December - Lake Barcroft


December - Lake Barcroft
Photo by Anna Novak
Pres i d ent ’s Report
LakeLink: A
Virtual Town
Hall Every
By Sally Determan
As I’ve written before, I’m intrigued by
how we have created such an amazing
sense of community here in Lake Barcroft, apart from our shared treasure,
the Lake. Last month I wrote about our
“founders,” the early pioneer residents
who began the many activities and institutions that still bring us together. This
month I’m exploring a much more contemporary contributor to our neighborliness: the LakeLink connection.
Our LakeLink listserv is amazing in so
many ways. It permits us to share so
readily. Need some kids’ sporting equipment? Ask to borrow or purchase on
LakeLink, and make new friends who
respond. Need some help? Find recommendations or volunteers on LakeLink,
and pick up potential colleagues. Downsizing? LakeLink will find folks who
would love to pick up some stuff you no
longer need, and you will meet neighbors as they come by.
Our listserv lets us readily create new
friends in other ways. Can you imagine
trying to invite and get responses from
folks in Lake Barcroft for upcoming
Newcomers’ or Women’s Club events
without LakeLink? I suspect that we have
so many splendid, community-creating
popular get togethers because LakeLink
exists and facilitates the outreach. And at
no cost. Amazing.
continued on page 6
This dramatic study by Anna Novak of Waterway Drive is just one of the photos in the 2013
Lake Barcroft Calendar. Several photos from the calendar are displayed inside this issue.
Calendars ordered by Dec. 20 will be delivered by Jan. 1. Send check for $25 per calendar to
Tom Donlan, 6516 Jay Miller Drive, 22041.
Is an Updated Gas Line in
Your Home’s Future?
By Will O’Neil Special to Barcroft News
For more than half a century natural
gas has flowed silently to Lake Barcroft
homes through a vast, hidden, multitrunked tree of gas lines. The roots are
pipes as much as four feet across. Trunk
and branch and sub-branch lines beneath the streets get progressively smaller
and lower in pressure. Finally the twigs
of the gas tree run under our lawns at
low pressure.
Washington Gas has been building and
operating gas line trees since 1848 and
has learned that galvanized steel pipe has
to be renewed after decades of service.
For smaller lines the replacements are
medium density polyethylene yellow gas
pipe, which is adequate for lower pressures and has greater resistance to damage and deterioration, as well as being
cheaper and easier to work with.
For service lines from street to house, the
easiest, cheapest, and usually least disruptive way to renew the original oneinch steel pipe is by inserting half-inch
plastic pipe as a liner. If the original pipe
has no obstructions or joints, this can all
be done without any excavation. When
excavations are needed they’re carried
out largely by backhoe, although hand
digging may be used in difficult situations.
continued on page 4
Lake Barcroft Newsletter
By Kim I. Mills Barcroft News Staff
Photo by Carol Donlan
Published by
Lake Barcroft Association, Inc.
Carol Donlan, Editor
6516 Jay Miller Drive
Falls Church, Virginia 22041
Telephone: 703-941-0112
Tom Donlan, Photo Editor
George McLennan, Photographer
Guy Mayer, Photographer
Dominique Cavich
Don Christian
Monica Boland, Arts
Ellen Feldstein, Senior Reporter
Stuart Feldstein, Post Production
Philip Horowitz, Reporter
Kevin Howe, Nature
Moe Jafari, Food Columnist
Phil Kemelor, Reporter/Photographer
Larry Golfer, Photographer
Debra Lee, Restaurant Reviews
Elaine Lindstrom, Writer
George McLennan, Senior Reporter/
Restaurant Reviewer
Kim Mills, Milestones Editor
Anne Murphy O’Neil, Writer
Sandy Tugwell, Reporter
Betsy Washington, Horticulture
Publications Committee
Shane Oleson, Chairman
Don Christian
Carol Donlan
George McLennan
The Lake Barcroft Newsletter is published
monthly by the Lake Barcroft Association.
Please submit articles to or
Barcroft News, c/o
6516 Jay Miller Drive,
Falls Church, Virginia 22041
Deadline for the Jan. newsletter is Dec. 20.
Advertising Rates
1/2 page $225/mo.
1/3 page $150/mo.
1/4 page $125/mo.
1/8 page $100/mo.
back cover $3900/yr.
business card service ad $400/yr.
Advertising Sales
Chris and Vince Lawson
Telephone: 703-941-2547
Katie Busch of Arlington, a graduate student at George Mason University, is checking for
critters (mammals actually) at two houses on Jay Miller Drive as part of a 40-house survey to
see if Certified Wildlife Habitat houses attract more species than similar houses (within half a
kilometer) that do not have certification. Katie’s study has two parts. First she put out small
animal traps for five nights and checks (then releases) the animals the next morning. In the
second part, shown here, Katie uses movement-activated cameras for two weeks to watch
for animals. The research will be used for her final for her Masters Degree in Environmental
Science and Policy. She’ll release her results in 2013.
Stefan DeWilde, son of Pam and Bob
Rieser of Lakeview Drive, was nominated for a regional Emmy Award in Television Lighting. Stefan was nominated for
a Suncoast Emmy Award for his design
of the 2012 Miss Florida USA Pageant.
He is director of lighting for the New
World Symphony Orchestra in Miami.
Stefan’s journey to this nomination began when his parents took him to see
Cats. “He was 11 and was so taken with
the play he turned our basement into the
stage for Cats,” according to Bob. “He
hung lights from the walls and ceiling
and set the room to be a theater. I let
this go for about a week or so. Then I
removed all the lights and patched and
painted the basement so we could have
our family room back.”
After a trip to another theater production and more repairs to the basement,
the Riesers decided to channel Stefan’s
theatrical interests and helped him join
the Little Theater of Alexandria, a vol-
Stefan DeWilde
unteer group that put on several productions each year. As he became more
adept at lighting design, Stefan volunteered at other local theaters, including
the Trinity Theater in Georgetown and
the Kennedy Center.
continued on page 8
December 2012
A series of stories about some of the extraordinary
people at the Lake and those who have made Lake Barcroft an extraordinary place
to live. If you know someone who should be featured, contact Carol Donlan.
Photo by Tom Donlan
2011–2012 Officers and Directors
Sally Determan, President . . . . . . 703-845-0363
J. Warren Russell, Vice President . . 703-354-1133
Cindy Waters, Secretary . . . . . . . . 703-354-1133
Jim Kilbourne, Treasurer . . . . . . . 703-256-7382
Rick Aldrich, Director . . . . . . . . . . 703-750-0488
Jim Kilbourne, Director . . . . . . . . 703-256-7382
Eva Kosztarab, Director . . . . . . . . 703-354-6214
Shane Oleson, Director . . . . . . . . 703-992-7085
Pat Payne, Director . . . . . . . . . . . 703-671-1061
Frank Phillippi, Director . . . . . . . . 703-354-8343
Diane Smalley, Director . . . . . . . . 703-658-4626
Cindy Waters, Director . . . . . . . . . 703-354-1133
Betsy Washington, Director . . . . . 703-941-6325
LBA Committee Chairpersons
Stanton and Dorothy Samenow of Mansfield Road and their schnauzer Daisy.
