Professional Cycle Racing A Bibliography


Professional Cycle Racing A Bibliography
Professional Cycle Racing
A Bibliography
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Wilfried WILMS
In collaboration with
Michael GAZE
Professional Cycle Racing
A Bibliography
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Copyright© 2014 by Wilfried Wilms
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without
written permission of the author.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Scope of our Research
Our bibliography makes an attempt to take stock of all English language books that
have been published on professional cycle racing until 31 December 2012.
The concept of “professional cycle racing” which has guided the preparation of our
bibliography is being understood in a broad sense. Although books on (men’s) cycle
racing mostly tend to focus on road racing, we could, of course, not possibly afford
ignoring other disciplines and categories. As a result, our database also provides a
survey of book titles covering track racing, cyclo-cross, time trials, mountain bike
racing, Bmx competition and, last but not least, women’s cycle racing.
The books which are referenced do not necessarily touch upon cycle racing as such
(i.e. its history, the various races, biographies of racers, cycling teams, etc.) but also
include, amongst others, all types of literary and other artistic activities which it has
generated (such as literature and photography).
It needs to be emphasised, however, that our database does not encompass books
which elaborate on bicycles in their own right, such as books putting a particular
emphasis on their history, their transportation function or their design and
engineering dimensions. Titles providing recommendations on the way in which
bicycles need to be to maintained and repaired have not been targeted either bearing
in mind that those topics are not specific to professional cycle racing. However,
books touching up racing bikes have been included as they are a vital component
of the cycle racing scene and could, therefore, not possibly be overlooked. In the
same vein, books on cycle touring or providing details on interesting cycling
itineraries have been discarded whilst publications describing the itineraries of
classic races or providing details on the various mountains which have become
famous as epic battlefields of cycle races, have, been mentioned as soon as they
make explicit reference to cycle racing history.
As the focus of our bibliography is mainly on the sport looked at from a spectator’s
perspective, “How-to-do” books have also been discarded. This means that books
explaining how one should address training and peak for competitions, or master
cycling skills and riding techniques have been banned. However, books providing
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
specific details of how one cycling champion or the other prepares for races have
been included as they are useful biographical data. Likewise, books on medical
preparation (nutrition, etc.) have also been left outside of the bibliography’s scope,
although we could, of course, not possibly afford ignoring books that examine
doping practices from which the cycle racing scene keeps on suffering.
A second basic criterion delimiting the scope of our research has been that we have
only taken into account books.
This means, firstly, that we did not include magazines and, more particularly,
special issues dedicated to specific riders, races or other events. We did not make
the slightest compromise in this regard.
We have hesitated on whether to restrict the scope of our database exclusively to
books that have been published in a paper-based format now that the advent of
tablets has given rise to publications that are being made available in an electronic
format only. We finally decided to take e-books on board as well together with other
types of publications that have been made available exclusively on the Internet
(such as dissertations) bearing in mind that the number of such publications appears
to be rather limited today so that it still appears manageable to have an overview of
such type of publications. It needs to be noted nevertheless that we have opted for
discarding publications issued by VDM publishing, a company which specialises
in publishing and selling Wikipedia articles in printed form via print on demand in
e-commerce bookstores.
As some may recall, stencil-based publications have been a popular means of
sharing information amongst friends and colleagues in times before the computer
age. We have treated such publications with much sympathy and leniency: they
have been included whenever they had been referenced in dedicated repertories.
Doctoral theses which were not published in a paper-based format have not been
integrated in our database unless they have been made accessible on the Internet.
It needs to be observed, finally, that, as a general rule, books have been entered into
our database only provided that they are entirely dedicated to cycle racing. General
books on sports - or even on bicycling- which merely include one or more sections
on cycle racing are, therefore, not included.
All those caveats being made, it needs to be equally emphasised that we have
restrained from applying those selection criteria in a religious way. Adopting a
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
flexible approach appeared to be warranted instead, firstly, taking into account that
some books which have been published on bicycles and cycling in general have
become so notorious and/or successful over the years that we could not possibly
ignore them. It may be useful highlighting in this context that we have been
particularly flexible as to books which have been published in the nineteenth and
the beginning of the twentieth century bearing in mind that books which specifically
focused on cycle racing tended to be rare in those days. As a consequence, general
books on bicycles and cycling may be worthwhile consulting to obtain information
on cycle racing as it was organised in those days. Another reason explaining why
we did not hesitate to be flexible stems from our wish to bring some books to the
attention of our readers, even though it might be argued that they should probably
have been left out on the basis of the strict criteria referred to above.
It needs to be flagged, finally, that we have preferred excluding publications which
professional cycling racing teams distribute on a regular basis to keep fans updated.
An Annotated Bibliography
A feature that we expect our readers to highly appreciate is that, to the extent that
this was possible, every book title has been accompanied by a short review that
should ideally enable the reader to learn more about the book’s distinctive features
and find out if the publication might be of interest to him. The reviews have mainly
been borrowed from the Internet, albeit mostly in a somewhat amended form taking
into account that our concern was to be as concise as possible. We did, therefore,
not hesitate to cut those comments down to the very basics.
Reviews published by various specialised websites introducing new publications
were obviously particularly valuable to our research. Whenever it appeared that
various websites provided comments on a given book, we have made a judicious
selection. Furthermore, publisher catalogues were another important source of
information. However, taking into account that, by their very nature, publishers’
descriptions tend to be somewhat biased, we have reproduced them only if no other
review was available.
It should not come as a surprise that it often appeared difficult to find a review of
books that were published before the advent of the Internet.
Due credit has been given to the names of the Websites from which the reviews
have been drawn. This has not only been done for obvious legal reasons pertaining
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
to the authors’ copyright but also because we believed it paramount to pay tribute
to the valuable contributions made by the many Internet users who go through the
effort of sharing their reflections about cycle racing books with other cycling fans.
Generally speaking, we have avoided echoing critical reflections as to the book’s
qualities which reviews often tend to voice.
Finally, we have tried, on a best effort basis, to indicate if new impressions of books
have been produced and, if so, whether or not it concerns a revised edition. Other
information about a book’s history that we detected has also been made available
whenever we considered it sufficiently interesting.
Presentation and Methodology
Our bibliography mainly consists of two parts.
The first part takes stock of cycle racing books by listing them alphabetically by
author or editor. Whenever an author or editor has published several books, they
have been mentioned in a chronological order. Books which do not make mention
of any author have been classified at the very end, under the heading “Anonymous”
The first part contains the whole set of usual bibliographical data, i.e. the name(s)
of its author(s) (or editors), the illustrator(s), the book’s full title and, where
applicable, its sub-title, the year in which it has been published, the name of the
publisher, the number of pages and, finally, where applicable, the name of the
author of the book’s foreword. Whenever an author published five or more books,
biographical details about the author have been provided, if available.
Whenever a book does not explicitly mention the year of its publication, we have
tried to provide an indication on an approximate basis followed by a question mark.
If books have been issued by more than one company, we have made mention of
this, on a best-effort basis. It may be useful adding furthermore that the number of
pages has been provided on a tentative basis taking into account that data which can
be found on the Internet on this is not always reliable. It does not need to be
explained that we were only in a position to reproduce the bibliographical
information in full to the extent that it is available on the Internet.
The second part of the bibliography classifies the titles by theme. It only makes
mention of key bibliographical data and lists the various titles in a chronological
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
order. Whenever a revised edition of a book title was published, the last publication
date was used as a reference.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Books of Samuel ABT
Samuel Abt is cycling journalism’s senior statesman in the English
language. He was the first American to write about the Tour De France
regularly. He was the cycling correspondent for The New York Times and
the International Herald Tribune. In his books, Abt collects his daily
newspaper missives into wild and nuanced pastiches of the Euro racing
life. He is a writer who tells a story through the accumulation of minutely
observed detail. (Source: &
ABT, Samuel, Breakaway: on the Road with Tour De France, 1985,
Random House, 178 pp
Category: Tour De France Annuals (1984 Tour)
Abts’ books are year-long pieces of reportage that tell the tale of the great
French race through dozens of individual narratives – of mechanics, riders,
managers, sponsors and reporters. This book takes as its subject the 1984
tour – the year that Laurent Fignon got one over on Bernard Hinault. It was
also Robert Millar’s best ever tour. Abt is a brilliant journalist, with a fine
ear for a story and an ability to pluck out telling details. There are really
no books to touch his for evoking the glamour, oddity and daily grind of a
great cycling tour. (Source: Tim Dawson,
ABT, Samuel, In High Gear: The World of Professional Bicycle Racing,
Bicycle Books, 1989, 190 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general)
Collection of essays. Abt offers a wonderful description of a heroic ride by
Paul Sherwen; gives us a finessed, poetic description of Milan-San Remo
that made me see it through new eyes, as a kind of one-day Paris-Nice;
brings alive Belgian kermesses such as the GP Rudy Dhaenens and Nokere
Koerse, classic Flemish races; presents, ironically, Laurent Fignon as an
innovator in the time-trial; and shows us Merckx's cynical side by
describing his support for aero bars. (Source:
Observation: This book was expanded and updated in 1990 (Bicycle
Books, 208 pp) and in 1996 (MBI Publishing).
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
ABT, Samuel, Greg LeMond: the Incredible Comeback of an American
Hero, 1990, Stanley Paul // Hutchinson, 215 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
A behind-the-scenes look at Greg Lemond. Abt spent time with LeMond
during his victorious Tour De France. While Abt seems to shift tenses at
will, making it hard to determine when and where things are taking place,
the inside look at the Tour De France, bicycling teams and agents, other
European races, and famous bicyclists such as Bernard Hinault, will appeal
to avid bicyclists as well as interested readers. Although Abt seems to take
some liberties with LeMond's inner thoughts, the book is informative and
easy to read. (Source: Nancy E. Zuwiyya, Binghamton City Sch. Dist.,
N.Y., review at
Observation: It would seem that Random House has published the book in
the US under the title Uphill: The Greg LeMond Comeback (Source: The title to which on-line bookshops tend to refer is
Greg Lemond: The Incredible Comeback. The book was reprinted in 1991.
ABT, Samuel, Tour De France: Three Weeks to Glory, 1991, Bicycle
Books, 192 pp
Category: Tour De France Annuals (1990 Tour)
Book about the 1990 Tour De France with some background and history
of the race. (Source:
ABT, Samuel, Champion: Bicycle Racing in the Age of Miguel Indurain,
1993, Bicycle Books, 158 pp
Categories: Biographies (Spain) * Tour De France Annuals (1991 &
1992 Tours)
Abt's story is a set of diverse observations that pertain to the 1991 and 1992
Tour De France. He describes both races and certainly succeeds in fitting
this race into the context of that day. The reader gets all angles of world
class cycling as Abt describes the growing Indurian myth. We also hear
from the less talented riders as Abt talks about their chances as well as how
the economy is affecting the team structure in the early 90's. Abt's work is
also timed to describe the end of Greg LeMond's reign as the American
Champion and the book gives glowing predictions of Armstrong's future.
(Source: review at
ABT, Samuel, A Season in Turmoil: Lance Armstrong Replaces Greg
Lemond as U.S. Cycling’s Superstar, 1995, VeloPress// Southgate
Publishers, 182 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Yearbooks (1994)
Samuel Abt traces the diverging fortunes of Greg LeMond and Lance
Armstrong during 1994. LeMond's story begins with his GAN team's
presentation in Bordeaux, France and ends with his retirement from
cycling. Armstrong's season opens at his training camp in Tuscany, and
closes with thoughts on his future. The book features a stage-by-stage
account of the Tour De France. (Source:
Observation: reprint in 1996.
ABT, Samuel, Pedalling for Glory: Victory and Drama in Professional
Bicycle Racing, 1997, Bicycle Books// Motor Books, 152 pp
Category: Yearbooks (1996)
The 1996 pro bicycle racing season was one of the most dramatic in history
and Samuel Abt puts the reader in touch with the excitement. He focuses
on the people - the favorite who is forced to abandon the race and the
newcomer who rises to glory. From the early races in March, braving ice
and snow in Italian Tirreno-Adriatico, to the sweltering heat at the Spanish
Vuelta and the Summer Olympics, the book follows the races and racers.
(Source: Pete & Ed Books)
ABT, Samuel, In Pursuit of the Yellow Jersey: Bicycle Racing in the
Year of the Tortured Tour, 1999, Van der Plas Publications, 192 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1998 Tour)
The 1998 “Festina” edition of the race is one we all remember. As he often
does, instead of jumping right in to the Tour de France, Abt takes us
through the season's early tests - the classics - setting the scene for what's
to come in July; a scene for which none of us were ready. Once the stuff
hits the fan, he's there with all the detail and all the opinions. But there's
more to this book than just the drug scandals; there are the day to day
events that make up the very heart of the race, described in vivid detail.
(Source: James L. Witherell, review at
ABT, Samuel, Lance Armstrong’s Comeback from Cancer: a Scrapbook
of the Tour De France Winner’s Dramatic Career, 1999, Van der Plas
Publications// Cycle Publishing, 160 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
Samuel Abt pieces together, not only the story of Armstrong's spectacular
Tour victory, but also his equally miraculous victory over cancer. Written
as a scrapbook of Armstrong's career. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
ABT, Samuel & WATSON, Graham, Off to the Races: 25 Years of
Cycling Journalism, 2002, VeloPress, 355 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
Abt split his book into threes themes: Cycling’s heroes in the first 3rd;
lesser known (or completely unknown) domestiques, soigneurs, etc., in the
2nd; and ‘races and places’ for the last part, highlighting the many races
that make up the pro-European scene, as well as lots of great stories on the
backwaters of Europe. Abt has a crisp style of writing that I found
tempered with a nice dash of humanity. He cares about his subjects. There
is no chronology to the book, but each ‘chapter’ has a year under the title
so you can place it mentally into your own personal jigsaw. (Source:
ABT, Samuel & WATSON, Graham (Photography), Up The Road,
Cycling’s Modern Era From LeMond To Armstrong, 2005, VeloPress,
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
Collection of short articles from 1981 until 2005. Most of the articles focus
on the Tour and half the book covers from 2000-2005. For the section on
the 1990’s it is titled “A Decade in Turmoil”, but only a few articles show
any sort of turmoil and that would be on the Festina affair, Lance getting
cancer, and Pantani in ’99. Still there are many articles about smaller things
that add so much character to the sport from the Kelme team to Chris
Horner in his first year in Europe in ’97 to Betsy King doing the BordeauxParis race in 1984. (Source: Peloton Blog)
ADAMS, Steve, The Long Road to Glory: How Bradley Wiggins won
the 2012 Tour De France, 2012, Kindle Edition, 197 KB (print length:
95 pp)
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom) * Tour de France Annuals
(2012 Tour)
E- book that starts by telling the story of Bradley Wiggins and of Team
Sky. It then looks at the history and current format of the Tour de France,
before including a stage by stage account of the 2012 Tour. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
ADRIAENS, Manu, Fall from Grace, 1993, Ronde Publications, 212 pp
Category: Biographies (Belgium)
Always enigmatic, often controversial and outspoken, Maertens was a
polarizing figure within the peloton. The gift of this book is in finally
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
giving a glimpse at what was going on in Freddy Maertens’ life and mind
during these times. It isn't a tell-all expose from a guy with an axe to grind,
nor was it meant to be. It's simply Freddy's side of the story, told with
affection for the sport he loves. Maertens comes off to this reader as a man
unaware of his otherworldly talent and place in the sport's history. There
are many "aha!" moments in the book that find the reader thinking "so
that's what happened!" (Source: Anthony J. Deangelo, review at
a’GREEN, George, This Great Club of Ours, The Story of the CTC,
1953, Cyclists' Touring Club, 96 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
The story of the Cyclists' Touring Club.
AITKINS, Brett, Cycle with Brett Aitken and Scott McGrory, 2003,
NSW Scholastic Press, Series “Living Legends”, 48 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
Want to race? Want to have fun? Olympic champions Brett Aiken and
Scott McGrory tell you how. 'Cycle' has everything from choosing a bike
to hot racing tips. Read Scott and Brett's own inspiring stories, too - from
first bikes to Olympic Gold. Aimed at children from the age of seven.
(Source: Publisher’s Description)
ALCWYN, Jones B., The Story of the Halfords, 1981, privately
published, 257 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Up to December 1976. The author was Chairman and Chief Executive of
Halfords from 1975 to his retirement in 1977. It tells the history up to 1976
of the company which began as Rushbrooke & Co in Birmingham in 1892
and became the Halfords Cycle Co Ltd in 1907.
ALDERSON, Frederick, Bicycling: a History, 1972, Praeger, 214 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
The author’s main thrust is cycle development in Britain, from the early
19th century hobbyhorses (or dandy-horses) and the much-improved
boneshakers to the coming of the Ordinaries (high bikes) and the
marvelous Xtra-Ordinaries, right on through the Humber tricycle and the
invention of the portable (collapsible) cycle. There are also sections on
racing, cycle clubs, safety cometh, and ""women awheel."" Alderson's
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
style won't win any medals but it's a readable ride, complemented by
illustrations from contemporary sources. (Source: kirkusreviews)
ALEXANDER, Don & OCHOWICZ, Jim, Tour De France ’86: the
American invasion, 1986, Alexander & Alexander Pub, 192 pp
Categories: Tour de France Annuals (1986 Tour) * Cycling Teams
The authors wrote this from up close, from within the Seven-11 team and
inside the Tour and there was plenty that happened to that team in its rookie
year. From Steida’s yellow jersey and a stage win by Davis Phinney, to the
team experiencing just about every mishap and bit of bad luck you could
imagine. And meanwhile you have LeMond winning it all. It all sounds
exciting, but the book is actually pretty underwhelming. (Source:
ALFORD, John, The Six-Day Bicycle Races, 1995
Category: Track Racing
ALLCHIN, Richard & BELL, Adrian (Eds), Golden Stages of the
Tour De France, 2003, Mousehold Press in association with Sport &
Publicity, 178 pp
Category: Tour de France (Highlights & Anecdotes)
Sixteen leading cycling writers have explored what it is that makes the
Tour such a majestic and moving event. They have each selected and told
the story of a particular Stage. Together, their accounts (one or more from
each decade) add up to a history of the Tour, and they show how much has
changed in the 100 years - the bicycles, the roads, tactics and organisation.
But they also show what has not changed - the extravagant scale of the
race; the mystique of the maillot jaune; and the courage of all who
compete. Contributors: Alex Bannister; Adrian Bell; Keith Bingham; John
Deering; David Harmon; Luke Evans; Graeme Fife; Marguerite Lazell;
John Pierce; Matt Rendell; Chris Sidwells; Rik Vanwalleghem; John
Wilcockson; Les Woodland; Charlie Woods; Richard Yates. (Source:
ALMA, Roger, The Malvern Cycle Club 1883-1912, A History of
Cycling in Malvern, Worcestershire, before the First World War, Cycling
History n° 1, 2011, John Pinkerton Memorial Publishing Fund, 148 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
Roger’s thoroughly researched book gives a fascinating insight into the
early development of club cycling and the conditions that the pioneers had
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
to contend with. It attempts to explain why the club flourished in its early
years and why it declined. Local newspapers, the cycling club’s handbooks
and local directories provide the primary sources of information. The book
is illustrated with photographs, advertisements from local newspapers and
drawings of the period. (Source:
ALMA, Roger, HANCOCK, Cyril & ROBERTS, Derek, The History
of the Tricycle, 2011, John Pinkerton Memorial Publishing Fund, 116 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general)
This book traces the development of the tricycle from its conception to the
present day. The many uses of the tricycle for transport, commerce, leisure,
touring and racing are all covered. (Source:
ALTHUSER, Jean & ROBERTS, Derek, Pierre Michaux and His
Sons, The Pioneers of the Bicycle, 1986, Jim Willis, 28 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Only a few years after Pierre Michaux got the idea to put pedals onto a
swift-walker, his Paris-based company organised a bicycle race, the first
on record. Bringing together the ten top riders in Paris for a 1,200-meter
race in the Parc de Saint-Cloud, the come-from-behind winner was James
Moore, an Englishman who was friends with Michaux. He won 600 francs
for his effort. (Source:
AMICIS DESIGN, Fat Tire, A Celebration of the Mountain Bike, 1999,
Chronicle Books, 144 pp
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
The mountain bike revolutionised cycling, created an entirely new
Olympic sport, and transformed millions of outdoor enthusiasts get back
to nature. The book is a history and celebration of these agile,
adventuresome, all-terrain machines and the people who ride them. Inside
are hundreds of amazing photos, interviews with the founders, profiles of
champions, and much more. The book’s contributors cover the designers,
inventors, and frame builders; tales of the trails; style, gear, and
components; evolution of the machine; Slick Rock and other extreme
challenges and biking meccas—you name it. This is a first-hand look at
the culture, equipment, and key people of mountain biking. (Source:
ANDERSON, Robert, Report to the Australian Sports Commission and
to Cycling Australia of an investigation into doping allegations within
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) track sprint cycling program
cycling, 2004, Department of Communications, Information Technology
and the Arts , 45 pp
Category: Doping
An independent drug investigation unit with widespread prosecution
powers is to be established in the wake of a year-long probe into the
Australian Institute of Sport cycling doping scandal. Allegations in
relation to elite Australian cyclists, including members of the Athens
Olympic team, have highlighted the need for an independent and
transparent process to investigate doping allegations in sport. Equine
growth hormone, steroids, supplements and syringes were found in
disgraced cyclist’s room. Another rider implicated in the scandal, a former
world champion track rider, was kicked off the Athens Olympic team in
July and is currently serving a six-month ban from the sport. (Source:
Observation: The Report is freely accessible online at
ANDERSON, Alan, The Cycling Miscellany, 2009, Sevenoaks
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
A collection of quotes and facts about cycling.
ANDERSON, Alan, Muck, Sweat & Gears, A Celebration of Cycling,
2011, Carlton Books, 160 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
A compendium of cycling facts, quotations, statistics, stories,
personalities, advice, and trivia. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
ANDOM, R. , Side slips, or misadventures on a bicycle, 1989, C. Arthur
Pearson Limited, 1898, 192 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Andom is the pseudonym for Alfred Walter Barrett. This is a readable
collection of the author’s recollections of his cycling career in England
with his friends.
ANDREWS, Guy, The Custom Road Bike, 2010, Laurence King, 224 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
The book focuses on performance road bikes, so the intended reader would
fall somewhere between pottering around town and chasing the yellow
jersey. If you’re serious about biking you’ll want just the right tool for the
job and a bike that is optimised for your individual physical attributes and
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
riding style. An introductory chapter explains different types of bikes
(road, time trial, track, and cyclo-cross. (Source:
ANTHONY, Michael, The Games Were Coming, 1963, Andre Deutsch/
HarperCollins, 223 pp
Category: Juvenile Fiction
Leon is training for The Southern Games. His girlfriend, Sylvia, isn’t too
happy about the treatment she is getting due to the fact that Leon is training
so hard. Now she’s turning to someone else for attention, love and care.
She and her boss became intimate one day and she became pregnant.
Sylvia didn’t know what to tell Leon so she made him promise that he
would marry her after he wins the games. And Leon promised. The games
were here. Leon was out on the track racing, then at the last moment, Leon
sucked up all the energy he had, and sprinted out in front of all the racers
and won the race. (Source:
Observation: reprints in 1968 (Houghton Mifflin); 1973, 1977 and 1982
(Heinemann), 197; 1978 (Deutsch). The last reprint dates from 2007 (Ian
Randle Publishers).
APPS, Roy, Chris Hoy, 2009, Hachette Children's Books, 48 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (UK)
This is the story of Chris's early years and his breakthrough into the British
Olympic track cycling team. (Source: Waterstones)
ARENA, Felice, Mission Buffalo, 1997, Collins, 180 pp
Category: Juvenile Fiction
John is an avid cyclist - his dream is to wear the yellow jersey in the Tour
de France. But that is a million miles away from his small town in
Australia. When John's enthusiasm rubs off on his school friends, they start
to train seriously and take a cycling expedition to Mount Buffalo. (Source:
ARMENTROUT, David & ARMENTROUT, Patricia, Lance
Armstrong, 2003, Rourke Pub, 24 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
Table of Contents: American Cyclist * Sports in Texas * Triathlete * An
Early Career * World Champion * The Tour DuPont * Tour de France
Success * Biggest Race of His Life * Four-time Tour de France Winners
*- Dates to Remember * Glossary * Index * Further Reading/Websites to
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
ARMSTRONG, A.C., Bouverie Street to Bowling Green Lane, 55 Years
of Specialised Publishing, 1946, Hodder & Stoughton, 224 pp
Category: Media
A history of a firm which began as the Dangerfield Printing Co., and
produced specialised cycling and motoring publications. (Source:
ARMSTRONG, F., The First Fifty Years of the Goodmayes Wheelers
1907-1957, privately published, 144 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
Observation: It would seem that the club has ceased to exist around 1980.
Books of David Armstrong
ARMSTRONG, David, Maître Jacques, The Jacques Anquetil Story,
1970, 36 pp
Category: Biographies (France)
ARMSTRONG, David, Merckx: Man and Myth, 1972, Kennedy Bros,
38 pp
Category: Biographies (Belgium)
ARMSTRONG, David, The Emperor. The Rik van Looy Story, 1971,
Kennedy Brothers, 36 pp
Category: Biographies (Belgium)
The booklet examines both his successes and failures and includes a full
race biography of the Emperor’s career. (Source: Howie Cohen)
ARMSTRONG, David, Eternal Second, The Raymond Poulidor Story,
1971, Kennedy Brothers, 36 pp
Category: Biographies (France)
ARMSTRONG, David, Felice Gimondi: The Happy Champion, 1974,
Kennedy Brothers, 38 pp
Category: Biographies (Italy)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
ARMSTRONG KELLY, Linda & RODGERS, Joni, No Mountain
High Enough: Raising Lance, Raising Me, 2005, Crown Archetype, 288
Category: Biographies (USA)
From the mother of six-time Tour de France champion and cancer survivor
Lance Armstrong comes the extraordinary story of the resilience of the
human spirit and the remarkable effect of great parenting. Kelly recounts
her transformation from a poverty-stricken teen in the Dallas projects to a
powerful role model for mothers everywhere. (Source: Wal*Mart)
ARMSTRONG, Kristin & CALL, Ken (Illustrator), Lance Armstrong:
the Race of his Life, 2000, Grosset & Dunlap, 48 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
Armstrong's wife has written this captivating, well-paced biography.
Starting with his first bicycle, she follows her husband's life through his
first triumph at the Tour de France and his battle with cancer to the birth
of the couple's son. Written in language suitable for readers almost ready
to make the transition to chapter books, the text is spiced with personal
details that will interest a wide range of children. Plenty of photos and
some watercolor illustrations by Ken Call. (Source: Gillian Engberg)
Books of Lance Armstrong
ARMSTRONG, Lance, It’s not about the Bike: My Journey Back to
Life, 2000, Yellow Jersey Press// Putnam Adult //Allan & Unwin, 275 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
Whatever you think of Lance, it is an inspirational tale. The title was a
stroke of genius: aided by an excellent ghostwriter, Lance achieved that
rare thing - a bike book that non-bikies wanted to read. (Source: Matt
Observation: Numerous reprints with various publishers (2001, 2002,
2003 and 2009)
ARMSTRONG, Lance, Every Second Counts. From Recovery to
Victory, 2003, Yellow Jersey Press//Broadway//RandomHouse, 260 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
Picking up from where his first biography ends, Lance Armstrong
continues his narration. The title comes with two very clear messages. The
first being the philosophical viewpoint of living your life to the full, right
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
down to the briefest second, and secondly it cleverly refers to the
techniques Armstrong uses to cut seconds from race stages, thus ensuring
his continued winning track record. For full effect you really need to have
read the first biography. There's little glimpse into Armstrong the man, and
this book is more a step-by-step account of his training methods, and the
many highs and lows of the Tour de France wins. Interspersed are
references to the work he undertakes for cancer research. His family life is
equally brushed over, including the birth of his twins and the breakdown
of his marriage. (Source: Ruth Bradbury-Horton)
Observation: several reprints (2004; 2006)
ARMSTRONG, Lance, CARMICHAEL, Chris & NYE, Peter Joffre,
The Lance Armstrong Performance Program, 2000, Rodale Books, 240
Category: Biographies (USA)
Armstrong teams up with his coach, Chris Carmichael to offer the ultimate
insider's guide to becoming a better rider, based on the regimen
Carmichael has been fine-tuning for Armstrong since the early 1990s. The
performance program itself makes up less than a third of the book. Other
subjects covered include cycling equipment, essential maintenance and
repair, riding in bad weather, road hazards, mental toughness, and the pros'
eating habits both on and off the bike, to name just a few. The manual is
sprinkled with photographs and tales of the racing life. (Source: Patrick
Jennings, review at
Observation: the book has two sub-titles: Seven Weeks to the Perfect Ride
- The Training, Strengthening, and Eating Plan Behind the World's
Greatest Cycling Victory. A paperback edition was published in 2003 (256
pp). A revised edition was published (without the first sub-title) in 2006
(Broadway) now including as sub-title “training using heart rate and
power output”.
ARMSTRONG, Lance & WATSON, Graham, Lance Armstrong:
Images of a Champion, 2004, Rodale Books, 208 pp, Foreword by Robin
Categories: Photography * Biographies (USA)
Over 250 of Graham Watson's images of the five-time Tour winner
combined with commentary by the Boss himself on the progress of his
long and varied career. The book is laid out in chronological order so it
starts with images of that almost-forgotten incarnation of Armstrong.
Armstrong's commentary on his early days with Motorola covers his
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
victory at the world's and his burning desire to win the one-day Classics.
(Source: John Stevenson)
Observation: updated in 2005 (with new photos and a new chapter on the
sixth Tour de France victory, 230 pp) and in 2006 (248 pp).
ARMSTRONG, Lance & KREUTZ, Elizabeth (Photography),
Comeback 2.0, Up Close and Personal, Lance Armstrong, 2009, Random
House, 208 pp
Categories: Photography * Biographies (USA)
A pictorial diary of a year in the life of Lance Armstrong, from when he
made the decision to return to professional cycling. It's a busy year with
lots of training; racing events in Australia, the US and Europe; a broken
collarbone; a new baby and lots of fundraising and campaigning for cancer
research. The photographs are arranged in chronological order and each is
accompanied by a little explanation from Lance about what he was doing
or thinking at the time. The layout of the book and the paper stock are also
high quality. (Source: bromleyvideo)
ATKINS, Fred, Tour de Kent, The Day the World’s Greatest Bike Race
Came to the Garden of England, 2009, Breedon Books Publishing, 192
Category: Tour de France Annuals (2007 Tour)
On July 8 2007 an estimated two million people lined the roads from
Trafalgar Square to Canterbury to watch the Tour de France. This book
tells the story of this incredible day. It contains nearly 200 color pictures,
many of them never seen before, the stunned reaction of the French media
and the stories of local cyclists who flocked to the event. There are
interviews with Millar, Cavendish, McEwen and Bradley Wiggins and the
tale of a chance encounter with Ken Livingstone that nearly made the then
Mayor of London vomit. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
AUGENDRE, Jacques, Fausto Coppi, 1999, Bromley Books, 157 pp
Category: Biographies (Italy)
The first chapter starts with his death at the age of forty from a
misdiagnosed case of malaria. This only serves to underline what a major
loss to the world of cycling Coppi's death was when, through the remainder
of the book we find out just how this Italian transformed cycling in the
forties and fifties. The book's greatest 'selling point' is its photography that
heavily underlines the grace and style of Coppi on and off the bike. This
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
book was originally published
AUGENDRE, Jacques, Tour De France 2002. The Official Guide,
2002, VeloPress, 120 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (2002 Tour)
Stage-by-stage account with many photos. This is the "official" guide and
no expense has been spared in finding the best pictures and stories as the
race progressed. (Source: unknown)
AUNTY, Eric, “Shake” The Monckton Boys and the Hercules
Professionals, 1995, privately published, 68 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Harry Shake Earnshaw was an English racing cyclist who was acclaimed
as the British Best All Rounder in 1938. Harry was given the nickname
"Shake" by a visiting uncle who after reading a series of cartoons featuring
a sergeant-major glaring at a new recruit shouting "Before you come on
parade tomorrow, Shakespeare get your hair cut." Turning to the young
Harry, who had a good thick crop of dark hair, he said "Shakespeare, get
your hair cut". This was adopted as his nickname. (Source: Wikipedia)
AUNTY, E., Bikes, Trikes and Tandems: a Pictorial History of Past
Riders and Races 1930-1940, 1998, Eric Aunty, 199 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Overviews)
AVIS, F.C., Cyclists’ Reference Dictionary, 1954, F.C. Davis126 pp
Category: Dictionaries & Glossaries
Observation: It would seem that a new edition of this book was published
in 1973.
AVIS, Roy, BLCR Swansong: Wellingborough Cycling Club Open Road
Races 1958 and 1959, 2008, privately published, 40 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
This booklet is basically about the Wellingborough C.C open road races in
the 1958–59 period at the time the British League of Racing Cyclists were
about to enter what many even then considered to be an ill-fated merger
with the National Cyclists Union to form the British Cycling Federation.
Over forty clear black and white photographs fill the pages and feature
many of the top Independent (semi-professional) riders of the era. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
AZZOLINI Leonardo, Milestones-Faggin, 2012, Faggin, 160 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
The history of Faggin cycles of Italy, it is an attractive read, with a stylish
layout having a flamboyant, graphic flair. The story is described in both
Italian and English, tracing the history of the brand from its beginnings in
Udine and the move to Padua, where it still exists today. The reader is
swept along with the increasing interest in Italian bikes from the overseas
market, racing victories, logo developments and the embrace of new frame
materials such as aluminum and carbon fiber. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
BABAIAN, Sharon, The Most Benevolent Machine: A Historical
Assessment of Cycles in Canada, 1998, National Museum of Science and
Technology, 122 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
The cycle is the basis of a popular recreational activity as well as a
manufacturing industry in Canada. To meet demand and compete with the
companies that were being set up all around the world, cycle makers had
to increase output, and cut costs by automating their factories. The Canada
Cycle and Motor Company (CCM) was created by the five largest makers
in 1899 to try to control supply and reduce competition to an acceptable
level. Its unfortunate demise in 1982, however, did not put an end to the
Canadian industry, which continues to exist today, albeit in a significantly
changed form. What keeps it going is the enduring popularity of cycling
in Canada. (Source:
Stephan, & MAES, Jan, Merckx 525, 2012, VeloPress, 224 pp
Categories: Photography * Biographies (Belgium)
Picture-filled coffee table-style book. The “525″ in the title of course refers
to the number of wins Merckx racked up during his career. Merckx 525
presents newly restored photographs from private collections, the Merckx
family, and European newspaper archives, shedding new light on this aweinspiring athlete’s career from promising youth in Belgium, to fabulous
darling of Europe, to hardened veteran of the bike-racing wars. (Source:
BACON, Ellis, World’s Ultimate Cycling Races, 300 of the greatest
cycling events, 2012, HarperCollins, 512 pp, Foreword by Phil Liggett
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general)
A guide to the races that take place around the globe, throughout the year.
The book contains facts and statistics and is crammed with photographs
that illustrate the locations and scenery. It offers a comprehensive history
of the 300 events compiled by the writer. Each event includes a map along
with the field size, entry standard and terrain information, all arranged by
the month the races take place. Add to this contributions from some of the
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
World's leading cyclists and journalists and you have a gripping account
of what each race is really like. The selection also extends into the amateur
cycling scene. (Source:
BACON, Ellis & BIRNIE, Lionel, The Cycling Anthology: Volume 1,
2012, Peloton Publishing, 272 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
The Cycling Anthology will build into a collectable series. The first
volume is a collection of essays by 14 well-known contributors.
Table of Contents: Project Wiggins (William Fotheringham) * In Praise
of Thomas Voeckler (Edward Pickering) * The New Wizards of Oz
(Rupert Guinness) * Gone Biking (David Millar) * The Cobbler (Frederic
Guesdon) Retires (James Startt) * Cyclonomics (Daniel Friebe) *
Pendleton versus Meares (Owen Slot) * The Grand Slam (Lionel Birnie)
* The Original Individualist (Richard Moore) * The Best of Luck (Ellis
Bacon) * Another World? (Kenny Pryde) * The Exile (Alasdair
Fotheringham) * Il Magnifico's (Mario Cipollini) Return (Samuel Abt) *
Bin Bag of My Dreams (Jeremy Whittle)
BADGETT, Peggy, Romancing The Bike, 2008, Publish America, 212
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
Peggy Badgett began reacquainting herself with the unparalleled freedom
of riding a bicycle in her fourth decade of life. With the encouragement of
a seasoned cyclist who became her coach and mentor, she began to ride
her first true racing bike. She fell in love with her bike. Touring, racing,
and commuting have become an integral part of her life. This is the account
of her adventures, from learning how to stay upright, to racing in time
trials, and finally riding up mountains. (Source:
BAILEY, Donna, Cycling, “My Sports World” Series, 1990,SteckVaughn// Heinemann// Austin TX, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
Shows a boy learning to ride his new bicycle and fix a punctured tire.
Highlights the Tour de France and various cycling techniques. (Source:
BALF, Todd, Major, A Black Athlete, a White Era, and the Fight to Be
the World's Fastest Human Being, 2008, Random House, 320 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
This biography chronicles the life of the Marshall Major Taylor. Taylor
was an incomparable athlete, poet and celebrity, but he was also a black
man living during a time when the scars of the Civil War and slavery were
still fresh in the minds of Americans. Balfe does great work presenting the
complex nature of Taylor's life, including his up-bringing in poverty, the
years he was treated as a son by a rich white family, the fans who both
worshipped and vilified him and his close relationships with his white
trainer and promoter. Much of the book revolves around Taylor's rivalry
with the pugnacious, bigoted Floyd McFarland to be the fastest rider in the
world. Balf's prose is both evocative and informative. (Source: Publisher’s
Weekly, Copyright © Reed Business Information)
BALIAN, Mihran, Cycling, Its Art and Pastime, With Supplement
Including Physical Exercises, Illustrated, 1935, Straker Brothers Printers,
132 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
One of the `Foreword Messages` states: “Mr. Mihran Balian has
accomplished two useful objects. (1) He has placed in the hands of presentday cyclists the fruits of his long experience as an expert rider of the
bicycle, and (2) he has re-opened one of the most interesting chapters in
the history of cycle sport by recounting the chief incidents in the Anchor
Shield races of 1895-6”. There are several illustrations and photos.
(Source: Howie Cohen)
Observation: a second, extended edition was published in 1938.
BALLANTINE, Richard, Richard’s Bicycle Book, 1972, Ballantine
Books, 249 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
The book is a readable mixture of cycling history, cycling for beginners,
cycle maintenance and cycle advocacy and campaigning. All very
necessary - but not sufficient to explain its success. The key to its success
was its voice and tone. This was a book written by an intelligent, modern,
‘alternative’ person dealing with an intelligent, modern, ‘alternative’
subject, in an intelligent, modern, ‘alternative’ style. It was humorous,
ironic and serious when it needed to be serious. And it held out hope, hope
that, in a small practical way, you could change the world into a better
place. A true classic. The content mirrors Ballantines own interests and
prejudices. He is very strong on unusual bicycles, cycling history and
human powered vehicles. Competitive cycling is dispensed with in ten
pages. (Sources: & pedalspinner)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Observation: the book has had an extraordinary publishing history. It first
appeared in 1972 and has gone through several significant revisions since
then. In 1987 it was retitled Richard’s New Bicycle Book, and then in 2000
came the title Richard’s 21st Century Bicycle Book. Comparing editions,
it is clear that the rewrites were pretty comprehensive. The chapter listings,
for example, change completely between editions, and evidence of cut and
paste is hard to find. The voice, though, is constant. (Source: pedalspinner)
BALLANTINE, Richard & GRANT, Richard, Richard’s Ultimate
Bicycle book, 1992, Firefly Books, 192 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
The definitive visual reference guide for all cycling enthusiasts, this book
combines fascinating photographs of the most popular bicycles of today - and tomorrow -- with step-by-step information on bicycle maintenance.
It is an essential handbook that shows you how to get the best from your
bike and your body. The authors give tips on training for competition,
advise you on what to wear, whether you're riding on or off the road, and
guide you through the vast range of accessories available. Annotated
photographs and detailed text explain the function of every moving part.
BARANET- NEIMAN, Nancy, The Turned Down Bar, 1964, Dorrance
& Company, 81 pp
Category: Women’s Cycle Racing
A pioneer woman cyclist, Neiman won the national women's road
championship in 1953 and 1954. Neiman went to Europe in 1955 because
there were few opportunities for women to race in the United States. After
winning the U. S. women's road race again in 1956 and 1957, Neiman
retired from competition. The book tells the story of her racing experiences
in Europe. (Source:
BARANET, Nancy, Bicycling, The Bicycle in Recreation, Competition,
Transportation, 1973, Barnes, 152 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
This book still has that classic flavour from a member of the bicycling
culture who has valuable things to say. Lots of historically valuable info is
offered. (Source:
BARANTINO, Dante & PENAZZO, Sergio, Giro, Tour of Italy 1977,
Kennedy Brothers, 64 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Stage Races
BARFIELD, Mark & FORRESTER, Auriel, Starting Cycle Road
Racing and Time Trials, 2008, The Crowhood Press, 128 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
This clear step-by-step guide covers the way the sport is organised, the
types of races that are available, and what equipment is required. All the
bike components are discussed as well as how a bicycle is set up and
adjusted to match an individual's physical requirements and maximize
power, speed, safety, and comfort. Attention is paid to basic skills, the
science behind cycling training, nutrition, and hydration, selecting an
appropriate event, planning the training for the race and what to do, and
what not to do, on the big day. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
BARLOW, Godfrey, Unsurpassed: The Story of Tommy Godwin, the
World’s Greatest Distance Cyclist, 2012, Mousehold Press, 102 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
The story of Tommy Godwin, an English cyclist who fell into the world of
cycling long-distances. The book is remarkably well illustrated and written
in an almost transparent yet easily readable style. (Source:
BARLOW, T.M., Record-Breaking on Bicycles: A History of the
Northern Road Records Association from 1890 to 1940, 1940, 44 pp
Category: Cycling clubs
The racing cyclist of today might find it hard to imagine the conditions of
the sport in the United Kingdom when the Northern Road Records
Association was founded in 1890. Cycling clubs had long held races on
the road. From such racing, record-breaking developed naturally, and in
the absence of any controlling body, records had only the authenticity that
arises from general repute. No practical drawbacks appeared, however,
until – for commercial reasons – the cycling press was flooded with claims
to records, for which no proper evidence was forthcoming, over untested
distances, and between the most fantastic places. And it so came about that
the leading clubs in the northern counties of England formed themselves
into the Northern Road Records Association, and set to work to introduce
some sort of order. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
BARLOW, T.M., & BARLOW, P.B., Northern Road records
Association, 100 Years of Cycling Record Breaking, A History of the 18901990, 1990, 84 pp
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
Observation: A centenary edition was published in 1990 by T.M. Barlow
and P.B. Barlow (Northern Road records Association, 100 Years of
Cycling Record Breaking, A History of the 1890-1990)
BARLOW, T.M. & FLETCHER, J., A history of Manchester
Wheelers’ Club, 1983, privately published, 230 pp
Category: Cycling clubs
This book was first published in 1983 on the occasion of the Centenary
Dinner, marking the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the Club. It
charts the rise of Manchester Wheelers' from its beginnings in Hulme,
through the war years and the Reg Harris era, to the heady days of success
during the 1980's. It is a valuable piece of local history and a fascinating
read. (Source: Manchesterwheelers)
BARNES, Julian, Cross Channel, 1996, Jonathan Cape, 211 pp
Category: Belles-Lettres
Britain's relationship with France and the French is the theme for this
collection of short stories. In one of these, “Brambilla”, a young English
couple move to the other side of the channel so that he can pursue a career
as a professional cyclist. It is a short piece of just 13 pages, in which
intersperses each of their perspectives, written in the first person. Clearly
Barnes knows something of the cycling, and his exploration of the
pressures of being a journeyman sporting pro and how it might effect a
relationship is an intriguing perspective. Like a lot of short stories,
however, Barnes manages to flick a couple of interesting concepts in the
air - the transition from fan to pro, and the juxtaposition of him - a
professional sportsman, and her, dancing on some manner of chorus line.
There is not the space, however, to achieve much resolution. (Source: Tim
BARNES, Julian, Something to Declare, Essays on France, 2002,
Knopf, 320 pp
Category: Belles-Lettres
Julian Barnes's long and passionate relationship with la belle France began
more than forty years ago, and in these essays on the country and the
culture he combines a keen appreciation, a seemingly infinite sphere of
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
reference, and prose as stylish as classic haute couture. Barnes's vision of
France embraces its vanishing peasantry; its vanished hyper-literate pop
singers, Georges Brassens, Boris Vian, and Jacques Brel; and the gleeful
iconoclasm of its nouvelle vague cinema. He describes the elegant tour of
France that Henry James and Edith Wharton made in 1907, and the orgy
of drugs and suffering of the Tour de France in our own time. (Source:
BARONI, Francesco, The Bicycle, The Myth and the Passion, 2008,
White Star, 304 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
Hundreds of archival photographs and illustrations depict the features of
early ancestors of the modern bicycle, accompanying a text that vividly
recreates the excitement of each new innovation. From the High Wheel
bicycles that had their heyday in the 1880s to the high-tech racing bicycles
of today, The book examines the models and components that have been
the fulfillment of the dreams of visionary inventors. Through text and
photographs, readers meet the key players in the world of cycling and gain
an understanding of the role of the bicycle in many different fields, ranging
from recreation to professional sport, fashion and design. (Source:
BARRETT, Norman, BMX Bikes, 1985, Franklin Watts, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Part of a series which provides information on a wide variety of topics, this
book looks specifically at BMX bikes. The book concludes with facts,
records and further information sections.
Observation: reprints in 1987, 1989, 1990 and 1991.
BARRON, Phillip, The Outspokin' Cyclist, 2011, privately published,
172 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
For four years, readers of The Herald-Sun newspaper (Durham, NC)
enjoyed Phillip Barron’s monthly columns on bicycling. This book gathers
some of the best columns together in one volume. With insights into coldweather bike commuting, urban design, the spiritual solitude of solo
mountain biking, and the philosophical problems with drug use in
competitive sports, Barron’s columns offer glimpses into the life of a
cyclist and a small city’s biking community. (Source: Publisher’s
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
BARRY, Michael, Inside the Postal Bus, My Ride with Lance Armstrong
and the US Postal Cycling Team, 2005, VeloPress, 292 pp
Category: Cycle Racing Teams
During the professional cycling season, the members of the United States
Postal Team live, train, and work together for weeks on end while traveling
to competitions throughout Europe. With wit and singular insight, Michael
Barry, a professional cyclist and member of the United States Postal Team,
shares his first-hand knowledge of the sport and of his fellow cyclists,
describing intricate pre-race orchestrations; the efforts of the coach,
mechanics, team chef, and other staff members; the personalities and
idiosyncrasies of his international teammates. (Source:
BARRY, Michael & McMILLAN J M.C. (Photography), Le Métier:
The Seasons of a Professional Cyclist, 2010, Rouleur, 204 pp
Category: Pro-life
The book is an honest and sometimes touching look into the life, trials and
tribulations, as well as the triumphs, of a cycling domestique. Barry's
poignant prose and McMillan's atmospheric photography create a volume
that gives the reader a rare glance into the fascinating and occasionally
strange world of professional cycling. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
Observation: the second edition (2012, 264 pp) is essentially unchanged
from the 1st edition, with just a few notable exceptions. It features
contributions from David Millar and additional text from Barry, having
ridden his first Tour de France. Furthermore, a limited edition of this book
held in a specially designed slipcase and signed by both authors has been
published. (Source:
BARTER, Dave, Obsessive Compulsive Cycling Disorder, 2012, Phased
Publications, 218 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
An anthology of thirty articles written by an amateur cyclist over a period
of ten years. The collection exhibits the madness that engulfs those who
descend into cycling obsession, celebrating the average cyclist living in a
world defined by the pros. The writings range from fanciful musings
concerning the Tao of single speeding to lengthy descriptions of end-toend rides in Britain and Ireland. Mountain biking, road cycling, classic
alpine climbs and all sorts of other cycling events are chronicled along the
way. Each is written in a light-hearted style designed to bring the reader
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
into the author’s world which is often littered with incident and humour.
(Source: Publisher’s Description)
BARTHES, Roland, Mythologies, Jonathan Cape, 1972, 159 pp
Category: Academic Literature
In 53 magazine essays on popular culture published between 1954 and
1956, Barthes sought to undermine the pieties of French petit bourgeois
culture as manifested in the mass media and politics. Synthesizing
elements of existentialism, Freudian theory, Marxism and the linguistics
of Ferdinand de Saussure, Barthes sought to show that the myths of
popular culture laid a glossy veneer over the more complex and often ugly
realities of French society. In “The Tour de France as Epic,” Barthes
describes the Tour as an epic battle “with only four movements: “to lead,
Observation: various versions of those essays have been published in
English. This first edition included about half of the essays. Another
edition was published under the title The Eiffel Tower, and other
mythologies in 1980 (Hill & Wang) and 1997 (University of California
Press, 1151 pp). Recently, Richard Howard has published a new
translation including all 53 essays (2012, Hill and Wang, 288 pp).
BARTHES, Roland, What is Sport? 2007, Yale University Press, 96 pp
Category: Academic Literature
What Is Sport? Was written three years after the publication of Barthes’s
Mythologies (1957) and bears considerable resemblance to that work. The
great French literary theorist muses philosophically on the question: What
is sport? Barthes considers five national sports: bullfighting (Spain), car
racing (America), cycling (France), hockey (Canada), and soccer
(England). For Barthes, sport is spectacle and serves the primary social
function that theatre once did in antiquity, collecting a city or nation within
a shared experience. The real pleasure of this book, however, lies less in
its generalities than in its fleeting, strangely haunting moments of insight.
BARTLEET, H.W., Bartleet’s Bicycle Book, The Story of Cycles and
Cycling, 1931, Ed J Burrow & Co, 186 pp
Categories: Cycle Racing History (By Country) * Racing Bikes &
Accessories (Bicycles in general)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Sammy Bartleet was a former journalist, author, actor, boxer, amateur
cycle racer and historic cycle collector who unwittingly formed the basis
for Coventry Transport Museum. This book covered the history of cycling
in great depth, as well listing and describing each of the 70 historic cycles
in his own personal collection. (Source:
Observation: The book was reprinted in 1983. (Pinkerton Press, 171 pp)
BARTON, Robin, The Cycling Bible: The Complete Guide for All
Cyclists from Novice to Expert, 2011, Bloomsburry Publishing /
FalconGuides, 356 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Beginning with the anatomy of the bicycle, the book explains what to look
for when buying a bike so that you get the right one for you, whether it be
a folding bike, tandem, electric bike, track bike or BMX. There's plenty of
information on the right kit - for women as well as men - and clear
explanations to help you tackle maintenance and repair jobs with
confidence. The basic principles of riding, negotiating cities and riding offroad are explained, and it also covers how to ride safely and comfortably.
For all those who want to take their cycling further, there's information on
competitive riding and training, and even a stunning international touring
section packed full of recommended rides in breathtaking locations. Fun,
inspiring, beautifully illustrated and easy to use. (Source: Publisher’s
BATHO, Norman, Bicycle Stamps Checklist, 1999
Category: Collectibles & Memorabilia
This list has been prepared in an effort to present to the bicycle stamp
collector a single list, containing all of the known bicycle stamps in the
world. For this list “Bicycle” includes velodromes, persons who either
raced bicycles or had some other substantial bicycle connection. (Source:
from the introduction)
Observation: this is not really a book; it is a Word Document that the
author has posted online and which was last updated in 1999. Organised
by country. No illustrations. It has made been accessible online at
BATHURST, Bella, The Bicycle Book, 2011, Harper Press, 356 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
What is it about the bicycle that so enchants us? And why do its devotees
become so obsessed with it? Acclaimed author Bella Bathurst takes us on
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
a journey through cycling’s best stories and strangest incarnations, from
the bicycle as weapon of twentieth-century warfare to the secret life of
couriers and the alchemy of frame-building. With a cast of characters
including the woman who watercycled across the Channel, the man who
raced India’s Deccan Queen train and several of today’s top cyclists, she
offers us a brilliantly engaging portrait of cycling’s past, present and
world-conquering future. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
BATTY, Peter, Racer: the Cycling Game, 1982, Collins Educational, 32
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
BAUER, Kristian, Ride a Stage of the Tour De France, The Legendary
Climbs and How to Ride Them, 2011, A & C Black Publishers, 224 pp
Category: Mountains & Climbers
This book provides how-to details for climbing 40 of the Grand Boucle's
best known climbs - noting where to park, what provision there is to obtain
food and drink on the way up, steepness and ascent and road-surface
quality. Critically, he also notes what times of year the roads are actually
open - the snow gates on most of them clang shut in the early autumn. He
also weaves the Tour's narrative into most sections - noting recent points
of race drama on many of his routes. It is a translation of a German book
that was written for a German market. (Source:
BEAUMONT, Mark, The Man Who Cycle the World, 2011, Broadway,
400 pp
Category: Long-distance racing
Bicycle racer recounts his solo cycle around the world while attempting
to break the existing Guinness World Record.
BECKETT, James, Tour De France, 1992, Bantam Doubleday Dell
Books for Young Readers, 120 pp
Category: Juvenile Fiction
The Tour de France with fame honour, and big money at stake. But the
stakes get even higher when you and the Passport news team uncover a
plot to sabotage the race. When France's top racer is kidnapped, it's up to
you to investigate who did it and why. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
BECKWITH, Frank (ed), Yorkshire Road Club 1891-1991, A History
compiled by Members, 1991, W.R. Kitching// Yorkshire Road Club, 92
Category: Cycling Clubs
Glories aplenty abound in this excellently produced little book. Taken in
the main from the first-handed reminiscences recorded by the Y.R.C.
members themselves, the text is liberally salted with anecdote and
observation. The roll-call of past and present members is graced by many
of the greatest names in British cycling. From early pioneers who roamed
the northern roads on high-wheelers, through the hungry 20’s and 30’s
when scarcely a week passed without a R.C. member hitting the headlines
somewhere, to the heady post-war days when the club’s riders spearheaded
our entry into the world of continental racing. There is much to savour in
the comparatively modest publication, not least many well-presented
photographs of the Y.C.R. at work and play. (Source: Publisher’s
BEELEY, Serena. A History of Bicycles, From Hobby Horse to
Mountain Bike, 1992, Studio Editions, 144 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general) * Racing Bikes &
Accessories (Bicycles in general)
The Curator of the National Cycle Museum charts the development of
cycles and cycling in Europe and America. She follows the technical
innovations and alterations in design, size and weight. Equally
importantly, she reminds us of the personalities who have shaped this
development, the legendary engineers and manufacturers, the pioneering
female riders who endured widespread discrimination to win freedom of
the roads for women, the heroic sportsmen who pushed themselves to ever
greater feats of endurance in such classic events as the Tour de France. The
text is accompanied throughout by a generous range of colour and black
and white illustrations. (Source:
BELL, Adrian (ed), From the Pen of J.B. Wadley, 2002, Mousehold
Press, 209 pp, Foreword by John Wilcockson
Category: Media
This fine selection of J.B. Wadley's work draws from his early days as a
young reporter through to his final book. The pieces cover topics as diverse
as the intense competition to take the 'Bath and Back' record (from London
- of course); Federico Bahamontes assault on the 1959 Tour and a
randonneur in the Alps. His tone is almost conversational - he frequently
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
explains the difficulties of following a race from a press car. He is partisan,
but when the English-speaking riders do not triumph, he is quick to
applaud the winners. Often the style is more that of a letter to a friend than
what we would today recognise as journalism. But what a correspondent
to have! (Sources:
BELMONT, Justin Daniel, The Art of Bicycling, A Treasury of Poems,
2005, Breakaway Books, 348 pp
Category: Poetry
Through the years, many poets have penned odes to the bicycle, and Justin
Belmont has now gathered together 188 of them in one splendid
authoritative collection. Not only the best of one hundred years of
bicycling poetry, but many new poems are published here for the first time.
With bicycle photographs throughout, as well as works by Walt Whitman,
Seamus Heaney, Dylan Thomas - to name but a very few - and even one
by Marco Pantani himself! (Source:
BENDER, Brent, Cobblestone Dreams, 2005, AuthorHouse, 144 pp
Category: Pro-life * Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Cobblestone Dreams, is pretty much what it sounds like. The main
character ventures off to Europe with the passion for racing bicycles at the
heart of the cycling world; on the cobblestone roads of Belgium. The story
does not sugar coat nor glorify the harsh reality of the cycling world into
a heroic tale. Instead it focuses on a character transitioning to a new world
and experiencing real situations that would actually happen. It is a
wonderful light read, that will amuse you page after page. (Source: review
BENEDICT, Ruth & BENEDICT, Raymond, Bicycling, 1944, A.S.
Barnes, 114 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Handbook which helped chart the way to care of the bicycle, riding
technique, choice, and -- for seasonal value particularly -- data on bicycle
cycle clubs, etc. (Source:
BENSON, Michael, Lance Armstrong: Cyclist, Ferguson Career
Biographies, 2003, 144 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
The cycling superstar's story is told clearly, without glossing over some of
the rough spots in his life. His recovery from cancer is the most spectacular
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
of his many triumphs over adversity. Also covered are his thoroughly
admirable fund-raising efforts for cancer research. A few black-and-white,
fairly unremarkable photos are included, a time line, chapters on how to
become a professional athlete and how to become a professional fundraiser, and several lists for further reading. (Source: Lauralyn Persson,
Wilmette Public Library, IL)
BERNARD, Walter, The Three “M’s”, 1978, Kennedy Bros, 63 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Champions)
Biographies of Eddy Merckx, Freddy Maertens, and Francesco Moser.
BERRY, Skip & GOODMAN, Michael, Tour De France, 1993, Creative
Education, 30 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Tour de France (Overviews)
Describes the history, route, and well-known riders of the race.
BERTO, Frank J., The Dancing Chain: History and Development of the
Derailleur Bicycle, 2000, Van der Plas Publications, 352 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Gears)
A history of bicycle gearing. But the Californian high priest of
understanding bicycle mechanics covers much, much more. The Dancing
Chain is a compilation of wisdom, knowledge and learning garnered over
those years - with contributions from such other distinguished writers as
Tony Hadland and Jan Heine. It traces the history of bicycle gears from
the 1870s onwards, with a particular focus on derailleurs. How gears work,
and how they have developed technically might be the thread that runs
through the book, but there is much else beside. There are the history of
companies that have come and gone. The illustrations are also superb.
Pretty much every page contains technical drawings, photographs, period
graphics and publications from back into the day. (Source:
Observation: the first edition had five co-authors. Ron Shepherd edited
the first five chapters, covering bicycle history before WW-II whilst Berto
edited the last seven chapters, covering bicycle history after WW-II.
Raymond Henry wrote the French history, Walter Ulreich wrote the
German and Austrian history, and Tony Hadland helped with the British
history. The second edition was published in 2004 (384 pp) and included
everything that had been left out of the first edition. About half of the
editorial content was rewritten or new. Illustrations of early derailleurs
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
were added. The third, revised edition – to which Jan Heine contributed as
well - was published in 2009 (400 pp). A fourth edition was published in
2012 (400 pp).
BERTO, Frank J, The birth of dirt, 1998, Cycle Publishing, 144 pp
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
A thorough review of the history, illustrated with numerous photos and
drawings. It is about people and what they did, not only a technical history.
Berto has the advantage of living in Marin County, California, where the
mountain bike originated, and of knowing and having interviewed most of
the pioneers in its development. The book offers a thoughtful and probing
exploration of the question of who invented the mountain bike. Berto’s
conclusion is clearly justified by the evidence: many people were involved,
and no one person could claim to be the inventor. (Source:
Observation: an updated and expanded edition was published in 2008
(128 pp)
BERWICK, Gwen & THORNE, Sydney, Tour De France, Level 3 (La
Loupe), 2003, Hodder Arnold H & S, 28 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Tour de France (Overviews)
This book gives facts, figures, photographs and anecdotes about one of the
world's greatest sporting events. (Source:
BESSE, Nadine (Ed), The velocipede, object of modernity 1860-1870 Le vélocipède, objet de modernité 1860-1870, 2008, Silvana Editoriale,
240 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History
This book presents the velocipede, the ancestor of the bike. Real object of
modernity of the years 1860s, the velocipede fathered an intense cultural
and social phenomenon, giving concrete expression to the aspirations and
the dreams of the "modern young people" in France, in Europe and in the
United States. The main velocipede, high wheel and machines
manufacturers and patents of the world are presented. The texts are written
both in English and in French. They include articles on: The origins of the
Velocipede Clubs (Alain Poyer) * The Races at Paris-Rouen * The LongDistance Race from Lyon to Macon, 22 September 1872 * The Races at
Sathonay, 9 May 1869 * Painting of the velocipede (Scotford Lawrence)
* Course de velocipedes: le depart * A Bicycle Race between Velocipedes.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
BEST, B. W., Oppy: the story of a great ride, 1934, B.S.A. Cycles, 31
Category: Biographies (Australia)
BETTINI, Roberto, Eroi sui pedali –Héros du Vélo – Heroes on Pedals
– Heroe Sobre Pedales, 1997, Connectica, 162 pp
Category: Photography * Yearbooks
A luxury photographic album reviewing the 1997 season edited in four
languages (Italia, French, English and Spanish). It focuses exclusively on
the three Tours and the classic races participating at the World-Cup
classification. It was distributed as a gift amongst cycle racing sponsors.
BETTINI, Roberto, Cyclisme – Cycling – Ciclismo
Category: Photography * Yearbooks (1998)
From 1998 onwards, the UCI took over the publication of this series
published in three languages (FR/ENG/IT). We have spotted the following
- 1998 Cyclisme Cycling Ciclismo, Alberto Perdali, s.d
- Cycling 2001, 160 pp, Foreword by Hein Verbruggen
- Cycling 2002, 2002, 160 pp.
- Cycling 2003, 2004, SEP, 160 pp (with Pier Bergonzi and
Graham Watson)
- Cycling 2004, 2005, 160 pp (with Pier Bergonzi and Graham
- Cycling: Review 2005, The ProTour Photographic Review, 2005,
SEP, 176 pp (with Pier Bergonzi and Graham Watson)
- Cycling, The Protour Photographic Review, 2006, SEP, 176 pp
(with Pier Bergonzi and Graham Watson)
Observation: VeloPress would seem to have published an English
language version of some of those editions (Cycling 2003; Cycling 2004).
Another edition covering the year 2005 was published under the title
“Cycling 2005”.
303 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories
Editor in Chief Shigeki Shoji published the first annual Japan's Bicycle
Guide, the first volume of a series that ran from 1951-1983. The Guide is
illustrated with photos, drawings, and facsimiles, some in color. It tells of
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
the history and manufacturing of bicycles and bicycle parts in Japan.
Included are all the bicycle companies' insignias in color, lists of complete
bicycles with specifications and photo, motorbikes, motortricycles,
tricycles, carts, carts & hand carts, frames, frame components, and
accessories. Additional section on hubs, brakes, and parts, gears, wheels,
rims, tires, tools and other accessories. A section of manufacturers and
their products (colorful ads), manufacturers and exporters name and
address, a packing list, an index of contents, an index of articles, and an
index of article numbers. (Source: planetbooks)
BICYCLING MAGAZINE, The Noblest Invention, 2003, Rodale Press,
320 pp, “Forward” by Lance Armstrong
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
This nicely balanced coffee-table volume (featuring 250 color and 50
black & white photographs) includes straightforward and well-researched
essays covering every aspect of what has become a major sports and
recreation industry. "Bicycling Culture" looks at the diverse worldwide
impact of cycling; "History" and "The Art of the Cycle" are cogent looks
at those subjects, from early Leonardo da Vinci drawings through the
disputed "invention" of the bicycle in 19th-century Paris to today's
multibillion-dollar bicycle industry. (Source:
BIKESNOBNYC, Bike Snob: Systematically and Mercilessly Realiging
the World of Cycling, 2010, Hardie Grand Books, 222 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
The Bike Snob writes a wickedly funny blog poking holes in practically
every pretention in the cycling world. His blog careens unexpectedly
between the worlds of pro cycling, hipsters, fixed gear bikes, Craigslist ads
and the indignity of bike commuting (especially in New York). (Source:
BIKE WORLD MAGAZINE, All about bicycle racing, 1975, World
Publications, Mountain View, 96 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
This book is for the beginning or continuing racer who wants a realistic
picture of cycle racing. A soft cover booklet containing information about
the various types of bicycle races and profiles of many top competitors,
and much more. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
BIKE WORLD MAGAZINE STAFF, Bicycle Track Racing, 1978,
World Publications, 124 pp
Category: Track Racing
A survey of bicycle track racing with information about equipment, tracks,
training, types of racing events, and racing organisations. (Source:
BIKE WORLD MAGAZINE, Complete Bicycle, Time Trialing Book,
1997, World Publications, Mountain View, 85 pp
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
BISHOP, Claire Huchet, The Big Loop, 1955, Viking Press, 221 pp
Category: Juvenile Fiction
Depicts the sepia world of the 1950s in which Frenchmen always win their
own Tour and heroes are easily distinguished from villains. Sweet but
sadly outdated now on both counts. (Source: William Fotheringham)
Observation: several reprints, including in 1962, 1965 and 1967.
BLICKENSDORFER, Hans, North Wind in Your Spokes, A Novel of
the Tour De France, 2003, Breakaway Books, 320 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
Thrilling novel of the rise and fall of a young European cycling star. Bud
is the favourite to win the Tour and become the next immortal of the sport.
But his enemies prove stronger yet-through dirty riding, clandestine
doping, and other subterfuges, they conspire to bring him down. And
ultimately, his own hubris and uncontrolled sexual and financial appetites
finish him off. This novel is a stunning portrait of the Tour de France as a
metaphor for life itself. (Source:
BLOOMQUIST, Christopher, BMX in the X Games, 2003,
PowerkidsPress, 24 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
This colorful book details how the X Games evolved and where bicycle
stunt riding fits into the mix. Legendary riders such as Dave "Miracle Boy"
Mirra and Bruce Crisman are highlighted. Kids will be thrilled to read the
interview with Ryan Nyquist, who has won a medal at the Games every
year since 1997. (Source:
BOARDMAN, Chris & LONGMORE, Andrew, Chris Boardman. The
complete book of cycling, 2000, Partridge Press, 253 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Chris Boardman gives a detailed analysis of the different ingredients of his
own success - technical expertise, physical stamina, mental agility,
training, diet, mechanics and tactics. (Source:
BOBET, Jean & BERRY, Adam, Tomorrow We Ride, 2008,
Mousehold Press, 176 pp
Category: Biographies (France)
That's what Jean's brother Louison used to say as they arranged to meet,
everyday whilst racing and then just on Sundays when they weren't
competing anymore. They rode together until Louison's untimely death in
1983, the need for a being on a bike made for a better understanding of
each other. Jean's book is not only about his superstar brother but his own
racing successful career, life on the road, hopes, glory, disappointments
culminating in retirement at 29 to become a journalist and a business
partner with Louison. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
BOBET, Jean, Lapize, Now There Was An Ace, 2010, Mousehold Press,
180 pp
Category: Biographies (France)
Lapize was arguably the dominant rider, on road and track in the years
immediately before the First World War. In 1914, he joined the nascent
French airforce, served with bravery and distinction and in 1917, at the age
of 30, lost an air duel with two Germany pilots. Bobet has done a
professional job of assembling the facts of his life from contemporary
records. The picture that Bobet paints of the period and of the man is
engaging. Bobet's research in the columns of old newspapers is exemplary,
but with little else to leaven his account, at times it seems rather flat.
BOCK, A.H., History of bicycling in Bundaberg 1892-1993, 1993,
privately published, 48 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
History of Bundaberg Amateur cycling club, Queensland, Australia.
Professional Mountain Biking, 2010, MTB Sector, 240 pp, Foreword by
Bart Brentjens
Category: Mountain Bike racing
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A coffee-table book with photos of the toughest Mountain Bike races
around the world (worldcups and world championships), the history of
mountain biking told by Marcel Slagmann, a, plus full results since 1990
(worlds) respectively 1991 (worldcups). Texts and captions written in
English. (Sources:
BOGA, Steven, Cyclists – How the World’s Most Daring Riders Train
and Compete, 1992, Stackpole Books, 228 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Intrepid athletes, competing in a variety of demanding events professional road races, mountain bike treks, endurance tests - push their
bodies and their sport to new levels. Eight fast-paced profiles introduce
these adventurers & explore their techniques and motivations for pedaling
faster, farther, and longer than anyone else. Includes: legendary road-racer
John Howard, endurance-rider Elaine Mariolle, Olympic champion Eric
Heiden, adventurer Kenneth Crutchlow, Martha Kennedy in Alaska,
triathlete Dave Scott in Hawaii, tourer Sally Vantress, & world-champion
Greg LeMond. B. (Source:
BONURA, Larry Samuel, Genesis of the bicycle in the United States,
1865-1893, A bibliographic tool for researchers, 1982, 284 pp
Categories: Cycle Racing History (By Country) * Bibliographies &
This study comprises two parts. The first part gives a compressed history
of the bicycle in the United States between 1865 and 1893 which is based
primarily on books (appropriate referenced being provided in footnotes).
The second part consists of an annotated bibliography of 254 articles
gleaned from 27 American magazines published from 1865 to 1893. Also
included are a list of magazines consulted with the number of volumes and
dates covered as well as the number of citations found, a subject-year
occurrence matrix, and a subject-magazine occurrence matrix. (Source:
Observation: the study was not published but has been made freely
accessible online at the
BORYSEWICZ, Edward, Bicycle Road Racing, 1985, VeloNews//
Springfield Books, 276 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A practical guide to training and race tactics by the coach who oversaw the
development of successful riders such as LeMond, Hampsten, and
Phinney. (Source:
BOTTEMA, Mac, Handbook on Bicycle Trails & Cycle Racing, 1963,
Huffman Manufacturing Co., 28 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
A list of Who`s Who in the history of bicycle racing, including: Mac
Bottema, Frank Brilando, Andrew Englehardt, Don Gill, Horace `Huffy`
Huffman Jr., August Husse, Jack Kemp, Keith Kingbay, Wesley Krey,
Fred `Pop` Kugler, Ed Lynch, Bob Pfarr, Gene Portuesi, Jim Rossi, Al
Toefield, Don Wares and Oscar Wastyn. The front cover shows an ariel
photo of the Encino Velodrome which was constructed in 1960-1961 in
Encino, California (in the San Fernando Valley). (Source : Howie Cohen)
BOULAIS, Sue & JAMES, Jody, Bmx Biking, 1991, Bancroft-Sage
Pub., Learning How Sports Series, 47 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Describes various aspects of bicycle motocross racing including the
history of the sport, the equipment, tracks, rules, safety, and riding
BOULTING, Ned, How I Won The Yellow Jumper: Dispatches from the
Tour De France, 2011, Yellow Jersey Press // Random House, 336 pp
Categories: Tour de France Annuals (2010 Tour) * Humour
Ned Boulting, the cheeky chap from ITV, has always come across as the
cool, brash, confident presenter. His book however, reveals quite the
opposite. Ned makes no secret of his absolute ignorance of the history of
the race when he was initially told that he was reporting on his first Tour
in 2003. Boulting takes the reader behind the scenes, warts and all. Not
many books can devote a whole chapter to the portable toilet facilities at
the Tour de France and get away with it! There are several laugh-out-loud
moments in the book, usually at the authors own expense but conversly
some deeply moving passages. Boulting does not follow a particularly path
and throughout the book he jumps from year to year, subject to subject.
BOULTING, Ned, How Cav Won the Green Jersey: Short Dispatches
from the 2011 Tour De France, 2012, Vintage Digital, 55 pp
Categories: Tour de France Annuals (2011 Tour) * Humour
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
This is really just the extra chapter that would normally be pinned on to
the next edition of the original How I Won The Yellow Jumper. Only now
it's been decoupled and sold off for a couple of quid a download. As with
Yellow Jumper the text here is interleaved with photographs. Back in the
dead tree format of Yellow Jumper the pictures were badly reproduced,
here they appear in all their low-fi digital glory. Overall, the whole thing
has the feel of a rather long blog post about it. (Source:
BOULTON, Jim, Wolverhampton Cycles and Cycling, 1988, Brian
Publications, 70 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
In the 1870s Wolverhampton became famous for the bicycle races. In 1886
it was the venue for the International Bicycle World Championships, such
was its stature. Like most towns, Wolverhampton had many cycling clubs
which organised many time trials. The Wolverhampton Racing Cycling
Club was founded in May 1938. Wolverhampton's best known racing
cyclist must be Hugh Porter who was four times World Pursuit Champion.
BOUVET, Philippe, CALLEWAERT, Pierre, GATELLIER, JeanLuc & LAGET, Serge, Paris-Roubaix, A Journey through Hell, 2007,
VeloPress, 223 pp, Foreword by Paul Sherwen
Categories: One-day Races * Photography
The authors have approached the race in a clever and unusual fashion.
Rather than following a chronology, the majority of the eleven chapters
are divided into different aspects of the race. These include: the
cobblestones themselves; the impact of the weather; messed-up finishes;
unexpected winners; the Roubaix velodrome; and a brilliant chapter
devoted to the effects of getting a flat tire. There is a gallery of the most
celebrated winners and the whole book is stuffed with marvellous photos
taken from the archives of L'Équipe. (Source:
BOUVET, Philippe, BRUNEL, Philippe, CALLEWAERT, Pierre &
GATELLIER, Jean-Luc, The Spring Classics, Cycling’s Greatest OneDay Races, 2010, VeloPress, 224 pp
Categories: One-day Races * Photography
This is essentially a pictorial history of one-day races. Yes, the title is a bit
misleading, as it includes all of the Monuments, including the Tour of
Lombardy, as well as Paris-Tours and other non-Spring races such as the
Classica San Sebastian. Translated expertly by Sam Abt, the book’s great
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
achievement is to bring a lifetime of photographic work to an audience that
doesn’t routinely read L’Equipe and other European papers. The Spring
Classics is more than 200 pages of images you’ve never seen. The histories
detailed are truly fascinating, but the images … the images gave me chills.
BOWDEN, Frank, Cycling for Health and Points for Cyclists, 1913,
The Criterion Press, 49 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Frank Bowden was born in Devon and made a fortune in the stock market
by the age of 24. Bowden took up cycling on his doctor's advice and bought
a bicycle from a small shop on Raleigh Street. He was so impressed with
his recovering health and the bicycle that he bought the company. (Source:
BOWDEN, Gregory H., The Story of the Raleigh Cycle, 1975, W.H.
Allen, 216 pp, Foreword by Alan Sillitoe
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
This book besides having information on the development of the Raleigh
bicycle and company details exploits of early riders and feats such as the
competitive riding around the coast of Great Britain to set records back in
the 1920s. Some info is told on some of the cycling greats who used
Raleigh bicycles and there was probably none greater than world record
holder Olympian Reg Harris. Raleigh in fact, has created all kinds of
bicycles including a road bike that was able to win the Tour de France and
has had prestigious cycling teams as well including the Levi Raleigh team.
(Source: Tom Plum, Customer Review,
BOWDEN, Kenneth, Cycle Racing, Temple Press, 1958, 157 pp,
Foreword by Reg Harris
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
This is a book containing up-to-date information and advice on the various
types of events: racing on road & track, time trialling, record breaking,
cyclo-cross, and on the choice of equipment, training and organization.
(Source: Howie Cohen)
Observation: a second edition was published the same year, with John
Matthews co-signing. The book was reprinted in 1965 (Foreword by Tom
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
BRADLEY, Michael, Lance Armstrong, 2004, Marshall Cavendish
Children's Books, 48 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
Table of Contents: Welcome to the club * Beating the odds * The big
fight * Tour de Lance * Piling it on * Five and beyond * Player statistics.
BRADY, Patrick, The No-Drop Zone: Everything You Need to Know
about the Peloton, Your Gear, and Riding Strong, 2011, Menasha Ridge
Press, 288 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Practical information necessary for new road cyclists to gain the
knowledge and skills to take them from buying their first bicycle to starting
their first race: how to handle the bike, perform minor maintenance, select
clothing and accessories, join clubs, and find events. The book also covers
every aspect of riding in a group. (Source:
BRANDT, Joseph, The bicycle wheel, 1981, Avocet, 150 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Accessories)
This is a book for any serious bicycle rider. If you choose to build your
own wheels, Brandt will teach you to that. If you buy your wheels, Brandt
will teach you to spec and maintain them. And if you're simply interested
in better understanding the function and physics of bicycle wheels, he'll
teach you that as well. Not a bad deal for one small volume. (Source:
review at
Observation: reprint in 1988 and 1993.
BRAUN, Eric, Cool BMX Racing Facts, 2011, Coughlan Publishing, 24
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Facts on unusual rules, record-setting athletes, and essential equipment.
BRAY, Stand P V, Awheel – The First Fifty Years of Solihull Cycling
Club (1929-85), 1986, privately published, 218 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
BRECKON, Michael, A Wheel in Two Worlds: The Ron Kitching Story,
1993, Ron Kitching, 325 pp
Categories: Biographies (United Kingdom) * Racing Bikes &
Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
An intimate biography of Ron Kitching, the man who started out as an
international racing cyclist and went on to introduce continental cycle
components to UK. It covers his life as a cyclist and businessman. In so
doing it provides a great commentary on Britain's social history, cycle
industry and business development from the 1930's to the 1990's. (Source:
BRERA, Gianni, The Giant and the File, 1993, privately published, 176
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Gears)
This is a biography of Tullio Campagnolo, founder of the bicycle
component company. It is a portrait of a brilliant, driven man whose
passion for cycling and invention overshadowed his role as a husband and
father. It is an interesting read, made somewhat more difficult by the dense,
allegory-laden prose (somewhat ham-handedly translated into English).
Observation: this book was never for sale but issued in a very limited gift
printing, and only sent to Campagnolo dealers.
BRIDGES, Jon, Easy Rider, A Kiwi’s Guido to Cycling, 2012, Penguin
NZ., 208 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Popular media personality Jon Bridges wants to take biking to the masses
– and have a good dose of fun along the way. His book outlines the many
joys of riding a bike in New Zealand, and provides a complete beginners'
guide – from riding for fun, to commuting, riding for fitness, mountain
biking and even racing. We learn about the reasons for, the reasons against
(there aren't any), the basics of buying a bike and getting started, riding in
New Zealand traffic, training and racing, safety and etiquette,
maintenance, gizmos, gadgets, Lycra – and so much more. Told with Jon's
amiable sense of comedy, boundless energy and passion for the subject,
and accompanied by illustrations and photographs throughout.
(Publisher’s Description)
BRIGGS, John, Hugo, Armstrong and me: travel, philosophy, literature
and a big beast of a bike race, 2004, Zeus Publications, 198 pp
Category: Tour de France Cult
This book takes the reader along the journey of Tour De France and
appeals to the travel market and those interested in a philosophical,
whimsical and humorous look at France. This book is very special in that
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
it captures the magic of Victor Hugo, France and the Tour de France. What
better way to explore France, mixing the author‘s personal passions of
literature, philosophy, art, wine, food and cycling? (Source: Publisher’s
BRILL, Marlene Targ, Marshall “Major”: World Champion Bicyclist,
1899-1901, 2007, Lerner Publishing, 112 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
Brill's accessible, personable prose vividly relates Taylor's experiences,
from the childhood trick-cycling gig that earned him his nickname, Major
(inspired by his military costume), to his later triumphs as the first black
world cycling champion. Darker moments are also covered, including his
painful struggles with racism and his eventual plunge into obscurity, where
he remained until after his death. Sidebars highlight American bicycleracing history and Jim Crow laws; visuals include archival photos and
ephemera. Dramatized segments add intimacy to the narrative and
throughout, this inspiring life story will engage children, whether or not
they are cycling enthusiasts. (Source:
BRITISH CYCLING FEDERATION, Cycling Centenary 1878-1978,
1978, BCF, 256 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
BROWNLEE, Nick, Vive Le Tour, Amazing Tales from the World’s
Greatest Bike Race, 2007, Anova Books, 208 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
In this absorbing collection of facts and anecdotes, the author takes us on
a journey through the world of professional cycling, focusing on the Tour
de France. Covering the history, present and future of this fascinating
world, Brownlee details the highs and lows; winners and losers and
triumphs and tragedies of this fast paced exciting sport. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
BRUNEL, Philippe, An Intimate Portrait of the Tour De France:
Masters & Slaves of the Road, 1996, Buonpane Publications, 155 pp
Categories: Tour de France (Highlights & Anecdotes) * Photography
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A collection of black-and-white images of cyclists having their legs
shaved, sharing post-stage baths, relaxing with their wives and being
delivered on gurneys for medical treatment. It is arranged as a series of
profiles of champions from Ottavio Botteccia to Miguel Indurain, taking
in Coppi, Bartali, Anquetil, Merckx and many others along the way. The
essays that give the book its structure are irritatingly hagiographical.
BRUNWIN, Douglas W, Annals of a Racing Cyclist, 1944, privately
published, 32 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Cronicals his racing and touring exploits from 1936 to 1943.
BRUNWIN, Douglas W, Britain’s “best all-rounder” cycling road time
trialist, Victor A Gibbons, Brentwood R C: The story of Gibbons and his
club's rise to success, 1953, Brentwood A.C., 60 pp
Categories: Biographies (United Kingdom) * Cycling Clubs
Booklet containing the story of Gibbons and of the Brentwood Road Club's
rise to success, written by its Honorary Time Trials Secretary. (Source:
Observation: a paperback edition was published in 1954 (The Gazette
BRUYNEEL, Johan & STRICKLAND, Bill, We Might As Well Win, On
the Road to Success with the Mastermind Behind a Record-Setting Eight
Tour De France Victories, 2008, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 272 pp
Category: Team Managers
"When Postal sponsorship stopped, I got a request from [US Postal
Service] to speak to a select group of employees. They wanted me to use
the team's philosophy as an example for running the Postal service. I never
did it at the time, but I thought if I could write about it in a book I could
explain it a lot better." The structure of the book reads more like a
management style guide than a sport biography. Then again, one of the
most common metaphorical duos in writing is the comparison of sport and
business. And in that sense, the structure does work. Though written in the
first person, much of the book reads like an interview in a magazine. There
is a clear avoidance of anything controversial. (Source:
BUDDS, Jonathan, Consumed, 2012, privately published, 293 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
The hero, Romain Mariani starts the novel as the world's sixty-third best
road racing cyclist. Sixty-two places above him is Hans Banquo, the
winner of seven Grand Tours, three of them French. Mariani's own
palmarès is not overly impressive. The novel opens somewhere in the
Pyrenees with Mariani 1'51" off the leader's jersey on the penultimate stage
of a short stage race. Much is about the central character making a decision
and learning to live with the unintended consequences. As a read, the pace
is rather pedestrian. Budds's depiction of Mariani's Eastern European home
is blackly humorous and in the book's final pages he comes up with some
scatological descriptions of Mariani's rivals in the novel's second race.
BURGWARDT, Carl F., Buffalo’s Bicycles: Reflections on Buffalo’s
Colossal and Overlooked Bicycle Heritage, 2001, Pedaling History
Bicycle Museum, 164 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
The author has carefully chosen, organised, and presented significant
historical facts of Buffalo, New York's bicycle industry and bicycling
records. He has added personal lore and period images, combining these
elements into a book that explores and showcases the nearly forgotten but
colorful times. You will learn the basic bicycle history background with
its emphasis on America's fervent development of the machine, the many
patents, the social aspects, the Good Roads Movement, and the exciting
racing. (Source:
BURKE, Ed (ed), Inside the Cyclist, Physiology for the two-wheeled
Athlete, 1979, Velo News, 160 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
A collection of articles from Edmund Burke, H.R. Perez and Patrick
Hodges first published in the pages of Velo-news.
Observation: the book was reprinted in 1982 (128 pp), 1984, 1986, (160
pp, revised edition) and 1987 (Countryman Press, 160 pp)
BURKE, John, One Last Great Thing, A Story of a Father and A Son, a
Story of a Life and a Legacy, 2012, Free Press, 146 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
John Burke is the president of Trek Bicycle Corporation and son of Trek
co-founder Richard “The Big Guy” Burke loved by many and before his
passing away in 2008, said he believed he was destined to do one last great
thing. Son John has fulfilled that fate by writing this powerful, honest, and
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
inspiring homage to his father, taking “readers deep into the history of Trek
and his father’s role in the success of the company” and showing “how his
father taught and trained him, and instilled in him the confidence and
desire to be a leader.” (Source:
BURNEY, Simon, Cyclo-Cross, 1990, Springfield Books, 168 pp
Category: Cyclo-cross
Definitely written for someone new to the sport. Yes it's outdated and very
basic but still a good resource. (Source: review at
Observation: VeloPress reprinted the book in 1996.
BURNEY, Simon, Cyclo-Cross, Training and Technique, 2007,
VeloPress, 208 pp, “Forward” by Richard Fries and “Crossword” by
Patrick (MadDog) O'Grady
Category: Cyclo-cross
In this updated, expanded guide, Simon Burney shows would-be cyclocrossers every aspect of this sport. Combining step-by-step descriptions
with photographs of elite riders at work, the book offers simple, thorough
explanations of everything from the basic skills of climbing, descending,
and bunny-hopping to advanced techniques. Equipment and bike fit,
nutrition and health, race-day strategies, and injury treatment and
prevention are some of the many topics covered in this inspiring, practical
guide. (Source:
BURNS, John, South Africa … where now? 1976, Kennedy Brothers
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Booklet distributed in 1976 to subscribers to International Cycle Sport
magazine. The British journalist dedicates a chapter entitled ‘The Black
BURROWS, Mike, Bicycle Design, Towards the Perfect Machine, 2000,
Alpenbooks, 160 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Racing Bikes)
Burrows is one of the few designers who have pushed bike design forward,
daring to challenge the conventions of his time. He has designed every
type of bike from record breaking machines to practical utility bikes. He
pioneered the carbon fibre monocoque racing bike, as ridden by Chris
Boardman to Olympic gold in 1992, and the compact road bike, now used
by the ONCE. Being a cyclist himself he never loses sight of the practical
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
implications of his designs, in fact the message of this book is that bike
design is a field unique to itself, where theoretical knowledge is imperfect
and engineering expertise has always to take second place to the practical
human issues (Source: Bikefix)
Observation: revised editions were published in 2004 (Pedal Press, 176
pp) and in 2008 (Snowbooks, 216 pp).
BURSTALL, Patricia, The Golden Age of the Bicycle, The World Wide
Story of Cycling in the 1890s, 2004, Paul Watkins, 280 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general)
In 1888 John Boyd Dunlop revolutionised cycling (and most other modes
of transport) by creating the pneumatic rubber tyre. With this invention,
bicycles became faster, easier and more comfortable to ride. So because
almost everyone from the ordinary working class man and woman to
royalty and the rich were purchasing bikes, bicycle manufacturers became
some of the worlds’ biggest companies. Within 10 years of its inception
Raleigh were employing 850 staff in its factory in Nottingham. Cycling
Clubs were springing up everywhere, racing became a popular and, for
some a lucrative pastime whilst touring across the world opened up new
cultures, challenges and eyes for the first time. Every fact about the period
is in the book from brakes to lighting problems and from individual
BURT, Joe, The eternal reek of damp wool, A Celebration of Ten Years
of Mint Sauce, 1998, Mountain Biking UK, 48 pp
Category: Cartoons, Comics & Graphic Novels
Retrospective of the most artistic, witty, resonant cartoons about mountain
biking. The strips have evolved from simple black and white panel strips
to the multi- coloured works of art they are today. The series is full of
symbolic references, long running jokes, drama, poetry, song lyrics, fine
landscapes, and some less than top form mountain biking. (Source:
BURTON, Beryl, Personal best, The Autobiography of Beryl Burton,
1986, Springfield Books, 182 pp
Category: Women’s Cycle Racing
Such was Beryl Burton's cycling prowess that for many years her records
gave a rather unusual impression of cycling. It appeared that this was a
sport in which women could not only compete against men, but beat them.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
She won the Best British All Rounder title 25 years in succession and took
seven world titles. And for two years her 12 hour record stood at a greater
distance than the men’s' record. Although in her early career she excelled
at all disciplines - she took world titles in the road race and individual
pursuit - it was time trialling to which she really devoted herself. At times
the book does become a bit of a list of results, but when she devotes more
time to actually writing about cycling, he account becomes electrifying.
Observations: reprints in 1995 (Springfield books and in 2008 and 2009
(Mercian Manuals).
BUTLER, Jonathan & ROMAIN, Joseph, Lance Armstrong, Series
“Champion Sport Biography”, 2001, Warwick House, 96 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
The Champion Sports Biography Series captures the life story of popular
athletes both today and the colourful history of sport. Written in an
accurate yet exciting narrative style, these books are ideal young adult
readers in their vocabulary and sentence structure levels of difficulty.
(Source: Editorial review)
BUZATTI, Dino, The Giro D’Italia: Coppi Vs. Bartali at the 1949 Tour
of Italy, 1998, VeloPress, 200 pp
Categories: Belles-Lettres * Stage Races
Dino Buzzati, one of Italy's great twentieth-century writers, was assigned
by Milan's newspaper, Il Corriere della Sera, to follow the 1949 Giro and
report on this great race. As an artist and humanist, Buzzati was anything
but a sports writer. Buzzati was given "free reign" by the paper to cover
the race in his own style. He did just this and has left us a masterpiece of
sports writing to savor more than half a century later. Buzzati's book is an
ode to the bicycle, a salute to a twentieth-century Italian renaissance, and
a eulogy to Bartali, a champion in the twilight of his years. (Source: Rick
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
CALLERY, Sean & THOMAS, Geraint, The Tour De France, 2012,
Collins Educational (Collins Big Cat), 80 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Tour de France (Overviews)
The Tour de France is the most famous cycling race in the world. Find out
how it began, what stages are involved and what prizes can be won in this
informative book, filled with fascinating stories and including personal
input from Tour de France cyclist Geraint Thomas. This series of books
offer fluent readers a complex, substantial text with challenging themes to
facilitate sustained comprehension, bridging the gap between a reading
programme and longer chapter books. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
CAMERON, Christopher David, Lance is back on the bike, An
outsider’s view of the 11th Tour Down Under, 2010, privately published,
193 pp
Categories: Stage Races * Biographies (USA)
Book about Lance’s return to racing in last years (2009) Tour Down
Under. It’s also about the race in general and the places it went through.
(Source: Chris Cameron)
CARD, Peter W., Joseph Lucas, The first "King of the Road", 1984,
Pinkerton Press, 64 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Joseph Lucas was one of the minor industrialists, or "little masters," of the
mid-19th century. In 1880, he received a patent for The King of the Road
bicycle lamp that made the company's name and fortune. This publication
is a reprint of a Joseph Lucas wholesale catalogue and was offered in
celebration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Lucas on 12th
April, 1834. This 1898 catalogue was chosen because it is early enough
to be interesting and late enough for variety. (Source: forword)
CARPANI, Enrico, Hein Verbruggen, Le Président – The President,
2005, La Buona Stampa, 145 pp
Category : Cycle Racing History (General Overviews)
“This book is a tribute to Hein Verbruggen, as a man, a president, but
above all as a great cycling lover."
