2013 Church Directory
2013 Church Directory
First United Methodist Church 124 Bethel Street Clover, SC 29710 803-222-3496 www.cloverfumc.org 2013 Church Directory First United Methodist Church . . . 1 Pastor’s Page Welcome to this edition of the First United Methodist Church pictorial directory! We are thankful that you have either chosen to be a part of this directory or that you are interested in knowing better the fellowship of believers at this church. One of the most important things about church is the unity of its members. Paul tells us that each member of the body of Christ has been given manifestations of the Spirit for the common good. (I Corinthians 12:7) Jesus prays for the church that we might be brought into complete unity so that the world might know the Father’s sending of the Son of God and the Love of God for His Children. My prayer is that this book might serve to help unify our membership in a way that glorifies God and brings people together in the spirit of Christ. As the church continues to grow, we of course will continue to deal with growing pains, but remember that the “increase” comes from God. God is blessing this church and will continue to do so as long as we remain faithful, fruitful for Him and obedient to His will and Kingdom work. May this book help us be intentional about getting to know those within our church family. May this book be a tool for us to identify, encourage and bless one another as we work, live, witness and walk side by side on this journey together. Joy and Peace ~ Rev. Tommy Wilkes III May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus. ~Romans 15:5 FUMC Mission Statement: “We, the congregation, in humble and selfless service to God, will go forth joyfully, empowered and enabled by the Holy Spirit, to seek out, welcome, accept and nurture persons to become faithful and effective disciples for Jesus Christ.” 2 . . . First United Methodist Church Staff Page Reverend Tommy Wilkes Senior Pastor Reverend Drew Martin Associate Pastor Reverend Meg Wilkes Minister of Christian Education & Formation Andrew Wilson Director of Youth Ministries Shirley Davis Administrative Assistant Financial Secretary Natasha Bilousova Pianist Josh Wall Director of Music Ministries Tracie Kite Sexton Reverend J. Richard Gibson Pastor Emeritus Christine Payseur Church Business Financial Secretary Hope Long Nursery Care Worker First United Methodist Church . . . 3 History Page 4 . . . First United Methodist Church Church family life First United Methodist Church . . . 5 Church family life 6 . . . First United Methodist Church Church family life First United Methodist Church . . . 7 Abernathy, Alan & Jackie Blair, Raelyn Abernathy, Bob & Linda Adams, Betsy Adams, Johnny & Sherry Allen, Mike & Mary Helen Eli, Adam Alm, Steven Alsobrooks, Duane Jr. & Beverly Ammons, Sange Drew Sullivan Bartee, Ted & Windy Baysinger, Douglas & Gloria Beamguard, Larry Bell, Cathy Bilousova, Natasha Blanton, Todd Bowman, Margaret Thomas Bowman Jr. Boyd, Rachel 8 . . . First United Methodist Church Brown, Sean, Michelle Townsend Cain, Sam & Merilyn Cameron, Dennis & Evelyn Cato, Pam Cockman, Catherine Corson, Philip & Laurie Anna, Alex Cox, Betty Crawford, Maude Dixon, Jimmy & Ginger Doster, Kevin & Dana Aleea, Brandon Dowd, Robert & Charlotte Drennan, David & Myra Eakes, Eleanor Edwards, William David & Susie Flint, Peter & Margaret Florez, Reggie & Bethany Abby, Hunter First United Methodist Church . . . 9 Fuller, Allen & Susan Funderburk, Frances Gibson, J. Richard “Dick” & Kirkie Glass, Taylor & Teresa Gossett, John Jr. & Jo Gover, Jim & Sue Gregory, Michael & Angie Logan, Linzie Grindle, Robert & Ann Hayes, Jim & Kathy Hendrix, Ella Mae Ivey, David & Susan Jacob Jackson, Louise James, Richard & Sharon Jones, Dave & Melva Joye, Daniel & Sally Matthew Killian, Bryan & Susan Jessica 10 . . . First United Methodist Church Killian, Jerry & Delores Killian, John & Kim Kite, Dale & Tracie Kitts, Melissa Hootie Ladrach, Fred & Andrea Little, Martha Long, Jeffrey & Hope Lyda, Tim & Becky Martin, Drew & Grace Anna Grace, Esther Joy Mcginnas, Rebecca Millay, Barb Kyle, Scott Miller, Joseph & Susan Samantha, Zachary Miller, Ralph & Judy Montgomery, Ben & Linda Neil, Sara Owen, Hank & Kay First United Methodist Church . . . 11 Owen, James Payseur, Charles & Christine Blake, Randi Payton, Dan & Robin Elizabeth Pentleton, Ethel Pierzinski, Daryl & Shelly Devin, Logan Pinkston, Doug & Becky Emily, Tc, Patrick Powell, Phil & Carolyn Robinson, Don & Sandy Robinson, Robbie & Kelly Amanda, Kaitlynn Salter, Amber Eva Kimrey, Charlee Settlemyre, Walter & Cecil Shores, Wade & Joyce Skinnell, Ashby & Josie Smith, Mel Smith, Naurice Stabler, Jeannette Zack 12 . . . First United Methodist Church Strong, Fred & Jeanette Telford, Patti Ian Thompson, Walter & Suzanne Thornburg, Jeff & Lisa Taylor, Barry Turpin, Jane Vanhook, Bill Wall, Joshua Wallace, Robin Whitesides, Kenneth & Wanda Nicholas, Kristopher Whitesides, William “Bill” & Peggy Wilkes, Thomas & Meg Luke, Seth, Lydia Wilson, Andrew & Adrienne Wilson, Fred & Chris Taylor, Victoria Wilson, Ruth Wise, Delane & Kimberly Katie, Tyler Wray, David & Starr First United Methodist Church . . . 13 Wyatt, Albert Yoder, James & Micheal Young, Richard & Sharon Hollis Those Not Available For Photography Adams, Mike & Tammy Stanton, sydney Allen, Chris & catherine jacob anderon, william & geraldine baker, fred & marie baker, ray jim bartee, bailey, brandi, granger, zetta grace, eloise bartee, bill & elizabeth wynn, lawrence, lake bartee, brandon bartee, clay & annie bell, steve & brandy nathaniel, mason camp, jim & estelle chandler, kenneth & amelia 14 . . . First United Methodist Church Those Not Available For Photography dubiski, geoffrey & francine zoe eakes, emily edmunds, william & cheri evan, adam, sam gunn, tim & ANDREA BROOKLYN, ANNASTIN HILL, WALTER & ADRIENNE WALTER, KATHERINE HUFSTETLER FAMILY JOHNSON, LOIS LOVE, ANDREW & ELIZABETH LOWMAN, KEN & LINDA kenda LYDA, WESLEY myers, roland & lala PARKER, PENNY PENDLETON, MARGARET PLAYER, JENNY WILL ROSE, CHAD STANTON, EVELYN First United Methodist Church . . . 