENTS WITH ETHERAMINE DISPERSING SALTS. Sun Chemical Corporation 1337705 METHOD FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF PAPER, IN PARTICULAR OF COATED FINE PAPER, AND A PAPER MACHINE LINE IN PARTICULAR FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF COATED FINE PAPER. Metso Paper, Inc. 1337711 Int. Cl.E01C 11/02 (2008.01); E01C 11/00 (2008.01); E01C 11/10 (2008.01); E01C 23/09 (2008.01); E04B 1/68 (2008.01); E04F 15/14 (2008.01). PROCESSES OF FINISHING SLITS OF SURFACE LAYER OF AIRPLANE RUNWAY. Lu, Chia-Lung ; Lu, Eric Chia-Chun 1337741 A TURBINE ARRANGEMENT AND A METHOD OF OPERATING A TURBINE ARRANGEMENT. Alstom (Switzerland) Ltd 1337747 HIGH EFFICIENCY ENGINE WITH VARIABLE COMPRESSION RATIO AND CHARGE (VCRC ENGINE). Cowans, Kenneth W. 1337812 GYROSCOPIC MASS FLOWMETER. Micro Motion, Inc. (20/08/2008) 1337850 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) METHOD FOR DIAGNOSING A TUMOR IN A PATIENT DETERMINING THE CONCENTRATION OF PIBF. Intercell AG 1337984 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRACKING CARCASSES. Excel Corporation 1338019 FUSED ELECTRICAL DISCONNECT DEVICE. Canadian Shunt Industries Ltd. 1338075 MULTI-FUNCTIONAL AC/DC CONVERTER. Honeywell International Inc. 1338086 AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT, AN OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND A METHOD OF CONTROLLING AMPLIFICATION. Transmode Systems AB 1338104 A TRANSMITTER-RECEIVER DEVICE AND A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Transmode Systems AB 1338157 SERVICING MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS WITH A PROXY SWITCH. Winphoria Networks, Inc. 1338178 A VOLTAGE-FED PUSH-PULL LLC RESONANT LCD BACKLIGHTING INVERTER CIRCUIT. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1338971 METHOD AND TERMINAL FOR THE SECURE ACQUISITION OF APPLICATIONS. NTT DoCoMo, Inc. 1339280 FLUSH PRESERVATION SOLUTION. The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 1339291 EXTRUDED ICE BISCUIT AND COMPOSITE FORZEN CONFECTIONS. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. 1339316 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ESTIMATING A PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETER FROM A PHYSIOLOGICAL SIGNAL. Draeger Medical Systems, Inc. 1339362 INTERPHALANGEAL JOINT REPLACEMENT. Ascension Orthopedics, Inc. 1339428 INHALATION OF NITRIC OXIDE. AGA AB 1339458 COMBINATION COMPRISING AN AGENT DECREASING VEGF ACTIVITY AND AN AGENT DECREASING EGF ACTIVITY. Novartis AG ; Novartis Pharma GmbH 1339496 SAMPLE DELIVERY SYSTEM WITH LAMINAR MIXING FOR MICROVOLUME BIOSENSING. The Government of the United States of America, as represented by the Secretary of Health and Human Services 1339531 COMPOSITE ABRASIVE PARTICLES AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURE. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1339631 A LATCH MECHANISM. NSL Engineering Pte Ltd 1339655 TRANSFER HYDROGENATION PROCESS AND CATALYST. Avecia Pharmaceuticals Limited 1831 1832 (No. 2105) 1339705 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) METHOD FOR PRODUCING LIPOIC ACID AND DIHYDROLIPOIC ACID. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1339761 METHOD FOR PRODUCING HOMO- AND CO-POLYMERS OF ETHYLENE. Samsung General Chemicals Co., Ltd. 1339912 METHOD OF RECYCLING BONDED FIBROUS MATERIALS AND SYNTHETIC FIBERS AND FIBER-LIKE MATERIALS PRODUCED THEREOF. Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. 1340017 LAMP FOR MOUNTING TWO OR MORE FLUORESCENT TUBES. DKI Plast A.S. 1340031 DEVICE FOR CONTINUOUSLY OPERATED BELT SINTERING. Outokumpu Technology Oyj 1340088 IN VITRO METHODS OF PRODUCING AND IDENTIFYING IMMUNOGLOBULIN MOLECULES IN EUKARYOTIC CELLS. UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER 1340092 CURRENT SENSOR. LEM HEME LIMITED 1340251 METHOD OF INSPECTING AN ANISOTROPIC ETCH IN A MICROSTRUCTURE. Dalsa Semiconductor Inc. 1340263 TRENCH-GATE FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS AND THEIR MANUFACTURE. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1340270 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTORS AND MATERIALS AND METHODS FOR THEIR MANUFACTURE. MERCK PATENT GmbH 1340272 FORMULATION OF ZINC NEGATIVE ELECTRODE FOR RECHARGEABLE CELLS HAVING AN ALKALINE ELECTROLYTE. Powergenix Systems, Inc. 1340325 A SYSTEM AND A METHOD FOR LIMITING THE MAXIMUM OF LIGHT TRANSMITTED FROM A RIBBON FIBER. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1340331 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR TURBO SPACE-TIME TRELLIS CODING. Nortel Networks Limited 1340389 SYSTEM AND METHOD OF SIPHONING MESSAGES FROM A MOBILE NETWORK TO AN ALTERNATIVE NETWORK. Winphoria Networks, Inc. 1340391 TRANSMITTING MESSAGES IN TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM COMPRISING A PACKET RADIO NETWORK. Nokia Corporation 1340403 SELF ALIGNING OPTO-MECHANICAL CROSSBAR SWITCH. Fiberzone Networks Ltd. 1341252 Systems and methods for isolating, compressing and retaining the structure of a fuel cell stack. Ballard Power Systems Inc. 1341422 Process for prevention of Maillard reaction in foodstuffs. DANISCO A/S (20/08/2008) 1341525 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Granulation process using halogenated hydrocarbon. SMITHKLINE BEECHAM PLC 1341701 Package comprising a closure assembly with gripping aids. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1341777 1-(2-M-METHANESULFONAMIDOPHENYLETHYL)-4-(MTRIFLUOROMETHYLPHENYL)PIPERAZINE AND PHARMACEUTICALLY ACCEPTABLE SALTS AND SOLVATES THEREOF AND THEIR USE IN THE TREATEMENT OF INCONTINENCE. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 1341793 CRF RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS AND METHODS RELATING THERETO. Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. 1341850 THERMALLY STABLE BINDER RESIN COMPOSITION AND METHOD FOR BINDING FIBRES. CYTEC TECHNOLOGY CORP. 1341893 ENZYMATIC DETERGENT COMPOSITIONS. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1342231 ENCODING AUDIO SIGNALS. BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS public limited company 1342239 DETECTION UNIT, DEVICE FOR REPRODUCING AN INFORMATION CARRIER AND METHOD FOR DETECTING. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1342245 COOLING SYSTEM. Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (Proprietary) Limited 1342281 MEMBRANE ELECTRODE ASSEMBLIES FOR DIRECT METHANOL FUEL CELLS AND METHODS FOR THEIR PRODUCTION. IRD A/S 1342322 RADIO TRANSCEIVER HAVING A PHASE-LOCKED LOOP CIRCUIT. Nokia Corporation 1342334 METHOD FOR ESTIMATING ERROR RATES IN RECEIVERS USING ITERATIVE DECODING. Ericsson Inc. 1343384 FAT CONTINUOUS FOOD PRODUCT. UNILEVER PLC ; UNILEVER N.V. 1343488 TREATMENT OF STATIN SIDE EFFECTS. Magral Limited 1343745 PROCESS FOR REMOVING METHANOL FROM FORMALDEHYDECONTAINING SOLUTIONS. Ticona GmbH 1343779 NOVEL COMPOUNDS. SMITHKLINE BEECHAM CORPORATION 1343881 METHOD FOR GENERATING COMPETENT OR TRANSFORMED CELLS. MERCK PATENT GmbH 1343945 DOOR LATCH MECHANISM. Lovering, Timothy, Arthur 1344416 METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING PACKETS OVER CIRCUIT-SWITCHED NETWORK. Nokia Corporation 1833 1834 (No. 2105) 1345524 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Improved cleaning implement with removable elevational element. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1345608 SELECTIVE DOPAMINE D4 RECEPTOR AGONISTS FOR TREATING SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION. ABBOTT LABORATORIES 1345697 MICROFLUIDIC DEVICES AND METHODS FOR CHEMICAL ASSAYS. PerkinElmer LAS, Inc. 1345820 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PACKAGING COCOA BEANS AND SUCH NATURAL PRODUCTS. InnoSpecial Products B.V. 1345832 ADHESIVE DISPENSER IN A REEL-UP IN A PAPER MACHINE. Metso Paper Karlstad Aktiebolag 1345841 VALVE INTEGRALLY ASSOCIATED WITH MICROFLUIDIC LIQUID TRANSPORT ASSEMBLY. Biacore AB 1345979 Int. Cl.C08G 63/60 (2006.01). NOVEL POLYESTERS, METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME AND DEPOT MEDICAMENTS PRODUCED FROM THESE POLYESTERS. Creative Peptides Sweden AB 1346037 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR EXTRACTING A NUCLEIC ACID. Applera Corporation 1346128 ADJUSTABLE STABILISER FOR DIRECTIONAL DRILLING. Toolbox Drilling Solutions Ltd 1346376 PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A MULTIPOLAR CABLE, AND MULTIPOLAR CABLE PRODUCED THEREFROM. Prysmian Cavi e Sistemi Energia S.r.l. 1346569 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SELECTIVE UPDATING OF A USER PROFILE. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1347754 COMPOSITIONS FOR ADHESION PREVENTION. Diamond, Michael P. 1347887 HYBRID POWER SOURCES DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT. Ricardo UK Limited 1348192 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ONLINE PAYMENTS. Silverbrook Research Pty. Limited 1349517 STENT FOR TREATING IN-STENT RESTENOSIS. Boston Scientific Limited 1349641 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR CLEANING A FLUID, SUCH AS WATER. Paques B.V. 1349812 BALLAST WATER TREATMENT FOR EXOTIC SPECIES CONTROL. Russell, Larry 1349881 POLIMERIZATION PROCESS. Univaton Technologies, LLC 1349892 COMPOSITION FOR MAKING A FLUOROELASTOMER. 3M Innovative Properties Company (20/08/2008) 1349945 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A HETEROLOGOUS PROTEIN BY A FUNGUS. UNILEVER PLC ; UNILEVER N.V. 1350010 HYDRAULIC DEVICE AS A PUMP OR A MOTOR. INNAS FREE PISTON B.V. 1350011 HYDRAULIC DEVICE. INNAS FREE PISTON B.V. 1350341 PEAK POWER AND ENVELOPE MAGNITUDE REGULATORS AND CDMA TRANSMITTERS FEATURING SUCH REGULATORS. Nortel Networks Limited 1350382 POWER CUTBACK CONFIGURATION OF DIGITAL SUBSCRIBER LINE TRANSCEIVERS USING PUBLIC SWITCHED TELEPHONE NETWORK SIGNALING. INTEL CORPORATION 1351563 Int. Cl.A01B 15/14 (2006.01). GANG-PLOUGH WITH VARIABLE WORKING WIDTH. Etablissements Gregoire Besson et Cie 1351706 FACTOR XIII IN COMBINATION WITH FACTOR IX FOR TREATING HEMOPHILIA B. ZymoGenetics, Inc. 1352014 MIXING. DOW CORNING CORPORATION 1352501 Method and apparatus for firewall traversal. DIGI INTERNATIONAL INC. 1353794 ANTI-TACK SPANDEX YARNS CONTAINING ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS THEREIN AND FABRICS MADE THEREFROM. Milliken & Company 1353844 METHOD OF SEALING MEDICAL CONTAINER WITH A PLASTIC CLOSURE. Becton Dickinson and Company 1353905 PIPERIDINE/PIPERAZINE-TYPE INHIBITORS OF P38 KINASE. SCIOS INC. 1353981 BLOW AGENT COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING HYDROFLUOROCARBONS AND A LOW-BOILING ALCOHOL AND/OR LOW-BOILING CARBONYL COMPOUND. DOW GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. 1354300 METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSFERRING DATA. Azoteq (PTY) Limited 1354808 IMPROVED CARDBOARD PALLET. Sanvipalet, S.L. ; Crevillen Pastor, Joaquin 1355569 OTOSCOPE WITH INTERNAL PRINTER. Silverbrook Research Pty. Limited 1355873 PLEUROMUTILIN DERIVATIVES WITH ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY. SMITHKLINE BEECHAM PLC 1356366 COMPUTER PERIPHERAL DEVICE THAT REMAINS OPERABLE WHEN CENTRAL PROCESSOR OPERATIONS ARE SUSPENDED. INTEL CORPORATION 1835 1836 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1356524 ESD PROTECTION DEVICES. NXP B.V. 1356675 HIGH QUALITY, COST-EFFECTIVE FILM-TO-VIDEO CONVERTER FOR HIGH DEFINITION TELEVISION. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1356678 METHOD OF TRANSFERRING DATA OF SCREEN AND VOICE OF MOBILE PHONE TO A NORMAL ANALOG TELEVISION RECEIVER WITH AN ADAPTER. Halttunen, Lasse 1357870 BIOADHESIVE CELL FOAM FILM OF SUSTAINED-RELEASE DELIVERY. Lavipharm Laboratories, Inc. 1358005 AIR DIFFUSER AND FLUSHING METHOD THEREOF. Kubota Corporation 1358266 POLYOLEFIN COMPOSITIONS WITH IMPROVED PROPERTIES. Borealis Polyolefine GmbH 1358284 WATER-BASED COATING COMPOSITION HAVING CARBONATEAMINE CROSS-LINKING, METHOD OF PREPARING THE SAME, AND A CURED FILM THEREOF. BASF CORPORATION 1358557 OPERATING SYSTEM-INDEPENDENT METHOD AND SYSTEM OF DETERMINING CPU UTILIZATION. Intel Corporation 1358788 Crop processor and blower unit for a forage harvester.. CNH Belgium N.V. 1359971 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TREATMENT OF VIRAL INFECTION. Silverstone, Leon M. 1360164 Int. Cl.C07C 51/41 (2006.01). PRODUCTION OF POTASSIUM FORMATE. MKS Marmara Entegre Kimya San. A.S. 1361841 VACUUM PUMP AND SHOCK ABSORBER FOR ARTIFICIAL LIMB. Otto Bock HealthCare, LP 1363191 System with address-based intranode coherency and data-based internode coherency. Broadcom Corporation 1363685 CONNECTIVE TISSUE SUBSTITUTES, METHOD OF PREPARATION AND USES THEREOF. UNIVERSITE LAVAL 1364520 METHODS ANS SYSTEMS FOR AUTOMATICALLY REGISTERING COMPLAINTS AGAINST CALLING PARTIES. Tekelec 1365862 BIOLOGICAL FLUID ANALYSIS DEVICE. Pall Corporation 1365871 DIAPHRAGM SUPPORT AND A METHOD FOR INITIAL SEALING IN A PRESSURE CELL. Avure Technologies AB 1368450 ENHANCEMENT OF AIR BLEACHING CATALYSTS. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1368467 PUTRESCINE-N-METHYLTRANSFERASE PROMOTER. NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY 1369801 An information management system. Orchestria Limited (20/08/2008) 1377898 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) A METHOD AND AN APPARATUS FOR A RE-CONFIGURABLE PROCESSOR. Intel Corporation 1379211 PORTABLE HIP-BATHING DEVICE. Song, Il Ho 1379295 IMPLANTABLE THERAPEUTIC SUBSTANCE DELIVERY DEVICE HAVING A PERMANENT MAGNET SOLENOID PUMP. MEDTRONIC, INC. 1380078 LOW POWER LASER DRIVER. HARRIS CORPORATION 1381955 LOW POWER DIGITAL AUDIO DECODING/PLAYING SYSTEM FOR COMPUTING DEVICES. O2 Micro International Limited ; Du, Sterling ; Chan, Reginia ; Densham, William L. ; Her, Sheau Chuen 1383443 ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH. Church & Dwight Co., Inc. 1384100 Large effective area optical fiber. Corning Incorporated 1384472 METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN ORGANIC SOLVENT-FREE LYCOPENE CONCENTRATE, THE RESULTING CONCENTRATE AND COMPOSITION COMPRISING SAID CONCENTRATE. Universidad de Extremadura 1388086 IMAGE TRANSFER OBJECT. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1390523 METHODS AND DEVICES FOR THE QUANTITATIVE DETECTION OF PROSTATE SPECIFIC MEMBRANE ANTIGEN AND OTHER PROSTATIC MARKERS. Eastern Virginia Medical School 1396010 A METHOD OF FABRICATING EMBEDDED VERTICAL DRAM CELLS AND DUAL WORKFUNCTION LOGIC GATES. International Business Machines Corporation ; Infineon Technologies North America Corp. 1399386 A NEW ALUMINUM TRIHYDROXIDE PHASE AND CATALYSTS MADE THEREFROM. SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V. 1402403 METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR CLASSIFYING AN IMAGE. AT&T Investments UK Inc. 1405148 SECURE SUPER DISTRIBUTION OF USER DATA. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1407379 METHOD AND APPARATUS TO IMPROVE FILE MANAGEMENT. Intel Corporation 1408988 COMPOSITIONS OF ORALLY ADMINISTERED NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS TO REPAIR ARTICULAR CARTILAGE. Madere, Shawn Paul 1409529 RECOMBINANT LIGHT CHAINS OF BOTULINUM NEUROTOXINS AND LIGHT CHAIN FUSION PROTEINS FOR USE IN RESEARCH AND CLINICAL THERAPY. United States Army Medical Research and Material Command 1837 1838 (No. 2105) 1410285 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) METHOD FOR CONTROLLING ACCESS TO DIGITAL CONTENT AND STREAMING MEDIA. Yahoo! Inc. 1410825 Foldable ski construction. Americano, Ivan Emanuele ; Lanza, Tiziano 1413225 Drawer slide bearing retainer and guide block. Accuride International Inc. 1415234 HIGH DENSITY SERVERLETS UTILIZING HIGH SPEED DATA BUS. INTEL CORPORATION 1417912 System for public display of imaging devices,such as still cameras and video cameras. Total Protection Service S.r.l. 1417915 A device for heating foodstuff. Campo, Antonino 1418053 Method of printing to improve the quality of image edges. Océ-Technologies B.V. 1418086 Seat belt deviation device for infant car seat used with a fixed base. Equipbaby Limited 1418108 Pneumatic sanding device, and corresponding method. IBEG systems GmbH 1418153 Dispensing tap. TOF S.r.l. 1418213 Pressure-sensitive adhesive tape or sheet. NITTO DENKO CORPORATION 1418278 Anchoring arrangement. Uponor Innovation AB 1418353 Low-friction sliding mechanism. NISSAN MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED ; Nippon Oil Corporation 1418542 Watermarking a security document. European Central Bank 1418568 Method and system for saving power in row driver circuits for monochrome liquid crystal displays. Dialog Semiconductor GmbH 1418570 Cross-lingual speech recognition method. Swisscom Fixnet AG 1419685 Lawn-mower frame. Megagroup S.p.A. 1419709 Implement for treating strands of hair and method of treating strands of hair. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1419722 Machine for heating food units. Techfood S.N.C. di Iori e Castagnetti 1419947 Method, apparatus and program for judging road surface conditions. SUMITOMO RUBBER INDUSTRIES LIMITED 1419956 Cab support system for an agricultural vehicle.. CNH U.K. Ltd. 1420102 Retractable clothes line device. Carl Freudenberg KG 1420179 Flexure-type suspension system providing for three degrees of freedom and flexure-type positioning assembly based thereon. Contraves Space AG 1420197 Rotary sequencing valve with flexible port plate. AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC. 1420217 Panel-radiator with modular built-up connection pipes, thus variable in their length, that connect the lower central adapter fittings of the radiator with its upper valve housing. T.M.S. Türker Makina Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi (20/08/2008) 1420286 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Int. Cl.G02F 1/1333 (2006.01). Method of manufacturing an information display and an information display. Mitron OY 1420349 Method and server for system synchronization. Alcatel Lucent 1420390 Interoperable speech coding. DIGITAL VOICE SYSTEMS, INC. 1420477 Wrist watch containing an RFID tag. SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION ; MITSUBISHI MATERIALS CORPORATION 1420485 Electrode connection with coated contact surfaces. SGL CARBON AG 1420622 Apparatus and method for cooling. Saint Song Corporation 1421867 Shoe with improved closure device. BENCOM S.r.l. 1421926 Disposable diaper. UNI-CHARM CORPORATION 1421973 Heart treatment equipment for treating heart failure. TERUMO KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1422003 Curling machine provided with an adjusting device for evenly winding elongated workpieces into spirals. CML International S.p.A. 1422057 Process for making and aging high strength high gas barrier cellular cushioning product. Sealed Air Corporation (US) 1422124 Articulated vehicle. Denby Transport Limited 1422156 Resealable attachable patch. TADBIK LTD. 1422173 Conveyor with a motorized diverter. Laitram L.L.C. 1422277 High concentration silica slurry. Nippon Aerosil Co., Ltd. 1422460 Sealing device. Draka Comteq B.V. 1422523 Determination of sample volume adequacy in biosensors. LIFESCAN, INC. 1422593 Flexible conductors connected between two parts of a portable electronic device. Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB 1422712 Method and apparatus for adjusting a recording pulse using data from the user area of an optical disk.. MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD 1422717 Memory system and memory subsystem. Infineon Technologies AG 1422796 Dual head laser system with intracavity polarization and particle image velocimetry system using the same. NEW WAVE RESEARCH 1422882 System and method of unacknowledged network layer service access point identifier (NSAPI) recovery in sub-network dependent convergence protocol (SNDCP) communication. Research In Motion Limited 1422899 Method and system for providing easy access to an e-mail account via a mobile communication network. T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH 1422950 Access server for web based services. Alcatel Lucent 1424043 Method and apparatus for measurement of pressure between two surfaces. ResMed Ltd. 1839 1840 (No. 2105) 1424090 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Apparatus for conducting total liquid ventilation with control of residual volume and ventilation cycle profile. Université de Sherbrooke 1424095 Nanotube coatings for implantable electrodes. Greatbatch-Hittman, Incorporated 1424113 Foldable swing with seat recline mechanism. Graco Children's Products LLC 1424135 A manual spray gun and associated disposable cup. Anest Iwata Europe Srl 1424166 Socket bit holder. Chen, Ho-Tien 1424203 A device for dispensing ink pellets to an ink jet printer. Océ-Technologies B.V. 1424238 Seat belt deviation device for infant car seat used with a fixed base. Equipbaby Limited 1424269 System for handling vehicle bodies in processing stations, in particular for cars and industrial motor vehicles. GEICO S.p.A. 1424276 Electronic control unit for bicycle. SHIMANO INC. 1424415 Weaving loom with modulated drive and weaving controlling method featuring variation of the drive speed. Promatech S.p.A. 1424435 Method of reducing nitrogen oxide emissions in a chemical pulp mill. Andritz Oy 1424736 A semiconductor structure for use in the near infrared region and a method of manufacturing this semiconductor structure. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. 1424790 Synchronising base stations in cellular communication systems. Siemens S.p.A. 1424810 A communication system and method of authentication therefore. MOTOROLA, INC. 1426296 Apparatus for the fastening of the tail of wrappings of stretchable film for palletized goods. PIERI S.r.l. 1426299 Stiffening plate for a carrying surface of a pallet. PROTECHNA S.A. 1426526 Formwork. CivilPlás-Aplicações Modulares, Lda. 1426702 Industrial ventilation apparatus. Batlle Collet, Joan 1427149 Method for creating a peer-to-peer home network using common group label. Thomson Licensing 1427221 Dynamic range enhancement of image display apparatus. SEOS LIMITED 1428492 Light curing type paint resin for shade adjustment. Heraeus Kulzer GmbH 1428680 Book structure. Editoriale Friulana S.R.L. 1430865 Dispenser device. Pibiplast S.r.l. 1431060 Use of a self-adhesive coating. Bosman, Herman Rudolph, Sr. ; Bosman, Herman Rudolph, Jr. 1431436 Machine for dyeing textile materials. Tecnorama S.r.l. 1431493 Variable-force balancing device in particular for movable-axis hinges of electric household appliances and the like. Faringosi-Hinges S.r.l. 1432082 Electrical connector. Edo MBM Technology Limited (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal 1432178 Signaling protocol and architecture for protection rings. Alcatel Lucent 1432717 SUBSTITUTED DISILOXANES, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION (No. 2105) THEREOF AND THE USE THEREOF FOR REVERSAL OF MULTIDRUG RESISTANCE (MDR). Molnar, Jozsef 1434286 Phenyl pyridine-iridium metal complex compounds for organic electroluminescent device, process for preparing the compounds, and organic electroluminescent device using the compounds. LG ELECTRONICS INC. 1437261 Outer mirrors. Murakami Corporation 1437328 METHOD FOR CREATING SILICON DIOXIDE FILM. KST World Corp. 1437697 Housing for gaming device. Atronic International GmbH 1439026 A tool-holder arrangement. Prosurgics Limited 1440276 AUTOMOTIVE LAMP. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1440317 MICROFLUIDIC SER(R)S DETECTION. THE UNIVERSITY COURT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW ; University of Strathclyde 1441612 SHEET OF COMPLEX, MULTI-LAYER MATERIAL WHICH CAN BE USED TO PRODUCE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, PARTICULARLY FOR FIRE FIGHTERS. KERMEL 1441613 HEAT INSULATING TEXTILE COMPLEX. KERMEL 1441780 LIPOSUCTION DEVICES AND SURROUNDING ASPIRATION SYSTEMS. Tazi, El Hassane 1441786 AUTOMATIC INJECTOR WITH ANTI-CORING NEEDLE. Meridian Medical Technologies, Inc. 1441875 HEAT-RESISTANT STEEL TYPES HAVING IMPROVED RESISTANCE TO CATALYTIC CARBONIZATION AND COKING. Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO 1442066 COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING CHITOSAN IN THE FORM OF NANOSIZED FIBRES. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1442099 OLEFINS PRODUCTION PROCESS. BP EXPLORATION OPERATING COMPANY LIMITED 1442172 BLOW BOX FOR CONTROLLING THE WEB RUN. Metso Paper, Inc. 1443075 Thermoplastic resin composition. Asahi Fiber Glass Company, Limited ; Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. 1443152 Tankless toilet. INAX CORPORATION 1443845 FLOOR FINISH APPLICATION SYSTEM USING APPLICATOR PAD AND MATCHED FLOOR FINISH COMPOSITION. ECOLAB INC. 1443882 Int. Cl.A61G 5/02 (2006.01). DEVICE FOR ARRANGING A BUNCH OF FLOWERS. Van Zuylen, André 1841 1842 (No. 2105) 1443934 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Int. Cl.A61K 31/55 (2006.01); C07D 401/04 (2006.01); C07D 255/00 (2006.01); A61P 1/00 (2006.01). BENZOTRIAZEPINES AS GASTRIN AND CHOLECYSTOKININ RECEPTOR LIGANDS. JAMES BLACK FOUNDATION LIMITED 1443985 DISPOSABLE NEEDLE-FREE INJECTION APPARATUS. Bioject Medical Technologies Inc. 1444013 FILTERING SYSTEM FOR THE PROTECTION AGAINST BIOLOGICAL AGENTS. CL.Com S.R.L. 1444020 Tetherball-type game apparatus. European Sports Merchandising BV 1444050 DISPENSER FOR DISPENSING A FLUID, HOUSING FOR SUCH A DISPENSER, STORAGE HOLDER DESTINED FOR PLACEMENT THEREIN AND ARRANGEMENT FOR THE DOSED PUMPING OF A FLUID FROM A FLUID RESERVOIR. BENTFIELD EUROPE B.V. 1444053 DEVICE FOR JETTING DROPLETS OF A PARTICLE FILLED VISCOUS MEDIUM. Mydata Automation AB 1444060 METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR MACHINING AN OBJECT. Balcus ab 1444147 ONE-WAY VALVE FOR INFLATABLE PACKAGE. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1444184 PROCESS FOR THE HYDROGENATION OF ACETONE. SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V. 1444201 2-(3-SULFONYLAMINO-2-OXOPYRROLIDIN-1-YL)PROPANAMIDES AS FACTOR XA INHIBITORS. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED 1444220 COMPOUNDS AND METHOD FOR THE TREATMENT OF OVERACTIVE BLADDER. AstraZeneca AB 1444283 AUTODEPOSITING ANIONIC EPOXY RESIN WATER DISPERSION. Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien 1444321 CLEANING SYSTEM INCLUDING A POWDERED CLEANING COMPOSITION DISPOSED IN A WATER SOLUBLE CONTAINER. ColgatePalmolive Company 1444442 MUFFLER FOR HERMETIC ROTARY COMPRESSOR. LG Electronics, Inc. 1444447 SCREW. VOLVO LASTVAGNAR AB 1444449 SUPPORT DEVICE FOR THE DAMPING AND ABSORPTION OF VIBRATIONS CAUSED BY OPERATING MACHINES, IN PARTICULAR BY PRESSES. Progettazioni Innovative di Gandini L.& C. S.a.S. 1444522 SCREENING FOR ANTIVIRAL AGENTS AFFECTING SIGNAL PEPTIDASE. Medical Research Council 1444685 METHOD FOR COMPRESSING DICTIONARY DATA. Nokia Corporation (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal 1444764 CHARGER FOR MOBILE TELEPHONE. Sin, Min Kyiu 1444765 ELECTRIC MOTOR. ATLAS COPCO AIRPOWER, NAAMLOZE (No. 2105) VENNOOTSCHAP 1444791 Transport Format Combination (TFC) selection for communications in compressed mode in a W-CDMA system. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1444800 DIGITAL AUDIO BROADCAST DEVICES. The Technology Partnership Plc 1444857 ENCRYPTING A PSEUDO-NOISE (PN) SEQUENCE BEFORE SPREADING A COMMUNICATION SIGNAL. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1444858 METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF A RECEIVER FOR LOCATION INFORMATION. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1445205 REINFORCED PALLET FOR STEEL COILS. Grupo Goitia Holding de Inversiones S.L. 1445897 Scheduling system and method for a burst switch. Alcatel Lucent 1446019 WATER CONTINUOUS FOOD PRODUCT WITH COOLING FLAVOUR. UNILEVER PLC ; UNILEVER N.V. 1446028 FOOTWEAR WITH REMOVABLE FOOT-SUPPORTING MEMBER. NIKE INTERNATIONAL LTD 1446029 ARTICLE OF FOOTWEAR WITH A REPLACABLE GROUND-ENGAGING MEMBER AND METHOD OF ATTACHING THE GROUND-ENGAGING MEMBER. NIKE INTERNATIONAL LTD 1446082 METHOD OF MANUFACTURING AN ELASTICIZED COMPOSITE MATERIAL. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1446165 REFILL FOR AN AIR FRESHENER OR INSECTICIDE DEVICE. Reckitt Benckiser (UK) Limited 1446177 A NEEDLELESS INJECTOR DRUG CAPSULE AND A METHOD FOR FILLING THEREOF. ARADIGM CORPORATION 1446368 METHOD OF TINTING A JOINT FILLER FOR TILED SURFACES. AKZO NOBEL COATINGS INTERNATIONAL B.V. 1446399 Int. Cl.C07D 311/90 (2006.01); C07D 213/74 (2006.01); C07D 335/20 (2006.01); C07D 295/18 (2006.01); C07D 405/12 (2006.01); C07D 487/04 (2006.01); A61K 31/352 (2006.01); A61K 31/382 (2006.01); A61P 25/24 (2006.01). PIPERAZINE DERIVATIVES HAVING SST1 ANTAGONISTIC ACTIVITY. Novartis AG ; Novartis Pharma GmbH 1446427 PLASTIC PIPES OF POLYOLEFINS. Basell Polyolefine GmbH 1446430 PROCESS FOR POLYMERIZING 1-BUTENE AND 1-BUTENE POLYMERS. Basell Polyolefine GmbH 1843 1844 (No. 2105) 1446440 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) SACCHARIDE RESIDUE-FUNCTIONAL ORGANOPOLYSILOXANES AND METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF. Dow Corning Toray Co., Ltd. 1446690 OPTICAL FIBRE DROP CABLES. Prysmian Cables & Systems Limited 1446764 MULTI-POINT TOUCH PAD. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1446785 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING OPERATION OF ELECTRIC APPLIANCES. Murlasits, Attila 1446995 ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR. FCI 1447343 Injection moulded water-soluble container. Reckitt Benckiser (UK) Limited 1448052 ANTI-PATHOGENIC COMPOSITION USEFUL IN BLOOD PRESERVATION. Altachem Pharma Ltd. 1448068 PACKAGING OF RESPIRING BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS. LANDEC CORPORATION 1448072 METHOD OF THERMOFORMING A BLADDER STRUCTURE. NIKE International Ltd. 1448154 COSMETIC RAW MATERIAL, COSMETIC PRODUCT, AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING A COSMETIC PRODUCT. Dow Corning Toray Co., Ltd. 1448162 COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING AN ETHANOLAMINE DERIVATIVE AND ORGANIC METAL SALTS. Johnson & Johnson Consumer France SAS 1448164 SHAMPOO CONTAINING AN ESTER OIL. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1448165 LIPID CARRIER COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR IMPROVED DRUG RETENTION. Celator Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1448168 PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATION COMPRISING BICALUTAMIDE. AstraZeneca UK Limited 1448179 SUBSTITUTED BICYCLO 3.3.1 NONAN-2,4,9-TRIONES AS PHARMACEUTICAL ACTIVE INGREDIENTS. Diagenics International Corporation 1448181 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING A COMBINATION OF METFORMIN AND A 4-OXOBUTANOIC ACID, AND THE USE THEREOF FOR TREATING DIABETES. MERCK PATENT GmbH 1448244 NEW ABSORBENT PRODUCT. SCA Hygiene Products AB 1448261 CLEANSING DRESSING FOR WOUNDS FOR VACUUM THERAPY. HillRom Services, Inc. 1448333 ELECTRICAL WORKING MACHINE. Husqvarna AB 1448368 ENCAPSULATED INSULATING PRODUCT AND METHOD FOR MAKING SAME. Knauf Insulation SA (20/08/2008) 1448463 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) APPARATUS AND TRANSPORT CONTAINER FOR TRANSPORT AND CONTROLLED DISCHARGE OF A LOAD. Eurosort B.V. 1448480 METHOD FOR CONTROLLING LEGIONELLA IN COOLING TOWERS. Coffey, John Innes 1448611 CROSS-LINKABLE POLYMER COMPOSITION. Nuplex Resins B.V. 1448650 METHOD FOR MAKING TRANSPARENT POLYTHIOURETHANE SUBSTRATES IN PARTICULAR OPTICAL SUBSTRATES. ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL COMPAGNIE GENERALE D'OPTIQUE 1448756 Int. Cl.C11D 3/22 (2006.01); C11D 7/06 (2006.01); C11D 7/12 (2006.01); C11D 7/14 (2006.01); C11D 3/02 (2006.01); C11D 3/08 (2006.01); C11D 3/10 (2006.01). VISCOSITY STABILIZATION IN ALKALINE SOLUTIONS. CP Kelco U.S., Inc. 1448761 AN IMPROVEMENT IN A METHOD BACTERIAL ENDOSPORE QUANTIFICATION USING LANTHANIDE DIPICOLINATE LUMINESCENCE. CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1448827 CROSSLINKABLE CATIONIC EMULSION BINDERS AND THEIR USE AS A BINDER FOR NONWOVENS. Celanese International Corporation 1448828 MINERAL FIBRE BATTS. Rockwool International A/S 1448842 PRINTED CLOTH. MILLIKEN INDUSTRIALS LIMITED 1448849 HIGH SUPPORT DOUBLE LAYER FORMING FABRIC. AstenJohnson, Inc. 1448929 ADJUSTABLE DEVICE WITH UNIVERSAL JOINTS. Renishaw plc 1449077 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR CONCURRENT HANDLER EXECUTION IN AN SMI AND PMI-BASED DISPATCH-EXECUTION FRAMEWORK. INTEL CORPORATION 1449101 SOFTWARE TRANSPARENT SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PEER-TOPEER MESSAGE ROUTING. INTEL CORPORATION 1449205 FEEDFORWARD PREDICTION OF SCALEFACTORS BASED ON ALLOWABLE DISTORTION FOR NOISE SHAPING IN PSYCHOACOUSTIC-BASED COMPRESSION. CIRRUS LOGIC INC. 1449234 MAGNETRON SPUTTERING DEVICE. Monaghan, Dermot Patrick ; BellidoGonzalez, Victor 1449261 SOLAR CELL WITH BACKSIDE CONTACTS and its manufacturing method. Shell Solar GmbH 1449276 GPS EQUIPPED CELLULAR PHONE USING A SPDT MEMS SWITCH AND SINGLE SHARED ANTENNA. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1449277 Molded electrical connector. Woodhead Industries, Inc. 1449378 System and method for compensating packet delay variations. Ciena Corporation 1845 1846 (No. 2105) 1449393 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) METHOD FOR ENABLING AN APPLICATION RECORDED IN A RADIOCOMMUNICATION TERMINAL TO ACCESS COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS OF THE TERMINAL. TCL & ALCATEL MOBILE PHONES LIMITED 1449411 METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A VISIBLE; UV OR IR RADIATION WITH A LAMP WITHOUT ELECTRODES; AND LAMP THAT CARRIES OUT THIS METHOD. CNR Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche 1449412 DATA BUS CONNECTION FOR MEMORY DEVICE. Thomson Licensing 1449913 GAMMA-GLUTAMYLCYSTEINE-PRODUCING YEAST. Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 1450597 INSERTION DEVICE. Aquab AB 1450651 PROFILE MOULDING INTENDED TO BE MOUNTED AT THE FRONT EDGE OF A SHELF AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING. HL DISPLAY AB 1450780 USE OF 4-OXOBUTANOIC ACID DERIVATIVES IN THE TREATMENT OF INFLAMMATION. MERCK PATENT GmbH 1450941 PERFUMING OR FLAVOURING MICROCAPSULES COMPRISING A FIREPROOFING AGENT. FIRMENICH SA 1451126 AQUEOUS CEMENT COMPOSITION. Akzo Nobel NV 1451153 NK1 ANTAGONISTS. Schering Corporation 1451161 IMIDAZOPYRIDINES, PYRIMIDINES AND TRIAZINES FOR ENHANCING COGNITION AS GABA-A ALPHA 5 RECEPTOR SUBTYPE LIGANDS. Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited 1451233 LOW EQUIVALENT WEIGHT IONOMER. Gore Enterprise Holdings, Inc. 1451286 FABRIC TREATMENT COMPOSITION. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1451445 A DEVICE AND A METHOD FOR ELECTRICAL COUPLING. Vetco Gray Controls Limited 1451667 ELECTRONIC PORTABLE DEVICE. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1451781 COIN DISCRIMINATOR WHERE FREQUENCIES OF EDDY CURRENTS ARE MEASURED. Scan Coin Industries AB 1451808 METHOD OF OPERATING A BARGE-IN DIALOGUE SYSTEM. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. ; Philips Corporate Intellectual Property GmbH 1451825 A MATRIX-ADDRESSABLE ARRAY OF INTEGRATED TRANSISTOR/MEMORY STRUCTURES. Thin Film Electronics ASA 1451899 COMPACT BROADBAND ANTENNA. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) (20/08/2008) 1451978 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) A SCALABLE ROUTER-BASED NETWORK NODE. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1451979 TRANSMISSION OF A BINDING UPDATE MESSAGE INDICATING A CARE OF ADDRESS FOR DELIVERING DATA PACKETS TO A MOBILE NODE VIA A UNIDIRECTIONAL INTERFACE. Nokia Corporation 1452030 ENHANCED CONTENT RESOLUTION METHOD. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1452582 DETERGENT FOR METALLIC PRODUCT. Sakurai, Jiro 1452771 CHAIN. Sugiyama Chain Co. Ltd. 1453376 BAIT BOX. Killgerm Chemicals Limited 1453394 ARTICLE OF FOOTWEAR WITH A GROUND-ENGAGING MEMBER. NIKE INTERNATIONAL LTD 1453396 ARRANGEMENT OF A STRAP WITH A SLIDABLE RING-SHAPED HOLDER. HAGLOF, Börje 1453420 APPARATUS FOR PROVIDING TACTILE FEEDBACK WHILE DELIVERING A CLOSURE DEVICE. Integrated Vascular Systems, Inc. 1453492 USE OF QUINAZOLINES TO TREAT T-CELL MEDIATED DISEASES. AstraZeneca AB 1453514 PIPERAZINE DERIVATIVES FOR USE AS CCR-3 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS IN THE TREATMENT OF ASTHMA. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1453563 INHALATION DEVICE. Bodrapan I/S 1453688 TIRE INFLATION METHOD WITH CONTINIOUS AND PULSED AIR FLOW. DANA CORPORATION 1453728 ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED AIRCRAFT RETRACTABLE LANDING LIGHT WITH MANUAL REFRACTION CAPABILITY. Honeywell International Inc. 1453801 SUBSTITUTED 2-AMINO-CYCLOALKANECARBOXAMIDES AND THEIR USE AS CYSTEINE PROTEASE INHIBITORS. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1453804 CCR-3 RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS VII. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG 1453830 PYRAZOLO-PYRIDINE DERIVATIVES AS ANTIHERPES AGENTS. SmithKline Beecham Corporation 1453836 BICYCLIC [1,2,4] -TRIAZOLE ADENOSINE A2a RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS. Schering Corporation 1453846 14 OR 15 MEMBERED MACROLIDES WITH ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED ; GlaxoSmithKline istrazivacki centar Zagreb d.o.o. 1847 1848 (No. 2105) 1453863 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) PROCESS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF METHYL CELLULOSE ETHER. Akzo Nobel NV 1453888 SACCHARIDE RESIDUE-FUNCTIONAL ORGANOPOLYCARBOSILOXANES AND METHOD FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF. Dow Corning Toray Co., Ltd. 1453897 PLASMA FLUORINATION TREATMENT OF POROUS MATERIALS. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1453937 COUNTERCURRENT HYDROPROCESSING. SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V. 1453994 ISOTACTIC PROPYLENE COPOLYMER FIBERS, THEIR PREPARATION AND USE. DOW GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. 1454013 METHOD FOR PRE-CALENDERING A BOARD WEB. Metso Paper, Inc. 1454029 FLUID DRILLING HEAD. CMTE Development Limited 1454103 CONFIGURATIONS AND METHODS FOR IMPROVED NGL RECOVERY. FLUOR CORPORATION 1454180 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR EMBEDDING CHARACTERS IN A BAR OF A BAR CODE. International Barcode Corporation 1454232 PROVIDING A USER INPUT INTERFACE PRIOR TO INITIATION OF AN OPERATING SYSTEM. INTEL CORPORATION 1454317 Portable wireless communication terminal and corresponding method. Casio Computer Co., Ltd. 1454333 MEMS DEVICE HAVING A TRILAYERED BEAM AND RELATED METHODS. WiSpry, Inc. 1454433 A CELLULAR COMMUNICATION SYSTEM EMPLOYING WIRELESS OPTICAL LINKS. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) 1454455 LOCAL CACHING OF IMAGES FOR ON-LINE CONFERENCING PROGRAMS. INTEL CORPORATION 1454459 METHOD OF AND SYSTEM FOR COUPLING LOCATION INFORMATION. MOTOROLA, INC. 1454541 METHOD OF PRESERVING FOOD, AND METHOD OF PRODUCING NONFROZEN WATER. MORINAGA MILK INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 1454936 EPOXY RESIN COMPOSITIONS FOR FIBER-REINFORCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS, PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF THE MATERIALS AND FIBER-REINFORCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS. TORAY INDUSTRIES, INC. 1454959 CURABLE COMPOSITION. KANEKA CORPORATION 1455587 FAT CONTINUOUS FOOD PRODUCT. UNILEVER PLC ; UNILEVER N.V. (20/08/2008) 1455651 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE METHOD AND AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE SYSTEM. PLANMED OY 1455677 TOOTH-CLEANING PAPER COMBINED WITH DENTAL FLOSS. Lee, Jong-Soo ; KTNC Co. Ltd 1455915 REMOTE CONTROL TOY SYSTEM AND TRANSMITTER AND MOVING MACHINE FOR THE SAME. Konami Corporation 1455951 Int. Cl.B05D 3/12 (2006.01); B05D 3/04 (2006.01); C09D 4/06 (2006.01). METHOD FOR PRODUCING LAYERS. Röhm GmbH 1455996 CONTINUOUS PROCESS FOR INDIRECT PRINTING OF POLYMERIC FILMS HAVING TEXTURE. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1456062 AN AIR-BAG. AUTOLIV DEVELOPMENT AKTIEBOLAG 1456063 AN AIR-BAG. AUTOLIV DEVELOPMENT AKTIEBOLAG 1456097 Int. Cl.B65D 81/32 (2006.01); A23D 7/02 (2006.01); A23C 13/14 (2006.01). MULTICOMPARTMENT DEVICE FOR PREPARING AN EMULSION. UNILEVER PLC ; UNILEVER N.V. 1456128 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR DESTILLATION. GND Water AS 1456174 PYRIDYLOXYALKANOIC ACID AMIDE DERIVATIVES USEFUL AS FUNGICIDES. Syngenta Limited ; Syngenta Participations AG 1456317 TRANSPARENT REINFORCED TAPE. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1456436 METHOD FOR PRODUCING PARTICLES WITH DIAMOND STRUCTURE. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. Berlin 1456568 VALVE, PARTICULARLY BALANCING VALVE FOR CENTRAL HEATING PLANTS. Tour & Andersson AB 1456914 REVOLVABLE PLUG AND SOCKET. Safety Quick Light Ltd. 1456970 Transmit power control during out-of-lock condition of fingers in a rake receiver. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1457477 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING FLUOROALKYL IODIDE. DAIKIN INDUSTRIES, LTD. 1458244 KIT FOR PREPARING A SPREAD. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1458368 USE OF NOREPINEPHRINE REUPTAKE INHIBITORS FOR THE TREATMENT OF COGNITIVE FAILURE. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 1458378 AMINO ACID DERIVATIVES USEFUL FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. Elan Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ; Pharmacia & Upjohn Company LLC 1458968 A COMPONENT FOR BEING SUBJECTED TO HIGH THERMAL LOAD DURING OPERATION AND A METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING SUCH A COMPONENT. Volvo Aero Corporation 1458982 FAN DEVICE. BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH 1849 1850 (No. 2105) 1459007 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) DEVICE FOR STORING AND MIXING TWO GASES. L'AIR LIQUIDE, Société Anonyme pour l'Etude et l'Exploitation des Procédés Georges Claude 1459054 READING DEVICE, METHOD, AND SYSTEM FOR CONDUCTING LATERAL FLOW ASSAYS. KIMBERLY-CLARK WORLDWIDE, INC. 1459127 SEALED ENCLOSURE FOR A WIRE-GRID POLARIZER AND SUBASSEMBLY OF A DISPLAY DEVICE. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1459992 A packing unit for shock-resistant packaging of a product. VKR Holding A/S 1460104 RUBBER COMPOSITION, VULCANIZABLE RUBBER COMPOSITION AND DAMPING RUBBER VULCANIZATE. ZEON CORPORATION 1460674 Mass spectrometer and method of mass spectrometry. Micromass UK Limited 1460920 BEVERAGE BREWING SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR BREWING A BEVERAGE. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1460954 RADIO-FREQUENCY BASED CATHETER SYSTEM WITH IMPROVED DEFLECTION AND STEERING MECHANISMS. Medwaves, Inc. 1461088 ELECTRONIC READER FOR STERILIZATION MONITORS. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1461282 AUTOMATED DRUG VIAL SAFETY CAP REMOVAL. Forhealth Technologies, Inc. 1461288 METHOD OF SYNTHESISING CRYSTALLINE MICROPOROUS METALLOALUMINOPHOSPHATE FROM A SOLID BODY. Polymers Holding AS 1461308 BACTERIAL ENZYME INHIBITORS. De Novo Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 1461365 INITIATOR SYSTEMS COMPRISING beta-KETONE COMPOUNDS AND BONDING COMPOSITIONS MADE THEREWITH. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1461411 FABRIC CONDITIONING COMPOSITIONS. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1461494 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FOAM FORMING. Ahlstrom Glassfibre OY 1461816 MEMS DEVICE HAVING CONTACT AND STANDOFF BUMPS AND RELATED METHODS. WiSpry, Inc. 1461831 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR PACKAGE WARP COMPENSATION IN AN INTEGRATED HEAT SPREADER. INTEL CORPORATION 1461976 MOBILE DEVICE POWER SAVING. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1461977 FORMATION OF A USER ID. TeliaSonera Finland Oyj 1463225 Method and apparatus for transmitting data traffic on a wireless communication channel. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED (20/08/2008) 1463576 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) MESOPOROUS PERMEATION LAYERS FOR USE ON ACTIVE ELECTRONIC MATRIX DEVICES. NANOGEN, INC. 1463700 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ISOPROPANOL. SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V. 1463795 CLEANING WIPE. Colgate-Palmolive Company 1464952 APPARATUS FOR STIMULATING AN ANIMAL CELL AND RECORDING ITS PHYSIOLOGICAL SIGNAL AND PRODUCTION AND USE METHODS THEREOF. CapitalBio Corporation ; Tsinghua University 1465483 REPELLENT APPARATUS AND METHOD. MARCUS, Stanley 1465669 METAL COMPLEX COMPOUNDS. GE Healthcare AS 1465890 STABLE LANSOPRAZOLE CONTAINING MORE THAN 500 PPM, UP TO ABOUT 3,000 PPM WATER AND MORE THAN 200 PPM, UP TO ABOUT 5,000 PPM ALCOHOL. TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. 1466320 SIGNAL CODING. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1467517 Network system and method including a plurality of network devices delivering function-categorized web pages. Brother Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha 1467827 BENDING MACHINE FOR PROFILES SUCH AS REINFORCEMENT ROUND PIECES OR SIMILAR. M.E.P. Macchine Elettroniche Piegatrici S.p.A. 1467850 IMPROVEMENT IN MACHINES FOR INJECTION-MOULDING OF PLASTIC MATERIAL AND CORRESPONDING PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION. S.I.P.A Societa Industrializzazione Progettazione Automazione S.p.A. 1467939 SUPPLYING DEVICE FOR FILM CORES AND METHOD FOR SUPPLYING FILM CORES. ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INC. 1468041 RESIN COMPOSITION. Huntsman Advanced Materials (Switzerland) GmbH 1468540 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR SECURE HANDLING OF ELECTRONIC BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS ON THE INTERNET. International Business Machines Corporation 1468915 MACHINE FOR PACKING BOTTLES IN CARDBOARD BOXES. Boix Maquinaria, S.A. 1472062 INSTALLATION FOR ASSEMBLING TUBE COMPONENTS. Aisapack Holding SA 1472462 POPPET VALVE HAVING AN IMPROVED VALVE SEAT. MAC Valves, Inc. 1475519 Four-stroke engine lubricated by fuel mixture. Husqvarna Outdoor Products, Inc. 1476796 OSCILLATOR WITH FREQUENCY STABILIZING CIRCUIT AND METHOD OF CONSTRUCTING SAME. ACR ELECTRONICS, INC. 1477092 Apparatus for distributing beverages. Smile Coffee S.R.L. 1851 1852 (No. 2105) 1479983 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Rectangular air conditioning diffuser. Schako Metallwarenfabrik Ferdinand Schad KG 1481186 QUICK-COUPLING COCK AND COUPLING TUBE INTERACTING WITH SAID COCK. GAV Srl 1481871 AUXILIARY DEVICE THAT FACILITATES THE MOVEMENT OF STANDARD PUSHCHAIRS OVER SANDY OR SIMILAR SURFACES. Clement Jurado, Vicente 1484113 Jaw crusher and self-propelled crushing machine having the jaw crusher. KOMATSU LTD. 1485002 A COVERED KITCHEN UTENSIL AND A COVERING FOR A KITCHEN UTENSIL. Browne & Co. Ltd 1485032 LIQUID JET SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATING CHANNEL OPENINGS ALIGNED ALONG THE JET BEAM. Hydrocision Inc. 1486536 FLAME-RETARDANT RESIN COMPOSITION. Polyplastics Co., Ltd. 1488553 METHOD, ARRANGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION RECEIVER FOR SNIR ESTIMATION. IPWireless, Inc. 1499210 BADGE, SUCH AS CAMPAIGN BUTTON, AND METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PRODUCING THEREOF. Quickbutton Badges AB 1500765 Sliding door assembly. Home Décor Holding Company 1502612 Medical device interface system. Cardinal Health 303, Inc. 1505901 P0WERED CLEANER/POLISHER. S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. 1510057 SIGNING AND AUTHENTICATION DEVICES AND PROCESSES AND CORRESPONDING PRODUCTS, NOTABLY FOR DVB/MPEG MHP DIGITAL STREAMS. Thomson Licensing 1510469 Accessories display box. Global Industries Holdings Ltd. 1516918 Detergent package. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1522032 AVOIDING DATA LOSS WHEN REFRESHING A DATA WAREHOUSE. SAP AG 1526044 Uncoated fabric for airbags. Hyosung Corporation 1526128 Process the preparation of alpha-hydroxycarboxylic acid amides. Syngenta Participations AG 1527527 REVERSE LINK POWER CONTROLLED REPEATER. QUALCOMM INCORPORATED 1528108 Method for producing l-cysteine using bacteria belonging to the genus Escherichia. Ajinomoto Co., Inc. 1529434 System for positively discharging crop residue from a combine. CNH Belgium N.V. 1529445 Dietary supplement composition. Korfitsen, Jens Peter Corfitz ; Indian Herbs (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1529475 Device to inject foods with solid objects. Backus, Alan L. ; Popeil, Ron 1529482 Built-in domestic appliance with decorative panel applied to the door. Bonferraro S.p.A. 1529534 Use of GLP-1 peptides. NOVO NORDISK A/S 1529550 Electrotherapy apparatus. CardioLa Ltd. 1529553 Test device for testing positioning of a radioactive radiation source and method using the same. NeoVista, Inc. 1529558 Gaming machine. Aruze Corp. 1529559 Gaming machine. Aruze Corp. 1529571 Press brake. Liet, Cornelis Hendricus 1529597 Mechanism for univocally linking a shiftable and orientable platform to a support structure using articulated arms. SENER, INGENIERIA Y SISTEMAS, S.A. 1529680 Fluid-filled seat bladder having integral interface panel. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 1529710 Automatic set and release hand brake. Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corporation 1529749 Telescopic column for lifting and/or traction devices. SIR Società Italiana Riduttori S.R.L. 1529862 Method for restarting a weaving loom after stopping and/or changing the warp chain position. Promatech S.p.A. 1530004 Basic body for a lamp. BÄ*RO GmbH & Co. KG 1530053 Conductance-voltage (GV) based method for determining leakage current in dielectrics. Solid State Measurements, Inc. 1530175 Gaming machine. Aruze Corp. 1530325 Method and device for managing a shared transmission medium. MITSUBISHI DENKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA ; Mitsubishi Electric Information Technology Center Europe B.V. 1530414 A method and device for exposing electronic components. Mydata Automation AB 1530415 Exposure member and tape guide at a component mounting machine. Mydata Automation AB 1530903 Machine for cooking and/or pre-cooking thin unleavened loaves. I.G.F. Italstampi di Fabbri Giancarlo & C. S.n.c. 1530913 Shoe with a tunable cushioning system. adidas International Marketing B.V. 1530932 Mattress cover with a massaging action. Furpile Idea S.p.A. 1530990 Method for forming a three-dimensional object and a corresponding object. Paso, Anne 1531020 Method for casting a directionally solidified article. ALSTOM Technology Ltd 1853 1854 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1531039 Electro-hydraulic linear actuator for presses. Task 84 S.p.A. 1531169 Polymeric compositions for sustained release of volatile materials. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1531273 Counterbalance valve, and control unit and hydraulically powered system comprising the same. Kabushiki Kaisha Kawasaki Precision Machinery 1531308 Silencer for a ventilation duct. Dir-Air Oy 1531567 Method and apparatus for carrying out connection and related input/output processing functions in a synchronous digital hierarchy transport node. Alcatel Lucent 1532877 Method and unit for transversely cutting cigarette portions or similar on a filter assembly machine. G.D SOCIETÀ PER AZIONI 1532880 A tobacco feed and transport unit in a machine for manufacturing tobacco products. G.D Societa' per Azioni 1532949 Expandable intervertebral fusion cage. Kyungwon Medical Co., Ltd. 1532954 Device for handicapped people mobility. Grosso, Raffaele 1533023 Machine for producing granita and similar beverages. Elcor s.r.l. 1533081 Hand tool having positioning and locking joint. Lea Way Hand Tool Corporation 1533111 Method and device for producing a container. G.D SOCIETÀ PER AZIONI 1533194 Internally tethered seat bladder for occupant weight estimation. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 1533197 Side airbag and method of folding. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 1533231 Folding device in a packaging machine. G.D SOCIETÀ PER AZIONI 1533238 Paperboard container. Ferrero S.p.A. ; SOREMARTEC S.A. ; FERRERO OFFENE HANDELSGESELLSCHAFT m.b.H. 1533240 Reclosable opening device for sealed sheet material packages of pourable food products. Tetra Laval Holdings & Finance SA 1533254 System for perpendicularly and removably joining a longitudinal element and a stanchion of pallet-holding shelving. Marcegaglia Building S.p.A. 1533430 Vacuum insulation panel. Level Holding B.V. 1533587 Body protecting plate assembly comprising overlapping plates. NP Aerospace Limited 1533767 Wireless asset monitoring and security system. Black & Decker Inc. 1533821 Support device, in particular for electric fittings such as switches and the like. CANALPLAST S.P.A. 1533875 Laserdiode assembly with external resonator. Sacher, Joachim 1533949 Communication subsystem controlled information dissemination. Sony Deutschland GmbH (20/08/2008) 1534032 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Method for simulating operating conditions of a mobile telecommunication network. Mitsubishi Electric Information Technology Centre Europe B.V.; MITSUBISHI DENKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1535523 Devices and method to separate tobacco from a tobacco block. Hauni Primary GmbH 1535587 Method for manufacturing a dental workpiece. DeguDent GmbH 1535743 Ink cartridge. Print-Rite Unicorn Image Products Co. Ltd of Zhuhai 1535776 Air treatment system. Parker Hannifin Limited 1535782 A flexible strip and a method of manufacturing same. Coba Plastics Limited 1535802 Clamping system. Autoform i Malung AB 1535857 Pack comprising a dispensing orifice created by overlapping portions of a laminated packaging material. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1535900 Process for the preparation of nateglinide, preferably in b-form. A.M.S.A. ANONIMA MATERIE SINTETICHE E AFFINI S.p.A. 1536055 Folding board for ironing. Rayen S.L. 1536092 A corner transmission element for doors and windows. GSG INTERNATIONAL S.p.A. 1536371 Method of camouflaging defects of printing elements in a printer. OcéTechnologies B.V. 1536406 Pixel circuit for time-divisionally driving two sub-pixels in a flat panel display. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 1536447 Plasma display panel and method of manufacturing the same. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. 1536521 High density connector having a ball type of contact surface. FCI 1536522 High density connector having a ball type of contact surface. FCI 1536621 Terminal number portability in a VoIP network. Alcatel Lucent 1536645 Video conferencing system with physical cues. SAP AG 1536659 A method of optimising exploitation of radio resources utilised during access procedures in cellular communication systems, and corresponding system. Siemens S.p.A. 1537774 A device for milking animals. Lely Enterprises AG 1537775 A device for milking animals and a method for this purpose. Lely Enterprises AG 1537791 Composite particles imparting sequential changes in food products and methods of making same. Kraft Foods Holdings, Inc. 1538789 Method for traffic management in a Virtual Private Local area network Service (VPLS). Alcatel Lucent 1541647 Aqueous two-component coating compositions. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company 1855 1856 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1541885 Cross-straight groove joint. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 1542396 Secure data transmission in a network system of image processing devices. OcéTechnologies B.V. 1543908 Method for heat-treating a packed article encased in a granular material. ROLLSROYCE plc 1544006 Air-distribution device based on the coanda effect with means for imparting a circulatory motion on the flow of air not properly oriented. C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER AZIONI 1544563 Internally enhanced tube with smaller groove top. Outokumpu Oyj 1544980 Stator coil assembly. ROLLS-ROYCE plc 1545114 A method and apparatus for division of revenue of communication among different proprietors. Alcatel Lucent 1548122 Process for producing dipeptides. KYOWA HAKKO KOGYO CO., LTD. 1548873 Antenna for a train with protective means against high voltages. "LEANTENNE S.R.L." denominazione abbreviata "LEA S.R.L." 1548893 Connecting a solenoid to a lead frame. Eaton Corporation 1548941 Integrated circuit radio receiver having reverse scan tuning capabilities. OneWorld Enterprises Limited 1551161 Analog subscriber board. Alcatel Lucent 1553664 High speed connector and circuit board interconnect. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1557242 Multipurpose folding tool with tool bit holder and blade lock. Leatherman Tool Group, Inc. 1557752 Distributed semantic schema. MICROSOFT CORPORATION 1558313 DRUG DELIVERY DEVICE. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED 1558492 EMERGENCY DOOR ACTUATOR SYSTEM. Eaton Corporation ; Eaton Fluid Power GmbH 1558728 METHODS TO IDENTIFY AGENTS MODULATING FUNCTIONS OF POLYPEPTIDE GALNAC-TRANSFERASES, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING SUCH AGENTS AND THE USE OF SUCH AGENTS FOR PREPARING MEDICAMENTS. Glycozym ApS 1558823 SYSTEM FOR JOINING MULLIONS TO TRANSOMS BY FRONTAL LINK. Alprogetti S.r.l. 1558835 MONITORING VALVE, ROCK DRILLING APPARATUS AND A METHOD FOR CONTROLLING AT LEAST TWO HYDRAULIC ACTUATORS TO SUCH A MONITORING VALVE AND ROCK DRILLING APPARATUS. Sandvik Mining and Construction Oy (20/08/2008) 1558836 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) ARRANGEMENT FOR CONTROLLING ROCK DRILLING. Sandvik Mining and Construction Oy 1558954 METHOD OF PRODUCING A MOVABLE LENS STRUCTURE FOR A LIGHT SHAPING UNIT. IMEGO AB 1559012 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PERFORMING VALIDATION OF PROGRAM CODE CONVERSION. Transitive Limited 1559168 FOLDING DIRECTIONAL ANTENNA. IPR Licensing, Inc. 1559199 RF circuit with frequency agile seqential amplifiers. RF MONOLITHICS, INC. 1559250 METHOD OF OPTIMIZING DATA COMMUNICATION DEVICES' AUTOON FUNCTIONALITY. Research In Motion Limited 1559274 PICTURE BUFFERING FOR PREDICTION REFERENCES AND DISPLAY. Nokia Corporation 1559293 Method for uplink access transmission in a radio communication system, base station and user equipment. Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 1560687 CO-INJECTION MIXING METHOD AND APPARATUS. Afros S.P.A. 1560718 METHOD OF MANUFACTURING A SECURITY THREAD HAVING AN EMBEDDED MICROCHIP, SECURITY THREAD AND DOCUMENT COMPRISING THE THREAD. FABRIANO SECURITIES S.R.L. 1560801 A PROCESS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF SULPHUR-CONTAINING AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS. SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V. 1560905 FABRIC SOFTENING COMPOSITION CONTAINING ESTERQUAT WITH SPECIFIC ESTER DISTRIBUTION AND SEQUESTRANT. Colgate-Palmolive Company 1561162 METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR MULTIPLE CLUSTER LOCKING. Newisys Inc. 1561170 UNIVERSAL NON-VOLATILE MEMORY CARD USED WITH VARIOUS DIFFERENT STANDARD CARDS CONTAINING A MEMORY CONTROLLER. SanDisk Corporation 1561246 METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING A LIGHT EMITTING DEVICE. Heptagon Oy 1561278 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR REGULATING THE TRANSMITTED POWER IN MULTI-RATE WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. Research In Motion Limited 1561368 MULTI-LAYER CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY AND PROCESS FOR PREPARING THE SAME. PPG Industries Ohio, Inc. 1561630 INFORMATION DISPLAY SYSTEM. Delgado Acarreta, Raul 1562020 Optical measuring apparatus for measuring objects on machines. Renishaw plc 1857 1858 (No. 2105) 1562356 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) System and method for reducing the size of an electronic message on a mobile communication device. Research In Motion Limited 1562414 METHOD FOR REGULATING THE CO2 CONCENTRATION OF THE AIR WITHIN AN ENCLOSED SPACE WITHIN WHICH CROPS ARE GROWN. Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO 1562446 METHOD OF TREATMENT OF VEGETABLE MATTER WITH ULTRASONIC ENERGY. COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION; Mars Incorporated 1562453 HAIRCLIP. Linshell Holdings Limited 1562459 INFLATABLE DEVICE. CHAFFEE, Robert B. 1562526 ANKLE-FOOT ORTHOSIS. Ossur HF 1562617 NEW USE OF PIPATALINE. COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH 1562649 ABSORBENT ARTICLES INCLUDING CHITIN-BASED FECES MODIFICATION AGENT. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY 1562676 PACING THERAPY FOR EXTENDING ATRIAL REFRACTORY PERIOD. CARDIAC PACEMAKERS, INC. 1562690 SAFE REMOVAL OF VOLATILE, OXIDIZABLE COMPOUNDS FROM PARTICLES, IN PARTICULAR POLYMER PARTICLES. Basell Polyolefine GmbH 1562824 THREE-DIMENSIONAL SAIL WITH LAMINATED STRUCTURE AND CONSTRUCTION METHOD. Studio Merani di Merani Michele E C. S.A.S. 1562864 A METHOD AND AN APPARATUS FOR PURIFYING WATER BY PHOTOCHEMICAL OXIDATION. KAAS, Povl 1562923 4(PHENYL-PIPERAZINYL-METHYL) BENZAMIDE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE FOR THE TREATMENT OF PAIN OR GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS. AstraZeneca AB 1562925 PHENYLALANINE DERIVATIVES AS DIPEPTIDYL PEPTIDASE INHIBITORS FOR THE TREATMENT OR PREVENTION OF DIABETES. Merck & Co., Inc. 1562944 PYRAZOLOQUINOLINES WITH IMMUNOMODULATING ACTIVITY. Active Biotech AB 1562992 PROCESS FOR MAKING A FLUOROPOLYMER HAVING NITRILE END GROUPS. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1563043 CONCENTRATED FABRIC SOFTENING COMPOSITION CONTAINING ESTERQUAT WITH SPECIFIC ESTER DISTRIBUTION AND AN ELECTROLYTE. Colgate-Palmolive Company (20/08/2008) 1563116 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) DEVICE FOR CARRYING OUT A SURFACE TREATMENT OF SUBSTRATES UNDER VACUUM. Impact Coatings AB 1563210 FLUID CONTROL VALVE. The Boeing Company 1563323 FLEXTENSIONAL VIBARATION SENSOR. Qinetiq Limited 1563339 ELECTRO-OPTIC POLYMER WAVEGUIDE DEVICES. Lumera Corporation 1563535 METHOD OF MANUFACTURING SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE BY A PLASMA PROCESSING METHOD. MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD 1563590 POWER CONVERTER CIRCUITRY AND METHOD. FyreStorm, Inc 1563643 ADDRESSABLE OUTLET AND NETWORK INCLUDING ADDRESSABLE OUTLETS. Serconet Ltd. 1563657 TRANSFORM-DOMAIN SAMPLE-BY-SAMPLE DECISION FEEDBACK EQUALIZER. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1564015 A guide arrangement for an inkjet printer. Océ-Technologies B.V. 1564038 AEROSTATIC SUSPENSION SYSTEM FOR ROLLING EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES. Castez, Daniel Hugo 1564248 GRAFT COPOLYMER COMPOSITION, THERMOPLASTIC RESIN COMPOSITION CONTAINING THE SAME, AND MOLDED OBJECT. NOF CORPORATION 1564277 HEAT TRANSFER MEDIUM LIQUID COMPOSITION. ShishiaiKabushikigaisha 1564299 METHOD OF SCREENING FOR COMPOUNDS THAT INHIBIT THE ENZYMATIC ACTIVITY OF GWT1 GENE PRODUCT. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Eisai R&D Management Co., Ltd. 1565051 MOTORDRIVEN TOOL SUCH AS A POLE HEDGE TRIMMER WITH A LOCKING MECHANISM FOR THE TURNABLE CUTTING UNIT. Husqvarna AB 1565056 CYANOMETHYL TRITHIOCARBONATES AS NEMATICIDES. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1565068 MEAT ANALOGUE OF AUTHENTIC APPEARANCE. Mars Incorporated 1565212 GASTRIN COMPOSITIONS AND FORMULATIONS, AND METHODS OF USE AND PREPARATION. Waratah Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 1565257 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR MIXING COMPONENTS. UNILEVER PLC ; UNILEVER N.V. 1565371 MEANS OF PERSONAL TRANSPORT. Peter Opsvik A.S. 1565382 COLLAPSIBLE CONTAINER. Schoeller Arca Systems AB 1565409 A METHOD FOR SUPPLYING OXYGEN TO A WATER PURIFICATION PROCESS. Kemira Oyj 1859 1860 (No. 2105) 1565433 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) NOVEL LIGANDS THAT ARE ANTAGONISTS OF RAR RECEPTORS, PROCESS FOR PREPARING THEM AND USE THEREOF IN HUMAN MEDICINE AND IN COSMETICS. Galderma Research & Development, S.N.C. 1565438 ANTITUMOR BENZOYLSULFONAMIDES. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 1565440 NOVEL PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF 2AMINOMETHYLPYRIDINE DERIVATIVE. Bayer CropScience S.A. 1565473 N,N-BRIDGED, NITROGEN-SUBSTITUTED CARBACYCLIC INDOLOCARBAZOLES AS PROTEIN KINASE INHIBITORS. Nad AG 1565516 SILVER-BASED POWDER, METHOD OF PREPARATION THEREOF, AND CURABLE SILICONE COMPOSITION. Dow Corning Toray Co., Ltd. 1565530 PREPARATION OF BETA QUINACRIDONE PIGMENTS. Ciba Specialty Chemicals Holding Inc. 1565607 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR SWITCHING POWER TRANSMISSION MODE OF WASHING MACHINE. LG ELECTRONICS INC. 1565614 PROCESS FOR PRODUCING SUPER HIGH BULK, LIGHT WEIGHT COATED PAPERS. International Paper Company 1565626 SYSTEM FOR REALIZING MOBILE DIVIDING WALLS. Steelcase Werndl Aktiengesellschaft 1565659 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR GENERATING MIXTURES OF FLUIDS IN A BOUNDARY LAYER. Vida, Nikolaus, Dr. 1565683 IMPROVED CASING JOINTS. HSC FZCO 1565684 PIPE COUPLING. ASCO CONTROLS B.V. 1565708 ULTRASONIC SIGNAL PROCESSING METHOD AND APPLICATIONS THEREOF. Elster-Instromet Ultrasonics B.V. 1565758 METHOD OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING. GE Healthcare AS 1565880 IMAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATIC ADAPTATION OF A 3D MESH MODEL ONTO A 3-D SURFACE OF AN OBJECT. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1565931 STRAINED FINFET CMOS DEVICE STRUCTURES. International Business Machines Corporation 1566002 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. Pirelli & C. S.p.A. 1567036 MECHANICALLY AND HYDRODYNAMICALLY OPERATED BREWING UNIT. N&W Global Vending S.p.A. 1567037 LIQUID SUPPLYING APPARATUS FOR VENDING MACHINE. Rhea Vendors S.p.A. 1567133 PHARMACEUTICAL ANTIVIRAL COMPOSITIONS. GLAXO GROUP LIMITED ; SMITHKLINE BEECHAM CORPORATION (20/08/2008) 1567289 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) ACIDIC CLEANING METHOD FOR MACHINE DISHWASHING. Ecolab Inc. 1567320 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A CONTAINER HAVING AT LEAST ONE VENT OPENING. GAPLAST GmbH 1567355 USING CONTINUOUS SPRAY INKJET SYSTEM FOR ACCURATELY PRINTING TITANIUM OXIDE BASED INKS. Kodak IL Ltd. 1567411 APPARATUS FOR MOORING SHIPS. Technische Universiteit Delft ; Gemeentewerken Rotterdam 1567429 COLLAPSIBLE FLAT RACK. Clive-Smith, Martin 1567440 SHEAVE ASSEMBLY FOR AN ELEVATOR SYSTEM. OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY 1567464 CATALYTIC HYDROGENERATION OF CARBON-HETEROATOM DOUBLE BONDS. Solvias AG 1567496 PHENYL-PIPERIDIN-4-YLIDENE-METHYL-BENZAMIDE DERIVATIVES FOR THE TREATMENT OF PAIN OR GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS. AstraZeneca AB 1567516 METHOD FOR THE PURIFICATION OF LIPONIC ACID. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1567535 BIDENTATE C,P CHIRAL PHOSPHINE LIGANDS. F. HOFFMANN-LA ROCHE AG 1567594 LASER LIGHT ABSORBING ADDITIVE. DSM IP Assets B.V. 1567602 CARBON BLACK COMPOSITIONS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. Timcal S.A. 1567622 METHOD OF REDUCING PARTICULATE EMISSIONS. BP OIL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 1567629 LAUNDRY TREATMENT COMPOSITIONS AND COMPONENTS THEREFOR. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1567630 DETERGENT COMPOSITIONS. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1567635 ACIDIC SOLIDS. Ecolab Inc. 1567745 LARGE DIAMETER FLUSH-JOINT PIPE HANDLING SYSTEM. Grant Prideco LP 1567813 INTEGRATED THERMOELECTRIC MODULE AND HEAT EXCHANGERS CONNECTED THERETO. Peltech S.r.l. 1567844 MONITORING OF SHOCK ABSORBERS. Shock-Doc Ltd. 1567869 METHOD FOR SCREENING FOR COMPOUNDS AS POTENTIAL SEDATIVES OR ANXIOLYTICS. NEUROSEARCH A/S 1568025 POWER FAILURE RECOVERY METHOD. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1861 1862 (No. 2105) 1568112 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) METHOD FOR PRODUCING A BURIED TUNNEL JUNCTION IN A SURFACE-EMITTING SEMICONDUCTOR LASER. Vertilas GMBH 1568240 TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES APPARATUS AND METHODS. INTELLPROP LIMITED 1568251 METHOD FOR DESCRIBING THE COMPOSITION OF AUDIO SIGNALS. Thomson Licensing 1568593 Bicycle derailleur with a motor disposed within a linkage mechanism. SHIMANO INC. 1569530 SMOKING BEHAVIOUR ANALYSER. British American Tobacco (Investments) Limited 1569546 EYE TESTING. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1569602 HAIR TREATMENT COMPOSITIONS. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1569604 SHAMPOO COMPOSITIONS. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1569930 INDOL DERIVATIVES AND THEIR USE AS 5-HT LIGANDS. MERCK PATENT GmbH 1569972 POLYMERS AND LAUNDRY DETERGENT COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING THEM. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1570024 FAST SWITCHING LIQUID CRYSTAL COMPOSITIONS FOR USE IN BISTABLE LIQUID CRYSTAL DEVICES. MERCK PATENT GmbH 1570025 LIQUID CRYSTAL COMPOSITION FOR USE IN BISTABLE LIQUID CRYSTAL DEVICES. MERCK PATENT GmbH 1570143 FLOORBOARD AND FLOOR COVERING FOR RESILIENT FLOOR. AB GUSTAF KÄHR 1570155 PROCESS FOR THE CLEANING OF OIL AND GAS WELLBORES. Lamberti Spa 1570200 METHOD FOR PRODUCING A THREADED TUBULAR CONNECTION SEALED TO THE OUTSIDE. VALLOUREC MANNESMANN OIL & GAS FRANCE ; SUMITOMO METAL INDUSTRIES, LTD. 1570307 OPTICAL FIBER OR WAVEGUIDE LENS. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1570311 ACTIVE MATRIX DISPLAY DEVICES. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1570443 ROULETTE TABLE DEVICE WITH PROGRESSIVE JACKPOT. Pro-Intro B.V. 1570469 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR RECORDING AN INFORMATION ON A RECORDABLE OPTICAL RECORD CARRIER USING OVAL SPOT PROFILE. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1570591 SYSTEM FOR DIVERSITY RECEPTION WITH SINGLE ANTENNA. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. (20/08/2008) 1570597 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) A SIMPLIFIED DECODER FOR A BIT INTERLEAVED COFDM-MIMO SYSTEM. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1570621 METHOD FOR LIMITING THE NUMBER OF NETWORK DEVICES IN A COMMUNICATION NETWORK. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1570667 MULTI-POINT SERVICE INJECTION IN A BROADCAST SYSTEM. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1571339 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR CONTROLLING PUMP TORQUE FOR HYDRAULIC CONSTRUCTION MACHINE. HITACHI CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY CO., LTD. 1571775 A method for modifying a bit sequence in an ARQ retransmission, receiver and transmitter therefor. MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD 1571934 TOBACCO SMOKE FILTER. Filtrona International Limited 1572109 FREE-RADICAL INITIATOR SYSTEMS CONTAINING ENZYMES. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1572179 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING A LTB4 ANTAGONIST AND A COX-2 INHIBITOR OR A COMBINED COX1/2 INHIBITOR. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG 1572276 DEVICE AND METHOD FOR THE GENERATION OF RESPIRATIONAL AIR. Imt Medical AG 1572417 METHOD OF FABRICATING MULTI-CHANNEL DEVICES AND MULTICHANNEL DEVICES THEREFROM. BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE 1572539 A MACHINE FOR MAKING FILTER BAGS FOR INFUSION PRODUCTS. I.M.A. INDUSTRIA MACCHINE AUTOMATICHE S.p.A. 1572560 SUPPORTING INSTALLATION AND BEARING ELEMENT THEREFOR. FMC FoodTech AB 1572758 PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION OF HYDROXY-VINYL-AROMATIC POLYMERS OR COPOLYMERS BY ANIONIC OR CONTROLLED RADICAL POLYMERIZATION. Ciba Specialty Chemicals Holding Inc. 1572795 ALIPHATIC POLYESTER RESIN COMPOSITION. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1572992 LASER DRIVER CIRCUIT AND SYSTEM. Intel Corporation 1573124 DRYING WIRE. Tamfelt Oyj Abp 1573166 COMBINATION LADDERS, LADDER COMPONENTS AND METHODS OF MANUFACTURING SAME. Wing Enterprises 1573510 MULTIPLIER WITH LOOK UP TABLES. NXP B.V. 1573552 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ALTERNATIVELY ACTIVATING A REPLACEABLE HARDWARE UNIT. International Business Machines Corporation 1863 1864 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) 1573724 OPTICAL RECORD CARRIERS. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1573725 TILT CONTROL FOR READING INFORMATION. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1573729 OPTICAL INFORMATION RECORD MEDIUM. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1573836 COMPOSITE MATERIAL AND CURRENT COLLECTOR FOR BATTERY. Firefly Energy Inc. 1573901 AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT HAVING AN EXTENDED WILSON CURRENTMIRROR SELF-BIAS BOOSTING CIRCUIT. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1573903 PHASE-ERROR BASED SIGNAL ALIGNMENT. Nokia Corporation 1573909 CORROSION RESISTANT ULTRASONIC HORN. Sulphco, Inc. 1574965 Heterogeneous multiprocessor network on chip devices, methods and operating systems for control thereof. Xilinx, Inc. ; Interuniversitair Microelektronica Centrum 1575784 INK JET RECEPTIVE COATING. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1576032 TRICYCLIC ARYLAMINE MONOMER AND POLYMERS AND DEVICES THEREOF. Dow Global Technologies Inc. 1576399 PROCESS FOR FABRICATION OF OPTICAL WAVEGUIDES. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1576494 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PERFORMING CALCULATION OPERATIONS AND A DEVICE. Nokia Corporation 1576599 USE OF BI-LAYER PHOTOLITHOGRAPHIC RESISTS AS NEW MATERIAL FOR OPTICAL STORAGE. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1576813 VIDEO VIEWING SYSTEM AND METHOD. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1577234 ARTICLE TURNING-ROUND APPARATUS. UNI-CHARM CO., LTD. 1578600 DRAG REDUCTION MULTILAYER FILM AND METHOD OF USE. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1578610 A BOBBIN FOR A WASHING UNIT IN A PRINTING PRESS. Baldwin Jimek AB 1578647 AN IMPACT DETECTOR. AUTOLIV DEVELOPMENT AB 1578673 COLLAPSE CONTAINER FOR TRANSPORT AND STORAGE OF GOODS. Schoeller Arca Systems AB 1578863 THERMOPLASTIC ELASTOMER COMPOSITIONS. DOW GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. 1578879 EXTENDED POLYACRYLIC ACID BASED BINDER COMPOSITIONS. OWENS CORNING (20/08/2008) 1579175 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MEASURING SCALEFACTOR VARIATION IN A VIBRATING STRUCTURE GYROSCOPE. BAE Systems PLC 1579181 PRODUCTS HAVING RFID TAGS FOR WIRELESS INTERROGATION. S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. 1579380 AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM WITH VISUAL ENCRYPTION USING POLARISATION OF LIGHT. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1579390 MATCH MSB DIGITAL IMAGE COMPRESSION. INTEL CORPORATION 1579435 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR IRRADIATING SPOTS ON A LAYER. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1579582 Statistical scaling of soft decisions before decoding. TTPCOM Limited 1580894 Enhanced direct digitising array arrangement. THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA 1581352 SELF-ATTACHING FEMALE FASTENER ELEMENTS AND METHOD FO FORMING SAME. Whitesell International Corporation 1581505 PYRIDAZINONE DERIVATIVES AS GSK-3BETA INHIBITORS. SanofiAventis Deutschland GmbH 1581580 FLUORINATED POLYETHER COMPOSITIONS. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1584272 ERGONOMIC TRAY. Palmadera, S.A. 1584431 ROTARY DIE CUTTER. CIMCO, S.L. 1585835 Nucleic acid probes and method for detecting a target nucleic acid sequence comprising two or more cis-located nucleic acid regions. Dynal Biotech Limited 1585911 UNIVERSAL GEAR SELF-LOCKING/UNLOCKING MECHANISM. Maxtorque, LLC 1585981 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR MEASURING THE HEATING VALUE OF GASES. RWE Transgas Net, s.r.o. ; Sevcik, Jiri 1586161 SELF ADAPTABLE BIAS CIRCUIT FOR ENABLING DYNAMIC CONTROL OF QUIESCENT CURRENT IN A LINEAR POWER AMPLIFIER. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1586519 ADJUSTABLE UNIT FOR TRANSFERRING UPRIGHT AND ALIGNED ARTICLES FROM A CONVEYOR CONVEYING THE ARTICLES ON THEIR BASE TO A OVERHEAD CONVEYOR. Martí Mercadé, Alex 1587362 PROCEDURE FOR THE IDENTIFICATION AND MONITORING OF ANIMALS THROUGH THE USE OF ELECTRONIC IDENTIFICATION DEVICES (TRANSPONDERS). Rumitag, S.L. 1587392 NOZZLE DEVICE FOR HAIRDRYER. Arteplastica di Maestrini Vittorio 1865 1866 (No. 2105) 1587609 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) EMULSIONS INCLUDING SURFACE-MODIFIED ORGANIC MOLECULES. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1587891 ADHESIVE ATTACHMENT ASSEMBLY WITH HEAT SOURCE. Physical Systems, Inc. 1593381 Zinc oxide based formulation for preventing and treating diarrhea in farm animals. Tecnologia & Vitaminas, S.L. 1599487 PHOSPHINIC ACID ANALOGS OF GLUTAMATE. Givaudan SA 1604715 Method of making filtering baskets for filtering fibers in aqueous suspension and filtering basket made by this method. Comer SpA 1611121 PYRIDAZINONE DERIVATIVES AS CDK2-INHIBITORS. Aventis Pharma S.A. 1626097 Steelmaking process. ATI Properties, Inc. 1641131 Digital sideband suppression for radio frequency (RF) modulators. Alcatel Lucent 1643173 Ball valve seat seal. Swagelok Company 1646824 BUILT-IN ILLUMINATOR. Engel, Hartmut S. 1651733 COMPOSITION OF A MIXTURE OF AMINOALKYL-FUNCTIONAL AND OLIGOSILYLATED AMINOALKYL-FUNCTIONAL SILICON COMPOUNDS, ITS PREPARATION AND USE. Degussa GmbH 1654938 Method of manufacturing mixed beverage. Kagome Co., Ltd ; FUJI OIL COMPANY, LIMITED 1654975 Balloon controller for endoscope apparatus. Fujinon Corporation 1654990 Pipe clip for securing an anastomosis. Inderbitzi, Rolf, Dr. med. 1655317 Thermally reactive infrared absorption polymers and their use in a heat sensitive lithographic printing plate. Ipagsa Industrial, SL. 1655333 Multimodal polyethylene composition for pipes. Borealis Technology Oy 1655334 Multimodal polyethylene composition with improved homogeneity. Borealis Technology Oy 1655335 Polymer composition for injection molding. Borealis Technology Oy 1655336 Multimodal polyethylene composition for injection moulded caps and closure articles. Borealis Technology Oy 1655338 Multimodal polyethylene composition for injection moulded transport packaging articles. Borealis Technology Oy 1655484 Vehicle. YAMAHA HATSUDOKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA 1655517 System and method for reversing the movement of a vehicle, in particular for an agricultural tractor. SAME DEUTZ-FAHR GROUP S.p.A. 1655745 Inductor. ABB Oy 1655801 Balanced dipole antenna. Research In Motion Limited (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1655809 A cable clamp for an electrical connector. Tyco Electronics France SAS 1655901 Control of a mobile station's packet data session retry functionality in a wireless packet data service network. Research In Motion Limited 1655926 System and method for over the air provisioning of a mobile communications device. Research In Motion Limited 1655975 System and method for over the air provisioning of a single PDP context mobile communications device. Research In Motion Limited 1655987 A ring network for a burst switching network with centralized management. NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORKS GMBH & CO. KG 1656835 Mixing device. Premark FEG L.L.C. 1656862 Steam dispenser for preparing hot and/or frothed beverages. RANCILIO MACCHINE PER CAFFE' S.p.A. 1657028 Combustion-type power tool. HITACHI KOKI CO., LTD. 1657078 Loose-leaf binding tool. Kaneda, Kokki 1657086 Vehicle air-conditioning assembly. C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER AZIONI 1657155 Method for caulking the deck of ships. BOSTIK SA 1657157 A device for eliminating the trailing end that is formed in the film coming off wrapping machines for wrapping palletized loads when the reel of film is replaced. TOSA S.r.l. 1657161 Bag holder for holding a bag in an upright and open position. CPI Plastics Group Limited 1657169 Vertical crush resistant packaging. SOCIETE NORMANDE DE CARTON ONDULE (S.N.C.O.) 1657283 Process for producing hydrophobic silica powder. Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd. 1657324 Method for metallizing insulating substrates wherein the roughening and etching processes are controlled by means of gloss measurement. ATOTECH Deutschland GmbH 1657434 A high-pressure pump with a device for regulating the flow rate for a fuelinjection system. C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER AZIONI 1657435 A fuel injector for an internal-combustion engine. C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER AZIONI 1657895 Method of making phone calls from a locked out handheld electronic device and handheld electronic device adapted for said method. Research In Motion Limited 1657898 Method for managing resources in a mobile phone. LG Electronics Inc. 1658769 Plant pot. Pöppelmann Holding GmbH & Co. KG. 1658790 A multi-facet decoration assembly. Donguan Winjo Giftware Co., Ltd. 1867 1868 (No. 2105) 1658811 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Closure device for sealing a puncture in a blood vessel. RADI MEDICAL SYSTEMS AB 1658885 Multifunction exercice equipment with a rocking base and multiple front handlebar. Carbone, Giuseppe 1659023 Vehicle for transporting goods and animals, having at least one loading platform with adjustable height. Carrozzeria Pezzaioli S.r.l. 1659064 A method and a unit for overwrapping products, and packets in particular. G.D.S.p.A. 1659373 Linear encoder with temperature compensation. FAGOR, S.COOP. 1659613 Metal halide lamp chemistries with magnesium and indium. OSRAMSYLVANIA INC. 1659675 Engine cooling fan motor having thermic cut-out. Mako Elektrik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. 1659743 Method and system for identifying degradation of a media service by determining a packet loss rate. Research In Motion Limited 1659766 Dynamic bar oriented user interface. Research In Motion Limited 1660821 DOMESTIC HEAT AND POWER GENERATION SYSTEM. Microgen Energy Limited 1661462 Apparatus for depositing edible mass. AASTED-MIKROVERK APS 1661463 Apparatus for depositing edible mass. AASTED-MIKROVERK APS 1661532 Device for producing bone cement and method in connection therewith. Biomet Cementing Technologies AB 1661670 Gripping and clamping device with magnetic drive for moving a finger. Schunk GmbH & Co. KG Spann- und Greiftechnik 1661766 Airbag device. AUTOLIV DEVELOPMENT AB 1661829 Conveyor device, for instance for an automatic packaging machine and relative transport element. CAVANNA S.p.A. 1661830 Device for forming groups of products, for instance for automatic packaging machinery. CAVANNA S.p.A. 1662013 Process of producing steel strips suitable for an oxidation-resisting surface coating. ARVEDI, Giovanni 1662182 Continuously variable transmission system, particularly for motor-vehicles. C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER AZIONI 1662680 Optical receiver and method for chromatic dispersion compensation. Alcatel Lucent 1662744 System and method for porting identity information assigned to a mobile communications device. Research In Motion Limited (20/08/2008) 1662745 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) System and method for securing a personal identification number assigned to a mobile communications device. Research In Motion Limited 1662829 System and method for assigning a permanent personal identification number (PIN) to a mobile communication device. Research In Motion Limited 1662830 System and method for managing secure registration of a mobile communications device. Research In Motion Limited 1663995 SULFODERIVATIVES OF ACENAPHTHO [1,2-B]QUINOXALINE, LYOTROPIC LIQUID CRYSTAL AND ANISOTROPIC FILM ON THEIR BASE. NITTO DENKO CORPORATION 1666181 A tool for chip removing machining. Sandvik Intellectual Property AB 1666307 LCD car monitor frame structure. Equus Inc. 1666313 Vehicle with a movable front portion, in particular for pedestrian safety in the event of accidents. C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER AZIONI 1666447 Process for the preparation of alpha, alpha-dialkyl, alpha-hydroxymethylcarboxylic acid derivatives. Wacker Chemie AG 1669438 Detergent tablet. UNILEVER N.V. ; UNILEVER PLC 1669914 Methods and apparatus for managing the storage of e-mail message information in a mobile station. Research In Motion Limited 1671237 PORT ADAPTER FOR HIGH-BANDWIDTH BUS. Cisco Technology, Inc. 1672192 Method for controlling injection of reducing agent in exhaust gas from a combustion engine. Haldor Topsoe A/S 1672362 Coulometric water vapor sensor. Mocon, Inc. 1672782 Amplifier circuit having improved linearity and frequency band using a MGTR. Integrant Technologies Inc. 1675019 System and method for disambiguating non diacritized arabic words in a text. International Business Machines Corporation 1675217 Electromagnetic radiation absorber based on magnetic microwires. Micromag 2000, S.L. 1677863 SAFETY SHIELD. Tyco Healthcare Group LP 1679463 Safety container for controlling vacuum pressure comprising a snap fit connection for use in a hospital. TAEMA 1679557 Image forming apparatus with an intermediate transfer belt of limited speed fluctuations. SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 1680384 METHOD AND SYSTEM TO CONTACT AN IONIC LIQUID CATALYST WITH OXYGEN TO IMPROVE A CHEMICAL REACTION. Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP 1869 1870 (No. 2105) 1680446 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING MELITTIN-DERIVED PEPTIDES AND METHODS FOR THE POTENTIATION OF IMMUNE RESPONSES AGAINST TARGET ANTIGENS. Pevion Biotech Ltd. 1680461 METHOD OF PRODUCING A POROUS PLASTIC FILM, AND PLASTIC FILM. VALTION TEKNILLINEN TUTKIMUSKESKUS 1680494 LIQUID CLEANING COMPOSITION CONTAINING AN ANIONIC POLYACRYLAMIDE COPOLYMER. Colgate-Palmolive Company 1680497 CLEANING COMPOSITIONS IN THE FORM OF A TABLET. ColgatePalmolive Company 1680609 FLUID DAMPER. Harn Marketing Sdn. Bhd. 1680855 IMPROVED COOLING FOR AN ELECTRIC MOTOR OR GENERATOR. ATLAS COPCO AIRPOWER, NAAMLOZE VENNOOTSCHAP 1681385 Houshold-type water-recirculating clothes washing machine with automatic control of the washload weight, and operating method thereof.. Electrolux Home Products Corporation N.V. 1681935 UNIT FOR CUTTING A DOUGH SURFACE TO AN EQUAL DEPTH. Sarmasik Makine Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. 1682008 A FIXATOR FOR REPAIRING OF LONG BONE FRACTURES. Tartu Ülikool 1682079 MIXTURE WITH WINTERGREEN ODOR AND FLAVOR. Symrise GmbH & Co. KG 1682403 TRACK SYSTEM FOR A GROUND ENGAGING VEHICLE. Fargo Products, LLC 1682447 FORMATION OF METAL NANOWIRES. BAE Systems PLC 1682617 RADIATION CURABLE WATERBORNE COMPOSITION. Perstorp Specialty Chemicals AB 1682634 FEED NOZZLE ASSEMBLY. SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V. 1682641 FLAVOR INGREDIENTS FOR COOLING PREPARATIONS. FIRMENICH SA 1682643 RINSE AID COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF RINSING A SUBSTRATE. ECOLAB INC. 1682647 COMPOSITION INCLUDING ONE OR MORE HYDROLYTICALLY UNSTABLE COMPONENTS. Chemlink Specialities Ltd. 1682912 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR FUEL CELL RESISTANCE TEST. Ansaldo Fuel Cells S.p.A. 1683105 OBJECT DETECTION IN IMAGES. BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS public limited company (20/08/2008) 1683169 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) SWITCH UNIT WITH VENTILATION. ELECTRISCHE APPARATENFABRIEK CAPAX B.V. 1684604 A DEVICE FOR PROTECTION OF THE HIPS. TYTEX A/S 1684618 GARMENT HANGER. BRAITRIM (U.K.) LIMITED 1684683 ABSORBENT ARTICLES SUCH AS SANITARY NAPKINS, PANTYLINERS, INCONTINENCE GUARDS FOR LIGHT INCONTINENCE, ETC.. SCA Hygiene Products AB 1684702 USE OF 2-THIA-DIBENZO[E,H]AZULENES FOR THE TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES AND DISORDERS. GlaxoSmithKline istrazivacki centar Zagreb d.o.o. 1684749 USE OF 1,3-DIAZA-DIBENZO[e,h] AZULENES FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATIONS FOR THE TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES AND DISORDERS. GlaxoSmithKline istrazivacki centar Zagreb d.o.o. 1684751 USE OF 1-THIA-DIBENZO E,H AZULENES FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATIONS FOR THE TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES AND DISORDERS. GlaxoSmithKline istrazivacki centar Zagreb d.o.o. 1684766 USE OF 3-AZA-1-OXA-DIBENZO i e,h /i AZULENES FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATIONS FOR THE TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEAS AND DISORDERS. GlaxoSmithKline istrazivacki centar Zagreb d.o.o. 1684986 A LASER MARKING SYSTEM. THE TECHNOLOGY PARTNERSHIP PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY 1685005 A SAFETY ARRANGEMENT. AUTOLIV DEVELOPMENT AB 1685034 CHILD-RESISTANT PACKAGING SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MAKING SAME. MeadWestvaco Corporation 1685048 SYSTEM AND ELEMENT FOR LATERALLY POSITIONING PAPER ROLLS OF DIFFERENT WIDTH. TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A. 1685358 SAFETY DEVICE FOR WEAPONS AND METHOD FOR SECURING WEAPONS PROVIDED WITH A SAFETY DEVICE. Armatix GmbH 1685534 THREE-DIMENSIONAL SEGMENTATION USING DEFORMABLE SURFACES. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1685556 AUDIO DIALOGUE SYSTEM AND VOICE BROWSING METHOD. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. ; Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH 1685653 SIGNAL REGENERATION. BAE Systems PLC 1871 1872 (No. 2105) 1685732 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR SIMULATING COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS, OBJECT AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT THEREFOR. Telecom Italia S.p.A. 1686879 MOBILE OR PORTABLE APPARATUS WITH PRESSURIZED GAS SUPPLY FOR PREPARING BEVERAGES OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS. NESTEC S.A. 1686983 USE OF PENTADIENOIC ACID DERIVATES FOR TREATEMENT OF HYPERURICEMIA. MERCK PATENT GmbH 1687006 PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITIONS FOR THE TREATMENT OF RENAL DYSFUNCTION. Solvay Pharmaceuticals GmbH 1687118 IMPROVEMENTS IN AND RELATING TO GRINDING MACHINES. Cinetic Landis Grinding Limited 1687122 TORQUE INDICATING WRENCH. Iscar Ltd. 1687131 BREATHER SHEET FOR COMPOSITE CURING AND METHOD OF ITS ASSEMBLY. BAE Systems PLC 1687292 VITAMIN D RECEPTOR MODULATORS. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY 1687293 INDAZOL-3-ONES AND ANALOGUES AND DERIVATIVES THEREOF WHICH MODULATE THE FUNCTION OF THE VANILLOID-1 RECEPTOR (VR1). MERCK SHARP & DOHME LTD. 1687381 FORMATION OF SELF-ASSEMBLED MONOLAYERS. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1687388 LIGHT-EMITTING DEVICE WITH AN IRIDIUM COMPLEX. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. ; Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH 1687508 METHOD OF REDUCING SAND PRODUCTION FROM A WELLBORE. SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V. 1687599 SIMULATION OF CONDITIONS IN A BATCHING PROCESS. Marel HF. 1687638 ANALYSIS OF MASS SPECTRAL DATA IN THE QUIET ZONES. Applera Corporation 1687645 A DETECTOR CIRCUIT TO BE USED FOR MEASURING CURRENT. Danfysik A/S 1687785 ARTICLE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM. Gunnebo Gateway AB 1687812 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR AUDIO SIGNAL PROCESSING. NXP B.V. 1687856 ELECTROLUMINESCENT DEVICES COMPRISING 2-(P-TRIPHENYL)-3PHENYL-PYRAZINE DERIVATIVES. Ciba Specialty Chemicals Holding Inc. 1687896 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE WITH A RESONATOR. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1687934 APPARATUS FOR MEDIATING IN MANAGEMENT ORDERS. TELEFONAKTIEBOLAGET LM ERICSSON (publ) (20/08/2008) 1687952 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) SYSTEM FOR ENHANCING THE TRANSMISSION SECURITY OF THE EMAILS IN THE INTERNET NETWORK. International Business Machines Corporation 1687956 A METHOD AND A DEVICE FOR REPORTING THE NUMBER OF CORRECTLY DECODED TRANSPORT BLOCKS IN A WIRELESS SYSTEM. Nokia Corporation 1688016 TRANSMIT-RECEIVE SWITCHING IN WIRELESS HEARING AIDS. Starkey Laboratories, Inc. ; OTICON A/S 1689472 SELF-LOCKING SAFETY DISPOSABLE SYRINGE WITH NEEDLE PROTECTION AFTER USE. RMB Ergon s.r.l. 1689571 PROCESS FOR MAKING INTEGRAL ELASTIC SUPPORTS AND SUPPORT OBTAINABLE BY SAID PROCESS. SELLE ROYAL S.p.A. 1689728 MUSK ODORANT COMPOUNDS. FIRMENICH SA 1689920 SIZE-COVERED COMPOSITE YARNS AND METHOD FOR MAKING SAME. INVISTA Technologies S.à.r.l. 1689971 METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR INJECTING A TREATMENT FLUID INTO A WELL. SHELL INTERNATIONALE RESEARCH MAATSCHAPPIJ B.V. 1690261 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PREVENTING ERRONEOUS PROGRAMMING OF A MAGNETORESISTIVE MEMORY ELEMENT. NXP B.V. 1690415 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR REMOTE POWERING USING MULTIPLE SUBSCRIBER LINES. Cherokee Europe SA 1690454 TENDERISING MACHINE. Metalquimia, SA 1692029 VEHICLE STEERING WHEEL. Scania CV AB (publ) 1692130 PHENANTHRIDINIUM DERIVATIVES AS DNA BINDING AGENTS. University Court of The University of Glasgow 1692526 APPARATUS FOR TESTING A DEVICE WITH A HIGH FREQUENCY SIGNAL. ADVANTEST CORPORATION 1692535 SATELLITE DATA ACQUISITION METHOD. Alcatel Lucent 1692661 THREE-DIMENSIONAL RECONSTRUCTION OF AN OBJECT FROM PROJECTION PHOTOGRAPHS. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. ; Philips Intellectual Property & Standards GmbH 1692664 SYSTEM FOR DISPLAYING IMAGES WITH MULTIPLE ATTRIBUTES. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1692704 METHOD AND DEVICE FOR PERFORMING ACTIVE FIELD COMPENSATION DURING PROGRAMMING OF A MAGNETORESISTIVE MEMORY DEVICE. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1873 1874 (No. 2105) 1692739 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) STRUCTURES FOR GAS DIFFUSION MATERIALS AND METHOD FOR THEIR FABRICATION. Pemeas GmbH 1692822 DYNAMIC BASELINING IN CURRENT MODULATION-BASED COMMUNICATION. Special Devices, Inc. 1694723 PREPARATION OF OLEFIN-ACRYLIC COPOLYMERS WITH LATE TRANSITION METAL CATALYSTS. Equistar Chemicals, LP 1694782 ELECTRICALLY CONDUCTIVE FLOOR COVERINGS. Tarkett SAS 1694810 DETERGENT GRANULES AND PROCESS FOR THEIR MANUFACTURE. UNILEVER PLC ; UNILEVER N.V. 1695337 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DETECTING A WATERMARK IN A SIGNAL. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 1695482 CENTRALIZED CONFIGURATION OF LINK-SCOPE-TYPE MANAGED OBJECTS IN INTERNET PROTOCOL (IP)-BASED NETWORKS. Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson AB (Publ) 1695518 METHOD OF REDIRECTING CLIENT REQUESTS TO WEB SERVICES. International Business Machines Corporation 1696729 METHOD FOR PRESERVATION OF VEGETABLE MATTER. UNILEVER PLC ; UNILEVER N.V. 1696741 USE OF HYDROXYOLEIC ACID AND RELATED COMPOUNDS AS FUNCTIONAL FOOD ADDITIVES. Universitat de les Illes Balears 1697079 DEVICE FOR SHARPENING CHAIN SAW TEETH. Cendak, Drago 1697184 SUPPORT LEG ARRANGEMENT. LAGAB AB 1697581 DEWATERING ELEMENT. BTG Eclépens S.A. 1697710 INDUCTIVE POSITION SENSING APPARATUS AND METHOD. TT Electronics Technology Limited 1699399 ABSORBENT ARTICLE AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING SUCH ARTICLE. SCA Hygiene Products AB 1701958 PYRROLO-PYRAZINE DERIVATIVES USEFUL AS CB1-MODULATORS. AstraZeneca AB 1702133 METHOD FOR DRILLING AND LINING A WELLBORE. BP EXPLORATION OPERATING COMPANY LIMITED ; XL Technology Limited 1702168 TRANSMISSION COMPRISING FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD PARALLEL SHAFTS AND GEARWHEELS WHICH ARE CARRIED BY THE SHAFTS. Volvo Construction Equipment Holding Sweden AB 1702445 MODULATION AND DEMODULATION OF OFDM SIGNALS. International Business Machines Corporation (20/08/2008) 1703852 Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) PACKAGED ORTHODONTIC ASSEMBLY WITH ADHESIVE PRECOATED APPLIANCES. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1704384 DIGITAL PHASE DETECTOR FOR PERIODICALLY ALTERNATING SIGNALS. ITT MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES, INC. 1704539 A COIN HANDLING APPARATUS HAVING SLIDABLY DISPLACEABLE HOUSING PARTS. Scan Coin Industries AB 1704701 RESOLUTION OF DOMAIN NAMES. Dotworlds Ltd 1706000 COOKING FAT PRODUCT WITH IMPROVED SPATTERING BEHAVIOUR. UNILEVER PLC ; UNILEVER N.V. 1706979 APPARATUS AND METHOD TO PROVIDE INFORMATION FROM A FIRST INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM TO A SECOND INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM. International Business Machines Corporation 1707797 Adjustable metering servovalve for a fuel injector. C.R.F. SOCIETÀ CONSORTILE PER AZIONI 1708654 A TWO-COMPONENT MIXING AND DISPENSING DEVICE. Broockeville Corporation N.V. 1709632 COMPATIBLE LASER MODULATION CIRCUIT FOR SCANNER IN OPTICAL STORAGE MEDIA RECORDING/REPRODUCING APPARATUS. Thomson Licensing 1711306 SHAPING DEVICE, PARTICULARLY FOR SHAPING SUBSTANTIALLY ELONGATED ELEMENTS. Saccone, Franco 1711652 METHOD OF LAUNDRY WASHING. UNILEVER PLC ; UNILEVER N.V. 1713846 STAIN RESISTANT GROUT. 3M Innovative Properties Company 1715658 Method and systems for communicating SS7 messages. Tekelec 1725298 HAIR CONDITIONING COMPOSITIONS. UNILEVER PLC ; UNILEVER N.V. 1729735 COMPRESSED SOLID DOSAGE FORM MANUFACTURING PROCESS WELL-SUITED FOR USE WITH DRUGS OF LOW AQUEOUS SOLUBILITY AND COMPRESSED SOLID DOSAGE FORMS MADE THEREBY. TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. 1776509 PROCESS FOR THE ZERO EMISSION STORAGE OF SULPHUR. SNAMPROGETTI S.p.A. ; ENI S.p.A. 1783356 Fuel injector. Delphi Technologies, Inc. 1783925 Method and apparatus for calculating an initial transmission power in universal mobile telecommunications system user equipment. M-Stack Limited 1790965 Method for providing the gases dissolved in liquids from high-voltage systems for external analysis and device for carrying out this method. Bräsel, Eckhard 1875 1876 (No. 2105) 1800573 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) An apparatus constituted by a plurality of dispensing assemblies for automatically preparing and dispensing espresso coffee. Gruppo Cimbali S.p.A. Request for Grant of Supplementary Protection Certificate The name and address of the requestor follow the number allocated to the request. The date in brackets following the name and address is the date of receipt of the request. The Patent number is that under which the product in respect of which a certificate is sought is, allegedly, protected. Market Authorisation references in respect of the product concerned are also shown. 2008022 ASTELLAS PHARMA INC., 3-11, Nihonbashi-Honcho 2chome,Chuo-ku,Tokyo 103-8411, Japan (18 July 2008) Patent No: 0788511; CYCLIC HEXAPEPTIDES HAVING ANTIBIOTIC ACTIVITY Product: Micafungin or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, especially micafungin sodium. Market Authorisation: Ireland EU/08/448/001, 25/04/2008, Ireland EU/1/08/448/002, 25/04/2008, Ireland EU/1/08/448/001, 25/04/2008 (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) Designs Registered Under The Industrial Designs Act, 2001 21090 25-03 FEELYSTONE, Greatmeadow, Boyle,Co. Roscommon, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FEELYSTONE, Greatmeadow, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland. Date of Registration: 25 January 2008. Monumental Stone Design 1877 1878 21091 (No. 2105) 25-03 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) FEELYSTONE, Greatmeadow, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FEELYSTONE, Greatmeadow, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland. Date of Registration: 25 January 2008. Monumental Stone Design (20/08/2008) 21092 Patents Office Journal 25-03 (No. 2105) FEELYSTONE, Greatmeadow, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FEELYSTONE, Greatmeadow, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland. Date of Registration: 25 January 2008. Monumental Stone Design 21093 25-03 FEELYSTONE, Greatmeadow, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland. Address for service is c/o FEELYSTONE, Greatmeadow, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland. Date of Registration: 25 January 2008. Monumental Stone Design 1879 1880 21094 (No. 2105) 19-07 Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) LETTER-TEC IRELAND LIMITED, Springhill House, Killacloyne, Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork, Ireland. Address for service is c/o CORMAC R. O'HANLON c/o J.W. O'Donovan Solicitors, 53 South Mal,l Cork, Ireland. Date of Registration: 29 April 2008. Teaching Material (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal (No. 2105) 1627 Patents Office Journal Irisleabhar Oifig Na bPaitinní Cuid II Trádmharcanna No. 2105 Wednesday, 20 August, 2008 NOTE: The office does not guarantee the accuracy of its publications nor undertake any responsibility for errors or omissions or their consequences. In this Part of the Journal, unless the context otherwise requires, a reference to the 1963 Act means the Trade Marks Act, 1963, a reference to the 1963 Rules means the Trade Marks Rules, 1963, a reference to the 1996 Act means the Trade Marks Act, 1996 and a reference to the 1996 Rules means the Trade Marks Rules, 1996. Official Notice - Trade Marks Written Statement of the Grounds of a Decision – Open to public inspection. Trade Mark No. 231615 Decision following opposition. 1628 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Application for Registration of marks published under Section 43(1) of the 1996 Act following acceptance Notice is hereby given that Applications for the Registration of the undermentioned trade marks have been accepted. Any person who desires to oppose the registration of these trade marks may within three months from the date of this Journal give notice to the Controller, Patents Office, Government Buildings, Hebron Road, Kilkenny, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 18. It should be noted that under the provisions of Rule 63(2) no extension of the opposition period is allowed for lodging opposition under Rule 18. It is desirable before lodging formal opposition that a communication should be addressed to the Applicant affording him an opportunity to withdraw his application for registration. In this way cost of opposition proceedings may be avoided. ARROW PUMPS 239322 ARROW RENTALS LIMITED 2 Landsdowne Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Ireland. Address for service is c/o F.R. KELLY & CO. 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland. 01 April 2008 Class 35. Class 37. Retail services in relation to the sale of pumps and pumping equipment in construction, mining, quarrying, municipal and industrial sectors, including, water and sludge pumps, diesel pumps, drainage pumps, submersible and hydraulic pumps; retail services in relation to the sale of accessories associated with pumps, including, hoses, pipework, strainers, separation tanks and de-silting units. Hiring of pumps and pumping equipment in the construction, mining, quarrying, municipal and industrial sectors, including, water and sludge pumps, diesel pumps, drainage pumps, submersible and hydraulic pumps; hiring of accessories associated with pumps, including, hoses, pipework, strainers, separation tanks and de-silting units. ARROW RENTALS 239323 01 April 2008 Class 35. Class 37. Retail services in relation to the sale of pumps and pumping equipment in construction, mining, quarrying, municipal and industrial sectors, including, water and sludge pumps, diesel pumps, drainage pumps, submersible and hydraulic pumps; retail services in relation to the sale of accessories associated with pumps, including, hoses, pipework, strainers, separation tanks and de-silting units. Hiring of pumps and pumping equipment in the construction, mining, quarrying, municipal and industrial sectors, (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1629 Patents Office Journal including, water and sludge pumps, diesel pumps, drainage pumps, submersible and hydraulic pumps; hiring of accessories associated with pumps, including, hoses, pipework, strainers, separation tanks and de-silting units. ARROW RENTALS LIMITED 2 Landsdowne Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Ireland. Address for service is c/o F.R. KELLY & CO. 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland. education and sporting purposes; organising running events; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all of the aforesaid services. MICHAEL JENKINS 5 Lord Wardens Vale Lord Wardens Wood Bangor BT19 1GH Northern Ireland United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o DEWDNEY DREW, JOANNE LECKY, MARGARET K HARTNETT, STUART WALLACE Murgitroyd & Company, Unit 1, Block 8, Blanchardstown Corporate Park, Cruiserath Road, Dublin 15 Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) Pink and Black 239324 30 April 2008 Class 25. Class 35. Class 41. Clothing; footwear; headgear Advertising; business management; business administration; retail services, mail order retail services and on-line retail services in relation to clothing, footwear and headgear; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all of the aforesaid services. Sporting and cultural activities; organisation and staging of races and sporting events, contests and competitions; event management; provision of sporting, leisure and recreation facilities; sports club services; leisure centre services; rental of sports equipment; provision of sports training and tuition; education and training services relating to exercise and fitness; provision of the services of a personal trainer; organising events for entertainment, 239325 03 December 2007 Class 44. Dog walking & pet minding services ELLY AALBERS 87 Norwood Park, Ballysimon Road, Limerick Ireland. Address for service is c/o ELLY AALBERS 87 Norwood Park, Ballysimon Road, Limerick Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) black and red 1630 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Class 31. 