BARK Community Newsletter for April 2016


BARK Community Newsletter for April 2016
Community Newsletter
April 2016
Mark Your Calendars
Helping the Community: Adoption News
Every Dog Has A Story
Adoption Spotlight: Blue Jay and Haley
Volunteer Corner: We Need You!
Notes from the Farm
Notes from the Clinic
Happy Tails...Waggin’ Good News!
Ways to Donate to BARK
Mark Your Calendars
Sunday, April 30th - Join BARK from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm for
Richmond Animal League’s Woodstock - a family friendly event (wellbehaved dogs welcome and encouraged to attend) at Westchester
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Helping the Community:
Adoption News
Most BARK dogs are rescued from local public shelters. These shelters
are open admission facilities, meaning that they are required by law to
accept all unwanted dogs, such as those picked up as strays or
surrendered by owners. When public shelters run out of room to house
the dogs, they sometimes euthanize as a means of population control.
BARK and other rescue groups offer lifesaving alternatives by
transferring at risk dogs to their facilities, where they are housed until
adoptive homes are found. In addition to finding forever homes, BARK
vaccinates, spays/neuters each dog and provides appropriate veterinary care.
We are proud to report that 27 dogs found loving homes in March including Aspen and Bugs
from our Oldies but Goodies program! If you’d like to keep up with the dogs adopted each
week, please become a fan of BARK on Facebook at
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Every Dog Has A Story
Every dog that comes to BARK has a unique story - some we know more about than others, but a story
nonetheless. Each month, we will feature the backstory behind a specific BARK dog in the hopes that his
or her story will help attract a loving, forever family!
For our first edition of Every Dog Has A Story, we are featuring not one dog, but an entire family rescued
by BARK!
Meet our newest senior shepherd family - 13-year old Mya (far right), and her three, 11-year old children,
Grumpy, Sakari, and Runt (pictured left to right). This wonderful, loving, family found themselves in
need of rescue after their owner died (5 years ago) and his widow was no longer able to care for this
family. Fortunately, one of BARK’s followers reached out to us, told us their story, and we agreed to take
the entire family in from Maryland. Another rescue took in the family temporarily as there was a timesensitive deadline to the need, and then transported them all to BARK. We welcomed this family with
open arms - they were a bit confused at first, but have settled in nicely and are now ready for homes of
their own!
Mya, the mom, is a chow/shepherd mix who weighs around 50 pounds and is also deaf (likely from
untreated ear infections). She is incredibly sweet, super easy on leash, and has clearly been a great mom
to her kids.
Sakari is the lightest of the female children and is petite at around 42 pounds. She is a bit on the shy side
and is very bonded to her mom - the two must be adopted together. She is sweet, quiet, gentle, and very
easy on leash. She loves being right beside you - the closer the better.
Runt is the darker reddish female and also weighs around 45 pounds. She is a bit more outgoing than her
sister Sakari, and would make a wonderful companion for another dog in the home. She also does very
well on leash and loves exploring the trails at BARK with her mom and siblings.
Grumpy has a misleading name as he’s not at all grumpy - he can be a bit protective of his ladies, but can
you blame him? He is definitely more of a Dutch Shepherd with his handsome brindle coat and is the
largest of the family. He does very well with the girls, but is also the most independent of the group.
While he would love to be adopted with one of his sisters, he would do very well in a home as the only
dog as well. Grumpy is very easy on leash, loves to be with his person, and is quite attentive!
To meet any or all of this wonderful family, please fill out an application online at
Sakari, Runt,
and Mya (L-R)
Adoption Spotlight: Blue Jay and Haley
Dogs featured in the Adoption Spotlight were selected as personal favorites by BARK
volunteers. We hope you enjoy reading their comments about these wonderful dogs. If you want
to know more about a dog, click here for Petfinder bios.
If you are interested in meeting a dog featured in the adoption spotlight, please submit an
application online at, send an email to, or call
804-449-2274 (BARK).
