l’acn - l’accessorio nucleare S.r.l 20023 CERRO MAGGIORE MI (ITALIA) - via 25 Aprile 9/13 tel. +39 (0)331 420303 - fax +39 (0)331 420153 www.acn.it acn@acn.it Unigamma DEXA FAN BEAM BONE DENSITOMETER PLUS Unigamma is the latest multi-detector,fan beam DXA bonedensitometer manufactured by l’acn. The 5-channel architecture allows reduced scan times and better image resolution. Moreover, the small fan-beam configuration minimizes the geometrical distortion, even on wholebody scans. For special applications, it is also possible to use the unit in a pencil-beam mode, using only the central channel. The new WINMOC v10.1 software features new graphic tools for image improvement, such as non-linear contrast , bi-cubic interpolation, customizable color scales and double image scans. Simplicity of use and modular design make of Unigamma the ideal all-purpose bone densitometer for different user categories, ranging from the big hospitals to the private doctor’s clinic. Unigamma Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is an ever growing problem affecting millions of women and men worldwide. The healthcare costs associated with osteoporosis are staggering, and the effect on your patient’s quality of life can be devastating. But fortunately, osteoporosis is detectable and treatable. Testing is safe and non invasive so you can test for osteoporosis in your office. l’acn Over 25 years now l’acn from the very North of Italy has designed and supplied bone densitometry systems to customers world wide. R & D efforts focus on providing efficient clinical solutons in a competitive environmet. Bone Densitometry For many years researchers and clinicians have been measuring bone density to monitor and manage osteoporosis and other bone disease. Use of dual energy allows for the correction of soft tissue variations. Pencil beam DEXA systems offer maximum accuracy with minimal exposure, while fan beam systems offer short scan times. Only the Unigamma family of DEXA systems combines the best of both worlds: multiple pencil beams and a fan beam geometry. The standard measurements like AP spine and Hip (for the elder population) with respectively scoliosis correction and autmatic metal exclusion are standard. Calibration and Compatibility: In order to allow comparison the results are expressed in sBMD mg/cm². The NHANES reference curves are included for the “total hip” measurements. TYPICAL SCAN TIME R.O.I. FEMUR SPINE FOREARM TOTAL BODY SCANING TIME IN CONFIG. PENCIL BEAM SCANING TIME IN CONFIG. FAN BEAM PIXEL SPEED SCAN AREA 3 x 3 mm² 3 x 3 mm² 15 x 15 cm² 2’05” 25 sec. 15 x 22 cm² 3’20” 1,5 x 1,5 mm² 60 60 60 10 x 15 cm² 1’40” 40 sec. 20 sec. 3 x 15 mm² 60 60 x 180 cm² 18’20” 3’40” Precision, Linearity and Accuracy Extensive automated Q.A. procedures allow for years of superb measurement reliability and to maintain the high production quality standards. Production controls include linearity and accuracy checks over the entire range of clinical values. An intelligent feedback ensures spectrastability. Support Trained local specialists together with the European support center provide a prompt respones to user questions. Unigamma Multi Pencil Beam in Fan Beam geometry Five individually and finely collimated pencil beams ensure the lowest possible patient dose, while simultaneously allowing for fast scan times and optimal patient throughput. l’acn has employed its expertise in multi-detector gamma camera solutions to create a dependable and yet extremely versatile answer to the requirements of high throughput clinics. A compehensive measurement report Unigamma UM-03/2007 PLUS System Specifications Clinical Indications Principle: Patient dose: Generator: Cooling: Energies: Separation: Filtration: Linearity range: Precision: Accuracy: Calibration: Beam size: Scan time: Results: Bone edges: Dimensions: Scan area: Weight: PC system: * Premenopausal ovarian disfunction * Bilateral oophorectomy * Early natural menopausa * Natural menopause * Renal disease * Chronic liver disease * Long term use of corticosteroids * Malabsorption syndromes * Prolonged immobility * Rheumatoid arthritis * Hyperparathyroidism * Cushing syndrome * Hypothyroidism * Monitoring treatment effect * Gonadal disfunction * Family history of osteoporosis * Diabetes * Fracture after minimal trauma Software: Power: Temperature: Humidity: DEXA typ. 3 uSv for an AP spine scan Ultra stable 95 KeV at 0.4 mA Oil, convection 47 and 70 KeV K-edge filter Sm 22 mm Al equivalent 0 - 1500 mg/sqcm Approx. 1% Better than 1% Industry standard compatible 2 mm diameter effective AP spine in 1 min. BMC,BMD,Area and Diameter Automatic with manual override 2400*1300*1700 mm (D*w*h) Max. 180 x 60 sqcm 250 kg any with Rs232 or USB port, TFT color monitor, color printer Windows XP European Reference Base/NHANES Trending facilities Combined scan and patient file Automated quality control Data Export capabilities RS 232 scanner interface 100 - 230 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz 15 to 27 °C 10 to 80 % non-condensing Analysis S/W: Your local distributor: Precision: Accuracy: AP Spine (also scoliotic) Hip Forearm Wholebody Prosthesis exclusion automatic (femur) Lateral spine (option) Hand (option) Pediatric wholebody (Including softtissue analysis, option) Pediatric spine and scoliotic (option) Reference values T-score and Z-score Online quality conrtrol Statistical analyis on database results Typical 1% calibrated to industrial standards l’acn S.r.l Via 25 Aprile 9/13- 20023 CERRO MAGGIORE (MI) - ITALY Tel. +39 0331 420303 - Fax. +39 0331 420153 Internet: www.acn.it E-mail: acn@acn.it International Tel. +31.6531.20074 - Fax. +31.33225.72914 E-mail: gmm.hoorneman@planet.nl Copyright 2007 l’acn Srl. UM-03/2007