moxibustion bibliographie
moxibustion bibliographie
F.A.FOR.ME.C CFA-MTC moxibustion bibliographie groupe d’études et de recherches en acupuncture 192 chemin des cèdres F-83130 La garde France référence type titre de l'article ou du document, (en langue originale ou traduction si entre crochets). numéro d'ordre relatif dans la bibliographie sélective. numéro de référence gera. Indiquer ce numéro pour toute demande de copie. disponibilité du document di: disponible, nd: non disponible, rd: résumé seul disponible, type de document. ra: revue d'acupuncture re: revue extérieure cg: congrès, co: cours tt: traité th: thèse me: mémoire, tp: tiré-à-part. e l: e xtra it de livre 1 -gera:6785/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE ANAESTHESIA: A REVIEW. SMALL TJ. american journal of acupuncture.1974,2(3), 147-3. (eng). réf:33 titre de la revue ou éditeur. nombre de références bibliographiques du document. année de publication. auteur, premier auteur si suivi de et al. langue de publication et résumé: indique un résumé en anglais (pour les documents non en anglais) (fra) français, (eng) anglais, (deu) allemand, (ita) italien, (esp) espagnol, (por) portugais, (ned) hollandais, (rus) russe, (pol) polonais, (cze) tchèque, (rou) roumain, (chi) chinois, (jap) japonais, (cor) coréen, (vie) vietnamien. * première et éventuellement dernière page d'un article, ou nombre de pages d'un traité, thèse ou mémoire. volume et/ou numéro. Les résumés correspondent soit à la reproduction du résumé ou présentation de l'auteur, soit à un résumé assuré par le CD GERA 1 1- gera: 28462/nd/tt PRINCIPI E PRATICA DELLA MOXA. TURNER RN ET ROYSTON HL. edizioni di red, como. 0;: (ita). 2- gera: 59592/di/ra INTRODUCTION TO MOXIBUSTION. OBAIDEY E. pacific journal of oriental medicine. 0;13:10-5 (eng ). 3- gera: 5746/nd/tt HET PODAGRA METS GADERS DESSELFS SEKER GENEEZINGE. BUSSCHOF M. amsterdam. 1674;: (hol). Premier traité où est utilisé en Occident le terme de moxa, rédigé par un fonctionnaire de la compagnie des Indes et recommandant la méthode pour le traitement de la goutte et des rhumatismes. 4- gera: 5747/nd/tt TWO TREATISES, THE ONE MEDICAL OF THE GOUT. BUSSCHOF H. london. 1676;: (eng). Edition anglaise de la référence 5746. 5- gera: 5748/nd/tt DISPUTATIO INAUGURALIS DE MOXA. GEILFUS BW. marburg. 1676;: (lat). Thèse d'un médecin allemand sur la moxibustion. 6- gera: 5749/nd/tt DAS GENAU UNTERSUCHTE, UND AUSEFUNDENE PODAGRA. BUSSCHOF H. breslau. 1677;: (deu). Edition allemande du livre de Busschof (ref 5746). 7- gera: 5750/nd/tt EROBERTE GICHT DURCH DIE CHINESISCHE WAFFE DER MOXA. AGEHAMA JA. hambourg. 1683;: (deu). 8- gera: 28301/nd/tt HISTORIA MOXAE CUN ADJUNCTIS MEDICATIONIBUS PODAGRAE. VALENTINI MB. leiden. 1686;: (lat). 9- gera: 19571/nd/re OBSERVATIONS SUR L'USAGE DES MOXAS CHINOIS OU DU CYLINDRE DE COTON EMPLOYE SELON LA METHODE DE FEU M.POUTEAU (2). PASCAL. j med chir pharm. 1784;61:595 (fra). 10- gera: 19572/nd/re OBSERVATIONS SUR L'USAGE DES MOXAS CHINOIS OU DU CYLINDRE DE COTON EMPLOYE SELON LA MEHTODE DE FEU M.POUTEAU (3). PASCAL. j med chir pharm. 1786;66:280-81 (fra). 11- gera: 7239/nd/tt DE MOXAE AT QUE IONIS IN MEDICINA RATIONALI USU. HALLMAN JG. edman,upsala. 1788;: (lat). 12- gera: 19573/nd/re OBSERVATIONS SUR L'USAGE DES MOXAS CHINOIS OU DU CYLINDRE DE COTON EMPLOYE SELON LA METHODE DE FEU M.POUTEAU (4). PASCAL. j med chir pharm. 1788;77:74-85 (fra). 13- gera: 83620/nd/tt DISSERTATION SUR LES AVANTAGES QU'ON PEUT RETIRER DE L'APPLICATION DU MOXA ET DE LA PRATIQUE DE L'OPERATION DE L'EMPIEME. BERNARDIN AEM. lefebvre,paris. 1803;:15P. (fra). 14- gera: 83622/nd/tt DISSERTATION MEDICO-CHIRURGICALE SUR LE MOXA OU CAUTERE ACTUEL. COTHENET CJB. ditot,paris. 1808;:52P. (fra). 15- gera: 83621/di/tt PROPOSITIONS SUR L'APPLICATION ET LES EFFETS DU MOXA. CRETIN J. ditot, paris. 1809;:25P. (fra). 16- gera: 111149/di/th QUELQUES REFEXIONS SUR L'ADUSTION PAR LE MOXA. BICHARD P. these medecine, montpellier. 1812; : (fra). 17- gera: 5752/di/tt DU MOXA ET DE SON APPLICATION AU TRAITEMENT DE LA CARIE QUI ATTAQUE LES OS DU TRONC. CARIE ORDINAIREMENT ACCOMPAGNÉE DE DÉPÔT PAR CONGESTION, ET GÉNÉRALEMENT REGARDÉE ALORS COMME INCURABLE. PIOLLET P. paris: these medecine ; didot. 1817;: (fra). 18- gera: 5753/nd/tt DE USU MOXAE. AVERY JF. neill,edinbourg. 1821;: (lat). 19- gera: 28282/nd/tt ON THE USE OF THE MOXA AS A THERAPEUTICAL AGENT. LARREY DJ. underwood,london. 1822;: (eng). 20- gera: 5754/nd/tt A TREATISE ON MOXA, AS APPLICABLE MORE PARTICULARY TO STIFF JOINTS... WITH SOME GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON SPINAL DISEASE. BOYLE J. callow and wilson,london. 1825;: (eng). 21- gera: 28295/di/th DISSERTATION SUR L'ACTION DU MOXA, MARCON LI. paris: thèse médecine ; didot. 1826;:24p (fra). 22- gera: 5755/nd/tt MOXA, A PHYSIOLOGICAL ENQUIRY RESPECTING THE ACTION OF MOXA, AND ITS UTILITY IN INVETERATE CASES OF SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, PARAPLEGIA*. WALLACE WM. hodges and m arthur,dublin. 1827;: (eng). 23- gera: 5756/di/el MOXA. BAYLE ALJ ET GILBERT CM. in dictionnaire de medecine usuelle et domestique, paris. 1835;:214-5 (fra). Présentation du moxas chinois et japonais. Enumération de procédés analogues dans l'histoire des peuples occidentaux. Technique, indication et contre-indications d'après la médecine française au début du XIX°. 24- gera: 114866/di/th DU MOXA. LAPIERRE PCA. paris: thèse médecine, rignoux imprimeur. 1851; : (fra). 25- gera: 8154/nd/re UBER IGNIPUNCTUR. GENZMER. verhandhlungen der deutschen gesellschaft fur chirurgie,berlin. 1887;XVI(P1):141-43 (deu). 26- gera: 5757/nd/re LES MOXAS DE L'INITIATION DES BONZES. SALLET A. bavh. 1928;octobre: (fra). 27- gera: 32676/nd/re CURATIVE EFFECTS OF KYU IN TUBERCULOSIS ANIMALS. HARA S. fukuoka ikwadaigaku zashi. 1929;22:42. (eng). 28- gera: 32834/nd/re INCREASED METABOLISM OF SKIN AFTER APPLICATION OF KYU. HARA S. fukuoka ikwadaigaku zashi. 1929;22:11. (eng). 29- gera: 6316/di/re LES AIGUILLES ET LES MOXAS EN CHINE OU LE TRAITEMENT DES ALGIES PAR TRAUMATISME THERMIQUE. FERREYROLLES P ET AL. la science medicale pratique. 1931;:488-500 (fra). 30- gera: 33241/nd/re INFLUENCE OF MOXIBUSTION UPON FUNCTIONS AND MORPHOLOGY OF WHITE BLOOD CELLS. YAMASHITA S. tr jap path soc. 1932;22:524-9 (eng). 31- gera: 33034/nd/re [BIOLOGICAL STUDIES ON KYU (MOXA CAUTERY)]. MIZUNO S. tr soc path jap. 1933;23:344-5 (jap). gera 2010 2 32- gera: 33237/nd/re PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION OF MOXIBUSTION. KOMAI K. mitt a d med akad zu kioto. 1934;10:1024. (eng). 33- gera: 8178/nd/re CE QU'IL FAUT SAVOIR DE LA MEDECINE CHINOISE, POINTS ET MERIDIENS, ACUPUNCTURE ET IGNIPUNCTURE. X. information medicale. 1936;1: (fra). 34- gera: 8235/nd/re LA ACUPUNCTURA Y LAS MOXAS. ANDRAE KR. actas ciba. 1941;7-8:213-6 (esp). 35- gera: 23389/nd/nd ACUPUNCTURE WITH CAUTERY NEEDLE IN THERAPY OF PUERPERAL MASTITIS WITH ABSCESS FORMATION. NITSCHE D. wiener klinische wochenschrift. 1942;55:327-8 (deu). 36- gera: 5759/nd/re [SUR L'ETYMOLOGIE DE "MOXA"]. HUCOTTER F. ciba zeitschfift(medical history). 1943;8(94):3132 (eng). 37- gera: 5758/di/re MOXA, A STRANGE MEDICAL TREATMENT. JONKUS O ET AL. amer j pharm. 1948;110:406-10 (eng). Présentation de la moxibustion purulente appliquée au traitement de la tuberculose. 38- gera: 5760/di/re PETITE HISTOIRE DU MOXA (ARMOISE). HUARD P. bulletin de la societe d'etudes indochinoises. 1948;:113-17 (fra). Le moxa est une des rares techniques (avec l'éventail et le pousse-pousse) à avoir été introduite en Europe au XVIème siècle à partir du Japon. L'utilisation du moxa était largement répandue en Extrême-Orient, tant d'un point de vue thérapeutique que dans la religion bouddhique. L'introduction en Europe s'est faite à partir de la médecine égyptienne (de médicinae aegyptiorum de Prospero Alpini) ou japonaise (par les médecins de la 39- gera: 5761/di/re L'INTRODUCTION DES MOXAS EN VIETNAM D'APRES UNE LEGENDE DU LINH-NAM TRICH QUAI. DURAND M. bulletin de la societe des etudes indochinoises. 1953;28(3):295-302 (fra). Traduction d'une légende du Linh-nam Trich Quai (recueil des êtres extraordinaires du Linh-Nam) attribué à Tran The Phap et sans doute antérieure au XVIème siècle. 40- gera: 5762/di/ra LE MOXATEUR. KHOUBESSERIAN. bulletin de la societe d'acupuncture. 1953;7:20-1 (fra). 41- gera: 13766/di/ra LA MOXATION DANS CERTAINES AFFECTIONS DES VOIES RESPIRATOIRES. KHOUBESSERIAN. bulletin de la societe d'acupuncture. 1953;8:29 (fra). Protocole de moxation des points dans la bronchite aiguë (13V, 16V, 37V, 21VB, 3MC, 3IG), la bron-chite chronique (12V, 13V, 37V, 6V, 21VB, 3IG), l'asthme (22VC, 1P, 16V) et l'emphysème (13V, 14V, 15V). 42- gera: 5763/di/ra LES MOXAS. HARA. bulletin de la societe d'acupuncture. 1954;12:29-33 (fra). 43- gera: 28503/nd/tt AKUPUNKTUR UND RAUCHERUNG MIT MOXA. LEUNG TS. editions, paris. 1954;:86P (deu). 44- gera: 5764/di/ra LES MOXAS. VAN NHA. bulletin de la societe d'acupuncture. 1957;26:21-6 (fra). 45- gera: 5765/nd/re MOXAS CHINOIS, EGYPTIENS ET OCCIDENTAUX. HUARD P. histoire de la medecine. 1958;: (fra). 46- gera: 11970/di/re ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN TREATMENT OF BACILLARY DYSENTERY. CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 63 CASES. KANSU PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL OF TCM ET AL. chinese medical journal. 1959;78:106-10 (eng). Le traitement de base comporte 10VC, 25E, 4VC et 36E. En cas de selles trés fréquentes : moxas au 8VC, en cas de temperature : 13VG, 4GI, 11GI et 34VB, en cas de céphalées : 15, 19VG, 20VB en cas de tenesme 28E, 34VB, 36E, 6TR. Le traitement comporte 1 séance par jour et est poursuivi 2 à 3 jours après la normalisation des selles. La moxibustion au 8VC est reservée aux cas sans fièvre (4 moxas au sel). Guérison des 63 cas en 4,6 jours en moyenne contre 6,2 dans un groupe de contrôle traité par sulfamides. 47- gera: 5766/di/el TECHNIQUE DES MOXAS. CHAMFRAULT. in traite de medecine chinoise. 1964;:262-268 (fra). 48- gera: 21461/di/ra LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE L'ACUPUNCTURE ET DE LA MOXIBUSTION AU JAPON. KINOSHITA H. bulletin de la societe d'acupuncture. 1964;53:57-61 (fra). 49- gera: 3020/di/re [THE RESPONSE OF ANTIBODY FORMATION TO ACUPUNCTURE OR MOXIBUSTION AFTER IMMUNIZATION OF ANIMALS]. WANG CM ET AL. acta microbiologica sinica. 1965;11(3):423-8 (chi*). 1. Various animal experiments carried out in the present study showed that with acupuncture or moxibustion in animals alone, no immunological alteration was noticed. 2. When the bacterial vaccine and acupuncture were combined during the immunization of the animals, agglutination titres of tested animals were higher than those of the controlled animals, but the titre was not maintened but rather decreased in a short time, wich appears to be a little value in actual practice in preventive medicine. 3. It is considered that acupuncture and related methods of this nature could be considered as a nonspecific stimuli in the process of immunization. 50- gera: 8255/nd/re [METHODS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND LOCALIZED BURNS RE-BEING REVIVED IN CHINA]. SUNG CHING. minerva medica. 1966;673:57 (ita). 51- gera: 12795/nd/re [TRAITEMENT DE LA POLIOMYELITE PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION]. MAN C C ET AL. chiang-su chung i. 1966;5:26-30 (chi). 52- gera: 1295/di/ra ETUDE SUR L'INFLUENCE DE L'ACUPUNCTURE ET DE LA MOXIBUSTION SUR LA FLORE INTESTINALE ET LES COMPOSANTS DES MATIERES FECALES (1). HIROSE. acupuncture. 1968;18: (fra). 53- gera: 1296/di/ra ETUDES SUR L'INFLUENCE DE L'ACUPUNCTURE ET DE LA MOXIBUSTION SUR LA FLORE INTESTINALE ET LES COMPOSANTS DES MATIERES FECALES (2). HIROSE. acupuncture. 1969;19: (fra). 54- gera: 5767/di/re [SIR WILLIAM TEMPLE ET L'UTILISATION THERAPEUTIQUE DES MOXAS POUR LA GOUTTE EN ANGLETERRE]. ROSEN G. bulletin of the history of medicine. 1970;44:31-9 (eng). 55- gera: 7091/di/re THE DOCTORAL THESIS OF ENGELBERT KAEMPFER ON TROPICAL DISEASES, ORIENTAL MEDICINE AND EXOTIC NATURAL PHENOMENA. BOWERS JZ ET AL. journal of the history of medicine. 1970;25:270-310 (eng ). Présentation et reproduction de la thèse de Kaempfer "Disputatio medica inauguralis exhibeurs decadeur observationum exoticarum" soutenue en 1694 à Leyden apres un voyage de 10 ans vers le Japon. Sa thèse comporte 10 gera 2010 3 chapitres dont les deux derniers s'intitulent : "acupuncture, un traitement japonais des coliques" et "moxa, une substance sino-japonaise de cautérisation". 56- gera: 8262/nd/re ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY. ZURAIDA S. paediatrica indonesiana. 1970;10:239-4710 (eng). 57- gera: 2244/di/ra [APPLICATION DE L'ACUPUNCTURE ET LA MOXIBUSTION A LA REEDUCATION]. SASAGAWA S ET AL. journal of the kyoto pain control institute. 1971;4(4):1934 (eng). 58- gera: 14037/di/ra ARTROSIS Y ARTRITIS TRATAMIENTO CON MOXIBUSTION. SZUSTER J. revista argentina de acupuntura. 1971;23:6-8 (esp). élevation du débit cardiaque, de la fréquence, de la pression arterielle et de la pression du pouls alors que les résistances périphériques totales sont diminuées de façon significative durant les deux heures de l'observation. Un pré- traitement par propanol inhibe cet effet. Le beta-bloquant utilisé seul a un effet inverse à l'acupuncture. 68- gera: 9439/di/ra [INHIBITION DE L'EFFET CARDIO-VASCULAIRE DE L'ACUPUNCTURE (MOXIBUSTION) PAR PHENTOLAMINE CHEZ LE CHIEN SOUS ANESTHESIE A *]. LEE MO ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1976;4(2):153-61 (eng). Un pré-traitement par l'alpha-bloquant, phentolamine inhibe l'action cardio-vasculaire de la moxibustion au 26VG. Phentolamine administré seul a une action similaire à une administration suivie de la moxibustion au 59- gera: 28065/di/tt METHOD OF MOXA-NEEDLING. LEE YA ET WONG CY. unicorn press, hongkong. 1971;:84P (eng). 69- gera: 2914/di/ra ARTHROSE CERVICALE SOIGNEE PAR INFRA-ROUGES OU MICROLASERS. NOGIER. auriculomedecine. 1977;7:27 (fra). 60- gera: 5125/di/ra AIGUILLES, MOXAS, SAIGNEES (VUES SOUS UN ANGLE ESSENTIELLEMENT PRATIQUE). X. cliniques d'acupuncture. 1972;8:1-6 (fra). 70- gera: 9114/di/el [INTRODUCTION A LA MOXIBUSTION]. TSAO CC. in basic acupuncture: a scientific interpretation and application,taipei. 1977;:93-7 (eng). 61- gera: 9175/di/ra [ETUDE SUR L'AIGUILLE IONIQUE. 5) EFFET SUR LA GERMINATION ET LA CROISSANCE DES PLANTES DE L'ACUPUNCTURE, L'ELECTRICITE STATIQUE *]. MASAMICHI HIMOTO ET AL. journal of the kyoto pain control institute. 1973;6(3):200-205 (eng). 1) Une stimulation globale par électricité statique donne des résultats inférieurs à une stimulation locale (électrification ponctuelle de la graine au niveau de la racine de germination). 2) L'acupuncture donne les meilleurs résultats (moxa en batonnet ou aiguille avec technique d'enfoncement-retrait). 71- gera: 9115/di/el [MOXIBUSTION]. WEI CT. in basic acupuncture : a scientific interpretation and application,tapiei. 1977;:99103 (eng). 62- gera: 5126/di/ra [LES NOMBREUSES MODALITES DE L'ACUPUNCTURE MODERNE]. KHOE WH. american journal of acupuncture. 1974;2(4):272-4 (eng). Revue de diverses techniques (aquapuncture, thermothérapie, acupression, catgut, électro-acupuncture, sono- acupuncture). 63- gera: 5768/nd/re MOXIBUSTION WARNING (letter). LYU BS ET AL. journal of the american medical association. 1974;230(10):1385-6 (eng). 64- gera: 6105/di/re COMPLICATIONS OF ACUPUNCTURE. CARRON H ET AL. jama. 1974;228(12):1552-4 (eng). Rapport de cas : 1) Brûlure après moxibustion. 2) Dystrophie sympathique post-traumatique après acupuncture au niveau d'un lymphoedème post-mastectomie. 3) Hémothorax. 4) Pneumothorax. 65- gera: 9456/di/ra [EFFETS CARDIO-VASCULAIRES DE LA MOXIBUSTION DU 26VG DURANT L'ANESTHESIE A L'HALOTHANE CHEZ LE CHIEN]. LEE DC ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1975;3(3):245-61 (eng). 66- gera: 17768/di/ra THE PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY. TOYAMA PM. american journal of acupuncture. 1975;3(2):115 (eng). 67- gera: 9436/nd/re [INHIBITION DES EFFETS CARDIO-VASCULAIRES DE L'ACUPUNCTURE (MOXIBUSTION) PAR LE PROPANOLOL CHEZ LE CHIEN SOUS ANESTHESIE A *]. LEE DC ET AL. canadian anaesthesists society journal. 1976;23(3):307-18 (eng). La moxibustion du 26VG produit un effet sympathicomimétique. Cet effet se manifeste par une 72- gera: 10672/di/tp STUDY OF STEAMING AND HEAT FOR ABSCESS. HAN JANG UO. seoul. 1977;:8P (eng). 73- gera: 13893/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE L'ASTHME BRONCHIQUE PAR METHODE COMBINEE : ACUPUNCTURE MOXIBUSTION, VENTOUSE ET CATGUT, RAPPORT PRELIMINAIRE]. CHANG P ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1977;34:115-9 (eng). Rapport de 15 cas traités par méthode combinée, discussion. 74- gera: 18377/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION, CUPPING, CUTTING AND EMBEDDING THREAD. CHANG P ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1977;2:62 (eng). 75- gera: 29810/nd/tt DIE MOXABEHANDLUNG IN EUROPA. FEUCHT G. haug verlag,heidelberg. 1977;:27P (deu). 76- gera: 5769/nd/ra [UTILISATION DE LA MOXIBUSTION EN CLINIQUE]. X. acupuncture research quarterly. 1978;2(2):43-50 (eng). 77- gera: 5883/di/ra EXPERIENCES DE L'AURICULOPUNCTURE, 3) INDICATIONS ET TRAITEMENT PAR AURICULOPUNCTURE (HOPITAL POPULAIRE DE VAN THAN). NGUYEN VAN NGHI ET AL. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1978;47:259-66 (fra). 1) Essai d'explication de l'auriculopuncture par les théories traditionnelles et pavlovienne. 2) Recherche des points réactogènes. 3) Techniques de puncture. 4) Analyse des résultats (arthrose, 281 cas ; sciatique, 57 ; rhumatismes, 1190 cas ; hypertension artérielle, 60 cas ; gastrite, 190 cas ; grippe, 102 cas. 5) Utilisation des aiguilles à demeure ou des moxas sur aiguille. 6) Résultats sur 2299 cas traités. 78- gera: 9465/di/ra [COMPARAISON DES EFFETS CARDIO-VASCULAIRES DE LA STIMULATION ELECTRIQUE TRANSCUTANEE ET DE LA MOXIBUSTION CHEZ LE CHIEN DURANT *]. LEE DC ET AL. american journal of acupuncture. 1978;6(1):33-40 (eng). gera 2010 4 79- gera: 13929/di/ra [POSITION DE L'ACUPUNCTURE DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE L'ASTHME BRONCHIQUE]. CATALINA B ET AL. akupunktur. 1978;3:124 (deu). 12VB, 13VB, 22Rn, 17-22VC. Durant la crise : aiguilles chez l'adulte et moxa chez l'enfant. En cas d'asthme surinfecté de l'enfant : allopathie + physiotherapie, l'acupuncture n'étant qu'un adjuvant. 80- gera: 19327/di/ra ARMOISE, (DICTIONNAIRE DE L'AMA). LE TARNEC R. perspectives yin yang. 1978;2:27 (fra). 81- gera: 19337/di/ra MOXAS, (DICTIONNAIRE DE L'AMA). GUEDJ JP. perspectives yin yang. 1978;3:19 (fra). 82- gera: 19348/di/ra MOXAS, (DICTIONNAIRE DE L'AMA). GUEDJ JP. perspectives yin yang. 1978;4:25 (fra). 83- gera: 23691/di/re SCARS OF EXPERIENCE : THE ART OF MOXIBUSTION IN JAPANESE MEDICINE AND SOCIETY. LOCK MM. culture medecine and psychiatry. 1978;2:151-75 (eng). 84- gera: 4134/di/cg VENTOUSES, FLEUR DE PRUNIER ET MOXAS. FABRE J. 1er seminaire de la saa,bordeaux. 1979;:129 (fra). 85- gera: 5770/di/cg TECHNIQUE DE LA MOXIBUSTION. NGUYEN J ET AL. conferences d'acupuncture,gera,toulon. 1979;4:49-65 (fra). 1) Historique. 2) Les matériaux : l'armoise, sa préparation, autres matériaux. 3) Les méthodes. 4) Les indications. 86- gera: 9317/di/ra [OBSERVATION CLINIQUE ET APPROCHE DES MECANISMES DE MOXIBUSTION APPLIQUEE AUX POINTS ZHIYIN]. X. zhongyi zazhi. 1979;8:9 (chi*). 100 cas de malposition foetale ont été traités avec 71 % de succés par moxibustion bilatérale des points 67V durant une période de 9 jours. La moxibustion aux points 67V entraîne : 1) Une augmentation de la sécrétion des hormones corticosurrénales. Les hormones cortico-surrénales stimulent indirectement l'activité utérine. 2) Une augmentation des activités de l'utérus (chez les lapines l'acupuncturemoxibustion augmente le tonus et la contraction utérine). 3) Une augmentation des mouvements du foetus. Ainsi tous ces facteurs et surtout le facteur dynamique doivent contribuer à la version spontanée de la position du foetus. 87- gera: 9443/di/re CAN NALOXONE INHIBIT THE CARDIOVASCULAR EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE. LEE DC ET AL. canadian anaesthesists society journal. 1979;26(5):410-4 (eng). L'étude porte sur 40 chiens anesthésiés à l'halothane (MAC-1) porteurs de débitmètres électromagnétiques implantés dans l'aorte ascendante. Le débit cardiaque, le volume d'éjection, la fréquence cardiaque, la pression artérielle moyenne et différentielle, la tension veineuse centrale, la résistance périphérique totale ont été déterminés ainsi que la Pao2, le pH, la Paco2 et le déficit de base. La moxibustion associée à l'acupuncture obtenues par électrocautérisation du point Jen Chung 26VG a produit une augmentation significative de l'ordre de cinq pour cent de tous les paramètres vasculaires, à l'exception de la résistance périphérique totale qui a subie une baisse significative pendant la période d'observation de 120 minutes des chiens anesthésiés à l'halothane. L'acupuncturemoxibustion au point Go-26 après traitement préalable à l'antagoniste narcotique naloxone (1 mg kg-1) a été suivie d'une augmentation significative du débit cardiaque, de la fréquence, de la pression artérielle moyenne et différentielle ainsi que de la pression veineuse centrale. On en conclu que la naxolone qui inhibe les effets analgésiques de l'acupuncture, ne cause pas d'inhibition des effets sympathycomimétiques de l'acupuncture ou de la moxibustion à Jen Chung (GO-26) chez les chiens anesthésiés légèrement à l'halothane (MAC-1). 88- gera: 18175/di/ra LES TECHNIQUES ASSOCIEES "KAO, VENTOUSES". FABRE J. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1979;59:35560 (fra). 89- gera: 19578/di/ra [TECHNIQUE NON INVASIVE DE MOXIBUSTION (résumé)]. WONG SHU YU ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1979;10:41 (eng). 90- gera: 217/di/ra EXPLORATION CLINIQUE ET OBSERVATIONS EXPERIMENTALES DE VERSION PAR MOXIBUSTION APPLIQUEE AUX POINTS ZHI YIN (67V) (47). GROUPE DE RECHERCHE DE LA PROVINCE DE*. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1980;75:171-2 (fra). 100 cas de malpositions foétales ont été traités avec 71% de succès par moxibustion bilatérale des points Zhi Yin tous les 2 jours pendant 9 jours. La moxibustion au point Zhi Yin entraîne : une augmentation des hormones cortico-surrénales, une augmentation de l'activté de l'utérus (chez les lapines anesthésiées), une augmentation des mouvements du foetus. Tous ces facteurs dynamiques favorisent la correction spontanée de la position 91- gera: 218/di/ra VERSION DE LA PRESENTATION DU SIEGE PAR MOXIBUSTION-FUMIGATION DES POINTS ZHI YIN (67V) (48). INSTITUT DE SANTE CHINOIS. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1980;75:172-3 (fra). 896 cas de présentation du siège entre la 28ème semaine et plus ont été traités par moxibustion-fumigation bilatérale des points Zhi Yin avec un taux de version de 95,42%. On observe un retour à la présentation du siège dans 10,06% des cas, mais un traitement ultérieur par moxibustion permet la version. Le point Zhi Yin joue un rôle primordial. La moxibustion appliquée à ce point entraîne une augmentation des mouvements du foétus. Tout ceci montre que cette méthode est simple, efficace, sans danger, facilement acceptée par les patientes. 92- gera: 219/di/ra CORRECTION DE LA MALPOSITION FOETALE PAR MOXIBUSTION, ANALYSE CLINIQUE. WANG WENSHI. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1980;75:173 (fra). 2069 cas de malpositions foétales entre la 25ème et 40ème semaines ont été traitées par moxibustion bilatérale des points Zhi Yin, une fois par jour pendant 15 minutes (4 séances au total), avec un taux de version de 90,32%. On remarque que chez les grandes multipares (>6 grossesses) au 8ème mois, une seule série de séances suffit, et que les mouvements foetaux ont été ressentis lors de la version. Selon la théorie de la MTC la malposition foétale résulte d'un déséquilibre entre 2 systèmes (Rn et V). Chauffer le point 67V peut recouvrer l'équilibre entre ces deux systèmes et corriger la présentation. De plus, cette méthode est simple et sans danger. 93- gera: 220/di/ra SPECIFICITE DES POINTS D'ACUPUNCTURE DANS LA ROTATION DU FOETUS, 206 CAS. INSTITUT DE MTC DE SHAANXI. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1980;75:1746 (fra). 206 cas de malpositions foetales ont été traités par moxibustion. On a choisi 12 points de 4 méridiens (V-Rate-PIG). Ces points furent stimulés 20 minutes tous les jours. Le taux de réussite fut au total de 58,3%. Il n'y eut aucune différence significative entre les 12 points. Cependant la différence entre l'utilisation des quatre méridiens est statistiquement significative. 94- gera: 1163/di/ra TRAITEMENT PAR MOXIBUSTION DE LA THROMBOANGEITE OBLITERANTE. FENG HOURONG ET AL. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1980;68:300 (fra). 95- gera: 3377/di/cg PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE PHAGOCYTIC ACTIVITY OF THE gera 2010 5 MONONUCLEAR PHAGOCYTES IN MICE. ZHOU CAIYI ET AL. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:512 (eng). Etude de la moxibustion au 12VC chez la souris (4 cônes au 1°, 3° et 5° jour) sur l'activité phagocytaire. 1) L'acupuncture élève la clearance au carbone et l'index phagocytaire (K) 2) La fixation au niveau des cellules de Kupffer du foie est fortement augmentée. 3) La phagocytose d'hématies de coq injectées intrapéritonéalement par les macrophages péritonéaux est augmentée. 96- gera: 3378/di/cg THE INFLUENCE OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE IMMUNITY OF EXPERIMENTAL RABBITS. ZHANG YUSHENG ET AL. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:513. (eng). Etude chez le lapin de l'action de la moxibustion au 20VG et 14VG sur la formation d'anticorps après sensibilisation au vaccin de la typhoîde : Par rapport au groupe de contrôle, la moxibustion élève le titre d'anticorps du double. Lors d'une deuxième injection, le titre d'anticorps s'élève plus rapidement et de façon plus importante. Après sensibilisation aux hématies de mouton, le taux de PFC s'élève pour atteindre 3 fois le taux de 97- gera: 5771/di/ra [ASPECTS BOTANIQUES ET THERAPEUTIQUES D'ARTEMISIA VULGARIS]. TIWARI KL. british journal of acupuncture. 1980;3(1):10 (eng). 98- gera: 5772/di/cg [RECHERCHES CLINIQUES SUR LA PREVENTION ET LE TRAITEMENT DE L'HYPERTENSION PAR MOXIBUSTION PURULENTE]. CHEN DAZHONG ET AL. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:57 (eng). 99- gera: 5773/di/cg [ETUDE CLINIQUE SUR LE TRAITEMENT PAR MOXIBUSTION PURULENTE DE L'ASTHME]. YANG HUA ET AL. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:58 (eng). 100- gera: 9286/di/cg [ETUDES SUR LA CORRECTION DES MALPOSITIONS FOETALE PAR MOXIBUSTION DU POINT 67V]. YANGPU DISTRICT CENTRAL HOSPITAL. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:8 (eng). Cet article regroupe plusieurs études : 2069 cas de malpositions foétales entre la 29ème et la 40ème semaine ont été traitées par moxibustion bilatérale des points Zhi Yin une fois par jour pendant 15 minutes entre 1 à 4 séances avec un taux de version de 90,3%. Les résultats sont meilleurs entre la 30ème et la 34ème semaine de gestation. 100 cas de malpositions foetales entre la 30ème et 38ème semaine ont été traitées par moxibustion bilatérale des points Zhi Yin une fois par jour, durant 9 jours avec un taux de version de 71%. La moxibustion au point Zhi Yin entraîne : une augmentation des hormones cortico-surrénales, une augmentation de l'activité de l'utérus (lapine anesthésiée), une augmentation des mouvements du foétus. Tous ces facteurs dynamiques 101- gera: 9287/di/cg [INVESTIGATION CLINIQUES ET EXPERIMENTALES SUR LA VERSION PAR MOXIBUSTION DU 67V]. COOPERATIVE RESEARCH GROUP OF *. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:91 (eng). 100 cas de malpositions foetales ont été traités avec 71% de succès par moxibustion bilatérale du 67V tous les jours pendant 9 jours. La moxibustion entraine : une augmentation des hormones cortico-surrénales, une augmentation de l'activité de l'utérus (chez les lapines anesthésiées), une augmentation des mouvements du foetus. Tous ces facteurs dynamiques favorisent la correction spontanée de la position foetale. 102- gera: 9288/di/cg [VERSION DES PRESENTATIONS DU SIEGE PAR MOXIBUSTION DU 67V]. CHINA WALFARE INSTITUTE. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:92 (eng). 896 cas de présentation du siège entre la 28ème semaine et plus ont été traités par moxibustion-fumigation bilatérale des points Zhi Yin avec un taux de version de 95,42%. On observe un retour à la présentation du siège dans 10,06% des cas, mais un traitement ultérieur par moxibustion permet la version. Le point Zhi Yin joue un rôle primordial. La moxibustion appliquée à ce point entraîne une augmentation des mouvements du foétus. Tout ceci montre que cette méthode est simple, efficace, facilement acceptée par les patientes. 103- gera: 9289/di/cg [ANALYSE CLINIQUE DANS LA MOXIBUSTION DE LA VERSION DES MALPOSITIONS FOETALES]. WANG WENSHI. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:93 (eng). 2069 cas de malpositions foétales entre la 25ème et 40ème semaines ont été traitées par moxibustion bilatérale des points Zhi Yin, une fois par jour pendant 15 minutes (4 séances au total), avec un taux de version de 90,32%. On remarque que chez les grandes multipares (>6 grossesses) au 8ème mois, une seule série de séances suffit, et que les mouvements foetaux ont été ressentis lors de la version. Selon la théorie de la MTC la malposition foétale résulte d'un déséquilibre entre 2 systèmes (Rn et V). Chauffer le point 67V peut recouvrer l'équilibre entre ces deux systèmes et corriger la présentation. De plus, cette méthode est simple et sans danger. 104- gera: 9444/di/ra [COMPARAISON DU SALICYLATE DE SODIUM, DU SULFATE DE MORPHINE ET DE L'ACUPUNCTURE AU 26VG SUR LE SYSTEME CARDIO-VASCULAIRE DU *]. LEE DC ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1980;8(3):245-53 (eng). Etude comparée d'un analgésique moyen, d'un opiacé et de la moxibustion du 26VG ; évaluation sur le débit cardiaque (CO), le volume éjectionnel (SV) la fréquence cardiaque (HR), la pression artérielle moyenne (MAP), la pression du pouls (PP), la pression veineuse centrale (CVP), les résistances périphériques totales (TPR), pH, PACO2 et PAO2. Après administration de salcylate de sodium on observe une élévation significative de CO, SV, PP, CVP, et une diminution significative de TPR. Après sulfate de morphine CO, HR, MAP, sont diminués alors que SV et PP sont augmentés. La moxibustion du 26VG élève CO, SV, MAP, HR, PP, et diminue TPR. 105- gera: 9445/nd/re [EFFETS CARDIO-VASCULAIRES DE L'ENDORPHINE, DE LA NALOXONE ET DE LA MOXIBUSTION DU 26VG CHEZ LE CHIEN]. DEE DC ET AL. masui. 1980;29(10):986-92 (jap). La naloxone n'a pas d'action sur l'effet sympathicomimétique de la moxibustion au 26VG. 106- gera: 9770/di/cg A CLINICAL INVESTIGATION IN THE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF HYPERTENSION BY SCARRING MOXIBUSTION THERAPY. CHEN DAZHONG ET AL. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:57 (eng). 54 patients hypertendus sont traités par moxibustion purulente pour une prévention des accidents vasculaires cérébraux, avec une baisse évidente de l'incidence de l'HTA sur le taux de tels accidents. Il est noté une diminution de la viscosité sanguine. 107- gera: 9911/di/cg [OBSERVATIONS CLINIQUES SUR 138 CAS DE LYMPHANGITE TRAITES PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION]. JIN ANDE. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:99 (eng). 108- gera: 9945/di/cg [ETUDE PRELIMINAIRE SUR LES TRAITEMENTS PAR MOXIBUSTION DE LA THROMBO-ANGEITE OBLITERANTE, ANALYSE DE 58 CAS]. PEN HOURONG ET AL. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:100 (eng). gera 2010 6 109- gera: 11917/di/cg THE CURATIVE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON BACILLARY DYSENTERY IN RHESUS MONKEY AND THE EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF ITS MECHANISM. ZHANG TAOQING ET AL. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:40 (eng). Traitement par acupuncture et moxibustion de la dysenterie bacillaire experimentale chez le singe. 10VC, 6VC, 4VC, 36E et 25E avec moxibustion au sel sur le 8VC. Dans le groupe de contrôle, toutes les cultures sont positives au 12° jour alors que dans le groupe traité par acupuncture les 2/3 des singes sont négatifs au 2° jour et la totalité au 4° jour. L'acupuncture élève le taux d'anticorps et l'activité phagocytaire. 110- gera: 12304/di/ra PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE GAMMA-RAY-IRRADIATED MICE. JING-CHONG WU ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1980;15:91-105 (eng). The effects of moxibustion on some blood components and the concentration of hemoglobin and serum protein were assessed in the present study. A total of 144 young male mice (ICR strain) were divided into three groups. Group A served as the control Group B. the experimental control, was exposed to 500 rads gamma-ray-irradiation. Group C, the experimental group, was treated with moxibustion at two-or three day interval after being exposed to gamma-ray-irradiation. We chose three pairs of points from those which were similar to man's, Shen-Yu (B23), Ta- Chang-Yu (B25), Kuan-Yuan-Yu (B26), HsiaoChang-Yu (B27) and Pang-Kuang-Yu (B28) etc. Blood samples were measured on day 0. 5, 12, 19, 26 and 33 postirradiation.The experiment led to the following conclusions : 1) The moderate dosage of gamma-ray-irradiation had an evident detrimental effect on the erythrocytes, total leukocytes, lymphocytes. monocytes and neutrophils. It also had an inhibitory effect on the hemoglobin and serum protein syntheses in mice. 2) Moxibustion was able to help to gammaray-irradiated mice to receiver the number of eryrthrocytes, total leukocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils. With respect to the concentrations of serum protein and hemoglobin, moxibustion was also able to help their recovery in the gamma-ray-irradiated mice. 111- gera: 13599/di/cg TREATMENT OF FACIOPLEGIA WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION - A STUDY OF 212 CASES ABSTRACT. WEI YOUGEN. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:73 (eng). Traitement de 212 cas par acupuncture (tonification) ou par acupuncture associée à la moxibustion en cas de Vide-Froid. Points : 4E, 6E, 2E, 20GI, 8E, 2V, 23 TR, 7E, 4GI (points principaux), 2, 17TR, IVB et 36E points complémentaires). 5 à 8 points sont utilisés à chaque séance. Durée de 10 à 20 minutes. 62,7 % de guérison. 112- gera: 13601/di/cg [TRAITEMENT COMBINE MTC-MO PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION DE LA PARALYSIE FACIALE PERIPHERIQUE, ANALYSE DE 600 CAS]. ACADEMY OF TCM. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:75 (eng). 113- gera: 13602/di/cg TREATEMENT OF PERIPHERAL FACIAL PARALYSIS WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION OBSERVATION OF 60 CASES (ABSTRACT). SHAO JINMING. advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing. 1980;:75 (eng). 114- gera: 13635/nd/re [USE OF HEAT PUNCTURE IN TREATING NEURITIS AND NEURALGIA OF THE TRIGEMINAL NERVE]. GUSEINOV BG ET AL. stomatologiia. 1980;59(6):42-4 (rus). 115- gera: 26459/di/co PROCEDE DE L'ACUPUNCTURE. X. institut de mtc de shanghai, shanghai. 1980;:54-94 (fra). 116- gera: 28961/nd/tt MANUAL DE USO DE LA MOXIBUSTION. CHAO CHANG CHENG. cabal,madrid. 1980;:64P (esp). 117- gera: 228/di/ra MALPOSITION FOETALE. ZHEN JIU XUE. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1981;78:303 (fra). Le traitement des malpositions foetales consiste à régulariser l'énergie du Méridien du Zu Shao Yin (Rn) par moxibustion du point 67V, 1 séance par jour jusqu'à ce que le foétus soit en position correcte. 118- gera: 319/di/ra [ETUDE CRITIQUE DE LA PRESCRIPTION DE L'ACUPUNCTURE ET DE LA MOXIBUSTION]. SUEN GUOJIEI. revue de mtc du yunnan. 1981;2(6):31 (chi). 119- gera: 387/di/ra [TRAITEMENT PAR MOXIBUSTION DE L'HYPERTENSION ET DES AFFECTIONS CARDIAQUES]. MAO SHAOQUN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1981;1(3):319 (chi*). 120- gera: 471/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF PRURITUS VULVAE BY ACUPUNCTURE AND FUMING MOXIBUSTION : A REPORT OF 111 CASES]. ZHOU DEXI. revue de mtc du yunnan. 1981;2(3):33-4 (chi*). This paper reports the acupuncture and fuming moxibustion in the treatment of pruritus valvae. Results : (1) Simple pruritus valvae : out of the 69 cases of this disease, 31 cases were recent cure (ni 44. 9%), 28 cases showed marked progress (40%), 10 cases were no effect (14%). (2) 19 cases of vaginomycosis; 7 cases were cure (36. 8%), 10 cases had a good result (52. 2%), only two cases were no effect. (3) Trichomonas vaginitis : a total of 20 patients were found that 5 cases were cure, 10 cases had a good result, 5 cases were no effect. (4) 3 cases of vulva vitiligo : one improved, 2 cases were no effect. The selection of points as Quchi (Chuchieh LI11), Shaofu (H8), Ligou (Likou Liv5), Sanyinjiao (Sanyinchiao Sp6), etc.. If the patient was suffered from leukorrhea, Qihai (Chihai Ren6) and Xuehai (Hsuehai Sp10) may be added. Retain needles for 15 minutes and then remove. Once every day, five times for a course. The fumigation has been taken with the powder of realgar, sulfur, alum, the root of Dahurian angelica, moxa, after acupuncture and fumed to the vagina once for 20 minutes. 121- gera: 478/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION DIRECTE SUR LE 67V DANS LES MALPOSITIONS FOETALES : ANALYSE DE 402 CAS]. LONYOUN DISTRICT FIRST HOSPITAL DEPARTM*. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1981;1(3):17 (chi*). 122- gera: 511/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DES CEPHALEES PAR FUMIGATION]. CHENG JUETANG. revue de mtc du yunnan. 1981;2(4):15 (chi). 123- gera: 536/di/ra [PARAPLEGIE SECONDAIRE A UNE MYELITE AIGUE TRAITEE PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION, RAPPORT DE 8 CAS]. CHEN WEICANG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1981;22(11):47 (eng). 124- gera: 604/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS SUR LES EFFETS DE LA MOXIBUSTION PURULENTE DANS 985 CAS D'ASTHME BRONCHIQUE]. GROUPE DE RECHERCHE SUR LA MOXIBUSTION *. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1981;1(1):15 (chi*). Sur 985 cas d'asthme bronchique traités par moxibustion purulente, 505 cas ont été guéris, 253 nettement améliorés, 172 améliorés, et 55 sans résultats. Le taux d'amélioration est de 94,4 %. Le meilleur moment pour la moxibustion est du jour "douce chaleur" à "rosée blanche" du calendrier lunaire. Une moxibustion est suffisante pour les patients au-dessous de 15 ans, les points utilisés étant 13V et 14VG. Généralement 3 moxibustions pour les adultes une par an, ou trois en deux ans. gera 2010 7 125- gera: 638/di/ra [EFFETS DE L'ACUPUNCTURE SUR 6O CAS DE SYNDROME CERVICAL]. SONG ZHONGJIAN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1981;1(2):12 (chi*). Le syndrome cervical est une affection dégénérative et chronique courante en clinique. Nous avons obtenu des meilleurs résultats à court terme en utilisant l'acupuncture associée à des exercices fonctionnels. Les points ont été choisis en fonction du trajet des méridiens et de la localisation de la maladie. La moxibustion a été ajoutée chez les malades avec des signes de vide et de froid. Nous avons adopté la stimulation moyenne. Pour les malades avec douleur sévère post-traumatique, nous avons utilisé la technique de dispersion avec forte stimulation, 3 séances par semaine et 10 séances pour un traitement. 35 % de guérison, 40 % de très nette amélioration, 20 % d'amélioration et 5 % d'échecs (taux d'efficacité de 95 %). 126- gera: 650/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR ARTHRALGIA USING DEFORMATIVE ARTHRALGIA OF THE KNEE AS OBJECT OF STUDY]. KUROSA Y. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1981;30(1):58 (jap*). It can be said that patients coming to the acupuncturemoxibustion clinic with complaints of arthralgia of the knee number second only to lumbago patients. The clinical reports on this subject are also numerous and generally speak of favorable results. In fact, although we call this problem arthralgia of the knee, the origin or underlyings diseases are various. At this time I performed a pilot experiment and compared results obtained with acupuncture and indirect moxibustion therapy administered to 20 cases each of deformative arthralgia of the knee, a disease which usually strikes after middle age. The treatment method involved stationary insertion of 1.3 TSUN No. 1 needles to a depth of 12 cm. for a period of 15 minutes. For indirect moxibustion I administered the garlic moxibustion methods I reported at the 24th Japan Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society Congress. Treatment points were selected from points of tenderness, induration or muscle tendon in the afflicted area. Results in the cases in which cure was obtained showed the number of acupuncture treatments averaged 8.3 and the number of moxibustion treatments 9.7 times. Also results compared from a patient questionnaire distributed after the 3rd treatment that is before the 4th treatment indicated in each of th 20 examples improvement in 18.11 cases in the acupuncture group and 17.17 cases in the moxibustion group. Thus there was no significant difference indicated between the two treatment groups. In both cases treatment could be considered similarly effective. 127- gera: 1091/rd/ra [ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION ET FREQUENCE CARDIAQUE]. SAKAMOTO T. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1981;30:36-43 (jap*). 128- gera: 1331/di/ra [VOLVULUS DE L'ESTOMAC TRAITES PAR ACUPUNCTURE : RAPPORT DE 9 CAS]. WAN YAO GUANG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1981;1(1):39 (eng). Les 9 cas sont répartis en trois formes cliniques différentes selon la MTC : 1) Stagnation du sang et de l'énergie (2 cas) : douleur épigastrique sévère, nausée, distension, éructation, plénitude ou masse à la palpation de l'épigastre, langue pourpre avec aspect écchymotique des bords, pouls hésitant ou lent et tendu. 2) Obstruction de l'estomac par la chaleur (5 cas) : distension ou douleur épigastrique, sécheresse des lèvres et de la langue, sensation de faim, nausée et vomissement après le repas, constipation, langue avec enduit jaune, pouls rapide et tendu. 3) Vide et Froid de la Rate et de l'Estomac (2 cas) : faciès jaunâtre, fatigue, recherche de la chaleur, douleur sourde de l'épigastre, anorexie, selles molles, langue pâle avec un enduit mince blanc, pouls profond et fin. Le traitement utilise dans tous les cas le 36E qui régularise le sang et l'énergie et dirige l'énergie de l'estomac vers le bas. Dans le cas de stagnation du sang et de l'énergie on utilise en plus Neiguan (6 MC) qui ouvre l'énergie de la poitrine et du diaphragme pour libérer l'estomac avec un effet analgésique et Geshu (17V) point de jonction de tous les flux sanguins dispersant ainsi la stase sanguine, et favorisant la circulation. Dans le cas d'obstruction de l'estomac par la chaleur on ajoute Neiting (44E) qui disperse la chaleur du Yang Ming du pied. Dans le cas de Vide et Froid de la Rate et de l'Estomac on utilise les points Zhongwan (12VC) Pishu (20V) et Weishu (21V) pour régulariser l'estomac et disperser le Froid. La moxibustion est uitlisée jusqu'à ce que le patient ressente une sécheresse de la bouche et de la gorge. La dispersion est utilisée dans tous les cas, une fois la sensation puncturale obtenue, l'aiguille est manipulée de façon continue 20 à 30 minutes. Une séance par jour jusqu'à disparition des signes. Guérison en une à sept séances pour les neuf cas. 129- gera: 1581/rd/ra [CHANGEMENT A L'EEG : IMPLICATIONS EMOTIONNELLES A LA MOXIBUSTION AU POINT GV 20]. SHICHIDO T. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1981;30(1):14 (jap*). 130- gera: 1588/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION POUR LE TRAITEMENT DE L'HYDROCEPHALIE : RAPPORT DE 30 CAS (75). HUANG SHENYUAN. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1981;78:292-3 (fra). 131- gera: 2076/di/ra TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXA DE LA PARALYSIE FACIALE, ETUDE DE 212 CAS (66). WEI YOUGEN. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1981;78:284 (fra). 212 cas qui présentaient les symptômes et les signes de paralysis faciale furent traités par acupuncture et moxas. En général, nous utilisons la méthode de régulation uniquement (stimulation modérée); mais après l'acupuncture, on ajoute pour ces malades la thermogénothérapie (moxibustion) dans les cas de Xuhan (« Vide-Froid » = pareeil 132- gera: 2079/di/ra TRAITEMENT DE LA PARALYSIE FACIALE PERIPHERIQUE PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION, OBSERVATION DE 60 CAS. SHAO JINMING. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1981;78:286-7 (fra). 133- gera: 2997/di/ra ACTIVATION OF THE DEFENCE SYSTEMS OF THE BODY IN ANIMALS AND MAN BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. ROGERS PAM ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1981;18:47-54 (eng). The peking (1979) Symposia on acupuncture and moxibustion contained more than 44 clinical or research papers related to the defence system of the body. Peripheral stimulation of certain acupuncture points had profound therapeutic effects in many conditions of man and experimental animals (dogs, rabbits, monkeys, mice, etc.). These conditions included poliomyelitis, viral hepatitis, acute bacillary dysentery and malaria; clinical and experimental inflammations (lymphangitis, post-operative inflammation, perforated ulcers, myocardial infarction and myositis, thromboangitis, erosion of the cervix uteri, periarthritis, ophtalmitis), soft tissue injury and haemorrhage, bronchial asthma, mammary hyperplasia, ascariasis, fever. Under experimental conditions, stimulation of certain points caused leucocytosis, increased phagocytosis, increase in specific and nonspecific antibody, including complement and the appearance of a bactericidal compound in plasma. The mechanism involved in the body's response to acupuncture include local and central-mediated reflex, activation of the neuro- endocrine system, the autonomic nervous system and defence-control centres in the hypothalamus. This new evidence adds to that presented from different sources and suggests that Western research into the therapeutic possibilities of peripheral stimulation should be intensified. 134- gera: 5779/di/re LA MOXIBUSTION EN MEDITERRANEE ET EXTREMEORIENT. GRMEK MD. clio medica. 1981;16(2-3):113-22 gera 2010 8 (fra). La moxibustion sino-japonaise fut introduite en Europe au XVIIème siècle par des négociants hollandais et des diplomates anglais, miraculeusement soulagés lors de crises de goutte aiguë. Par la suite des chirurgiens connus et intrépides (Pouteau, Larrey...) firent la renommée de la moxibustion européenne jusqu'au XIXème siècle. Mais ces praticiens n'ont pas fait le rapprochement avec l'acupuncture. Ils n'ont pu prendre conscience de l'originalité et de la spécifité de la moxibustion chinoise. Pour eux, elle n'était que la résurgence, le nom japonais d'une ancienne méthode thérapeutique méditerranéenne. En effet, on retrouve des procédés de cautérisation par combustion de substances végétales (lin, coton, mousse...) en médecine populaire égyptienne et dans les textes hippocratiques. On a ainsi pu prétendre que cautérisation occidentale et moxibustion orientale avaient une origine commune dans la haute antiquité égyptienne. En fait aucune mention n'est retrouvée dans les papyrus médicaux et les procédés populaires égyptiens dérivent plus d'une tradition gréco-arabe que pharaonique. Les procédés méditerranéens et extrême-orientaux présentent seulement une parenté superficielle, on ne peut établir un lien générique. Un tel rapprochement est injustifié (à part l'usage commun du feu par la médecine préhistorique eurasienne), car les deux procédés divergent en ce qui concerne la doctrine médicale sous-jacente, les produits végétaux utilisés, les modalités techniques et surtout la disposition anatomique des points d'applications. 135- gera: 5780/di/tt THE PRINCIPLES AND PRATICE OF MOXIBUSTION. TURNER RN ET LOW RH. thorsons publishers,wellingborough. 1981;:94P (eng). 136- gera: 5781/di/me LES ZONES DE SCARIFICATION ET DE SAIGNEES EN MEDECINE TRADITIONNELLE MAURITANIENNE ET LEUR RELATIONS AVEC LES POINTS D'ACUPUNCTURE]. AYACH JP. memoire d'acupuncture,afera,nimes. 1981;:22 (fra). 137- gera: 5782/rd/ra [CHANGEMENT A L'EEG, "IMPLICATIONS EMOTIONNELLES" A LA MOXIBUSTION AU POINT 20VG]. SCHICHIDO T. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1981;30(1):14 (jap*). 138- gera: 5928/di/ra [UTILISATION DES RAYONS INFRAROUGE AU NIVEAU DES POINTS AURICULAIRES (résumé)]. CHIANG RT. acupuncture research quarterly. 1981;17:23-4 (eng). La puncture des points de l'oreille est douloureuse d'où l'intérêt de l'utilisation de rayons infrarouges sur les points sensibles de l'oreille. Traitement de 65 patients, 3 séances par semaines, au total 10 séances. Dans 78 % les zones sensibles de l'oreille disparaissent. 139- gera: 12295/di/ra [QUELQUES EFFETS HEMATOLOGIQUES DE LA MOXIBUSTION SUR LE COBAYE IRRADIE AUX RAYONS X]. HAU DM. acupuncture research quarterly. 1981;17:7-8 (eng). 142- gera: 20/di/ra ETUDE SUR L'ORIGINE ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE L'ACUPUNCTURE ET DE LA MOXIBUSTION CHINOISE. WANG XUETAI. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1982;88:708 (fra). 143- gera: 38/di/ra [RECHERCHES SUR LA MOXIBUSTION CHINOISE ANTIQUE]. WANG XUETAI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;2(1):1 (chi*). L'auteur a étudié la moxibustion antique chinoise dans la littérature pour susciter plus d'intérêt dans le milieu médical dans la recherche sur la moxibustion. Les origines de la moxibustion remontent à la période de la société primitive. Selon le Zuozhuan ("commentaire sur les annales du printemps et de l'automne"), la moxibustion a été utilisée pour traiter des maladies en 581 Av.J.-C. La moxibustion à l'époque antique utilisait les moxas, les moxas avec des herbes chinoises, la moxibustion avec le soufre, avec des feuilles de cannabis, des branches de pêcher... Le nombre de moxas appliqués était variable, le nombre le plus habituel était de 3 à 5 cones. 144- gera: 94/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS CLINIQUES SUR LA TRIPLE COMBINAISON ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTIONPHYTOTHERAPIE DANS LE TRAITEMENT DU CANCER DE *]. ZHU RUGONG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;2(4):22 (chi*). Acupuncture et moxibustion sont utilisées pour renforcer l'énergie vitale et disperser les facteurs pathogènes. Les plantes médicinales sont utilisées pour renforcer les fonctions immunologiques de l'organisme, inhiber le développement des cellules cancéreuses et prolonger la survie des patients. Un effet positif est observé chez 12 patients (60 %), aucun effet n'est observé chez 8 patients (40 %). 145- gera: 186/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION DU POINT TANZHONG ET MASSAGE DU POINT TIANZONG DANS 47 CAS DE MASTITE AIGUE]. XIONG XINAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1982;2(2):109 (eng). Le traitement comporte : 1) Moxibustion indirecte à l'ail au 17VC, 5 à 6 cônes. 2) Massage du point 11IG, 2 séances par jours. 43 guérisons, 3 améliorations nettes et 1 amélioration. 146- gera: 812/di/ra [RECHERCHES SUR LE PSC PAR MOXIBUSTION]. ZHOU MEISHENG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;2(3):20 (chi*). Analyse des effets de la moxibustion sur le PSC dans 856 cas étudiés depuis 20 ans. 754 hommes et 102 femmes, tous ces patients sont coopérants. La méthode est le bâton de moxa tenu à la main ; 85 % perçoivent le PSC. De tous les éléments qui influent sur le PSC le plus important est la nature de la maladie. Plus sévère est la maladie, plus haute est la fréquence d'apparition du PSC. 147- gera: 911/di/ra [RELATION ENTRE LE "QI" ET LE TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION DANS LA MTC]. XIAO MUSEN. revue de mtc du yunnan. 1982;3(5):32 (chi). 140- gera: 18409/di/ra SOME HEMATOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE RAY IRRADIATED MICE (abstract). WU CC ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1981;17:22-3 (eng). Etude sur 144 souris réparties en 3 groupes : (A) contrôle, (B) irradiation 500 rads, (C) irradiation suivie de moxibustion au niveau des points 22V, 25V, 26V et 28V. La moxibustion permet une normalisation du nombre d'erythrocytes, leucocytes, lymphocytes et monocytes. (voir article complet ref. GERA [12304]). 148- gera: 950/di/ra [EFFETS DE LA FLEUR DE PRUNIER DANS LE STRABISME, RAPPORT DE 103 CAS]. ZHONG MEIQUAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1982;23(3):45 (eng). 141- gera: 28794/nd/tt BRENNEN MIT MOXAKRAUT. EN : DER AKABANTEST ALS THERMISCHES DIAGNOSTIKUM. BRODDE A. wbv. 1981;:118P (deu). 150- gera: 962/di/ra [RECHERCHES SUR LA MOXIBUSTION CHINOISE ANTIQUE (SUITE)]. WANG XUETAI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;2(2):38 (chi*). Cet article traite de la moxibustion indirecte consistant en 149- gera: 959/di/ra METHODE DE THERMOGENOTHERAPIE DANS LES URGENCES. GOURION A ET AL. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1982;93:907-17 (fra). gera 2010 9 l'interposition de plantes entre le cône de moxa et le point. Cette méthode est largement utilisée en médecine interne, chirurgie, gynécologie et pédiatrie. 37 types de moxibustions indirectes sont mentionnées : au gingembre dans les céphalées, à l'ail dans les douleurs et inflammations, oignon dans les douleurs abdominales, racine de Kansui (Radix Euphorbiae Kansui) dans l'anurie, et pâte d'Aconitum Variagatum pour la cicatrisation des plaies (à suivre). 151- gera: 963/di/ra [RECHERCHES SUR LA MOXIBUSTION CHINOISE ANTIQUE (suite)]. WANG XUETAI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;2(3):35 (chi*). 152- gera: 964/di/ra [CHEN YANZHI, PIONNIER DE LA MOXIBUSTION]. WEI JIA. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;2(3):41 (chi*). Recherches sur Chen Yanzhi, médecin des dynasties Jin et Shui. Il a écrit le Xiao Ping Fang qui décrit de façon détaillée la moxibustion. Mais ce livre a été perdu en 1063. On peut seulement en lire des fragments dans le Qiang Jing Fang, Wai Tai Mi Yao, Yi Xing Fang. Près de trente prescriptions de la moxibustion sont décrites notamment pour l'hydrophobie, la perte d'urine, l'énurésie, les maladies vénériennes, le choléra. 153- gera: 965/di/ra [UTILISATION DES INFRA-ROUGES SUR LES POINTS D'ACUPUNCTURE]. SCHELEBUSCH. akupunktur. 1982;2:214 (deu). 154- gera: 966/di/ra TRAITEMENT DE L'ASTHME PAR STIMULATION INFRAROUGE (REGULATOR) DES POINTS D'ACUPUNCTURE. JAVELLE. etudes. 1982;14:20 (fra). L'auteur envisage les dyspnées dans le cadre strict de la médecine traditionnelle et dégage quatre tableaux par plénitude et quatre tableaux par vide. Les tableaux par plénitude se rencontrent essentiellement dans les atteintes par énergie perverse climatique et dans les troubles de l'hygiène diététique. Ils concernent les attein-tes de type vent-froid, ventchaleur, humidité-chaleur, feu-sécheresse du poumon. A chacun de ces tableaux sont rattachés quelques éléments séméiologiques et quelques exemples diététiques. Les tableaux de vide concernent des maladies plus difficiles à guérir, plus chroniques, et considérées même comme graves en Oc-cident, telles que emphysème, tuberculose pulmonaire, dyspnée cardiaque, etc. L'auteur reconnaît quatre tableaux par vide : une insuffisance de Yin des Poumon, une insuffisance des fonctions Yin et Yang des Reins, une insuffisance des fonctions Yang du Coeur. Le traitement étant plus difficile sur le plan de l'acupuncture et de la phytothérapie, là est tout l'intérêt d'une bonne hygiène alimentaire, dont quelques exemples sont proposés. 155- gera: 970/di/ra [BREVE INTRODUCTION SUR LA MOXIBUSTION POPULAIRE A LA LAMPE A FEU]. ZHAN YONGKANG. journal of new chinese medicine. 1982;14(6):26 (chi). 156- gera: 972/di/ra OBSERVATIONS CLINIQUES SUR LE TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURO-MOXIBUSTION. ACADEMIE DE MTC. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1982;88:707 (fra). 157- gera: 973/di/ra PREVENTION DES MALADIES PAR LA MOXIBUSTION. WEXU M. mtc et acupuncture. 1982;5(3):20 (fra). 158- gera: 1165/di/ra ETUDE PRELIMINAIRE SUR LE TRAITEMENT PAR MOXIBUSTION DE LA THROMBO-ANGEITE OBLITERANTE, ANALYSE DE 58 CAS. PEN HOURONG ET AL. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1982;88:701 (fra). 159- gera: 1170/di/ra OBSERVATIONS CLINIQUES SUR 138 CAS DE LYMPHANGITES AIGUES TRAITEES PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION. HOPITAL DE MTC DE GANSU. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1982;88:701 (fra). 160- gera: 1192/di/ra CONCEPTION GENERALE ET TRAITEMENT DES AFFECTIONS DERMATOLOGIQUES EN ACUPUNCTURE. REQUENA Y. revue francaise de mtc. 1982;95:31 (fra). Les maladies dermatologiques font partie des maladies du sang en acupuncture, et se distinguent en chaleur du sang et vide du sang. Les facteurs de terrain et de sensibilité conditionnent la pénétration d'énergies perverses, à l'origine des lésions. Ces mécanismes sont énoncés dans cet article, ainsi que le traitement logique, général et local. Le traitement général consiste à dériver l'énergie perverse, à s'occuper du poumon, à régulariser les fonctions, à traiter le sang et à combattre les froids-et-chauds cutanés. Le traitement local use de la décongestion par saignée, et de la cautérisation, adaptées à l'étiologie. 161- gera: 1401/di/ra LA INFLUENCIA DE LA MOXIBUSTION EN EL DANO HEPATICO CAUSADO POR LA ADMINISTRACION DE TETRACLORURO DE CARBONO EN RATAS. MATSUYAMA Y ET AL. revista uruguaya de acupuntura. 1982;23:36-7 (esp). 162- gera: 1624/di/ra [EFFETS THERAPEUTIQUES DE L'ACUPUNCTURE DANS 94 CAS DE SEQUELLES D'ACCIDENT VASCULAIRE CEREBRAL]. HUBEI MEDICAL COLLEGE. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;2(5):11 (chi*). 80,85 % de résultats positifs. Le traitement doit être entrepris dès la phase aiguë passée. l'amélioration clinique s'observe jusqu'au 3ème mois tant pour l'acupuncture somatique que la craniopuncture. Pour l'acupuncture somatique utiliser les points des 3 Yang de la main et du pied, les points du Yang Ming constituant les points principaux. 12 séances constituent un traitement. 163- gera: 1639/di/ra [EFFETS SUR LE FIBRINOGENE PLASMATIQUE ET LA FIBRINOPENIE DE L'APPLICATION DE LA MOXIBUSTION AU POINT ZUSANLI]. JIANG YOUGUANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;2(6):33 (chi*). Le fibrinogène est étudié chez 47 patients avec hypertension associée à une thrombose cérébrale durant la période de convalescence. Le taux est supérieur de 39 % aux sujets normaux indiquant une coagulabilité accrue. Après application de la moxibustion au point Zusanli (10 séances 2 à 3 fois par semaine) la coagulabilité a diminué montrant que la moxibustion du 36E a un effet protecteur contre la thrombose cérébrale. 164- gera: 1667/di/ra [40 CAS DE TRAUMATISME DU NERF PERONIER TRAITES PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION]. XIE LINYUAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1982;23(9):43 (eng). 165- gera: 1972/di/ra OBSERVACIONES CLINICAS DE LA ACUPUNTURA Y MOXIBUSTION EN LOS DESORDENES DE DISCRIMINACION DE COLORES. MICHIYOSHI BABA ET AL. revista uruguaya de acupuntura. 1982;24:24-8 (esp). 166- gera: 2074/di/ra [PARALYSIE FACIALE PERIPHERIQUE TRAITEE PAR MOXIBUSTION DU MEAT ACOUSTIQUE EXTERNE A L'AIDE D'UN TUYAU]. LI ZHIMING ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1982;23(12):47 (eng). 167- gera: 2226/di/ra [EFFETS THERAPEUTIQUES DES MASSAGES DANS 100 CAS DE DOULEUR DE L'EPAULE, LUMBAGO ET DOULEUR DE LA JAMBE]. GONG JINDE. journal of new chinese medicine. 1982;14(9):36 (chi). 168- gera: 2230/rd/ra [TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE EN SERVICE DE CHIRURGIE ORTHOPEDIQUE]. MARUYAMA T. journal of gera 2010 10 the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;33(3):252 (jap*). Traitement de 118 cas d'algies (lumbago, sciatique, hernie discale, PSH...) par électro-acupuncture et 169- gera: 2432/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS CLINIQUES SUR LE TRAITEMENT DE L'EPAULE DOULOUREUSE]. SHI HUAITANG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;2(4):20 (chi*). Le traitement fonction des formes cliniques de la MTC permet de faire passer le taux d'efficacité de 82 % à 100 % et utilise les points 10TR, 21VB, 14TR. Aiguille courbe pour la dispersion, aiguille chaude pour les syndromes froids. Fleur de prunier sur les régions cervicales, thoraciques, sur les méridiens de la main et les points importants en cas de syndrome externe. 170- gera: 2434/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE 80 CAS DE PSH PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION AU POINT SHOUSANLI]. CHEN NASU. journal of new chinese medicine. 1982;14(10):27 (chi). traduction GERA disponible. 171- gera: 2479/di/ra A RANDOMIZED TRIAL TO EVALUATE THE EFFECT OF INFRA-RED STIMULATION OF LOCAL TRIGGER POINTS VERSUS PLACEBO, ON THE PAIN CAUSED BY CERVICAL OSTEOARTHRITIS. LEWITH GT ET AL. acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research. 1982;6(4):277-284 (eng). Claims have been made that local heat is particularly useful in treating osteoarthritic pain. This randomised trial evaluates the short term efficacy of local heat, on the pain caused by cervical osteoarthritis. Two treatment groups were compared, one receiving mock TNS and the other heat from an infra-red gun (the IRS Medtec 100). Both the placebo and treatment groups received treatment on local tender trigger points. Each patient received four treatments. Pain was assessed before entry into the trial and after the completion of treatment; the parameters used for assessing pain were, analgesic intake, sleep disturbance due to pain and subjective pain score. Twenty-six patients were entered into the trial, twenty-five completed treatment. In the group receiving treatment ffrom the infra-red gun (IRS Medtec 100) 75% obtained significant pain relief. In the group receiving mock TNS 31% obtained significant pain relief. A chi-sqquared test comparing these two groups gives a P value of 0.07. 172- gera: 2554/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DU PIED BOT CONGENITAL PAR MOXIBUSTION AU VIN]. GAO ZHONGWU. journal of new chinese medicine. 1982;14(5):35 (chi). 173- gera: 2737/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DU CHOC PAR ACUPUNCTURE : REVUE GENERALE]. WEI BEIHAI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;2(6):43 (chi*). Revue de près de 600 cas de choc traités par acupuncture. Ces dernières années, les techniques de traitement se sont beaucoup développées. L'acupuncture améliore les conditions pathologiques et crée des conditions favorables pour d'autres thérapeutiques. Les principes sont : restaurer le Yang et tonifier le Qi en réduisant le Yin. Les méthodes utilisées sont la somatopuncture, l'auriculopuncture, la chimiopuncture et la moxibustion. 174- gera: 2948/nd/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON PHAGOCYTIC ACTIVITY IN MICE. II. A CHANGE OF LYSOSOMAL ENZYME ACTIVITY OF PERITONEAL EXUDATE CELLS AND PERITONEAL MACROPHAGE AFTER SINGLE MOXIBUSTION.]. FURUYA E ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;32(2):1-8 (jap*). In our previous studies it was suggested that single moxibustion stimulation induced the enhancement of the phagocytic activity in mice. In order to examine the cause of the effect of moxibustion, we examined the activities of two lysosomal enzymes (acid phosphatase: acid-P, and ßglucuronidase: beta-GI) in the peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) and peritoneal macrophage (Mp), and the morphological change of these cells by the Giemsa stain after single moxibustion. Male ddY and ICR mice (5-6 weeks old) were used as experimental animals. Fifteen mg. of moxa was divided into six cones and they were treated each with three cones at LV-14, bilaterally. As a result, an increase of acid-P activity in PEC of ddY mice was found at 3 and 24 hrs. after single moxibustion treatment. On the other hand, acid-P activity of PEC decreased at 3 hrs, despite a numerical increase of PEC in ICR mouse. These valued did not change at 120 hrs after single moxibustion in ICR mice. But beta-GI activity in the peritoneal MP was increased 120 hrs after single moxibustion. Morphologically, there were somewhat enlarged and more mild spreading cells in peritoneal Mps from ICR mice 120 hrs after moxibustion than in untreated mice, that is, lysosomal enzyme activities in PEC and peritoneal Mp increased when phagocytic indexes were higher from moxibustion stimulation in mice. The results suggest that one of the causes of the enhancement of phagocytic activity in the reticulo-endothelial system after single moxibustion was the increase of lysosomal enzyme activities in the phagocytic cells. 175- gera: 2949/rd/ra [EEFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE PHAGOCYTIC ACTIVITY IN MICE. III. INFLUENCE OF MULTIPLE MOXIBUSTION]. OKAZAKI ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;32(2):9-16 (jap*). The effect of multiple moxibustion on the phagocytic activity of the reticulo endothelial system in normal mice has been studied by using the carbon clearance methods. simultaneously, the effect of multiple moxibustion on the lysosomal enzyme activities (acid phosphatase : acid-P and ßglucuronidase: ß-GL) of the peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) and the peritoneal Mp has been also observed by the Giemsa stain and NBT reaction with light microscopy. Male ddY and ICR mice (5 weeks Old) were used as experimental animals. Fifteen mg of moxa was divided into 6 cones and they were treated each by 3 cones bilaterally at LV-14. The experimental schedules of multiple moxibustion were five times of treatment every other day, 15 times one of every other day and 1 5 times one of twice a week. In 5 times moxibustion every other day, the mild increase of phagocytic activity in ddY mice, the decrease in number of the peritoneal Mps and the mild increase of lysosomal enzyme activity of PEC and peritoneal Bps in ICR mice were apparent In 15 times of moxibustion every other day, the increase of lysosomal enzyme activity of PEC was recognized without the phagocytic activity in ICR mice. In 1 5 times of moxibustion twice a week, the K index (phagocytic index), ß-GL activity of PEC and acid-P activity of peritoneal Mp were significantly increased in ddY mice. The mild increase of ß-GL activity in PEC, the decrease in number of peritoneal Mp and the mild increase of lysosomal enzyme activity in peritoneal Mp were recognized. There were no differences between cell types, cell morphology in PEC and peritoneal Mp between the untreated and mice treated with multiple moxibustion. These results indicate that multiple moxibustion does not always induce enhancement of phagocytic activity because of the general adaptation syndromes. However, the effect of multiple moxibustion on lysosomal enzyme activity suggests that these treatment induce an intrinsic enhacement of activity in the host's defense system. 176- gera: 2965/di/ra [EFFETS DE LA MOXIBUSTION SUR LES FONCTIONS DE QUELQUES ORGANES HEMATOPOIETIQUES CHEZ LA SOURIS]. HAU DM. acupuncture research quarterly. 1982;21:11-21 (eng). 177- gera: 3063/di/ra [INFLUENCE DE LA MOXIBUSTION SUR L'IMMUNITE CELLULAIRE DE L'HOMME]. GUI JINSHUI ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1982;2:49 (chi). 178- gera: 3155/di/ra PREVENTIVE GERIATRICS : AN OVERVIEW FROM TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE. ZHUO DA-HONG. gera 2010 11 american journal of chinese medicine. 1982;10(1-4):32-39 (eng). The phylosophical tradition of Chinese geriatrics contains a strong preventive element closely tied to the concept of a balanced man-nature relationship and body-mind relationship. It has been emphasized that a sound mind in a sound body is essential to longevity. Moderation in physical and emotional activities is encouraged. There have been a number of approaches to longevity in traditional Chinese medicine. The preventive value of Tai Chi Chuan (a gentle spiritual exercise). Chi Kung (a combination of breathing exercise, relaxation and meditation), acupressure and moxibustion on the point of Chu San Li, and tonic herbal medicines like ginseng is discussed in this article. These are regarded to be helpful in improving the general health of the elderly and in promoting 179- gera: 4459/di/ra [ETUDE SUR LE TRAITEMENT PAR MOXIBUSTION DU POINT 12VC (JUNG WAN)]. SAE BUNG OH. rivista italiana di medicina orientale. 1982;3(3):27 (ita*). 180- gera: 5785/di/ra ETUDE CLINIQUE SUR LA PREVENTION ET LE TRAITEMENT DE L'HTA PAR LA MOXIBUSTION. CHEN DAIZONG ET AL. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1982;88:693 (fra). 181- gera: 5787/di/ra TRAITEMENT DE L'ASTHME PAR MOXIBUSTION PURULENTE. YEN HUA. mensuel du medecin acupuncteur. 1982;88:694 (fra). 182- gera: 5788/di/ra [EFFET THERAPEUTIQUE DE LA MOXIBUSTION PURULENTE DANS 182 CAS D'ASTHME]. LI ZHIMING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1982;3(5):13 (chi*). Un cône d'armoise de la grosseur d'un pois est placé sur le point imbibé de jus de gingembre. On laisse consumer le cône jusqu'à la moitié, puis on le remplace, 5 à 7 cônes. Le pus apparaît 7 à 15 jours après moxibustion. Utiliser les points 14VG, 13V, 43V. Sur 182 cas un effet positif à court et à moyen terme est observé dans 76,9 % à long terme (50 cas à 3 ans) 70 %. 183- gera: 5789/di/ra [INFLUENCE DE LA MOXIBUSTION SUR L'IMMUNITE CELLULAIRE DE L'HOMME]. GUI JINSHUI ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1982;2:49 (chi). 184- gera: 11018/rd/ra [EFFETS DE L'ACUPUNCTURE ET DE LA MOXIBUSTION SUR LES MALADIES HEPATIQUES CHRONIQUES]. IGARI ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1982;32(2):34-9 (jap*). Suivi de 8 patients atteints de maladies hépatiques chroniques sur 1 an avec traitement par acupuncture associé à des plantes. Le traitement comporte deux séances par semaine : 14F droit, 3F, 20V, 17V, 6Rte, 36E, 9VG et 13VC. On observe une amélioration subjective des symptômes et une amélioration des GOT, GPT et gamma 185- gera: 12299/di/ra [EFFETS DE LA MOXIBUSTION SUR L'ACTIVITE DES PHOSPHATASES ACIDES ET ALCALINES DANS LES ORGANES LEUCOPOIETIQUES DE LA SOURIS]. JING CHONG WU ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1982;24:111-21 (eng). 186- gera: 18576/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR LOWER LIMB PROBLEMS. JOWER GW. american journal of acupuncture. 1982;9(2):139-46 (eng). 187- gera: 19265/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION DOUCE DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE 55 CAS DE DIARRHEE INFANTILE]. WU LANYI. shanghai journal of tcm. 1982;6:17 (chi). 188- gera: 1504/di/ra [25 CAS DE THROMBOCYTOPENIE TRAITES PAR MOXIBUSTION DU 3VG ET DES BALIAO]. XU MEIXUN. journal of new chinese medicine. 1983;15(1):34 (chi). 189- gera: 1668/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE 90 CAS DE PARALYSIE PAR FLEUR DE PRUNIER, VENTOUSE ET MOXIBUSTION]. YAN CHANYING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;3(1):11 (chi*). Les ventouses avec saignée des veines superficielles sont utilisées. Le traitement est très efficace dans le traitement des paralysies (98,9 %). Méthode : un ou deux points sont utilisés en dessus ou en dessous de la douleur en fonction des méridiens. Faire saigner la zone avec une fleur de prunier, appliquer une ventouse et laisser en place 5-10 minutes. Une séance tous les deux jours, 5 séances constituent un traitement. 5 jours entre 190- gera: 2144/di/ra [TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION DE L'ASTHME BRONCHIQUE A L'ETRANGER]. LI FUFENG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;3(3):40 (chi*). Revue générale sur le traitement de l'asthme à l'étranger. L'acupuncture entraîne une amélioration des symptômes mais également une amélioration des fonctions respiratoires et immunitaires. 191- gera: 2235/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DU COU ET DE L'EPAULE DOULOUREUSE PAR ACUPUNCTURE ELECTRIQUE ET THERMIQUE]. SIN YM. american journal of acupuncture. 1983;11(1):15-22 (eng). Avant le traitement une étude des points douloureux est faite, 2 points sont utilisés à chaque séances, 4 en cas de douleur bilatérale. L'utilisation sur les points douloureux de l'association acupuncture électrique + moxibustion se révèle extrêmement efficace. 192- gera: 2850/di/ra EFFECT OF ELECTRIC ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON PHAGOCYTIC ACTIVITY OF THE RETICULO- ENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM OF MICE. SIN YOKE MIN. american journal of acupuncture. 1983;11(3):237-41 (eng). A body surface point in mice corresponding to the site of acupuncture point Du14 (GV14) of man, was subjected to either electric acupuncture or thermal stimulation (moxibustion). The mice were treated once a day for 7 consecutive days. They were then injected with colloidal carbon in order to assess the effectiveness of phagocytic activity of their reticulo-endothelial system as compared to the control animals. The results showed that the treated animals exhibited significantly (P < 0.0005) higher phagocytic activity than controls. It was also found that the splenic white blood cells, rather than the serum, were responsible for the enhancement of their phagocytic activity as shown in the passive transfer of splenic cells from treated animals into normal untreated animals. Results of this experiment suggest that acupuncture or moxibustion could effectively enhance phagocytic activity of the reticulo193- gera: 2886/di/ra ELECTRO-ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENTS FOR NECK AND SHOULDER PAIN(abstract). SIN YOKEMIN. acupuncture research quarterly. 1983;25:24 (eng). 194- gera: 2931/di/me L'URTICAIRE. ELSAIR M. memoire d'acupuncture,cedat,marseille. 1983;79:18P (fra). Nous pouvons constater d'après ce tableau récapitulatif que les points les plus souvent employés dans l'urticaire sont : 4GI, 11GI, 6Rte, 10Rte, 36E, action d'activation de la circulation énergético-sanguine et de lutte contre l'humidité ; 10TR, ce point élimine la chaleur toxique ; 62V,12V, 40V, ces points sont utilisés pour les problèmes dermatologiques, surtout le 40V ; auxquels s'associent des techniques de saignée, de gera 2010 12 cautérisation, d'utilisation d'aiguilles longues, de mobilisation, selon le type d'urticaire vent-humidité-froid ou vent-chaleur présenté. LA FONTION IMMUNITAIRE DE L'HOMME]. GUI JINSHUI ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;4:21 (chi). 195- gera: 3072/di/ra EFFECTS OF SINGLE MOXIBUSTION ON PHAGOCYTIC ACTIVITY IN MICE. MASAKO OKASAKI ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1983;11(1-4):112-22 (eng). Effects of moxibustion stimulation on the phagocytic activity of the reticuloendothelial system in ddY and ICR mice has been studied by using the carbon clearance methods. It was found that moxibustion stimulation induced the enhancement of the phagocytic activity with increased phagocytic indexes (K and Alpha indexes) and lysosomal enzyme activities in mice peritoneal exudate cells and peritoneal macrophages. In addition, the increase of carbon uptake in the Kupffer cells of the liver after carbon injection can be seen by light microscopy when compared with that of non treated mice. Few big holes on the cell surface of the macrophages obtained from the moxibustion mice were observed in scanning electron microscopical studies. These results suggest that the moxibustion treatment caused the enhancement of the host 205- gera: 5799/di/ra [EVALUATION DE LA QUALITE DES MOXAS]. TSUNOE NAMBA ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1983;25:19-20 (eng). Il n'y a pas de standard précis d'évaluation de la qualité des moxas, de même qu'on ne connaît pas exactement l'influence de la qualité des moxas sur l'effet thérapeutique. L'auteur propose une recherche sur la forme des brins et le taux de Mg et K, de même que l'analyse des huiles essentielles. 196- gera: 3074/di/ra [KINFLUENCE DE DIVERS TYPES DE MOXIBUSTION SUR LA FONCTION IMMUNITAIRE DE L'HOMME]. GUI JINSHUI ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;4:21 (chi). 197- gera: 3562/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION ET MASSAGES EN AUTRICHE]. WENG CHIAYING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;3(1):48 (chi*). 198- gera: 5791/nd/cg UTILISATION DES AIGUILLES CHAUDES DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE L'ARTHROSE. BANOS A. 2eme seminaire de la saa,bordeaux. 1983;67-72: (fra). 199- gera: 5792/di/ra [RECHERCHES SUR L'HISTOIRE DE LA MOXIBUSTION]. SAO HONG. journal of new chinese medicine. 1983;15(4):36 (chi). 200- gera: 5793/di/ra [STIMULATION INFRA-ROUGE (PSEUDO-MOXIBUSTION)]. LIERTZER H. acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research. 1983;8(1):90 (eng). 201- gera: 5794/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS SUR 393 CAS TRAITES PAR MOXIBUSTION INDIRECTE]. QIN LIANFU ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;2:36 (chi). 202- gera: 5795/di/ra LA MOXIBUSTION. LAURENT PH. acupuncture energetique et tradition chinoise. 1983;2:20-36 (fra). Acupuncture et moxibustion sont depuis toujours intimement liées. L'auteur, après un historique démontre les effets des moxas, leurs applications et différentes techniques couramment utilisées et conclut par quelques 203- gera: 5796/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS SUR 170 CAS DE PARALYSIE FACIALE PERIPHERIQUE TRAITES PAR MOXIBUSTION SUR AIGUILLE]. LI ZHIMING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;3(5):9 (chi*). 170 cases of peripheral facial paralysis were treated by acupuncture with ignited moxa at the needle handle. The curative rate was 75.88% and the total effective rate was 98.82%. The shorter the course of the disease, the higher the therapeutic effect. Those without loss of innervation achieved high effects. Points to be selected: Xiaguan, Jiache, Dicang, Taiyang, Quanliso, Sibai, Zanzhu, and Fengchi,etc. were selected as the main points with the even-movement. 12 treatments constitute one course. 204- gera: 5798/di/ra [INFLUENCE DE DIVERS TYPES DE MOXIBUSTION SUR 206- gera: 6598/rd/ra [EVALUATION DES INDICATIONS DE L'ACUPUNCTURE DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE LA DOULEUR CANCEREUSE]. KAMEI ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;33(1):25-32 (jap*). Sur 434 cas l'acupuncture a été utilisée dans 157 cas (36 %). Après application de divers types d'acupuncturo- moxibustion, une amélioration nette est observée dans 14 à 26 % des cas. L'acupuncture est plus efficace après intervention radicale que dans les cas inopérables avec métastases. 10 cas (6 %) sont aggravés après 207- gera: 9420/di/ra [RECHERCHE SUR LES REGLES CLINIQUES ET LES PRINCIPES DE CORRECTION DES PRESENTATIONS FOETALES ANORMALES PAR MOXIBUSTION AU POINT 67V]. COOPERATIVE GROUP OF STUDYING MOXIBUSTION*. acupuncture research. 1983;8(3):172 (chi*). [Traduction française gera disponible]. 1) Etude de 482 cas de présentation du siège entre la 28ème et 32ème semaine. Randomisation en deux groupes : moxibustion ou contrôle. Traitement ou observation pendant 7 jours : on observe 77,04 % de version sous moxibustion, contre 51,68 % de version spontanée dans le groupe de contrôle. 2) On observe un retour à une présentation du siège dans 14 % des cas sous moxibustion et 20 % dans le groupe de contrôle (pas de différence significative). 3) Dans le groupe de contrôle les retours à une présentation du siège réagissent à la moxibustion dans 12 cas sur 14. Dans 49 cas sur 50 la moxibustion appliquée aux patientes avec persistance du siège permet la version. Ceci démontre que la moxibustion au 67V 208- gera: 9449/di/re EFFECTS OF DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE AND ACUPUNCTURE ON THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM OF DOGS. CLIFFORD DH ET AL. ann ny acad sci. 1983;411:84-93 (eng). DMSO et acupuncture (moxibustion au 26VG) ont un effet analgésique et stimulant sur les fonctions cardio- vasculaires comme le montre l'élévation du débit cardiaque. 209- gera: 11776/di/ra [EFFETS DE L'ACUPUNCTURE ET LA MOXIBUSTION SUR LA GASTRITE CHRONIQUE. OBSERVATIONS DE 86 CAS]. TIAN CONGHUO. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1983;24(6):45 (eng). 210- gera: 11794/di/ra [PROGRES RECENTS DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE LA GASTROPTOSE PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION]. PENG RONGSHEN. journal of new chinese medicine. 1983;15(10):34 (chi). 211- gera: 12315/di/ra EFECTOS DE LA MOXIBUSTION EN LA FUNCION DE ALGUNOS ORGANOS LEUCOCITOPOYETICOS EN RATONES. DOU MONGHAU. revista uruguaya de acupuntura. 1983;26:12-9 (esp). Etude des effets de la moxibustion sur la biosynthése d'ADN et ARN dans la moëlle osseuse, le thymus et la rate chez le rat après irradiation aux rayons gamma (500 rads). 150 rats sont divisés en trois groupes : groupe A, contrôle, groupe B exposition au rayonnement, groupe C traitement par gera 2010 13 moxibustion après exposition au rayonnement. La biosynthése d'ARN et ADN est évaluée par determination de l'incorporation de radio-isotopes. L'irradiation a un effet inhibiteur significatif sur la biosynthèse. La moxibustion accroît de façon significative la 212- gera: 12787/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE 40 CAS DE PARALYSIE DU NERF PERONIER COMMUN PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION]. XIE LINYAN. journal of tcm. 1983;3(3):2336 (eng). Les citations du suwen, du linzheng zhinan yian et du neijing montrent que les atrophies sont dues au yang ming, au foie, et au reins. Le traitement comporte 36E qui renforce le sang et l'énergie du yang ming, 3F qui renforce sang et énergie du foie et 3Rn les reins. 41E et 5Rte guérisssent le steppage. Tonification de 36E et 3Rn, dispersion de 3F, 41E et 5Rte. Aiguille en place 30 minutes avec manipulation intermittente. Puis 41E, moxibustion au 36E durant 5 minutes. 1 séance par jour 6 séances font une série, 3 jours d'intervalle entre deux séries. Les 40 patients sont guéris en moyenne en deux séries. 213- gera: 13603/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS SUR 170 CAS DE PARALYSIE FACIALE PERIPHERIQUE TRAITES PAR MOXIBUSTION SUR AIGUILLE]. LI ZHIMING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;5:9 (chi*). 7E, 6E, 4E, Tai Yang, 2V, 18IG, 20VB. 12 séances constituent un traitement. 75 % de guérison et efficacité dans 98 %. L'effet thérapeutique est fonction de l'ancienneté. 214- gera: 13605/di/ra [INJECTION PONCTUELLE COMBINEE A L'ELECTROACUPUNCTURE DANS 300 CAS DE PARALYSIE FACIALE PERIPHERIQUE]. YANG YINCHANG ET AL. journal of tcm. 1983;3(1):41 (eng). Le traitement comporte : 1) l'injection d'une association de 1ml de vit B12 + 1 ml de strychnine (0,5 ml par points), 2) électroacupuncture avec le G6805, la fréquence étant réglée pour obtenir la contraction maximum des muscles faciaux et l'intensité au maximum de la tolérance. Choix des points : paralysie à prédominance oculaire et frontale : 14VB, 2V, Yin Tang, 2E et Taiyang ; nez : 2E, 18IG, 20GI ; bouche : 4E, 6E, 5E, 24VC, 26VG. A chaque séance injection au niveau de 3 à 4 points et électroacupuncture au niveau de 2 à 4 autres points. Une séance par jour. 10 séances constituent une série. En phase aigue, des compresses chaudes sont appliquées et durant la convalescence des massages et rééducation. 52,7 % des patients n'ont aucune séquelle. Les résultats les meilleurs sont obtenus dans les cas modérés évoluant depuis moins d'un mois. Après un mois, les guérisons totales sont de 24,4 %. Les résultats sont obtenus après 20 à 30 séances. Après 30 séances les guérisons totales ne sont que de 34 %. De bonnes améliorations ont été obtenues sur des paralysies faciales anciennes (7 ans et 16 ans) et même après 30 séances on peut espérer des résultats chez les sujets réfractaires. Avec des critères d'évaluation similaires l'acupuncture + moxibustion donne des guérisons totales de 48,4 % à 37,4 %. 215- gera: 13833/di/ra [RECHERCHES SUR LE TRAITEMENT DE L'ASTHME PAR PUNCTURE DES 13V, 12V ET 14VG]. DING YIDAN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;3(5):7 (chi*). L'association à la moxibustion donne de meilleurs résultats qu'avec les ventouses, laisser en place les aiguilles après l'arrivée du Qi. Les fonctions respiratoires sont améliorées de façon significative (p < 0,001). 216- gera: 13895/di/ra [ACUPUNTURE ET MOXIBUSTION DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE L'ASTHME]. HSIUNG ZEU YANG. acupuncture research quarterly. 1983;26:36-7 (eng). 217- gera: 13900/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION PURULENTE DANS 985 CAS D'ASTHME BRONCHIQUE]. HUNAN INSTITUTE OF TCM. journal of chinese medicine. 1983;12:1-3 (eng). 218- gera: 14248/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS SUR 60 CAS D'OMARTHROSE TRAITES PAR AIGUILLE CHAUDE]. GUAN ZHUNHUI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1983;3(4):13 (chi*). 60 cases of omarthritis were treated reespectively by heat needle and elctro-acupuncture, with which the effects were compared, the results showed that the effective rate in the heat needle group was 83.3% and 3.3% failed, but the effective rate in the electro-acupuncture group was 66.7% and 8.3% failed. The effect of the heat needle group is proved to be higher than that of the electro-acupuncture group (p<0.05). The heat needle aparatus Model G24 is applied, with the temperature of the needle body 40-45°C, and the current intensity 0.4-0.6A. Points to be selected: Jianyu, Zhongfu, Tianfu, Zhize, Taiyuan and Hegu. 219- gera: 15602/di/ra [SUBSTANCES ANALGESIQUES ENDOGENES EN ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION]. ITSUO NISMIOLEA. acupuncture research quarterly. 1983;25:9-10 (eng). 220- gera: 18416/di/ra EFFECT OF COMBINED APPLICATION OF ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION AND ENZYMES. WATANABE M. acupuncture research quarterly. 1983;25:12 (eng). 221- gera: 18436/di/ra SOME HEMATOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON X-RAY IRRADIATED GUINEA PIGS. (abstract). HAU DM. acupuncture research quarterly. 1983;25:18 (eng). La moxibustion appliquée après irradiation permet une normalisation plus rapide du compte leucocytaire et des globules rouges, mais également des concentrations d'hémoglobine, protéines plasmatiques, albumines et alpha et beta globulines. (voir article complet ref GERA [12329]). 222- gera: 18437/di/ra EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION OF THE ACTIVITY OF ACID AND ALKALINE PHOSPHATASES IN SOME LEUKOCYTOPIETIC ORGANS OF MICE. WU JC ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1983;25:18-9 (eng). 223- gera: 18439/di/ra EFFECTIVENESS IN THE USE OF INFRA-RED RAYS ON EAR POINTS. CHIANG RT. acupuncture research quarterly. 1983;25:26-7 (eng). 224- gera: 18450/di/ra EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE FUNCTION OF SOME LEUKOCYTOPOIETIC ORGANS IN MICE. HAU DM. acupuncture research quarterly. 1983;25:18 (eng). 225- gera: 2202/di/ra [POINTS D'ACUPUNCTURE ET UTILISATION DE LA MOXIBUSTION OBSERVES DANS LA LITTERATURE ET LA PEINTURE POPULAIRE JAPONAISE DU 17E S*]. OMURA Y. acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research. 1984;9(4):187-93 (eng). 226- gera: 2859/di/cg TREATMENT OF CERVICAL SYNDROME WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION COORDINATED WITH FUNCTIONAL EXERCISE. CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 125 CASE.(abstract). SONG ZHENGLIAN ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:75 (eng). 227- gera: 2917/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE 983 CAS DE TRAUMATISME DU RACHIS CERVICAL TRAITES PAR ACUPUNCTURE, INFRA- ROUGES ET MASSAGES]. ZHANG JIANGUE. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;4(1):12 (chi*). 645 cas sont traités par association des 3 méthodes et 338 par infra-rouge et massages sans acupuncture. Les résultats sont meilleurs dans le groupe avec acupuncture. 228- gera: 2960/di/cg gera 2010 14 EFFECT OF VARIOUS METHODS OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE IMMUNE FUNCTION IN THE HUMAN BODY. GUI JINSHUI ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:156 (eng). in order to observe the effect of moxibustion on the immune function in the human body, the methods of direct or indirect moxibustion were adopted in the treatment of the patients with asthma and scleroderma, and the immune functions of cell (LTT,E-RFC) and immune of liquid (IgG, IgA, IgM, C2) were also oberved. 229- gera: 2961/di/cg OBSERVATIONS ON THE EFFECT OF POINT PHOTOCAUTERIZED WITH THE REGULAR POINT MOXIBUSTION THERAPEUTIC DEVICE ON THE IMMUNE FUNCTION OF THE AGED. SUO MEIFANG ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:157-8 (eng). Etude chez 40 sujets entre 60 et 70 ans. 2 séries de 15 séances quotidiennes espacées de 7 jours, moxibustion 15 minutes (4VC, 20 VG et 36E). On observe une élévation significative du nombre de lymphocites circulants, du taux des IgA, IgM et IgG et du complément C3. La moxibustion stimule les fonctions immunitaires des personnes 230- gera: 2984/di/cg A RESEARCH TEST FOR THE EFFECTS OF THE REGULAR ACUPOINT MOXIBUSTION THERAPY DEVICE AND MOXIBUSTION ON THE IMMUNE FUNCTION OF RABBIT. CHEN YI ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:540 (eng). Moxibustion au 20VG et 23V, une séance quotidienne de 15 minutes durant 9 jours. Les lapins sont divisés en 3 groupes : 1) Moxibustion à l'huile d'Armoise, 2) Moxibustion avec RAMDT, 3) Contrôle. La moxibustion élève de façon significative le nombre de leucocytes (maximum au 5° jour), le taux sérique de complément (maximum au 5° jour, 4 fois le taux de base), le taux sérique des IgG. 231- gera: 2986/di/cg EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON IMMUNE FUCTION AND MAST CELLS OF RATS. XU MINGHAI ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:541 (eng). 2 groupes de 20 souris, un groupe servant de contrôle et un groupe traité par moxibustion au 4VC. La moxibustion élève le nombre de PFC (Plaque Forming Cells) et le nombre de mastocytes. 232- gera: 2988/di/cg VARIATIONS OF THE HUMAN PERIPHERAL EOSINOPHIL CELLS UNDER DIFFERENT METHODS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. CHEN KEQIN ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:113 (eng). 233- gera: 3016/di/el INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT MOXIBUSTION METHODS ON HUMAN IMMUNE FUNCTION. GUI JINSHUI ET AL. selection from shanghai jam 82-84. 1984;:89-91 (eng). 234- gera: 3029/di/ra THE EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION AT HEAT AND SPLEEN EAR-POINTS ON THE PERIPHERAL LEUKOCYTE COUNT AND ANTI-COBROTOXIN-TOXIOD PRODUCTION. HUA CHOUE-HUANG. acupuncture research quarterly. 1984;31:81-90 (eng). This paper investigates variations in the white blood cell count and antibody production in rabbits cased by auricular moxibustion. Peripheral leukocyte counts increased significantly at 1 and 2 hour intervals following moxibustion at heat and spleen points respectfully. The antibody titer in the moxibustion at heat-point group was higher than in the control group. The highest antibody titer of the control and the moxibustion at heat- point groups was seen at days 30 and 40 after immunization, respectfully. Six day intervals of every other day moxibustion stimulation in rabbits enhanced the peripheral leukocyte count. Significant leukocytosis effects were seen in both the heat and spleen points moxibustion groups. However, there was no significant difference between the effects of moxibustion at heat-point and that of moxibustion at spleen point regarding leukocytosis effects after 235- gera: 4228/di/cg [ETUDES PRELIMINAIRES SUR LES ANOMALIES DU SPERME TRAITEES PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION AU GINGEMBRE]. LIANG XUEYING. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:158 (eng). 236- gera: 4232/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE L'AZOOSPERMIE PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION INDIRECTE AU GINGEMBRE]. LIANG XUEYING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;15(6):56 (chi*). Traitement 160 cas. Guérison dans 78,13 % avec fécondation dans 85 %. 4VG, 23V, 4VC et 3VC sont utilisés comme points principaux, et sont divisés en deux groupes utilisés en alternance. Puncture en tonification puis application 3 cônes de moxa. Une série comporte 15 séances. 237- gera: 5432/di/me QUELQUES PRATIQUES THERAPEUTIQUES USUELLES AU CAMBODGE. NGO A. memoire d'acupuncture,afa,paris. 1984;132:40P (fra). L'état morbide résulte d'une lutte entre deux Qi : le "correct" (Zheng) et le "pervers" (Xie). Le traitement consiste à renforcer le "correct" par des moyens simples. Prévenir la maladie grave en mettant le "correct" en mesure d'éliminer la "perversion" dès le début de son attaque, c'est ce que réalisent quelques pratiques thérapeutiques utilisées au Cambodge. Elles sont capables de régulariser le Qi dont la bonne circulation et l'équilibre sont les conditions essentielles d'une bonne santé. Les pratiques thérapeutiques courantes sont : le grattage, la pince digitale et la pose de ventouses qui permettent des déplacements d'essence et "la conduction" du Qi, ainsi que la saignée. A côté de celles-ci existent des pratiques occasionnelles : le massage, le bain de vapeur, la fumigation, les affusions chaudes qui permettent de rétablir l'équilibre YinYang dès qu'il est compromis. Les thérapeutiques cambodgiennes présentent une grande similitude avec l'acupuncture. Cette similitude est observée sur plusieurs plans technique et théorique (théorie nerveuse, énergétique ou neuro-humorale). Ces thérapeutiques exigent la connaissance de la physiologie du processus de pénétration de l'énergie perverse ainsi que son évolution dans chaque groupe de méridiens et dans les zones énergétiques du corps. Par leurs pratiques faciles et à la portée de tout le monde, elles sont peu onéreuses, ne demandant qu'un matériel simple, leur efficacité est réelle, leurs résultats sont spectaculaires parfois surprenants, leurs incidents sont exceptionnels et, surtout, proche des poles d'action de l'acupuncture. Ces thérapeutiques pourraient seconder ou remplacer éventuellement celle-ci chez les personnes hypersensibles aux aiguilles. 238- gera: 5433/nd/re HERBES ET CHALEUR DANS L'ARSENAL THERAPEUTIQUE CHINOIS. MACEK C. journal of the american medical association,edition francaise. 1984;9(82):378-80 (fra). Revue de quelques thérapeutiques chinoises (herbes, ventouses, moxas, chimiopuncture...). 239- gera: 5669/di/ra [MON OPINION SUR LE TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION]. YU SHUZHUANG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;4(4):46 (chi*). 1) Théorie médicale : différencier le syndrome à partir des quatre méthodes de diagnostic. 2) Méthode thérapeutique : tonifier le vide, disperser la plénitude, régulariser le Qi, activer le sang par puncture, moxibustion ou association acupuncture et moxibustion. 3) Choisir les points selon le syndrôme. 240- gera: 5677/di/ra [TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION BASE SUR LA DIFFERENCIATION DES SIGNES]. YIN KEJING. shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. gera 2010 15 1984;5(10):33 (chi). 241- gera: 5800/di/cg [L'ACUPUNCTURE AVEC AIGUILLE ROUGIE A LA CHALEUR]. WANG JINGXIANG ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;146:138 (eng). L'aiguille chaude est une des 9 aiguilles de la Chine antique. La méthode décrite utilise une aiguille spéciale en acier, rougie à la flamme. 1) Une séance par semaine pour les affections chroniques, au maximum 3 pour les affections aiguës. 2) 2 à 4 points pour les affections chroniques, 8 à 12 pour les affections aiguës. 3) Durant 3 à 4 jours il faut éviter de prendre des bains pour éviter une infection ; il ne faut pas absorber des aliments froids ou non cuits ; la méthode est contre-indiquée chez les patients avec fièvre ou diabète. 4) La méthode peut être utilisée dans le traitement des petites tumeurs, polypes, le drainage des abcès et dans les affections médicales ou chirurgicales avec vide de l'énergie (apoplexie, rhumatisme, prolapsus anal, impuissance, dysménorrhée), 242- gera: 5801/di/cg [APPLICATION CLINIQUE DE L'ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION REFRIGERANTE]. HOU SHENGKUI. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:140 (eng). Mise au point d'un appareil permettant de réfrigérer les points d'acupuncture pour adapter le principe thérapeutique "les syndromes chaleur doivent être traités par les drogues de nature froide". Le froid nourrit le Yin et diminue le feu pervers dans les méridiens. 1) Traitement de 60 cas d'asthme rebelle au traitement occidental ou par plantes médicinales. Application d'une température de -10° au niveau des points : 11E, 17VC, 13V, et Dingchuan, une séance par jour durant 2 à 3 semaines. Amélioration de divers index objectifs. 2) Traitement de 38 cas de diabète (13V, 21V, 20V, 6Rte). Une séance par jour pendant 15 jours, -15° au début puis -10° ; amélioration symptomatique et biologique. 3) Utilisation dans d'autres affections avec vide de Yin (glaucome, 243- gera: 5825/di/cg [RECHERCHE SUR L'ORIGINE ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE L'ANCIENNE MOXIBUSTION]. WANG XUETAI. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:149 (eng). Revue de 95 livres antiques et de 300 articles. 1) La moxibustion s'est développée dans la société primitive et est devenue très populaire aux VIème/IIIème siècle avant J.-C.. Depuis le XVIIème siècle la méthode a commencé à décliner. 2) Enumération de nombreux matériaux utilisés. 3) Description des moxas en cônes. 4) Enumération de 37 types de moxibustion indirecte. 5) Moxibustion purulente. 6) Développement des moxas en bâtonnet sous les dynasties Ming et Qin, association à des drogues, développement des aiguilles chaudes. 7) Prévention des maladies par moxibustion aux herbes fraîches (application de plantes fraîches irritantes), de l'hydromoxibustion (application de jus d'ail), ou de moxibustion interne. 9) Les moxateurs. 244- gera: 5827/di/cg [RELATIONS ENTRE L'EFFET ET LA TECHNIQUE DE MOXIBUSTION. INTRODUCTION A UN APPAREILLAGE SIMPLE DE MOXIBUSTION]. ZHOU MEISHENG. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:159 (eng). 1) L'acupuncture est plus développée que la moxibustion du fait des douleurs provoquées par la moxibustion directe. Mais la moxibustion dans divers domaines apparaît supérieure. 2) Il existe de nombreuses méthodes, chacune à ses avantages et ses inconvénients. 3) L'effet de la moxibustion dépend du matériau utilisé, du mode d'action et de la quantité de stimulation. 4) Comme pour l'acupuncture, l'effet de la moxibustion dépend de la sensation propagée qui apparaît spontanément dans 85 % des cas avec une moxibustion d'une intensité appropriée. 5) Introduction d'un appareillage simple. 245- gera: 5828/di/ra "TECNICA DE MOXIBUSTION". IGLESIAS LM. medicina tradicional china. 1984;2:21-3 (esp). 246- gera: 5829/di/ra [PROPOS SUR LA TONIFICATION ET DISPERSION EN MOXIBUSTION]. CHEN DAZHONG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1984;25(10):48 (eng). 247- gera: 5830/di/el TECHNIQUES DE MOXIBUSTION. NGUYEN VAN NGHI. in medecine traditionnelle chinoise,marseille. 1984;:285-90 (fra). 248- gera: 5831/rd/ra [ETUDE DES MOXAS. 1) LES PROCEDES DE FABRICATION RECENTS ET LEURS MATERIAUX]. ODA R. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;33(4):427-30 (jap*). La fabrication passe par les phases : 1) Récolte du Yomogi. 2) Séchage. 3) Pulvérisation avec une meule. 4) Elimination des impuretés. 5) Raffinage avec un instrument appelé Tomi. La matière première utilisée est yomogi (artemesia princeps pam) et partiellement Hoyomogi (artemisia montana pamp) dans les préfectures de Niigata, Toyama et Ishikawa, et Yomogi seul à Shiga. 249- gera: 5832/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DES MALADIES FEBRILES PAR MOXIBUSTION SELON SUN SIMIAO]. YANG GUOHUA. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1984;25(1):53 (eng). 250- gera: 5833/di/ra [EXPERIENCE CLINIQUE DANS LA METHODE D'APPLICATION AU NIVEAU DES POINTS DE BATONNET DE MEDICAMENTS]. TONG YUJIE ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;4(1):29 (chi*). Traitement de 51 cas d'affections courantes par application de bâtonnet de médicaments. Taux d'efficacité 97 %. Cette chimio-moxibustion a un grand avenir. Elle est simple, facile à apprendre et peut être utilisée par le patient chez lui. La sélection des points est la même que pour la moxibustion classique. Chimio-moxibustion 15 251- gera: 5834/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION DU POINT ZHONGKUI DANS LE TRAITEMENT DU HOQUET (5 CAS)]. HUA YANLING. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;1:18 (chi). 252- gera: 5835/di/ra [SYNOPSIS DES TRAITEMENTS PAR FUMIGATION]. WANG QUIMIAO. shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1984;5(5):32 (chi). 253- gera: 5836/di/el MOXIBUSTION. ROUSTAN C. in traite d'acupuncture,masson,paris. 1984;3:73-83 (fra). 254- gera: 5837/di/tp [BREVE INTRODUCTION A L'APPLICATION CLINIQUE DE DIVERS TYPES DE MOXIBUSTION]. X. academy of traditional chinese medicine,beijing. 1984;:7P (eng). Revue d'études cliniques sur la moxibustion purulente (appliquée à l'hépatomégalie de la schistosomiase, à l'asthme, tuberculose, hypertension), moxas sur aiguilles (syndromes Bi, paralysies faciales, PSH) moxibustion indirecte (hypertension, paralysie faciale), moxas sur monture de lunette avec coque imprégnée de thé de chrisanthème en ophtalmologie, traitement de la paralysie faciale par moxibustion à l'aide d'un tuyau de pipe dans le conduit auriculaire, traitement des oreillons par bâtonnet incandescent. Moxibustion directe par petits cônes au 20VG pour les vertiges, au 1VG pour les coccygodynies, au 3Rn pour les algies dentaires. 255- gera: 5838/di/tp [APPLICATION CLINIQUE DE LA MOXIBUSTION PAR TUYAU DE PIPE]. LI ZHIMING ET AL. academy of traditional chinese medicine,beijing. 1984;: (eng). Technique décrite par Sun Simao sous les Tang dans le "Qian Jin Yi Fang". Mise en place d'un tuyau de pipe dans le conduit gera 2010 16 auriculaire avec à l'extrémité une cupule dans laquelle on fait consumer le moxa. Utilisée dans le traitement des paralysies faciales. 256- gera: 6641/di/cg [EFFETS DE LA MOXIBUSTION AU 23 V SUR LE SEUIL DE BATTEMENT DE LA QUEUE CHEZ LA SOURIS]. CHENG YANTIANG ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;625:538 (eng). 1) La moxibustion au 23 V (44°C pendant 10 minutes) élève le seuil de battement. 2) Cet effet disparaît après surrénalectomie. 3) Ceci suggère que l'effet antalgique de la moxibustion est en relation avec la surrénale. 257- gera: 7022/di/ra [PROBLEMES CONCERNANT LA DEFINITION ET LA TRADUCTION DE TERMES DURANT LA DIFFUSION DE L'ACUPUNCTURE A L'ETRANGER]. HE ZONGYU. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;4(4):44 (chi*). L'auteur suggère, conformément à la conférence de Manille de 1982, d'utiliser les termes de "Aibustion" pour moxibustion et "Zhenjiu" pour acupuncture et moxibustion. 258- gera: 9113/di/ra [RECHERCHES SUR LES METHODES CLASSIQUES DE MOXIBUSTION]. WANG XUETAI. journal of chinese medicine. 1984;15:24-8 (eng). 259- gera: 9371/di/cg THE MORPHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE CORRECTING ABNORMAL FETUS POSITION BY ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION AND LASER IRRADIATION ON THE *. WENG JIAYING ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:494 (eng). Etude sur des lapines de la relation entre le point 67V et le viscère selon la technique neurochimique de marquage à peroxydase de Raifort. On note que l'innervation segmentaire du point Zhi Yin est L2-S1. L'innervation segmentaire de l'utérus est T11-S3. L'innervation segmentaire de l'utérus et du point Zhi Yin se 260- gera: 9376/di/cg FURTHER STUDIES ON THE CLINICAL EFFECT AND THE MECHANISM OF VERSION BY MOXIBUSTION. 1) CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECTS OF *. COOPERATIVE RESEARCH GROUP OF *. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:150 (eng). 1) Etude de 500 cas de présentation du siège entre la 28ème et la 34ème semaine. Randomisation en 2 groupes : moxibustion au point Zhi Yin ou contrôle. Traitement ou observation pendant 7 jours : 80,91% de version sous moxibustion, contre 49,24% de version spontanée dans le groupe de contrôle. On observe un retour à la présentation du siège dans 16 cas sous moxibustion et 22 cas dans le groupe contrôle. Dans ce groupe après moxibustion, la version s'est faite avec un taux de succès de 86,88%. 2) Une autre étude de 566 cas de présentation du siège entre la 28ème et la 36ème semaine traitées par moxibustion, a montré l'influence de la température ambiante sur effet thérapeutique de la moxibustion. Plus la température est élevée, plus le taux de version augmente. On observe que la moxibustion au point Zhi Yin entraîne une augmentation des mouvements du foetus, une augmentation du cortisol libre plasmatique chez la mère, une augmentation du rapport PG F/PG E. Tout ceci facilite la version. 3) Les études portent sur 1103 cas entre 28 et 34 semaines classés selon la nosologie traditionnelle chinoise (Vide de Qi, Vide de Yin, Vide de Yang). Groupe sans malposition foetale : 35,46% de Vide Yin et de Vide de Qi ; 11,44% de Vide Yang. Groupe avec malposition foetale : 44,20% de Vide Yin et de Vide Qi ; 28,11% de Vide Yang. Ceci montre que le Yang déficient joue un rôle important dans le processus de formation d'une malposition foetale. Le taux de version par moxibustion est plus important dans le groupe avec le Vide Yang. La moxibustion traite le Rein Yang et stimule la fonction rénale et ainsi stimule les mouvements foetaux et l'activité utérine. 261- gera: 9377/di/cg FURTHER STUDIES ON THE CLINICAL EFFECT AND THE MECHANISM OF VERSION BY MOXIBUSTION. 2) EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON THE MECHANIS OF *. COOPERATIVE RESEARCH GROUP OF *. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:151 (eng). L'étude porte sur 42 lapines, anesthésiées avec uréthane et sur 26 chiennes anesthésiées avec pentobarbital de sodium. On a utilisé la moxibustion sur les points 67V et on observe : une augmentation de la contraction utérine, une augmentation peu significative du cortisol plasmatique et des PG. L'injection IV de cortisol, d'adrénaline et de NA entrainaient les mêmes effets, et des injections d'ocytocine entrainaient aussi une contraction de l'utérus. Tout ceci montre que le système hypophyso-corticosurrénalien est responsable de la 262- gera: 9378/di/cg AN OBSERVATION ON THE CURATIVE EFFECT IN 50 CASES OF "ABNORMAL POSITION OF FOETUS" CORRECTED BY MOXIBUSTION IN ZAO TOME AND*. YU YAOCAI ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:152 (eng). 50 cas de malpositions foétales entre la 27ème et la 35ème semaine ont été traités par moxibustion bilatérale au point Zhi Yin, une fois par jour pendant 15 minutes, avec un taux de version de 93,03% et 6% d'échecs. Dans la plupart des cas, un résultat positif est obtenu après 1 à 5 séances et surtout entre la 28ème et la 34ème semaine. La moxibustion est sûre, efficace et simple. 263- gera: 9426/di/el [MALPOSITION FOETALE]. X. in nanjing seminars transcript (qiu maolian and su xin ming),london. 1984;:1920 (eng). Le traitement des malpositions foetales par moxibustion est fréquemment utilisé, avec un taux de succès de 80 à 90%, 1 à 2 séances suffisent le plus souvent. Les résultats sont meilleurs chez les multipares et vers le 7ème et 8ème mois. Ce traitement consiste à appliquer un baton d'armoise sur les points 67V pendant 15 à 20 minutes, 1 à 2 fois par jour jusqu'à la correction de la position. 264- gera: 9564/di/cg [ETUDE PRELIMINAIRE SUR L'ACTION DE LA MOXIBUSTION DANS L'ISCHEMIE AIGUE DU MYOCARDE]. CHENG YANGJIANG ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;172:158 (eng). Ischémie myocardique expérimentale produite par injection de pituitrin chez le lapin. Etude de 5 groupes : contrôle, moxibustion au 3MC, électrocautère, lampe incandescente... Dans tous les cas de moxibustion ou fausse moxibustion, séance de 10 mn avec une temperature cutanée de l'ordre de 42°. Quelques soit le type de moxibustion utilisé on observe un effet favorable par rapport au groupe de contrôle. L'effet thérapeutique est lié à l'élévation de la température cutanée et non aux proprietés de l'armoise. 265- gera: 9717/di/ra [TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION DES BRADYCARDIES SINUSALES]. GOA ZHENWU. journal of zhejiang traditional chinese medicine college. 1984;8(4):20 (chi). 266- gera: 9887/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DES ZONES FROIDES DU CORPS]. PETRICEK E. deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur. 1984;27(1):14-16 (deu). Une pathologie chronique des organes entraîne des perturbations réflexes segmentaires métaboliques et circulatoires se traduisant par des zones froides. L'acupuncture ou la moxibustion peuvent être utilisées. 267- gera: 10880/di/cg A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF DIABETES MELLITUS BY ACUPUNCTURE. CHEN JIANFEI ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:28 (eng). gera 2010 17 Traitement par moxa au gingembre chez 19 patients. 21 points sont répartis en 8 groupes et utilisés alternativement. 10 à 20 moxas à chaque point (la température atteinte est de 55°, combustion de chaque cône en 3'). Effet hypoglycémiant net, amélioration clinique, mais pas d'effet significatif chez les insulino-dépendants. 268- gera: 10881/di/cg THE PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION OF THE RESPONSE OF DIABETES BY MOXIBUSTION. LIN YUNGUI ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:30 (eng). Traitement de 19 cas de diabète par moxa (pas de notion des points utilisés). Résultats significatifs sur la glycémie et sur l'insulinémie (p<0,001). 269- gera: 11692/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION DU POINT ZHONGKUI DANS LE TRAITEMENT DU HOQUET (5 CAS)]. HUA YANLING. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;1:18 (chi). 270- gera: 11864/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION DANS LA GASTRITE CHRONIQUE]. TIAN GONGHUO. rivista italiana di agopuntura (roma). 1984;8:3 (ita). 271- gera: 12321/di/ra [EFFETS DE LA MOXIBUSTION SUR LA NUMERATION LEUCOCYTAIRE ET LES FONCTIONS SPLENIQUES CHEZ LA SOURIS IRRADIEE AUX RAYONS GAMMA SOUS*]. JING CHONG WU ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1984;30:51-8 (eng). La moxibustion permet d'élever la numération des leucocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophiles et monocytes et le taux de synthése de DNA dans les cellules spléniques. 272- gera: 12576/di/cg 21 CASES OF ZOSTER TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION (abstract). ZHOU DEYI ET AL. in second national symposium on acupuncture, beijing,. 1984;:85 (eng). Traitement de 21 cas. 14VG, 11GI et 40V bilatéralement : séance de 10 à 15 minutes. Associer à un traitement local : percer chaque vésicule avec une aiguille d'acupuncture (horizontalement) et moxibustion locale durant 20 à 30 minutes. En cas de fièvre : faire saigner avec aiguille triangulaire 3MC, et 5P. Zona facial avec fièvre élevée : faire saigner Tai Yang et séquelles de zona : 6MC, 34VB, 6TR. La guérison est obtenue en 3 à 11 273- gera: 13420/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE 177 CAS DE SYNDROME DE MENIERE PAR MOXIBUSTION AU 20VG]. XU MEICHUN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;4(4):14 (chi*). Les cheveux au 20VG sont rasés sur une superficie de l'ongle du médius. Un cône de la grosseur d'un germe de soja est placé et allumé avec un baton d'encens. Le cône est enlevé à la moitié de la combustion. 25 à 30 cônes à chaque séance, le malade ressentant une sensation de "bien-être cérébral". 1 à 2 séances. 156 guérisons et 19 améliorations. 274- gera: 14075/di/ra [ANALYSE DU TRAITEMENT DE 108 CAS DE SYNDROMES BI]. WU XIJING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;4(1):5 (chi*). Traitement par la méthode d'acupuncture de tonificationchaleur, par l'acupuncture associé à la moxibustion et par l'irradiation ponctuelle au laser. 275- gera: 14264/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE 150 CAS DE PSH PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION]. LI ZHIMING. zhejiang journal of tcm. 1984;19(1):18 (chi). 276- gera: 14384/di/ra [VENTOUSES ASSOCIEES A LA MOXIBUSTION DE PLANTES MEDICINALES DANS LE TRAITEMENT DES TRAUMATISMES LOMBAIRES]. LI ZONGJUN. revue de mtc du yunnan. 1984;5(61):28 (chi). 277- gera: 14443/di/el SCIATIQUE. NGUYEN VAN NGHI ET AL. in medecine traditionnelle chinoise. 1984;:584 (fra). La sciatique est dûe à une infiltration de Vent-Froid, de VentChaleur ou d'Humidité-Chaleur au niveau des Méridiens de la vessie ou de la vésicule biliaire. Le traitement est basé sur les points douloureux (25V, 28V, 30VB, 36V, 40V, 57V, 60V, 34VB). La sentation de puncture doit irradier vers le bas. En cas de recrudescence nocturne, utiliser de préférence la moxibustion. En cas de douleur localisée : Moxas sur aiguilles ou ventouses sur aiguilles. 278- gera: 14480/di/ra [PATHOLOGIE DU LIGAMENT ROTULIEN CHEZ L'ATHLETE ET SON TRAITEMENT PAR ACUMOXIBUSTION, ETUDE EXPERIMENTALE]. WANG LIANQING ET AL. journal of tcm. 1984;25(10):50 (chi). Voir traduction anglaise, réf gera [27677]. 279- gera: 14700/di/ra [EFFET ANTI-CHOC DE LA MOXIBUSTION SUR LE POINT GANYUAN]. YANG LICHU. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;1:36 (chi). 280- gera: 14750/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE 5O CAS D'ILEUS POST-OPERATOIRE PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION]. GAO QIRU. fujian journal of tcm. 1984;105:61 (chi). 281- gera: 14791/di/ra [REVUE DES ETUDES CLINIQUES EN ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION.]. KUANG YIHUANG ET AL. journal of tcm. 1984;4(4):249-54 (chi). Avec un chapitre sur les affections urogénitales. 282- gera: 14983/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE L'AZOOSPERMIE PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION INDIRECTE AU GIGEMBRE]. LIANG XUEYING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1984;4(6):14 (chi*). 283- gera: 15100/di/ra STUDY OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON MICE BEARING SUBCUTANEOUS TUMOR (abstract). HAU DM ET AL. international journal of chinese medicine. 1984;1(3):57-8 (eng). Résumé de l'article ref. GERA [18430]. 284- gera: 18430/di/ra PRELIMINARY STUDY ON EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON MICE BEARING SUBCUTANEOUS TUMOR. HAU DM ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1984;31:91-7 (eng). The present study was conducted to determine the effects of moxibustion on mice bearing subcutaneous tumor. In this research, a total of 166 male young mice (ICR strain), 6-8 weeks of age, were chosen to implant Ehrlich ascites tumor tells (1x10 puissance 7) in the sacral subcutaneous area. When the subcutaneous tumor (ST) of mice few to 10 ± 2 mm in diameter, they were divided into the control and experimental groups. The experimental group was treated with moxibustion on those skin points near ST. The results revealed a mortality rate within 120 days after moxibustion treatment to be 14.3% (85.8% for tumor control). The tumor consul rate in the moxibustion group was 95.2% (14.2% for tumor control). The mean surviving time within 120 days for the moxibustion group was 99.5 days (46.3 day for the control). Therefore some therapeutic effects in the experimental group treated with 285- gera: 19780/di/cg PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS ON THE TREATMENT OF COUGH AND ASTHMA WITH LIQUID NITROGEN FREEZING ACUPOINTS. HONG SHENGDA ET AL. second natioanl symposium on acupuncture,beijing. 1984;:132-3 (eng). Etude de 72 cas de toux et asthme traités par réfrigération des points (17VC, 13V, etc.) à l'azote liquide : 20 secondes de gera 2010 18 réfrigération faisant baisser la température cutanée de 33-36° à 23-26°. Il s'en suit localement la production d'une vésicule, puis d'une croûte à protéger par pansement. Périodes de traitement : dans le mois qui suit le solstice d'été, 2 séances à 15 jours d'intervalle. 80% d'excellents et très bons résultats. 8 échecs seulement. 286- gera: 19790/di/cg OBSERVATIONS ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN THE TREATMENT OF ASTHMA. WITH ANALYSIS OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF 111 CASES. SHAO JINGMING ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:50 (eng). 287- gera: 19792/di/cg OBSERVATION OF IMMUNOLOGICAL VARIATIONS IN THE FESTERING MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. THE FESTERING MOXIBUSTION RESEARCH GROUP. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:155 (eng). 288- gera: 19915/di/cg CLINICAL TREATMENT OF 15 CASES OF SEVERE CRANE-KNEE SYNDROME WITH SCARRING (SUPPURATIVE) MOXIBUSTION. ZHAN YONGKANG ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:155 (eng). 289- gera: 20469/di/cg THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OBSERVED ON 40 CASES OF APOPLEXY TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. ZENG DAOBING ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1984;:20 (eng). 290- gera: 23008/di/cg A PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION IN THE TREATMENT OF ACUTE MYOCARCIAC ISCHEMIA OF RABBITS. CHENG YANJIANG ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture, beijing. 1984;:519 (eng). 291- gera: 23009/di/cg EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON ACUTE MYOCARDIAC ISCHEMIA IN RABBITS. CHENG YANJIANG ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture, beijing. 1984;:520 (eng). 292- gera: 23134/di/ra OBSERVATIONS ON THE MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF 50 ACUTE AND CHRONIC ULCERATIVE COLITIS. LIANG CUIYING ET AL. second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1984;:58 (eng). 293- gera: 23554/nd/re PSEUDOABUSIVE BURNS IN ASIAN REFUGEES. FELDMAN KW. am j dis child. 1984;138:768-69 (eng). 294- gera: 27851/di/tp EXPERIENCES D'APPLICATION DE LA MOXIBUSTION EN CLINIQUE. TAI JIEXIANG. x. 1984;:4P (fra). 295- gera: 27852/di/tp BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECT OF SEVERAL COMMONLY USED MOXIBUSTION THERAPIES. YE CHENGGU. x. 1984;:7P (fra). 296- gera: 80470/di/ra DIE THERAPIE DER KALTEN ZONEN DES KORPERS. PETRICEK E. deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur. 1984;27(1):14-6 (deu*). [Thérapeutique des zones froides du corps]. Les affections chroniques d'organes ou de systèmes d'organes résultent de troubles du métabolisme et de la circulation par voie réflexe segmentaires, et des zones froides s'installent. L'application de chaleur au niveau segmentaire ou aux points d'acupuncture (moxibustion ou irradiation) s'avère une thérapeutique efficace. 297- gera: 3381/di/ra COMPARISON OF CONVENTIONAL AND MODIFIED MOXIBUSTION AT CHUH-CHIH (LI11) ON THE IMMUNE SYSTEM OF RABBITS. HUA CHOUE-HUANG. acupuncture research quarterly. 1985;36:85-91 (eng). We compared the effects of traditional and modified moxibustion stimulation on peripheral leukocyte and anticobrotoxin synthesis in rabbits. Modified moxibustion was designed by injecting purified isogenic lymphocytes into the Chu-chih locus of rabbits. The results showed that modified moxibustion was more effective towards inducing leukocytosis and antibody synthesis than the traditional method. Moreover, no side effects such as superficial funds, local skin scaling nor helcosis at the moxibustion locus were observed in rabbits receiving modified moxibustion stimulation. Rabbits receiving modified moxibustion exhibited a 127% increase in the peripheral leukocyte count and a 46% increase in anticobrotoxin production when compared with the control group. 298- gera: 5197/di/el [MOXIBUSTION]. DE SCHEPPER L. in acupuncture for the practitioner,santa monica. 1985;:177-90 (eng). 299- gera: 5839/di/ra [OBSERVATION CLINIQUE SUR 947 CAS TRAITES PAR BATON DE MOXA INSERES DANS UNE BOITE]. X. fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1985;16(1):24 (chi). 300- gera: 5840/di/ra [APPLICATIONS CLINIQUES DU TRAITEMENT PAR MOXIBUSTION]. GAO FANGZHENG. revue de mtc du yunnan. 1985;6(1):37 (chi). 301- gera: 5841/di/ra RECHERCHE SUR L'ORIGINE ET LE DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA MOXIBUSTION ANCIENNE. WANG XUETAI. mtc et acupuncture. 1985;8(1):38 (fra). 302- gera: 7594/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS PRELIMINAIRES SUR L'EFFET IMMEDIAT DE LA MOXIBUSTION SUR L'EEG]. CHEN KEYAN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1985;5(4):15 (chi*). Etude chez 30 patients. 60 expérimentations sont menées. 1) Dans 63,3 % des cas on observe une modification de l'EEG : 52 % en cas d'EEG normal, 61 % en cas d'EEG limite et 82,4 % en cas d'anomalies EEG (légères moyennes, ou sévères). 2) La moxibustion entraine des modifications qualitatives et quantitatives : diminution ou disparition des ondes lentes de haute amplitude et apparition d'ondes alpha. 303- gera: 10910/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DU DIABETE PAR MOXIBUSTION : ETUDE PRELIMINAIRE]. LIN YUNGUI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1985;26(9):52 (eng). 304- gera: 10915/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION DANS LE DIABETE]. ZHANG FENGRUN. shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1985;6(10):459 (chi). 305- gera: 11495/di/ra [CONTRIBUTION DE LA THERMO-MOXIBUSTION AU TRAITEMENT CHIRURGICAL DU CANCER MAMMAIRE TRANSPLANTE CHEZ LA SOURIS]. STERNFELD M ET AL. acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research. 1985;10(12):73-8 (eng). 306- gera: 12059/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE 67 CAS DE PROLAPSUS DU RECTUM DE TYPE VIDE CHEZ L'ENFANT PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION]. JIN ANDE. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1985;5(6):7 (chi*). Etude d'une équipe médicale chinoise en Afrique. 20VG, 1VG, 35V, 57V, insertion rapide, pression légère et retrait lent. Aiguille en place 20 minutes. Au 1VG, l'aiguille est implantée sur 1,5 d dans la dépression sous la pointe du coccyx, horizontalement au sacrum. Au 35V l'aiguille est implantée sur 1,5 d obliquement en bas et en dedans. 1 séance par jour, 6 gera 2010 19 séances constituent une série. Après 3 séries les prolapsus de degré 1 et 2 sont tous guéris et 13 cas de 17 prolapsus de degrés 3. 307- gera: 13211/di/ra [2 CAS D'AFFECTIONS OCULAIRES TRAITES PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION]. SHI NENGYUN ET AL. fujian journal of tcm. 1985;16(2):60 (chi). 308- gera: 13393/di/ra ACUFENI E TERAPIA COMBINATA MOXA-TENS. LANZA U. rivista italiana di medicina orientale. 1985;6(2):29-35 (ita). [ACOUPHENES ET THERAPEUTIQUE COMBINEE MOXAELECTROSTIMULATION TRANSCUTANEE]. Electrostimulation par électrodes plates au niveau des 21TR, 2VB et 17-18TR associée durant la séance à la moxibustion (moxateur électrique) au niveau somatique fonction de la forme clinique traditionnelle. Rapport de 309- gera: 13690/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION DANS LA NEVRALGIE FACIALE]. YIN KEJING. shaanxi journal of tcm. 1985;6(10):460 (chi). 310- gera: 13754/di/ra THE INFLUENCE OF MOXIBUSTION ON CARRAGEENANINDUCED PLEURISY. LIM BS ET AL. international journal of chinese medicine. 1985;2(1):21-6 (eng). L'application de la moxibustion en différentes parties du corps (pattes, oreilles, queue,...) est susceptible de réduire l'inflammation chez le rat. Mais la moxibustion au niveau de la région dorsale donne les meilleurs résultats. Discussion de l'effet de la moxibustion sur l'inflammation aigüe. 311- gera: 13921/di/ra [EFFET THERAPEUTIQUE DE LA COMBINAISON DE L'ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION ET CATGUT DANS LE TRAITEMENT DE 1053 CAS D'ASTHME]. QIN LIANFU ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1985;1:27 (chi). 312- gera: 14180/di/ra [TRAITEMENT PAR MOXIBUSTION DE 78 CAS DE SEQUELLES D'ENTORSES]. CAI YAOMING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1985;5(2):9 (chi*). Dans les suites d'entorse on peut retrouver des douleurs en cas de temps humide ou de surmenage, des sensations de faiblesse ou des difficultés de mobilisation. Efficacité de 100 % (guérison 28 cas, amélioration nette 29 cas). Des points de moxibustion sont utilisés au niveau des parties douloureuses, soit moxibustion simple, soit avec phlyctène. Les résultats sont meilleurs en cas de phlyctène. 313- gera: 14759/di/ra [TRAITEMENT DE LA DISTENSION ABDOMINALE POSTOPERATOIRE PAR MOXIBUSTION SUR SEL ET OIGNON. ANALYSE DE 130 CAS]. YU ZHIYONG. journal of new chinese medicine. 1985;17(2):36 (chi). 314- gera: 15112/di/ra [EFFETS COMBINES DE L'IRRADIATION FRACTIONNEE ET DE LA MOXIBUSTION SUR LA TUMEUR TRANSPLANTEE CHEZ LA SOURIS]. DOU MONGHAU ET AL. acupuncture research quarterly. 1985;36:101-9 (eng). 315- gera: 15219/di/ra [TRAITEMENT COMBINE PAR ACUPUNCTURE MOXIBUSTION ET DROGUES TRADITIONNELLES]. ACADEMIE DE MTC DU LIAONING. rivista italiana di agopuntura. 1985;12:19-25 (ita). Traduction d'un article du Liaoning journal of TMC, avril 1984. 316- gera: 15310/di/tt A HAND BOOK OF ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT FOR DOGS AND CATS. LEE-KIN. medicine and health publishing co,hong kong. 1985;:50P (eng). 1) Intérêts du traitement par acupuncture et moxibustion en médecine vétérinaire. 2) Points d'acupuncture courant chez le chien et indications. 3) Prescriptions pour les maladies courantes du chien. 4) Points d'acupuncture courants du chat et indications. 317- gera: 16634/di/tt MANUEL PRATIQUE DE MOXIBUSTION. COMMENT SOULAGER VOUS-MEME VOS DOULEURS PAR SIMPLE ECHAUFFEMENT DES POINTS D'ACUPUNCTURE. POUPY JL. editions dangles,st jean de braye. 