Talk About Love at First Sight: He Literally
‘Jumped in the Lake’
By Anne Murphy O’Neil Barcroft News Staff
Dottie and Stanton Samenow enjoy a long
view of the Lake as we relax in their home
on Mansfield Road. Their beloved, silverhaired schnauzer, Daisy, rests contentedly at
Stanton’s feet. She betrays no hint of sibling
rivalry toward the world-class collection of
schnauzer figurines and other schnauzer
paraphernalia inhabiting the family room
below. These three are copacetic.
Where did you meet?
Dottie: At a Jewish Community Center
mixer, I still have the picture of me wearing a short pink dress and long brown wig.
Stanton: I noticed her immediately, got
her telephone number and went off to
meet more people.
Dottie: He had graduated from Yale and
was a psychologist!
Stanton: While dating others I discovered there was no one else like her. We
were on the phone for hours, and I was
Architectural Review
Rick Aldrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-750-0488
Frank Phillippi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-354-8343
Environmental Quality/WID Liaison
Betsy Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-941-6325
Finance & Audit
Jim Kilbourne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-256-7382
comfortable in her beautiful efficiency
Dottie: After we married, I wanted our
own home, but Stanton resisted. Finally I
suggested Lake Barcroft, which I admired
growing up in Falls Church. We approached on Dearborn Drive and stopped
at Beach 3. Stanton ran out to the rocks
and leaped in, jeans and all. It was April.
Stanton: I said: “If you want a house, it’s
got to be here.” We had our walk-through
the night Hurricane Agnes hit. We still
swim every summer day.
You raised your sons, Charles and Jason, here. How are they now?
Stanton: They’re smart, determined and
passionate, and love the work they’re doing. True to themselves, Charles is colorful and Jason unassuming.
Dottie: Jason invented the Capital Weather Gang and took it to the Washington Post
continued on page 21
Maintenance & Improvements
Diane Davidson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-575-8187
George Waters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-354-1133
Eva Kosztarab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-354-6214
Cindy Waters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-354-1133
Communications & Publications
Shane Oleson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-941-1202
Special Events
Diane Smalley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-658-4626
Water Safety
Pat Payne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-671-1061
Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund
Ralph Smalley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703-658-4626
LBA Management Office . . . . . . . . 703-941-1927
Chris Lawson (Monday–Friday)
6425 Lakeview Dr., Falls Church, VA 22041
Watershed Improvement District . . 703-820-1300
Gas, continued from page 1
Necking down from the one-inch pipe to half-inch cuts maximum gas flow to a home by 75%. For many homes that’s no
problem, but it might be for yours.
Photos by Carol Donlan
From the customer’s standpoint the important thing is how
much energy the line can deliver, measured in BTU per hour.
(A BTU, or “British thermal unit”, is the heat required to raise
one pound of water from 39 degrees Fahrenheit to 40 degrees.)
A one-inch line will deliver about 1,400,000 BTU/hr under
the pressures used in Lake Barcroft; a half-inch line is good for
Lake Barcroft Newsletter
masonry, etc., but perhaps not as you would wish. Moreover,
they’ll want to relocate your gas meter to the outside if possible,
which may be unsightly. (Outside meters are slightly safer.)
Some homeowners may prefer to opt for the less disruptive halfinch liner and simply take care in operating gas-users to avoid
peak demands.
Many homes in Lake Barcroft already have had their service
lines converted. Washington Gas has not responded to Barcroft
News’ questions about future plans (or other issues). But in
conversation with members of a gas crew, I heard they had been
told that all of the service lines in the older parts of Northern
Virginia were to be converted over a period of years.
Owners of homes to be converted have received notification
by mail and then by door-tags, with contact numbers offered
for consultation. Some have reported successfully negotiating
significant modifications to the proposed work, although with
varying degrees of difficulty.
Check Your LBA
Dues Mailing for
a Chance to Help
Your Neighbors
Washington Gas has been busy re-lining old gas lines throughout
the area. Here gas lines on Waterway are being updated. Some
homes required new lines installed from the street to the houses.
This involves digging several holes in the front yards.
For most homes, 350,000 BTU/hr is enough but it could be
marginal or even inadequate if you have systems that use a lot of
gas and that run simultaneously. Big gas users include a backup
generator (up to 300,000 BTU/hr for a 20kW generator), a
whole-house tankless water heater (up to 180,000 BTU/hr) or
a gas fireplace (up to 125,000 BTU/hr).
A furnace may require up to 125,000 BTU/hr, a gas stove up
to 40,000 BTU/hr and a gas dryer up to 20,000 BTU/hr. Even
systems that cut overall energy needs, like tankless water heaters, can demand a higher gas flow.
Nevertheless, several Lake residents with generators and other
gas appliances have reported satisfaction with half-inch lines.
While their gas demands might add up to more than 350,000
BTU/hr, in practice not all of their gas appliances have been
operating at full load simultaneously.
If your current or prospective needs do come to more than
350,000 BTU/hr, the alternative is new ¾-inch plastic pipe,
carrying up to 700,000 BTU/hr. Washington Gas will do this
at no charge, but there’s more disruption. A continuous trench
isn’t needed but several holes are. They’ll restore plantings,
By Sally Determan LBA President
The LBA has been working on plans to institute an LBA Section
Helpers List, which can be used to identify willing neighbors
in each Section to provide certain delineated services during
weather emergencies. This List will be published in the 2103
Lake Barcroft Directory and on the LBA website with residentsaccess only (without the names of participants who opt out of
appearing on the online list). With permission, supplementary
names will be published on LakeLink.
Interested volunteers can sign up on a form enclosed with the
annual dues notice and returned with their dues payment.
We are especially seeking folks who have emergency generators
and are willing to store medications that require refrigeration
and those who have four-wheel drive vehicles and are willing to
drive neighbors for vital (but non-emergency) medical appointments or to pick up grocery essentials or prescription medications, either via special trip or added to a personal shopping
trip. Neighbors interested in helping in other ways – including
checking in on neighbors who live alone – also will be listed.
Persons who agree to list their names as potential weather emergency volunteers are not making a promise to be available for
any particular service at any particular time. A volunteer is always free to turn down a request. The persons on the Section
continued on page 22
December 2012
Neighborhood Eating: Our Top Picks of the
Last Five Years By George McLennan and Debra M. Lee Barcroft News Staff
In December we usually list our picks for the best restaurants of the year. This year, on the occasion of our fifth anniversary as Neighborhood Eating columnists, we have compiled a list of those restaurants we liked best since we started.
Assaggi Osteria 6641 Old Dominion Dr., McLean, 703-918-0080,
A great spot for modern Italian; very comfortable; best service anywhere; excellent overall dining experience.
Chasin’ Tails 2200 Westmoreland St.(across from La Cote D’Or), 703-538-2565,
Cajun seafood menu; similar to a crab house but with much nicer appointments; food priced by the pound or dozen.
Clydes (at Mark Center) 1700 N. Beauregard St.. Alexandria, 703-820-8300,
A DC area standard setter; pleasant surroundings, good service and dependably good food; great monthly specials.
Curious Grape 2900 S. Quincy St., (Shirlington Village) 703-671-8700,
Quality dining at a casual dining price; nothing on the menu is usual and nearly everything will delight your taste buds.
