Queechy Lake Club News - Queechy Lake Club, Inc
Queechy Lake Club News - Queechy Lake Club, Inc
May 2009 Queechy Lake Club News Celebrating Our 90th Year 2009 The Queechy Lake Club is proud to celebrate it’s 90th birthday this year! The QLC was established in 1919 to protect and preserve the beautiful waters we know so well. You don’t have to be a member to attend. In honor of this occasion friends and family are invited to picnic on the shores of Berkshire Farm on July 5th. Share some memories with childhood pals like flashlight tag, kick the can, and the more extreme moments we can’t print here. We need to know if you are coming so flip to the last page and send in the registration form or download it at our website. See you there! queechylake.org Officers & Directors O u Jan Durgin, President r Tony Zinsser, VP 781-4219 781-3106 G r Winnie Legere, Secretary 781-4684 a n Charlie Long, Treasurer 781-4405 Diane Durgin, Director 781-4149 Luke Legere, Director 781-4684 Greg Hickok, Director 781-4539 Steve Berninger, Director 781-4037 John DiMuro, Berkshire Farm) 781-4567 Jan Durgin, Editor The cost is $10.00 per adult and $5.00 per child under age 7 for our picnic lunch: hamburgers, hot dogs, garden burgers, chips and vegetables, beverages, and a special Anniversary dessert. Note: alcoholic beverages are not permitted on Berkshire Farm property. Events and competitive games for all ages and interests will be held throughout the afternoon. Betsy Janes is coordinating our display of photos and other memorabilia. If you have items to include in the display, please contact her as soon as possible. Lauree “Ritzo” Hickok is our contact person for Queechy Lake merchandise. Contact her at LMHickok@aol.com to order. The Committee plans to sell: Baseball caps at $8 to $10 Tote bags at $10 to $15 Can and bottle holders for $3 to $4 each. The Committee’s mailing address is Queechy Lake Club, PO Box 92, Canaan, NY 12029, or call Sallie LaValle at (518) 781–4458. McNamee Girls Take a Dip circa 1917 Clare McNamee McMahon, Eileen Tracy McNamee, Lauree McNamee Leaman, Elinore McNamee Leaman (left to right) Page 1 Spring, 2009 Boat Parade Entries Go All Out With Duct Tape and Ingenuity If you haven’t mustered the courage to enter the Boat Parade lately, this is your chance to make this year the biggest ever. Kooky ideas have been tossed around on email all winter. I know Austin and Catherine Zinsser are scheming, so the Dwyers and Bowermans better beware of their competion. th The 34 Annual Boat Parade will take place on Saturday July 4th this year (raindate: July 5th). Line up at 2 pm off the Berkshire Farm’s Boys’ Beach. Tony Zinsser will be running the show again and we’re keeping our fingers crossed for a flawless day (unlike last year). This year don’t just watch the parade, ENTER your boat! Have fun, be creative, be clever. Celebrate 90 years of Queechy Lake advocacy! Duct tape, cardboard and cute kids can work wonders. Donate a Boat Parade Judge In our never ending efforts to keep the awards fairly distributed we are looking for a few good natured lake guests that would like a ride on a pontoon boat and help us decide who the winners are. Call Tony Zinsser if you have a willing and impartial guest. Judges are provided with free beverages, snacks and sunscreen. Award Categories Most Historical Most Humorous Most Outrageous Best Children’s Most Imaginative Muscle Builder Best Costumes Young at Heart Don’t miss the Canaan Historic House Tour on June 14. Contact Ritzo at LMHickok@aol.com for more info. Most Original Best Overall Water Quality Tests Excellent Again Once again, George Knocklein ventured out on Queechy waters just after ice out. George is the limnologist we have retained to analyze water data and advise us on maintaining the lake’s delicate balance. George will be joining us again at this year’s Annual Meeting. At ice out he measures clarity and phosphorous, nitrogen and alkalinity. Additionally he samples the oxygen/temperature profile. Thanks to Gary Grill at End O Lake we will continue to participate in the CSLAP (Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program) water purity monitoring program. Gary has offered to retrieve samples from the deepest part of the lake every other week during the summer and ship them to CSLAP for analysis. We have several copies of the data from this project if you would like to borrow one. Call me. In late August, samples are taken annually from 30+ sites around the lake to monitor coliform contamination. Locations that are near construction sites, swimming areas, or that show significant runoff are included. If a sample tests positive for coliform the site is retested before the owner is notified. We are ecstatic to report no coliform problems for the past 2 years and want to thank everyone for keeping their septic systems in good working order. 