Performance Optimization in Taekwondo: From - e
Performance Optimization in Taekwondo: From - e
Performance Optimization in Taekwondo: From Laboratory to Field Edited by Dr. Monoem Haddad Performance Optimization in Taekwondo: From Laboratory to Field Chapter: Didactics in Taekwondo Edited by: Dr. Monoem Haddad Published by OMICS Group eBooks 731 Gull Ave, Foster City. CA 94404, USA Copyright © 2014 OMICS Group All book chapters are Open Access distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. However, users who aim to disseminate and distribute copies of this book as a whole must not seek monetary compensation for such service (excluded OMICS Group representatives and agreed collaborations). 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Cover OMICS Group Design team First published April, 2014 A free online edition of this book is available at Additional hard copies can be obtained from orders @ Didactics in Taekwondo Cătălin Păunescu1*, Mihaela Păunescu2, Monoem Haddad3, Gabriela Gagea4 Medical Rehabilitation Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest, Romania 1 Department of Special Motor Capacity and Medical Rehabilitation, National University of Physical Education and Sport, Bucharest, Romania 2 High Institute of Sport and Physical Education (ISSEP) Kef. University of Jandouba, Tunisia 3 Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Ecological University in Bucharest, Romania 4 *Corresponding author: Cătălin Păunescu, Medical Rehabilitation Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest, Romania, Tel: 0040723089461; E-mail: Abstract In sports, the athlete’s transition from beginner to high performance is obtained as a result of a lengthy and systematic learning. To cope with the high demands the continuous improvement of athletic performance is required, by optimizing the transmission of learning, acquiring the technical and motor skills knowledge base, through methodology and didactics modernization. The essence of training programs targets and includes the current competitive requirements, through a superior motivation of athletes, who have a certain amount of knowledge and skills to assimilate and use, in any situation depending on the opponent. Today there are various methods of physical training that focus on the motor activity regarding the basic movement, enhancing coordination, in order to have the best athletes later. This chapter aims to highlight the main aspects of didactics in TKD. The concepts contained in the following pages represent a methodological support targeting coaches, athletes, TKD trainers. Preamble Teaching is a part of pedagogy which aims to teach the principles and the methods of teaching and education organization. Most times the concept of didactics is mainly used in physical education (FE) and less in sport. Teaching in physical education and sport (EFS) is the basic theory of training and education or the theory of substantiating the training and education in bodily activities. Ouessleti et al. [1] consider didactic concepts of PSE teachers which form the subject of a deepen analysis because they constitute a variable that has an impact on the professional practices of teachers. Didactics in sport is part of sport pedagogy, studying learning issues in a sport subject matter, in this case Taekwondo (TKD). The educational process is promoted and studied since ancient times until today, a process that contributes to the formation of the human personality and to the formulation of true scientific foundations, which in turn generate the emergence of Pedagogical Sciences. It is the practical application of sports science in the educational process, according to age and level of education, as well as the competition type. Like all other sciences, didactics has its own conceptual and notional content, classified and accepted by experts in the field. It has a broad knowledge system and a specialized database, operating in practice and theory. Among the TKD lesson methods, commonly used in learning situations, many of them have applicability in everyday life. As an example, we mention the observation and attention exercises which, if included in sessions, act implicitly on other qualities needed daily. Through its socio-cultural dimensions, TKD offers a unique opportunity to meet other practitioners, to communicate with them, to assume different roles and to acquire moral attitudes. It makes you become socially active by the performance of others [2]. The Concept of Didactics in TKD Taekwondo is a unique a sport in that the master and student forge a symbiotic relationship [3]. Through a proper instructiveeducational process, TKD develops a harmonious, balanced individual, the development is physical (“Tae” and “Kwon”) and mental (“Do”). For those who choose TKD, perseverance, self-discipline and self-control are the main benefits. Practitioners learn a lot about themselves, about their skills and how to combine physical and mental aspects in solving all the problems of daily living. So today we are witnessing an increase in sports performance, due to a sweeping knowledge from different fields of science that have entered the science of training athletes; the entire learning - educational process is conducted to a higher level, taking into account the body’s biological substrate, the ability to adapt, the biomechanics movement and the effort biochemistry. Athletes are always facing increased requirements imposed by the evolution of technique and tactics sport. OMICS Group eBooks TKD is a korean unarmed combat system whose traditional history traces its ancenstray back 2000 years [3]. It is extremely popular. Since the early 1960’s, TKD has flourished in the United States, and become one of the most common forms of self defense training, replacing many Judo, Karate, and Kung Fu schools of past decades. Canada has a large TKD following as well as the United Kingdom. TKD is also very popular in Australia. It is difficult to say where it is “most popular” since you can find very dedicated, loyal, and skillful practitioners all around the world. Certainly Korea, the US, Canada, and the UK are all very close in their popularity and practice of TKD. The number of WTF members is currently 205 [4], with an estimated global population practicing TKD of 55 million practitioners [5]. 