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
CATER, Anne, The History of Twickenham C.C. 1893-1993, 1993, 16
Category: Cycling Clubs
This was a 'hand production' (and as such was all prepared on a home
computed and drawn off of a home printer) for the Club's Centenary
Dinner and presented to each guest at that Dinner. It includes info on past
Presidents, a report by 'The Bicycle' on the Club's 60th celebration dinner,
past Club Champions and Club Records. (Source: Anne Cater)
CAUNTER, Cyril Francis, The History and Development of Cycles as
illustrated by the collection of cycles in the Science Museum, Part 1:
Historical Survey, Her Majesty's Stationery Office / Ministry of
Education: Science Museum, 1955, 75 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
CAUNTER, Cyril Francis, Handbook of the Collection Illustrating
Cycles, Part 2: Catalogue of exhibits with descriptive notes. London: Her
Majesty's Stationery Office / Ministry of Education: Science Museum,
1958, 77 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
CAUNTER, Cyril Francis, The History and Development of Cycles (As
illustrated by the collection of cycles in the Science Museum), 1972,
London Science Museum, 72 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
This is a reprint of the 1955 publication with less advertisements and an
appendix of 2 pages covering developments since first published.
CAVENDISH, Mark, Boy Racer, 2009, Ebury Press, 283 pp
Categories: Biographies (United Kingdom) * Tour de France Annuals
The book is made up of three stories, the first two being an intertwined
telling of his growing up to become a pro cyclist with a blow-by-blow
account of the 2008 Tour de France, in which he won a remarkable four
stages. The last section is an epilogue, which covers his amazing 2009
season and adds a few surprises to the tale. His first successes were
overshadowed by his failure to win a medal at the Beijing Olympics, the
only British track rider to do so. He does not hold back about this in the
book and one can feel his anger and disappointment as he criticizes the
British cycling establishment. He writes with feeling about his relationship
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
with his fiancée and is happy to trash some of his competitors. (Source:
CAVENDISH, Mark, How to Win the World's Greatest Road Race
(Lives Less Ordinary), 2011, Kindle Edition, 313 KB
Category: Biographies (UK)
E-book extracted from Mark Cavendish's book Boy Racer.
CHAUNER, David & HALSTEAD, Michael, The Tour De France
Complete Book of Cycling, 1990, Vilard Books, 235 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycling
A comprehensive guide to the sport of cycling discusses training regimes,
bicycle maintenance and repair, body positions and biomechanics, bike
tours, and injury prevention, and includes tips from the pros. (Source:
Cycling in Chesterfield, 1973, privately published, 18 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
This booklet was produced by a member of the Chesterfield Spire Road
Club but it was not published as such. The booklet is about members of
the Spire club including various members’ results, mostly in local and
Club organised races. It was produced mainly for the members of
Chesterfield Spire Road Club. (Source: Stephen Bright, Club Chairman)
CHRISTOPHER, Matt, On the bike with … Lance Armstrong, 2003,
Little Brown Books for Young Readers, 112 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
Matt Christopher is the author of over a hundred sports books for kids. In
this book, Christopher not only describes the success of the champion
cyclist but how he overcame cancer to do it. How he fought back against
this life-threatening disease and went on to take the cycling world by
storm. (Source:
CHRISTOPHER, Matt & MEYER, Karin (Illustrator), Olympic
Dream, 1996, Little Brown & Co, 171 pp
Category: Juvenile Fiction
Lumpy and unathletic, 14-year-old Doug Cannon is faced with summer
vacation and nowhere to hang out. Somewhat reluctantly, he begins to help
the local organization of "Rails to Trails" convert an abandoned rail bed
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
into a bike path. A medical student and near Olympic-caliber cyclist
encourages Doug to take up cycling; by the end of October, he's gotten
into shape and wins a race. Christopher does a good job of presenting the
main character's early self-consciousness and eventual pride and
confidence. The title is a little deceiving, since the book has nothing to do
with the Olympics (they are a distant, hazy dream of Doug's). (Source:
Todd Morning, Schaumburg Township Public Library, IL, Copyright 1996
Reed Business Information, Inc.)
CIENCIN, Scott, BMX Blitz, 2011, Stone Arch Nooks, 56 pp
Category: Comics, Cartoons & Graphic Novels
Luke Lawless is the son of a famous NASCAR driver. Peter Hildebrand
has the best BMX gear that money can buy. Houston Morikami is the only
girl to win the state BMX title. So what do these three talented teens have
in common? They're all racing in the ultimate BMX competition, the
BMX-Blitzkrieg! The super-secret course has been kept under wraps, so
no one knows what to expect as the race begins. But somehow, the
shadowy Peter Hildebrand seems to know what's around every corner.
C.I.O.N. I. – Central Sports School – F.I.C., Cycling, 1972, privately
published, 271 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Design)
This work was one of the earliest to "scientifically" present several
methods of determining what would be proper bicycle fit for a riders
proportions including weight considerations. It even offered simplified
charts with recommendations based on general rider height and leg length
and included examples of bike frame geometry for road track or cyclocross racing. There were suggestions for an efficient cyclist's diet, a
training routine (with a blank chart which could be copied to track your
own progress), and a discussion of the "bio-mechanics of pedaling" to
maximize cycling efficiency. It also had beautifully reproduced
illustration. The first section of the book traced the development of the
bicycle from the first hobby-horses with two wheels to help explain how
we finally arrived at the efficient modern racing designs of the 1970s.
Observation: extracts of this book are freely accessible on-line at
CLEAVE, Chris, Gold, 2012, Sceptre, 384 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Novels/ Short Stories
British cyclists Zoe Castle and Kate Meadows are the world's top two
sprint cyclists. Which of the pair is number one, however, is a matter that
history hasn't quite settled, and it's a question that's heating up as the
London Olympics loom. Both are facing their last chance for Olympic
gold. Things are further complicated by a sudden Olympics rule change
whereby the sprint events are now limited to one competitor per country.
Only one of them is going to get to compete. But who? Cleave is very good
on the mechanics of velodrome cycling and the grueling training necessary
for it, and his supporting characters are fun and memorable.(Source:
Patrick Ness,
CLEMENTS, Frank, A Bike Ride Through My Life, 2011, Trafford
Publishing, 440 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
This book chronicles the life of the author with bicycles-following the
twists and turns that his life has taken in pursuit of his passion for riding.
Clements is the younger brother of Ernie Clements, winner of several
British Cycling Championships and a Silver Medal in the 1948 Olympic
Games Bicycle Race. Despite his love of cycling, he first chose to do
National Service in the RAF to establish a unique place for himself-and
spent virtually all of his final twelve months of service riding a bike. After
his tour of duty ended, he began training to become the best cyclist in the
world, his life's ambition. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
CLEMENTS, Jonathan, 48 and Counting, A Story of Money, Love and
Bicycling 2012, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 164 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
This novel traces amateur cyclist Max Whitfield through three eventful
seasons as his marriage collapses and he loses control of his business.
Unemployed and unsure what to do next, he throws himself into training
for a 40-mile bicycle race. (Source: barnesandnoble)
CLIFFORD, Peter A., The Tour De France, 1965, Stanley Paul, 192 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
A classic amongst early Tour books. (Source:
CLIFFORD, Peter, The History of the Tour of Britain, 1967, John
Butfield, 104 pp
Category: Stage Races
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A book loaded with great photos of the competition on the road during the
Milk Race (aka Tour of Britain). It covers all of the Tours from 1951
through 1966, and records the names and countries of hundreds of racemen from the period. (Source: Howie Cohen)
CLINE-RANSOME, Lesa & RANSOME, James E., (Illustrator),
Major Taylor, Champion Cyclist, 2004, Anne Schwartz/Atheneum, 40 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
A picture-book biography of Marshall Taylor. The account of his victory
over the French champion Edmond Jacquelin provides the book with its
climax. An afterword is frank about the difficulties the athlete encountered
after retiring from racing. Overall, the text is smoothly written and greatly
enhanced by Ransome's vivid and accomplished paintings. (Source:
Lauralyn Persson, Copyright © Reed Business Information)
COADY, Mary Frances, Champion on wheels: a biography of Jocelyn
Lovell, 1987, Irwin Pub, 95 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (Canada)
Before his near-fatal accident in 1983, Jocelyn Lovell had had a
remarkable string of cycling successes, a record that culminated in a silver
medal at the World Cycling Championships in 1978. Since his accident he
has emerged as a high-profile spokesman for the disabled. The author
places great emphasis on his younger years and the influences that drew
him to a racing career. Lovell's successes, marriage and business career are
portrayed. The latter part of the book deals with the aftermath of the
accident, his survival and his refusal to accept the idea of spending the rest
of his life in a wheelchair. (Source: Umanitoba, CM Archive)
COCHRANE, Liz, Legs, The Human Face of the Tour De France,
2007, Original Writing, 224 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
The Tour de France is in its third week when things turn nasty. A fatal
crash is just the first of a series of shocks. Rumours fly. Does the man in
the Yellow Jersey have a criminal past? A dozen contestants tell it as they
see it, revealing their all-too-human failings. Jo Bonnard’s TV
commentaries link their accounts and provide information on how the Tour
works. Jo believes one man is behind all the trouble. She accuses him, only
to learn that she too has human failings. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
OLYMPIAD, Résultats/ Results, Cyclisme/Cycling, 1980, 23 pp
Category: Olympic Games
Book published in a single French and English edition.
CONCONI, Francesco & PENAZZO, Sergio (Illustrator), Moser’s
Hour records: a Human and Scientific Adventure, 1991, Vitesse Press,
83 pp
Categories: The Hour, Time Trials & Records * Biographies (Italy)
This slender volume, written by Francesco Moser’s coach during the time
he set the world hour record on a Mexico City track, has extremely
illuminating passages on how the body works even for the introductory
level cyclist. His beautifully simple "Test Conconi" allows you to find your
anaerobic threshold using only your bike, a wind trainer, a stopwatch, and
a buddy with a pen and paper.
CONDOR CYCLES, Past Present Future, 2011, Condor, 146 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
A collection of essays and photo stories, celebrating Condor Cycles 65
year history. The book features anecdotes and interviews from riders,
racers and staff, with a mix of portrait, studio and archive photography.
And, of course, there are bikes, along with behind-the-scenes looks at
manufacturing and design processes. (Source: Joe Hall,
CONNOR, Jeff, Wide-eyed and Legless: Inside the Tour De France,
1988, Simon & Schuster, 212 pp
Categories: Cycle Racing Teams * Tour de France Annuals (1987 Tour)
Jeff Connor spent the 1987 Tour de France embedded with the British
ANC-Halfords squad. The book assumes the reader has virtually no
knowledge of cycling. What the book deftly delivers is the internal power
struggles of mixed nationality management and staff (British, Belgian,
German, French), creative financing (none of the riders received payment
due to the bankruptcy of the title sponsor during the Tour. The wholly
improbable cast of characters include: Brits Malcolm Elliot, Graham
Jones, Paul Watson, and Adrian Timmis, Aussie Shane Sutton, Czech
defector Kvetoslav Palov, Frenchmen Bernard Chesneau and Guy
Gallopin, and the scourge of Lance Armstrong, youthful Kiwi Steve Swart.
Off-the-back grumpies aptly sums up the collective mood of ANCHalford’s riders, mechanics, soigneurs, and director sportif, but what a
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
story they tell in the background of Delgado’s and Roche’s duel for Tour
de France supremacy. (Source: Bobke Strut)
CONNOR, Jeff, Field of Fire, A Summer of Suffering on the Tour De
France, 2007, Random House, 240 pp
Category: Pro-life
Journalist Jeff Connor had been invited to travel with the team and his
account of the great ANC adventure became a cycling classic. Now, 20
years on, and as the 2007 Tour makes a rare visit to Britain, Connor revisits
the scene of the crime, tracks down the 1987 participants and discovers
exactly how their fortunes were changed, some irrevocably, on the 'field
of fire'. Drawing on interviews with those involved in the ANC team and
flashbacks to 1987, the book tells a tale of sporting disillusionment,
heartbreak, anger and occasional humour. (Source:
COOKE Jim, John Boyd Dunlop, 2000, Dreolin Publications, 32 pp
Category: Racing bikes & Accessories (Accessories)
History of the man and his invention. Chapter 3 is titled “Racing success”.
COPE, W.E. & COWEN, C.W., Sharrow Cycling Club, Sheffield: Its
History and Work for 21 Years 1887-1908, 1908, Leng, 72 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
CORDON CHAMP, Robert, Sunbeam Centenary 1887-1987, 1987,
John Pinkerton, 24 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
CORNAND, Jan, Giro D’Italia, Tour of Italy, Kennedy Brothers
Category: Stage Races
Series of booklets loaded with great photos of the competition on the road,
the current competitors, the map route and much more. There are lists for;
(1) the names of the teams & individual riders, (2) the final GC results for
the individual riders, (3) the stage details day-by-day, and (4) the king of
the mountains results. (Source: Howie Cohen)
Jan Cornand published the following editions:
- 57 Giro D’Italia, Tour of Italy 1974, 64 pp
- 58 Giro D’Italia, Tour of Italy 1975, 64 pp
- 59 Giro D’Italia, Tour of Italy 1976, 164 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
CORTIS, H.L., Principles of Training Amateur Athletes, with special
regard to Bicyclists, 1880
Category: Cycle Racing History
By the Amateur Champion at all Distances, 1880 and holder of nearly all
the records. The text by Cortis made a clear distinction in its title by
targeting the amateur athlete, clearly wishing to distinguish the nature of
training which was still seen by some as something a gentleman did not
need to do. (Source: Hamish McDonald Telfer,
Observation: the author published two other Manuals subsequently of
which we assume that they did not have a special regard to cycling:
Principles of Training Amateur Athletes, Its Advantages and Evils in 1883
and Principles of Training Amateur Athletes in 1887 (publisher: Illife).
COSSU, Matteo, One Gear: Converting and Maintaining Single Speed
& Fixed Gear Bicycles, 2012, Gingko Press, 249 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Gears)
This book is a unique, much needed contribution to the single-speeds
culture that explains in simple, easy to understand language the steps
required for a beginning or intermediate bike mechanic to learn how to
rebuild and convert a geared bicycle into a slick, personalized fixie or
single-speed. Includes a chapter on Cinelli, De Rosa and Icarus. (Source:
COSTA, Angelo & BETTINI, Roberto, Sui Pedali (FR/EN/IT)
Categories: Yearbooks * Photography
Written almost entirely in English, this is a photographic record of the
1995 European Cycling season. The following editions have been
- 1994 Sui Pedali, 160 pp (introduction by Alfredo Martini)
- 1995 Sui Pedali, 160 pp
COSTA, Angelo, GATTI, Cristiano & STAGI, Pier Augusto, Mapei
Cubes of Glory, the Story of a Team Which Revolutionised Professional
Cycling, 2002, Prima Pagina Edizioni
Category: Cycle Racing Teams
COTTER, Alison, Cycling, 2002, Lucent Books, Series “History of
Sports”, 112 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
The book begins with the invention of the vehicle, describes the evolution
of an established sport, and sport stars and scandals. It ends with the latest
craze for mountain bikes. The series design is readable, with clear type,
black-and-white action photos, and useful sidebars. At the back are details
of awards and statistics, chapter notes, and bibliographies of books,
articles, and Internet sources. (Source: Hazel Rochman, American Library
COULSON, John, A Bit of an All-rounder, 40 years of Cycling
Photography, 2011, Mousehold Press, 120 pp
Category: Photography
Coulson describes a learned technique of panning the camera along the
trajectory of a speeding rider in order to produce an image of speed, yet
one that exhibits no motion blur. Coulson, by his own admission, exhibited
no great promise as a racing cyclist. John Coulson has an extra string to
his bow in that he is a superb writer. Though the author's introduction to
this book extends to a mere 15 landscape pages, the writing is of a standard
even more rarely seen than the level of photography that follows. The
photographs cover cycling in all its many forms, including road racing,
time-trialing, cyclo-cross and touring over the past forty years. These are
almost an historic and social catalogue of how the European side of cycling
COUTTS William Keppel Albemerle (Earl of) & HILLIER, George
Lacy, Cycling, The Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes, 1887,
Longmans, Green and Company, 459 pp
Category: Cycling History (By Country)
The book is an interesting look at sporting and customs during the
Victorian times. (Source:
Table of Contents: Introduction * Historical * Riding * Racing * Touring
* Training * Dress * Clubs * Tricycling for Ladies * Racing Paths * The
National Cyclists Union * The Cyclists Touring Club * Construction * The
Press and Cycling Literature * Index.
- The Badminton Series was published in three editions: the standard
trade edition in brown cloth, the deluxe edition and a large paper
edition limited to 250 copies. (Source:
- The book was reprinted in January 1889. A new edition, revised and
with additions was published in January 1891. It was reprinted, with
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
additions to Appendix bringing records up to date in January 1894. A
new edition followed in September 1895, thoroughly re-vised, with
many new illustrations and with records brought tip to January I, 1895.
Another reprinted was published in January 1896. (Sources: &
Throughout the various editions, the name of the first author needed
to be adapted to his current position. He was Earl of Albemarle and,
more particularly Viscount Bury (1851 -1891) and 7th Earl of
Albemarle from 1891 onwards (until his death in 1894). (Source:
The book is freely accessible online at
COWAN, Peter, Sun Cycles & Fittings Co. Ltd – A History 1885-1985,
1996, The Griffin Press, 80 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
COYLE, Daniel, Lance Armstrong’s War: One Man battle Against Fate,
Fame, Love, Death, Scandal, and a Few Other Rivals on the Road to the
Tour De France, 2005, Harper Collins, 326 pp
Categories: Biographies (USA) * Tour de France Annuals (2004 Tour)
Coyle moved to Armstrong's training base in Spain to cover the months
leading up to the cyclist's sixth Tour de France victory in 2004, and the
resulting comfort level of Coyle with his subject is palpable. Coyle sweeps
over the basics of Armstrong's Texas childhood and fight with cancer,
concentrating on his obsessive training—this is a sport where results are
measured in ounces and microseconds. (Source: Publishers Weekly)
Observation: This book was updated in 2009 (336 pp) and in 2010 (375
pp). “Another twenty-nine pages have been added at the back and a couple
of new piccies have been added in the middle. Hindsight hasn’t caused
Coyle to go back and change even a word of the original text”. (Source:
fmk, The English edition came with a different title
(Lance Armstrong Tour de Force, Tough Guys, flawed heroes and one
man’s battle for ultimate supremacy).
CRANE, Nicholas, International Cycling Guide
Category: Yearbooks
A bible that bicycle fans cannot ignore. After an introductory chapter on
bikes, the book provides, on a country by country basis, a clear and precise
overview of the Year 1980 (cycle racing and touring). The guide also
contains all the addresses of organisations proposing bicycle holidays,
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
reviews of international fairs and a summary of the major cycle races.
(Source: le magazine « Vélo »)
The following editions that have been published:
- International Cycling Guide 1980, 1980, Tantivy Press, 336 pp
- International Cycling Guide 1981, 1981, A.S. Barnes, 328 pp
- International Cycling Guide 1982, A.S. Barnes, 352 pp
- International Cycling Guide 1983, Tantivy Press, 336 pp (82
- International Cycling Guide 1984 , 1984, Tantivy, 336 pp (83
- International Cycling Guide 1985 , 1985, Tantivy, 336 pp (84
- International Cycling Guide 1985-1986, 1986, Baseline B, 264 pp
(1985 events)
CRIPPS, Cecil, Racing the Wind, Pedalling Towards 250 kilometres an
Hour, Those Demi-Fond Dare Devils, 1990, Vetsport Promotions, 192
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
This is the inspirational record of the thrilling, fate-tempting, dare-devil,
paced speed record feats performed between 1882 and 1990 by pedalling
champions from many nations.
CROWN, Judith & COLEMAN, Glenn, No Hands: The Rise and Fall
of the Schwinn Bicycle Company, 1996, Henry Holt, 350 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
In 1895 a German immigrant founded the Schwinn Bicycle Company in
Chicago, Illinois. After the invention of the automobile the sale of bicycles
in America declined and many of the more than 300 bicycle manufacturers
were in financial difficulty. Schwinn seized the opportunity to buy up these
troubled companies (and their valuable patents) and in the process built of
the best known brand names in the world. At one time Schwinn Bicycle
Company was as powerful and innovative as Apple is today. The book tells
the story of how this once powerful company was destroyed by
incompetent leadership in the 1980′s and was later forced into bankruptcy.
You will probably never find a better history of the bicycle industry than
in this book. You can read of how Schwinn dealt with competitors like
Raleigh and upstart companies like Shimano, Trek, Cannondale,
Specialized and Giant. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
CURTIS, Martin, Russell Mockridge, The Man in Front, 2008,
Melbourne Books, 240 pp
Category: Biographies (Australia)
In September 1958, only minutes into a professional road race, Australia’s
best cyclist, Russell Mockridge, was dead, his head and body crushed
under the wheels of a bus. The death of the Olympic Gold medal list and
Tour de France competitor was an embarrassment for cycling officials. On
the 50th anniversary of his death Melbourne journalist Martin Curtis
revisits his life and death. The author started researching and realised there
was a lot of misinformation circulating about Mockridge’s life and
death. He finds a literate, urbane, but shy man, an outsider in the roughand-tumble world of professional cycling. He also investigates
passionately held family views that the death was not properly
investigated. (Source:
CYCLING WEEKLY, Yearbook 1995, 1996, Dump, 192 pp
Category: Yearbook (1995)
This pocket yearbook covers the fast expanding sport of competitive
cycling. It contains a wealth of statistics, facts and figures from the season
just past, and has a preview of the coming year's season, with some of the
best action photographs from "Cycling Weekly". There are profiles of top
riders, the names which have made it in the last 12 months, and the names
to watch for the future, along with special features on non-racing events,
such as the Brighton Ride and the York Rally. (Source:
CZERULA, Nick, Richard Sachs Bicycle Maker, 2011, Nick Cerzula
Creative, 110 pp
Categories: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Custom & Hand Built Bikes)
* Photography
As a youngster, Richard Sachs could not easily separate his enthusiasm for
bicycle racing from the interest he had in the equipment used by the top
athletes of the day. With a balance of dedication and perseverance, he
pursued his competitive cycling as well as his choice of a framebuilder’s
life. In the meantime, he has gained respect as one of the finest builders of
custom bicycles in the world. Included are over 100 pages and 120 images
of Richard making frames, designing them, assembling them into finished
bicycles, as well as racing them all fall. “The book has few words yet many
nuances to keeps the viewer engaged and looking for the next visual treat,"
said the author.” What I want to do is offer you a glimpse into his world,
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
a collection of private and public moments. Follow along as he builds,
races, and lives bicycles.” (Sources: &
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
DAFFERN, Eileen, Tour De France, 1976, Blackie & Son, 33 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * Tour de France History (Overviews)
The original, French version of this booklet was part of a series entitled
“Bibliothèque de Travail” that was started already in 1932 and was meant
to educate juveniles by providing them with quality information on a wide
range of subjects.
DALY, Tom, The Ras, The Story of Irelands’ Unique Bike Race, 2003,
The Collins Press, 340 pp
Category: Stage Races
What cannot be denied is Daly's enthusiasm for the Ras. He tells of the
race’s major figures, men such as Shay O’Hanlon, Gene Mangan, Joe
Christle, Paddy Flanagan and others; the invitation of a Russian team, of a
French team during the years when the UCI still failed to officially
recognise the NCA, in order to give the local teams at least a flavour of
international competition; of the eventual compromise between the CRE
and NCA to bringing the Ras forward as a UCI sanctioned event in 1990.
(Source: thewashingmachinepost)
Observation: a paperback edition was published in 2012 (352 pp).
DANIELL, Mike, Five-four-three-two-one, 1971, Kennedy Brothers, 47
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
Includes the history of Time Trialing, techniques, information about some
of the great Time Trialists of the past, and more. (Source: Howie Cohen)
DAUNCEY, Hugh & HARE, GEOFF (eds), The Tour De France,
1903-2003: A Century of Sporting Structures, Meanings and Values,
Sport in the Global Society Series. 2003, Frank Cass, 289 pp, Foreword
by Eugen Weber
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
Written by academic specialists from France, USA and Britain, the work
analyses the Tour de France over its long history both as France's most
prestigious and famous sporting event and as a European and, increasingly,
a world cycling competition. It provides interdisciplinary and varied
perspectives on the sporting, cultural, social, economic and political
significance of the Tour. (Source: Geoof Hare)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Table of Contents: 1. The Tour De France: a pre-modern contest in a postmodern context, (Hugh Dauncey and Geoff Hare) - 2. The changing
organisation of the Tour De France and its media coverage - an interview
with race director Jean-Marie Leblanc (Dominique Marchetti) - 3. The
Tour De France and cycling's Belle Epoque (Philippe Gaboriau) - 4. The
Tour in the Inter-War years (Christopher Thompson) - 5. The Economics
of the Tour 1930-2003 (Eric Reed) - 6. The Tour as an agent of change in
media production (Fabien Wille) - 7. Beating the bounds: the Tour and
the creation of national identity (Christophe Campos) - 8. French cycling
heroes of the Tour: Winners and Losers (Hugh Dauncey) - 9. Se faire
naturaliser cycliste - The Tour and its non-French competitors (John
Marks) - 10. The Tour De France and the doping issue (Patrick Mignon)
- 11. A côté du Tour - ambushing the Tour for political and social causes
(Jean-François Polo) - 12. Chronology of the Tour 1902-2003.
Observations: this publication first appeared as a special issue of the
International Journal of the History of Sports.
DAUNCEY, Hugh, French Cycling, A Social and Cultural History,
2012, Liverpool University Press, 256 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
This volume aims to provide a balanced and detailed survey of the complex
sports and hobby industry that is cycling in France. By identifying key
events, practices, stakeholders, and institutions in the history of French
cycling, the author presents an interdisciplinary look at how cycling has
been significant in French society and culture since the late nineteenth
century. French Cycling presents its arguments in clear language and uses
a wide range of sources, making it an essential contribution to the study of
French popular culture since 1900. (Source:
DAVID, Jack, BMX Racing, 2007, Bellwether Media, 24 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Readers will explore the history of BMX racing, the tactics that help win
a race, and how the popularity of the sport has grown over the last few
years. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
DAVID, Stéphane, The Cycling Yearbook 2004-2005, 2004,
Chronosports, 176 pp
Category: Yearbooks (2004)
Describes the major races of the cycling season worldwide including major
European events, from the Tour de France and Giro to the Vuelta. It
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
includes the story of the races, and details the results of all stages with
detailed statistics. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
DAVIDSON, Alan & McGURN, Jim, Encycleopedia 2001:
International Guide to Alternatives in Cycling, 2000, Overlook TP, 168 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
Running to six editions, more or less annually in the late 1990’s,
Encycleopedia became an essential reference work for those purchasing or
researching anything from a child’s tricycle to an electrically-assisted
pantechni-quad. Then parent company Open Road crashed and
Encycleopedia ceased to be. Alan Davidson has fought to bring it back
from the grave. This full-color aficionado's guide from the publishers of
Bike Culture Quarterly provides all of the essential information, including
where to buy, and manufacturers' profiles on all the cutting edge cycles,
both the one-of-a-kind models and new models that have gone into mass
production. The number of alternatives to yesteryear's traditional bicycle
design - and the sheer magnitude of accessories to accompany them - is
astonishing, and they're all here in this tour-de-force compendium.
(Sources: & Publisher’s Description)
DAVIDSON, Alan, Encycleopedia 2002-2003, Encycleopedia &
Alpenbooks Press, 90 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
Effectively compiled by a husband and wife team, the new edition is
smaller but it’s the same old gold mine of information. Beside the product
entries, there’s a wealth of features from some familiar faces – cycle
mapping by Cycle City Guides (hi, Martin), trailers from Two Plus Two
(how are things, Stuart?), HPVs by Richard Ballantine, Karta Singh on
whatever it is that Karta does best, and so on and so forth. (Source:
DAVISON, Liam, The Velodrome, 1988, Allen & Unwin, 137 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
Leon's father viewed the world from his air traffic control tower, but it is
from under the velodrome that young Leon sees his father and the bikes
tumbling down to the bottom, the riders helplessly tangled and twisted
with their machines. Even on their long journey North, the velodrome is
never far from Leon's consciousness. The sturdy Sam Ballard is a constant
reminder as he pedals his racing bike furiously behind the car on its long
journey, as is Eric, crippled in the fatal crash at the story's start. Eric
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
collects facts, and the debate between facts and history, history versus
possibilities, recollection versus reality, is at the heart of both the journey
and this intriguing novel. Spare, compressed and powerful. (Source:
Dustjacket synopsis)
DAWSON, Samuel, Incidents in the Course of a Long Cycling Career,
1906, Beeley Brothers, 152 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Observation : This book is freely accessible online at
DAWSON, William B, Lands’ End to John o’ Groats, 1934, Cunliffe
Brothers, 254 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
William Dawson was a keen cyclist and a turner by trade. At the time of
setting out to cycle End to End he had been out of work for two years due
to the depression. I imagine part of the motivation to undertake the trip
was to try to make a bit of money from publishing a book: he had
previously published a local walking guide. There was already an
established tradition of cycling from Land’s End to John O’Groats by this
time, with a recognised route to follow. At the time this book was written
the record was held by J W Rossiter, in a time of 2 days 13 hours 22
minutes. Dawson’s journey was altogether more leisurely, undertaken on
a bike rescued from scrap. He had a keen interest in church architecture
(but not in religion), but what makes the book so entertaining is his dry
and anarchic sense of humour. (Source:
DAYNES, Katie, BERNSTEIN, Galia (Illustrator) & DAY, Caroline
(Illustrator), Cycling, 2012, Usborne Publishing, 50 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
This is an easy-to-follow, fact-packed guide to all the major cycling events
- in the velodrome, on the road, off-road and BMX racing. It is packed
with fascinating information about different types of bikes, biking
equipment, and where events take place. Clear illustrations show the
tracks, race routes and techniques. It is highly suitable for the Olympics
2012, but also for other championships, including the Tour de France and
the BMX World Cup series. (Source:
DAZAT, Ollivier, Cycling Legends, 2002, VeloPress, 28 pp
Category: Photography
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Drawing from rare historical archives, this collection reveals a century of
cycling heroism in beautiful prints suitable for framing. Also included is
an eight-page booklet that details each of the 20 photographs including the
race, date, location, and cyclists, as well as stories that bring these
extraordinary images to life. The photos come in a slipcased oversize
portfolio printed on high-quality glossy-finish art board. (Source:
DE BODE, Chris, Chris De Bode: Tour Du Monde, Colombia, Cuba,
Senegal, Eritrea, Qatar, China' , 2008, Schilt Publishing, 144 pp,
Foreword by Jeroen Willaert
Category: Photography
A Dutch photographer documents the vagaries of gritty second and third
tier annual bike races in places like Senegal, Qatar, Columbia, and Cuba.
His camera is usually not aimed at the finish, the breakaway group or the
peloton, but instead at the spectators on the sides of the road and in the
neighbourhood of the track. Bilingual book (English & Dutch). (Source:
DEERING, John, Team on the Run: The Inside Story of the Linda
McCartney Pro Cycling Team, 2002, Mainstream Publishing, 224 pp,
Foreword by Sean Yates
Category: Cycling Teams
Around the end of 1997 someone had the excellent marketing notion of
having the Linda McCartney range of vegetarian foods sponsor a cycle
team. The premise was, what could be a better example of how healthy a
vegetarian lifestyle was, or could be, if a top level team was developed that
would eventually compete in the Tour de France that was sponsored by the
Linda McCartney Foods Company? One of the major kudos behind such
a venture was that all the riders, mechanics, administrative staff etc., would
be vegetarian. So a team was created that was to compete in major UK
races before taking in continental racing. John Deering became the team's
press officer. With a very neat line in self-deprecating humour, he has
managed to describe the team's joys and successes. (Source: Cyclingnews)
DEERING, John, Bradley Wiggins, Tour De Force, 2012, Birinn, 256
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom) * Tour de France Annuals
(Tour 2012)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
In this captivating and insightful narrative, Wiggins’ old friend and
colleague John Deering sets this story against the backdrop of Wiggins’
crushing Tour victory, his races along the thousands of kilometers of
French tarmac, telling the tale of his brutal procession from Liège to Paris
in counterpoint to his fascinating life. From a Kilburn council estate to the
Champs Elysees via the Olympics, Paul Weller and the world’s most
glorious sideburns, the legend of Bradley Wiggins is unraveled like never
before. (Source:
DE KEYSER, Paul, Velo, Vélo Travel Marketing
Category: Yearbooks * Statistics
The Velo books are a monument in cycling literature – its “bible” some
even say. From the year 1956 onwards, it has been providing the cycle
racing community with a comprehensive overview of all the results of the
previous season’s official races. Over the years, the data included has been
supplemented with other informative data. Today, there are more than 20
sections packed into the volumes, with over half dedicated to professional
male road riders, and the rest split between women's road racing,
U23/amateur/junior road racing, track racing, cyclo-cross, mountain
biking, artistic cycling, and even an "in memoriam" section. In terms of
results, you can find everything that's on the UCI calendar in varying
degrees of detail. Hundreds of photos are spread throughout the book to
alleviate the dryness of it all. (Source: cyclingnews)
From 2010 onwards, Velo has been published in three languages (French,
Dutch and English) and each edition now consists of two volumes.
- Vélo 2010, 808 pp
- Vélo 2011, 808 pp
- Vélo 2012, 864 pp
Observation: a comprehensive list of the VELO Annuals can be found in
the bibliography of French language books published by one of the coauthors of this book (WILMS, Wilfried, Bibliographie Cycliste, Un guide
des livres sur le cyclisme professionel, 2012, L’Harmattan, under
“JACOBS, René & MAHAU, Hector”).
DELANZY, Eric, Inside the Tour De France: The Pictures, the Legends
and the Untold Stories of the World’s most beloved Bicycle Race, 2006,
Rodale Books, 240 pp
Categories: Tour de France (Overviews) * Photography
With rare access to the remarkable photo archive of the Tour de France,
this volume captures through stunning images and moving vignettes the
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
breathtaking drama, heartbreak, and joy of the event. Created with the
endorsement of the Tour organization and carrying the official Tour De
France logo, this rich anecdotal and photographic history depicts, both the
classic, almost mythic tales that have defined the event over the years, and
the rare, untold glimpses from behind the scenes. (Source:
DE LATOUR, René, World Champions I have known, 1970, Kennedy
Brothers, 36 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Champions)
The cycling stars featured in this publication include: Rik Van Looy, Reg
Harris, Fausto Coppi, Lucien Michard, Jeff Scherens, Bill Bailey, Louison
Bobet, Tom Simpson, Alfredo Binda, Victor Linart, Bob Spears, Ferdi
Kubler and Rik van Steenbergen. Included in the booklet are many quality
photographs of the famous racers. (Source: Howie Cowen)
DEMAUS, A.B. & TARRING, J.C., The Humber Story, 1868-1932,
1989, Alan Sutton, 168 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
This book contains a full technical history and chronological table of all
models manufactured, and production details. There are over 100 original
black-and-white photographs. (Source: eBay)
Table of Contents: Acknowledgements * From Pedals to Motors * The
Motor Cycles * The Dawn of the Motor Car * Edwardian Optimism *
Edwardian Caution * On Road and Track * Diversity and Diversions *
Established Conservatism * The Seeds of Change * The Humber Register
* Appendices.
DENISON, Merill, C.C.M. – The Story of the First Fifty Years, 1946,
McLaren and McCaul Limited, 59 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
A record of the Canada Cycle and Motor Company Limited.
DENSON, Vin, The Full Cycle, 2008, Mousehold Press, 164 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Vin Denson, strangely referred to as 'Vic throughout his overseas career,
was one of those top Brits who spend much of his time racing for and with
the greats on mainland Europe. We can all read about Henri Anglade
(Pelforth), Rik Van Looy (Solo Superia) and Jacques Anquetil (Ford
France/Bic), but Denson was one who rode for all three and paints a far
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
less dramatic picture of his experiences than nostalgia would perhaps have
us believe. Denson had those extra cojones that dragged him from the
parochial stage to that of the international. He rode the Tour de France in
1961 as an independent, again three years later as a professional and for
the last time in 1968. Along the way Denson took part in the major classics.
The man can write of his exploits entertainingly and recollectively. The
book is particularly well illustrated: (Source : thewashingmachinepost)
DICKENS, Frank, A Curl Up and Die Day, 1980, PP Owen, 152 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
The author's first novel which has cycle racing as a background to a fastmoving thriller. (Source: AbeBooks)
DICKENS, Frank, Three Cheers for the Good Guys, 1980, Peter Owen,
234 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
Novel set in the world of Olympic Cycle Racing and intrigue with
heavyweight Swedes. Dicks is a cycle-racing fanatic, a former rider whose
career ended abruptly at the Rome Olympics. His obsession with sport and
openness to events lead him effortlessly into complicated circumstances.
This absorbing mystery proves Frank Dickens to be a natural writer with
a mastery of dialogue. The Italian and Sardinian backgrounds are
strikingly well realized, while Dicks himself is an original and immensely
appealing hero, swept along by a tide of events more fast-moving and
dangerous than any cycle race. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
Observation: also published by Macmillan in 1984.
DINEEN, Robert, Reg Harris, The Rise and Fall of Britain’s Greatest
Cyclist, 2012, Ebury Press, 352 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Competing in a sport that had long been dominated by competitors from
mainland Europe, Reg Harris had soon won his first world title, and
entered the 1948 Olympic Games in London as Britain's brightest hope for
gold. Days before his races, he was thrown out of the team by the cycling
authorities in a row that dominated coverage of the Games, only for public
opinion to bring about his reinstatement. He went on to produce the most
successful individual performance of any Briton, winning two silver
medals in dramatic circumstances that are recreated in this book, with firsthand accounts from supporters, competitors and officials. Wealth and fame
allowed him to feed his insatiable appetite for beautiful women, fine wine
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
and fast cars. In the 1970s, he staged an incredible comeback when he won
the British Championship aged 54. However, the truth to this achievement
was not quite as he claimed. This was the case with many of the defining
moments in his life. Using exhaustive new research, including interviews
with those who knew Harris intimately, Robert Dineen has explored such
complexities to uncover a remarkable tale. (Source:
DITCHFIELD, Christin, Cycling, 2000, Children’s Press, Series “True
Books: Sports”, 47 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
Ideal for today's young investigative reader, each A True Book includes
lively sidebars, a glossary and index, plus a comprehensive "To Find Out
More" section listing books, organizations, and Internet sites. (Source:
DOEDEN, Matt, Lance Armstrong, 2006, Lerner Publishing, Sports,
Heroes and Legends Series, 112 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
Table of Contents: Prologue: Comeback kid * Humble beginnings *
Junior * Growing pains *- Rising star * Life and death * Back on the bike
* Comeback complete * Defending the title * Cycling legend * Record
setter * Epilogue: Moving on. (Source: classic.mylibrairyworld)
DODGE, Pryor, The Bicycle, 1996, Flammarion, 224 pp
Categories: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general) *
Collectibles & Memorabilia
This is a truly sumptuous book, based on the author’s extraordinary
collection of bicycles and cycle-related ephemera. There are hundreds of
pictures – from the early velocipedes and Draisnes, to the promotional
material to period shots of them in use. Every page is illustrated, mostly in
colour and entire double page spreads. Accompanying the photographers
are a scholarly account of cycling from earliest times, including the social
developments that accompanied the first cycling boom, cycling
organisations and the industrial backstory to the Victorian and Edwardian
bike craze. The period up to about 1920 is lavishly covered. (Source:
DONOVAN, Sandra & DONOVAN, Sandy, Lance Armstrong, 2004,
First Avenue Editions, Series “Amazing Athletes”, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
This biography only touches on the most well-known facts about
Armstrong's life. The main focus is on his professional bicycling career.
Donovan emphasises the fact that although Armstrong has had repeated
setbacks – the largest being his bout with cancer – he has never given up.
The text is unabashedly laudatory and the uncluttered page layout and fullcolour photos are appealing. (Source: Donna Cardon)
DONOVAN, Sandra, Cool BMX Racing Facts, 2011, Capstone, 24 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Table of Contents: Extreme Biking * Cool History * Coo Equipment *
Coll Racing Skills * Coll Records * Glossary * Read More * Internet Sites.
DRAKE, Geoff & OCHOWICZ, Jim, Team 7-Eleven, America’s
Greatest Cycling Team, 2011, VeloPress, 352 pp
Category: Cycle Racing Teams
Founded in 1981 by Jim Ochowicz and Olympic medalist Eric Heiden, the
7-Eleven team rounded up the best amateur cyclists in North America and
formed them into a cohesive, European-style cycling team. As amateurs,
they dominated the American race scene and won seven medals at the 1984
Olympic Games in Los Angeles. As professionals, beginning in 1985, the
team went to Europe, putting Americans on the podium in landmark
victories that would change the face of American cycling forever.
Prepared with the enthusiastic cooperation of the team members and coauthored by the team’s founder. (Source:
DU CROS, Sir Arthur, Wheels of Fortune, A Salute to Pioneers, 1938,
Chapman & Hall, 316 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
This book has been written to honour the memory of Robert William
Thomson of Edinburgh, inventor of the pneumatic tyre in 1845.
DUGARD, Martin, Chasing Lance, The 2005 Tour De France and
Lance Armstrong’s Ride of a Lifetime, 2005, Little, Brown and Company
(also Time Warner Books, 240 pp), 256 pp
Categories: Biographies (USA) * Tour de France Annuals (2005 Tour)
Dugard takes us on our own ride through the French countryside with just
the right amount of French history sprinkled into each chapter. Dugard
mostly uses the numbered stages to organise the book. The reader comes
away with a very good feel for the French people, the Tour's organisation
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
and the press mayhem at the end of each stage. While the book claims a
lot of insight into Lance's thinking, it mostly comes through other athletes
and supporters as it becomes clear Armstrong isn't the easiest one to track
down. (Source:
Books of Peter DUKER
Mr. Duker appeared to be set up for a future in the family business, but
after going through a succession of schools and working in the brewing
industry, he threw it aside at the age of 22 to become a traditional jazz
musician. His band still exists. After doing this from 1955 to 1966, he
went through a whole series of jobs, including journalism, and changed his
surname from Deuchar to the more easily-pronounced and less-Scottish
Duker. In 1954 he competed in the 1954 Circuit of Britain and
rediscovered competitive cycling in the 1960s. (Source:
DUKER, Peter & PENAZZO, S. (Photography), Tour of Italy 1978,
61st Giro d’Italia, 1978, Kennedy Brothers, 64 pp
Category: Stage Races
Gives a detailed account of the 1978 edition of the Tour of Italy, along
with numerous pictures in both black and white and colour. This paperback
book includes a small map of the route and all the results. (Source: eBay)
DUKER, Peter & RUYS, Charles, Tour De France 1978, Kennedy
Brothers, 68 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1978 Tour)
Gives a detailed account of the 1978 edition of the Tour de France, along
with numerous pictures in both black and white and colour. This paperback
book includes a small map of the route and all the results. (Source: eBay)
DUKER, Peter, The TI-Raleigh Story, 1979, Midland Letterpress, 48 pp
Categories: Cycle Racing Teams * Yearbooks (1979)
Covers the all-conquering TI Raleigh team during the 1976, '77, '78 and
'79 seasons. (Source:
DUKER, Peter, Coppi, 1982, New Horizon, 92 pp
Category: Biographies (Italy)
First English-language biography of Fausto Coppi.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
DUKER, Peter, Sting in the Tail, By Racing Bicycle around the World,
1973, Pelham Books, 174 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
The title refers, of course, to the fact that no matter how carefully you plan
your route, when you are tired and near the end of your ride, you feel the
sting, which could be a brutal headwind or a harder-than-expected climb.
Mr. Duker hit upon the idea of taking a racing bike around the world,
intending to set records for speed and distance along the way. His
humorous book is based on notes he scribbled during the trip. The real
story begins when he reaches Iran, and then into a whole series of Third
World adventures. His goal is to ride as fast as he can and anything that
stands between him and this object, or, surprisingly, between him and his
nightly alcohol, is an obstacle to be overcome. The story is not all grim as
he does meet with kindness along the way. Peter Duker’s arrival in the
United States coincided with the ten-speed bike boom. Laughing at
American bike culture, he left from Santa Monica to ensure a coast-tocoast record. (Source:
DUNCAN, Herbert Osbaldeston & VAVIN, Ernest, The World on
Wheels, 1927, 2 Volumes, 1200 pp
Categories: Biographies (United Kingdom)
This book is mainly about automobiles beginning with the origin of the
wheel. It is worthwhile mentioning though because it includes a biography
of the author who was one of the key persons from the early history of
cycle racing both in the United Kingdom and in France.
DUNIECQ, Jacques, Tour De France, 1972, 1972, Kennedy Brothers,
64 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1972 Tour)
Gives an account of the 1972 edition of the Tour de France, along with
numerous pictures. The book also includes a short summary of each stage.
It does, of course, pay much attention to the only “real” English racer who
participated at this edition of the Tour, Barry Hoban (the other British
DUNIECQ, Jacques, Tour De France, 1977, 1977, Kennedy Brothers,
64 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1977 Tour)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Gives a detailed account of the 1977 edition of the Tour de France, along
with numerous pictures in both black and white and colour. This paperback
book includes a small map of the route and all the results. (Source: eBay)
DUNSTAN, Keith, The Confessions of a Bicycle Nut, 1999, Crown
Content Pty, 258 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
Keith Dunstan, self-confessed bicycle nut, takes fellow addicts down
memory lane with this historical and autobiographical account of the world
of cycling. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
DURRY, Jean & WADLEY, John B., The Guinness guide to bicycling,
1977, Guinness Superlatives Ltd , 218 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
The book begins with a history of bicycles and bicycle racing, from the
velocipedes in the early nineteenth century, through the penny farthings,
and on to the present. After that, the book goes on to discuss the many
styles of bikes, gives information on bicycling and bike racing. Along the
way the reader is treated to many color and black-and-white pictures. The
history part of the book is really great, but the rest of it, being so out-ofdate is probably only of interest to hard-core bicycle enthusiasts or
collectors. (Source: Kurt A. Johnson, review at
DWYER, Daniel J., Prominent wheelmen, and Bicycle Club Directory,
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
This books starts with a survey of the history of the bicycle and the League
of American Wheelmen. It elaborates on various bicycle clubs and
includes, moreover, short biographies and pictures of a wide range of
personalities involved in the Massachusetts cycle racing scene, including
racers, journalists, presidents of cycle clubs, etc.
Observation: This book is freely accessible online at
DZIERZAK, Lou & HACKET, Jeff (Photography), Schwinn, 2002,
MVP Books, 96 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories
Comprehensive overview of the Schwinn bikes. The book includes
chapters on the early history, balloon-tire bikes, middle-weights,
lightweights, Stingrays and Krates, and the modern era of mountain bikes,
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
road bikes, BMX, and the return of the Black Phantom. (Source: William
C. Stoeffhaas, review at
DZIERZAK, Lou, The Evolution of American Bicycle Racing, 2007,
FalconGuides, 242 pp, Foreword by Phill Liggett, Afterword by Jonathan
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
This book not only documents the glorious history of American cycling
but also its flourishing future. Included are chapters on six day races, road
racing, track racing, BMX, mountain bike racing, cyclo-cross, and a step
over the pond to some famous European classics being won by an
unprecedented number of Americans, including the Tour de France. Good
visual support from each era of cycling with historic and current
photography. Sidebars containing oral history from key players in all
specialties. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
EDWARDS, H.H., Cycling 1839-1939, 1939, John Players & Sons
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
Stampalbum with 50-cards which were originally attached to packs of
cigarettes and collected much as folks collect baseball cards today. The
maker was John Player & Sons, a branch of the Imperial Tobacco Co. of
Great Britain and Ireland Ltd. The series begins with the first pedestrian
hobby horse bicycle seen in Paris in 1816 and traces the development of
bicycles up to 1939. Showing tandems, racing, tricycles, saddles and even
bicycle polo. The reverse side of each of the cards has an informative text
with history, dates, and more. (Source:
EDWORTHY, Sarah, 21 Days to Glory, The Official Team Sky Book of
the 2012 Tour De France, 2012, HarperCollins, 192 pp, Foreword by
Dave Brailsford
Categories: Tour de France Annuals (2012 Tour) * Cycling Teams
21 Days to Glory is Team Sky’s official account of Bradley Wiggins’
victory in the 2012 Tour de France; written by noted journalist and author
Sarah Edworthy, with pictures by Scott Mitchell. As Napoleon apparently
said, history is written by the winners, which I guess makes this the true
story of the 2012 Tour. The book follows the race from the Liège,
Belgium, prologue, all the way to the final stage on the Champs-Élysées
in Paris. Each day explains the events of the stage, with reactions from
riders and management. Since this is the official story, however, what you
get is the official story; what you don’t get are the juicy details. What you
do get though, are tons of fantastic, behind the scenes pictures from the
team’s official photographer. (Source:
EISELE, Otto, Otto Eisele’s Cycling Almanac, 1950, 47 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
The following editions have been published:
- Cycling Almanac, 1950, 47 pp
- Cycling Almanac, 1951
- Cycling Almanac, 1952, 64 pp
- Cycling Almanac, 1953, 64 pp
Observation: a 1954 edition would seem to have been published as well.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
EJNES, Gérard, Alpe d’Huez, The Legend, 2003, VeloPress, 96 pp
Categories: Mountains & Climbers * Photography
Collection of photos providing a nice history of Alpe d'Huez's place in
Tour de France history. Much of the text is taken from journalist columns
over the years. The book does not present material in a consistent
chronological order; it basically starts with the first stage and ends with
Lance, but it jumps around in the middle. The book did try to strike a
balance between different angles and the highlights of Alpe d'Huez have
been captured. (Source: review at
ELLESTON, Michael, Glossary of Cycling Terms, 1997, privately
published, 68 pp
Category: Dictionaries & Glossaries
ELLIOTT, Christine & JABLONKA, David, Custom Bicycles, A
Passionate Approach, 2012, Images Publishing Group, 240 pp, Foreword
by Phil Liggett
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Custom & Hand Built Bicycles)
The book features 39 builders from Australia, Europe and the United
States. Colourful photos of handcrafted bicycles fill up over 200 pages.
The featured companies are often one- to two-man operations in a single
workshop with the only guide being experience and an innovative mind.
The book is more than your average coffee table centerpiece. Through
attractive and interesting photography, the book illustrates the artistry of
handcrafted bicycles. However, for those that are not savvy with all the
technical jargon of bike mechanics, it may be difficult to fully appreciate.
ELLIOTT, Malcolm & CONOR, Jeff, Sprinter: The Life and Times of
a Professional Road racer, 1990, Pelham Books, 120 pp, Foreword by
Stephen Roche
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Elliott tells of his life from a small boy, being pushed on his bike around
his Sheffield back garden by his mother, to two Commonwealth gold
medals and victories in the Tour of Spain. Captured in graphic detail are
the pain and suffering that went into wins in major stage races. But this is
more than a book about riding a bike. It is a detailed account of the
intrigues and personalities behind professional cycle racing; the cynical
manipulation by team bosses and their sponsors and the fight to maintain
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
dignity and sanity in the most brutal arena in sport. (Source:
Observation: reprint in 2011 (Mercian Manuals, 111 pp).
ELLWOOD, Nancy, Lance Armstrong, With a Discussion of
determination, 2004, Learning Challenge Inc.
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
EMBACHER, Michael, Smart Move, Bicycles from the Embacher
Collection, A Cyclopaedia of 100 Years Bicycle Design, 2007, Verlag
Kulturtransfer, 248 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Design)
Book published in a single German and English edition. It presents us with
the photographer Bernhard Angerer’s iconic mise-en-scène of 50 bicycles
from the Embacher Collection: racing bikes with particularly subtle
details; folding bikes with strikingly clever mechanisms or others that were
quite spectacular failures; lovingly designed touring bikes; track bicycles
without brakes, reduced to pure speed; bikes that even at the best attempts
defy categorization―hardly any matches the popular image of a normal
bicycle. Articles by Konrad Paul Liessmann, Dagmar Moser, Peter
Noever, Kurt Palm, Martin Strubreiter and Michael Zappe describe the
archetypal experience of riding a bike and show that bicycles do not only
imply design and mechanics but are also loaded with emotions and
memories. (Source:
EMBACHER, Michael, Cyclepedia: a Tour of Iconic Bicycle Designs,
2011, Thames & Hudson, 224 pp, Foreword by Paul Smith
Category: Racing Bikes and Accessories (Design)
The 100 machines featured here (98 bicycles and two trikes) include many
different classes of cycle. Some of the machines shown are very rare
indeed. They weren’t all great successes but are featured because of their
interesting design. 35 pages are devoted to ‘curiosity’ designs. Folding
bicycles are given 24 pages, racing bikes 38, touring bikes 19, mountain
bikes 5, single-speeds get 10 and urban bikes have 26 pages. Cargo bikes,
kids’ machines and tandems also receive some coverage. Embacher’s
comments on each machine are worth reading, as they provide background
information and the insights of a professional designer who is also an avid
bicycle enthusiast. The book also includes a very brief history of the
bicycle, provided by Michael Zappe and Mertin Strubreiter. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
ENNIS, Philip, Cycling: a Source Book, 1984, Pelham Books, 208 pp
Category: Bibliographies & Sourcebooks
This book seeks to throw light on the cycling scene. It is a source book
which will be of use to the absolute beginner - whether racing, touring or
commuting - yet contains much for the experienced cyclist. (Source:
EPPERSON, Bruce D., Peddling bicycles to America: the rise of an
industry, 2010, printed by McFarland & Co, privately published, 294 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
This economic and technical history of the early American bicycle
industry focuses on the period from 1876 to the beginning of World War
I. It looks particularly at the life and career of the industry's most
significant personality during this era, Albert Augustus Pope. The author
debunks various assumptions or understandings about bicycle production
from the 1890s, such as the number of bicycles built and sold by the big
companies - it wasn't so many, basically. His main point was to fit bicycle
manufacturing history into its proper place between arms manufacturing
and automobile mass production. The book is really intended for a
specialist audience. It spends little time describing the customers' interests
and the market for bicycles generally during this period. (Source: Michael,
review at
ERWIN, John M., Zimmerman Abroad and Points on Training, 1895,
Blakely, 220 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
EVANS, Cadel & ARNOLD, Rob, Close to flying, 2009, Hardie Grant
Publishing, 272 pp
Category: Biographies (Australia)
In his first ever book, Cadel talks candidly and philosophically about his
sport. He speaks with love, respect and also frustration at its imperfections
Observation: a revised edition was published in 2010. It includes extra
chapters and details Cadel’s training in the lead up to the 2010 Giro d`Italia
and Tour de France.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
EVANS, Cadel, The Long Road to Paris, 2011, Hardie Grant Books,
192 pp
Categories: Photography * Biographies (Australia)
It is actually a photography book. Comments are short but insightful.
Evans goes through his career with a combination of short quotes,
reflections, and race analysis taken from throughout his years as a
professional cyclist. Beautifully presented, the book also features
spectacular images from photographers Graham Watson, Tom Moran and
Malcolm Fearon. (Sources: & CadelOfficial)
EVANS, David, The Ingenious Mr. Pedersen, 1978, 132 pp, Foreword
by Alex Moulton
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Mikael Pedersen was different. Born in Denmark, in 1855 he quickly
showed his powers of invention. With him came his genius for inventing
and for providing unique solutions to engineering problems. He is known
now just for his bicycle of unusual design - the Dursley Pedersen - but in
his time he was highly regarded in engineering circles and played
significant roles in The First World War. (
Observation: the author published together with Finn Wodschow, a
supplementary booklet entitled More of the Ingenious Mr. Pedersen in
1979 (Alan Sutton), which became “Appendix 6: More of The Ingenious
Mr. Pedersen” in the editions that were published in 1984 and in 1992
(Alan Sutton, 144 pp). The author published a revised edition with very
much more information about this talented man in 2007 (Mr. Pederson a
man of Genius, Tempus Publishing, 223 pp).
EVANS, Jeremy, Guiness Book on Cycling facts and feats, 1996,
Guinness Publishing, 192 pp
Category: Statistics
This title was one of four that Guinness publishing - they of the World
Records - published in the mid-1990s. The intention, clearly, was to create
sport-specific books that exploited the company's reputation. This edition
is full of surprises. The book gets underway with an 18 page timeline of
cycle development that is a distracting miscellanary in itself. Reynolds 531
was introduced in 1935 (the digits refer to the proportions of its constituent
metals) for example; there's a note about the German Nazi Party's 'Day of
the German Cyclist' in 1933. Thereafter follows some lengthy lists of race
results leavened with tons of supporting information and stories. The
events covered are also very catholic - British time trialling gets a decent
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
mention, as do women's events. There is space for results from the ParisBrest-Paris, the Commonwealth Games, cyclo-cross and mountainbiking.
EVANS, Ken, Cycling, 1980, Silver Burdett, Intersport Series, 64 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
An introduction to the sport of bicycling, with descriptions of various types
of bicycle races and advice on training.
Observation: reprint in 2005.
EVANS, Ken, BMX, Know the Game, Black, 1985, 36 pp
Category: BMX Racing
Sections cover the make-up and maintenance of bikes, clothing, how BMX
meetings are run, race rules and regulations, and riding techniques and
tactics. (Source: Publisher’s Description).
Observation: the book is freely accessible online at
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
FACCHINETTI, Paolo & RUBINO, Guido, Campagnolo, 75 Years of
Cycling Passion, 2008, VeloPress, 160 pp
Categories: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Gears)
Campagnolo's rich history began with the founder, Tullio Campagnolo, a
racer who turned to creating better bicycle parts when he found the
equipment of the day not adequate for the rigours of professional
competition. Blending exotic alloys with sound engineering, Campagnolo
created a series of patented designs that are still in use today as the
fundamental standards upon which modern parts are based. This book
provides a researched history. Its spectacular colour photography and
lavish presentation rather are seducing.
FALLON, Lucy & BELL, Adrian, Viva La Vuelta! The story of Spain’s
great bike race, 2005, Mousehold Press, 350 pp, Forward by Sean Kelly
Category: Stage Races
This paperback is packed with a remarkable density of information. Not
only is each annual race covered in detail, but the authors have made an
effort to provide a political and social setting behind the race. The book
covers all the aspects of the race in economical prose and the reader has an
excellent sense of the battles on the fabled climb on the Covadonga or
during the nail-biting time trials. It concludes with detailed Appendices,
covering the podium winners, as well as the points, mountain and team
classification winners and even all the individual stage winners from 19352005. (Source:
FALLON, Lucy, Viva La Vuelta! Supplement 2005-2008, s.d.,
Mousehold Press, 36 pp
Category: Stage Races
The unusual parcours of the 64th edition of the Vuelta a España proved to
be the inspiration for this supplement to Viva la Vuelta!. To commemorate
the first four stages of this famous race being run in Holland, the
Amsterdam publishers Amstelsport bought the rights to publish a Dutch
edition of the book, with the proviso that it be brought up to date. In
bringing the book up to date we rewrote the original final chapter, adding
new material to cover the 2006 and 2007 editions, and ended with a new
final chapter which reports the 2008 race and reflects upon the Vuelta’s
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
73-year history and its relationship with the Giro and the Tour. (Source:
Mousehold Press)
FEARNLEY, Charles, Brighton to Glasgow, The Story of the Six, 1949,
Sporting Record, 32 pp
Category: Track Racing
An intimate account of the 1949 Brighton-Glasgow Six day Cycling
Marathon. (Source:
FEARNLY, Charles, Health and handlebars, 1949, privately published,
121 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
A training manual, using a pair of handlebars, posed by Reg Harris, also
chapters on diet, massage, hygiene, road racing, selecting a bicycle etc.
FELL, Doris Elaine, The Race for Autumn’s Glory, 1999, Crossway
Books, 613 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
The world's best cyclists are in France with high hopes of winning the 23day, 2,300 mile Tour de France. This is Ian's lifelong dream, as well as a
way to win the heart of Chase Evans, the girl he wants to marry. Ian is
among the leaders, but a series of bomb threats may cancel the Tour, and
no one knows who's responsible. The conspirators aim their violence at
Ian. He's dedicated himself to winning the race. They're dedicated to
making sure he doesn't. (Source:
FIELD, D.J., The Charlotteville Cycling Club 1903-1953, 1953,
Rotherham: W. Ball and Co., 56 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
Observation: a facsimile was published in 2004.
Books of Graeme FIFE
Graeme Fife has written plays, stories, documentaries, features for radio,
stage plays, opera (and directed, sung and acted) and, latterly books - about
King Arthur, three biographies, French Revolutionary Terror,
autobiography, novel, film scripts, articles on a diverse range of subjects.
He has been riding a bike since he discovered, aged five, that escaping
from home on two wheels was a lot faster and took him a lot farther than
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
was possible on foot. It was on a bike that Fife visited a girlfriend in
France, who introduced him not only to raclette and the Tour de France
but also to French cycling journalism. Since then, the passion has seeded
books, articles, epic rides, acquaintance with some of the most illustrious
men in cycling as well as staunch friendships on and off the bike. (Source: &
FIFE, Graeme, Tour De France: The History, the Legend, the Riders,
1999, Mainstream Publishing, 240 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
The majority of this excellent history of the Tour looks at each of the race's
most famous climbs in turn. Each one is a window on the race's rich history
- they all have myriad stories of legendary ascents, descents, personalities,
and races won and lost. One criticism is that it focuses too much on
mountain stages, with little said about the green jersey or great sprinters,
but for an accessible and entertaining history of the race, it's one of the
best. (Source:
Observation: since its first publication in 1999, this book has been
updated every year with a chapter for that year's race. (Source:
FIFE, Graeme, Inside the Peloton: Riding, Winning and Losing the
Tour, 2000, Mainstream Publishing, 224 pp
Category: Tour de France (Winners & Other Heroes)
Fife looks at some of the great characters whose feats have made the race
one of the great endeavours of the sporting world. From Eddy Merckx to
Charlie Holland, an early English pre-war pioneer, each rider covered
brings with him stories of the tours in which he raced and the
contemporaries with and against whom he rode. Chapters on Paul Sherwen
and Sean Yates, two Britons in their time considered highly amongst the
worker bees of the peloton, highlight the selflessness of the role of
domestiques. (Source: Trevor Crowe, review at
FIFE, Graeme, The Beautiful Machine, A life in cycling from the Tour
De France to Conder Hill, 2007, Mainstream Publishing, 336 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
This is bare-knuckle writing at its most punchy, rippling with wit and
energy. It is a celebration of the bicycle and the joy, wonder, adventure,
good times and bad, bad times associated with it, and of the people who
ride and with whom Fife has ridden. Here are explorations of all
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
dimensions of the experience, on, round, with, via and about the beautiful
machine. A highly entertaining book that explains what makes cyclists
tick and why cycling inspires such passion. (Source:
FIFE, Graham, Bob Chicken, A passion for the bike, 2005, Robert J.
Chicken Snr, 336 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Founder of cycle distributor RJ Chicken & Sons, Bob was an active
member of the British cycle industry since the mid-1940s. He was one of
the most influential, likeable and colourful characters of the cycle industry.
His company distributes many well-known cycling brands, including
Time, Cinelli, Tifosi, Deda, Nalini, Miche, Sapim, Selle Italia and many
others. Bob was awarded an MBE for his services to the British cycling
industry in 2008. The book has been padded out with the history of the
bicycle and Raleigh Cycles. (Source: MG)
FIFE, Graham, The Great Road Climbs of the Pyrenees, 2008, Rapha,
320 pp
Category: Mountains & Climbers
This book is not a conventional guide to the Pyrenees. Facts and guidance
are offered on obscure and well-known Pyrenean cols, but the gripping
element is a highly personal exploration by Fife of the variety and
peculiarity of the region that leaves the reader with a colourful and
memorable picture. Fife combines careful historical research with a swift
narrative style, and supported by beautiful photographic portrayals of the
imposing landscapes by Pete Drinkell, it gives persuasive encouragement
to visit. 90 climbs are described with hand-drawn maps and gradient
profiles. (Source: Richard Williams, The Guardian)
Climbs featured include: Col d’Aubisque * Col d'Aspin * Col de Marie
Blanque * Col de Mente * Col de Peyresourde * Col de Portet d'Aspet *
Col de Port *- Port de Balès * Port de Pailhères * Col de Spandelles *
FIFE, Graeme, Brian Robinson: Pioneer, The story of Brian Robinson,
Britain’s first Tour De France Hero, 2010, Mousehold Press, 240 pp,
Foreword by Phil Liggett
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
This story about the first Brit to win a stage of the Tour de France over 50
years ago reveals a different age, but it reads as fresh as it if were yesterday.
The author tells how Robinson, this phlegmatic, but warm and generous
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Yorkshire clubman in post-War Britain, became the pioneer, the first Brit
to break into and leave is mark on Continental cycling. For as well as being
the first Brit to finish Le Tour, he was also the first to win a stage - winning
two. (Source:
Observation: there are some errors in who won what. Memories are not
all that they should be. (Source: MG)
FIFE, Graham, The Great Road Climbs of the Southern Alpes, 2010,
Rapha Racing, 320 pp
Category: Mountains & Climbers
The second volume in the series of Rapha Guides continues our journey
along the roads and cols of Europe in a book that captures the beauty and
intrigue of the southern regions of the Alps, exploring climbs and roads
steeped in the history of road racing and beyond. As well as full bleed,
double-page images, the book features hand-illustrated maps and col
profiles. Fife's narrative, crafted with lashings of historical references,
cultural observations and road racing snapshots is matched by the powerful
photography of Drinkell. (Source:
Climbs featured include: Colle d'Agnello * Cime de la Bonette * Colle
della Maddalena * Col d'Izoard * Colle della Lombarda * Mont Ventoux
* Col de la Cayolle * Col de Buis * La Madone d'Utelle * Col de Turini *
Poggio * Col de la Madone.
FIFE, Graham, The Great Road Climbs of the Northern Alpes, 2012,
Rapha Racing, 320 pp
Category: Mountains & Climbers
Graeme Fife delivers once more with a text full of inspiration, information
and historical insights. And Pete Drinkell's photography of the region is
arguably his best yet. Full bleed images are accompanied by area maps and
col profiles. (Source:
Cols and routes featured include: L'Alpe d'Huez * Lac d'Annecy * Mont
du Chat * Grand Colombier * Col de la Croix de Fer * Colle delle Finestr
* Col du Galibier * Col du Glandon * Col de l'Iseran * Col de la Madeleine
*La Plagne * Cormet de Roselend.
FIGNON, Laurent, We Were Young And Carefree, 2010, Yellow Jersey
Press, 320 pp
Category: Biographies (France)
Fignon's memoire is reflective and revealing in equal measure - being an
account both of his unstoppable dominance of races in the early 1980s, and
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
the difficulties that were to make the second half of his professional racing
career such a disappointment. Written more than fifteen years after he left
the professional peloton, it is a rare beast among sporting memoires. He
manages to evoke the French cycling scene of the late 1970s and early
1980s with an appealing freshness and fondness. William Fotheringham's
translation is very elegant. (Source:
FILLION, Patrick, Cycling: The Art of Collectibles, 2000,
L’Aventurine, 93 pp
Categories: Collectibles & Memorabilia
Superb fully illustrated book for collectors of anything and everything to
do with cycling. Covered are: Cycles of all types (Womens, Childrens,
Tricycles, Tandems, Track and Racing Cycles; Hirondelle Cycles) *
Bicycle Manufacturers - Catalogues & Advertisements * Cycle Plaques *
Tools & Equipment * Jerseys; Pictures * Games and Toys * Figurines *
Blotters, Decorative Plates, and much more. Includes well over 400 full
colour photographs as well as a history of cycling pre-1900 printed on
good quality high gloss paper. (Source:
Observation: also published by Book Sales in 2001.
FISKE, Brian D., BMX History, 2004, Capstone, 32 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Table of Contents: Bicycle Motocross * The Early Days * Growth of
BMX * BMX Today * Scott Breithaupt * Glossary.
FISKE, Brian, BMX Greats, 2004, Capstone, 32 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Provides information on past and present BMX riders, including Matt
Hoffman, Scot Breithaupt, Cindy Davis, and Ryan Nyquist. (Source:
FISKE, Brian D., BMX Events, 2004, Edge Books, 32 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Describes BMX competitions and races, freestyle events, and BMX skilllevel classes. Describes how BMX competitions have progressed from
events organized by amateur racers to professional events. (Source: eBay)
FITZPATRICK, Jim, The Bicycle and the Bush: Man and Machine in
Rural Australia, 1980, Oxford University Press, 256 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
The Bicycle and the Bush looks at the bicycle’s use in rural Australia from
1890-1920. It is one of the most unusual, innovative explorations ever
undertaken into the role of a transport device and its relationship with a
society and its environment. This book surveys the machine's introduction,
manufacturing, sales and distribution in Australia, and its broader social
impact upon urban society, women, the Australian language, and racing,
among other things.
Observation: reprint in 2011 (Star Hill Studio, 250 pp).
FITZPATRICK, Jim, Major Taylor in Australia, 2011, Star Hill Studio,
184 pp
Category: Biographies (USA) * Cycle Racing History (By Country)
This is a decent telling of Major Taylor's two Australian tours. The fact
that the author limits himself to Taylor in Australia gives the history a
richness and detail that a lot of other biographies cannot manage. One can
tell that Fitzgerald has solid academic training. He does the honourable
thing in refraining from reaching for the racist beating bat to dispose of
this history, instead concentrating on the machinations of the Sydneybased Summer Nights' Amusements Committee. (Source: mogedon,
customer review at
FITZPATRICK, Sandra, Hubert Opperman, A Cycling Sensation
Called Oppy, 1996, Reed Library, 44 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (Australia)
Opperman was not only one of the greatest and best loved athletes of his
time, he also became a successful politician and international diplomat. He
features in the 'Makers and Shakers' series as one of those rare individuals
who 'challenge the beliefs and practices of their day'. His biography is
supported with many black and white photos, an index, glossary and list
of books for further reading. For ages 10-15 years. (Source:
FLAX, Peter (Ed), The Best of Bicycling, The Very Best Stories from the
First 50 Years of Bicycling Magazine, 2011, Rodale Inc., 226 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
Bicycling magazine celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2011. To celebrate
Editor-in-Chief Peter Flax has selected a collection of 19 stories which the
magazine has published. There are more than a few unforgettable profiles
of legendary cyclists, and there are pieces that brilliantly demonstrate the
transformative powers of riding a bike. There is comedy and suffering and
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
beauty and existential angst. There is writing that will make you smile and
maybe break your heart, too. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
FOOT, John, Pedalare! Pedalare!, 2011, Bloomsbury Publishing, 384
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Foot is professor of modern Italian history at University College London.
There is nothing dry about his treatment of the two-wheeled sport,
however - this is a history of great sporting achievement, intense rivalries
and questionable tactics. He is strongest at contextualising the sport of
cycling, particularly given the unusually fractured nature of Italian society.
The importance of the Giro reaching Trieste in 1946 when it was unclear
which side of the Iron Curtain the city would end up on is fascinating, for
example, as is the extraordinary and contested story of how Gino Bartali
'saved' Italy from civil war in 1948 after the shooting of Communist leader
Palmiro Togliatti. As Foot's narrative reaches the post-1945 golden age of
Italian cycling, it is racing alone that dominates his story. (Source:
FORT, Emeline & STEVENS, Dakota, Lance Armstrong: The
Undisputed Champion and His Battlewith Cancer and Drug Allegations,
2010, Webster's Digital Services, 146 pp.
Category: Biographies (USA)
This book takes a look at Lance the cyclist, his battle with cancer followed
by his battle against doping charges, and finally, Lance the man, life
outside of cycling. (Source:
FOSTER, Benny, The Benny Foster Story, 1971, Kennedy Brothers, 227
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Famed for his team management and race organisation skills, Benny is
perhaps best known as the director of the 1970 World Championships held
at Leicester.
FOTHERINGHAM, Alasdair, Eagle of Toledo, The Life and Times of
Federico Bahamontes, the Tour’s Greatest Climber, 2012, Aurum Press,
304 pp
Category: Biographies (Spain)
The first English-language biography of the man they called the Eagle of
Toledo, Spain's Federico Bahamontes. Fotheringham tells the tale
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
wonderfully, with many contributions from people who rode with and
against Bahamontes. He also takes the time to try and place Bahamontes’
life in the context of its time.
Books of William FOTHERINGHAM
William Fotheringham (° 1965) is a sports writer specialising in cycling
and rugby. As a newspaper journalist he writes for The Guardian.
Fotheringham was a features editor for Cycling Weekly, and the first editor
of Cycle Sport and Procyling magazine. He is a current writer for Rouleur
Magazine. A graduate of Cambridge University with a degree in French,
Russian and Italian, Fotheringham won the PPC Media Specialist Writer
of the Year award in 1993 and 1998. He was also a racing cyclist for nearly
30 years. (Source: Wikipedia)
FOTHERINGHAM, William, A Century of Cycling. The Classic Races
and Legendary Champions, 2003, MBI Publishing Company, 176 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general) * Cycle Racing History
The book is divided into nine chapters with one each on the major tours,
and the rest on the classic one-day races, such as Paris-Roubaix and LiègeBastogne-Liège. Each chapter covers the history of the race, the most
notable contests and is illustrated with a map of a recent course.
Throughout the text there are single page profiles of 37 of the greatest
cyclists, from Coppi to Lance Armstrong. The book ends with a useful list
of all the winners of all the races covered in the book. (Source:
FOTHERINGHAM, William, Put Me Back on my Bike: In Search of
Tom Simpson, 2002, Yellow Jersey Press, 242 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Fotheringham has done a sensitive and insightful job of describing a
complex, talented and intense character who deserves to be remembered
for far more than the manner of his death. On the way, you get to look over
Fotheringham's shoulder as he journeys around the UK, Belgium and
France in search of Simpson, and a sense of deepening affection and
respect for the rider who died over three decades before pervades the book.
(Source: Cyclingnews)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Observation: reprint in 2003 (Yellow Jersey Press// Random House). The
same publishers also produced a revised edition that was published in 2007
(227 pp). “The shock of the revised edition is the revelation that Simpson
experience a drug-induced collapse during the Vuelta earlier in 1967, that
saw him zig sagging across the road in what was pretty much a rehearsal
for the more famous incident.” (Source:
FOTHERINGHAM, William, Cycle Racing, How To Train, Race And
Win, 2004, Carlton Books, 160 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle racing
The author guides the reader through the various types of cycle racing,
what they offer, and how to get started. Every facet of the sport is covered
- road racing, time trialling, mountain biking, track racing, cyclo-cross and there are detailed sections on equipment, health, nutrition and tactics,
as well as advice on how to race and train for each of the different areas of
cycling. (Source:
Observation: reprint in 2009 (under a new title: “Cycle Racing, How To
Train, Race And Win Gold”)
FOTHERINGHAM, William, Roule Britannia, A History of Britons in
the Tour De France, 2005, Yellow Jersey Press, 290 pp
Categories: Cycle Racing History (By Country) * Tour de France History
(In general)
Fotheringham’s account of this history is masterful and frequently
touching. Even where riders have been the subject of quality biographies
– say like Millar - he finds new angles. And in the case of David Millar,
he has done the best job of explaining his troubled persona that I have yet
read. The book is actually at its most affecting when Fotheringham touches
on his own cycling back story. (Source:
Observation: a paperback version was published in 2006 (Random House,
304 pp). The book has been updated in 2010 (352 pp) and in 2012 (384
FOTHERINGHAM, William, Fallen Angel, The passion of Fausto
Coppi, 2009, Random House, 304 pp
Category: Biographies (Italy)
One of the books strengths is its ability to recognise the impact of Coppi's
exploits on an Italian nation and a Europe that was in the process of
dragging itself up from the pit of a world war. The hopes and aspirations
of a nation were raised by the successes of the enigmatic Coppi at a time
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
when it was needed most. Perhaps it is because of this that, despite his later
indiscretions that so outraged a nation at the time, he remains Italian
cycling's favourite son. Fotheringham has unearthed an extraordinary
range of sources - from private family letters, to contemporaneous
newspaper and magazine articles and interviews with an impressive roster
of contemporaries. (Source: &
FOTHERINGHAM, William, Cyclopedia, It’s all about the bike, 2010,
Yellow Jersey Press, 448 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general)
Set out as an A to Z - Audax to Zimmerman - Cyclopedia is a compendium
of cycling facts, factoids and trivia. Entries covering the careers of riders
like Robert Millar and Francesco Moser sit side-by-side with capsule
histories of races like Liège-Bastogne-Liège, brief biographies of people
like Alex Moulton (who dreamed up the city-gents' fave folding bike) or
the photographer Graham Watson, and a cleverly presented history of the
hour record. Elsewhere you'll find a brief history of mountain biking, a
discussion of cycling and sex. Design-wise, Cyclopedia is a thing of
beauty. (Source:
FOTHERINGHAM, William, Merckx, Half Man, Half Bike, 2012,
Yellow Jersey Press, 320 pp
Category: Biographies (Belgium)
Fotheringham’s biography seeks to account for Merckx’s invincibility.
The research is meticulous, the recapitulation of Merckx’s races sweet
reminiscences for those who witnessed them and things of wonder for
those who did not. Merckx could pull the peloton apart and then drop any
riders who stayed with him one by one. Fotheringham’s principal
interest is in the wherewithal: how could a man accomplish them? Why
did Merckx tolerate such relentless suffering? Fotheringham focuses on
what he considers to be the salient characteristic: Merckx’s fear of failure.
Merckx never considered his victories in the grands tours until the
finishing line was crossed. That is why he attacked and attacked, even
when nobody else doubted that he would win. (Source:
FOURNEL, Paul, Need for the Bike, 2003, Bison Books// University of
Nebraska Press, 150 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
The author never raced professionally, but is about as obsessed with the
sport and activity as an amateur can be. The first short piece describes him
in hospital with an arm he mangled in a cycling accident, where he won't
let them wheel him into the operating room until he's had a chance to watch
the sprint-finish of the Paris-Roubaix race. Need for the Bike consists of
short chapters describing various aspects of bicycling, as well as
recounting Fournel's own experiences. From eating to hitting the wall to
doping to the lives of professional bicycle racers, he gives a good
introduction to this world. (Source:
Observation: the English translation of this book does not include over 70
pages from the original, a section which was a report on the 1996 Tour de
France. (Source:
FOURNEL, Paul, Vélo, 2012, Rouleur, 159 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
Through a series of short essays, Paul Fournel evokes the experience and
spirit of all aspects of cycling. (Source:
Observation : that sounds quite a lot like Need for the bike by the same
author: Vélo is an amalgamation of that tome with Paul's columns from
Rouleur, illustrated by the crayoniste Jo Burt. (Source:
FRANCIS, John et al, Bicycling, 1995, Steck-Vaughn Company, Series
“How to Play the All-Star Way”, 48 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
An attractive and well-written introduction to the sport. The history of
cycling, safety rules, racing, and different types of bicycles are featured.
Full-color photographs and informative diagrams enhance the presentation
and help readers understand some of the rules mentioned in the text. The
glossary and index are helpful. (Source: Norma Hunter, Fair Grove
Elementary/Middle School Library, MO,
FRETWELL, Peter & GADENZ, A., Tour of Italy 1972 - 55 Giro
D’Italia 1972, 1972, Kennedy Brothers, 64 pp
Category: Stage Races
Booklet loaded with great photos of the competition on the road, the
current competitors and some of the heroes of the past. There are lists for;
(1) the final GC results for the individual riders, (2) the final GC results
for the teams and (3) the competitors that did not finish. (Source: Howie
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
FRETWELL, Peter & GADENZ, A., Tour of Italy 1973 - 56 Giro
D’Italia 1973, Kennedy Brothers, 64 pp
Category: Stage Races
This edition also includes the king of mountains results.
FRIEBE, Daniel, Eddy Merckx, The Cannibal, 2012, Ebury Press, 352
Category: Biographies (Belgium)
Friebe isn’t just offering a portrait of Merckx himself, he offers portraits
of some of the men Merckx raced with and against. Understand them –
understand the era they raced in – and maybe you can begin to understand
Merckx himself. It’s racing against Merckx, being defeated by Merckx,
that has added the most to their stories. Friebe’s Merckx is imperfect – this
no God sent among us, to show a better way and be idolised. Rather he’s
a man like everyone else: an outstandingly gifted athlete who was at times
fragile, at times supremely confident; and at times a cold, hard despot
surrounded by lieutenants who ruled with an iron fist. But at the same time,
he’s different. Merckx turned weakness into a strength. Friebe’s portrait of
Merckx is one of light and shade, one that helps to redefine Merckx for a
twenty-first-century cycling audience. (Source:
FRIEBE, Daniel, Allez Wigo, 2012, Bloomsburry Publishing, 176 pp
Categories: Photography * Biographies (United Kingdom)
Photographic celebration of cyclist Bradley Wiggins and his historic
summer of 2012, where he achieved victory in the Tour de France and
Olympic gold in London.
FRIEBE, Daniel & GODING, Pete (Photography), Mountain High,
Europe’s 50 Greatest Cycle Climbs, 2011, Quercus, 224 pp
Category: Mountains & Climbers
Friebe conveys why each mountain is worthy of his merit, whilst
explaining the history of each adventure, both on and off the bike. Friebe
boasts superb descriptions of the magnificent scenery, the heroic deeds of
cycling’s legendary riders and the personal exhilaration of reaching the
summit. With such passionate detail, the book is able to transport its reader
to the climb and leave them awed and inspired. Friebe takes good care to
take his reader exploring, as he progresses up through the altitudes to
discover an experience away from the beaten track. The Colle
dell’Agnello, in Italy, receives a rare and deserved airing along with
Cirque de Gavarnie, Colle delle Finestre, Blockhaus and Grossglockner.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
He also makes sure to include detail on cycle routes, maps, profiles and
compelling descriptions that feature key places of interest along the route.
Mountain High provides the most stunning visual of over 250 specially
commissioned photographs. (Source:
Observation: a “Saddlebag Edition” was published in 2012 (224 pp).
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
GABRIELE, Michael, The Nutley Velodrome: A History of the
Legendary Cycling Mecca, 1983, privately published, 33 pp
Category: Track Racing
GABRIELE, Michael, The Golden Age of Bicycle Racing in New
Jersey, 2011, The History Press, 126 pp, Foreword by Peter J. Nye
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
The book seeks to shed light on a lost history of professional cycling,
which had been a major spectator sport during the early decades of the
20th century. As such, it examines the culture and noteworthy figures of
this period in northern New Jersey. The story of the Nutley Velodrome is
that it is the final chapter in cycling's golden era. It is, quite literally, where
and when the golden age came to an end. It is a "lost" history, which is
why the story needs to be told. (Source:
GAMBLING, Mick, On cycling. A humorous look at the sport, 1980,
Forest Publishing, 99 pp
Category: Humour
These articles first appeared in the magazine Cycling. With illustrations by
Johnny Helms. (Source:
GARCIA, Kimberly, Lance Armstrong, 2002, Mitchell Lane Publishers,
Series “Blue Banner” Biography”, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
The cycling superstar's story is told clearly, without glossing over some of
the rough spots in his life. His well-known recovery from cancer is the
most spectacular of his many triumphs over adversity. Also covered are
his thoroughly admirable fund-raising efforts for cancer research. A hefty
amount of end matter is included: a time line, chapters on how to become
a professional athlete and how to become a professional fund-raiser, and
several lists for further reading. (Source: Lauralyn Persson, Wilmette
Public Library)
GATES, D. H., LOVATT, K.M. & SELLENS, F.C., North Road
Cycling Club, The Second Fifty Years of Road Riding (1935-1985),
1985, Mrs Anne E Jones
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Cycling Clubs
GAUTHIER, Benoît, International Cycling Guide, Onlybike
Categories: Yearbooks * Statistics
The International Cycling Guide compiles almost every road, track,
mountain-bike and cyclo-cross race result of the preceding year. The riders
section allows you to know all the major results a rider has had in his whole
career. Professional riders are concerned but also female and amateur ones.
This book also contains a cycling calendar of all the events in the
forthcoming season, a team guide and the complete palmares of each
professional race in the world since its creation. It is a book published in a
single English, French, Dutch, German, Italian and Spanish edition. The
following volumes have been published :
- International Cycling Guide 2003, 2003, 910 pp
- International Cycling Guide 2004, 2004, 1104 pp
- International Cycling Guide 2005, 2005, 1128 pp
- International Cycling Guide 2006, 1170 pp
- International Cycling Guide 2007, 1176 pp
- International Cycling Guide 2008, 1176 pp
- International Cycling Guide 2009, 2009, 1176 pp
- International Cycling Guide 2010, 2010, 1150 pp
- International Cycling Guide 2011, 2011, 1152 pp
- International Cycling Guide 2012, 2012, 1152 pp
GEIST, Roland C., Bicycle People, 1978, Acropolis Books Ltd., 1978.,
Foreword by Dr Paul Dudley White, 165 pp
Categories: Cycle racing Histoy (by Country) * Collectibles &
The sub-title specifies: artists, songwriters, inventors, writers,
manufacturers, performers, doctors, racers, wheelwomen. The book’s
foreword refers to it as the nostalgic story of the bicycle through art and
prose, song and poetry. He focuses on people as diverse as Paul Dudley
White, founder of the American Heart Association, Dan and Lys Burden
who established Adventure Cycling, Clifford Graves, founder of the
International Bicycle Touring Society, Monroe and Isabel Bacheler Smith
who organized the AYH, Charles Pratt, founder the League of American
Bicyclists and Stanley Cotterell, founder of the Cyclists Touring Club. The
author amassed a large collection of bicycle memorabilia. (Sources: Howie
Cohen & Duncan R. Jamieson, Ph.D., Ashland University).
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
GENTILE, Antonio, Edoardo Bianchi, 1992, Giorgio Nada, 248 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Racing Bikes)
Bicyclists will instantly relate the Bianchi name to famous professional
racing and mountain bikes. Edoardo Bianchi was a man of the first hour.
Orphaned at birth in 1865, he worked as a machinist’s apprentice and
opened in 1885 his first workshop manufacturing velocipedes, ball
bearings, wheelchairs, doorbells, and more. Business grew steadily as his
reputation for quality spread. The author Antonio Gentile is chairman of
the Italian Edoardo Bianchi Historic Register and considered Italy’s
foremost expert on the marque. The book is written in Italian and an
English translation runs alongside. The book’s focus is on the motorized
aspects of the business. The book is beautifully printed and impeccably
typeset. (Source: Sabu Advani,
Observation: reprint in 2007, 248 pp
GEORGE, Barbara, Bicycle Road Racing, 1977, Lerner Publications,
56 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
Surveys the organised sport of bicycle road racing, including cycling
organisations, racing bicycles, techniques of racing, and racing events.
GEORGE, Barbara, Bicycle Track Racing, 1977, Lerner Publications,
56 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Track Racing
A survey of bicycle track racing in the 70s with information about
equipment, tracks, training, types of racing events, and racing
organisations. (Source: kacketflappcom & Review at
GEORGE, Barbara (ed), Bicycle Racing : Reprints from VeloNews,
1975, VeloNews Books, 115 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
Articles appearing in Velo-News (1972-4) provide coverage of tactics,
personalities, various races, training, techniques and biographical
sketches. (Source: David Luebbers)
GESER, Rudolf, Classic cycle races of Europe. 23 race routes to ride
yourself, 1993, A & C Black Publishers, 143 pp
Category: One-day Races
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
The book is designed for those interested in doing a cyclotourist mass ride,
giving information on the route and organization. Many of these rides
duplicate famous professional races, including Milan-San Remo, ParisRoubaix and other classics. Others are famous amateur rides, such as the
Dolomite Marathon, and some are with time measurement but most
without. (Source: Leslie Reissner at
GIBSON, Tracy, A Guide to the Literature and Resources on Sir Hubert
Opperman Kt Cr 1968, 1968, privately published, 68 pp
Category: Biographies (Australia)
Sir Hubert Opperman is Australia's most famous cyclist. In his time he set
a series of momentous records for endurance cycling that seemed they
would last for eternity. He single-handedly created a profile for the sport
of cycling in Australia. Gibson’s book is an excellent annotated biography
of his public life. (Source:
GIFFORD, Clive, Cycling, 2010, Evans Brothers, “Tell me About
Sports” Series, 48 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
This series explores different sports: how and where they're played, the
equipment and kit needed, and how to get involved. There are tips on
training and on developing techniques. The books also feature sporting
heroes at the top of their game, with exciting photos of them showing their
skills in action. (Source:
GIFFORD, Clive, Cycling, 2011, Amicus, Series “Olympic Sports”, 32
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Olympic Games
An introduction to a variety of cycling events of the summer Olympics,
including road racing, time trials, triathlon, mountain biking, BMX racing,
and more. Also explains rules, records, and famous Olympic cyclists.
(Source: Publisher’s Description)
GILBERT, Philippe, Van STATEN, Marc, LAUREYSSEN, Gino &
THIRION, Stéphane, My Year in Top Gear, 2011, Lannoo, 218 pp
Categories: Biographies (Belgium) * Yearbooks (2011)
The quality of the writing of the original author, Thirion, more than makes
up for the weaknesses of another fanboy's tale. The book reads like the
original book must have been tossed into Google Translate and the
gnomish output tidied up, barely. Thirion's prose just don't seem to make
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
sense in Lambert's translation. At the same time there is something
perversely charming about the whole thing. If reading the book is a labour,
it's a labour of love. (Source:
GINDLING, Dan, Bicycle Collectibles, 2000, Motorbooks International,
152 pp
Category: Collectibles & Memorabilia
Guide and pricing book for the vast variety of bicycle collectibles. It covers
all types of collectible bicycling related items including: bicycles, parts &
accessories, art, beer & wine labels, books, bottles, Christmas tree
ornaments, cigar box labels & cigar bands, cigarette packs & insert cards,
comic books, fast food toys, games, head-badges, jigsaw puzzles, metal
lunch boxes, magazines & advertisements, match-covers, medals, phonecards, phonographs, playing cards, postcards, posters, souvenir spoons,
stamps, steins, toy soldiers, valentines, and more. This guide includes
many color photos and approximate prices. (Source: eBay)
GINDLING, Dan, Bicycle Stamps, 1997, Motorbooks International, 144
Category: Collectibles & Memorabilia
Hundreds of bicycle stamps in full color. Sections include: Bicycles on
Stamps * Bicycle History on Stamps * Stamps at the Olympics * Bicycle
Racing Stamps * Semi-Postals * Postal Carriers * Special Subjects *
Local Issues * Booklets * Other Postal Items. (Source: Bicycle Stamps
GODAERT, Joël, Velo Plus 1869-2009, 2009, Travel Marketing, 414
Category: Statistics
A comprehensive collection of past winners of most of the major races,
including many races that are no longer held. Book published in a single
Dutch, French and English edition.
Observation: this is a revised edition of the first Velo Plus that René
Jacobs and Harry Van den Bremt published in 1988. A first update had
been published in 2004 (Velo Plus 1879-2003, 414 pp).
GODDARD, J.T., Velocipede: Its History, Varieties and Practice, 1896,
Hurd & Haughton, 107 pp
Category: Cycle racing History (In General)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
GODWIN, Tommy, It wasn’t that easy, The Tommy Godwin Story,
2007, John Pinkerton Memorial Publishing Fund, 194 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Tommy Godwin was national sprint champion and an Olympic medalist
winning two bronze medals in the 1948 games. The book provides a great
insight into what was going on in the world of cycling from the mid-1930s
until 1995 when the book finishes. It also manages to paint a history of
social conditions at the time. As well as revealing a lot about the sometimes
murky world of track racing it will leave you in no doubt as to how badly
the sport of cycling was managed and organised during this period. More
than just a book about one man’s career, it is a fascinating record of the
cycling world in that period. (Source: Peter Underwood,
GOLDSTEIN, Ross E., Chain Reaction, 2011, CreateSpace
Independent Publishing Platform, 400 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
The novel does call for its willing suspension. Cal Scott is a twenty-fiveyear-old former top level cyclist. From the heights of a neo-pro contract
with T Mobile on the continent he's fallen to pulling espressi down Peet's
in downtown Mill Valley, Cali. Paul is Cal's father. Paul doesn't
understand how he raised a quitter and Cal hasn't explained to him the real
reason he threw it all away. Three years later. The muscle memory is still
there but the fire that burned is down to embers. All it needs is someone to
add fuel to it. Cal and Paul have gone to Bassano for a cycling holiday, a
little father-son bonding time. (Source:
GOOD, Ron, Bikes, Camera, Action: 50 Years of Cycling Photography,
(2008?), 222 pp, Foreword by Ron Good
Category: Photography
Since the 1950s Ron Good has been out on the road photographing bike
racing, from major international road races to local time trials in his native
South Wales. His picture archive presents a unique record of cycle sport
in this country. (Source: Bromley)
Observation: the book includes a DVD.