Dogfish Head Alehouse 6363 Leesburg Pike, 703-534-3342,
Nearby; comfortable; casual; great food; brew their own beer in many flavors.
El Tio Tex Mex 7630 Lee Highway,703-304-0233,
Very close to the Mexican-style food of the Southwest; wide variety in menu choices; generous portions.
Elephant Jumps 8110A Arlington Blvd. (Yorktown Plaza), 703-942-6600,
Thai restaurant with great service; offers great dishes that are just a little different than other Thai menus.
Eventide 3165 Wilson Blvd. (at Clarendon Metro), 703-276-3165,
An especially nice restaurant with a very comfortable dining room and a five-star menu.
Evo Bistro 1313 Old Chain Bridge Rd., McLean, 703-288-4422,
A fun place to dine with live music and great tapas-style dishes; 50 or more wines by the glass self-serve.
Greek Taverna 6828C Old Dominion Dr., McLean, 703-556-0788,
Traditional Greek dishes, friendly helpful staff; speedy service.
Hoang’s Grill & Sushi Bar 502 West Broad St., 703-536-7777,
Modern Pan-Asian menu; not just another variation on the Cantonese/Sichuan/Hunan theme; very pleasing and modern décor.
Honey Pig Korean Grill 7220 Columbia Pike, Suite C, Annandale, (703) 256-5229,
Fun Korean barbeque in unique surroundings; helpful wait staff; quite different from other Korean restaurants.
Idylwood Grill and Wine Bar 2190 Pimmit Dr., 703-992-0915, Fabulous food from Mediterranean region with strong French and Italian influence; great service; over 100 wines.
Jaleo 2250 A Crystal Dr. (at 25th St. in Crystal City), (703) 412-8181,
Authentic Spanish food; bright, lively interior; good service; includes a store stocked with Spanish wines; free indoor parking.
Kazan 6813 Redmond Dr., McLean, 703-734-1960,
Very nice; the best Turkish and Mediterranean restaurants in the area; very friendly and helpful wait staff.
Koi Koi 450 W. Broad St., Suite 117, 703-237-0101
Very good sushi and rolls; friendly and welcoming staff; free indoor parking; well-priced.
La Caraquena 300 W. Broad St., (at the Stratford Motor Lodge), 703-533-0076,
Great tasting and somewhat unusual Latin American cuisine; includes Bolivian, Peruvian and Venezuelan dishes.
La Cote D’Or 6876 Lee Hwy, Arlington, 703-538-3033, One of the better French restaurants in the metro area; impeccable service; early bird specials; good wine selection.
Lebanese Taverna 5900 Washington Blvd. (Westover), 703-241-8681,
Mezza (tapas) and warm Arabic flat bread; great Middle Eastern dishes, especially the desserts.
Liberty Tavern 3195 Wilson Blvd. (at North Irving in Clarendon), 703-465-9360,
Modern American cuisine in a very tavern-like setting; everything made from scratch; impressive level of service.
continued on page 18
Lake Barcroft Newsletter
Graphic by George McLennan
President, continued from page 1
Moreover, some of our activities begin
with listserv messages. Among the joys of
my life are my new friends, the women
who have joined the water cardio group
that meets three times a week merely by
responding to my Spring LakeLink invitation to join me in the Lake for exercising. And other new informal groups
have sprung up at least in part because
of LakeLink, including a new spiritual
book club, the Kayaking Kuties, the Art
League, the men’s biking group, informal kids play groups, new Scout troops
and many others that I’ve probably never
even learned about.
LakeLink hit peak use during weather emergencies.
What an amazing outreach tool for creating community. And perhaps you or
others reading this will be inspired to
use the listserv to form your own interest
groups. Who knows what special groups
will be created over the coming year
through outreach on LakeLink?
dents; of storm damage; of “good deals”
at nearby businesses; of new restaurants;
of great plumbers, painters, handymen
(and women) and electricians; of community meetings; of relevant Fairfax
County rules.
The listserv also draws us together by
permitting us to share our news and useful information. We learn of deaths in
our community; of vandalism and acci-
Community experts share their sophisticated expertise – Will O’Neill on
(among other things) generators; Betsy
Washington and Kevin Howe on plants
home for the
Tis the season to enjoy
your home and family.
We wish everyone
health, happiness and
a peaceful new year,
All the best,
Chrissy T Lisa T Kelly
RE/MAX Allegiance | 703.522.1940 | 3319 Lee Hwy, Arlington, VA 22207
Chrissy O’Donnell
Lisa DuBois
Kelly Fischer, NMLS #476360
Mortgage Consultant
and wildlife and construction and lots of
other things. I could go on and on, but
you get the picture.
And LakeLink permits our two main allresidents organizations, the WID and
LBA, to keep us all up to date on developments of interest to the community
between issues of the LBA Newsletter.
Charles de Seve, WID Chair, assures us
on LakeLink about dam operations in advance of major storms and reports on dam
repairs and myriad other subjects. Your
LBA uses the listserv to keep the community current on matters from the mundane
(“Please call for a special pick-up”) to the
rare emergency (“Stay out of the water until we can investigate the rabid beaver”).
LBA also uses LakeLink from time to
time to remind folks of the rules and
procedures that help make it easy for
people of goodwill to live together in
peace and to share the use of our common property, including the Lake.
We all owe an enormous debt to George
McLennan of Crosswoods Drive, the
“father” of LakeLink, who did the
time-consuming work of getting it up
and running – and gathering subscribers at community meetings and parties
– about 11 years ago. In 2001, there
were about 315 members; at last count,
there were nearly 1,350 members (some
of whom are prior Lake residents). The
average number of monthly messages in
“normal” months is now around 800, up
from around 150 in the early months.
George shares my delight in the strong
continued on page 23
December 2012
New Art League Developed from the New
‘House/Art’ Tour By Anne Murphy O’Neil Barcroft News Staff
Photo by Tom Donlan
It’s 2010, and the Woman’s Club is at a critical crossroads.
President Jennifer Talati of Edgewater Drive and Vice President
Victoria Fernandez of Waterway Drive are looking for residents
who will open their homes for the 2011 House Tour, the club’s
major fundraiser.
A consensus evolves: show artists at home and in their studios
with their art. David Feld of Lakeview Drive, friend of the
board, loves the art tour idea. With a committee he brings together, David commits 100% to its success.
The artists’ response is tremendous. Forty-one artists and artisans plus 19 home studios and galleries equal A Megatour.
Logistical challenges abound, but Jenny, Victoria, David and
cohorts – including graphic artist Rashne Green of Tallwood
Terrace – charge forward, and 100 energized volunteers show
up. Among them is Louise Ziebell of Waterway Drive.
Louise is the former principal of Glen Carlin Elementary School
and has long had a passion for art. With a master’s from Smith
College in art management, she directed the Art Barn Gallery,
coordinated art festivals with WETA, and participated in the
Kennedy Center certificate program for educators.
Louise agrees to mount an exhibit for five artists in Rebecca
Keegan’s gallery home on Lakeview Drive. Louise tells me later:
“What interests me is making something happen.”
And indeed something did happen.
When the beautiful spring day arrives, a spirited love of art
brings the Lake community together. The fundraiser is a triumph: 450 people contribute $15,000. New artistic friends
raise a cheer. What fun it is transforming studio solitude into
the whirl of neighborhood bustle.
