MortgageBASE User Ma..
MortgageBASE User Ma..
Reference Manual MortgageBASETM v3.6 filogix Inc. 276 King Street West (off Duncan) Toronto, ON M5V 1J2 t 866.filogix f 416.360.8224 Table of Contents OVERVIEW OF MORTGAGEBASE ........................................................................................................... 4 LOGIN ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 CHANGE PASSWORD ............................................................................................................................... 8 THE ICONS .............................................................................................................................................. 9 MORTGAGEBASE BASICS .................................................................................................................... 11 DROP DOWN MENUS ............................................................................................................................ 12 THE MENU BAR .................................................................................................................................... 13 HELP..................................................................................................................................................... 16 SYSTEM SETUP OPTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 20 SETTING CONDITIONS, STATUS’S & TERMS .......................................................................................... 21 SETTING AGENT RULES (BROKER VERSION ONLY) .............................................................................. 22 CHANGING DEFAULT SETTINGS FOR CREDIT LINE/CARD RATE (BROKER VERSION ONLY).................. 23 SETTING USER OPTIONS (BROKER VERSION ONLY).............................................................................. 24 THE APPLICATION PROCESS ............................................................................................................... 25 ACCESSING THE MORTGAGE APPLICATION .......................................................................................... 25 ADDING A NEW APPLICATION .............................................................................................................. 26 EXISTING MORTGAGES/PROPERTIES .................................................................................................... 29 THE DETAILS OF THE LOAN:................................................................................................................. 31 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 32 ADD A GUARANTOR ............................................................................................................................. 33 OBTAINING A CREDIT BUREAU............................................................................................................. 35 SOLICITOR ............................................................................................................................................ 36 DETAILS ............................................................................................................................................... 37 REVIEWING THE HISTORY .................................................................................................................... 43 ADD, EDIT & DELETE NOTES ............................................................................................................... 44 PACKAGE.............................................................................................................................................. 51 CONNECTING TO THE SERVER .............................................................................................................. 53 REVIEWING YOUR APPROVALS ............................................................................................................. 54 ADD CONDITIONS TO A DEAL ................................................................................................................ 58 FINALIZING THE APPLICATION ............................................................................................................. 59 CHANGE THE STATUS OF AN APPLICATION ........................................................................................... 60 COPY APPLICATION .............................................................................................................................. 61 EMAIL....................................................................................................................................................... 62 SET UP YOUR MORTGAGEBASE E-MAIL .............................................................................................. 62 TOOLS...................................................................................................................................................... 68 FINANCING OPTIONS SHEET ................................................................................................................. 68 PREQUALIFICATION .............................................................................................................................. 69 AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................. 70 AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE .................................................................................................................. 71 COMPARISON FORM ............................................................................................................................. 73 USING WHAT IF SCENARIOS ................................................................................................................. 74 RATES .................................................................................................................................................. 76 MANAGING INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 80 REPORTS ................................................................................................................................................. 86 ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 2 CONDITIONS SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... 87 CONDITIONS DETAIL ............................................................................................................................ 88 MORTGAGE APPLICATION .................................................................................................................... 89 MORTGAGE STATUS ............................................................................................................................. 90 MORTGAGEBASE CLOSED DEALS ....................................................................................................... 91 MATURITY LISTING .............................................................................................................................. 92 TRANSACTION NO. REPORT .................................................................................................................. 93 MARKETING REPORTS .......................................................................................................................... 94 INFO. REPORTS ..................................................................................................................................... 95 PROSPECT MANAGER............................................................................................................................ 96 ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 3 Overview of MortgageBASE MortgageBASE is a comprehensive Mortgage Origination system. Most aspects of the mortgage brokerage business are automated in this state-of-the-art product. You can: • Help your real estate contact attract clients with our Financing Option Sheets. • Prequalify your applicants based on known down payment and using the applicant’s income. • Show your client savings that can be realized with various repayment alternatives. • Create an application and enter the applicant’s personal, employment and financial data. • Enter guarantor information, as necessary. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 4 • Print the application and after indicating that it has been signed, request credit bureau reports from Equifax or Transunion. MortgageBASE automatically creates the necessary request and connects to the Equifax or Transunion computer system and waits until the request has been completed. • Print the requested credit bureau reports. • Enter the property information and the loan requirements. If you are prequalifying your client before a property has been chosen, you have to enter only a few fields on the property information screen and then the expected loan requirements. After the Applicant information is entered and the property and loan requirements are created, you can: • Create a submission to the appropriate filogix associate lender. The submission is packaged from filogix and then forwarded to the lender. The lender's MortgageBASE software allows for review then approval or decline of the deal. • This decision is forwarded back to filogix and is retrieved during your next MortgageBASE transmission. • Approve a submission and enter the terms of the deal. • Associate a solicitor with the application. Fax an automatically generated Solicitor's Letter. • Create a Statement of Mortgage and Amortization Schedule and print them. You may also print an Amortization Schedule for other repayment alternatives. • Complete and print a Mortgage Record Sheet. • Enter your expected Commissions and your actual commissions. Print a Commissions Report. You can: Print a variety of reports to help you manage your deals including: • • • • • Prospects - Lists Name & Address of your entered prospects. Maturity Listing – Your maturing mortgages based maturity date. MortgageBASE Closed Deals - Mortgages closed by date order. Mortgage Status - Lists all deals and can be sorted by status type. Conditions Summary - List by closing date deals and conditions. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 5 Review the latest lender rates. Regular updates using communications facilities with MortgageBASE provide you with updates to rates as soon as they are available from the lenders. You also pick up commitments from Lenders using these facilities. These tables can be viewed and printed. Print an Amortization Summary or Schedule for alternatives other than regular monthly payments. Finally, you can: • Maintain a Name and Address file of real estate contacts, appraisers, solicitors, and other referral sources. • MortgageBASE has an extensive Help database that lists all the functions of the software. • Backup or restore your MortgageBASE files. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 6 Login • • • • • Click the MortgageBASE icon on your desktop. Select your User Name assigned by filogix. Read and Agree to the privacy statement. MortgageBASE will not allow you to sign on unless you agree to this statement each time you sign on. Click on the Sign On button. On the next screen, enter your password. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 7 Change Password Note: First time users need to create a new password. To change your sign on password 1. Select System > Setup Options > User Options. The Network User Options dialog box is displayed. 2. Select your name in the User list and click Edit. The Please Enter Password dialog box is displayed. 3. Click Change. 4. Enter your existing password. 5. Enter your new password in the New Password and Confirm Password fields. 6. Click on Save Password so that your password will default and does not have to be typed in every time you log in. 7. Click OK. All passwords should be kept confidential and passwords should not be obvious. The purpose for this security is to protect the user, clients and Lenders. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 8 The Icons Application – Opens the window for entering the main Application – this is where you’ll spend most of your time. Update – Opens the window for Internet Communication – used to pick up commitments, interest rate changes and more! Click the start button to initiate the Internet update. This feature keeps your system and the backup system at MORTGAGEBASE current. Email – Opens the email program that will allow you to send email. i.e.: Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook PreQualifier – The PreQualifier allows you to enter in minimal information about a client and keep the information for further follow up. Financing Options Sheet - A marketing tool that real estate professionals appreciate! Try the different options by creating a sample for yourself. Amortization Schedule – Opens the window for preparing an Amortization Schedule – a very useful tool that allows you to show clients how options like weekly or biweekly repayments, or lump sum payments will affect their mortgage in the long term. A great tool for calculating “what will happen if…?” Print Rate Sheet – Print the latest rates available. Calendar – Schedule and print appointments on a daily basis. Book your appointments in advance. Edit Best Rates – Edit the latest rates supplied by the lenders. Best Rates by Term - Lists the best rates by term from the lenders. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 9 Calculator - Quick access to a calculator. Lenders - Get Information, rates and guidelines about all the lenders. MortgageBASE Users - Lists all the brokers, agents and offices using the MortgageBASE software. Help - An index of all the functions available in the software. Quit - Shuts the program down. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 10 MortgageBASE Basics MortgageBASE is a revolutionary mortgage brokerage system. Designed by industry professionals, the software provides user-friendly, leading edge technology to mortgage brokers. Our goal is to ensure our clients’ complete satisfaction by providing communication, administration, marketing and system support that will all increase revenues for the broker. Besides it’s capabilities as a database for your clients, contacts, private & institutional lenders, appraisers and referral sources, MortgageBASE also gives the mortgage broker the power to print all the Ministry-required documentation for each file. Although MortgageBASE provides all users with detailed, up-to-date rate and product information by the lenders; the broker can also maintain a database of their own private lenders. A full complement of reports is available which can be customized to suit the individual broker’s needs and will provide information including broker/agent splits, maturity dates and monthly mortgage MortgageBASE funding. MortgageBASE functions are further enhanced by the communications aspect of the program, the main feature of which is the electronic transmission of mortgage applications to on-line lenders. This feature speeds up the application, underwriting, approval and commitment processes by transmitting the client’s data via MortgageBASE’s electronic gateway. This communication system is also used to provide the broker and their agents with the lenders’ rate and product information. MortgageBASE is Windows based software, so if you remember that many Windows features will be found throughout the program, you will find it very user-friendly. You move from screen to screen making use of the tabs and the drop down menus. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 11 Drop Down Menus MortgageBASE uses drop down menus to display valid entries that allow the desired value to be selected. For example on the Reports menu the following Reports are available. Simply highlight the report you would like to generate and click. The Date drop down menu is slightly different: This is the standard date selection screen for entry of dates such as birth date or closing date; or for selecting a date range for reports. • Click on the Drop down menu arrow to display the Date drop down menu selection calendar. Click on the large arrow to drop down the calendar Click on smaller up and down arrows to move the month/year in the past or future. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 12 The Menu Bar The Client Files menu will display: The Communications menu will display: The Information Files menu will display: ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 13 The Reports menu will display: The Marketing menu will display: The System menu will display: ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 14 The Window menu will display: The Help menu will display: ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 15 Help There may be times when you will require assistance from the Help Desk at filogix. To find the numbers and web sites for support, click on Help and then select About. You can also access the Help Table of Contents: Help in MortgageBASE is divided into Topics. In general, the major topics are the MortgageBASE functions. Double click on the book you think may find your answer. It will display a number of chapters. Double click again to read the topic. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 16 You can also search through the Index, using key words to see if you can find the subject you are inquiring about. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 17 Error & Warning Messages Any errors in data entry or procedures will be displayed in the Missing Information box including: In the information, the In the case caseofofmissing missing information, application cannot packaged until d the application canbenot be package the information is completed, untilrequired the required information is but you may still save the completed, but you may application. still save Click OK to close the message window. the application. Click OK to remove the message. Sometimes the message is only a warning: Most warnings may be ignored but may recur each time you access the screen. Click OK to close the message window. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 18 Sometimes the message is only for information: Click OK to close the message window. Sometimes the message is a question giving you a chance to change your mind by requesting that you confirm an action about to take place. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 19 System Setup Options Prior to starting to send your business through MortgageBASE you will need to set up your system to identify yourself and your name. Complete all the screens under System > Set Up Options > System Set Up • The Firm Info tab identifies the company and broker information for contacts. • The Credit Bureau tab identifies the information required to dial both Equifax and Transunion. • The Miscellaneous tab identifies credit card rates, broker identifiers, email program & points numbers etc. • The Connection tab identifies the connection settings and types to the MortgageBASE VPN server to send and receive deals. • The Appraisers tab identifies the retrieval options for receiving appraisal information. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 20 Setting Conditions, Status’s & Terms Complete all the tabs and screens under System > Set Up Options > Conditions, Status’s and Terms. • Conditions – you will be able to edit, add, delete and make Templates for conditions that can be added to deals. Most Lenders will add the conditions and clauses to each deal at approval, but you have the ability to add your own in the case of private lenders. • Statuses – you have the ability to add, edit or delete your own statuses which will help you for tracking and reports. • Terms – you will be able to add, edit and delete your own terms. • Disclaimer – you will be able to edit the default disclaimer to suit the purposes of your office. Example disclaimers: I/We warrant and confirm that the information given in the mortgage application form is true and correct and I/we understand that it is being used to determine my/our credit responsibility. You are authorized to obtain any information you may require relative to this application from any sources to which you may apply and each such source is hereby authorized to provide you with such information. You are furthermore authorized to disclose, in response to direct enquiries from any other lender or credit bureau, such information on my loaning account as you consider appropriate, and I agree to indemnify you against and save you harm from any and all claims in damages or otherwise arising from such disclosure on your part. You are also authorized to retain the application whether or not the relative mortgage is approved. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 21 Setting Agent Rules (Broker Version only) To view and set the agent rules 1. Select System > Setup Options > Agent Rules. The Agent Rules dialog box is displayed. 2. Click the box to add a checkmark beside your choice. 3. Click Post Update to bring the file up-to-date. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed informing you that the update was successful. 4. Click OK. 5. Click Close. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed asking you to save the changes to the agent rules. 6. Click Yes. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 22 Changing Default Settings for Credit Line/Card Rate (Broker Version only) You have the option of entering three credit lines, three credit loans, and three credit cards for the client. For example, you may enter the limit of the credit line or card and the system will automatically calculate a monthly payment, based on a default rate (i.e., 3%) established in the System Setup. Use a $0.00 limit if you wish to enter your own payment amount. To enter default rates for the limit-based automatic monthly payment calculation. 1. Select System > Setup Options > System Setup. The Please Enter Password dialog box is displayed. 2. Enter your password and click OK. The System Setup dialog box is displayed. 3. In the Miscellaneous tab, under System Options, enter the details in Credit Line Rate % Credit Card Rate %, Last Transaction Num. and the E-Mail Program. 4. Click Close. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. 5. Click Yes to save the changes. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 23 Setting User Options (Broker Version only) You have the ability to set options for each Broker/Agent in your office. Complete the Credit Bureau, Connection, Miscellaneous and Appraisers tabs for each agent/broker. Navigate through System > Set Up Options > User Options. Select the Agent by highlighting and click Edit. Update the tabs as needed. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 24 The Application Process Accessing the Mortgage Application Navigate to the Client Files index using the drop down menus: • Client Files > Create Modify Mortgage Files To select the application you wish to update, double click. If the application you want to update is not immediately displayed use the Search option to find your client or scroll down the list displayed. You can sort this index in a number of ways by selecting a different option from the Sort by drop down. You can also view only Active Deals by clicking in the tick box. To create a new application, click the New button. This is feature is currently unavailable. Communications on this product will be coming soon. . ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 25 Adding a New Application • Select New from the Client Files screen. • Select whether you are creating a 1st or 2nd mortgage. • The Personal page will appear for your data entry. • Navigate through the application by using the scroll bars, or by using the ‘Go To’ drop down menu. Complete all the data fields as required. Use drop down menus when required. Use the scroll bars to see more of the application. If you need a Postal Code check out the website. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 26 • If the applicant is a homemaker, student, unemployed or occupation unknown you must still enter the occupation: o Type Homemaker or Retired or Unemployed in the Current Occupation field. o Select the appropriate Occupation code. o If the individual has no income, enter $1.00. Entering a check in the Guarantor tick box will allow you to “Edit the Guarantor File”. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 27 The Financial section of the application: • To view and enter specific credit information, in either the Asset column or the Liabilities column select the ellipsis buttons . The Credit References windows will open. • For additional vehicles complete the blank row(s) provided. Use the Liabilities screen to indicate financing on any vehicles. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 28 Existing Mortgages/Properties • To view the existing property information, select the ellipsis , on Rental/Other Property row in the Financial Net Worth section. • All liabilities have a checkbox for indicating if the debt should be included in the Total Monthly debt on the Financial Summary for the applicant. Check the Mortgage Remain After Closing box to indicate whether the debt will be paid with the mortgage that is being applied for. • Enter the details of the existing mortgage or properties. • To leave the Existing Mortgages/Properties window click the OK button. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 29 To view the breakdown of the down payment click on the Asset Breakdown button on the financial screen. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 30 The Details of the Loan: • • • • Click in the tick box if you want to indicate to the lender this is a Preapproval. Click in the tick box if you want to indicate the application is to be High Ratio Insured. Complete the details of other mortgages attached to this property. Complete the required information for GE insured clients. NOTE: If your client wishes to apply for GE’s vacation product the Property Type buttons will be available. Follow the GE guideline and select either A or B as a property type. • Select the Applicant Type and product for CMHC insured clients. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 31 Property Description • Complete the Property Description fields for the property that is being mortgaged. • Select the Mailing Address. • If the property is to be an income producing property ensure you complete the Rental Income section. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 32 Add a Guarantor • Highlight the application requiring the guarantor. • Click the Guarantor button and a blank guarantor application will appear for you to complete. OR • Once inside the application, tick the Guarantor box and you will be able to Edit the Guarantor File. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 33 Edit a Guarantor Application Once you have created the guarantor application you can edit it from the Client Files window. To edit the application, highlight the guarantor name and click on the Application button. MortgageBASE allows you to enter two guarantors per application. Use the borrower and the coborrower sections of the application. Once you have entered the co-borrower’s information you will need to decide whether the: • guarantor should be included on tile; • living in the property; • income and debt is to be included in calculations. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 34 Obtaining a Credit Bureau • Highlight the application, click on the Bureau tab. • Select Trans Union or Equifax as your provider. • Select the Inquiry Type. If all of the necessary information is not filled in, an error message will be generated in this log field. • Click on the Inquiry Now button to begin the request process. Note: The application must be signed before a credit bureau request can be made. • To view the reports select the View or Print button. • The bottom log will be filled with data when the report is received. • If you requested a Joint bureau, the joint file will attach to the end for the principal applicant therefore, no separate bureau will show for the co-applicant. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 35 Solicitor • Highlight the application you are working on. • Click on the Details tab. • Clicking on the Misc. tab allows you to enter the information required from your Information Files. • If the solicitor is not already in your Information Files, save the application, add the lawyer/firm and the information can then be selected from the drop down. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 36 Details Basic Fees - where you enter in your fee information. Basis Points refer to the finder’s fee and will automatically calculate the fee if you enter in the basis points that you know you will be paid for the deal. Broker fee information and Agent commission information can also be entered in this section. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 37 Fee Splits - allows you to split the fees between agents. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 38 Other Fees - allows you to edit any other fee, although the system will automatically pickup CMHC fees from the application and place the details here. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 39 Terms - any additional terms that apply to the mortgage can be entered on this screen. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 40 Miscellaneous Misc. – assign a transaction number, referral source, appraiser, lawyer and lender (a lender can also be assigned from Package tab). ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 41 Disclosure Statement - enter information specifically related to provincial disclosure forms. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 42 Reviewing the History To view the history of a file: • Select Client Files > Create/Modify Mortgage Files. The Client Files window is displayed. • Select a client file and click History. The History dialog box is displayed. • Select a record and click View. The History dialog box is displayed. • Click Close. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 43 Add, Edit & Delete Notes To review notes: 1. Select Client > Create/Modify Mortgage Files. The Client Files window is displayed. 2. Click Notes. The Mortgage Notes - client name dialog box is displayed. To add a note: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click Add. The Add Mortgage Note dialog box is displayed. Enter the Description and Notes fields. Click OK. You are returned to the Add Mortgage Note dialog box. Click Close. To edit a note: 1. Click on the note you want to change and click Edit. The Edit Mortgage Note dialog box is displayed. 2. Make the change and click OK. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. 3. Click Yes to save the changes to the note. You are returned to the Mortgage Notes dialog box. 4. Click Close. To delete a note: 1. Click on the note you want to delete and click Delete. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. 2. Click Yes to confirm the deletion. You are returned to the Mortgage Notes dialog box. 3. Click Close. To print a note: 1. Select the note you want to print and click Print Note. 2. Click Close. To print all notes: 1. Click Print All. 2. Click Close ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 44 Insurance Quotes 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Mortgage Files. The Client Files window is displayed. 2. Click Insurance. The Insurance dialog box is displayed. 3. Options are available based on your specific firm requirements. Once you have select the type of Insurance, you will be able to view both the quotation for insurance and the insurance application. 4. Complete the insurance quote. The Sex and Smoker fields are mandatory. Print the letter for your client. The quote is then generated in e-mail form sent via MortgageBASE to a third party insurance provider, who will then follow up with your client. A marketing referral fee is payable to the broker. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 45 5. Complete the application questionnaire. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 46 Printing the Forms • Use the >> arrows to move printable forms to the left and the << arrows to move forms back if you do not want to print a specific document. • You have the ability to print your forms in English or French by selecting your language choice in the middle of the window. • You can preview the documents by clicking on the Preview button. • Select your Default printer to complete your request. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 47 Mortgage Record Sheets These record sheets will display both the client and file information. 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Mortgage Files. The Client Files window is displayed. 2. Select a client file and click Record Sheet. The Mortgage Record Sheet dialog box is displayed. Three tabs will display client/deal information summary pertaining to the client file selected. 3. Click Print to get a copy of the record. 4. Click Close. You are returned to the Client Files window. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 48 Investor Disclosure Statements The Investor disclosure is available for Ontario brokers and agents. It is a government form called Ministry Form 1. To add an investor disclosure 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Mortgage Files. The Client Files window is displayed. 2. Select the client file and click Inv. Disc. The Create Investor Disclosure File dialog box is displayed. 3. Click Yes. The Investor Disclosure dialog box with a specific client name is displayed. 4. The first four tabs, Declaration, Property, Mortgage and Fees must be filled in. Some of the information is already there from the application. 5. Select the Investors tab to assign an investor to the file. 6. Click Add. The Add Investor dialog box is displayed. 7. Select an investor from the drop-down list and click OK. The Add Investor dialog box is closed returning you to the Investor Disclosure for client name dialog box. The name and address of the investor is displayed in the Investor’s tab. 8. Complete the Investor tab. 9. Click Close. 10. Click Yes to save the Investor Disclosure. To remove an investor disclosure 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Mortgage Files. The Client Files window is displayed. 2. Select the client file and click Inv. Disc. The Create Investor Disclosure File is displayed. 3. Using the |< < > >| arrows, find the investor you want to remove and click Remove. The Remove Investor dialog box is displayed. 4. Click OK to remove the current investor. 