K o sh are In d ian Mu seum 118 W est 18 Street La Ju nta, CO
K o sh are In d ian Mu seum 118 W est 18 Street La Ju nta, CO
Please consider a sponsorship. Your support is deeply appreciated! Choose from the following: $500 FOR SPONSORSHIP OF A FOURSOME Includes hole Sponsorship! $125 FOR HOLE SPONSORSHIP $100 FOR 1-PERSON ENTRY INTO TOURNAMENT MONEY DONATION OR RAFFLE ITEM The Koshare Indian Dancers Alumni & Friends Fundraising Tournament is Hosted by the Koshare Indian Foundation, Inc.; a non Profit 501(c) (3) Public Charity. Please contact any of the following KIF Trustees for additional Golf Tournament Information: • John B. Gonzales, Koshare Alumnus ‘75 (303) 887-4870; jbg409@q.com • Paul Sedillo; Koshare Alumnus ‘74 (303) 249-0257; pasedill@up.com • James Maes; Koshare Alumnus ‘76 (305) 904-8395; james@jamesmaes.com • Brock Lowman; Koshare Alumnus ‘72 (785) 271-6388; wbrock.lowman@sbcglobal.net Thank You For Your Support! Koshare Indian Museum 118 West 18th Street La Junta, CO 81050 Sponsor Opportunities Koshare Indian Dancers Founded in La Junta, Colorado in 1933, the Koshare Indian Dancers (BSA Troop 232) and their Museum are an internationally known cultural heritage and youth development center. The Koshare Indian Museum is committed to the preservation of art and culture of Southwestern Plains and Pueblo Native Americans. For eight decades, this cultural center has prepared the youth of Southeastern Colorado for leadership positions in their communities and chosen careers (aerospace, engineering, military, judges, lawyers, business owners, city managers & professional educators). Come join us for a fun day of golf, a chance to reconnect, make new friends and help support the Koshare Indian Dancers and Museum! La Junta Municipal Golf Course 27696 Harris Rd, La Junta, CO Saturday, June 11, 2016 8:00 am shotgun start Map & Directions Course Website: http://www.ci.lajunta.co.us/golfcourse/index.html Founder, J.F. “Buck” Burshears forms the Koshare Indian Dancers 1941 Koshares perform at the dedication of Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Denver (if applicable) Player Name: (Contact Person) Phone: EMAIL: Player Name: Phone: EMAIL: Player Name: Phone: Koshare Indian Dancers & Museum Highlights 1933 Company Name: EMAIL: Player Name: Phone: EMAIL: 1949 Koshare Indian Museum is dedicated Contacts: 1958 Koshares meet with President Eisenhower in the White House Rose Garden Email: 1960 The Koshares perform for approximately 100,000 Scouts at the Scout Jamboree in Colorado Springs 1964 The Colorado Legislature designates the Koshare Museum as a State Repository for Indian Arts 1976 Koshares entertain millions on the Good Morning Boston show 1984 Koshares are featured on cover of “Boys Life” for the 2nd time 1996 Koshares perform at the Kennedy Center’s 25th Anniversary in Washington, D.C. 2013 Koshares celebrate their 80th Anniversary …simply too many to list! 7-7:30 AM Registration Followed by: - Range Balls - Shotgun Start Format: 4 Person Scramble Mulligans available to purchase for $10 1:00 PM Lunch / Award Ceremony / Raffle Prizes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Longest Drive Closest to pin holes Longest Putt John Gonzales (303) 887-4870 Paul Sedillo (303) 249-0257 jbg409@q.com pasedill@up.com Entry Fees: $100 per player $400 per foursome (without hole sponsorship) $500 per foursome (includes hole sponsorship) Hole sponsorship value: $125! Payment: Checks or PayPal • Checks payable to Koshare Indian Foundation, Inc. (Please designate for Golf tournament) Mail Checks/ Registration Forms to: Koshare Indian Museum 118 West 18th Street La Junta, CO 81050 PayPal via Koshare Indian Website, http://www.kosharehistory.org/Foundation.html Reference: Alumni Golf Tournament If Payment via PayPal please send entry form to Koshare Indian Museum address above
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