So what are these two up to now? Jenny and Louise, with
acclaimed watercolorist Chica Brunsvold of Wentworth Drive,
start the Lake Barcroft Art League. At the kickoff meeting at
Jenny’s home in May, 28 artists – fine and commercial, established and rising – discuss what energizes their own creative
process and hear Louise’s ideas for the future.
On first Thursdays of each month, members catch up on each
other’s news and focus on colleagues’ experience, art and works
in progress. Rashne is preparing web presentations for league
artists. They plan to exhibit and sell their work collectively and
develop a space for creating, inspiring and learning together.
Meetings have spotlighted:
■ Interior design by Kathy Akridge of Edgewater Drive
■ Photography by Leah Bellas of Waterway Drive
■ Watercolors by Chica Brunsvold of Wentworth Drive
■ Pastels by Susan Ellis of Whispering Lane
■ Acrylics by Bob Gaarder of Dockser Terrace
■ Watercolors and fiber/collage by Stephanie Kozemchak of
Lakeview Drive
Louise Ziebell (left) and Jennifer Talati (right) are chairing the new
artists’ discussion and social group. Debra Lee (center) was one of
the artists who spoke at the November meeting at Louise Ziebell’s
home on Waterway Drive.
Fiber/Knitting by Debra Lee of Crosswoods Drive
Sculpture by Ania Shapiro of Lakeview Drive
All Lake artists are welcome to join this lively league. Paint,
sculpt, knit or ink in this date – Jan. 3 – when watercolorist
Karin Sebolka will host the next meeting at her home, 6391
Lakeview Dr., starting at 7 p.m. To learn more, contact Louise
at or 703-300-4548.
Lake Barcroft Newsletter
Milestones, continued from page 2
clinical psychology. While pursuing her
studies, she met and married Lorenzo
“Larry” St. Hilaire. They were married at
St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington
in June 1950. Larry, who died in 1986,
owned an international moving and shipping company. Their first home was on P
Street in Washington.
After college and a stint at the North
Carolina School of the Arts, Stefan
worked at Disney World, Cirque Du Soleil and finally for the New World Symphony Orchestra in Miami. Stefan continues to design and light productions
for television and other events, such as
the lighting for Gloria Estefan’s Christmas show and the Miss Florida Pageant.
He has been asked to return to light the
2013 Miss Florida Pageant.
Former Lake Barcroft resident Ian
Frame, son of Kay and Rodney Frame
of Lakeview Drive, and graduate of JEB
Stuart (2000), Old Dominion University (2004) and Liberty University School
of Law (2012), passed the Virginia bar
examination and, in a special session of
the Virginia Supreme Court on Oct. 29,
2012. in Richmond, was admitted to
practice law before the Virginia Supreme
Court and other courts in the commonwealth. Ian, his wife, Amanda, and son,
Declan, live in Herndon.
Therese St. Hilaire of Duff Drive died
Nov. 6 at the home of her daughter Ca-
Therese St. Hilaire
mille Smith in Glen Ellyn, Ill. She was
86 and had suffered a stroke.
Therese Marie Forest was born March 11,
1926, in Detroit, one of eight children.
Her father, John Forest, was working for
Henry Ford when he met and married
Olga Marie Therese Lippert. Therese
attended St. Cecilia’s High School and
then earned a bachelor’s degree from
Marygrove College in Northwest Detroit.
She moved to Washington after World
War II to attend Catholic University,
where she earned her Master’s Degree in
One weekend in the spring of 1955,
Therese read a newspaper ad about a new
community built around a Lake in Falls
Church. Although Larry was skeptical
about looking at property so far from
the city, they packed a picnic lunch,
took their young son, John, and set out
to meet with a salesman, who took them
around the Lake in a Jeep on mostly dirt
roads. Shortly thereafter, they purchased
their first Lake Barcroft home on Blair
Road. In 1967, they moved into a Lakefront home on Duff Drive.
Therese’s professional career as a clinical
psychologist spanned 60 years. Beginning in 1955, Therese worked in the
District at what was then known as the
D.C. Society for Crippled Children, had
a thriving private practice, was a professor at Marymount University, worked at
the Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind
and the Child Development Center
in Falls Church. She was included in
“Who’s Who of American Women of
1958” for her professional achievements.
Therese loved the Lake Barcroft community and was active in many clubs and
committees. She served as a president
of the Lake Barcroft Woman’s Club and
participated in numerous groups such
as the Bridge Club and the Book Club.
During the 57 years that Therese lived in
the Lake, she was fortunate to have a wide
circle of friends, people of all ages. “She
loved her home and the many friends
that she had in the community,” said her
daughter Camille, “and was quick to tell
anyone she met that she lived in the most
remarkable place on earth.”
est wishes to you
and your family
for a lovely holiday
season. We hope that
2013 is filled with
happiness, prosperity,
and peace.
Karen & Nan
Karen Freije
Nan Brent
703-402-6133 703-220-2216
In addition to Camille and John, she is
survived by another daughter, Colette,
and four grandchildren, Barry, Christopher, Marie Therese and Sandra.
Wilma Horster Grammer, formerly of
Tallwood Terrace, died Oct. 19 at home
continued on page 10
December 2012
What To Do When the Storm Comes and
the Power Goes Out
Here are some Winter Preparedness tips from Fairfax County
Government, Emergency Preparedness.
charged and have power cords in your vehicle for charging your
phone in case you lose power in your home.
Get where you need to be before the weather gets bad. It’s
always best to stay off roads during winter storms. Most traffic
crashes happen within the first two hours after a storm starts.
Get road conditions by calling 511 or visiting www.511Virginia.
Don’t use candles during power outages. Many home fires in
winter are caused by candles. Flashlights are much safer. Be sure
to have plenty of extra batteries.
If you heat with a fireplace or wood stove, have a professional check it, especially if it has been a long time since the
last cleaning. Residue can build up and cause fires.
Use space heaters safely. Never plug them into extension cords;
plug into wall outlets. Keep space heaters at least three feet from
other objects, and turn off before going to bed.
Stay informed during power outages. Be sure you have a
battery-powered and/or hand-crank radio (and extra batteries).
Get one with the NOAA Weather Radio band so you can hear
winter weather reports directly from the National Weather Service as well as local radio stations. These are available at electronics, discount and sporting goods stores, and online from
many retail outlets. Models are available for those with special
needs. And remember your cellphone — make sure you keep it
Most important, you need a family emergency plan. If your
family cannot return home because of severe weather or closed
roads, you need to decide now on where you will meet to reunite. You also need an out-of-town relative or friend to be your
family emergency contact. has personal and
business emergency planning templates you can use.
Learn more about making a plan for winter weather and all
emergencies – and get a free family emergency plan worksheet –
at Additional winter preparedness tips
are at
Submission deadline for the January edition
of the newsletter is December 20.
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Lake Barcroft Newsletter
Milestones, continued from page 8
with family in West Newbury, Mass. She
was 94.
Born June 24, 1918, in Orange, N.J.,
and raised nearby in Springfield, she
worked as secretary to the president of
Newark College of Engineering (now
New Jersey Institute of Technology),
where she met her husband, Frank A.
Grammer, who was dean of admissions.