15 Those Not Available For Photography STEWART, MARY WALKER, LOUISE STEWART, SUE WHITE, DEAN & GRACE THOMPSON, ALYSON WALKER, HAROLD & FRANKIE 16 . . . First United Methodist Church first united methodist church clover, sc Resident members (See Robinson, Mr. Morris) Abbott, James & Tonya Kennedy, Kassidy 5280 Lake Wylie Road (803) 831-9290 Clover, SC 29710 Work (803) 524-2667 Email: jabbott42@yahoo.com Cell (803) 524-2667 Spouse Cell (803) 524-2883 Abernathy, Mr./Mrs. Alan & Jackie Blair, RaeLyn 691 Bethel School Road (803) 831-9442 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (803) 627-1650 Spouse Cell (803) 627-4987 Abernathy, Mr./Mrs. Bob & Linda 1956 Crestwood Lane 222-7591 Clover, SC 29710 Spouse Cell (704) 842-4573 Adams, Mrs. Anne 1886 St. Paul Church Road 222-3544 Clover, SC 29710 Adams, Mrs. Betsy 115 Catawba Street 222-9165 Clover, SC 29710 Adams, Christopher 921 Laurelwood Drive 222-3165 Clover, SC 29710 Adams, Mrs. Elsie 1142 Bate Harvey Road 222-7352 Clover, SC 29710 Adams, Gene & Amy Wyatt P. O.. Box 245 (704) 689-5190 Bowling Green, SC 29703 Adams, Mr./Mrs. Johnny & Sherry 204 Knox Street 222-9921 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (704) 460-8937 Spouse Cell (704) 460-8305 Adams, Mark 407 Marion Street 222-6625 Clover, SC 29710 Alexander, Jim & Lee Luke, Faith 292 Eagle Creek Road (843) 260-5769 Clover, SC 29710 Work (704) 706-3111 Spouse WK (803) 222-1383 Email: JSA424@hotmail.com Cell (843) 260-5458 Spouse Cell (843) 260-5769 Adams, Mary Beth Jackson 1029 Lawrence Road 222-9792 Clover, SC 29710 Alexander, Mr./Mrs. Ron & Nancy Chris, Cory 1141 Bate Harvey Road 222-4317 Clover, SC 29710 Adams, Mr./Mrs. Mike & Tammy Sydney 1820 St. Paul Church Road 222-5629 Clover, SC 29710 Allen, Mr./Mrs. Chris & Catherine Jacob 1163 Piedmont Road 222-5884 Blacksburg, SC 29702 Cell (704) 907-6383 S pouse Cell (704) 617-9572 Adams, Nicholas & Lauren Nicholas 13321 Hwy. 55 W. York, SC 29745 Adams, Rebecca Natalie, Haley 921 Laurelwood Drive Clover, SC 29710 Adams, Mr./Mrs. Scott & Amy 921 Laurelwood Drive 222-3165 Clover, SC 29710 Adams, Stanton 2037 University Station 222-5629 Clemson, SC 29632 Adamson, Eddie & Trudy Addis, Barry Hamilton Harbor Drive, Apt. # 28 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Allen, Mr./Mrs. Mike & Mary Helen Adam, Eli 460 Boyd Road 222-5440 Clover, SC 29710 Alm, Steven 211 Kings Mountain Street (724) 217-3425 Clover, SC 29710 Email: swalm@live.com Alsobrooks, Mrs. Jean Willowbrook Court ParkPoint (803) 325-6851 2993 Van Valin Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Alsobrooks, Mr./Mrs. Whicker & Beverly 2590 Lincoln Road 684-0045 York, SC 29745 First United Methodist Church . . . 17 Ames, Mr./Mrs. Todd & Melissa Jessica, Madeline, Max 3815 Concord Road 831-2774 York, SC 29745 Email: toddmel@bellsouth.net Cell (704) 650-3394 Amick, Mr./Mrs. Dick & Shannon Bubba 985 Johnson Street 222-3632 Clover, SC 29710 Ammons, Ms. Sange Drew 106 McCall Street 222-4945 Clover, SC 29710 Email: sangesullivan@yahoo.com Amrhein, William & Maggie Reid, Emma 202 Sumter Street (803) 810-6440 Clover, SC 29710 Work (704) 940-1436 Email: wamrhein@carolina.rr.com Spouse Cell (803) 487-0903 Anderson, Mr. Jason 5587 S. 4015 W. Taylorsville, UT 84118 Anderson, Mr./Mrs. William & Geraldine 108 Memorial Drive 222-3045 Clover, SC 29710 Anstiss, Julie & Molly (803) 631-1979 SC 29710 Armstrong, Susan Marie Atterholt, Dan & Cynthia Renee, Kristen Bailes, Ashley 1574 Deal Road Blacksburg, SC 29702 Bailes, Mrs. Judy 3070 Filbert Highway 222-3432 Clover, SC 29710 Bailes, Mr./Mrs. Todd & Tammy Ross, Abbie 1574 Deal Road 222-5912 Blacksburg, SC 29702 Bailey, Adyson (See Chapman, Ashley) Baker, Mr./Mrs. Fred & Marie 428 Christmas Tree Lane 222-4893 Clover, SC 29710 Baker, Jim 520 Peaceful Creek Drive 831-8722 York, SC 29745 Baker, Ray 520 Peaceful Creek Drive 831-8722 York, SC 29745 Email: tarheelbcker@aol.com Barattini, Ms. Dale Kathryn 222-5488 Barattini, Mr. Gary & Cathy 4426 Winrock Lane 366-4253 Rock Hill, SC 29732 Barattini, Nicholas 4426 Winrock Lane 366-4253 Rock Hill, SC 29732 Bartee, Mr. Bailey & Brandi Granger, Zetta Grace, Eloise 3928 Pemberton Drive (704) 643-6874 Charlotte, NC 28210 Work (704) 442-6320 Email: bailey.bartee@wachoviasec.com Cell (803) 984-4201 Spouse Cell (334) 740-1378 Bartee, Mr./Mrs. Bill & Elizabeth Wynn, Lawrence, Lake, Mary Margaret 2001 Old Orchard Lane (704) 364-7269 Charlotte, NC 28226 Work (704) 556-0020 Email: BandEBartee@att.net Bartee, Mr. Brandon 110 Lago Trace Drive (281) 540-4433 Huffman, TX 77336 Cell (832) 928-6407 Bartee, Mr. Clay & Annie 123 Woodway Drive (864) 288-8710 Greer, SC 29651 Cell (704) 607-1421 Bartee, Mr./Mrs. Ted & Windy 1717 St. Paul Church Road 222-7533 Clover, SC 29710 Email: tumblet8@bellsouth.net Baysinger, Mr./Mrs. Doug & Gloria 103 McCall Street 222-9185 Clover, SC 29710 Baysinger, Michelle 103 McCall Street 222-9185 Clover, SC 29710 Baysinger, Timothy & Robyn Ryder 2390 Patterson Road Clover, SC 29710 Beagles, Michael 721 Rocky Ridge Court 628-5319 York, SC 29745 Beamguard, Mr. Larry P. O. Box 1332 222-4208 Clover, SC 29710 Beaty, Mr./Mrs. Kenneth & Elizabeth 18 . . . First United Methodist Church Caxton, Kenneth 708 Blue Eagle Circle 222-5767 Clover, SC 29710 Blanton, David 714 3rd Street (704) 735-6710 Lincolnton, NC 28093 Boyd, Mr./Mrs. Allen & Rachel 705 Bethel Street 222-9009 Clover, SC 29710 Bell, Ms. Cathy 116 Catawba Street (980) 522-4796 Clover, SC 29710 Blanton, Johnathon (See Myers, Russell) Boyd, Conner 504 Bethel Street (803) 222-0365 Clover, SC 29710 Bell, Mr./Mrs. Steve & Brandy Nathaniel, Mason 1096 Beamguard Road 222-8331 Clover, SC 29710 Bengivenga, Edward M. Sara 1595 Fayrene Road (908) 752-8449 Rock Hill, SC 29732 Biggers, Joe & Elaine Sarah 3070 Clover Circle (803) 684-9120 York, SC 29745 Email: joeb68@bellsouth.net Spouse Cell (803) 417-7205 Biggerstaff, Barbie Biggerstaff, Mrs. Jean 102 Ridge Avenue 222-7177 P.O. Box 282 Clover, SC 29710 Bilousova, Ms. Nataliya Alika 14926 Havasu Street (704) 222-5871 Charlotte, NC 28273 Blackwood, Kay Kim Blackwood, Michael & Kimberly Shelby 508 Lake Breeze Lane (704) 825-7178 Belmont, NC 28012 Work (803) 984-7247 Cell (803) 984-7247 Spouse Cell (704) 616-8398 Blanton, Todd 103 Fitchett Street (803) 675-8469 Clover, SC 29710 Work (704) 651-6398 Email: todd.blanton@ charlottewingate.com Bodie, Daniel & Lauren Gwendolyn, Addisen 15180 SW Canyon Wren Way (803) 322-8961 Beaverton, OR 97007 Work (704) 587-4982 Spouse WK (704) 587-4916 Email: dbodie@adt.com Cell (704) 239-0182 Spouse Cell (803) 322-8961 Bodie, Mr. James 413 Knox Street (803) 222-3250 Clover, SC 29710 Bolin, Micah Clover, SC 29710 Bowman, Ana 822 N. Kingsburry Road 831-1118 Clover, SC 29710 Bowman, Mrs. Margaret 207 Clinton Avenue 222-9524 Clover, SC 29710 Bowman, Ms. Sylvia 2701 Brinkley Street Columbia, SC 29210 Bowman, Mr. Tim Bowman, Mr./Mrs. Tom & Brenda 822 N. Kingsburry Road 831-1118 Clover, SC 29710 Boyd, Lindsey 504 Bethel Street (803) 222-0365 Clover, SC 29710 Brackett, Mrs. Barbara Miranda 2098 Faulkner Road 222-7434 Clover, SC 29710 Brady, Harold & Jean 6143 Little Mountain Road Clover, SC 29710 Bragg, Mr./Mrs. Brian & Donna Bret, Cody, Hayleigh 2025 Kingsburry Road 628-7552 York, SC 29745 Brandon, Mr. Greg Clover, SC 29710 Brandon, Mr. Johnny Brandon, Mr. Ritchie Brandon, Ms. Sandra 1109 D Kelly Circle 222-3467 Clover, SC 29710 Bratton, Stanley Britton, Mr./Mrs. Jack & Kim 3628 Country Pine Lane 831-1873 York, SC 29745 Cell (704) 608-1818 Spouse Cell (704) 608-4476 First United Methodist Church . . . 