11 - Cumberland County
11 - Cumberland County
£ ¤ 11/15 ! ¬ « § ¦ ¨ _ ^ 11 ¬ « 465 ¬ « Ye ll Fulton's Dairy ! ¬ « ! Boiling Springs _ ^ eech es C e e k Br r 174 le yR Va l m be rla nd ¬ « 696 533 ¬ « § ¦ ¨ £ ¤ Oak Grove Farms Kings Gap Env Ed & Training Ctr Mt Holly Springs _ ^ Mt Holly Marsh Preserve 233 State Game Lands #305 Dillsburg _ ^ c Appa la a Tr hi an Legend ¬ « ! 94 Shippensburg _ ^ k ee Cr in a t un Mo Toigo Orchards ! _ ^ Top Attractions Towns & Villages Appalachian Trail ¬ « Cumberland Valley Rail Trail 34 Michaux State Forest YORK COUNTY il ai lT ra il _ ^ £ ¤ ! Bent Pine Alpaca Farm 174 ow Big S p ring Gre en w Newburg _ ^ 15 Paulus Farm Market ! 83 ¬ « 81 Cu FRANKLIN COUNTY 641 ay State Game Lands #169 ¬ « 641 _ ^ _ ^ 76 _ ^ ¬ « West Shore Farmers Market Shiremanstown Mechanicsburg § ¦ ¨ Carlisle § ¦ ¨ New Cumberland 11 CUMBERLAND COUNTY Newville 997 k ! 76 ¬ « £ ¤ Meadowbrooke Gourds, Inc. 233 ^ _ _ _ !^ ^ Camp Hill Lemoyne nodo g u inet Cre e Co Opossum Lake _ ^ Wormleysburg 34 74 944 81 ¬ « ¬ « ¬ « Wishing Well Equestrian Center Tuscarora State Forest _ ^ § ¦ ¨ State Game Lands #230 DAUPHIN COUNTY Harrisburg r iv e Audubon Hawk Watch R na Ü Colonel Denning State Park Enola u e h an State Game Lands #170 Su sq PERRY COUNTY State Forest State Parks Pine Grove Furnace State Park State Game Lands Gardners Fish & Boat Commission Facilities _ ^ Nature Preserves Waterways Road Network Interstate ADAMS COUNTY 0 1 2 3 4 5 US/PA Routes Miles Business Name Creamery FR cont. COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE (CSA) A community of individuals who become shareholders in a farm operation, so the growers and consumers provide mutual support and share the risks and benefits of food production. Typically, CSA members purchase shares of the harvest in advance to cover the anticipated costs of the farm operation and farmer’s salary. In return they receive freshly harvested produce throughout the growing season. Fulton Farm, Fulton Center for Sustainable Living, Wilson College 1016 Philadelphia Ave Chambersburg 17201 264-4141 | wilson.edu Produce, Free Range Eggs & Poultry, Dairy qwq Products, Honey, Flowers, Herbs, Meats, K Certified Naturally Grown HOURS: May-Nov Spiral Path Farm LLC 538 Spiral Path Lane, Loysville 17047 789-4433 | spiralpathfarm.com Shared Earth CSA 131 State Rd, Mechanicsburg 17050 697-0762 | sharedearthfarm.com North Mountain Pastures 999 Markelsville Rd, Newport 17074 497-3496 | northmountainpastures.com HOURS: Please call ahead • HOURS: Tues-Wed 9am-6pm, Thurs-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat 8am-5pm Creamery FR HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 8am-5pm; open later in summer please call for hours Stoner’s Dairy Farm & Corn Maze 7678 Oellig Rd, Mercersburg 17236 328-3617 | stonersdairyfarm.com HOURS: April-May: (field trips & tours by appt.); Sept-Oct: Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 12pm-5pm (field trips & tours) Keswick Creamery Cheese Shop 185 Quigley Rd, Newburg 17240 423-6759 | keswickcreamerycheese.com HOURS: Mar-Dec: Fri 11am-6pm, Sat 9am-2pm 4 Homemade Ice Cream, Baked Goods, Eggs, Meat, Cheese, Seasonal Produce, Pastured Livestock, Corn Maze (Sept-Oct) Raw Milk, Aged Cheese, Yogurt, Fresh Cheese, Ricotta, Chocolate Pudding, Eggs, Meadow Raised Veal Cuts, Baked Goods Rockview Dairy 44 Kline Rd Shippensburg 17257 | 729-8642 The Country Butcher Shop, Inc. 286 McAllister Church Rd Carlisle 17015 | 249-4691 Local seasonal produce and farm products sold directly to the consumer from the farm. Typically, retail outlets are permanent structures that may be open year-round. • HOURS: Self-serve 24 hours K • Dairy Products, Meats (ground beef, roasts, steaks), Pastured Livestock qwq • Raw Milk, Eggs, Seasonal Flowers K Meats - Pure Bred Black Angus, Freezer Beef from Closed qwq Herd, 100% Raised & Finished on Grass, No Antibiotic/Chemical Uses, Pastured Livestock HOURS: Open year-round by appointment 7am-7pm Chicken, Turkey, Pastured Pork, Grass Fed Beef, Pastured Livestock, Free-Range Eggs & Poultry Homemade Ice Cream, Fresh Produce, Deli Meats & Cheeses, Subs & Hoagies, Baked Goods, Homemade Soups & Salads, Bulk Foods, Fall Corn Maze Fulton’s Dairy 1910 Ritner Hwy Shippensburg 17257 | 776-3338 • Lil’ Ponderosa Enterprises 44 Ponderosa Rd Carlisle 17015 | 245-2820 FARM RETAIL (FR) Windy Knoll Farm Market & Creamery 2685 Spring Rd Chambersburg 17201 | 264-2900 HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-8pm (Summer); 8am-5pm (Winter) please call ahead Eggs (Free Range), Dairy Products, Chicken, Lamb, Pork, Turkey, Pastured Livestock Meats FR Vegetables, Melons, Eggs, Dairy Products, Flowers, Herbs HOURS: May-Oct Otterbein Acres 10071 Otterbein Church Rd Newburg 17240 | 423-6689 HOURS: Mon-Sat 7am-7pm Vegetables, Melons, Berries, Certified Organic, Permanently Preserved Farm HOURS: May-Nov Description Other Open YearRound Business Name Open YearRound AREA CODE 717 Other AREA CODE 717 F X BIJO Boer Goats 41 Oxford Rd, Gardners 17324 486-7697 | bijoboergoat.com HOURS: By appt. Sun-Sat 3pm-7pm Strocks Farm Fresh Meats 729 Williams Grove Rd Mechanicsburg 17055 697-2824 | strocksmeats.com • “Live on the hoof” goats • Specializing in on-site charcoal roasted meats. Fresh dressed turkeys at Thanksgiving & Christmas. • Vegetables, Eggs, Beef, Goat, Turkey, Humanely Raised Veal, Pastured Livestock • Grass Fed Beef, Lamb, & Goat, Chicken, Duck, Geese, Eggs, Free-Range Eggs & Poultry, Baked Goods by order or chance • Pastured Goat Meat, 4-H/FFA Project Market Goats HOURS: Catering year-round; fresh turkey Nov & Dec by appointment Painted Hand Farm 3173 Jumper Rd, Newburg 17240 423-5663 | paintedhandfarm.com X • Produce, Deli, Baked Goods, Meats, Honey, Herbs, Eggs, Dairy Products, Deer Processing, Catering Services HOURS: Daily 9am-5pm K qwq Pecan Meadow Farm 357 Newburg Rd Newburg 17240 | 423-5365 HOURS: By chance or appointment Square Hollow Farm 1367 Mountain Rd Newburg 17240 | 360-6396 HOURS: By appointment 5 Business Name Produce FR cont. Meats FR cont. Meats, (Lamb by order X only, Goat kid), Herbs, K Berries, Wool, Tree qwq Fruit, Pastured Livestock, PASA Member Bearlin Acres Farm 180 Mt. Ash Lane, Shippensburg 17257 530-3605 | bearlinacres.com HOURS: By appointment Nursery/Tree Farm FR MacNamara Tree Farm & Nursery 25 Wagner Dr Carlisle 17015 | 609-4764 HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-6pm McCurdy’s Tree Farm & Landscaping 127 Chestnut Grove Rd Dillsburg 17019 | 432-4017 mccurdystreefarm.com • • Christmas Trees, Stone, E X Tanbark, Mulch, Plants, K Hayrides & Campfires, CC Farm Zoo (end of Nov- qwq Dec), School Field Trips Noggles Sweet Meadow 2171 Stumpstown Rd Mechanicsburg 17055 | 766-7750 Conifer Hill Tree Farm 101 Conifer Rd Newville 17241 | 386-1739 Christmas Trees, Evergreen Wreaths/ Greens U-P: Christmas Trees HOURS: Open daily Black Friday through Christmas Eve: 9am-4:30pm Woodlawn 3171 Ritner Hwy Newville 17241 | 776-5988 U-P HOURS: Mar-Nov: Thurs-Fri 8am-5pm Christmas Trees, Live Bulbs, Centerpieces, Wreaths, Greenery, Baskets, Burlap Evergreen Trees, Wagon Rides, School Groups, U-P: Christmas Trees HOURS: Open Black Friday through Christmas Eve: Mon-Fr i 10am -8pm, Sat-Sun 8am-8pm Chestnut Grove Greenhouse 120 Chestnut Grove Rd