Mary Rangel Tovares and José Andrade Perez Tovares, parents of Michael
Tovares of Crosswoods Drive, died
within three days of each other in October. They had been married 68 years
A few months before the pair’s death,
family and friends gathered in San Antonio to celebrate their life together
at a party at Our Lady of Sorrows, the
church where José and Mary were married in 1944.
José was born in 1922 in San Antonio.
One of 11 children, he was placed in the
care of a maternal aunt and uncle, who
later adopted him. Mary was born in
1924 in Austin. They had five children.
Both parents worked extra jobs to afford
Catholic schools for their kids. Mary
encouraged her children to achieve successes beyond those available to her. This
included taking the children to Michigan to pick crops as she had done as a
child to demonstrate the importance of
staying in school.
Mary and José took great pride in their
children's academic achievements. Two
of their children earned PhDs, one a
JD, and all have advanced degrees. José
was a civil servant for 36 years, most of
them at Kelly Air Force Base. He was
active in local politics and helped build
a Mexican-American political base in
the 1950s. He was elected to the board
of the Edgewood Independent School
District where he fought segregation and
was a lone vote for allowing undocumented children the right to free public
education. In his spare time, he was a
bookkeeper and notary public. José was
a longtime member of the Knights of
Columbus and the St. Vincent de Paul
Society. Both he and Mary were members of Los Bexarenos Genealogical and
Historical Society.
Photo by Larry Golfer
After Frank died, Wilma moved to Alexandria, near her daughter and son-in-law.
She helped them raise two sons and volunteered for some 25 years at the information counter of the Torpedo Factory
Art Center. In August 2012, she moved
with her family to Massachusetts. She
died surrounded by her family – daughter Elisa J. Grammer and son-in-law
Fredric D. Chanania of West Newbury,
Mass.; grandson Andrew G. Chanania of
Helena, Mont., and grandson William
D. G. Chanania, a freshman at Bucknell
and died in San Antonio, Texas. The
pair spent many of their final years at the
home of Michael and his wife, Victoria,
watching telenovelas and spoiling their
grandchildren Gabriella and Armando.
Once upon a time the arrival of fall
was signaled by smoke in the air from
burning leaves. Now it’s the loud drone
of Fairfax County’s leaf-vacuuming trucks.
For Homes in Lake Barcroft
Remember One Name when You’re
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December 2012
Five Neighbors’ Recipes to Bring Spring
to Your Winter By Phil Kemelor Barcroft News Staff
Ask anyone who has traveled to Italy about Limoncello and
you get answers that generally trend from near-ecstatic to outer
body when they recall when, where, and how they drank the
often homemade lemon liquor.
I started making Limoncello after a trip to Italy 11 years ago.
If you want to recapture your Italian experience or help others relive or invent their own, it is really quite simple...and as
you’ll see from the recipes below, can accommodate all levels of
patience and taste.
In my recipe, I use:
6 large lemons
4 cups vodka (cheap is fine)
1 2/3 cups sugar
2 2/3 cups water
Peel the zest of the lemons with a vegetable peeler. Place
the zest in a one-gallon jar with a lid (Mason jars are good).
Pour in the vodka and put the lid on it. Set aside in a dark,
cool place for at least 3 weeks. Shake the jar every so often.
■ After the 3 weeks, remove the lemon zest. Combine the
sugar and water in a pot and stir until the sugar is dissolved
and the mixture thickens slightly. Remove from the heat
and let it cool completely. When it is cool, add it to the
vodka. Recap the jar and again set it in a dark, cool place for
between 4-6 weeks.
■ Store the finished Limoncello in the freezer, refrigerator or
your bar and serve it with a small amount of ice or straight up.
Mason jar. Store for 3 weeks in a cool, dark place, shaking to
agitate the liquid twice a day.
■ After 3 weeks, transfer the limoncello to smaller bottles that
can be sealed with rubber stoppers. Store bottles in freezer.
Serve directly from the freezer.
Kim Cooper is an accomplished liquor maker, and also makes
orange and chocolate varieties. Kim’s recipe uses more lemons
and requires the most time:
20-30 lemons
2 (750 ml) bottles 100-proof vodka or Everclear (190-proof) alcohol
4 cups granulated sugar
5 cups water (filtered tap water or distilled water)
*Choose thick-skinned lemons because they are easier to zest.
The lemons must be yellow and not tinted with green.
Wash the lemons with a vegetable brush and hot water to
remove any residue or pesticides or wax; pat the lemons dry.
■ Carefully zest the lemons with a zester or vegetable peeler
so there is no white pith on the peel. NOTE: Use only the
outer part of the rind. The pith, the white part underneath
continued on page 12
2011 Fairfax County
Exceptional Design Award Recipient
Sam and Todd West of Waterway Drive make a stronger and
sweeter version and have different steeping times. Sam also
recommends buying lemons from Whole Foods to avoid extra
wax. The Wests use:
17 large lemons, preferably organic
2 bottles (1500 milliliters – 6 1/3 cups) grain alcohol
5 1/2 cups water
6 cups sugar
With a vegetable peeler, remove only the yellow rind and
place the lemon peel in a four-quart Mason jar with a
rubber-seal lid. Add the grain alcohol, making sure the
lemon peel is completely covered. Store in a cool, dark place,
shaking the jar once each day to agitate the lemon peel.
■ On the 13th day, bring the water to a boil in a large saucepan. Add the sugar and remove from the heat, stirring until
it is dissolved. Cover and let cool to room temperature.
■ Place a colander on top of the saucepan and strain in the
contents of the Mason jar. Discard the lemon peel. Stir to
combine the liquids, about 1 minute. Transfer back to the
Passionately and skillfully bringing
your visions to life.
Call for a free consultation
Lake Barcroft Newsletter
Limoncello, continued from page 11
the rind, is too bitter and would spoil your limoncello. I
used a vegetable peeler.
■ In a large glass jar (1-gallon jar with lid), add vodka or Everclear alcohol.
■ Add the lemon as soon as you zest or peel.
■ Cover the jar and let sit at room temperature for at least 10
days and up to 40 days in a cool dark place. Forty is best.
The longer the mixture rests, the better the end taste will
be. (There is no need to stir -- all you have to do is wait.) As
the Limoncello sits, the vodka slowly takes on the flavor and
rich yellow color of the lemon zest.
■ In a large saucepan, combine the sugar and water; bring
to a gentle boil and let boil, approximately 5 to 7 minutes.
Remove from heat and let the syrup cool before adding it to
the Limoncello mixture.
■ Add cooled sugar mixture to the Limoncello mixture (from
Step One). Cover jar and allow to rest for another 10 to 40
■ After the rest period, strain the Limoncello; discarding the
lemon zest. Pour strained Limoncello in bottle/bottles (of
your choice) and seal tightly.
NOTE: Coffee filters or cheesecloth work great for straining
the mixture. Moisten the filters before beginning the straining
process. Keep your bottle/bottles of Limoncello in the freezer
until ready to serve. Serve ice cold.