19 Brooks, Jerry & Cathy Harrison 180 E. Old Limestone Road (803) 684-7915 York, SC 29745 Work (803) 324-1136 Spouse WK (803) 810-8600 Email: 3brooks@bellsouth.net Cell (803) 206-9813 Brooks, Steve & Myra 121 Quietwood Lane 222-4057 Clover, SC 29710 Brown, Julie 1040 Lloyd White Road 222-3420 Clover, SC 29710 Brown, Mr./Mrs. Lamar & Debbie 1040 Lloyd White Road 222-3420 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (980) 522-1148 Buchanan, Jamey 101 Turner Drive (803) 222-6577 Clover, SC 29710 Buchanan, Matthew & Lisa 5608 Stillwater Court Burke, VA 22015 Buchanan, Meg 2504 Jim McCarter Road (803) 222-6577 York, SC 29745 Buck, Mr./Mrs. Stephen & Sue Leanna, Melanie 476 Peaceful Creek Drive 831-6577 York, SC 29745 Burton, Mr./Mrs. Tommy & Karen Hannah, Jacob 733 Admirals Way 222-3575 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (704) 995-3049 Brown, Michael 209 Hilltop Lane (704) 913-0474 Clover, SC 29710 Byrum, Mrs. Deborah Marie, Ryan, Jessica 2642 Jim McCarter Road (803) 810-6492 York, SC 29745 Brown, Sean 929 Cranberry Circle (803) 487-2141 Fort Mill, SC 29715 Byrum, James 2642 Jim McCarter Road 322-2939 York, SC 29745 Brumble, Mrs. Katherine Jacob, Meghan 217 Kings Mountain Street 222-5800 Clover, SC 29710 Cain, Jonathan 1493 Paul Boyd Road 222-6594 Clover, SC 29710 Bryant, Ms. Holly Cody 2590 Lincoln Road (803) 684-0045 York, SC 29745 Cell (803) 627-0130 Buchanan, Harvey 101 Turner Drive (704) 616-9410 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (704) 616-9410 Cain, Mr./Mrs. Samuel & Merilyn 1493 Paul Boyd Road 222-6594 Clover, SC 29710 Caldararo, Marie 174 Sansome Road (704) 250-0888 Mooresville, NC 28115 Email: reecaldararo@yahoo.com Cell (704) 724-3337 Caldwell, Barbara 790 Stowe Road Clover, SC 29710 Caldwell, Marshall & Carolyn 140 Clintwood Drive 222-7058 Clover, SC 29710 Cameron, Mr./Mrs. Dennis & Evelyn 1920 Faulkner Road 222-4868 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (803) 627-0650 Spouse Cell (803) 627-1458 Camp, Mr./Mrs. Jim & Estelle 131 Jamestowne Cir 222-9080 Clover, SC 29710-7701 Spouse Cell (704) 678-6432 Camp, Ms. Susan 2200 Highway 557 (803) 222-1563 Clover, SC 29710 Campbell, Brent, Katherine, Rachel 2697 Heckle Blvd. Rock Hill, SC 29732 Campbell, David & Sharon Alyssa 2023 Roadrunner Road (803) 222-9365 Clover, SC 29710 Spouse Cell (803) 873-6501 Cannon, Mr./Mrs. Rick & Karen Jeremy, Kelli 831-9285 Clover, SC 29710 Cantrell, Mrs. Charlene 508 Flatrock Street (803) 222-1250 Clover, SC 29710 Carpenter, Roger 4085 Acacia Road York, SC 29745 Cash, Carroll & Helen 20 . . . First United Methodist Church Cato, Keitt & Logan 834 Calabash Road (803) 524-0351 Clover, SC 29710 Cato, Mrs. Pam 585 Calabash Road 222-1370 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (803) 984-1101 Catoe, Ms. Lynn 831-7674 Charlotte, NC 28202 Chambers, Mr./Mrs. Andy & Karen Cody, Joshua 1417 St. Paul Church Road 222-5723 Clover, SC 29710 Chandler, Kenneth & Amelia P. O. Box 294 Clover, SC 29710 Chapman, Ashley Adyson 201-B Sumter Street Clover, SC 29710 Cell (704) 913-4099 Chapman, James 141 Stonepost Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730 Clinton, Mr./Mrs. Keith & Stephanie Jakob, Samantha, Stephen 3363 Filbert Highway (803) 627-4196 Clover, SC 29710 Clinton, Larry Corson, Mr./Mrs. Philip & Laurie Anna, Alex P. O. Box 345 222-2840 Bowling Green, SC 29703 Cockman, Ashley 428 Blythe Court 222-7008 Clover, SC 29710 Cortina, Lillian 782 Ladino Lane 222-8952 Clover, SC 29710 Cockman, Catherine 428 Blythe Court 222-7008 Clover, SC 29710 Counts, Mrs. Connie 307 Smith St 222-1253 Clover, SC 29710-1337 Cole, Mr./Mrs. Randall & Terrie Kaitlon, Kevin, Olivia 5149 Wynstone Way Carmel, IN 46033-9545 Counts, Captain Zachary 13235 W. Roanoke Avenue (803) 494-7667 Goodyear, AZ 85395 Email: zachary.counts@luke.af.mil Coleman, Ms. Bonnie 206 Sumter Street 222-9850 Clover, SC 29710 Collins, Courtney Kelsie, Ethan, Kyndall, Brentley 189 Creekstone Lane York, SC 29745 Collins, John Chapman, Sandy 201-B Sumter Street (803) 810-6359 Clover, SC 29710 Collins, Mrs. Katherine 14 Walnut Lane (803) 431-9331 Fort Mill, SC 29715 Chestnut, Ms. Debbie Kevin, Caroline 651 Red Hawk Way (803) 222-4471 Clover, SC 29710 Conder, Welsh & Angela Ryan, Carson 120 Generals Way (540) 532-5720 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (803) 792-2591 Spouse Cell (803) 792-8778 Chlumsky, Adrienne 151 Cleggan Road, Apt. 302 (240) 4857870 Rock Hill, SC 29730 Classen, Eric & Joan 710 Lazy Oak Court Clover, SC 29710 Clinton, Aileen Cooke, Jerry & Mary Ann Conner, Sonia Andrea, Jeremie 1304 Regal Oaks Drive (803) 222-2001 Clover, SC 29710 Work (704) 853-7900 Email: connson8@cs.com Cell (704) 860-4452 Cox, Mrs. Betty 2139 Appling Way 684-1445 York, SC 29745 Crawford, Mr. Jimmy Virginia 1519 East Hwy. 55 222-3775 Clover, SC 29710 Crawford, Mrs. Maude 1519 E. Highway 55 222-3775 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (704) 460-2123 Crawford, Ryan (See Byrum, Mrs. Deborah) Crawford, Mr. Thomas 416 Faulkner Street 222-6598 Clover, SC 29710 Culp, Molly (See Anstiss, Julie & Molly) First United Methodist Church . . . 21 Currence, Mr./Mrs. David & Linda Heather, Jana 13110 W. Highway 55 222-7221 York, SC 29745 Currence, Mr./Mrs. James & Linda Julie 415 Stokes Avenue 222-3818 Clover, SC 29710 Currence, Ms. Sara 3424 Lincoln Road 222-3794 York, SC 29745 Curtin, Mr./Mrs. Hugh & Cathy Katelyn, Laird 407 N. Paraham Road 831-1345 Clover, SC 29710 Spouse Cell (704) 619-5002 Cutway, Haley (See Adams, Rebecca) Dalton, Christopher (See Price, Sharon) Daniels, Scot & Anne Wade, Zachery, Hayden, Madison 1032 Riddle Oak Lane (803) 631-3294 Clover, SC 29710 Work (980) 388-3964 Spouse WK (704) 366-3556 Email: sdanie34@bellsouth.net Cell (704) 564-9159 Spouse Cell (704) 516-1543 Dann, Tom & Lisa Taylor, Hunter, Cheyanna 5014 Meanna Drive 810-6100 Clover, SC 29710 Davis, Mr. David 181 Bethel Church Road 222-6675 Clover, SC 29710 Davis, DeLloyd & Jennifer Branden, Kaylin 6028-146 McDaniel Lane (704) 287-5545 Charlotte, NC 28213 Davis, Kevin (See Chestnut, Ms. Debbie) Davis, Ms. Shirley 224 Battleground Road 222-3395 Clover, SC 29710 Work (803) 222-3496 Email: shirleyd1972@yahoo.com Deal, Bill & Linda 825 Springdale Lane (704) 865-0255 Gastonia, NC 28052-0323 Dixon, Tracy & Heather Hayley, Caleb 600 Rustling Winds Drive (803) 222-1310 York, SC 29745 Email: thdixon4@yahoo.com Cell (704) 622-8389 Spouse Cell (704) 807-6188 Dobson, Mr./Mrs. Terry & Darlene Candace, Trisha 234 S. Mountain Brook Way Ball Ground, GA 30107-2975 Dortch, Lane & Barbara Doster, Kevin & Dana Aleea, Brandon 3906 Shasta Circle (704) 913-2346 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (704) 248-1942 Spouse Cell (704) 913-2346 Deal, Mr./Mrs. Scott & Paige Carson, Lauren 513 Willow Landing Drive 222-5242 York, SC 29745 Douse, Mr./Mrs. Edward & Jennifer Hunter 5393 Hudson Road 628-6711 Clover, SC 29710 Dean, Jim & Carol 1535 Morning Dove Way Clover, SC 29710 Douse, Hailey 410 Royal Palm Blvd. Apt. 101 Charleston, SC 29407-3245 DeCuir, Michael & Julie Charlotte, NC 28202 Dover, A.J. (See Robinson, Sarah) Denny, Ashley 351 Old Carriage Road Clover, SC 29710 Dover, Freddie 1475 Ole Cambridge Circle 222-4968 Clover, SC 29710 Davis, Caroline (See Chestnut, Ms. Debbie) Dickson, Mrs. Mary Sue 233 McLeod Road (803) 781-4199 Chapin, SC 29036 Davis, Colleen 3476 