Annual Report 2013 - Western Environmental Law Center
Annual Report 2013 - Western Environmental Law Center
Annual Report 2013 W estern Environmental Law Center uses the power of the law to safeguard the wildlife, wildlands, and communities of the American West. Photo credits (Cover) Glacier National Park-SpreadTheMagic. (Inside Cover) Glacier National Park-©iStock/LoonChild FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR At the Western Environmental Law Center, we leverage the full power of the law to realize our vision for the American West: thriving wildlands, waters, and wildlife; and healthy communities powered by clean, renewable energy. In 2013, we made great progress toward achieving this vision—progress that you helped make possible. At the local level, we protected clean water for family farmers in Colorado’s fertile North Fork Valley by defeating fossil fuel industry efforts to frack and drill on tens of thousands of acres of cherished public lands. At the state level in New Mexico, we helped hold Big Coal accountable for harming our health, climate, and environment by securing coal-fired power plant retirements and by speeding our transition to clean, renewable energy from the wind and sun. And at the national level, we rallied 90 conservation groups demanding federal action to stop disastrous greenhouse gas pollution leaking from oil and gas drilling operations. We also successfully advocated for the protection of wildlife threatened with extinction across the West. We are leading a coalition to ensure that wolverines receive essential Endangered Species Act protections and, for the second year in a row, we shut down the recreational wolverine trapping season in Montana—giving this rare species a chance to survive. In Washington, we persuaded the Department of Fish & Wildlife to make the state’s wolf management plan—a plan that provides important protections for wolves—legally enforceable. And, continuing our storied legacy of ancient forest and river protection in the Northwest, we defeated ill-advised timber sales and advanced wild salmon restoration efforts. Our success demonstrates a simple truth: Despite chronic political dysfunction— dysfunction engineered by powerful industries to obstruct meaningful progress—together, we are making a difference. Please take a moment to read our Annual Report and to join us, if you have not already, in our shared effort to safeguard the American West’s wildlands, waters, wildlife, and communities. For the West, Erik Schlenker-Goodrich, Executive Director 1 WILDLANDS 2013 VICTORIES: BY THE NUMBERS 2 375,000 acres of national monument preserved. 200,000 people’s drinking water protected. 2,100 acres of forest saved from logging. 149 miles of wild and scenic river protected. In 2013, we also initiated projects to ensure 188,293,938 acres of forest are managed by science not politics; to preserve 487,000 acres of national monument, 150,800 acres of forest, and 50,000 acres of proposed wilderness; and to protect 3 rivers. Together, we are protecting our natural heritage. VICTORY! Clean Drinking Water Protected We helped the community of McKenzie Bridge, Oregon stop the Goose timber sale, which protected 2,100 acres of oldgrowth forest, saved a potential wilderness area, and preserved the crystal-clear McKenzie River, a source of drinking water and home to a diverse array of wildlife. Preserving Proposed Crater Lake Wilderness We filed a legal challenge to prevent the Loafer timber sale, which would log 800 acres near Oregon’s Crater Lake National Park, eliminating a proposed wilderness area and destroying habitat for imperiled species, such as northern spotted owls, wolverine, and Oregon spotted frogs. Safeguarding Sonoran Desert From Gunfire We filed suit challenging BLM’s decision to authorize target shooting throughout the entire Sonoran Desert National Monument in Arizona. Shooting endangers visitors, as well as the desert’s irreplaceable cultural properties and spectacular diversity of animal and plant life. VICTORY! Missouri Breaks Defended After a five-year fight, we won a court order forcing BLM to inventory, identify, and protect cultural properties and features in Montana’s Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument. This national treasure is uniquely rich in biological, historical, and geological qualities. Ensuring Science-Based Forest Management As part of our campaign to ensure science-based management of our public forests, staff attorney Susan Jane Brown is representing conservation and watershed organizations on the federal committee overseeing the implementation of the new national forest planning rules. VICTORY! Rare Forest Species Protected For 15 years, we have steadfastly defended the survey and manage standard of the NW Forest Plan from timber industry attacks. The rule protects rare species that are ecologically crucial to oldgrowth forests. We recently won another battle upholding the rule for at least the next two years. Photo credits: (Opposite) Brett Cole Photography; (Left column) McKenzie River-Wikimedia; Crater Lake-Megan Culbertson; Sonoran Desert-Tomas Castelazo; (Right column) Missouri Breaks-Conservation System Alliance; Forests-Brett Cole Photography. 