Shippensburg 17257 | 532-3788 Flowers, Herbs, Bedding plants HOURS: April-June: Mon-Fri 8am-8pm, Sat 8am-5pm Produce FR Myers Farm Market 1369 Creek Rd Boiling Springs 17007 | 258-3893 Vegetables, Berries, Pumpkins HOURS: May-Oct (Mon-Fri 9am-7pm, Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 11am-5pm); Nov-Dec (Mon-Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 11am-5pm); Jan (Fri-Sat 9am-5pm) The Peters Orchards 10540 Carlisle Pike Gardners 17324 | 528-4380 Strites Orchard Farm Market & Bakery 1000 Strites Rd, Harrisburg 17111 564-3130 | stritesorchard.com X HOURS: Mon-Sat 9am-6pm, Sun 1pm-5pm 6 • Vegetables, BeddingPlants, Tree Fruits, Vegetable Plants, Made to Order Fruit Baskets, Christmas Trees, Garland, Antiques, Crafts • Produce, Preserves, Baked Goods, Honey, Herbs, Cider, Bedding Plants, Century Farm, Christmas Trees, Fall Corn Maze U-P: Strawberries, Raspberries, Pumpkins Sour Cherries, Apples • Produce, Eggs, Dairy Products, Maple Products, Jams, Flowers, Bedding Plants, Christmas Trees, Baked Goods U-P: Strawberries, Raspberries, Peas, Beans • Produce, Deli Items, Baked Goods, Flowers, Meats, Preserves, Honey, Herbs, Cider, Bedding Plants, Dairy Products, Christmas Trees, Corn Maze U-P: Flowers, Pumpkins, Herbs qwq U-P HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am-6pm X Paulus Farm Market 1229 S. York St, Mechanicsburg 17055 697-4330 | paulusfarmmarket.com HOURS: May-Oct (Mon-Fri 9am-7pm [5pm when daylight savings ends], Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 11am-4pm); Nov-Dec (Thu & Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9am-3pm) Beam’s Blue Mountain Farm 13374 Lurgan Rd Newburg 17240 | 532-5537 HOURS: June-Oct: Mon-Fr i 10am -6pm, Sat 8am-4pm E X CC K E X CC K U-P Vegetables, Melons, Preserves, Honey, Cookies HOURS: July-Sept 15: Mon-Fri 8:30am-7:30pm, Sat 8:30am-5pm HOURS: June-Oct: Mon-Sun 9am-7pm Cottage Gardens Antiques & Florals 1452 Holly Pike Carlisle 17015 | 243-0691 • Vegetables, Pumpkins, Baked Goods, Melons, Cider Preserves, Honey, Berries, Tree Fruit, Maple Products HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat 8am-5pm Oak Grove Farms 846 Fisher Rd, Mechanicsburg 17055 766-2216 | oakgrovefarmsinc.com U-P Honey, Flowers, Produce, Baked Goods, F Preserves, Maple X Products, Corn Maze & Wagon Rides (Sept-Oct) U-P U-P: Apples, Pumpkins, Blueberries Mountain View Nursery 1101 Park Place Mechanicsburg 17055 | 776-4966 Shade & Ornamental Trees Pine Haven Farm 1765 Pine Rd Newville 17241 | 486-5423 Strawberries, Sweet Corn, Pumpkins, Certified Naturally Grown, U-P: Strawberries HOURS: May-June & Aug-Sept: Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm, Sat 7:30am-4pm HOURS: Open daily Bedding Plants, Herbs, Flowers, Vegetable Starts, Heirloom Varieties, Hearty Mums HOURS: April-Oct: Mon-Sat (hours vary) Strawberry Lane 604 S. Middlesex Rd Carlisle 17015 | 249-0916 Paulus Orchards 522 E. Mt. Airy Rd, Dillsburg 17019 432-2544 | paulusorchards.com Trees, Landscape Products, Shrubs, Certified Naturally Grown, Planting Svcs & Delivery HOURS: Open year-round: hours vary Description Other Description Open YearRound Business Name Other AREA CODE 717 Open YearRound AREA CODE 717 E X CC E X CC K qwq U-P Vegetables, Baked Goods, Flowers, Eggs, Melons, Preserves, Hon- X K ey, Berries, Cider, Tree Fruit, Crafts, Pumpkins U-P U-P: Strawberries, Pumpkins 7 HOURS: Winter hours vary: Mon-Sat 7am-6pm Natures Nook Farm 740 Shed Rd Newville 17241 | 776-5619 HOURS: Please call ahead Horst Orchards 11132 Tanyard Hill Rd Orrstown 17244 | 532-2842 HOURS: Jul y-Oct: Mon-Fr i 8am -8pm, Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 