GOULD, Tim & BURNEY, Simon, Mountain Bike Racing, 1992,
Bicycle Books // Springfield, 152 pp
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
This edition is aimed at the mountain biker wishing to take up racing. The
different terrain, conditions and techniques needed for both Europe and
North America are included with topics such as the structure of the sport,
racing for beginners, the racing season, equipment, clothing, position, race
preparation and routines, techniques, tactics, riding at altitude, general and
specific training and nutrition. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
Observation: revised editions have been published in 1995 and in 1996
(A & C Black Publisher//Bicycle Books, 152 pp). It was published again
in 2001 (Bicycle Books)
GRABOWSKI, John F., Lance Armstrong, 2005, Lucent Books, 112 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
Table of Contents: Introduction : A life fulfilled * Childhood in Plano *
A young star * Cancer * The road back * The 1999 Tour de France *
Continued success * Seeking a record-setting Victory* A legacy on and
beyond the bike.
GRANT, Gilbert, Tour De France, 2007, Weigl Publishers, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Tour de France
Provides an overview of the Tour de France, discussing topics such as its
history, the rules, equipment, and route of the race, and features historical
highlights, cycling stars, and famous firsts. (Source: Publisher’s
GRANT, Richard & THOMAS, Nigel (eds), BMX Moves, 1985,
Willowisp, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Table of Contents: Your bike. * Maintenance. * Safety. * Training. *
Freestyle moves. *How to ramp endo. * The gumbi. *How to front hop.
*Freestyle movers; Eddie Fiola, Ron Wilkerson, Craig Campbell, Neil
Ruffel. * BMX Racing. *The start. * Racing winners. *Speed jumping. *
BMX winners; what you get for coming in No.1.
GRANT, Richard & THOMAS, Nigel, BMX Action Hot Shots, 1984,
Hippo Books, 48 pp
Category: BMX Racing
The best action from the best riders is in this book. Action Hot Shots
features the great names of BMX. Written by experts, the editors of BMX
Action Bike Magazine, the book also has information about the riders'
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
likes and dislikes, the bikes they ride and how they became BMX
superstars. (Source:
Observation: the book is freely accessible online at
GRAY, Ian, Round The Mountain – 100 years of a cycling classic, 2011,
Kennett Brothers, 295 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Ian Gray scoured the attics and memories of kiwi cycling legends to
produce the first history of the Round Mount Taranaki Classic – New
Zealand’s longest-running cycling race. The author, a now-retired
scientist, has spent the last three years bringing to light forgotten stories,
images and memorabilia of the event. He tracked down past competitors
and their descendants, old newspapers and cycling club records and from
these sources has compiled the first history one of New Zealand’s greatest
cycle races. (Source:
GREEN, Johnny, Push Yourself Just a Little Bit More: Backstage at the
Tour De France, 2005, Orion, 256 pp
Category: Tour de France Cult
Green's modest fame might rest on his time as The Clash's road manager,
but his outlook predates punk. Green and his compadres obtain press
accreditation for the Tour. This memoir is of the spectacle he encountered
- the traffic jams, the characters responsible for the race's organisation, the
low-grade hotels and the hours on the road. He sprinkles his narrative with
entertaining digressions from the Tour annals, French history and rock 'n'
roll mythology. (Source: Tim Dawson,
GREENE, Richard, Northampton as a Cycling Centre, 1889
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Containing notes on Danes Camp, Althorp, Kirby Hall, Triangular Lodge,
Liveden, Bone Crypt at Rothwell, and others.
Observation: reprinted in 2011, Lightning Source UK Ltd., 66 pp, in the
series “History of Britain & Ireland”
GREEN, Roy (ed), 100 Years of Cycling Road Records, 1988, Road
Records Association, 110 pp
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
The first 100 years of the Road Records Association which was founded
in 1888 with the object of certifying the claims to record of male cyclists
on the road. (Source:
Table of Contents: Introduction * Early record trailblazers * The
formative years * The turbulent nineties * The great goss green men of the
twenties * The Southall standard * 1930s boomtime * Joy and the lively
fifties * 1960 clubmen record breakers * Up to the present scene * Record
tables * Record holders at September 1988.
GREENHALGH, Paul, More Than a Dream: A Year in the Life of Two
Riders Racing Abroad, 2005, PAG Solutions, 160 pp
Category: Pro-life
The story of a year in the lives of young British riders Tom Barras and
Graham Briggs, as they lived their dream of becoming professional
cyclists. It recounts the highs and lows of competition, as well as the
challenging and the mundane elements of being a full-time sportsman. Part
sporting journal and part travelogue, the book takes in a variety of
locations and people, as it recounts the events of a year spent on the road.
The book is the story of ordinary people following their own personal star
and in the process doing extraordinary things. (Source:
GREW, W.F., The Cycle Industry, its origin, history, and latest
developments, 1921, Pitman, 123 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories
The manufacture of bicycles can be truly described as one of the most
important industries of the country. The author has endeavoured to
describe some of the more important processes of manufacture and to
embody with those descriptions particulars of the numerous other trades
on which the cycle manufacturer is dependent. The book includes a short
chapter entitled “The Trade and Racing”. (Source:
Observation: OCR reprint in 2010 (General Books LLC). The book is
freely accessible online at the
GRIFFIN, Brian, Cycling in Victorian Ireland, 2006, The History Press
Published, 220 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Some older priests viewed the cycling craze among younger curates as illsuited to the dignity of their office. A motion at a meeting of the Irish
bishops in 1895 sought to condemn the increasing popularity of the
pastime among priests and seminarians. Yet cycling had its champions,
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
even among the highest reaches of the hierarchy. The Archbishop of
Dublin, William Walsh, a veteran of the boneshaker from his seminary
days, made his feelings known by cycling from Dublin for the meeting.
The motion was dropped. (Source: Donncha Ó Muirithe,
GRIFFIN, Hewitt Harry, Cycles and cycling, 1890, Frederick A. Sokes,
198 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
A how-to book which includes a chapter on women cycling by Agnes
Wood (Hippolyta), several chapters on the history of cycling, and an
appendix listing the major cycling organisations in England. (Source:
Duncan R. Jamieson, Ph.D., Ashland University)
Observation: reprints in 1897 (George Bell & Sons, 1897) and 1903 (G.
Bell and sons).
GRIFFITH, Steve, Vernon Blake, (1875 - 1930), Gearing Pioneer,
Painter, Philosopher, Polymath, 2011, John Pinkerton Memorial
Publishing Fund, Cycling History n° 3, 74 pp
Category: Biographies (UK) * Racing Bikes & Accessories (Gears)
Blake was amazingly talented not just a gifted cyclist but also an inventor
and pioneer of early gearing and advocate of technical innovation. Blake
was true polymath being a painter, sculptor, engineer, linguist, traveller
and mountaineer. There is something for everyone in this book, accounts
of his experiment with cycle components, leading to what has been called
the first mountain bike, his racing and touring exploits, the story of his
most tangible legacy, his War memorials giving an overall picture of
Blake. The text is complemented with a number of Blake’s articles for
Cycling. (Source:
GRIVELL, Henry, Australian Cycling in the Golden Days, 1951,
Courier Press, 148 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
A collection of biographical sketches not only of early Australian racing
cyclists but notable overseas visitors, including Major Taylor, Floyd
McFarland, and Iver Lawson. The author is relatively patchy, however, in
covering their careers.(Source: Jim Fitzpatrick)
GRIVELL, Henry, Highlights from the life of Major Taylor, (194?),
Sport Radio Press, 28 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
GROGAN, Paul, The “classic” Moulton, 2002, privately published
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
The ‘Classic’ Moulton is an apparently exhaustive reprint of Moulton
catalogue specifications from 1963 – 1974. The real delight is the
illustrations – each model painstakingly digitised and coloured in loving
precise detail. The text is understandably on the dry side, but it’s not all
listings and part numbers, and the final chapters include some useful
reprints from the Moultoneer magazine, covering suspension overhaul and
general trouble-shooting. Several riders were actively supported by
Moulton. Coventry CC pursuit team were unstoppable on the track, their
Moultons allowing them to keep in a tight group to reduce aerodynamic
drag; road riders benefited from the reduced aerodynamic drag of the small
wheels and, with reputation established, the Moulton became acceptable
to the most discerning club cyclists. The UCI does not any longer permit
Moultons in road-racing events but they are still used in time-trials and for
ultra-distance events. (Sources: &
Observation: a revised and updated edition was published in 2004 whilst
a “New and expanded edition” in 2009 (124 pp).
GUARDIAN SHORTS (The), Mark Cavendish, On Top of the World,
2011, Kindle Edition, 188 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
A collection of the Guardian's articles on the fastest cyclist of his
generation introduced by William Fotheringham.
Books of Rupert GUINESS
Rupert Guinness is a sports writer who writes for the Sydney Morning
Herald and who has covered more than 20 Tours de France. He is a former
editor of Winning Bicycle Racing Illustrated magazine, European
correspondent for VeloNews (USA) and a contributor to Cycling Weekly
(UK) and Velo (France). Rupert, lives in Sydney. (Source:
GUINESS, Rupert, The Foreign Legion, 1993, Springfield Books, 175
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Tells the story of seven cyclists, Paul Sherwen, Graham Jones, Sean Yates,
Robert Millar, Stephen Roche, Phil Andersen and Allan Peiper, who
ventured abroad to race professionally. The book gives an account of their
progress from dedicated amateurs to paid professionals. (Source:
GUINESS, Rupert, Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, OUI, OUI, OUI! Australian
cyclists in 100 years of the Tour De France, 2003, Random Century, 210
Categories: Cycling History (By Country) * Tour de France History
The story of the Tour de France through the eyes of riders from Australia
to race the roads of France. From Don Kirkham and Snowy Monroe in
1914 to the trio of Cooke, McEwen and O'Grady. Guinness uses the
adventures, struggles and successes of the Australians to tell parts of the
broader story of the Tour. (Source: Cyclingnews)
GUINESS, Rupert, What a Ride: from Phil Anderson to Cadel Evans;
an Aussie Pursuit of the Tour De France, 2009, Allen & Unwin, 294 pp,
Foreword by Simon Poidevin
Categories: Tour de France History (Overviews) * Cycling History (By
From the pioneering Phil Anderson, who, in the 1980s, set the mark by
becoming the first Australian to claim the yellow jersey, to the new crop
of gun riders, The author analyses the riders' fortunes and misfortunes
through his knowledge of and relationship with these extraordinary
athletes. There are humorous and sadly tragic moments, heroes and
villains, and testing times when everything seems to go wrong. But there
are also days of perfect riding, extraordinary scenery and uplifting
successes. (Source:
GUINESS, Rupert, The Tour, Behind the Scenes of Cadel Evans’ Tour
De France, 2012, Hardie Grant Books, 336 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (2011 Tour)
From joining the BMC team to crossing the finish line, the author reveals
the fascinating lead up and preparation behind Cadel's historic victory in
the 2011 Tour de France. He takes us through the process of recruiting the
best riders, the meticulous planning, the training camps, the equipment
testing, the psychological preparation and the practice rides. He recounts
the stages of the race and reveals how the team supported Cadel's
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
performance-the tactics they employed and the challenges that they had to
overcome. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
GUNN, Margaret, The Million-Dollar Bike Race, A story for new adult
readers, 2002, English Language Services in collaboration with Adult
Community Education, 36 p
Category: Educational Materials
The professional cyclists race past and we dream of being like them. The
language focus of this book is on the past tense, vocabulary, modals and
idioms. There are questions to talk about and phrases to practise. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
GURNEY, Steve, Lucky Legs, What I’ve Learned About Winning and
Losing, 2010, Random House New Zealand, 320 pp
Categories: Mountain Bike Racing
Steve Gurney is an exceptional athlete. He has been in 19 of the epic Coast
to Coast races in a row, and he has won nine of them. He has represented
New Zealand twice at the World Mountain Bike champs and has spent a
lot of time adventure racing in far flung jungles, caves, mountains and
deserts. This is a motivational, funny, frank autobiography covering
Steve's multisport career and his life in general. (Publisher’s Description)
GUTMAN, Bill, Greg Lemond, Overcoming the Odds, 1998, Raintree
Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 48 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
An attractive and well-written introduction to the sport. The history of
cycling, safety rules, racing, and different types of bicycles are featured.
Full-color photographs and informative diagrams enhance the presentation
and help readers understand some of the rules mentioned in the text. The
glossary and index are helpful. A clear, easy-to-read overview. (Source:
Norma Hunter, Fair Grove Elementary/Middle School Library, MO,
GUTMAN, Bill, Lance Armstrong: A Biography, 2003, Simon &
Schuster, 176 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
Details of Armstrong's meteoric rise in his sport are woven throughout the
book, but readers will be fascinated by chapters that portray his battle with
cancer. The many effects of drugs used in chemotherapy on Lance's body
are described along with Armstrong's long road back to competing in
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
cycling events. Competitors complained of drug doping, and Lance's angry
reaction to these accusations is made known to readers. The book
concludes with a step-by-step explanation of Armstrong's four consecutive
victories in the Tour de France. (Source: Rollie Welch,
Observation: an updated version was published in 2005 (175 pp) and in
2009 (202 pp) to include his seventh Tour de France win and the
allegations by some members of the French press of steroid use following
this victory, despite the negative results of every drug test he took. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HACKLES, Lynn, Racing Start, 1992, Blackie Children’s Books, 128
Category: Juvenile Fiction
Although his father is a famous footballer, Steve Astley is hopeless at all
sports - except cycling. With the help of the Kidberrow Wheelers Cycling
Club, Steve begins to fulfill his potential and to convince his dad that there
are worthwhile sports other than football. (Source:
HADLAND, Tony, The Sturmey-Archer Story, 1987, John Pinkerton,
192 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Gears)
Nearly a hundred years have elapsed since the first Sturmey-Archer gear
was launched, yet most people, even cycling enthusiasts, know nothing
about how they work and little about the amazing range hubs produced by
the company over the years. And the human drama behind the invention
of the gear has been well suppressed for decades. This book took four
years to prepare. Every Sturmey-Archer gear, hub brake and hub dynamo
produced from 1902 until 1985, and many others never marketed, are
described. (Source : hadland’s blog)
HADLAND, Tony, The Space Frame Moultons, 1994, Hadlan Books,
359 pp
Categories: Racing Bikes & Accessories * Cycle Racing History
(Highlights & Anecdotes)
This book covers the period of the development of the space frame
Moulton, its launch in 1983 and continuing development up to 1994. Tony
Hadland describes the development of the unique space-frame. He covers
all the variations in the design. As well as focusing on the design there are
excellent human stories as well such as Jim Glover breaking the world unpaced cycling record on a Moulton in 1986. Towards the end of the book
is a lovely chapter on touring. (Source:
HADLAND, Tony, Raleigh, Past and Presence of an Iconic Bicycle
Brand, 2011, Van der Plas Publications, 368 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
This is an enormous work covering the entire history of the iconic British
bicycle brand in 46 chapters, from the birth of (company founder) Frank
Bowden in 1848 to 2011. The study includes some chapters which focus
in particular on Raleigh’s involvement in the cycle racing scene (i.e. “The
Reg Harris Years, 1948–1957”, “Lightweights and Racers, 1960–1987”
and “Racing Results, 1960–1987”). One of the Appendices provides a
survey of “Raleigh Racing Successes”.
HAMILTON, P.B., The life of Thomas Humber, being the history of
English cycling from its commencement up-to-date, 1894, Dangerfield
Printing Company, 75pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Observation: Reprint by Edward Williams in 1994 to mark the centenary
of the original edition (47 pp).
HAMILTON, Tyler & COYLE, Daniel, The Secret Race, Inside the
Hidden World of the Tour De France, Doping, Cover-ups and Winning at
All Costs, 2012, Bantan, 306 pp
Categories: Biographies (USA) * Doping
Hamilton's co-writer Daniel Coyle distills meticulous research and hours
of interviews with numerous individuals into a clear, gripping, unabashed
expose' on cycling's lost decade of doping. It is an indictment of Lance
Armstrong, to be sure. But it is also an indictment of the system. Hamilton
makes a fool of the UCI and its anti-doping efforts, demonstrating how
simple it was to avoid positive tests. "In fact, they weren't drug tests. They
were more like discipline tests, IQ tests. If you were careful and paid
attention, you could dope and be 99 percent certain that you would not get
caught." (Source:
HAMVAS, Balint, Cyclocross 2011/2012, 2012, 216 pp
Categories: Photography * Cyclo-cross
The book features all eight legs of the World Cup as well as all
Superprestige and GVA trophy races, plus CrossVegas, Scheldecross,
Druivencross and last but most definitely not least, the World
Championships in Koksijde, Belgium. And if that is not enough, you will
also get a sneak peek behind the scenes of cyclo-cross, as Balint spends a
day with Bart Wellens during raceday in Leuven, and visits the Bioracer
factory, clothing manufacturer for champions Lars Boom, Niels Albert and
Sven Nys. (Source :
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HANCOCK, Cyril, The Veteran-Cycle Club (1955-2005), A History of
the First 50 Years, 2010, John Pinkerton Memorial Publishing Fund, 228
Categories: Cycling Clubs * Media
The original aim of the Club was to study and exchange information on
cycles and cycling. One of its founders suggested it would be possible to
produce a quarterly magazine containing a real photograph of an old
machine. Another co-founder thought it worth attempting an annual run
for veteran cycles. At the inaugural meeting on 25th June 1955 the club
was named the Southern Veteran-Cycle Club. "Southern" was deleted
from the Club name in 1987 and it was then to be known as the VeteranCycle Club. It sponsors the Publishing Trust Fund that was set up in
memory of John Pinkerton, the objective of which is to continue the
publishing activities initiated by John - to publish historical material on the
development of the cycle and all types of related activities. (Source:
HANSLOWE, F.G.C., Australian Cycling Annual, vol. I, no. 1, 1897,
George Robertson & Co.
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
This chief object of this volume of over 400 pages is to present to the
public in a convenient form a mass of cycling information of useful,
instructive and interesting character. Racing men are provided with
records and the rules of the various leagues and union organisations
throughout the colonies; tourists are not forgotten. (Source: Launceston
Examiner, 1897)
HARDIE, Martin, IANTO, Ware, SHILBURY, David & BOZI,
Claudio, I wish I was twenty one now, Beyond doping in the Australian
Peloton, A Report, 2012, Auskadi Samizdats, 363 pp
Category: Doping
This report draws from interviews with current and recently retired
professional cyclists and a review of existing anti-doping measures to
consider the possibilities for a cleaner, sustainable sport. The idea of an
athlete, and more so a professional cyclist, as being a privileged free spirit
in many ways is at odds with the regimes of location and physical
surveillance embodied in such anti-doping measures as the Whereabouts
system and the Biological Passport. At the same time, the cyclist is both a
mythical hero and an overworked and exploited worker at one and the
same time. The cyclist is a sportsperson, a player of a game, at the same
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
time as being an entrepreneur in a global business that produces lifestyles
as commodities. They are competitors as well as co-operators. Mutual
respect and sustainability loom large in the logic of the cyclists as an
inherent, if contradictory, system to ensure the welfare of their sport, their
profession and their industry. They are in the business of selling a sporting
spectacle and their jobs are as embroiled in the less glamorous
practicalities common to any industry. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
HARPER, Ted, Six Days of Madness, 1993, Pacesetter Press, 160 pp
Categories: Biographies (Canada) * Track Racing
A personal memoir written about one of the most colourful periods of
bicycle racing history. Ted Harper knew a lot of the 6-day racers in this
book and is writing about the people he knew in a casual, informal manner.
Chapter 18, "Six-Day Stars" has a separate page for each of 42 racers. He
describes each one in a similarly personal account. The book is filled with
racing photographs, portraits of racers posing with their machines and 6day programs. (Source: Vernon Forbes, customer review at
HARRIS, Norman, Champion of Nothing: The Testament of a
Journalist-Athlete, 1965, A.H. and A.W. Reed ,140 pp
Category: Media
A record of a young New Zealand journalist, passionately dedicated to
sport, who once fought with bitter determination to excel as a longdistance runner, as a racing cyclist, and as a triple-jumper. (Source:
HARRIS, Reginald Hargreaves & BOWDEN, Gregory Houston, Two
wheels to the top: an autobiography, 1976, W.H. Allen, 218 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
The British sprint champion recounts details of his track racing career,
starting immediately before World War II and then peaking in the post–
war period up. It is a story of an almost constant round of sprint racing at
meetings held on dedicated banked outdoor cycling tracks in both Britain
and on the Continent as well as in Australia in successive summers. Harris
tells of his competing at race meetings both minor and major, of the 1948
London Olympics, of UCI world track championships, of post–world
championship ‘revenge’ track meetings, of prestigious local events and of
the match sprint ‘grand prix’ titles of capital cities like London, Paris and
Copenhagen. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HASSELL, Jeromy, The Coventry Machinists Company Ltd., 2004,
Lightmoor press. 16 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
The company manufactured bicycles, tricycles, and such vehicles for
multiple human propulsion. The book includes a chapter on the Swift
model that was raced by M. A. Holbein in 1895.
HAUTZIG, David, 1,000 Miles in 12 Days: Pro Cyclists on Tour, 1995,
Orchard Books, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycling * Stage
Using the 1994 Tour Du Pont (held in the eastern United States) as an
example, Hautzig describes a professional-cycling stage race. He explains
the teamwork, strategy, and stages (time trials, flat, and mountain stages),
with special terms highlighted in yellow in the text. The support crews
who provide food and mechanical and medical help are also included. A
map shows the locations of the Tour Du Pont races. (Source: Susan Knorr,
Milwaukee Public Library, WI, review at barnesandnoble)
HAVILL, Steven F., Final Payment, 2007, St. Martin’s Press, 288 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
The rugged Cat Mesa country north of the village of Posadas is hosting a
cyclo-cross bicycle race that promises to attract more than 140
competitors. Undersheriff Estelle Reyes-Guzman has even more pressing
concerns on her mind. Someone has been using Jerry Turner's big Cessna
206 and then returning it to its hangar at the airport. The day of the big race
brings a tragedy that doesn't look like an accident, and as the investigation
continues, puzzling connections surface deep in Mexico. Posadas County
is now mixed up in something bigger and more sinister than it's ever faced
before, and it's up to Estelle to uncover the truth. (Source: Julia Ramey,
HAYES, Kevin J., An American Cycling Odyssey 1887, 2002 University
of Nebraska, 208 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
English professor Hayes chronicles the record-setting, cross-country
bicycle adventure of one George Nellis, who set out from Herkimer, New
York, on May 24, 1887, and fetched up in San Francisco 72 days later,
weeks earlier than any previous cyclist had accomplished the feat. The
author sprinkles the narrative with quotations and dialogue from Nellis'
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
own articles about the trip, and he also supplies a capsule history of cycling
in America, including a broader glimpse of American culture in the lateVictorian era, a time when the sight of a young man peddling a bike
brought people out of their houses to gawk. This was adventure before
there were airplanes or fast automobiles, when cycling was still considered
the ultimate in dangerous pursuits. Perhaps this sparkling account will give
Nellis, unknown outside cycling circles, some of the lasting recognition he
so richly deserves. (Source: David Pitt, Copyright © American Library
Association. All rights reserved)
HAYES, Luke, Major Taylor, Bicycle Champion, 2011, J. Porter
Publishing, 77 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
The book relates for young readers the story of Major Taylor. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
HEALY, Graham & ALLCHIN, Richard, Shay Elliott, the life and
death of Ireland’s first yellow jersey, 2011, Mousehold Press, 190 pp,
Forewords by Sean Kelly and Pat McQuaid
Category: Biographies (Ireland)
A personal and detailed account of Elliott's formative years in Ireland, his
early influences and his first foray into Europe as an amateur in 1955. He
turned professional the following year, signing with the Helyett team
alongside Jacques Anquetil, and basing himself in Paris, where he
embraced both the French language and the culture. In 1963, he won stage
3 of the Tour de France and claimed the Yellow Jersey. The authors have
sympathetically pieced together Elliott's life, using personal recollections
from Elliott's family and friends to provide an intimate portrait of both the
man and the cyclist. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
HEBDEN, Mark, Pel is puzzled, 1981, Hamilton, Inspector Pel
Mysteries, 240 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
For some time now peace of the Burgundian countryside has been
periodically shattered by raids on historic châteaux and churches to
plunder art treasures. Then the latest develops into something more
disturbing; two murders and some sort of underhand espionage deal –
possibly international – are involved. Inspector Pel’s investigations reach
their climax at the winning post of that most Gallic of institutions, the Tour
de France bicycle race. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Observation: reprints in 1984 (Futura Publications, 240 pp) and in 2001
(House of Stratus, 258 pp).
HEERY, Pat, Putney Velodrome & the Putney Velodrome Estate, 1999,
privately published, 105 pp
Category: Track Racing
In 1888 Mr John Davis, a local builder, took out a lease on land in west
Putney and proceeded to construct the first concrete cycling track in
England. Putney Velodrome opened in 1891, registered for national and
international competition. For 15 years it was a very popular venue for
cycling races and athletic meetings as well as being used by the
community. The Velodrome’s 12 and 24-hour races regularly attracted as
many as 10,000 spectators. But more significantly, the vast improvement
in cycle technology prompted a craze for cycling that can only be described
as fanatical. But Mr Davis’ lease ran out in 1905 and by 1907 an enclave
of Edwardian middle-class housing was on the market. Putney Velodrome
faded fast from the memory. (Source:
Books of Jan HEINE
An avid cyclist since his youth, author Heine is in fact quite the scientist
but traded the world of academia for the one of cycling and started Bicycle
Quarterly Press in 2002 and editor of Bicycle Quarterly, a well-regarded
magazine specializing in classic bicycles and cycling history. (Source:
HEINE, Jan & PRADERES, Jean-Pierre (Photography), The Golden
Age of Handbuilt Bicycles, 2009, Rizzoli, 168 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Custom & Hand Built Bicycles)
All the 50 bikes in this book are French, the reason being that the French
were not just early adopters and innovators on a grand scale but developed
a sophisticated, long-lasting bicycle culture. Heine and Pradères went to
visit bicycle collections in France and the US and selected - with a few
exceptions for historically important bikes - the most original examples
they could find of touring/long distance/city bikes. Models between 1910
and 2003 are covered in chronological order on 2–4 pages each. The text
talks about not only the bikes but how they fit into their times, the people
that made them, and, to varying degrees, technical and construction
features. The latter aspect is intentionally kept to a minimum so as to give
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
the splendid photos pride of place. The bikes are shown from various
angles and there are lots and lots of details shots. (Source:
Observation: first published in 2005 (Vintage Bicycle Press).
HEINE, Jan & PRADERES, Jean-Pierre, The Competition Bicycle,
Photographic History, 2008, Vintage Bicycle Press, 176 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Racing Bikes)
Heine describes thirty four different competition bicycles, from an 1880s
high-wheeler to Tony Rominger’s 1994 Colnago Hour Record bicycle.
They represent the then-state-of-the-art for contemporary cycling. The
book, which is admirably designed and printed, begins with an index to
the bicycles, cleverly done as the bicycle featured in each chapter is shown
in a small photo for easy reference. It proceeds in chronological order and
each bicycle is usually accompanied by a few economical but carefullywritten paragraphs of Mr. Heine. Sometimes the bicycle is the focus but
where the rider is known, information is provided about him or her as well.
While the Tour stars are familiar, there are pieces on less-known riders.
Highlights include Frank Bartell and his 1935 Hour Record bike simply
based on a Six Day racer; US Champion Doris Kopsky’s elegant silver
track bike, built by her father Joe in 1937; and the arsenal of bicycles–road,
track, stayer–used by pro racer Georges Baudin in the 1950s. In “The
Competition Bicycle: A Photographic History” every bike is a star.
Observation: the book was published again in 2012 (Rizzoli, 162 pp),
albeit under a different subtitle (Competition Bicycle, The Craftsmanship
of Speed).
HEINE, Jan, About Rene Herse, 2012, Bicycle Quarterly Press, 424 pp,
Foreword by Lyli Herse
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Custom & Hand Built Bicycles)
René Herse created some of the most finely crafted and sought-after
bicycles ever made. At the 1938 Technical Trials, his bike created a
sensation: fully equipped with wide tires, fenders, lights and a rack and
weighing just 7.94 kg (17.5 lb), it was lighter than any similar bike even
today. View rare photographs documenting amazing performances in the
Poly de Chanteloup hillclimb race and Paris-Brest-Paris, as well as famous
professional racers who rode on René Herse’s frames to victories in
national and world championships. Recollections from Herse’s daughter,
his employees and especially, riders on his team combine to form a vivid
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
portrait of a gentle, hard-working man who loved cycling and bicycles.
More than 400 photos, many taken by professional photographers, bring
the story to life. Complementing this history are studio photographs of 20
René Herse bicycles, from one of the first machines made in 1941 to one
of the last bikes built in the 1980s. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
HEIJMANS, Jeroen & MALLON, Bill, Historical Dictionary of
Cycling, 2011, Scarecrow Press, 466 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general)
This one-volume dictionary features 500-plus alphabetically arranged
entries with cross-references. The length of entries ranges from several
lines for a simple definition, to four or five pages, e.g., for the Tour de
France race. The breadth of topics is extensive. Individuals, specific races,
types of cycling, and topics related to cycling are covered. The book treats
controversial issues like doping in a factual, unbiased manner. Overall the
writing is readable and concise. Numerous black-and-white photos
supplement the text, and ten appendixes list winners in various classes of
racing, award winners, and record holders. A chronology of cycling
extending to the present, provides interesting reading. A lengthy, topically
arranged bibliography will be helpful to those looking for additional
information. (Source: editorial review,
Books of Johnny HELMS
Johnny Helms was a cartoonist, who started working for Cycling (later
Cycling Weekly) in 1946. This was the start of a record-breaking
association with the magazine until his death in 2009. His cartoons evoke
so brilliantly the almost-vanished world of British club cycling. His
hopeless anti-heroes, Baz and Honk, with all their crashes, their punctures,
and their battles with dogs, have entertained thousands of readers. Helms
was awarded the prestigious Bidlake Memorial Prize in recognition of his
outstanding contribution to cycling. (Sources: Cycling Weekly &
HELMS, Johnny, Transport of delight, 1979, privately published, 98
pp, Foreward by Albert Winstanley
Category: Comics, Cartoons & Graphic Novels
First of the trilogy of cycling cartoons culled from ‘Cycling’ magazine.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HELMS, Johnny, Round the bends, A second collection of cycling
cartoons, 1980, privately published, 100 pp, Foreward by Mick
Category: Comics, Cartoons & Graphic Novels
Second of the thrilogy of drawings that first appeared in 'Cycling'
magazine. Includes inserted articles '42 Years of Helms' from Cycling
Weekly and from Cycling. (Source:
HELMS, Johnny, On your bike, 1980 (?), privately published, 80 pp
Category: Comics, Cartoons & Graphic Novels
Third of the trilogy of cycling cartoons culled from ‘Cycling’ magazine.
HELMS, Johnny, ‘Do you mean to say you have never ridden a
bicycle?‘ – The World of Johnny Helms, 2006, Wychwood Studios, 112
pp, Forewords by Johnny Helms, Keith Bingham and Peter Whitfield
Category: Comics, Cartoons & Graphic Novels
A compilation of cartoons published in 2006 to celebrate 60 years of
contributions to Cycling Weekly.
Books of Noel Gordon HENDERSON
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Rainbow Jersey, 1970, Kennedy
Brothers, 54 pp
Category: One-day Races
The story of the 1970 World Championships which took place in Leicester,
England. This booklet tells who won, what, and how; it has many pictures
and statistics. (Source: Howie Cohen)
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Yellow Jersey, From Eugène Christophe
to Eddy Merckx, 1970, Kennedy Brothers, 36 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
This booklet is about the Yellow Jersey awarded daily to the leading rider
in the Tour de France. Some of the renown competitors who are illustrated
in this booklet are Tom Simpson, Eugene Christophe (the first Yellow
Jersey of the TdF), Philipe Thys, Henri Pelissier, Ottavio Bottechia,
Nicolas Frantz, Andre Leducq, Georges Speicher, Antonin Magne,
Sylvere Maes, Eddy Merckx, Gino Bartali, Fausto Coppi, Ferdinand
Kübler, Louison Bobet, Federico Bahamontes, Charly Gaul, Jacques
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Anquetil, Georges Groussard, Felice Gimondi. There are many more
mentioned but not illustrated. (Source: Howie Cohen)
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Continental Cycle Racing, 1970, Pelham,
129 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general)
Explains which of the Continental cycle races are important, details their
history and profiles. (Source:
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Six of the Best, 1971, Kennedy Brothers,
36 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Champions)
Who are the successors to Anquetil and Van Looy? In this booklet reasons
are given for the choice of six of the best contemporary cyclists and for
each chosen there is a detailed race analysis which shows just what his
qualities are. (Source: MG)
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Cycling Year Book 1970, 1971, Pelham
Books 128 pp
Category: Yearbooks (1970)
Book chronicling British and European bike racing in 1970. It includes all
aspects: cyclo-cross, track, time-trialing and road. (Source: Howie Cohen)
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Cyclepedia: a unique reference guide to
the major cycling events and their winners, 1971, Kennedy Brothers, 48
Category: Cycle Racing History (Overviews)
The purpose of this book is to bring together information about the most
important British and World cycling events, and to present the information
in a form which makes it a single and simple work of reference. (Source:
Howie Cohen)
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon & DUNIECQ, Jacques, Cycling 71,
1972, Kennedy Brothers, 46 pp
Category: Yearbooks (1971)
Booklet containing facts, photos and data about British and European
bicycle racing for the year 1971. (Source: Howie Cohen)
HENDERSON, N.G., Fabulous Fifties, 1971, Kennedy Brothers, 40 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Book about the famous racers and races of the 1950's including such
champions as Bobet, Coppi, Gaul, Koblet, Kübler, Anquetil, Raphaël
Geminiani and others. (Source: Howie Cohen)
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Cycling Classics 1970-1972, 1973,
Pelham, 189 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general)
History of records of events brought completely up to date, with details of
the 39 races and 3 world championships, including the Olympic events of
1972. Photographs, figures and tables. (Source:
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Centenary 78: the Story of 100 Years of
Organised British Cycle Racing, 1977, Kennedy Brothers, 127 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
'78' is chosen for the title because this was the year that the first governing
body for cycle racing was created in the UK! Some great archival
photographs are here, together will lots of detail, history and records.
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, European Cycling: the 20 Greatest
Races, 1989, Vitesse Press, 152 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general)
History and course information on the races that Henderson ranks as
Europe's 20 greatest. Also performances and rankings of the greatest
riders. Two main themes run through the book: the great names of British
cycling, and the development of the governing bodies. (Source:
HEPHER, Jack & DRUMMOND, John, Goulburn to Sydney 19021992, 90 Years of a Cycling Classic, 1992, privately published, 228 pp
Category: One-day Races
This is the story of the famous Australian Cycling Classic. (Source:
HERLIHY, David, The history of the bicycle, 2006, Yale University
Press, 470 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general)
A comprehensive guide to the early evolution of the bicycle. Filled with
anecdotes from the late 19th and early 20th century, along with hundreds
of photos, drawings and catalog excerpts, this is a book that can be
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
consumed in bits, browsed or read with careful attention. Herlihy examines
not just at the machines and riders, but the changes in society and the world
brought about by “the poor man’s horse.” The marketing of bicycles, the
role of the machine in liberating women from the confines of Victorian
society, the development of paved roads, and other tales fill the book and
yet it does not drag or feel padded. While Herlihy’s history gives context
to our current age, those looking for details on modern developments may
be disappointed: the author mainly focuses the first 50 years of bicycling.
Table of Contents: The Elusive Mechanical Horse * The Draisine Abroad
* Wheels and Woes * The Bicycle Breakthrough * The American
Adventure * European Development * The High Mount Prevails * The
Pinnacle of the High Wheeler * Growing Safety Concerns * The Rise of
the Rover * The Bicycle Boom * Legacy of the Boom * Utilitarian
Cycling* Recreational Cycling * Competitive Cycling * Cycling into the
HERMAN, Gail & ROPER, Robert (illustrator), Pedaling to perfect
punctuation, 2009, Gareth Stevens Publishing, 32 pp
Category: Educational Materials
Head to Mount Chance with Buzz Star and kid photographer Josh Lenz as
they cover an all-day bicycle race. As Josh photographs the cyclists, Buzz
teaches him how to punctuate his captions. (Source: Publisher’s
HERRAN, Joe & THOMAS, Ron, BMX Riding, 2002, Chelsea House
Publications, “Action Sports” Series, 32 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
The authors introduce two types of BMX riding: racing and freestyle. The
rules of BMX racing are covered along with all the bumps and jumps of
the BMX racetrack. The discussion of freestyle-a series of spins, jumps,
and maneuvers performed while balancing the bike-includes explanations
of various tricks and techniques. The book also highlights top BMX riders
and discusses BMX competitions. The books in this series are striking,
with lots of color, pictures, and bold type. "Action Facts" are found
throughout each book, with trivia, record breakers, and histories for each
sport. (Source: Sarah Cofer, review at
HERSHON, Maynard, Half-Wheel Hell and Other Cycling Stories,
1994, VeloPress, 133 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Categories: Biographies (UK) * Bike (Racing) Cult
The book consists of a compilation of approximately 40 articles written for
cycling publications in the late '80s and early '90s. Although it might be
slightly dated, the reading is still enjoyable and thought-provoking.
(Source: Loraxman, customer review,
HERSHON, Maynard, Tales from the Bike Shop, 1990, Alan C Hood &
Co, 184 pp
Categories: Bike (Racing) Cult * Humour
This book is full of tales centered around a mythical bike shop that is hard
to find nowadays - run by an old track racer - for bike riders by bike riders
- long before the advent of mountain bikes. These stories are culled from
the last page of Winning and VeloNews, where for a long while, these
articles appeared. Accompanying the words are illustrations that fit ideally
with the story, and highlight the funny crux of the story. Cyclotourists and
road racers were about all that there was back then, and the experience of
the bike shop employees helping them is covered, with a sort of humor that
can only come from long experience with the topic. (Source: Regis
Chapman, customer review,
HEWITT, Chris, The Story of A.J. Hodge and his Cycles: History in the
making, 1877-1966, 1991, privately published, 115 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Custom & Hand Built Bicycles)
Details the life of cycle shop owner and frame builder Arthur Hodge, who
traded under the name Holly Cycles. Many famous names used his frames
including Leon Meredith, Maurice Selbach and Dave Marsh. He was an
innovator but not having the business acumen they were exploited by
others, they include Wing Nuts, Upright frame angles, tapered tubing for
chain and seat stays.
HEWSON, Tony, In pursuit of stardom, Les Nomades du vélo anglais,
2006, Mousehold Press, 258 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
For much of cycling's "Fabulous Fifties" it was Brian Robinson alone who
flew the flag for Britain abroad. That is until three young men, lodging in
a converted ex-WD ambulance, set out to emulate his success, starting
from ground zero. Jock Andrews, Vic Sutton and Tony Hewson,
overcame handicap, prejudice, disappointment and hardship to touch the
heights of the sport. Tony Hewson's frequently comic and moving memoir
recalls professional cycling's Golden Age, telling of those four tumultuous
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
years of struggle to earn a living and the respect of the continental peloton.
HEWSON, Tony, A Racing Cyclist’s Worst Nightmare, 2009,
Mousehold Press, 230 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Tony Hewson is a former champion racing cyclist who won the 1955 Tour
of Britain and went on to represent his country in the Warsaw - Berlin Prague and the Tour de France. His book is a collection of individual but
interrelated stories it employs a variety of different literary genres autobiography, biography, discourse and fiction. Whilst each piece can be
enjoyed in its own right, the work as a whole casts light on an era of UK
cycling history in the aftermath of World War II that until now has been
somewhat neglected and forgotten. (Source: Bromleyvideo)
HICKS, Peter, Lance Armstrong, Racing Hero, 2011, Rosen Pub Group,
32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
This book introduces readers to the courageous and talented Lance
Armstrong who won the Tour de France a record-breaking seven times.
Readers learn about his childhood in Texas, and how he went from being
a young swimmer to becoming the most successful cyclist in history.
HILL, Christine M., Lance Armstrong: Cycling, Surviving, Inspiring
Hope, 2007, Enslow Publishers, People to know today, 128 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (US)
These biographies for teen readers describe the lives and achievements of
well-known, significant Americans of the 20th and 21st centuries using
colour layouts, informative sidebars, and lots of supplementary data.
(Source: eBay)
HILL, Geoff, Riches from Rags The Life of a Black Country
Entrepreneur, 2006, Sutton Publishing, 152 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Geoff Hill was born in 1927 in Brierley Hill. He easily obtained a
scholarship to King Edward VI School in Stourbridge, but had to leave at
the age of fifteen to contribute to the family income. Geoff's passion for
cycling led him to take a job in a bicycle shop, and to semi-professional
cycling: at the age of seventeen he became the British Under Eighteen
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Champion. This obsession with bike racing continued until Geoff was
called up for National Service as a 'Bevin Boy'. Finally he settled down
with the opening of Geoff Hill Electrical - now the Black Country's most
successful independent electrical retailer. (Source: Howie Cohen)
HILLMAN, Robert, Cycling, 2005, Echidna Books, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
Cycling also includes many sporting events, from a variety of track, or
velodrome, races to road racing along streets, as well as mountain bike and
BMX racing. The Australian cycling team excelled at the 2004 Athens
Olympics, winning six gold medals, two silver and two bronze medals.
HILTON, Tim, One More Kilometre and We’re in the Showers, 2005,
Harper Perennial, 256 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
A collection of memories, autobiography and lists by a talented writer who
provides a treat for anyone who has been touched by cycling culture.
Hilton - an art critic and journalist by trade - has assembled a glorious rattle
bag of a book of memoires. He opens with his introduction to cycling as
an escape from the communist household in which he grew up in the
1940s. This is a book of vignettes and digressions in bike culture. He
ranges widely, from the rivalry between Coppi and Bartali, to the history
of the socialist Clarion cycling clubs and way that cyclists choose their
occupations. Hilton is also keen on lists, classic steel frame builders of
industrial England, the hills of The Tour of Flanders and successful women
racing cyclists of the 1950s, to mention just three. (Source:
HILTON, Tim, Wheels along the Waveney, A History of Godric Cycling
Club 1953-2003, 2003, Mousehold Press, 96 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
This book explains how the Godric C.C. quickly became the most admired
cycling club in East Anglia. It describes the varied fortunes of the club, its
mixture of tradition and innovation, its unparalleled work for charity, and
its place in the life and leisure of the Waveney Valley. (Source:
HINAULT, Bernard, Hinault by Hinault, A pictorial biography of one
of cycling’s greatest legends, 1987, Winning, 128 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Categories: Biographies (France) * Photography
Most of these photos were already in previous ‘Winning’ magazine issues.
(Source: It concerns a bilingual publication (English and
HINAULT, Bernard & GENZLING, Claude, Road Racing, Technique
and Training, 1988, Vitesse Press, 208 pp
Categories: Biographies (France) * Introduction to Cycle Racing
This book remains a classic. It contains the latest information for its time
(1980's era) and much of it is timeless. It is a perfect compliment to
Bernard Hinault's seemingly mercurial temperament to show the amount
of thought he put into his preparation. He used the best training programs
available, and the best trainers available to him and delivers that
information in a clear, pointed way. One cannot help but be impressed by
the amount and variety of information here. Everything from gear charts
for cyclotourists to saddle height formulas are in this book, and even in
1998 serve as a good starting point for anyone interested in proper fitting
to the bicycle. (Source: customer review at
HINAULT, Bernard, Memories of the Peloton, 1989, Vitesse Press, 157
Category: Biographies (France)
Less a structured story of someone’s career and more a rant into a
dictaphone, Essentially, the book is a collection of anecdotes. Most of the
description comes in the guise of ‘they thought I was weak, that they could
do this and that, and then I rode away from them.’ (Source:
HINCHCLIFFE, Adrian, Fifty years of the Huddersfield Star
Wheelers, 2005, Cntral Publishing Ltd., 304 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
"I wanted to put together a social history of the times, particularly the early
years of the club." Adrian harnessed the writing talents of umpteen ex-Star
Wheelers, who each contributed to the compilation. Club founder and the
man dubbed "Mr. Star Wheelers" Bernard Heath, who now lives on a
remote croft in northern Scotland, recalls the time when a bunch of riders
broke away from the politically influenced National Clarion, to form a club
devoted purely to cycling - "our club" as these pioneers liked to call it.
Other contributors tell the tales of the club's many personalities,
outstanding among them the late, great all-conquering hill-climbing
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
champion Granville Sydney. The book's biggest appeal is its fount of
anecdotes. (Source:
HINDLE, Kathy & IRVINE, Lee, A Thorough Good Fellow, The Story
of Dan Albone, 1990, Bedfordshire County Council, 80 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Dan Albone was born in England, in 1860. He became obsessed with
cycling and with the mechanics of bicycles. By the age of 13, he had
designed his very own. He began competing in local races. Throughout his
teenage years and into his 20s, Dan Albone competed in numerous cycling
competitions and won more than 180 prizes. At the age of 20, Dan Albone
founded the Ivel Cycle Works, dedicated to making bicycles both for
himself and his friends. In the 1890s, he devoted himself to the invention
of motorcars and motorcycles. But it was in 1901 when Albone would
achieve international fame with his first tractor design. (Source:
HINKLE, Chris, Cyclocross, (2009?), 120 pp
Category: Cyclo-cross
A collection of photographs from the 2008 United States cyclo-cross
season in which photographer Chris Hinkle weaves the viewer through the
trenches of this sport. Much like the sport itself, Hinkle’s images are gritty
and to the core in grainy black and white. This lyrical essay of images
spans cyclo-cross racing’s hot-spots from the Northwest to the East Coast
to the Nationals in the Midwest, capturing the passion of the athletes and
its devoted fans. (Source:
HOBAN, Barry & WILCOCKSON, John, Watching the Wheels Go
Round, 1981, Stanley Paul, 258 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Hoban’s account of his life as a cyclist is chronological and formulaic, but
he was a cheeky and talented outsider who was able to observe the best
racers of the 1970s from close quarters. (Source:
HODGE, Eric W.J., Rebel with a Cause, 1999, privately
published, 76 pp
Category: Women’s Cycle Racing
The first 21 years of the woman’s cycle racing association from the
archives of Eileen Gray, an international bicycle racer who founded the
Women's Cycle Racing Association.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HOFFMAN, Mat, The ride of my life, 2002, Harper Entertainment, 320
Category: BMX Racing
Mat is a 10-time BMX World Champion. Mat has brought BMX freestyle
riding to a level many thought wasn't possible. This book reveals the ups
and downs of his own life and the story of the sport he helped define.
(Sources: &
Observation: reprint in 2003 HarperCollins// Harper Sports// IT Books.
Some of the editions appear to have been published with the title
“Testimony: the ride of my life”.
HOLDER, Bill, BMX Racing, 1995, Willowisp Press
Category: BMX Racing
BMX Racing: Pedal Power on a Fast Track. Here's the ultimate guide for
all the basics--and more! How do I get into the sport? What will a BMX
bike cost me? How old do I have to be? Do I need fancy clothes? What's
the best way to go into a turn? What about passing techniques? Where can
I find a track near my home? PLUS: Meet some really cool superstars
inside! (Amazon)
HOLLAND, Frances, Dancing uphill, The cycling adventures of
Charles Holland, the first English rider in the Tour De France, 2007, M
& N Publishing, 176 pp, Foreword by Hugh Porter
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Charles Holland's story was born out of time-trials and track racing in the
1930's. He turned professional in 1937 and accepted a place in the British
Empire Ace team. However his compatriots never finished the first stage
and Holland was therefore alone. Luckily the Belgians took pity and
looked after him until Stage 17 when he was sadly eliminated after 3
punctures. His daughter Frances has written a fascinating story of her
father's exploits using his diaries to full effect which fully illustrates life
between the two great wars in the Midlands and ground-breaking feats in
cycling. (Source: sportsandpublicity)
HOLMES GORE, Hugh, Souvenir of the Bristol Bicycle & Tricycle
Club, 1897, W.S. Bishop, 16 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
Observation: This publication is freely accessible online at
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HOLMES, Neil, A Lot To Lose, 2012,, 180 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
I only meant to cycle to lose weight, but how would I know I would be
racing for the prize money, for my job and for the love-of-my-life? Follow
Eddie in his battle against his lack of self-belief in preparing himself for
the race for the prize money, his dream job and his girlfriend. Stan,
Charles, Alf and a host of other characters provide a wonderfully mixed
combination of challenges and problems for Eddie to battle through. Will
Eddie win back what he wants? (Source: Publisher’s Description)
HOLTHAUSEN, Joop & BERGSMA, Jacob, Emotions, Photography
by Cor Vos, 2008, De Buitenspelers, 448 pp
Category: Photography
Photographer Cor Vos takes the reader for a ride on the back of his
motorcycle, cutting the edges on steep hills, fighting for a spot in the most
breath taking sprints, and reaching for the sky on mountain tops in the Alps
and the Pyrenees. This luxurious work of art is protected in a beautiful
cassette. The book is tri-lingual with text provided in three languages,
English, Dutch and French. (Source:
HOLTHAUSEN, Joop, Raleigh 125 Years, 2011, Uitgeverij de
Buitenspelers,176 pp
Category: Cycle Racing Teams
Pages filled with photos and the history of the Raleigh racing teams over
the years. Although the book itself celebrates the 125th anniversary of
Raleigh, the majority of the book is dedicated to the one decade (1974 and
1983) when the TI Raleigh Team was at the height of its powers with team
manager Peter Post at the wheel. (Source:
HOMAN, Andrew M., Life in the Slipstream, The Legend of Bobby
Walthour Sr, 2011, Potomac Books, 241 pp
Categories: Biographies (USA) * Photography
Bobby Walthour, in the early 1900s was one of the most famous and highly
paid athletes in the world. The book chronicles his rise to a national and
world cycling champion who was nearly as popular in Paris and his
adopted home of Berlin as he was in his hometown of Atlanta. Walthour's
career parallels the surging popularity of the bicycle in America, and this
biography depicts his life against the backdrop of the bicycle craze that
swept America in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Walthour started his
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
career as a sprinter and developed into a formidable six-day rider, but he
achieved his greatest fame as a fearless motor-pacer. Walthour's fortunes
took a dramatic turn for the worse during World War I. (Source: author’s
HOOD, Andrew, Armstrong rewrites history – The 2004 Tour De
France, 2004, VeloPress, 254 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (2004 Tour) * Biographies (USA)
The book begins with follow-up coverage from last year's race that brings
the reader up-to-date, and it reviews every stage of the three-week long
race. The editors detail the people and events that make each year's race
unique: the contenders and their teams as well as a course map with stage
elevations and race descriptions complete with anecdotes. Meanwhile,
world-renowned cycling photographer Graham Watson take readers to the
sidelines, bringing the event to life from start to finish. The book also
features daily journal entries by Tyler Hamilton. (Source:
HOOLEY, E.T., Confessions, 1924, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent,
308 pp
Category: Race Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Towards the end of the 19th century, Ernest Terah Hooley, an experienced
property dealer, saw bicycle businesses to be an opportunity to make his
fortune. He entered into a verbal partnership with M D Rucker, manager
of Humber Cycle Co, a man very familiar with the cycle industry. He
successfully acquired bicycle companies and then sold them to the public
at incredible profits. His greatest success had been the floatation of the
Dunlop Tyre Co Ltd in May 1896. In 1904 E T Hooley was arrested and
would serve two jail sentences for fraud. He wrote his book of Confessions
while serving the second term. (Source:
HORNER, Carl S., Hole in the wind, 2005, OLAI Press, 192 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
Set in the competitive sport of bicycle racing, this novel evokes through a
haunting depiction of the act of bullying emotions that can ravage human
confidence and self worth. Colby Fowler's drunken mother scratches
blood tracks into his face just because he tries to feed her. Two other boys
on his bike team make him feel like a freak. They bully him on training
rides and talk through him like he doesn't exist. A city bus crushes his
coach to death and then drags the man a hundred meters on his face.
Refusing to let rabid bike racers sully the honor of the only person who
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
ever made him feel wanted and alive, Fowler awakens during his coach's
memorial competition to the sanity of patience and his own worth. Carl S.
Horner evokes the kind of loneliness that can ravage human confidence;
that can drive a person to confusion, to nightmarish frustration, to extreme
and desperate behavior, even to thoughts of suicide. (Source:
Observation: a paperback edition was published in 2008 (OLAI Press,
140 pp)
HORTON, Dave, ROSEN, Paul & COX, Peter, Cycling and Society,
2007, Ashgate, 205 pp
Categories: Women’s Cycle Racing
How can the social sciences help us to understand the past, present and
potential futures of cycling? This international and interdisciplinary
collection includes a contribution from Clare Simpson entitled
“Capitalising on curiosity: women's professional cycle racing in the late
19th century”. (Source:
HOUSEL, Debra & MIGILLACCIO, Eric, Cycling: Easy Olympic
Sports Reader, 2004, Griffin Publishing Group, 16 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Olympic Games
Beginning readers can practice their reading skills with this 6-book set that
introduces some of the sports played during the Olympic Games. The Easy
Olympic Sports Readers are fun-to-read for primary grade children and are
highly motivational. They are also filled with exciting full colour
HOWARD, Alfred, The Bicycle for 1874, A Record of Bicycling for the
Year, 1874, Henry Causton
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
HOWARD, Alfred, The Bicycle for 1876, A Record of Bicycling for the
Year, 1877, Bicycle Journal
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
HOWARD, Alfred, The Bicycle for 1877, A Record of Bicycling for the
Past Year, 1878, 60 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
The author listed 23 clubs in London and more than 100 in the rest of
Britain. His review of the 1876 racing season presented more than 60 pages
of results, with racing beginning in early January and continuing until 30
December. (Source: Andrew Ritchie)
HOWARD, John & NYE, Peter, Pushing the limits, The story of John
Howard, the Incredible Machine, 1993, New York WRS Publishing, 231
Category: Biographies (USA)
John Howard has a remarkable resume as a professional cyclist, endurance
athlete, and coach. He spent 10 years on the U.S. national cycling team
and raced in three Olympic Games. In 1971 he won first place in the PanAm Games road race. An American pioneer on the European racing
circuit, he won a stage and finished third overall in the Tour of Ireland in
1973. In 1987, he set the 24-hour cycling distance record of 539 miles. In
1989, he was inducted into the U.S. Cycling Hall of Fame. Howard's
achievements don't end with traditional bike racing. He won the Hawaii
Ironman Triathlon in 1981. (Source:
HOWARD, Ken, Territorial Politics and Irish Cycling, 2006, Mapping
Frontiers, Plotting Pathways, 2006, Mapping Frontiers, Plotting
Pathways, Working Paper 21
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
This paper explores a particular sporting activity in which the complexities
of the relationship between the two parts of Ireland, and between Northern
Ireland and Great Britain, are vividly illustrated. Originally, cycling in
Ireland was organised by two internationally recognised bodies, the Irish
Cycling Federation (founded 1954) in the Republic and the Northern
Ireland Cycling Federation (founded in 1949) in Northern Ireland.
Alongside these was a third body, the National Cycling Association
(founded in 1932), which operated on an all-island basis. Tensions
between the three organisations were overcome in 1979 by a tripartite
agreement, under which a new, internationally recognised all-Ireland
body, the Federation of Irish Cyclists, appeared five years later. But this
did not end the matter, and the paper discusses the failure of Northern
Ireland Cycling Federation members to endorse this solution, the resulting
split, and continuing efforts by that organisation (both before and after the
1998 Good Friday agreement) to define itself as a British- rather than an
Irish-linked body. (Source: Paper’s abstract)
Observation: the paper is freely accessible at
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HOWARD, Paul, Riding High: Shadow Cycling the Tour De France,
2003, Randhome House, 240 pp
Categories: Tour de France Cult * Humour
The author set out to complete the Tour - in the year of its 100th
anniversary - on level terms with today's riders. The book is Howard's
diary of his experiences as he rides the Tour de France route from start to
finish, setting off each day only hours before the professionals, at each
stage sharing anecdotes and noting the historical highpoints that have
made the Tour one of the most iconic sporting events in the world. (Source:
HOWARD, Paul, Sex, Lies and Handlebar Tape, The Remarkable Life
of Jacques Anquetil, the first Five-Times Winner of the Tour De France,
2008, Mainstream Publishing, 316 pp
Category: Biographies (France)
To his credit, Paul Howard has not allowed Anquetil's astonishing love life
to overwhelm his equally extraordinary career, producing an impeccably
researched book that is far more measured than its sensationalist title
suggests. (Source: The Independent)
HOWARD, R.C., Tour De France, (Life-French Style Series), 1974,
Harrap, 16 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Tour de France History (In general)
Observation: reprint in 1985 (Cengage Learning Australia)
HOWARD, Wayne R., Wayne’s Tour, A Big Bloke’s Tour De France,
2011, Inspiring Excellence, 300 pp
Category: Humour
In 2004, Wayne was about to retire from the Lancashire Constabulary after
30 years’ service, and considered himself an ordinary bloke who wanted
to mark the event by achieving an extraordinary thing - To cycle solo all
2,256 miles of the Year 2000 route of the Tour de France in aid of a local
cancer charity, and in memory of two colleagues who lost their battle
against cancer. He takes you on an authentic journey that is fascinating,
convincing, moving and amusing. His down to earth story of the highs and
lows of the planning, preparing and the cycling is an inspiring narrative
that is sprinkled with lessons in life - yet he combines it with a smile on
every page. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HOXLEY, Kenneth John (ed), JOHNSON, Eileen & JONES, Janet,
A Century of Cycling, 1997, Teamprint, 172 pp
Categories: Cycle Racing History * Photography
If you're hoping for some real stories from each race, prepare to be
disappointed. Instead, you'll see paragraph long glimpses into some of the
greatest European rides of the century. A lot of this book is simply nice
pictures. (Source: Kyle Schmidt,
HOY, Chris, Chris Hoy: The Autobiography, How I lived the Dream
and became Olympic Champion, 2009, HarperSport, 352 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
The book is well-paced, well written and very easy to read, and while there
are no startling confessions or skeletons leaping out of closets, Chris
comes across as the down to earth character he still is. The book leads up
to the Olympics in Beijing and the subsequent celebrations and
knighthood, but then almost jumps forward to Valentines Day, 2009 and
that accident at Copenhagen that took Hoy out for a lengthy part of this
year. We now know that he does actually eat bran flakes for breakfast, how
many calories are in those thigh muscles, and the rather incredible fact that
his maximum power output on the track is a few mere watts under 2500.
That said, this is an enjoyable life's story. (Source:
Observation: this book was updated in 2010, and then again in 2012 to
include Sir Chris Hoy's golds at London 2012.
HUFFMAN, Horace, A Handbook on Bicycle Tracks and Cycle Racing,
(1963?), Huffma, Mfg Co, 40 pp
Category : Cycle Racing History (In general)
The co-authors of this book make up a list of Who’s Who in the history of
bicycle racing, including: Mac Bottema, Frank Brilando, Andrew
Englehardt, Don Gill, Horace `Huffy` Huffman Jr., August Husse, Jack
Kemp, Keith Kingbay, Wesley Krey, Fred `Pop` Kugler, Ed Lynch, Bob
Pfarr, Gene Portuesi, Jim Rossi, Al Toefield, Don Wares and Oscar
Wastyn. There is a very short Bio about each of the co-authors. (Source:
Howie Cohen)
HUGHES, Morgan, Juli Furtado: Rugged Racer, 1998, Lerner Pub
Group, 64 pp
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
A biography of the U.S. Olympic mountain biker and World Cup winner.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HUGHES, Tim, The Bike Book, 1990, MacDonald & Company, 160 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
A guide to biking discusses choosing a bicycle, clothing, and equipment,
bike safety and maintenance, and bicycle sports.
HUMBER COMPANY, Cycling in the Old Days, 1919, London, 21pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
History of the company.
Observation: this publication is freely accessible at
HUMBER, William, Freewheeling: the story of bicycling in Canada,
1986, Boston Mills, 160p
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Chapters detail the Victorian passion for cycling, the bicycle tour craze,
the development of the cycle industry, stories of early bicycle races, the
arduous six-day competitions, and the modern bicycle racer as epitomized
by Steve Bauer. (Source: Michael Smith)
HUMPHREYS, Bill & DUNN, Jerry, The Jersey Project, 2012,
Trichis, 199 pp
Category: Collectibles & Memorabilia
A designer-y book with pictures of cycling jerseys. Pages of jersey after
jersey, with some pages covered in rows of twelve and others with just one
significant jersey and an accompanying description. The jerseys are
categorized according to rider, with the book split up into sections
according to races and regions. The section for the USA was added to the
original Dutch version of the book by Bill "Bike Guy Humphreys, and is
split into sections according to clubs, races and even "Greg Lemond". This
makes for a frustrating experience for those looking to quickly find team
jerseys (the index is according to rider), but it makes for a glorious
experience for someone taking their time to discover the quirky and
eccentric history of cycling jersey sponsorship. It's the completeness of the
book that makes it so enjoyable. The sections that are translated from the
Dutch version do seem as if they have been run through a Fabian
Cancellara translator, but to me that just adds to the Euro charm of the
book. The book also concentrates on a lot of riders from the Netherlands.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HUNTER, Edmund & JACKSON, Ronald (Illustrator), The Story of
the Bicycle, 1975, Ladybird Book, 51 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Cycle Racing History (In general)
A comprehensive introduction into the history of the bicycle and lots of
photographs showing the intricies of the mechanics of the development
into the machines of today. (Source: review at
HUNTON, George Wright, BOWERMAN, Leslie George &
ASHCROFT, John (Illustrator), The Charlotteville Cycling Club, A
History of the Second Fifty Years, 2003, Charlotteville Cycling Club, 83
Category: Cycling Clubs
The book is a comprehensive record of this most active of clubs and
focuses on the men and women who have made cycling headlines – within
the club and nationally – with their sporting prowess. Names to appear
regularly throughout the years include Alun Millard, Jennie Noad, Dave
Pitt and Derek Cottingham, and many more besides. The book also
contains the club’s cycling schedules for its entire 100 year history. The
A4-size book includes plenty of photographs (some in colour) of cyclists
in action as well as social gatherings. (
HURFORD, Molly, Mud, Snow and Cyclocross, 2012, Deeds
Publishing, 226 pp
Category: Cyclo-cross
A book about cyclo-cross in the US: it’s past, present and future. The US
greats, from Jeremy Powers to Katie Compton to the US Grand Prix of
Cyclo-cross to the Cannondale-Cyclo-crossWorld team. This book looks
at them all, from the greats who started to build the sport in the US in the
1970s to the juniors who are the greatest hope for the future of cyclo-cross.
And throughout the pages are the stories of triumph, of defeat, of fun and
of suffering. But through each of those stories, there is a deep-seated,
almost manic, love for the sport. (Source:
HURNE, Ralph, What Will You Do, Jim?, 1966, Michael Joseph, 208 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
This is a story about the dilemma of a man who once, and only recently,
has been a famous racing cyclist and is still very much in his prime of life,
is forced not only to seek an office job in Antville, his name for London,
but a wife. His career in France and his rigorous training had given him
little time for serious courting. What is more, he has returned home no
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
longer a celebrity. On the Channel crossing he encounters Anne, obviously
very sophisticated and apparently interested in him, though as she later
admits she is already married. Thus Jim's problems become even further
complicated. At one stage his frustration involves him in violence and
tragedy. (Source: Svenska Cykelsallskapet)
HURNE, Ralph, The Yellow Jersey, 1973, Breakaway Books, 255 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
The protagonist is a thirty-seven year British ex-pro turned manager. He’s
seen it all, and though he’s never been good enough to win it all, he thinks
his friend and protégé might be able to, someday. This is a gripping race.
I was more excited to learn the outcome of this fictional Tour de France
than of last year’s real one. The novel describes the sheer agony of riding
more than 3000 miles in the blistering heat of July, with (for most riders)
little or no chance for much money, fame, or glory, but plenty of dreams.
(Source: Eric Pinder,
Observation: the book was slightly revised by the author in 1996.
HURNE, Ralph, They’ll never catch you now, 2007, Cycle Publishing /
Van der Plas Publications, 200 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
It's more than 30 years since Ralph Hurne brought cycle racing's Terry
Davenport to public attention. Now he's back - a year after his near-win of
the Tour de France, albeit with reluctance to face the gruelling effort of
sport's ultimate challenge. Hurne has a fine line in understated humour that
highlights both frailties and egos. His characters use wit to survive in a
world where a man on a bike is both gladiator and a businessman's pawn.
This is a novel to read on several levels. It casts a critical eye on the world
of celebrity, juggles values, tiptoes unwittingly on the edge of crime, and
gets to the heart of the human condition - how to make something of one's
life before it's too late. (Source: K. Reynolds, review at
HUTCHINSON, Michael, The Hour, 2006, Yellow Jersey Press, 256 pp
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
The book purports to be the story of a relatively unknown journeyman
cyclist – the author himself – and his quest to set a new standard for one
of the most significant records in the sport. The Hour isn’t just one of many
records. This one is unique for being based on the inversion of the
standard. Everyone must suffer for the same duration. And those who have
moved that distance ever farther comprise a who’s who of cycling:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Anquetil, Indurain, Boardman, Moser and, of course, Merckx. Though
Hutchinson largely focuses on himself (and the attendant difficulties that
come along with trying to break cycling’s purest record – booking track
time, building a legal bike, finding the fastest tires) it’s his constant
references to past record holders and attempts that really make for
compelling reading. Hutchinson does a superb job of tying the history of
the hour record in with his own memoir. (Source:
Observation: reprint in 2010.
HYMAN, Rick, LEWIS, Betty & CANIN, Piet, Pedal Pushers, A
Century of Cycling in Santa Cruz County , 1994, The Museum, 40 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
This booklet was published in conjunction with an exhibition presented by
the History Museum of Santa Cruz County at the McPherson Center for
Art and History, Octagon Gallery, February 12-May 22, 1994.
Table of Contents: “Bicycling pioneers in Santa Cruz” (Rick Hyman) –
“The 1890s bicycling craze in the Pajaro Valley” (Betty Lewis) – “Santa
Cruz, a true bicycling mecca” (Piet Canin). (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
ILUNDAIN-AGURRUZA, Jesus & AUSTIN, Michael W., Cycling, Philosophy for Everyone: A Philosophical Tour de Force, 2010, John
Wiley and Sons, 288 pp, Foreword by Lennard Zinn
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
Covering interesting and varied philosophical terrain, the book explores in
a fun but critical way the rich philosophical, cultural, and existential
experiences that arise when two wheels are propelled by human energy.
Incorporates or reflects the views of high-profile and notable pastprofessional cyclists and insiders such as Lennard Zinn, Scott Tinley, and
Lance Armstrong Features contributions from the areas of cultural studies,
kinesiology, literature, and political science as well as from philosophers
Includes enlightening essays on the varieties of the cycling experience.
History, Proceedings of the International Cycling History Conferences
Category: Cycle Racing History (In General)
The first International Cycling History Conference was instituted in 1990
in Glasgow, Scotland, offering historians of the sport and the technology
a forum to exchange their findings and ideas. .The "Steering Committee"
of the ICHC consists of Nicholas Clayton, Renate Franz, Nicholas Oddy
and Andrew Ritchie. Since the first beginnings, a conference has been held
each year. After each conference the proceedings are published. (Source:
Observation: the names of the editors of the volumes listed below have
been provided by Duncan R. Jameson, Ph.D., Ashland University.
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 1st International Cycling History
Conference, Glasgow, 1990, 1991, Van der Plas Publications (ed: Van
der Plas, Rob)
We did not spot any contribution focusing specifically on cycle racing in
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
this volume.
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 2nd International Cycling History
Conference, Saint‐Etienne, 1991, 1992, Van der Plas Publications. (ed:
Van der Plas, Rob)
We did not spot any contribution focusing specifically on cycle racing in
this volume.
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 3rd International Cycling History
Conference, Neckarsulm, 1992, 1993, Van der Plas Publications (ed: Van
der Plas, Rob)
This volume was edited mainly in German.
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 4th International Cycling History
Conference, Boston, 1993, 1994, Van der Plas Publications (ed: Van der
Plas, Rob)
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Henri Bosc, “René Herse – Renowned French Frame Builder”, 8588 pp
- Les Bowerman, “John Keen – the life of a Cycling pioneer”, 89‐98
- Rüdiger Rabenstein, “The Vienna‐Berlin race of 1893 and its
influence on the Cycling movement in Germany and Austria”, 113‐
120 pp
- Henri Bosc, “The Vélo‐Club Béarnais”, 121‐124 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 5th International Cycling History
Conference, Cambridge, 1994, 1995, Van der Plas Publications (ed: Van
der Plas, Rob)
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Mike Burrows, “New Tubes for Old”, 59-60 pp
- Ron Shepherd, “The Dancing Chain: One Hundred Years of
Derailleur Gears”, 71‐78 pp
- Nadine Besse & André Vant, “A New View of Later 19th‐Century
Cycle Publicity Posters”, 117‐122 pp
- Les Bowerman, “Clubs, Their Part in the Study of Cycle and
Cycling History”, 133‐138 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Roger Alma, “Malvern Cycling Club, 1883‐1912: Social Class,
Motivation, and Leisure Use”, 139‐146 pp
Nick Clayton, “Little and Often, The Records of the Amateur
Bicycle Club”, 147‐154 pp
Rüdiger Rabenstein, « T.H.S. Walker – English Cycling Pioneer in
Germany », 155‐160 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 6th International Cycling History
Conference, Stellenbosch, 1995, 1996, Van der Plas Publications (ed:
Van der Plas, Rob)
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Floris Van der Merwe, “Laurens Meintjes and Rudolphe Lewis:
Pioneers of South African Cycling », 15-22 pp
- Les Bowerman, “The Romance of the Ripley Road: the Most
Famous Cycling Highway in the World”, 23-42 pp
- Raymond Henry, “Fifty Years of Development of Simplex
Derailleurs”, 49‐62 pp
- Raymond Henry, “Daniel Rebour, Illustrative Genius of the
Bicycle”, 134-142 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 7th International Cycling History
Conference, Buffalo, 1996, 1997, Van der Plas Publications (ed: Van der
Plas, Rob)
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Andrew Ritchie, “The Origins of Bicyle Racing in England 1868‐
1870”, 43‐56 pp
- Charles Meinert, “Singles Sixes in Madison Square Garden”, 57‐
64 pp
- Sandra Markham, “Nick Kaufmann:On a Wheel Against Time”,
65‐73 pp
- Raymond Henry, “Jo Routens: French Specialist Framebuilder”,
134-142 pp
- Frank Berto, “Rear Derailleur Development Since D‐Day” 148‐
157 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 8th International Cycling History
Conference, Glasgow, 1997, 1998, Van der Plas Publications (eds: Oddy,
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Nicholas & Van der Plas, Rob)
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Frank Berto, “Who Invented the Mountain Bike?”, 25‐48 pp
- Raymond Henry, “Huret: A Notable French Derailleur”, 93‐100 pp
- Ross D. Petty, “The Social Impact as a Technology‐Based Sport”,
107‐118 pp
- Rüdiger Rabenstein, “Some Facts About the History of Doping in
Cycling Competition”, 119‐130 pp
- Andrew Ritchie, “The Beginnings of Trans‐Atlantic Bicycle
Racing”, 131‐142 pp
- Joe Breeze etc., “Response to Berto’s “Who Invented the
Mountain‐Bike?”, 157‐ 160 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 9th International Cycling History
Conference, Ottawa, 1998, 1999, Van der Plas Publications (eds:
NORCLIFE, Glen & Van der Plas, Rob)
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- David W. Monaghan, “Collecting on a National Scale – The Cycle
Collection at the National Museum of Science &Technology,
Ottawa, Canada”, 40‐44 pp
- Gabor L. Konrad, “Gimondi, The Phoenix”, 69‐75 pp
- Frank J. Berto, “Sunset for SunTour”, 116‐140 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 10th International Cycling History
Conference, Nijmegen, 1999, 2000, Van der Plas Publications (eds:
Lessing, H. E.& Ritchie, Andrew)
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Gertjan Moed, “The First Cycle Track in the Netherlands”, 56-66
- Otto Beaujon, “Was Bicycle Development Stunted by Organized
Racing?”, 67‐76 pp
- Theo Stevens, “The Short and Remarkable Career of Mathieu
Cordang”, 90‐97 pp
- Ron Shepherd, “Ossie Nicholson, Australian Cycling Legend”,
103‐113 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Scotford Lawrence, “The Bicycle in Art and the Problem of
Representation of the Moving Image”, 114‐126 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 11th International Cycling History
Conference, Osaka, 2000, 2001, Van der Plas Publications (eds: Boal,
Ian & Ritchie, Andrew)
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Gertjan Moed, “The History of the Shimano Collection”, 11-15 pp
- Roger Street, “Johnson’s 1819 Tour of England”, 23‐27 pp
- Frank J.Berto, “History Repeats”, 81‐92 pp
- Hiroshi Nakamura, “History of the Derailleur in Japan”, 93‐97 pp
- Alastair Dodds, “Dunlop and the Pneumatic Bicycle Tyre – the
Edinburgh Connection”, 104‐110 pp
- Chester R.Kyle, “Bicycle Aerodynamics and the Union Cycliste
Internationale”, 118‐131 pp
- Hiroyuki Kouno, “Bicycle Racing in Japan and the History of
Keirin”, 132‐136pp
- Gábor L.Konrád, “The Tyger”: America’s Cyclo‐Cross Champion
Leroy Johnson”, 137‐146 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 12th International Cycling History
Conference, San Remo, 2001, 2002, Van der Plas Publications (eds:
Ritchie, Andrew & Van der Plas, Rob)
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Les Bowerman, “In Memoriam John Pinkerton”, 5‐6 pp
- Theo Stevens, “Jaap Eden (1873‐1925): The Tragic Life of a
Sportsman”, 130‐133 pp
- Raymond Henry “Nicola Barra, French frame builder”, 160-166 pp
- Alstair Dodds, “David Rattray’s ‘Flying Scot’”, 167-173 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 13th International Cycling History
Conference, Muenster, 2002, 2003, Cycle Publishing, 176 pp (eds:
Clayton, Nick & Ritchie, Andrew)
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Otto Beaujon, “Reynolds 531 Butted Frame Tubes”, 13-18 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Les Bowerman, “The Evolution of Time‐Trialling in Britain – a
Peculiarly British Form of Cycle Racing”, 19‐26 pp
Scotford Lawrence, “On the Assembly of a Catalogue Raisonné of
Cycling Paintings”, 83‐87 pp
Hiroshi Nakamura, “Japanese Bicycle Racing History”, 103‐107
Norbert Stellner, “Cycling Clubs as Harbingers of Motor Cycle
Sport in Rural Bavaria”, 130‐135 pp
Toni Theilmeier, “Social Aspects of Emerging Motor-Paced Track
Racing in Germany”, 142-146 pp
Arndt Van Bon, “Doping Regulations, Sense and Nonsense of their
Development in the History of Cycling”, 147‐150 pp
Hans Van Vliet, “The Shimano Dura Ace Story”, 1972‐2002, 151‐
156 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 14th International Cycling History
Conference, Canberra, 2003, 2004, Cycle Publishing (ed: Shepherd,
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Rod Charles, “Cycling in Geelong 1869‐1930”,15‐21pp
- Elsie Huntington, “The Diaries of the ABC and Leeds Ramblers
Bicycle Club 1881‐1883”, 59‐68, pp
- Geraldine McFarlane, “Touring giant from down under: a closer
look at George Burston”, 76‐83 pp
- Stephanie Maxwell, “Jerry Gould: Australia’s best amateur road
cyclist?”, 84‐91 pp
- Peter Hines, “Dave Walker, A short history of carbon fibre in the
bicycle industry”, 120‐127 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 15th International Cycling History
Conference, Vienna, 2004, 2005, Cycle Publishing, 160 pp (eds: Ritchie,
Andrew & Clayton, Nick)
One contribution may be particularly relevant to cycle racing fans:
- Renate Franz, “Fredy Budzinski – Journalist, Author and Collector
(1879‐1970)”, 70‐74 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 16th International Cycling History
Conference, Davis, 2005, 2006, Bicycle Books, 208 pp
We did not spot any contribution focusing specifically on cycle racing in
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
this volume.
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 17th International Cycling History
Conference, Toronto, 2006, 2007
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Peter Cridland, “’The Choice of Champions’. The CCM Flyer
1921‐1953”, 23‐30 pp
- Nick Clayton, “The First Safety Bicycle Race”, 84‐87 pp
- Jonathan Botkin, “Around the Bay: The 100-Mile San Francisco
Bay Relay”, 1893-1908, 122-130 pp
- Ari de Wilde, “Norman Dunham: A Pioneer Academic Cycling
Historian and His Dissertation", 142‐147 pp
- Chester R. Kyle, “Racing Cyclists and the Birth of Aviation”,
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 18th International Cycling History
Conference, Tampere, 2007, 2008, 160 pp
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Thomas Burr, “National Cycle Organizations in Britain, France
and the United States”, 1875‐1905, 34‐42 pp
- Gunnar Svartengren, “Early Bicycle Manufacturers in Sweden and
their Connections with Competitive Cycling”, 107‐112 pp
- Ville Laamanen, “The Baltic Sea Friendship Race 1986‐1989: A
Unique Effort in the History of Finnish Bicycle Racing”, 113‐119
- John Green, “Gerard Francis Cobb: A Champion of the Cause of
19th Century Bicycling”, 132‐137 pp
- Brian Rosenberg, “The Border‐to‐Border Race and the Fame of
Sweden’s “Supergrandpa” », 138‐140 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 19th International Cycling History
Conference, Saint-Etienne, 2008, John Pinkerton Memorial Publishing
Fund, 236 pp (ed: Musée d'Art et d’Industrie & Fédération française de
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Henri Bosc, “On the Trail of Perrodil”, 73-76 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Raymond Henry, “Origins and Brief History of the Fédération
Française de Cyclotourisme,” 77-82 pp
Stéphane Merle, “Sporting Use of the Bicycle: Local Industrial
Dynamics and Sport Shows (1890-1939)”, 82-93 pp
Dries Vanysacker, “The Never Ending Dilemma in the Peloton,
Racing Bike Mechanics Versus Race Regulations (1860’s1960’s)”, 94-100 pp
Jean-Paul Bourgier, “Paris-Nice Atmospheres, or the Curse of
Gérard Staron March 13th”, 101-107 pp
Renate Franz, “The “Black Sunday” of Berlin, or Death at the
Cycle Track”, 108-115 pp
Patrick Geldhof, “Cycling in Belgium during the Second World
War”, 116-122 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the 20th International Cycling History
Conference, Freehold, 2009, 236 pp (ed: Sanderson, Gary)
The following contributions may be particularly relevant to cycle racing
- Andrew Ritchie, “Arthur Augustus Zimmermann (Zimmy):
Writing About the ‘Flying Yankee”, 13-16 pp
- Renate Franz, “Did the Nazis Prohibit Six-day races in 1934?”, 3540 pp
- Carl Burgwardt, “Quilla: Aquila Beales Rich (1866-1904) –
Memoirs of an early Champion and Pioneer of Bicycle Racing”,
41-48 pp
- Floris van der Merwe, “Rudolph Lewis and South Africa’s greatest
Olympic Victory: New Facts”, 49-56 pp
- Karl W. Kane, “C’est une grand fête – The Tour de France and
Experiential Design Theory”, 131-136 pp
- Roger Alma, “Malvern Cycling Club, 1883-1912: Social Class,
Motivation, and Leasure Use, 139-148 pp.
Cycling, Official results book/ Cyclisme sur route: brochure des résultats
officiels, 2000, 50 pp
Category: Olympic Games
IOSFIDIS, Kiriakos, Bike Art, Bicycle In Art Around The World, 2011,
Publikat, 256 pp
Category: Visual Arts (Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings & Posters)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A beautifully presented homage to the bicycle and a bit of a revelatory
read. Its hardback covers are bursting with amazing art and design, and we
have to admit we weren’t conscious of just how much inspiration this this
two-wheeled mode of transport has provided to artists of all genres. The
amount of work in this book is simply staggering. The author has compiled
over 900 artworks from a range of international artists including Swoon,
Catherine Mackey, Taliah Lempert, Mike Giant, Boris Indrikov, Jennifer
Davis, Kevin Cyr, Duane Flatmo and many more. With chapters devoted
to sculpture, design, illustration, street art, paintings, tattoos as well as art
that decorates bike frames of all shapes and sizes, you’d be hard pressed
to find something that doesn’t excite even those who have only a passing
interest in the world of cycling. (Source:
IRWIN, Mike, Race in the Sun: The Social and Sporting History of
Cycling in Mildura and District 1888 – 1988, 1988, Sunnyland Press, 161
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
ITTER, P., Best Sport, , The National Cyclists’ Unions Annual Review
of Cycle Racing 1956, 1956, National Cycle Union
Category: Yearbooks (1956)
ITTER, P., Best Sport, The National Cyclists’ Unions Annual Review of
Cycle Racing 1957, 1957, National Cycle Union, 48 pp
Category: Yearbooks (1957)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
JACKSON, Robert Blake, Bicycle Racing, 1976, H.Z. Walck, 71 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
Traces the history of cycling competitions in the United States and Europe
and describes the rules and objectives of various types of bicycle races.
JAMES, Bill & JAMES, Jean, Queensland cycling: the first 100 years,
1993, Queensland Cyclists Association, 83 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
JARRY, Alfred, The Supermale, 1968, Jonathan Cape, 128 pp
Category: Literature (Belles-Lettres)
Bound by rods to their machines, the crew of a five man bicycle hurtle
across Europe and Asia in a grotesquely dehumanised race against an
express train. The riders reach speeds of 300 kilometres an hour thanks to
their diet of Perpetual Motion Food, a volatile mixture of alcohol and
strychnine. The race is a key episode in 'The Supermale', a French novel
written in 1902, which speculates on how our minds and bodies may be
overwhelmed by technology. The author, Alfred Jarry, was fascinated by
bicycles, and they often appeared in often shocking writings. He was also
notorious for his wild eccentricity and took to wearing at all times the tight
shirt and loose trousers of a racing cyclist. 'The Supermale' is a macabre,
futuristic novel. A prophetic aspect of the passage is the depiction of the
race as debased and dehumanised by technological and commercial
pressures. Moser's Hour Record a few years back has some uncanny
similarities to Jarry's race described 86 years ago. (Source: Jim McGurn,
Observation: this book was re-published in 2004 and in 2009 (Exact
Change, 160 pp)
JOB, Chris, BMX Biking, 2003, Lerner Pub Group, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
An introduction to BMX cycling's history, equipment, techniques, terms,
styles, and stars. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
JOHANSON, Paula, Lance Armstrong, A Biography, 2011, Greenwood,
160 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
This book is part of a series designed specifically for use by high school
students. The author begins with an overview of Armstrong's persona as a
cyclist and his current position in the cycling world. Johanson then traces
his childhood and initial forays into sports; his professional early successes
and mentors; his 1996 diagnosis and subsequent treatment for testicular
cancer; and finally his return to racing and unprecedented successes at the
Tour de France. She touches upon his family life, performance enhancing
drug allegations, the Livestrong Foundation which Armstrong founded to
aid cancer patients, and his return to cycling after three years in retirement.
(Source: Annotation ©2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR)
JOHNSON, Mark, Argyle Armada, Behind the Scenes of the Pro
Cycling Life, 2012, VeloPress, 224 pp, Foreword by Jonathan Vaughters
Categories: Cycling Teams * Yearbooks (2011) * Pro-life
An unprecedented look at America's cycling team. Embedded with
Garmin-Cervélo for its entire 2011 season, writer-photographer Mark
Johnson brilliantly chronicles the team's most intimate personal dramas
and its public celebrations. More than a book about racing, Argyle Armada
is a portrait of life as a member of a pro cycling team during a time of
painful transition for the sport. (Source: VeloPress)
JOHNSON, Uwe, The Third Book About Achim, 1967, Harcourt, 246 pp
Category: Literature (Belles-Lettres)
Karsch, the key figure in the narrative, is the biographer, that is, Johnson
himself, who wants to ascertain the truth about the distance[s] underlying
life in East and West Germany. Karsch confronts the embodiment of the
ideal DDR citizen, the famous racing cyclist and member of parliament,
Achim. And Achim's relationship to his country was incomprehensible to
Karsch - this was what he wanted to write about. Karsch's decision receives
unexpected support from an unlikely source when East-German officials
offer to sponsor the authorship of a third book about Achim, since the two
previous ones must be considered biased in favor of the East-German
viewpoint by non-communist countries. The conflict in Johnson's novel
results from the interaction among the three parties—biographer, his
subject, and the DDR authorities. Each seeks to insure that a truthful
account of Achim's life from his standpoint will be presented to the public.
The kind of truth which each of the participants strives to endow the
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
biography with, however, is all too distinct from the others. (Source: Kurt
Fickert, “Truth In Fiction: Uwe Johnson's The Third Book About Achim”,
Wittenberg University)
JONES, Brenn, Learning about Resilience from the Life of Lance
Armstrong, 2002, Power Kids Press, 24 pp
Categories: Biographies (USA) * Juvenile Nonfiction
In this book, students will follow Armstrong from his early victories to his
triumphant comeback at the world's most challenging bike race. (Source:
JOUGHIN, Steve & ALLEN, Richard, Pocket Rocket, The
Autobiography of Steve Joughin, 2010, Nemesis Publishing, 123 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
In the late 1970s, a diminutive Manxman with a big heart exploded onto
the British cycling scene. What Steve Joughin lacked in stature, he more
than made up for with natural talent. An explosive sprinter, he was
instrumental in smashing the Eastern Bloc supremacy of the Milk Race
and leading British cycling into a golden age. When his career ended
prematurely, and the thrill of victory was gone, Steve struggled to adapt to
life away from the winner's podium and he turned to drink to help fill the
void. A decade later, he was lying in an Italian hospital, fighting for his
life. (Source:
Observation: the book was reprinted in 2012 (128 pp)
JOWETT, W., Centenary, 100 Years of organised South African Cycle
Racing, 1981, South African Cycling Federation, 185 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
This is not intended to be a comprehensive history of Cycling in South
Africa, but is a documented and statistical record of events since the year
1881. (Source:
JOYCE, Dan, REID, Carlton & VINCENT, Paul, The Complete Book
of Cycling, 1997, Hamlyn, 192 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Sort through all the choices of bikes to buy. Once you have the right one,
find out how to fine-tune it to suit your build. Choose the gear you'll need
in hot and cold weather, learn safe cycling tips, and see how to perform
bike maintenance tasks. Check out the information on mountain bike trail
skills and route planning. Follow bike touring advice on luggage, packing
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
your bike, and expeditions. Get the scoop on racing, including MTB
orienteering, BMX and observed trails, road and track racing, and cyclocross. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
Observation: this book was published again in 2000 (Bounty Books).
JOYCE, Jim, Bicycle Book : Wit, Wisdom & Wanderings, 2007, Sayta
House Publications, 152 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult * Comics, Cartoons & Graphic Novels
This book is packed with original stories, narratives and cartoons from a
talented corps of writers and artists from around the world. The book
features 32 articles and scattered throughout the book is a collection of 43
cartoons from artists whose work has appeared in a wide array of
magazines. Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Thomas Hylton, kicks off the
collection with “Bicycling and Walking”, a sensible, prescriptive editorial
on why cycling-friendly communities are winners. “On his heels is
Keeping Up With Lance”, Scott Roberts' exclusive, one-on-one interview
with Chris Carmichael, Lance Armstrong's long-time coach and friend.
Two prominent names in cycling journalism - Richard Fries and Maurice
Tierney comment on the future of bicycling. And that's just the beginning.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
KAIN, Jimmy, The Struggle for British Cycling Road Sport 1888-1952,
Britain’s Cycling Frankenstein, 1954
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
LEVIGNE, Heather, Cycling in Action, 1974, Crabtree Publishing
Company, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycling
This book gives children a colourful and engaging tour through the world
of bikes. Informative text includes: the parts and basic maintenance of a
bicycle; road safety and signals; different types of bicycles and the
advantages of each; and competitive cycling. Suitable for ages 6-9,
Observation: the book was reprinted in 2002.
KEARNS, Brad, How Lance does it, Put the Success Formula of a
Champion into Everything You Do, 2006, McGraw-Hill, 224 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
This book interviews Lances' mentors, coaches, work out partners. It gives
more detail to his childhood, his mentality, his way of dealing withl life:
(criticism, family, divorce, love loss, continued growth). It does not talk
enough about cancer and really deals more with demeanor, maintaining
work ethic, and love of sports. (Source: Russell, review at
KEEFE, Michael & KEEFE, Mike, The ten speed commandments: an
irreverent guide to the complete sport of cycling, 1987, Doubleday & Co,
144 pp
Category: Comics Cartoons & Graphic Novels
Takes a humorous look at bicycle history, exercise, types of bicycles,
riding technique, safety precautions, commuting, touring, and racing.
(Source: eBay)
KEENE, Carolyn, Never Say Die, 1987, Pocket Books, 150 pp
Category: Juvenile Fiction
When Nancy's girlfriend George takes up bicycle racing and becomes the
target of violent attacks, Nancy investigates and stumbles upon a complex
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
plot to steal a million-dollar treasure guarded by a killer shark. (Source:
Observation: reprint in 1989 (Demco Media, 190 pp and also Simon
Spotlight Entertainment, 150 pp) and in 1991 (Armada, 150 pp).
KEENE, Carolyn, A Race Against Time, 2004, Alladin, 160 pp
Category: Juvenile Fiction
If I'm in the game, I play to win. So as captain of my team in the River
Heights Biking for Bucks charity road race, my goals are to bring my team
over the finish line first - and to catch a thief along the way! See, all of the
money we raised before the race has been stolen - and I know I can find it.
With two days, practically no clues, and a bike race to win, I've got my
work cut out for me. But with Bess, George, and Ned on my team, what
could stand between us and the gold. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
KEENE, Carolyn, Trails of Treachery, 2007, Aladdi, 144 pp
Category: Juvenile Fiction
My friend George is competing in a grueling three-day mountain-bike race
in Costa Rica, and her cousin Bess and I will be there as her support team.
But when I find out someone's taking dangerous steps to make sure top
U.S. cyclist Derek Woodhall doesn't win, I realise George may not be the
only rider I need to help. Could last year's winner be the culprit? He was
freaking out when Derek took an early lead. Or maybe Derek's publicist?
She seems a little too psyched about the press her client's misfortune is
generating. I've got a lot on my plate, and not much time to sort it all out.
But I know how to keep my eye on the prize. Whoever the culprit is, they
picked the wrong race to sabotage. (Source:
KENCH, Howard, The Ivy Wheelers, s.d.