3 WILDLIFE 2013 VICTORIES: BY THE NUMBERS 4 300 rare old-growth forest plant and animal species protected. 175 wolverines no longer face the threat of being caught in traps. 51 gray wolves on the way to stronger protections. 3 imperiled runs of wild salmonids given a better chance of survival and recovery. In 2013, we also took action to limit trapping that has already ensnared 12 rare Canada lynx, to protect the forest and river habitats of 9 species threatened with extinction, and to improve conditions for 6 dwindling runs of wild salmon and steelhead. In partnership, we won many victories. VICTORY! Wolverine Trapping Halted For the second year in a row, we stopped recreational wolverine trapping in Montana—the only state in the Lower 48 that still permits this horrific practice. With fewer than 50 wolverines alive that are capable of breeding, our victory gives this rare carnivore a chance to recover. Saving Rare Canada Lynx We initiated two more projects to protect Canada lynx, a species listed as threatened with extinction in 2000: We filed suit in Montana to restrict traps set in lynx occupied habitat; and we sued to compel completion of the long-overdue federal recovery plan to rebuild lynx populations. Protecting Owls and Wild Salmon in California We have filed suit to protect critical habitat in California from a plan to log nearly 150,000 acres near the Klamath, Scott, and Shasta Rivers, which would impair drinking water for downstream communities, as well as destroy habitat for imperiled wild salmon, steelhead and northern spotted owls. Protecting Washington’s Wolves To prevent a repeat of the 2012 Wedge Pack wolf slaughter, we filed a petition demanding Washington’s balanced wolf management plan be legally enforceable. In response, the state agreed to work with us to make the plan enforceable, solidifying protections for wolves. Defending Endangered Grizzly Bears A massive industrial logging and road building project in the far northwest corner of Montana threatens to displace one of the most endangered populations of grizzly bears. We have filed a lawsuit to protect these vulnerable bears and the imperlied Canada lynx also inhabiting the area. VICTORY! Improving Hatcheries for Wild Fish We won improved hatchery operations on California’s Mad River to help wild salmon and steelhead recover. Hatchery fish are decimating dwindling wild fish populations in West Coast rivers. We are now working to replicate this success on three other rivers in Oregon and California. Photo credits: (Opposite) Canada Lynx-©iStock/MikeLane45; (Left column) Wolverine-©iStock/Anna Yu; Canada Lynx-Norbert Rosing; Northern Spotted Owl-Brett Cole Photography; (Right column) Gray Wolf-USFWS; Grizzly Bears-First People; Chinook Salmon-USFWS. 5 CLIMATE & ENERGY 2013 VICTORIES: BY THE NUMBERS 6 1,138,000,000 gallons of water saved from being diverted for fracking. 200 percent increase in renewable energy investments in New Mexico. 155 fracking wells on 24,600 acres of public lands prevented. In 2013, we also initiated work to improve oil and gas drilling on 9,509,831 acres of public land, to prevent 420,000 lbs of toxic coal dust blowing off trains (per trip), and to cut methane emissions equal to 37 coal-fired power plants or 27,000,000 cars. With your support, we made a difference. VICTORY! Clean Energy Investment Tripled As leader of the Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy, we worked with the New Mexico legislature to pass a bill tripling the percent of revenue utilities are required to invest in energy efficiency each year. We are working with Southwest Energy Efficiency Project to monitor compliance. Holding Coal Trains Responsible for Toxic Dust Coal trains discharge as much as 420,000 pounds of toxic coal dust each trip—polluting the water we drink, food we eat, and air we breathe. With our allies, we filed two suits to hold BNSF Railways responsible for polluting the state of Washington’s rivers, lakes, and streams. Improving Drilling Plans for Public Lands We are working on the ground with Bureau of Land Management field offices in Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado to develop more responsible and balanced plans for oil and gas drilling on 9.5 million acres of public land to better protect our water supplies, air quality, and wildlife habitat. VICTORY! Communities Win Against Fracking Across Colorado and New Mexico, we put the brakes on three oil and gas drilling lease sales encompassing a total of 55,300 acres of public lands. We are helping communities fight back to ensure that water supplies, air quality, and wildlife are protected from reckless fracking. Cleaning Up Methane Waste We are leading a coalition of 90 organizations across the country pushing the U.S. Department of Interior and the EPA to limit methane emissions that are unnecessarily vented and flared from oil and gas drilling operations on public lands each year exacerbating climate change. VICTORY! Drilling Secrets Revealed We won a game-changing federal lawsuit that opens to the public, for the first time, the secretive federal oil and gas drilling lease process. The court ruled that BLM can no longer keep secret the identity of corporations that request to lease public lands for oil and gas drilling and fracking. Photo credits: (Opposite) Farm-Brett Cole Photography; (Left column) Sunflower-©iStock/Yaruta; Coal-Mikemac29; Colorado Fall-©iStock/Adventure_Photo; (Right column) River-Homer4k; Methane-Leonidikan; Colorado Winter-©iStock/Greg Panosian. 