Lincoln Road (803) 222-3848 York, SC 29745 Dixon, Mr./Mrs. Jimmy & Ginger 1425 St. Paul Church Road 222-7559 Clover, SC 29710 Dover, Mr./Mrs. Jackson & Lindee Mallory, Clara 2532 Greenleaf Road (803) 627-0379 Clover, SC 29710 Dover, Joe Caleigh P. O. Box 1414 Clover, SC 29710 22 . . . First United Methodist Church Dover, Monica 331 Hambright Road Clover, SC 29710 Dover, Ricky & Emma 2589 Greenleaf Road Clover, SC 29710 Dover, Robbie 1475 Ole Cambridge Circle 222-4968 Clover, SC 29710 Dowd, Mr./Mrs. Robert & Charlotte 832 St. Paul Church Road 222-5746 Clover, SC 29710 Drennan, Mr. David & Myra 242 Pine Bark Circle 222-2587 Clover, SC 29710 Spouse WK (803) 366-1900 Cell (803) 417-6581 Spouse Cell (803) 417-5732 Dubay, Jr., Bruce (See Dubay, Sr., Mr./Mrs. Bruce) Dubay, Lisa (See Dubay, Sr., Mr./Mrs. Bruce) & Terry) Dubay, Sr., Mr./Mrs. Bruce & Terry Bruce, Lisa 1400 Ridge Road Clover, SC 29710 Dubay, Mrs. Terry (See Dubay, Sr., Mr./Mrs. Bruce) Dubey, Ann 526 Pennyfelds Lane Clover, SC 29710 Email adubey@carolina.rr.com Cell (508) 887-3919 Dubiski, Geoffrey & Francine Zoe 312 Brigadier Drive (803) 810-6433 Clover, SC 29710 Dulin, Peggy SC 29710 Eakes, Ms. Eleanor 101 Senate Street 222-4493 Clover, SC 29710 Email: eakes@clover.K12.sc.us Cell (704) 678-5230 Eakes, Emily 366 Pickens Street Rock Hill, SC 29730 Earnest, Mr. Brad 222-2681 WV Edge, Mr. Chris 1144 Oleander Drive 627-2968 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Edge, Mrs. Susan Tyler, Adam, Sarah SC 29710 Edmunds, William & Cheri Adam, Evan, Sam 1190 Lawrence Road 222-1210 Clover, SC 29710 Edwards, Mr./Mrs. David & Susie 133 Jamestowne Circle 222-7902 Clover, SC 29710 Email: dedwards@nuvox.com Edwards, William 133 Jamestowne Circle 222-7902 Clover, SC 29710 Eleazer, WIlliam & Kim Sarah Claire, Rebecca 525 Lake Bluff Lane (803) 684-1061 York, SC 29745 Work 222-7131 Spouse WK (803) 222-5777 Email: w.eleazer@att.net Cell (843) 209-6805 English, Lee & Allyson Taylor, Tiffany, Trace 3135 Bush Road (803) 222-5403 Clover, SC 29710 Eudy, Ronald T. & Marion B. 4067 Acacia Road (803) 831-0208 York, SC 29745 Falls, Mrs. Judy 116 Pinewood Drive 222-6951 Clover, SC 29710 Work (704) 629-3386 Cell (704) 497-4975 Faris, Ms. Billie 109 Oak Street Clover, SC 29710 Faris, Mrs. Eloise White Oak Manor P. O. Box 629 111 S. Congress Street York, SC 29745 Faris, Jordan (See Hope, Mr./Mrs. Thomas & Jodie) Faris, Mr./Mrs. Rick & Mary Beth 655 Thomas Road 222-2281 Clover, SC 29710 Farrell, Mrs. Kelly Jo (See Parrish, Mr. Harry) Farris, Mr./Mrs. Kenneth & Renee Carter, Rylan 225 Grandview Road 222-7857 Clover, SC 29710 Ferguson, Mrs. Betty 107 Catawba Street 222-3597 Clover, SC 29710 Ferguson, Mr./Mrs. Boyce & Peggy 203 Dogwood Lane (704) 923-0059 Dallas, NC 28034 First United Methodist Church . . . 23 Finley, Greg York, SC 29745 Finley, Thomas 6315 Charlotte Hwy. (803) 831-7438 York, SC 29745 Email: tomfinley@bellsouth.net Cell (704) 451-4163 Flanagan, Ernest & Susan 3672 Lincoln Road (803) 222-7207 York, SC 29745 Flint, Peter & Margaret 132 Longlea Drive (803) 222-4609 Clover, SC 29710 Flora, Randy & Tina Shelby, Jennifer, Ashley 308 Knox Street (803) 222-4376 Clover, SC 29710 Flora, Steve Florez, Reggie & Bethany Abby, Hunter 1604 Beleek Ridge Lane (901) 351-8041 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (901) 605-8715 Spouse Cell (901) 351-8041 Ford, Jonathan (See Heckle, James & Marilyn) Ford, Katie (See Heckle, James & Marilyn) Forehand, Mr./Mrs. Mac & Karen Ashley 2849 Baird Road 831-0016 Clover, SC 29710 Fraedrich, Emil 1792 Hwy. 55-E 222-2147 Clover, SC 29710 Franklin, Ms. Helen 612 Union Avenue (803) 324-8947 Rock Hill, SC 29730 Franklin, Mr. Mike 945 Highway 274 831-2438 Clover, SC 29710 Fuller, Allen & Susan Lauren, Brett, Rachel 33 Greenwich Blvd. # 120 (803) 746-5349 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Email: thefullers69@live.com Cell (407) 761-1758 Spouse Cell (407) 761-1757 Funderburk, Mrs. Frances 1972 Berrywood Lane 222-7844 Clover, SC 29710 Gadsden, Mr./Mrs. Frank & Lisa Justin, Seth 202 Pressly Street 222-4480 Clover, SC 29710 Galicia, Steven & Ellen Stevie, Hunter, River, Lainey 938 Poplar Forest Ridge (803) 675-4106 Clover, SC 29710 Work (803) 487-9132 Spouse WK (803) 675-7369 Cell (803) 487-9132 Spouse Cell (803) 487-9131 Gallagher, Doug & Renee Rebekah, Addison 9226 Stonington Place 222-7786 Zionsville, IN 46077 Gallien, MacKenzie 3874 University Station (803) 810-2915 Clemson, SC 29632 Email: mack108@bellsouth.net Gallien, Mr./Mrs. Tim & Renee Billy 108 Hampton Street 222-2443 Clover, SC 29710 Galloway, Amanda P. O. Box 216 Clover, SC 29710 Garver, Mrs. Brenda 1088 Bate Harvey Road 222-7654 Clover, SC 29710 Garver, Mr./Mrs. Jason & Lee Greyson, Morgan, Olivia 1110 Bate Harvey Road 222-1794 Clover, SC 29710 Gentry, Henry & Elaine 866 Timber Creek Drive York, SC 29745 Geouge, Ms. Marie 304 Faulkner Street 222-7638 Clover, SC 29710 Gibson, The Rev/Mrs. Dick & Kirkie 866 Meadowlark Drive 328-8425 Rock Hill, SC 29732 Cell (803) 493-0551 Spouse Cell (803) 493-0550 Gibson, Joy 116 Harry Pendleton Road 222-3506 Clover, SC 29710 Gibson, Tully & Elizabeth Lacy Emma, Robert 3294 Filbert Highway (803) 810-6062 Clover, SC 29710 Spouse Cell (704) 913-4212 Giles, Ms. Rose Marie 303 Marion St. Clover, SC 29710 24 . . . First United Methodist Church Glass, Mr./Mrs. Taylor & Teresa P. O. Box 278 222-4859 Clover, SC 29710 Email TKG278@carolina.rr.com Goddard, Mark & Laura Noah, Molly 220 Turtle Creek Drive Columbia, SC 29229 Gooding, Mr./Mrs. Bill & Patty Daniel, Sarah, Shannon 616 Rustling Winds Drive 831-1405 York, SC 29745 Goodwin, Joseph Cell 517-4284 Goodwin, Wil 114 Heritage Lane Mars Hill, NC 29754-9504 Cell 517-5921 Gordon, Mr. Eddie 929-4621 York, SC 29745 Gover, Mr./Mrs. Jim & Sue 403 Knox Street 222-9357 Clover, SC 29710 Gover, Mary 115 Park Avenue East, Apt. 419 Charlotte, NC 28203 Gravley, Charles & Mary Elizabeth Green, Mr./Mrs. David & Deborah Brody, Samantha, Tyler 1342 S. Highway 161 222-4938 York, SC 29745 Email: Cloverfire@comporium.net Gregory, Mr./Mrs. Michael & Angie Linzie, Logan 921 Clover Park Drive 222-1304 Clover, SC 29710 Grigg, David Clover Gordon, Mr. Pat 810 Bellwood Drive 222-9480 Clover, SC 29710 Grigg, Jeff 2311 Lawrence Road 222-2101 Clover, SC 29710 Gordon, Mr./Mrs. Rand & Ashley Drew, Hannah Sue, Stephen 110 Woodland Drive 222-5160 Clover, SC 29710 Email: Awashamgordon@aol.com Grigg, Steve & Carolyn 500 Colonels Court 222-4986 Clover, SC 29710 Gossett, John & Cindy Samuel, Margaret 5717 Lake Wylie Road (803) 831-8226 Clover, SC 29710 Gossett, Mr./Mrs. John & Jo 198 Adams Road 222-7786 Clover, SC 29710 Grindle, Amy 5590 W. Liberty Hill Road York, SC 29745 Grindle, Andrew 6403 Crosswinds Drive Clover, SC 29710 Grindle, Mr./Mrs. Bob & Ann 6403 Crosswinds Drive 831-2118 Clover, SC 29710 Groves, Mr./Mrs. Richard & Angie Hoby, Tanner 146 Nims Spring Drive Fort Mill, SC 29715-6461 Guin, Mr./Mrs. Perry & Jean-Marie Luke 5688 Kreps Road 831-7768 Clover, SC 29710 Gunn, Tim & Andrea Brooklyn, Annastin 424 Peaceful Creek Drive (803) 831-6571 York, SC 29745 Work (704) 769-5667 Spouse WK (803) 831-9622 Email: runandgunn23@yahoo.com Cell (803) 322-1113 Gushanas, Ms. Ann 1920 Montmarte Drive Jacksonville, FL 32210 Guthrie, Bob Hall, Mr./Mrs. Edmund & Kathy Alice, Harriet, Ella 726 Frontier Road 222-3278 Clover, SC 29710 Work (866) 998-0291 Cell (704) 651-7302 Spouse Cell (803) 627-1018 Hall, Mr./Mrs. Rex & Teresa Chad 302 McConnell Street 222-9394 Clover, SC 29710 Halos, Ryan & Kimberly Declan 120 Generals Way (803) 222-4550 Clover, SC 29710 Work (440) 213-0231 Spouse WK (803) 222-9622 Email: rhalos@gmail.com Cell (440) 213-0231 Spouse Cell (803) 447-5460 Hamby, Lance & Heather Madison, Karter Phoenix, AZ 85000 Haney, Susan 222-9650 First United Methodist Church . . . 