November - Arlington - Arlington Chamber of Commerce


November - Arlington - Arlington Chamber of Commerce
The official voice of the Arlington, Virginia Chamber of Commerce
Vol. XLIX, No. 11 November 2007
What’s inside:
83rd Annual Meeting
Calendar.............................. 2
Chair’s Message................... 3
Friday, December 7
10 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
Fall Outing............................ 5
Sheraton National Hotel
Members in the News.......... 8
Leadership Arlington............ 7
Welcome New Members....... 9
900 South Orme Street
Website Yields Results........10
Business Roundtable.......... 11
lease join your Chamber for the 83rd Annual Meeting, a celebration of 2007
and the future that lies ahead. This retrospect is a grand tie to the closing of
the year and will include a sit down lunch and an exciting keynote speaker.
The Annual Meeting is a tradition at the Chamber. The infamous slideshow
chronicles the year’s events and the awards for 2007 are presented: the Chairman’s
Award, the President’s Award and the Committee of the Year. Join your Chamber in
festivity as we acknowledge these deserving recipients, share in the successes of 2007
and look forward to 2008.
Thank you to the 83rd Annual Meeting Grand Sponsor:
Register early at
or email Kate at
for more information.
The 56th Annual Fall Outing Was a BIG Hit!
Golfers perfected their swings at Westwood’s driving
range prior to the tournament.
n Monday, October 1, the Arlington Chamber of
Commerce hosted its 56th Annual Fall Outing at the
Westwood Country Club in Vienna, Virginia, with great
success. Approximately 120 members of Arlington’s
business community gathered on the greens for some
friendly competition amongst colleagues. The Fall Outing
provided an opportunity for Chamber members to take a
break from their normal 9 to 5 routine, play a full round
of golf and compete in several competitions. Contests
included longest drive for men and women, putting,
closest-to-the-pin for men and women and two hole-in-one
contests that offered luxury cars as prizes. However, the
exciting door prizes, delicious food, stuffed goody bags,
tournament trophies and challenging contests ensured
that every attendee walked away a winner!
continued on page 4
Where you need to be in
Opportunity. Leadership. Results.
Member: U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Member: Virginia Chamber of Commerce
Executive Committee
Barbara Nicastro, Chair, The Law Offices of Barbara E. Nicastro
Margaret McKeough, Chair-Elect, Metropolitan Washington
Airports Authority
Jim Whelan, Treasurer, The ProActive Corporation of America, Inc.
Grace Shea, Assistant Treasurer, Lebanese Taverna
Robin Coracci, Vice Chair—Communications Division, Virginia
Commerce Bank
Scott McCaffrey, Vice Chair—Economic Development and
Government Affairs Division, Sun Gazette Newspapers
John Murphy, Vice Chair—Member Affairs Division, Washington
Jamie Nicholas, Vice Chair—Membership Development, Jamie
Nicholas Printing & Graphics
Doug Brammer, Vice Chair—Special Interests Division, Verizon
Sean W. Hosty, Past Chair, Smith Barney
Stanley E. Taylor, Past Chair, George Mason University
Susan Anderson
Doug Brammer, Verizon
Lynne Breaux, Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington
Ellen Brown, Hamilton College
Gene Brown, Northern Virginia Community College
Robert Bushkoff, Dittmar Company
George Cabalu, Citigroup Smith Barney
Cathy Campbell, The Washington Post
Robin Coracci, Virginia Commerce Bank
David DeCamp, Grubb & Ellis
Richard Doud, Arlington Chamber of Commerce
Michael Foster, MTFA Architecture, Inc.
Loretta Franklin, DeVry University
Paul Giovanini, Sheraton National Hotel
Sean Hosty, Smith Barney
Tim Hughes, Hughes and Associates, PLLC
Mark Ingrao, National Apartment Association
Deborah Johnson, Dominion
Philip M. Keating, Bean, Kinney & Korman, P.C.