5. Click Close. To print an investor disclosure form 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Mortgage Files. The Client Files window is displayed. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 49 2. Select Inv. Disc. The Create Investor Disclosure File is displayed. 3. Select the client file and click Print. The Print Investor Disclosure File is displayed. 4. Select an investor, indicate the pages that you want to print and choose a date to use on a form. 5. Click OK. 6. Click Close. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 50 Package • Highlight the applicant and select the Package button. • Complete the ‘Package Outgoing Lender Message’. • Select the Lender you wish from the drop down Use your mouse and click on the desired Lender. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 51 • Select the contact you wish to receive the application • Add comments for the selected Lender. • Select Package and the application will be sent to the selected Lender the next time you connect to the server. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 52 Connecting to the Server • Using the Communication Menu drop down, select ‘Connect to MortgageBASE Server’. • Select the options for what kind of information you wish to send and retrieve from the MortgageBASE Server. • Click on the Connect button and wait while the system automatically connects to the MortgageBASE server and transmits the data. • You will get a message at the end of the transmission to confirm if your transmission was successful. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 53 Reviewing your Approvals Your Approvals will automatically be ‘attached’ to your application once you have updated to the server and lender. The status of any application that has been approved will be changed from ‘packaged’ to ‘approved’, ‘declined’ or ‘pending’. From the MortgageBASE Main Menu: • • • Click the Client Files icon. If the application you are looking for does not appear on your screen, click on the Search button or use your scroll arrows. To use Search, type in the Last Name of the applicant and click OK. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 54 To view your Approval, highlight the approved application, click on the Approvals tab. You will be able to View or Print the approval. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 55 View will include the Mortgage Approval and the Schedule A with the Conditions. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 56 View the Conditions by clicking on the Conditions tab once the client application is highlighted. • Once the conditions are displayed you can remove and add conditions. • Mark Done/Mark UnDone conditions that will need to be met prior to the mortgage closing. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 57 Add conditions to a deal To attach a new condition to a deal: 1. Click Add Conditions. The Add Conditions dialog box is displayed. 2. Four types of conditions are available. • Single – using the drop-down list, select the type of condition; • Template – select a template to use; • Special – will add a non-standard condition that does not appear in the list. Enter a title, the type, and a description for the condition; • Defaults – this option will add the default conditions to the selected deal. Note: Make sure that you click Add after each condition. 3. Click Close when you are finished adding conditions. You will return to the Conditions dialog box. Marking a Condition – done/undone As the conditions are met, you must indicate them “done”. To mark a condition as done; 1. Open the Conditions dialog box. 2. Select the condition that has been met. 3. Click Mark Done. The Done check box for that condition is marked. 4. Click Close. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 58 Finalizing the Application With the lenders Commitment in hand: You will need to print and have the client sign the Statement of Mortgage. 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Mortgage Files. The Client Files window is displayed. 2. Select the client file you want and click Forms. The Forms dialog box is displayed. All the available forms are listed in the Available Forms panel on the left. 3. Highlight both pages of the Statement of Mortgage and click >> to place them in the Selected Forms window. 4. Click Print. Note: 2 (two) copies should be printed – 1 for customer, 1 for file. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 59 Change the Status of an Application In order to keep a ‘clean’ index of all your applications it is important to update the status of each application. This is important whether the application was funded or declined by the borrower. Update the Status by clicking on the Update button. The Update Status window will display. Select the appropriate status and click OK. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 60 Copy Application • • • • Click on the Copy button on the main Client Files Screen. Click OK button to create a new application number with the same information. Review all fields to ensure accuracy. Fill in the new information including whether the new application is a First or Second mortgage. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 61 Email Set up your MortgageBASE E-mail MortgageBASE has set up a mail account for you. This account can be accessed through an installed mail program or through a web browser. It is up to you as to which method you would like to use to connect and which mail program you would like to use. The set up instructions for some of the more popular programs are included here. If you already use a mail program not listed, please consult the programs documentation for instructions. Finding your MortgageBASE E-mail account name and password 1. In MortgageBASE, select Information Files > MortgageBASE Users. 2. Double click your name in the list. Your account name will be listed there. Your initial password is the same as your account name. We suggest that once you get connected that you change your password. Setting up your e-mail program Note: If you do not have internet access and are connecting via dialup to the MortgageBASE server, substitute anywhere the instructions tell you to use This option of connecting directly to MSI will only be available for a limited time, so an Internet connection will be required. If you are using Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, you must first determine the version you are running. 1. Open Outlook, and select Help > About. You are running: • Outlook Express – if the top of the About box says Outlook Express • Outlook (Internet-only) – if the top of the About box says Internet Mail Only below Microsoft Outlook • Outlook (Corporate) – if the top of the About box says Corporate or Workgroup below Microsoft Outlook 2. The version of Outlook that you are running will determine which of the two setup procedures you must use to configure your computer for MortgageBASE email. Outlook Express and Outlook (with the Internet Mail Only option) can be configured using the same procedure. Outlook (with Corporate or Workgroup option) requires a different procedure which is outlined separately. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 62 Setting up Microsoft Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook (Internet-only option) Note: Outlook Express is included with Windows 98 and can be installed from your Windows 98 CD. 1. In Outlook Express, click Tools > Account > Mail. 2. Click Add. 3. Click Mail. 4. Enter a Display Name (e.g. MortgageBASE e-mail). 5. Click Next. 6. Enter your MortgageBASE email address. 7. Click Next. 8. Click POP3 mail server. 9. In the Incoming and Outgoing mail servers, enter 10. Click Next. 11. In the Pop Account Name field, enter your MortgageBASE email username (This should be the first part of your email address, before the, e.g. dsmith) 12. Enter your MortgageBASE email password. 13. Click Next. 14. Click Finish. 15. If you do not already connect to the internet using Internet Explorer, you will have to set up your connection method: • • • • Highlight the account you have just set up and click Properties. Click the Connection tab. Checks the Always connect to this account using box. If you are connecting to the MortgageBASE mail server through the internet, select the dial up session of your internet provider. • If you are connecting to the MortgageBASE mail server by dial up to MSI, select the MortgageBASE dial up session. • Click OK 16. Click Close. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 63 Setting up Microsoft Outlook (corporate option) 1. From your Desktop, right click the Outlook Icon and click Properties or select Outlook >Tools >Services. 