25 Harding, Ella 317 Quinn Road (803) 222-3573 Clover, SC 29710 Harding, Mr./Mrs. Johnny & Janet 387 Ridge Road 222-9272 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (704) 913-5655 Harper, Mr./Mrs. Don & Francis Isaac 222-5560 Clover, SC 29710 Harris, Jessie Andy 1281 Tom Joye Road 222-1300 Clover, SC 29710 Spouse WK (980) 329-4468 Harris, Rebekah (See Smith, Andrew) Hart, Randall & Frances Laura 544 Peaceful Creek Drive 831-7965 York, SC 29745 Email: rhart8@carolina.rr.com Spouse Cell 448-4103 Hayes, Mr./Mrs. Jim & Kathy 308 Bethel Street 222-9107 Clover, SC 29710 Email: jimkathyhayes@bellsouth.net Heckle, James & Marilyn Jonathan, Katie 5592 Crepe Myrtle Drive (803) 831-1574 York, SC 29745 Work (803) 327-7460 Spouse WK (704) 341-5222 Cell (803) 242-5303 Spouse Cell (803) 628-8162 Hendrix, Mrs. Ella Mae 101 Jamestowne Circle 222-2714 Clover, SC 29710 Hester, Ms. Jean Hicks, Mr./Mrs. Sam & Ashley Carson 27 24th Avenue 222-5745 Isle of Palms, SC 29451-2373 Hill, Mr. Walter & Adrienne Walter, Katherine 9608 Plantersville Road Georgetown, SC 29440 Hathcock, David Hodges, Jennifer Hathcock, Diane Wilson Holiday, Mrs. Corrie David, James 189 Creekstone Lane (803) 487-2337 York, SC 29745 Hawkins, Jennifer Ayden 2670 Hwy. 161 S. (803) 222-0481 York, SC 29745 Work (803) 831-2461 Email: jennhawk28@hotmail.com Cell (803) 322-4339 Hayes, Emily (865) 540-8776 Knoxville, TN 37916 Hope, Mr./Mrs. Thomas & Jodie Ina, Thomas IV, Jordan 1353 Tom Hope Road 628-0997 York, SC 29745 Hord, Dorothy Hourihan, Dr. Joe 1825 St. Paul Church Road 222-7126 P.O. Box 319 Clover, SC 29710 Hourihan, Michael P. O. Box 319 222-7126 Clover, SC 29710 Hourihan, Tony P. O. Box 508 Clover, SC 29710 Houston, Billy & Shantel Tanner, Saylor 713 Battlefront Trail Knoxville, TN 37922 Howard, Thomas & Sheri Madalyn 2012 Slippery Rock Cove (803) 675-7073 Clover, SC 29710 Work (803) 802-8041 Email: tshoward@comporium.net Spouse Cell (803) 675-7073 Howe, David 108 Valley Avenue Clover, SC 29710 Holland, Thomas Hudspeth, Mrs. Jean 121 Quietwood Lane 222-4057 Clover, SC 29710 Holler, Alika (See Bilousova, Ms. Nataliya) Huffstetler, Emma (See Parker, Penny) Hook, Ms. Margaret 4113 Barton Lane (803) 329-8372 Rock Hill, SC 29732 Huffstetler, Kimberlee & Christopher Abby 409 Bethel Street Clover, SC 29710 Holland, Jessica 26 . . . First United Methodist Church Hughes, Todd & Kelly Andrea 300 Eagle Creek Road (803) 810-6054 Clover, SC 29710 Email: thughestw@carolina.rr.com Cell (814) 594-9196 Spouse Cell (813) 335-2444 Jackson, Mr./Mrs. Mark & Lee 351 Old Carriage Road 222-5600 Clover, SC 29710 Hunnicutt, Cindyann 722 Langley Court Clover, SC 29710 James, Richard & Sharon 310 Lone Tree Lane (803) 675-4614 Clover, SC 29710 Email: sajames41@yahoo.com Cell (803) 944-3082 Hurst, Mr./Mrs. Rhett & Teresa Grayson, Seth 112 Catawba Street 222-1966 Clover, SC 29710 Hutchison, Mrs. Mary 3964 Longhill Station Road (757) 258-2729 Williamsburg, VA 23188 Isaacks, Ms. Libby 1021 Third Street 222-1947 Clover, SC 29710 Ivey, David & Susan Jacob 2476 Filbert Highway (803) 628-6451 Clover, SC 29710 Jackson, Mr./Mrs. Ernest & Bobbie 1088 Woodland Heights 684-5658 York, SC 29745 Jackson, Kenneth & Stephanie Austin 1524 Bate Harvey Road (803) 222-6267 Clover, SC 29710 Work (803) 222-9495 Spouse WK (704) 735-5700 Jackson, Louise 106 Knox Street (803) 222-9060 Clover, SC 29710 Email: erixene@yahoo.com Cell (910) 620-3571 Jackson, Mr./Mrs. Sam & Becky 1857 St. Paul Church Road 222-7824 Clover, SC 29710 Jenkins, Bonnie 415 Faulkner Street 222-4417 Clover, SC 29710 Work 222-9538 Jenkins, Mr. Chad Addison 1283 Burrell Road 222-4851 Clover, SC 29710 Jenkins, Mrs. Jackie 417 Stokes Avenue 222-1449 Clover, SC 29710 Jenkins, Rev. Larry & Eleanor 104 Belwood Drive 222-3266 Clover, SC 29710 Jimison, David 6320 Charlotte Highway 631-4607 York, SC 29745 Johnson, Mrs. Lois Park Pointe Village, Room 502 3025 Chesbrough Blvd. Rock Hill, SC 29732 Johnson, Mr. Mac P.O. 203 Clover, SC 29710 Johnson, Sr. Chief/Mrs. Martin & Carmen Emily, Caroline 1265 Cascade Circle Oak Harbor, WA 98277 Jones, Andrew Jones, David & Melva 208 Catawba Crest Lane (803) 831-8467 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Cell (571) 221-3004 Jones, Frank 142 Turtle Creek Lane (803) 315-2783 Gastonia, NC 28052 Jones, Mr./Mrs. Larry & Barbara 77 River Birch Way (803) 517-5627 Greer, SC 26950 Email: LARBARJON@aol.com Jones, Marie (See Byrum, Mrs. Deborah) Joye, Daniel & Sally Matthew 1580 Tom Joye Road (803) 810-6329 Clover, SC 29710 Work (980) 406-0205 Spouse WK (803) 547-8265 Email: dpjoye@yahoo.com Cell (704) 860-5003 Spouse Cell (704) 813-8668 Kase, David & Cynthia 610 Owens Dr. Gastonia, NC 28054 Kawa, Marilyn 518 Pennyfields Lane (803) 222-4292 Clover, SC 29710 Email: scooter7212@earthlink.net Keller, Jeffrey & Stephanie 5283 Barn Road (864) 490-0927 York, SC 29745 First United Methodist Church . . . 27 Killian, Mr./Mrs. Bryan & Susan Jessica 746 Stowe Road 222-1831 Clover, SC 29710 Killian, Mr./Mrs. Jerry & Delores 2311 Highway 557 222-7642 Clover, SC 29710 Email: killianmd@bellsouth.net Cell (704) 813-7770 Killian, Mr./Mrs. Joe & Darlene 2649 Highway 161 684-3689 York, SC 29745 Kite, Dale & Tracie Isaac 1700 India Hook Road, Apt. 204 (803) 493-7134 Rock Hill, SC 29732 Work (803) 325-1617 Email: dckite@hotmail.com Cell (803) 322-2266 Kitts, Ms. Melissa Elizabeth 548 Peaceful Creek Drive 631-3800 York, SC 29745 Klopp, James (See Holiday, Mrs. Corrie) Killian, Mr./Mrs. John & Kim 1180 Bate Harvey Road 222-3478 Clover, SC 29710 Knight, Savannah (See Sommer, John & Elaine) Killian, Mr./Mrs. Lewis & Kay 2700 N. Highway 161 628-1366 York, SC 29745 Cell (704) 460-8780 Koeller, Ms. Nancy 222-6031 Clover, SC 29710 Killian, Scotty & Jennifer Tyler 704 Admirals Way (803) 371-6175 Clover, SC 29710 Kilpatrick, Michael & Kathryn Connor 5877 Johnson Road 631-0228 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Work (704) 589-9802 Email: mkilpatrick@shealylab.com Cell (704) 589-9802 King, Jason & Cheri John Austin, David 708 Admiral's Way (803) 222-5362 Clover, SC 29710 Work 831-2661 Cell (704) 842-0241 Spouse Cell (704) 747-4571 Knox, Daniel & Dana Ladrach, Fred & Andrea 102 Elizabeth Avenue (704) 860-2306 Clover, SC 29710 Work (803) 610-9716 Cell (803) 