A kUkvr@v#kTk WkyA
A kUkvr@v#kTk WkyA
A kUkvr@v#kTk WkyA ^maVr` [aµOd© ~¢H Ûmam `Wm {d{Z{X©îQ ~ogb-II AnojmAm| Ho AZwnmbZ Ho n[aàoú` _| A{V[aŠV àH QZ (~ogb II ñV§^ 3 àH QrH aU) gmaUr SrE\ -1 1.3 h¡ : 1. AZwà`moOZ H m joÌ H mnm}aoeZ ~¢H g_yh _| erf©ñW ~¢H h¡ {Og na g§emo{YV ny±Or n`m©ßVm \«o _dH© bmJy hmoVm h¡ & 1.1 1.2 ~¢H 1. AZwf§Jr H m Zm_ {ZJ_Z H m Xoe H mn© ~¢H {gŠ`y[aQrµO {b{_QoS ñdm{_Ëd à{VeV H m AZwnmV ^maV 100% AZwf§Jr ^maVr` gZXr boImH ma g§ñWmZ (AmB©grEAmB©) Ho boIm§H Z _mZH 21 Ho AZwgma nyU©V: g_o{H V h¢ & g_yh (_yb Ed§ BgH s AZwf§{J`m§) Ho g_o{H V {dÎmr` n[aUm_ A§Vam g_yh boZXoZm| VWm J¡a dgyb bm^/hm{Z`m| H m {ZagZ H aZo Ho nümV² AmpñV`m|, Xo`VmAm|, Am`-ì``, O¡gr _Xm| H mo n§pŠV-Xa-n§pŠV Omo‹S H a VWm `Wm bmJy g_ê nr boIm§H Z Zr{V`m| Ho AZwê n `Wmdí`H VmZwgma Oê ar g_m`moOZ H aHo H mnm}aoeZ ~¢H (_yb) VWm BgH s AZwf§{J`m| Ho boIm nar{jV {dÎmr` {ddaUm| Ho AmYma na V¡`ma {H E JE h¢ & AZwf§{J`m| Ho {dÎmr` {ddaU Bgr [anmo{QªJ Ad{Y AWm©V 01.04.2009 go 31.03.2010 VH H s Ad{Y hoVw V¡`ma {H E JE h¢ & AZwf§Jr BH mB© _| BgHo _yb Ho {Zdoe H s bmJV H m AÝVa VWm A{YJ«hU Ho {XZm§H Ho g§X^© _| AZwf§Jr _| BgHo n¡a|Q H s B©pŠdQr H m {hñgm {dÎmr` {ddaU _| ny§Or Ama{jV Ho ê n _| {Z{X©îQ {H `m OmVm h¡ & bm^/hm{Z _| A{YJ«hU nümV n¡a|Q H m {hñgm amOñd Ama{jV Ho à{V g_m`mo{OV {H `m OmVm h¡ & n[aMmbZ Ho {Zdb n[aUm_ _| Ý`yZ{hV ã`mO VWm AZwf§Jr H s AmpñV bm^ H m dh ^mJ Ed§ Ý`yZVm _| lo`H {Zdb AmpñV à{Vq~{~V H aVr h¡ & H« . Am~§Q Z H m g§. {XZm§H ~m§S am{e BH mB© H m Zm_ {ZJ_Z H m Xoe ñdm{_Ëd à{VeV H m AZwnmV 1. {MH _Jbya H moS Jy J«m_rU ~¢H ^maV 35% n¡am 1.2 _| Cpëb{IV CnamoŠV BH mB©`m§ ^maVr` gZXr boImH ma g§ñWmZ (AmB©grEAmB©) Ho g§~§{YV boIm§H Z _mZH m| Ho AZwgma g_o{H V H s JB© h¡ VWm H moB© BH mB© g_mZwnm{VH ê n _| g_o{H V Zht H s JB© h¡ d H moB© Eogr BH mB© Zht h¡ Omo Z hr g_o{H V h¡ Am¡a Z hr hQmB© JB© h¡ & 1.5 {H gr ^r AZwf§Jr _| H moB© ny§Or H s H _r Zht h¡ & 1.6 g§à{V ~¢H ~r_m {H« `mH bmn _| g§{bßV Zht h¡ & 1.4 gmaUr SrE\ -2 ny±Or g§aMZm 2.1 ~¢H H s {Q`a I ny±Or _| em{_b h¢ : (é. H amoS _|) am{e {ddaU 143.44 g§XÎm eo`a ny±Or 5619.47 Ama{jV {Z{Y`m d bm^-hm{Z ImVm 737.50 ZdmoÝ_ofr ~o{_`mXr F U 6500.41 Hw b {Q`a- I ny§Or (gH b) 38.82 KQmE§: 50 % AZwf§{J`m| _| {Zdoe VWm g§`wŠV CÚ_ Hw b {Q`a- I ny§Or ({Zdb H Qm¡{V`m§) 108 19.09.2009 10.07.2009 11.08.2009 26.08.2009 237.50 300.00 100.00 100.00 Hy nZ Xa Ad{Y 9.00% 9.15% 9.05% 9.10% 10 gmb 10 gmb 10 gmb 10 gmb 6461.59 2.2 ~¢H Zo ZdmoÝ_ofr ~o{_`mXr ~m§S ({Q`a I ny±Or) VWm {Q`a II ny±Or g_m{dîQ H aZo hoVw AÝ` nmÌ ~m§S ^r Omar {H E h¡ & Hw N à_wI ~m§S {ZåZdV h¢: H . àm°{_Oar ZmoQ ({Q`a I ~m§S ) Ho ê n _| ~o{_`mXr Aà{V^yV J¡a n[adV©Zr` Jm¡U ~m§S (é. H amoS _|) H _ go H _ 10 df© VH H _ go H _ 10 df© VH H _ go H _ 10 df© VH H _ go H _ 10 df© VH # Ho db ^m[a~¢ Ho AZw_moXZ go hr H« ` {dH ën H m à`moJ {H `m Om gH Vm h¡ & 1. 2. 3. 4. ~¢H H m {ZåZ{b{IV BH mB©`m| _| 20% `m Cggo A{YH {hñgm H« .g§. H s {ZåZ{b{IV AZwf§Jr h¢: H« .g§. AZw~§Y - 11 H« `-{dH« ` {dH ën # {bIV| _m¡OyX ahZo Ho {bIV| _m¡OyX ahZo Ho {bIV| _m¡OyX ahZo Ho {bIV| _m¡OyX ahZo Ho ~mX H« ` {dH ën H m à`moJ {H `m Om gH Vm h¡ ~mX H« ` {dH ën H m à`moJ {H `m Om gH Vm h¡ ~mX H« ` {dH ën H m à`moJ {H `m Om gH Vm h¡ ~mX H« ` {dH ën H m à`moJ {H `m Om gH Vm h¡ & & & & Corporation Bank Annexure -XI Additional Disclosures in terms of compliance of Basel – II Requirements as stipulated by Reserve Bank of India (BaseI II - Pillar 3 disclosures) Table DF-1 1. Scope of application 1.1 Corporation Bank is the top bank in the group to which the revised capital adequacy framework applies. 1.2 The bank has following subsidiaries: Sr. No. Name of the subsidiary 1 Corpbank Securities Ltd. Country of incorporation Proportion of ownership percentage India 100% 1.3 Proportion Country of of ownership incorporation percentage 1. Chikmagalur Kodagu India 35% Grameena Bank Sl. Name of the Entity No. 1.4 The entity as given in para 1.2 is consolidated as per the Accounting Standards of ICAI and no entity is pro rata consolidated and there is no entity that is neither consolidated nor deducted. The subsidiaries are fully consolidated as per the Accounting Standard 21 of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). 1.5 1.6 Particulars Equity share Capital 143.44 5619.47 737.50 6500.41 38.82 6461.59 2.2 Bank has issued Innovative Perpetual Bonds (Tier I capital) and also other bonds eligible for inclusion in Tier II capital. Some of the important terms of the bonds are as under: a. Perpetual Unsecured Non-Convertible Subordinated Bonds in the nature of Promissory Notes (Tier I bonds) The minority interest in the net result of the operation and the asset of the subsidiary, represent that part of profit and the net asset attributable to the minorities. Bond Amount (Rs in Crore) Amount Reserves & Profit & Loss account Innovative Perpetual Debt Total Tier – I Capital (Gross) Less : 50% Investments in Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures Total Tier – I Capital (Net of Deductions) The difference between the cost to the parent of its investment in subsidiary entity and the parent’s portion of its equity in the subsidiary with reference to the date of acquisition is recognized in the financial statements as Capital Reserve. The parent’s share of the post acquisition of profits / losses is adjusted against the Revenue Reserve. Date of Allotment There is no capital deficiency in any of the subsidiary. The bank presently is not involved in insurance activity. Table DF - 2 Capital Structure 2.1 Bank’s Tier I capital comprises of Consolidated financial statements of the group (parent and its subsidiaries) have been prepared on the basis of audited financial statements of Corporation Bank (parent) and its subsidiaries, combined on line by line basis adding together like items of assets, liabilities, income and expenses, after eliminating intra group transactions and unrealized profit / losses and making necessary adjustments wherever required to confirm to the uniform accounting policies. The financial statements of the subsidiaries are drawn for the same reporting period as of the parent i.e. from 01-04-2009 to 31-03-2010. Series Bank is having 20% or more stakes in following entities: (Rs. in Crore) Coupon Rate Tenor Put/ Call Option# 1. 