Scott McCaffrey, Sun Gazette Newspapers
Scott McGeary, Washington Gas-Virginia Division
Margaret McKeough, Metro Washington Airports Authority
Darren Montgomery, Washington Capitals
John Moore, Ballston Common Mall
Edward Murn, Kettler
John Murphy, Washington Workplace
Barbara Nicastro, The Law Offices of Barbara E. Nicastro
Jamie Nicholas, Jamie Nicholas Printing & Graphics
Robin Norman, Virginia Hospital Center
Nancy Pallesen, Arlington Free Clinic
Von Pelot, Red Top Cab Company of Arlington
Charles B. Perry, HNTB Corporation
Yvonne Pover, Skardon Pover, Inc.
Timothy Reese, Buck Commercial
*Laura J. Richardson, Fort Myer Military Community
Deidre Schexnayder, Charles E. Smith Commercial Realty
Marie Schuler, COMCAST Cable Communications
Loretta Seigley, Marymount University
Grace Shea, Lebanese Taverna
Robert Smith, Arlington Public Schools
John Snedden, Rocklands Barbeque & Grilling Co.
Stanley Taylor, George Mason University
Gordon Thrall, Guernsey Office Products
Marc Tohir, PNC Bank
Nan Walsh, Walsh, Colucci, Lubeley, Emrich & Walsh
Jim Whelan, The ProActive Corporation of America, Inc.
Jim Whittaker, Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization
Patricia Williamson, WETA-TV 26/90.9 FM
*COL Laura J. Richardson, Fort Myer
Richard V. Doud, Jr.,* President
Tami Anderson, Staff Accountant
Meghan Cahill, Communications Manager
Brian Hefner, Director of Membership
Deborah Kunin, Member Services Administrator
Kate Roche, Member Services Manager
*Executive Committee Member & Director
Visit our website:
Visit our wireless website:
November 2007
The Arlingtonian
Information is accurate as of press time.
Please consult the Chamber’s website
( for updates
and changes that may have occurred.
Events listed in color are open to both
members and guests.
You can register for all events by visiting or by calling
the Chamber office, 703-525-2400.
1 Thursday
Arlingtonian Contents Due
4 Sunday
Daylight Savings Time Ends
14 Wednesday
Smart Start
7:45–8:45 a.m.
Chamber Board Room
5 Monday
15 Thursday
6 Tuesday
16 Friday
Ambassador Committee
4:30–5:30 p.m.
Chamber Board Room
Election Day
Community Action Committee
8–9 a.m.
Chamber Board Room
7 Wednesday
Executive Committee
8 a.m., Chamber Board Room
8 Thursday
Breakfast Connection
7:30–9:30 a.m.
Holiday Inn-Ballston
Higher Education Council
4–5 p.m.
Chamber Board Room
12 Monday
Veteran’s Day Observed
Chamber Offices Closed
13 Tuesday
Communications Council
5–6 p.m.
Chamber Board Room
Business After Business
5–7 p.m.
Tandoori Nights
Board Meeting
11:45 a.m.–1:45 p.m.
Sheraton National Hotel
22 Thursday
Thanksgiving Day
Chamber Offices Closed
23 Friday
Thanksgiving Holiday
Chamber Offices Closed
28 Wednesday
Small Business Roundtable
11:45 a.m.–1:15 p.m.
Chamber Board Room
Education & Workforce
Development Committee
4–5 p.m.
Chamber Board Room
30 Friday
Government Affairs & Economic
Development Committee
8–9 a.m.
Chamber Board Room
Chamber telephone system courtesy of Lockridge Communications. Broadband internet capabilty courtesy of Comcast
Communications. Office WiFi capability courtesy of Washington Workplace.
Deadlines for submissions to The Arlingtonian
Display Ads—The first of the month prior to publication. i.e. For December, the ad must be submitted by November 1.