7 CLIENTS & PARTNERS We provide the legal muscle and strategic expertise to leverage the important work of our conservation partners. Together, we tackle some of our most pressing environmental issues. Thank you to our clients and partners with whom we share a passion for defending the American West’s treasured landscapes and iconic wildlife, and for empowering our local communities. In 2013, we helped 119 organizations and individuals. Alliance for the Wild Rockies American Lands Alliance American Rivers American Whitewater Amigos Bravos Animal Welfare Institute Archaeology Southwest Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Benton Forest Coalition Biodiversity Conservation Alliance Blue Mountain Forest Partners Cabinet Resource Group Californians for Alternatives to Toxics Cascadia Wildlands Center for Biological Diversity Center for Environmental Law and Policy Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center Citizens for a Healthy Community Clancy-Unionville Citizens Task Force Clean Air Task Force Climate Solutions Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy Columbia River BioRegional Education Project Columbia Riverkeeper Community Association for the Restoration of the Environment Concerned Citizens of the Yakama Reservation Conservation Northwest Defenders of Wildlife Diné CARE EarthJustice Earthworks Environmental Protection Information Center Footloose Montana Friends of the Bitterroot Friends of the Columbia Gorge Friends of the Wild Swan Friends of Toppenish Creek George Wuerthner Gifford Pinchot Task Force Grand Canyon Trust Greater Yellowstone Coalition Helena Hunters and Anglers Association Hells Canyon Preservation Council High Country Citizens’ Alliance High Sierra Hikers Association Hunters for Predators Hydropower Reform Coalition Idaho Rivers United Jaime Lynn Butler Kettle Range Conservation Group Klamath Forest Alliance Klamath Siskiyou Wildlands Center Kootenai Environmental Alliance Los Padres ForestWatch Mckenzie Flyfishers Michael and Dona Penfold Moapa Band of Paiutes Montana Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Montana Ecosystem Defense Council Montana Environmental Information Center Montana Wilderness Association National Parks Conservation Association National Trust for Historic Preservation National Wildlife Federation Native Ecosystems Council Natural Resources Defense Council New Energy Economy New Mexico Backcountry Hunters and Anglers New Mexico Trout New Mexico Wildlife Federation North Cascades Conservation Council Northcoast Environmental Center Northern Plains Resource Council Orca Conservancy Oregon Wild Our Children’s Trust Pacific Rivers Council Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility Phillip and Barbara Jaquith Powder River Basin Resource Council Prairie Falcon Audubon Predator Defense Project Coyote Puget Soundkeeper Alliance Renewable Taos Resources for Sustainable Communities Richard Walton and Susan Newell Rocky Mountain Wild Rogue Riverkeeper San Juan Citizens Alliance Selkirk Conservation Alliance Sheep Mountain Alliance Sierra Club Sierra Forest Legacy Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance Spokane Riverkeeper Steamboaters Sustainable Northwest Swan View Coalition The Lands Council The Wilderness Society Trout Unlimited Umpqua Watersheds Upper Missouri Breaks Audubon Society Wallowa-Whitman Forest Collaborative Washington Forest Law Center Western Clean Energy Campaign Western Organization of Resource Councils Western Wildlife Conservancy WildEarth Guardians Wilderness Watch Wildlands CPR Wildlands Network WildWest Institute Wyoming Outdoor Council Yellowstone Valley Audubon Society Photo credit: Lupine flowers in Oregon by Brizz Meddings. 