Blue Jay
“One of my favorite dogs is Blue Jay,” says her volunteer friend. “She is the cutest little
bundle, always happy to see you. She has been walked by both experienced and
inexperienced handlers with the same results- a happy loving girl ready for attention.”
This ridiculously cute, solid little girl needs a kid-free and dogfree home, but she's got plenty of love to share with the right
owner! Blue Jay is a beautiful 2-year-ld female terrier. She is
medium sized at 55 pounds. She loves to go on walks and does
very well on leash. While she enjoys being with her person, Blue
Jay does need to be the only dog in the home and would do best
in an all-adult home with an owner who has experience with the
breed. She will not be adopted into a home with children under
the age of 16. This cutie is very smart, attentive, and eager to
please. It does take Blue Jay a little while to get used to new
environments and new people, so a relatively calm home would
be best suited for her. View Blue Jay’s classified ad here.
Blue Jay
Haley, a volunteer favorite, is an adorable mixed breed gal who lost her home years ago when her family
moved and could not take her with them. Here’s what one of our volunteers says about her,
“Haley is still my favorite dog at BARK. She is my foster when I am in town which is not
as often as I would wish. Although I adore having Haley with me she deserves to have
someone who can take her forever. She is not a young dog but she has tons of energy
when necessary and is a good chill dog when I need her to be. She walks easily on a
leash and craves your loving attention always. If you are looking for a loving companion
and a quiet one, Haley is your girl.
Haley is leery of men when she first sees them but given a little time she warms up to a
loving hand and a treat. The one thing she loves is children. She is so accepting of their
pets and will just sit and enjoy the moment. Unfortunately she does not like other dogs.
That is a definite.”
Haley is one of the sweetest, most gentle and loving dogs we
have. She is medium sized at about 35 to 40 pounds and walks
nice and slowly on leash. She is very quiet, gentle and has
wonderful manners. She loves to be spoiled and showered with
affection and gives lots of puppy kisses in return. She would
prefer a home without small children, as an only pet and
someone with dog experience, as she can be protective of her
person in a home environment. At around 8 years young,
Haley has plenty of spunk left in her and has a good energy
level but is perfectly content to lay on a couch with you. Her
favorite past times are playing in the yard with her soccer ball
and eating cheese slices. View Haley’s classified ad here.
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Volunteer Corner
Volunteer Wish List
This month we especially need:
Donations of bottled water for the volunteers at the kennels!
Donations of canned dog food and Vienna sausages! We are
in really short supply!
Nylabones, Kuranda beds, and Kong toys!
Evening feeders at the Ashland farm and volunteers for
cleaning kennels (email Peggy Fore at
Special Projects
Who would like to get some exercise on the farm and help spruce things up at the same time? We
have a few projects planned and money budgeted - now all we need is some volunteer labor on
the weekends to knock them out. How about coming out to help rebuild a couple outside pens
and make them tall and escape proof? They are in rough shape and now is the time to get it done!
We are hoping to rebuild one each month from now until the end of the year. Most work will be
done on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. To get your name on the list for this and other farm
projects, please contact Bob Adams at
We also need help keeping the shelter building cleaned and organized – not cleaning kennels or
scooping poops but simply keeping the shelter in spiffy shape. This task is not as physical as
cleaning kennels and walking dogs but it is just as important! If you are interested, please contact
Linda Lane at or 804-883-7740.
Doggie Stories
We need your DOGGIE story too! Since BARK has so many dogs, it is difficult for volunteers to
get to know each of them in the limited time they share at the farm or at an adoption stand. In an
effort to better showcase some of the wonderful dogs currently awaiting their forever homes, we
are asking volunteers to share their stories of working with spending time with the BARK dogs.
Please “vote” for your favorite dog and explain what makes “your” dog deserving of his or her
very own forever home. Does he walk well on a leash? Does he know how to sit or shake? Does
he love the water? How does he act with volunteers and other dogs? Can she fetch? Is he a good
kisser? The “winning” dogs, along with the volunteer descriptions, will be featured in the
adoption spotlight portion of upcoming BARK newsletters. These stories will help readers get to
know the dogs and hopefully generate adoption interest. Plus, they’re a lot of fun to read!