Press Releases—Same deadline as Display Ads
Articles—Same deadline as Display Ads
Inserts—Must deliver 2,000 inserts before noon on the 22nd of the month prior to publication. i.e. For December, the
insert must be at the mail house by November 22. If less than the full number is provided, no inserts will be mailed
and no refunds can be given.
The Arlingtonian (USPS 534030) is published monthly by the Arlington Chamber of Commerce, 2009 14th Street,
North, Suite 111, Arlington, VA 22201. A subscription rate of $4 per Chamber representative is collected as part of
annual membership dues. Periodicals postage paid at Arlington, VA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The
Arlingtonian c/o Arlington Chamber of Commerce, 2009 14th Street, North, Suite 111, Arlington, VA 22201
Articles printed in this newsletter are submitted by members and represent their ideas and beliefs and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce.
November 2007
Chair’s Message
2007 Annual Corporate
OO! I hope that you had a scary and sweet
Halloween. Thanks to all of you who participated
in our twin golfing events last month. We
appreciate your support and hope that you had a great
time. Without your continuing support, our Chamber
would not be as vibrant—or as interesting—an
organization. November never used to be my favorite
month—too dark, too cold, too many leaves to rake—but
I’m getting to enjoy it more. I remember all of the
wonderful Thanksgiving celebrations with family and
friends, I start to look ahead to the Christmas holidays
Barbara Nicastro
and I enjoy all the wonderful football games on TV (I am
a true sports junkie!). This year, I am also looking forward to seeing my two
daughters home from college—I’m even looking forward to their chaos and dirty
From a Chamber point of view, we are also getting ready to wind down certain
parts of our year. Margaret McKeough has selected her slate of directors’ candidates and you should have received (and hopefully voted for your choices). She
will present the new board, along with her slate of officers for the coming year at
our Annual Meeting, a luncheon event held on December 7th. We hope to have a
very special keynote speaker for this event, and I would urge each of you to mark
your calendars and attend.
Looking ahead to next year, the time has come to put down—in indelible ink—the date for the best party in Arlington and perhaps all of Northern
Virginia—the Chamber’s 2008 Winter Gala! The Gala will be on January 26th with
overflow for many of the attendees to the following day. Don’t any of you dare
have any conflicts . . . you will surely regret it if you do.
We are also in the midst of our competition for the trip to Budapest, Hungary
for the lucky—and determined—Chamber member who brings in the most
NEW members between September 1 and the end of the year. It’s not difficult to
convince someone of what a great place the Chamber is and how much it can do
for a person’s business. Remind your small business owner friends and clients that
Chamber membership can cost as little as eighty-eight cents a day. There’s not
much else you can buy with that, and certainly nothing else more important.
Speaking of Budapest, we are working with our Hungarian counterparts
on getting their Chamber thriving. Our committee has met several times and
is making progress on how best to present ideas on networking, business development, financial matters and other topics of interest in a way that works for
Budapest’s businesses. If you are interested in getting involved, call the Chamber
offices and let us know.
Finally, the Chamber continues to monitor business issues in the county and
state. We have recently lent our support to an effort to persuade the County Board
to change the signage requirements for temporary signs on existing commercial structures or those under construction. The requested amendments will aid
commercial developers and potential lessees of business properties alike in better
informing interested parties of the availability of
commercial, retail and office space in Arlington.
Have a Question?
Ask the Chair!
The Law Offices of Barbara E. Nicastro, Esq.
2007 Chair
Buck & Assoc., Inc.
~ Established 1980 ~
Serving all of Northern Virginia
and Washington, D.C.
McEnearney Associates, Inc.
4720 Lee Hwy, Arlington, VA 22207
The Arlingtonian
November 2007
Fall Outing, continued from page 1
hanks to everyone who volunteered, sponsored, donated and participated. Without your support, this year’s event
would not have been the success it was. Below, we congratulate the winners and thank the volunteers whose efforts
made this event a victory!