19.01.2009 237.50 9.00% 10 Yrs Call Option may be exercised after the instruments has run for at least 10 years 2. 10.07.2009 300.00 9.15% 10 Yrs Call Option may be exercised after the instruments has run for at least 10 years 3. 11.08.2009 100.00 9.05% 15 Yrs Call Option may be exercised after the instruments has run for at least 10 years 4. 26.08.2009 100.00 9.10% 10 Yrs Call Option may be exercised after the instruments has run for at least 10 years #Call option shall be exercised only with the prior approval of RBI 109 A kUkvr@v#kTk WkyA {Q`a II H s ny±Or ({Zdb H Qm¡{V`m§) H s am{e é. 4275.90 H amoS h¡ & {Q`a II ny±Or Ho VhV Omar ~m§S H s eV] {ZåZ{b{IV h¡: H ) dMZ nÌ (Ana {Q`a II ~m§S ) Ho ê n _| Aà{V^yV à{VXo` J¡a n[adV©{Z` Jm¡U ~m§S 2.3 2.4 l§Ibm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Am§~QZ H s VmarI 12.12.2008 24.02.2009 06.05.2009 28.05.2009 10.08.2009 11.08.2009 ~m§S am{e Hy nZ Xa 300 700 500 500 250 300 10.10% 9.15% 8.25% 8.37% 8.45% 8.45% # H« ` {dH ën 10 df© g_mpßV hoVw Ad{Y 15 df© 15 df© 15 df© 15 df© 15 df© 15 df© H« ` {dH ën (#) hm° hm° hm° hm° hm° hm° I) dMZ nÌ (bmoAa {Q`a II ~m§S ) Ho ê n _| Aà{V^yV à{VXo` J¡a n[adV©{Z` Jm¡U ~m§S H« . g§. Am~§Q Z H s VmarI ~m§S am{e 1 2 3 4 5 24.03.2006 19.03.2008 27.03.2008 03.12.2008 31.03.2009 300 200 300 200 500 {Q`a-I Am¡a {Q`a-II ny±Or _| em{_b H aZo hoVw nmÌ F U {bIV|: (é. H am‹oS _|) CÀMVa {ZåZVa {ddaU {Q`a -I {Q`a -II {Q`a-II 737.50 2,550 1,500 Hw b ~H m`m am{e 500 1,550 0 Mmby df© Ho Xm¡amZ CJmhr JB© am{e 2,550 1,500 ny±Or {Z{Y`m| Ho ê n _| n[aH bZ 737.50 hoVw nmÌ am{e 2.6 Hw b nmÌ ny±Or (é. H am‹oS _|) 6,461.59 {Q`a-I ny±Or 4,275.90 {Q`a-II ny±Or 10,737.49 Hw b ny§Or gmaUr SrE\ -3 ny§Or n`m©ßVVm JwUmË_H àH QVZ 3.2.1 ~¢H EH b VWm g_o{H V ñWa na 9% go A{YH grAmaEAma VWm 6% go ^r A{YH {Q`a 1 grAmaEAma H m`_ aIVm h¡ & 2.5 110 Hy nZ Xa (é. H am‹oS _|) à{VXo`/n[anŠdVm 12.12.2023 24.02.2024 06.05.2024 28.05.2024 10.08.2024 11.08.2024 (é. H am‹oS _|) n[anŠdVm H s VmarI Ad{Y (df© _|) 7.90% 24.03.2016 10 df© 9.30% 19.03.2018 10 df© 9.40% 27.03.2018 10 df© 10.80% 03.12.2018 10 df© 8.85% 31.05.2019 10 df© 2 _hrZo 3.2.2 ~¢H g§emo{YV ê naoIm Ho AZwgma Amdí`H {ddoH gå_V ñVa go A{YH Ý`yZV_ ny§Or H m`_ aIVm h¡ AWm©V Omo {ZåZ{b{IV go A{YH h¡ & H ) g§emo{YV ê naoIm Ho AZwgma Ano{jV Ý`yZV_ ny§Or; I) ~ogb I ê naoIm Ho AZwgma Ano{jV Ý`yZV_ ny§Or H m 90% n[a_mUmË_H àH QrH aU 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 F U Omo{I_ hoVw ny§Or Amdí`H Vm ~mOma Omo{I_ hoVw ny§Or Amdí`H Vm n[aMmbZmË_H Omo{I_ hoVw ny§Or Amdí`H Vm Hw b ny±Or d grAmaEAma ã`m¡ao Hw b ny§Or AZwnmV {Q`a 1 ny±Or AZwnmV 5,549.20 H am‹oS 431.45 H am‹oS 304.95 H am‹oS % 15.37 9.25 gmaUr SrE\ -4 G U Omo{I_-gm_mÝ` àH QrH aU JwUmË_H àH QZ: 4.1.1 ~¢H Zo {Z`m_H Ûmam Am` {ZYm©aU VWm AmpñV dJuH aU _mZX§S m| hoVw {dJV Xo` VWm AZO©H H s n[a^mfm (boIm§H Z CÔoí`m| hoVw) H mo AnZm`m h¡ & Corporation Bank 2.3 The amount of Tier – II Capital (capital net of deductions) is Rs. 4,275.90 Crore. 2.4 Terms of the bonds issued under Tier –II Capital are as follows: A. Unsecured Redeemable Non-Convertible Subordinated Bonds in the nature of Promissory Notes (Upper Tier II bonds). (Rs. in crore) Series 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Date of Allotment Bond Amount Coupon Rate Tenor Call Option (#) Redemption/Maturity 300 700 500 500 250 300 10.10% 9.15% 8.25% 8.37% 8.45% 8.45% 15 Yrs 15 Yrs 15 Yrs 15 Yrs 15 Yrs 15 Yrs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 12.12.2023 24.02.2024 06.05.2024 28.05.2024 10.08.2024 11.08.2024 12.12.2008 24.02.2009 06.05.2009 28.05.2009 10.08.2009 11.08.2009 # Call Option at the end of 10 Year. B. Unsecured Redeemable Non-Convertible Subordinated Bonds in the nature of Promissory Notes (Lower Tier II bonds): (Rs. in crore) Sr. No. Date of Allotment 1 2 3 4 5 24.03.2006 19.03.2008 27.03.2008 03.12.2008 31.03.2009 Bond Amount Coupon Rate 300 200 300 200 500 7.90% 9.30% 9.40% 10.80% 8.85% 2.5 Debt Capital Instruments eligible for Inclusion in Tier – I and Tier – II capital: (Rs. in crore) Particulars Tier-I Upper Lower Tier-II Tier-II Total Amount Outstanding 737.50 2,550 1,500 Amount Raised during the year 500 1,550 0 Amount eligible to be reckoned 737.50 2,550 1,500 as Capital Fund 2.6 The total eligible capital: Tier – I Capital Tier – II Capital Total Capital (Rs in crore) 6,461.59 4,275.90 10,737.49 Table DF-3 Capital Adequacy Qualitative Disclosures: 3.2.1 Bank maintains at both solo and consolidated level CRAR of more than 9% and Tier I CRAR of more than 6%. Tenor (in years) 10 Yrs 10 Yrs 10 Yrs 10 Yrs 10 Yrs. 2 Months Date of Maturity 24.03.2016 19.03.2018 27.03.2018 03.12.2018 31.05.2019 3.2.2 The bank maintains the minimum capital required as per revised framework above the prudential floor viz. higher of (a) Minimum capital Required as per the revised framework. (b) 90% of the minimum capital required as per Basel I framework. Quantitative Disclosures 3.2.1 Capital Required for Credit Risk Rs. 5,549.20 crore 3.2.2 Capital Requirement for Market Risk Rs. 431.45 crore 3.2.3 Capital for Operational Risk Rs. 304.95 crore 3.2.4 Total Capital and CRAR Particulars % Total Capital Ratio 15.37 Tier-I Capital Ratio 9.25 Table DF-4 Credit Risk – General Disclosures Qualitative Disclosures: 4.1.1 Bank has adopted the definition of the past due and impaired assets (for accounting purposes) as defined by the regulator for income recognition and asset classification norms. 