11am-5pm Toigo Orchards 750 S. Mountain Estates Rd Shippensburg 17257 532-4655 | toigoorchards.com HOURS: June, Aug-Dec: Mon-Sat 8am-5pm; year-round online sales Shippensburg Auction Center 1122 Ritner Hwy Shippensburg 17257 | 532-5511 HOURS: Tues, Thurs & Fri 9am-sold out • • Vegetables, Melons, Berries, Tree Fruit, Preserves, Honey, Crafts, Quilts, Quilt Fabric, Free-Range Eggs & Poultry X Berries, Beef, English Walnuts, Pastured Livestock X Cherries, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Apples, Sweet Corn, U-P: Cherries • • • A site on a farm which offers a tour or activity for the visitor to experience. U-P qwq Produce & Nursery/Tree Farm FR Ashcombe Farm & Greenhouse 906 W. Grantham Rd Mechanicsburg 17055 766-7611 | ashcombe.com HOURS: Jan-Feb: Mon-Sat 9am-6pm; Mar-Dec: Mon-Sat 9am-8pm Newville Produce Farm & Greenhouses 379 Greenspring Rd (PA Rte 641) Newville 17241-9608 | 776-7717 HOURS: Feb-Dec: Mon-Fr i 9am-7pm, Sat 8am-5pm • Produce, Deli Items, Homemade Baked Goods, Flowers, Preserves, Honey, Herbs, Cider, Bedding Plants, Christmas Trees, Garden Center Vegetables, Flowers, Melons, Honey, Herbs, Berries, Bedding Plants, Tree Fruit, Pumpkins • Produce, Deli Items, Preserves, Cider, Eggs, Dairy Products, Baked Goods, Honey, Flowers, X Herbs, Bedding Plants, U-P Seasonal Turkeys U-P: Strawberries, Pumpkins FARM ATTRACTION Vegetables, Melons, Preserves, Honey, Herbs, Berries, Cider, Free Range Eggs, Pumpkins, Homemade Salsa, U-P Sauces & Butters, Certified Naturally Grown U-P: Strawberries Wholesale - Vegetables, Fruit, Flowers, F Shrubs, Pumpkins, X Mums, Corn, Christmas Trees & Wreaths Vegetables, Meats, Honey, Herbs, Tree Fruit, Free Range Eggs and Poultry, Dairy Products. Pastured Livestock Maplewood Produce and Greenhouse 8564 Old Scotland Rd Shippensburg 17258 | 532-8973 HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 8am-5pm Produce & Meats FR Wil-Ar Farm 76 Parker Rd Newville 17241 | 776-6552 HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-8pm Description Produce & Nursery/Tree Farm FR cont. Produce FR cont. Esh’s Produce 16417 Cumberland Hwy (PA Rte 997) Newburg 17240 | 532-3216 Business Name Other Description Open YearRound Business Name Other AREA CODE 717 Open YearRound AREA CODE 717 E F X CC Dickinson College Farm 553 Park Dr Boiling Springs 17007 | 245-1251 Farm Tours Available By Request qwq Alpaca Fiber, Alpaca Yarn, Alpaca Knit & Woven items. Off-site education. qwq HOURS: By appointment only Celtic Knot Alpacas 1560 McClures Gap Rd, Carlisle 17015 418-9612 | celticknotalpacas.com HOURS: By appointment only Daytime: Corn Maze, Hayrides, Scarecrow Making, Educational Stations, Petting Zoo, Mums, Honey, Haybales & Corn Stalks for Sale. Nighttime: Food, Haunted Hay Rides, Corn Maze & Walk U-P: Pumpkins Hayman Halloween Park, LLC 450 Sherwood Dr, Carlisle 17015 243-5598 | haymanhalloweenpark.com HOURS: Late Sept-Oct: Fri-Sun 10am-10:30pm qwq U-P E Meadowbrooke Gourds, Inc. 125 Potato Rd, Carlisle 17015 776-6029 | mbgourds.com HOURS: Tues-Sat 10am-4pm • Hand crafted gourds for all seasons. Paint your own gourd classes available. X CC K qwq Meadowbrooke Gourds K X Ashcombe Farm & Greenhouse 8 9 AREA CODE 717 AREA CODE 717 Fairs, Festivals & Events JANUARY AUGUST cont. Franklin County Fair ........................................................... Chambersburg Seven-day county fair. Keystone Farm Show ......................................................................... York Three-day show for full-time farmers to view equipment & new technologies. Shippensburg Corn Festival ...................................................Shippensburg