The Chamber would like to extend sincere thank yous to the following Chamber members. Without their support of the
Chamber and the Fall Outing, this event would not be possible.
Grand Sponsor: Porsche of Arlington
Reception Sponsor: The Growth Coach
Golf Cart: Citigroup Smith Barney–George C. Cabalu
Beverage Cart: Bank of America Mortgage;
Citigroup Smith Barney–George C. Cabalu;
Walsh, Colucci, Lubeley, Emrich & Walsh, P.C.
Golf Shirt: Paradies (Metropolitan Washington Airports
Golf Hat: Citigroup Smith Barney–George C. Cabalu
Thank you to the members of the 2007 Fall Outing
Committee. These individuals are dedicated members
who worked tirelessly to ensure the success of this year’s
CHAIR: Nicole Bocra, Infinity Investigative Solutions
Sean Hosty, Smith Barney
Craig Mastrangelo, Re/Max Allegiance
Christine Piry, TML Copiers & Digital Solutions
Bill Swanson, Edward Jones
Thank you to this year’s Hole Sponsors. We hope to
see you on the course again next year!
Association of the U.S. Army
Ballston Common Mall
Steve Barto–Wachovia Securities
BB&T–Columbia Pike Branch
Bean, Kinney & Korman, P.C.
Burger King
Comcast Spotlight
Edward Jones–Bill Swanson
The Front Page
Geo. H. Rucker Realty Group
Holiday Inn National Airport/Crowne Plaza Hotel
National Mailing Systems/Digital Office Products
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
Sheraton National Hotel
Smith Barney–Sean Hosty
United Bank
Valcourt Building Services
Virginia Commerce Bank
Closest-to-the-Pin: Association of the U.S. Army
Putting Contest: RE/MAX Distinctive–Craig Mastrangelo
Hole in One: American Service Center
Porsche of Arlington
Driving Range: Guernsey Office Products
Team Photo: American Painting & Janitorial Co.
Trophy: Specialty Auto Body
Thank you to the following generous sponsors, who
provided wonderful door prizes and contest
prizes to this year’s attendees!
Capitol Rehab
Citigroup Smith Barney–George C. Cabalu
Comcast Spotlight
Embassy Suites Crystal City
Heidelberg Pastry Shoppe
Hyatt Regency Crystal City
Infinity Investigative Solutions
Marriott Crystal Gateway
Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse
The Teal Center
Washington Capitols
George C. Cabalu
First Vice President - Wealth Management
Financial Advisor
November 2007
Every year each participant receives a Goody Bag at
registration. Goody bags are a great way to promote your
business while supporting the Chamber. This year’s
Goody Bags were great, and we would like to extend a
thank you to the following contributors:
Goody Bag Sponsor: Dimension Strategic Marketing
Arlington Virginia Federal Credit Union
Ballston Common Mall
Buck & Associates
Comcast Spotlight
Dawn Wilson–Keller Williams Realty
Gold’s Gym
Goodwill of Greater Washington
Guernsey Office Products
Holiday Inn National Airport–O’Malley’s Pub
Infinity Investigative Solutions
Jamie Nicholas Printing & Graphics
MAR Reporting Group
Meridian Title
Norm Odeneal–Keller Williams Realty
Randstad Work Solutions
Virginia Commerce Bank
Winners of the 56th Annual Fall Outing
1st Place Low Net: Combined Team
1st Place Low Gross:
Robert Martinson – Bank of America Mortgage
Greg Mullan – Bank of America Mortgage
Jeffrey Bergmann – Bergmann’s Inc.
E. Peter Bergmann – Bergmann’s Inc.
Geo. H. Rucker Realty Corporation
Richard Wolff
Chuck Mason
Sy Samaha
Tom Light
Contest Winners
Closest to the Pin Men – Mark Ingrao of the National Apartment Association
Putting Contest – C. Michael Harper of Citigroup Smith Barney
Longest Drive Men – John Lemen of Virginia Commerce Bank
The Arlingtonian
November 2007
Colonel Tom Allmon, former Fort Myer liaison to the Arlington
Chamber, and his Iraqi counterpart at Samara Forward Operating
Base; Samara, Russia.