1985;:168P (fra). La moxibustion, technique thérapeutique aussi ancienne que l'acupuncture (dont elle est directement issue), consiste en l'application de chaleur sur les zones déterminée de la peau (zone qui sont d'ailleurs des points d'acupuncture). Cette chaleur est produite par la combustion de poudre de feuilles d'armoise desséchées ou d'autres substances en ignition (un simple cigare, par exemple). Ces "Moxas" sont approchés de l'épiderme, suivant diverses modalité décrites dans ce livre, jusqu'à ce que la peau rougisse légèrement et avant que la sensation de chaleur ne devienne douloureuse. Le docteur Jean-Louis Poupy, acupuncteur praticien, chargé de l'enseignement optionnel d'acupuncture à la Faculté de médecine de Paris-Sud (Kremlin-Bicêtre) est également un des pionniers du traitement antitabac par l'acupuncture dont il assure une consultation régulière à l'hopital Cochin (Paris). Dans ses consultations quotidiennes, il conseille très souvent à ses malades de pratiquer sur eux- mêmes, chez eux, cette merveilleuse méthode de soins (tant préventive que curative) qu'est la moxibustion. Ce petit guide pratique est le recueil de ses prescriptions journalières ; 90 affections courantes y sont traitées avec, pour chacune, toutes les indications pratiques permettant de se traiter soi-même : emplacement des points à chauffer (avec schémas), méthode de moxibustion, fréquence, durée, automassage, etc. Sans connaissance particulière de l'acupuncture, chacun peut donc se soigner efficacement à l'aide de "trucs" simples, efficaces, de tradition millénaire, à la portée de tous mais auxquel les experts n'hésitent pas, le cas échéant, à recourir eux318- gera: 22508/di/cg LES AIGUILLES CHAUFFEES DANS LE TRAITEMENT DES LOMBOSCIATALGIES. BANOS A. 14ème congres national d'acupuncture,paris. 1985;:2-12 (fra). La lombalgie justiciable du traitement par les aiguilles chauffées (when zhen) se présente schématiquement dans un tableau associant : la notion de chronicité, l'aggravation par le froid, l'humidité, les efforts physiques de flexion-extension de tronc, l'amélioration par la chaleur locale, l'existence fréquente de lésion de lombarthrose. Au plan énergétique, il s'agit d'une maladie du vent-froid-humidité avec diminution du wei qi et plénitude de Inn en profondeur. Le traitement par chauffage itératif du manche de l'aiguille Hao Zhen, draine l'énergie perverse entassée en profondeur et restaure l'énergie Yang de défense en superficie, en réalisant une alternance de dispersion et de tonification du point. Certains points du Jing Luo du Zu Tai Yang sont indiqués pour l'application de cette technique de chauffage : 25, 26, 27, 52 vessie, d'autres sont utilisés à distance en dispersion. La sciatalgie fait l'objet d'un traitement symptomatique sur les points douloureux de son trajet. Sont exclus de cette méthode les états de chaleur (maladies inflammatoires et infectieuse, état de la langue et du pouls) et les troubles 319- gera: 23702/di/re MOXIBUTION. ANOTHER TRAUMATIC FOLK REMEDY. REINHART MA. clinical pediatrics. 1985;24(1):58-9 (eng). 320- gera: 27677/di/ra CLINICAL ANALYSIS AND EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATION ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF PATELLAR TENDON TERMINAL DISEASE IN ATHLETES. WANG LIANQING ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1985;5(3):162-6 (eng). Tendon terminal disease is a degenerative disorder in the region where tendons and ligaments are attached to the bone. Its causes are multifarious. Most cases of patellar tendon terminal disease in athletes are due to improper training in which excessive running and jumping exert pulls on the patellar tendons exceeding the tissue structure tolerance and causing gradual damage. The condition seriously interferes with regular training and affects field performance. Prevention gera 2010 20 and treatment of the disease has been stressed for research in the area of athletic injuries in China as well as in other countries. Current management of the disorder includes physiotherapy, massage and medical injections, though results have not been satisfactory. The authors used acupuncture and moxibustion to treat the disease both clinically and in experiment tal rabbits. The patients were divided into three groups, as were the animals. Both the patients and the animals were treated separately by 1 ) regular acupuncture and moxibustion, 2) microwave through acupuncture needles, and 3) HeNe laser beam on the acupuncture points. The 321- gera: 27688/di/ra INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON THE CLINICAL APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION. YAO MILUAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1985;5(3):220-2 (eng). 322- gera: 28404/nd/tt AKUPRESSURE UND MOXIBUSTION. STUX G. otto spatz, wiesbaden. 1985;:105P (deu). 323- gera: 30983/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF POINT GUANYUAN (REN 4) MOXIBUSTION ON BP AND FINGER TEMPERATURE OF SHOCK PATIENTS]. YANG RICHU ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1985;1:1 (chi). 324- gera: 32283/di/ra [A REPORT ON 69 CASES OF FACIAL PARALYSIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE COMBINED WITH INFRARED RADIATION]. SONG JIANGYOU. journal of new chinese medicine. 1985;17(12):31 (chi). 325- gera: 32879/di/ra [AFFECTION DNA SYNTHESIS RATE OF YANG DEFICIENCY OF ANIMAL WITH MOXIBUSTION ON "MINGMEN" (DU 4) POINT]. NI JINFANG ET AL. zhejiang journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1985;21(2):125 (chi). 326- gera: 9105/di/ra [LA TECHNIQUE D'ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION DU VETERAN MEDECIN ZHOU MEISHENG]. LI YANGZHEN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1986;6(2):45 (chi*). Description des techniques simples et efficaces du médecin vétéran : 1) dans la malaria, 2) l'épistaxis, 3) cervicalgies, 4) manie, 5) parotidite, 6) alopecia areata, 7) lombalgies. 327- gera: 9116/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION, LA MAIN GAUCHE DE L'ACUPUNCTURE]. STEEPER D. new zealand journal of acupuncture. 1986;:13-7 (eng). 328- gera: 9117/di/ra LES MOXAS. REQUENA Y. medecines nouvelles. 1986;13:96-103 (fra). A propos du livre de l'auteur "le guide pratique des moxas chinois". 329- gera: 9118/di/ra APPLICATIONS CLINIQUES DE LA MOXIBUSTION. YAO MILUAN. journal de mtc. 1986;2:109-116 (fra). Présentation de l'ensemble des techniques de moxibustion, des points à traiter et de questions cliniques relatives à cette méthode thérapeutique. 330- gera: 9119/di/tt GUIDE PRATIQUE DES MOXAS CHINOIS. SOIGNEZ-VOUS A DOMICILE GRACE A L'ACUPUNCTURE. REQUENA Y. grasset,paris. 1986;:238P (fra). Tout le monde connait l'acupuncture : mais qui connaît les moxas chinois ? Et pourtant ces deux techniques thérapeutiques sont depuis des siècles en usage en Asie, où elles sont aussi réputées l'une que l'autre. Qu'appelle-t-on moxas ? Il s'agit de petits bâtonnets d'armoise que l'on utilise aussi facilement qu'on se les procure et que l'on allume comme un simple cigare pour chauffer un ou plusieurs points précis du corps, sans toucher la peau, donc sans risque de brûlure. Les points choisis correspondent aux points d'acupuncture et sont fort simples à localiser. On peut ainsi traiter les affections les plus courantes, telles que les rhumatismes, le rhume, l'angine, l'acné, l'eczéma, la constipation, la migraine, l'impuissance, l'insomnie, la bronchique chronique, le tabagisme, la dépression, etc... Le Dr Réquena, un des grands spécialistes des moxas, a écrit ce guide pratique pour apprendre à tous ceux qui souffrent des maux les plus divers à se soigner eux-mêmes, chez 331- gera: 13442/di/ra RAPPORT SUR 177 CAS DE SYNDROME DE MENIERE TRAITES PAR MOXIBUSTION AU POINT BAI HUI. XU MEICHUN. journal de mtc. 1986;2:117-20 (fra). 20VG. Couper les cheveux autour du point, le marquer au violet de gentiane. Mettre en place 2 cônes d'armoise de la taille d'un grain de soja. Quand les cônes sont à moitié consumés, les écraser avec une feuille de papier. Laisser les cendres en place. Mettre un nouveau cône jusqu'à extinction. Au total, 20 à 30 cônes, le patient doit ressentir une sensation de bien-être au niveau du crâne. Une à deux séances. Guérison : 156 cas, amélioration 332- gera: 13524/di/ra [RELATIONS BETWEEN THE CHANGES OF CYTOLOGY AND IgA OF NASAL CAVITY AND ENERGY DEFICIENCY OF THE LUNG AND KIDNEY IN ALLERGIC RHINITIS]. LI FANCHENG ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1986;6(5):277 (chi*). Etude comparée de la cytologie de la muqueuse nasale et des IgA en cas de vide de Qi des Poumons et de vide associé Reins-Poumons. L'atteinte de l'épithelium cilié est majeure en cas de vide des Reins-Poumons, et le taux d'IgA dans les sécrétions nasales est corrélé au degré de vide de Qi. 333- gera: 19163/di/ra A PROPOS DE LA MOXIBUSTION, TRAITEMENT AVEC L'ARMOISE. SCHMIDT A. acupuncture. 1986;89:53 (fra). 334- gera: 20164/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF 105 CASES OF INFANTILE PARALYTIC SEQUELA]. GUANTIAN J. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1986;6(4):11-2 (chi*). [Traitement par acupuncture de 105 cas de séquelles de paralysie infantile]. L'acupuncture a été combinée aux ventouses en bambou et à "l'aiguille de feu". Résultats sur 32 cas de paralysie totale : 25 guérisons, 6 nettement améliorés ; sur 73 cas d'hémiplégie, 21 guérisons, 35 nettement améliorés, 9 améliorés. Dans les affections de longue durée les méridiens sont bloqués, l'énergie et le sang déficients, le foie yin et l'essence du rein en vide. Traitement par acupuncture et ventouse en bambou avec choc électrique au 18GI et 3 aiguilles en 1 point. Après manipulation les méridiens sont débloqués, l'énergie renforcée et le sang nourri. 335- gera: 20388/di/ra TREATMENT OF DIABETIC CYSTOPATHY BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. ZHENG HUITIAN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1986;6(4):243-8 (eng). 336- gera: 20532/di/ra [CHANGE OF MULTIHORMONES IN TREATING MALE STERILITY WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION SEPARATED WITH GINGER SLICE]. XIONG HONGXIANG ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1986;6(12):726 (chi*). 337- gera: 20547/di/ra [THE EFFECT ON MICRO-CIRCULATION OF CONJUNCTIVA BY MOXIBUSTION OF CORONARY DISEASE]. ZHU BOJUN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1986;6(5):19 (chi*). La moxibustion de points d'acupuncture entraine une dilatation vasculaire, objectivée sur les vaisseaux de la conjonctive. Cette thérapeutique a été utilisée dans 39 cas d'affection coronariennes comme thérapeutique 338- gera: 20552/di/ra gera 2010 21 [THE VALUE AND USE OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION PAPER INDEX]. LI FUFENG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1986;6(5):34 (chi*). Présentation d'un index bibliographique des articles d'acupuncture et de moxibustion publiés de 1908 à 1983. 339- gera: 20560/di/ra [CLINICAL REPORT ON TREATMENT OF 2296 CASES OF INFANTILE PARALYSIS BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. QIN NIGTAI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1986;6(6):1 (chi*). [Traitement par acupuncture et moxas de 2296 cas de paralysie infantile, étude clinique]. Points sélectionnés en phase aigüe : 14VG, 11GI, 4GI, 36E. Les points des méridiens Rte et E sont puncturés comme points principaux avec moxas en phase chronique. Les moxas sont surtout utilisés sur les membres avec atrophie musculaire, il vaut mieux utiliser des bâtons à moxas mélangés avec des herbes. Les moxas sont appliqués sur 3 à 4 points, chaque fois 5 à 10 mn par point. 1 séance par jour au début et tous les 2 jours ensuite. Résultats : 27,83 % de guérisons, 340- gera: 20562/di/ra [THE CLINICAL EXPERIENCE FOR ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF 480 CASES OF HEMIPLEGIA]. WANG XINMING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1986;6(6):5 (chi*). [Expérience clinique sur le traitement par acupuncture de 480 cas d'hémiplégie]. Sur 480 cas : 211 guérisons, 136 nettement soulagés, 113 améliorés, au total 95,85 % d'efficacité. Traitement d'autant plus efficace qu'il est précoce. La différenciation permet de choisir moins de points et plus précisément. Les points shu des méridiens principaux sont utilisés, pas plus de 3 à 4 par séance. S'il apparait de la fatigue, de la faiblesse pendant le 341- gera: 20572/di/ra [THE ANALYSIS OF THE CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDES SYSTEME IN THE MECHANISM OF FESTERING MOXIBUSTION THERAPY ON BRONCHIAL ASTHMA]. LI XINGQUN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1986;6(6):33 (chi*). Après moxibustion suppurative il existe une augmentation significative des nucléotides cycliques plasmatiques (AMPc et AMPc/GMPc) chez les patients atteints d'asthme par vide d'énergie du poumon. 342- gera: 20573/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF THE THERAPEUTIC ON TREATMENT OF 71 CASES OF CHRONIC PELVIC INFLAMATION BY MOXIBUSTION LINED WITH GINGER]. ZHANG YAOHUA ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1986;6(6):36 (chi*). 71 cas d'inflammation pelvienne traités par moxibustion, avec 26,7 % très améliorés, et 98,6 % de bons résultats. L'analyse révèle que l'effet thérapeutique est meilleur sur les cas légers. Après moxibustion, les IgM sont sensiblement augmentées. Points utilisés : 6VC, 3VC, 29E. Une fois par jour. 343- gera: 20577/di/ra [THE COURSE OF LECTURE ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. THE METHOD OF THE ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION (1)]. THE EDITORIAL OFFICE. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1986;6(6):49 (chi*). 344- gera: 22466/di/ra [THE ADJUSTABLE FUNCTIONAL EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON THE RESPECTIVE MECHANISMS OF IMMUNO-COMPETENCE]. JIN ANDE. acupuncture research. 1986;11(4):319-24 (chi*). 345- gera: 22789/di/ra [TEXTUAL RESEARCH ON TIME AND AUTHOR ABOUT "XI FANG ZHI MING TANG JIAO JING"]. GE ZI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1986;6(3):46-8 (chi*). "Xi Fang Zhi Ming Tang Jiao Jing" est un classique sur la moxibustion. Après analyse, l'auteur pense qu'il s'agit du "Ming Tang Zhen Jiao Jing", écrit par Zhung Zhen, et considéré comme perdu depuis des siècles. 346- gera: 30310/di/ra [CLINICAL THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF RAPID E.S.R IN RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIS TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION]. LIN YOUZHU ET AL. fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1986;17(6):25-30 (chi). 347- gera: 30587/di/ra [MECHANISM AND MANIPULATIVE TECHNIQUE OF REINFORCING AND REDUCING METHOD OF MOXIBUSTION]. DENG CHUNLEI. journal of tcm. 1986;27(8):45-6 (chi). 348- gera: 30588/di/ra [22 CASES OF HERPES ZOSTER TREATED WITH COTTON-MOXIBUSTION]. WANG SONGRONG. journal of tcm. 1986;27(8):47-8 (chi). 349- gera: 31396/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION WITH EXTERNAL MEDICINE FOR 124 CASES OF PERIOMITIS]. WU JIANMIN. shaanxi journal of tcm. 1986;7(1):27 (chi). 350- gera: 31413/di/ra [HEATED NEEDLE WITH CUPPING FOR TREATMENT OF 30 CASES OF SINGLE FURUNCLE ON HEAD AND FACE]. JIANG ZUOXIAN ET AL. shaanxi journal of tcm. 1986;7(2):74 (chi). 351- gera: 32170/di/ra [TREATMENT OF BELL'S PALSY WITH MICROWAVE ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 24 CASES]. WANG TIELIN ET AL. journal of tcm and chinese materia medica of jilin. 1986;4:14 (chi). 352- gera: 32295/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF GYNOPATHY BY THE EUMINATION OVER THE UMBILICAL REGION]. LI JICANG. journal of new chinese medicine. 1986;18(1):31 (chi). 353- gera: 32424/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR THE TREATMENT OF DIABETES MELLITUS COMPLICATED BY RETENTION OF URINE]. DU YONGNIAN. journal of new chinese medicine. 1986;18(12):22 (chi). 354- gera: 40598/nd/re [A CASE OF CONTACT DERMATITIS CAUSED BY MOXIBUSTION]. YANG JIN FENG ET AL. journal of clinical dermatology. 1986;15(6):335. (chi*). Résumé Acme (870988). ACME:870988 355- gera: 17901/di/el STUDIES OF VERSION BY MOXIBUSTION ON ZHIYIN POINTS. COOPERATIVE RESEARCH GROUP OF *. in research on acupuncture,moxibustion and acupuncture anesthesia,beijing. 1987;:810-819 (eng). 356- gera: 19976/di/el OBSERVATION CLINIQUE DU TRAITEMENT DE L'HYPOFONCTION THYROIDIENNE PAR MOXIBUSTION. SHAO WEIWEN S ET AL. in selection des theses de la revue d'acupuncture de shanghai,shanghai. 1987;:17-9 (fra). L'hypofonctionnement thyroïdien est principalement dû au vide de Yang Spléno-rénal et à l'insuffisance de l'énergie et du sang. Il faut donc surtout réchauffer et tonifier la rate et les reins et régulariser l'énergie et le sang. La méthode de moxibustion sert à renforcer la résistance, cultiver l'énergie essentielle, réchauffer les méridiens, disperser le froid, désobstruer les méridiens et les vaisseaux "Luo", harmoniser l'énergie et le sang. Les points 23V et 20V sont les endroits où se transmet et se déverse l'énergie de la rate et des reins, le point 4VG est la localité où loge le vrai feu. C'est pourquoi le traitement par moxibustion aux plantes médicinales est assez efficace. Cette efficacité se retrouve dans les hypothyroïdies due à l'hypofonction hypophysaire, et est mesurée dans tous les cas, par l'amélioration clinique et la normalisation biologique. Les critères d'efficacité, montrent sur sept patients, gera 2010 22 trois cas normalisés, deux cas améliorés et deux cas inefficaces. Comme le nombre de cas de cette observation est médicinales sont appliquées localement. Le pansement est appliqué tous les jours ou tous les deux jours 357- gera: 19983/di/el EXPERIENCE CONCERNANT 5 CAS DE HOQUET TRAITES PAR MOXAS AU POINT ZHONGKUI. YANLING H ET AL. in selection des theses de la revue d'acupuncture de shanghai,shanghai. 1987;:47-9 (fra). 364- gera: 20300/di/ra [BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THE CLINICAL RESEARCH OF ASTHMA BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT]. ZHU YANCEN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;7(5):38 (chi*). Revue générale sur les publications sur le traitement de l'asthme par acupuncture ces 30 dernières années. L'auteur conclue que les principales techniques sont : acupuncture, ventouses, saignées, moxibustion, aiguille à demeure, Qigong, fleur de prunier; efficacité dans 69 à 100 %. 358- gera: 20100/di/ra TREATMENT OF WARTS WITH MOXIBUSTION AND ACUPUNCTURE. CHEN GS. american journal of acupuncture. 1987;15(3):221-5 (eng). We have treated seven patients with viral wart infections. There have been cases of plantar warts, anogenital warts, and also cluster warts. These persistent warts which did not respond to conventional treatment disappeared completely within a short time after moxibustion and/or acupuncture; in addition, there was no recurrence. Not only did the treated warts disappear, but the untreated ones also disappeared at the same time, indicating that moxibustion and acupuncture activated and sensitized the immune system to eliminate the virus and eventually cure the warts. Moxibustion appears more effective than acupuncture alone because the applied moxa heat not only activates the immune system, but the localized heat also kills or deactivates the virus which subsequently serves as an antigen, as in vaccination procedures. Being a very safe method, patients, especially children, can 359- gera: 20161/di/ra [CLINICAL RESEARCH ON TREATMENT OF BACILLARY DYSENTERY WITH ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION]. TAOQING Z ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;7(4):3-6 (chi*). Three hundred thirty cases of bacillary dysentery were treated by acupuncture-moxibustion, in which 286 cases were cured (the curative rate was 90.6%), the average curative date was 4.12 days. Points to be selected : Xiawan, Tianshu, Guanyuan and Zusanli. The results showed that the effect in the group treated by acupuncture- moxibustion was superior to that in the group treated by bacillary dysentery-resistance drugs (the curative rate was 88.89% and the average curative date was 6.0 days), p<0.025. 360- gera: 20166/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF 79 CASES OF EPIDEMIC HEMORRHAGIC FEVER]. MEISHENG Z ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;7(4):15-6 (chi*). Voir traduction anglaise article ref. [82891]. 361- gera: 20169/di/ra [THE OBSERVATION OF THE EFFECT ON TREATMENT OF 50 CASES OF PERI-ARTHRITIS OF SHOULDER BY INFRARED WARMING NEEDLE]. PING G. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;7(4):20-1 (chi*). traduction GERA disponible. 365- gera: 20307/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF 120 MOTORING IMPAIRMENT PATIENTS BY MIDDLE-FREQUENCY MOXIBUSTION INSTRUMENT]. QIU AIGUO. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;7(3):11 (chi*). [Etude clinique sur le traitement de 120 patients atteints de déficit moteur par moxibustion à moyenne fréquence]. L'instrument est un appareil d'électrothérapie à moyenne fréquence, avec une tête d'application de moxas. Les moxas sont auto-appliquées sur des points d'acupuncture. Efficacité de 98,3 %. 366- gera: 20350/di/ra EFFECTS OF LASER RADIATION AND PHOTOBUSTION OVER ZUSANLI ON THE BLOOD IMMUNOGLOBULIN AND LYMPHOCYTE ANAE OF THE HEALTHY AGED. PENG YUE ET AL. journal of tcm. 1987;7(2):135-6 (eng). Etude de l'irradiation au laser, ou avec appareil à moxibustion sur le 36E, une séance par jour, 14 séances. Ces deux techniques élèvent le taux de cellules ANAE positives. 367- gera: 20369/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF THE EFFECTS ON 248 CASES OF MALE INFERTILITY TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG JIASHENG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;7(1):3 (chi*). Traitement de 248 cas de stérilité masculine par acupuncture et moxibustion avec un résultat dans 166 cas (73,66 %). L'auteur fait le classement étiologique suivant : déficience du yin, dépression de l'énergie du foie, chaleur humidité, origine congénitale. Les points principaux : 23V, 32V, 4VC, 30E. Les points symptomatiques : 36E, 3Rn, 6Rte, 3F, 4VG et jiaji correspondants. Les points lombosacrés sont puncturés d'abord sans être laissés en place en puncture immédiate. Les points de l'abdomen et des membres sont puncturés ensuite et laissés en place 30 minutes. Pour la déficience du Yang et l'origine congénitale génotypique : moxibustion suivie par la puncture du 4VG, 20 minutes. Traitement une fois par jour 20 séances font une série. 362- gera: 20254/di/ra [EFFECTIVE ANALYSIS OF TREATMENT ON 1014 CASES OF FACIAL PARALYSIS MAILY WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBITION]. LI ZHIMING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;7(2):1-5 (chi*). 69,4 % de guérison et 15,48 % d'amélioration marquée. Comparaison de la moxibustion sur aiguille, moxibustion au Wei-Guan, moxibustion directe ou indirecte sur gingembre, laser acupuncture et chimiopuncture. La moxibustion sur aiguille avec manipulation de tonification-réchauffement donne les meilleurs résultats. ( Voir 368- gera: 20371/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 482 CASES OF BRONCHITIS BY CUPPING AT POINTS FOLLOWED BY APPLYING MEDICINE]. LIU YIBIN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;7(1):7 (chi*). Les auteurs ont traité 482 cas de bronchites chroniques par moxibustion (ou ventouse) aux points 13V, 15V et 17V bilatéralement, et application de "Ginseng, Gentian et White masdard powder" aux points 22VC, 17VC et 8VC. Une séance par jour. Après 5 séances, les résultats montrent 399 améliorations (soit 82,78 %). Dans les emphysèmes et coeur pulmonaire, on complète le traitement par phytothérapie traditionnelle pour consolider la rate. Ce traitement est appliqué les jours de grosse chaleur en été, et de gros froid en hiver. 363- gera: 20266/di/ra [THE REPORT ON TREATMENT OF 280 CASES OF CERVICAL TUBERCULOUS LYMPHADENITIS BY FIRE NEEDLE WITH MEDICINAL FUSE]. ZHU YINGCHAO ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;7(2):13 (chi*). Traitement de 280 cas de lymphadénite tuberculeuse cervicale. Une aiguille d'acier est portée au rouge à une flamme. L'aiguille est implantée au centre du ganglion en évitant les tissus sains. Après évacuation du pus, des plantes 369- gera: 20373/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 63 CASES ASTHMA TREATED BY THERMAL NEEDLE]. GUAN ZHUNHUI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;7(1):11 (chi*). Les auteurs ont traité 64 cas d'asthme par aiguille thermique GZH aux points Ding Chuan, 12V (l'aiguille pénétrant jusqu'au 13V). Ils ont obtenu 38 guérisons et 24 améliorations. Les effets de cette méthode sont supérieurs à la phytothérapie traditionnelle, cependant, les récidives sont plus fréquentes. gera 2010 23 Dans ce cas, des séances de consolidation en dehors des crises peuvent éviter ces rechutes. 370- gera: 20380/di/ra [EFFECTIVE OBSERVATION ON 146 CASES WITH PAINFUL TUBERCLE TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION]. DENG SHIFA. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;7(1):29 (chi*). 371- gera: 20410/di/ra EXTENDING MOXIBUSTION IN THE TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 65 CASES. LUO SHIRONG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1987;7(3):171-6 (eng). L'arthrite rhumatoïde est une des maladies communes, rencontrée en clinique. Comme son étiologie n'est pas encore élucidée, il n'y a pas encore de traitement idéal. "Le Canon de la Médecine" dit : "l'acupuncture n'est pas l'indication effective pour traiter cette maladie, mais c'est la moxibustion". Depuis 1983, les auteurs ont traité de façon très large, par moxibustion, avec succès, des patients atteints d'arthrite rhumatoïde. Cette méthode est une technique thérapeutique très usitée dans la région de Shaoxin et la province Zhejiang, contre la forme d'atteinte chronique de type froid et ceci dans la période estivale. L'étude ci-contre, présente une observation clinique de 65 372- gera: 20412/di/ra A CLINICAL STUDY OF TREATING HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS BY MOXIBUSTION. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1987;7(3):181-4 (eng). 373- gera: 20428/di/ra TREATMENT OF DIABETES WITH MOXIBUSTION. LIN YUNGUI ET AL. journal of tcm. 1987;7(1):12-14 (eng). Traitement par moxibustion de 13 cas. Moxas au gingembre. On utilise 21 points répartis en 8 groupes. 10 à 30 cônes sont appliqués au niveau de chaque point (séances de 210 minutes). Groupes de points : 1) 36E, 12VC. 2) 4VG, 12VG, 20V. 3) 6VC et 22E. 4) 6VG et 18V. 7) 2V, 13VC et 6Rte. 8) 13V, 17V et 23V. Points complémentaires : Réchauffeur supérieur : Jinjin, Yuye, 6MC, 10P, 8C. Réchauffeur moyen : 2Rte et 20V. Réchauffeur inferieur : 2Rn et 1Rn. On observe une amélioration significative de la glycémie, de la glycosurie et 374- gera: 20435/di/cg TREATMENT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM BY MOXIBUSTION REPORT OF 30 CASES. LIAO FANGZHEN. selections from articles abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1987;:147 (eng). En MTC, l'hyperthyroïdie correspond à la maladie "yin qi'. Le trai tement par moxibustion apparait très précocement dans les classiques médicaux (Thousand Golden prescriptions et secrets medicaux d'un fonctionaire). L'auteur a traité 30 patients. Points principaux : 16VG, 12V, 13V, 14VG, 12VG, et 31VB. Points secondaires : 2 à 3 points choisis en fonction des syndromes. 1 séance par jour. 3 techniques ont été utilisés : 1) grain de moxa placé directement sur la peau. 2) Stimulation à l'aiguille rougie à la chaleur. 3) Moxa en batonnet. Guérison dans 4 cas et amélioration remarquable dans 15 cas. Le plus souvent l'amélioration est très précoce après 2 à 10 jours de traitement. L'hyperthyroïdie avec un syndrome chaleur plénitude ou vide de yin 375- gera: 20438/di/cg CLINICAL STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS WITH MOXIBUSTION. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. selections from articles abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing. 1987;:152 (eng). Traitement de 34 cas par moxibustion. 5 moxas en cone de 2 grammes appliqués au niveau des points : 14VG, 23V, 4VG, 18VC, 12VC, 4VC. Evaluation avant et après le traitement (50 séances). Après traitement on observe : 1) Une réduction significative des anti-corps anti-thyroïdiens. 2) Une élévation de T3, T4 et TSH chez les patients avec hypothyroïdie initiale. 3) Pas de modification de T3, T4 et TSH chez les patients normothyroïdiens. 376- gera: 20507/di/ra [ADVANCES OF RESEARCH ON THE MECHANISM OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. TANG DEAN. acupuncture research. 1987;12(4):278-84 (chi*). 377- gera: 20517/di/ra EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTING POINT KUAN-YUAN ON CARDIOVASCULAR AND RENAL RESPONSES TO HISTAMINE-INDUCED SHOCK. HO-CHAN CHEN ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1987;15(1-2):77-82 (eng). Moxibustion of the Point Kuan-Yuan is said by some Chinese herb doctors to have "anti-shock" effect using histamineinduced shock in anesthetized dogs, we studied the cardiovascular and renal effects of moxibusting point KuanYuan. We found that it significantly increased cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, and mean blood pressure but it did not significantly increase heart rate. Moxibustion also significantly increased renal plasma flow, glomerular filtration rate, urine flow, and Na+ CI- K+ excretions. Whether moxibusting Kuan-Yuan may be useful as an adjunct in treating clinical shocks deserves more extensive studies in well- controlled clinical situations. It may also be helpful in clinical situations in which elevation of the sympathetic 378- gera: 20898/di/tt GUIA PRACTICA DE LAS MOXAS CHINAS. REQUENA Y. las mil y una ediciones,madrid. 1987;:239P (esp). 379- gera: 20936/di/cg A CLINICAL STUDY OF ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT FOR ASTHMA. LUZ MARIA ROS. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:23 (eng). Cette étude faite sur 72 patients âgés de 7 mois à 73 ans montre l'efficacité de l'acupuncture sur l'asthme vide ou plénitude. 76,4 % sont améliorés après 5 séances, 89 % après 8 séances. Points principaux : 36E, 2GI, Shen Men auriculaire ; points secondaires (selon la forme clinique) : 9P, 1P, 11GI, 4GI, 13V, 12VC, 17VC, 4VC. Moxa si vide d'énergie ou saignée si l'excès d'énergie. 380- gera: 20942/di/cg A STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF GASTROPTOSIS WITH MOXIBUSTION. CHONG WI TEK ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:26 (eng). 381- gera: 20951/di/cg CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECT OF ACUMOXIBUSTION ON 248 CASES OF MALE INFERTILITY. CHANG GANSHENG. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:34 (eng). 382- gera: 20977/di/cg A STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF COMBINED LOW FREQUENCY ELECTRICAL ACUPUNCTURE AND INFRARED RADIATION THERAPY FOR LOWER BACK PAIN. ABSTRACT. LOZANO F ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:54 (eng). It is generally believed that improvement in blood circulation is one of the main mechanisms involved in producing the acupuncture effect. Heating methods, including moxibustion, are also known to improve blood circulation. According to traditional Chinese medicine, chronic lower back pain, frequently accompanied by cold limbs, fatigue, etc..., is related to "Deficiency of kidney Yang", for which moxibustion is indicated. Therefore, we considered that moxibustion or other heating therapies could enhance the effects of acupuncture treatment. In this study, we examined the combined effects of low frequency electrical acupuncture (LFEA) and infrared radiation (IR) on 25 lower back pain patients. We compared the effect of 1) IR 2) LFEA and 3) combined LFEA-IR, immediately after treatment, employing a visual analogue scale to evaluate the subjective symptomatic relief and comfortableness of treatment. As an additional study, we gera 2010 24 measured the superficial and deep temperature in the lower limbs, and observed the distribution of superficial temperature as shown by thermography on selected volunteers. In conclusion: (1) Combined LFEA-IR was found to be the most effective and comfortable treatment. (2) Combined LFEA-IR resulted in the highest increase of superficial and deep temperature of the lower limbs. (3) LFEA resulted in a higher increase of lower limb temperature than IR. 383- gera: 20983/di/cg CLINICAL STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS WITH MOXIBUSTION. GUOSHENG HU ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:59 (eng). 34 cas de thyroïdite de Hashimoto ont été traités par moxibustion de façon alternative sur deux groupes de points : 14VG, 23V, 4VG, d'une part et 18VC, 12VC et 4VC d'autre part. La moxibustion a consisté en l'application sur chaque point de 5 cônes de 2 grammes chaque jour pendant 50 jours. Les taux d'anticorps antithyroïdiens et de TSH ont été abaissés de façon significative (P<0,001). De même les taux de T3 et T4 ont augmenté significativement (P<0,001). Par contre la moxibustion pratiquée de façon identique chez un groupe témoin aux fonctions thyroïdiennes normales n'a entrainé aucune modification biologique. 384- gera: 20984/di/cg CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON "LONG-SNAKE" MOXIBUSTION WITH GARLIC IN THE TREATMENT OF 65 CASES OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. SHIRONG LUO ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:60 (eng). 385- gera: 21016/di/cg CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON THE ANTIPYRETIC EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION. TIAN GONGHUO ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:87 (eng). 386- gera: 21076/di/cg A CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF EPIDEMIC HEMORRHAGIC FEVER BY MOXIBUSTION. ZHOU MEISHENG ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:109 (eng). [Une observation clinique du traitement de la fièvre hémorragique épidémique par acupuncture]. Groupe 1 (33 cas) : moxibustion avec quelques herbes si nécessaires. Groupe 2 (33 cas) : moxibustion et médicaments. Groupe 3 (40 cas) : médicaments suivant les symptômes. Action favorable de la moxibustion sur la fièvre, le choc et prévention des fonctions rénales telles que oligourie, anurie. Points utilisés : Dazhui, (14VG), Yin Jiao (7VC) moxibustion pendant 1 ou 2 heures. Contrairement à la vieille conception : "la moxibustion est interdite dans les fièvres", cette expérience ouvre des perspectives favorables dans l'utilisation de la moxibustion pour traiter les 387- gera: 21077/di/cg CURATIVE EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION AND THEIR EFFECTS ON ERYTHROCYTE LYMPHOCYTE AND COMPLEMENT 3 IN DYSENTERY BACILLI*. ZHANG TAOQING ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:111 (eng). 388- gera: 21080/di/cg THE EXPLORATION ON THE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF AIDS WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. TSE WING KWONG. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:115 (eng). 389- gera: 21125/di/cg AN ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDY OF THE ACUPUNCTURE OR MOXIBUSTION STIMULATED REGIONAL SKIN AND LYMPH NODES IN LABORATORY ANIMALS. KYOICHI KUROIWA ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:152 (eng). 390- gera: 21133/di/cg CHANGES IN CONTENT OF BLOOD SERUM THROUGH MOXIBUSTION ON ACUPOINT AQUIVALENTS. KOJI SAKAMOTO ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:148 (eng). 391- gera: 21137/di/cg EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE BLOOD PRESURE, PLASMA RENIN ACTIVITY AND CATECHOLAMINE CONCENTRATION IN THE TWO KIDNEY ONE CLIP GOLDBLATT HYPERTENSIVE RATS. JUN MOOLEE ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:163. (eng). Le moxibustion au point 23V chez le rat rendu hypertendu par suture de l'artère rénale montre une baisse de la pression artérielle ainsi que de l'activité rénine plasmatique. 392- gera: 21141/di/cg EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON MICROCIRCULATION STUDIES OF CLINIC AND EXPERIMENT. ZHOU JIEFANG ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:166 (eng). La microcirculation étudiée au niveau du lit ungnéal montre des changements évidents lors de la moxibustion directe, de la puncture chauffée, et de la puncture simple et ce par ordre décroissant, chez des patients présentants un asthme. La microcirculation conjonctivale de 18 patients présentent un AVC est améliorée lors de l'électroacupuncture, de l'acupuncture, et de la pose des aiguilles à demeure. La microcirculation conjonctivale de lapins est étudiée lors de la puncture de 26VG et 6mc. La moxibustion se montre expérimentalement la plus 393- gera: 21226/di/cg EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF ANTITUMOR EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION. YANG YOUMI ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:181 (eng). 394- gera: 21240/di/cg THE BIOELECTRONIC MODEL OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXA PROCESS. DUNIN M. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:193 (eng). 395- gera: 21242/di/cg ANTIOXIDIZING EFFECT OF BURNED PRODUCTS OF MOXA. IKUKO NISHITANI ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:194 (eng). 396- gera: 21243/di/cg EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON MINGMEN ON DNA SYNTHESIS RATE IN RAT WITH YANG DEFICIENCY. NI JINFANG ET AL. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:194 (eng). 397- gera: 21289/di/cg TIBETAN MOXIBUSTION. FINCKH E. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:247 (eng). 398- gera: 21294/di/cg ON EFFECT OF COMBINED TREATMENT OF ACUPUNCTURE, MOXA CAUTERY AND SURGICAL TECHNIQUES. CHIEKO NAGANUMA. in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing. 1987;:248 (eng). 399- gera: 21884/di/el SCIATIQUE. SUN XUE-QUAN. in recueil d'experiences clinique en acupunture-moxa. 1987;:84-7 (fra). L'auteur propose 3 types de traitement : 1) Fumigation avec gera 2010 25 racourcir la durée de la maladie, supprime les douleurs, elle est facile à manipuler, économique et sans effets secondaires. bûches sèches de Murier. Le patient place le membre atteint à proximité d'un brasier fait de bûches sèches de Murier. Le feu éteint, répandre 1 L de vinaigre pour engendrer une vaporisation. Recouvrir de paille et allonger le patient. 2) Points douloureux lombosacrés. Puncture à 1 cm pour les points lombosacrés et de 1,5 à 3 cm pour les points fessiers. Séance de 15 à 30 mn, stimulation par manipulation en va-etvient et par grattage. Application de ventouses après la séance. 3) Puncture du côté sain des points symétriques aux points douloureux. Séance de 30 à 60 mn, associée à des ventouses sur les points douloureux du côté atteint. L'auteur souligne l'efficacité de la moxibustion. 407- gera: 22038/di/cg TREATMENT OF 30 CASES OF HERPES ZOSTER AND HERPES SIMPLEX BY COTTON MOXIBUSTION. WANG SONGRONG. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxiibustion, beijing. 1987;:179 (eng). La méthode consiste à placer 1 bout de coton sur les éruptions et de le brûler. Le jour suivant la couleur de la peau doit devenir noire, la lésion s'amenuise et la douleur disparait. On recommence l'opération s'il n'y a pas de 400- gera: 21935/di/el RHINITE. SUN XUE-QUAN. in recueil d'experiences cliniques en acupuncture-moxa. 1987;:180-3 (fra). Points : 4GI, 20Gi. Céphalées : Yintang et Taiyang. Fièvre : 14VG, 11GI ou Xin Hui ou Xuanzhong. Moxa au gingembre 4 à 5 cônes. Séance de 15 à 30 minutes, stimulation intermittente. 5 à 7 séances forment une cure. 408- gera: 22042/di/cg PRELIMINARY CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATION ON ASYMPTOMATIC HBSAG CARRIER (asc) TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. TAO MINGZHONG ET AL. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxiibustion, beijing. 1987;:183 (eng). 401- gera: 21952/di/el ZONA. SUN XUE-QUAN. in recueil d'expriences cliniques en acupunture moxa. 1987;:214-6 (fra). Technique 1 : points Ashi, 5 à 6 aiguilles (2 par espace intercostal), l'aiguille est implantée avec un angle de 15% avec la peau sur 1 à 1,5 cm. Séance de 1 à 2 heures avec radiation infrarouge. Une séance par jour. Technique 2 : Saignée au niveau des lésions, puis MOXAS en bâtonnet 15 à 30 minutes. Associer à 34VB en cas de lésions latérales prédominantes (hypocondre et flancs) ou 40V en cas de lésions dorsolombaires prédominantes. 409- gera: 22063/di/cg ANALYSIS ON THE CLINICAL EFFECT OF 468 CASES OF RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIS TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. HE PUREN. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:205 (eng). 402- gera: 21958/di/cg THE CLINICAL REPORT ON FIRST-AID FOR TREATING ROTAVIRAL GASTROENTERITIS BY ACUPUNTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. XU GUANG. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:108 (eng). Au cours de l'épidémie de diarrhée à rotavirus de 1982 dans la ville de JIXI, qui a touché 35 241 personnes, les auteurs ont traité 23 cas qui tous ont été guéris en 1 à 3 séances. 25E, 12VC, 9VC et 25V. Points secondaires : 36E, 6MC et 21V. Séances de 20 minutes avec 5 à 6 manipulations intermittentes d'enfoncement retrait suivies de moxibustion (bâtonnet ou sur aiguille) 10 minutes. En cas de vomissements : saignées du 21V à l'aiguille triangulaire et ventouse. 1 à 2 séances par jour. 1 à 3 séances. 403- gera: 21959/di/cg TREATMENT OF CHRONIC NON-SPECIFIC ULCERATIVE COLITIS BY FESTERING MOXIBUSTION. AN ANALYSIS OF CURATIVE EFFECT OF FIFTY CASES. ZHANG YONGNAN. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:108 (eng). 404- gera: 21990/di/cg CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECT OF ACUMOXIBUSTION ON 248 CASES OF MALE INFERTILITY. CHANG GASHENG. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:125 (eng). 405- gera: 21994/di/cg CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE LOW ABILITY OF ACTIVITY OF SPERMATOZOA TREATED BY ACUPUNTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. TAO ZHENGXIN. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:130 (eng). 406- gera: 22037/di/cg TREATMENT OF 71 CASES OF HERPES ZOSTER WITH MOXIBUSTION. FENG AILIAN. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxiibustion, beijing. 1987;:178 (eng). [Traitement de 71 cas de zona par moxibustion]. La méthode consiste à placer 1 cône de moxa à la limite de la peau saine et des éruptions ou bien application d'un bâton de moxa pendant 20-30 minutes chez les enfants. La durée du traitement s'échelonne entre 2 et 12 jours. Cette méthode peut 410- gera: 22067/di/cg A CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF 185 CASES WITH TRAUMATISM OF LIGAMENTS AND TENDONS AROUND THE JOINTS BY REMOYING BLOOD*. LUO QINGDAO ET AL. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:210 (eng). Observation clinique sur le traitement de 185 cas de traumatismes des ligaments et tendons péri-articulaires par saignées. 1er temps : Piquer 3 à 5 fois sur une surface de 10 à 20 cm autour du point A Shi de la zone atteinte avec les aiguilles multiples, en stimulation superficielle, puis recouvrir par des ventouses pendant 20 à 30 minutes. 2ème temps : les ventouses otées, moxibustion douce sur la même zône, au batonnet pendant 30 à 50 minutes. Un traitement dure 5 jours (1 séance par jour). On observe une élévation du seuil de la douleur à la pression au niveau des points douloureux. (voir article complet, réf gera [80701]). 411- gera: 22071/di/cg THE SUMMARY OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION WITH MOXA-CONE IN 30 CASES WITH TENOSYNOVITIS. LI DONGSHENG. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:213 (eng). Points : point le plus douloureux. Tenosynovite sténosante de la styloïde radiale : Point 1 cun au dessus du 9P (±8P). Tenosynovite des fléchisseurs des doigts : point induré au niveau de la paume (articulation métacarpophalangienne). Utiliser un seul point. Le garder pendant tout le traitement. Moxa direct, 5 cônes. 3 séances, répéter si nécessaire 15 jours après. Guérison dans 21 cas. Amélioration nette dans 7 cas. Pas de récidive 412- gera: 22072/di/cg TREATMENT OF SUPPURATIVE OSTEOMYELITIS WITH CAUTERIZATION AND HOT APPLICATION METHOD. SHUN MINGYI. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:214 (eng). 413- gera: 22077/di/cg PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF FEVER DUE TO THE INVASION OF EXOGENOUS PATHOGENIC WIND COLD WITH WARM MOXIBUSTION. WANG YIN ET AL. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:220-1 (eng). [Observation préliminaire sur le traitement de la fièvre due à la pénétration du vent froid exogène par la moxibustion]. La méthode consiste à chauffer avec un bâtonnet de moxa les points 14VG et 11GI jusqu'à ce que la peau devienne rouge et chaude. Sur 98 patients avec fièvre (>38°c), 64 cas ont été traités par moxibustion et 34 cas retenus pour le groupe gera 2010 26 témoin ; il existe une différence significative entre les 2 groupes (P<0,001). Dans le groupe 1, le moxa fait baisser la température en 48 heures : 64 cas (54 cas de guérison, 7 cas de bon résultats, 2 cas d'échec). Dans le groupe 2 : 34 cas (10 cas de guérison, 12 cas de bons résultats, 2 cas d'échec). 414- gera: 22078/di/cg CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON THE ANTIPYRETIC EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION. TIAN CONGHUO ET AL. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:221 (eng). [Recherche clinique et experimentale sur l'effet antipyrétique de la moxibustion]. 154 malades atteints de fièvre supérieure à 38°C) ont été divisés en 2 groupes. Le 1er groupe traité par moxibustion aux points 14VG et 11GI et le 2ème groupe sert de témoin. L'auteur fait une étude comparative des 2 groupes sur la baisse de la température en 48 heures, la relation entre moxibustion et antibiotiques. De même une étude sur 42 lapins a été entreprise, la fièvre a été induite par injection de turpentine en sous-cutanée. 415- gera: 22079/di/cg STUDY ON THE GRAFTING OF IMMUNOREGULATION BY MERIDIAN MOXIBUSTION ON GOVERNOR VESSEL MERIDIAN AND BLADDER MERIDIAN. LU YUNFA ET AL. in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:223 (eng). Etude de la survie de greffon cutané chez la souris après moxibustion au niveau du VG, de la vessie, ou de nonmeridien. La moxibustion prolonge la durée de survie du greffon (VG+V>VG>V>Non-Méridien>Contrôle). Parallèlement, on observe une diminution de tous les index immunologiques par rapport au contrôle (transformation lymphoblastique, inhibition de la migration, PFC et cellules NK. 416- gera: 22182/nd/re MIT BATTERIE UND GLUHENDEM NAGEL : PYROPUNKTUR DER BEDUINEN. TRADITION UND TOURISMUS - FERNOSTLICHER EINFLUSS BEHANDLUNG OFT ERFOLGREICH. BRODBECK T. fortschritte der medizin. 1987;105(18):76-7 (deu*). [WITH BATTERY AND INCANDESCENT NAIL : PYROPUNCTURE OF BEDOUINS. TRADITION AND TOURISM. FAR EASTERN INFLUENCE. TREATMENT OF TEN SUCCESSFULL]. 417- gera: 22505/di/cg AIGUILLES CHAUDES ET GENOU RHUMATISMAL. FABRE J. 16ème congres national d'acupuncture,paris. 1987;:187195 (fra). Nous avons traité depuis 4 ans une centaine de patients atteints de gonarthrose avancée par la méthode des aiguilles chauffées appliquée à deux points d'acupuncture du genou (39V et 34VB). Il s'agit d'interventions simples, requérant tout au plus des aiguilles traditionnelles chinoises, de l'armoise, quelques allumettes. Chez plus de la moitié des patients, les résultats ont été spectaculaires, rapides (1,2, ou 3 séances), durables, permettant parfois dans certains cas limites d'éviter le recours à la chirurgie. (n = 94). Points: 2 Xiyan. Protocoles: Aiguilles chaudes avec moxas. Résultats: Bons résultats : 64%. 418- gera: 22769/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF SOFT TISSUE INJURY AROUND JOINTS. GU YUE HUA. journal of chinese medicine. 1987;24:3-6 (eng). Etude sur le traitement par acupuncture et moxibustion des liésons péri-articulaires. Classification des atteintes en 3 types : 1) stagnation de l'énergie et du sang (microtraumatismes sans lésions vraies), 2) dérangements tendineux ou musculaires (entorses, élongation, claquages), 3) rupture tendineuse (ligaments et tendons rompus). La chirurgie seule peut traiter le 3ème type. Les points : 3IG, 10V, Ashi avec manipulation et électricité sur les aiguilles sont utilisés pour la nuque ; 15GI, Jianeilling sont manipulés avec l'électricité ou moxibustion selon la phase aiguê ou chronique pour l'épaule ; la technique "Heguci" ou "Qici" pour le coude ; la technique "Huici" pour le poignet ; les points 5Rt, 40VB, 6Rt, 39VB, avec électricité ou moxibustion pour la cheville ; les points 419- gera: 22813/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON AGED RATS (REPORT 1)]. HIDEHARU SAKAMOTO ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1987;37(2):80-5 (jap*). 420- gera: 22814/di/ra [ELECTROMYOGRAPHIC STUDY OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR KNEE PAIN (2)]. EITARO NOGUCHI. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1987;37(2):94-104 (jap*). Introduction: In my studies (Journal of The Japan Society of Acupuncture 35 (3, 4) ), the muscular activity of the quadricepes femoris was studied while the subjects were descending stairs. The present study, therefore, was designed to evaluate the tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius medial head, gastrocnemius lateral head. Materials and Methods: The subjects consisted of a group of 7 patients with knee pain (7 females, 61. 14 years in mean age) and a normal group of 10 healthy persons (9 males, 3 females, 39. 70 years in mean age). Electromyography was performed on the tibial anterior, gastrocnemius medial head and gastrocnemius lateral head during ascending and descending stairs. The examinations were performed pre- and post acupuncture and moxibustion treatment over a mean of the subsequent 4.5 weeks. Results: 1) The muscular activity of the quadriceps femoris showed an overt pattern with two peaks in the normal group, but a random pattern was shown in the knee pain group. 2) The tibial anterior and gastocnemius showed higher and longerlasting muscular activity than the normal group during descending stairs. 3) The results indicated that electromyography of the quadriceps femoris and gastrocnemius is useful for objective evaluation of knee joint function, and that the quadriceps femoris and gastrocnemius are important subjects for acupuncture and moxibustion treatment. 421- gera: 22825/di/ra TREATMENT OF MIGRAINE WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. PILOT STUDY ON 50 PATIENTS. STUX G. british journal of acupuncture. 1987;10(2):7. (eng). Cinquante patients avec le diagnostic occidental de migraine. La douleur maximum était située au 14VB (16 cas), au 20VB (10 cas), au 8E (7 cas), au 2V (7 cas). Points d'acupuncture choisis en fonction de la localisation de la douleur sur les méridiens atteints, les symptômes sont classés en excés ou vide d'énergie. 50 % des patients ont eu des moxas sur les points de tonification spécifiques, quotidiennement. L'acupuncture à été administrée 2 fois par semaine par séries de 10 à 12 séances. Résultats : 60 % de guérison, 28 % d'amélioration nette, 12 % 422- gera: 23118/di/ra [THE ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION BASED ON DIFFERENTIATION IN THE TREATMENT OF LUMBAGO : REPORT OF 140 CASES]. WANG JI-YUAN. chinese journal of traditional medicine traumatology and orthopedics. 1987;3(2):34 (chi). 423- gera: 23977/di/ra [INFUENCE IN CAUSING A BLOOD PRESSURE AFTER THE STIMULATION OF AMON POINT (II)]. KEIZI IKEDA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1987;37(1):19-23 (jap*). Male SHR used in the study were 11 and 24 weeks old. Each age of male rats were divided in two groups, treatment group and control group, and each group consisted of 7 to 8 animals. The animal of treatment groups were given a stimulating moxibustion of the Amon point analogus to that of human to SHR. The amount of the stimulation were dosed by the moxa of 0.5 mg per 1 gram body weight in two groups. The control group was free from stimulation. More generously rise in blood pressure and the suppressed body weight gain were observed in the stimulated group of the 11 weeks after birth (T1 group). T1 group showed significantly low blood pressure compared to that of the control by five days after the stimulation. The stimulation group in 24 weeks after birth (T2 group) didn't show the remarkable changes compared to that of the control. The organ weight of the adrenal and the cerebrum were significantly high in T1 group compared to that of the control. gera 2010 27 Result of the fixed quantity to catecholamine in serum in T1 group didn't show the remarkable changes. Discussion and Conclusion : The stimulus by means of moxibustion was effective to the generously rise of blood pressure and to the suppressed body 424- gera: 23978/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED RAT]. MAKOTO MURAL ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1987;37(1):24-9 (jap*). La moxibustion ne semble pas corriger les effets physiques et biologiques de l'hypophysectomie chez les rats. 425- gera: 24381/di/ra RESEARCH MOXIBUSTION FOR ARTHRITIS. OH SAE BUNG. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987;:760-2 (eng). 426- gera: 24394/di/ra EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON T AND B LYMPHOCYTES IN IMMUNO-DEPRESSIVE MICE. ZHAO CUIYING ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987;:788-9 (eng). Des souris sont préparées par sérum anti-lymphocytaire pour induire une dépression immunitaire. La moxibustion au 4VC (3 cônes, séance quotidienne, 4 séances) entraîne une élévation significative des lymphocytes T et des lymphocytes B, sans toutefois atteindre un niveau normal. Par contre, la moxibustion chez la souris normale n'entraîne pas de modification des lymphocytes. 427- gera: 24395/di/ra TREATMENT OF BI SYNDROME WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. CHEN DAZHONG ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987;:790-1 (eng). 428- gera: 24406/di/ra THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF CANCER BY ELECTROHEATED NEEDLE. TANG XUEZHENG. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987;:813-4 (eng). 429- gera: 24420/di/ra THE EFFECTS OF PAIN-STIMULATION BY RADIATED HEAT AND ELECTRO ACUPUNCTURE STIMULATION ON THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. WANG QINGPING ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987;:844-5 (eng). 430- gera: 24481/di/ra [EFFECT OF MULTIPLE MOXIBUSTION ON PLATELET AGGREGATION, BLOOD COAGULATION AND FIBRINOLYTIC ACTIVITY IN MICE]. MASAKO OKAZAKI ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1987;37(4):279-84 (jap*). 431- gera: 24537/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON AGED RATS (REPORT 2)]. HIDEHARU SAKAMOTO. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1987;37(3):153-8 (jap). Cette étude a été faite pour préciser l'action de la moxibustion sur les troubles moteurs du rat agé. On a utilisé des rats femmelles Wistar et mesuré les performances de natation selon la méthode de Marshall (1979). On a appliqué 6 cônes de moxa sur 25VB bilatéral et le 20VG. On a comparé les performances des rats de 9 mois traités avec celle de rats de 4 mois traités aussi. Seules les performances des rats de 9 mois ont été améliorées par le traitement. Cela suggère que la moxibustion peut régénérer les troubles moteurs chez le rat agé. 432- gera: 24538/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON AGED RATS (REPORT 3)]. HIDEHARU SAKAMOTO. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1987;37(3):159-63 (jap). Cette étude a été faite pour préciser l'action de la moxibustion sur les troubles moteurs du rat agé. On a utilisés des rats femmelles Wistar agés de 10 mois et mesuré les performences de natation selon la méthode Marshall (1979). Un groupe a reçu 6 cônes de moxa sur le 25vb bilatéral et le 20vg. Un groupe a reçu une injection de Méthyl-dopa intrapériturale 15 mn avant l'expérimentation et un groupe contrôle, une injection de Nacl à 0,9% . Le groupe a reçu L.dopa a récupéré une meilleure natation que le groupe contrôle Nacl. Le groupe moxibustion a récupéré de façon identique au groupe L.dopa. Cela suggère que la moxibustion peut régénérer les troubles 433- gera: 24543/di/ra [CLINICAL EFFECT ON THE TWO CASES OF WARTS BY MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT AND APPLICATION OF BURNED MOXA PRODUCTS]. IKUKO NISHITANI. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1987;37(3):188-93 (jap). 434- gera: 24651/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION AND RESEARCH OF MECHANISM OF TREATING CHRONIC ACTIVE HEPATITIS BY ACUPUNCTURE POINT IRRADIATION WITH NEAR *. QIAN CUNZE ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987;:1107-8 (eng). 435- gera: 24653/di/ra ZK-I THERMOSTAT STEAMER. WANG JIANHUA ET AL. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987;:1113 (eng). 436- gera: 24658/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF VARIED DISEASES BY FAR INFRARED THERAPY. SHOZI MAEDA. international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai. 1987;:1124 (eng). 437- gera: 24737/di/el MOXIBUSTION AND CUPPING. CHENG XINNONG. in chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, foreign languages press, *. 1987;:339-47 (eng). 438- gera: 24838/di/cg CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION AND THE PROPHYLAXIS OF APOPLEXY WITH MOXIBUSTION BASED ON EHE *. FENG YUWEN ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:42 (eng). Etude randomisée démontrant l'activité de la moxibustion des points d'acupuncture sélectionnés sur les tableaux sémiologique de la MTC, sur la stabilité de l'HTA, avec baisse des valeurs systoliques et diastoliques, baisse du fibrinogène et des PDF diminution de la viscosité sanguine. Les points sont 36E, 6RT, 40E, 3F, 5F ! 439- gera: 24861/di/cg CLINICAL REPORT OF SEVEN CASES OF SPINAL ARACHNOIDITIS TREATED BY ELECTRIC ACUPUNCTURE THE BACK MIDDLE CHANNEL AND MOXIBUSTION *. DAI TIECHENG. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:67 (eng). 440- gera: 24878/di/cg TREATMENT OF ASTHMA WITH TRIPPLE SUMMER (MIDSUMMER) MOXIBUSTION. SUN LANYING ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:89 (eng). 441- gera: 24879/di/cg WARMING AND TONIFYING EFFECT OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH GINGER ON ASTHMA DUE TO DEFICIENCY OF LUNG-QI. LIN HONG. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:90 (eng). 442- gera: 24880/di/cg STUDY ON TREATMENT OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA BY SUPPURATION MOXIBUSTION. LI GUOZHONG ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:91 (eng). gera 2010 28 443- gera: 24881/di/cg STUDIES ON CURATIVE EFFECT OF LIQUID NITROGEN FREEZING ACUPOINTS ON 204 CASES OF COUGH AND ASTHMA. HONG SHENGDA ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:92 (eng). 204 malades porteurs d'affections respiratoires diverses avec toux et asthme ont été traités par réfrigération des points d'acupuncture à l'azote liquede. Le procédé s'est avéré efficace dans 94,22% des cas (47,55% de gué-risons et excellents résultats). Les tests des rosettes et de transformation des lymphocytes suggèrent que ce pro-cédé contribue à renforcer les défenses immunitaires de l'organisme. 444- gera: 24882/di/cg THE ANALYSIS OF THE CYCLIC NUCLEOCOTIDES SYSTEM IN BRONCHIAL ASTHMA PATIENTS AFTER "FESTERING MOXIBUSTION" THERAPY. LI XINGCHUN ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:93 (eng). 454- gera: 24944/di/cg TREATMENT OF 210 CASES OF MUMPS BY MATCH STICK MOXIBUSTION ON ACUPOINT JIAOSUN. WENG SONGRONG. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:219-20 (eng). Appliquer l'extrémité d'une allumette au niveau du point 20 TR. On doit entendre un petit bruit de craquement, sinon recommencer l'opération. Guérison en 1 à 2 séances. 455- gera: 25067/di/cg REGULAR PATTERN OF THE TRANSMISSION OF MOXIBUSTION FEELING ALONG THE CHANNELS. CHEN KEQIN ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:363 (eng). 456- gera: 25068/di/cg PROPAGATION OF SENSATION ALONG THE CHANNEL DURING NEAR-INFRARED MESSAGE IRRADIATION. CHAO SHUMIN ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:364 (eng). 445- gera: 24883/di/cg THE TREATMENT OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA WITH WARMNEEDLING. HE JIAN ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:94 (eng). 457- gera: 25152/di/cg EFFECT OF HEAT OR MOXA OIL STIMULATION AT CHANGQIANG AND YAOSHU ON NOCICEPTIVE RESPONSES IN THE RAT. XU WEI ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:468 (eng). 446- gera: 24886/di/cg OBSERVATION OF CURATIVE EFFECT ON 282 CASES OF CHRONIC BRONCHITIS CURED BY SEGREGATED GINGER. BAO CINGXIANG. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:98 (eng). 458- gera: 25258/di/cg EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON MICROCIRCULATION : STUDIES OF CLINIC AND EXPERIMENT. ZHOU JIEFANT ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:576 (eng). 447- gera: 24887/di/cg TREATING SENILE CHRONIC BRONCHITIS AND PULMONARY EMPHYSEMA WITH TRADITIONAL MOXIBUSTION. LIANG CUIYING. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:101-2 (eng). 459- gera: 25284/di/cg EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON THE MECHANISM OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN INHIBITING THE FORMATION OF BILE PIGMENT STONE. CHEN HANPING ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:603 (eng). 448- gera: 24932/di/cg CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON "LONG-SNAKE" MOXIBUSTION WITH GARLIC IN THE TREATMENT OF 65 CASES OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. LUO SHIRONG ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:206 (eng). 460- gera: 25286/di/cg TREATMENT EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON DOGS WITH EXPERIMENTAL BACILLARY DISENTERY. ZHANG TAOQING ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:605 (eng). Traitement de 24 chiens avec dysenterie bacillaire experimentale. 4 heures après l'introduction dans l'estomac de la suspension de bacilles, les premiers symptômes apparaissent et le tableau clinique est complet à la 14° heure. L'acupuncture (4MC, 25E, 4VC, 36E) associée à la moxibustion au sel sur le 8VC permet une guérison en 2,44 jours au lieu de 8 jours dans le groupe de contrôle. Les globules blancs se normalisent en 2,5 jours contre 3,7 dans le groupe de contrôle. La coproculture est négative en 3,15 jours contre 4,25 dans le groupe de contrôle. 449- gera: 24933/di/cg WARM NEDDLING THERAPY FOR RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. SUN LIQING. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:207 (eng). 450- gera: 24940/di/cg TREATMENT OF SUPPURATIVE OSTEOMYELITIS WITH CAUTERIZATION AND HOT APPLICATION METHOD. SHUN MINGYI. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:214 (eng). 451- gera: 24941/di/cg AN EXPLORATION ON THE LAW OF THE MOXIBUSTION THERAPY IN NEIJING (YELLOW EMPERIOR'S CANON OF MEDICINE). TIAN CONGHUO ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:215 (eng). 452- gera: 24942/di/cg A CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF EPIDEMIC HEMORRHAGIC FEVER BY MOXIBUSTION. ZHOU MEISHENG ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:217 (eng). 453- gera: 24943/di/cg MOXIBUSTION THERAPY IN 35 CASES OF ANAEMIA CAUSED BY SEPSIS. YANG DINGLIN. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:218 (eng). 461- gera: 25292/di/cg EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON THE EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE PHAGOCYTIC ACTIVITY OF ABDOMINAL MACROPHAGE IN HYDROCORTISONE MICE. YANG YOUMI ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:610 (eng). Les souris sont randomisées en 2 groupes : 1) Hydrocortisone (20 mg/kg IM pendant 7 jours) 2) Hydrocortisone + Moxibustion (2 cônes au 4VG). Est étudiée l'activité phagocytaire vis-à-vis d'hématies de coq. pourcentage et index phagocytaire sont plus élevés dans le groupe traité par moxibustion. 462- gera: 25293/di/cg EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON MINGMEN ON DNA SYNTHESIS RATE IN RAT WITH YANG DEFICIENCY. NI JINFANG ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:611 (eng). 463- gera: 25298/di/cg gera 2010 29 THE INHIBITORY EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON INCREASED PERMEABILITY OF VASCULAR WALL INDUCED BY HISTAMINE. LI JINGRONG ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:616 (eng). La moxibustion au 4VC et 36E diminue la réaction locale à une injection d'Histamine chez le lapin. La moxibustion a un effet antihistaminique. ZHANG DENGBU. shandong journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1987;6:12 (chi). 464- gera: 25310/di/cg EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF ANTITUMOR EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION (1). YANG YOUMI ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:629 (eng). 474- gera: 30966/di/ra [MULTI-INDEX OBSERVATION AND ANALYSIS ON ASTHMA TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION AND PLASTERS IN HOT SUMMER DAYS]. SUN LANYING ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;3:3 (chi). 465- gera: 25311/di/cg EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF ANTITUMOR EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION.(3). YANG YOUMI ET AL. selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing. 1987;:630 (eng). 475- gera: 30969/di/ra [REDUCING FAT EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON SERUM TRIGLYCERIDE AND CHOLESTEROL]. JIANG GUISU. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;3:11 (chi). 466- gera: 25576/di/tt LA MOXIBUSTION. PENKA C. les grands sujets de la medecine chinoise traditionnelle,tredaniel,paris. 1987;15:70P (fra). 476- gera: 31001/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN INHIBITING FORMATION OF CHOLECHROME CALCULUS IN GUINEA PIGS]. CHEN HANPING ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;1:19 (chi). 467- gera: 25982/nd/re [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE TO GOKOKU (HOKU) ON PAIN THRESHOLD. THE FIRST REPORT : STUDY BY HEAT STIMULATION]. HIMURO H. fukuoka shika daigaku gakkai zasshi. 1987;14(2):169-74 (jap*). 468- gera: 27604/di/cg EFFECT OF CAUTERIZATION ON PAIN THRESHOLD OF ANIMAL. GUO LAIBAO ET AL. international conference on veterinary acupuncture, beijing. 1987;:56. (eng). [Effet de la cautérisation sur le seuil de douleur chez l'animal]. La cautérisation est une méthode traditionnelle et efficace de traitement en Médecine Vétérinaire Chinoise; ce champ d'application est large et englobe toutes les maladies chroniques et réfractaires à l'acupuncture et à la médecine, des extrémités chez l'animal. La durée du traitement est courte et l'effet curatif satisfaisant. Un instrument détectant le seuil de douleur est utilisé chez 23 mules, il détecte ce seuil d'après la contracture de l'anus et le mouvement de la queue. Trois mesures sont faites à 30 secondes d'intervalle avant la cautérisation et deux, 5 minutes et 24 heures après. Les résultats montrent que le seuil de douleur des patients cautérisés est nettement plus élevé qu'avant la cautérisation. 469- gera: 27605/di/cg TREATMENT OF SERIOUS ARTHRITIS SYNOVITIS IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS WITH MOXIBUSTION. YIN JINQIAO. international conference on veterinary acupuncture, beijing. 1987;:57. (eng). [Traitement de l'arthrite "synoviale" chez les animaux domestiques par moxibustion]. Une pathologie fréquente des articulation, en particulier chez le cheval, la mule, l'âne et le boeuf est l'arthrite "synoviale". La moxibustion, pratiquée avec du vinaigre et de l'alcool, sur 66 animaux malades, s'avère un traitement pratique, facile à utiliser et rapide pour obtenir de bons effets curatifs. 470- gera: 27615/di/cg THE EFFICACY OF MOXIBUSTION ON REPEAT BREEDING COWS. EISHU TAKAGI. international conference on veterinary acupuncture, beijing. 1987;:68. (eng). 471- gera: 27630/di/cg THE OBSERVATION ON THE CURATIVE EFFECT OF CO2 LASER ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON SEVERAL SPLEEN GASTRIC DISEASES OF HORSES AND MULES. WANG SHAOWEI ET AL. international conference on veterinary acupuncture, beijing. 1987;15-18:88. (eng). 472- gera: 30950/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF TREATMENT OF CEREBROVASCULAR DISORDERS CAUSING HEMIPLEGIA BY MOXIBUSTION]. 473- gera: 30955/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF MOXIBUSTION UPON ZINC AND COPPER CONTENTS IN OLD MEN'S HAIR WHEN STIMULATION OF POINT ZUSANLI]. HE JIYUAN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1987;2:6 (chi). 477- gera: 31133/di/ra [DISCUSSION ON THE MOXIBUSTION THERAPY IN "WAI TAI MI YAO"]. WANG ZHANGLIAN. journal of zhejiang tcm college. 1987;6(11):29 (chi). 478- gera: 31269/di/ra [CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF INFANTILE ENTERITIS TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION. 100 CASES]. LIN YUANZHEN. shanghai journal of tcm. 1987;6:8 (chi). 479- gera: 31968/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 210 CASES OF MUMPS WITH IGNITED MATCH AS A MOXA STICK APPLIED ON ACUPOINT JIAOSUN (S.J.20)]. WANG SONGRONG. liaoning journal of tcm. 1987;11(6):26 (chi). Voir résumé anglais ref gera (24944). 480- gera: 32090/di/ra [REINFORCING EFFECT OF GINGER-PARTITIONMOXIBUSTION STICKING METHOD FOR ASTHMA DUE TO DEFICIENCY OF LUNG-ENERGY]. LIN HONG. fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1987;18(6):20 (chi). 481- gera: 32552/di/ra [TREATMENT OF DYSURIA IN NEWBORNS BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. CHEN XIANREN. journal of new chinese medicine. 1987;19(10):30 (chi). 482- gera: 80393/di/ra STIEFKIND MOXA. KITZINGER E. deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur. 1987;6:128-131 (deu). 483- gera: 21579/di/ra 32 CASES OF ACUTE MASTITIS TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION AND CUPPING. LIANG ZHAOPING. journal of tcm. 1988;8(1):15-8 (eng). 484- gera: 21599/di/ra ATELIER SUR LES MOXAS. BANOS A. annales de la societe d'acupuncture d'aquitaine. 1988;1:60-6 (fra). 485- gera: 21748/di/ra EPAULE DOULOUREUSE. MINZONI O. revue francaise de mtc. 1988;127:91 (fra). Après de brèves prémisses occidentales, nous allons décrire ici les bases anatomo-physiologiques, la symptomatologie énergétique et l'orientation diagnostique de l'épaule douloureuse, suivant les principes traditionnels chinois. Le traitement par aiguille-moxa, associé à celui des aiguilles seules, produit un grand effet thérapeutique sur la douleur et sur le mouvement. Ne pas oublier le massage et, ensuite, la gera 2010 30 gymnastique. 486- gera: 22792/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF 70 CASES OF PARAPLEGIA WITH COMPREHENSIVE REHABILITATION OF ACUPUNCTURE IN COMBINATION *]. TANG XIANGHUI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;8(3):4-6 (chi*). Rééducation de 70 cas de paraplégie par acupuncture et autres moyens de MTC. 53,1 % d'amélioration chez ceux qui étaient autonomes, 51,6 % chez ceux qui avaient une bonne capacité à l'effort, 85,2 % d'amélioration des articulations déformées, 54,2 % d'amélioration des troubles de la miction et de la défécation. Méthodes utilisées : 1) Massage manuel et électrique. 2) Puncture profonde de points de différents méridiens. 3) Appareil à moxas. 4) Appareillage de traitement des paraplégies. 5) Injections aux points d'acupunture. 6) Désinfection et toilettes avec les herbes. 7) Médicaments modernes et traditionnels. 487- gera: 22830/di/ra LOQUAT LEAF MOXIBUSTION. KELLY RG. british journal of acupuncture. 1988;11(1):19-24 (eng). 488- gera: 22905/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT FOR AGALACTIA. YAO CUIXIAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;8(2):128. (eng). L'acupuncture peut être utilisée dans le traitement de l'agalactie primaire et la baisse de lactation d'origine psychique. Choix des points : 18E bilatéral, 3C à droite, 4GI à droite et le 17VC. Les aiguilles sont laissées 15 à 30mn, sauf le 17VC qui est retiré juste après son insertion, avec moxibustion 5mn. 1 séance quotidienne 1 à 3 séances suffisent dans les cas de stress. Traitement de 7 jours nécéssaire pour l'agalactie primaire. 489- gera: 23053/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON "LONG-SNAKE MOXIBUSTION WITH GARLIC IN THE TREATMENT OF 65 CASES OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS]. LUO SHIRONG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;8(2):8 (chi*). The author treated 65 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, using traditional therapy "Long-snake" moxibustion with garlic to tonify the Du meridian and the kidney, and to increase resistance to disease. The clinical observation showed-49 cases (75. 6%) had lowered erythrocyte sedimentation rate; Iv cases (56.9%) had increased hemoglobin, and that the rheumatoid factor became negative in 13 cases (20%). The clinical cure rate was 18.5%, 32.3% had marked effects. 35.4% improved, and the total effective rate was 86.2%. This therapy has the advantages of ease of administration, absence of side effects and persistent therapeutic result. The author introduced the location, the manipulation of "Long-snake" moxibustion with garlic too. 490- gera: 23055/di/ra [THE REPORT OF FOLLOW-UP FOR 220 CASES OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA WITH TREATMENT OF SUPPURATIVE MOXIBUSTION]. LI DEYAN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;8(2):14 (chi*). Sur 220 cas d'asthme, le traitement par moxibustion suppurative a fait stopper les rechutes dans 7,7 % des cas et diminuer la fréquence des rechutes dans 77 % des cas (évaluation sur 1 an). 491- gera: 23833/di/ra IMMEDIATE RELIEF AND IMPROVED PULMONARY FUNCTIONAL CHANGES IN ASTHMA SYMPTOMCOMPLEX TREATED BY NEEDLE WARMING MOXIBUSTION. HE JIAN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;8(3):164-6 (eng). Etude sur 60 patients asthmatiques âgés de 5 à 72 ans. L'acupuncture, associée à la moxibustion et aux ventouses, effectuée aux points 14VG, 12V, 13V, permet l'amélioration clinique et paraclinique (chiffres significatifs), d'autant plus que l'asthme est modéré et de type froid. 492- gera: 23926/di/ra LE BI : TRATTAMENTO CON MOXA E WEN ZHEN . CASISTICA AMBULATORIALE. SIGNORETTI L ET AL. rivista italiana di agopuntura. 1988;62:75-8 (ita). 493- gera: 23967/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 142 CASES WITH PAIN RESULTING FROM THE PROTRUSION OF THE LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION OF SHE XIANG DAN (MUSK)]. ZHANG HAI-FA. chinese journal of traditional medicine traumatology and orthopedics. 1988;4(2):19-21 (chi). This paper presents 142 cases with pain caused by the protrusion of the lumbar intervertebral disc treated with moxibustion of She Xiang Dan, the total curative rate being 99,30% and cases being cured in a short time. The patients were followed up after they had been discharged for 6 months to 2 years, the relapse rate being 16,7%. The paper also presents the main components of the prescription, the choice of the acupuncture points, the curative course, the number and the criterions of the treatment of the moxibustion and the mechanism of the disease and the principle of treatment are studied. It turned out trough clinical observation, blood coagulation test and the observation of the platelet trough electromicroscope scanning that She Xiang Dan has the effect on eliminating wetness-evil, removing obstruction in the flow of vital energy and reinforcing vital function, dispelling colds and blood stasis and invigorating blood circulation. It is recommended that She Xiang Dan be spread and 494- gera: 24502/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE SMALL INTESTINE MOBILITY]. CHEN YANHONG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;8(5):40 (chi*). Experiments were performed in mouse, charcoal meal was gavaged into stomach. The percentage of the distance travelled by the charcoal meal from pylorus to caecum within 20 minutes, against the total length of intestine was used as the index of propulsive motility of intestine. In different conditions, the effects of moxibustion at "Shen- Jue" point on the intestine propulsive motility were observed. The result indicated that the propulsive motility of intestine was always inhibited by the moxibustion, and catecholamines might play an important role in the effects 495- gera: 24503/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF CHANGE OF LOCAL TEMPERATURE IN THE AREA OF BENIGN THYROID NODE AFTER ACUPUNCTURE BY INFRA-RED]. ZHANG DONG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;8(5):43 (chi*). L'étude des modifications de température cutanée dans l'aire thyroïdienne (relevées par thermographie) après acupuncture, chez 52 patients a montré une augmentation significative (p<0,001) de celle-ci chez 45 patients. Cette augmentation de température locale semble être un bon reflet de l'efficacité du traitement par 496- gera: 24665/di/ra BIMODAL EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON MAMMARY CARCINOMA TRANSPLANTED IN BALB/C MICE. STERNFELD M. american journal of acupuncture. 1988;16(4):358-61 (eng). La moxibustion a été utilisée comme traitement sur des carcinomes mammaires transplantés chez les souris balb/c. Ce traitement a été utilisé aprés injection sous-cutanée de 2x10 à la puissance 5, cellules tumorales dans la région lombaires (niveau L3-L5). L'application indirecte de moxas au 14VG, a été la plus efficace sur le processus de rejet de la tumeur et sur la prolongation de la survie. L'application directe de Moxas au 23V, 24,25V, a été suivie d'une accélération de la croissance de la tumeur par rapport au groupe controle. 497- gera: 25351/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXA-CONE MOXIBUSTION ON TEMPERATURE AND MICROCIRCULATION OF FEBRILE RABBITS CAUSED BY COLITOXIN]. WANG YUHUA ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1988;8(9):541 (chi*). [Effet du cône de moxa sur la température et la gera 2010 31 microcirculation des lapins atteints de fièvre induite par la colitoxine]. Afin d'explorer le rôle de la moxibustion comme action antipyrétique, cet article étudie l'effet de la moxibustion sur la température et la microcirculation des lapins atteints de fièvre induite par la Colitoxine; ils représentent le modèle de fièvre induite par des agents pathogènes exogènes. Les lapins fièvreux sont divisés en 2 groupes : le groupe moxés (M.G.) ayant reçu une moxibustion au point Dazhui : 14VG immédiatement après induction de la température; le groupe de contrôle (C.G.) qui n'ont pas reçu de moxibustion mais le cône de moxa est placé sur le 14VG. On compare l'effet pyrétique de ces deux groupes. Les résultats montrent que la période d'incubation de la température du M.G. est raccourcie, la courbe de température se déplace vers la gauche, la durée de la température diminue, la poussée maximale de la température est diminuée, l'index de réponse de la température décroit. En comparant les résultats avec le C.G. les différences de tous les paramètres cités ci-dessus sont significatifs (P<0.01). Ceci suggère évidemment que la moxibustion a un effet antipyretique sur la fièvre induite par la Colitoxine chez les lapins. Mais l'effet de la moxibustion sur la température chez les lapins normaux n'a rien de singulier. La microcirculation de la conjonctive des lapins atteints d'hyperthermie a été analysée au microscope. Les résultats montrent l'augmentation de la vitesse du flux sanguin du réseau capillaire, l'éclaircissement de la couleur du sang, la diminution de l'effusion de la microcirculation périphérique. Ceci montre que la moxibustion peut améliorer la microcirculation des lapins atteints de fièvre induite par la Colitoxine, élimine l'inflammation, la température peut être abaissée. Après la moxibustion, l'oreille des lapins se congestionnent la température de l'hélix est supérieure à la normale, les points croisés augmentent notablement, le flux sanguin s'accélère. Tout ceci montre la relation entre l'effet antipyrique de la moxibustion et la dissipation de la chaleur. L'expérience fournit des preuves que le "syndrôme chaleur" peut être traité par la 498- gera: 25680/di/ra AN ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDY OF THE ACUPUNCTURE OR MOXIBUSTION STIMULATED REGIONAL SKIN AND LYMPH NODE IN EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS. KIMURA M. american journal of chinese medicine. 1988;16(3-4):159-168 (eng). Ultrastructures of the electro-acupuncture or moxibustion stimulated skin and regional lymph nodes in experimental animals were examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. In the scanning electron microscopy, small numbers of infiltrating erythrocytes and lymphocytes were found in the vicinity of the penetrated acupuncture needle in the acupuncture-stimulated skin, whereas moxibustion-treated instances revealed a large number of immunocyte infiltrations in the region. Transmission electron microscopically revealed that immunocytes consisted of lymphocytes, monocytes and some granulocytes and mast cells. In addition, the moxibustion-stimulated regional lymph nodes increased in weight after the stimulation and induced numerous immunocyte influx through afferent lymphatics. The acupuncture-stimulted nodes, however, revealed no remarkable change in the weight and morphology. A functional signifiance of the acupuncture and moxibustion-stimulated skin and regional nodes was discussed in reference to previous immunohistological descriptions of immune-reacted lymph node of the 499- gera: 25683/di/ra ORGANIC COMPONENTS OF MOXA. KAZUKO KOBAYASHI. american journal of chinese medicine. 1988;16(3-4):179-185 (eng). 500- gera: 25807/di/ra LE BI TRATTAMENTO CON MOXA E WEN ZHEN CASISTA AMBULATORIALE. SIGNORETTI L. rivista italiana di agopuntura. 1988;62:75-79 (ita). 501- gera: 26036/di/el LOWER BACK PAIN FROM INVASION OF DAMP-COLD (YAO TONG). CHEN JIRUI ET AL. in acupuncture case histories from china, eastland press, seattle. 1988;:164-165 (eng). Chen, female, 37 years old. The patient complained of lower back pain of 4 years duration, which she first experienced after living in a damp house for about 6 months. Since then, the pain had been intermittent, and was aggravated during rainy weather, when she was tired, or when she lay in bed for long periods of time. Light exercise and hot compresses relieved the pain. During the past year, she noticed pain in the middle of her back below the level of the 7th thoracic vertebra as well, which open awakened her at night She was hospitalised, but X- nay examination of the spine needled no abnormality. Blood count was within normal limits. She was diagnosed as having lumbar strain. Block therapy, massage, physical therapy and herbal medication were ineffective. She finally turned to acupuncture. 23V, 25V, 40V, HTJJ, D7, D9, D11. - Patient en décubitus ventral. - Puncture avec recherche du deqi. - Boite à moxa au niveau des 23 et 25V. - Aucune amélioration après 5 séances. - La patiente est alors puncturée en position assise et des moxas en batonnet appliqués. - Amélioration 502- gera: 26552/di/ra [EFFECTS OF SINGLE MOXIBUSTION ON PLATELET AGGREGATION AND ATP-RELEASE IN MICE]. MASAKO OKAZAKI ET AL. journal of japan society of acupuncture. 1988;38(2):188-194 (jap*). Effects of single moxibustion on platelet aggregation and ATPrelease were studied on male ddY mice (6 weeks old). Fifteen mg and 5 mg of moxa were each divided into 6 cones; mice were treated with 3 cones from each category at right and left LV-l4. An electronic aggregometer was used for measuring platelet aggregation and ATP-release in venous blood. The results were: 1) No significant changes in platelet and red blood cell counts were found after moxibustion with 15 mg of moxa. However, WBC was decreased at one hour and increased at 24 hours after moxibustion. 2) After the moxibustion with 15 mg of moxa, platelet aggregation activity induced by collagen showed no change, but was observed from 1 to 5 hours. However, a mild suppressive effect on platelet aggregation induced by collagen was observed at 1 and 5 hours after the moxibustion with 5 mg of moxa. 3) Afer the moxibustion with 15 mg of moxa, a mild increase in platelet aggregation activity at one hour and in ATP- release activity was observed at 1 and 3 hours. The results suggested that the mild changes in platelet functions 503- gera: 26553/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON AGED RATS (REPORT IV) REVERSAL FROM MOVEMENT DISODERS AND RECOVERING THE REGULAR CYCLICITY]. HIDEHARU SAKAMOTO. journal of japan society of acupuncture. 1988;38(2):195-201 (jap*). Effect of multiple moxibustion on regular estrus cycles and movement disorders of aged rats has been studied by using the vaginal smear method and the swim test. Vaginal smears were recorded every day during the moxibustion period; swim tests were measured by the 15- minute test. Female rats (Wistar-KY, Shizuoka Laboratory Animal Center) were used as experimental animals. Test results of 12-month- old rats were compared with those of 4- month-old rats. 15 mg of moxa had been divided into 6 cones; rats were treated with 2 cones each at right GB- 25, left GB-25, and GV-20 once per week. There were no differences in vigor performance between young adult and aged rats. However, 12-month-old rats were less successful in keeping their heads above water while swimming. These movement dysfunctions in the older animals were reversed by the moxibustion treatment once per week, and furthermore, irregular estrus cycles in aged rats were restored to regular cyclicity with the multiple moxibustion treatments. It is suggested that these treatments induced the intrinsic enhancement of an activity in a 504- gera: 33309/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION AT DAZHUI (DU 14) ON TRANSPLANTED TUMOR IN MOUSE]. SUN LANYING. fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;19(3):34 (chi). 505- gera: 33449/di/ra [TREATMENT OF ACUTE LYMPHANGITIS BY HEATED gera 2010 32 NEEDLING : A STUDY OF 18 CASES]. WU NONGRONG. journal of new chinese medicine. 1988;20(3):34 (chi). 506- gera: 33461/di/ra [TREATMENT OF ERYSIPELAS BY HEATED NEEDLE PUNCTURE : A REPORT OF TWO CASES]. DING JINBANG. journal of new chinese medicine. 1988;20(4):31 (chi). 507- gera: 33596/di/ra [100 CASE OF IMPOTENCE TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUTION]. WU JINGZHONG. journal of tcm. 1988;29(3):54 (chi). 508- gera: 33795/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 105 CASES OF HERPES ZOSTER BY HEAT NEEDLING]. ZHENG XUELIANG ET AL. jiangsu journal of tcm. 1988;9(8):26 (chi). 520- gera: 53570/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON MOXIBUSTION FOR TREATMENT OF CHRONIC VIRAL HEPATITIS B]. XIA WEI JIANG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;1:3-5 (chi). 521- gera: 53575/di/ra [WARMING NEEDLE TREATMENT OF PERI ARTHRITIS OF SHOULDER OBSERVED BY MOLYBDO-TARGET RADIOGRAPHY]. ZHAO YU MEI ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;1:18-9 (chi). 522- gera: 53577/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF MOXIBUSTION EFFECT ON T AND B CELLS IN MICE]. ZHAO CUI YING ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;1:25. (chi). 509- gera: 51609/di/ra [USE OF MOXIBUSTION IN CLINICAL SURGERY. JIN NINGXING. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;9:46. (chi). 523- gera: 53579/di/ra [EFFECT OF WARM-NEEDLING JIA-JI POINTS FOR CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS ESTIMATED BY ELECTROMYOGRAM (EMG)]. SONG YIJIN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;2:4-6 (chi). 510- gera: 52959/di/ra [EXPERIENCE IN THREE SUCCESSFULLY-TREATED CASES OF CARDIO-AND CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE WITH MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG DENGBU. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;29(8):25-6 (eng). 524- gera: 53580/di/ra [CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON MOXIBUSTION FOR FINGER OSTEOMYELITIS OF 54 CASES]. YE CHUNMEI ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;2:7-8 (chi). 511- gera: 52984/di/ra [ON THE MECHANISM OF ANTI-AGING AND HEALTHPRESERVING EFFECTS OF CONVENTIONAL MOXIBUSTION]. CHEN ZHENJIANG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;29(10):19-21 (eng). 525- gera: 53581/di/ra [STUDY ON ANTI-HYPERTENSION EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON POINT OF BAIHUI]. YU SHUZHUANG. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;2:9-11 (chi). 512- gera: 52997/di/ra [AN APPROACH INTO KEEP-FIT EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. WANG XINYAO. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;29(11):14-22 (eng). 526- gera: 53586/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON IMMUNO-PROPHYLAXIS FUNCTIONS OF MICE]. LIU JINGXIU ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;2:28-30 (chi). 513- gera: 53124/di/ra [PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION OF THE HEAT SYNDROME TREATED WITH THE MOXIBUSTION]. WANG WEI. journal of zhejiang traditional chinese medical college. 1988;12(6):48. (chi). 527- gera: 53600/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON HEMOPOISTIC FUNCTION OF ENDOXAN MICE]. GUI JINSHUI. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;4:23-4 (chi). 514- gera: 53328/di/ra [TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT SYNDROME TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. DING JINBANG. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1988;9(1):38. (chi). 515- gera: 53352/di/ra [GASTROPTOSIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. TONG LIGONG. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1988;9(5):205-02 (chi). 516- gera: 53357/di/ra [HERPES ZOSTER TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION]. LIANG BO. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1988;9(5):214. (chi). 517- gera: 53359/di/ra [THE PATTERN OF PSC INDUCED BY MOXIBUSTION]. CHEN REQIN ET AL. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1988;9(5):218-22 (chi). 518- gera: 53393/di/ra [DIFFERENTIATION OF SYNDROMES IN THE TREATMENT OF LACTATION DEFICIENCY BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. YANG YUANDE. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1988;9(7):327. (chi). 519- gera: 53464/di/ra [ON TONIFYING-PURGATING IN STICK MOXIBUSTION]. CHUN GUIQIN. shandong journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1988;2:11-20 (chi). 528- gera: 80522/di/ra CLINICAL REPORT ON 2,296 CASES OF INFANTILE PARALYSIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. QIN NINGTAI ET AL. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;1(1-2):35-7 (eng). 529- gera: 80529/di/ra 76 CASES OF SEQUELAE AFTER INJURIES FROM CONTUSIONS AND SPRAINS TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION. CAI YAOMIN. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;1(1-2):52-4 (eng). 530- gera: 80530/di/ra CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 184 TENDON TERMINAL DISEASE TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION. WANG FENGLING ET AL. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;1(1-2):54-6 (eng). 531- gera: 80580/di/ra CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF AZOOSPERMIA TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH GINGER. LIANG XUEYING. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;1(3-4):21-3 (eng). 532- gera: 80598/di/ra TREATMENT OF 17 CASES OF POSTPARTUM RETENTION OF URINE BY INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH SALT. YANG LINGQUAN. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;1(3-4):63. (eng). 533- gera: 80622/di/ra OBSERVATION OF 62 CASES WITH PROLAPSE OF gera 2010 33 RECTUM BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT. GAO QIYU. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;1(3-4):130. (eng). 534- gera: 80628/di/ra OBSERVATION ON 108 CASES OF SCIATICA TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN COMBINATION WITH CUPPING. LIU RONGPING. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1988;1(3-4):136. (eng). 54V, 30VB, 57V, 34VB, 23V; 37V, Jiegu. Moxas sur aiguille (appliquer 2cm de moxa). A la fin de la combustion : appliquer une ventouse sur l'aiguille 15 à 20mn. Une séance / jour. Série de 7 séances espaçées de 3 jours. Guérison : 45%. Amélioration marquée : 38%. Amélioration : 15%. Echec : 3%. 535- gera: 83012/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSION FOR THE HYPERSENSITIVITY TO COLDNESS (II) CORELATION WITH MENSTRUATION,PELVIC DIAWETERS AND ABDOMINAL SYMPTOMS]. RITSUKO KAWANA. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1988;38(3):259-70 (jap*). Among 228 student nurses aged from 19 to 30 years at Tokyo Eisei Gakuen Semmon Gakko of the Goto Gakuen (College of Medical Arts), 132 (58%) complained of a feeling of cold. Thirty students complaining of a particularly severe feeling of cold in this group were examined by various procedures including observation and questionnaire. Many of the findings associated with the feeling of cold in climacteric women (presentation at the 36th General Meeting of Japan Society of Acupuncture) are also comon to younger people. In the present study, disorders of pelvic circulation were examined in relation to this disease. The results were as follows. (1) Pelvic circumferential measurement revealed that the patients tended to have a contracted pelvis. (2) This finding correlated with their abdominal signs and symptoms. (3) Complaints associated with prominent autonomic symptoms were frequently noted before and during menstruation. (4) Infrared thermography for skin temperature distribution showed hypothermic areas distributed in the lower half of the body and (5) slight temperature variations in deep areas with 536- gera: 83019/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON AGED RATS (REPORT V)). REVERSAL FROM MOVEMENT DISORDERS OF AGED ANIMALS (3)]. HIDEHARU SAKAMOTO. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1988;38(3):314-19 (jap*). In order to studying the action mechanism of moxibustion from a view point of the spontaneous movement, an experiment was attempted to ascertain whether movement dysfunctions of aged rats were able to rejuvenated by multiple moxibustion. Female rats (Wistar) were used as experimental animals and in ovariectomized rats bearing subcutaneous ovarian transplants. 15mg of moxa was divided into 6 cones and they were treated by 2 cones at right GB-25, left GB-25 and GV-20 and 10 times every four days. In 4-month-old rats after the operation, moxibustion receiving animals that an isochronal 4day sexual rythm established was make a comparative study with normal animals and vehicle control animals for measures of swim performance. In the present paper it was clarified that for the 15-minute test, the two age groups differed significantly for both measures indicating more rapid deterioration of swim performance in 12-month-old rats than in 4-month-old rats. Moreover these movement dysfunctions of aged rats were reserved by the effect of the multiple moxibustion treatment. Ovariectomized rats bearing subcutaneous ovarian transplants indicate more rapid deterioration of the swimming success in young 537- gera: 83020/di/ra [CHANGES IN CONTENT OF BLOOD SERUM THROUGH MOXIBUSTION ON ACUPOINT EQUIVALENTS]. KOJI SAKAMOTO ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1988;38(3):320-25 (jap*). Previous studies have been reported on the properties of moxa and the effect it has on the self defense mechanism of the body. To study the characteristics of acupoints, the study this time is from the point of whether there are any differences in biological responses if the same stimuli (5 mg/body and 15 mg/body of moxa) are applied to different acupoints. The acupoints chosen were KIMON, which is the therapeutic acupoint of liver, and DAIO, which is the spleen meridian acupoint located on the same vertical line and which has no effect on the liver. Male ddy mice (6 weeks old) were used as experimental animals A comparison of the clinical biochemical values of serum 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours after application was conducted. The amount of invasion on body function from each moxibustion stimulus through the strength and progress of biolological response was studied. Increases in serum Amylase, LDH, CK, GOT, and GPT in the DAIO group were obtained as compared to that of the KIMON group. There was also a decrease in serum CHE in the DAIO group as compared to that of the KIMON group. It was suggested that there were difference in biological responses between different application points, even with the 538- gera: 83021/di/ra [A STUDY ON TEMPERATURE-CHANGES IN VIVO WITH MOXIBUSTION]. RYOJIN SUGATA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1988;38(3):326-29 (jap*). Clinically, it has been recognized that moxibustion with artemisia stimulates the internal parts of the body without a burn on the skin. Recently, Matsuyama et al. reported that the maximun temperature of moxibustion varied with every change of size, mass, hardness, quality, and humidity of moxa. The purpose of this study was to investigate experimentally the temperature-changes in vivo with moxibustion by using laboratory animals. Male mice of the C57BL/6CrSlc strain (30 weeks old) and chromel-alumel thermocouples (0. 32 mm diam. ) were used. Following autoclave sterilization, the chromel-alumel thermocouples were surgically set in the subcutaneous and the muscle layers of the mice. Three weeks later, the temperature-changes in the mice with 5 mg of ibuki-moxa were registered by a calibrated recorder. As illustrated in Fig. 2, maximum temperature diminished in the following order ; on the skin (A), in the subcutaneous layer (h), and in the muscle layer (C). And the time occupied on the temperature restoration in the body became longer than that on the skin. As illustrated in Fig. 3, a series of three moxa-cauterizations induced the maximum temperatures to diminish on the skin (A), and to augment in the subcutaneous (R) and muscle layer (C). The former is caused by the barriers of previous moxa tar, sap, and ash to the heat conduction, while the latter is due to the accumulation of prior moxibustion heat. These results indicate that a series of three moxibustions enhances the stimulation not to the shallow parts but to the deep parts of the body. However, it should be made to clarify whether this conclusion holds good for clinical cases. 539- gera: 83022/di/ra [RESEARCH ON ESSENTIAL OIL OF MOXA (NO.1)]. SHIZUO TODA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1988;38(3):330-33 (jap*). It is necessary to research constituents of moxa on the studies of moxibution. As we analyzed the essential oil in moxa with gas liquid chromatography, n-nonacosane and nhentriacontane were detected. Several compound (ex. : tricosanol, hentricontane, arachinakohol, thujone) have been already detected in moxa. But n-nonacosane and nhentriacontane are newly detected constituents in moxa. 540- gera: 25774/di/ra [CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 145 CASES OF PRIMARY FACIAL SPASM WITH TREAMENT OF METHOD OF STIMULING QI]. YU SHUZHUANG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;9(1):30-34 (chi*). 71 male patients and 74 females of primary facial spasm were treated with the method of stimulating Qi. The patients ranged from the age of 20 to 71. 68 patients had their face affected on the left side, 73 on the right side and 4 on the both sides. The shortest duration was 1 day while the longest was 25 years. Acu-points were prescribed from the affected meridians according to the differentiation. The treating methods included method of stimulating Qi, method of hot-red puncture, and that of bleeding. 2 to 3 treatments were offered weekly. Complete materials of 129 cases were undergone statistic procedure, showing that 16 cases were controlled, 40 were 541- gera: 25964/di/tt gera 2010 34 INSTRUMENTATION ET ACUPUNCTURE. PONTIGNY A ET PONTIGNY J. maisonneuve,ste ruffine. 1989;:166P (fra). Cet ouvrage vise principalement à informer les médecins et leur permettre d'obtenir des caractéristiques tehcniques précises sur les qualités et les paramètres délivrés par tous les petits appareils d'aide au diagnostic et à la thérapeutique, permettant un gain de temps important. 542- gera: 26379/di/el ENTORSES DES GENOUX ET DES CHEVILLES. INSTITUT DE MTC DE TIANJIN. in seca et al, acupuncture en medecine clinique, decarie, montreal. 1989;:318-320 (fra). Deux yeux du genou, 39VB, 6Rte, 40V. Aiguilles et Moxas en l'absence de phénomène chaleur. Pishu (both sides). Deficiency of Kidney : Shenshu (both sides). Out of 100 cases, 39 cases (39%) would be controled in the clinic, 60 cases of the other group would be taken Bi Yan Kan. After comparison, the two group result is much better than the medicine group. 552- gera: 27444/di/ra [86 CASES OF PROTRUSION OF INTERVERTEBRAL DISC TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH MUSK PILLS]. HAIFA Z ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;8(3):7-9 (chi). 543- gera: 26481/di/ra INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON THE CLINICAL APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION. YAO MILUAN. british journal of acupuncture. 1989;11(2):29-31 (eng). 553- gera: 27868/di/el DEEP INSERTION OF ZHONGWAN (REN12), HEAVY MOXIBUSTION AT GUANYUAN (REN14), BLOODDLETTING AT WEIZHONG (B40), AND VENOUS CUPPING THERAPIES. WANG FENGYI. essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical experiences, foreign lang. 1989;:22-5 (eng). 544- gera: 26524/di/ra [CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 204 CASES WITH ASTHMA TREATED BY LIGUIQ NITROGEN]. HUONG SHENHDA ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;9(2):7-9 (chi*). 554- gera: 27875/di/el POINT APPLICATION AND HERBAL MOXIBUSTION. TIAN CONGHUO. essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical experiences, foreign lang. 1989;:85-93 (eng). 545- gera: 26531/di/ra [52 CASES WITH SUPPURATION INFECTION TREATED IN MOXIBUSTION]. CAI SHENGCHAO ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;9(2):23-24 (chi*). [52 cas de suppuration traités par moxibustion]. 52 cas de suppuration ont été traités par l'auteur. Choix des points : points suivant le méridien atteint, points douloureux des 2 côtés de la colonne vertébrale, points par expérience. D'une façon générale, le traitement est administré 2 ou 3 fois tous les jours avec une moxibustion tiède. Le degré de la chaleur peut être adapté au seuil douloureux du patient. 3 à 5 jours forment un traitement. Résultats : taux de guérison 78,8 %, taux de soulagement 96,2 %. 555- gera: 27886/di/el SUPPURATING MOXIBUSTION. YAN DINGLIANG. essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical experiences, foreign lang. 1989;:200-06 (eng). 546- gera: 26636/di/ra [CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 32 CASES OF RA AND AS TREATED WITH COMPREHENSIVE METHODS OF MASSAGE, FUMIGATION AND STEAM, AND EXERCISE]. LI PEIGANG ET AL. acta medica sinica. 1989;4(2):37-38 (chi). 547- gera: 26879/di/ra GINGER MOXIBUSTION. KELLEY RG. british journal of acupuncture. 1989;12(1):13-16 (eng). 548- gera: 26905/di/ra [A NEW PROGRESS OF THE USENESS OF MOXIBUSTION ON EMERGENCY]. ZHAI RUNMIN ET AL. journal of beijing college of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;(12)2:34-37 (chi*). 549- gera: 26943/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF ANTITUMOR EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION]. YANG YOUMI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;9(3):32-33 (chi*). 550- gera: 27295/di/ra [86 CASES OF PROTRUSION OF INTERVERTEBRAL DISC TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH MUSK PILLS]. ZHANG HAIFA ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;8(3):7-9 (chi). 551- gera: 27338/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 100 CASES WITH REACTIVE RHINITIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE]. JIN RUI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;9(4):17-8 (chi*). This article introduced reactive rhinitis treated by acupuncture. Acupuncture group A : Yingxiang (both sides), Yintang, Shangxing, Hegu (both sides). Acupuncture group B : up Yingxing, Fenchi (both sides), Hegu (both sides). The two groups should be selected alternately. Moxibustion : Deficiency of Lung : Feishu (both sides). Deficiency of Spleen : 556- gera: 27888/di/el STANDARDIZATION OF REINFORCING AND REDUCING METHOD, IMPROVEMENT OF MOXIBUSTION. LI ZHIMING. essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical experiences, foreign lang. 1989;:212-25 (eng). 557- gera: 27891/di/el FIVE STEPS IN DIFFERENTIATION AND MULTIPLE SHALLOW NEEDLING. HE SHUHUAI. essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical experiences, foreign lang. 1989;:250-64 (eng). 558- gera: 27897/di/el CLASSIFICATION IN TONING AND REDUCTION, BENEFITS FROM ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. CHEN DAZHONG. essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical experiences, foreign lang. 1989;:315-21 (eng). 559- gera: 27902/di/el EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION. LUO SHIRONG. essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical experiences, foreign lang. 1989;:357-62 (eng). 560- gera: 27908/di/el CONSISTENCE OF PATHOGENESIS, METHOD OF TREATMENT, PRESCRIPTION AND NEEDLING TECHNIQUES, AND CORRECT APPLICATION OF ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION AND POINT INJECTION. JIANG SHUMING. essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical experiences, foreign lang. 1989;:406-20 (eng). 561- gera: 27911/di/el REINFORCING AND REDUCING WITH MOXIBUSTION AND SIMPLE SELECTION OF ACUPOINTS. ZHONG YUEQI. essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical experiences, foreign lang. 1989;:434-41 (eng). 562- gera: 27914/di/el SKILLFULL USE OF ACUPOINTS IN DU MERIDIAN AND CONFLUENT POINTS OF EIGHT EXTRA MERIDIANS, PIONEERING IN "NEEDLE-SUBSTITUTE HERBAL PLASTER" AND "MOXIBUSTION WITH HERBAL PAD". QIN LIANGFU. essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical experiences, foreign lang. 1989;:459-64 (eng). gera 2010 35 563- gera: 27930/di/el TECHNIQUES OF DEEP INSERTION AT FENGFU POINT AND THE APPLICATION OF DIRECT MOXIBUSTION. XIE XILIANG. essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical experiences, foreign lang. 1989;:590-97 (eng). 564- gera: 27932/di/el APPLICATION OF QI INDUCING METHOD AND MAKING A HERBAL FUMIGATOR. YAN YOUZHAI. essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical experiences, foreign lang. 1989;:608-14 (eng). 565- gera: 29782/di/cg STUDIES OF THE TEMPERATURE OF THE AURICULAR ACUPOINTS DURING VERSION BY MOXIBUSTION. LI GUANRONG ET AL. international symposium on diagnosis and treatment with auricular points, beijing. 1989;:175-6 (eng). 566- gera: 33931/di/ra [CLINICAL APPLICATION OF COLLATERAL-CHANNEL PUNCTURE PLUS CUPPING, AND INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION]. SHEN AIXUE. journal of zhejiang traditional medical college. 1989;13(3):3 (chi). 567- gera: 33940/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF ASTHMA TREATED BY MOXIBISTION WITH INFRARED RAY]. LIAN WEIZHON. journal of zhejiang traditional medical college. 1989;13(4):48 (chi). 568- gera: 34108/nd/re [A NEW PROGRESS OF THE USENESS OF MOXIBUSTION ON EMERGENCY CASES]. RUNMIN Z. journal of beijing college of tcm. 1989;12(2):34-7 (chi). 569- gera: 34222/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 82 PATIENTS WITH HYPERTROPHIC SPONDYLITIS TREATED WITH WARM NEEDLING 9 PALACE]. ZUN HUI G ET AL. henan traditional chinese medicine. 1989;9(2):33. (chi). 570- gera: 34286/di/ra [ON THE EFFECT OF SCAPULOHUMERAL PERIARTHRITIS WITH FUMIGATION-WASHING AND MASSAGE THERAPY]. XINGHUA Y. hubei journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;5:35. (chi). 571- gera: 34291/di/ra [MEDICAL RECORDS OF FOUR CASES TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. XIAOSHAN D. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;30(4):22-5 (eng). 572- gera: 34330/di/ra [ON ANCIENT DR SUN SIMIAO'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO MOXIBUSTION TECHNIQUES]. XIYAN G. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;30(7):11-3 (eng). 573- gera: 34421/nd/re [CLINICAL SUMMATION OF 37 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. YINLONG Z. jiangsu journal of tcm. 1989;10(9):22. (chi). 574- gera: 34498/di/ra [APPLICATION OF STEAMING AND BATHING THERAPY WITH DRUGS IN DERMATOLOGY]. HONG Z. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1989;10(5):278. (chi). 575- gera: 34597/nd/re [A BRIEF DISCUSSION ON "MOXIBUSTION NOT USED FOR HEAT ZHENG"]. DASHENG W ET AL. shandong journal of tcm. 1989;1:3-11 (chi). 576- gera: 34642/nd/re [MECHANISM OF MOXIBUSTION INDUCING SUPPURATION]. ZHONGYUAN Z. shandong journal of tcm. 1989;5:2-9 (chi). 577- gera: 35167/di/ra [TREATMENT OF CORPUS CARCINOMA BY HEATED NEEDLE AND CHINESE MEDICINE : A REPORT OF THREE CASES]. YU ZHIHUI. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;21(3):31-6 (chi). 578- gera: 35204/di/ra [TREATMENT OF BI-SYNDROME BY MUSK-HEATING NEEDLE]. ZHANG RUOQUAN. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;21(6):30-1 (chi). 579- gera: 35230/di/ra [TREATMENT OF MUSCULUS PRIFORMIS INJURY BY MASSAGE COMBINED WITH MOXIBUSTION]. ZHONG YOUMING ET AL. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;21(8):29-32 (chi). 580- gera: 35267/di/ra [TREATMENT OF CHRONIC GASTROINTESTINAL DYSFUNCTION BY WARM MOXIBUSTION : A STUDY OF 22 CASES]. WANG XONGHUI ET AL. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;21(11):31-5 (chi). 581- gera: 35384/di/ra [DYNAMIC HEMORRHEOLOGIC OBSERVATION ON 80 CASES OF ISCHEMIC APOPLEXY TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH WARMING NEEDLE, SUBLINGUAL AND*]. ZHU ZHENFU ET AL. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;10(11):22-8 (chi). 582- gera: 35388/di/ra [RECENT ADVANCES IN THE RESEARCH WORK OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MOXIBUSTION AND IMMUNITY]. YU XUEPING. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;10(11):45-7 (chi). 583- gera: 36800/di/ra IL RUOLO DEL MASSAGGIO CINESE E DELLA MOXIBUSTIONE NELLA CURA DELLE MALATTIE DEI BAMBINI. BENEDETTI B. east-west. 1989;9(1):8-9 (ita). 584- gera: 50014/di/ra [MOXIBUSTING BA HUA ACUPOINT FOR ASTHMA OF BRONCHI]. HUANG JINGUI. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1989;10(12):553. (chi). 585- gera: 50043/di/ra [THE CHARACTERISTIC METHODS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN ANCIENT CHINA]. LI YONGZHI. journal of beijing college of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;6:35. (chi). 586- gera: 50230/di/ra [ON CONTRIBUTION OF "ELEVEN CHANNELS USED FOR MOXIBUSTION ON THE FOOTS AND UPPER ARMS" TO MOXIBUSTION THERAPY]. WU ZHONGCHAO. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;10(12):19-22 (chi). 587- gera: 50330/di/ra [ON THE ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION POINTS OF HUMAN VISCERA]. ZHOU QILOU ET AL. yunnan journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;10(2):24-32 (chi). 588- gera: 50338/di/ra [A COMBINATION OF THERMAL ACUPUNCTURE APPARATUS AND OTHER METHODS TO TREAT SCIATICA : ANALYSIS OF 208 CASES]. GUAN ZUNHUI ET AL. yunnan journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;10(3):35. (chi). 589- gera: 50655/di/ra [STUDY ON PROPHYLACTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON SIMPLE OBESE COMPLICATED WITH CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES]. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;8(4):4-11 (chi*). gera 2010 36 In order to understand the prophylactic-therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on the simple obese patients complicated by cardiovascular diseases, we observed in the simple obese patients the change in the pathogenetic and hazardous factors of combined cardiovascular diseases and in the functions of the autonomic nerves which regulate cardiovascular activities. The results showed that the ratio between waistline and hipline and the lipid content decreased markedly, the extents of the decreases of the ratio and the lipid content in the patients were related to wether the therapeutic effects appeared or not. The results indicated that acupuncture and moxibustion might not only decrease the pathogenetic factors in the patients complicated by cardiovascular disease, but also prevent the patients from suffering from arteriosclerosis. Besides, acupuncture and moxibustion can decrease Y value in the patients complicated by the hypertension and increase Y value in the patients not complicated by the hypertension and the extents of the decrease and the increase related to whether the curative effect appeared or not. The results showed that acupuncture and moxibustion had a diphasic regulatory effect on 590- gera: 50715/di/ra [SHORT EFFECTIVE OBSERVATION ON HEART FUNCTION FOR CARDIALGIA PATIENTS TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION ON QUZE]. YANG XIUZHEN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;9(6):39-41 (chi*). The short effectiveness of heart function of coronary cardialgia patients had been observed after moxibustion on Quze point, observed SV of patients as targets with impedence cardiogram. It is shown that moxibustion on Quze has so improvement of DZ/dt, SV, CI and SW, also shown that moxibustion has good function for coronary 591- gera: 50716/di/ra [PRIMARY DISCUSSION ON LAW OF MOXIBUSTION IN NEIJING]. TIAN CONGHUO ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;9(6):42-4 (chi*). This article explained about moxibustion in Neijing, summarized, systematized and discussed the law which are included 8 parts as follows : (1) Reinforcing defficiency and reducing excessiveness according to differentiation. (2) Regulate Qi of channels and do moxibustion where it would be needed. (3) Warm channels and remove cold. (4) Moxibustion would be for Xi syndroms. (5)Superficial moxibustion is used to the cases with channels. (6) Moxibustion on Five Shu points is used to cases with Zan Fu organs. (7) Moxibustion could be done for cold and wind due to pathological cold and wind factors. (8) Moxibustion could be done for Bi syndrome. The author considers that these principle and law would be guided for doctors in clinic, should be discussed in future. 592- gera: 80048/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 200 CASES WITH DIABETES TREATED BY WARM NEEDLE AND INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH DRIED TANGERINE PEEL]. MA ZHAOQIN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;9(5):39-40 (chi*). 593- gera: 80063/di/ra [STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR VERSION OF FETUS AMONG FOREIGN MASSES]. ZHANG FENGYUN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;9(3):45-6 (chi*). In this article, version of fetus with acupuncture and moxibustion is introduced. The method is as follows: lying supine acupuncture with electric apparatus performed at bilateral Zhiyin (B 67) and Zasanli (St 36) and moxibustion provided simutaneously at Zhiyin (B 67) and the intensity depends upon patients' tolerance. Needles are retained for twenty minutes. Once of the treatment is offered daily and seven times (Constitute a course. As the result, among 87 cases, 66 were breech position, 51 succeeded in the version, 15 failed: and 21 were transverse position, 18 succeeded and 3 failed. Those who had hot sensation propagated along meridians could obtain better result of the version and multigravida tended to have higher succes in the version. 594- gera: 80255/di/ra ZHEN JIU JIA YI JING. MILSKY C ET AL. revue francaise d'acupuncture. 1989;60:51-65 (fra*). La première partie du chapitre 1er du volume V du Jiayijing traite des interdictions de la puncture et de la moxibustion selon les saisons, les symptômes et la profondeur des punctures. La seconde partie mentionne les points qui sont interdits à la puncture et à la moxibustion et précise la mesure qui doit respecter la puncture dans sa profondeur et dans son action tonifiante ou dispersante. Si l'aiguille peut tuer les vivants, elle ne peut pas 595- gera: 80275/di/ra SUPPRESSION OF THE DTH REACTION IN MICE BY MEANS OF MOXIBUSTION AT ELECTRO-PERMEABLE POINTS. KAZUO TOHYA ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1989;17(3/4):139-144 (eng). The effects of moxibustion stimulation on pycril cholrideinduced cutaneous contact hypersensitivity, a delayed type of hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction, were investigated in mice. Three electro-permeable points (B20, LI15, S36) were selected as moxibustion points. Moxibustion at point B20 (spleen-associated point) significantly suppressed the DTH reaction. Adoptive transfert of spleen T-cells from moxibustionstimulated donors resulted in an increased suppression of the DTH reaction in the recipients. These studies suggest that suppression of the DTH reaction with moxibustion may be related to cellular immunity, especially to the induction of the suppressive activity of T-cells in 596- gera: 80276/di/ra EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON CELLULAR IMMUNOCOMPETENCE OF Y-IRRADIATED MICE. DOUMONG HAU ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1989;17(3/4):157-164 (eng). The effects of moxibustion on cellular immunocompetence of y-irradiated mice were investigated in this study. A total of 240 male young mice (ICR strain), 6-8 weeks of age, were chosen and divided into three groups. Group A was the normal control. Group B, the experimental control, was treated with 400 rad whole body y-irradiation. Group C, the experimental group, was treated with moxibustion (MT) after being exposed to yirradiation. Six to eight mice from each group were sacrificed on days 1, 5, 12, 19, 26 and 33 post-irradiation. The body and splenic weights of mice in each group were measured. The cellular immunocompetence was measured by 3H-thymidine uptake in each experimental mouse. The results revealed that 400 rad of y-ray irradiation inhibited the increase of body and splenic weights, and exerted a pronounced inhibitory effect on the incorporative rates of 3H-thymidine after being stimulated by mitogens such as PHA, PWM, Con A and LPS in the splenic lymphoid cells. MT seemed to help the recovery of the cellular immunocompetence in the y-ray irradiated mice. 597- gera: 80298/di/ra [THE EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN PREVENTING MICE BENZENE POISONING]. YIN ZHIFANG. acupuncture research. 1989;14(3):388-392 (chi*). Benzene is one of the commonest toxicant in occupational diseases. The experimental design is based on the efficacy of treatment of mice benzene posoning by means of acupuncture and moxibustion. The experiment divides into 4 groups and 20 female mice in each. (1) The control group. (2) The toxic group: mice are injected with 0.5ml/kg of pure benzene, Hi qod, 4 times. (3) The preventing groups: mice are prevented with acupuncture or moxibustion during poisoning and take points "Dazhui", "Mingmen", qod 4 times. Experimental results: (1) leucocyte counts and myeloid cell counts of the toxic group are lower than those of the control group (P<0.01), myeloid cell chromosomal aberration (MCCA) percentages are higher than those of (P<0.01) and vacuoles are found in polymorphonuclear cells. (2) The results of the preventing groups are all in normal values. It suggests that 598- gera: 80555/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 248 CASES OF MALE INFERTILITY TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. ZHANG JIASHENG. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;2(1):1-6 (eng). gera 2010 37 This paper deals with the treatment of 248 cases of male infertility by acupuncture and moxibustion, in which 166 cases (73. 6%) were effective. Male infertility was divided into yang deficiency, yin deficiency, depression of liver Qi, damp heat, and congenital genotype. The main points are Shenshu, Ciliao, Guanyaun and Qichong. The symptomatic points are Zusanli, Taixi, Sanyinjiao, Taichong, Mingmen, and Jiali. The points on the lumbosacral region will be needled first without retaining, and the points on the abdomen and the limbs punctured later with half-an-hour retaining. For yang deficiency and congenital genotype both acupuncture and moxibustion are performed at Guanyuan for 20 minutes every other day up to 20 treatments as a course. 599- gera: 80562/di/ra OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF 146 CASES OF PAINFUL TUBERCLE TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION. DENG SHIFA. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;2(1):35-8 (eng). Painful tubercle in this article were treated by moxibustion. It was shown: cured cases 74 cases (50%). The total effective rate 89%. Selecting points based on symptom differentiation: Destruction of Meridian and stagnation of Qi and blood: Ashi point (location of painful tubercle), Qihai, Xuehai as main points. Destruction of Meridian due to stagnation of blood: Moxibustion on Geshu. Destruction of circulation due to Xu of Qi: Moxibustion on Zusanli. Destruction of Meridian due to Cold of Yang: Moxibustion on Guanyuan, Shensu of both sides. 600- gera: 80564/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 64 CASES OF ASTHMA TREATED BY THERMAL NEEDLE. GUAN ZUNHUI. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1989;2(1):41-6 (eng). The author has treated 64 cases of asthma by needling Dingchuan and Fengmen penetrating Feishu with thermal needle instrument GZH. At the same time, the filiform needle is applied at the corresponding points according to the pathological conditions, in which 38 cases were cured and 24 cases improved. The effects of this method are superior to those for traditional herbs but the recurrence rate is higher. In case the treatments are given to strengthen the effects during the remission period, the long term therapeutic effects can be raised. Thermal needle instrument GXH was applied in 64 cases of asthma from Jan 1980 to Jan 1986. The results are summarised as follows: After treating 1-2 courses, 38 cases were markedly effective; 24, improved; 2, ineffective. 42 cases had a follow up of 1-3 years. Within them markedly effective were 18 cases (42. 9%); improved, 9 (21. 4%); ineffective (of 601- gera: 80640/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF HICCUP. ZHAO CHANGXIN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;9(3):182-83 (eng). 602- gera: 80641/di/ra 100 CASES OF IMPOTENCE TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. WU JINGZHONG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;9(3):184-85 (eng). Over a fifteen year period, one hundred cases of impotence were treated by selecting acupoints on the basis of the theory of viscera and channels of traditional Chinese medicine, in combination with the regional neuro-anatomy. Age range of patients: 24-53 years. Preliminary examination revealed all of them with normal genital organs and each was diagnosed as functional impotence. AIl the patients had received other methods of treatment by both traditional Chinese and Western medicine without any effect. Main points selected: UB-32 (Ciliao), GV-Z (Qugu), LV-11 (Yinlian) and LV-Z (Dadun). Auxiliary points were selected as indicated. It should be noted that the points for puncturing shouldn't be located in a conventional and mechanical way; instead, they should be located by pressing and kneading around the conventional points to find more sensitive, chinked or pitted points. Before treatment the patients evacuated their bladders. A 2. 5 cun long iliform needle was used. For the patients with good needling sensation, the needle was twisted for about one minute and retained for five. Treatment was given every 2-3 days with 10 sessions as a curative course. If needed, a second course was given. After treatment, 63 cases with a capacity of normal sexual activity more than twice weekly were evaluated as cured; 10 cases improved, with capacity for one sexual coitus a week; 13 cases showed no effect. The shortest course of treatment was only one session, while the longest was 47 sessions. A 3-6 month follow-up exam showed stable curative effects. 603- gera: 80674/di/ra SEVEN CASES OF SPINAL ARACHNOIDITIS TREATED BY ELECTRO-ACUPUNCTURE ALONG THE DU MERIDIAN AND MOXIBUSTION ON GUANYUAN POINT. DAI TIECHENG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;9(4):243-44 (eng). Spinal arachnoiditis is also known as adhesive spinal arachnoiditis. The clinical manifestations are paraplegia or weakness of the lower extremities, with pain, muscular atrophy, and incontinence of urine and stool. Seven cases were treated with electro-acupuncture along the Du meridian and moxibustion on Guanyuan (Ren 4) point with satisfactory results. The seven cases were 3 males and 4 females, aged from 20 to 52 years. Most of them did not respond to treatment with many drugs before admission into our ward. The needles were retained 20-30 minutes, and 15 sessions constituted one course of treatment, with rest intervals of 7 days between courses. The selection of points was in accordance with the position and extent of the lesion, or the neighbouring points selected to replace points that were used too much. Several points were selected between Dazhui (Du 14) and Yaoyangguan (Du 3). Moxibustion was applied on Guanyuan point over a layer of coarse salt. A moxa cone about half the size of a walnut was put over the salt and ignited. Five cones were used in each daily session continually until recovery of the diseases. Four of the seven cases in this series were cured and 3 improved after an average 54 days of 604- gera: 80697/di/ra 52 CASES OF EXTERNAL HUMERAL EPICONDYLITIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. MEI ZHONGYING. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;9(1):3-4 (eng). 605- gera: 80701/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS IN 185 CASES OF LIGAMENT AND TENDON INJURIES TREATED BY THE METHOD OF DISSIPATING BLOOD STASIS AND PROMOTING THE MERIDIAN. LUO QINGDAO ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;9(1):15-7 (eng). Observation clinique sur le traitement de 185 cas de traumatismes des ligaments et tendons péri-articulaires par saignées. 