2. Click Add. 3. Select Internet e-mail and click OK. 4. In Mail Account, type a name for this account e.g. MortgageBASE Email. 5. Under User Information enter the following” • Name: your full name • Organization: Optional field, you can fill in your companies name or leave it blank • E-Mail Address: Your MortgageBASE e-mail account name. • Reply Address: Leave this field Blank. 6. Click the Servers Tab. 7. In the Incoming Mail (POP3), type 8. In the Outgoing Mail type, 9. Under the Incoming Mail Server section, enter the following: • Account Name: Username • Password: Your MortgageBASE e-mail password 10. Click the Connections tab. 11. Select the method that you use to connect to the MortgageBASE mail server. If you connect using a dial up modem, select Connect using my phone line. If you connect using an internet account, select the dial up session of your internet provider for the Dial Up Networking connection to use. If you connect by dial up directly to MSI, select the Morty dial up profile for the Dial Up Networking connection to use. 12. Click OK twice. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 64 Setting up Netscape Mail 1. Open the Netscape Browser. 2. From the menu, click Edit > Preferences. 3. Double click Mail and Newsgroups to open the tree. 4. Click Identify. 5. Enter your full name in the Your Name: field. 6. Enter your MortgageBASE email address in the Email Address field. 7. Click Mail Servers. 8. Click Add to add a profile and select the General tab. 9. In the Server name field, enter 10. In the Server Type field, select POP3. 11. In the Username field, enter your MortgageBASE email username. 12. Click OK to save settings 13. In the Enter Outgoing mail server field, enter 14. Leave the Outgoing Mail Server username field blank. 15. Select Never for use Secure Socket Layers. 16. Click OK to save settings. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 65 Using web browser access 1. In your web browser enter This will take you to the MortgageBASE mail server. You should bookmark this page for easier access in the future. Note: A link to this address is also available through the MortgageBASE website at 2. Enter your MortgageBASE email username in the User Name field. 3. Enter your MortgageBASE password in the Password field. 4. Click Logon. 5. Click Help for more information on using the web browser mail access 6. Changes to your MortgageBASE dial up profile (only applies if you are connecting to e-mail via dial up) 7. From your Desktop, double click My Computer. 8. Double click the Dial-Up Networking folder. 9. Right mouse click the MortgageBASE icon. Select Properties. 10. Enter the telephone number (10 digits) and enter a 1 in front if calling long distance. 11. Click OK and close down all windows to get back to your Desktop. The first time your mail program connects to the mail server, you will be prompted for a User name and Password. 12. Your dial up user name is the first 3 characters of your MortgageBASE user id plus the last 4 characters of your MortgageBASE userid plus 1 eg. MSIB0011. This can also be found under the list of MortgageBASE users in MortgageBASE. 13. The e-mail dial up password is msiras_server (all in lower case). 14. Check the Save Password box to save the password. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 66 Changing your e-mail password Changing by e-mail: Create and email to The subject line of the message must consist of your MortgageBASE email username (This should be the first part of your email address, before the followed a comma (,) and your current MortgageBASE email password (e.g. tbroker,mypassword) The main body of the email must contain the command "PASSWORD" followed by a space and your new password (e.g. PASSWORD newpassword). Changing by web browser access: In your web browser enter This will take you to the mail account administration. Sign on with your account name and password. On the administration screen enter your new password. Note: Make sure you type your password correctly and remember it. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 67 Tools Financing Options Sheet Financing Option Sheets are a great marketing tool for both brokers and realtors. You and your realtor can work together on Open Houses to create business. Price: Enter the asking price. Interest Rates: This section is used to enter the expected mortgage conditions. Down payment and Mortgage Data: The Feature sheet has provisions for showing the down payment and mortgage information for three different down payment percentages. These default to 25%, 10% and 5% but may be changed. All other fields are calculated and protected. Estimated Closing Costs: This is an estimate of the costs that the purchaser may be expected to pay on closing. Realtor and Broker Information: This section provides information on the Real Estate Agent selling the property, and the Broker advertising the property. Print Options: Once you have viewed the Financing Option Sheet, you can print copies for your realtor. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 68 Prequalification The Prequalifier is used to determine the income required to qualify for a mortgage. • Navigate through the Marketing Menu to Prequalifier. • Complete the required information and click on Qualify. This prequalification tool assists you in determining the maximum property purchase price for which your applicants qualify based on their combined income. This screen also has a second function: to show the actual GDS and TDS calculations for a client when all information (income, down payment, purchase price and monthly debts) is known. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 69 Print or view the Pre-Qualification Summary Sheet. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 70 Amortization Schedule The amortization schedule is designed to assist you in advising and showing your clients the pay schedule for their new mortgage. You will also meet provincial ministry requirements in delivering the schedule to your client. Opening an amortization schedule 1. Select Marketing > Amortization Schedule. The Amortization Schedule dialog box is displayed. 2. Enter the mortgage amount, interest rate, and all other information in the blank fields using the drop-down lists where applicable. 3. Click Schedule. A print preview of the Amortization Schedule is displayed. Use the toolbar to navigate throughout the schedule. To print the schedule click on the printer icon. 4. Click X to exit the amortization schedule. You are returned to the Amortization Schedule dialog box. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 71 Sample Amortization Schedule ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 72 Comparison Form Comparisons allow you to show your clients the differences between monthly payments and accelerated weekly and bi-weekly payments. To compare monthly, bi-weekly and weekly payments: 1. Select Marketing > Amortization Schedule. The Amortization Schedule dialog box is displayed. 2. Enter the mortgage amount, interest rate, and all other information in the blank fields using the drop-down lists where applicable. 3. Click Schedule. The Amortization Schedule dialog box is displayed. 4. Click X to exit the schedule. You are returned to the Amortization Schedule dialog box. 5. Click Comparison. The Comparison Form dialog box is displayed, illustrating the differences between the payment types. 6. Click Close. You are returned to the Amortization Schedule dialog box. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 73 Using What If Scenarios What If Scenarios can be accessed once you have viewed the amortization schedule. MortgageBASE will then calculate the different effects that your proposed variables will have. To use the What If Scenario 1. Select Marketing > Amortization Schedule. The Amortization Schedule dialog box is displayed. The information on this schedule is pulled from the application in the Client Files section. 2. Enter the mortgage amount, interest rate and all other information in the blank fields using the drop down lists where applicable. 3. Click Schedule. The Amortization Schedule dialog box is displayed. 4. Click X to exit the schedule. You are returned to the Amortization Schedule dialog box. 5. Click What If. The What If dialog box is displayed. 6. Using the What If column, enter different scenarios into the following fields: • Mortgage amount • Rate • Amortization (Yrs.) • Regular payment • Additional payment amount 7. Click Calculate. Repeat Step 6 until you get the desired result. 8. Click Schedule. 9. An Amortization Schedule displays your calculations. 