Silver---Costume-Jewellery-and-Luxury SILVER & COSTUME JEWELLERY AND LUXURY ACCESSORIES ONLINE AUCTION 275 King Street East, Toronto Ontario Canada M5A 1K2 Telephone: 416.504.9100 Fax: 416.504.0033 Toll Free: 1.877.504.5700 Email: SPECIALIST: Don P. McLean, B.Sc., F.G.A. 416 847 6170 Starts: Monday 27 April 2015 at 9am Ends: Thursday 30 April 2015 at 2pm On View:Tuesday 28 April 2015 from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm 1 PAIR OF TIFFANY & CO. STERLING SILVER BEAD EARRINGS 2 PAIR OF TIFFANY & CO. ENGLISH STERLING SILVER CUFFLINKS 3 GEORG JENSEN DANISH STERLING SILVER FOUR PIECE JEWELLERY SUITE 7.7mm diameter, with the original pouch each with 2 basse taille enamel panels depicting grasshoppers, with the original pouch and box comprising a necklace (#104A), a bracelet (#104A) and a pair of screwback earrings (#116A) $250—350 length 18” — 45.7 cm.; 7” — 17.8 cm., post 1945; designer : Edvard Kindt Larsen 4 PAIR OF GEORG JENSEN DANISH SILVER CUFFLINKS #64, designer : Henry Pilstrup; post 1945 $80—120 $50—80 $700—900 5 PAIR OF GEORG JENSEN DANISH STERLING SILVER EARRINGS 6 GEORG JENSEN DANISH STERLING SILVER BROOCH 7 RACHEL GERA ISRAELI STERLING SILVER SCULPTED RING #295 #131, designer : Nanna Ditzel; post 1945 diameter 2.1” — 5.3 cm., designer : Georg Jensen; post 1945 8 ITALIAN STERLING SILVER BAR LINK CHAIN with chromed finish set with 5 cultured pearls, size 8, 39.7 grams length 20” — 50.8 cm., 56.3 grams, signed indistinctly $150—200 $160—200 $180—250 $40—60 9 WALTER SCHLUEP CANADIAN STERLING SILVER AND 18K YELLOW GOLD RING bezel set with a full cut yellow sapphire, size 8 1/2, 29.8 grams 10 WALTER SCHLUEP CANADIAN STERLING SILVER RING 11 TWO SHERMAN SILVER TONE METAL BROOCHES AND CLIP EARRINGS 12 SHERMAN SILVER TONE BROOCH AND CLIP EARRINGS decorated with black enamel, size 4, 19.4 grams, dated 1969 set with blue aurora borealis rhinestones together with a complementary Sherman necklace $200—300 diameter 2” — 5.1 cm.; 2 1/2” — 538.5 cm. length 14” — 35.6 cm. $350—500 $100—150 $60—90 13 SHERMAN FIVE PIECE GOLD TONE METAL SUITE comprising a necklace, a brooch, a bracelet and a pair of screw-back earrings, all set with aurora borealis rhinestones 14 TWO SHERMAN SILVER TONE METAL BROOCHES AND CLIP EARRINGS 15 THREE JAYFLEX STERLING SILVER NECKLACES 16 TWO JAYFLEX STERLING SILVER CIRCULAR BROOCHES set with clear rhinestones and aurora blue rhinestones set with various green and clear rhinestones with two pairs of complimentary Jayflex earrings set with various clear rhinestones diameter 2” — 5.1 cm. length 16” — 40.6 cm. diameter 2.5” — 6.4 cm.; 2.9” — 7.4 cm. $60—90 $70—100 $50—70 length 14” — 35.6 cm. $125—175 17 TWO SHERMAN SILVER TONE METAL NECKLACES with a complementary pair of clip earrings set with blue aurora borealis rhinestones 18 THREE SHERMAN GOLD TONE METAL BROOCHES AND EARRINGS all set with aurora borealis rhinestones diameter 2” — 5.1 cm. length 14” — 35.6 cm. 19 CASA DE ORO STERLING SILVER PENDANT suspended from jadeite rings and a silk necklace