9 THANK YOU The board and staff of the Western Environmental Law Center appreciate the generous contributions from the following individuals, foundations, businesses, and organizations in 2013. Your support allows us to use our expertise in solving the most pressing environmental issues facing the West. Thank you for helping us defend and protect the American West’s treasured landscapes, iconic wildlife, and communities. We aim to provide an accurate and complete report of annual contributions. If you find an error, please accept our sincere apology and contact David Lawlor, Director of Donor Relations: or 541-485-2471 x 117. Individuals and Families Anonymous Judith Abeles Robert S. and Rosalind S. Abernathy Emory W. Ackley Kerstin M. and Robert H. Adams Fred Adler and Anne Collopy George and Eva Ahuna Clemens R. Aita, Jr. Jonathan and Joy Alferness George M. Alger Andrew Allen Valerie Amerkhail Laurel W. Ames Kenneth R. and Carol D. Ampel Bruce H. and Edith W. Anderson Clifford E. Anderson Craig and Lizbeth Anderson Frank and Dorothy Anderson Fred Anderson, III John and Agnes Anderson Megan Anderson Linda Andes-Georges Pilar Ara George L. Armantrout Su Anne Armstrong and Ted A. Hopkins Jerry Asker Christie and Bill Aspegren Lori Maddox and David Atkin Stephen and Judith K. Auerbach Fritz M. and Ginger Bachem Stephen R. and Irene Bachhuber John W. Bacon Elizabeth Baer Peter Bahls Pamela and Chris Baillio Jim and Judith Baker Virginia H. Baker Steven Balagna Jim D. and Nancye F. Ballard Helen and Bill Ballinger Jonathan and Julie Barber Bob and Gail Barker Rebecca Hallgarth and Robert Barnes Bruce C. Baron Rosalie M. Barr, MD Dr. James S. Barron Susan Barter Rose Blair Bauhs David G. Baxter, MD Ezra S. and Liana Bayles Sarah Beasley Michael Becker and Susan Hay Esther M. Beebe Richard G. Beidleman Cathy Bellavita Robert Bellucci Edward L. and Mildred J. Bennett Jon Bennett Keith and Atsuko Bennett Kris Bennett Birch Berman Don L. and Joan Bishop Hazel Bishop Matthew Bishop Patricia M. Bitton Earl U. Biven Harvey C. and Sheila L. Bjornlie Diane Black Linda C. Black Sara and Bob Blair Edith Bockian Peter Bonegteel Daniel J. Booser, MD T. William and Beatrice Booth Ken Bosworth and Mary Hofle Joseph Bower Robert M. Bowman William Brabender Daniel Brachfeld Arlene Brandwein Kalman Brauner and Amy D. Carlson Byron G. Bray, Jr. Alexander Brennen Frances Brinkerhoff William Brooks Ann Chadbourne Brown Courtney L. Brown Kenneth and Virginia Brown Philip Bulliard Anne Burke James and Toni Burke Lisa Buttrey and David Cothran John and Jessie Buzawa Christopher and Carol Calvert Bruce R. Campbell Mary C. Campbell and Pamela A. Fuqua Jim Carlson Victoria Carnate Robert Carolan Arleta and Duane Carr Linda L. Carroll Richard L. Carrothers Courtney H. and Linnea Carswell Robert Cattoche Mary Cedarwolf Lyn Chambers Kevin and Katrin Chandler Michael W. Chapin Lynn G. Chiapella Elisabeth M. Chiera Linda D. and David H. Chipping Tina Choi and Shawn Powell Ann and Doug Christensen Ralph and Barbara Christensen Robert H. Clark Susan N. Clark Tom Clark William Clarke Timothy McNally David M. Grant, MD and Lisa Cogswell Gale Cohen-DeMarco Frank M. Coleman Philip R. Colvard Sarah Conn Dianne Connors Linda A. and Del B. Coolidge James K. Coons and M. Mary Nuwer Betsy Ann Cooper Joyce Cooper Lori Houck Cora Patrice and Howard Corneli Bernard G. Corrigan Keith W. Cowan Jemma T. Crae Thomas and Lila V. Creager Sylvia F. Crisler Natalie T. and Douglas Danforth May D. Dasch Tom Davis Jon F. Davison Durfee Day Liz De Niro and Paul Swetik Michael Dean Gerard and Rita Van Deene Lou Anna Denison Donald L. Dick Helen Dick Raya C. DiGiorgio Judith P. Dillman John Doane Earl F. Dodds David J. Domin John and Anna Doran Wakefield Dort, Jr. Lee Doughty John E. Douglas Hugh and Louise Doyle Daniel Drake Roger Duba Marianne Dugan Lawrence B. Dunlap Mark J. and Lois Eagleton Michelle Eaton William Cameron Eddy Dan E. Eggleston and Ann C. Kloka Jeanne W. Eisenstadt Alan Eliason Peter Galvin and Cynthia Elkins Photo credit: Oregon Waterfall by Brett Cole Photography. 11 Stephen Rose & Barbara Zaring Taos, New Mexico Keystone Partners and Donors Since 2000 We support WELC because what’s left of the wild world needs powerful, effective defenders. When our second grandchild was born last week, I was asking myself, “What kind of world was he coming into? What kind of legacy are we leaving? Will he be able to enjoy clean air and water and the peace and healing of wild places?” As a fellow (now retired) lawyer I have witnessed up close how successful WELC lawyers are in the important work they do, helping create new legal structures and wielding the sword of existing law to protect our precious environment and ourselves. Knowing that our support helps WELC take on the big environmental issues of our time, helps me feel better about the answers I might give my grandson when he is grown. 12 Neil Elliott Ray Elliott Valerie R. Elliott Robert Ellis Beth Enson Heike and Wallace Eubanks Alice B. Evans Audrey D. Evans David Evenson Kathryn S. Evers and Robert Gordon Joan C. Ewing Linda Fair Chuck and Anne Fairchild Kathleen A. Fay Robert W. Feldhousen, Jr. Norman B. Ferguson Patty Ferrari Yvonne B. Fichtenau David J. and Ann C. Fidanque Deborah Filipelli Bob and Carol Fischer Edward Fisher Erik W. Fisher J. Fisher Michael B Fishlen Diane B. and Bruce Follansbee John W. Foster Rachel Foster and Randy McGowen Floyd and Betty Frakes Norman C. Frank Janis E. Frazee Bea Frederickson Adolfo Freinquel Victor and Diane Fresco Sidney Friedman and Marilyn Walster John Fries Melvin Frucht Eva M. Fuld Laura D. Funk Moffie G. Funk Jim Furnish Marnie W. and Marc Gaede Ken Gallard