Shershah Gate Protected Monument`s Byelaws
Shershah Gate Protected Monument`s Byelaws
PROPOSED HERITAGE BYE-LAW FOR SHERSHAH GATE & KHAIRUL MANAZIL MOSQUE, DELHI 1 3rd October,2012 Sher Shah Gate or Lal Darwaza This gateway is believed by some to mark the southern edge of Sher Shah’s city of Shergarh, though some contend that Shergarh extended much further south. In any event the arrangement of the gate and the fortified wall attached to it makes it clear that it was the southern gate of some walled area. On either side of the road leading south from the gate, there are remains of arcades that might have been rows of shops. The name Lal Darwaza (red gate) refers to the red sandstone which is used as decorative accent to the grey quartzite from which the structure is constructed. Ornamental stone inlay and tile work are the main surface decorations Khair-ul-Manazil mosque The name of this building, ‘Khair-ul- Manazil’ means ‘best of houses’. It is also a chronogram, so the letters of the name, when written in the Persian script, give the numerical value which is the year of its construction, 969 Hijri or 1561-62 A.D. At the western end of the central courtyard is the prayer chamber of the mosque. An inscription in the centre of its façade tells us that this building was commissioned by Maham Angah, the wet-nurse of the Mughal emperor Akbar. Along the other three sides of the courtyard are colonnades which housed a madrasa or school 2 Notified Protected Area 3 4 VIEWS OF THE MONUMENT 5 VIEWS OF THE MONUMENT 6 VIEWS OF THE MONUMENT 7 TEMPORARY SHED OF NDMC SCHOOL INTRUDING INTO MONUMENT AMBIENCE 8 BUILDING AND TELECOM MAST IN HIGH COURT CAMPUS DISTURBING THE AMBIENCE OF MONUMENT 9 ANOTHER VIEW OF THE BUILDING AND TELECOM MAST IN HIGH COURT CAMPUS DISTURBING THE AMBIENCE OF MONUMENT 10 PARKING ON ROAD BETWEEN MONUMENT AREA AND HIGH COURT CAMPUS PARKING OF VEHICLES ADJACENT TO MONUMENT DISTURBING THE AMBIENCE OF MONUMENT 11 VIEW OF PARKING ADJACENT TO MONUMENT AREA PARKING ON ROAD BETWEEN MONUMENT AREA AND HIGH COURT CAMPUS PARKING OF VEHICLES ADJACENT TO MONUMENT DISTURBING THE AMBIENCE OF MONUMENT 12 Existing Building height 30 mtrs Proposed height not to exceed 21 mtrs THE HEIGHT OF FUTURE BUILDINGS IN HIGH COURT CAMPUS SHOULD BE LIMITED TO 21 MTRS. SO THAT THEY DO NOT DISTURB THE AMBIENCE OF MONUMENT 13 PROPOSED HERITAGE BYE-LAWS IN RESPECT OF SHERSHAH GATE – KHAIRUL MANZIL 1. Architectural, historical and archaeological value of the monument; Shershah Gate This gateway is believed by some to mark the southern edge of Sher Shah’s city of Shergarh, though some contend that Shergarh extended much further south. In any event the arrangement of the gate and the fortified wall attached to it makes it clear that it was the southern gate of some walled area. On either side of the road leading south from the gate, there are remains of arcades that might have been rows of shops. The name Lal Darwaza (red gate) refers to the red sandstone which is used as decorative accent to the grey quartzite from which the structure is constructed. Ornamental stone inlay and tile work are the main surface decorations Khair-ul-Manazil mosque The name of this building, ‘Khair-ul- Manazil’ means ‘best of houses’. It is also a chronogram, so the letters of the name, when written in the Persian script, give the numerical value which is the year of its construction, 969 Hijri or 1561-62 A.D. At the western end of the central courtyard is the prayer chamber of the mosque. An inscription in the centre of its façade tells us that this building was commissioned by Maham Angah, the wet-nurse of the Mughal emperor Akbar. Along the other three sides of the courtyard are colonnades which housed a madrasa or school .Both monuments are protected under AMASR Act of 1958. 2. Sensitivity of the monument (e.g. development pressure, urbanization, population pressure, etc) The monuments face Purana Qila which is across the Mathura Road. Together they form precinct of historical monuments of the period of Shershah Suri. There is Government housing on its southern side while Delhi High building complex is located on its western side with a road in-between. The government housing can be restricted but consideration will have to be given to the requirements of Delhi High Court since it cannot be shifted from here. The eastern and south-eastern sides are totally protected due to the open area appurtenant to Purana Qila and Zoo. 14 3. Visibility from the protected monument or area and visibility from regulated area; Government housing and the High Court Complex are close to the monument. While the main High Court building itself is not visible from the monument, some related buildings in the campus which are 30 mtrs in height are visible from the monument. A telecom mast in the High Court campus is also visible from the monument. There is a temporary single storey shed housing a NDMC school which is falling in the prohibited zone which