length 4” — 10.2 cm., 32.0 grams, Honduras $100—150 20 NAVAJO STERLING SILVER SQUASH BLOSSOM NECKLACE set with numerous turquoise cabochons length 28” — 71.1 cm., 222.0 grams, marked JSW $160—200 $80—100 $140—180 21 NAVAJO STERLING SILVER OPEN CUFF BANGLE 22 NAVAJO STERLING SILVER RING 23 NAVAJO STERLING SILVER BUCKLE 24 2 NAVAJO STERLING SILVER RINGS set with 13 freeform turquoise cabochons, 58.7 grams, unsigned set with 8 freeform turquoise cabochons, size 11, 28.4 grams set with a large fine turquoise panel one by Chester Benally inset with coral panels; and one by Troy Laner with incised decoration, size 13, 15 $90—120 $40—60 length 4” — 10.2 cm., 150.9 grams, dated 1998; signed with a symbol $60—100 $200—300 25 LAFFI PERUVIAN STERLING SILVER LARGE PANELLED BRACELET with chrysocolla and turquoise length 6 1/2” — 1554.5 cm., 77.5 grams 26 CASA DE ORO LARGE STERLING SILVER PENDANT 27 WALTER SCHLUEP CANADIAN STERLING SILVER MONEY CLIP 28 BUTLER GOLD TONE METAL HINGED BRACELET AND CLIP EARRINGS length 7” — 17.8 cm., 101.6 grams, Honduras length 2.7” — 6.9 cm., 30.5 grams $500—600 $100—150 set with clear rhinestones and blue enamel swirls together with a pair of gold tone metal clip earrings set with clear rhinestones and coloured enamel panels, $50—75 diameter 2 1/4” — 543.6 cm. $40—60 29 HOBÉ GOLD TONE METAL NECKLACE AND CLIP EARRINGS 30 CHINESE SILVER FILIGREE BRACELET 31 PAIR OF SWAROVSKI EARRINGS bezel set with 5 oval lapis cabochons set with clear rhinestones, faux pearls and faux malachite length 7” — 17.8 cm. set with numerous various size cut rhinestones, centered with a imitation pearl length 14” — 35.6 cm. $30—50 diameter 1.3” — 3.3 cm. $30—50 $30—50 32 ONE TRIAD AND 2 SHERMAN GOLD TONE METAL BROOCHES with screw-back and clip earrings, set with topaz brown and gold rhinestones diameter 2” — 5.1 cm., Triad brooch unsigned $100—150 33 MIRIAM HASKELL GOLD TONE METAL NECKLACE 34 TWO GIVENCHY GOLD TONE METAL CHOKER NECKLACES 35 THREE SHERMAN GOLD TONE METAL BROOCHES AND CLIP EARRINGS and a pair of Givenchy clip-back earrings with black enamel set with pink, clear and two tone green rhinestones length 17” — 43.2 cm. length 14.5” — 36.8 cm.; 15” — 38.1 cm. diameter 2” — 5.1 cm. $40—60 set with faux pearls length 20” — 50.8 cm. $140—180 36 FRENCH 104 STRAND GLASS BEAD NECKLACE with gold tone metal clasp $100—150 $50—80 37 LARGE UNSIGNED CLEAR RHINESTONE FRINGE NECKLACE 38 TWO SHERMAN SILVER TONE METAL BROOCHES AND CLIP EARRINGS 39 TWO SHERMAN SILVER TONE NECKLACES AND CLIP EARRINGS set with two tone blue rhinestones set with clear and blue rhinestones, diameter 2” — 5.1 cm. $100—150 $35—50 40 SHERMAN TRIPLE STRAND GOLDEN RHINESTONE NECKLACE AND CLIP EARRINGS length 27” — 68.6 cm. $75—100 $60—90 41 4 JAY-FLEX STERLING SILVER NECKLACES 42 SILVER TONE METAL DEMIPARURE SUITE all set with clear rhinestones, one stone missing from one necklace comprising a necklace, a brooch and 2 pairs of earrings set with clear, smokey and opalescent rhinestones $70—100 length 14” — 35.6 