1er temps : Piquer 3 à 5 fois sur une surface de 10 à 20 cm autour du point A Shi de la zone atteinte avec les aiguilles multiples, en stimulation superficielle, puis recouvrir par des ventouses pendant 20 à 30 minutes. 2ème temps : les ventouses otées, moxibustion douce sur la même zône, au batonnet pendant 30 à 50 minutes. Un traitement dure 5 jours (1 séance par jour). On observe une élévation du seuil de la douleur à la 606- gera: 80703/di/ra ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFICACY OF ELECTRIC ACUPUNCTURE WITH MOXIBUSTION IN 95 CASES OF CHRONIC PELVIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE (PID). WANG XIAOMA. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;9(1):21-4 (eng). 607- gera: 80714/di/ra RELATION BETWEEN THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION IN TREATING ARTHRALGIA AND SP AND ENKEPHALIN IN NERVOUS TISSUES. LU ZHUOSHAN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1989;9(1):69-74 (eng). 608- gera: 80806/di/el PRATIQUE ACUPUNCTURALE. TECHNIQUE DES AIGUILLES ET DES MOXAS. LAFONT JL. encyclopedie des medecines naturelles, paris. 1989;IA-8C:9P (fra). gera 2010 38 609- gera: 81204/di/ra [THE EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION AT "ZUSANLI" POINT ON SERUM ENDOCRINE HORMONE OF RATS]. ZHANG XIAOHU ET AL. acupuncture research. 1989;14(4):442-46 (chi*). 610- gera: 83030/di/ra [A STUDY ON TEMPERATURE CHANGES IN VIVO WITH MOXIBUSTIONS (PART 2)]. RYOJIN SUGATA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1989;39(2):241-45 (jap*). In previous report, we investigated temperature-changes in vivo with diathermic moxibustions (scarring moxibustions), and showed that the temperature in the subcutaneous layer rised over 50°C. In present study, it was recognized that indirect moxibustions (ginger or garlic moxibustions) kept longer hightemperature than those of diathermic moxibustions. Therefore, it is possible that indirect moxibustions, although it seemed to be weakly stimulation, have stronger stimulation than diathermic moxibustions. In addition, the temperature-changes in vivo with indirect moxibustion seemed to be influenced by water contents of materials for indirect moxibustion and 611- gera: 83034/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION UPON THE R.R INTERVAL ON AN ELECTROCARDIOGRAM]. MITSURU NAKAMURA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1989;39(2):262-66 (jap*). It is said that the R-R interval on an ECG, showing the period of the cardiac cycle, reflects the activity of the vagus. In this paper, the changes in the R-R interval brought by acupuncture and moxibustion were investigated by using Ximen (P-4) and Shenmen (H-7). In the case of acupuncture and/or moxibustion to Ximen as well as Shenmen, the prolonged R-R interval was noted, while the increased coefficient of alteration of R-R interval was showed in the case of acupuncture. The coefficient of the alteration showed a decrease, however, in the case of moxibustion to Shenmen. Remarkable reduction in the coefficient of the alteration were observed immediately after acupuncture to Ximen under administration of atropine, but moxibustion did not produce any remarkable fluctuations. On the other hand, acupuncture to Ximen under administration of propranolol produced no remarkable fluctuation, while moxibustion brought an increased coefficient of the alteration. The results suggested that there were considerable variations in the influence on the autonomic nervous system which participated with the cardiac rhythm by different 612- gera: 83036/di/ra [INDICATION AND LIMITATION OF ACUPUNCTUREMOXIBUSTION IN LOW BACK PAIN,INTRODUCTION]. KATSUHIRO YAMADA. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1989;39(3):277-81 (jap). 613- gera: 83048/di/ra [A CASE OF ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF MYOFASCIAL LOW BACK PAIN]. TOSHIHIKO KASUYA. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1989;39(3):346-49 (jap). 614- gera: 28897/di/tt CLASSICAL MOXIBUSTION SKILLS IN CONTEMPORARY CLINICAL PRACTICE. SUNG BAEK. blue poppy press,boulder. 1990;:65P (eng). 615- gera: 29358/di/ra INTRODUZIONE GENERALE ALLA TERAPIA CON LA MOXIBUSTIONE. BANGRAZI A. orientamenti mtc. 1990;7(4):277-38 (ita). 616- gera: 60035/di/ra [TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS WITH WARMING-NEEDLE ACUPUNCTURE]. SUN LIQIN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;31(1):47-8 (eng). 617- gera: 60189/di/ra [REVIEW OF CLINICAL APPLICATION OF IGNIPUNCTURE]. LI ZUQIONG. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;11(2):39-42 (chi). 618- gera: 60745/di/ra [INTRODUCTION OF SUCCESSFULLY TREATED CASES OF COUGH DYSPNEA AND ALGESIC SYNDROME TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. YE DEBAO. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;31(6):23-4 (eng). 619- gera: 60762/di/ra [PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECT OF HEALTH MOXIBUSTION ON SENILE PEOPLE]. CHEN ZHENJIANG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;31(7):40-1 (eng). 620- gera: 60800/di/ra [THE PROTECTIVE ACTION OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON MICE INFECTED WITH INFLUENZA VIRUS]. QIU YUFENG ET AL. acta medica sinica. 1990;5(2):16-8 (chi). 621- gera: 60828/di/ra [IMMUNE FUNCTION OF ERYTHROCYTE IN RABBITS INFLUENCED BY MINGMEN POINT WITH MOXIBUSTION]. LUO YONGZHEN ET AL. acta medica sinica. 1990;5(4):17-8 (chi). 622- gera: 60829/di/ra [AN OBSERVATION ON THE ACTION OF MOXIBUSTION DURING DIFFERENT EARTHLY BRANCHES ON PYLORIC LIGATED ULCER IN BIG MICE]. FU QIANG ET AL. acta medica sinica. 1990;5(4):19-20 (chi*). 623- gera: 60867/di/ra [EFFECTIVE DIAGNOSIS ON 125 CASES WITH EPIDEMIC HEMORRHAGIC CONJUNCTIVITIS TREATED BY LINEPOINTS MOXIBUSTION]. HUANG JINMING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;10(2):17-8 (chi*). 624- gera: 60893/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON EPIDEMIC HEMORRHAGIC FEVER TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION]. ZHOU MEISHEN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;10(3):35-8 (chi*). 625- gera: 60909/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 135 CASES WITH SCAPULOHUMERAL PERIARTHRITIS TREATED BY A SIMPLE AND EASY METHOD OF THE FRAME OF WARMING MOXIBUSTION]. CHEN PEILIANG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;10(4):27-8 (chi*). The author reports 135 cases with scapulohumeral periarthritis treated by a simple and easy method of the frame of warming moxibustion, which made by oneself. out of 135 cases, 84 cases were cured (62.5%); 29 cases were remarkably effective(21%) and 22 cases were improved (16.5%). The total effective rate is 100%. The treatment was given once a day or every other day and 10 times makes one course. 626- gera: 60911/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE ADRENAL MEDULLA OF RATS WITH EXPERIMENTAL ARTHRITIS]. LIU JINLAN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;10(4):32-4 (chi*). Experimental arthritis in 31 rats was produced by Freund's adjuvant. In this study, we have observed the moxibustion analgesia and its effect on adrenal medulla and the content of epinephrine in blood. The experimental results : 1. The pain threshold raised significantly after moxibustion in the local, and recovery of the pain threshold in moxibustion group was faster than arthritic model group. 2. The moxibustion might increase CA fluorecent intensity in the adrenal medulla of rats with experimental arthritis, and was significantly increased epinephrine-content in blood. This indicated that moxibustion is able to activate the function of the cells of the adrenal medulla. 3. The analgetic action of moxibustion might be related to the increase of epinephrine content gera 2010 39 627- gera: 60950/di/ra [TREATMENT OF OPTIC ATROPHY WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION OF HELIUM NEON LASER]. LI SHU SHEN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine and chinese materia medica of jilin. 1990;4:15-20 (chi). 637- gera: 61977/di/ra [FACIAL PARALYSIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE COMBINED WITH INFRA-RED THERAPY. A 96 CASES REPORT]. HOU SHI WEN. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;3:20-1 (chi). 628- gera: 61323/di/ra [EFFECTIVE ANALYSIS ON 420 CASES WITH CHRONIC ATROPHIC GASTRITIS TREATED BY FIRE NEEDLE, FILIFORM NEEDLE AND MEDICINE]. WU JUN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;10(5):1-4 (chi*). 638- gera: 62203/di/ra [COOL MOXIBUSTION WITH MYLABRIS FOR 670 CASES OF RHINITIS]. YE CHANGQING ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;2:18-16 (chi). 629- gera: 61342/di/ra [REGULATORY EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON SIMPLE OBESE COMPLICATED WITH HYPERTENSION]. LIU ZHI CHENG ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1990;10(9):522-25 (chi*). Acupuncture and moxibustion is one of the important therapies in TCM for treating obese. The authors have treated 41 simple obese patients complicated with hypertension by acupuncture and moxibustion which obtained good results. In the treating group, a total effective rate was 87.8% (36 cases). For the purpose of understanding regulatory effect of acupuncture and moxibustion, the authors have observed the obesity indices, the lipid's indices (TC, TG, VLDL-C, TC/HDL-C, HDL-C, LDLC,LDL-C/HDL-C and AI), the physiological indices (saliva secretion, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure and temperature) and the energy metabolism indices (BMR) in the simple obese complicated with hypertension before and after the acupuncture and moxibustion, The results showed that the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion could have good results. At the same time, there were the benign regulatory effect of acupuncture and moxibustion in the overeating, the blood pressure, the vegetative nervous indexes, the lipid Ievel and the energy metabolism. 630- gera: 61452/di/ra [EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS ON THE THERAPEUTIC PRINCIPLE AND METHOD OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN "LING SHU JING MAI PIAN"]. ZHAO JINGSHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;31(9):15-7 (eng). 631- gera: 61497/di/ra [DEVELOPMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG LAN. journal of zhejiang college of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;14(5):40-6 (chi). 632- gera: 61531/di/ra [ADVANCE IN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF MOXIBUSTION METHODS]. ZHANG LAN ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;9:26-31 (chi). 633- gera: 61787/di/ra [THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON PARALYTIC STRABISMUS]. GUO BAOSHAN. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;22(7):32-6 (chi). 634- gera: 61812/di/ra [TREATMENT OF ABNORMAL FOETAL POSITION BY ZHU ZHONG YI QI TANG WITH ADDITIONS COMBINED WITH ZHI YING POINT MOXIBUSTION : A STUDY OF 70 CASES]. MEI MINGYOU. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;22(5):28-30 (chi). 635- gera: 61849/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HEMIPLEGIA AND PARAPLEGIA BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION : A CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 210 CASES]. ZHANG SONG. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;22(2):29-30 (chi). 636- gera: 61974/di/ra [STUDY OF 26 CASES OF CHRONIC DIARRHEA TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION]. YAN JUN BAI. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;3:15-7 (chi). 639- gera: 62247/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH INTO DEVELOPMENT OF MOXIBUSTION]. WANG SHENGXU. shanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;6(2):42. (chi). 640- gera: 62708/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON MOXIBUSTION FOR TREATMENT OF INTRACTABLE TUBERCULOSIS]. ZHAO CUI YIN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;4:1-3 (chi). 641- gera: 62709/di/ra [IMMUNOLOGICAL MECHANISM OF TREATING HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS BY MOXIBUSTION]. HU GUO SHENG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;4:4-7 (chi*). 36 cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, were treated with moxibustion and the changes of T lymphocyte subjects and their effects on the secretory levels of anti-thyroid autoantibodies by B lymphocytes were observed. The results scored that after moxibustion treatment, the ratio of OKT4+/OKT 8+ cells and the secretory level of thyroid antibodies declined remarkably. It was also found that, there was a significant correlation between them. The author surmised from the result that moxibustion could treat the patient with Hashimoto's thyroiditis through the regulation of T lymphocyte subsets and therefore inhibiting B lymphocytes in producing thyroid antibodies. 642- gera: 62723/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON HYPOTHALAMUS PITUITARY ADRENAL AXIS SUFFERING FROM SIMPLE OBESITY]. LIU ZHI CHENG ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 1990;10(11):656-59 (chi*). 643- gera: 63286/di/ra [ALLERGIC RHINITIS TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION AND STICKING DRUGS]. HUANG BIYU. fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;21(6):14-7 (chi). 644- gera: 63307/di/ra [INITIAL INVESTIGATION ON ACADEMIC THOUGHTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN "TREATISE ON FEBRILE DISEASES"]. MO FEI FAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine and chinese materia medica of jilin. 1990;4:4-9 (chi). 645- gera: 63344/di/ra [TREATING 132 CASES OF DYSFUNCTION OF LIMB JOINTS AFTER FRACTURE WITH FUMIGATION. WASHING THERAPY]. WU TIENAN ET AL. journal of beijing college of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;6:33. (chi). 646- gera: 63783/di/ra [TREATING INFANTILE CHRONIC DIARRHEA WITH DIGITAL ACUPOINT PRESSURE, MASSAGE AND MOXIBUSTION COMBINED]. HUANG JI QUN. zhejiang journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;25(7):308 (chi). 647- gera: 63876/di/ra [MOXA-ROLL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS]. WANG JIGEN. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1990;11(4):178 (chi). 648- gera: 80846/di/ra [THE ADVANCEMENT OF APPLIANCES FOR gera 2010 40 ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION PARTICULARLY,CONCENTRATING ON THE TREATMENT FOR SHOULDER STIFFNESS]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):11. (jap). 649- gera: 80857/di/ra [BUERGER'S DISEASE TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):22. (jap). 650- gera: 80895/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEALTH PROBLEMS. WITH ATTENTION TO TOLERANCES]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):60. (jap). 651- gera: 80909/di/ra [CLINICAL TRAINING IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR HEADACHE]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):74. (jap). 652- gera: 80910/di/ra [CLINICAL TRAINING IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR CHEST PAINS]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):75. (jap). 653- gera: 80920/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE FUNCTION OF AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):85. (jap). 654- gera: 80921/di/ra [EFFECT OF THERMAL STIMULUS BY INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):86. (jap). 655- gera: 80922/di/ra [RESPONSE OF A-MECHANOSENSITIVE NOCICEPTIVE AFFERENTS TO HEAT STIMULATION IN MAN]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):87. (jap). 656- gera: 80923/di/ra [SUPPRESSION OF DELAYED TYPE HYPERSENSITIVITY WITH MOXIBUSTION (III)]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):88. (jap). 657- gera: 80924/di/ra [GROWTH INHIBITORY EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION AGAINST IMPLANTED MH134 TUMOR CELLS]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):89. (jap). 658- gera: 80926/di/ra [PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF THE MOXIBUSTION FOR THE MOUNTAIN-SICKNESS]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):91. (jap). 659- gera: 80950/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY IN THE CASE OF ATHLETES. A CONSIDERATION FROM QUESTIONNAIRES]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):115. (jap). 660- gera: 80977/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON INTERFERON PRODUCTION IN MICE]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):142. (jap). 661- gera: 80978/di/ra [EFFECT OF ELECTROACUPUNCTURE ON INTERFERON PRODUCTION IN MICE]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):143. (jap). 662- gera: 80984/di/ra [LOCAL INFLAMMATION INDUCED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):149. (jap). 663- gera: 80990/di/ra [APPLICATION OF GAS LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS ON QUALITY OF MOXA]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):155. (jap). 664- gera: 80991/di/ra [A STUDY ON INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION (2ND REPORT). ESR SPIN TRAPPING TECHNIQUE]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):156. (jap). 665- gera: 80992/di/ra [A STUDY ON RADICAL SCAVENGING WITH MOXA]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):157. (jap). 666- gera: 80993/di/ra [STUDIES OF MOXA (8) ON THE ARTEMISIA MONTANA (NAKAI) PAMP]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):158. (jap). 667- gera: 80998/di/ra [THE CLINICAL STUDY OF SHOULDER STIFFNESS. THE FACT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT FOR QUESTIONNAIRE]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(1):163. (jap). 668- gera: 81102/di/ra IMMUNOMODULATION OF MUSK-MOXA-STRING THERAPY IN PATIENTS WITH SCROFULA. SHEN GUANXIN ET AL. journal of tongji medical university. 1990;10(3):164-8 (eng). The effects of musk-moxa-string therapy on the immune system in man were investigated in 39 patients with scrofula. Before treatment, the number of peripheral (PB) CD3+ and CD4+ cells and the ratio CD4+/CD8+ were found to be lower in patients with scrofula than in normal subjects, while those of B cells and DR+ cells were higher. Response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to phytohemmagglutinin (PHA) diminished in patients with scrofula. At month 2-6 of muskmoxa-string therapy, the number of P3 CD8+ cells showed slight diminution along with significant increases in CD3+ and CD4+ cells and CD4+/CD8+ ratio in total lymphocytes (P<0.001). In vitro a marked increased blastogenic response to mitogen stimulation with PHA was observed in PBMC of patients with scrofula after treatment (P<0.001). In contrast, B lymphocytes, monocytes, DR+ cells and blastogenic response to concanavalin A and pokeweed mitogen were not influenced by musk-moxa-string therapy. 669- gera: 81239/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE INFLAMMATORY REACTIONS OF ADJUVANT ARTHRITICS RATS]. WANG TIEDAN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1990;15(1):44-8 (chi*). Adjuvant arthritic (AA) rats were used as the experimental model and the thickness of pedal pad, the circumference and the pathological ligth microscopic changes of the ankle joint as well as the plasma content of middle sized molecules (MSM) were studied before and at subsequent experimental days after moxibustion (once a day for 6 days, on Shenque acupoint). The results showed that moxibustion reduced the inflammatory reactions significantly in comparison with that of the control group. 670- gera: 81329/di/ra EFFECTS OF SINGLE AND MULTIPLE MOXIBUSTIONS ON ACTIVITY OF PLATELET FUNCTION,BLOOD COAGULATION AND FIBRINOLYSIS IN MICE. MASAKO OKAZAKI ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1990;18(1-2):77. (eng). 671- gera: 81335/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF HICCUP. ZHAO CHANGXIU. journal of chinese medicine. 1990;33:25-8 (eng). 672- gera: 81464/di/ra AGOPUNTURA E MOXIBUSTIONE PER LA CURA DEL SINGHIOZZO. ZHAO CHANGXIN. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1990;1:52-4 (ita). gera 2010 41 673- gera: 81471/di/ra AKUPUNKTURBEHANDLUNG (MOXIBUSTION) UND DREHUNGSRATE BEI BECKENENDLAGE. WAGNER PANKL T ET AL. deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur. 1990;33(3):58-60 (deu*). 683- gera: 82111/di/cg RESEARCH ON OXYTOCIC ACTION WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. LIN PEICHONG ET AL. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:67. (eng). 674- gera: 81501/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 220 CASES OF FACIAL PARALYSIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION AT FACIAL NERVE TRUNK. WU JINGWEI. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;3(2):102-06 (eng). 684- gera: 82138/di/cg CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH FOR TREATING CEREBRAL APOPLEXY WITH MICROWAVE MOXIBUSTION. DAI TIECHENG ET AL. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:86. (eng). 675- gera: 81512/di/ra NEW ADVANCE OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN THE TREATMENT OF TUMOR AT HOME AND ABROAD. TIAN YAXIAN. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;3(2):136-42 (eng). This paper covers the diagnosis, treatment and experimental research of tumor by acupuncture moxibustion at home and abroad. Some tumors may be diagnosed by the meridian theory. Acupuncture improve some clinical symptoms of the cancer, prolong the patient's survival time, reduce and prevent chemotherapeutic reaction and relieve the pain resulted from malignant tumor. The minimization of the tumor and disappearance by acupuncture has also been reported. The mechanism for treating cancer by acupuncture may be related to immunity and bioelectricity. The investigation on acupuncture treatment of cancer is a subject, which is waiting for further study. 685- gera: 82153/di/cg STUDY OF THE ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IMMUNOLOGICAL EFFECTS AND ITS MECHANISMS. CHEN HANPING. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:98. (eng*). Revue des résultats des principaux travaux depuis 1987. 1) On peut observer des effets cliniques sur des maladies à composantes immunologiques, 2) L'acupuncture stimule les défenses immunitaires, permettent une prévention des maladies, 3) L'effect de l'acupuncture est conditionné par de nombreux paramètres techniques, 4) L'acupuncture agit sur les éléments cellulaires et plasmatiques. 676- gera: 81521/di/ra THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF 1040 CASES OF FACIAL PARALYSIS TREATED MAINLY BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. LI ZHIMING ET AL. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;3(1):23-32 (eng). 677- gera: 81534/di/ra 50 CASES OF SPIDER NAEVUS TREATED BY FIRE NEEDLE. HAN WEITING. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;3(1):71-2 (eng). 678- gera: 81535/di/ra 280 CASES OF CERVICAL LYMPHOID TUBERCULOSIS TREATED BY FIRE NEEDLE WITH MEDICINAL TWIST. ZHU YINGCHAO ET AL. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;3(1):73-6 (eng). 679- gera: 81616/di/ra [EXPERIMENT RESEARCH ON MOXIBUSTION TREATING INFECTED EHFV RAT]. TAN ZHAOLIANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1990;15(4):302-05 (chi*). 60 rats sont divisés en 3 groupes : 1) contrôle, 2) fièvre épidémique hémorragique expérimentale (EMF), 3) EMF + moxibustion au 23V 30 minutes; 7 jours. Les animaux sont sacrifiés 14 jours après l'infestation. Le groupe traité par moxibustion a un taux plus élevé d'anticorps, un taux moindre d'antigènes au niveau du poumon, une azotémie non modifiée. 680- gera: 81629/di/ra EFFECT OF SINGLE MOXIBUSTION ON CUTANEOUS BLOOD VESSEL AND MICROVASCULAR PERMEABILITY IN MICE. OKASAKI M ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1990;18(3-4):121-30 (eng). 681- gera: 82075/di/cg CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT FOR HYPERLIPIDEMIA. LIN YUZHU. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:44. (eng). 682- gera: 82088/di/cg EARLY AGING IN TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE : THEORETICAL AND REPORT ON THE THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT WITH ACU-MOXIBUSTION AND DRUG THERAPY IN 40 CASES. LIGUORI A ET AL. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:54. (eng). 686- gera: 82159/di/cg INFLUENCE ON IMMUNE FUNCTION IN THE TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS WITH MOXIBUSTION (CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON IMMUNE FUNCTION OF 82 CASES BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMENT). LUO SHIRONG ET AL. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:101. (eng). 687- gera: 82164/di/cg PATHOLOGIES TRACHEOBRONCHIQUES DES ENFANTS SOIGNES PAR SIROP DE LOQUAT ET MOXIBUSTION. SOTTE L ET AL. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:104. (fra). 688- gera: 82208/di/cg THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION STIMULUS AT LIMBS EXTREMITIES ON THE SKIN TEMPERATURE OF TRUNK. SAKAI T ET AL. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:131. (eng). 689- gera: 82224/di/cg CLINICAL PRACTICE OF FIRE HEATED ACUPUNCTURE NEEDLE ON 123 CASES OF ARTHRITIS. WANG HUIDONG. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:143. (eng). 690- gera: 82250/di/cg MECHANISM OF FIRE-NEEDLE THERAPY. HE PUREN ET AL. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:162. (eng). 691- gera: 82260/di/cg ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF ATOPIC DERMATITIS (AD). WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE CONTROL OF SERUM IGE,ACIDOCYTE AND LDH INVOLVED IN THE ONSET OF ALLERGIC DISEASES. LINUMA H. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:168. (eng). 692- gera: 82274/di/cg CURATIVE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION FOR RAT PANCREATIC INJURIES FOLLOWING ADMINISTRATION OF CCL-4,WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO OCCURRENCE AND FUNCTION OF LIPID-STORNING-CELLS. WATARI N ET AL. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:177. (eng). 693- gera: 82278/di/cg COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS BETWEEN MOXIBUSTION AND INFRARED ON MICE BEARING SUBCUTANEOUS TUMORS. HAU DOUMONG ET AL. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, gera 2010 42 paris. 1990;:184. (eng). 694- gera: 82296/di/cg TREATMENT OF SPORTIVE LUMBAR WITH HEATED NEEDLE. ZHENG XUELIANG. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:197. (eng). 695- gera: 82334/di/cg TRAITEMENT DE L'HYPERTENSION ARTERIELLE PAR UNE THERAPIE MIXTE : ACUPUNCTURE,MOXIBUSTION ET CUPPING. PIASTRELLONI M. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:221. (fra). 696- gera: 82340/di/cg EPAULE RAIDE : TRAITEMENT PAR ACUPUNCTURE ET MOXIBUSTION. GARCIA VIDA J. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:224. (fra). 697- gera: 82354/di/cg HERPES ZOSTER TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE HEATED NEEDLE. ZHENG XUE ET AL. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:231. (eng). Traitement de 315 cas par aiguille chaude. Les points de la Vessie sont les points principaux : 13V, 18V, 19V, 20V. Points secondaires : 6TR + 34VB pour des lésions latérales + points autour des lésions. L'aiguille rougie est implantée rapidement. La douleur disparaît en général en 12 heures, le zona en 3 jours. 210 cas : 1 séance, 90 : 2 séances et 15 : 3 séances. 698- gera: 82428/di/cg MOXIBUSTION FOR HEAT SYNDROME. XIE RU. 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris. 1990;:281. (eng). 699- gera: 82498/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC GASTRITIS : A REPORT ON 30 PATIENTS. JIN ERBIN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1990;1(4):397-02 (eng). 700- gera: 82509/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF 96 CASES OF DIABETES MELLITUS WITH MOXIBUSTION. GONG JUN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1990;1(1):47-52 (eng). 701- gera: 82527/di/ra CLINICAL APPLICATION OF KEEPING-FIT MOXIBUSTION. LI XUEWU ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1990;1(2):151-54 (eng). 702- gera: 82890/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON 300 CASES OF DACTYLITIS TREATED BY SMOKING MOXIBUSTION. LU YING ET AL. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;3(4):274-7 (eng). 300 cases of dactylitis were treated by smoking moxibustion instrument, anti inflammatory medicine is locally applied to the inflammatory fingers and toes simultaneously and moxa smoking is performed. Treat once a day. 10 treatments constitute one course. The curative rate is 97%. In order to investigate the mechanism, firstly the petri dish and plate for E. Coli, staphlococcus, streptococcus B and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were smoked with 20 g of moxa, and then cultured. The experiment showed that aIl the cultured results were negative after 60-minute's 703- gera: 82891/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF 79 CASES OF EPIDEMIC HEMORRHAGIC FEVER WITH SMOKING MOXIBUSTION. ZHOU MEISHENG ET AL. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;3(4):278-83 (eng). The author holds that the results of 79 cases of epidemic hemorrhagic fever treated by smoking moxibustion indicates that smoking moxibustion may be applied for febrile infectious disease, and the course of disease was shortened, raise the therapeutic effects and achieve good results in reducing fever, relieving back pain, restoring the blood pressure and preventing shock. Smoking moxibustion and fire needle instead of moxibustion were used on points Dazhui, Juque and Baihui points. Treat 1-2 times daily. Only one point is selected for smoking moxibustion and not more than 5 points for fire needle. The effective rate was 97,47% and the curative rate 704- gera: 83069/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXA AND MOXIBUSTION PRODUCTS ON SUPEROXIDE]. MOTOYO OHNISHI ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(2):228-31 (jap). In present study, the moxa and moxibustion-products inhibited production of superoxide. These results suggested that moxa and moxibustion-products had a scavenger like effects on superoxide. 705- gera: 83085/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEALTH PROBLEMS]. HITOSHI YAMASHITA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(4):358-64 (jap*). In order to care for patients with chronic health problems, Chronological Chart from the inclusive point of view and traditional techniques of oriental medicine, especially moxibustion care, have been utilized at our institute. Throughout this practice, it has been noticed that it is necessary to follow up with regard patients' problems about tolerance, which we call abilities to live against various loads in daily life, as well as chief complaints in order to understand clearly that our moxibustion care benefits their health. In this paper we present 2 cases and discuss about them. In one case, a female patient aged 65 seemed to be aware of her lessened tolerance at her first visit, while in the other case, a male patient aged 61 did not. Through our care, however, he had been aware of recovery of tolerance as well as relief from pain. We call such a change in patient' s awareness "Awakening to a sense of health" and recognize it as a clinical significance. As you know from the above cases, we think that problems about patient's tolerance can be an index of his/her own level of health whether they are complainant or not. We came to a conclusion that when we care for patients with chronic health problems, we can utilize traditional techniques of oriental medicine toward not only relief from pain but increace (or recovery) of tolerance which will promote their levels of health. 706- gera: 83086/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF STRESS PROTEINS INDUCED BY ACUPUNCTURE STIMULATION]. KAZUKO KOBAYASHI ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(4):365-68 (jap*). We show here that stress proteins (Mr 70K, 85K and lOOK) were induced by both electroacupuncture and moxibustion. Rats (Wister strain, male, 250g) were cauterized with moxa on the hip, and the subcutaneous and intramuscular temperatures of the hip were kept at 45°C and at 39-40°C for 15 minutes. While, another group of rats were electrically stimulated for 15 min inserting acupuncture needles as electrodes into the muscle of the hips in the depth of 1 cm and using current pulse acupuncture system (5 Hz, 3-5 mA). Both groups of rats were sacrificed under deep anesthesia and the muscular tissues were excised 3 hours after the stimulations. The proteins extracted from the homogenized and centrifuged tissues in the two groups of rats and control rats were analyzed by twodimensional gel electrophoreses. The heat shock proteins with molecular weight of 70000 (Mr 70K, hsp 70), 85000 (Mr 85K, hsp 85) and 100000 (Mr lOOK, hsp 100) were detected in the rats stimulated by moxibustion. The stress proteins of molecular mass 70000, 85000 and 100000 similar to hsps induced by moxibustion were found in 707- gera: 83087/di/ra [A STUDY ON INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH ESR SPIN TRAPPING TECHNIQUE]. RYOJIN SUGATA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(4):369-76 (jap*). In the previous paper, we reported that the indirect moxibustions (ginger- or garlic-moxibustions) kept hightemperature rather than those of the diathermic moxibustions. However, the effects of the indirect moxibustions include not gera 2010 43 only thermal stimulations but also medicinal actions of the materials. In this study, we found the effects of radical scavenger in ginger and garlic with ESR spin trapping technique. This suggested that ginger- or garlic- moxibustions were available to treatment of disease caused by the radicals. 708- gera: 83088/di/ra [A STUDY ON RADICAL SCAVENGING EFFECTS OF MOXA]. MOTOYO OHNISHI ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(4):377-79 (jap*). In previous report, we showed that moxa inhibit generation of superoxide as one of active oxygen species. In present study, we investigated on radical scavenging effects of various moxas with DPPH-method. These results showed that various moxas have radical scavenging effects and the difference of radical scavenging activities. The difference of activities should be due to the difference of grade of moxas. 709- gera: 83089/di/ra [RESEARCH ON ESSENTIAL OIL IN MOXA (N°2)]. SHIZUO TODA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1990;40(4):380-82 (jap*). The examinations of essential oils in highest-, high-, and regular- grade commercial moxa were carried out by gasliqiud chromatography. These results showed that highest grade-moxa contains lower alkanes but high and regular moxa contain higher alkanes in high and regular moxa. On the quality control of moxa, it is necessary to examine how components contain in moxa. 710- gera: 83230/di/ra HOW TO DISTINGUISH THE REINFORCING METHODS FROM THE REDUCING METHODS IN MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT. HU JINSHENG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1990;10(4):307. (eng). 711- gera: 83274/di/ra 560 CASES OF INFANTILE DIARRHEA TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION ON THE BACK OF T12. ZHANG CHI. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1990;3(3):189-90 (eng). Boîte à MOXA appliquée au niveau de D12 jusqu'à ce que la peau devienne rouge : 88.9% de guérison (1 712- gera: 83368/di/ra L'ENURESI,EZIOPATOGENESI E TERAPIA CON MASSAGGIO,MOXABUSTIONE,AGOPUNTURA E FARMACI. SOTTE L. rivista italiana di agopuntura. 1990;67:71-84 (ita). 713- gera: 29165/di/ra [GAZ LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF ARTEMISIA (MOXA MATERIAL)]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):41. (jap). 714- gera: 29166/di/ra [A STUDY ON RADICAL SCAVENGING WITH MOXIBUSTION PRODUCT. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):42. (jap). 715- gera: 29167/di/ra [ON THE MOTIVATION TO PRACTICAL TRAINING. EVALUATION OF TRAINING IN MOXA (CONE PREPARATION). X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):43. (jap). 716- gera: 29168/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR POLLINOSIS (PART 3). X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):44. (jap). 717- gera: 29174/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY ON LUMBAGO AND PAIN OF LOWER EXTREMITIES. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):52. (jap). 718- gera: 29192/di/ra [A CLINICAL STUDY ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT FOR HEADACHE AT PAIN CLINIC, OSAKA MEDICAL COLLEGE. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):71. (jap). 719- gera: 29199/di/ra [VARIATION OF ELECTRICAL CONDUCTION CHARACTERISTICS IN HUMAN BODIES TREATED WITH THE ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON ACUPOINTS. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):78. (jap). 720- gera: 29204/di/ra [RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ACUPUNCTURE OR MOXIBUSTION AND STRESS PROTEINS OR HEATSHOCK PROTEINS (ANALYSIS BY IMAGING ANALYZED SYSTEM)]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):83. (jap). 721- gera: 29208/di/ra [THE CLINICAL STUDY OF SLEEPLESSNESS -THE QUESTIONNAIRE FACT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENTS-. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):87. (jap). 722- gera: 29229/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON MIGRATION PATTERN OF LYMPHOCYTES IN THE MOUSE]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):21. (jap). 723- gera: 29242/di/ra [THE STUDY OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION EFFECTS ON THE STIMULATED LOCAL TISSUE. OBSERVED WITH PH AND TEMPERATURE. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):34. (jap). 724- gera: 29247/di/ra [MOXA PRODUCTION : CURRENT STATUS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):39. (jap). 725- gera: 29248/di/ra [STUDIES OF MOXA (PART 9) ON THE "KIRI-MOGUSA". X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):40. (jap). 726- gera: 29266/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEALTH PROBLEMS (PART 2). MEANING OF MOXIBUSTION GUIDANCE AT HOME. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):106. (jap). 727- gera: 29274/di/ra [CLINICAL TRAINING IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION (PART 4). FOR DIZZINESS AND VERTIGO. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):114. (jap). 728- gera: 29278/di/ra [MODULATION BY MOXIBUSTION FOR OK-432-INDUCED CYTOTOXIC FACTOR PRODUCTION IN MICE]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):118. (jap). 729- gera: 29279/di/ra [EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON INTESTINAL PERISTALSIS (REPORT 2). INVESTIGATION OF STIMULATION POINTS. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):119. (jap). 730- gera: 29280/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON INTESTINAL PERISTALSIS IN MICE (REPORT 2). INVESTIGATION DURING ACCELERATION AND DECELERATION OF INTESTINAL PERISTALSIS. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):120. (jap). 731- gera: 29288/di/ra [NONINVASIVE MEASUREMENT OF PERIPHERAL VASCULAR RESPONSE DURING AND AFTER MOXIBUSTION STIMULATION. COMPARISON STUDY gera 2010 44 WITH BETWEEN MOXIBUSTION AND ACUPUNCTURE STIMULATIONS]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):129. (jap). 732- gera: 29300/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION STIMULI ON THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. CHANGES OF BLOOD PRESSURE DURING MOXIBUSTION STIMULI]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):142. (jap). 733- gera: 29307/di/ra [LOCAL FLARE REACTION INDUCED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(1):149. (jap). 734- gera: 29388/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT FOR WHIPLASH INJURY. TOKUCHI ET AL. british journal of acupuncture. 1991;14(1):5-10 (eng). 735- gera: 29453/di/ra 97 CASES OF GASTRO-INTESTINAL SPASM TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION. SONG ZHENSHI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;11(2):110-11 (eng). 736- gera: 29488/di/tt TRATAMIENTO DE LAS ENFERMEDADES MENTALES POR ACUPUNTURA Y MOXIBUSTION. YE CHENGGU. miraguano,madrid. 1991;:192P (esp). 737- gera: 29961/nd/re [USE OF THE METHOD OF PULSED THERMOPUNCTURE IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC ALCOHOLISM DURING THERAPEUTIC REMISSION]. GAOIDAMAKINA AM ET AL. zh nevropatol psikhiatr. 1991;91(2)):84-7 (rus*). The paper is concerned with pulse thermopuncture, a new method of reflexotherapy. Its modes and parameters, indications for clinical use are based. The method is especially indicated in the treatment of patients with vegetovascular and neurotic disorders. It provided a beneficial effect in the treatment of chronic alcoholics in a state of therapeutic remission in order to correct the above-indicated disorders and prevent the disease relapses. 738- gera: 35785/di/ra [A STATISTICAL STUDY OF INDEFINITE COMPLAINTS IN TYPICAL PAIN DISEASES TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. A COMPARISON OF THE EFFECTIVENESS BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE]. CAI YUAN WANG ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(3):316-9 (jap*). Authors examined indefinite complaints accompanying headache, neck, shoulder or low back pains. Masked Depression questionnaire (Inoue et al. ) was conducted on outpatients of Osaka Medical College whose chief complaints were above mentioned painful disorder. In the cases with low back pain, female patients showed a less number of complaints. The complaints seen more often in the male group than in the female group were sleep disorder and disturbance in the stomach and intestines. It is noted that male patients often reported psychological problems such as "feeling groggy", "having no willingness to do anything", or "being anxious about his health". Female patients often complained of headache. Unexpected difference was found in the decline of sexual desire, that was more frequent in the female group than in the male (50% of the female and 30% of the male). 739- gera: 35791/di/ra [PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF THE MOXIBUSTION FOR THE MOUNTAIN-SICKNESS]. YOSHIFUMI HOMMA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(3):346-52 (jap*). At a highland above 3,000 meters, there are lack of oxygen, low air pressure and cold. From such an environment of a highland, mountain-sickness that causes headaches, sensory disturbance and motor disturbance occure. For this reason, on the occasion of a highland climbing, a proper countermeasure should be taken. In order to get effect of moxibustion on S36 (Tsusanli points) to a preservation of mountain sickness, several tests were carried out on the physiological variation to mountain climbers. As the result, between the subjects and the control for body temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, pH value of salivary and reflex test the significant differences were not observed. But as to Kreperin sensus there are the significant differences are observed (p < 0.05). In conclusion under the highland environment, exhaustion on the high dimensional function such as a brain (cerebrum) was observed and suppression by moxibustion on a progress of exhaustion was recognized. While effect of moxibustion on physiological variation was not clearly observed. This fact shows that due to a considerable individual difference in vivo, moxibustion cannot cover it and was not effective on protection of the mountain-sickness. 740- gera: 35792/di/ra [A CASE WITH DISTINCT PROPAGATED SENSATION ALONG THE MERIDIAN (PSM) IV. THE VARIATION OF PSM ACCORDING TO STIMULATION METHODS, THE PROPAGATING SPEED OF PSM, AND THE BLOCKING EFFECT OF MECHANICAL*]. HIDEAKI JINNO ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(3):353-7 (jap*). Various acupuncture stimulations were given to a 60 year-old housewife with a distinct meridian phenomenon to observe subsequent PSM. Clear PSM was induced either by finger pressure, press needle or low frequency press needle stimulation of Guanchong (terminal point). Scarless moxibustion applied to a source point induced clearer PSM than that to a terminal point. Comparing the propagating speeds of the PSM induced by press needle stimulations of the terminal points of the twelve meridians, those of liver, kidney and spleen were the fastest (about 70 cm/sec) and those of heart and large intestine were the slowest (1 cm/sec). The propagation of PSM was blocked by 50 ~60 mmHg of manchette pressure or by 400 g/cm local pressure using a pressure meter. 741- gera: 35793/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEALTH PROBLEMS (THE 2ND REPORT)]. HITOSHI YAMASHITA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(4):359-65 (jap*). In the previous report of case studies, it was concluded that traditional techniques of oriental medicine could be utilized toward promotion of the level of health. Among many sorts of traditional techniques of oriental medicine, moxibustion is thought of being one of the most practical methods of selfcare. In this report, we wish to mention some of the roles and problems of the care system of oriental medicine utilizing moxibustion for patients with chronic health problems in present-day medicine. The clinical records of the patients that consist of 149 males and 246 females over 40 years old were investigated. Of these patients, during the first course (for about 40 to 90 days), 67% (263) had been under both of our care and other hospitals' treatment, and 81% (321) had practiced moxibustion in the limbs or the back at home at least 3 times a week and 56% (139) of female patients had practiced in the back. The patient of the demonstrated case, who was a 72 year old female, complained of a decrease in left vision, asthenopia, tinnitus and other chronic health problems involved in several life events. After she practiced moxibustion with us, she was finally relieved of her health problems. We believe that she consistently accepted the oculist's treatment and our care, because the oculist treated her from a viewpoint of specialty while we cared for her holisticly. From the above results and case, the following can be concluded ; 1. The care system of oriental medicine utilizing moxibustion can play a complementary role in present-day medicine from a holistic, inclusive point of view. 2. As a social factor that interferes with practical uses of moxibustion, there is a difficulty in securing manpower that practices moxibustion in the back, particularly for middle or advanced aged females. 742- gera: 62315/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON IMMUNOLOGIC FUNCTION OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PATIENTS]. ZHU YUEWEI ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and gera 2010 45 moxibustion. 1991;1:1-2 (chi). 743- gera: 62395/di/ra [EXAMPLES ON THE SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCES FOR USE OF MOXIBUSTION BY CHEN KE QIN]. WU CHENG ET AL. jiangxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;22(1):36. (chi). 744- gera: 62576/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON MOXIBUSTION IN THE TREATMENT OF HERPES ZOSTER]. YE CHENGGU ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;11(1):36-8 (chi*). To undertake this study, 84 cases were divided at random into treated group with moxibustion and controlled group with acupuncture. The improved pain observation chart and the object simulated surveying rod method were utilized. The study revealed that ; the total effective rate in two groups was not notably different from one another (p<0.05) but the cure rate of moxibustion was higher than that of acupuncture and the difference was notable (P=0.05) ; moreover, moxibustion is superior to acupuncture in the general improvement of the pain of herpes zoster as well as the immediate and lasting analgesic effect. 745- gera: 63541/di/ra [COMPARATIVE OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECTS OF IMPEDANCE RHEOENCEPHALOGRAM IN HEMIPLEGIA PATIENTS BY MOXIBUSTION ON BAIHUI AND TIANCHUANG POINTS]. YIN JINGHAI ET AL. yunnan journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;12(2):31 (chi). 746- gera: 63958/di/ra [INQUIRY ON THE ORGANIC FACTORS WHICH CAN STRENGTHEN THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. XIE HAORAN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;11(5):40 (chi*). The author investigated the relationship between the age, inheriting and emotional factors, and the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion with the occurring rate of the propagation of needling sensation along meridians (PNSM) taken as the criterion. The author maintained that the above 3 factors can exert influence on the occurring rate of PNSM, and influence the therapeutical effect of acupuncture and moxibustion, therefore, in order to heighten the effect of acupuncture therapy, it is essential to day attention on the factors. 747- gera: 63987/di/ra [AN EXPLORATION ON PREVENTION ACTION OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. CHEN HANPING. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;2:34 (chi). 748- gera: 64104/di/ra COMPARISON OF ANALGESIC EFFECT EVOKED BY DIFFERENT METHODS OF MOXIBUSTION. (abstract). BAI YAOHUI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1991;16(3-4):237 (eng). Four methods of stimulation of acupoints (moxibustion, moxibustion imitator, He-Ne laser and microwave) were used in 216 rabbits to compare the induced analgesic effects. Electrophoresis of K+ to the skin of the rabbits are served as the noxious stimulus. The lowest current intensity required to cause a defense motor response was taken as the pain threshold. The results are as follows: 1) During the 20min. period of stimulation of Zusanli (St.36), all of the 4 methods of stimulation had similar analgesic effect. But the after effect produced by moxibustion or its imitator was more remarkable than that of He-Ne laser and microwave. The results showed that moxibustion and its imitator can be replaced by each other. 1) Naloxone (0.5mg/kg, i.v.) reduced the effect evoked by moxibustion imitator. Opiate receptors might play an important role in analgesia, 749- gera: 64195/di/ra [RED-HOT ACUPUNCTURE FOR TREATING 102 CASES OF SUPERFICIAL PYOGENIC INFECTION]. GAO ZHIYIN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;11(2):19 (chi*). The author employed the red-hot needling to discharge the pus for those suffering from the pyopoiesis due to the superficial pyogenic infection. The three-edged needle is burnt red over the alcohol burner and then is inserted into the softest part of the abscess with the thinnest skin that is the best place for discharging the pus. After the pus is discharged, the needle hole is dilated by a small hemostatic forceps that is then enters the cavity to clean the decayed tissues, while the left hand is squeezing the cavity to clear all up the pus. Alcohol soaked cotton balls are used to clean the needle hole all around, which is then covered with gauze and fixed. After the treatment, compression is given to discharge the secretion inside the cavity once daily, until the healing. With only one session of the needling, 97 cases were cured and the healing time ranged from 3 to 21 days. The other 5 cases 750- gera: 64197/di/ra [COMPARATIVE OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF JOINED-PUNCTURE FOR 100 CASES OF PERIPHERAL FACIAL NEURITIS]. MA YUNSHENG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;11(2):23 (chi*). This article reports the treatment of joined puncture for 100 cases of peripheral facial neuritis. Points selected : Yangbai (G.B. 14) to Yuyao, Quanliao (S.I. 18) to Sibai (St 2), Dicang (St 4) to Jiache (St 6), Zanzhu (U.B. 2) to Jingming (U.B. 1), Juliao to Yingxiang (L.I. 20), Chengqi (St 1) to Daying (St 5). Treat once a day, 12 treatments constitute one course. The curative rate was 91%, the markedly effective rate was 6% and the total effective rate was 99%. The results showed that the effect in the group treated by joined puncture was superior to that in the group treated by non joined puncture group (P<0.01). 751- gera: 64203/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE INHIBITORY EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION AND D-PHENYLALANINE ON THE TRANSPLANTABLE SARCOMA 180 IN MICE]. YANG YOUMI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;11(2):37 (chi*). In the present study, healthy adult mice were used. All of the mice after inoculation were divided at random into tumorbearing, d-phenylalanine (D-pA) and D-pA plus moxibustion groups. The results were as follows : (1) The inhibition rates of D-pA group was 12.7%. This indicated that the inhibitory effect on the tumor size was no significantly effected by the D-pA alone. In D-pA plus moxibustion group, the inhibitory rates of tumor weight was 35.5%. This showed that the D-pA plus moxibustion had a certain antitumor effect. (3) comparison of the tumor weight between the D-pA plus moxibustion and tumor-bearing groups had statistically significant difference. This indicated that the D-pA plus moxibustion could markedly decrease the tumor weight, therefore it had a certain 752- gera: 64205/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE TIME OF EXCITATION OF PROPAGATION OF NEEDLING SENSATION ALONG MERIDIANS]. ZHU CHONGBIN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;11(2):43 (chi*). The authors selected 39 sensitive of fairly sensitive cases to observe the factors that can influence the exciting time for the propagation of needling sensation along meridians (PNSM) 5 means were employed, namely acupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure and impulsed electricity current (intense and mild), to produce the stimulation at Hegu (L.I. 4), Quchi (L.I. 11), Zusanli (St 36) and Jiexi (St 41). The result found that : 1) Among the 5 means, the exciting time by moxibustion is the longest, and that by acupuncture is the shortest (P<0.01) ; 2). When the frequency of the impulsed current is not changed, in certain extent of the intensity, the more intense the stimulation is the shorter the exciting time is (P<0.01) ; on the other hand when the intensity is not changed, the lower frequency has shorter exciting time and the higher frequency has the longer time (P<0.01) ; 3) the exciting time by the peripheral points on the limbs is shorter than that by the proximal points on the limbs (P<0.01). 753- gera: 64220/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON GIVING UP SMOKING WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. WANG FENGLING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;11(3):33 (chi*). gera 2010 46 The article introduces the clinical observation on giving up the addiction of smoking with acupuncture. All together 254 patients were treated and the method is as follows : 1) Body acupuncture : needling Yingxiang (L.I. 20), Dicang (St 4), Hegu (L.I. 4), and Zusanli (St 36), all bilateral and needles connected with electric apparatus, 30 minutes in each time, once daily; 2) Ear acupuncture : selecting ear-Shenmen, Mouth, Lung, and Stomach only on one ear each time that are stuck with Semen Vaccariae. As the result, 169 cases fully gave up smoking (66.54%); 47 cases had marked effectiveness (18.50%); 30 had some effect (11.81%); and 8 were unchanged 754- gera: 64231/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTICAL EFFECT OF 104 CASES OF ACU-POINT ACUTE MASTITIS TREATED WITH ACUPOINT CRYOTHERAPY]. DONG ZHILING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;11(4):13 (chi*). The authors treated 104 cases of acute mastitis with acupoint cryotherapy. The centre of the lump is selected as the primary point and Shanzhong (CV 17) and Rugen (St 18) are used as secondary points. For severe cases the temperature of the cryoprobe is 15 to 25 degrees minus and to mild cases, it is 10 to 15 degrees minus. The cryoprobe is disposed on the skin of the points, and removed once in every 2 or 3 minutes. The time of the treatment is 30 minutes on the primary point and 10 on the secondary ones. The even method is utilized. The therapy cured 91 cases with in 3 days, 10 in 4 days, and 3 in 5 days, thus all the patients were cured. 755- gera: 64241/di/ra [TRY TO ANALYSE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF USING ACUPUNCTURE BY ZHANG ZHONGJING]. ZHOU HAIPING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;11(4):43 (chi*). The article analyses the characteristics of the application of acupuncture by Zhang Zhongjing from 4 aspects ; 1) the characteristics of using acupuncture ; 2) those of using moxibustion ; 3) the differential application of acupuncture and moxibustion ; 4) clinical contraindication of acupuncture and moxibustion. 756- gera: 64242/di/ra [THE RECENT DEVELOPMENT OF APPLICATION OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN THE TREATMENT OF E.N.T. DISEASES]. JIA DERONG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;11(4):46 (chi*). The article introduces the achievements of acupuncture therapy obtained in the treatment of E.N.T. diseases in the latest 10 years. The therapeutic methods involved in the treatment include conventional body acupuncture, earacupuncture, hydro-acupuncture, photo-acupuncture moxibustion and external application of medicine on acupoints. The article also mentions the problems existing in the acupuncture treatment now. 757- gera: 64388/di/ra [TREATMENT OF URTICARIA BY MOXIBUSTION OF ZHONGWAN AND JIANYU ACUPOINTS]. YANG MEILIANG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;32(10):22 (eng). 758- gera: 64446/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HERPES ZOSTER BY MOXIBUSTION ON ZHIZHU POINT : A REPORT OF 85 CASES]. XIA XIAOLAN. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;23(11):33 (chi). 759- gera: 64461/di/ra [PROGRESS OF STUDIES ON MOXIBUSTION TREATING CANCER AND SIDE EFFECTS OF CHEMOTHERAPY]. JIA CHUNSHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;32(11):52 (eng). 760- gera: 64711/di/ra [ADJUSTING EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON GASTROINTESTINAL FUNCTION BASED ON CHANGES OF ELECTROGASTROGRAM AFTER MOXIBUSTION ON GONGSHUN POINT]. LI HUIXIAN. liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;18(11):32 (chi). 761- gera: 64760/di/ra [ON THE EFFECT OF PYROPUNCTURE IN TREATING 147 CASES OF EPHELIS]. TIAN ZAIGAO. hubei journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;6:39 (chi). 762- gera: 64789/di/ra [THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ACUPUNCTURE MOXIBUSTION EFFECT IN TREATING AUTOIMMUNE THYROPATHY]. CHEN HANPING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;11(6):33 (chi*). The article presents the treatment of 46 cases of hyperthyroidism with acupuncture and that of 33 cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis with moxibustion in order to in investigate the characteristics of the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of thyropathy. The result proved that acupuncture and moxibustion have fairly favourable regulating effect for the immune and thyroid functions of patients with hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Acupuncture and moxibustion exert different effects according to the variousness of patients' syndromes and thyroid functions. For hyperthyroidism, acupuncture and moxibustion are devoted to lowering the content of T4, T3, in the patients ; while for hypothyroid patients, their content of T4,T3 can be elevated. Acupuncture and moxibustion are not distinctly effective for those with normal thyroid function. 763- gera: 64805/di/ra [SHE XIAN DAN (MUSK PILL) MOXIBUSTION FOR 27 CASES OF SACRO-ILIAC STRAIN]. ZHANG HAIFA ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;10(4):25 (chi). 764- gera: 65043/di/ra [36 CASES OF UPPER EXTERNAL CONDYLITIS OF HUMERUS TREATED BY HERB LOZENGE MOXIBUSTION]. WANG LIANG-SHEN. shanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;7(6):40 (chi). 765- gera: 65099/di/ra [ON ERRORS ABOUT ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN "CLASSIC OF INTERNAL MEDICINE"]. LI JIE ET AL. liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;18(3):8 (chi). 766- gera: 65114/di/ra [A CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF 138 CASES WITH CORONARY HEART DISEASE BY SUSPENSION-MOXIBUSTION IN MOXA STICK]. ZHANG DENGBU ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;32(3):35 (eng). 767- gera: 65236/di/ra [TREATING MALE MENOPAUSAL SYNDROME WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON 25 CASES]. LIU ZHE. practical journal of integrating chinese with modern medicine. 1991;4(10):620 (chi). 768- gera: 65315/di/ra [TREATING EPILEPSY WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. LIU LI-JUN. zhejiang journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;26(10):453 (chi). 769- gera: 65399/di/ra [TREATMENT OF INVERSION AND EVERSION OF FOOT IN CHILDREN BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION AND POINT PRESSING]. GUO ZHONGWU ET AL. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;23(6):32 (chi). 770- gera: 65468/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 280 CASES VITILIGO TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE WITH HEATED-NEEDLE]. ZHANG XI-LAN. shanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;7(4):44 (chi). 771- gera: 65483/di/ra [ILLUSTRATION WITH EXAMPLES OF UNIQUE FEATURE IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION BY YANG JIE- gera 2010 47 BIN]. LIANG FAN-MAO ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine and chinese materia medica of jilin. 1991;4:14 (chi). 772- gera: 65544/di/ra [PERIPHERAL FACIAL PALSY BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN TAKING ELECTRICITY AS AN INDEX]. ZHENG YOULAN ET AL. fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;22(3):22 (chi). 773- gera: 65549/di/ra [ON ROBORANT MOXIBUSTION]. SHENG XIESUN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;32(8):9 (eng). 774- gera: 65589/di/ra [61 CASES OF APOPLEXY TREATED BY COMBINATION CHINESE HERB AND ACUPUNCTURE MOXIBUSTION]. WANG SHENGXIN. beijing journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;4:44 (chi). 775- gera: 65902/di/ra [CONTRIBUTION OF THE TREATISE ON FEBRILE DISEASES TO MOXIBUSTION]. TIAN YUANSHENG. journal of zhejiang college of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;15(2):4 (chi). 776- gera: 65935/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON HERPES ZOSTER AND IMMUNE MECHANISM RELATED]. DONG QIN. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;12(4):24 (chi). 777- gera: 66049/di/ra [PHOTO-MOXIBUSTION FOR 50 CASES OF DYSFUNCTION OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT SYNDROME]. HUANG HUIFEN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;3:20 (chi). 778- gera: 66051/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION FOR 42 CASES OF DECUBITUS]. WANG ZENGQIN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;3:22 (chi). 779- gera: 66290/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS ON 31 CASES OF CHRONIC CHOLECYSTITIS TREATED BY INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH POWDER : A CLINICAL SUMMARY]. MA XIAOPING. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;12(8):22 (chi). 780- gera: 66333/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 100 CASES OF PROLIFERATIVE SPONDYLITIS TREATED WITH HOT NEEDLE OF ACUPUNCTURE]. GUAN ZUNHUI ET AL. yunnan journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;12(2):26 (chi). 781- gera: 66353/di/ra [CLINICAL FEATURES OF THE ACUTE TENOSYNOVITIS AND ITS TREATMENT BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. LIU JINHONG. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;12(7):25 (chi). 782- gera: 66482/di/ra [ON SUN SIMIAO'S CONTRIBUTION TO MOXIBUSTION]. GAO SHUZHONG. shandong journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;2:2 (chi). 783- gera: 70183/nd/re [BURNS DUE TO MOXIBUSTION]. CONDE-SALAZAR MA ET AL. contact derm. 1991;25:332 (esp). This is a brief case report on a 40-year-old male with more than a one-year history of tennis elbow. Various treatments had been prescribed by his doctor and he had also had acupuncture sessions. Due to poor response, he had tried moxibustion. He came to the dermatology department to rule out any infection of the numerous burns with which he presented on his wrists and ankles. He accepted these burns as the result of the therapy and was determined to continue with moxibustion, as it was effective in curing his complaint. He was not patch tested. The authors comment that this was a curious case and that the side-effects of alternative medicines are usually better tolerated by patients than the side-effects of conventional medicine. 784- gera: 82472/di/ra RESUSCITATION FROM SYNCOPE USING ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION : A CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF 102 CASES. DENG SHIFA ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1991;1(3):251-56 (eng). 785- gera: 82478/di/ra STOMACHACHE TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. LU SHOUKANG. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1991;1(3):283-88 (eng). 786- gera: 82626/di/ra AKUPUNKTUR IM STAATLICHEN GESUNDHEITSWESEN : EINIGE ÜBERLEGUNGEN ZU DREI JAHREN ERFAHRUNG AN EINER GEBURTSHILFLICHEN ABTEILUNG. CARDINI F ET AL. deutsche zeitschrift für akupunktur. 1991;34(1):8-13 (deu*). A report is given of deliveries in a hospital under domestic conditions and the role of acupuncture, especially during preparatory stages of labor. Furthermore, the possibility of a rotation of the foetus is being discussed, as well as special and common difficulties and risks. 787- gera: 82841/di/ra EFFECTIVE ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY FOR CERVICAL SPONDYLOPATHY : REVIEW OF RECENT STUDIES AND PRESCRIPTIONS WITH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVED RESULTS. CHEN A. american journal of acupuncture. 1991;19(3):205-28 (eng). This paper reviews traditional and contemporary acupuncture treatments for cervical spondylopathy (CSP). Recent studies have investigated the effect of various acupuncture prescriptions and treatment methods for the distinct types of cervical syndromes: Nerve root, myeloid, vertebral artery, sympathetic nerve and mixed types. The author reviews the point selection, treatment methods and results of 14 of these contemporary studies and correlates these to her 32 years of practice experience. Included are recommendations on the use of effective needling techniques, indications for use of extra points Jingbi, Xiejiao, as well as the stellate ganglion point, and the role of 788- gera: 82972/di/ra 30 CASES OF LEUKORRHEA TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION AT QUGU POINT (CV2). XUE JIGUANG. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;4(1):7-8 (eng*). Puncture profonde au 2VC soit perpendiculaire, soit légèrement oblique vers le périnée (sur 2,5 à 3 cun). Le meilleur effet est obtenu avec une irradiation du Deqi vers le vagin. Manipulation simple toutes les 10 minutes. En cas de Froid-Humidité, moxa en bâtonnets. Puncture simple en cas de Chaleur-Humidité. Une séance tous les 3 789- gera: 83010/di/ra THE DOUBLE EDGED SWORD : MORE ABOUT INVESTIGATING ACUPUNCTURE. O'NELL A. australian journal of acupuncture. 1991;15:39-44 (eng). 790- gera: 83100/di/ra THE PROPER APPLICATION OF HERB STICK MOXIBUSTION. GAO LUWEN. journal of chinese medicine. 1991;37:15-6 (eng). 791- gera: 83105/di/ra A STUDY ON HUMAN IMMUNE ACTIVITY OF ARTHRITIS AND MULTINEURITIS THROUGH DIFFERENT MOXIBUSTION METHODS. SEUNG CHEONG-WOO ET AL. british journal of acupuncture. 1991;14(2):3-9 (eng). 792- gera: 83481/di/ra 100 CASES OF CHILDREN COUGH AND GASP TREATED gera 2010 48 BY FIRE NEEDLING. LI YUEGENG ET AL. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;4(2):117-8 (eng). L'auteur rapporte une expérience de traitement de la toux, chez 100 enfants, par aiguilles chauffées : l'aiguille est rougie au feu d'une lampe à alcool, insérée dans le point, puis aussitôt retirée (14VG, Dingchuan, 12V, 13V, 15V); d'autres points symptômatiques sont simplement puncturés. Une seule séance est nécessaire (une deuxième 5 à 7 jours plus tars dans les coqueluches et les asthmes). Tous les enfants sont guéris (50 enfants hospitalisés avaient une antibiothérapie. 50 enfants non hospitalisés avaient une phytothérapie (36) ou rien (14), en plus de 793- gera: 83482/di/ra VERRUCA VULGARIS AND NEVUS TREATED BY FIRE NEEDLE (Abstract). MA ZHICHAO ET AL. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;4(2):119. (eng). Since 1983, 104 Cases of nevus and 55 verruca vulgaris were treated by fire needle which was made in Angang Automatic Institution, with an curative rate of 95%. Three types of 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm and 2.5 mm in diameter flat tip needles were heated to red on an alcohol lamp, then quickly burnt the affected area for few seconds, thus repeated for several times times complete destroyed. They were usually cured after one treatment. 794- gera: 83484/di/ra 351 CASES OF CHRONIC INJURY OF SOFT TISSUE TREATED BY THE SCARRING MOXIBUSTION. LIN LING. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1991;4(2):121-4 (eng). In this article, it is introduced the scarring moxibustion that has been used to treat 351 cases of chronic injury of soft tissues. The operating method was followed as: sensitivity test of procaine is administered intracutaneously; then tender spots in diseased area were selected and disinfected (1 to 6 spots in each treatment) and 2% procaine hydrochloride 0. 2 to 0. 4 ml was injected intracutaneously in the spots; thin layer of vaseline was applied on the spots where moxa cones mixed with herbs in diameter of 0. 4 to 0. 7 cm are laid on, 1 to 6 cones on each point and twice a day. The result showed that among 351 cases, 210 were cured (59. 8%), 88 markedly effective, and 795- gera: 83508/di/ra 200 CASI DI MALPOSIZIONE FETALE TRATTATI CON HENE COMBINATO CON LA MOXIBUSTIONE DEL PUNTO ZHIYIN 67V. ZHOU WENYUAN. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1991;1:84. (ita). 796- gera: 83516/di/ra COME DISTINGUERE I METODI DI TONIFICAZIONE DAI METODI DI DISPERSIONE NEL TRATTAMENTO CON MOXIBUSTIONE ?. HU JINSHENG. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1991;1:88. (ita). 797- gera: 83574/di/ra 97 CASI DI SPASMO GASTROINTESTINALE TRATTATI CON MOXIBUSTIONE. SONG ZHENZHI ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1991;5:66-7 (ita). 798- gera: 83617/di/ra QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. WANG LING. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1991;11(3):228-9 (eng). 799- gera: 83643/di/ra MOXIBUSTION AND BREECH PRESENTATION : PRELIMINARY RESULTS. CARDINI F ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1991;19(2):105-14 (eng). Moxibustion at the Zhiyin acupuncture point (67 B) is an ancient method of obtaining the version of abnormal presentation of the fetus during the last three months of pregnancy. The authors reviewed the Chinese references on this subject and stressed the importance of parity and gestational age in testing the efficacy of this therapy. Preliminary results are describedand compared with those reported in Chinese articles. Success rates in version by moxibustion versus spontaneous version are also compared. 800- gera: 84072/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DE 97 CASOS DE ESPASMO GASTROINTESTINAL CON MOXIBUSTION. SONG ZHENZHI ET AL. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1991;2(1):15-16 (esp). 801- gera: 84141/di/ra THE INFLUENCE OF MOXIBUSTION ON IMMUNE FUNCTION IN THE TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. ZHU YUEWEI ET AL. american journal of acupuncture. 1991;19(4):315-7 (eng). Changes in immune function in 82 cases of rheumatoid arthritis before and after treatment with moxibustion were observed in order to further investigate its treatment mechanism. Following treatment, there was improvement in the immune function, specifically: the erythrocyte sedimentation rate decreased, hemoglobin increased, the rheumatoid factor became negative, the lymphocyte transformation rate and E-rosette formation rate increased, complement C3 increased and immunoglobulin concentrations changed favorably. These results suggest that the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with moxibustion may influence the immune function. 802- gera: 84144/di/ra IMMUNE ENHANCEMENT THROUGH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION : SPECIFIC TREATMENT FOR ALLERGIC DISORDERS,MILD INFECTIOUS DISEASE AND SECONDARY INFECTIONS. KIYOSHI NAGANO. american journal of acupuncture. 1991;19(4):329-38 (eng). This report discusses the author's experience with the use of acupuncture and moxibustion for enhancement of the immune system. After a general review of immune mechanisms in Western terms, the author describes specific treatments based on Oriental medical theory for general allergic symptoms and mild infectious disease, including secondary infections. The aim of this treatment is to strengthen immunity by activating the functions of the bone marrow, white blood cells, spleen, tonsillar tissue, lymph nodes, thymus, and lymph tissues. He emphasizes that tonsillar treatment plays an important role in the immune system and should constitute a principal objective in 803- gera: 84186/di/ra MOXIBUSTION ON WALNUT SHELLS IN THE FRAMES OF SPECTACLES IN TREATING PIGMENTARY DEGENERATION OF THE RETINA. TIAN CONGHUO. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1991;2(1):459 (eng). 804- gera: 84200/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN THE TREATMENT OF ASYMPTOMATIC HEPATITIS B VIRUS CARRIERS BY STRENGTHENING THE BODY RESISTANCE TO ELIMINATE PATHOGENIC FACTORS : A CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. WANG XINYAO ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1991;2(2):117-25 (eng). 36E, 4 ou 6VC, 14VG, 6Rte (points principaux). 2F, 9Rte (Humidité, Dispersion). 3Rn (Tonification, Vide de Yin). Séance de 20 à 30mn, manipulation intermittente des aiguilles. Moxas 5 à 10mn (36E, 4 - 6VC). 3 séances / semaine sur 3 mois. Amélioration significative des bilans sérologiques à court et moyen terme par rapport au 805- gera: 84203/di/ra EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON IMPEDANCE RHEOENCEPHALOGRAM AND BLOOD PRESSURE IN PATIENTS WITH HEMIPLEGIA DUE TO APOPLEXY. ZHANG DENGBU. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1991;2(2):137-40 (eng). 806- gera: 84217/di/ra ANALYSIS OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECT IN 60 CASES OF TOOTHACHE TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. YE CHENGKU ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1991;2(2):211-4 (eng). 807- gera: 84221/di/ra gera 2010 49 ACUPUNCTURE AND GINGER MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF MALE SEXUAL DISORDERS : A CLINICAL REPORT OF 109 CASES. LI WENFU. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1991;2(3):237-42 (eng). From April 1983 to November 1989, the author treated male sexual disorders with acupuncture and ginger moxibustion in 109 cases, and obtained satisfactory results. The following are the results. 808- gera: 84243/di/ra EXPERIENCE IN TREATING VARIOUS TYPES OF PARALYSIS WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. LONG ZHIPING ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1991;2(4):363-6 (eng). Rapport de cas cliniques de paralysies. 1) au cours du lupus. 2) d'encéphalites, 3) au décours d'une opération chirurgicale, 4) polynévrite. 809- gera: 84252/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 986 CASES OF PERIPHERAL FACIAL PARALYSIS TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. XIA YUQIN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1991;2(4):407-9 (eng). 810- gera: 84260/di/ra IS "THUNDER-FIRE NEEDLE" A NEEDLE ? : WITH DISCUSSION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MOXIBUSTION. ZHENG JINSHENG. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1991;2(4):433-4 (eng). 811- gera: 84517/di/ra PARAPLEGIE (ETUDE COMPARATIVE DE LA M.O. ET DE LA M.T.C.,MASSAGE ET ACUPUNCTURE- MOXIBUSTION). NGUYEN VAN NGHI. revue francaise de medecine traditionnelle chinoise. 1991;147:133-8 (fra). 812- gera: 84603/di/ra [ON THE MOTIVATION TO PRACTICAL TRAINING IN MOXIBUSTION. EVALUATION OF TRAINING IN MOXACONE PREPARATION]. MASATAKA KAWAI ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(3):281-8 (jap*). 813- gera: 84605/di/ra [THE PROGRESS IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION APPARATUS. A STUDY ON CASES WITH SHOULDER STIFFNESS]. KAZUHIRO MORIKAWA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(3):295-302 (jap*). In the present paper, we examined differences in therapeutic effectiveness of various methods of acupuncture, ranging from filiform needle to EAP, LFEA, laser and SSP, in cases with shoulder stiffness. The immediate and delayed effect of each method, comfortableness during treatment session, changes in temperature, blood flow, and the oxygen density at the Jianjing (GB21) and Hegu (LI4) point were examined. Significant improvement was seen in every therapeutic method. Electrical acupuncture using direct current was most effective. No difference were evident among SSP, low-frequency electroacupuncture and filiform needle. There was a correlation between confortableness and the improvement rate in electrical acupuncture using direct current and laser acupuncture. Deep temperature, blood flow and the degree of oxygen saturation of the stimulated part tended to 814- gera: 84613/di/ra [PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF THE MOXIBUSTION FOR THE MOUNTAIN-SICKNESS]. YOSHIFUMI HOMMA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1991;41(3):346-52 (jap*). At a highland above 3,000 meters, there are lack of oxygen, low air pressure and cold. From such an environment of a highland, mountain-sickness that causes headaches, sensory disturbance and motor disturbance occure. For this reason, on the occasion of a highland climbing, a proper countermeasure should be taken. In order to get effect of moxibustion on S36 (Tsusanli points) to a preservation of mountain sickness, several tests were carried out on the physiological variation to mountain climbers. As the result, between the subjects and the control for body temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, pH value of salivary and reflex test the significant differences were not observed. But as to Kreperin sensus there are the significant differences are observed (p < 0.05). In conclusion under the highland environment, exhaustion on the high dimensional function such as a brain (cerebrum) was observed and suppression by moxibustion on a progress of exhaustion was recognized. While effect of moxibustion on physiological variation was not clearly observed. This fact shows that due to a considerable individual difference in vivo, moxibustion cannot cover it and was not effective on protection of the mountain-sickness. 815- gera: 2484/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEALTH PROBLEMS (THE3RD REPORT) - FIELDWORK TO CLARIFY PROBLEMS- .]. HITOSHI YAMASHITA ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(4):300-7 (jap*). We have been promoting moxibustion practice as a means of self-care, because it is thought to be useful from the viewpoint of life as well as body. We guided 49 rural inhabitants in moxibustion at home and investigated their practical situation for a year in order to clarify problems in promoting "moxibustion as a means of self-care". From the above investigation, the following were clarified. 1. Insufficient manpower for family care 2. Time restriction due to cauterization, 3. Intolerance of moxa heat, 4. Dermal disorders from moxibustion scar, 5. The limits of moxibustion, 6. Social restraint against moxibustion These problems are thought to have solutions and some of them are being experimented on in our institute now. 816- gera: 35574/di/ra DISCUSSION ON REINFORCEMENT AND REDUCTION MANIPULATIONS IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. YANG ZHAOMIN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;12(1):3-9 (eng). 817- gera: 35577/di/ra TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS BY WARMING NEEDLE. SUN LIQIN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;12(1):41-4 (eng). 818- gera: 35635/di/ra INVESTIGATION ON THE FEASIBILITY OF TREATING AIDS WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. CHEN HANPING ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992;3(1):13-7 (eng). A partir d'une revue générale sur l'action de l'acupuncture sur l'immunité, l'auteur justifie son utilisation dans le 819- gera: 35708/di/ra RIVOLGIMENTO FETALE INDOTTO CON AGOMOXIBUSTIONE DALLA 32° ALLA 36° SETTIMANA DI GRAVIDANZA. LIMARZI L. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1992;2:35-6 (ita). 820- gera: 35804/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY ON UNIDENTIFIED CLINICAL SYNDROME]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):11. (jap). 821- gera: 35844/di/ra MEDICINAL CAKE IN-BETWEEN MOXIBUSTION IN THE TREATMENT OF POSTGASTRECTOMY ENTEROPARALYSIS. ZHANG YUAN LONG. abstract and review of clinical traditional chinese medicine. 1992;3:68-9 (eng). 822- gera: 35853/di/ra THE LONG-TERM THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN 167 CASES OF SIMPLE OBESITY. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992;3(2):99-107 (eng). From 1987 through 1989, 380 cases simple obesity were treated at this Hospital with acupuncture and moxibustion with a short-term effective rate of 87.6 % upon completion of one gera 2010 50 course of treatment. The following is a report of long-term therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion in 167 cases which were followed up one year after completion of treatment. 823- gera: 35861/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN SMOKING ABSTINENCE : A FIVE YEAR REVIEW WITH ANALYSIS OF REPORTS ON THE TREATMENT OF 15, 866 CASES. ZHANG XUN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992;3(2):149-54 (eng). This paper summarizes 48 articles on acupuncture and moxibustion in quitting smoking published in China and abroard from 1984 to 1988. Reviewed are 10 methods of using ear acupuncture, body acupuncture, ear plus body acupuncture, acupoint injection, and laser irradiation in 15,866 cases of smoking abstinence. Average effective rate was 83,8%. Here we analyze 18 selected points for body acupuncture and 15 points for ear acupuncture on the principle of point features and combination of points, as well as the effect of a new point (Tianmi) useful in quitting smoking. The average effective rate in 11,229 cases was 87,6%. In one group (126 cases) in which Chinese medical ointment was applied to the point results were also good (88,9%). A study on the mechanism of smoking abstinence indicated preliminarily that needling the ear point was effective in stopping smoking through channel and nerve regulation and the regulation of plasma leu-enkephalin content. In closing, the paper objectively evaluates the effect of acupuncture on smoking abstinence and presents a "comprehensive intervention by acupuncture and moxibustion" in smoking abstinence mainly by ear acupuncture and supplementary body acupuncture, Qigong, traditional Chinese medicine and massage. It also presents the TCM view that the hazard of smoking lies in the heat and pathogens entering the body through the nose, leading to pathogenic heat flaring within the body, damaging both the Qi and Yin of the smoker. 824- gera: 35872/di/ra SHORT THRUST WITH WARMING TO THE NEEDLE IN TREATING 54 CASES OF KNEE PAIN. WU QINGMING. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992;3(2):197-9 (eng). Xiyan, Heding, 34VB, 8F. Puncture selon la technique de traitement des Bi des os du Ling Shu: enfoncement progressif de l'aiguille avec tremblements suivi d'enfoncements, retraits. Moxas sur aiguilles (2 à 3cm de rouleau Taiyin sont fixés sur le manche). Une séance par jour, 10 séances constituent une série. Guérison dans 70% des cas, avec 15 à 47 séances (moyenne 31). rapport de 3 cas. 825- gera: 35906/di/ra MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR ALLERGIC RHINITIS. STERNFELD M ET AL. american journal of acupuncture. 1992;20(2):151-5 (eng). Seventeen patients with allergic rhinitis who were treated unsuccessfully by routine procedures in an allergy clinic voluntarily accepted a trial of moxibustion therapy directed locally to the nasal nostrils as the sole curative treatment. Patients with known mite allergen allergic rhinitis were challenged to the allergen and then subjected to the moxa treatment. The temperature inside the nostrils during moxa therapy increased 3° C above the pretreatment temperature level. At the peak of the mite allergen induced rhinitis reaction, symptoms were markedly improved in 88 % of the patients and reduced levels of leukotriene levels in the nasal fluids were 826- gera: 35938/di/ra SUSPENDED MOXIBUSTION OF IGNITED MOXA ROLL IN TREATING CORONARY HEART DISEASE : A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 138 CASES. ZHANG DENGBU ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;12(2):95-9 (eng). 827- gera: 35966/di/ra COMMON FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO INTRACTABLE PAIN AND MEDICAL PROBLEMS WITH INSUFFICIENT DRUG UPTAKE IN AREAS TO BE TREATED, AND THEIR PATHOGENESIS AND TREATMENT : PART I. COMBINED USE OF MEDICATION*. OMURA Y. acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research. 1992;17(2):107-48 (eng ). Most frequently encountered causes of intractable pain and intractable medical problems, including headache, postherpetic neuralgia, tinnitus with hearing difficulty, brachial essential hypertension, cephalic hypertension and hypotension, arrhythmia, stroke, osteo-arthritis, Minamata disease, Alzheimer's disease and neuromuscular problems, such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and cancer are often found to be due to co-existence of 1) viral or bacterial infection, 2) localized microcirculatory disturbances, 3) localized deposits of heavy metals, such as lead or mercury, in affected areas of the body, 4) with or without additional harmful environmental electro-magnetic or electric fields from household electrical devices in close vicinity, which create microcirculatory disturbances and reduced acetylcholine. The main reason why medications known to be effective prove ineffective with intractable medical problems, the authors found, is that even effective medications often cannot reach these affected areas in sufficient therapeutic doses, even though the medications can reach the normal parts of the body and result in side effects when doses are excessive. These conditions are often difficult to treat or may be considered incurable in both Western and Oriental medicine. As solutions to these problems, the authors found some of the following methods can improve circulation and selectively enhance drug uptake: 1) Acupuncture, 2) Low pulse repetition rate electrical stimulation (1-2 pulses/second), 3) (+) Qi Gong energy, 4) Soft lasers using Ga-As diode laser or He- Ne gas laser, 5) Certain electro-magnetic fields or rapidly changing or moving electric or magnetic fields, 6) Heat or moxibustion, 7) Individually selected Calcium Channel Blockers, 8) Individually selected Oriental herb medicines known to reduce or eliminate circulatory disturbances. Each method has advantages and limitations and therefore the individually optimal method has to be selected. Applications of (+) Qi Gong energy stored paper or cloth every 4 hours, along with effective medications, were often found to be effective, as Qigongnized materials can often be used repeatedly, as long as they are not exposed to rapidly changing electric, magnetic or electro- magnetic fields. 828- gera: 36000/di/ra STUDY OF THE FAT-REDUCING EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION BY DETERMINATION OF GLYCOMETABOLISM CHANGES. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992;3(3):221-80 (eng ). In order to make clear the influence of acupuncture and moxibustion (AM) on glycometabolism and glycotropic hormones in simple obese patients and its association with fat reduction, obesity indexes, lipid index, fasting blood sugar (BS) glycotropic hormones were observed before and after AM. 829- gera: 36002/di/ra FLOW DYNAMICS OF URINE IN FEMALE PATIENTS WITH STRESS URINARY INCONTINENCE TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. ZHENG HUITIAN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992;3(3):243-7 (eng). Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) refers to the involuntary overflow of urine when internal pressure of bladder increases abruptly. It is often seen in adult women, especially in the postmenopausal and multiparous. This type of patient is often found to have eczema in the perineal area, which often brings about secondary infection of the urinary tract. Some are likely to be complicated by hysteroptosis or cystourethrocele, which couses the patients a lot of suffering. Using TCM theory, we treated 60 patients with acupuncture and moxibustion. We determined the dynamics of urine as the criterion for assessment of therapeutic effets.The results are significant, and a report follows. Points: - Vide de Qi des Reins et dysfonction de la Vessie : 1) 6VC, 4VC, 28E (tonification) 2) 23V, 29V, 35V, 39V (tonification). - Vide de Yin des Reins et Vide des Poumons : 1) 6Rte, 7P, 3Rn, ajoutés aux points 1) et 2) précédents (tonification). - Vide de Yin des Reins et Yang des Reins : 1) Moxibustion 4VC et 6VC et tonification acupuncture 7P, 28E et 6Rte. 2) Moxibustion 23V, 4VG et tonification acupuncture au 29V, 35V et 39V. Protocoles: Dans chaque forme clinique, utiliser en alternance groupe 1) et 2). - gera 2010 51 Une séance / jour, 30 séances. Résultats: dans le groupe traité par acupuncture : +++ : 10 cas, ++ : 20 cas, 0 : 4 cas. Elévation significative de la pression urethale maximale. Pas de modification du débit sur 2 secondes. 830- gera: 36035/di/ra EXPRESSION OF GALANIN IN RAT PRIMARY SENSORY AFFERENTS AFTER MOXIBUSTION TO THE SKIN. HITOSHI KASHIBA ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1992;20(2):103-14 (eng). 831- gera: 36061/di/ra APPLICAZIONE DI UN SINGOLO AGOPUNTO PER TRATTAMENTO. LU RONG ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1992;4:58. (ita). 832- gera: 36083/di/ra [HOW TO DEAL WITH SPORTS INJURIES IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):16. (jap). 833- gera: 36100/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF LOW BACK PAIN]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):33. (jap). 834- gera: 36113/di/ra [HISTOLOGICAL STUDIES ON THE BURNED SKIN BY MOXA (1) -FLUORESCENCE HISTOCHEMISTRY AND THE APPLICATION-]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):46. (jap). 835- gera: 36114/di/ra [EXPRESSION OF GALANIN-POSITIVE FIBERS IN THE RAT SKIN AFTER MOXIBUSTION -MORPHOLOGICAL STUDY ON THE MECHANISM OF ACUPUNCTURE (V)-]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):47. (jap). [ACUPUNCTURE MOXIBUSTION THERAPY IN OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY (II)]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):88. (jap). 844- gera: 36159/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR POLLINOSIS (PART 4)]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):92. (jap). 845- gera: 36192/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF ATOPIC DERMATITIS (AD) (III) WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE CONTROL OF SERUM IGE, ACIPOCYTE AND LDH INVOLVED IN THE ONSET OF ALLERGIC DISEASE]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):125. (jap). 846- gera: 36195/di/ra [QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF VASCULAR RESPONSES IN HUMAN FINGER DURING AND AFTER THE ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION STIMULATION]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):128. (jap). 847- gera: 36204/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON DELAYED-TYPE HYPERSENSITIVITY IN MICE -STUDY ON IMMUNOSUPPRESSED MODEL-]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):137. (jap). 848- gera: 36213/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEALTH PROBLEMS (III) -FIELDWORK IN AN AGRICULTURAL AREA-]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):146. (jap). 849- gera: 36215/di/ra [STUDIES OF MOXA (10) -THE UNIQUE PROCESS OF MANUFACTURE-]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):148. (jap). 836- gera: 36117/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION, AND ELECTRIC ACUPUNCTURE ON SUBPOPULATIONS OF MURINE PERIPHERAL BLOOD LEUKOCYTES]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):50. (jap). 850- gera: 36216/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF ARTEMISIA AND MOXA BY HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):149. (jap). 837- gera: 36128/di/ra [CLINICAL TRAINING IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR EDEMA]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):61. (jap). 851- gera: 36217/di/ra [GAS LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF HOMEMADE MOXA AND ARTEMISIA]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):150. (jap). 838- gera: 36129/di/ra [CLINICAL TRAINING IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR DIARRHEA]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):62. (jap). 852- gera: 36309/di/ra PRESENT STATUS OF RESEARCH ABROAD CONCERNING THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON IMMUNOLOGIC FUNCTIONS. CUI MENG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;12(3):211-9 (eng). Revue générale. Effet sur les fonctions immunologiques nonspécifiques et spécifiques. Effet sur les fo,ctio,s immunologiques de l'organisme pathologique. Etude du mécanisme d'action. 839- gera: 36130/di/ra [CLINICAL TRAINING IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR COUGH AND PHLEGM]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):63. (jap). 840- gera: 36131/di/ra [CLINICAL TRAINING IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR INSOMNIA AND DEPRESSION].]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):64. (jap). 853- gera: 36339/di/ra DISCUSSIONE SULLA TONIFICAZIONE E DISPERSIONE NELLA MANIPOLAZIONE IN AGOPUNTURA E CON LA MOXIBUSTIONE. YANG ZHAOMIN ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1992;5:34-8 (ita). 841- gera: 36132/di/ra [CLINICAL TRAINING IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR FATIGUE AND LASSITUDE]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):65. (jap). 854- gera: 36344/di/ra TRATTAMENTO DELL'ARTRITE REUMATOIDE CON AGHI RISCALDATI. SUN LIQIN. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1992;5:56-9 (ita). 842- gera: 36141/di/ra [EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON SWEATING ACTIVITY]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(1):74. (jap). 855- gera: 36352/di/ra 34 CASI DI HERPES ZOSTER TRATTATI CON LA MOXIBUSTIONE SU DAZHUI (14GV). LI HUAILIN. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1992;5:78. (ita). 843- gera: 36155/di/ra 856- gera: 36411/di/ra gera 2010 52 AN OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE IMMUNOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS IN 69 CASES OF LUNG CANCER. OUYANG QUN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992;3(4):369-73 (eng). 69 cas de cancer bronchique sont randomisés en deux groupes : traitement classique + moxibustion au 8VC, ou traitement classique sans moxibustion. Moxibustion : moxa au sel (remplir l'ombilic juqu'à 2 mm au dessus de la peau), appliquer 15 à 20 cônes de 0,2 g, les enlever quand le patient ressent une brûlure. La séance dure 30 mn. 30 séances constituent une série, espacer 2 séries de 3 à 5 jours, 10 séries. on observe une amélioration significative des symptômes, une élévation significative des CD4 et CD11, mais non une modification de la 857- gera: 36412/di/ra OSTEOARTHRITIS OF THE KNEE. JI XIAOPING. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992;3(4):375-7 (eng). Présentation et discussion autour d'un cas d'arthrose du genou: diagnostic traditionnel, indications de la moxibustion, choix des points et justification, localisation. 858- gera: 36423/di/ra A CLINICAL REPORT OF 225 CASES OF AMENORRHEA TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. LIU GUOGUANG ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1992;3(4):419-21 (eng). Between april 1982 and october 1990, the authors treated 225 cases of amenorrhea with acupuncture and moxibustion with satisfactory results. The following is a report of their work. VALORIZATION OF THE INTERPRETATIVE POTENTIALITIES OF ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION. SPERONELLO MR ET AL. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:110 (eng). 867- gera: 36573/di/cg EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE PROTECTION OF GASTRIC MUCOSA. CHEN YANJIANG ET AL. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:139 (eng). 868- gera: 36602/di/cg CLINICAL INVESTIGATION OF 97 CASES OF CORONARISM TREATED WITH WARM ACUPUNCTURE. GONG YUANMING ET AL. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:160 (eng). 869- gera: 36609/di/cg A USE OF INFRARED PUNCTURE AND ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION OF THE MM RANGE IN RYODORAKU THERAPY. PSHETAKIVSKI IL ET AL. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:165 (eng). 870- gera: 36610/di/cg ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION IN THE TREATMENT OF OSTEOARTHRITIS : PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. CIANCIOLA I. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:165 (eng). 859- gera: 36475/di/cg THE EXPLORATION ON THE TENDENCY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION FROM ITS HISTORY. WANG XUETAI. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:11 (eng). 871- gera: 36616/di/cg REVISION OF CHINESE LITERATURE ON CLINICAL EFFECTS IN ASTHMA ACUPUNCTURE MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT. BONTIDEAN A ET AL. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:169 (eng). 860- gera: 36481/di/cg THE GENERAL SURVEY ON THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF OUR NATIONAL RESEARCHES ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN RECENT FORTY YEARS. ZHANG FENGLOUZ. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:45 (eng). 872- gera: 36617/di/cg TREATMENT OF INFANTILE PROCTOPTOSIS IN 39 CASES BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXA ROLL MOXIBUSTION. YIN BAOLAN. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:169 (eng). 861- gera: 36482/di/cg NEW TRENDS IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. WANG FENGQI. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:48 (eng). 873- gera: 36637/di/cg IF PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE IS COMBINED WITH ELECTRIC ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION TREATMENTS, IT WILL HAVE AN OVER-AVERAGE EFFECT. GALE HP. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:183 (eng). 862- gera: 36485/di/cg MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE THERAPEUTIC RESULTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. TIAN CONGHUO. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:61 (eng). 863- gera: 36488/di/cg NECESSITIES FOR A HYPOTHESIS OF RESEARCH IN ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION AT MIDDLE AND LONG TERM. CARMIGNOLA C ET AL. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:71 (eng). 864- gera: 36515/di/cg A PROTOCOL FOR A MULTICENTER RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED MOXIBUSTION TRIAL : PROJECT, REALIZATION AND MANAGEMENT. CARDINI F. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:92 (eng). 865- gera: 36529/di/cg FUNCTIONS OF RESEARCH IN ACUPUNCTUREMOXIBUSTION. SARE A ET AL. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:106 (eng). 866- gera: 36536/di/cg 874- gera: 36647/di/cg EFFECT OF SALT-PARTITION MOXIBUSTION AT SHENQUE ON SPONTANEOUS LUNG METASTASIS FROM UTERINE CERVIX CANCER UI4 IN MICE. CAO QIAOLI ET AL. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:191 (eng). 875- gera: 36648/di/cg EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON CELLULAR IMMUNOCOMPETENCE OF MICE. (Abstract). DOU-MONG HAU. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:191 (eng). Etude de 4 types de moxibustion : 1) Bâtonnet de MOXA, 2) Bâton d'encens, 3) MOXA au gingembre, 4) MOXA à l'ail sur l'immunité cellulaire de souris irradiées (nombre de leucocytes et poids de la rate, transformation lymphoblastique). MOXA au gingembre et MOXA à l'ail ont un effet supérieur. 876- gera: 36658/di/cg IMPOTENCE TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION (Abstract). HEXINLIN. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:203 (eng). 877- gera: 36697/di/cg TREATMENT OF HEADACHE BY TRADITIONAL CHINESE gera 2010 53 MASSAGE INTEGRATED WITH MOXIBUSTION. CINIGLIO S ET AL. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:233 (eng). 878- gera: 36701/di/cg TREATMENT OF PERIARTHRITIS OF SHOULDER JOINT WITH "PLUM BLOSSOM" NEEDLE TECHNIQUE COMBINED WITH CUPPING THERAPY AND MOXIBUSTION. GIUSEPPI N ET AL. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:235 (eng). 879- gera: 36704/di/cg TREATMENT FOR THE CHILD'S NOCTURNAL ENURESIS BY MEANS OF A COMBINED MASSAGE, MOXIBUSTION AND EAR PRESSING. GUERRIERI L ET AL. wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma. 1992;:237 (eng). 880- gera: 36769/di/ra USO DELLA MOXIBUSTIONE NEL TRATTAMENTO DELLA MALATTIA CORONARICA. OSSERVAZIONE CLINICA SU 138 CASI. ZHANG DENGBU ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1992;6:61-4 (ita). 881- gera: 36782/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL ELECTROPHORESIS GEL PATTERN OF STRESS PROTEINS INDUCED BY MOXIBUSTION AND ELECTROACUPUNCTUE STIMULATION BY IMAGE ANALYSE SYSTEM]. KAZUKO KIBAYASHI. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(2):165-8 (jap*). Urethan-anesthetized rats were electrically stimulated for 15 min, by inserting acupuncture needles as electrodes into the muscle of the hips (5 Hz, 3-5 mA). Another rats were stimulated by moxibustion (moxa, 10mg, 10 times) for 15 min. Both groups of rats were sacrificed and muscular tissues were excised 3 hours after the stimulation. The proteins extracted from the homogenized and centrifuged tissues were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoreses. Stress proteins (hsp) with molecular weight of 70000 (p70), 85000 (p85) and 100000 (p100) were detected in both rats stimulated by electroacupuncture and moxibustion. Each ratio of p70, p85 and p100 to control proteins analyzed by personal image analyze system was 4.5 %, 17.4% and 1.0% in electroacupuncture, 6.8 %, 20.8% and 1.20 % in moxibustion, respectively. The tendency of the ratios in both cases was almost similar. 882- gera: 36784/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR POLLINOSIS II]. TADASHI SAKAI. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(2):174-80 (jap*). From a viewpoint of the Oriental Medicine, I judged that pollinosis is an abnormal symptom of the lungs system and the large intestine system. So I burnt moxa on some effective spots "Tsubo" of above mentioned systems of the pollinosis patients. About the remedial value, I reported on my first report "MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR POLLINOSIS I". This time I compared and examined the symptoms of two patient-groups. One group consists of 9 moxibustion therapy patients, and the other consists of 5 medicinal therapy patients who took antiallergic. A term of treatment was from February to March in 1990. The effective spots "Tsubo" of moxibustion therapy patients on which I burnt moxa are three spots selected from "Daitsui" and the lungs system the large intestine system of right and left arms. Quantity of moxa is a half grain of rice size, and I burnt the quantity of moxa three times without a break on the same spot. I tried this treatment four times a week. As the remedial value, the symptoms of moxibustion therapy patients as well as medicinal therapy patients didn't get worse and were steadied on the days when a large number of pollens flew. When I continued to burn moxa, each symptom of the patient got better in the latter half of the term of treatment. So I think moxa cautery for pollinosis patients was effective on controlling the symptoms. 883- gera: 36837/di/ra THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON PATIENT WITH HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS IN DIFFERENT TCM SYNDROMES. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1992;2(2):19-22 (eng). For observing the relationship between th syndrome of TCM and the therapeutic effect of moxibustion, 30 cases with Hashimoto's thyroiditis diagnosed as Qi deficiency and Yang deficiency respectively according to TCM were treated by moxibustion. Before and after treatment, the binding rates of serum thyroid antibodies, the concentrations of serum total T4, T3 and TSH and plasma cAMP amd cGMP were measured. The results showed that the patients with Yang deficiency were mainly hypothyroid, which was markedly improved after moxibustion treatment, while the patients with Qi deficiency were mainly euthroid and had no notably change in their thyroid functions after treatment. It was also found that changes in the concentration of plasma cAMP and the ratio of 884- gera: 36843/di/ra THE APPROACH OF THE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT ON AIDS FROM THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION. JIA CHUNSHENG ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1992;2(2):41-4 (eng). Basing upon the achievement of investigations on modern clinics, basic theories and the characteristics of the application of moxibustion, combining with the data of the mechanism of pathogenesis of AIDS in recent years, a preliminary approach has been made on the possibility of the prevention and treatment of moxibustion on AIDS and its easy popularization from its influence on immunal system and another various systems of organism and its 885- gera: 36844/di/ra RESEARCH ON PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF AIDS WITH TCM HERBS ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. TANG ZHAOLIANG ET AL. world journal of acupuncturemoxibustion. 1992;2(2):45-9 (eng). 886- gera: 36847/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF TWO-DIMENSIONAL ELECTROPHORESIS GEL PATTERN OF STRESS PROTEINS INDUCED BY MOXIBUSTION AND ELECTROACUPUNCTURE STIMULATION BY IMAGE ANALYSE SYSTEM]. KAZUKO KOBAYASHI. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(2):165-8 (jap*). Urethan-anesthetized rats were electrically stimulated for 15 min by inserting acupuncture needles as electrodes into the muscle of the hips (5 Hz, 3-5 mA). Another rats were stimulated by moxibustion (moxa, 10mg, 10 times) for 15 min. Both groups of rats were sacrificed and muscuIar tissues were excised 3 hours after the stimulation. The proteins extracted from the homogenized and centrifuged tissues were analyzed by two- dimensional gel electrophoreses. Stress proteins(hsp) with molecular weight of 70000 (p70), 85000 (p85) and 100000 (p100) were detected in both rat stimulated by electroacupuncture and moxibustion. Each ratio of p70, p85 and p100 to control proteins analyzed by personal image analyze system was 4.5%, 17.4% and 1.0% in electro acupuncture, 6.8%. 20.8% and 1.2% in moxibustion, respectively. The tendency of the ratios in both cases was 887- gera: 36851/di/ra [ON THE MOTIVATION OF PRACTICAL TRAINING IN MOXIBUSTION SECOND REPORT - EVALUATION OF TRAINING IN MOXA CONE PREPARATION]. MASATAKA KAWAI ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1992;42(3):252-9 (jap*). 888- gera: 36878/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DE LA DIARREA EN MEDICINA TRADICIONAL CHINA. HE SHUHUAI. medicina holistica, revista de medicinas complementarias. 1992;30:8-13 (esp). Etiologia y fisiopatologia, diagnostico differencial y tratamiento que incluye acupuntura moxibustión fitoterapia y dietética y quimiopuntura de cada forma clínica. Ejemplos de estudios clinicos: Algunos hospitales han hecho pruebas con moxibustión de sal sobre el punto Shenque. De los 748 casos sometidos al control, 90.9% se han curado, y 5.3% resultan mejorados notablemente. Otros hospitales han hecho pruebas gera 2010 54 con inyección de Phenergan de ácido hidroclórico en el punto Zusanli, de los 150 casos sometidos al control, 83 (55.3%) consiguen efecto evidente después del primer tratamiento, 58 (38.7%) tienen mejorias. Las pruebas con extractos líquidos de Coptis Chinensis en el punto Zhixiexue (punto antidiarreico, Extra, PN 84, a 2.5 Cuns debajo del hombligo) para tratar las infecciones gástricas e intestinales, de los 60 pacientes, 85% se han curado o mejorado después de 4 tratamientos. 889- gera: 36947/di/ra DEBATE SOBRE LAS MANIPULACIONES DE PURGACION Y TONIFICACION EN ACUPUNTURA Y MOXIBUSTION. YANG ZHAOMIN ET AL. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1992;2(3):24. (esp). 890- gera: 36948/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DE LA ARTRITIS REUMATOIDE CON EL METODO DE CALENTAMIENTODE LAS AGUJAS. SUN LIQIN. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1992;2(3):5. (esp). 891- gera: 36950/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DE 34 CASOS DE HERPES ZOSTER CON MOXIBUSTION EN EL PUNTO DAZHUI (DM 14). LI HUAILIN. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1992;2(3):16 (esp). 892- gera: 37051/di/tt TRATAMIENTO DE LAS ENFERMEDADES MENTALES POR ACUPUNTURA Y MOXIBUSTION. YE CHENGGU. ediciones en lenguas extranjeras,beijing. 1992;: (esp). 893- gera: 37278/nd/re TECHNIQUES AND INSTRUMENTATION. ALTMAN S. probl vet med. 1992;4(1):66-87 (eng). There are many methods used to stimulate acupuncture points to achieve therapeutic objectives. Among the most frequently employed are physical pressure or vacuum (acupressure and cupping), temperature variation (cauterization, moxibustion, electronic heat devices, infrared lamps, ultraviolet lights, ice, dry ice, and surface coolants such as ethyl chloride), ultrasound (sonapuncture), injection therapy (aquapuncture), implantation of various materials into points, laser stimulation (laserpuncture), and electrostimulation of the acupuncture points, with or without needles (electroacupuncture). This chapter describes these techniques, their uses, and place in acupuncture therapy. 894- gera: 37339/nd/re ACUPUNCTURE AND RELATED TREATMENT MODALITIES. PART II : APPLICATIONS TO ANTEPARTAL AND INTRAPARTAL CARE. BEAL MW. j nurse midwifery. 1992;37(4):260-8 (eng). The application of acupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure, and shiatsu to antepartal and intrapartal care are discussed. Information on therapeutic interventions as described in textbooks is presented and compared with specific treatments evaluated in research studies. Specific clinical indications addressed include nausea during pregnancy, repositioning of the fetus in breech position, stimulation of contractions and true labor, and pain relief in labor. Qualifications for practitioners and recommendations for certified nursemidwives caring for clients seeking referral for these services are discussed. 895- gera: 37340/nd/re ACUPUNCTURE AND RELATED TREATMENT MODALITIES. PART I : THEORETICAL BACKGROUND. BEAL MW. j nurse midwifery. 1992;37(4):260-8 (eng). An introduction to the therapeutic applications, history, and theory of acupuncture and several related treatment modalities is presented. The practices of acupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure, and shiatsu are described. The underlying concept of treatment of imbalances of ch'i, or life energy, is presented along with the flow of ch'i in meridians (pathways), and the theories of yin and yang, Five Elements, and Eight Principle Patterns. 896- gera: 37663/nd/re ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE IN RURAL CHINA (letter). GU JC ET AL. world health forum. 1992;13(1):51 (eng). 897- gera: 37673/nd/tt HOLDING BACK THE TIGER. AUTEROCHE B ET AL. edinburgh : churchill livingstone. 1992;:152P (eng). 898- gera: 37700/nd/re [FETOMATERNAL MACROTRANSFUSION AFTER SUCCESSFUL INTERNAL VERSION FROM BREECH PRESENTATION BY MOXIBUSTION]. ENGEL K ET AL. geburstshilfe und frauenheilkunde. 1992;52(4):241-3 (deu). 899- gera: 39087/di/ra [CLINICAL INVESTIGATION ON TREATMENT OF MENIERE SYNDROME BY MOXIBUSTION WITH REED-VESSEL]. QIAN SONGLIN. jiangxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;23(1):31 (chi). 900- gera: 39178/di/ra [MEDICAL ART OF HUNS AS INTERPRETED BY THE FIRST-AID TECHNIQUE PERFORMED ON THE CASE OF SU WU'S SUICIDE]. SUHE T. chinese journal of medical history. 1992;22(1):59 (chi*). The Huns had medical experience at least two thousand years ago. In the Inner Canon of yellow Emperor, the Hun's application of moxibustion was mentioned. The Traditional treatment of hot-smoking therapy by digging a hole in the ground and putting into it hot ashes was very commonly used and unique of nomadic life in the 3rd- 2nd centuries B. C. among the Hun nations. The author put forward a new idea that Hun's hot-smoking therapy has evolved into the fireplace bed extensively used in today's Northern China. 901- gera: 39279/di/ra [NAPRAPATHY ASSOCIATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR 108 CASES OF PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME]. ZHENG DEJIANG. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;2:28 (chi). 902- gera: 39322/di/ra [CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENT RESEARCH ON INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH MEDICINAL CAKE IN THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC ATYPICAL COLONITIS]. WU HUANGAN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(1):28 (chi*). Cakes made of medicinal herbs are laid on Zhongwan (Ren 12), Qihai (Ren 6), and Zusanli (St 36), or Dachangshu (UB 25), Tianshu (St 25), and Shangjuxu (St 37) on which the moxibustion is performed to treat 42 cases of chronic atypical colonitis. 24 cases were cured and 12 were markedly effective, altogether up to 85.71 %. Simultaneously, observation was also conducted on the change of cellular immunity and nail fold microcirculation. The result indicated that this method is able to improve the microcirculation of the patients thus 903- gera: 39323/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF THE THERAPEUTICAL EFFECT OF 180 CASES OF ABNORMAL MENSTRUATION TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION AND ELECTRIC ACUPUNCTURE]. WU SIPING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(1):32 (chi*). 180 cases of abnormal menstruation were treated with moxibustion and electric acupuncture on Guanyuan (Ren 4), Qihai (Ren 6), bilateral Shenshu (UB 23), and bilateral Zusanli (St 36). The treatment was offered once in every 2 days. 7 sessions constituted one course of treatment. The result was summarized after 4 courses. The total effective rate was 90.8 % and 68 % respectively in moxibustion group and electric acupuncture group. The statistical processing revealed the superiority of the moxibustion group. 904- gera: 39324/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF 102 CASES WITH HYPEROSTEOGENY OF LUMBAR VERTEBRAE]. MIAO JINHUA. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(1):34 (chi*). Slices of ginger were laid on the most tender spot of Du gera 2010 55 meridian in lumbar region and the sites 2.5 centimetre above and below it. Moxa cone of broad bean size was put on the slices and ignited and the skin around the moxa was gently tapped. 4 to 5 cones were ignited continuously. Usually 1 session or twice could be provided to the patient. 49 cases were cured, 51 improved and 2 unchanged. The method is effective to the symptoms resulting from hyperosteogeny but its effect for prolapse of lumbar intravertebral disc is unsatisfactory. and tissues of the lung and kidney was observed. The results show that the content of 5-HT and 5-HIAA in rat increased significantly after the abdominal transplant of EHFV, and the content of 5-HIAA in rat infected EHFV decreased markedly to normal level after treatment with moxibustion, suggesting that the regulative function of moxibustion on 5-HT and 5-HIAA be one of the pasts of its nerve-endocrine-immune regulation to the body, and that a positive meaning. This study provides an important reference for mechanism exploration of moxibustion 905- gera: 39330/di/ra [RECENT DEVELOPMENT OF THE MASCULINE SEXUAL DISORDER TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. GAO LINGYU. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(1):50 (chi*). In this artical, the author reviewed more than 40 domestic scholars' experience of how to treat impotence, abnormal ejaculation, and abnormal semen, including the acupoints selection, the manipulations of needles, moxibustion methods and the acupoint block and so on. The curative effect was also mentioned. 911- gera: 39757/di/ra [THE EFFECTIVENESS OF HE'S THREE-OPENING METHOD IN TREATING SYMPTOMS OF NUMBNESS]. WANG JINGX ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(2):43 (chi*). The so-called he's three-opening method is the mild opening, fierce opening, and warm-opening methods from Dr. He Puren, an eminent veteran specialist of acupuncture in China. The mild opening is performed with acupuncture using filiform needles, the fierce opening is blood-letting method with threeedged needle and the warm-opening is conducted with red-hot needles or moxibustion. Points are prescribed according to the different symptoms of numbness such as deficiency of Qi, that of blood, stagnation of Qi and blood, retention of cold resulting from Yang deficiency, and appropriate "opening" method should be adopted accordingly. The article 906- gera: 39608/di/ra [RESEARCH OF CLINICAL OBSERVATION AND EXPERIMENT FOR ASTHMA WITH THE THERAPIES OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN 188 CASES]. SHAO JINGMING ET AL. henan traditional chinese medicine. 1992;12(2):68 (chi). 907- gera: 39664/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON TYPE I ALLERGY TREATED WITH ACU-MOXIBUSTION]. LAI XINSHENG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;33(4):34 (eng). 908- gera: 39744/di/ra [CLINICAL RESEARCH ON PROMOTING THE HEALING OF FRACTURE AND ANALYSIS OF THERAPEUTICAL EFFECT OF 147 CASES]. ZHANG ZUOJUN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(2):7 (chi*). 147 cases of fracture of long bone were divided at random into the group with acupuncture and moxibustion, that with moxibustion alone and the control group. On the basis of conventional treatment for the fracture, the 3 groups were provided respectively with, acupuncture and moxibustion alone and neither acupuncture nor moxibustion. The observation was focused on the food intake, urination and defecation, local swelling, pain, the growth and strength of callus, and offbed weight carrying etc. The above indices were better improved in the first two groups, all quicker than in the control group. This result suggests that acupuncture and moxibustion has positive effect in 909- gera: 39752/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 500 CASES OF SCAPULOHUMERAL PERIARTHRITIS TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE PLUS MOXIBUSTION]. WANG MANZENG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(2):25 (chi*). The article explicates the site of the occurrence of scapulohumeral periarthritis and divides the disease into the syndrome of Hand Taiyin meridian, that of Hand Yangming meridian, that of Hand Shaoyang meridian and that of Hand Taiyang meridian. Points are selected mainly along the affected meridian and sparrow-pecking moxibustion with moxa stick is added to those with aversion to cold and general weakness. If several meridians are simultaneously affected, points are alternately needled from them. The treatment is performed once daily, 20 to 30 minutes each session, and 12 sessions make up a course of treatment. With 1 course to 4 courses, 382 cases (76.4 %) were cured, 108 (21.6 %) were improved, and 10 (2 %) failed. 910- gera: 39755/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF MOXIBUSTION ON 5-HT AND HIAA IN PLASMA AND TISSUES OF LUNG AND KIDNEY OF RAT INFECTED EHFV]. TANG ZHAOLIANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(2):36 (chi*). In this paper, the model of rat infected EHFV was made and the influence of moxibustion on 5-HT and 5-HIAA in its plasma 912- gera: 39758/di/ra [THE HANDLING-DOWN AND THE ACADEMIC VALUE OF "CLASSICS OF MIRACULOUS MOXIBUSTION"]. LI YANGZHEN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(2):46 (chi*). "Classic of miraculous moxibustion", a special ancient book on moxibustion was written by Wu Yiding in Qing dynasty. The book elaborates the theory, application, indications and contraindications etc. of moxibustion and especially in the clinical treatment it lists a large variety of disorders in internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, E.N.T., dermatology and, carbuncles, boils etc. which can be treated with moxibustion. What needs special attention is that not only can the deficient, cold, and chronic diseases be treated with moxibustion, but are also the acute, febrile, and excessive ones. The book is still devoted to in lightening the modern physicians to employ 913- gera: 39759/di/ra [SUMMARY ON PRESENTATION OF PAPERS IN THE SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. MA TINGFANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(2):49 (chi*). The author introduces in general the academic papers of the second world conference of acupuncture and moxibustion held in Paris, 1990. The introduction is presented in 6 aspects, research on meridians and collaterals, investigation on the mechanism of acupuncture, acupuncture anesthesia and analgesia, immunology and the related diseases, application in various clinical department, and various new techniques and needling apparatus. 914- gera: 39844/di/ra [SEE FUMIGATION THERAPY IN THE "PICTURE OF FUMIGATION CAGE"]. GAO YUNQIU. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;5:38 (chi). 915- gera: 39916/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS TREATED BY INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH DIFFERENT MEDIATED MATERIALS]. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;33(5):30 (eng). 916- gera: 39924/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF THE EFFECT OF METEOROLOGICAL FACTORS ON MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF ASTHMA IN SUMMER DOG DAYS]. LIAN DONGFU ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;2:3 (chi*). Sanfujiu (moxibustion in the dog summer days) acts good on winter-onset diseases according to the TCM theories. 50 cases of asthma patients were randomly divided into the 3 groups with non-treatment controls in the pulmo- rheogram gera 2010 56 observations. All the index of the dog day group were significant (p<0.01) and 4 index of the group of 5- 4 days after dog summer were also significant (p<0.05). This indicated that the meteorologic factors, especially temperature, has important influence on the asthma treatment in dog summer days. 917- gera: 39925/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF SOME FACTORS INFLUENCING PURULENT MOXIBUSTION FOR BRONCHIAL ASTHMA]. HONG HAIGUO ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;2:5 (chi). 918- gera: 42753/di/ra [THE INFLUENCE OF SALT-PARTITION MOXIBUSTION ON THE SHENQUE POINT UPON THE BODY IMMUNITY FUNCTION]. OUYANG QUO ET AL. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;24(2):32 (chi). 919- gera: 42857/di/ra [FRAGMENTS ABOUT ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. PENG JINGSHAN. liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;19(7):18 (chi). 920- gera: 42912/di/ra [MR. LIN ZHANGJIE'S ACUPUNCTURE TECHNIQUE AND MOXIBUSTION METHOD]. ZHANG YONGSHU ET AL. fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;23(3):6 (chi). 921- gera: 42935/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTICAL EFFECT OF 122 CASES OF REFRACTORY FACIAL PARALYSIS TREATED WITH FINGER-PRESSURE ON ACU-POINTS AND INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH GINGER SLICE]. YANG JINAN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(4):5 (chi*). The article presents the treatment of refractory facial paralysis with finger-pressure on acupoints and indirect moxibustion with ginger slice. Among altogether 122 cases, 72 were basically cured, 31 markedly effective, 13 improved and 6 unchanged. The total effective rate was 95.10 %. The shorter the duration of the disease, the better the effect. This method achieves the therapeutical aim by means of regulating the circulation of Qi and blood and nourishing and warming the skin and muscles. 922- gera: 42986/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 360 CASES OF LUMBAGO BY CHINESE DRUGS FUMIGATING AND OXYGEN INJECTION INTO TISSUE]. CUI WENPING ET AL. journal of shandong college of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;16(3):45 (chi). 923- gera: 43029/di/ra [TREATMENT OF INTRACTABLE FACIAL PARALYSIS BY METHOD OF POINT-THROUGH-POINT ACUPUNCTURE COMBINED WITH MOXIBUSTION : A CASE REPORT]. WANG YASONG. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;24(6):32 (chi). 924- gera: 43241/di/ra [RECENT STATUS ON TREATMENT OF SOME DERMATOSIS TO AFFECT BEAUTIFY WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. LI HONGYANG ET AL. modern diagnosis and treatment. 1992;3(1):31 (chi*). It's a summary of treatment on the some dermatosis to affect beautify. It's good curative effect has been proved by clinical observation that the acupuncture and moxibustion treat the Acne, the verrucosis, the Mole, the Chloasma and Ephelis or Alopecia and Hypertrichasis. 925- gera: 43284/di/ra [32 CASES OF DIARRHEA TO COLD DAMPNESS TREATED WITH ZHUANG MEDICAL THREAD MOXIBUSTION THERAPY]. ZHOU QIRONG. yunnan journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;13(4):30 (chi). 