111 A kUkvr@v#kTk WkyA ~¢H Zo F U Omo{I_ à~§YZ Zr{V bmJy H s h¡ VWm Bgo g^r emImAm| _| n[aMm{bV {H `m J`m h¡ & Bg Zr{V H m CÔoí` `h gw{ZpíMV H aZm h¡ {H n[aMmbZ à~§YZV§Ì H s AnojmAm| Ho AZwHy b VWm erf© à~§YZ H s aUZr{V`m| H mo gmW©H {ZX}em| Ho ê n _| n[aMmbZ ñVa na n[aUV H s OmVr h¡ & `h Zr{V ~¥hV F U Omo{I_ g§nmpíd©H G U hoVw _mZH , nmoQ © \ mo{b`mo à~§YZ, G U g_rjm nÕ{V, Omo{I_ Ho ÝÐrH aU, Omo{I_ {ZJamZr VWm _yë`m§H Z, àmdYmZrH aU VWm {d{Z`m_H /{d{YH AZwnmbZ na {ddoH nyU© n[agr_mE§ {ZYm©[aV H aVr h¡ & 4.1.3 ~¢H g§^m{dV Omo{I_m| H s nhMmZ H aVm h¡ VW BZ Omo{I_m| H mo _mnZo, {ZJamZr H aZo d {Z`§{ÌV H aZo hoVw g_w{MV VH ZrH| bmJy H aVm h¡ & 4.1.4 ~moS © Zr{V V¡`ma H aVm h¡ d {d{^ÝZ F U Omo{I_ EŠgnmoOa {ZYm©[aV H aVm h¡, F U Zr{V g{_{V, ~moS © Ûmam AZw_mo{XV BZ Zr{V`m| VWm aUZr{V`m| H mo H m`m©pÝdV H aVr h¡ Ed§ ~¢H AmYma na F U Omo{I_m| H s {ZJamZr H aVr h¡ VWm Omo{I_ gr_mAm| H m AZwnmbZ gw{ZpíMV H aVr h¡ & 4.1.5 ~¢H (H ) EH b VWm g_yh CYmaH Vm©Am| hoVw EŠgnmoOa gr_mE§ {ZYm©[aV H aHo (I) Jo«S gr_mAm| H m loUrH aU H aHo (J) CÚmoJdma EŠgnmoOa gr_mE§ VWm (K) A§Mbm|/amÁ`m| Am{X _| F U Ho ^m¡Jmo{bH {dVaU H m {díbofU H aHo Omo{I_ g§H| ÐU H m AÜ``Z H aVm h¡ & 4.1.6 ~¢H CYma ImVm| Ho loUrH aU H mo {H gr CYmaH Vm© go g§~§{YV F U Omo{I_ _mnZo Ho EH _hËdnyU© CnH aU Ho ê n _| _mZVm h¡ VWm VX²Zwgma ~¢H _| EH b F U loUrH aU nÕ{V ewé H s JB© & {d{^ÝZ I§S m| hoVw gm°âQdo`a AmYm[aV aoqQJ/ñH mo[a¨J _m°S b ~¢H H s Amdí`H VmAm| Ho AZwê n H ñQ_mB©O {H `m J`m h¡ d g§nyU© ~¢H _| H m`m©pÝdV {H `m J`m h¡ & n[a_mUmË_H àH QrH aU 4.2.1. Hw b gH b F U EŠgnmoOa {Z{Y AmYm[aV VWm J¡a {Z{Y AmYm[aV (é. H amo‹S _|) gH b F U Omo{I_ EŠgnmoOa am{e {Z{Y AmYm[aV 48,223.18 A{J«_ 4,082.82 {Zdoe 2,286.69 AÝ` AmpñV`m± 54,592.69 Hw b {Z{Y AmYm[aV 7,065.11 J¡a {Z{Y AmYm[aV ~mOma g§~Õ VWm J¡a ~mOma g§~Õ 61,657.80 Hw b F U Omo{I_ EŠgnmoOa 4.1.2 112 4.2.2 F U g§{dVaU H m ^m¡Jmo{bH {dVaU (é. H amo‹S _|) amÁ` Am§Y« àXoe Ag_ {~hma M§S rJ‹T NÎmrgJ‹T {Xëbr Jmodm, X_Z Ed§ Xrd JwOamV h[a`mUm {h_mMb àXoe Oå_y Ed§ H í_ra PmaI§S H Zm©Q H Ho ab _Ü` àXoe _hmamîQ´ _oKmb` CSrgm nm°§{SMoar n§Om~ amOñWmZ {gŠH s_ V{_bZmSw CÎma àXoe CÎmam§Mb n{ü_ ~§Jmb Hw b FU F U Omo{I_ J¡a {Z{Y Hw b 3,622.00 1,327.12 4,949.12 2.96 0.00 2.96 24.94 4.70 29.64 806.32 50.64 856.96 88.35 15.53 103.88 14,323.72 4,859.83 19,183.55 551.25 276.94 828.19 2,420.74 984.88 3,405.62 783.45 176.12 959.57 10.25 0.00 10.25 7.60 0.37 7.97 36.59 23.33 59.92 10,978.76 932.09 11,910.85 976.42 53.25 1,029.67 626.01 7.90 633.91 16,365.51 6,346.40 22,711.91 0.54 0.32 0.86 89.21 6.91 96.12 28.70 1.34 30.04 628.62 44.20 672.82 2,073.81 25.47 2,099.28 5.60 0.00 5.60 6,198.68 1036.52 7,235.20 945.56 243.56 1,189.12 20.80 0.49 21.29 1,586.17 420.07 2,066.24 63,202.56 16,837.98 80,040.54 Corporation Bank 4.1.2 Bank has put in place Credit Risk Management policy and the same has been circulated to all the branches. The objectives of the policy are to ensure that the operations are in line with the expectation of the Management and the strategies of the top management are translated into meaningful directions to the operational level. The policy stipulates prudential limits on large credit exposure, standards for loan collateral, portfolio management, loan review mechanism, risk concentration, risk monitoring and evaluation, provisioning and regulatory / legal compliance. 4.2.2 4.1.3 The Bank identifies the risks to which it is exposed and applies suitable techniques to measure, monitor and control these risks. 4.1.4 Board devises the policy and fixes various credit risk exposures, Risk Management Committee, implements these policies and strategies approved by the Board and monitors credit risks on a bank wide basis and ensures compliance of risk limits. 4.1.5 The Bank monitors the risk concentration by analyzing the actual exposure Vis-à-vis exposure limits fixed for single and group borrowers, rating grade - wise limits, Industry wise exposure limits and analyzing the geographical distribution of credit across the Zones / States etc. 4.1.6 Bank considers rating of a borrowal account as an important tool to measure the credit risk associated with any borrower and accordingly a Single scale credit rating system is in place in the Bank. A software driven rating / scoring model for different segments have been customized to suit the Bank’s requirements and the same has been rolled out across the bank. Quantitative Disclosures 4.2.1 Total gross credit risk exposures, Fund Based and Nonfund base (Rs in crore) Gross Credit Risk Exposures Amount (Rs in crore) States Andhra Pradesh 48,223.18 2.96 0.00 2.96 Bihar 24.94 4.70 29.64 Chandigarh 806.32 50.64 856.96 Chattisgarh 88.35 15.53 103.88 14,323.72 4,859.83 19,183.55 551.25 276.94 828.19 2,420.74 984.88 3,405.62 783.45 176.12 959.57 Himachal Pradesh 10.25 0.00 10.25 Jammu & Kashmir 7.60 0.37 7.97 Jharkhand 36.59 23.33 59.92 Karnataka 10,978.76 932.09 11,910.85 Kerala 976.42 53.25 1,029.67 Madhya Pradesh 626.01 7.90 633.91 16,365.51 6,346.40 22,711.91 0.54 0.32 0.86 Orissa 89.21 6.91 96.12 Pondicherry 28.70 1.34 30.04 628.62 44.20 672.82 2,073.81 25.47 2,099.28 5.60 0.00 5.60 6,198.68 1036.52 7,235.20 945.56 243.56 1,189.12 Uttaranchal 20.80 0.49 21.29 West Bengal 1,586.17 420.07 2,006.24 63,202.56 16,837.98 80,040.54 Delhi Goa, Daman & Diu Gujarat Haryana Maharashtra Meghalaya Punjab Sikkim Other Assets 2,286.69 Uttar Pradesh 7,065.11 61,657.80 Total Assam Tamilnadu Non Fund Based Market Related & NonMarket Related Total Credit Risk Exposure NonFund 4,949.12 4,082.82 54,592.69 Credit 1,327.12 Investments Total Fund Based Exposure 3,622.00 Rajasthan Fund Based Advances Geographic distribution of exposures Total 113 A kUkvr@v#kTk WkyA 4.2.3 CÚmoJdma {dVaU H« _ g§. 1. 