cm. $30—50 43 TWO SHERMAN SILVER TONE AND JAPANNED-BACK BROOCHES AND CLIP EARRINGS 2 3/4” L. set with green, gold and orange and red rhinestones 44 EISENBERG SILVER TONE METAL NECKLACE set with clear rhinestones length 15” — 38.1 cm. $40—60 diameter 1 3/4” — 340.4 cm. $60—90 45 THREE SHERMAN SILVER TONE METAL BROOCHES set with clear and light blue rhinestones 46 PAIR OF SIGI PINEDA MEXICAN STERLING SILVER CUFFLINKS 47 PAIR OF BIRKS STERLING SILVER AND 10K YELLOW GOLD CUFFLINKS with incised decoration 48 LOS BALLLESTEROS MEXICAN STERLING SILVER HINGED CUFF BANGLE of plain design $50—80 diameter 2” — 5.1 cm.; 3” — 7.6 cm. length 0.9” — 2.3 cm., 16.0 grams width 8”“ — 20.3 cm., 78.0 grams $100—150 $50—70 $100—150 49 MARGOT VAN VOORHIES CARR STERLING SILVER SCULPTED BROOCH 50 GEORG JENSEN DANISH STERLING SILVER MONEY CLIP 51 PAIR OF GEORG JENSEN DANISH STERLING SILVER EAR CLIPS 2” x 1 3/4” — 5.1 x 340.4 cm., 14.5 grams, stamped design no.5426 #390 #126, post 1945; designer : Nanna Ditzel $50—75 diameter 1.8” — 4.6 cm., designer : Nanna Ditzel; post 1945 52 IRISH SILVER OPEN CUFF BANGLE set with 2 round amethyst cabochons, Dublin, 1974; maker’s mark T.J.H. $60—80 $140—180 $100—150 53 WALTER SCHLUEP CANADIAN STERLING SILVER BROOCH 54 WALTER SCHLUEP CANADIAN STERLING SILVER 55 WALTER SCHLUEP CANADIAN STERLING SILVER RING with an applied yellow gold top and decorated with red, green and black enamel formed as the number “5” and decorated with red enamel, size 4 1/2, 13.6 grams with a pierced decoration, size 4 1/2, 18.2 grams length 2.2” — 5.6 cm., 47.6 grams, dated 1973 $200—300 $160—240 $400—600 56 RENOIR COPPER BELT in a diagonal striated motif length 30” — 76.2 cm., adjustable $40—60 57 THREE CORO NECKLACE AND EARRING SETS 58 MIRIAM HASKELL GOLD TONE METAL NECKLACE AND CLIP BACK EARRINGS length 15” — 38.1 cm. $80—120 set with faux coral and small rhinestones 59 2 DANECRAFT STERLING SILVER CIRCULAR BANGLES with embossed decoration, 28.0 grams $30—40 60 DEMARIO OF NEW YORK GOLD TONE METAL AND FAUX ROSE QUARTZ BEAD NECKLACE set with pink and clear rhinestones length 16” — 40.6 cm. length 15” — 38.1 cm. $60—100 $40—60 61 TWO SHERMAN SILVER TONE METAL BROOCHES AND CLIP EARRINGS 62 MIRIAM HASKELL GOLD TONE METAL BROOCH AND CLIP-BACK EARRINGS 63 TWO SHERMAN SILVER TONE METAL BROOCHES AND SCREW-BACK EARRINGS set with clear and black rhinestones set with green beads and rhinestones diameter 2” — 5.1 cm.; 3” — 7.6 cm. length 2” — 5.1 cm. set with green, clear, and smoky rhinestones $80—125 $80—120 diameter 2” — 5.1 cm. $60—90 64 THREE SHERMAN SILVER TONE METAL BROOCHES set with clear and green rhinestones diameter 2” — 5.1 cm.; 2 1/4” — 543.6 cm.; 2 1/2” — 538.5 cm. $100—150 65 SHERMAN SILVER TONE METAL BROOCH AND EARRINGS 66 TWO SHERMAN GOLD TONE METAL BROOCHES 67 SHERMAN DEMI-PARUR SUITE set with aurora borealis rhinestones together with a Weiss silver tone brooch, all set with clear rhinestones diameter 2” — 5.1 cm. comprising a necklace, a brooch and a pair of clip earrings, all set with aurora