003 Also, TKD is a philosophy of education, the coaches acting as tutors, as moral counselors. In a modern society, learning dangerous fighting techniques cannot be separated from teaching regulations and dojang moral rules, ubiquitous in the practice of TKD. Furthermore, TKD is transmitted to practitioners, primarily as a desire for peace and only then as a combat sport [6]. Although students can build physical strength and skills under the tutelage of a TKD master, it is the philosophical foundation of TKD that makes the student a “whole athlete” [7]. The learning problems have far exceeded the sports branch framework, a multi-and pluri - disciplinary approach, linked to concepts such as “development”, “growth”, “adaptation”, “growing up” being necessary today. Development is a generally valid law, connected to the process of learning, assimilating, selecting, processing and to the processing of basic information on which the behavioral methods are structured [8]. The Principles of Sports Instruction In sports practice, over time, the principles of didactics, have had specific issues, regulating and directing the work of trainingdeveloping-motor and intellectual education for athletes [9]. These are general rules that guide the whole activity of framework the sports training. Thus: • The principle of adaptation to progressive effort - which refers to the gradual increase of efforts and to the compliance with the didactics principles: from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, from the known to the unknown, giving the body the opportunity to adapt easily. Initially, we will increase the amount of effort in order to achieve quantitative accumulations of intensities which enable the subsequent growth and quality leaps. Looking from the point of view of teaching, a TKD instructor or master teaches athletes a wide range of technical exercises that will form the basis of sports. After the study of Blazquez Sanchez [10], the mechanical approach based on the model champion, is not possible because a newcomer cannot execute perfectly the procedures, so the technique must be decomposed into simple, facilitating elements, to gradually return to the complete execution; • The principle of compensation and over-compensation or restitution - which highlights the importance of the pause (recoveryrestoration) to obtain overcompensation and thus homeostasis, a new equilibrium state superior to the previous one; • The principle of training cycle - is caused by the phased form of sports, which is the periodization training base (during the preparatory, competitive, transition phase and off season). These cycles can be repeated several times a year or from one year to the next, but at a progressively up level; • The principle of individualization - on which dosing the effort is attempted according to the level and features of each athlete, for the valuing of all the athlete’s skills, to obtain a maximum output; • The principle of motivation - comes as a coronation of the other principles, where the capacity of engaging psychic energy can influence and even determine performance. The reasons for practicing sports activities are intrinsic (the pleasure caused by the respective work, the need for affirmation, etc.) and extrinsic (recognition, reward, etc.) These principles regarded as the basic ideas on which the structure of the educational process is founded are inducing the following characteristics: 1. Objective - through which expresses subjective desires, not the coach’s, formulated as momentary requirements, but the training needs to scale the learning process, its entirety; 2. Regulatory - revealed by rules and specific requirements and ensuring the correlation between knowledge and action & between theory and practice educative; 3. Systematical - based on the totality of the interdependence ratio between them and their repetition frequency. In Figure 1 we present a typical learning schema, applicable also in TKD: Step I Step II Step III Step IV Step V Step VI Learning the rough movement, through practicig on the representation formed by the explanations receieved and the (live, movie, photo, video etc..) demonstrations, as well as on the physical support previously prepared; technical, mental and physical preparation means. learning aspects of execution fineness, by raising awareness on such landmarks as temporal features (rhythm and tempo), space features (up, down, sideways, diagonally, forward, backward), kinesthetic diferentiations (straining, stretching, relaxation), the type of muscle activity (static, dynamic), balance (place, away). the preparation, technical, physical mental and maintenance means. strengthening the complete movements, through practicing in full agreement with all the parameters and mechanisms of each process; means of technical, specific physical and mental training. learning procedures and movements variants, by perceiving the differences from the basic procedure or movement; means of technical, specific physical and mental training. applying the acquired info and abilities under varied, constantly changing and adversity conditions. Means of modeling technique, mental preparation for competition, maintenance physical training, tactical training. applying the acquired info and abilities under conditions of competition. Means of tactics, integrating technique and mental preparation for competition. Figure 1: The typical learning schema in TKD. Learning, from the pedagogical point of view, is the work designed by the teacher to determine behavioral changes in the athlete’s personality, by exploiting their ability to acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and cognitive strategies [11]. After Forteza de la Rosa [12], the training methods are internal forms of work between the coach and the athletes to fulfill the tasks set. The level of learning achieved by an athlete is determined by the ratio of the actual time available and the time necessary to learn the topic, through motor tasks. In this case, the coach’s job is to find the most suitable route for the transmission of knowledge and especially the “time required” to achieve the educational process. Thus, the duration of learning, namely the achievement of behavioral changes is difficult to specify. It depends on the genetic basis, on the athletes’ interest and motivation, on their own involvement in training, and not least on the coach’s skills. The main