Sonja Schrock of Lakeview Drive learned how to make Limoncello at the source while living near Naples when her husband
was stationed at the Navy base in Capodichino. They lived in a
little village on the Bay of Gaeta and their property had a lemon
tree. After realizing that there was a need to put the lemons to
a use other than making lemon cakes, Sonja tried her hand at
Limoncello. Here is the recipe she settled on:
5 organic lemons (a couple of them should be a bit green for color)
½ liter clear alcohol (95%)
500 grams sugar
For this Limoncello, only the zest of the fruit is used. Take
great care not to use the white part of the peel, it will make
the Limoncello bitter tasting. Zest all the lemons and mix it
with the alcohol in a glass jar. Place in a dark place and let it
rest for 20 days.
■ When the alcohol mix is ready, stir the sugar into ½ liter water and bring to a boil. Boil until sugar is dissolved. Chill.
■ When the sugar water is cold, mix in the strained alcohol.
Discard the lemon zest.
■ Place the Limoncello in the freezer. It will not freeze solid;
it has to be ice-cold when served.
Alicia Agnese from Beachway Drive has come across a recipe
that gives you the option of making Limoncello in less then a
10 lemons
1 (750-ml) bottle vodka
3 1/2 cups water
2 1/2 cups sugar
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Using a vegetable peeler, remove the peel from the lemons
in long strips (reserve the lemons for another use). Using a
small sharp knife, trim away the white pith from the lemon
peels; discard the pith. Place the lemon peels in a 2-quart
pitcher. Pour the vodka over the peels and cover with plastic
wrap. Steep the lemon peels in the vodka for 4 days at room
■ Stir the water and sugar in a large saucepan over medium
heat until the sugar dissolves, about 5 minutes. Cool completely. Pour the sugar syrup over the vodka mixture. Cover
and let stand at room temperature overnight. Strain the
limoncello through a mesh strainer. Discard the peels. Transfer the limoncello to bottles. Seal the bottles and refrigerate
until cold, at least 4 hours and up to 1 month.
Five recipes, five different approaches to the same liquor. I may
need to try all of the new ones I learned about in researching
this article… or maybe the Newcomers Club could host the first
Lake Barcroft Limoncello Tasting.
December 2012
Lake Barcroft Village Poised to Start
Services Next Month By Glen Ruh Special to Barcroft News
Early in 2012, a small group of Lake Barcroft residents met to
discuss the possibility of founding a “village” project – a notfor-profit organization of “neighbors helping neighbors” dedicated to provide volunteer services designed to help residents
“age-in-place” and remain in their homes as long as possible. As
the year nears it end, that aim has been realized with the founding of Lake Barcroft Village (LBV), which will begin providing
such services to individuals and couples throughout the community. Details about LBV and the range of services has been
outlined in prior issues of the newsletter and can be found at the
those wishing to make a tax-deductible donation for 2012, contact Dale Gianturco at 703-941-1743 or .
Finally, if holiday giving for a Lake Barcroft parent or friend
has you stumped, what could be a better idea than a contribution toward LBV membership? And for a truly worthwhile New
Years’ resolution by Barcrofters of any age, consider volunteering a small amount of your time and talent as an LBV volunteer
– it’s as simple as contacting volunteer coordinator Stuart Feldstein at 703-941-1723 or
Your community will thank you.
For those who have attended LBV’s public meetings and are considering joining before the program swings into gear right after
the New Year, a membership form can be downloaded from the
membership section of the LBV website or obtained by contacting Sunny Greene, 703-578-1181 or For
Photo by Tom Donlan
While not as devastating to Lake Barcroft as the derecho weather event this summer, Hurricane Sandy in late October gave
the LBV Task Force an opportunity to stage a dress rehearsal
for essential emergency services to members. Preparations
were quickly put in place to contact the more than 60 pre-paid
members, as well as to give necessary assistance if needed. As
it turned out, none of the LBV members lost power or suffered
serious property damage, but the drill gave a sense of security
and confidence to all involved.
2013 Lake Barcroft Calendar: September by Tom Donlan of Jay
Miller Drive
Lake Barcroft Newsletter
Include Your 2013 Lake Barcroft Activities Here
Email Wilma Kaplan:
Photo by Chrissy McManus
DECember 13 – Noon
Woman’s Club Eating Adventures, Home of Anne O’Neil, 6404
Lakeview Drive, Contact: Renee Gholz, 703-354-4555
january 3 — 11:30 a.m.
Barcrofters Scandinavian Candlelight Luncheon, Home of
Susan Crawford, 6308 Crosswoods Circle
january 3 — 7 p.m.
LB Art League, Home of Karin Sebolka, 6391 Lakeview Drive
january 8 — 11 A.m.
Woman’s Club Downtown Attractions, US Supreme Court
january 9 — 7:30 p.m.
LBA Board Meeting
february 2 — 12:30 – 4 P.m.
8th Annual Washington Gardener Magazine, Seed Exchange,
Green Spring Gardens, $15 fee includes lectures, goody bag and
seed swap, Register by calling 703-642-5173
2013 Lake Barcroft Calendar: October by Chrissy McManus of
Beachway Drive
December 2012
In the Kitchen with Moe
Get Out of the Kitchen
and Into the Party
With Crostini
The Jolly man cometh. And while I am
sure you have your family secret recipes
and traditions as we do, who wants to
spend so much time in the kitchen? Unfortunately, each year that goal eludes us.
I am trying to come up with recipes that
literally take us out of the frying pan and
allow us to mingle. While we were at
2941 for dinner one night, I couldn’t help
but steal an idea, crostini. Simple elegant
and easy to prepare.
Mushroom Crostini
■ 1 12-ounce package baby Portobello
mushrooms (white button will do but
have much less flavor)
■ ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
■ Garlic cloves
■ 1 pat butter
■ ¼ cup fresh tarragon, and Italian
parsley, sliced
By Moe Jafari Barcroft News Staff
¼ cup Hennessy or Courvoisier
■ Gray salt, to taste.
■ 1 baguette (fresh) sliced on the bias
about ½ inch thick.
■ 2 cloves garlic
■ 1 8-ounce container Ricotta cheese
Empty ricotta into a bowl, add sliced tarragon, parsley and mix. Lightly salt.
Slice mushrooms thin – about 1/8 of an
inch (a mandolin will work well). Coat
sauté pan with olive oil, clove of smashed
garlic and the butter. Bring heat to high.
Enjoy the Beaujolais Nouveau that came
out on Nov. 15. And after you had your
fill of the new harvest, move to a Beaujolais with some character, Dubeof has several styles and they are all quite good, so
select your price point and enjoy. Beaujolais is a wonderful accompaniment to
ham, turkey and even prime rib. When
you serve, leave the bottles in the fridge or
garage (40 degrees) for half an hour before
serving. If you plan on having that Roast
or Goose and want some more pizzazz try
Chateau St Jean Cabernet ($25) or even
better Titus cabernet ($40) well worth the
Party Platter
Take crostini bread, spread on ricotta
mixture ( just enough to coat), top with
a heaping tablespoon of mushrooms and
sprinkle with gray salt. Repeat
Add mushrooms and sauté for three minutes then toss, lower heat and let some of
the liquid evaporate.
Add 1/4 cup cognac (use good stuff, not
the insanely expensive or cheap). Add ¼
stick of butter and let mushrooms and
sauce develop. Remove from heat and set
Slice baguette on bias,1/2-inch thick , rub
with olive oil and garlic, place on cookie
sheet and bake in oven for 15 minutes or
till just brown and crusty. Remove and let
cool on baking sheet.