Craft show with 300 vendors, entertainment & food. Pennsylvania Farm Show .......................................................... Harrisburg The largest indoor agricultural event in the nation is eight days long, features animals, competitions, education exhibits, food vendors, & commercial exhibitors. SEPTEMBER FEBRUARY Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show ................................................. Harrisburg This nine-day show is North America’s largest outdoor hunting & fishing event. APRIL Race, Run, Ride & Ramble ................................ Cumberland Valley Rail Trail 15K Race, 5K Run, 30K Bike Ride & 15K Hike. Mechanicsburg Earth Day Festival ...................................... Mechanicsburg Celebration & appreciation for the Earth’s environment. Annual Steam Show .......................................................... Mechanicsburg Steam train rides, blacksmith shop & antique tractors. York Fair .......................................................................................... York Ten-day county fair. America’s oldest fair. Gratz Fair ...................................................................................... Gratz Five-day community fair. Carlisle GreenFest .........................................................................Carlisle Family event to promote environmental awareness. New Cumberland Apple Festival ...................................... New Cumberland 250 vendors, crafts & apple related items. MAY Apple Blossom Festival............................................................. Arendtsville Learn about orchards & enjoy arts, crafts, food, live entertainment, etc. LeTort Festival ...............................................................................Carlisle Promoting environmental awareness through live music, crafts & informative sessions. JUNE New Cumberland GreenFest ............................................ New Cumberland A day to celebrate “Green” recyclables, energy, etc. PA Fly-Fishing Heritage Day................................................. Boiling Springs Casting instructions, demos, & The Rubber Fish Race. JULY Mason Dixon Fair .............................................................................Delta Six-day community fair. Buy Fresh, Bike Local .................................................... Cumberland Valley 241-4361 | Ride your bike through farmland & sample local produce. Shippensburg Community Fair ...............................................Shippensburg Five-day community fair. AUGUST South Mountain Fair ................................................................ Arendtsville Five-day community fair. Cumberland County Ag Expo ........................................................Newville Five-day community fair with animals, agricultural exhibits, & entertainment. Perry County Fair ........................................................................Newport Five-day county fair. 18 New Cumberland Apple Festival OCTOBER Cumberland County Farm Tour ........... Various locations in Cumberland Valley 240-6500 | September or October Garden Harvest Day.................................................... Kings Gap, Carlisle Apple cider pressing, crafts, hay & pony rides, self-guided mansion & garden tours, craft vendors & food. East Penn Pumpkin Fest .................................................................... Enola Crafts, live entertainment, kids’ amusements, pony rides, pumpkin painting & food. Fall Furnace Festival ...................... Pine Grove Furnace State Park, Gardners Food, crafts, music, hayrides, educational programs, history tours & more. Dillsburg Farmers’ Fair .................................................................Dillsburg Five-day community fair. Fall Down the Trail Run & Hike .......................... Cumberland Valley Rail Trail 5K race & 4 mile hike. National Apple Harvest Festival ................................................ Arendtsville Hundreds of arts & crafts dealers, demonstrations, contests, food & entertainment. 19 AREA CODE 717 Index Paulus Orchards ....................... 7 Pecan Meadow Farm ................ 5 Pine Haven Farm....................... 6 Rockview Dairy......................... 5 Shippensburg Auction Center ..... 8 Square Hollow Farm.................. 5 Stoner’s Dairy Farm & Corn Maze.. 4 Strawberry Lane........................ 7 Strites Orchard Farm Market & Bakery ..................................... 7 Strocks Farm Fresh Meats ........... 5 The Country Butcher Shop, Inc. .. 5 The Peters Orchards .................. 7 Toigo Orchards ......................... 8 Wil-Ar Farm ............................. 8 Windy Knoll Farm Market & Creamery................................. 4 Woodlawn ............................... 6 Farm Attraction Bent Pine Alpaca Farm ............ 10 Celtic Knot Alpacas ................... 9 Dickinson College Farm ............. 9 Hayman Halloween Park, LLC ..... 9 Meadowbrooke Gourds, Inc. ...... 9 Winery Adams County Winery ............ 10 Hauser Estate Winery .............. 10 Hunters Valley Winery ............. 10 West Hanover Winery ............. 10 Outdoor Recreation Trails Appalachian Trail ................... 11 Cumberland Valley Rail Trail..... 12 Local Parks ............................. 12 State Parks Colonel Denning State Park ...... 13 Kings Gap Environmental Education & Training Center ............. 12 Pine Grove Furnace State Park .. 13 State Forests Michaux State Forest ............... 14 Tuscarora State Forest .............. 14 State Game Lands ................... 15 Equestrian Facilities Wishing Well Equestrian Center . 15 24 Nature Preserves Audubon Hawk Watch at Waggoner’s Gap .................... 16 Mount Holly Marsh Preserve ..... 15 Fish & Boat Commission Facilities Big Spring Creek Greenway..... 17 Children’s Lake ....................... 16 Opossum Lake ........................ 16 Water Trails Conodoguinet Creek Water Trail. 17 Susquehanna Water Trail ......... 17 Yellow Breeches Water Trail ..... 17 Golf....................................... 17 Ski Resort Ski Roundtop .......................... 17 Fairs, Festivals & Events ...... 18-19 Museums Agriculture & Industrial Museum.. 20 Appalachian Trail Museum ....... 20 Renfrew Museum and Park ....... 20 The Oakes Museum at Messiah College .................................. 20 Williams Grove Historical Steam Engine Association .................. 20 Bed & Breakfasts 18th Century Inn ..................... 21 Allenberry Resort Inn & Playhouse .............................. 21 Buttonwood Bed & Breakfast .... 21 Fallen Tree Farm ..................... 21 Field & Pine Bed & Breakfast .... 21 Gelinas Manor Bed & Breakfast 21 Glowing Logs Cabin................ 21 Homestay Farm Bed & Breakfast . 21 Pheasant Field Bed & Breakfast . 21 Red Cardinal Bed & Breakfast .. 21 The Dykeman House Bed & Breakfast ................................ 21 Campgrounds Cherokee Campground & Family Restaurant .............................. 22 Colonel Denning State Park ...... 22 Deer Run Campground ............ 22 Dogwood Acres Campground .. 22 Mountain Creek Campground .. 22 Pine Grove Furnace State Park .. 22 Western Village RV Park .......... 22
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