Category: Cycling Clubs
This manuscript was never published. It is, however, on display at the
National Cycle Museum in Llandrindod Wells. (Source:
KENNEDY, Martha, J., SAMER, P. Yury & KLOSER, Michael, Fat
Rider, Everyone’s Guide to Mountain Biking, 1993, Vitesse Press, 292 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * Mountain Bike Racing
This comprehensive guide covers the basics of mountain biking:
equipment, riding skills and techniques, health, training, racing, and
touring. No other book covers such a range of off-road information. The
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
treatment is thorough, yet humorous, with many first person tips and
anecdotes. (Source:
KENNETT, Jonathan, Ride: The Story of Cycling in New Zealand,
2003, Kennett Brothers, 214 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
From the 1960s boneshakers to Sarah Ulmer's Olympic victory in 2004,
this book celebrates every branch of New Zealand's cycling history. It
includes: bicycle development from penny farthings to mountain bikes,
industry and innovation, women's struggle for the right to ride, track and
road racing, cycle touring adventures, BMX and mountain bike booms,
major race results and much more. (Source:
KENNETT, Jonathan & WALL, Bronwen, Phil O’ Shea, Wizard on
Wheels, Series “Cycling Legends” n° 1, 2005, Kennett Brothers, 116 pp
Category: Biographies (New Zealand)
Cycling Legends is a series of books detailing New Zealand's ten greatest
cyclists. The first in the series tells the story of Phil O'Shea, the greatest of
them all. Born in 1889, O'Shea's quiet, unassuming persona was
juxtaposed by an extraordinary athletic ability. He won every track and
road cycling title he set his mind to. He went to Australia and won their
road championships three years straight. After 1923, he concentrated on
track racing. Champions from around the world were imported for O'Shea
to compete against in front of home crowds. After a long racing career he
coached other champions, ran a cycle shop in Christchurch, and continued
cycling until he was 90. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
KENNETT, Jonathan, WALL, Bronwen & GRAY, Ian, Harry
Watson, The Mile Eater, “Cycling Legends” n° 2, 2006, Kennett
Brothers, 170 pp
Category: Biographies (New Zealand)
Harry Watson, joined the first English speaking team to take part in the
Tour de France. Armed with the experience gained in France, Harry
returned home and proceeded to set race records that lasted long after he
retired. He pioneered the use of derailleurs and tubular tyres in New
Zealand road racing and between 1929 and 1935 won seven national road
championships in succession. The intriguing image of this gentle loner
pitting himself against the world's most brutal cycling events makes the
sporting life of Harry Watson an inspirational and thought-provoking read.
(Source: Publisher’s Description)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
KENNETT, Jonathan, Tino Tabak, Dreams and Demons of a New
Zealand Cycling Legend, 2009, Kennett Brothers 160 pp
Category: Biographies (New Zealand)
In the not-so-distant 1970's Tino Tabak was one of New Zealand's
brightest sporting stars when he set out to prove himself in that toughest
of arenas, European road cycling. As Tabak carved out the best race record
of any Kiwi in Europe, the offers and opportunities swiftly came. But so
did temptation. This tell-all account lifts the lid on a life of pro cycling,
KENNETT, Simon & KENNETT, Jonathan, The Muddy Olympians,
2012, Whitireia Publishing, 220 pp
Categories: Mountain Bike Racing * Cycle Racing History (By Country)
What powers these six Kiwis through the mud, sweat and tears of mountain
biking to race in the world's top sporting arena? Our latest book follows
these inspiring athletes through their tumultuous careers. Along the way,
it tells the story of mountain-bike racing in New Zealand. (Source: Kennett
KENT, Jessica, Racing Bike, 1990, Usborne, 48 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
The book explains the different skills needed to become a successful racing
cyclist. Events such as time trials, cyclo-cross, road and track races are
described along with the professional tactics that will help you outwit your
opponents and be first across the line. Information on equipment design
provides an insight into the special features of a racing bike and there are
plenty of tips on how to increase your speed or make your training more
Observation: reprint in 2003 (Edc Pub).
KENT, Peter, Legends of cycling, 1971, Kennedy Brothers, 40 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Champions)
A booklet about the cycling stars (starting in 1893) who are not simply
great athletes, they are usually great personalities too and it is their quirks,
their misfortunes, their strokes of luck and above all their personal
character and quest for glory which make the 'legends of cycling' so
fascinating. Such famous racing personalities as Ronsse, Gaul,
Zimmerman, Major Taylor, Binda, Girardengo, Terront, Calzolari,
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
MacNamara, Bartali, Reg Harris, Van Looy, Coppi, and Merckx, just to
name a few, are considered to be legends of their time. (Source: Howie
KERCHER, John, BMX Special, 1983, Grandreams, 61 pp
Category: BMX Racing
An excellent book with articles on BMX Tracks, Choosing a BMX Bike,
History, Safety factors, Team Work, Tarck skills, Winning team Winning
Ways featuring Pete Middleton, Sam Jarvis, Andy Ruffell, Alexia Jarvis,
Steve Greaves, Wayne Llewellyn and Meeting a Champion Stu Diggins
and lots more. (Source:
KERCHER John, Raleigh BMX Annual, 1985, Grandreams Ltd, 32pp
Category: BMX Racing
The book features everything you ever wanted to know about Raleigh
Burners and the Raleigh Team. Profiles on the team include Andy Ruffell
and Craig Schofield. (Source:
Observation: the book is freely accessible at
KETTLE, Phil, Mountain biking, 2004, Linfield, Series “The xtreme
world of Billy Kool”, 654 pp
Category: Juvenile Fiction * Mountain Bike Racing
After winning a contest Billy becomes the star of a television series on
extreme sports. For this episode he has to take on the challenges of
mountain biking. Includes a history of mountain biking, a description of
the equipment used and a glossary of terms. Suggested level: primary,
intermediate. (Source:
Observation: reprint in 2005 (Rising Stars).
KIENHOLZ, Michelle L & PAWLAK, Robert, Cycling in cyberspace,
Finding bicycle-related information through online services and the
Internet, 1996, Bicycle Books Inc, 160 pp
Category: Bibliographies & Sourcebooks
There is a lot of information for the cyclist, out there in cyberspace. Easily
the quickest, most complete and most up-to-date sources of this
information that are relevant to cyclists are available online via computer
and modem. This book shows what's out there and how to access it. It is
aimed at those interested in cycle racing, cycle touring and cycle sports
training. (Sources: BikePro & eBay)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
KIMMAGE, Paul, A Rough Ride, An insight into Pro Cycling, 1990,
Stanley Paul, 199 pp
Category: Biographies (Ireland)
Kimmage was a professional cyclist, riding for a major European team, in
the late 1980s. It is a painful picture that he paints – insufficient money to
eat and a lonely life in miserable, shared flats. Part of his reason for writing
the book is to expose the drugs culture in the sport – and to do this, he
made himself a persona non grata with many of his former colleagues.
Kimmage is all passion, shuddering with a tempered rage at the injustice
of what was allowed happen to cycling. The sincerity of Kimmage's story
of lost innocence shines through that rage. (Sources: &
Observation: An updated version was published in 1998 under a new title
(“A Rough Ride: Behind the Wheel with a Pro Cyclist, Yellow Press, 261
pp). In the new intro and outro added to the 1998 edition, Kimmage ran
through the rise of Gen-EPO and the inaction that that was met with by the
authorities. He also ran through some off the fallout from the book's
publication, particularly here in Ireland. In a new edition issued in 2007,
Kimmage added a fresh, brief intro in which he said he really wanted to
write "a 10,000-word opus on Lance Armstrong: 'How Professional
Cycling Got The Champion It Deserved.'" Instead he added an eloquent
and poignant obituary for Thierry Claveyrolat, a former team-mate and
friend. (Source:
KINGBAY, Keith & FICHTER, George S, Contemporary Bicycle
Racing, 1978, Contemporary Books, 82 pp
Categories: Introduction to Cycle Racing * Dictionaries & Glossaries
Equipment, road and track events, terminology.
KNOX, Barbara, Bmx Bicycles, 1996, Capstone Press, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Describes the bicycles used in BMX racing, the techniques of riding, and
various types of races.
KOLIN, Michael & DE LA ROSA, Denise M., The Custom Bicycle,
Buying, Setting Up, And Riding The Quality Bicycle, 1979, Rodale Press,
274 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Custom & Hand Built Bicycles)
Table of Contents: Part I Understanding the Bicycle Frame (The Bicycle
Frame * Bicycle Tubing * Tools for Frame Building) - Part 2 British Frame
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Builders (Condor Cycles * JRJ Cycles, Limited * Mercian Cycles, Limited
* Harry Quinn Cycles, Limited * Jack Taylor Cycles * TI Raleigh, Limited
* Woodrup Cycles) - Part 3 French Frame Builders (CNC Cycles * Cycles
Gitane * Cycles Peugeot) - Part IV Italian Frame Builders (Cinelli Cino &
C * Guerciotti * Sante Pogliaghi) - Part V American Frame Builders
(Schwinn * Profiles of Some American Frame Builders * General
Observations: The American vs. the European Frame Builder - Part VI
Putting the Bicycle Together (Bicycle Setup * Assembling the Bicycle *
Riding Techniques)
KÖLLN, Timm, The Peloton, 2010, Rouleur, 188 pp
Category: Photography
Rather than taking the traditional kind of race photos, Tim Kölln instead
waylaid riders at the end of the race, put them in front of a neutral backdrop
near the finish line and shot the riders just as they were. They are portraits
in the truest sense and show everything: exhaustion, pain, apparent anger,
resignation, disbelief, jauntiness, wary confidence and, of course, really,
really bad helmet hair. (Source:
KONOPKA, Peter, Cycle Sport, Equipment, Techniques & Training,
1989, Crowood, 160 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
A guide to every aspect of the sport of cycling. It includes sections on
equipment, riding skills, training, diet, competition and sports medicine.
This book also outlines the care, maintenance and expertise needed for the
beginner or advanced cyclist to get the most from this sport. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
Observation: reprints in 1990 (Vitesse Press, hardcover; Crowood,
paperback). A revised edition was published in 1994 (Crowood, 160 pp)
and reprinted in 1995. A revised version of the original German edition of
the book was published in 2006 but not translated.
KONRAD, Gabor & KONRAD, Melanie, Bikelore, History & Heroes
of Cycling, 2000, On The Wheel Publications, 144 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Champions)
Bikelore delves deep into vintage cycle racing with 16 chapters on Charly
Gaul, Roger Lapebie, the Tour of Flanders, Paris-Roubaix, Dante
Gianello, Cino Cinelli, the Holdsworth-Campagnolo Team, Paris-BrestParis, the Tour of Italy, the golden years of the Tour de France, Fausto
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Coppi, Gino Bartali, the Pélissier brothers and much more (Source: On
The Wheel)
KONRAD, Gabor & KONRAD, Melanie, Bikelore 2, The World of
Wheels, 2002, On The Wheel Publications, 176 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
The 18 authors of "BL2" explore the world of cyclo-touring, vintage
racing, and cycling literature with chapters on Gaston Rebry, the 1942 road
season, Mont Ventoux and the Tour de France, les Quatre Jours de la
Route, Raymond Poulidor, Eddy Merckx, and more. We go touring in postwar France, visit the Velodrome d'Hiver, experience the Seattle to
Spokane, and relive some vintage tours with the Ragged Staff. We climb
mountains with tourists and professionals alike, and take a poetic ride from
Blooe to Blonk. In the literature section, our devotion to the bicycle is
explored through 16 poems, dozens of quotes, and a 1917 track racing
grandfather - we even find a fictional road racing rivalry that turns to
murder. (Source:
KOOMEN, Theo, DUFFIELD, Mike & O’ DONOVAN, Gerald, The
Winning Team, TI Raleigh Campagnolo, 1983, TI Raleigh, 48 pp
Category: Cycle Racing Teams
This book contains a brief look at the history of the TI Raleigh team from
its inception in 1974 to 1982, it then proceds to profile each rider of the
1983 season in a double page spread. (
KRABBE, Tim, The Rider, 2002, Bloomsbury Publishing, 160 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
Krabbé is probably best known in this country as the author of the novel
adapted as the film The Vanishing, but in his native Netherlands. The Rider
is his bestselling book. As a young man, Krabbé's forte was chess - in his
late teens, he was inside the top 20 players in Holland - and he only
discovered a talent for cycle-racing relatively late in life, in his 30s. That
new-found passion eventually found its way into this autobiographical
novella about a bike race in south-west France, but the chess knowledge
still figures as Krabbé narrates the intricate battle of tactics and psychology
as the race plays itself out against the bleak landscape of les causses. Like
much of Krabbé's oeuvre, The Rider has a strange, dark, philosophical
flavour: it is both a paean to pain and a hymn to the fellowship of the road.
Nothing better is ever likely to be written on the subjective experience of
cycle-racing. (Source: Matt Seaton,
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Observation: a paperback edition was published in 2003.
KRAMER, Barbara, Lance Armstrong: Determined to Beat the Odds,
2005, Enslow Elementary, 48 pp
Categories: Biographies (USA) * Juvenile Nonfiction
Discusses the trait of determination that has helped Armstrong fight cancer
to come back to professional biking. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
LABRECQUE, Ellen, BMX Racers (Kid Racers), 2010, Enslow
Publishers, 48 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
The book discusses which bikes qualify, how they are built and raced, who
the best drivers are, what to look for in a bike, safety, good sportsmanship,
and how racing activities can be a good part of family life. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
LAFFERTY, Peter & JEFFERIS, David, Pedal Power: The History of
Bicycles, 1990, Franklin Watts, 1990, 32 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
Taken from a series telling the story of wheeled transport from the stories
of the pioneers to present day developments, this book deals with bicycles.
It traces the rise of the bicycle from its origins to modern racing and allterrain bikes.
LAGET, Serge & EDWARDES-EVANS, Luke, The History of the Tour
De France, 2006, Seven Oaks, 64 pp
Categories: Tour de France History * Collectibles & Memorabilia
Fabulously designed and illustrated, this must be the definitive illustrated
edition containing as it does, rare removable documents and items of Tour
de France memorabilia. Each page is packed with old photo reproductions,
well presented information, and most spreads have pockets containing
removable memorabilia. English text, and even the French language
documents reproduced are translated in a pocketed booklet at the back.
Observation: the book is updated on a regular basis. The book’s title gas
gone through changes as well: Le Tour De France – The Official Treasures
(2007 & 2008), Treasures of the Tour De France (2009 & 2010), The
Official Treasure – Le Tour (2012).
LAMY, Matt, Lance and Le Tour – The Complete History of Cycling’s
Most Uneasy Alliance, 2009, IPC Media Ltd, 232 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
Featuring interviews with the people closest to Lance Armstrong, this book
takes readers behind the scenes of the Tour de France rider. His former
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
team-mates guide us through each of Armstrong's wins at the Tour,
providing unique insights and stories from their years of dominance. Then
there's the background to the Armstrong story. His first team manager
Eddy Borysewicz talks about Armstrong's amateur days. His Motorola
team-mate Sean Yates remembers Armstrong's pre-cancer career.
Neurosurgeon Dr Scott Shapiro explains Armstrong's cancer treatment and
how he removed Armstrong's brain tumour. Trek's inside man Scott
Daubert recalls what it was like to build bikes for a demanding champion.
And sports psychologist Professor Ian Maynard tries to understand
Armstrong's thought processes.
Former Cycle Sport editor Luke
Edwardes-Evans explains why the 1998 Festina scandal changed the way
every future Tour champion would be viewed. One of France's most
respected cycling correspondents, Jean-Francois Quénet, reveals why
France has found Armstrong so hard to live with. Jim Ochowicz, the father
of modern US cycling and Armstrong's long-time friend, recalls what it
was like to be the boss of the first American team to compete at the Tour.
(Source: bromleyvideo)
LAND, Nigel, Elswick-Hopper of Barton-on-Humber, The Story of a
Great British Cycle maker, 2010, Fathom Writers Press, 284 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Elswick-Hopper is one of those classic British bicycle brands that many
people have heard of, yet few know much about. Perhaps that reflects the
fact that they were based not in Nottingham, London or the West Midlands
but in the relative obscurity of Barton-on-Humber. Reading this excellent
book, you will discover that Elswick-Hopper and its related and
descendant companies actually occupied a major place in the pantheon of
cycle making, involving also in later years Coventry-Eagle, Falcon, Claud
Butler, Dawes and the German firm Heidemann. The author is editor of
the Veteran-Cycle Club’s journal The Boneshaker. He spent a decade
researching the subject very thoroughly. His handsome hardback is
copiously illustrated with monochrome photographs. The human,
manufacturing and financial aspects are well covered, as are the
company’s post WW2 attempts to innovate, such as the Convincible with
its twin top-tubes, down-tubes and seat-tubes, and the glass-fibre clad
Scooped. Separate appendices cover Elswick’s ventures into car making
and motorcycle production. This is, without doubt, one of the best histories
of a bicycle company yet produced. (
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
LANDIS, Floyd, Positively False: The Real Story of How I Won the
Tour De France, 2007, Simon Spotlight, 320 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
The book, co-written with Loren Mooney of Bicycling Magazine, tells
Landis’ story from his childhood growing up in the Mennonite faith, to his
beginnings as a mountain bike racer, his switch to road racing, and his rise
to the pinnacle of the sport - winning the 2006 Tour. It also addresses the
aftermath, dealing with the subsequent charges of doping and Landis’ side
of the story. In this book, Landis falsely claims, “I did not use PEDs in the
2006 Tour de France or any other time in my career.” (Sources: &
LASKY Julie, Bespoke: The Hand Built Bicycle, 2010, Lars Müller
Publishers, 128 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Custom & Hand Built Bicycles)
The publication presents the designs of six internationally renowned
bicycle builders (Mike Flanigan, Jeff Jones , Dario Pegoretti, Pegoretti
Cicli, Richard Sachs, J. Peter Weigle, Sacha White). They produce racing
bicycles that speed champion athletes to victory, mountain and cyclo-cross
bicycles built to negotiate vertiginous terrain, urban bicycles that stylishly
convey commuters, and randonneur bicycles elegantly stripped down for
epic journeys. Candid portraits including builder’s inspirations, working
methods and bicycles, lavishly photographed in great detail, highlight this
exhibition at New York’s Museum of Arts and Design. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
LAVAL, Anne-Marie, Mountain Biking, 2012, Hachette Children's
Books, Adrenaline Rush Series, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Mountain Biking
This book is an exciting introduction to the world of mountain biking. The
series captures the excitement and thrill of sports and activities whose
appeal lies in speed and a hint of danger -- guaranteed to give participant
a rush of adrenalin. Illustrated with spectacular photography throughout,
each book is packed with information about the activity, breaking it into
sections which look at why take part, where it take places, the equipment
needed, competitions, etc. The books are principally aspirational, so focus
on the background to the sport rather than 'how do it'. (Source: abebooks).
LAWRENCE, Larry, Olympic Cycling Souvenir Booklet, 2000,
Canberra Bicycle Museum, 14 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Categories: Olympic Games * Cycle Racing History (By Country)
A5 size booklet written in conjunction with the display organised by the
Canberra Bicycle Museum of Olympic cycles, photographs and
memorabilia. It includes interesting history of past Olympic Games
relating to Australian cyclists (Australian Olympic medals 1928 to 1996;
biographies of Duc Gray, Russell Mockridge, Lionel Cox, Browne and
Marchant) and the timetable of events in Sydney 2000. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
LAZELL, Marguerite, Tour De France. The illustrated History, 2003,
Carlton Books, 192 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
This richly illustrated book chronicles the history of the Tour de France
from the beginning in 1903. For breadth of coverage, this is the most
complete historical treatment of the Tour that I have found in English.
Every Tour is described briefly with highlights of that particular year.
(Source: ExperiencePlus)
Observation: the book is updated on a regular basis and published with
different titles (see e.g. Tour De France, A Hundred Years of the World’s
Greatest Cycle Race, 2005, 192 pp; Tour De France: The Story of the
World’s Greatest Cycle Race, 2009, 208 pp)
LEAGUE OF W.A. WHEELMEN, Beverley to Perth 116-mile Road
Race: The Cycling Derby of W.A. and Monster Gymkhana, Saturday,
20th September, 1924, Perth Oval (Loton Park), 1924, 20 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
LECCESE, Michael & PLEVIN, Arlene, The Bicyclist’s Sourcebook:
The Ultimate Directory of Cycling Information, 1991, Woodbine House,
355 pp
Category: Bibliographies & Sourcebooks
This ambitious undertaking lists “`the name and address of every club,
nonprofit organization, tour operator, cycling event, manufacturer, and
supplier'' that the authors were able to find. The most significant addition
to cycling literature offered here is seemingly the most obscure: 16 pages
on traveling and packing for airlines, trains, buses, and UPS; a 23-page
U.S. BMX track location directory; a 73-page book, magazine, and video
list; and 33 pages of organized club rides. Other standard fare includes
nutrition, clothing, touring, and maintenance. The extensive lists of
manufacturers and suppliers is a major plus. A fine section on the history
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
of cycling concludes the book. Recommended for public libraries.
Illustrations and index not seen. (Source: Thomas K. Fry, Library Journal)
LEE, Daniel, The Belgian Hammer, Forging Young Americans into
Professional Cyclists, 2011, Breakaway Books, 208 pp, Foreword by
Georges Hincapie
Category: Pro-life * Cycle Racing History (By Country)
"The Tour de France may be the pinnacle of cycling, but Belgium is the
sport’s greatest and most grueling classroom." Thus for years the United
States has been sending many of its more promising racers to the small
nation in northwest Europe in order to gain international experience and
test themselves against the world’s best. The author draws some from his
own experience racing in Europe as a young American in the early 1990s,
but the vast majority of the book follows the current crop of neo-pros and
hopefuls from the United States, both men and women. While Europe may
be the arena in which these racers realize their full potential, the story does
not end there, as the author follows the paths of Phinney, Holloway, King,
etc., back to the States where all they have learned in Europe is put on
display before the home crowd. (Source: claremontcyclist)
LEETE, Harley M, The Best of Bicycling, 1970, Trident Press, 415 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
During its eight-year existence Bicycling! magazine has developed from a
mimeographed bi-monthly journal of bike racing into a considerably
broadened (in circulation as well as coverage) and slickened newsstand
item. Presumably, its audience is by now ready for an anthology of its
better articles, on touring at home and abroad, competitions, and physical
hinge benefits, with a bonus section devoted to the female cyclist. Cycle
racing fans may be particularly interested in the following contributions in
particular: “Truffle Tour of France” (Clifford L. Graves) * “The Perils of
Dervla Murphy” (E. Peter Hoffman) * “The Cycling Scene in the Land of
the Rising Sun” (E. Peter Hoffman) * “Competition Cycling: Blood and
Thunder in the Tour de France” (Elizabeth Bourquin) * “Mexico '68 - The
French Are Masters of the Velodrome” * “Kaleidoscope of Color Courage
and Cunning” * “National Championships”; “Aspen Alpine Cup”;
“Portland's Finest Hour” (E. Peter Hoffman) * “Cyclo-crossing - a
Splashing Good Time” (E. Peter Hoffman) * “So You Want to be a
Roadman Sprinter” (Don Howarth).
Observation: a paperback edition was published in 1972 (Pocket Books,
465 pp).
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
LEMOND, Greg, Greg Lemond’s Complete Book of Cycling, 1987,
Perigee Trade, 352 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
After the obligatory mini-biography and a brief synopsis about the ‘World
of Cycling,’ - which usefully covers commuting, touring, along with road
and track racing - LeMond dives right in to topics that are still at the
forefront of modern cycling. There’s a chapter on picking your bicycle,
one on getting it properly fit. There are sections on cycling technique and
training regimes. There's even a decently thorough chapter on bicycle
maintenance. (Source:
LEONARD, Irving, When Bikehood was in flower – Sketches of Early
Cycling, 1969, Bearcamp Press, 151 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Cycling in the 1890s was nothing less than “a general intoxication, an
eruption of exuberance like a seismic tremor that shook the economic and
social foundations of society and rattled the windows of its moral outlook”.
Observation: reprint in 1983 (Palms Press).
LERNER, Harry, Currys – The First 100 Years, 1984, WoodheadFaulkner, 111 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Currys was founded in 1884 by Henry Curry (born in Leiester in 1850),
when he started to build bicycles full-time in a shed at the back of his
garden at 40 Painter Street, Leicester. He opened his first shop in 1888 at
271 Belgrave Gate, Leicester. In 1890 he moved to larger premises at 296
Belgrave Gate, then in 1900 to 285-287 Belgrave Gate. The company was
put on a proper financial footing in 1897 when Henry formed a partnership
with his sons, calling the company H. Curry & Sons. The business
continued to grow and floated on the stock exchange in 1927. By this time
the shops sold a wide variety of goods including bicycles, toys, radios and
gramophones. Currys pulled out of cycle manufacturing in 1932 when they
closed their Leicester factory but continued to retail Hercules bikes
(badged as Currys) until the 1960s. (Source: Wikipedia)
LEWIS, Sammarye, The Podium Girl Gone Bad: Behind the Podium,
Tales from the Tour De France, 2004,, 52 pp
Category: Humour
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A satirical look at The Tour de France through the eyes of PGGB (Podium
Girl Gone Bad), who spends most of her time lurking behind the Podium.
Wearing her PGGB Thong and carrying her leetle camera, she audaciously
sweeps through Le Tour, missing nothing and telling all in her zany Tour
diaries. Extra high heel, strappy black sandals and long blonde hair were
merely icing on zee cake, so to speak." (Source:
Books of Phil LIGGETT
Phil Liggett is the most popular English speaking cycling commentator. In
his younger days, he was an aspiring cycle racer and wrote articles for local
cycling magazines. His racing colleagues would often secretly tell Phil
when they were planning a breakaway, and let him join the break, letting
him do no work in the break. They did this so that Phil would write about
them in his next article. At one point, Phil was even offered a modest pro
contract and declined, because he realised he had a brighter future in sports
journalism. What sets Phil aside from the rest is his poetic language and
often subtle allusions. His knowledge of cycling is immense, and his
passion for the sport is infectious. (Source:
LIGGETT, Phil, 1988 Tour De France, 1988, Harrap and Channel,
published in association with Channel Four Television Company, 158 pp,
Foreword by Sean Kelly
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1988 Tour)
An entertaining and accessible armchair viewer’s guide. The author traces
the Tour from its creation to the present day, looking at the legendary riders
of the past, and examining the tour’s changing physical and mental
demands. He describes the rise of the English-speaking cyclists - Greg
LeMond, Robert Miller, Sean Kelly and Stephen Roche -and finally, he
discusses the challengers of the 1988 Tour. Lavishly illustrated with
superb action photographs, diagrams and maps. (Source: rear cover)
LIGGETT, Phil, Tour De France 1989, 1989, Virgin Books, 158 pp,
Forward by Stephen Roche
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1989 Tour)
WATSON, Graham, The Cycling Year 1990, A record of the 1990 cycle
racing season, 1990, Springfield, 160 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Yearbooks (1990)
With details of 40 of the most important events of the 1990 season - from
the Tour de France to World Championship track racing. The Italians were
to the fore, with Chiappucci and Bugno prominent, along with Argentin
and Ballerini. Miguel Indurain continues to raise his profile as the year
progresses. (Source:
WATSON, Graham,, The Cycling Year, Volume Two: A record of the
1991 cycle racing season, 1991, Springfield Books
Category: Yearbooks (1991)
Diversity is the theme of this second volume of “The Cycling Year”, which
is a detailed review of the 1991 racing season. Included among the 40
events reviewed in this years book are the World Cyclo-cross
Championships and the winter season of six day races-which means every
aspect of cycle racing is now covered by “The Cycling Year” (Source:
inside cover.)
LIGGETT, Phil, The Complete Book of Performance Cycling, 1992,
Harper Collins Willow, 192 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
This book is the collective work of a team of expert cycling journalists.
With its hands-on approach it covers all aspects of competitive and leisure
cycling; road, track, time trialing, cyclo-cross, mountain biking and
touring. This second edition illustrates the top performance bikes, surveys
the world's classic races and the stars who compete. It gives advice on
choosing and maintaining a bike and recommends diet and training
programmes. A table of results from the major classics and a list of useful
addresses are also included. (Source: customer review,
Observation: a revised edition was published in 1994, Harper Collins, 192
LIGGETT, Phil & BELL, Anthony, The fastest man on 2 wheels: in
pursuit of Chris Boardman, 1994, Boxtree, 127 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Published to coincide with the British leg of the 1994 Tour de France, this
is the story of Chris Boardman's triumphs as a racing cyclist. It looks at the
Lotus (his revolutionary streamlined bike), his chase for Olympic gold, his
record-breaking feats, and his training for a professional future. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
LIGGETT, Phil & DONALDSON, Doug (ed), Dancing on the Pedals,
The found Poetry of Phil Liggett, The Voice of Cycling, 2005, Breakaway
Books, 176 pp
Category: Poetry
This is a lighthearted, ironic arrangement into verse form of Phil Liggett's
florid, enthusiastic narrations of cycling's greatest races. Astonishingly
poetic and intelligent, Phil Liggett's narrations lend themselves perfectly
to this found poetry approach. Doug Donaldson, a former maintenance,
skills, and nutrition editor for Bicycling Magazine, is also the author of
"Bicycling Magazine’s Guide to Bike Touring" and a freelance writer for
publications including. (Source:
LIGGETT, Phil, LEWIS, Sammarye & RAIA, James, Tour De
France for Dummies, 2005, John Wiley & Sons, 279 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
A plain-English guide to the world's most famous-and grueling-bicycle
race Featuring eight-pages of full-color photos from recent Tour de France
races, this easy-to-follow, entertaining guide demystifies the history,
strategy, rules, techniques, equipment, and competitors in what is arguably
the most grueling and intriguing multiday, multistage sporting event in the
world. (Source:
LIGHT H. B., 88 years of industrial progress and outstanding
achievement [of the Rover Company Ltd]. 1965, Rover Company Ltd.
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
LLOYD-JONES, Roger & LEWIS, M.J. & EASON, M., Raleigh and
the British Bicycle Industry, An Economic and Business History, 18701960, 2000, Ashgate Publishing, 318 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
The first comprehensive history of the development of the British bicycle
industry from the perspective of business and economic history. Focusing
on themes such as entrepreneurship, personal capitalism, and
organisational, technological and cultural change, the shifting fortunes of
the industry are traced through the business history of one of its leading
firms, Raleigh. The history of the company is then set within the context
of more general trends in the industry’s evolution over three chronological
periods: 1870 to 1914, 1914 to 1939, and 1939 to 1960. In addition to the
story of Raleigh, the business activities of other leading bicycle firms such
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
as Rudge-Whitworth, Hercules, BSA, J. A. Phillips and BCC, the bicycle
division of Tube Investments, are examined to inform our understanding
of the business evolution of the industry. The book demonstrates that the
British bicycle industry was both tenacious and dynamic, typified by the
personal leadership of entrepreneurs such as Frank and Harold Bowden at
Raleigh. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
LOGAN, Andrew & RING, Steven (Illustrator), The Name of the Game
is … Cycling, 1992, Herron Books, Aussie Sports Books Series, 64 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
“Name of the Game” books contain the latest in skills and practice
activities, as recommended by each National Sporting Association. Each
skill is carefully explained, in words, technical diagrams and illustrations.
Practice activities for each skill are provided: some for the players to do
on their own and others for small groups - all designed to allow the players
to proceed and improve at their own rate. Safety, equipment, the history of
the sport and how to join a good club are all included. (Source: Publisher’s
LONDRES, Albert, Devil’s Island/The Tour De France, 1999, Cycle
Sport, 50 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1924 Tour)
Albert Londres was an investigative journalist renowned in France for his
reporting on humanitarian issues, a man with a passion to uncover
injustice. It was his expóse of the penal colonies in French Guyana, the
bagne, which brought him to immediate prominence. History does not
record quite how he came to be there at the start of the 1924 Tour.
However, his reputation came before him; his readers associated his
writing with much graver social injustice than long-distance cycle-racing
and when he compared the cyclists to criminals condemned to hard labour
in the penal colonies, the impact was deeply shocking. (Source:
Observation: the booklet came free with the August 1999 issue of “Cycle
Sport” magazine.
LONG, Bill, 6 day bike race, 1961, Coca-Cola
Categories : Biographies (Australia) * Track Racing
LONGMAN, Jere, Cold Blooded, 2012, Amazon Digital Services, 201
KB (print length 49 pp)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Categories: Doping * Biographies (USA)
E-book by New York Times sportswriter Jere Longman. A gripping
narrative of Armstrong's alleged drug use - why he used them, what he
used, and the cunning he and his teammates employed to avoid being
caught by the numerous unannounced World Anti-Doping Agency blood
and urine tests. The author delivers a powerful fact and testimony-based
story that lacks opinion, political leanings, or moral caution--those delights
are left to the reader. (Source: Paul Diamond,
LOVE, William M., Classic Schwinn Bicycles, 2009, Wam Books, 160
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing Industry)
The book compiles a wealth of information for anyone who wants to
discover (or rediscover) the magic of these legendary bikes. From antique
bikes to the madcap Krates of the 1960s, the author covers light-, middle,
and heavyweight models, including the famed Sting Ray. Offering a
detailed history of each model, the book also includes 250 black-and-white
photos, a five-star collectibility rating system, and a serial number
reference guide. It is the most complete and technical book on these bikes
available today, is a must-have for anyone who has ever owned, or
dreamed of owning, a classic Schwinn bicycle. (Source: Publisher’s
LUCHON, Raphael, Roger De Vlaeminck, 1978, Kennedy Brothers, 64
Category: Biographies (Belgium)
The book is a detailed look at the "King of the Classics" of the 70's.
Winning 4 editions of Paris Roubaix, De Vlaeminck still owns the record
for most wins in this Classic. He also won Milan-San Remo, Tour of
Flanders, Flêche Wallone, Liège-Bastogne-Liège, and Tour of Lombardy,
as well as stages at the Tour de France and the World Cyclo-cross title.
Before Sean Kelly was crowned King for the 80's, and looming in the
shadow of Eddy Merckx, Roger was a truly Classy rider, who was on top
of the sport for near a decade. (Source:
LUEBBERS, David, Bicycle Bibliography, privately published
Category: Bibliographies & Sourcebooks
The following volumes seem to have been published:
- The Bicycle Bibliography 1959-71, 1972
- The 1974 Bicycle Bibliography, 1974, 79 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
The 1975 Bicycle Bibliography, Book n° 3, 1976
The 1975 Bicycle Bibliography, Professional Supplement, 1976
The 1976 Bicycle Bibliography, 1977, Book n° 4, 110 pp
This volume has been made available on-line at
The 1950-72 Bibliography, Part I, Book n° 5, 1977, 96 pp
The 1950-72 Bibliography, Part II, Book n° 6
The Bicycle Resource Guide, Book n° 7, 1978, 156 pp
The Bicycle Resources Guide, Book n° 8, 1981, 134 pp
LYNAM, Frank, Hamilton amateur Wheelers (founded 1908): a
hundred years of memories, 2008, 48 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
The book contains a history of the Hamilton Pine Rivers Wheelers from
its beginnings in 1908.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
McCALLUM, Paul, Spinning, A Guide to the World of Cycling, 1993,
Betterway Books, 176 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle racing
A guide to all aspects of cycling. Covers equipment and accessories, bikehandling skills, safety, training, cycling health and diet, maintaining and
repairing bikes, touring, and racing.
McNALLY, Rand, All About Bicycling, 1974, 119 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle racing
Book containing an abundance of photos and illustrations including; (1)
bicycle history, (2) bicycle fitting, (3) how to buy a bicycle, (4) racing, (5)
camping, (6) bicycle manufacturers and models-American and Imports,
and much more. (Source: Howie Cohen)
McCONAGLE, Seamus, The Bicycle in Love, War and Literature,
Pelham books, 1969, A.S. Barnes, 141 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
Entire chapters are devoted to such bicycle sidelights as the sport of racing,
the bike and the female, the military uses of the bicycle, and the bike as a
symbol of the anti-hero. (Source:
McCONNELL, Bert, Manukau Amateur Cycling Club Diamond Jubilee
1924-84, 1984, Capital Press, 72 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
A celebration of 60 years of the Manukau Amateur Cycling Club in
articles, ads, and black-and-white photos from the time. (Source:
McCONNON, Aili & MCCONNON, Andres, Road to Valour: Gino
Bartali, Tour De France Legend and Italy’s Secret World War Two
Hero, 2012, Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Category: Biographies (Italy)
The authors unfold the story of Bartali’s secret role in a successful scheme
to save Jews from the Holocaust during World War II. The book is divided
into three parts: Bartali’s early impoverished years in rural Tuscany
through his first Tour de France victory; his courageous work during
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
World War II; and finally his second Tour triumph. The McConnons have
told the story of his great and greater victories powerfully and well.
(Source: Bill Littlefield,
Observation: also published by Crown (USA) as Road to Valor: A true
story of WWII Italy, the Nazis, and the cyclist who inspired a nation.
McCULLAGH, James C & SWANN, Dick., American Bicycle Racing,
1976, Rodale Press Inc, 171 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Book loaded with facts and pictures about bike racing in America. (Source:
Howie Cohen)
MacEACHERN, Ashley & BARBARA Michelle (Illustrator), Lance in
France, 2008, Collins, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies
Barbara’s robust, hyper-bright, digitally rendered graphics nab the reader’s
attention in this uplifting encapsulation of Lance Armstrong’s seven Tour
de France victories. Each vibrant spread depicts Armstrong in a challenge
he has had to endure in the race, but also adds such oddball delights as
round, green aliens, frogs holding telescopes and dinosaurs. The race
begins, text boasting that Armstrong is “…the bravest, strongest, toughest,
and fastest bike rider ever.” Ever-pedaling, he never gives up. Trailing the
story is a letter from Armstrong describing his dreams and advising, “Go
for it and never quit.” The story itself never mentions his battle with
cancer. Picture book (3-8). (Source:
McEWEN, Robbie & PICKERING, Ed, One Way Road, The
Autobiography of Robbie McEwen, 2011, Random House, 376 pp
Category: Biographies (Australia)
The book talks about many aspects of McEwen's life - from his early
childhood growing up on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia, through
to training with the AIS teams in his late teens, to trying hard to
breakthrough on the tough European professional cycling scene. It is clear
that Robbie truly believed that he was the best sprinter on the road, and he
could win every time he raced. I really enjoyed some of the insights
McEwen gives into particular cyclists (such as Cadel Evans), and how he
handled himself in the peloton. He delivers a very frank and refreshingly
honest assessment of some riders, but you leave with the impression that
he is being very fair and without a nasty “agenda”. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
McGANN, Bill & MACGANN, Carole, The Story of the Tour De
France, Dog Ear Publishing
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
This is the finest such work ever produced in the English language, and
perhaps in any. It revealed information new to me in almost every
paragraph. His research has been not only impeccable, but insightful. The
great asset here is the choice of significant details. McGann lavishes an
entire paragraph on a stage sprint in the 1925 Tour because it was such a
Who's Who of the time. Personalities, capabilities, technologies, route
changes, loyalties, jealousies and feuds, financial interests, even political
influences—all are masterfully weaved here into a giant fugue that points
past itself to even larger portents. (Source: frenchinfluence)
Two volumes have been published:
- Volume 1: 1903-1964, 2006, 316 pp
- Volume 2: 1964-2007, 2008, 404 pp
McGANN, Bill & MACGANN, Carole, The Story of the Giro D’Italia,
A year-by-year history of the Tour of Italy, Dog Ear Publishing
Category: Stage Races
The format is straightforward, it's a year by year history, giving an
overview of the race plus any interesting historical snippets. If the book
has a fault it is that in an effort to cram in every interesting snippet the
years can become a bit of a bewildering blur. It's a bit too dense and
indigestible to read through in one go, you need to pace yourself. The lack
of pictures doesn't help, as they would break the text up and bring some of
the faded names to life. What does come across is the enthusiasm of the
authors. (Source:
Two volumes have been published:
- Volume one: 1909-1970, 2011, 308 pp
- Volume two, 1971-2011, 2012, 314 pp
McGEEHAN, M., Bradley Wiggins, The Story of Britain’s Greatestever Cyclist, 2012, Carlton Books, 128 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
The book details every aspect of his rise to the top of his game, alternating
between the twin disciplines of the velodrome - where he dominated the
Pursuit events at the 2004 and 2008 Olympics - and the world of
professional road racing, culminating in the magical summer of 2012. It
looks at the hours of training, the great cyclists he has competed both
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
against and alongside, life at Team Sky and the family life he now enjoys.
Along the way, the full character of this most unusual of sporting
champions is revealed in pictures, narrative and quotes. His outspoken
comments on doping, his love of mod fashion and his witty, quietly spoken
persona all combine to provide the complete story of a man who is already
a legend. (Source:
McGURN, James, On your bicycle. An illustrated history of cycling,
1987, John Murray Publishers, 208 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
McGurn’s first five chapters give a good-natured account of the prehistory
of cycling, the “Bone Shaker Craze” of the 1860s when the two-wheeled
velocipede finally established itself as a useful vehicle, the introduction of
the high wheeler, and finally development of the modern safety bicycle.
Primarily concerned with the significance of the cycle as an agent of social
change, he devotes a great deal of attention not only to advances in cycling
technologies, but their impact on transportation, commerce, social
recreation and status. The second half of the book covers developments
since the first World War. Minimal attention is paid to competitive cycling,
which the author seems to dislike. The only international cycling event
discussed in any detail is the Tour de France. The book is exceptionally
well illustrated with vintage photographs and drawings. (Source: Mary
Lou LeCompte, University of Texas at Austin, Journal of Sport History)
Observation: new edition in 2000 (Open Road Publishers).
McINTOSH, Hugh D., The London International Six-Day Cycle Race at
the Empire Pool and Sports Arena, 1936, Sports and Amusements Ltd.,
54 pp
Category: Track Racing
McKENTY, John A., Canada Cycle & Motor: The CCM Story, Epic
Press, 2011, 350 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Canada Cycle & Motor (CCM) was Canada's premiere bicycle maker for
the first half of the 20th century. The book is a history of the company and
details its involvement in the world of six-day bicycle racing during the
thirties and forties, including the production of its CCM Flyer and its
association with racers such as Torchy Peden, Willie Spencer, Reg
Fielding etc. The author interviewed former CCM executives and workers,
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
scoured archives and old newspapers, and met with collectors and
MACY, Sue, Wheels of Change: How Women Rode the Bicycle for
Freedom, 2011, National Geographic Society, 96 pp
Categories: Women’s Cycle Racing
This book compiles a history of the bicycle as it relates to women. It covers
the early history of bicycling, advancements in the bikes themselves,
racing and women racing, clothing, road conditions, and more. It may
surprise many to hear how much history can actually be traced back to the
bicycle. Road ways were improved for them, women’s clothing
restrictions lessened, women could exercise more, women had more
freedom to come and go, and more. Also included throughout the book are
images from the time of women bicycling and many images from
advertisements. The book is well-researched and also well-written. My
main issue was that the book was heavily US focused. (Source:
MAGNUSON, Mike, Heft on Wheels, A Field Guide to doing a 180,
2004, Three Rivers Press, 256 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
Not that long ago, the author was a self-described lummox with a bicycle.
In the space of three months, he lost seventy-five pounds, quit smoking,
stopped drinking, and morphed from the big guy at the back of the pack
into a lean, mean cycling machine. Today, Mike is a 175-pound athlete
competing in some of the most difficult one-day racing events in America.
This irreverent and inspiring memoir charts every hilarious detail of his
transformation, from the horrors of skin-tight XXL biking shorts to the
miseries of nicotine withdrawal. Heft on Wheels is an unforgettable book
about getting from one place to another, in more ways than one. (Source:
MADSEN, Craig, CX Bike Hutt, 2012, iPad iBooks, 68 pp
Categories: Photography * Cyclo-cross
Image essay e-book.
MAGNUSON, Mike, Bike Tribes, A Field Guide to North American
Cyclists, 2012, Rodale Press, 224 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A field guide to all the different 'tribes' of cyclists in North America, from
The Commuter to the Vintage Lover to the "Fixie" Rider and, let's not
forget, the Overwhelming Majority and Bike Shop Owners. The book
doesn't take itself too seriously, which is a good thing, and provides a light
and entertaining read for two-wheel enthusiasts while poking fun at
pretentiousness in the bike scene. The format is pretty much based on
character vignette, with lots of humour and dialogue. The illustrations are
a joy and add a lot to the book and really help sell the various character
archetype scenes. (Source: Michael Graham Richard,
MAGOWAN, Robin, Tour De France: the 75th Anniversary Cycle Race,
1979, S. Paul, 144 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1978 Tour)
This is mainly a stage-by-stage account of the 1978 Tour with helpful
background on the history of the race and the sport of cycling. (Source:
Observation: a second edition was published in 1996 (VeloPress, 183 pp)
with another title (Tour De France: The Historic 1978 Event:
Commemorative Edition of the 75th Anniversary Bicycle Race).
MAGOWAN, Robin & WATSON, Graham, Kings of the Road: A
Portrait of Racers and Racing, 1987, Human Kinetics, 207 pp
Categories: Cycle Racing History (Champions) * Photography
The authors provide background and history; biographies of ten current
and past champions such as Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault, and Greg
LeMond. They also included accounts of races over the last few years of
the February-October season, including Tour de France and Coors Classic.
Well-written, factual, and entertaining. (Source: Thomas K. Fry)
MALONE, Steve, Illustrated Bikes on Stamps Checklist, 1995, privately
Category: Collectibles & Memorabilia
With over 1,000 black and white illustrations. Separate sections for
Stamps & Sheets, Booklets, Postal Stationery. Organized by country.
Photocopied. (Source:
Observation: This book is freely accessible online at:
MALPASS, Barbara, Cycling Canberra: A History of Cycling in
Canberra and Region, 1999, Canberra Tradesmen's Union Club, 90 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
The book has eight brief chapters and four (mainly statistical) appendices.
Following two chapters that provide an overview of early cycling
developments in Australia and overseas, the next four chapters examine
the introduction of the bicycle to the Queanbeyan district in 1871, its role
in various family activities and local businesses. The advent of the
Canberra Cycling Club in 1926 is covered, and Malpass is on much firmer
ground here as she uses information in the appendices to support her
examination of racing activities on local tracks and on the road. Malpass
then moves on to discuss the building of Canberra's 'ill-fated' velodrome
in 1972. The final two chapters outline the crucial role of the Canberra
Tradesmen's Union Club in establishing a home for the Canberra Bicycle
Museum, and the subsequent opening of the Australian Cycling History
Resource Centre in 1998 is also highlighted. (Source: Rob Hess,
MARCHESINI, Daniele, Bianchi: A Bicycle Alone in the Lead, Bolis
Edizioni, 2010, 157 pp
Categories: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Racing Bikes)
Edoardo Bianchi started building bicycles in 1885 and is now the longest
lived bicycle marque. Partitioned into thematic sections, the history of
Bianchi is described through the method of direct timeline, before cutting
to the chase: bicycle racing. Through the teams who adopted the marque
as their chariots of fire. The author’s narrative is impressive, not only for
the research that has obviously been undertaken, but for the plethora of
superb photography that he has unearthed to document the early days of
Bianchi bicycles. In the absence of a foreword, the book includes an
interview with Felice Gimondi. (Source: thewashingmachinepost)
MARES, Scott R., The Complete Book of Cyclocross, Skill, Training
and Racing, 2008, Siberian Express LLC,160 pp
Category: Cyclo-cross
A book about cyclo-cross its origins history and how to train and race. The
book covers new skill training drills along with equipment selection.
MARINO, John, SHERMER, Michael & HALDEMAN, Lon, The
Race Across America Book, 1988, Info Net Publishing., 250 pp
Category: Long-distance Racing
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
The Official Guide & History of the Race Across America & the UltraMarathon Cycling Association.
MARIOLLE, Elaine & SHERMER, Michael, The woman cyclist,
1988, Contemporary Books, 378 pp
Category: Women’s Cycle Racing
Tells how to select a bicycle, as well as cycling equipment and clothing,
discusses weight training, racing, touring, and mountain biking, and
recounts the author's experiences in the Race Across America. (Source:
MARR, Dick, Bicycle Gearing, 1989, Mountaineer Books, 152 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Gears)
Why write a complete book on the gears of a bicycle, how to select gears,
how to select new gears? Good question. Actually this book would be
better as an article in one of the bicycling magazines or as a chapter in a
book on bicycles and bicycling. The gear-inch chart is useful; the rest is
not. Only for the most comprehensive bicycling collections. Illustrations
not seen. (Source: Thomas K. Fry, UCLA Libs. Copyright 1989 Reed
Business Information, Inc.)
Observation: reprint in 1990.
MARRIOT, Frank (ed), The Black Anfelders, Being the story of the
Anfield Bicycle Club (1879-1955), 1956, privately published, 144 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
The 20 chapters of this book cover from the Early years through the Paced
Era, Land’s End to John O’Groats records, the Anfield 100,12,and 24,
Unpaced records, Touring to Betws-Y-Coed at Easter and Christmas,
ending with the Anfield of Today. Illustrated with group and action shots,
numerous lists of records and events. (Source:
Observation: the same editor also took care of the Centenary Edition (The
Black Anfielders: The Story of the Anfield Bicycle Club, Centenary
Edition, 1979). It is a reprint of the earlier book in paperback with a part
two covering the years 1956-1978 in 20 pages, with results of the Anfield
100 for this period. (Source:
MARTIN, Pierre & VOS, Cor, The Bernard Hinault Story, 1982,
Kennedy Brothers, 87 pp
Category: Biographies (France)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
In the same format as the Kennedy Borthers’ Tour books, this book
chronicles Hinault's career up to the 1982 season. Contains 32 full page
photographs. (Source:
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, The stories of the Tour of Italy
and Tour De France, Kennedy Brothers
Categories : Tour de France Annuals * Stage Races
- Tour 80 – The stories of the 80 Tour of Italy and Tour De
France, 1980, 127 pp
- Tour 81 – The stories of the 81 Tour of Italy and Tour De
France, 1981,127 pp,
- Tour 82 – The stories of the 82 Tour of Italy and Tour De
France, 1982, 127 pp (with Dante Baratino, Daniel Schamps and
Cor Vos)
- Tour 83 - The 83 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 1983, 127 pp
(with Daniel Schamps and Cor Vos)
- Tour 84 - The 84 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 1984, 127 pp
(with Daniel Schamps and Cor Vos)
- Tour 85 - The stories of the 85 Tour of Italy and Tour De France,
1985, 127 pp (with Dante Baratino, Daniel Schamps and Cor
- Tour 86 - The stories of the 86 Tour of Italy and Tour De France,
1986, 128 pp (with Dante Baratino, Daniel Schamps and Cor
- Tour 87 - The 87 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 1987, 135 pp
(with Dante Baratino, Daniel Schamps and Cor Vos)
- Tour 88 - The 88 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 1988, 127
pp (with Dante Baratino, Daniel Schamps and Cor Vos)
- Tour 89 - The 89 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 1989, 127 pp
(with Dante Baratino, Daniel Scamps and Cor Vos)
- Tour 90 - The 90 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 1990, 127 pp
(with Dante Baratino, Daniel Schamps and Cor Vos)
MASO, Benjo, The Sweat of the Gods : Myths and Legends of Bicycle
racing, 2005, Mousehold Press, 165 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
For a century, professional cycle racing has been shaped by a complex
relationship between three groups: newspapers and television which
organised the races and reported them; industry which sponsored the teams
of riders; and the riders themselves. They've always needed each other but,
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
because their interests are different, they have continually been in conflict
with one another. The one interest they do share is in endowing cycling
racing with its unique character - its emphasis on heroism and an
extraordinary willingness to suffer. So the stories about the races and the
riders have always been somewhat taller than the reality. (Source:
MASON, Paul & HAMILTON, Andrew, A world-class mountain
biker, 2004, 48 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Mountain Bike Racing
This series looks at how people succeed and reach the top of their chosen
sport. Each book includes information on basic aptitude and ability,
techniques, fitness and training, diet, equipment and much more. It
contains fascinating facts about all aspects of the sport. It includes case
studies about the sport and its well-known personalities, and features
champions and competitors from around the world. Each book contains at
least 50 photographs and explanatory diagrams. (Source:
Observation: also published by Heinemann Library in 2005.
MASON, Paul, Cycling, 2010, Sea-To-Sea Publisher, 30 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
Introduces the sport of cycling, including information on equipment, skills,
techniques, competitions, and famous cyclists.
MASSAGRANDE, Agostino, Agonistic cycling, 1980, Edizioni
Landini, 173 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
This was written in English in the late-70s to be the official text for coaches
and trainers affiliated with the FIAC (Fédération Internationale Amateur
de Cyclisme). I notice how abrupt the change was to the modern scientific
approach. A lot of this, like the Conconi test, took place in Italy in the 70s
and leading up to Moser’s hour record in the early 80s. This book includes
lots of university research and data charts with modern-looking wattage
charts, but uses funny terms like the “organism” and his “load”. (Source:
(Illustrator), Beginning Bicycle Racing, Fast Riding for Fitness &
Competition, 1981, VeloNews Books, 229 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Excellent coverage of all aspects of this sport. The choice of a bicycle and
other equipment, training programs, and preparations for racing are
explored in depth. Matheny uses effectively many of his racing
experiences to substantiate the text. (Source:
Observation: updated in 1983 and in 1986, and reprinted in 1987.
MATHENY, Fred, Bicycling Magazine’s Complete Guide to Riding and
Racing Techniques, 1989, Rodale Press, 245 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle racing
Using over 150 photographs this is a guide that starts with basics and
expands into such areas as specific types of competition. (Source:
MATHENY, Fred, GEORGE, Barbara (eds) & GEORGE, Robert F.
(Illustrator), Solo Cycling – How to Train and Race Bicycle Time Trials,
1986, VeloNews, 205 pp
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
Guide to bicycle time trials. Information that can help you ride faster and
make the most of the time and energy you spend training for and
competing in individual, against-the-clock events. (Source: Publisher’s
Observation: reprint in 1994.
MAYS, Ken, Harly Weaver and the Race Across America, 1994, Royal
Fireworks Press, 126 pp
Category: Juvenile Fiction * Long-distance Racing
A 12-year-old Floridian who is a serious cyclist with a dream to compete
in The Race Across America, an ingenious best friend with a plan to help
him fulfill his dream, and a successful newspaper owner eager for a human
interest story that will sell newspapers, these are the driving forces in this
book. As Harly prepares physically and mentally for the race, we learn
about a biker’s diet, fatigue factors, vocabulary; expenses and
sponsorships; bikes and their parts and fittings; the duties and needs of a
support team; and the effects of a strict regimen on Harly’s social life and
school studies. During the race, we experience his physical and emotional
strain. In the end, even though Harly drops out of the race, he discovers
that he is a winner, for the real race was against him-self and he did his
best. Anyone who does his best is never a loser! (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
MEARES, Anna, The Anna Meares story: when courage triumphs over
disaster, 2009, New Holland Publishers, 192 pp
Category: Women’s Cycle Racing
Time trial gold medallist Anna Meares was preparing for the Beijing
Olympic Games when disaster struck: riding the keirin at the Los Angeles
World Cup event she crashed heavily, fracturing her C2 vertebra. It was
an injury that almost cost Meares her life. This autobiography is an
account of her recovery and subsequent silver medal at last year’s
Olympics in the Chinese capital. Her direct and forthright voice is apparent
throughout the book, which gives it an honesty that is sometimes missing
in sporting tomes. The book’s climax comes with her ride in the women’s
sprint at last year’s Olympics. (Source: Cyclingnews)
MEARNS, P.W., The North London Fifty 1882-1932, 1932
Category: Cycling clubs
History of the cycling club.
MECREDY, Richard James & STONEY, Gerald, The Art & Pastime
of Cycling, 1890, Mecredy & Kyle, 238 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Overviews)
With extensive information on the pleasures and advantages of cycling, a
history of the sport, riding well, cycle maintenance, touring, camping,
racing, cycling dress, cycling for ladies, cycling photography, pneumatic
tire. One of the book’s chapters provides an overview of all record attempts
in history.
Observation: a third edition was published in 1893 (262 pp, with
Alexander Johnstone Wilson as co-author, Mecredy & Kyle, // Iliffe &
Son) and a fourth in 1897 (Archibald, Constable & Co). The book was
reprinted in 2009 (University of Michigan Library, 304 pp)
MEDA, Sergio, Colnago, 1986, 58 pp
Categories: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Gears)
Observation: the book is freely accessible online at
MERCKX Eddy & TONNOIR, Aldo, The fabulous world of cycling,
1982, Editions André Gisard, 150 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In General)
Covers the period 1969-1981 with an emphasis on his own career (19691977).
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
MERCKX, Eddy, The Fabulous World of Cycling, Winning
Category: Yearbooks
A complete year of bicycle racing as seen through the eyes of all-time
cycling great Eddy Merckx. More than 30 of the world's major cycling
events are featured, from the 200-metre sprints at the world championships
to the 2500-mile Tour de France. These Series document an interesting
time with all kinds of changes coming on fast: big-budget teams, nonEuropean riders, non-European races, click shifters, clip-in pedals, carbon
fiber, and aerodynamic “funny bikes”. (Sources: &
The following editions have been published:
- The Fabulous World of Cycling, 1983 Season, 1983, 194 pp
(with Léon Michaux)
- The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 3, The 1984 Season,
1984, 192 pp (with Léon Michaux)
- The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 4, The Great Races,
1985, 192 pp (with Léon Michaux)
- The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 5, Winners and
Champions, 1986, 176 pp (with Gilles Goetghebuer)
- The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 6, A Season for Roche,
1987, 176 pp (with Rupert Guiness)
- The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 7, The New Champions,
1988, 144 pp (with Carlson Rich)
- The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 8, A Year for LeMond,
1989, 150 pp (with Carlson Rich)
- The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 9, LeMond’s Tour,
Italy’s Year, 1990, 176 pp (with Carlson Rich)
- The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 10, The New
Generation, 1991, 176 pp (with Kenny Pride)
- The Fabulous World of Cycling, The Year of the Double, 1992, 176
pp (with Kenny Pride)
Books of Chas MESSENGER
Chas Messenger (1914–2008) was an uncompromising race organiser and
cycling historian who made a massive contribution to cycle racing in
Britain. He was a prime mover in the British League of Racing Cyclists
(BLRC), the organisation that founded road-racing along European lines
on British roads after the war. In 1958, he was chosen to be the organiser
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
of the Tour of Britain. In 1958, Messenger became the national road-race
team manager. He was a unique character, cavalier if minor rules got in
the way. On one occasion when he had exceeded the limit for rider
numbers on the track, and an official turned up, he simply told the cyclists
to "keep moving, lads" so that they could not be counted. He was utterly
dedicated to the advancement of his sport. (Source:
MESSENGER, Charles, Cycling Crazy, 1970, Pelham, 173 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
Book about some teams the author has managed, events he seen, people he
met, and celebrities of the bike game he has known. It features the rich,
hard, colorful glory of road-racing in all its aspects, from the lively and
arduous rhythm of the Kermesse to episodes in major `Tours` and World
Championships. (Source: Howie Cohen)
MESSENGER, Charles, Cycling’s Circus, 1971, Pelham Books, 183 pp
Category: Stage Races
Covers the 'Tour of Britain' 1951 - 1956 with detailed race reports.
MESSENGER, Charles, Where there’s a Wheel, 1972, Pelham Books,
214 pp
Categories: Cycle Racing History (Country Surveys) * Stage Races
History of the British League of Racing Cyclists; describes the Tour of
Britain from 1958 to 1964. (Source:
MESSENGER, Chas, Ride and be damned, 1998, Pedal Publishing, 150
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Racing was a part of cycling from the beginning, but in the UK it attracted
extraordinary persecution by the police and in 1894 racing on the roads
was actually banned. Thus, while road racing flourished on the European
mainland, in Britain it ceased. In 1937 the NCU and the RTTC formally
agreed to outlaw it for good. Chas Messenger's grasp of history doesn't
always follow a chronological pattern, and bits of it are sometimes vague,
but we get the general picture. It's an unedifying story, immensely
convoluted, and it's no surprise that Chas's account isn't always clear.
Those who remember Chas's earlier books will be familiar with his
intensely personal style, but he's always an entertaining and exciting writer
who never allows himself to worry unduly about such obstacles as
spelling, grammar, punctuation and overuse of inverted commas. This is a
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
beautiful book and a necessary account of part of British cycling's history.
(Source: Ramin Minovi, Association of British Cycling Coaches)
MICHAEL, Jan, Cycling in Posters, 1980, Angel Books, 60 pp
Category: Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings & Posters
When bicycles first became popular on a large scale at the end of the
nineteenth century, they brought about a small revolution in society. Some
of the best artists of the time were commissioned to design advertising
posters for various manufacturers, and a wide-ranging selection of these
has been chosen for this book. (Source:
Observation: this collection also includes some cycle racing posters.
MICHELIN, Michelin’s Illustrated History of the Tour De France,
1974, privately published, 16 pp
Category: Comics, Cartoons & Graphic Novels
Small comic book from 1903 to 1975 featuring each year's winner plus
MIGILIACCIO, Eric, Easy Olympic Sports Readers: Cycling, 2004,
Griffin Pub Group, 16 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
Beginning readers can practice their reading skills with this 6-book set that
introduces some of the sports played during the Olympic Games. The Easy
Olympic Sports Readers are fun-to-read for primary grade children and are
highly motivational. These 16-page books are also filled with exciting full
color photographs. Ages 8-10. (Source:
MILLAR, David, Racing through the Dark, 2012, Orion, 346 pp,
Foreword by David Braislford
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
When he was 23 years old and still drug-free, Millar won an important
stage of the Tour de France. Drugs alone did not make him a top rider.
Gradually, however, this intelligent, articulate, emotionally volatile,
intellectually inquisitive young man, who would have gone to art college
had he not become a professional racer, allowed himself to be sucked into
the culture of doping. Millar's description of his fall is laceratingly honest,
detailing every twist in the argument by which he convinced himself to
take a step he had previously considered unthinkable. Since returning to
competition in 2006, Millar has taken every opportunity to campaign
against doping. This is an urgent tale, told in an authentic voice. The
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
description of that agonising mountain stage last summer, during which he
scoured the depths of his soul while falling helplessly behind the rest of
the field, deserves to stand among the great first-person accounts of
sporting experience. (Source: Richard Williams,
MILLER, Ray & IRVINE, Lee, Dan Albone: Cyclist, Inventor, and
Manufacturer, 2011, John Pinkerton Memorial Publishing Fund, 343 pp
Categories: Biographies (United Kingdom) * Racing Bikes &
Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Dan Albone was an important figure in cycling during the 1880s and
1890s, not only as rider, inventor, and 'Ivel' cycle manufacturer, but also
as someone famous for providing hospitality for cyclists. He was not a
major manufacturer but his influence was profound. This comprehensive
work presents new material on the development of the hands-off safety
bicycle, the first practical lady's bicycle, the tandem bicycle, as well as the
Ivel Motor Car, Motor Bicycle, and the Agricultural Motor (tractor). A
dozen of his catalogues are reproduced together with all of his patents.
Profusely illustrated. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
MILLER, Ray & IRVINE, Lee, Ivel, 2011, Veteran-Cycle Club,
Marque Album n° 2, 168 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Smiling Dan Albone was a popular man in the 1880s and 1890s and with
good reason. He was a crack racing cyclist with many wins to his credit,
publican of the Ongley Arms, and latterly the Ivel Hotel, proprietor of the
Ivel Cycle Works, and a well-known public figure in Biggleswade. He was
closely associated with A. J. ("Faed") Wilson and G. PP Mills with
accomplishments for which he is still remembered, such as the 'hands-off'
cross-frame safety bicycle, the first practical ladies bicycle, the tandem
bicycle, the child carrier, and more. This book contains significant new
material, a review of Ivel production figures and identification features. A
comprehensive biography including his other achievements is in
production. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
MILLIMAN, Chris, Drink, Smoke, Flanders, 2011, Ampersand, 32 pp
Categories: Photography * Cyclo-cross
Colour and monochrome photographs of cyclo-cross in Flanders that
manage, almost unassumingly, to depict aspects of an event that would
have passed most of us by. Chris Milliman has rendered his photographic
skill ultimately transparent. Many of the book's images feature the
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
inscrutable faces of cyclo-cross spectating, along with acute observations
of the paraphernalia and ephemera that constitute a cross event. (Source:
MILLS, Bill, Olympic Cycling, 1948, Oliver Moxon, 48 pp, Foreword
by E.J. Southcott and a message from H.S. Anderson
Category: Olympic Games
The Authorised Olympic Publication of the National Cyclists’ Union (the
forerunner to the British Cycling Federation, founded in 1878) offers a
fascinating glimpse of cycle sport at a time when it was relatively
mainstream. (Source:
COMMITTEE ON ROAD SAFETY, Massed-start Cycle Racing,
1954, H.M. Stationery Office, 12 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
“There is a new development which has recently been introduced called
the team time trial, in which groups of cyclists starting together at time
intervals race against the clock, but in competition with other teams. In
1953, the Departmental Committee on Road Safety was asked to look into
this matter. It considered it, and some members of the Committee,
including especially chief constables, were in favour of prohibiting these
massed start cycle races altogether. A majority of the Committee, however,
decided to recommend for a trial period of two years the voluntary
adoption by the interested organisations, in consultation with Government
Departments and the police, of certain conditions, and asked for the
voluntary co-operation of the cycling organisations.”
MOCKRIDGE, Russell, My World on Wheels: The Posthumous
Autobiography of Russell Mockridge, 1960, Stanley Paul & Co., 235 pp
Category: Biographies (Australia)
Russell Mockridge’s posthumous autobiography (completed by John
Burrowes), has influenced many aspiring riders - in particular, the quote
“Before you can learn to win a race you have to learn to finish it”. At the
very least, and if only to preserve the Mockridge memory and to make him
known to a new generation of Australian cyclists, the book deserves a
reprint. (Source: Trevor Wykes)
MOLLER, Werner, The Scapegoat - About the Expulsion of Michael
Rasmussen from the Tour De France 2007 and Beyond, 2011, Akaprint,
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
384 pp.
Categories: Doping * Tour de France Annuals (2007 Tour) * Biographies
What it is: An examination of Michael Rasmussen's expulsion from the
2007 Tour de France, following his story through his attempts to return to
the pro ranks following the ending of his two years suspension for
whereabouts violations. Møller is a complex man with views that seem to
be out of step with the current anti-doping orthodoxy. (Source:
Books of Greg MOODY
Greg Moody has had a long career in media. Working in various capacities
as columnist for the Milwaukee Sentinel and in regional radio and
television, Moody is also a long-time cycling enthusiast. In 1988, Moody
moved to CBS4 in Denver as Critic at Large where he won 12 regional
Emmy awards for commentary and writing in subjects ranging from
movies to TV, newspapers to books, Hollywood history to journalistic
ethics. Moody is author of five cycling murder mystery titles, a subgenre
populated seemingly by his works alone. The stories cover domestic racing
and the Tour de France and were popular in the ’90s. (Source:
MOODY, Greg, Two Wheels, 1995, VeloPress, 284 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
The story of Will Ross, a has-been wanna-be American racer who, through
the conniving dealings of his ex-wife and her compatriots, is signed to the
Haven Pharmaceutical pro squad, replacing the beloved champion JeanPierre Colgan who was killed in a toaster explosion. A web of intrigue and
back-stabbing is spun by Haven big-wigs, professional assassins, and
Will’s ex, as Ross is framed for the murder. With a background of cycling
classics, the mystery begins - a mystery spotted with Rossa comical
dreamtime visits to heaven to receive advice, encouragement and insults
from Anquetil and other cycling greats. (Source: unknown)
MOODY, Greg, Perfect Circles, A novel, 1998, VeloPress, 280 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
The story flashes from scene to scene so fast I got a blister on my page
turning finger! The way this guy writes puts you in the middle of the action
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
with such vivid detail you believe you're actually the one peddling the bike.
Moody's wit and humor will have you re-reading some passages wishing
you’d said that. The book taught me a lot about road racing and what might
go on behind the scenes. If the thought of Groucho Marx on a bike tickles
you, read this book! (Source: customer review at
MOODY, Greg, Derailleur, A Cycling Murder Mystery, 1999,
VeloPress, 304 pp
Category : Novels/Short Stories
Join Will Ross and Cheryl Crane leave the high-profile European road
racing scene for the new challenges of Haven-TW, a newly formed
mountain-bike team headquartered in Vail, Colorado. Trouble seems to
find Ross no matter what the venue or location! (Source: Velogear)
MOODY, Greg, Deadroll, A Cycling Murder Mystery, 2001, VeloPress,
384 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
Ex-professional cyclist Will Ross loses his promotion job with Bosco
Bikes, becomes a momentary media darling by foiling a robbery, and gets
a new job as a sports news reporter all in one day. In other Denver news,
a mad bomber has targeted cycling for his display of displeasure (and has
wounded the TV sports anchor), and Ross soon makes his short list. In his
fourth cycling murder mystery, Moody has produced a potent mixture:
unusual subject matter, easy prose, and a serial protagonist with articulate
attitude and a sharp sense of humor. (Source: Library Journal)
MOODY, Greg, Dead Air, A Cycling Murder Mystery, 2002, VeloPress,
319 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
Time to grieve for Ross, but life and those around him have other ideas. A
reporter is determined to make her career by telling Ross's story, a young
TV journalist is determined to supplant Ross in the hearts of Denver
viewers, and a killer is determined to finish the job he began--all while
Ross comes to realise a new life depends on him. (Source: Velogear)
MOON, W.H.R. et al, The Anerley Bicycle Club, A Story Told By
Members 1881-1981, 1981
Category: Cycling Clubs
This book was published to commemorate the club’s 100 years. It
reproduces the history of the Club’s first fifty years which G.H. Smith had
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
privately published in 1931, added with notes covering the period 1931 to
1980. (Source:
MOORE, Gerry, The Garrood's of Fakenham, a family of inventors and
engineers, 1990, Cyclethings, 54 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
John Cousins Garrood's inventions greatly improved bicycles. He made
grips for the pedals and invented tubular metal forks, making bicycles
much lighter and more efficient to ride. He was a well-known cycling
enthusiast. (Source:
MOORE, Gerry, The Little Black Bottle, 2011, Van der Plas
Publications, 160 pp
Category: Team Managers
Choppy Warburton owes his fame to two things. By reputation he
enthusiastically prescribed his riders chemical enhancements. He was also
sketched by Toulouse-Lautrec in one of his drafts of the famous ChainSimpson posters. Gerry Moore paints an engrossing picture of Warburton
who, in the early 1890s, had turned his attention to the booming new sport
of cycling. They were giddy times. Fortunes were made and lost by riders
and promoters, most of whom appear to have circulated between London,
Paris and the east coast of the USA. For a short period Warburton was the
king of this scene, training at least two world champions and being a key
organiser of such pivotal events as the Chain races of 1896. In part Moore's
book is an attempt to rescue his subject's reputation, and he achieves this
in part. (Source:
MOORE, Harold, Complete Cyclist, 1935, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons,
139 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
“A cyclist worthy of the name travels far and wide, defying and conquering
Table of Contents: The Pastime of Cycling * The Cyclist in Action * The
Choice of a Cycle * Clubs for Cyclists * Woman and the Wheel * Cycling
Through the Seasons * The Key to the Countryside * The Footpath Way,
or the Pleasures of Pass-Storming * Cycling and Camping * The Uses of
Youth Hostels * Touring Grounds for Cyclists * Trailers, Steamers, Air
Services, Ferries: How to Use Them * Riding Behind the Lamplight
*Night-Riding Tactics * Competitive Cycling * Training for Cycle Races
* Maintenance, Repairs, and Renovation.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Observation: reprints in 1942, 1947, 1949, 1952, 1958 and 1962.
Books of Richard MOORE
Richard Moore is a freelance journalist and author. He writes on sport,
specialising in cycling, and is a regular contributor to the Guardian,, the Scotsman and Procycling magazine. He is also a former
racing cyclist who represented Scotland at the 1998 Commonwealth
Games and Great Britain at the 1998 Tour de Langkawi. (Source:
MOORE, Richard, In search of Robert Millar, 2007, HarperSport, 352
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Richard Moore has left no stone unturned in his search for Robert Millar.
He has tracked down and interviewed many associated with Robert's early
career such as Billy Bilsland, and several of his team mates throughout his
professional career: Allan Peiper, Wayne Bennington, Atle Kvalsvoll,
Sean Yates and many others. Moore has also detailed many facets of
Millar’s post racing career, including his brief flirtation with national
coaching. (Source: thewashingmachinepost)
MOORE, Richard, Heroes, Villains and Velodromes: Chris Hoy and
Britain’s Track Cycling Revolution, 2008, Harper Sport, 320 pp
Categories: Cycle Racing History (By Country) * Biographies (United
Kingdom) * Track Racing
Just how do you explain Britain’s emergence is as the pre-eminent force
in world track cycling? This book came out on the eve of the Beijing
games, so takes the story up to the British team’s crushing performance at
the world track championships in Manchester 2008. So complete was their
demolition of the opposition, that Moore confidently concludes with a
promise that there will be much, much more from Hoy. How right he
proved to be. Moore is a diligent journalist who is successful at rooting
out the early twists and turns in Hoy’s life: his attitude to BMX racing; the
emergence of a dedicated track cycling team in Edinburgh in the early
1980s; and, his relationship with his trainers. Moore certainly appears to
come close to nailing what makes Hoy special – a fantastic raw talent,
married to an obsessive zeal for training. Does Moore answer the central
question, however? (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Observation: this book has been fully updated in the meantime to include
Sir Chris Hoy's golds at London 2012 (368 pp).
MOORE, Richard, Sky’s the Limit, British Cycling's Quest to Conquer
the Tour De France, 2011, 352 pp
Categories: Cycle Racing History (By Country) * Tour de France
History (Overviews) * Cycle Racing Teams
This book might be the inside story of the formation of Team Sky, but it's
not an authorised account, which makes it all the more believable. Moore
gained enviable access to all the key players. He spent months on the road
and in training camps with Sky riders and management in the lead up to
the 2010 Tour. As a result, he provides a thorough background to the Sky
story – from the 2007 Tour (Bradley Wiggins' second Tour riding for
Cofidis) through to the emergence of Mark Cavendish and Geraint Jones
at the British cycling academy. Central to it all is British Cycling head
honcho Dave Brailsford, who drove the development of the team from
concept through to reality. Moore lifts the lid on the tense early days when
– months out from the 2010 Tour – the team was leaderless, with Wiggins
still tied to Garmin and Cavendish re-signed for HTC-Columbia. Moore
recounts the team's apparent 'no-stone-left-unturned' preparations for the
2010 Tour. (Source:
MOORE, Richard, Slaying the Badger, Greg LeMond, Bernard
Hinault, and the Greatest Tour De France, 2012, Yellow Jersey Press,
304 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1986 Tour)
This book is an highly revealing tale of cycling's most extraordinary
rivalry. The author traces each story line to its source through innumerable
interviews—not only with LeMond and Hinault in their own homes but
also with teammates, rivals, race directors, journalists, sponsors, and
promoters. Told from these many perspectives, the alliances, tirades, and
broken promises divulged build to the stunning climax of the 1986 Tour
de France. Their rivalry shocked the world as LeMond and Hinault rode
for the same team. (Source:
MOORE, Richard & BENSON, Daniel, Bike !, A Tribute to the
World’s Greatest Racing Bicycles, 2012, The Miegunyah Press, 352 pp,
Foreword by Lance Armstrong
Category: Racing bikes & Accessories (Racing Bikes)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
This is a book on the history of the world's most famous racing-bike and
component manufacturers. You will discover the beautifully illustrated
story of the artisans and visionary sportspeople who joined forces to create
two-wheeled legends. From the cradle of road biking on the plains of
northern Italy to the birthplace of mountain biking, Marin County,
California, Bike! unmasks the soul behind names like Colnago, Shimano
and Campagnolo. Distributed throughout the book are special doublepage photographic features on ten landmark bikes that were the first to
introduce groundbreaking technology, from Maurice Garin's Ondiana
cycle in the first Tour de France of 1903 to the Team Sky Pinarello Dogma
of 2010. (Source:
Observation: Aurum Press has published this book under a somewhat
different title (Bike !, A Tribute to the World’s Greatest Cycling
MOORE, Tim, French Revolutions: Cycling the Tour De France, 2002,
Yellow Jersey Press/Random House, 288 p
Categories: Humour * Tour de France Cult
A hilariously unforgettable account of Moore's attempt to conquer the
Tour de France. "Conquer" may not be quite the right word. He cheats
when he can, pops the occasional hayfever pill for an ephedrine rush (a
fine old Tour tradition), sips cheap wine from his water bottle, and
occasionally weeps on the phone to his wife. But along the way he gives
readers an account of the race's colorful history and greatest heroes: Eddy
Merckx, Greg Lemond, Lance Armstrong, and even Firmin Lambot, aka
the "Lucky Belgian," who won the race at the age of 36. And if that isn't
enough, his account of a rural France tarting itself up for its moment in the
spotlight leaves popular quaint descriptions of small towns in Provence in
the proverbial dust. If you either love or hate the French, or both, this is
the book for you. French Revolutions is Tim Moore's funniest book to date.
It is also one of the funniest sports books ever written. (Source:
Observations: many reprints amongst which editions published in 2002
(Vintage, 288 pp); 2003 (Large Print Books// St Martin’s Press, 288 pp);
2011 (Random House, 288 pp); 2012 (Yellow Jersey Press//Vintage).
MORRISON, Ian (ed), Professional Cycling, Yearbook, 1985, UK Print
Associates, 256 pp
Category: Yearbooks (1985)
Many photos and biographies.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
MOULTON, Alex, Moulton, from Bristol to Bradford-On-Avon, A
lifetime in Engineering, 2009, Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust, 320 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing Industry)
Alex Moulton must rank as one of the most original thinkers of British
engineering in the 20th (and 21st) centuries. From an apprenticeship at
Sentinel in Shrewsbury, to the Bristol Aeroplane Engine Division under
Fedden, and on to the family firm in Bradford-on-Avon, there is hardly
any branch of transport engineering Dr. Moulton has not been involved in.
His best known projects, or inventions are Hydrolastic and Flexitor
suspensions, the original Mini, and the Moulton bicycle. (Source:
MOXHAM, S.H., Fifty years of Road Riding, 1885-1935, A History of
the North Road Cycling Club, 1935, Diemer & Reynolds, 178 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
This solid little tome takes the story of one of England’s most venerable
cycling club which traces its origins into the glory days of Victoria’s reign.
The book is organised in a year-by-year narrative. The club played a
critical role in the development of time trailing. Indeed, it championed
longer time trails. For many years, it would consider no distance of less
that 50 miles being worth the effort of organising an event. As the narrative
gets closer to the time of publication, the detail does get thinner. (Source:
MUENZER, Lori-An & WIBERG, Karl R., One gear, no breaks,
Lori-Ann Muenzer's Ride to Belief, Belonging, and a Gold Medal, 2007,
Key Porter Books, 256 pp
Category: Women’s Cycle Racing
When 38-year-old underdog Lori-Ann Muenzer entered the 2004
Olympics, few believed that she would be able to compete with cyclists
half her age. Muenzer persevered, kept her mind on the track, and won the
Olympic Gold. Competitive cycling is about pain, punishment and speed.
On the road to the winner's podium, Muenzer suffered more than her share
of pain. Her determination will inspire anyone who faces challenges in his
or her life. One Gear, No Breaks is the uplifting memoir of one of Canada's
athletic heroes. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
MULHOLLAND, Owen & WILCOCKSON, John, Uphill Battle:
Cycling’s Great Climbers, 2006, VeloPress, 256 pp, Foreword by Eddy
Category: Mountains & Climbers
While there has been a recent torrent of books on the Tour de France, this
book also describes some interesting and exciting stages of the other great
stage races, the Giro d'Italia and the Vuelta in Spain. The book is arranged
in chronological fashion as a series of brief biographies of climbing
cyclists. The book could have been improved with more on other races
with difficult climbs but as it stands it is an entertaining and enjoyable
account. (Source: Leslie Reissner, customer review at
MULHOLLAND, Owen, Cycling’s Golden Age, Heroes of the Postwar
Era, 1946-1967, 2006, VeloPress, 240 pp, Foreword by Eddy Merckx
Category: Collectibles & Memorabilia
Since the mid-1990s, Shelly and Brett Horton of San Francisco have been
collecting objects and photographs related to bicycle racing from the late
1800s to the present and what must be the cream of their collection appears
in this book. (Source:
MULLER-SCHELL, Werner, The Classic Routes of Europe, The 25
Greatest Road Races and How To Ride Them, 2012, Bloomsburry
Publishing, 192 pp
Category: One-day Races
The book contains route info, maps, photographs and historical narrative.
Few would doubt most of his choices and his German background shows
itself with the inclusion of northern European races that might be excellent
in themselves but have not reached iconic status. This includes the
Vatenfall 'Classic' and the Rund um die Hainleite, Müller-Schell's says
both are a great ride and his descriptions do look inviting. For many the
routes of Milan-San Remo, Tour of Flanders, Paris-Roubaix, LiègeBastogne-Liège and the Giro di Lombardia will be the big attraction, and
although some routes may not be high on the radar it's to the author's credit
that he has looked beyond the obvious fare. (Source:
MUMFORD, Frank et al, The Mersey Roaders, The History of the
Mersey Roads Club 1924-74, 1975, Merseys Roads Club, 70 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
Each chapter is written by a different member who was prominent in that
period. The book also includes club records and roll of members.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
MUNOZ Pablo, Miguel Indurain: A Life on Wheels, 1998, Mousehold
Press, 214 pp
Category: Biographies (Spain)
This biography of one of the greatest racing cyclists ever to grace the sport,
traces, year by year, his gradual progress from the strong reliable
domestique to undisputed king of the international peloton. (Source: Dave
Lloyd Bookstore)
MURPHY, Jim, Two hundred years of Bicycles, 1983, Harpercollins
Childrens Books, 60 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles
in general)
Traces the history of bicycles from the French "celerifère" of 1791,
through the nineteenth-century velocipede, hobby horse, boneshaker, and
high-wheeler, to the modern racing bicycle and HPV. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
NATIONAL CYCLIST UNION, Cycling – 1949 Racing Handbook,
1949, 136 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
This book contains various information about cycle racing including
results, records, profiles of cyclists, speed tables, tracks, forthcoming
events etc. (Source: eBay)
Observation: The Handbook would have been produced from 1938 to
1958 the period when the NCU promoted road race championships for
NAVARRO, Sergio, The little red book of bicycles, 1994. Camino and
Scorpiac press, 48 pp
Category: Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings & Posters
NAYLOR, Chris, The Cyclists friend, 2011, Summersdale, 208 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
“Other forms of transport grow daily more nightmarish. Only the bicycle
remains pure in heart” (Iris Murdoch). Roadies, tourers, mountain bikers
and casual cyclists will savour this insightful collection of quotations and
prose from cycle lovers past and present, interspersed with practical tips
on everything from fixing a puncture to choosing the right bicycle.
NEGRI, Rino & RICCI, Maurizio, Ercole Baldini’s story, The train
from FORLI - Ercole Baldini, The man, s.d., 38 pp
Category: Biographies (Italy)
Translation of an hagiography that was published in Italian originally. A4 format.
NELSON, Julie, BMX Racing and freestyle, 2002, Raintree//
Heinemann, “Extreme Sports” Series, 48 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Background information on how the sport developed, safety equipment
and precautions, descriptions of the sport and variations, current racers or
climbers, how to begin, and competitions. Excellent-quality, full-color
photographs of racers and climbers help readers understand the skills and
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
terms mentioned. Short simple sentences present the factual information.
Fact boxes and explanations of terms add to the appeal. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
NELSON, Samuel Armstrong, Spalding’s Official Cycle Guide,
American Sports Publishing Company
Category: Cycle racing History (By Country)
Four volumes have been published:
- Spalding’s Official Cycle Guide for 1896, 1869
- Spalding’s Official Cycle Guide for 1897, 1867
- Spalding’s Official Cycle Guide for 1899, 1868
- Spalding’s Official Cycle Guide for 1899, 1869
The sub-title of the three first volumes reads: “Containing Portraits of All
the Leading American Riders and Valuable Instruction to Cyclists “. The
cover page continues: Hints on Training (by Fred Titus and Others) Complete list of “Best on Record”.
Observation: the book is freely accessible online at
NELSSON, Richard (ed), The Tour De France – To the Bitter End,
2012, Guardian Books, 368 pp
Category: Tour de France (Highlights & Anecdotes)
The best of over a century of Guardian and Observer Tour reporting.
Overall, the book makes for an odd, disjointed reading experience. A
couple or three articles do stand out but mostly this is the same old same
old seen all too often in books about the Tour. (Source: fmk,
Observation: the US edition (from the same publisher) has less pages (272
NICHOLS, Ken & NICHOLS, Maureen, Mud, Sweat and Gears,
A History of the British Cyclo-Cross Association, 2011, Mousehold
Press, 336 pp
Category: Cyclo-cross
History of the British Cyclo-cross Association commencing with seasons
50/51 and 53/54. The authors have done their research. Lots of it. much, if
not all has been gleaned from the pages of Cycling Weekly or whatever its
masthead proclaimed at the time, along with an almost forensic dissection
of handbooks, event programmes and newspaper articles, as well as one or
two television broadcasts. (Source: thewashinmachinepost)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
NICHOLSON, Geoffrey, The Great Bike Race, 1977, Magnum Books//
Hodder & Stoughton, 205 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1976 Tour)
A vivid account of the Tour de France. The book describes the
personalities, tactics, intrigues and the bizarre commercial background of
the 1976 race.
Observation: reprint in 1978 (Littlehampton Book Services Ltd).
NICHOLSON, Geoffrey, Le Tour : the Rise and Rise of the Tour De
France, 1991, Hodder & Stoughton, 264 pp
Category: Tour de France History
Traces the development of the race from its beginnings, portraying its
heroes and villains, its drug problems and its sponsorship battles. (Source:
NICHOLSON, Geoffrey, Tony Doyle: Six-Day racer, 1992, Random
House New Zealand, 176 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Biography of Tony Doyle, where he details the execrable conditions the
riders had to put up with (particularly housing). (Source: Bobke Strut)
NICHOLS LYNCH, Janet, Racing California, 2012, Holiday House,
192 pp
Category: Juvenile Fiction
For 18-year-old Evan Boroughs the chance to sign with a major cycling
team comes as an incredible opportunity. Joining the Image Craft-Icon
team gives Evan the chance to compete in the Tour of California with his
cycling icon, Dashiell Shipley. When his hero tests positive for drug use,
Evan must evaluate his place in the cycling world. The book defines
cycling terminology in the narrative rather than in a separate glossary, and
that additional weight slows the pace. (Source:
NIELSEN, Nancy, Bicycle Racing, 1988, Silver Burdet Press, 48 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction into Bicycle Racing
Describes different types of bicycle races, including track and road races,
BMX racing, and mountain biking, the variety of bicycles used, and racing
strategies. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
NOBLE, Charles, More than just beer and darts - Southampton
Wheelers Cycling Club 1926-2002, 2003, privately published, 107 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
Story of the Southampton Wheelers Cycling club.
NOGUCHI-San, The Data Book, 100 Years of Bicycle Component and
Accessory Design: The Data Book, 1998, Van der Plas Publications, 212
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Design)
This is a fascinating pictorial survey of the development of bicycle
component and accessory design. It concerns a reprint of the '83 Japanese
publication. To this date, it is the most inclusive compendium of
illustrations gleaned from historic European cycling periodicals and
catalogues. The book was originally published in Japan. It culminated Mr.
Noguchi’s long work as a collector and propagator of illustrations of early
European bicycle components and accessories. This edition is identical to
the original in all respects, including binding, trim size, and pagination. In
addition, it contains English translations of the Japanese texts. (Source:
Observation: the book was reprinted in 2002.
NORCLIFFE, GLEN, The Ride to Modernity: The Bicycle in Canada,
1869-1900, University of Toronto Press, 2001, 288 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
The author has an eye for memorable characters and meaningful
illustrations, his writing is unpretentious, and he deploys a sense of humor.
Modernity is his grand theme. This is an unconventional book. The bicycle
did not become an enduring mode of transportation for the masses in
Canada nor long persist as an object of desire among young well-to-do
Anglos. Bicycle mania was short-lived, peaking in the late 1890s. By the
late 1890s the bicycle had no place to go, in terms of style, price cuts, or
technical improvements. Soon the automobile caught the fancy. The author
also discusses club facilities, racetracks, and photographers’ studios—
places where cyclists showed off equipment. Norcliffe ties most of his
book’s sections into his understanding of carrier waves and modernity. His
narrative building blocks for the modernity, discussions of bicycle
consolidation.(Source: John C. Weaver, Journal of Sport History, Vol. 31,
2004, n° 2).
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
NORDQUIST, Watson N., Review of Cycling, 1943, privately
published, 70 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle racing
Treasury book of information on the sport of bicycling. Well illustrated
articles on racing, bike polo, travel, youth hostelling, the bicycle in war
time, club organisation, and many other subjects. (Source: Boys’ Life,
April 1943)
NORTON, Tom junior, Historic Cycles - Tom Norton’s Collection, 1972,
Llandrindod Wells Powys, 57 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
Tom Norton was a pioneer cyclist, and he became one of the first dealers
selling the famous machines made by the Raleigh Company. He opened
his Llandrindod Wells cycle business in 1899. By the turn of the century,
his business had expanded to encompass cars and motorcycles. His
“Automobile Palace”, in times gone by was used as the main Austin car
and part distributors for Mid and North Wales. Today it houses the
National Cycle Museum and presents the history of cycling with over 200
cycles on display. (Sources:
NORWOOD, Jack, The twelve hour man, 2002, Central Publishing, 166
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Jack was a keen cyclist during the 1940s and 50s. In fact 1954 saw him
come first in the Sussex County Championships in which he covered 239
miles and 440 yards in the 12 hours of the title. (Source:
NOTHSTEIN, Marty & DILLE, Ian, The Price of Gold, The Toll and
Triumph of One Man’s Olympic Dream, 2012, Rodale Press, 256 pp
Categories: Biographies (USA) * Track Racing * Olympic Games
Marty Nothstein is the most decorated American track cyclist of all time.
He was a triple World Champion. He was the first American to win the
professional sprint World Championships in eighty years. He was the first
American to win a Six Day race in half a century. And he was an Olympic
gold medallist. The meat and two veg is the story of the four years between
Atlanta (1996 Games) and Sydney (2000 Games), and the sacrifices made
along the way. The story of the years before Atlanta and after Sydney are
the hors d’oeuvre and dessert. The Price of Gold is all told in the first
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
person present tense. That’s not just a tricksy stylistic flourish, a way of
adding intensity to the story. You quickly feel that these aren’t memories
being dragged up from the past for Nothstein. You quickly feel that the
past is very much alive for him. That the pain and the pleasure is an everpresent vivid feeling. You quickly realise just how intense Nothstein
himself is. (Source:
NOVOZHILOV, Sergei Nikolaevich, Velosipednyi sport = Cyclisme =
Cycling =Radfahren =Ciclismo, sortivnye terminy na piati iazykakh
(cycling terminology – multiple languages), 1979, Russkii iazyk , 96 pp
Category: Dictionaries & Glossaries
Multilingual dictionary (Russian, French, English, German)
NORTH, Freya, Cat, 2000, Arrow Books, 427 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
The story revolves around a young lady known as “Cat” and her job as a
reporter on the Tour de France. Much of the book is commentary on the
race and the riders, but it delves deeply into Cat's relationships with newfound friends and lover. Cat follows the race for the three weeks, travelling
around France with the tour. It shows how her career develops, how she
changes as a person, and how her passion grows. (Source: Ciao, Shopping
NOVRUP, Svend, A Moustache, Poison and Blue Glasses: Tales of the
Tour De France, 2000, Bromley Books, 190 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
Using archive photographs of famous stars, the road conditions, the
mountains, the suffering, the triumphs and the drama, this book aims to
capture the history, spirit and personalities of the Tour de France. (Source:
Kinokuniya Bookweb)
Books of Peter NYE
Peter has extensive experience in American cycling as a competitor,
director of communications for international race. He is also author of
several books on the sport in addition to writing hundreds of articles for
cycling publications. He has been working 30 years as a journalist and
magazine editor covering national labor, economic, and public policy
issues in Washington, D.C. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
NYE, Peter, Joffre, Hearts of Lions: The History of American Bicycle
Racing, 1988, W. W. Norton & Company Incorporated, 318 pp,
Foreword by Eric Heiden
Category: Cycling History (By Country)
Without question the best book ever written about the history of American
cycling. Readers will be so amazed of those early racers who laid the path
for those that followed. Peter Nye makes this history come alive. (Source:
review at
NYE, Peter, The Cyclist’s Sourcebook, 1991, Putnam// Perigee, 221 pp
Category: Bibliographies & Sourcebooks
This guide includes: a state-by-state listing of major recreational rides; an
illustrated history of recreational cycling and racing; descriptions of major
cycling organizations and what they offer; tips on how to watch a bicycle
race and conversations with some of cycling’s prominent men and women.