borealis rhinestones diameter 3” — 7.6 cm. $60—90 length 14” — 35.6 cm. $75—150 $60—80 68 TWO SHERMAN SILVER TONE METAL BROOCHES AND SCREW-BACK EARRINGS, set with clear and two tone blue rhinestones diameter 3” — 7.6 cm. $60—90 69 SHERMAN GOLD TONE SINGLE STRAND NECKLACE AND CLIP EARRINGS 70 TIFFANY & CO STERLING SILVER NECKLACE; NEW YORK 71 PAIR OF TIFFANY & CO STERLING SILVER CUFFLINKS 72 PAIR OF TIFFANY & CO. PALOMA PICASSO 18K YELLOW GOLD EARRINGS set with aurora borealis rhinestones length 15” — 38.1 cm., 55.6 grams, with the original pouch with 18k yellow gold overlay and engraved with a tiger motif, with the original pouch length 1.5” — 3.8 cm., 3.2 grams, dated 1993 length 13” — 33 cm. $240—280 $110—150 $60—75 $200—300 73 STERLING SILVER HINGED BRACELET 74 GEORG JENSEN DANISH STERLING SILVER BROOCH engraved with leaf motifs and buckle style decoration, set with an onyx bead; #328 diameter 2 1/4”“ — 543.6 cm., 35.0 grams 75 GEORG JENSEN DANISH STERLING SILVER ABSTRACT BROOCH 76 LADYE FAYRE STERLING SILVER HINGED BANGLE with engraved decoration length 2.1” — 5.3 cm., post 1945; designer : Nanna Ditzel #325, with pair of screw-back earrings, #119, post 1945, designer Henning Koppel $250—350 $300—500 78 BIRKS STERLING SILVER RING BOX 79 JERRY COWBOY NAVAHO STERLING SILVER NECKLACE $100—150 the pendant set with 2 oval turquoise cabochons width 1” — 2.5 cm., 37.1 grams $50—80 $30—50 77 SIX SYDNEY & CO . ENGLISH SILVER BUTTONS with foliate design, Birmingham 1907 $80—120 80 NAVAJO STERLING SILVER BUCKLE SIGNED “AL” set with a bear claw and 3 turquoise nuggets length 16” — 40.6 cm. length 3” — 7.6 cm., 62.3 grams, signed “AL” $50—100 $100—150 81 NAVAJO BONE AND SILVER BUCKLE set with a turquoise cabochon; with metal fittings length 3.75” — 9.5 cm., 76.9 grams, signed Stan Hill 1978 82 LOS BALLESTEROS MEXICAN STERLING SILVER COLLAR NECKLACE bezel set with emerald cut synthetic stone, 111 grams $200—300 $60—100 83 NAVAJO STERLING SILVER BUCKLE 84 NAVAJO STERLING SILVER BUCKLE set with 5 bear claws and 5 turquoise panels set with a coral cabochon and 6 turquoise cabochons length 4.25” — 10.8 cm., 60.6 grams, signed TKE length 3.75” — 9.5 cm., 102.3 grams, signed “CR” $160—240 $130—180 88 FOUR COPPER BROOCHES WITH ENAMEL DESIGN 85 WALTER SCHLUEP CANADIAN STERLING SILVER TWO FINGER RING 86 PAIR OF WALTER SCHLUEP CANADIAN STERLING SILVER CUFFLINKS 87 THREE LEVI & SALAMAN ENGLISH SILVER ART NOUVEAU STYLE BUTTONS, bezel set with 4 chrysoprase cabochons, 25.9 grams diameter 0.7” — 1.8 cm., 19.3 grams diameter 1” — 2.5 cm., Birmingham 1903 diameter 3” — 7.6 cm., signed A. Martin, A. Gagnon, and Jules Perrier, and one unsigned $40—80 $40—60 $70—90 $140—180 89 PAIR OF STERLING SILVER DROP EARRINGS 90 PAIR OF STERLING SILVER DROP EARRINGS set with various paste stones and decorated with black enamel set with various paste stones length 2” — 5.1 cm. 91 ALASTAIR NORMAN GRANT SCOTTISH SILVER CIRCULAR BROOCH 92 NORWEGIAN STERLING SILVER AND ENAMEL BUTTERFLY BROOCH decorated with an enamel