methods used in sports training, and implicitly in TKD are: practicing, individualization, modeling, evaluation (testing) relaxation. These, along with the teaching methods of transmitting knowledge (explanation, demonstration) form the complex array of OMICS Group eBooks Sports Training Methods used in TKD 004 methods applied in preparing athletes. The methods mentioned above are used in the various stages of specific TKD content training skills. The TKD training in specific skills is performed to support a physically well prepared (higher level of manifestation of the motor and psychomotor qualities implied in the performance of movements, such as: speed of reaction and execution, strength, joint mobility and muscle flexibility, strength, coordination, spatial orientation, sense of rhythm and tempo, balance), a positive attitude towards effort, the desire to learn, willingness, perseverance, tenacity, etc. We present below the most commonly used methods in learning specific TKD technical content. These methods are based on part-whole relationship (training - competition) - modeling and analogy are used especially for the technical, artistic, metal and tactical training. The modeling method involves the transformation of a complex system (competition) in a simpler and easier to study one (competition model), which consists only of the essential elements of the original that directly influence performance achievement. The complex system transformation operations (competition) within the model are: • Establishing the quantitative limits of the original system; • Obtaining general, essential and non-essential data about the original system; • Building the model with the essential features; • Model experimentation, checking its functionality and its data; we can say that the models have a pronounced prospective character. The Analogy method - works with similarities and aims to establish closer relations between the two quantitatively and qualitatively different systems (training and competition, or competition phase - attack or defense and the means or the drive systems used during the sessions). Exercising drills in some systems, as the competition one, (rhythm, tempo, conditions, etc.) is the concrete application of the method of analogy, while modeling is the method that involves the transformation of complex systems in simpler systems, called models. The border between the two methods, based on part (analogy) and whole (modeling) is sensitive, so that the two methods are commonly mistaken, the analogy being the one to be actually applied in most of the cases. Partial and whole practice methods Beginners are introduced to overall movements via demonstration and then partial movements are taught. When partial movements become familiar, parts can be combined one at a time until the entire unit is integrated. The unit is then practiced until the beginner can competently perform the movement as a whole. The global method is used according to the difficulty of movements and coordination. In this case, the method is applied for the learning of simple movements, in point of structure and coordination. According to Kil [8], whole practice - the whole method is best for practicing poomsae, combination kicks, or multiple step and kick strategies. In this method, trainees repeatedly practice one unit. Athletes should have good physical conditioning and an understanding of circumstances in which techniques are used. In the partial method, one combination, such as the fake, step, and double round spin back combination, is used to demonstrate how a technique can be broken down. In the whole method, this combination is practiced in its entirety. For the competitive athlete, whole practice turns complex movements into smooth, rhythmic reactions to particular match circumstances. That is why it is imperative for competitive fighters to gain experience in the ring and then bring those circumstances back to the dojang for analysis and improvement. The partial method involves dividing the movements into parts, according to the mechanisms of movement execution and to the key moments. The division into parts is logically performed and practicing the parts must comply with the structure of the movements to be learned. Partial practice is best for beginners. However, even seasoned athletes can use this method in order to glean the most efficiency in a particular technique. In preparation for a match an athlete may want to break a strategic move into parts and practice each part independently. For example, a fake, step, and then double round spin back combination would be broken down into three or four segments. For partial practice the athlete might practice just the fake, making sure the whole body exhibits a perceived motion. Then the athlete might work on the step in connection with the fake for quickness and distance control. Third, practicing the double round kick (Dolyo Chagui) as a segment helps to prepare the athlete for the combined motion. Finally, the athlete works in the spin back kick as a separate item or links it to the double round kick. Mastering a particular skill will help the athlete to feel more comfortable by reducing anxiety and confusion [8]. Methodological Stages In Specific TKD Skills Training Learning the techniques of attack, defense and counterattack, as well as their transformation into perfected motor skills and abilities, is the fundamental problem of taekwondo methodology. Three distinct phases with differing methods and pedagogical tasks are characteristic to this process. The Initiation Stage During the assimilation of the motor actions, we should not exaggerate on expertise, as they make it difficult for processing and selection of information by the beginners. Even when they are given some explanation, it should be short, clear, precise focused on essential issues with spotted structure differences and similarities, against the items and procedures previously learned. Regarding terminology, it will be taught progressively, while they learn the technique of the motor action. It is also essential that during the first learning phase, in the case of motor actions with a certain degree of complexity, these should be the first to be acquired. With the first exercises, we will require the performers to remain immobile for a while, in certain positions, to hold the orientation of each body