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“Love one another with mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor.”–Rom 12:10 Paulines Audiovisual: telefax (02)832-08-57, email: avpmpt@paulines.ph DVD/VCD In the Footsteps oF ChrIst Vols. 1-3 (VCD) 10 videos that allow us to experience the journey and earthly life of Jesus based on the gospels and featuring archaelogical findings, recent studies, and actual footages of the Holy Land. Php 700.00/set Volume 1 CD1: And so it happened that... The Hidden Years CD2: John the Baptizer From Solitude to the World sa mGa YapaK NI KrIsto Vols. 1&2 (VCD) VCD 013 Filipino translation of ”In the Footsteps of Christ”. Php 450.00 VCD 015 VCD 014 Volume 2 CD1: The Law and Love Blessed are you VCD 016 30 CD2: You are the Christ The Stone will cry out Volume 3 a ChIlD CalleD JesUs Vols. 1&2 (VCD) Christ’s childhood is depicted realistically in this story of the seven-year-old Jesus who is just like any child though he is divine. VCD 012 Php 750.00 CD1: The Passion of Christ The Cross and afterward paUl: From tarsUs to the worlD (VCD) VCD 017 An insightful trip that offers the story of Paul the Apostle according to the record of his activities found in the Acts of the Apostles and in his Letters. paraBles For KIDs Vols. 1 & 2 (VCD) VCD 031 Php 900.00 A delightful adaptation for children that will challenge and comfort young viewers as they rediscover God’s love; includes discussion and activity guide. 10 CommanDments (DVD) Volume 1 The Sower The Good Samaritan The Lost Sheep The Prodigal Son The Pharisee and the Tax Collector Php 200.00 VCD 009 (4 Languages: English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Tagalog) This marvelous animated cartoon on the Ten Commandments portrays children living and hurdling the most common situations in life. Php 500.00 DVD 001 Volume 2 The Talents The Good Shepherd The Lost Coin The Man with Two Sons The House Built on the Rock. Php 200.00 VCD 010 anG sampUNG Utos NG DIYos (VCD) Php 400.00 VCD 011 SaInTS FOr KIDS Vols. 1-5 (VCD) Sure to inspire children, these delightfully animated stories are perfect introduction to the Saints. Each four-minute story highlights how a particular Saint followed Jesus. SAINTS FOR KIDS VOL. 1 Elizabeth & Zechariah Martin of Tours Nicholas Anne & Joachim Francis of Assisi Stephen Php 350.00 VCD 004 SAINTS FOR KIDS VOL. 2 Clare John Bosco Andrew Peter Lucy Anthony of Egypt Php 350.00 VCD 005 SAINTS FOR KIDS VOL. 3 Mary Paul Rita Mark Joseph Catherine of Siena Cecilia Benedict VCD 006 Php 350.00 SAINTS FOR KIDS VOL. 5 Margaret of Cortona Philip Neri Aloysius Gonzaga Ambrose Thomas Aquinas Rose of Viterbo Lucian Ida VCD 008 This is a moving story of an abandoned child who was rescued by the Friars and later establishes a friendly relationship with the image of the Crucified Jesus he discovers in the convent. VCD 020 Php 400.00 MoloKaI (VCD) The story of a very generous and heroic priest, Fr. Damien, who spent his life serving the lepers on the Hawaii island of Molokai. VCD 001 Php 400.00 Php 350.00 SAINTS FOR KIDS VOL. 4 Raphael Luke Albert the Great Rosalia Valentine Frances of Rome Matthew Robert VCD 007 MarCelIno Pan Y VIno (VCD) 31 BernarDIn (VCD) Exploring Cardinal Bernardin’s rise to leadership in the American Catholic Church, this documentary leads us to discover Bernardin’s healing legacy. VCD 018 Php 300.00 Php 350.00 MarIa GOreTTI (VCD) KIrIKU(VCD) The story is a reminder of the irreplaceable harmony of nature against the senseless destructiveness of technology. Php 400.00 VCD 026 Sharing Maria Goretti’s courage and virtue, the story presents an inspiring model of purity and forgiveness for today’s youth. Php 450.00 DVD 002 MarIa GOreTTI (DVD) Php 500.00 VCD 030 “Seek the best equipment for the production of books, periodicals, films, etc.!”