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 6 7 8 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 10 11 12 13 13.1 13.2 14 14.1 14.2 15 16 17 18 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 19 114 `Wm 31.03.2010 H mo CÚmoJdma F U Omo{I_ CÚmoJ IZZ d CËIZZ (H mo`bm g{hV) ImÚ àg§ñH aU MrZr ImÚ Vob d dZñn{V Mm` AÝ` no` d V§~mHy dñÌ CÚmoJ gyVr dñÌ CÚmoJ OyQ dñÌ CÚmoJ _mZd {Z{_©V dñÌ CÚmoJ AÝ` dñÌ CÚmoJ boXa VWm boXa CËnmX dwS VWm dwS² CËnmX H mJO VWm H mJO CËnmX noQ´ mo{b`_, H mo`bm CËnmX VWm AmpÊdH BªYZ Ho {_H ëg VWm Ho {_H ëg CËnmX Cd©aH Am¡f{Y VWm \ m_m©ñ`y{QH ëg noQ´ mo Ho {_H ëg AÝ` a~‹S , ßb°pñQH VWm CZHo CËnmX ½bmg Am¡a ½bmgdoAma {g_|Q VWm {g_|Q CËnmX YmVw AmYm[aV VWm YmVw CËnmX bmoh VWm BñnmV AÝ` YmVw VWm YmVw CËnmX g^r B§Or{Z`[a¨J BboŠQ´ m{ZŠg AÝ` doB©H b, doB©H b nmQ©g² , VWm n[adhZ gmYZ aËZ VWm Am^yfU {Z_m©U AmYma^yV g§aMZm D Om© Xyag§Mma gSH VWm nmoQ © AÝ` AmYma^yV g§aMZm AÝ` CÚmoJ Hw b FU 65.14 1,329.16 88.72 299.27 2.17 939.00 225.80 2,797.87 1,716.08 1.53 9.11 1,071.15 147.76 93.12 160.34 2,204.28 2,432.43 129.74 1,182.55 666.93 453.21 429.68 92.69 1,000.64 3,442.41 2,515.57 926.84 1,854.90 1,105.24 749.66 1,083.31 1,078.96 113.39 8,616.48 4,898.99 1,209.97 670.84 1,836.68 2,713.32 29,881.68 F U Omo{I_ H¡ ßg 0.00 5.08 0.00 0.00 0.44 4.64 0.00 5.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.50 17.16 0.00 1.13 6.19 8.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.40 1.14 0.00 23.05 11.12 11.12 0.00 58.73 0.00 58.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.55 126.47 264.52 (é. H amo‹S _|) J¡a {Z{Y 9.26 212.51 1.72 72.63 0.00 138.16 0 401.39 316.35 0.00 12.56 72.48 22.85 165.17 9.76 355.55 260.47 23.94 138.96 26.28 71.29 259.00 190.72 272.09 1,065.77 572.90 492.87 2,724.87 762.76 1,962.11 860.20 234.68 91.20 2,049.53 646.07 610.92 151.18 641.36 3,920.45 13,105.47 Hw b 74.40 1,546.75 90.44 371.90 2.61 1,081.80 225.80 3,204.76 2,032.43 1.53 21.67 1,149.13 187.77 258.29 171.23 2,566.02 2,701.30 153.68 1,321.51 693.21 532.90 689.82 283.41 1,295.78 4,519.30 3,099.59 1,419.71 4,638.50 1,868.00 2,770.50 1,943.51 1,313.64 204.59 10,666.56 5,545.06 1,820.89 822.02 2,478.59 6,760.24 43,251.67 Corporation Bank 4.2.3 Industry - wise distribution Sl.No. 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 6 7 8 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 10 11 12 13 13.1 13.2 14 14.1 14.2 15 16 17 18 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 19 INDUSTRY-WISE EXPOSURE AS ON 31.03.2010 Industry (Rs in crore) Mining and Quarrying [including Coal ] Food Processing Sugar Edible Oils and Vanaspati Tea Others Beverage & Tobacco Textiles Cotton Textiles Jute Textiles Man-Made Textiles Other Textiles Leather & Leather Products Wood & Wood Products Paper & Paper Products Petroleum, Coal Products and Nuclear Fuels Chemicals & Chemicals Products Fertiliser Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Petro-Chemicals Others Rubber, Plastic & their Products Glass and Glassware Cement and Cement Products Basic Metal and Metal Products Iron and Steel Other Metal and Metal Products All Engineering Electronics Others Vehicles, Vehicle Parts and Transport Equipments Gems & Jewellery Construction Infrastructure Power Telecommunications Roads & Ports Other Infrastructure Other Industries CREDIT 65.14 1,329.16 88.72 299.27 2.17 939.00 225.80 2,797.87 1,716.08 1.53 9.11 1,071.15 147.76 93.12 160.34 2,204.28 2,432.43 129.74 1,182.55 666.93 453.21 429.68 92.69 1,000.64 3,442.41 2,515.57 926.84 1,854.90 1,105.24 749.66 1,083.31 1,078.96 113.39 8,616.48 4,898.99 1,209.97 670.84 1,836.68 2,713.32 Exposure CAPS Non-fund 0.00 9.26 5.08 212.51 0.00 1.72 0.00 72.63 0.44 0.00 4.64 138.16 0.00 00.0 5.50 401.39 0.00 316.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.56 5.50 72.48 17.16 22.85 0.00 165.17 1.13 9.76 6.19 355.55 8.40 260.47 0.00 23.94 0.00 138.96 0.00 26.28 8.40 71.29 1.14 259.00 0.00 190.72 23.05 272.09 11.12 1,065.77 11.12 572.90 0.00 492.87 58.73 2,724.87 0.00 762.76 58.73 1,962.11 0.00 860.20 0.00 234.68 0.00 91.20 0.55 2,049.53 0.00 646.07 0.00 610.92 0.00 151.18 0.55 641.36 126.47 3,920.45 TOTAL 29,881.68 264.52 13,105.47 TOTAL 74.40 1,546.75 90.44 371.90 2.61 1,081.80 225.80 3,204.76 2,032.43 1.53 21.67 1,149.13 187.77 258.29 171.23 2,566.02 2,701.30 153.68 1,321.51 693.21 532.90 689.82 283.41 1,295.78 4,519.30 3,099.59 1,419.71 4,638.50 1,868.00 2,770.50 1,943.51 1,313.64 204.59 10,666.56 5,545.06 1,820.89 822.02 2,478.59 6,760.24 43,251.67 115 A kUkvr@v#kTk WkyA A{J«_m| VWm {Zdoem| Ho Ad{eîQ g§{dXmJV n[anŠdVm ^§J é. H amo‹S _| n[anŠdVm noQ Z© A{J«_* {Zdoe* {dXoer _wÐm 1,983.33 305.17 148.52 AJbo {XZ 2,157.33 916.63 846.79 2 - 7 {XZ 2,655.25 779.81 111.98 8 -14 {XZ 3,952.33 496.03 214.23 15 - 28 {XZ 10,170.80 3,544.22 861.04 29 {XZ - 3 _mh 6,717.41 4,779.64 673.75 > 3 _mh-6 _mh 10,830.76 5,868.01 52.11 > 6 _mh -1 df© 14,896.12 5313.39 63.32 > 1 df© - 3 df© 5,626.33 4860.18 9.59 > 3 df© - 5 df© 4,212.90 7659.56 191.95 > 5 df© 63,202.56 34,522.64 31,73.28 Hw b 4.2.4 `Wm 31 _mM©, 2010 H mo EZ.nr.E. (gH b) am{e (é. H amo‹S _|) H« _ g§. loUr am{e i. 268.98 Ad_mZH ii. 88.44 g§{X½Y –1 iii. 49.17 g§{X½Y – 2 iv. 43.77 g§{X½Y – 3 v. 200.58 hm{Z vi. 650.94 Hw b EZ nr E (gH b) 4.2.5 4.2.6 31 _mM©, 2010 H mo {Zdb EZ nr E 4.2.7 àmdYmZm| H m CVmaM‹T md H« _ g§. i. ii. 4.2.8 116 loUr gH b EZnrE go gH b A{J«_ {Zdb EZnrE go {Zdb A{J«_ EZnrE (gH b) H m CVma M‹T md H« _ g§. i. ii. iii. iv. é. 197.25 H amo‹S loUr 1 Aà¡b, 2009 df© Ho àma§^ _| AWeof 31 _mM©, 2010 VH H s Ad{Y _| àmdYmZ 31 _mM©, 2010 VH H s Ad{Y _| H Qm¡Vr 31 _mM©, 2010 H mo A§{V_ eof % 1.02 0.31 (é. H amo‹S _|) am{e 559.99 476.82 385.10 650.94 EZ.nr.E. hoVw àmdYmZm| H m CVma M‹T md (é. H amo‹S _|) loUr am{e H« _ g§. i. 414.96 1 Aà¡b, 2009 df© Ho àma§^ _| AWeof 31 _mM©, 2010 VH H s Ad{Y VH {H E JE ii. 345.25 àmdYmZ Mmby df© _| 31 _mM©, 2010 VH ~Åo ImVo 266.60 iii. Smbm J`m 31 _mM©, 2010 VH df© Ho Xm¡amZ {H E JE iv. 67.13 A{V[aŠV àmdYmZm| H m à{VboIZ v. 426.48 `Wm 31 _mM©, 2010 H mo A§{V_ eof 4.2.10 `Wm 31 _mM©, 2010 H mo