926- gera: 43346/di/ra [CURE OF HYSTEROPTOSIS WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY]. LIN XIANJUN. beijing journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;4:28 (chi). 927- gera: 43357/di/ra [DISCUSSING ON ACADEMIC THOUGHT OF' COMPLETE WORKS IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION' (YANG JIZHOU)]. WU PINJIA. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;13(7):20 (chi). 928- gera: 43486/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF DRAINAGE WITH ELECTRIC FIRE NEEDLE FOR 60 SURGICAL CASES]. ZUO ZIPING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(3):9 (chi*). This article is about 60 cases of sores of drainage with electric fire needle, and 40 cases of drainage with surgical knife as the control group. 100 cases in all of the two groups were cured. The average type of curation is 7.5 days and 7.4 days respectively, (P>0.05). There were 5 cases (8.3 %) in the first group bleeding at the wounded area after drainage, but 36 cases (90 % ) in the control group bleeding. A remarkable difference between was seen. (P<0.05), it indicates that the effect of drainage with an electric fire needle is better than that with a surgical knife, 929- gera: 43494/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION WITH YELLOW WAX OINTMENT FOR 156 CASES OF TUBERCULOSIS OF BONE AND JOINT, AND MULTIPLE ABSCESS]. ZHENG FUKANG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(3):25 (chi*). The author used Huang La Gao (yellow wax ointment) and heated it with a moxibustion apparatus to treat 156 cases of osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis, antro-canal due to prolonged lymphatic tuberculosis. As the result, 113 cases were cured (72.44 %), 41 improved (26.28 %), and 2 unchanged (1.28 %). The procedure was as follows : put the mixture of yellow was and white part of chinese onion on the affected area, heated with an endurable temperature with a moxibustion apparatus for 20-30 minutes. The heated cushion was removed 3 minutes after stopping heating and the treated area was dressed. 10 times of treatment were as one course. 930- gera: 43495/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON E.C. INDICES OF PATIENTS WITH CORONARY HEART DISEASE (CHD) TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION ON NEIGUAN]. ZHENG GUIQIU ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(3):27 (chi*). The article elaborates the comparison on the indices of ST-T, Q-TC, and HR of E.C.G. 62 CHD patients before and after their treatment with moxibustion. Meantime 331 CHD patients were treated with acupuncture for control. Neiguan (P 6) and Danzhong (CV 17) etc; were prescribed in both groups. After the retention of needles for 20 minutes, the immediate, 30minute and 60-minute observation were performed on the above indices. The result showed that after the moxibustion, ST-T was notably raised (P<0.5), Q-TC noticeably shortened (P<0.001) and HR markedly reduced (P<0.001). Comparing with acupuncture, no marked difference was found in the value difference of the indices of heart function, indicating that moxibustion can obtain the same effect as that by acupuncture in 931- gera: 43496/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH GARLIC FOR 102 CASES OF SINUSITIS]. LI LINGLING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(3):29 (chi*). 102 cases of sinusitis were treated by moxibustion with garlic. 61 of them were cured, 12 improved, and 5 unchanged. The main points selected were Yangbai, Cuanzhu (BL 2), and Sibai (ST 2). Cut a slice of a large single clove of garlic about 0.7 cm thick, put a moxa-cone as big as a peanut on it and ignited, 3-5 cones for each point, once treatment daily, 7 days as one course. 932- gera: 43624/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION FOR RETARDATION OF AGING AND PRELIMINARY EXPLORATION OF ITS MECHANISM]. JU XIANSHUI ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. gera 2010 57 1992;8:29 (chi). 933- gera: 43652/di/ra [EFFECT ON BODY IMMUNOFUNCTIONS INDUCED BY SALT MOXIBUSTION AT POINT SHENQUE (CV-8)]. OUYANG QUN. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;11(3):27 (chi). 934- gera: 43763/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON EXPERIMENTAL GASTRIC ULCER IN RATS]. CHEN YANJIANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(2):113 (chi*). This study was designed to determine whether moxibustion at "Shenjue" plays a role in protecting gastric mucosa in rats. The areas and histological changes of gastric ulcer were examined. The results were as follows, 1. Moxibustion pretreatment within 3 weeks Significantly prevented the formation of gastric ulcer. 2. As gastric ulcer had formed, moxibustion couldn't shorten the period of recovery of gastric ulcer. The results suggested that moxibustion pretreatment at "Shenjue" had a protective effect on gastric mucosa. After the experimental ulcer had formed, however, the moxibustion had little protective effect on it. 935- gera: 43766/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON IL-2 PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS]. XIAO JUN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(2):126-8 (chi*). Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is referred to the category of Bi syndromes in Traditional Chinese medicine. It is regarded as an autoimmune disease, but the pathogenic mechanism is still to be clarified. In order to observe the effects of the treatment of RA with acupuncture and moxibustion on IL-2, 41 patients were divided into warming needle and point injection groups at random, and 19 healthy subjects as control group. The results showed that the IL-2 levels in two RA groups before treatment were obviously lower than that in control group (P 0.05). After treatment the IL-2 level in control group was unchanged, but increased considerably in two RA groups (P 0.01). Generally, IL-2 is considered as a very important, signal for regulating immune response. Our results have shown that the decrease of IL-2 in patients with RA should be one of main causes of internal environment disorder, acupuncture and moxibustion as a stress stimulation exerts an influence on the immunity system through 936- gera: 43788/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF THE THERAPEUTICAL EFFECT OF 182 CASES OF CHRONIC PROSTATITIS TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION ON UMBILICUS]. CHENG KEJIA ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(5):5 (chi*). The author put together semen vaccariae, rhizoma acori graminei, indigo naturalis, folium artemisiae, herba lysimachiae radix rubiae, herba taraxaci, os draconis preparata, and concha ostreae preparata, and ground them into fine powder. 3 to 5 grams of the powder was mixed with alcohol, vinegar and dimethyl sulfone into loose paste which was stayed for 30 minutes and then wrapped with gauze, put on the umbilicus, covered with thick kraft paper, and fixed with adhesive plaster. The treatment was performed at night and the paste was taken away at day- time, once daily, 7 days constituted one treating course, and there was a 2-day interval between every 2 courses. Among 182 cases, 103 were cured, 48 markedly effective, 26 improved, and 5 unchanged. The total effective rate 937- gera: 43791/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 108 CASES OF PIRIFORMIS INJURY SYNDROME WITH DECOLLEMENT BY THICK SILVER NEEDLE COMBINE WITH MOXIBUSTION]. TONG LIMIN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(5):11 (chi*). 2 % procaine was used for local anesthesia at Huantiao (GB30), and a binary alloy needle (of 70 % silver and 30 % copper), 125mm in length and 1mm in diameter was inserted into the point as deep as 5 to 6 cun. When there appeared fairly strong needling sensation, the tip of the needle was moved upwards, downwards, to the left and right along the projecting cord-like muscle to strip and relax. Then warmneedle moxibustion was given for 2 or 3 cones. After the withdrawal of the needle, the needle hole was covered with dressing to prevent infection. The treatment is offered once weekly. When the disease affects both sides, the needling can be performed bilaterally. The effect can be obtained after twice or three times of the needling. 938- gera: 43953/di/ra [RECENT PROGRESS IN THE CLINICAL STUDIES ON WEIGHT LOSS BY ACU-MOXIBUSTION AND ITS MECHANISM]. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;33(9):52 (eng). 939- gera: 43986/di/ra [WARM ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY FOR ANGINA PECTORIS OF CORONARY HEART DISEASE]. GONG YUANMING. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1992;13(9):415 (chi). 940- gera: 44067/di/ra [TREATMENT OF CHRONIC PROSTATIS BY ACUPUNCTURE WITH HEATED NEEDLE]. CHEN REN-DI. shanxi medical journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;8(4):26 (chi). 941- gera: 44082/di/ra [30 CASES OF CHRONIC RHINITIS TREATED BY JIAWEI GUIZHI TANG]. YANG BAOXIU. traditional chinese medicinal research. 1992;5(3):41 (chi). 942- gera: 44083/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE KIDNEY FUNCTION OF THE PATIENTS WITH EPIDEMIC HEMORRHAGIC FEVER (EHF)]. SONG XIAOGE ET AL. traditional chinese medicinal research. 1992;5(3):46 (chi*). In the paper, we observed on effect of moxibustion on the time for removal of positive reaction in uroprotein test, hypouresis, the B-mode echography of kidney of the patients with EHF, meantime in and after moxibustion the content of the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) of rats infected with EHF virus was measured The results showed that moxibustion could shorten hypouresis, promote the time for removal of positive reaction in uroprotein test, reduce the content of the BUN and reduce the swelling kidney. This suggests that moxibution has a protect role on the 943- gera: 44245/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE MOXIBUSTION ASSOCIATED WITH CHINESE MATERIA MEDICA FOR 1 CASE OF INFANTILE PREDISPOSITIONAL ECZEMA]. SUN LIJUAN ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;10:21 (chi). 944- gera: 44248/di/ra [ADVANCE IN CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF TREATING CHRONIC GASTRITIS WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. ZHOU CHENGHAO ET AL. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;10:32 (chi). 945- gera: 44260/di/ra [A REPORT ON TREATMENT OF 60 CASES OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISK DISPLACEMENT IN EARLY PERIOD BY CRUDE HERB MOXIBUSTION]. WAN JIANFENG ET AL. jiangxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;23(5):36 (chi*). The basic recipe is made up of Rhizoma Drynaria, raw Rhizoma Rhei each 1 portion, Commiphora Myrrha, Rhizoma Corydalis, Herba Lycopodii, Radix Dipsaci each 5 portions. For cases with marked trauma, Resina Draconis, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Moschus or / Borneolum Syntheticum should be added; for cases with deficient-cold and cold pain of the waist, Radix Aconiti, Flos Lonicerae, Cortex Cinnamomi should be added. All drugs were baked dry and ground into fine powder, to 20g of which a little ginger juice is added and a medical cake with a diameter of 4 cm and thickness of 0.6-0.9 cm is made. Apply the cake to the wound and put an ignited moxa cone at the center. Burn the cone for 3-5 Zhuang, once or twice daily, with 10 sessions constituting a therapeutic course. gera 2010 58 Results revealed that 28 cases were cured, 17 cases markedly improved, 13 cases effectiveness, 2 cases failed. The total effectiveness rate was 96.7%. 946- gera: 44308/di/ra [TREATMENT OF IMPOTENCE BY MOXIBUSTION ON THE NAVEL COVERED WITH YU JING HUI CHUN SAN : A STUDY OF 111 CASES]. PENG BAOZHENG. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;24(11):40 (chi). 947- gera: 44494/di/ra [EXAMPLES CASES OF GYNECOLOGICAL DISEASES TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION]. DU XIAOSHAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1992;33(11):24 (eng). 948- gera: 44701/di/ra [TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE COMBINING WITH WESTERN MEDICINE IN THE TREATMENT OF PERIPHERAL FACIOPLEGIA : A REPORT OF 12 CASES (ABSTRACT)]. DENG YISHENG. modern diagnosis and treatment. 1992;3(4):401 (chi*). Author had used the injection drug through the stylomastoid hole and co-operated with the warm acupuncture in the treatment of twelve patients with peripheral facioplegia of the 12 patients, 5 male and 7 female. The curative effect was obvious. The patients were completely recovered and the patients were nearly recovered. The therapy is characterized by easy to operate and rapid to effect. 949- gera: 44810/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON FACIAL PARALYSIS TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH WARMING NEEDLE PLUS ACUPOINT INJECTION]. WEI LING. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):231 (chi). 950- gera: 44811/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT SYNDROME TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH ABSORBENT COTTON]. MIAO XISHOU. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):232 (chi). 951- gera: 44812/di/ra [APPROACH TO TREATMENT OF FACIAL NEURITIS OF 100 CASES BY MILD MOXIBUSTION]. KUAI BENZHEN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):234 (chi). 952- gera: 44814/di/ra [ANALYSIS TO INFLUENCE OF PURULENT MOXIBUSTION ON BRONCHIAL ASTHMA]. HAONG HIGUO ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):237 (chi). 953- gera: 44815/di/ra [EFFECTIVE OBSERVATION ON PURULENT MOXIBUSTION IN TREATING 106 CASES OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA]. ZHOU DAOHUI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):239 (chi). 954- gera: 44816/di/ra [OBSERVATION EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION WITH MOXA CONE ON THE IMMUNE FUNCTION OF PATIENTS WITH LUNG CANCER]. OUYANG QUN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):241 (chi). Voir article en Anglais réf. GERA [36411]. 955- gera: 44817/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON STUBBORN PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS TREATED BY GARLIC-PARTITION MOXIBUSTION]. YAN HUA ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):243 (chi). 956- gera: 44818/di/ra [CLINICAL RESEARCH ON THE PAIN SYNDROME DUE TO PROLAPSED LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISK TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH SHEXIANG DAN (MUSK PILL)]. ZHANG HAIFA ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):246 (chi). [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 434 CASES OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH WARMING NEEDLE]. SUN LIQIN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):249 (chi). 958- gera: 44820/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 456 CASES OF RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIS TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH HERBAL HOT-APPLICATION]. WU CHUNGUANG. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):251 (chi). 959- gera: 44821/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 112 CASES OF CONTUSION TREATED BY SALT-PARTITION MOXIBUSTION]. XU CHENGZU. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):252 (chi). 960- gera: 44822/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTIVENESS OF MOXIBUSTION PLUS CUPPING ARRESTING PAIN]. YU ZHIGONG. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):253 (chi). 961- gera: 44823/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 216 CASES OF PAIN OF THE WAIST AND THE LOWER EXTREMITIES TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH FUMIGATION]. CHENG YIN'AN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):254 (chi). 962- gera: 44824/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON VERRUCA TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH JOSS STICKS]. WEI MINGFENG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):256 (chi). 963- gera: 44825/di/ra [RECENT PROGRESS IN TREATMENT OF ZOSTER BY MOXIBUSTION]. HUI KEYI. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):257 (chi). 964- gera: 44826/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 126 CASES OF NEURODERMATITIS TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION AND PLUM- BLOSSOM NEEDLE]. WU SHIGUI. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):259 (chi). 965- gera: 44827/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION 19 CASES OF SEVERE STUBBORN FOOT TINEA TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH FUMIGATION]. WEI ZHENDONG. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):260 (chi). 966- gera: 44828/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON MOXIBUSTION FOR WEIGHT REDUCTION]. TANG CHUNYU ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):261 (chi). 967- gera: 44829/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON IMPOTENCE TREATED BY GINGER-PARTITION MOXIBUSTION]. LIANG XUEYING. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):263 (chi). 968- gera: 44830/di/ra [RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON LOWERING BLOOD PRESSURE IN SHR RATS AND THE CHANGE OF MONOAMINE NEUROTRANSMITTER IN BLOOD AND BRAIN]. ZHOU YIPING ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):265 (chi). 969- gera: 44831/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE IMMUNE AND ANTIVIRUS FUNCTIONS OF THE RAT INFECTED WITH EPIDEMIC HEMORRHAGIC FEVER VIRUS]. SONG XIAOGE ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):267 (chi). 970- gera: 44832/di/ra [THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON EXPERIMENTAL GASTRIC ULCER OF RATS AND ITS MECHANISM]. QIAO XUEFENG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):270 (chi). 957- gera: 44819/di/ra gera 2010 59 971- gera: 44833/di/ra [EFFECT OF SPREADING MOXIBUSTION ON IMMUNE FUNCTION]. ZHU YUEWEI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):273 (chi). [THE OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF THYROIDOMA WITH LASER LIGHT MOXIBUSTION (ABSTRACT)]. XIA YONG RONG. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):295 (chi). 972- gera: 44834/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON GASTROINTESTINAL ELECTRIC ACTIVITY IN RABBITS THROUGH ZUSANLI (ST36) AND ITS MECHANISM]. XU GUAN SUN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):276 (chi). 986- gera: 44849/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT COMBINED WITH ADHESION OF MOXIBUSTION PASTER ON CERVICAL SPONDYLOPATHY (ABSTRACT)]. SHAN YONGHUA ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):296 (chi). 973- gera: 44835/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON HUMORAL FACTORS IN THE RAT INFECTED WITH EPIDEMIC HEMORRHAGIC FEVER VIRUS]. TANG ZHAOLIANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):276 (chi). 974- gera: 44836/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 300 CASES OF "STAGNATED-QI" SYNDROME TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION PLUS ACUPUNCTURE]. TIAN PEILAN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):280 (chi). 975- gera: 44837/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON CHANGES OF BLOOD-FAT HEMORRHEOLOGY IN HYPERLIPEMIA TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH MOXA CONES]. LING YOUZHU ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):281 (chi). 976- gera: 44838/di/ra [HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF MOXIBUSTION INSTRUMENTS]. JU CHUAN JUN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):285 (chi). 977- gera: 44839/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTIVENESS OF MOXIBUSTION WITH MOXA THREAD]. LI MEIYING ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):288 (chi). 978- gera: 44840/di/ra [APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION TO SENILE HEALTHCARE]. GUO HAIYIN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):289 (chi). 979- gera: 44841/di/ra [PRELIMINARY APPROACH TO MOXIBUSTION]. LIU ZHIDONG. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):290 (chi). 980- gera: 44842/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 29 CASES OF CHRONIC DIARRHEA TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION ON MINGMEN (DU4)]. ZHAO ZHONGSHUN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):292 (chi). 981- gera: 44843/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH WALNUT SHELL ON 229 EYES, ATTACKED BY SENILE CATARACT (ABSTRACT)]. MA ZHAOQIN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):294 (chi). 982- gera: 44844/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF MOXIBUSTION WITH WARMING NEEDLE ON 60 CASES OF FACIAL PARALYSIS (ABSTRACT)]. GAO HUA ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):294 (chi). 983- gera: 44845/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 39 CASES OF FACIAL PARALYSIS TREATED BY INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH A SLICE OF FRESH GINGER (ABSTRACT)]. LIU JICAI. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):294 (chi). 984- gera: 44846/di/ra [THE CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF THE TREATMENT OF MATCH MOXIBUSTION ON 57 CASES OF MUMPS (ABSTRACT)]. MA SHUFANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):295 (chi). 987- gera: 44850/di/ra [THE ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT, COMBINED WITH INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH A SLICE OF FRESH GINGER ON 80 CASES OF CERVICAL SPONDYLOPATHY (ABSTRACT)]. YAO XUEYING. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):296 (chi). 988- gera: 44852/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF HEAVENLY MOXIBUSTION, DURING THE DOG DAYS, COMBINED WITH DRUGS, ON 700 CASES OF CHRONIC BRONCHITIS OF COLD TYPE (ABSTRACT)]. JIA HE. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):297 (chi). 989- gera: 44853/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE SPREADING MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT ON 58 CASES OF ASTHMA (ABSTRACT)]. CHEN MEIREN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):297 (chi). 990- gera: 44854/di/ra [THE PRELIMINARY EXPERIENCES IN PREVENTION AND TREATMENT ON 100 COMMON COLD, WITH PURULENT MOXIBUSTION ON FENGMEN (ABSTRACT)]. JIAO YAN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):297 (chi). 991- gera: 44855/di/ra [THE MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT WITH WARMING ELONGATED NEEDLE ON GASTROSIS (ABSTRACT)]. YANG ZHAOGANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):298 (chi). 992- gera: 44856/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH CAKE ON 47 CASES OF GASTROPTOSIS (ABSTRACT)]. TANG KAIJUN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):298 (chi). 993- gera: 44857/di/ra [THE MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT ON 50 CASES OF INFANTILE DIARRHEA (ABSTRACT)]. QIAO GUIZHI. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):298 (chi). 994- gera: 44858/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH A SLICE OF FRESH GINGER ON 58 CHRONIC ENTERITIS (ABSTRACT)]. LIANG YUNXIA. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):299 (chi). 995- gera: 44860/di/ra [75 CASES OF INFANTILE DIARRHEA TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION AT SHENMAI (ABSTRACT)]. ZHAN FUROUG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):299 (chi). 996- gera: 44861/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT WITH WARMING NEEDLE ON 43 CASES OF CHRONIC DIARRHEA (ABSTRACT)]. ZHANG JING. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):300 (chi). 997- gera: 44862/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF MOXIBUSTION COMBINED WITH ACUPUNCTURE ON INFANTILE DIARRHEA AND ENURESIS (ABSTRACT)]. LIU HONGYIN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):300 (chi). 985- gera: 44848/di/ra gera 2010 60 998- gera: 44863/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF ZHENJIU (ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION) ON DIARRHEA (ABSTRACT)]. LI QIYING. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):300 (chi). 999- gera: 44864/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF MOXIBUSTION ON 74 CASES OF HERNIA (ABSTRACT)]. XIE XIAOHUI. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):301 (chi). 1000- gera: 44865/di/ra [32 CASES OF DYSMENORRHEA. TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION APPLIED TO ZHIYIN AND QIHAI (ABSTRACT)]. LUN XIN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):301 (chi). research. 1992;17(4):305 (chi). 1012- gera: 44878/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE COMBINED TREATMENT OF MOXIBUSTION AND ACUPUNCTURE ON THE SYNDROMES OF ARTHRALGIA (ABSTRACT)]. LI QIULAI. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):306 (chi). 1013- gera: 44879/di/ra [THE MAIN TREATMENT OF 152 CASES OF SPINAL PROLIFERATION BY DIRECT AND INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH WARMING NEEDLE AND A SLICE OF FRESH GINGER (ABSTRACT)]. YAN SHAOMIN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):306 (chi). 1001- gera: 44866/di/ra [THREE CASES OF INFERTILITY DUE TO COLD UTERUS, TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION (ABSTRACT)]. PENG JINMING. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):301 (chi). 1014- gera: 44880/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 300 CASES OF RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIS BY MOXIBUSTION WITH WARMING NEEDLE (ABSTRACT)]. HU AIJUN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):307 (chi). 1002- gera: 44867/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH CAKE OF ACONITUM VARIAGATUM AND ORANGE ON 38 CASES OF SENILE NOCTURIA (ABSTRACT)]. WANG WEIPIN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):302 (chi). 1015- gera: 44881/di/ra [THE PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION ON MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT ON THE SENILE PLANTAR PAIN (ABSTRACT)]. WANG WEIHONG. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):307 (chi). 1003- gera: 44868/di/ra [THE MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT ON CHRONIC PELVIC INFLAMMATION (ABSTRACT)]. XU PING. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):302 (chi). 1016- gera: 44882/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF POINTS MOXIBUSTION 40 CASES OF ACUTE LUMBAR SPRAIN (ABSTRACT)]. WEI CONG JIAN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):307 (chi). 1004- gera: 44869/di/ra [THE MAIN TREATMENT OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH A SLICE OF FRESH GINGER ON THE MALE SEXUAL DISORDERS (ABSTRACT)]. LI FAYIN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):302 (chi). 1017- gera: 44884/di/ra [THE MOXIBUSTION ON SHEN QUE (ABSTRACT)]. CAI SHENGCHAO. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):308 (chi). 1005- gera: 44870/di/ra [THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF THE INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH A FRESH SLICE OF GINGER ON IMPOTENCE (ABSTRACT)]. LIANG XUEYING. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):303 (chi). 1006- gera: 44871/di/ra [THE CLINICAL EXPERIENCE OF THE METHOD OF MOXIBUSTION APPLIED TO ANUS (ABSTRACT)]. DU HUORAN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):303 (chi). 1007- gera: 44872/di/ra [32 CASES OF ABNORMAL FETAL POSITION, CORRECTED BY MOXIBUSTION APPLIED TO ZHIYIN (ABSTRACT)]. LI ZHIHONG. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):303 (chi). 1008- gera: 44874/di/ra [THE OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF 99 CASES OF LUMBAGO AND LEG PAIN, TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH MUSK (ABSTRACT)]. JIANG HONG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):304 (chi). 1009- gera: 44875/di/ra [THE INTRODUCTION TO THE EXPERIENCE OF THE TREATMENT ON FURUNCLES WITH THE BLOWING FIRE MOXIBUSTION (ABSTRACT)]. XUE ZIQIANG. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):305 (chi). 1018- gera: 44885/di/ra [THE EXPERIENCE OF THE COMBINED TREATMENT OF MOXIBUSTION AND DRUG ON THE RHEUMATIC ARTHRITIS (ABSTRACT)]. LI YANGZHEN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):308 (chi). 1019- gera: 44886/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF CIRCLING MOXIBUSTION ON MULTIPLE KINDS OF DERMOPATHY (ABSTRACT)]. HAN PEILING. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):309 (chi). 1020- gera: 44887/di/ra [CLINICAL APPLICATION OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH MOXA STICKS TO SKIN PRURITUS (ABSTRACT)]. FAN GUOZHOU ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):309 (chi). 1021- gera: 44888/di/ra [THE APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE DISEASES, DIFFICULT TO BE CURED (ABSTRACT)]. LIU JIALIN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):309 (chi). 1022- gera: 44890/di/ra [THE EXPERIENCE OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE DISEASES, DIFFICULT TO BE CURED (ABSTRACT)]. ZHANG LAN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):310 (chi). 1023- gera: 44892/di/ra [THE INVESTIGATION ON THE INFLUENCE OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE SKIN TEMPERATURE, ON ABROAD (ABSTRACT)]. LIU NONGYU. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):311 (chi). 1010- gera: 44876/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH A SLICE OF FRESH GINGER ON THE NEURODERMATITIS OF THE LATERAL THIGH (ABSTRACT)]. SUN SHOUCI. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):305 (chi). 1024- gera: 44893/di/ra [THE PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION ON THE REGULARITIES OF MOXIBUSTION APPLICATION TO THE HEAT SYNDROMES (ABSTRACT)]. WANG JINLIANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):311 (chi). 1011- gera: 44877/di/ra [THE GENERAL SURVEY ON THE MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT ON THE DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM (ABSTRACT)]. LIU AIPING. acupuncture 1025- gera: 44894/di/ra [THE PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION ON THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE PROMOTION OF BLOOD CIRCULATION TO ELIMINATE BLOOD STASIS gera 2010 61 (ABSTRACT)]. XU JIANYANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):312 (chi). 1026- gera: 44895/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION TO THE HEAT SYNDROMES (ABSTRACT)]. HUANG GAIDI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):312 (chi). 1027- gera: 44896/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION AND INVESTIGATION ON THE MECHANISM OF THE TREATMENT OF LIGHTEN MOXIBUSTION, COMBINED WITH CUPPING ON 159 CASES OF HERPES ZOSTER (ABSTRACT)]. HU ZHANSHOU ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):312 (chi). 1028- gera: 44897/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HEAT SYNDROME BY MOXIBUSTION ACCORDING TO THE DIFFERENTIATION OF SYNDROMES (ABSTRACT)]. QI WENHUI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):312 (chi). 1029- gera: 44898/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF MILD MOXIBUSTION WITH MOXA STICKS AT DAZHUI ON THE SYNDROMES OF PHYSICAL APPEARANCE OF COLD AND FEARING COLD (ABSTRACT)]. YAN SHAOMIN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):313 (chi). 1030- gera: 44899/di/ra [THE DIFFERENTIAL TREATMENT OF MOXIBUSTION AT GUANYUAN ON 58 CASES OF LETHARGY (ABSTRACT)]. LIN BING. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):313 (chi). 1031- gera: 44900/di/ra [THE PRELIMINARY EXPOSITION ON THE EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH AND THE MODERN CLINIC APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION (ABSTRACT)]. WANG JING. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):313 (chi). 1032- gera: 44901/di/ra [THE FURTHER APPLYING AND INVESTING OF MOXIBUSTION IN CLINICS (ABSTRACT)]. ZHANG XUECHEN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):314 (chi). 1033- gera: 44902/di/ra [THE CLINICAL EXPERIENCES OF THE APPLICATION OF TAI YI SHEN ZHEN (ABSTRACT)]. DU BIYAN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):314 (chi). 1034- gera: 44903/di/ra [THE ACADEMIC THOUGHT OF THE METHODS FOR MOXIBUSTION IN "SHEN JIU JING LUN" (ABSTRACT)]. ZHAO ZHONGSHUN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):314 (chi). 1035- gera: 44904/di/ra [ELEMENTARY INTRODUCTION TO THE CLINICAL APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION (ABSTRACT)]. QIAN HUAGUANG. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):315 (chi). 1036- gera: 44905/di/ra [THE PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION ON THE MECHANISM OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION (ABSTRACT)]. XU LANFENG. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):315 (chi). 1037- gera: 44906/di/ra [SEVERAL CASES TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION (ABSTRACT)]. TANG RUYU. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):316 (chi). 1038- gera: 44907/di/ra [THE INVESTIGATION OF THE MECHANISM OF THE MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT WITH WARMING NEEDLE (ABSTRACT)]. SHAO YAPIN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):316 (chi). 1039- gera: 44908/di/ra [SEVERAL CASES APPLIED WITH MOXIBUSTION (ABSTRACT)]. LIU JIANGZHEN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):316 (chi). 1040- gera: 44909/di/ra [SEVERAL CASES TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION (ABSTRACT)]. LI MINGZHI. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):316 (chi). 1041- gera: 44910/di/ra [SEVERAL CLINICAL EXAMPLES FOR MOXIBUSTION AT SHENQUE (ABSTRACT)]. ZHAO KAI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):317 (chi). 1042- gera: 44911/di/ra [APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION AND ITS MECHANISM RESEARCH IN THE PAST TEN YEARS (ABSTRACT)]. LIU CHUNHUA ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):317 (chi). 1043- gera: 44912/di/ra [THE RESEARCHES ON THE METHODS FOR MOXIBUSTION IN "THE COMPENDIUM OF SURGERY" (ABSTRACT)]. LIU SHENTING ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):318 (chi). 1044- gera: 44914/di/ra [THE FAMOUS DOCTOR IN OLD AND WELLKNOWN FAMILY - PINGHU YAN'S ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION (ABSTRACT)]. YAN JUNBEI. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):318 (chi). 1045- gera: 44915/di/ra [THE PROGRESS OF THE RESEARCHES ON THE MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT ON HEAT SYNDROMES (ABSTRACT)]. LI HUI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):319 (chi). 1046- gera: 44916/di/ra [THE CLINICAL APPLICATION AND MODERN RESEARCH ON THE TRADITIONAL MOXIBUSTION (ABSTRACT)]. FU XIAOSU. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):319 (chi). 1047- gera: 44917/di/ra [THE CLINICAL APPLICATION OF GUANYIN ZHEN JIU (ABSTRACT)]. SHI CHAOZHEN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):320 (chi). 1048- gera: 44918/di/ra [THE EXPERIENCES OF THE APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION IN CLINICS (ABSTRACT)]. HANG YINGCHUN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):320 (chi). 1049- gera: 44919/di/ra [THE ELEMENTARY INTRODUCTION OF THE CLASSIFICATIONS AND EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION (ABSTRACT)]. LIANG AIYING ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):320 (chi). 1050- gera: 44920/di/ra [THE CLINICAL APPLICATION OF THE HERPETIC MOXIBUSTION WITH STRIPE MUSH (ABSTRACT)]. GONG XIAOCHUN. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):321 (chi). 1051- gera: 44921/di/ra [THE TREATISES OF ZHANG ZHONG JING'S "THE CONVERSE AGAINST FIRE" AND SUN SIMIAO'S "HEAT SYNDROMES CAN BE TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION" (ABSTRACT)]. CHEN ZHIZHONG. acupuncture research. 1992;17(4):321 (chi). 1052- gera: 44929/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT ON 52 CASES OF SUPERIOR CLUNEAL NEURITIS TREATED BY QUINTUPLE PUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. XI XIANGDONG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(6):17 (chi*). 52 cases of superior cluneal neuritis were treated by Yang Ci gera 2010 62 (quintuple puncture) and warming-needle moxibustion, among which, 32 cured (61.5 %) and 20 improved (38.5). The effective rate was 100 %. The therapeutic effect was remarkably better for those who had been ill for 1-6 months than for those patients who had a longer history. The manipulation : pressed the area about 3-4 cm below the midpoint of crista iliaca on the affected side to find out the most tender spot, and punctured with N 28 needles which were 2 cun in length. 1053- gera: 44932/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 9 CASES OF CUTANEOUS ANGIOMA TREATED BY FIRE NEEDLING]. XU CHUNYANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(6):23 (chi*). The author treated 9 cases of cutaneous angioma with fire needling. Of the 9 cases, 6 were cured and 3 remarkably improved. He heated the needle until it became red and pricked the affected area from its border to centre. The bigger the affected area, the more pricks. If there was bleeding at the punctured area, the stagnated blood should be let out completely. Generally, 1-2 treatments a week. The result shows that the younger patient and the smaller angioma, the better therapeutic effect. Thus, the treatment should be given as earlier as possible. 1054- gera: 44933/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT ON 41 CASES OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND ITS INFLUENCE ON INTERLEUKIN 2]. XIAO JUN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(6):26 (chi*). 41 cases of rheumatoid arthritis were treated by acupuncture and moxibustion in this article. Of which, 24 treated by warming needles, and 17 by injecting "Zhui Feng Su". And a control group 19 healthy people included was set up. The therapeutic effect and changes in Interleukin-2 were observed. The result : before treatment, the IL-2 of the patient groups was lower than that of the control group, but it was greatly increased after treatment and close to the level of that in the healthy people. Statistically, P<0.01, there was a clear difference. At the same time, the therapeutic result was remarkable and the effective rate was 100 %. 1055- gera: 44934/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION TO NEIGUAN (P6) FOR CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW]. SHAN QIU-HUA ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1992;12(6):29 (chi*). Through observation on moxibustion to Neiguan (P6) for 33 cases of hypertension and cerebrovascular disease, it was discovered that the cerebral blood flow was remarkably improved after moxibustion. The volume blood flowing into brain was increased with a quickened speed, and the wave amplitude ascended by 30-50 %. Statistically, P<0.01, it is greatly significant. The experiment result shows that moxibustion to Neiguan (P6) makes the cerebral blood vessels dilated, the cerebral blood flow increased, and the cerebral blood circulation improved. It reflects objectively the therapeutic effect of moxibustion and provides a good way and basis for preventing and treating 1056- gera: 45057/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF MOXIBUSTION ON T-SUBGROUP OF THE SENILE KIDNEY DEFICIENCY PATIENTS]. XIONG XUEQIONG ET AL. traditional chinese medicinal research. 1992;5(4):33 (chi*). In this paper the T cell subgroup in OKT system of the senile kidney deficiency in 30 patients was observed and the influence of Moxibustion on T cell subgroup in periphery blood was studied. The results showed that the percentage of OKT4 and OKT8 of the patients were significantly lower than those of the, normal senile individuals (P<0.01), the percentage of OKT8 was increased clearly and the ratio between OKT4 and OKT8 was decreased obviously compared with that of the normal ones(P<0.01). After moxibustion treatment the percentages of OKT4 and OKT8 and the ratio of OKT4/OKT8 were much higher than those of pretreatment(P<0.01), while the percentage of OKT8 was decreased significantly(P<0.01). The results indicated that the immune function of T cell subgroup of the senile kidney deficiency patients was disordered. Moxibustion can regulate the function of T cell subgroup and promote the immune function of the senile kidney deficiency patients effectively. 1057- gera: 57170/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF MOXIBUSTION ON TXA2 AND PGI2 IN PLASMA OF RAT INFECTED BY EPIDEMIC HEMOORHAGIC FEVER VIRUS (EHFV)]. TANG ZHAOLIANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1992;17(1):45 (chi*). 1058- gera: 84324/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DE LA RETENCION URINARIA CON ACUPUNTURA Y MOXIBUSTION. HUANG XIAOZHEN. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1992;2(2):11. (esp). Point auriculaire de moindre résistivité (en général Bouche et Coeur). Points Hélix 1, 3 et 5. Saignée à l'aiguille triangulaire (1 à 2 gouttes de sang). Une séance tous les 2 jours, en utilisant alternativement oreille gauche et oreille droite). Série de 5 séances. Suivi sur 6 mois. 2 récurrences dans le groupe traité contre 8 dans le groupe 1059- gera: 84335/di/ra POR QUE SE UTILIZA EL ALGODON DE MOXA EN MOXIBUSTION ?. WANG LING. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1992;2(2):37. (esp). 1060- gera: 1912/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF SCIATICA : CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 375 CASES. CUI SHUGUI. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1993;4(4):429-32 (eng). Point principal : 54V. Points secondaires : 57V + 60V (Taiyang). 34VB, 39VB et 40V (Shaoyang), 9Rte et 40E (Humidité), 36E + 23V (atteinte chronique et Vide), 23V + HTJJ + 25V (atteinte radiculaire). Stimulation modérée. Au 54V : puncture sur 2 à 3,5 cun, obtention du Deqi et irradiation au pied. Si Froid-Humidité : moxas le long de la douleur. Une séance par jour, séries de 10 séances. Guérison : 37,6%, amélioration marquée :40,5%, amélioration : 15%, échec : 6,9%. Les meilleurs résultats sont obtenus avec irradiation du Deqi au pied. 1061- gera: 2037/di/ra COTTON MOXIBUSTION IN TREATMENT OF HERPES ZOSTER : A CLINICAL REPORT OF 88 CASES. WANG SONGRONG ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1993;4(4):445-7 (eng). Herpes zoster is noted as a disease caused by varicella-zoster virus. In the past 40 years we have treated it by giving cotton moxibustion. Practically, no matter where or when or under what climatic conditions the therapy was given, it resulted in fairly satisfactory and encouraging effects. The following is a report of cases with clinical details since the 1970s. Traitement du zona aigu par mise en place d'une fine couche de cotton au dessus des lésions, l'extremité la plus basse est enflamée et on laisse le cotton se consumer entièrement. Le patient ne ressent qu'une légère douleur de brulure. Les lésions doivent devenir sombres, sinon, répéter l'opération. La plupart du temps, le matin suivant les 1062- gera: 2550/di/ra [AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT AND ENRICHMENT OF THE "COURSE OF STUDY" REGARDING PRACTICAL TRAINING IN MOXIBUSTION]. MASATAKA KAWAI ET AL. journal of japan society of acupuncture. 1993;43(2):71-8 (jap*). Regarding practical training in moxibustion according to the Course of Study (Oriental Medicine College Association, 1990), an experimental new teaching resource was used - a burning temperature sensor at the moxa cone. The purpose of this study was an attempt to improve and enrich practical training in moxibustion. Forty-five daytime freshman were involved in the study. They were given 2 hours of practical training in moxibustion in a class according to our own Iesson plan, which was especially made for that purpose as a result of gera 2010 63 this trial method, the following important points became evident : 1. The students can easily make a self evaluation. 2. The goal and content of the student's education can become broader. 3. Objective evaluation is possible. The above mentioned points, and perhaps others, regarding education in practical training in moxibustion will become more apparent. In conclusion, if the use of a temperature sensor in moxibustion is added to the Course of Study, the efficiency level of practical training in moxibustion will increase. 1063- gera: 2718/di/cg INHIBITORY EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON GROWTH AND LYMPH NODE METASTASIS OF MH134 TUMOR CELLS (abstract). SHINOHARA S ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture, kyoto. 1993;:177. (eng). Etude chez 90 souris après implantation de cellules cancéreuses MH134 au niveau de la patte droite. 4 types de moxibustion sont étudiés. 1) 2 semaines avant l'implantation, 2) une semaine avant, 3) le jour même et 4) une semaine après. Séances quotidiennes de 1 cône (0,65 ou 2 mg) au niveau de 3 points au niveau du dos ou de l'abdomen. Les groupes moxibustion sont comparés à 3 groupes de contrôle 1) sans traitement, 2) lentinan I.P., 3) mitomycine I.P.. Le traitement par petit cône de 0,65 mg débuté 1 semaine avant implantation inhibe le développement de la tumeur. L'effet observé est similaire à celui observé dans les groupes avec traitement médical. De même, les metastases ganglionnaires sont fortement diminuées. 1064- gera: 2720/di/cg RESEARCH OF IMMUNE REGULATION OF MOXIBUSTION ON CANCER-BEARING MICE (abstract). ZHAI D ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture, kyoto. 1993;:180. (eng). Il a été rapporté que la moxibustion au 4VC prolonge la survie de souris après inoculation de cellules cancéreuses HAC. La moxibustion (2 cônes de 1,5 mg, 10 séances), entraîne une élévation des ß-endorphines plasmatiques et une diminution au niveau de l'hypophyse et de la surrénale. Il s'agit sans doûte d'un des mécanismes d'action de la moxibustion sur l'immunité. 1065- gera: 2851/di/cg ULTRASTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE IMMUNE RESPONSES BY MEANS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION STIMULI (abstract). KIMURA M. third world conference on acupuncture, kyoto. 1993;:130. (eng). 1) Etude histologique des fragments retirés avec l'aiguille après obtention du deqi : il s'agit de fibres de collagène, de fibroblastes et adipocytes, rarement des mastocytes. Ceci correspond aux éléments des fascias. L'acupuncture semble agir par stimulation primaire des terminaisons libres nerveuses et réaction neuroimmune secondaire. 2) Etude de l'action de la moxibustion (5 cônes) aux points 20V, 15GI et 36E sur la réaction d'hypersensibilité retardée chez la souris : la moxibustion diminue cette réaction. 1066- gera: 3768/di/cg PREVENTION OF RECURRENT HERPES USING MOXIBUSTION EXAMINATION OF BLOOD CHANGES AFTER MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT. SAWADA H. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:129 (eng). Traitement de 3 cas d'herpès traités par moxibustion directe au 4GI. L'hémogramme 1h et 3h après la séance montre une élèvation de 132% de la numération leucocytaire. 3 heures après la séance, une élévation des lymphocytes de 14,2% et des monocytes de 3,2%. 1067- gera: 3799/di/cg IL6 PRODUCTION BY STRESS AND ACUPUNCTURE IN MICE. KONDO Y ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:128. (eng). 1068- gera: 3834/di/cg EVALUATION OF INDICATIONS FOR ACUPUNCTURAL AND MOXA THERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF MALIGNANT TUMORS. TAMAGAWA T ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:137. (eng). 1069- gera: 4270/di/cg AROMATHERAPIC EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON CHEMICAL ECOLOGY. OBUCHI C. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:170. (eng). 1070- gera: 4315/di/cg EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON INTESTINAL MOTILITY IN CONSCIOUS RATS. IWA M ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:172. (eng). 1071- gera: 4335/di/cg EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON INTESTINAL MOTILITY IN MICE. IWA M ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:173. (eng). 1072- gera: 4338/di/cg ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATING TWENTYTHREE CASES OF HYPERTROPHY OF PROSTATE. LI HUI FANG ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:174. (eng). 1073- gera: 4383/di/cg DIRECT MOXIBUSTION TO PREVENT AND CURE AIDS. XIE XI LIANG. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:181. (eng). 1074- gera: 4431/di/cg ANALYSIS OF ANALGESIC EFFECTS ON THE HERPES ZOSTER TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. HUA M ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:195. (eng). 1075- gera: 4826/di/cg FIRE NEEDLE ACUPUNCTURE IN THE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC PROSTATITIS AND PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY (CP-PH). WANG C. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:215. (eng). 1076- gera: 4993/di/cg CLINICAL EFFECTS OF ELECTRICAL HEAT ACUPUNCTURE ON CHRONIC LOW BACK AND KNEE JOINT PAIN (III). IWA M ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:219. (eng). 1077- gera: 5044/di/cg CLINICAL EFFICACY OF ELECTRICAL HEAT ACUPUNCTURE. HAYASHIDA I ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:222. (eng). 1078- gera: 5046/di/cg THE CLINICAL EFFICACY OF IRRADIATION BY SUPER LIZER (HA-30). HIRAI K ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:223. (eng). 1079- gera: 5404/di/cg JAPANESE MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT WITH A WARMING NEEDLE. TANAKA H. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:239. (eng). 1080- gera: 5707/di/cg FACTS ABOUT MOXIBUSTION THERAPY IN JAPAN. KUROSU Y. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:241. (eng). 1081- gera: 5784/di/cg THE TREATMENT OF CLIMACTERIC SYMPTOMS BY ACUPUNCTURE. KAWAGUCHI J. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:258. (eng). 1082- gera: 6220/di/cg ANALGESIC EFFECT OF ACUPOINT SHENSHU FOR LUMBAGO IN BI SYNDROME. SCHIANTARELLI C ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:283. (eng). 1083- gera: 7799/di/cg VARIATION IN MERIDIAN POINTS FOR MOXIBUSTION. OCHI H. third world conference on acupuncture. gera 2010 64 1993;:330. (eng). 1084- gera: 7906/di/cg WARM NEEDLE MOXIBUSTION APPARATUS. ZHENG Y. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:345. (eng). 1085- gera: 7953/di/cg AN OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF MOXA CONE IN 2785 CASES OF INFANTILE DIARRHEA. YISHENG Z. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:348. (eng). 1086- gera: 8702/di/cg RESEARCH ON THE ANCIENT FIRE NEEDLING TECHNIQUE. KANEKO T ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:389. (eng). 1087- gera: 9645/di/cg TREATMENT OF 22 CASES AFFECTED BY GONARTHROSIS WITH TRADITIONAL CHINESE MASSAGE ON ACUPUNCTURE POINTS COMBINED WITH THE PLUM BLOSSOM NEEDLE THERAPY AND MOXIBUSTION. ABSTRACT. CONTI S ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:445. (eng). The authors report the treatment, carried out in the period November 1991-April 1992, of 22 cases (17 female, 5 male), ranging in age between 52 and 64, affected by mono-bilateral gonarthrosis, differentiated in three syndromes according to TCM diagnosis: a - Cold-wind syndrome (9 cases); b - Colddampness syndrome (10 cases); c - Qi and blood stagnation syndrome (3 cases). The combination of the techniques of massage on acupoints (circular pressure with the tumb, vibration) with the Plum Blossom needle therapy and moxibustion with moxa-stick, proved especially useful in the treatment of this disease, because it has determined in most treated cases, the disappearance or the clear reduction of pain and the recovery of the articular mobility. In particular, the resolution of the "positive masses" detectable on palpation in the area of affected joints by means of Plum Blossom needle therapy, was determined for the best therapeutic achievements. The results were as follows: - 10 cases markedly improved; - 8 cases improved; - 4 cases with a poor result. 1088- gera: 9737/di/cg ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR THE TREATMENT OF ANAL PROLAPSE SECONDARY TO INTERNAL HEMORRHOID. KINUTA A. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:449. (eng). Traitement d'une femme de 74 ans avec prolapsus rectal par vide de l'énergie des reins. 1089- gera: 9853/di/cg CHANGES IN BLOOD FLOW AND TEMPERATURE BY XENON STIMULATION OF THE ABDOMEN : A COMPARISON WITH MOXA-HEATED ACUPUNCTURE. TAKEUCHI T ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:456. (eng). 1090- gera: 9858/di/cg EVALUATION OF ELECTRICAL "HEATED" ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY. MATSUO I ET AL. third world conference on acupuncture. 1993;:458. (eng). 1091- gera: 14369/di/ra MOXIBUSTIONE (JIU). 3. SCHIANTARELLI C. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1993;53(5):35-40 (ita). 1092- gera: 14632/di/ra LA SPALLA DOLOROSA. INQUADRAMENTO E TERAPIA MEDIANTE LA MEDICINA TRADIZIONALE CINESE : AGOPUNTURA, MOXIBUSTIONE-COPETTAZIONE, FITOTERAPIA, MASSAGIO. SOTTE L. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1993;54(6):55-68 (ita). 1093- gera: 15056/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DE DERMATOSIS CON ACUPUNTURA Y MOXIBUSTION. SHOUKANG L. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1993;3(4):25-9 (esp). 1094- gera: 15068/di/ra ESTUDIO DEL EFECTO CLINICO Y MECANISMO DE ACCION IMMUNOLOGICO DE LA MOXIBUSTION EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE LA TIROIDITIS DE HASHIMOTO. GUOSHENG H ET AL. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1993;3(4):37-41 (esp). Se trataron 71 casos de tiroiditis de Hashimoto con moxibustion, analizando su funcion inmunologica y tiroidea. Se encontro que la moxibustion era capaz de disminuir los anticuerpos tiroideos en sangre periférica de pacientes hipotiroideos y de recobrar su funcion tiroidea. También se observo que la moxibustion podia disminuir los niveles secretorios de anticuerpos tiroideos y actividad CCDA (citotoxicldad mediada por células dependientes de anticuerpos) de los linfocitos. Ademas, se relaciono el efecto de la moxibustion de disminuir la secrecion de anticuerpos tiroideos con su accion de regular las proporciones de las distintas subseries de linfocitos T. Los resultados indican que el efecto terapéutico de la moxibustion en el tratamiento de la tiroiditis de Hashimoto probablemente se debe a su efecto regulador de las proporciones de las distintas subseries de linfocitos T. 1095- gera: 36974/di/ra MOXIBUSTION CON CIGARRO DE ARTEMISA EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE LA ENFERMEDAD CORONARIA: ANALISIS CLINICO DE 138 CASOS. ZHANG DENGBU. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1993;1:9-13 (esp). 1096- gera: 36999/di/ra ESTADO ACTUAL DE LAS INVESTIGACIONES EN EL EXTRANJERO SOBRE LOS EFECTOS DE LA ACUPUNTURA Y MOXIBUSTION SOBRE LAS FUNCIONES INMUNOLOGICAS. CUI MENG. revista de la medicina tradicional china. 1993;2:32-8 (esp). 1097- gera: 37026/di/el SINTESIS DE TRABAJOS MUNDIALES SOBRE LA ACCION DE LA ACUPUNTURA-MOXIBUSTION EN LAS REACCIONES INMUNOLOGICAS. EMBID A. in estimular las defensas de otra forma. 1993;:9-61 (esp). 1098- gera: 37028/di/el ESTUDIO DE LOS EFECTOS INMUNOLOGICOS DE LA ACUPUNTURA-MOXIBUSTION Y SUS MECANISMOS. CHEN HANPING. in estimular las defensas de otra forma. 1993;:69-70 (esp). 1099- gera: 37032/di/el EFECTOS QUE SE OBTIENEN CON DISTINTOS METODOS DE MOXIBUSTION EN LAS FUNCIONES INMUNOLOGICAS DEL ORGANISMO HUMANO. GUI JINSHUI ET AL. in estimular las defensas de otra forma. 1993;:75-6 (esp). 1100- gera: 37033/di/el OBSERVACIONES SOBRE LOS EFECTOS OBTENIDOS UTILIZANDO LA MOXIBUSTION EN LOS PUNTOS HABITUALES, EN PERSONAS DE EDAD, PARA ESTUDIAR LAS FUNCIONES INMUNOLOGICAS. SUO MEIFANG ET AL. in estimular las defensas de otra forma. 1993;:77-8 (esp). 1101- gera: 37034/di/el EFECTOS DE LA MOXIBUSTION SOBRE LA INMUNOCAPACIDAD CELULAR DE LOS RATONES GAMMA- IRRADIADOS. DOU-MONG HAU ET AL. in estimular las defensas de otra form. 1993;:79-87 (esp). 1102- gera: 37035/di/el ESTUDIO DE LA MOXIBUSTION EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE RATAS CON EHFV. ZHAOLIANG TANG. in estimular las defensas de otra forma. 1993;:88-9 (esp). 1103- gera: 37861/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON REINFORCING AND REDUCING METHODS IN MOXIBUSTION]. LU JIANPING ET AL. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;14(4):20 (chi). gera 2010 65 1104- gera: 38232/di/ra [DR. LIU GUANJUN'S EXPERIENCE IN THE APPLICATION OF THEORY OF SPLEEN-STOMACH IN ACUMOXIBUSTION THERAPY]. WANG SHENG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;34(1):27 (eng). 1105- gera: 38297/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE AT ZUSANLI (ST36) POINT ON IMMUNE FUNCTIONS OF HBSAG CARRIERS]. CHEN YONG-KANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;13(2):33 (chi*). One hundred twelve HBsAg carriers were divided into two groups : the treatment (82 cases) and control (30 cases) group. In the treatment group Zusanli (ST36) point was punctured once every other day (42 cases) or received indirect moxibustion with ginger (40 cases) 3 times a week. Various indices espressing immune function were reexamed after 18 treatments, and compared with thoses in the control group. Each index was tested before starting the treatment and after half a year of treatments respectively. It was found that in the treatment group IgG and IgA values were obviously attenuated (P<0.05), complement C3 and PHA values were markedly elevated (P<0.01), but the IgM value showed no noticeable changes. The difference in the values mentioned above 1106- gera: 38299/di/ra [THE MOXIBUSTION THERAPY IN TRADITIONAL MONGOLIAN MEDICINE]. MINGGEN BA-YAER. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;13(2):38 (chi*). 1107- gera: 38475/di/ra [EXAMPLE CASES CURED BY MOXIBUSTION]. MA YUAN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;34(3):149 (eng). 1108- gera: 38481/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON KIDNEY-DEFICIENT STERILITY TREATED BY COMBINATION OF MEDICAMENT AND MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG HONG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;34(3):163 (eng*). 1109- gera: 38605/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF PYOGENIC MOXIBUSTION ON IMMUNOLOGIC FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH BRONCHIAL ASTHMA]. HONG HAIGUO ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;12(2):59 (chi). 1110- gera: 38610/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF THE CURATIVE EFFECT OF ELECTRICAL ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR 106 CASES OF IMPOTENCE]. HE XINLING. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;12(2):68 (chi). 1111- gera: 38756/di/ra [BOOK REVIEW ON FU WEI-KANG'S THE ART OF ACUMOXIBUSTION AND TUINA]. ZHANG WEN ET AL. chinese journal of medical history. 1993;23(4):250 (chi). 1112- gera: 38839/di/ra MOXA SMOKE AND THE ACUPUNCTURIST. PECK G. journal of chinese medicine. 1993;41:10-1 (eng). 1113- gera: 38850/di/ra A STUDY ON THE CLINICAL EFFECT AND IMMUNOLOGICAL MECHANISM IN THE TREATMENT OF HASHIMOTO'S THYROIDITIS BY MOXIBUSTION. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;13(1):14-8 (eng). 71 cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis were treated by moxibustion and their immune function and thyroid function were observed. It was found that moxibustion was able to reduce the thyroid antibodies in the peripheral blood of the patients with hypothyroidism and to recover their thyroid function. It was also found that moxibustion could lower the thyroid antibody secretory levels and ADCC (antibodydependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity) activities of the lymphocytes. In addition, the action of moxibustion in reducing the secretion of thyroid antibodies was related to its action of regulating the proportions of T lymphocyte subsets. The results indicate that the treatment of Hashimoto's thyroiditis by moxibustion is probably accomplished through its effect in regulating the relationship 1114- gera: 38883/di/ra OCULAR ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY (1). PENG JINGSHAN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1993;18(104):67-4 (eng). 1115- gera: 45612/di/ra KEEPING-FIT MOXIBUSTION (6). . YUAN LIREN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;13(3):227-9 (eng). 1116- gera: 46378/di/ra [CLINIC OBSERVATION ON 71 CASES OF ASTHMA TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION IN DAYTIME OF DOG DAYS]. LI YI. yunnan journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;14(3):24 (chi). 1117- gera: 46689/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF MOXIBUSTION TO PATIENTS' CELL IMMUNIZATION]. ZHOU JINWEI. shaanxi traditional chinese medicine. 1993;14(9):425 (chi). 1118- gera: 46720/di/ra [TREATING 36 CASES OF IRRITABLE COLON SYNDROME BY CAKE-SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION]. YANG SHANXING ET AL. journal of zhejiang college of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;17(4):47 (chi). 1119- gera: 46768/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION PADDED WITH SALT ON THE TREATMENT OF ASTHMA IN SUMMER]. WU SIPING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;13(4):5 (chi*). 1120- gera: 46772/di/ra [A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE HYPOTENSIVE EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION PATIENTS]. ZHANG YING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;13(4):15 (chi*). Thirty four patients with essential hypertension were grouped and treated respectively with acupuncture and moxibustion. The instant hypotensive effects of the two treatments were observed. The observation showed that the effective rate in the acupuncture group was 83. 3%, while that in the moxibustion group was 62. 5%. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (p< 0.005). The result indicates that acupuncture is a satisfactory therapy in curing essential hypertension. 1121- gera: 46773/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION EMPLOYED FOR PREVENTION OF CATCHING A COLD]. AN HUA. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;13(4):17 (chi*). Moxibustion was applied at Dazhui (GV14), Fengmen (B12) and Feishu (B18) for prevention of catching a cold in 63 subjects. The observation made in a period of one year showed that after 1, 4 and 8 times of moxibustion, respectively, the subjects who caught a cold less than twice during the year accounted for 23.8%, 47.6% and 76.2% correspondingly. It is indicated that the more the times for application of moxibustion, the better the effect 1122- gera: 46783/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION AND MEDICINAL VESICULATION ON XUE'S MEDICAL RECORDS]. LIU WEIHONG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;13(4):43 (chi*). 1123- gera: 46784/di/ra [ADVANCE IN RESEARCH ON THE TREATMENT OF HEAT SYNDROMES WITH MOXIBUSTION THERAPY]. LI HUI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;13(4):46 (chi). gera 2010 66 1124- gera: 46919/di/ra [INFANTILE PRIMARY ENURESIS TREATED BY SPOTTEDMOXIBUSTION WITH ZHUANG MEDICATED THREADS]. HUANG JINING ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;34(5):293 (eng*). 1125- gera: 46950/di/ra [CURATIVE EFFECTS OF NEEDLING HUAT'OCHIACHI POINTS COMBINED WITH GINGER-PADDED MOXIBUSTION ON HYPERPLASTIC SPONDYLITIS]. YAN YUFEN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;13(3):23 (chi*). 1126- gera: 47145/di/ra [CURATIVE EFFECT OF DAZHIU POINT MOXIBUSTION FOR CHILLS]. SHE WEINAN ET AL. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;25(10):31 (chi). 1127- gera: 47161/di/ra [CURE OF HEADACHE DUE TO PATHOGENIC WIND BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. REN TAIMIN ET AL. beijing journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;5:41 (chi). 1128- gera: 47167/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF ELECTRICAL HEAT ACUPUNCTURE ON CHRONIC SUPERFICIAL GASTRITIS WITH INSUFFICIENCY OF THE SPLEEN YANG]. XIONG YUN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;13(5):1 (chi*). 1129- gera: 47170/di/ra [TREATMENT OF ADULT NEPHROTIC SYNDROME MAINLY WITH GINGER MOXIBUSTION]. CHEN YONGMING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;13(5):9 (chi*). 1130- gera: 47173/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON CLINICAL EFFECTS OF WARM NEEDLING ON 200 CASES OF SCIATICA]. XU DA-REN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;13(5):15 (chi*). Dachangshu (BL25), Guanyuanshu (BL26), Zhibian (BL54), Yinmen (BL37), Weizhong (BL40), Chengshan (BL57), Kunlun (BL60), Huantiao (GB30), Yanglinquan (GB34), Juegu and Qiuxu (GB40) were selected as main points, of which 3-5 points were punctured according to the channel that was affected by pain. In addition, for the secondary cases local points were selected based on the primary symptoms, and for those with severe pain such auricular points as sciatic point, ear-shenmen and occiput were pressed with Semen Vaccariae. After inserting the needle and obtaining needling sensation a moxa stick with 3cm in length was inserted at the free end of the needle and was lighted. After 1-2 courses of treatments 152 of the 200 cases of sciatica treated were cured (76.0%), 28 (14.0%) markedly improved, 12 (6.0%) improved and 8 (4.0%) ineffective. Voir traduction anglaise ref GERA [13161]. 1131- gera: 47286/di/ra [PSORIASIS TREATED MAINLY WITH ACUPUNCTURE IN 348 CASES]. LIAO JI-FA. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;13(6):15 (chi*). Three hundred forty cases of psoriasis were treated mainly with acupuncture, which was combined with catgut embedding therapy and moxibustion. Quchi (LI 11), Zhigou (TE 6) and Sanyinjiao (SP 6) were punctured, the bilateral back Shu points along the Bladder channel and points in the four extremities were selected for catgut embedding, and moxibustion was applied with Chinese herb Radix Angelicae Dahuricae. One course consisted of about 3 months of treatments, which were such employed that acupuncture was applied once everyday for the first 30 days, then catgut embedding in the back Shu points followed for the next 30 days, catgut embedding in the four extremities for another 30 days, and moxibustion was applied for the last 5 days. It was observed that cure was obtained in 291 cases (83.6%), marked improvement in 45 cases (12.9%), and improvement in 12 cases (3,5%). 1132- gera: 47293/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 40 CASES OF MUSCULUS PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME WITH QI CI PLUS WAR MOXIBUSTION AND CUPPING]. WANG JING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;13(6):29 (chi*). 40 cases of musculus piriformis syndrome were treated with Qi Ci, in which one needle was punctured at the center of the affected part with 2 needles on both sides, which was combined with warm moxibustion and cupping. Among them, 19 cases (47,5%) were cured, 15 cases (37,5%) markedly improved and 6 cases improved. The treatment mentioned above was compared with simple acupuncture (30 cases). In both groups Ashi point was selected as the main point, which was situated at the pressure pain locas of the buttock, and the supplemental points were added according to differentiation of symptoms and signs. It was observed that the therapeutic effect of Qi Ci plus warm moxibustion and cupping was better than that of simple acupuncture. Une aiguille au centre de la région douloureuse et 2 aiguilles sur les côtés (Qi Ci). Associer à ventouses et moxas. Guérison: 47,5%, amélioration nette: 37,5%. 1133- gera: 47539/di/ra [STUDIES OF MOXA (PART 3) A STUDY OF MILLSTONES USED IN PRODUCING MOXA]. RYUZO ODA. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1993;43(3):135 (jap*). Millstones used in the production of moxa were studied. Most manufacturers of moxa use handmills in the production of moxa. These handmills are about 70 cm in diameter, and the upper and lower mortars are each 20 cm thick. On the surface of each handmill, there are 6 demarcation each with 6 or 7 grooves The handmills make 30-50 rotations per minute. Low quality moxa is pulverized once be the handmiIl while in producing high quality moxa, the process is repeated 2 or 3 times. After pulverization, the moxa is passed through a sieve. Millstones used in the production of moxa are processed from rough stones such as amphibole andesite and Calc-alkali amphibole andesite which are produce of Hayakawa in Itoigawa city, Niigata province. We also encountered a millstone with a unique form wich had not been reported in the litterature. 1134- gera: 47907/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 116 CASES OF GONOCCOCAL ARTHRITIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE- MOXIBUSTION]. WANG KAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;34(12):728 (eng*). Comprehensive therapy, including garlic-partition moxibustion, bloodletting-cupping and aspiration for dydrarthrosis with' acupuncture-moxibustion as the main measure. Points selected include Dazhui, Quchi, Zusanli and points related to the affected joints on the basis of channel theory. Of the 116 cases, 74 were cured, 17 markedly effective. 11 ameliorated. 18 ineffective, the total effective rate being 94.5 %. 1135- gera: 47969/di/ra [WARMING ACUPUNCTURE FOR 27 CASES OF CYST]. SHAO JIONG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1993;12(4):165 (chi). 1136- gera: 48335/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON SKIN TEMPERATURE]. LIU NONGYU YANG ZHAOMIN. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;14(11):31 (chi). 1137- gera: 48715/di/ra GYNECOPATHY CURED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION : TWO CASE REPORTS. WANG DASHENG. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1993;4(2):221-22 (eng). It has already been noted that application of acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment in gynecopathy is often indicated due to its economy, simplicity and prompt therapeutic effect. The optimal selection of acupoints is the key to obtaining satisfactory results. Presented here are two cases to serve as examples for fellow practioners. 1138- gera: 48735/di/ra gera 2010 67 ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF VERTIGO (1). PENG JINGSHAN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1993;4(3):257-62 (eng). Vertigo causes the following effects in the subject : blurred vision, dizziness and a rotating of objects in the patient's vision. In mild cases, the patient can get rid of the attack by closing his eyes for a short time, but in severe cases the patient can not even stand up without a feeling of car-sickness or sea-sickness which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, perspiration, etc. The disease is most closely related to the Liver, Kidney and Spleen. Quite often, vertigo occurs after anxiety, melancholy or anger, which exhausts the Liver-Yin, leading to hyperactivity of the Liver-Yang and ascending of Internal Wind. It can also occur because of deficiency of the Kidney-Yin which induces that Water (the kidney) fails to provide Wood (the liver) with enough nourishment, and thus hyperactivity of the Liver-Yang, the cause of vertigo, is produced. In case a person is delicate in constitution and improper in diet, incoordination between the Spleen and the Stomach will occur; the incoordination will lead to indigestion due to hypofunction of the Spleen and Stomach; the indigestion will produce Phlegm-dampness, and stagnation of the Phlegm-dampness will hinder the lucid Yang from rising and turbid Yin from falling down, producing the attack of vertigo. Or vertigo is produced after sickness or anxiety which injures the Heart and Spleen; deficiency of the Spleen offers a dysfunction of the Spleen in transporting and distributing nutrients and water; in this way, Qi and blood can not ascend to the head and therefore vertigo follows. In modern medicine, vertigo belongs to the symptom of subjective disequilibrium and is often seen clinically in hypertension, arterial sclerotic diseases, neuroses, otogenic diseases, etc. Acupuncture and moxibustion are good methods in the treatment of this disease. Analyse des vertiges par cinq spécialistes chinois. 1139- gera: 48741/di/ra TREATMENT OF MENIERE'S DISEASE BY NEEDLING EAR-SHENMEN AND MOXIBUSTION AT BAIHUI. DAI JUYUN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1993;4(3):281-4 (eng). Ménière's disease is a disorder caused by vestibular edema with rotatory vertigo or disequilibrium as its main symptom. The attack is characterized by repeated and sudden severe vertigo, hypoacusis or tinnitus, complicated by nausea and vomiting. At the onset there is often nystagmus. Although many ways have been found in both TCM and Western medicine to treat this disease, the effect is not always satisfactory. The authors of this article had treated the disease by needling Ear-Shenmen and moxibustion at Baihui (Du 20) and obtained ideal therapeutic result. A clinical observation was made on 23 cases of Ménière's disease, of which a brief report follows. 1140- gera: 48813/di/ra PROTECTION BY MOXIBUSTION AGAINST EXPERIMENTAL HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA AND CHOLANGITIS IN RATS. SHAO-HUI YANG ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1993;21(3-4):237-42 (eng). The effects of moxibustion on experimental hyperhilirubinemia and cholangitis were studied in male rats (n= 33). The experimental group were treated with moxibustion. 18, 12 and 6 hours prior to and 6, 12 and 18 hours after challenge with oral alpha-napthylisothiocyanate (ANIT. 100 mg per kg). Rats were sacrificed 48 hours after challenge. Serum and liver samples were taken for biochemnical and histological analysis, respectively. The results revealed that rats treated with ANITexhibited elevations in bilirubin, SGOT and SGPT as well as cholangitis. In rats receiving moxibustion and ANIT, biochemical and morphological parameters of liver injury were significantly reduced. Thus, this study shows that moxibustion therapy may be able to prevent ANIT-induced 1141- gera: 48831/di/ra [STUDIES OF MOXA (PART 3)]. RYUZO ODA. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1993;43(3):135-41 (jap*). Millstones used in the production of moxa were studied. Most manufacturers of moxa use handmills in the production of moxa. These handmills are about 70 cm in diameter, and the upper and lower mortars are each 20 cm thick. Oil the surface of each handmill, there are 6 demarcations, each with 6 or 7 grooves. The handmills make 30-50 rotations per minute. Low quality moxa is pulverized once by the handmill while in producing high quality moxa, the process is repeated 2 or 3 times. After pulverization, the naoxa is passed through a sieve. Millstones used in the production of moxa are processed fro,m rough stones such as amphibole andesite and calc-alkali amphibole andesite which are produce of Hayakawa in Itoigawa city, Niigata province. We also encountered a millstone with a unique form which had not been reported in the literature. 1142- gera: 49007/di/ra TREATMENT WITH CONE MOXIBUSTION OF CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC LEUCOCYTOPENIA IN 114 CASES. HUANG XIMEI. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;13(4):266-7 (eng). 1143- gera: 49028/di/ra THE EFFECT OF WARM ACUPUNCTURE ON RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS OF 434 CASES. SUN LIQIN ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1993;3(1):31-4 (eng). Clinical observation on 434 cases of rheumatoid arthritis shows that the warming needle method is markedly effective for rheumatoid arthritis (RA ). It also helps to reveal the mechanism and function of acupuncture and moxibustion (AM) in curing diseases. Laboratory observation confirms that the warming needle method can modulate the body's immunity function significantly, the future, more attention should be paid to point selection and manipulation method so that the best result can be obtained. 1144- gera: 49029/di/ra TREATMENT OF HEADACHE DUE TO BLOOD STASIS WITH ELECTRO HEATED NEEDLE. ZHENG XUELIANG. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1993;3(1):35. (eng). 1145- gera: 49048/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 2785 CASES OF INFANTILE DIARRHEA TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH MOXA CONE. ZHANG YISHENG. world journal of acupuncturemoxibustion. 1993;3(2):37-8 (eng). 1146- gera: 49049/di/ra ELECTRIC FIRE NEEDLE IN THE TREATMENT OF SENILE IMPOTENCE : A REPORT OF 228 CASES. ZHENG XUELIANG ET AL. world journal of acupuncturemoxibustion. 1993;3(2):39. (eng). 1147- gera: 49053/di/ra PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION AT SHENQUE (RN8) ON GASTRIC MUCOSA. CHEN YANJIANG ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1993;3(2):54-8 (eng). Male S. D rats weighing 200g were used (as experimental animals). Moxibustion at Shenque (RN 8) was performed for 15 minutes each day. The course lasted for weeks. In rats undergoing oral infusion of taurochoIate, index of gastric mucosal injury were 9. 0±6. 1 and 4. 6± 2. 5 in two and four week groups respectively. Compared with control group (index: 16. 8±7. 6), P < 0. 05 and 0. 01. This indicated that moxibustion had protective effect on gastric mucosal injury. Time-effect relationship also existed. In experiment of analysis about mechanism of moxibustion, we found that moxibustion : 1 . stimulated the secretion of gastric mucus (P<0. 001 ) ; 2. increased the PGE 2 content in gastric mucosa )P<0. 05 ) 3. increased the number of beta-endorphin-like immunoactive cells in gastric mucosa (P< 0. 05) ; enhanced the trasformation of lymphocytes (P<0. 01) ; 5. reinforced the function of antibody-producing cells in the spleen. The results suggested that protective effect of moxibustion might result from the increase in mucus, the PGE 2 and the endogenous betaendorphin. It might also be related to the reinforcing effect of moxibustion on transformation of lymphocytes and antibodyproducing function of gera 2010 68 1148- gera: 49117/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF VERTIGO (2). SHI HUAITANG. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1993;4(4):391-5 (eng). Analyse du traitement des vertiges par 5 spécialistes chinois. Le rapport d'un cas clinique illustre chaque protocole. 1149- gera: 49505/di/ra [MECHANISM OF MOXIBUSTION IN PREVENTING AGING]. WU ZHONGCHAO ET AL. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1993;15(10):25 (chi). 1150- gera: 57158/di/ra CLINICAL EFFICACY OF ELECTRICAL HEAT ACUPUNCTURE (FIRST REPORT) : EFFECT ON LOW BACK PAIN]. KEISOU ISHIMARU. american journal of acupuncture. 1993;21(1):13-8 (eng). The conventional technique of moxa needle therapy involved problems such as production of smoke and ash and the necessity of complex manipulation. To solve these problems, a new electronic heater has been developed for use with moxa needle therapy. The therapy given with this device (the Denshi-onQ CS-2000) is designated as "electrical heat acupuncture." When the warming curve was compared between electrical heat acupuncture and moxa needle therapy, the time required for the skin temperature to rise was less for electrical heat acupuncture (15 seconds than for moxa needle therapy, 100 seconds. The effect of electrical heat acupuncture and simple acupuncture (the in situ needle technique) on low back pain was assessed clinically and revealed a significantly greater improvement in the finger-floor distance and pain after electrical heat acupuncture (P<0.05). 1151- gera: 57402/nd/re THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON DELAYED UTERINE INVOLUTION IN POSTPARTUM DAIRY COWS. KOREMATSU K ET AL. j vet med sci. 1993;55(4):613-6 (eng*). 1152- gera: 12874/di/ra CLINICAL ANALYSIS TO 74 CASES OF MENOPAUSAL SYNDROME TREATED WITH SIMPLE FIRE NEEDLE. SHENYONG Z. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1994;4(4):34-5 (eng). In this paper, simple fire needle pricking the points of Du (Governor) and Ren (Conception) meridians was employed to treat 74 cases of menopausal syndrome. The result showed that 41 cases were clinically cured, 17 markedly improved, 15 improved and 1 ineffective, with the total effective rate 87%. With the advantages of extensive materials used, simple manipulation and large variety of indications, this method is worthy to be 1153- gera: 13042/di/ra RESEARCH ON RAISING IMMUNE FUNCTION WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. JIALING L ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1994;4(4):59-60 (eng). 1154- gera: 13076/di/ra CLINICAL APPLICATION OF PAPER-SEPARATED PRESSING MOXIBUSTION. XIAOMIN L ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1994;4(3):3-6 (eng). 31 cases of common cold were treated with paper-separated moxibustion. An ignited moxa-stick was quickly and repeatedly applied to press the paper-separated acupoints until the skin surrounding acupoints being flushed. Points Fengfu (GV16), Fengchi (GB20), Dazhui (GV14), Dazhu (BL11), Fengmen (BL12) and Feishu (BL13) were selected alternatively for moxibustion, once a day. Among 31 cases, 14 (45. 1%) were cured after one session of treatment, and 15 (48. 4%) cured after two sessions, with the total effective rate of 93. 5 %. Its effect was similar to that of the control drugs ("Xiang Feng Tea" and "Sang Ju Ganmao Tablet", P > 0. 05). Result showed that this method was quite effective for treatment of common cold with either cold or heat syndromes and also could reduce 1155- gera: 13084/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 138 CASES OF SEVERE HICCUP TREATED BY ACU-MOXIBUSTION. WEI H ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1994;4(3):19-21 (eng). Severe hiccup was treated by auriculo-acupuncture plus moxa cone moxibustion with hydro-acupuncture when the patient was very feeble. The second group was treated by auriculocupuncture with gentle moxibustion and the third one, with warm-needling moxibustion. Comparison made in 138 cases revealed that the first group was very satisfactory, the cured rate being 100 %, that of the 2nd and 3rd groups were 91. 3 % and 82. 35 % respectively. Statistical treatment revealed P<0. 05 with significant difference between the first and second groups, P value between the first and third groups was P<0. 01, with very significant difference. There was no significant difference 1156- gera: 13161/di/ra OBSERVATION ON CLINICAL EFFECTS OF WARM NEEDLING ON 200 CASES OF SCIATICA. XU DAREN. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1994;4(3):29-31 (eng). Voir traduction anglaise ref GERA [47173]. Points principaux : 25V, 26V, 54V, 37V, 40V, 57V, 60V, 30VB, 34VB, 39VB, 40V. Points secondaires : HTJJ (spondylopathie), 32V (sacroileite), 3Rn et 6Rte (cas anciens). Points auriculaires : Sciatique, Shenmen, Occiput (sciatique hyperalgique). Utiliser 3 à 5 points principaux à chaque séance. Recherche du Deqi et d'une irradiation à distance. Mise en place au niveau du manche de l'aiguille d'un moxa de 3 cm. Retirer l'aiguille à l'extinction du moxa. Une séance par jour, séries de 10 séances, espacement des séries de 3 à 5 jours. En cas de hernie discale, compléter avec des manipulations. Après 1 à 2 séries : guérison : 76%, amélioration marquée : 14%, amélioration : 6%, échec : 4%. Mauvais facteurs pronostiques : ancienneté > 6 mois, hernie discale, absence d'irradiation du Deqi. 1157- gera: 13280/di/ra THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON CARDIOVASCULAR FUNCTIONS OF THE AGED. CUIYING Z ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1994;4(3):38-41 (eng). The effects of medicinal cake insulation moxibustion were observed in 125 senile persons aged over 58 years old. The changes of cardiovascular functions were observed before and after treatment and determined with cardio- cerebrai blood flow detector. The results showed that SV, CO and CI values got higher significantly after treatment (P< 0. 05 ), indicating better cardiac function and better blood supply to the heart ; TPR and V values reduced significantly (P< 0. 05 ), indicating lower peripheral vascular resistance and blood viscosity ; AC and K values was elevated, but had no statistical difference. With the improvement of cardiovascular functions, patient's subjective symptoms such as the spirit, the physical strength, the sleep, the appetite and the memory were improved markedly. 1158- gera: 13331/di/ra EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT DOSAGE OF MOXA CONE ON DRUG RESISTANCE IN S-180R CELLS. TINGJUN Z ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1994;4(3):51-3 (eng). Drug resistance is a very important problem for cancer chemotherapy. The major type of drug resistance is due to the overexpression of P-glycoproteins (P-170) in cancer cells. P 170 could pump the drug out of the cells, so the drug could not be accumulated enough to kill the cells. We had developed the adriamycin resistant cell line S- 180R in BABL/c mice. The cells overexpress P 170 stably. Different dosages of moxa cone were used on Guanyuan (CV 4) point of the mice. Stimulation of drug accumulation was found after administration of'moxibustion for 30 min and a dose response manner was shown below 400 mg of moxa cone, but a little decrease of the stimulation was obtained when using 600 mg of moxa cone. These results confirmed positive effects of moxibustion on overcoming the drug resistance through stimulation of drug accumulation in the cancer 1159- gera: 15392/di/ra MOXIBUSTION PARA PRESERVAR LA SALUD. LIREN Y ET AL. revista de la medicina tradicional china. gera 2010 69 1994;4(2):59-60 (esp). 1160- gera: 17053/di/ra THE TREATMENT OF 114 CASES OF CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC LEUCOPENIA BY CONE MOXIBUSTION. XIMEI H ET AL. journal of chinese medicine. 1994;44:22. (eng). First published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing. 1161- gera: 17270/di/ra MOXIBUSTIONE PER IL MANTENIMENTO DELLA FORMA FISICA. LIREN Y ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1994;57(3):69-70 (ita). 1162- gera: 20495/nd/re MOXA-THERAPIE - EINE BEWAHRTE CHINESISCHEHEILMETHODE. HOTING H. natur heilen. 1994;71(6):303-6 (deu). 1163- gera: 47755/di/ra [MECHANISM OF MOXIBUSTION IN PREVENTING AGING]. WU ZHIONGCHAO WANG LINGLING XU LANFENG. jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;15(10):25 (chi). 1164- gera: 47775/di/ra [IRRADIATION OF 30 CASES OF BI-SYNDROME WITH INFRA-RED NEEDLE THERAPEUTIC INSTRUMENT]. FU LIPING YUON MIN. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;11:22 (chi). 1165- gera: 47810/di/ra [CLINICAL ANALYSIS ON 67 CASES OF HERPES ZOSTER TREATED WITH PYRO-NEEDLING PLUS CUPPING]. HUANG SHIXI XU MINGHUI. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;35(11):667 (eng). 1166- gera: 48654/di/ra LA SPALLA DOLOROSA. INQUADRAMENTO E TERAPIA MEDIANTE LA MEDICINA TRADIZIONALE CINESE : AGOPUNTURA, MOXIBUSTIONE-COPPETTAZIONE, FITOTERAPIA, MASSAGIO. SOTTE L. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1994;55(1):13-23 (ita). 1167- gera: 48661/di/ra STUDIO SULL'EFFICACIA CLINICA E SUL MECCANISMO IMMUNOLOGICO DEL TRATTAMENTO DELLA TIROIDITE DI HASHIMOTO CON MOXIBUSTIONE. HU GUOSHENG ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1994;55(1):42-5 (ita). La tiroidite di Hashimoto, uno dei più comuni tra i disturbi della tiroide, è una tipica patologia autoimmune. Il trattamento di alcuni pazienti con moxibustione ha ottenuto un miglioramento clinico, la riduzione dei livelli sierici di anticorpi antitiroidei e il recupero della funzionalità tiroidea nei casi di ipotiroidismo. Il risultato si è dimostrato stabile a lungo termine. In questo lavoro sarà analizzato il meccanismo d'azione della moxibustione osservando gli effetti clinici e le modificazioni dei valori immunologici durante il 1168- gera: 48670/di/ra AGOPUNTURA E MOXIBUSTIONE NEL TRATTAMENTO DERMATOLOGICA. LU SHOUKANG. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1994;55(1):71-5 (ita). La terapia con agopuntura e moxibustione è clinicamente indicata oltre che per il dolore acuto e cronico e per le patologie relative al sistema nervoso, anche per le dermatopatie. L'agopuntura puo risultare efficace non solo nelle sintomatologie dolorose e pruriginose presenti in quadri dermatologici, dove provoca un immediato benessere, ma anche per regolizzare le funzioni immunologiche del paziente. 1169- gera: 48930/di/ra EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON INTESTINAL MOTILITY IN MICE. . IWA M ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1994;22(2):119-25 (eng). To study the effects of acupuncture and moxibustion on intestinal motility, the distance of intra-intestinal movement of a carbon solution injected into the stomach of a mouse was evaluated. Intestinal motility was also evaluated using several drugs to accelerate or reduce intestinal motility. Our results indicate that intestinal peristalsis was accelerated significantly by acupuncture at the abdomen, but suppressed by moxibustion. The intestinal peristalsis acceleration by vagostigmin was reduced significantly by both acupuncture and moxibustion, while the reduction of intestinal peristalsis by atropine was accelerated significantly. However, no remarkable changes of intestinal peristalsis were observed with treatment by acupuncture and moxibustion after reduction by 1170- gera: 49064/di/ra ANALYSIS ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF 233 CASES OF ARTHRALGIA-SYNDROME TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. DONG DEWEN. world journal of acupuncture moxibustion. 1994;4(1):15-9 (eng). 233 cases of arthralgia-syndrome were randomly divided into five treatment groups with double blind method : 1 ) acupuncture plus cupping ; 2 ) acupoint medicinal injection ; 3 ) acupoint medicinal injection plus laser radiation ; 4 ) acupoint medicinal injection plus field effect, and 5 ) electroacupuncture (EA) plus cupping for observation of the therapeutic effect. The total effective rate was 89. 2%· No significant differences were found among the five groups in the total effective rate. But the markedly effective rate was highest in the acupoint medicinal injection plus field effect group. And the therapeutic effect in patients with pain arthralgia and migratory arthralgia and 1171- gera: 49070/di/ra SIMPLE INTRODUCTION TO ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY OF HERPES ZOSTER. LI MEI. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1994;1(4):46-7 (eng). The author summarized the therapies of herpes zoster as three methods, acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping, based on her own and the other peoples'clinical experiences. Traitement par acupuncture: Huatuo Jiaji associés à des points en fonction de la localisation et encerclement des lésions. Traitement par moxibustion (cônes, bâtonnets ou moxibustion au coton). 1172- gera: 49152/di/ra [DR.SHI YAN-QING'S EXPERIENCE OF SUPPURATIVE MOXIBUSTION]. WANG SHOU-CHUN. zhejiang journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;29(6):269 (chi). 1173- gera: 49309/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURIST LU'S WARM NEEDLE MOXIBUSTION USING SILVER NEEDLE ASSOCIATED WITH MANIPULATION FOR 2089 CASES OF SCAPULOHUMERAL PERIARTHRITIS]. LU NIANZU. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;6:27 (chi). 1174- gera: 49379/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON EFFECT OF SELF-PREPARED YIQIGU CHONGTANG AND MOXIBUSTION IN TREATING METRORRHAGIA]. SHEN LIJUN. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;10:21 (chi). 1175- gera: 49426/di/ra [61 CASES OF AUDITORY VERTIGO TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION ON ACUPOINT BAIHUI]. SONG YINFU CAO YANFANG. shandong journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;6:253 (chi). 1176- gera: 49528/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 211 CASES TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION FOR QUICKENING ESR]. WU BING-HUANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994;14(3):11 (chi*). We observed the influence of moxa-stick-moxibustion at Dazhui (GV 14) and Yanglingquan (GB34) on erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in Bi syndrome (rheumatism) patients. Of 211 cases treated, 63 were cured, 78 remarkably improved, 52 improved, and 18 ineffective. The total effective gera 2010 70 rate was 91.5%. Moxibustion functioned to quicken ESR. The therapeutic effect for the patients with short duration of rheumatism was the best after they had more than 26 times of treatment, prompting that early and continuous treatment should be taken for 1177- gera: 49535/di/ra [PICKING MOXIBUSTION AND FREQUENCY SPECTRUM THERAPY FOR 34 CASES OF CERVICAL SPONDYLOPATHY]. ZHANG AIZHEN. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994;13(3):113 (chi). 1178- gera: 49605/di/ra [THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF WARM-NEEDLING AND ACUPOINT-INJECTION ON RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON IMMUNE FUNCTION]. LIU XIN-LIAN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994;14(2):1 (chi*). Fifty-four patients suffering for rheumatoid arthritis were divided into warm acupuncture group and point-injection group. The contents of T lymphocyte subpopulation and interleukin (IL) and NK-cell activity were determined before and after the treatment. No obvious change was found in T lymphocyte subpopulation after the treatment in both groups (P>0. 05). However, the NK-cell activity and IL-2 content, wich were found lower than those in healthy volunteers before the treatment, were elevated after the treatment (P<0. 01). The above results suggest that acupuncture can regulate immune functions. Traduction gera disponible. 1179- gera: 49679/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF HEALTH-PRESERVING-MOXIBUSTION ON THE IMMUNITY OF SENILE PEOPLE]. XU LAN-FENG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994;14(3):23 (chi*). The immune function of 40 senile people was tested after 2 months of health-preserving-moxibustion given. It was found that the amount of T-lymphocytes and the formation rate of complement 3B of RBC were greatly increased, making the volume of igG, igA, and igM remarkably increased. But the indices remained most unchanged in the group without moxibustion, suggesting that health-preserving-moxibustion can promote the immune function, reinforce body resistance, and prevent 1180- gera: 49682/di/ra [MORPHOLOGICAL RESEARCH ON EXPERIMENTAL RAT MODEL AND THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION FOR ULCERATIVE COLITIS]. WU HUANGAN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994;14(3):35 (chi*). This paper is about to make an experimental by means of an immunological method, an experimental rat model was used to test the therapeutic effect of indirect moxibustion with herbal medicine on it. The observation on histology and ultrastructure showed that the therapeutic effect of indirect moxibustion for the induced ulcerative colitis was much better than that of the antiphlogistic salicylazo-sulfapyridine (P<0. 01), indicating that moxibustion with herbal medicine as insulation at Qihai (CV 6) and Dachangshu (BL25) functions strengthen spleen, stop diarrhea, tonify Xu constitution, and promote the recovery of intestinal mucosa in uIcerative cases. 1181- gera: 49685/di/ra [CLINICAL THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF WARM ELECTRICAL NEEDLING ON LEUKOPLAKIA VULVAE PATHOLOGIC CHANGE AND ITS MECHANISMS]. XIA YUQING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994;14(4):1 (chi*). In this study local points plus Qugu (CV2), Huiyin (CV1) and certain points selected along channels were used for warm electrical needling. The heat could directly affect the areas with pathologic changes to improve immunologic functions and elevate the copper content in serum. A total of 444 cases were treated with the effective rate of 100% and the 1182- gera: 49849/di/ra [REGULATION ON BETA-END IN TUMOR-BEARING MICE BY MOXIBUSTION ON GUANYUAN POINT]. ZHAI DAODANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1994;19(1):63-5, 58 (chi*). The experimental results demonstrated that moxibustion on Guanyuan point could promote the hyperplasia of the pituitary and the adrenal gland which showed atrophy in control group. Also, the moxibustion treatment stimulated the secretion of beta-END from the pituitary and the adrenal gland, increased the level of serum beta- END significantly and kept the high level for quite a long time, that was advantageous for betaEND to carry out the immunomodulation. The data further suggested that moxibustion treatment do not cause the instant release 1183- gera: 53939/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON THE SPLEEN-REINFORCING ACTION OF NAVEL-FUMIGATING MOXIBUSTION]. YI SHOUXIANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994;14(5):36 (chi*). One hundred three cases of chronic gastrointestinal disorders diagnosed as "syndrome of spleen deficiency" were divided at random into group of navel-fumigation moxibustion, group of external application on umbilicus, and that of conventional moxibustion. It was found that external application of medicaments on umbilicus cardinally improved the digestive and absorptive functions of the patients with spleen deficiency, conventional moxibustion was more devoted to enhancing the body immunity, while navel-fumigating moxibustion provided both the actions. It has been shown that navel-fumigating moxibustion is able to strengthen spleen and stomach and consolidate the primary qi, so its antisenile and healthpreserving actions are based on certain scientific evidence. 1184- gera: 53952/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON 1200 CASES OF SURGICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH STOVELIKE MOXIBUSTION APPARATUS]. QIN LIHONG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994;14(6):21 (chi*). One thousand two hundred cases of surgical infectious diseases were treated by the authors with the self-made stovelike moxibustion apparatus. 1128 cases were cured (94. 00%), 72 were improved (6. 00%), and the total effective rate was 100%. The bacteriostatic and bacteriocidal tests proved that the moxibustion with such an apparatus is more patent than the moxibustion performed with moxa sticks held by hand. It is suggested that the employment of the effective moxibustion apparatuses is devoted to shortening the course of treatment and 1185- gera: 53953/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT METHODS AND DOSAGE OF MOXIBUSTION UPON WHOLE BLOOD CONTENTS OF HISTAMINE IN RABBITS AND ITS SIGNIFIANCE]. ZHANG JINGYING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994;14(6):27 (chi*). In order to investigate the actions performed by different methods and dosage in moxibustion therapy, the authors observed the variation of whole blood contents of histamine in rabbits exerted by different intensity of stimulation induced by moxa sticks. The outcome of the experiments showed that intensive stimulation brought by the moxibustion with moxa sticks remarkably elevated the whole blood content of histamine in rabbits while moxibustion by means of small moxa cones decreased noticeably the contents and mild stimulation by moxa stick or big moxa cones exerted no marked influence on the chip of the content. It is suggested that methods and 1186- gera: 53958/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION THERAPY RECORDED IN "STONE-CARVED CODEX OF LONGMEN"]. ZHANG JINDING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994;14(6):43 (chi*). The authors studied 30 recipes of acupuncture and moxibustion recorded in the pieces of rubbing which were copied from the "Stone-Carved Codex of Longmen" in the codex cave in Longmen, Luoyang.The recipes are devoted to the treatment of 23 kinds of diseases involving internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, E.N.T etc. Among the recipes, gera 2010 71 2 are concerning acupuncture, 26 are for moxibustion and 2 are of external application of herbal medicines on acupoints. They reflect an aspect of the level of acupuncture development in Northern Qi MOXA-WARMED ACUPUNCTURE PLUS MEDICINAL INJECTION FOR TREATMENT OF SCAPULOHUMERAL PERIARTHRITIS (abstract). LI GANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1994;3-4:127-8 (eng). 1187- gera: 53963/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION FOR 30 CASES OF TENNIS ELBOW AND TENOSYNOVITIS]. SONG NANCHANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1994;14(4):47 (chi*). Seventeen cases of tennis elbow and 13 cases of tenosynovitis of flexor digitorum were treated by indirect moxibustion with Chinese medicine. Of the 30 totally, 18 were cured and 10 remarkably improved. The effective rate was 93. 3%. In this treatment, the warm nature of herb medicine and the heat of fire were collectively applied to points, and to internal Zangfu through channels because moxibustion functioned to warm channels and remove obstructions, regulate Qi and blood, dispel cold and damp, and eliminate wind and stop pain. It was of simple 1198- gera: 85127/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN CONJUNCTION WITH DRUG INJECTION INTO POINT FOR TREATING EXTERNAL HUMERAL EPICONDYLITIS (abstract). LI LINGLI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1994;3-4:129-30 (eng). 1188- gera: 53996/di/ra [THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF PARTITION-MOXIBUSTION WITH GINGER ON PERIPHERAL FACIAL PARALYSIS]. FAN GANGQI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;35(6):345 (eng). 1189- gera: 54021/di/ra [ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF ACU-MOXIBUSTION RECIPE IN ANCIENT ACU-MOXIBUSTION THERAPEUTIC POEM]. ZHANG LI ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1994;35(7):431 (eng). 1190- gera: 55886/di/ra 110 CASES OF PERIPHERAL FACIAL PARALYSIS TREATED WITH COMBINED THERAPY OF ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION AND CUPPING. TANG QING-JIE. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1994;5(1):15-6 (eng). 1191- gera: 56037/di/ra ACTION OF MOXIBUSTION AT SHENQUE ON EXPERIMENTAL ARTHITIS OF ANIMALS. OUYANG QUN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1994;5(1):109-111 (eng). 1192- gera: 56069/di/ra MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF THE PRURITIC DERMATOSES : A REPORT OF 2 CASES. GAO YONGSHENG. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1994;5(2):241-2 (eng). Rapport de deux cas traités par moxibustion au dessus des lésions. Cas n°1: lichen au niveau du coude guéri en deux jours après deux séances de 20 minutes. Cas n°2 : lésions urticariennes liées à des piqures d'insectes - traitement des lésions par moxibustion 5 à 7 minutes. 1193- gera: 57223/di/ra CLINICAL EFFICACY OF ELECTRICAL HEAT ACUPUNCTURE (SECOND REPORT) : WARMING CHARACTERISTICS. TOSHIKATSU KITADE ET AL. american journal of acupuncture. 1994;22(2):123-8 (eng). 1194- gera: 84869/di/ra [MECHANISM OF MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR VIRAL DISEASE]. YUFENG C ET AL. beijing journal of tcm. 1994;5:49 (chi). 1195- gera: 85112/di/ra REGULATIVE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION AT DIFFERENT ACUPOINTS ON BLOOD PRESSURE OF HEMORRAGIC HYPOTENSION IN RABBITS (abstract). QIAN YUN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1994;3-4:114-5 (eng). 1196- gera: 85118/di/ra APPLICATION OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN TREATMENT OF BELL'S FACIAL PALSY (abstract). WANG DONGYING. acupuncture research. 1994;3-4:122-3 (eng). 1197- gera: 85124/di/ra 1199- gera: 85135/di/ra 30 CASES OF ACUTE LUMBAR SPRAIN TREATED BY PINCHING AND MOXIBUSTION (abstract). LUO LIXIN. acupuncture research. 1994;3-4:136-7 (eng). The author treated the acute lumbar sprain by pinching and moxibustion (30 cases) and contrasted with the hand acupuncture group. There are no obviously statistical difference (P>0.05). If the focus is on the Taiyang Meridian, Houxi point was pinched, if it's on the Governor Meridian, Renzhong was pinched and if it's on the Taiyang and Shaoyang Meridians, Yaotongdian Point was pinched. The patients were directed to do lumbar exercises for 3-5 min and were moxibusted with moxa cone simultaneously at the Ashi point. They were applied some tincture (honey comb soaked in 75% alcohol) or Red Flower oil on the place where will be moxibusted and were massaged the painspot softly for a while after moxibustion with 5-7 Zhuang medium-sized moxa stick. The treatment needs once a day and a course of it is 6 days. The 30 patients all got marked effect. 1200- gera: 86088/di/ra [CLINICAL APPLICATION OF SILVER NEEDLE WARMING THROUGH MOXIBUSTION]. HU ZHONGGEN. journal of zhejiang college of tcm. 1994;18(4):48 (chi). 1201- gera: 90223/di/ra [TREATMENT ON THE POSTOPERATIVE INTESTINAL ADHESION BY GINGER-PADDED MOXIBUSTION: A REPORT OF 11 CASES]. LI GUOLIANG. new journal of tcm. 1994;26(9):34 (chi). 1202- gera: 91091/di/ra [TREATMENT ECZEMATOSIS BY WASHING AND FUMIGATING WITH CHINESE HERBS]. WU BO-LIN. practical journal of integrating chinese with modern medicine. 1994;7(8):468 (chi). 1203- gera: 6311/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTICAL EFFECT OF 151 CASES OF VOMITUS GRAVIDARUM TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION]. FAN YONGJUN F ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(1):11 (chi*). Moxibustion was applied on Sanyinjiao (SP6), and Guanyuan (CV4) plus Zusanli (ST36) for deficiency of spleen and stomach and Taichong (LR3) for disharmony between liver and stomach. The application lasted 5 to 10 minutes on each point with one session daily. Among 151 cases, 146 were cured (96.7%) and 5 improved (3.3%) after one week of treatments. Among 151 cases in the control group with herbal medication, 89 were cured (58.9%) and 62 improved (51.1%). Statistical processing found X2=62.3181, P<0.0001, implying noticeable difference. Voir traduction anglaise ref gera [85158]. 1204- gera: 6366/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPY OF "NEW INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH HERBAL MEDICINE"]. GUIYING L. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(1):19 (chi*). New Indirect Moxibustion with Herbal Medicines is a new therapeutical method by means of author's innovation on the basis of various measures of moxibustion handed down from previous generations. Concerning mechanisms, herbal medicines are used on acupoints and the heat from the burning of moxa sticks is utilized to make the medicinal efficacy, infiltrate the points through the skin and to reach the focus of disease on route of metidiens and collaterals. This is a synthetic method with the combination of herbal medicines, gera 2010 72 meridian-collaterals and acupoints. One hundred twenty two cases were treated with the method and a control study was also carried out. 1205- gera: 6546/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF NEEDLE WARMING MOXIBUSTION IN 124 CASES OF CHRONIC RHINITIS]. SHEN GUOWEI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(2):21 (chi*). In this therapy, Xiaguan (ST7) was deeply punctured with a needle warmed by burning moxa in 124 patients suffering from chronic rhinitis. It was found that 82 (66.13%) cases were cured, 26 (20.97%) cases were markedly improved, 12 (9.68%) were improved and 4 (3.23%) were unimproved with the total effective rate of 96.77%. Compared with acupuncture on points used traditionally such as Yingxiang (LI20), Yingtang (EX) and Heliao (LI19) etc., this therapy is more effective and reliable. 1206- gera: 6891/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF 58 CASES OF BI-SYNDROMES BY MEDICINAL MOXIBUSTION]. ZHIMING C ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(2):45 (chi*). In the present study, moxibustion was conducted through medicinal pad made from Chinese herbs, which is capable of expelling pathogenic wind and clearing away cold, removing heat and relieving pain, removing dampness and dredging vessels. The therapy was used to treat 58 patients with Bisyndromes either due to pathogenic wind, cold, dampness and so fourth. It was noticed that 34 (58.62%) cases were cured, 22 (37.93%) cases were improved with the total effective rate of 96.55%. By using the medicinal pad, the skin beneath the medicinal pad could endured higher temperature, get rid of injury and suppuration of moxibustion and the patients were pain free. The medicine in the pad, we believe, may regulate the function of the whole body via points and meridians. 1207- gera: 6904/di/ra [CLINICAL APPLICATION AND INVESTIGATION OF MOXIBUSTION]. YUAN Z. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(2):47 (chi*). Moxibustion was adopted in the treatment of 140 patients with 13 kinds of diseases. The results revealed that cure was obtained in 93 cases, accounting for 66.43%. effective in 38 cases, accounting for 27.14%, failure was observed in the rest 9 cases, accounting for 6.43%. The overall effective rate was 93.57°%. The author believe that moxibustion is effective in treating superficial infection and wound pain and has wide indication, and multiply forms. It is also useful in the treatment of internal organ diseases through superficial acupoints. Discussion was made on the 1208- gera: 6995/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF CO2 LASER MOXIBUSTION ON PULMONARY VENTILATION OF ASTHMATIC PATIENTS]. HE YANGZI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(2):1 (chi*). Patients of bronchial asthma characterized by cold-deficient syndrome were divided into 2 groups at random. One group consisting of 39 cases was treated with C02 laser moxibustion while the other (32 cases) underwent the conventional moxibustion. Tiantu (CV22), Dingchuan (EX-B1), Feishu (BL13), etc, were prescribed for both groups. The result showed that the effect of the former group was superior to that of the latter group (P (0. 05); and there appeared satisfactory regulating action on the patients pulmonary ventilation in both groups, but in the laser group the ventilation was more markedly improved. 1209- gera: 7069/di/ra [THE COMPARISON OF THERAPEUTICAL EFFECTS BETWEEN ACUPUNCTURE AND MEDICINAL HERBS IN THE TREATMENT OF DYSFUNCTIONAL UTERINE BLEEDING]. YONGLUO Z ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(3):19 (chi*). The article presents 142 cases of dysfunctional uterine bleeding who were treated with acupuncture and herbal medicines. The patients were divided at random into 4 groups, namely acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal medicines and herbs plus acupuncture groups. The outcome of the treatment showed that the therapeutical effect of the moxibustion group was noticeably higher than that of the acupuncture group and the herbal medicines group (P<0.05) and that of the herbs plus acupuncture group was markedly higher than that of the acupuncture 1210- gera: 7123/di/ra [THE INFLUENCE OF HEALTH-PRESERVING MOXIBUSTION ON THE SECRETION OF EPITHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR (EGF) IN AGED PEOPLE]. ZHEN Z ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(3):33 (chi*). 40 apartment-living aged people who could take care of themselves were performed with mild health-preserving moxibustion on Shenque (CV8 ) and bilateral Zusanli (ST36). The performance was given 10 minutes on each point, once every other day, continuously for 2 months. Then, radioimmunoassay was employed ·to test the EGF content in fasting serum before and after the moxibustion. The result showed the remarkable increase of post- moxibustion EGF content, P <0. 01. The experiment indicates that the moxibustion is able to regulate the synthesis and release of EGF in the body. Since EGF possesses the action of promoting the growth and multiplication of cells, so the health preserving 1211- gera: 9201/di/ra [STUDIES OF MOXA (PART 4) SIEVES USED IN THE MANUFACTURE DE MOXA.]. ODA R. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1995;45(2):123-8 (jap*). At present, rotating cylindrical sieves are generally used in the manufacturing of moxa. This particular type of sieve, made of a wire mesh combined with bamboo wicker, was designed specifically for use in the moxa industry. The sieve is 50 - 80 cm in diameter and 1.5 - 4.0m long. The top three-fourths are made of a wire mesh and the bottom one-fourth is made of bamboo wicker. The sieve rotates at a rate of 15 - 30 r.p.m. The sieve is tilted at a slight angle (3 - 7 degrees), with the end slightly lower than the mouth. A vibrating type sieve, with a horizontal reciprocating action, also used as an auxiliary sieve in the moxa manufacturing process. In addition to a discussion of the features of the sieves currently used for moxa manufacture, historical review of the spread of the current type 1212- gera: 9205/di/ra [STUDIES OF MOXA (PART 5) - A WINNOWINGMACHINE.]. ODA R. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1995;45(2):129-34 (jap*). The winnowing-machine is an apparatus for the final purification in the manufacture of high- grade moxa. This winnower is a special apparatus for moxa manufacture and has a structure that differs from the structure of the winnowingmachine for agriculture. Its main part consists of a vaned wheel that rotates at a high rate, a large cylinderical bamboo wicker surrounding the vaned wheel, and a wooden box containing this. When crude moxa is placed in this winnower, and the vane wheel is rotated at a rate of 70 - 120 rpm, impurities are removed through the gaps of the winnower, leaving high-grade moxa inside. In general, a two- step method is used in which powdery impurities are removed using the first winnowing-machine, and final purification is done using the second winnower. 1213- gera: 12722/di/ra OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF CHILDREN'S ASTHMA (386 CASES) TREATED WITH SALT- SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION IN THREE PERIODS OF HOT SUMMER DAYS. WU SIPING. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1995;5(1):41-4 (eng). According to the theory of "relevant adaptation of the human body to natural environment" and the principle of " treating winter syndrome in summer" in the traditional Chinese medicine, I selected Dazhui (GV14), Feishu (BL13) and Yongquan (KI1) as main points, on which putting a layer of fine salt, and a burning moxa cone over the salt, to treat children's asthma. In addition, Shenshu (BL23) was added for the disease of kidney deficiency type, and Fenglong (ST40) for the gera 2010 73 one of phlegm-heat type. The total effective rate in 386 cases treated was 90. 4%. The results showed that the age of patient had no obvious relation to the therapeutic effect, but the effect was better for the patients with short course of disease and kidney deficiency type. 1214- gera: 21386/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR PAIN IN THE LOW BACK AND THE LOWER EXTREMITIES (THE 1ST REPORT) - A CASE SERIES OF RADICULOPATHY DUE TO LUMBAR DISC HERNIATION]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1995;45(1):43. (jap). 1215- gera: 21790/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION STIMULATION ON THE SKIN TEMPERATURE OF FOOT DURING IMMERSION OF THE FOOT IN THE COLD WIND]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1995;45(1):56. (jap). 1216- gera: 21802/di/ra [EVALUATIONS OF THE MAGNITUDE OF PAIN SENSATIONS INDUCED BY MOXIBUSTION HEAT STIMULI AND MEASUREMENTS OF MECHANICAL SENSITIVITY IN THE AREA FOLLOWING BURNS BY THE MOXIBUSTION STIMULI]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1995;45(1):57. (jap). 1217- gera: 21809/di/ra [A NEW METHOD FOR EVALUATION OF PERIPHERAL TISSUE BLOOD FLOW IN RELATION TO THERMAL STIMULATION MEASURED BY NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1995;45(1):58. (jap). 1218- gera: 21831/di/ra [STUDIES OF MOXA (11) - ABOUT THE SHIMEJIGAHARA]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1995;45(1):60. (jap). 1219- gera: 22012/di/ra [INHIBITORY EFFECTS OF ARTEMISIA ON HEMOLYSIS AND LIPID PEROXIDATION]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1995;45(1):78. (jap). 1220- gera: 23472/di/ra [ON REDUCTION AND INVIGORATION OF MOXIBUSTION THERAPY]. GUANGYU S. journal of tcm. 1995;36(7):405 (chi). 1221- gera: 24895/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 37 CASES OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION WITH MOXA CONE ON SHAOSHANG POINT (LI11)]. BITONG C ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(5):3 (chi). 1222- gera: 24901/di/ra [TREATMENT OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL HUMERAL EPICONDYLITIS IN 60 CASES WITH FIRE NEEDLE THERAPY]. ZHEN L. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(5):11 (chi). 1223- gera: 24905/di/ra [EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS AND DOSAGES OF MOXIBUSTION ON BLOOD CONTENTS OF SEROTONIN AND HISTAMINE IN ANIMALS]. NONGYU L ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(5):29 (chi*). The contents of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) and histamine in blood were determined before and after moxibustion on Zusanli (ST36) point with various materials and dosages in health rabbits and reserpine-induced "Spleen-Yang deficiency" rats. The result showed that the contents of 5-HT and histamine in "Spleen-Yang deficiency" rats, but not in the health rabbits, could be regulated markedly by moxibustion. This regulation was dependent on both materials and dosages of moxibustion. The observation indicates that the therapeutic effects of moxibustion are related not only to acupoint but also to animal status, moxibustion materials and its intensity. 1224- gera: 24907/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF 50 CASES WITH CHLOASMA TREATED WITH DRUG CAKESEPARATED MOXIBUSTION AND SHENQUE POINT (CV8)]. HONG L. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(5):37 (chi). 1225- gera: 24913/di/ra [A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF MOXIBUSTION FOR ANTIAGING]. XIANSHUI J ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;14(3):99 (chi*). 1226- gera: 24924/di/ra [A CLINICAL RESEARCH IN TREATMENT OF CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE BY INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH HERB CAKE]. CUIYING Z ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;14(3):101 (chi*). 1227- gera: 24927/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF TREATMENT OF ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION BY SUPPURATIVE MOXIBUSTION]. MIN Y ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;14(3):104 (chi). 1228- gera: 24958/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION ON POINT FENGCHI (GB20) FOR 80 CASES OF CONGENITAL MYOGENIC TORTICOLLIS OF NEWBORN]. YOUKUAN W. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;14(3):121 (chi). 1229- gera: 24992/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON HEMORRHEOLOGICAL PROPERTY IN OLD RATS]. CHENG H ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;14(3):130 (chi). 1230- gera: 34653/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF STIMULATING ZUSANLI WITH MOXIBUSTION OF DIFFERENT QUALITY AND QUANTITY ON GASTROINTESTINAL MOTOR FUNCTION OF RESERPINISED RATS]. LIU NONGYI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1995;20(1):48 (chi*). This article is focused on the observation of changes in body temperature, body weight, cholinesterase activity in blood, and gastrointestinal motility of reserpinized rats treated by stimulating Zusanli (ST36) with moxibustion of different quality. (mugwort floss or pipe tobacco) and quantity (strong stimulation or weak stimulation). The experiment shows that better results are achieved with moxibustion not by burning tobacco; the result of strong stimulation with moxa-sticks is better than that of weak stimulation with the same material. Strong stimulation with moxa-sticks can obviously increase the activity of cholinesterase (P<0. 05),inhibit hyperactive gastrointestinal motility (P<0.05),maintain normal body temperature (P<0.05),and prevent body weight lossing. All these show that therapeutic results of moxibustion are closely related to the quality and quantity of moxibustion. 1231- gera: 42652/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE WITH HEATED NEEDLE TREATING 50 CASES OF FACIOCERVICAL ATHEROMA]. SHUFEN L ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(6):19 (chi). 1232- gera: 42664/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION AND NEEDLING ON ERYTHROCYTIC IMMUNE FUNCTION AND CONTENTS OF PLASMA CORTISOL IN RATS OF EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS]. DIJUN H ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;15(6):25 (chi). In the present paper, rats of experimental rheumatoid arthritis induced by Freund's complete adjuvant received moxibustion with small moxa-cone about the size of a wheat grain and the region of arthroncus was tapped for bleeding with a skin needle. The treatment was given once daily for 21 days. Results indicated that erythrocyte C3b receptor rosette forming rate (RBC. C3bRR ) was significantly higher in the group of moxibustion and needling than that in the model control group, gera 2010 74 the group of hormone treatment and the normal group (P<0. 01) respectively. Also, the content of plasma cortisol in the group of moxibustion and needling was higher than those in the model control group and the normal group ( P < 0. 05 and P< 0. 01). In the group of moxibustion and needling, pathologic changes relieved, the general condition was similar to that of the normal group and was 1233- gera: 54100/di/ra [INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH HERBS FOR 28 CASES OF IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME]. WANG JINGHUI ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;14(1):6 (chi). 1234- gera: 54117/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON THE COUNTS OF PERIPHERAL ACTIVATED TLYMPHOCYTES AND EOSINOPHILIC GRANULOCYTES IN PATIENTS WITH ASTHMA]. YANG YONGQING ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;14(2):58 (chi). 1235- gera: 54126/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON LIPODYSTROPHY IN EXPERIMENTAL RATS WITH DIABETES]. LI SHILIANG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;14(2):80 (chi). 1236- gera: 54132/di/ra [THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF DRUG PARTITIONMOXIBUSTION FOR CHRONIC DIARRHEA AND ITS IMMUNOLOGIC MECHANISM]. WU HUANGAN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1995;36(1):25 (eng*). In this series, 24 cases of ulcerative colitis and 23 cases of chronic colitis were treated with drug partition- moxibustion with total effective rates of 95.83% and 95.65% respectively, markedly excelled that of control group treated with western medicine. Comparison made on the results of the 15 cases of ulcerative colitis before and after treatment showed that drug partition-moxibustion inhibits humoral immunity and strengthens cellular immunity. It is suggested that the mechanism might lie on the adjustment on the abnormal ratio between T- lymphocytes subgroups, hence 1237- gera: 54155/di/ra [WAYS AND METHODS OF IMPROVING THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACU-MOXIBUSTION IN APOPLECTIC HEMIPLEGIA]. LU SHOUKANG. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1995;36(2):110 (eng). 1238- gera: 56147/di/ra NEEDLING "SHUANGYANG" IN TREATMENT OF SCIATICA : CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 384 CASES. NIE HAN-YUN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1995;6(1):87-9 (eng). Suangyang ("double Yang"). il s'agit de 2 points situés entre Shaoyang et Taiyang du Pied. Prendre le milieu du segment entre 30VB et 31VB, en arrière de ce point prendre un autre point de référence à mi-distance entre le méridien de la VB et celui de la Vessie. Les 2 points Shuangyang sont situés 1 cun au dessus et 1 cun au dessous de ce point de référence. Puncture perpendiculaire sur 2,5 à 3 cun. Technique d'enfoncement-retrait et rotation d'intensité moyenne à forte. La sensation doit irradier vers le haut (hanche) et le bas (pied). Séance de 30mn, la manipulation est répétée toutes les 10'. Après le retrait des aiguilles, moxibustion au batonnet 20' (la peau devient rouge et chaude). Une séance / jour. Série de 10 séances. Guérison : 50% après 3 séances, 33,9% après 4-7 séances, 8,3% améliorés après 8-12 séances, 7,8% aucun effet après 13 séances. NEEDLE : A REPORT OF 87 CASES. WU QING-MING. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1995;6(3):335-8 (eng). - 25V (point principal). - Attente VB (30VB, 34VB, 39VB). Atteinte vessie (37V, 55V, 60V). - Aiguille de 3 cun de long. Insertion profonde, obtention d'une sensation irradiante au pied. - Répéter la manipulation 3 fois, plus puncture des points associés avec recherche du deqi. - Mettre en place sur le manche de l'aiguille du 25V un moxa (3 cm de long) à 3-4 cm de la peau. Une séance par jour. - Série de 10 séances. Guérison: 57,6%. 1241- gera: 56211/di/ra A CLINICAL ANALYSIS ON 560 CASES OF LUMBAGO TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE. CAO JIN-MING. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1995;6(3):339-42 (eng). We study will 560 cases of lumbago in this paper, where 187 males and 373 females were treated for the disease. Their average age of the first onset of the disease was 48. According to TCM differentiation, the disorder was divided into four types, i.e., cold dampness, dampness-heat, blood stasis, and deficiency of Kidney. In the acupuncture treatment, points of the Foot-Taiyang meridian and the Huatuo Jiaji points of the lumbar area were needled. The solid effective rate reached 95.71%. A brief summary of the treatment is as follows. 1) 23V, 24V, 25V, 26V. 2) 51V, 52V, Yaoyan. 3) HTJJ de L1 à L5. 4) 36E et 4VC (Froid-Humidité), 20V et 11GI (HumiditéChaleur), 40V et 10Rte (Stase de Sang), 3Rn et 4VG (Vide des Reins). A chaque séance, utiliser en alternance les groupes 1 à 3 associés au groupe 4 (en fonction des syndromes). Tonification et moxas en cas de Vide, dispersion et ventouses pour les Plénitudes. Une séance / jour, séries de 10 séances espaçées de 3 jours. Guérison : 31,96%. 