John M. and Lynn G. Garberson Dave Garcia Bill Gardner Lydia Garvey Susan Gary Linda H. and Keith M. Gelbrich Garth German Cheryl Chevis and Edwin Gerow Greg Gessay John M. Gibboney Mark Giesecke Eliza H. Gilkyson Thomas J. and Molly M. Gillcrist W. Tyrone and Helen Gillespie Jackie and Eric Gladstone Theo J. Glenn Laurence E. Goeltz Michael A. and Patricia Gold Marshall C. Goldberg Chris M. Golde Phil Goldsmith and Susan Newman Dina Gonzales Mark Alan Good Arifa Goodman Denison Goodrich-Schlenker Brendan and Tanya Goodrich James and Marlene Gorman Michael Gosenski Annunziata O. Gould Joseph & Pamala Gouveia John Paul Graff and Katherine O’Neil Mary Grafious John Graham and Ann Medlock Malcolm and Julie Graham Fay C. Graning Eugene and Emily L. Grant Alan and Sallie Gratch Jeffrey L. Grathwohl Randy and Nora Gray John F. Green Morris H. and Joyce C. Green Rev. Steven E. Greenebaum Phillip M. Gregg Michael Gross Alan Grossberger John R. Gustafson Betty Gutman Alfred and Nellie Habegger Jonathan Haber Stephen W. Hager Frederick J. Haggerson Timothy W. Hahn Martha J. and Robert Hall Marshall Hamilton Thomas Patrick Hammond Judith R. Hance Robert and Sharon Handelsman Brad N. and Leisa Hansen Dennis G. Hanson Roger and Margaret B. Harmon Patricia A. Harper J. Barton Harrison Mark and Jane Heald Gerilyn Gess Healey June E. Heilman Holly Hein Dan Heinz and Karen Boeger Patricia B. Helvey Dennis and Karen Henderson Lynn J. and Don P. Herring Lois C. Herrmann David and Evelyn Hess Joseph W. Hess Jane Hiatt and Robert Pearl John and Hermi Hiatt Walter and Barbara Higgins Milton Hildebrand Mary Licini Hill Colleen Hinds Kathleen Semerad and Peter Hoagland Jana M. Hobbs Len C. and Phyllis J. Hockley Linda Hodapp Steve Hollowell Ann S. and Mark Hollyfield Greg Holmes Kirsten Holmquist Judith Horstmann Kathy Horton Natalie T. Houghton Cheryl H. Houser Cheryl Howard Tony Howell and Patricia Benner Rosemary Howes Richard W. Hughes Julie Hulme and Rob Handy Julie Huntington Harold E. Hushbeck, Jr. Judith Hutchins John H. Hutchison Pamela W. Hyde James L. and Wendy L. Inkster Richard Jacobi Hilary Jacobs and Daniel D. Schelling Milton S. Jacobs Majduddin and Patricia Jaffer Susan C. and Gerald E. James Marilyn Jasper Elizabeth Javens Wendell and Bernice Jeffrey Robert W. Jensen Stephen C. Jett Heidi S. Jochem and Craig A. Jensen Carolyn Johnson and Kevin Cook Debra Dee Johnson Erik Johnson Hillary and Bern Johnson Margery Johnson Terry Johnson Kevin Johnsrude Lonay and Susan Jones-Nelson D. Darrell Jones Doreen Royston Jones R. Steven Jones Teri and Bob Jones Linda Agerter and Rick Judd Marcus A. Jung Al Kaplan and Judy Macfarlane Arthur Lipson and Rochelle Kaplan Judy Kaplan Paul Kaplan, MD and Jane Squires Phil Katzen and Joan Kleinberg Stephen and Alice Keil Joanne and Dennis Keith Patricia R. Kellogg Marilyn Kelly-Clark and Dennis Clark Jonathan and Janet Kempff Frank and Joan Kenna Matt Kenna Helen Kennedy Michael Kenning William A. Kern Linda Kervin Kevin Kirchner and Mary Sing Ruth J. Kistler Adam C. J. Klein Charles Nelson Kleinhans Jon Klingel Billy Knight Kip Knight Andrew B. Knox Gerald V. Koch William and Lauretta Koopmann Bonnie Korman and Bob Bishop Cina Kraft H. Robert Krear Ellen B. Kritzman Elise Kroeber Cathi and Charles Kroon Michael Krumper David Kumpe and Rosemarie Wipfelder Kumpe Karen Kunde Donald E. Kusler Brigita Lacovara Roger Lais Gary D. Landers Connie M. Landis David A. Langebartel Russa Kittredge and Christian Langpap Matthew Latterell and Ina Zucker Katie and Josh Laughlin David Lawlor W. William and Barbara Leaphart Karen Kole Leary Joseph Lee Robert and Dee Leggett Craig and Nancy Leman Amy Jo Levin Adam E. Levine Jay and Beth Levine Alex Levinson Abe and Pat Levy Mary Levy David B. Lewis William Z. Lidicker, Jr. and Louise N. Lidicker Helen Liguori Jason A. and Linda E. Lillegraven Sandra P. Lilligren Kathi Lindsay Michael E. and Tammy K. Lindsay William G. Lindsay Anita S. Linke Edna Litten Tom Lively Laura and Walter Long Walter W. Loniak Glen and Rhoda Love Norris Love Patricia Lovejoy Greg L. Lower Annette Lowry Merv Loya Tara Lumpkin Bernice C. Maertz Joseph T. Maier Edward Mainland Terrie Mangat Francis Mangels Judith Mangina Christopher Manke Lisa Manning Lisa Maragon 13 Kevin Kirchner Washington, DC WELC Board Member Donor Since 2004 In more than 30 years of environmental advocacy, one of my greatest pleasures has been working with the talented and dedicated staff and attorneys at WELC. Whether they are out in our communities with farmers, ranchers and residents, or inside a courtroom ensuring that our environmental laws are enforced, they bring a passion and expertise to their work that is as amazing as it is necessary. I’m proud to be part of an organization that has been Defending the West for the past 20 years and will continue to do so for generations to come. 14 14 Robert J. and Susan Marett Arlen and Patricia Markus Jackie Marlette and Rich Dambrov James Marsh James T. Martin Betsy and Robert Martinez Joel W. Marx Tyler M. Mason Joel