Remember, your personal experiences could make a difference in the life of a very deserving
BARK dog. Submit your “votes” to
BARK Dogs Need More Caretakers and Friends!
If giving back to the community or making a difference in the life of another is one of your new
year’s resolutions, consider volunteering at BARK. Volunteering is a great way to make a
difference in the lives of some very deserving dogs, while giving back to the community, and
feeling great at the end of the day.
Sadly, there are always dogs in need and government shelters that are full. The more volunteers
we have, the more dogs we can help rescue. It’s a very rewarding experience, but it certainly
takes a lot of work and we can always use more help. Come alone, bring a friend, or make it a
family endeavor. You will have fun, learn about caring for and working with dogs, and simply
enjoy their wonderful personalities in a pretty, farm-like setting. There are a variety of ways that
you can get involved including cleaning, walking, feeding, helping with medicines, grooming,
and even laundry! We are also always in need of donations, fosters, and forever families.
The BARK volunteers appreciate all the help we can get
and so do the dogs! If you’re interested in volunteering
(or fostering/adopting), please fill out an application at You can also email Peggy Fore at with questions about
volunteering, to arrange for a group of volunteers, or to set
up a time to drop off donations.
Volunteer Groups
We always appreciate groups of volunteers, but do request that the groups be scheduled in
advance. We do our best to satisfy every request, but have to limit the number of volunteers on
any given day to ensure the safety of the volunteers and dogs. If you’d like to schedule a date for
your volunteer group, please email Peggy Fore at
Current Schedule for Kennel and Dog Care
Our flexible work schedule has proven a success by allowing volunteers, once they are trained,
to clean any time during the day they chose to help. Every new volunteer will receive via email
(and be expected to read) introductory materials that detail our processes and volunteer
guidelines and every volunteer must have an orientation and provide a completed BARK
application/waiver to a crew lead at the kennels (not only online). Orientations are scheduled on
a one by one basis. We do not allow children under the age of 12; children under 16 must be
accompanied by an adult at all times. For volunteer questions or to schedule an orientation
contact Peggy Fore at
• Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: Volunteers are at the kennels at various times between
8:00 am and 7:30 pm. (Fridays from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm). We have morning, late afternoon,
and evening crews on these days. Please note that we do not have volunteers onsite throughout
the day.
• Tuesdays and Thursdays: A couple of volunteers start around noon; the remainder come
after work (5:00 pm and later).
• Saturdays and Sundays: Volunteers typically arrive between 10:30 am and 11:00 am.
Orientations are always held on Saturdays and Sundays at 11:00 am.
Remember, the dogs depend on us. Even just an hour a week can make a huge difference in the
life of a deserving dog!
Kennel Guidelines
For safety reasons, please adhere to the following guidelines:
• No one under the age of 12 may volunteer at the farm/shelter or adoption stands.
• Volunteers under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times (including
when walking on the trails, getting dogs in/out of kennels, etc.). Exceptions are at the
discretion of the crew lead.
• Groups of young volunteers must have enough adults to supervise the youths at all times.
The adult supervisors should stay with them and help them get the dogs in and out of
kennels, leash them properly, follow the walking precautions/ rules and stay safe – dog and
• Please clean up after yourself. If you groom a dog, please sweep up any hair and return the
tools to the proper location. In general, always try to leave the kennels cleaner than they
were when you arrived. We are all volunteers and must help one another.
Kennel Volunteer Programs
Thanks to a core of volunteers, we are constantly improving the Quality of Life for our dogs.