segment in space, to make it easier for the teacher to be noticed and corrected. Once working frontally, we can continue practicing the topic individually, by working first in the air and then with various devices, as shown and under strict supervision of the teacher. In the initial stage of skill training and preliminary execution of a technique, correcting mistakes is just as important as preventing them. If OMICS Group eBooks From the pedagogical point of view, learning is a process of assimilation of knowledge, training, skills and abilities necessary for the development of practical activities. An element or technique is considered to be assimilated when the one who appropriates it can run it on the spot, on both sides, without hesitation, interruption or essential procedural mistakes, but with a low repetition rate due to the effort of thinking, designed to control movements and their correct sequence. The initiation stage/learning is essential for the further development of each student, as the elements and processes learned properly represent the basis for the future tactical combinations. The content of training for the early stage will be systematized on compact groups of techniques, according to similarities in structure and mutual interactions of various forms of movement, in order to ensure a higher positive transfer, with as little interference as possible. 005 possible correct any mistake from the beginning, not turning it into a habit, as remediation efforts are much higher than those of learning. Obviously, attention will be focused firstly on basic mistakes, common to all practitioners, then on the simple individual ones. Note that: the working on devices (bag, palm equipment, blades) can be programmed, at this stage, only for the correct practice of movements, only after their acquisition. The consolidation stage This stage is of paramount importance in stabilizing the correct movements, which is why its duration is longer than the previous stage. Its initial objective is the transformation of the ability into skill basic. The improving of the pace of movement and of the precision, the creation of premises to perform various actions and the constant development of the psycho-physical abilities to allow the repetition of the motor ability to high quality indices, are priority stages of the consolidation phase. One of the basic conditions for the formation of the ability is the long and continuous repetition of the action, maintaining the initial conditions of work. After fixing the technical details and highlighting them in a correct, natural execution, the overall repetitions will be performed with gradually increased speed and workforce, while preserving the stability and the position of the body from beginning to the end. In addition to the strength and speed of movement execution, the difficulties can increase the diversity of the training media (smaller targets on which blows can be practiced, speed, force targets) according to the problems that the training partner can impose (taller, heavier, with reverse guard) and, also, to the change in phases prior to and which complete an actual procedure. The improvement phase During the learning process, the volume of the skills and abilities to be acquired is not the only one that makes the difference, but rather their quality, efficiency, and consistency. The increasing of fighting mobility, of the specific taekwondo skills is done progressively, generally using the following operating systems: • The global repetition, from movement, attack, defense and counter attack procedures, including variants and techniques derived, while manifesting the maximum physical qualities; fighting without protective equipment. • Of course, at this stage, the execution improvement of the technical procedures learned and enhanced in the first two phases, will be permanently targeted at meeting the circumstances of increasingly concrete situations, which has as an effect over time, a certain abstraction and moderation of the technical-tactical baggage. The main indicators against which the work assessment is made, at the end of the improvement stage are: • The degree of technique execution stability against the internal conditions change (fatigue, stress) or the external ones (corporal difference against the performer, the complexity of technical and tactical combinations), phase variation, preparatory and ending, for each technical procedure separately, the efficiency in fighting. In all cases of recurrence, with the initial conditions change, we will seek not to cause any distortion in the basic structure of that ability. The training exercises that best serve this stage remain the study with partner and the situational fight. The Means of Sports Training The means are practical tools providing the athletes’ training to achieve/develop certain abilities, capacities or sports performances. Starting from the main forms of sports activity organization, we find that each of them requires some means, appropriate to the related proposed objectives. Thus, we can talk about: • General training means: they are named after the goals they achieve, namely: the development of functional capacities, generally the basic motor qualities, of varied motor abilities and other learning skills. They hold the largest share in the preparation of beginners, generally, who, for the subsequent increase in performance capacity, need a major multilateral development of the superior functions, of the musculoskeletal system and other systems and organs, but they should not be neglected, also, in consecrated athletes training (in a lesser extent) in the preparatory periods, i.e. at the beginning of them. We find these means, to a high frequency, in situations that are seeking the general capacity development (through large amounts of effort to create the body’s availability to consume oxygen) or to encourage the progressive start of the activity. • Specific training means: not to be confused with the sports branch. They are selected to have a precise, as targeted on specific TKD skills or qualities. In this category approaching exercises are included - especially contributing to learning specific TKD techniques and tactics and they are directed towards the development of motor skills and specific TKD effort capacity. They hold the largest share in the macro-cycles, meaning that in