Join the Pack and Herd into October’s
Do you need a break from your daily 9 to 5? Retreat to the exotic
Tandoori Nights Thursday, November 15 for Business After
Business! Tandoori Nights is centrally located in Clarendon
but you’ll feel like a world away in this colorful, spicy escape.
Networking will be a breeze as you enjoy their stylish cocktails
and zesty dishes. Bring plenty of business cards!
Our monthly cash jackpot has grown to $1,800! If you’re
a member, this could be your chance to win! You must be
present to receive prizes. Register early!
Happy Anniversary!
The Chamber is pleased to recognize the great
organizations that celebrated their membership
anniversaries in October. We thank the
following members for their continued support
of the Arlington business community.
October Anniversaries
Corporate Apartment Specialists, Inc.
Kenneth Matzkin, Buck & Associates
that occur after that time will not b
Tandoori Nights
Thursday, November 15
2800 Clarendon Boulevard
Arlington, 22201
5–7 p.m.
November 2007
Leadership Arlington Welcomes the 10th Class
eadership Arlington is pleased to
announce the members of the
Class of 2008. The 2008 Class will
be the 10th class to participate in Leadership Arlington’s 10-month program that
provides a forum for the business, nonprofit and public sectors to discuss the issues and opportunities facing Arlington,
Virginia while enhancing personal and
professional leadership skills. The Class
of 2008 met for the first time at its opening retreat on Thursday, September 20
and Friday, September 21 at the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. Over the next 10 months the participants will study and discuss the following
topics: Arlington County “The Sum of
the Parts”; Economic Development;
Business & Industry; Health & Human
Services; The Arts; Education, Justice,
Crime & Public Safety; Neighborhoods;
and a trip to the Richmond General
Assembly. The following skills will be taught: team building,
ethics and leadership, negotiation, collaboration, facilitation, enabling change, lobbying, mentoring, conflict resolution, consensus building, and visioning. Congratulations to the 2008 class of Leadership
Arlington! This year’s class includes 42 leaders that reflect
the diverse community of Arlington.
Rachel Akins, Arlington Street People’s Assistance Network
Tamara Ashford, Junior League of Northern VA
Tim Atkin, SRA International, Inc.
Ken Aughenbaugh, Arlington County VA–DCPHD Housing
Kelli Beavers, Arlington Parks and Recreation
Mike Beckman, Arlington Virginia Federal Credit Union
Jerry Caputo, Arlington Public Schools
Pat Carroll, Arlington County Government/County Manager’s
Pam Collins, Zenstarr Enterprises, Inc.
JR Diffee, Colony House, Inc.
Carl Dodson, Security One Bank
Marykate Dougherty, Chemonics International
Jim Egenrieder, Virginia Tech, Northern Virginia Center
Angie Fox, Crystal City BID
Suzanne Grant, Arlington Public Schools (REEP)
Michelle Harris, NCB
Nader Hasan, Law Offices of Nader Hasan, P.C.
Joyce Hollander Kyle, Clarendon Dental Arts
Vladimir Jadrijevic, Arlington County–Office of the
Commissioner of Revenue
Bob Kenney, Re/Max Allegiance
Leadership Arlington Class of 2008
Ralph Kidder, Marymount University
David Kidwell, Arlington County
Courtney Kissell, The Reading
Lucy McCauley, Bowen McCauley
Carolyn McCornac, Freddie Mac
Margaret McKeough, Metropolitan
Washington Airports Authority
Hunter Moore, Arlington County–AED
Rob Morris, Morris Day Residential
Paula Potts, Arlington Free Clinic
Vicki Price, Doorways for Women
and Families
Tricia Rodgers, Arlington Community
Bill Roper, Arlington County
Allen Schirmer, United Bank
Mark Schwartz, Arlington County
Jim Sherrick, Branch Banking & Trust Co.