–Blessed James Alberione “Welcome those who are weak in faith, but not for the purpose of quarrelling over opinions.” –Rom. 14:1 Paulines Audiovisual: telefax (02)832-08-57, email: avpmpt@paulines.ph Family Theater Series AWARD-WINNING TELEVISION DRAMAS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! These compelling, contemporary stories with biblical analogies are wonderful tools for the families and groups. The dilemma that these modern-day characters and their families face relate to the dramas faced by Jesus and His family. the ChoICe A series of vignettes that highlight difficult choices young people face and presents the story of Mary, a Jewish girl who makes an extraordinary choice. Php 250.00 Php 250.00 VCD 025 the hero 32 A story based on the suffering of Christ endured in the Crowning with Thorns and shows the experience of divine and human love that is redeeming. Php 250.00 Php 250.00 the JoUrneY VCD 029 seCret oF the horse Uplifting story of a homeless couple trying to find shelter for the birth of their child, like Joseph and Mary in the Nativity, along with the story of a family’s conversion. VCD 024 VCD 027 haUnteD heart Compelling story of a teen football star’s struggle with alcoholism interwoven with the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and the bond of love between mother and son. VCD 023 eGGplant LaDY Moving story about one of life’s predicaments, interwoven with valuable lessons from the story of Gethsemani – a sure recipe that is touching and inspiring. A story revolving around a teen martial arts expert and which offers lessons of wisdom, strength, friendship and sacrifice based on Christ’s endurance in the Scourging at the Pillar. Php 250.00 Php 250.00 VCD 028 the searCh Story of a parent’s search for a teen runaway who encounters the dangers of street-life, interwoven with the story of the finding of young Jesus in the temple Php 250.00 Catechetical VCD 021 the VIsIt Gripping drama of a woman inflicted with AIDS and a compassionate friend who visits her, like the story of the Virgin Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth. VCD 022 Php 250.00 anG saKraMento nG BInYaG This video was produced to help both Catholics and non-Catholics understand and deepen their knowledge on the Sacrament of Baptism. It is a good catechetical tool for religious education teachers, catechists, and families Php _____ DVD 003 CD Vocals Instrumental mYSTerIeS OF LIGhT CD 015, Php 325.00 DeDICaTeD TO YOU anGeLUS CD 007, Php 250.00 CD 020, Php 325.00 nOTeS OF PeaCe CD 026, Php 250.00 SaLmO 1 CD 011, Php 325.00 ThInKInG OF YOU CD 003, Php 250.00 JOY On earTh CD 017, Php 325.00 DUeT FLUTe anD GUITar CD 009, Php 250.00 salmo 2 CD 012, Php 325.00 The GIFT OF LOVe JUBILaTe CD 023, Php 250.00 CD 016, Php 325.00 33 FamOUS BeLLS OF DeSIO CD 025, Php 250.00 salmo 3 CD 014, Php 325.00 GUITar In COnCerT CD 010, Php 250.00 naBUhaY SI KrISTO CD 015, Php 325.00 FOr YOU CD 006, Php 250.00 GOD’S ChILD CD 021, Php 325.00 Marian TeaCh me YOUr WaY, LOrD CD 005, Php 325.00 aVe marIa CD 018, Php 250.00 marY, GOD’S ChOSen One CD 004, Php 250.00 Christmas emmanUel CD 019, Php 325.00 LaUDaTe marIam CD 013, Php 325.00 CarILLOn BeLLS CD 024, Php 250.00 ChrIstmas Carols CD 002, Php 325.00 “We have to take the world and mankind as they are today, in order to do good today.”–Blessed James Alberione “For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be glory forever.”