J¡a-{ZînmXZ {Zdoe H s am{e é. 11.05 H amo‹S & 4.2.11 J¡a-{ZînmXZ {Zdoe hoVw àmdYmZ H s JB© am{e h¡ é. 11.05 H amo‹S & 4.2.12 {Zdoe na _yë`õmg hoVw àmdYmZm| H m CXma M‹T md& (é. H amo‹S _|) loUr am{e H« _ g§. i. 129.19 1 Aà¡b, 2009 df© Ho àma§^ _| AWeof 31 _mM©, 2010 VH df© Ho Xm¡amZ {H E JE ii. 61.92 àmdYmZ KQmE§: 31 _mM©, 2010 VH df© Ho Xm¡amZ iii. {H E JE A{V[aŠV àmdYmZm| H m à{VboIZ 134.63 ~Åo ImVo {bIZm iv. 56.48 `Wm 31 _mM©, 2010 H mo A§{V_ eof gmaUr SrE\ 5 F U Omo{I_: JwUmË_H àH QZ: 5.1.1 CYmaH Vm© J«mhH m| hoVw aoqQJ gwJ_ ~ZmZo Ho {bE, ~¢H Zo ^maVr` [aOd© ~¢H Ûmam {d{Z{X©îQ/AZw_mo{XV {ZåZ{b{IV aoqQJ EO|{g`m| Ho gmW g_Pm¡Vm kmnZ {H `m h¡& Eogo àmßV aoqQJ grAmaEAma H s JUZm hoVw Cn`moJ H s OmEJr & · grEAmaB© · grAmaAmB©EgAmB©Eb · AmB©grAmaE · {\ M B§{S`m 5.1.2 CnamoŠV ~mø aoqQJ EOopÝg`m| Ûmam Am§~{QV aoqQJ CZ g^r F U Omo{I_m| hoVw Cn`moJ H s Om ahr h¡, {OgH s ~ogb II Ho VhV grAmaEAma n[aH bZm| hoVw _mZH ÑpîQH moU Ho VhV Omo{I_ {ZYm©aU à{H« `m Ho AYrZ aoqQJ H s OmVr h¡ & 5.1.3 CZ AmpñV`m| hoVw {OZH s g§{dXmJV n[anŠdVm EH df© go H _ `m EH df© Ho ~am~a h¡, CZHo {bE AënH mbrZ aoqQJ Cn`moJ H s OmVr h¡ O~{H AÝ` AmpñV`m| hoVw XrK© H mbrZ aoqQJ Cn`moJ H s OmVr h¡ ZH Xr F U/Amoda S´ mâQ VWm AÝ` n[aH« m_r F U Omo{I_m| hoVw XrK© H mbrZ F U aoqQJ br OmVr h¡ & 4.2.9 Corporation Bank 4.2.4 Residual Contractual Maturity Break down of advances and investments (Rs in crore) Maturity Pattern Next day 2 - 7 days 8 -14 days 15- 28 days 29 days - 3months >3 months-6months > 6months-1yr >1yr-3yrs > 3yrs-5yrs > 5yrs Total 1,983.33 2,157.33 2,655.25 3,952.33 10,170.80 6,717.41 305.17 916.63 779.81 496.03 3,544.22 4,779.64 Foreign Currency Assets 148.52 846.79 111.98 214.23 861.04 673.75 10,830.76 14,896.12 5,626.33 4,212.90 63, 202.56 5,868.01 5313.39 4860.18 7659.56 34,522.64 52.11 63.32 9.59 191.95 31,73.28 Advances Investments (gross) 4.2.5 Amount of NPAs (Gross) as on 31st March 2010 : (Rs. in crore) Sl.No. i]. ii]. iii]. iv]. v]. vi]. Category Sub –Standard Doubtful –1 Doubtful – 2 Doubtful – 3 Loss Total NPA [Gross] 4.2.6 Net NPA as on 31st March, 2010 4.2.7 NPA Ratios Amount 268.98 88.44 49.17 43.77 200.58 650.94 Rs. 197.25 Crore Sl. No. Category i]. Gross NPA to Gross Advances ii]. Net NPA to Net Advances 4.2.8 Movement of NPA’s (Gross) Sl. No. i]. ii]. iii]. iv]. Category Opening balance at the beginning of the year 1 April, 2009 Additions during the Year till 31st March, 2010 Reductions during the Year till 31st March, 2010 Closing balance as on 31st March, 2010 % 1.02 0.31 (Rs in crore) Amount 559.22 476.82 385.10 650.94 4.2.9 Sl. No. Movement of Provisions for NPA Category (Rs. in crore) Amount i] Opening balance at the beginning of 414.96 the year 1 April, 2009 ii] Provisions made during the year till 345.25 31st March, 2010 iii] Written off during the current year till 266.60 31st March, 2010 iv] Write back of excess provisions made 67.13 during the year till 31st Mar, 2010 v] Closing balance as on 31st March, 426.48 2010 4.2.10 Amount of Non-Performing Investment as on 31 March, 2010 is Rs. 11.05 crore. 4.2.11 Amount of provision held for non-performing investment is Rs. 11.05 crore. 4.2.12 Movement of Provisions for Depreciation on Investments (Rs in crore) Sl. Category Amount No. i] Opening balance at the beginning of the 129.19 year 1 April, 2009 ii] Provisions made during the year till 31st 61.92 March, 2010 iii] Less write-off ‘Write-back of excess provision 134.63 during the year till 31st March, 2010 v] Closing balance as on 31st March, 2010 56.48 Table DF- 5 Credit Risk Qualitative Disclosures 5.1.1 Bank has entered into MoU with the following rating agencies identified/ approved by RBI to facilitate the borrower customers to solicit the ratings. The rating so obtained shall be used for the purpose of computation of CRAR. • CARE • CRISIL • ICRA • Fitch India 5.1.2 The rating assigned by the above external rating agencies are being used for all exposures subjected to rating for risk weighting purposes under the standardized approach for CRAR calculations under Basel-II. 5.1.3 For assets that have contractual maturity less than or equal to one year, short term ratings are used while for other assets, long term ratings are used. For Cash Credit / Over Draft and other revolving Credit exposures long-term ratings are taken. 117 A kUkvr@v#kTk WkyA n[a_mUmË_H àH QrH aU {ddaU {Z{Y AmYm[aV F U Ed§ A{J«_ {Zdoe AÝ` AmpñV`m± J¡a {Z{Y AmYm[aV J¡a ~mOma g§~Õ ~mOma g§~Õ 100% Omo{I_ ^ma go H _ 100% Omo{I_ ^ma ~hr _yë` Ama.Sãë`y.E. ~hr _yë` 100% Omo{I_ ^ma go A{YH Ama.Sãë`y.E. ~hr _yë` Ama.Sãë`y.E. _|) Hw b ~hr _yë` Ama.Sãë`y.E. 29127.73 13319.68 26132.93 25815.66 7941.89 9087.84 63202.56 48223.18 21275.04 0.00 4038.88 4038.88 29.30 43.94 25343.22 4082.82 9900.52 205.18 2081.51 2081.51 0.00 0.00 11982.03 2286.69 8972.81 2272.22 7139.13 3889.47 726.07 586.87 16838.01 6748.56 959.03 316.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 959.03 316.55 gmaUr SrE\ - 6 F U Omo{I_ H _ H aZm: _mZH sH¥ V ÑpîQH moU hoVw àH QZ JwUmË_H àH QZ X¢{ZH n[aMmbZm| Ho Xm¡amZ AmZo dmbo G U Omo{I_m| Ho à^md H mo H _ H aZo hoVw ~¢H {d{^ÝZ nÕ{V`m| Ed§ VH ZrH m| H mo AnZmVo h¢ & {d{^ÝZ F U Omo{I_ àem_H (grAmaE_) {ZåZmZwgma h¡ : (1) g§nmpíd©H boZXoZ (2) Jma§{Q`m§ 6.1.1 6.1.2 nmÌ {dÎmr` g§nmpíd©H : {ZåZ{b{IV {dÎmr` g§nmpíd©H m| H mo ~¢H Ûmam F U Omo{I_ H _ H aZo Ho ê n _| {Z{X©îQ {H `m J`m h¡ & i. {dXoer _wÐm _| O_m g{hV ZH Xr VWm O_m ii. ñdU©: AZw_m{ZV: 99.99% n[aewÕVm _| JwU{ZYm©[aV & iii. H| Ð VWm amÁ` gaH mam| Ûmam Omar à{V^y{V`m± iv. {H gmZ {dH mg nÌ VWm amîQ´ r` ~MV à_mU nÌ v. OrdZ ~r_m nm°{b{g`m± 118 (é H amoS F U à{V^y{V`m±-loUrH¥ V VWm F U à{V^y{V`m±-AloUrH¥ V bo{H Z ~¢H m| Ûmam Omar vii. å`yMwAb \§ S H s `y{ZQ| 6.1.3 Jma§{Q`m§: à{VnmQu go H _ Omo{I_ ^madmbr g§ñWmAm| Ûmam Omar Jma§{Q`m| H mo Omo{I_ H _ H aZo Ho ê n _| ñdrH¥ V {H `m OmEJm & gaH mam|, gaH mar g§ñWmAm| (B©grOrgr