10. Click X to exit the schedule. You are returned to the What If Comparison window. 11. Click Close. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 74 Printing What If Scenarios 1. Select Marketing > Amortization Schedule. The Amortization Schedule dialog box is displayed. Enter the mortgage amount, interest rate, and all other information in the blank fields using the drop-down lists where applicable. Note: The What If Comparison button is grayed out until the Amortization Schedule is completed. 2. Click Schedule. The Amortization Schedule print preview is displayed. 3. Click X to exit the print preview. You are returned to the Amortization Schedule dialog box. 4. Click What If. The What If dialog box if displayed. 5. Click Print. 6. Click Close. You are returned to the Amortization Schedule dialog box. 7. Click Close to exit the Amortization Schedule dialog box. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 75 Rates Viewing best rates by term (broker): MortgageBASE gives you quick and easy access to the best rates available for any given term. 1. Select System > Best Rates by Term. The Best Rates by Term dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the term you want from the drop down list. The list displays the top ten lenders with the best rate at the top including all discounts. Note: For identical rates, the lender offering the best finder’s fee is shown first. 3. Click Close. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 76 Editing the Best Rates MortgageBASE lists all the available mortgage terms. The default values are taken from the lender’s posted rates. You can indicate what your firm’s best rate is for each term and the lender offering it. 1. Select System > Edit Rates. The Edit Best Rates dialog box is displayed listing all available mortgage terms. The window is divided into two parts. The default values shown in the shaded left side displays the lender’s posted best rates. On the right side, enter your company’s best rate for each term and the name of the lender offering it. Four options are available: • Prequal rates • Default rates • Print ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 77 Viewing Rates MortgageBASE allows you to view the rates for a specific lender. 1. Select Information Files > Lenders. The Lenders dialog box is displayed. 2. In the Financial Lenders tab, select the lender for which you want to view the rates. 3. Click Rates. A window with the name of the lender is displayed. 4. Click Close. You are returned to the Lenders dialog box. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 78 Pre-Qualifying Rates Brokers have the option of allowing their off-site agents the flexibility of maintaining their own individual best rates, rate discounts and finder’s fee bonuses as well whether the broker is to receive a copy of the agent’s deal. 1. Select System > Edit Rates. The Edit Best Rates dialog box is displayed listing all available mortgage terms. 2. Click Prequal Rates. The Rates to Prequalify dialog box is displayed. By default, only three and five year rates are available. 3. Enter a rate and click OK. Previewing/Printing rate sheets You can preview rate sheets before printing them: 1. Select Marketing > Rate Sheets. The Printing... dialog box is displayed. 2. Click Preview or Print. The print preview displays the rate sheet or select or printer. 3. Click X to exit the rate sheet preview. 4. Click Close. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 79 Managing Information Maintaining Investors/Local Lenders You can maintain your own private database on MortgageBASE for both local lenders and investors and local non-MortgageBASE lenders. To add a lender 1. Information Files > Lenders. The Lenders dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the Local Lenders tab. 3. Click Add. The Adding Local Lender dialog box is displayed. 4. Enter the lender's name, address and contacts. 5. Click Notes to enter information on the lender. 6. Click Close. A window is displayed asking you if you are adding a new lender. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed, asking you to confirm that you want to add the new lender. 7. Click Yes. The new Lender is displayed in the Local Lenders tab. To edit a lender 1. Information Files > Lenders. The Lenders dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the Local Lenders tab. 3. Select the lender you want to change. 4. Click Edit. The Edit Broker Private Lender dialog box is displayed. 5. Make the required changes and click Close. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. 6. Click Yes to save the changes. To delete a lender 1. Information Files > Lenders. The Lenders dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the Local Lenders tab. 3. Select the lender you want to delete. 4. Click Delete. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. 5. Click Yes to delete this lender. Edit Lender Rates 1. Information Files > Lenders. The Lenders dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the Local Lenders tab. 3. Select the lender you want to view the rates for. The Rates for ... dialog box is displayed. 4. Make the necessary changes and click Close. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. 5. Click Yes to save the changes. Note: The brokers are responsible for updating their own rates. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 80 Managing Lawyer Information To add a new lawyer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select Information Files > Lawyers. The Lawyer Information dialog box is displayed. Click Add. The Add Lawyer dialog box is displayed. Enter the lawyer’s name, address and telephone number. Click OK. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. Click Yes to add a new lawyer. To edit a lawyer 1. Select Information Files > Lawyers. The Lawyer Information dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the lawyer you want to edit. The Edit Lawyer Information dialog box is displayed. 3. Make the necessary changes. 4. Click OK. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. 5. Click Yes to save the changes. To delete a lawyer 1. 2. 3. 4. Select Information Files > Lawyers. The Lawyer Information dialog box is displayed. Select the lawyer you want to delete. Click Delete. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. Click Yes to delete this record. Assigning a lawyer to a file 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Mortgage Files. The Client Files window is displayed. 2. Select the client file and click Details. The File Details dialog box is displayed. 3. Select the Misc. tab. 4. In the Lawyer field, select a law firm by using the drop down list. 5. Click Close. 6. Click Yes to save the changes. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 81 Managing Referral Sources To add a referral 1. Select Information Files > Referral Sources. The Referral Source Information dialog box is displayed. 2. Click Add. The Add Referral Source dialog box is displayed. 3. Enter the information and click OK. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. 4. Click Yes to add the new referral source. 5. Click Close to exit the Referral Source Information dialog box. To edit a referral 1. Select Information Files > Referral Sources. The Referral Source Information dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the referral source you want to edit. 3. Click Edit. The Edit Referral Source dialog box is displayed. 4. Make the necessary changes and click OK. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. 5. Click Yes to save the changes. 6. Click Close to exit the Referral Source Information dialog box. To delete a referral 1. Select Information Files > Referral Sources. The Referral Source Information dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the referral source you want to delete. 3. Click Delete. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. 4. Click Yes to delete this record. 5. Click Close to exit the Referral Source Information dialog box. Assigning a referral to a file 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Mortgage Files. The Client Files window is displayed. 2. Click Details. The File Details dialog box is displayed. 3. Select Misc. tab. 4. Select the referral source from the Referral Source drop down list. 5. Click Save. 6. Click Close. The Save dialog box is displayed. 7. Click Yes to save the changes. 8. Click Close to exit the Referral Source Information dialog box. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 82 Managing Appraiser Information To add an appraiser to your database 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select Information Files > Appraisers. The Appraisers dialog box is displayed. Click Add. The Add Appraiser dialog box is displayed. Enter the appraiser's name, address, contacts, and phone number. Click OK. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. Click Yes to add the appraiser to the deal. To delete an appraiser on your database 1. 2. 3. 4. Select Information Files > Appraiser. The Appraisers dialog box is displayed. Select the appraiser you want to delete. Click Delete. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. Click Yes to delete the record. To edit an appraiser 1. Select Information Files > Appraisers. The Appraisers dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the appraiser you want to edit and click Edit. The Edit Appraiser Information dialog box is displayed. 3. Make the necessary changes and click OK. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. 4. Click Yes to save the changes. Assigning an appraiser to a file 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Mortgage Files. The Client Files window is displayed. 2. Select the client file and click Details. The File Details dialog box is displayed. 3. Select the Misc. tab 4. In the Appraiser field, select an appraiser by using the drop down list. 5. Click Close. The Save dialog box is displayed. 6. Click Yes to save the change. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 83 Managing Property Listings To add a new property listing 1. Select Information Files > Property Listings. The Property Listings dialog box is displayed. 2. Click Add. The Add New Listing dialog box is displayed. 3. Enter the information and click Close. To edit a property listing 1. Select Information Files > Property Listings. The Property Listings dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the listing you want to change and click Edit. The Edit Listing dialog box is displayed. 3. Make the changes and click Close. To delete a property listing 1. Select Information Files > Property Listings. The Property Listings dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the property you want to remove and click Delete. 3. Click Yes to delete this property. To print a property listing 1. Select Information Files > Property Listings. The Property Listings dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the property you want to print and click Print Details. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 84 Managing Statuses To add a status to your list of statuses 1. Select System > Setup Options > Conditions, Status’s, Terms. The Conditions, Status, Terms and Disclaimer dialog box is displayed. 2. Click on the Statuses tab. 3. Click Add. The Adding Status dialog box is displayed. 4. Enter the name of the status. 5. Click OK. To delete an existing status from your list of statuses 1. Select System > Setup Options > Conditions, Status’s, Terms. The Conditions, Status’s, Terms and Disclaimer dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the Statuses tab. 3. Select the status you want to delete. 4. Click Delete. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed, asking if you want to delete the status. 5. Click Yes to confirm. To edit an existing status 1. Select System > Setup Options > Conditions, Status’s, Terms. The Conditions, Status’s, Terms and Disclaimer dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the Statuses tab. 3. Select an existing status and click Edit. The Edit Status dialog box is displayed. 4. Make the change and click OK. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 85 Reports To select a report: 1. Select Reports from the main menu and a list of reports is displayed. 2. Click on a report and a dialog box with the selected report is displayed. 3. Enter the required parameters for the selected report. Note: Most Reports allow the selection of various options that determine the content of the report. These are called parameters. Usually the screen will display ‘default’ values, which represent the most common value for these parameters. 4. Click Print or Preview. The following is a list of the available reports and their definitions: Conditions Summary – provides a listing of all the deals that have outstanding conditions. Conditions Detail – provides specific information as to what conditions are outstanding. Refer to Attaching conditions for more information on managing conditions on MortgageBASE. Mortgage Application – allows you to pull up reports by mortgage agent, entire firm, lender, and referral sources. Mortgage Status – provides you with details of all files that have the specific status that you request. Morty Closed Deals – lists all deals that have closed in a particular date range. The deals must be assigned a MortgageBASE lender (either institutional or private), be an active deal and have a closing date to be included on the report. This report is sent to filogix Inc., and an e-mail message with the report as an attachment can be created at the time the report is viewed or printed. Maturity Listing – provides a full listing of those files in your database that are maturing during the time period that you request. Transaction No. Report – shows all files in transaction number order for the period of time that you request. Marketing Reports – provides information on property listings and prospects. Info Reports – provides information on lawyers, appraisers, referral sources, lenders and MortgageBASE users. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 86 Conditions Summary ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 87 Conditions Detail ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 88 Mortgage Application ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 89 Mortgage Status ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 90 MortgageBASE Closed Deals ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 91 Maturity Listing ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 92 Transaction No. Report Transaction Report shows all files in transaction number order for the period of time that you request. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 93 Marketing Reports Marketing Reports provide information on property listings and prospects. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 94 Info. Reports Info Reports provide information on lawyers, appraisers, referral sources, lenders, and MortgageBASE users. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 95 Prospect Manager Prospects Your prospective clients are clients for whom you are not yet ready to apply for a mortgage or product but would like to keep in your files for follow up. To add a prospect 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Prospect Files. The Prospects dialog box is displayed. 2. Click Add Prospect. The Add New Prospect dialog box is displayed. 3. Enter all of the prospect’s information. 4. Click Notes to enter information on the prospect. 5. Click Save to exit the Notes window. To delete a prospect 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Prospect Files. The Prospects dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the prospect you want to delete and click Delete Prospect. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. 3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion. To edit a prospect 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Prospect Files. The Prospects dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the prospect you want to edit and click Edit Prospect. The MortgageBASEProspect dialog box is displayed. 3. Make the necessary changes and click Close. The MortgageBASE dialog box is displayed. 4. Click Yes to save the changes. To print a prospect 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Prospect Files. The Prospects dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the prospect you want to print and click Print Details. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 96 To pre-qualify a prospect 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Prospect Files. The Prospects dialog box is displayed. 2. Select the prospect you want to pre-qualify and click Pre-Qualify. The Prequalifier dialog box is displayed. 3. Enter the information and click Qualify. 4. Select the term and verify the date. 5. Click OK. The Prequalifier dialog box is displayed. Creating a deal from a prospect 1. Select Client Files > Create/Modify Prospect Files. The Prospects dialog box is displayed. When a prospect is ready to become a full-fledged client, highlight his/her name on the list of prospects and click Create Deal. ©2004. All rights reserved. Filogix is a registered trademark of filogix Inc. Revised 09/27/2004 97