239326 06 May 2008 Class 29. Class 30. Meat, fish, poultry and game, including the aforesaid goods frozen; meat products and charcuterie; meat extracts; shellfish; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, including the aforesaid goods in sweet and/or sour (pickled) sauces; jessies; eggs, milk and milk products included in class29, in particular butter, cheese, fresh milk, long-milk, cream, yoghurt, quark, powdered milk for food; meat, sausage, fish, fruit and vegetable preserves; processed nuts; edible oils and fats; prepared meals and frozen foodstuffs included in class 29; dietetic substances and foodstuffs, not adapted for medical use, included in class 29; all the aforesaid goods also produced using organic farming; Rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, in particular cereals, muesli and whole-wheat products; pasta; coffee, tea, cocoa or chocolate-based drinks; cofee and cocoa preparations for making alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages; food flavourings; bread and pastry; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powder, starch for food; salt; mustard; mayonnaise, ketchupl vinegar, sauces (condiments), salad dressings; spices, spice extracts, dried herbs; prepared meals and frozen foodstuffs included in class 30; dietetic substances and foodstuffs, not adapted Class 32. Class 33. for medical use, included in class 30; all the aforesaid goods also produced using organic farming; Fresh fruits and vegetables; nuts; seeds, natural plants and flowers; dried plants; animal feed and additives for animal feed; bedding for animals; all the aforesaid goods also produced using organic farming; Beers; alcohol-free beer; low sugar and low calorie beer included in class 32; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; srups and other preparations for making beverages; all the aforesaid goods also produced sing organic farming; Alcoholic beverages (except beer) included in class 33, in particular wine, spirits and liqueurs, and alcoholic mixed milk beverages, cocktails and apéitifs and with a spirit or wine base; beverages containing wine; alcoholic preparations for making beverages; all the aforesaid goods also produced using organic farming LIDL STIFTUNG & CO. KG Stiftsbergstr. 1, 74167 Neckarsulm Germany. Address for service is c/o CRUICKSHANK & CO. 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford Dublin 18 Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) Dark Green (Pantone 349C), Light Green (Pantone 390 C), Yellow (Pantone 109 C), White (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1631 Patents Office Journal DIZZY Class 28. 239327 10 April 2008 Class 29. Class 41. Dairy products, milk and milk products, fresh milk products, milk beverage (milk predominating), milky desserts, yoghurts, fruit yoghurts, drinking yoghurts, cream (milk product), whipped cream. YOPLAIT MARQUES INTERNATIONALES 170 bis, boulevard du Montparnasse, 75014 Paris France. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Ireland. vouchers; printed cards; lottery tickets; gaming coupons and gaming tickets. Toys; games and playthings; printed lottery scratch cards; playing cards. Conducting, organising and operating of lotteries; lottery services; entertainment; organisation of competitions and quizzes; television and radio entertainment; production of radio and television programmes; game shows; production of game shows; education; providing of training; sporting and cultural activities; publication of books and texts; organisation, presentation and production of shows, live performances and audience participation events. AN POST NATIONAL LOTTERY COMPANY Abbey Street Lower, Dublin 1 Ireland. Address for service is c/o F.R. KELLY & CO. 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland. The first mark in use will be in the colour(s) yellow, green and grey Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 239328 26 November 2007 Class 9. Class 16. Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; compact discs, recording discs, recording cassettes, videos, automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coinoperated apparatus; lottery ticket dispensing apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; computer software, computer and electronic games. Paper and cardboard and goods made from these materials in Class 16, books and printed matter; envelopes; cards and competition cards included in class 16; tokens; 239329 22 February 2007 Class 2. Coatings, in the nature of paints, varnishes, lacquers, acrylic and water-based paints; wood stains and priming preparations in the nature of paints. 1632 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) GENERAL PAINTS LIMITED Maynooth Road, Celbridge, Co Kildare Ireland. Address for service is c/o F.R. KELLY & CO. 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland. The mark in use will be in the colours(s) red, orange, grey and pink.The application is proceeding with the consent of the proprietors of Irish Registered Trade Marks numbers 121810, 80993, 80992 and Registered Community Trade Mark numbers 611731, 1167337, 1167261, 1916410 and 5700695. Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 239331 05 September 2007 Class 35. TfC Transport for Cork TFC TRANSPORT FOR CORK Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 239330 19 October 2006 Class 39. Transport services; passenger transport and cargo transport services; sightseeing and tour arranging services; transport and delivery of goods; courier services; travel agency and booking services; parcel delivery services; provision of information relating to transport services and tourist information services all being services included in class 39. BUS EIREANN/IRISH BUS Broadstone, Dublin 7 Ireland. Address for service is c/o F.R. KELLY & CO. 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland. Sales promotion; the promotion of goods and services of others; advertising and advertising services; online retail services to facilitate the sale of goods, namely, vehicles, accessories for vehicles, animals, accessories for animals, furniture, electrical goods, tickets, books, clothing, footwear, headgear, art, toys and jewellery via the Internet or a computer database network; operating online retail services for sellers and buyers of goods, namely, vehicles, accessories for vehicles, animals, accessories for animals, furniture, electrical goods, tickets, books, clothing, footwear, headgear, art, toys and jewellery; the bringing together for the benefit of others a variety of goods, namely, vehicles, accessories for vehicles, animals, accessories for animals, furniture, electrical goods, tickets, books, clothing, footwear, headgear, art, toys and jewellery including such service provided online from an Internet website enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from online vendors; online advertising services (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1633 Patents Office Journal DONE DEAL LIMITED 69 Clonard Village, Wexford Ireland. Address for service is c/o Done Deal Limited c/o Mr. Fred Karlsson Done Deal Limited, 69 Clonard Village, Wexford Ireland. The first mark, in use, is in the colours red and black and the second mark in the series, in use, is in the colours black and white transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs Northwood Technology Ltd. 56 Nore Road Dublin Industrial Estate Glasnevin Dublin 11 Ireland. Address for service is c/o Northwood Technology Ltd. 56 Nore Road Dublin Industrial Estate Glasnevin Dublin 11 Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) Pantone Purple: 2592 Orange: 1585 Grey: 427 Or in a dark grey/silver 239332 26 May 2008 Class 9. Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs Northwood Technology Ltd. 56 Nore Road Dublin Industrial Estate Glasnevin Dublin 11 Ireland. Address for service is c/o Northwood Technology Ltd. 56 Nore Road Dublin Industrial Estate Glasnevin Dublin 11 Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) Pantone Purple: 2592 Orange: 1585 Grey: 427 Or in a dark grey/silver 239334 28 February 2005 Class 30. Confectionery; chocolate, chocolates, turkish delight, biscuits CROGEEN LIMITED Cutlery Road, Newbridge, Co. Kildare Ireland. Address for service is c/o Mr. Leo Cummins Crogeen Limited, Cutlery Road, Newbridge Co Kildare Ireland. KP FROSTED 239335 01 May 2008 Class 29. 239333 26 May 2008 Class 9. Apparatus for recording, Processed nuts and mixtures of processed nuts with dried fruits 1634 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal UNITED BISCUITS (UK) LIMITED Hayes Park, Hayes End Road, Hayes Middlesex UB4 8EE United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO. 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6 Ireland. (20/08/2008) The application is proceeding with the consent of the proprietors of Registered Trade Mark No. 228373. GSPA 239336 11 September 2006 Class 41. Class 43. Entertainment services, namely conducting special occasion beauty parties. Providing food and beverage services in a beauty lounge. Priority Date Claimed: 10 March 2006 United States of America GRETTA ENTERPRISES, LLC 19 Kearnley Road Needham Massachusetts 02494 United States of America. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO. 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6 Ireland. BERRY N'ICE 239337 19 May 2005 Class 30. Cocoa, pastry, confectionery and desserts, cookies, biscuits, preparations made from cereals, sorbets, edible ices, water ices, frozen confectionery, ice, snacks, preparations for making the aforesaid products, in so far as not included in other classes. Unilever N.V. Weena 455, 3013 AL Rotterdam The Netherlands. Address for service is c/o F.R. KELLY & CO. 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland. Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 239338 12 February 2008 Class 36. Financial, banking, investment and insurance services; insurance advisory and consultancy services; assurance services; assurance advisory and consultancy services; pension services; pension advisory and consultancy services; financial services; financial advisory and consultancy services; brokerage and brokerage services; mortgage services; mortgage advisory and consultancy services; asset management; asset advisory and consultancy services; fund management; fund management and advisory services; financial, banking, investment, insurance and brokerage services by means of the internet or electronically; provision of brokerage services on-line from a computer network or via the internet or intranet; vehicle insurance; home insurance; business insurance; life insurance; commercial insurance; pensions. (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1635 Patents Office Journal FBD INSURANCE PLC FBD House, Bluebell, Dublin 12 Ireland. Address for service is c/o FBD INSURANCE PLC c/o Bayview IP, 8 Bayview Court, Killiney Co. Dublin Ireland. The first mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) red, blue and white. Ecologics Solar Solutions Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 239340 239339 03 June 2008 Class 11. Class 37. 15 April 2008 Class 9. Renewable energy equipment for heating, lighting, water heating, refrigeration and compost toilet systems. Installation of renewable energy equipment for heating, lighting, water heating, refrigeration and compost toilet systems. QUENTIN GARGAN Coomanore North, Bantry, Co. Cork Ireland. Address for service is c/o QUENTIN GARGAN Coomanore North, Bantry, Co. Cork Ireland. Class 16. Class 35. Data recordings including audio, video, still and moving images and text; computer software, including software for use in downloading, storing, reproducing and organising audio, video, still and moving images and data; downloadable electronic publications; computer, electronic and video games programmes and equipment; mouse mats; television and radio signal transmitters and receivers; and parts for all the aforesaid goods. Printed publications; magazines; books; catalogues; programmes. The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of toiletries, CDs, DVDs, videos, audio books, computer games, video games, electronic games, jewellery, ornaments, clocks, watches, printed matter, household containers and utensils, textile goods, bags, clothing, footwear, headgear, toys games and sports equipment, foodstuffs and non-alcoholic beverages, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods on-line or from a retail store; the organisation, operation and conducting of votes for public 1636 (No. 2105) Class 38. Class 41. Class 42. Patents Office Journal opinion polls. Broadcasting; communications and telecommunications; transmission, broadcast, reception and other dissemination of audio, video, still and moving images, text and data whether in real or delayed time; electronic mail services; teletext and interactive broadcasting services; news information and news agency services; rental of radio and television broadcasting equipment; providing access to and leasing of access time to a computer database; provision of discussion forums; provision of information and advisory services relating to any of the aforesaid services. Provision of entertainment, education, recreation, instruction, tuition and training; production, presentation and distribution (other than transportation) of audio, video, still and moving images and data; publishing services (including electronic publishing services); provision of nondownloadable electronic publications; organisation, production and presentation of shows, competitions, games, concerts, exhibitions and events; language teaching; provision of information and advisory services relating to any of the aforesaid services. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer programming; computer consultancy services; installation, maintenance, repair and upgrading of computer software; graphic design services; design, drawing and (20/08/2008) Class 45. commissioned writing for the compilation of websites; creating and maintaining websites; hosting the websites of others; provision of information and advisory services relating to any of the aforesaid services. Legal services; copyright management; licensing of intellectual property; licensing services. Priority Date Claimed: 06 December 2007 United Kingdom FREESAT (UK) LIMITED Fourth Floor, 58-60 Berners Street, London W1T 3NQ United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o EOIN CUNNEEN LK SHIELDS SOLICITORS, 39/40 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2 Ireland. The first mark in the series will be in the colours shades of pink, orange, green, blue, grey, purple and black and the second mark in the series will be in black and white Ecologics Solutions 239341 03 June 2008 Class 11. Class 37. Renewable energy equipment for heating, lighting, water heating, refrigeration and compost toilet systems. Installation of renewable energy equipment for heating, lighting, water heating, refrigeration and compost toilet systems. QUENTIN GARGAN Coomanore North, Bantry, Co. Cork Ireland. Address for service is c/o QUENTIN GARGAN Coomanore North, Bantry, Co. Cork Ireland. (20/08/2008) 239342 (No. 2105) 1637 Patents Office Journal 15 April 2008 Class 9. Class 16. Class 35. Class 38. Data recordings including audio, video, still and moving images and text; computer software, including software for use in downloading, storing, reproducing and organising audio, video, still and moving images and data; downloadable electronic publications; computer, electronic and video games programmes and equipment; mouse mats; television and radio signal transmitters and receivers; and parts for all the aforesaid goods. Printed publications; magazines; books; catalogues; programmes The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of toiletries, CDs, DVDs, videos, audio books, computer games, video games, electronic games, jewellery, ornaments, clocks, watches, printed matter, household containers and utensils, textile goods, bags, clothing, footwear, headgear, toys games and sports equipment, foodstuffs and non-alcoholic beverages, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods on-line or from a retail store; the organisation, operation and conducting of votes for public opinion polls. Broadcasting; communications and telecommunications; transmission, broadcast, reception and other dissemination of audio, video, Class 41. Class 42. still and moving images, text and data whether in real or delayed time; electronic mail services; teletext and interactive broadcasting services; news information and news agency services; rental of radio and television broadcasting equipment; providing access to and leasing of access time to a computer database; provision of discussion forums; provision of information and advisory services relating to any of the aforesaid services. Provision of entertainment, education, recreation, instruction, tuition and training; production, presentation and distribution (other than transportation) of audio, video, still and moving images and data; publishing services (including electronic publishing services); provision of nondownloadable electronic publications; organisation, production and presentation of shows, competitions, games, concerts, exhibitions and events; language teaching; provision of information and advisory services relating to any of the aforesaid services. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer programming; computer consultancy services; installation, maintenance, repair and upgrading of computer software; graphic design services; design, drawing and commissioned writing for the compilation of websites; creating and maintaining websites; hosting the websites of others; provision of information and advisory services relating to any of the 1638 (No. 2105) Class 45. Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) aforesaid services. Legal services; copyright management; licensing of intellectual property; licensing services. Priority Date Claimed: 06 December 2007 United Kingdom FREESAT (UK) LIMITED Fourth Floor, 58-60 Berners Street, London W1T 3NQ United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o EOIN CUNNEEN LK SHIELDS SOLICITORS, 39/40 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2 Ireland. Class 41. leaflets; instructional and teaching materials; instructional and teaching materials for education and information; book binding materials; book covers; drawings; paintings; photographs; prints; pictures. paintings; photographs; prints; pictures. Publication of books; providing on-line electronic publication [not downloadable]; publication of electronic books and journals on-line. Georgina Campbell 36 Fitzwilliam Sq. Dublin 2 Ireland. Address for service is c/o Patricia McGovern DFMG Solicitors, Embassy House, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Ireland. 239343 07 March 2008 Class 25. Clothing JERRY WREN White Rock, Killiney Avenue, Killiney Co Dublin Ireland. Address for service is c/o JERRY WREN White Rock, Killiney Avenue, Killiney Co Dublin Ireland. 239345 12 December 2006 Class 35. EPICURE 239344 28 May 2008 Class 16. Discount cards [other than encoded or magnetic]; vouchers; cookery books; guide books; magazines; paper; cardboard; paper articles; cardboard articles; printed matter; books; annuals; publications; newsletters; newspapers; periodicals; journals; manuals; Advertising and management of commercial business; distribution of publicity materials, pamphlets and samples; rental of publicity materials; maintaining of publicity materials as advertising panels; commercial assistance or business management; distribution of commercial information; distribution of advertising materials; business organization consultancy; marketing research and analysis, including research and consultancy with regard to purpose court scan of market; collecting and accounting of data in central (20/08/2008) Class 42. (No. 2105) 1639 Patents Office Journal database; direct or indirect negotiating of goods; business management services in the form of negotiation of commercial transactions for third parties; business management assistance, efficiency experts, business information; commercial research, business and organization consultancy; management of computer files; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; economic forecasting; radio commercials, television advertising, statistical information; qualitative and quantitative surveying; administrative and administrative services by arranging of newspapers subscripts for others. Design and development of computer systems; technical services with regard to applications for large and substance large computer systems, technical services with regard to computer programs, management of computer systems; consultancy with regard to telecommunication (technical) and computers, development of computer systems in the field of opinion and marketing research; design of data processing programmes; rental of users time to help desk or computer data banks; design, development and research in relation to use of computer databases, manufacturing manuals and order of information in main files; legal services. AEGIS LUXEMBOURG SARL 54, Boulevard Napoleon 1er, L-2210 Luxembourg Luxembourg. Address for service is c/o CRUICKSHANK & CO. 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford Dublin 18 Ireland. K-Y TOUCH MASSAGE 239346 02 April 2008 Class 3. Class 5. Massage oils Personal lubricants Johnson & Johnson One Johnson & Johnson Plaza New Brunswick New Jersey 08933-7001 United States of America. Address for service is c/o EUGENE F. COLLINS SOLICITORS Temple Chambers, 3 Burlington Road, Dublin 4 Ireland. 239347 12 June 2008 Class 29. Cheese products. Kraft Foods UK Limited St. George’s House, Bayshill Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 3AE United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o F.R. KELLY & CO. 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland. The mark in use will be in colour(s) green, yellow and black VEDIXAL 239348 12 June 2008 Class 5. Pharmaceutical preparations and substances. 1640 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) ROWEX LTD. Newtown, Bantry, Co. Cork Ireland. Address for service is c/o Anne Ryan & Co 60 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Ireland. BANK OF IRELAND PREMIER WEALTH MANAGEMENT Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 239349 11 June 2008 239350 Class 36. Financial services; banking services; monetary services; insurance services; financial planning, advice, research and report services; electronic banking and funds transfer services; providing financial information and advice; life assurance and pensions; financial services relating to investment; consultancy, advisory and information services to all of the aforesaid services THE GOVERNOR AND COMPANY OF THE BANK OF IREALND (ESTABLISHED IN IRELAND BY CHARTER IN 1783 AND HAVING LIMITED LIABILITY) DOING BUSINESS AS BANK OF IRELAND Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2 Ireland. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO. 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6 Ireland. 07 May 2008 Class 35. Advertising, promotion and marketing services, including the provision of the aforesaid services from an online database and/or the internet; retail and mail order service in relation to cleaning and polishing preparations, cosmetics and shampoos for animals, veterinary preparations and products, nutritional supplements, dietetic substances adapted for medical use, plasters, materials for dressings, materials for stopping teeth, disinfectants, preparations for destroying vermin, CDs, DVDs, books, printed publications, calendars, stationery, photographs, instructional and teaching apparatus (except apparatus), leather and imitations of leather and goods made of these materials, trunks, travelling bags and cases, umbrellas, walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, combs, brushes, articles for cleaning purposes, glassware, porcelain and earthenware, containers and buckets, feeding and drinking troughs, clothing, footwear, headgear, games, playthings, sporting articles, decorations for (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1641 Patents Office Journal Christmas trees, foodstuffs and feeds for animals; business management and business administration; compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the Internet; provision of space on web sites for advertising and promoting goods and services; advisory and information services relating to the aforesaid. Class 37. Installation and servicing of solar panels, solar powered systems, wood pellet burners, heat pumps, heat recovery ventilating systems, under floor heating systems, gas fire condensing boilers and apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating water supply and sanitary purposes. SUSAN YOUNG 2 Kea-Lew Business Park Mountrath Road Portlaoise, Co. Laois Ireland. Address for service is c/o F.R. KELLY & CO. 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland. ECO-NRG LIMITED Longgraigue, Foulksmills, Co. Wexford Ireland. Address for service is c/o F.R. KELLY & CO. 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland. The first mark in use will be in the colour(s) black, blue and green The first mark in use will be in the colour(s) yellow, orange, red and black 239352 09 June 2008 Class 8. Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 239351 27 July 2007 Class 11. Class 35. Solar panels for use in heating; solar collectors for heating; solar energy powered heating apparatus; solar furnaces; wood pellet burners; heat pumps; heat recovery ventilation systems; under floor heating systems; gas fire condensing boilers; apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes. Retail services relating to solar energy, heating and renewable energy products. Hand Tools and implements TIMOTHY JOYCE Derryhiney Portumna Co. Galway Ireland. Address for service is c/o TIMOTHY JOYCE Derryhiney Portumna Co. Galway Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) black 1642 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Class 41. Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 239353 13 November 2007 Class 16. Class 35. Membership cards; cards; application forms; handbooks; directories; reports; briefings; guidance documents; instructional and teaching materials; diaries; wall charts; posters; leaflets; badges; pens; publications; printed matter and promotional materials; reference materials. Advertising; business administration and office functions, all relating to services for member constituent organisations; employment of staff; management of business acquisitions; data processing; business and office administration relating to the sale and processing of discount cards; conducting research into educational matters; educational, instructional, support services and facilities, all provided by institutions of further and higher education and bodies responsible for monitoring and/or supervising their performance; conducting research into social welfare and legal matters as they affect students involved in education and training and their representative Class 42. Class 45. organisations; dissemination of information to relevant authorities and bodies on social welfare and legal matters as they affect students involved in education and training and their representative organisations; data collection and management; market research. Provision of information services relating to educational matters; educational, instructional, support services and facilities, all provided by institutions of further and higher education and bodies responsible for monitoring and/or supervising their performance; providing training courses for the officers and staff of member constituent organisations, students and voluntary organisations in collaboration with other bodies or independently; providing conferences and seminars for or in relation to students involved in secondary and third-level education and training and their representatives in collaboration with other bodies or independently; online promotions; services and activities; online information and resources. Hosting websites. Lobbying authorities, bodies and educational institutions; providing legal services and advice and assistance on social welfare and legal matters as they affect students involved in education and training and their representative organisations. UNION OF STUDENTS IN IRELAND Ceann Áras na Mac Léinn, 3-4 Saint Agnes Road, Crumlin, Dublin 12 Ireland. Address for service is c/o RICHARD HAMMOND R.T.M.A. Hammond Good Solicitors, HG Legal Chambers, Main Street, Mallow, Co Cork Ireland. (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1643 Patents Office Journal The first mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) purple and yellow DEBRA IRELAND LTD. 3-4 Upper Pembroke Street Dublin 2 Ireland. Address for service is c/o DEBRA IRELAND LTD. C/o Business and Technology Links LTD BATL House, 18 Hermitage Lawn, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16 Ireland. ANGLIAN WATER 239354 03 June 2008 Class 20. Class 37. Kitchen furniture, height adjustable tables, book/storage cupboards made from timber and timber products. The construction and installation of height adjustable, accessible and made to measure kitchens and furniture. AXEL BONTES t/a Off the Wall Kitchens 45 Norfolk Road Phibsborough, D7 Dublin Ireland. Address for service is c/o AXEL BONTES t/a Off the Wall Kitchens 45 Norfolk Road Phibsborough, D7 Dublin Ireland. 239356 13 March 2008 Class 9. Class 11. Class 35. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) grey, white, black and red. BUTTERFLY DAY 239355 04 June 2008 Class 36. Charitable fund raising; organising charitable collections. Class 36. Electronic control apparatus and instruments; telemetry apparatus and instruments; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods Apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes; apparatus, instruments, installations and plants for water supply, recycling water and the treatment of water and sewage; aeration apparatus; water softening apparatus; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods Business management; business administration; office functions; business advisory services in relation to the setting up and managing of laboratories and process and industrial plants; retail services connected with the sale of water butts, composters, cleaning products, toilet flushing displacement devices, and other sanitary and recycling apparatus; provision of a directory of plumbers, contractors and other craftsmen; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; insurance services relating to properties; 1644 (No. 2105) Class 37. Class 39. Class 40. Patents Office Journal insurance services relating to pipes, plumbing, drains, pest contamination and electrical wiring; provision of asset management services;property investment and property leasing services; asset management; credit card services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services Building construction; repair; installation services; maintenance services; construction, installation, operation, maintenance, refurbishment and repair of infrastructure assets, facilities, pipelines and networks for utility services, water, wastewater and sewage; construction, installation, operation, maintenance, refurbishment and repair of apparatus, instruments, installations and plants for water supply, water and sewage treatment and sanitary purposes, and of aeration apparatus and water softening apparatus; land drainage; excavation services; mineral extraction; information, advisory and consultancy services in relation to all of the aforesaid Transport; packaging and storage of goods; water distribution and supply services; collection, transportation, storage and disposal of water, waste water and sewage; water management; drought management and planning; operation of water, waste water and sewerage pipelines and pipe networks; refuse collection and disposal; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services Treatment of materials; water, sewage and waste water treatment; water purification services; recycling services; (20/08/2008) Class 41. Class 42. water and waste water recycling services; mineral extraction; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; education and information services relating to water, water supply, water treatment, water distribution, sewage treatment and waste water treatment, water management and water usage, consumption and conservation; organising conferences, symposia, exhibitions and seminars concerning the above; education and information services relating to the conservation of the environment; provision of sporting and leisure facilities; provision of sporting and leisure facilities on reservoirs; provision of fishing facilities; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; professional consultancy, scientific, research, industrial design and engineering services relating to water treatment, water distribution, water supply, sewage treatment and waste water treatment; industrial research relating to water treatment, water distribution, water supply, sewage treatment and waste water treatment; design of industrial machines, recycling plants and water treatment plants; laboratory analysis; testing and analysis of water; design of river structures; professional technical advisory services for businesses in relation to the (20/08/2008) Class 43. Class 44. (No. 2105) 1645 Patents Office Journal setting up and managing of laboratories, and process and industrial plants; services of providing and operating computerised business, asset, geographical and technical information systems and data systems; information services for technical standards; environmental conservation and protection; river conservation services; compilation of environmental information; civil engineering services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services Landscaping services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all of the aforesaid services ANGLIAN WATER SERVICES LIMITED Anglian House, Ambury Road, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 3NZ United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO. 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6 Ireland. Class 18. Class 25. Class 39. bookmarkers; calendars; magazines; beer mats; posters; printed timetables; tickets and signboards; all being included in Class 16. Backpacks, sports bags, travelling bags and trunks; suitcases; dog collars; umbrellas; pocket wallets. Coats, jackets, overalls, caps, hats, scarves and gloves; sweaters, pullovers and sports jerseys; shirts and singlets; swimwear. Transport services; passenger transport and cargo transport services; transport and delivery of goods; courier services; travel agency and booking services; sightseeing and tour arranging services; parcel delivery services; provision of information relating to transport services and tourist information services all being services included in Class 39. BUS ÁTHA CLIATH/DUBLIN BUS 59 Upper O'Connell Street, Dublin 1 Ireland. Address for service is c/o F.R. KELLY & CO. 