(Source: Eco
Observation: reprint in 1993 and in 1994 (Front Page Creations).
NYE, Peter, The Six-Day Bicycle Races, America's Jazz-age Sport,
2006, Van der Plas Publications, 240 pp
Category: Track Racing
This highly pictorial book tells the story of six-day racing in America from
its beginning in the last decade of the 19th century up to attempts at revival
in the 1970s. A lively text and an amazing collection of duotone
photographs allows the reader to relive this exciting period. (Source:
World Cycling Productions)
Table of Contents: Preface - 1. An American Sports Tradition - 2.
Origins of the Sport - 3. Bobby Walthour, Sr. - 4. Two Rivals: John M.
Chapman & Tex Rickard - 5. Floyd MacFarland 6. Points System, 1916
- 7. The Roaring Twenties - 8. Reggie (Part I) - 9. Crashes, Trainers, Drugs - 10. Mechanics - 11. Track Construction - 12. According to… 13. Feeding Frenzy - 14. Bobby Walthour II - 15 Jimmy Walthour II 16. Cycling Czar - 17 Willie and the Outlaws (Part I) - 18. The Twenties
Ended “with a Whimper” - 19. Willie and the Outlaws (Part II) - 20. Harry
Mendel - 21. Gustav Killian & Heinz Vopel - 22. Reggie (Part II) - 23.
Fade to Dark - 24. Post-War Recovery - 25. Last Hurrah - 26. Exported
to … - Bibliography - Index.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
OAKLEY, William, Winged Wheel, The history of the first hundred
years of the Cyclists’ Touring Club, 1977, Cyclists’ Touring Club, 248
Category: Cycling Clubs
A careful history of the British Cyclists' Touring Club from 1878 to 1977.
Founded in 1878 to encourage a novel means to transport, after a faltering
start, the CTC swelled as the bicycle became a craze. The skin of its teeth
survived the twentieth century as the slings and arrows of motorised
modernism reigned down upon its members and today, by some miracle it
is bigger and stronger than ever. At the time of publication, Oakley had
clocked up half a century on the CTC's council and was serving as the
organisation's president. A journalist, author and broadcaster by trade, it is
easy to see why he was entrusted with marking this anniversary. Being
integral to the administration of the club for some many years, however, is
not the best background for dispassionate historian. Nonetheless, it is an
amazing tale that he traces. Oakley holds up a mirror to the development
of cycling itself. (Source:
OBREE, Graeme, Flying Scotsman: The Graeme Obree Story, 2003,
Birlinn, 228 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Very honest account of a life filled with incredible highs and desperate
lows, but written in a very matter of fact manner that must have required
great courage, since many incidents show Graeme in a less than ideal light.
(Source: thewashingmachinepost)
Observation: this book has been reprinted in 2004 (paperback edition, 288
pp) and in 2005 (VeloPress, 244 pp). It was reissued in 2010 with a
foreword by Chris Hoy.
O’CONNOR, Jim, The Australasian Cycling Year Book, A.G. Healing
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Contains World Records, Australasian Records, Full List of Affiliated
Cycling Clubs, Information Covering Training, Touring and Racing and
Cycle Maintenance, Gear Speed and Other Tables of Interest to Cyclists.
Contains dozens of pictures, including Charlie Fraser, W "Torchy" Peden,
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
R.A. Broadbent, Chris Wheeler, Clive Allen and many other famous
Australian cyclists of the 1930s and earlier. Packed with articles by the
foremost Australian cyclists of that period. (Source:
Two editions have been published:
- The 1936 Australasian Cycling Year Book, 1936, 184 pp
- The 1937-38 Australasian Cycling Yearbook, 1937
O’CONNOR, Phil, Phil O’Connor’s 21 years of cycling photography,
2003, Speechmark Publishing Ltd, 144 pp, Foreword by Mike Price
Category: Photography
The author’s talent - and it really shines through this book - is in capturing
expressions. Open up almost any page and you're struck by the sheer
variety of emotion bike racers undergo. For non-British readers, I suspect
the insight into the unusual and often eccentric world of British domestic
racing will be illuminating. There aren't many parts of the world where
time trials start before dawn and the participants include a rider clad all in
pink and riding a tricycle! (Source: John Stevenson, Cyclingnews)
O’CONNOR, Phil, Gold Rush 2008, 2008 (?), Cycling Weekly, 170 pp
Category: Photography
A photographic tribute to Team GB’s Olympic cycling success in Beijing
2008. Riders featured include: Chris Hoy, Bradley Wiggins, Victoria
Pendleton, Nicole Cooke, Emma Pooley, Jamie Staff, Rebecca Romero,
Jason Kenny, Ross Edgar and Wendy Houvenaghel. (Source: Cycling
O’GRADY, Patrick, The Season Starts When?, 1999, VeloPress, 172 pp
Category: Comics, Cartoons & Graphic Novels
The best of Patrick O'Grady's irreverent and entertaining cycling cartoons,
a standard favorite of VeloNews readers for years, are finally packaged
together. In both his cartoons and his commentary, O'Grady lampoons
cyclists, the sport & the cycling industry without mercy. Professional road
cyclists, mountain bikers, cyclo-cross fanatics, bike shop owners, bike
geeks, cycling commentators, weekend warriors, and national and
international cycling federations are all potential targets of his painfully
accurate sharp wit. (Source: unknown)
OLLERSHAW, Chris, Gears, 1994, Gareth Stevens Publishing,
Toybox Science Series
Category: Educational Materials * Race Bikes & Accessories (Gears)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Photographs and straightforward text help students understand the
mathematics involved in gears and gearing. (Source:
OLLIVIER, Jean-Paul, Fausto Coppi: the True Story, 1998, Bromley
Books, 205 pp
Category: Biographies (Italy)
The biography of Italy's greatest and most controversial campionissimo.
This most recent and objective writing includes contributions from Coppi's
White Lady. (Source:
OLLIVIER, Jean-Paul, Maillot Jaune: The Tour De France Yellow
Jersey, 2001, VeloPress, 224 pp
Category: Tour de France (Overviews)
A tribute to all 227 cyclists who have had the honor of wearing the yellow
jersey from 1919-2000. Some have worn it for just a day, others for day
after day. Noted French historian Jean-Paul Ollivier traces the story of the
maillot jaune with anecdotes and insights on the most famous cyclists of
our time, from Frenchman Eugène Christophe, the first rider awarded the
jersey in 1919, to Lance Armstrong and his yellow jersey performances in
1999 and 2000. Includes a chart listing all yellow jersey holders since 1919
& the number of times they led the Tour. (Source: Pete & Ed Books)
OLLIVIER, Jean-Paul, The giants of cycling, 2002, VeloPress, 192 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Champions)
The French historian pays tribute to the most famous cyclists in history
through arresting full-color and black-and-white photographs, many
drawn from the official archives of the Tour de France Society. A dramatic
mix of history and anecdote, The Giants of Cycling also provides statistics
on each cyclist's racing career. The athletes featured include Anquetil,
Bobet, Coppi, Merckx, Indurain, and Hinault, and they're ranked here
according to six categories -Legendary Cyclists, Cyclists Throughout
History, The Best Sprinters, The Heroes, The Gods, and The Classic
Cyclists. (Source:
OLSEN, John, Mountain Biking, 1989, Stackpole Books, “Adventure
Sports” Series, 128 pp
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
Describes the structure of a mountain bike, demonstrates basic and
advanced riding techniques, and discusses competitions, touring, ethics,
and safety.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Observation: reprint in 1990 (HarperCollins// Stackpole Books)
OPPERMAN, Sir Hubert, Pedals, Politics and People, 1977, Haldane
Pub Co, 511 pp
Category: Biographies (Australia)
Sir Hubert Opperman is Australia's most famous cyclist despite the fact
that his cycling career concluded 60 years ago. In his time he set a series
of momentous records for endurance cycling. He single-handedly created
a profile for the sport of cycling in Australia that it did not enjoy before.
Following his retirement he joined the Liberal Party and was elected to the
Australian Federal Parliament in 1949 representing the seat of Corio. In
1960 he was appointed Minister for Shipping and Transport in the Federal
Government and in 1963 Minister for Immigration. Opperman's life is well
documented in his autobiography. (Source:
OSBORN, Bob, The Complete Book of BMX, 1984, HarperCollins, 248
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Bob Osborn gives the reader a historical and visual feast of information
regarding the racers, the techniques, and the all around feel of BMX. Bob
Osborn makes it a point to bring the information needed to promote the
sport to the public without appealing specifically to only the younger age
groups. (Source: customer review at
OVEREND, Ned, HEWITT, Ben & PAVELKA, Ed, Mountain Bike
Like a Champion, Techniques of America’s Greatest Rider, 1999, Rodale
Books, 240 pp
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
“At the 1990 world championships in Durango, Colorado, Thomas
Frischknecht and I were locked in a dogfight. At the start of the fourth and
final lap was a pitch of rocky, loose trail that went straight up the face of a
ski run. My Swiss rival had been dismounting and running this climb while
I stayed on my bike. On previous laps, I'd opened a little gap, so I knew
this would be my chance. I attacked when Thomas got off again. He never
caught me. To ride that steep trail, I had to use five climbing techniques.”
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
PAGE, Jason, Cycling, Shooting, and Show Jumping, 2008, Crabtree
Publishing Company, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Olympic Games
This fascinating new book encompasses a number of Olympic sports. It is
an introductory guide giving a brief outline of each of the Olympic events
listed below along with fun facts, Olympic stats, and outstanding
competitors. Sports include archery mountain biking cycling show
jumping dressage three-day event shooting: pistol shooting: rifle shooting:
shot gun men's weightlifting women's weightlifting. (Source:
PALZEWIC, Richard, Floyd, Lance and I bike cross-country: Nine
weeks across America, 2003, privately published, 208 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
A "live vicariously through me" adventure book about a teacher's journey
across America in the summer of 2000 on a bicycle. A stimulating blend
of history, cycling facts, and personal experience interspersed with heartwarming scenes of America's people and places. (Source: Publisher’s
PARKER, Selwyn, Chasing the Chimney Sweep, A Joyride Around the
First Tour De France, 2007, Ruth Kern Books, 250 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1903 Tour)
New Zealand writer and amateur cyclist Selwyn Parker sets off with his
partner Margaret and Kiwi friends Jo and Greg on a bizarre quest: a 2400kilometre cycling journey around France to retrace the route of the very
first cycling Tour de France in 1903. The book is a funny, engaging,
surprising travel book which combines the adventures of our tenacious
Kiwi four with fascinating stories of what happened in 1903. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
PARKIN, Joe, A Dog in a Hat, An American Bike Racer’s Story of Mud,
Drugs, Blood, Betrayal, and Beauty in Belgium, 2008, VeloPress, 240 pp
Categories: Pro-life * Cycle Racing History (By Country)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Joe Parkin left his native United States as a teenage amateur in 1986 and
rode in Belgium until the end of the 1991 season - clocking up five years
as a pro. His working life consisted of smaller stage races, a handful of
classics, and a steady diet of kermesses. He won nothing, rarely placed in
even the top ten, and only occasionally put in efforts for the team that merit
recording. Despite this, he did achieve something exceptional. Simply to
have propelled himself to Flanders and made a life there required a singular
determination and courage. He has also produced a readable, and affecting
memoir of his time chasing the peloton through the Flemish wind. There
is not much in this book, apart from cycling. By recording his two-wheeled
travails, however, he as probably done more to make a lasting mark than
did most of the journeyman rouleurs. (Source:
PARKIN, Joe, Come and gone, A True Story of Blue-Collar Bike Racing
in America, 2010, VeloPress, 208 pp
Categories: Pro-life * Cycle Racing History (By Country) * Mountain
Bike Racing
After five years of blue-collar cycling in Belgium, Joe Parkin returns to
the United States looking for a ride. He joins the elite Coors Lite road team
as a key member, but the adjustment to domestic racing, with small
crowds, inexperienced teammates, and poorly promoted events, proves
difficult. Disillusioned, Joe is ready to hang up his cleats when he is
offered a contract with a pro mountain bike team. The book is a rare, frank,
and intimate sports memoir. Parkin's writing style is self-deprecating,
refreshing, and has a gritty honesty which is demonstrated again in this
new memoir. (Source:
PARR, Scott & GUINESS, Rupert, Tales from the Toolbox, Inside a
Pro Cycling Team, 1998, VeloPress, 160 pp
Category: Cycling Teams
This book follows the author as he works as a “wrench” (bicycle mechanic)
for the Motorola racing team. He describes building up the bikes before
the season, building wheels on a large scale, maintaining the bikes in hotel
rooms or parking lots late at night, or early in the morning. The bike
mechanics also have to do things like wash the team vehicles, and bikes.
He discusses what goes into setting up the bikes for particular races. The
wheels that you use for one race may be completely wrong for another.
There is some talk about Lance Armstrong in the book, but he only
receives minor attention. The author also gives tips on bike selection and
maintenance throughout the book. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
PARTLAND, J.P. & GIBSON, John (Photography), Mountain Bike
Madness, 2003, Motorbooks International Wholesalers & Distributors, 96
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
This is an outstanding account of mountain biking's beginnings, its culture
and style, and its global appeal to millions of riders. Inside you'll discover
a colorful look at the madness that is mountain biking-everything from the
origin and evolution of the sport to its death-defying riding styles and the
legends who turned bicycle riding into an extreme adventure. (Source:
PARTLAND, J.PP & DONALDSON, Tony, The World of BMX, 2003,
MBI, 96 pp
Category: BMX Racing
An introduction to the world of BMX, providing information on the sport's
origins, equipment, pioneers, races, and techniques. (Source:
PARTLAND, J. PP, Tour Fever: The Armchair Cyclist’s Guide to the
Tour De France, 2006, Penguin, 192 pp
Categories: Tour de France History (Overviews) * Dictionaries &
The author raced and medaled in the team pursuit at the 2002 U.S. National
Cycling Championships. The book reads easily. It covers the history of the
Tour de France, how it is scored, the teams (dispelling the commonly held
mistaken notion of cycling as an individual sport), the nature of individual
and specialist racers, the route of the tour and the traditions behind the
jerseys. Partland describes the meta-tour–the publicity and technological
tours that follow the Tour. The book has a great glossary, essential to the
newcomer since there are many terms in French and Italian used in cycling.
PATEREK, Tim, The Paterek Manual for Bicycle Frame Builders, 1985,
Kermesse Distributors, 250 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Custom & Hand Built Bicycles)
Considered by many the Holy Bible of bicycle framebuilding.
Observation: the book’s first edition is freely accessible online at A third edition was published in 2004 (Henry James
Bicycle, 434 pp). “Supplemented Version” was added to the main title of
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
the book which was, moreover, completely rewritten to include feedback
from Tim’s experiences teaching student builders.
PAVELKA, Ed, Ten Years of Championship Bicycle racing, 1972-1981,
1983, Velo-news, 122 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
A chronicle of US racing in the 70's and early 80's with results of important
races and National and World Championships. Photos by Robert F. George
and Cor Vos.
PAVELKA, Ed, Italian Bicycle Racing Techniques, 1983, privately
published, 50 pp
Category: Introduction to Bicycle Racing
A soft cover booklet about bicycle road racing from the Italian point of
view, containing detailed information of what several accomplished men
from Italian cycling have to say about training, racing tactics, nutrition,
massage, injury and much more. (Source: Howie Cohen)
PEARCE, Michael, A Dead Man in Naples, 2009, Soho Constable, 256
Category: Novels/Short Stories
When Lionel Scampion, a senior member of the British consulate assigned
to Naples, is knifed in broad daylight for no apparent reason, Seymour of
Scotland Yard is sent to investigate. So as not to alert the Neapolitans, he
brings along Chantale, his stunning Scampion, a keen cyclist, may have
been killed by an + racing competitor, but Seymour thinks a lottery ticket
found in his shorts could lead to a different motive. Seymour enjoys his
snail-salad lunches, his chats with a mathematician-turned-priest with a
gift for picking lottery winners and his mild flirtations with the Marchesa.
Meanwhile, plans are laid for a major cycling race pitting the army against
the locals; missing bicycle parts turn up in Libya; and the widow gets her
pension only after a word from the Camorra, which will demand favours
in return. (Source: Kirkusreviews)
PEARSON, George, Reg Harris: An Authoritative Biography, 1950,
Temple Press, 88 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
The story of the greatest personality in British cycling, told by a writer who
has been closely associated with the champion from his earliest days. In
this absorbing study of an amazing personality, the man and that vital
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
factor, his machine, are discussed in detail. Racing at home and abroad
before and since the War, training, choice of bicycle and riding position,
records and exclusive photographs taken throughout his career make this
an invaluable guide to all racing cyclists as well as an enthralling human
story. (Source: Publisher Description)
PEARSON, Harry, A Tall Man in a Low Land, Some Time among the
Belgians, 1999, Abacus, 264 pp
Category: One-day Races
Harry Pearson, a British sports columnist and travel writer, deftly reveals
the quirks, oddities, and charm of Belgium gleemed from several months
of travel through seemingly every city or village in the country.
Additionally, seemlessly intertwined within Pearson’s narrative is a steady
dose of Belgian history impressive in both depth and breadth. Of course,
to me Belgium is synonymous with professional cycling and, fortuitously,
professional cycling is what first drew Pearson across the English Channel.
His first-hand experience with the 1995 Ronde van Vlaanderen,
particularly atop the Muur in Geraardsbergen, allows Pearson to flaunt his
contemporary and historic Belgian cycling acumen. For more than 10
pages, Pearson weaves every name of Belgian cycling lore and legend into
his account of the Ronde occurring before his very eyes highlighted by
Johan Museeuw’s solo victory following the Fabio Baldato beat-down on
the Muur. Pearson’s fleshing out of the fervor, zeal, and frenetic ardor
surrounding the Tour of Flanders deserves a mention. (Source: Bobke
PEARSON, Joseph, Reminiscences Including Cycling Experiences,
1925, John Sands, 63 pp
Category: Biographies (Australia)
Joseph Pearson (1849-1939) was a draper, cyclist and map publisher. In
1882 Pearson visited England and Europe. He had become intensely
interested in cycling, and that year joined the ‘Wanderers', a Sydney
bicycle club noted for its extensive touring. He won a Sydney-Parramatta
road race. (Source:
Observation: the author revisited the book in 1933 (Vale & Pearson,
PEASE, Pamela, Pop-up Tour De France : The World’s Greatest Bike
Race, 2009, Paintbox Press, 20 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
This fun and engaging book is well researched. Flip the pages, only eight,
and you will find out what team Henri Pélissier rode for, what is a time
trial and a very good description of a cycling team. The fun turn on, not
only for kid's but for us adults too, is the interaction; spin, pull, push, flip
... it just puts a smile to your face. (Source: cyclingart.blogspot)
PEIPER, Allan & SIDWELLS, Chris, A Peiper’s Tale, 2005,
Mousehold Press, 178 pp
Category: Biographies (Australia)
Allan Peiper has written an enlightening account of his cycling life. It is
no ordinary sporting biography; it is a tale straight from the heart. His
description of his difficult early years, his cycling career and his life when
his career finished is remarkably and refreshingly candid. Peiper was just
16 years old when he took the extraordinary step of leaving his shattered
family in Australia and moving to Belgium to become a professional
cyclist. Each chapter revolves around one of the many colourful characters
he met—men like Jan 'The Paper', who gave him his first accommodation
in a run-down Ghent boarding house; Peter Post; Eddy Planckaert; Robert
Millar; Sean Yates; Robbie McEwen; Cadel Evans; and the legendary
fellow-Aussie, Phil Anderson. (Source: cyclingcentralshoppcom)
The Complete Cyclist, 1897, Innes & Co, 428 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In General))
Table of Contents: Of Cycles and Cycling * The Cycle in Society * On
the Choice of a Machine * How to Keep a Machine in Good Order * The
Humours of Cycling * On Pneumatic Tyres and the Method of Repairing
Them * How To Ride * On Touring and the Tourist’s Outfit * Rides
Round London * On Racing and Training * On Clubs, Cycling Institutions,
and Literature Devoted to the Sport * On Tandems, Multicycles, Machines
of Peculiar Design, and Motorcycles * How to Build a Bicycle.
Observation: this book is freely accessible online at
PENDLETON, Victoria & McRAE, Donald, Between the Lines, My
Autobiography, 2012, HarperSport, 341 pp
Category: Women’s Cycle Racing
Victoria Pendleton is known for being the emotional one, the woman
within Team GB who remained firmly a girl. She likes clothes and makeup
and is not built like a bike shed. But her father expected her to act like a
man, and she is clearly bitter both about the disparity in opportunities
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
between the sexes and the attention given to her peers. Pendleton grows to
hate cycling. Bikes themselves begin to seem like instruments of self-harm
and her relationship with pain degrades. She tries to retire in 2010 but is
persuaded to stay on until the London Olympics. Retirement cannot come
too soon for her. When, as Pendleton points out, your day-job consists of
riding around a big room in circles, "like crazy people on bikes without
brakes ... churning and turning (y)our legs in quiet desperation," and then
those repetitions are turned round and round in print, a definite sense of
déjà vu begins to set in, both for reader and for rider. That same sense of
hurtling towards a longed-for ending pervades the final chapters of this
book. The formula conforms, as it always does (she gets her second gold
and walks out towards the lights), but in Pendleton's case, you really do
end up wondering if it's going to be happy ever after. (Source: Bella
PENN, Robert, It’s all about the Bike: The Pursuit of Happiness on Two
Wheels, 2011, Penguin, 208 pp
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
Rob Penn's quest to build the perfect cycle. Artfully, he turns his quest for
new hardware into a worldwide spin around cycling and its culture. So a
trip to a wheel builder deep in cycling's Californian hippy subculture leads
him seamlessly to the birth of the mountain bike, conceived accidentally
by a little group in Marin County who adapted city bikes to race down an
insanely steep mountain fire trail. That is not a new story, but it's worth
the retelling. So too is the diversion around makers of Italian gadgets such
as the flamboyant artists of Cinelli, makers of mint-flavoured feeding
bottles ("smells better than plastic, yes?"). And there is a timely excursion
around the lost world of the British cycle industry, born in the West
Midlands, once the home of the largest concentration of bike and
component makers in the world, now down to one company, Brooks,
manufacturer of the legendary B17 saddle, first made in 1896. (Source:
William Fotheringham,
PERKIN, Gary & MARTIN, Sven, Chronology: 2009 UCI Mountain
Bike World Cup, 2010, Perker & Martin, 176 pp
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
Chronology is a photo journey through the 2009 UCI World Cup mountain
bike racing season. Two of mountain biking's most prolific and respected
photographers capture the moments of anguish, action and triumph as the
World Cup circuit travels the globe. The only text in Chronology is by
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
riders: Julien Absalon, Steve Peat, Sam Hill, Anneke Beerten, Jared
Graves, Elisabeth Osl and Sabrina Jonnier all contribute essays. (Sources: &
PERRY, David B., Bike Cult, The Ultimate Guide to Human Powered
Vehicles, 1995, Four Walls Eight Windows, 570 pp
Categories: Introduction to Cycle Racing * Collectibles & Memorabilia
Bike Cult is a large-format fat, handsome paperback. There are almost 500
pages of the main text and illustrations followed by over 70 pages of
appendices including useful and arcane information (champions and
records in various events; circus acts, biography, fiction, poetry, arts and
music involving bicycles), etc. It starts with a good history stretching from
very ancient times to modern recumbents.. Part two has three chapters on
human power output, physiology, and bicycling performance. Part three is
six chapters on interesting aspects of bicycling around the world. The
fourth and last part is composed of three short chapters under a title close
to that of the book: “bike culture”. It is not a coffee-table book; there are
no gorgeous color photographs. (Source: Dave Wilson, review in “The
Journal Human Power”)
PETERS, Mark, BMX, 1983, Ashton Scholastic, 64 pp
Category: BMX Racing
The BMX bike: wheels and tyres, brakes, cranks, pedals and chain,
handlebars, grips and stem, forks and headset, general maintenance. BMX
racing: safety, the BMX track, before the race, the start, corners,
Sidehacks. Cruisers. Wheelies. How to improve.
Observation: the book is freely accessible online at
PETERSEN, Grant, Just Ride, A Radically Practical Guide to Riding
Your Bike, 2012, Workman Publishing. Paper, 212 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
My message, if I have one, is to think of the bike as a toy for fun and utility,
not a tool for whipping yourself into shape while you live in a racingcentric fantasy world. That can be OK for a while, for a few years,
even…but a lot of people miss out on a lot of good riding because they
can’t escape its gripp. They spend their entire cycling lives trying to go
faster and longer or fighting off the slowdown that comes with age. They
do it—they’ll tell you—for their health, but as I point out in the book and
deeply believe, it is not healthy. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
PINCHUK, Amy, HOLDCROFT Tina (Illustrator) & MOON, Alan
(Illustrator), The Best Book of Bikes, 2003, Maple Tree Press, 64 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
Reveals how bicycles evolved from two-wheeled toy horses into the hightech, high-speed creations of today. It introduces cycling's greatest heroes
and provides information on bike maintenance and repair. A useful
glossary is included, as are numerous sidebars of "Fast Facts" and slang
terms. A good balance of cartoon drawings and color photos enhances the
text. A solid overview, written with a refreshing enthusiasm. Grade 4-7.
(Sources: eBay & Michael Giller, South Carolina Governor's School for
the Arts and Humanities, Greenville, review at
Cycles and cycling memorabilia, 1995, Philips Son & Neale
Category: Collectibles & Memorabilia
PHINNEY, Davis & CARPENTER, Connie, Training for Cycling –
The Ultimate Guide to Improved Performance, 1992, Berkley Publishing
Group// Perigree Trade, 256 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
A comprehensive guide to cycling. Chapters include specific instructions
for everything from basic training to cycling nutrition to the nitty-gritty of
racing tactics. The guide is written in the first person, and because it is
authored by two people, this can sometimes lead to confusion. But when
milking the gurus for knowledge, a little confusion will seem well worth
it. (Source:
PHINNEY, Davis & MURPHY, Austin, The happiness of Pursuit,
2011, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 256 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease would hit anyone like a ton of bricks,
but for Phinney, who was known on the professional-cycling circuit for his
speedy sprint finishes, the impending loss of his fit, 40-year-old body
seemed especially unfair. Instead of wallowing in self-pity, Phinney
coupled his talent for endurance with the “never give up” philosophy he
learned from his father, and that resilient style emanates throughout this
memoir. A sprinkling of mild expletives, humor and some parenthetical
asides make the author’s voice immediate and real, as he describes how he
went from being the first American to win a road stage in the 1986 Tour
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
de France to a broadcaster at the height of his career who was unable to
hold a microphone. (Source:
PIGNATTI MORANO, Lodovico, Cinelli, The Art and Design of the
Bicycle, 2012, Rizzoli, 288 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Design)
“Cinelli” is not anything like your usual bicycle history but is truly another
art book. The content much more addresses aesthetic issues rather than
technical ones. The book is split into chapters that do not go in chronology
but rather each highlight a different aspect of the company’s surprisingly
diverse product line. From the legendary Supercorsa (1948) we move next
into the bits and pieces that have made the Cinelli name so visible. Here
stands a company enthusiastic about experimentation. Some chapters
feature comments by other people with a connection to Cinelli, including
racers Felice Gimondi and Gilberto Simoni, but also artists Barry McGee
and Benny Gold. The book ends, appropriately, with the mixing of
industry and art with the Laser painted up by graffiti-inspired artist Keith
Haring, a bike that Antonio Colombo says everyone wants their picture
taken with. (Source:
PINKERTON, John, The Pinkerton Museum, Arbury Hall: A guide to the
John Pinkerton Cycle Collection, 1981, 12 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
Observation: The Pinkerton Museum has published a “Guide to the
Pinkerton Cycle Collection” in the same year, which describes each
machine and its part in cycling's social history. We presume its contents to
be identical.
PINKERTON, John & ROBERTS, Derek, History of Rover Cycles,
1998, Pinkerton Press, 304 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
This long-awaited book has been carefully research over a period of years
using Rover catalogues, the cycling press of the period, and a great deal of
help from the four corners of the world were Rover cycles were sold from
1885 onwards. Profusely illustrated with catalogue pictures,
advertisements, and “live” photographs, both old and new, showing
Rovers in use. Not only does this book describe the history of Starley &
Sutton 1878 to 1884 and Rover cycles, but it also gives us an insight into
the development of the Safety Bicycle from its infancy in 1885 to the
ultimately refined racing machine of the early 20th Century. Long distance
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
tours and racing are not overlooked, and details are given of Olympic,
World and National successes. (Source: Publisher Description)
PINKERTON, John & ROBERTS, Derek, Sunbeam Cycles: The story
from the catalogues 1887-1957, 2002, Veteran-Cycle Club, 500 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Manufactured for 80 years, Sunbeam cycles were noted for their high
quality and durability. Twenty years ago, cycle historians John Pinkerton
and Derek Roberts published a booklet telling the story of Sunbeam cycles
from 1887 to 1895. They based their work on the maker’s original
catalogues. A second booklet in similar style, covering 1896-1907, soon
followed . A third booklet, published a few years later, took the story to
1928. With the coming of the new millennium, John Pinkerton felt the time
was right to continue and consolidate the Sunbeam story. He again enlisted
the assistance of Derek Roberts and was joined in this great endeavour by
Scotford Lawrence and Tony Hadland. Sadly, John passed away before the
book was complete but the rest of the team, guided by his widow Dorothy,
undertook to complete the work. (Source:
PINOTTI, Marco, The Cycling Professor, 2012, Amazon Digital
Services, 265 KB
Category: Pro-life
Marco Pinotti has his own story. After 14 years of racing, helping and, yes,
winning, he tells about his profession. It is Pinotti’s story and his lessons
in his words, from Lampre to his current team BMC Racing and all points
in between. The Italian writes a regular column for the Eco di Bergamo
newspaper in the country’s north. The newspaper’s editors persuaded him
to tell his story, in his own words. The book is written by him and not by
a ghostwriter. (Source:
POHLMANN, Tino, Rotation, Contraction, Inspiration, Photographien
Tour De France, 2005, 112 pp
Category: Photography
Multilingual publication (German, English, French).
POLYDOROS, Lori, BMX Greats, 2011, Capstone, 32 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Lists and describes the top BMX stars of both the past and present.
(Source: Publisher’s Description)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
PONTIN, Steve, The Pedal Club, A Souvenir History of the First
Twenty-One Years, 1962
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
The Pedal Club was founded in1941 by a group of cycling journalists and
officials, wishing to meet and exchange diverse views. This wish resulted
in the creation of a lively member monthly lunch. In 1946 membership
was broadened to include those who have rendered service to cycling. The
objects, which still remain, are to meet informally to discuss cycling topics
and for prominent public people and others to address The Club. (Source:
Observation: this booklet is freely accessible at
POOLE, Gary, BMX Rider, The Action Sport for Fun Loving Bikers,
1985, Modern Pub., 64 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Table of contents: Introduction * The History of BMX * Safety * Gear
and Equipment * What to wear? * Maneuvers * Tips on BMX Riding *
Competition Information* Building your own backyard BMX Track *
Some BMX Stars * Glossary of Terms.
PORTER, A.PP, Greg LeMond: Premier Cyclist, 1990, Lerner
Publishing Group, 56 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
Cycling enthusiasts will be intrigued with this account of LeMond's
training, competitions, tragedies, and triumphs on the road to winning the
Tour de France in 1989 and being named Sports Illustrated' s "Sportsman
of the Year." Good quality, black-and-white photographs depict the events
of LeMond's life with a focus on cycle races. The photos and text show the
stamina, strength, and personal drive needed to compete in races of several
weeks and up to 2,000 miles duration. A diagram and explanation of racing
terms with a pronunciation guide is provided. A fast-paced success story.
(Source: Janice C. Hayes, customer review at
PORTER, Hugh, Champion on Two Wheels, 1975, Robert Hale, 187 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Chronicles the life of the four times World pursuit champion, the ups and
downs of his career on the track as well as his road racing exploits.
POWELL, Mike, The Greatest Race, 2012, Hardie Grant Books, 216 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Photography
Powell presents images from the 2010 and 2011 Tours - the centenaries of
the event's mountain stages - that offers a full picture, rather than a
complete record. (Source:
PRATT, Charles E., The American Bicycler, A Manual for the
Observer, the Learner and the Expert, 1879, The Riverside Press, 211 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
A short encyclopedia containing information on the history and
development of the bicycle, a thorough grounding in its manufacture,
including naming component parts, riding lessons, rules of the road, tours
in New England, information on racing and clubs, literature of the wheel,
and notable records. (Source: Duncan R. Jamieson, Ph.D., Ashland
Table of Contents: Greetings * Historical Sketch – Velocipede * “The
Bicycle” * Manufacturer – Parts – Points of “The Wheel” * Mechanics of
“The Machine” *, Suggestions for Learning * Riding and Racing * Laws
and Courtesies of the Road * Roads * Races, Courses, Time, & * Clubs,
Rules, Merts and Runs * Review of 1878 * Foreign Summary * Index.
Observation: the book is freely accessible at
PREHN, Thomas & PELKEY, Charles, Racing Tactics for Cyclists,
2003, VeloPress, 220 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Written for the experienced road cyclist, this book shows team riders how
to ride in a race, explains the importance of position, and discusses
individual and team racing tactics. Each type of road race - one-days, stage
races, criteriums - is covered, along with the technical riding skills and
mental strategies needed to succeed. Also included is information on
handling prologues, recovering from a crash or flat tire, resting during a
race, and evaluating the competition. (Source:
PRIAL, Francis P., The Best American and English Path & Road Cycle
Records, 1885, W.N. Oliver & co., 21 pp
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
Observation: the book is freely accessible online at
PRICE, Mike, Days of Gold and Glory, 2000, privately published, 48 pp
Category: Olympic Games
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A history of cycling at the Olympics, from the turn of one century to the
turn of the next. (Sources: Sportbooks)
PRIDMORE, Jay, Schwinn Bicycles, 1996, Motorbooks International,
192 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories
The legendary 100-year history of the best-known name in American
bicycling. Schwinn launched the company that bears his name in 1895,
setting the bicycling standard in the U.S. for decades to come. This lavishly
illustrated volume is overflowing with original archival material, much of
it from Chicago's Bicycle Museum of America, and specially
commissioned photography. Pridmore and Hurd fully detail Schwinn's
technical developments, racing history, and significant models including
the Black Phantom, Varsity, Paramount, Fastback, and many others.
Contains discussions of Schwinn's foray into motorcycle manufacture.
Fabulous! (Source:
Observation : reprint in 1999 and 2001, MVP Books, 160 pp
PRIDMORE, Jay & HURD, Jim, The American Bicycle, 1995, BI
Publishing Company LLC, 192 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
This book is chock full of super photographs and illustrations of bicycles
through the years. From the very first large-wheeled bicycles to the
lightweight speedsters of today, this book covers it all. The book is divided
into several detailed sections that fully describe a period of time in bicycle
manufacturing. The book covers all of the main producers, especially
Schwinn. It takes an in-depth look at some of the more unique bicycles,
and ventures into the realm of collecting and restoration. This book truly
was interesting reading. The colorful photographs and diagrams and the
carefully crafted writing make for a wonderful "coffee table book," that is
sure to be conversational piece in any household. (Source:
Observation : reprint in 2002, Motorbooks International, 192 pp
PRIDMORE, Jay, Classic American Bicycles, 1999, MBI Publishing,
96 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Customs & Hand Built
Quick spin through the history of US cycle manufacture, lavishly
illustrated in colour. Interweaving the illustrations is a short narrative that
contains much to interest those of us steeped in British, or European
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
cycling. The rhythm of US cycle development is unique – and has much
to tell us about the development of manufactured goods in advanced
capitalism. During the first cycling boom of the 1880s, Colonel Alexander
Pope manufactured the countries’ first bicycles – high ordinaries, as penny
farthings were known. But even then, Pope demonstrated some of the
attributes that would define US manufacturing. He was an early enthusiast
for mechanised mass production and invested heavily in publicity. It was
one of Pope’s protégés, Charles Pratt, who started to pay attention to
cycling clubs which he organised under the umbrella of the League of
American Wheelman. During the 1930s, it was the development of a
wholly new take on the two wheeled transport that revived the sector.
Rather than focus on their function, Frank Schwinn concentrated on
creating bikes that would capture childrens’ imaginations. The story of the
1970s lightweight boom, BMXs and mountain bikes is touched on at the
end of the book, but its real focus is the period up to 1980. (Source:
PROCTOR, Geoff, Behind The Stare, 2012, Deeds Publishing, 312 pp,
Foreword by Sven Nys
Category: Cyclocross
Behind the Stare seeks to convey the essence of modern professional
cyclocross—the players, the stories, the insights, the paradoxes, the pulse.
The book focuses on the European theater, but integrates the growing
American presence in international cyclocross as well. Using the riders and
their ethos as a starting point, the story widens to encompass archetypal
themes of character, ethics, ambition, and perseverance. The book
chronicles what it takes to reach the top of the sport by immersing readers
in the lives of the sport’s stars. By getting inside the stories and lives of
the riders (specifically Sven Nys, Erwin Vervecken, Bart Wellens, Lars
Boom, Jonathan Page, and Ryan Trebon), the story becomes universal,
archetypal, and timeless. (Source:
PROCTOR, Peter, Pedals and Pistons, An autobiography, 2009,
Mercian Manuals Ltd, 214 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Peter Procter's autobiography covers his great sporting achievements in
cycling, motor racing and covering the Yorkshireman's highs and lows
from losing both parents at an early age dodging planes crashes in WWII
to finding an escape in cycling. He lost out on competing in Helsinki
Olympic Games then turning pro and winning '52 King of the Mountain's
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
for the BSA Team on the Tour of Britain. After setting up his own building
firm his days of cycling and sport looked behind him until a quite by
chance a look in a window at a local Aston Martin dealership opened the
door in to world of motor racing and rallying. (Source: Historic Rally Car
PROUTY, David F. & GEORGE, Barbara, In Spite of Us, My
education in the big and little games of amateur and Olympic sports in
the US, 1988, VeloNews, 279 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
David Prouty's memoir covering his 1983-1986 tenure as the first
Executive Director of the United States Cycling Federation (USCF) will
be regarded by some as controversial or biased. As one who participated
in many of the events described, I think that it is pretty accurate and
balanced on the whole. Prouty's writing style is similar to the persona that
he normally presents: thoughtful, subdued, and a bit guarded - he almost
never kicks ass, though he does take soft jabs at most members of the
USCF Board of Directors, both individually and collectively, including
me. While the book touches on some of the conflict-of-interest finagles in
which directors frequently indulge themselves, Prouty carefully skips the
really crooked deals. He apparently is not looking for trouble, though he
may find it anyway. There are few heroes in this book. The author is one,
of course, though he kicks himself a few times. I wish to affirm that the
book’s contents are largely accurate, informative and rather entertaining,
at least to someone who cares. (Source: Les Earnest,
PULLEN, Lon & THORPE, Len, Road to speed, 1951, privately
published, 103 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
This is a wonderful book which has photographs and details on the riding
positions of many top British riders - time triallists and trackies. (Source:
PULLEN, A.L & THORPE, Len, Cycling Handbook, With Chapters
on Racing and on Cycle Training by FLEMING, G.H. & AUSTIN, W.L.,
1953, I. Pitman, 175 pp
Categories: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general) *
Introduction to Cycle Racing
Table of Contents: The frame * Development of the bicycle * Design of
the frame* Fork patterns - rear fork-end patterns * Brazed-on fittings *
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Tubing * Methods of jointing * Alloy frames * Designing your own frame
* Tandems, tricycles and triplets * Sidecars and trailers * Fitting a sidecar
* Finishes * Wheels and tyres * Tims - Wheel building * Weight of tyres
* Valves * Weights of rims * Weights of hubs * The transmission * The
bottom-bracket * The chain-wheel and cranks * Fixed-wheels * Pedals *
Variable gears * Hub gears * Handlebars, Stems, Brakes, and Saddles *
Stems * Lighting equipment * Oil lamps * Acetylene lamps * Electric
lamps * Accessories, tools and running hints * Racing * Mudguards *
Dynamo lighting * Enamelling * Time-trial events * Track racing *
Women's racing * Cycle touring * Riding position * Check over your cycle
* Miscellaneous tips & some more. (Source: eBay)
Observation: there were three editions – 1950, 1953 and 1960 - and all
are sufficiently different that it is worth getting all three editions. (Source:
PYE, Denis, Fellowship is life, The National Clarion Cycling Club
1895-1995, 1995, Clarion Publishing, 102 pp
Category: Cycling clubs
In the cycle-crazy 1890s Tom Groom and his comrades linked the coming
of the Safety Bicycle with the founding of the popular Socialist weekly
The Clarion. Cycling offered ordinary men and women an escape from
the world of long working hours and poor living conditions. The 'magic
wheel' also gave them an enjoyable way of spreading the message that
Socialism could change that world. Between the wars many members took
up cycle-racing. Clarion teams travelled abroad to compete in Workers'
Olympiads under the slogan 'Peace Through Sport'. "The paper, the Vans,
and most of the rest have long since faded away - but the National Clarion
Cycling Club has survived to celebrate its centenary. Fellowship is Life is
the story of a Cycling Club unlike any other, told by writer who believes
with Ivan Illich that "Socialism will only come riding on a bicycle".
Observation: a new edition was published in 2004.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
QUENET, Jean-François, The Golden Book of Cycling, 1999, Solar,
137 p.
Category: Yearbooks (1999)
This coffee table-style book highlights the entire 1999 professional season
beginning in January and ending with the World Track Championships in
Berlin. Over 25.000 words and 200 fabulous Graham Watson photographs.
Profiles of every World Cup race winner, course maps of three continental
Tours, and special chapter on Lance Armstrong’s return to America after
winning the Tour de France. (Source: Sportandpublicity)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
RABBETTS, Mike, A Century Awheel, 1889-1989, A History of the De
Laune Cycling Club, 1990, privately published, 221 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
The De Laune takes its name from a Kent landowner and philanthropist of
the nineteenth century. It was formed as a strictly all-male club in 1889
when the Victorian cycling boom was getting under way. After the Second
World War the De Laune played a major part in a nationwide cycling
revival. However, this book is not just about the history of a cycling club.
The fortunes of the De Laune CC over the past hundred years mirror the
dramatic changes in the social life of Britain which have taken place in that
time. From the “penny-farthing” races and garden parties of the 1890s to
the discos and women’s road races of the 1980s, the social historian and
general reader - as well as the cycling enthusiast - will find much of interest
here. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
Observation: this book is freely accessible online at
RADLAUER, Edward & RADLAUER, Ruth, R., Bicycle Racing,
1968, Economics, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
Brief text and illustrations introduce different types of bicycles including
unicycles, racing bikes, high wheelers, and customised dragster bicycles.
Observation: reprint in 1974, Bowmar, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
Brief text and illustrations introduce the rules of the sport, different types
of bicycle races and bicycles (including unicycles, racing bikes, high
wheelers, and customized dragster bicycles).
Observation: reprint in 1975, Economics Press.
RAISIN, Saul, & SHIELDS, Dave, Tour de Life, From Coma to
Competition, 2007, Mousehold Press// Three Story Press, 278 pp
Category: Pro-life
If you are looking for a hero, then Saul Raisin should be the guy. On the
afternoon of April 4, 2006, the twenty three year old pro cyclist Saul Raisin
crashed in the Circuit de la Sarthe, fell into a coma, and receives lifesaving
brain surgery. By every opinion Saul Raisin should be dead. But through
his amazing strength and will to live, he fights not only for his very life,
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
but to try to return to his old self. With his attitude of positive thinking,
he overcomes the impossible. He returns to the living to beat every hurdle
that is thrown in front of him. And he sets the goal not only to return to
racing a bicycle, but to win the Yellow Jersey at the Tour de France.
RAPLEY, David, Racing Bicycles: 100 Years of Steel, 2012, Images
Publishing Dist Act, 228 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Racing Bikes)
This book depicts the combined efforts of ten private Australian collectors;
103 bicycles are depicted. 30 bicycles are between 1902-1930, 57 are
between 1931-1960 and 16 are between 1960-2008. The book is difficult
to classify. It is a book about racing bicycles that depicts the bicycles rode
by Australian racing heroes. The greatest majority of them are six-day
racers from before WWII; 55 of them are single speed bicycles. While
there are books about French and ones about Italian bicycles this is the
only one that depicts bicycles from Australia. They are all stunning
photographs. Each bicycle gets 2 pages with usually 4 pictures with a
complete list of the equipment on it and a couple of paragraphs about the
original owner, collector or races it was in. (Source: Vernon Forbes,
customer review at
RAY, Alan, Cycling: Land’s End to John O’Groats, 1971, Pelham
Books, 155 pp
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
A history of Land’s End to John O’Groats cycling records and the men and
women who set them. (Source:
RAY, ROSE Marie & SCOTT, Sandy, From Broken Neck to Broken
Records, A Masters Cyclist’s Guide to Winning, 2009, Yankee
Publishing, 216 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
Sandy Scott had a miraculous survival of a nearly-catastrophic accident
where he broke his C-1 vertebra - the real “broken neck.” This is the story
of triumph over tragedy and true grit of a determined athlete with a “can
do” attitude, an in-depth look at a man and what it took to go to winning
cycling races in 13 months after being told by his doctor that he would
never ride again. The first part of the book takes you on a frustrating
journey from his accident at a time trial race to the young spinal surgeon
who told him to get on with his life and get back on his bike - even though
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
it might kill him. The second part of the book is for athletes of all ages who
need a mentor, a guide, or a talented coach who can motivate them to get
out and do something, help them get onto the podium and, possibly, break
some records while they are having fun. It is a practical, easily-read and
understood guide for all masters athletes. It spells out everything from
buying your bike, setting and achieving goals, training, bike maintenance,
nutrition, and health issues, and, ultimately racing and winning gold
medals. (Source:
REDIGER, Pat, Riding with the Wind: The History of Cycling in
Saskatchewan, 2001, Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame & Museum, 327
Category: Cycle racing History (By Country)
This book is a comprehensive history of cycling in Saskatchewan. It begins
during the days when bicycles were not only a recreational item, but also
an essential mode of transportation. It progresses through the years as
cycling developed road and track races, BMX stunts and races,
randonneuring, touring and mountain bike racing. It highlights our
provincial racing champions, looks at important events, profiles hardworking volunteers, and answers any questions you have ever had about
cycling in this province. (Source:
Books of Matt RENDELL
Matt Rendell was born in 1965 in the English county of Kent. Born to
Lancastrian parents, Rendell took three postgraduate degrees and “then
being overqualified to do any work and used to living on a student
scholarship” decided to become a writer. He is a member of the UK
Television broadcaster ITV's Tour presentation team.
RENDELL, Matt, Kings of the Mountains: How Colombia’s Cycling
Heroes Changed Their Nation’s History, 2003, Aurum Pr Ltd, 256 pp
Category: History of Cycling (By Country)
This book is an extraordinary account of the cycling history of Columbia,
featuring its big names like Zipa and Cochise, but it is masterfully woven
in with the story of this troubled country's search for identity and
democracy. The tales of the Vuelta make your heart pound in sympathy as
the riders gasp for air in their titanic struggle up the mountains, and you
cannot help but appreciate the metaphor for this rich but deeply unhappy
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
country and its journey through coups and drug-lords to where it is now.
(Source: Alex Stewart)
RENDELL, Matt, A Significant Other: Riding the Centenary Tour De
France with Lance Armstrong, 2004, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 256 pp
Categories: Pro-life * Tour de France Annuals (2003 Tour)
The book concentrates on the role of the domestique. Relations on a
professional cycling squad are essentially feudal: the serf exists to serve
his master. The beauty of Rendell's brief book is that he has secured the
cooperation of a real-life domestique, the Colombian Victor Hugo Peña,
who was a key member of Lance Armstrong's US Postal squad on his way
to a fifth Tour win. Through Peña's transcribed first-person accounts of
racing for Lance, Rendell places us right in the midst of the swarming
bunch. In his choice of Peña, who proves an unusually articulate subject,
Peña himself won the leader's yellow jersey. Three days later, Peña was
back in 103rd place - because he had dedicated himself to protecting the
interests of his leader, Armstrong. Rendell could not have found a more
precise illustration of the pathos of the domestique's debt of duty and his
sacrifice. (Source:
RENDELL, Matt & CHETTHAM, Nicolas (eds), The Official Tour De
France Centennial 1903-2003, 2003, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 360 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
This is a particularly weighty tome, with pictures culled from the archives
of L'Equipe, stretching right back to the very start of the tour in 1903. Each
year of the tour is covered with at least two pages, generally one of text
giving a brief overview of that particular year's event along with a list of
the top twenty finishers, the start and finish points of each stage along with
the distance, the winner and who held the yellow jersey at the end of each.
the facing page has black and white photos for the earlier years, and
subsequently colour pictures (first ones in 1960) up to the present day,
which in this case was the 2002 race (Source: thewashingmachinepost)
RENDELL, Matt, The Death of Marco Pantani, 2006, Weidenfeld &
Nicolson// Orion Books, 344 pp
Category: Biographies (Italy)
Rendell's book is the book to read if you want to understand the dark heart
of this sport and the real cost it has tolled on those who take part in it. The
picture of Pantani painted by Rendell is of a promising junior who was
doped more or less from the moment he signed his first professional
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
contract. Everything Pantani achieved was achieved with the aid of
pharmaceutical enhancement. Rendell tells the story of Pantani's life from
cradle to grave, from the early promise to the many falls, from the height
of the Giro/Tour double to the fall at Madonna di Campiglio and Pantani's
final descent. He gives it from a variety of sources: family, friends and most damning - the files which revealed to the world exactly what
Francesco Conconi and his cronies had been getting up to at the University
of Ferrara as part of a state-sponsored doping programme. (Source:
RENDELL, Matt, Blazing Saddles: The Cruel and Unusual History of
the Tour De France, 2007, Quercus, 304 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
What Rendell came up with is a book that takes a brief look at each edition
of the Tour and tries to ferret out a story or two that adds color to the sport.
Call it 92 stories about the Tour de France, if you will. (Source: Chris
RENDELL, Matt, Olympic Gangster, The legend of José Beyaert,
Cycling Champion, Fortune Hunter and Outlaw, 2009, Mainstream
Publishing, 352 pp
Category: Biographies (France)
Restlessly vital and possessed of great physical strength, Jose Beyaert
lived many lives. During the Second World War, he boxed and trafficked
arms for the Resistance on his bicycle. After it, he became an international
cyclist. In 1948, a mile from the end of the Olympic road race around
Windsor Park, he broke away alone to take the gold medal and started an
adventure that would last the rest of his life. A Tour de France rider in the
sport's golden age, Jose was invited to open a new velodrome in Colombia,
South America. He travelled, intending to stay a month. Instead, driven by
his thirst for adventure, he stayed for fifty years, becoming by turns athlete,
coach, businessman, emerald-trader, logger, smuggler, perhaps even hired
killer. Matt Rendell, who knows Colombia intimately, spent many hours
interviewing Beyeart before his death, and has brilliantly pieced together
a riveting tale that would be unbelievable were it not for his impeccable
research. (Sources: &
RENNERT, Jack, 100 Years of Bicycle Posters, 1973, New York
Universe Books/ Darien House// Harpe & Row, 112 pp
Category: Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings & Posters
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
The first 16 pages contain the author's introduction, followed by detailed
notes on each poster that include the artist and original size, as well as a
small black/white reproduction, acknowledgements, and a bibliography.
The author notes in the Introduction that the year of publication of this
book marked the approximate 100th anniversary of two technologies:
colour lithography and the bicycle. This founding and parallel growth is
evidenced through the bicycle posters. Some general trends in bicycle
poster production are noted: that prior to 1900, the posters were wild and
extreme in their design and claims, which reflected the revolutionary and
liberating nature of the bicycle; that women abound in the posters,
representing both femininity and freedom; that the posters often depicted
allegorical and mythological figures, which reflected both the classical
training of many of the artists, and the use of popular motifs of gods and
goddesses to reach the public. (Sources: &
Observation: the collection also includes some cycle racing posters.
REYNOLDS, Top Tubes, 1972, 12 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Accessories)
Observation: this booklet is freely accessible online at
REYNOLDS, Top Tubes, 1977, 16 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories
Observation: also this booklet is freely accessible online at
REYNOLDS, Reg, The Second Fifty Years of The Catford Cycling Club,
1989, C. T. Foulis and Co., 400 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
Catford has featured prominently in cycling history since the earliest days
of the sport. In 1886, when the Catford Cycling Club was founded,
bicycles were expensive. Cycle racing was extremely popular. Races took
place on the streets in and around Catford and people came in their
thousands to watch. To accommodate this popular sport, the Club in 1894
was able to build a cycle racing track which was the first banked racing
track in England and the largest in Europe, with just three laps to the mile.
Dubbed ‘the best cycle track in Europe’ by the press, it was soon
established as a training centre for amateurs and professionals. However,
for many reasons, including the start of the Boer War and the invention of
the motorbike, public interest in the sport, and club membership, declined.
Catford Cycling Club survived the difficult times at the turn of the 20th
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
century and continues to thrive. Over the years many of its members have
achieved national and international recognition. This book recounts club
life and members’ achievements. (Source: Lewisham Council, “Cycling in
REYNOLDS, J. C. (ed), Speed – The Book of Racing & Records,
TemplePress, 1950, 136 pp
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
The book dedicates four chapters to bicycle records. (Source:
RHODES, John & KENNET, Jonathan, Warwick Dalton, “The Lone
Eagle”, 2008, “Cycling Legends” n° 4, Kennett Brothers, 161 pp
Category: Biographies (New Zealand)
In the 1950s, cycling in New Zealand entered a new era, as post-war
patriotism and economic good times changed people's approach to sport.
As many professional cycling clubs waned, the amateur ranks surged
ahead. Warwick Dalton's extensive career led him to victory in both
amateur and professional races, in New Zealand and overseas. Dalton took
greatest pride in overseas events such as victory in the 4-up kilo pursuit at
the World Revenge Series, claiming the green jersey throughout the Tour
of Britain and winning the final stage in the Tour of Sweden. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
RICHARDS, Brant & WORLAND, Steve, The Complete Book of
Mountain Biking, 1997, Collins Willow, 159 pp
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
As a general reference book specifically geared to mountain bikers' needs,
this guide features 200 color photos and an Introduction by one of the
sport's leading experts. A complete listing of races and events, an A-Z
glossary of biking terms, and a travelogue of the world's best MTB
destinations are included. (Source:
RICHARDS, Ray, Cyclo-cross, 1974, Kennedy Brothers, 40 pp
Category: Cyclo-cross
Booklet describing the history of cyclo-cross in Britain. (Source: Howie
RIDEY, Mark, The Cycling Trivia Book: 1001 Questions from the
Velocipede to Lance, 2008, Breakaway Books, 184 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
The book gathers every little tidbit of cycling lore, from the history of this
elegant machine to the glory of Lance Armstrong and everything in
between-arranged as a parlor game, in the form of 1001 questions. It has
sections on every aspect of cycling: history, road racing, and mountain
biking, BMX, cyclo-cross, mechanical details, the Tour de France, Lance
Armstrong, and bicycle culture. (Source:
RIEDY, Mark, Stumpjumper, 25 years of Mountain Biking, 2005,
Breakaway Books, 128 pp
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
This full-color history of the mountain bike celebrates all aspects of offroad -cycling, from the early experimental “clunkers” to the first
Stumpjumper to the modern technological marvels replete with carbonfiber frames, front and rear shock absorbers, and twenty-one (or more)
speeds; from the scruffy daredevil pioneers of the sport to today’s wellsponsored professional riders. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
RIIS, Bjarne, Riis, Stages of Light and Dark, 2012, Vision Sports
Publishing, 352 pp
Category: Biographies (Denmark)
Lars Steen Pedersen – the ghost in the machine of Riis’s autobiography –
has done a sterling job in telling Riis’s story. He has managed to pull off
the tricky task of making you somewhat sympathetic towards the taciturn
Dane. From the off Pedersen wrong-foots you by offering a story from
shortly after Riis’s May 2007 confession, a story which makes you realise
there is a real person behind the façade. At the end of the book the picture
that emerges of Riis is that of a proud and pragmatic man whose ambition
has allowed him to fight his way to get to where he is today. Riis’s pride
allows him to accept full responsibility for all that he did and not paint
himself as a victim of a sport out of control. His attitude to doping, both as
a rider and a manager, has been pragmatic. Stages of Light & Dark itself
is a mix of pride – Riis still cherishes his Tour victory – and pragmatism.
That pragmatism allows Riis to talk about things fans want to know – his
own doping, his relationship with the likes of Sastre, the Schlecks and
Contador – but that should not cause you to confuse this with a
confessional autobiography: Riis is still keeping an awful lot of his story
back. And, in many ways, there is more darkness than light in Stages of
Light and Dark. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Books from Andrew RITCHIE
Andrew Ritchie was born in Edinburgh, Scotland and studied Art and
History at Cambridge University before embarking on a varied career in
history and photo-journalism. He obtained a PH. D in 2009 at the
University of Strathclyde on the basis of a doctoral thesis entitled- Bicycle
Racing and Recreation: Sport, Technology and Modernity, 1867 – 1903.
He is an active promotor of the International Cycling History Conference.
RITCHIE, Andrew, King of the Road, An illustrated history of cycling,
1975. Wildwood House// Ten Speed Press, 192 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History
A social history of the bicycle, written from an international perspective.
Although this book concentrates on the technical and evolutionary
development of the bicycle, it also focuses on competitive cycling as a
major factor in its development. Ultimately, the author argues, the history
of the bicycle has only just begun and it could provide an answer to many
of today’s crucial transportation problems. (Source: back cover of the
RITCHIE, Andrew, Major Taylor: The Extraordinary Career of a
Champion Bicycle Racer, 1988, Bicycle Books, 304 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
When doing research for King of the Road, the author met Major Taylor's
only daughter, Sydney Taylor Brown, then living in Pittsburgh, PA, who
granted him extensive interviews and gave him access to her father's
scrapbooks and other family mementoes. He soon became convinced that
this was a story worth telling, providing it was well-researched, and so he
set about on a quest that included libraries and other archives in France,
America, Germany, and Australia. (Source:
Observation: This book was published in 1996 as a paperback (Johns
Hopkins University Press, 304 pp). A new, slightly enlarged edition, with
some text revisions and many new illustrations was published in 2010 as
Major Taylor: The Fastest Bicycle Rider in the World (Van Der
Plas//Cycle Publishing, 208 pp). It's more of a coffee-table book. And,
unlike his first work, which has the photos grouped midway through, this
new release is lushly illustrated with photos on nearly every page.
(Sources: Cycle Publishing & jimlangley.blogspot)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
RITCHIE, Andrew, The Origins of Bicycle Racing in England:
Technology, Entertainment, Sponsorship and Publicity, 2007, John
Pinkerton Memorial Publishing Fund, 96 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
This short account of the beginning of the sport of cycling in England is a
slightly expanded and revised version of material from the first two
chapters of his forthcoming book, “ Bicycle Racing : Sport, Technology
and Modernity, 1867-1903”. Earlier versions of it have been published,
first as “The origins of Bicycle racing in England, 1868-1870” in the
Proceedings of the 7th International Cycling History Conference. (Source :
RITCHIE, Andrew, Flying Yankee – The International Cycling Career
of Arthur Augustus Zimmerman, 2009, John Pinkterton Memorial
Publishing Fund, 144 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
Looks at the racing career of Zimmerman, one of the most famous
American cyclists of the early 1890’s, a World champion and winner of
more than 1,400 races, he also set many records along the way. Written
after extensive research in various archives in the United States, England
and France. (Source:
RITCHIE, Andrew, The Origins of the Bicycle: Kirkpatrick,
MacMillan, Gavin Dalzell, Alexandre Lefebvre – Documentation,
memory, craft tradition and modern technology, 2009, John Pinkerton
Memorial Publishing Fund, 124 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
Who did make the first bicycle? Whenever this question is asked the name
of Kirkpatrick Macmillan, a blacksmith from Dumfries in Scotland, is sure
to be put forward. But is this fact or merely assertion? Andrew Ritchie has
put together all the evidence and the result is fascinating and intriguing.
RITCHIE, Andrew, Quest for Speed, A History of Early Bicycle
Racing, 1868 – 1903, 2011, privately published, 497 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In General))
This book provides a chronological account of the emergence of bicycle
racing and bicycle technology between 1867 and 1903, focusing to a large
extent on Britain, but also investigating France and the United States as
the two other major players. It gives an outline of the social and
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
institutional organization of cycling and the wider cultural, economic and
technological context of the sport. Two themes have been crucial in
motivating the organisation of the book. Firstly, the ambivalent nature of
the bicycle, both as a tool of sport and recreation and also as a method of
practical utility transportation; and, secondly, the inextricable relationship
between bicycle sport as both competition and recreation and the emerging
bicycle industry and wider patterns of commerce and consumption. The
19th century cycling ‘industrial complex’ presents a well-developed, early
historical example of a ‘modern’ sport used to market constantly changing
products to consumers. (Source: andrewritchie)
Observation: the book is a “substantially revised version of the author’s
doctoral dissertation.
ROBERTS, Derek, Cycling History – Myths and Queries: The Whole
Blooming Truth, 1991, Van der Plas Publications// Pinkerton Press, 99 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Derek was awarded the MBE for his services to Cycling history. This
volume is an attempt to set the record straight by taking some of the more
common myths and errors and explaining why they are wrong. It deals also
with some of the questions that are regulary asked but seldom received a
satisfactory reply.
Observation: The first edition contained an errata sheet, subsequently
incorporated into the second edition. (
ROBERTS, Derek, This Veteran Business, Some of the Events in the
History of Cycling, (1966 ?), 12 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In General))
The title of the book refers, of course, to the Veteran-Cycle Club that was
formed in 1955 as the Southern Veteran-Cycle Club (SV-CC). The first
three editions were copies of Derek Roberts’ typed script and are a general
introduction to the history of the cycle from early 19th century to the end
of the century. The illustrations are line drawings.
Observation: 2nd edition in 1969; 3rd edition in 1979; 6th edition in 1990;
7th edition in 1992. It was the practice to send a copy of the booklet to new
members and the main text seems to remain the same throughout. There
are some revisions in the illustrations. An undated edition post-1981 is
type-set and includes a catalogue illustration of a Pedersen.
ROBERTS, Les, From Wits' End to John O'Groats: A Journey, 2009,
Authorhouse, 116 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
“If this thing insists on moving in with me then it's going to be on my
bloody terms". This defiant promise was made 16 years ago on the day that
it was confirmed that Les Roberts had Parkinson's disease. In the summer
of 2008 he would put this proclamation to its toughest test. For Les, a
runner who had won the Masters 5,000 metres World Championship in
1985, and cyclist who had earlier competed successfully at senior level,
riding from Land's End to John O'Groats in 12 days would be a real
challenge - particularly at the age of 64. This book is Les's account of the
highs and lows of what would be a journey of determination and rediscovery. Part travelogue, part cyclist's tale and part memoire, it is a story
of courage, endeavour - and some very memorable puddings! (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
ROBERTS, Tony, Cycling: an introduction to the sport, 2005, New
Holland Publishers, 160 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Cycling provides everything you need to get serious about cycling. The
book focuses primarily on road or racing bikes, and will guide the reader
from beginner level to participation in large races. Chapters explore the
development of the bicycle, the history of the sport, the connection
between cycling and fitness, how to choose the right bicycle and equip it
for your needs, basic repairs and maintenance, training, race technique and
safety on the road. The book includes a section highlighting important
cycling events worldwide. (Source:
ROBERTSON, W.N., Cycling, 1894, F. Pratt & Co, 372 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
The Pleasures of Cycling – Historical – Learning to Ride – Choice – Care
– Repair – Racing Physiology – How to Get Wind for Cycling – Muscle –
Dress – Food – Training for cycling – Physical Culture – Cycling for
Ladies – Touring – Miscalleneous (including list of riders and number of
first places won by each during season 1893)
Observation: the book is freely accessible online at
ROBINSON, Jim, Bill Pratney, “Never say die”, “Cycling Legends” n°
3, 2007, Kennett Brothers, 104 pp
Category: Biographies (New Zealand)
Bill Pratney (born Wiremu Paratane) began his cycling career in 1926 at
the age of 17 and spanned an astounding seven decades. He won an array
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
of championship titles and he triumphed in classic races. Tagged the ‘Iron
Man’, Pratney was tough as nails. His extraordinary career had barely
begun when he was involved in a dreadful accident. One rider was killed,
while Pratney was left for dead. Against the odds, Pratney recovered and
got back on his bicycle. (Source: Kennett Brothers)
ROBSON, James, Ion Keith-Falconer of Arabia, 1923, Hodder &
Stoughton, 178 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Keith-Falconer (1856–1887) was an Arabic scholar. After taking his
degree he turned his attention to oriental languages, Hebrew and Syriac,
and ultimately Arabic. From his undergraduate days , he was an
enthusiastic bicyclist. He was elected vice-president of the Cambridge
University Bicycle Club before he commenced residence (June 1874), and
was president of the London Bicycle Club from May 1877 until he left
England. His bicycling successes, from 1874 to 1882, were very
numerous. He beat all previous records. In 1886 Keith- was formally
recognised as a missionary of the free church of Scotland. (Source:
Observation: re-published in 1934.
ROCHE, Nicolas, Inside the Peloton, 2011, Trans-World, 416 pp
Category: Biographies (Ireland)
The younger Roche carves out an identity of his own, much as he has done
as a regular contributor to the cycling pages of the Irish Independent. It is,
after all, his Grand Tour columns for that newspaper that form the
backbone of the book. Cushioned around them is an introduction to Roche
and some personal insights into his life as a cyclist, including how he
started cycling, discussion of his father's triumphant career, and the inside
track on training routines and injuries. It also talks a lot about his life in
France and his attachment to Ireland. (Source:
Observation: reprint in 2012 (512 pp).
ROCHE, Stephen & WALSH, David, My Road to Victory, 1987,
Hutchinson// Stanley Paul, 126 pp
Categories: Biographies (Ireland) * Yearbooks (1987)
A picture book really focusing on the 1987 season. Few riders have had so
golden a year as Roche did in 1987. Winning the Tour, the Giro and the
World Championship is a feat only equally by Eddy Merckx. This book
was rushed out while his triumphs were still fresh. Each chapter starts with
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
a page of narrative, with the story taken up in fat captions. Graham
Watson's pictures are a treat to behold. There is much to enjoy in this book.
Roche was always among the most likeable professional cyclists and that
has not changed. It is by no means the final word on the 1987 season - but
it is an enjoyable scrapbook nonetheless. (Source:
ROCHE, Stephen & WALSH, David, The Agony and the Ecstasy.
Stephen Roche’s World of Cycling, 1988, Hutchinson// Stanley Paul, 213
Category: Biographies (Ireland)
An autobiography of Roche’s life up to the end of his remarkable 1987
season, when he won the Giro, the Tour and the rainbow jersey. Walsh lifts
it well above the level of most first-person accounts and links the major
events in Roche’s life together with some evocative race reporting.
ROCHE, Stephen, Born to Ride, The Autobiography of Stephen Roche,
2012, Yellow Jersey, 320 pp
Category: Biographies (Ireland)
Wasting no time with his formative years, we're still in chapter one when
Roche begins his apprenticeship with Athletic Club de BoulogneBillancourt (ACBB). With the likes of Robert Millar and Paul Sherwen
passing through its doors prior to Roche, the club was something of a
finishing school for English-speaking pros. Roche displayed the tenacity
and adaptability that would define his career, settling in immediately,
embracing the culture, soaking up the language and gobbling up race wins.
While most people focus on his famous year in 1987, it's often forgotten
just how precocious a cyclist Roche was early on in his career. There's
plenty here for newcomers to the Roche story, but those already familiar
with the events of 1987 – the bulk of the story here – might leave
disappointed. That's not to say there's nothing new. The final chapters,
where Roche reveals his life after retirement – the struggles for
employment, finding his place in the world, the breakdown of his marriage
– are by far the most interesting. (Source :
Observation: this book was advertised for pre-order under the title
“Angel and Demon”.
ROCHLIN, Jay & ROCHLIN, Gail, The Art of the Wheelman, 1982,
Seven Palms Press, 98 pp
Category: Media
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
The Wheelman was developed as a high quality literary magazine in 1882
to bring more interest in bicycling to the US back when the front wheel
was 50"-54" tall. The periodical had a short run for lack of funds and
stopped publishing it 1885. The distinctive element to the magazine was
that all the art and articles were produced by cyclists. (Source: eBay)
ROCKWELL, Willow, My Wheels Gave Me Wings, A Journey Through
Fear and Despair … into Love and Healing, 2012, Sunburry Press, 142
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
This autobiography by Willow Koerber Rockwell is not just your average
sports biography. Although Willow is a 2-time bronze world mountainbike winner, these memoirs are about her struggle to survive from sexual
abuse and isolation that nearly ended in self destruction. This book shows
how you can get through the most darkest hour and climb out on top.
RÖGNER, Thomas, The Bike book, lifestyle, passion, and design, 2012,
Teneues Verlag, 220 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Design)
This book profiles all kinds of exceptional bikes. More than just
ecofriendly transport, the racing bicycle represents athletic achievement.
There are the trendy mountain bikes and the lightweight racers and tourers
made of carbon and other space-age materials. Let’s not forget the bike as
lifestyle accessory—this book showcases stunning models from unique
concepts to luxury brands. It is a multilingual book (English, German,
French) (Source: Publisher’s Description)
Books of Bob ROLL
Bob Roll is a man of many pursuits: former Tour de France racer and
mountain bike competitor; training partner of Lance Armstrong during his
comeback from cancer; columnist in VeloNews; television commentator,
interviewer, and writer for the Outdoor Life Network; and a sometime
coach, TV-commercial star, bit part movie actor, storyteller, and
inspirational speaker. He rode the Giro d’Italia in the 7-Eleven Team in
1985. He later lived and raced in Belgium. His writing was “discovered”
before the start of a Belgian classic race by a VeloNews editor, who spotted
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
a poem Roll had written on the sidewalls of his racing tires. (Source:
ROLL, Bob, Bobke: A Ride on the Wild Side of Cycling, 1995,
VeloPress, 128 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
Bob Roll is an odd combination of professional mountain and road bike
racer, writer, and philosopher all rolled into one; a bit of a poet, a bit of a
mad man, sly, a little dirty, beyond gonzo when it's hammer time, calling
it like it is all the way down the line. The journal entries, the stories, the
Tour de France and world mountain bike championships, anecdotes that
you don't hear riding sport class or category III, are all part of what makes
Bobke such an interesting read. Imagine a sober Hunter S. Thompson
racing the professional mountain and road circuit and you'd still come up
a little short. Love him or hate him, Roll definitely has something to say,
and doesn't mince words doing it. (Source:
ROLL, Bob, Bobke II, The continuing Misadventures of Bob Roll, 2003,
VeloPress, 200 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
A reprint of the previous book with an additional chapter, in a smaller
format with no pictures, the print quality is not up to the first.
ROLL, Bob & KOEPPEL, Dan, The Tour De France Companion:
Victory Edition, 2004, Workman Publishing, 182 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
A fully illustrated primer that explains the strategies, ground rules, history,
personalities, techniques, and technology behind one of the world's most
spectacular and brutal sporting events. It's all clear: How teams work
together. How their bikes are different from our bikes. What it takes to be
a racer - the rare combination of slow and fast-twitch muscles, a huge
cardiovascular system, and an extraordinary toughness that allows you to
endure more pain than your rivals. The jerseys: yellow, green, polka-dot,
white, and the "combativity prize" to the rider who tries the hardest (look
for a red race number). Includes a glossary, stats, historic timeline, 2004
tour map, and more. (Source:
ROLL, Bob & KOEPPEL, Dan, 2005 Tour De France
Companion, 2005, Workman Publishing Company, 184 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Bob Roll, a former pro cyclist and Tour competitor himself, lends an
authenticity and enthusiasm to the subject that makes for an
entertaining and informative read. The production values are similar
to last year's edition as well. Some of last year's typos have been
fixed. The only real reason not to recommend this book is that so
much of it is taken from last year's edition. The only substantially
new material is the five-page crib sheet on this year's route and the
12-page retelling of the events of the 2004 race. (Source: Rich
RONCHI, Manuela & JOSTI, Gianfranco, Man on the Run: The
Life and Death of Marco Pantani, 2005, Robson Books, 272 pp
Category: Biographies (Italy)
The life and death of Marco Pantani. From his childhood discovery
of cycling to the triumphs, losses, and scandals. An insider’s account
of the tragic end of one of cycling's most charismatic heroes. Written
by Manuela Ronchi, Pantani's former manager who has close ties to
the Pantani family and sports journalist Gianfranco Josti. (Source:
Excel Sports Boulder)
ROSEN, Paul, Framing Production: Technology, Culture and Change
in the British Bicycle Industry, 2002, MIT Press, 224 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing Industry)
In 1951 Raleigh was the largest bicycle maker in the world, but by 1999 it
was a mere assembler of components supplied by other firms, mostly
Asian. To explain how this happened, Rosen links two disparate periods.
In the first, from 1930 to 1939, Raleigh expanded its production fourfold
and sent bicycles to every corner of the world. During the second, from
1988 to 1999, the firm failed to grasp the surging popularity of the
mountain bike and resolve its own internal dysfunction. Rosen connects
the two through a Marxist analysis that identifies both as episodic periods
of productive crisis. Rosen's Marxist perspective gives him a sharp eye for
labor, and his portrayal of the daily experience of the shop-floor worker
within the bicycle industry of the period is the best I have read. It is vivid,
perceptive, and well supported by archival and cultural documentation.
Raleigh crumbled. Rosen finds the result tragic and expresses a hope that,
by managing the process of technological development, repetition can be
avoided. In the end, he proves to be a liberal utopian, with a faith that the
manipulation of technological frames will lead us away from the
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
capitalistic dead end that his Marxist analysis predicts. (Source: Bruce
ROSEN, Paul, COX, Peter & HORTON, David, Cycling and
Society, 2007, Ashgate Publishing, 205 pp
Category: Academic Literature
This is a collection of essays by university-associated teachers and
researchers in fields that link sociology and transportation, all with
primary interests in cycling. Each essay is a chapter in the book, with
its own bibliography. It includes only one essay that may be of
interest to cycle racing fans (Cliar S. Simpson, Capitalizing on
Curiosity: Women’s Professional Cycle Racing in the Late-Nineteenth
Century). (Source: John Forester)
ROULEUR, Photography Annual
Categories: Photography * Yearbooks
The Rouleur Photography Annual features some of the best cycling
photography of the past road racing season in the work of the best
photographers in the business.
The following editions have been published:
- Photography Annual 2007, Rapha Racing, 2007, 240 pp
- Photography Annual 2008, 2009, Rapha Racing, 304 pp,
Introduction by Phill Ligett
- Photography Annual 2009, 2009, Rouleur, 320 pp, with a
Foreward by Gerry Badger and a Prologue by David Millar
- Photography Annual 2010, 2010, Rouleur, 310 pp
- Photography Annual Volume 5, 2011, Rouleur, 310 pp
- Photography Annual Volume 6, 2012, Bloomsbury Sport,
320 pp
ROWLEY, Max, The Rowleys: Golden Years of Cycling, 1990, Caribou
Publications, 192 pp
Category: Biographies (Australia)
The story of the Rowley brothers, Max (° 1923) and Keith (°1919) who
dominated Australian professional bike riding in the post-war period,
culminating in major wins such as Max’s 1950 Melbourne to
Warrnambool Classic from scratch, and Keith's glorious victory in the first
Sun Tour 1952. Sadly Keith died tragically in 1982 whilst out riding, and
the author Max, after completing this manuscript, died of cancer in 1987.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A great nostalgic read for cycling enthusiasts interested in Australia's
professional cycling heritage. (Source: unknown)
RUBINO, Guido PP, Italian Racing Bicycles, The People, The Product,
The Passion, 2011, VeloPress, 174 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Racing Bikes)
This book traces the rich history of 40 landmark brands intimately
connected with racing. Not surprisingly, the brands have deep roots, some
tracing their lineage back more than 100 years to the early days of the
velocipede. They also share a hunger for advanced technology, pushing
engineering to new heights with exotic metal alloys, elaborate weaves of
expensive carbon fiber, and aerodynamic studies that help their bikes and
riders cheat the wind for greater speed. Melding painstaking historical
research with personal visits to each artist's workshop, author Guido PP
Rubino has unearthed the stories, the methods, the dreams, and the
personalities of these cycling firms, large and small, that have contributed
so fundamentally to the glory of the sport. (Source:
The 40 brands covered in this book are: 3TTT, Alan, Ambrosio, Atala,
Bianchi, Bottecchia, Campagnolo, Casati, Cinelli, Colnago, Columbus,
Daccordi, Dedacciai – Deda Elementi, De Rosa, Ganna, Gios, Gipiemme,
Guerciotti, Legnano, Masi, Miche, Milani, Modolo, Moser, Olmo,
Olympia, Passoni, Pegoretti, Pinarello, Rossin, Scapin, Selle Italia, Selle
Royal – Fi’zi:k, Selle San Marco, Somec, Tommasini, Torpado, Universal,
Viner, Wilier Triestina. (Source :
RUDGE WHITWORTH, The Story of the 1,000 Miles Record, 1907, 38
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
RUMNEY, A.W., Fifty years a cyclist, 1928, privately published, 61 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In General))
Book discussing cycling exploits in the UK and abroad. (Source: Transport
Collector Auctions)
RUYS, Charles, Spotlight on modern 6 Day Races, 1967, Bernicotts,
176 pp
Category: Track Racing
Well-illustrated history of the Six-Days. Packed with photos and statistics.
(Source: Heartbooks)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
SAFE, Mike, Remembering Amy Gillet, the girl who never gave up,
2006, Allan & Unwan, 213 pp
Category: Women’s Cycle Racing
The tragic, real-life story of a young cyclist unfolds in this compelling
tribute to Amy Gillette, who was training as a member of the Australian
women’s road cycling team when she was killed by an out-of-control car.
Her story honours all athletes who train and compete—far from the
spotlight—with courage and determination. (Source:
Observation: a Foundation has been established in her honor in the
meantime. Its main objective is to reduce the incidence of death and injury
caused by the interaction between cyclists and motorists by promoting a
safe and harmonious relationship of shared respect between the two
groups. (Source:
SALAMON, Nahum, Bicycling: Its Rise and Development, A Text Book
for Riders, 1874, Tinsley Bros
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
The earliest published history of the sport. It contained many suggestions
for routes. Its readers were told about the quality of the surface and
construction of the road “(D)uring the last three years the Bicycle
movement has rapidly advanced in public favour. (…) The newspapers
have fully recognised the importance of the movement, and duly record
the achievements of its votaries. Ten thousand persons have assembled at
one time to witness a Bicycle contest. The records of matches and feats are
sufficiently full to furnish material for a history of Bicycling”. (Source :
Andrew Ritchie & Rosemary Sharples)
Observation: reprint in 1876 and in 1970.
SANCHEZ, Javier Garcia, Indurain: a Tempered Passion, 2002,
Mousehold Press, 238 pp, Foreword by Sean Kelly
Category: Biographies (Spain)
A Spanish prize-winning novelist takes us on an emotional journey
through the prodigious career of Miguel Indurain. He recounts his exploits
and great battles in the saddle, the glory moments and the disappointments,
and describes his passions, his ideas, and his land. (Source: John
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
SANDERS, Nick (ed), Bicycle: The Image and the Dream, 1991, Red
Bus, 152 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
This book features lots of illustrations and photographs, including some
colour plates. Its goal is ambitious: an inside look at the sport of bicycling
from a variety of perspectives. The book seems to have been hastily thrown
together from a variety of contributors with a wide range of writing
abilities. (Source:
Table of Contents: 1. "The Legend" (about Eddy Merckx); 2. "The Sun
King" (about Greg LeMond); 3. "The Mountain Bike"; 4. "The Business
Machine"; 5. "A Gossamer Thread" (the evolution of the bicyle); 6.
"Vehicle For A Small Planet"; 7. "The Cartoonists"; 8. "The Dream
Merchants"; 9. " Bicycle Posters"; 10. "The Image Makers"; 11. "Artisans
of Time" (about bicycle racing photography).
SANDERS, William, The Bicycle Racing Book, 1979, Quality Books,
152 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
A complete guide to the exciting sport of bicycle racing. Loaded with
information about; training, equipment, racing strategy, time trials, events
and licensing. Well illustrated with black and white photographs. (Source:
SANDLER, Michael, Cycling: Lance Armstrong’s Impossible Ride,
(Upsets & comebacks), 2005, Bearport Publishing, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
Combining speed and power with the heart of a champion, this book
explores the remarkable journey of a man who made the transition from
cancer patient to the world's greatest cyclist within a few years. From his
childhood in Texas to his early professional racing career, his battle with
cancer, and finally his seven straight Tour de France victories. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
SARDAR, Zahir, 100 Best Bikes, 2012, Laurence King, 224 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
These are the best bikes to be found anywhere right now, giving every kind
of cyclist an overview of what is out there. Whether a BMXtreme or
mountain bike enthusiast, a keen tourer or racer, a city commuter or
courier, or simply fascinated with the constantly advancing mechanics and
engineering of folding and other innovative bike designs, this book has
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
something for you. The bikes on display come from across Europe, East
and South Asia and North America, not to mention examples from the
southern hemisphere. The major bike manufacturers like Boardman, Giant
and Fuji are of course featured, but also more maverick material from
Biomega, Calfee and Daymak (Source:
SARIG, Roni, The Everything Bicycle Book, For Bike Lovers of All
Ages, 1997, Adams Media, 304 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
The Everything Bicycle Book is well written and contains lots of useful
information on ALL aspects of cycling. It’s a good starter book. Lots of
side issue discussions on diet, racing, clothing, nice places to tour and other
non-bike topics of interest to a bicycle user. (Source: reviews at
Books of David SAUNDERS
David Saunders was a television commentator and journalist writing for
the Daily Telegraph. Furthermore, he contributed to the UK Magazine
“Sporting Cyclist”. He died in a car crash in 1978.
SAUNDERS, David, Cycling in the Sixties, 1971, Pelham Books, 148 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In General)
Book chronicling the big races and many of the racers of the period. Lots
of illustrations and well written text. (Source: Howie Cohen)
SAUNDERS, David, Cycling, The Book for Everybody with a Bicycle,
1971, Wolfe Publications, 154 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
Collection of articles, including from: J.B. Wadley (”Pedallers of the past
- How cycling began”) * E.T. Bannister (”Safety on the road”) * Ken
Evans (”The economics of cycling”; ”Why tour on a bicycle?”; ”The
racing machine”) * David Saunders (”Cycle Racing”; “Racing tactics”;
”The great races”) * Brian Jolly (”How to become a racing cyclist”) * Roy
Green (”Cycling organisations”). (Source:
SAUNDERS, David, Tour De France 1973, Kennedy Brothers
Category: Tour de France Annuals
David Saunders was responsible for the following editions:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
- Tour De France 1973, 64 pp
- Tour De France 1974, 64 pp
- Tour De France 1975, 64 pp
- Tour De France 1976, 64 pp
Observation: Kennedy Brothers was the first publisher in the world to
publish, on a regular basis, books that aimed to provide a comprehensive
overview of the latest edition of the Tour de France
SAVILLE, Jimmy, As it happens, 1974, Random Houser, 179 pp
Category: Biographies (UK)
The author also carved a semi-professional sports career for himself,
taking part in the 1951 Tour of Britain cycle race.
Observation: republished in 1978 (Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, 192 pp) and
in 2012 under the title Love is An Uphill Thing.
SAVIOLA, Joseph A., The Tour De France: Solving Addition Problems
Involving Renaming, 2004, Rosen Publishing Company, 24 pp
Category: Educational Materials
Gives facts about the Tour de France bicycle race, such as how far
participating cyclists travel each day, and shows how to use addition to
determine further information. Source:
SCHAMPS, Daniel & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 79: The Stories of the
1979 Tour of Italy and the Tour De France, 1979, Kennedy Brothers,
127 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1979 Tour)
SCHMITZ, Arnfried, Human Power, The Forgotten Energy, 2000,
Hadland Books, 128 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
What should the ideal cycle be like? Arnfried tells us about: the VeloTorpille in which Marcel Berthet broke world records in 1913; Berthet's
later work with the fully-faired Velodyne; the rivalry between Berthet and
Oscar Egg; Charles Mochet's recumbent two and four-wheeled Velocars;
the UCI's suppression of recumbents and streamlined cycles; the revival of
interest in HPVs in the last quarter of the 20th century; and his own
personal involvement in cycling and HPV development in the company of
Georges Mochet, Wolfgang Gronen, Mike Burrows and many more. This
profusely illustrated book will fascinate anybody who wants to learn about
an often neglected aspect of cycle history. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
SCHMITZ, Arnfried & HADLAND, Tony, Cyclists, Cycling, Cycles &
Cycle Parts, an Anthology of Writings and Research, 2010, Hadland, 159
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
An anthology of the author’s writings and research. (Source: Publisher’s
Table of Contents: Foreword - The Many Facets of Aerobike Pioneer
Marcel Berthet - Berthet, Egg & the Record of Records - The Rise and Fall
of Idéale - Georges Mochet, HPV pioneer - Vélocar Road Racing in the
1930s - Typology of the Mochet Recumbents - Foray for Faure - The UCI
Ban - A Personal View on Racing Derailleurs - The Vector High-Speed
Trike in the Mercedes Wind Tunnel, 1986 - One Man Show - Vélocar
Variations - Kinetic Gossip of an Old Roadie - A footnote on Mike
Burrows and the Lotus Sport - The Exotic Sergei Dachewski - About
Arnfried Schmitz – Index. (Source: Hadland’s blog)
SCHNELL, Jane, Both are better: travels in Britain and France, 1994,
Atlanta: Milner Press, 199 pp
Category: Long-distance Racing
In 1991 the author completed the Great Britain Bicycle Ride, eleven
hundred miles, from Lands’ End to John O’Groats, and then crossed the
English Channel to volunteer for the Paris-Brest-Paris ride, twelve
hundred kilometers in less than ninety hours. (Source: Duncan R.
Jamieson, Ph.D., Ashland University)
Observation: reprint in 1997.
SCHOEVAERTS, Willy, Biografiën van wielrenners, een bibliografie Biographies de champions cyclistes : une bibliographie/ Biographies of
cycle champions : a bibliography/ Biographien von Radrennmeistern :
eine Bibliographie, 1990, privately published, 40 pp
Category: Bibliographies & Sourcebooks
The bibliographic references include references to magazines.
Observation: a revised edition was published in 1993.
SCHRANER, Gerd, The Art of Wheel building, 1999, Buonpane Pub,
108 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Accessories)
The book is a manual on all things wheels from Gerd’s experience as a
master wheelbuilder, having laced up wheels for amateurs and racers for
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
some 40+ years. As one would image, the bulk of the book is about the
wheelbuilding process itself and the mechanics at play that make it all
possible. Each section has references to Gerd’s extensive experience, with
various tricks, bits of wisdom and home-made tools that only a life-long
builder could share. Beyond the actual process of wheelbuilding there is a
lot of technical info at hand, along with anecdotes of great riders and
mechanics from through the years. (Source:
Observation: it concerns a spiral-bound publication. It was published
again in 2007 (Source: Ann Arbor Press)
SCHREVER, Wim, The Queen's book, the climbs of Liège-BastogneLiège, 2007, privately published, 128 pp
Categories: Photography * One-Day Races
The true story of the Liège-Bastogne-Liège is shown in the book, with
details of each climb preciously photographed. The steep climbs and the
green profile have inspired the photographer. He pictured the 12 heroic
climbs in detail, in Spring and in Autumn. The combination of the
photographs in different seasons create a sudden tension in the scenery.
The unique images of the route LBL are accompanied by the
photographer’s poetry and short stories which he wrote along his
expeditions. (Source:
SCHULL, Bruno, The long season, One year of Bicycle Racing in
California, 2002, Breakaway Books, 240 pp
Category: Pro-life
Schull's story follows his daily training, his performance in half a dozen
races (both victories and failures), and his parallel fixation with
professional cycling in Europe. There is also the tale of a cycling tragedy,
and the slow erosion of his personal relationship. Funny, smart, inspiring,
elegant - this memoir captures the spirit of cycling at its highest levels, as
well as the unsung glories of amateur racing. (Source:
SCHULTZ, Barbara, Bicycles and bicycling: a guide to information
sources, 1979, Gale Research, 300 pp
Category: Bibliographies * Sourcebooks
Table of Contents: History * Technique * Competition * Touring *
Transportation * Unique Bicycles * Maintenance and Repair * Legal
Aspects * Cyclists * Seminars, Conferences and Workshops.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
SCHULTZ - TESMAR, Dianne & HUTCHISON, Susan, Pedal Power,
The History of the Development of the Bicycle and Cycling in Fairfield,
Categories: Cycle Racing History (By Country) * Mountain Bike
This is a book that accompanies the exhibition Pedal Power which took
place in 2011. The exhibition highlighted bicycles, accessories and
photographs from the important historical collection of the Whitlam
Library and Fairfield City Museum and Gallery. The exhibition
demonstrates the importance of the bicycle in the lives of the people of
Fairfield. The photographs also showed the changes in Fairfield as it grew
from mainly rural area to an Olympic city with an important mountain bike
cycling course. (Source :
SCHURMAN, Ralph, Guide Projet/Project Guide Velodromes, 1988,
UCI, 104 pp
Category: Track Racing
Booklet about the general design criteria of velodromes which is intended
to serve as a guide to architects or communities, who for the first time deal
with the subject of velodromes and cycle tracks and gives them the most
needed information.
Table of Contents: Preface * The Velodrome * The Cycle Track * Access
to the Infield * The Infield * Granstands * Amenities Block * Roofing *
External Installations * Conclusion. (Source:
SCHWARTZ, David & DODSON, Bert (Illustrator), Supergrandpa,
1991, Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Books, 32 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * Long-distance Cycle Racing
At the age of 66, Gustaf Håkansson decided to enter the 1000 mile ’Tour
of Sweden’ Bicycle Race. Because of his age his application was turned
down, but he was a stubborn old man who felt young enough. Why should
he take ”No” for an answer ? So he pedaled the 600 miles to the starting
line and unofficially joined the Race. (Source:
Observation: reprinted in 2005 (Super Grandpa, Tortuga Press, 32 pp)
with audio CD which includes the author's narration, Swedish fiddling and
sound effects which will enthrall listeners ages 4 and up. (Source:
SCHWEIKHER, Erich (ed), Cycling's Greatest Misadventures, 2007,
Casagrande Press, 250 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
In these pages you’ll find twenty-seven true stories, some terrifying, some
comical, some contemplative, some downright bizarre. In Australia, a
former pro cyclist decides to spread tacks on women’s race course in an
attempt to get a date. In California, an enthusiastic computer programmer
crashes a stationary bike during his first spin class. Both everyday riders
and pros tell their stories of freak accidents, animals attacks, sabotage,
idiotic decisions, eerie or unexplained incidents, and other jaw-dropping,
adrenaline-pumping calamaties. These stories bring to life the strange
possibilities that await us once we step on the pedals of our road, mountain,
or commuter bikes. "The Day I Beat Miguel Indurain" is a humorous essay
about a middle aged office worker's determination to beat a five-time Tour
de France winner in a race. (Source:
SCHWINN, Frank W. & ARNOLD, Hugo, 50 Years of Schwinn-Built
Bicycles, The Story of the Bicycle and its Contributors to Our Way of Life
1895-1945, 1945, privately published, 94 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)A
tribute to Ignaz Schwinn who guided his company through good times
and bad, wars, depression, without a loss in any single year. (Source:
SCHWINN, Bicycle Book - 108.92 mp H on a bicycle, 1949, Arnold ,
Schwinn & Co, 28 pp
Categories: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes) * Comics,
Cartoons & Graphic Novels
Comic Book full of information about various bicycling events including;
(1) the invention of the first bicycle and its use (invented by Baron Drais),
the Velocipede (aka the Boneshaker) invented by Pierre Lallemont, the
Ordinary (aka the High-Wheeler), and the Safety, (2) 6-Day Racing and
the Schwinn Paramount, (3) Charles `Mile-A-Minute` Murphy who rode
60 mph in 1899, (4) Pee Jay Ringens who flies over 80-feet in the air riding
a Schwinn bike, (5) Alfred Letourner rides 108.92 mph on a Schwinn
Paramount, (6) The Ignaz Schwinn Trophy presented annually to the
National Amateur Bicycle Champion. In addition to the above, the book
contains lots of illustrations of Schwinn bikes & parts that were produced
and sold at the time. (Source: Howie Cohen)
SCHWINN, Bike Thrills, 1959, 34 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes) * Racing
Bikes & Accessories
This Schwinn comic book was printed and distributed in either 1958 or
1959. Included are many illustrations of the Schwinn bikes and parts that
were produced and sold at the time. Also included are interesting facts
about the history of the bicycle and how bicycles are made at the famous
Schwinn factory in Chicago. There is a special section giving the names
of the Champion Bike Racing Stars for the years of 1921-1958. The stories
about Alfred Letourner & Charles Murphy are included. (Source: Howie
SCIOSCIA, Mary, Bicycle Rider, 1983, Harper & Row, 40 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
Focuses on the first cycling victory in the career of champion bicyclist
Marshall Taylor.
