uBIZ kit


uBIZ kit
Procurement Markets
Matching the challenges of tomorrow’s economy velocity, uBIZ technology delivers
highly customisable solutions that make it so very simple to create electronic
markets that respond to each business specificities, bringing together offer and
demand and solving unwanted time and geographic gaps.
know more at ubiz.iuz.pt
The uBIZ solution allows the creation of online
procurement markets so that you can scale up
your business activity by creating online business
stores for your products as well as leverage
collaborative business models where you can
establish partnerships with reseller’s agents or
business promotion organizations.
seamless and secure, allowing fluent and on time
information flows.
Touching the life’s of thousand’s of users and
potential new clients, the uBIZ technology is
strongly oriented to provide innovative solutions
in fields like healthcare, urban mobility and freight
cargo, where the most distinguish and innovation
Focused on bringing together citizens and steps forward are accomplished by flexible and
companies demand for even more customised diverse business models and revenues strategies
products or services, the uBIZ solution is build made possible by the uBIZ Brokering Algorithms.
upon open and extendable technologies making
the connection with your information systems very
Rua Calouste Gulbenkian, nº 1 - 3810-074 Aveiro, Portugal
+351 234247381
Linkedin iuz-technologies
Currently, uBIZ enables a full set of features for electronic procurement markets that can be:
• Registration of product or service providers as well as detailed offer catalogue
• Registration of business agents as Resellers
• Commission negotiating and commercial relation establishment between partners
• Several procurement business models (e.g. direct buy, auction, competition)
• Online store with customized look and feel for end users rich experience
• Adjustable payment models (e.g. online, on site, half online half on site)
• End users accountability and personalized space
• Business analytics tools for data extraction and trending analysis
• Programing interfaces for third party systems integration and onsite integration
usage context
stakeholders references
• Health services providers
• Industry players looking for new business model
• Services partners looking for new business model
• Local organizations looking for expand their business
• Global organizations looking for harmonize business
business case studies
ICAROUS (Parking Booking System): electronic procurement market platform, which enables an online
parking booking system that offers an easy way to book a parking space near airports, stations or marinas.
Know more at ubiz.iuz.pt.
MESTRA: electronic procurement market for radiology services. Starting from geographic availability disparity
of health radiology expertise, MESTRA teleradiology platform empowers healthcare services providers
with the ability to request and obtain clinical expert judgement and diagnoses on radiology images even
when they are not locally available. Based on a flexible logic and rules engine, this business models allow
customization and fine-tuning to match partners business procedures.
Rua Calouste Gulbenkian, nº 1 - 3810-074 Aveiro, Portugal
+351 234247381
Linkedin iuz-technologies
Parking Booking System
Icarous is an electronic procurement market
facilities and Affiliates as associate companies
platform that is being developed by iUZ since
like travel agencies, transport operators or
2012, which enables an online parking booking
intermediaries that provide the service to end-
system that offers an easy way to book a parking
users. For both types of enablers, this is an
innovative business model, that bring a new
It works as a central reservation system
source of income.
mechanism, boosting the offer of parking space
This eProcurement platform is currently available
owners and providing end-users with the most
for parkings in Spain and publicly available, at
suitable parking solution near airports, stations
the Air Europa Spanish website, as well as other
or marinas.
travelling organizations.
There are two types of enablers, Parkings the
Find more information at: icarous.com
owners of the car parks that deliver the parking
Rua Calouste Gulbenkian, nº 1 - 3810-074 Aveiro, Portugal
+351 234247381
Linkedin iuz-technologies
significant numbers*
4 203
park cars associated
reservations made
available parking spaces
eBooking parking spaces search
engine tool (Air Europa Spain,
Destinia, Viagens El Corte Inglés
Spain, HalconViajes.com and
users using Icarous platform
resources and skills
* Data until April 30, 2014
stakeholders references
• Agile software development practice based on
• User interface based on standard web
• Business logic based on Java and open source
MVC frameworks
• Oracle Database for transactional data storing
and data warehousing
• Pentaho suite for data integration and business
• Open source library for REST API integration and
electronic payment
• Cloud based solution with PCI certification
• Software architecture based on extendable and
scalable patterns
Rua Calouste Gulbenkian, nº 1 - 3810-074 Aveiro, Portugal
+351 234247381
Linkedin iuz-technologies