September 2016 - Watchung NJ Unit


September 2016 - Watchung NJ Unit
Publication of the Watchung NJ Unit (
Wally Byam Caravan Club International
September 2016
President’s Message
“Who knows where the time goes...”
So say the lyrics of one of my favorite songs. Can we really
be talking about the last camping rally of the year coming
up next month? The Flamingo Fantasy Rally to be held
over the Columbus Day weekend is not that far away and
Labor Day is just around the corner. The picture this
month is of Chestnut Lake at the campground of the same name and the site of our October rally. The cooler
weather and bright colors of fall will be a welcome treat after some of the hottest weather in recent memory crossed
our area this summer. Even though the calendar keeps on chugging, there are still plenty of great camping days left
in the year. So let's get out and enjoy!
The August Rally hosted by George & Linda Kiesel and Chris & Erika Beddiges was summertime great! The weather
was hot and sunny down at JSHaven, with any rain holding off until evening time. Many of us enjoyed outings to the
beaches and the Cape May Zoo, lobster rolls at Quincy's and the multiple craft beer breweries in the area. Throw in a
hot dog cookout, a pancake breakfast, a catered dinner in the club house and another great presentation by Hunt
Jones entitled “Got Gas?”..a history of gas stations, and you have the recipe for another outstanding Watchung Unit
rally. Many thanks to our hosts and co-hosts for their efforts on behalf of the club.
After the NJ State Rally this month comes our last business meeting of the year, at the October rally. There we will
vote on our 2017 slate of unit officers and whether to amend our unit's name to reflect Airstream branding. As you
know, I have discussed the WBCCI's efforts in modernizing the club. As reported last month, the WBCCI has itself
voted to include Airstream in the roundel logo.. now “The Wally Byam Airstream
Club”. Many individual units have requested the permission of the IBT to amend
their names in much the same way. Now is the time for the
Watchung NJ Unit-WBCCI to act and become the
Watchung NJ Airstream Club-WBCCI. The new name will better reflect who we Airstream brand owners club. I believe this improvement will help our unit
attract new members and continue its growth while maintaining club history. Also
debuting is a new design for a T-shirt/jacket/trailer decal. Please let me know what
you think of the updated look.
It is also getting time to renew your WBCCI and unit membership. It's real easy to go to and renew on line
with a credit card. A renewal form can be found in the pages of The Hillbilly for those who would prefer to send a
Publication of the Watchung NJ Unit
September 2016
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check. Either way, DO IT TODAY and don't miss a day in the life of your club.
Lastly, remember to keep safety at the top of your list when getting ready for your next outing and Airstream
adventure. Check your hitch, wheels & tires, safety chains, break-away switch and your running lights to name a few
items. It only takes a few minutes and it's worth the peace of mind.
Keep smiling..
15 – 18
7 - 10
2016 Watchung NJ Unit Schedule
13, 2016
NJ State Rally
Jersey Shore
So. Seaville, NJ
Deb Exter
Valley NJ
Unit (host)
Business Meeting
Chestnut Lake
Port Republic,
David and
Judy Cahall
Chimney Rock
Bridgewater, NJ
Rich and
Kathi Short
Chris and
Rocky Hill Inn,
Rocky Hill, NJ
Cal and
Mark and
Angie Ratliff
* Columbus Day
3, 2016
Save the
September 16-18, 2016 - NY State Rally / Installation Rally Allegany County Fairgrounds Angelica, NY
September 16-18 2016 - Pennsylvania State Rally Granite Hill Campground in Gettysburg, PA
President…………………Rich Short
1st Vice President…..……Mark Ratliff
2nd Vice President…….…David Cahall
Treasurer……………..…..Erika Beddiges
Recording Sec’y………….Dave Morrison
Corresponding Sec’y……..Kathi Short
Publication of the Watchung NJ Unit
September 2016
Barbara Bacon (1)
Betty Lou Walker (1)
Chris Beddiges (2)
Kathi Short (2)
Past President……. Jane Layman
Membership………Rich Short
Web Master………Dave Morrison
Newsletter Editor…Lea Plant
Sunshine…………..George/Linda Kiesel
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Please keep Linda Kiesel up to date,
, or you know of someone who
may ‘need’ a card.
