Pringdale Proud
Pringdale Proud
Pringdale Proud Principal: Mrs. W. Proestos Superintendent: Mr. D. McLean Trustee: Mr. D. Smith November 2011 Principal’s Message We have had a very successful start to our school year this Fall. Fortunately, due to increased enrolment in the primary grades we were able to add a Grade 3 class to our roster, and I had the pleasure of hiring Ms. Williams for that class. Now we have settled into the routines of the school year, and exciting classroom programs are in full swing. We have had many events and achievements since the beginning of the school year. Staff and students have already come together for several major events; our opening assembly on the first day of school, the Terry Fox Walk, Curriculum Night, and our first STAR Awards Assembly, just to mention a few. Children and many staff members have begun participating in extra curricular events such as Kilometre Club, Cross-Country, and Band. In fact our Cross-Country teams have run in several meets with a number of students performing extremely well. Please read the following pages to learn about how they did. I know that many more activities are about to begin. The boys and girls are encouraged to listen carefully to daily announcements for clubs or teams they might enjoy. Teachers and support staff at Pringdale Gardens are highly dedicated to professional growth that supports student success. As a result, they have committed to work together to focus on the following initiatives and projects during this year: Literacy, Numeracy, Technology, Safe and Caring Community, Physical Education & Health and the Arts. Very soon, on November 15 you will receive a Progress Report Card for your child. A reminder to you, this is a mid term glimpse of how your child is progressing to date. You will have an opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher during the Parent/ Teacher Conference times on November 17 & 18 to discuss his or her progress. Then at the end of Term 1 Dates to Remember November 3 November 11 November 15 November 17 November 18 November 22 November 23 November 24 November 24 November 25 STAR Assembly Remembrance Day Progress Report Card goes home Parent/Teacher Conference in evening Parent/Teacher Conference in the a.m. Vision Screening—follow up Vision Screening—follow up Photo Retake in the p.m. School Council Meeting at 6:15 Hug a Bear Day in February, you will receive a full Report Card. In the meantime, if you have questions about your child’s development or progress, please feel free to contact the teacher before then. I was very pleased to see so many parents come to our first School Council Meeting on September 29th. Paul Blackwood, our Community Support Worker, was in attendance. He will be working with the school administration, school council, and our parents throughout the year. Paul and I have sent out a parent survey to determine topics and events that are of interest to parents. If you haven’t completed the survey yet, please do so and send it to school with your child. The information we gather will help us plan workshops, activities and events for parents. We are planning our traditional festive movie for the morning of December 8 (possibly Happy Feet 2 or The Muppets) subject to weather and availability. So mark this date on your calendars. More information to follow. Again, please take the time to read through this month’s Newsletter to find out about the learning and achievements taking place at Pringdale Gardens. Wanda Proestos, Principal School Parking Lot At Pringdale Gardens, we have a real challenge because of our location on a major, busy roadway, and because we have a number of school buses that pick up students each morning. Our parking spots are reserved for school and school Board staff. Therefore, for the safety of the children we strongly encourage you to walk your children to school. If you must drive and drop off your child, do not block the bus drop off by the north side of the school. Stop on the east side of the lot by the recycle bins, and drive away. Do not stop to watch your child play until the bell rings as this will block the flow of traffic to the point that cars will not be able to even enter the parking lot. For the safety of all the children, we need you to comply with this request. School Pick Up Parents please remember, when you arrive at the school to pick up your children, you must wait outside for them. When parents walk down the hallway and linger outside classroom doors, they disrupt the classes. Remember when you come to the school, you must check in at the front office, sign in and receive a visitor’s pass. Snack Program—Great NEWS! We are always in great need when it comes to funding our snack program. This week we received a generous donation of $1000 from Mrs. Pettingill in support of this program. This gift will go a long way to help bring healthy snacks to our children. We are grateful and truly appreciate Mrs. Pettingill’s thoughtfulness. School Safety Tips For Parents and Children The following are some wise safety tips from Bill Campbell, Police Liaison Officer: 1. Work out a safe route to school with your children. Choose the quickest way with the fewest street crossings and use intersections with crossing guards. Stay away from parks, the creek, vacant lots, fields and other places where there aren't many people around. 