–Rom. 11:36 Paulines Audiovisual: telefax (02)832-08-57, email: avpmpt@paulines.ph CASSETTES PRAYER vocals ANGELUS JOYFUL MYSTERIES SPC-M 121, Php120.00 SPC-P 004, Php120.00 SORROWFUL MYSTERIES SPC-P 005, Php 120.00 GLORIOUS MYSTERIES MISTERYO SA TUWA MISTERYO SA HAPIS SPC-P 006, Php120.00 SPC-P 007, Php120.00 SPC-P 008, Php120.00 MISTERYO SA LUWALHATI SPC-P 009, Php120.00 LITURGICAL/ INSPIRATIONAL vocals SALMO SERYE 1 SALMO SERYE 2 SALMO SERYE 3 NABUHAY SI KRISTO PURIHIN SI YAHWEH CAST YOUR CARES GOD IS MY SONG SPC-M 202, Php120.00 SPC-M 203, Php120.00 SPC-M 205, Php120.00 SPC-M 171, Php120.00 SPC-M 144, Php120.00 SPC-M 163, Php120.00 SPC-M 120, Php120.00 I KNOW HIM 34 SPC-M 131, Php120.00 I WILL AWAKE THE DAWN SPC-M 162, Php120.00 JOY ON EARTH JUBILATE SPC-M 199, Php120.00 SPC-M 169, Php120.00 LORD, JESUS, PLEASE STAND BY ME SPC-M 123, Php120.00 SPIRIT OF LOVE SPC-M 138, Php120.00 TEACH ME YOUR WAY, LORD SPC-M 141, Php120.00 instrumental BLESSED ARE YOU SPC-M 136, Php100.00 I LISTEN AND REFLECT SPC-M 126, Php100.00 I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT SPC-M 177, Php100.00 EASTER AND NEW LIFE EUCHARISTIC MELODIES SPC-M 153, Php100.00 SPC-M 181, Php100.00 IN THE HEART OF GOD THE LIGHT OF LIFE SPC-M 177, Php100.00 SPC-M 114, Php100.00 NATURE AND SPIRIT NOTES OF PEACE PASCHAL VICTIM PASSION AND HOPE SPC-M 145, Php100.00 SPC-M 155, Php100.00 SPC-M 180, Php100.00 SPC-M 152, Php100.00 EXODUS SPC-M 184, Php100.00 MEDITATIONS IN MUSIC SPC-M 186, Php100.00 PEACE AND HARMONY SPC-M 120, Php100.00 GOD’S MOMENT HYMNS OF FAITH SPC-M 115, Php100.00 FAMOUS BELLS OF DESIO SPC-M 198, Php100.00 SPC-M 116, Php100.00 MELODIES FOR CONTEMPLATION MY LOVING LORD MY VINEYARD SPC-M 188, Php100.00 SPC-M 179, Php100.00 SPC-M 142, Php100.00 PEACEFUL DAYS PRAYER SHALOM SPC-M 165, Php100.00 SPC-M 183, Php100.00 SPC-M 182, Php100.00 THIS PLACE THOUGH YOU ARE FAR SPC-M 185, Php100.00 SPC-M 178, Php100.00 DEDICATED TO YOU DESIRE FOR UNITY SPC-M 130, Php100.00 SPC-M 158, Php100.00 SOUNDS AND RHYTHM SPC-M 117, Php100.00 TIME OF ENCOUNTER SPC-M 167, Php100.00 DUET FLUTE AND GUITAR SPC-M 195, Php100.00 POPULAR ACCORDION SPC-M 190, Php100.00 TO YOU I LIFT UP MY HANDS THE VOICE OF SILENCE SPC-M 176, Php100.00 SPC-M 122, Php100.00 FANTASY FOR CHANDRA FOLK MUSIC FOR YOU SPC-M 194, Php100.00 SPC-M 118, Php100.00 BEYOND SPACE AND TIME SPC-M 123, Php100.00 CLASSICAL MUSIC DANCES AND SERENADES SPC-M 119, Php100.00 SPC-M 166, Php100.00 FOR YOU GIFT OF LOVE THINKING OF YOU SPC-M 128, Php100.00 SPC-M 154, Php100.00 SPC-M 129, Php100.00 PIANO SONATA THE MOUNTAINEERS LIKE A DREAM SPC-M 170, Php100.00 SPC-M 196, Php100.00 SPC-M 175, Php100.00 HARMONY OF THE STARS SPC-M 120, Php100.00 GUITAR IN CONCERT SPC-M 193, Php100.00 MARIAN 35 vocals WHEN LOVE BLOOMS WALTZES LAUDATE MARIAM LOVELY LADY SPC-M 157, Php100.00 SPC-M 191, Php100.00 SPC-M 204, Php120.00 SPC-M 132, Php120.00 MARY, GOD’S CHOSEN ONE MELODIES OF PEACE CARILLON BELLS SPC-M 113, Php100.00 SPC-M 139, Php100.00 RECEIVE ME, O MARY SPC-M 172, Php120.00 instrumental AVE MARIA O BEAUTIFUL QUEEN QUEEN OF PEACE VIRGIN AND MOTHER SPC-M 174, Php100.00 SPC-M 180, Php100.00 SPC-M 187, Php100.00 SPC-M 197, Php100.00 SPC-M 173, Php100.00 CHRISTMAS ALBUMS CHILDREN’S SONGS EMMANUEL SPC 020, Php120.00 THE GIFT OF CHRISTMAS SPC-M 162, Php120.00 GOD’S CHILD SPC-M 133, Php120.00 RELIGIOUS SONGS FOR CHILDREN CHRISTMAS CAROLS JESUS IS OUR PEACE SILENT NIGHT SPC-M 198, Php120.00 SPC-M 159, Php120.00 SPC-M 135, Php120.00 SPC-M 201, Php120.00 Make use of everything as an instrument for the glory of God, for elevation, for our goal.”–Blessed James Alberione