Here are our volunteer needs:
Walking and Exercising Program
Kennel/Shelter Care and Maintenance
Volunteer Follow Up
Special Projects/Facilities
Groups and Community Service
Medical Care
If interested, please complete a volunteer inquiry form on our website: Please
note that the majority of our volunteers work full-time jobs in addition to the time they dedicate
to BARK. Please allow up to 2 weeks to receive a response to a volunteer application submitted
Welcome to newcomers: Caroline Anderson, Ellen Ayers, James Banks, Caine Basey,
Karmalita Bawar, Kayla Blankenship, Guilen Brandon, Cody Clark, Warren De’Loach, Sam
Farley, Kevin Headley, Abby Hock, Lucille Lindamood, Sydnie Mason, Andrew Miller, Emily
Montgomery, Jennifer Morey, Danica Nunez, Andres Ospina, Edith Potter, Kelly Rosser,
Leigh Strawderman, Angela Taylor, Hannah Williams and Madison & Jane Yancey.
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Notes from the Farm
Hi there friends!
It’s been a super busy and exciting month here for the BARK dogs (and volunteers too)! A
couple of my good buddies entered BARK in the Animal Planet Pet Nation Renovation contest
and we were one of five finalists - in a nationwide contest!!! Can you even believe it?!?!
We had a ton of support from all of you and our friends in the rescue world. The grand prize is a
shelter makeover (which will be televised) worth $180,000! I have no idea what that looks like,
but it sure sounds amazing. I heard we would get central heat and air, some renovated outside
playpens, an even an indoor bathroom for my volunteer pals.
The contest ended and we’re just waiting on the official announcement from Animal Planet
before we can let you know the outcome. It’s just so incredibly exciting - I can hardly contain
myself! Just think, I could be on Animal Planet - I would be a star!
So, stay tuned and keep an eye on BARK’s Facebook page. As soon as we can, we’ll let
everyone know. Thanks again for all of your votes and support. Thanks also to my pal Mary
Maier who came out super last minute to get the footage and pull together the entry for BARK we couldn’t have done it without you!
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Notes from the Clinic
April is National Heartworm Awareness month! It is very important as a rescue organization to
know the importance of heartworm prevention so that future owners can be appropriately
educated. Heartworm disease is very prevalent in our area; we sometimes see several positive
cases each day in our clinic. Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease in pets.
It is caused by foot-long worms (heartworms) that live in the heart, lungs and associated blood
vessels of affected pets, causing severe lung disease, heart failure and damage to other organs in
the body. Clinical signs in pets include coughing, exercise intolerance, lethargy, weight loss,
decreased appetite, fluid in the abdomen or even sudden death. Some pets may show no signs at
Annual heartworm testing is very important to catch the disease process in the early,
asymptomatic stages. Heartworm medications are highly effective, but dogs can still become
infected. If you miss just one dose of a monthly medication—or give it late—it can leave your
dog unprotected. Even if you give the medication as recommended, your dog may spit out or
vomit a heartworm pill—or rub off a topical medication. Heartworm preventives are highly
effective, but not 100 percent effective. If you don’t get your dog tested, you won’t know your
dog needs treatment.
Heartworm preventatives are prescription only, meaning they must be prescribed by a
veterinarian. There are several options available –tablets, topicals and injections. It is much
cheaper and safer to prevent the disease than to treat it once your dog becomes infected. The
average cost of heartworm prevention for a year is $70-$200. The average cost of treatment once
infected is $1200-$1800. For more information please visit the following link:
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Happy Tails – Waggin’ Good News
Thank you and everyone at BARK for our wonderful new hound dog. Titan loves his forever
home and family. He really enjoys running around his backyard through the trees, especially
when it snowed. Titan also enjoys playing with his toys in the den and sleeping on the sofa and
his own little bed. He has so much fun he just has to howl about it sometimes. Titan loves
playing and walking around the neighborhood with his new nephew. He also likes to visit his
new groomer and vet. Titan hangs out with his mom and dad all day and sleeps in the bed with
them at night. We love this great little guy and look forward to many years of happiness together.
Thanks so much,
Don and Frances
From introduction on Addie has been Hilary's dog. She likes me but she loves Hil. Addie has
found her voice. The first she barked at the plumbers, at polite little woof, woof but a bark none
the less. Two days later the electricians knocked at the front door and when I opened it Addie
went crazy; not only was she growling (another first)but she was barking liking she would like
nothing better than have them for lunch. Fortunately I couldn't get the screen unlocked so they
had to enter by the carport. Addie allowed that with a minimum of fuss laying on the threshold of
the living room where she could watch everything.I'm guessing she feels comfortable expressing
herself now that this is her house.