SCOTFORD, Lawrence, Joseph Roux and the Course de Vélocipèdes, le
depart.1869, 2007, 62 pp
Category: Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings & Posters
Since the acquisition of the painting on the cover of this book by the
Nationaal Fietsmuseum Velorama in 2005, considerable research has been
carried out to establish the history of the artist, the painting and the event
which it portrays. This short monograph is the result to date of that
research. (Source:
SCOTT, John (ed), Tribute to Bill Bradley, 1998, League of Veteran
Racing Cyclists, 20 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
The first part of this book is a compilation of tributes to Bill with the major
part given over to his career written by R. P. Green. He was twice National
Road Race Champion, represented Great Britain in the1960 Olympic
Games in Rome, twice won the Tour of Britain road race and until recently
held the record for climbing the Grossglockner in the Tour of Austria. He
rode for the Southport RCC throughout his career. (Source: wikipedia)
SCOTT Robert, Pittis, Cycling, Art, Energy and Locomotion: A Series
of Remarks on the Development of Bicycles, Tricycles and Man-Motor
Carriages, 1889, J.B. Lippincott, 305 pp.
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
John W. Scott and his four sons were a family of innovators and embodied
the classic American success story in inventing and marketing more than
100 innovative products. Their main study was in the field of
transportation, both land and air. Bicycles were a major product of their
company. It was not long before they moved on to automobiles. Charles
and Robert also made great improvements to the pneumatic tire and sold
the domestic rights to Goodyear. (Source:
Observation: reprint in 2009 (BiblioBazaar, 306pp). The book is freely
available online at babel.hathitrust.
SEATON, Matt, The Escape Artist: Life from the Saddle, 2003, Fourth
Estate, 192 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
Detractors might dismiss this book for being Nick Hornby on two wheels.
And, it is true that the male-self-discovery-through-obsessive-activity
story has been applied to pretty much every imaginable leisure pursuit.
But, it is a format that the author takes to a new level. This is part because
of his talent and intelligence, part because the period of his life that he
chronicles contains a narrative that is truly heart wrenching. By the end of
the book, Seaton's 33 year old wife, has died from breast cancer. Even
without that, his lyrical description of his transition from boyhood with his
second-hand Raleigh Jubilee, to being a creditable amateur racer, and then
finding that he had to devote more time to his family, makes this book an
enduring pleasure. His observations are illuminating on dozens of tiny
matters of cycling interest: the tactile qualities of tubular tyres; the social
dynamics of the club run and; cycle apparel before and after Lycra.
SEATON, Matt, On Your Bike ! The Complete Guide to Cycling, 2006,
Black Dog Publishing, 192 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
The author uses the evolution of the bicycle as a tool to set the scene, to
make you realise that the bike in itself has its own place in history. He goes
on to cover the rise and fall of the bike’s popularity, including the BMX’s
development in the 1970s, to the mountain bike phenomenon of the
1990s to the carbon fibre road bikes that we have today. The book covers
all types of bikes, from road, to track, to cyclo-cross, to BMX and
mountain bikes, and it also provides information as to what to look for in
a good bike lock and bike light. It even covers tools, clothing and helmets!
The penultimate chapter deals with “Cycle sport”, including the pro
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
peloton, how teams work and a piece on the issue of doping. There is also
some useful information on other types of riding, including track racing,
cyclo-cross and sportives. (Source:
Observation: this book was reprinted in 2012.
SEATON, Matt, Two Wheels, Thoughts from the Bike Lane, 2009,
Guardian Books, 256 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
A collection of the weekly articles that the author published in the
Guardian under the column of the same name. Here the articles are bundled
under a dozen themes covering e.g. campaigning issues, urban cycling,
mechanicals, gear, sporting events etc. The best bits about Seaton are the
clarity he brings to matters and the gentle good humor he exhibits
throughout. He writes with all of the enthusiasm of the real fan and
devotee. (Source:
SERANTONI, Ildo, Felice Gimondi, A Champion who, together with
Merckx, marked an era, 2005, 226 pp
Category: Biographies (Italy)
Translated from the Italian original by Julian Thomas, this is the only
authoritative biography of the great champion in English. A coffee table
size book packed with many photographs and documents, many never
published before. The idea for the book came from Father Mansueto
Callioni, a Bergamo priest who is passionate about cycling. The book is
distributed by Bianchi USA which has limited its circulation. (Source:
SERAY, Jacques, 1904, The Tour De France which was to be the last,
1994, Buonpane Publications, 156 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1904 Tour)
The 1904 Tour de France was not just another Tour, it was quite unique.
In fact, it was nearly the last Tour, even though it was only the second. It
was peppered with conspiracies and the first Tour riders were later
disqualified. Ninety years later, Jacques Seray, intrigued by the unspoken
and shadowy areas of this epic Tour, thoroughly investigated the affair. To
follow him in his travels is to return to a different world, when cyclists
regularly met horses on the road, men wore straw hats & women's elegant
long dresses brushed the ground. (Source : Pete & Ed Books)
Observation: reprints in 1999 and 2000 (Ann Arbor).
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
SERGENT, Pascal, A Century of Paris Roubaix 1896-1996, 1996,
Bromley Books, 400 pp
Category: One-day Races
Paris-Roubaix’s history into words is done like the race itself, beginning
at the beginning and slogging through every cobbled, rutted, nasty,
miserable year from 1896 to 1995, listing the palmares of every winner
and listing the top ten finishers of every race with detailed descriptions of
what happened to whom at which juncture. The real treasure in reading
this book lies in the details. Sergent’s annual recaps bring life to the small
things that make the race a monument. For many years the first big split in
the race occurred at a hill in Doullens, and the split there was often the
deciding move of the race. It wasn’t until 1968 that the Arenberg Trench
made its first appearance. These and numerous other fine points show how
the race has fluctuated and shifted over the years. The awesome thing
about the coffee table book format is that it’s filled with pictures; fantastic
ones. (Source:
Observation: this book has been published again several times starting
from 2000 onwards with the new title A Century of Paris-Roubaix.
SERGENT, Pascal & WESTBROOK, William L, Masters of the pavé:
a history of strongmen, 2002, De Eecloonaar, 159 pp
Category: One-Day Races
This work is about the history of some 67 champions whose names today
are permanently inscribed in the chronicle of this classic. The objective of
this book is not to retrace the many eventful moments of a race already
recounted elsewhere, but rather to follow down the paths of fate of those
who have conquered the cobbles and in so doing, become Masters of the
Pavé. (Source: Centurycycles)
SERGENT, Pascal, CRASSET, Guy & DAUCHY, Hervé, World
Encyclopedie Cycling, De Eecloonaar, 2133 pp
Category: Statistics
Main results and biographical data of each of the more than 25.000
professional cycle racer who that have been active since the emergence of
the first competitions in 1869. It is a multilingual publication (English,
Dutch, German, French, Italian, Spanish).
The book consists of 3 volumes:
- Volume 1 (A-F), 2002, 720 pp
- Volume 2 (G-N), 2002, 719 pp
- Volume 3 (Q-Z), 2002, 794 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
SHAW, Reginald C, The Raleigh book of cycling, 1975, Peter Davies,
218 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
Chapters by various writers on all sorts of subjects from buying a bike to
cycle touring, how to service hub gears and derailleurs, building your own
racing bike etc. It includes a contribution from J.B. Wadley, Cycle Sport –
On the Track (pp 147-156).
Observation: reprint in 1978 (Sphere Books, 253 pp).
SHEIL, Norman, 7-Eleven Bicycling Mag Grand Prix. Training Manual
2, 1984, Rodale Press, 61 pp
Category: Track Racing
List of track racing results from 1977 to 1983 for the US and Canadian
national championships along with results from the World Championships
of that period including Junior Worlds. (Source:
Herma et al, Racing on the Tour De France and Other Stories of Sports,
1990, Zaner-Bloser, 63 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction
Eighteen selections on such sports as surfing, fencing, water ballet,
bowling, sky diving, and soccer. There are maps, charts, "information
stations," study questions, and tips to improve language skills. (Source:
SHERCLIFF, W. H., The Growth of Cycling as a Recreation in the
Manchester Area, 1869-1915: With Special Reference to the Ardwick
Bicycle Club, 1980
Category: Cycling Clubs
SHERIDAN, Eileen, Wonder Wheels, 1956, Nicholas Kaye, 158 pp
Category: Women’s Cycle Racing
Autobiography of that great racing record holder Eileen Sheridan. She was
unbeatable in time trials over any distance, and set an unparalleled set of
point-to-point records - most notably riding from Lands’ End to John
O'Groats. She covered the 870 miles in 2 days, 11 hours and 24 minutes,
nearly 12 hours faster than the previous record holder. The delight of this
book is the fresh-from-the 1950s quality that spills from its pages. This
book was published shortly after her LEJOG record - undertaken as a
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
professional, riding for the Hercules team. It is the gripping account of her
marathon that is the books highlight. A list of towns accompanied by notes
on increasing physical weariness could make the course seem even longer
than it was. She is a deft writer (I have no idea if there was a ghost, it's
consistent quality suggests that there might have been) and carries readers
along the main roads on which she made took her record. Perhaps the
current enthusiasm for cycling biographies' will persuade someone to give
her life proper assessment. (Source:
Observation: reprint in 2009 (Mercian Manuals, 158 pp).
SHERMER, Michael, Race Across America: The Glory and Agony of
the World's Longest and Cruelest Bicycle Race, 1993, WRS Publishing,
236 pp
Category: Long-distance Races
The author cro- created in 1982 an event originally known as The Great
American Bike Race. And it is for this reason that Shermer has been
inducted into the Ultra Cycling Hall of Fame. Back then there were only
four crazy guys willing to risk life and limb in a flat out race across the
country on bicycles. Those men, Lon Haldeman, John Howard, John
Marino and Shermer would make the crossing in 12 days and under
Shermer finished behind Lon Haldeman and John Howard with a time of
10 days, 19 hours and 54 minutes. Now it's an annual event involving more
than 100 cyclists. Shermer documented his Race Across America
experience in this book. (Source:
SHIELDS, Dave, The Race, A Novel of Grit, Tactics, and the Tour De
France, 2004, Three Story Press, 214 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
The novel careens around hairpin turns and sprints up daunting ascents as
cyclist Ben Barnes rides to keep his word and regain his honor. Sheer
tenacity has earned Ben Barnes the opportunity to ride in The Tour de
France. When disaster strikes Ben is forced to confront both himself and
his past more directly than he ever before dared. The Race careens around
hairpin turns and sprints up daunting ascents as Ben rides to keep his word
and regain his honour. Made in USA. (Source: Richard Young)
SHIELDS, Dave, The Tour, 2006, Three Story Press, 240 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
The novel is like cycling, a metaphor for life; the story is not just about the
race, it is about life and finding the key to overcome self doubt and
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
uncertainty. The Tour picks up where the last novel left off, continuing the
story of young Ben Barnes. The Tour is a well written commentary much
like a real race, with real competitors, with vivid descriptions of the
characters, action and scenery of France; you are transported by the words
to a world that you can almost smell, taste and feel the action. Shields takes
it a step beyond his first cycling novel confronting the current curse of
professional sports, performance enhancing drugs. The novel explores this
dark side of professional sports at a dynamic level from a multitude of
views, steeped in the reality of what decisions and pressures a pro rider
faces. The book is complete with accurate stage profiles of the fictional
stages. (Source: Vaughn Trevi,
SHIMANO INDUSTRIAL CO, History of Shimano, 1985, 96 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Gears)
A hard cover book that tells the story of Shimano`s beginning and struggle
for survival through many difficult times and years. The first generation
and founder was Shozaburo Shimano (1894-1958), a man of great spirit,
vision and undaunted faith in his abilities. The second generation guided
the company into the most important bicycle component parts producer in
the world. The story of Shimano`s growth is one for the records! (Source:
Howie Cohen)
SHIMANO, Shimano’s 70th Anniversary, The History of Shimano, 1991,
136 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Gears)
Books of Chris SIDWELLS
Chris Sidwell is a journalist and author, life-long cyclist, former bike-shop
owner and racer of road, track, mountain, and cyclo-cross bikes. He writes
regularly for Cycle Sport, Cycling Plus and Cycling Weekly. (Source:
SIDWELLS, Chris, Mr. Tom: The True Story of Tom Simpson, 2000,
Mousehold Press, 260 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Chris Sidwells lacks the objective viewpoint which is vital to a biographer.
However, it is fair to say that, with the aforementioned qualifications, this
is an adequate biography of a sporting hero. The book covers the ground,
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
and the extensive road and track palmarés is a valuable record. Much of
the central part of the book from the mid-50s to 1965 comes pretty well
wholesale from the subject's own autobiography. (Source: Ramon Minovi)
SIDWELLS, Chris, Complete Bike Book, Choosing, Riding, and
Maintaining your Bike, 2003, Dorling Kindersley, 240 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
From mountain bikes and road racers to hybrid and leisure bikes, find out
how to keep yours in peak condition. Fully updated "encyclopaedic insight
into how a bicycle works and how to maintain it. Clear, jargon-free advice
steers you through a complete maintenance programme. Get up to speed
with the hottest developments and pick up the latest in gear-shifter
technology, new maintenance techniques for disc brakes and hints and tips
for mountain-bike suspension. (Source: google.books)
Observation: a revised (third) edition was published in 2005 (Penguin
Books, 240 pp) and in 2008 (160 pp).
SIDWELLS, Chris, Tour Climbs, The Complete Guide to Every
Mountain Stage on the Tour De France, 2008, Harper Collins, 256 pp
Category: Mountains & Climbers
Each of the big climbs is accorded a spread, which includes a description
of the climb itself, historical notes on notable stages that have taken that
route, some tips for anyone planning to ride it themselves, a good selection
of photographs and a serpentine representation of the twists and turns taken
by the road. The lesser climbs are represented by shorter entries, although
all include the length of the climb, maximum altitude and the gain on the
road, as well as details of the gradients. The book’s shortcoming is the
complete absences of maps. (Source:
Observation: reprint in 2009.
SIDWELLS, Chris, A Race for Madmen, A History of the Tour De
France, 2011, Harper Collins, 336 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
The author charts the history of the Tour de France from its inception to
its present status as the world's most watched annual sporting event. The
highs and the lows (inevitably the dopings and the deaths) are all covered
off, and scattered among the more predictable and previously written about
tales are a few gems that capture the magic of the Tour and the
achievements of its riders. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
SIDWELLS, Chris, The Official Tour De France Records, 2012,
Carlton Books, 208 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
Delving into the world of the Tour de France, this volume highlights the
great battles for the Yellow, Polka-dot, Green, White, and other Jerseys
since the race began in 1903. There are also hundreds of stories and
statistics on the legendary riders: famous teams and high mountains which
have helped to make the Tour de France one of the most exciting and
popular sports spectacles in the world. The stories, features, lists and table
are brought to life by fantastic action photography. (Source:
SIMPSON, Claire, A Social Story of Women and Cycling in LateNineteenthcentury New Zealand, 1998, Lincoln University, 193 pp
Categories: Cycle Racing History (By Country) * Women’s Cycle
The context of the late-nineteenth century signifies a high point in the
modernisation of Western capitalist societies, which is characterised in
part by significant and widespread change in the roles of middle-class
women. The bicycle eventually came to symbolise freedom in diverse
ways. The dual-purpose nature of the bicycle (i.e., as a mode of transport
and as a recreational tool) enabled women to become more physically and
geographically mobile, as well as to pursue new directions in leisure. As a
symbol of the 'New Woman', the bicycle graphically represented a threat
to the proprieties governing the behaviour and movements of respectable
middle-class women in public. Cycling presented two dilemmas for
respectable women: how could they cycle and retain their respectability?
And, should a respectable woman risk damaging herself, physically and
morally, for such a capricious activity as cycling?
Observation: this Doctoral thesis which also examines women’s cycle
racing, is freely available at:
SIMPSON, Claire (ed), Scorchers, Ramblers and Australasian Cycling
Histories, 2006, Australian Society for Sports History, 168 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
This volume features six articles on bicycling. These generally cover the
same time period, the late 1800s, and explore a wide range of topics and a
variety of different cycling activities. Each article addresses an area of
cycling history that has been previously neglected, marginalized or
overlooked, and each contributes important details about the role of the
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
bicycle in Australasian cultures and histories. In the final chapter, Rod
Charles provides a chronology of track racing in Geelong, a small
provincial town just south of Melbourne. His contribution (“Cycle Racing
in Geelong, 1869-1956”) highlights individuals and bicycle clubs behind
the many different sporting events and efforts to provide suitable
competitive facilities in Geelong. (Source: Shelley Lucas,
SIMPSON, Tommy, Cycling is my life, 1966, Stanley Paul, 180 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
The book itself is the usual sporting biography as told by the man himself
and follows a well worn path. Being Simpson there are some funnies in
there, but what strikes me is how incredibly poignant it all is. (Source: K.
Blackwell, Customer Review, amazon,
Observation: the autobiography was written the year before Simpson
died. It was put back into print numerous times. When it was reissued after
Simpson's death, David Saunders, Simpson's ghost-writer, added a new
introduction. A recent reprint was introduced by David Millar (2009,
Yellow Jersey Press, 192 pp).
SINKER, Robert, Memorials of the Hon. Ion Keith-Falconer, 1888,
Deighton, Bell & Co, 246 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
This biography was written by Keith-Falconer’s theology tutor, Librarian
of Trinity College and documented a privileged life rooted in classical
scholarship and religion and deeply imbued with the ideologies of amateur
athleticism and muscular Christianity. (Source: Andrew Ritchie)
Observation: reprints in 1903, in 2009 (174 pp) and also in 2011 (Read
Books, 256 pp). The book is also freely accessible online at
SKILBECK, Paul, Mountain Biking: The Skills of the Game, 1994, The
Crowood Press, 128 pp
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
This text is part of a series of instructional sports books written by some
of the country's leading sports coaches. This guide to mountain biking,
provides instruction for the enthusiast, whether beginner or competition
standard. All aspects of equipment purchasing and safety are covered,
together with all major road and off-road techniques. There is also advice
on planning rides and expeditions, an introduction to the racing scene, and
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
suggestions for appropriate fitness exercises. The author is an experienced
mountain biking coach and journalist. (Source:
Observation: reprints in 1995 and 1996.
SLOANE, Eugene, The Complete Book of Bicycling, 1970, Trident
Press, 342 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
Gene Sloane wrote some great repair books and all of his books are packed
with history, practical advice, and personal anecdotes. This book is a good
all around introduction to cycling. It is not the Last or Only book you will
ever need (or want) on Cycling, but it is better than most. Having copies
of Gene's books over the years is like having a private library of the history
of modern (1960s-2000s) bikes and the evolution of their design. He also
tends to include gearing tables, sizing recommendations, metrics to
English conversion charts, etc. (Source: review at
Observation: revised editions were published in 1974 (The New Complete
Book of Bicycling, Simon & Schuster, 531 pp) and in 1980, 1981 and 1987
(The all New Complete Book of Bicycling, Simon & Schuster, 736 pp).
SLOANE, E. A., Bicycle Maintenance Manual, 1981, Simon & Schuster
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
Guide to purchasing, riding, and performing basic maintenance on
bicycles. Eugene Sloane's book is considered the standard guide for bike
shops and experts in the field who need a reference; or just for people who
like to fix their bikes. Practices covered include keeping brakes and frame
safe; adjusting derailleurs (including index systems); lubing and repacking
bottom brackets, hubs, and headsets; caring for chains and freewheel,
pedals, saddles, handlebars, cables, tires; and trueing and building wheels.
(Source: microcosmdistribution)
Observation: a revised edition was published in 1991 (Sloane’s New
Bicycle Manual, Fireside, 304 pp)
SLOT, Owen, Cycling for Gold, 2012, Puffin Books, 224 pp
Category: Juvenile Fiction * Olympic Games * Cycle racing History
(By Country)
This book features non-fiction facts and figures woven into an inspiring
fictional story. It is based around a young boy who shows the talent to
represent Great Britain in the Olympic Games. The story follows the life
of Sam, who has a paper round at a local newsagents and Olympic dream.
There is lots of additional information within this book for cyclist
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
enthusiasts: there are cycling final statistics, focusing on Keirin Olympic
Champions along with regular cycling records. The book also remembers
some of Great Britain's famous Olympic medalists. (Source:
SMIT, Marthein, The Silent Tour, 2010, Amstelsport, 96 pp
Category: Photography
Photographer Marthein Smit drove the last two years chasing the Tour de
France and took pictures of the people and areas after the cyclists had
passed. (Source:
Observation: the introduction, in Dutch and English, is by Nando Boers.
SMITH, Alvin, IRELAND, Neville & HERNANDEZ, Frank, Rensch
and Paris Cycles, 2012, Veteran-Cycle Club Marque Album n° 3, 214 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
This History combines an account of the two firms and the people behind
them with a detailed analysis of the bicycles. Rensch and Paris were made
famous in the 1930s to early 1950s by the promotion of mass-start or road
racing and their reputation for “continental styling and bright, even exotic,
colour schemes”. (Source:
SMITH, Alvin J. E., Frederick H Pratt and Sons, Complete Cycle
Engineers, 2006, John Pinkerton Memorial Publishing Fund, 74 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Custom & Hand Built Bicycles)
Growing up with Claud Butler, marrying his sister, and becoming a
respected frame builder, what more could a young man want? Read how
Frederick Pratt reacted and then how he went on to build up his own dream
machines. This is an account of a small bike company and shop that was
set up in the 1950's in leafy Surrey. A quirky, sad, but half humorous story
of the marque with full records of the bicycles and copies of the famous
leaflets. (Source:
SMITH, Andrew G., Vélo, Adventures of the Peloton, 2012, bymyi, 124
Category: Photography
The style of Andrew G Smith is somewhat unique. Firstly there is no lens
play, gadgetry, filters or even photoshop style airbrushing at work. Instead
he simply, but creatively, photographs the action of the Tour de France on
his television set which creates 'noise' in the form of distortion and
blurring. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Observation: the revised 2nd edition contains an introductory essay by
Bill Strickland.
SMITH, A.B., Along the Great North and Other Roads: The North Road
Cycling Club 1885-1980, 1981, Alan Sutton, 176 pp
Category : Cycling Clubs
The Club had initially given the author the task of writing a book about the
Club’s Second Fifty Years. His effort did not meet with the approval of
the Club. However, he published his book anyway. (Source: Graham
SMITH, Don, Racer, The Cycling Game, 1975, Troll Associates, 32 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Discusses bike racing, particularly road racing and sprint events. (Source:
SMITH, G.H., Selwyn Francies Edge: – The Man and Some of the
Things He Has Done, 1929
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
S.F. Edge broke a number of records and won a number of top cycling
events on a variety of machines. His biography consists of 4 parts; the first
is an over view of his life up to that time; the second part is entitled
“Cycling Achievements” and consists of some 16 pages; next “S.F. Edge
as a Motorist” (in 1897 he became an avid promoter of motor cars,
competing in many national and international motor events); and the last
part, “In Business”, details his many ventures in the world of
commerce.(Source: Des Donohoe,
SMITH, G. H., Some Notes about the Anerley B C, 1931, Anerley B C,
58 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
The Anerley B.C was 50 years old when G.H Smith wrote this booklet
about his memories of the club from its very earliest days. (Source:
SMITH, Jamie & MALLETT, Jeff, Roadie, The Misunderstood World
of a Bike Racer, 2008, VeloPress, 256 pp
Categories: Bike (Racing) Cult * Humour
In the world of cycling, there are enthusiasts and then there are "roadies" the cyclist whose passion for bike racing cannot be tamed. A confirmed
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
roadie will go to any length to better his record - from shaving his legs to
dropping a fortune on a bike - and the reactions to a roadie's determination
can vary from disbelief to outright scorn. Jamie Smith is a confirmed
roadie, and in this unique book, he sets out to explain the oftenmisunderstood world of roadies, delving into the groups many neuroses
and light-heartedly illuminating just what it is that keeps these extreme
cyclists coming back for more. Accompanied by amusing illustrations
from a nationally syndicated cartoonist, this look into a bike racing
subculture is sure to convert even the most hardened sceptics. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
SMITH, Ken V. (Ed), The Canadian Bicycle Book, 1972, D.C. Heat,
128 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Book covering the history of bicycles through the bicycles of the early
1970's with many illustrations of bikes from the Canadian market. Bicycle
racing, touring, commuting, club riding and more is included. (Source:
Howie Cohen)
SMITH, Martin, The Daily Telegraph Book of the Tour De France,
2009, Aurum Press, 259 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
Wadley, David Saunders and Phil Liggett chronicle firsthand the
achievements of cycling greats like Fausto Coppi, Jacques Anquetil, Eddy
Merckx, Bernard Hinault, Miguel Indurain and Lance Armstrong as well
reporting the contest's darker side, such as Tom Simpson's death and the
stain of doping. They are joined on the road at times by others offering
their own insights into the greatest show on two wheels: Chris Boardman
and David Millar provide views from the saddle; James Cracknell swaps
rowing boat for bike on a pre-race stage; Paul Hayward catalogues the
1998 'Tour of Shame'; while Brendan Gallagher eulogises the colossi who
bestrode the race, and tries to find their modern-day successors. (Source:
Observation: this book is updated on a regular basis.
SMITH, Richard, ReCycled, - An Unlikely Ride From Club Cyclist To
World Champion Via Liver Transplantation, 2012, privately published,
289 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
The book charts Rich Smith’s remarkable recovery from a universally fatal
liver disease when his life was saved by a last minute liver transplant, to
him becoming a British, European and World cycling champion and the
fastest transplant cyclist in the world. The book takes the reader through
the weird and wonderful world of cycling and introduces some of the
hilarious pitfalls and odd ball characters encountered along the way.
SMITH, Rick & GRIGGS, Brian, Yehuda Moon & the Kickstand
Cyclery, privately published
Category: Comics, Cartoons & Graphic Novels
The adventures revolve around the Kickstand Cyclery. Partners Yehuda
Moon and Joe have opposing tastes in cycling. Joe is a club-racer, always
training, always searching for the newest equipment advantage, but wary
of riding in the rain. Yehuda begins on an upright Dutch bicycle. Even
after he switches to a randonneur bike, he continues to care little about his
speed. The two main characters’ different interests lead to predictable
friction in the shop. (Source:
Four volumes have been published:
- Volume 1, Life on a Bicycle, 2008, 96 pp
- Volume 2, Saddle Stories, 2009, 96 pp
- Volume 3, Spin on By, 2010, 96 pp
- Volume 4, Keep ‘em Rolling, 2011, 88 pp
SMITH, Robert A., A Social History of the Bicycle, Its Early Life and
Times in America, 1972, American Heritage Press, 269 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Smith’s book is a meticulously researched history of the bicycle during the
1890s and the early part of the 20th century. His focus is on the “impact of
the bicycle on American life” – in other words, he looks in the cultural
production around bicycles at the turn of the century to see if he can find
seeds of later events. Smith includes reams of fascinating and wellsupported details that make this book totally worthwhile. Although Smith
claims to be an impartial researcher and not an activist, his work serves an
activist function in that it re-inscribes the bicycle within discourses of
technology, politics, and “Progress,” and thus portrays bicyclists as (onetime) agents of cultural change. (Source: bicycleresearchproject/culturalstudies)
SMITH, Steven, American Flyers, 1984,Randhom House, 224 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Novels/Short Stories
Two brothers - Marcus Sommers, a successful doctor and former
champion cyclist, and his younger brother David, an apathetic college
student and charming dreamer - are reunited to take part in a grueling,
three-day bike race across the Rockies. (Source:
Observation: book based on the film written by Steve Tesich.
SMITH HEMPSTONE, Oliver & BERKEBILE, Donald, Wheels and
Wheeling: The Smithsonian Cycle Collection, 1974, 102 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In General)
Book on the development of the bicycle and the Smithsonian cycle
collection. This book contains wonderful pictures of bicycles from the
1800’s when they were called 'velocipedes'. This book takes you through
the evolution of the bicycle. (
Observation: the book is freely accessible online at
SNOWLING, Steve & EVANS, Ken, Bicycle Mechanics: In Workshop
and Competition, 1987, Human Kinetics, 160 pp
Category: Cycling Teams
This book is an awesome account of what it was like to be in the cycling
world back in the day. The pictures are classic, and the information covers
ground in design, maintenance, and cycling sport not covered well in other
places. (Source: T.B., review at
SNYDER, Amy, Hell on Two Wheels, An Astonishing Story of Suffering,
Triumph, and the Most Extreme Endurance Race in the World, 2011,
Triumph Books, 272 pp
Category: Women’s Cycle Racing
Every year, approximately two dozen racers set out on what is likely the
most extreme ultraendurance event in the world: the Race Across America
(RAAM). The event covers 3000 miles of mountains and valleys, with
temperatures ranging from near-freezing to suffocatingly hot. The winner
usually finishes in 9 days while managing an average of one hour of sleep
per day and enduring unimaginable physical and mental pain. Why would
anybody want to do such a thing?? This book aims to answer that question,
and does a fairly good job. The author followed the racers during the 2009
event and manages to make them seem almost sane by detailing each
racer’s life, hopes, and ambitions. You really get a sense of what each
competitors is like and why they are doing what they are doing. The race
itself is filled with both elation and tragedy, and the writing makes
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
something that seems inhuman feel very… human. (Source: Leo Polovets,
SOMERVILLE, Les, Eighty Years of the Rodney, A Brief History, 1974
Category: Cycling Clubs
SONYA, Carl, Sport, power, and architecture: the Vancouver
velodrome, 1998
Category: Track Racing
Graduate thesis which begins with an investigation into the history of the
stadium and a questioning of how the stadium has been influenced and
shaped by different power structures throughout time. The geographical
location of the site from the natural slope separates it from the mountain
and marks it as an isolated site. It was my desire then to re-establish a sense
of unity within the landscape. The overall design manifests the notion of a
building not 'within' the landscape but rather one which 'is' part of the
landscape; on which people traverse and in which people inhabit.
Observation: the thesis is freely accessible at:
SPORT, Cycling : a bibliography of monographs held in the Recreation
and Sport Division Library of the Department of Community
Development, 1979, Department of Community Development, 11 pp
Category: Bibliographies & Sourcebooks
SOUTHCOTT, E.J., The first fifty years of the Catford cycling club,
1940, 480 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
SOUTHERDEN, J.H., 80 Years Awheel, History of the Hastings and St
Leonards Cycle and Athletic Club from 1876-1956, 1962, 216 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
This is a history of one of the oldest organisations of its kind. (Sources: &
SOUTHERLAND, Phil, Not dead yet, 2011, Thomas Dunne Books, 336
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Inspirational memoir from a champion cyclist about overcoming a bleak
diagnosis of diabetes and rising to the top—on his bike and in life.
Southerland was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at a young age. As a
teenager, he dreamed of creating an organisation to help those who were
similarly afflicted. As an adult, he took the first steps toward his dream by
founding Team Type 1, a competitive cycling troop comprised entirely of
Type 1 diabetics that has won a number of championships. (Source:
SOWTER, Matthew & FEATHER, Ricky, Made in England: The
Artisans behind the handbuilt Bicycle, 2012, Push Projects, 217 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Custom & Hand Built Bicycles)
The book concentrates on a dozen British frame builders, from Ron
Cooper who's been making bikes for 66 years, all the way down to young
guns such as Jon Aston with a mere 4 years torch experience. The book
kicks off by looking at the raw material with a special chapter on Reynolds
and their tubesets. After a short introduction to each frame builder the main
body of the text of the book takes the form of a question and answer
session, gleaned from conversations with each craftsman in their own
workshop. With only about 2,500 words dedicated to each builder the book
isn't bogged down with copy, it's the pictures that help tell the real story.
At the end of the 16 page section allocated to each frame builder all that
mess and filing and dirt and steel and ideas and effort come together in a
final double-page studio shot of one of their finished bikes. (Source:
SPURDENS, David, BMX, 1983, Hamlyn, 62 pp
Category: BMX Racing
The book features details on tracks, racing, apparel, tricks and bike
maintenance. Has some nice pictures of early Mongooses, Robinsons,
Burners etc. (Source:
Observation: the book is freely accessible at
STAGI, Pier Augusto, Colnago, The Bicycle, 2007, privately published,
315 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Racing Bikes)
This is a biography celebrating Ernesto Colnago. Colnago bicycles are
designed for racing and in making their bicycles, Ernesto Colnago was
brought into close personal contact with a number of the greatest names in
racing. He made the bicycle Eddy Merckx used to establish the hour record
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
in 1972. This is a beautiful book, bound in red cloth. The pages are
beautifully laid out with a photograph on almost every page, many in color.
It was printed only for friends of the Colnago family and a few top dealers
in 2007. Signed by Ernesto Colnago himself these are both rare and
collectable. (Source: Vernon Forbes, review at
STANTON, Stuart, Arthur Linton, An account of his life, 2008,
Peatmoor Publishing, 104 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
In the final decade of the nineteenth century, the community of Aberaman
produced two great cycle racing champions. Arthur Linton held
innumerable British records at distances up to 200 miles and reached
celebrity status in France where his finest achievement ranks as victory in
the 1896 Bordeaux-Paris race. Jimmy Michael followed much the same
route, becoming the first Welsh and British rider to win a world
championship, Cologne 1895. Tragically both were to meet premature
deaths. The surviving brothers, Tom and Sam Linton and Willie Michael,
all raced to a high standard. This initial publication maps out the life of
Arthur Linton. (Source:
STANTON, Stuart, ParisPorth, The Tour De France Imagines, 2010,
Peatmoor Publishing, 110 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom) * Tour de France Cult
The opening ‘Prologue’ stage of the 1989 Tour de France actually started
at the Mining Heritage Museum, Trehafod, South Wales and finished 2 ½
miles down the valley in Taff Street Pontypridd. The story that follows is
not intended to be a formal biography of either Jimmy Michael or Tom
Linton. Rather, it is an assemblage of various things known to be correct
about their lives. These are coupled with an imagined Tour de France.
The 100 and a few more years that have passed by since the deaths and
retirements of the main characters, along with the founding of the Tour,
have been littered with various writings and suppositions concerning what
may or may not have been. The compounding of these elements
is just one way of making sense of a rambling history. (Source:
STANTON, Stuart, Pencampwr Cymraeg, Jimmy Michael 1875-1904,
2012, 64 pp.
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
This volume is unique in that it is written in the Welsh Language, the only
cycling book to be so. [Pencampwr means 'Champion'.] The book is
written in Welsh for a number of reasons, not the least being that this was
Michael's family language. An English Language translation is available.
(Source: the author)
STARRS, James E (ed), The Noiseless Tenor, The Bicycle in Literature,
1982, Cornwall Books, 389 pp
Category: Belles-Lettres
The Noiseless Tenor, is a treasure trove of excerpts from novels, short
stories, poems, and fine nonfiction, all exalting the life of the bicyclist,
and, of course, the bicycle itself. Each individual segment is intelligently
and wittily introduced by the Editor. The bicycle has inspired numerous
great writers to sing its praises -- or to humorously decry its difficulties.
Such a simple machine lends itself to a dizzying, wondrous array of
emotions. Included herein are Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway, James
Joyce, Vladimir Nabokov, Iris Murdoch, George Bernard Shaw, Dylan
Thomas, Ring Lardner, Kurt Vonnegut, and dozens of other luminaries.
All show -- somewhere in their vast oeuvres -- a soft spot for the bicycle.
Observation: this book includes some extracts focusing on cycle racing
(amongst others from Ernest Hemingway, Paul Morand and Uwe
Johnson). It was reprinted in 1997 under the title The Literary Cyclist,
Great Bicycle Scenes in Literature (Breakaway Books, 392 pp).
Books of James STARTT
James Startt is an American sports photographer and journalist living in
Paris. For the last ten years, he has followed the Tour de France and taken
some of the most unusual photographs. His Tour de France reports are
published in Bicycling Magazine and other cycling publications.
STARTT, James, Tour De France/Tour De Force. A visual history of
the World’s Greatest Bicycle Race, 2000, Chronicle Books, 164 pp
Categories: Tour de France History (Overviews) * Photography
This book offers a one-of-a-kind look back at the Tour's history and heroes.
Arranged chronologically and illustrated with hundreds of wonderfully
evocative photographs dating back to the Tour's beginning in 1903, it
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
documents the great victories and the harrowing disasters, the glory and
the agony of this amazing competition. Features full race results from
1903 to 1999, plus an introduction by three-time Tour winner Greg
LeMond, and special sections on the evolution of the Tour de France bike
and the controversial issue of performance-enhancing drugs. (Source: Pete
& Ed Books)
Observation: to celebrate the 100th Tour de France anniversary in 2003,
an updated version was reissued in 2003 (Tour De France, Tour De Force,
100 Year Anniversary Edition, Chronicle Books, 158 pp)
STARTT, James, Armstrong’s 6th, The Story of the 2004 Tour De
France in Photographs, 2005, Van Der Plas Publications, 160 pp
Categories: Tour de France Annuals (2004 Tour) * Photography
Photographic record of Lance Armstrong's sixth consecutive Tour victory
and all the drama and excitement of the Peloton. (Source: Sportsbooks
STARTT, James, Tour De France, The 2005 Tour De France in
Photographs, 2006, Van der Plas Publications, 128 pp
Categories: Photography * Tour de France Annuals (2005 Tour)
This book comprises a collection of striking full-color photographs with
stage reports and other related commentary of the 2005 Tour de France.
STAUFFACHER, Sue & McMENEMY, Sarah, Tillie the Terrible
Swede: How One Woman, a Sewing Needle, and a Bicycle Changed
History, 2011, Knopf Books for Young Readers, 40 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * Women’s Cycle Racing
A picture-book biography of the tailor turned bicycling champion. After
seeing her first bicycle, Tillie Anderson began saving her money to buy
one. However, she wasn't interested in the kind of synchronized riding that
was deemed respectable; she wanted to race. After realizing that her long
skirts were a hindrance, she used her sewing skills to make a pants outfit
more suited to riding. Anderson started entering races and dominated the
field. There was an inevitable backlash from other riders and
traditionalists, but she persevered despite being deemed unwomanly and
referred to as the "Terrible Swede." This biography offers broad-stroke
information on Anderson and the state of women's issues at the time and
provide annual statistics from 1896 to 1901 regarding her "Record
Breakers" as well as her "Cycling Victories”. (Source: Stacy Dillon)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
STEER, Duncan, Le Tour – A Century of the Tour De France, 2003,
Collins, 256 pp
Category: Photography
This book is a unique, visual guide to the first century of the Tour and,
with it, the changing face of France. The images in the book cover all
aspects of the life of le Tour, from road-side spectators to competitors,
marshals and the majestic scenery of a beautiful country. (Source:
STEVENSON, Edward P, The High Tech Bicycle, 1982, Harper &
Row, 190 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Custom & Hand Built Bicycles)
Even though it was written about when today’s generation of racers was
born, you can still enjoy this book a lot. You got your Cinelli and Masi
bike photos, plus fun exotica like Modolo Kronos brakes and pantographed
Campagnolo bits. And by including bikes like the Exxon Graftek (carbon
fiber), the Speedwell (titanium), and the Klein and Vitus (aluminum), the
author proved he was reading the tea leaves right. (Source:
STEWART, Mark, Sweet Victory: Lance Armstrong’s Incredible
Journey, 2000, Millbrook Press, 64 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
This easy-to-read title is as inspirational as it is informational. It is more
than just an athlete's biography; it is the story of a cancer survivor who
came back to win the 1999 Tour de France. Readers will find themselves
completely awed by the modesty, dedication, humility, strength, and
courage of this young man. A two-page "Brief History of Cycling" is
included. Grade 4-8. (Source: Barb Lawler, Carnegie Library of
Pittsburgh, PA)
STOCKDALE, Glynn & CLAYTON, Nick, An index of Makes and
Makers of Ordinary bicycles, 1984, Orphans Press Ltd., 12pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
STOKES, David, Beginning Mountain Bike Racing, An Introduction to
Off-Road Competition ,1994, Vitesse Press//Alan C Hood & Company
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
STONE, Hillary, Ease with Elegance, The Story of Thanet Cycles, 1986,
62 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Thanet Cycles, Bristol was a unique and innovative bicycle maker who
produced bicycles from 1945 through 1958. This booklet charts the history
of Thanet and offers illustrations and analysis of this unusual marque.
Table of Contents: Introduction * Les Cassel * Early of the business *
The Sliverlight and later * 1946 Silverthan Catalogue * New
framebuilders, workshop and shop * After Les * Postscript * Frame design
and frame-building methods * Frame numbers * Typical and suggested
specifications * Nutkin’ Machines * Restoration guidelines and tips *
Publicity & other material published by Thanet Cycles * Other source
material from magazines * Estimates of frames built * 1949 Catalogues.
STOREY, Rita, Cycling, 2010, Franklin Watts-Hachette Children
Books, Series ‘”Training To Succeed”, 32 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Pro-life
Cycling takes a group of young people who are training to become
professional cyclists and explores their lives, training and goals. Along the
way, we learn about their setbacks and triumphs and find out what it really
takes to succeed in sport at the highest level. (Source:
Books of Roger ST PIERRE
Roger St. Pierre has been writing about all matters cycling, and especially
Continental racing, since the age of 15 when he started a column in the
Romford Times in 1958. Since then, he has been a staffman at Cycling
(before it became Cycling Weekly), edited Cycling Today, helped put the
annual official Tour de France guide together and has written for such titles
down the years as Cycle Sport, Australian Cyclist, South African Cyclist,
The Bike Mag, Performance Cycling and Pro Cycling. (Source:
ST PIERRE, Roger, Tribute to Tom Simpson, 1967, Daily Mirror in
association with Cycling, 80 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Covers the life and death of Britian’s greatest ever road racing cyclist.
Produced in tribute to a great sportsman who died on the slopes of Mont
Ventoux in 1967. (Source:
ST PIERRE, Roger, The Story of Reg Harris, 1971, Kennedy Brothers,
48 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
This booklet was produced as a souvenir of Reg’s comeback in 1971. It
surveys in words and pictures the rise of a young lad from Bury,
Lancashire, who became a man who could mix, as an equal, with the
aristocracy of the sport. (Source:
ST PIERRE, Roger, The uncrowned kings of cycling, 1971, Kennedy
Brothers, 46 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Champions)
In this booklet Roger St Pierre describes the career of some of the masters
of cycling from the rugged Gino Bartali, Hugh Koblet, Fiorenzo Magni,
Fred De Bruyne, Charly Gaul and others. (Source: eBay)
ST PIERRE, Roger, Louison Bobet, 1972, Kennedy Brothers, 38 pp
Category: Biographies (France)
This booklet surveys in graphic words and pictures the career of a great
champion from Normandy, who in the 1950’s won classics and world
championships alike, an allrounder but never a super-champion. (Source:
ST PIERRE, Roger, Cycling Yearbook 1978, 1978, Studio Pubs, 160 pp
Category: Yearbooks (1978)
These guide combined practical text with photographs and diagrams as an
introduction to the sport of cycle racing. They were written with the
backing of the governing body of the sport. (Source: Publisher’s
Two editions have been published:
- Cycling Yearbook 1978, 1978, 160 pp
- Cycling Yearbook 1979, 1979, 192 pp
ST PIERRE, Roger, Cycle Racing, “Know the Game” Series, 1995, A &
C Black, 1995, 48 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
This guide combines practical text with photographs and diagrams as an
introduction to the sport of cycle racing. It has been written with the
backing of the governing body of the sport. (Source: Publisher’s
Observation: the first editions of this book were published by John
Wilcockson (see below). St-Pierre published a revised edition in 1996. The
book was reprinted in 2001 (Allen & Unwin).
ST PIERRE, Roger, Cycle Racing “Know the Sport” Series, 1996,
Stackpole Books, 48 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
An ideal introduction to some of the most popular outdoor activities. Each
title in the series describes basic techniques, skills, and equipment in an
engaging style, and every concept is illustrated with full-color photos and
drawings. (Source:
Observation: this book (including its cover page) seems to be identical to
the “Know the Game” Series book mentioned above. Reprint in 1998.
STREB, Marla, Life Cycle of a Gravity Goddess, 2003, Plume, 288 pp
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
The author left her promising career as a biomedical researcher to climb
onto a bicycle and hurtle herself down the side of a mountain at speeds
topping fifty miles an hour. And at the age of 36, she continues to compete
and win against women ten years younger at the highest levels of her sportdownhill mountain biking. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
STREET, Roger T.C., Victorian High-Wheelers, The social life of the
bicycle where Dorset meets Hampshire, 1979, Dorset Publishing, 60 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In General)
A close view of the Christchurch Bicycle Club which was in existence
from 1876 to 1884 on the borders of Hampshire and Dorset. Although it is
primarily a history of one individual early bicycle club, it also serves as a
good example of the picture generally at this date. (Source:
STREET, Roger, The Pedestrian Hobby-Horse, 1998, Artesius
Publications, 195 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
The book describes the forerunner of the pedal bicycle in Britain at the
dawn of cycling. [A hobby was a term used at the time to refer to a small
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
horse or pony.] The archetypal two-wheeler wooden "hobby-horse"
velocipede was propelled by pushing the feet on the ground. The book tells
about the development of the "hobby-horse" by the London coachmaker
Denis Johnson in 1819. The book has four appendices, Denis Johnson's
patent, his Will, details of all the known surviving early hobby-horses in
the U.K. and elsewhere, and details of all the eighty or so known surviving
hobby-horse prints.
Observation: A revised edition entitled Dashing Dandies, The English
Hobby Horse Craze of 1819 was published in 2011 (220 pp, Prof. Dr.
Hans-Erhard Lessing) and takes into account much additional material that
has been discovered since the publication the original edition.
STREIGHT, Steven, Bicycle Fever, Peoria Bicycle Races from the
1890’s to the 1990’s, 1990, Ruppman Marketing, 228 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Books of Bill STRICKLAND
STRICKLAND, Bill, The Quotable Cyclist: Great Moments of Bicycling
Wisdom, Inspiration and Humour, 1997, Breakaway Books, 358 pp
Category: Humour
The book contains all of the cycling quotes we’ve seen mentioned on
various websites, but Strickland’s collection also includes nice zingers
from the world of competitive cycling ( Mario Cipollini: “If you brake,
you don’t win.”; Laurent Jalabert “There is no room in the Tour for the
sick or the weak.”). Strickland categorizes his quotes for easy reference:
Love, Mountain, Road, Speed, Training, Winning & Losing, Riding With
Style, Adventure, Equipment, Revolution, Women and so forth. (Source:
STRICKLAND, Bill, Tour de Lance: A Wild Ride Through Lance
Armstrong’s Comeback, 2010, Mainstream Publishing, 320 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
This book offers one of the most captivating looks at a cycling icon, and
the sport in general, that has been available for a long time. The author set
off on a year-long journey following Lance’s attempt at a cycling rebirth.
This may be the most ‘inside’ book on Lance ever written with his
authorisation. Allusions to truths and whispered confessions line this book
with depths of realism that pierce much of the ‘omerta.’ The author is quite
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
honest about holding back some of what he knows, yet offers far more than
I would have ever hoped. (Source:
Observation: The book was also published under a slightly different title
(The Extraordinary Story of Lance Armstrong’s Fight to Reclaim the Tour
De France, Three Rivers Press)
STRICKLAND, Bill, Ten Points, A Memoir, 2007, Hyperion, 241 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
Reading this book felt like an invasion of privacy. Strickland was
consumed by demons left over from an abusive father. For the most part,
through his life, he was able to keep the demons in check. But once he
became a husband and a father, he became fearful that his demons will ruin
everything he helped build. He feels sure the curse of his childhood will
cause him to turn into his father. Even when he discovered that cycling
helped keep the demons in check, he was still afraid that they signified a
curse which doomed him to failure. Which is why when his daughter
innocently asks if he can score 10 points in his crit season, he says yes,
hoping it will help banish the demons and break the curse. Strickland’s
writing seems effortless and the beauty with which he describes even the
simplest of actions amazes me. While this is a book about bike racing, it
isn’t just about bike racing. This is not an easy book to read - books that
deal with child abuse never are. There were many times I had to put the
STROUD, Jon, The Little Book of Cycle Racing, 2006, Green Umbrella
Publishing, 128 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Tells the story of the world's greatest bike races from chaotic beginnings
at the end of the nineteenth century, to the Tour de France dominance of
Texan seven times winner Lance Armstrong. The events that go to make
the UCI ProTour are included from the great Classics to the Grand Tours
of the Vuelta a Espana and the Giro d'Italia. (Source:
SUDBURY, Ronald F., The Bicycle and the Postage Stamp, 1976,
Batley, 62 pp
Category: Collectibles & Memorabilia
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A book illustrating many of the world stamps and covers which contain
bicycle or cycling related images. Organised chronologically. Offset
printed. (Sources: Howie Cohen &
SUDBURY, Ronald F, Stamp collecting for the cyclist, 1981, Batley, 60
Category: Collectibles & Memorabilia
Partially illustrated (black and white photos). Organised chronologically.
Offset printed. (Source:
SUMNER P. H., Early Bicycles, 1966, Hugh Evelyn, 14 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
An enormously attractive large format book of detailed plates showing a
dozen early bicycles, accompanied by a good, short history of cycles up to
the early years of the twentieth century. This was possibly published for
educational use and the images of the book are still serving just that
purpose in this rather good classroom aid. The draftsmanship of the
illustrator, Alan Oshbar, is exceptional. He achieves an extraordinary level
of detail - so much so, that it would almost be possible to rebuild one of
these machines from blueprints. Sumner's potted history is also very
strong. He avoids the obviously potholes that lie between Dumfriesshire,
Coventry and Paris, as well as providing some fantastic specks of detail.
Observation: reprint in 1980, 40 pp
GRAVES, H., Cycling, 1908, The Suffolk Sporting Series, Lawrence and
Bullen, 103 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
1.General and Mechanical; 2. Cycle Racing; 3. Cycling for Women.
(Source :
SUTHERLAND, Sandra W., No Brakes! Bicycle Track Racing in the
US, 1996, Iris Press, 304 pp, Foreword by Greg LeMond
Categories: Track Racing * Cycle Racing History (By Country)
I read this book because I really didn't know anything about track cycling,
and I was pleased to find it very comprehensive. Written from the point of
view of what the track enthusiast author would love to read herself, the
book includes guest articles and profiles, explanations of the different
types of events (such as the origin of the keirin and the Madison) and
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
profiles of stars in each discipline, track specifications and markings,
equipment specifications, velodrome locations and more. No Brakes is a
great reference book as well as being spiritedly written. (Source: Janna,
SWANN, Dick, The life and times of Charley Barden, 1965, Wunlap
Publications, 125 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
First in a series of books on cycling champions of the late 1890’s, the most
tumultuous years in the history of cycle racing. (Source:
SWANN, Dick, Days of Davies, 1968, 196 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Taffy Davies raced for the Polytechnic cycling club in the Victorian era.
SWANN, Dick, Bert Harris of the Poly: A Cycling Legend, 1973, 69 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
When Bert Harris died in 1887, after an accident during a race in a
velodrome in Birmingham, tens of thousands of people lined the streets of
his native Leicester to pay their respects. Little wonder. The 24-year-old
cyclist was among the best five or six riders in the world. Competing in
the UK, France, and Australia, he could beat pretty much all comers in
distances from quarter of a mile to ten miles - and was rarely out of the top
three. The book is a competent chronicle of his racing career, assembled
largely form contemporaneous newspaper accounts, but there is little in
the way of cultural contextualisation or the testimony of contemporaries.
Incidentally, for those not familiar with the club, the Polytechnic Cycling
Club is a venerable, and still extant institution that was spun out of Regent
Street Polytechnic (known subsequently as Westminster Polytechnic and
The University of Westminster). (Source:
SYKES, Andrew P., Good Vibrations, Crossing Europe on a Bike
Called Reggie, 2011, 322 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
The academic year must have been a difficult one as when the summer
holidays arrived, secondary school teacher Andrew Sykes was happy to do
as little as possible. But while sitting on his sofa watching the exploits of
the cyclists at the Great Wall of China at the Beijing Olympics, he realised
the error of his ways and resolved to put a bit more adventure into his life.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Two years later, accompanied by his faithful companion Reggie (his bike)
but only a rudimentary plan, Andrew set off for a trans-continental cycling
adventure that would take him along the route of the Via Francigena and
the Eurovelo 5 all the way from his home in southern England to Brindisi
in the south of Italy. The author writes with warmth and wit, and does an
excellent job of capturing every emotion, every landscape. (Source: book
description at
SYKES, Herbie, The Eagle of the Canavese, Franco Balmamion and the
Giro D'Italia, 2008, Mousehold Press, 195 pp
Category: Biographies (Italy)
In the early 1960s Franco Balmamion won successive editions of the Giro
d'Italia, an achievement no Italian has managed to emulate in almost half
a century since. In the post-war era only Balmamion and the three greats
Coppi, Merckx and Indurain, have successfully defended the fabled maglia
rosa. And yet virtually nothing is known of a rider whose Giro record
surpassed all but the very best, and who, with a fraction of the support
others enjoyed, may well have won not only a third Giro, but also the Tour
de France. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
SYKES, Herbie, Maglia Rosa – Triumph and Tragedy at the Giro
D’Italia, 2011, Rouleur, 312 pp
Category: Stage Races
Sykes takes the reader on an intimate journey into the passionate heart of
Italian cycling. The maglia rosa was only introduced in 1931 but the book
details 100 years of the race with over 100 stunning photographs. Each of
the 27 chapters tells the story of a legendary rider or recalls a dramatic
moment in the history of the Giro d’Italia. Although not perfect and
occasionally vague, the book will provide a well-timed history of the race.
(Source: cyclingnews)
Observation: there exists a limited edition of this book, featuring a special
cover and slipcase. (Source: cyclingnews)
SYKES, Herbie, Coppi, Inside the Legend of the Campionissimo, 2012,
Bloomsburry Sport, 320 pp
Category: Biographies (Italy)
The author opens the book's introduction with the words "The reality is
that I'd promised myself that I would never, under any circumstances,
write a book about Fausto Coppi.". The beauty of 'inside the legend of the
campionissimo' is that Herbie has remained true to his promise. He has
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
not written a book about Fausto Coppi, at least not in the sense that you'd
immediately recognize because the book is about Coppi by filling in
everything around the campionissimo. This he has brought to pass by
scurrying the length and breadth of Italy, interviewing as many riders as
he could find who touched the career of Coppi. But it is more than likely
that it is the photographs occupying the bulk of the book's pages that will
be the principal attraction. (Source: thewashingmachinepost)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
TAYLOR, David Paul, Project Peloton, 1983, Vantage press, 274 pp
Category: Novels/Short Stories
Suspense novel with background of international bike race.
TAYLOR, Derek, The North Bucks Road Club, Cycling Through The
First 50 Years, 2006, privately published, 128 pp, Foreword by Eddie
Category: Cycling Clubs
Some club names resonate more than others, like the North Bucks Road
Club for instance. The achievements of that father and son duo, Goz and
Dick Goodman put the spotlight on North Bucks. Their exploits in the
amateur and pro ranks and those of many others are recorded for posterity
in this book entitled. The author devotes two pages – and when necessary,
more – in detailing many of the club members activities year by year from
1952 up to and including 2002. It’s not a complete record, that would take
a book too heavy to lift, he says! Full of anecdotes and stories recalled by
members across five decades, the book provides an excellent snap shot of
a club which continues to play a vibrant part in the sport and pastime.
TAYLOR, John, The “End to End” Story – 100 Years of Cycling
Records, 2005, Btown Bikes Lt, 287 pp
Category: Long-distance Racing
A detailed account of all the official End to End cycling records, with much
contemporary description from the people involved. There's enough detail
of people riding beyond their physical and mental abilities to convince
anyone not to attempt breaking any of these records. (Source:
TAYLOR, John, The 24 Hour Story 1882-2008, A Complete History of
the 24 Hour Cycle Race, Including Many Classic RRA Long Distance
Road Race Record Descriptions, 2009, Bridgtown Bikes, 490 pp
Category: Long-distance Racing
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
TAYLOR, Harold S., Yorkshire’s Road Racing Cyclists, 1938, Arnold
& Sons, 63 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Booklet in card covers, approximately 5" x 7", 64 pages, illustrated with 8
black and white photographs, several full-page adverts. The author writes
in his foreword: "The events recorded herein are principally with reference
to road racing activities prior to the First World War, in the hope that they
will be of historical interest to the younger generation of cyclists, and that
they will also serve as a tribute to the riders of the Old Brigade, who, by
their pioneer work, successfully established this healthy and exhilarating
pastime in Yorkshire."
TAYLOR, Marshall W., The Fastest Bicycle Rider in the World, The
Story of a Colored Boy's Indomitable Courage and Success against
Great Odds, 1928, Wormley Publishing Co, 430 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
In his autobiography Marshall Taylor offered advice to young athletes. He
talked about the importance of clean living and fair play. He believed to
be successful in sports you need to be physically fit, you should strictly
observe the rules of the game, you need to practice sportsmanship and fair
play, and also to be able to handle an unfavorable decision with the same
grace you accept a victory. In sixteen years of competition Major Taylor
was never charged with unsportsmanlike conduct. (Source:
Observation : an abridged edition was published in 1972 (Stephen Green
Press, 214 pp) and a paperback edition in 1996 (Source: Johns Hopkins
University Press).
TAYLOR, Tony, Pedaller Talk, 2011, 130 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
A series of articles covering the development of cycle racing in the UK
and Ireland with particular emphasis on the British League of Racing
Cyclists (BLRC) establishing road racing in the 1940s and 1950s. (Source:
TERESI, Dick, Popular Mechanics Book of Bikes and Bicycling, 1975,
Hearst Corp, 368 pp
Category: Race Bikes & Accessories (Custom & Hand Built Bicycles)
This is a snapshot of the 1975 post bicycle boom world of cycling. The
author is passionate and biased but always entertaining and descriptive in
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
their take on the world of cycling at that moment in time. So many older
books are just another person’s take on basic repair. But this one reads
more like a conversation you're having with this guy over a beer about
what to look for in bikes and what's hype. If you own an old Fuki, Gitane,
Trek, Raleigh, Schwinn, or ever wondered about the "cult of Campagnolo"
this is an awesome laid back book, full of dated and "campy" pictures and
chock full of well explained information. (Source: T.B., New England,
review at
THOMAS, Geoff, Riding through the storm: My fight back to fitness in
the Tour De France, 2007, Orion Publishing, 288 pp
Category: Tour de France Cult
On 3rd july 2003, Geoff Thomas, a former professional football player
discovered he had chronic myeloid leukaemia. Geoff Thomas felt the need
to repay the doctors and nurses who cared for him, and the thousands of
other leukaemia sufferers throughout the UK. So how would you go about
raising a shed load of money for just such a charitable concern? Ride the
Tour de France? I thought not, but that's exactly what Thomas and his
hearty band of supporters and fellow cyclists decided to do in July 2005,
the same year another former cancer sufferer won his seventh tour in a
row. The Geoff Thomas Foundation peloton set off several days before
the real Tour de France and cycled every single stage; all 21 of them.
Riding through the storm is based on the 2005 Tour de France; each
chapter heading refers to the daily stages of that year's event, but the
narrative following doesn't always follow the same pattern. This is more
of an autobiography, quite cleverly woven around the charity ride, so some
chapters concern Thomas's previous life as a professional footballer.
(Source: thewashingmachinepost)
THOMAS, George & WELSCH, Jeff, Going the Distance: The
Georges Thomas Story, 2002, Sport Publishing LLC, 225 pp
Category: Long-distance Races
Going the Distance is the compelling saga of George Thomas' quest to
prove himself physically and emotionally after a car accident left him with
life-threatening epileptic seizures. The story is told vividly through
Thomas' eyes as he pedals 2,911 miles in the bicycle Race Across
America. As he battles stifling temperatures, grueling climbs, relentless
headwinds, heavy rains, tedium and hallucinations from sleep deprivation,
Thomas is repeatedly reminded of the even greater obstacles he once had
to overcome simply to ride a bicycle again. Ultimately, Thomas discovers
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
his journey is more than an individual accomplishment; it's a platform to
inspire others. Going the Distance examines his extraordinary evolution
from an ordinary man with an ordinary name to an accomplished ultraathlete. George Thomas' story is both intriguing and inspiring -- a shining
example of courage in the face of enormous odds. (Source:
THOMAS, Steve & SMITH, Dave, The Racing Bike Book, Your Guide
to the World of Racing - Techniques, Training and Fitness, the Bikes and
Their Maintenance, 1997, Haynes Publishing, 162 pp, Foreword by Sean
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
A general introduction to all things connected with racing bikes, aimed at
novices and lavishly illustrated with colour photographs. It is exclusively
focused on road racing. (Source:
Observation: the first edition was also co-signed by Ben Searle. A revised
2nd edition was published in 2000 (168 pp) with Ben Searle co-signing and
a revised 3rd edition in 2008 (176 pp) with Hillary Stone co-signing.
THOMPSON, Bernard, Alpaca to Skinsuit, Time trialing history, 1988,
47 pp
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
This was published in 1988 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the
RTTC, the governing body for time trialing in the UK. This is an excellent
A4 format book that gives great insight into British time trialing. (Source:
THOMPSON, Christopher S., The Tour De France: A cultural History,
2006, University of California Press, 400 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
Chris Thompson has written an engaging, nicely-paced account of France's
world-famous cycle race: his writing is lively and full of detail and
excitement. But he has done much more than simply narrate the story of
the Tour. His book sets the race- its history, its participants and its meaning
- firmly in its shifting national and cultural contexts. The sections dealing
with professional cycling as a form of labour and with the Tour's place in
France's troubled twentieth century are absolutely first-rate: insightful and
original. A work of scholarship that deserves to find a broad general
readership. (Source: Tony Judt)
Observation: a (revised) paperback edition was published in 2008 (406
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
THOMPSON, Deb, It’s All About the Bike: The Chaotic Life of an
Amateur Bicycle Racer’s Girlfriend, 2010, Kindle, 533 KB (print length:
89 pp)
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
E-book providing a humorous look at a lifestyle that revolves around
amateur bicycling. "You can't remember important occasions like your
girlfriend s birthday or Valentine's Day but you have committed to
memory the dates of all races coming up over the next six months." "And
so with that I vow here and now to continue to support Dan the amateur
bicycle racer for as long as I have him, in good weather and bad, in last
place or next to last place, so help me Eddy Merckx." (Source: Publisher’s
THOMPSON, John, Lance Armstrong, Overcoming Adversity, 2001,
Chelsea House Pub, 100 pp
Categories: Juvenile Fiction * Biographies (USA)
This book covers the athlete's Texas high-school days, his success and
maturity in the European and American cycling world, his diagnosis of
late-stage testicular cancer, his fight to recover and continue cycling, and
finally, his triumphant 1999 and 2000 Tour de France victories. The
uninspired selection and poor quality of the black-and-white photographs
are a drawback. (Source: Diane Olivo-Posner, Long Beach Public Library,
THOMSEN, Stu, Stu Thomsen's Book of Bmx: The World Champ's Tips
on Racing, Freestyling, Equipment, Conditioning, and More!, 1982,
Matchplay// McGraw-Hill, 104 pp
Category: BMC Racing
Table of Contents: 1. The history of BMX, 2. Parts of the BMX Bike, 3.
Basic Machinery, 4. Expensive Machinery, 5. Safety and Apparel, 6.
Riding Skills, 7. Racing Techniques, 8. Weight Training for BMX, 9. How
BMX Races Work, 10. Starting a track on your own, 11. Top Riders of
BMX, 12. Freestyle Tricks by Bob Haro.
Observation: reprint in 1987.
THOMSON, H.E., Tour of the Forest Bike Race, A guide to bicycle
racing and the Tour De France, 1990, Bicycle Books, 64 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Tour de France History (Overviews)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Explains the Tour de France and bike racing with cute illustrations of
animals racing road bikes, jerseys and everything. (Source: comment on
TIBBE, Marco (ed), Special Catalog: Bicycles on Stamps, 1994
Category: Collectibles & Memorabilia
In English with some black and white illustrations. Organised by
country/courier service. (Source:
TILIN, Andrew, The Doper Next Door, My Strange and Scandalous
Year on Performance Enhancing Drugs, 2011, Counterpoint, 320 pp
Category: Doping
The author looked for someone that would admit to using performanceenhancing drugs (PED) in order to chronicle what life was like on the
drugs. His search resulted in a lot of dead ends or at least no one that would
fit his need for a good story. So he became his own subject to find out why
an average racer takes the drugs and does the stuff work. Andrew’s next
puzzle was to figure out how to obtain drugs, which drugs to take and yet
preserve his health. The book is almost an autobiographical story of the
life of Andrew Tilin. Tidbits of his life are interspersed among the primary
topic of the book: doping for performance enhancement. No he didn’t get
on a podium, but it did change him. (Source:
TRAYNOR, Jim, The Ras, A Day by Day Diary of Ireland’s Great Bike
Race, 2008, Choice Publishing, 480 pp
Category: Stage Races
This book tells the story of Ireland's greatest bike race from its beginning
in 1953. It is largely written by one of the sport’s greatest volunteers, the
late Jim Traynor who died in 2003. Initially his main involvement was as
a competitor in road events but he then became involved in organisation
and for many years was the club's main event promoter. His first-hand
knowledge of The RÁS and the personalities involved in it, make this year
by year account an invaluable document. He wrote most of it himself in
the years before his sudden death. The only additions have been by some
friends who have filled a few gaps in his almost-completed work. (Source:
TRENCE, Salvatore, Fausto Coppi, The Campionissimo, 1969,
Kennedy Brothers, 64 pp
Category: Biographies (Italy)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A translation and adaptation by Salvatore Trence from the original booklet
La Leggenda Di Fausto Coppi published in Italy. Coppi`s triumphs from
1940~1957 are included as are many wonderful photographs of the
champion. His life and death are described clearly. (Source: & Howie Cohen)
TRUYERS, Noël, Kings of Cycling, 1993, Coda, 253 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Champions)
A look at the public and private face of 24 of the big names in cycling:
Abdoujaparov * Moreno Argentin * Jean-François Bernard * Erik
Breukink * Gianni Bugno * Claudio Chiapucci * Mario Cipollini * Pedro
Delgado * Dirk De Wolf * Gilbert Duclos-Lasalle * Laurent Fignon *
Maurizio Fondriest * Miguel Indurian * Laurent Jalabert * Sean Kelly *
Greg Lemond * Frans Maassen * Charly Mottet * Johan Museeuw *
Stephen Roche * Toni Rominger * Eric Vanderaerden * Edwig
Vanhooydonck * Alex Zülle.
TRUYERS, Noël, Cycloscoop” Series, De Eecloonaar, 48 pp
Category: Biographies
The “Cycloscoop” Series consists of a series of short hardback books.
Each of them – 6 in the English edition compared to 12 in the French
edition – is dedicated to outstanding professional road racers and provides
a biographical sketch of the champion and the man. The following editions
have been published in English.
- Miguel Indurain, 1998
- Sean Kelly, 1998
- Stephen Roche, 1998
- Gianni Bugno, 1999
- Greg Lemond, 1999
- Jan Raas, 1999
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
UCI, 40 Years of fighting against doping, 2001, 92 pp
Category: Doping
2001, the UCI put out this document bigging up all they had done in the
fight against doping. This was partly a fight-back at all the criticism they'd
received following the Festina affaire and partly as a pre-emptive strike
against WADA. Most of the document concentrates on the nineties, but in
the introduction Hein Verbruggen tries to big up what the UCI achieved in
the sixties, and through the seventies and eighties. (Source :
Observation: this book is freely accessible online at
1900-2000 : Un hommage au sport cycliste/ A tribute to cycle sport,
2000, 231 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In General)
This is a bilingual publications (French and English).
cycling, 1997, 117 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
cycling, 2001, 160 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing *
Olympic Games
This book provides practical suggestions for buying a bicycle, caring for
your bike, and getting and keeping fit. You'll also find up-to-date advice
on how to join the community of cyclists, wherever you live. In simple,
non-technical language. It explains the three disciplines of Olympic
cycling Road Racing, Track Racing, and Mountain Bike Racing. Special
features include: results of the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia;
profiles of leading US Olympic cyclists; advice on selecting and
purchasing a bike; accessories; what to wear, what to bring with you;
getting started in racing and competitive cycling. Coverage of road, track,
and off-road events. (Source: editorial review,
Observation: the first edition was published in 1997 (Griffin Publishing,
125 pp)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
VALENTINE-ANDERSON, Christi, Phil Anderson: Cycling Legend,
1999, Lothian Books, 176 pp
Category: Biographies (Australia)
Phil Anderson’s story of sheer determination and discipline. A 'Most
Asked Questions' section reveals the tactics, training and nutrition which
saw Phil Anderson realise his peak performance and achieve a place in
sporting history. Since 1992 Christi - the former wife of Phil Anderson has been a cycling specific Photographer and Journalist. (Sources: &
Velo Gotha, 2005, TravelProductions, 639 pp
Category: Statistics
This is a huge and comprehensive cycling dictionary with all race details
and palmares (until May 2004) from more or less every important rider
since cycling competition started.
Observation: this is a revised edition of the first “Velo Gotha” which was
published in 1984 by René Jacobs, Hector Mahau, Harry Van Den Bremt
and René Pirotte.
VAN DER PLAS, Rob, Bicycle Technology, Understanding, Selecting
and Maintaining the Modern Bicycle and its Components, 1990, Bicycle
Books, 256 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
This book provides a full understanding of the technical aspects of the
modern bicycle. Helps you select the right bike, its components and
accessories for your specific purpose. Includes thorough explanations of
the way things work and provides systematic, clearly illustrated, step-bystep maintenance instructions.
Observation: this book was reprinted several times. In 2010, Cycle
Publishing published a revised, 2nd edition (320 pp) under the title Bicycle
Technology, Understanding the Modern Bicycle and Its Components, The
original version was completely rewritten (and Stuart Braid now cosigning) with up-to-date material and numerous clear illustrations,
covering both the modern bike itself and its components in a historical
context. (
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
VAN HARTEN, Marjorie
& MARSTON, Melissa, Man of
Wolverhampton, Life & Times of Sir Charles Marston, 1979, Coombs
Spring Press, 255 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
This fascinating story of the life and times of possibly Wolverhampton's
greatest citizen, is told in an objective manner by his two daughters both
of whom were widely travelled and personages of varied interests and wide
experiences. The story of the man behind the Sunbeam family of cycles,
motor cycles and cars and later Villiers. (Source: Abebooks)
VAN KALLEVEEN, Theo, Australs and Legends, A Century of Track
Racing, 2002, 248 pp
Categories: Cycle Racing History (By Country) * Track Racing
A comprehensive history of the Austral Wheel Race and other track
cycling events in Melbourne. The author has done a tremendous amount
of work to locate and compile details of track events over 132 years. There
must be thousands of riders mentioned in this book. There are stories of all
the legends of track cycling, including Arthur Zimmerman, ‘Plugger’ Bill
Martin, ‘Major’ Taylor, Cecil Walker, Hubert Opperman, ‘Dunc’ Gray,
Sid Patterson, Russell Mockridge, Stephen Pate and Gary Neiwand. There
is a list of all the Austral winners and placegetters. (Source: Ron Shepherd,
VAN REIJENDAM, Jacques, 6 Daagsen/ Days/ Jours/ Tagerennen/
Giorni /Six Days: Statistieken, privately published
Categories : Track Racing * Statistics
Multilingual Yearbooks providing a comprehensive overview of the past
six-days racing season, including statistics. The following editions have
been published:
- 1993 Six Days: Statistieken, 1993, 48 pp (with Gerard Sillen and
Harry Verhoeven co-signing) (1992 results)
- 1994 Six Days: Statistieken, 1994, 68 pp (with Gerard Sillen and
Harry Verhoeven co-signing) (1993/94 results)
- 1995 Six Days: Statistieken, 1995, 60 p. (with Gerard Sillen and
Harry Verhoeven co-signing) (1994/95 results)
- 1996 Six Days: Statistieken, 64 pp (with Gerard Sillen and Harry
Verhoeven co-signing) (1995/96 results)
- Six Day Racing, 1999 Edition, Special Issue 100 year, 1999, 112
pp - with Roger De Maertelaere (B), Bernd Buslapp (D), Jac.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Durand (FR) and Ron Wilson (Australia) co-signing
2002 Six Days: Statistieken, 68 pp - with Jos Corver, Roger De
Maertelaere, Jacques Durand and Bernd Buslapp co-signing (20012002 results)
2003 Six Days: Statistieken, 2003,62 pp - with Roger De
Maertelaere, Jacques Durand, Bernd Buslapp and Ron Wilson cosigning (2002-2003 results)
2004 Six Days: Statistieken, 2004- with Roger De Maertelaere,
Jacques Durand, Bernd Buslapp and Ron Wilson co-signing
(2003-2004 results)
2005 Six Days: Statistieken, 2005, 68 pp (2004-2005 results)
2006 Six Days: Statistieken, 2006, 68 pp (2005-2006)
2007 Six Days: Statistieken, 2007, 80 pp (2006-2007)
2008 Six Days: Statistieken, 2008, 80 pp (2007-2008)
2009 Six Days: Statistieken, 2009, 84 pp (2008-2009
2010 Six Days: Statistieken, 2010, 82 pp (2009-2010)
2011 Six Days: Statistieken, 2011, 82 pp (2010-2011)
VANWALLEGHEM, Rik, Eddy Merckx. The Man, The Cannibal,
1996 , Ebury Press, 344 pp
Category: Biographies (Belgium)
Combing through years of cycling literature and press archives, and
seeking out friends, rivals, and the man himself, the author pieces together
the disparate elements of Eddy Merckx's life. Cycling icons recollect
Merckx's Tour de France victories, World Hour Record, doping scandal of
1969, and physical setbacks. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
VANWALLEGHEM, Rik, Eddy Merckx: Cycling's Greatest Champion,
1996, VeloPress, 216 pp
Category: Biographies (Belgium)
This coffee-table biography chronicles the life and racing career of the 5time Tour de France winner. Each chapter of the book reveals another facet
of Merckx's personality, character, and emotions. Cycling icons including the late Luis Ocana, Felice Gimondi, Walter Godefroot, Bernard
Thévenet, Freddy Maertens and Roger De Vlaeminck - all have their say.
The remarkable story is rounded out by the Cannibal's mother and his wife
Claudine with their own impressions of the highs and lows of his career:
the victories in the Tour de France, the World Hour Record, the 1969
doping affair in Italy, the physical setbacks, and the sudden end to his
athletic career. (Source: Pete & Ed Books)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Observation: a reprint was published in 2000, albeit under a different title
(Eddy Merckx. The Greatest Cyclist of the 20th Century, VeloPress, 216
VEAGE, John, Revolution, 25 Years on the Wheel of Cycling in
Australia, 2010, privately published, 178 p
Category: Photography * Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Photographic tribute to 25 years of road and track cycling in Australia.
VELONEWS, Ten Years of Championship Bicycle Racing, 1983, Velo
News, 122 pp
Category: Statistics
This book lists high placed riders at just about every world and US national
competition for the years 1972-1981. (Source:
VELONEWS, Greg Lemond, The Official Story of America’s Greatest
Cyclist, 1995, Inside Communications, 80 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
VELONEWS, Bicycle Racing in the Modern Era: 25 Years at
VeloNews, 1997, 218 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Sixty-three commemorative stories of competitive cycling in North
America over the past 25 years as documented by the journalists from
VeloNews. Each article includes framework information and a then & now
section about the major players, photos, illustrations, maps. (Source:
VELONEWS, Facts and Figures, A Handbook of Cycling Statistics,
2003, VeloPress, 96 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Statistics)
This compact handbook of stats showcases combination of passion and
knowledge, making it an ideal carry-along for participants and a tasty read
for fans. Each race listing includes a brief description and history of that
particular race along with significant facts, including record number of
wins, record times, and any unusual circumstances. Also featured are lists
of the winners (first three places) for each year it was run, plus other
jerseys and awards for the grand tours and bigger events. Included are all
Hors Category, Category 1.1, The World Championships, The Grand
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Tours, The Great Stage Races, and Category 2.1 Races. (Source:
VELONEWS, Facts and Figures 2004, A Handbook of Cycling
Statistics, 2005, VeloPress, 112 pp
Category: Statistics
Compact handbook of stats. Each race listing includes a brief description
and history of that particular race along with significant facts, including
record number of wins, record times, and any unusual circumstances. Also
featured are lists of the winners (first three places) for each year it was run,
plus other jerseys and awards for the grand tours and bigger events.
VERMEIREN, René & DE MEYER, Hugo, Rik Van Steenbergen,
1999, de Eecloonaar, 256 pp
Category: Biographies (Belgium)
Coffee-table book. Multilingual (Dutch, Italian, Spanish, English, German
and French).
VERMEIREN, René & DE MEYER, Hugo, Rik I, Memorial 1924 –
2002, 2003, de Eecloonaar, 56 pp
Category: Biographies (Belgium)
This book is basically a summary of the previous one. It includes,
moreover, images of the last years of the champion as well as an overview
of the twelve first editions of the Van Steenbergen Grand Prix.
Multilingual (Dutch, Italian, Spanish, English, German and French).
VESPINI, Jean-Paul, The Tour is won on the Alpe, Alpe d’Huez and the
classic battles of the Tour De France, 2008, VeloPress, 256 pp
Category: Legendary Mountains & Climbers
Veteran journalist Jean-Paul Vespini brings the excitement, the magic, the
madness, and the glory of the Alpe - as well as the Tour itself - to
magnificent life, Each chapter in his tightly told tale covers one ascent,
starting with Fausto Coppi's inaugural victory in 1952. Cycling's most
famous names are all present and accounted for: Coppi, Eddy Merckx,
Bernard Hinault, Pedro Delgado, Miguel Indurain, Marco Pantani, and of
course the American victors Greg LeMond and Lance Armstrong. JeanPaul Vespini's riveting descriptions of each battle to the top include candid
interviews with riders, new insight into epic rivalries, and little-known but
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
fascinating facts about the climb that has become a rite of passage for every
rider in the Tour. (Source:
VOET, Willy, Breaking the Chain: Drugs and Cycling – the True Story,
2001 Yellow Jersey, 144 pp
Categories: Doping * Cycling Teams
Willy Voet's explosive book about drugs and cheating in cycling was
written as a result of the "Festina affair", which rocked the 1998 Tour de
France. It is based on his experiences of over 20 years as a soigneur. In
that time, he played a critical role in administering doping products,
fooling drug detection regimes and helping riders "prepare for the race".
There is no question that the Festina team began its use of EPO in response
to what team management believed was standard practice among their
competitors, and as Voet points out: "We still didn't win the Tour".
(Source: Cyclingnews)
Observation: a new edition was published in 2002 (Yellow Press/
Random House.
VOS, Cor, Highlights, The Season of Roadcycling, Veldhuis / Wieler
Revue, (NL/ENG)
Categories: Yearbooks * Photography
- Highlights, The 2002 Season of Roadcycling, 2002, 136 pp (with
text from Peter Ouwerkerk)
- Highlights, The 2003 Season of Roadcycling, 2003, 144 pp (with
text from Peter Ouwerkerk)
- Highlights, The 2004 Season of Roadcycling, 2004, 140 pp
- Highlights, The 2005 Season of Roadcycling, 2005, 138 pp
- Highlights, The 2006 Season of Roadcycling, 2005, 140 pp (with
Marketa Navratilova)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
WADDINGTON, James, Bad to the Bone, 1998, Dedalus, 194 pp
Category: Novels & Short Stories
British playwright Waddington’s novel glories in a Faustian pact between
a Spanish professional cyclist and an evil sports doctor. Who’s been
murdering Europe's best professional cyclists? Cynically philosophical
police detective Gabriela Gomelez questions Akil S enz, a handsome
Spaniard who ranks among the top riders in the world. Blessed with
superlatively good looks, a sexually magnetic wife, Perlita de Zubia, and
enough money to live in luxury for the rest of his life, S enz can offer no
clues or even an explanation other than the grudging admission that any
cyclist will do just about anything to become the best. (Source : Kirkus
Books of John Borland WADLEY
Wadley was a towering presence in British cycle journalism in the middle
years of the twentieth century. True, you might say, with few practitioners
in this particular corner of reporting during that period, even one of short
stature might appear as a giant. But Wadley's qualities as an observer and
recorder of bicycle sport would have shone out, whatever the competition.
Born in 1914, Wadley reported on the domestic and continental scene from
1933, pretty nearly until he died in 1981, writing for Cycling and The
Bicycle, as well as editing Coureur and International Cycle Sport. Often
the style is more that of a letter to a friend than what we would today
recognise as journalism. But what a correspondent to have! These
dispatches from the past are so full of colour, incident and detail that they
transcend their style. (Source:
WADLEY, J.B., [Eddy Merckx and] The 1970 Tour De France, 1970,
Kennedy Brothers, 64 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1970 Tour)
The first of Kennedy brothers long run of annual tour books, covering the
57th edition by the renowned journalist J.B.Wadley it chronicles Eddy
Merckx’s outstanding second victory, winning by over 12 minutes from
Joop Zoetemelk. (Source:
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
WADLEY, J.B., [30 Years after Sylvere Maes,] Eddy Merckx – Two
outstanding memories, 1971, Kennedy Brothers, 32 pp
Category: Biographies (Belgium)
First of a series of booklets which were written by J.B.Wadley,
J.Wilcockson and other contributors to International Cycle Sport. It is
written in two parts, the first describes the “Col de la République
breakaway” episode in the 1967 Paris-Nice stage race, the second “The
stage of the Four Cols”, in which Merckx riding his first Tour de France,
doubled his lead to over 17 minutes on Pingeon, to become the first
Belgian since Sylvere Maes to win the Tour. (Source:
WADLEY, J.B., Eddy Merckx, Louis Ocana and the 1971 Tour De
France, 1971, Kennedy Brothers, 62 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1971 Tour)
Gives a detailed account of the 1971 edition of the Tour de France along
with numerous pictures in both black and white and colour. (Source: eBay)
WADLEY, J.B, Old Roads and New, 1972, J.B. Wadley Publications,
128 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
The story of the Tour de la Nouvelle France and the track at Delhi formed
the basis of this book. This book was also self-published and it included
an account of Jock’s ride in the 1971 Paris-Brest-Paris. This article,
entitled Brestward Ho!, has since been attributed to the rise in popularity
of long distance cycling in the English-speaking World. (Source:
WADLEY, J.B., My Nineteenth Tour De France, 1974, J. B. Wadley
Publications, 184 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1974 Tour)
WADLEY, J.B., Cycling, Riding and Touring, 1975, Macmilan, 90 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
This guide tells the history of cycling, touring in Britain, United States and
Europe, and international competitions on road and track. (Source: eBay)
WAGENVOORD, James, Bikes and Riders, 1972, Avon Books// Van
Nostrand Reinhold , 157 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Photography
Hard cover book full of illustrations and photographs of bicycles, bicycle
racing, technical information and history. A very interesting explanation
of the rich social and technological importance of the bicycle in America
and across the seas. (Source: Howie Cohen)
WAGNER, Betty Jane & O’ROURKE, Joseph, Racing on the Tour
De France and Other Stories of Sports, 1989, 64 pp
Category: Juvenile Nonfiction * Introduction to Cycle Racing
A compilation of articles, reprinted from the past two decades of
Highlights for Children magazine, about 18 sports from surfing and
hockey to lacrosse, fishing, and baseball. Each three-page article examines
the sport briefly, covering history, equipment, skills, and rules in typical
Highlights style. Sidebars feature facts, word skills, questions, and further
activities, as well as listing organizations and other books related to the
sport.(Source: Susan Schuller, Milwaukee Public Library, review at:
WALLACE, Jim, Champion of Champions, 1971, Kennedy Brothers,
32 pp
Category: Track Racing
Booklet telling the story of the Champion of Champions International
Sprint Race which was held at Herne Hill Stadium in London on Good
Friday from 1948 to 1970. The event was won by competitors including
Morelon, Fredborg, Trentin, de Graaf, Baensch, Beghetto, Sterckx, Binch,
Harrison, Peacock and others. (Source: Howie Cohen)
WALLACE, Ray, Riders to Your Mark, A History of Cycling in Bendigo
and District, 2005, Bendigo & District Cycling Club, 350 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
The history books of cycling, locally, state wide, nationally, and
internationally have been written on the name of many great athletes in
Books of David WALSH
WALSH, David & STICKLAND, Billy, Inside the Tour De France,
1994, Stanley Paul, 176 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1993 Tour)
Book about the 1993 Tour, including a long profile of a certain Texan
riding—and getting his ass kicked—in his first-ever Tour. (Source:
WALSH, David, Kelly: a biography of Sean Kelly, 1986, Grafton
Books, 237 pp
Category: Biographies (Ireland)
Sean Kelly is one of the first non-Europeans to challenge the French and
Belgian strangle hold on the world of cycling for many years. He started
with two seasons with the Flandria team as a domestique (helper) at the
time when Michel Pollentier was sensationally expelled from the Tour de
France while wearing the yellow jersey. Kelly's third, fourth and fifth
seasons with the Splendor team were marked only by moderate success,
but in 1982 he returned to Jean de Gribaldy, the team manager who
travelled to Carrick-on-Suir in 1976 and offered him his first professional
contract. De Gribaldy helped him to the top. While this book will center
on Kelly's career it also brings to life the sport of professional cycling,
showing his place in the professional peloton, his attitudes to such issues
as drug-taking within the sport, the wheeling and dealing which takes place
between riders during races and the eternal threat of a major injury.
Observation: reprinted in 1987 (as a paperback, Harper Collins) and in
2012 (Mercian Manuals, 237 pp).
WALSH, David & KELLY, Sean, Sean Kelly – A Man for All Seasons,
1991, Springfield Books, 127 pp
Category: Biographies (Ireland)
The book is divided into four sections - Spring, Summer, Autumn and
Winter. Each section relates to a period of Kelly's career, and each has an
introduction written by David Walsh. The majority of each section is made
up of a series of photographs, relating to that section of Kelly's career.
Kelly himself briefly outlines the story behind each photo - providing, for
example, a few details on the race being contested and the other riders
pictured. (Source: “Cluricaune”, review at
WALSH, David & STICKLAND, Billy (Photography), Inside the Tour
De France, 1994, VeloPress// Stanley Paul, 176 pp
Category: Tour de France Cult
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
This book is composed of thirteen chapters with each chapter devoted to a
different cyclist and their particular relationship with the Tour de France.
(Source: rikoshea, review at
WALSH, David, From Lance to Landis, Inside the American Doping
Controversy at the Tour De France, 2007, Ballantine 330 pp
Category: Doping
David Walsh gives an explosive account of the shadow side of professional
sports. In this electrifying, controversial, and scrupulously documented
exposé, Walsh explores the many facets of the cyclist doping scandals in
the United States and abroad. He examines how performance-enhancing
drugs can infiltrate a premier sports event – and why athletes succumb to
the pressure to use them. In researching this book, Walsh conducted
hundreds of hours of interviews with key figures in international cycling,
doctors, and other insiders Central to the story is Lance Armstrong’s
relentless, all-consuming drive to be the best. Also essential to this
narrative is Floyd Landis, who was the first winner of the Tour de France
after Lance. (Source: RandomHouse)
WALSH, David, Lanced: The shaming of Lance Armstrong, 2012, The
Sunday Times, 386 KB (print length 178 pp)
Category: Biographies (USA)
Most accounts credit David Walsh with being the single-most important
journalist in the English-speaking world in breaking news about
Armstrong and keeping doubts alive regarding his racing history. This ebook is a collection of newspaper articles, starting in 1999 and continuing
up to November 2012. There is some repetition as each successive story
retells what has been known up to that point. It's perhaps best read as an
accounting of "what did we know, and when did we know it. (Source:
SteveFrazier, review at
WALSH, David, Seven Deadly Sins, My Pursuit of Lance Armstrong,
2012, Simon & Schuster, 320 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
Seven Deadly Sins is an interesting read if you want details of what it was
like trying to expose Lance Armstrong. A story about the story, if you like.
We think the book works well and is a compelling read up until the point
Walsh stops covering the Tour. Thus the Lance comeback Tours in 2009
and 2010 are barely mentioned. Then it becomes more of an appendix,
describing events that led to Armstrong's downfall but mostly from afar
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
rather than first hand. There a plenty of interesting nuggets in it but we
found the change in style a little messy and rushed. Given Armstrong's
lifetime ban and the stripping of his seven Tour de France victories as a
result of the USADA investigation, Seven Deadly Sins is likely to be
Walsh's last book on this particular affair. But we hope that a journalist of
Walsh's quality hasn't finished his investigative reporting career, as there
will always be scandals in all walks of life that are worth bringing to light.
WALTHO, Arthur S, Guide to Tubular Tyres, including Sprint Rims,
1964, privately published, 46 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Accessories)
WARD, Michael, Mike and the Bike, 2005, Carson-Dellosa Publishing
Company, 40 pp, Foreword by Lance Armstrong
Category: Juvenile Fiction
It was on one of his favorite solo rides in the mountains that inspiration for
this book struck. Three key ideas occurred almost simultaneously: 1. He
should write a children’s book about cycling. 2. His name rhymed with
“bike”. 3. With contributions from Lance Armstrong and narration by Phil
Liggett, he made this a great project. Mike and The Bike (book and CD)
is an adventurous tale about a boy, his bike, and their travels in and around
the fictitious small mountain town of Colberg (translation: “col”= hill;
“berg”= hill”), a “bike-riding heaven” located “far and away from big
skyscraper buildings and traffic delay”. The bigger message is to get kids
excited to go out and ride their bikes—and hopefully for parents to do it
with them. (Source:
WARD, Peter, King of Sports, A Textbook on Cycle Road Racing, 1970,
Kennedy Brothers, 111 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
"There is no other book in the English language entirely devoted to
describing this complex sport," the author states in his Introduction, "It has
taken me over fifteen years to gain the knowledge and experience in this
book. I have covered all aspects of cycling that come into contact with
racing because many of these are an integral part of the game."