Masser Mary Ann Matthews John I. Mattill Raymond A. Mayer Linda G. McBride Norma J. McCallan B. Riley and Pat McClelland Annette McClure Evelyn McConnaughey Bob McCoy Lucy McDonald Carolyn McFarland Larry D. McKnight Adam and Nancy McLane Barbara Kumpf McManus Jean McNamar H. Glenn Meares Diane Mehling Roger D. Mellem John Mellgren Julie A. Mellgren June E. Mellgren Millie and Jeff Mellgren Vreni Merriam William H. and Nancy L. Meyer M. Jane Meyerding Marcia Michaels Yolande Michaels Louise J. Michlin Gaia Mika and Hank Brusselback Philip S. and Linda J. Miller Gerry Milliken Michael Milstein, MD Bob and Naomi Mindelzun Leigh and Carol Mintz Rene Minz and Robert Brasted Rebecca Mirsky Chuck and Dian Missar Karen Mitchell T. Charles Moore William and Terry Moore C. Albert Moreno Clark and Georgia Morgan Dan M. Morgan Gerald Morsello and Elaine Rees Ruth I. Morton Linda Moscarella Allyn and Joyce Mosher Robert C. and Janet H. Mountjoy Virginia Mudd and Clifford Burke David Muller and Kim M. Hubbard Kenneth Murdoff Jean Muste Bette K. Myerson Kandace Nachtrab Lawrence D. Nagel Barbara Nakata Lucia Nascimento Peggy J. Nelson Renze Nesbit Carol G. Newman Linda L. Nicholes Thomas and Julie Nicholson Michael O. Nimkoff William K. Nisbet Jonathan Krauss and Ann Mary Norton Andrew V. Nowak Ernest and Marietta O’Byrne Roy O’Connor Moira O’Hanlon Alison O’Reilly John and Lani Ochs Martin W. and Martha L. Onishuk George W. Ordal Rachael Paschal Osborn and John Osborn John M. and Suzanne Otter Robert Pabst Charles M. Paden Lavonne Painter Theodore W. and Laramie Palmer Ruth and Mark Pash Eric and Nora Patterson Jean M. Paulk Julia A. Paulsen and Kevin O’Connor Martha and Warren Pavlat Edgar Peara William G. Pearcy Mark William Pearson Betsy Peirce Michael A. Pelizzari Randall B. and Roberta P. Perry Nancy Perryman Ilsa Perse Dorothy L. Petersen Damon R. Phillips Susan S. and Roger S. Peirce Nancy Pitblado Daniel and Cindy Platter Elizabeth Plowman David and Kay Pollack Michele Potter Paul H. Preusser Naomi and Larry Price Richard A. Prodgers Suzi Prozanski Stephen W. and Sandra A. Pursell Charles K. and Louise R. Quigley Gerald Quintana Lee and Paul Quintana Kenneth H. and Colleen S. Rand Ann Marie Rasmussen Philip Ratcliff Barbara A. Rathmann Patricia A. Rathmann Margaret C. Rawlins Steven Raymen Robert C. Raymond and Dorothy Downes Elizabeth Readel Joy Ann L. Reading Charles M. Reed Scott W. and Mary Lou Reed Marilyn L. Reeves Margaret Regan James Rego Roslyn P. Regudon Arthur Reidel Scot Renick Robert A. Resnik Rebecca J. Reynolds Robert G. Ribe Susan and John Richmond Harry Riffenburgh John Rimel Barbara A. Roach Bill and Helen Rockett William H. Rodgers, Jr. Paul D. Rogland Robert K. Rohwer Shannon Romeling Patricia R. Rooney Chris Rose Stephen J. Rose and Barbara Zaring H. Gerritt Rosenthal Erno H. and Charlotte Ross Edward Rossi Sandra Rossi Anne B. Rother Linda Rowland Melanie J. Rowland Rich Royer Erica Rubin and Tom Swanson Jean Rusciolelli Robert Russell Michael P. Ryan Helen Rynaski Charlotte R. Sahnow Herbert K. Salmon, III Flo Samuels Janie Corinne and Rachael Sanborn Margie Sanford Sally Saulvester Joseph L. Sax Marrick E. Sayers, PhD Elizabeth Scanlin Ronald F. Scheuerman Wayne and Gail Schimpff Erich F. Schimps Marvin Schinnerer Pierre F. Schlemel Erik Schlenker-Goodrich and Rachel Conn Nicholous F. Schneider Robert Schoen Eric T. Schoenfeld Mary Lou Schriner David J. Schroeder Donald R. Schuman Donald and Beverly Schwab Thomas Seddon Richard Seeley Karl Seifert John Shafer Patricia Sharkey James H. and Katherine Shea John M. Sherman Sylvia J. Sherman Barbara and Patrick Shields Ruth I. Shimondle Ruth Shirley Robert Shotola Nathan T. Sidley Bret Siler Wendy S. Simmons Lawrence J. Simon Randy S. Simon and Jonathan Meier Peter Sinclaire Tom Singer Norman Singfield Richard H. Sinkoff Diane L. Sipe Cathleen L. Smith Emil Smith Madeleine Sone Michael Soule Samuel D. Sparck Marianne Spitzform Susan Stack Gilbert F. Staender Joyce Stahmann J. Michael Starr Gerry Stassinos John H. Stead Tyrone Steen Rodger and Laura Steenhoek Edwin Steimling Herbert M. Stein Otto L. Stein Susan L. Steinberg Frances W. Stevenson Kenneth Martin and Elizabeth Stevenson Robert and Jill Stoecker Brian K. Stompe John and Tamera Stone Patricia Stranski Darol Streib Mary Ellen Strote Nicholas W. Sturch Renee Such Ardis A. Sussell Janet B. Svirsky Dan and Sandra Szymanski Gary Tackman Ed and Donna Taggart Murphy Ken and Janet Taht Mary Tara Dalton and Nancy Tarwater Ann Tattersall J. Holley Taylor Donna Teare Charlie Tebbutt and Karen Murphy Patricia A. Theisen Megan Thomas Thomas R. Thompson Virginia Thompson Harold W. Thorne Sara Tiede John Tietjen and Pat Cummins Jane R. Timmerman William J. Toaspern Sabine du Toit 15 Nina Tomaszewski Sara Toubman Karen A. Trainor Charles H. Trost Joan and Louis N. Truskoff Richard Turk Walter S. and Nancy K. Tyler Ross and Kristin Ulibarri Jesse and JoAnne Ulloa Thomas Unfried Alvin W. Urquhart Shirley C. Valentine Dr. Jack M. Valpey Mark Van Ryzin John and Marion