9/05 - Mark Ratliff
9/19 - Dawn McCurley
9/21 - Bill Ellert
9/25 - Wilma Crawford
9/25 - Steve Nehlig
2017 DUES – Although many members are now
paying their annual dues via the Internet,
( => ‘RENEW ONLINE TODAY’) we, as
a unit ‘ask’ for additional personal information for
our unit Directory and Hillbilly. If you pay online,
please also notify Erika Beddiges, Treasurer with
the information (in blue) on our Unit Dues Coupon.
Angie Ratliff has graciously agreed to take over
as Watchung NJ Airstream Club Editor! Her term
will begin with the new year. She and I will work on
the process being seamless.
9/02 Beddiges,
Chris & Erika
9/21 Spevak,
Ron & Marge
9/26 Bull,
Jamie & Joanne
August Rally Pictures:
Jeanne & Fred Brugmans (#5638),
George & Linda Kiesel (#7191) with
Tom & Linda (George’s cousin)
Publication of the Watchung NJ Unit
September 2016
Michael Koczwara & Barbara Taylor (#2369),
Chris & Erika Beddiges (#1349),
Rich Short (#1512)
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Our happy hosts:
Chris Beddiges, Linda Kiesel,
Erika and George
August 17 - 23, 2016
Rally/Business Meeting
Jersey Shore Haven, So. Seaville, NJ
- Judy Cahall
The Watchung Summer Buddy Rally at Jersey Shore Haven was well attended with 26 attendees and 13
trailers. Linda and George Kiesel and Erika and Chris Beddiges were Co-Hosts and provided a great
weekend of food and fellowship. George’s cousin, Linda and her husband Tom came as Buddies to the
Rally as did Sue and Hunt Jones. Linda Ward brought a friend, Valerie Miller and Ryan (son) and Noah
(grandson) joined Rich Short. Others who attended were Barb and Cal Bacon, Jeannie and Fred Brugmans,
Judy Coupe, Judy and David Cahall, Lea and Jim Plant, Angie and Mark Ratliff and Barbara Taylor and
Mike Koczwara. We had five dogs in attendance but Betty Lou’s bird was sorely missed.
The Rally kicked off with Happy Hour on Friday and a Hot Dog and all the fixins, beans, and fresh Jersey
corn. A shout out goes to the Beddinges for donating the corn. It was delicious!! The campfire was
postponed until October due to the hot/humid weather.
On Saturday we had a full breakfast of pancakes, sausage, juice and fruit smoothies. Afterwards, many
people explored the area or went swimming in the pool at JSH. The Cold Spring, Ludlam Island, and Slack
Tide Breweries were visited and relieved of some of their craft beer stock and T-shirts. Several beaches
including Sea Isle, Wildwood, and Cape May were enjoyed with warm water and clear skies. The Wildwood
Dog Beach offered two fenced-in dog sand parks as well as beach access for dogs on leash. The lighthouses
in Cape May and the Herford lighthouse in Wildwood were explored. Look for some great pictures of the
flowers at the Herford Farm by the Bacons!! We may see another award at International in their future! And
as always, many but especially Noah enjoyed the free Cape May Zoo! Retail therapy and Quincy’s Lobster
Rolls were very popular on Beach Ave in Cape May!
Following the afternoon of relaxing and exploring, we met for Happy Hour and then we had a delicious
catered dinner of Chicken Marsala and Sausage and Peppers along with fresh spinach salad, fresh fruit salad
and Jersey corn. A great variety of wonderful desserts were then shared.
Following dinner, Hunt Jones presented an interesting and educational slide show titled “Got Gas”. It
chronicled 100 years from the development of the gas engine automobile and gasoline from the discovery of
oil in Pennsylvania, to the progress in its storage & dissemination, and the evolving changes in gas station
styles linked to cultural changes through the decades. What a fun look back into history!
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September 2016
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Following the presentation, George K drew several door prizes awarded to lucky winners!
To end a wonderful day, JSH kept the pool open for a night swim until 10pm and many took advantage of
this. Nothing like a night swim and looking up at the stars!
Sunday there was a Continental Breakfast of fresh fruit and various pastries. The Board Meeting followed
by a short General Business Meeting rounded out the morning. Several attendees departed but two thirds
stayed for an extra day of fun and fellowship.