610-9716 Spouse Cell (704) 860-2306 Landis, Mrs. Carol Elizabeth, Scott 642 Springhouse Place (803) 831-2311 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Lawton, LaNelle 729 Waterfall Way (803) 831-0036 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Email: nel14k@aol.com Ledwell, Billy & Bennie 1545 St. Paul Church Road 222-7561 Clover, SC 29710 Lee, Christopher & Brandy 108 Quinn Street (803) 222-4715 Clover, SC 29710 Lengyel, Christian & Leslee 5780 Highway 55 E. Clover, SC 29710 Little, Mrs. Nellita 1131 D Kelly Circle 222-6581 Clover, SC 29710 Little, Mr. Scott 37 Park Avenue Keene, NH 03431 Little, Mrs. Willie 313 McConnell Street 222-3697 Clover, SC 29710 Livingston, Mr./Mrs. Alan & Anna Emma Scott, Lofton 305 Patrick Court 222-5628 York, SC 29745 Email: alan.livingston@att.net Cell (803) 322-0730 Lloyd, Mark & Brittany 1981 St. Paul Church Road Clover, SC 29710 Loftis, Ms. Ann 5705 Courtview Drive (704) 365-1905 Charlotte, NC 28226 Email: BlaBec5@aol.com Logue, Kathryn (See Shook, Ms. Maria) Long, Mr./Mrs. Jeff & Hope 5901 Davie Street Clover, SC 29710 Cell (803) 810-4127 Spouse Cell (803) 810-2672 Lorik, Sydney 2020 Faulkner Road (704) 258-3859 Clover, SC 29710 28 . . . First United Methodist Church Love, Brooks 550 Ridge Road 222-3540 Clover, SC 29710 Love, Mr./Mrs. Charlie & Janet 550 Ridge Road 222-3540 Clover, SC 29710 Lovett, Mr./Mrs. Duane & Elda Denise, Jamey 222-4836 SC 29710 Lowman, Jonathan & Anneliese Mathias 390 Water Lily Circle (336) 996-6778 Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Martin, Andrew & Grace Anna Grace, Esther Joy 110 Lawson Lakes Drive (803) 412-8875 Clover, SC 29710 Email: dmartin@cloverfumc.org Masterton, Charles & Elizabeth 2256 Lawrence Road Clover, SC 2971 Mauney, Margaret 409 Buckskin Drive (704) 867-5331 Gastonia, NC 28052 Work (704) 922-5571 Maxwell, Kelsie (See Collins, Courtney) Lowman, Mr./Mrs. Ken & Linda 2517 Fairgreen Drive (704) 865-6547 Gastonia, NC 28052 Spouse WK (704) 331-2356 McCarter, Mr./Mrs. Mack & Margaret Carmen, Davis, Luke 1461 Paul Boyd Road 222-1251 Clover, SC 29710 Lowman, Kenda (828) 227-8057 Email: KL42807@wcu.edu. Cell (704) 582-3138 McCarter, Mrs. Margie 113 Catawba Street 222-3827 Clover, SC 29710 Lyda, Mr./Mrs. Tim & Becky 1444 S. Paraham Road York, SC 29745 Cell (803) 230-2922 Spouse Cell (980) 329-1009 McCarter, Mr. Tony Tony Jr., Patrick 1445 Apple Road 222-3424 Blacksburg, SC 29702 McFadden, Mr./Mrs. Larry & Marie Ross 910 Green Pond Road 222-4110 Clover, SC 29710 McGilberry, Mr./Mrs. James & Shannon Hannah 565 Cactus Lane 222-4488 P. O. Box 522 Clover, SC 29710 McGinnas, Ms. Becky 203 Clinton Avenue 222-7263 Clover, SC 29710 McGinnas, Charlie Bryce 114 McCall Street Clover, SC 29710 McGinnas, Mrs. Gloria 222-2191 McGinnas, Mr. Keith Ashlee, Michael III 1441 Ole Cambridge Circle Clover, SC 29710 McGinnas, Mr. Mickey 205 Faulkner Street 222-6868 Clover, SC 29710 McKenzie, Mrs. Dorothy 4225 Shore Drive, Apt. 133 (757) 318-5015 Virginia Beach, VA 23455 Lyda, Wesley 500 Alexander Road, Apt. 824-B West Columbia, SC 29169 McClure, Mr. Walter 19029 Kailua Circle 548-0590 Tega Cay, SC 29708 Mallen, Eloise 247 Belhaven Circle 222-9329 Clover, SC 29710 McDaniel, Mr. Brian & Kelly 1004 Cypress Street (843) 522-6840 Beaufort, SC 29906 McKenzie, Larry & Debbie 1612 Hunters Place Road (803) 684-9057 York, SC 29745 Email: lmckenzie04@bellsouth.net Maroska, Elizabeth 401 Smith Street (803) 389-3115 Clover, SC 29710 Email: elizabethmaroska@yahoo.com Cell (8 03) 389-3115 McDaniel, Justin & Meredith Robinson 310 Walnut Street (704) 915-5785 Clover, SC 29710 Medlin, Mr. Pete Jeffrey 514 Bethel Street 222-5264 Clover, SC 29710 First United Methodist Church . . . 29 Millay, Barbara Kyle, Jennica 1129 Fenwick Court Clover, SC 29710 Email: bmillay60@gmail.com Mitchell, Ray & Allison Brooke, Bo 3068 Sunshower Heights (704) 763-0467 York, SC 29745 Owen, Mr./Mrs. Hank & Kay 111 Pinewood Drive 222-9929 P.O. Box 624 Clover, SC 29710 Millay, Scott Cell (980) 322-4405 Monday, Mr./Mrs. Jerry & Sheila (704) 868-4711 Clover, SC 29710 Millay, Brandon 1129 Fenwick Court Clover, SC 29710 Monday, Ms. Lori 701 Avenue L S.E. Winterhaven, FL 33880 Owen, Mr. Jim 111 Pinewood Drive 222-9554 Clover, SC 29710 Millay, Caylee 1129 Fenwick Court Clover, SC 29710 Montgomery, Mr./Mrs. Ben & Linda 1095 Saddle Drive 628-5265 York, SC 29745 Cell (704) 578-5488 Miller, Mr. Joseph & Susan Samantha 4127 Thomas Sam Road Rock Hill, SC 29732 Miller, Mr./Mrs. Ralph & Judy 700 N Main Street 222-3397 Clover, SC 29710 Mills, Mr. David 106 Faulkner Street 222-7236 Clover, SC 29710 Mills, Kenneth & Lorena 2270 Highway 557 222-6441 Clover, SC 29710 Mills, Ms. Marilyn 1245 Ole Cambridge Circle 222-7211 Clover, SC 29710 Millward, Mrs. Hope 214 Church Street 222-2419 Clover, SC 29710 Misicka, Theodore & Karen Leslie, Christopher 2435 Kingsburry Road (803) 631-0073 York, SC 29745 Work (980) 235-1600 Spouse WK (704) 304-5790 Cell (847) 571-8471 Spouse Cell (847) 372-8471 Montgomery, Roger & Sue 2901 N. Deleware Dr. Vincennes, IN 47571 Mortazavi, Charles Myers, Mr./Mrs. Roland & Lala 113 Pinewood Drive 222-7990 Clover, SC 29710 Myers, Russell Lilly, Johnathon 510 Sourwood York, SC 29745 Work (704) 724-4708 Cell (704) 460-3061 Neil, Sandra 426 Bethel School Road (704) 953-9586 Clover, SC 29710 Work (704) 551-1537 Email: sjneil@comporium.net Cell (704) 553-9586 Neil, Mrs. Sara 106 Daw Street 222-1950 Clover, SC 29710 Norman, Ms. Cathy 404 Smith Street 222-3622 P.O. Box 531 Clover, SC 29710 Pagan, Paul & Jennifer Christopher 782 Ladino Lane (803) 222-8952 Clover, SC 29710 Spouse WK (704) 321-1050 Spouse Cell (704) 685-4781 Parker, Ms. Michelle Parker, Penny 406 Bethel Street (803) 222-6499 Clover, SC 29710 Huffstetler, Emma Parrish, Mr. Harry Kelly Jo 222-3708 Clover, SC 29710 Payne, Christopher & Rhonda Paxton 112 Faulkner Street 222-4776 Clover, SC 29710 Payne, Mr./Mrs. Tommy & Judy 418 Faulkner Street 222-4776 Clover, SC 29710 Payne, Ms. Whitney 3068 S. Paraham Road 631-5612 York, SC 29745 Payseur, Charles & Christine Blake, Randi 2324 Hwy. 557 222-5092 Clover, SC 29710 Spouse Cell (980) 253-6084 Email: cpayseur@cloverfumc.org 30 . . . First United Methodist Church Payton, Dan & Robin Elizabeth 428 Blythe Court 222-7008 Clover, SC 29710 Pilon, Ms. Cliffie 727 Forest Shore Drive (850) 654-0876 Miramar Beach, FL 32550 Cell (850) 543-9479 Peak, Mr. Paul 9431 Dorcas Lane (704) 588-1162 Charlotte, NC 28278 Pinkston, Mrs. Becky 609 Old N. Main (803) 810-5756 Clover, SC 29710 Email: rlcm63@yahoo.com Pearson, Mr./Mrs. Mike & Lee Kate, Abby 832 Old Cedar Circle 684-6606 York, SC 29745 Pendleton, Carl Pendleton, Mrs. Ethel 4118 Shasta Circle 222-9465 Clover, SC 29710 Player, Jennifer Will 407 Marion Street (803) 810-6240 P. O. Box 1374 Clover, SC 29710 Poole, Jennifer Poole, Matt Pendleton, Helen Poole, Thomas & Mary Pendleton, Johnny 404 Maple Street (704) 922-5305 Dallas, NC 28034 Pendleton, Joyce Powell, Ms. Kathy 3741 Catawba Hills Drive 222-7642 Gastonia, NC 28056 Pendleton, Mrs. Margaret 