1242- gera: 56219/di/ra MECHANISMS UNDERLYING THE EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION ON SIMPLE OBESITY COMPLICATED BY HYPERTENSION. LIU ZHI-CHENG ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1995;6(4):371-8 (eng). 1243- gera: 56243/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE PLUS MOXIBUSTION IN TREATING COMMON WART : AN OBSERVATION OF 100 CASES. ZHU YONG-HAI ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1995;6(4):475-7 (eng). Traitement de 100 cas par acupuncture et moxibustion comparés à 15 cas traités par acupuncture seule, et 10 cas à moxibustion seule. Acupuncture: puncture à l'aiguille triangulaire sur 0,5 cun au centre de la verrue (verrue mère si verrues multiples). Moxibustion: moxa sur l'aiguille à une distance d'un cun (variable en fonction de la tolerance du patient), ou dans le groupe moxibustion seule moxa au batonnêt. Dans les deux cas durée de la moxibustion 20 à 30 minutes - Une seule séance évaluée à 30 jours, éventuellement renouvelée 2 fois. Sur 100 cas: 76 guérisons en une séance, 21 en deux séances, 3 en 3 séances. Par comparaison, aucune guérison par 1244- gera: 63284/di/ra [NINE CASES OF PHANTOM LIMB PAIN TREATED BY ACU-MOXIBUSTION]. GUIFANG X. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1995;36(12):729 (eng). 1245- gera: 66861/di/ra [ABSORBENT COTTON MOXIBUSTION THERAPY ON L3 TRANSVERSE PROCESS SYNDROME]. LIAO XISHOU. fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1995;26(6):26 (chi). 1239- gera: 56202/di/ra MOXIBUSTION. LU SHOU-KANG. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1995;6(3):303-6 (eng). 1246- gera: 67897/di/ra PRACTICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY (PART THREE). JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1995;2(3):26-9 (eng). 1240- gera: 56210/di/ra TREATING PAIN OF BACK AND LEGS BY DEEP PUNCTURE OF DACHANGSHU WITH WARMING OF 1247- gera: 67909/di/ra PRACTICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY (PART 5). JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. gera 2010 75 1995;2(5):29-32 (eng). 1248- gera: 68018/di/ra PRACTICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY-PART 4. JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1995;2(4):18-20 (eng). 1249- gera: 71863/di/ra PRACTICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY (PART THREE). JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1995;2(3):26-9 (eng). 1250- gera: 84429/di/ra [THE DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION IN THE MING AND QING DYNASTIES]. JIANJUN H. journal of beijing university of tcm. 1995;18(6):22 (chi). 1251- gera: 84670/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 38 CASES OF VIRAL COLD BY ACONITE MOXIBUSTION ON TANZHONG (CV17) POINT]. ZHENGGANG Y. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1995;14(5):211 (chi). 1252- gera: 84737/di/ra PREVENTIVE EFFECTS ON SENILE ANEMIA IN RATS BY MOXIBUSTION. CHENG H ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1995;5(2):11-4 (eng*). The aim of the present study is to observe the preventive of moxibustion on senile anemia in rats and certify the anti-aging effects of moxibustion. The results show that the hemoglobin in 20 months old rats is lower than that in young rats, and the osmotic fragility and the hematocrit are higher than those in young rats. The hemoglobin in moxibustion group rats is significantly higher than that in old group, and the osmotic fragility and the hematocrit are markedly lower than those in old group, suggesting that moxibustion can delay the agerelated changes of erythrocyte in the rat and decrease the incidence rate of senile anemia of rat. 1253- gera: 84783/di/ra [A MEASUREMENT OF DIRECT MOXIBUSTION TEMPERATURE - THE INFLUENCE OF DENSITY AND HEIGHT OF MOXA CONES]. YAMASHITA H ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1995;45(3):203-7 (jap*). With the purpose of clarifying the influence of density and height of moxa cones on the quantity and quality of direct moxibustion stimulation, temperature changes at the bottom of moxa cones the size of a "rice grain" were measured with a thermocouple on an asbestos board. As a result, the mean peak temperature of each density group (height of 5mm, bottom diameter of 3mm) was between 140°C and 160°C. There was a significant linear regression between density (mg/11.8mm3) and heating temperature duration above 45°C (seconds) (y= 1.9+3.2x, r = 0.92, p<0. 0001). There was no significant difference in the velocity of temperature increase (32-40°C ) between two groups of cones of different height and the same density, meaning there is no evidence to indicate that tall moxa cones make patients feel mild heat. From the results obtained in this experiment, the density of the moxa cone was found to be one of the most important factors affecting direct moxibustion treatment. 1254- gera: 84982/di/ra [A TALK ON POSTPARTUM MISCELLANEOUS DISEASE TREATED CHIEFLY BY MOXIBUSTION IN UMBILICUS]. YUN W. beijing journal of tcm. 1995;2:41 (chi). 1255- gera: 85152/di/ra TREATMENT OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA WITH CO2 LASER IRRADIATING POINTS. HE YANGZI ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1995;5(4):3-9 (eng). Therapeutic effect of bronchial asthma treated with CO2 laser irradiating points was observed. Ninety-six cases of bronchial asthma, that were considered cold and insufficiency type according to TCM, were divided into two groups : one treated with CO2 laser irradiation at Tiantu (CV 22), Danzhong (CV 17), Feishu (BL 13) and Dingchuan (EX-B 1) (n= 48), and the other with warm moxibustion at same points (n = 48 ). The symptoms, physical signs and pulmonary ventilation (PEF, VC, FEV1.0, FEV1% and MMEF) were taken as parameter. The results showed that the therapeutic effect in laser irradiation group was better than that in moxibustion group. Moreover, laser irradiation could obviously improve pulmonary ventilation in patients. Therefore, CO, laser 1256- gera: 85154/di/ra ELECTRO-THERMAL MOXIBUSTION ON ACUPOINTS FOR TREATMENT OF 98 CASES OF SCIATICA. GAO DAHAI. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1995;5(4):17-21 (eng). Points principaux : HTJJ, 30VB, Zuogushenjing, 36V, 37V, 40V, 34VB. Points secondaires : 57V, 54V, 39VB, 60V, 41VB, points Ashi. Utiliser la moxibustion thermoélectrique. 10 à 20mn au dessus de la zone douloureuse et des points d'acupuncture. Régler la température à 40°. Une séance par jour ou tous les deux jours. 10 à 20 séances. Guérison : 83,7%, amélioration marquée : 8,1%, amélioration : 5,1%, échec : 3,1%. Il n'y a pas de différence de résultat entre sciatique primaire et secondaire ou en fonction des syndromes (Vent-Froid, Vent-Chaleur, ou Stase du Sang). Par contre, les meilleurs résultats sont obtenus dans les sciatiques récentes. 1257- gera: 85162/di/ra TREATMENT OF SCAPULOHUMERAL PERIARTHRITIS WITH WARM NEEDLING AND ACUPOINT INJECTION. LI GANG ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1995;5(4):49-51 (eng). The warm needling and acupoint injection of medicine are combined to treat scapulohumeral periarthritis with marked analgesic effect because they have the efficacies of reinforcing deficiency and supporting the healthy energy, and eliminating the pathogens and dredging the meridians and collaterals. The quick and fair therapeutical effect will be obtained when the needling sensation is propagated to the focus of disease. 1258- gera: 85163/di/ra FINGER PRESSURE PLUS MOXIBUSTION FOR TREATMENT OF 30 CASES OF ACUTE LUMBAR SPRAIN. LUO LIXIN. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1995;5(4):52-3 (eng). In the present paper, 30 cases of acute lumbar sprain are treated with finger pressure therapy and moxibustion therapy. Results show that 21 cases are cured, 4 markedly effective and 5 effective. This combined treatment has no sufferings to the patient, is safe, simple and easy to be accepted by patients. 1259- gera: 86455/di/ra [TREATMENT FOR 35 CASES OF SCIATICA WITH MOXIBUSTION IN EXTENSIVE OF BODY]. WU QIFANG. beijing journal of tcm. 1995;6:39 (chi). 1260- gera: 86761/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON INFLUENCE OF NAIL-FOLD MICROCIRCULATION OF PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISKS FROM ACUPUNCTURE OF HOT NEEDLE]. GUAN ZHUN-HUI ET AL. yunnan journal of tcm and materia medica. 1995;16(5):54 (chi). 1261- gera: 88705/di/ra [ON RELIEF OF HEMIPLEGIC SPASM WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. GUO ZEXIN ET AL. jiangsu journal of tcm. 1995;16(8):29 (chi). 1262- gera: 90266/di/ra [TREATMENT OF EYE DISEASES BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TO LIVER AND SPLEEN MERIDIANS]. WANG YALI. new journal of tcm. 1995;27(1):31 (chi). 1263- gera: 90267/di/ra [TREATMENT OF EPILEPSY BY POINT-TO-POINT SUTURE COMBINED WITH MOXA MOXIBUSTION: A REPORT OF 13 CASES]. ZHANG LUYU. new journal of tcm. 1995;27(1):34 (chi). 1264- gera: 90296/di/ra gera 2010 76 [TREATMENT OF ACUTE MASTITIS BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION: A REPORT OF 35 CASES]. TANG HONG. new journal of tcm. 1995;27(3):34 (chi). 1265- gera: 90297/di/ra [TREATMENT OF PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME BY MULTIDIRECTION ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION: A REPORT OF 58 CASES]. WU HANYANG. new journal of tcm. 1995;27(3):35 (chi). 1266- gera: 90327/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 3RD LUMBAR TRANSVERSE PROCESS SYNDROME BY WARMING NEEDLING: A REPORT OF 58 CASES]. XIE CAIHONG. new journal of tcm. 1995;27(5):27 (chi). 1267- gera: 90510/di/ra [GINGER-PARTITION MOXIBUSTION AND ACUPOINT MEDICINAL INJECTION FOR INTESTINAL IRRITABLE SYNDROME]. LU AIWEN. new journal of tcm. 1995;27(12):27 (chi). 1268- gera: 55194/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF TREATMENT OF PRIMARY GLAUCOMA BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. JIANG JUN. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;15(3):3 (chi). 1269- gera: 55204/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION OF KUANYUAN (REN4) ON HYPOTHALAMUS-PITUITARY-THYROID AXIS AND IL2 IN GERONTAL RATS]. ZHAO WEIKANG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;15(3):28 (chi*). The cerebral cortex NE, hypothalamus TRH, serum T3, T4, FT3, FT4, contents and spleen IL-2 activities in senile rats were lower than that in young rats obviously, while serum TRH, TSH and rT3 contents were higher than that in young rats significantly. Moxibustion Guanyuan, however, could increase the reduced contents of NE in cerebral cortex, TRH in hypothalamus, T4 in serum and the activities of IL-2 in spleen of the senile rats, decrease the heightened contents of TRH in serum. The above results showed that moxibustion Guanyuan might modulate the function of neuroendocrineimmunesystem, so as to exert the effects of tonifying the kidney and enhancing the body resistance which in turn retarding the aging. 1270- gera: 55298/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON PLASMA CONTENTS OF TESTOSTERONE AND ESTRADIOL IN THE AGED]. WU ZHONGCHAO ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;16(8):27 (chi). 1271- gera: 55310/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF SENILE DISEASES BY ACUPUNCTURE WITH THE NEEDLE WARMED BY BURNING MOXA AT ZUSANLI (ST36). LIU YUNZHU ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;16(9):7 (chi*). 30 senile patients with abnormal increases of blood rheology indices, total serum cholesterol and triglyceride were treated by acupuncture with the needle warmed by burning moxa at Zusanli points (ST36) of the both sides. After one course, the increases of the blood rheology indices, total serum cholesterol, triglyceride were reduced (P < 0.05). It is suggested that acupuncture with the needle warmed by burning moxa at Zusanli (ST36) points has regulative action on the circulatory system. 1272- gera: 55312/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF 68 CASES OF GILLES DE LA TOURETTE'S SYNDROME OF CHILD TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. TIAN LINGDI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;16(9):15 (chi). 1273- gera: 55314/di/ra [SIXTY-THREE CASES OF LOCALIZED NEURODERMATITIS TREATED WITH PLUM-BLOSSOM NEEDLE PLUS MOXA ROLL MOXIBUSTION]. MA TIANWEI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;16(9):19 (chi). 1274- gera: 55315/di/ra [STUDY ON REDUCING BLOOD-LIPID AND ANTI-SENILITY OF MOXIBUSTION AT SHENQUE (CV8) POINT]. WANG FENGLING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;16(9):29 (chi). 1275- gera: 55349/di/ra [PRELIMINARY STUDY ON BIOPHYSIC MECHANISMS OF MOXIBUSTION THERAPY]. YANG HUAYUAN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;16(10):17 (chi*). In the paper, biophysic mechanisms of moxibustion therapy are studied from following three aspects. 1) The human body is a radiation source of infrared rays and a good absorber of infrared rays. 2) The near infrared rays radiation of moxibustion provides necessary energy for activity of the organism. 3) The near infrared light quantum emitted by moxibustion can be controlled by the organism. The biophysic mechanisms need to be further studied. 1276- gera: 55360/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF 58 CASES OF IRRITABLE COLON SYNDROME TREATED WITH PUNCTURING SHENQUE POINT (CV8) WITH A REDHOT NEEDLE]. CAO WEIMIN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;16(11):11 (chi). 1277- gera: 55364/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON HEMORHEOLOGIC PROPERTIES IN GERIATRIC PERIOD AND PRESENIUM]. WU ZHONGCHAO ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;16(11):23 (chi*). Changes of the hemorrheologic property play an important role in produce and development of senile diseases, especially, in course of aging and delaying aging. In the present study, it was found that moxibustion improved significantly viscosity of whole blood, reductive viscosity of whole blood, blood sedimentation equation and hemagglutination indexes, etc.., which have an important significance for improving microcirculation, reducing or eliminating stasis of blood in the body and postponing aging. 1278- gera: 55365/di/ra [CLINICAL APPLICATION OF ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY WITH A RED-HOT NEEDLE]. NONG ZENING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;16(11):26 (chi). 1279- gera: 55377/di/ra [12 CASES OF PUERPERAL SEPARATION OF SYMPHISIS PUBIS TREATED WARM NEEDLING NEEDLING QU GU (REN2)]. WU YOUKUAN. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;15(4):19 (chi). 1280- gera: 55428/di/ra [STUDIES ON ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND IMMUNE EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION]. TANG ZHAOLIANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1996;21(2):67-70 (chi*). 1281- gera: 55470/di/ra [STUDY ON MECHANISMS OF LASER MOXIBUSTION TREATING ASTHMA]. HE YANGZI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;16(12):7 (chi). 1282- gera: 55598/di/ra [STUDY OF MOXA (PART 7). MOXA FACTORIES IN THE PAST]. ODA R. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1996;46(2):85-90 (jap*). 1283- gera: 56277/di/ra PERIPHERAL LYMPHOID TUBERCULOSIS TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION. YE LING-YUN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1996;7(1):109-11 (eng). 1284- gera: 56320/di/ra gera 2010 77 ACUPUNCTURE AND CUPPING FOR HERPES ZOSTER. GUO WEN-RUI. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1996;7(2):227-8 (eng). Rapport d'un cas sevère traité par encerclement des lésions puis saignés à l'aiguille triangulaire et moxibustion. 1285- gera: 56329/di/ra CHRONIC ABDOMINAL PAIN CURED BY MOXIBUSTION. XIONG XIN-NIAN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1996;7(2):253-4 (eng). 1286- gera: 56350/di/ra MOXIBUSTION TO SHENQUE FOR RESCUING PATIENTS FROM COMAS. WEI XIAN-HUI. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1996;7(3):337-9 (eng). 1287- gera: 56353/di/ra MOXIBUSTION IN TREATING HERPES ZOSTER : A REPORT OF 50 CASES. HAN SONG-BAO ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1996;7(3):347-8 (eng). Traitement de 50 cas par moxibustion au dessus des lésions (bâtonnet, ou dispositif à moxas), 28 cas guéris en une séance, 16 cas en 2-3 séances et 6 cas en 5 séances. 1288- gera: 56392/di/ra WARMING ACUPUNCTURE IN TREATING 74 CASES OF SCIATICA. ZENG ZHI-JUN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1996;7(4):489-91 (eng). Ashi (points principaux), 30VB, 34VB, 57V (Vent-Froid). 4VG, 23V, 37V, 54V, 40V (Vide des Reins). 24V, 26V, 32V, 34VB, 57V (Stase du Sang). 1à 2 points Ashi associées à 2 à 3 points en fonction des syndromes. Si Vent- Froid : puncture avec technique de rechauffement jusqu'à ce que le patient ressente une chaleur douce sur l'ensemble du corps. Vide des Reins : technique de tonification. Stase du Sang : méthode de tonification- dispersion jusqu'à obtention de l'irradiation au niveau de la région atteinte. Après obtention du Deqi, mettre en place un morceau de moxa de 1,5 à 2 cun de long au niveau du manche (à 1 cun de la peau). 2 à 5 moxas à chaque séance. Une séance / jour. Série de 10 séances. Guérison : 41,89%. Amélioration marquée : 29,86%. 1289- gera: 56846/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON CORRECTING MALPOSITION OF FETUS BY ELECTRO-ACUPUNCTURE. LI QINGHUA ET AL. journal of tcm. 1996;16(4):260-2 (eng). Forty-eight cases of malposition of fetus were treated by electro-acupuncture, using Zhiyin (UB 67) points. 39 cases were corrected with a rate of 81.3%, the average session of treatment being 1.41. Two control groups were set up: moxibustion and blank control group. Statistical analysis shows that efficacy of electro-acupuncture is markedly superior to that of the blank. Sessions of electr-acupuncture were less than that of moxibustion and the difference was statistically significant, though there is no significant difference of efficacy between the two groups. 1290- gera: 56850/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT FOR KIDNEY DEFICIENCY WITH COMBINED APPLICATION OF POINTS MINGMEN AND GUANYUAN. SHEN XUEYONG. journal of tcm. 1996;16(4):275-7 (eng). 1291- gera: 57034/di/ra [A STUDY ON MECHANISM OF ANALGESIA OF LONG SNAKE MOXIBUSTION]. WANG SHURONG ET AL. journal of shandong college of tcm. 1996;20(5):348 (chi). 1292- gera: 57051/di/ra [TREATING ACNE VULGARIS BY GINGER-MOXIBUSTION AND PRICKING THERAPY]. TIAN YANGCHUN ET AL. journal of shandong college of tcm. 1996;19(3):30 (chi). 1293- gera: 57285/di/ra THE USE OF WARM NEEDLE ACUPUNCTURE PLUS CUPPING THERAPY FOR CHRONIC LOW BACK PAIN INVOLVING OSTEOARTHRITIC HYPEROSTOSIS. LU AIWEN. american journal of acupuncture. 1996;24(1):5-9 (eng). According to basic TCM theory, the pain and other symptoms associated with the modern Western diagnosis of osteoarthritis hyperostosis of the lumbar vertebrae are caused by invasion of pathogenic Wind-Dampness-Cold in the lumbar region due to insufficiency of Yang energy in the vessels and meridians of that region. Clinical observation of the therapeutic effectiveness in 183 cases indicates that warm needle acupuncture plus cupping is an effective method for treating this disease. 1294- gera: 57772/di/ra RECENTI PROGRESSI NEGLI STUDI DI DIMINUZIONE PONDERALE CON AGOPUNTURA E MOXIBUSTIONE. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. rivista italiana medicina tradizionale cinese. 1996;65(3):76-80 (ita ). 1295- gera: 67783/di/ra PRACTICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY (PART 7). JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1996;3(7):25-8 (eng). 1296- gera: 67792/di/ra PRACTICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY (8). JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1996;3(8):33-5 (eng). 1297- gera: 84697/di/ra [STUDY ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF APOPLECTIC HEMIPLEGIA]. LIN S. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;15(1):13 (chi). 1298- gera: 84729/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF MOXIBUSTION IN DIFFERENT QUALITIES AND QUANTITIES ON METABOLISM OF CENTRAL AND PERIPHERAL 5-HT IN RAT OF EXPERIMENTAL YANGDEFICIENCY]. JINGYING Z ET AL. journal of tcm. 1996;37(2):111 (chi*). By adopting fluorescence testing method we observed the contents of central and peripheral 5-HT nerve transmitter and its metabolites in reserpinized hyposplenic function rats by different qualities and quantities of moxibustion. Results showed that in experimental hyposplenic function rats, there was a marked lowering of contents of central and peripheral 5HT (P<0.05). Moxibustion on Zusanli point greatly increased its contents. When strong stimulus was administered, 5-HT contents in cerebral contex markedly increased (P<0.05), while weak stimulus markedly increased that in peripheral blood (P<0.05). Stimulation with cigarette didn't yield such results, suggesting the superior action of moxibustion to cigarette. The strength of action was related to the amount and 1299- gera: 85596/di/ra REPORT ON ILLUSTRATIVE CASES OF VARIOUS DISEASES EFFECTIVELY TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION. MA YUAN. journal of tcm. 1996;26(2):121-4 (eng). 1300- gera: 85607/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF REFRACTORY TUBERCULOSIS WITH GARLIC MOXIBUSTION]. ZHAO CUIYING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;16(3):1 (chi*). Eighty cases of refractory tuberculosis were treated with garlic moxibustion. After the treatment, the patients all had improvement of clinical symptoms and signs to a certain extent. The effective rate was 65%. At the same time, the lower state of cellular immune function in the organism was corrected, manifesting as an increase of OKT4 (Th) cell number, the innormal ratio of OKT4/OKT8 was corrected and the activity of IL2 and NK cells increased. It is suggested that moxibustion plays therapeutic effects possibly through increasing the function of T helper cells, accelerating the synthesis and release of IL2 and increasing the activity of NK cells and regulating the ratio of 1301- gera: 85623/di/ra [MODERN CLINICAL ADVANCES OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION]. SUN ZEHONG. chinese acupuncture and gera 2010 78 moxibustion. 1996;16(3):54 (chi). 1302- gera: 85666/di/ra THE TREATMENT OF CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS WITH WARMING-NEEDLE MOXIBUSTION IN COMBINATION WITH TUINA - WITH AN ANALYSIS OF THE X-RAY MANIFESTATION OF SIXTY-FIVE CASES. YU GUOQIAO. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1996;6(2):26-8 (eng). In this article, 88 cases of cervical spondylosis were treated with warming-needle moxibustion and Tuina, and the fair clinical effect was obtained with the total effective rate of 90.90 %. The X-ray manifestations of 65 cases before and after the treatment were observed and it has been found that the clinical symptoms could also be remarkably improved or cured even if the X-ray examination remained unchanged. 1303- gera: 85673/di/ra TREATMENT OF 80 CASES OF MALPOSITION OF FETUS BY MOXIBUSTION COMBINED WITH CHINESE DRUGS. LI JINXIAN. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1996;6(2):49-51 (eng). On 80 patients with abnormal fetal position, we observed the effects of moxibustion combined with Chinese herbs on the position of fetus. The results suggest this therapy is practical and effective. 1304- gera: 85778/di/ra [CAKE-SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION FOR 108 CASES OF ENURESIS DUE TO DEFICIENCY OF THE KIDNEY-QI]. JIANG HEXIN. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;15(2):16 (chi). 1305- gera: 85803/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECT OF HOTACUPUNCTURE ON MICROCIRCULATION OF NAIL FOLD IN PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC]. GUAN ZUNHUI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1996;16(5):1 (chi). 1306- gera: 55214/di/ra MOXIBUSTION ENHANCES ANTIOXIDATION ACTIVITY OF THE BODY. CHENG YONGCHANG ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1997;7(1):38-40 (eng). Moxibustion at Shenque (CV 8) for two weeks increased the activity of both total an- tioxidation and SOD in rat plasma and gastric mucosa, decreased the content of MDA in the plasma but not in the gastric mucosa. 1307- gera: 55509/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON DECREASE OF LEUKOCYTES AFTER CHEMOTHERAPY]. WANG XIAO. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(1):13 (chi*). 49 cases of decrease of leukocytes after chemotherapy treated with moxibustion, 34 cases treated with leucogen and batyl alcohol, and 25 cases treated with Sheng Bai An Tablet were observed and compared clinically. Results showed that among the 49 cases in the group of moxibustion, 29 cases were markedly effective, 11 cases were effective, the total effective rate being 82%. In the group of leucogen and batyl alcohol, 8 cases were markedly effective and 9 cases were effective, the total effective rate being 50%. In the group of Sheng Bai An Tablet, 5 cases were markedly effective and 9 cases were effective, the total effective rate being 56%. There was significant difference (P < 0.01) as the therapeutic effects were compared. 1308- gera: 55855/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 68 CASES OF ENURESIS TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION COMBINED WITH FINGERMASSAGE METHOD. SHAN QIUHUA ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1997;7(2):13-7 (eng). The therapeutic effect of moxibustion combined with fingermassage method was observed in 68 patients suffering from enuresis. The results showed that (1) The present therapy is effective for enuresis with cure rate of 66.18% and total effective rate of 92.65% ; (2) The curative effects was related with the syndrome differentiation (P < 0. 01), e. g. it is effective for deficiency of kidney-Yang and deficiency of Qi in lung and spleen types, but ineffective for the type of downward flow of damp-heat; (3) The therapeutic effect was also closely related with the course of disease. The shorter tl3e course of illness lasted, the more effective the therapy was, indicating that such patients should be treated in the early stage. This method is not only comparable to other conventional acupuncture methods in respects of the cure rate and total effective rate, but is also simple to apply, safe to use, easy to be accepted by children and adverse-effect free. It is deserved to be popularized as a effective therapy for enuresis in 1309- gera: 55856/di/ra EFFECTS OF MEDICINAL MOXIBUSTION ON SERUM GASTRIN, URINARY D-XYLOSE EXCRETORY RATE AND T CELLS SUBGROUPS IN SPLEEN DEFICIENCY PATIENTS. ZHOU JIANWEI ET AL. world journal of acupuncturemoxibustion. 1997;7(2):18-21 (eng). The medicinal moxa stick made by moxa wool combining with Chinese medicines of supporting the body resistance and strengthening the spleen was used to treat 74 cases of spleen deficiency, the other 41 patients as control were treated by pure moxa stick. After treatment, the serum gastrin, urinary D – xylose excretory rate and T cell subgroups in patients with spleen deficiency have been greatly improved as compared with those before treatment in two groups (P < 0. 01 or 0. 05) . Comparing the changes of the indexes between treatment group and control group, there were significant(P<0.05), or markedly significant( P< 0. 01) differences. It indicated that the medicinal moxi-. bustion could improve the secreting and absorbing functions of digestive tract and the cellular 1310- gera: 55865/di/ra THE TREATMENT OF 80 CASES OF COSTAL CHONDRITIS BY SHALLOW PUNCTURING, CUPPING AND MOXIBUSTION. XIAO WEI ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1997;7(2):53-5 (eng). Fleur de prunier au niveau de la zone douloureuse, puis ventouse, puis boite à moxa localement. 1311- gera: 56422/di/ra TREATING ACUTE SOFT TISSUE INJURY BY MOXIBUSTION ON THE NEEDLE HANDLE : A REPORT OF 83 CASES. TANG PING. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1997;8(2):205-7 (eng). En mobilisant l'articulation atteinte, rechercher le point le plus douloureux. Puncture et recherche du deqi avec irradiation à toute la zone. Moxa sur aiguille de 1,5 à 2,5 cun. Laisser consumer totalement. Rapport d'un cas d'épicondytre traité au 10GI. 1312- gera: 56426/di/ra SEXUAL APATHY TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION ON ZHIYIN : A REPORT OF 9 CASES. ZHANG HAN-ZHEN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1997;8(2):215-6 (eng). Traduction anglaise de la référence [gera:25025]. 1313- gera: 56457/di/ra MOXIBUSTION IN EMERGENCY. SHENG SHENG-KUAN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1997;8(1):99100 (eng). 1314- gera: 56534/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT FOR 66 CASES OF MIGRAINE]. CHUI LINHUA ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(1-2):108 (chi*). 1315- gera: 56558/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 50 CASES OF SCAPULOHUMERAL PERIARTHRITIS BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION COMBINED WITH MASSAGE]. WANG DONGYING. acupuncture research. 1997;22(1-2):146-7 (chi). 1316- gera: 56561/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF SENILE BONY GONITIS BY ACUPUNCTURE AND HERBAL FUMIGATION]. YANG LIAN. acupuncture research. gera 2010 79 1997;22(1-2):150 (chi*). 1317- gera: 56565/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON SOD, LPO IN RATS WITH ACUTE CEREBRAL ISCHEMIA REPERFUSION]. XU NENGGUI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):161 (chi*). 1318- gera: 56566/di/ra [EFFECTS OF STICK MOXIBUSTION ON HIPPOCAMPAL SYNAPTOSOMAL PROTEINS OF MICE-AGING MODEL INDUCED BY D-GALACTOSE]. WANG ZONGLIN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):162 (chi*). 1319- gera: 56568/di/ra [THE ROLE OF CHOLINERGIC NERVE SYSTEM IN ADJUSTING IMMUNE FUNCTION OF MOUSE BY MOXIBUSTION]. XU JIANMIN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):166 (chi*). 1320- gera: 56569/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF MOXIBUSTION ON ANTIINFLAMMATION AND IMMUNITY]. TANG ZHAOLIANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):168 (chi*). 1321- gera: 56571/di/ra [RESEARCH ON THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT THERAPEUTIC PHASE OF MOXIBUSTION ON CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC RAT BY CTX (abstract).]. SHANG MINGHUA ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):172-3 (chi*). CTA can cause lipo-hyperoxic damage by reducing the activity of antioxydase of Rat. CAT in liver, SOD activity in brain, TAOC in liver and blood are higher in control group than experimental group | (P<0.01), but MDA in blood and brain are lower in control group than experimental group (P<0.01). It is said moxibustion has good result in anti-oxidising, whose efficacy is closely related with therapeutic phase. In our research, the prophylactic and early- curative effect is better than that of later treatment. So we can conclude that we'd better use moxibustion in chemotherapeutic treatment as soon L at Fusible. 1322- gera: 56573/di/ra [THE PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON GASTRIC MUCOSAL DAMAGE AND THE RELATION WITH NITRIC OXIDE IN RATS]. XU GUANSUN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):175 (chi*). 1323- gera: 56574/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION AND ACUPUNCTURE ON THE CHANGES OF NO AND THE INHIBITION OF L-NNA IN EXPERIMENTAL GASTRIC ULCER RATS]. ZHU SHUNLI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):177 (chi*). 1324- gera: 56575/di/ra [MORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATION OF THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON ADJUVANT ARTHRITIC RATS]. YUAN JING ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):179 (chi*). This study was designed to observe the morphological changes of adjuvant arthritic rats treated by moxibustion. 22 male Wistar rats were injected Freund's adjuvant, then they were divided into three groups: The control group: without any treatment. The moxibustion I: selecting "Shen Shu" point and the ankle joint. The moxibustion II: only "Shen Shu" point. The results showed that the swelling of the ankle joint was significantly reduced(P< 0. 05) and pathological changes were improved in moxibustion I . The results suggest that the moxibustion of "Shen Shu" will be helpful to anti-inflammation and immunity, and it is better to combine the moxibustion of the location. 1325- gera: 56576/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON TRAUMATIC RAT TREATED WITH MEDICATED MOXIBUSTION]. YANG MIN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):181 (chi*). 1326- gera: 56578/di/ra [50 CASES OF NEURASTHENIA TREATED MAINLY WITH MOXIBUSTION ON YONGQUAN]. XU XUN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):183 (chi*). 1327- gera: 56579/di/ra [DIRECT MOXIBUSTION ON THE POINTS OF DU MERIDIAN TREATING EPILEPSY]. TAN WANJIE. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):183 (chi*). 1328- gera: 56583/di/ra [AN ANALYSIS OF THE CURATIVE EFFECT OF 1419 CASES OF COUGH AND ASTHMA TREATED WITH GINGER- SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION ON DOG DAYS]. WANG ZHENQIN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):186 (chi*). 1329- gera: 56584/di/ra [TO TREAT NINTY-TWO CASES OF INFANTILE BRONCHIAL ASTHMA BY MEDICATED CAKESEPARATED MOXIBUSTION]. WANG ZONGDIAN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):187 (chi*). 1330- gera: 56589/di/ra [CLINIC OBSERVATION ON BILIARY ASCARIASIS TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION AND MEDICINE]. ZHANG LAN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):191 (chi*). 1331- gera: 56590/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON 17 CASES OF CANCERS OF THE ESOPHAGUS TREATED USING ACU-MOXIBUSTION COMBINED WITH HERBS]. WANG YING. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):191 (chi*). 1332- gera: 56591/di/ra [TO TREAT THE GASTRALGIA DUE TO THE DEFICIENCY OF YANG OF THE SPLEEN AND STOMACH BY WARMING ACUPUNCTURE AND GINGER-SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG JING. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):192 (chi*). 1333- gera: 56592/di/ra THE MOXIBUSTION CONTROLLING THE REACTION OF STOMACH AND INTESTINE CAUSED BY CHEMOTHERAPY (abstract). ZHANG SHUJUN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):193 (eng). The chemotherapy could cause serious reaction of stomach and intestine. The patient's vomiting could be obviously alleviated by moxibustion on Zhongwan, Neiguan, Suzanli, Qihai points. The moxibustion on above points could alleviate the symptoms, abate the poisonous reaction of chemotherapy, increase the diet, relax stomach, stop the vomiting, activate the function of spleen, benefit Qi and provide the advantage of the further 1334- gera: 56593/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON CHILDREN'S ANOREXIA TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION ON SHENQUE (RN8)]. TANG SHAOLAN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):193 (chi*). 1335- gera: 56594/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON 50 CASES OF CHRONIC DIARRHEA TREATED WITH GINGER SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION]. XU XIAOHUI. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):194 (chi*). 1336- gera: 56595/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON 32 CASES OF FUNCTIONAL DIARRHEA TREATED WITH MOXA ROLL MOXIBUSTION IN COMBINATION WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. ZHANG XIAOFU. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):195 (chi*). 1337- gera: 56597/di/ra [THE OBSERVATION ON THE CURATIVE EFFECT OF ULCERATIVE COLITIS BY TREATMENT OF MOXIBUSTION]. FANG XIANGMING ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):196 (chi*). Ulcerative colitis or chronic nonspecific colitis is a chronic colitis its cause is unknown. Its characteristics are chronic repeated abdominal pain, diarrhoea and delayed, hardly cured gera 2010 80 stool with pus, blood and mucous. The incidence of this disease shows a tendency to rise recently, and there is not an ideal therapy in western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. This disease was not specifically, dealed with in traditional Chinese medicine literature, but related with the description of diarrhea and dysentery. We treated this disease with moxibustion at Zusanli (S 36), Shenshu (K 23), Guanyuan (R 4), and compared its effect with that of routine treatment of western medicine, we found that the curative effect of moxibustion group was obviously better than that of medicine group. 1338- gera: 56598/di/ra [TO TREAT THE ABDOMINAL PAIN AND DIARRHEA OF CHILDREN BY HERB APPLIED ON THE NAVEL AND SKIN MOXIBUSTION]. CHENG LU. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):197 (chi*). 1339- gera: 56599/di/ra [ELEMENTARY DISCUSSION ON TREATING CHILDREN'S DIARRHEA BY SKIM MOXIBUSTION]. CAI SHENGCHAO. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):197 (chi*). 1340- gera: 56602/di/ra [TO TREAT THIRTY-SEVEN CASES OF RETENTION OF URINE OF APOPLEXY PATIENTS BY MOXIBUSTION AND ACUPUNCTURE]. CHU HAORAN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):199 (chi*). In this paper, author treated thirty-seven cases of retention of urine of apoplexy patient by moxibustion and acupuncture, and a control group treated by simple acupuncture. The result showed that it could obviously shorten the time to recover the function of urination (P<0.01), and this pointed out it could get better curative effect to the apoplexy patients suffered from retention of urine by moxibustion and acupuncture. 1341- gera: 56603/di/ra [TO TREAT THE RETENTION OF URINE OF POSTPARTUM BY MOXIBUSTION]. HAN PEILING. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):200 (chi*). 1342- gera: 56605/di/ra [THE COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF CHILDREN'S ENURESIS BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. XU TIANBING. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):202 (chi*). 1343- gera: 56610/di/ra [A CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON KIDNEY-YANG DEFICIENCY TREATED BY MEDICATED MOXA-CAKE]. ZHOU JIANWEI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):205 (chi*). 1344- gera: 56612/di/ra [THE CLINIC OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF ABNORMAL SPERM DISEASE BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. WANG XUEYING ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):207 (chi*). 1345- gera: 56615/di/ra [THE CLINICAL STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF LEUKOPENIA BY MOXIBUSTION]. LU MEI. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):210 (chi*). 1346- gera: 56617/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON DEAFNESS AND TINNITUS TREATED WITH REED SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION]. CAI RUNXI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):211 (chi*). In the paper, we introduced how to make an apparatus with reed used for moxibustion to treat deafness and tinnitus, and summarized the effects of deafness and tinnitus treated with this apparatus. The result shows the total effective rate was 89.8%. The method is easy, effective and worthy of spread. 1347- gera: 56620/di/ra [THE REALIZATION IN TREATING HEMIPLEGIA BY BURNED NEEDLE]. YANG XINTAI. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):213 (chi*). 1348- gera: 56622/di/ra [60 CASES OF ARTHRALGIA SYNDROME TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION AT THE THREE POINTS AROUND THE NAVEL]. GAO MINGXIU. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):214 (chi*). 60 cases of arthralgia syndrome in TCM were treated with moxibustion at three points around the navel (Tianshu, Yinjiao, Shuifen), the curative effect was satisfactory. The method is simple, convenient and has no side-effect. 1349- gera: 56624/di/ra [METHOD OF BLISTERING TREATING RHEUMATISM]. YANG PINGMEI. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):215 (chi*). 1350- gera: 56625/di/ra [60 CASES OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS TREATED USING PU GARLIC MOXIBUSTION COMBINED WITH ACUPUNCTURE]. WEI FULIANG. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):216 (chi*). 1351- gera: 56629/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF 238 CASES OF DISEASE OF CERVICAL, LUMBAR VERTEBRAE BY MOXIBUSTION AND ACUPUNCTURE AT THE JIAJI POINTS. (ABSTRACT)]. HU QIUYAN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):219 (chi*). In this paper authors treated two hundred and thirty-eight cases of disease of cervical, lumbar vertebrae by acupuncture and moxibustion at the Jiaji points, and forty-three were treated by simple acupuncture as control. The result showed that cure rate of treatment group was 70. 59 %, improvement rate 29. 41%, the cure rate of control group was 44. 19%, improvement rate was 41. 86% . Comparing the treatment group with the control group, P<0.01, there was marked difference between them. The results showed that this method had better effectiveness on the disease of cervical, lumbar vertebrae. HTJJ. Acupuncture + moxibustion. - Guérison: 70,59%. - Amélioration marquée: 29,41%. - L'acupuncturemoxibustion aux HTJJ donne de meilleurs résultats que 1352- gera: 56630/di/ra [TO TREAT EIGHTY CASES OF PROLIFERATION OF LUMBAR VERTEBRAE BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN BOX. (ABSTRACT)]. ZHAO YAN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):220 (chi*). In this paper, we adopted acupuncture and moxibustion in box to treat eighty cases of the proliferation of lumbar vertebrae. Jiaji, the main points were given acupuncture and moxibustion in box, and got. satisfactory curative effect. We think that this method has the characteristics of wide area of moxibustion, safety and reliability. 1353- gera: 56631/di/ra [PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC TREATED BY WARM ACUPUNCTURE]. SHAO MINGYUE. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):220 (chi*). Seventy-four cases of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc were treated by warm acupuncture, the other 65 cases were treated with medicine as contra!. The result show that the curative effect of the group of warm acupuncture was better than that of the medicine group (P<0.05). 1354- gera: 56632/di/ra [50 CASES OF SCAPULOHUMERAL PERIARTHRITIS TREATED WITH HOT PECKING NEEDLE]. LIU HONGYUN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):221 (eng). 1355- gera: 56633/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATING 31 CASES OF CHRONIC STRAIN OF SOFT TISSUE BY MOXIBUSTION]. CHEN XIANGHUA. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):222 (chi*). Moxibustion was carried out on the pain places and points to treat thirty-one cases of chronic strain of soft tissue of waist and leg which got bad curative effect by treatment of acupuncture and manipulation, the result showed that this method was an effective way to treat chronic strain of soft tissue and gave a good evidence to prove the scientific gera 2010 81 character of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. 1356- gera: 56634/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 28 CASES OF DEFECT OF SOFT TISSUE TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION]. LIU DECHUN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):222 (chi*). 1357- gera: 56635/di/ra [THE OBSERVATION ON THE CURATIVE EFFECT OF TREATING STRAIN OF SUPRASPINAL LIGAMENT BY MOXIBUSTION IN WOOD BOX (abstract).]. XU CHENGZU. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):223 (chi*). 30 cases of strains of supraspinal ligament were treated by moxibustion in wood box and application of herbs which could activate the blood circulation and dredged the channels and collaterals. Firsy, the preparation of herbs was applied on the sore, then moxibustion in wood box was applied to it, making it even temperature, so as to permeate the liquid of herb directly. It could reinforce Yang, warm Du Meridians and dredge meridians to 1358- gera: 56638/di/ra [AN ANALYSIS OF THE CURATIVE EFFECT ON PAIN IN WAIST AND LEGS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND ADDING HEAT MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT]. FAN SONGLING. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):226 (chi*). In this paper, authors adopted ginger-or garlic-moxibustion to treat the forty-two cases sciatica who had been given many therapeutic ways but did not get any curative effect, the total effective rate .was 97.6%. 1359- gera: 56640/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 50 CASES OF NEURODERMATITIS BY THE KNOCKING AND PRICKING OF THE PLUMBLOSSOM NEEDLE AND MOXIBUSTION]. LIU LIJUN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):227 (chi*). 1360- gera: 56641/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HERPES ZOSTER WITH MOXIBUSTION AND ACUPUNCTURE]. SHEN JINZHAN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):228 (chi*). 1361- gera: 56642/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 25 PATIENTS WITH TINEA PEDIS TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION]. YANG WEILIN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):229 (chi*). 1362- gera: 56644/di/ra [THIRTY-FIVE CASES OF FURONCLES TREATED BY PRICKING THERAPY AND WARM MOXIBUSTION]. FU WENRU. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):230 (chi*). BY MOXIBUSTION]. FENG BING ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):233 (chi*). 1369- gera: 56651/di/ra [MOVING MOXIBUSTION AND ITS CLINIC APPLICATION]. WANG YING ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):234 (chi*). 1370- gera: 56652/di/ra [CLINIC PRACTICE OF MOVING MOXIBUSTION TECHNIQUE]. SONG ZHENZHI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):234 (chi*). 1371- gera: 56653/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF MEDICATED MOXIBUSTION COMBINED WITH CUPPING ON SHENQUE POINT].]. WANG SHUANGMING. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):235 (chi*). 1372- gera: 56654/di/ra [THEORETIC STUDY AND SURVEY OF CLINIC APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION]. XIONG JIMING ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):236 (chi*). 1373- gera: 56656/di/ra [STUDIES ON MUSK-STRING-MOXIBUSTION]. SHAO YAPING. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):237 (chi*). 1374- gera: 56657/di/ra [OPINIONS ON REINFORCEMENT AND REDUCTION OF MOXIBUSTION]. GAO XIYAN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):238 (chi*). 1375- gera: 56658/di/ra [PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE ANCIENT MATERIALS OF MOXIBUSTION]. GAO XIYAN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):238 (chi*). 1376- gera: 56659/di/ra [BRIEF DISCUSSION ON SUN SIMIAO AND MOXIBUSTION]. WANG HAILIANG. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):239 (chi*). 1377- gera: 56660/di/ra [BRIEF DISCUSSION ON THE CONTRIBUTION OF "QIAN JIN YAO FANG" TO MOXIBUSTION]. WEI LIANHAI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):239 (chi*). 1378- gera: 56661/di/ra [EXPLORATION OF ACADEMIC IDEAS OF YANG SHANGSHAN ON MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG ZAIYI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):240 (chi*). 1363- gera: 56645/di/ra [BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF MECHANISM AND INDICATION OF WIND-MOXIBUSTION THERAPY] ABSTRACT. XU JINTANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):231 (chi*). 1379- gera: 56662/di/ra [THE QUERY OF THE THEORY OF BACTERIA-FREE SUPPURATION]. ZHU JIANG. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):241 (chi*). 1364- gera: 56646/di/ra [LEARNING FROM MOXIBUSTION ON POINT GUANYUAN]. ZHANG WENDONG. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):231 (chi*). 1380- gera: 56663/di/ra [THE EVOLUTION OF THE MOXIBUSTION OF TIBET'S MEDICINE]. WEN SHAODUN. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):242 (chi*). 1365- gera: 56647/di/ra [CLINICAL EXAMPLES OF PENETRATING ACUPUNCTURE COMBINED WITH MOXIBUSTION]. CHEN XIAOLU. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):232 (chi*). 1381- gera: 56664/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION "XIN SHU" WITH WARMING NEEDLE ON FUNCTION OF SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM OF SHR]. WANG YUELAN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):243 (chi*). 1366- gera: 56648/di/ra [2 PROVED CASES TREATED WITH THE PRINCIPLE OF "MOXIBUSTION FOR THE HEAT SYNDROME"]. XIAO WEI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):232 (chi*). 1367- gera: 56649/di/ra [EXAMPLES OF MOXIBUSTION APPLIED TO SURGERY]. WANG JING. acupuncture research. 1997;22(3):233 (chi*). 1368- gera: 56650/di/ra [LEARNING FROM TREATMENT OF OBSTINATE DISEASE 1382- gera: 56682/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF TREATMENT OF SIMPLE ADIPOSIS MAINLY BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. LIOU ZHICHENG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;16(1):6 (chi). 1383- gera: 56695/di/ra [23 CASES OF ACUTE CONJUNCTIVITIS TREATED BY MEDICATED THREAD MOXIBUSTION]. WU XINGGUI. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. gera 2010 82 1997;16(1):26 (chi). 1384- gera: 56697/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATION ON EFFECT OF ENHANCING CELLULAR IMMUNITY BY INJECTION OF ANTIGEN INTO HOUHAI ACUPOINT]. TAN HUIBING ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;16(1):30 (chi*). 1385- gera: 56710/di/ra [MANUFACTURE OF MULTIFUNCTIONAL MOXIBUSTION INSTRUMENT AND PRELIMINARY STUDY ON ITS CLINICAL APPICATION]. CUI XUEWEI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(2):121 (chi). 1386- gera: 56715/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF ELECTROMYOGRAPHY IN PATIENTS WITH PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC TREATED BY HOT-ACUPUNCTURE]. GUAN ZUNHUI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(3):135 (chi*). 1387- gera: 56726/di/ra [TREATMENT OF ACCUMULATION OF TOXIC HEAT WITH MOXIBUSTION]. YE JIBEN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(3):181 (chi). 1388- gera: 56729/di/ra [IMMUNOREGULATORY ACTION OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN PATIENTS WITH CANCER OF LUNG]. CHEN LIANGLIANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(4):197 (chi). 1389- gera: 56731/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE BIOLOGICAL AGE IN THE AGED]. WU ZHONGCHAO ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(4):203 (chi*). 1390- gera: 56732/di/ra [CLINICAL INVESTIGATION ON TREATMENT OF LEUKOPENIA WITH TAIYI THUNDER-FIRE MIRACULOUS ACUPUNCTURE]. ZHAO HUIXIN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(4):207 (chi). 1391- gera: 56739/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND IMMUNOLOGICAL ACTION OF MOXIBUSTION THERAPY]. TANG ZHAOLIANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(4):232 (chi*). 1392- gera: 56751/di/ra [EFFECT OF ELECTRONIC COLD AND HOT ACUPUNCTURE ON RHEOENCEPHALOGRAM IN PATIENTS OF VASCULAR HEADACHE]. GE BAOHE ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(5):267 (chi*). Cold and hot acupuncture of electron-controlled temperature were given at Waiguan point (TE5) in patients of vascular headache and effects of different temperature acupuncture on rheoencephalogram were observed. Results showed that electric hot-acupuncture could increase the lower and normal amplitude of rheoencephalogram, shorten the ascending time, elevate the inflow volume velocity, suggesting that electronic hot-acupuncture increases cerebrovascular filling extent, lowers cerebrovascular density and increases cerebral blood supply. However, electronic coldacupuncture produced the contrary action. It is indicated in the experiment that electronic hot acupuncture has good therapeutic effect on cerebral blood supply insufficient diseases (lower 1393- gera: 56754/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF 60 CASES OF ULCERATIVE COLITIS TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND BIRD-PECKING MOXIBUSTION]. MA SHENG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(5):275 (chi). 1394- gera: 56756/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF LUMBAGO DUE TO COLD-DAMPNESS BY WARMACUPUNCTURE PLUS CHINESE MEDICINE. HE RUYI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(5):279 (chi). 1395- gera: 56764/di/ra [EXTRACT OF CLINICAL EXPERIENCE IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION REINFORCING INTELLIGENCE IN ANCIENT TIMES]. CHEN YONGCAN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(5):312 (chi). 1396- gera: 56795/di/ra [THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF SCARRING MOXIBUSTION ON BRONCHIAL ASTHMA WITH DIFFERENT STAGES AND SYNDROME TYPES]. HONG HAIGUO ET AL. chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(6):325 (chi*). 1397- gera: 56901/di/ra [THE IMMUNE SYSTEM AND ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. AMAGAI T ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1997;46(4):1-11 (jap). 1398- gera: 56926/di/ra [CHRONIC NONSPECIFIC ULCERATIVE COLITIS TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG XIAOXIA. journal of tcm. 1997;38(1):23 (chi). 1399- gera: 57138/di/ra [110 CASES OF FACIAL PARALYSIS TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION ON SHENQUE (Ren8)]. ZHANG JUN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;16(2):22 (chi). 1400- gera: 57406/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS AND CONTENTS OF T-CELL SUBGROUPS IN TREATMENT OF BRONCHIAL ASTHMA WITH GINGERPARTITIONED MOXIBUSTION ON SHENQUE POINT (CV 8)]. WU BINGHUANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustoin. 1997;17(7):389 (chi*). 1401- gera: 57407/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION AND IMAGEOLOGIC ANALYSIS OF 436 CASES OF PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC TREATED BY HOTACUPUNCTURE. GUAN ZUNHUI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustoin. 1997;17(7):391 (chi). 1402- gera: 57639/di/ra THERMAL AND ANTIRADICAL PROPERTIES OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION. CHIBA A ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1997;25(3-4):281-7 (eng ). The thermal and antiradical properties of indirect moxibustion stimulation were investigated by thermal qualitative and spectroscopic methods. The thermal effect of indirect moxibustion was mainly dependent on the spacing distance between the moxa and skin, and not on the moxa weight. The radical scavenging activities of moxa and moxa-tar were measured by a photometric absorbance method, chemical reaction with I, I -diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl. The obtained results indicate that the inhibitory effects of moxa and moxa-tar on superoxide 1403- gera: 57651/di/ra EFFECT OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION ON MOUSE SKIN. CHIBA A ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1997;25(2):143-51 (eng ). Effect of indirect moxibustion stimulation on mouse skin was studied by thermal qualitative, biochemical, and histological methods. The maximum temperature change by indirect moxibustion was about 65 °C on the skin, and 45 °C in the subcutaneous layer. The treatment of indirect moxibustion was found to be associated with the decrease of lipid peroxidation and increase of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the skin. Histological findings after indirect moxibustion showed an increase in the number of hair mother cells and hypertropy of the cells. gera 2010 83 1404- gera: 57813/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF INTELLECTUAL DISTURBANCE AFTER CEREBRAL VASCULAR DISEASE BY ACUPOINT-APPLICATION OF CHINESE DRUGS PLUS HEATING]. JIANG DONGXIANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture et moxibustion. 1997;17(9):532 (chi ). 1405- gera: 57823/di/ra [SURVEY OF STUDIES ON ANTI-EARLY-PREGNANCY, INDUCED LABOR AND HASTENING PARTURITION BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG JUN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;17(9):572 (chi ). 1406- gera: 66630/di/ra [70 CASES OF FACE FRECKLE TREATED BY RED-HOT NEEDLE]. XIE XUERONG. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;16(3):24 (chi). 1407- gera: 66631/di/ra [32 CASES OF FACE FURUNCLE OF PRICKLY HEAT TREATED BY AURICULAR NEEDLE]. WANG JIAN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1997;16(3):25 (chi). 1408- gera: 67152/di/ra CLINICAL THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF DRUG-SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION ON CHRONIC DIARRHEA AND ITS IMMUNOLOGIC MECHANISMS. WU HUAN'GAN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1997;17(4):253-8 (eng). In the present paper it was reported that 24 cases of ulcerative colitis and 23 cases of chronic colitis were treated by drugseparated moxibustion and the total effective rates were 95.83% and 95.65% respectively, which were markedly superior to that of western medicine group. Observation in 15 cases of ulcerative colitis showed that drug- separated moxibustion could inhibit humoral immunity and elevate cellular immune function. The therapy possibly regulated the abnormal ratio of T-lymphocyte subgroups and corrected the abnormal stase of autoimmunity of patients, so that pathological changes of intestinal mucosa were corrected effectively. 1409- gera: 67166/di/ra WHAT ARE THE COMMONLY-USED FUMIGATION METHODS AND THEIR INDICATIONS?. WU ZHENXI. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1997;17(4):313-4 (eng). 1410- gera: 67805/di/ra PRACTICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY (9). JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1997;4(9):27-30 (eng). 1411- gera: 67815/di/ra "HEALING IN THE FIRE OF MOXA" ACUPUNCTURE FOR SPIRITUAL PURIFICATION-AN INTERVIEW WITH SHINTO PRIEST HIDEO IZUMOTO. FRATKIN JP. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1997;4(10):31-4 (eng). 1412- gera: 67817/di/ra PRACTICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY (10). JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1997;4(10):37-40 (eng). 1413- gera: 67830/di/ra PRACTICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY (11)-SPECIAL EFFECT POINTS. JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1997;4(11):35-8 (eng). 1414- gera: 68620/di/ra ANALYSIS OF CLINIC CURATIVE EFFECT ON CHRONIC PROSTATITIS WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. MA HUA ET AL. world journal of acupuncturemoxibustion. 1997;7(3):29-32 (eng). The author treated 60 cases of chronic prostatities with acupuncture and moxibustion and control with Chinese drugs. The therapeutic result suggested that the effects of acupuncture and moxibustion were significantly superior to Chinese drugs..Acupuncture and moxibustion groups : First group points : The patients were in dorsal position, the Guanyuan (CV 4) was taken. Second group points : The patients were placed in prone position 28 2-inch needle was adopted perpendicular insertion used the uniform reinforcing-reducing method was used and the needle retained for 20 - 30 minutes. Rate of cure in the acupuncture and moxibustion group was 85 % . The total effect rate in the Chinese drug group was 66.7 % . Total rate of the two groups was compared, through statistics management X2 = 4. 406. P<0. 05 . This result suggests that the curative effects of two groups have sharp difference.The acupuncture and moxibustion can treat this kind of disease. This method may mediate channel and collaterals, regulate the Qi and blood, and improve blood circulation of prostate. The secretion of prostatic (sinus) iumen was excreted and eliminated the symptoms of frequency of micturition, urgency of urination and dysuria. 1415- gera: 68626/di/ra A ROLE OF EGF IN GASTRIC MUCOSAL CYTOPROTECTION OF MOXIBUSTION. CHEN YONGCHANG ET AL. world journal of acupuncturemoxibustion. 1997;7(3):54-7 (eng). Moxibustion at Shenque (RN 8) for three weeks had no effect on the content of EGF (epidermic growth factor) in plasma, but significantly incresased the totoal amount of EGF in 2h's gastric juice ( P< 0. 01); After salivoectomy, the concentration of EGF ingastric juice decreased significantly and moxibustion could not recover it. Moxibustion for three weeks in advance could accelerate the healing process of the acetic acidproduced gastric ulcer (P<0.05). Salivoectomy obviously weakened the gastric cytoprotective effect of moxibustion. The results suggest that the gastric cytoprotective effect of moxibustion may relate to its stimulation of secretion of EGF by salivary gland. 1416- gera: 68689/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON THE VASCULAR DEMENTIALA TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION].]. LI YANHUI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1997;22(4):259 (chi*). Thirty -two cases of Vascular Dementia were randomly divided into two groups: acupuncture moxibustion and Chinese medicine group (AC, 16 cases), and Chinese medicine group( CG, 16 cases). It was shown that after two months' treatment the therapeutic effects were significantly different ( P<0.01 ) between the two groups. The effect in AG was better than that in CG.. It indicates that both of the two therapies can improve SOD and GSH - PX, reduce L PO, of patients. The function ameliorated in AG, was better than that in CG. 1417- gera: 73884/di/ra [THE RESEARCH ON THE TREATMENT OF LEUKOPENIA BY MOXIBUSTION AT DIFFERENT TIME]. LIU YIFAN. journal of shandong university of tcm. 1997;21(4):270 (chi). 1418- gera: 74531/di/ra [PROGRESS OF RESEARCH ON RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. LIU JINHONG. journal of zhejiang college of tcm. 1997;21(5):51 (chi). 1419- gera: 87072/di/ra WARMING ACUPUNCTURE IN TREATING ARTHRALGIA OF KNEE. ZHOU FANG-JUN. international journal of acupuncture. 1997;8(4):425-26 (eng). 1420- gera: 87093/di/ra MOXIBUSTION IN TREATMENT OF ASTHMATIC DOG DAYS : A CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 98 CASES. HUANG ZHI-YONG. international journal of acupuncture. 1997;8(3):285-88 (eng). 1421- gera: 87103/di/ra SCALP ACUPUNCTURE PLUS WARMED NEEDLING AT REGULAR POINTS IN TREATING RESTLESS LEGS gera 2010 84 SYNDROME : A REPORT OF 46 CASES. HUANG WEI ET AL. international journal of acupuncture. 1997;8(3):315-17 (eng). 1422- gera: 57627/di/ra CLINICAL APPLICATION OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION WITH SALT. ZHENG QIWEI. world journal of acupuncturemoxibustion. 1998;8(1):26-9 (eng ). Moxibustion with salt has the function to warm kidney and tonify spleen, dispel wind and remove cold as well as to restore yang from collapse. The experienced methods of using moxibustion with salt on the treatment of gastric pain, daybreak diarrhea, damp-cold type of diarrhea, frequent and urgent urine were introduced in this paper. 1423- gera: 57634/di/ra NEEDLE WARMED BY BURNING MOXA TREATMENT OF 19 CASES OF HERNIA. GUAN RUI. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1998;8(1):51-2 (eng ). 1424- gera: 57860/di/ra EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE ENHANCEMENT OF SERUM ANTIBODY IN RABBIT AGAINST STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS. YAMASHITA H ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1998;26(1):29-37 (eng ). The titer and activity of antibody in rabbits immunized with heat-killed vaccine were assessed with and without moxibustion treatment. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was applied for the detection of immunoglobulins to Smith strain of Staphylococcus aureus. Positive IgM titer of more than 0.4 were observed with this assay against the moxibustion group (P<0.05). The titer of IgG antibody also increased; however, there was no significant difference between the moxibustion group and the control group. The ELISA inhibition test showed significantly higher protective activity of the sera in the moxibustion group at the 9th week after the first 1425- gera: 57878/di/ra [EARLY HEALTH CARE ACHIEVEMENTS OF MIAO NATIONALITY AS VIEWED FROM THEIR BEQUEATHED HABIT OF UTILIZING FIRE]. TAN XUELING. chinese journal of medical history. 1998;28(1):40-3 (chi*). In an investigation in Guizhou and certain parts of west Hunan, the author had numerous findings which prove early medical achievements of Miao People. Old and primitive as it is, external treatment with fire has played a very important role in preventing and combating diseases in Miao community and is still being used in some remote or secluded areas. One of the therapies is known as "plow-share Tramping" treatment. This means that the doctor first tramps on the blade of a red-burned plow with the feet and soon moves them onto the affected part of the patient, performing a to-and-fro hot pressing maneuver for such diseases as rheumatic pain. Though it evolved from the performance of sorcerers who used to dance with redburned prows on the feet during their service, the treatment has bee used to deal with diseases, hence it differs from sorcery. In Songtao, an autonomous county of Miao nationality in northeast Guizhou, a folk doctor in a Miao village dived his hands into a cauldron of boiling oil to take certain object heated in the oil and applied it to the part of a patient to be treated as a hot pressing treatment. This can also be regarded as a form of application of fire for medical purpose. Other forms include "Bidaoba" treatment (directly burn the affected part with a flame), "Bidaowo" treatment (apply a piece of red hot charcoal etc. to the affected part), Dipping-tung-oil treatment (heat red-hot something such as a metal stick in a fire, dip it in tuna oil while it is hot and soon apply it to the affected part) and so on. Medical use of fire is old and primitive, but it has abundant forms and techniques wit unique curative effects and notable distinction of Miao 1426- gera: 57958/di/ra CAN THE ADDITION OF MOXIBUSTION DURING ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY IMPROVE RECOVERY FROM BELL' S PALSY?. GAO SHUYUAN ET AL. american journal of acupuncture. 1998;26(1):33-6 (eng ). This study involved clinical observation of 60 cases of Bell's palsy (peripheral facial paralysis) treated with both acupuncture alone (Group A) and acupuncture combined with moxibustion (Group B). Treatment was effective in all subjects in both groups. Of the cured subjects in Groups A and B, 66.7% (14/21) and 80.8% (21/26), respectively, required 20 days or less to achieve complete recovery. Therefore, among the subjects rated as cured, fewer treatments were needed and earlier recovery was experienced by the group that received moxibustion. 1427- gera: 58062/di/ra [TREATMENT OF GONALGIA CAUSED BY LESION OF INFRAPATELLAR FAT PAD WITH WARMING SILVER NEEDLES IN 28 CASES]. CHEN DALONG. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;17(2):23-4 (chi*). The author treated 28 cases of gonalgia caused by lesion of infrapatellar fat pad with warming silver needles and compared with common acupuncture therapy. The result showed that the former one was better. Chi-Square test showed P < 0.01. Warming silver needles have strong effect of warmth and heat, so it can accelerate the blood supply of tissues, promote local metabolism and have therapeutic action. 1428- gera: 58064/di/ra [TREATMENT OF DIARRHEA WITH INSUFFICIENT COLD BY MOXIBUSTION ON POINT SHEN QUE IN 65 CASES]. LIN BIN. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;17(2):29 (chi*). The author treated 65 cases of diarrhea with insufficient type by moxibustion on point Shen Que (Ren 8). At first full the point with crude salt, then put a frame with a burning moxa stick in it on the point. The result showed 54 cases were cured, 10 cases were improved and 1 case had no effect. Comparing the water retention due to hypofunction of the spleen type with that of insufficiency of kidney type after using this method, the effective rate 1429- gera: 58067/di/ra [EFFECT OF POINTS PISHU AND YANGLING QUANMOXIBUSTION ON NEUROMUSCULAR TRANSMISSION IN A RAT MODEL OF MYASTHENIA GRAVIS]. ZHANG LIDE ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;17(2):39-41 (chi*). The effect of points Pishu (B21) and Yanglingquan (G34)moxibustion was observed in the preparation of phrenic nervediaphragm in a rat model of myasthenia gravis (MG) and its mechanism was investigated. The findings showed that in the preparation, moxibustion on point Pishu (B21) or Yanglingquan (G34) increased the amplitude of miniature end-plate potential (MEPP) but had no obvious effect on acetylcholine potential (AchP), serum acetylcholine receptor antibody (AchRAb) titer and MEPP frequency ; moxibustion on both the points enhanced MEPP and AchP amplitudes and reduced serum AchRAb titer. Moxibustion on point Zusanli (S36) had no such effects. The above results indicate that moxibustion on points Pishu (B21) and Yanglingquan (G34) has a promoting effect on neuromuscular transmission in a MG rat, which is obtained possibly through reducing AchRAb titer and increasing the affinity between acetylcholine receptor at the end-plate membrane of skeletal muscle and 1430- gera: 58086/di/ra AN INQUIRY INTO THE NATURE OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. ZHANG QIN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1998;9(1):13-6 (eng ). Based on clinical study of 10,000 patients, the theory is advanced that acupuncture works by activating the potential functions within human body that exerts a powerful regulatory effects on all the organs and systems in defending diseases and senility. 1431- gera: 58101/di/ra MOXIBUSTION FOR OPENING HEART ORIFICE : A REPORT OF 50 CASES. ZHUANG LI-XIANG. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1998;9(1):61-2 (eng ). A Bi Disorder of the (Chest is called coronary heart disease in modern medicine, which includes such varieties as latent coronary heart disease (LCHD), angina pectoris (AP), gera 2010 85 myocardial infarction (MI), myocardial sclerosis (MS), and sudden death (SD). It remains an unsolved problem in medical sciences both at home and abroad. From 1988-1992, the method of Moxibustion for Opening the Heart Orifice was clinically applied to 50 such cases, obtaining satisfactory results. The following is a report. 1432- gera: 58103/di/ra TREATMENT OF INTRACTABLE HICCUP WITH MOXIBUSTION : REPORT OF A CASE. DONG CONG-HUI. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1998;9(1):678 (eng ). 1433- gera: 58355/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF COMBINED TREATMENT OF GINGER MOXIBUSTION AND ACUPOINT-INJECTION IN 30 CASES OF CHRONIC PULMONARY HEART DISEASE]. ZOU MIN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(7):389 (chi*). Thirty cases of chronic pulmonary heart disease were treated by combination of ginger moxibustion with acupoint- injection, and 29 cases treated by medicines were used as control group. After treatment for 3-6 therapeutic courses and followup for one year, among the 30 cases in the treatment group, 3 cases were clinically cured, accounting for 10.0%; ll markedly effective, accounting for 36.7%; 13 effective, accounting for 43.3%; 3 ineffective, accounting for 10.0%. The total effective rate was 90.0%. The therapeutic effect in the treatment group is significantly superior to that in the control group (P<0. 05). It is suggested that combined treatment of moxibustion and acupoint-injection can increase the rate of good therapeutic effects and remarkably reduce 1434- gera: 58356/di/ra [EFFECT OF MEDICATED THREAD MOXIBUSTION OF ZHUANG TRADITIONAL MEDICINE ON SALIVARY LOAD SECRETION IN THE PATIENT OF SPLEEN DEFICIENCY]. LU LIN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(7):391 (chi*). Changes of salivary volume and activity and secretory rate of salivary amylase before and after treatment were determined in 20 patients of spleen deficiency who were treated with medicated thread moxibustion, 20 patients who were treated with false threadmoxibustion, 20 cases who were treated with Si Jun Zi Decoction, and 20 healthy subjects. Results show that the medicated thread moxibustion can improve effectively salivary load secretion, manifesting increases of reactivity of the patient to exogenous stimulation (acid stimulation) and the effect of the moxibustion is identical with that of Si Jun Zi Decoction, but in the control group it is poorer than that 1435- gera: 58578/di/re MOXIBUSTION FOR CORRECTION OF BREECH PRESENTATION. CARDINI F ET AL. jama. 1998;280(18):1580-84 (eng). CONTEXT: Traditional Chinese medicine uses moxibustion (burning herbs to stimulate acupuncture points) of acupoint BL 67 (Zhiyin, located beside the outer corner of the fifth toenail), to promote version of fetuses in breech presentation. Its effect may be through increasing fetal activity. However, no randomized controlled trial has evaluated the efficacy of this therapy. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of moxibustion on acupoint BL 67 to increase fetal activity and correct breech presentation. DESIGN: Randomized, controlled, open clinical trial. SETTING: Outpatient departments of the Women's Hospital of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang, and Jiujiang Women's and Children's Hospital in the People's Republic of China. PATIENTS: Primigravidas in the 33rd week of gestation with normal pregnancy and an ultrasound diagnosis of breech presentation. INTERVENTIONS: The 130 subjects randomized to the intervention group received stimulation of acupoint BL 67 by moxa (Japanese term for Artemisia vulgaris) rolls for 7 days, with treatment for an additional 7 days if the fetus persisted in the breech presentation. The 130 subjects randomized to the control group received routine care but no interventions for breech presentation. Subjects with persistent breech presentation after 2 weeks of treatment could undergo external cephalic version anytime between 35 weeks' gestation and delivery. MAIN OUTCOME MEASU Fetal movements counted by the mother during 1 hour each day for 1 week; number of cephalic presentations during the 35th week and at delivery. RESULTS: The intervention group experienced a mean of 48.45 fetal movements vs 35.35 in the control group (P<.001; 95% confidence interval [CI] for difference, 10.5615.60). During the 35th week of gestation, 98 (75.4%) of 130 fetuses in the intervention group were cephalic vs 62 (47.7%) of 130 fetuses in the control group (P<.001; relative risk [RR], 1.58; 95% CI, 1.291.94). Despite the fact that 24 subjects in the control group and 1 subject in the intervention group underwent external cephalic version, 98 (75.4%) of the 130 fetuses in the intervention group were cephalic at birth vs 81 (62.3%) of the 130 fetuses in the control group (P = .02; RR, 1.21; 95% CI, 1.021.43). CONCLUSION: Among primigravidas with breech presentation during the 33rd week of gestation, moxibustion for 1 to 2 weeks increased fetal activity during the treatment period and cephalic presentation after the treatment period and at delivery. 1436- gera: 58610/di/ra TREATMENT OF CHRONIC BRONCHITIS AND BRONCHIAL ASTHMA WITH MOXIBUSTION IN DOG DAYS. WANG YING. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1998;8(3):12-5 (eng). "Moxibustion in dog days" is a unique therapy for chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma by means of drug- separated moxibustion. In the present paper, therapeutic methods, and clinical short- and long-term therapeutic effects of "moxibustion in dog days" are introduced and it is indicated that "moxibustion in dog days" has very good the short- and longterm therapeutic effects, with the long-term therapeutic effect better than the short-term one, for chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Also, the concrete methods for increase of the short-term 1437- gera: 58645/di/ra [COMPARATIVE OBSERVATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON SERUM SOD AND MDA IN DIABETIC RATS]. KONG LIHONG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;17(4):42 (chi*). 40 rat model of diabetes were randomly divided into acupuncture group, moxibustion group, acupuncture and moxibustion group and blank control group. The findings showed that there was an obvious increase in serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and a decrease in serum malonic dialdehyde (MDA) content in treatment groups of diabetic rats (P<0.01), the best effect occurring in acupuncture and moxibustion group (P<0.01). It is indicated that the combination of acupuncture and moxibustion can improve antioxidative ability and inhibit active oxygen injury in a greater degree in rats to prevent senescence. 1438- gera: 58650/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION ON POINTS YIFENG AND XIAGUAN FOR 186 CASES OF PERIPHERAL FACIAL PARALYSIS]. ZHU HONGYING. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;17(4):28 (chi*). Moxa-stick moxibustion on points Yifeng ( SJ 17) and Xiaguan (ST 7) was applied to 186 cases of peripheral facial paralysis. 166 cases were cured and 20 cases improved, with the curative rate 89% and the total effective rate 100%. It is considered that the shorter the disease course and the earlier the treatment was received, the higher the cure rate and the fewer the sequelae. This therapy is particularly suitable in clinic for the special patients who are pregnant, infantile, old, weak and afraid of acupuncture. 1439- gera: 59091/nd/re [CRYOPUNCTURE IN THE TREATMENT OF STAGEII ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION IN MIDDLEAGED AND ELDERLY SUBJECTS]. HOLOVAKHA LM. lik sprava. 1998;7:1445 (ukr*). Results are presented of treatment of stage II essential hypertension in middleaged and elderly persons with the aid of cryopuncture. The cryopunctural method of treatment is more effective than a medical one; in comparable groups it can be applied both alone and combined with medical, phyto and gera 2010 86 physiotherapeutic alternatives. acupuncture and moxibustion on stroke in recent eight years. 1440- gera: 59816/di/ra ON THE INDICATIONS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. CHEN GONGSUN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1998;18(3):225-9 (eng ). 1446- gera: 67215/di/ra [THE CLINICAL STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF LEUKOPENIA BY MOXIBUSTION]. LU MEI. acupuncture research. 1998;23(2):115 (chi*). In this paper author adopted the moxibustion to treat thirty malignant patients who were accepting chemotherapy, and the result showed that this therapy could stimulate the hematopoietic function of the marrow, increase the amount of leucocyte. There was a marked difference between moxibustion and non-moxibustion groups. It also could improve sleep and alleviate the reaction of stomach and intestine, and pain. 1441- gera: 59825/di/ra 23 CASES OF CHRONIC NONSPECIFIC ULCERATIVE COLITIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. ZHANG X. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1998;18(3):188-91 (eng ). 1442- gera: 67143/di/ra STUDY ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR FEMALE URETHRAL SYNDROME. ZHENG HUITIAN ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1998;18(2):122-7 (eng). Among 180 patients with female urethral syndrome, 128 were treated by acupuncture and moxibustion and 52 by western medicine as controls. The short-term effective rate in the acupuncture and moxibustion group was 90.6% and the longterm effective rate, 80.4%; whereas the short-term effective rate of the control group was 26.9% (P< 0.01). The maximal uroflow rate increased by an average of 4.6 ml/ s, after acupuncture and moxibustion treatment (P< 0.001) and the mean uroflow rate increased by an average of 3.1 ml/ s (P< 0.001); on the contrary, no changes were found in the control group (P> 0.05). Sixty-nine cases from the acupuncture and moxibustion group and 39 from the control group were subjected before and after treatment to determinations of the maximal bladder pressure, maximal abdominal pressure, bladder-neck pressure, and maximal urethral closure pressure during urination. All these indexes were decreased remarkably in the acupuncture and moxibustion group, while 1443- gera: 67168/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON COMBINED TREATMENT OF VASCULAR DEMENTIA WITH ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION AND CHINESE MEDICAL HERBS. ZHUANG LIXING ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1998;8(4):7-11 (eng). In the present study, the clinical effect of acupuncture, moxibustion plus Chinese medicinal herbs for treatment of 30 cases of vascular dementia (VD) was observed and their mechanisms were analyzed by determining the activity of SOD, LPO and GSH-Px. Results showed that after 2 months' combined treatment, of the 30 cases, 12 had marked improvement, 15 had improvement and 3 had not any improvement, with an effective rate of 90%; the activity of SOD and GSH-Px increased considerably while the content of LPO lowered strikingly. There were significant differences between pre- and post-treatment in the activity of SOD and GSH-Px and the content of LPO (P<0.01). It reveals that this method is capable of improving VD patients' clinical symptoms and signs such as headache, dizziness, hemi-paralysis or hemianesthesia, forced crying and laughing, etc. and also raising the ability of the body in removing oxygen free radical, and suppressing peroxidization of free radical to reduce its products, thereby alleviating the toxic effect of oxygen free radical on the brain tissues. 1444- gera: 67204/di/ra [TREATMENT OF DIARRHEA WITH INSUFFICIENT COLD BY MOXIBUSTION ON POINT SHEN QUE IN 65 CASES]. LIN BIN. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;17(2):29-34 (chi*). 1445- gera: 67209/di/ra [THE ADVANCES OF EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH IN SEQUELAE OF STROKE BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN RECENT YEARS]. ZHU YUEWEI. acupuncture research. 1998;23(2):91 (chi*). The author has reviewed the relation between the effect on stroke treated by acupuncture and moxibustion and the change of CT, and the advances of experimental research, on the hemorheology, REG, EEG, microcirculation, blood biochemistry, immunological changes and catecholamine of stroke by acupuncture, summarizing the mechanism of 1447- gera: 67216/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE ANALGESIA ON NK CYTOTOXICITY OF TUMOR-BEARED RATS INDUCED BY ELECTRO-MOXIBUSTION]. FANG JIANQIAO ET AL. acupuncture research. 1998;23(2):117 (chi*). To investigate the correlation between acupuncture analgesia and immunomodulation by acupuncture, the splenic natural killer cell cytotoxicity in normal and tumor beared rats was detected, results of which were compared among electromoxibustion treatment (EM), EM plus D-phenylalanine and Dphenylalanine treatment in acupuncture analgesia responding rats and non-responding rats. The results showed that the NK cytotoxicity was much lower in W256 tumor-beared rats than that in normal group, which was significantly upgraded by electro- moxibustion treatment. There existed individual differences in analgesic effect in rats (acupuncture analgesia responders and non-responders) by the 2 Hz electrostimulation at Zusanli (ST 36). Electro-moxibustion at Guanyuan (CV 4) greatly improved the tumor-beared rat's NK cell activity in AA responders, but failed to regulate that in AA non-responding rats. The NK cytotoxicity was remarkablely improved near to normal level in AA responders and dgnificantly upgraded in AA non-responders when treated by EM and 250 mg/kg D-phenylalanine intraperitoneal injection. 250 mg/kg D-phenylalanine itself did not modulate the NK cell activity. The work indicates that modulation of NK cell activity by moxibustion is related to the rat's individual differences in acupuncture analgesic effect. Acupuncture analgesia does affect the regulation of NK cytotoxicity by moxibustion. 1448- gera: 67221/di/ra [NITRIC OXIDE PARTICIPATES IN THE PROTECTION OF MOXIBUSTION ON ACUTE GASTRIC MUCOSAL DAMAGE IN RATS]. WANG YUEFANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1998;23(2):140 (chi*). The experiment, in which model of gastric mucosal damage was induced by 70% ethanol (IG), and its GMBF, PD LI, NO level of serum, antrum, and corpus were explored, is to study the protective effect of moxibustion on acute gastric mucosal damage in rats and its mechanism. The results indicated that GMBF, PD of moxibustion group were significantly increased compared with model group, LI was decreased ( P < 0. 05 ) and pretreatment with L- NNA could aggravate gastric mucosal damage, while this effect was reversed by concurrent administration of L- arginine. Pretrestment with snap or Larginine both also significantly attenuated gastric mucosal damage (P < 0. 05 or P < 0. 01 ) . Those told that moxibustion can promote the protective effect of gastric mucosal, prevent gastric mucosal damage, and the NO participates in the mechanism of moxibustion. 1449- gera: 67238/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF VASCULAR DEMENTIA]. LI YANHUI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(11):645 (chi*). After acupuncture and moxibustion treatment for 2 months, of 30 cases of vascular dementia, 9 cases were markedly effective,l8 cases were effective and 3 cases were ineffective, the effective rate being 90%. There were significant differences ( P<0.01 ) before and after the acupuncture and moxibustion treatment in HDS test and plasma TXB2 and 6Keto-PGF1alpha contents. It is suggested that acupuncture and moxibustion can improve intelligence and regulate gera 2010 87 balance between plasma TXA2 and PGI2 in the patient of vascular dementia. 1450- gera: 67251/di/ra [TEXTUAL RESEARCH ON THE EDITION OF MIAN XUE TANG COLLECTION OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. HUANG LONGXIANG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(11):693 (chi). 1451- gera: 67257/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MEDICINAL MOXIBUSTION ON SERUM GASTRIN, EXCRETORY RATE OF D-XYLOSE AND SUBGROUPS OF T-CELLS IN PATIENTS OF DEFICIENCY OF SPLEEN]. ZHOU JIANWEI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(1):15 (chi*). Deficiency of spleen was treated by moxibustion with medicinal moxa-cigar which was made by Chinese herbs of strengthening the body resistance and tonifying the spleen,and nourishing Yang and Qi, and serum gastrin, exeretory rate of xylose and subgroups of Tcells were observed. Results indicated that after treatment the various indexes improved to varying degrees in the two groups of patients with deficiency of spleen, but the improvement in the medicinal moxibustion was superior to that in the moxibustion group (P<0.01 and 0. 05). It is suggested that the medicinal moxibustion has the action of improving secresion and absorption functions of digestive tract, and 1452- gera: 67265/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF CURATIVE EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN 120 CASES OF PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC]. MA SHENG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(1):39 (chi). Voir traduction espagnole dans : Ener Qi, 1999; 6: 75-77. Réf gera: [73959]. 1453- gera: 67269/di/ra [SERVEY OF TREATMENT OF HICCUP BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN THE LAST 10 YEARS]. PENG MINGHUA. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(1):55 (chi). 1454- gera: 67278/di/ra [30 ARAB WITH PIRIFORM MUSCLE SYNDROME TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. WEI FULIANG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(3):159 (chi). 1455- gera: 67281/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 50 CASES OF HYSTEROMYOMA TREATED WITH HOT-NEEDLING THERAPY]. SHENG LI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(3):172 (chi). 1456- gera: 67286/di/ra [EFFECTS OF ACUPUNCTURE WITH THE NEEDLE WARMED BY BURNING MOXA ON BLOOD RHEOLOGY AND OBSERVATION OF ITS THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS IN PATIENTS OF ARTHRALGIA-SYNDROME]. ZHANG NAIZHENG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(10):587 (chi). 1457- gera: 67294/di/ra [INTRODUCTION OF A NEW THERAPY _ GASMOXIBUSTION OF CHINESE DRUGS]. XIA RONG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(10):616 (chi). 1458- gera: 67301/di/ra HYPERLIPIDEMIA TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE BASED ON MIDNIGHT-NOON CYCLE OF QI: CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 50 CASES. GUAN ZUN-HUI. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1998;9(2):125-6 (eng). Based on the theory of the Midnight-Noon Cycle of Qi, the author has been studying the treatment of hyperlipidemia with the moxibustion at Zusanli. This paper is a brief summary of 50 cases recorded in this study. 1459- gera: 67312/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE IN RELIEVING OBSTRUCTION OF ESOPHAGUS DUE TO CARCINOMA. PENG HUI-TING. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1998;9(2):171-3 (eng). Of the multiple treatments for patients with advanced esophageal carcinoma, acupuncture is always a way to relieve the full obstruction due to carcinoma, with rather satisfactory results. This paper is a report on 32 cases of carcinoma from 1989-1992. 1460- gera: 67313/di/ra MAGNETIC NEEDLE IN TREATMENT OF HICCUP: AN OBSERVATION OF 56 CASES. HUANG WEI ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1998;9(2):175-7 (eng). A non-specific symptom, hiccup is attributed to a diaphragmatic muscle spasm in modern medicine. Occasional attacks usually terminate by themselves. Persistent or frequent attacks need medical intervention, however. Hiccup in chronically severe cases may indicate an unfavorable prognosis. The author applied a magnetic needle to the ear and moxa cone to Zhongkui (EX-UE 4) and obtained satisfactory results. 1461- gera: 67315/di/ra WARMING-NEEDLING OF STREAM POINTS IN THE TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. LI CHANG DU ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1998;9(2):183-5 (eng). Rheumatoid arthritis, a disease usually thought to be autoimmune in nature, is a chronic illness with frequent remissions. The affected joints swell with motor impairment and are stiff and painful. It falls into the category of Bi Disorder in TCM and is known as stubborn Bi for it is difficult to treat. We treated it with warming-needling at the 12 Stream Points among the Five Shu Points and obtained a good therapeutic effect. The following is the report. 1462- gera: 67318/di/ra WARMING-NEEDLING IN TREATMENT OF VERTIGO DUE TO CERVICAL VERTEBRAL HYPEROSTEOGENY: OBSERVATION OF 389 CASES. YAN SHAO-MIN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1998;9(2):193-4 (eng). The vertigo due to cervical vertebral hyperosteogeny discussed in this paper refers to cervical spondylopathy of arterial type. The author recently treated 389 cases of this disease with Warming-Needling and obtained a quite satisfactory therapeutic effect. 1463- gera: 67322/di/ra ELECTRONEEDLING PLUS MOXIBUSTION IN TREATING CHILDREN'S BED-WETTING. JIN LI-LIN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1998;9(2):203-5 (eng). Bed-wetting refers to the enuresis that occurs at night in sleeping children over 3 years of age, with the onset frequently either once or a few times in a night. Acupuncture and moxibustion are indicated for this disease. However, the effects are varied with the selection of needling points and therapies in the treatment. In this series, electroneedling and moxibustion were applied to consolidate the therapeutic effects. 1464- gera: 67323/di/ra 125 CASES OF SORES TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION. YAN CUI-LAN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1998;9(2):207-9 (eng). Moxibustion, extensively used for the treatment of sores in ancient China, is not commonly used today. However, the author has been successfully treating sores with moxibustion in recent years and reports on 125 cases. 1465- gera: 67354/di/ra [TREATMENT OF PSORIASIS BY BURNING COTTON THERAPY IN 32 CASES]. MIAO QIXIANG. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;17(1):25 (chi). Thirty two cases of psoriasis were treated by burning cotton therapy. First use cutaneous needle to tap local areas of gera 2010 88 pathologic skin and to bleed a little, then put a very thin piece of absorbent cotton on that part of skin. After burning it, blow the fire immediately, observe the effect after 2 months' treatment. The result showed that 23 cases were cured, 6 cases had obvious effect and 3 cases were improved. It shows that treating psoriasis by burning cotton therapy can promote local blood circulation, improve the microcirculation of skin and rasic the immume function of body. It can eliminate papule and recover the pathologic skin. TAKAMATSU. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1998;5(13):14-5 (eng). 1466- gera: 67359/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON THE DAMAGE OF HYPERLIPOXIDE MICE WITH CTX CHEMOTHERAPY]. SHANG MINGHUA ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;17(1):40 (chi*). Cyclophosphamide (CTX) can do harm to the antioxidie system of the body, which causes the damage of hyperlipoxide. In our research of SOD (in serum and liver) and MDA (in liver), the results show there are significant differences between the experimental and control groups (the SOD of former is lower, but MDA is higher). From the experiment, it is found that acupuncture can protect the antioxidice system of the body, improve the activity of SOD, decrease the accumulation of metabolism of lipin, lower the side-effect of CTX. But the effects are coordinated with the points. (Zusanli is better than Dazui, Mingmen) stimulated degree (five minutes stimulation is better than ten) and the chosen method (Acupuncture is better than moxibustion). 1474- gera: 67883/di/ra MOXIBUSTION CASE STUDIES. YATES P. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1998;5(13):20 (eng). 1467- gera: 67370/di/ra 32 CASES OF FEMORAL ADDUCTORS SYNDROME TREATED BY ELECTROACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. YANG JUN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1998;18(4):263-4 (eng). 1468- gera: 67371/di/ra APPLICATION OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR KEEPING SHAPE. LIU ZHICHENG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1998;18(4):265-71 (eng*). On the basis of TCM differentiation, the authors have treated 359 adult female cases of non-obesity with undesirable body shape by combined application of body acupuncture and moxibustion and auricular acupuncture, and achieved quite good remoulding and orthopedic results, suggesting that acupuncture and moxibustion can very effectively regulate the somatotypic indexes of body weight, circumference of the chest, loin, hip and thigh, the ratio of the loin to hip, sebum thickness, obesity degree, body mass index and body fat percentage of the cases in the overweight group and orthopedic groups 1, 2. It is therefore concluded that acupuncture and moxibustion is a good therapy for obtaining a graceful body shape. 1469- gera: 67378/di/ra TREATMENT OF TENNIS ELBOW BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. GUO ZHILIANG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1998;18(4):304-7 (eng). 1470- gera: 67846/di/ra [REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF ACUPUNCTUREMOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF OSTEOPROSIS]. LI XIANGWEI ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;17(6):40 (chi*). With the coming our country into an aged- people society, more and more emphasis is put on the research in Osteoporosis. Through the traditional therapy of acupuncture and moxibustion, the symptoms of OS was alleviated ; bone metabolism was improved ; BMD was increased which were proved preliminarily. Owing to the simple method, stable therapeutic results and no side effects, the research is promising. 1471- gera: 67863/di/ra GETTING FIRED UP ABOUT MOXA!. THOMPSON B. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1998;5(14):6 (eng). 1472- gera: 67881/di/ra LEARNING FROM BOVINE MOXIBUSTION. BUNZO 1473- gera: 67882/di/ra REGARDING KNEE PAIN AND MOXIBUSTION. YASUYUKI MISHIMA. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1998;5(13):18-9 (eng). Méthode d'examen et recherche des points douloureux au niveau de la rotule. Traitement par Moxas en cones. 1475- gera: 67885/di/ra PRACTICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY (13). JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1998;5(13):23-25 (eng). 1476- gera: 68209/di/ra POINT INJECTION PLUS WARMING NEEDLING IN TREATMENT OF CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS: CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 482 CASES. WANG GUANG-YUE ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1998;9(4):403-6 (eng). Significant differences (p<0.001) are noted between patients treated with point injection plus warming needling and those treated with traction as control. 1477- gera: 68227/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE PLUS MOXIBUSTION FOR 57 CASES OF PELVIC INFLAMMATION. XUE BO. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1998;9(4):467-9 (eng). Pelvic inflammation is a disease that is frequently encountered in the area of gynecology. The combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine is always applied for its treatment. Acupuncture is seldom used alone. Most of the patients came to our acupuncture department to treat lumbago. By identifying it as kidney deficiency, we reinforced the kidney, but the therapeutic result was not ideal. Later we treated the condition according to its different causative factors and obtained good results. 1478- gera: 68456/di/ra RELATION OF MOXIBUSTION THERAPY TO CUTANEOUS RECEPTORS. DONG QUANSHENG ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1998;8(2):32-9 (eng). In this paper, authors have observed the effect of suspended moxibustion and He-Ne laser moxibustion on the discharge of 125 units which selected from 12 types of cutaneous receptors in rabbits. The temperature of suspended moxibustion was limited at 47 - 48°C. This moxibustion method can induce the excitatory reaction of every unit observed of thermoreceptor, AD and C polymodal receptors; while for the down hair receptor, Merkel's tactile disk, Ruffini's corpuscle and C mechanonociceptor, it can produce an inhibition on part units of the receptors mentioned above which have spontaneous discharge; and the other 5 types of receptors all have no response to it. The results show that the action of suspended moxibustion on the acupoint has a close relation to the thermoreceptor or/and the polymodal receptor. The power of laser moxibustion is 4 mW, radiating one minute, all 125 units of 12 types of cutaneous receptors have no change of discharge to this radiation, suggesting that the curative effect of the radiation with laser of the low power seems not to have internal relations each other. 1479- gera: 68613/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 18 CASES OF SCIATICA WITH GINGERPARTITIONED MOXIBUSTURE]. NIU FENG JING. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;17(3):34 (chi*). The author used ginger-partitioned moxibusture at pressure pain point of spine, three moxa-cones every time, one time everyday or two times for the patient who had heavy pain. Among the 18 cases, 10 cases healed, 3 cases improved, 3 cases were effective, and 2 cases were ineffective. The total effective rate was 89%. After a short time the place where was treated with ginger-partitioned moxibustion presented large gera 2010 89 areola, at the same time, the patient had burning heat sensation at Weizhong, Chengshan and Kunlun points or sweating during the treatment. All these predicted that the patient would recover, and most of them felt pain abated at once. 1480- gera: 68723/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON COMBINED TREATMENT OF PERIPHERAL FACIAL PALSY WITH ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION AND MASSAGE]. ZHANG DAOWU ET AL. acupuncture research. 1998;22(3):189 (chi). 1481- gera: 68769/di/ra [APPLICATION OF ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION TO TREATMENT OF DERMATOSIS]. ZHOU WEIHONG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1998;22(3):224 (chi). 1482- gera: 68773/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 25 CASES OF FOLLICULITIS AND BOLL WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. LU ZEQIANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1998;22(3):227 (chi). 1483- gera: 68774/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 2 CASES OF FLAT WART BY PUNCTURING ZHIZHENG POINT WITH RED HOTNEEDLE]. ZHOU SHIHUA. acupuncture research. 1998;22(3):227 (chi). 1484- gera: 68916/di/ra GARLIC MOXIBUSTION OF ACUTE SUPERFICIAL LYMPHANGITIS: A REPORT OF 118 CASES. LIU GUI-YING ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1998;9(3):343-4 (eng). Common people in our district frequently used garlic moxibustion to treat red-streaked infection (acute superficial lymphangitis), and the therapeutic effect was good. The authors applied this method to treat 118 cases of acute superficial lymphangitis for several years and obtained satisfactory results. 1485- gera: 69104/di/ra [CLINICAL APPLICATION OF HE'S PYROPUNCTURE NEEDLE THERAPY]. CHEN BING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(4):231 (chi). 1486- gera: 71848/di/ra GETTING FIRED UP ABOUT MOXA!. THOMPSON B. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1998;5(14):6 (eng). 1487- gera: 71887/di/ra PRACTICAL MOXIBUSTIN THERAPY PART 12 SPECIAL EFFECT POINTS -N0. 2. JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1998;5(12):28-9 (eng). 1488- gera: 72190/di/ra 51 CASOS DE ARTHRITIS REUMATOIDE TRATADOS CON MOXIBUSTION Y HIERBAS CHINAS. YAO FENGLI. ener qi. 1998;4:8-11 (esp). Traduction espagnole de: Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, 1998; 18(6): 333. Réf gera: [69127]. 1489- gera: 72202/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DEL ACNÉ MEDIANTE EL METODO COMBINADO DE VENTOSA EN SHENQUE (REN 8) Y SANGRIA EN DAZHUI (DU 14). SUN HONG. ener qi. 1998;4:53-4 (esp). Traduction espagnole de: Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, 1998; 18(4): 226. Réf gera: []. 1490- gera: 72702/di/ra QUALI SONO I PIU UTILIZZATI TRA I METODI DI FUMIGAZIONE E QUALI SONO LE LORO INDICAZIONI. WU ZHENXI. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1998;74(4):92 (ita). 1491- gera: 72729/di/ra EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION IN THE ACUOINTS B-27 (XIAOCHANGSHU), VC-4 5GUANYUAN), B-21 (WEISHU) AND VC-12 (ZHONGWAN) IN XIAOCHANG (INTESTINO DELGADO). FUKUYAMA JUNJI MILLER ET AL. revista paulista de acupuntura. 1998;4(2):68-4 (por*). The objective of this work is to study the effect of the moxibustion in the acupointsShu-Mo corresponding to Wei (stomach) and to Xiaochang (smallintestine)in gastrointestinal motility Material- 68 female EPM-I/Wistar rats were used, weight ranging from 195 to 230 grams;pasty substance made of powdered coal (28.57%), powdered Arabic gum (28.57%), and filtered water (42.85%), and moxa in stick.Methods - The animals were kept on a 24 hour fast, randomly distributed in 4 groups of 17 female rats each, submitted the administration of 1.5 ml of the pasty substance of coal, with previous superficial anesthesia of sulfuric ether, and submitted to the following procedures. CONTROL GROUP (1): The female rats were returned to the cage. MOXA GROUP (11): The female rats were kept under anesthesia with sulfuncether, the acupoints B21 (Weishu), B-27(Xiaochangshu), VC-12 (Zhongwan) and VC- 4 (Guanyuan) were located and the moxibustion technique was performed for 5 minutes under narcosis. At the end of moxibustion the female rats were returned to the cage. SHAM GROUP (IlI):non-acupoints were located (bilateral anterior axillary area) and the moxibustion technique was performed for 5 minutes, under narcosis. ETHER GROUP (IV): The female rats were kept under an esthesia with sulfuric ether for 5 minutes. At the end of the scheduled time, they were returned to the cage. All animals in the 4 groups were sacrificed with sulfuric ether in the twentieth minute of the experiment. Surgical removal of the small intestine and clamping of the distal portion reached by the coal were performed, and the progression distance of coal since the pylorus and the total length of the small intestine were measured. Results - Kruskal-WalJis points variance analysis and the multi comparison test showed that groups CONTROL and MOXA did not present much difference, and had an absolute progression of coal that was significantly longer them SHAM and ETHER groups. As to the length of the small intestine, no significant value among the groups was found. Vanance analysis of Kruskal-WaDispoints showed as regards the percent ratio (coal progression/length of smal intestine), that the CONTROL and MOXA groups did not vary significantly and that they exhibited a significantly higher percent than the values observed in the SHAM and ETHER GROUPS. 1492- gera: 73462/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 36 CASES OF PERENNIAL ALLERGIC RHINITIS WITH SCAR-PRODUCING MOXIBUSTION]. WEI XIARI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1998;18(9):533 (chi). 1493- gera: 73929/di/ra TRATAMENTO DE NEFROPATIA CRONICA POR ACUPUNTURA-MOXABUSTAO E TUI-NA,EM PACIENTE PORTADOR DE ESPONDILITE ANQUILOSANTE (EA). HENRIQUES LT. revista paulista de acupuntura. 1998;4(1):58-60 (por). 1494- gera: 74045/di/ra [STUDIES OF MOXA (PART 10) AREAS WHERE MUGWORT GROWS (1)]. RYUZO ODA. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1998;48(4):371 (jap*). During the Edo Period (1603-1867), the main area of production of "moxa"(processed medicinal herbs) was thought to be Omi (present-day Shiga Prefecture). However, extensive research of archives and contemporary documents, as well as field studies in west-central Japan, indicates that moxa was originally produced in Mino (Gifu Pref.) and Omi (Shiga Pref.) in the early Edo Period, but subsequently spread to the Hokuriku region (Fukui, Toyama and Ishikawa prefectures). By the 1830's, production had extended to Echigo in present day Niigata Prefecture. Evidence also points to producers in Iyo (Ehime Pref.) and Tsukushi (Fukuoka Pref.). However, most of the production appears to have been centred on Hokuriku. The main reasons for this may have been as follows: 1) Yomogi grasses used in production are abundant in this region. 2) Since moxa was manufactured in the winter, it was easy to find workers in Hokuriku, where heavy snows preclude 1495- gera: 75566/di/ra gera 2010 90 MOXIBUSTION. HERNANDEZ J ET AL. su-jok. 1998;9:10-15 (esp). 1496- gera: 58654/di/ra STRATEGIE DI MOXIBUSTIONE SECONDO LA SCUOLA GIAPPONESE, ANALISI DI ALCUNE PRESCRIZIONI E STUDIO COMPARATIVO CON LE TECNICHE DELLA M.T.C. BERNINI A. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 1999;76(2):15-20 (ita). 1497- gera: 58925/di/ra [SUMMARY AND RESEARCHING OF MECHANISM FOR 825 CASES OF PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC TREATED BY HEATING ACUPUNCTURE OF JIUGONG POINT]. XU JIE ET AL. yunnan journal of tcm and materia medica. 1999;20(2):48 (chi*). 825 Cases of Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral device of GZH type mainly based on the jiugong Point of vertebra. In clinic, the result was as: 538 cases in cure, the cure rate of 65.21%; 267 cases in improvement, the improving rate `,f 32.36%; 20 cases in inefficiency, the inefficiency rate of 2.42% and the total effective rate of 97.58% . According to the analysis of some example cases before and after treatment based on the micro circle, EMG, blood rheology and radiodiagnostic, it showed that the way had the effect of warming and stimulating the channel, opening the channel and relieving pain, promoting the flow of Qi and blood circulation and so on. 1498- gera: 58957/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 76 CASES OF PREMATURE OVARIAN FAILURE TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. SHA GUIE ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(4):199 (chi ). 1499- gera: 58969/di/ra [ANALYSIS OF CHARACTERISTICS OF ANCIENT ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR FACIAL PARALYSIS]. GUO YAOJIE ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(4):245 (chi ). 1500- gera: 59149/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA BY ACUPUNCTURE WITH THE NEEDLE WARMED BY BURNING CAP-LIKE MOXA CONE]. SHEN TAO ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(7):395 (chi*). Acupuncture with the needle warmed by burning cap-like moxa cone was used for treatment of 60 cases of hypercholesterolemia and Yue Jian Cao Oil Capsule and simple body-acupuncture were used as controls. Results indicated that the indexes of blood-lipids, TC, TG, LDL-C and HDL-C, all improved in the group of acupuncture with the needle warmed by burning cap-like moxa cone, with no differences as compareti with the treatment group of Yue Jian Cao Oil Capsule, and its action is obviously superior to that of the simple body-acupuncture groupe in improvement of bIoodlipid disturbance. 1501- gera: 59168/di/ra [ANALYSIS ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF CHRONIC PROSTATITIS TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MEDICINAL MOXIBUSTION]. MA SHENG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(6):339 (chi ). 1502- gera: 59169/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 68 CASES OF CERVICAL SPONDYLOPATHY BY ACUPUNCTURE AND APPLICATION OF DRUG ON LOCAL POINTS PLUS MOXIBUSTION]. CHANG JINGLING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(6):341 (chi ). 1503- gera: 59171/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 26 CASES OF MYASTHENIA WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. WEI YANGZHEN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(6):345 (chi ). 1504- gera: 59173/di/ra [STUDY ON PERIPHERAL ANALGESIC MECHANISMS OF DIFFERENT ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION THERAPIES IN RATS OF ADJUVANT ARTHRITIS]. YANG JIEBIN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(6):362 (chi*). In rats of arthritis developed by injection of Freund's complete adjuvant into the ankle joint, the four therapies, electroacupuncture, moxibustion, pricking blood therapy and point-injection were used, and changes of pain threshold, extent of swelling of joint, and contents of prostagrandin E2, histamine, monoamines, ß-EP, LEK in inflammatory tissue were observed. Results indicated that the four therapies had the action of increasing pain threshold in the rats of adjuvant arthritis as compared with the model group(P<0.05,P<0.0l), and the therapeutic effects of electroacupuncture and pointinjection were more marked, and the analgesic effects carried out possibly through decrease of prostaglandin E2, histamine, 5-HT, NE. and increase of ß-EP and LEK. 1505- gera: 59177/di/ra [APPROACH TO LIU WANSU AND HIS ACADEMIC THOUGHT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION SCIENCES]. ZHAO HUILING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(6):373 (chi ). 1506- gera: 59229/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON SCAR MOXIBUSTION FOR ANTI-AGING]. PAN XIAOXIA. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;18(3):3 (chi*). Purpose: To observe the delaying effect of scar moxibustion on senescence in clinic. Method: Direct moxibustion was performed on points Zusanli (S36) and Juegu (G 39) in 50 middle aged and old persons and observation was carried out of changes in senile symptom scores after moxibustion. Results: After moxibustion, senile symptom scores markedly decreased and main symptoms such as lassitude in loin and legs, aversion to cold and cold limbs, tiredness and asthenia, and frequent nocturia were remarkably mitigated. Conclusion: It is indicated that moxibustion is one of the methods for strengthening the body, preventing diseases and protecting health, and lengthening the life and has a even better protecting effect on health if it is given in the early stage of senility. 1507- gera: 59500/di/ra [FONG MEIZANG'S CLINICAL EXPERIENCE IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. SHI YONGZHENG ET AL. zhejiang journal of tcm. 1999;34(6):262 (chi ). 1508- gera: 59657/di/ra [THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR WHIPLASH INJURY]. TAKESHI MATSUMOTO ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1999;49(1):19-26 (chi*). 1509- gera: 59674/di/ra [THE INFLUENCE OF ACU-MOXIBUSTION ON UROFLOW RATE IN 104 CASES OF FEMALE URETHRAL SYNDROME]. ZHEN HUITIAN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;18(4):6 (chi*). Objective: To observe the influence of acu-moxibustion on uroflow rate in female urethral syndrom. Methods: 104 cases of female urethral syndrome were treated by acu-moxibustion with tonifying the kidney and warming yang, and uroflometry was performed before and after acu-moxibustion. Results: Maximal uroflow rate rose from 18. 68 ± 8. 60 ml/s to 21.11 ± 10. 46 ml/s (P < 0. 001); mean uroflow rate rose from 12.61 ± 7.34 ml/s to 14.41 ± 8.20 ml/s (P < 0. 01). Conclusion: Acumoxibustion with tonifying the kidney and warming yang can remove lower urinary obstruction and produces a marked therapeutic effect. 1510- gera: 59676/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF ACU-MOXIBUSTION ON SENILE HYPERLIPEMIA AND HYPERVISCEMIA]. LIANG FENGYING. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;18(4):10 (chi*). Purpose: To observe the effect of acu-moxibustion on senile hyperlipemia and hyperviscemia. Methods: 60 cases of senile gera 2010 91 hyperlipemia and hyperviscemia were treated by acumoxibustion with the cooperation of Chuanxiongqin, and the curative effect in them was compared with that in 60 cases treated by simple Chuanxiongqin. Results: There were very significant differences in total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low density lipoprotein (LDL-ch), high shear viscosity, low shear viscosity, RBC hematocrit and RBC aggregation index between pre-treatment and post-treatment in acumoxibustion plus medication group (P<0. 01), while there were only significant differences in simple medication group (P<0. 05). There was a significant difference in curative effect between the two groups (P<0. 05). Conclusion: It is showed that the curative effect of acu-moxibustion with 1511- gera: 59679/di/ra [CLINICAL RESEARCH IN ACU-MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF CLIMACTERIC SYNDROME]. ZHANG DAOWU ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;18(4):20 (chi*). Objective: To investigate the clinical effect of acu-moxibustion on climacteric syndrome. Methods: Patients with climacteric syndrome were treated by acu-moxibustion. which was compared with herbal treatment. Result: There was a significant difference in curative effect between the two groups (P<0. 05). Conclusion: It is indicated that acu-moxibustion has an even better effect on climacteric syndrome than oral Decoction. Analysé dans 132733. 1512- gera: 59712/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF 68 CASES OF CHRONIC PROSTATITIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. LIN YONGPING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(8):465 (chi ). 1513- gera: 59716/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON DESCENDING BLOOD SEDIMENTATION ACTION OF MOXIBUSTION FOR RHEUMATIC DISEASE]. ZHANG QINGZHU ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(8):477 (chi ). 1514- gera: 59718/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON PROTECTIVE ACTION OF MEDICINAL MOXIBUSTION AT SHENQUE (CV 8) POINT ON GASTRIC MUCOSA OF RATS CARRING TUMOR IN CHEMOTHERAPY]. YANG DANHONG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(8):483 (chi*). Therapeutic effect of medicinal moxibustion at "Shenque" (CV 8) point on toxic reaction of digestive tract induced by antineoplastic chemotherapeutic drug 5-flrorouracil (5-Fu) was observed in the rats earring tumor 256. Results indicated that medicinal moxibustion at "Shenque"(CV8) point could raise obviously PGE2 level and volume of blood flow in gastric mucosa, decrease injury index of gastric mucosa, and slightly thicken gastric mucosa as compared with those of chemotherapy group. It is suggested that medicinal moxibustion at "Shenque" point has protective action on injury of gastric mucosa induced by 5-Fu, which is related to increase of PGE2 level and improvement of volume of blood in gastric mucosa. 1515- gera: 59732/di/re RAPPORT DU CONSEIL MEDICAL DU GAMM SUR L'EXERCICE 1998. SICOT C. concours medical. 1999;121(31): (fra). En 1998, le Groupe des assurances mutuelles médicales (GAMM), qui réunit en coassurance le Sou médical et la Mutuelle d'assurances du corps de santé français (MACSF), a couvert 207 442 sociétaires (+ 4,94% par rapport à 1997). Ceux-ci ont adressé 3580 déclarations dont 3134 pour dommages corporels et 446 pour dommages matériels, soit par rapport à l'année précédente une augmentation de 1,2% en valeur absolue mais une diminution de 0,06 en pourcentage (1,73 déclaration pour 100 sociétaires au lieu de 1,79). Pour les 119 318 médecins sociétaires (toutes spécialités confondues et quel que soit leur mode d'exercice, libéral ou salarié) (+ 1,32% par rapport à 1997), le nombre de déclarations de dommages corporels est de 2155 (- 0,51%), soit une fréquence (sinistralité) de 1,81 pour 100 sociétaires médecins (- 0,03). Avec mention d'un pneumothorax, d'un bris d'aiguille et brûlure après moxas. 1516- gera: 59774/di/ra THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON EXPERIMENTAL TUMOR. DOU-MONG HAU ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 1999;27(2):157-66 (eng ). This work investigated the therapeutic effects of the improved form of moxibustion (MT) on experimental tumor. Sarcoma 180 cells (1 x 10 puissance 7) were transplanted into the subcutaneous tissue in the breast area of female ICR mice. Mice bearing a tumor were divided into one control and four experimental groups. The experimental groups were treated with MT for 1, 2, 3 and 4 times (abbreviated as MT1, MT2, MT3, MT4 respectively). This study showed that the experimental group treated with MT3 displayed the optimal therapeutic response. The longest mean survival time (87.8 days) within 120 days after treatment of MT3 significantly differed from the control group (60.2 days). In addition, uptake of 86Rb-radioactive tracer significantly decreased in tumors treated with MT3. The improved form of moxibustion used in this study is a reliable model of localized hyperthermia in tumor therapy. 1517- gera: 59903/di/re MOXIBUSTION FOR BREECH PRESENTATION. LETTER. WONG HCG ET AL. jama. 1999;282(14):1329 (eng ). Critiques à propos de l'étude de Cardini sur la version foetale par moxibustion au 67V (Jama, 1998, 280). 1) La moxibustion peut poser des problèmes allergiques. 2) Il est possible d'avoir des brûlures. 3) Le tabagisme de la mère a un effet néfaste sur le foetus, qu'en est-il de la moxibustion? 1518- gera: 59905/di/re MOXIBUSTION FOR BREECH PRESENTATION. REPLY. CARDINI F ET AL. jama. 1999;282(14):1329-30 (eng ). Réponses aux critiques formulées par Wong (gera, 59908) et Ernst (gera, 59904). 1) En 30 ans d'expérience, l'équipe n'a observé aucun problème respiratoire ou allergique lié à la moxibustion. Dans l'étude aucune brûlure n'a été observée. Aucun problème chez le foetus n'a pu être démontré. Ces auteurs proposent un suivi des enfants des deux groupes. 2) L'absence de groupe placebo ne met pas en cause le résultat de l'étude. Il s'agit d'une pathologie pour laquelle il n'y a pas de traitement de référence et l'acupuncture ne doit pas être évaluée comme 1519- gera: 59979/di/ra WARMING NEEDLING OF STREAMPOINTS FOR RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. LI CHANG-DU ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1999;10(3):281-5 (eng ). Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systematic and immune disease manifested mainly by articular lesions, and has symptoms of morning stiffness, pain, swelling, deformity and dysfunction of joints. In terms of TCM, it pertains to the category of Bi Disorder, and owing to its stubbornness in treatment, it is also called Stubborn Bi. The authors employed a therapy by puncturing 5 of the twelve Well Points added with warm moxibustion to the needle in treating 55 such cases and obtained satisfactory results. 1520- gera: 59982/di/ra DANTIAN IN MOXIBUSTION. LI CHANG-DU ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1999;10(3):293-7 (eng ). Greater attention is being paid to the roles of acupuncture and moxibustion, especially the role of moxibustion over Dantian, in preventing diseases, promoting health care, and prolonging life. The following is a preliminary study on the clinical application of Dantian to moxibustion. 1521- gera: 59992/di/ra MOXIBUSTION FOR SUPERFICIAL SKIN ULCER: REPORT OF 126 CASES. YAN CUI-LAN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1999;10(3):331-3 (eng ). Moxibustion treatment for body surface ulcer has long been used in ancient China, with its popularity especially in the Tang Dynasty, but it is less seen clinically in modern times. The gera 2010 92 author is partial to this therapy which has been very effective in treating body surface ulcer. It is highly recommended for clinical use. 1522- gera: 59995/di/ra MERALGIA PARATHETICA TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. ZHANG ZHI-YUAN ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1999;10(3):339-40 (eng ). Meralgia parathetica is a disease often seen in the clinic. It is due to damage of the nerve by Cold-Dampness or excessive pressure which led to functional disorder (prolonged inhibition) of the nerves affected and persistent sensory disturbance. This disease in TCM belongs to the category of Stationary Bi which does not respond readily to Western medicine but acupuncture has proved to be very effective. 1523- gera: 69550/di/ra [COMPARATIVE INVESTIGATION OF EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT MOXIBUSTION METHODS ON TEMPERATURE OF ACUPOINTS]. DONG XINMIN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(1):22 (chi). 1524- gera: 69555/di/ra [DEVELOPMENT AND CLINICAL PROBATION OF BME-500 SERIES COMPUTERIZED POLY-HEAD AND AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE-CONTROL MOXIBUSTION THERAPEUTIC INSTRUMENT]. YIN TAO ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(1):47 (chi). 1525- gera: 69563/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 38 CASES OF VITILIGO TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE PLUS VINEGAR MOXIBUSTION]. CHE JIANLI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(2):89 (chi). 1526- gera: 69564/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF 45 CASES OF DISTURBANCE OF OVULATION TREATED BY CHINESE DRUGS PLUS MOXIBUSTION]. LIU GANG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(2):91 (chi). 1527- gera: 70232/di/ra [(CLINICAL COMPARATIVE OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF 93 CASES RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS BY EITHER INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION OR PENICILLAMINE).]. WANG WEIMING ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;18(6):5 (chi*). Objective: To observe the clinical effect of indirect moxibustion on rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: Clinical comparative observation was carried out of indirect moxibustion and penicillamine used to treat 93 cases of rheumatoid arthritis, of whom 64 cases made up indirect moxibustion group and 29 cases made up penicillamine control group. Results: In indirect moxibustion group the total effective rate was 90. 48% and markedly effective rate was 39. 68% in penicillamine control group the total effective rate was 80%, and markedly effective rate was 32%. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion: Indirect moxibustion and penicíllamine are similar in curative effect. Indirect moxibustion can be regarded as an effective therapy for 1528- gera: 70337/di/ra PRATICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY (15). JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1999;6(15):32-33 (eng). 1529- gera: 70351/di/ra 27 CAS D'EPICONDYLITE TRAITES PAR L'ASSOCIATION DE L'ACUPUNCTURE DE LA POSE DE VENTOUSES ET DE LA MOXIBUSTION (SUR UNE LAMELLE DE GINGEMBRE). XIONG GUO PING. acupuncture traditionnelle chinoise. 1999;1:105-108 (fra). 1530- gera: 70352/di/ra 60 CAS DE PRURIT DES PERSONNES AGEES TRAITES PAR LA METHODE DE RECHAUFFEMENT ET DE DESOBSTRUCTION. YANG SHENG HUA. acupuncture traditionnelle chinoise. 1999;1:109-111 (fra). Aiguille chauffée au rouge avec une lampe à alcool. L'aiguille est implantée rapidement au niveau du point et retirée immédiatement. 4 à 5 points par séance parmi 14VG, 13V, 18V, 15V, 23V, 11GI, 10Rte, 36E. Une séance par jour, 10 séances. 1531- gera: 70840/di/ra [STUDIES OF MOXA (PART II) PRODUCTION GROUND OF MOXA (2)]. RYUZO ODA. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1999;49(2):283 (jap*). The main production ground of Moxa in the Edo era was Shiga prefecutre and Gifu prefecutre, but the present main production ground is Niigata prefecutre. To clarify the process of this transition, the author examined old documents and legends. The I have already reported about the Edo era, therefore this paper reports after the Meiji era from 1868 to 1998. In the 1870's the biggest production ground was in Toyama prefecutre, followed by Fukui prefecutre, Niigata prefecutre and Ishikawa prefecutre are following that. However, in about 1930 Nilgata prefecutre became the biggest production ground, when almost 100% of high-level Moxa was produced there. Moxa was also produced in Toyama prefecutre and Shiga prefecutre, although in very small quantities. For a certain period of time in the Showa era, Moxa was produced in Nagano, Ehime, Fukushima, Gunma prefecutre and Hokkaido but none is producted there nowadays. The main reasons why the chief producing area was Niigata are as follows: 1. The former grasses of Yomogi were abundant and high quality. 