VWm grOrQrEgE_B© g{hV) go Amdí`H VmZwgma Jma§Q r àmßV H s OmVr h¢ & n[a_mUmË_H àH QZ 6.2.1 _mZH sH¥ V ÑpîQH moU Ho VhV àH {QV F U Omo{I_ nmoQ© \ mo{b`mo hoVw {ZåZ{b{IV Ûmam H da Hw b F U Omo{I_: vi. nmÌ {dÎmr` g§nmpíd©H ; Aën H Qm¡Vr Ho nûMmV O_mam{e`m± é. 1,420.82 ñdU© Am^yfU é. 340.85 Ho drnr/EZEggr/EbAmBgr/ gaH mar à{V^y{V`m±± é. 98.70 BpŠdQr - _w»` gyMH m§H é. 148.88 6.2.2 H amoS H amoS H amoS H amoS Corporation Bank Quantitative Disclosure Particulars (Rs. in Crore) Below 100% Risk weight 100% Risk Weight More than 100% Risk Weight Book Value Book Value Book Value RWA RWA RWA Total Book Value RWA Fund Based Loans & Advances 29127.73 13319.68 26132.93 25815.66 7941.89 9087.84 63202.56 48223.18 Investments 21275.04 0.00 4038.88 4038.88 29.30 43.94 25343.22 4082.82 Other Assets 9900.52 205.18 2081.51 2081.51 0.00 0.00 11982.03 2286.69 8972.81 2272.22 7139.13 3889.47 726.07 586.87 16838.01 6748.56 959.03 316.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 959.03 316.55 Non Fund Based Non Market Related Market Related Table DF- 6 Credit Risk Mitigation: Disclosures for standardized Approaches Qualitative Disclosures: vi. Debt securities -Rated and Debt Securities -not rated but issued by banks. vii. Units of mutual funds. 6.1.1 Bank employs various methods and techniques to reduce the impact of the credit risks it is exposed to in its daily operations. The various Credit Risk Mitigants (CRM) are as under: (1) Collateralized transactions (2) Guarantees 6.1.3 Guarantees Guarantees issued by entities with a lower risk weight than the counterparty shall be accepted as a credit risk mitigant. 6.1.2 Eligible financial collateral: The following financial collaterals are recognized as credit mitigants by the Bank : i. Cash and Deposits including deposits in foreign currency. ii. Gold : benchmarked to 99.99% purity. iii. Securities issued by Central and State Governments. iv. Kisan Vikas Patra and National Savings Certificates. v. Life insurance policies. Guarantee of the Sovereigns, sovereign entities (including ECGC and CGTSME) are obtained wherever warranted. Quantitative Disclosures 6.2.1 For disclosed credit risk portfolio under the standardized approach, the total exposure that is covered by: 6.2.2 Eligible financial collateral; after the application of haircuts Deposits Rs. 1,420.82 Cr Gold jewels Rs. 340.85 Cr KVP/NSC/LIC/Govt. Securities Rs. 98.70 Cr Equities – Main Index Rs. 148.88 Cr 119 A kUkvr@v#kTk WkyA gmaUr SrE\ - 7– à{V^y{VH aU: _mZH sH¥ V ÑpîQH moU hoVw àH QrH aU: JwUmË_H àH QrH aU n[a_mUmË_H àH UZ: ~¢qH J ~hr (H ) gm_mÝ` JwUmË_H àH QZ à{V^y{VH aU J{V{d{Y H m CÔoí` ~¢H H s g§d¥{Õ à^m{dV {H E {~Zm Hw ebVm go ny±OrJV {Z{Y`m| H m à~§YZ VWm Vrd« Xa na AmpñV`m| Ho _WZo go à{Vbm^ A{YH V_ H aZm h¡ & BgHo A{V[aŠV CÀM g§Ho ÝÐZ Ho joÌm| _| AmpñV`m| H mo EH Ì H aZo Ho Ûmam F U g§{d^mJ H m ~ohVa à~§YZ VWm ~m‹Oma eo`a VWm J«hH g§~§Y ~ZmE aIZo hoVw BZ joÌm| _| AÀNm A{V[aŠV H mamo~ma BgH m bú` h¡ & à{V^y{VH¥ V AmpñV`m| _| A§V{Z{h©V {d{YH Omo{I_, F U Omo{I_, ~m‹Oma Omo{I_ VWm à{VnmQu Omo{I_ H s Amoa C{MV Ü`mZ {X`m OmZm h¡ & à{V^y{VH aU à{H« `m _| ~¢H àdV©H , {ZdoeH H s ^y{_H m AXm H a ahm h¡ & ~¢H H mo à{V^y{V-{Zdoe _| A§V{Z©{hV ì`pŠVJV à{V^y{V-{Zdoe Ho Omo{I_ bjU VWm g_yhZ Ho Omo{I_ bjUm| H s ì`mnH g_P {Za§Va ahoJr& ~¢H H mo à{V^y{VH aU boZ-XoZm| H s CZ g^r g§aMZmË_H {deofVmAm| H s nyU© g_P ahoJr {OZH m Eogo boZXoZm| go ~¢H Ho {Zdoe Ho {ZînmXZ na _hËdnyU© à^md n‹S gH Vm h¡ & ~¢H {d{dYrH¥ V ^m¡Jmo{bH /CYmaH Vm© g§Ho ÝÐZ MwZoJr {OZHo nmg F U Omo{I_ AënrH aU Ho ê n _| Xmo _mh go H _ Ho A{VXo` g{hV 75% go H _ _yë` AZwnmV Ho _yë` Ho F U hm|Jo & (I) ~¢H Ûmam nrQrgr Ho O[aE {Zdoe H s JB© am{e H mo {Zdoe Ho ê n _|, AmB©~rnrgr Ho O[aE F U Ho {Ûnjr` Am~§Q Z/ gh_{V Ho Ûmam àXÎm A{J«_ am{e A{J«_ _mZoJm & ~¢qH J ~hr _|, à{V^y{VH aU hoVw à`wŠV B©grEAmB© Ho Zm_ VWm à{V^y{V-{Zdoe H m àH ma {OgHo {bE àË`oH EO|gr (J) H m à`moJ {H `m OmVm h¡ & (K) ~¢H Ûmam à{V^yV {Zdoem| H s Hw b am{e& eyÝ` (L) (M) (N) (O) (P) (k) n[a_mUmË_H àH QrH aU: ì`mnma ~hr (V) {Zdoe àH ma Ûmam I§{SV Mmby Ad{Y Ho Xm¡amZ ~¢H Ûmam {ZYm©[aV {Zdoe à{V^yV hm{Z`m| hoVw (CXmhaU {dMmamYrZ à{V^y{V Ho {ddaUmZwgma H«o {SQ H mS©, Amdmg F U, Am°Q mo F U Am{X) EH df© _| à{V^y{VH aU hoVw A{^àoV AmpñV`m| H s am{e (M) _|, à{V^y{VH aU go nhbo df© Ho A§Xa àd{V©V AmpñV`m| H s am{e & à{V^yV {Zdoem| H s Hw b am{e ({Zdoe àH ma Ûmam) VWm {Zdoe àH ma Ûmam {~H« s na J¡a {ZYm©[aV bm^ `m hm{Z & {ZåZ H s Hw b am{e: · {Zdoe àH ma Ûmam I§{SV VwbZ nÌ _| Ym[aV `m IarXo JE à{V^y{V {Zdoe VWm · {Zdoe àH ma Ûmam I§{SV VwbZ nÌ ~mø à{V^y{V-{Zdoe · Ym[aV `m IarXo JE à{V^y{V-{Zdoe H s Hw b am{e VWm g§~Õ ny±Or à^ma, {Zdoem| _| I§{SV VWm àË`oH {d{Z`m_H ny±Or ÑpîQH moU hoVw {d{^ÝZ Omo{I_ ^m[aV gr_m _| AmJo I§{SV · Qm`a I ny±Or go nyU©V: H mQo JE {Zdoe, Hw b ny±Or go H mQo JE Omo F U H mo ~‹T mVo h¢, VWm Hw b ny±Or go H mQo JE AÝ` {Zdoe ({Zdoe àH ma Ûmam) ~¢H Ûmam à{V^y{VH¥ V {Zdoe H s Hw b am{e& eyÝ` ~¢H Ûmam à{V^y{VH¥ V {Zdoem| H s Hw b am{e {OgHo {bE ~¢H Zo Hw N {Zdoe Ym[aV {H E h¢ VWm Omo {Zdoe àH ma Ûmam, ~mOma Omo{I_ ÑpîQH moU Ho AYrZ h¡ & (W) {ZåZ H s Hw b am{e: * {Zdoe àH ma Ûmam I§{SV VwbZ nÌ _| Ym[aV `m IarXo JE à{V^y{V-{Zdoe VWm * {Zdoe àH ma Ûmam I§{SV VwbZ nÌ ~mø à{V^y{V-{Zdoe 120 Corporation Bank Table DF- 7 – Securitisiation: Disclosure for Standardised approach Qualitative (a) The general qualitative disclosure Disclosures The objectives of Securitization activity are to manage Capital funds efficiently without affecting the growth of the bank and to maximize the returns by churning assets at a rapid rate. Apart from this the better management of credit portfolio by hiving of assets in sectors of high concentration and good additional business in these sector to maintain market share and client relationship. The Legal Risk, Credit Risk, Market Risk and Counterparty Risk inherent in securitized assets which are