Addie does like to eat and her food is gone in less than 2 minutes. She gets an egg once a week
and a bit of olive oil on her food twice per week. And she loves treats. I still can't believe she is
ours she is such a dear although I quickly come back to earth when I look at our beige carpet.
Bert (no photo included)
Thanks for all your help and making the adoption process so easy. I
brought John Wayne home with me today! I fell in love as soon as I
saw him! Just wanted to let you know and say thanks again!!
PS - I think he's adjusting fine!
John Wayne
Zero, who we renamed Bandit, has been doing pretty well. We have some adjustments as he has
been struggling with separation anxiety when we leave, but we've been working with the vet and
are trying out a couple of different tactics for getting him used to us being gone - even for only
half an hour.
He's certainly learning how to be a spoiled rotten house dog in no time. He loves going for walks
and loves to play ball. We play ball every evening in the back yard and we've even taken him to
Poor Farm Park a few times to chase balls we hit in a vacant baseball field since it's fenced in
and WIDE.
Matilda is doing great. I could not have selected a better soul mate. She and I bonded from the
start and that has only strengthened with time. As promised, she is highly intelligent and has
high energy. Mattie responds exceptionally well to commands and I usually walk with her ‘off
leash.’ She has plenty of room to roam with my large yard, and is always on squirrel patrol. Of
course, I also have a small deer herd, foxes, rabbits, wild turkey and raccoons that cross our yard
and leave their scent to keep her energized.
Our only issue was that due to an infected rear toe nail, she was given antibiotics by our local
Vet. They did not match her internal chemistry and she had some unintended bowel movements
within the house. I ceased the medicine, the toe nail has since healed and everything is right with
her world and mine.
Here are a couple of photos after she returned from her first grooming.
Thank you all for doing such a great job.
Bailey & Blondie still in love. Yen &
yang...Bailey the rambunctious one and
Blondie so laid back ... Whenever she seems
annoyed, which isn't often, I always remind
her, she chose him!!! Lol.
I just wanted to say hi and let you know that Sugar is doing so well. She is such a
funny,sweet,and happy girl!! She and Desi have really bonded. She has gotten so much stronger
and runs really fast in a straight line. Her turns are very creative. Her favorite toy is a tennis ball
and while outside she almost always has one in her mouth. She and Desi love having stand offs
with the tug rope. She's learned "fence" and "house" ( we have to go from the deck to the gate to
get into backyard). Her appetite is great and she has learned to wait until I tell her "okay" and
give her a kiss to start eating. And yes, she does love apples, too And...she's gained 2lbs!!
Thank you for sending the notes from the prison program. She learned so much there.
Here are a few more pictures.
Beauty is doing fine and getting to be right at home.
She LOVES the ball that Tom gave us and we have a
lot of fun with that! As like most German Shepherds,
she is very protective and has said hello already to the
rabbits and groundhog in the back yard!
Hi to my friends at BARK! I was called Ellie Mae when I was with you all, but I never really
learned it. Now I go by Sami. It's short for Samadhi, which is the final phase in meditation. I love
my new home! I am always smiling! My favorite things include walks outside by the lake,
following my person around everywhere, meal time, car rides, playing with my new toys and
sleeping on my cozy bed. When I'm tired of playing I will collapse onto my persons lap. She says
I am a VERY good girl because I have never chewed up anything, never have accidents in the
house, and I love all people and dogs that I meet. I have already gotten cleared to stop some of
my medicines (which is a shame to me, because I used to get peanut butter with one of them!),
and it's getting easier for me to climb the stairs. My person and I love each other very much, and
she tells me that I help her make time to relax from her stressful job. Thanks, BARK for helping
us find each other!
Cajun has acclimated very well and is very happy in his new home. Cajun does exceptionally
well both on and off lead.