floral decoration length 2.25” — 5.7 cm. length 1.75” — 4.4 cm. $40—60 $90—120 $40—60 diameter 2.1” — 5.3 cm., Edinburgh; 1975 $50—80 93 SILVER NECKLACE AND BRACELET 94 SADIE GREEN GOLD TONE METAL LAVALIER STYLE NECKLACE set with green enamel oval links, length 25” — 63.5 cm.; 6” — 15.2 cm., 52.4 grams with coloured beads and a faux cameo panel 95 DAVID ANDERSEN NORWEGIAN STERLING SILVER BRACELET AND CLIP-BACK EARRINGS decorated with yellow enamel, designer: Willy Winnaess length 17” — 43.2 cm., grams $50—75 mounted with a silver bead, size 4 1/2, 10.1 grams $80—120 $100—150 $30—50 96 WALTER SCHLUEP CANADIAN STERLING SILVER RING 97 JACOB HULL FOR BUCH & DEICHMANN DANISH SILVER PLATED PENDANT AND CHAIN length 29” — 73.7 cm.; 3.5” — 8.9 cm. $30—50 98 GEORG JENSEN DANISH STERLING SILVER COMPACT 99 GEORG JENSEN DANISH STERLING SILVER BAR PIN 100 GEORG JENSEN DANISH STERLING SILVER BROOCH #226H #143 designer : Arne Malinowski 2.4” x 2.2” — 6.1 x 5.6 cm., post 1945; with English import marks for 1961; G.J.Ld. diameter 2.5” — 6.4 cm., designer : Georg Jensen; post 1945 diameter 1.7” — 4.3 cm., #239; post 1945 $150—200 $180—250 103 PAIR OF GEORG JENSEN DANISH STERLING SILVER CUFFLINKS 104 WALTER SCHLUEP STERLING SILVER AND GOLD BIRD PIN #88, post 1945; designer : Henning Koppel set with a small European cut diamond $120—160 length 1.5” — 3.8 cm. $200—300 101 ROBERT ALLISON SCOTTISH SILVER CIRCULAR PIN 102 DANECRAFT STERLING SILVER OVAL BROOCH diameter 1.4” — 3.6 cm., 13.5 grams, Glasgow, 1949 diameter 2.75” — 7 cm., 50.4 grams $50—80 $40—60 $150—200 105 ITALIAN STERLING SILVER FRINGE NECKLACE AND CLIP-BACK EARRINGS length 16” — 40.6 cm., 98.3 grams 106 FIVE PAIRS OF DESIGNER COSTUME EARRINGS set with various coloured rhinestones, by Nina Ricci, Les Beernard, Miriam Haskell, Laguna & Weiss $60—100 107 SHERMAN GRADUATED PINK CRYSTAL SINGLE STRAND NECKLACE 108 MIRIAM HASKELL SILVER TONE METAL BROOCH AND EARRINGS together with matching double strand flex bracelet and pair of screw-back earrings set with clear rhinestones and faux pearls $30—50 diameter 1.75” — 4.4 cm. length 16” — 40.6 cm. $90—120 $75—150 109 SHERMAN GOLD TONE METAL SWIRL BROOCH set with clear, pink, and green rhinestones diameter 2” — 5.1 cm. 110 SHERMAN SILVER TONE METAL BROOCH AND TWO PAIRS OF EARRINGS 111 CHRISTIAN DIOR GERMAN SILVER TONE METAL NECKLACE all set with clear rhinestones set with green and white rhinestones length 2.5” — 6.4 cm.; 2.5” — 6.4 cm. length 17” — 43.2 cm., dated 1972 112 SHERMAN TRIPLE STRAND CLEAR RHINESTONE NECKLACE AND CLIP EARRINGS length 27” — 68.6 cm. $35—50 $75—100 $140—180 $70—100 113 PAIR OF CHRISTIAN DIOR GOLD TONE METAL CLIPBACK EARRINGS 114 FOUR PAIRS OF HOBÉ EARRINGS each set with golden paste cabochons set with clear rhinestones, faux pearls and opalescent glass panels diameter 1.25” — 3.2 cm., dated 1967 $40—60 115 DAVID SWINSON CANADIAN STERLING SILVER LARGE TORQUE/BIB NECKLACE realistically formed as an eagle’s head, with applied gold eyes 11” x 5.5” — 27.9 x 14 cm., 234 grams, dated 