Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacau International ReIations Office Marasesti 157, Bacau 600115, Romania Calea Tel: + 40234 576901, Fax: +40234 576901 e-mail: relint@ub.ro bilP-/iwww_ubJa LL PROGRAMME - ERASMUS r institution data on Full legal name of institution (in original language and English) universitatea "vasile Alecsandri" din Bacau ("Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacau) ,15 Bacau, Calea Marasesti 157, 6001 Romania Address Ro BACAUo1 ERASMUS code EUC number 45 1 06-ıc_1 _2007_1 Head of institution Title/position Teleohone Fax E-mail Website www"ub.ro ERASM US lnstitutional Coordinator Name Address Teleohone Fax E-mail +40 234 576901 ohpintilie@ub"ro Name Address lnformation for i nco mı Lanquaoe of instruction Accommodation Prof. Dr. Gheorqhe PlNTlLlE "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacau Calea Marasesti 157, 6001,15 Bacau, Romania +4O 234 5801 70 lnternational Relation s Office Telephone Fax E-mail -Ro-ERAsM Us_EUcX-1 Prof, Dr. Valentin NEDEFF Rector +40 234 534712 +4O 234 545753 rector@ub.ro Gontact Silvia LEONTE nternational Relations office Calea Marasesti 157, 6001 15 Bacau, Romania l +4O 234 576901 +4O 234 576901 students courses of Romanian lanouaoe Application forms and academic calendar silviaieonte@ub.ro Romanian lanouaqe we can offer accommodation in our halls of residence yes, free of charoe for Erasmus students http //re l i nt, : u b, roleras m u s- i n co m i n g -stu d e nts ERASMUS PARTNER INFORMATION Chemnitz University of Technology Full legal name of the institution Chemnitz University of Technology socrates Erasmus code D CHEMNITO1 Stra8e der Naıionen 62,0911 1 Chernnitz, Address Germany Institution's şıeb site wıı,rı,. tu- chemnitz. Institutional socrates Etasmus coordinator Nü[r d e O[r,et Saclıs E -Mail : clı s (d)i,:z, tu - cl-ı Contact inforrnation (E-mail, Telephone, Fax) eıııııi Teleplrone: +49 03]1, 531 3]972 Fax: *49 0371 531 13509 Web site for INCO\{ING Students h Language of instruction German Students' Exchange cootdinatot - INCOMING students Ms Susan Graf Contact infotmation (E-mail, Telephone, Fax) E-N{ail: susan.graf@iuz. tu- chemnitz. de Telephone: +49 0311 531 37993 Students' Exchange coordinator studeııts - OUTGOING Contact information (E-mail, Telephone, Fax) tı i; : r.ı]jı,-eır. ı l'rııı,ır,. s :ı [z. dcı t-ıı clı eiırıı i tz. cle f intetnaüonal/incominq/index.php. en English (depending on offer) Fax: }49 03]1 531 13509 Mr oliver sachs E-\,tail: r.ılivcr. saclı si()iiız.tıı-c}.ı cnrııitz. clc Teleplıone: +19 0371 531 37972 Fax: *49 0371 531 13509 Students otganization web site (Buddy Ptogramme) Contact information (Buddy Frogramme) (E-mail, Telephone, Fax) wlı,§/.tuchemnitz. Contact information (E-mail, Telephone, Fax) /international,/patenpıogf alnm/index.php Str. der Nationen 62,0911 1 Chemnitz, Raum 39 Telefon: +49 371 531-29564 l +49 371 53l- 29565 E-Mail: Housing contact person de s pateııpro gfamm G)tı-ı-cheınııitz.rle tudentenwerk chemni tz-zw ickau E-Mail : info @) swcz.cie ++49 371 5628-314 semester dates wintet semestef 01.10. _ 31.03 Spring semester 01.0.1. _ 30"09 Application deadiines wintet semester Spring seffrestet 15 Jul), 15 January orientation rveek i ı] \X/İnter semes[er Spring semester I l Is a language coutse organised for Incoming I I Students? beginning of Octobet end of March/beginning of ApdJ ı es, 11ı Jeptembef and 1)U-Z+U Accommodation cafeteria, semester ticket fot publiİ tfansport, student's union) other usefııl information or ş,eb sites fot Incoming Students ın N4atch t htp://lı,wıv.tucl-iemnitz. de/sruu,e/homepage/S tudentenwerk/w 206,10 € (Summet semester 2012) htlp:/ /w\r,\ı/. tu- chemnitz.de/intemation ommen.php al f patenproeramm/rııllk