WARE, Ianto, 21 nights in July, The physics and metaphysics of cycling,
2009, Format Press, 210 pp
Categories: Humour * Tour de France Annuals (2008 Tour)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Each chapter commences with an overview of a Tour Stage of the 2008
Tour de France, then moves onto other topics, either personal anecdotes
from the author’s life, or discussion of various technical aspects of cycling,
or some historical information about the Tour de France. Ware’s style is
entertaining, light and self-deprecating, but we are constantly made aware
of his high level of education. His doctorate is in the area of Cultural
Studies, and as such informs his writing, giving us insights into the effects
of cycling on our behaviour. I found most interesting his discussion of
cadence, something I have experienced but not actually formulated into
words. He makes me want to go out and really test this out on my next
ride. (Source:
WATIEZ, Laurent, Day of Glory or Day of Pain, The choice of twenty
great champions, 2002, De Eecloonaar, 119 pp
Category: History of Cycling (Higlights & Anecdotes)
A collection of stories from 20 legends of cycling. Each rider recounts a
particular anecdote from one or two of their most memorable races,
describing the joy of winning, and/or the pain of defeat. The stories are
often amusing and provide an interesting insight into the world of
professional cycling over the years. The book is illustrated with some
fantastic black and white photos. Riders featured include Rik Van
Steenbergen, André Darrigade, Rik Van Looy, Raymond Poulidor, Eddy
Merckx, Jan Janssen, Gianni Motta, Roger De Vlaeminck, Bernard
Hinault, Stephen Roche and Sean Kelly. (Source: Jeff Jones, Cyclingnews)
Books of Graham WATSON
Graham Watson (°1956, London) joined society photographer, Lenare, for
a period between 1972-1977 where he learned the basics of before
becoming involved in cycling. Following a weekend trip to the 1977 Tour
de France in Paris, Graham won a small photographer's competition
organized by the British Cycling Weekly magazine and his career as a
cycling photographer was launched. (Source:
WATSON, Graham, Visions of Cycling, 1989, VeloNews Books //
Springfield Books, 127 pp
Category: Photography
Presented on heavy gloss paper, and covering all the major races - from
The Tour de France to Paris-Roubaix, Milan-San Remo to the Giro - and
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
all the stars are here as well, with Kelly, Yates, Roche, Hinault, Delgado,
and all the rest (too many to list!). (Source:
WATSON, Graham, The Tour De France and its heroes, The
celebration of the greatest race in the world, 1990, Stanley Paul, 176 pp
Category: Photography
This book covers mainly the 80s of the Tour de France. The texts are full
of valuable insights and dramatic details. Add to that Graham Watsons
atmospheric photos that seem to always capture the one, definite second
of a situation, and you realise, that you have a jewel in your hands that you
simply can't put away. (Source: review of Zimbomania at
WATSON, Graham, The Road to Hell, 1992, Springfield Books, 128 pp
Categories: Photography * One-day Races
Graham Watson has put together a gallery of winners and a memorable
collection of cycling images which epitomise the gruelling and dangerous
routes that characterize the classics, Milan-San Remo, Tour of Flanders,
Paris-Roubaix, Liège-Bastogne-Liège, Tour of Lombardy.
WATSON, Graham, The Great Tours: Vuelta, Giro, Tour, 1994,
Optimus Sport International, 192 pp
Category: Photography
Photo essay on the Tour de France, Giro d'Italia, and Vuelta a España.
WATSON, Graham & O’CONNOR, Phil, Boardman: a Cycling
Career in Pictures, 2000, privately published, 112 pp
Categories: Photography * Biographies (United Kingdom)
A pictorial record of Chris Boardman's amazing career from his days as a
Manchester Wheeler through the peaks and troughs of a pro career that
saw him win three yellow jerseys. A superb collection that takes you
through amateur days, the Barcelona Olympics, pro victories and Tour de
France yellow jerseys are the comments from Chris himself about each
picture and memories attached to them. (Source: Peter Cossins)
WATSON, Graham, Graham Watson; 20 years of cycling photography,
2002, VeloPress, 240 pp
Category: Photography
This book contains rich color photographs of more than just the Tour de
France. Watson documents everything, from road hazards to the peloton
winding its way beneath a hilltop village in Italy's Maritime Alps during
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
the Giro d'Italia. Some of his most dramatic photos document mud-caked
racers on the one-day Paris-Roubaix race held, usually, in the rain every
April. But the Tour looms large in this collection, as do the fans, the
landscapes of the Tour and the cycling life in general. (Source:
WATSON, Graham, Landscapes of Cycling, 2004, VeloPress, 240 pp
Category: Photography
Watson has culled twenty plus years of his photography and came up 157
of some of the finest racing photos I've ever seen. The presentation, then,
pushes this book over the edge. Fully half are printed in full spreads across
two pages making them about as dramatic as they can be. Hats off to both
Graham Watson and his fellow Brit, John Wilcockson, at VeloPress (who
wrote the introduction), for producing the book. (Source: Rick Price)
WATSON, Graham, Graham Watson’s Tour De France Travel Guide,
2009, VeloPress, 304 pp
Category: Tour de France Cult
This Guide provides insider’s access - where to eat, where to sleep, how
to get around, how to see and photograph the race, and most of all, how to
enjoy the greatest show on two wheels. Featuring hundreds of Graham’s
award-winning photographs along with full-color maps, travel tips,
checklists, and travel resources, this book presents a fresh strategy for
getting around the Tour’s many daily obstacles to find a front-row seat for
all the action. It also includes a tips on how to meet the riders, a glossary
of French cycling terms, historical perspective on each region of France
visited by the Tour, and a special chapter on how to photograph the Tour
like a pro. (Source:
WATSON, Richard O., Choppy Warburton, Long Distance Runner and
Trainer of Cycling Champions, Hero or Vilain?, E. Wileybooks, 2006,
204 pp
Category: Team Managers
James Edward Warburton was born to run. He is known universally as
"Choppy" for reasons which are not entirely clear. He was the eldest of 12
children. His potential as a runner was discovered when he was about 17
years old. Richard Watson has extensively researched his career as an
athlete. Mr. Watson gives details of his encounters with the accepted
champions of the day when he seems to have been willing to run any
distance if the purse was big enough. In 1892 he became a very successful
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
cycling trainer and went to France to train his riders. He was trainer of
world cycling champions, Jimmy Michael and Arthur and Tom Linton. In
recent years there have been many accusations of drug taking in sport
especially in cycling. Choppy has been firmly identified as the instigator
of drug taking in the sport in the 19th century. Choppy died in 1897 aged
57 years. (Source:
WATSON, Roderick & GRAY, Martin, The Penguin Book of the
Bicycle, 1978, Penguin Books, 333 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
The book is a manifesto, a celebration, a history and a practical guide. It is
about how we came to be riding bicycles and why we should be riding
them, about how they are built and how we should chose among the
various designs on the market. It explains both the mystery of doublebutted tubing and the mystery of continental fascination with the great
bicycle races - and the great personalities who ride in them. Above all it is
about the aesthetic and technical beauty of a mechanical contraption that
is at once one of the most simple and one of the most nearly perfect that
the human mind has ever devised. (Source: unknown)
Table of Contents: The Bicycle in fashion again. Some history and a
modest manifesto * The bicycle today : naming the parts * The aesthetics
of it all * Some more history , technical and social * A visit to the industry
* Cycle sport: the clock , the track and the mountains * The bicycle in
fashion again; another look * Appendices: (Maintenance, comfort and
safety on the road .Ordering a hand built frame).
WATTS, Chris, Cycling Time Trials, Competition Records Prior To
1944, 2000, privately published, 26 pp
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
WATTS, Christine, Charlie Davey, A Lifetime in Cycling, 2012,
Veteran Cycle Club, Cycling History n° 4, 164 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
In documenting the cycling life of Charlie Davey this history illustrates the
immense changes in attitude to our sport and pastime. Born in 1886, by the
age of 19 he had shown his prowess in cycling competition. In 1912
Charlie was one of eight selected to ride in the Olympic Road Race in
Sweden. Following World War 1 a World Championship Road Race was
introduced in 1921 with Charlie achieving third place in Denmark. These
early events were not very well supported, amateur and professionalism
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
causing many disputes. The Anfield Bicycle Club staged an excellent
event in 1922 for the second Championship. Dave Marsh led an English
team to victory. His racing finished, Charlie Davey then devoted his life to
helping others achieve their ambitions. (Source:
WATTS, Christine, A History of the Addiscombe Cycling Clubs from
1883 to 2006, 2006, privately published, 143 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
This history looks back at the present club, formed in 1929, and the two
earlier cycling clubs that bore its name. (Source:
WATTS, John, Herne Hill track, The history of this famous cycling
venue from 1891 to 2007, 2007, privately published, 71 pp
Category: Track Racing
A history of the Herne Hill cycle track from its opening in 1891. The
spiral-bound book was written when the future of the Stadium was very
uncertain and a long-term lessee required by Dulwich Estates. (Source:
WATTS, John, The Good Friday Gamble, 2003, 58 pp
Category: Track Racing
This is a spiral-bound 100-year history of the Southern Countries Cycling
Union Good Friday track racing from the first event in 1903 up to 2003.
Most of these races were held at Herne Hill. It includes details of the
various trophies used for this meeting, with the names of the recipients
each year. (Source: & Christine Watts)
WATTS, Heather, Silent Steeds: Cycling in Nova Scotia to 1900, 1985,
The Nova Scotia Museum, 44 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
History of cycling with B/W photos of the cycles and more famous riders.
WAY, Robert John, The Complete Cyclist. Compiled and illustrated by
R. J. Way, 1952, Wells, Gardner, Darton & Co., 120 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
The author considers that he has bought his experience with a good share
of his misfortunes, both on the road and elsewhere, but is a keen racing
and touring cyclist clubman as a result. His advice in this book is based
upon all this experience, and any beginner choosing a machine on the basis
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
of this advice will not go far wrong in making his selection out of the
bewildering array of equipment to be seen in almost any cycle shop.
(Source: inside front cover)
WAY, R. John, The Bicycle The Bicycle: A Guide & Manual, Hamlyn
Publishing, 1973, 96 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
This book is jam-packed with information - from the first boneshakers to
the time-trial bikes of 1973. (Source: E.B. Megan, review at
WELCH, William, A Memorable Ride, The End-to-End and 1000 Mile
Records, 1907, 28 pp
Category: The Hour, Time Trials & Records
Account of William Welch’s ride from Lands End to John O`Groats and
the 1000 mile records, in August 1907 on a New Hudson bicycle fitted
with a Armstrong Triplex 3 speed gear.
Observation: reprint in 2007 (John Pinkerton Memorial Publishing Fund.
WENZEL, Kendra & WENZEL, René, Bike Racing 101, 2003,
Human Kinetics, 232 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
The book introduces the sport from step one (getting a racing licence) and
then offers practical advice across the whole range of topics which a racing
cyclist needs to know to successfully compete in the sport. The book's first
big plus is its clear and concise layout, with an excellent Contents page at
the start which makes it easy for the reader to cross refer and select which
section they wish to refer to. The book assumes no pre-knowledge from
the reader. Having introduced the reader to the world of cycling racing in
part one, the book then moves onto “Training for Performance.” Part 3 of
the book is concerned with racing skills. The use of diagrams and real
event situations such as the sprint in the 1984 Olympics between Grewal
and Bauer emphasis the authors' points nicely. Sensibly, the authors
concentrate on Road Racing, Time Trialing, Criteriums and Stage Racing
separately, and each discipline is covered in a logical and systematic
approach. (Source:
WEST, Leslie, The West Way, 1970, Kennedy Brothers, 64 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Book full of great photos of Les West and many of the other British bike
races of the period. A wonder book for finding information about British
Bike Racing in the 1960`s. (Source: Howie Cohen)
WESTELL, Frank & EVANS, Ken (Illustrator), Cycle Racing, 1985,
Sterling Pub Co, 144 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
The authors cover the different types of races, specific exercises, how to
keep healthy and how to deal with injuries or psychological hindrances..
Also included are charts and illustrations. The style is journalistic. For
young racers this manual is ideal, and much of the information is useful
for non-racing cyclists as well. (Source: Reed Business Information, Inc.)
Observation: reprint in 1991 (Springfield books).
WHEATCROFT, Geoffrey, Le Tour: A History of the Tour De France
1903-2003, 2003, Simon & Schuster, 389 pp
Category: History
The book is much like the history of a family - the difficulties, milestones
and grudges that inexorably knit together cyclist and fan. The author draws
from many sources - war, religion, nationalism, regionalism, language and
one man's relentless drive to sell newspapers - to weave a great narrative
of the great race. The book examines the Tours by decade, through 2002;
each edition's monuments and tragedies, sometimes briefly and sometimes
in detail, but always chronicling the great riders, their fates and feats, and
relentless change. However, the tale of a race that is one hundred years old
cannot be told without a historical perspective of the tumultous decades
through which it has run. So Wheatcroft adds ample amounts of European
history. He also discusses, by way of interjected chapters the regions of
France. The book includes photos, Tour Facts for each year's race, and a
glossary of cycling terms. (Source: Janna Trevisanut,
WHIMPRESS, Bernard, Major’ Taylor at Adelaide Oval, 2005,
privately published, 8 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
The author is the former Curator of the Oval Museum and, therefore,
responsible for historical displays and maintaining historical records of the
Oval and expanding heritage consciousness. This booklet draws upon
various newspaper coverage and Museum materials.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
WHITE, John D.T., The Tour De France Quiz Book, 2005, Apex
Publishing Ltd., 200 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
There are no less than 1250 questions to crush your brains over. The
questions are conveniently divided into categories, which makes it a lot
easier to test your, or someone else's knowledge on a specific topic.
Possibly the best part of this book is that it also contains a section with all
1250 answers. (Source:
WHITFIELD, Paul, The Condor Years, A Panorama of British Cycling
1945-2000, 2005, 235 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Country Overviews)
History of cycle sport - road, time-trialling, track, cyclo-cross - in the UK
from 1945 to 2000, a well-documented period during which cycling in
Britain changed radically, from something which (owing largely to
wartime petrol rationing) absolutely everyone did, to a dying activity, on
roads crammed with 22 million motor vehicles. It's thoroughly researched,
as detailed as anyone could wish, written by someone who can write,
lavishly illustrated (over 200 photos), and beautifully printed and
handsomely produced. (Source: Ramin Minovi, Association of British
WHITFIELD, Peter , Eileen Sheridan, A Cycling Life, 2006,
Wychwood Studio, 158 pp
Category: Photography * Women’s Cycle Racing
A photographic record of her life and of her family and cycling
achievements which at one time included holding all the WRRA bicycle
WHITFIELD, Peter, 12 Champions, 2007, Wychwood Publishing, 260
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
12 Champions, 12 great cyclists from the past 60 years, i.e. John Arnold;
Sid Barras; Ray Booty; Beryl Burton; Ian Cammish; Frank Colden; Albert
Crimes; Alf Engers; Phil Griffiths; Martyn Roach; Eileen Sheridan; Leslie
West. This book is the story of their races, their victories, and of their lives.
WHITFIELD, Peter, Joy and Southall – Two Cycling Legends, 2009,
20 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Frank Southall was the greatest star cyclist in the interwar years. In 1934
he turned professional for Hercules, and when he stopped racing in 1937
he remained with them, managing a number of other riders both before and
after the war. Among those riders was Ken Joy, who in the early 1950s had
become the second man after Southall to win four BAR titles. It was Joy
who broke many of the records that Southall himself had set. This slim
book and its accompanying disk of photographs tell the story of their
careers. A wonderful evocation of bike racing from the 1920’s to the
1950’s, a fitting tribute to two legendary champions. (Source:
WHITT, Frank Rowland & WILSON, David Gordon, Bicycling
Science, Ergonomics & Mechanics, 1974, The MIT Press, 247 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
The book includes excellent updates on topics ranging from bicycle
history, human power, and bicycle stability to aerodynamics and
mechanics. It will become the essential reference for those who really want
to understand what makes a bicycle work." (Source: Chester Kyle, Cofounder, International Human Powered Vehicle Association).
Observation: a paperback edition was published in 1975 and revised
editions were issued in 1982 (384 pp), 1988, and 2004 (477 pp, with
contributions from Jim Papadopoulos)
WHITTAKER, Nigel, The Road Racing Bicycle, Illustrated Handbook
on the Modern Racing Bicycle, 2006, privately published, 123 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Racing Bikes)
Books of Jeremy WHITTLE
Jeremy Whittle is the author of several previous books on cycling. He has
covered cycling and the Tour de France for The Times, Sunday Herald,
Financial Times and the Herald Tribune and is a former editor of
ProCycling magazine. (Source:
WHITTLE, Jeremy, Yellow Fever: The Dark Heart of The Tour De
France, 1999, Headline Book Publishing, 306 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1998 Tour)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
An account of the 1998 Tour and its drug scandals. The book is interesting,
well informed and marked by a streak of what some might consider to be
paranoia while others would see it as defensible interpretation. (He's a
friend.) Writing in the first person, Whittle details that tortured Tour stage
by daily stage, offering an inside look not only at the race but also at the
way reporters work in it. His subtitle gives the story away: "The Dark
Heart of the Tour de France." (Source: Samuel Abt)
WHITTLE, Jeremy, Le Tour: A Century of the Tour De France, 2003,
Collins// MBI Publishing Company, 256 pp, Foreword by Greg LeMond
Categories: Tour de France History (overviews) * Photography
We're talking coffee table books here, with lavish illustration and minimal
text. If pictures are apparently worth a thousand words, then this book
more than makes up in pictures what it lacks in the word department. A lot
of research went into this tome and Mr. Whittle is to be congratulated for
the effort he must have made. The book is divided into decades, starting
with the first Tour which took place in 1903, each series of photographs
(predominantly in black and white) being preceded by a page or two setting
the scene for your edification and viewing pleasure. The book is also a
fascinating study in the changing face of the racing bicycle. (Source:
WHITTLE, Jeremy, Ten Years in a Hire Car, 2007, Yellow Jersey
Press, 288 pp
Category: Doping
Even the biggest fan can one day wake up to find that he has lost his faith.
We all want to believe in our heroes. That´s why Jeremy got into cycling.
But what happens when you can´t? This book is the story of Jeremy
Whittle´s journey from unquestioning fan to Tour de France insider and
confirmed sceptic. It´s about broken friendships and a sport divided; about
having to choose sides in the war against doping; about how galloping
greed and corporate opportunism have led the Tour de France to the brink
of destruction. Part personal memoir, part devastating expose of a sport
torn apart by drugs and scandal, The book is a love letter to one man´s past,
and a warning to cycling´s future. (Source:
WHITTLE, Jeremy, Bad Blood, The Secret Life of the Tour De France,
2008, Yellow Jersey Press, 288 pp
Categories: Doping * Biographies (USA)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
These are the books that provide the antidote to the Armstrong story – or
to Armstrong's version of his story, at any rate. And they are written by, to
use Armstrong's description, "the cynics and the sceptics" – by those who
question the veracity of the American's seven consecutive Tour victories.
Armstrong has another word for them – "trolls”. It is essentially what it is:
a deeply personal account of Whittle's journey from wide-eyed fan, in
thrall to the glamour, exoticism and beauty of the Tour, to crestfallen
cynic, disillusioned by the rampant cynicism, corruption and endless
succession of doping scandals. Mirroring this journey, coincidentally or
not, is that of his personal relationship with Armstrong, from friend – of
sorts – to, well, alienated troll. Yet Whittle's engaging book isn't really that
of a dyed-in-the-wool cynic. Through his experiences as a fan and then a
reporter, he paints a more nuanced, complicated and confused picture.
Whittle tells a sad, depressing and bleak story, where trust has dissolved
and cynicism has taken over. And yet somehow, there is enough in his
book to suggest that his love affair might still be rekindled. (Source:
Richard Moore, living.scotsmen)
WHITTLE, Jeremy & STEER, Duncan, Le Tour: The History of the
Tour De France 1903-2007, 2007, Collins, 256 pp, Foreword by Bradley
Categories: Photography * Tour de France History (Overviews)
An excellent pictorial history. Should definitely be on the shopping list of
any serious cycling enthusiast. Many photographs showing the harsh
conditions experienced by the riders especially in the earlier years, unmade
road surfaces and awesome scenery. (Source: David S. Black, customer
WIGGINS, Bradley, In Pursuit of Glory, The Autobiography, 2008,
Orion, 288 pp
Category: Biographies (United Kingdom)
Velodromes and Westmalle. Wiggins’s ghost has done a good job of
getting behind the public persona to show a complex and contradictory
character. Illuminating in that it shows that being a world-class sportsman
doesn’t necessarily escort you directly to the first-class lounge. (Source:
WIGGINS, Bradley, On Tour, 2010, Orian, 192 pp
Categories: Biographies (United Kingdom) * Tour de France Annuals
(2010 Tour)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A warts-and-all look back at the 2010 Tour de France. Wiggins went into
the race with the weight of a nation on his shoulders; billed as Great
Britain’s greatest chance of earning a podium spot after his fourth place
finish in 2009. But fourth turned into 24th as Wiggins suffered over three
grueling weeks in what was Team Sky’s debut season. On Tour is a
brutally honest account of Wiggins’ ordeal. Wiggins guides the reader
stage-by-stage through his Tour. What makes the text jump out is Wiggins’
look at the wider aspects of the Tour de France and life in the peloton. A
series of mini-essays wind their way through the diary, covering subjects
as diverse as Lance Armstrong to the unsung heroes of the peloton. A real
insight, On Tour is sure to strike a chord with any cycling fan and is the
perfect addition to any coffee table. (Source: roadcyclinguk)
WIGGINS, Bradley & FOTHERINGHAM, William, My Time – The
Autobiography, 2012, Yellow Jersey, 320 p, Foreword by Robert Millar
Categories: Biographies (United Kingdom) * Tour de France Annuals
(2012 Tour)
Bradley Wiggins entered the 2012 Tour de France as the favourite, and
perhaps similarly to the Armstrong years, it was simply a case of waiting
until he took hold of the yellow jersey before we all started looking to see
who was going to take second. Seemingly gone are the days when teams
entered the tour with ambition allied to panache. It becomes apparent fairly
early on in the book that team Sky's domination of at least the latter two
weeks of the 2012 tour was down to a substantial change in the way they
trained for events. It seems likely that this might conceivably be where the
numbers started to take over. 'The last stint we did was twenty-five minutes,
starting at 1,500m altitude and going to 2,200. We would ride one minute
at 55 watts, basically prologue power, which you can sustain for a few
minutes, then four minutes at threshold torque - 50rpm at threshold, maybe
400-440 watts depending on the altitude, which is bloody hard to do
because riding in the big ring, say a 53x16 gear. I fear there is just a tad
too much of this throughout the book. (Source: thewashingmachinepost)
Books of John WILCOCKSON
John Wilcockson raced as a category 1 amateur in the British Isles and
France before entering journalism in 1968. He has been writing about the
sport of cycling ever since, and reported the Tour de France for the
43rd time in 2011. Wilcockson has been the editor of five cycling
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
magazines, including VeloNews, Inside Cycling and Winning; he is the
former cycling correspondent for The Times and Sunday Times of London;
and he has been published by The New York Times, L’Équipe, Outside
magazine and Men’s Journal. (Source:
WILCOCKSON, John, Cycle Racing, “Know the Game” Series, 1971,
E.P. Publishing, 41 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Observation: reprinted in 1972 (A & C Black Publishers) and revised in
1979 (E.P. Publishing). From 1995 onwards, Roger St Pierre seems to have
taken over (see above).
WILCOCKSON, John, John Wilcockson’s World of cycling, 1998,
VeloPress, 326 pp
Category: History of Cycle Racing (Highlights & Anecdotes)
These stories bring the major events in the sport to life, and articulate the
tactics, fitness, grit, suffering & exploits of the world's leading cyclists Anquetil, LeMond, Kelly, Indurain, and many more - often in an off-beat,
not-so-obvious way. A collection of 22 articles by the author. (Source:
WILCOCKSON, John, 1998 Tour De France, Conquests and Crises,
1999, VeloPress, 224 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1998 Tour)
The 1998 Tour de France is the full, unvarnished story of the most dramatic
race in modern biking history - from drug busts, rider strikes, and mass
abandonments to amazing highs such as a seriously injured biker making
an extraordinary comeback. Graham Watson's photographs add visual
intensity to the diary entries of Frankie Andreu, a U.S. team member, and
thoughtful pieces from John Wilcockson, senior editor of VeloNews.
(Source: Antiquemallbooks)
WILCOCKSON, John, PELKEY, Charles & WATSON, Graham
(Photography), Lance Armstrong & the 1999 Tour De France. Featuring
the Tour Diary of Frankie Andreu, 1999, VeloPress, 256 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (1999 Tour)
Beginning with follow-up coverage of the drug scandals that rocked 1998's
race, this book follows the 1999 Tour de France from start to finish. It
gives an overview of the course and the contenders, and covers every stage
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
of the race. It includes a course map, descriptions and anecdotes of events,
a diary page, and a list of the finishers. (Source: Wichita Public Library)
WILCOCKSON, John, Armstrong Encore: The 2000 Tour De France,
2000, VeloPress256 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (2000 Tour)
Details the 2000 race from start to finish, beginning with follow-up
coverage from the 1999 race won by American Lance Armstrong. Of
special interest are the daily diaries of a U.S. Postal Service team member
written while competing in the race, as well as maps of each stage, and a
16-page color photo section by Graham Watson. (Source: Pete & Ed
WILCOCKSON, John, JEW, Bryan & PELKEY, Charles, Lance X
3, The 2001 Tour De France, 2001, VeloPress, 240 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (2001 Tour)
The book is an account of Armstrong and his teammates’ preparation and
strategies, and obstacles they overcame to reach the finish line victorious
and garner the revered Yellow Jersey. More than a step-by-step account of
the race, the book includes topographical maps, the diary accounts of
Armstrong teammate Tyler Hamilton, historical snippets, biographical
snapshots of racing legends, and behind-the-scenes stories of life on the
Tour. Armstrong has been such a dominating presence in professional
cycling that the inevitable accusations of illegal doping have arisen
repeatedly. The author addresses the matter fairly and impartially. (Source:
Karl Kunkel,
WILCOCKSON, John (ed), The 2003 Tour De France: 100 the
Anniversary Tour, 2003, VeloPress, 240 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (2003 Tour)
Complete coverage and analysis of this year's historic race.
WILCOCKSON, John & WATSON, Graham, 23 Days in July, Inside
Lance Armstrong’s Record-breaking Tour De France Victory, 2004,
DaCapo Press// John Murray, 304 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (2004 Tour)
The book is framed around Lance Armstrong’s record-setting (and
arguably most dominant) sixth win in 2004. It also includes other notable
characters in the 23 day drama. Tyler Hamilton and former winner Jan
Ullrich and even Floyd Landis are among the other pieces in this nearly
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
month long athletic chess match. The author places each into the context
of the race perfectly, allowing the readers to understand the dynamics of
stage racing and the tactics that go into winning a race like this. Cycling
is, if nothing else, exceptionally traditional. The author’s ability to deftly
demonstrate how past situations have helped shape modern races is
impressive and his pedigree gives the writing real depth and helps set the
stage for the overt story of the 2004 Tour. The book itself is also laid out
fantastically. Every day of the race is given its own chapter, concluding
with the ‘current’ standings of race leaders and favorites. An appendix with
frequently asked questions and a glossary of cycling terms is also a nice
touch. (Source:
Observation : the book was reprinted in 2005 by the same publishers,
albeit that DaCapoPress gave it a somewhat different title (“23Days in
July, Inside the Tour De France and Lance Armstrong’s Record-Breaking
Victory”, 344 pp)
WILCOCKSON, John, Marco Pantani: The Legend of a Tragic
Champion, 2004, Mousehold Press, 240 pp
Category: Biographies (Italy)
This book is the work of several well-known cycling journalists. The story
comes straight from the people closest to him and the interview with his
former girl-friend, Christina Jonsson, shows he was a man who was
complicated as well as aggressive and difficult to live with. (Source:
WILCOCKSON, John & HOOD, Andrew, The 2005 Tour De France:
Armstrong’s Farewell, 2005, VeloPress, 264 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (2005 Tour)
In this popular annual guide, Wilcockson, in collaboration with expert
photographers, captures the grit and glory of the three-week race,
including what makes 2005 unique: Armstrong’s attempt at a recordbreaking seventh consecutive win. The book begins with follow-up
coverage from last year¹s race to bring readers up to date. An overview of
the course, the race, and the contestants is followed by a stage-by-stage,
race-by-race account of the Tour, including a course map with stage
elevations, race descriptions, anecdotes, and a complete list of finishers.
Dramatic colour images by Graham Watson and others bring this event to
life from start to finish. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
WILCOCKSON, John, The Tour De France 2006 – Triumph and
Turmoil for Floyd Landis, 2006, VeloPress, 240 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (2006 Tour)
This work presents the narrative and record of the 2006 Tour de France
cycle race. The 2006 Tour de France was positively riveting, from the
events of the race to the drug scandal that surrounded it. Many of cycling's
most promising stars were disqualified just days before the race got
underway, but true to predictions, the Tour turned up some of the most
exciting stage finishes in the history of the sport. American Floyd Landis
captured and recaptured the yellow jersey. But in a most ironic twist, the
Tour ended as it began. The book records every moment of the race with
masterful detail and poignant profiles. Complete with maps and stage
profiles, behind-the-scenes stories, incisive interviews, and thorough daily
reports. (Source:
WILCOCKSON, John, The 2007 Tour De France: A new Generation
takes the Stage, 2007, VeloPress, 214 pp
Category: Tour de France Annuals (2007 Tour)
The 2007 Tour will be remembered equally for epic battles in the Pyrenees,
stage 19’s dramatic race-deciding time trial, a horrific litany of crashes that
took down the Tour’s brightest stars, and a steady stream of doping
scandals that saw pre-race favorite Alexander Vinokourov kicked out of
the race and race leader Michael Rasmussen dismissed by his Rabobank
team for skirting dope tests. By the time the race reached Paris, two teams
had been sent home, a third was engulfed in controversy, and a fourth—
the winning Discovery team, home to seven Tour victories under Lance
Armstrong and a fresh win with Alberto Contador—had announced that it
would cease operations at season’s end. Containing the daily race diaries
of riders Christian Vande Velde (Team CSC) and Simon Gerrans (Team
Ag2r). (Source:
WILCOCKSON, John, Lance Armstrong: The World’s Greatest
Champion, 2009, John Murray, 383 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
What makes Lance Armstrong tick and why, when he has won everything
there is to win, would he want to come out of retirement and do it all again?
And just how did he become the supreme champion? The answer, John
Wilcockson claims in his frank and revealing biography, is Armstrong’s
amazing determination and the invaluable help he has received from those
who are his nearest and dearest. Wilcockson first interviewed Armstrong
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
as a precocious teenager from Dallas and has been interviewing him ever
since, and he now delivers an in-depth view of both the great man’s life
and his achievements (Source:
Observation: in the US, this book was titled Lance: The Making of the
World's Greatest Champion (DaCapo Press).
WILDS, Mary C., Forgotten Champion: The Story of Major Taylor,
2002, Avisson Press, 100 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
This is a full-length biography. The author discusses Taylor's character as
well as his accomplishments, concluding with an account of his modern
"re-discovery." (Source: John Peters, American Library Association,
WILLIAM, Keith, John Woodburn, Fifty Years at the Top, 2006,
Wychwood Pub., 130pp
Category: Biographies
The author was a multiple champion on the time trial scene, prolific record
breaker, talented track rider and roadman, having finished 14th in 1963
Warsaw–Prague–Berlin which was a fifteen stage race behind the old Iron
Curtain. He regards this as his best ride, but we should not overlook his
End to End ride of 1 day 21 hours 3 minutes 16 seconds, an improvement
of 96 minutes on the old record and we must not forget his 505.47 miles
in our 24 of 1980. (Source: GrahamThompson,
WILLIAMS, Desmond Joseph, Born to Thunder: Champions of New
Zealand Cycling, 2010, Last Side Publishing, 288 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Profiles of New Zealand’s champion cyclists since WWII. Cyclists and
cycling people profiled are Gary Anderson, Bruce Biddle, Laurie Byers,
Nick Carter, Stephen Cox, Warwick Dalton, Brian Fowler, Neil Geraghty,
Karen Holliday, Ron Cheatley, Graham Sycamore, Wayne Thorpe, Bert
McConnell, Paul Jesson, Warren and Ritchie Johnston, Harry Kent, Eric
MacKenzie, Les Lock, Colin Dickinson, Peter Robinson, Norm Joyce,
Colin Ryan, Jon Andrews, Blair Stockwell, Jack and Stephen Swart, Tino
Tabak and Sarah Ulmer. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
WILLIAMS, Edward, The Pocket Bibliography of Cycling Books,
1993, privately published, 56 pp
Category: Bibliographies & Sourcebooks
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A chance find in a second-hand bookshop in the late 1980s provided the
spark from which Ted Williams’s bibliographical research grew. He and
his wife were holidaying in the English Lake District, where the heavens
opened. They ducked into the shop for shelter, and Ted picked up a couple
of books on cycling. Ted had the nucleus of what has grown to be a
collection of more than 1,000 cycling titles. "Then I started jotting down
books mentioned in one book in a little note book, and that got fuller and
fuller – and that is when I started putting it down on to my BBC computer",
Ted recalls. As his list of books grew, came into contact with its late
secretary, Derek Roberts. Roberts stated to send Ted lists of books, to
augment his nascent bibliography and put him in touch with other cycling
historians, particularly Andrew Millward. This is the first published
edition of Williams’s bibliography. It was an example of real selfpublishing. Ted laid out and printed 100 copies. He hand folded and
stapled each copy, and sold them to bookshops as he continued his quest
to augment his own cycling collection. (Source:
WILLIAMS, Edward, A Bibliography of Cycling Books, 1993, National
Cycle Archive, 90 pp
Category: Bibliographies & Sourcebooks
Williams’s Pocket Bibliography sold out surprisingly quickly and so in
1993, the National Cycle Archive published a much larger version of the
bibliography, this time listing the books by title, author and date. There
are approximately 2,000 in that edition. (Source:
WILLIAMSON, Geoffrey, Wheels Within Wheels, The Story of the
Starleys of Coventry,1996, Geoffrey Bles, 160 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing Industry)
This book is the story of the Starleys of Coventry, particularly James
Starley. James Starley settled in Coventry where he became one of the
most innovative and successful builders of bicycles and tricycles. His son,
William Starley, and his nephew, John Kemp Starley, also entered this
industry and one of the outcomes was the Rover car company.
Williamson's book has many drawings and photographs of members of the
Starley family and of early cycles. (Source:
WINES, Bill, Wheels to Warrnambool, 1895-1978, 1979, Philprint, 52
Category: One-day Races
A look at the first 85 years of the Melbourne to Warnabool Road Race.
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
WINGATE, Brian, Bmx Bicycle Racing Techniques and Tricks, 2003,
Rosen Publishing Group, 48 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * BMX Racing
Discusses the history of BMX bicycle racing, explaining basic techniques
for riding and offering tips and strategies for competing. (Source:
WITHERELL, James L., Bicycle History, A Chronological Cycling
History of People, Races and Technology, 2010, McGann Publishing
LLC, 236 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In General)
Instead of a typical narrative of the history of the bicycle, the author
provides lots of brief, interesting tidbits -- in kind of in a trivia type of
format -- to take the book's readers on an informative ride through the
history of this great invention. But the book is about more than just the
machine itself; it also looks at the interesting characters involved with the
bicycle and tells about its uses in sport as well as during times of war and
as a tool of the Great Depression. The author also keeps the reader updated
with the advances in technology involved in the evolution of the machine,
and its use in races ranging from the grand tours of Europe to many lesserknown events. He also does a very good job of keeping track of almost
every English-speaking rider ever to race professionally, paying particular
attention to the Tour de France. (Source: Old Bike Guy, review at
WOODARD, Bob, Mountain Biking, The Complete Guide, 1991, Sports
Illustrated/Penguin Books, 255 pp
Category: Mountain Biking
The book not only gives a thorough history of the sport, but also showcases
techniques used by those Woodward competed against in his decade of
WOODARD, Christopher.R., Scientific Training for Cycling, 1951, 78
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Bestseller produced by a contributor to the weekly magazine Cycling. It
wasn’t particularly scientific by today’s standards and is weak on nutrition.
Its primary emphasis is on leading as far as possible a “natural” healthy
life-style, avoiding excess in anything. The book includes contributions
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
from leading cyclists, including Reg Harris. (Source Ramin Minovi,
Coaching News Issue n° 3, 2005)
Observation: 3rd edition in 1961 (1961, Temple Press).
WOODFORDE, John, The story of the bicycle, 1970, Universe Books//
Routledge, 175 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Bicycles in general)
The story of the bicycle with a social rather than a technical emphasis.
Includes a Chapter on the sport which elaborates on: the clubs; runs for
potterers and for hard riders; track racing; time trials; mile-a-minute
Murphy and other record-makers; Tour de France.
Observation: reprints in 1971, 1975, 1977 and 1980 (Routledge, 175 pp).
Books of Les WOODLAND
Les Woodland is the doyen of British cycling authors. In more than forty
years in the sport he has written eighteen books on the subject, published
in five countries and three different languages. He lives near Toulouse in
south-west France. (Source:
WOODLAND, Les, Cycle Racing and Touring, 1976, PelhamBooks,
133 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Comprehensive sections on road racing, time trialling, cyclo-cross, the
bike and your clothing, accessories and maintenance, mending racing
tyres, and all sorts of other things. A bit dated, but none the less interesting
for that. (Source:
WOODLAND, Les, Better competition cycling, 1978, Kay Ward, 93 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Competition cycling whether road racing, time trialing or cyclo cross is
enjoying a surge of popularity in this country as more young people adopt
the sport. This book by a qualified coach, covers all the basic aspects:
mechanics, elementary training, diet, equipment and competition skills.
Eminently practical, the author offers advice on the “stepping stones” to
success in the sport, in whatever form of competition the cyclist chooses,
and discusses the opportunities for cycling abroad for the ambitious. No
young cyclist with aspirations can afford to be without this book. (Source:
inside front cover)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
WOODLAND, Les, Cycle racing: Training to Win, 1975, Pelham
Books, 144 pp
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
Book that covers all aspects of training, from improving fitness in the gym
to road race and time trial preparation. The science of modern training is
explained practically and fully in a clear, simple form.
Observation: reprinted in 1976 (Transatlantic Arts), 1977, 1981 (Selpress
Books), 1986, 1988 and 1989 (Penguin).
WOODLAND, Les, Cycle racing: Riding to Win, 1989, Pelham Books,
144 p
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
In this sequel to "Cycle Racing: Training to Win", Woodland goes beyond
training to the race itself, explaining how to enter competitive races and
choose a bike. He also gives advice on cycling techniques and tactics,
racing abroad, turning professional and team management. (Source:
Publisher’s Description)
WOODLAND, Les, A Spoke in the Wheel, A Survival Guide to Cycling,
1991, Pelham Books, 128 pp
Category: Humour
A humorous look at the world of cycling, this book is full of funny stories,
practical and not-so-practical advice, true anecdotes of famous competitive
cyclists and a few red herrings.With illustrations by Helms. (Source:
WOODLAND, Les, Cycling Heroes: The Golden Years, 1995,
Springfield Books, 143 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Champions)
This hardcover book includes chapters on 19 cyclists including Coppi,
Anquetil, and Bobet. While there isn’t a chapter on Merckx, he’s
mentioned throughout the text. Being British, Woodland is required to
include Tom Simpson. The most interesting aspect of this charming book,
however, is the chapters on some of the lesser known heroes of the past
decades. He tells of Shay Elliott’s suicide, and Brian Robinson, one of
England’s earliest Continental racers. One of the greatest female racers,
Beryl Burton, is included. In Cycling Heroes pages, Charly Gaul tears
down mountains and Joop Zoetemelk rides against three generations of
champions, Merckx, Hinault, and LeMond. You get to ride alongside the
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
like of Barry Hoban, Raymond "Pou-Pou" Poulidor, and Federico
Observation: this book was published again in 2011 (McGann Publishing,
166 pp). “As well as being stripped of its pictures, a few of the original
interviews have been pulled and replaced with interviews there wasn't
originally room for first time round. So even if, like me, you know the
book of old, the new edition is new.” (Source:
WOODLAND, Les, The Unknown Tour De France: The Many Faces of
the World’s Greatest Bicycle Race, 2000, Cycle Publishing, 192 pp
Category: Tour de France (Overviews)
Les Woodland has done a very good job of researching the little known
stories of the Tour. While all the famous stories are there too (Simpson,
Merckx, the second tour etc.), the author manages to give a fresh slant on
them which keeps your interest. But it's the more obscure stories, often
either amusing in themselves or humourously told, which bring the most
pleasure. The author claims to have spent ten years researching his book,
and you can believe it. The best book I've read on the Tour de France, and
I've read a few! (Source: review on
Observation: Van der Plas Publications also published the book, albeit
with different titles, i.e. The Unknown Tour De France: The Many Faces
of the World’s Biggest Bicycle Race (2000 and 2009 hardcover editions,
152 pp) and The Unknown Tour De France: The Curious Story of the
World’s Biggest Bicycle Race (2000 paperback edition).
WOODLAND, Les, The Crooked Path to Victory, Drugs and Cheating
in Professional Bicycle Racing, 2003, Van Der Plas Publications, 192 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (In general)
This book provides rich returns in understanding the culture of doping in
cycling and its long history. It is not limited to drug-related cheating. It
come as no surprise that “understandings” and “arrangements” were often
made between riders to share out the limited money on offer, and race
results were often the result of these arrangements rather than who was
best on the day. This background provides a rich vein of stories of riders
bucking the arrangement and upsetting the established order, with personal
feuds and careers made and destroyed. The book deals more with the
structural issues in professional cycling as a form of entertainment,
particularly how the tensions between the interests of promoters and
cyclists themselves have often led to riders burning their candles at both
ends. That it does this while remaining thoroughly entertaining is a credit
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
to the writer and his tabloid journalism background. (Source:
WOODLAND, Les, Yellow Jersey Companion to the Tour De France,
2003, Jersey Press, 416 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
Book so full of a facts and figures about almost every conceivable subheading that could be encompassed by the Tour. This is more like one of
those volumes that could settle arguments (or start them), or make you into
a more complete cycling bore than you already are. Illustrations are
minimal and confined to graphic niceties by Jonny Hannah. (Source:
WOODLAND, Les, This Island Race: Inside 135 Years of British BikeRacing, 2005, Mousehold Press, 208 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Country Overviews)
Les Woodland traces the history of British cycling and cyclists from James
Moore in 1868 to the present day: time-trialling, Reg Harris, the London
six-days, Ray Booty, the Tour de France, the Milk Race, the British pro
scene from the 1960s until its demise when ANC went belly-up Graham
Webb tells his own story of the last British men's world road title in 1967.
Women cyclists – Sheridan, Burton, Jones, Cooke – get a chapter and
there's another for the Millars and Boardman. The skilled fluency of the
writing conceals the work which has gone into making it so readable.
Woodland has something to say, a point of view, and the history is accurate
and scholarly. (Source: Ramin Minovi)
WOODLAND, Les, Cycling’s 50 Craziest Stories, 2010, McGann
Publishing, 160 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (Highlights & Anecdotes)
A light hearted look at the world of cycle racing through the ages. As the
name of the book suggests, it is made up of 50 stories, all told in bit size
chunks of not more than a few pages each. The silly and absurd tales are
taken from a broad range of time spanning the last 100 years. (Source:
WOODLAND, Les, Tourmen, The Men who made the Tour De France,
2010, Kindle Edition, 224 pp
Category: Tour de France History (Overviews)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Woodland examines the race through the prism of the men who started
Tour de France and those who run it now. He also looks at the racers and
how racing has changed over the years. Since 1986 Americans have been
a dominant force in the Tour. But American cycle racing excellence
wasn’'t always a given unless one goes back to the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries when, as Woodland puts it, "...for decades the greatest
riders in the world were American." With the great depression American
bicycle racing suffered a long period of nearly total eclipse before a
wonderful rebirth in the 1970s and '’80s. How all this came to be is just
one of the fascinating threads within this wonderful book. Woodland is
more than an historian. He is a jolly and witty storyteller and therein lies
the book'’s charm. (Source:
WOODS, Charlie, Bikie: A love affair with the Racing Bicycle, 2002,
Mainstream Publishing, 192 pp
Category: Bike (Racing) Cult
This is great nostalgia. I figure from the text that the author of this book is
probably in his sixties at least, and is now looking back on the heyday of
the cycle club(s) around the London area in the fifties. In them days,
Eurosport wasn't even thought of, terrestrial television (well, the only
television service available) pretty much ignored cycling (no change there)
and the only real way to acquire knowledge about European cycling was
to learn French and buy copies of French newspapers in some of the more
enlightened newsagents in the area. Charlie Woods obviously loves cycle
racing and loves the type of bicycles on which such cycle sport takes place.
He is not alone in his less than enthusiastic welcome for the ubiquitous
mountain bike (notwithstanding its single handed saving of the cycle
industry) and probably not alone in his excitement over lugged steel frames
and Campagnolo components. (Source: thewashingmachinepost)
WOODS, Dean & GUINNESS, Rupert, The Dean Woods Manual of
Cycling, 1995, Harper Sports, Australia, 212 pp.
Category: Introduction to Cycle Racing
This book introduces you to the many forms of road and track cycling with
a survey of equipment and types of racing. Chapters on physiology,
psychology and body maintenance explain how to achieve peak
performance. The authors outline training programmes, with advice on
pre en post-race strategies and give information on clothing, bicycle
maintenance and useful contacts. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
WOODS, Isabel, Wheels of change, An Autobiography of Isabel Woods,
2008, Shanway Press, 328 pp
Category: Women’s Cycle Racing
The author looks back over her amazing life, which included setting four
Irish and Northern Irish 'Place to Place' Records and becoming Long
Distance cycling Champion in the 1950s. She held the 'Irish End to End
Record - Mizen Head in Cork to Fair Head in Antrim' for 52 years and was
there to see it broken by Rose Leigh from Zimbabwe in July last year. She
explained that she never intended to write a book and it was only when her
record was broken that her friend May Farrar convinced her to record her
memories in print. The book not only details Isabel's cycling
achievements, it also includes tales of growing up in Belfast during the
Second World War. Sorrows and joys are intermingled, good times and
bad, and the story is seasoned with a dash of humour throughout. (Source:
WOODS, Isabel, FARRAR, May & KIRK, Billy, Recycled Memories;
Stories That Capture the Spirit of Cycling Down the Years, 2010, Shanway
Press, 456 pp
Category: Cycle Racing History (By Country)
Cycling in Ireland has always generated immense interest with clubs over
the decades dotted around the province. – indeed, in the 1940s and ‘50s, it
was estimated there were 300,000 cycle owners. They were people who
used it as a mode of transport, while countless others were competitive
members of clubs. The enjoyment and camaraderie experienced by them
are brilliantly captured in this book lavishly illustrated with a plethora of
photographs. Every story pinpoints the competitiveness or, even more
significant, how cyclists relish the healthy environment of their sport.
WORLAND, Steve, The Mountain Bike Book, 2003, Haynes// MBI
Publishing Company, 160 pp
Category: Mountain Bike Racing
A comprehensive look into the world of off-road cycling. The book
explains why mountain bikes have re-invented the popular image of the
bicycle. It covers the history, the excitement, the diverse styling and the
remarkable technology that surrounds the mountain bike. It offers readers
an educational look at the mountain bike's roots, its heroes, and the often
baffling design diversification of its many disciplines. There are also
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
sections on the practical aspects of riding technique, fitness, specialist kit,
bike anatomy and bike care. (Source:
Observation: reprint in 2006 (MBI Publishing Company, 168 pp). A
revised edition was published in 2009 (Haynes Publishing Group, 168 pp).
WYATT, Jon, Three Bent Links, 2011, Kindle Edition, 144 KB (print
length: 98 pp)
Category: Novels/Short Stories
This eBook consists of three, very loosely linked, short stories with a
different cyclist the subject of each. In some respects the triptych
represents an extended taxonomy of cyclists. Harry, the first subject, a solo
mountain bike explorer who has a cycling life that is almost secret from
both colleagues and girlfriend. Story two, that of Brian, is of a cyclisthating commuter who, dumped by his wife, deprived of his driving licence
and sobering up, experiences a profound change of life. The best of the
three, though, is Morris, a racer whose best competitive performances are
on his journeys to and from work in central London. The last of these
culminates in a piece of writing that stands comparison with the most
gripping accounts of cycling. There is plenty that will be familiar to anyone
who has commuted in a big city, but is infused with a deranged quality that
had me on the edge of my seat. (Source: Tim Dawson,
WYKES, Phil, Northampton & District Cycling Association - The First
"50" (1935-1985), 1985, NDCA
Category: Cycling Clubs
This book commemorates the first 50 years of the NDCA which was set
up to promote time trials open only to members of the affiliated clubs
who were not all fast enough to qualify for entry in “open” events which
had come to monopolise fast courses. This gave slower riders some access
to these courses. It also promoted (and promotes) some social and cycle
touring events. The NDCA time trials are now open to members of all
clubs affiliated to Cycling Time Trials, the national time trial controlling
body for England and Wales and other bodies having agreements with
CTT but the events embody a competition still open only to affiliated clubs
who must be located within the defined geographical boundaries of the
NDCA. Many similar organisations were set up in the 1930s, some of
which are now defunct as open events are now mostly under subscribed.
The book was distributed to members never formally published. (Source:
Trevor Randall, Secretary of the Association)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
YATES, Richard, Master Jacques: The Enigma of Jacques Anquetil,
2001, Mousehold Press, 226 pp
Category: Biographies (France)
Of all the great cycling champions, Jacques Anquetil – the first man to win
the Tour de France five times – remains the most mysterious. A prodigy,
he burst upon the racing scene at the age of 18, defeating the world’s best
in the Grand Prix des Nations. Perhaps more than any of cycling’s legends,
he managed to protect his private life from public gaze. Outwardly
confident, and yet profoundly shy, rational and calculating, and yet
superstitious and haunted by fear of death, Anquetil was an enigma. He
defied the conventional picture of a racing cyclist: elegant on or off the
bicycle, winning seemed to come too effortlessly; and he was too fond of
the good life that his successes enabled him to enjoy. The French public
did not really know what to make of him. It was only as he neared
retirement that Anquetil finally received the acclaim his achievements
deserved. (Source:
YATES, Richard, Ascent, The Mountains of the Tour De France, 2006,
Van der Plas Publications, 160 pp
Categories: Tour de France History (Overviews)
The book details the ins and outs of each Tour de France since Maurice
Garin won the first edition, right up until the author's self-imposed limit of
'the age of big business' pretty much after Merckx's retirement.
Unfortunately, and purely with reference to the book's stated raison d'être,
the majority of the battlefields are not always where the road goes up
granted many of the Tour's mountains are detailed in boxed areas through
the book but the general text of the book pays no more lip service to the
mountains than to the flatter bits. Adhering almost to the letter of the
book's title are the wonderful photographs. to be honest the book is worth
buying for these alone. And something I haven't seen in a book of this type
before, each page is divided into three columns, similar to a magazine
page. (Source: thewashingmachinepost)
YOUNG, Ian, Lance Armstrong: Champion For Life, 2005, Capstone
Press, 64 pp
Categories: Juvenile Nonfiction * Biographies (USA)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
A biography profiling the life of biking great, Lance Armstrong, and
details the story of his racing career and his diagnosis and fight against
cancer. (Source: google.books)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
ZIMMERMAN, Arthur Augustus, Points for Cyclists with Training,
1893, F.W.S. Clarke, 132 p.
Category: Biographies (USA)
Observation: reprint in 1894 (co-signed with Frank Bowden. Pranava
Books (in 2008, 2012 and 2013) and Nabu Press (in 2011) have taken the
initiative of reprinting the book in a paper-based format. The book is freely
accessible online at
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Bicycling 1874, A Textbook for Early Riders, 1874, Tinsley Bros, 80 pp
Category Cycle Racing History (By Country)
This was the first of three annual guides to cycling, written by an unknown
author. At the time of publication, high wheelers were in the early years of
their ascendancy and cycling's center of gravity had swung decisively to
the UK. In a relatively few pages, the author sets out pretty much all that
there was to know about cycling at that time. There is a potted history of
the development of two wheelers, a practical guide to riding an 'ordinary',
a maintenance guidance, an account of bicycling records thus far set, a
guide to cycle clubs and accounts of popular longer journeys in the UK
and Europe. The sporting exploits that the book records are generally from
the year 1871 onwards - a period when distances and disciplines were in
their infancy. (Source: Tim Dawson,
Observation: A facsimile was published in 1970 (Taplinger Publishing)
[The] Classic : Commonwealth Bank Cycle Classic 1989, 1989, All
Goods Sports Media, 52 pp
Category: One-day Races
[The] Classic 10 Years: Commonwealth Bank Cycle Classic 1991, All
Good Sports Media, 79 pp
Category: One-day Races
Souvenir 10th anniversary edition programme.
Cycling (1001 Photos), 2009, Rebo Publishers, 463 pp
Category: Photography
Anyone who has been on a bike at least once can appreciate the sense of
freedom it offers the cyclist. Cycling, popular sport par excellence, is
beloved by its champions as well as its fans, both of whom enter into this
exciting world with great passion and emotion. From the classics to the
grand tours via the World Championships, fans of the sport have borne
witness to legendary achievements, Cycling continues to enjoy world-wide
success. The history of the bicycle - the heroic first machines to futuristic
bikes - and the emergence of its legendary riders are on display here in
1001 photos. Cycling represents all the disciplines (road, track, mountain
biking, cyclo-cross) as well as the sprinters, climbers, roulers, and
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
baroudeurs who continue to inspire us with their admiration and
endurance. (Source: Publisher’s Description)
Cyclist’s Source Book, 2000, A & D Media 2000, 282 pp
Category: Bibliographies & Resource Books
The essential directory on all things cycling. (Source: openlibrary)
[The]First Tour of Britain, 1951, Daily Express, 44 pp
Category: Stage Races
[The] Full Story of the Second Daily Express Tour of Britain 16-day
Cycle Race, Daily Express, 1952, 48 pp
Category: Stage Races
[The] Full Story of the Third Daily Express Tour of Britain 14-day Cycle
Race, 1953, 48 pp
Category: Stage Races
[The] Full Story of the 1954 Daily Express Tour of Britain Cycle Race,
1954, Daily Express, 48pp
Category: Stage Races
[The] George Moore Collection, Beekay
Category: Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings & Posters
Collection of line drawings of riders and events of the Victorian era,
including many of the cracks of the time consists of 6 volumes. Issued in
a numbered, limited edition of 1,000 copies, published over a number of
years by Beekay Products, makers of promotional equipment. The
drawings of George Moore were originally published in “Bicycling
News”, the detail that he built into his sketches form a permanent record
of the era in all its forms, from the cycle show through touring, racing on
the road and track to the personalities that made up the sport. The drawings
in the final volume come from “Cycling”. (Source:
- Volume 1 (1885-1886), 1979, 103 pp, intro. by Alan Gayfer.
- Volume 2 (1886-1887), 1980, 103 pp, intro. by Harold
- Volume 3 (1887-1888), 1980, 103 pp, intro. by Rex Coley
- Volume 4 (1888-1889), 1981, 103 pp, intro. by Derek Roberts
- Volume 5 (1889-1890), 1982, 103 pp, intro. by Ken Evans
- Volume 6 (1890-1914), 1985, 103 pp, intro. by Harold Scott
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Gomersal Open Road Club, 1932, Gomersal Open Road Club, 38 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
Contains, social, statistical and chatty cycling information.
Observation: The club published a booklet with the same title in 1941
Historic Six-Time Tour De France Champion, 2004, Austin-American Statesman, 128 pp
Category: Biographies (USA)
Packed with full-color photos, this eye-popping new book takes fans on a
comprehensive journey through the amazing career of Austin's own Lance
Armstrong. Details on all six of his thrilling victories in the world's most
famous bicycle race are featured, with stories, race highlights, and
exclusive interviews first found in the pages of the Austin AmericanStatesman. The retrospective Lance Armstrong: Historic Six-Time Tour
de France Champion also details Armstrong's inspiring fight against
cancer, his foundation, and the intense training methods and strong will
that have helped turn him into one of America's biggest sports heroes.
Holdfast Bay - Marion Cycling Club 50 years of cycling, 1989, The
Club, 8 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
Peterborough Cycling Club 1874-1974, 1974, 24 pp
Category: Cycling Clubs
[The] Stanley Show – A Review of the shows 1878-1889 and the 1890
Show Review, 2009, John Pinkerton Memorial Publishing Fund, 104 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
Introduction. by Nicholas Clayton. The book is about the Stanley
Exhibitions of Humber Cycles in Westminster. Humber and Co are an
amalgamation of Devey and Co, Coventry Cycle Co and Townsend and
Sturmey-Archer 50 years of Leadership 1902-1952, 1952, 16 pp
Category: Racing Bikes & Accessories (Manufacturing industry)
A brief history of Sturmey-Archer; the story of designers, technicians,
riders and the hubs they produced and tested-the story of Fifty Years of
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Leadership-in both Home and Overseas Markets. (Publisher’s
Observation: the booklet is freely accessible at
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
BRIDGES, Jon, Easy Rider, A Kiwi’s Guide to Cycling, 208
BARTON, Robin, The Cycling Bible, The complete guide for
all cyclists from novice to expert, 352 pp
BRADY, Patrick, The No-Drop Zone: Everything You Need
to Know about the Peloton, Your Gear, and Riding Strong,
288 pp
FOTHERINGHAM, William, Cycle Racing, How To Train,
Race And Win Gold, 160 pp
BARFIELD, Mark & FORRESTER, Auriel, Starting Cycle
Road Racing and Time Trials, 128 pp
THOMAS, Steve & STONE, Hillary, The Racing Bike Book,
Your Guide to the World of Racing - Techniques, Training
and Fitness, the Bikes and Their Maintenance, 176 pp
SEATON, Matt, On Your Bike! The Complete Guide to
Cycling, 192 pp
STROUD, Jon, The Little Book of Cycle Racing, 128 pp
ROBERTS, Tony, Cycling: an introduction to the sport, 160
Best Book of Bikes, 64 pp
PREHN, Thomas & PELKEY, Charles, Racing Tactics for
Cyclists, 220 pp
WENZEL, Kendra & WENZEL, René, Bike Racing 101, 232
BALLANTINE, Richard, Richard’s 21st Century Bicycle
HINAULT, Bernard & GENZLING, Claude, Road Racing,
Technique and Training, 208 pp
JOYCE, Dan, REID, Carlton & VINCENT, Paul, The
Complete Book of Cycling, 192 pp
SARIG, Roni, The Everything Bicycle Book, For Bike Lovers
of All Ages, 304 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
to cycling, 117 pp
ST PIERRE, Roger, Cycle Racing, “Know the Game” Series,
48 pp
ST PIERRE, Roger, Cycle Racing, “Know the Sport” Series,
48 pp
PERRY, David B., Bike Cult, The Ultimate Guide to Human
Powered Vehicles, 570 pp
WOODS, Dean & GUINNESS, Rupert, The Dean Woods
Manual of Cycling, 212 pp
McCALLUM, Paul, Spinning, A Guide to the World of
Cycling, 176 pp
BOGA, Steven, Cyclists – How the World’s Most Daring
Riders Train and Compete, 228 pp
PHINNEY, Davis & CARPENTER, Connie, Training for
Cycling – The Ultimate Guide to Improved Performance, 256
ROBERTS, Derek, Cycling History – Myths and Queries:
The Whole Blooming Truth, 99 pp
CHAUNER, David & HALSTEAD, Michael, The Tour De
France Complete Book of Cycling, 235 pp
HUGHES, Tim, The Bike Book, 160 pp
KONOPKA, Peter, Cycle Sport, Equipment, Techniques &
Training, 160 pp
MATHENY, Fred, Bicycling Magazine’s Complete Guide to
Riding and Racing Techniques, 245 pp
WOODLAND, Les, Cycle racing: Riding to Win, 144 pp
LEMOND, Greg, Greg Lemond’s Complete Book of Cycling,
352 pp
McGURN, James, On your bicycle. An illustrated history of
cycling, 208 pp
BURKE, Ed (ed), Inside the Cyclist, Physiology for the twowheeled Athlete, 160 pp
Beginning Bicycle Racing, 229 pp
BORYSEWICZ, Edward, Bicycle Road Racing, 276 pp
WESTELL, Frank & EVANS, Ken, Cycle Racing, 144 pp
PAVELKA, Ed, Italian Bicycle Racing Techniques, 50 pp
EVANS, Ken, Cycling, 64 pp
MASSAGRANDE, Agostino, Agonistic cycling, 173 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
WILCOCKSON, John, Bicycle: The Total Illustrated Guide
to Bicycles and Bicycling, 184 pp
SANDERS, William, The Bicycle Racing Book, 152 pp
KINGBAY, Keith & FICHTER, George S, Contemporary
Bicycle Racing, 82 pp
WATSON, Roderick & GRAY, Martin, The Penguin Book of
the Bicycle, 333 pp
WOODLAND, Les, Better competition cycling, 93 pp
DURRY, Jean & WADLEY, John B., The Guinness guide to
bicycling, 218 pp
JACKSON, Robert Blake, Bicycle Racing, 71 pp
WOODLAND, Les, Cycle Racing and Touring, 133 pp
SMITH, Don, Racer, The Cycling Game, 32 pp
WADLEY, J.B., Cycling, Riding and Touring, 90 pp
WOODLAND, Les, Cycle racing: Training to Win, 144 pp
BARANET, Nancy, Bicycling, The Bicycle in Recreation,
Competition, Transportation, 152 pp
WAY, R. John, The Bicycle: A Guide & Manual, 96 pp
BALLANTINE, Richard, Richard’s Bicycle Book
WILCOCKSON, John, Cycle Racing, 41 pp
WARD, Peter, King of Sports, A Textbook on Cycle Road
Racing, 111 pp
WOODARD, Christopher R., Scientific Training for Cycling,
78 pp
BOWDEN, Kenneth & MATTHEWS, John, Cycle Racing,
157 pp
FEARNLY, Charles, How to train for speed, 145 pp
GREEN, George A., This Great Club of Ours, The Story of
the CTC, 96 pp
PULLEN, A.L & THORPE, Len, Cycling Handbook, With
Chapters on Racing and on Cycle Training by FLEMING,
G.H. & AUSTIN, W.L., 175 pp
WAY, Robert John, The Complete Cyclist. Compiled and
illustrated by R. J. Way, 1952, Wells, Gardner, Darton &
Co., 120 pp
PULLEN, Lon & THORPE, Len, Road to speed, 103 pp
WOODARD, Christopher. R., Scientific Training for
Cycling, 78 pp
FEARNLY, Charles, Health and handlebars, 121 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
NATIONAL CYCLIST UNION, Cycling – 1949 Racing
Handbook, 136 pp
NORDQUIST, Watson N., Review of Cycling, 70 pp
MOORE, Harold, Complete Cyclist, 139 pp
BOWDEN, Frank, Cycling for Health and Points for
Cyclists, 49 pp
Lacy & GRAVES, H., Cycling, 103 pp
HOLMES GORE, Hugh, Souvenir of the Bristol Bicycle &
Tricycle Club, 16 pp
PEMBERTON, A.C., The Complete Cyclist, 428 pp
Juvenile Literature
DAYNES, Katie, BERNSTEIN, Galia & DAY, Caroline,
Cycling, 50 pp
GIFFORD, Clive, Cycling, 48 pp
MASON, Paul, Cycling, 30 pp
HILLMAN, Robert, Cycling, 32 pp
MIGILIACCIO, Eric, Easy Olympic Sports Readers:
Cycling, 16 pp
AITKINS, Brett, Cycle with Brett Aitken and Scott McGrory,
48 pp
COTTER, Alison, Cycling, 112 pp
DITCHFIELD, Christin, Cycling, 47 pp
FRANCIS, John et al, Bicycling, 48 pp
HAUTZIG, David, 1,000 Miles in 12 Days: Pro Cyclists on
Tour, 32 pp
LOGAN, Andrew & RING, Steven, The name of the game is
cycling, 64 pp
BAILEY, Donna, Cycling, 32 pp
KENT, Jessica, Racing Bike, 48 pp
LAFFERTY, Peter & JEFFERIS, David, Pedal Power: The
History of Bicycles, 32 pp
WAGNER, Betty Jane & O’ROURKE, Joseph, Racing on
the Tour De France and Other Stories of Sports, 64 pp
NIELSEN, Nancy, Bicycle Racing, 48 pp
BATTY, Peter, Racer: the Cycling Game, 32 pp
BIKE WORLD MAGAZINE, All about bicycle racing, 96 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
GEORGE, Barbara, Bicycle Road Racing, 56 pp
JACKSON, Robert Blake, Bicycle Racing, 71 pp
WADLEY, J.B., Cycling, Riding and Touring, 90 pp
Bonna & LEVIGNE, Heather, Cycling in action, 32 pp
RADLAUER, Edward & RADLAUER, Ruth, R., Bicycle
Racing, 32 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section I:
Cycle Racing History in General
BACON, Ellis, World’s Ultimate Cycling Races, 512 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the International Cycling
History Conferences (20 editions, from 1990 onwards)
ALMA, Roger, HANCOCK, Cyril & ROBERTS, Derek, The
History of the Tricycle, 116 pp
RITCHIE, Andrew, Quest for Speed, A History of Early
Bicycle Racing, 1868 – 1903, 497 pp
HEIJMANS, Jeroen & MALLON, Bill, Historical Dictionary
of Cycling, 466 pp
FOTHERINGHAM, William, Cyclopedia, It’s all about the
bike, 448 pp
WITHERELL, James L., Bicycle History: A Chronological
Cycling History of People, Races, and Technology, 236 pp
BESSE, Nadine, The velocipede, object of modernity 18601870 - Le vélocipède, objet de modernité 1860-1870, 240 pp
HERLIHY, David, The history of the bicycle, 470 pp
MULHOLLAND, Owen, Cycling’s Golden Age, Heroes of
the Postwar Era, 1946-1967, 240 pp
CARPANI, Enrico, Hein Verbruggen, Le Président – The
President, 2005, La Buona Stampa, 145 pp
BURSTALL, Patricia, The Golden Age of the Bicycle, The
World Wide Story of Cycling in the 1890s, 280 pp
FOTHERINGHAM, William, A Century of Cycling. The
Classic Races and Legendary Champions, 176 pp
Centenaire, 1900-2000: Un hommage au sport cycliste/ A
tribute to cycle sport, 231 pp
AUNTY, E., Bikes, Trikes and Tandems: a Pictorial History
of Past Riders and Races 1930-1940, 199 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HOXLEY, Kenneth John, JOHNSON, Eileen & JONES,
Janet, A Century of Cycling, 172 pp
LIGGETT, Phil, The Complete Book of Performance
Cycling, 192 pp
GUINESS, Rupert, The Foreign Legion, 175 pp
BEELEY, Serena. A History of Bicycles, From Hobby Horse
to Mountain Bike, 144 pp
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, European Cycling: the 20
Greatest Races, 152 pp
MERCKX Eddy & TONNOIR, Aldo, The fabulous world of
cycling, 150 pp
STREET, Roger T.C., Victorian High-Wheelers, The social
life of the bicycle where Dorset meets Hampshire, 60 pp
HUNTER, Edmund & JACKSON, Ronald, The Story of the
Bicycle, 51 pp (juvenile literature)
RITCHIE, Andrew, King of the Road, An illustrated history
of cycling, 192 pp
Wheels and Wheeling: The Smithsonian Cycle Collection,
1974, 102 pp
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Cycling Classics 1970-1972,
189 pp
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Cyclepedia: a unique
reference guide to the major cycling events and their
winners, 48 pp
SAUNDERS, David, Cycling in the Sixties, 148 pp
HENDERSON, N.G., Fabulous Fifties, 40 pp
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Continental Cycle Racing, 129
WOODFORDE, John, The Story of the Bicycle, 175 pp
HUFFMAN, Horace, A Handbook on Bicycle Tracks and
Cycle racing, (1963?), 40 pp
PALMER, Arthur Judson, Riding high, The story of the
bicycle, 192 pp
de l’Union Cycliste Internationale 1900-1950, (1950?), 154
MECREDY, Richard James & STONEY, Gerald, The Art &
Pastime of Cycling, 238 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
C.J., The Complete Cyclist, 428 pp
GODDARD, J.T., Velocipede: Its History, Varieties and
Practice, 107 pp
CORTIS, H.L., Principles of Training Amateur Athletes, with
special regard to Bicyclists
Section II:
WOODLAND, Les, Cycling Heroes: The Golden Years, 166
FOTHERINGHAM, William, A Century of Cycling. The
Classic Races and Legendary Champions, 176 pp
OLLIVIER, Jean-Paul, The giants of cycling, 192 pp
KONRAD, Gabor & KONRAD, Melanie, Bikelore, History
& Heroes of Cycling, 144 pp
TRUYERS, Noël, Kings of Cycling, 253 pp
MAGOWAN, Robin & WATSON, Graham, Kings of the
Road: A Portrait of Racers and Racing, 207 pp
BERNARD, Walter, The Three “M’s”, 63 pp
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Six of the Best, 36 pp
KENT, Peter, Legends of cycling, 40 pp
ST PIERRE, Roger, The uncrowned Kings of Cycling, 46 pp
Section III:
GAUTHIER, Benoît, International Cycling Guide (10 editions,
from 2003 onwards)
ROULEUR, Photography Annual Volume 6, 2012, 320 pp
DE KEYSER, Paul, Vélo 2012, 864 pp
Gino & THIRION, Stéphane, My Year in Top Gear, 218 pp
JOHNSON, Mark, Argyle Armada, Behind the Scenes of the
Pro Cycling Life, 224 pp
ROULEUR, Photography Annual Volume 5, 2011, 310 pp
DE KEYSER, Paul, Vélo 2011, 808 pp
ROULEUR, Photography Annual 2010, 310 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
DE KEYSER, Paul, Vélo 2010, 808 pp
Cycle History, Proceedings of the International Cycling
History Conferences (20 volumes, from 1991 onwards)
ROULEUR, Photography Annual 2009, 320 pp
GAUTHIER, Benoît, International Cycling Guide 2009, 1176
ROULEUR, Photography Annual 2008, 304 pp
ROULEUR, Photography Annual 2007, 2007
BETTINI, Roberto, Cycling, The Protour Photographic
Review, 176 pp
VOS, Cor, Highlights, The 2006 Season of Roadcycling, 140
BETTINI, Roberto, Cycling: Review 2005, The ProTour
Photographic Review, 176 pp
VOS, Cor, Highlights, The 2005 Season of Roadcycling, 2005,
138 pp
BETTINI, Roberto, Cycling 2004, 160 pp
DAVID, Stéphane, The Cycling Yearbook 2004-2005, 2004,
176 pp
VOS, Cor, Highlights, The 2004 Season of Roadcycling, 2004,
140 pp
BETTINI, Roberto, Cycling 2003, 2004, 160 pp
VOS, Cor, Highlights, The 2003 Season of Roadcycling, 2003,
144 pp
BETTINI, Roberto, Cycling 2002, 2002, 160 pp
VOS, Cor, Highlights, The 2002 Season of Roadcycling, 2002,
136 pp
BETTINI, Roberto, Cycling 2001, 160 pp
QUENET, Jean-François, The Golden Book of Cycling, 1999,
137 pp
BETTINI, Roberto, 1998 Cyclisme Cycling Ciclismo, (1998?)
BETTINI, Roberto, Eroi sui pedali –Héros du Vélo – Heroes
on Pedals – Heroe Sobre Pedales, 1997, 162 pp
ABT, Samuel, Pedaling for Glory: Victory and Drama in
Professional Bicycle Racing, 1997, 152 pp
COSTA, Angelo & BETTINI, Roberto, 1995 Sui Pedali, 1995,
160 pp
COSTA, Angelo & BETTINI, Roberto, 1994 Sui Pedali, 1994,
160 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
ABT, Samuel, A Season in Turmoil: Lance Armstrong
Replaces Greg Lemond as U.S. Cycling’s Superstar, 1995, 182
COSTA, Angelo & BETTINI, Roberto, 1994 Sui Pedali, 1994,
160 pp
MERCKX, Eddy, The Fabulous World of Cycling, The Year of
the Double, 1992, 176 pp
& WATSON, Graham, The Cycling Year, Volume Two: A
record of the 1991 cycle racing season, 1991
MERCKX, Eddy, The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 10,
The New Generation, 1991, 176 pp
WATSON, Graham, The Cycling Year 1990, A record of the
1990 cycle racing season, 160 pp
MERCKX, Eddy, The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 9,
LeMond’s Tour, Italy’s Year, 1990, 176 pp
MERCKX, Eddy, The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 8,
A Year for LeMond, 1989, 150 pp
MERCKX, Eddy, The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 7,
The New Champions, 1988, 144 pp
MERCKX, Eddy, The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 6,
A Season for Roche, 1987, 176 pp
MERCKX, Eddy, The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 5,
Winners and Champions, 1986, 176 pp
CRANE, Nicholas, International Cycling Guide 1985-1986,
1986, 264 pp
MERCKX, Eddy, The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 4,
The Great Races, 1985, 192 pp
MORRISON, Ian, Professional Cycling, Yearbook, 1985, 256
CRANE, Nicholas, International Cycling Guide 1985, 1985,
336 pp
MERCKX, Eddy, The Fabulous World of Cycling, Volume 3,
The 1984 Season, 1984, 192 pp
CRANE, Nicholas, International Cycling Guide 1984, 1984,
336 pp
MERCKX, Eddy, The Fabulous World of Cycling, 1983
Season, 1983, 194 pp
CRANE, Nicholas, International Cycling Guide 1983, 336 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
CRANE, Nicholas, International Cycling Guide 1982, A.S.
Barnes, 352 pp
CRANE, Nicholas, International Cycling Guide 1981, 1981,
328 pp
CRANE, Nicholas, International Cycling Guide 1980, 1980,
336 pp
DUKER, Peter, The TI-Raleigh Story, 48 pp
ST PIERRE, Roger, Cycling Yearbook 1979, 192 pp
ST PIERRE, Roger, Cycling Yearbook 1978, 160 pp
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon & DUNIECQ, Jacques, Cycling
71, 46 pp
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Cycling Year Book 1970, 128 pp
ITTER, P., Best Sport, The National Cyclists’ Unions Annual
Review of Cycle Racing 1957, 48 pp
ITTER, P., Best Sport, The National Cyclists’ Unions Annual
Review of Cycle Racing 1956
Section IV:
20112010200920082005 -
20032002 -
Highlights & Anecdotes
BACON, Ellis & BIRNIE, Lionel, The Cycling Anthology:
Volume 1, 272 pp
ANDERSON, Alan, Muck, Sweat & Gears, A Celebration of
Cycling, 160 pp
FLAX, Peter, The Best of Bicycling, The Very Best Stories
from the First 50 Years of Bicycling Magazine, 200 pp
WOODLAND, Les, Cycling’s 50 Craziest Stories, 160 pp
ANDERSON, Alan, The Cycling Miscellany, 160 pp
RIDEY, Mark, The Cycling Trivia Book: 1001 Questions from
the Velocipede to Lance, 184 pp
ABT, Samuel & WATSON, Graham, Up The Road, Cycling’s
Modern Era From LeMond To Armstrong, 271 pp
MASO, Benjo, The Sweat of the Gods: Myths and Legends of
Bicycle racing, 165 pp
ROLL, Bob, Bobke II, The continuing Misadventures of Bob
Roll, 200 pp
ABT, Samuel & WATSON, Graham, Off to the Races: 25
Years of Cycling Journalism, 355 pp
KONRAD, Gabor & KONRAD, Melanie, Bikelore 2, The
World of Wheels, 176 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section V:
WATIEZ, Laurent, Day of Glory or Day of Pain, The choice
of twenty great champions, 119 pp
WILCOCKSON, John, John Wilcockson’s World of cycling,
326 pp
ROLL, Bob, Bobke: A Ride on the Wild Side of Cycling, 128
HADLAND, Tony, The Space Frame Moultons, 359 pp
SANDERS, Nick, Bicycle: The Image and the Dream, 152 pp
ABT, Samuel, In High Gear: The World of Professional
Bicycle Racing, 190 pp
GEORGE, Barbara, Bicycle Racing: Reprints from
VeloNews, 115 pp
SHAW, Reginald C, The Raleigh book of cycling, 218 pp
WADLEY, J.B, Old Roads and New, 128 pp
SAUNDERS, David, Cycling, The Book for Everybody with a
Bicycle, 154 pp
LEETE, Harley M, The Best of Bicycling, 415 pp
MESSENGER, Charles, Cycling crazy, 173 pp
SCHWINN, Bike Thrills, 34 pp
SCHWINN, Bicycle Book- 108,92 mp H on a bicycle, 28 pp
BALIAN, Mihran, Cycling, Its Art and Pastime, With
Supplement Including Physical Exercises, Illustrated, 132 pp
Mountains & Climbers
FIFE, Graham, The Great Road Climbs of the Northern
Alpes, 320 pp
BAUER, Kristian, Ride a Stage of the Tour De France, The
Legendary Climbs and How to Ride Them, 224 pp
FRIEBE, Daniel & GODING, Pete, Mountain High,
Europe’s 50 Greatest Cycle Climbs, 224 pp
FIFE, Graham, The Great Road Climbs of the Southern
Alpes, 320 pp
FIFE, Graham, The Great Road Climbs of the Pyrenees, 320
SIDWELLS, Chris, Tour Climbs, The Complete Guide to
Every Mountain Stage on the Tour De France, 256 pp
VESPINI, Jean-Paul, The Tour is won on the Alpe, Alpe
d’Huez and the classic battles of the Tour De France, 256 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
TEN HOEVE, Jaap, Who Do You Think You Are?, On the
climb to Alpe d'Huez , 44 pp
Battle: Cycling’s Great Climbers, 256 pp
EJNES, Gérard, Alpe d’Huez, The Legend, 96 pp
Section VI:
Cycle Racing History by Country
20022000 19991993199119891988-
FITZPATRICK, Jim, Major Taylor in Australia, 184 pp
VEAGE, John, Revolution, 25 Years on the Wheel of Cycling
in Australia, 178 pp
GUINESS, Rupert, What a ride: from Phil Anderson to
Cadel Evans; an Aussie pursuit of the Tour De France, 294
SIMPSOM, Claire, Scorchers, Ramblers and Australasian
Cycling Histories, 168 pp
GUINESS, Rupert, Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, OUI, OUI, OUI!
Australian cyclists in 100 years of the Tour De France, 210
VAN KALLEVEEN, Theo, Australs and Legends, A Century
of Track Racing, 248 pp
LAWRENCE, Larry, Olympic Cycling Souvenir booklet, 14
MALPASS, Barbara, Cycling Canberra: A History of
Cycling in Canberra and Region, 90 pp
JAMES, Bill & JAMES, Jean, Queensland cycling: the first
100 years, 83 pp
ANONYMOUS, The Classic: 10 years Commonwealth Bank
Cycle Classic 1991, 79 pp
ANONYMOUS, The Classic : Commonwealth Bank Cycle
Classic 1989, 1989, All Goods Sports Media, 52 pp
IRWIN, Mike, Race in the Sun: The Social and Sporting
History of Cycling in Mildura and District 1888 – 1988, 161
FITZPATRICK, Jim, The Bicycle and the Bush: Man and
Machine in Rural Australia, 256 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
GRIVELL, Henry, Australian Cycling in the Golden Days,
148 pp
O’CONNOR, Jim, The 1937-38 Australasian Cycling
O’CONNOR, Jim, the 1936 Australasian Cycling Year Book,
184 pp
LEAGUE OF W.A. WHEELMEN, Beverley to Perth 116-mile
Road Race: The Cycling Derby of W.A. and Monster
Gymkhana, Saturday, 20th September, 1924, Perth Oval
(Loton Park), 20 pp
HANSLOWE, F.G., Australian Cycling Annual, vol. I, no. 1
LEE, Daniel, The Belgian Hammer, Forging Young Americans
into Professional Cyclists, 208 pp
PARKIN, Joe, A Dog in a Hat, An American Bike Racer’s
Story of Mud, Drugs, Blood, Betrayal, and Beauty in
Belgium, 240 pp
BENDER, Brent, Cobblestone Dreams, 144 pp
McKENTY, John A., Canada Cycle & Motor: The CCM
Story, 350 pp
NORCLIFFE, GLEN, The Ride to Modernity: The Bicycle in
Canada, 1869-1900, 288pp
BABAIAN, Sharon, The Most Benevolent Machine: A
Historical Assessment of Cycles in Canada, 122 pp
HUMBER, William, Freewheeling: the story of bicycling in
Canada, 160 pp
WATTS, Heather, Silent Steeds: Cycling in Nova Scotia to
1900, 44 pp
SMITH, Ken V, The Canadian Bicycle Book, 128 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
RENDELL, Matt, Kings of the Mountains: How Colombia’s
Cycling Heroes Changed Their Nation’s History, 256 pp
DAUNCEY, Hugh, French Cycling, A Social and Cultural
History, 256 pp
WOODS, Isabel, FARRAR, May & KIRK, Billy, Recycled
Memories, Stories That Capture the Spirit of Cycling Down
the Years, 456 pp
GRIFFIN, Brian, Cycling in Victorian Ireland, 220 pp
HOWARD, Ken, Territorial Politics and Irish Cycling, 2006,
Mapping Frontiers, Plotting Pathways
FOOT, John, Pedalare! Pedalare! 384 pp
New Zealand
KENNETT, Simon & KENNETT, Jonathan, The Muddy
Olympians, 220 pp
GRAY, Ian, Round The Mountain – 100 years of a cycling
classic, 295 pp
WILLIAMS, Desmond Joseph, Born to Thunder: Champions
of New Zealand Cycling, 288 pp
KENNETT, Jonathan, Ride: The Story of Cycling in New
Zealand, 214 pp
SIMPSON, Claire, A Social Story of Women and Cycling in
Late-Nineteenth century New Zealand, 193 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
JOWETT, W., Centenary, 100 Years of organised South
African Cycle Racing, 185 pp
BURNS, John, South Africa … where now? 1976
United Kingdom
19981988197819771972 -
FOTHERINGHAM, William, Roule Britannia, A History of
Britons in the Tour De France, 384 pp
MOORE, Richard, Heroes, Villains and Velodromes: Chris
Hoy and Britain’s Track Cycling Revolution, 368 pp
SLOT, Owen, Cycling for Gold, 224 pp
MOORE, Richard, Sky’s the Limit, British Cycling's Quest to
Conquer the Tour De France, 352 pp
STREET, Roger, Dashing Dandies, The English Hobby
Horse Craze of 1819, 2011 220 pp
TAYLOR, Tony, Pedaller Talk, 130 pp
AVIS, Roy, BLCR Swansong: Wellinborough Cycling Club
Open Road Races 1958 and 1959, 40 pp
RITCHIE, Andrew, The Origins of Bicycle Racing in
England: Technology, Entertainment, Sponsorship and
Publicity, 96 pp
WHITFIELD, Peter, 12 Champions, 260 pp
HEWSON, Tony, In pursuit of stardom, Les Nomades du
vélo anglais, 258 pp
WOODLAND, Les, This Island Race: Inside 135 Years of
British Bike-Racing, 208 pp
WHITFIELD, Paul, The Condor Years, A Panorama of
British Cycling 1945-2000, 235 pp
STREET, Roger, The Pedestrian Hobby-Horse, 195 pp.
MESSENGER, Chas, Ride and be damned, 150 pp
BOULTON, Jim, Wolverhampton Cycles and Cycling, 70 pp
1878-1978, 256 pp
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Centenary 78: the Story of 100
Years of Organised British Cycle Racing, 127 pp
ALDERSON, Frederick, Bicycling: a History, 214 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
MESSENGER, Charles, Where there’s a Wheel, 214 pp
FOSTER, Benny, The Benny Foster Story, 227 pp
LEONARD, Irving, When Bikehood was in flower – Sketches
of Early Cycling, 151 pp
PONTIN, Steve, The Pedal Club, A Souvenir History of the
First Twenty-One Years
Racing, 12 pp
EISELE, Otto, Otto Eisele’s Cycling Almanac, 64 pp (4
editions, on a yearly basis, starting from 1950)
BENEDICT, Ruth & BENEDICT, Raymond, Bicycling, 114
TAYLOR, Harold S., Yorkshire’s Road Racing Cyclists, 63
BARTLEET, H.W., Bartleet’s Bicycle Book, The Story of
Cycles and Cycling, 186 pp
HAMILTON, P.B., The life of Thomas Humber, being the
history of English cycling from its commencement up-to-date,
ROBERTSON, W.N., Cycling, 372 pp
GRIFFIN, Hewitt Harry, Cycles and cycling, 198 pp
GREENE, Richard, Northampton as a Cycling Centre
COUTTS William Keppel Albemerle (Earl of) & HILLIER,
George Lacy, Cycling, 459 pp
HOWARD, Alfred, The Bicycle for 1877, A Record of
Bicycling for the Past Year, 60 pp
HOWARD, Alfred, The Bicycle for 1876, A Record of
Bicycling for the Year
HOWARD, Alfred, The Bicycle for 1874, A Record of
Bicycling for the Year
SALAMON, Nahum, Bicycling: Its Rise and Development, A
Text Book for Riders
ANONYMOUS, Bicycling 1874, A Textbook for Early
Riders, 80 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
United States
GABRIELE, Michael, The Golden Age of Bicycle Racing in
New Jersey, 126 pp
PARKIN, Joe, Come and gone, A True Story of Blue-Collar
Bike Racing in America, 208 pp
DZIERZAK, Lou, The Evolution of American Bicycle
Racing, 242 pp
HAYES, Kevin J., An American Cycling Odyssey 1887,
Pedal Power, The History of the Development of the Bicycle
and Cycling in Fairfield
URGWARDT, Carl F., Buffalo’s Bicycles: Reflections on
Buffalo’s Colossal and Overlooked Bicycle Heritage, 164 pp
VELONEWS, Bicycle Racing in the Modern Era: 25 Years
at VeloNews, 218 pp
SUTHERLAND, Sandra W., No Brakes! Bicycle Track
Racing in the US, 304 pp
HYMAN, Rick, LEWIS, Betty & CANIN, Piet, Pedal
Pushers, A Century of Cycling in Santa Cruz County, 40 pp
STREIGHT, Steven, Bicycle Fever, Peoria Bicycle Races
from the 1890’s to the 1990’s, 228 pp
NYE, Peter, Joffre, Hearts of Lions: The History of American
Bicycle Racing, 318 pp
PROUTY, David F. & GEORGE, Barbara, In Spite of Us, My
education in the big and little games of amateur and Olympic
sports in the US, 279 pp
PAVELKA, Ed, Ten Years of Championship Bicycle racing,
1972-1981, 122 pp
BONURA, Larry Samuel, Genesis of the bicycle in the
United States, 1865-1893, A bibliographic tool for
researchers, 284 pp
GEIST, Roland C., Bicycle People, 1978, 165 pp
McCULLAGH, James C & SWANN, Dick, American
Bicycle Racing, 171 pp
SMITH, Robert A., A Social History of the Bicycle, Its Early
Life and Times in America, 269 pp
BOTTEMA, Mac, Handbook on Bicycle Trails & Cycle
Racing, 28 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
NELSON, Samuel Armstrong, Spalding’s Official Cycle
Guide for 1896 (4 editions, on a yearly basis, starting from
DWYER, Daniel J., Prominent wheelmen and Bicycle Club
PRATT, Charles E., The American Bicycler, A Manual for
the Observer, the Learner and the Expert, 211 pp
Section VII: Cycling Clubs
ALMA, Roger, The Malvern Cycle Club 1883-1912, A
History of Cycling in Malvern, Worcestershire, before the
First World War, 148 pp
HANCOCK, Cyril, The Veteran-Cycle Club (1955-2005), A
History of the First 50 Years, 228 pp
LYNAM, Frank, Hamilton amateur Wheelers (founded
1908): a hundred years of memories, 48 pp
TAYLOR, Derek, The North Bucks Road Club, Cycling
Through The First 50 Years, 128 pp
WATTS, Christine, A History of the Addiscombe Cycling
Clubs from1883 to 2006, 143 pp
HINCHCLIFFE, Adrian, Fifty years of the Huddersfield Star
Wheelers, 304 pp
WALLACE, Ray, Riders to Your Mark, A History of Cycling
in Bendigo and District, 350 pp
HILTON, Tim, Wheels along the Waveney, A History of
Godric Cycling Club 1953-2003, 96 pp
HUNTON, George Wright, BOWERMAN, Leslie George &
ASHCROFT, John, The Charlotteville Cycling Club, A
History of the Second Fifty Years, 83 pp
NOBLE, Charles, More than just beer and darts Southampton Wheelers Cycling Club 1926-2002, 107 pp
CUNNINGHAM, David, Fifty Years of the Essex DA, 36 pp
PYE, Denis, Fellowship is life, The National Clarion Cycling
Club 1895-1995, 102 pp
BOCK, A.H., History of bicycling in Bundaberg 1892-1993,
48 pp
CATER, Anne, The History of Twickenham C.C. 1893-1993,
1993, 16 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
BECKWITH, Frank, Yorkshire Road Club 1891-1991, A
History compiled by Members, 92 pp
RABBETTS, Mike, A Century Awheel, 1889-1989, A
History of the De Laune Cycling Club, 221 pp
ANONYMOUS, Holdfast Bay - Marion Cycling Club 50
years of cycling, 8 pp
REYNOLDS, Reg, The Second Fifty Years of The Catford
Cycling Club, 1989, 400 pp
BRAY, Stand P V, Awheel – The First Fifty Years of Solihull
Cycling Club (1929-85), 218 pp
Road Cycling Club, The Second Fifty Years of Road Riding
(1935-1985), 84 pp
WYKES, Phil, Northampton & District Cycling Association The First "50" (1935-1985)
McCONNELL, Bert, Manukau Amateur Cycling Club
Diamond Jubilee 1924-84, 72 pp
BARLOW, T.M. & FLETCHER, J., A history of Manchester
Wheelers’Club, 230 pp
MOON, W.H.R. et al, The Anerley Bicycle Club, A Story
Told By Members 1881-1981
SMITH, A.B., Along the Great North and Other Roads: The
North Road Cycling Club 1885-1980, 176 pp
SHERCLIFF, W. H., The Growth of Cycling as a Recreation
in the Manchester Area, 1869-1915: With Special Reference
to the Ardwick Bicycle Club
MARRIOT, Frank, The Black Anfielders: The Story of the
Anfield Bicycle Club, Centenary Edition, 164 pp
OAKLEY, William, Winged Wheel, The history of the first
hundred years of the Cyclists’ Touring Club, 248 pp
MUMFORD, Frank et al, The Mersey Roaders, The History
of the Mersey Roads Club 1924-74, 70 pp
SOMERVILLE, Les, Eighty Years of the Rodney, A Brief
ANONYMOUS, Peterborough Cycling Club 1874-1974,
1974, 24 pp
Years of Cycling in Chesterfield, 18 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
SOUTHERDEN, J.H., 80 Years Awheel, History of the
Hastings and St Leonards Cycling and Athletic Club from
1876-1956, 216 pp
ARMSTRONG, F., The First Fifty Years of the Goodmayes
Wheelers 1907-1957, 144 pp
MARRIOT, Frank, The Black Anfelders, Being the story of
the Anfield Bicycle Club (1879-1955), 144 pp
a’ GREEN, George, This Great Club of Ours, The Story of
the CTC, 96 pp
FIELD, D.J., The Charlotteville Cycling Club 1903-1953, 56
BRUNWIN, Douglas W, Britain’s “best all rounder” cycling
road time trialist, Victor A Gibbons, Brentwood R C: The
story of Gibbons and his club's rise to success, 60 pp
BARLOW, T.M., Record-Breaking on Bicycles: A History of
the Northern Road Records Association from 1890 to 1940,
44 pp
SOUTHCOTT, E.J., The first fifty years of the Catford
cycling club, 480 pp
ANONYMOUS, Gomersal Open Road Club, 38 pp
MOXHAM, S.H., Fifty years of Road Riding, 1885-1935, A
History of the North Road Cycling Club, 178 pp
MEARNS, P.W., The North London Fifty 1882-1932, 1932
SMITH, G.H., Some Notes about Anerley B C, 58 pp
COPE, W.E. & COWEN, C.W., Sharrow Cycling Club,
Sheffield: Its History and Work for 21 Years 1887-1908, 72
HOLMES GORE, Hugh, Souvenir of the Bristol Bicycle &
Tricycle Club, 16 pp
KENCH, Howard, The Ivy Wheelers
Section VII: Statistics
DE KEYSER, Paul, Vélo 2012, 808 pp (in English from 2010
onwards, on a yearly basis)
GAUTHIER, Benoît, International Cycling Guide 2012,
1152 pp (from 2003 onwards, on a yearly basis)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Daagsen/Days/Jours/Tagerennen/Giorni Six Days:
Statistieken (from 1993 onwards, on a yearly basis)
GODAERT, Joël, Velo Plus 1869-2009, 2009, 414 pp
KEYSER, Paul, Velo Gotha, 639 pp
VELONEWS, Facts and Figures 2004, A Handbook of
Cycling Statistics, 121 pp
Plus 1879-2003, 414 pp
VELONEWS, Facts and Figures, A Handbook of Cycling
Statistics, 96 pp
SERGENT, Pascal, CRASSET, Guy & DAUCHY, Hervé,
World Encyclopedie Cycling, 2133 pp
EVANS, Jeremy, Guinness Book on Cycling facts and feats,
192 pp
VELONEWS, Ten Years of Championship Bicycle Racing,
122 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section I:
The Hour, Time Trials & Records
BARFIELD, Mark & FORRESTER, Auriel, Starting Cycle
Road Racing and Time Trials, 128 pp
HUTCHINSON, Michael, The Hour, 256 pp
WATTS, Chris, Cycling Time Trials, Competition Records
Prior To 1944, 26 pp
BIKE WORLD MAGAZINE, Complete Bicycle, Time
Trialing Book, 85 pp
CONCONI, Francesco & PENAZZO, Sergio, Moser’s Hour
records: a Human and Scientific Adventure, 83 pp
BARLOW, T.M. & BARLOW, P.B., Northern Road records
Association, 100 Years of Cycling Record Breaking, A
History of the 1890-1990, 84 pp
CRIPPS, Cecil, Racing the Wind, Pedalling Towards 250
kilometres an Hour, Those Demi-Fond Dare Devils, 192 pp
GREEN, Roy, 100 Years of Cycling Road Records, 110 pp
THOMPSON, Bernard, Alpaca to Skinsuit, Time trialing
history, 47 pp
MATHENY, Fred, GEORGE, Barbara & GEORGE, Robert
F., Solo Cycling – How to Train and Race Bicycle Time
Trials, 205 pp
DANIELL, Mike, Five-four-three-two-one, 47 pp
RAY, Alan, Cycling: Land’s End to John O’Groats, 155 pp
REYNOLDS, J. C., Speed – The Book of Racing & Records,
136 pp
RUDGE, WHITWORTH, The Story of the 1,000 Miles
Record, 38 pp
WELCH, William, A Memorable Ride, The End-to-End and
1000 Mile Records, 28 pp
PRIAL, Francis P., The Best American and English Path &
Road Cycle Records, 21 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section II:
Track Racing
MOORE, Richard, Heroes, Villains and Velodromes: Chris
Hoy and Britain’s Track Cycling Revolution, 368 pp
NOTHSTEIN, Marty & DILLE, Ian, The Price of Gold, The
Toll and Triumph of One Man’s Olympic Dream, 256 pp
VAN REIJENDAM, Jacques, 6 Daagsen/Days/Jours/
Tagerennen/Giorni Six Days: Statistieken (from 1993
onwards on a yearly basis)
WATTS, John, Herne Hill track, The history of this famous
cycling venue from 1891 to 2007, 71 pp
NYE, Peter, The Six-Day Bicycle Races, America's Jazz-age
Sport, 240 pp
WATTS, John, The Good Friday Gamble, 58 pp
VAN KALLEVEEN, Theo, Australs and Legends, A Century
of Track Racing, 248 pp
HEERY, Pat, Putney Velodrome & the Putney Velodrome
Estate, 105 pp
SONYA, Carl, Sport, power, and architecture: the
Vancouver velodrome
SUTHERLAND, Sandra W., No Brakes! Bicycle Track
Racing in the US, 304 pp
ALFORD, John, The Six-Day Bicycle Races
HARPER, Ted, Six Days of Madness, 160 pp
SCHURMAN, Ralph, Guide Projet/Project Guide
Velodromes, 104 pp
SHEIL, Norman, 7-Eleven Bicycling Mag Grand Prix.