the first micro-cycles their presence is reduced, then to be repeated more often and to become more numerous as we approach the mid-stage of pre-competition training. During the competition, the specific means are reduced, leaving the main place for the competitive nature means. These means will not be excluded from the TKD lesson, but they will no longer have the leading role. They provide preparation for all training factors (physical, technical, tactical, etc.) ensuring correction of any training minuses. The Lesson in Taekwondo During the lesson, we shall ensure the transmission of knowledge, skills and abilities, developing and improving motor skills, the body morphological and functional indices and theoretical-methodological, as well as the psychological preparation of athletes. Surely, during a lesson we cannot solve all the tasks aimed at achieving the objectives of a microstructure, meso-structure or period. For this purpose, the classes are interrelated and are based on each other to constitute a lesser or greater period of preparation. Some coaches and athletes prefer two training sessions per day, with duration of 3-4 hours each. However, the experts argue that 5-6 hours per day in 3 to 4 cycles would be more effective [13]. In any case, coaches should take care about gender, age and expertise and physical level when they program TKD training sessions. These training sessions correspond to centralized periods and to cantonments preparation. Such training, with every day sessions, must be well planned and monitored, especially for two or three sessions a day, and is very important for the successful achievement of the objectives set [14,15]. OMICS Group eBooks Planning TKD training is the action plan that is made along with the TKD instruction process in order to achieve a certain goal and athletic shape for an important competition. The training activity is the basic organizational form of the lesson; this is the most concrete and real activity planning document because the coach must know the working conditions and the availability of the athlete’s lot for drawing up the summary of the lesson. 006 To achieve the objectives and expected results, throughout the process of preparation, the athlete and the coach are required to collaborate, in order to increase the functional possibilities of the body, to develop motor skills and for the refinement of technique and tactics. Methods of controlled training load, recovery and Upper respiratory Infection should presenting an interaction between coaches and athletes for the best monitoring [16]. In terms of didactics and methodology, the training lesson in the combat subjects will differentiate among beginners, advanced and elite athletes [17]. During each phase, learning and practice should be conducted according to didactics and training principles distributed over the period from 10 to 18 years old or until the moment that young players pass to adult category [18]. Type of sessions From the pedagogical point of view, the types of lesson that we can meet in practice are: • The learning sessions: aimed at developing multilateral athletes are characteristic to the training period. These sessions are aimed at acquiring the new techniques, the formation of specific motor skills, new technical and tactical improvement, and developing and improving the motor skills. To solve these tasks under the best conditions, the coach will organize and supervise the work of the entire team working, also, individually, with the athletes. The training sessions are aimed particularly at learning varied techniques and tactics. The intensity of the instruction lesson, when working with beginners should be small and medium, and when working with athletes advanced, should be large and maximum. These sessions lead to a multilateral training and to a technical-tactical training, ensuring a step forward on the road to the mastery of the rhythmic sports. • The consolidation sessions: mainly aimed at preparing for the competition, which is achieved through the physical, technical, tactical, psychological and theoretical development and strengthening. Within these sessions, we shall not teach new technical elements, the athletes being unable to improve them, until the competition ahead. Thus we will avoid the situations where the athletes use procedures insufficiently acquired, in competition, which may result in the loss of the game. As mentioned above, these sessions are characteristic of pre-competitive and competitive periods. In this category we can have review / consolidation sessions, mainly aimed at further learning and are often encountered in the training of beginners where the limiting factor is usually the technique progress. • The improvement sessions: are found only in the case of athletes, who have achieved a certain level of technical and sporty craftsmanship, and are prevalent in high performance training, where athletes must master the technique, tactics and the physical preparation [19-21]. • The evaluation/control sessions: to monitor the level of athletes training, at some point, or the individual achievement through tests and control parameters. These sessions can be used in any period of the training, but especially at the end of the pre-competitive and at the start of the competitive one, where athletes will be tested and will participate in a special competition to verify the preparedness achieved [22]. • The recovery sessions, aimed at restoring the body after previous efforts, designed largely for the transitional period. These comprise low intensity exercises, therapeutic means (hot shower, 32-36 degrees, about 15 minutes; 8-10 minutes sauna, massage - 15-20 minutes; fluid resuscitation - 300 ml fruit juice + 15 to 20g glucose or honey; diet; medication - optional; passive rest-sleep), the practice of complementary sports (volleyball, basketball, swimming, table tennis and adapted rugby). Also in the recovery sessions from the transition period, we meet the athlete’s guided removal from the sports fitness, which provides recreation, and not least the restoration of health, during this period the working capacity of the body, that should not fall less than 3/4 of the capacity obtained during the competitive season, being essential. The lesson structure The training Lesson is conducted on parts, in a certain methodical sequence, these constituting