Merry Christmas.
Recent Property Sales in Lake Barcroft
Split Foyer
Split 4-Level
Days on
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2012 Tax Price To
Tax Value
3631 Tallwood Ter.
6251 Lakeview Dr.
3660 Tallwood Ter.
6438 Lakeview Dr.*
0 $1,100,000
6336 Lakeview Dr.**
18 $1,125,000
November $1,077,140
3430 Glen Carlyn Dr.
6360 Crosswooods Dr.
3406 Stoneybrae Dr.
Source: MLS and Fairfax County tax records to November 30, 2012.
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Lake Barcroft Newsletter
Want a Great Halloween Parade? Get a
Great Woman’s Club Team
By Jenifer Talati Woman’s Club President
Photo by George McLennan
Thank you to those Woman's Club members who volunteered
to make the Halloween parade a great success again this year.
First and foremost, thanks to Jeannie Meyer of Stoneybrae
Drive and Joan Doupe of Waterway Drive, who did a fantastic
job of putting it all together – fire trucks, JEB Stuart band, and
great refreshments for the kids.
Thanks to all the Woman’s Club volunteers who helped
throughout the Halloween Parade:
Nan Brent, Roxanna Douglas and Mary Ellen Jehn of
Lakeview Drive
■ Ann Cook of Farm Hill Drive
■ Tommy Lyon
■ Alice Rowan of Cavalier Corridor
■ Carol Tether of Lyric Lane
■ Eliana Turina and Louise Ziebell of Waterway Drive
■ Millie Schreiber of Mansfield Road
■ India Walsh of Crosswoods Drive
■ Cathy Williams of Glen Carlyn Drive
Woman's Club Christmas Party organizers Cindy Waters, Carol
Tether, Jennifer Talati, George Waters and Signe Williamson gather
around a bowl of George Waters' famous eggnog. The Waters
hosted the event.
Sign up now! Lake Barcroft Village will be open for business in January.
Here are examples of services:
Single: $500
Couple: $750
Transportation for medical visits
Minor home maintenance
Help during weather emergencies
Social events and programs
Assistance with computers and phones
Lake Barcroft Village is a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation.
To learn about the many advantages that membership in Lake Barcroft Village will offer,
please contact Moya Atkinson, Village Coordinator, at 703-354-0652 or
Membership applications are available from Ms Atkinson, by mail from P.O. Box 4645, Falls Church, VA 22044, and on Payments for donations and membership fees accepted by check or by PayPal on the village web site.
December 2012
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Lake Barcroft Newsletter
Restaurants, continued from page 5
Mad Fox Brewing Company444 West Broad St., Suite I, 703-942-6840,
Delightful selection of beers brewed on-site. Very good food at a moderate price. Family friendly.
Mark’s Duck House 6184-A Wilston Center 1, 703-532-2125,
Authentic Cantonese; down to earth family style restaurant; friendly and solicitous wait staff, inexpensive.
Meaza 5700 Columbia Pike, 703-820-2870,
Very tasty and authentic Ethiopian cuisine; some dishes quite spicy (ask for help); inexpensive.
Nostos 8100 Boone Blvd., Tysons Corner, 703-760-0690,
A great spot for real Greek cuisine; nicely decorated; very friendly, accommodating staff; the food is simply A+.
Pizzeria Orzo 400 South Maple Ave., Falls Church(703) 226-3460,
Definitely not Pizza Hut; offers much beyond the great Neopolitan pizza selections; tapas; free indoor parking.
Present 6678 Arlington Blvd. , 703-531-1881,
Imperial Vietnamese cuisine; so different, elegant and delicious; very pleasing mix of traditional & contemporary Asian décor.
Public House No. 7 6315 Leesburg Pike (Seven Corners), 703-942-6383,
Very popular neighborhood bar with good food, too; proper pub food and English beer on tap; half-price special every day.
Sea Pearl 8191 Strawberry Lane #2 (Merrifield Town Center), 703-372-5161, ($12-$30)
Imaginative contemporary Asian menu; modern, pleasing look with elegant décor; delicious food with very good service.
Willow 4301 North Fairfax Dr., Ballston, 703-465-8800,
Comes close to the traditional definition of fine dining; impeccable service; great presentation.
X.O. Taste 6124 Arlington Blvd. (Willston Center), 703-536-1630
Great food; authentic Cantonese just like dad, the retired chef, used to make. Prompt and attentive service.
Yamazato 303 Little River Turnpike, 703-914-8877,
Serves both Japanese and Thai dishes; specializes in sushi; very comfortable and quiet.
We are sad to report that three of our favorites have closed recently: 3 Bar and Grill, which offered a number of pork belly and bacon
dishes in Clarendon (this was a particularly painful loss to one of us), Sauça where you could “eat the world” and Temel, a very fine Turkish/Greek restaurant near Fairfax Circle. Let’s support our neighborhood restaurants and dine out a little more often in the coming year.
Photos by George McLennan
Public House #7 is a reasonably priced neighborhood pub on Rte 7.
Pizzeria Orzo on Sough Maple Avenue in Falls Church goes far
beyond great Neopolitan pizza.
December 2012
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Lake Barcroft Newsletter
A WORLD of OPPORTUNITY begins with
has great resources and
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who are new to equipment work. Each month we offer
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Our popular Intro to Pilates Apparatus can be taught
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activities. Taught by Jessie Savage, SBL pilates instructor and certified massage therapist.
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Saturday, 11 am–12 noon
Wednesday, 8:15–9:15 pm
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Saturday, 12 noon–1 pm
Sunday, 2–3 pm
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Alexandria, VA 22301 Arlington, VA 22203
Karen Garcia, Director/Owner
Green Springs Garden
For these events, register at www. or call 703-642-5173.
Saturday, Jan. 19
Garden Design: Session Two
9:30-11:30 am; $35
Betsy Washington of Half Moon Circle
and Elin Haaga, George Washington
Landscape Design instructors, present
two lectures in this one session: Sun,
Soil and Drainage and The Right Plants
for the Right Places. In this double
session learn how to assess and improve
your garden’s growing conditions,
discover great plants, including natives,
and create a sustainable garden.
Code: 290 182 3201 Friday, Jan. 25
Invasives: What Not To Plant
1:30-2:30 pm; $10
Give invasive plants an inch and they’ll
take over. Learn about native alternatives
you can grow instead. Register on-line
at or call Green
Spring Gardens at 703-642-5173.
Code: 290 183 3401 Sunday, Jan 20
Don’t be a Drip: Using water wisely
1:30-3pm; $10
Using water adds immensely to a garden
but managing it wisely can be a challenge. Joe Henderson, pond and creek
gardener at Chanticleer, discusses the
use of water from ponds to tiny water
features, including how to handle excess
water with rain gardens and thoughtful
storm water management.
Code: 290 182 1901 Sunday, Jan. 13
Grapes Into Wine
1:30-3pm; $10
Vintner Gabriele Rausse, “father of the
modern Virginia wine industry” and
consultant to many Virginia wine producers, will share with you a little of the
history of wine production in Virginia
beginning with Thomas Jefferson and
take you through the wine making
process from vine to bottle.
Code: 290 183 2901
December 2012
Photo by Tom Donlan
Neighbors, continued from page 3
where he now serves as weather editor. He lives in DC with his
wife, Deborah and their son, Evan.