Vance Mike Vandeman Eric VanDerveer Leslie and Val Veirs Eberhard and Catherine Veit Kathy and Stan Vejtasa Moritz Vick Tim Vignos Eve Vogel Peter H. and Josephine Von Hippel Jack Gray and Mary Jo Wade John G. Wadsworth Luise E. Walker Stephen P. Walker Stephanie and Ken Wallace Rolf and Virginia Wallenstrom Tracy Wallschlaeger Dick Walton and Susan Newell Lewis and Grace Ward Betty G. Ware Richard and Doris Waring Nancy Warner, MD Frank T. Watrous, III Matthew Watson Jo Ann Weaver and Roland Atkinson Larry H. Weaver and Sheila J. Hale Donald B. Webster David G. Wehrle and Marilyn J. Blank 16 Jeffrey A. Weih Andrew Weiner Suzanne Weiss Brian K. Weissbuch David Weissman Christine L. Wells Douglas E. Westfall Richard S. Wheeler Howard J. Whitaker Lornie White Pritchard White Marcus and Edee Whitson Christian J. Wihtol and Jody Rolnick Sarah and Stephen Wilder Gail Wilke Paul and Jane Wilken Ellie Rose Williams Molly A. Wilson and Jay A. Janin Robert E. Wilson Jeffrey K. Winslow Edward Winter and Jan Nelson John and Jill Winter Robert and Janet Witzeman Terry P. Wizig Donald L. and Eleanor S. Wolf James R. Wolf Mike A. Wolf Steven L. Wolper David C. Wood Steven Woolpert Thomas K. and Lois E. Worcester Kathleen Worley Gail M. Wray Corrie J. Yackulic Jane and Lawrence Yazzie Katherine Young Keystone Partners Thank you to our monthly and quarterly donors! Anonymous Jim D. and Nancye F. Ballard Cathy Bellavita Patricia M. Bitton William Brabender Arleta and Duane Carr Linda L. Carroll Richard L. Carrothers Lyn Chambers Lori Houck Cora Patrice and Howard Corneli Natalie T. and Douglas Danforth Audrey D. Evans Bill Gardner Mary Grafious Holly Hein Joseph W. Hess Rosemary Howes Sandra P. Lilligren Anita S. Linke Patricia Lovejoy H. Glenn Meares Peggy J. Nelson Ernest and Marietta O’Byrne Mark William Pearson Ann Marie Rasmussen Robert C. Raymond and Dorothy Downes James Rego Roslyn P. Regudon Robert A. Resnik Susan and John Richmond Stephen J. Rose and Barbara Zaring Jean Rusciolelli Helen Rynaski Charlotte R. Sahnow Erik Schlenker-Goodrich and Rachel Conn Robert Shotola Norman Singfield Herbert M. Stein Kenneth Martin and Elizabeth Stevenson Ann Tattersall Sara Tiede Charles H. Trost Mark Van Ryzin Eve Vogel Richard S. Wheeler Legacy Donors We deeply thank our loyal supporters who have included WELC in their estate plans. Anonymous Bruce H. and Edith W. Anderson Joseph Bower Jemma T. Crae Thomas and Lila V. Creager Alan Eliason Ray Elliott Martha J. and Robert Hall John I. Mattill Annette McClure Michael P. Ryan Charlotte R. Sahnow John M. Sherman David Weissman Lornie White Tribute Gifts We appreciate all the gifts made in honor of family and friends. Marjorie Sue Abramovitz Roy Hunter Andy Meislin Ann and Jim Gritman Terria McNamar Morgan Ellis Peters Sandra Lilligren Celebrating 20 Years! 1993-2013 2001 2003 2007 2008 Thank you to our wonderful supporters for making our 20 years of Defending the West a success! 2004 2004 2010 WELC 20|20 Please take a moment to view the short film celebrating WELC’s 20 years (1993-2013) of Defending the West and get a glimpse at our next 20 years! Watch the film on our website: Foundations & Charitable Funds Caroline Gabel President and CEO Shared Earth Foundation The Shared Earth Foundation is proud of its 10-year partnership with Western Environmental Law Center. We are grateful for the opportunity to have shared in the success of protecting wolverines, lynxes, all the other Western predators, and their habitat. The Foundation could have done none of this work alone, or by focusing on single species. Working through the courts and the law, and with people, this partnership has made a substantial difference to wide ecosystems, which depend on top predators for their health. We look forward to another decade of work together. Thank you, WELC. 18 Anonymous Anonymous* 444S Foundation Bella Vista Foundation Bloomberg Philanthropies Blue Oak Foundation Brainerd Foundation Burning Foundation Energy Foundation Eugene and Emily Grant Family Foundation Evergreen Hill Education Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Firedoll Foundation Flathead Community Foundation Sallie and Alan Gratch Family Fund Harder Foundation Harrison L. Grathwohl Environmental Trust Joseph Rosen Foundation Jubitz Family Foundation Kenneth White Trust Margaret W. Reed Foundation McCune Charitable Foundation McKenzie River Gathering Foundation Nell Newman Foundation New-Land Foundation Newman’s Own Foundation Patagonia Environmental Grants Program Rochester Area Community Foundation Sacharuna Foundation* Schwab Charitable Fund Shared Earth Foundation Snoqualmie Tribe State Street Foundation, Inc. Taos Community Foundation The Alper Foundation The Connable Office, Inc. The Dawn Hill Fund The Jonathan and Kathleen Altman Foundation The Peter and Josephine Von Hippel Family Fund The Purple Lady/Barbara J. Meislin Fund of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund The Seattle Foundation Turner Foundation WCEC Re-Grant Fund of the Tides Foundation Weeden