2 Spring, 2009 Berkshire Farm Boat Launch Instructions Many thanks to the Berkshire Farm and Tony Zinsser who have been streamlining the boat launch procedure. Queechy Lake abutters may launch a boat there in the spring and remove it in the fall. Please see the attached instructions and Release of Liability form. We have provided Allison Oswald a list of property owners to the best of our knowledge. Call Tony if your name has been omitted in error. Please see queechylake.org for a printable download of the release form. Berkshire Farm would appreciate a phone call in advance of your boat’s arrival to be sure the paperwork is in order and that their staff is available to unlock the gate. Many thanks to the Farm for their cordiality and lake stewardship over the years. Boat and PWC Safety Class Walter Brightly is eager to get a group of 6-10 together for the NYS Boat Safety Class this summer. If you or your children (age 10 and up) need to take this class please contact one of the Board members or Walter Brightly directly at 7946170. Safety First Last year we were fortunate to have considerate and safety conscious boat operators. If needed, Columbia County Deputy Sheriff, Tod Hyson covers the Queechy area. He can be reached at 828-3344. New PWC Rules Now in Effect Effective January 1, 2009 no one under the age of 14 is allowed to operate a personal watercraft. This law was enacted by the NY State legislature in 2009 and is now in effect. Previously, youths between the ages of 10 and 13 could operate a PWC if they obtained a boating safety certificate and were accompanied by an adult. The tougher law only affects the operation of personal watercraft. Anyone over the age of 10 that holds a boating safety certificate can still operate a motor boat. Are you on Facebook? Join the Queechy Lake Facebook Group. NYSFOLA Conference 2009 Hamilton, NY was the location of the 26th Annual NYS Federation of Lake Associations Conference on Lake Moraine. Advocates and experts representing lakes from all over the state met at workshops to share and solve problems. This year Queechy Lake was represented by Jan Durgin, Ann Zinsser and Betsy Janes who gathered information on a wide array of topics from algae to Zebra Mussels. If you are interested in attending next year (May 1st weekend) let us know. The QLC will fund up to 3 people attending. For more information on NYSFOLA see their website: Queechy Lakers Share Photos on Flickr Last year my brother introduced me to Flickr.com, a photo sharing website. Steve lives in L.A. now and has been shooting pictures for many years in many formats. Flickr is a very easy way to share your pictures with just friends and family or the world. It’s your choice. If you’d like to see some of his lake pics, and some from other Queechy folks go to Flickr.com and type Queechy in the search box. Steve AKA CookieDuster has posted quite a few. NYSFOLA.org 3 Membership 2009 Calendar Spring, 2009 June 13 Flags Fly Along QL Road We are grateful for the generosity of our members over the years. Your contribution of $75 this year will help pay for printing and distributing the newsletter, the increasing cost of water quality monitoring and analysis by a professional limnologist, boat parade festivities and insurance, and lake related education workshops. In addition scholarship grants are awarded annually to graduating seniors at our local high schools. June 14 Board Meeting Your check will be happily accepted if mailed to: May 23 Board Meeting June 1 CSLAP testing begins July 4 Boat Parade Treasurer, Queechy Lake Club July 5 90th Anniversary Picnic PO Box 1003 July 18 Board Meeting Canaan, NY. 12029 August 1 Annual Meeting @ 10 am Mid August - Fecal testing August 22 or 29 Board Meeting TBA Have You Paid Your Dues? 2009-10 dues are due August 1 Keeping your membership up to date will not only help to preserve the quality of Queechy Lake but also keep you on our mailing list and receiving this newsletter. Please remember that only those who maintain membership can vote at the Annual Meeting. Aren’t sure if you’re up to date? Contact Treasurer, Charlie Long at clong@taconic.net. Recruiting Our Children We’d like to get the next generation involved with the Queechy Lake Club, wouldn’t you? If you send us their email addresses we send them the newsletter. Better yet, give them an Associate Membership by donating an extra $25. . Queechy Lake Club PO Box 92 Canaan, NY 12029 4 Spring, 2009 5