Gary is an awesome addition to the family and he is exceptionally loving, happy & protective of
his people.
I spoke with Samantha’s new mom today and
Samantha is doing great and according to her
mom is spoiled rotten. So happy for this little
I want everyone to know how Annie (aka Lulu) is doing. We have just returned from our road
trip to Montana and back where we house sit for 6 weeks. She has done very well. At last she
will take her treats and we were able to begin some gentle basic training. She gets (vet
recommended) homemade chicken jerky. Basically as the vet said I bake the heck out of breasts.
She played off leash in a wonderful dog park and was at times joyful. It was great to see her
running free.
She is the special love of our lives and please pass on this report to the other BARK volunteers
who were so important in her adoption.
Sharon and Matt (no photo included)
Blitz is doing great! he's now halfway through heartworm treatment, and we love him so much!
Here’s a photo of Graham adjusting to his
new situation. He’s on the couch in my
husband’s home office – apparently his
“executive consultant” work has tired him
out! He’s enjoyed his morning runs the
last two days and is already getting better
on the leash. He is quite affectionate and
sweet and slept comfortably on our bed
with us last night!
Komi is doing so well. We are just so in love with him!
Sadie (formerly Heather) is doing well. She is taking obedience classes and will probably go on
to trick classes because she is such a smart girl. I will send pictures when I get a chance. Thanks
for checking on her.
Susan (no photo included)
Billy’s new family reports that he’s doing absolutely wonderfully!
Good boy Billy!
If you have adopted a dog from BARK and have a Happy Tail or other
contribution for the monthly newsletter, please forward it to
(Return to Top) Donate to BARK !
Bandit’s Adoption and Rescue of K-9s is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all donations are
tax-deductable. BARK is operated entirely by volunteers, so 100% of your donation will go to
the dogs. Your donation will help fund spay/neuter operations, medical treatments, and daily care
and feeding costs for the dogs at the Ashland farm and in BARK foster homes.
You can mail your donation directly to the address below or make a secure donation online at Remember, every penny makes a difference in the life of a BARK dog!
Please accept my donation in the amount of:
$25 $100
$50 $125 $75 Other _________
Gift given in honor of _____________________________________________
Gift given in memory of ___________________________________________
Name __________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________
12300 Farrington Rd.
Ashland, VA 23005
804-449-BARK (2275)
Other Ways to Support BARK
In addition to direct donations, there are numerous options that allow you to help support BARK
and its mission. You can donate needed pet care items, purchase BARK merchandise or use a
search engine that donates to BARK. Using these websites is super easy and a portion of your
purchase will go directly to BARK.
In addition to monetary donations, is always in need of various pet care and
administrative items. To view a complete inventory of “wish list” items, please visit
BARK merchandise, such as apparel for you and your pet, housewares, and bumper
stickers are now available online at Check it out!
How can you make searching and shopping for that perfect gift even more perfect? Use
iGive, where with ever transaction a portion goes to benefit BARK. Raise a penny (or
more) per search and generate donations from any of the 730+ stores listed with iGive,
ranging up to 26%. Also, check out the new searchable coupons and deals, where you
will find all available, up to the minute offers and specials. Just visit
If you shop online using Amazon, you can also raise money for BARK, simply by
shopping! Use Amazon Smile (, simply select “Bandit's Adoption
and Rescue of K-9s” as your charity of choice, and shop away!
• is a new Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising
revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. Use it just as you
would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, and watch the donations
add up! You can even set GoodSearch as your default search engine.
• is a new online shopping mall which donates up to 37 percent of each
purchase to your favorite cause! Hundreds of great stores including Amazon, Target,
Gap, Best Buy, eBay, Macy's and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop and
every time you place an order, you’ll be supporting your favorite cause. So, by making
your regular purchases through this site, you’re helping take care of the dogs while
they’re waiting for their forever home! Just go to and be sure to
enter BARK as the charity you want to support. And, be sure to spread the word! It’s a
super easy way to help support the organization.
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