Cal & Barbara Bacon (#5229), Valerie Miller
(Linda’s friend), Linda Ward (#4664),
back: Jim & Lea Plant (#2256)
Hunt & Sue Jones, Angie & Mark Ratliff (#5070),
David Cahall & Judy (in the back) (#4058)
************************** A BLAST FROM THE PAST FROM FRED BRUGMANS ************************
“It is good to go traveling, but it is nicer to come home “
Rummaging through my desk I came across a copy of the Hillbilly from October 2007. As part of the
editorials were several write-ups from the International in Perry GA. The one best describing the event was
from our former Editor Jo Bookholt. Here it goes:
International has it thrills. Meeting up with old friends is great. Watching all the trailers rolling in is a sight
to behold. The opening ceremony with all the flags coming down the aisle. The entertainment is always first
class. It also has its downfalls. The weather was HOT. The place was BUGGY. There was a water
restriction for the whole State of Georgia. We helped that. Our silver trailers attract rain, and we did have a
good rainstorm. Joey did his best to keep us all comfortable. He had two big fans blowing on us. There was a
kiddy pool filled with water under his awning with rubber ducks floating in it. We had spray misters all
around the 3 tents to cool us off. Good old Joey. We all learned the Georgia wave, the one that waved the
bugs away.. Loretta won second place for her jewelry, a ribbon for her beaded antlers and a special merit
award for our bulletin board that she designed. The Brinks went to Jimmy Carters church on Sunday to hear
Jimmy give the message, then had their picture taken with Jimmy and Roslyn. Secret Service did look them
over and thought they looked OK.
We celebrated Warren Pasmore’s birthday with strawberry shortcake and Bill and Ann Toole’s 50th
anniversary with pink champagne. All the women wanted to adopt the runaway Pug. Wal-Mart loved to have
us there but was so sorry to see us go. I guess there were good points and bad points to this rally just like all
big rallies. I hope these little sugar ants we brought home will hate New Jersey and leave my trailer. My
trailer smells of bug spray. Home is best! It is good to go traveling but it is nicer to come home.
(Only Jo calls it like it is.)
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September 2016
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September 2016
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2017 DUES - PLEASE FILL IN ALL INFORMATION, if not applicable, indicate N/A
Please return ASAP, but no later than October 15, 2016
Last Name: _________________________________
WBCCI # ______________________
#1 first name: _______________________________
Birthday: ______________________
E-Mail Address: ______________________________
Cell #: __________________ Watchung Directory
#2 first name: _______________________________
Birthday: _____________________
E-Mail Address: ______________________________
Cell #: __________________ Watchung Directory
Home Phone: ________________________________
Anniversary: ______________________
(will 2017 be a ‘big’ one?)
Address: __________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address (if different): __________________________________________________
Winter Address: ___________________________________________________ (with approximate dates)
*Hillbilly delivery: U.S. Mail
I / We own:
Class A
 
Class B
Please check all that apply. This INFORMATION will NOT change in WBCCI database UNLESS in writing:
I DO OFFER Courtesy Parking
I do NOT want to receive a print copy of the Blue Beret
I do NOT want to receive a print copy of the Annual Directory
I do NOT want my contact information included in the PRINT directory
I do NOT want my contact information included in the DIGITAL directory
International Dues ......................$ 65.00
Watchung NJ Unit Dues .............$ 15.00
Total for Regular Members................$ 80.00
====> _____
Life Member ..(Unit dues/Total)..........$ 15.00 ====>
Affiliate member (Total) ......................$ 15.00 ====>
Newsletter Only (Total) ......................$ 15.00 ====>
I / We hold International Membership in the __________________________Unit.
Return this completed form and check made payable to Watchung NJ Unit, WBCCI to: Ericka Beddiges,
815 Milford-Warren Glen Rd, Milford, NJ 08848
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September 2016
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Fall Luncheon
November 13, 2016 at 12:00 noon
Chimney Rock Inn in Bound Brook
800 N. Thompson Avenue, Bound Brook, New Jersey 08805
Hosts: Joanne and Chris Forster
Cohosts: Barbara and Cal Bacon
Our rigs will be in hibernation but we won’t!
Join us to reminisce about our travels big and small.
Main Entrée Choices*:
Chicken Francaise (or similar chicken dish)
Eggplant Parmesan with Linguine
Smoked Brisket Platter
Capellini Monaco with Shrimp
Penne with Vodka Sauce
*Includes assorted pizza appetizers, tossed garden salad, soda, coffee, tea, and dessert.
We will be collecting canned goods for the Food Bank at this event!