Training Manual 2, 61 pp
GABRIELE, Michael C., The Nutley Velodrome: A History
of the Legendary Cycling Mecca, 33 pp
Racing, 124 pp
GEORGE, Barbara, Bicycle Track Racing, 56 pp
WALLACE, Jim, Champion of Champions, 32 pp
RUYS, Charles, Spotlight on modern 6 Day Races, 176 pp
LONG, Bill, 6 day bike race
McINTOSH, Hugh D., The London International Six-Day
Cycle Race at the Empire Pool and Sports Arena, 54 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section III:
HAMVAS, Balint, Cyclocross 2011/2012, 216 pp
HURFORD, Molly, Mud, Snow and Cyclocross, 226 pp
MADSEN, Craig, CX Bike Hutt, 68 pp
PROCTOR, Geoff, Behind The Stare, 312 pp
MILLIMAN, Chris, Drink, Smoke, Flanders, 32 pp
NICHOLS, Ken & NICHOLS, Maureen, Mud, Sweat
and Gears, A History of the British Cyclo-Cross
Association, 336 pp
HINKLE, Chris, Cyclocross, (2009?), 120 pp
MARES, Scott R., The Complete Book of Cyclocross, Skill,
Training and Racing, 160 pp
BURNEY, Simon, Cyclo-Cross, Training and Technique,
208 pp
BURNEY, Simon, Cyclo-Cross, 168 pp
RICHARDS, Ray, Cyclo-cross, 40 pp
Section IV:
2009 200820052004-
Mountain Bike Racing
KENNETT, Simon & KENNETT, Jonathan, The Muddy
Olympians, 220 pp
LAVAL, Anne-Marie, Mountain Biking, 32 pp (juvenile
ROCKWELL, Willow, My Wheels Gave Me Wings, A Journey
Through Fear and Despair … into Love and Healing, 142 pp
Professional Mountain Biking, 240 pp
GURNEY, Steve, Lucky Legs, What I’ve Learned About
Winning and Losing, 320 pp
PERKIN, Gary & MARTIN, Sven, Chronology: 2009 UCI
Mountain Bike World Cup, 176 pp
PARKIN, Joe, Come and gone, A True Story of Blue-Collar
Bike Racing in America, 208 pp
WORLAND, Steve, The Mountain Bike Book, 168 pp
BERTO, Frank J, The birth of dirt, 128 pp
RIEDY, Mark, Stumpjumper, 25 years of Mountain Biking,
128 pp
KETTLE, Phil, Mountain biking, 654 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section V
MASON, Paul & HAMILTON, Andrew, A world-class
mountain biker, 48 pp (juvenile literature)
PARTLAND, J.P. & GIBSON, John, Mountain Bike
Madness, 96 pp
Pedal Power, The History of the Development of the Bicycle
and Cycling in Fairfield
AMICIS DESIGN, Fat Tire, A Celebration of the Mountain
Bike, 144 pp
Mountain Bike Like a Champion, Techniques of America’s
Greatest Rider, 240 pp
HUGHES, Morgan, Juli Furtado: Rugged Racer, 64 pp
RICHARDS, Brant & WORLAND, Steve, The Complete
Book of Mountain Biking, 159 pp
GOULD, Tim & BURNEY, Simon, Mountain Bike Racing,
160 pp
STOKES, David, Beginning Mountain Bike Racing, An
Introduction to Off-Road Competition
SKILBECK, Paul, Mountain Biking: The Skills of the Game,
128 pp
KENNEDY, Martha, J., SAMER, P. Yury & KLOSER,
Michael, Fat Rider, Everyone’s Guide to Mountain Biking,
292 pp (juvenile literature)
WOODARD, Bob, Mountain Biking, The Complete Guide,
255 pp
OLSEN, John, Mountain Biking, 128 pp
KELLY, Charles & CRANE, Nick, Richard’s Mountain Bike
Book, 192 pp
Long-distance Cycle Racing
BEAUMONT, Mark, The Man Who Cycle the World, 400 pp
TAYLOR, John, The 24 Hour Story 1882-2008, A Complete
History of the 24 Hour Cycle Race, Including Many Classic
RRA Long Distance Road Race Record Descriptions, 490 pp
TAYLOR, John, The “End to End” Story – 100 Years of
Cycling Records, 287 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
20021994 -
THOMAS, George & WELSCH, Jeff, Going the Distance:
The Georges Thomas Story, 225 pp
MAYS, Ken, Harly Weaver and the Race Across America,
126 pp (juvenile literature)
SCHNELL, Jane, Both are better: travels in Britain and
France, 199 pp
SHERMER, Michael, Race Across America: The Glory and
Agony of the World's Longest and Cruelest Bicycle Race, 236
SCHWARTZ, David & DODSON, Bert, Supergrandpa, 32
pp (juvenile literature)
Lon, The Race Across America Book, 250 pp
McNALLY, Rand, All About Bicycling, 119 pp
Section VI:
Women’s Cycle Racing
PENDLETON, Victoria & McRAE, Donald, Between the
Lines, My Autobiography, 341 pp
MACY, Sue, Wheels of Change: How Women Rode the
Bicycle for Freedom, 96 pp
MARIOLLE, Elaine & SHERMER, Michael, The woman
cyclist, 378 pp
SNYDER, Amy, Hell on Two Wheels, An Astonishing Story
of Suffering, Triumph, and the Most Extreme Endurance
Race in the World, 272 pp
STAUFFACHER, Sue & McMENEMY, Sarah, Tillie the
Terrible Swede: How One Woman, a Sewing Needle, and a
Bicycle Changed History, 40 pp (juvenile literature)
MEARES, Anna, The Anna Meares story: when courage
triumphs over disaster, 192 pp
WOODS, Isabel, Wheels of change, An Autobiography of
Isabel Woods, 328 pp
HORTON, Dave, ROSEN, Paul & COC, Peter, Cycling and
Society, 205 pp
MUENZER, Lori-An & WIBERG, Karl R., One gear, no
breaks, Lori-Ann Muenzer's Ride to Belief, Belonging, and a
Gold Medal, 256 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
SAFE,Mike, Remembering Amy: Amy Gillet, the girl who
never gave up, 213 pp
WHITFIELD, Peter, Eileen Sheridan, A Cycling Life, 158 pp
STREB, Marla, Life Cycle of a Gravity Goddess, 288 pp
HODGE, Eric W.J., Rebel with a Cause, 76 pp
SIMPSON, Claire, A Social Story of Women and Cycling in
Late-Nineteenthcentury New Zealand
BURTON, Beryl, Personal best, The Autobiography of Beryl
Burton, 182 pp
BARANET- NEIMAN, Nancy, The Turned Down Bar, 81 pp
SHERIDAN, Eileen, Wonder Wheels, 158 pp
Section VII: BMX Racing
DAVID, Jack, BMX Racing, 24 pp
PARTLAND, J.PP & DONALDSON, Tony, The World of
BMX, 96 pp
HOFFMAN, Mat, The ride of my life, 320 pp
HOLDER, Bill, BMX Racing, 32 pp
EVANS, Ken, BMX, Know the Game, 36 pp
KERCHER, John, Raleigh BMX Annual, 32 pp
GRANT, Richard & THOMAS, Nigel, BMX Action Hot
Shots, 48 pp
KERCHER, John, BMX Special, 61 pp
PETERS, Mark, BMX, 1983, Ashton Scholastic, 64 pp
SPURDENS, David, BMX, 62 pp
THOMSEN, Stu, Stu Thomsen's Book of Bmx: The World
Champ's Tips on Racing, Freestyling, Equipment,
Conditioning, and More! 104 pp
Juvenile Literature
BRAUN, Eric, Cool BMX Racing Facts, 24 pp
DONOVAN, Sandra, Cool BMX Racing Facts, 24 pp
POLYDOROS, Lori, BMX Greats, 32 pp
LABRECQUE, Ellen, BMX Racers (Kid Racers), 48 pp
FISKE, Brian, D., BMX History, 32 pp
FISKE, Brian, BMX Greats, 32 pp
FISKE, Brian, D., BMX Events, 32 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
BLOOMQUIST, Christopher, BMX in the X Games, 24 pp
JOB, Chris, BMX Biking, 32 pp
WINGATE, Brian, Bmx Bicycle Racing Techniques and
Tricks, 48 pp
HERRAN, Joe & THOMAS, Ron, BMX Riding, 32 pp
NELSON, Julie, BMX Racing and freestyle, 48 pp
KNOX, Barbara, Bmx Bicycles, 32 pp
BOULAIS, Sue & JAMES, Jody, Bmx Biking, 47 pp
BARRETT, Norman, BMX Bikes, 32 pp
GRANT, Richard & THOMAS, Nigel, BMX Moves, 32 pp
POOLE, Gary, BMX Rider, The Action Sport for Fun Loving
Bikers, 64 pp
GRANT, Richard & THOMAS, Nigel, BMX Action Hot
Shots, 48 pp
OSBORN, Bob, The Complete Book of BMX, 248 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section 1:
EVANS, Cadel, The Long Road to Paris, 192 pp
EVANS, Cadel, Close to flying, 272 pp
2008CURTIS, Martin, Russell Mockridge, The Man in Front, 240
1960MOCKRIDGE, Russell, My World on Wheels: The
Posthumous Autobiography of Russell Mockridge, 235 pp
FITZPATRICK, Sandra, Hubert Opperman, A Cycling
Sensation Called Oppy, 44 pp (juvenile literature)
1977OPPERMAN, Sir Hubert, Pedals, Politics and People, 511
1968GIBSON, Tracy, A Guide to the Literature and Resources on
Sir Hubert Opperman Kt Cr 1968, 68 pp
1934BEST, B. W., Oppy: the story of a great ride, 31 pp
McEWEN, Robbie & PICKERING, Ed, One Way Road, The
Autobiography of Robbie McEwen, 376 pp
PEIPER, Allan & SIDWELLS, Chris, A Peiper’s Tale, 178
VALENTINE-ANDERSON, Christi, Phil Anderson: Cycling
Legend, 176 pp
ROWLEY, Max, The Rowleys: Golden Years of Cycling, 192
LONG, Bill, 6 day bike race
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
PEARSON, Joseph, Reminiscences Including Cycling
Experiences, 63 pp
Section 2:
VANFLETEREN, Stephan, & MAES, Jan, Merckx 525, 224
FOTHERINGHAM, William, Merckx, Half Man, Half Bike,
320 pp
FRIEBE, Daniel, Eddy Merckx, The Cannibal, 352 pp
VANWALLEGHEM, Rik, Eddy Merckx: The Greatest
Cyclist of the 20th Century, 216 pp
VANWALLEGHEM, Rik, Eddy Merckx, The Man, The
Cannibal, 344 pp
ST PIERRE, Roger, Eddy Merckx, Man and Myth, 1972, 38
ARMSTRONG, David, Merckx: Man and Myth, (1970?), 38
WADLEY, J.B., [30 Years after Sylvere Maes,] Eddy
Merckx, Two outstanding memories, 32 pp
VERMEIREN, René & DE MEYER, Hugo, Rik I, Memorial
1924 – 2002, 56 pp
1999VERMEIREN, René & DE MEYER, Hugo, Rik Van
Steenbergen, 256 pp
Gino & THIRION, Stéphane, My Year in Top Gear, 218 pp
ADRIAENS, Manu, Fall from Grace, 212 pp
LUCHON, Raphael, Roger De Vlaeminck, 64 pp
ARMSTRONG, David, The Emperor. The Rik van Looy
Story, 36 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section 3:
Section 4:
Section 5:
HARPER, Ted, Six Days of Madness, 160 pp
COADY, Mary Frances, Champion on wheels: a biography of
Jocelyn Lovell, 95 pp (juvenile literature)
RIIS, Bjarne, Riis, Stages of Light and Dark, 352 pp
MOLLER, Werner, The Scapegoat - About the Expulsion of
Michael Rasmussen from the Tour De France 2007 and
Beyond, 384 pp
2008HOWARD, Paul, Sex, Lies and Handlebar Tape, The
Remarkable Life of Jacques Anquetil, the first Five-Times
Winner of the Tour De France, 316 pp
YATES, Richard, Master Jacques: The Enigma of Jacques
Anquetil, 226 pp
1970ARMSTRONG, David, Maître Jacques, The Jacques
Anquetil Story, 36 pp
Louison BOBET
2008BOBET, Jean & BERRY, Adam, Tomorrow We Ride, 176 pp
1972ST PIERRE, Roger, Louison Bobet, 38 pp
1989HINAULT, Bernard, Memories of the Peloton, 157 pp
1988HINAULT, Bernard & GENZLING, Claude, Road Racing,
Technique and Training, 208 pp
HINAULT, Bernard, Hinault by Hinault, A pictorial
biography of one of cycling’s greatest legends, 128 pp
1982MARTIN, Pierre & VOS, Cor, The Bernard Hinault Story,
87 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
BOBET, Jean, Lapize, Now There Was An Ace, 180 pp
FIGNON, Laurent, We Were Young And Carefree, 320 pp
2009RENDELL, Matt, Olympic Gangster, The legend of José
Beyaert, Cycling Champion, Fortune Hunter and Outlaw,
352 pp
1971ARMSTRONG, David, Eternal Second, The Raymond
Poulidor Story, 36 pp
Section 6:
TRUYERS, Noël, Sean Kelly, 48 pp
WALSH, David & KELLY, Sean, Sean Kelly – A Man for All
Seasons, 127 pp
1986WALSH, David, Kelly: a biography of Sean Kelly, 237 pp
Stephen ROCHE
ROCHE, Stephen, Born to Ride, The Autobiography of
Stephen Roche, 320 pp
1998TRUYERS, Noël, Stephen Roche, 48 pp
1988ROCHE, Stephen & WALSH, David, The Agony and the
Ecstasy. Stephen Roche’s World of Cycling, 213 pp
1987ROCHE, Stephen & WALSH, David, My Road to Victory,
126 pp
HEALY, Graham & ALLCHIN, Richard, Shay Elliot, the life
and death of Ireland’s first yellow jersey, 190, pp
ROCHE, Nicolas, Inside the Peloton, 416 pp
1998KIMMAGE, Paul, A Rough Ride: Behind the Wheel with a Pro
Cyclist, 261 pp
Section 7:
Fausto COPPI
2012SYKES, Herbie, Coppi,
Campionissimo, 320 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
FOTHERINGHAM, William, Fallen Angel, The passion of
Fausto Coppi, 304 pp
AUGENDRE, Jacques, Fausto Coppi, 157 pp
DUKER, Peter, Coppi, 92 pp
TRENCE, Salvatore, Fausto Coppi, The Campionissimo, 64
SERANTONI, Ildo, Felice Gimondi, A Champion who,
together with Merckx, marked an era, 226 pp
1974ARMSTRONG, David, Felice Gimondi: The Happy
Champion, 38 pp
RENDELL, Matt, The Death of Marco Pantani, 344 pp
RONCHI, Manuela & JOSTI, Gianfranco, Man on the Run:
The Life and Death of Marco Pantani, 272 pp
2004WILCOCKSON, John, Marco Pantani: The Legend of a
Tragic Champion, 240 pp
McCONNON, Aili & MCCONNON, Andres, Road to
Valour: Gino Bartali, Tour De France Legend and Italy’s
Secret World War Two Hero, 336 pp
2008SYKES, Herbie, The Eagle of the Canavese, Franco
Balmamion and the Giro D'Italia, 195 pp
1999TRUYERS, Noel, Gianni Bugno, 48 pp
1991CONCONI, Francesco & PENAZZO, Sergio, Moser’s Hour
records: a Human and Scientific Adventure, 83 pp
S.d.NEGRI, Rino & RICCI, Maurizio, Ercole Baldini’s story,
The train from FORLI - Ercole Baldini, The man, 38 pp
Section 8:
KENNETT, Jonathan, Tino Tabak, Dreams and Demons of a
New Zealand Cycling Legend, 160 pp
RHODES, John & KENNET, Jonathan, Warwick Dalton,
“The Lone Eagle”, 161 pp
ROBINSON, Jim, Bill Pratney, “Never say die”, 104 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section 9:
Section 10:
KENNETT, Jonathan, WALL, Bronwen & GRAY, Ian
Harry Watson, The Mile Eater, 170 pp
KENNETT, Jonathan & WALL, Bronwen, Phil O’ Shea,
Wizard on Wheels, 116 pp
TRUYERS, Noel, Jan Raas, 48 pp
SANCHEZ, Javier Garcia, Indurain: a Tempered Passion,
238 pp
1998MUNOZ Pablo, Miguel Indurain: A Life on Wheels, 214 pp
TRUYERS, Noel, Miguel Indurain, 48 pp
1993 ABT, Samuel, Champion: Bicycle Racing in the Age of
Miguel Indurain, 158 pp
2012FOTHERINGHAM, Alasdair, Eagle of Toledo, The Life and
Times of Federico Bahamontes, the Tour’s Greatest Climber,
304 pp
Section 11:
BOARDMAN, Chris & LONGMORE, Andrew, Chris
Boardman, The complete book of cycling, 253 pp
WATSON, Graham & O’CONNOR, Phil, Boardman: a
Cycling Career in Pictures, 112 pp
1994LIGGETT, Phil & BELL, Anthony, The fastest man on 2
wheels: in pursuit of Chris Boardman, 127 pp
2011CAVENDISH, Mark, How to Win the World's Greatest Road
Race (Lives Less Ordinary), 313 KB
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
GUARDIAN SHORTS (The), Mark Cavendish, On Top of
the World, 188 pp
CAVENDISH, Mark, Boy Racer, 283 pp
2012BARLOW, Godfrey, Unsurpassed: The Story of Tommy
Godwin, the World’s Greatest Distance Cyclist, 102 pp
2007GODWIN, Tommy, It wasn’t that easy, The Tommy Godwin
Story, 194 pp
DINEEN, Robert, Reg Harris, The Rise and Fall of Britain’s
Greatest Cyclist, 352 pp
HARRIS, Reginald Hargreaves & BOWDEN, Gregory
Houston, Two wheels to the top: an autobiography, 218 pp
ST PIERRE, Roger, The Story of Reg Harris, 48 pp
PEARSON, George, Reg Harris: An Authoritative
Biography, 88 pp
Chris HOY
2012HOY, Chris, Chris Hoy: The Autobiography, How I lived the
Dream and became Olympic Champion
MOORE, Richard, Heroes, Villains and Velodromes: Chris
Hoy and Britain’s Track Cycling Revolution, 368 pp
2009APPS, Roy, Chris Hoy, 48 pp (juvenile literature)
1923ROBSON, James, Ion Keith-Falconer of Arabia, 178 pp
1888SINKER, Robert, Memorials of the Hon. Ion Keith-Falconer,
246 pp
FOTHERINGHAM, William, Put Me Back on my Bike: In
Search of Tom Simpson, 2007
1999SIDWELLS, Chris, Mr. Tom: The True Story of Tom
Simpson, 260 pp
1967ST PIERRE, Roger, Tribute to Tom Simpson, 80 pp
1966SIMPSON, Tommy, Cycling is my life, 180 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
ADAMS, Steve, The Long Road to Glory: How Bradley
Wiggins won the 2012 Tour De France, 197 KB
DEERING, John, Bradley Wiggins, Tour de Force, 256 pp
FRIEBE, Daniel, Allez Wigo, 176 pp
MCGEEHAN, M., Bradley Wiggins, The Story of Britain’s
Greatest-ever Cyclist, 128 pp
WIGGINS, Bradley & FOTHERINGHAM, William, My
Time – The Autobiography, 320 pp
2010WIGGINS, Bradley, On Tour, 192 pp
2008WIGGINS, Bradley, In Pursuit of Glory, The Autobiography,
288 pp
MILLAR, David, Racing through the Dark, 346 pp
STANTON, Stuart, Pencampwr Cymraeg, Jimmy Michael
1875-1904, 64 pp
WATTS, Christine, Charlie Davey, A Lifetime in Cycling,
164 pp
CLEMENTS, Frank, A Bike Ride Through My Life, 440 pp
GRIFFITH, Steve, Vernon Blake, (1875 - 1930), Gearing
Pioneer, Painter, Philosopher, Polymath, 74 pp
MILLER, Ray & IRVINE, Lee, Dan Albone: Cyclist,
Inventor, and Manufacturer, 343 pp
FIFE, Graeme, Brian Robinson: Pioneer, The story of Brian
Robinson, Britain’s first Tour De France Hero, 240 pp
JOUGHIN, Steve & ALLEN, Richard, Pocket Rocket, The
Autobiography of Steve Joughin, 123 pp
STANTON, Stuart, ParisPorth, The Tour De France
Imagines, 110 pp
HEWSON, Tony, A Racing Cyclist’s Worst Nightmare, 230
PROCTOR, Peter, Pedals and Pistons, An autobiography,
214 pp
WHITFIELD, Peter, Joy and Southall – Two Cycling
Legends, 2009, 20 pp
DENSON, Vin, The Full Cycle, 164 pp
STANTON, Stuart, Arthur Linton, An account of his life, 104
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HOLLAND, Frances, Dancing uphill, The cycling adventures
of Charles Holland, the first English rider in the Tour De
France, 176 pp
MOORE, Richard, In search of Robert Millar, 352 pp
HILL, Geoff, Riches from Rags The Life of a Black Country
Entrepreneur, 152 pp
WILLIAM, Keith, John Woodburn, Fifty Years at the Top,
OBREE, Graeme, Flying Scotsman: The Graeme Obree
Story, 228 pp
NORWOOD, Jack, The twelve hour man, 166 pp
SCOTT, John, Tribute to Bill Bradley, 20 pp
AUNTY, Eric, “Shake” The Monckton Boys and the
Hercules Professionals, 68 pp
HERSHON, Maynard, Half-Wheel Hell and Other Cycling
Stories, 133 pp
BRECKON, Michael, A Wheel in Two Worlds: The Ron
Kitching Story, 325 pp
NICHOLSON, Geoffrey, Tony Doyle: Six-Day racer, 176 pp
ELLIOTT, Malcolm & CONOR, Jeff, Sprinter: The Life and
Times of a Professional Road racer, 120 pp
HOBAN, Barry & WILCOCKSON, John, Watching the
Wheels Go Round, 258 pp
PORTER, Hugh, Champion on Two Wheels, 187 pp
SAVILLE, Jimmy, As it happens, 179 pp
SWANN, Dick, Bert Harris of the Poly: A Cycling Legend,
69 pp
WEST, Leslie, The West Way, 64 pp
SWANN, Dick, Days of Davies, 196 pp
SWANN, Dic, The Life and Times of Charley Barden, 125 pp
BRUNWIN, Douglas W, Britain’s “best all rounder” cycling
road time trialist, Victor A Gibbons, Brentwood R C: The
story of Gibbons and his club's rise to success, 60 pp
BRUNWIN, Douglas W, Annals of a Racing Cyclist, 32 pp
DAWSON, William B, Lands End to John o’ Groats, 254 pp
SMITH, G.H., Selwyn Francies Edge: – The Man and Some
of the Things He Has Done
DUNCAN, Herbert Osbaldeston & VAVIN, Ernest, The
World on Wheels, 2 Volumes, 1200 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
DAWSON, Samuel, Incidents in the Course of a Long
Cycling Career, 152 p
ANDOM, R. , Side slips, or misadventures on a bicycle, 192
Section 12:
WALSH, David, Lanced: The shaming of Lance Armstrong,
386 KB
WALSH, David, Seven Deadly Sins, My Pursuit of Lance
Armstrong, 320 pp
LONGMAN, Jere, Cold Blooded, 201 KB
CAMERON, Christopher David, Lance is back on the bike,
An outsider’s view of the 11th Tour Down Under, 193 pp
FORT, Emeline & STEVENS, Dakota, Lance Armstrong:
The Undisputed Champion and His Battlewith Cancer and
Drug Allegations, 146 pp
STRICKLAND, Bill, Tour de Lance: A Wild Ride Through
Lance Armstrong’s Comeback, 320 pp
WILCOCKSON, John, Lance Armstrong: The World’s
Greatest Champion, 383 pp
ARMSTRONG, Lance & KREUTZ, Elizabeth, My
Comeback: Up Close and Personal, 208 pp
LAMY, Matt, Lance and Le Tour – The Complete History of
Cycling’s Most Uneasy Alliance, 232 pp
KEARNS, Brad, How Lance does it, Put the Success
Formula of a Champion into Everything You Do, 224 pp
Mountain High Enough: Raising Lance, Raising Me, 288 pp
COYLE, Daniel, Armstrong’s War: One Man battle Against
Fate, Fame, Love, Death, Scandal, and a Few Other Rivals
on the Road to the Tour De France, 326 pp
DUGARD, Martin, Chasing Lance, The 2005 Tour De
France and Lance Armstrong’s Ride of a Lifetime, 256 pp
ARMSTRONG, Lance & WATSON, Graham, Lance
Armstrong: Images of a Champion, 208 pp
HOOD, Andrew, Armstrong rewrites history – The 2004
Tour De France, 254 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HOOD, Andrew, Armstrong rewrites history – The 2004
Tour De France, 254 pp
ANONYMOUS, Historic Six-Time Tour De France
Champion, 128 p
ARMSTRONG, Lance, Every Second Counts, From
Recovery to Victory, 260 pp
ARMSTRONG, Lance, It’s not about the Bike: My Journey
Back to Life, 275 pp
Peter Joffre, The Lance Armstrong Performance Program:
Seven Weeks to the Perfect Ride, 240 pp
STEWART, Mark, Sweet Victory: Lance Armstrong’s
Incredible Journey, 64 pp
ABT, Samuel, Lance Armstrong’s Comeback from Cancer: a
Scrapbook of the Tour De France Winner’s Dramatic
Career, 160 pp
Juvenile Literature
2011HICKS, Peter, Lance Armstrong, Racing Hero, 32 pp
JOHANSON, Paula, Lance Armstrong, A Biography, 160 pp
2009GUTMAN, Bill, Lance Armstrong: A Biography, 202 pp
2008MACEACHERN, Ashley & BARBARA Michelle, Lance in
France, 32 pp
2007HILL, Christine M., Lance Armstrong: Cycling, Surviving,
Inspiring Hope, 128 pp
2006DOEDEN, Matt, Lance Armstrong, 112 pp
2005GRABOWSKI, John F., Lance Armstrong, 112 pp
KRAMER, Barbara, Lance Armstrong: Determined to Beat
the Odds, 48 pp
SANDLER, Michael, Cycling: Lance Armstrong’s
Impossible Ride,32 pp
2004BRADLEY, Michael, Lance Armstrong, 48 pp
DONOVAN, Sandra & DONOVAN, Sandy, Lance
Armstrong, 32 pp
ELLWOOD, Nancy, Lance Armstrong, With a Discussion of
2003ARMENTROUT, David & ARMENTROUT, Patricia, Lance
Armstrong, 24 pp
BENSON, Michael, Lance Armstrong: Cyclist, 144 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
CHRISTOPHER, Matt, On the bike with … Lance
Armstrong, 112 pp
GARCIA, Kimberly, Lance Armstrong, 32 pp
JONES, Brenn, Learning about Resilience from the Life of
Lance Armstrong, 24 pp
BUTLER, Jonathan & ROMAIN, Joseph, Lance Armstrong,
96 pp
THOMPSON, John, Lance Armstrong, Overcoming
Adversity, 100 pp
ARMSTRONG, Kristin & CALL, Ken, Lance Armstrong:
the Race of his Life, 48 pp
TRUYERS, Noël, Greg Lemond, 48 pp
GUTMAN, Bill, Greg Lemond, Overcoming the Odds, 48 pp
(juvenile literature)
1995VELONEWS, Greg Lemond, The Official Story of America’s
Greatest Cyclist, 80 pp
1990ABT, Samuel, Greg LeMond: the Incredible Comeback of an
American Hero, 215 pp
1990PORTER, A.PP, Greg LeMond: Premier Cyclist, 56 pp
(juvenile literature)
Marshall TAYLOR
FITZPATRICK, Jim, Major Taylor in Australia, 2011, Star
Hill Studio, 184 pp
RITCHIE, Andrew, Major Taylor: The Fastest Bicycle Rider
in the World, 208 pp
BALF, Todd, Major, A Black Athlete, a White Era, and the
Fight to Be the World's Fastest Human Being, 320 pp
WHIMPRESS, Bernard, Major’ Taylor at Adelaide Oval
WILDS, Mary C., Forgotten Champion: The Story of Major
Taylor, 100 pp
TAYLOR, Marshall W., The Fastest Bicycle Rider in the
World, The Story of a Colored Boy's Indomitable Courage
and Success against Great Odd, 430 pp
GRIVELL, Henry, Highlights from the life of Major Taylor,
(194?), 28 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Juvenile Literature
2011HAYES, Luke, Major Taylor, Bicycle Champion, 77 pp
2007BRILL, Marlene Targ, Marshall “Major”: World Champion
Bicyclist, 1899-1901, 112 pp
2004CLINE-RANSOME, Lesa & RANSOME, James E., Major
Taylor, Champion Cyclist, 40 pp
2002WILDS, Mary C., Forgotten Champion: The Story of Major
Taylor, 100 pp
1983SCIOSCIA, Mary, Bicycle Rider, 40 pp
2009RITCHIE, Andrew, Flying Yankee – The International
Cycling Career of Arthur Augustus Zimmerman, 144 pp
1895ERWIN, J.M., Zimmerman Abroad and Points on Training,
220 pp
1893ZIMMERMAN, A.A. Points for Cyclists with Training, 132
HAMILTON, Tyler & COYLE, Daniel, The Secret Race,
Inside the Hidden World of the Tour De France, Doping,
Cover-ups and Winning at All Costs, 306 pp
NOTHSTEIN, Marty & DILLE, Ian, The Price of Gold, The
Toll and Triumph of One Man’s Olympic Dream, 256 pp
HOMAN, Andrew M., Life in the Slipstream, The Legend of
Bobby Walthour Sr, 241 pp
PHINNEY, David & MURPHY, Austin, The happiness of
Pursuit, 256 pp
WHITTLE, Jeremy, Bad Blood, The Secret Life of the Tour
De France, 288 pp
LANDIS, Floyd, Positively False: The Real Story of How I
Won the Tour De France, 320 pp
HOWARD, John & NYE, Peter, Pushing the limits, The story
of John Howard, the Incredible Machine, 231 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section I:
Olympic Games
NOTHSTEIN, Marty & DILLE, Ian, The Price of Gold, The
Toll and Triumph of One Man’s Olympic Dream, 256 pp
2000, Road Cycling, Official results book/ Cyclisme sur
route: brochure des résultats officiels, 50 pp
LAWRENCE, Larry, Olympic Cycling Souvenir booklet, 14
PRICE, Mike, Days of Gold and Glory, 48 pp
OLYMPIAD, Résultats/ Results, Cyclisme/Cycling, 23 pp
MILLS, Bill, Olympic Cycling, 48 pp
Juvenile Literature
SLOT, Owen, Cycling for Gold, 224 pp
2011GIFFORD, Clive, Cycling, 32 pp
2008PAGE, Jason, Cycling, Shooting, and Show Jumping, 32 pp
2004HOUSEL, Debra & MIGILLACCIO, Eric, Cycling: Easy
Olympic Sports Reader, 16 pp
to cycling, 160 pp
Section II:
Tour De France
Sub-Section A:
Tour De France History (Overviews)
FIFE, Graeme, Tour De France: The History, the Legend, the
Riders, 528 pp
FOTHERINGHAM, William, Roule Britannia, A History of
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Britons in the Tour De France, 384 pp
SIDWELLS, Chris, The Official Tour De France Records,
208 pp
SIDWELLS, Chris, A Race for Madmen, A History of the
Tour De France, 336 pp
WOODLAND, Les, Tourmen, The Men who made the Tour
De France, 224 pp
GUINESS, Rupert, What a ride: from Phil Anderson to
Cadel Evans; an Aussie pursuit of the Tour De France, 294
SMITH, Martin, The Daily Telegraph Book of the Tour De
France, 259 pp
McGANN, Bill & MACGANN, Carole, The Story of the
Tour De France, Volume 2: 1964-2007, 404 pp
THOMPSON, Christopher S., The Tour De France: A
cultural History, 406 pp
BROWNLEE, Nick, Vive Le Tour, Amazing Tales from the
World’s Greatest Bike Race, 208 pp.
RENDELL, Matt, Blazing Saddles: The Cruel and Unusual
History of the Tour De France, 304 pp
WHITTLE, Jeremy & STEER, Duncan, Le Tour: The
History of the Tour De France 1903-2007
DELANZY, Eric, Inside the Tour De France: The Pictures,
the Legends and the Untold Stories of the World’s most
beloved Bicycle Race, 240 pp
McGANN, Bill & MACGANN, Carole, The Story of the
Tour De France, Volume 1: 1903-1964, 316 pp
PARTLAND, J. PP, Tour Fever: The Armchair Cyclist’s
Guide to the Tour De France, 192 pp
YATES, Richard, Ascent, The Mountains of the Tour De
France, 160 pp
LIGGETT, Phil, LEWIS, Sammarye & RAIA, James, Tour
De France for Dummies, 279 pp
ROLL, Bob & KOEPPEL, Dan, 2005 Tour De France
Companion, 184 pp
WHITE, John D.T., The Tour De France Quiz Book, 200 pp
ROLL, Bob & KOEPPEL, Dan, The Tour De France
Companion: Victory Edition, 182 pp
DAUNCEY, Hugh & HARE, GEOFF, The Tour De France,
1903-2003: A Century of Sporting Structures, Meanings and
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Values, 289 pp
GUINESS, Rupert, Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, OUI, OUI, OUI!
Australian cyclists in 100 years of the Tour De France, 210
RENDELL, Matt & CHETTHAM, Nicolas, The Official
Tour De France Centennial 1903-2003, 360 pp
STARTT, James, Tour De France, Tour De Force, 100 Year
Anniversary Edition, 158 pp
WHEATCROFT, Geoffrey, Le Tour: A History of the Tour
De France 1903-2003, 389 pp
WHITTLE, Jeremy, Le Tour. A Century of the Tour De
France, 256 pp
WOODLAND, Les, Yellow Jersey Companion to the Tour
De France, 416 pp
WOODLAND, Les, The Crooked Path to Victory, Drugs and
Cheating in Professional Bicycle Racing, 192 pp
OLLIVIER, Jean-Paul, Maillot Jaune: The Tour De France
Yellow Jersey, 224 pp
NOVRUP, Svend, A Moustache, Poison and Blue Glasses:
Tales of the Tour De France, 190 pp
FIFE, Graeme, Inside the Peloton: Riding, Winning and
Losing the Tour, 224 pp
WOODLAND, Les, The Unknown Tour De France: The
Many Faces of the World’s Biggest Bicycle Race, 160 pp
NICHOLSON, Geoffrey, Le Tour: the Rise and Rise of the
Tour De France, 264 pp
SHELGREN, Margaret, CHIEFARI, Janet D,
SILVERSTEIN, Herma et al, Racing on the Tour De France
and Other Stories of Sports, 63 pp
THOMSON, H.E., Tour of the Forest Bike Race, A guide to
bicycle racing and the Tour De France, 64 pp
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Yellow Jersey, From Eugène
Christophe to Eddy Merckx, 36 pp
CLIFFORD, Peter A., The Tour De France, 192 pp
Juvenile Literature
2012CALLERY, Sean, The Tour De France, 80 pp
2009PEASE, Pamela, Pop-up Tour De France: The World’s
Greatest Bike Race, 20 pp
2007GRANT, Gilbert, Tour De France, 32 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
BERWICK, Gwen & THORNE, Sydney, Tour De France,
Level 3, 28 pp
BERRY, Skip & GOODMAN, Michael, Tour De France, 30
THOMSON, H.E., Tour of the Forest Bike Race, A guide to
bicycle racing and the Tour De France, 64 pp
WAGNER, Betty Jane & 0’ROURKE, Joseph, Racing on the
Tour De France and Other Stories of Sports, 64 pp
DAFFERN, Eileen, Tour De France, 33 pp
HOWARD, R.C., Tour De France, 16 pp
Sub-Section B:
2012 Tour
2011 Tour
2010 Tour
2008 Tour
2007 Tour
2006 Tour
Tour Annuals
BOULTING, Ned, How Cav Won the Green Jersey: Short
Dispatches from the 2011 Tour De France, 55 pp
DEERING, John, Bradley Wiggins, Tour de Force, 256 pp
EDWORTHY, Sarah, 21 Days to Glory, The Official
Team Sky Book of the 2012 Tour De France, 192 pp
WIGGINS, Bradley & FOTHERINGHAM, William, My
Time – The Autobiography, 320 pp
BOULTING, Ned, How Cav Won the Green Jersey: Short
Dispatches from the 2011 Tour De France, 55 pp
GUINESS, Rupert, The Tour, Behind the Scenes of Cadel
Evans’ Tour De France, 336 pp
MOLLER, Werner, The Scapegoat - About the Expulsion
of Michael Rasmussen from the Tour De France 2007 and
Beyond, 384 pp
BOULTING, Ned, How I Won The Yellow Jumper:
Dispatches from the Tour De France, 336 pp
WIGGINS, Bradley, On Tour, 2010, Orion, 192 pp
CAVENDISH, Mark, Boy Racer, 283 pp
WARE, Ianto, 21 nights in July, The physics and
metaphysics of cycling, 210 pp
ATKINS, Fred, Tour De Kent, The Day the World’s
Greatest Bike Race Came to the Garden of England, 192
WILCOCKSON, John, The 2007 Tour De France: A new
Generation takes the Stage, 214 pp
WILCOCKSON, John, The Tour De France 2006 –
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
2005 Tour
2004 Tour
2003 Tour
2002 Tour
2001 Tour
2000 Tour
1999 Tour
1998 Tour
1993 Tour
Triumph and Turmoil for Floyd Landis, 240 pp
DUGARD, Martin, Chasing Lance, The 2005 Tour De
France and Lance Armstrong’s Ride of a Lifetime, 256 pp
STARTT, James, Tour De France, The 2005 Tour De
France in Photographs, 128 pp
THOMAS, Geoff, Riding through the storm: My fight
back to fitness in the Tour De France, 288 pp
WILCOCKSON, John & HOOD, Andrew, The 2005 Tour
De France: Armstrong’s Farewell, 264 pp
COYLE, Daniel, Armstrong’s War: One Man battle
Against Fate, Fame, Love, Death, Scandal, and a Few
Other Rivals on the Road to the Tour De France, 326 pp
HOOD, Andrew, Armstrong rewrites history - The 2004
Tour De France, 254 pp
STARTT, James, Armstrong’s 6th, The Story of the 2004
Tour De France in Photographs, 160 pp
WILCOCKSON, John & WATSON, Graham, 23 Days in
July, Inside Lance Armstrong’s Record-breaking Tour De
France Victory, 304 pp
RENDELL, Matt, A Significant Other: Riding the
Centenary Tour De France with Lance Armstrong, 256 pp
WILCOCKSON, John, The 2003 Tour De France: 100 the
Anniversary Tour, 240 pp
AUGENDRE, Jacques, Tour De France 2002, The
Official Guide, 120 pp
WILCOCKSON, John, JEW, Bryan & PELKEY, Charles,
Lance X 3, The 2001 Tour De France, 2001, 240 pp
WILCOCKSON, John, Armstrong Encore: The 2000 Tour
De France, 256 pp
Graham, Lance Armstrong & the 1999 Tour De France.
Featuring the Tour Diary of Frankie Andreu, 256 pp
ABT, Samuel, In Pursuit of the Yellow Jersey: Bicycle
Racing in the Year of the Tortured Tour, 192 pp.
WILCOCKSON, John, 1998 Tour De France, Conquests
and Crises, 224 pp
WHITTLE, Jeremy, Yellow Fever: The Dark Heart of The
Tour De France, 306 pp
WALSH, David & STICKLAND, Billy, Inside the Tour
De France, 176 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
1992 Tour
1991 Tour
1990 Tour
1989 Tour
1988 Tour
1987 Tour
1986 Tour
1985 Tour
1984 Tour
1983 Tour
1982 Tour
1981 Tour
1980 Tour
ABT, Samuel, Champion: Bicycle Racing in the Age of
Miguel Indurain, 158 pp
ABT, Samuel, Champion: Bicycle Racing in the Age of
Miguel Indurain, 158 pp
ABT, Samuel, Tour De France: Three Weeks to Glory,
192 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 90 - The 90
Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
LIGGET, Phil, Tour De France 1989, 158 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 89 -The 89
Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
LIGGET, Phil, 1988 Tour De France, 158 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 88 - The 88
Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
CONNOR, Jeff, Wide-eyed and Legless: Inside the Tour
De France, 212 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 87 -The 87
Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 135 pp
ROCHE, Stephen & WALSH, David, My Road to Victory,
126 pp
France ’86: the American invasion, 192 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 86 - The
stories of the 86 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
MOORE, Richard, Slaying the Badger, Greg LeMond,
Bernard Hinault, and the Greatest Tour De France, 304
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 85 - The
stories of the 85 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
ABT, Samuel, Breakaway: on the Road with Tour De
France, 178 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 84 -The 84
Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 83 - The 83
Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 82 – The
stories of the 82 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 81 – The
stories of the 81 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 80 – The
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
1979 Tour
1978 Tour
1977 Tour
1976 Tour
1975 Tour
1974 Tour
1973 Tour
1972 Tour
1971 Tour
1970 Tour
1927 Tour
1904 Tour
1903 Tour
stories of the 80 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
SCHAMPS, Daniel & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 79: The
Stories of the 1979 Tour of Italy and the Tour De France,
127 pp
MAGOWAN, Robin, Tour De France: the 75th
anniversary cycle race, 183 pp
DUKER, Peter & RUYS, Charles, Tour De France 1978,
68 pp
DUNIECQ, Jacques, Tour De France, 64 pp
NICHOLSON, Geoffrey, The Great Bike Race, 205 pp
SAUNDERS, David, Tour De France 1976, 64 pp
SAUNDERS, David, Tour De France 1975, 64 pp
WADLEY, J.B., My Nineteenth Tour De France, 184 pp
SAUNDERS, David, Tour De France 1973, 64 pp
DUNIECQ, Jacques, Tour De France 1972, 64 pp
WADLEY, J.B., Eddy Merckx, Louis Ocana and the 1971
Tour De France, 62 pp
WADLEY, J.B., Eddy Merckx and the 1970 Tour De
France, 64 pp
LONDRES, Albert, Devil’s Island/The Tour De France,
50 pp
SERAY, Jacques, 1904, The Tour De France which was to
be the last, 156 pp
PARKER, Selwyn, Chasing the Chimney Sweep, A
Joyride Around the First Tour De France, 250 pp
Sub-Section C :
20122010200920052003 2003-
Tour De France Cult
NELSSON, Richard, The Tour De France – To the Bitter
End, 368 pp
STANTON, Stuart, ParisPorth, The Tour De France
Imagines, 110 pp
WATSON, Graham, Graham Watson’s Tour De France
Travel Guide, 304 pp
GREEN, Johnny, Push Yourself Just a Little Bit More:
Backstage at the Tour De France, 256 pp
ALLCHIN, Richard & BELL, Adrian, Golden Stages of the
Tour De France, 178 pp
HOWARD, Paul, Riding High: Shadow Cycling the Tour De
France, 240 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
MOORE, Tim, French Revolutions: Cycling the Tour De
France, 288 p
BRUNEL, Philippe, An Intimate Portrait of the Tour De
France: Masters & Slaves of the Road, 155 pp
WALSH, David & STICKLAND, Billy, Inside the Tour De
France, 176 pp
Section III:
Giro (Tour of Italy)
McGANN, Bill & MACGANN, Carole, The Story of the
Giro d’Italia, A year-by-year history of the Tour of Italy,
Volume one: 1909-1970, 308 pp
McGANN, Bill & MACGANN, Carole, The Story of the
Giro D’Italia, A year-by-year history of the Tour of Italy,
Volume two, 1971-2011, 314 p
SYKES, Herbie, Maglia Rosa – Triumph and Tragedy at the
Giro D’Italia, 312 pp
BUZATTI, Dino, The Giro D’Italia: Coppi Vs. Bartali at the
1949 Tour of Italy, 200 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 90 - The 90
Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 89 - The 89
Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 88 - The 88
Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 87 - The 87
Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 135 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 86 -The stories
of the 86 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 85 - The stories
of the 85 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 84 - The 84
Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 83 - The 83
Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 1983, 127 pp
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 82 – The
stories of the 82 Tour of Italy and Tour De France
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 81 – The
stories of the 81 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp,
MARTIN, Pierre & PENAZZO, Sergio, Tour 80 – The
stories of the 80 Tour of Italy and Tour De France, 127 pp
DUKER, Peter & PENAZZO, S. (Photos), Tour of Italy
1978, 61st Giro d’Italia, 64 pp
BARANTINO, Dante & PENAZZO, Sergio, Giro, Tour of
CORNAND, Jan, 59 Giro d’Italia, Tour of Italy 1976, 64 pp
CORNAND, Jan, 58 Giro d’Italia, Tour of Italy 1975, 64 pp
CORNAND, Jan, 57 Giro d’Italia, Tour of Italy 1974, 64 pp
FRETWELL, Peter & GADENZ, A., Tour of Italy 1973 - 56
Giro d’Italia, 64 pp
FRETWELL, Peter & GADENZ, A., Tour of Italy 1972 - 55
Giro D’Italia 1972, 64 pp
Section IV:
The Ras
Other Stage Races
TRAYNOR, Jim, The Ras, A Day by Day Diary of Ireland’s
Great Bike Race, 480 pp
DALY, Tom, The Ras, The Story of Irelands’ Unique Bike
Race, 340 pp
Tour of Britain
1972MESSENGER, Charles, Where there’s a Wheel, 214 pp
1971MESSENGER, Charles, Cycling’s Circus, 183 pp
1967CLIFFORD, Peter, The History of the Tour of Britain, 104 pp
1954ANONYMOUS, The Full Story of the 1954 Daily Express
Tour of Britain Cycle Race, 48pp
1953ANONYMOUS, The Full Story of the Third Daily Express
Tour of Britain 14-day Cycle Race, 48 pp
1952ANONYMOUS, The Full Story of the Second Daily Express
Tour of Britain 16-day Cycle Race, 48 pp
1951ANONYMOUS, The First Tour of Britain, 44 pp
Vuelta (Tour of Spain)
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
FALLON, Lucy & BELL, Adrian, Viva La Vuelta! The story
of Spain’s great bike race, 350 pp
FALLON, Lucy, Viva La Vuelta! Supplement 2005-2008,
s.d., 36 pp
CAMERON, Christopher David, Lance is back on the bike,
An outsider’s view of the 11th Tour Down Under, 193 pp
HAUTZIG, David, 1,000 Miles in 12 Days: Pro Cyclists on
Tour, 32 pp (juvenile literature)
FEARNLY, C., Brighton to Glasgow, The story of the “Six”,
32 pp
Section IV:
One-day Races
Sub-Section A : General Overviews
MULLER-SCHELL, Werner, The Classic Routes of Europe,
The 25 Greatest Road Races and How To Ride Them, 192 pp
Pierre & GATELLIER, Jean-Luc, The Spring Classics,
Cycling’s Greatest One-Day Races, 224 pp
GESER, Rudolf, Classic cycle races of Europe. 23 race
routes to ride yourself, 143 pp
WATSON, Graham, The Road to Hell, 128 pp
Sub-Section B: Paris-Roubaix
Jean-Luc & LAGET, Serge, Paris-Roubaix, A Journey
through Hell, 223 pp
2002SERGENT, Pascal & WESTBROOK, William L, Masters of
the Pavé: a History of Strongmen, 159 pp
1995SERGENT, Pascal, A Century of Paris Roubaix 1896-1996,
400 pp
Sub-Section C: Other
2007SCHREVER, Wim, The Queen's book, the climbs of LiègeBastogne-Liège, 128 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
PEARSON, Harry, A Tall Man in a Low Land, Some Time
among the Belgians, 264 pp
HEPHER, Jack & DRUMMOND, John, Goulburn to Sydney
1902-1992, Ninenty Years of a Cycling Classic, 228 pp
[The] Classic 10 Years: Commonwealth Bank Cycle Classic
1991, 79 pp
[The] Classic: Commonwealth Bank Cycle Classic 1989, 52
WINES, Bill, Wheels to Warrnambool, 1895-1978, 52 pp
HENDERSON, Noel Gordon, Rainbow Jersey, 54 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section I: Belles-Lettres
BARNES, Julian, Something to Declare, Essays on France,
320 pp
BUZATTI, Dino, The Giro D’Italia: Coppi Vs. Bartali at the
1949 Tour of Italy, 200 pp
BARNES, Julian, Cross Channel, 211 pp
JARRY, Alfred, The Supermale, 128 pp
JOHNSON, Uwe, The Third Book About Achim, 246 pp
Section II: Novels/Short Stories
BUDDS, Jonathan, Consumed, 293 pp
CLEAVE, Chris, Gold, 384 pp
CLEMENTS, Jonathan, 48 and Counting, A Story of Money,
Love and Bicycling, 164 pp
HOLMES, Neil, A Lot To Lose, 180 pp
GOLDSTEIN, Ross E., Chain Reaction, 400 pp
WYATT, Jon, Three Bent Links, 144 KB
PEARCE, Michael, A Dead Man in Naples, 256 pp
COCHRANE, Liz, Legs, The Human Face of the Tour De
France, 224 pp
HAVILL, Steven F., Final Payment, 288 pp
HURNE, Ralph, They’ll never catch you now, 200 pp
SHIELDS, Dave, The Tour, 240 pp
HORNER, Carl S., Hole in the wind, 140 pp
SHIELDS, Dave, The Race, A Novel of Grit, Tactics, and the
Tour De France, 214 pp
BLICKENSDORFER, Hans, North Wind in Your Spokes, A
Novel of the Tour De France, 320 pp
KRABBE, Tim, The Rider, 160 pp
MOODY, Greg, Dead Air, 319 pp
MOODY, Greg, Deadroll, 384 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
NORTH, Freya, Cat, 427 pp
FELL, Doris Elaine, The Race for Autumn’s Glory, 613 pp
MOODY, Greg, Derailleur, 304 pp
MOODY, Greg, Perfect Circles, A novel, 280 pp
WADDINGTON, James, Bad to the Bone, 194 pp
STARRS, James E., , Great Bicycle Scenes in Literature, 392
HURNE, Ralph, The Yellow Jersey, 255 pp
MOODY, Greg, Two Wheels, 284 pp
DAVISON, Liam, The Velodrome, 137 pp
SMITH, Steven, American Flyers, 224 pp
TAYLOR, David Paul, Project Peloton, 274 pp
STARRS, James E., The Noiseless Tenor, The Bicycle in
Literature, 389 pp
HEBDEN, Mark, Pel is puzzled, 240 pp
DICKENS, Frank, A Curl Up and Die Day, 152 pp
DICKENS, Frank, Three Cheers for the Good Guys, 234 pp
HURNE, Ralph, What Will You Do, Jim? 208 pp
Section III: Humour
BOULTING, Ned, How Cav Won the Green Jersey: Short
Dispatches from the 2011 Tour De France, 55 pp
BOULTING, Ned, How I Won The Yellow Jumper:
Dispatches from the Tour De France, 336 pp
HOWARD, Wayne R., Wayne’s Tour, A Big Bloke’s Tour De
France, 300 pp
WARE, Ianto, 21 nights in July, The physics and metaphysics
of cycling, 210 pp
MITH, Jamie & MALLETT, Jeff, Roadie, The
Misunderstood World of a Bike Racer, 256 pp
LEWIS, Sammarye, The Podium Girl Gone Bad: Behind the
Podium, Tales from the Tour De France, 52 pp
HOWARD, Paul, Riding High: Shadow Cycling the Tour De
France, 240 pp
MOORE, Tim, French Revolutions: Cycling the Tour De
France, 288 p
STRICKLAND, Bill, The Quotable Cyclist: Great Moments
of Bicycling Wisdom, Inspiration and Humour, 358 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HERSHON, Maynard, Tales from the Bike Shop, 184 pp
GAMBLING, Mick, On cycling. A humorous look at the sport,
99 pp
Section IV Poetry
BELMONT, Justin Daniel, The Art of Bicycling, A Treasury
of Poems, 348 pp
LIGGETT, Phil & DONALDSON, Doug, Dancing on the
Pedals, The found Poetry of Phil LIGGETT, The Voice of
Cycling, 176 pp
Section V: Bike (Racing) Cult
BARTER, Dave, Obsessive Compulsive Cycling Disorder,
218 pp
FOURNEL, Paul, Vélo, 159 pp
MAGNUSON, Mike, Bike Tribes, A Field Guide to North
American Cyclists, 224 pp
PETERSEN, Grant, Just Ride, A Radically Practical Guide
to Riding Your Bike, 212 pp
SMITH, Richard, ReCycled, An Unlikely Ride From Club
Cyclist To World Champion Via Liver Transplantation, 289
BARRON, Phillip, The Outspokin' Cyclist, 172 pp
BATHURST, Bella, The Bicycle Book, 356 pp.
NAYLOR, Chris, The Cyclists friend, 208 pp
PENN, Robert, It’s all about the Bike: The Pursuit of
Happiness on Two Wheels, 208 pp
SOUTHERLAND, Phil, Not dead yet, 336 pp
SYKES, Andrew P., Good Vibrations, Crossing Europe on a
Bike Called Reggie, 322 pp
WAYNE, Howard, Wayne's Tour: A Big Bloke's Tour De
France, 1146 KB
BIKESNOBNYC, Bike Snob: Systematically and Mercilessly
Realigning the World of Cycling, 222 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Cycling, - Philosophy for Everyone: A Philosophical Tour de
Force, 288 pp
THOMPSON, Deb, It’s All About the Bike: The Chaotic Life
of an Amateur Bicycle Racer’s Girlfriend, 533 KB
RAY, ROSE Marie & SCOTT, Sandy, From Broken Neck to
Broken Records, A Masters Cyclist’s Guide to Winning, 216
ROBERTS, Les, From Wits' End to John O'Groats: A
Journey, 116 pp
SEATON, Matt, Two Wheels, Thoughts from the Bike Lane,
256 pp
BADGETT, Peggy, Romancing the Bike, 212 pp
SMITH, Jamie & MALLETT, Jeff, Roadie, The
Misunderstood World of a Bike Racer, 256 pp
FIFE, Graeme, The Beautiful Machine, A life in cycling from
the Tour De France to Conder Hill, 336 pp
JOYCE, Jim, Bicycle Book: Wit, Wisdom & Wanderings, 152
SCHWEIKHER, Erich, Cycling's Greatest Misadventures,
250 pp
STRICKLAND, Bill, Ten Points, A memoir, 241 pp
HILTON, Tim, One More Kilometre and We’re in the
Showers, 256 pp
MAGNUSON, Mike, Heft on Wheels, A Field Guide to doing
a 180, 256 pp
BICYCLING MAGAZINE, The Noblest Invention, 320 pp
FOURNEL, Paul, Need for the Bike, 150 pp
PALZEWIC, Richard, Floyd, Lance and I bike crosscountry: Nine weeks across America, 208 pp
SEATON, Matt, The Escape Artist: Life from the Saddle, 192
WOODS, Charlie, Bikie: A love affair with the Racing
Bicycle, 192 pp
DUNSTAN, Keith, The Confessions of a Bicycle Nut, 258 pp
HERSHON, Maynard, Half-Wheel Hell and Other Cycling
Stories, 133 pp
HERSHON, Maynard, Tales from the Bike Shop, 184 pp
McCONAGLE, Seamus, The Bicycle in Love, War and
Literature, 141 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section VI:
Academic Literature
BARTHES, Roland, What is Sport? 96 pp
ROSEN, Paul, COX, Peter & HORTON, David, Cycling and
Society, 205 pp
BARTHES, Roland, Mythologies, 159 pp
Section VII: Bibliographies & Sourcebooks
ANONYMOUS, Cyclist’s Source Book, 282 pp
KIENHOLZ, Michelle L & PAWLAK, Robert, Cycling in
cyberspace, Finding bicycle-related information through
online services and the Internet, 160 pp
SCHOEVAERTS, Willy, Biografiën van wielrenners, een
bibliografie / Biographies de champion cyclists: une
bibliographie / Biographies of cycle champions: a
bibliography / Biografien von Radrennmeistern: eine
Bibliographie, 40 pp
WILLIAMS, Edward, The Pocket Bibliography of Cycling
Books, 56 pp
WILLIAMS, Edward, A Bibliography of Cycling Books, 90
NYE, Peter, The Cyclist’s Sourcebook, 221 pp
ENNIS, Philip, Cycling: a Source Book, 208 pp
BONURA, Larry Samuel, Genesis of the bicycle in the
United States, 1865-1893, A bibliographic tool for
researchers, 284 pp
SCHULTZ, Barbara, Bicycles and bicycling: a guide to
information sources, 300 pp
SPORT, Cycling: a bibliography of monographs held in the
Recreation and Sport Division Library of the Department of
Community Development, 11 pp
Section VIII: Dictionaries & Glossaries
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
ELLESTON, Michael, Glossary of Cycling Terms, 68 pp
LECCESE, Michael & PLEVIN, Arlene, The Bicyclist’s
Sourcebook: The Ultimate Directory of Cycling Information,
355 pp
KINGBAY, Keith & FICHTER, George S, Contemporary
Bicycle Racing, 82 pp
NOVOZHILOV, Sergei Nikolaevich, Velosipednyi sport =
Cyclisme = Cycling =Radfahren =Ciclismo, sortivnye
terminy na piati iazykakh, 96 pp
AVIS, F.C., Cyclists’ Reference Dictionary, 126 pp
Section IX: Juvenile Fiction
NICHOLS LYNCH, Janet, Racing California, 192 pp
KEENE, Carolyn, Trails of Treachery, 144 pp
ARTLAND, J. PP, Tour Fever; The Armchair Cyclist’s
Guide to the Tour De France, 192 pp
WARD, Michael, Mike and the Bike, 40 pp
KEENE, Carolyn, A Race Against Time, 160 pp
ARENA, Felice, Mission Buffalo, 180 pp
CHRISTOPHER, Matt & MEYER, Karin, Olympic Dream,
171 pp
MAYS, Ken, Harly Weaver and the Race Across America,
126 pp
BECKETT, James, Tour De France, 120 pp
HACKLES, Lynn, Racing Start, 128 pp
KEENE, Carolyn, Never Say Die, 150 pp
ANTHONY, Michael, The Games Were Coming, 223 pp
BISHOP, Claire Huchet, The Big Loop, 221 pp
Section X: Educational Materials
HERMAN, Gail & ROPER, Robert, Pedaling to perfect
punctuation, 32 pp
SAVIOLA, Jospeh A., The Tour De France: Solving
Addition Problems Involving Renaming, 24 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
GUNN, Margaret, The Million-Dollar Bike Race, A story for
new adult readers, 36 pp
OLLERSHAW, Chris, Gears
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section I:
VANFLETEREN, Stephan, & MAES, Jan, Merckx 525, 224
HAMVAS, Balint, Cyclocross 2011/2012, 216 pp
MADSEN, Craig, CX Bike Hutt, 68 pp
POWELL, Mike, The Greatest Race, 216 pp
ROULEUR, Photography Annual Volume 6, 320 pp
SMITH, Andrew G., Vélo, Adventures of the Peloton, 124 pp
COULSON, John, A Bit of an All-rounder, 40 years of
Cycling Photography, 120 pp
CZERULA, Nick, Richard Sachs Bicycle Maker, 110 pp
EVANS, Cadel, The Long Road to Paris, 192 pp
MILLIMAN, Chris, Drink, Smoke, Flanders, 32 pp
ROULEUR, Photography Annual Volume 5, 310 pp
Pierre & GATELLIER, Jean-Luc, The Spring Classics,
Cycling’s Greatest One-Day Races, 224 pp
KÖLLN, Timm, The Peloton, 188 pp
ROULEUR, Photography Annual 2010, 310 pp
SMIT, Marthein, The Silent Tour, 96 pp
VEAGE, John, Revolution, 25 Years on the Wheel of Cycling
in Australia, 178 p
ARMSTRONG, Lance & KREUTZ, Elizabeth, My
Comeback: Up Close and Personal, 208 pp
ROULEUR, Photography Annual 2009, 320 pp
ANONYMOUS, Cycling (1001 Photos), 463 pp
DE BODE, Chris, Chris De Bode: Tour du Monde,
Colombia, Cuba, Senegal, Eritrea, Qatar, China', 144 pp
GOOD, Ron, Bikes, Camera, Action: 50 Years of Cycling
Photography, 2008, 222 pp
HOLTHAUSEN, Joop & BERGSMA, Jacob, Emotions,
Photography by Cor Vos, 448 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
O’CONNOR, Phil, Gold Rush 2008, 2008, 170 pp
ROULEUR, Photography Annual 2008, 304 pp
Jean-Luc & LAGET, Serge, Paris-Roubaix, A Journey
through Hell, 223 pp
ROULEUR, Photography Annual 2007
SCHREVER, Wim, The Queen’s Book, the Climbs of LiègeBastogne-Liège, 128 pp
WHITTLE, Jeremy & STEER, Duncan, Le Tour: The
History of the Tour De France 1903-2007, 256 pp
STARTT, James, Tour De France, The 2005 Tour De France
in Photographs, 128 pp
WHITFIELD, Peter, Eileen Sheridan, A Cycling Life, 158 pp
POHLMANN, Tino, Rotation, Contraction, Inspiration,
Photographien Tour De France, 112 pp
STARTT, James, Armstrong’s 6th, The Story of the 2004 Tour
De France in Photographs, 160 pp
VOS, Cor, Highlights, The 2005 Season of Roadcycling, 138
VOS, Cor, Highlights, The 2006 Season of Roadcycling, 140
ARMSTRONG, Lance & WATSON, Graham, Lance
Armstrong: Images of a Champion, 208 pp
VOS, Cor, Highlights, The 2004 Season of Roadcycling, 140
WATSON, Graham, Landscapes of Cycling, 240 pp
EJNES, Gérard, Alpe d’Huez, The Legend, 96 pp
O’CONNOR, Phil, Phil O’Connor’s 21 years of cycling
photography, 144 pp
STARTT, James, Tour De France, Tour de Force, 100 Year
Anniversary Edition, 158 pp
STEER, Duncan, Le Tour – A Century of the Tour De
France, 256 pp
VOS, Cor, Highlights, The 2003 Season of Roadcycling, 144
WHITTLE, Jeremy, Le Tour. A Century of the Tour De
France, 256 pp
DAZAT, Ollivier, Cycling Legends, 28 pp
VOS, Cor, Highlights, The 2002 Season of Roadcycling, 136
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
WATSON, Graham, Graham Watson: 20 years of cycling
photography, 240 pp
WATSON, Graham & O’CONNOR, Phil, Boardman: a
Cycling Career in Pictures, 112 pp
BETTINI, Roberto, Eroi sui pedali –Héros du Vélo – Heroes
on Pedals – Heroe Sobre Pedales, 162 pp
HOXLEY, Kenneth John, JOHNSON, Eileen & JONES,
Janet, A Century of Cycling, 172 pp
BRUNEL, Philippe, An Intimate Portrait of the Tour De
France: Masters & Slaves of the Road, 155 pp
WATSON, Graham, The Great Tours: Vuelta, Giro, Tour,
192 pp
WATSON, Graham, The Road to Hell, 128 pp
WATSON, Graham, The Tour De France and its heroes, The
celebration of the greatest race in the world, 176 pp
WATSON, Graham, Visions of Cycling, 127 pp
HINAULT, Bernard, Hinault by Hinault, A pictorial
biography of one of cycling’s greatest legends 128 pp
MAGOWAN, Robin & WATSON, Graham, Kings of the
Road: A Portrait of Racers and Racing, 207 pp
Section II:
Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings & Posters
IOSFIDIS, Kiriakos, Bike Art, Bicycle In Art Around The
World, 256 pp
SCOTFORD, Lawrence, Joseph Roux and the Course de
Vélocipèdes, le départ.1869, 62 pp
NAVARRO, Sergio, The little red book of bicycles, 48 pp
ANONYMOUS, The George Moore Collection (6 volumes,
published between 1979 and 1985)
MICHAEL, Jan, Cycling in Posters, 60 pp
RENNERT, Jack, 100 Years of Bicycle Posters, 112 pp
Section III:
2011 -
Comics, Cartoons & Graphic Novels
CIENCIN, Scott, BMX Blitz, 56 pp
SMITH, Rick & GRIGGS, Brian, Yehuda Moon & the
Kickstand Cyclery, 88 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
JOYCE, Jim, Bicycle Book: Wit, Wisdom & Wanderings, 152
HELMS, Johnny, ‘Do you mean to say you have never ridden
a bicycle? ‘– The World of Johnny Helms, 112 pp
O’GRADY, Patrick, The Season Starts When? 172 pp
KEEFE, Michael & KEEFE, Mike, The ten speed
commandments: an irreverent guide to the complete sport of
cycling, 144 pp
HELMS, Johnny, On your bike, 1980, 80 pp
HELMS, Johnny, Round the bends, A second collection of
cycling cartoons, 100 pp
HELMS, Johnny, Transport of delight, 98 pp
MICHELIN, Michelin’s Illustrated History of the Tour De
France, 16 pp
SCHWINN, Bicycle Book – 108.92mp H on a bicycle, 28 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section I:
2012JOHNSON, Mark, Argyle Armada, Behind the Scenes of the
Pro Cycling Life, 224 pp
2011PINOTTI, Marc, The Cycling Professor, 265 KB
LEE, Daniel, The Belgian Hammer, Forging Young
Americans into Professional Cyclists, 208 pp
2010BARRY, Michael & MCMILLAN J MC, Le Métier: The
Seasons of a Professional Cyclist, 204 pp
PARKIN, Joe, Come and gone, A True Story of Blue-Collar
Bike Racing in America, 208 pp
STOREY, Rita, Cycling, 32 pp (juvenile literature)
2008PARKIN, Joe, A Dog in a Hat, An American Bike Racer’s
Story of Mud, Drugs, Blood, Betrayal, and Beauty in
Belgium, 240 pp
2007CONNOR, Jeff, Field of Fire, A Summer of Suffering on the
Tour De France, 240 pp
RAISIN, Saul, & SHIELDS, Dave, Tour de Life, From Coma
to Competition, 278 pp
2005BENDER, Brent, Cobblestone Dreams, 144 pp
GREENHALGH, Paul, More Than a Dream: A Year in the
Life of Two Riders Racing Abroad, 160 pp
2004RENDELL, Matt, A Significant Other: Riding the Centenary
Tour De France with Lance Armstrong, 256 pp
2002SCHULL, Bruno, The long season, One year of Bicycle
Racing in California, 240 pp
Section II:
Cycling Teams
EDWORTHY, Sarah, 21 Days to Glory, The Official Team
Sky Book of the 2012 Tour De France, 192 pp
JOHNSON, Mark, Argyle Armada, Behind the Scenes of the
Pro Cycling Life, 224 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
DRAKE, Geoff & OCHOWICZ, Jim, Team 7-Eleven,
America’s Greatest Cycling Team, 352 pp
HOLTHAUSEN, Joop, Raleigh 125 Years, 176 pp
MOORE, Richard, Sky’s the Limit, British Cycling's Quest to
Conquer the Tour De France, 352 pp
BARRY, Michael, Inside the Postal Bus, My Ride with Lance
Armstrong and the US Postal Cycling Team, 292 pp
COSTA, Angelo, GATTI, Cristiano & STAGI, Pier Augusto,
Mapei Cubes of Glory, the Story of a Team Which
Revolutionised Professional Cycling
DEERING, John, Team on the Run: The Inside Story of the
Linda McCartney Pro Cycling Team, 224 pp
VOET, Willy, Breaking the Chain: Drugs and Cycling – the
True Story, 144 pp
PARR, Scott & GUINESS, Rupert, Tales from the Toolbox,
Inside a Pro Cycling Team, 160 pp
ALEXANDER, Don & OCHOWICZ, Jim, Tour De France
’86: the American invasion, 192 pp
CONNOR, Jeff, Wide-eyed and Legless: Inside the Tour De
France, 212 pp
SNOWLING, Steve & EVANS, Ken, Bicycle Mechanics: In
Workshop and Competition, 160 pp
Gerald, The Winning Team, TI Raleigh Campagnolo, 48 pp
DUKER, Peter, The TI-Raleigh Story, 48 pp
Section III:
Managers & Team Directors
MOORE, Gerry, The Little Black Bottle, 160 pp
BRUYNEEL, Johan & STRICKLAND, Bill, We Might As
Well Win, On the Road to Success with the Mastermind
Behind a Record-Setting Eight Tour De France Victories,
272 pp
WATSON, Richard O., Choppy Warburton, Long Distance
Runner and Trainer of Cycling Champions, Hero or Vilain?
204 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section IV:
HAMILTON, Tyler & COYLE, Daniel, The Secret Race,
Inside the Hidden World of the Tour De France, Doping,
Cover-ups and Winning at All Costs, 306 pp
HARDIE, Martin, IANTO, Ware, SHILBURY, David &
BOZI, Claudio, I wish I was twenty one now, Beyond doping
in the Australian Peloton, A Report, 363 pp
LONGMAN, Jere, Cold Blooded, 201 KB
TILIN, Andrew, The Doper Next Door, My Strange and
Scandalous Year on Performance Enhancing Drugs, 320 pp
WHITTLE, Jeremy, Bad Blood, The Secret Life of the Tour
De France, 288 pp
MOLLER, Werner, The Scapegoat - About the Expulsion of
Michael Rasmussen from the Tour De France 2007 and
Beyond, 384 pp
WALSH, David, From Lance to Landis, Inside the American
Doping Controversy at the Tour De France, 330 pp
WHITTLE, Jeremy, Ten Years in a Hire Car, 288 pp
ANDERSON, Robert, Report to the Australian Sports
Commission and to Cycling Australia of an investigation into
doping allegations within the Australian Institute of Sport
(AIS) track sprint cycling program cycling, 45 pp
UCI, 40 Years of fighting against doping, 92 pp
VOET, Willy, Breaking the Chain: Drugs and Cycling – the
True Story, 144 pp
Section IV:
HANCOCK, Cyril, The Veteran-Cycle Club (1955-2005), A
History of the First 50 Years, 228 pp
BELL, Adrian, From the Pen of J.B. Wadley, 209 pp
ROCHLIN, Jay & ROCHLIN, Gail, The Art of the
Wheelman, 98 pp
DUKER, Peter, Sting in the Tail, By Racing Bicycle around
the World, 174 pp
HARRIS, Norman, Champion of Nothing: The Testament of
a Journalist-Athlete, 140 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section V:
ARMSTRONG, A.C., Bouverie Street to Bowling Green
Lane, 55 Years of Specialised Publishing, 224 pp
Collectibles & Memorabilia
HUMPHREYS, Bill & DUNN, Jerry, The Jersey Project,
199 pp
MULHOLLAND, Owen, Cycling’s Golden Age, Heroes of
the Postwar Era, 1946-1967, 240 pp
FILLION, Patrick, Cycling: The Art of Collectibles, 93 pp
GINDLING, Dan, Bicycle Collectibles, 152 pp
BATHO, Norman, Bicycle Stamps Checklist
GINDLING, Dan, Bicycle Stamps, 144 pp
DODGE, Pryor, The Bicycle, 224 pp
MALONE, Steve, Illustrated Bikes on Stamps Checklist
PERRY, David B., Bike Cult, The Ultimate Guide to Human
Powered Vehicles, 570 pp
VALUERS, Cycles and cycling memorabilia
TIBBE, Marco, Special Catalog: Bicycles on Stamps
SUDBURY, Ronald F, Stamp collecting for the cyclist, 60 pp
GEIST, Roland C., Bicycle People, 165 pp
SUDBURY, Ronald F., The Bicycle and the Postage Stamp,
62 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section I:
Bicycles in general (including competition bicycles)
SARDAR, Zahir, 100 Best Bikes, 224 pp
ANDREWS, Guy, The Custom Road Bike, 224 pp
SCHMITZ, Armfried & HADLAND, Tony, Cyclists,
Cycling, Cycles & Cycle Parts, an Anthology of Writings and
Research, 159 pp
VAN DER PLAS, Rob & BRAID, Stuart, Bicycle
Technology, Understanding the Modern Bicycle and Its
Component, 320 pp
WITHERELL, James L., Bicycle History, A Chronological
Cycling History of People, Races and Technology, 236 pp
RITCHIE, Andrew, The Origins of the Bicycle: Kirkpatrick,
MacMillan, Gavin Dalzell, Alexandre Lefebvre –
Documentation, memory, craft tradition and modern
technology, 124 pp
BARONI, Francesco, The Bicycle, The Myth and the Passion,
304 pp
SIDWELLS, Chris, Complete Bike Book, Choosing, Riding,
and Maintaining your Bike, 240 pp
DAVIDSON, Alan, Encycleopedia 2002-2003, 90 pp
DAVIDSON, Alan & MCGURN, Jim, Encycleopedia 2001:
International Guide to Alternatives in Cycling, 168 pp
SCHMITZ, Arnfried, Human Power, The Forgotten Energy,
128 pp
DODGE, Pryor, The Bicycle, 224 pp
PRIDMORE, Jay & HURD, Jim, The American Bicycle, 192
BEELEY, S., A History of Bicycles, From Hobby Horse to
Mountain Bike, 144 pp
SLOANE, E. A., Bicycle Maintenance Manual, 340 pp
STOCKDALE, Glynn & CLAYTON, Nick, An index of
Makes and Makers of Ordinary bicycles, 984, 12pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section II:
MURPHY, Jim, Two hundred years of Bicycles, 60 pp
(juvenile literature)
PINKERTON, John, The Pinkerton Museum, Arbury Hall: A
guide to the John Pinkerton Cycle Collection, 12 pp
SLOANE, Eugene, The All New Complete Book of Bicycling,
736 pp
WHITT, Frank Rowland & WILSON, David Gordon,
Bicycling Science, Ergonomics & Mechanics, 247 pp
CAUNTER, Cyril Francis, The History and Development of
Cycles (As illustrated by the collection of cycles in the Science
Museum), 72 pp
NORTON, Tom junior, Historic Cycles - Tom Norton’s
Collection, 57 pp
WOODFORDE, John, The story of the bicycle, 175 pp
SUMNER P. H., Early Bicycles, 14 pp
PULLEN, A.L & THORPE, Len, Cycling Handbook, With
Chapters on Racing and on Cycle Training by FLEMING,
G.H. & AUSTIN, W.L., 175 pp
CAUNTER, Cyril Francis, Handbook of the Collection
Illustrating Cycles, Part 2: Catalogue of exhibits with
descriptive notes, 77 pp
CAUNTER, Cyril Francis, The History and Development of
Cycles as illustrated by the collection of cycles in the Science
Museum, Part 1: Historical Survey, 75 pp
Guide 1951, 303 pp
EDWARDS, H.H., Cycling 1839-1939
BARTLEET, H.W., Bartleet’s Bicycle Book, The Story of
Cycles and Cycling, 186 pp
SCOTT Robert, Pittis, Cycling, Art, Energy and Locomotion:
A Series of Remarks on the Development of Bicycles,
Tricycles and Man-Motor Carriages, 305 pp
Manufacturing Industry
AZZOLINI Leonardo, Milestones-Faggin, 160 pp
BURKE, John, One Last Great Thing, A Story of a Father
and A Son, a Story of a Life and a Legacy, 146 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
SMITH, Alvin, IRELAND, Neville & HERNANDEZ, Frank,
Rensch and Paris Cycles, 214 pp
CONDOR CYCLES, Past Present Future, 146 pp
HADLAND, Tony, Raleigh, Past and Presence of an Iconic
Bicycle Brand, 368 pp
MILLER, Ray & IRVINE, Lee, Dan Albone: Cyclist,
Inventor, and Manufacturer, 343 pp
MILLER, Ray & IRVINE, Lee, Ivel, 168 pp
EPPERSON, Bruce D., Peddling bicycles to America: the
rise of an industry, 294 pp
LAND, Nigel, Elswick-Hopper of Barton-on-Humber, The
Story of a Great British Cycle maker, 284 pp
GROGAN, Paul, The “classic” Moulton, 124 pp
LOVE, William M., Classic Schwinn Bicycles, 160 pp
MOULTON, Alex, Moulton, from Bristol to Bradford-OnAvon, A lifetime in Engineering, 320 pp
ANONYMOUS, The Stanley Show – A Review of the shows
1878-1889 and the 1890 Show Review, 104 pp
EVANS, David, Mr. Pederson a man of Genius, 132 pp
FIFE, Graham, Bob Chicken, A passion for the bike, 336 pp
HASSELL, Jeromy, The Coventry Machinists Company Ltd.,
16 pp
DZIERZAK, Lou & HACKET, Jeff, Schwinn, 96 pp
PINKERTON, John & ROBERTS, Derek, Sunbeam Cycles,
The story from the catalogues 1887-1957, 500 pp
ROSEN, Paul, Framing Production: Technology, Culture
and Change in the British Bicycle Industry, 224 pp
Raleigh and the British Bicycle Industry, An Economic and
Business History, 1870-1960, 318 pp
COWAN, Peter, Sun Cycles & Fittings Co. Ltd – A History
1885-1985, 80 pp
CROWN, Judith & COLEMAN, Glenn, No Hands: The Rise
and Fall of the Schwinn Bicycle Company, 350 pp
PRIDMORE, Jay, Schwinn Bicycles, 192 pp
WILLIAMSON, Geoffrey, Wheels Within Wheels, The Story
of the Starleys of Coventry, 160 pp
PINKERTON, John & ROBERTS, Derek, History of Rover
Cycles, 304 pp
HADLAND, Tony, The Space Frame Moultons, 359 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
199319911990 -
BRECKON, Michael, A Wheel in Two Worlds: The Ron
Kitching Story, 325 pp
HEWITT, Chris, A.J. Hodge and his Cycles: History 18771966, 115 pp
HINDLE, Kathy & IRVINE, Lee, A Thorough Good Fellow,
The Story of Dan Albone, 80 pp
MOORE, Gerry, The Garrood's of Fakenham, a family of
inventors and engineers, 54 pp
DEMAUS, A.B. & TARRING, J.C., The Humber Story,
1868-1932, 168 pp
PINKERTON, John & ROBERTS, Derek, A History of
Rover Cycles, 300 pp
CORDON CHAMP, Robert, Sunbeam Centenary 1887-1987,
24 pp
ALTHUSER, Jean & ROBERTS, Derek, Pierre Michaux and
His Sons, The Pioneers of the Bicycle, 28 pp
STONE, Hillary, Ease with Elegance, The Story of Thanet
Cycles, 62 pp
CARD, Peter W., Joseph Lucas, The first "King of the Road",
64 pp
LERNER, Harry, Currys – The First 100 Years, 111 pp
ALCWYN, Jones B., The Story of the Halfords, 257 pp
VAN HARTEN, Marjorie & MARSTON, Melissa, Man of
Wolverhampton, Life & Times of Sir Charles Marston, 255
BOWDEN, Gregory H, The Story of the Raleigh Cycle, 216
WILLIAMSON, Geoffrey, Wheels within Wheels, The Story
of the Starleys Coventry, 160 pp
LIGHT H, B, 88 years of industrial progress and outstanding
achievement [of the Rover Company Ltd]
ANONYMOUS, Sturmey-Archer 50 years of Leadership
1902-1952, 1952, 16 pp
DENISON, Merill, C.C.M. – The Story of the First Fifty
Years, 59 pp
SCHWINN, Frank W. & ARNOLD, Hugo, 50 Years of
Schwinn Built Bicycles, The Story of the Bicycle and its
Contributirs to our Way of Life 1895-1945, 94 pp
DU CROS, Sir Arthur, Wheels of Fortune, A Salute to
Pioneers, 316 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HOOLEY, E.T., Confessions, 308 pp
GREW, W.F., The Cycle Industry, its origin, history, and
latest developments, 123 pp
HUMBER COMPANY, Cycling in the Old Days, 1919,
London, 21pp
Section III:
MOORE, Richard & BENSON, Daniel, Bike! A Tribute to
the World’s Greatest Racing Bicycles, 352 pp
RAPLEY, David, Racing Bicycles: 100 Years of Steel, 228
RUBINO, Guido PP, Italian Racing Bicycles, The People,
The Product, The Passion, 174 pp
MARCHESINI, Daniele, Bianchi: A Bicycle Alone in the
Lead, 157 pp
HEINE, Jan & PRADERE, Jean-Pierre, The Competition
Bicycle, Photographic History, 176 pp
STAGI, Pier Augusto, Colnago, The Bicycle
WHITTAKER, Nigel, The Road Racing Bicycle, Illustrated
Handbook on the Modern Racing Bicycle, 123 pp
GENTILE, Antonio, Edoardo Bianchi, 248 pp
Section IV:
Racing Bikes
Custom & Hand Built Bicycles
ELLIOTT, Christine & JABLONKA, David, Custom Bicycles
HEINE, Jan, About René Herse, 424 pp
SOWTER,Matthew & FEATHER, Ricky, Made in England:
The Artisans behind the handbuilt Bicycle, 217pp
CZERULA, Nick, Richard Sachs Bicycle Maker, 110 pp
LASKY Julie, Bespoke: The hand built Bicycle, 128 pp
HEINE, Jan & PRADERES, Jean-Pierre, The Golden Age of
Handbuilt Bicycles, 168 pp
SMITH, Alvin J. E., Frederick H Pratt and Sons, Complete
Cycle Engineers, 2006, 74 pp
PATEREK, Tim, The Paterek Manual for Bicycle Frame
Builders, Supplemented Version, 434 pp
PRIDMORE, Jay, Classic American Bicycles, 96 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
HEWITT, Chris, The Story of A.J. Hodge and his Cycles:
History in the making, 1877-1966, 115 pp
STEVENSON, Edward, The High Tech Bicycle, 190 pp
KOLIN, Michael & DE LA ROSA, Denise M., The Custom
Bicycle, Buying, Setting Up, And Riding The Quality Bicycle,
274 pp
TERESI, Dick, Popular Mechanics Book of Bikes and
Bicycling, 368 pp
Section V:
PIGNATTI MORANO, Lodovico, Cinelli, The Art and
Design of the Bicycle, 288 pp
RÖGNER, Thomas, The Bike book, lifestyle, passion, and
design, 220 pp
EMBACHER, Michael, Cyclepedia: a Tour of Iconic Bicycle
Designs, 224 pp
BURROWS, Mike, Bicycle Design, Towards the Perfect
Machine, 216 pp
EMBACHER, Michael, Smart Move, Bicycles from the
Embacher Collection, A Cyclopaedia of 100 Years Bicycle
Design, 248 pp
NOGUCHI-San, The Data Book, 100 Years of Bicycle
Component and Accessory Design: The Data Book, 212 pp
C.I.O.N. I. – Central Sports School – F.I.C., Cycling, 271 pp
Section VI:
COSSU, Matteo, One Gear: Converting and Maintaining
Single Speed & Fixed Gear Bicycles, 249 pp
BERTO, Frank J., The Dancing Chain: History and
Development of the Derailleur Bicycle, 400 pp
GRIFFITH, Steve, Vernon Blake, (1875 - 1930), Gearing
Pioneer, Painter, Philosopher, Polymath, 74 pp
FACCHINETTI, Paolo & RUBINO, Guido, Campagnolo, 75
Years of Cycling Passion, 160 pp
OLLERSHAW, Chris, Gears
BRERA, Gianni, The Giant and the File, 176 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
SHIMANO, Shimano’s 70th Anniversary, The History of
Shimano, 136 pp
MARR, Dick, Bicycle Gearing, 152 pp
HADLAND, Tony, The Sturmey-Archer Story, 192 pp
MEDA, Sergio, Colnago, 58 pp
SHIMANO INDUSTRIAL CO, History of Shimano, 96 pp
Section VII: Accessories
COOKE Jim, John Boyd Dunlop, 32 pp
SCHRANER, Gerd, The Art of Wheel Building, 108 pp
BRANDT, Joseph, The bicycle wheel, 150 pp
REYNOLDS, Top Tubes, 16 pp
REYNOLDS, Top Tubes, 12 pp
WALTHO, Arthur S, Guide to Tubular Tyres, including
Sprint Rims, 46 pp
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
1. Authors starting with the letter A
Biography of Samuel ABT
2. Authors starting with the letter B
3. Authors starting with the letter C
4. Authors starting with the letter D
Biography of Peter DUKER
5. Authors starting with the letter E
6. Authors starting with the letter F
Biography of Graeme FIFE
Biography of William FOTHERINGHAM
7. Authors starting with the letter G
Biography of Rupert GUINESS
8. Authors starting with the letter H
Biography of Jan HEINE
Biography of Johnny HELMS
Biography of Noel Gordon HENDERSON
9. Authors starting with the letter I
10. Authors starting with the letter J
11. Authors starting with the letter K
12. Authors starting with the letter L
Biography of Phil LIGGETT
13. Authors starting with the letter M
Biography of Chas MESSENGER
Biography of Greg MOODY
Biography of Richard MOORE
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
14. Authors starting with the letter N
Biography of Peter NYE
15. Authors starting with the letter O
16. Authors starting with the letter P
17. Authors starting with the letter Q
18. Authors starting with the letter R
Biography of Matt RENDELL
Biography of Andrew RITCHIE
Biography of Bob ROLL
19. Authors starting with the letter S
Biography of David SAUNDERS
Biography of Chris SIDWELLS
Biography of James STARTT
Biography of Bill STRICKLAND
20. Authors starting with the letter T
21. Authors starting with the letter U
22. Authors starting with the letter V
23. Authors starting with the letter W
Biography of John Borland WADLEY
Biography of David WALSH
Biography of Jeremy WHITTLE
Biography of John WILCOCKSON
Biography of Les WOODLAND
24. Authors starting with the letter Y
25. Authors starting with the letter Z
26. Anonymous
Section I:
Section II:
Section III:
Section IV:
Section V:
Highlights & Anecdotes
Mountains & Climbers
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section VI: Country Surveys
Section VII: Cycling Clubs
Section VIII: Statistics
Section I:
Section II:
Section III:
Section IV:
Section V
Section VI:
Section VII:
The Hour, Time Trials & Records
Track Racing
Mountain Bike Racing
Long-distance Cycle Racing
Women’s Cycle Racing
BMX Racing
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Section 4:
Section 5:
Section 6:
Section 7:
Section 8:
Section 9 :
Section 10:
Section 11:
Section 12:
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
United States of America
Section I:
Section II:
Olympic Games
Tour De France
Sub-Section A :
Sub-Section B :
Sub-Section C :
Tour De France History
Tour Annuals
Tour De France Cult
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section III:
Section IV:
Section V:
Giro (Tour of Italy)
Other Stage Races
One-day Races
Sub-Section A :
Sub-Section B :
Sub-Section C :
Section I:
Section II:
Section III:
Section IV
Section V:
Section VI:
Section VII:
Section VIII:
Section IX:
Section X:
General Overviews
Novels/Short Stories
Bike (Racing) Cult
Academic Literature
Bibliographies & Sourcebooks
Dictionaries & Glossaries
Juvenile Fiction
Educational Materials
Section I:
Section II:
Section III:
Paintings, Sculptures, Drawings & Posters
Comics, Cartoons & Graphic Novels
Section I:
Section II:
Section III:
Section IV:
Section V:
Section VI:
Cycling Teams
Managers & Team Directors
Collectibles & Memorabilia
Section I:
Section II:
Bicycles in general (including competition bicycles)
Manufacturing Industry
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze
Section III:
Section IV:
Section V:
Section VI:
Section VII:
Racing Bikes
Custom & Hand Built Bicycles
Other accessories
© Wielermuseum Roeselare – Wilfried Wilms & Michael Gaze