1986; David Swinson is a member of the Uxbridge Studio $40—60 116 LOS BALLESTROS MEXICAN STERLING SILVER HINGED BANGLE AND BROOCH/PENDANT each set with a large oval amethyst cabochon, 75.2 grams; 27.8 grams $200—300 $700—950 117 NAVAJO STERLING SILVER BUCKLE UNSIGNED 118 NAVAJO STERLING SILVER BUCKLE 119 MEXICAN SILVER HINGED BANGLE 120 HAIDA STERLING SILVER KILLER WHALE BROOCH set with 2 bear claws and 18 various turquoise nuggets set with 17 turquoise cabochons with inlaid turquoise panels, 14.0 grams diameter 2 1/2” — 538.5 cm., signed PS, unidentified $30—50 $30—50 length 4” — 10.2 cm., 114.4 grams, unsigned length 2.5” — 6.4 cm., 41.9 grams, signed Tom Willetto $100—150 $100—150 121 SOUTH WEST COIN SILVER EAGLE BROOCH set with turquoise 1 1/2” x 2” — 284.5 x 5.1 cm., 10.4 grams, marked IH $30—50 122 HAIDA STERLING SILVER CIRCULAR TRANSFORMATION PENDANT diameter 1 3/4” — 340.4 cm., signed Nelson Cross, dated 9-4-86 $75—125 123 WEST COAST STERLING SILVER BEAR FETISH PENDANT 124 STERLING SILVER AND CORAL 4 PIECE JEWELLERY SUITE suspended on a silver multi-strand chain, comprising a bracelet, a ring with inlaid coral panels, and a pair of drop earrings 2 1/2” x 1 3/4” — 538.5 x 340.4 cm., unsigned length 7.75” — 19.7 cm., size 7 $35—50 $100—150 127 RACHEL GERA ISRAELI STERLING SILVER RING 128 A. ZEBERGS STERLING SILVER OPEN CUFF BANGLE 125 JORGEN JENSEN DANISH PEWTER BRACELET AND CUFF BANGLE 126 HUGO GRUN DANISH STERLING SILVER BRACELET bezel set with 7 small amethyst cabochons bezel set with an oval amethyst cabochon (26mm x 14mm), size 8, 39.6 grams with incised decoration both with incised decoration length 7.5” — 19.1 cm. $110—150 $40—60 width 1” — 2.5 cm., 79.5 grams length 7.25”“ — 18.4 cm. $40—60 $80—120 129 ANTONIO PENEDA MEXICAN 970 GRADE TIE-CLIP, 130 GEORG JENSEN DANISH STERLING SILVER RING 131 FRENCH 800 GRADE SILVER RING 132 TWO MAPPINS STERLING SILVER NECKLACES with inlaid obsidian set with 2 emerald cut synthetic sapphires and decorated with gold overlay, size 5 1/2 including one set with nephrite and carnelian panels length 2” — 5.1 cm., 11.9 grams bezel set with a round chrysoprase cabochon; #46F, size 9, post 1945; designer : Harald Nielsen $30—50 $140—180 $80—120 length 15” — 38.1 cm., 27.8 grams $50—70 133 MEXICAN 950 GRADE SILVER SPRING HINGED BANGLE 134 ORIGINAL BY ROBERT, NEW YORK GOLD TONE METAL HINGED BANGLE set with onyx panels, 56.3 grams, TL63 decorated with pink enamel 135 CARTIER FRENCH GOLDPLATED BALL POINT PEN 136 PRADA BLACK LEATHER MESSENGER BAG with refill cartridge length 5.2” — 13.2 cm. 11” x 14” x 6” — 27.9 x 35.6 x 15.2 cm., grams, with authenticity card, warranty and dust bag $80—120 $300—400 width .6” — 1.5 cm. $60—100 $30—50 137 MONTBLANC NIGHTFLIGHT CABIN CASE 138 TWO LOUIS VUITTON SOFT SIDED SUITCASES 21” x 15” x 8” — 53.3 x 38.1 x 20.3 cm. manufactured under liscence by The French Co., USA., labeled inside bottom $160—240 length 26” — 66 cm.; 24” — 61 cm., circa 1980 $100—200
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