the lesson rings, as follows: preparing the body for effort (limbering up), the fundamental part (planned objectives achievement) and the final part (closing). Depending on the content of the training (physical training, technique, tactics, etc..), the structure and content of TKD sessions can vary from one to another. • Preparing the body for effort begins with general exercises and ends with the specific ones, so as to reduce the risk of injury and increase the maximum level of implementation of various techniques. The time allotted for this part is 20 - 40 minutes. According to Table 1, the limbering up occurs also with athletes that are to take part in a competition, and hasthe following form. Time Content 7:45 The athlete reaches the competition room 8:00 begins the limbering up - easy run 8:05 gradually working all muscle groups 8:20 rhythm breaks and changes of direction 8:25 varied runs with jumping and acceleration 8:30 Short exercises through various technical actions and gradual increase in the speed of execution 8:38 Work with a partner: the implementation of the various technical actions at high intensity 8:45 simulating a fight with a partner. Exercise and mobility and the speed of reaction. 8:55 end of limbering up 9:10 start of the first match • The concluding part includes all measures necessary for the gradual recovery of the body, after the work done. This part takes about 10 minutes and may include: jogging and mobility. We further illustrate a pattern of ongoing training lesson during the pre- competitive meso-cycle (Table 2). Sports Club: ____________________ OMICS Group eBooks Table 1: TKD competitions limbering up model [13]. • The fundamental part of the lesson is the essence of training, and aims to solve two themes and simultaneously designates also the lesson type. The time allotted to this part is 65-90 minutes and includes the training and development of motor qualities, skills, the learning and improvement of techniques, the education of tactical and mental qualities and the development of the organism effort capacity. The moment of learning new motor actions is almost always placed at the beginning of the fundamental part, because the body is less tired and therefore more responsive. The content will be based on the practitioners’ age, gender, level of preparation, performance goals and training period. 007 Subject: WTF Taekwondo Coach: ________________ Date-Time: Tuesday - 19 to 21 Time: 120 minutes Venue: Hall TKD Team: 8 athletes Materials and resources: blades, training cushion, training bag, protection equipment, timer Methods: explanation, demonstration, practice. The theme of the lesson: - speed of reaction - Increase the lactic anaerobic capacity Training Objectives a. Psychomotor objectives - The strengthening of the basic mechanism to the technical actions: bandal chagi, mireo chagi, dollyo chagi, naeryo chagi and jireugi, in different situations, - Improving the ability to use spatial cues. b. Cognitive objectives - Acquisition of specific terminology in TKD, - Recognition of the notions used in commands. c. Affective objectives - Participate with pleasure to the lesson - show the spirit of collaboration in motor tasks - Participate in correcting colleagues, who are learning more difficultly the exercises Objectives: - Improve responsiveness, anticipation and perception of time - Improving the explosive strength under stress, - Tolerance to the lacto acid - Develop perseverance, courage and self-control. Table 2 illustrates a lesson plan - mesocycle pre-competitive. Rings and duration Content 30” • Checking the equipment (Dobok) and the health status 30” • Announcement of the lesson topics 2.Preparation of organism for effort 16’ 3. Fundamental Part 16’ Dosing • Alignment and salute Work formulas 1’ line in a row 10’ column by one • Breathing exercises 1’ column by one • Mobility 5’ the • Continuous running I. • Sprints on a length of 6-7 m on audible and visual command, in different positions in a circle 4 in two rows 2’ x 2 4 in a row • Squat, from standing : frontally, with the back, left side laterally, the right side on the 2’ x 2 direction of advance 4 in a row • Sitting with arms up over the knees: frontally, with the back, left side laterally, the right 2’ x 2 side on the direction of advance 4 in a row • Ventrally lying with support on hands: frontally, with the back, left side laterally, the right 2’ x 2 side on the direction of advance 4 in a row the entire hall space • Standing with the soles on the same line: frontally, with the back, left side laterally, the right side on the direction of advance 3’ • Stretching OMICS Group eBooks 1. Team organization 2’ 008 4. Fundamental Part 65’ II. volum 80%, intensity 95 - • 15 assaults to double jackets, 1 minute break and 5 minutes recovery, after the third 100% assault • 3 rounds of 2 minutes with 1 minute rest between them, technical measures on attack 2’ x 3 and counter attack, the combatants having two vests 1’ x 2 • 5 minutes break 5’ the entire hall space 2’ x 3 • 3 rounds of 2 minutes with 1 minute rest between them, technical measures on attack 1’ x 2 and counter attack, the combatants having two vests 5’ • 5 minutes break the entire hall space • 3 rounds of 2 minutes with 1 minute rest between them, technical measures on attack 2’ x 3 and counter attack, the combatants having two vests 1’ x 2 • 5 minutes break • 3 rounds of 2 minutes with 1 minute rest between them, technical measures on attack 2’ x 3 and counter attack, the combatants having two vests 1’ x 2 • 5 minutes break 5’ • 3 rounds of 2 minutes with 1 minute rest between them, technical measures on attack 2’ x 3 and counter attack, the combatants having two vests 1’ x 2 • 5 minutes break 5’ 5.Fundamental Part 12’ the entire hall space 5’ the entire hall space the entire hall space III. • Contact combat 10’ the entire hall space 1’ 6. The recovery of the body • Relaxation and recovery: after the efort 7’ - breathing exercise 4’ - lying in ventral decubitus they execute: 4 in two rows - Massage with the soles on the posterior thigh muscles - Massage with the heels on the soles 4’ 7. The organised closing of • Assessments on the lesson development the lesson 2’ - recommendations for the future and the independent activity - salute 30” 1’ 30” line in a row Table 2: Lesson Plan - mesocycle pre-competitive. [23] To achieve the objectives