Adrian Stanton, Virginia Hospital Center
Reuben Varghese, Arlington County Department
of Human Services
Tonya Vincent, Arlington Police Department
Maria Voultsides, Arlington Public Schools
Susan Wallace, Capital Travel Medicine
Betsey Wildhack, Elder Law Attorney
Judy Yoder, Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing
The Arlingtonian
in the
In an effort to give back to the community, Arlington Virginia Federal Credit
Union (AVFCU) staff members held a
Community Service Day on October 8,
2007. “We know that our success is
directly related to the success of Arlington County, and AVFCU is dedicated to
the betterment of the community.
Everyone involved gains from this
experience” said Patty Browne, AVFCU’s
Community Relations Manager. Visit to find out
& Contractors
Dittmar Company received an award at
Transwestern’s 2007 Awards for Excellence in the mid-Atlantic apartment and
condominium industry. The award was
presented in recognition of Quincy Plaza
Apartments, Dittmar’s new 499 unit
luxury high-rise apartment building in
Ballston, and was for Best Lease-up for
a Northern Virginia High-Rise Apartment
Community. The community leased up
at a pace of 40 units per month. Visit for more
➤Non-Profit Organizations
& Foundations
The Arlington Food Assistance Center
(AFAC) is calling on young professionals to join in the fight against hunger by
joining the AFAC’s Young Professionals
Circle. This forum will give young adults
a way to get more involved in local
hunger issues through constructive
Join us in the
Energy efficiency is good for
your bottom line.
Apply for your FREE
small business energy audit.
Find out how at
November 2007
problem solving, social networking and
community outreach. “Since over 6,000
families in Arlington live at or below the
national poverty line, hunger is clearly
an issue in Arlington,” says Christine
Lucas, AFAC’s Executive Director. For
more details, visit
The Women In Military Service For
America Memorial Foundation, Inc. will
be celebrating the 10th anniversary of
their memorial on November 3 at 12pm.
The program will pay tribute to America’s military women, past and present,
with a special salute to the servicewomen serving in the Global War on Terror.
The event will feature a formal ceremony with military honors and remarks
by senior Department of Defense and
Administration officials. The program
is free and open to the public. Other
anniversary events include a candlelight
march, a service of remembrance, a gala
dinner and a reunion. Visit the 10th
Anniversary Information Center at to find
out more.
➤Pet & Animal Services
In an effort to raise awareness of the
large number of homeless adult cats
and dogs, the Animal Welfare League
of Arlington is offering, for the month
of November, reduced adoption fees for
adult cats and dogs. The reduced fee
is $50 for adult cats (at least one year
old); the usual fee is $100. The adoption
fee is $75 for adult dogs (at least five
years old); the usual fee is $120. All of
our cats and dogs receive vaccinations
and microchips and are spayed or neutered before going to their new homes.
These costs far exceed the adoption
fees. Visit to find out
➤Restaurants & Food
Sushi-Zen Japanese Restaurant, located
in the Lee Harrison Shopping Center, is
celebrating its 10th anniversary serving
the Arlington community with its 10-10$10,000 “Giving Back to the Community” program -- Ten Years--Ten Fundraisers--Raise $10,000. The 9th and 10th
Arlington non-profit fundraisers will
take place this November. On November
6, Community Residences will be the
beneficiary of the fundraiser. On Novemcontinued on page 9
November 2007
ber 12, Vangaurd Services Unimited will
be the featured fundraiser. Sushi-Zen
will be donating 10% of the day’s sales
to the designated non-profit. Those who
identify themselves as supporting the
non-profit will have 20% of their meal
ticket donated to the non-profit. Go to for details.