2. Please walk children to school. It is safer than driving your child to school due to the traffic problems in the bus zone and while exiting our school parking lot. 3. Whenever possible arrange for children to walk to and from school with a friend, brother or sister. Try not to let them walk alone. 4. Be sure that your children know their home phone number and address, the number of their parents work place and/or a relative and how to use the 911 number for emergencies. 5. Remind them to never talk to strangers or accept rides or gifts from strangers. 6. If a parent or caregiver is not at home after school, have your children check in with a trusted neighbour as soon as Beyond Pringdale Trustee David Smith Ward 19, Scarborough Centre 5050 Yonge Street Toronto ON M2N 5N8 Tel 416-397-3104 they arrive home. 7. Remind children to let parents or guardians know ahead of time if they are planning to stay late after school. Teach them to get permission first if they want to play at a friend’s home. 8. Let your children know that if they see anyone that makes them uneasy or something that does not seem right, such as - a stranger hanging around the school, a bigger kid bullying smaller children, or vandalism, tell a teacher, parent or the police. 9. If your child is over 10 years of age and has to spend time at home alone after school, review rules for locking doors and windows and answering the door or telephone. Have the child call you to make sure that they have arrived home safely. Make sure that they do not tell anyone that they are home alone. Agree on rules for inviting friends over or going to a friends home when there is no adult home. 10. And last but not least, take the time to listen carefully to children's fears, feelings and things that make them uneasy or afraid. Tell them to trust their instincts. Take their concerns seriously and talk with them on a weekly basis. STAR Students September: Fairness Mrs. Bower’s class: Lesia, Seeralan, Alia, Sarah Mrs. Khazanchi’s class: Ivana, Omarion, Christina, Katrina Mrs. De Vos’s class: Sanjjana, Bobby Mrs. Aitken’s class: David, Khalila Ms Wells’ class: Sahar, Risiban, Pavinaya Ms Leibovitch’s class: Sharon, Isaiah Mrs. Iadipaolo’s class: Raheem, Mathanki Ms Butler’s class: Venish, Sakisan,Teddy, Carina Ms Jones’ class: Anthony, Meera, Omar Ms. Williams’ class: Thaksanya, Abishakan, Makayla Mrs. Providence’s class: Matthew, Makayla, Christopher Ms Edwards’ class: Gabrielle, AbdulaAhad, Jahinthan Ms. Cappadocia’s class: Gariel, Jazmin, Alyssa Mrs. ‘tMannetje’s class: Navathes, Varsha Mr. Vaccaro’s class: Abissan, Deandrea, Tia, Hisham What’s happening at Pringdale? Young People’s Theatre On September 27, 2011 our class went to the Young People’s Theatre. At the beginning there were 4 people in sweaters with hoodies on and they looked freaky to me and they looked like they were going to steal the place. The funny part was the girl was in a shiny black shirt with a bunny head. It was hilarious, everybody laughed so hard. The cool part was the girl was acting like a mannequin and did not blink. The other scary part was there were two people with no heads. By Humira, Grade 4/5 My Cross Country Experience! On Thursday, October 20th, 2011 I was very excited and nervous being at the cross country city finals. There were lots of kids and the fields were wet and swampy. When I started to run my heart was beating fast and I couldn’t catch my breath. The kids in front of me were slipping and sliding but I kept on running to get to the finish line. Even though I placed 89th, I enjoyed taking part and finishing the race. I would like to thank Mr. Yorke, Ms. Moore and Ms Jones for making me feel comfortable. By Lily, Grade 3 Young People’s Theatre I was excited to go to Young People’s Theatre because I didn’t really know what was going to happen. I liked the part where the actor was in a rabbit head playing with a baby skateboard. I also liked where a lady was acting like a doll. It was kind of freaky. This lasted one hour which was too long for my opinion, but I loved the show. By Gabrielle, Grade 4/5 Cross Country On the day of the cross country finals, Mr. Yorke drove us in his car. While he was driving, Mrs. Moore showed us a map of the route we were running in. I started to feel nervous and excited. On the map we had to go north of the ski hill to go to the starting line. When we got to the finals there was a lot of mud everywhere. When it was my turn, I was very nervous. I was excited too. When I got to the small hill, I slipped in a small hill in the mud. I also helped six kids that tripped over me. They said thank you and I ran as fast as I could run. When I got to the finish line, I was very happy that I reached it. Lily’s mom gave me some skittles. When we got into the car, we got timbits from Mr. Yorke. I really liked it. I also had a lot of fun in the city finals. By Teddy, Grade 3 The Young People’s Theatre Ms. Edwards’ class and Ms. Providence’s class went to the Young People’s Theatre. My favourite part of the theatre was the beginning it was really cool. The people were doing all kinds of gymnastic stuff and I thought it really cool how they made those pictures. It was also cool when a girl was acting like a mannequin. It was sort of creepy, but fun. By Shadman, Grade 4/5 Scientists in School On Thursday, October 13 a scientist came to our school. Her name is Scientist Kim. We did experiments. The best one I liked is the bubble experiment. We needed a cup, a straw, soap and corn syrup. It was so much fun. Scientist Kim did a magic trick with