and expected results throughout the process of preparation, the athlete and the coach are required to collaborate, in order to increase the functional possibilities of the body, to develop motor qualities and improve the technique and tactics. The athletes want to participate in training, yet they need free time for their personal life, which must be proportionate, adequately, in their daily schedule. In Table 3 we present an example of a 3-cycle daily training program, applied in a training camp, for the athletes of the national group. An example of 3-cycle daily training 06:00 getting-up 06:30 - 07:30 first cycle of training (low-intensity tng) 07:30 - 08:30 Breakfast 08:30 - 10:00 Repose 10:00 - 12:00 second cycle of training (physical strength training) 12:00 - 13:00 lunch 13:00 - 14:30 repose 14:30 - 17:30 3 rd cycle of training (technical training) 17:30 - 18:30 taking a shower 18:00 - 19:00 dinner 19:00 - 22:00 free time 22:00 going to bed Table 3: 3-cycle daily training program. [24] Some coaches or players prefer 2 cycles of daily training, each time lasting 3 to 4 hours. However, experts say that training of 5 to 6 hours a day in 3 or 4 cycles is more effective. They insist that training lasting over 2 hours or 2 and a half is not an effective one because a long training period may cause over training, thus rather decreasing the effect of training and lessening biomotor abilities [25]. This is part of the training program in TKD, being a scientific enterprise able to lead us to determine the degree to which the objectives set have been achieved in advance or not, if decisions made are justified or not [22]. In this regard, TKD instructors must understand that: athletes are formed with the desire to provide courses TKD, the Black Belt they want as an aim for life, as recreational sport or future champions [26]. For didactic purposes evaluation can be: a) Formative - the focus is more on learning-correcting-improving, of the observable behavior (executions of jireuji, chagi, makki, seogi, tactical actions, mental states, attitudes) than on the manifested performance (speed, strength, number of repetitions). b) Summative - is achieved after a long period of training and it tests the knowledge gained; it is also performed using the standard tests and norms marking the minimum expected level or some final “scales” expected. c) normative - means the testing of all athletes through the same test and the comparison of a subject’s performance with the results obtained by others. Usually it is done in accordance with a standard scale expressed in units of subjects’ value classification. OMICS Group eBooks Evaluation in TKD lesson 009 d) criteria - of different nature (physical, technical, tactical, psychological) the tests ignore the average value of the group and highlight the “distance” of the individual performance against the established standard performance. e) Quality - covers only positive teaching strategies that always achieve the objective pursued and not the probable components. For more information you can study the chapter “Evaluation & Assessments in Taekwondo.” Priorities methodical in organizing and conducting of the learning sessions the topics • Announcement of the topic; • Updating prior knowledge needed to carry out new tasks, by checking the essential elements of the previous sessions; • Ensuring the necessary conditions, the accomplishment of the task of learning or the continuous adaptation to the increasingly complex tasks, through: updating psychophysical capacity and favorable execution rules to the new learning, widening the coordinative capacities, the major functions according to the particular demands of new tasks; The presentation of the topic and its objectives: • The terminology, • The clear and concise enunciation of the technical- tactical features of the technical procedure to be taught - learned, to raise awareness of the purpose, to capture attention and trigger a strong motivation to athletes about the topic of the lesson. Illustration of great champions who have achieved success using these techniques; • Training in athletes of the ideomotor representation by stating the theoretical and the practical demonstration of the optimal model execution by the coach through: • Overall demonstration of the technique, to real combat speed; • Overall demonstration of the technique slowly; • Demonstrate the technique on parts, with an explanation of each of the elements, separately, with emphasis on “key” elements; • Tracking boards and video projections with the respective technical processes; The basic rule is that it must be demonstrated from multiple angles, and explained as many times as necessary for athletes’ fair representation of the “model”. Checking of understanding of the process of learning by: • Athletes’ reproduction of what they have learned, from the verbal explanations and the practical demonstration of the model by the coach (by offering a voluntary or by the appointment of an athlete by the coach); Rule: If there are major uncertainties, the demonstrations are repeated and the explanations of the technical procedure elements by the coach. Otherwise, we shall pass to the trials by athletes. The technical procedure execution in parts: • The coach establishes the working conditions, in which the athletes will practice the first motor act (material, workspace couples, groups working rules to be followed during training, start and stop signals, working techniques, the time and number of repetitions, etc.). • Firstly the athlete’s ideomotor (mentally) execution of the act to be learned and, then, the physical trials under standard conditions; • With every execution we follow the achievement of the optimum parameters fixed in that motor act; • During the executions we give the urgent information on how to achieve the topic; general mistakes are corrected immediately, stopping all the team work, while the irrelevant errors are performed in intervals between repetitions, the correct executions are exemplified (indicating those athletes that execute properly); • Athletes self evaluate themselves and correct each other, in relation to the theoretical and practical model offered by the coach; • We shall provide motor assistance (directly or indirectly); • We shall simplify the tasks or the training conditions for the people with learning difficulties to their full