➤Technology & Computer
PRO-telligent, LLC was recognized as
one of the fifty fastest growing com-
panies in the greater Washington area
by the Washington Business Journal
this past October. PRO-telligent, LLC
was acknowledged for its successful
businesses growth in the government
marketplace. This year marks the
second year in a row that PRO-telligent
has been honored by the Washington
Business Journal. Judy Sebastian, CEO
of PRO-telligent, attributes this success to “all of our employees and their
dedication to our mission of providing
exceptional service to our clients.”
SMART Start is a free Networking Seminar and Information Session
held monthly at the Chamber and led by Joe Prentice of New York Life
Insurance. Whether you are a new member or someone looking to kick up
your potential a few levels, attending SMART Start will teach you how to
maximize your investment with the Chamber!
Learn how to meet new clients and future business associates
Network with the Chamber’s new members
Listen and learn from actual Chamber members who know how to create
customers and business relationships using this Chamber
Next SMART Start
Wednesday, November 14
7:45a.m. – 9:00a.m.
Chamber Board Room
Register online:
For more information
contact Brian Hefner
at 703-525-2400 or
Thank you to our sponsor
Randy Morrow, Keller Williams!
Non-Profit Organizations
& Foundations
Jesse Corning, Manager
5115 Little Falls Road
Arlington, VA 22207-1899
Phone: 703-536-9656
SPONSOR: Rich Doud, Chamber
The Knights provide a full service
banquet facility with in-house
catering, summer camps and pools
with memberships open to the
Shannon Swahn, Business
Development Manager
2735 Hartland Road, Suite 101
Falls Church, VA 22043
Phone: 703-289-1200
SPONSOR: Brian Hefner, Staff
ROI is an on-demand printing
resource for any size company. The
average turn around is only 72
hours. We provide a quality printed
product with extraordinary customer
Security Services
Gregory Abrenio, President
1200 North Veitch Street, Suite 417
Arlington, VA 22201-5818
Phone: 202-390-8843
SPONSOR: Brian Hefner, Staff
Cyber Armed Security,LLC provides
design and integration services to
help organizations implement smart
card technologies in a manner that
aligns high assurance security needs
with strategic business objectives.
November 2007
The Arlingtonian
Benefit by Logging into
Members Only!
Yields Results!
re you logging in to the “Members Only” section of our website If so, you are featured in the Arlingtonian! Members
who log in can add company events to the online community calendar, update business information, create coupons
to be placed by their online business listing and can place
the Arlington Chamber Member logo and link on your
website! Log in to Members Only today!
E-mail to get
your Members Only ID and password.
Those members who logged in September were:
All About You Specialty Marketing Communications
Animal Welfare League of Arlington
Arlington Pax Energy
Bank of Georgetown
Body Dynamics, Inc.
Brian Kilgallon–Smith Barney
Christopher Wilkes–Re/Max Distinctive
Clear Sky Creative
Cohen and Company
EmbroidMe, Fairfax/Merrifield
enlightek, Inc.
Ethical Homes
George Mason University
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority
Residential Program Center
ROI Digital Printing
Signs by Tomorrow
Each month the Chamber actively tracks usage of its
website in an effort to better serve our members and
to keep the website resourceful. Below are the top
categories and keywords searched in the month of
Don’t miss out! Please ensure that the Chamber has
an accurate and current website address for your
business, so searchers can visit your site.
Top 5
1. Lodging
2. Real Estate
3. Dining
4. Entertainment
5. Transportation
Top 5 Business
1. Restaurants & Food
2. Hotels & Motels
3. Entertainment
4. Real Estate–Residential
5. Transportation
Intellectual property:
Do you own what is yours?
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, Nov. 13,
5:00 p.m. at the
If you have questions regarding the ownership of your logo,
website or other advertising and software your business uses,
join the Communications Council on Tuesday, November 13,
when Dave Temeles of Bean, Kinney & Korman, PC breaks
down the nebulous world of Intellectual Property (IP).
Discover who really owns your IP assets. To find out more, visit Click on membership guide/committees.
Or, send an e-mail to
communicate & connect!