Stanton: Charles is assistant professor of psychiatry at George
Washington University, developing a program using improvisational theater arts to help physicians improve communication
with their patients. His hundreds of medical students voted him
“Teacher of the Year.” He edits a psychiatric journal, sees patients privately and at the in-patient unit of GW Hospital. He
travels a lot. He’s a busy guy.
Speaking of which, Stanton, you’ve co-written the standard
text on criminal psychology, Inside the Criminal Mind, plus
several books, and launched a private practice that grew rapidly after you were on 60 Minutes. You’ve been interviewed
on Oprah, Larry King and The Today Show and lectured in
48 states. Nowadays you testify as an expert in contentious
child custody hearings. On trips all over the world, you and
Dottie keep a demanding schedule. Where do the energy and
tenacity come from?
Stanton: I decided putting off the disagreeable takes too much
energy. I intensely disliked graduate school. Dr. Samuel Yochelson, a friend of my parents, with whom I co-authored the text,
said: “Get the union card and get out.” Four and a half years later,
dissertation and internship complete, I was on my way.
Dottie: He doesn’t sleep much.
Stanton: Then again, I’ve had a super-supportive wife. She’s
smart, practical, engaging and gave herself to me and our sons.
For years I might be away one or two days a week, but I never
worried – I knew my sons and our home were in good hands.
Sometimes I wonder, if she could do it over…
• Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling
• Window & Door Replacement
• Painting & Wall Paper Hanging
• Trim & Crown Molding
Remodeling homes in the
• Decks, Patios, Walkways
• Hardwood Floors & Tile
Lake Barcroft Community
Stanton and Dorothy Samenow are passionate collectors of
all things Schnauzer, some of which can be seen in this photo.
They have more than 400 items, not counting their fourth real-life
schnauzer, Daisy.
Dottie: I would do nothing differently.
Stanton: And, of course, the work has been immensely satisfying – shining light into the dark corner of the criminal mind.
To bring [the late] Dr. Yochelson’s files into full view, and make
known a truly brilliant approach to helping people change. For
every one who changes, the benefit to society is incalculable.
Since 1985
Mention this ad and get $50 off any service
valued at $500 or more. Or save $150 off any
project valued at $1,000 or more. Discount will
be applied to your final statement. Not valid
with any other offers or jobs already in progress.
For Estimates & Consultations:
Family Owned & Operated • Reasonable Rates • Quality Workmanship • Licensed & Insured
References Always Available • Professional, Dependable, Honest Service
Please patronize
these advertisers.
Their ads make this newsletter possible
Lee’s Auto Center
6116 Columbia Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041
Open: Mon-Fri 7:30 am- 7:00 pm, Sat 8:00 am-3:00 pm
Lake Barcroft Newsletter
Photo by George McLennan
Helpers, continued from page 4
Helpers List promise only to consider requests when made and
to respond when feasible.
Residents who live alone will be encouraged to send the names
and contact information of persons on the list whom their outof-town relatives might be able to reach when they are unable to
contact their loved ones for more than a day. These residents will
also be encouraged to line up listed volunteers for both relative
and volunteer “check ins” in advance of weather emergencies.
Let’s hope that we have very few future weather emergencies
and that the list will be used only rarely. But given the Derecho
Storm , Snowmageddon and our other recent major weather
events, it’s nice to know that our Lake Barcroft community has
prepared a willing volunteer list to provide what for some of our
neighbors could be extremely valuable, needed assistance.
We encourages your participation. Watch for the sign-up sheet
in your dues statement.
2013 Lake Barcroft Calendar: March by George McLennan of
Crosswoods Drive
Photo by Larry Golfer
LBA is making the list available to all LBA residents, but our
action is limited to doing just that. We obviously cannot insure
that all of the needed services will be completely and safely provided by the listed volunteers. (The provision of the LBA list
is supplementary to similar services available to Lake Barcroft
Village participants by the LBVillage.)
Photo by Frank Phillippi
2013 Lake Barcroft Calendar: April by Larry Golfer of Stoneybrae
Tree Care Programs,
Integrated and Targeted
Pest Management Programs,
Root Invigoration/Aeration,
Prescription Fertilization, Pruning,
Cabling and Bracing, Removals
General Diagnosis, Health & Risk Assessment
2013 Lake Barcroft Calendar: May by Frank Phillipi of Lakeview
December 2012
Lake residents may place free
classifieds. We will publish the ad
for one month, additional months
are on a space-available basis and
must be submitted by the 15th
of each month. Classifieds can
be emailed to Chris Lawson at for approval.
Please include your name and
day/evening phone numbers for
verification. Non-Lake residents
may purchase a classified ad by
calling 703-941-2547 or emailing Placement is
on a space-available basis.
house cleaning Reliable and
Flexible scheduling. Reasonable
rates. We bring our own equipment.
Weekly, biweekly, monthly,
occasionally, one-time, move in/out,
offices. For free in-home estimate,
President, continued from page 6
— especially when you’re frustrated —
re-read your message to be sure that you
are helping to create community — or at
the very least, not tearing it down.
LakeLink usage and noted in our conversation that no one anticipated the scope
and extent of the community’s use of this
wonderful resource.
One more usage reminder. If your name
is not in your email address, be sure to
sign your LakeLink message. We can’t
build community with anonymous messages.
Unfortunately, there have been some
rare times that some folks hit the “send”
button, perhaps in anger and without
appropriate thought, and publish types
of messages that do not foster community – messages that disturb and insult
or reflect a mood of unkindness among
neighbors (and are in violation of the
LakeLink rules*).
Happy Holidays to all of you. I look forward to working and playing with you in
the New Year.
*You can find the LakeLink rules at www. under Files: Welcome and Etiquette. You
need to first register as a new user at the
place indicated.
Perhaps this is the price we must pay for
the enormous benefits of LakeLink, but
I hope not. Please, as you use LakeLink
Lakelink Subscribers by Year
1,155 1,198
Graphic by George McLellan
experienced. Good references.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
call Maryen/Raul at 703-321-5335.
Photo by George McLennan
house/WINDOW cleaning
Reliable and experienced.
Reasonable rates. Weekly, biweekly,
monthly, window, move in/out. We
provide our own cleaning supplies
and equipment. Contact Dalila for
a free in-home estimate 703-3546272,
excellent references in Lake Barcroft
area. Low rates and free estimates.
Call Juliet/Luis 703-354-3225, 703628-3434 or 571-236-3700.
2013 Lake Barcroft Calendar: July by George McLennan of Crosswoods Drive
U.S. Postage
Merrifield, VA
Permit No.7872
P.O. Box 1085, Falls Church, VA 22041
e specialize in the Lake Barcroft community. With
our knowledge and expertise of the area, we can
help you with all your real estate needs.
Ana Azcarate
(703) 405-6602
Nan Brent
(703) 220-2216
Karen Freije
(703) 402-6133
Carol Hawley
(703) 975-6403
Mike Korin
(703) 216-8467
Lillian Peterson
(703) 447-9118
Jim Robertson
(703) 217-0283
Jennifer Talati
(703) 944-3874
Long & Foster Falls Church Office, 6299 Leesburg Pike, at Seven Corners, 703-534-9660