2. Since Moxa was manufactured in the winter, it was easy for them to attract people to work in Niigata. In addition, labor wages were low in this 1532- gera: 71662/di/ra OBSERVATION OF THE EFFICACY OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN 62 CASES OF CHRONIC COLITIS. YANG C ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 1999;19(2):111-4 (eng). 62 patients with chronic colitis were randomly divided into two groups. Acupuncture and moxibustion at acupoints such as Tianshu (St 25), Guanyuan (Ren 4) were applied in the treatment group, and western drugs were applied in the control group. The results showed that acupuncture and moxibustion had a marked curative effective with few side effects, and therefore was readily acceptable to the patients. 1533- gera: 71781/di/ra NEUROGENIC URINARY FREQUENCY IN CHILDREN TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION AND EAR PRESSING ; AN OBSERVATION OF 32 CASES. WANG JI-LING ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1999;10(4):419-20 (eng). In recent years, the authors applied a therapy using moxibustion plus auricular bean plaster to 32 cases of children with frequent nervous micturition, and obtained a rather satisfactory result. 1534- gera: 71844/di/ra TRY SALT BOX MOXIBUSTION !. THOMPSON B. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1999;6(17):29 (eng). 1535- gera: 71845/di/ra PRATICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY( 17). JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1999;6(17):30 (eng). 1536- gera: 71876/di/ra PRATICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY(16). JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 1999;6(16):345 (eng). 1537- gera: 71950/di/ra HERPES ZOSTER TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE: CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 102 CASES. AN HUA. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 1999;10(2):215-18 (eng). Essai controlé non randomisé moxibustion (3 à 5 minutes au dessus des lésions) versus acupuncture avec différentiation de 4 syndromes (chaleur du Yang Ming, chaleur du Shao Yang, gera 2010 93 humidité chaleur de la rate et stase du Qi du foie). L'acupuncture est supérieure à la moxiustion. 1538- gera: 72708/di/ra EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF CYTOBIOLOGY ON ANTITUMOR EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION AND IMMUNOMODULATORS. ZHAO CUIYING ET AL. word journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1999;9(4):28-1 (eng). In the study, the antitumor effect was observed by employing HAC-tumor-bearing mice treated with direct moxibustion on point Guanyuan (CV 4) (Group M), subcutaneous administration of liposome encapsulated immunomodulators called IMC (Group IMC), and combination of these two methods (Group M+ IMC). Parameters reflecting biological characteristics of tumor cells, including 5 kinds of lectins, mitotic cycle, expression of C-erbB-2 oncogene and counts of AgNORs were further investigated. The results showed that treatment with combination of moxibustion and IMC could significantly lower three lectins (ConA, LCA, RCA) among these five lectins (BSL, ConA, LCA, RCA, WGA), significantly reduce the expression of C-erbB-2 oncogene, the counts of AgNORs and the percentage of phase S in HAC tumor cells (compared with Group IMC). Moxibustion or IMC alone did render a certain degree of influence on the above-mentioned parameters, although most of changes were not statistically significant. The above-mentioned results indicated that the antitumor efficacy achieved by treatment with combination of moxibustion and IMC was mainly through its influence on biological characteristics of the tumor cells, namely, its reducing effect on DNA synthesis or on the proliferating rate of tumor cells and its influence on other biological characteristics of tumor cells 1539- gera: 72712/di/ra EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE IMMUNITY AND THE CENTRAL NERVOUS TRANSMITTERS IN MICE WITH YANG DEFICIENCY. SONG XIAOGE ET AL. word journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1999;9(4):47-50 (eng). In the present paper, the effects of moxibustion on the immune organs, on the multiplication reactivity of the splenic lymphocyte and the reactivity to the IL - 2, and on the transmitters in brain tissues of the mice with "yang deficiency" were studied. 30 mice were randomly divided into three groups: the normal group, the yang deficiency control group and the moxibustion treated group. Our study found out that in the mice of yang deficienly, the atrophy of the immunt organs was prevented, the reactivity of the splenocyte and the reactivity to IL- 2 were heightened, the amounts of the DA, NE and E in brain were increased significantly after moxibustion on the point Shengshu. It can be held that moxibustion may protect the immune organs and regulate the immunity of the mouse with yang deficienly, and the effects may be contributed to the increase of the nervous transmitters in the 1540- gera: 72713/di/ra ONE HUNDRED CASES OF CHRONIC PELVIC INFLAMMATION TREATED WITH ACUPOINTS OF CHONG AND REN CHANNELS. TIAN LIYING. word journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 1999;9(4):51-3 (eng). The auther has treated 100 cases of chronic pelvic inflammation with needling the acute points of Chong and Ren channels since 1996. Of them, 44 % cases were cured, 33 % markedly effective and 20 % improved. The total effective rate was 97 % . Acupoints of Ren channel selected: Zhongj (CV 3), Guanyuan(CV 4), Qihai (CV 6) and Yinjiao (CV 7); Crossing acupoints of Chong channe selected: Qixue (KI 13), Siman (KI 14) and Zhongzhu (KI 15). Filiform needles of No.30, 1.5 cur were adopted to puncture the above acupoints with the uniform reinforcing- reducing method, and the needles were retained for 30 minutes. At the same. time, the moxibustion was applied to the place of retaining needles until the skin flushed. 1541- gera: 72714/di/ra MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF CUTANEOUS DEFECT. XIONG BIWEN ET AL. word journal of acupuncturemoxibustion. 1999;9(4):54-6 (eng). In the present paper, 32 cases of cutaneous defect were treated by using warm moxibustion. After 6 weeks' treatment, 22 cases were cured, with the shortest cure duration being 12 days and the longest being 27 days; 6 cases were markedly effective and 4 cases were effective. Of the 28 cases in the control group who were treated with routine medicated dressing, 6 were cured, 13 had marked improvement and 9 had improvement, with the shortest cure duration being 18 days and the longest being 36 days. Statistical analysis shows a significant difference between the two groups in the effective rate, indicating that moxibustion therapy is of an advantage in 1542- gera: 72870/di/ra THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF NEEDLE WARMING THROUGH MOXIBUSTION AT TWELVE SHU POINTS ON RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. LI CHANGDU ET AL. journal of tcm. 1999;19(1):22-26 (eng). 1543- gera: 72888/di/ra CLINICAL APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION OVER POINT DAZHUI. LIU ANRAN. journal of tcm. 1999;19(4):283-6 (eng). 1544- gera: 73364/di/ra LOS EFECTOS DE LOS DIFERENTES TIEMPOS Y CURSOS DE LA MOXIBUSTION SOBRE LA FUNCION IMMUNOLOGICA. ZHANG YING. enerqi. 1999;7:32-5 (esp). El tratamiento del modelo de raton con deficiencia de yang mediante la moxibustion indico que los diferentes tiempocursos de moxibustion tienen distintos efectos sobre la tasa positiva de lipasa del linfocito T y la tasa de transformacion linfocitica en el modelo de raton. Asi por ejemplo, la moxibustion de 15 miutos puede aumentar evidentemente la tasa positiva de lipasa del linfocito T del raton con deficiencia de yang (P<0,01), mientras que la moxibustion de 5 y 25 minutos no tiene esa funcion. Por su parte, la moxibustion de 5, 15 y 25 minutos puede aumentar notablemente la tasa de transformacion linfocitica del modelo de raton, no teniendo la diferencia entre 1545- gera: 73412/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC TREATED BY COMBINATION OF ACUPUNCTUREMOXIBUSTION WITH AUTONOMIC TRACTION]. ZHU QIN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(9):529 (chi). 1546- gera: 73421/di/ra [EXPERIENCE ON CLINICAL APPLICATION OF MODEL BME-504 TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE MOXIBUSTION THERAPY APPARATUS]. ZHANG HONGXING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(9):567 (chi). 1547- gera: 73422/di/ra [SIMPLE ANALYSIS OF GONG TINGXIAN'S MOXIBUSTION METHOD]. ZHANG QINCHUAN ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(9):569 (chi). 1548- gera: 73452/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION OF DAZHUI (GV 14) AND SHENQUE (CV 8) ON FUNCTION OF IS AND OF PANCREAS IN PATIENTS OF DIABETES]. WANG HAI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;19(5):305 (chi). 1549- gera: 73568/di/ra THERAPEUTIC OBSERVATION ON 62 CASES OF AUDITORY VERTIGO TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION ON BAIHUI. ZONG YUXIANG ET AL. word journal of acupuncture- moxibustion. 1999;9(3):15 (eng). 1550- gera: 73753/di/ra [REPORT OF 133 GERMANS WITH CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS TREATED BY PUNCTURING JIAJI POINTS]. WANG RU-YAN. shanghai journal of tcm. 1999;10:40 (chi). Jiaji points C4-7 as main points and other differentiatelychosen points were selected, and suspended moxibustion or box moxibustion or cupping on diseased areas were gera 2010 94 performed for Germans with cervical spondylosis. 97 of the 133 cases belonged to cold-wetness syndrome, accounting for 72.9%. Results showed recovery in 78 cases, marked effect in 37 cases, improvement in 12 cases and no effects in 6 cases, the total effective rate being 95.5%. 1551- gera: 73958/di/ra 30 CASOS EN QUE SE APLICA EL METODO DE AGUJA IMPLANTADA EN EL PUNTO BAIHUI (DU20) COMBINADO CON MOXIBUSTION PARA TRATAR EL HUNDIMIENTO DEL QI CENTRAL. LIU JUNHONG ET AL. ener qi. 1999;6:73-4 (esp). 1552- gera: 73979/di/ra TRATAMIENTO DE 36 CASOS DE PSORIASIS CON SANGRIA-VENTOSA. WANG RUISHENG. enerqi. 1999;5:76-8 (esp). 1553- gera: 74055/di/ra [SCIENCE OF MOXIBUSTION]. X. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1999;49(4):499 (jap). 1554- gera: 74056/di/ra [TECHNOLOGICAL THOUGHT UNDERLIYING THE CLINICAL PRACTICE OF MOXA TREATMENT]. HITOSHI NAGANO. journal of the japan society of acupuncture. 1999;49(4):525 (jap*). The Purpose of this paper is to give consideration to the Thought Underlying the clinical practice of Moxa treatment before Meiji period. I investigated the literature on the therapy from a point of "technological thought". My study reveals that in Japan they had attached more and more importance to the "Ying-yang and Wu-xing Thery", hat was not originally emphasised in China. 1555- gera: 74103/di/ra [DISCUSSION ON TCM DISPERSING THERAPY]. LU MINGYUAN. journal of shandong university of tcm. 1999;23(3):173 (chi*). Its connotation analysed, TCM dispersing therapy is thought that TCM dispersing therapy is not limited to diaphoresis, instead it is a therapy with wide guidance significance in clinic. It refers to elimination of pathogen both from the interior and the exterior, promotion appearance of typical symptoms and can be used as a guidance to diet therapy and health preservation. It can be seen in oral use of herbal medicine, external treatment, fumigation, acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, emotional regulation. However, improper use of this therapy may induce reattack of chronic diseases, which should be drawn attentions. 1556- gera: 74477/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 30 CASES OF PARALYSIS AGITANS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE PLUS DIRECT MOXIBUSTION]. CHEN XINGHUA. journal of tcm. 1999;40(6):342 (chi*). Sixty cases of paralysis agitans were randomly divided into 2 groups, each 30 cases, and treated by acupuncture alone and acupuncture plus direct moxibustion respectively. Comparison of the markedly effective results between the two groups were significantly different statistically (P < 0. 05). Significant statistical differences were also found between the 2 groups in markedly effective and effective results (p<o. 01). It is thus claimed that acupuncturing plus direct moxibustion is a safe, simple, and effective measure for treatment of Parkinson's disease. 1557- gera: 74564/di/ra [THE ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF MANAGEMENT OF HEMIPLEGIA WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION SUPPLEMENTED WITH PIANTAN FUSHU PILL]. GAO XIUSHENG ET AL. shanxi journal of tcm. 1999;15(3):28 (chi). 1558- gera: 74649/di/ra [EFFECT OF THE D-XYLOSE CONTENT OF SERUM AND RBC IMMUNOLOGIC FUNCTION ON MODLE RATS OF SPLEEN DEFICIENCY TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION]. YU HUA. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;18(2):34 (chi*). Objective To observe the effect of the D-xylose content of serum and RBC immunologic function on motile rats of spleen deficiency treated by moxibustion. Method In this paper, the author with method of compound factor successfully reconstructed diarrhea model rats of spleen deficiency and by means of granule moxibustion of "Pishu","Weishu","Zusanli" points, once a day, three cones per point, continued 15 days. Result The content of D- xylose in serum remarkably increased (P <0. 001); the rosette rate of C3b receptor (C3bRR) of RBC also increaded, while the rosette rate of immune complex (IC-R) of RBC decreased. Conclusion Moxibustion might increase RBC 1559- gera: 74662/di/ra [THE INFLUENCE OF "MOXI-SERUM" ON THE FUNCTIONS OF IMMUNE COMPETENT CELLS]. PEI JIAN ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 1999;18(1):38 (chi*). Objective To observe the influence of sera from the moxibusted tumor, mice bearing on the T lymphocyte proliferation, NK and LAK activity of normal mice were observed. Methods Common 3H-TdR incorporated assay was used. Results In the serum, the lymphocyte stimulation index, NK activity and LAK activity were obviously lower in tumorbearing mice than those in normal mice (control group). NK activity and LAK activity were significantly higher in Dazhui (GV14) moxibustion group than in those in tumor control group and non-acupoint moxibustion group. Conclusion It could be an important mechanism of antitumor action of moxibustion to elimilatre the immune inhibitor factor in serum to check the negative immune regulation to some extend in tumor1560- gera: 75389/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION WITH MUGWORT STICK USED TO TREAT WARTS]. QI YING. henan traditional chinese medicine. 1999;19(4):59 (chi). 1561- gera: 75420/di/ra [TREATING 50 CASES OF BONY ARTHROSIS IN KNEE JOINTS WITH ORAL TAKING CHINESE DRUGS COMBINED FUMIGATION]. ZHOU YUEJUN ET AL. journal of zhejiang college of tcm. 1999;23(6):27 (chi). 1562- gera: 75694/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON RCD,IGG AND IGE OF THE PATIENTS WITH BRONCHIAL ASTHMA]. FANG XIANGMING ET AL. liaoning journal of tcm. 1999;26(1):31 (chi). 1563- gera: 76085/di/ra [YANG YI-FANG SKILLFUL IN TREATING LINGERING SYNDROME AND INTRACTABLE DISEASES BY INHERITANCE OF CACDEMIC FEATURE IN YANG'S ACUPUNCTURE SCHOOL]. SECTION OF CHINESE MEDICINE, SHANGHAI HEALTH BUREA. shanghai journal of tcm. 1999;8:38 (chi*). Yang Yi-Fang (1924-) male, a native of Nanhui County, Shanghai, was evaluated as a famous Chinese Medical doctor in Shanghai in 1995. In comprehensive inheritance and development of the medical features of Yang's acupuncture school created by Yang Yong-Xuan, Dr Yang combined acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping therapy, oral and external administration of Chinese herbal medicine and dermal puncture and cupping therapy organically and achieved excellent therapeutic effects by simultaneous application of needles and herbal drugs and cupping therapy with pattern identification. This article introduces mainly the dermal puncture and cupping 1564- gera: 76126/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION-SENSATION AND THERAPEUTIC EFFECT]. XIAO YUAN-CHUN ET AL. shanghai journal of tcm. 1999;11:32 (chi*). Three proven medical cases treated with herb-interposed moxibustion and moxa roll moxibustion were listed to illustrate that merely adequate moxibustion-heat and subsequent qiarrival can produce marked moxibustion- sensation and consequently exert unique actions and therapeutic effects gera 2010 95 which needling and medicine do not 1565- gera: 76616/di/ra [TREATING 62 CASES OF OBSTINATE MIGRAINE WITH WARMING NEEDLE MOXIBUSTION]. ZHU GUOXIANG ET AL. zhejiang journal of tcm. 1999;34(5):212 (chi). 1566- gera: 77019/di/ra [THE COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF CHILDREN'S ENURESIS BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. XU TIANBIN. acupuncture research. 1999;24(2):93 (chi*). Forty-five patients of enuresis were divided into two groups, the moxibustion group and the acupuncture group, and the effective rates of the two groups were observed. The result showed that the total effective rate of moxibustion group was 90.0%, while the effective rate of acupuncture group was 93.3%, there was no obvious difference between them (P>0.05). It pointed out that they had the same curative effect in the treatment of enuresis of 1567- gera: 77032/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATION OF THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON MACROPHAGE PHAGOCYTIC FUNCTION IN MICE]. ZHU WENLIAN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1999;24(2):143 (chi*). In this paper, moxibustion and nonmoxibustion treatments were given to "Dazhui" (GV14) of 106 normal mice and cyclophosphamide treated mice, the effects of moxibustion on macrophage phagocytic function percentage of phagocytosis and phagocytic index of mice were observed. The results were as follows: Moxibustion at "Dazhui" could not increase macrophage phagocytic function of normal mice, but had a remarkable strengthening effect on that in cyclophosphamide treated mice. The experiment suggested moxibustion had an effect of regulation. 1568- gera: 77038/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON ULCERATIVE COLITIS AND EXPRESSION OF HLA-DR ANTIGEN ON EPITHELIAL CELL OF THE COLON]. WU HUANGAN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1999;24(1):12 (chi*). 151 patients with ulcerative colitis were divided randomly into herbal cake-separated moxibustion group I (65 cases), herbal cake-separated moxibustion group II (56 cases) and drug group (30 cases) as a control. A good clinical result was obtained. The short-term curative rate was 53.8% in herbal cake-separated moxibustion group I, 50.0% in herbal cakeseparated moxibustion group II and 30.0% in drug group. The effective mechanism of treatment may be relevant to depressing or eliminating the antigenic expression of HLA-DR in colonic epithelial cell, increasing the amount of T8+ cells, correcting the proportion of the subgroups of T lymphocyte, and resulting in the improvement of the injured intestinal mucosa. 1569- gera: 77039/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON SERUM CSF ACTIVITY OF PATIENTS WITH LEUKOPENIA CAUSED BY CHEMOTHERAPY]. ZHAO XIXIN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1999;24(1):17 (chi*). The patients with leukopenia caused by chemotherapy were treated with acupuncture and moxibustion. Before and after treatment, the WBC of peripheral blood was counted with routine examination. Besides, the activity of serum colony stimulating factor (CSF) was detected with cell culture. It is proved that acupuncture and moxibustion have to confirmed effect on leukopenia. One of the mechanisms is that acupuncture and moxibustion can improve CSF activity. In addition, the results indicate that CSF activity is regulated by WBC negative feedback. 1570- gera: 77049/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE ANTINEOPLASTIC EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION]. TANG ZHAOLIANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1999;24(1):60 (chi*). S180 solid tumor models in mice were established to observe the antineoplastic effects of moxibustion. The study shows that the moxibustion on the point of "Guanyuan" and cutting into the subacutaneous tissue with surgical knife blade after moxibustion on the location of the tumor could hinder the growth of the tumor, thus heightened the survival rate and prolonged the duration of life of the mice. A more than 33% rate of inhibition in treating the tumor was gained. It is also showed that the therapy improved the proliferative reaction of the splenic lymphocyte induced by the ConA and LPS, and improved the activity of IL-1 and IL-2. All these effects have statistical significance as compared with that of the control group, and were equal or superior to that of cyclophosphamide (CY). The results indicate thet the thermotherapeutic effect, the effect of eliminating the stagnation and activating the blood, the heightening of the immune function may all play a role in the moxibustion's antineoplastic effects. 1571- gera: 77050/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON BILIARY ASCARIASIS TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE,MOXIBUSTION AND MEDICINE]. ZHANG LAN. acupuncture research. 1999;24(1):64 (chi*). Sixty cases of biliary ascariasis were treated by acupuncture, moxibustion and medicine combined with fat-meal- MgSO4 sequence therapy. Acupoints are Ganshu, Danshu, Riyue, Qimen, Yanglingquan. Drugs are Oriental Wormwood Decoction, Powder for Treating Cold Limbs and Pill of Black Plum. The cure rate was 70.2% in treatment groups, while it was 37.5% in control group (40 cases). The former is much better than the latter (P<0.01). 1572- gera: 77051/di/ra [THE OBSERVATION ON THE CURATIVE EFFECT OF ULCERATIVE COLITIS BY TREATMENT OF MOXIBUSTION]. FANG XIANGMING ET AL. acupuncture research. 1999;24(1):66 (chi*). Ulcerative colitis or chronic nonspecific colitis is a chronic colitis, the cause of disease is unknown. Its characteristics are chronic repeated abdominal pain, diarrhea and protracted, hardly cured stool with pus, blood and mucous. The incidence of this disease shows a tendency to rise recently, and there is no an idea l therapy in Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. We treated this disease with moxibustion at Zusanli (ST36), Shenshu (BL23), Guanyuan (RN4) and compared its effect with that of routine treatment of Western medicine we found that the curative effect of moxibustion group was obviously better than that of medicine group. 1573- gera: 77052/di/ra [THE CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF 238 CASES OF DISEASE OF CERVICAL,LUMBAR VERTEBRAE BY MOXIBUSTION AND ACUPUNCTURE AT THE JIAJI POINTS]. HU QIUYAN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1999;24(1):68 (chi*). In this paper, authors treated 238 cases of disease of cervical, lumbar vertebrae by acupuncture and moxibustion at the Jiaji points, and 43 cases were treated by simple acupuncture as control. The result showed that cure rate of treatment group was 70.89%, improvement rate was 29.11%, the cure rate of control group was 44.19%, improvement rate was 41.86%. Comparing the treatment group with the control group, P<0.01, there was marked difference between them. The results showed that this method had better effectiveness on the disease of cervical, 1574- gera: 77053/di/ra [EIGHTY CASES OF HYPEROSTEOGENY OF LUMBAR VERTEBRAE TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN BOX]. ZHAO YAN. acupuncture research. 1999;24(1):72 (chi*). In this paper, we adopted acupuncture and moxibustion in box to treat 80 cases of hyperosteogeny of lumbar vertebrae. Jiaji, the main points were given acupuncture and moxibustion in box, and got satisfactory curative effect. We think that this method has the characteristics of wide area of moxibustion, safety and reliability. 1575- gera: 77055/di/ra [POSTPARTUM RETENTION OF URINE TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION]. HAN PEILING. acupuncture research. 1999;24(1):77 (chi*). gera 2010 96 In this paper, according to the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine about the postpartum retention of urine, I put forward the therapeutic principle and method of moxibustion on retention of urine. 1576- gera: 77066/di/ra [STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF MEDICINAL VESICULATION ON HEMATOPOIETIC FUNCTION AND ITS MECHANISM IN MICE]. SUN DELI ET AL. acupuncture research. 1999;24(3):206 (chi*). In this paper, we have studied the effect of medicinal vesiculation on the hematopoietic function and its mechanism in mice treated by cyclophosphamide (CTX). The results show that CTX can cause serious bone marrow inhibition of mouse, decrease significantly the number of karyocyte of bone marrow and WBC and the production ability of GM-CSF by abdominal cavity macrophage. Medicinal vesiculation or moxibustion of wheat grain form on "Dazhui", "Shenshu" and "Zusanli" has significant effect on bone marrow inhibition caused by chemotherapy. It can promote bone marrow cell proliferation, increase the number of karyocyte of bone marrow and WBC significantly. It can also strengthen abdominal cavity macrophage cell to produce GM-CSF. Furthermore, we discussed the nerve-endocrine-immune mechanism of the effect of medicinal vesiculation. 1577- gera: 77067/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON EXPERIMENTAL INFLAMMATION MODEL AND INFLAMMATORY MEDIATORS IN RATS]. TANG ZHAOLIANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1999;24(3):212 (chi*). The model of adjuvant arthritis in the rat was established to investigate the anti-inflammatory effects of the moxibustion at "Shenshu" (BL23) point and its effects on several inflammatory mediators. The result showed that the moxibustion alleviated the inflammatory reaction and significantly reduced the level of the chemical inflammatory mediator (Hm, 5-HT) and the inflammatory cytokine (TNF, IL-1ß) (P<0.05 or P<0.01), comparing with control group). It indicates that the therapy can inhibit the formation and release of the chemical inflammation mediator and inflammatory cytokine in inflammatory cells, alleviate or stop inflammatory reaction, dissipate blood stasis and relieve the swelling prevent and cure delayed polyarthritis and thus it can produce an anti-inflammatory 1578- gera: 77073/di/ra [AN ANALYSIS OF THE CURATIVE EFFECT OF 2112 CASES OF COUGH AND ASTHMA TREATED WITH GINGER- SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION ON DOG DAYS]. WANG ZHENQIN ET AL. acupuncture research. 1999;24(3):233 (chi*). We have adopted ginger-separated moxibution to treat 2112 cases of cough and asthma on dog days. Of them, 601 cases were cured, accounting for 28.4%, 812 cases markedly effective (38.4%), 570 cases improved (27.1%) and 129 cases ineffective (6.1%). The total effective rate was 93.9%. 1579- gera: 77090/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE CELLULAR IMMUNE FUNCTION IN MICE WITH MORPHINE DEPENDENCE]. SONG XIAOGE ET AL. acupuncture research. 1999;24(4):297 (chi*). The effect of moxibustion at "Guanyuan" point on the cellular immune function in mice with morphine dependence was observed. The results showed that the immune function was decreased and the body weight was losed in the morphine dependence group, as compared with the normal group, the difference was significant. In the moxibustion group, the lymphocyte transformation was promoted and the activity of NK cell was strengthened significantly. The experimental basis was provided for using moxibustion to treat drug addiction and promote rehabilitation. transformation was promoted and the activity of NK cell was strengthened significantly. The experimental basis was provided for using moxibustion to treat drug addiction and promote rehabilitation. 1580- gera: 77092/di/ra [THE EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON THE EFFECT OF DRUG-PARTITIONED MOXIBUSTION AT "SHENQUE" ON THE GASTROINTESTINAL FUNCTION OF TUMORBEARING CHEMOTHERAPY RAT]. YANG DANHONG ET AL. acupuncture research. 1999;24(4):303 (chi*). In this experiment, the gastrointestinal hormones and pathology were used as indices to research the protective effect of drug-partitioned moxibustion at "Shenque" (RN8) on the functin of gastrointestinal tract in tumor-bearing chemotherapy rats. The results show that the way drugpartitioned moxibustion at "Shenque" (RN8) can avoid thinning gastric mucosa, prevent the necrosis of epithelial cells and superficial glands from exfoliating, and can also raise the levels of serum gastrin, serum motilin and gastrin of gastric mucosa. As a result, the repair of gastric mucosa is promoted and the gastrointestinal dynamic is adjusted. The experiment has proved that this method can effectively alleviate the gastrointestinal toxic reaction of chemotherapeutic drug (5-Fu) and protect the 1581- gera: 71167/di/ra FIFTY CASES OF GASTROPTOSIS TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION THERAPY. WU CHUNGUANG ET AL. journal of tcm. 2000;20(1):42 (eng). Voir traduction italienne de réf gera: [94771]. 1582- gera: 71510/di/ra [EXPERIENCE IN TREATMENT WITH MOXIBUSTION]. YANG JIEBIN. jiangsu journal of tcm. 2000;20(2):1 (chi). 1583- gera: 71965/di/ra PRATICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY (18). JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 2000;7(18):33-6 (eng). 1584- gera: 72219/di/ra ANTIPYRETIC ACTION OF MOXIBUSTION AND ITS RELATION WITH ACUPOINT RECEPTORS. DONG QUANSHENG ET AL. word journal of acupuncturemoxibustion. 2000;10(1):31 (eng). In our previous study, we observed that there was a close relation between the therapeutic effect and the warm receptors (WRs) or polymodal receptors (PRs). In accordance with the most sensitivity of WRs and the thermal threshold value, we used computer-controlled projector light at a constant temperature 40°C and 47°C to irradiate (moxibustion) Dazhui (GV 14) and Baihui (GV 20) (it is located between the spines of the 7th lumbar vertebra and the its sacral vertebra in the rabbit) and observed its antipyretic action on fever induced by intravenous injection of endotoxin in the rabbit. Results showed that this kind of moxibustion at 40°C had no significant effect while that at 47° C had a very striking antipyretic effect, indicating that the antipyretic effect of moxibustion is mediated primarily by Pits. This fact also provides an important experimental evidence for moxibustion treatment of heat1585- gera: 72365/di/ra ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DIRECT MOXIBUSTION. MISAKI ENDO. north american journal of oriental medicine. 2000;7(19):4-6 (eng). 1586- gera: 72375/di/ra PRACTICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY (19). JUNJI MIZUTANI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 2000;7(19):29-30 (eng). 1587- gera: 72475/di/ra CLINICAL USES OF MOXIBUSTION. OBAIDEY E. pacific journal of oriental medicine. 2000;16:14-7 (eng). This article continues the discussion of the techniques and uses of moxibustion begun in Issue 13 of PJOM. Whereas the first article considered what moxibustion are, the various techniques that can be used, and the effects of moxibustion on physiological processes, this article will describe some of its clinical applications. Thus the two articles complement each other and should be read in conjunction. 1588- gera: 72810/di/ra THERMOLYTIC EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION AND ITS RELATION TO ACUPOINT RECEPTORS. XIAN MAOQUAN ET AL. word journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. gera 2010 97 2000;10(2):24-0 (eng). In the present paper, the effect of moxibustion stimulation (by using a computer automatically-controlled condensed light) of Dazhui (GV 14) etc. on auricular temperature changes was observed in the rabbit after intravenous injection of endotoxin. Changes of rabbit's auricular temperature were sampled and recorded by using a (connected with a computer) before and after moxibustion stimulation. Results indicated that moxibustion making the skin temperature reach to 48°C could inhibit the endotoxin-induced lowering reaction of auricular temperature, while moxibustion making the skin temperature of 40°C had no this effect. It revealed that higher-skintemperature moxibustion had a thermolytic effect on bodyfever, which had a close relation mainly with polymodal receptors rather than with temperature receptor. It also demonstrated that endotoxin-induced changes of auricular 1589- gera: 72815/di/ra [CINICAL STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF CERVICAL VERTIGO WITH COMPRESSIVE MOXIBUSTION ON BAIHUI]. ZHUANG LIXING ET AL. acupuncture research. 2000;25(2):124 (chi*). In order to study the clinical effect and mechanism of compressive moxibustion on Baihui (Du 20) in treating cervical vertigo, 40 cases were randomized into two groups: treatment group treated with compressive moxibustion on Baihui (Du 20) plus acupuncture on jiaji Extra15) neck, control group treated with acupuncture on Jiaji (Extra 15) alone, and transcranial doppler (TCD) was used to detect the blood flow of VA-BA of the patients before and after the treatment. Clinical observation showed that the markedly effective rate of treatment group (85. 7 %) was higher than that of the control group (57. 8 %, P < 0. 01 ). And after the treatment, there were significant differences ( P < 0.05 ) in systolic peak flow velocity (Vs), end diastolic flow velocity (Vd) and mean flow velocity (Vm) of VA and BA between the two groups. It indicated that the therapy could expand VA-BA, improve the hypercoagulative status of blood, improve the blood supply of cerebral vessels, and thus relieve the symptoms of 1590- gera: 72857/di/ra [COMPARISON OF KANGWEI ELECTRIC MOXIBUSTION WITH TRADITIONAL MONIBUSTION IN THEIR ACTIONS]. HAN ZHONG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;20(8):476 (chi). 1591- gera: 73189/di/ra EFFICACIA TERAPEUTICA DEL RISCALDAMENTO DELL'AGO ATTRAVERSO LA MOXIBUSTIONE SUI DODICI PUNTI SHU NELL'ARTRITE REUMATOIDE. LI CHANGDU ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2000;79(1):42-4 (ita). La radioterapia e la chemioterapia sono comunemente usate nella terapia delle neoplasie. Tuttavia, alcuni effetti collaterali tossici come leucopenia e reazioni gastrointestinal i o sistemiche che si verificano durante il trattamento sono cosi gravi che alcuni pazienti non possono tollerarle e addirittura abbandonano la terapia. Recentemente si è tentato un approccio al loro trattamento mediante l'agopuntura. I risultati hanno dimostrato che gli effetti collaterali tossici sono stati in certo grado migliorati. Di conseguenza, è migliorata la qualità di vita 1592- gera: 73478/di/ra [THREE METHODS OF CLINICAL APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION WITH MEDICATED THREAD IN ZHUANG MEDICINE]. CUI LIPING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;20(7):423 (chi). 1593- gera: 73515/di/ra [EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AT NEIGUAN (PC 6) AND SHENMEN (HT 7) POINTS ON PLATELET ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS OF CORONARY HEART DISEASE]. ZHANG ZHAOHUI ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;20(2):119 (chi*). In order to probe into the therapeutic effect and the mechanism of acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment of coronary heart disease, 60 cases that accorded with diagnostic criteria of coronary heart disease established by WHOM were randomly assigned to two groups. The treatment group received acupuncture at Neiguan (PC 6) and Shenmen (HT7) acupoints and the control group received intravenous drip of polarised liquid. The treatment for the two groups was given once a day and 14 days constituted one therapeutic course. GMP-140, plat and EKG were detected before treatment and after one course respectively. Results showed that GMP-140 after treatment was significantly lower than that before treatment in the treatment group (P<0.01), indicating that acupuncture at Neiguan (PC 6) and Shenmen (HT 7) points can inhibit activity of platelet, prevent thrombosis and improve 1594- gera: 74000/di/ra [PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION INTO THE TREATMENT OF HEPATITIS B BY FESTERING MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG HAI-MENG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;19(4):14 (chi). Purpose :To observe the curative effect of festering moxibustion on patients with hepatitis B. Methods : Acupoints selected were bilateral Zusanli and Sanyinjiao. Festering moxibustion was performed on one acupoint each time. Results : Liver function had a tendency towards improvement after treatment. There were statistically significant differences in ALT and AST. In 10 patients; 12 virus indices took a turn for the better; during the treatment, there was a transient injury to liver function. Conclusion Festering moxibustion has a certain curative effect on hepatitis B. which may be related to the improvement of bodily immunologic function. 1595- gera: 74002/di/ra [TEST AND ANALYSIS OF THE INTEGRATED EFFECT OF MULTIPLE FACTORS IN INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION]. HAN ZHONG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;19(4):32 (chi). Purpose : To investigate the regularity of warm stimulation by multiple action factors during performing indirect moxibustion. Methods : Computer moxibustion research test-analysis system was used for simultaneous test and comparative analysis of 12 factors such as mode of operation quality of material and properties of herbal cakes and moxa cones, involved in the performance. Results : Different operation mode and process and material quality had the corresponding regularity of a change in temperature. Conclusion. The optimum combination of correlation factors in the clinical operation has guiding significance to raising operation level and improving curative effect. 1596- gera: 74254/di/ra TREATMENT BY MOXIBUSTION. HERPES ZOSTER. XUAN LIHUA. journal of chinese medicine. 2000;64:17-8 (eng). Traitement par moxibustion et distinction de 3 formes cliniques: 1) feu du foie et de la VB (2Fet 34VB), 2) chaleurhumidité de la Rte-E (44E et 6Rte), 3) stase de qi et de sang (17V). A ces points sont ajoutés la moxibustion (5 cônes) à la tête du serpent (les premières vésicules), à la queue du serpent (les dernières), et le milieu du serpent (zone sans vésicule entre la tête et la queue. Une séance par jour. Rapport de deux cas. 1597- gera: 74623/di/ra [ELECTRIC FUMIGATING WITH TRADITIONAL CHINESE DRUGS IN THE REHABILITATION OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISK HERNIA AFTER THE PULLINGPRESSING TREATMENT]. LIU ZHENXING ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2000;12(3):13 (chi*). In order to explore the function of electric fumigating with traditional Chinese drugs (EFTCD) in the rehabilitation of lumbar intervertebral disk hernia (LIDH), 130 cases of LIDH were randomly divided into the observed and control groups, the former were given EFTCD after the pulling-pressing treatment and the latter were given physiotherapies, such as kerotherapy, frequency spectrum, audio frequency, etc. The results showed that the observed group obtained a higher cured rate (P < h. 05) and a shorter course of treatment (P < 0. 01). The follow- up of 6 - 12 months showed the recurrence rate of the cured cases in the observed group was significantly lower than that of the control (P < 0. B), suggesting that gera 2010 98 F.FTCD has the function to improve the therapeutic effect and 1598- gera: 74628/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON INSULIN RESISTANCE IN NON-INSULIN DEPENDENT DIABETES MELLITUS]. LIU ZHI-CHENG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;19(1):5 (chi*). Voir traduction anglaise de: réf gera: [94247]. Purpose and Methods In order to understanding the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on insulin resistance (IR) in Non-InsulinDependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM). The fasting blood sugar (FBS), blood insulin (INS) insulin sensitivity index (ISI) and resistant hormone of INS in 46 patients with NIDDM were observed before and after the treatment. Results: It was showed that the goodly effect was achieved in the cases by acupuncture and moxibustion, while the contents of FBS and INS in plasma were all decreased and ISI was increased in the cases treated by acupuncture and moxibustion. The degree of decrease of FBS and INS, and increase of ISI being closely related to therapeutic effect. The level of resistant hormone of INS and lipid in patients tend to normal level. Conclusion: It showed that acupuncture and moxibustion had a good regulatory effect on the function of endocrine, sugar and lipid metabolism. It suggests that IR can be corrected by acupuncture and moxibustion, which in a Key resulted in therapeutic effect. 1599- gera: 74721/di/ra [CLINICAL REPORT OF HERPES ZOSTER TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH RUSH]. HU KA-MING ET AL. journal of chengdu university of tcm. 2000;23(1):33 (chi). 1600- gera: 74723/di/ra [EFFECTION ON THE IMMUNITY OF MOXIBUSTION TO THE LEPTOSPIRA OUTER MEMBRANE PROTEIN OF 39 KDA]. WU JUN-MEI ET AL. journal of chengdu university of tcm. 2000;23(1):42 (chi*). The leptospira outer membrane protein of 39 Kda (OmpL39) was chosen to inoculate the guinea-pigs, and gave them moxibustion to research the result of moxibustion effecting on the immunity of OmpL39. The results showed that both OmpL39 with moxibustion and simple OmpL39 had qualified immunity, but the specific antibody titter of the former was much higher than that of the latter and among them, the action of OmpL39 with moxibustion was the best, simple OmpL39 the second, simple moxibustion the third. It was suggested that moxibustion did can improve the immunity of Ompl39, by improving the vital Qi. 1601- gera: 75079/di/ra [TREATMENT OF JUVENILE FACIAL PARALYSIS WITH STRONG MOXIBUSTION AT YIFENG POINT AND ITS EFFECT ON CELLULAR IMMUNE FUNCTION].]. ZHANG TONG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;20(10):587 (chi). 1602- gera: 75728/di/ra [RESEARCH PROGRESS ON TREATING HYPERLIPEMIA AND ATHEOSCLEROSIS THROUGH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. TAN ZHEN-HUA ET AL. liaoning journal of tcm. 2000;27(1):46 (chi*). In this paper, the methods and therapeutic result of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of hyperlipemia (HLP) and atherosclerosis (AS) in recent 20 years have been reported, as well as its possible mechanisms. It is showed that the acupuncture and moxibustion treatment has a definite effect on HLP and AS. 1603- gera: 76236/di/ra [EFFECT OF MICROINJECTION OF 6HYDROXYDOPAMINE INTO HIPPOCAMPUS ON THE ACTION OF ANTI- INFLAMMATORY OF MOXIBUSTION IN RATS]. TANG ZHAOLIANG ET AL. acupuncture research. 2000;25(3):184 (chi*). The study was to determine the effect of damage to noradrenergic nerves in hippocampus on the action of antiinflammatory and immune regulation of moxibustion, thus to probe into the mechanism of moxibustion in central regulation. Models of adjuvant arthritis (AA) in rats were made, and microinjection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6- OHDA) into hippocampus was given, and then changes in vole circumference, index of thymus and spleen, IL-6, IL-2 after moxibustion were observed. Results show that moxibustion group present obvious effects of anti- inflammatory and immune regulation (P <0.01 comparing with control group and the effects were partly blocked by the damage to noradrenergic nerves in hippocampus (P >0. 05). It indicates that hippocampus may be an important portion relating to the central information integration of moxibustion treatment, and hippocampus- hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocotical (HPA) system may be a neuro-humoral route in the action of anti1604- gera: 76242/di/ra [EFFECTS OF WARMED NEEDLING OF "SHENSHU" POINT ON UTERI,OVARIA AND SEX HORMONES OF SENILE FEMALE RATS]. YANG LIAN ET AL. acupuncture research. 2000;25(3):207 (chi*). This work was to investigate the effects of warmed needling of "Shenshu" points on uteri, ovaria, dominant folliculi and its regulation on estrin levels. The bilateral "Shenshu" points were acupunctured with the needles warmed by burning moxa in their ends. The wet weight of uteri and ovaria, the number of dominant folliculi and the changes of estrins (E2, P, FSH and LH) were measured and compared with that of drug group (Nilestriol), young rat control group and senile rat control group. The results showed that warmed needling of "Shenshu" points produced no obvious effects on the wet weights of uteri, ovaria and the number of dominant folliculi; It might significantly increase the level of E2 contents, remarkably decrease the contents of FSH, improve the P level but exert no obvious influence on LH contents. This suggested that warmed needling of "Shenshu" points can distinctly improve the levels of E2 and P contents and decrease FSH. It produced stronger regulation on E2 and FSH than P and LH. 1605- gera: 76673/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 30 PATIENTS WITH CERVICAL SPONDYLOPATHY BY MASSAGE,ELECTRIC NEEDLE AND HEAT-THERAPY]. LIU ZHIJUN ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;16(3):41 (chi). 1606- gera: 76675/di/ra [A DISCUSSION ON HISTORICAL REASONS OF "SIGULAR SELECTION OF MOXIBUSTION" BY WANGTAO]. DU MENGXUAN. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;16(2):1 (chi). 1607- gera: 76960/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON ACUPOINT INJECTION PLUS CAKE SEPARETED MOXIBUSTION FOR TREATMENT OF ENDOMETRIOSIS INTERNA]. WANG HUIMIN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;20(11):647 (chi*). Acupoint-injection of Danshen injection was given at Ciliao (BL32), Zusanli (ST36), Diji (SP8), Sanyinjiao (SP6), Fenglong (ST40), 2 acupoints each time, 2ml each point. The points were alternately selected every other day. Medicinal cake was mainly constituted by medicines for warming Yang, removing blood stasis and activating blood flow, and the selected acupoints were Guanyuan (CV4) and Ciliao (BL32). The two groups of acupoint were alternately selected once every other day, 3 moxacones each time, two months constituting one therapeutic course. After 3 ~ 5 courses, the total effective rate was 82.1%. 1608- gera: 76964/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 86 CASES OF CHRONIC DIARRHEA BY ACUPUNCTURE WITH THE WARM NEEDLE THROUGH BURNING MOXA CONE AND GINGER MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG JING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;20(11):649 (chi). 1609- gera: 76972/di/ra [EFFECTS OF KANGWAY ELECTRONIC MOXIBUSTION AT ZUSANLI POINT ON BLOOD RHEOLOGY AND BLOOD PRESSURE IN PATIENTS OF HYPERTENSION]. ZHANG DENGBU ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;20(11):685 (chi). gera 2010 99 1610- gera: 77148/di/ra [CLINICAL MOXIBUSTION RESEARCH INTO "THE KIDNEY MANIFESTS ITSELF ON THE HAIR"]. WU ZHONG-CAO ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;19(5):7 (chi*). Purpose To investigate the principle of "the kidney manifests itself on the hair". Methods.The symptoms and signs of kidney hypofunction and trace elements were observed before and after moxibustion in 40 old people. Results The contents of trace elements in the hair took an obvious turn for the better with a decrease in the degree of kidney hypofunction after moxibustion in the old persons. Conclusion "The kidney manifests itself on the hair" has 1611- gera: 77156/di/ra [RESEARCH PROGRESS ON ANTI-AGING BY MOXIBUSTION]. XIN BAO-YU ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;19(5):44 (chi*). Purpose and Methods.This paper reviewed the clinical and experimental research on anti-aging and prevention and treatment of senile disease by moxibustion in recent years. Results and Conclusion Moxibustion is of important significance for anti-aging and prevention of aging and has very bright future. It is essential for us to make further 1612- gera: 77284/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF 75 CASES OF GASTRALGIA WITH SPLEEN YANG DEFICIENCY BY GINGER MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG JING. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;19(3):17 (chi). 1613- gera: 77291/di/ra [THE PRESENT STATUS OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON ACUPUNCTURE MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF SUITABLE GYNECOLOGIC DISEASES]. LIAN FENG LI ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;19(3):44 (chi*). Purpose: To review the general condition of the mechanism research into the action of acupuncture-moxibustion on suitable gynaecologic diseases. Method: A comprehensive analysis was made of the effects of acupuncture and moxibustion on hypothalamic, pituitary and ovarian hormones in suitable gynaecologic diseases. Results: Acupuncture and moxibustion achieved the purpose of treating gynaecologic diseases mainly by activating hypothalamus-pituitary ovarian axis and bodily immunologic function and influencing neurogenitoendocrino- immunoregulatory system to produce a bidirectional regulating effect on female genital system. Conclusion: Correspondence between brain-kidney-Chong and Ren me replant uterine axis and canter-hypothalamuspituitary- ovarian axis flays a theoretical basis for the treatment of and research into gynaecologic diseases by integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. There remains to be further investigated. 1614- gera: 77376/di/ra [THE INFLUENCE OF CRUDE HERB MOXIBUSTION ON THE CONTENT OF SERUM TESTOSTERONE AND ESTRADIOL IN THE SAM P10 MICE]. XIN BAOYU ET AL. journal of beijing university of tcm. 2000;23(4):50 (chi*). With aging of the male SAM mouse, the content of testosterone (T) would decrease while the content of estradiol (E2) would not change very much, so the ratio of E2/T would increase. Crude herb moxibustion on the Shenshu`, MingMen and Dazhui could increase the content of testosterone, so to decrease the ratio of E2/T. It is an initial research on the endocrine mechanism of crude herb moxibustion postponing senelity. 1615- gera: 77442/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF TREATING DYSMENORRHEA 36 CASES WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. GUAN JIANHONG. chinese journal of ethnomedicine and ethnopharmacy. 2000;44:139 (chi). 1616- gera: 77468/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION WITH THE STRING PROCESSED BY ZHUANG NATIONAL HERBS). FENG QIAO ET AL. chinese journal of ethnomedicine and ethnopharmacy. 2000;45:199 (chi). 1617- gera: 77482/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF TREATING OPPILLATION 34 CASES WITH TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE AND ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. GUAN JIANHONG ET AL. chinese journal of ethnomedicine and ethnopharmacy. 2000;45:211 (chi). 1618- gera: 77624/di/ra [EFFECT OF GRANULE MOXIBUSTION ON MUCOSA MAT CELL NUMBER OF SPLEEN DEFICIENCY RATS]. YU HUA ET AL. acupuncture research. 2000;25(1):31 (chi*). SD rats were made to be spleen deficiency with diarrhia. The animals were divided into three groups,moxibustion group treated with granule moxibustion on "Pishu", "Weishu" and "Zusanli" points, once a day, three cones per point, for 15 days; decoction group treated with decoction; and control group without treatment. After treatment the number of mucosa mast cells (MMC) of the rats in moxibustion group was significantly increased than that in control group (P < 0.001) and decoction group (P<0.05). The results suggest that moxibustion may regulate the immune function and resistant inflammation reaction. 1619- gera: 77690/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCIOMA BY RADIO AND CHEMOTHERAPY WITH SUPPLEMENTARY MOXIBUSTION ON SHENQUE POINT]. CHEN KAI ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2000;20(10):733 (chi*). Objective: to evaluate the effect of supplementary moxibustion in treating III, IV a stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) with radio-and chemotherapy. Methods: fifty-six cases of NPC were randomly divided into two groups, 28 in each group. They were treated with radiotherapy in routine or chemotherapy adopting AD protocol. Salt-separated moxibustion on Shenque (Ren 8) point was given to the treated group from beginning of radio- and chemotherapy for 30 times as one therapeutic course. Results: the remission rate in the two groups after radio- and chemotherapy was not different significantly. The toxic and side-effect occurence was less in the treated group than in the control group (P<0.05). The 5-year local control rates of NPC and cervical lymphnode were 85.7% and 85.0% in the treated group, which were higher than those in the control group (78.6% and 78.9%). the 5-year survival rate in the two groups were 50.0% and 35.7% respectively. After radio- and chemotherapy, the blood content of malonyldialdehyde (MDA), middle molecular substance and sulfhydryl reduced the SOD activity ascended in the treated group, the difference was significant as compared with those in the control group (P<0.05, P<0.01). Conclusion: the supplementary moxibustion on Shenque point could obviously reduce the toxic side- effect of advanced NPC patients treated with radio- and chemotherapy. 1620- gera: 77786/di/ra [CINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF INSUFFICIENT BLOOD SUPPLY OF VERTEBRAL BASILAR ARTERY WITH NEEDLE WARMING TROUGHT MOXIBUSTION AT JIAJI ACUPOINTS OF THE NECK]. LIU AOSHUANG ET AL. journal of tcm. 2000;41(6):345 (chi). 1621- gera: 77858/di/ra [MY EXPERIENCE OF THE APPLICATION OF PYOGENIC MOXIBUSTION]. LIANG DEFEI. zhejiang journal of tcm. 2000;35(6):252 (chi). 1622- gera: 77884/di/ra [GENERAL REVIEW OF THE RESEARCH OF TREATING TUMOR WITH MOXIBUSTION]. MA XIAOPENG ET AL. zhejiang journal of tcm. 2000;35(8):360 (chi). 1623- gera: 77918/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH OF ANTICANCER ACTIONS WITH MOXIBUSTING SHENQUE POINT]. YE XIANG RONG ET AL. journal of shandong university of tcm. gera 2010 100 2000;24(3):229 (chi*). lt has been observed in mice with transplanted liver cancer (H22) that the anticancer actions with moxibusting Shenque point. It shows that moxibusting every other day is much more effective than moxibusting everyday in results. It can increase the thymus exponent of mice with tumor. On the other hand, it can decrease saliva acid in serum (P<0. 05). With moxibusting, the node amount of pulmonary tumor is obviously less than that of the control group (P<0. 05). It also happened in weight of Iymphnodes in both transplanted lateral armpit and renal hilus (P<0. 05), and the invasive grade of cancer cell in axially Iymphnodes was decreased than that of the control group. It shows that it can prevent lymphatic metastasis by moxibustion: it: to improve immune functions and 1624- gera: 78021/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF TREATMENT OF ALOPECIA AREATA WITH PLUMBLOSSOM ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. WEN LI ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;16(5):36 (chi). 1625- gera: 78045/di/ra [TREATMENT OF CHRONIC ATROPHIC GASTRITIS( CAG) WITH MOXIBUSTION AND PLASTER ON POINTS: REPORT OF 31 CASES]. WU WENZHONG ET AL. journal of nanjing university tcm. 2000;16(2):104 (chi*). OBJECTIVE, To observe the clinical effects of moxibustion and plaster on given points in treating CAG. METHOD: The treatment group received both moxibustion and plaster on specific points, while the control has treated with plaster only. RESULTS : The clinical effects and improvement of symptoms of the treatment croup here significantly higher than those of the control. CONCLUSION Moxibustion can enhance the therapeutic effects of plaster on acupuncture points in treating CAG. 1626- gera: 78258/di/ra POST-STERILIZATION SYNDROME IN WOMEN TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE. CAO WEN-ZHONG ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 2000;11(4):291-6 (eng). The post-operative symptoms of 200 women who received sterilisation were treated with acupuncture and moxibustion. It was found that the effective rate was 95% and the curative rate was 74.0%. A report follows. 1627- gera: 78276/di/ra MOXIBUSTION PLUS CHIROPRACTIC IN TREATMENT OF ANAL PROLAPSE IN CHILDREN. ZHOU XUAN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 2000;11(4):353-4 (eng). There are many ways to treat prolapse of the rectum in children, but it is difficult to gain the co-operation of children in such methods. Since moxibustion and chiropractic are painless and does not require any technical expertise, they can be applied whenever necessary. In this report 22 children were treated with good resultats. 1628- gera: 78354/di/ra [TREATMENT OF COLITIS BY ACUPUNCTURE; DRUGS,AND MOXIBUSTION USED SIMULTANEOUSLY IN 80 CASES]. HE MAO. journal of tcm and chinese materia medica of jilin. 2000;20(2):43 (chi). 1629- gera: 78418/di/ra [CLINICAL INVESTIGATION ON MEDICAL MOXIBUSTION TO TREAT VERRUCA VULGARISM]. FENG QIAO ET AL. hebei journal of tcm. 2000;22(5):375 (chi*). Objective To investigate the effect of Medical Moxibustion on verruca vulgarism. Methods 136 patients with verruca vulgarism were divided into two groups. Medical Moxibustion were used in treatment group (n = 98) 5 - 10 min per day, therapeutic duration is 7 days. And in control group (n =38) polyinosinic acid injection was taken intramuscularly twice a week, Levamisole tablet 0. 5g were orally taken three times per day. Results The total effective rate (71. 42 %o) was significantly higher in treatment group than those in control group (34. 21 %, P "). 01). Conclusions Medical Moxibustion is an effective method on treatment of verruca vulgarism. 1630- gera: 78515/di/ra [TREATMENT OF TENNIS ELBOW BY BLOCKADE AND TRIPLE PUNCTURE WITH MOXIBUSTION]. ZHOU KING. shanghai journal of tcm. 2000;34(6):36 (chi*). 44 cases with tennis elbow were treated by local blockage and triple puncture with moxibustion (treatment group), additional 30 cases were treated by simple local blockage (blockage group) and another 30 case were treated by simple acupuncture (acupuncture group); their effects were compared. Result showed that the effective rates of the three groups were respectively 98%, 60% and 80%. 1631- gera: 79175/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 42 CASES OF CHRONIC COLITIS WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. HUANG GUIXING ET AL. acupuncture research. 2000;25(2):146 (chi*). Since 1992, the authors have treated 42 cases of chronic colitis with acupuncture and moxibustion. Method: acupuncture was used where the points were under knees, such as Zusanli, and the feeling was conducted upward. Moxibustion combined with acupuncture was used where the points were in waist, sacrum and abdomen, such as Guanynan and Dachangshu. One time a day, ten times as one course of treatment. After three continuous courses, the result was as follows: clinically cured: 28 cases (66.67%); markedly effective: 9 cases (21.43%); effective: 5 1632- gera: 79188/di/ra L' UTILISATION EXCLUSIVE DU POINT ZHONG WAN (12 RM) EN ACUPUNCTURE ET COMBINEE A LA MOXIBUSTION. WANG JIN CHUN ET AL. acupuncture traditionnelle chinoise. 2000;2:96 (fra). Traduction de la Revue Clinique d'Acupuncture-Moxibustion 1994; 1: 43-44. 1633- gera: 79189/di/ra 75 CAS DE DIARRHEE INFANTILE TRAITES PAR UNE MOXIBUSTION SUR SHEN MAI (62 V). NIAN FU RONG ET AL. acupuncture traditionnelle chinoise. 2000;2:94 (fra). Traduction de la Revue "Journal de l'Etude en AcupunctureMoxibustion 1992; 6: 38. 1634- gera: 79198/di/ra LA POLLAKIURIE SENILE TRAITES PAR YONG QUAN (1 RN) CHAUFFE AU MOXA. WAN DA FENG. acupuncture traditionnelle chinoise. 2000;2:82 (fra). Traduction de la Revue de la Clinique d'AcupunctureMoxibustion 1996; 1: 45. 1635- gera: 79227/di/ra [SURVEY OF STUDY ON MECHANISMS OF ANTI SENILITY OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. DAI GUOHUA. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;20(5):315 (chi). 1636- gera: 79365/di/ra [CLINICAL APPROACH TO PUNCTURING WITH A REDHOT NEEDLE]. YU JIANHONG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;20(12):733 (chi). 1637- gera: 79404/di/ra TWENTY ONE CASES OF VERTEBRAL-ARTERY-TYPE CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. ZHUANG LIXING. journal of tcm. 2000;20(4):280-1 (eng). 1638- gera: 79427/di/ra [60 CASES OF MYOFASCITIS OF BACK TREATED BY FUMIGATION WITH CHINESE HERBS]. JIANG BIN ET AL. journal of external therapy of tcm. 2000;9(6):12 (chi). 1639- gera: 79457/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF MOXIBUSTION ON MITOCHONDRIA ENZYME ACTIVITY IN THE SKELETAL MUSCLE CELLS OF RATS MODELED AS SPLEEN DEFICIENCY SYNDROME]. FENG QI GUO ET AL. liaoning journal of tcm. 2000;27(7):315 (chi*). Objective To expound the pathogenesis of moxibustion gera 2010 101 promoting the spleen-deficiency condition from the level of molecular biology and provide scientific lab foundation for TCM theory of ', the spleen is responsible for the growth of muscles and four limbs". Method In contrast with the Sijunzi Decoction group and I Thong Decoction group applying the compound factors of improper diet and defatigation to cony the ratsmodels of spleen-qi deficiency syndrome and spleen-yang deficiency syndrome, influence of moxibusting "Zusanli"on mitochondria activity of Na+-K+-ATP enzyme in the skeletal muscle cells of rats modelled as spleen deficiency syndrome is observed. Results: this method can increase the mitochondria activity of Na+-K+-ATP enzyme in the skeletal muscle cells of rats modelled as spleen-qi deficiency syndrome of spleenyang deficiency syndrome and spleen- yang deficiency syndrome. Its pathogenesis is probably concerned with increasing the activity of Na+-K+ -ATP enzyme in membrane function protein. Its effect simulates the Sijunzi Decoction group and Lizhong Decoction 1640- gera: 79458/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON EFFECT OF 50 CASES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM TREATED BY COMBINING XIAO YING DECOCTION MOXIBUSTION OF ZHUANG MEDICATED THREAD]. LI HONG ET AL. liaoning journal of tcm. 2000;27(7):317 (chi*). Fifty cases of hyperthyroidism patients were treated with Chinese herbal medicine classification and moxibustion acupoint of Zhuang medicated. The clinical result revealed that 22 cases cure.15 cases effective. 9 cases marked effective and ~ cases ineffective, the total effective rate was 92%. It was found that Moxibustion of Zhang Medicated Thread was major in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. While the Chinese herbal medicine classification had a good two-way regulatory effect on the supplementary treatment. The study demonstrated that the Moxibustion of Zhang Medicated Thread was to become important means to preventing various diseases. For example common disease, susceptible to diseases and difficult diseases etc. 1641- gera: 79559/di/ra [A STUDY ON THE EFFECTIVE INFLUENCE OF SCARRING MOXIBUSTION TO PLASMA LEUKOTRIENES C4 IN BRONCHIAL ASTHMA DURING THE STAGE OF ATTACK]. KANG XIAOE ET AL. hunan journal of tcm. 2000;16(3):33 (chi). 1642- gera: 86348/di/ra [NUMBNESS OF LOWER LIMB DUE TO PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC TREATED WITH WARMING NEEDLE MOXIBUSTION AND BAXIAN DECOCTION]. GU DAO-XIA ET AL. shandong journal of tcm. 2000;19(5):285 (chi). 1643- gera: 86838/di/ra [PATHOMORPHOLOGICAL OBSERVATION OF EXPERIMENTALLY-INDUCED RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS IN RATS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. GAO HONG ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;19(6):37 (chi*). Objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on pathomorphology of experimentally induced rheumatoid arthritis in rats. Methods: The experiment was performed on Whistar rats, which includes blank group, model group, acupuncture and moxibustion group, and hormone group, and the rheumatoid arthritis model of rat was artificially induced by subcutaneous injection of Freud's complete adjuvant. Results and Conclusion Acupuncture and moxibustion could alleviate the hyperaemia of subcutaneous soft tissue and synovium of rheumatoid arthritis rat's joint, decrease edema degree ~ recheck the infiltration of lymphocyte and monocyte to joint synovium, improve the hyperplasia elf Jin synovium cells, and prevent the development of pathological 1644- gera: 86880/di/ra LA MOXIBUSTIONE NEL TRATTAMENTO DELLE PATOLOGIE DELL'APPARATO GASTRO-INTESTINALE. VISALLI N ET AL. rivista italiana di agopuntura. 2000;99:614 (ita). 1645- gera: 87601/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF THE MOXIBUSTION ON THE BLOOD STASIS DUE TO COLD IN RATS]. TANG ZHAO-LIANG ET AL. chinese journal of basic medicine in tcm. 2000;6(4):43 (chi). 1646- gera: 87896/di/ra APPEARANCE OF PECULIAR VESSELS WITH IMMUNOHISTOLOGICAL FEATURES OF HIGH ENDOTHELIAL VENULES IN THE DERMIS OF MOXIBUSTION-STIMULATED RAT SKIN. KAZUO TOHYA ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 2000;28(34):425-33 (eng). Morphological changes of the dermal blood vessels of moxibustion-stimulated rat skin were examined with reference to the lymphocyte migration. After long-term stimulation with direct moxibustion to the acupoint Tsu- San-Li (St-36), peculiar vessels that possess immunohistological features of high endothelial venules could be observed in the moxa-stimulated acupoint dermis. Endothelial cells of the vessels had welldeveloped Golgi apparatus in their plump cytoplasm's, and they strongly expressed intercellular adhesion molecule- I on the luminal surface. These data suggest that the appearance of the peculiar vessels in the dermis acts toward the 1647- gera: 88172/di/ra COMBINED TREATMENT OF 200 CASES OF PERIPHERY FACIAL PARALYSIS WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND CHINESE MEDICINAL HERBS. LUO HEPING. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2000;10(4):3 (eng). In the present study, 200 cases of periphery facial paralysis were treated with combined therapies of handle needle, electroacupuncture (EA), electronic moxibustion and oral administration of Supplemented Qianzheng San. After treatment, of the 200 cases, 176 were cured, 15 had marked improvement and 9 had improvement. Two groups of acupoints were chosen and used alternately for keeping the excitement of acupoints, preventing acupoint fatigue and raising the therapeutic effect. In the acute stage of periphery facial palsy, acupuncture treatment was performed using shallow needling, mild manipulation and no needling penetration. In the convalescence stage and sequels stage, penetration needling was adopted and stronger stimulation given. During acute period and when facial muscular spasm appeared, EA stimulation was not suitable for facial acupoints. Over 1648- gera: 89239/di/ra [STUDY ON THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE VESICATED MOXIBUSTION]. CHONG GUI-QIN ET AL. shandong journal of tcm. 2000;19(10):581 (chi). 1649- gera: 89528/di/ra APPLICAZIONE CLINICA DELLA MOXIBUSTIONE SUL PUNTO DAZHUI. LIU ANRAN. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2000;82(4):56-8 (ita). Dazhui (GV 14), localizzato tra i processi spinosi della settima vertebra cervicale e della prima toracica, è un agopunto del duniai. È anche il punto dove si incrociano e convergono i tre meridiani yang della mano e il dumai e dove si incontrano tutti i meridiani yang del corpo umano. Da ciè conseguono la sua funzione di controllo sulla yang qi dell'intero organismo e l'indicazione nell'avversione per il freddo dovuta a deficit dello yang o nella febbre causata da eccesso di yang. Poiché il dumai attraversa il cervello, il rene, il cuore e la colonna vertebrale, e incontra il meridiano del fegato al vertice, la moxibustione su daZhui (GV 14) è efficace nel trattamento di varie 1650- gera: 90908/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATING 30 CASES OF FACIAL PARALYSIS WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION,BLOOD BETTING PUNCTURE AND CUPPING]. HUANG LAN YING ET AL. journal of henan college of tcm. 2000;15(3):29 (chi). 1651- gera: 90943/di/ra [BRIEF PROBE INTO THE MOXIBUSTION FROM TREATISE gera 2010 102 ON FEBRILE DISEASES]. LI GUANJIAN. hubei journal of tcm. 2000;22(4):8 (chi). 1652- gera: 91432/di/ra [A CLINICAL STUDY ON THE TREATMENT OF REFLEX SYMTATHETIC ATROPHY IN ANKLE BY "WENJING SHUJIN TANG" FUMIGATING AND WATERING]. SUN JIANHANG. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2000;12(10):13 (chi*). In order to observe the clinical therapeutic effect of the "Wenjing Shujin Tang"fumigating and watering for the reflex sympathetic atrophy in ankle, and looking for a new treatment, 81 cases were divided into the treated group (n= 51) and the control group (n = 30), which were treated by sympathetic block. The result showed that the cure effectual rate of the treated group reached 74. 5 % and the total rate reached 94. 12% while the cure effectual rate of control group reached 40% and the total rate reached 93. 33%. The treated group had a significant advantage over the control group in improving symptom and shortening the course of treatment, suggesting that the treatment of reflex sympathetic atrophy in ankle by " Wenjing Shujin Tang"fumigating and watering is an 1653- gera: 91505/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECT OF TREATING 64 CASES OF ARTERITIS OBLITERANS BY WARMING NEEDLE THERAPY]. SUN MING ET AL. tianjin journal of tcm. 2000;6(17):24 (chi). 1654- gera: 91526/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE EFFECT ON COLORECTAL CANCER IN ANIMAL TAKING BY TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR AND ACUPUNCTURE]. RAO BENQIANG ET AL. chinese journal of basic medicine in tcm. 2000;6(9):55 (chi*). Objective: it were to study the effect on the central neurotransmitter of moxibustion when it were used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, so as to determine the mechanism of antiinflammatory and immunity action of moxibustion. Method: adjuvant arthritis models rats were made, and the degree of inflammatory swelling, IL-6, IL-2 and NE, 5- HT, NO in hypothalamus after moxibustion on point "Shen shu" were measured. Result: 1) treatment of moxibustion alleviated the swelling, reduced IL-6 and increased IL-2 (P<0.01, comparing with control group), indicating that moxibustion can relieve inflammation, restrain the forming of inflammatory factors and raise the immunity of body; 2) treatment of moxibustion elevated the level of NE, 5-HT and brought down the level of NO, indicating that moxibustion can activate or regulate the anti-inflammatory and immunity function of HPA axis, and help relieve adjuvant arthritis. Conclusion: moxibustion has the effect of anti-inflammatory and immunity and 1655- gera: 91529/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION'S ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND IMMUNITY ACTION ON NEUROTRANSMITTER]. TANG ZHAOLIANG ET AL. chinese journal of basic medicine in tcm. 2000;6(9):55 (chi*). Object: It were to study the effect on the central neurotransmitter of moxibustion when it were used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, so as to determine the mechanism of antiinflammatory and immunity action of moxibustion. Method: Adjuvant arthritis models in rats were made and the degree of inflammatory swelling, lL--6, IL-2 and NE, 5HT, NO in hypothalamus after moxibustion on point "Shen Shu" were measured. Result. I. Treatment of moxibustion alleviated the swelling, reduced IL- 6 and increased IL 2 (P < 0. 01, comparing with control group), indicating that moxibustion can relieve inflammation, restrain the forming of inflammatory factors and raise the immunity of body. 2. Treatment of rnoxibustion elevated the level of NE, 5 --HT, and brought down the level of NO, indicating that moxibustion can activate or regulate the anti-inflammatory and immunity functions of HPA axis, and help relieve adjuvant arthritis. Conclusion: Moxibustion bas the effect of anti-inflammation and 1656- gera: 91736/di/ra [THE INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON CANCELLOUS-BONE STRUCTURE OF OVARIECTOMIZED RAT]. ZHAO YINGXIA ET AL. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2000;12(8):3 (chi*). In order to explore the preventive and therapeutic effect of acupuncture and inoxibustion on postmenopausal osteoporosis, 40 female Wistar rats aged 12 months were randornly divided into 5 groups: the sham-operated (I), modelled (II), acupuncture-treated (III), moxibustion-treated (IV) and Western- medicine- treated (V). Animal models of experimental osteoporosis were made by rat bilateral ovariectomy and, three days after ovariectomy, began to receive acupuncture, inoxibustion, and intramuscular injection of oestrogen. Three months later, the femoral heads, of all groups were harvested and observed under a scanning electron microscope. The results showed that compared with group I, the bone trabecula of group II was thinned and even ruptured and the trabecula spaces were increased; the pathological changes of the trabecula structure of groups III, IV and V were much less than that of group II, suggesting that acupuncture and moxibustion could inhibit the bone loss to a 1657- gera: 93135/di/ra [TREATMENT OF URETEROLITH AT LOWER PART BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN COMBINATION WITH PAISHI TANG IN 65 CASES]. YANG BING ET AL. journal of changcun college of tcm. 2000;16(3):25 (chi). 1658- gera: 93153/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF ARTERIOSCLEROSIS OBLITERANS WITH WARM ACUPUNCTURE; 64 CASES REPORTED]. LU MING ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;16(8):33 (chi). 1659- gera: 93155/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF SCAR WITH LOCAL ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION: 26 CASES REPORTED]. ZHANG TONG ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;16(8):40 (chi). 1660- gera: 93156/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF GOUT WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG JIN. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;16(8):47 (chi). 1661- gera: 93180/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF KNEE PAIN WITH WARM ACUPUNCTURE AND CUPPING 42 CASES REPORTED]. LI XULING ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;16(9):31 (chi). 1662- gera: 93222/di/ra [APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION ON PLANTAR REFLECTION REGION IN TREATING TRAUMATOLOGY IN DEPARTMENT ACUTE PAIN]. WANG DAOQUAN. journal of external therapy of tcm. 2000;9(3):40 (chi). 1663- gera: 93251/di/ra [EFFECT OF BONE DENSITY IN PRIMARY OSTEOPOROSIS TREATED WITH ACUPOINT THERAPY IN INFRA-RED ACUPUNCTURE THERAPEUTIC EQUIPMENTS. WANG DONGYAN ET AL. forum on tcm. 2000;15(6):23 (chi). 1664- gera: 93263/di/ra [A COMPARATIVE OBSERVATION OF EFFECTS OF ZHUANG MEDICAL THREAD,ACUPOINT MOXIBUSTION AND WESTERN MEDICINE ON FLAT WART]. FENG QIAO. new journal of tcm. 2000;32(11):22 (chi). 1665- gera: 93280/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF ZUSANLI AND GUANYUAN GINGERPARTITION MOXIBUSTION ON SOD AND T-CELL SUBGROUP OF THE AGED]. LUN XIN ET AL. new journal of tcm. 2000;32(4):24 (chi). 1666- gera: 93339/di/ra [REPORT ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATING 89 PATIENTS WITH GYNECOLOGICAL gera 2010 103 DISEASE]. CHEN YANHUI ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;16(11):3 (chi). 1667- gera: 93344/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATING PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA]. HU JIUFENG ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;16(11):7 (chi). 1668- gera: 93345/di/ra [50 PATIENTS WITH POSTOPERATIVE ABDOMINAL DISTENSION TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. HOU BAOCHANG ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;16(11):8 (chi). 1669- gera: 93353/di/ra [THE EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON LITTLE - SMOKE MOXIBUSTION MACHINE TREATING THE RAT- WITH TYPE II DIABETES]. SHEN BIQING ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;16(11):43 (chi). 1670- gera: 93354/di/ra [THE CHINICAL STUDY ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATING SCAPULOHUMERAL PERIARTHRITIS RECENT10 YEARS]. CHEN JIN ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;16(11):50 (chi). 1671- gera: 94249/di/re CLINICAL RESEARCH IN THE TREATMENT OF MALE STERILITY BY ELECTROACUPUNCTURE PLUS MEDICATED-CAKE MOXIBUSTION. HE JIN-SEN ET AL. tcm shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;3(1):17 (eng). Traduction anglaise de: réf gera: [74630]. 1672- gera: 94255/di/re OBSERVATION OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ELECTROACUPUNCTURE AND GRAIN-MOXIBUSTION FOR APOPLECTIC SEQUELA. ZENG JIE-HONG. tcm shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;3(1):36 (eng). curative groups, which were given moxibustion treatments of 5 half-rice grains of moxa, three times a week following STZ administration. Used acupoints were Tian Men (3rd group) and Tian Ping (4th group) according to the animal acupoint chart. First, light and electron microscopices were used to observe, the hepatic parenchymal cells, and light and electron micrographs were obtained. The electron micrographs were used to analyze the distribution of glycogen granules including its glycogen areas, fat droplets and autophagic vacuoles using an image processing method. The results were as follows: Normal control hepatocytes contained moderate volumes of glycogen areas and glycogen granules, but a few hepatocytes were without fat droplets or autophagic vacuoles. On the other hand, the hepatocytes, that had been treated with only STZ, were injured, and contained a number of fat droplets and autophagic vacuoles, but glycogen areas and glycogen granules had decreased. The hepatocytes of the rats treated with both STZ and moxibustion recovered to their normal state, suggesting that moxibustion treatment had curative effects for the rat hepatic dabetic injuries caused by the administration of STZ. 1677- gera: 95868/di/ra [ADVERSE EVENTS IN MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT]. YAMASHITA HITOSHI ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;50(4):713 (jap*). Japanese literature on adverse events in moxibustion treatment was systematically reviewed. In the past 40 years, 79 cases of suspected adverse events have been reported in 20 articles. The events, which were probably induced by direct moxibustion, or accidental burns during indirect moxibustion, included 7 cases of dermal malignant tumor (basal cell carcinoma (4 cases), spinous cell carcinoma (2), verrucous carcinoma (2), unknown (1)), 1 case of proliferating trichilemmal cyst (benign), 5 cases of bullous pemphigoid, 2 cases of dermal ulcer due to burn injury, and I case of purulence. Baced on the the methods described in the articles, it seems that small pieces of moxa and intermittent practice are safer. In using direct moxibustion for patients, their age, past experience of receiving the treatment, and cultural and historical background in the place where they were born and raised should be taken into account. As a matter of course, the patients' informed consent is imperative. 1673- gera: 94258/di/re TREATMENT OF INFANTILE PROCTOPTOSIS BY REDLIGHT POINT-RADIATION THERAPY: A REPORT OF 26 CASES. WANG YONG ET AL. tcm shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;3(1):42 (eng). 1678- gera: 111910/di/ra TRABAJOS CEDIDOS POR ANTONI CID. MOXIBUSTION PARA PRESERVAR LA SALUD. YUAN LIREN, LIU XIAOMING. medicina energetica. 2000;7:21 (esp). 1674- gera: 94260/di/re TREATMENT OF CHILD DIARRHEA AND INTESTINAL COLIC BY MOXIBUSTION WITH GINGER ON SHENQUE PLUS MASSAGE: A REPORT OF 52 CASES. LIU XIAOFENG. tcm shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;3(1):46 (eng). 1679- gera: 112231/di/ra INVESTIGACIÓN COMPARATIVA SOBRE LOS EFECTOS DE DIFERENTES MÉTODOS DE MOXIBUSTION EN LA TEMPERATURA DEL ACUPUNTO. XIAN MAOQUAN, ZHENG XIANLONG Y ZHANG SUHUA DONG XI. revista de acupuntura y moxibustion china. 2000;10:50 (esp*). 1675- gera: 94268/di/re TREATMENT OF 49 CASES OF TRAUMATIC PARAPLEGIA BY DIRECT MOXIBUSTION COMBINED WITH FUMIGATION AND WASHING WITH TRADITIONAL CHINESE DRUGS. ZHENG LIANG ET AL. tcm shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;3(1):63 (eng). 1680- gera: 115214/di/ra ESTUDIO CLINICO DEL TRATAMIENTO DE LA HIPERCOLESTEROLEMIA CON ACUPUNTURA Y MOXA EN SOMBRERO. SHEN TAO, GONG QI, HU CHAO, PENG XIAO HONG, ZHANG . revista de acupuntura y moxibustion china. 2000;10:12 (esp*). El presente trabajo se basa en el tratamiento de 60 pacientes de hipercolesterolemia con la acupuntura y moxa en sombrero, comparando éste con otros tratamientos efectuados con cápsulas de oenothera odorata y acupuntura simple, respectivamente. Los resultados demuestran que todos los parametros de los lípidos sanguíneos (tc, tg, hdl-c y ldl-c) del grupo tratado con acupuntura y moxa en sombrero han mejorado, sin diferencias significativas con respecto a los resultados obtenidos por el grupo tratado con cápsulas de oenothera odorata. Además este tratamiento es evidentemente mejor que la acupuntura simple para la corrección de los trastornos de los lípidos 1676- gera: 95863/di/ra [STRUCTURAL AND MORPHOMETRIC STUDIES OF THE CURATIVE EFFECTS OF MOXIBUTION TREATMENTS FOR DIABETIC HEPATIC INJURIED FOLLOWING ADMINISTRATION OF STREPTOZOTOCIN]. NAKAI SACHIKO ET AL. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2000;50(4):659 (jap*). To analyze the curative effects of moxibustion for rat diabetic hepatic injuries caused by the administration of steptozotocin (STZ), the authors designed ultrastructural studies using light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and image processing, Wistar male rats (44 animals) were divided into 4 groups. The first group (10 animals) was used as the control. The second group (14 animals) was a diabetic group injected I.P. with 50 mg/kg BW of STZ on the first experimental day, The third and fourth groups (10 animals each) were the 1681- gera: 115222/di/ra INVESTIGACIÓN COMPARATIVA SOBRE LOS EFECTOS DE DIFERENTES MÉTODOS DE MOXIBUSTION EN LA TEMPERATURA DEL ACUPUNTO. XIAN MAOQUAN, gera 2010 104 ZHENG XIANLONG Y ZHANG SUHUA DONG XI. revista de acupuntura y moxibustion china. 2000;10:50 (esp*). Recurriéndose al método de tratamiento a tiempo real del termistor-termómetro y ordenador en línea, y tomando la tolerancia del umbral doloroso como la intensidad de la moxibustion, se observaron de manera comparativa los efectos de la mox. Directa con cono en la piel, mox. Indirecta con interposición de jengibre, mox. Manual, mox. Con foco y mox. Con laser helio-neón sobre la temperatura dérmica del acupunto del cuerpo humano, y los efectos de los 4 primeros métodos de mox. Sobre la temperatura dérmica, subdérmica y de capa muscular del acupunto del conejo. La mox. Con laser helio-neón ofreció un efecto exiguo sobre la temperatura dérmica del acupunto y los demás métodos cambiaron evidentemente la temperatura del acupunto desde la piel hasta la capa muscular, teniendo cada uno de ellos su propia regla y carácter. Según la relación interna entre la temperatura del acupunto y la reacción del receptor polimodal (polymodal receptor), se observa que las acciones del acupunto derivadas de los diferentes métodos de mox. Y su eficacia terapéutica variarán en base a los 1682- gera: 88148/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION COMBINED WITH ACUPOINT-INJECTION ON PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC]. YIN SHUYING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(1):23 (chi*). Purpose To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion combined with acupoint-injection on prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. Methods: Acupuncture plus moxibustion combined with acupoint-injection of Danggui injection was used for treatment of 46 cases of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc, and electroacupuncture combined with acupoint-injection of Danggui injection was used for treatment of control group, and the clinical therapeutic effect was compared in the two groups. Results: The total effective rate was 97.8 % in the treatment group and 91. 1% in the control group, with statistically significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion: The therapeutic effect in the treatment group is superior to that in the control group. 1683- gera: 89269/di/ra [HERPES ZOSTER (158 CASES) TREATED BY BLOODLETTING PUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. NIU YUZHONG. journal of practical tcm. 2001;17(1):25 (chi). 1684- gera: 89277/di/ra [TREATMENT OF TENNIS ELBOW BY OPERATION COMBINED WITH FUMING OF CHINESE HERBAL DRUGS]. CHEN BOLAI ET AL. new journal of tcm. 2001;33(1):29 (chi). 1685- gera: 89504/di/ra [100 PATIENTS WITH SEVERE VOMITTING DUE TO PREGNANCY TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION AND POINT-INJECTION]. CHEN HUAISHENG. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;17(1):10 (chi). 1686- gera: 89513/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON 61 PATIENTS WITH CERVICAL SPONDYLOPATHY TREATED BY WARMING NEEDLE AND POINT APPLICATION]. HE LINGNA ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;17(1):43 (chi). 1687- gera: 90002/di/ra [COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF CHRONIC COLITIS TREATED WITH ACUPMOXIBUSTION,CHINESE HERB AND WESTERN MEDICINE]. SHI BIN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(2):67 (chi*). Purpose To compare the therapeutic effects of acupmoxibustion, Chinese herb and Western medicine for treatment of chronic colitis. Methods 143 cases of chronic colitis were randomly divided into 4 groups and treated respectively. Results 45 cases were effective in the acupmoxibustion group, the effective rate being 93.3 %; 31 cases in the acupuncture plus Chinese herb group, the effective rate being 93. 5 %; 35 cases in the Chinese herb group, the effective rate being 77. 1 %; 32 cases in the Western medicine group, the effective rate being 75.0% - Conclusion The therapeutic effect of acup-moxibustion was significantly superior to that of Western medicine and Chinese herb respectively, P < 0. 05; and there was no significant difference in the therapeutic effect between acup-moxibustion and acupmoxibustion plus Chinese herb, P > 0. 05. 1688- gera: 90015/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION COMBINED WITH PRICKING BLOOD THERAPY AND MOVING CUPPING THERAPY FOR TREATMENT OF 186 CASES OF SOUTH WEST AFRICA INFLUENZA]. LOU YANNING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(2):105 (chi*). The treatment principles of purging heat and removing toxic substances, and ventilating the lung and clearing the nasal passage were adopted to treat 186 cases of south west Africa influenza with combination of acupuncture, moxibustion, pricking blood therapy and moving cupping therapy, obtaining an obvious clinical therapeutic effect, the total effective rate being 89. 7 %. 1689- gera: 91556/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON PREVENTING THE VIRULENT AND SIDE-EFFECT OF MALIGNANT TUMOR DUE TO CHEMOTHERAPY BA ACU-MOX]. FAN YU ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;20(1):12 (chi*). Objective: To investigate the different action of moxibustion and hydropuncture on the virulent and side-effect of malignant tumor resulted from chemotherapy. Methods: Sixty-three patients with malignant tumor were randomly divided into prevention group (23 cases), hydropuncture group (22 cases) and control group (18 cases). In the course of chemotherapy, the patients were respectively applied with moxibustion, Astragalus Root injection and routine western medicines to observe the changes of leukocyte number and immunoglobulins before and after treatment. Results: Both moxibustion and hydropuncture could increase the number of leukocyte and immunoglobulins and their effects were better than western medicine (P<0. 05, P<0. 01); and the hydropuncture was better than moxibustion in increasing the number of leukocyte (P<0. 05). Conclusion: moxibustion and hydropuncture could prevent the virulent and side-effect of malignant tumor caused by chemotherapy and they had different effects. 1690- gera: 91558/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF ULCERATIVE COLITIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE]. YANG SHUN-YI. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;20(1):17 (chi*). Purpose: The effects of ulcerative colitis treated by acupuncture were observed. Method and Results Sixty-two patients with ulcerative colitis were treated mainly warm needling at acupoints "Lower-sea point" and "Front-mu point" of large intestine meridian, in combination with differentially selected acupoints and oral administration of patent Chinese medicine. The total effective rate was 91. 91 %; after treatment, T cell subgroups restored to nearly normal. Conclusion: This treatment method could promote the internal environment of human immune system to 1691- gera: 91560/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE TREATMENT OF CERVICAL SPONDYLOPATHY BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MASSAGE]. ZHANG DAO-WU ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;20(1):21 (chi*). Purpose: To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of acumoxibustion combined with massage on cervical spondylopathy, and the relative difference between it and simple acu-moxibustion or massage. Methods: The patients were randomly divided into acu-moxibustion-massage group, acupuncture group and massage group. Results: The cure rate (46. 8Yo) and total effective rate (100. 0%) were significantly higher than those in acupuncture group (28. 9% and 83. 3%) and massage group (36. 8% and 87. 7%). Statistical analysis (P<0. 05) showed that there was a significant difference. gera 2010 105 Conclusion: Acu-moxibustion combined with massage therapy is better than simple acu-moxibustion therapy and simple massage therapy. At present, it is one of the best 1692- gera: 91671/di/ra [THE RELATION BETWEEN MOXIBUSTION AND WARMING YANG AND SUPPORTING RIGHT]. XU LANFENG ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;17(2):1 (chi). 1693- gera: 91677/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON CURATIVE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION AND TDP IN TREATING LUMBAR MUSCLE STRAIN]. YOU YANG ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;17(2):17 (chi). 1694- gera: 91786/di/ra [SCAPULOHUMERAL PERIARTHRITIS (56 CASES) TREATED BY PUNCTURING WITH RED-HOT NEEDLES]. CHEN HONG ET AL. journal of practical tcm. 2001;17(3):30 (chi). 1695- gera: 93359/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF DIARRHEA OF SPLEEN DEFICIENCY WITH GRANULE MOXIBUSTION]. YU HUA ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(3):131 (chi*). Purpose To observe the effect of granule moxibustion on saliva amylase activity, D-xylose in urine and serurn SIgA. Methods One hundred and twelve cases of diarrhea of spleen deficiency were divided randomly into treatment group and control group, 56 cases in each case. The treatment group was treated with granule moxibustion on Pishu (BL 20), Weishu (BL 21 ~ and Zusanli (ST 36), once every other day, 3 cones per point, for 30 consecutive days. The control group received treatment of Chinese herbs. Results Granule moxibustion could obviously improve clinical symptoms (P<0.05,P<0.001) and also increase the salva amylase activity (P<0.001) and excretion rate of D-xylose in urine (P< 0.001) and decrease serurn SIgA (P < 0.05), and the actions were superior to those of the control group. Conclusion: The effect of granule moxibustion on diarrhea of spleen deficiency is 1696- gera: 93408/di/ra [62 PATIENTS WITH CERVICAL SPONDYLOPATHY DUE TO NEURODOKON TREATED WITH WARMING ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION MAINLY]. GUI SHUHUA ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;17(3):35 (chi). 1697- gera: 93412/di/ra [THE SURVEY OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATING NERVOUS LESION DUE TO DIABETES]. PENG XIAOHONG. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;17(3):52 (chi). 1698- gera: 93415/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE CLINICAL THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR PREVENTION AND TREAMENT OF DRUG-INDUCED ABORTION HEMORRHAGE]. ZHANG YONGXING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(4):195 (chi*). Purpose To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion for prevention and treatment of drug-induced abortion haemorrhage. Methods Two hundred cases of early pregnancy of drug-induced abortion were divided into treatment group and control group. In the treatment group, drugs were adopted for abortion and body acupuncture plus auricular point taping and pressing were used for prevention and treatment of irregular haemorrhage in the vagina after drug-induced abortion. Results Both the haemorrhage lasting time and amount of haemorrhage were significantly less than those in the control group. Conclusion Auricular point taping and pressing combined with acupuncture is an effective method for prevention and treatment of irregular haemorrhage 1699- gera: 94201/di/ra [STUDY ON EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION AND GUBEN YILIU COMBINED WITH CHEMOTHERAPY IN TREATING MIDDLE-LATE STAGE MALIGNANT TUMOR]. LIU JU ET AL. chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine. 2001;21(4):262 (chi*). Objective: To observe the complementary function of moxibustion and Guben Yiliu JU (GBYL), a Chinese herbal composite preparation, in combination with chemotherapy. Methods: Eighty-one patients of middle-late stage malignant tumor were randomly divided into three groups, 16 in the control group treated with chemotherapy alone, 35 in the TCM group treated with chemotherapy combined GBYL and 30 in the TCM combined moxibustion group. The therapeutic effect of treatment was evaluated according to the immediate effect, living quality scoring, etc. Results: The comprehensive living quality score and Karnofsky score dropped significantly in the control group after treatment with significant increase of pain score and decrease of tongue figure score (P < 0. 05 or P < 0. 01). In the TCM group, the former two criteria lowered less than those in the control group did, but no significant difference in the latter two criteria was shown. For those in the TCM combined moxibustion group, all the four criteria were improved better than those in the control group, (P < 0. 01 or P < 0. 05). Conclusion: GBYL combined or not combined with moxibustion could improve the living quality of patients received chemotherapy. 1700- gera: 94328/di/ra [EFFECT OF MEDICATED THREAD MOXIBUSTION OF ZHUANG FOLK MEDICINE ON LYMPHOCYTE TRANSFORMATION RATE AND RBC IMMUNOLOGIC FUNCTION IN MODEL RATS OF SPLEEN DEFICIENCY]. LU LIN ET AL. guangxi journal of tcm. 2001;24(2):48 (chi*). 1701- gera: 94329/di/ra [DETERMINATION OF CAMPHOR AND MENTHOL IN SHENTUO SHANGSHILING BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY]. XU YOUCHENG ET AL. guangxi journal of tcm. 2001;24(2):51 (chi*). Purpose: To determine the contents of camphor and menthol in Shnetuo Shangshiling by gas chromatography. Methods: 10% PEC - 20M was used as stationary phase, Shimalite W (NAM) 60 - 80 mesh as supporter and naphthalene as internal] standard. Results: The concentrations of camphor and menthol were linear to ratios of their peak areas to the naphthalene's area in the range of 1. 41rng/rnl/ - 11. 30mg/ ml and 1. 40mg/ml -11. 21mg/rnl respectively. The regressive equations were camphor Y= 0. 19969 C - 0. 00244(r = 1. 0000, n = 5), menthol Y = 0. 22175 C - 0. 00260(r = 0. 9999, n = 5). The mean added - recovery rates were camphor 100. 56% (n = 6, RSD = 0. 45%); menthol: 101. 01 % (n = 6, RSD = 0. 79%). Conclusions: Being simple, fast and duplicable in operation, gas chromatography is a good method to determine the content of camphor and menthol with 1702- gera: 94498/di/ra [CHINESE HERBAL FUMIGATION AND WASHING THERAPY FOR TENOSYNOVITIS IN 68 CASES]. WU ZHONG-QING ET AL. shanghai journal of tcm. 2001;35(4):38 (chi*). Chinese herbs effective to nourish liver-kidney, dispel winddampness were employed to treat 68 cases of tenosynovitis. Results showed cure in 38 cases, marked effectiveness in 15 cases, effectiveness in 12 cases and failure in 3 cases ; the total effective rate was 95.6%. 1703- gera: 94559/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION TECHNIQUE-A TRADITIONAL MONGOLIAN THERAPY]. BAO GENXIAO ET AL. chinese journal of ethnomedicine and ethnopharmacy. 2001;49:96 (chi). 1704- gera: 94771/di/ra CINQUANTA CASI DI GASTROPTOSI TRATTATI MEDIANTE MOXIBUSTIONE. WU CHUNGUANG ET AL. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2001;83(1):59-60 (ita*). Traduction italienne de réf gera: [71167]. In recent five years, gera 2010 106 the author have treated 50 cases of gastroptosis with moxibustion, and achieved good therapeutic effect as reported in the following. 1705- gera: 94846/nd/re [INFLUENCE OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON QOL OF THE ELDERLY LIVING IN NURSING HOME AND CARE HOUSE]. MATSUMOTO T ET AL. nippon ronen igakkai zasshi. 2001;38(2):205-11 (jap*). To clarify the influence of acupuncture therapy on the quality of life (QOL) of the elderly, the acupuncture and moxibustion were performed on 35 elderly subjects (8 men and 27 women) with a mean age 79.1 living in nursing homes and elderly care houses. The acu-points were chosen according to their symptoms. Changes in pain and other complaints, body condition, appetite, sleep, bowel movement and activity of daily living (ADL) were evaluated by questionnaires. A total of 38 symptoms were reported. A high rate of improvement was seen in pain and stiffness. For example, there was 86% improvement in low back pain, 84% in knee joint pain and 82% in shoulder stiffness. Concerning body conditions, decrease of fatigue, relaxed of feeling, improvement in appetite, sleep and bowel movement were observed. Furthermore, gait and ADL were also improved. These results suggested that acupuncture and moxibustion are useful to improve QOL in the elderly. 1706- gera: 94930/di/ra [THE TREATMENT OF RHEUMATOIS ARTHRITIS BY DIFFERENT INDIRECT MOXIBUSTIONS]. WANG WEI MING ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;20(2):9 (chi*). Purpose: To observe the clinical curative effects of different indirect moxibustion on rheumatoid arthritis and investigate the influences of different burning and separating materials on the therapeutic results. Method : Aconite cake-separated moxibustion, aconite cake-separated slight smoke moxibustion and ginger-separated moxibustion groups were established for the comparison of their clinical curative effects on rheumatoid arthritis. Results: The total effective rate was 99. 33yo in aconite cake-separated moxibustion group, 81. 25Yo in aconite cake-separated slight smoke moxibustion group and 93. 75% in ginger-separated moxibustion group. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference among the 3 groups; there were very significant differences in hormone dosage between pre-treatment and post-treatment in all the 3 groups; differences in haemoglobin and erythrocyte sedimentation rate between pre-treatment and post-treatment were more marked in ginger-separated moxibustion group than in the other 2 groups. Conclusion: There was a good curative effect on rheumatoid arthritis in all the 3 groups. Burning and separating materials for moxibustion had a certain influence on the curative 1707- gera: 94958/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF THE SOLUBLE INTERLEUKIN-2 RECEPTOR OF SERUM ON GUINEA PIGS WITH ASTHMA BY THE TREATMENT OF MOXIBUSTION]. FANG XIANGMING. liaoning journal of tcm. 2001;28(5):315 (chi*). To investigate the content of soluble interleukin-2 receptor of serum of guina-pigs of the contrast, asthma, moxibustion groups by the method of Elisa. The result showed that the asthma group had increased amounts of soluble interleukin-2 receptor of serum compared with the contrast group, and by the treatment of moxibustion, the amounts of soluble interleukin-2 receptor of serum went down, almost to the level of the contrast group. All that suggests that tha asthma may be treated by moxibustion by the way of lowering the amounts of soluble interleukin1708- gera: 94960/di/ra [PROGRESS ON TREATING GONORRHOEA BY TCM]. ZHU JIONG. liaoning journal of tcm. 2001;28(5):319 (chi*). The Gonorrhoa is the nature propagation disease that our country is the most common at present. Rocephin, Trobicin and Penicillin has the specially good effect. But the antiiotic is abused, the stem being able to bear or endure the medicine constantly increases. So the work that traditional Chinese medical has been cured in recent years is open-minded a lot. The author has collected the recent internal concerned clinical materials of 5 years, and studies five aspects and summarizes from pure Chinese medicine, middle western combination, acupuncture and moxibustion and folk prescription and Chinese medicine experiment, and developing further of ponorrhoea research, conditions are created for traditional Chinese medical science. 1709- gera: 94988/di/ra CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 46 CASES OF INFANTILE REPEATED RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION TREATED BY MILD-MOXIBUSTION OVER ACUPOINTS ON BACK. LONG XUN ET AL. journal of tcm. 2001;21(1):23-6 (eng). 1710- gera: 94991/di/ra TREATMENT OF 482 CASES OF CERVICAL SPONDYLOPATHY BY COMBINING POINT-INJECTION AND NEEDLE- WARMING VIA MOXIBUSTION. WANG GUANGYUE ET AL. journal of tcm. 2001;21(1):31-3 (eng). 1711- gera: 95001/di/ra EFFECTS OF MOXA-CONE MOXIBUSTION AT GUANYUAN ON ERYTHROCYTIC IMMUNITY AND ITS REGULATIVE FUNCTION IN TUMOR-BEARING MICE. WU PING ET AL. journal of tcm. 2001;21(1):68-71 (eng). 1712- gera: 95014/di/ra AN ANALYSIS OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF DRUG ACUPOINT APPLICATION IN 209 CASES OF ALLERGIC ASTHMA. LAI XINSHENG ET AL. journal of tcm. 2001;21(2):122-6 (eng). Voir traduction anglaise ref GERA [74353]. Both therapies of traditional crude herb moxibustion and drug acupoint application were used in 209 cases of allergic asthma to, compare their long-term and short-term therapeutic effects and to analyze the relationship between clinic therapeutic effects of both therapies and differential types of the disease. The results showed that the short-term total effective rate in the group of drug acupoint application was higher than that in the group of traditional crude herb moxibustion, the therapeutic effects of drug acupoint application being closely related to differential types. Analysis also shows the best short-term therapeutic effect was in the type of heat in the lung while the poorest effect in the type of deficiency of the kidney-yang. 1713- gera: 95148/di/ra [CLINICAL COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DIFFERENT ACUPUNCTURE METHODS FOR PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF TOXIC AND SIDE-EFFECTS IN CHEMOTHERAPY OF MALIGNANT TUMOR]. FAN YU ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(5):259 (chi*). Purpose: to investigate the different actions of moxibustion and acupoint-injection on toxic and side-effects of chemotherapy in patients of malignant tumor. Methods: sixty-three cases of malignant tumor were divided into 3 groups, moxibustion group (23 cases), acupoint-injection group (22 cases) and control group (18 cases). They were treated with moxibustion, acupoint-injection of Huangqi injectio and routine western medicine in chemotherapy respectively; and WBC count and immunoglobulin contents before and after treatment were observed. Results: both acupoint-injection and moxibustion could increase WBC count and immunoglobulin contents, being better than those of the control group (P<0.05 or P<0.01); acupoint-injection was better than that of the moxibustion in improvement of WBC count (P<0.05); and moxibustion was better than that of the acupoint-injection in improvement of immunoglobulin content (P<0.05). Conclusion: both moxibustion and acupoint-injection can prevent and cure the toxic and side-effect caused by chemotherapy in the patient of malignant tumor and different 1714- gera: 95306/di/ra [APPLICATION AND CLINICAL SAMPLES OF MANIPULATION OF DIRECT MOXIBUSTION]. LIN QISHENG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(5):301 (chi*). Traditional direct moxibustion is difficult to reflect characteristics of reinforcing and reducing, and also it is dificult to be accepted by patients due to the large moxa cone, the gera 2010 107 more number of moxa-cone and moxibustion- induced pain, small blister, suppuration and often a scar remains. The author summarizes a set of convenient and practicable manipulations through absorbing characteristics of folk moxibustion methods, elucidating the connotation of reinforcing-reducing methods in The Yellow Emperior' s Internal Classic, modifying methods of moxibustion, geting rid of shortcoming of moxibustion,and undergoing clinical practice,so as to reflect fully characteristics of reinforcing and reducing of moxibustion, and greatly exert functions of moxibustion, with advantages of a less numbers of moxa-cones, light pain, non-scar, noncross infection, wide application and rapidly with asthma by the treatment of moxibustion method To investigate the con of ET in the asthmatic guinea - pigs and in die course of the treatment of moxibustion by radioimmunoassay result : There was increased amounts of El' in the asthmatic guinea - pigs nid by de treatment of moxibustion the amounts of ET went down obviously conclusions - the ET can activate the phosphatide enzi-, affect the Production of métabolite, muse the contraction of the smooth muscles of airway and faite port in the occurring and course of asthma the moxibustion can decrease the amounts of ET in the guinea - pigs with asthma result in the diastole of the smooth macles of airway thus treat asthma. 1715- gera: 95346/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 64 CASES OF MENORRHAGIA BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. LUI PEIYI. shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;21(6):364 (chi). 1721- gera: 95807/di/ra [YANG JIEBING'S EXPERIENCE OF APPLICATION FOR THREE FORMULAE OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. XU JIANYANG. journal of guiyang college of tcm. 2001;23(2):4 (chi). 1716- gera: 95670/di/ra CURATIVE EFFECT OF ACUTE LUMBAGO WITH DIFFERENT ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION METHODS. CAO WENZHONG ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 2001;12(1):21 (eng). Traduction anglaise de la ref Gera [99751]. To observe the curative effect of acute lumbago with different acupuncture and moxibustion methods accurately, the authors divided the patients with acute lumbago who, sought medical advice from the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion and the Surgical Department of Orthopedics into four groups at random. Group A was treated by acupuncture with a filiform needle. Group B was treated by acupuncture with a filiform needle and cupping. Group C was treated by acupuncture with a filiform needle and pricking collateral and cupping. Group D was treated by acupuncture with filiform needles, pricking collateral, cupping and moxibustion. The findings were statistically analyzed after 5 or 10 times of separate treatment. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the effective rate and cure rate of groups A and B when compared with groups C and D (P < 0.01). It also showed that the clinical curative effect could be greatly improved by combining acupuncture with cupping, moxibustion, and needling methods organically. The cure rate and the effective rate of groups A, B, and D were analyzed statistically after 5 times of treatment and the authors found that there was no significant difference between groups A and B (P > 0.05), which indicated that single cupping bad less significance in improving the clinical effect. There were certain differences between groups C and D, which indicated moxibustion had a curative effect for stopping pain immediately. The cure rate and the effective rate of groups A and B when compared with groups; C and D separately had no significant differences; (P > 0.05), which indicated that acupuncture combined with cupping and moxibustion had played a definite role in improving the clinical effect. 1722- gera: 95918/di/ra [MECHANISM RESEARCH AND THOUGHT IN RHINALLERGOSIS TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. LI YUEMEI ET AL. research of tcm. 2001;17(3):13 (chi). 1717- gera: 95679/di/ra OBSERVATIONS ON 130 CASES WITH LUMBAR MUSCLE STRAIN TREATED BY GARLIC BIRD-PECKING MOXIBUSTION. LI HONGQIN. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 2001;12(1):69 (eng). 1718- gera: 95680/di/ra TREATMENT OF LEUKORRHAGIA WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION: AN OBSERVATION OF 50 CASES. ZHANG XIAOFEI ET AL. international journal of clinical acupuncture. 2001;12(1):71 (eng). 1719- gera: 95728/di/ra [RED-HOT NEEDING PLUS ACUPOINT APPLICATION FOR ASTHMA IN 105 CASES]. QU QUN-WEI ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;20(3):12 (chi*). 1720- gera: 95804/di/ra [ROLE OF THE ENDOTHELIN ON GUINA-PIGS WITH ASTHMA BY THE TREATMENT OF MOXIBUSTION]. FANG XING-MING. liaoning journal of tcm. 2001;28(6):367 (chi*). Objective to observe the effection of ET on the guinea - pigs 1723- gera: 96047/di/ra [PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC TREATED BY CHINESE DRUGS COMBINED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. PENG RUI, ET AL. hubei journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;23(9): (chi). 1724- gera: 96210/di/ra [ZHAO'S MOXIBUSTION FOR PERENNIAL ALLERGIC RHINITIS: AN OBSERVATION OF 70 CASES]. ZHOU QI CAO MING-GEN ZHANG LI. shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001; 35(9):27 (chi*). Zhao's moxibustion was used to treat 70 cases of perennial allergic rhinitis It could improve the symptoms and signs, the symptoms in particular; the total effective rate was 90. 0%. 1725- gera: 96603/di/ra [ EFFECT OF DRUG MOXIBUSTION HEATED BY ELECTRICITY ON TRACE ELEMENTS IN SENILE PEOPLE]. AI SHUANGCHUN, ZHONGLAN, LIAO FANGZHENG ET AL. journal of practical tcm. 2001;10(17):3 (chi*). Objective: To observe the effects of drug moxibustion heated by electricity and traditional drug moxibustion on trace elements in senile people. Methods : The elected senile people of 60 and over had been divided into 4 groups: a group for drug moxibustion heated by electricity, a group for traditional drug moxibustion, a group for strapping drugs and a group for blank control. Results : Einc, copper and calcium in blood have obviously increased in the group for drug moxibustion heated by electricity and the group for traditional drug moxibustion. Conclusion : No difference between two groups in adjusting trace elements in senile people. 1726- gera: 96611/di/ra [RETROGRADE GONITIS (60 CASES) TREATED BY NEEDLE WARMING THROUGH MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG HONGRONG, LL XIAOTANG. journal of practical tcm. 2001;10(17):33 (chi). 1727- gera: 96755/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON CURATIVE EFFECT OF PERIPHERAL FACIAL PARALYSIS TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION LAMP]. ZHAO DONGYING ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;17(7):4 (chi). 1728- gera: 96758/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 100 PATIENTS WITH SOFT TISSUE CONTUSION TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. YANG YONG ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;17(7):9 (chi). 1729- gera: 96791/di/ra [SACROCOCCYGEAL PAIN (33 CASES) TREATED BY gera 2010 108 FUMIGATION AND LOTION OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE DRUGS]. WANG RENCHENG. journal of practical traditional chinese medicine. 2001;8(17):32 (chi). 1730- gera: 96953/di/ra [136 CASES OF BONE - INJURY DISEASE TREATED BY FUMIGATING - WASHING THERAPY WITH CHINESE HERBS]. JIN MIN. journal of external therapy of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;10(5):11 (chi). 1731- gera: 96962/di/ra [THE FUNCTION OF CRUD HERBAL MOXIBUSTION TO AGAINST TRANSPLANTATION TUMOR OF MICE AND AFFECTION TO IMMUNITY]. HAN CUI, LI XUEWU, LIU ZHEN. tianjin journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;5(18):30 (chi). 1732- gera: 97209/di/ra [RETROGRADE GONARTHROSIS (100 CASES) TREATED BY FUMIGATION AND LOTION]. PENG YOUBIN, CHEN JINXIONG. journal of practical traditional chinese medicine. 2001;9(17):37 (chi). 1733- gera: 97445/di/ra [EFFECT OF VESICULATING MOXIBUSTION ON B ENDORPHIN CONTENT IN RAT PERITONEALLY INJECTED CYCLOPHOSPHANIDE]. SUN DE-LI, ET AL. chinese journal of traditional medical science and technology (. 2001;8(5):279 (chi). 1734- gera: 97656/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS ON TREATMENT OF SCIATICA BY ACUPUNCTURE WITH NEEDLE WARMED BY BURNING MOXA IN 210 CASES]. FENG PING ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine and chinese materia medica of jilin. 2001;21(5):50 (chi). 1735- gera: 97783/di/ra [SUMMARY OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTROVERTEBRAL DISC]. LI JIE. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;17(10):48 (chi). 1736- gera: 97979/di/ra [ON SKIN AND EXTERNAL DISEASES TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION]. FUHUA. journal of gansu college of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;18(2):46 (chi). 1737- gera: 98045/di/ra [OCCIPITAL NEURALGIA (48 CASES) TREATED BY NEEDLE WARMING THROUGH MOXIBUSTION]. JI GUOCHEN. journal of practical traditional chinese medicine. 2001;7(17):35 (chi). 1738- gera: 98090/di/ra [SCIATIC TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE MOXIBUSTION AND MASSAGE]. ZHAN YAJUN ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;17(6):15 (chi). 1739- gera: 98095/di/ra [32 PATIENTS WITH FLAT WART TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE PLUS CHINESE HERBS FUMIGATING AND WASHING]. LI WEIQIONG. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;17(6):30 (chi). 1740- gera: 98352/di/ra [56 CASES ON CURING HEELACHE BY COMPRESS OF CHINESE DRUGS COMBINED WITH MOXIBUSTION]. ZHAO SHUWU. heilongjiang journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;3:29 (chi). 1741- gera: 98353/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION COMBINED WITH MEDICINE MOVING CUPPING THERAPY FOR TREATMENT OF CHRONIC BACK FIBROSITIS]. LUI YUANYUAN AIZHUO YANG LIAN. heilongjiang journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;3:45 (chi). 1742- gera: 98471/di/ra [THE QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF CT AND MRI FOR LUMBAR DISC DEGENERATION BEFORE AND AFTER TCM TREATMENT]. KE QI, XU ZHUOXIN, ZHANG JIPING, ET AL. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;33(11):44 (chi*). Objective: To observe the morphological changes of lumbar disc degeneration (LDD) before and after TCM treatment. Methods : 84 cases of LDD were treated by massage, acupuncture and moxibustion, traction, oral use and external application of Chinese herbal drugs. After treatment, the morphological changes of lumbar discs were estimated quantitatively by CT and MRI so as to evaluate the curative effect of comprehensive TCM treatment. Results : The markedly effective rate of TCM treatment for LDD was 82. 14%, but the degree of Bulge, prolapse and herniation of lumbar disc, the anteroposterior diameter and transverse diameter of vertebral canal, the width of lateral crypt, the size, number and distribution of schmor I - s node of Vertebral end plate, the thickness of lumbar disc and the signal intensity of MRI also showed no marked differences -after treatment. Conclusion : TCM treatment can relieve the clinical symptoms of LDD, but could not affect the structure of the degenerated lumbar 1743- gera: 98609/di/ra [OBSERVATIONS ON THE CURATIVE EFFECT OF WARMED-NEEDLE ACUPUNCTURE OF JIAJI POINTS AS MAIN ONES ON CERVICAL VERTIGO]. ZHOU LI-SHA, ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;20(6):12 (chi*). Purpose To observe the curative effect of warmed-needle acupuncture of Jiaji points as main ones on cervical vertigo. Methods : Warmed-needle acupuncture was performed on Jiaji points, Fengchi (GB 20), Dazhui (GV 14) and dizzy-auditory area in the treatment group of 43 cases, which was compared with electroacupuncture treatment in the control group of 24 cases. Results : The clinical curative effect was significantly better in the treatment group than in the control group; there was a significant difference in the curative effect between the two groups. Blood flow in the vertebral artery was increased in both the groups, which was more marked in the treatment group than in the control group. Conclusion :Warmed-needle acupuncture of Jiaji points as main ones has a good effect on cervical vertigo and can markedly increase blood flow in the vertebral artery. 1744- gera: 98610/di/ra [DYNAMIC B-ULTRASONOGRAPHIC OBSERVATION OF THE TREATMENT OF 80 PATIENTS WITH LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC PROLAPSE BY ACUPUNCTUREMOXIBUSTION PLUS THREE-PALM MASSAGE]. CHEN XIAO-KAI, ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;20(6):14 (chi*). Purpose To observe a change in vertebral canal diameter in patients with lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse treated by acupuncture-moxibustion plus massage. Method : Bultrasonograph was used to dynamically observe the relationship between a change in vertebral canal diameter and the clinical curative effect in patients with lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse treated by acupuncture and moxibustion in combination with three-palm massage. Acupuncture and moxibustion in combination with traction (full automatic computer traction table) was performed as a control. Results and Conclusion : Both the therapeutic methods can increase the vertebral canal diameter and change the positions relationship between the protrusive intervertebral disc and the stimulated nerve root. The combination of acupuncturemoxibustion and three-palm massage can improve the curative effect. The 1745- gera: 98671/di/ra [EFFECT OF COMPOUND SULFUR - MOXIT ON RED CELL IMMUNE FUNCTION IN RAT WITH ALLERGY ARTHRITIS]. WANG JIANG-HONG ET AL. chinese journal of traditional medical science and technology. 2001;8(6):341 (chi*). 1746- gera: 99101/di/ra gera 2010 109 [APPLICATION OF WARMING MOXIBUSTION IN CLINIC]. YE JIANHONG. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;17(11):35 (chi). [THE DEVELOPMENT AND FUTURE OF MOXIBUSTION]. SHEN QINRONG ET AL. guang ming journal traditional chinese medicine. 2001;8(4):10 (chi). 1747- gera: 99213/di/ra [35 CASES OF CHILDHOOD ENURESIS OF KOZAK NATIONALITY TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION THERAPY WITY "KEYEKE "]. A-DA LE-BIEKE ET AL. xinjiang journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;19(4):45 (chi). 1758- gera: 103718/di/ra [STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF MOXIBUSTION WITHOUT SMOKE ON THE IMMUNE OF MOUSE]. LUO WENYU ET AL. information on tcm. 2001;18(1):46 (chi). 1748- gera: 99254/di/ra [MY VIEW OF FUMIGATING WITH TCM]. LIN XIANG. beijing journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;20(6):34 (chi). 1749- gera: 99417/di/ra [THE DEVELOPMENT AND FUTURE OF MOXIBUSTION]. SHEN QINRONG ET AL. guang ming journal traditional chinese medicine. 2001;8(4):10 (chi). 1750- gera: 99665/di/ra [TREATMENT OF HERPES ZOSTER WITH ELECTROACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION IN 50 CASES]. HUANGZHENG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(12):721 (chi*). 1751- gera: 99666/di/ra [SHOULDER PAIN IN PATIENTS WITH HEMIPLEGIA TREATED BY NEEDLE WARMING THERAPY]. YA GUOQIAO. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(12):723 (chi*). 1752- gera: 99670/di/ra [INFLUENCE OF TIMING ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON IMMUNE FUNCTIONS OF RABBITS WITH INSUFFICIENCY OF THE SPLEEN- YANG]. YAN GUIZHEN, ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(12):735 (chi*). 1753- gera: 99673/di/ra [TEMPOROMANDIBULAR DYSFUNCTION TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. XU LIYU, ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(12):746 (chi*). 1754- gera: 99751/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT METHODS OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON ACUTE LUMBAGO]. CAO WENZHONG ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;42(11):658 (eng*). Voir traduction anglaise ref gera [95670]. In order to observe clinical therapeutic effects of different acupuncture and moxibustion methods on acute lumbago, the patients of acute lumbago were randomly divided into four groups: group A, filiform needle treatment group: group B, filiform needle plus cupping group: group C, filiform needle plus blood - letting puncture and cupping group: group D, filiform needle plus blood - letting puncture, cupping and moxibustion group. All the patients were treated respectively 5 and 10 times. Results showed that there were significant differences in the effective rate and cured rate as the group C and D compared with group A and B respectively (P<0. 05 or P<0.01). It is suggested that the combination of bloodletting puncture plus cupping method and moxibustion with filiform needle method can significantly increase clinical therapeutic effect: simple cupping method does not significantly increase the clinical therapeutic effect. 1755- gera: 100205/di/ra [APPLICATION OF WARMING MOXIBUSTION IN CLINIC]. YE JIANHONG. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;17(11):35 (chi). 1756- gera: 100358/di/ra [MY VIEW OF FUMIGATING WITH TCM]. LIN XIANG. beijing journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2001;20(6):34 (chi). 1757- gera: 100521/di/ra 1759- gera: 103776/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON DAJ MULTI-FUNCTION MOXIBUSTION APPARATUS FOR TREATMENT OF KNEE JOINT OSTEOARTHRITIS]. LE XIAOYAN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(11):687 (chi). Methods : Moxibustion-warmed needling with DAJ multiFunction Moxibustion Apparatus substituted fortraditional moxibustion-warmed needling to treat knee joint osteoarthritis, and it was compared with electroacupuncture and traditional moxibustion-warmed needling. Results : The therapeutic effect of the moxibustion apparatus group or the traditional moxibustion group was superior to that of the electroacupuncture group, but there was no significant difference between the moxibustion apparatus group and the traditional moxibustion group in therapeutic effect. Conclusion : The moxibustion-warmed needling with DAJ Multi-Function Apparatus can substitute for traditional moxibustion-warmed needling, with safety and convenient manipulation. 1760- gera: 104451/di/ra [TREATMENT OF 35 CASES OF PROLAPSED LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC MAINLY BY ACUPUNCTURE]. JIANG BIN LIU MENG LI LI. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;20(4):20 (chi*). Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of comprehensive therapies of acupuncture, steaming and traction on prolapse of lumbar intervertebral dics. Methods The patients in treatment group were applied with comprehensive therapies of electroacupuncture, Chinese herbal steaming and traction, and those in control group with single traction therapy. Results The effective rate was 91. 4% in treatment group and 64. 5 % in control group and there was a significant difference between the two groups (P<0. 05). Conclusions The therapeutic effects in treatment 1761- gera: 104453/di/ra [PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF THE ACTIVE INGREDIENTS OF PARTITION MOXIBUSTION BY PYROLYSIS GAS CHROMATOGAPH]. HAN ZHONG XU XIAO-QING YANG XIU-KUN . shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;20(4):36 (chi*). 1762- gera: 104636/di/ra [ADJUSTABLE MICRO-SMOKE MOXIBUSTION APPARATUS]. ZHANG RENZUN, YU XIAOHONG, LI TAO. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(7):441 (chi*). 1763- gera: 107475/di/ra [APPLICATION OF THE SUSPENDING MOXIBUSTION APPARATUS]. MA XIONG, LI SHAOFANG, LIU YANSHAN, ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2001;21(10):629 (chi*). The suspending Moxibustion apparatus is a warming moxibustion tool, including a ring hold, adjusting plate, plumbline hook and moxa. basket. The diameter of moxibustion for each point can reach 5 cm, and it can give moxibustion at many acupoints at a same time, and one doctor can give moxibustion treatment for more than 5 patients at a same time. Clinical application indicated that the cured rate was 56. 4% in the observation group and 48. 7% in the control group. The total effective rate was 94. 6 %. The apparatus has the advantages of wider warming area, even thermodynamic permeability, longer heat-lasting time and higher therapeutic effect. 1764- gera: 111832/di/ra COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND WESTERN MEDICINES FOR TREATMENT OF PERIPHERAL FACIAL PALSY. TAO gera 2010 110 JIAPING ET AL. world journal of acupuncturemoxibustion. 2001;11(2):18 (eng*). 1765- gera: 112458/di/ra MOXIBUSTION THERAPY AND HEALTH CARE. DU JIAN. deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur. 2001;44(2a):219 (deu). 1766- gera: 112543/di/ra AKUPUNKTUR UND INFRAROTDIAGNOSTIK. SCHLEBUSCH KP. deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur. 2001;44(2a):244 (deu). 1767- gera: 112795/di/ra TRATAMIENTOS CON MOXIBUSTION. ANTONI CID . medicina energetica. 2001;10:51 (esp). 1768- gera: 114823/di/ra COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND WESTERN MEDICINES FOR TREATMENT OF PERIPHERAL FACIAL PALSY. TAO JIAPING ET AL. world journal of acupuncturemoxibustion. 