to be properly addressed. The Bank play a Role of an originator, Investor in securitization process. The Bank shall on an ongoing basis have comprehensive understanding of the risk characteristics of individual securitization exposure as well as the risk characteristics of pools underlying in the securitization exposure. The bank shall have a thorough understanding of all the structural features of the securitization transactions that would have material impact on the performance of the bank’s exposure to such transactions. The Bank shall select pools having diversified geographical / borrower concentration having loans to value ratio less than 75% with overdues status not more than two months as a credit risk mitigation. Quantitative disclosures: Banking Book (b) The Bank shall reckon the amount invested through PTC’s as investment, the amount advanced through bilateral assignments of debt/ subscription through IBPC’s as advances of the Bank. (c) In the banking book, the names of ECAIs used for securitisations and the types of securitisation exposure for which each agency is used. (d) The total amount of exposures securitised by the bank. (e) For exposures securitised losses recognised by the bank during the current period broken by the exposure type (e.g. Credit cards, housing loans, auto loans etc. detailed by underlying security) (f ) Amount of assets intended to be securitised within a year (g) (h) Of (f ), amount of assets originated within a year before securitisation. The total amount of exposures securitised (by exposure type) and unrecognised gain or losses on sale by exposure type. Aggregate amount of: • on-balance sheet securitisation exposures retained or purchased broken down by exposure type and retained or purchased broken down by exposure type and • off-balance sheet securitisation exposures broken down by exposure type • Aggregate amount of securitisation exposures retained or purchased and the associated capital charges, broken down between exposures and further broken down into different risk weight bands for each regulatory capital approach • Exposures that have been deducted entirely from Tier 1 capital, credit enhancing I/Os deducted from total capital, and other exposures deducted from total capital (by exposure type). (i) (j) Quantitative Disclosures: Trading book The total amount of exposures securitised by the bank. (k) (l) Nil Nil Aggregate amount of exposures securitised by the bank for which the bank has retained some exposures and which is subject to the market risk approach, by exposure type. Aggregate amount of: • on-balance sheet securitisation exposures retained or purchased broken down by exposure type; and • off-balance sheet securitisation exposures broken down by exposure type. 121 A kUkvr@v#kTk WkyA (X) Ym[aV `m IarXo JE à{V^y{V-{Zdoe H s Hw b am{e {ZåZ hoVw AbJ h¡: · {Z{X©îQ Omo{I_ hoVw ì`mnH Omo{I_ Cnm` Ho AYrZ Ym[aV `m IarXo JE à{V^y{V-{Zdoe; VWm · {d{^ÝZ Omo{I_ ^m[aV gr_m _| I§{SV {Z{X©îQ Omo{I_ hoVw à{V^y{VH aU g§aMZm Ho AYrZ à{V^y{V-{Zdoe & (Z) {ZåZ H s Hw b am{e · {d{^ÝZ Omo{I_ ^m[aV gr_m _| I§{SV à{V^y{VH aU g§aMZm Ho AYrZ à{V^y{V-{Zdoe hoVw ny§°OrJV Anojm & · Qm`a I ny±Or go nyU©V: H mQo JE à{V^y{V {Zdoe, Hw b ny±Or go H mQo JE Omo F U H mo ~TmVo h¡, VWm Hw b n±Or go H mQo JE AÝ` {Zdoe ({Zdoe àH ma Ûmam) & gmaUr SrE\ -8 Am§V[aH Am¡a ~mhar VÏ`m| go CËnÝZ BgH s AmpñV`m| Ed§ Xo`VmAm| Ho ì`mnm[aH ~hr _| ~mOma Omo{I_ _yë` go h¡ & Am§V[aH VÏ`m| _| ~¢H H s AmpñV`m| Ed§ Xo`VmAm| H m g§KQZ Jw UdÎmm, n[anŠdVm, ã`mO Xa VWm O_mAm|, CYma am{e`m|, F Um| VWm 1.1 ~¢H Zo ~mOma Omo{I_ hoVw ny§Or à^ma Ho n[aH bZ hoVw ^maVr` {Zdo em| Ho nwZ©_yë`{ZYm©aU Am{X em{_b h¡ & ~mhar VÏ` gm_mÝ` Am{W©H [aOd© ~¢H Ûmam {ZYm©[aV _mZH sH¥ V Ad{Y ÑpîQH moU AnZm`m h¡ & n[apñW{V`m| H mo H da H aVo h¢ & ~‹T Vr `m KQVr ã`mO Xa| VwbZ nÌ ~mOma Omo{I_ Ho àm`moOZ Ho {bE EME\ Qr VWm EE\ Eg àdJ© Ho AdpñW{V Ho AZwgma ~¢H H mo à^m{dV H aVr h¢ & ã`mO Xa Omo{I_ ~¢H VhV H s à{V^y{V`m| H mo AYmoì`mnma ~hr _mZm J`m h¡ & Ho VwbZ nÌ Ho AmpñV VWm Xo`Vm XmoZm| nj _| ì`mßV h¢ & 1.2 ~mOma Omo{I_ hoVw ny§OrJV AnojmE§ {ZåZmZwgma h¡: AmpñV Xo`Vm à~§YZ g{_{V (AmëH mo), VwbZ nÌ Omo{I_m| Ho Omo{I_ loUr (é. H amo‹S _|) nhMmZ Ed§ g_rjm hoVw g_w{MV nÕ{V Ed§ àUm{b`m| H mo V¡`ma H aZo 318.36 i) ã`mO Xa Omo{I_ VWm ~¢H H s AmpñV Xo`Vm à~§YZ Zr{V Ho O[aE BZ Omo{I_m| Ho Xj 109.05 ii) B©pŠdQr pñW{V Omo{I_ à~§YZ hoVw _mZX§S {ZYm©[aV H aZo hoVw CÎmaXm`r h¡ & AV: EEbgrAmo 4.04 iii) {dXoer {d{Z_` Omo{I_ (ñdU© g{hV) Amd{YH Vm¡a naOmo{I_m| Ed§ à{Vbm^H s{ZJamZrEd§ {Z`§ÌUH aVmh¡, {Z{Y`Z/A{^{Z`moOZ, ~¢H Ho CYma Ed§ O_m Xam| H m {ZYm©aU H aVm iv) ~mOma Omo{I_m| hooVw Hw b ny§OrJV à^ma Ho 431.45 h¡ VWm ~¢H Ho {Zdoe {H« `mH bmnm| H mo {ZX}{eV H aVm h¡ & EEbgrAmo VhV _mZH sH¥ V Ad{Y ÑpîQH moU (i + ii + iii) {d{eîQ Omo{I_ àH mam| (AWm©V ã`mO Xa, VabVm Am{X) ~Zm_ gmaUr -SrE\ - 9 F Um| H m ñdrH¥ V ñVa ñnîQV: {ZX}{eV H aVo hþE ~mOma Omo{I_ n[aMmbZ Omo{I_ aUZr{V ^r {dH {gV H aVr h¡ & {ZXoeH _§S b Ho Omo{I_ à~§YZ g{_{V JwUmË_H àH QZ (AmaE_gr~r) EEbE_ hoVw nÕ{V Ho H m`m©Ýd`Z Ho n`©dojU H aVr ~¢H Zo n[aMmbZ Omo{I_ à~§YZ, gyMZm {gñQ_ gwajm, AnZo J«mhH h¡ VWm Amd{YH Vm¡a na CgH s H m`m©Ë_H Vm H s g_rjm H aVr h¡ Ed§ H mo OmZ| (Ho dmB©gr) VWm E§Q r _Zr bm§S [a¨J (E E_Eb), ì`mnma {Za§Vg_w{MV {ZX}e XoVr h¡ & `h ~mOma Omo{I_ à~§YZ hoVw AmpñV Xo`Vm aVm VWm AmnXm [aH dar à~§YZ O¡go _hËdnyU© Zr{V`m| H mo bmJy {H `m à~§YZ g{_{V (EEbgrAmo) Ûmam {bE JE {d{^ÝZ {ZU©`m| H s g_rjm h¡ & H aVr h¡ & g^r _hËdnyU© H m`m©Ë_H joÌm| na AÚVZ _¡ZwAb g^r emImAm| _| ã`mO Xa A§Va {díbofU, Ad{Y {díbofU Ho Ûmam ã`mO Xa EŠgnmoOa n[aMm{bV {H E JE h¢ & Amd{YH Vm¡a na g^r nÕ{V`m| Ed§ àUm{b`m| ñVa Am§H m OmVm h¡ & ^maVr` [aOd© ~¢H Zo àË`oH _mh Ho A§{V_ na _mñQa n[anÌ Omar {H E OmVo h¢ & Omo{I_ AmYm[aV Am§V[aH boIm[anmo{QªJ ewH« dma Ho AZwgma V¡`ma H s JB© ã`mO Xa g§doXZerbVm narjm bmJy h¡ VWm g^r emImAm| H s Omo{I_ AmYm[aV Am§V[aH boIm (nwZ©_yë`{ZYm©aU A§Va) {ddaUr Ho Ûmam _m{gH A§Vambm| _| ã`mO Xa narjm H s OmVr h¡ & Omo{I_ H s {ZJamZr H aZo hoVw {ZX}e {X`m h¡ & VXZwgma, EEbgrAmo n[aMmbZ Omo{I_ à~§YZ Zr{V g§JRZmË_H g§aMZm H s ê naoIm àñVwV _m{gH AmYma na ã`mO Xa g§doXZerbVm {ddaUr H s g_rjm H aVm H aVr h¡ VWm Bg_| {d{^ÝZ n[aMmbZ Omo{I_m| H s nhMmZ, {ZYm©aU/ h¡ & AmH bZ VWm {Z`§ÌU H s à{H« `m em{_b h¡ & n[aMmbZ Omo{I_m| H mo ~¢H Ho AmpñV`m| VWm Xo`VmAm| Ho Am{W©H _yë` na ~XbVo ã`mO Xam| H _ H aZo VWm {Z`§{ÌV H aZo hoVw Am§V[aH {Z`§ÌU nÕ{V bmJy H s Ho à^md H m AZw_mZ bJmZo hoVw ~¢H Ad{Y A§Va {díbofU (Ì¡_m{gH J`r h¡ & AmYma na) H aVr h¡ VWm Eogo B©pŠdQr H s ~mOma _yë` (E_ dr B©) _| n[a_mUmË_H àH QrH aU: _yb^yV gyMH ÑpîQH moU Ho VhV ~Xbmd {ZYm©[aV H aVr h¡ & n[aMmbZ Omo{I_ Ho {bE Ano{jV ny±Or à^ma: é. 304.95 H amoS & n[a_mUmË_H àH QZ gmaUr SrE\ -10 1. 