Foundation Wiancko Charitable Foundation Wilburforce Foundation William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Organizations Amigos Bravos Citizens for a Healthy Community Clean Air Task Force Field Institute of Taos Renewable Taos Rocky Mountain Youth Corps Santa Fe Garden Club Sierra Club Taos Search and Rescue * Contributors to Chama Peak Land Alliance Businesses & Employee Giving Programs Applied Scientific Instrumentation, Inc. Blackfoot River Brewing Company Caffry and Flower, Attorneys at Law Cerro Vista Farm Cid’s Food Market Corrie Yackulic Law Firm, PLLC Delindas Designz Deschutes Brewery, Inc Five Star Burgers Google Matching Gifts Program Inger Jirby Gallery KW Botanicals La Bodega Fresca Lewis & Clark Brewing Company Los Rios River Runners M S Marketing Marrone Construction, Inc. Mountain Rose Herbs Mudd-n-Flood Mountain Shop Network for Good New Belgium Brewing Company Oakshire Brewing Organically Grown Company Overlode, Inc. Paradigm Winery Petree’s Nursery and Greenhouses PG&E Corporation Campaign for the Community Program Phil’s Electrical Service Taos Mesa Brewing Team Estrogen, Inc. The Boeing Company Gift Match Program Trillium Natural Foods United Way of the Columbia Willamette YourCause, LLC - Trustee for Hewlett-Packard In Kind Donations Bent St. Cafe & Deli Bruce Gomez Photography Cerro Vista Farm Doc Martin’s Restaurant Earthship Biotecture El Meze Restaurant Eske’s Brew Pub & Eatery Eske’s Paradise Balloons Far Flung Adventures Field Institute of Taos Hair KKIT KRZA 88.7 KTAO Solar Radio & Bar KUNM KVOT La Bodega Fresca Los Rios River Runners Luna 103.7 FM Mabel Dodge Luhan House Mary Cedarwolf Sangre de Cristo Chronicle Seconds Eco Store Shree Yoga Taos Taos Fly Shop & Streit Fly Fishing Taos Mountain Outfitters Taos Pizza Out Back The Good Sole The Historic Taos Inn The Oval Door Inn The Santa Fe New Mexican The Taos News Training Resources for the Environmental Community Wild Earth Llama Adventures Shawn Donnille Co-owner and Vice President Mountain Rose Herbs As a business owner in Oregon, I love this great state for its scenic, recreational, and aesthetic values. The preservation of its beauty is intimately connected to and dependent on conservation efforts. The Western Environmental Law Center is an essential ally in the fight to protect the quality of our wild places, which matter deeply to us all. For this reason, Mountain Rose Herbs supports WELC and we applaud all that they do to protect the magnificent state that we call home. Mountain Rose Herbs is an Herbs, Health, and Harmony company based in Eugene, OR. 19 FINANCIAL REPORT Investment & Other Income 1% 2013 REVENUES: Program Services $438,189 Foundation Grants $879,716 Contributions $331,380 Investment & Other Income $24,560 TOTAL Contributions 20% Program Services 26% Foundation Grants 53% $1,673,845 2013 EXPENDITURES: Program $1,273,255 Administration $139,985 Fundraising $143,878 TOTAL $1,557,118 Please contact our Northwest office in August for a complete audited financial report. 20 Fundraising 9% Administration 9% Program 82% Our victories are YOUR victories. Thank you! BOARD OF DIRECTORS Corrie Yackulic President Kevin Kirchner Lori Maddox Vice President Lisa Manning Mike Lindsay Phil Katzen STAFF Erik Schlenker-Goodrich Executive Director Pete Frost Attorney Megan Anderson Attorney, Climate & Energy Program Director Dina Gonzales Administrative Coordinator Matthew Bishop Attorney, Northern Rockies Office Director ADVISORY BOARD Rodney Brown, Jr. William H. Rodgers, Jr. James Cox James R. Strittholt, PhD Jim Furnish Scott Summy Alex Levinson Charles F. Wilkinson Andrea Rodgers Harris Mary Wood Susan Jane Brown Attorney, Wildlands Program Director Mary Cedarwolf Finance Officer Greg Costello Attorney Monique DiGiorgio Conservation Strategist Shiloh Hernandez Attorney Katie Laughlin Director of Foundation Relations David Lawlor Director of Donor Relations Geoff Hickcox Of Counsel Jackie Marlette Development & Communications Coordinator Hillary Johnson Director of Communications John Mellgren Attorney Matt Kenna Of Counsel Andrea Rodgers Harris Of Counsel Laura King Legal Fellow Tom Singer Senior Policy Advisor Russa Kittredge Director of Donor Relations Kyle Tisdel Attorney Nick Warren Development Assistant Photo credits: (Cover) Glacier National Park by SpreadTheMagic; (Inside cover) Arizona Desert by ©iStock/Ron Thomas. Western Environmental Law Center 1216 Lincoln Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 Join Us! Sign up for WELC e-news: Offices Western Environmental Law Center’s Annual Report is printed on 100% post-consumer paper with soy inks. Please recycle this report by sharing it with a friend! Northwest - Headquarters 1216 Lincoln Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 Ph: 541-485-2471 Rocky Mountains 103 Reeder’s Alley Helena, Montana 59601 Ph: 406-443-3501 Southwest 208 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, #602 Taos, New Mexico 87571 Ph: 575-751-0351 | | |
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