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland. The Mark is proceeding based on distinctiveness acquired through use. The Mark is proceeding with the consent of the proprietors of registered trade mark no's 146338, 158724 and CTM no's 001673300 and 001907708 DUBLIN BUS 239357 08 March 2007 Class 16. Printed matter; instructional and teaching materials; stationary; diaries; pens and pencils; credit card holders; office requisites; 1646 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal 239360 239358 (20/08/2008) 17 January 2008 07 November 2007 Class 30. Class 14. Class 35. Keyrings (trinkets or fobs) Compilation of information into computer databases JAMES MCALISTER Ladytown Lodge, Ladytown, Newhall, Naas Co. Kildare Ireland. Address for service is c/o JAMES MCALISTER Ladytown Lodge, Ladytown, Newhall, Naas Co. Kildare Ireland. ZED CANDY LIMITED Kilcock, Co. Kildare Ireland. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) brown, yellow, black, blue, orange, green and lilac. FIZZ BOMBS 239359 DELACOUR 19 December 2007 239361 Class 30. Confectionary ZED CANDY LIMITED Kilcock, Co. Kildare Ireland. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Ireland. Confectionery 23 May 2002 Class 14. Horological and chronometric instruments. PIALLO HANDELS-UND VEREDELUNGSGESELLSCHAFT m.b.H. Kärntner Ring 4 A-1010 Wien Austria. Address for service is c/o ANNE RYAN & CO. 60 Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Ireland. (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1647 Patents Office Journal LIVABILITY LivAbility Livability livability Application is for a Series of 4 Trade Marks. 239362 05 December 2007 Class 16. Class 35. Printed matter, printed publications, periodicals, stationery, writing instruments, paper and paper articles, cardboard and goods of cardboard not included in other classes, books, booklets, cards, greetings cards, envelopes, folders, plastic folders, portfolios, plastic covers being stationery items, covers being stationery items, binders, forms, calendars, magazines, newsletters, pamphlets, reports, stamps, labels, pictures, photographs, posters, graphic representations, advertisement boards, signs, signboards, beer mats, pads, paperweights, pencils, pens, advertising materials, crayons, colouring in books, diaries, birthday books, agendas, research reports, instructional and teaching materials. Business management of care homes, nursing homes, convalescent homes and respite care homes; sales promotion, publicity, advertising and provision of the aforesaid services via websites and arranging all of the same all in connection with charitable work and services for the benefit of disabled people; advertising and promotion services in connection with rights and opportunities for disabled Class 36. people; organisation, operation and management of the purchasing of goods on behalf of other parties; the arranging and management of collective purchasing schemes; advertising and promotion services and information services all relating to employment matters; business information services, employment consultancy, employment counselling and recruitment services including the provision of these services online from computer databases and the Internet; compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the Internet; compilation of directories for publishing on the Internet; provision of advertising space for third parties on an electronic hum on the Internet or any global computer network; provision of space on websites for advertising services; business administration services; charitable services, namely business management and administration; charitable services, namely business management and administration; charitable services, namely organising and conducting volunteer programmes and community service projects; provision of assistance relating to housing and employment for disabled people; provision of information, consultancy and advice relating to all the aforesaid. Provision of housing accommodation for the disabled; provision of supported housing; fund raising for charitable purposes; financial sponsorship; charitable services namely financial services; organisation of charitable collections; property management; leasing 1648 (No. 2105) Class 38. Class 39. Class 41. Patents Office Journal and rental of property; providing financial grants to organisations and individuals for the purpose of research; provision of information, consultancy and advice relating to all the aforesaid. Computer services being the provision of access to the Internet; electronic mail and workgroup communication services over computer networks; bulletin board and discussion group services; search engine services; Internet hub and search services; providing access to a directory of information over a computer network; providing computer bulleting and message boards in a wide variety of fields by means of a global computer network; portal services; provision of on-line forums; operation of chat rooms; operation of communications networks for disabled people; providing information and advice to disabled people in relation to communication; provision of assistance to disabled people in relation to communications; provision of information, consultancy and advice in relation to the aforesaid. Travel arrangements; travel agency, travel reservation; travel arrangement on behalf of disabled people; rental of wheelchairs; provision of information, consultancy and advice in relation to all the aforesaid. Entertainment, training and educational services; cultural and sporting activities; organisation of charitable fund raising events; organisation of seminars, conferences, workshops and colloquiums; organisation of competitions, concerts, shows, live performances, musicals, plays and sporting and cultural events; provision of education, training and (20/08/2008) Class 42. Class 43. cultural services to disabled people including through the operation of resource centres; training in relation to software, information technology, the Internet and computer facilities; careers training; employment training, recruitment training and job training and information relating thereto provided online from a computer database or the Internet; training of carers for disabled people; provision of electronic publications; organisation of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; provision of educational, training and recreational information and advice relating to disabled people to health trusts and local authorities; provision of information, training and advice relating to aiding disabled people in the transition between different educational, training and recreational services and life stages; provision of leisure facilities for disabled people; personal development training; providing training for independent living for the disabled, training of care staff, educating people with physical and/or learning disabilities, running schools for children with special needs and colleges of further education for physically disabled students, providing training for the unemployed, providing personal development courses for the unemployed and organising youth entertainment events; provision of information, consultancy and advice relating to all the aforesaid. Design of homes and housing for disabled people; provision of information, consultancy and advice relating to all the aforesaid. Operation of retirement (20/08/2008) Class 44. Class 45. (No. 2105) 1649 Patents Office Journal homes; provision of holiday lodging services; booking of holiday lodging services; provision of temporary accommodation; catering services relating to the provision of food and drink for the aged, the homeless, physically and mentally disabled, provision of temporary accommodation for the homeless; hotel services; provision of information, consultancy and advice relating to all the aforesaid. Speech and language therapy; physiotherapy; neuropsychology; provision of residential and nursing care; provision of behavioural and rehabilitation services to persons with brain injuries; provision of health care services in domestic homes; disability nursing; provision of convalescent homes and nursing homes; provision of residential care and rest homes; provision of horticultural services; occupational therapy; consultant neurology services; care homes; operation of day care centres; operation of supported housing; provision of respite care;provision of healthcare information and advice relating to disabled people to health trusts and local authorities;provision of information, consultancy and advice relating to all the aforesaid. Social work services; running residential care homes for the elderly physically disabled and mentally handicapped, provision of domiciliary services; undertaking research to assist local churches in serving their communities; provision of information, consultancy and advice relating to all the aforesaid. Priority Date Claimed: 20 November 2007 United Kingdom GROOMS-SHAFTESBURY 50 Scrutton Street, London EC2A 4XQ United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o Francis Gorman and Fiona Gorman C/O F. F. Gorman & Co, 15 Clanwilliam Square, Dublin 2 Ireland. 239363 26 March 2008 Class 3. Class 37. Class 40. Bleaching preparations and other substances used in the cleaning and protection of carpets, rugs, fabrics and leather. Cleaning service for carpets, rugs, fabrics and leather Stain protection service for carpets, rugs, fabrics and leather JEFFREY BURNS 26 Elmcourt, Merrion Road, Dublin 4 Ireland. Address for service is c/o JEFFREY BURNS c/o 5b Adelaide Court, Albert Road, Glenageary Co. Dublin Ireland. 1650 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) BERNARD GIBBONS 73 Meadow Hill Letterkenny Co. Donegal Ireland. Address for service is c/o BRONZE AGE TANNING LTD Port Road Letterkenny Co. Donegal Ireland. Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 239364 28 May 2008 Class 29. Dairy products, milk and milk products, fresh milk products, milk beverages (milk predominating), milky desserts, yoghurts, fruit yoghurts, drinking yoghurts, cream (milk product), whipped cream YOPLAIT MARQUES INTERNATIONALES 170 bis boulevard du Montparnasse, 75014 Paris France. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Ireland. 239366 14 May 2008 Class 3. Class 38. Class 43. Class 44. The first mark in the series, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) blue, white, black and gold Cosmetics, false hair (adhesives for affixing), false nails, hair colorants, hair dyes, hair lotions, make up, shampoos, cosmetic preparations for skin care Chat rooms (providing internet), communications by computer terminals, communications by telephone, electronic mail, facsimile transmission Cafes, catering - food & drink, self service restaurant, snack bar Hair dressing salon, hair implantation, beauty salon. EDWARD MULLIGAN Unit 4D Six Cross Roads Business Park, Waterford IrelandDERVLA MULLIGAN Unit 4D Six Cross Roads Business Park, Waterford Ireland. Address for service is c/o ELLEN HEGARTY c/o Hegarty & Co. Solicitors 4 St Andrews Terrace Newtown, Waterford Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colours green, silver/metallic grey and red 239365 04 June 2008 Class 44. Beauty care for human beings, namely tanning services. (20/08/2008) BICALINN 239367 (No. 2105) 1651 Patents Office Journal TEMPTATION ON EVERY LEVEL 29 May 2008 Class 5. Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer in combination with LHRH analogue therapy or surgical castration. HELSINN BIREX THERAPEUTICS LIMITED Unit 5B, Plato Business Park, Damastown, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15 Ireland. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Ireland. 239369 13 May 2008 Class 35. Department store retail services in relation to beauty products, toiletries, machines for household use, hand tools, optical goods, cameras, domestic, electric and electronic equipment, including white goods, jewellery, clocks, watches, stationery, publications, leather goods, luggage, furniture, household containers and utensils, furnishings and textiles, clothing, footwear, headgear, haberdashery, tools, games, sports equipment, foodstuffs, drinks, art and crafts products, computers, audio and video products, flowers and tobacco products HOUSE OF FRASER (STORES) LIMITED Granite House, 31 Stockwell Street, Glasgow G1 4RZ, Scotland United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o MACLACHLAN & DONALDSON 47 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Ireland. 239368 15 April 2008 Class 44. Hair dressing salon, hair implantation, beauty salon. EDWARD MULLIGAN Unit 4D Six Cross Roads Business Park, Waterford IrelandDERVLA MULLIGAN Unit 4D Six Cross Roads Business Park, Waterford Ireland. Address for service is c/o ELLEN HEGARTY Hegarty & Co. Solicitors, 4 St. Andrews Tce., Newtown, Waterford Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colours ultra marine blue, metallic silver and white aluminium. 1652 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s): Black, White, gold, Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, Blue, Silver, Metallic "Gorgeous Finds" 239370 21 December 2007 Class 35. 239372 Class 35. Retail and wholesale services in relation to turkeys. WILLIAM P GLEESON Kilrodane, Ardagh, Co. Limerick IrelandPAT CASEY Kilrodane, Ardagh, Co. Limerick IrelandPAT MULCAHY Kilrodane, Ardagh, Co. Limerick Ireland. Address for service is c/o William P. Gleeson, Pat Casey, Pat Mulcahy Kilrodane Ardagh Co Limerick Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) greenwhite-gold-black 03 April 2008 Advertising on-line and in printed matter. CAROLINE NILAND Flat 74, The Arches, Barrack Street, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny Ireland. Address for service is c/o CAROLINE NILAND Flat 74, The Arches, Barrack Street, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s): Black, White, Gold, Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, Blue, Silver, Metallic My Beautiful Boutique 239371 03 April 2008 239373 Class 35. Advertising on-line and in printed matter; provision/compilation of business directories. CAROLINE NILAND Flat 74, The Arches, Barrack Street, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny Ireland. Address for service is c/o CAROLINE NILAND Flat 74, The Arches, Barrack Street, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny Ireland. 09 April 2008 Class 18. Travelling bag; money pouch; money belt ARTHUR T. HENRY 109 Balally Drive, Dundrum, Dublin 16 Ireland. Address for service is c/o ARTHUR T. HENRY 109 Balally Drive, Dundrum, Dublin 16 Ireland. (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1653 Patents Office Journal Application is for a Series of 3 Trade Marks. 239375 25 April 2008 Class 32. Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 239374 12 June 2007 Class 4. Class 35. Class 39. Industrial oils and greases; fuels, illuminants; motor fuel; rapeseed oil for industrial purposes; plant oil fuel; biofuel. Retail services in relation to oil, fuel plant products and bio-fuels; marketing of oil, fuel plant products and biofuels . Transport and distribution of pure plant oil; transportation of petroleum, oil products and bio-fuels. NEWTONMORE & KINGUSSIE BREWERY LIMITED Vicarage Chambers, 1A Church Street, Pattishall Northants NN12 8JT United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o NEWTONMORE & KINGUSSIE BREWERY LIMITED c/o ANDERSONBAIN & CO SOLICITORS 10 Thistle Street, DX AB36 Aberdeen, Scotland United Kingdom. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) Purple, white, green, black, yellow, red, brown, blue INTERACTIONS LTD Foxglove, Blackberry Lane, Delgany, Co. Wicklow Ireland. Address for service is c/o F.R. KELLY & CO. 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland. The first mark in use will be in the colour(s) green and white Beers and brewery products, preparations for making beverages, both mineral and aerated. LITTLE GOURMET 239376 29 May 2008 Class 5. Class 29. Class 30. Dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies, toddlers and young children Milk and milk products, foods containing meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, fruit sauces; eggs, milk and milk products for toddlers and young children Cereals, biscuits, flour and preparations made from cereals. 1654 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal N.V. NUTRICIA Eerste Stationsstraat 186, 2712 HM Zoetermeer The Netherlands. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO. 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6 Ireland. (20/08/2008) PIC 'M' MIX 239379 21 May 2007 Class 29. 239377 04 October 2007 Class 29. Meat Tomás Kinsella Unit 5, A.T.B. Business Park, Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford Ireland. Address for service is c/o Tomás Kinsella Unit 5, A.T.B. Business Park, Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour green Class 30. XAMIOR 239378 04 April 2008 Class 5. Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris and related skin disorders LEO PHARMA A/S Industriparken 55, 2750 Ballerup Denmark. Address for service is c/o LEO PHARMA A/S Trademark Department Industriparken 55 2750 Ballerup Denmark. Class 32. Yogurt, desserts comprising of yogurt and honey, yogurt and fruit, yogurt and nuts, yogurt and cereals, all made wholly or principally of yogurt; yogurt drinks, drinks containing yogurt and fruit juice; drinks containing yogurt and fruit puree; dairy products; dairy desserts; preparations all for use as desserts and puddings; milk; milk products; milk beverages; jellies; jelly desserts; jams; fruit sauces; fruit purees; fromage frais; ready to eat snack foods; snack dips; spreads; dairy spreads; margarine; meat; fish; poultry and game products; fruit, vegetable and nut products; potato products, potato based snack foods, potato crisps and chips; dips; salads; pre-prepared salads. Desserts, all made wholly or principally of rice; desserts and puddings; ice cream; frozen yogurts; croissants; ready to eat snack foods all being repackaged with dips; snacks; snack dips; bread and pastry products; tortilla snacks; snack foods made from corn; salted snacks; pretzels; corn and taco chips; burritos; enchiladas; pancakes; corn chips; tortilla chips; prawn crackers; crackers; snacks made from extruded potato/maize flour; flour based chips; biscuits; cookies; cereals and cereal preparations; cereal bars; chutney; relish, sauces, salad dressings. Non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks, fruit juices; drinks containing fruit juice and yogurt. (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1655 Patents Office Journal MOLKEREI ALOIS MÜLLER GMBH & CO. KG 86850 Aretsried Germany. Address for service is c/o MOLKEREI ALOIS MÜLLER GMBH & CO. KG C/o Miss Gemma Harvey, Müller Dairy (UK) Limited, Shrewsbury Road, Market Drayton Shropshire TF9 3SQ United Kingdom. 239381 03 September 2007 Class 1. Class 8. Class 31. 239380 22 January 2008 Class 35. Class 41. Advertising; Advertising space (rental of); Advice for consumers (commercial information); Business information; Commercial information and advice for consumers (consumer advice shop); Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; Direct mail advertising; Marketing research; Marketing studies; News clipping services; Online advertising on a computer network; Opinion polling; Updating of advertising material. Entertainment information; Organisation of competitions; Party planning; Publication of books; Publication of electronic books, journals online; Texts (writing of), other than publicity texts. KATE HYDE 14 Glencove Apartments, Dunmore Road, Waterford Ireland. Address for service is c/o KATE HYDE 14 Glencove Apartments, Dunmore Road, Waterford Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colours Pink, Yellow, White, Black, Grey Horticultural products namely fertiliser and compost. Hardware products ancillary to horticulture namely spades, shovels, hand tools and implements (hand operated) for use in horticulture. Plant seeds. GROUNDFORCE LIMITED Magna Drive Magna Business Park Citywest Road, Dublin 24 Ireland. Address for service is c/o GROUNDFORCE LIMITED Magna Drive Magna Business Park Citywest Road, Dublin 24 Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) Blue & Green 239382 09 January 2008 Class 41. Class 44. Education; providing training in relation to hairdressing. Hairdressing salon JUNABERRY LIMITED 30 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin 1 Ireland. Address for service is c/o JUNABERRY LIMITED 30 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin 1 Ireland. 1656 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) LACKAGH CONCRETE LTD Hardiman House, Eyre Square, Galway Ireland. Address for service is c/o STUART DEMPSEY LACKAGH CONCRETE LTD Hardiman House Eyre Square Galway Ireland. 239383 27 March 2008 Class 29. Class 30. Class 31. Nuts (prepared and processed), Dried Fruit, Crystallized Fruit, Dates, Fruit Chips, Fruit chips, Fruit Peel, Raisins, Yoghurt. Spices, Chocolate, Confectionery, cocoa, Corn (Pop & Roasted), Crackers. Seeds, Maize, Berries, Nuts, Coconuts. WHOLEFOODS WHOLESALE LTD Unit 3, Kylemore Ind. Est, Killeen Road, Dublin 10 Ireland. Address for service is c/o WHOLEFOODS WHOLESALE LTD Unit 3, Kylemore Ind. Est, Killeen Road, Dublin 10 Ireland. The mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) 100% Magenta & Pantone 376 Green The first mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) red, yellow, black and white. KILLEEN EVERYDAY 239385 03 December 2007 Class 21. Mops; brushes for cleaning; brushes for household use in class 21; articles for cleaning purposes. BOYNE VALLEY Platin, Drogheda, Co. Louth Ireland. Address for service is c/o F.R. KELLY & CO. 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland. KILLEEN SUPREME 239386 03 December 2007 Class 21. Mops; brushes for cleaning; brushes for household use in class 21; articles for cleaning purposes. BOYNE VALLEY Platin, Drogheda, Co. Louth Ireland. Address for service is c/o F.R. KELLY & CO. 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge Dublin 4 Ireland. Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. 239384 09 May 2008 Class 19. Readymix concrete, concrete blocks, hollowcore flooring, road kerbs, paving, pre-cast concrete products, stone, lime. (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1657 Patents Office Journal 239388 11 June 2008 Application is for a Series of 2 Trade Marks. Class 16. 239387 07 May 2008 Class 5. Class 30. Dietetic substances, foodstuffs, food preparations and food supplements, all for medical use; infants' and invalids' foods; vitamin and mineral preparations Prepared foods, frozen prepared foods; prepared meals; flour and cereal preparations; bread, pastry, confectionery, cakes, biscuits, crackers, baking mixes; pasta, pizza, pies, quiche; rice; snacks and snack foods, pretzels NUTRITION POINT LIMITED Units 1-2 Station Court 442 Stockport Road, Warrington Cheshire WA4 2GW United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o TOMKINS & CO. 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6 Ireland. The first mark, in use, is/will be in the colour(s) green, grey and white Class 43. Printed matter; printed menus, printed wine-lists; paper serviettes, paper napkins; mats for beer glasses and for wine glasses; books; magazines; periodical publications; calendars; cards; diaries; photographs; stationary; instructional and teaching materials (other than apparatus); promotional material; brochures; pamphlets; flyers. Services for providing food and drink; catering services; rental of meeting rooms; reservation of accommodation; restaurant and bar services; cafe, cafeteria, canteen, wine bar, public house, take-away food, self-service restaurant and snack-bar services. WHITBREAD GROUP PLC Whitbread Court, Houghton Hall Business Park Porz Avenue, Dunstable Bedfordshire, LU5 5XE United Kingdom. Address for service is c/o Francis and Fiona Gorman C/O F.F. Gorman & Co, 15 Clanwilliam Square, Dublin 2 Ireland. 1658 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal Opposition(s) under Section 43 of the 1996 Act 238555 KEVIN MONAHAN. Opposition filed 29 July 2008 238621 PENSIONS FIRST LIMITED. Opposition filed 29 July 2008 234483 MICHAEL BERGIN. Opposition withdrawn 17 July 2008 238414 PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED. Application withdrawn 22 July 2008 Application(s) Amended after Advertisement under the 1996 Act 235719 Advertised in Journal No: 2069 on 04/04/2007. Specification of goods amended to read: Cl. 30. Sugar, rice, tapioca, sago; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices. Cl. 31. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. Cl. 39. Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement. Cl. 43. Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. 238004 Advertised in Journal No: 2092 on 20/02/2008. Specification of goods amended to read: Cl. 2. Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration ofwood; colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; metals in foil and powder form forpainters, decorators, printers and artists. Cl. 3. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing,scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hairlotions; dentifrices. Cl. 6. Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable (20/08/2008) buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of commonmetal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; ores. Cl. 7. Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machinecoupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agriculturalimplements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs. Cl. 8. Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); cutlery; side arms; razors. Cl. 9. Safety and protective clothing, footwear and headgear. Safety and protective goggles,glasses, masks, harnesses, helmets, apparatus, restraints, signs and lights. Cl. 17. Rubber, guttapercha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing and stopping materials; flexible pipes, not of metal, specifically excluding insulating materials. Cl. 19. Building materials (non-metallic); nonmetallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitchand bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings; monuments, not of metal, none of which being in the nature of insulating material. Cl. 21. Household or kitchen utensils and containers (not of precious metal or coated therewith); combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brushmaking materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semiworked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. Cl. 22. Ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bags (not included inother classes); padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics); raw fibrous textile materials. Cl. 35. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; Distribution services. Wholesaling services. Retail services in connection with Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture,horticulture and forestry, unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics, manures, fire extinguishing compositions, tempering and soldering preparations, chemical (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal substances for preserving foodstuffs, tanning substances, adhesives used in industry,paints, varnishes, lacquers, preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood, colorants, mordants, raw natural resins, metals in foil and powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists, bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices, industrial oils and greases, lubricants, dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions, fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants, candles and wicks for lighting, pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations, sanitary preparations for medical purposes, dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies, plasters, materials for dressings, material for stopping teeth, dental wax, disinfectants, preparations for destroying vermin, fungicides, herbicides, common metals and their alloys, metal building materials, transportable buildings of metal, materials of metal for railway tracks, non-electric cables and wires of common metal, ironmongery, small items of metal hardware, pipes and tubes of metal, safes, goods of common metal, housewares, ores, machines and machine tools, firearms, ammunition and projectiles, explosives, fireworks, motors and engines. machine coupling and transmission components, agricultural implements, incubators for eggs, hand tools and implements cutlery, side arms, razors, scientific, nautical, surveying. photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking and supervision, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments, apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, magnetic data carriers, recording discs, automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus, cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers, fire-extinguishing apparatus, apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, (No. 2105) 1659 cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, printed matter, bookbinding material, photographs, stationery, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, artists' materials, paint brushes, typewriters and office requisites furniture, instructional and teaching material, plastic materials for packaging, printers' type, printing blocks, clocks and horological instruments, rubber, guttapercha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials, plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture, packing, stopping; and insulating materials, flexible pipes, of metal and not of metal, leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials, animal skins, hides, trunks and travelling bags, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks, whips, harness and saddlery, building materials, nonmetallic rigid pipes for building, asphalt, pitch and bitumen, non-metallic transportable buildings, monuments, not of metal, furniture, mirrors, picture frames, goods of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics, household or kitchen utensils and containers, combs and sponges, brushes, paint brushes,brush-making materials, articles for cleaning purposes, steelwool, unworked or semi-worked glass, glass used in building, glassware, porcelain and earthenware, ropes, string, nets, tents, awnings, tarpaulins, sails, sacks and bugs, padding and stuffing materials (except of rubber or plastics), raw fibrous textile materials, textiles and textile goods, bed and table covers, Clothing, footwear, headgear, safety clothing, safety footwear, safety headgear, goggles, walking sticks, carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors, wall hangings (non-textile), games and playthings, gymnastic and sporting articles, decorations for Christmas trees, Christmas novelties, Christmas lights, Christmas decorations, agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and 1660 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal grains, live animals, fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds, natural plants and flowers, foodstuffs for animals, malt. 238586 Advertised in Journal No: 2097 on 30/04/2008. Specification of goods amended to read: Cl. 5. Pharmaceutical preparations and substances, namely ethinylestradiol/gestodene formulations for oral administration. 237999 238006 238032 238035 238040 238052 238054 238068 Application(s) Withdrawn after Advertisement under the 1996 Act 237532 DAVID SYNNOTT, CAOIMHE HAUGHEY Application(s) deemed to be Withdrawn under Section 45(2) of the 1996 Act 237367 237385 237408 237437 237447 237450 237460 237462 237485 SCAN DATA HOSTING LIMITED NEW DESIGN CREATORS LTD IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES PLC GERARD CONNOLLY EOIN MURPHY T/A The Wise Owl CIARAN MURPHY T/A The Wise Owl LABFITNESS LTD (MARK McDONNELL) TONY GERAGHTY SAMANTHA KELLY STILETTO FOODS (UK) LTD Trade Marks Registered under the 1996 Act 238073 238082 238092 238106 238107 238108 238114 238115 238143 238159 238164 238184 238189 238197 238222 238256 238264 238278 238294 236860 237583 237733 237747 237882 237930 237971 (2100) Cl. 9 16 28 41. DEBUTOTS LIMITED (2087) Cl. 36. STATEFIRST (IRELAND) LTD (2089) Cl. 38. Caelen King (2089) Cl. 29 30 32. DONAL FOY (2091) Cl. 39 41. MARK BARRY (2091) Cl. 37. ARTHUR MAGAN ( WHITEWASH LTD ) (2091) Cl. 35 39 41 43 44 45. CORNELIUS RYAN 238302 238319 238320 238327 238331 238335 238336 238342 238345 (20/08/2008) (2092) Cl. 6 7 8 12. MERIDIAN INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD (2092) Cl. 41. ANNE MARIE BYRNE (2092) Cl. 35 36. LIZ O'REGAN T/A MovinUp (2092) Cl. 43 44. NOEL BURKE (2092) Cl. 30 39. Garry McKnight (2092) Cl. 16 25 41 45. KILKENNY COUNTY COUNCIL (FIRE SERVICE) (2092) Cl. 19. IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES PLC (2104) Cl. 9 16 28 41. AN POST NATIONAL LOTTERY COMPANY (2092) Cl. 25 41 45. SHANE O'BRIEN (2092) Cl. 33. BRENDAN MONAGHAN (2092) Cl. 30 32 35 39. MAXELA LIMITED (2093) Cl. 29. LIDL STIFTUNG & CO. KG (2093) Cl. 29. LIDL STIFTUNG & Co. KG (2093) Cl. 29. LIDL STIFTUNG & Co. KG (2093) Cl. 35 41. TARGET GOLF MANAGEMENT LIMITED (2093) Cl. 41. TARGET GOLF MANAGEMENT LIMITED (2093) Cl. 19. ETERNIT N.V. (2093) Cl. 9 14 16 18 21 25 26 28 35 36 41 45. CHRISTIAN AID (2093) Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED (2094) Cl. 25. WEST END KNITWEAR (2094) Cl. 9. ANDREW AIGBE (2094) Cl. 29 30. HYAT SYED (2094) Cl. 12. KIA MOTORS CORPORATION (2094) Cl. 36. MARC REILLY (2094) Cl. 32 39. WELLNESS PURESPRING LIMITED (2094) Cl. 29 43. HOSPITALITY OPTIONS LIMITED (2094) Cl. 16 41 44. IRISH HEALTH CULTURE ASSOCIATION (2095) Cl. 2. B & Q PLC (2095) Cl. 29. DEIRDRE HEALY (2095) Cl. 35. CLAREMORRIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (2095) Cl. 3. RECKITT BENCKISER N.V. (2095) Cl. 16. Express Newspapers (2095) Cl. 35. KIM O DOHERTY (2095) Cl. 25. BRIAN CLOSE (2095) Cl. 3. PRIMARK HOLDINGS (2095) Cl. 16. JACINTA O'BRIEN (20/08/2008) 238349 238354 238357 238362 238366 238369 238390 238394 238395 238397 238398 238408 238420 238423 238425 238430 238434 238436 238437 238444 238446 238450 238539 Patents Office Journal (2095) Cl. 9 37 38 42. KAINOS SOFTWARE LIMITED (2095) Cl. 30. CADBURY ENTERPRISES PTE. LIMITED (2095) Cl. 3 5 10 21. STAFFORDMILLER (IRELAND) LIMITED (2095) Cl. 35 43. HAZEL HOTEL (2095) Cl. 45. MARK HARTY (2095) Cl. 14. FRANCESCO DOMINONI (2095) Cl. 6 17 19 37. WEATHERGLAZE SYSTEMS LIMITED (2095) Cl. 35 43. THE DUBLIN TOURIST HOSTEL LIMITED (2095) Cl. 35 43. THE DUBLIN TOURIST HOSTEL LIMITED (2095) Cl. 35 43. WHITFIELD DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED (2095) Cl. 41. KIMBERLY-CLARK WORLDWIDE, INC. (2095) Cl. 35 36. TRIBE CAPITAL (2095) Cl. 25 28. ANTHONY FLANAGAN (2095) Cl. 9 16 41. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2095) Cl. 30 43. THE SECOND CUP COFFEE COMPANY INC (2095) Cl. 9 16 18 25 28 35 36 41. ANGLO IRISH BANK CORPORATION plc (2095) Cl. 32 43. BIDDY EARLY BREWING COMPANY LIMITED (2095) Cl. 2 7 9 11 16 35 36 37 42. DSG RETAIL IRELAND LIMITED (2095) Cl. 16 35 41. KEN RUSSELL (2095) Cl. 35 41. THE MARKETING TABLE (2095) Cl. 9 16 28 41 42. NINTENDO CO., LTD. (2095) Cl. 30 43. THE SECOND CUP COFFEE COMPANY INC (2096) Cl. 5. PINEWOOD LABORATORIES LIMITED Renewal of Registrations Under Section 48 of the 1996 Act 34205 34218 34442 34539 35107 Cl. 29. SWIFT-ARMOUR S.A. ARGENTINA Cl. 30. TYPHOO TEA LIMITED Cl. 3, Cl. 5. LEVER ELIDA IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 12. JAGUAR CARS LIMITED Cl. 2. BPB UNITED KINGDOM LIMITED 53447 54245 54754 55250 55546 58952 58953 62160 80694 80695 80696 82220 82769 82786 82847 82987 83087 83091 83092 83281 83977 85368 85666 85866 86331 87807 91596 91622 91627 91630 91754 91816 91858 92021 92195 92206 92213 92752 92753 92761 92966 92974 (No. 2105) 1661 Cl. 30. THE QUAKER OATS COMPANY Cl. 33. Courvoisier S.A.S. Cl. 5. CEVA SANTE ANIMALE Cl. 5. RECKITT BENCKISER HEALTHCARE (UK) LIMITED Cl. 14. Timex Group USA, Inc. Cl. 18. NATURIN GMBH & CO. Cl. 18. NATURIN GMBH & CO. Cl. 32. J.E. O'BRIEN & SONS LIMITED Cl. 29. FORTNUM & MASON PLC Cl. 32. FORTNUM & MASON PLC Cl. 33. FORTNUM & MASON PLC Cl. 5. WYETH HOLDINGS CORPORATION Cl. 25. JAMES HALSTEAD PLC. Cl. 23. PATONS & BALDWINS LIMITED Cl. 30. IRISH BISCUITS LIMITED Cl. 1. Röhm GmbH Cl. 9. SCHOLES GROUP PLC Cl. 24. CASSERA S.p.A. Cl. 25. CASSERA S.p.A. Cl. 12. AUTOMOVILES UTILITARIOS, S.A. Cl. 5. RECKITT & COLMAN PRODUCTS LIMITED Cl. 5. ROBINSONS SOFT DRINKS LIMITED Cl. 5, Cl. 32. RECKITT BENCKISER HEALTHCARE (UK) LIMITED Cl. 28. HASBRO, INC. Cl. 32. ROBINSONS SOFT DRINKS LIMITED Cl. 11. ERCO Leuchten GmbH Cl. 33. GILBEYS OF IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1, Cl. 2. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 33. Diageo Brands B.V. Cl. 30. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 34. MANUFACTURE DE TABACS HEINTZ VAN LANDEWYCK Cl. 5. BIOFARMA Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 2. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 5. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT 1662 92976 92977 93135 93136 93137 94923 94924 95096 95514 95515 96312 96313 96315 97714 98705 100682 100698 103471 123289 123577 123594 123600 123601 123704 123787 123845 123848 123849 123997 124099 124101 124209 124306 124485 124518 124573 124584 124711 124718 124868 124998 125291 125402 125404 125465 125617 125857 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9. GIVENCHY S.A. Cl. 25. GIVENCHY S.A. Cl. 24. GIVENCHY S.A. Cl. 1. Sealed Air Corporation (US) Cl. 16. Sealed Air Corporation (US) Cl. 7. Sealed Air Corporation (US) Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 3. L'OREAL Cl. 3. L'OREAL Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 10. TDK KABUSHIKI KAISHA (TDK CORPORATION) Cl. 3. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 30. TYPHOO TEA LIMITED Cl. 12. FERRARI S.p.A. Cl. 5. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 30. Kraft Foods Holdings, Inc. Cl. 16. Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 2. BASF COATINGS AG Cl. 30. Knorr Bestfoods Limited Cl. 5. Syngenta Participations AG Cl. 4. EAST CORK OIL COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 1, Cl. 5. BASF Agro B.V., Arnhem (NL), Zweigniederlassung Wädenswil Cl. 30. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. Cl. 7, Cl. 11. SMEG S.p.A. Cl. 9. ROSS GROUP PLC Cl. 3. L'OREAL Cl. 5. CIS BIO INTERNATIONAL S.A. Cl. 5. Fujisawa Deutschland GmbH Cl. 5. ZAMBON S.p.A. Cl. 3. IRISH BREEZE LIMITED Cl. 10. Covidien AG Cl. 9. LEOPOLD KOSTAL GmbH & CO. KG. Cl. 9. Areva T&D SA Cl. 1. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 32. A.G. BARR PLC Cl. 5. ALCIDE CORPORATION Cl. 5. NIPPON SODA CO., LTD. Cl. 7. TETRA PAK TEBEL B.V. Cl. 1, Cl. 2. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1, Cl. 2. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 33. Constellation Wines U.S., Inc. Cl. 5. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 12. CICLORBITA-BICICLETAS PORTUGUESAS, LIMITADA 126277 126468 126469 126470 126615 126616 126617 126618 127488 127708 127855 128595 129792 129793 130452 132343 133987 134199 134200 145170 145176 145197 145198 145481 145691 145783 145975 146047 146181 146279 146294 146450 146521 146581 146852 147028 147469 147810 148000 (20/08/2008) Cl. 25. BEST COMPANY s.r.l. Cl. 16. THE TRUSTEES OF BALLYBUNION GOLF CLUB Cl. 20. THE TRUSTEES OF BALLYBUNION GOLF CLUB Cl. 25. THE TRUSTEES OF BALLYBUNION GOLF CLUB Cl. 5. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. Cl. 29. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. Cl. 30. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. Cl. 32. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. Cl. 30. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 3. Van Cleef & Arpels S.A. Cl. 30. Knorr Bestfoods Limited Cl. 9. CI OMNIBRIDGE LIMITED Cl. 3. WYETH Cl. 5. WYETH Cl. 3. HERMES INTERNATIONAL Cl. 3. L'OREAL Cl. 1, Cl. 7, Cl. 9, Cl. 11. Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 7. AKTIEBOLAGET TETRA PAK Cl. 16. AKTIEBOLAGET TETRA PAK Cl. 5. GALDERMA S.A. Cl. 5. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 18. THE ROCKPORT COMPANY, LLC Cl. 25. THE ROCKPORT COMPANY, LLC Cl. 5. Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 33. THE GAYMER GROUP LIMITED Cl. 16. GEORGIA-PACIFIC S.á.r.l. Cl. 25. SHOE, S.L. Cl. 32. BRANDBREW S.A. Cl. 30. J.E. O'BRIEN & SONS LIMITED Cl. 33. Pernod Ricard España, S.A. Cl. 30. Masterfoods Limited Cl. 32. InBev Nederland N.V. Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 25. SONY KABUSHIKI KAISHA SONY CORPORATION Cl. 30. Premier Foods Group Limited Cl. 9. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ) Cl. 5. TEVA PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. Cl. 14, Cl. 18, Cl. 25. ESPRIT INTERNATIONAL Cl. 3. LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & Cie Cl. 12. KIA MOTORS CORPORATION (20/08/2008) 148174 148475 148717 149411 149412 150372 150727 150728 151499 151877 152073 152142 152665 152801 152802 152803 152890 153153 153558 153781 154219 154220 158186 158845 168183 174844 176004 176005 207754 209302 209342 209410 209586 209779 209850 209871 210061 210097 210191 210263 210291 210390 210422 Patents Office Journal Cl. 29. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 12. AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT Cl. 9, Cl. 14, Cl. 16, Cl. 25. SONY KABUSHIKI KAISHA SONY CORPORATION Cl. 29. KNORR-NAHRMITTEL AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9. Cooper Industries, LLC. Cl. 10. TYCO HEALTHCARE GROUP LP. Cl. 5. Cross Vetpharm Group Ltd. Cl. 31. Cross Vetpharm Group Ltd. Cl. 5. BIOFARMA Cl. 25. SHOE, S.L. Cl. 29, Cl. 30. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 30. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 28. Fabricas Agrupadas de Munecas de Onil, S.A. Cl. 18. NOTA S.r.l. Cl. 25. NOTA S.r.l. Cl. 12. AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT Cl. 29, Cl. 30. Eismann Tiefkühl Heimservice GmbH Cl. 25. WRANGLER APPAREL CORP. Cl. 3, Cl. 5. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 33. Inch's Cider Limited Cl. 31. Cross Vetpharm Group Ltd. Cl. 5. Cross Vetpharm Group Ltd. Cl. 7, Cl. 9. DOLMAR GmbH Cl. 12. Land Rover Cl. 30. Masterfoods Limited Cl. 32. INTERBREW S.A. Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 5. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 5. CLONMEL HEALTHCARE LTD. Cl. 9. IKA-WERKE GMBH & CO. KG Cl. 30. IRISH BISCUITS LIMITED Cl. 5. Viatris GmbH & Co. KG Cl. 10. ALCON, INC. Cl. 3, Cl. 5. LIZENZBETREUUNGS EST. CO. Cl. 25. Eclectic Investments, Inc. Cl. 1, Cl. 3, Cl. 42. HENKEL KGaA Cl. 9. SICK AG Cl. 5. MADAUS GmbH Cl. 3. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 3, Cl. 4, Cl. 5, Cl. 11, Cl. 21. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 28. Pat O'Donnell & Co. Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 41. UNION DES ASSOCIATIONS EUROPEENNES DE FOOTBALL (UEFA) Cl. 5. FERRING B.V. 210489 210495 210563 210607 210659 210666 210764 210901 210902 210903 210932 211001 211016 211040 211150 211166 211232 211283 211388 211440 211441 211484 211508 211606 211772 211773 211811 211815 211817 211849 (No. 2105) 1663 Cl. 5, Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 32. HERMES Fabrik pharm. Präparate Franz Gradinger GmbH & Co. Cl. 33. Constellation Wines U.S., Inc. Cl. 31. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 5. BASF Agro B.V., Arnhem (NL), Zweigniederlassung Wädenswil Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 32. DAN INTERNATIONAL (UK) LIMITED Cl. 3. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 30. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 5. SMITHKLINE BEECHAM CORPORATION Cl. 5. SMITHKLINE BEECHAM CORPORATION Cl. 5. SMITHKLINE BEECHAM CORPORATION Cl. 3. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 41. UNION DES ASSOCIATIONS EUROPEENNES DE FOOTBALL (UEFA) Cl. 1, Cl. 3, Cl. 4, Cl. 5, Cl. 6, Cl. 7, Cl. 8, Cl. 9, Cl. 11, Cl. 16, Cl. 21, Cl. 24, Cl. 25, Cl. 28, Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 31, Cl. 32, Cl. 33. ALDI GmbH & CO. KG., Cl. 31. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 7. Hawera Probst GmbH Cl. 5. CROSSCARE LIMITED Cl. 10. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY Cl. 30. Mars Food Ireland Limited Cl. 3, Cl. 4, Cl. 5, Cl. 6, Cl. 16, Cl. 18, Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 31, Cl. 32, Cl. 40, Cl. 42. MUSGRAVE LIMITED Cl. 5. FERRING B.V. Cl. 5. FERRING B.V. Cl. 32, Cl. 42. BRANDBREW S.A. Cl. 9. Sony Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Corporation Cl. 1, Cl. 9. EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Cl. 39. CRYOLIFE, INC. Cl. 3, Cl. 4, Cl. 5, Cl. 11, Cl. 21. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 29, Cl. 30. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 9. PROVIEW ELECTRONICS (TAIWAN) CO., LTD. Cl. 29, Cl. 30. H.L. FOODS LIMITED Cl. 36. VOLUNTARY HEALTH INSURANCE BOARD 1664 211879 212033 212125 212128 212129 212179 212232 212284 212591 212649 212650 212702 212703 212704 212705 212706 212707 212732 213007 213165 213180 213249 213567 213673 214195 214490 214495 214710 215856 216363 216415 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal Cl. 2, Cl. 24. AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT Cl. 31. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 8. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. Cl. 29, Cl. 30. ZOTT GmbH & CO. Cl. 10. ALCON, INC. Cl. 7, Cl. 11. MIELE & CIE. GmbH & CO. Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 20, Cl. 25, Cl. 28. TOY PARK HOLDING S.A. Cl. 5. RECKITT BENCKISER HEALTHCARE (UK) LIMITED Cl. 5. SMITHKLINE BEECHAM CORPORATION Cl. 31. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. Cl. 31. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. Cl. 3, Cl. 5. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 3, Cl. 5. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 3, Cl. 5. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 3, Cl. 5. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 3, Cl. 5. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 3, Cl. 5. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 35, Cl. 39. JOHNSON BROTHERS LIMITED Cl. 3. L'OREAL Cl. 3. RECKITT BENCKISER (UK) LIMITED Cl. 2, Cl. 12, Cl. 24. AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT Cl. 5. MENARINI INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS LUXEMBOURG S.A. Cl. 31. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 5, Cl. 29, Cl. 30, Cl. 31. SCHILS B.V. Cl. 30. Kraft Foods Holdings, Inc. Cl. 31. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 18, Cl. 25, Cl. 28. RUCANOR EUROPE B.V. Cl. 18, Cl. 25, Cl. 28. RUCANOR EUROPE B. V. Cl. 9, Cl. 35, Cl. 42. TECDOC Informations System GmbH Cl. 3. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 31. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED 217927 218044 218159 231838 (20/08/2008) Cl. 3. CERRUTI 1881 Cl. 3, Cl. 9, Cl. 16, Cl. 18. Lancaster Cl. 28, Cl. 29, Cl. 30. MARS, INCORPORATED Cl. 5. METABOLIFE INTERNATIONAL, INC Renewal Fees unpaid at date of expiry of Registration or renewal thereof - Rule 39(1) of the 1996 Rules 33555 33682 33683 33684 33685 33688 33690 33691 33699 52690 52761 52994 53768 58350 61780 81168 81405 81458 81629 Cl. 23. 02 January 2008. PATONS & BALDWINS LIMITED Cl. 34. 04 January 2008. P.J. CARROLL & COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 34. 04 January 2008. P.J. CARROLL & COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 34. 04 January 2008. P.J. CARROLL & COMPANY Cl. 34. 04 January 2008. P.J. CARROLL & COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 34. 04 January 2008. P.J. CARROLL & COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 34. 04 January 2008. P.J. CARROLL & COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 34. 04 January 2008. P.J. CARROLL & COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 3. 05 January 2008. CORN PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 25. 06 January 2008. MARLBECK FASHIONS LIMITED Cl. 33. 09 January 2008. ALLIED DOMECQ SPIRITS & WINE LIMITED Cl. 5. 09 January 2008. PARKE, DAVIS & COMPANY LLC Cl. 1. 07 January 2008. EXXON MOBIL CORPORATION Cl. 5. 10 January 2008. VITA (EUROPE) LIMITED Cl. 14. 09 January 2008. SWAROUSKI UK LIMITED Cl. 1. 03 January 2008. HUNTSMAN ICI CHEMICALS, LLC Cl. 1. 31 December 2007. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 5. 31 December 2007. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT formerly (BADISCHE ANILIN- & SO DAFABRIK AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT) Cl. 32. 07 January 2008. VAUX BREWERIES LIMITED (formerly VAUX AND ASSOCIATED BREWERIES LIMITED) (20/08/2008) 81728 81729 81832 81833 81964 82023 82433 82638 82639 82640 82641 82642 82643 82644 82645 83267 84752 84753 84754 84755 84756 84757 84758 90513 90515 90611 90906 91029 91212 91220 91464 91465 Patents Office Journal Cl. 1. 31 December 2007. ELASTOGRAN GmbH Cl. 17. 31 December 2007. ELASTOGRAN GmbH Cl. 31. 10 January 2008. CHESSWOOD PRODUCE LIMITED Cl. 1. 11 January 2008. IRISH FERTILIZERS LIMITED Cl. 11. 03 January 2008. IMI AIR CONDITIONING LIMITED Cl. 25. 02 January 2008. AIGLE S.A. Cl. 21. 08 January 2008. ROYAL SCANDINAVIA A/S Cl. 5. 04 January 2008. KRUGER GMBH & CO. KG. Cl. 29. 04 January 2008. KRUGER GMBH & CO. KG. Cl. 30. 04 January 2008. KRUGER GMBH & CO KG. Cl. 32. 04 January 2008. KRUGER GMBH & CO. KG. Cl. 5. 04 January 2008. KRUGER GMBH & CO. KG. Cl. 30. 04 January 2008. KRUGER GMBH & CO. KG. Cl. 29. 04 January 2008. KRUGER GMBH & CO. KG. Cl. 32. 04 January 2008. KRUGER GMBH & CO. KG Cl. 25. 11 January 2008. JAMES HALSTEAD PLC. Cl. 1. 03 January 2008. SOLVAY Cl. 2. 03 January 2008. SOLVAY Cl. 3. 03 January 2008. SOLVAY Cl. 5. 03 January 2008. SOLVAY Cl. 17. 03 January 2008. SOLVAY Cl. 19. 03 January 2008. SOLVAY Cl. 27. 03 January 2008. SOLVAY Cl. 5. 06 January 2008. SCHERINGPLOUGH ANIMAL HEALTH CORPORATION Cl. 5. 06 January 2008. FISONS PLC. Cl. 5. 30 December 2007. NOVO NORDISK A/S Cl. 12. 03 January 2008. COAST CATAMARAN FRANCE S.A. Cl. 31. 10 January 2008. MARS FOODS IRELAND LIMITED Cl. 17. 05 January 2008. RECTELLA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 30. 11 January 2008. HEINR. DELVENTHAL Cl. 30. 30 December 2007. GERD WELLEN THEO WELLEN, NAHRMITTELFABRIK Cl. 32. 30 December 2007. PERRIER VITTEL S.A. 91469 92120 92530 92531 93293 93294 96501 99280 99281 121360 121361 121570 122268 122269 122272 122278 122373 122374 122375 122585 122586 122591 122789 122957 122958 123168 123647 124073 125093 127638 (No. 2105) 1665 Cl. 5. 09 January 2008. HOECHST AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 5. 03 January 2008. HOECHST MARION ROUSSEL INC. Cl. 34. 30 December 2007. REEMTSMA CIGARETTENFABRIKEN GMBH Cl. 12. 06 January 2008. DUNLOP LIMITED Cl. 12. 03 January 2008. COAST CATAMARAN FRANCE S.A. Cl. 3. 09 January 2008. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 1. 09 January 2008. CHROMOGENIX AB Cl. 7. 03 January 2008. ULTRAFILTER GmbH Cl. 11. 03 January 2008. ULTRAFILTER GmbH Cl. 5. 04 January 2008. DIMMINACO AG Cl. 5. 04 January 2008. DIMMINACO AG Cl. 33. 30 December 2007. THE MACALLAN DISTILLERS LIMITED Cl. 30. 01 January 2008. VICTOR H. FRANCA SUCESSORA LDª Cl. 5. 01 January 2008. ARES TRADING S.A. Cl. 30. 01 January 2008. KAMBLY AG, BISCUITSFABRIK (KAMBLY SA, FABRIQUE DE BISCUITS) Cl. 4. 06 January 2008. PENNZOILQUAKER STATE COMPANY Cl. 1. 05 January 2008. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 4. 05 January 2008. BASF AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9. 05 January 2008. ANDO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. Cl. 4. 30 December 2007. KUWAIT PETROLEUM CORPORATION Cl. 3. 04 January 2008. UNILEVER PLC Cl. 9. 11 January 2008. EMI (IP) LIMITED Cl. 33. 04 January 2008. MARQUES DE MONISTROL, S.A. Cl. 33. 11 January 2008. SOCIEDADE AGRICOLA DE BAGAUSTE, SARL Cl. 33. 11 January 2008. SOCIEDADE AGRICOLA DE BAGAUSTE, SARL Cl. 25. 07 January 2008. AZNAR, S.A. Cl. 30. 07 January 2008. ALFRED RITTER GmbH & CO. KG Cl. 3. 01 January 2008. LABORATOIRE GARNIER & Cie Cl. 2. 12 January 2008. EURIDEP Cl. 9. 07 January 2008. DETAAKKUMULATORENWERK GmbH. 1666 127671 133777 142033 142034 142035 142109 142171 142434 142618 142773 143344 143378 143391 143400 143529 143662 143723 143726 143727 143728 143729 143862 143928 144007 144008 144009 144010 144011 144012 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal Cl. 5. 12 January 2008. INSTITUT PASTEUR Cl. 16. 08 January 2008. TNT HOLDINGS B.V. Cl. 5. 30 December 2007. MERCK KGaA Cl. 5. 30 December 2007. MERCK KGaA Cl. 28. 02 January 2008. TYCO INDUSTRIES INC Cl. 3. 30 December 2007. KRIZIA S.p.A. Cl. 6. 06 January 2008. ACERALIA TRANSFORMADOS, S.A. Cl. 16. 07 January 2008. HARLEQUIN BOOKS S.A. Cl. 1. 08 January 2008. MONTELL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY BV Cl. 16. 06 January 2008. SVENSKA DAGBLADETS AB Cl. 24. 09 January 2008. FABRICA TEXTIL RIOPELE, S.A. Cl. 9. 03 January 2008. ANACOMP, INC. Cl. 3. 30 December 2007. L'OREAL Cl. 34. 30 December 2007. IMPERIAL TOBACCO LIMITED Cl. 7. 07 January 2008. TURBOTAK INC. Cl. 12. 09 January 2008. OPEL EISENACH GMBH Cl. 25. 07 January 2008. KILLONE LIMITED Cl. 3. 10 January 2008. AVANTGARDE S.P.A. Cl. 5. 10 January 2008. AVANTGARDE S.P.A. Cl. 10. 10 January 2008. AVANTGARDE S.P.A. Cl. 21. 10 January 2008. AVANTGARDE S.P.A. Cl. 17. 30 December 2007. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & COMPANY Cl. 14. 07 January 2008. LIFESTYLE BRANDS, LTD. Cl. 7. 01 January 2008. EADS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Cl. 9. 01 January 2008. EADS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Cl. 10. 01 January 2008. EADS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Cl. 11. 01 January 2008. EADS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Cl. 12. 01 January 2008. EADS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Cl. 13. 01 January 2008. EADS DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 144013 144463 144487 144778 145067 145300 145518 145553 145578 145963 146771 146779 146940 146994 148885 149347 149350 151929 151930 152195 152415 152416 152789 161287 206272 206324 206355 (20/08/2008) Cl. 9. 01 January 2008. HEWLETTPACKARD COMPANY (DELAWARE) Cl. 9. 09 January 2008. THOMSON MULTIMEDIA Cl. 5. 01 January 2008. SOLVAY PHARMACEUTICALS GMBH Cl. 1. 10 January 2008. KOCH INDUSTRIES, INC. Cl. 5. 30 December 2007. MERCK KGaA Cl. 25. 01 January 2008. GIE PANTASHOP Cl. 3. 30 December 2007. L'OREAL Cl. 9. 05 January 2008. EURODIS HOLDING AG Cl. 3. 06 January 2008. BALTHASAR & CO. Cl. 9. 07 January 2008. LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 30. 07 January 2008. KOLINSKA, prehrambena industrija, p.o. Cl. 16. 07 January 2008. LEXMARK INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 14. 07 January 2008. LIFESTYLE BRANDS, LTD. Cl. 1, Cl. 4. 07 January 2008. ELF ANTAR FRANCE Cl. 29. 02 January 2008. CONSERVERA CAMPOFRIO, S.A. Cl. 34. 07 January 2008. BATMARK INC. Cl. 25. 08 January 2008. HARRY COHN HACO-HARRY COHN Cl. 9. 01 January 2008. BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS public limited company Cl. 16. 01 January 2008. BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS public limited company Cl. 3. 07 January 2008. COSMODEX LABORATOIRES DE DERMOCOSMETOLOGIE Cl. 18. 07 January 2008. 3A ANTONINI S.p.A. Cl. 25. 07 January 2008. 3A ANTONINI S.p.A. Cl. 3. 01 January 2008. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM LIMITED Cl. 28. 09 January 2008. National Toys Limited Cl. 3. 07 January 2008. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 34. 13 January 2008. AMERICANCIGARETTE COMPANY (OVERSEAS) LIMITED Cl. 38. 08 January 2008. Vanco Group Limited (20/08/2008) 206415 206498 206616 206725 206791 206837 206838 206839 206841 207013 207014 207016 207242 207271 207273 207405 207468 207790 207849 207964 208074 208148 208149 208150 208152 208153 208433 208573 208753 Patents Office Journal Cl. 24, Cl. 25, Cl. 26. 31 December 2007. TRIUMPH INTERNATIONAL AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 14, Cl. 34. 31 December 2007. BADISCHE TABAKMANUFAKTUR ROTH-HANDLE GmbH Cl. 3. 09 January 2008. AVON PRODUCTS, INC. Cl. 10. 07 January 2008. Kestrel Healthcare Limited Cl. 9, Cl. 42. 31 December 2007. COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. Cl. 3. 07 January 2008. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 9. 07 January 2008. A.T. Cross Limited Cl. 5. 09 January 2008. ETHYPHARM Cl. 9, Cl. 14. 09 January 2008. FRED Cl. 38. 06 January 2008. EIRCOM LTD Cl. 3. 07 January 2008. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 5. 08 January 2008. G.D. Searle LLC Cl. 9. 12 January 2008. FERROTEC LIMITED Cl. 3. 07 January 2008. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 5. 12 January 2008. Mundipharma AG Cl. 9. 08 January 2008. A.T.X. INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 35, Cl. 41. 31 December 2007. QUANTUM INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Cl. 9. 07 January 2008. A.T.X. INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 9. 08 January 2008. COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. Cl. 5. 09 January 2008. ETHYPHARM Cl. 9. 31 December 2007. COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. Cl. 20. 31 December 2007. RICHARD BURBIDGE LIMITED Cl. 20. 05 January 2008. ErgoView Technologies Corporation Cl. 1. 05 January 2008. Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 3. 07 January 2008. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 3. 07 January 2008. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 25. 09 January 2008. P.T. Multi Garmenjaya Cl. 10. 07 January 2008. Kestrel Healthcare Limited Cl. 25. 02 January 2008. SHOLTO WILLIAMS 208889 209098 209171 209834 209857 209972 209977 210705 210812 211103 211214 212120 212533 212717 215865 215871 216113 218151 220511 227657 (No. 2105) 1667 Cl. 14. 13 January 2008. Joseph Harbourne and Betty Harbourne Cl. 9. 12 January 2008. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG Cl. 12, Cl. 37. 13 January 2008. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Cl. 30. 08 January 2008. GOLDEN VALE LIMITED Cl. 9. 02 January 2008. GB MAILING SYSTEMS LTD Cl. 19, Cl. 37. 09 January 2008. KLIMAPLAN Massivholzhaus GmbH Cl. 9, Cl. 16. 12 January 2008. COMPUTER ASSOCIATES THINK, INC. Cl. 9. 07 January 2008. Commotion Limited Cl. 5. 09 January 2008. ETHYPHARM Cl. 25. 12 January 2008. Barry & Sons (Retail Distribution) Ltd Cl. 9. 09 January 2008. Triple P Financial Services B.V. Cl. 5, Cl. 31. 13 January 2008. VOOV GROUP B.V. Cl. 39. 12 January 2008. NORSK HYDRO ASA Cl. 6, Cl. 24. 06 January 2008. PATRICK MULLALLY Cl. 33. 13 January 2008. E. REMY MARTIN & CO S.A. Cl. 33. 13 January 2008. E. REMY MARTIN & CO S.A. Cl. 36. 06 January 2008. MÜNCHENER RÜCKVERSICHERUNGSGESELLSCHAFT AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT IN MÜNCHEN Cl. 25. 13 January 2008. Skechers U.S.A., Inc. II Cl. 9. 13 January 2008. Intel Corporation Cl. 38. 06 January 2008. FRANCE TELECOM Trade Marks Removed from the Register under Section 48 and Rule 39(2) of the 1996 Act and Rules. 33115 51381 Cl. 30. KRAFT FOODS SCHWEIZ AG Cl. 9. VORWERK & CO. ELEKTROWERKE KG. (personally responsible partner Vorwerk & Co. Electro-Beteiligungsgesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung). 1668 51516 52042 52059 52212 52232 52301 57801 57802 57803 57804 80295 80337 80338 80769 81215 81476 81477 81609 89396 89671 89791 90466 90758 91156 91346 91347 92285 94687 97675 97881 119961 119962 119963 119965 120320 120323 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal Cl. 9. RCA TRADEMARK MANAGEMENT SA Cl. 25. COURTAULDS TEXTILES (HOLDINGS) LIMITED Cl. 24. ARTHUR SANDERSON & SONS LIMITED Cl. 34. BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO (BRANDS) LIMITED Cl. 26. KOH-I-NOOR, A.S. Cl. 26. KOH-I-NOOR, A.S. Cl. 6. ORB ELECTRICAL STEELS LIMITED Cl. 6. ORB ELECTRICAL STEELS LIMITED Cl. 6. ORB ELECTRICAL STEELS LIMITED Cl. 17. ORB ELECTRICAL STEELS LIMITED Cl. 5. BAYER CROPSCIENCE LIMITED Cl. 1. ICI CHEMICALS & POLYMERS LIMITED Cl. 5. ICI CHEMICALS & POLYMERS LIMITED Cl. 21. INSULPAK LIMITED Cl. 5. MERCK KGaA Cl. 5. SMITH KLINE & FRENCH LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 10. SMITH KLINE & FRENCH LABORATORIES LIMITED Cl. 29. C.S. LAIRD LIMITED Cl. 5. Novo Nordisk Femcare AG Cl. 5. ARNOLDS VETERINARY PRODUCTS LIMITED Cl. 5. SCHUMACHER GmbH & CO. KOMMANDITGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 1, 3. STEPAN COMPANY Cl. 8. BRAUN GmbH Cl. 5. SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 8. BRAUN GmbH Cl. 8. BRAUN GmbH Cl. 2. Imperial Chemical Industries Plc Cl. 29. SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A. Cl. 30. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 30. KRAFT FOODS UK LTD. Cl. 2. MORTON INTERNATIONAL, INC. Cl. 3. BILORE, S.A. Cl. 10. BECTON, DICKINSON AND COMPANY Cl. 25. FERARI LEISUREWEAR LTD. Cl. 28. Alticor Inc Cl. 9. SUNKYONG LIMITED 120325 120326 120327 120489 120652 120654 120655 120882 121052 121054 121057 121446 121560 121737 121748 121843 122714 124330 124331 125376 125377 125378 125379 125380 127802 127803 134349 135603 138467 138667 138670 138733 138830 139027 139028 139078 139507 139508 139509 (20/08/2008) Cl. 5. B. BRAUN MEDIZINTECHNOLOGIE GmbH Cl. 27. BONAR FLOORS LIMITED Cl. 5. E.I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & COMPANY Cl. 7. EXEL INDUSTRIES Cl. 5. SCHERING AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 29. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 30. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 15. FARNELL ELECTRONICS PLC FARNELL (IRELAND). Cl. 25. CASWELL HOLDINGS LIMITED Cl. 9. MOTOROLA INC. Cl. 32. ORCHID DRINKS LIMITED Cl. 9. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 9. NOVO NORDISK A/S Cl. 16. SHOWBOX-SYSTEM AG Cl. 9. NOVO NORDISK A/S Cl. 6. TUBI ITALIA S.p.A. Cl. 33. ERVEN WARNINK B.V. Cl. 29. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 30. KRAFT FOODS HOLDINGS, INC. Cl. 1. NOKIA CORPORATION Cl. 3. NOKIA CORPORATION Cl. 16. NOKIA CORPORATION Cl. 21. NOKIA CORPORATION Cl. 24. NOKIA CORPORATION Cl. 34. BENSON & HEDGES LIMITED Cl. 34. BENSON & HEDGES LIMITED Cl. 16. CASCADES ARNSBERG GmbH Cl. 30. IRISH CEREALS LIMITED Cl. 25. C & J CLARK LIMITED Cl. 3. HENKEL KGaA Cl. 5. RORER HEALTH CARE LIMITED Cl. 1. MONTECH USA INC. Cl. 5. SPIRIG PHARMA AG, Cl. 5. HOECHST AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 34. ROTHMANS CIGARETTEN GMBH Cl. 1. AEG ISOLIER- UND KUNSTSTOFF GmbH Cl. 27. EASTERN KAYAM OCM LIMITED Cl. 9. QUATTRO COMPUTERS LIMITED Cl. 9. TETRA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (20/08/2008) 139589 139675 139676 139677 139678 139679 139680 139752 139873 139969 140184 140185 140186 140243 140249 140317 140550 140551 140671 140692 140777 140778 140782 140895 140945 140970 141374 141481 141613 141833 142226 142406 142524 142525 142543 142814 Patents Office Journal Cl. 9. MCI COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION Cl. 5. Laboratorios Indas S.A. Cl. 16. Laboratorios Indas S.A. Cl. 18. L. COHEN (CLOTHING) LIMITED Cl. 20. L. COHEN (CLOTHING) LIMITED Cl. 22. L. COHEN (CLOTHING) LIMITED Cl. 25. L. COHEN (CLOTHING) LIMITED Cl. 5. Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Cl. 3. FAULTLESS STARCH/BON AMI COMPANY Cl. 5. Laboratorios Indas S.A. Cl. 17. TRUSEAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Cl. 29. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. Cl. 30. SOCIÉTÉ DES PRODUITS NESTLÉ S.A. Cl. 5. ZAMBON GROUP SPA Cl. 25. Mrs. Agnès TROUBLE Cl. 12. HONDA GIKEN KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA Cl. 3. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 5. THE BOOTS COMPANY PLC Cl. 11. WERNER & PFLEIDERER LEBENSMITTELTECHNIK GMBH Cl. 2. Punch Industries Cl. 16. DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION Cl. 9. DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION Cl. 25. LES DESSOUS BOUTIQUE DIFFUSION S.A. (LDB DIFFUSION S.A.) Cl. 25. BLARNEY CASTLE KNITWEAR LIMITED Cl. 3. HENKEL KGaA Cl. 20. Christie-Tyler Plc Cl. 9. NEWS DATACOM LIMITED Cl. 25. ETABLISSEMENTS FRANCOIS SALMON Cl. 3. HENKEL KGaA Cl. 16. INTRODUCT HOLLAND B.V. Cl. 5. SPIRIG PHARMA AG, Cl. 3. HENKEL KGaA Cl. 5. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM LIMITED Cl. 5. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM LIMITED Cl. 9. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. Cl. 3. HENKEL KGaA 142903 142904 143235 143236 143374 143916 143917 144218 144219 144220 144229 144289 144932 145290 145291 145339 145755 146938 152538 204662 204769 204804 205040 205041 205108 205109 205195 205196 205291 205420 205421 205422 205423 205424 205425 205426 (No. 2105) 1669 Cl. 5. ROBERTS LABORATORIES INC. Cl. 16. BANCO EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA, S.A. Cl. 1. BRENT INTERNATIONAL PLC Cl. 5. BRENT INTERNATIONAL PLC Cl. 7, 12. ALOIS PÖTTINGER MASCHINENFABRIK GESELLSCHAFT m.b.H Cl. 24. KIMBERLY-CLARK WORLDWIDE, INC. Cl. 24. KIMBERLY-CLARK CORPORATION Cl. 22. RHODIA Cl. 23. RHODIA Cl. 24. RHODIA Cl. 9. WALL DATA INCORPORATED Cl. 5, 16, 25. THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY Cl. 3. STENDHAL Cl. 3. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM LIMITED Cl. 5. BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM LIMITED Cl. 9. EUROPAY INTERNATIONAL S.A. Cl. 16. LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE PLC Cl. 25. CHARTER GOLF INC. ET COMPAGNIE Cl. 7. Danly IEM, LLC Cl. 9. LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC. Cl. 16, 35, 36, 41, 42. EFG Bank European Financial Group S.A. Cl. 33. VIÑA SALCEDA, S.A. Cl. 33. Austin, Nichols & Co., Incorporated Cl. 16, 38, 41. Television Broadcasts Limited Cl. 18. HBI Branded Apparel Limited, Inc. Cl. 18. HBI Branded Apparel Limited, Inc. Cl. 9. Netwave Technologies, Inc. Cl. 36. ST. PAUL TRAVELERS INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Cl. 31. TIMAB Cl. 9. LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC. Cl. 37. Hertz System, Inc. Cl. 41, 42. THE ELITE PARTNERSHIP LIMITED Cl. 9. American Power Conversion Coporation Cl. 16, 38, 41. Television Broadcasts Limited Cl. 19. Jeld-Wen, Inc. Cl. 29. NEPTUNE 1670 205463 205465 205467 205592 205593 205659 205696 205724 206020 206021 206024 206128 206150 206179 206223 206263 206265 206400 206409 206578 206681 206796 206815 206847 206848 206849 206850 206851 207043 207044 207045 207264 207314 207459 207490 207491 207570 207793 207960 207961 207962 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal Cl. 9. ROBIN ELECTRONICS LIMITED Cl. 16, 38, 41. Television Broadcasts Limited Cl. 5. NOVARTIS AG. Cl. 12. VREDESTEIN BANDEN B.V. Cl. 27. MUNSTER CARPETS LIMITED Cl. 33. VIÑA SALCEDA, S.A. Cl. 18. HBI Branded Apparel Limited, Inc. Cl. 19. Redland Dakprodukten BV Cl. 5. ALCON, INC. Cl. 34. BADISCHE TABAKMANUFAKTUR ROTHHÄNDLE GmbH Cl. 14. Carole Egan Cl. 3, 5. sanofi-aventis Cl. 9, 38, 41, 42. ALCATEL ESPACE Cl. 25. Frank McQuade Cl. 8. ABREU MANUFACTURAS METALICAS, S.A. Cl. 9, 35, 42. BUY-TEL LIMITED Cl. 9. LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC. Cl. 16, 38, 41. Television Broadcasts Limited Cl. 25. CARELLA - S.R.L. Cl. 7, 9, 11. Courts PLC Cl. 5. APOTEX INC. Cl. 3. CREIGHTON'S NATURALLY PLC Cl. 39. Texaco (Ireland) Ltd. Cl. 31. John Tooby & Company Limited Cl. 9. LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC. Cl. 31. DALGETY AGRICULTURE LIMITED Cl. 10. American Biogenetic Sciences, Inc. Cl. 32. PIG BREWERIES LTD Cl. 5. ALTANA PHARMA AG Cl. 9. LUCENT TEHCNOLOGIES INC. Cl. 14. CTB Associates Cl. 25. NIALL EANNA O'MEACHAIR Cl. 16, 35, 36, 41, 42. EFG Bank European Financial Group S.A. Cl. 30. Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG Cl. 25. Scholl Consumer Products Limited Cl. 25. SARASIN CONSULTADORIA E SERVICOS LDA. Cl. 40, 42. APPLIED ANALYTICAL INDUSTRIES, INC. Cl. 9, 37, 38. TELITAL S.p.A. Cl. 36. ABN AMRO HOLDING N.V. Cl. 36. ABN AMRO HOLDING N.V. Cl. 36. ABN AMRO HOLDING N.V. 208105 208106 208107 208108 208511 208712 209014 209308 209651 209652 209653 209654 209667 209919 210013 210828 212334 213711 213712 (20/08/2008) Cl. 16, 35, 36, 41, 42. EFG Bank European Financial Group S.A. Cl. 16, 35, 36, 41, 42. EFG Bank European Financial Group S.A. Cl. 16, 35, 36, 41, 42. EFG Bank European Financial Group S.A. Cl. 16, 35, 36, 41, 42. EFG Bank European Financial Group S.A. Cl. 42. Colette Farry Cl. 12. RM DISTRIBUTION (IRELAND) LIMITED Cl. 9, 37, 42. SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Cl. 32. BATCHELORS LIMITED Cl. 9, 35, 38, 41, 42. Sonopress Produktionsgesellschaft für Ton- und Informationsträger mbH Cl. 9, 35, 38, 41, 42. Sonopress Produktionsgesellschaft für Ton- und Informationsträger mbH Cl. 9, 35, 38, 41, 42. Sonopress Produktionsgesellschaft für Ton- und Informationsträger mbH Cl. 9, 35, 38, 41, 42. Sonopress Produktionsgesellschaft für Ton- und Informationsträger mbH Cl. 35, 36. ABN AMRO HOLDING N.V. Cl. 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 41. UNION DES ASSOCIATIONS EUROPEENNES DE FOOTBALL (UEFA) Cl. 29, 30. CONSORZIO COOPERATIVO CONSERVE ITALIA CONSORZIO ITALIANO FRA COOPERATIVE AGRICOLE CONSERVIERE SOC.COOP. AGRICOLA A R.L. Cl. 5, 9, 10, 41, 42. Bourn Hall Clinic Cl. 25. NIALL EANNA O'MEACHAIR Cl. 9. American Power Conversion Corporation Cl. 9. American Power Conversion Corporation Merger of Separate Trade Mark Registrations - Rule 29 of the 1996 Rules 89341, 89346, 89342, 89343, 89345. Merged into one single registration bearing the registration number 89341 and covering classes numbers 1, 16, 17, 20. Smurfit Kappa Packaging Limited (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal 123845, 123846. Merged into one single registration bearing the registration number 123845 and covering classes numbers 1, 5. BASF Agro B.V., Arnhem (NL), Zweigniederlassung Wädenswil 123849, 123850. Merged into one single registration bearing the registration number 123849 and covering classes numbers 7, 11. SMEG S.p.A. (No. 2105) 1671 Application to Alter Trade Mark(s) Registered under the 1996 Act Class 25. COMBE INTERNATIONAL LTD. The mark in the proposed altered form, is as shown hereunder: ODOR-EATERS 114335 Class 16, 29, 30, 42. CUISINE DE FRANCE LIMITED. The mark in the proposed altered form, is as shown hereunder: 226534 133987, 133988, 133990, 133989. Merged into one single registration bearing the registration number 133987 and covering classes numbers 1, 7, 9, 11. Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG 152600, 152601. Merged into one single registration bearing the registration number 152600 and covering classes numbers 7, 11. BSH ELECTRODOMESTICOS ESPANA, S.A. Any person desiring to oppose the applications must give Notice of opposition to the Controller in accordance with rule 35(2) of the 1996 Rules within three months of the date of this Journal issue. 1672 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) International Registrations under the Madrid Protocol seeking protection in the State. Any person desiring to oppose the conferring of protection in the State to the undermentioned marks may, within three months from the date of this Journal give notice to the Controller, Patents Office, Government Buildings, Hebron Road, Kilkenny, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 18. It should be noted that under the provisions of Rule 63(2) no extension of the opposition period is allowed for lodging opposition under Rule 18. It is desirable before lodging formal opposition that a communication should be addressed to the holder affording him an opportunity to withdraw his application for protection of the International Registration in the State. In this way cost of opposition proceedings may be avoided. BRUNOX 0482790 Representative: 19/03/2008 Class 2. KIGILI GIYIM TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI, Yedipinarlar Mevkii Sekerpinar Köyü No:13/1, Gebze/KOCAELI, Turkey Products for stabilising rust, coatings for protecting iron. M&T&P MARKA TASARIM VE PATENT BÜROSUSAVAS YÜKSEL, Necatibey Caddesi No. 64/4, KizilayANKARA, Turkey BRUNOX AG , Etzelstrasse 4, CH-8730 Uznach, Switzerland 0829800 0769565 18/02/2008 Class 25. 02/04/2008 Class 25. Class 28. Clothing for men and women, suits, hosiery, headgear, footwear, belts, ties. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Gymnastic and sporting articles included in this class. clover creations GmbH, Giessenstrasse 17, CH-8953 Dietikon, Switzerland (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1673 Patents Office Journal Registration of this Trade Mark gives no right to the exclusive use of Regulatory Affairs Network. 0916201 06/03/2008 Class 35. Class 42. Class 44. Standardized office functions; administrative support for admission procedures; forwarding of documents to authorities or state-approved offices, business management consultancy relating to product-developmentstrategies; organization of meetings for customers and representatives from the industry for economic and advertising purposes. Scientific and technological consultancy in the field of admission procedures; creation and utilization of software for standardized admission procedures; evaluation and analysis of technical data (chemical, clinical, pre-clinical); quality control; surveying; technical project planning. Pharmacy advice. 0921143 25/04/2006 Class 6. Class 8. Class 11. Class 20. Dr. Regenold GmbH International Regulatory Affairs, Am Berg 4, 79410 Badenweiler, Germany Colour Claimed: Grey and dark-red. , The color dark-red appears in the cross and the wording REGULATORY AFFAIRS NETWORK; and the color grey appears in the R and the wording REGULANET. Representative: Dr. Riedlinger & Partner GBR , Kartäuserstraße 61a, 79104 Freiburg, Germany Class 21. Staircases of metal; ladders of metal; steps (ladders) of metal; broom handles of metal; poles of metal. Rakes (hand tools); shovels (hand tools); fruit pickers (hand tools); garden tools (hand tools); forks; crow bars; agricultural implements (hand instruments); grafting tools (hand tools); trowels (gardening); pruning scissors; lawn clippers (hand instruments); shears; border shears. Air-conditioning apparatus; air conditioning installations. Tool handles, not of metal; steps (ladders), not of metal; tables of metal; broom handles, not of metal; curtain rails; curtain rods; curtain tiebacks; poles, not of metal; work benches. Holders for flowers and plants (flower arranging); flower pots; toilet utensils; brush goods; scrubbing brushes; brooms; cleaning instruments; dusting apparatus, nonelectric. TIANJIN JINMAO GROUP CO., LTD. , Wang Zhuang Industrial Area, Beichen District, Tianjin, China 1674 (No. 2105) Representative: Patents Office Journal TIANJIN TINJIN TRADEMARK AGENCY CO., LTD. , A-1-601, Rome Garden,Yong An Road, He Xi District, Tianjin, China (20/08/2008) dressmaking, tailoring. Ikiler Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi, Zafer Cad. Ladin Sok. No: 21, Merter Istanbul, Turkey Representative: Av. Mesut Adan , Sehit Adem Yavuz Sok 8/12, Kizilay Ankara, Turkey BESTTASTE 0927657 ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN AG 13/03/2008 Class 11. Water treatment apparatus; water filtering apparatus; water filters, filter cartridges not included in other classes. Household or kitchen utensils and containers; filters for household purposes. Class 21. 0941649 15/05/2007 Class 4. Class 6. BWT Aktiengesellschaft, Walter-Simmer-Strasse 4, A-5310 Mondsee, Austria Representative: Dipl. Ing. Walter Holzer, Dipl. Ing. Dr. techn. Elisabeth Schober Patentanwälte, Schottenring 16, Börsegebäude, A-1010 Wien, Austria Class 7. 0940231 13/07/2007 Class 25. Class 40. Clothing, headgear, footwear, socks. Cloth cutting, cloth dyeing, cloth edging, cloth fireproofing, cloth preshrinking, cloth treating, cloth waterproofing, clothing alteration, fabric bleaching, fabric fireproofing, fabric waterproofing, fabric treating, Technical oils and greases; lubricants. Non-precious metals and their alloys; metal cables and wires (not for electrical power purposes); metal tubes; metal products not contained in other classes; ores; casehardened steels and intermediate products made from them, namely ingots, blooms, billets, semi-finished products, bars, steel/merchant bars, pipes, bright steel, forgings, drop forgings, hammer forgings, moldings and metal products made from them and contained in this class. Machinery for metal, wood and plastics processing, and for agricultural use; construction machinery; machine tools; engines (excluding engines for land vehicles); clutches and power transmission devices (excluding such devices for land vehicles); non-manually operated farming equipment; gears, drives and clutches of machines, especially machine tools, handling equipment and industrial robots; control systems for the gears of machines for metal, wood and plastics processing, and for (20/08/2008) Class 9. (No. 2105) 1675 Patents Office Journal farming, and for construction machines, machine tools and engines; gears for industrial robots and machine tools; planetary gears for hydrostatic and electric drives; elevator gears, gears and drives for lifting devices; hydraulic pumps and motors, clutches, gears, valves and brakes as parts of machines; machine tools for the production and machining of toothed wheels; sub units on machines for the production of gearings; parts and components of aforementioned products if contained in this class; gearboxes and gearbox components for ships, driveline components between gearbox and propeller; ship propulsion systems, in particular surface propulsion systems; parts and components of the aforementioned products if contained in this class. Devices and instruments used for scientific, shipping, surveying, photographic, film, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, control, rescuing and teaching purposes; devices and instruments for conducting, switching, converting, storing and controlling electricity; devices and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing, storing, decoding, converting and processing data, sound and images if contained in this class; audiovisual telecommunications and telematics devices and instruments, remote controls, monitors, parabolic antennas, modems, software, decoders, encoders, access and access control devices for dataprocessing equipment, authentication devices for telecommunications networks, devices for signal interference and signal and transmission interference suppression, Class 12. digital terminal equipment, electronic devices and instruments, namely dataprocessing devices and equipment, computers, telematics devices and instruments and systems made up of these, computer peripherals including storage devices, processors, microprocessors, devices for simultaneous programming, programs for data processing, magnetic recording media, flight simulators and controls for helicopters, gyroplanes, and winged airplanes; electric, electronic, mechanical, acoustic, optical, haptic and cognitive measuring, control and information equipment for drivers and passengers, and for driveline, chassis and steering components/systems in motor vehicles if contained in this class; electric and electronic controls, shifting systems, shifting programs and shifting strategies for gears, manual transmissions, automatic transmissions, continuously variable automatic transmissions, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic transmissions, transfer cases, axles, differentials, chassis components, torque converters, clutches, and retarders; diagnostic and testing equipment for electronic control systems of motor vehicles; electronic control systems for propulsion components of ships and boats; materials testing instruments and machines; electric and electrohydraulic steering systems for vehicles. Systems for transportation by land, by air, or by water; vehicles and their components if contained in this class; gears, manual transmissions, synchromesh and powershift transmissions, automatic transmissions, continuously variable automatic 1676 (No. 2105) Class 16. Class 17. Class 35. Class 36. Patents Office Journal transmissions, dual-clutch transmissions, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic transmissions, transfer cases, axles, axle components, differentials, chassis components, torque converters, clutches, retarders, brakes, shift clutches and clutches and systems composed of them, auxiliary drives, wheel-drive assemblies, shock absorbers and shock absorber springs, tie rods, stabilizers, stabilizer links, radius links, wheel joints, four-point links; aarms, axle links, wheel joints, hydraulic and mechanical steering systems, steering pumps, steering columns and steering system components if contained in this class; wheel drives, electric drives and their components if contained in this class; parts and components of the aforementioned products for vehicles if contained in this class. Printed matter, in particular magazines for driveline and chassis technology; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); photographs. Caoutchouc, rubber and products made from them if they are not contained in other classes; plastic products (semi-finished products); hoses (not made of metal); rubber buffers for vehicles, chassis systems, engines, drives and their components if contained in this class. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions systemization and compilation of data in computer databases, in particular parts lists/bills of material, material master files, documents, plates, order lists, spare catalogues, and customer service information. Insurance; financial affairs; (20/08/2008) Class 37. monetary affairs; real estate management; insurance and insurance consultation agency. Building; installation work; maintenance and repair work on vehicles and their parts, gears, manual transmissions, automatic transmissions, continuously variable automatic transmissions, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic transmissions, transfer cases, axles, differentials, chassis components, torque converters, clutches, and retarders; maintenance and repair work on electric and electronic measuring and control devices, scientific, electric, photographic, optical, measurement, signal, control, rescue and teaching devices and instruments, devices and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing, storing, decoding, converting, processing of data, sound and images, audiovisual telecommunications and telematics devices and instruments, remote controls, monitors, parabolic antennas, modems, decoders, encoders, access and access control devices for data-processing equipment, authentication devices for telecommunications networks, devices for signal interference and for signal and transmission interference suppression, digital terminals, electronic devices and instruments, namely dataprocessing devices and equipment, computers, telematics devices, instruments and systems, computer peripherals including storage devices, processors, microprocessors, devices for simultaneous programming, magnetic recording media, flight simulators and controls for helicopters, gyroplanes and (20/08/2008) Class 41. Class 42. Patents Office Journal winged airplanes, systems for transportation by land, by air, and by water, helicopters, gyroplanes, vehicles and their parts; maintenance and repair work on electric, electronic, mechanical, acoustic, optical, haptic and cognitive measurement, control and information equipment for drivers and passengers, and for driveline, chassis and steering components/systems in motor vehicles, and for electric and electronic controls, shifting systems, shifting programs and shifting strategies for gears, manual transmissions, automatic transmissions, continuously variable automatic transmissions, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic transmissions, transfer cases, axles, differentials, chassis components, torque converters, clutches, and retarders (excluding software); maintenance and repair work on ship propulsion systems, surface propulsion systems, gearboxes and gearbox components for ships, on parts of the drive train between gearbox and propeller, namely clutches, propeller shafts, and flanges; maintenance and repair work on computer hardware. Education; training; entertainment; cultural and sporting activities; online publication of electronic magazines for driveline and chassis technology. Scientific and technological services and research work and related design services; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; design and development of computer hardware and software for vehicles and their parts, gears, manual transmissions, automatic transmissions, (No. 2105) 1677 continuously variable automatic transmissions, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic transmissions, transfer cases, axles, differentials, chassis components, torque converters, clutches and retarders, for electric and electronic measuring and control equipment, scientific, electric, photographic, optical, measurement, signal, control, rescue and teaching devices and instruments, and for devices and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing, storing, decoding, converting and processing data, sound and images, audiovisual telecommunications and telematics devices and instruments, remote controls, monitors, parabolic antennas, modems, software, decoders, encoders, access and access control devices for dataprocessing equipment, authentication devices for telecommunications networks, devices for signal interference and signal and transmission interference suppression, digital terminals, electronic devices and instruments, namely data-processing devices and equipment, computers, telematic devices, instruments and systems, computer peripherals including storage devices, processors, microprocessors, devices for simultaneous programming, programs for data processing, magnetic recording media, flight simulators and controls for helicopters, gyroplanes and winged airplanes; design and development of computer hardware and software for electric, electronic, mechanical, acoustic, optical, haptic and cognitive measurement, control and information equipment for drivers and passengers, for 1678 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal driveline, chassis and steering components/systems in motor vehicles, and for controls, shifting systems, shifting programs and shifting strategies for gears, manual transmissions, automatic transmissions, continuously variable automatic transmissions, hydrodynamic and hydrostatic transmissions, transfer cases, axles, differentials, chassis components, torque converters, clutches, and retarders. Legal consultation and agency. Class 45. Priority Date Claimed: 29 November 2006 Germany (20/08/2008) IRLAB 0944621 13/02/2008 Class 9. Monitors (computer hardware); electronic tags for goods; camcorders; cameras (photography); optical lenses; lightning arresters; electric theft prevention installations; solar batteries. Viewlink Technology Ltd , No. 30, the 8th floor, Diganghaiwan, Haoyuan City 3.6 meter Apartment, Velvet flowers Road,Futian Bonded Area, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China Representative: ZF Friedrichshafen AG , Graf-von-Soden-Platz 1, 88046 Friedrichshafen, Germany ADVANCE CHINA I.P. LAW OFFICE , Suite 918-920,9/F, Dong Shan Plaza,No. 69 Xianlie Central Road, 510095 Guangzhou, Guangdong, China MID.MUNK 0941895 10/01/2006 Class 24. Class 25. Class 35. Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Advertising; business management; business administration; Office functions. 0955489 11/12/2007 Class 6. Bertoni A/S , Tofteledet 15, DK-8330 Beder, Denmark Representative: Gorrissen Federspiel Kierkegaard , Silkeborgvej 2, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark Class 9. Class 16. Class 19. Plates, signs, plaques and labels of metal (non-luminous and non-mechanical), modular or otherwise, single or doublesided, suspended or otherwise, affixed to vehicles for signposting and, more generally, plates, signs, plaques and labels of metal (non-luminous and nonmechanical) for signalling and signposting. Panels and racks, either luminous or mobile, for signs; reflective strips for placement on vehicles and vehicle trailers. Stickers, including bumper stickers. Plates, signs and plaques for (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1679 Patents Office Journal signalling and signposting, not of metal and non-luminous. Priority Date Claimed: 09 October 2007 Italy BICMA S.R.L. , Via Belvedere Fogliense, 9A, I47836 MONDAINO (RN), Italy Representative: BUGNION S.P.A. , Via Valentini 11/15, I-47900 RIMINI (RN), Italy 0956423 04/12/2007 Class 16. 0955801 14/12/2007 Class 39. Unloading cargo; freighting; transport; freight brokerage; transport brokerage; transportation information; ship brokerage; stevedoring; marine transport; car transport. Class 31. Class 32. HEBEI OCEAN SHIPPING CO., LTD. , No. 162, Gangcheng Street, Qinhuangdao, Hebei, China Colour Claimed: Yellow and blue. , The dragon surrounding the globe is in yellow and the globe in the middle is in blue. Class 33. Class 43. Representative: Unitalen Attorneys At Law , 7th Floor, Scitech Place,No. 22 Jian Guo Men Wai Ave., Beijing 100004, China Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals, malt. Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. SC JIDVEI SRL FILIALA ALBA, Str. Unirii nr. 9, 517385 Jidvei, jud. Alba, Romania 1680 (No. 2105) Representative: Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) SC CABINET N.D. GAVRIL S.R.L., Str. Stefan Negulescu nr. 6A,sector 1, 011653 Bucarest, Romania 0957764 09/10/2007 Class 7. L'ALCHIMIE BOTANIQUE DU FUTUR 0957096 17/01/2008 Class 3. Class 44. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; essential oils, dentifrices, depilatories, make-up removing preparations, face mask, shaving products, cosmetic products for the lips and nails, make-up, deodorants, hair care preparations, cosmetic and toiletry products for skin care and cleansing, perfumery; dietary supplement for cosmetic purposes which may contain proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, peptides, and/or fibres or micronutrients such as vitamins and/or minerals and/or amino acids and/or fatty and/or vegetable acids. Hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals, beauty salons, services of beauty parlours, hairdressing salons; pet grooming; landscape gardening; agricultural and horticultural services. COSTE SAVERIA , 16 rue du Ranelagh, F-75016 PARIS, France Class 9. Machines not included in other classes, machine tools; motors (except for land vehicles); transmission components; electrical household appliances not included in other classes, including washing machines, spin driers, combined washing machines and tumble driers, wringers, dishwashers, food mixing machines, cutting machines, grinders (machines), vacuum packing machines, rack and tray conveyors to be used in combination with dishwashers; waste disposal machines, compressors for refrigerators and freezers; machines for high pressure cleaning, welding instruments and appliances not included in other classes; parts of all the above items. Scientific, nautical, surveying, radiotelegraphic, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; automatic coinoperated vending machines; communication apparatus; cash registers; calculators; fire extinguishers; computers; apparatus and instruments for meteorological, physics, control, safety, navigational, telecommunication and welding purposes and not included in other classes; xray apparatus, tubes, installations and instruments for scientific and industrial purposes; cleaning apparatus for long-play records and sound cassettes; aerials; amplifiers; transformers (20/08/2008) Class 11. (No. 2105) 1681 Patents Office Journal (electricity); plugs; contact plugs; junction boxes; switches; power outlets; plugs and other contacts (electric connections); electric batteries; electric wires and cables; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; electrical household appliances not included in other classes, including electric irons, electric batteries, magnets and magnetic cores; filters not included in other classes; electrical cigarette lighters for automobiles; electronic microscopes; radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; electron tubes and semiconductors; apparatus for recording, reproduction, transmission and amplifying of sound and/or images and/or other signals, such as radios, televisions, digital video disc players, receivers and recorders, satellite receivers, digital satellites, phonographic records and tapes, recorded or blank; temperature controlling apparatus not included in other classes; parts of all aforesaid goods. Apparatus for lighting, heating, cooking, refrigerating, freezing, drying, ventilating, air conditioning and water supply, sanitary installations, steam ovens and steam pans; electric lamps; ultraviolet lamps, not for medical purposes; dehumidifying and humidifying installations, devices, appliances and instruments; air conditioning and heating apparatus, appliances and instruments; electrical household appliances not included in other classes, including tumble driers, refrigerators, freezers, fridge freezers, ovens, microwave ovens, domestic appliances for cooking or heating foods and beverages; toasters and boilers; gas condensers (other than parts of machines); parts of all aforesaid goods. Priority Date Claimed: 10 July 2007 Benelux Trademark Office (BBM) and Benelux Designs Vestel Holland B.V. , Stationsplein 45, NL-3013 AK Rotterdam, The Netherlands Representative: Merkenbureau Bouma B.V. , Postbus 30177, NL-3001 DD Rotterdam, The Netherlands MERSAPRIM 0957841 28/01/2008 Class 3. Class 5. Class 10. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices. Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; pharmaceutical preparations for human medicine; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth and dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials. 1682 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal Priority Date Claimed: 27 September 2007 Switzerland (20/08/2008) Colour Claimed: PMS 299 (Blue), 100% White or 100% Black. , Zero CO2 is Blue (PMS 299) or grey scal (in mono reproduction), WOOL is 100% White or 100% Black (depending on background). Representative: Bruce McDonald, 1/599 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia ARPIDA AG , Duggingerstrasse 23, CH-4153 Reinach, Switzerland Representative: 0957912 Braunpat Braun Eder AG , Reussstrasse 22, CH-5054 Basel, Switzerland 22/01/2008 Class 22. Class 23. Class 24. Class 25. Class 27. Carded wool, combed wool, fleece wool, raw or treated wool, raw wool, scoured wool, shorn wool, treated wool, upholstery wool (stuffing), wool flock. Carded yarns made of wool, hand knitting wools, knitting yarns made of wool, spun wool, wollen thread and yarn. Textiles made of wool; apparel fabrics; bedroom textile fabrics; knitted fabric; upholstery fabrics; woollen fabric; worsted fabrics. Articles of clothing made from wool. Carpets. 0957913 22/01/2008 Class 22. Class 23. Class 24. Priority Date Claimed: 14 December 2007 Australia The Merino Company Pty Ltd as corporate nominee for The Merino Company partnership, 1/599 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia Class 25. Class 27. Carded wool; combed wool; fleece wool; raw or treated wool; raw wool; scoured wool; shorn wool; treated wool; upholstery wool (stuffing); wool flock. Carded yarns made of wool; hand knitting wools; knitting yarns made of wool; spun wool; woollen thread and yarn. Bed blankets made of wool; textiles made of wool; wool loop knit fabrics; woollen cloth; woollen fabric. Articles of clothing made from wool; woollen clothing. Hand made woollen carpets. Priority Date Claimed: 10 January 2008 Australia The Merino Company Pty Ltd as corporate nominee for The Merino Company partnership, 1/599 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1683 Patents Office Journal Colour Claimed: PMS 355 (GREEN), 100% BLACK, 100% WHITE. , Top square device is WHITE (black keyline) with capital T shape (TMC font); Middle square device is GREEN (PMS 355 with black keyline) with capital M shape in white (TMC font); Bottom square device is BLACK with capital C shape in white (TMC font); WORDS in vertical are 100% BLACK in various Trade GOTHIC fonts. Representative: Bruce McDonald, 1/599 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia Representative: 0957968 BASALAN PATENT & TRADEMARK INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY SERVICESCONSULTANCY LIMITED COMPANY, Giz 2000 Plaza, Ayazaga Yolu,No.7, Kat:12, TR-34398 MASLAK-ISTANBUL, Turkey 11/02/2008 Class 25. Shoes, boots, slippers and sandals for women. Priority Date Claimed: 15 November 2007 Italy 0957965 JESSICA DI MARCOZZI SAIMON , Via Faleriense, 5114, SANT'ELPIDIO A MARE (AP), Italy 25/07/2007 Class 24. Class 25. Class 42. Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. Representative: ING. CLAUDIO BALDI S.R.L. , Viale Cavallotti, 13, I-60035 JESI (AN), Italy Priority Date Claimed: 26 February 2007 Turkey BUCKLER TEKSTIL DIZAYN PAZARLAMA VE DIS TICARET SANAYI LIMITED SIRKETI, Florya Besyol Mah., Karadeniz Sok. No: 10, K: 2-3 Küçükçekmecc, Istanbul, Turkey 0958051 11/02/2008 Class 25. Shoes, boots, slippers and sandals for women. Priority Date Claimed: 15 November 2007 Italy 1684 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) JESSICA DI MARCOZZI SAIMON , Via Faleriense, 5114, I-63019 SANT'ELPIDIO A MARE (AP), Italy Representative: 0958101 ING. CLAUDIO BALDI S.R.L. , Viale Cavallotti, 13, I-60035 JESI (AN), Italy 07/06/2007 Class 4. Class 35. Benzine; combustible briquettes; oil-gas; fuel gas; gasoline; producer gas; solidified gas (fuel); fuel; additives, non-chemical, to motor-fuel; cutting fluids; tallow; industrial grease; kerosene; mazut; combustible oil; lubricating oil; industrial oil; lubricants; naphtha; petroleum (raw or refined); lubricating grease; vaporized fuel mixtures; alcohol (fuel); methylated spirit; diesel oil; lighting fuel; fuel with an alcoholic base; peat (fuel); petroleum ether. Import-export agencies; commercial information agencies; cost price analysis; computerized file management; efficiency experts; demonstration of goods; opinion polling; marketing studies; business information; business investigations; marketing research; personnel recruitment; business management and organization consultancy; personnel Class 37. management consultancy; business organization consultancy; business management consultancy; professional business consultancy; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; business appraisals; payroll preparation; business management assistance; commercial or industrial management assistance; economic forecasting; sales promotion (for others); publication of publicity texts; distribution of samples; advertising; business inquiries; systemization of information into computer databases; tax preparation; drawing up of statements of accounts; psychological testing for the selection of personnel; public relations; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses). Drilling of wells; building sealing; mining extraction; building insulating; repair information; construction information; bricklaying; road paving; building construction supervision; rustproofing; vehicle maintenance; rental of construction equipment; rental of bulldozers; plumbing; masonry; underwater repair; quarrying services; motor vehicle maintenance and repair; vehicle repair; vehicle service stations; pipeline construction and maintenance; pier breakwater building; underwater construction; construction; machinery installation, maintenance and repair. Priority Date Claimed: 08 December 2006 Russian Federation (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1685 Patents Office Journal Obschestvo s ogranichennoi otvetstvennostyu "Timan menedzhment", ul. Vysokaya, 3, RU-115533 Moscow, Russian Federation Colour Claimed: Blue, red, white, gray. Representative: Nikolay S. Borsch-Kompaneets, 2nd Smolenskiy per., 3/4,office 418, RU-121099 Moscow, Russian Federation Class 37. 0958102 07/06/2007 Class 4. Class 35. Benzine; combustible briquettes; oil-gas; fuel gas; gasoline; producer gas; solidified gas (fuel); fuel; additives, non-chemical, to motor-fuel; cutting fluids; tallow; industrial grease; kerosene; mazut; combustible oil; lubricating oil; industrial oil; lubricants; naphtha; petroleum (raw or refined); lubricating grease; vaporized fuel mixtures; alcohol (fuel); methylated spirit; diesel oil; lighting fuel; fuel with an alcoholic base; peat (fuel); petroleum ether. Commercial information agencies; cost price analysis; computerized file management; efficiency experts; demonstration of goods; opinion polling; marketing studies; business information; business investigations; marketing research; personnel recruitment; business management and organization consultancy; personnel management consultancy; business organization consultancy; business management consultancy; professional business consultancy; business appraisals; payroll preparation; business management assistance; commercial or industrial management assistance; economic forecasting; business inquiries; systemization of information into computer databases; tax preparation; drawing up of statements of accounts; psychological testing for the selection of personnel; public relations. Drilling of wells; building sealing; mining extraction; building insulating; repair information; construction information; bricklaying; road paving; building construction supervision; rust proofing; vehicle maintenance; rental of construction equipment; rental of bulldozers; plumbing; masonry; underwater repair; quarrying services; motor vehicle maintenance and repair; vehicle repair; vehicle service stations; pipeline construction and maintenance; pier breakwater building; underwater construction; construction; machinery installation, maintenance and repair. Priority Date Claimed: 08 December 2006 Russian Federation Obschestvo s ogranichennoi otvetstvennostyu "Timan menedzhment", ul. Vysokaya, 3, RU-115533 Moscow, Russian Federation Representative: Nikolay S. Borsch-Kompaneets, 2nd Smolenskiy per., 3/4,office 418, RU-121099 Moscow, Russian Federation 1686 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) placing booms; slurry-sealing machines; asphalt recycling equipment; lineation machines; machines for proportioning, heating, sieving and mixing asphalt and concrete. 0958174 Changsha Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd, 307 Yinpen Road (South), Changsha,, Hunan Province, China 03/01/2008 Class 35. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions, sales promotion (for others), in particular, promotion of Spanish companies. Representative: Unitalen Attorneys At Law , 7th Floor, Scitech Place,No. 22 Jian Guo Men Wai Ave., Beijing 100004, China INSTITUTO ESPAÑOL DE COMERCIO EXTERIOR (ICEX), S.A., Paseo de la Castellana, 14, E-28046 MADRID, Spain Colour Claimed: Yellow (Pantone 116 cvc), red (Pantone 498 cvc) and gray (Pantone cool gray 10 c). Representative: CLARKE, MODET & CO, S.L. , C/ Goya, 11, E-28001 MADRID, Spain 0958206 0958205 21/11/2007 Class 7. Tower cranes with concrete distribution booms; asphalt concrete pavers; road surface planers; concrete vibrators; horizontal directional drilling machines; rams (machines); elevators (lifts); excavators; pneumatic impact moles; siltclearing machines; concrete 21/11/2007 Class 7. Tower cranes with concrete distribution booms; asphalt concrete pavers; road surface planers; concrete vibrators; horizontal directional drilling machines; rams (machines); elevators (lifts); excavators; pneumatic impact moles; siltclearing machines; concrete placing booms; slurry-sealing machines; asphalt recycling equipment; lineation machines; truck-mounted concrete pumps; road rollers; hoists; construction hoisting machines; mechanical multifloor parking machines; machines for proportioning, heating, sieving and mixing asphalt and concrete. Changsha Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd, 307 Yinpen Road (South), Changsha,, Hunan Province, China (20/08/2008) Representative: (No. 2105) 1687 Patents Office Journal Unitalen Attorneys At Law , 7th Floor, Scitech Place,No. 22 Jian Guo Men Wai Ave., Beijing 100004, China ZOOMLION 0958256 11/03/2008 Class 12. 0958244 06/02/2008 Class 3. Class 9. Class 14. Class 18. Class 25. Soaps; perfumery; essential oils; cosmetics; hair lotions. Spectacles, including sunglasses; spectacles frames; pouches and cases for spectacles. Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery; precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments, including watches. Leather and imitations of leather and goods made of these materials, not included in other classes; umbrellas and parasols; trunks and travelling bags; handbags, shopping bags, school satchels and other similar bags, not included in other classes. Clothing, footwear, headgear. Priority Date Claimed: 03 September 2007 Benelux Trademark Office (BBM) and Benelux Designs Waalfin Holding S.A. , 17, Rue Beaumont, L-1219 LUXEMBURG, Luxembourg Representative: NautaDutilh N.V. , Postbus 7113, NL-1007 JC Amsterdam, The Netherlands Rolling stock for railways; fork lift trucks; lifting cars (lift cars); sprinkling trucks; motor coaches; concrete mixing vehicles; cleaning trolleys; automobiles; vehicle chassis; motorcycles; bicycles; funiculars; trolleys; vehicle wheel tires (tyres); aircraft; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail. Changsha Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd, 307 Yinpen Road (South), Changsha,, Hunan Province, China Representative: Unitalen Attorneys At Law, 7th Floor, Scitech Place,No. 22 Jian Guo Men Wai Ave., 100004 Beijing, China VEINOFYTOL 0958291 29/02/2008 Class 5. Pharmaceutical preparations, in particular capsules and creams for veinous insufficiency. TILMAN Jean-Noël, 14 Pré du Fa, B-4190 Ferrieres, Belgium Representative: Office Hanssens S.p.r.l., Boîte 19,40 square Marie-Louise, B1000 Bruxelles, Belgium 1688 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Sano - Moderní výživa zvírat, spol. s r.o., Npor. O. Bartoška 15, CZ-344 01 Domažlice, Czech Republic Representative: Mgr. Marie Šebelová, advokátka, Na Zderaze 15, CZ120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic Fibrasan 0958364 0958305 04/01/2008 Class 3. 24/01/2008 Class 31. Cosmetic products, lotions, milks, creams, gels for the face and body; cosmetic whitening products. Food for animals primarily stall. Priority Date Claimed: 20 September 2007 Czech Republic Priority Date Claimed: 31 July 2007 France Sano - Moderní výživa zvírat, spol. s r.o., Npor. O. Bartoška 15, CZ-344 01 Domažlice, Czech Republic PARFUMS GIVENCHY S.A., 77 rue Anatole France, F-92300 LEVALLOIS-PERRET, France Representative: Colour Claimed: White, blue and grey. , The pack is depicted on a white background; the logo 4G is in blue and grey; the mark GIVENCHY Doctor White can be found at the foot of the pack on a grey background. Mgr. Marie Šebelová, advokátka, Na Zderaze 15, CZ120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic Gravidisan 0958478 0958363 26/03/2008 24/01/2008 Class 29. Class 31. Food for animals primarily stall. Priority Date Claimed: 20 September 2007 Czech Republic Puffed potato chips; puffed fruit chip or vegetable chip. ShenZhou DongFang Industrial Group Co., Ltd., Datun Industrial Zone, Shenzhou, 053873 Hebei, China (20/08/2008) Representative: 0958507 (No. 2105) 1689 Patents Office Journal HEBEI TRADEMARK AGENCY CO. LTD., Hongdun Building,No. 316 Tiyu Nandajie,Shijiazhuang, 050021 Hebei province, China 20/03/2008 Class 21. Cosmetic utensils; porcelain imitation; services, not of precious metal; basins; containers for household or kitchen use except in precious metal; scoops; soup bowls, not of precious metal; coffee services, not of precious metal; cabarets, not of precious metal; beer mugs. Class 6. Class 16. MECAME MELAMINE WARES CO., LTD QUANZHOU, 2-5 (C) Industry Zone Qingmeng Quanzhou, 362000 Fujian, China Representative: Xiamen Shinhwa Patent and Trademark Agency Co., Ltd., 1/F, Taiwan Hotel,Hubin East Road, Xiamen, 361004 Fujian, China Class 21. Avi One 0958549 24/07/2007 Class 5. Pharmaceutical and medicinal preparations for body care and treatment such as for skin, eyes and claws in the form of sprays, washes, lotions and ointments; insecticidal and anti-parasitic preparations; repellents for insects and repellents for birds; preparations for destroying vermin; preparations for prevention of bird pecking and biting; medicated food additives; food additives and supplements such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the form of powders, liquids and blocks; digestive aids such as shell and mineral grits; wormers and anti-fungal preparations; disinfectants; sanitary preparations to improve water quality, all the aforesaid for use with or for birds. Rings for bird identification of metal; metal structures for animal containment such as aviaries; metal display stands; bird baths, all the aforesaid for use with or for birds; traps for wild animals and vermin of metal. Printed matter such as stationery, instructional and teaching material (nonapparatus), books, catalogues, newsletters, magazines and brochures; diary and log books for the recording of information; transportation containers of cardboard; shopping bags; posters and giveaway promotional goods included in this class, all the aforesaid for use with birds and related applications. Cages such as collapsible cages and wire cages; cage stands; cage accessories such as covers, guards and surrounds for cages, perches and perch covers; drink and food dispensers such as bowls, cups, tubes, dishes and troughs; animal activated drinkers and feeders; bowls; food and beverage storage 1690 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal containers; scoops for food; scoops for food made from metal; food and drink bowls and cups made from metal; all the aforesaid for use for or with birds. Toys for birds such as swings, rattles, bells, balls, ladders and mirrors; toys that hold treats; non-edible toys for pecking and biting; stands as play gyms for bird exercise, all the aforesaid for birds. Foodstuffs in the form of edible treats; dry foodstuffs such as seeds and grains, nuts, fruits, nectars and honey such as in loose, canned or block form; cuttlebone; egg and biscuit food mixes; foodstuffs for feeding in wet form; nonmedicated preparations used as additives to foodstuffs; beverages; salt for birds; edible sand and grit in loose and sheet form for cage bases and perches; bedding materials such as coconut fibre and feathers, all the aforesaid for use for or with birds. Class 28. Class 31. Priority Date Claimed: 28 February 2007 Australia Kong's (Aust.) Pty Limited, 48 Williamson Road, INGLEBURN NSW 2565, Australia Representative: Kong's (Aust.) Pty Limited Attn: Colleen Moutsos, PO Box 863, INGLEBURN NSW 1890, Australia (20/08/2008) ZOOTECNICA ALIMENTARE srl, Via di Macchia Palocco, 280, I-00125 ROMA, Italy Colour Claimed: 0958719 YELLOW with orange points and little black shadow. 21/03/2008 Class 38. Providing secure, restricted access to data communications networks, namely, local area networks and global computer networks for the electronic transmission of data and documents via computer equipment and wireless electronic devices. Securities Industry Automation Corp., 2 Metro Tech Center, 10th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201, United States of America Representative: Gary Abelev Dorsey & Whitney LLP, 250 Park Ave.15th Floor, New York, NY 10177, United States of America Registration of this Trade Mark gives no right to the exclusive use of SECURE FINANCIAL TRANSACTION INFRASTRUCTURE. HoWe 0958810 0958633 28/02/2008 Class 31. 05/12/2007 Class 29. Pet food. Class 30. Charcuterie, sausages, cold meat and meat products. Horse radish preparations for (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1691 Patents Office Journal food purposes, namely horse radish with vegetables and horse radish with vinegar or spices. Priority Date Claimed: 08 August 2007 Germany HOWE WURSTWAREN KG, Regenstraße 1, 90451 Nürnberg, Germany Representative: LINDNER / BLAUMEIER, Dr.-Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 23, 90402 Nürnberg, Germany 0958955 09/01/2008 Class 1. Chemical products for industrial use, in particular raws materials, basic and intermediate products for use in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, washing and detergents industry. Priority Date Claimed: 09 August 2007 Germany 0958952 11/01/2008 Class 8. Shaving razors; hair clippers for personal use (electric and non-electric); iron clamp for perms; shaving cases; nail clippers (electric and nonelectric); handheld tool for crisping hair (non-electric); pincer for perms; razor blades. Cognis IP Management GmbH, Henkelstrasse 67, 40589 Düsseldorf, Germany Colour Claimed: Green, dark green, white. , RGB 126, 181, 26 RGB 86, 127, 25 RGB 255, 255, 255. WENZHOUSHI BAITE ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO., LTD, Ouhai Gaoxin Technology Industrial Park, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China Representative: ZHEJIANG BOYI TRADEMARK AGENCY OFFICE CO., LTD, 201/F, Building 2,Changcheng Zutuan,Xueshan Load, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China 0958990 11/03/2008 Class 28. Parts or accessories for toy model airplanes; toys; toy vehicles; mobiles (toys); radio-controlled toy vehicles; scale model vehicles, toy model helicopters (electric), high technology toys, especially remote-controlled vehicles, cars, aircraft and boats. 1692 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Shenzhen Grand Wing Investment, Inc., Room C1711, Ming Wha International Convention Center, 8 Gui Shan Road, Shekou, Shenzhen, China Representative: SHENZHEN ZHONGZHI PATENT & TRADEMARK AGENT CO., LTD., 1/F., Science & Technology Bldg.,No. 1001 Shangbu Zhong Road,Shenzhen, 518031 Guangdong Province, China 0959003 20/02/2008 Class 30. Candies; confectionery; chewing gum; jellies (confectionery); gumdrops; lollipops; toffees; peppermints; pastilles; liquorice. Priority Date Claimed: 10 January 2008 Italy OSMOHALE 0958999 Perfetti Van Melle S.p.A., Via XXV Aprile, 7, I20020 Lainate (Milano), Italy 05/03/2008 Representative: Class 5. Pharmaceutical preparations and substances; pharmaceutical reagents and antibodies, chemical reagents for pharmaceutical, medical and diagnostic purposes; diagnostic preparations and substances for medical use; inhalers filled with pharmaceutical preparations, diagnostic preparations. Priority Date Claimed: 26 September 2007 Australia Pharmaxis Ltd, Unit 2 10 Rodborough Road, FRENCHS FOREST NSW 2086, Australia Representative: Davies Collison Cave, Level 151 Nicholson Street, MELBOURNE VIC 3000, Australia Perani Mezzanotte & Partners S.p.A., Piazza San Babila, 5, I20122 Milano, Italy LIFE IS NOW 0959028 19/03/2008 Class 29. Class 30. Class 32. Milk beverages, with milk predominating. Coffee, coffee extracts, coffee-based preparations and beverages; iced coffee; artificial coffee, artificial coffee extracts, preparations and beverages made with artificial coffee; chicory; tea, tea extracts, preparations and beverages made with tea; iced tea; malt-based preparations for human consumption; cocoa and cocoa-based preparations and beverages. Mineral water, flavoured water; fruit-flavoured beverages and beverages made with fruit; syrups, (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1693 Patents Office Journal extracts and essences and other preparations for making non-alchoholic beverages (with the exception of essential oils); beverages made with lactic ferments; soya-based beverages; beverages made with malt; isotonic beverages. Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., CH-1800 Vevey, Switzerland Representative: Nestec S.A., Avenue Nestlé 55, CH-1800 Vevey, Switzerland 0959090 04/12/2007 Class 33. Class 35. 0959038 12/02/2008 Class 27. Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (nontextile). Class 41. Priority Date Claimed: 09 January 2008 Italy FENDI ADELE S.r.l., Via Flaminia, 968, I-00189 ROMA, Italy Representative: DE SIMONE & PARTNERS S.p.A., Via Vincenzo Bellini, 20, I-00198 Roma, Italy Class 43. Alcoholic beverages (except beers). Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; organization of trade fairs, festivals and exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes. Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; organization of shows, festivals, exhibitions and fairs for cultural and educational purposes; club services in the field of entertainment and education. Services for providing food and drink. SC JIDVEI SRL FILIALA ALBA, Str. Unirii nr. 9, 517385 Jidvei, jud. Alba, Romania Colour Claimed: Black, gold and white. Representative: SC CABINET N.D. GAVRIL S.R.L., Str. Stefan Negulescu nr. 6A,sector 1, 011653 Bucarest, Romania 1694 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal GAIN BOLIC 6000 0959091 Class 29. Class 30. Class 32. Priority Date Claimed: 17 October 2007 United States of America Whitehouse, Robert S, 159 Reed Street, Lexington, MA 02421, United States of America 22/01/2008 Class 5. (20/08/2008) Fortifying foodstuffs containing parapharmaceutical preparations for prophylactic use and for convalescents. Concentrates and foodstuffs with a high protein content enriched with vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids. Carbohydrate concentrates and foodstuffs with high energy content enriched with vitamins and mineral salts. Non-alcoholic beverages enriched with vitamins and mineral salts. Colour Claimed: The color(s) black and red is/are claimed as a feature of the mark. , The mark consists of black letters "XT" underscored by a black crescent shape, wherein the "XT" is followed by a black dash "-" that is followed by a red number "1". Representative: Leonard D. Bowersox Kilyk & Bowersox, P.L.L.C., 3603 Chain Bridge Road, Suite E, Fairfax, VA 22030, United States of America OLIMP LABORATORIES Sp. z o.o., Nagawczyna 109c, PL-39-200 Debica, Poland Kip McGrath Higher Education 0959308 19/03/2008 Class 41. Education, education services and the providing of training. Kip McGrath Education Centres Limited, McGrath House, 35 Watt Street, NEWCASTLE NSW 2300, Australia 0959279 27/02/2008 Class 25. Class 28. Polo shirts; tee shirts; turtlenecks; long-sleeved dress shirts; short-sleeved dress shirts; sweaters; fleece clothing, namely, headbands, shirts, pants, jackets, scarves, hats, gloves, mittens, sweaters, t-shirts, polo shirts, wristbands, vests; jackets; waterproof jackets; baseball caps. Divot repair tool for golfers; golf tees; golf gloves. 0959311 29/02/2008 Class 21. Silicone oven gloves. (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1695 Patents Office Journal Priority Date Claimed: 19 September 2007 United Kingdom CliQ Ltd., 2 Blackall Street, London EC2A 4AD, United Kingdom 0959387 28/12/2007 Class 30. 0959360 Confectionery; peanut confectionery; pastries, including chocolate pastries; farinaceous foods; desserts (confectionery); macaroons (pastry); almond confectionery; cookies; cookies covered with chocolate; fondants; gingerbread; whipped chocolate confectionery; petits fours (cakes); chocolate desserts. 17/03/2008 Class 19. Class 20. Lumber; semi-worked wood; manufactured timber; plywood; wood panelling; plank bars; fiber board; veneer board; doors, not of metal; door casings, not of metal. Furniture; doors for furniture; moldings for picture frames; window fittings, not of metal; slatted indoor blinds; woven timber blinds (furniture); partitions of wood for furniture; ladder of wood or plastic; staircases, not of metal; fire screens (domestic). Kolesnikov Borys Viktorovych, 31 Vitchiznyana Str., flat 2, Donetsk 83050, Ukraine Colour Claimed: White, light brown, brown, dark brown, light yellow, yellow, gold, maroon and russet. , The image of the box is light yellow and gold, the wording "Shantal" on it is maroon; the pictures of the desserts around the box are in light brown, brown, dark brown and russet. Representative: Leonid Cherepov, 17-25, Gerzen Str., office 1, Kyiv 04050, Ukraine Guangdong GPB Timber Co., Ltd., Shuang Lin District, Lian Gang Industrial Zone, Jinwan, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China Representative: CCPIT PATENT & TRADEMARK LAW OFFICE, 10/F, Ocean Plaza,158 Fuxingmennei Street, 100031 Beijing, China TRAILRUNNER 0959472 04/04/2008 Class 10. Medical guidewires. 1696 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Priority Date Claimed: 13 December 2007 United States of America Lake Region Manufacturing, Inc., 340 Lake Hazeltine Drive, Chaska, MN 55318, United States of America Representative: 0959528 W. David Shenk Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek, S.C., 33 E. Main StreetSuite 300, Madison, WI 53703-4655, United States of America 0959640 03/04/2008 Class 6. 10/01/2008 Class 35. Class 7. Vehicle water pumps; vehicle oil pumps; universal joints (cardan joints); shock absorbers; air cleaners; bearings (parts of machines); belt conveyors; automotive engine cooling fans; automotive engine cooling radiators; alternators. WENZHOU HUAQIANG AUTO PARTS CO., LTD., Rm501 (Main Bldg), GuoGuang Bldg, ZhanQian District (East), Wenzhou, China Representative: Wenzhou Xingye Trademark Service Co., Ltd., 12F, Bali Mansion,Xiaonan Road,Wenzhou, 325000 Zhejiang, China Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials, transportable metal constructions; metal materials for railway tracks; nonelectric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery and small items of metal hardware; metal pipes and tubes; goods of common metal not included in other classes; metals in the form of wire rods, bars and powders; steel, unwrought or semiwrought; steel sheets, steel alloys. Advertising, business management; business administration; retail sale services for common metals and their alloys and steel; wholesale services for common metals and their alloys and steel; import-export agencies for common metals and their alloys and steel. Priority Date Claimed: 14 December 2007 Benelux Trademark Office (BBM) and Benelux Designs MEG S.A., 5, rue Eugène Ruppert, L-2453 LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg Colour Claimed: Red, white. Representative: MARKS & CLERK, 5, place de la Gare, BP 1775, L-1017 Luxembourg, Luxembourg (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1697 Patents Office Journal Representative: Bruce McDonald, 1/599 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia SCARPARIELLO 0959662 0959692 22/01/2008 Class 22. Class 23. Class 24. Class 25. Class 27. Carded wool, combed wool, fleece wool, raw or treated wool, raw wool, scoured wool, shorn wool, treated wool, upholstery wool (stuffing), wool flock. Carded yarns made of wool, hand knitting wools, knitting yarns made of wool, spun wool, woollen thread and yarn. Textiles made of wool; apparel fabrics; bedroom textile fabrics; fabrics for furniture; fabrics for industrial use; fabrics for textile use; furnishing fabrics; upholstery fabrics; worsted fabrics; knitted fabric; woollen fabric; woollen cloth. Articles of clothing made from wool. Carpets; rugs. 18/02/2008 Class 29. Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Sauces (condiments), seasonings. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals; malt. Class 30. Class 31. Priority Date Claimed: 13 September 2007 Italy Barilla G. e R. Fratelli - Società per Azioni, Via Mantova, 166, I-43100 Parma (PR), Italy Representative: Priority Date Claimed: 14 December 2007 Australia Perani Mezzanotte & Partners S.p.A., Piazza San Babila, 5, I20122 Milano, Italy The Merino Company Pty Ltd as corporate nominee for The Merino Company partnership, 1/599 Little Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia Colour Claimed: PMS 335 (GREEN), PMS 137 (ORANGE), 100% WHITE. , Circle device, image and WOOL is GREEN (PMS 335); FAIR is ORANGE (PMS 137) or grey scale (in mono reproduction); WORDS in circle device are 100% WHITE. MediLive Trio Dent 0959701 03/03/2008 Class 9. Class 10. Cameras. Surgical apparatus and instruments; surgical microscopes and parts thereof. 1698 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Carl Zeiss AG, Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 22, 73447 Oberkochen, Germany CORATONE 0959749 06/03/2008 Class 17. Melodika 0959722 19/12/2007 Class 30. Confectionery; peanut confectionery; farinaceous foods; waffles; sweetmeats (candy); cocoa products; caramels (candy); lozenges (confectionery); pastilles (confectionery); cakes; crackers; confectionery for decorating Christmas trees; liquorice (confectionery); candy for food; peppermint sweets; almond confectionery; cookies; cookies covered with chocolate; fruit jellies (confectionery); dragees (confectionery); fondants (confectionery); gingerbread; bread rolls; sugar confectionery; rusks; petitbeurre biscuits; petits fours (cakes); pastries; tarts; halvah; bread; chocolate; macaroons (pastry). Class 19. CLOSED JOINT STOCK COMPANY "INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION "KONTI", 6-b, Bul. Shevchenko, Donetsk 83100, Ukraine Representative: Leonid Cherepov, 17-25, Gerzen Str., office 1, Kyiv 04050, Ukraine Insulating materials for building purposes, including slabbing, sheets, panels, particularly on a plaster base, composite linings for thermal and/or sound insulation; adhesive tapes and strips for building and/or insulation purposes, particularly for sizing and joints. Building elements and materials; building materials with insulating properties; boards and panels for building; slabs; side walls; partition walls; movable partitions; false walls; claddings and linings (building); wall coverings (building); composites for cladding (building); linings and trims (building); facings (building); shaped sections for building; shuttering; ceilings; removable ceilings; false ceilings; frameworks for building; flooring; moulding (building); all these products being mainly or entirely nonmetallic; plasterboard; structures made out of plasterboard; reinforced plasterboard; panelling, boards, slabbing, composites and sandwiches, all on a plaster base, for building, cladding and/or insulation purposes; plaster; gypsum, mortar, plaster mortar. PLACOPLATRE, 34, avenue Franklin-Roosevelt, F92150 SURESNES, France Representative: SANTARELLI, 14 avenue de la Grande Armée, F-75017 PARIS, France (20/08/2008) 0960288 (No. 2105) 1699 Patents Office Journal 28/12/2007 Class 30. Confectionery; peanut confectionery; biscuits; farinaceous foods; pastries; waffle cakes; desserts (confectionery); yeast; flavorings, other than essential oils, for cakes; cereal preparations; cocoa products; cakes; croissants; confectionery for decorating Christmas trees; liquorice (confectionery); macaroons (pastry); almond confectionery; cookies; cookies covered with chocolate; pasty; quiches; gingerbread; gingerbread with fillings; spices; puddings; cake powder; pastries; rice cakes; cakes; cake paste; pies with various fillings; rolled cakes with various fillings (confectionery); whipped chocolate confectionery; chocolate souffle; petits fours (cakes); tarts; edible decorations for cakes; sweetmeats (candy); sugar confectionery; chocolate desserts; chocolate figurines. 0864583 01/03/2007 Class 33. Wine, spirits and other alcoholic beverages (except beer). Services of transport, packaging, storage and distributing all types of beverages. Class 39. BODEGAS FARIÑA, S.L. , Carretera Moraleja, s/n, E-49151 CASASECA DE LAS CHANAS (Zamora), Spain Notings: The Mark is proceeding with the consent of the proprietors of Community Trade Mark Nos 3388014 and 4294476. Representative: UNGRIA PATENTES Y MARCAS, S.A. , Avenida de Ramón y Cajal, 78, E-28043 MADRID, Spain Address for service: Cruickshank & Co , 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland Kolesnikov Borys Viktorovych, 31 Vitchiznyana Str., flat 2, Donetsk 83050, Ukraine Colour Claimed: Red and gold. , The word BISKonti is in red, and the ear of wheat is in golden color. Representative: Leonid Cherepov, 17-25, Gerzen Str., office 1, Kyiv 04050, Ukraine 0938433 14/06/2007 Class 9. Class 16. Computer software for queue management and customer flow management, and connected computers, including connected parts and accessories, namely printers, terminals, screens and card sensors. Queue and priority tickets 1700 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal made of paper, also such as bands or rolls. (20/08/2008) Notings: The Mark is proceeding with the consent of the proprietors of Community Trade Mark No 2345528.The Regulations approved by the Controller for governing the use of this Mark are open to inspection at the Patents Office. Address for service: F.R. KELLY & CO. , 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland Priority Date Claimed: 04 May 2007 Sweden Q-MATIC AB , Neongatan 8, SE-431 53 Mölndal, Sweden Representative: Address for service: 0858532 Valea AB , Lindholmspiren 5, SE-417 56 Göteborg, Sweden CRUICKSHANK & CO. , 8A Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland 10/05/2005 Class 35. Class 41. Class 42. Business administration; office functions; consultancy in the field of market analysis. Education; training; arranging and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, congresses and seminars; organization of lotteries and consultancy in the field of games of chance. Consultancy in technological and legal matters (unrelated to business dealings); consultancy in the design of games of chance. The Mark is a Collective Mark. Association Européenne des Loteries et Totos d'Etat, 36, av. de Béthusy, CH-1005 Lausanne, Switzerland Colour Claimed: Cyan, yellow, magenta. 0922794 16/01/2007 Class 35. Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; dissemination of advertising material (leaflets, prospectuses, printed matter, samples); newspaper subscription services (for third parties); business organization and management consultancy; accounting; document reproduction; employment agencies; computer file management; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; online advertising on a computer network; rental of access time to communication means of all kinds for advertising; publishing of advertising texts; advertising space rental; dissemination of advertisements; public (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1701 Patents Office Journal relations. Communications via computer terminals or via fiber-optic networks; provision of access to a global computer network; electronic display services (telecommunications); connection to a global computer network by telecommunication means. Class 38. Class 43. Restaurant services (providing food and drink); restaurant, bar, coffee shop and cafeteria services; catering services. Priority Date Claimed: 14 May 2007 France LEJAY LAGOUTE , 19 rue Ledru Rollin, F-21000 DIJON, France Colour Claimed: Black, white, mauve Pantone 269C, gold Pantone 872. Representative: ERNEST GUTMANN - YVES PLASSERAUD SAS , 3, rue Auber, F-75009 PARIS, France Address for service: F.R. KELLY & CO. , 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland Priority Date Claimed: 17 July 2006 France Syndicat des Producteurs de Vin de Pays d'Oc, Domaine de Manse, Avenue Paysagère, F-34970 Maurin, France Colour Claimed: Pantone: green (350), yellow (121) and blue (3005). , Inscription "D'OC Vin de pays d'Oc" and design of a grape bunch in yellow on a green background; inscription "SUD DE FRANCE" in white on a blue background. Address for service: F.R. KELLY & CO. , 27 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland Perfect 7 0932920 05/07/2007 Class 3. Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations. Priority Date Claimed: 12 March 2007 Germany DALLI-WERKE GmbH & Co. KG, Zweifaller Strasse 120, 52224 Stolberg, Germany Address for service: 0946596 30/10/2007 Class 32. Class 33. Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Alcoholic beverages (except beers); spirits. TOMKINS & CO. , 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland 1702 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal (20/08/2008) Cl. 29, 30, 31 0685147 (2096) Nutriswiss AG of Switzerland Cl. 19, 35, 37, 38 0685184 (2096) TERREAL Société par Actions Simplifiée of France Cl. 3, 18, 25 0694709 (2096) ONI ONIK N.V. of Belgium Cl. 32, 33 0737715 (1980) Lodestar Anstalt of Liechtenstein 0920628 19/02/2007 Class 11. Fans, fans for industrial use, in particular centrifugal fans, axial fans, except for automotive use. Cl. 5 0747099 (2096) KRKA, tovarna zdravil, d.d., Novo mesto of Slovenia Cl. 29, 33 0772096 (2096) SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA PETRA S.r.l. of Italy Priority Date Claimed: 29 December 2006 Italy F.LLI FERRARI VENTILATORI INDUSTRIALI SPA, Via Marchetti 28, I-36071 ARZIGNANO (VI), Italy Colour Claimed: Azure, grey. Notings: The Mark is proceeding with the consent of the proprietors of Community Trade Mark Nos 3491867 and 3502382. Representative: A.P.T.A. SRL, Via dei Mille, 9, I-37126 VERONA, Italy Address for service: TOMKINS & CO. , 5 Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6, Ireland Cl. 33 0806891 (2096) VINARIA BOSTAVAN S.R.L., întreprindere mixta of Republic of Moldova Cl. 33 0814790 (1988) Lodestar Anstalt of Liechtenstein Cl. 25 0822144 (2096) bon prix Handelsgesellschaft mbH of Germany Cl. 32 0829916 (2096) Société à responsabilité limitée "Compagnie de Vodka de Russie" of Russian Federation Cl. 3, 9, 18 0844885 (2096) BARDELLE NICOLA of United Kingdom Cl. 16, 28, 41 0863578 (2096) Hochmuth, Dieter of Germany International Trade Marks protected in the State Cl. 11, 19, 20, 28 0592566 (2096) ABC-TEAM SPIELPLATZGERÄTE GMBH of Germany Cl. 5 0669472 (2096) Richter Gedeon Nyrt. of Hungary Cl. 1 0674074 (2096) Sika AG of Switzerland Cl. 16 0872357 (2096) IPEK KAGIT SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI of Turkey 0872950 (2096) OTV SA of France Cl. 37 Cl. 30 0875170 (2096) August Storck KG of Germany Cl. 38 0878418 (2096) Schibsted Søk AS of Norway Cl. 12 0884203 (2096) Dr. Ing. h.c.F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft of Germany (20/08/2008) (No. 2105) 1703 Patents Office Journal Cl. 9, 25, 26 0884794 (2096) SHENZHEN SHE'S APPAREL CHAIN OPERATION CO.,LTD. of China Cl. 35, 38, 42 0926934 (2089) Cambrium Intellectual Property B.V. of The Netherlands Cl. 9 0898546 (2096) GUANGZHOU DSPPA AUDIO CO., LTD. of China Cl. 16, 28, 30, 41 0927358 (2096) MAGIC PRODUCTION GROUP (M.P.G.) S.A. of Luxembourg Cl. 5 0905805 (2096) MERIAL LIMITED of United Kingdom Cl. 9 0927556 (2096) Landauer, Inc. of United States of America Cl. 9, 35, 38, 41, 42 0907474 (2096) Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. of United States of America 0933700 Cl. 3, 18 0912563 (2096) MAX - COMPANY S.R.L. of Italy Cl. 18, 24, 25 0935402 (2096) freestyle fashion GmbH of Germany Cl. 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 Yello Strom Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH of Germany 0914021 (2075) Cl. 12 0914454 (2096) AUTOMOBILES CITROËN of France Cl. 7, 9 0915667 (2096) KINEX, a.s. of Slovakia Cl. 33 0920882 (2096) SOCIETE DES VINS ET SPIRITUEUX LA MARTINIQUAISE of France Cl. 7, 11, 12 0922179 (2096) MANN+HUMMEL GmbH of Germany Cl. 9, 16 0922558 (2096) Sathya Sai Koordinations-Komitee Schweizc/o Dr. Felix Wüst,Nationaler Koordinator (Präs.) of Switzerland Cl. 35, 36 0923479 (2096) Stoxx AG of Switzerland Cl. 3 0923676 (2096) PARFUMS CHRISTIAN DIOR of France Cl. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, ZASS Hausgeräte Entwicklungs GmbH of Germany 0924090 (2096) Cl. 3, 9, 14, 18, 25 0926622 (2096) Waalfin Holding S.A. of Luxembourg (2096) Cl. 3, 5, 6, 16, 18, 20, 21, 28, 31 Kong's (Aust.) Pty Limited of Australia Cl. 12 0936339 (2096) COMPAGNIE GENERALE DES ETABLISSEMENTS MICHELINSociété en Commandite par Actions of France Cl. 14 0936840 (2096) MABINA S.r.l. of Italy Cl. 9, 11, 21 0937188 (2096) Reinhard Klein of Germany Cl. 16, 35, 36 0938430 (2096) "Zürich" Versicherungs-Gesellschaft ("Zurich" Compagnie d'Assurances)("Zurigo" Compagnia di Assicurazioni)(Zurich Insurance Company)("Zurich" Compañia de Seguros) of Switzerland Cl. 30, 32, 33 0938510 (2096) Peter Herres Wein- und Sektkellerei GmbH, Trier of Germany Cl. 7, 8, 16 0939191 (2096) HSM Pressen GmbH + Co. KG of Germany Cl. 33 0939301 (2096) VINARIA PURCARI S.R.L., întreprindere mixta of Republic of Moldova Cl. 6, 7, 9, 11, 37 0939446 (2096) CONTROLLI S.R.L. of Italy Cl. 28 0939708 (2096) CEMER KENT EKIPMANLARI SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI of Turkey Cl. 6, 11 0940232 (2096) NINGBO E.H VALVES & FITTINGS CO., LTD. of China 1704 (No. 2105) Patents Office Journal Cl. 9, 38, 42 0940429 (2096) Otkrytoe aktsionernoe obshchestvo "COMSTAR-Obedinennye TeleSistemy" of Russian Federation Cl. 35, 41, 42 0940502 (2096) Mayato GmbH of Germany Cl. 3, 5 0941100 (2096) Obschestvo s ogranichennoi otvetstvennostiy "SPLAT-KOSMETIKA" of Russian Federation Cl. 32 0941561 (2096) Rauch Fruchtsäfte GmbH of Austria Cl. 1, 5 0942424 (2096) Bayer Aktiengesellschaft of Germany Cl. 32 0942882 (2096) Original Beverage Corporation of United States of America 0944296 (2096) ACCOR of France Cl. 35, 36, 43 0944297 (2096) ACCOR of France Cl. 35, 36, 43 Cl. 29 0944643 (2096) ORHANOGLU GIDA SANYI TICARET KOLLEKTIF SIRKETI ISMETVE MEHMET ÖNAL of Turkey Cl. 3 0944712 (2096) LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & CIE of France Cancellations effected for the following goods/services under the Madrid protocol 0884020 QuickCat Cancellation affects all goods and services Date of Recordal of Cancellation: 01/07/2008. 0917959 Goods and Services remaining: Class 9 Computer programs; electronic publications (downloadable); all of the aforesaid goods exclusively for the domain of clearing and settlement of financial instruments. Class 38 Providing user access to a global computer network; provision of information on the Internet; all of the aforesaid services exclusively for the domain of clearing and settlement of financial instruments. The other Classes remain unchanged. Date of Recordal of Cancellation: 26/06/2008. Cl. 5, 10 0943474 (2096) DIAGNOSTICA STAGO of France Cl. 20 0943526 (2096) Villeroy & Boch AG of Germany Cl. 30 0943649 (2096) Foshan Gaoming Sam's Garden Foodstuffs Co., Ltd. of China Cl. 25 0943826 (2096) bon prix Handelsgesellschaft mbH of Germany Cl. 6, 11, 20, 35 0943953 (2096) Mme Nathalie PARISOT of Monaco Cl. 3 0944010 (2096) PARFUMS GIVENCHY S.A. of France Cl. 1, 5 0944014 (2096) Bayer Aktiengesellschaft of Germany Cl. 33 0944050 (2096) Wein- und Sektkellerei Jakob Gerhardt Niersteiner Schlosskellereien GmbH & Co. KG,Besitz Nierstein/Dexheim of Germany Cl. 33 0944051 (2096) Wein- und Sektkellerei Jakob Gerhardt Niersteiner Schlosskellereien GmbH & Co. KG,Besitz Nierstein/Dexheim of Germany (20/08/2008) Changes/Corrections in the International Register 0932483 Advertised in Journal No: 2100 on 11 June 2008. Limitation received from the International Bureau amending Class 7 as follows: Class 7: Belt conveyors; conveying belts; (20/08/2008) Patents Office Journal machines for metalworking; grinding machines used in the automotive industry and not being used for abrasive purposes; milling machines, lathes, drills; tools (parts of metalworking machines); cutters (machines), cutting machines; machines and plants for the rubber industry (presses, manipulators, agitators, trimmers, roll mills); machines for processing rubber; machine tools, forming machines and instruments; machine appliances, devices and mechanisms except for grinding and abrasive purposes. The other classes remain unchanged. 0933734 Advertised in Journal No: 2103 on 23 July 2008. Limitation received from the International Bureau amending Class 7 as follows: Class 7: Belt conveyors; conveying belts; machines for metalworking; grinding machines used in the automotive industry and not being used for abrasive purposes; milling machines, lathes, drills; tools (parts of metalworking machines); cutters (machines), cutting machines; machinery and installations for the rubber industry (presses, manipulators, agitators, trimmers, roll mills); machines for processing rubber; machine tools, forming machines and instruments; apparatus, devices and mechanisms of all cited machines.. The other classes remain unchanged. (No. 2105) 1705
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