vinegar, baking soda, and popcorn seeds. She put the baking soda in water and put the popcorn seeds inside and put the vinegar in and the popcorn seeds started to dance. We made freezies. We used salt and ice to make it. We had cups so we put the freezies in the middle of the cup. We put in the first pack of ice and then we put another pack of ice in the cup. Then we put another cup of salt in. Then we put the last pack of ice and then we put the last cup of salt in the cup. After recess we ate the freezies. I had lots of fun doing the experiment. By Sharon and Arvalan, Grade 2 The Young People’s Theatre (YPT) On Tuesday, September 27, my class went to Young People’s Theatre to watch a play. The play was about paint and dance. The best part I liked in the play was when the people came in their hoodies, like they were stealing and I liked the part when the people were a negative image on the screen. By Abdul Ahad, Grade 4/5 Dentist Visit During my class trip to the dentist, Jennifer was my tour guide. I learned many things. Dentists look into our mouths to see if there are any cavities in your teeth. Floss is a thread you put it in between your teeth. Fluoride is a paste you put it in your mouth and it will make your teeth strong. We saw a special chair that goes up and down and it goes sideways. It goes up and down so the doctor doesn’t need to bend and it will be easy to see the patient’s teeth. When the dental assistant wants to clean our teeth she gets a water sprayer and a little vacuum to dry the teeth. After the tools are used, the dental assistant puts them in a special machine that washes them so they are clean for the next patient. T h e as s i s ta n t m a ke s t h e p at i en t c om f or tab l e . By Mathanki, Grade 2 More of what’s happening at Pringdale... Cross Country Story The cross country team and I went to Thomson park. I was really excited. I was tired at first but as soon as we hit the bus stop I was as excited as water mammals. I wanted to just run as fast as I could. When we got to Thomson park, Ms Jones went to look for a spot for us to sit. When she came back she showed us the spot, we decided it was okay. Then we set our bags down, some people sat down and the rest went to play football. The part that I personally found funny is when Ms. Jones and Mrs. Moore were playing football with us and Daniyal kept on intercepting Ms Jones throws. Then it was time for us to start to run. I had to cheer them on. Then it was our grade 6 race. I was so happy I ran my hardest and came in 100th place. My reward was pizza! By Malcolm, Grade 6 The Young People’s Theatre The trip to the Young People’s Theatre was really great. The dance was even awesome. There were 4 people dancing. It was scary, nice and delightful. They were being creative and flexible. The part that I most liked was when they covered their heads and walked around. I just wondered how they could see through that? I thought the play was inspiring. By Shaline, Grade 4/5 Our Dentist Visit During our class trip to the dentist. Jennifer was my tour guide. I learned many things. Dentists use braces to keep our teeth straight. X-rays are pictures of our teeth and gums. We got to sit on a special chair. The dentist uses a drill to clean out all the cavities in your teeth. Fluoride is a toothpaste that makes your teeth stronger. A mirror can help the dentist to see your back teeth. The water sprayer washes out all the germs. By Cory, Grade 2 Fall Poetry If I was a tree I’d say don’t cut me down. If I was a leaf I’d say tree stop dropping me down. If I was bark, I’d say stop stepping on me. If I was a branch I’d say stop breaking me. By Sumeya, Grade 3 Poetry If I were a tree I’d say I wish I could go to the stars and touch the moon. If I were a leaf I’d say I wish I had a friend. If I were a piece of bark I’d say I wish I wouldn’t get broken into pieces of wood. If I were a branch I’d say wind don’t blow me off. But I’m not any of those things so I’ll say I would love to be any of these plant parts. By Hanojan, Grade 3 Plants Some of the grade 3’s are planting plants Some of the students plants have not even grown so we decided to plant again. So the students won’t be sad or mad. Only 5 students in Mrs. Butler’s class plants have grown and in Mrs. Jones class all of the students plants have grown. Tthey got to take their plants home. The plants look good. So next time always make sure you look at your plant before taking it home. By Ashaureah, Room U4 Pirate Day Pirate day was on September 13. We had Pirate day because we wanted to dress up. Mr. Baker took a picture of people who were pirates. In Ms Butler’s class everyone was a pirate. Guess what? Ms Butler’s class won. Ms Butler’s class got to watch a video called Hercules. They even got to eat popcorn. The teachers were pirates too. The teachers did a great job. We had fun. By Kavinayan, Grade 3 Terry Fox Walk Greetings! My name is Venisha and I am in grade 3. On September 30 we went for the Terry Fox walk. We had to remember Terry Fox because he raised money for cancer patients. When my class went for the Terry Fox walk, we walked for a long time before we came to this place like woods. When we were walking on a bridge we saw two creeks on either side of us. Some of us were so excited. When I was doing it I felt good inside because I was doing something good. It was also fun because we discovered a lot of things in nature and we got a lot of exercise. By Venisha, Grade 3