Reservation deadline: November 7, 2016
Name: ______________________________________________________
WBCCI #: ___________________________________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Number of people:__________ x $28.00 per person = Total $_______________
Make check out to: Watchung NJ Unit WBCCI
Mail check to: Joanne Forster, 15 Berwick Drive, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 (908-209-3490)
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Down the Road...Georgia Plantations
and More Caravan
This spring, Kathi and I were fortunate to be part of the 2016 WBCCI National
Caravan known as Georgia Plantations and More (N-45-K). We joined our
leaders, Winston and Carol Montague and the rest of our travel partners at
our first stop, Kolomoki Mounds State Historic Park in Blakely, GA on March 24.
The caravan would last for 23 days and make four additional stops before
ending on April 15th in Flovilla, GA. In between we would travel from the
southwest border of Georgia and Alabama, down to Tallahassee, FL located
just below the Florida-Georgia line, and back up through central Georgia to
approximately 45 miles east of Atlanta before heading back home.
Stop #1
As we would come to learn, Kolomoki is one of many beautiful and well kept parks in the Georgia State
Park system. We camped at two others; F. D. Roosevelt State Park in Pine Mountain, GA and Indian
Springs State Park in Flovilla. Each park was rich in history, as were their surrounding areas. All three
were nestled in and under the tall Georgia long leaf pine trees the state is known for. That would prove to
be problematic at the Kolomoki site. We returned to the campground after one of our planned day trips to
discover a tree had snapped and fallen during a rain storm. It had fallen onto the front roof of one of the
Airstreams! Fortunately, Tom and Barbara Davis (WBCCI #2378) weren't in their 23' trailer when the tree
fell. Unfortunately, the trailer was totaled and they weren't able to continue on the trip.
The Kolomoki Mounds are an important archaeological site containing seven earthen mounds built by the
Swift Creek and Weeden Island Indians sometime between 250 and 950 AD. The mounds include Georgia's
oldest great temple mound, two burial mounds and four ceremonial mounds. The park's museum provided
information, artifacts and a film about the site. Our campsites were located in a loop along the shore of
Lake Kolomoki.
Kolomoki SP served as the base for three day-trips during our stay in Blakely. First up was Sutton's Corner
Museum in nearby Ft. Gaines. Sutton's provided a glimpse into life in a small town and its country store
from a period of about 1840 through the post-Civil War South. It closed in 1927 after the death of the last
Sutton family member and is filled with over 4,000 artifacts from the era including it's wooden petticoat
counters, wooden cash registers, antique post office, grist mill, tobacco twister, bean sheller and more.
Interesting to say the least.
Next up was a 45 minute drive to spend the next day in the town of Colquitt, GA known for its beautifully
painted murals, the folk life playhouse known as Swamp Gravy and the historic Tarrer Inn. This was one of
my favorite stops. This town and it's citizens have taken the initiative to reverse the decline plaguing many
rural, small towns in the South and across the country. Through collaborative community spirit they have
built a true destination not to be missed. Colquitt is Georgia's first Mural City, boasting 13 hand painted
murals depicting life in a southern farming town and paying homage to its farming heritage. It includes the
hand-painted Icon to Agriculture mural that adorns the 27,000 square foot peanut silo owned by the
Birdsong Peanut Company. It is truly a sight to behold! Swamp Gravy bills itself as the official folk life play
of Georgia. Playhouse productions feature a community cast and crew and cover universal themes with a
Southern twist. The community contributors, over 100 strong, bring true stories of Georgia to the stage.
The play we saw was called “Order in the Court” and recalled the many stories the three courthouses of
Colquitt saw over their years. I found it wonderfully entertaining. A buffet lunch at the Tarrer Inn was an
introduction to Southern cooking at its finest. Perfectly fried chicken, corn bread, greens, sweet potatoes,
ham, gravy and more were all delicious! Did I mention the desserts? Cobblers, pies and cakes galore. That
is a menu that would repeat itself many times over on this caravan!
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The last day-trip from Kolomoki was to the Quail Country Plantation in Arlington, GA about 25 miles from
Blakely. It is one of Georgia's oldest hunting preserves consisting of 3500 acres of managed quail habitat.
It's beautiful grounds, hunting lodge and state-of-the-art hunting dog kennels were amazing. They take
great pride in the care and raising of their hunting dogs which number over 100 adults. Quail Country
Plantation is a fine example of Southern hospitality and quail hunting at its best. The rain storm that
toppled the pine tree back at the campground kept us from doing some planned skeet shooting but didn't
keep us from enjoying a pig roast and all the fixings in the lodge. Another great day on the caravan!
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September 2016
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September 2016
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