2001;11(2):18 (eng*). To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture in treatment of acute peripheral facial paralysis. Methods: A total of 80 cases of facial palsy were randomly divided into acupuncture group (n = 50) and Western medicine (control) group (n = 30). In acupuncture group, Cuanzhu (BL 2), Sibai (ST 2), Yangbai (GB 14), etc. were punctured, combined with TDP radiation, cupping or administration of Chinese medicinal herbs according to the concrete situations. Acupuncture treatment was given once daily, with 6 days being a therapeutic course, continuously for 4 courses. In control group, patients were treated with Intravenous Injection of "energy mixture", dexamethasone, compound Danshen Injectio, etc. . Results: After treatment, in acupuncture group, of the 50 cases, 48 were cured and 2 had improvement, with the effective rate being 100%; among them, 12 cases were cured In 7 days, 23 cured in 8 - 14 days, 10 cured in 15 - 21 days and 3 cured in 22 - 28 days. In control group, of the 30 cases, 19 were cured, 8 had improvement and 3 had no apparent changes, with the effective rate being 90 % - Of the 19 cured cases,5 were cured within 8 - 14 days, 10 cured in 15 - 21 days and 4 cured in 22 28 days - Conclusion: In treatment of acute periphery facial palsy, acupuncture is obviously superior to Western medicines in the therapeutic effect and cure duration. 1769- gera: 115449/di/ra MOXIBUSTION THERAPY AND HEALTH CARE. DU JIAN. deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur. 2001;44(2a):219 (deu). Moxibustion therapy is one of the therapies for rehabilitation and health care. By applying Moxibustion at the certain points with sticks and cones, the warm stimulation transmits through the meridians, which promotes the circulation of qi and reinforces the body resistance to eliminate the evil factors. It has been 2000 years since the moxibustion therapy applying in rehabilitation. It was described in the book, "Li Lou, Meng Zhi" that "three years moxibustion can cure the disease lasted for seven years". in the classical work "Yi Fa Fan Yi Lun, Plain Questions" the author also said "cold in Zhan organs leads to illness, which can be treated with warm moxibustion". "The Miraculous Pivot" suggested the application of moxibustion on the middle qi (energy) collapse. It concluded that moxibustion could be used in a wide range of syndromes, such as deficiency syndrome, cold-syndrome and functional deficiency syndrome. "Medical Secret of an Official" by Wang Tao of Tang Dynasty emphasized on the importance of moxibustion in rehabilitation. Besides, there was a great deal of works on moxibustion in different dynasties. Most of the context involved in the field of rehabilitation. In the following books such as "Moxibustion for Yi Deficiency Syndrome" by Chui Zhi Di. "Essentials of Points of Moxibustion, the Yellow Emperor's Cannon by Dao Gui Fan". "Classical Works on Miraculous Moxibustion" by Wu Yi Dian. Authors demonstrated the moxibustion applied in chromic debilitated disease, especially the rehabilitation from difficult and complicated cases. In "Hong lu Dian Xue" (classical works of TCM ) of Ming Dynasty, the author Gong Ju Zhong said "if a disease lasts a long period of time, which can not be cured by medicine, please apply moxibustion to eliminate it." Moxibustion is good at promoting blood circulation by warming the meridians, activating energy flow in the meridians and treat arthralgia-syndrome, expelling pathogenic cold and dampness, recovering yang-qi to rescue the patient from collapse, removing blood stasis and stagnation and health care as well. It should be popularized for its obvious effect and convenience in manipulation. 1770- gera: 115534/di/ra AKUPUNKTUR UND INFRAROTDIAGNOSTIK. SCHLEBUSCH KP. deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur. 2001;44(2a):244 (deu). Mit der bildgebenden Infrarot-Kamera mit hohem Auflosungsvermögen wird ein diagnostisches Verfahren vorgestellt, mit dem die Wirksamkeit regulativer Verfahren die Akupunktur dokumentiert werden kann.(ACUPUNCTURE AND INFRAREDDIAGNOSTICS) 1771- gera: 100969/di/ra MOXIBUSTION AU 67V DANS UNE PRESENTATION TRANSVERSALE. FAURE M. acupuncture & moxibustion. 2002;1(1-2):53 (fra). 1772- gera: 101157/di/ra [[CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF RED-HOT NEEDLE FOR 80 PATIENTS WITH PAIN IN LUMBAR AND LEG]]. ZHAO LIJUN. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;18(1):30 (chi). 1773- gera: 101162/di/ra [40 PATIENTS WITH SCIATICA TREATED WITH WARMING AND REVOLVING MOXIBUSTION]. YU ZHIGUO ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;18(1):48 (chi). 1774- gera: 101496/di/ra [EFFECTS OF STIMULATION INTENSITY ON REINFORCING AND REDUCING IN MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG QIAO-FENG. journal of fujian college of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;12(1):45 (chi*). To research the effects of reinforcing and reducing in moxibustion, the related literatures in past dynasties were collected and arranged, and then analyzed from the viewpoints of stimulation intensity in moxibustion. The author considers as follows: (1) Reinforcing and reducing exists in moxibustion ; while the effects of reinforcing and reducing are based on the speed of physiological stimulation intensity, and keeping the physiological stimulation intensity is helpful to last the effects of moxibustion. (2) Quantitative stimulation is helpful to grasp the best stimulation intensity and improve the clinical effects of moxibustion, which were affected by many factors and 1775- gera: 101811/di/ra [MYOFASCITIS OF BACK TREATED BY LYTIC OPERATION OF SMALL NEEDLE-KNIFECOMBINED MILD MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG TING. journal of zhejiang college of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;26(1):54 (chi). 1776- gera: 101894/di/ra [CLINICAL RESEARCH ON THE TREATMENT OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC PROTRUSION BY THE COMBINATION OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MASSAGE]. ZHANG DAO-WU LIANG XIAO-FEI WANG QIU-JING. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;21(2):22 (chi*). Purpose : To observe a relative difference in curative effect on lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion between combined acupuncture-moxibustion and massage and simple acupuncture-moxibustion ion. Method : Subjects were randomly divided into an acupuncture and massage group, an acupuncture group and a massage group for comparative observation. Results : The cure rate (55. 2%) and the total effective rate (100%) in the acupuncture and massage group were significantly higher than those (31. 0% and 86. 9%) in the acupuncture group and those (34. 7% and 91. 8%) in the massage group. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion : A combined acupuncture and massage treatment is superior to a simple acupuncturemoxibustion or massage treatment and at present is one of the better methods for treating lumbar intervertebral disc gera 2010 111 protrusion. 1777- gera: 102007/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION AT DIFFERENT TRADITIONAL TWELVE TWO-HOURS ON INTERLEUKIN-2 IN THE MOUSE OF YANG DEFICIENCY]. ZHANG YANG, SUN GUOJIE, LI HANMIN, ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;22(5):319 (chi*). Purposes : To probe whether or riot there are different effects for moxibustion at different hours. Methods : The mouse of Yang deficiency were treated with moxibustion. at 12 traditional two-hour periods and interleukin-2 (IL-2) activity was determined. Results : The IL-2 activity of the mouse of Yang deficiency was different at the 12 two- hour, periods, at the Wei hour being the highest and at the Chou hour being the lowest, with a significant difference between the two periods (P < 0.05) ; Moxibustion could increase significantly 11-2 activity of the mouse of Yang deficiency, at the Yin hour the increase being the biggest and at the Hai hour the increase being the smallest with a significant difference (P<0.01). Conclusion : Moxibustion at different traditional twelve two-hours 1778- gera: 102448/di/ra [157 PATIENTS WITH ACUTE LUMBAR SPRAIN TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION AND MASSAGE]. SHAO LANQUAN . journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;18(5):27 (chi). 1779- gera: 102586/di/ra [STATE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF DEVELOPMENT OF MOXIBUSTION THERAPY IN QING DYNASTY]. YANG WEI, MA XIAOLI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;22(3):202 (chi*). The present paper depicts roughly development state of moxibustion therapy in Qing dynasty, analyzes and expounds development characteristics of Moxibustion, therapy in Qing dynasty and indicates that moxibustion therapy till the Qing dynasty had got full practice, plentiful moxibustion methods and some enhancement in the theoretical level, but still had a very large space for development in later ages, by means of main monograph of moxibustion therapy and acupuncture and moxibustion sciences and comprehensive medical books recording 1780- gera: 102785/di/ra [PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS ON RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR TREATMENT OF FACIAL PARALYSIS SINCE THE FOUNDING OF OUR COUNTRY]. LI YING, LIANG FANRONG, ZHU MANJIA, ET AL. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;43(4):265 (chi). 1781- gera: 102786/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON 136 CASES OF CYSTOPARALYSIS AFTER RADICAL OPERATION OF CERVICAL CARCINOMA TREATED WITH WARMING ACUPUNCTURE]. XIE YING . journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;43(4):267 (chi). 1782- gera: 102809/di/ra [PULMONARY FUNCTION CHANGES OF 80 HEALTHY YOUNG PEOPLE AFTER ACUPUNCTURE OR MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT ON FEISHU]. JI BAO-QIN, LI JIAN, ZHAO NING-XIA, ET AL. journal of nanjing university of traditional chinese medicine (natural science). 2002;18(3):174 (chi*). OBJECTIVE :To explore into die effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on the pulmonary function of healthy people. METHOD : 80 healthy males ranging from 20 to 22 in age were divided randomly into an acupuncture group of 40 people and a moxibustion group of 40 people, and the vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume (FEV1.0), maximal mid expiratory flow (MMF), MEF maximal expiratory flow (PEFR) and the maximal expiratory flow rate at 75%, 50% and 25% vital capacity (V75, V50, V25) were measured 10 minutes before and after acupuncture or moxibustion treatment. RESULT After acupuncture or moxibustion treatment, FVC and FEV1.0 of both groups increased markedly (P < 0.05). FVC in the acupuncture group was markedly higher than in the moxibustion group (P < 0.05). MMF and V25 in the moxibustion group decreased markedly (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION :Acupuncture and moxibustion on Feishu in healthy people decreases the resistance in the major airway and increases the vital capacity, suggesting that the smoke from the burning of moxa wools causes the 1783- gera: 102913/di/ra CLINICAL STUDY ON SPLEEN-STOMACH-REINFORCING MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT OF DIARRHEA-TYPE IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME. WU HUANGAN ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2002;12(1):10 (eng). In the present paper, the therapeutic effect of spleenstomach- reinforcing moxibustion for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is observed and its underlying mechanisms on immunity are analyzed. A total of 72 IBS patients are randomly divided into, moxibustion group (n = 46) and acupuncture group (control group, n = 26). Acupoints used are Zhongwan (CV 12), Qihai (CV 6) and Zusanli (ST 36), etc. Serum IgG, IgA and IgM contents, blood + +) counts, T+4/T+8 cancer embryonic antigen (CEA) content, serum IL-2 and sIL2R contents are assayed for evaluating changes of the immunocompetence. After two courses of treatment (24 sessions), results show that in moxibustion group, 25 cases (54. 35% ) are cured, 17 experience improvement in clinical symptoms and 4 have no apparent changes, with an effective rate of 91. 30 % ; in control group, 8 cases (30. 78 % ) are cured, 12 experience improvement and 6 have no marked improvement, with an effective rate of 76.92 %. The therapeutic effect of moxibustion is significantly superior to that of acupuncture (P<0.01). In addition, moxibustion can effectively rectify abnormal immune function and stabilize human's immunity. This research provides a reliable experimental basis for clinical application of "principal prescription of moxibustion for reinforcing the spleen and stomach". 1784- gera: 102920/di/ra TREATMENT OF 29 CASES OF LUMBAR INTERVETERBRAL DISC PROTRUSION WITH GINGERSEPARATED MOXIBUSTION. ZHAO LIXIN ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2002;12(1):39 (eng). Objective : To observe the effect of ginger-separated moxibustion for treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse. Methods : 29 lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion patients including 21 males and 8 females were treated with ginger-separated moxibustion of Ashi-point and Jiaji (EX-B 2, the affected region) 1 5 - 6 cones every time, once every other day, continuously for 5 times. Then the therapeutic effect was analyzed. Results : After treatment, of the 29 cases, 23 (79. 3% ) were cured, and the rest 6 (20.7%) ) experienced improvement. Conclusion : Ginger-separated moxibustion is fairly effective and safe in treatment of lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion. 1785- gera: 102921/di/ra TREATMENT OF 46 CASES OF PERIPHERAL FACIAL PARALYSIS WITH HAND ACUPUNCTURE, MOXIBUSTION AND ELECTROACUPUNCTURE. CAO YI. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2002;12(1):42 (eng). In the present paper, the therapeutic effect of hand acupuncture, moxibustion and electroacupuncture (EA) is observed in the treatment of 46 cases of peripheral facial paralysis (treatment group) and compared with that of Western medicines (prednisone, Vitamin B, and B12, dibazol) in other 42 facial palsy patients. Acupoints used are Fenchi (GB 20), Yifeng (TE 17), Taiyang (LR 3), Yangbai (GB 14), Cuanzhu (BL 2), Yingxiang (Ll 20), Dicang (ST 4), Shuigou (GV 26), Chengjiang (CV 24), Xiaguan (ST 7) and Jiache (ST 6). Following 20 - 30 sessions of treatment, results show that the therapeutic effect of treatment group is significantly superior to that of Western medicine group and the therapeutic duration of the former group is shorter. 1786- gera: 103005/di/ra [CLINICAL APPLICATION AND MECHANISM STUDY OF HOT-NEEDLE THERAPY]. GUAN ZUNHUI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;22(6):417 (chi*). gera 2010 112 Purpose : To summarize clinical application of hot-needle therapy and approach to its mechanisms. Methods : Changes of immunoglobulins, nail-fold microcirculation, electromyogram and blood rheology of the patient before and after treatment were observed. Results : Hot-needle therapy has benign regulative action on immunoglobulins, microcirculation and blood coagulation of the human body; hot-needle therapy can improve depressed pressured state of nerve roots and repair the injured nerves to a certain extent. Conclusion : Hot-needle therapy produces therapeutic effects through regulation on neurohumor, blood circulation and immunological and 1787- gera: 103029/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON PROTECTIVE ACTION ON GASTRIC MUCOSA IN CHRONIC ATROPHIC GASTRITIS MODEL RATS BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. GAO XIYAN, RAO HONG, WANG YAPING. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;43(5):344 (chi). 1788- gera: 103623/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION TREATING 198 PATIENTS WITH PUERPERAL UROSCHESIS]. YU DELI, ET AL. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;18(3):20 (chi). 1789- gera: 104017/di/ra AN OVERVIEW OF THE THERAPEUTIC APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION .. ABBATE S. journal of chinese medicine. 2002;69:5 (eng). 1790- gera: 104848/di/ra [TEXTUAL RESEARCH ON THE SPREAD OF TAIYI SHENZHEN (TAI YI S MOXA STICK)]. WANG XUETAI. journal of traditional chinese medicinal literature. 2002;69(2):1 (chi). 1791- gera: 105005/di/ra [PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECT OF BLOOD-FAT BY XIE STYLE MOXIBUSTION]. DENG BAIYING, LUO MING-RAN, XIE GAN-GANG, ET A. shanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;18(4):38 (chi*). To observe the recent effect of blood-fat before and after treatment, 48 cases of normal blood-fat and 49 cases of abnormal blood-fat were treated with Xie style moxibustion. Results showed there was no significant difference of normal blood-fat before and after treatment (P> 0. 05 ). While statistics showed there was markedly difference of abnormal blood-fat (P<O. 01). It indicates that Xie style moxibustion can reduce blood-fat in recent period for abnormal blood-fat patients and has a benign tendency in regulation blood-fat for normal bloodfat people. 1792- gera: 105226/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF 36 CASES OF PIRIFORMIS INJURY SYNDROME TREATED WITH TRIPLE NEEDLING WITH THICK NEEDLES PLUS GINGER-PARTITIONED MOXIBUSTION]. ZHANG TING, PANG GUOJUN, YAO QINYANG, ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;22(8):525 (chi*). Purpose: To observe clinical therapeutic effect of triple needling with thick needles plus ginger-partitioned moxibustion on piriformis syndrome. Methods: 36 cases of Piriformis syndrome were treated by triple needling with thick needles plus ginger-partitioned moxibustion and 32 cases by local blocking, and their therapeutic effects were compared. Results: The cured rate and the total effective rate were 80.6% and 100.0% in the former, and 40.6% and 90.6% in the latter, respectively with a significant difference betweeri the two groups (P<0.01). Conclusion The triple needling plus gingerpartitioned moxibustion has a better therapeutic effect. 1793- gera: 105231/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON CLINICAL THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF SCAR-PRODUCING MOXIBUSTION ON BRONCHIAL ASTHMA]. LIU MINGQING, HUANG QISONG, YOU BIN, ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;22(8):537 (chi*). Purpose: To observe clinical therapeutic effect of scar producing moxibustion on bronchial asthma. Methods: 94 cases of bronchial asthma were randomly divided into 3 groups, the observation group (33 cases) treated with scarproducing moxibustion, the ginger-separated moxibustion group (30 cases) treated with ginger-separated moxibustion and the acupuncture group (31 cases) treated with acupuncture. The treatment was given for 30 days. Results: There were very significant differences in decrease of serum IgE content and increase of the Ist second forced expiratory volume (FEV 1.0)/forced vital capacity (FVC ratio) in the observation group after treatment as compared with the ginger-separated moxibustion and the acupuncture group (P<0.01). Conclusion: Scar-producing moxibustion has good actions of antianaphylaxis and improving pulmonary ventilation volume. 1794- gera: 105462/di/ra [CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF THE TREATMENT OF INTERVERTEBRAL DISC PROTRUSION BY WARMING ACUPUNCTURE AND MASSAGE COMBINED WITH HERBAL FOMENTATION]. LIU GUI-ZHEN, ZHEN LI-LI . shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;21(4):26 (chi*). Purpose: To observe the clinical effect of warming acupuncture and massage combined with herbal fomentation on protrusion of intervertebral disc. Methods: Two hundred and eighty patients with protrusion of intervertebral disc were treated by warming acupuncture and massage in combination with herbal fomentation. The result was compared with those in 10 patients treated by simple acupuncture, 10 by simple massage and 10 by simple herbal fomentation. Results: The effective rate was 100% in the combined treatment group, which was significantly different from that (87. 5% in the warming acupuncture group (P<O. 01) and that (60 % ) in the fomentation group (P<O. 01) but not fro that (92. 5 % ) in the massage group (P>O. 05). conclusion: Warming acupuncture and massage in combination with herbal fomentation has a significantly better effect on protrusion of intervertebral disc than simple acupuncture, massage or herbal fomentation. Only 3 courses of the combined treatment can produce 1795- gera: 105465/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION WITH GRAINSIZED MOXA CONE ON LOCAL TISSUE 5-HT, HA AND PGE2 IN EXPERIMENTAL RA RATS]. HUANG DI-JUN, YU SHUGUANG, HAN ZHE-LIN, ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;21(4):43 (chi*). Purpose: To observe the effects of moxibustion on local inflammatory media in experimental RA rats. Method: Moxibustion with grain-sized moxa cone was performed on points Shenshu and Zusanli in rats with adjuvant arthritis. The 5hydroxytrptamine (5-HT), histamine (HA) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) contents of local inflammatory tissues were measured by fluorescent immunoasssay and radioimmunoassay. Results After the model was made, 5-HT, HA and PGE2 contents all increased significantly (P<O. 01 ), but after moxibustion, the three contents decreased significantly (P<O. 01). After moxibustion following the removal of the adrenal gland, HA content decreased significantly (P<O. 05) but 5-HT and PGE2 contents did not (P>O. 05). Conclusion: Moxibustion treatment can markedly eliminate 5HT, HA and PGE2 in local inflammatory tissues so as to relieve local inflammatory reaction, edema and pains. The adrenal gland has an marked effect in moxibustion eliminating 1796- gera: 106009/di/ra ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION FOR TREATING ECTOPIC ENDOMETRIUM. WANG HUIMIN AND HOU QINLUAN. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;22(3):203 (eng). 1797- gera: 106217/di/ra [ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF 23 CASES OF AIDS]. YIN YONG, DUAN LL-PING, LIU YU-SHENG. acta universitatis traditionis medicalis sinensis pharmacologiaeque shanghai. 2002;16(2):29 (chi*). 23 cases of Ugandan AIDS patients were treated by acupuncture plus moxibustion. The results showed that acupuncture therapy could obviously alleviate and improve the gera 2010 113 symptoms and signs in the patients, such as fever, lassitude, poor appetite, diarrhea, loss of body weight, dermal ailments, and oral ulcer (P < 0.01) 1798- gera: 106525/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF CLINICAL CURATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF 96 PATIENTS WITH PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. HE ZHANGMING. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;18(8):10 (chi). 1799- gera: 106536/di/ra [APPLICATION OF REINFORCEMENT AND REDUCTION OF MOXIBUSTION]. WANG SHURUI. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;18(8):48 (chi). 1800- gera: 106689/di/ra [A CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF HYPERLIPEMIA BY FUNCTION - HEALTH - CARE MOXIBUSTION]. DENG BAIYING, XIE GANGONG, LUO BENHUA, ET AL. new journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;34(9):48 (chi). 1801- gera: 106696/di/ra [TREATING 40 CASES OF DISORDERS OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT SYNDROME WITH MASSAGE AND MOXIBUSTION]. TANG XIU-FANG, WANG XUE-FENG. shandong journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;21(9):544 (chi). 1802- gera: 106733/di/ra [STUDY ON SELECTING POINT IN ACUMOXIBUSTION ALONG WITH TIME COMBINED WITH COMPUTER ANALYSIS]. YANG YANG. journal of shandong university of traditional chinese medicine. 2002;26(5):336 (chi). 1803- gera: 106868/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF PROLAPSE OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC TREATED WITH TRACTION AND ACUPUNCTURE - MOXIBUSTION]. SUN LIHONG. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;18(7):2 (chi). 1804- gera: 107017/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF MALE ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION WITH SMOKING POINT SHENQUE]. LIU CUNZHI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;22(9):594 (chi*). Purpose : To observe therapeutic effect of smoking Shenque (CV 8) on male erectile dysfunction. Methods : 61 cases were randomly divided into the treatment group (35 cases) treated with smoking Shenque (CV 8), and the control group (26 cases) treated with Nanbao as control group. They were treated for 30 days. Results : The clinical therapeutic effect in the treatment group was significantly superior to that in the control group (P<O. 01); and serum T and FSH levels increased significantly (P < 0. 05) and E2 level decreased (P < 0. 05). Conclusion : The smoking navel attains therapeutic effects possibly via the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis. 1805- gera: 107370/di/ra [[OBSERVATION ON TREATING INFANTILE MALNUTRITION BY]. X. hunan guiding journal of tcmp. 2002;8(7):423 (chi). 1806- gera: 107496/di/ra [DISTINGUISHING FEATURE OF MOXIBUSTION METHOD IN DUNHUANG MEDICINE]. ZHANG NONG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;21(9):563 (chi*). In Chinese Middle Ages' documents from Confucian ClassicsCollecting Cave in Mogaoku of Dunhuang, Ganshu Province there are hand-written medical books of Tang and Song Dynasties, and among them 20 volumes are related with acupuncture and moxibustion. The Jiu Jing Tu was written by the schools who payed attantion to moxibustion. Moxibustion could be given one thousand cones at the most, 52 ancient acupoints and Suikong, Wuzhou, Tianmen, Nieshu, HandYangming, Banmei,Foot-Yangming ancient acupoint names were preserved. A New Classic of Moxibustion for Emeryencies ( ( 94*2*14-0) is an atlas of acupuncture and moxibustion of Tang dynasty, which was a collection of moxibustion treatment of acute syndromes. In the Za Liao Bing Yaofang moxibustion methods for auricular points were introduced. In the Bu Zhi Ming Yifang, fermented soy-bean cake- separated moxibustion, sulphur powder-separated moxibustion, realgar-separated moxibustion and so on were introduced, developing Ge Hong's materials-separated moxibustion. It is a valuable medical book of acupuncture 1807- gera: 107998/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF CURATIVE EFFECTIVENESS OF 37 PATIENTS WITH DISORDER OF TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT SYNDROME TREATED WITH WARMING ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. WU JUQING. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;18(9):41 (chi). 1808- gera: 108153/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THE CHARACTERS OF THE INFRARED RADIATION SPECTRUM OF ACUPOINTS AND FOUR TYPES OF MOXIBUSTION IN THE HUMAN BODY]. DING GUANGHONG, SHEN XUEYONG, CHU JUNHAO, ET AL. acupuncture research. 2002;27(4):269 (chi*). Objective : To study the characters of infrared radiation spectrum of acupoints and moxibustion in the human body. Methods : In 5 healthy volunteer subjects, characters of the infrared radiation spectrum of Neiguan (PC 6.), Laogong (PC8) and Hegu (Ll 4), ginger-separated moxibustion, garlicseparated moxibustion and Fuzi (Radix Aconiti Praeparata) cake-separated moxibustion (less than 1 cm2 area on the body surface) were detected using lock-phase amplification technology under strict control of the room temperature and humidity. Results : Although some obvious differences were found in the primitive spectrum and the intensity of infrared radiation among different human bodies and in different acupoints, there exist quite consistency and comparability after unified treatment of the spectrums. It was also found that comparison between the average unified spectrum emitted from the subject body and the spectrum of ginger-separated moxibustion, garlic-separated moxibustion and Fuzi (Radix Aconiti Praeparata) cake-separated moxibustion showed an amazing consistency, with the radiation peak all being about 7. 5 um in spite of different temperature. Conclusion : The results provide the scientific basic data for the 1809- gera: 108160/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF 43 CASES OF POSTPARTUM UROSCHESIS WITH ACUPUNCTURE PLUS SCALLION-SALT SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION]. LIANG LUYIN. acupuncture research. 2002;27(4):292 (chi*). Objective : To observe the curative effect of acupuncture plus indirect moxibustion with scallion mixed with salt for treatment of postpartum uroschesis. Methods : A total of 43 cases of postpartum uroschesis inpatients were randomly divided into treatment group ( n = 23) and control group ( n = 20). In treatment group, bilateral Yingu ( KI 10), Shenshu ( BL 23) and Sanjiaoshu ( BL 22) were punctured and stimulated electrically with an Electroacupuncture Therapeutic Apparatus for 30 min, once daily. In addition, smashed scallion stalk ( 0. 5 kg) mixed with salt ( 250 g) was applied to the patient's lower abdomen covering Shenque ( CV 8), Guanyuan ( CV 4), Qihai ( CV 6) and Zhongji ( CV 3) areas, followed by moxibustion with an ignited moxa-stick. 20 cases of control group accepted only acupuncture treatment. Results : After one treatment, of the 23 cases and 20 cases in treatment and control groups, 20 ( 87 %) and 10 ( 50 %) were cured ( the patient had micturition automatically), 3 ( 13 %) and 8 ( 40 %) experienced improvement ( the patient could pass micturition automatically but incompletely), 0 and 2 ( 10 %) failed in the treatment ( the patient still could not pass urine), with the curative rates being 100% and 90% respectively. The therapeutic effect of acupuncture plus indirect moxibustion is significantly better than that of simple acupuncture therapy in the treatment of postpartum uroschesis ( P<0. 05). Conclusion: Acupuncture plus indirect moxibustion is superior to that of simple acupuncture therapy for postpartum uroschesis. gera 2010 114 1810- gera: 108408/di/ra [TREATMENT OF LOW BLOOD SUPPLY OF BASILAR ARTERY WITH THREAD EMBEDMENT AND MOXIBUSTION : 80 CASES REPORTED]. ZHAO XUETIAN, ZHOU CHAOJIE, HE JUN. acta chinese medicine and pharmacology. 2002;30(5):28 (chi). 1811- gera: 108569/di/ra [STUDY ON TREATMENT OF PROTRUSION OF LUMBAR INTERVERTEBRAL DISC WITH MOXIBUSTION TOGETHER WITH SHEBIE OINTMENT]. JIANG SONGHE, CHEN LINGYUN, YE TIAN SHEN, ET AL. jiangsu journal of tcm. 2002;23(10):15 (chi). 1812- gera: 109235/di/cg RESEARCH ON THE CLINIC APPLICATION OF CHINESE MOXIBUSTION SELF-HEATING PASTE FOR HEALING OMALGIA, CERVICODYNIA AND LUMBAGO. FU JINLONG. wfas international symposium on acupuncture. 2002;:185 (eng). 1813- gera: 109242/di/cg APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION. TIAN CONGHUO. wfas international symposium on acupuncture. 2002;:194 (eng). 1814- gera: 109753/di/ra [CLINICAL EXAMPLES OF MOXIBUSTION FOR HEAT SYNDROMES]. XU JIE. shanghai journal of tcm. 2002;36(11):28 (chi*). The paper discusses the mechanism of moxibustion in the treatment of heat syndromes. It is argued that moxibustion can induce heat outwards, lead heat downwards, remove phlegm and fire, and nourish qi-yin and clear heat. Four examples of mammary abscess, insomnia mumps and hectic fever by moxibustion are listed. 1815- gera: 110545/di/ra [NEW EXPLANATION OF " DAN JIE" METHOD]. CAO DAMING ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2002;22(2):273 (chi*). Dan Jie method was presented in verses about acupuncture and moxibustion for many times, up to now there are two kinds of explanation for it. One kind holds that it is a acupuncture manipulation method and another considers that it is a point location method. The author holds that it is a point location method, but author's understanding is completely different from view points of medical books of past dynasties. In the present paper, the author raises new explanation about Dan Jie through conscientious analysis in combination with clinical practice of acupuncture 1816- gera: 112165/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON HEALING STUBBORN LUMBOCRURAL PAIN BY USING WARM SILVER NEEDLES AND EXTRADURAL BLOCKING]. CHENG YONG. journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology. 2002;14(2):18 (chi*). 1817- gera: 112151/di/ra [ON REINFORCING AND REDUCING METHODS IN MOXIBUSTION]. JU CHUAN-JUN, XIE WEI. journal of nanjing university of tcm. 2003;19(1):47 (chi*). 1818- gera: 113151/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY OF MOXIBUSTION PREVENT PHLEBITIS RESULT FROM SUPERFICIAL VEIN CATHETER TRANSFUSION]. LU YAN. guangxi journal of tcm. 2003;26(1):12 (chi*). 1819- gera: 113452/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION AT SHENQUE ON RECENT DIARRHEA IN PATIENTS TREATED WITH CHEMOTHERAPY FOR CERVICAL CARCINOMA]. SONG YA-GUANG, YUAN HUI, XU-LANFENG. journal of nanjing university of tcm. 2003;19(2):107 (chi*). 1820- gera: 113699/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON TREATMENT OF LEUCOPENIA WITH ACUPOINT- INJECTION COMBINED WITH MOXIBUSTION]. LIU PING, LIU YAN, TANG QING. liaoning journal of tcm. 2003;30(3):213 (chi*). 1821- gera: 114089/di/ra [76 CASES OF TREATING HYPERPLASTIC GONITIS BY NEEDLE WARMING THROUGH MOXIBUSTION]. CHEN XIULING. journal of gansu college of tcm. 2003;20(1):47 (chi). 1822- gera: 114205/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND IMMUNOLOGICAL MECHANISM OF MOXIBUSTION]. TANG ZHAO-LIANG, SONG XIAO-GE, ZHANG FU-QING, ET. journal of anhui traditional chinese medical colege. 2003;22(2):31 (chi). 1823- gera: 114258/di/ra [STUDY DEVELOPMENT IN MECHANISMS AND CLINICAL APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION IN RECENT YEARS]. FU XIAO-SU. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;19(3):50 (chi). 1824- gera: 114901/di/ra TRABAJOS CEDIDOS POR ANTONI CID. MOXIBUSTION PARA PRESERVAR LA SALUD. YUAN LIREN, LIU XIAOMING. medicina energetica. 2003;7:21 (esp). 1825- gera: 115142/di/ra [ON REINFORCING AND REDUCING METHODS IN MOXIBUSTION]. JU CHUAN-JUN, XIE WEI. journal of nanjing university of tcm. 2003;19(1):47 (chi*). The reinforcing and reducing methods in moxibustion are based on the TCM theory of syndrome differentiation. After 'they were mentioned in Miraculous Pivot, the methods have been further enunciated by later physicians based on their clinical experience. Further studies on their clinical application and mechanisms, however, are not being extensively made, and this calls for our attention. 1826- gera: 115336/di/ra [ACUPOINT HERBAL APPLICATION AND MOXIBUSTION FOR FACIAL PARALYSIS IN 100 CASES]. XIAO XIU-JUN LIU HUI-LAN. shanghai journal of tcm. 2003;37(2):33 (chi*). 1827- gera: 115354/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF CURATIVE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION WITH GRAIN-SIZED MOXA- CONE ON RELIEVING HEMIPARALYSIS SPASM CAUSED BY WIND STROKE]. MA LING. guangxi journal of tcm. 2003;25(1):41 (chi). 1828- gera: 115786/di/ra TRATAMIENTOS CON MOXIBUSTION. ANTONI CID . medicina energetica. 2003;10:51 (esp). 1829- gera: 116869/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATING 370 CASES OF FACIAL PARALYSIS WITH MOXIBUSTIONACUPUNCTURE AND MASSAGE]. LUO XU, ET AL. chinese journal of ethnomedicine and ethnopharmacy. 2003;4(2):92 (chi). 1830- gera: 116968/di/ra FOUR MEDICAL CASES TREATED WITH MASSIVE MOXIBUSTION CA.. YANG YI-HONG, ET AL. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2003;13(1):50 (eng). 1831- gera: 117196/di/ra [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AND IMMUNOLOGICAL MECHANISM OF MOXIBUSTION]. TANG ZHAO-LIANG, SONG XIAO-GE, ZHANG FU-QING, ET. journal of anhui traditional chinese medical college. 2003;22(2):31 (chi). 1832- gera: 117249/di/ra [STUDY DEVELOPMENT IN MECHANISMS AND CLINICAL APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION IN RECENT YEARS]. FU gera 2010 115 XIAO-SU. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;19(3):50 (chi). Moxibustion therapy has the function of warming channels and expelling cold, inducing the smooth flow of Qi and blood, streng thening thening Yang from collapse and preventing diseases and keeping health. Ibis method has made great progress in recent years, especially in regulating immunity, improving blood nature, reducing, cholesterin level and anticancer and health protection etc. The writer summarized researches proceeding and put forward researches direction and some ideas of moxibustion. 1833- gera: 117251/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION WITH ACUPUNCTURE AT "SIGUAN" POINTS PLUS WARMING ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION AT BAIHUI (GV 20) POINT]. FENG GUOXIANG, WU QINGMING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;23(4):193 (chi*). Objective : To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture at "Siguan" and warming acupuncture-moxibustion at Baihui (GV 20) on essential hypertension (EH). Methods : 60 cases of EH were randomly divided into the treatment group treated with acupuncture at Hegu (Ll 4), Taichong (LR 3 ) and Baihui (GV 20), and the control group treated with Captopril, 30 cases in each group. They were treated for 1 month. Results : The total effective rate for reducing high blood pressure was 80.0% in the treatment group and 73.3% in the control group, with no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05). The markedly effective rate, the ineffective rate and the total effective rate for symptoms were 53.3%, 16.7% and 83.3% in the treatment group, and 40.0%,33.3% and 66.7% in the control group respectively, with significant differences between the two groups (all P< 0. 05). Conclusion : Acupuncture at "Siguan" points plus warming acupuncture-moxibustion at Baihui (GV 20) point is effective,for essential hypertension, especially for improvement of headache, vertigo, palpitation and other 1834- gera: 117814/di/ra [INHERITION. AND DEVELOPMENT OF CHENG DAN'AN FOR MOXIBUSTION THERAPY]. YU ZHONGYUAN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;23(9):556 (chi*). 1835- gera: 118215/di/ra [CONTRASTING THE MOXIBUSTION OF TCM WITH THE MOXIBUSTION OF TIBETAN MEDICINE]. LI YING-CHUN. chinese journal of ethnomedicine and ethnopharmacy. 2003;8(4):192 (chi). 1836- gera: 118246/di/ra [FACTORS AFFECTING EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION THERAPY]. DONG HONGYING. jiangsu journal of tcm. 2003;24(8):40 (chi). 1837- gera: 119115/di/ra EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION STIMULATION OF VARIOUS SKIN AREAS ON CORTICAL CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW IN ANESTHETIZED RATS. SAE UCHIDA, ATSUKO SUZUKI, ET AL. american journal of chinese medicine. 2003;31(4):611 (eng*). 1838- gera: 119283/di/ra [[THERAPEUTIC EFFECT ANALYSIS OF LOW BACK PAIN TREATED BY ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION].]. HAN JIAN-JIN. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;19(8):20 (chi). 1839- gera: 119506/di/ra [DISCUSSION ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF PUNCTURING WITH A RED - HOT NEEDLE ]. JIANG LEI. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;19(9):48 (chi). 1840- gera: 119522/di/ra [DETERMINATION OF SPECTRUM CHARACTERISTIC OF NEAR INFRARED RADIATED BY INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION]. YANG HY, XIAO YC, LIU TY, ET AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;22(9):15 (chi*). 1841- gera: 120133/di/ra [ACCLIMATIZATION YOURSELF TO NATURE, AND THE MOXIBUSTION FOLLOWING THE SOLAR TERMS]. LI XIAOHONG, ET AL. beijing journal of tcm. 2003;22(2):18 (chi). 1842- gera: 120291/di/ra [OBSERVATION OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION PLUS POINT INJECTION ON CHRONIC PULMONARY HEART DISEASE.]. CHEN QIBO. guangxi journal of tcm. 2003;26(2):23 (chi). 1843- gera: 120365/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON THE TREATMENT OF 74 CASES OF EXTERNAL HUMERAL EPICONDYLITIS WITH TRIPLE NEEDLING PLUS WARMED-NEEDLE ACUPUNCTURE]. WU YI-ZHONG. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;19(4):33 (chi*). 1844- gera: 120393/di/ra [CLINICAL ANALYSIS OF TWO-PHASE ACUPUNCTUREMOXIBUSTION THERAPY FOR LARGE INTESTINE CANCER IN 27 CASES]. JIN ZHE-XIU. shanghai journal of tcm. 2003;37(5):48 (chi*). 1845- gera: 121073/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF FACIAL PARALYSIS TREATED WITH HOT NEEDLE]. WANG GUI-LING,HE PUREN. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;19(5):26 (chi*). 1846- gera: 121078/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF ACUTE GOUTY ARTHRITIS TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION]. FENG WEI-MIN, LUO JUN. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;19(5):39 (chi*). 1847- gera: 121561/di/ra PARTITIONED MOXIBUSTION. X. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2003;1(3):14 (eng). 1848- gera: 121563/di/ra FUMIGATING MOXIBUSTION; MEDICINAL VESICULATION; NON-SCARRING MOXIBUSTION. X. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2003;1(3):36 (eng). 1849- gera: 121566/di/ra SCARRING MOXIBUSTION. X. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2003;1(3):46 (eng). 1850- gera: 121567/di/ra WARM NEEDLE MOXIBUSTION . X. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2003;1(3):50 (eng). 1851- gera: 121871/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION-SERUM ON SYNAPSE OF DORSAL ROOT NEUROGANGLINS IN VITRO]. SUN SL WANG Y SONG XJ ET AL. shanghai j ournal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;22(7):19 (chi*). 1852- gera: 122723/di/ra A DISCUSSION OF MOXIBUSTION FOR THE HEALTHCARE OF SENIORS. JIN LI. international journal of oriental medicine. 2003;28(2):119 (eng*). 1853- gera: 123106/di/ra [TREATING 10 CASES OF ZOSTER WITH COTTON MOXIBUSTION ]. DELI GEER, ET AL. chinese journal of ethnomedicine and ethnopharmacy. 2003;10(5):283 (chi). 1854- gera: 123289/di/ra [THE EFFECT OF FREE RADICAL METABOLISM AND IMMUNE ORGAN OF SUBACUTE SENILE MOUSE BY MOXIBUSTION ON THE DU MERIDIAN POINTS]. GAO XIYAN,FENG LIHUA, LI WEIHONG, ET AL. journal of henan university of chinese medicine. 2003;18(108):22 (chi*). gera 2010 116 1855- gera: 123806/di/ra [A CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATING SOFT TISSUE INJURY WITH FUMIGATION THERAPY]. SU PEIJI, LIANG BIRU, WU ZHONGQING, ET AL . chinese journal of traditional medicine traumatology and orthopedics. 2003;11(5):25 (chi*). 1856- gera: 124230/di/ra [DISCUSSION ON THE DEVELOPMENT HISTORY OF HEATED NEEDLE THERAPY ]. WEN LI-JUN, CAI TIE-QU. journal of liaoning college of tcm. 2003;5(4):336 (chi). 1857- gera: 124524/di/ra [STRUCTURE AND APPLICATION OF A NEW TYPE ADJUSTABLE MICRO-SMOKE MOXIBUSTION APPARATUS ]. JIANG JIGANG, QIN ZHIMING, CAI YAOMING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;23(12):751 (chi*). 1858- gera: 125150/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF EXTERNAL EPICONDYLE INFLAMMATION TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION AND RELAXING ACUPUNCTURE ]. ZHAO GANG-MING,GAO XIAO-XIANG. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;19(12):26 (chi). 1859- gera: 125559/di/ra [36 CASES OF LIMITATION NEURODERMATITIS TREATED BY SPARKLING MOXIBUSTION COMBINED TAKING CHINESE HERBS ORALLY]. JIANG XUEYUAN. journal of external therapy of tcm. 2003;12(5):25 (chi). 1860- gera: 127475/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON TREATMENT OF SENILE KNEE OSTEOARTHROPATHY BY WARM NEEDLE MOXIBUSTION]. LIU LIAN, MA CHUNYAN, JIANG WEN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;23(10):579 (chi*). ABSTRACT Objective To compare clinical therapeutic effects of warm needle moxibustion and acupuncture on senile knee osteoarthropathy. Methods 112 cases (181 knees) were randomly divided into treatment group (60 cases, 98 knees) who received acupuncture at Dubi (ST 35), Heding (EX-LE 2) and Xuehai (SP 10) with moxibustion added; the control group (52 cases, 83 knees) were treated by simple acupuncture at the same acupoints as the treatment group. After treatment of 2 courses (20 sessions), functional parameters of the knee joint before and after treatment were assessed. Results There was a very significant difference between the two groups in the therapeutic effect (P<0.01). Conclusion The warm needle moxibustion has a better, clinical therapeutic effect than the simple acupuncture treatment on 1861- gera: 134846/di/ra LOS EFECTOS DE LA ACUPUNTURA CALIENTE EN E. 36 (ZUSANLI) SOBRE LA NO Y EL NIVEL DE LA 11-2 EN PERSONAS DE MEDIA Y AVANZADA EDAD. LI SU, WEI GUO HUA, WANG YOU QING, ZHANG YUN, XU YUAN FENG . el pulso de la vida. 2003;36:26 (esp). Se seleccionaron 42 personas de media y avanzada edad de 55 a 70 año de edad y se realizó la acupuntura caliente en E. 36 (Zusanli). Antes y después de la acupuntura se determinaron los niveles de la 11-2 y la NO en sangre periférica. Los resultados mostraron que los niveles de 1L-2 y NO aumentaron de forma significativa después de la acupuntura caliente (P<0,01). Cuatro años antes se había realizado un estudio experimental de los efectos de la acupuntura y moxibustión en E. 36 (Zusanli) sobre el receptor de la IL-2 en suero (SIL-2R).' En los últimos dos años hemos hecho un estudio clínico para observar los efectos de la acupuntura y moxibustión en E. 36 (Zusanlí) sobre los niveles de la IL-2 y la 1862- gera: 134931/di/ra [II. PRESENT RESEARCH ON MOXIBUSTION]. AIZAWA SHIGEKATSU, TODA SHIZUO, AIZAWA SHIGEKATSU, MENJO YUKI, TOHYA KAZUO, NAKANISHI HIROMOTO. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2003;53(5):601 (25) (jap*). There have been not enough information about the biological effects of moxibustion. The symposiums have been opened on the meetings of Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Many significant results of moxibustion have been discussed on these symposiums. The symposium, " Present Research on Moxibustion", was opened on the 52nd meeting of Japan Society of acupuncture and Moxibustion in 2003. The contents on this symposium were following. The outline of fundamental research on moxibustion was presented by Dr. Aizawa. From his report, the various researchers have tried to elucidate the mechanism of moxibustion. These have been many presentations of moxibustion at the meeting of The Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion. The histological investigation on treated area was presented by Dr. Menjo. From her report, the increase of cutaneous change was observed from the treated area after moxibustion. This result was significant on the decision of moxibustion - stimulation. The immunological investigation on the effects of moxibustion was presented by Dr. Tohya. From his report, cytokines as IL12 and IFN- y was expressed by moxibustion. These results demonstrated that such effects are dependent on the chemical substances in moxa. The effect of Onkyu was presented by Dr. Nakanishi. From his report, the transportation by Onkyu stimulation is different from that by acupuncture - stimulation. His results demonstrated that chemical mediator by Onkyu stimulation acts to the nervous system. These presented results supposed the significant information and to contribute the development of moxibustion 1863- gera: 136122/di/ra LE TRAITEMENT PAR LE POINT YIN BAI (1 RT) CHAUFFÉ AU MOXA DE 30 CAS D'HYPERMÉNORRHÉE DUE À LA MISE EN PLACE D'UN STÉRILET. ZHAO YING. acupuncture traditionelle chinoise. 2003;8:83 (fra). Source : Zhong Guo Zhen Jiu iP,®ff ` (L'AcupunctureMoxibustion de Chine) 5/2001, p. 294 1864- gera: 139305/di/ra PRACTICAL MOXIBUSTION THERAPY (26). MIZUTANI JUNJI. north american journal of oriental medicine. 2003;28:29 (eng). 1865- gera: 126433/di/ra Mechanisms of acupuncture and moxibustion in regulation of epithelial cell apoptosis in rat ulcerative colitis. Wu HG, Gong X, Yao LQ, Zhang W, Shi Y, Liu HR, Gon. world j gastroenterol. 2004;10(5):682-8. (eng). 1866- gera: 127910/di/ra [EFFECT OF ELECTRIC HEATED MOXIBUSTION COMBINED PREPARED CHINESE MEDICINE TO SHENQUE ACUPOINT ON C3BRR AND IC OF RATS IN PROPHASE AGEDNESS]. ZHONG LAN, LIAO FANGZHENG, AI SHUANG-CHUN, ET AL. modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine. 2004;13(6):710 (chi*). Objective It is to study the effect of electric heated moxibustion combined prepared Chinese medicine to Shenque acupoint on RBC - C3bRR and IC garland rate of rats in prophase agedness. Methods 40 rats in prophase agedness were randomly divided into electric heated moxibustion combined prepared Chinese medicine group, moxibustion combined prepared Chinese medicine group, electric heated moxibustion group, prepared Chinese medicine group and control group. In every group, there were eight rats and male and female were in equal proportions. Additional eight youthful rats were chosen as young group in which male and female were in equal proportions. Every group was treated according to program. The changes of RBC - C3bRR and IC garland rate after treatment were observed. Results Electric heated moxibustion combined prepared Chinese medicine to Shenque acupoint of rats in prophase agedness could enhance the activity of RBC C3bRR and take from IC garland rate such as young rat. Conclusion Electric heated moxibustion combined prepared Chinese medicine to Shenque acupoint can enhance the immunity function of the erythrocyte and take effect of retarding senescence. gera 2010 117 1867- gera: 129403/di/ra [ADJUSTABLE MOXIBUSTION APPARATUS ]. SONG SHOU JIANG, WANG YA-WEN, WANG ZHI-YONG ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;24(6):410 (chi*). Objective To introduce the structure, functions and characteristics of the adjustable moxibustion apparatus. Methods By using moxa and other Chinese medical herbs as heat source, the apparatus can control the temperature of moxibustion treatment by an electric fan system according different symptoms with moxibustion given on different regions. Results The apparatus can treat all indications of moxibustion therapy, and it can carried out direct moxibustion, indirect moxibustion and relative constant temperature moxibustion replacing manual operation. Conclusion The apparatus keeps the characteristics of traditional moxibustion and exert the cooperation of moxibustion and external treatment of other Chinese herbs to treat different diseases and increase human immunity with simple, safety and easily manipulation. It is suitable for hospital and home. 1868- gera: 129550/di/ra [160 CASES OF BENIGN ARTHRALGIA OF KNEE JOINT TREATED BY SMOKING AND WASHING WITH CHINESE DRUGS]. LI QIJIN, LI JING,LI JING . journal of external therapy of tcm. 2004;13(3):5 (chi). 1869- gera: 129955/di/ra [AN EXPLORATION INTO ACADEMIC THOUGHT IN MIRACULOUS MOXIBUSTION ]. ZHAO ZHONGSHUN . jiangsu journal of tcm. 2004;25(6):7 (chi). 1870- gera: 130052/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON BLOOD PRESSURE, NO, ET, SOD AND MDA IN THE PATIENT OF HYPERTENSION]. PENG LI-HUI, FENG LING-MEI, CHEN AU-FANG, ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;24(3):157 (chi*). Objective To explore effects of moxibustion on blood pressure (BP), serum nitric oxide (NO), endothelin (ET), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malodialdehyde (MDA) in the patient of hypertension. Methods Moxibustion was given at Baihui (GV 20) in 48 cases of hypertension, and changes of BP, serum NO, ET, SOD and MDA before and after treatment were investigated, with 30 healthy persons used as controls. Results Serum NO and SOD in the patient of hypertension were significantly lower, and ET and MDA were higher than those in the control group (all P<0.01); after treatment BP and serum ET and MDA significantly decreased (all P<0.01), and serum NO and SOD increased (P<0.01). Conclusion Moxibustion can decrease blood pressure and regulate endocrine function of vascular endotheliocytes and the enzyme system of producing and scavenging oxide free radicals. 1871- gera: 130053/di/ra [EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC HEAT MEDICINE-SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION ON CLINICAL AGING SYMPTOMS IN THE AGED ]. LIAO FANG-ZHENG, ZHONG LAN, AI SHUANGCHUN. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;24(3):161 (chi*). Objective To search for the best method of anti-aging. Methods One hundred and twenty cases aged over 60 years were divided into 4 groups. electric heat medicine sticking group, simple medicine sticking group, traditional cakeseparated moxibustion group and blank control group. The changes of symptoms were compared before and after treatment. Results The commonly-seen aging symptoms were significantly improved in both the electric heat medicine sticking group and the traditional cake-separated moxibustion group. Conclusion The electric heat medicine sticking moxibustion group and the traditional cake-separated moxibustion are the same in improvement of the commonlyseen aging symptoms, but the electric heat medicine sticking moxibustion is with convenient 1872- gera: 130104/di/ra [ON MOXIBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS IN MOXIBUSTION FOR EMERGENCY]. XIAO YUAN-CHUN SHEN DONGYUAN . acta universitatis traditionis medicalis sinensis pharmacologiaeque shanghai. 2004;18(1):6 (chi*). This paper summarizes and analyzes the characteristics of moxibustution in Moxibustion for Emergency. It is discussed that emergent disorders should be treated as early as possible; the amount of moxibustion should be adequate ; the treatment area is stressed, and one or two acupoints are selected; moxa-cone moxibustion is chiefly performed in combination with other rescue therapies. 1873- gera: 130352/di/ra [EFFECT OF HOT NEEDLING ON CONTENTS OF IL - 1 AND IL - 6 IN SERUM OF RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS RAT ]. LUO HAI-OU, TANG YANG, WANG HONG-ZHI, ET AL. journal of chengdu university of tcm. 2004;27(2):35 (chi). Objective: To find out influence of hot needling on IL- 1 and IL - 6 in serum in rat with rheumatoid arthritis. Methods: Rats are grouped as normal group, model group and hot needling group. We take adjuvant arthritis as a model of rheumatoid arthritis. Rats in hot needling group. were treated with hot needling on ST36 (Zu sanli) and then we measured content of IL - I and IL - 6 in serum by ELISA in all rats. Result: There is an apparent difference of content of IL - 1 and IL - 6 among three groups. Conclusion : Hot needling can reduce content of TNF - air 1874- gera: 130607/di/ra [MOXIBUSTION AND SHENQUE ]. JIAO CHENG-YUAN, CHEN ZE-DONG, CHEN YI-GUO . journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;20(7):1 (chi). 1875- gera: 130617/di/ra [48 PATIENTS WITH SENILITY GONARTHRITIS TREATED WITH WARM NEEDLE ]. WANG TIE-GANG, GONG WEI-ZHI . journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;20(7):41 (chi). 1876- gera: 130913/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION OF BAIHUI ON HEMODYNAMICS OF THE RIGHT MIDDLE CEREBRAL ARTERY AND POSTERIOR CEREBRAL ARTERY IN HEALTH PEOPLE]. ZHAO NING-XIA, REN QIN-YOU, GUO RUI-IIN,ET AL. acupuncture research. 2004;29(1):59 (chi*). Objective: To study the effects of moxibustion of Baihui (GV 20) on the hemodynamics of middle cerebral artery (MCA) and posterior cerebral artery (PCA) in health subjects. Methods: Thirty cases of healthy male students between 20 and 22 years in the age were enrolled into this study. Vmax (maximal velocity of blood flow), Vmin (minimal velocity of blood flow), PI (pulsatile index) and RI (resistant index) of right MCA and PCA were measured before and after moxibustion of GV-20 (5-10 min each time, once daily, 5 times altogether) by using Acuson Sequoia 512 Detector of Ultrasound Diagnostics. Results: Following moxibustion of GV-20, Vmax and Vmin of the right MCA, Vmax, Vmin, PI and RI of the right PCA increased significantly (P<0.05-0.01). The rest indexes had no significant changes (P >0.05) . Conclusion: Moxibustion of Baihui (GV 20) can significantly raise the velocity of blood flow of the right middle cerebral artery and posterior cerebral artery in normal people. 1877- gera: 130945/di/ra [EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC-HEAT MEDICINE-SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION ON MONOAMINE NEUROTRANSMITTERS IN THE CEREBRAL CORTEX OF RATS IN PRE-SENILE PERIOD ]. ZHONG LAN, LAN QUN, CHEN XIAO-LI, ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;24(4):275 (chi*). Objective To explore the action mechanism of "Shenque" (CV 8) in anti-aging. Methods SD rats aged 18-20 months were randomly grouped, and levels of monoamine neurotransmitters were determined with flurimetric analysis. Results Electric-heat medicine-separated moxibustion at "Shenque" (CV 8) could significantly increase levels of monoamine neurotransmitters in the cerebral cortex of the rat in pre-senile period, with significant differences as compared with those in the control group, but with no significant differences as compared with the traditional medicine-separated moxibustion group. Conclusion Electric-heat medicine-separated at "Shenque" (CV 8) has benign effect on the age-increased changes of monoamine gera 2010 118 neurotransmitter levels in the cerebral cortex of rat in presenile period which is similar to that of traditional medicineseparated moxibustion. 1878- gera: 131136/di/ra [COMPARING THE EFFECTS OF WARMING ACUPUNCTURE AND SIMPLE ACUPUNCTURE IN THE TREATMENT OF 98 PATIENTS WITH A LESION OF INFRAPATELLAR FAT PAD]. CHEN ZX . shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;23(3):20 (chi1). Purpose To investigate the curative effect of warming acupuncture on a lesion of infrapatellar fat pad. Methods Fortynine patients were treated with warming acupuncture and 49 patients. with simple acupuncture as a control. The curative effect was observed in the two groups. Results The effective rate was 91. 800 in the treatment group and 71. 400 in the control group. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference (P< 0. 05). Conclusion Warming acupuncture has a better effect than simple acupuncture in treating a lesion of infrapatellar fat pad. 1879- gera: 131852/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION AT POINTS OF THE GOVERNOR VESSEL ON IMMUNE FUNCTIONS IN THE DGALACTOSE-INDUCED SUBACUTE AGING MOUSE]. GAO XI-YAN, WANG YAN . chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;24(7):488 (chi*). 1880- gera: 131876/di/ra [[]EFFECTS OF AURICULAR ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON SERUM MELATONIN CONTENT AND MELATONIN CIRCADIAN RHYTHMICITY IN THE DGALACTOSE-INDUCED AGING RAT]. LIANG XIN, LU MING-ZHUANG, HE ZHI-GUANG . chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;24(8):573 (chi*). Objective To probe the mechanism of auricular acupuncture and moxibustion in delaying aging. Methods Aging rat model was established by hypodermic injection of D-galactose. In the course of establishment of the model, three treatment groups were treated respectively by auricular acupuncture, moxibustion, auricular acupuncture plus moxibustion for 6 weeks. Serum melatonin (MT) contents in day and night, changes of the serum MT and cell numbers in the pineal body were determined. Results (1) The serum MT content in the night, amplitude of circadian rhythmicity of serum MT and cell numbers of the pineal body in all the treatment groups increased as compared with the model group. with the most significant in the auricular acupuncture plus moxibustion group. (2) There no significant difference among the groups in the serum MT content in day (P>0.05); the serum MT contents in all the groups showed the characteristics, that is, higher in the night and lower in day. Conclusion Auricular acupuncture. and moxibustion exert the action delaying aging possibly through the regulation on MT and the 1881- gera: 131939/di/ra [CLINICAL TRIAL ON RELAPSE OF EXTERNAL HUMERAL EPICONDYLITIS BY MODIFIED FIRE NEEDLE]. HUANG SHI-XI . chinese journal of basic medicine in tcm. 2004;10(9):53 (chi*). Purpose : To assess the effect of modified fire needle for relapse of external humeral epicondylitis. Method 56 cases of relapse of external humeral epicondylitis were distributed into fire needle group and warming needle group randomly and effects of both groups were compared. Result : The effect of modified fire needle was significantly better than that of warming needle ( P < 0.05) . Conclusion : Modified fire needle has good effect for relapse of external humeral epicondylitis and is recommendable to clinical doctors. 1882- gera: 132880/di/ra [EFFECT - DOSE RELATION OF MOXIBUSTION]. TANG XIAO-YUN, JIANG YUN-WU . journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;20(10):2 (chi). 1883- gera: 132944/di/ra [STOMACH PAIN TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION WITH SALT IN SHENQUE POINT]. LI MIN . journal of external therapy of tcm. 2004;13(4):26 (chi). 1884- gera: 133568/di/ra [STUDY OF WARM MOXIBUSTION CURATIVE EFFECT OF OSTEOARTHRITIS CASES WITH DEFICIENCY OF KIDNEY - YANG AND ITS GENE EXPRESSION SPECTRUM]. TAN CONG-E, HUANG XIN-YONG, WU BIN, ET AL. modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine. 2004;13(20):2662 (chi). 1885- gera: 134022/di/ra 1.LA MOXIBUSTION INDIRECTE OFFRE DES CARACTÉRISTIQUES INFRA-ROUGES MODULÉES PAR L’INTERFACE VÉGÉTALE. PICQUEMAL M. acupuncture & moxibustion. 2004;3(4):299. (fra). Commentaire de Liu T, Gu X, Xia J. Determination of spectrum characteristic of near infra red Radiation of indirect moxibustion. Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion 2003;22(9):15-17. 1886- gera: 134164/di/ra EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION TO ZUSANLI (ST36) ON ALTERATION OF NATURAL KILLER CELL ACTIVITY IN RATS . GI SOON CHOI, JAE BOK HAN, JOON HA PARK, SANG DEOG OH, GI SEOG LEE,HYUN SU BAE, SUNG KI JUNG, YOUNG WUK CHO, HYUN JONG AHN AND BYUNG IL MIN. american journal of chinese medicine. 2004;32(2):303 (eng*). Moxibustion is one of the major healing techniques in Oriental medicine. It has been widely used in many diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto disease, breech presentation, etc. However, till now, effects of moxibustion on natural killer (NK) cell activity and relations between sympathetic nerve system (SNS) and the immune alteration induced by moxibustion were not well studied. This study was designed to evaluate effects of moxibustion on NK cell activity and the intervention of SNS in the alteration of NK cell activity induced by moxibustion. Splenic NK cell cytotoxicity was measured in a standard 4-hour 51Cr release assay. We measured the NK cell cytotoxicity after moxibustion stimulation for 1, 3, 5 and 7 days, and also measured the NK cell cytotoxicity after 3 and 7 days burn stimulation with similar temperature. Interleukin (IL)-2, -4 and interferon (INF)-y in serum were measured by rat IL-2, -4 and INF-y ELISA test kit. To evaluate the effects of sympathectomy on alteration of NK cell cytotoxicity, 6hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA: 50 mg/kg) was used. We showed that NK cell activity of moxibustion stimulation group increased at the 3rd day, and declined at the 7th day in comparison with that of the control group. In the moxibustion stimulation group, NK cell activity was significantly higher than the sham group at the 3rd day. On the contrary, in the burn stimulation group, NK cell activity was significantly higher than that of the sham groups at 3rd and 7th days. INF-y level after 3 days in the moxibustion stimulation group was significantly higher than that of the sham group. IL-2 level among groups were not different. IL-4 was not detected in serum with this method. Sympathectomy abolished the NK cell activity alteration induced by moxibustion. The results suggest that moxibustion modulates NK cell activity, along with INF-y, and SNS is mediating these effects. Keywords: Moxibustion; NK Cell Activity; INF-y; Sympathectomy. 1887- gera: 134234/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON MOXIBUSTION AT THE NAVEL FOR TREATMENT OF FEMALE CLIMACTERIC SYNDROME ]. LI FANG-LI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;24(10):689 (chi*). 1888- gera: 134245/di/ra [ANALYSIS ON "ST KEEP-FIT MOXIBUSTION EVENT" IN JAPANESE HISTORY ]. HUANG TAO, HAKOHIRO, HUANG XIN . chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;24(10):725 (chi*). 1889- gera: 134246/di/ra [UMBILICUS NEEDLING THERAPY, UMBILICUS HOLOGRAPHIC THEORY AND UMBILICUS DIAGNOSIS ]. QI YONG . chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;24(10):732 (chi*). gera 2010 119 1890- gera: 134963/di/ra [THE STUDY OF STANDARDIZATION PLAN AND USEFULNESS OF MOXA COMBUSTION]. LEE GEON-MOK ET AL . journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;54(4):604(38) (jap*). [Objective] It makes a through study on the popularization and usefulness plan of Moxa Combustion, there-fore popularizing practical use of that. [Methods] It was based on the established treatises and books, in order to studying about the literature of Moxa Combustion. [Results & Conclusions] It makes a through study on the whole of Moxa Combustion, the results as follows.1. We explained (illustrated) the origin, history, classification and mechanism (effect) of Moxa Combustion. 2. The study of standardization plan of Moxa Combustion for popularization.The thermal stimulation of Moxa Combustion was decided the characteristic pattern of combustion temperature y moxa burning and that makes a measure to grasp the effective action of Moxa Combustion upon human body. Thereupon it is necessary to continue further studies by analyzing the characteristic pattern of combustion temperature by moxa burning and there clinical effects in practice.3. The usefulness of Moxa Combustion.The therapeutic effect of Moxa Combustion are hematopoiesis (increase the blood), analgesic function, in-crease the immunity, antioxidant activity, diuretic action, control of hormone (endocrine gland), suppression of carcinogenesis, increase the self involution (natural healing), decrease of GOT/GPT, glucose, cholesterol level. 1891- gera: 135328/di/ra EFFETTI DEL "SIERO DA MOXIBUSTIONE" SULLA PROLIFERAZIONE E I FENOTIPI DEI LINFOCITI INFILTRANTI IL TUMORE. CHEN YUNFEI D ALTRI. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2004;97(3):72 (ita*). Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) were cultured with "moxibustion serum" (SM) and the results were examined y flow cytometry. The results indicated that SM could enhance the proliferation of TIL, accelerate it to reach the exponential growth phase, and assist recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL-2) to enhance successively the percentage of CD3+ positive cells, maintain the number of CD4+ positive T cells, promote greatly the percentage of CD8+ positive T cells among TILs and reverse the CD4+/CD8+ratio. Such cooperative effects rely on relative specificity of acupoints. It is suggested that SM is beneficial to the growth of TIL both in the aspects of proliferation and 1892- gera: 136157/di/ra LES EFFETS PROPHYLACTIQUES SUR LES ENFANTS DU POINT SHEN ZHU (12 D.M.) CHAUFFÉ AU MOXA. CHEN HAO. acupuncture traditionelle chinoise. 2004;10:111 (fra*). Source : Zhong Guo Zhen Jiu (L'Acupuncture-Moxibustion de Chine) 6/2003 p. 349-350 À partir de nombreux textes et d'expériences personnelles, l'auteur de cet article démontre les réels effets prophylactiques du point Shen Zhu (12 D.M.) Selon lui, ce point, chauffé au moxa, permet non seulement de prévenir et de traiter les maladies mais également de donner aux enfants de bonnes conditions physiques pour grandir. En renforçant les fonctions du système nerveux, la moxibustion de ce point aide les fonctions digestives, 1893- gera: 136873/di/ra [COMPARISON OF SHORT-TERM THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF ACUPOINT CATGUT EMBEDDING AND CRUDE HERB MOXIBUSTION ON ALLERGIC RHINITIS]. GUO YUAN-QI, CHEN LI-YI, ZHANG SHI-PING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;12:828 (chi*). Objective To compare the short-term therapeutic effects of acupoint catgut embedding (ACE) and crude herb moxibustion (CHM) on allergic rhinitis in 'the dog days. Methods Seventytwo cases were randomly selected and divided into ACE group and CHM group (control group), 36 cases in each group. The patients were treated in the four hotest days in the summer, i. e. the first dog-day, the second dog-day, the consolidating day of the second dog-day and the last dog-day. Feishu (BL 13) and Yingxiang (LI 20) were used in the ACE group and Fengmen (BL 12), Feishu (BL 13), Pishu (BL 20) and Shenshu (BL 23) were used in the CHM group. The therapeutic effects of the two groups were Assessed 10 days after the end of treatment. Results Thirteen cases and 5 cases were markedly effective, 22 and 21 were effective, and 1 and 10 welt ineffective in the ACE group and the control group, respectively, with a statistically significant difference between the two groups in the therapeutic effect (P<0. 01). Conclusion Acupoint catgut embedding has a good therapeutic effect on allergic rhinitis, with the short-term 1894- gera: 136882/di/ra [COMPARISON OF SHORT-TERM THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF ACUPOINT CATGUT EMBEDDING AND CRUDE HERB MOXIBUSTION ON ALLERGIC RHINITIS]. GUO YUAN-QI, CHEN LI-YI, ZHANG SHI-PING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2004;24(12):828 (chi*). Objective To compare the short-term therapeutic effects of acupoint catgut embedding (ACE) and crude herb moxibustion (CHM) on allergic rhinitis in 'the dog days. Methods Seventytwo cases were randomly selected and divided into ACE group and CHM group (control group), 36 cases in each group. The patients were treated in the four hotest days in the summer, i. e. the first dog-day, the second dog-day, the consolidating day of the second dog-day and the last dog-day. Feishu (BL 13) and Yingxiang (LI 20) were used in the ACE group and Fengmen (BL 12), Feishu (BL 13), Pishu (BL 20) and Shenshu (BL 23) were used in the CHM group. The therapeutic effects of the two groups were assessed 10 days after the end of treatment. Results Thirteen cases and 5 cases were markedly effective, 22 and 21 were effective, and 1 and 10 were ineffective in the ACE group and the control group, respectively, with a statistically significant difference between the two groups in the therapeutic effect (P<0. 01). Conclusion Acupoint catgut embedding has a good therapeutic effect on allergic rhinitis, with the short-term 1895- gera: 137137/di/ra [THE EFFECT ON HDL-CH, LDL-CH AND H/L, H/TC FOR THE HYPERLIPIDEMIA OF RABBIT THROUGH MOXIBUSTION WITH MEDICINAL CAKE]. CHANG XIAORONG, ET AL. chinese journal of information on tcm. 2004;11(12):1054 (chi*). Objective Through systematic observation of moxibustion with medicinal cake to the regulated effect of hyperlipidemia of rabbit, expound the mechanism of the therapy. Methods Using high fat diet of cholesterol, the model of hyperlipidemia is established, moxibustion with medicinal cake is used to treat. Adopting radio-immunity, cholesterol of high density lipoprotein (HDL-Ch) and low density protein (LDL-Ch) were determined. Results The HDL-Ch content of group of moxibustion with medicinal cake is obviously higher than that of model group. The difference between them has very remarkable meaning (P<0.01). LDL-Ch is obviously lower than that of model group. The difference between them has very remarkable meaning (P<0.01). The ratio of HDL-Ch and LDL-Ch are obviously higher than that of model group. The difference between them has very remarkable meaning. Conclusions The moxibustion with medicinal cake can effectively lower LDL-Ch content of hyperlipidemia of rabbit, and higher the content of HDL-Ch. It points out moxibustion with medicinal cake and direct moxibustion 1896- gera: 138835/di/ra APLICACIÓN CLÍNICA DE LA MOXIBUSTIÓN. WANG SHU RUI, WEI HONG. el pulso de la vida- journal of tcm. 2004;39:17 (esp*). La moxibustión es un método terapéutico para prevenir y tratar unas enfermedades mediante el calentamiento de cierta parte de la superficie corporal, durante el cual se queman ciertas sustancias con el fin de regular las funciones de los meridianos. Siguiendo la teoría de la MTC algunas enfermedades que no se pueden tratar de forma efectiva mediante farmacoterapia o acupuntura, sí se pueden curar con la moxibustión. En la práctica existen ciertas técnicas de moxibustión que implican un efecto tonificante o dispersante. 1897- gera: 140151/di/ra OBSERVATION ON THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA IN HEPATITIS B TYPE CIRRHOSIS gera 2010 120 PATIENTS. CHENG JING JUN, SUN GUO-JIE. world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion. 2004;14(4):12 (eng*). Objective: To study the effect of moxibustion on hyperbilirubinemia in hepatitis B cirrhosis patients. Methods: 56 cases of inpatients with hepatitis B cirrhosis were divided into treatment group (n = 27) and control group (n = 29) randomly. All the patients of these two groups were given with routine expectant treatment including administration of medicines (Bifendate, Essential, Potenline, etc) for protecting liver functions, reducing the level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), etc., and in the meantime, patients of the treatment group were also treated with moxibustion of Zusanli (ST 36), Taichong ( LR 3) and Sanyinjiao (= SP 6), once daily, continuously for 4 weeks. Results: After 4 weeks of treatment, of the 27 and 29 cases of treatment and control group, 23 and 10 patients had improvement in clinical symptoms, 4 and 19 failed, with the total effective rates being 85. 18% and 34. 48% respectively. Senn total bilirubin (TBil) contents of treatment and control groups decreased significantly, and the level of TBil in the treatment group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.01). Conclusion: moxibustion is an effective remedy in relieving hyperbilirubinemia and improving clinical symptoms in 1898- gera: 140156/di/ra EFFECTS OF HERBAL CAKE-SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION ON BLOOD LIPIDS, PLASMA THROMOXANE B2 AND 6KETO-PROSTAGLANDIN F1A CONTENTS IN THE RABBIT WITH HYPERLIPEMIA. SHEN JING, CHANG XIAO-RONG, YAN JIE, ET AL. world journal of acupuncturemoxibustion. 2004;14(4):41 (eng*). Objective: To observe effects of herbal cake-separated moxibustion on blood lipids, including total cholesterol (TCh), triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein-Ch (HDL-Ch), low density lipoprotein-Ch (LDL-Ch), apolipoprotein A (Apo A), apolipoprotein B (Apo B), and plasma thromboxane B2 (TXB2) and 6-keto-prostaglandin (6-keto-PGF1delta) contents and analyse its mechanism. Methods: The hyperlipemia rabbit model was established by breeding of high fat forage and injection of bovine serum albumin. They were treated respectively by direct moxibustion and herbal cake-separated moxibustion at Juque (CV 14), Tianshu ( ST 25), Fenglong ( ST 40), etc., once daily, continuously for 40 days. Blood TCh and TG contents were detected with enzymatic method, LDLCh and HDL-Ch with colorimetric method, Apo A and Apo B with electrophoretic method, and TXB2 and 6-keto- PGF1delta with radioimmunoassay. Results: Both the herbal cakeseparated moxibustion and direct moxibustion could effectively de-crease TCh, TG, LDL-Ch, Apo B and TXB2 contents and TXB2/6-keto-PGF1delta, and increase HDL-CH and 6-ketoPGF1delta contents in the rabbit of hyperlipemia. Conclusion: 6-keto-PGF1a and TXB2 are possibly involved in the mechanism of herbal cake-separated moxibustion decreasing blood lipids. 1899- gera: 140297//ra LES EFFETS PROPHYLACTIQUES SUR LES ENFANTS DU POINT SHEN ZHU (12 D.M.) CHAUFFÉ AU MOXA. CHEN HAO. acupuncture traditionnelle chinoise. 2004;10:111 (fra). Source : Zhong Guo Zhen Jiu (L'Acupuncture-Moxibustion de Chine) 6/2003 p. 349-350 À partir de nombreux textes et d'expériences personnelles, l'auteur de cet article démontre les réels effets prophylactiques du point Shen Zhu (12 D.M.) Selon lui, ce point, chauffé au moxa, permet non seulement de prévenir et de traiter les maladies mais également de donner aux enfants de bonnes conditions physiques pour grandir. En renforçant les fonctions du système nerveux, la moxibustion de ce point aide les fonctions digestives, 1900- gera: 108915/di/ra EXAMPLES OF CLINICAL APPLICATION OF MOXIBUSTION WITH MOXA-STICKS. LIU Z. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2005;25(4):266-9. (eng). 1901- gera: 115241/di/ra THE MOXIBUSTION SENSATIONS AND THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS. YUANCHUN X, LIANG F. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2005;25(2)::95-6. (eng). Generally speaking, moxibustion sensation is longer than that of inducing needling sensation. Usually, it takes over half an hour to have the moxibustion sensation. Once the moxibustion sensation appears, it will directly reach the affected area, and then the symptoms will be obviously alleviated. The moxibustion sensation may remain a longer time and give a stronger stimulation, thus enhancing the therapeutic effect. It is found that it takes a relatively long time to get the moxibustion sensation in the first treatment, but the time would be shortened afterwards. This may be due to the accumulated effect of moxibustion or the result of eliminating obstruction from the affected channels and collaterals. In addition, a comfortable body posture with relaxed muscles is conducive to the generation and transmission of the moxibustion sensation. Some patients may feel thirsty after the moxibustion treatment. In this case, more drinks can be offered. 1902- gera: 124403/di/ra [STUDY AND CLINICAL APPLICATION OF THE THEORY "MOXIBUSTION CAN BE USED FOR HEAT SYNDROME"]. CHE JL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;25(10):715-6. (chi). In order to study on the clinically difficult problem, "is moxibustion suitable for heat syndrome?" cite and analyze relative papers in classical treaties about acupuncture and moxibustion, in combination with the many years' practical experiences of the author and experimental studies of modern medicine. And Textually research the treatment principle of "positive and negative go against" and the treatment method of "using heat to induce heat", which is a theoretical basis of "moxibustion being suitable for heat syndrome". Experimental studies have proved that moxibustion has bacteriostatic effect, and functions abatement of fever and improving microcirculation. It is indicated that moxibustion is suitable to treatment of all heat syndromes including excess-heat and deficiency-heat 1903- gera: 124891/di/ra [PREPARATION, MANIPULATION AND CLINICAL APPLICATION OF PROF. HUANG DI-JUN'S MOXIBUSTION WITH SEED-SIZED MOXA CONE]. LUO R, JIN RJ, HAN ZL, HUANG DJ. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;25(12):865-6. (chi). Manipulation method and clinical application of Prof. HUANG Di-jun's moxibustion with seed-sized moxa cone are introduced from preparation of argyi wool, manipulation, matters needing attention, indications, and clinical characteristics of moxibustion with seed-sized moxa cone, etc. So as to popularize moxibustion with seed-sized 1904- gera: 126225/di/ra SENSATIONS DE MOXIBUSTION ET EFFETS THERAPEUTIQUES. XIAO YUANCHUN, FANG LIANG. journal de medecine traditionelle chinoise. 2005;1(3):53 (fra). 1905- gera: 136612/di/ra [THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF ZHUANG MEDICINE MEDICATED THREAD MOXIBUSTION ON ASTHMA OF LUNG DEFICIENCY TYPE]. LI GUI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;25(3):181 (chi). Objective To observe effects of Zhuang medicine medicated thread moxibustion on asthma of lung deficiency type. Methods Seventy-two asthma of lung deficiency type were randomly divided into Zhuang medicine medicated thread moxibustion group and an acupuncture-moxibustion control group. They were treated by moxibustion-2-times each day, for 21 days. The therapeutic effects, serum imnmunoglobulin (Ig) and complement- 3 (C3) pulmonary function, and symptoms and signs were investigated. Results .There was no significant differ the two groups in the total therapeutic effect, but the clinical control rate in the treatment group was han that in the control group. The Zhuang medicine medicated thread moxibustion could obviously improve h, dyspnea, and respiratory function, increase levels of IgG and C3, and decrease level of IgE. Conclusion 1906- gera: 136907/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF gera 2010 121 ACUPUNCTURE PLUS SALT-PARTITIONED MOXI-BUSTION AT SHENQUE (CV 8) IN 60 CASES OF CHLOASMA]. LAO JIN-XIONG, LI ZI-YONG. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;25(1):35 (chi*). Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture plus salt-partitioned moxibustion at Shenque (CV 8) on chloasma. Methods A total 106 cases of chloasma were randomly divided into two groups, a treatment group (n = 60) treated by acupuncture plus salt-partitioned moxibustion at Shenque (CV 8) and a control group (n=40) by simple acupuncture. Their therapeutic effects were observed after 3 therapeutic courses and 1-month break, respectively. Results The total effective rate was 100.0 % in the treatment group and 89.1% in the control group with a significant difference between the two groups (P<0. 05). Conclusion Acupuncture plus salt-partitioned moxibustion at Shenque (CV 8) is a safe and convenient therapy with a remarkable effect for chloasma. 1907- gera: 136917/di/ra [THE POINT OF VIEW OF MOXIBUSTION IN THE BOOK, A GENERAL SURVEY OF MOXIBUSTION]. ZHUO LIAN-SHI, ZHOU LI, WANG SHAN, ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;25(1):72 (chi*). Objective To study on academic point of view of the book, A General Survey of Moxibustion. Methods Study academic thought of the book and clarify academic origin and characteristics of the book. Conclusion Processing of argyi leaf, manufacture of mugwort floss and size of moxa cone have a certain technique standards in the book. The book indicates that small cones should be used with more times of moxibustion. and the properties of mugwort floss are not dry and heat, but are warm and moist and mild, moxibustion not only can be used to treat cold syndrome but also can be used to treat heat syndrome; the body can response to the external moxibustion. The above points of view have still guiding significance in nowadays. 1908- gera: 138039/di/ra [ON REGULARITY IN APPLYING MOXIBUSTION DESCRIBED IN TREATISE ON FEBRILE DISEASES]. GU YIHUANG, LI ZHONGREN. jiangsu journal of tcm. 2005;26(2):7 (chi). 1909- gera: 138189/di/ra RESEARCH ON THE FUNCTION OF REGULATING LIPID BY MOXIBUSTION FOR HYPERLIPIDEMIA. WU ZHONG CHAO, WANG LING -LING, XU LAN-FENG, ET AL. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2005;3(1):21 (eng*). One hundred and seventy-one cases of hyperlipidemia were treated by moxibustion on Shenque (CV 8) and bilateral Zusanli (ST 36). After moxibustion, the blood-lipid contents of the patients with hyperlipidemia of various types were all lower than those before moxibustion. There was a significant difference between them. It is indicated that moxibustion on Shenque (CV 8) and bilateral Zusanli (ST 36) had the functions of reinforcing the spleen and kidney, warning yang, removing the stasis and treating both the principal and the secondary aspects of a disease for hyperlipidemia, which embodied the advantage of the function of regulating organism of moxibustion. The treatment by "regulating" can mobilize the regulating function of self to get the benign and bi- directional regulating effect for the various indexes of lipid metabolism and reach the intention of lowering blood1910- gera: 138369/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION OF 46 CASES WITH ARTHRALGIA TREATED WITH WARMING NEEDLE]. GONG YAN-HUA, ZHANG HONG-MEI. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;21(1):49 (chi). 1911- gera: 138372/di/ra [THEORETICAL RESEARCH OF CHINESE BALANCE MOXIBUSTION]. WANG WEN-YUAN. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;21(2):1 (chi*). Objective: To progress a theoretical study of Chinese Balance Moxibustion with balanceable theory. Methods: In balanceable way we study the definition, theoretical origin, technical characteristic, function mechanism, operation, clinical application, etc. Results and Conclusion: The theory of Balance Moxibustion is one of green branches of medicine which is somewhat meaningful for preventing and curing diseases. 1912- gera: 138378/di/ra [103 PATIENTS WITH CLIMACTERIC SYNDROME TREATED WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND PUNCTURING WITH A RED-HOT NEEDLE]. PAN WEN-YI, LIN GUO-HUA. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;21(2):20 (chi). 1913- gera: 138403/di/ra [THE DISCUSSION ON THE APPLICATION OF FIRE NEEDING THERAPY IN A COLLECTION OF GEMS IN ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION]. ZOU MIN. journal of emergency in tcm. 2005;14(1):68 (chi). 1914- gera: 138456/di/ra [63 CASES OF EXTERNAL HUMERAL EPICONDYLITIS TREATED BY SMOKING AND WASHING WITH CHINESE MEDICATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH MANIPULATION]. LI LIUCHENG, ZHANG YONGJUN. journal of external therapy of tcm. 2005;14(1):19 (chi). 1915- gera: 139729/di/ra APPLICAZIONI CLINICHE DELLA MOXIBUSTIONE. WANG SHURUI ED ALTO. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2005;99(1):36 (ita*). Moxibustion refers to a therapeutic method for preventing and treating diseases by means of heating a certain part of the body surface through burning some kinds of materials to regulate the functions of meridians. According to the theory of TCM, certain diseases that can not be efficiently treated by medication or acupuncture, may find a 1916- gera: 139744/di/ra EFFETTI DELLA MOXIBUSTIONE SU SHENQUE (CV8) SUL LIVELLO DELL' IL-12 NEL SIERO E SULLE ATTIVITA DELLA CELLULA NK IN TOPI CON TUMORE IMPIANTATO. QIU XINGSHENG ED ALTRI. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2005;99(1):62 (ita*). The study was to investigate the effect of moxibustion on the serum IL-2, IL-12 levels and NK cell and ascitic tumor cell activities in H-22 mice with tumor and its mechanisms. The method used in the study was that the IL-2 and IL- 12 levels were determined by the double antibody method with ELISA, and the NK cell activities by the MTT measure. The results showed that moxibustion elevated the serum IL-2 and IL-12 levels and the NK cell activities of the mice with tumor, and the elevations were of significance as compared with the controls (P<0.05). It is concluded that moxibustion can inhibit the growth of tumor, which is related to the increase of the serum IL-2 and IL-12 levels and the strengthening of NK cell activities. 1917- gera: 139933/di/ra [CLINICAL APPLICATION OF HEAT-ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY ]. GUAN ZUN-HUI. shanghai journal of tcm. 2005;39(1):34 (chi*). This paper introduces the characteristics, techniques, indications, contraindications and precautions of heatacupuncture therapy as well as its application in treating shoulder periarthritis, bronchial asthma and painful 1918- gera: 140431/di/ra [CLINICAL OBSERVATION ON ACUPUNCTURE AT PAIN POINT COMBINED WITH MOXIBUSTION AT ZUSANLI (ST 36) FOR TREATMENT OF PERIARTHRITIS OF SHOULDER.]. ZENG XIANG-LING, LEI LONG-MING, LIN ZHENG, ET AL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;25(5):326 (chi*). Objective To find an effective therapy for periarthritis of shoulder. Methods Sixty cases were divided into two groups, 30 cases in each group. They were treated by acupuncture at pain point combined with moxibustion at Zusanli (ST 36) and routine acupuncture, respectively. Pain of the shoulder and movement functions of shoulder joints were used as indexes of therapeutic effects and their therapeutic effects were compared. Results The total effective rate was 96. 7% in the gera 2010 122 treatment group and 90.0% in the routine group with no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05); the cured rate in the two groups were 46. 7% and 20. 0% respectively with a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). There were statistically significant differences between the two groups in improvement of movement function of shoulder joints and alleviation of pain (both P<0. 01). Conclusion Acupuncture at pain points combined with moxibustion at Zusanli (ST 36) in increase of the cured rate and alleviation of pain, and improvement of movement function of shoulder joints is better than the routine 1919- gera: 140477/di/ra [DISCUSSION ON THE MECHANISM OF HEAT SYNDROME TREATED WITH MOXIBUSTION.]. JIN YUAN- LIN, WU JUNJUN (2). journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;21(4):2 (chi). 1920- gera: 140488/di/ra [2 PATIENS WITH KNEE JOINT DEGENERATIVE DISEASE TREATED WITH NEEDLE WARMING THROUGH MOXIBUSTION.]. FEI MEI. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;21(4):40 (chi). 1921- gera: 140572/di/ra ASSESSMENT OF THE FUNCTION OF PERITONEAL MACROPHAGES IN RATS TREATED WITH LONG TERM DIRECT MOXIBUSTION. MATSUO TAKAKO. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;55(2):170 (eng). 1922- gera: 140578/di/ra A HISTORY OF PREVENTATIVE MOXIBUSTION. WILCOX L. journal of chinese medicine. 2005;77:31 (eng*). Preventive moxibustion has a long history and deep roots in Chinese medicine. This essay describes the history of preventive moxibustion from the Neijing through the Ming dynasty. 1923- gera: 140600/di/ra [REGULATING EFFECT OF POINT GESHU ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION ON LEUKOCYTE AND MARROW HEMATOPOIE¬SIS IN A RAT MODEL OF LEUKOPENIA.]. CUI J, SHEN DZ, XIONG FL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;24(6):41 (chi*). Objective To investigate the efficacy of point Geshu acupuncture or moxibustion for raising leukocyte and promoting marrow proliferation. Methods Wister rats were selected as subjects. A model of leukopenia and immunosuppression was made by intraperitoneal injection of cytoxan( CTX) . After they were grouped and treated, leukocyte and marrow karyocyte were counted in different phases to evaluate the efficacy of point Geshu acupuncture or moxibustion for raising leukocyte and promoting marrow hematopoiesis. Results Point Geshu acupuncture and moxibustion, and routine Western medicine therapy could all significantly raise leukocyte and increase marrow karyocyte. The curative effect was better in the point Geshu moxibustion group than in the point Geshu acupuncture group and in the routine Western medicine therapy group (P < 0.05) . Conclusion Point Geshu moxibustion can markedly raise peripheral blood leukocyte and marrow karyocyte in a rat model of leukopenia. 1924- gera: 140609/di/ra [CLINICAL STUDY ON TREATMENT OF CHRONIC PELVIC INFLAMMATION BY LONG SNAKE MOXIBUSTION IN DOG DAYS.]. SHEN KJ, WU MZ. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;24(5): 19 (chi*). Objective To investigate the curative effect of external application of Chinese herbs on chronic pelvic inflammation. Method Ninety-five patients with chronic pelvic inflammation were randomly divided into 3 groups: a lumbosacral point application group of 30 cases, a lumbosacral acupuncture group of 35 cases and a control group of 30 cases. Results The cure rate was 53.335 in the application group, 57. 14% in the acupuncture group and 26.67% in the control group. C, and C3 contents significantly changed int he application group (P <0.01, P <0.05) . There was no significant difference in cure rate between the application and acupuncture groups, but there was between either of the two and the control group (P < 0.05) . Conclusion Herbal application has a certain effect on this diseases. It can change bodily C, and C3 contents and regulate immunological function. 1925- gera: 142189/di/ra DETERMINATION OF SPECTRUM CHARACTERISTIC OF NEAR INFRARED RADIATED BY INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION. YANG HUA-YUAN, XIAO YUAN-CHUN, LIU TAN, AL. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2005;3(6):55 (eng). MS96A type spectrum analyzer was applied to determine the spectral characteristic of near infrared radiated by moxa stick moxi-bustion, ginger-partitioned moxibustion, garlic-partitioned moxibustion and Aconium Carmichaeli- partitioned moxibustion. The spectrum of moxa stick moxibustion was relatively discrete and several wave crests are appeared. But in the spectrum of ginger-partitioned moxibustion, garlicpartitioned moxibustion or Aconium Carmichaeli-partitioned moxibustion, a specific and relatively steady wave crest formed respectively. It was concluded different indirect moxibustion could bring respective spectrum of near infrared and have the relevant 1926- gera: 142359/di/ra A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE MOXA ROLL. WILCOX L. journal of chinese medicine. 2005;79:48 (eng). Moxa rolls, made of pure mugwort, were first developed early in the Ming dynasty. Later, doctors experimented with adding powdered medicinals to the rolls. Even though today they are mostly considered just a practical way to apply moxibustion, at that time, moxa rolls were treated with great reverence. Current issues of concern, particularly when using moxa sticks with added medicinals, include the potential toxicity of the smoke, avoiding the use of endangered or threatened species and the possibility of malpractice lawsuits. 1927- gera: 142621/di/ra [GENERAL VIEW OF THE STUDIES ON THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION SERUM]. ZHAO YX, WANG J, QIN YR,AL. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;24(12):40 (chi*). Objective To make a general review of the studies on acupuncture serum and moxibustion serum in recent 7 years after the acupuncture scholar proposed the idea of acupuncture-moxibustion senior m 1998. Method A summary analysis is made of the studies on the antiasthmatic effect of acupuncture serum, the regulating effect of on immunologie function and the antiaging effect of moxibustion serum. Results Acupuncture serum functions to relieve asthma and reduce the concentration of Cacium ions in neuro-cytes. Acupuncture serum and moxibustion serum can regulate immunologie function. Moxibustion serum has an antiaging -effect, Con-clusion Acupuncture- moxibustion serum has an effect similar to that of acupuncture-moxibustion_ The mechanism of its action remain& 1928- gera: 142975/di/ra [EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE HEMODYNAMICS OF CUTANEOUS AND SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE. COMPARISON BETWEEN FIVE-CONE AND SEVEN-CONE MOXIBUSTION -]. TAWA MUNENORE, KITAKOJI HIROSHIU, YANO TADASHI', SAKAI TOMOMI". journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2005;55(4):20 (chi). [Objective] Using a near infrared spectrometer and laser Doppler blood flowmeter, we investigated how the number of moxa applications influences blood flow at moxibustion and peripheral sites.[Method] The subjects were nine healthy adult males, aged 25-28 years (average age Skin blood flow was measured with a laser Doppler blood flowmeter while changes in the deep tissue (deep subcutaneous level and muscle surface course level) blood volume were measured with a near infrared spectroscopy. Each of the probes was located at the moxibustion treatment site and 20 mm away from the site.On different days, measurements were taken from a control group not receiving stimulation, groups receiving five-tone and gera 2010 123 seven-cone moxibution (2 mg of moxa per application), respectively.Measurements of the control group were taken for 25 minutes, while measurements for the other two groups were taken for 5 minutes before conducting moxibustion and for 20 minutes directly after completion of moxibustion.[Results and Discussion] The skin blood flow demonstrated an further increased tendency after seven- cone moxibustion than fivecone moxibustion. This seemed to be due to the strong flare phenomenon affecting cutaneous blood flow quantity by increasing the number of moxibustion cones.The effect of moxibustion on skin blood flow volume is suggested to be due to the strong flare phenomenon induced by increasing the number of moxibustion. The effect to the deep tissue indicated a tendency for the blood flow volume to decrease.It is considered that further detailed experiment will be necessary in the future regarding these ambiguous points. 1929- gera: 143061/di/ra CINQUANTA CASI DI EPICONDILITE OMERALE ESTERNA TRATTATI CON LA MOXIBUSTIONE E LA CHIMIOPUNTURA. LSONG LIPING. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2005;101(3):47 (ita). Objective: To observe the therapeutic effects ofmoxibustion and point-injection on external humeral epicondylitis.' Method: The disease is treated with the combined method of moxibustion and point-injection of the Compound dan shen Injectio and ye mu gua Injectio. Results: 30 of the total 50 cases were cured, 18 cases were improved, and 2 cases were with no effect. The total effective rate was 96%. Conclusion: The combined method of moxibustion and point-injection is, a cure indicated for external humeral epicondylitis. 1930- gera: 143503/di/ra DETERMINATION OF SPECTRUM CHARACTERISTIC OF NEAR INFRARED RADIATED BY INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION. YANG HUA-YUAN, XIAO YUAN-CHUN, LIU TANG-YI, ET AL . journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2005;3(6):55 (eng). MS96A type spectrum analyzer was applied to determine the spectral characteristic of near infrared radiated by moxa stick moxi-bustion, ginger-partitioned moxibustion, garlic-partitioned moxibustion and Aconium Carmichaeli- partitioned moxibustion. The spectrum of moxa stick moxibustion was relatively discrete and several wave crests are appeared. But in the spectrum of ginger-partitioned moxibustion, garlicpartitioned moxibustion or Aconium Carmichaeli-partitioned moxibustion, a specific and relatively steady wave crest formed respectively. It was concluded different indirect moxibustion could bring respective spectrum of near infrared and have the relevant 1931- gera: 144950/ra/di LA RESPUESTA DEL QI INDUCIDA POR LA MOXIBUSTION Y SUS EFECTOS TERAPEUTICOS. XIAO YUAN CHUN. el pulso de la vida. 2005;12(44):17 (esp). Los autores han tratado con éxitc muchos pacientes con moxibustión Ic cual no había respondido ni a la fitote rapia china ni a los fármacos moder nos o la terapia convencional con acu puntura como se ilustra en los siguien 1932- gera: 145724/di/cg L'AIGUILLE DE FEU. WANG DEFENG. 2eme congres national de medecine chinoise, paris. 2005;:421 (eng). 1933- gera: 145966/di/ra EJEMPLOS DE LA APLICACION CLINICA DE LA MOXIBUSTION CON PUROS DE MOXA. LIU ZHAO HUI. journal of tcm el pulso de la vida. 2005;46:25 (esp). 1934- gera: 125766/di/ra [EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION AT ZUSANLI (ST 36) AND XUANZHONG (GB 39) ON CEREBROVASCULAR FUNCTION IN THE PATIENT OF ISCHEMIC APOPLEXY]. CHEN W, TAN M, LIANG LA, WENG TL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2006;26(3):161-5. (chi). OBJECTIVE: To explore the mechanism of moxibustion at Zusanli (ST 36) and Xuanzhong (GB 39) treatment of ischemic apoplexy, and to evaluate the clinical therapeutic effect. METHODS: With the design of sequential trial, the patients were divided into a treatment group and a control group. The treatment group were treated by addition with moxibustion at Zusanli (ST 36) and Xuanzhong (GB 39) on the basis of basic expectant treatment, once each day, for 20 consecutive days; and the control group with basic expectant treatment for 20 days. Changes of cerebrovascular functions before and after treatment were investigated by transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD) in the matched-pair's patients of ischemic apoplexy; the clinical therapeutic effect was assessed by nervous function defect before and after treatment. RESULTS: All the test lines of the research targets reached to the effective margin the sequential trial figure, with a significant difference as compared with the control group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Moxibustion at Zusanli (ST 36) and Xuanzhong (GB 39) has good regulative action on cerebral vasomotorial response, autoregulation of cerebral blood flow, and establishment of collateral circulation, 1935- gera: 125845/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF CHRONIC PROSTATITIS TREATED MAINLY BY WARMING NEEDLE MOXIBUSTION]. XUE YP, ZHANG SB, GAO T. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2006;26(5):335-6. (chi). OBJECTIVE: To explore an effective method for increasing therapeutic effect on chronic prostatitis. METHODS: Eightytwo cases of chronic prostatitis were randomly divided into two groups. The western medicine group of 42 cases were treated with routine western medicine combined with retention enteroclysis of 30 g Danshen (Red Sage Root) decoction; the warming needle moxibustion plus western medicine group of 40 cases were treated with the western medicine of the western medicine group plus warming needle moxibustion at Guanyuan (CV 4), Qihai (CV 6) and Zhongji (CV 3), etc. RESULTS: In the warming needle moxibustion plus western medicine grbup, 20 cases were cured, 12 cases were markedly effective, 5 cases were effective and 3 cases were ineffective, the total effective rate being 92. 5%; and in the western medicine group, the corresponding figures were 13, 10, 7, 12 cases and 71.4%, with a significant difference between the two groups in the total effective rate (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Warming needle moxibustion can increase the therapeutic effect on chronic prostatitis. 1936- gera: 125862/di/ra [DESIGN AND APPLICATION OF A CONE-SHAPED WARMING-ACUPUNCTURE-MOXIBUSTION APPARATUS]. TIAN KY, ZHAO XJ, GAO XY. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2006;26(7):523-4. (chi). To design a warming acupuncture-moxibustion apparatus suitable to warming acupuncture therapy and easily attaching to the filiform needle handle. The apparatus consists of a container for moxa, a tray and regulative clips. The container for moxa is for store of moxa-wool without bottom and it can prevent moxa fire and ash from dropping and burning the skin of the patient or the clothes; the tray with holes on it can serve as a support of the moxa in the container, and can control the moxa burning and heat radiation; the clips can adjust the distance between the cone and the skin. With the advantages of handy material, easy installation, lower cost, and convenient operation, the apparatus is worthy of clinical application and popularization. 1937- gera: 125880/di/ra [ANALYSIS ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF SUBSTANCEPARTITIONED MOXIBUSTION AT GUANYUAN (CV 4) AND SHENQUE (CV 8) FOR TREATMENT OF PRIMARY DYSMENORRHEA OF COLD-DAMP TYPE]. LI WL, LIU L, SUN LH. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2006;26(7):481-2. (chi). OBJECTIVE: To observe clinical therapeutic effect of substance-partitioned moxibustion on primary dysmenorrhea (PD). Methods One hundred and thirty-eight cases of PD were randomly divided into two groups, the treatment group (n=78) were treated with substance-partitioned moxibustion at Guanyuan (CV 4) and Shenque (CV 8), once a day; and the control group (n=60) treated with oral administration of Yueyueshu Powder, twice a day, 10 g each time. They were treated for 3 menstrual cycles. RESULTS: The total effective rate and the index of therapeutic effect were 96.1% and 90.8% gera 2010 124 in the treatment group, and 88.3% and 76.2% in the control group, respectively, with a significant difference between the two groups (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Clinical therapeutic effect of substance- partitioned moxibustion on primary dysmenorrhea is obvious. 1938- gera: 126055/di/ra THE DIFFERENT IMMUNOMODULATION OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION ON NORMAL SUBJECTS AND PATIENTS WITH SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS. KUNG YY, CHEN FP, HWANG SJ. american journal of chinese medicine. 2006;34(1):47-56. (eng). Moxibustion has been thought to enhance immunity in healthy condition, but suppress abnormal immune response in disease status. We collected 12 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and 12 healthy women who received indirect moxibustion on acupuncture points ST-36 (Zusanli) and SP-6 (Sanyinjiao) 20 minutes per day for 1 week. During the course, there were no changes of their regular medications or intercurrent infections in normal subjects and SLE patients. We found that indirect moxibustion for 1 week could elevate CD3+ and CD4+ T-lymphocytes in normal subjects, whereas decrease relative proportions of CD8+ T-lymphocytes in patients with SLE. This result confirms that indirect moxibustion has different immunomodulation in normal condition and autoimmune status. However, whether immunomodulatory effects of indirect moxibustion are beneficial for normal subjects and patients with SLE require further confirmation. 1939- gera: 126133/di/ra A NOVEL SHAM MOXIBUSTION DEVICE: A RANDOMIZED, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED TRIAL. ZHAO B, WANG X, LIN Z, LIU R, LAO L. complementary therapies in medicine. 2006;14(1):53-60 (eng). OBJECTIVES: (1) Develop a sham moxibustion device; (2) determine whether volunteer participants and practitioners can distinguish the sham procedure from real moxibustion during treatment for prevention of the common cold; and (3) assess the feasibility of conducting a larger clinical trial of the device. DESIGN: Double- blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. SETTING: A community outpatient health station in Chaoyang district, Beijing, China, from early November through late December 2003. METHODS: Sham and real moxibustion pillars were made by affixing moxa cones onto special collar bases. These pillars resemble each other in appearance, burning procedure and residue, but the base of the sham pillar isolates the moxa-produced heat and smoke and prevents them from radiating to the skin. These devices were tested in a pilot clinical trial in which patients received moxibustion at Zusanli (ST 36) for prevention of the common cold. Volunteers (n = 71) aged 55- 75 years were given pretreatment questionnaires to assess their knowledge of moxibustion and their expectations and motives for participating in the trial, randomized into treatment (n = 36) and placebo-controlled (n = 35) groups, and treated once every 2 days for 1 month. Questionnaires assessing the effectiveness of the blinding were given to the volunteers at the end of the trial and to practitioners after each treatment session. RESULT: There were no significant differences between the two groups of patients in past moxibustion experience, knowledge of moxibustion, expectations and motivation. The number of volunteers in the treatment group and the placebo group who believed they received: (1) real moxibustion; (2) sham moxibustion; and (3) were uncertain as to which they received is 30, 0, 5; 29, 0, 4, respectively. The results show no significant statistical differences (P = 1.000). The number of volunteers in the treatment group and the placebo group who were believed, by the two practitioners who provided the treatments, to have received: (1) real moxibustion; (2) sham moxibustion; and (3) and an undisclosed treatment were 10, 6, 19; 9, 4, 20 and 11, 7, 17; 12, 5, 16, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between the practitioners (P = 0.811 and 0.840). CONCLUSION: The sham moxibustion device was successfully validated in the present study. The results demonstrate that these specially designed real and sham moxibustion pillars can be used together to provide an effective placebo-control in 1940- gera: 126145/di/ra AN INFRARED RADIATION STUDY OF THE BIOPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TRADITIONAL MOXIBUSTION. SHEN X, DING G, WEI J, ZHAO L, ZHOU Y, DENG H, LAO L. complementary therapies in medicine. 2006;14(3):213-9 (eng). OBJECTIVES: Moxibustion has been a part of acupuncture practice for thousands of years. Traditionally, it includes direct moxibustion, in which moxa sticks are burned at acupuncture points on the skin, and indirect moxibustion, in which monkshood cakes or ginger or garlic slices are used to insulate the skin from burning moxa cones. Recently randomised clinical trials and clinical observations suggest that moxibustion can enhance physiological and immune functions, but there has been little investigation of the scientific basis of these traditional techniques. The present study compared the infrared radiation caused by these techniques to that of nonspecific controls and to that of the human body surface at an acupuncture point. METHODS: A highly sensitive, infraredspectrum detection device was used to compare the spectra of traditional moxibustion materials (n = 4/group) with those of control materials (n = 4/group) and to the spectrum at the surface of an acupuncture point LI 4 (Hegu) in healthy volunteers (n = 7). RESULTS: The infrared radiation intensity produced by a traditional moxa stick was 43300.41 mV, with a peak on the infrared spectrum of 3.5 microm, while the respective radiation intensities of two controls, a smokeless moxa stick and a 555 cigarette, were 31.15 mV and 37.03 mV with peaks of 7 microm and 3.5 microm. The infrared radiation intensities of the three traditional media of indirect moxibustion, monkshood cake, ginger slices and garlic slices, were 520.27 mV, 594.79 mV and 681.87 mV, respectively, all with peaks around 7.5 microm and similar spectra. In contrast, the infrared radiation intensities of slices of cucumber and carrot, used as control media for indirect moxibustion, were 274.47 mV and 50.53 mV, respectively, substantially different from those of the traditional media. Infrared radiation at LI 4 (Hegu) was 20.40 mV, and peaked on the infrared spectrum at about 7.5 microm. The experiment showed that the thermal action of the traditional moxa stick was more potent than that of indirect moxibustion and its radiation peak was different from that at the acupuncture point on the human body. In contrast, the thermal action of traditional indirect moxibustion was modest and its radiation peak matched that at the acupuncture point. CONCLUSION: Direct moxibustion with a traditional moxa stick may produce its potent therapeutic effects by thermal action, while traditional indirect moxibustion may act by producing modest thermal action and a sympathetic vibration at the skin surface. Non-traditional thermal materials and media may not be suitable substitutes for traditional materials. 1941- gera: 135882/di/ra [APPLICATION OF INFRARED RADIATION SPECTRUM TO ACU-MOXIBUSTION RESEARCH]. DING YI-WEN, DING GUANG-HONG. acupuncture research. 2006;31(4):252 (chi*). In the treatment of diseases, the essence of moxibustion therapy of traditional Chinese medicine is the applica-tion of thermal conduction and thermal radiation when the local acupoints are stimulated by the ignited moxa. The inspection and analysis techniques of the infrared radiation spectrum of human acupoints and meridians are applied to exploring the objective reg-ularities of meridians by using the non-touch and non-injurious characters of the infrared radiation. In the present paper, the authors review recent situations of the application of infrared radiation spectrum in the studies on acupuncture, moxibustion and meridians from 1) the infrared radiation spectrum of moxibustion, 2) the infrared radiation spectrum of acupoints, 3) diagnosis of some dis-eases and observation on the therapeutic effect of acupuncture, and 4) tracks of infrared radiation along the running course of 1942- gera: 142284/di/ra PERSONAL MOXIBUSTION. . journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2006;4(4):238 (eng). 1943- gera: 142285/di/ra MODERN PROGRESS OF MECHANISM OF MOXIBUSTION gera 2010 125 THERAPY. ZHANG JUN-FENG, WU YAO-CHI. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2006;4(5):257 (eng). Summary: Moxibustion therapy is one of the extemal therapeutic methods. In the present article, the pharmacological and physical actions of moxibustion therapy, and the effects of moxibustion therapy on immune system, blood circulation, inflammation, and body metaboly were reviewed. 1944- gera: 142717/di/ra [ON HEALTH MOXIBUSTION]. WANG ZR, YUAN YQ, ZHOU J. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2006;25(4):30 (chi*). Application of moxibustion to health tare and disease prevention m different periods of the history is expounded to show that it has a long history in our country. The authors present the clinically often used points for health moxibustion and methods of Zu-sanli ST36 ), Shenque( CV8 ), Qihai ( CV6 ), Guanyuan ( CV4 ), Dazhui ( GV14 ), Fengmen ( BL12 ), Shenzhu ( GV12 ), Gaolunuig (BL43) and Yongquan(K11 ) moxibustions for doctors in the same field to further understand and masser health moxibustion. 1945- gera: 142995/di/ra [CLINICAL EXAMPLES OF MOXIBUSTION OF THE NAVEL (RS8,"CENTRE OF THE NAVEL", MEDIUM UMBILICI, SHENQUE) AND ABDOMEN]. WEI HAIYING. chinesische medizin. 2006;21(2):68 (deu). The author has applied moxibustion to the navel (Rs8, "Centre of the navel", medium umbilici, shenque; REN8 Spirit Gate Tower) and abdomen for a variety of different disorders using a moxibustion box by burning mugwort at three different Locations. Of these three, acupuncture point Rs8 ("Centre of the navel", medium umbilici, shenque) was the highest point of the moxibustion area. Using this pro-cedure it is possible to warm and supplement the original yang (yang primum, yuanyang), to strengthen the operation of the Spleen and Stomach functional systems (oo. lienalis et stomachi, pi wei), to achieve an invigorating effect and te contain "desertion" (tuo). This moxibustion approach is also KeyWords: Rs8 (medium umbilici, "Centre of the navel", bustion Gastroatonia following an abdominal operation percussio, zhongfeng) used as part of a health promotion program which helps to strengthen the body and to stave off the effects of senility.In this article the author describes the way he treats gastroatonia following an abdominal operation, in the case of chronic diarrhoea, of persistent hiccup and when patients are suffering from "Wind stroke" (ventus, vento percussio, zhongfeng), a state that corresponds to apoplexy. In all four cases he used moxibustion of the navel (Rs8) and abdomen, sometimes in combination with acupunc-ture of other points. In each case he describes the history of the illness, the symptoms, the pathological mechanism and, in detail, the therapy. Thanks to this treatment, aLL four patients made a complete recovery. In conclusion, he explains the way the therapy works and provides support for his explanations with a number of citations from classic works. 1946- gera: 143902/di/ra MOXIBUSTION BURNS. CHAU N. j hosp med. 2006;1(6):367 (eng). 1947- gera: 144887/ra/di CLINICAL EXAMPLES OF MOXIBUSTION OF THE NAVEL (RS8, "CENTRE OF THE NAVEL", MEDIUM UMBILICI, SHENQUE) AND ABDOMEN. WEI HAIYING. chinese medicine. 2006;21(2):68 (deu). The author has applied moxibustion to the navel (Rs8, "Centre of the navel", medium umbilici, shenque; REN8 Spirit Gate Tower) and abdomen for a variety of different disorders using a moxibustion box by burning mugwort at three different Locations. Of these three, acupuncture point Rs8 ("Centre of the navel", medium umbilici, shenque) was the highest point of the moxibustion area. Using this pro-cedure it is possible to warm and supplement the original yang (yang primum, yuanyang), to strengthen the operation of the Spleen and Stomach functional systems (oo. lienalis et stomachi, pi wei), to achieve an invigorating effect and to contain "desertion" (tuo). This moxibustion approach is also used as part of a health promotion program which helps to strengthen the body and to stave off the effects of senility.In this article the author describes the way he treats gastroatonia following an abdominal operation, in the case of chronic diarrhoea, of persistent hiccup and when patients are suffering from "Wind stroke" (ventus, vento percussio, zhongfeng), a state that corresponds to apoplexy. In all four cases he used moxibustion of the navel (Rs8) and abdomen, sometimes in combination with acupunc-ture of other points. In each case he describes the history of the illness, the symptoms, the pathological mechanism and, in detail, the therapy. Thanks to this treatment, aLL four patients made a complete recovery.In conclusion, he explains the way the therapy works and provides support for his explanations with a number of citations from classic works. 1948- gera: 145878/di/ra CLINICAL APPLICATION OF HEAT-ACUPUNCTURE THERAPY. GUAN ZUNHUI. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2006;26(4):243 (eng). 1949- gera: 145909/di/ra ESEMPI CLI APPLICAZIONE CLINICA DELLA MOXIBUSTIONE CON STICK DI MOXA. LIU ZHAOHUI. rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese. 2006;106(4):40 (ita). Moxibustion is an important component of chinese acupuncture. The Author has used the reducing method of moxibustion extensively in clinic to treat the syndromes of excess, heat and blood heat caused by yin deficiency, and acute and chronic traumatic injuries, achieving satisfactory therapeutic effects. 1950- gera: 146272/nd/ra [INVESTIGATION INTO "HOR MONGOLIAN MOXIBUSTION"]. BAOYINTU, HUGEJILEBATU, BAO YC. zhonghua yi shi za zhi. 2006;36(2):83-6 (chi). Hor, a tribe name, is a general denomination for the nomad lived north to the Great Wall, including Hun (Xiongnu), eastern Tartars (Donghu), and Xianbei, people. Hor Mongolian moxibustion is a therapeutic method discovered by those Hor people. Many types of treatments formed during its coming into being and developments, but the treatment principles came down in one continuous line. 1951- gera: 150627/di/ra EFFETS DES AIGUILLES CHAUFFÉES DANS LES MALADIES PAR VENT-HUMIDITÉ. OU YANG BASI, GAO GU. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2006;22(3):30 (chi). 1952- gera: 151903/cg/ra DES EPUISEMENTS ET DE LA MOXIBUTION SELON LING SHU ET YI XUE RU MEN. DUBOIS JC, ANITA BUI A. 10 eme congres national de la faformec, toulouse. 2006;: (fra). 1953- gera: 144623/di/ra [STUDY ON VESICANT CHARACTERISTICS OF UYLABRIS AND SEEDS OF BRASSICA ALB]. SONG XP, JI XL. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2007;27(2):126 (eng). OBJECTIVE To study on vesicant characteristics of Uylabris and Seeds of Brassica Alb in crude herb moxibustion. METHODS: One hundred and seventy-five healthy subjects were randomly divided into 5 groups. The vesicant rate, vesicant time and vesicant size and pain degree of different medicines or doses were observed. Results There were significant differences in the vesicant rate among the different doses groups of the same medicine (P<0.05), with no significant difference in the vesicant time (P>0.05); and there were significant differences in vesicant time among the different medicine groups (P<0.05). In the Uylabris group, the vesicant time was longer; the vesicant size in the medicine group of 0. 05 g each point was larger than that of the medicine group of 0.01 g each point (P<0.05); there were significant differences among the groups in the pain rate (P<0.05), and the pain rate was the highest in the 0.05 g each point of Seeds of Brassica Alb. CONCLUSION: Uylabris and Seeds of Brassica Alb have different vesicular characteristics, gera 2010 126 so in clinical application, application dose and time may be used for controlling 1954- gera: 145390/di/ra EFFICACY OF MOXIBUSTION AFTER ROLLING CORRECTION IN DAIRY COWS WITH ABOMASAL DISPLACEMENT. LEE JY, LEE MR, KIM JH, HAN TS, KANG SS, BAE CS, KIM DH, KIM G, CHOI SH. american journal of chinese medicine. 2007;35(1):63-67 (eng). This study was performed to assess the efficacy of moxibustion after rolling correction in dairy cows with abomasal displacement (AD). The experimental group comprised 86 Holstein cows with left displacement of the abomasum (LDA) and right displacement of the abomasum (RDA), with a mean age of 3.8 with AD during a 2-year period. The cows were rolled for correction of AD. After the rolling procedure, moxibustion was conducted on six acupoints once a day during the course of treatment. After repositioning the abomasums, the bilateral points of BL-20, BL-21 and BL-26 were then stimulated. During the follow-up of 1 week, 67 (93.1%) of 72 LDA and 12 (85.7%) of 14 RDA cows were released as cured after moxibustion. In conclusion, moxibustion effectively treats AD following rolling 1955- gera: 146091/di/ra [CLINICAL APPLICATION OF ACUPOINT HEATSENSITIZATION]. CHEN RI-TIN KANG MING-FEI. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2007;27(3):199 (chi). Objective To expound rules of acupoint heat-sensitization and its clinical application. Methods Ana-lyze and probe rules of acupoint heat-sensitization and its clinical application from the acupoint heat-sensitization phe-nomenon. Results (1) In the human being there are two functional states,,sensitization state and rest state. When the human body hás.disease, acupoints on the body surface may he sensitized with various types of sensitization, and acupoint heat-sensitization is a type of acupoint sensitization. The sensitized acupoints show acupoint-specific "small stimulation inducing large response" for external relative stimulation. (2) Optimum stimulation for the heat-sensi tized acupoint is moxibustion-heat, also it is the optimum point for moxibustion therapy, with a therapeutic effect far better than acupuncture and moxibustion at acupoints of routine rest state: (3) Heat-sensitized acupoints "under moxibustion-heat stimulation very easily invigorates moxibustion sensation propagation along channels, greatly in-creasing clinical therapeutic effect. Conclusion Advancing the concept of acupoint heat-sensitization perfects and•de-velops the theory of acupuncture and moxibustion, "Only reaches the 1956- gera: 146130/di/ra BIOLOGICAL EFFECT: MOXIBUSTION EFFECTS ON SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION . . world journal of acupuncture moxibustion. 2007;2007:27 (eng). ObjectiveTo investigate whether moxibution affects the section of catecholamine as adrenalin, noradrenalin and dopamine. MethodsTwenty Wister rats were allocated to two groups. One was moxibustion-group (10 rats), and the other was nonmoxibustion-group (10 rats) Four ignited moxa-cones were applied to bilateral "Shenshu" (BL23) . When a moxa-cone burned out, another one was replaced. At the end of each experiment, blood sample (2 mL/rat) was collected from the heart for assaying plasma adrenalin, noradrenalin and dopamine contents with high pres-sure liquid chromatography.ResultsThe presented results showed that plasma adrenalin and noradrenalin contents of moxibustiongroup are signifi-cantly higher that those of non-moxibustiongroup (P<0 .01) . However, there is no significant difference of dopamine between moxibustion and non-moxibustion-group (P >0.05).ConclusionThese results demonstrated that moxibustion stimulates the secretion of adrenalin in normal rats. 1957- gera: 146167/di/ra PLACEBO STICK DEVICES CAUSING HEAT SENSATION ARE NO VALID SHAM CONTROL PROCEDURE FOR MOXIBUSTION. PACH D, PIAZENA H, WILLICH SN, BRINKHAUS B. forschende komplementarmedizin and klassische naturheilkunde. 2007;14(S1): (deu). Background: Moxa sticks are used in traditional Chinese medicine tc stimulate acupuncture points with heat from the slow combustion of mugwort. There is no valid placebo method available for sham con-trolled randomized controlled trials to investigate the effectiveness of moxibustion. A convincing placebo moxa stick device should be capable of evolving heat sensation without a therapeutic effect. By measurement of the spectral infrared irradiance of seven different moxa sticks the potential of a placebo moxa stick device causing a heat sensation by emitting only epidermal affecting infrared radiation C (1R-C) was evalu-ated. Methods: An IR radiometer was used to measure the spectral infrared irradiance of seven glowing moxa sticks of different types in dependence of distance to the heat. Results: All sticks investigated show a similar spectral distribution of the emitted IR radiation with maxima of about 83.5% to 87.5% in the range long wavelength IR radiation (IR-C) and with small contributions of both short wavelength IR radiation (1R-A) between 2.2% to 5.5% and of middle wavelength IR radiation (IR-B) between 9.0% to 12.1% of the total IR emission. Dif-ferences in stick's characteristics resulted in differences of total irradi-ance at given distances of the heat up to a factor of about 3 between the thinnest and the thickest stick. Conclusion: Only a small proportion o1 the moxa sticks emitted IR radiation is capable of affecting subepider-mal tissue. These results indicate that effects due to moxa sticks are caused by superficial effects on the skin. Since most heat receptors are located in the superficial skin, it seems impossible to separate effects from moxa stick from heat sensation. Therefore placebo stick devices causing heat sensation seem not suitable sham control therapies. Com-paring moxa stick treatment with standard western treatment and wait-ing list group is an alternative option. Future clinical moxa studies should include descriptions of the physical characteristics of the applied moxa. Data on doseeffect ratio of moxa sticks is needed. 1958- gera: 146380/di/ra MOXIBUSTION, AN ALTERNATIVE THERAPY, AMELIORATED DISTURBED CIRCADIAN RHYTHM OF PLASMA ARGININE VASOPRESSIN AND URINE OUTPUT IN MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY. SAKAKIBARA R, MURAKAMI E, KATAGIRI A, HAYAKAWA S, UCHIYAMA T, YAMAMOTO T, HATTORI T. intern med. 2007;46(13):1015-8 (eng). Previously no alternative therapy approach has been made to ameliorate disturbed circadian arginine vasopressin rhythm (CAVP-R) in multiple system atrophy (MSA)\. A 65-year-old man with MSA showed loss of C-AVP-R and nocturnal polyuria\. We performed moxibustion at specific acupuncture points on the bladder and inside the feet, once a day, 3 times a week, for 6 months\. After the treatment, his C-AVP-R appeared to be normal, and the nocturnal urine output decreased to 75% (p<0.01)\. Together with the previous studies, it seems possible that somatic warm stimulation by moxibustion in specific points might have facilitated AVP secretion in this patient 1959- gera: 146517/di/ra [INVESTIGATION OF PATHWAY AND MECHANISM OF HEAT STIMULATING ACTION OF SANDWICHED MOXIBUSTION]. WEI JZ, SHEN XY, DING GH, ZHAO L. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2007;27(5):391-3 (chi). Based on the literature review and theories of biophysical theory, the pathway and mechanism of the heat of sandwiched moxibustion stimulating acupoints are analyzed. It is concluded that the heat of sandwiched moxibustion is transferred to the skin of acupoints by heat conduction and thermal radiation. The heat conduct from the skin to deep tissues and other parts was carried out through the biological heat conduction systems. The investigation combined with theories of biological heat conduction was benefit to the research on clinical mechanisms of indirect moxibustion. In addition to heat effect, the infrared resonance of indirect moxibustion and 1960- gera: 146649/di/ra [FAN YU-QI AND "TAIYI MIRACULOUS MOXA ROLL"]. LIU gera 2010 127 LG, GU-JIE. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2007;27(7):543-4 (chi). OBJECTIVE: To explore the manipulation method, the range of indications and the characteristics of acupoint selection for "Taiyi miraculous moxa roll". METHODS: Apply computer to make retrieval and statistics of the literature, and then induction and analysis were made by manual methods. CONCLUSION: The "Taiyi miraculous moxa roll" method substitutes moxibustion for acupuncture, with very wide ranges of indications, the most being the thoracico-abdominal diseases, the next being the diseases in the head, and the less being in the limbs and in the lumbodorsal position; so far as the syndrome differentiation is concerned, the most is deficiency syndrome, the next is cold syndrome, wind syndrome, heat syndrome, phlegm syndrome and so on. The most acupoints selected are on the trunk, and the next on the limbs, and then on the head. This method is worth to be popularized. 1961- gera: 146873/di/re THERMIE AND FRICTION THERAPY PERFORMED USING A SPECIAL INSTRUMENT. IWASAKI J, AKI T, YOSHIDA Y, YAMAMOTO O, TAJIMA S. j dermatol. 2007;34(7):486-9 (eng). "Thermie" therapy is one of the folk remedies in Japan and is mainly done by rubbing the skin with special instruments. The therapy is believed to relieve several symptoms which include pain, common cold and ileus. We report here the first two cases of thermie dermatosis in the English published work. The first patient had suffered from poikiloderma-like eruptions for 30 years after the initiation of a thermie therapy. The eruptions were on both the upper back and the abdomen. The second patient presented with a hyperpigmented plaque on the right femoral region, and excoriated papules and a hyperpigmented plaque on the left lower leg. The patient had received thermie therapy for 3 years. The histopathology of the first case revealed features of cutaneous amyloidosis, and, of the second case, superficial dermatitis and hypermelanosis in the epidermal basal layer. A common cause of both cases was regarded as the thermie therapy. This report suggests the importance of getting a thorough history including folk remedies in patients presenting such pigmented lesions. 1962- gera: 147681/di/ra ANALYSIS OF THE TEMPERATURE-TIME CURVE OF INDIRECT MOXIBUSTION. WEI JIAN-RI, SHEN XUE-YONG, DING GUANG-HONG, ZHAO GING, CHENG KE. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2007;26(12):34 (chi). . Objective To investigate the quality of the temperature-time curve of indirect moxibustion and explore its clinical significance. Methods A curve of temperature change was recorded when clinically commonly used Aconite cakeseparated or ginger-separated moxibustion was performed. The curve was compared with that recorded when clinically seldom used Scutellariae cake-separated moxibustion was performed. Results The maximum value of temperature was significantly higher during Scutellariae cake-separated moxibustion than during Aconite cake- separated moxibustion and during ginger-separated moxibustion. 'There was also a larger difference in temperature-time curve. The maximum value of temperature was basically the same during Aconite cake- separated moxibustion as during ginger-separated moxibustion, but the rising segment of temperature was steeper than during ginger-separated moxibustion. Conclusion Although the maximum temperature values of Aconite cakeseparated moxibustion and ginger-separated moxibustion are basically the same, patients feel a pain more easily during ginger-separated moxibustion. Scutellariae cake-separated moxibustion is not suitable for clinical 1963- gera: 147912/di/ra HEAT TRANSFER RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL CHINESE MOXIBUSTION WITH WARMING NEEDLE: A COMPUTATIONAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY (ABSTRACT). CHENG KE ET AL. journal of alternative and complementary medicine. 2007;13(8):894 (eng). 1964- gera: 148017/di/ra REGULATORY FUNCTION OF HERBAL DRUGPARTITIONED MOXIBUSTION FOR SUB-HEALTH STATUS. LIU YAN-YING. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2007;5(6):358 (eng). Objective: To observe the efficacy of herbal drug-partitioned moxibustion for sub-health status and its influence on humoral immunity, cellular immunity nity and blood rheology. Methods: By health evaluation in traditional Chinese medicine, the subjects were selected and applied with herbal drugpartitioned moxibustion on the acupoints selected upon pattern identification, in accordance with different causative reason, symptoms, clinical manifestations, to observe the changes in various physiochemical indexes and clinical symptoms before and after the treatments. Results: After herbal drug-partitioned moxibustion, the clinical symptoms were obviously improved, and obvious change took place in the activity of NK cells and in platelet aggregation, with statistic significance (P<0.05) in comparison of those before moxibustion. Simultaneously, the contents of C3 and C4 decreased in humoral immunity after the treatment, and IgC content increased, with statistic significance (P<0.05) in comparison of those before the treatment. Conclusion: Herbal drug-partitioned moxibustion can regulate the functions of qi and blood in those with subhealth, by balancing yin and yang in the body and invigorating the spirit and reinforcing qi, so as to relieve sub-health status, indicating its regulatory function on humoral ummtmity, cellular immunity and blood rheology of the human body. 1965- gera: 148500/di/ra HEAT SYNDROME TREATED BY MOXIBUSTION. ZENG SHAN, LI YING - KUN. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2007;23(12):31 (chi). 1966- gera: 152054/di/ra [STUDY OF HEAT CONDUCTION OF WARMING ACUPUNCTURE ]. CHEN KE, DING YI-WEN", SHEN XUEYONG, DING GUANG- HONG2.. shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2007;26(8):32 (chi). Objective To investigate the process of conduction of warming acupuncture-produced heat in human tissues by infrared thermography and numerical modeling, which is very important for studying the mechanism of moxibustion therapy. Methods Infrared heat images were recorded with a high sensitivity infrared thermograph in the process of warming acupuncture. The heating effects of gold, silver and stainless steel needles on biological tissues (Zusanli transection of porcine hind leg) were investigated by experiment. The process of conduction of warming acupuncture-produced heat in biological tissues was simulated by numerical modeling with finite element software ANSYS for qualitative and quantitative analyses of tissue eat conduction. The experimental and calculated results of temperature distribution were compared. Results A numerical analysis provided the distribution of temperature and the vectorgram of thermal flow in tissues during warming acupuncture. The experiment observed that the curve of temperature distribution and the result of numerical simulation tallied. The investigation found that if the other conditions were the same, a silver needle conducted heat most rapidly and its maximum value was several times as large as those of gold and stainless steel needles during warming acupuncture. Con-clusion Heat passes rapidly mainly along the needle body during warming acupuncture. A silver needle conducts heat most rapidly, raises tissue temperature to a highest degree and transmits heat in a largest range, which prove that warming acupuncture with silver needles produces a best curative effect clinically. In this article, infrared thermography and numerical modeling were used to investigate the process of heat conduction during warming acupuncture and make a quantitative analysis, providing a theoretical and experimental basis for clinical application of different kinds of moxibustion. 1967- gera: 152305/di/ra RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE ATTITUDE ON MOXIBUSTIO N TREATMENT AND MOXA WEIGHT INVESTIGATION OF STUDENTS AND VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL. TOMITA KENICHI, WATANABE IPPEI, KIMURA MIHO. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2007;57(4):538 (jap). [Purpose] People have various mental images of moxibustion gera 2010 128 treatment. The purpose of this study was to ir vestigate relationships between weight of moxa and perceptions of moxibustion treatment.[Methods] We administered a questionnaire survey on moxibustion to 75 new students and visitors to this co. lege. Furthermore, we instructed subjects to make a moxa as they imagined it would be used in moxibustio treatment, then measured these moxa.[Result] The questionnaire survey had many replies indicating that moxibustion is associated with images c "hot", "scar remains", and "effective".Comparing the weights of moxa made by people with moxibustion experience to those made by people wit no moxibustion experience, moxa was lighter for the experienced group than for the inexperienced group. Furthermore, when weight of moxa was compared based on images of moxibustion, only moxa of the grou with positive images of moxibustion tended to be light.[Conclusion] Image size of the moxa appears to be connected with impressions and experiences c moxibustion treatment. 1968- gera: 148115/di/ra [SURVEY OF JAPAN MOXIBUSTION METHODS]. ZHOU ZH, YUAN YQ. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;28(1):65 (chi). Japan moxibustion methods originate from China and form moxibustion methods with Japanese characteristics and diathermal moxibustion as main, in combination with Japanese practice in development course. In the present paper, diathermal moxibustion and folk traditional moxibustion methods in Japan are introduced and moxibustion methods between China and Japan are preliminarily compared. 1969- gera: 148527/di/ra STUDY ON MOXIBUSTION: ELUCIDATION OF CHARACTERISTICS OF MOXA. OZAKI AKIHIRO, AIZAWA SHIGEKATSU, TODA SHIZUO KUMAMOTO KENZE, EBARA SATOMI, KOIKE TARE. journal of the japan society of acupunctureand moxibustion. 2008;58(1):32 (jap). The scientific basis of moxibustion using moxa was investigated, focusing on the characteristics and thermal stimulation properties of moxa, its biochemical characteristics and actions, and morphological changes in skin tissue treated with moxibustion. The presentations by and viewpoints of the symposists are outlined below:1) Characteristics and thermal stimulation properties of moxa: The thermal stimulation properties of Artemisia princes Pamp., moxa, materials other than Artemisia princes Pamp., and materials similar to moxa were presented. Re- investigation of the results of common views of Artemisia princes Pamp. and moxa by experiments and a survey were also presented.2) Biochemical characteristics and actions of moxa: Chemical substances contained in Artemisia princes Pamp. and moxa, and diverse physiological actions of moxa, such as an anti-oxidative stress action, signal transduction, activation of energy metabolism, and anti-inflammatory action, were presented with viewpoints. In addition, biochemical actions were reviewed based on the extraction of new chemical components.3) Morphological changes in skin tissue treated with moxibustion: Moxibustioninduced morphological changes in the epidermis, connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerve tissue were presented. Regarding skin tissue regeneration, viewpoints were presented, emphasizing that actions of corneocytes and fibroblasts are particularly important, in addition to revascularization, nerve fibers are not regenerated unless the skin tissue is repaired to a certain degree. 1970- gera: 149060/di/ra APPROACH TO INCREASING THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION. GAO XI-YAN, AO XIAO-JING. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;28(4):277 (chi). The authors sum up some methods for increasing therapeutic effect of moxibustion through long-term and a great number of investigations. For moxibustion, proper moxibustion methods should be selected for different patient's condition, and points are selected fewer but better, accurately find response position and use enough moxibustion amount, making the patient produce comfortable moxibustion sensation. Put forward the concept of deqi and the method for point-through-point moxibustion, i. e., judge moxibustion amount, moxibustion time and therapeutic results according to skin response of the patient after moxibustion, and even flush and sweating on local skin after moxibustion are used for standard of point-throughpoint moxibustion. The present article specially indicates that moxibustion-box moxibustion is of advantages of convenient manipulation, easily control of temperature and high 1971- gera: 149370/di/re PRETREATMENT EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION ON THE SKIN PERMEATION OF FITC-DEXTRAN. CAO D, KITAMURA T, TODO H, YOO SD, SUGIBAYASHI K. int j pharm. 2008;354(1-2):117-25 (eng). This study was conducted to evaluate the pretreatment effects of different in vivo moxibustion on the permeation of a model high molecular compound, FITC-dextran, with a mean molecular weight of 4 kDa (FD-4), through excised hairless rat skin. Direct or indirect moxibustion (0.10 g moxa) was pretreated consecutively 4 times every 5 min on the abdomen of hairless rats, and the permeation of FD-4 was determined through the excised skin over 8h from 30 min after starting the first moxibustion. This consecutive moxibustion pretreatment showed a significant increase in the skin temperature as well as skin permeation of FD-4 compared with the control group (no moxibustion pretreatment). Quantitative parameters showed an increase in skin temperature and skin permeation: the area under the skin temperature over control temperaturetime curve during one burning cycle (5.0 min) (AUCtemp) or the maximum skin temperature during moxibustion (Tmax) and the cumulative amount of FD-4 permeated through skin over 8h (Q8) or steady-state flux were increased by moxibustion pretreatment. Then, the effect of pedestal thickness (distance from the moxa cylinder and skin surface), shape of the moxa cylinder (5mm diameter, 13 mm height or 9 mm diameter, 7 mm height), burning materials (moxa or aromatic incense), pedestal component (paper, potato or ginger) and moxibustion pretreatment method (direct or indirect moxibustion) was evaluated on the AUCtemp or Tmax and Q8 or flux. The amount of protein leached from the skin surface was also determined as an inflammatory index by this moxibustion pretreatment. When the skin temperature was increased to 60 degrees C, the Q8 or flux as well as the amount of protein leached were markedly increased. When the skin temperature was controlled to 42 to 45 degrees C by an adequate selection of pedestal thickness, shape of the moxa cylinder, burning materials, pedestal component and moxibustion pretreatment method, on the other hand, protein leaching remained unaltered, but the Q8 or flux significantly increased with the Tmax. This study thus provides credible evidence that moxibustion pretreatment increases the skin permeation of high molecular 1972- gera: 149378/co/ra CAN A CARBON DIOXIDE LASER SUBSTITUTE FOR MOXIBUSTION?. SHEN X, ZHAO L, DING G, GAO J, YING J, CHENG K, LAO L. lasers med sci. 2008;jul 4:x (eng). 1973- gera: 149408/di/ra STUDY ON MOXIBUSTION: ELUCIDATION OF CHARACTERISTICS OF MOXA. OZAKI AKIHIRO, AIZAWA SHIGEKATSE,TODA SHI. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;58(2):50 (jap). The scientific basis of moxibustion using moxa was investigated, focusing on the characteristics and thermal stimulation properties of moxa, its biochemical characteristics and actions, and morphological changes in skin tissue treated with moxibustion. The presentations by and viewpoints of the symposists are outlined below:1) Characteristics and thermal stimulation properties of moxa: The thermal stimulation properties of Artemisia princes Pamp., moxa, materials other than Artemisia princes Pamp., and materials similar to moxa were presented. Re- investigation of the results of common views of Artemisia princes Pamp. and moxa by experiments and a survey were also presented.2) Biochemical characteristics and actions of moxa: Chemical substances contained in Artemisia princes Pamp. and moxa, and diverse physiological actions of moxa, such as an anti-oxidative stress action, signal transduction, activation of energy metabolism, and anti-inflammatory action, were presented with viewpoints. In addition, biochemical actions were reviewed based on the extraction of new chemical components.3) Morphological gera 2010 129 changes in skin tissue treated with moxibustion: Moxibustioninduced morphological changes in the epidermis, connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerve tissue were presented. Regarding skin tissue regeneration, viewpoints were presented, emphasizing that actions of corneocytes and fibroblasts are particularly important, in addition to revascularization, nerve fibers are not regenerated unless the skin tissue is repaired to a certain degree. 1974- gera: 150155/di/ra [MANIPULATION METHODS OF SLOW-RAPID REINFORCING-REDUCING METHOD]. ZHAO XX, RAN PF, LÜ XR, WANG XX. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;28(6):423 (chi). After consulting literature, following the original meaning of the paper about slow-rapid reinforcing-reducing method in Huangdi's Internal Classic, in combination with explanation of later ages, and comprehension and clinical experience of the authors, it is put forward that the slow-rapid reinforcingreducing method in Huangdi's Internal Classic is not single manipulation method, but it is a guiding principle for reinforcing-reducing manipulation, it includes many manipulation methods and they were listed, and all of the reinforcing-reducing methods of later ages are developed from these. In the teaching material Acupuncture and Moxibustion Sciences they are included in single reinforcing-reducing method, reducing extension and intension of this definition. The relative description in the teaching material only is slowrapid reinforcing-reducing method of narrow sense, but the manipulations can be divided into qi-carrying manipulating needle type and three-one pushing-pulling type. 1975- gera: 150180/di/ra [SAMPLES OF PROFESSOR XIE XI-LIANG'S DIRECT MOXIBUSTION]. XIAO J, WANG TF. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;28(7):527 (chi). Prof. XIE Xi-liang in his early years was a disciple of Mr. CHENG Dan-an. He has been engaged in clinical work and teaching for over 60 years with rich experience, and he pays attention to application of acupuncture, moxibustion and medicine for different persons, especially pays attention to moxibustion methods, such as direct moxibustion, with less points selected, and good results, convenient manipulation, moxibustion of one session only for 3-5 min. He teaches the patients and their family for self-moxibustion at home, saving time. This method has better short-term and long-term therapeutic effects for hypo-immune patients, pain diseases, and it is suitable to 1976- gera: 150315/di/ra [DESIGN AND APPLICATION OF A CAKE-SHAPING APPARATUS FOR DRUG-SEPARATED MOXIBUSTION]. ZHU AJ, LU XD. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;28(8):623 (eng). Acupuncturist makes herbal cakes with traditional manual way, with such disadvantages as slow in making, varying in thickness and size of the cake. When the patients are treated with medical cake-separated moxibustion, they will be unevenly affected by the heat and the patient easily suffers from burning. These hinder clinically wide application of cakeseparated moxibustion. With practice of many years, the authors design and make a kind of manual cake-shaping apparatus which can rapidly and conveniently make uniform medical cake, with simple technique, ingenious structure and normal material. 1977- gera: 150486/di/ra STUDY DEVELOPMENT IN INFLUENCING FACTORS ON THE EFFECT OF MOXIBUSTION. LI XI - ZHONG, LI ZHONG - ZHENG, XI QIANG. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;24(8):58 (eng). To get a full understanding of the recent research situation about the factors that influence the effect of moxibustion therapy, we've retrieved 18 pertinent literature in CNKI by making "moxibustion" as the key word and title. This article made a relatively detailed overview on the research of the factors that influence the effect of traditional moxibustion in Chinese medicine, with the aim to provide empirical study basis for better application of 1978- gera: 150571/di/ra INFLUENCE OF THE DIRECT MOXIBUSTION AND MOXANEEDLE STIMULATION ON THE EPIDERMAL LOCAL. WATANABE KATSUYULCI, SHINOHARA SHOJI. journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;58(4):52 (jap). [Objective] To clarify that acupuncture of Cu and Zn at dynamic acupoints had significantly decreased oxidationreduction potential (ORP) in the local epidermis. In this study, we evaluated the influences of moxibustion on the ORP and hydrogen ion concentration (pH) in the local epidermis. [Methods] In volunteers and patient groups, direct moxibustion, moxa-needle,-and BANSHIN were performed. [Results] In all stimulation methods, the ORP showed no changes at nonacupoints, but it significantly decreased at dynamic acupoints. A significant decrease in pH was observed after direct moxibustion at both nonacupoints and dynamic acupoints. On the contrary, pH showed a significant increase after moxaneedle, and radiant heat of which had been cut off.[Conclusion] Direct moxibustion at plus points and moxaneedle at minus points clarified a part of the mechanisms of the effects of 1979- gera: 150785/di/ra 63 CASES OF CLINICALOBSERVATION ON HEAD COMPANIED WITH HEAT NEEDLES IN TREATING PROSOPOSPASM. LU ZE QIANG. journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;24(4):18 (chi). 1980- gera: 151223/di/ra EFFECTS OF MOXIBUSTION PRETREATING ON SOD AND MDA IN THE RAT OF GLOBAL BRAIN ISCHEMIA. HUA JS, LI LP, ZHU XM. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2008;28(4):289-92 (eng). OBJECTIVE: To probe into the mechanism of moxibustion preconditioning in preventive brain-protecting effect. METHODS: The global brain ischemia rat model was developed by blocking 4 arteries. Seventy-eight Wistar male rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: a normal control group, a sham-operation group, a brain ischemia group, a brain ischemia preconditioning group, a moxibustion pretreating group. The brains in the 5 groups were taken at 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h after operation respectively. Superoxide dismulase (SOD) activity was determined with xanthine oxidase method and malondialdehyde (MDA) content with thiobarbituric acid method. RESULTS: After the operation, in the moxibustion preconditioning group, SOD activity significantly increased, especially 24 h after moxibustion preconditioning; and MDA content decreased, with a very significant difference as compared with that of the cerebral ischemia group (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Moxibustion preconditioning protects the ischemic and anoxic brain tissue by increasing the activity of endogenous antioxidase. 1981- gera: 151225/di/ra ANALYSIS ON THE FEATURES OF PREVENTIVE TREATMENT WITH ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXIBUSTION. WANG H, LIANG FX. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2008;28(4):281-5. (eng). OBJECTIVE: To analyze the features of preventive treatment with acupuncture and moxibustion to provide guidance for practice. METHODS: Induction and comparison methods were adopted to summarize the features of preventive treatment from the literatures of different ages. RESULTS: Preventive treatment has the distinctive features: (1) strengthening and protecting the vital-qi is paid much attention to; (2) the intervention time is well grasped; (3) tonification points are importantly used; (4) the action of moxibustion is stressed on; and (5) the change of disease is judged. CONCLUSION: With the principle to reinforce the vital-qi, acupuncture and moxibustion are applied to meridians and acupoints to treat before the occurrence of diseases, being advanced 1982- gera: 151229/di/ra MOXIBUSTION PENETRATION AND ITS CLINICAL APPLICATION. GAO XY. journal of traditional chinese medicine. 2008;28(4):267-9 (eng). Moxibustion penetration is a therapy in which the moxibustion gera 2010 130 sensation promoted by moxa is felt deeply inside the tissues. When moxibustion is practiced to certain extent, the sensation conducts from the moxibustion site to the deep tissues and far ends, or muscular pulsation appears at the moxibustion site, or the patient feels comfortable, painful, heavy and itching or the patient has reaction as skin redness and even perspiration throughout the body after the moxibustion. The best effect of moxibustion is expected when local site becomes slightly and evenly red or there is sweating. The observation has shown that the moxibustion dosage is the key to 1983- gera: 151253/di/ra [EFFECTS OF WARM NEEDLE MOXIBUSTION ON BONE MASS DENSITY AND BIOCHEMICAL INDEXES OF BONE METABOLISM IN PATIENTS OF POSTMENOPAUSAL OSTEOPOROSIS]. ZHAO LH, NONG ZN, ZHONG X, PANG Y, LIANG JS, LI XD, YE chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;28(12):897-900 (chi). OBJECTIVE: To compare therapeutic effects of warm needle moxibustion and medication on osteoporosis and to study the mechanism. METHODS: Forty cases were randomly divided into an acupuncture group and a medication group, 20 cases in each group. The acupuncture group was treated by warm needle moxibustion at Dazhu (BL 11), Ganshu (BL 18), Shenshu (BL 23), Zusanli (ST 36), Yanglingquan (GB 34) etc. once other day, for 3 months; and the medication group was treated by oral administration of tablet Caltrate with Vit D2 for 3 months. The changes of bone mass density (BMD), estradiol (E2), osteocalcin (bone growth protein, BGP), urine calcium/creatinine (Ca/Cr) in the two groups before and after treatment and therapeutic effects were investigated. RESULTS: After treatment, BMD significantly increased (P<0.05, P<0.01) in the acupuncture group and did not signifi cantly changed in the medication group (P>0.05) with a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). After treatment E2 level significantly increased as compared with before treatment in both of groups (P<0.01); after treatment BGP significantly decreased as compared with before treatment in both of groups (P<0.01); after treatment Ca/Cr significantly decreased as compared with before treatment in the acupuncture group (P<0.05) ; af ter treatment, there were significant differences in BGP and Ca/Cr between the two groups (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The clinically controlled rate in the acupuncture group and in the medication group were 35.0%, 5.0%, respectively, the therapeutic effect of the acupuncture group being better than that of the medication group (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: The therapeutic effect of warm needle moxibustion on osteoporosis is better than that of oral administration of tablet Caltrate with Vit D2 and it can increase levels of hormones and delay bone loss. It is an effective method for preventing and treating postmenopausal osteoporosis. 1984- gera: 151273/di/ra [ON MOXIBUSTION FOR PREVENTING DISEASES]. ZHANG SJ. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;28(10):739-41 (chi). Along with the improvement of living standard, people's consciousness about health care is gradually raising. Moxibustion is a convenient and effective therapy for preventing diseases and prolonging life. In this paper, functions of moxibustion therapy are probed from the preventing diseases, reasonable selection of acupoints and clinical studies, etc. It is held that moxibustion can promote metabolism and increase immune function, hence 1985- gera: 151274/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF WARMING NEEDLE MOXIBUSTION ON CHRONIC PELVIC INFLAMMATION OF COLD-DAMP STAGNATION TYPE]. ZHEN HL, WANG Y, LIU XJ. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;28(10):736-8 (chi). OBJECTIVE: To observe clinical therapeutic effect of warming needle moxibustion on chronic pelvic in flammation of colddamp stagnation type. METHODS: Eighty-five cases with chronic pelvic inflammation were randomly divided into a warming needle moxibustion group of 45 cases and a Chinese drug group of 40 cases. The war ming needle moxibustion group were treated with warming needle moxibustion at Guanyuan (CV 4), Qihai (CV 6), Zusanli (ST 36) and Shenshu (BL 23) etc. and the Chinese drug group were treated with oral administration of TCM decoction, one dose each day. One course was constituted by 10 days. After treatment of 3 courses, the therapeutic effects, changes of C-reactive protein (CRP) level and the recurrence rate of the cured cases a half year later were observed. RESULTS: The total effective rate was 95.6% in the warming needle moxibustion group and 77.5% in the Chinese drug group with a significant difference between the two groups (P < 0.05). Twenty-five cases in each group were selected to determine CRP levels and results showed that before and after treatment CRP levels were (16.47 +/- 7.11) mg/L and (5.98 +/- 2.29) mg/L in the warming needle moxibustion group, and (16.32 +/- 8.19) mg/L and (8.63 +/- 2.41) mg/L in the Chinese drug group, with significantly decreased in the two groups (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05), and with a significant difference between the two group after treatment (P < 0.05). In the warming needle moxibustion group, of 23 cases followed-up, 2 cases relapsed, while in the Chinese drug group, among 9 cases followed-up, 2 cases relapsed. CONCLUSION: Warming needle moxibustion has a definite therapeutic effect on chronic pelvic inflammation of cold-damp stagnation type and better improves CRP 1986- gera: 151276/di/ra [OBSERVATION ON THERAPEUTIC EFFECT OF THE SPREADING MOXIBUSTION ON RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS]. XIE XX, LEI QH. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;28(10):730-2 (chi). OBJECTIVE: To search for an effective therapy for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: Fifty-six cases of RA were randomly divided into a spreading moxibustion group of 31 cases and an acupuncture group of 25 cases. The spreading moxibustion group were treated by moxibustion on the Governor Vessel, from Dazhui (GV 14) to Yaoshu (GV 2), and bilateral corresponding Jiaji (EX-B 2), with drug powder composed of Qianghuo (Notoperygium root), Duhuo (Pubescent angelica root), Niuxi (Achyranthes root), etc. and fresh mashed ginger were spread at the points; and the acupuncture group were treated by simple acupuncture at Dazhu (GV 14) and Shenzhu (GV 12), etc. They were treated for 50 days. RESULTS: The effective rate was 100.0% in the spreading moxibustion group and 84.0% in the acupuncture group with a significant difference between the two groups (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Spreading moxibustion has an significant therapeutic effect on rheumatoid arthritis. 1987- gera: 151279/di/ra [EFFECTS OF SUBSTANCE-PARTITIONED MOXIBUSTION ON PLASMA BETA-EP CONTENT IN THE PATIENT WITH PRIMARY DYSMENORRHEA OF COLD-DAMP STAGNATION TYPE IN THE MENSTRUAL PERIOD]. SHE YF, SUN LH, YANG JJ, GE JJ, LI XH, LU YJ. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2008;28(10):719-21 (chi). OBJECTIVE: To probe into the mechanism of substancepartitioned moxibustion in treatment of primary dysmenorrhea (PD) of cold-damp stagnation type. METHODS: The treatment group (105 cases of PD) were treated with substancepartitioned moxibustion and the control group (104 cases) were treated with Chinese drug Yueyue- shu. Their therapeutic effects were observed. Plasma beta-endorphin contents in menstrual period were determined before and after treatment in 40 patients of each group. RESULTS: The total effective rate of 95.2% in the substance partitioned moxibustion group was better than 85.6% in the control group (P < 0.05); after treatment, plasma beta-endorphin content significantly increased in the substance-partitioned moxibustion group (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Substance-partitioned moxibustion has obvious therapeutic effect on primary dysmenorrhea of colddamp stagnation type, which is carried out possibly through regulating the plasma beta1988- gera: 152966/di/ra EPAULE DOULOUREUSE : LES AIGUILLES CHAUDES SONT SUPÉRIEURES À L’ÉLECTROACUPUNCTURE. GORET O, NGUYEN J,. acupuncture & moxibustion. 2008;7(4):337 (fra). 1989- gera: 151212/di/ra gera 2010 131 SAN FU MOXIBUSTION AND LUNG-RELATED DISORDERS. WILCOX L WILCOX. journal of chinese medicine. 2009;89:14-18 (eng). San fu moxibustion is the application of a medicinal paste to acumoxa points to treat chronic asthma and other respiratory disorders. The paste causes irritation to the points, and is usually applied three times on special days during the hottest time of the year. This article explores the theory and practice of san fu rnoxibustion as well as 1990- gera: 152684/di/ra IDEAS ON MOXIBUSTION RESEARCH. WU HUAN-GAN. journal of acupuncture and tuina science. 2009;7(1):1 (eng). 1991- gera: 152837/nd/re CAN CARBON DIOXIDE LASER SUBSTITUTE MOXIBUSTION? JANG I, PARK J.. lasers med sci. 2009;24(2):290 (eng). 1992- gera: 153266/di/ra LETTER TO THE EDITOR - RE: IS IT POSSIBLE TO BLIND SUBJECTS USING SHAM MOXIBUSTION TREATMENT? PARK JE, LEE MS, CHOI SM. am j chin med. 2009;37(2):407-409 (eng). 1993- gera: 153682/di/ra [ANALYSIS AND STUDY ON MODERN PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY OF MOXIBUSTION]. Chen XH, Zhang GY, Zhou MQ, Zheng J. chinese acupuncture and moxibustion. 2009;29(5):428-30 (chi). This present paper introduces the advancement in the researches on modern pharmacy and pharmacology of moxibustion and proposes a new idea of comparative studies on pharmacologic action of different moxibustion materials, systematically analyzes the chemical compositions and the heat value of combustion of the argyi leaf of different strains, places of produce, cultivation ways or gathering times by the modern pharmaceutical research methods, and sums up that moxibustion has the functions of antisepticise, antivirus and regulating immune function by the modern pharmacological research methods. The authors think that the aforesaid comparative studies will establish the scientific foundation for determination of the best strain and primal chemical compositions of the argyi leaf for clinical efficacy, improvement of the moxibustion mode and enhancement of the gera 2010 132 INDEX DES AUTEURS ¤ 1942, 1956, MATSUO TAKAKO¤ 1921, ABBATE S¤ 1789, ACADEMIE DE MTC¤ 156, ACADEMIE DE MTC DU LIAONING¤ 315, ACADEMY OF TCM¤ 112, A-DA LE-BIEKE ET AL¤ 1747, AGEHAMA JA¤ 7, AI SHUANGCHUN, ZHONGLAN, LIAO FANGZHENG ET AL¤ CAO JIN-MING¤ 1241, CAO QIAOLI ET AL¤ 874, CAO WEIMIN¤ 1276, CAO WENZHONG ET AL¤ 1716, 1754, CAO WEN-ZHONG ET AL¤ 1626, CAO YI¤ 1785, CARDINI F¤ 864, CARDINI F ET AL¤ 786, 799, 1435, 1518, CARMIGNOLA C ET AL¤ 863, CARRON H ET AL¤ 64, CATALINA B ET AL¤ 79, 1725, AIZAWA SHIGEKATSU, TODA SHIZUO, AIZAWA CHAMFRAULT¤ 47, SHIGEKATSU, MENJO YUKI, 1862, CHANG GASHENG¤ 404, ALTMAN S¤ 893, CHANG JINGLING ET AL¤ 1502, AMAGAI T ET AL¤ 1397, CHANG P ET AL¤ 73, 74, AN HUA¤ 1121, 1537, CHANG XIAO-RONG, ET AL¤ 1895, ANDRAE KR¤ 34, CHAO CHANG CHENG¤ 116, ANTONI CID ¤ 1767, 1828, CHAO SHUMIN ET AL¤ 456, AUTEROCHE B ET AL¤ 897, CHAU N¤ 1946, AVERY JF¤ 18, CHE JIANLI¤ 1525, AYACH JP¤ 136, CHE JL¤ 1902, BAI YAOHUI ET AL¤ 748, CHEN A¤ 787, BANGRAZI A¤ 615, CHEN BING ET AL¤ 1485, BANOS A¤ 198, 318, 484, CHEN BOLAI ET AL¤ 1684, BAO CINGXIANG¤ 446, CHEN DAIZONG ET AL¤ 180, BAO GENXIAO ET AL¤ 1703, CHEN DALONG¤ 1427, BAOYINTU, HUGEJILEBATU, BAO YC¤ 1950, CHEN DAZHONG¤ 558, BAYLE ALJ ET GILBERT CM¤ 23, CHEN DAZHONG ET AL¤ 98, 106, 246, 427, BEAL MW¤ 894, 895, CHEN GONGSUN ET AL¤ 1440, BENEDETTI B¤ 583, CHEN GS¤ 358, BERNARDIN AEM¤ 13, CHEN HANPING¤ 685, 747, 1098, BERNINI A¤ 1496, CHEN HANPING ET AL¤ 459, 476, 762, 818, BICHARD P¤ 16, CHEN HAO¤ 1892, 1899, BITONG C ET AL¤ 1221, CHEN HONG ET AL¤ 1694, BONTIDEAN A ET AL¤ 871, CHEN HUAISHENG¤ 1685, BOWERS JZ ET AL¤ 55, CHEN JIANFEI ET AL¤ 267, BOYLE J¤ 20, CHEN JIN ET AL¤ 1670, BRODBECK T¤ 416, CHEN JIRUI ET AL¤ 501, BRODDE A¤ 141, BUNZO TAKAMATSU¤ 1472, CHEN KAI ET AL¤ 1619, CHEN KE, DING YI-WEN", SHEN XUE-YONG, DING BUSSCHOF H¤ 4, 6, GUANG-HONG2.¤ 1966, BUSSCHOF M¤ 3, CHEN KEQIN ET AL¤ 232, 455, CAI RUNXI ET AL¤ 1346, CHEN KEYAN ET AL¤ 302, CAI SHENGCHAO¤ 1017, 1339, CHEN LIANGLIANG ET AL¤ 1388, CAI SHENGCHAO ET AL¤ 545, CHEN MEIREN¤ 989, CAI YAOMIN¤ 529, CHEN NASU¤ 170, CAI YAOMING¤ 312, CHEN PEILIANG¤ 625, CAI YUAN WANG ET AL¤ 738, CAO D, KITAMURA T, TODO H, YOO SD, SUGIBAYASHI K¤ CHEN QIBO¤ 1842, 1971, CHEN REQIN ET AL¤ 517, CAO DAMING ET AL¤ 1815, CHEN RI-TIN KANG MING-FEI¤ 1955, CHANG GANSHENG¤ 381, CHEN REN-DI¤ 940, gera 2010 133 CHEN W, TAN M, LIANG LA, WENG TL¤ 1934, COTHENET CJB¤ 14, CHEN WEICANG¤ 123, CRETIN J¤ 15, Chen XH, Zhang GY, Zhou MQ, Zheng J¤ 1993, CUI J, SHEN DZ, XIONG FL¤ 1923, CHEN XIANGHUA¤ 1355, CUI LIPING¤ 1592, CHEN XIANREN¤ 481, CUI MENG¤ 852, 1096, CHEN XIAO-KAI, ET AL¤ 1744, CUI SHUGUI¤ 1060, CHEN XIAOLU¤ 1365, CUI WENPING ET AL¤ 922, CHEN XINGHUA¤ 1556, CUI XUEWEI¤ 1385, CHEN XIULING¤ 1821, CUIYING Z ET AL¤ 1157, 1226, CHEN YANHONG ET AL¤ 494, DAI GUOHUA¤ 1635, CHEN YANHUI ET AL¤ 1666, DAI JUYUN ET AL¤ 1139, CHEN YANJIANG ET AL¤ 867, 934, 1147, DAI TIECHENG¤ 439, 603, CHEN YI ET AL¤ 230, DAI TIECHENG ET AL¤ 684, CHEN YONGCAN¤ 1395, DASHENG W ET AL¤ 575, CHEN YONGCHANG ET AL¤ 1415, DE SCHEPPER L¤ 298, CHEN YONG-KANG ET AL¤ 1105, DEE DC ET AL¤ 105, CHEN YONG-MING¤ 1129, DELI GEER, ET AL¤ 1853, DENG BAI-YING, LUO MING-RAN, XIE GAN-GANG, ET A¤ CHEN YUNFEI D ALTRI¤ 1891, CHEN ZHENJIANG¤ 511, CHEN ZHENJIANG ET AL¤ 619, CHEN ZHIZHONG¤ 1051, CHEN ZX ¤ 1878, CHENG H ET AL¤ 1229, 1252, CHENG JING JUN, SUN GUO-JIE¤ 1897, CHENG JUETANG¤ 122, 1791, DENG BAIYING, XIE GANGONG, LUO BENHUA, ET AL¤ 1800, DENG CHUNLEI¤ 347, DENG SHIFA¤ 370, 599, DENG SHIFA ET AL¤ 784, DENG YISHENG¤ 948, CHENG KE ET AL¤ 1963, DIJUN H ET AL¤ 1232, DING GUANGHONG, SHEN XUEYONG, CHU JUNHAO, ET CHENG KEJIA ET AL¤ 936, AL¤ 1808, CHENG LU¤ 1338, DING JINBANG¤ 506, 514, CHENG XINNONG¤ 437, DING YIDAN ET AL¤ 215, CHENG YANGJIANG ET AL¤ 264, DING YI-WEN, DING GUANG-HONG¤ 1941, CHENG YANJIANG ET AL¤ 290, 291, DONG CONG-HUI¤ 1432, CHENG YANTIANG ET AL¤ 256, DONG DEWEN¤ 1170, CHENG YIN'AN¤ 961, DONG HONGYING¤ 1836, CHENG YONG¤ 1816, DONG QIN¤ 776, CHENG YONGCHANG ET AL¤ 1306, DONG QUANSHENG ET AL¤ 1478, 1584, CHIANG RT¤ 138, 223, DONG XINMIN ET AL¤ 1523, CHIBA A ET AL¤ 1402, 1403, DONG ZHILING ET AL¤ 754, CHIEKO NAGANUMA¤ 398, DOU MONGHAU¤ 211, CHINA WALFARE INSTITUTE¤ 102, DOU MONGHAU ET AL¤ 314, CHONG GUI-QIN ET AL¤ 1648, DOU-MONG HAU¤ 875, CHONG WI TEK ET AL¤ 380, DOU-MONG HAU ET AL¤ 596, 1101, 1516, CHU HAORAN¤ 1340, DU BIYAN¤ 1033, CHUI LINHUA ET AL¤ 1314, DU HUORAN ET AL¤ 1006, CHUN GUIQIN¤ 519, DU JIAN¤ 1765, 1769, CIANCIOLA I¤ 870, DU MENGXUAN¤ 1606, CINIGLIO S ET AL¤ 877, DU XIAOSHAN¤ 947, CLIFFORD DH ET AL¤ 208, DU YONGNIAN¤ 353, CONDE-SALAZAR MA ET AL¤ 783, DUBOIS JC, ANITA BUI A¤ 1952, CONTI S ET AL¤ 1087, COOPERATIVE GROUP OF STUDYING MOXIBUSTION*¤ DUNIN M¤ 394, 207, COOPERATIVE RESEARCH GROUP OF *¤ 101, 260, 261, 355, DURAND M¤ 39, EISHU TAKAGI¤ 470, EITARO NOGUCHI¤ 420, gera 2010 134 ELSAIR M¤ 194, GAO XIYAN¤ 1374, 1375, EMBID A¤ 1097, GAO XIYAN,FENG LIHUA, LI WEIHONG, ET AL¤ 1854, ENGEL K ET AL¤ 898, GAO XI-YAN, AO XIAO-JING¤ 1970, FABRE J¤ 84, 88, 417, GAO XIYAN, RAO HONG, WANG YAPING¤ 1787, FAN GANGQI ET AL¤ 1188, GAO XI-YAN, WANG YAN ¤ 1879, FAN GUOZHOU ET AL¤ 1020, GAO XY¤ 1982, FAN SONGLING¤ 1358, GAO YONG-SHENG¤ 1192, FAN YONGJUN F ET AL¤ 1203, GAO YUNQIU¤ 914, FAN YU ET AL¤ 1689, 1713, GAO ZHIYIN¤ 749, FANG JIANQIAO ET AL¤ 1447, GAO ZHONGWU¤ 172, FANG XIANG-MING¤ 1707, GAOIDAMAKINA AM ET AL¤ 737, FANG XIANGMING ET AL¤ 1337, 1562, 1572, GARCIA VIDA J¤ 696, FANG XING-MING¤ 1720, GE BAOHE ET AL¤ 1392, FAURE M¤ 1771, GE ZI ET AL¤ 345, FEI MEI¤ 1920, GEILFUS BW¤ 5, FELDMAN KW¤ 293, GENZMER¤ 25, GI SOON CHOI, JAE BOK HAN, JOON HA PARK, SANG FENG AILIAN¤ 406, FENG BING ET AL¤ 1368, FENG GUOXIANG, WU QINGMING¤ 1833, FENG HOURONG ET AL¤ 94, FENG PING ET AL¤ 1734, FENG QI GUO ET AL¤ 1639, FENG QIAO¤ 1664, FENG QIAO ET AL¤ 1616, 1629, FENG WEI-MIN, LUO JUN¤ 1846, FENG YUWEN ET AL¤ 438, FERREYROLLES P ET AL¤ 29, FEUCHT G¤ 75, FINCKH E¤ 397, FRATKIN JP¤ 1411, FU JINLONG¤ 1812, FU LIPING YUON MIN¤ 1164, FU QIANG ET AL¤ 622, FU WENRU¤ 1362, FU XIAOSU¤ 1046, FU XIAO-SU¤ 1823, 1832, FUHUA¤ 1736, FUKUYAMA JUNJI MILLER ET AL¤ 1491, FURUYA E ET AL¤ 174, GALE HP¤ 873, GAO DAHAI¤ 1256, GAO FANGZHENG¤ 300, GAO HONG ET AL¤ 1643, GAO HUA ET AL¤ 982, GAO LINGYU¤ 905, GAO LUWEN¤ 790, GAO MINGXIU¤ 1348, GAO QIRU¤ 280, GAO QIYU¤ 533, GAO SHUYUAN ET AL¤ 1426, GAO SHUZHONG¤ 782, GAO XIUSHENG ET AL¤ 1557, DEOG OH, GI SEOG 1886, GIUSEPPI N ET AL¤ 878, GOA ZHENWU¤ 265, GONG JINDE¤ 167, GONG JUN¤ 700, GONG XIAOCHUN¤ 1050, GONG YAN-HUA, ZHANG HONG-MEI¤ 1910, GONG YUANMING¤ 939, GONG YUANMING ET AL¤ 868, GORET O, NGUYEN J,¤ 1988, GOURION A ET AL¤ 149, GRMEK MD¤ 134, GROUPE DE RECHERCHE DE LA PROVINCE DE*¤ 90, GROUPE DE RECHERCHE SUR LA MOXIBUSTION *¤ 124, GU DAO-XIA ET AL¤ 1642, GU JC ET AL¤ 896, GU YIHUANG, LI ZHONGREN¤ 1908, GU YUE HUA¤ 418, GUAN JIANHONG¤ 1615, GUAN JIANHONG ET AL¤ 1617, GUAN RUI¤ 1423, GUAN ZHUNHUI¤ 218, 369, GUAN ZHUN-HUI ET AL¤ 1260, GUAN ZUNHUI¤ 600, 1786, 1948, GUAN ZUN-HUI¤ 1458, 1917, GUAN ZUNHUI ET AL¤ 588, 780, 1305, 1386, 1401, GUANGYU S¤ 1220, GUANTIAN J¤ 334, GUEDJ JP¤ 81, 82, GUERRIERI L ET AL¤ 879, GUI JINSHUI¤ 527, GUI JINSHUI ET AL¤ 177, 183, 196, 204, 228, 233, GUI JINSHUI ET AL¤ 1099, GUI SHUHUA ET AL¤ 1696, GUIFANG X¤ 1244, GUIYING L¤ 1204, gera 2010 135 GUO BAOSHAN¤ 633, HIRAI K ET AL¤ 1078, GUO HAIYIN ET AL¤ 978, HIROSE¤ 52, 53, GUO LAIBAO ET AL¤ 468, HITOSHI KASHIBA ET AL¤ 830, GUO WEN-RUI¤ 1284, HITOSHI NAGANO¤ 1554, GUO YAOJIE ET AL¤ 1499, HITOSHI YAMASHITA ET AL¤ 705, 741, 815, GUO YUAN-QI, CHEN LI-YI, ZHANG SHI-PING¤ 1893, HO-CHAN CHEN ET AL¤ 377, 1894, HOLOVAKHA LM¤ 1439, GUO ZEXIN ET AL¤ 1261, HONG HAIGUO ET AL¤ 917, 1109, 1396, GUO ZHILIANG ET AL¤ 1469, HONG L¤ 1224, GUO ZHONGWU ET AL¤ 769, HONG SHENGDA ET AL¤ 285, 443, GUOSHENG H ET AL¤ 1094, HONG Z¤ 574, GUOSHENG HU ET AL¤ 383, HOPITAL DE MTC DE GANSU¤ 159, GUSEINOV BG ET AL¤ 114, HOTING H¤ 1162, HAIFA Z ET AL¤ 552, HOU BAOCHANG ET AL¤ 1668, HALLMAN JG¤ 11, HOU SHENGKUI¤ 242, HAN CUI, LI XUEWU, LIU ZHEN¤ 1731, HOU SHI WEN¤ 637, HAN JANG UO¤ 72, HSIUNG ZEU YANG¤ 216, HAN JIAN-JIN¤ 1838, HU AIJUN¤ 1014, HAN PEILING¤ 1019, 1341, 1575, HU GUO SHENG ET AL¤ 641, HAN SONG-BAO ET AL¤ 1287, HU GUOSHENG ET AL¤ 372, 375, 883, 915, 1113, 1167, HAN WEITING¤ 677, HU JINSHENG¤ 710, 796, HAN ZHONG ET AL¤ 1590, 1595, HU JIUFENG ET AL¤ 1667, HAN ZHONG XU XIAO-QING YANG XIU-KUN ¤ 1761, HU KA-MING ET AL¤ 1599, HANG YINGCHUN¤ 1048, HU QIUYAN ET AL¤ 1351, 1573, HAONG HIGUO ET AL¤ 952, HU ZHANSHOU ET AL¤ 1027, HARA¤ 42, HU ZHONGGEN¤ 1200, HARA S¤ 27, 28, HUA CHOUE-HUANG¤ 234, 297, HAU DM¤ 139, 176, 221, 224, HUA JS, LI LP, ZHU XM¤ 1980, HAU DM ET AL¤ 283, 284, HUA M ET AL¤ 1074, HAU DOUMONG ET AL¤ 693, HUA YANLING¤ 251, 269, HAYASHIDA I ET AL¤ 1077, HUANG BIYU¤ 643, HUANG DI-JUN, YU SHU-GUANG, HAN ZHE-LIN, ET AL¤ HE JIAN ET AL¤ 445, 491, HE JIN-SEN ET AL¤ 1671, HE JIYUAN ET AL¤ 473, HE LINGNA ET AL¤ 1686, HE MAO¤ 1628, HE PUREN¤ 409, HE PUREN ET AL¤ 690, HE RUYI¤ 1394, HE SHUHUAI¤ 557, 888, HE XINLING¤ 1110, HE YANGZI¤ 1208, 1281, HE YANGZI ET AL¤ 1255, HE ZHANGMING¤ 1798, HE ZONGYU¤ 257, HENRIQUES LT¤ 1493, HERNANDEZ J ET AL¤ 1495, HEXINLIN¤ 876, HIDEAKI JINNO ET AL¤ 740, HIDEHARU SAKAMOTO¤ 431, 432, 503, 536, HIDEHARU SAKAMOTO ET AL¤ 419, HIMURO H¤ 467, 1795, HUANG GAIDI ET AL¤ 1026, HUANG GUIXING ET AL¤ 1631, HUANG HUIFEN ET AL¤ 777, HUANG JI QUN¤ 646, HUANG JINGUI¤ 584, HUANG JINING ET AL¤ 1124, HUANG JINMING ET AL¤ 623, HUANG LAN YING ET AL¤ 1650, HUANG LONGXIANG¤ 1450, HUANG SHENYUAN¤ 130, HUANG SHI-XI ¤ 1881, HUANG SHIXI XU MINGHUI¤ 1165, HUANG TAO, HAKOHIRO, HUANG XIN ¤ 1888, HUANG WEI ET AL¤ 1421, 1460, HUANG XIAOZHEN¤ 1058, HUANG XIMEI¤ 1142, HUANG ZHI-YONG¤ 1420, HUANGZHENG¤ 1750, HUARD P¤ 38, 45, HUBEI MEDICAL COLLEGE¤ 162, gera 2010 136 HUCOTTER F¤ 36, JING-CHONG WU ET AL¤ 110, HUI KEYI¤ 963, JINGYING Z ET AL¤ 1298, HUNAN INSTITUTE OF TCM¤ 217, JONKUS O ET AL¤ 37, HUONG SHENHDA ET AL¤ 544, JOWER GW¤ 186, IGARI ET AL¤ 184, JU CHUAN JUN ET AL¤ 976, IGLESIAS LM¤ 245, JU CHUAN-JUN, XIE WEI¤ 1817, 1825, IKUKO NISHITANI¤ 433, JU XIANSHUI ET AL¤ 932, IKUKO NISHITANI ET AL¤ 395, JUN MOOLEE ET AL¤ 391, INSTITUT DE MTC DE SHAANXI¤ 93, JUNJI MIZUTANI¤ 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1295, 1296, INSTITUT DE MTC DE TIANJIN¤ 542, 1410, 1412, 1413, 1475, 1487, 1528, 1535, 1536, 1583, INSTITUT DE SANTE CHINOIS¤ 91, 1586, ITSUO NISMIOLEA¤ 219, KAMEI ET AL¤ 206, IWA M ET AL¤ 1070, 1071, 1076, 1169, IWASAKI J, AKI T, YOSHIDA Y, YAMAMOTO O, TAJIMA S¤ KANEKO T ET AL¤ 1086, 1961, JANG I, PARK J.¤ 1991, JAVELLE¤ 154, JI BAO-QIN, LI JIAN, ZHAO NING-XIA, ET AL¤ 1782, JI GUOCHEN¤ 1737, JI XIAOPING¤ 857, JIA CHUNSHENG ET AL¤ 759, 884, JIA DERONG¤ 756, JIA HE¤ 988, JIALING L ET AL¤ 1153, JIANG BIN ET AL¤ 1638, JIANG BIN LIU MENG LI LI¤ 1760, JIANG DONGXIANG ET AL¤ 1404, JIANG GUISU¤ 475, JIANG HEXIN¤ 1304, JIANG HONG ET AL¤ 1008, JIANG JIGANG, QIN ZHIMING, CAI YAOMING¤ 1857, JIANG JUN¤ 1268, JIANG LEI¤ 1839, JIANG SHUMING¤ 560, JIANG SONGHE, CHEN LINGYUN, YE TIAN SHEN, ET AL¤ 1811, JIANG XUEYUAN¤ 1859, JIANG YOUGUANG ET AL¤ 163, JIANG ZUOXIAN ET AL¤ 350, JIANJUN H¤ 1250, JIAO CHENG-YUAN, CHEN ZE-DONG, CHEN YI-GUO ¤ KANG XIAOE ET AL¤ 1641, KANSU PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL OF TCM ET AL¤ 46, KATSUHIRO YAMADA¤ 612, KAWAGUCHI J¤ 1081, KAZUHIRO MORIKAWA ET AL¤ 813, KAZUKO KIBAYASHI¤ 881, KAZUKO KOBAYASHI¤ 499, 886, KAZUKO KOBAYASHI ET AL¤ 706, KAZUO TOHYA ET AL¤ 595, 1646, KE QI, XU ZHUOXIN, ZHANG JIPING, ET AL¤ 1742, KEISOU ISHIMARU¤ 1150, KEIZI IKEDA ET AL¤ 423, KELLEY RG¤ 547, KELLY RG¤ 487, KHOE WH¤ 62, KHOUBESSERIAN¤ 40, 41, KIMURA M¤ 498, 1065, KINOSHITA H¤ 48, KINUTA A¤ 1088, KITZINGER E¤ 482, KIYOSHI NAGANO¤ 802, KOJI SAKAMOTO ET AL¤ 390, 537, KOMAI K¤ 32, KONDO Y ET AL¤ 1067, KONG LIHONG ET AL¤ 1437, KOREMATSU K ET AL¤ 1151, KUAI BENZHEN ET AL¤ 951, 1874, KUANG YIHUANG ET AL¤ 281, JIAO YAN¤ 990, KUNG YY, CHEN FP, HWANG SJ¤ 1938, JIN ANDE¤ 107, 306, 344, KUROSA Y¤ 126, JIN ERBIN ET AL¤ 699, KUROSU Y¤ 1080, JIN LI¤ 1852, KYOICHI KUROIWA ET AL¤ 389, JIN LI-LIN¤ 1463, LAFONT JL¤ 608, JIN MIN¤ 1730, LAI XINSHENG¤ 907, JIN NINGXING¤ 509, LAI XINSHENG ET AL¤ 1712, JIN RUI ET AL¤ 551, LANZA U¤ 308, JIN YUAN- LIN, WU JUN- JUN (2)¤ 1919, LAO JIN-XIONG, LI ZI-YONG¤ 1906, JIN ZHE-XIU¤ 1844, LAPIERRE PCA¤ 24, JING CHONG WU ET AL¤ 185, 271, LARREY DJ¤ 19, gera 2010 137 LAURENT PH¤ 202, LE TARNEC R¤ 80, LE XIAOYAN¤ 1759, LEE DC ET AL¤ 65, 67, 78, 87, 104, LEE GEON-MOK ET AL ¤ 1890, LEE JY, LEE MR, KIM JH, HAN TS, KANG SS, BAE CS, KIM LI SU, WEI GUO HUA, WANG YOU QING, ZHANG YUN, XU YUAN FENG ¤ 1861, LI WEIQIONG¤ 1739, LI WENFU¤ 807, LI WL, LIU L, SUN LH¤ 1937, LI XI - ZHONG, LI ZHONG - ZHENG, XI QIANG¤ 1977, DH, KIM G, CHOI 1954, LI XIANGWEI ET AL¤ 1470, LEE MO ET AL¤ 68, LI XIAOHONG, ET AL¤ 1841, LEE YA ET WONG CY¤ 59, LI XINGCHUN ET AL¤ 444, LEE-KIN¤ 316, LI XINGQUN ET AL¤ 341, LEUNG TS¤ 43, LI XUEWU ET AL¤ 701, LEWITH GT ET AL¤ 171, LI XULING ET AL¤ 1661, LI CHANG DU ET AL¤ 1461, LI YANGZHEN¤ 326, 912, LI YANGZHEN¤ 1018, LI CHANGDU ET AL¤ 1542, 1591, LI YANHUI ET AL¤ 1416, 1449, LI CHANG-DU ET AL¤ 1519, 1520, LI YI¤ 1116, LI DEYAN ET AL¤ 490, LI YING, LIANG FANRONG, ZHU MANJIA, ET AL¤ 1780, LI DONGSHENG¤ 411, LI YING-CHUN¤ 1835, LI FANCHENG ET AL¤ 332, LI YONGZHI¤ 585, LI FANG-LI¤ 1887, LI YUEGENG ET AL¤ 792, LI FAYIN¤ 1004, LI YUEMEI ET AL¤ 1722, LI FUFENG¤ 190, 338, LI ZHIHONG¤ 1007, LI GANG ET AL¤ 1197, 1257, LI ZHIMING¤ 275, 556, LI GUANJIAN¤ 1651, LI ZHIMING ET AL¤ 166, 182, 203, 213, 255, 362, 676, LI GUANRONG ET AL¤ 565, LI ZONGJUN¤ 276, LI GUI¤ 1905, LI ZUQIONG¤ 617, LI GUOLIANG¤ 1201, LIAN DONGFU ET AL¤ 916, LI GUOZHONG ET AL¤ 442, LIAN FENG LI ET AL¤ 1613, LI HONG ET AL¤ 1640, LIAN WEIZHON¤ 567, LI HONGQIN¤ 1717, LIANG AIYING ET AL¤ 1049, LI HONGYANG ET AL¤ 924, LIANG BO¤ 516, LI HUAILIN¤ 855, 891, LIANG CUIYING¤ 447, LI HUI ET AL¤ 1045, 1123, LIANG CUIYING ET AL¤ 292, LI HUI FANG ET AL¤ 1072, LIANG DEFEI¤ 1621, LI HUIXIAN¤ 760, LIANG FAN-MAO ET AL¤ 771, LI JICANG¤ 352, LIANG FENGYING¤ 1510, LI JIE¤ 1735, LIANG LUYIN¤ 1809, LI JIE ET AL¤ 765, LIANG XIN, LU MING-ZHUANG, HE ZHI-GUANG ¤ 1880, LI JINGRONG ET AL¤ 463, LIANG XUEYING¤ 235, 236, 282, 531, 967, 1005, LI JINXIAN¤ 1303, LIANG YUNXIA¤ 994, LI LINGLI ET AL¤ 1198, LIANG ZHAOPING¤ 483, LI LINGLING¤ 931, LIAO FANGZHEN¤ 374, LIAO FANG-ZHENG, ZHONG LAN, AI SHUANG-CHUN¤ LI LIUCHENG, ZHANG YONGJUN¤ 1914, LI MEI¤ 1171, LI MEIYING ET AL¤ 977, LI MIN ¤ 1883, LI MINGZHI¤ 1040, LI PEIGANG ET AL¤ 546, LI QIJIN, LI JING,LI JING ¤ 1868, LI QINGHUA ET AL¤ 1289, LI QIULAI¤ 1012, LI QIYING¤ 998, LI SHILIANG ET AL¤ 1235, LI SHU SHEN ET AL¤ 627, 1871, LIAO JI-FA¤ 1131, LIAO XISHOU¤ 1245, LIERTZER H¤ 200, LIGUORI A ET AL¤ 682, LIM BS ET AL¤ 310, LIMARZI L¤ 819, LIN BIN¤ 1428, 1444, LIN BING¤ 1030, LIN HONG¤ 441, 480, LIN LING¤ 794, gera 2010 138 LIN PEICHONG ET AL¤ 683, LIU Z¤ 1900, LIN QISHENG¤ 1714, LIU ZHAO HUI¤ 1933, LIN S¤ 1297, LIU ZHAOHUI¤ 1949, LIN XIANG¤ 1748, LIN XIANG¤ 1756, LIU ZHE¤ 767, LIN XIANJUN¤ 926, LIU ZHENXING ET AL¤ 1597, LIN YONGPING¤ 1512, LIU ZHI CHENG ET AL¤ 629, 642, LIN YOUZHU ET AL¤ 346, LIU ZHICHENG ET AL¤ 589, 822, 828, 938, 1294, 1468, LIN YUANZHEN¤ 478, LIU ZHI-CHENG ET AL¤ 1242, 1598, LIN YUNGUI ET AL¤ 268, 303, 373, LIU ZHIDONG¤ 979, LIN YUZHU¤ 681, LIU ZHIJUN ET AL¤ 1605, LING YOUZHU ET AL¤ 975, LOCK MM¤ 83, LINUMA H¤ 691, LONG XUN ET AL¤ 1709, LIOU ZHICHENG ET AL¤ 1382, LONG ZHIPING ET AL¤ 808, LIREN Y ET AL¤ 1159, 1161, LONYOUN DISTRICT FIRST HOSPITAL DEPARTM*¤ 121, LIU AIPING¤ 1011, LOU YANNING ET AL¤ 1688, LIU ANRAN¤ 1543, 1649, LOZANO F ET AL¤ 382, LIU AOSHUANG ET AL¤ 1620, LSONG LIPING¤ 1929, LIU CHUNHUA ET AL¤ 1042, LU AIWEN¤ 1267, 1293, LIU CUNZHI¤ 1804, LU JIANPING ET AL¤ 1103, LIU DECHUN¤ 1356, LU LIN ET AL¤ 1434, 1700, LIU GANG ET AL¤ 1526, LU MEI¤ 1345, LU MEI¤ 1446, LIU GUI-YING ET AL¤ 1484, LU MING ET AL¤ 1658, LIU GUI-ZHEN, ZHEN LI-LI ¤ 1794, LU MINGYUAN¤ 1555, LIU GUOGUANG ET AL¤ 858, LU NIANZU¤ 1173, LIU HONGYIN¤ 997, LU RONG ET AL¤ 831, LIU HONGYUN¤ 1354, LU SHOUKANG¤ 785, 1168, 1237, LIU JIALIN¤ 1021, LU SHOU-KANG¤ 1239, LIU JIANGZHEN¤ 1039, LU YAN¤ 1818, LIU JICAI¤ 983, LU YING ET AL¤ 702, LIU JINGXIU ET AL¤ 526, LU YUNFA ET AL¤ 415, LIU JINHONG¤ 781, 1418, LU ZE QIANG¤ 1979, LIU JINLAN ET AL¤ 626, LU ZEQIANG ET AL¤ 1482, LIU JU ET AL¤ 1699, LU ZHUOSHAN ET AL¤ 607, LIU JUNHONG ET AL¤ 1551, LUI PEIYI¤ 1715, LIU LG, GU-JIE¤ 1960, LUI YUANYUAN AIZHUO YANG LIAN¤ 1741, LIU LIAN, MA CHUNYAN, JIANG WEN¤ 1860, LUN XIN¤ 1000, LIU LIJUN¤ 1359, LUN XIN ET AL¤ 1665, LUO HAI-OU, TANG YANG, WANG HONG-ZHI, ET AL¤ LIU LI-JUN¤ 768, LIU MINGQING, HUANG QISONG, YOU BIN, ET AL¤ 1793, LIU NONGYI ET AL¤ 1230, LIU NONGYU¤ 1023, LIU NONGYU YANG ZHAOMIN¤ 1136, LIU PING, LIU YAN, TANG QING¤ 1820, LIU RONGPING¤ 534, LIU SHENTING ET AL¤ 1043, LIU WEIHONG¤ 1122, LIU XIAO-FENG¤ 1674, LIU XIN-LIAN ET AL¤ 1178, LIU YAN-YING¤ 1964, LIU YIBIN ET AL¤ 368, LIU YIFAN¤ 1417, LIU YUNZHU ET AL¤ 1271, 1873, LUO HEPING¤ 1647, LUO LIXIN¤ 1199, 1258, LUO QINGDAO ET AL¤ 410, 605, LUO R, JIN RJ, HAN ZL, HUANG DJ¤ 1903, LUO SHIRONG¤ 559, LUO SHIRONG ET AL¤ 371, LUO SHIRONG ET AL¤ 448, 489, 686, LUO WENYU ET AL¤ 1758, LUO XU, ET AL¤ 1829, LUO YONGZHEN ET AL¤ 621, LUZ MARIA ROS¤ 379, LYU BS ET AL¤ 63, MA HUA ET AL¤ 1414, MA LING¤ 1827, gera 2010 139 MA SHENG¤ 1452, 1501, NITSCHE D¤ 35, MA SHENG ET AL¤ 1393, NIU FENG JING¤ 1479, MA SHUFANG ET AL¤ 984, NIU YUZHONG¤ 1683, MA TIANWEI¤ 1273, NOGIER¤ 69, MA TINGFANG ET AL¤ 913, NONG ZENING¤ 1278, MA XIAOPENG ET AL¤ 1622, NONGYU L ET AL¤ 1223, MA XIAOPING¤ 779, OBAIDEY E¤ 2, 1587, MA XIONG, LI SHAOFANG, LIU YANSHAN, ET AL¤ 1763, OBUCHI C¤ 1069, MA YUAN¤ 1299, OCHI H¤ 1083, MA YUAN ET AL¤ 1107, ODA R¤ 248, 1211, ODA R¤ 1212, 1282, MA YUNSHENG¤ 750, OH SAE BUNG¤ 425, MA ZHAOQIN¤ 981, OKASAKI M ET AL¤ 680, MA ZHAOQIN ET AL¤ 592, OKAZAKI ET AL¤ 175, MA ZHICHAO ET AL¤ 793, OMURA Y¤ 225, 827, MACEK C¤ 238, O'NELL A¤ 789, MAKOTO MURAL ET AL¤ 424, OU YANG BASI, GAO GU¤ 1951, MAN C C ET AL¤ 51, OUYANG QUN¤ 933, 1191, MAO SHAOQUN¤ 119, OUYANG QUN ET AL¤ 856, 954, MARCON LI¤ 21, OUYANG QUO ET AL¤ 918, OZAKI AKIHIRO, AIZAWA SHIGEKATSU, TODA SHIZUO MARUYAMA T¤ 168, MASAKO OKASAKI ET AL¤ 195, MASAKO OKAZAKI ET AL¤ 430, 502, 670, MASAMICHI HIMOTO ET AL¤ 61, MASATAKA KAWAI ET AL¤ 812, 887, 1062, MATSUMOTO T ET AL¤ 1705, MATSUO I ET AL¤ 1090, MATSUYAMA Y ET AL¤ 161, MEI MINGYOU¤ 634, MEI ZHONGYING¤ 604, MEISHENG Z ET AL¤ 360, MIAO JINHUA¤ 904, MIAO QIXIANG¤ 1465, MIAO XISHOU¤ 950, MICHIYOSHI BABA ET AL¤ 165, MILSKY C ET AL¤ 594, MIN Y ET AL¤ 1227, MINGGEN BA-YAER¤ 1106, MINZONI O¤ 485, MISAKI ENDO¤ 1585, MITSURU NAKAMURA ET AL¤ 611, MIZUNO S¤ 31, MIZUTANI JUNJI¤ 1864, MO FEI FAN¤ 644, MOTOYO OHNISHI ET AL¤ 704, 708, NAKAI SACHIKO ET AL¤ 1676, NGO A¤ 237, NGUYEN J ET AL¤ 85, NGUYEN VAN NGHI¤ 247, 811, NGUYEN VAN NGHI ET AL¤ 77, 277, NI JINFANG ET AL¤ 325, 396, 462, NIAN FU RONG ET AL¤ 1633, NIE HAN-YUN ET AL¤ 1238, KUMAMOTO KENZE, 1969, OZAKI AKIHIRO, AIZAWA SHIGEKATSE,TODA SHI¤ 1973, PACH D, PIAZENA H, WILLICH SN, BRINKHAUS B¤ 1957, PAN WEN-YI, LIN GUO-HUA¤ 1912, PAN XIAOXIA¤ 1506, PARK JE, LEE MS, CHOI SM¤ 1992, PASCAL¤ 9, 10, 12, PECK G¤ 1112, PEI JIAN ET AL¤ 1559, PEN HOURONG ET AL¤ 108, 158, PENG BAOZHENG¤ 946, PENG HUI-TING¤ 1459, PENG JINGSHAN¤ 919, 1114, 1138, PENG JINMING¤ 1001, PENG LI-HUI, FENG LING-MEI, CHEN AU-FANG, ET AL¤ 1870, PENG MINGHUA¤ 1453, PENG RONGSHEN¤ 210, PENG RUI, ET AL¤ 1723, PENG XIAOHONG¤ 1697, PENG YOUBIN, CHEN JINXIONG¤ 1732, PENG YUE ET AL¤ 366, PENKA C¤ 466, PETRICEK E¤ 266, 296, PIASTRELLONI M¤ 695, PICQUEMAL M¤ 1885, PING G¤ 361, PIOLLET P¤ 17, PONTIGNY A ET PONTIGNY J¤ 541, POUPY JL¤ 317, PSHETAKIVSKI IL ET AL¤ 869, QI WENHUI ET AL¤ 1028, QI YING¤ 1560, gera 2010 140 QI YONG ¤ 1889, SHAO JINMING¤ 113, 132, QIAN CUNZE ET AL¤ 434, SHAO JIONG ET AL¤ 1135, QIAN HUAGUANG¤ 1035, SHAO LANQUAN ¤ 1778, QIAN SONGLIN¤ 899, SHAO MINGYUE¤ 1353, QIAN YUN ET AL¤ 1195, SHAO WEIWEN S ET AL¤ 356, QIAO GUIZHI¤ 993, SHAO YAPIN¤ 1038, QIAO XUEFENG ET AL¤ 970, SHAO YAPING¤ 1373, QIN LIANFU ET AL¤ 201, 311, SHAO-HUI YANG ET AL¤ 1140, QIN LIANGFU¤ 562, SHE WEINAN ET AL¤ 1126, QIN LIHONG ET AL¤ 1184, SHE YF, SUN LH, YANG JJ, GE JJ, LI XH, LU YJ¤ 1987, QIN NIGTAI ET AL¤ 339, SHEN AIXUE¤ 566, QIN NINGTAI ET AL¤ 528, SHEN BIQING ET AL¤ 1669, QIU AIGUO¤ 365, SHEN GUAN-XIN ET AL¤ 668, QIU XINGSHENG ED ALTRI¤ 1916, SHEN GUOWEI ET AL¤ 1205, QIU YUFENG ET AL¤ 620, SHEN JING, CHANG XIAO-RONG, YAN JIE, ET AL¤ 1898, QU QUN-WEI ET AL¤ 1719, SHEN JINZHAN¤ 1360, RAO BEN-QIANG ET AL¤ 1654, SHEN KJ, WU MZ¤ 1924, REINHART MA¤ 319, SHEN LIJUN¤ 1174, REN TAIMIN ET AL¤ 1127, SHEN QINRONG ET AL¤ 1749, 1757, REQUENA Y¤ 160, 328, 330, 378, SHEN TAO ET AL¤ 1500, SHEN TAO, GONG QI, HU CHAO, PENG XIAO HONG, RITSUKO KAWANA¤ 535, ROGERS PAM ET AL¤ 133, ROSEN G¤ 54, ZHANG ¤ 1680, SHEN X, DING G, WEI J, ZHAO L, ZHOU Y, DENG H, LAO ROUSTAN C¤ 253, L¤ 1940, SHEN X, ZHAO L, DING G, GAO J, YING J, CHENG K, LAO RUNMIN Z¤ 568, L¤ 1972, RYOJIN SUGATA ET AL¤ 538, 610, 707, SHEN XUEYONG¤ 1290, RYUZO ODA¤ 1133, RYUZO ODA¤ 1141, 1494, 1531, SHENG LI ET AL¤ 1455, SAE BUNG OH¤ 179, SHENG SHENG-KUAN¤ 1313, SAE UCHIDA, ATSUKO SUZUKI, ET AL¤ 1837, SHENG XIESUN ET AL¤ 773, SAKAI T ET AL¤ 688, SAKAKIBARA R, MURAKAMI E, KATAGIRI A, HAYAKAWA S, SHENYONG Z¤ 1152, UCHIYAMA T, 1958, SAKAMOTO T¤ 127, SALLET A¤ 26, SAO HONG¤ 199, SARE A ET AL¤ 865, SASAGAWA S ET AL¤ 57, SAWADA H¤ 1066, SCHELEBUSCH¤ 153, SCHIANTARELLI C¤ 1091, SCHIANTARELLI C ET AL¤ 1082, SCHICHIDO T¤ 137, SCHLEBUSCH KP¤ 1766, 1770, SCHMIDT A¤ 333, SECTION OF CHINESE MEDICINE, SHANGHAI HEALTH BUREA¤ 1563, SEUNG CHEONG-WOO ET AL¤ 791, SHA GUIE ET AL¤ 1498, SHAN QIUHUA ET AL¤ 1308, SHAN QIU-HUA ET AL¤ 1055, SHAN YONGHUA ET AL¤ 986, SHANG MINGHUA ET AL¤ 1321, 1466, SHAO JINGMING ET AL¤ 286, 906, SHI BIN¤ 1687, SHI CHAOZHEN ET AL¤ 1047, SHI HUAITANG¤ 169, 1148, SHI NENGYUN ET AL¤ 307, SHI YONGZHENG ET AL¤ 1507, SHICHIDO T¤ 129, SHINOHARA S ET AL¤ 1063, SHIRONG LUO ET AL¤ 384, SHIZUO TODA ET AL¤ 539, 709, SHOUKANG L¤ 1093, SHOZI MAEDA¤ 436, SHUFEN L ET AL¤ 1231, SHUN MINGYI¤ 412, 450, SICOT C¤ 1515, SIGNORETTI L¤ 500, SIGNORETTI L ET AL¤ 492, SIN YM¤ 191, SIN YOKE MIN¤ 192, SIN YOKEMIN¤ 193, SONG JIANGYOU¤ 324, SONG NANCHANG ET AL¤ 1187, SONG SHOU JIANG, WANG YA-WEN, WANG ZHI-YONG ET AL¤ 1867, gera 2010 141 SONG XIAOGE ET AL¤ 942, 969, 1539, 1579, TANG DEAN¤ 376, SONG XP, JI XL¤ 1953, TANG HONG¤ 1264, SONG YA-GUANG, YUAN HUI, XU-LAN-FENG¤ 1819, TANG KAIJUN¤ 992, SONG YIJIN ET AL¤ 523, TANG PING¤ 1311, SONG YINFU CAO YANFANG¤ 1175, TANG QING-JIE¤ 1190, SONG ZHENGLIAN ET AL¤ 226, TANG RUYU¤ 1037, SONG ZHENSHI ET AL¤ 735, TANG SHAOLAN ET AL¤ 1334, SONG ZHENZHI ET AL¤ 797, 800, 1370, TANG XIANGHUI¤ 486, SONG ZHONGJIAN¤ 125, TANG XIAO-YUN, JIANG YUN-WU ¤ 1882, SOTTE L¤ 712, 1092, 1166, TANG XIU-FANG, WANG XUE-FENG¤ 1801, SOTTE L ET AL¤ 687, TANG XUEZHENG¤ 428, SPERONELLO MR ET AL¤ 866, TANG ZHAOLIANG ET AL¤ 885, 910, 973, TANG STEEPER D¤ 327, ZHAOLIANG ET AL¤ 1057, 1280, 1320, 1391, 1570, 1577, STERNFELD M¤ 496, 1603, 1655, STERNFELD M ET AL¤ 305, 825, TANG ZHAO-LIANG ET AL¤ 1645, TANG ZHAO-LIANG, SONG XIAO-GE, ZHANG FU-QING, STUX G¤ 322, 421, SU PEIJI, LIANG BIRU, WU ZHONGQING, ET AL ¤ 1855, SUEN GUOJIEI¤ 118, SUHE T¤ 900, SUN DELI ET AL¤ 1576, SUN DE-LI, ET AL¤ 1733, SUN HONG¤ 1489, SUN JIANHANG¤ 1652, ET¤ 1822, 1831, TAO JIAPING ET AL¤ 1764, 1768, TAO MINGZHONG ET AL¤ 408, TAO ZHENGXIN¤ 405, TAOQING Z ET AL¤ 359, TAWA MUNENORE, KITAKOJI HIROSHIU, YANO TADASHI', SAKAI 1928, SUN LANYING¤ 504, THE EDITORIAL OFFICE¤ 343, THE FESTERING MOXIBUSTION RESEARCH GROUP¤ SUN LANYING ET AL¤ 440, 474, 287, SUN LIHONG¤ 1803, THOMPSON B¤ 1471, 1486, 1534, SUN LIJUAN ET AL¤ 943, TIAN CONGHUO¤ 209, 554, 803, 862, 1813, SUN LIQIN¤ 616, 817, 854, 890, TIAN CONGHUO ET AL¤ 414, 451, 591, SUN LIQIN ET AL¤ 957, 1143, TIAN GONGHUO¤ 270, SUN LIQING¤ 449, TIAN GONGHUO ET AL¤ 385, SUN MING ET AL¤ 1653, TIAN KY, ZHAO XJ, GAO XY¤ 1936, SUN SHOUCI¤ 1010, TIAN LINGDI ET AL¤ 1272, SUN SL WANG Y SONG XJ ET AL¤ 1851, TIAN LIYING¤ 1540, SUN XUE-QUAN¤ 399, 400, 401, TIAN PEILAN¤ 974, SUN ZEHONG¤ 1301, TIAN YANGCHUN ET AL¤ 1292, SUNG BAEK¤ 614, TIAN YAXIAN¤ 675, SUNG CHING¤ 50, TIAN YUANSHENG¤ 775, SUO MEIFANG ET AL¤ 229, 1100, TIAN ZAIGAO¤ 761, SZUSTER J¤ 58, TINGJUN Z ET AL¤ 1158, TADASHI SAKAI¤ 882, TIWARI KL¤ 97, TAI JIEXIANG¤ 294, TOKUCHI ET AL¤ 734, TOMITA KENICHI, WATANABE IPPEI, KIMURA MIHO¤ TAKESHI MATSUMOTO ET AL¤ 1508, TAKEUCHI T ET AL¤ 1089, TAMAGAWA T ET AL¤ 1068, TAN CONG-E, HUANG XIN-YONG, WU BIN, ET AL¤ 1884, TAN HUIBING ET AL¤ 1384, TAN WANJIE¤ 1327, TAN XUELING¤ 1425, TAN ZHAOLIANG ET AL¤ 679, TAN ZHEN-HUA ET AL¤ 1602, TANAKA H¤ 1079, TANG CHUNYU ET AL¤ 966, 1967, TONG LIGONG¤ 515, TONG LIMIN ET AL¤ 937, TONG YUJIE ET AL¤ 250, TOSHIHIKO KASUYA¤ 613, TOSHIKATSU KITADE ET AL¤ 1193, TOYAMA PM¤ 66, TSAO CC¤ 70, TSE WING KWONG¤ 388, TSUNOE NAMBA ET AL¤ 205, TURNER RN ET LOW RH¤ 135, gera 2010 142 TURNER RN ET ROYSTON HL¤ 1, WANG SHENG¤ 1104, VALENTINI MB¤ 8, WANG SHENGXIN¤ 774, VAN NHA¤ 44, WANG SHENGXU¤ 639, VISALLI N ET AL¤ 1644, WANG SHOU-CHUN¤ 1172, WAGNER PANKL T ET AL¤ 673, WANG SHU RUI, WEI HONG¤ 1896, WALLACE WM¤ 22, WANG SHUANGMING¤ 1371, WAN DA FENG¤ 1634, WANG SHURONG ET AL¤ 1291, WAN JIANFENG ET AL¤ 945, WANG SHURUI¤ 1799, WAN YAO GUANG¤ 128, WANG SHURUI ED ALTO¤ 1915, WANG C¤ 1075, WANG SONGRONG¤ 348, 407, 479, WANG CM ET AL¤ 49, WANG SONGRONG ET AL¤ 1061, WANG DAOQUAN¤ 1662, WANG TIEDAN ET AL¤ 669, WANG DASHENG¤ 1137, WANG TIE-GANG, GONG WEI-ZHI ¤ 1875, WANG DEFENG¤ 1932, WANG TIELIN ET AL¤ 351, WANG DONGYAN ET AL¤ 1663, WANG WEI¤ 513, WANG DONGYING¤ 1196, 1315, WANG WEI MING ET AL¤ 1706, WANG FENGLING¤ 753, WANG WEIHONG¤ 1015, WANG FENGLING ET AL¤ 530, 1274, WANG WEIMING ET AL¤ 1527, WANG FENGQI¤ 861, WANG WEIPIN ET AL¤ 1002, WANG FENGYI¤ 553, WANG WENSHI¤ 92, 103, WANG GUANGYUE ET AL¤ 1710, WANG WEN-YUAN¤ 1911, WANG GUANG-YUE ET AL¤ 1476, WANG XIAO¤ 1307, WANG GUI-LING,HE PU-REN¤ 1845, WANG XIAOMA¤ 606, WANG H, LIANG FX¤ 1981, WANG XINMING¤ 340, WANG HAI ET AL¤ 1548, WANG XINYAO¤ 512, WANG HAILIANG¤ 1376, WANG XINYAO ET AL¤ 804, WANG HUIDONG¤ 689, WANG XONGHUI ET AL¤ 580, WANG HUIMIN¤ 1607, WANG XUETAI¤ 142, 143, 150, 151, 243, 258, 301, 859, WANG HUIMIN AND HOU QINLUAN¤ 1796, 1790, WANG JIAN ET AL¤ 1407, WANG XUEYING ET AL¤ 1344, WANG JIANG-HONG ET AL¤ 1745, WANG YALI¤ 1262, WANG JIANHUA ET AL¤ 435, WANG YASONG¤ 923, WANG JIGEN¤ 647, WANG YIN ET AL¤ 413, WANG JI-LING ET AL¤ 1533, WANG YING¤ 1331, 1436, WANG JIN CHUN ET AL¤ 1632, WANG YING ET AL¤ 1369, WANG JING¤ 1031, 1132, 1367, WANG YONG ET AL¤ 1673, WANG JINGHUI ET AL¤ 1233, WANG YUEFANG ET AL¤ 1448, WANG JINGX ET AL¤ 911, WANG YUELAN ET AL¤ 1381, WANG JINGXIANG ET AL¤ 241, WANG YUHUA ET AL¤ 497, WANG JINLIANG ET AL¤ 1024, WANG ZENGQIN ET AL¤ 778, WANG JI-YUAN¤ 422, WANG ZHANGLIAN¤ 477, WANG KAN¤ 1134, WANG ZHENQIN ET AL¤ 1328, 1578, WANG LIANG-SHEN¤ 764, WANG ZONGDIAN¤ 1329, WANG LIANQING ET AL¤ 278, 320, WANG ZONGLIN ET AL¤ 1318, WANG LING¤ 798, 1059, WANG ZR, YUAN YQ, ZHOU J¤ 1944, WANG MANZENG ET AL¤ 909, WATANABE KATSUYULCI, SHINOHARA SHOJI¤ 1978, WANG QINGPING ET AL¤ 429, WATANABE M¤ 220, WANG QUIMIAO¤ 252, WATARI N ET AL¤ 692, WANG RENCHENG¤ 1729, WEI BEIHAI¤ 173, WANG RUISHENG¤ 1552, WEI CONG JIAN ET AL¤ 1016, WANG RU-YAN¤ 1550, WEI CT¤ 71, WANG SHAOWEI ET AL¤ 471, WEI FULIANG¤ 1350, 1454, gera 2010 143 WEI H ET AL¤ 1155, WU SHIGUI¤ 964, WEI HAIYING¤ 1945, 1947, WU SIPING¤ 903, 1119, 1213, WEI JIA¤ 152, WEI JIAN-RI, SHEN XUE-YONG, DING GUANG-HONG, WU TIENAN ET AL¤ 645, ZHAO GING, CHENG KE¤ 1962, WEI JZ, SHEN XY, DING GH, ZHAO L¤ 1959, WEI LIANHAI ET AL¤ 1377, WEI LING¤ 949, WEI MINGFENG ET AL¤ 962, WEI XIAN-HUI¤ 1286, WU WENZHONG ET AL¤ 1625, WU XIJING ET AL¤ 274, WU XINGGUI¤ 1383, WU YI-ZHONG¤ 1843, WU YOUKUAN¤ 1279, WU ZHENXI¤ 1409, 1490, WEI XIARI¤ 1492, WU ZHIONGCHAO WANG LINGLING XU LANFENG¤ 1163, WU ZHONG -CHAO, WANG LING -LING, XU LAN-FENG, ET WEI YANGZHEN ET AL¤ 1503, AL¤ 1909, WEI YOUGEN¤ 111, 131, WU ZHONG-CAO ET AL¤ 1610, WEI ZHENDONG¤ 965, WU ZHONGCHAO¤ 586, WEN LI ET AL¤ 1624, WU ZHONGCHAO ET AL¤ 1149, 1270, 1277, WU WEN LI-JUN, CAI TIE-QU¤ 1856, ZHONGCHAO ET AL¤ 1389, WEN SHAODUN¤ 1380, WU ZHONG-QING ET AL¤ 1702, WENG CHIAYING¤ 197, X¤ 33, 60, 76, 86, 115, 254, 263, 299, 648, 649, 650, WENG JIAYING ET AL¤ 259, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, WENG SONGRONG¤ 454, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, WEXU M¤ 157, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, WILCOX L¤ 1922, 1926, 729, 730, 731, X¤ 732, 733, 820, 832, 833, 834, 835, WILCOX L 1989, 836, 837, 838, 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, WONG HCG ET AL¤ 1517, 847, 848, 849, 850, 851, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1218, WONG SHU YU ET AL¤ 89, 1219, 1553, 1805, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, WU BINGHUANG ET AL¤ 1400, XI XIANG-DONG¤ 1052, WU BING-HUANG ET AL¤ 1176, XIA RONG¤ 1457, WU BO-LIN¤ 1202, XIA WEI JIANG ET AL¤ 520, WU CC ET AL¤ 140, XIA XIAOLAN¤ 758, WU CHENG ET AL¤ 743, XIA YONG RONG¤ 985, WU CHUNGUANG¤ 958, XIA YUQIN¤ 809, WU CHUNGUANG ET AL¤ 1581, 1704, XIA YU-QING ET AL¤ 1181, WU HANYANG¤ 1265, Wu HG, Gong X, Yao LQ, Zhang W, Shi Y, Liu HR, Gon¤ XIAN MAOQUAN ET AL¤ 1588, XIAN MAOQUAN, ZHENG XIANLONG Y ZHANG SUHUA 1865, DONG XI¤ 1679, 1681, WU HUAN-GAN¤ 1990, XIANSHUI J ET AL¤ 1225, WU HUANGAN ET AL¤ 902, 1236, 1568, 1783, XIAO J, WANG TF¤ 1975, WU HUAN'GAN ET AL¤ 1408, XIAO JUN ET AL¤ 935, 1054, WU HUAN-GAN ET AL¤ 1180, XIAO MUSEN¤ 147, WU JC ET AL¤ 222, XIAO WEI ET AL¤ 1310, 1366, WU JIANMIN¤ 349, XIAO XIU-JUN LIU HUI-LAN¤ 1826, WU JINGWEI¤ 674, XIAO YUAN CHUN¤ 1931, WU JINGZHONG¤ 507, 602, XIAO YUAN-CHUN ET AL¤ 1564, WU JUN¤ 628, XIAO YUAN-CHUN SHEN DONG-YUAN ¤ 1872, WU JUN-MEI ET AL¤ 1600, XIAO YUANCHUN, FANG LIANG¤ 1904, WU JUQING¤ 1807, XIAOMIN L ET AL¤ 1154, WU LANYI¤ 187, XIAOSHAN D¤ 571, WU NONGRONG¤ 505, XIE CAIHONG¤ 1266, WU PING ET AL¤ 1711, XIE HAORAN¤ 746, WU PINJIA¤ 927, XIE LINYAN¤ 212, WU QIFANG¤ 1259, XIE LINYUAN¤ 164, WU QINGMING¤ 824, XIE RU¤ 698, WU QING-MING¤ 1240, XIE XI LIANG¤ 1073, gera 2010 144 XIE XIAOHUI¤ 999, YA GUOQIAO¤ 1751, XIE XILIANG¤ 563, YAMASHITA H ET AL¤ 1253, 1424, XIE XUERONG¤ 1406, YAMASHITA HITOSHI ET AL¤ 1677, XIE XX, LEI QH¤ 1986, YAMASHITA S¤ 30, XIE YING ¤ 1781, YAN CHANYING ET AL¤ 189, XIMEI H ET AL¤ 1160, YAN CUI-LAN¤ 1464, 1521, XIN BAOYU ET AL¤ 1614, YAN DINGLIANG¤ 555, XIN BAO-YU ET AL¤ 1611, YAN GUIZHEN, ET AL¤ 1752, XINGHUA Y¤ 570, YAN HUA ET AL¤ 955, XIONG BIWEN ET AL¤ 1541, YAN JUN BAI¤ 636, XIONG GUO PING¤ 1529, YAN JUNBEI¤ 1044, XIONG HONGXIANG ET AL¤ 336, YAN SHAOMIN¤ 1013, XIONG JIMING ET AL¤ 1372, YAN SHAO-MIN¤ 1462, XIONG XINAN¤ 145, YAN SHAOMIN ET AL¤ 1029, XIONG XIN-NIAN¤ 1285, YAN YOUZHAI¤ 564, XIONG XUEQIONG ET AL¤ 1056, YAN YUFEN¤ 1125, XIONG YUN ET AL¤ 1128, YANG BAOXIU¤ 941, XIYAN G¤ 572, YANG BING ET AL¤ 1657, XU CHENGZU¤ 959, 1357, YANG C ET AL¤ 1532, XU CHUN-YANG ET AL¤ 1053, YANG DANHONG ET AL¤ 1514, 1580, XU DAREN¤ 1156, YANG DINGLIN¤ 453, XU DA-REN¤ 1130, YANG GUOHUA¤ 249, XU GUAN SUN ET AL¤ 972, YANG HUA ET AL¤ 99, XU GUANG¤ 402, YANG HUAYUAN ET AL¤ 1275, YANG HUA-YUAN, XIAO YUAN-CHUN, LIU TANG-YI, ET AL XU GUANSUN ET AL¤ 1322, XU JIANMIN¤ 1319, XU JIANYANG¤ 1721, XU JIANYANG ET AL¤ 1025, XU JIE¤ 1814, XU JIE ET AL¤ 1497, XU JINTANG ET AL¤ 1363, XU LANFENG¤ 1036, XU LANFENG ET AL¤ 1692, XU LAN-FENG ET AL¤ 1179, XU LIYU, ET AL¤ 1753, XU MEICHUN¤ 331, XU MEICHUN ET AL¤ 273, XU MEIXUN¤ 188, XU MINGHAI ET AL¤ 231, XU NENGGUI ET AL¤ 1317, XU PING¤ 1003, XU TIANBIN¤ 1566, XU TIANBING¤ 1342, XU WEI ET AL¤ 457, XU XIAOHUI¤ 1335, XU XUN¤ 1326, XU YOUCHENG ET AL¤ 1701, XUAN LIHUA¤ 1596, XUE BO¤ 1477, XUE JIGUANG¤ 788, XUE YP, ZHANG SB, GAO T¤ 1935, XUE ZIQIANG¤ 1009, ¤ 1930, YANG HUA-YUAN, XIAO YUAN-CHUN, LIU TAN, AL¤ 1925, YANG HY, XIAO YC, LIU TY, ET AL¤ 1840, YANG JIEBIN¤ 1582, YANG JIEBIN ET AL¤ 1504, YANG JIN FENG ET AL¤ 354, YANG JINAN ET AL¤ 921, YANG JUN¤ 1467, YANG LIAN¤ 1316, YANG LIAN ET AL¤ 1604, YANG LICHU¤ 279, YANG LINGQUAN¤ 532, YANG MEILIANG¤ 757, YANG MIN ET AL¤ 1325, YANG PINGMEI¤ 1349, YANG RICHU ET AL¤ 323, YANG SHANXING ET AL¤ 1118, YANG SHENG HUA¤ 1530, YANG SHUN-YI¤ 1690, YANG WEI, MA XIAOLI¤ 1779, YANG WEILIN¤ 1361, YANG XINTAI¤ 1347, YANG XIUZHEN ET AL¤ 590, YANG YANG¤ 1802, YANG YI-HONG, ET AL¤ 1830, YANG YINCHANG ET AL¤ 214, YANG YONG ET AL¤ 1728, YANG YONGQING ET AL¤ 1234, gera 2010 145 YANG YOUMI¤ 549, YU ZHONGYUAN¤ 1834, YANG YOUMI ET AL¤ 393, 461, 464, 465, 751, YUAN JING ET AL¤ 1324, YANG YUANDE¤ 518, YUAN LIREN ET AL¤ 1115, YANG ZHAOGANG ET AL¤ 991, YUAN LIREN, LIU XIAOMING¤ 1678, 1824, YANG ZHAOMIN¤ 816, YUAN Z¤ 1207, YANG ZHAOMIN ET AL¤ 853, 889, YUANCHUN X, LIANG F¤ 1901, YANGPU DISTRICT CENTRAL HOSPITAL¤ 100, YUFENG C ET AL¤ 1194, YANLING H ET AL¤ 357, YUN W¤ 1254, YAO CUIXIAN¤ 488, ZENG DAOBING ET AL¤ 289, YAO FENGLI¤ 1488, ZENG JIE-HONG¤ 1672, YAO MILUAN¤ 321, 329, 543, ZENG SHAN, LI YING - KUN¤ 1965, ZENG XIANG-LING, LEI LONG-MING, LIN ZHENG, ET AL¤ YAO XUEYING¤ 987, YASUYUKI MISHIMA¤ 1473, YATES P¤ 1474, YE CHANGQING ET AL¤ 638, YE CHENGGU¤ 295, 736, 892, YE CHENGGU ET AL¤ 744, YE CHENGKU ET AL¤ 806, YE CHUNMEI ET AL¤ 524, YE DEBAO¤ 618, YE JIANHONG¤ 1746, 1755, YE JIBEN¤ 1387, YE LING-YUN¤ 1283, YE XIANG RONG ET AL¤ 1623, YEN HUA¤ 181, YI SHOUXIANG ET AL¤ 1183, YIN BAOLAN¤ 872, YIN JINGHAI ET AL¤ 745, YIN JINQIAO¤ 469, YIN KEJING¤ 240, 309, YIN SHUYING ET AL¤ 1682, YIN TAO ET AL¤ 1524, YIN YONG, DUAN LL-PING, LIU YU-SHENG¤ 1797, YIN ZHIFANG¤ 597, YINLONG Z¤ 573, YISHENG Z¤ 1085, YONGLUO Z ET AL¤ 1209, YOSHIFUMI HOMMA ET AL¤ 739, 814, YOU YANG ET AL¤ 1693, YOUKUAN W¤ 1228, YU DELI, ET AL¤ 1788, YU GUOQIAO¤ 1302, YU HUA¤ 1558, YU HUA ET AL¤ 1618, 1695, YU JIANHONG¤ 1636, YU SHUZHUANG¤ 239, 525, 540, YU XUEPING¤ 582, YU YAOCAI ET AL¤ 262, YU ZHIGONG¤ 960, YU ZHIGUO ET AL¤ 1773, YU ZHIHUI¤ 577, YU ZHIYONG¤ 313, 1918, ZENG ZHI-JUN¤ 1288, ZHAI D ET AL¤ 1064, ZHAI DAODANG ET AL¤ 1182, ZHAI RUNMIN ET AL¤ 548, ZHAN FUROUG ET AL¤ 995, ZHAN YAJUN ET AL¤ 1738, ZHAN YONGKANG¤ 155, ZHAN YONGKANG ET AL¤ 288, ZHANG AIZHEN¤ 1177, ZHANG CHI¤ 711, ZHANG DAOWU ET AL¤ 1480, 1511, ZHANG DAO-WU ET AL¤ 1691, ZHANG DAO-WU LIANG XIAO-FEI WANG QIU-JING¤ 1776, ZHANG DENGBU¤ 472, 510, 805, 1095, ZHANG DENGBU ET AL¤ 766, 826, 880, 1609, ZHANG DONG ET AL¤ 495, ZHANG FENGLOUZ¤ 860, ZHANG FENGRUN¤ 304, ZHANG FENGYUN¤ 593, ZHANG HAI-FA¤ 493, ZHANG HAIFA ET AL¤ 550, 763, 956, ZHANG HAI-MENG ET AL¤ 1594, ZHANG HAN-ZHEN ET AL¤ 1312, ZHANG HONG¤ 1108, ZHANG HONGRONG, LL XIAOTANG¤ 1726, ZHANG HONGXING ET AL¤ 1546, ZHANG JIANGUE¤ 227, ZHANG JIASHENG¤ 367, 598, ZHANG JIN¤ 1660, ZHANG JINDING ET AL¤ 1186, ZHANG JING¤ 996, 1332, 1612, ZHANG JING ET AL¤ 1608, ZHANG JINGYING ET AL¤ 1185, ZHANG JUN ET AL¤ 1399, 1405, ZHANG JUN-FENG, WU YAO-CHI¤ 1943, ZHANG LAN¤ 631, 1022, 1330, 1571, ZHANG LAN ET AL¤ 632, ZHANG LI ET AL¤ 1189, ZHANG LIDE ET AL¤ 1429, ZHANG LUYU¤ 1263, gera 2010 146 ZHANG NAIZHENG ET AL¤ 1456, ZHAO LIJUN¤ 1772, ZHANG NONG¤ 1806, ZHAO LIXIN ET AL¤ 1784, ZHANG QIAO-FENG¤ 1774, ZHAO NING-XIA, REN QIN-YOU, GUO RUI-IIN,ET AL¤ 1876, ZHANG QIN ET AL¤ 1430, ZHAO SHUWU¤ 1740, ZHANG QINCHUAN ET AL¤ 1547, ZHAO WEIKANG ET AL¤ 1269, ZHANG QINGZHU ET AL¤ 1513, ZHAO XIXIN ET AL¤ 1569, ZHANG RENZUN, YU XIAOHONG, LI TAO¤ 1762, ZHAO XUETIAN, ZHOU CHAOJIE, HE JUN¤ 1810, ZHANG RUOQUAN¤ 578, ZHAO XX, RAN PF, LÜ XR, WANG XX¤ 1974, ZHANG SHUJUN¤ 1333, ZHAO YAN¤ 1574, ZHANG SJ¤ 1984, ZHAO YAN ET AL¤ 1352, ZHANG SONG¤ 635, ZHAO YING¤ 1863, ZHANG TAOQING ET AL¤ 109, 387, 460, ZHAO YINGXIA ET AL¤ 1656, ZHANG TING¤ 1775, ZHANG TING, PANG GUOJUN, YAO QINYANG, ET AL¤ ZHAO YU MEI ET AL¤ 521, 1792, ZHANG TONG ET AL¤ 1601, 1659, ZHANG WEN ET AL¤ 1111, ZHANG WENDONG¤ 1364, ZHANG X¤ 1441, ZHANG XIAOFEI ET AL¤ 1718, ZHANG XIAOFU¤ 1336, ZHANG XIAOHU ET AL¤ 609, ZHANG XIAOXIA¤ 1398, ZHANG XI-LAN¤ 770, ZHANG XUECHEN¤ 1032, ZHANG XUN¤ 823, ZHANG YANG, SUN GUOJIE, LI HANMIN, ET AL¤ 1777, ZHANG YAOHUA ET AL¤ 342, ZHANG YING¤ 1120, 1544, ZHANG YISHENG¤ 1145, ZHANG YONGNAN¤ 403, ZHANG YONGSHU ET AL¤ 920, ZHANG YONGXING ET AL¤ 1698, ZHANG YUAN LONG¤ 821, ZHANG YUSHENG ET AL¤ 96, ZHANG ZAIYI ET AL¤ 1378, ZHAO YX, WANG J, QIN YR,AL¤ 1927, ZHAO ZHONGSHUN¤ 980, 1034, 1869, ZHAOLIANG TANG¤ 1102, ZHEN HL, WANG Y, LIU XJ¤ 1985, ZHEN HUITIAN ET AL¤ 1509, ZHEN JIU XUE¤ 117, ZHEN L¤ 1222, ZHEN Z ET AL¤ 1210, ZHENG DEJIANG¤ 901, ZHENG FUKANG¤ 929, ZHENG GUIQIU ET AL¤ 930, ZHENG HUITIAN ET AL¤ 335, 829, 1442, ZHENG JINSHENG¤ 810, ZHENG LIANG ET AL¤ 1675, ZHENG QIWEI¤ 1422, ZHENG XUE ET AL¤ 697, ZHENG XUELIANG¤ 694, 1144, ZHENG XUELIANG ET AL¤ 508, 1146, ZHENG Y¤ 1084, ZHENG YOULAN ET AL¤ 772, ZHENGGANG Y¤ 1251, ZHIMING C ET AL¤ 1206, ZHANG ZHAOHUI ET AL¤ 1593, ZHONG LAN, LAN QUN, CHEN XIAO-LI, ET AL¤ 1877, ZHONG LAN, LIAO FANG-ZHENG, AI SHUANG-CHUN, ET ZHANG ZHI-YUAN ET AL¤ 1522, AL¤ 1866, ZHANG ZUOJUN ET AL¤ 908, ZHONG MEIQUAN¤ 148, ZHAO B, WANG X, LIN Z, LIU R, LAO L¤ 1939, ZHONG YOUMING ET AL¤ 579, ZHAO CHANGXIN¤ 601, 672, ZHONG YUEQI¤ 561, ZHAO CHANGXIU¤ 671, ZHONGYUAN Z¤ 576, ZHAO CUI YIN ET AL¤ 640, ZHOU CAIYI ET AL¤ 95, ZHAO CUI YING ET AL¤ 522, ZHOU CHENGHAO ET AL¤ 944, ZHAO CUIYING ET AL¤ 426, 1300, 1538, ZHOU DAOHUI ET AL¤ 953, ZHAO DONGYING ET AL¤ 1727, ZHOU DEXI¤ 120, ZHAO GANG-MING,GAO XIAO-XIANG¤ 1858, ZHOU DEYI ET AL¤ 272, ZHAO HUILING¤ 1505, ZHOU FANG-JUN¤ 1419, ZHAO HUIXIN ET AL¤ 1390, ZHOU HAIPING¤ 755, ZHAO JINGSHENG ET AL¤ 630, ZHOU JIANWEI ET AL¤ 1309, 1343, 1451, ZHAO KAI ET AL¤ 1041, ZHAO LH, NONG ZN, ZHONG X, PANG Y, LIANG JS, LI XD, ZHOU JIEFANG ET AL¤ 392, YE FW¤ 1983, ZHOU JIEFANT ET AL¤ 458, ZHOU JINWEI¤ 1117, gera 2010 147 ZHOU KING¤ 1630, ZHOU LI-SHA, ET AL¤ 1743, ZHOU MEISHEN ET AL¤ 624, ZHOU MEISHENG¤ 146, 244, ZHOU MEISHENG ET AL¤ 386, 452, 703, ZHOU QI CAO MING-GEN ZHANG LI¤ 1724, ZHOU QILOU ET AL¤ 587, ZHOU QIRONG¤ 925, ZHOU SHIHUA¤ 1483, ZHOU WEIHONG ET AL¤ 1481, ZHOU WENYUAN¤ 795, ZHOU XUAN¤ 1627, ZHOU YIPING ET AL¤ 968, ZHOU YUEJUN ET AL¤ 1561, ZHOU ZH, YUAN YQ¤ 1968, ZHU AJ, LU XD¤ 1976, ZHU BOJUN ET AL¤ 337, ZHU CHONGBIN ET AL¤ 752, ZHU GUOXIANG ET AL¤ 1565, ZHU HONGYING¤ 1438, ZHU JIANG¤ 1379, ZHU JIONG¤ 1708, ZHU QIN ET AL¤ 1545, ZHU RUGONG ET AL¤ 144, ZHU SHUNLI ET AL¤ 1323, ZHU WENLIAN ET AL¤ 1567, ZHU YANCEN¤ 364, ZHU YINGCHAO ET AL¤ 363, 678, ZHU YONG-HAI ET AL¤ 1243, ZHU YUEWEI¤ 1445, ZHU YUEWEI ET AL¤ 742, 801, 971, ZHU ZHENFU ET AL¤ 581, ZHUANG LI-XIANG¤ 1431, ZHUANG LIXING¤ 1637, ZHUANG LIXING ET AL¤ 1443, 1589, ZHUO DA-HONG¤ 178, ZHUO LIAN-SHI, ZHOU LI, WANG SHAN, ET AL¤ 1907, ZONG YUXIANG ET AL¤ 1549, ZOU MIN¤ 1913, ZOU MIN ET AL¤ 1433, ZUN HUI G ET AL¤ 569, ZUO ZIPING¤ 928, ZURAIDA S¤ 56, gera 2010 148 index des sujets/ subject index (non exhaustif) -¤ / embryologie¤ 61, intestin grele¤ 494, ming men¤ 396, ¤ 11, 49, 67, 68, 95, 95, 95, 96, 113, 133, 150, 152, poumons¤ 332, 341, 441, 480, 152, 157, 161, 174, 175, 177, 191, 196, 225, 225, 228, reins¤ 117, 230, 230, 233, 233, 237, 254, 285, 297, 318, 320, 369, vessie¤ 415, 386, 443, 461, 495, ¤ 501, 544, 556, 591, 719, 723, 879, 882, 897, 897, 897, 930, 973, 1001, 1024, 1026, 1028, 1045, 1104, 1123, 1223, 1422, 1422, 1445, 1449, 1459, 1460, 1461, 1497, 1504, 1504, 1513, 1514, 1532, 1538, 1613, 1646, 1936, 1953, 1,01 -¤ GENERAL ASPECTS AND HISTORY/ ASPECTS GENERAUX ET HISTOIRE 2,05 -¤ meridians/ méridiens *¤ 33, du mai¤ 415, 439, 562, 603, 904, méridien curieux¤ 562, sensation propagée le long des méridiens¤ 146, 244, 455, 456, 517, 593, 740, 746, sensation propagée le long des méridiens¤ 752, 1257, 1631, 1955, congrès¤ 257, 913, enseignement¤ 190, 812, hôpital¤ 718, informatique¤ 1802, OMS¤ 257, organisation sanitaire¤ 896, patient¤ 738, recherche¤ 789, 789, 860, 860, 865, 865, terminologie¤ 257, 1,02 -¤ history/ histoire 2,06 -¤ points/ points *¤ 33, 259, 316, ashi¤ 320, 557, 904, 1784, C7¤ 1593, C8¤ 120, E18¤ 754, E2¤ 931, E25¤ 359, 1631, E32¤ 320, E36¤ 162, 163, 229, 359, 366, 463, 473, 595, 609, 739, *¤ 21, 24, 38, 39, 83, 134, 143, 150, 151, 152, 243, 752, 753, 814, 888, E36¤ 903, 972, 1065, 1105, 1134, 976, 1376, 1425, 1499, *¤ 1554, 1210, 1223, 1230, 1271, 1298, 1333, 1429, 1447, 1458, ma wang dui¤ 586, 1506, 1558, 1572, 1576, 1609, 1631, 1665, 1783, 1861, 1,03 -¤ medical classics/ classiques médicaux *¤ 451, 477, 775, ling shu¤ 630, nei jing¤ 451, 1504, qian jin yi fang¤ 255, shang han lun¤ 644, 775, 1651, 1908, su wen¤ 765, wai ke da cheng¤ 1043, wai tai mi yao¤ 477, 1,04 -¤ asian medicines/ médecines asiatiques 1873, 1886, 1918, 1934, E4¤ 753, E41¤ 752, E7¤ 1205, 1438, E8¤ 421, F14¤ 174, 195, 502, F5¤ 120, GI10¤ 170, 1311, GI11¤ 120, 297, 413, 414, 752, 1131, 1134, 1221, GI15¤ 595, 757, 1065, GI18¤ 334, *¤ 237, 397, 1106, GI19¤ 1205, tibet¤ 397, 1380, GI2¤ 1844, 2,01 -¤ ANATOMY- PHYSIOLOGY/ ANATOMIEPHYSIOLOGIE GI20¤ 551, 753, 1205, GI4¤ 467, 467, 752, 752, 753, 753, 813, 813, 831, 831, malformation¤ 172, 1066, 1066, membre inférieur¤ 186, GI5¤ 1844, 2,03 -¤ qi, blood, body fluids/ energie, sang et liquides organiques huatuojiaji¤ 367, 523, 557, 1125, 1171, 1351, 1352, 1462, 1550, 1573, 1574, 1620, 1743, 1784, énergie wei¤ 318, IG11¤ 145, sang¤ 160, 160, IG3¤ 831, 2,04 -¤ indications des points¤ 1440, organs and functions/ organes et fonctions *¤ 1104, curieux¤ 562, localistaion¤ 1083, MC3¤ 264, gera 2010 149 MC6¤ 930, 1055, 1333, 1459, 1593, VC14¤ 703, MU¤ 179, VC17¤ 145, 754, 1251, P3¤ 590, VC2¤ 788, 1181, 1279, propriétés électriques¤ 541, 595, VC3¤ 1075, 1520, 1540, RN1¤ 1090, 1213, 1326, RN1¤ 1634, VC4¤ 229, 231, 279, 323, 359, 377, 426, 463, 553, 603, RN10¤ 1075, 903, 1158, 1182, 1269, 1290, 1364, 1447, 1491, 1520, RN12¤ 1075, 1532, 1538, 1540, 1572, 1579, 1627, VC4¤ 1631, 1711, RN13¤ 1540, 1937, RN15¤ 1540, VC6¤ 120, 903, 1180, 1333, 1520, 1540, 1580, 1581, RTE1¤ 1863, 1783, RTE10¤ 120, 1000, VC7¤ 386, 1540, RTE4¤ 760, VC8¤ 109, 460, 494, 669, 856, 874, 888, 918, 933, 936, RTE6¤ 1131, 946, 1017, 1041, 1147, 1183, 1191, 1210, 1224, 1254, spécificité¤ 93, 310, 415, 1195, 1324, 1351, 1429, 1274, 1276, 1334, 1348, 1371, VC8¤ 1399, 1400, 1428, TR17¤ 1438, 1601, 1444, 1489, 1514, 1520, 1548, 1619, 1623, 1674, 1804, TR20¤ 454, 479, 1819, 1866, 1874, 1877, 1883, 1887, 1889, 1906, 1916, TR6¤ 1131, 1937, 1945, V12¤ 215, 369, 554, 990, VG1¤ 457, V13¤ 124, 215, V13¤ 368, 1213, 1782, VG14¤ 96, 124, 192, 215, 386, 413, 414, 496, 497, 504, V15¤ 368, 1381, 703, 855, 891, 1029, VG14¤ 1126, 1134, 1176, 1213, V17¤ 368, 1923, 1489, 1543, 1548, 1559, 1567, 1576, 1584, 1614, 1649, V2¤ 421, 457, 931, VG15¤ 423, V20¤ 595, 1065, 1558, VG16¤ 563, V21¤ 1429, 1491, 1558, VG20¤ 96, 129, 137, 229, 230, 273, 331, 332, 431, 525, V22¤ 140, 703, 745, 1139, 1175, 1549, 1551, 1581, 1584, 1589, V23¤ 230, 256, 284, 391, 551, 903, 1082, 1090, 1324, 1627, 1833, 1870, 1876, 1572, 1576, 1577, 1604, 1614, 1654, VG26¤ 65, 87, 104, 105, V25¤ 140, V25¤ 1180, 1240, VG3¤ 188, V26¤ 140, 284, VG4¤ 325, 396, 461, 462, 621, 980, 1290, 1614, 1627, V27¤ 284, 1491, VG8¤ 1286, 1338, V28¤ 140, 284, yintang¤ 551, V32¤ 1075, V34¤ 798, V39¤ 417, V40¤ 401, 553, V54¤ 1060, V62¤ 1633, V67¤ 86, 90, 91, 92, 100, 101, 102, 103, 121, 259, 262, 3,01 -¤ chronobiology/ chronobiologie *¤ 124, 368, 474, 622, 752, 1119, chronopuncture¤ 622, 916, 988, 1116, 1328, 1420, 1458, 1578, 1802, été¤ 1119, saison¤ 124, 368, 474, 355, 634, 673, 795, 799, 819, V67¤ 1000, 1007, 1312, 3,02 1435, 1771, ¤ 1702, VB14¤ 421, chaleur¤ 160, 242, 374, 513, 698, 1387, 1719, VB2¤ 831, froid¤ 413, 925, 1394, 1645, 1719, 1937, 1985, 1987, VB20¤ 421, 556, 1228, 1476, humidite¤ 925, 1394, 1937, 1985, 1987, VB21¤ 813, stress¤ 829, VB25¤ 431, vent¤ 413, 1127, VB30¤ 937, VB34¤ 401, 417, 1176, 1429, VB39¤ 1506, 1934, VC1¤ 1181, VC10¤ 359, VC12¤ 95, 179, 553, 757, 1333, 1581, 1632, 1783, 1892, VC12¤ 1899, 4,02 -¤ -¤ pathogeny. causes of diseases/ pathogénie tongue diagnosis/ glossoscopie histologie¤ 389, 498, 1065, 1403, 4,04 -¤ face and ear diagnosis/ examen auriculaire et facial *¤ 77, 138, 4,05 -¤ point diagnosis/ examen des points somatiques gera 2010 150 *¤ 541, 4,07 -¤ puncture immédiate¤ 1075, syndromes/ syndromes *¤ 558, 883, 1701, chaleur¤ 160, 242, 374, 513, 698, 1387, 1719, chaleur du poumon¤ 1712, differenciation des syndromes¤ 111, 125, 169, 277, 340, 422, 1060, 1138, 1241, 1256, 1288, 1293, 1396, 1476, séance d'acupuncture¤ 162, 212, 214, 241, 268, 273, 320, 379, 386, 399, 401, 454, 703, 824, séance d'acupuncture¤ 1121, 1287, 1424, 1544, 1716, 1754, technique de puncture¤ 113, 326, 362, 824, 1132, tonification-dispersion¤ 246, 347, 519, 556, 558, 561, 594, 710, 796, 816, 853, 889, 1103, 1241, 1374, 1714, 1596, 1626, 1627, 1712, 1985, 5,04 froid¤ 413, 925, 1394, 1645, 1719, 1937, 1985, 1987, *¤ 115, 194, 853, 923, 937, glaire¤ 839, qi¤ 332, 341, sang¤ 160, stase de qi¤ 974, stase de qi du foie¤ 1537, stase du sang¤ 1144, 1462, 1645, vide¤ 160, 260, 306, 325, 332, 341, 374, 396, 441, 462, 5,05 -¤ -¤ long needle/ aiguille longue plum blossom needle/ fleur de prunier *¤ 84, 169, 189, *¤ 878, 964, 1087, 1273, 1359, 1522, 1563, 5,06 -¤ intradermal needle. embedding sutures/ aiguille à demeure. catgut *¤ 73, 74, 77, 311, 364, 398, 553, 740, 1893, 1894, 480, 554, 925, 5,07 vide de qi¤ 1520, *¤ 194, 237, 272, 364, 379, 401, 410, 540, 605, 911, vide de qi de rate¤ 1230, 1639, 1362, 1626, 1650, 1688, 1716, 1754, vide de qi des reins¤ 1088, vide de qi et sang¤ 1462, vide de rate¤ 1180, 1183, 1309, 1428, 1434, 1451, 1558, 1618, 1695, 1700, vide de yang¤ 1298, 1444, 1520, 1539, 1544, 1607, 1777, vide de yang de rate¤ 1128, 1223, 1612, 1752, vide de yang des reins¤ 1442, 1509, 1712, 1884, vide de yin¤ 242, 5,08 -¤ -¤ bloodletting/ saignées cupping/ ventouses *¤ 73, 74, *¤ 189, 237, 238, 276, 334, 350, 364, 368, 410, 437, 483, 534, 566, 605, 695, 878, 960, 1027, 1092, 1132, 1165, 1166, 1170, 1171, 1190, 1241, 1263, 1284, 1292, 1293, 1310, 1489, 1504, 1529, 1537, 1550, 1552, 1626, 1650, 1661, *¤ 1683, 1688, 1716, 1741, 1754, vide des poumons¤ 1905, vide des reins¤ 1108, 1290, 1304, 1428, vide des reins¤ 1610, 1701, yang¤ 325, 396, 462, 554, yin¤ 374, 5,01 -¤ THERAPEUTIC TECHNIQUES/ TECHNIQUES THERAPEUTIQUES *¤ 893, indication¤ 1440, 5,02 -¤ principles of treatment/ principes thérapeutiques *¤ 251, activation de la circulation et levée de stase.¤ 493, 605, 1025, 1462, dispersion¤ 1555, 5,03 -¤ acupuncture/ acupuncture *¤ 61, 594, 750, 765, 824, acupuncture des troncs nerveux¤ 787, aiguille¤ 541, 810, 937, 1173, 1200, 1427, 1515, 1816, choix des points¤ 554, 1324, 5,10 -¤ ear acupuncture. auricular medicine/ auriculopuncture. auriculomédecine *¤ 173, *¤ 234, 310, 753, 756, 1130, 1139, 1155, 1156, 1407, 1459, 1460, 1468, 1880, 5,11 -¤ nose, face, eye, hand and foot acupuncture/ rhinofacio, manopodo, craniopuncture *¤ 162, craniopuncture¤ 162, 798, 1421, oculopuncture¤ 1114, 5,12 -¤ electro-acupuncture/ electro-acupuncture *¤ 62, 78, 192, 193, 214, 218, 308, 365, 382, 418, 429, 439, 541, 606, 753, 836, 873, *¤ 893, 903, 928, 1076, 1077, 1110, 1128, 1150, 1170, 1181, 1289, 1447, 1463, 1467, 1504, 1597, 1605, 1671, 1672, 1682, 1750, 1759, 1760, 1785, 1865, 1988, paramètres de l'électroacupuncture¤ 1928, 1988, 5,13 -¤ magnetic acupuncture/ magnétothérapie *¤ 1460, deqi¤ 147, 268, 746, 1240, 1564, 1631, 1970, 5,14 latéralité¤ 399, *¤ 69, 259, 274, 362, 366, 471, 627, *¤ 795, 813, 827, mobilisation perpuncturale¤ 226, 893, 985, 1170, 1255, 1281, profondeur de puncture¤ 553, 563, 594, 937, 1310, 1647, puncture d'un point unique¤ 831, 5,15 -¤ -¤ laser acupuncture/ laser drug acupuncture/ chimiothérapie gera 2010 151 *¤ 62, 173, 214, 238, 362, 486, 560, 562, 643, 756, 888, 893, 922, 935, 936, 948, 949, 1054, 1155, 1178, 1186, 1197, 1198, 1257, 1267, 1404, 1476, 1504, 1607, 8,02 -¤ acne. bacterial infections/ acné. infections bactériennes *¤ 702, 924, 1624, *¤ 1625, 1647, 1664, 1682, 1685, 1686, 1689, 8,03 1689, 1710, 1712, 1713, 1740, 1820, 1842, *¤ 326, 924, 5,16 -¤ qi gong. massages/ qi gong. massages *¤ 125, 226, 322, 434, 1092, acupression¤ 62, 178, 322, 560, 646, 740, 752, 753, 8,08 -¤ -¤ alopecia/ alopécie pruritus/ prurit *¤ 120, 769, 894, 895, 921, 1258, 1308, 8,14 -¤ vitiligo. pigmentation disorders/ vitiligo. troubles de la pigmentation manipulation¤ 1173, *¤ 120, 924, massage¤ 145, 167, massage¤ 197, 214, 227, 237, 485, 486, 546, 570, 579, 583, 712, 811, 877, 1087, 1092, 1111, 1166, 1302, 1315, 1480, 1493, 1605, 1674, 1691, 1738, 1742, 1744, 1776, 1794, 1801, 1829, qi gong¤ 178, 364, 434, 827, 901, 5,19 -¤ 9,02 -¤ thyroid gland/ thyroïde *¤ 629, goitre¤ 495, hyperthyroidie¤ 374, hypothyroidie¤ 356, 375, adverse effects/ accidents thérapeutiques *¤ 63, *¤ 594, 755, 1517, 1518, fievre¤ 272, 413, 414, 497, 973, 1584, 1588, 9,03 -¤ diabetes mellitus/ diabète *¤ 242, 335, 828, 1676, 1697, hépatite¤ 408, 434, 9,05 pneumothorax¤ 64, *¤ 86, 90, 101, 256, 260, 261, 553, 626, 642, sida¤ 388, cortisol¤ 260, 5,20 -¤ tcm and alternative medicine/ mtc et médecines douces oligo-élements¤ 473, 1610, 1725, 6,01 -¤ algology/ algologie membre fantome¤ 1244, 9,06 -¤ -¤ adrenal glands/ surrénales pituitary gland/ hypophyse *¤ 642, 9,07 -¤ hyperlipidemia/ hyperlipidémie *¤ 589, 629, 845, potentialisation médicamenteuse de l'acupuncture¤ 67, 68, 9,08 432, 751, 1447, 1776, *¤ 268, 828, seuil de la douleur¤ 256, 626, 1504, seuil de la douleur dentaire¤ 410, 605, 6,02 -¤ acupuncture anesthesia/ analgésie chirurgicale 9,10 -¤ -¤ obesity/ obésité sexual hormones/ hormones sexuelles *¤ 336, 1604, oestrogène¤ 1504, 1614, prediction¤ 1428, testostérone¤ 1614, 7,01 -¤ CARDIOLOGY- ANGIOLOGY/ CARDIOLOGIEANGEIOLOGIE 10,01 -¤ GASTROENTEROLOGY/ GASTROENTEROLOGIE *¤ 589, 7,04 -¤ peristaltisme¤ 494, 729, 730, 760, 972, 1070, 1071, arrhythmia/ troubles du rythme *¤ 67, 87, 7,05 -¤ hypertension/ hypertension *¤ 67, 77, 87, 104, 119, 254, 589, 629, 805, 1242, 7,06 -¤ hypotension/ hypotension *¤ 1195, 7,07 -¤ peripheral circulation/ circulation périphérique 1169, 1230, 1491, sécrétion¤ 1147, 10,02 -¤ hiccup/ hoquet *¤ 831, 1203, 10,03 -¤ dyspepsia. nausea. vomiting/ dyspepsie. nausées. vomissements *¤ 1321, 1685, *¤ 1713, 10,05 -¤ stomach. duodenum/ estomac. duodénum *¤ 1089, 1632, *¤ 77, 471, 1422, microcirculation¤ 337, 458, 902, 1305, 1445, 1786, gastrine¤ 1451, 8,01 -¤ DERMATOLOGY/ DERMATOLOGIE cicatrice¤ 1659, esthétique¤ 924, 1468, gastrite¤ 209, 270, ptose¤ 210, 306, 380, 515, 554, 10,06 -¤ intestines/ intestins gera 2010 152 *¤ 555, 558, eosinophile¤ 232, 1549, colite¤ 1532, hematopoiese¤ 176, 10,07 -¤ diarrhea/ diarrhées *¤ 494, 1422, 1520, 10,08 -¤ constipation/ constipation *¤ 280, 1783, 10,09 -¤ anus. rectum/ anus. rectum *¤ 241, 486, 10,10 -¤ liver/ foie leucocyte¤ 95, 174, 175, 195, 234, 414, lymphocyte¤ 426, 668, 1400, 1559, 1646, 1665, 12,05 *¤ 234, 802, 942, fievre¤ 272, 413, 414, 497, 973, 1584, 1588, 13,02 hepatite¤ 408, 434, *¤ 77, -¤ pancreas/ pancréas *¤ 1548, thrombosis/ thromboses 13,01 -¤ INFECTIOUS DISEASES/ MALADIES INFECTIEUSES *¤ 1083, 10,12 -¤ *¤ 162, -¤ influenza/ grippe 13,06 -¤ mycoses and parasitic diseases/ parasitoses et mycoses *¤ 326, 10,14 -¤ abdominal pain. acute abdomen/ douleurs abdominales. abdomen aigu 13,07 *¤ 128, *¤ 556, 10,15 -¤ gastrointestinal hemorrhage/ hémorragies digestives 14,01 -¤ NEUROLOGY- PSYCHIATRY/ NEUROLOGIEPSYCHIATRIE *¤ 1338, hydrocèphalie¤ 130, 11,02 -¤ vulva. vagina. uterus. adnexa/ vulve. vagin. utérus.annexes 14,02 *¤ 554, 874, 1819, endometriose¤ 1796, -¤ -¤ *¤ 150, 738, 14,05 ptose¤ 210, 306, 380, 515, 554, *¤ 1543, 11,03 -¤ menstruation. menstruation disorders/ menstruation. troubles des règles *¤ 555, 1917, 14,07 -¤ uterine hemorrhage/ hémorragies génitales *¤ 1698, 11,07 -¤ breast/ sein *¤ 496, 11,09 -¤ infertility. contraception. abortion/ stérilité. contraception. ivg stérilité¤ 235, 236, 282, 336, stérilité¤ 367, 381, 404, 405, 531, 598, 1671, -¤ -¤ epilepsy. convulsions/ epilepsie. convulsions cerebrovascular diseases. hemiplegia/ accidents 1404, -¤ paraplegia. myelitis/ paraplégie. myelopathies *¤ 22, 14,09 -¤ peripheral nerve diseases/ neuropathies périphériques *¤ 559, 791, 1449, mastite¤ 145, 11,10 -¤ vasculaires cérébraux. *¤ 106, 241, 392, 510, 635, 1340, 14,08 11,04 headache/ céphalées migraine¤ 421, fibrome utérin¤ 1455, vulve¤ 120, malaria/ paludisme obstetrics/ obstétrique *¤ 532, 565, 1575, 14,11 -¤ autonomic nervous system diseases/ dystonie neuro-végétative.spasmophilie *¤ 1228, 14,13 -¤ insomnia. sleep disorders/ insomnie. troubles du sommeil *¤ 840, 840, 14,14 -¤ psychiatry/ psychiatrie postpartum¤ 532, 532, 1254, 1341, *¤ 326, 1443, version¤ 86, 90, 91, 92, 93, 100, 101, 102, 103, 117, psychosomatique¤ 873, 121, 207, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 355, 565, 593, 634, 673, 683, version¤ 786, 795, 799, 819, 898, 1007, 1289, 1303, 1435, 1517, 1518, 12,01 -¤ HEMATOLOGY/ HEMATOLOGIE *¤ 390, 537, 15,01 -¤ OPHTHALMOLOGY/ OPHTALMOLOGIE *¤ 254, 1299, 15,02 -¤ conjunctiva/ conjonctive *¤ 337, gera 2010 153 15,07 -¤ glaucoma/ glaucome 18,10 *¤ 242, 16,03 -¤ *¤ 167, 167, 168, 191, 193, 556, 738, 1751, 1917, 18,11 maladie de Ménière¤ 273, 331, 899, 1139, -¤ nose. sinus/ nez. sinus *¤ 326, 556, 559, rhinite¤ 332, -¤ pharynx. larynx/ pharynx. larynx *¤ 1299, *¤ 1543, -¤ facial paralysis/ paralysie faciale *¤ 255, 557, *¤ 191, 193, 326, 418, 1351, 1462, 1543, 1743, -¤ cough/ toux *¤ 1328, 1578, *¤ 285, 443, 554, 17,04 -¤ asthma/ asthme *¤ 228, 242, 254, 392, 555, 1520, 1543, 1917, 17,05 -¤ lung neoplasms/ tumeurs broncho-pulmonaires *¤ 874, 17,06 -¤ pulmonary tuberculosis/ tuberculose pulmonaire *¤ 254, 363, 678, 929, 1283, arthrose¤ 58, 18,02 -¤ *¤ 469, 559, 1082, 1632, -¤ gout/ goutte *¤ 3, 4, 18,06 -¤ bone/ os -¤ traumatology/ traumatologie *¤ 22, 18,07 sciatica/ sciatique -¤ knee/ genou *¤ 524, 1076, 18,19 -¤ foot/ pied *¤ 312, 418, 542, 702, *¤ 1361, 1504, 19,03 -¤ salivary glands/ glandes salivaires *¤ 479, 1434, 19,07 -¤ toothache. acupuncture anesthesia in oral surger/ douleur dentaire. analgésie par acupuncture en chirurugie stomatologique seuil de la douleur dentaire¤ 410, 605, -¤ poisoning/ intoxications *¤ 692, benzène¤ 597, CCl4¤ 692, *¤ 900, 21,03 -¤ burns/ brûlures *¤ 783, rheumatoid arthritis/ polyarthrite rhumatoïde *¤ 54, 134, 1513, 18,05 -¤ 21,01 -¤ EMERGENCIES- RESUSCITATION/ URGENCESREANIMATION 18,03 -¤ bi syndromes. joint diseases/ syndromes bi. arthropathies -¤ sacrum-coccyx/ sacrum-coccyx reflex sympathetic dystrophy/ algodystrophies *¤ 64, 18,04 -¤ *¤ 77, 167, 168, 318, 1240, 20,01 18,01 -¤ RHEUMATOLOGY- ORTHOPEDICS/ RHUMATOLOGIE- ORTHOPEDIE lombar spine/ rachis lombaire *¤ 254, 18,18 17,03 -¤ dyspnea. respiratory insufficiency. chronic bronchitis/ dyspnée. insuffisance respiratoire. bronchite chronique -¤ *¤ 22, 168, 552, 738, 831, 1076, 1077, 1240, 18,16 17,02 spine/ rachis 18,12 -¤ cervical spine. cervicobrachial neuralgia/ rachis cervical. névralgies cervico- brachiales 18,15 16,07 -¤ spondylarthrite ankylosante¤ 1493, 18,14 16,05 shoulder/ epaule vertigo/ vertiges *¤ 254, 16,04 -¤ 22,02 -¤ kidney diseases. kidney failure/ néphropathies. insuffisance rénale *¤ 150, 553, 1083, 22,04 -¤ enuresis. urinary incontinence. urinary retention/ énuresie. incontinence et rétention d'urine *¤ 152, 353, 486, 554, 560, 997, 1422, 1509, retention¤ 353, *¤ 241, 22,07 -¤ urologic and male genital diseases/ appareil génital masculin reeducation¤ 57, *¤ 242, 1290, 18,08 -¤ hand/ main *¤ 418, 1187, 1299, 18,09 -¤ elbow/ coude *¤ 418, 783, 1311, impuissance¤ 507, 602, 807, 876, 905, 946, 967, 1004, 1005, 1110, 1146, prostate¤ 242, 936, 940, 1072, 1075, 1290, 1501, 1512, stérilité¤ 235, 236, 282, 336, 367, 381, 404, 405, 531, 598, 1671, gera 2010 154 testostérone¤ 1614, 24,02 -¤ dogs. cats/ chien. chat *¤ 65, 67, 68, 78, 104, 105, 208, 23,01 -¤ INTERNAL MEDICINE. MISCELLANEOUS/ MEDECINE INTERNE. DIVERS 24,07 ptose¤ 210, 306, ptose¤ 380, 515, 554, chat¤ 316, 23,02 -¤ allergology. immunology/ allergologie. immunologie. -¤ / animaux de laboratoire chien¤ 316, cobaye¤ 139, 476, 1707, 1720, *¤ 332, 366, 377, 641, 668, 679, 686, 691, 742, 776, lapin¤ 86, 100, 259, 290, 291, 320, 1588, 1752, 1895, 791, 801, 818, 856, 1066, 1094, 1147, 1178, 1179, 1898, 1234, 1388, 1391, 1445, 1447, 1538, 1539, 1600, 1601, modèle animal¤ 1180, 1298, 1618, 1639, 1700, 1701, 1690, 1700, 1701, 1711, 1731, 1752, 1879, rat¤ 161, 211, 391, 396, 419, 424, 431, 432, 457, 497, allergologie¤ 232, 503, 536, 609, 692, 1317, 1321, 1424, 1429, rat¤ 1437, anticorps¤ 49, 234, 1424, 1448, 1504, 1514, 1544, 1577, 1580, 1603, 1618, 1643, éosinophile¤ 232, 1549, 1645, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1669, 1676, 1700, 1701, 1733, greffe¤ 415, 1745, 1787, 1837, 1865, 1866, 1873, 1877, 1886, 1923, leucocyte¤ 95, 174, 175, 195, 234, 414, 1980, lymphocyte¤ 426, 668, 1400, 1559, 1646, 1665, souris¤ 174, 175, 176, 195, 222, 224, 256, 305, 430, mastocyte¤ 231, 496, souris¤ 502, 522, 526, 597, 622, 660, 661, 670, natural killer¤ 1447, 1466, 1516, 1538, 1539, 1559, 1567, 1570, 1576, 1579, 23,04 -¤ oncology/ cancérologie *¤ 140, 144, 206, 221, 234, 305, 954, 955, 1331, 1459, 1731, 1854, 1879, 1916, chimiotherapie¤ 527, 759, 1142, 1160, 1307, 1321, 1333, 25,01 -¤ MECHANISM OF ACUPUNCTURE. ACUPUNCTURE AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM/ MECANISME D'ACTION DE L'ACUPUNCTURE. ACUPUNCTURE ET SYSTEME NERVEUX CENTRAL 1446, 1466, 1514, 1569, 1576, 1619, 1689, 1713, 1733, systeme nerveux vegetatif¤ 653, 1514, *¤ 1781, 1819, radiotherapie¤ 110, 139, 140, 211, 221, 596, 875, 1101, 1619, 23,05 -¤ surgery/ chirurgie *¤ 509, 1391, 23,07 -¤ gerontology/ gérontologie *¤ 241, 447, 954, 1002, 1015, 1146, *¤ 1274, 1439, 1510, 1530, 1610, 1665, 1875, 23,08 -¤ *¤ 98, 106, 178, 694, -¤ 25,10 -¤ central neurotransmitters/ neuromédiateurs centraux *¤ 105, endorphine¤ 87, 105, 219, 748, 1064, 1147, 1504, 1733, 1987, naloxone¤ 87, 105, sérotonine¤ 910, 1298, 1654, 1655, *¤ 68, 706, 910, 26,01 -¤ HERBAL MEDICINE/ PHYTOTHERAPIE *¤ 238, 238, 315, 315, 574, 574, sports medicine/ médecine sportive *¤ 278, 320, 694, 23,11 afferent pathways/ voies afférentes 25,11 -¤ plasmatic and peripheral factors/ facteurs plasmatiques et périphériques 23,09 -¤ preventive medicine. hygiene/ médecine préventive. hygiène -¤ -¤ *¤ 259, inflammation/ inflammation *¤ 620, 23,10 25,02 pediatrics/ pédiatrie 26,02 -¤ prescriptions/ prescriptions *¤ 87, 763, 946, 956, 1500, 1510, 1642, bu zhong yi qi tang¤ 634, *¤ 79, 130, 187, 306, 334, 339, 406, 478, 481, 528, si jun zi tang¤ 1434, 646, 687, 711, 769, 792, 872, 879, 943, *¤ 980, 993, wen jing tang¤ 1652, 995, 997, 1085, 1124, 1145, 1157, 1272, 1329, 1338, 1339, 1463, 1533, 1601, 1633, 1634, 1673, 1674, 1709, 1747, 1805, malformation¤ 172, 24,01 -¤ VETERINARY MEDICINE/ MEDECINE VETERINAIRE *¤ 893, 26,03 -¤ plants/ plantes *¤ 368, 638, 687, 941, aconitum¤ 1002, angelica¤ 1682, artemisia¤ 936, lysimachia¤ 936, mylabris¤ 638, gera 2010 155 rubia¤ 936, 476, 496, 503, 522, 526, 536, experimentation animale¤ taraxacum mongolicum hand. mazz.¤ 936, 609, 622, 631, 660, 661, 670, zingiber officinale roscoe¤ 1433, expérimentation animale (acupuncture)¤ 256, 259, 320, 27,01 -¤ methods/ méthodes cas clinique¤ 400, 501, 808, 857, 1148, 1192, 1284, 1432, 1474, 1483, 1493, 1543, 1596, 1771, comparaison de 2 techniques de la MTC¤ 126, 218, 227, 320, 362, 366, 731, 744, 748, comparaison de 2 techniques de la MTC¤ 750, 813, 836, 875, 903, 908, 915, 930, 1077, 1082, 1090, 1120, 1132, 1155, 1170, 1205, 1208, 1209, 1243, 1255, 1351, 1426, 1427, 1433, 1437, 1476, 1556, 1566, 1682, 1712, 1716, 1744, 1754, 1792, 1793, 1794, essai clinique non randomisé¤ 46, 218, 227, essai clinique non randomisé¤ 323, 339, 369, 525, 629, 676, 742, 903, 917, 957, 1054, 1109, 1132, 1205, 1234, 1243, 1274, 1326, 1342, 1351, 1426, 1451, 1456, 1510, 1526, 1537, 1541, 1598, 1625, 1629, 1653, 1658, 1659, 1664, 1665, 1685, 1693, 1706, 1726, 1728, essai clinique non randomisé¤ 1742, 1778, 1794, 1842, essai comparatif éventuellement randomisé¤ 550, 1225, 1233, 1268, 1304, 1407, 1427, 1446, 1573, 1698, 1724, 1743, 1744, 1775, 1791, 1792, 1794, 1807, 1810, 1829, essai contrôlé randomisé¤ 171, 207, 320, 342, 361, 362, 530, 551, 744, 750, 809, 829, 908, 916, essai contrôlé randomisé¤ 928, 1105, 1170, 1178, 1183, 1203, 1208, 1209, 1226, 1255, 1270, 1272, 1273, 1289, 1340, 1358, 1392, 1393, 1404, 1416, 1433, 1434, 1435, 1476, 1492, 1500, 1501, 1511, 1513, 1527, 1532, 1545, 1556, 1566, 1568, 1572, 1589, 1593, 1597, 1619, essai contrôlé randomisé¤ 1630, 1637, 1642, 1652, 1661, 1663, 1672, 1680, 1682, 1687, 1689, 1691, 1695, 1696, 1699, 1709, 1710, 1712, 1713, 1715, 1716, 1719, 1725, 1727, 1750, 430, 457, 502, 597, 692, 825, 1317, 1321, 1424, 1429, 1437, 1448, 1466, 1504, 1514, 1516, 1539, 1544, 1559, 1567, 1570, 1576, 1577, 1579, 1580, 1588, 1603, 1618, 1643, 1645, expérimentation animale (acupuncture)¤ 1654, 1655, 1656, 1669, 1676, 1700, 1707, 1711, 1720, 1731, 1733, 1745, 1752, 1787, 1837, 1854, 1865, 1866, 1873, 1877, 1879, 1886, 1895, 1898, 1916, 1923, 1980, expérimentation animale (acupuncture)/ chien¤ 377, 460, expérimentation animale (acupuncture)/ cobaye¤ 221, 498, expérimentation animale (acupuncture)/ lapin¤ 230, 297, 463, 497, 748, 972, 1185, expérimentation animale (acupuncture)/ rat¤ 231, 310, 423, 626, 669, 679, 830, 835, 836, 881, 910, 934, 968, 969, 973, 1057, 1070, 1101, 1102, 1140, 1147, 1180, 1230, 1232, 1235, 1269, expérimentation animale (acupuncture)/ singe¤ 109, expérimentation animale (acupuncture)/ souris¤ 110, 140, 192, 283, 284, 415, 426, 461, 498, 595, 596, expérimentation animale (acupuncture)/ souris¤ 722, 728, 730, 751, 847, 874, 875, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1067, 1071, 1158, 1169, 1182, méthodologie¤ 864, 1518, 1939, placebo¤ 171, revue générale¤ 133, 173, 364, 376, 582, 631, 639, 648, 675, 685, 756, 759, 787, 799, 818, 823, 852, 860, 871, revue générale¤ 905, 938, 944, 963, 1031, 1042, 1096, 1097, 1153, 1171, 1294, 1418, 1445, 1453, 1469, 1470, 1505, 1602, 1611, 1613, 1622, 1635, 1670, 1677, 1708, 1984, revue générale (acupuncture)¤ 1780, 1751, 1754, 1759, 1760, 1768, 1776, 1782, 1783, 1785, 27,02 1793, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1809, 1811, essai contrôlé ECG¤ 611, -¤ / techniques d'exploration randomisé¤ 1816, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1826, 1827, EEG¤ 129, 137, 302, 1445, 1833, 1838, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1858, 1860, 1870, EMG¤ 420, 523, 1386, 1497, EMG¤ 1786, 1871, 1878, 1881, 1887, 1893, 1894, 1905, 1906, 1918, histologie¤ 389, 498, 1065, 1403, 1924, 1934, 1935, 1937, 1939, 1951, 1979, 1983, 1985, pH¤ 723, 1986, 1987, radiologie¤ 521, 1302, essai non randomisé¤ 1685, rhéoencéphalogramme¤ 745, 805, 1055, 1392, essai ouvert (acupuncture)¤ 90, essai ouvert (acupuncture)¤ rhéologie¤ 106, 581, 1229, 1277, 1445, 1456, 1497, 91, 92, 93, 106, 108, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 144, 1609, 1786, 145, 148, 156, 158, 159, 177, 196, 226, 227, 229, 232, spirometrie¤ 1255, 1793, 233, 235, 236, 273, 356, 753, 822, 1502, temperature¤ 323, 538, 565, 629, 688, 813, 825, 1023, étude controlée (acupuncture)¤ 413, 421, 551, 588, 864, 1078, 1089, 1090, temperature¤ 1136, 1215, 935, 1074, 1154, 1517, étude controlée (acupuncture)¤ thermographie¤ 495, 1518, 1532, étude controlée (phytotérapie)¤ 1434, experimentation animale¤ 49, 65, 78, 86, 87, 100, 104, 105, 139, 161, 174, 175, 176, 195, 208, 211, 222, 224, 290, 291, 305, 325, 391, 396, 414, 419, 431, 432, 468, 27,03 -¤ biological l products/ produits biologiques AMP¤ 341, 444, cathecholamine¤ 1445, cortisol¤ 260, gera 2010 156 -¤ dna¤ 396, 27,05 endorphine¤ 87, 105, 219, 748, 1064, 1147, 1504, 1733, biographie¤ 1044, 1987, kaempfer¤ 55, fibrinogène¤ 163, sun si miao¤ 249, 255, 572, 782, 1051, 1376, gastrine¤ 1451, yang ji zhou¤ 927, histamine¤ 377, 463, 1185, 1504, zhang ji¤ 755, 1051, interleukine¤ 935, 1054, 1577, 1654, 1655, 1707, 1777, zhang zhong jing¤ 755, zhang zhong jing¤ 1051, 1873, mélanine¤ 1880, monoamine¤ 968, noradrenaline¤ 1654, 1655, oxyde nitrique¤ 1655, prostaglandine¤ 260, 261, 1057, sérotonine¤ 910, 1298, 1654, 1655, testostérone¤ 1614, 27,04 -¤ pharmaceutical products/ produits pharmaceutiques naloxone¤ 87, 105, 27,06 -¤ / personnages geographical terms/ termes géographiques allemagne¤ 5, 1550, autriche¤ 197, chine¤ 23, 29, 45, 50, egypte¤ 38, 45, 134, grande bretagne¤ 54, japon¤ 23, 38, 48, 55, 83, 225, 248, 718, 1080, 1496, 1888, mauritanie¤ 136, mongolie¤ 1106, 1703, vietnam¤ 26, 39, gera 2010 157 Index des sources 1 - congrès 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 14ème congres national d'acupuncture,paris¤ 318, 2 - divers à vérifier 16ème congres national d'acupuncture,paris¤ 417, institut de mtc de shanghai, shanghai¤ 115, 1er seminaire de la saa,bordeaux¤ 84, 2eme congres mondial d'acupuncture et moxibustion, paris¤ 3 - divers à vérifier 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, chinese medicine¤ 1947, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, el pulso de la vida¤ 1931, 2eme congres national de medecine chinoise, paris¤ 1932, 2eme seminaire de la saa,bordeaux¤ 198, advances in acupuncture and acupuncture anaesthesia,beijing¤ 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 4 - extraits de traités encyclopedie des medecines naturelles, paris¤ 608, essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, experiences, foreign lang¤ 553, 554, 555, 556, 557, 558, essentials of contemporary chinese acupuncturists' clinical conferences d'acupuncture,gera,toulon¤ 85, in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion experiences, foreign lang¤ 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, in acupuncture case histories from china, eastland press, papers, beijing¤ 385, in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion seattle¤ 501, papers, beijing¤ 379, 380, 381, 382, in compilation of the abstracts of acupuncture and moxibustion papers, beijing¤ 383, 384, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, in second national symposium on acupuncture, beijing,¤ 272, in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and in acupuncture for the practitioner,santa monica¤ 298, in basic acupuncture : a scientific interpretation and application,tapiei¤ 71, in basic acupuncture: a scientific interpretation and application,taipei¤ 70, in chinese acupuncture and moxibustion, foreign languages press, *¤ 437, moxibustion, beijing¤ 404, 405, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, in dictionnaire de medecine usuelle et domestique, paris¤ 23, 414, 415, in selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and in estimular las defensas de otra form¤ 1101, moxiibustion, beijing¤ 406, 407, 408, international conference on veterinary acupuncture, beijing¤ 468, 469, 470, 471, international symposium on diagnosis and treatment with auricular points, beijing¤ 565, second natioanl symposium on acupuncture,beijing¤ 285, second national symposium on acupuncture and in estimular las defensas de otra forma¤ 1097, 1098, 1099, 1100, 1102, in medecine traditionnelle chinoise¤ 277, in medecine traditionnelle chinoise,marseille¤ 247, in nanjing seminars transcript (qiu maolian and su xin ming),london¤ 263, in recueil d'experiences clinique en acupunture-moxa¤ 399, moxibustion,beijing¤ 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 235, in recueil d'experiences cliniques en acupuncture-moxa¤ 400, 241, 242, 243, 244, 256, 259, 260, 261, 262, 264, second national symposium on acupuncture and in recueil d'expriences cliniques en acupunture moxa¤ 401, in research on acupuncture,moxibustion and acupuncture moxibustion,beijing¤ 267, 268, 286, 287, 288, 289, anesthesia,beijing¤ 355, in seca et al, acupuncture en medecine clinique, decarie, second national symposium on acupuncture, beijing¤ 290, 291, selections from article abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion, beijing¤ 402, 403, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, selections from articles abstracts on acupuncture and moxibustion,beijing¤ 374, 375, third world conference on acupuncture¤ 1066, 1067, 1068, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076, 1077, 1078, 1079, 1080, third world conference on acupuncture¤ montreal¤ 542, in selection des theses de la revue d'acupuncture de shanghai,shanghai¤ 356, 357, in traite d'acupuncture,masson,paris¤ 253, in traite de medecine chinoise¤ 47, selection from shanghai jam 82-84¤ 233, 5 - mémoires memoire d'acupuncture,afa,paris¤ 237, memoire d'acupuncture,afera,nimes¤ 136, memoire d'acupuncture,cedat,marseille¤ 194, 1081, 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1088, 1089, 6 - divers à vérifier 1090, wiener klinische wochenschrift¤ 35, third world conference on acupuncture, kyoto¤ 1063, 1064, 1065, wfas international symposium on acupuncture¤ 1812, 1813, wfas international symposium on the trend of research in acupuncture, roma¤ 859, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 7 - revues d'acupuncture et MTC 10 eme congres national de la faformec, toulouse¤ 1952, abstract and review of clinical traditional chinese medicine¤ 821, acta chinese medicine and pharmacology¤ 1810, gera 2010 158 acta medica sinica¤ 546, 620, 621, 622, acta universitatis traditionis medicalis sinensis pharmacologiaeque shanghai¤ 1797, 1872, acupuncture¤ 52, 53, 333, acupuncture & moxibustion¤ 1771, 1885, 1988, acupuncture and electrotherapeutics research¤ 171, 200, 225, 305, 827, acupuncture energetique et tradition chinoise¤ 202, acupuncture research¤ 207, 344, 376, 597, 609, 669, 679, 748, 934, 935, 949, 950, 951, 952, 953, 954, 955, 956, 957, acupuncture research¤ 958, 959, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973, 974, 975, 976, 977, 978, 979, 980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 987, 988, 989, 990, 991, 992, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016, acupuncture research¤ 1017, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1057, 1182, 1195, 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1230, 1280, 1314, 1315, 1316, 1317, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, acupuncture research¤ 1329, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1333, 1334, 1335, 1336, 1337, 1338, 1339, 1340, 1341, 1342, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1347, 1348, 1349, 1350, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1354, 1355, 1356, 1357, 1358, 1359, 1360, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1364, 1365, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1371, 1372, 1373, 1374, 1375, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1416, 1445, 1446, 1447, 1448, 1480, acupuncture research¤ 1481, 1482, 1483, 1566, 1567, 1568, 1569, 1570, 1571, 1572, 1573, 1574, 1575, 1576, 1577, 1578, 1579, 1580, 1589, 1603, 1604, 1618, 1631, 1808, 1809, 1876, 1941, acupuncture research quarterly¤ 73, 74, 76, 89, 110, 133, 138, 139, 140, 176, 185, 193, 205, 216, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 234, 271, 284, 297, 314, acupuncture traditionelle chinoise¤ 1863, 1892, acupuncture traditionnelle chinoise¤ 1529, 1530, acupuncture traditionnelle chinoise¤ 1632, 1633, 1634, 1899, akupunktur¤ 79, 153, am j chin med¤ 1992, american journal of acupuncture¤ 62, 66, 78, 186, 191, 192, 358, 496, 787, 801, 802, 825, 1150, 1193, 1293, 1426, american journal of chinese medicine¤ 65, 68, 104, 178, 195, 377, 498, 499, 595, 596, 670, 680, 799, 830, 1140, 1169, 1402, 1403, 1424, 1516, 1646, 1837, 1886, 1938, beijing journal of tcm¤ 1194, 1254, 1259, 1841, beijing journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 774, 926, 1127, 1748, 1756, british journal of acupuncture¤ 97, 421, 487, 543, 547, 734, 791, bulletin de la societe d'acupuncture¤ 40, 41, 42, 44, 48, chinese acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 119, 121, 124, 125, 143, 144, 146, 150, 151, 152, 162, 163, 169, 173, 182, 189, 190, 197, 203, 213, 215, 218, 227, 236, 239, 250, 257, 273, 274, 282, 302, 306, chinese acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 312, 326, 334, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 345, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 367, 368, 369, 370, 486, 489, 490, 494, 495, 540, 544, 545, 549, 551, 590, 591, 592, 593, 623, 624, 625, 626, 628, 744, 746, 749, 750, 751, 752, 753, 754, 755, 756, 762, 902, 903, 904, 905, 908, 909, 910, chinese acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 911, 912, 913, 921, 928, 929, 930, 931, 936, 937, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1055, 1105, 1106, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123, 1125, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1131, 1132, 1176, 1178, 1179, 1180, 1181, 1183, 1184, 1185, 1186, 1187, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1210, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1231, 1232, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1275, 1276, 1277, chinese acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 1278, 1281, 1300, 1301, 1305, 1307, 1385, 1386, 1387, 1388, 1389, 1390, 1391, 1392, 1393, 1394, 1395, 1405, 1433, 1434, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1452, 1453, 1454, 1455, 1456, 1457, 1485, 1492, 1498, 1499, 1500, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1512, 1513, 1514, 1523, 1524, 1525, 1526, 1545, 1546, 1547, 1548, 1590, 1592, 1593, 1601, 1607, 1608, 1609, 1635, 1636, chinese acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 1682, 1687, 1688, 1695, 1698, 1713, 1714, 1750, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1759, 1762, 1763, 1777, 1779, 1786, 1792, 1793, 1804, 1806, 1815, 1833, 1834, 1857, 1860, 1867, 1870, 1871, 1877, 1879, 1880, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1893, 1894, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1918, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1953, 1955, 1959, 1960, 1968, 1970, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1983, 1984, 1985, chinese acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 1986, 1987, 1993, chinese acupuncture and moxibustoin¤ 1400, 1401, chinese acupuncture et moxibustion¤ 1404, chinese journal of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 598, 599, 600, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 702, 703, 711, 788, 792, 793, 794, 1396, chinese journal of basic medicine in tcm¤ 1645, 1654, 1655, 1881, chinese journal of ethnomedicine and ethnopharmacy¤ 1615, 1616, 1617, 1703, 1829, 1835, 1853, 1954, chinese journal of information on tcm¤ 1895, chinese journal of integrated traditional and western medicine¤ annales de la societe d'acupuncture d'aquitaine¤ 484, 332, 336, 497, 629, 642, 1619, 1699, auriculomedecine¤ 69, chinese journal of medical history¤ 900, 1111, chinese australian journal of acupuncture¤ 789, journal of medical history¤ 1425, gera 2010 159 chinese journal of traditional medical science and technology¤ 1745, chinese journal of traditional medical science and technology (¤ 1733, chinese journal of traditional medicine traumatology and jiangsu journal of tcm¤ 508, 1261, 1582, 1811, 1836, 1869, 1908, jiangsu journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 581, 582, 586, 617, 776, 779, 781, 927, 1103, 1136, 1149, 1163, orthopedics¤ 422, 493, 1855, jiangxi journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 743, 899, chinesische medizin¤ 1945, 945, cliniques d'acupuncture¤ 60, journal de medecine traditionelle chinoise¤ 1904, complementary therapies in medicine¤ 1939, 1940, journal de mtc¤ 329, 331, deutsche zeitschrift fur akupunktur¤ 266, 296, 482, 673, journal of acupuncture and tuina science¤ 1847, 1848, 1849, 1765, 1766, 1769, 1770, 1850, 1909, 1925, 1930, 1942, 1943, 1964, 1990, deutsche zeitschrift für akupunktur¤ 786, journal of alternative and complementary medicine¤ 1963, east-west¤ 583, journal of anhui traditional chinese medical colege¤ 1822, el pulso de la vida¤ 1861, journal of anhui traditional chinese medical college¤ 1831, el pulso de la vida- journal of tcm¤ 1896, journal of beijing college of traditional chinese medicine¤ 548, ener qi¤ 1488, 1489, 1551, 585, 645, enerqi¤ 1544, 1552, journal of beijing university of tcm¤ 1250, 1614, etudes¤ 154, forschende komplementarmedizin and klassische journal of changcun college of tcm¤ 1657, naturheilkunde¤ 1957, forum on tcm¤ 1663, fujian journal of tcm¤ 280, 307, fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 299, 346, 480, 504, 643, 772, fujian journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 920, 1245, guang ming journal traditional chinese medicine¤ 1749, 1757, guangxi journal of tcm¤ 1700, 1701, 1818, 1827, 1842, hebei journal of tcm¤ 1629, heilongjiang journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 1740, 1741, henan traditional chinese medicine¤ 569, 906, 1560, hubei journal of tcm¤ 1651, journal of chengdu university of tcm¤ 1599, 1600, 1873, journal of chinese medicine¤ 217, 258, 418, 671, 790, 1112, 1160, 1596, 1789, 1922, 1926, 1989, journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 1605, 1606, 1624, 1658, 1659, 1660, 1661, 1666, 1667, 1668, 1669, 1670, 1685, 1686, 1692, 1693, 1696, 1697, 1727, 1728, 1735, 1738, 1739, 1746, 1755, 1772, 1773, 1778, 1788, 1798, journal of clinical acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 1799, 1803, 1807, 1823, 1832, 1838, 1839, 1843, 1845, 1846, 1858, 1874, 1875, 1882, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1919, 1920, 1951, 1965, 1977, 1979, journal of emergency in tcm¤ 1913, journal of external therapy of tcm¤ 1638, 1662, 1859, 1868, hubei journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 570, 761, 1883, 1914, journal of external therapy of traditional chinese medicine¤ 1723, 1730, hunan guiding journal of tcmp¤ 1805, journal of fujian college of traditional chinese medicine¤ 1774, hunan journal of tcm¤ 1641, journal of gansu college of tcm¤ 1821, journal of gansu college of traditional chinese medicine¤ information on tcm¤ 1758, intern med¤ 1958, international conference on tcm and pharmacology,shanghai¤ 1736, journal of guiyang college of tcm¤ 1721, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 434, 435, 436, journal of henan college of tcm¤ 1650, international journal of acupuncture¤ 1419, 1420, 1421, journal of henan university of chinese medicine¤ 1854, international journal of chinese medicine¤ 283, 310, journal of japan society of acupuncture¤ 502, 503, 1062, international journal of clinical acupuncture¤ 699, 700, 701, journal of liaoning college of tcm¤ 1856, 784, 785, 803, international journal of clinical acupuncture¤ journal of nanjing university of tcm¤ 1817, 1819, 1825, journal of nanjing university of traditional chinese medicine 804, 805, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 818, 822, 823, 824, 828, 829, 856, 857, 858, 1060, 1061, 1114, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1148, 1190, 1191, 1192, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1283, 1284, 1285, 1286, 1287, 1288, 1311, 1312, 1313, 1430, 1431, 1432, 1458, 1459, 1460, 1461, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1476, 1477, 1484, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1522, 1533, international journal of clinical acupuncture¤ 1537, 1626, 1627, 1716, 1717, 1718, international journal of oriental medicine¤ 1852, j hosp med¤ 1946, (natural science)¤ 1782, journal of nanjing university tcm¤ 1625, journal of new chinese medicine¤ 155, 167, 170, 172, 188, 199, 210, 313, 324, 352, 353, 481, 505, 506, journal of practical tcm¤ 1683, 1694, 1725, 1726, journal of practical traditional chinese medicine¤ 1729, 1732, 1737, journal of shandong college of tcm¤ 1291, 1292, journal of shandong college of traditional chinese medicine¤ 922, gera 2010 160 journal of shandong university of tcm¤ 1417, 1555, 1623, journal of shandong university of traditional chinese medicine¤ 1802, journal of tcm¤ 212, 214, 278, 281, 347, 348, 366, 373, 483, 507, 1220, 1289, 1290, 1298, 1299, 1398, 1542, 1543, 1556, journal of tcm¤ 1581, 1620, 1637, 1709, liaoning journal of tcm¤ 479, 1562, 1602, 1639, 1640, 1707, 1708, 1720, 1820, liaoning journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 760, 765, 919, medecines nouvelles¤ 328, 1710, 1711, 1712, medicina energetica¤ 1678, 1767, 1824, 1828, medicina holistica, revista de medicinas complementarias¤ journal of tcm and chinese materia medica of jilin¤ 351, 1628, 888, journal of tcm el pulso de la vida¤ 1933, medicina tradicional china¤ 245, journal of the japan society of acupuncture¤ 184, 419, 420, mensuel du medecin acupuncteur¤ 77, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 423, 424, 430, 431, 432, 433, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 94, 117, 130, 131, 132, 142, 149, 156, 158, 159, 180, 610, 611, 612, 613, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 181, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, modern diagnosis and treatment¤ 924, 948, modern journal of integrated traditional chinese and western 666, 667, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 713, 714, journal of the japan society of acupuncture¤ 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 738, 739, 740, 741, 812, 813, 814, 815, 820, 832, 833, 834, 835, 836, 837, 838, 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850, 851, 881, 882, 886, 887, 1133, 1141, 1211, 1212, 1214, 1215, 1216, journal of the japan society of acupuncture¤ 1217, 1218, 1219, 1253, 1282, 1397, 1494, 1508, 1531, 1553, 1554, journal of the japan society of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ medicine¤ 1866, 1884, mtc et acupuncture¤ 157, 301, new journal of tcm¤ 1201, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, 1267, 1664, 1665, 1684, new journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 577, 578, 579, 580, 633, 634, 635, 758, 769, 918, 923, 946, 1126, 1742, 1800, new zealand journal of acupuncture¤ 327, north american journal of oriental medicine¤ 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1295, 1296, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1413, 1471, 126, 127, 129, 137, 168, 174, 175, 206, 248, 1676, 1472, 1473, 1474, 1475, 1486, 1487, 1528, 1534, 1535, 1677, 1862, 1890, 1921, 1928, 1967, 1973, 1978, journal of the japan society of acupunctureand moxibustion¤ 1536, 1583, 1585, 1586, 1864, 1969, journal of the kyoto pain control institute¤ 57, 61, orientamenti mtc¤ 615, pacific journal of oriental medicine¤ 2, 1587, journal of tongji medical university¤ 668, perspectives yin yang¤ 80, 81, 82, practical journal of integrating chinese with modern medicine¤ journal of traditional chinese medicinal literature¤ 1790, 767, 1202, journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 123, 128, 145, 148, research of tcm¤ 1722, 164, 166, 209, 246, 249, 303, 320, 321, 335, 371, 372, revista argentina de acupuntura¤ 58, 488, 491, 510, journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 511, revista de acupuntura y moxibustion china¤ 1679, 1680, 512, 571, 572, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 616, 1681, 618, 619, 630, 710, 735, 757, 759, 766, 773, 798, 816, revista de la medicina tradicional china¤ 800, 889, 890, 891, 817, 826, 852, 907, 915, 938, 947, 1104, 1107, 1108, 1058, 1059, 1093, 1094, 1095, revista de la medicina 1113, 1115, 1124, 1134, 1142, 1165, 1188, 1189, 1236, tradicional china¤ 1096, 1159, 1237, 1244, 1408, 1409, 1440, 1441, 1442, 1467, 1468, revista paulista de acupuntura¤ 1491, 1493, 1469, 1532, 1754, 1780, 1781, 1787, 1796, 1900, journal revista uruguaya de acupuntura¤ 161, 165, 211, of traditional chinese medicine¤ 1901, 1948, 1980, 1981, revue de mtc du yunnan¤ 118, 120, 122, 147, 276, 300, 1982, journal of traditional chinese medicine and chinese materia revue francaise d'acupuncture¤ 594, medica of jilin¤ 627, 644, 771, 1734, journal of traditional chinese orthopedics and traumatology¤ 1597, 1652, 1656, 1816, journal of zhejiang college of tcm¤ 1200, 1418, 1561, journal of zhejiang college of traditional chinese medicine¤ revue francaise de medecine traditionnelle chinoise¤ 811, revue francaise de mtc¤ 160, 485, rivista italiana di agopuntura¤ 315, 492, 500, 712, 1644, rivista italiana di agopuntura (roma)¤ 270, rivista italiana di medicina orientale¤ 179, 308, 631, 775, 1118, 1775, rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese¤ 672, 795, journal of zhejiang tcm college¤ 477, 796, 797, 819, 831, 853, 854, 855, 880, 1091, 1092, journal of zhejiang traditional chinese medical college¤ 513, 1161, 1166, 1167, 1168, 1490, 1496, 1591, 1649, 1704, journal of zhejiang traditional chinese medicine college¤ 265, 1891, 1915, rivista italiana di medicina tradizionale cinese¤ journal of zhejiang traditional medical college¤ 566, 567, 1916, 1929, 1949, lasers med sci¤ 1972, rivista italiana medicina tradizionale cinese¤ 1294, second national symposium on acupuncture and moxibustion, gera 2010 161 beijing¤ 292, yunnan journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 587, 588, shaanxi journal of tcm¤ 309, 349, 350, 745, 780, 925, 1116, shaanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 240, 252, zhejiang journal of tcm¤ 275, 1507, 1565, 1621, 1622, 304, 1715, zhejiang journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 325, 646, shaanxi traditional chinese medicine¤ 514, 515, 516, 517, 768, 1172, 518, 574, 584, 647, 939, 1117, zhonghua yi shi za zhi¤ 1950, shandong journal of tcm¤ 1642, 1648, zhongyi zazhi¤ 86, shandong journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 472, 519, 782, 1175, 1801, shanghai j ournal of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 1851, shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 1878, shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 196, 201, 204, 251, 269, 279, 311, 323, 473, 474, 475, 476, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 525, 526, 527, 550, 552, 589, 636, 637, 640, 641, 742, 747, 763, 777, 778, 916, 917, 933, 1109, 1110, 1135, 1177, 1225, 1226, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1251, 1268, 1269, 1279, 1297, 1304, 1382, 1383, 1384, 1399, 1406, 1407, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1437, 1438, 1444, 1465, 1466, 1470, 1479, 1506, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1527, 1558, 1559, shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 1594, 1595, 1598, 1610, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1643, 1689, 1690, 1691, 1706, 1719, 1743, 1744, 1760, 1761, 1776, 1794, 1795, 1840, 1923, 1924, 1927, 1944, 1962, 1966, shanghai journal of tcm¤ 187, 478, 1550, 1563, 1564, 1630, 1702, 1814, 1826, 1844, 1917, shanghai journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 177, 183, 509, 632, 638, 901, 914, 932, 943, 944, 1164, 1173, 1174, 1724, shanxi journal of tcm¤ 1557, shanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 639, 764, shanxi journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 770, 1791, shanxi medical journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 940, su-jok¤ 1495, tianjin journal of tcm¤ 1653, tianjin journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 1731, traditional chinese medicinal research¤ 941, 942, 1056, word journal of acupuncture- moxibustion¤ 1549, word journal of acupuncture-moxibustion¤ 1538, 1539, 1540, 1541, 1584, 1588, world j gastroenterol¤ 1865, 8 - revues extérieures acta microbiologica sinica¤ 49, actas ciba¤ 34, am j dis child¤ 293, amer j pharm¤ 37, ann ny acad sci¤ 208, bavh¤ 26, bulletin de la societe des etudes indochinoises¤ 39, bulletin de la societe d'etudes indochinoises¤ 38, bulletin of the history of medicine¤ 54, canadian anaesthesists society journal¤ 67, 87, chiang-su chung i¤ 51, chinese medical journal¤ 46, ciba zeitschfift(medical history)¤ 36, clinical pediatrics¤ 319, clio medica¤ 134, concours medical¤ 1515, contact derm¤ 783, culture medecine and psychiatry¤ 83, fortschritte der medizin¤ 416, fukuoka ikwadaigaku zashi¤ 27, 28, fukuoka shika daigaku gakkai zasshi¤ 467, geburstshilfe und frauenheilkunde¤ 898, histoire de la medecine¤ 45, information medicale¤ 33, int j pharm¤ 1971, j dermatol¤ 1961, j med chir pharm¤ 9, 10, 12, j nurse midwifery¤ 894, 895, j vet med sci¤ 1151, jama¤ 64, 1435, 1517, 1518, jiangsu journal of tcm¤ 573, journal of beijing college of tcm¤ 568, journal of clinical dermatology¤ 354, world journal of acupuncture moxibustion¤ 1170, 1956, journal of the american medical association¤ 63, journal of the american medical association,edition francaise¤ world journal of acupuncture-moxibustion¤ 883, 884, 885, 238, 1143, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1147, 1152, 1153, 1154, 1155, journal of the history of medicine¤ 55, 1156, 1157, 1158, 1171, 1213, 1252, 1255, 1256, 1257, la science medicale pratique¤ 29, 1258, 1302, 1303, 1306, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1414, world lasers med sci¤ 1991, journal of acupuncture-moxibustion¤ 1415, 1422, 1423, lik sprava¤ 1439, 1436, 1443, 1478, 1647, 1764, 1768, 1783, 1784, 1785, masui¤ 105, 1830, 1897, 1898, minerva medica¤ 50, xinjiang journal of traditional chinese medicine¤ 1747, mitt a d med akad zu kioto¤ 32, yunnan journal of tcm and materia medica¤ 1260, 1497, natur heilen¤ 1162, gera 2010 162 nippon ronen igakkai zasshi¤ 1705, ditot,paris¤ 14, paediatrica indonesiana¤ 56, ediciones en lenguas extranjeras,beijing¤ 892, probl vet med¤ 893, edinburgh : churchill livingstone¤ 897, shandong journal of tcm¤ 575, 576, editions dangles,st jean de braye¤ 317, stomatologiia¤ 114, editions, paris¤ 43, tcm shanghai journal of acupuncture and moxibustion¤ 1671, edizioni di red, como¤ 1, 1672, 1673, 1674, 1675, edman,upsala¤ 11, tr jap path soc¤ 30, grasset,paris¤ 330, tr soc path jap¤ 31, verhandhlungen der deutschen gesellschaft fur hambourg¤ 7, chirurgie,berlin¤ 25, world health forum¤ 896, zh nevropatol psikhiatr¤ 737, 9 - thèses paris: thèse médecine, rignoux imprimeur¤ 24, paris: thèse médecine ; didot¤ 21, these medecine, montpellier¤ 16, haug verlag,heidelberg¤ 75, hodges and m arthur,dublin¤ 22, las mil y una ediciones,madrid¤ 378, lefebvre,paris¤ 13, leiden¤ 8, les grands sujets de la medecine chinoise traditionnelle,tredaniel,paris¤ 466, london¤ 4, maisonneuve,ste ruffine¤ 541, 10 - tirés- à- part ou manscrits non publiés marburg¤ 5, academy of traditional chinese medicine,beijing¤ 254, 255, medicine and health publishing co,hong kong¤ 316, seoul¤ 72, miraguano,madrid¤ 736, x¤ 294, 295, neill,edinbourg¤ 18, 11 - traités amsterdam¤ 3, blue poppy press,boulder¤ 614, breslau¤ 6, cabal,madrid¤ 116, callow and wilson,london¤ 20, otto spatz, wiesbaden¤ 322, paris: these medecine ; didot¤ 17, thorsons publishers,wellingborough¤ 135, underwood,london¤ 19, unicorn press, hongkong¤ 59, wbv¤ 141, ditot, paris¤ 15, gera 2010