109 Valley Avenue 222-9946 Clover, SC 29710 Pettigrew, Mrs. Anne Leslie, Shelley 4625 Water Oak Drive 831-0126 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Phelps, John & Vickie Pierzinski, Mr./Mrs. Daryl & Shelly Devin, Logan 1915 Berrywood Lane 222-1660 Clover, SC 29710 Email: Dpierzinski@carolina.rr.com Powell, Phillip & Carolyn 985 Stallion Spirit Trail (803) 810-6302 Clover, SC 29710 Work (704) 887-5120 Spouse WK (704) 398-4603 Email: pncpowell@carolina.rr.com Cell (704) 560-7662 Spouse Cell (704) 576-7029 Price, Helen Kerry, Shelley 831-1334 Price, Sharon Christopher Priestley, John & Kimberly Amanda, John 911 Torsion Lane 222-5731 Clover, SC 29710 Pursley, Mr./Mrs. John & Nancy 3280 Filbert Hwy. 222-9320 Clover, SC 29710 Quinn, Mr. Donald 216 Winthrop Street 222-4892 Clover, SC 29710 Ramsey, S. Sgt./S. Sgt. Charles & Talanoa Alana, Elijah NC 28202 Ramsey, Ms. Jane P. O. Box 1481 Clover, SC 29710 Raper, Sherry 101 Sifford Street 222-4668 Clover, SC 29710 Reese, Ms. Melodie & Terry Cody 403 Wiltshire Drive Bellefonte, PA 16823 Reeves, Jason & Patricia Benjamin, Andrew, Katherine 1908 Forest Drive (803) 810-6037 Camden, SC 29020 Work 396-3564 Email: preeves2@carolina.rr.com Cell 984-0811 Spouse Cell 984-3911 Rhodes, Brooke (See Mitchell, Ray & Allison) Rhodes, Kenneth 222-4383 Rider, Lee & Jenny Russell 680 Mason Dixon Road 222-7780 York, SC 29745 Robbins, Janet 628-6270 Clover, SC 29710 First United Methodist Church . . . 31 Roberts, Jim & Sue 314 Basswood Street Lake Wylie, SC Robinette, Ross (See McFadden, Mr./Mrs. Larry) Robinson, Mr./Mrs. Alan & Jane 3000 Kingsburry Road 631-4077 Clover, SC 29710 Robinson, Dan SC 29205 Robinson, Don & Sandy 1981 St. Paul Church Road (803) 222-9770 Clover, SC 29710 Robinson, Mr./Mrs. Hugh & Jane 303 Clinton Avenue 222-9597 Clover, SC 29710 Email: robinson6658@bellsouth.net Robinson, James & Lee Anne 1668 Glenway Drive Clover, SC 29710 Robinson, Ms. Jo Ann (704) 503-5501 Charlotte, NC 28269 Robinson, Joyce Robinson, Mr./Mrs. Lacy & Betty 104 Mint Street 222-3433 Clover, SC 29710 Robinson, Mr. Morris 1140 E. Highway 55 222-4828 Clover, SC 29710 Robinson, Mr./Mrs. Robbie & Kelly Amanda, Kaitlynn 1487 St. Paul Church Road 222-5601 Clover, SC 29710 Email: robinson4881@bellsouth.net Robinson, Sarah A.J. P. O. Box 1414 (803) 610-7032 Clover, SC 29710 Rogers, Randy 431 Griggs Road 222-7695 P.O. Box 191 Clover, SC 29710 Rose, Chad 1870 St. Paul Church Road (803) 628-8488 Clover, SC 29710 Work (803) 684-4247 Email: chad_rose@aol.com Cell (803) 628-8488 Salter, Mrs. Amber Eva-Kimrey, Charlee 2110 Shady Pond Drive (704) 340-1516 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Sanford, Brian Addison 312 Eagle Creek Road (803) 222-0976 Clover, SC 29710 Sasser, Trey & Kathryn Annabel 310 Common Street (617) 744-1887 Watertown, MA 02472 Seagle, Jimmy 2076 Lawrence Road 222-4494 Clover, SC 29710 Seay, Tonya 1283 Burrell Road (704) 747-4946 Clover, SC 29710 Settlemyre, Walter & Cecil 600 Frontier Road 222-2416 Clover, SC 29710 Spouse Cell (704) 650-2752 Shepard, Mr. David 222-6080 Clover, SC 29710 Sherwood, Guy & Debbie Micah 156 Lawson Lakes Road 222-1734 Clover, SC 29710 Spouse Cell (803) 627-0479 Shook, Ms. Maria Kathryn 5523 Sharon Road Charlotte, NC 28210 Shores, Mr./Mrs. Wade & Joyce 315 Brigadier Drive 222-7448 Clover, SC 29710 Shreve, James 1284 Bate Harvey Road (803) 222-6425 Clover, SC 29710 Siegrist, Ben Siegrist, Mr./Mrs. Jeff & Mary P. O. Box 4444 (843) 237-8126 Pawleys Island, SC 29585 Email: jeff@siegristandcompany.com Cell (704) 661-0535 Siegrist, Joseph Siegrist, Will Simmons, Mr./Mrs. Joey & Ashli Payton 618 Mega Drive 324-7366 Rock Hill, SC 29730 Singer, Austin (See Jackson, Kenneth) Singer, Mr./Mrs. Mike & Molly P. O. Box 997 (803) 222-5116 Clover, SC 29710 32 . . . First United Methodist Church Skinnell, Mr./Mrs. Ashby & Josie 1987 Kingsburry Road 684-2008 P.O. Box 199 Clover, SC 29710 Email: sknnll@aol.com Skinnell, David (See Holiday, Mrs. Corrie) Skinnell, Mr./Mrs. Paul & Sandra 140 Spring Meadow Drive (803) 222-0113 Clover, SC 29710 Skinnell, Mr./Mrs. Steve & Laura Amber, Justin 6480 Ridge Road 222-6108 Clover, SC 29710 Email: swskinnell@aol.com Smith, Andrew Rebekah, Hollis 917 Clover Park Drive (704) 860-5007 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (919) 795-2170 Smith, Mr. Brian Smith, Christopher 212 Kings Mountain Street (803) 222-3035 Clover, SC 29710 Smith, Mr./Mrs. Graham & Lisa Leah, Sydney 1313 Summer Spring Lane 628-0326 York, SC 29745 Smith, Mr./Mrs. James & Marian 849 Bellwood Street 222-9905 Clover, SC 29710 Smith, Joslyn Ramie 222-1777 Clover, SC 29710 Smith, Mr. Mel 2139 Appling Way 684-1445 York, SC 29745 Smith, Mrs. Naurice 1235 Springlake Road 222-7868 York, SC 29745 Sommer, John & Elaine Savannah, Zachary, Joshua 1861 White Ibis Court (803) 222-4712 Clover, SC 29710 Work (704) 834-2562 Spouse WK (704) 384-3507 Spears, David Stabler, Jeannette Zachary 348 Lone Tree Lane (803) 222-9658 Clover, SC 29710 Work (704) 825-0358 Email: jeannettestabler@hotmail.com Cell (704) 678-1458 Stallings, Karen 452 Peaceful Creek Drive (803) 448-6280 York, SC 29745-6388 Work (803) 628-1665 Email: kstallings002@carolina.rr.com Cell (803) 448-6280 Stamey, Mr./Mrs. Scott & Cindy Cole, Tyler 1205 Rhyne Road 222-2803 Clover, SC 29710 Stanton, Mr. David 3489 Lincoln Road 222-3895 York, SC 29745 Stanton, Mrs. Evelyn 108 Woodland Drive 222-9907 Clover, SC 29710 Stanton, Fred Columbia, SC 29210 Stanton, Mr./Mrs. Mark & Shanna Hannah, Jackson, Virginia 112 Stuart Town Road Beaufort, SC 29902 Stein, Stephen & Jane 1025 Lawrence Road 222-4001 Clover, SC Stewart, Adrian 580 Whitworth Road (803) 627-3012 Clover, SC 29710 Email: aharlowstewart@yahoo.com Cell (803) 627-3012 Stewart, Mr./Mrs. Jeffrey & Mary 580 Whitworth Road 222-4402 Clover, SC 29710 Email: kupstew1@bellsouth.net Spouse Cell (803) 627-4009 Stewart, Mr./Mrs. John & Ann Gina, Suzanne 797 Pinehaven 222-7838 Clover, SC 29710 Stewart, Jr., Carl 1278 Burrell Road 222-3302 Clover, SC 29710 Stewart, Mr. Lloyd 2350 Agony Acres Road 222-1491 Clover, SC 29710 Stewart, Seth 580 Whitworth Road Clover, SC 29710 Email: snailyboy1066@yahoo.com Cell (803) 207-9059 Stewart, Mrs. Sue 417 Stokes Avenue Clover, SC 29710 Stewart, Nathan 580 Whitworth Road 222-4402 Clover, SC 29710 Email: nathanmandolin64@yahoo.com Cell (803) 627-2949 First United Methodist Church . . . 