adversely affects the ambience of the monument. The ambience of the monument is also adversely affected by the parking of two or three wheelers in between the monument and the Delhi High Court Complex .It will be necessary to remove the temporary structure of the erstwhile NDMC school, and relocate the parking area close to the monument after which the land should be converted in to green space and included in the boundary of the monument on its western or rear side. There is also unauthorized vending and parking on the footpath of Shershah Suri Marg on the monument side which should not be allowed as it adversely affects the ambience of the monument. Similarly no vending, hoarding or dustbin should be allowed within 100 meters of the protected monument especially on Mathura Road and Shershah Suri Marg as these activities are easily visible and therefore adversely affect the ambience, environment and aesthetics around the monument. 4. Land-use to be identified; The development around the monument is in accordance to the Master Plan/ Zonal plan of DDA. 15 5. Archaeological heritage remains other than protected monument(s); There are unprotected ruins within the boundary of the monument within the Prohibited Zone along Shershah Suri Marg. There are also isolated monuments across the Shershah Suri Marg. There is potential of finding archaeological remains below the open space in the prohibited area within the High Court Complex. There is an existing mosque in the High Court campus which is surrounded by parked vehicles. All these remains should be appropriately incorporated in the future landscaping of this area and the digging for any future construction within the Regulated Zone should be undertaken only in the presence of the officials of the ASI. 6. Cultural landscapes; This monument once formed an important cultural landscape of the Shershah Suri era, but modern development has fragmented it. Attempt should therefore be made to integrate what evidence remains through appropriate landscaping of the open spaces. Annexure-1 shows a proposal where the Purana Qila, Zoo and Kharul Manazil have been integrated in a landscape proposal which should be taken up by the respective landowning agencies of the area. 7. Significant natural landscapes that forms part of cultural landscape and also helps in protecting the monument from environment pollution; The Purana Qila and the Zoo provides protection to the monument and strengthens its ambience. It is therefore desirable to integrate these areas through appropriate landscaping of the common open space linking them. See Annexure-1 16 8. Usage of open space and constructions; The existing open spaces should be maintained and appropriately landscaped to enhance the significance of this monument and its relation with Purana Qila. No new construction should be permitted within the Prohibited Zone except if they are required for visitor management as required by ASI. The NDMC School within the Prohibited zone should be relocated outside the influence zone of the monument. 9. Traditional, historical and cultural activities; There are no such activity around this monument. 10.Skyline as visible from the monument and from regulated area; The monument faces Old Fort and approaching from its front side, the skyline is clear and should be kept clear without any high rise showing in its background. The skyline of the High Court Complex identified as RZ-2 ( Regulated Zone-2) should not exceed 30 metres so that they remain hidden behind the tree line. The skyline in the area identified as RZ-1( Regulated Zone-1) should not exceed 7.5 metres which is in consonance with existing development. Mobile tower in the High Court Complex visible from the monument should be relocated to a more unobtrusive area. The height of the buildings in RZ-4( Regulated Zone4) may conform to existing Municipal Building Laws since they do not disturb the ambience of the monument. 17 11. Vernacular Architecture; There is no evidence of vernacular architecture in the vicinity of the monuments. It forms a part of the Lutyens Zone as per the Master Plan of Delhi-2021 and the prevailing norms governing the Conservation of this zone should be continued as it contributes to maintaining the significance of this monument within the overall context of New Delhi 12. Development plan as available by the local authorities; This is a well developed and regulated area by the Municipal Authorities. Within the Prohibited Zone, the temporary shed of the NDMC school should be removed and no new construction permitted as per the AMASR Act. Within the Regulated Zone, it is recommended that the four zones should be identified as per the existing site context, viz., A) RZ-1, comprising of existing housing development of Bapa Nagar, B) RZ-2, comprising of High Court Complex., C) RZ-3 comprising of open area including the barracks. D) RZ-4 comprising of Sunder nagar area. These zones should strictly conform to the Bye-Laws given below. Beyond the Regulated area the existing controls prevailing for the Lutyens Zone should be followed. 