integration into the team; • The athletes will practice equally on both the skilful and on the unskillful part, to train the bilateral stereotypy. The formative evaluation of the progress made in relation to the first topic will be considered a complete success and we can proceed to the next objective acquisition, each time using the same methodology to the full process in place. It can switch to the teaching and learning of another technique if: • All athletes demonstrate the correct technical process, in overall shape, standing, on both sides without form or fundamental mistakes; • They use the proper terminology; • They describe and explain the key components of the technical procedure and identify key elements that confer efficiency to the whole action (explaining the rules along with the demonstration); • They can identify it correctly in a drawing or video with technical procedures from several groups; • They classify it properly within the groups of techniques to which it belongs. Towards the end of the lesson topics acquisition, as well as during it, the coach will use, as methodical procedures, the race, the competition (who executes the most properly on both sides, who strikes above and who performs the technical process in a shorter time). The successful exercises will be reinforced (positively valued) immediately and the relevant act or action will be demonstrated to the entire team. Assessments on the efficiency and effectiveness of the action of mastery, highlighting the active and creative athletes, during the execution of the topics. At the end of the lesson the recap of the topics and goals achieved in the training process, to secure a better OMICS Group eBooks • They know the purpose for which they learn it; 0010 long term memory. Fixing the assignments for independent work. The next training topic announcement. In terms of motor capacity, a technique is studied in kibon under three stages. • In the first stage, the movements are executed separately, slowly and standing, the athlete having the opportunity to focus on every detail and the coach to observe and correct mistakes more easily. • In the second stage, the movements are executed chained firstly on the spot, afterwards moving until executions become fluid and natural. • In the last stage, the movements are executed with power and speed, while maintaining perfect stability and accompanied by deep abdominal breathing, like in a real fight. Patience and perseverance characterize fully kibon. In kibon we will work equally on both the right and the left side, in advance and in retreat. After learning and repeating each technique, we can move to the chained execution of two or more techniques. First, the athlete should chain the same technique moving both on the left and on the right, after that going to the concatenation of two or more different techniques, standing and finally moving. From the methodological point of view, the chaining of different techniques, which are obligatory only techniques learned, will be as follows: at first we will work slowly and detached, focusing on learning the sequence and coordination of movements, then move to a flexible linkage but necessarily synchronized with a correct movement. In the end, every concatenation will be executed with power and speed, no downtime, just a pause after each concatenation (combination). These combinations are starting to prepare the athlete for the free combat. In poomsae, at first we will work slower, to acquire fully the movements, after which we will pass to the correct movements chaining, with balanced and moderate speed, in the end we will gradually increase the speed. The execution of a poomsae ceremony begins with the greeting, followed by stating the name, we continue its execution according to the pace imposed by teacher / coach, and ends still with the greeting (as a very important rule, the place to start is the same place to end). To increase the difficulty of execution and for the ownership of good spatial - temporal orientation and not only the athletes can be blindfolded with their belts during the execution of poomsae. We firmly underline the obligation to require from the athletes, at the stage of initiation, practicing the same number of repetitions of a technique on both sides, for the bilateral stereotypy formation. Each motor execution will be preceded by the mental execution of the technique. Conclusions Didactics organizes and directs both the coach’s activity and the athlete’s. Before making a training program for a particular competition, we should gather information about the event, such as the environment and climate, the number of athletes participating in the event and the time available for training. To speak of training in TKD it is necessary to understand and analyze the biochemical, physiological, technical and tactical phenomena, observed in prestigious competitions that are detailed in other chapters of the present eBook. Thus, we should proceed from the implementation of means and methods used to volume and intensity.The biological factor must be the key issue in making decisions by the coaches in a modern TKD teaching design. Also, the efficiency of the educational process decreases if the teaching principles are not respected during activities and sessions. References 1. 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OMICS Group eBooks 26.Akilian FJ (2009) Taekwondo Olimpico. editorial KIER, Buenos Aires. 0012 Sponsor Advertisement TIF Publications TIF Publications cater to the needs of readers of all ages and educational backgrounds, and provide concise up-to-date information on every aspect of thalassaemia - from prevention to clinical management. TIF’s publications have been translated into numerous languages in order to cover the needs of the medical, scientific, patients and parents communities and the general community. List of Publications - ORDER YOUR BOOKS! N E W ! Ju s t R e le a se d! N E W ! Ju s t R e le a sed Hard copies and CD-ROM or DVD versions can be ordered directly from TIF and are distributed free of charge. Place your order at The translation of TIF’s educational publications into various languages continues in 2013. All translated publications are or will become available on our website. Check with us to get updated on the latest translations! 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