100 ~rnrEg ã`mO Xa d¥{Õ hoVw Omo{I_ na Am`: + é. 124.44 ~¢qH J ~hr _| ã`mO Xa Omo{I_ (AmB© Ama Ama ~r ~r) H amo‹S . JwUmË_H àH QZ 2. 200 ~rnrEg ã`mO Xa AmKmV B©pŠdQr Ho ~mOma _yë` _| ~Xbmd 6.76% h¡ & ã`mO Xa Omo{I_ go VmËn`© ~¢H Ho {Zdb ã`mO Am` _| CVma M‹T md VWm 122 Corporation Bank (m) (n) Aggregate amount of securitisation exposures retained or purchased separately for: • securitisation exposures retained or purchased subject to Comprehensive Risk Measure for specific risk; and • securitisation exposures subject to the securitisation framework for specific risk broken down into different risk weight bands. Aggregate amount of: • the capital requirements for the securitisation exposures, subject to the securitisation framework broken down into different risk weight bands. • securitisation exposures that are deducted entirely from Tier 1 capital, credit enhancing I/Os deducted from total capital, and other exposures deducted from total capital (by exposure type). Table DF-8 Market Risk in trading Book 1.1 Bank has adopted the Standardized Duration Approach as prescribed by RBI for computation of capital charge to market risk. For the purpose of market Risk, securities held under HFT and AFS category are treated as under trading book. 1.2 The capital requirements for market risk are as under: Risk Category (Rs. in crores) i. Interest Rate Risk 318.36 ii. Equity Position Risk 109.05 iii. Foreign Exchange Risk (including Gold ) 4.04 iv. Total capital charge for market risks under 431.45 Standardised duration approach (i+ii+iii) Table DF-9 Operational Risk Qualitative disclosures The Bank has put in place important policies like Operational Risk Management; Information System Security, Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundering (AML); Business Continuity and Disaster recovery Management. The updated manuals on all-important functional areas have been circulated to the branches. Periodically, master circulars are issued on all systems and procedures. Risk Based Internal Audit is in place and all the branches are subjected to Risk Based Internal Audit The Operational Risk Management Policy outlines the Organization Structure and covers the process of identification, assessment / measurement and control of various operational risks. Internal control mechanism is in place to control and minimize the operational risks. Quantitative Disclosures: Capital charge required to be maintained for operational Risk under Basic Indicator Approach – Rs. 304.95 Crore. Table DF-10 Interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB) Qualitative Disclosures Interest rate risk refers to fluctuations in Bank’s Net Interest Income and the value of its Assets and Liabilities arising from internal and external factors. Internal factors include the composition of the Bank’s assets and liabilities, quality, maturity, interest rate and re-pricing period of deposits, borrowings, loans and investments. External factors cover general economic conditions. Rising or falling interest rates impact the Bank depending on Balance Sheet positioning. Interest rate risk is prevalent on both the asset as well as the liability sides of the Bank’s Balance Sheet. The Asset – Liability Management Committee (ALCO) which is responsible for evolving appropriate systems and procedures for ongoing identification and analysis of Balance Sheet risks and laying down parameters for efficient management of these risks through Asset Liability Management Policy of the Bank. ALCO, therefore, periodically monitors and controls the risks and returns, funding and deployment, setting Bank’s lending and deposit rates, and directing the investment activities of the Bank. ALCO also develops the market risk strategy by clearly articulating the acceptable levels of exposure to specific risk types (i.e. interest rate, liquidity etc). The Risk Management Committee of the Board of Directors (RMCB) oversees the implementation of the system for ALM and review its functioning periodically and provide direction. It reviews various decisions taken by the Asset – Liability Management Committee (ALCO) for managing market risk. Interest rate risk exposure is measured with Interest Rate Gap analysis, Duration analysis. RBI has stipulated monitoring of interest rate risk at monthly intervals through a Statement of Interest Rate Sensitivity (Repricing Gaps) to be prepared as the last Reporting Friday of each month. Accordingly, ALCO reviews Interest Rate Sensitivity statement on monthly basis. Bank also carries out Duration Gap analysis (on quarterly basis) to estimate the impact of change in interest rates on economic value of Bank’s assets and liabilities and thus arrive at changes in Market Value of Equity (MVE). Quantitative Disclosures 1. Earnings at Risk for 100 bps interest rate hike as on assets and liabilities is (+) Rs.124.44 Crore 2. Change in the Market Value of Equity for 200 bps interest rate shock is 6.76% 123
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