13. Building related parameters – The restrictions and details of managing the four Regulated Zones are given below: A) Height of the construction: restrictions to the height of buildings given below B) Floor area: No change to the existing foot-print by buildings to be permitted. C) Use: No change to the existing use; D) Facade design: Any new façade should be sympathetic to the existing or adjacent facades of building. E) Roof design: Flat roof with parapet walls to hide water tanks etc; F) Building material: As per existing range of materials in use; G) Colour: As per existing palette of colours in use; 18 RZ RZ 11- Regulated Regulated Zone-1 Zone-1 CONSISTING CONSISTING OF OF GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT HOUSING, HOUSING, BARRACKS BARRACKS & & NATIONAL NATIONAL STADIUM STADIUM RZ RZ 22- Regulated Regulated Zone-2 Zone-2 CONSISTING CONSISTING OF OF HIGH HIGH COURT COURT CAMPUS CAMPUS RZ RZ 33- Regulated Regulated Zone-3 Zone-3 CONSISTING CONSISTING OF OF OPEN OPEN AREA AREA BETWEEN BETWEEN SHERSHAH SHERSHAH GATE, GATE, KHAIRUL KHAIRUL MANAZIL AND PURANA QILA/ ZOO MANAZIL AND PURANA QILA/ ZOO RZ RZ 44- Regulated Regulated Zone-4 Zone-4 CONSISTING CONSISTING OF OF PRIVATE PRIVATE HOUSING HOUSING 19 14. Visitors facilities and amenities. This should be provided in accordance to the assessment of ASI. 15. Based on above parameters, the details of the Proposed Heritage Bye-laws are given below: i) The permissible height for building in the Regulated Zone is given below: RZ-1: maximum 7.5 mtrs. This is in consonance with existing development. RZ-2: maximum 30 mtrs. This is to ensure that future buildings are behind the tree line as viewed from the monument. Some of the existing buildings are 30 mtrs. in height and no future construction should be more than 30 meters in height. RZ-3: maximum 3.5 mtrs. This will ensure that any public amenities that ASI may propose in this area are kept at a low height. RZ-4: as per prevailing Building Byelaws. This area consists of private housing, if they are developed as per the existing Municipal Building Byelaws, then they will not disturb the ambience of the monument. ii) The regulation of height as above should restrict the FAR as per the Building Bye-laws and Master Plan for Delhi 2021. iii) The open spaces shall be appropriately landscaped to integrate the visual image and experience of the influence zone of the monument. See Annexure-1 iv) Uniform signage as approved by ASI to be provided in the influence zone of the monument. 20 v) No construction of any type or nature shall be allowed in prohibited area of 100 metres from the protected monument in contravention to the AMASR Act and Rules and any temporary or permanent structure already constructed shall be removed forthwith. vi) No encroachment on public land of whatsoever nature shall be allowed. vii) No unauthorized or illegal activity of whatsoever nature shall be allowed in the prohibited or regulated area. viii) No dustbin (Dhalao), hoarding or vending - even authorized shall be allowed within 100 meters of the protected area especially on Shershah Suri Marg and Mathura Road. See Annexure-1 ix) The roofs are to be designed in such a manner that water tanks, pipes, cables and other structures are not unaesthetically exposed. x) The colour and building material on the exterior of the building within Regulated Area should be in harmony with existing developments. 21 xi) The premises shall be used for prescribed purposes only and no negative trade or usages like godown, warehouse etc., shall be allowed which may affect adversely the ambience around the site. xii) The development within the High Court Complex is currently very chaotic and disturbs the ambience of the monument. The development of this complex should be rationalized to remove temporary structure, vehicle parking etc. and appropriately landscaped to positively contribute to the ambience of the monument. The existing Mosque within the High Court campus should be conserved and the area around it appropriately landscaped after removing the parking of vehicles in its vicinity. xiii) All new construction in the Regulated Zone and any proposed reconstruction should be as per the provisions of MCD Act and MPD 2021 and the Heritage Bye-laws. xiv) Support and cooperation shall be extended in all activities and programmes of ASI, GNCTD, which are helpful in the preservation, conservation, security, upkeep and maintenance of the protected monument. 22 Annexure-1 Design Proposal TO RED FORT LAL DARWA AZA LA KE Restored Dalan M A T H U R A R O A D TO HUMAYU N’S TOMB 23 PURA NA QILA Foo d Pla za KHAIR UL MANA ZIL Existing Trees Paved Square with Sitting Spaces Informa tion Kiosks l rah t en t C Pa Revived Section of Lake Amphithea tre Entra nce Plaza ‘Ancient Cities of Delhi’ Map here Service Entry