33 Stone, Scott & Bethany Jordyn, Madison 967 Drybrook Lane Clover, SC Storey, Matthew & Kathleen Abbi, Evan 5716 Pyrite Circle (864) 906-2661 Fort Mill, SC 29708 Work (704) 922-3427 Email: storey-matt@hotmail.com Cell (803) 230-8031 Spouse Cell (864) 680-6250 Strong, Fred & Jeanette 542 Pennyfields Lane Clover, SC 29710 Cell (803) 627-7316 Spouse Cell (803) 627-6556 Sukkert, Mr./Mrs. Rolfe & Elizabeth Bobby, Eric, James, Kevin, Marie 770 Wilmoth Road (704) 675-3318 Clover, SC 29710 Sullivan, Drew (See Ammons, Ms. Sange) Summerlin, Joe & Ann 420 Blythe Court (803) 222-9020 Clover, SC 29710 Email: summerlinm1@bellsouth.net Taylor, Ms. Becky & Charles Ralph Gastonia, NC 28053 Taylor, Dale 1230 Colonial Road (803) 222-9114 Clover, SC 29710 Taylor, Fred P. O. Box 856 Clover, SC 29710 Taylor, Jessica (See Byrum, Mrs. Deborah) Taylor, Patricia 2046 Rufus Ratchford Road (704) 865-2656 Gastonia, NC 28056 Email: ptaylors@hotmail.com Cell (704) 906-1179 Telford, David & Patti Ian 172 Evening Shadow Road (803) 746-7249 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Spouse WK (704) 365-7438 Spouse Cell (803) 627-6795 Thomas, Donna Thomas, Edward Thomas, Fred 3010 S. Highway 321 222-7447 Clover, SC 29710 Thomas, Sammy & Kay 3006 S. Highway 321 Clover, SC 29710 Thompson, Alyson 4976 Wescott Blvd., Apt. 733 Summerville, SC 29485 Email: alycat@bellsouth.net Thompson, Mrs. Bonnie 1541 Glenway Road 222-4145 Clover, SC 29710 Thompson, Mr./Mrs. Walter & Suzanne 1230 Bate Harvey Road 222-7334 P.O. Box 294 Clover, SC 29710 Thornburg, Jeff & Lisa Barry, Taylor 257 Cross Road Clover, SC 29710 Email: workman1964@yahoo.com Spouse Cell (704) 214-2892 Townsend, Michelle 929 Cranberry Circle (803) 487-2141 Fort Mill, SC 29715 Tremper, Amy 2487 Ivy Creek Ford (803) 831-7002 York, SC 29745 Work (803) 831-9305 Email: amyamy101@aol.com Cell (803) 831-9305 Tripi, Mr./Mrs. Steven & Dee Toni 869 Old Cedar Circle 628-6200 York, SC 29745 Triplett, Catherine 222-7579 Turner, Mr./Mrs. Arthur & Carolyn 601 McConnell Street 222-7777 Clover, SC 29710 Turner, Crystal 108 Richland Street (843) 455-8407 Clover, SC 29710 Turner, Robin Turner, Samuel Angelica 601 McConnell Street 222-7777 Clover, SC 29710 Turner, Teresa Turpin, Jane 1247 Springlake Road 628-4246 York, SC 29745 Email: jkturp@aol.com Turpin, Wilson 1247 Springlake Road York, SC 29745 Urso, Mr./Mrs. John & Mary Mallen 237 Belhaven Circle 222-2339 Clover, SC 29710 34 . . . First United Methodist Church Urso, Tyler 237 Belhaven Circle 222-2339 Clover, SC 29710 Usher, Ms. Kim (See Blackwood, Kay) Vanhook, Bill 3011 Vanhook Drive (803) 628-0380 York, SC 29745 Cell (803) 417-4556 Varnadore, Thomas 11 Hamilton's Bay Court Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Vaughan, Andrew 205 Kings Mountain Street 222-4238 Clover, SC 29710 Vaughan, Jeffrey 205 Kings Mountain Street 222-4238 Clover, SC 29710 Vaughan, Mr./Mrs. Michael & Gladys Ashley 205 Kings Mountain Street 222-4238 Clover, SC 29710 Vaughn, Ms. Becky 114 Pressley Street 222-4482 Clover, SC 29710 Vaughn, William & Terri 206 Calhoun Street 675-8446 Clover, SC 29710 Venetti, Ms Holly Austin 4100 Margusas Avenue Tega Cay, SC 29715 Vess, Isaac (See Kite, Dale & Tracie) Walker, Mrs. Louise Morningside Assisted Living, Room 114 (803) 324-4364 1830 West Main Street Rock Hill, SC 29732 Wall, Josh 2620 E. Celanese Road (704) 678-0167 Rock Hill, SC 29732 Email: joshwall88@jmail.com Wallace, Cathy 1089 S. Main St. 222-5603 Clover, SC 29710 Wallace, Mr./Mrs. Randy & Sharon Michael 1304 Love Road 222-4338 Clover, SC 29710 Wallace, Robin 109 Parkview Street 222-6011 Clover, SC 29710 Work (704) 864-0344 Wallace, Mrs. Ruth 109 Parkview Street 222-6011 Clover, SC 29710 Wallace, Teresa Keri, Joseph 200 Sumter Street Clover, SC Warlick, Tyler & Sara Samantha, Matthew, Josh 509 Kittiewake Lane Clover, SC 29710 Work (704) 286-8112 Email: twarlick@hotmail.com Spouse Cell (704) 418-3070 Weatherford, Marion & Jillian Gracie, Will 514 Dogwood Circle (803) 831-0215 Summerville, SC 29405 Welborne, Chris (See Alexander, Mr./Mrs. Ron) Welch, Brian & Allison 604 Fox Den Court York, SC 29745 Welch, Mr./Mrs. John & Mary La Croix Colos 76870 Beaussault FRANCE Wells, Ms. Erin 2079-F McGee Road (704) 460-8736 Rock Hill, SC 29732 Work (803) 548-4677 Wells, Mr./Mrs. Harry & Jane Abby 108 Wells-Whitworth Road 222-4133 Clover, SC 29710 Wells, Ms. Lark 108 Wells-Whitworth Road Clover, SC 29710 Wescott, Andrew & Emily 609 Old North Main Street Clover, SC 29710 Whitaker, Mr./Mrs. Philip & Betty Phillip, Melissa 3281 Hands Mill Road 831-0458 York, SC 29745 White, Carol White, Ms. DeAn 618 Pine Links Drive Tega Cay, SC 29708 White, Mr./Mrs. Dean & Grace 307 Marietta Street 222-7528 Clover, SC 29710 Spouse Cell (704) 842-4572 White, John & Denise Hannah, Joshua 309 LIttle Daisy Lane (803) 628-0019 York, SC 29745 Whitesides, Mr./Mrs. Bill & Peggy 3731 Woodstream Road 222-7717 York, SC 29745 Email: Bill_Peg@peeple pc.com Whitesides, Brenda First United Methodist Church . . . 35 Whitesides, Kenneth & Wanda Nicholas, Kristopher 3676 Woodstream Road 222-4341 York, SC 29745 Wilson, Ruth 575 Cactus Lane Clover, SC 29710 Whitesides, Mr. Kevin & Amanda Graham 2411 Ivy Creek Ford 831-8183 York, SC 29745 Winslow, Mr./Mrs. Brian & Judi Whitesides, Michael & Kathy William Jr. 212 Faulkner Street 222-4539 Clover, SC 29710 Whitley, Christopher & Michelle Taylor, Tanner 6724 Little Branch Drive 684-9647 York, SC 29745 Whittenberg, William Wilburn, Carol 216 Fox Lane- Devon Place Garden City, SC 29576 Wilkes, Jr., Thomas & Molly 136 Heartstone Ridge Road Landrum, SC 29356 Wilkes, Thomas & Meg Luke, Seth, Lydia 126 Bethel Street (803) 222-9926 Clover, SC 29710 Email: twilkes@cloverfumc.org Email: mwilkes@cloverfumc.org Wilson, Andrew 508 Park Avenue (864) 337-5184 Rock Hill, SC 29730 Wilson, Mrs. Christine 15 Hamiltons Bay Court, Apt. 921 Lake Wylie, SC 29710 Wilson, Mr. Fred Taylor, Victoria 575 Cactus Lane 222-6691 Clover, SC 29710 Winslow, Mr. Aaron Winslow, Kaitlin Wire, Walter & Jeannie 1780 St. Paul Church Road 222-4651 Clover, SC 29710 Wise, Mr./Mrs. Dee & Kim Devon, Kaitlyn, Trevor, Tyler 626 Thorncliff Drive 628-5359 York, SC 29745 Wommack, Dianne 301 Wood Field Drive (864) 269-0938 Piedmont, SC 29673 Wood, Rick & Beverly 815 Green Pond Road 222-2409 Clover, SC 29710 Woodcock, Christopher (See Huffstetler, Kimberlee) Woolbright, Carson (See Hicks, Mr./Mrs. Sam) Woolbright, Mr./Mrs. Marty & Linda 509 Willow Landing Drive 222-9641 York, SC 29745 Woolbright, Perry 114 Pier Pointe Drive Little River, SC 29566-9274 Wray, David & Starr 5149 Jenkins Farm Rd. Blacksburg, SC 29702 Cell (803) 367-1351 Spouse Cell (803) 367-1352 Wright, Ms. Erin (864) 833-5145 Email: erinwright34@gmail.com Wright, Mr./Mrs. Ron & Susan Paul 1881 Berrywood Lane 222-2333 Clover, SC 29710 Email: rwright1@carolina.rr.com Wullschleger, Mrs. Lowanna 1284 Bate Harvey Road 222-7553 Clover, SC 29710 Wyatt, Mr. Albert 1083 St. Paul Church Road 222-9573 Clover, SC 29710 Wyatt, Mr./Mrs. Rick & Jeannine Bonnie, Zack 1109 St. Paul Church Road 222-9047 Clover, SC 29710 Yarbrough, Lee & Addie June, Mason 1153 Lawrence Road Clover, SC 29710 Spouse Cell (704) 607-8152 Yewcic, Christopher 214 Church Street 222-2419 Clover, SC 29710 Yewcic, Jeffrey (See Medlin, Mr. Pete) Yoder, Erika 774 Pinehaven Circle 222-2456 Clover, SC 29710 Yoder, Mr./Mrs. James & Micheal 774 Pinehaven Circle 222-2456 Clover, SC 29710 Cell (704) 678-0218 Yoder, Joshua 115 Prescott Court Athens, GA 30605-3518 36 . . . First United Methodist Church Young, Mr./Mrs. Richard & Sharon Hollis 625 Stowe Road 222-5170 Clover, SC 29710 Spouse Cell (803) 627-9297 4410-CD My Church Now