November 2007
Business Roundtable
The Chamber sponsored Roundtable is an open discussion forum held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the
Chamber, facilitated by Jim Whelan of The ProActive Corporation of America.
By Jim Whelan, The ProActive Corporation of America
n September 26th, the Ar• The advisability of posting prices
lington Business Roundtable
on the web received a thorough
turned to the topic of Pricreview, and the consensus is to refrain.
ing – What is your method of setting a
At most, use case histories to provide
Marketing A’ La 2008
price on your product or service?
an overview of the cost of services.
For most small businesses, having
• Many formulas were cited as a
Have you considered blogs,
the lowest price is not a good policy. It
basis to setting fees. In practice, busipodcasts, or other “2008”
robs you of needed profit margin;
ness owners used them as an initial
ways to market your business?
customers may not care as much about
guide that they adjusted based on the
price as you think; and large
real world
competitors can under-price you
• It’s important to have a clear
anyway. How important is price as a
competitive factor? Do your customers
picture of the clients you want and
really make their purchase decisions mostly on low price?
the cost, and then devote your efforts to reach those
And if they do, do you want them?
who fit the picture.
Highlights of the discussion included:
• Your fees must reflect the value you bring to your client.
• Joe Mann of More Web Leads started the discussion
• A client’s request for services leads us into new areas,
citing his experiences over the last five years as he
and they grow the business by providing the service
started and was growing his web search engine optimithat is wanted or needed.
zation business. As he developed more experience in
the marketplace, his rates changed. Mann advises his
The bottom line from this roundtable? Fees should be
clients in December if his prices for the coming year
based on your client, the service your offer, the value you
are to increase.
bring to the table and the need to generate a profit.
Thanks to Members who
renewed in October
Apartment and Office Building Association
Arlington Promotional Products, LLC
Bank of America Mortgage
Jim Whelan of ProActive Corporation is
a specialist in strategic and business
planning. He creates business plans to
grow revenue, increase profits, and
improve performance. To contact him,
go to or call
703-862-6758. To learn about the
upcoming Business Roundtable topic, go to or contact the Chamber office
at 703-525-2400.
WebSite Sponsorship
and Why it’s Hot
Kettler Capitals Iceplex
The Carlin
Corporate Apartment Specialists, Inc.
DeVry University
Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Lenox Club
Security One Bank
Technology Management International (TMI)
Washington Workplace
Site viewed 1/4 million times+++ yearly
Maximum exposure—locally/nationally
Pricing options for EVERYONE: $25 to $4,000
Online Business Directory upgrades
Rotating Banner Ads Available on Key Pages:
Community Calendar, Find a Member Directory, Visitor Information and many others!
Contact Meghan at
to find out more today!
The Arlingtonian
Thanks go to…
George Mason University for hosting our September Board meeting on
your Arlington Campus.
Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse for hosting our September Business After
Business. The view was amazing and the food even better!
Bernie Cohen of Insurance Solutions for providing a door prize at
September’s Business After Business.
November 2007
Call 703-525-2400.
Chamber Staff Phone Extensions
Rich Doud, President................ x206
Tami Anderson, Accountant...... x205
Meghan Cahill,
Communications.................. x203
Brian Hefner, Membership....... x202
Deborah Kunin,
Administrative..................... x200
Kate Roche, Events................... x204
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• Property Management & Consulting
& Assocates, Inc. REALTORS
2519 Wilson Boulevard • Arlington, Virginia 22201 • 703-528-2288
Arlington Chamber of Commerce
2009 North 14th Street, Suite 111
Arlington, Virginia 22201
703-525-2400 703-522-5273 (fax)
The mission of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce is to promote businesses and economic development within Arlington
County. The Chamber will represent the interests
of Arlington County businesses by: participating as a business advocate to government; endorsing regional solutions
to infrastructure and educational challenges; and striving to
create the conditions that encourage a healthy community
and business environment within the County and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
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